actuall meaning but i dont want it to be two huge seperate titles. he will think that its more
like an intro or definition paragraph when he start reading it but after he finish that mudium
size paragraph he will be holding th knowlage of the meaning of the word pylone , its history,
the actual aspect, they various types and categories that existes and what ill be focusing on in
this reaserch.All of that should be a small section followed by another two strickt to the point
sections where ill drive him deaper in the types of structures ill work on teaching him how
they look like, thier elemnts the equipements on it so he can have a clear image of each
structure in his mind Waiting to be designed.
I’ll start first of all by a primary definition about the meaning of pylons and what they were
made for historically specifically decades ago back to the pharaonic time. Secondly, I’ll go
back and mention what pylons mean now and structure this one paragraph by starting by
mentioning that they are structures generally made by metal elements due to light weight and
the resistance:
Un pylône (terme issu du grec « pulon », signifiant portail) est considéré comme étant une
construction monumentale formée de deux tours à base rectangulaire surmontées d'un linteau,
entourant une porte d’entrée dans les temples égyptiens. À l'extérieur, des renfoncements
permettaient de planter d’immenses mâts à l’extrémité desquels flottaient des oriflammes,
annonçant de loin la présence de la maison divine.
En effet, c’est une composition monumentale, constituée de deux grands massifs trapézoïdaux, qui
encadre le portail d'entrée d'un temple dans l'Égypte pharaonique.
Si, à l'origine, le pylône a pu servir à défendre l'accès du temple, la fonction a disparu pour
devenir symbolique, puisque des pylônes ont été érigés à l'intérieur même des enceintes sacrées
déjà protégées. À défaut d'ennemis humains, ils font ainsi obstacles aux forces impures.
Actuellement, le pylône est une structure verticale en bois, en béton armé ou en métal, utilisée
comme support pour les câbles aériens (Pylônes de lignes électriques) ou les antennes (pylône
GSM - GSM-Global system for mobile communication-).
Structure métallique ou en béton armé verticale destiné à porter des câbles aériens (pylône
de ligne électrique), des antennes de toutes sortes (pylône GSM), les ponts suspendus,
l’éclairage public etc.….
Les pylônes sont des structures généralement réalisées avec des éléments métalliques pour
des raisons de légèreté et de résistance.
Les pylônes sont des structures généralement réalisées avec des éléments métalliques pour des
raisons de légèreté et de résistance.
EN :the word pylone comes from an old grec word « pulon » and it means door in fancy way.
Its a copmlexe structure that contains two huge towers with rectangular base with linteau
above it encadring the fancy. the pulons had a trapezoidal shape With hols outside of it that
serve to position huge mats in wich they attatch red drappo as a symbole of gods home that
can be seenfrom miles away..Thier main fonctionn backthen was to save the door of the
prayer place.
NOW adays pylon has a complete different meaning, they are steet or reonforced concrete
structures, sometimes a combination of both usually used to hold anntens and electricity lines.
FR : j
Follow that by saying that there is different varieties of them like GSM pylons that hold
anntennes , and electricty transmission towers that hold cables aerienes.Ill mention that there
is also a lot more different types some as simple as those for eclerage public and others more
complex in term of structure as those in briges. Ill go ahead after that and say that here, and by
here i mean in this document i am going to work on just the two first categories. And that as
those two differ completly by there domain of fonction , it exist also different type of them far
away from being identic. :
a) Types of Towers :
As far as i can tell there is more then the 2 main types of towers developped inthe
following paragraphes , telocomunication towers and electrical towers , depending
on its foncution such as :
Transmission towers
Pylône auto-stable (en treillis)
Pylône haubané
Les pylônes monomodes
Pylônes auto-stables (autoportants)
Pylônes monopôles
In this document ill study everything about the 2 first main categories mensionned
earlier. Types, elements of each types , conception, design, and analyse , all manually
based on french codes and without logiciels.
It exist a very larg veraities of pylones deppendig on its founction, some looks simple in term
of structure like Pylone declerage public others are more complexes like briges pylones for
exemple, but in this document we will focus in something somehow in themiddle rang :
pylones GSM and electricty transmission. These two types of pylones can be devided to 3
huge caregories : monopole, haubanes, autostable.
Eah categorie contain catelogue of pylones defers in thier forme and shape, and when it
comes to materiaux ill focus on metal structures with beton foundation. The general form for
the two last categories studied will be lattice.
Classfication des pylones slon fonction et contraintes engendres( thats what i am doing here)
and ill just work on one form exemle of each categories but put in mind that they aint
En terme de fontion there is…. Mais on vas concentre sur GSM et.. enterme de contrainte
engendres we will focus sur les 3 grandes categories ..
GSM Pylones
Well after that or meanwhile i better mention the three main catzgories that seam to apply to
both of them . And then make some room for the following Section where each one of them, i
mean GSM and electricity transmission, will be developped Using short definition of what
they are used for as well as a bref historical thing about them and how they developed and
metion thier types and dirive in those ill be modeling and working on in this memory. And by
driving in i mean each one will be developped by giving a definition , a picture of the
structure, mentioning and ulistrating structure elements as well as equipements that the pylone
will hold:
4. Monopole Towers:
Monopole towers work well when space is limited, zoning is difficult or
harsh weather
conditions need to be considered. Designed as a single-pole that can be a
tubular section
design or a formed, tapered pole, they are the least intrusive – making
them the most
popular tower types in the wireless communication industry. Because of
the single-pole
design, it advantageously reduces visual impact and results in a shorter
construction time
(and typically cost) compared to traditional lattice structures. Many
monopoles can also be
designed as stealth, camouflage towers.[4]
5. Camouflage Towers:
Camouflage towers are typically used in urban areas when the need to
reduce visual impact
on the environment is a concern. They are often seen in the form of
artificial pine trees,
palm trees, clock towers and even in the form of artificial cacti.[4]
6. Self-Support Towers:
Self-support towers offer the most possibilities compared to other types of
towers and are considered appropriate for nearly all wireless
communication applications.
Available in 3-legged triangular and 4-legged square lattice-type
structures, their braces
can accommodate the heaviest of loads and the strongest of winds. Their
design is ideal
for installations where space and install.[4]
C’est un pylône constitué d’un ensemble de tronçons sous forme de tubes creux, fabriqués en
acier galvanisé, et assemblés par boulonnage au niveau des brides .Ce type de pylône est
relativement cher compte tenu du procédé de fabrication mais il est facile à monter.
Les pylônes mono-tubulaires sont principalement utilisés dans les zones urbaines car ils offrent
un encombrement réduit au niveau de leur base.
C’est un mât soutenu par des haubans ou câbles en acier, le mât se présente, en général, sous
forme triangulaire, il est constitué d’éléments tubulaires soudés avec des autres solides et
angulaires formant un treillis. Ce type de pylône n’est pas assez rigide car la section transversale
du treillis et les sections des barres qui le constituent sont faibles. En plus cette solution
représente un inconvénient majeur qui est l’encombrement des câbles
Leur section est triangulaire ou quadrangulaire. De forme pyramidale, la partie inférieure peut,
suivant la hauteur, se poursuivre par une charpente de section constante ou progressivement
Concernant leur structure, les pylônes sont souvent munis d’une échelle intérieure et d’un
nombre considérable des paliers de repos. Les membrures du pylône sont réalisées en fer
cornière laminé à chaud ou en sections de tube convenablement protégées par galvanisation à
Ils conduisent à des efforts d’arrachement sur certains appuis et de compression sur d’autres; des
efforts horizontaux souvent modestes sont également à prendre en compte. Ils résistent au
renversement par le poids des fondations.
Electricity is a major source of power for industries, agriculture, commercial and residential
use. because of its lesser cost, electricity is now being used for rail transportation in place of
fuel-powered engines. Electricity is generated from hydro-electric power plants, thermal
generating stations and nuclear power plants. Hydro-electric plants are located on perennial
rivers usually in remoted hilly gees and thermal plants are situated near coal mines. Due to
the diverse requirements of electricity across the country and far-away locations of power plants,
a grid of electric transmission lines is required to cover the entire country. With the increase in
transmission distances, electricity is being transmitted at extra high voltages so as to minimize
transmission losses. This req uires greater ground clearance which means that taller transmission
towers are required. Various types of supporting structures are used depending upon the type of
electric transmission line or conductor. The supporting structures are mainly of two types-poles
and towers. Poles are normally used for supporting conductors with lower voltages and requiring
lesser ground clearance over smaller spans. These poles can be made if timber, reinforced
concrete, prestressed concrete, steel or aluminum. The material and the shape of he pole depends
upon location of transmission line, required life span, initial cost, maintenance cost, voltage and
availability of material.
Towers are provided where high voltage transmission conductors are to be supported over
longer ;pans and with greater ground clearances. These are designed as self-supporting wide-
based towers. Doles are designed for carrying loads in the transverse direction only and depend
upon conductors for longitudinal stability. In order to prevent the simultaneous collapse of the
whole line, self-supporting poles or towers are provided at reasonable intervals.
E T Pylons
The purpose of transmission line towers is to support conductors and one or two ground wires
at suitable distances above the ground level and from each other.
The selection of the most suitable type of tower for transmission lines depends upon the
actual terrain of the line and the number of circuits to be supported. Towers can be broadly
classified as follows
(i) Tangent towers with suspension string (0° to 2°). These are used on straight
runs and for line deviation up to 2°. The conductor is supported by a string of
insulators hanging vertically from the tower cross-arms.
(ii) (ii) Small angle towers with tension strings (2° to 15°) These are used for lines
with deviation between 2° and 15°.
(iii) Medium angle towers with tension strings (15° to 30°). These are used for line
deviation from 15° to 30°.
(iv) Large angle (30° to 60°) and dead end towers with tension strings. These are used for
lines with deviation from 30° to 60° and for dead ends.
The angles of line deviation specified are for normal spans. The span may be increased up to an
optimum limit by reducing the angle of line deviation. Tangent towers are designed for
supporting the tensioned conductors. Angle towers, which are provided at points of line
deviation, are designed to resist the angular pull of the conductors. These towers are positioned
such that the axis of the cross arm bisects the angle in the line. The height of the towers is
fixed such that there is an adequate ground clearance (6 to 10 m) at the point of greatest sag.
The tower heights range from 10 to 45 m depending upon the span, terrain and conductor
Transmission towers are free-standing towers and are usually square in plan. These are
supported on ground by four legs and apt as cantilever trusses under horizontal loads. Power
transmission towers have horizontal arms called cross-arms for carrying the conductors. The
configuration of a tower depends upon the number of circuits, minimum clearances of conductor
from tower and ground, distance between conductors, terrain and span. Various shapes of
transmission towers are shown in Fig
The most common type of tower for a single circuit is shown in Fig. a (a). For a double circuit, tower
shown in Fig. a (b) is used. The conductors in this case are hung one above another from three
horizontal cross-arms. Other forms of towers which are also used are shown in Fig. a (c) and (d). A
tower is subjected to horizontal loads due to wind on tower and conductors and due to tension in
conductors under broken-wire condition. These forces tend to over-turn the tower. Where the over-
turning moments are large, as in the case of tall towers, the base of the tower is widened and a
pyramid shaped tower is provided.
The corner member of the tower, which are either vertical or nearly vertical, are called `legs'
or 'column members.' The main force is carried by these legs or column members. The legs are
interconnected by diagonal bracing members and sometimes with horizontal members also. The
bracing members carry very little force. Various types of bracings are shown in Fig.a
The various constituents are as shown in Figb. Both electrical and mechanical
considerations determine these dimensions.
Les pylônes autoportants sont des structures métalliques constituées par un assemblage de
membrures formant un treillis rigides fixées au sol par des fondations en béton et dotés d’une
structure ouverte ou fermée. Ils sont destinés à la plupart des lignes de transport de
l'électricité, sous forme de courant alternatif ou de courant continu et sont plus adapté pour
les grandes hauteurs. Ces structures sont légères non encombrantes, et ne présente pas une
grande surface exposée au vent. . Il comporte un fût quadrangulaire et des consoles ou des
traverses. Les fondations sont généralement à pieds séparés.. Les membrures du pylône sont
réalisées en fer cornière laminé à chaud ou en sections de tube convenablement protégées
galvanisation à chaud. Ils conduisent à des efforts d’arrachement sur certains appuis et de
compression sur d’autres; des efforts horizontaux souvent modestes sont également à prendre
en compte. Ils résistent au renversement par le poids des fondations.
Il existe plusieurs modèles de pylônes à treillis
Pylône à un triangle
Pylône à deux
pylône F88
pylône Trianon :
- Le pylône Trianon peut mesurer de 25 mètres à 35 m et fait respectivement
12 tonnes en 220 kV. et 21 tonnes en 400 kV.
Pylône portique
Les pylônes monomodes qui appliquent des efforts horizontaux et des moments de
renversement sur la fondation, sont généralement de forme cylindrique en béton, ce qui
permet de les construire selon le procédé des coffrages glissants. Ils présentent de nombreux
avantages :
• Ils nécessitent un entretien beaucoup moins important que les pylônes métalliques
Malheureusement ces tours en béton sont onéreuses, environ 3 fois plus que le prix du pylône
Il ya aussi un autre type qui est constitué d’un ensemble de tronçons sous forme de tubes
creux, fabriqués en acier galvanisé, et assemblés par boulonnage au niveau des brides
.Ce type de pylône est relativement cher compte tenu du procédé de fabrication mais il est
facile à monter. Les pylônes mono-tubulaires sont principalement utilisés dans les zones
urbaines car ils offrent un encombrement réduit au niveau de leur base
Le pylône monomode Muguet :
- Le pylône Muguet mesure 42 mètres et fait 15 tonnes en 220 kV.
- Le pylône Muguet mesure 54 mètres et fait 33 tonnes en 400 kV.
À partir de 1970, des recherches sont menées avec des designers pour rechercher des formes
nouvelles s'intégrant mieux dans les paysages. Dès 1970, les premiers monomodes Muguet,
en tôle pliée et soudée, sont construits en France à partir d'un modèle répandu aux États-
C'est un pylône d'une structure épurée.
Après cinq ans d'études, d'essais et quelques installations ponctuelles, en 1977 ils sont
sur une ligne de 225 kV et en 1983 sur une ligne de 400 kV.
a. pylon haubanees ne sont tres resistant ni une bonne solution a cause du risque
de encombrement des cables.
b. Il exist 2 choose qui help in choix du forme du configuration geometric des
pylones de transmission d electricité : un interval d angle de deviation of
something that I don’t know, and nombre de circuit that they will hold. To be
far I think they mentioned a third thing which is forme du terrain I geuss.
S02 :
It was difficult to memorize a thing more then few seconds but I think I got this :
c. There is two types of telecom towers that ain’t that structurally interesting.
One is used in perpeus of architectural aspect of the environment and I think
it’s considered as a type of monopole towers too check this info and anyway
they are called comoflag.. the second is mobile cell I think and it’s poisoned on
trees, used just temporarily or in emergency situations.
d. The transmission towers has two types : pole( those include those wn bois or
aluminum)and tower!
Second promodoro round : I think I’ll call it the 30 mn rounds instead to eliminate the 20 mn
breaks between every 4 sections
f. Encombrement des cables est une inconvenient des guyed towers and not a
g. Guyed towers aren’t so resistance cuz they have section transversale faible as
well as section des elements faible.
S04 :
o. Pylons monopole are the new generation of concrete pylones called
monomode. Monomode don’t require entretien but they were 3 times more
expensive then self supported towers.
p. Self supported pylon can have triangular base.
q. Pylones haubanees sont plus legers que self suported. But they are more
expensive cuz they need more space amd placing them need so much time too.
r. Haubanes h are plus legers que haubanees V. They are easier to put in place
too I guess!
Spent almost all the section having thoughts about having conversations with near people.
My brain get bored and not interested easily. So it search for extra boost of emotions..
anyway I think I can write these points :
S02 :
dd. t
first parts just as i said a paragraph about what pylones means refering to past meaning and
actuall meaning but i dont want it to be two huge seperate titles. he will think that its more
like an intro or definition paragraph when he start reading it but after he finish that mudium
size paragraph he will be holding th knowlage of the meaning of the word pylone , its history,
the actual aspect, they various types and categories that existes and what ill be focusing on in
this reaserch.All of that should be a small section followed by another two strickt to the point
sections where ill drive him deaper in the types of structures ill work on teaching him how
they look like, thier elemnts the equipements on it so he can have a clear image of each
structure in his mind Waiting to be designed.
I’ll start first of all by a primary definition about the meaning of pylons and what they were
made for historically specifically decades ago back to the pharaonic time. Secondly, I’ll go
back and mention what pylons mean now and structure this one paragraph by starting by
mentioning that they are structures generally made by metal elements due to light weight and
the resistance:
Un pylône (terme issu du grec « pulon », signifiant portail) est considéré comme étant une
construction monumentale formée de deux tours à base rectangulaire surmontées d'un linteau,
entourant une porte d’entrée dans les temples égyptiens. À l'extérieur, des renfoncements
permettaient de planter d’immenses mâts à l’extrémité desquels flottaient des oriflammes,
annonçant de loin la présence de la maison divine.
En effet, c’est une composition monumentale, constituée de deux grands massifs trapézoïdaux, qui
encadre le portail d'entrée d'un temple dans l'Égypte pharaonique.
Si, à l'origine, le pylône a pu servir à défendre l'accès du temple, la fonction a disparu pour
devenir symbolique, puisque des pylônes ont été érigés à l'intérieur même des enceintes sacrées
déjà protégées. À défaut d'ennemis humains, ils font ainsi obstacles aux forces impures.
Actuellement, le pylône est une structure verticale en bois, en béton armé ou en métal, utilisée
comme support pour les câbles aériens (Pylônes de lignes électriques) ou les antennes (pylône
GSM - GSM-Global system for mobile communication-).
Structure métallique ou en béton armé verticale destiné à porter des câbles aériens (pylône
de ligne électrique), des antennes de toutes sortes (pylône GSM), les ponts suspendus,
l’éclairage public etc.….
Les pylônes sont des structures généralement réalisées avec des éléments métalliques pour
des raisons de légèreté et de résistance.
Les pylônes sont des structures généralement réalisées avec des éléments métalliques pour des
raisons de légèreté et de résistance.
EN :the word pylone comes from an old grec word « pulon » and it means door in fancy way.
Its a copmlexe structure that contains two huge towers with rectangular base with linteau
above it encadring the fancy. the pulons had a trapezoidal shape With hols outside of it that
serve to position huge mats in wich they attatch red drappo as a symbole of gods home that
can be seenfrom miles away..Thier main fonctionn backthen was to save the door of the
prayer place.
NOW adays pylon has a complete different meaning, they are steet or reonforced concrete
structures, sometimes a combination of both usually used to hold anntens and electricity lines.
FR : j
Follow that by saying that there is different varieties of them like GSM pylons that hold
anntennes , and electricty transmission towers that hold cables aerienes.Ill mention that there
is also a lot more different types some as simple as those for eclerage public and others more
complex in term of structure as those in briges. Ill go ahead after that and say that here, and by
here i mean in this document i am going to work on just the two first categories. And that as
those two differ completly by there domain of fonction , it exist also different type of them far
away from being identic. :
b) Types of Towers :
As far as i can tell there is more then the 2 main types of towers developped inthe
following paragraphes , telocomunication towers and electrical towers , depending
on its foncution such as :
Transmission towers
Pylône auto-stable (en treillis)
Pylône haubané
Les pylônes monomodes
Pylônes auto-stables (autoportants)
Pylônes monopôles
In this document ill study everything about the 2 first main categories mensionned
earlier. Types, elements of each types , conception, design, and analyse , all manually
based on french codes and without logiciels.
Types de pylônes :
Il existe 3 types de pylônes GSM entre autres :
It exist a very larg veraities of pylones deppendig on its founction, some looks simple in term
of structure like Pylone declerage public others are more complexes like briges pylones for
exemple, but in this document we will focus in something somehow in themiddle rang :
pylones GSM and electricty transmission. These two types of pylones can be devided to 3
huge caregories : monopole, haubanes, autostable.
Eah categorie contain catelogue of pylones defers in thier forme and shape, and when it
comes to materiaux ill focus on metal structures with beton foundation. The general form for
the two last categories studied will be lattice.
Classfication des pylones slon fonction et contraintes engendres( thats what i am doing here)
and ill just work on one form exemle of each categories but put in mind that they aint
En terme de fontion there is…. Mais on vas concentre sur GSM et.. enterme de contrainte
engendres we will focus sur les 3 grandes categories ..
GSM Pylones
Well after that or meanwhile i better mention the three main catzgories that seam to apply to
both of them . And then make some room for the following Section where each one of them, i
mean GSM and electricity transmission, will be developped Using short definition of what
they are used for as well as a bref historical thing about them and how they developed and
metion thier types and dirive in those ill be modeling and working on in this memory. And by
driving in i mean each one will be developped by giving a definition , a picture of the
structure, mentioning and ulistrating structure elements as well as equipements that the pylone
will hold:
3. Guyed Towers:
Guyed towers can be lightweight to heavyweight towers often seen as
slender steel
structures. Commonly seen in the tower industry, guyed towers are
designed to provide
maximum strength, efficiency and versatility 9with easy installation. They
are supported
by one or more levels of braided or stranded steel guy cables that anchor
to the ground.[4]
4. Monopole Towers:
Monopole towers work well when space is limited, zoning is difficult or
harsh weather
conditions need to be considered. Designed as a single-pole that can be a
tubular section
design or a formed, tapered pole, they are the least intrusive – making
them the most
popular tower types in the wireless communication industry. Because of
the single-pole
design, it advantageously reduces visual impact and results in a shorter
construction time
(and typically cost) compared to traditional lattice structures. Many
monopoles can also be
designed as stealth, camouflage towers.[4]
5. Camouflage Towers:
Camouflage towers are typically used in urban areas when the need to
reduce visual impact
on the environment is a concern. They are often seen in the form of
artificial pine trees,
palm trees, clock towers and even in the form of artificial cacti.[4]
6. Self-Support Towers:
Self-support towers offer the most possibilities compared to other types of
towers and are considered appropriate for nearly all wireless
communication applications.
Available in 3-legged triangular and 4-legged square lattice-type
structures, their braces
can accommodate the heaviest of loads and the strongest of winds. Their
design is ideal
for installations where space and install.[4]
C’est un pylône constitué d’un ensemble de tronçons sous forme de tubes creux, fabriqués en
acier galvanisé, et assemblés par boulonnage au niveau des brides .Ce type de pylône est
relativement cher compte tenu du procédé de fabrication mais il est facile à monter.
Les pylônes mono-tubulaires sont principalement utilisés dans les zones urbaines car ils offrent
un encombrement réduit au niveau de leur base.
C’est un mât soutenu par des haubans ou câbles en acier, le mât se présente, en général, sous
forme triangulaire, il est constitué d’éléments tubulaires soudés avec des autres solides et
angulaires formant un treillis. Ce type de pylône n’est pas assez rigide car la section transversale
du treillis et les sections des barres qui le constituent sont faibles. En plus cette solution
représente un inconvénient majeur qui est l’encombrement des câbles
Leur section est triangulaire ou quadrangulaire. De forme pyramidale, la partie inférieure peut,
suivant la hauteur, se poursuivre par une charpente de section constante ou progressivement
Concernant leur structure, les pylônes sont souvent munis d’une échelle intérieure et d’un
nombre considérable des paliers de repos. Les membrures du pylône sont réalisées en fer
cornière laminé à chaud ou en sections de tube convenablement protégées par galvanisation à
Ils conduisent à des efforts d’arrachement sur certains appuis et de compression sur d’autres; des
efforts horizontaux souvent modestes sont également à prendre en compte. Ils résistent au
renversement par le poids des fondations.
Electricity is a major source of power for industries, agriculture, commercial and residential
use. because of its lesser cost, electricity is now being used for rail transportation in place of
fuel-powered engines. Electricity is generated from hydro-electric power plants, thermal
generating stations and nuclear power plants. Hydro-electric plants are located on perennial
rivers usually in remoted hilly gees and thermal plants are situated near coal mines. Due to
the diverse requirements of electricity across the country and far-away locations of power plants,
a grid of electric transmission lines is required to cover the entire country. With the increase in
transmission distances, electricity is being transmitted at extra high voltages so as to minimize
transmission losses. This req uires greater ground clearance which means that taller transmission
towers are required. Various types of supporting structures are used depending upon the type of
electric transmission line or conductor. The supporting structures are mainly of two types-poles
and towers. Poles are normally used for supporting conductors with lower voltages and requiring
lesser ground clearance over smaller spans. These poles can be made if timber, reinforced
concrete, prestressed concrete, steel or aluminum. The material and the shape of he pole depends
upon location of transmission line, required life span, initial cost, maintenance cost, voltage and
availability of material.
Towers are provided where high voltage transmission conductors are to be supported over
longer ;pans and with greater ground clearances. These are designed as self-supporting wide-
based towers. Doles are designed for carrying loads in the transverse direction only and depend
upon conductors for longitudinal stability. In order to prevent the simultaneous collapse of the
whole line, self-supporting poles or towers are provided at reasonable intervals.
E T Pylons
The purpose of transmission line towers is to support conductors and one or two ground wires
at suitable distances above the ground level and from each other.
The selection of the most suitable type of tower for transmission lines depends upon the
actual terrain of the line and the number of circuits to be supported. Towers can be broadly
classified as follows
(v) Tangent towers with suspension string (0° to 2°). These are used on straight
runs and for line deviation up to 2°. The conductor is supported by a string of
insulators hanging vertically from the tower cross-arms.
(vi) (ii) Small angle towers with tension strings (2° to 15°) These are used for lines
with deviation between 2° and 15°.
(vii) Medium angle towers with tension strings (15° to 30°). These are used for line
deviation from 15° to 30°.
(viii) Large angle (30° to 60°) and dead end towers with tension strings. These are used for
lines with deviation from 30° to 60° and for dead ends.
The angles of line deviation specified are for normal spans. The span may be increased up to an
optimum limit by reducing the angle of line deviation. Tangent towers are designed for
supporting the tensioned conductors. Angle towers, which are provided at points of line
deviation, are designed to resist the angular pull of the conductors. These towers are positioned
such that the axis of the cross arm bisects the angle in the line. The height of the towers is
fixed such that there is an adequate ground clearance (6 to 10 m) at the point of greatest sag.
The tower heights range from 10 to 45 m depending upon the span, terrain and conductor
Transmission towers are free-standing towers and are usually square in plan. These are
supported on ground by four legs and apt as cantilever trusses under horizontal loads. Power
transmission towers have horizontal arms called cross-arms for carrying the conductors. The
configuration of a tower depends upon the number of circuits, minimum clearances of conductor
from tower and ground, distance between conductors, terrain and span. Various shapes of
transmission towers are shown in Fig
The most common type of tower for a single circuit is shown in Fig. a (a). For a double circuit, tower
shown in Fig. a (b) is used. The conductors in this case are hung one above another from three
horizontal cross-arms. Other forms of towers which are also used are shown in Fig. a (c) and (d). A
tower is subjected to horizontal loads due to wind on tower and conductors and due to tension in
conductors under broken-wire condition. These forces tend to over-turn the tower. Where the over-
turning moments are large, as in the case of tall towers, the base of the tower is widened and a
pyramid shaped tower is provided.
The corner member of the tower, which are either vertical or nearly vertical, are called `legs'
or 'column members.' The main force is carried by these legs or column members. The legs are
interconnected by diagonal bracing members and sometimes with horizontal members also. The
bracing members carry very little force. Various types of bracings are shown in Fig.a
The various constituents are as shown in Figb. Both electrical and mechanical
considerations determine these dimensions.
Les pylônes autoportants sont des structures métalliques constituées par un assemblage de
membrures formant un treillis rigides fixées au sol par des fondations en béton et dotés d’une
structure ouverte ou fermée. Ils sont destinés à la plupart des lignes de transport de
l'électricité, sous forme de courant alternatif ou de courant continu et sont plus adapté pour
les grandes hauteurs. Ces structures sont légères non encombrantes, et ne présente pas une
grande surface exposée au vent. . Il comporte un fût quadrangulaire et des consoles ou des
traverses. Les fondations sont généralement à pieds séparés.. Les membrures du pylône sont
réalisées en fer cornière laminé à chaud ou en sections de tube convenablement protégées
galvanisation à chaud. Ils conduisent à des efforts d’arrachement sur certains appuis et de
compression sur d’autres; des efforts horizontaux souvent modestes sont également à prendre
en compte. Ils résistent au renversement par le poids des fondations.
Il existe plusieurs modèles de pylônes à treillis
Pylône à un triangle
Pylône à deux
pylône F88
pylône Trianon :
- Le pylône Trianon peut mesurer de 25 mètres à 35 m et fait respectivement
12 tonnes en 220 kV. et 21 tonnes en 400 kV.
Pylône portique
Les pylônes haubanés sont plus légers, Ces derniers doivent résister à des efforts obliques
d'arrachement. C’est un mât soutenu par des haubans ou câbles en acier, ils sont en général
de sections triangulaire constante tout au long de la structure. Les membrures et treillis sont
en cornières à 90° ou 60°, ou en tube galvanisé. Les haubans sont en câble d’acier galvanisé.
Ils sont fixés au pylône tous les 15 à 30m. L’ancrage des haubans peut être assuré par massif
en béton enterré ou par remblai fixant la semelle du dispositif d’ancrage. Ce type de pylône
n’est pas assez rigide car la section transversale du treillis et les sections des barres qui le
constituent sont faibles. En plus cette solution représente un inconvénient majeur qui est
l’encombrement des câbles.
L’installation des haubans nécessite l’acquisition d’un terrain de plus grande étendue que
un pylône auto-stable, ce qui augmente évidemment le coût et peut entraîner des retards dans
les procédures.
Pylône haubané en V
Le pylône en V haubané est un pylône métallique en treillis. À la différence du pylône
traditionnel, son fût forme un V fermé par la console. Il est fixé au sol par sa base et par
quatre haubans en acier d'un diamètre de 12,7 mm tendus à un angle de 35°.Il a l'avantage
d'être beaucoup plus léger que le pylône en treillis traditionnel. Un pylône en V
pèse 11,8 t plutôt que 21 pour celui en treillis. et permet d'allonger les portées à 460 m en
Les pylônes monomodes qui appliquent des efforts horizontaux et des moments de
renversement sur la fondation, sont généralement de forme cylindrique en béton, ce qui
permet de les construire selon le procédé des coffrages glissants. Ils présentent de nombreux
avantages :
• Ils nécessitent un entretien beaucoup moins important que les pylônes métalliques
Malheureusement ces tours en béton sont onéreuses, environ 3 fois plus que le prix du pylône
Il ya aussi un autre type qui est constitué d’un ensemble de tronçons sous forme de tubes
creux, fabriqués en acier galvanisé, et assemblés par boulonnage au niveau des brides
.Ce type de pylône est relativement cher compte tenu du procédé de fabrication mais il est
facile à monter. Les pylônes mono-tubulaires sont principalement utilisés dans les zones
urbaines car ils offrent un encombrement réduit au niveau de leur base
Le pylône monomode Muguet :
- Le pylône Muguet mesure 42 mètres et fait 15 tonnes en 220 kV.
- Le pylône Muguet mesure 54 mètres et fait 33 tonnes en 400 kV.
À partir de 1970, des recherches sont menées avec des designers pour rechercher des formes
nouvelles s'intégrant mieux dans les paysages. Dès 1970, les premiers monomodes Muguet,
en tôle pliée et soudée, sont construits en France à partir d'un modèle répandu aux États-
C'est un pylône d'une structure épurée.
Après cinq ans d'études, d'essais et quelques installations ponctuelles, en 1977 ils sont
sur une ligne de 225 kV et en 1983 sur une ligne de 400 kV.
Here’s a well-structured text based on the information you provided. I've organized it into
sections and included relevant headings to enhance clarity. Please feel free to modify or
expand upon any part as needed!
Les pylônes sont des structures verticales, en métal ou en béton armé, conçues pour
supporter des câbles aériens, des antennes, des ponts suspendus et des systèmes d’éclairage
public. Ils jouent un rôle crucial dans la transmission d'énergie et de communication.
Le terme "pylône" provient du grec "pulon", signifiant portail. À l'origine, les pylônes étaient
des constructions monumentales en Égypte ancienne, formées de deux tours à base
rectangulaire surmontées d'un linteau, encadrant l'entrée des temples. Ces structures
symboliques permettaient de planter de grands mâts ornés d'oriflammes, annonçant la
présence de lieux sacrés. Au fil du temps, la fonction défensive des pylônes a disparu, laissant
place à leur rôle symbolique. Aujourd'hui, un pylône désigne une structure verticale, souvent
en métal, utilisée principalement pour supporter des lignes électriques ou des antennes de
## Types de Pylônes
Les pylônes se déclinent en plusieurs types en fonction de leur fonction, de leur forme et de
leurs matériaux de construction. Les principales catégories incluent :
- **Pylônes électriques** : Utilisés pour supporter des lignes à haute tension, ces pylônes se
subdivisent en trois grandes catégories selon les contraintes : monomodes, autoportants et
- **Pylônes de télécommunication** : Structures en acier et en béton, tels que les mâts et les
tours, destinés principalement à supporter des antennes pour les télécommunications et la
1. **Pylônes autoportants** : Structures rigides, fixées au sol par des fondations en béton,
capables de supporter plusieurs antennes.
2. **Pylônes haubané** : Mâts soutenus par des câbles en acier, souvent de forme
Les tours de transmission sont conçues pour supporter des conducteurs à haute tension sur
de longues distances. Elles se divisent en plusieurs catégories :
- **Tours tangent** : Utilisées pour les lignes droites avec des déviations de 0° à 2°.
Les configurations des tours de transmission sont généralement carrées et soutenues par
quatre jambes, avec des bras horizontaux appelés traverses pour porter les conducteurs. La
hauteur des tours varie de 10 à 45 mètres, selon le terrain et la tension du conducteur.
Les pylônes monopôles sont constitués de tronçons en tubes creux en acier galvanisé. Ils sont
relativement coûteux, mais leur montage est facilité par leur conception.
This structure should help clarify your project and provide a comprehensive overview of the
different types of pylons and towers, their definitions, historical context, and technical details.
Let me know if there are any additional sections or details you'd like to include!
Here's a summary of various types of telecommunications towers, along with some additional
details that could enhance your project:
1. **Monopole Towers**:
- They are easy to install and require minimal ground space, making them a popular choice
for urban areas.
2. **Guyed Towers**:
- Supported by guy wires, these towers can reach heights exceeding 2,000 feet, providing
significant height for antennas.
- They are often used for cellular, radio, and television applications, especially in rural
- Made of steel, these towers offer stability and flexibility and can be built in triangular or
square shapes.
- They can reach heights of up to 500 feet and are suitable for various
4. **Stealth Towers**:
- Designed to blend into their surroundings, stealth towers often resemble trees, flagpoles,
or other structures.
- They are typically smaller and may not offer the same coverage as traditional towers but
are essential for meeting zoning regulations【75†source】【76†source】.
5. **Rooftop Sites**:
6. **Small Cells**:
- These are low-power nodes with a coverage radius of about 1/10 of a mile to 2 miles.
- They are often used to increase network capacity and can be installed on utility poles or
- **Outdoor DAS**: A network of antennas that transmit cellular signals over a specified
area, often installed on existing structures like utility poles.
- **Coverage Range**: Depending on the type of tower, the coverage range can significantly
vary, affecting deployment decisions based on geographical and demographic factors.
- **Aesthetic and Regulatory Requirements**: Stealth towers can be vital in urban
environments where visual impact and zoning laws are critical considerations.
- **Technological Integration**: New technologies, such as 5G, are influencing tower design
and deployment strategies, particularly with the need for denser networks【76†source】.
This overview provides a solid foundation for your project, highlighting the key
characteristics of each tower type. You might also want to consider discussing their
advantages, disadvantages, and typical applications in your report for a more comprehensive
analysis. If you need further information or specific details, feel free to ask!