EzAlgo V12
EzAlgo V12
EzAlgo V12
// Functions
smoothrng(x, t, m) =>
wper = t * 2 - 1
avrng = ta.ema(math.abs(x - x[1]), t)
smoothrng = ta.ema(avrng, wper) * m
rngfilt(x, r) =>
rngfilt = x
rngfilt := x > nz(rngfilt[1]) ? x - r < nz(rngfilt[1]) ? nz(rngfilt[1]) : x - r
: x + r > nz(rngfilt[1]) ? nz(rngfilt[1]) : x + r
percWidth(len, perc) => (ta.highest(len) - ta.lowest(len)) * perc / 100
securityNoRep(sym, res, src) => request.security(sym, res, src, barmerge.gaps_off,
swingPoints(prd) =>
pivHi = ta.pivothigh(prd, prd)
pivLo = ta.pivotlow (prd, prd)
last_pivHi = ta.valuewhen(pivHi, pivHi, 1)
last_pivLo = ta.valuewhen(pivLo, pivLo, 1)
hh = pivHi and pivHi > last_pivHi ? pivHi : na
lh = pivHi and pivHi < last_pivHi ? pivHi : na
hl = pivLo and pivLo > last_pivLo ? pivLo : na
ll = pivLo and pivLo < last_pivLo ? pivLo : na
[hh, lh, hl, ll]
f_chartTfInMinutes() =>
float _resInMinutes = timeframe.multiplier * (
timeframe.isseconds ? 1 :
timeframe.isminutes ? 1. :
timeframe.isdaily ? 60. * 24 :
timeframe.isweekly ? 60. * 24 * 7 :
timeframe.ismonthly ? 60. * 24 * 30.4375 : na)
f_kc(src, len, sensitivity) =>
basis = ta.sma(src, len)
span = ta.atr(len)
[basis + span * sensitivity, basis - span * sensitivity]
wavetrend(src, chlLen, avgLen) =>
esa = ta.ema(src, chlLen)
d = ta.ema(math.abs(src - esa), chlLen)
ci = (src - esa) / (0.015 * d)
wt1 = ta.ema(ci, avgLen)
wt2 = ta.sma(wt1, 3)
[wt1, wt2]
f_top_fractal(src) => src[4] < src[2] and src[3] < src[2] and src[2] > src[1] and
src[2] > src[0]
f_bot_fractal(src) => src[4] > src[2] and src[3] > src[2] and src[2] < src[1] and
src[2] < src[0]
f_fractalize (src) => f_top_fractal(src) ? 1 : f_bot_fractal(src) ? -1 : 0
f_findDivs(src, topLimit, botLimit) =>
fractalTop = f_fractalize(src) > 0 and src[2] >= topLimit ? src[2] : na
fractalBot = f_fractalize(src) < 0 and src[2] <= botLimit ? src[2] : na
highPrev = ta.valuewhen(fractalTop, src[2], 0)[2]
highPrice = ta.valuewhen(fractalTop, high[2], 0)[2]
lowPrev = ta.valuewhen(fractalBot, src[2], 0)[2]
lowPrice = ta.valuewhen(fractalBot, low[2], 0)[2]
bearSignal = fractalTop and high[2] > highPrice and src[2] < highPrev
bullSignal = fractalBot and low[2] < lowPrice and src[2] > lowPrev
[bearSignal, bullSignal]
title = 'AlgoPoint'
subtitle = 'Leaked Algos - Courses | IG: algopoint'
// Get components
source = close
smrng1 = smoothrng(source, 27, 1.5)
smrng2 = smoothrng(source, 55, sensitivity)
smrng = (smrng1 + smrng2) / 2
filt = rngfilt(source, smrng)
up = 0.0, up := filt > filt[1] ? nz(up[1]) + 1 : filt < filt[1] ? 0 :
dn = 0.0, dn := filt < filt[1] ? nz(dn[1]) + 1 : filt > filt[1] ? 0 :
bullCond = bool(na), bullCond := source > filt and source > source[1] and up > 0
or source > filt and source < source[1] and up > 0
bearCond = bool(na), bearCond := source < filt and source < source[1] and dn > 0
or source < filt and source > source[1] and dn > 0
lastCond = 0, lastCond := bullCond ? 1 : bearCond ? -1 : lastCond[1]
bull = bullCond and lastCond[1] == -1
bear = bearCond and lastCond[1] == 1
countBull = ta.barssince(bull)
countBear = ta.barssince(bear)
trigger = nz(countBull, bar_index) < nz(countBear, bar_index) ? 1 : 0
rsi = ta.rsi(close, 21)
rsiOb = rsi > 70 and rsi > ta.ema(rsi, 10)
rsiOs = rsi < 30 and rsi < ta.ema(rsi, 10)
dHigh = securityNoRep(syminfo.tickerid, "D", high [1])
dLow = securityNoRep(syminfo.tickerid, "D", low [1])
dClose = securityNoRep(syminfo.tickerid, "D", close[1])
ema = ta.ema(close, 144)
emaBull = close > ema
equal_tf(res) => str.tonumber(res) == f_chartTfInMinutes() and not
higher_tf(res) => str.tonumber(res) > f_chartTfInMinutes() or timeframe.isseconds
too_small_tf(res) => (timeframe.isweekly and res=="1") or (timeframe.ismonthly and
str.tonumber(res) < 10)
securityNoRep1(sym, res, src) =>
bool bull_ = na
bull_ := equal_tf(res) ? src : bull_
bull_ := higher_tf(res) ? request.security(sym, res, src, barmerge.gaps_off,
barmerge.lookahead_on) : bull_
bull_array = request.security_lower_tf(syminfo.tickerid, higher_tf(res) ?
str.tostring(f_chartTfInMinutes()) + (timeframe.isseconds ? "S" : "") :
too_small_tf(res) ? (timeframe.isweekly ? "3" : "10") : res, src)
if array.size(bull_array) > 1 and not equal_tf(res) and not higher_tf(res)
bull_ := array.pop(bull_array)
TF1Bull = securityNoRep1(syminfo.tickerid, "1" , emaBull)
TF3Bull = securityNoRep1(syminfo.tickerid, "3" , emaBull)
TF5Bull = securityNoRep1(syminfo.tickerid, "5" , emaBull)
TF15Bull = securityNoRep1(syminfo.tickerid, "15" , emaBull)
TF30Bull = securityNoRep1(syminfo.tickerid, "30" , emaBull)
TF60Bull = securityNoRep1(syminfo.tickerid, "60" , emaBull)
TF120Bull = securityNoRep1(syminfo.tickerid, "120" , emaBull)
TF240Bull = securityNoRep1(syminfo.tickerid, "240" , emaBull)
TF480Bull = securityNoRep1(syminfo.tickerid, "480" , emaBull)
TFDBull = securityNoRep1(syminfo.tickerid, "1440", emaBull)
[upperKC1, lowerKC1] = f_kc(close, lenRevBands, 3)
[upperKC2, lowerKC2] = f_kc(close, lenRevBands, 4)
[upperKC3, lowerKC3] = f_kc(close, lenRevBands, 5)
[upperKC4, lowerKC4] = f_kc(close, lenRevBands, 6)
[wt1, wt2] = wavetrend(hlc3, 9, 12)
[wtDivBear1, wtDivBull1] = f_findDivs(wt2, 15, -40)
[wtDivBear2, wtDivBull2] = f_findDivs(wt2, 45, -65)
wtDivBull = wtDivBull1 or wtDivBull2
wtDivBear = wtDivBear1 or wtDivBear2
symInfoCheck = false
symInfo = syminfo.ticker + ' | ' + timeframe.period + (timeframe.isminutes ? 'M' :
date = str.tostring(dayofmonth(time_close)) + '/' + str.tostring(month(time_close))
+ '/' + str.tostring(year(time_close))
// Colors
cyan = #00DBFF, cyan30 = color.new(cyan, 70)
pink = #b2b5be, pink30 = color.new(pink, 70)
red = #b2b5be, red30 = color.new(red , 70)
barupcolor = barcoloronof == true ? #00DBFF : na
bardowncolor = barcoloronof == true ? #b2b5be : na
// Plot
// Alerts
alert02 = bull
alert03 = wtDivBull
alert04 = wtDivBear
alert05 = bull or bear
alert06 = ta.crossover(wt1, wt2) and wt2 <= -53
alert07 = ta.crossunder(wt1, wt2) and wt2 >= 53
alert09 = rsiOb or rsiOs
alert10 = bear
alerts(sym) =>
if alert02 or alert03 or alert04 or alert06 or alert07 or alert10
alert_text = alert02 ? "Buy Signal PunkAlgo" : alert03 ? "Strong Buy Signal
PunkAlgo" : alert04 ? "Strong Sell Signal PunkAlgo" : alert06 ? "Mild Buy Signal
PunkAlgo" : alert07 ? "Mild Sell Signal PunkAlgo" : "Sell Signal PunkAlgo"
alert(alert_text, alert.freq_once_per_bar_close)
// Trendlines Modules
var int X_prev_low = na, var float Y_prev_low = na, var int X_curr_low = na, var
float Y_curr_low = na
var int X_curr_high = na, var float Y_curr_high = na, var int X_prev_high = na, var
float Y_prev_high = na
slopeph2 = (line.get_y2(line) - line.get_y1(line))/(line.get_x2(line) -
extendedph2 = line.get_y2(line) - slopeph2 * (line.get_x2(line) - bar_index)
up_trend_line_formed= false
down_trend_line_formed = false
if pl2
X_prev_low := X_curr_low, Y_prev_low := Y_curr_low, prev_close_L :=
X_curr_low := bar_index[pivLen_R], Y_curr_low := s_low[pivLen_R],
curr_close_L:= s_close[pivLen_R]
if Y_prev_low < Y_curr_low and show_trendlines and Y_curr_low > prev_close_L
newTrendLine('pl2', X_prev_low, Y_prev_low, X_curr_low, Y_curr_low)
if ph2
X_prev_high := X_curr_high, Y_prev_high := Y_curr_high, prev_close_H :=
X_curr_high := bar_index[pivLen_R], Y_curr_high := s_high[pivLen_R],
curr_close_H:= s_close[pivLen_R]
up_trend_line_broken = false
down_trend_line_broken = false
for x in pivot_low_array
var line [] Down_Trend_Lines = array.new_line(tl_array_size_up)
var label [] Down_Trend_Labels = array.new_label(tl_array_size_up)
src = Source_tl == 'Close' ? s_close : s_low
x.set_xy2(bar_index, SlopeOfLine(x))
if x.get_x2() - x.get_x1() > 300
if src < line.get_y2(x)
tl_line = line.new(line.get_x1(x), line.get_y1(x), line.get_x2(x),
line.get_y2(x), color = broken_color_down, style = lineStyle_broken, width =
line_width_broken,xloc = xloc.bar_index, extend = extendLine_B ? extend.right :
if Down_Trend_Lines.size() > (tl_array_size_up)
for x in pivot_high_array
var line [] Up_Trend_Lines = array.new_line(tl_array_size_dn)
var label [] Up_Trend_Labels = array.new_label(tl_array_size_dn)
src = Source_tl == 'Close' ? s_close : s_high
x.set_xy2(bar_index, SlopeOfLine(x))
if x.get_x2() - x.get_x1() > 300
if src > line.get_y2(x)
tl_line = line.new(line.get_x1(x), line.get_y1(x), line.get_x2(x),
line.get_y2(x), color = broken_color_up, style = lineStyle_broken, width =
line_width_broken,xloc = xloc.bar_index, extend = extendLine_B ? extend.right :
if Up_Trend_Lines.size() > (tl_array_size_dn)
for x = 1 to 10 by 1
line.delete(array.get(sr_lines, x))
label.delete(array.get(sr_labels, x))
label.delete(array.get(timef_labels, x))
f_crossed_over() =>
ret = false
for x = 0 to array.size(sr_up_level) > 0 ? array.size(sr_up_level) - 1 : na by
float mid = math.round_to_mintick((array.get(sr_up_level, x) +
array.get(sr_dn_level, x)) / 2)
if close[1] <= mid and close > mid
ret := true
f_crossed_under() =>
ret = false
for x = 0 to array.size(sr_up_level) > 0 ? array.size(sr_up_level) - 1 : na by
float mid = math.round_to_mintick((array.get(sr_up_level, x) +
array.get(sr_dn_level, x)) / 2)
if close[1] >= mid and close < mid
ret := true
// EMAs
ema1 = ta.ema(srcEma1, lenEma1)
ema2 = ta.ema(srcEma2, lenEma2)
ema3 = ta.ema(srcEma3, lenEma3)
plot(showEmas ? ema1 : na, "EMA 1", #787b86 , 1)
plot(showEmas ? ema2 : na, "EMA 2", #787b86, 1)
plot(showEmas ? ema3 : na, "EMA 3", #787b86, 1)
width = 0
height = 0
c_symInfo = color.new(color.black, 30)
s_symInfo = 'normal'
a_symInfo = 'center'
c_bg = color.new(color.blue, 100)
textWatermark = table.new(textVPosition + '_' + textHPosition, 1, 3)
table.cell(textWatermark, 0, 0, title, width, height, c_title, a_title,
text_size=s_title, bgcolor=c_bg)
table.cell(textWatermark, 0, 1, subtitle, width, height, c_subtitle, a_subtitle,
text_size=s_subtitle, bgcolor=c_bg)
symWatermark = table.new(symVPosition + '_' + symHPosition, 5, 5)
if symInfoCheck == true
table.cell(symWatermark, 0, 1, symInfo, width, height, c_symInfo, a_symInfo,
text_size=s_symInfo, bgcolor=c_bg)
table.cell(symWatermark, 0, 0, date, width, height, c_symInfo, a_symInfo,
text_size=s_symInfo, bgcolor=c_bg)
// New Features
// User inputs
rsiOB = 68
rsiOS = 32
rsiOB2 = 70
rsiOS2 = 30
rsiOS3 = 24
// Big candle detector
lastCandleSize = math.abs(high[1] - low[1])
curCandleSize = math.abs(high - low)
// RSI
rsiValue = ta.rsi(close[1], 14)
// reversalbuysell = input(true, "[AI] Reversals", group="BUY & SELL
// reversalsignaltype = input.string("All", "Signal Type", ["All", "Bullish",
"Bearish"], group="BUY & SELL SIGNALS")
// reversalmode = input.string("Swing", "Mode", ["Scalp", "Swing",
"Accumulation"], group="BUY & SELL SIGNALS")
// Plot signal
// Scalp
// Trend Cloud
Curly_Fries = 74
Chicken_Sandwich = 144
ema_150 = ta.ema(close, Curly_Fries)
ema_250 = ta.ema(close, Chicken_Sandwich)
a = plot(ema_150, transp=100)
c = plot(ema_250, transp=100)
uppapa = ema_150 > ema_250
downpapa = ema_150 < ema_250
mycolor = uppapa ? trendcloudbull : downpapa ? trendcloudbear : na
fill(a, c, color=mycolor, transp=70)
// AI Signals
plotshape(ta.crossover(wt1, wt2) and wt2 <= -53 and ema_150 > ema_250 and AiBuySell
and aisensitivitysetter == "Moderate", "AI Strong Buy", shape.triangleup,
location.belowbar, cyan, size=size.tiny, editable = false)
plotshape(ta.crossunder(wt1, wt2) and wt2 >= 53 and AiBuySell and ema_150 < ema_250
and aisensitivitysetter == "Moderate", "AI Strong Sell", shape.triangledown,
location.abovebar, pink, size=size.tiny, editable = false)
plotshape(ta.crossover(wt1, wt2) and wt2 <= -53 and ema_150 > ema_250 and AiBuySell
and aisensitivitysetter == "Strong", "AI Strong Buy", shape.triangleup,
location.belowbar, cyan, size=size.tiny, editable = false)
plotshape(ta.crossunder(wt1, wt2) and wt2 >= 53 and AiBuySell and ema_150 < ema_250
and aisensitivitysetter == "Strong", "AI Strong Sell", shape.triangledown,
location.abovebar, pink, size=size.tiny, editable = false)
plotshape(wtDivBull and AiBuySell and ema_150 > ema_250 and aisensitivitysetter ==
"Moderate", "AI Strongest Buy ", shape.triangleup , location.belowbar, cyan,
size=size.tiny, editable = false)
plotshape(wtDivBear and AiBuySell and ema_150 < ema_250 and aisensitivitysetter ==
"Moderate", "AI Strongest Sell", shape.triangledown, location.abovebar, pink,
size=size.tiny, editable = false)
plotshape(wtDivBull and AiBuySell and ema_150 > ema_250 and aisensitivitysetter ==
"Strongest", "AI Strongest Buy ", shape.triangleup , location.belowbar, cyan,
size=size.tiny, editable = false)
plotshape(wtDivBear and AiBuySell and ema_150 < ema_250 and aisensitivitysetter ==
"Strongest", "AI Strongest Sell", shape.triangledown, location.abovebar, pink,
size=size.tiny, editable = false)