inert, or
(3) only the aggregate expands; also, cracking can
Exposure conditions
Mild : Concrete surfaces protected against weather or aggressive
conditions, except those situated in coastal area.
Moderate : Concrete surfaces sheltered from severe rain or freezing
whilst wet. Concrete exposed to condensation and rain. Concrete
continuously under water. Concrete in contact or buried under
nonaggressive soil/ground water. Concrete surfaces sheltered from
saturated salt air in coastal area.
Aggressive : Concrete surfaces exposed to severe rain, alternate
wetting and drying or occasional freezing whilst wet or severe
condensation. Concrete completely immersed in sea water. Concrete
exposed to coastal environment.
Severe : Concrete surfaces exposed to sea water spray, corrosive
fumes or severe freezing conditions whilst wet. Concrete in contact
with or buried under aggressive subsoil/ground water
Extreme : Surface of members in tidal zone Members in direct contact
with liquid/ solid aggressive chemicals
Cement content
Mix must be designed to ensure cohesion and prevent segregation and
bleeding. If cement is reduced, then at fixed w/c ratio the workability
will be reduced leading to inadequate compaction. However, if water is
added to improve workability, water / cement ratio increases and
resulting in highly permeable material.
There are many types but the major Concrete Durability types are:
1. Physical durability
2. Chemical durability
Physical Durability
Chemical Durability
2. Sulphate Attack
3. Chloride Ingress
4. Delay Ettringite Formation
5. Corrosion of reinforcement
1. External Causes:
b. Extreme Temperature
c. Extreme Humidity
d. Abrasion
e. Electrolytic Action
2. Internal Causes
a) Physical
Frost Action
b) Chemical
Corrosion of Steel
All durability problems in concrete start due to some external agents getting
access into the inside of concrete and react physically/ chemically with the
constituents of concrete. Concrete is inherently a porous media with
interconnected pore system. This provides a easy path for the entry of
external agents. Thus concrete permeability depends on its pore structure.
even the best of concrete is not gas-tight or watertight unless the pores are
closed. The capillary pore structure of concrete allows water to penetrate at
a slow rate.
Reinforcement corrosion
Fe Fe++ + 2e–
Cathodic reaction
Corrosion Control
Proper mix design, use of right quality and quantity of cement for different
exposure conditions is to be adopted.
Metallurgical methods
Corrosion inhibitors
Coatings to reinforcement
Cathodic protection
Coatings to concrete
Design and detailing
Metallurgical Methods:
Steel can be made more corrosion resistant by altering its structure through
metallurgical processes. Different methods such as rapid quenching of the
hot bars by series of water jets, or by keeping the hot steel bars for a short
time in a water bath, and by such other process the mechanical properties
and corrosion resistance property of steel can be improved.
Corrosion inhibitors:
Coatings to reinforcement:
Coatings to Concrete:
the capacity of the concrete itself to withstand heat and the subsequent
action of water without losing strength unduly without cracking or
the conductivity of the concrete to heat
coefficient of thermal expansion of concrete
In the case of reinforced concrete, the fire resistance is not only dependent
upon the type of concrete but also on the thickness of cover to reinforcement,
The fire introduces high temperature gradients and as a result of it, the
surface layers tend to separate and spall off from the cooler interior.
The effect of increase in temperature on the strength of concrete is not much
upto a temperature of about 250°C but above 300°C, definite loss of strength
takes place. Hydrated hardened concrete contains a considerable proportion
of free calcium hydroxide which loses its water above 400°C leaving calcium
oxide. If this calcium oxide gets wetted or is exposed to moist air, rehydrates
to calcium hydroxide accompanied by an expansion in volume. This
expansion disrupts the concrete. Portland blast furnace slag cement is found
to be more resistant to the action of fire in this regard.
Theories of damage
Most soils contain some sulphate in the form of calcium, sodium, potassium
and magnesium. They occur in soil or ground water. Because of solubility of
calcium sulphate is low, ground waters contain more of other sulphates and
less of calcium sulphate. Ammonium sulphate is frequently present in
agricultural soil and water from the use of fertilizers or from sewage and
industrial effluents.
Decay of organic matters in marshy land, shallow lakes often leads to the
formation of H2S, which can be transformed into sulphuric acid by bacterial
action. Water used in concrete cooling towers can also be a potential source
of sulphate attack on concrete. Therefore sulphate attack is a common
occurrence in natural or industrial situations.
Solid sulphates do not attack the concrete severely but when the chemicals
are in solution, they find entry into porous concrete and react with the
hydrated cement products. Of all the sulphates, magnesium sulphate causes
maximum damage to concrete. A characteristic whitish appearance is the
indication of sulphate attack. In the hardened concrete, calcium aluminate
hydrate (C-A-H) can react with sulphate salt from outside. The product of
reaction is calcium sulphoaluminate, forming within the framework of
hydrated cement paste. Because of the increase in volume of the solid phase
which can go up to 227 per cent, a gradual disintegration of concrete takes
The reactions of the various sulphates with hardened cement paste is shown
The rate of sulphate attack increases with the increase in the strength of
solution. A saturated solution of magnesium sulphate can cause serious
damage to concrete with higher water cement ratio in a short time. However,
if the concrete is made with low water cement ratio, the concrete can
withstand the action of magnesium sulphate for 2 or 3 years.
Another factor influencing the rate of attack is the speed in which the
sulphate gone into the reaction is replenished. For this it can be seen that
when the concrete is subjected to thepressure of sulphate bearing water on
one side the rate of attack is highest. Similarly, alternate wetting and drying
due to tidal variation or spraying leads to rapid attack.
Methods of Controlling Sulphate Attack
The most efficient method of resisting the sulphate attack is to use cement
with the low C3A content. In general, it has been found that a C3 A content
of 7% gives a rough division between cements of good and poor
performance in sulphate waters.
Use of air-entrainment to the extent of about 6% (six per cent) has beneficial
effect on the sulphate resisting qualities of concrete. The beneficial effect is
possibly due to reduction of segregation, improvement in workability,
reduction in bleeding and in general better impermeability of concrete.
The cause of great resistance shown by high alumina cement to the action
of sulphate is still not fully understood. However, it is attributed in part to the
absence of any free calcium hydroxide in the set cement, in contrast to
Portland cement. High alumina cement contains approximately 40%
alumina, a compound very susceptible to sulphate attack, when in normal
portland cement. But this percentage of alumina present in high alumina
cement behaves in a different way. The primary cause of resistance is
attributed to formation of protective films which inhibit the penetration or
diffusion of sulphate ions into the interior.
Both calcium hydroxide and calcium sulphate are considerably more soluble
in sea water and this, will result in increased leaching action. To put it briefly,
concrete undergoes several reactions concurrently when subjected to sea
water. A concrete of not too massive dimensions exposed to sea water is
more likely to show the effects of leaching than expansion, whereas massive
structures like dock walls etc. may show the effects of expansion also. The
rate of chemical attack is increased in temperate zones.
Most severe attack of sea water on concrete occurs just above the level of
high water. The portion between low and high water marks is less affected
and the parts below the water level which are continuously remain immersed
are least affected.
The crystallisation of salt in the portion of concrete above high water level is
responsible for disruption of concrete. In place of cold climatic region, the
freezing of water in pores at the spray level of concrete is responsible for
causing lack of durability in concrete. Freezing of water may also take place
between the tidal variation level.
The water that permeates into the concrete causes corrosion of steel. The
product of corrosion being of higher volume than the material they replace,
exert pressure which results in lack of durability to reinforced concrete.
Sea water holds certain quantity of sand and silt particularly in the shallow
end. The velocity of wave action causes abrasion of concrete. The impact
and the mechanical force of wave action also contributes to the lack of
durability of concrete.
It is basically a chemical reaction between the hydroxyl ions in the pore water
within concrete and certain types of rock minerals which sometimes occur
as part of aggregates. The reaction produces alkali-silica gel of unlimited
swelling type under favourable conditions of moisture and temperature, in
voids and cracks and further it causes disruption and pattern cracking.
Alkali-silica reaction is a reaction between alkali hydroxides and free silica in
aggregate form a alkali-silica gel.
SiO2 + 2NaOH + H2O Na2SiO3 x 2H2O
It is to be pointed out that alkali-silica reaction takes place only at high
concentrations of OH–, that is at high pH value in the pore water. The pH of
the pore water depends on the alkali content of cement.
High alkali cement may lead to a pH of about 13.5 to 13.9 and low alkali
cement results in a pH of about 12.7 to 13.1.
An increase in pH of 1.0 represents a ten fold increase in hydrogen ion
concentration. Therefore low alkali cement which produces low pH value in
the pore water is safe against potentially reactive aggregate.
Alkalis not only comes from cement but also comes from sand containing
sodium chloride, admixtures, mixing water, sea water penetration, fly ash,
blast furnace slag and deicing salt getting into concrete. Alkalis from all these
sources must be included in finding the total alkalis.
Factors Promoting the Alkali-Aggreate Reaction
(i ) Reactive type of aggregate; (ii ) High alkali content in cement;
(iii ) Availability of moisture; (iv ) Optimum temperature conditions.