MSU Assign
MSU Assign
MSU Assign
MBM Student
Business Policy (Sat.:1:00-4:00)
SWOT-TOWS Strengths (Internal) Weakness (Internal)
- Quality Education
- acquiring New Research - Offer new programs in school - invest in good facilities
- Give Additional activities/programs - Give Additional security to secure
- Increasing number of that strengthen the cultural the campus.
Enrollment communities in school.
- Offered Other Courses - Give a Quality education to remain the
high percentage of Board Passers
- Dormitory used by the
students to stayed
- School offered other courses - Implement strict security - lend Money to fund the new facilities
and new classroom
- Competitors with complete - apply for another courses that can
Facilities/Classroom offered in school - maximized the used of campus area
in building new classroom/ facilities.
- High Standard to enter the - Entering New students with enough
school.(other percentage of passing rate in entrance
Kemberly C. Tuban
MBM Student
Business Policy (Sat.:1:00-4:00)
courses//programs) exam in all courses offered.
The Mindanao State University (MSU) is the only state university in the
Philippines with the special mandate of integrating the cultural communities in
Mindanao into the mainstream of the nation’s socio-cultural and political life by
providing them with opportunities for quality and relevant public education for their
self-development and providing trained manpower skills and technical know-how for
the economic development of the region. So because Msu is one of the prestigious
university here in General Santos City, they are also need to protect the name of the
Kemberly C. Tuban
MBM Student
Business Policy (Sat.:1:00-4:00)
school, so in that way there must be a strategy to helped the school to stay in top.
The MSU need a strategy to used, like a strategy in giving new Equipment/Facilities
that helped the students to encourage to study in their school because the school
has a complete facility to use in order for them to developed their skills and also to
gain more knowledge. Also the school must be offered additional courses like
cooking, Maritime, Criminology, Medical and other modern courses now, and they
need to prioritized the security of the students inside the campus.