Elect Code-Bathroom

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Rule 26-720(f)(g) requires at least one plug oudet in each bathroom. To comply wich che rules this oudet
• •
Gl • Be equipped with at least one duplex plug oudet which must be located within 1 m (39.4 in.) of
. • one of d1e wash basins in the bathroom, and
• Be located at least 1 m (39.4 in.) away from the bachtub or shower stall. This is a horizomal
~~ G.F. I. typ e cir·
cuit breaker distance between the oudet and a shower stall or bathtub as illustrated below; and

Q~ /
OIJ CD!il..a-
Minimum di814n<e ~quired is I m (39.25 in.)
• •
For exceptions see re:a.
Maximum di814nce is I m (39.25 in.)

A standa rd duplex
recepta c/e may be
used here provided
-,...'' 0
the supply breaker
~ .
( m the panel ts
G.F.I type. 0

This G.F.I. pro tected circu it
may continue on to supply 11 ! '
', - --- - /
more outlets

Rule 26-720(g) • Where it is not possible (the sub rule says "practicable") co locate the bachroom plug at least l m from che tub
or shower it can be at a lesser distance, bur it may not be closer chan 50 em (19.7 in.). This shorrer disrance is allowed only in
the very small bamrooms where the 1 m distance is simply not possible.
• Be GFCI protected - Rule 26-704 requires GFCI protection for plug oudets in all bathrooms and wash rooms. Ir may be
either a GFCI type plug receptacle; or it may be an ordinary duplex plug recepracle that is supplied from a special type
circuit breaker (GFCI) in che service panel. This circu ir breaker is called a Class A Ground Fault Circuit Imerrupter. These
breakers mounr in the service panel as ordinary breakers. If you are using an older rype circuit breaker panel make sure chey
are available for che. particular service panel you are using.
T his subrule is very broad in its scope when applied according co the definition for bathrooms and washrooms. T hose
definitions do not really refer co a bachroom or to a washroom, bur to rooms that comain a rub, shower srall, or washbasin.
T he room contains this appliance. Ir could be any room in the house. For example, a large bedroom wich a tub is included
in chis definition. T he facr that chere is also a bed in the same room is irrelevam. T his means that bachroom rules apply
wherever any appliances, such as a tub or shower stall or a wash basin are being installed. Washroom rules apply wherever
there is a washbasin; any room will do. Any plug oudets wichin 1.5 m (59 in.) of a bathtub, shower stall or washbasin must
be GFCI protected, Rule 26-704.


The definition, in Section 0 of your Code book, says a washroom means "a room that contains a wash basin(s) and chat may
conrain a water closet(s) but without bathing or showering facilities." As noted above a wash basin in a bedroom makes che
bedroom a washroom and nobody is arguing about the need for a wash basin in a bedroom, bur there are rules to be observed,
I mean electrical rules. You may also want to do yo ur shaving d1ere roo, in the morning, and you will need a power oudet.
Washrooms (any room) equipped with a wash basin(s) must:
• Rule 26-720(f) - Be equipped with at least one duplex plug outlet which must be located wichin 1 m (39.4 in.) of one of the
wash basins in that room.
• T he rules do not requ ire a separate circuit. This oudet may be connected to any nearby lighti ng circuit, that does not already
supply 12 oudets.
• Have. GFCI Protection - T his oudet must be GFCI protected. Rule 26-704 requires this protection for all plug oudets wichin
1.5 m (59 in.) of a washbasin no matter where the washbasin is located. You may use a GFCI circuit breaker in the panel or
you may use a GFCI rype receptacle. In eid1er case che rule permi t.~ other plug outlets and light.~ in other washrooms and
bathrooms, bedrooms, hallways etc. to be protected witl1 the same GFCI protective device. T he maximum number of outlets
must not exceed 12. See also above under bachroom plug ouders.
Note - If you plan to supply bedroom plug oudets with the same GFCI protected circuit yo u are using for the washroom or
bath room lights and plug oudets, please remember that the bedroom plug oudets require AFCI protection. AFCI protection
should only be provided wich a circuit breaker in che panel, see '' Bedroom Plug Oudet," p. 82.

I 86 I PS Knight Co Ltd

Rule 12-3016 - Check first if the boxes worked ouc flush wich the wall or ceiling finish. If not, see " Box Extenders," p. 104.

Rules 30-110, 30-600 - W hen connecting light fixcures be sure co connect the neutral (the white or grey wire) co che screw
shell of the lamp holder and che black or red (hot) wire co the center pin. The threaded metal portion of che lamp base must
not ever be energized because of the danger of accidental contact wich this portion by a person replacing a lamp.

White neutral wire

- - - - - - White (neutral) wire must connect to the screw
shell through this terminal

Hot (black or red) wire must connect to the

Make sure the neutral center contact on the lamp through this brass
(white) wire connects ro the coloured terminal screw
screw shell, not the center
contact pin of the socket.
Metal screw shell located in the ligh t fixtu re

Metal base on the bulb


Rules 10-600, 30-200 - Ligh t Fixtures - may be pendant type, such as swag lamps, provided that all the metal on the fixture is
properly grounded.
T he metal chain on ch ain-hung fixcures may nor be used to ground the fixcure -
Look for fixtures which have a separate grounding conductor run (threaded) th rough
This distance is measured from the chain co each light socket.
the wall of the tub or shower to All light switches must be kept out of reach of a person in a rub or shower stall. Rule
the switch. It is a hori:rontal 30-320(3) clearly requires 1 m (39.4 in.) horizontal distance between the switch
measurement and a bathtub or shower stall. Alchough the rule does not say this the wording in
Appendix B co this rule suggests that this is a horizontal measurement and that it is
measured from the "o utside edge" of the bach cub as shown.
Where the 1 m (39. 4 in.) distance between che light switch and the bathtub or a
';.•.1-- --<-----I.,. ,.ITJ Wall switch shower stall is not possible it may be reduced co no less than SO em (l 9.67 in.) but in
that case, chelighting circuit must be GFCI protected.
Heat Lamps - Rules 30-200, 62- 110(1) (2)- Like any other recessed light fixture,
bathroom heat lamps can be a very real fire hazard if improperly installed. See p.
68 for details on recessed light fixcure installation for a hear lamp.
<> C>
Care should be taken co locate the fixcure so that it cannot radiate hear directly onto
- -- '!Ub or shower the upper edge of the door when it is left in the open position, seep. 68 . The
rules do not specifY any distance, however, a safe horizontal distance may be at least
12 in. from the heat lamp co boch the door and shower rod. The reason for chis is
that any clothes or rowels left hanging on the door or on a shower rod may be coo
close to d1e fixcure and could become overheated and cause a fire.

Rule 30-310 - Where this rype of fix cure is mounted end co end in a continuous row as in valance lighting che loomex cable
(NMD90) may enter only the first fixture. It must enter d1e fixture so chat it need not run past the ballast. The connection
from there co the other fixtures must be made with rype A-18, GTF, R90 or similar rypes of wire. Care should be taken co see
that all the fixcures in rhe row are properly grounded both for safe£)' and for satisfactory operation.

• 115 I PS Knight Co Ltd

In this case the circuit breaker in the panel is acces-
sible without having to pass the fu rnace. This is an Furnace disconnect
acceptable location for the disconnect switch switch

( .. ~
Furnace 8
The branch circuit breaker in this panel may not serve as the fur-
nace disconnect switch beca u.~e the escape route is past the fur-
nace. The furnace disconnect switch must be located as shown.

Prorecrion · Rule 26-806 · T he loomex supply cable sho uld be run in a 7116 in. flexible condui t for rhe last few fr. near rhe
furnace where iris less than 1.5 m (59 in.) above rhe floor or where ir is subject to mechanical damage.

6 in. free
BoNDING conductor
Rule 10-600 & I 0-612 - Be sure to connect securely rhe bare bondi ng conductor in rhe supply cable to required for
rhe bonding terminal in rhe furnace connection box.

Rule 10-700 - All in rerior meral gas piping used ro supply rhe furnace, fire place, or or her appliance,
musr be bonded to rhe nearest gro unded cold warer p ipe or to rhe service grou ndi ng electrode as shown
in rhe ill usrrarion above. In rhar illusrrarion rhe service grounding conductor continues on from rhe lasr
grou nd rod to rhe gas li near rhe furnace. Do nor cur rhe grounding conductor, simply run ir rhrough rl1e
grou nd clamps and rhen on to rhe lasr clamp on the gas line.
The gas lines used today are nor like rhe rigid sreel pipe we used to see in rhe good old days. Gas lines
used today are of copper and in some cases of sofr copper. Do nor use an ordinary grou nd clamp on any
copper gas lines because ir may damage rhe pipe. Rule 10-706 allows us to use a copper srrap ro make
rhis bondi ng connection. See illustration on rhe lefr.

Rule 28-106 - T hese fan motors are ofren shaded pole type drawing less rhan 4 amps each. Many of rhese motors draw less
rhan one amp and in rhar case rhey are considered as any general purpose ligh ting or general purpose plug ourler. A 15 ampere
circuit can supply a m ixrure of 12 such ourlers. T hese fan motors are normally supplied wirh a generalligh ring or gene ral plug
circuir. Technically, however, where rhe moror draws more rhar one amp, subrracr rhar amp load from rhe maximum 12 amp
load permissible for a normal 15 amp circuir. T he remaining ampaciry can rhen be used for orher general lighring or general
plug ourlers ar one amp per ou rler. For example, a fan moror drawing say 1.5 amps would be counred as rhe equivalenr of 2
ourlers, if ir draws 2 amps ir wo uld counr as 2 general ourlers, if ir draws 3 amps ir would be counred as 3 general purpose
ourlers. Subrracring rhe load of, say a 3 amp fan load from rhe maximwn 12 amp toral load leaves a balance of9 amps for 9
other general ligh t or general purpose plug ourlers which may be connected to rl1ar same circuir. T he Code allows only 12 such
o urlers on a 15 amp circui t bur rhar is rhe maximum load permitted . Iris berter to have only 9 or 10 so rhat if you suddenly
discover rhar you need more ourlers in rhar parr of rhe house you can add rl1ar ourlet wirhout becoming a common criminal by
having 12- 1/2 ourlets on a circuir.

( •*:)

Cable size ....... ................. .. ................. .......... ...... .................. ........ ......... ......... .......... ..... #l4 NMD90 copper
Flexible cond uit size (If required) ...... .................. .................. .................... ................ .. ........ ........ .. ....7/16 in.
Fuse or breal<er rarit1g .......... .......... ..................... ............................................................................... 15 atnp.

124 I PS Knight Co Ltd

The Kitchen F n - need nnr be on a separare circuir. lr may be on a gcnerallightlng or plug drcuit bu:c it may nor be on any
peciaJ kir h n ppH n e circuko;, Rule 26-6S4(b)(ii). rt is counted as. one oudct when determining drcuit loading.
Cable Prate ri n - Rule 12-5 }8 - Pwrecr loomex cable with 711 6 in. fle-x•ble c nduir where h is exposed ro mechanical damage.
This includes tha! p n:~ n of the 'able which is exposed in.o;ide rhe {ahin('f where ir may be sub;e r m damage. Flexible cable
mu..q [ermin:u.e in llc-11: conncrmr ar rhe fan and be .s-rrapped. or taped to we loomex table before il emerges from rhe waiL
rounding - RuJt: 10-600 - Becau.se i[ .is near grounded obrccrs it is very importam to conne~.:r the b-.tre ground wire securely £o
the ground fermina.l in rhe fan connecrion box.

Rule 26-710(1) requin' rha1 if piping far a cemral \raruum system is in nlled a plug uudc:-t mu t be provided for rhe unit. Rule
26-652(.:-) requ.i:r~ rhar d1is plug ourle£ be · upplied wi[h a separafe circuit used fo1· n cnher load.


CSA C rri.fi.ed U ni rs - Make sure d1·e unir you insraJI has one of the ccrtifi.ca.tion marks iJlu -era Led on p. 2. Th is may seem
.like a picky point btu in fau il is extremely important for your safety.


Rule 28- 106( 1) - -1'hi.,. is a rnmor load, rherefore, rhe rules in Section 28 mu t be applkd, For cht rough wiring stage, run a
separ tc 2-wlrc 1 omex cabk co lhe pump motor location. The i7..e of hi. able i. dec nnined hy [he natneplare ampere rating.
Later when tht· unit b acmally inslalled you will need to ins{aU a di swnne .[ swircb . [he moror lacalion.


Rul . 28.-600, 2 -602 (3)(e) - These rules require a disconnect swirch for d1is m ror. Thi:. may be a srandard w.all sy,rirch, such
a i wed [ conrrullighc oudet ·. Dorl'l forget, the a1npere rnt~ng of d~i S\"clitch mu. r b r le s1 l2 ) 0/o of rhe ampere r.uillil:g of
d)f." pump rnofor,
or~ This j
n r a hor rt~b. his a hydro massage wli[ onl _A hor tub wuall_ h an dc(Uh: headng demem as well :1s a pump.
nr mme (hing - do nor forge£ ro provide access ro rhis mmor and. i dis onne<:t swi.tch fur maimtnance purposes. See the
illuslration bdo\'lo~.

Rul t" 68- 0 2 - Thi.~ moror circuit musr he prmecred wi[h a GFCltype in:uit breaker. TI1cre i no exception w this rule.
Because ·thi · i · a lllO[ r load this special circuit breaker may no[ also supply any · rht"r load.


Ru.lc.- 68-304 ·'[he u ual mles for ligh£s, swirches and plugs in bathrooms also apply w this special ba1hroom.

- - - ..

... I
\ I

\ t

I •

11• a~ cab w fl. csmd uh - ' - /bJJ, .Z. lUI r.o r1JU rnut far rn
rwadJ' IXD'
kuma mhk (M dw -~ he$'t ~- ~~ rim tub ~ ~ 1111 u.al ~.. 1.1 pbtoilvJbJ,
IIi# bj!l!d 10 · cJioN.tal da,.~,.._ ~4~ o rw ~ lh 11 ~r Ut. out tJ4jtrln.iq'


Rule 68-. 04(2) - TLmc:r is not Required - Rule 68-304( 1) - The rule no\:v r quir s only a ~imple wall switch properly rated
( 125~fr of mornr full l ad amps) m comrol rhis pump motor. A timei" swi.tch may be \lscd if rou wanr lhat kind of control.

125 I PS Knight Co Ltd

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