EzAlgo V12

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indicator("Algo V.12", shorttitle="Algo V.12 [AlgoPoint]", overlay=true,


// Get user settings

barcoloronof = input(true, "Trend bar Color", group = "BUY & SELL SIGNALS",
inline = 'ABABA')
showBuySell = input(true, "Labels", group="BUY & SELL SIGNALS", inline =
//sensitivitysetter = input.string("Smooth", "Signal Type", ["Fast", "Smooth",
"Swing"], group = "BUY & SELL SIGNALS")
sensitivitysetter = "Smooth"
sensitivity = (sensitivitysetter == "Fast" ? 1.7 : sensitivitysetter ==
"Smooth" ? 3.3 : sensitivitysetter == "Swing" ? 4.8 : na)
//offsetSignal = input.float(2, "Signals Offset", 0, group="BUY & SELL
offsetSignal = 2
reversalbuysell = input(true, "[AI] Reversals", group="BUY & SELL SIGNALS")
reversalsignaltype = input.string("All", "Signal Type", ["All", "Bullish",
"Bearish"], group="BUY & SELL SIGNALS")
reversalmode = input.string("Swing", "Mode", ["Scalp", "Swing", "Accumulation"],

AiBuySell = input(true, "[AI] Trend Contiunation", group="BUY & SELL

aisensitivitysetter = input.string("Moderate", "Strength", ["Moderate", "Strong",
"Strongest"], group="BUY & SELL SIGNALS")
showSR = input.bool(false, title = "", inline = "01", group="MULTI-
timef = input.timeframe("", "", inline = "01", group="MULTI-TIMEFRAME
levels = input.int(5 , "Levels", inline = "01", group = "MULTI-
linewidth = input.int(1, "Width", inline = "02", group = "MULTI-TIMEFRAME
S/R") * 20
supportcolor = input.color(color.new(#00DBFF, 75), "", inline = "02", group
resistancecolor = input.color(color.new(#b2b5be, 75), "", inline = "02", group
labelon = input.string("On", "Label", ["On", "Off"], inline = "03",
labelsize = input.string("Default", "Size", ["Small", "Default",
"Large"], inline = "03", group = "MULTI-TIMEFRAME S/R")
labelcol = input.color(#5d606b, "", inline = "03", group = "MULTI-
labelloc = input.int(10, "Offset", inline = "04", group = "MULTI-
showtimef = input.bool(true, "Show Timeframe", inline = "04", group =
showtprice = input.bool(true, "Show Price", inline = "04", group = "MULTI-
showRibbon = input(title='Show Trend Cloud',inline = 'TrendOption',
defval=true, group= "TREND SETTINGS")
trendcloudbull = showRibbon == true ? input(#00dbff, "",inline =
'TrendOption', group="TREND SETTINGS") : na
trendcloudbear = showRibbon == true ? input(#b2b5be, "",inline =
'TrendOption', group="TREND SETTINGS") : na
showEmas = input(false, "Show EMAs", group="TREND SETTINGS")
srcEma1 = close
lenEma1 = input.int(8, "EMA 1", 1,group="TREND SETTINGS")
srcEma2 = close
lenEma2 = input.int(13, "EMA 2", 1,group="TREND SETTINGS")
srcEma3 = close
lenEma3 = input.int(144, "EMA 3", 1,group="TREND SETTINGS")

showRevBands = input.bool(false, "Show Reversal Bands", group="REVERSAL

lenRevBands = input.int(30, "Length", group="REVERSAL BANDS")

// Functions
smoothrng(x, t, m) =>
wper = t * 2 - 1
avrng = ta.ema(math.abs(x - x[1]), t)
smoothrng = ta.ema(avrng, wper) * m
rngfilt(x, r) =>
rngfilt = x
rngfilt := x > nz(rngfilt[1]) ? x - r < nz(rngfilt[1]) ? nz(rngfilt[1]) : x - r
: x + r > nz(rngfilt[1]) ? nz(rngfilt[1]) : x + r
percWidth(len, perc) => (ta.highest(len) - ta.lowest(len)) * perc / 100
securityNoRep(sym, res, src) => request.security(sym, res, src, barmerge.gaps_off,
swingPoints(prd) =>
pivHi = ta.pivothigh(prd, prd)
pivLo = ta.pivotlow (prd, prd)
last_pivHi = ta.valuewhen(pivHi, pivHi, 1)
last_pivLo = ta.valuewhen(pivLo, pivLo, 1)
hh = pivHi and pivHi > last_pivHi ? pivHi : na
lh = pivHi and pivHi < last_pivHi ? pivHi : na
hl = pivLo and pivLo > last_pivLo ? pivLo : na
ll = pivLo and pivLo < last_pivLo ? pivLo : na
[hh, lh, hl, ll]
f_chartTfInMinutes() =>
float _resInMinutes = timeframe.multiplier * (
timeframe.isseconds ? 1 :
timeframe.isminutes ? 1. :
timeframe.isdaily ? 60. * 24 :
timeframe.isweekly ? 60. * 24 * 7 :
timeframe.ismonthly ? 60. * 24 * 30.4375 : na)
f_kc(src, len, sensitivity) =>
basis = ta.sma(src, len)
span = ta.atr(len)
[basis + span * sensitivity, basis - span * sensitivity]
wavetrend(src, chlLen, avgLen) =>
esa = ta.ema(src, chlLen)
d = ta.ema(math.abs(src - esa), chlLen)
ci = (src - esa) / (0.015 * d)
wt1 = ta.ema(ci, avgLen)
wt2 = ta.sma(wt1, 3)
[wt1, wt2]
f_top_fractal(src) => src[4] < src[2] and src[3] < src[2] and src[2] > src[1] and
src[2] > src[0]
f_bot_fractal(src) => src[4] > src[2] and src[3] > src[2] and src[2] < src[1] and
src[2] < src[0]
f_fractalize (src) => f_top_fractal(src) ? 1 : f_bot_fractal(src) ? -1 : 0
f_findDivs(src, topLimit, botLimit) =>
fractalTop = f_fractalize(src) > 0 and src[2] >= topLimit ? src[2] : na
fractalBot = f_fractalize(src) < 0 and src[2] <= botLimit ? src[2] : na
highPrev = ta.valuewhen(fractalTop, src[2], 0)[2]
highPrice = ta.valuewhen(fractalTop, high[2], 0)[2]
lowPrev = ta.valuewhen(fractalBot, src[2], 0)[2]
lowPrice = ta.valuewhen(fractalBot, low[2], 0)[2]
bearSignal = fractalTop and high[2] > highPrice and src[2] < highPrev
bullSignal = fractalBot and low[2] < lowPrice and src[2] > lowPrev
[bearSignal, bullSignal]
title = 'AlgoPoint'
subtitle = 'Leaked Algos - Courses | IG: algopoint'
// Get components
source = close
smrng1 = smoothrng(source, 27, 1.5)
smrng2 = smoothrng(source, 55, sensitivity)
smrng = (smrng1 + smrng2) / 2
filt = rngfilt(source, smrng)
up = 0.0, up := filt > filt[1] ? nz(up[1]) + 1 : filt < filt[1] ? 0 :
dn = 0.0, dn := filt < filt[1] ? nz(dn[1]) + 1 : filt > filt[1] ? 0 :
bullCond = bool(na), bullCond := source > filt and source > source[1] and up > 0
or source > filt and source < source[1] and up > 0
bearCond = bool(na), bearCond := source < filt and source < source[1] and dn > 0
or source < filt and source > source[1] and dn > 0
lastCond = 0, lastCond := bullCond ? 1 : bearCond ? -1 : lastCond[1]
bull = bullCond and lastCond[1] == -1
bear = bearCond and lastCond[1] == 1
countBull = ta.barssince(bull)
countBear = ta.barssince(bear)
trigger = nz(countBull, bar_index) < nz(countBear, bar_index) ? 1 : 0
rsi = ta.rsi(close, 21)
rsiOb = rsi > 70 and rsi > ta.ema(rsi, 10)
rsiOs = rsi < 30 and rsi < ta.ema(rsi, 10)
dHigh = securityNoRep(syminfo.tickerid, "D", high [1])
dLow = securityNoRep(syminfo.tickerid, "D", low [1])
dClose = securityNoRep(syminfo.tickerid, "D", close[1])
ema = ta.ema(close, 144)
emaBull = close > ema
equal_tf(res) => str.tonumber(res) == f_chartTfInMinutes() and not
higher_tf(res) => str.tonumber(res) > f_chartTfInMinutes() or timeframe.isseconds
too_small_tf(res) => (timeframe.isweekly and res=="1") or (timeframe.ismonthly and
str.tonumber(res) < 10)
securityNoRep1(sym, res, src) =>
bool bull_ = na
bull_ := equal_tf(res) ? src : bull_
bull_ := higher_tf(res) ? request.security(sym, res, src, barmerge.gaps_off,
barmerge.lookahead_on) : bull_
bull_array = request.security_lower_tf(syminfo.tickerid, higher_tf(res) ?
str.tostring(f_chartTfInMinutes()) + (timeframe.isseconds ? "S" : "") :
too_small_tf(res) ? (timeframe.isweekly ? "3" : "10") : res, src)
if array.size(bull_array) > 1 and not equal_tf(res) and not higher_tf(res)
bull_ := array.pop(bull_array)
TF1Bull = securityNoRep1(syminfo.tickerid, "1" , emaBull)
TF3Bull = securityNoRep1(syminfo.tickerid, "3" , emaBull)
TF5Bull = securityNoRep1(syminfo.tickerid, "5" , emaBull)
TF15Bull = securityNoRep1(syminfo.tickerid, "15" , emaBull)
TF30Bull = securityNoRep1(syminfo.tickerid, "30" , emaBull)
TF60Bull = securityNoRep1(syminfo.tickerid, "60" , emaBull)
TF120Bull = securityNoRep1(syminfo.tickerid, "120" , emaBull)
TF240Bull = securityNoRep1(syminfo.tickerid, "240" , emaBull)
TF480Bull = securityNoRep1(syminfo.tickerid, "480" , emaBull)
TFDBull = securityNoRep1(syminfo.tickerid, "1440", emaBull)
[upperKC1, lowerKC1] = f_kc(close, lenRevBands, 3)
[upperKC2, lowerKC2] = f_kc(close, lenRevBands, 4)
[upperKC3, lowerKC3] = f_kc(close, lenRevBands, 5)
[upperKC4, lowerKC4] = f_kc(close, lenRevBands, 6)
[wt1, wt2] = wavetrend(hlc3, 9, 12)
[wtDivBear1, wtDivBull1] = f_findDivs(wt2, 15, -40)
[wtDivBear2, wtDivBull2] = f_findDivs(wt2, 45, -65)
wtDivBull = wtDivBull1 or wtDivBull2
wtDivBear = wtDivBear1 or wtDivBear2
symInfoCheck = false
symInfo = syminfo.ticker + ' | ' + timeframe.period + (timeframe.isminutes ? 'M' :
date = str.tostring(dayofmonth(time_close)) + '/' + str.tostring(month(time_close))
+ '/' + str.tostring(year(time_close))
// Colors
cyan = #00DBFF, cyan30 = color.new(cyan, 70)
pink = #b2b5be, pink30 = color.new(pink, 70)
red = #b2b5be, red30 = color.new(red , 70)
barupcolor = barcoloronof == true ? #00DBFF : na
bardowncolor = barcoloronof == true ? #b2b5be : na
// Plot

off = percWidth(300, offsetSignal)

plotshape(showBuySell and bull ? low - off : na, "Buy Signal" , shape.circle ,
location.absolute, cyan, 0, "" , color.white, size=size.tiny, editable = false)
plotshape(showBuySell and bear ? high + off : na, "Sell Signal", shape.circle,
location.absolute, pink, 0, "", color.white, size=size.tiny, editable = false)
barcolor(up > dn ? barupcolor : bardowncolor)
//aisensitivitysetter = input.string("Moderate", "AI Strength", ["Moderate",
"Strong", "Strongest"], group="BUY & SELL SIGNALS")
plot(showRevBands ? upperKC1 : na, "Rev.Zone Upper 1", red30)
plot(showRevBands ? upperKC2 : na, "Rev.Zone Upper 2", red30)
plot(showRevBands ? upperKC3 : na, "Rev.Zone Upper 3", red30)
plot(showRevBands ? upperKC4 : na, "Rev.Zone Upper 4", red30)
plot(showRevBands ? lowerKC4 : na, "Rev.Zone Lower 4", cyan30)
plot(showRevBands ? lowerKC3 : na, "Rev.Zone Lower 3", cyan30)
plot(showRevBands ? lowerKC2 : na, "Rev.Zone Lower 2", cyan30)
plot(showRevBands ? lowerKC1 : na, "Rev.Zone Lower 1", cyan30)

// Alerts
alert02 = bull
alert03 = wtDivBull
alert04 = wtDivBear
alert05 = bull or bear
alert06 = ta.crossover(wt1, wt2) and wt2 <= -53
alert07 = ta.crossunder(wt1, wt2) and wt2 >= 53
alert09 = rsiOb or rsiOs
alert10 = bear

alerts(sym) =>
if alert02 or alert03 or alert04 or alert06 or alert07 or alert10
alert_text = alert02 ? "Buy Signal PunkAlgo" : alert03 ? "Strong Buy Signal
PunkAlgo" : alert04 ? "Strong Sell Signal PunkAlgo" : alert06 ? "Mild Buy Signal
PunkAlgo" : alert07 ? "Mild Sell Signal PunkAlgo" : "Sell Signal PunkAlgo"
alert(alert_text, alert.freq_once_per_bar_close)

alertcondition(alert02, "Buy Signal", "Buy Signal EzAlgo")

alertcondition(alert03, "Divergence Buy Alert", "Strong Buy Signal EzAlgo,
alertcondition(alert04, "Divergence Sell Alert", "Strong Sell Signal EzAlgo,
alertcondition(alert05, "Either Buy or Sell Signal", "EzAlgo Signal")
alertcondition(alert06, "Mild Buy Alert", "Mild Buy Signal EzAlgo,
alertcondition(alert07, "Mild Sell Alert", "Mild Sell Signal EzAlgo,
alertcondition(alert09, "Reversal Signal", "Reversal Signal")
alertcondition(alert10, "Sell Signal", "Sell Signal EzAlgo")

// Trend Cloud Module

// Trendlines Modules


show_trendlines = input.bool(true, 'Show Trendlines', inline =

upper_trendline_color = input.color(#9598a1, '', inline =
lower_trendline_color = input.color(#9598a1, '', inline =
extendLine = input.bool(true, 'Extend', inline = 'tl_1',group='Trendlines')

linestyle_curr_inp = input.string(defval = 'Solid', title = "Style", options =

['Solid', 'Dotted', 'Dashed'],inline = "tl_3",group='Trendlines')
line_width_curr = input.int(1, 'Width', step = 1, minval = 1,maxval =
4,inline = "tl_3",group='Trendlines')

pivLen_L = input.int(20, 'Lookback', step = 1, minval = 1, inline

pivLen_R = pivLen_L//input.int(20, '/', step = 1, minval = 1, inline

hideCrossed = not(input.bool(false, 'Show Broken', inline =

broken_color_up = input.color(#9598a1, '', inline =
broken_color_down = input.color(#9598a1, '', inline =
extendLine_B = input.bool(true, 'Extend', inline = 'tl_2',group='Trendlines')

show_signals = input.bool(false, 'Show Signals', inline =

broken_color_up_signal = input.color(color.yellow, '', inline =
broken_color_down_signal = input.color(color.yellow, '', inline =
maxLines = input.int(3, 'Max Broken', step = 1, minval = 1, maxval = 50,
inline = 'tl_2_B',group='Trendlines')
Source_tl = input.string('Close', 'Mitigation', options = ['Close',
'High/Low'], inline ='tl_2_B',group='Trendlines')

linestyle_broken_inp = input.string(defval = 'Dashed', title = "Style (Broken)",

options = ['Solid', 'Dotted', 'Dashed'],inline = "tl_2-1",group='Trendlines')
line_width_broken = input.int(1, 'Width', step = 1, minval = 1,maxval =
4,inline = "tl_2-1",group='Trendlines')

lineStyle_curr= linestyle_curr_inp == 'Solid' ? line.style_solid :

linestyle_curr_inp == 'Dotted' ? line.style_dotted : line.style_dashed
lineStyle_broken= linestyle_broken_inp == 'Solid' ? line.style_solid :
linestyle_broken_inp == 'Dotted' ? line.style_dotted : line.style_dashed

s_close = request.security(ticker.standard(syminfo.tickerid), timeframe.period,

s_open = request.security(ticker.standard(syminfo.tickerid), timeframe.period,
s_high = request.security(ticker.standard(syminfo.tickerid), timeframe.period,
s_low = request.security(ticker.standard(syminfo.tickerid), timeframe.period, low)

var line[] pivot_high_array = array.new_line(),var line[] pivot_low_array =

ph2_M = ta.pivothigh(s_high, pivLen_L, pivLen_R)
pl2_M = ta.pivotlow(s_low, pivLen_L, pivLen_R)
ph2 = ta.pivothigh(s_high, pivLen_L, pivLen_R)
pl2 = ta.pivotlow(s_low, pivLen_L, pivLen_R)

var float prev_close_H = na, var float curr_close_H = na

var float prev_close_L = na, var float curr_close_L = na

var int X_prev_low = na, var float Y_prev_low = na, var int X_curr_low = na, var
float Y_curr_low = na
var int X_curr_high = na, var float Y_curr_high = na, var int X_prev_high = na, var
float Y_prev_high = na

maxLines := hideCrossed ? 0 : maxLines

tl_array_size_up = maxLines/2
tl_array_size_dn = maxLines%2==0? maxLines/2 : (maxLines/2)+1


newTrendLine(ptype, x1, y1, x2, y2)=>

new_trendline = line.new(x1, y1, x2, y2, extend = extendLine ? extend.right :
extend.none, color = ptype == 'ph2' ? upper_trendline_color :
lower_trendline_color, width = line_width_curr,style = lineStyle_curr,xloc =
if ptype == 'ph2'

slopeph2 = (line.get_y2(line) - line.get_y1(line))/(line.get_x2(line) -
extendedph2 = line.get_y2(line) - slopeph2 * (line.get_x2(line) - bar_index)

up_trend_line_formed= false
down_trend_line_formed = false

if pl2
X_prev_low := X_curr_low, Y_prev_low := Y_curr_low, prev_close_L :=
X_curr_low := bar_index[pivLen_R], Y_curr_low := s_low[pivLen_R],
curr_close_L:= s_close[pivLen_R]
if Y_prev_low < Y_curr_low and show_trendlines and Y_curr_low > prev_close_L
newTrendLine('pl2', X_prev_low, Y_prev_low, X_curr_low, Y_curr_low)

if ph2
X_prev_high := X_curr_high, Y_prev_high := Y_curr_high, prev_close_H :=
X_curr_high := bar_index[pivLen_R], Y_curr_high := s_high[pivLen_R],
curr_close_H:= s_close[pivLen_R]

if Y_prev_high > Y_curr_high and show_trendlines and prev_close_H > Y_curr_high

newTrendLine('ph2', X_prev_high, Y_prev_high, X_curr_high, Y_curr_high)
up_trend_line_formed := true

if close > Y_prev_high


if close < Y_prev_low

Y_prev_low:= 9999999999.9999

// alertcondition(up_trend_line_formed,'Up TrendLine Formed','Up TrendLine Formed')

// alertcondition(down_trend_line_formed,'Down TrendLine Formed','Down TrendLine
alertcondition(down_trend_line_formed or up_trend_line_formed,'Trendline
Formed','Trendline Formed')

up_trend_line_broken = false
down_trend_line_broken = false

for x in pivot_low_array
var line [] Down_Trend_Lines = array.new_line(tl_array_size_up)
var label [] Down_Trend_Labels = array.new_label(tl_array_size_up)
src = Source_tl == 'Close' ? s_close : s_low
x.set_xy2(bar_index, SlopeOfLine(x))
if x.get_x2() - x.get_x1() > 300
if src < line.get_y2(x)
tl_line = line.new(line.get_x1(x), line.get_y1(x), line.get_x2(x),
line.get_y2(x), color = broken_color_down, style = lineStyle_broken, width =
line_width_broken,xloc = xloc.bar_index, extend = extendLine_B ? extend.right :
if Down_Trend_Lines.size() > (tl_array_size_up)

for x in pivot_high_array
var line [] Up_Trend_Lines = array.new_line(tl_array_size_dn)
var label [] Up_Trend_Labels = array.new_label(tl_array_size_dn)
src = Source_tl == 'Close' ? s_close : s_high
x.set_xy2(bar_index, SlopeOfLine(x))
if x.get_x2() - x.get_x1() > 300
if src > line.get_y2(x)
tl_line = line.new(line.get_x1(x), line.get_y1(x), line.get_x2(x),
line.get_y2(x), color = broken_color_up, style = lineStyle_broken, width =
line_width_broken,xloc = xloc.bar_index, extend = extendLine_B ? extend.right :
if Up_Trend_Lines.size() > (tl_array_size_dn)

plotshape(show_signals and up_trend_line_broken? low : na, title='Trendline Broken

Up', style=shape.xcross, textcolor=color.new(color.white, 0), size=size.small,
location=location.belowbar, color=broken_color_up_signal,display= display.all -
display.status_line, editable = false)
plotshape(show_signals and down_trend_line_broken? high : na, title='Trendline
Broken Down', style=shape.xcross, textcolor=color.new(color.white, 0),
size=size.small, location=location.abovebar,
color=broken_color_down_signal,display= display.all - display.status_line,
editable = false)
c_subtitle = color.new(color.black, 30)
s_subtitle = 'normal'
a_subtitle = 'center'
// get data on ticker based on chosen timeframe
src_c = request.security(syminfo.tickerid,timef,close, gaps = barmerge.gaps_off,
lookahead = barmerge.lookahead_off)
src_o = request.security(syminfo.tickerid,timef,open, gaps = barmerge.gaps_off,
lookahead = barmerge.lookahead_off)
f_resInMinutes() =>
_resInMinutes = timeframe.multiplier * (timeframe.isseconds ? 1. / 60 :
timeframe.isminutes ? 1. : timeframe.isdaily ? 60. * 24 : timeframe.isweekly ? 60.
* 24 * 7 : timeframe.ismonthly ? 60. * 24 * 30.4375 : na)
f_timefResInMinutes(_res) =>
request.security(syminfo.tickerid, _res, f_resInMinutes())
f_timefIsIntraday(_res) =>
[intraday, daily, weekly, monthly] = request.security(syminfo.tickerid, _res,
[timeframe.isintraday, timeframe.isdaily, timeframe.isweekly, timeframe.ismonthly])
check = intraday ? "Intraday" : daily ? "Daily" : weekly ? "Weekly" : monthly ?
"Monthly" : "Error"
mtimef_multiplier = int (f_timefResInMinutes(timef) / f_resInMinutes())
prd = 10
maxnumpp = 284
ChannelW = 10
min_strength = 2
prd := prd * mtimef_multiplier
float src1 = math.max(src_c, src_o)
float src2 = math.min(src_c, src_o)
float src3 = math.max(close, open)
float src4 = math.min(close, open)
float ph = ta.pivothigh(src1, prd, prd)
float pl = ta.pivotlow(src2, prd, prd)
Lstyle = line.style_solid
timef_res = f_timefIsIntraday(timef)
timef_text = str.tostring(timef)
if str.tostring(timef) == ""
timef_text := na(timeframe.multiplier / 60) ? timeframe.period :
timeframe.multiplier < 60 ? timeframe.period + " M |" :
str.tostring(timeframe.multiplier / 60) + " H |"
else if timef_res == "Intraday"
timef_text := na(str.tonumber(timef) / 60) ? str.tostring(timef) :
str.tonumber(timef) < 60 ? str.tostring(timef) + " M |" :
str.tostring(str.tonumber(timef) / 60) + " H |"
timef_text := str.tostring(timef)
//calculate maximum S/R channel zone width
prdhighest = request.security(syminfo.tickerid, timef, ta.highest(300))
prdlowest = request.security(syminfo.tickerid, timef, ta.lowest(300))
cwidth = (prdhighest - prdlowest) * ChannelW / 100
var pivotvals = array.new_float(0)
if ph or pl
array.unshift(pivotvals, ph ? ph : pl)
if array.size(pivotvals) > maxnumpp // limit the array size
get_sr_vals(ind) =>
float lo = array.get(pivotvals, ind)
float hi = lo
int numpp = 0
for y = 0 to array.size(pivotvals) - 1 by 1
float cpp = array.get(pivotvals, y)
float wdth = cpp <= lo ? hi - cpp : cpp - lo
if wdth <= cwidth // fits the max channel width?
lo := cpp <= lo ? cpp : lo
hi := cpp > lo ? cpp : hi
numpp += 1
[hi, lo, numpp]
var sr_up_level = array.new_float(0)
var sr_dn_level = array.new_float(0)
sr_strength = array.new_float(0)
symVPosition = 'top'
symHPosition = 'left'
find_loc(strength) =>
ret = array.size(sr_strength)
for i = ret > 0 ? array.size(sr_strength) - 1 : na to 0 by 1
if strength <= array.get(sr_strength, i)
ret := i

check_sr(hi, lo, strength) =>

ret = true
for i = 0 to array.size(sr_up_level) > 0 ? array.size(sr_up_level) - 1 : na by
if array.get(sr_up_level, i) >= lo and array.get(sr_up_level, i) <= hi or
array.get(sr_dn_level, i) >= lo and array.get(sr_dn_level, i) <= hi
if strength >= array.get(sr_strength, i)
array.remove(sr_strength, i)
array.remove(sr_up_level, i)
array.remove(sr_dn_level, i)
ret := false

var sr_lines = array.new_line(11, na)

var sr_labels = array.new_label(11, na)
var timef_labels = array.new_label(11, na)
c_title = color.new(color.black, 0)
s_title = 'large'
a_title = 'center'
if ph or pl
//because of new calculation, remove old S/R levels
//find S/R zones
for x = 0 to array.size(pivotvals) - 1 by 1
[hi, lo, strength] = get_sr_vals(x)
if check_sr(hi, lo, strength)
loc = find_loc(strength)
// if strength is in first levels sr then insert it to the arrays
if loc < levels and strength >= min_strength
array.insert(sr_strength, loc, strength)
array.insert(sr_up_level, loc, hi)
array.insert(sr_dn_level, loc, lo)
// keep size of the arrays = 5
if array.size(sr_strength) > levels

for x = 1 to 10 by 1
line.delete(array.get(sr_lines, x))
label.delete(array.get(sr_labels, x))
label.delete(array.get(timef_labels, x))

for x = 0 to array.size(sr_up_level) > 0 ? array.size(sr_up_level) - 1 : na by

float mid = math.round_to_mintick((array.get(sr_up_level, x) +
array.get(sr_dn_level, x)) / 2)
if showSR
array.set(sr_lines, x + 1, line.new(x1=bar_index, y1=mid, x2=bar_index
- 1, y2=mid, extend=extend.both, color=mid >= close ? resistancecolor :
supportcolor, style=Lstyle, width=linewidth))
if labelon == "On"
size = labelsize == "Small" ? size.small : labelsize == "Default" ?
size.normal : size.large
array.set(sr_labels, x + 1, label.new(x=bar_index + labelloc,
y=mid, text=(showtimef ? timef_text : na) + (showtprice ? (" " + str.tostring(mid))
: na), color=mid >= close ? #ff525200 : #00e67700, textcolor=labelcol,
size = size, style=label.style_label_left))

f_crossed_over() =>
ret = false
for x = 0 to array.size(sr_up_level) > 0 ? array.size(sr_up_level) - 1 : na by
float mid = math.round_to_mintick((array.get(sr_up_level, x) +
array.get(sr_dn_level, x)) / 2)
if close[1] <= mid and close > mid
ret := true

f_crossed_under() =>
ret = false
for x = 0 to array.size(sr_up_level) > 0 ? array.size(sr_up_level) - 1 : na by
float mid = math.round_to_mintick((array.get(sr_up_level, x) +
array.get(sr_dn_level, x)) / 2)
if close[1] >= mid and close < mid
ret := true

alertcondition(f_crossed_over(), title= "Price Breaks Resistance", message = "Price

Breaks Resistance, TimeFrame={{interval}}")
alertcondition(f_crossed_under(), title="Price Loses Support", message="Price Loses
Support, TimeFrame={{interval}}")
textVPosition = 'bottom'
textHPosition = 'center'

// alertcondition(up_trend_line_broken,'Up TrendLine Broken','Up TrendLine Broken')

// alertcondition(down_trend_line_broken,'Down TrendLine Broken','Down TrendLine
alertcondition(up_trend_line_broken or down_trend_line_broken,'Trendline
Broken','Trendline Broken')

// EMAs
ema1 = ta.ema(srcEma1, lenEma1)
ema2 = ta.ema(srcEma2, lenEma2)
ema3 = ta.ema(srcEma3, lenEma3)
plot(showEmas ? ema1 : na, "EMA 1", #787b86 , 1)
plot(showEmas ? ema2 : na, "EMA 2", #787b86, 1)
plot(showEmas ? ema3 : na, "EMA 3", #787b86, 1)
width = 0
height = 0
c_symInfo = color.new(color.black, 30)
s_symInfo = 'normal'
a_symInfo = 'center'
c_bg = color.new(color.blue, 100)
textWatermark = table.new(textVPosition + '_' + textHPosition, 1, 3)
table.cell(textWatermark, 0, 0, title, width, height, c_title, a_title,
text_size=s_title, bgcolor=c_bg)
table.cell(textWatermark, 0, 1, subtitle, width, height, c_subtitle, a_subtitle,
text_size=s_subtitle, bgcolor=c_bg)
symWatermark = table.new(symVPosition + '_' + symHPosition, 5, 5)
if symInfoCheck == true
table.cell(symWatermark, 0, 1, symInfo, width, height, c_symInfo, a_symInfo,
text_size=s_symInfo, bgcolor=c_bg)
table.cell(symWatermark, 0, 0, date, width, height, c_symInfo, a_symInfo,
text_size=s_symInfo, bgcolor=c_bg)

// New Features

// User inputs
rsiOB = 68
rsiOS = 32
rsiOB2 = 70
rsiOS2 = 30
rsiOS3 = 24
// Big candle detector
lastCandleSize = math.abs(high[1] - low[1])
curCandleSize = math.abs(high - low)

bullishCandle = curCandleSize > lastCandleSize * 1.5 and close > open

bearishCandle = curCandleSize > lastCandleSize * 1.5 and close < open

// RSI
rsiValue = ta.rsi(close[1], 14)
// reversalbuysell = input(true, "[AI] Reversals", group="BUY & SELL
// reversalsignaltype = input.string("All", "Signal Type", ["All", "Bullish",
"Bearish"], group="BUY & SELL SIGNALS")
// reversalmode = input.string("Swing", "Mode", ["Scalp", "Swing",
"Accumulation"], group="BUY & SELL SIGNALS")
// Plot signal
// Scalp
// Trend Cloud
Curly_Fries = 74
Chicken_Sandwich = 144
ema_150 = ta.ema(close, Curly_Fries)
ema_250 = ta.ema(close, Chicken_Sandwich)
a = plot(ema_150, transp=100)
c = plot(ema_250, transp=100)
uppapa = ema_150 > ema_250
downpapa = ema_150 < ema_250
mycolor = uppapa ? trendcloudbull : downpapa ? trendcloudbear : na
fill(a, c, color=mycolor, transp=70)

// Two Way Alert generator

// Label = Sinyalleri açıp kapatmak (Scalp Mode)
// Trend Bar Colour Eklenecek
// FluxChart Renklendirilmiş (Area) MTF S/R
// Elite Algo Smart Signals Bulutu
// AI signals - [AI] Trend Contiunation
// Scalp Mode
// Swing Mode
// Accumulation Mode Rsi oversold 23 (Sadece Long)
// cyan = #00DBFF, cyan30 = color.new(cyan, 70)
// pink = #b2b5be, pink30 = color.new(pink, 70)
//alertcondition((bullishCandle and longAlerts) or (bearishCandle and shortAlerts),
title="Alert", message="Alert for {{ticker}}")
// Scalping
plotshape(bullishCandle and reversalbuysell == true and reversalsignaltype ==
"Bullish" and reversalmode == "Scalp" and (rsiValue[1] < rsiOS or rsiValue <
rsiOS), color=#00DBFF, style=shape.xcross, size=size.small,
plotshape(bearishCandle and reversalbuysell == true and reversalsignaltype ==
"Bearish" and reversalmode == "Scalp" and (rsiValue[1] > rsiOB or rsiValue >
rsiOB), color=#787b86, style=shape.xcross, size=size.small,
plotshape(bullishCandle and reversalbuysell == true and reversalsignaltype == "All"
and reversalmode == "Scalp" and (rsiValue[1] < rsiOS or rsiValue < rsiOS),
color=#00DBFF, style=shape.xcross, size=size.small, location=location.belowbar)
plotshape(bearishCandle and reversalbuysell == true and reversalsignaltype == "All"
and reversalmode == "Scalp" and (rsiValue[1] > rsiOB or rsiValue > rsiOB),
color=#787b86, style=shape.xcross, size=size.small, location=location.abovebar)
// Swing
plotshape(bullishCandle and reversalbuysell == true and reversalsignaltype ==
"Bullish" and reversalmode == "Swing" and (rsiValue[1] < rsiOS2 or rsiValue <
rsiOS2), color=#00DBFF, style=shape.xcross, size=size.small,
plotshape(bearishCandle and reversalbuysell == true and reversalsignaltype ==
"Bearish" and reversalmode == "Swing" and (rsiValue[1] > rsiOB2 or rsiValue >
rsiOB2), color=#787b86, style=shape.xcross, size=size.small,
plotshape(bullishCandle and reversalbuysell == true and reversalsignaltype == "All"
and reversalmode == "Swing" and (rsiValue[1] < rsiOS2 or rsiValue < rsiOS2),
color=#00DBFF, style=shape.xcross, size=size.small, location=location.belowbar)
plotshape(bearishCandle and reversalbuysell == true and reversalsignaltype == "All"
and reversalmode == "Swing" and (rsiValue[1] > rsiOB2 or rsiValue > rsiOB2),
color=#787b86, style=shape.xcross, size=size.small, location=location.abovebar)
// Accumulation
plotshape(bullishCandle and reversalbuysell == true and reversalmode ==
"Accumulation" and (rsiValue[1] < rsiOS3 or rsiValue < rsiOS3), color=#00DBFF,
style=shape.xcross, size=size.small, location=location.belowbar)

// AI Signals
plotshape(ta.crossover(wt1, wt2) and wt2 <= -53 and ema_150 > ema_250 and AiBuySell
and aisensitivitysetter == "Moderate", "AI Strong Buy", shape.triangleup,
location.belowbar, cyan, size=size.tiny, editable = false)
plotshape(ta.crossunder(wt1, wt2) and wt2 >= 53 and AiBuySell and ema_150 < ema_250
and aisensitivitysetter == "Moderate", "AI Strong Sell", shape.triangledown,
location.abovebar, pink, size=size.tiny, editable = false)
plotshape(ta.crossover(wt1, wt2) and wt2 <= -53 and ema_150 > ema_250 and AiBuySell
and aisensitivitysetter == "Strong", "AI Strong Buy", shape.triangleup,
location.belowbar, cyan, size=size.tiny, editable = false)
plotshape(ta.crossunder(wt1, wt2) and wt2 >= 53 and AiBuySell and ema_150 < ema_250
and aisensitivitysetter == "Strong", "AI Strong Sell", shape.triangledown,
location.abovebar, pink, size=size.tiny, editable = false)
plotshape(wtDivBull and AiBuySell and ema_150 > ema_250 and aisensitivitysetter ==
"Moderate", "AI Strongest Buy ", shape.triangleup , location.belowbar, cyan,
size=size.tiny, editable = false)
plotshape(wtDivBear and AiBuySell and ema_150 < ema_250 and aisensitivitysetter ==
"Moderate", "AI Strongest Sell", shape.triangledown, location.abovebar, pink,
size=size.tiny, editable = false)
plotshape(wtDivBull and AiBuySell and ema_150 > ema_250 and aisensitivitysetter ==
"Strongest", "AI Strongest Buy ", shape.triangleup , location.belowbar, cyan,
size=size.tiny, editable = false)
plotshape(wtDivBear and AiBuySell and ema_150 < ema_250 and aisensitivitysetter ==
"Strongest", "AI Strongest Sell", shape.triangledown, location.abovebar, pink,
size=size.tiny, editable = false)

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