Chapter 10 Solutions Income Taxation Banggawan
Chapter 10 Solutions Income Taxation Banggawan
Chapter 10 Solutions Income Taxation Banggawan
Under the substituted filing system, the employer files the income tax return of:: T ,' {e excess de minimis are considered "oth'',{ aays is exempt de minimis.
employee. If e amount of tax is correctly withheld by the employer, 17· The sick leave credit of private employees up to mpt from tax.
· The overtime pay of minimum wage earners IS exe
employee no longer needs to file an annual income tax return.
362 363
Chapter 10 • Compensation Income er 10 - Compensation Income
cha t
True or False2 . rise Drill No. 1
F 1. Filipinos employed in Philippine embassies are generally exempt [" yank provided for, indicate whether the specified an,en
F 2. Supplemental compensations are fixed amounts regularly received by ,, [nU P&Cl 2nefit or remuneration is an
em of: >
employee every payroll period. ~
T 3. A regular employee can be a managerial. supervisory, or rank and file employ, gC- regular compensation - FB-fringe benefits
F 4. Regular compensation includes variable performance-based rernunera~ 'sc-supplemental compensation - OB- 13month pay & other benefits
received by the employee with or without regard to the payroll period. ' DM- de minimis benefits · EB - exempt or non-taxable benefits
All directors are not considered employees.
Rank and file employees do routinary or clerical jobs.
- Benefit or remuneration
Rank & file Manager or
employee Supervisor
F 7. A minimum wage earner with business income Is considered a regular employ, Uniform allowance DM
subject to income tax. 'a Commissions
8. A managerial employee is least likely to be a minimum wage earner. 3. Rice allowance DM DM
F 9. The statutory minimum wage is P60,000 annually or the amount fixed by lit 4. Productivity incentive DM DM
F Regional Tripartite Wage and Productivity Board whichever is lower. s. Christmas bonus - government OB OB
10. The position and function test, compensation threshold test, and exclusivity lest 6. Fixed monthly RATA - government EB EB
are required for alien employees. 7. Medical benefits DM DM
11. A managerial employee can be a special employee.
F 12. The Christmas gift of private employees forms part of "other benefits" while th
8. Additional compensation allowance - OB OB
of government employees is considered de minimis benefit
T 9, 13th month pay OB OB
13. The fringe benefits of managerial or supervisory employees are generally subjet
to fringe benefit tax.
10. Christmas gift - private DM DM
11. Anniversary gift DM DM
14. Resident Filipinos employed by foreign embassies, missions, or international 12. Shuttle allowance to a distant facility EB EB
organizations are generally taxable.
T 13. Excess de mini mis benefits OB FB
15. Non-resident Filipinos employed by foreign embassies, missions, or international 14. Basic salary RC RC
F organizations are generally exempt
1S. Profit sharing SC SC
16. Half of the benefits given for the convenience or necessity of the employer an 16.
F taxable. Other employee personal expenses OB FB
paid by employer
17. Fixed allowances are supplemental compensation income. 17. Emoluments and honoraria SC SC
18. For managerial employees, the excess of de mini mis benefits over their limits at
included as "other benefits". 18. Stock bonus SC SC
T 19, Educational assistance to employee
19. The excess of the 13th month pay and other benefits over P90,000 is consider!
compensation income. ~ under employment bond
F 20.,
Used sick leave credit RC RC
20. The substituted filing system applies to employees who have multiple #
2 Monetized unused sick leave - private OB FB
T successive employments
21. Ar employer controls the means and methods by which the work Is to bl
22 Monetized unused vacation leave - DM
accomplished. ~ Private
22. Ar employee who became a minimum wage earner during the year is ex~
Monetized unused sick leave - EB
from tax for the entire year. hi-1 ,...__ government
T 24, EB
23. Minimum wage earners who are disqualified for exemption during the year Monetized unused vacation leave - EB
T be taxable as regular employees. , r--. _government
24. Minimum wage
. .
earners w o breached the minimum wage threshol
j4by asal@0 25,
Excess over P90,000 of 13th month SC SC
T ,,"®during the year are taxable only staring trom the months ofic®,, S zP@y and other benefits
th ge benefit is usually in the nature of an incentive. Compensation incolll
e nature of performance-based pay.
364 365
Chapter 10- Compensation Income r 10 - Compensation Income
Cha te
Exercise Drill No. 2 (ompute the taxable "13th month pay and other benefits" ,
Assuming that the employee is a private employee with a basic salary of PJoo
j. Ran k
and file employee 35000 assuming the employee Is a:
in a region with a minimum wage of P250 per day, indicate the annu>) ,'®; Managerial or supervisory employee
compute the annual excess de minimis benefits in the spaces provided for. mlt ~ 0
De mlnlmis benefits Limit yerclse Drill No. 5
An employee with 10 dependent children received the following benefits during the
1. PlOO/meal for 158 overtime days
62.50/DAY 5925
d. The compensation income of rank and file employees is subject to regulal" employment? +dir 3me tax
a. He is subject to withholding tax an.""_,,come tax.
b. He is neither subject to w,thholdmg ®",%a to income tax.
c. He is exempt from withholding tax, but sutye
368 369
Chapter 10 - Compensation Income
t r 10. Compensation Income
d. He Is subject to withholding tax, but exempt from income tax. cChapte
370 371
Chapter 10 - Compensation Income
10- Compensation Income
C 3. The following relates to an annual payroll of the employee: profit sharing bonus
Gross compensation income, before P44,000 13th month pay
contributions to SSS, PHIC and HDMF P 1,068,000 Determine the taxable compensation Income.
Additional compensation 45,000 a P1,365,000 c.P 1,335,000
13th month pay and other benefits 89,000 ~ P1,350,000 d.P 1,330,000
Compute the taxable compensation income. 1,068,000+45000-44000
g. A supervisory employee had the following remunerations during the year:
a. Pl,113,000 c. P 1,069,000 C
b. P1,112,000 d. P 1,068,000 Salaries, before P24,000 SSS, Phi!Health
HDMF, and union dues P 258,000
A 4. Colyong, a government employee, receives a full 13th month pay of P2,, Profit sharing 20,000
exclusive of P14,000 other benefits. He was deducted P18,000 during the ye,,,, Fringe benefits 65,000
premium for his SSS, PHIC, and HDMF contributions. Compute Colyong's tau 13 month pay and other benefits 21,000
compensation income.
a. P222,000 c. P240,000 20000X12-18000 What is the taxable compensation income?
b. P226,000 d. P254,000 a. P343,000 c P 254,000
B b. P 278,000 d. P 204,000
5. An employee received the following compensation during the year:
9. An employee had the following details of compensation Income in 2024:
Gross compensation (Pl 1,000 x 13 months) p 143,000 A
Overtime pay Regular compensation Income P 780,000
Less: 12,000
Overtime pay 43,000
SSS, PHIC, HDMF and union dues P 13th month pay 65,000
Withholding tax
Netpay 10000 15.200 De minimis benefits:
E 132,800 Medical assistance to employee 22,000
Compute the taxable compensation income. 11000X12+1200-5200 Total of other de minimis benefits 32,000
a. P149,800 c. P132,000
b. Pl38,800 d. P126,800
Compute the taxable compensation mcome iftht
I e eemployee is a rank and file.
C a. P842,000 c p 823,000
6. A private employee retired at 60 in the middle of the year and was paid the b. p 836,000 d. p 780,000
following remunerations:
B .
10. Compute the taxable compensation .
inco me If the employee Is a managerial or
Retirement benefits
P2,000,000 supervisory employee.
Terminal leave pay (150 accumulated days) a. P 842,000 c. P 823,000
Compensation, net of P16,000 120,000
b. P 836,000 d. p 780,000
SSS, PHIC and HDMF premium contributions
Mid-year bonus 128,000
Pro-rated 13th month pay 8,000 A Multiple Choice - Problems: Part2 ,tsduring the year:
. d th following bene ts un
12,000 1. A managerial employee receive e p 1 080 ODO
Compute the taxable compensation income. 128000+8000+(120000X140 Compensation income, net of man d a tory contribution »' '·
a. P2,170,000 c. P 170,000
/150+12000)-90000 Housing allowance in addition to regular P), 360,000
b. P238,000 d. P 136,000
C (P30,000 x 12; actual rent is P25,000/mon
7. A managerial employee d th . 13th month pay
receive e following remunerations:
Gross salaries, net of SSS, PHIC, and HDMF
: 'come?
What is the taxable compensation ,jo 1080+5X12+(95-90)
SSS maternity benefits P 1,090,000 a. P 1,445,000 c. P l,l • 000
30,000 b. P 1,175,000 d.P 1,085,
372 1090000+240000+5000 373
Chapter 10 - Compensation Income I f IIi'
'I '
a P 68,000 c. p 56,000 regular ernp~ D 9, A government employee received the following benefits in 2024:
12K+12K+8K+24K 1,· 1
! .1•
Gross salaries P 1,044,000 1044K-62K p!-]
b. P 44,000 d. P 32,000
=982000 i'I
D 3. Compute the supplemental compensation if the employee
1s a minimum w,
Additional compensation (ADCOM)
•'I! II
', I!
a. P68,000 c. p 56,000 Christmas bonus 87,000 , •I•
a P 50,000
b. P 20,000
c. p 15 000 .
d. p o 45K-30K Cost-of-living allowance
13th month pay
Christmas gift 5,000
5. The following relate to the compensation
employee during the year: Income of a private rank and fie Laundry allowance (P500/month) 8,000
374 375
_T ~
Chapter 10 - Compensation Income
1st Otr 2nd Otr 3rd Otr _4th n.... er 11 - Fringe Benefit Tax
Compensation income P 24,000 P 24,000 P 33,000 ~ Cha t
Overtime pay 4.000 5,000 3,000 6,
13th month pay CHAPTER 11
SSS, PHIC, and HDMF 1,000 1,000 1,200 1,200
Creditable WH tax 1000 2.00Q (chapter Overview and Objectives
Net pay P 27.000 P 28 000 P 33.800 P.45,30p