IRJET Curing of Concrete A Review
IRJET Curing of Concrete A Review
IRJET Curing of Concrete A Review
Abstract— The properties of hardened concrete, especially the Now a day construction is rapidly increasing and as
durability, are greatly influenced by curing since it has a concrete is inherent material for construction so its
remarkable effect on the hydration of the cement. The performance also very important for life of structure and it
advancements in the construction and chemical industry have depends on the various parameters [1]. One of the most
paved way for the development of the new curing techniques important parameters is Curing. Curing is the process of
and construction chemicals such as Membrane curing controlling the rate and extent of moisture loss from concrete
compounds, Self-curing agents, Wrapped curing, Accelerators, during cement hydration. This can be achieved by various
Water proofing compounds etc. With the growing scale of the methods like; continuously wetting the exposed surface
project conventional curing methods have proven to be a costly thereby preventing the loss of moisture from it, spraying the
affair as there are many practical issues and they have been surface with water, leaving formwork in place, covering the
replaced by Membrane curing compounds and Self-curing concrete with an impermeable membrane after the
agents up to some extent as they can be used in inaccessible formwork has been removed, by the application of a suitable
areas, Vertical structures, Water scarce areas etc .It is most chemical curing agent (wax etc.) and using chemicals as
practical and widely used curing method. In this review paper internal curing or by a combination of such methods. In order
effort has been made to understand the working and efficiency to obtain good quality concrete, an appropriate mix must be
of curing methods which are generally adopted in the followed by proper curing in a suitable environment during
construction industry and compared with the conventional the early stages of hardening [2]. Also for durability as well as
water curing method. performance of structure proper and homogeneous curing is
A. Methods Used For Curing Of Concrete
Curing is the name given to the procedures used for
promoting the hydration of the cement, and consists of a Shading concrete work
control of temperature and of moisture movement from and
into the concrete. Curing allows continuous hydration of Covering concrete surfaces with hessian or gunny
cement and consequently continuous gain in the strength, bags
once curing stops strength gain of the concrete also stops.
Proper moisture conditions are critical because the hydration Sprinkling of water
of the cement virtually ceases when the relative humidity
Ponding method
within the capillaries drops below 80%. With insufficient
water, the hydration will not proceed and the resulting Membrane curing
concrete may not possess the desirable strength and
impermeability. The continuous pore structure formed on Immersion curing
the near surface may allow the ingress of deleterious agents
and would cause various durability problems. Moreover due Steam curing
to early drying of the concrete micro-cracks or shrinkage
cracks would develop on surface of the concrete. When II. STATE OF DEVELOPMENT
concrete is exposed to the environment evaporation of water
takes place and loss of moisture will reduce the initial water Curing plays an important role on strength development and
cement ratio which will result in the incomplete hydration of durability of concrete. Curing takes place immediately after
the cement and hence lowering the quality of the concrete. concrete placing and finishing, and involves maintenance of
Various factors such as wind velocity, relative humidity, desired moisture and temperature conditions, both at depth
atmospheric temperature, water cement ratio of the mix and and near the surface, for extended periods of time. Properly
type of the cement used in the mix. Evaporation in the initial cured concrete has an adequate amount of moisture for
stage leads to plastic shrinkage cracking and at the final stage continued hydration and development of strength, volume
of setting it leads to drying shrinkage cracking. [10] stability, resistance to freezing and thawing, and abrasion
and scaling resistance.The length of adequate curing time is
dependent on the following factors:
© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1820
Ananthi[1] This paper highlights the effect of curing Steam curing
agent polyethylene glycol (PEG-400) in the performance of
concrete. From the results, it was seen that the optimum Silica fume, also known as micro silica is an amorphous
dosage of PEG 400 for maximum strength was found to be polymorph of silicon dioxide, silica. It is an ultrafine powder
2% for M40 grade. Muddassir Bora[2] The strength and collected as a by-product of the silicon and ferrosilicon alloy
durability of concrete depends on the curing of concrete. production and consists of spherical particles with an
‘Internal curing’ is often also referred as ‘Self– curing.’ Any average particle diameter of 150 nm. The bulk density of
negligence in in curing will interfere in the strength and silica fume depends on the degree of densification in the silo
durability of concrete. Ktftng Tan[3] The effect of curing and varies from 130 (undensified) to 600 kg/m3. The specific
conditions on strength and permeability of concrete was gravity of silica fume is generally in the range of 2.2 to 2.3.
studied. The curing temperatures did not affect the water
penetration of concrete, but affected the chloride penetration Table 1. Mix Proportion
and compressive strength of concrete significantly. Nirav R
Kholia[4] The properties of hardened concrete, especially Fine Coarse Super
the durability, are greatly influenced by curing since it has a Mix Cement
Silica aggregate aggregate
remarkable effect on the hydration of the cement. This paper fume
review about the materials used as self-curing agents, M20 1 - 1.58 2.51 0.45 -
mechanism of self-curing and the properties of different type M40 1 0.1 1.9 3.16 0.36 0.02
of concrete when subjected to self-curing method. Self-curing
technology is the process which hydrates the cement A. Experimental Setup
internally in concrete, no external source needed for curing
such as water curing [3]. Curing may be applied in a number Shading concrete work; The object of shading
of ways and the most appropriate means of curing may be concrete work is to prevent the evaporation of water
dictated by the site or the construction method. The present from the surface even before setting. This is adopted
paper is directed to evaluate effectiveness of different curing mainly in case of large concrete surfaces such as
methods and study the influence of climate on the strength road slabs.
properties of concrete. Amal Viswam[7] Concrete is one Covering concrete surfaces with hessian or
of the most widely used construction material due to its good gunny bags This is a widely used method of curing,
compressive strength and durability. K. Sumangala[8] particularly for structural concrete. Thus exposed
Curing of concrete maintains satisfactory moisture content in surface of concrete is prevented from drying out by
concrete in its early stages so as to develop desired covering it with hessian, canvas or empty cement
properties. Patel[9] In the 21st Century, expansion of bags.
cities as well as state construction process increase rapidly Sprinkling of water -Sprinkling of water
and concrete is the most frequently used construction continuously on the concrete surface provides an
material. In recent years various kinds of concrete were efficient curing. It is mostly used for curing floor
developed such as high performance concrete, fiber slabs. The concrete should be allowed to set
reinforced concrete, early strength concrete, recycled sufficiently before sprinkling is started.
concrete, self-compacting concrete etc. Ponding method This is the best method of curing.
It is suitable for curing horizontal surfaces such as
III. METHODOLOGY floors, roof slabs, road and air field pavements. The
horizontal top surfaces of beams can also be ponded.
There are various methods of curing. The adoption of a After placing the concrete, its exposed surface is first
particular method will depend upon the nature of work and covered with moist hessian or canvas. After 24
the climatic conditions. The following methods of curing of hours, these covers are removed and small ponds of
concrete are generally adopted. Curing of Concrete clay or sand are built across and along the
© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1821
Membrane curing The method of curing described Table 2: Test Result for Compressive Strength
above come under the category of moist curing.
Another method of curing is to cover the wetted Accelerated
Immersion Wet gunny bag
concrete surface by a layer of water proof material, Curing methods
curing(N/mm2) curing (N/mm2)
which is kept in contact with the concrete surface of
seven days. This method of curing is termed as
membrane curing [4]. Curing(in days) 7 14 28 7 14 28 1
The specimen in their moulds shall be gently lowered into From Figure 1, it can be concluded that the compressive
the curing tank and shall remain totally immersed at 55+ 2oC strength of concrete cubes by Immersion curing method was
for a period of not less than 19 hours 50 minutes. The achieved that 56.42% and 74.8% of 28 days strength at 7
specimens shall be removed from the water, marked for days and 14 days respectively for M20 grade of concrete. The
identification, removed from the moulds and immersed in the compressive strength of concrete cubes by wet gunny bags
cooling tank at 27+ 2oC before the completion of 20 hours 10 curing method was achieved that 53.8% and 76.2% of 28
minutes from the start of immersion in the curing tank. They days strength at 7 days and 14 days respectively for M20
shall remain in the cooling tank for a period of not less than 1 grade of concrete.
hour. After that the specimens shall be tested while still wet,
not more than 2 hours from the time of immersion in the
cooling tank.
Table 4: Test Result for Split Tensile Strength was achieved that 65.2% and 78.9% of 28 days strength at 7
days and 14 days respectively for M20 grade of concrete. The
compressive strength of concrete cubes by wet gunny bags
Accelerated curing method was achieved that 63.4% and 77.4% of 28
Immersion Wet gunny bag
Curing methods
curing(N/mm2) curing (N/mm2)
curing days strength at 7 days and 14 days respectively .After 28
days it was seen that the strength achieved by Immersion
curing and Accelerated curing was 1.05% higher and 0.97%
Curing (in days) 7 14
7 14 28 1
lesser than Wet gunny bag curing respectively for M40 grade
8 of concrete.
M20 0.87 1.26 1.63 0.71 1.16 1.54 1.51
Grade of
M40 1.61 1.95 2.47 1.49 1.82 2.35 2.28
© 2020, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1823
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