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Corresponding Author:
Mohamed Tarbouch,
RITM Laboratory,
CED Engineering Sciences,
Ecole Supérieure de Technologie,
Hassan II University of Casablanca,
Email: mtarbouch@gmail.com
“RFID stands for Radio Frequency Identification, a term that describes any system of identification
wherein an electronic device that uses radio frequency or magnetic field variations to communicate is
attached to an item” [1].The two most talked-about components of an RFID system are the tag, which is the
identification device attached to the item we want to track, and the reader, which is a device that can
recognize the presence of RFID tags and read the information stored on them. The reader can then inform
another system about the presence of the tagged items. The system with which the reader communicates
usually runs software that stands between readers and applications. This software is called RFID
middleware [1].
In a typical RFID system [2], passive tags are attached to an object such as goods, vehicles, humans,
animals, and shipments, while a vertical/circular polarization antenna is connected to the RFID reader. The
RFID reader and tag can radio-communicate with each other using a number of different frequencies, and
currently most RFID systems use unlicensed spectrum. The common frequencies used are low frequency
(125 KHz), high frequency (13.56 MHz), ultra high frequency (860–960MHz/2.45GHz), and microwave
frequency (3.6/3.9/5.8/5.9/8.2GHZ [3]). The typical RFID readers are able to read (or detect) the tags of only
a single frequency but multimode readers are becoming cheaper and popular which are capable of reading the
tags of different frequencies [4].
The miniaturization can affect radiation characteristics, bandwidth, gain, radiation efficiency and
polarization purity. The miniaturization approaches are based on either geometric manipulation (the use of
bend forms, meandered lines, PIFA shape, varying distance between feeder and short plate, using fractal
geometries[5-8]) or material manipulation (Loading with a high-dielectric material, lumped elements,
conductors, capacitors, short plate [9]), or the combination of two or more techniques [10]. Also several
works [11-15] have appeared in the literature in which the size of the microstrip patch antenna has been
reduced by introducing various types of slots in the microstrip patch antenna. Antenna miniaturization can be
also achiaved using metamatriels [16-18].
In this paper, the authors propose a compact CPW-Fed miscrostrip octagonal patch antenna with an
inverted E slot loading in the radiating element. The studied antenna is suitable for 2.45/5.80 GHz RFID
applications. The design methodology of the antenna is included in section 2, in this section the proposed
antenna is designed in two steps. In the first step, we describe the design procedure of a simple CPW-Fed
octagonal patch antenna at 5.80 GHz. In the second step an inverted E slot is introduced in the radiating
element which leads to generate a new resonant frequency and therefore allow covering the lower bandwidth.
In the section 3 the designed antennas are manufactured and measured and results are discussed.
2.1. Step 1: Design of CPW-feed octagonal patch Antenna at 5.80 GHz
As demonstrated in several studies, the CPW-Feeding allows having a wide bandwidth comparing
with the probe feeding [19-21]. In this step we make a cut of a small triangular shape in the four angles of the
microstrip patch antenna as shown in Figure 1. With this manner we obtain an octagonal patch antenna. To
study the behavior of the obtained antenna regarding the dimension (Lcut and Wcut) of the triangular cut, a
new parameter D is defined: Lcut=L/D and Wcut=W/D. we set Ws=29.5 mm, Ls=29.5 mm, W=28 mm,
L=20.5 mm, S=0.3 mm, G=0.2 mm, Wf=3.06 mm and Yg=7.8 mm.
By varying the parameter D from 2.5 to 4, the S11 parameter of the octagonal patch antenna versus
frequency is shown in Figure 2. Table 1 summarizes the resonant frequency and the bandwidth obtained by
varying the D parameter. Note that there is a close relation between the parameter D and the final size of the
radiating element, as D decreases the total size of the octagonal patch decreases also.
From Table 1 we note that making a triangular cut in the four angles of the microstrip patch antenna
we obtain easily an UWB antenna. Also we can consider that D=3 is the most adapted value in term of
bandwidth, compactness and also adaptation in the whole operating frequency band. This value allows the
antenna covering the -10 dB operating bandwidth of 2.71 GHz (3.81 to 6.52 GHz).
The analysis of the S11 parameter (Figure 2) for the D=3 shows that, for the band of 2-7GHz, the
antenna have one resonant frequency fr=5.80GHz. Figure 3 shows the 3D Total gain for the resonant
frequency 5.80 GHz. We observe that the 3D-Total gain is almost Omnidirectional for the frequencies around
5.80GHz. Moreover the total gain of this antenna is about 3.7dB in the resonant frequency 5.80 GHz.
(a) Geometry of the triangular cut (b) Designed octagonal patch antenna
Design, Realization and Measurements of Compact Dual-band CPW-fed Patch …. (Mohamed Tarbouch)
174 ISSN: 2088-8708
2.2. Step 2: The Setup of an Inverted E Slot Structure on the CPW-Fed Octagonal Patch Antenna
In this section we present the second step of Antenna design which consists of introducing an
inverted E slot structure on the CPW-Fed octagonal patch antenna designed in section 2.1. The final designed
Antenna is shown in Figure 4.
We set Ws=29.5 mm, Ls=29.5 mm, W=28 mm, L=20.5 mm, Yg=7.8 mm, Wf=3.06 mm, G=0.2
mm, S=1.1 mm, S1=0.3 mm, Eh=19 mm and Ev=11.3 mm, e=2.1 mm, D=3.55. Figure 5 shows the S11
parameter of the octagonal patch antenna with inverted E slot versus frequency. It’s clear from Figure 5 that
the setup of the inverted E slot allows generating new resonant frequency: fr=2.45GHz, we note that this
resonant frequency is lower than the first resonant frequency obtained with the simple octagonal patch
antenna and it does not belong to the higher bandwidth. Also two -10dB bandwidths are obtained, 140MHz
(2.37 – 2.51 GHz) and 1.95 GHz (4.70- 6.65GHz) witch the resonant frequencies/S11 are 2.45GHz/-16.34 dB
and 5.80 GHz/-38.32 dB respectively. Therefore the proposed antenna is suitable for 2.45/5.80 GHz RFID
Figure 6 shows the 3D Total gain for the two resonant frequencies 2.45/5.80 GHz of the octagonal
patch antenna with inverted E slot loading, the total gain of this antenna is about 2.1dB and 3.5dB for the two
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resonant frequencies 2.45 GHz and 5.80 GHz, respectively. We note that the 3D-Total gain is almost
Omnidirectional for the two resonant frequencies 2.45 GHz and 5.80GHz.
Figure 4. The CPW-Fed Octagonal patch antenna Figure 5. The simulated S11 of the Octagonal
with inverted E slot loading patch antenna with inverted E slot
(a) the 3D-Gain of the antenna for f1 = 2.45GHz (b) the 3D-Gain of the antenna for f2 = 5.80GHz
Figure 6. The 3D-Gain of the CPW-Fed Octagonal patch antenna with inverted E slot loading
Design, Realization and Measurements of Compact Dual-band CPW-fed Patch …. (Mohamed Tarbouch)
176 ISSN: 2088-8708
Also, small differences between measured and simulated S11 values are observed. For example, as
shown in Figure 8(b), the measured S11 value corresponding to the second resonant frequency is higher
(-25.58dB) compared to the simulated one (-38.32dB). Table 2 summarizes the comparison between
simulated and measured S11 parameter and (-10dB) bandwidths.
The measured and simulated results for the reflection coefficient of the proposed antennas are
shown in Figure 8. The reflection coefficient magnitude was measured using ANRITSU MS2026C Vectorial
Network Analyzer.
(a) Simple Octagonal patch antenna (b) Octagonal Patch antenna with inverted E slot
Figure 8. Simulated and measured S11 versus frequency of the realized antennas
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Also, comparison between several different antennas for 2.45/5.80 GHz applications is illustrated in
Table 3. From this table it’s clear that our structure has a miniaturized design with very important gain
compared to most other antennas. Moreover the proposed antenna has a reasonable bandwidth.
Table 3. Comparison of the proposed antenna to other antennas for 2.45/5.80 GHz applications
Ref Size (mm3) Bandwidth Gain (dB)
1.4GHz:(1.83–3.23 GHz)
24 50*50*1.6 1.17GHz:(4.99–6.16 GHz) 6.6
100 MHz (2.4 – 2.5 GHz)
25 65×56×1.6 200 MHz (5.6 - 5.8 GHz) -
In this paper, a CPW-Fed microstrip octagonal patch antenna for 2.45/5.80 GHz applications was
proposed. The antenna has a small size of 8.7 cm2, which makes it suitable for use as an internal antenna for
embedded systems. By making a triangular shape cut on the four angles of the rectangular patch antenna it
was possible to implement UWB characteristics in the higher band. The setup of an inverted E slot on the
octagonal patch antenna allows generating a new lower resonant frequency.
The proposed antennas are manufactured on a (29.5x29.5mm2) FR-4 substrate and their S11 are
measured and shows a good agreement with the simulated one. The obtained results show that the studied
antennas have an important gain and a good impedance matching. Thereby, this result makes the CPW-Fed
miscrostrip octagonal patch antenna with inverted E slot an adequate candidate for 2.45/5.80 GHz RFID
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Mohamed Tarbouch was born in Marrakech-Morocco in 1980, he received the degree of engineer
in telecommunications from INPT-RABAT-Morocco in 2004. He is currently working toward the
PhD degree at RITM Laboratory in ESTC- Hassan II University – Casablanca-Morocco. His main
research interests are in miniaturization of Antennas.
Abdelkebir Elamri A PhD Signals and Systems at the University of Montpellier 1990 (FRANCE)
Currently a professor in the Electrical Engineering Department at the School of Technology
Casablanca (ESTC). He is a member of the laboratory RITM (Radio Telecommunications) His
research interest in the characterization, modeling of antennas for applications in
telecommunications, radar and mobile radio.
Hanae Terchoune received the M.Sc degree in Electronics from the university of Pierre and Marie
Curie (Paris VI) in 2006. She worked at France Telecom R&D Issy Les Moulineaux in France, as a
research engineer between 2006 and 2009, and she received Ph.D degree in Electrical and Electronic
enegineering in 2010 from Paris VI. She worked as an IT infrastructure consultant at Orange
Consulting from 2010 to 2013. She joined EST of Casablanca as a Professor assistant in 2014. Her
research activites interests are Body Area Network, Antennas, wave human interaction, and
Electromagnetism for telecommunication applications.
Int J Elec & Comp Eng, Vol. 8, No. 1, February 2018 : 172 – 178