Object Oriented Programming Through Java March 2021
Object Oriented Programming Through Java March 2021
Object Oriented Programming Through Java March 2021
2 a) Explain Java Virtual Machine and its architecture with a neat diagram. [8M]
b) Discuss the importance of Java Tokens in detail. [7M]
3 a) Define inheritance. What are the benefits of inheritance? What costs are [8M]
associated with inheritance? How to prevent a class from inheritance?
b) Explain constructor overloading in java with a suitable example. [7M]
4 a) Discuss the purpose of a garbage collector. [7M]
b) Explain the Static keyword with its usage with suitable examples. [8M]
5 a) Explain how to define handler classes using inner classes. [7M]
b) Write a Java program to create graphical user interfaces with various user- [8M]
interface controls.
6 a) Write a Java program to enter data using the TextField class and password using [8M]
the PasswordField class.
b) Explain how to define handler classes using anonymous inner classes. [7M]
7 a) Discuss the differences between InputStream and OutputStream in Java. [8M]
b) Explain how to improve I/O performance by using BufferedInputStream and [7M]
8 a) Write a Java program to illustrate the use of the PrintStream class. [7M]
b) Write a Java program to read content from one file and write it into another file. [8M]
9 a) Explain the importance of task classes by implementing the Runnable interface. [7M]
b) Discuss the features of Java Beans in detail. [8M]
10 a) Explain the use of synchronized methods or blocks to synchronize threads to [8M]
avoid race conditions
b) Write a Java program to explain user -Defined Exceptions. [7M]
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2 a) Explain java features along with the program structure in detail. [8M]
b) Explain class, public, static, void, main, string, and system.out.println() key [7M]
3 a) What is polymorphasion? How do we implement polymorphism in JAVA? [8M]
Explain briefly.
b) Write a program to demonstrate hierarchical and multiple inheritance using [7M]
4 a) How to design and implement an interface in Java? Give an example. [7M]
b) Explain this keyword with an example? Explain abstract class with example [8M]
5 a) Explain the procedure to simplify event handling using lambda expressions. [7M]
b) Write a Java program to create a radio button using the RadioButton class and [8M]
group radio buttons using a ToggleGroup.
6 a) Write a Java program to write a program to deal MouseEvents. [8M]
b) Explain the procedure to create a label with text and graphic using the Label [7M]
class and explore properties in the abstract.
7 a) Discuss useful methods of OutputStream. [8M]
b) Explain features of Random Access Files. [7M]
8 a) Discuss the importance of Event-driven model with a neat sketch. [7M]
b) Write a Java program to read a file line by line. [8M]
9 a) Explain the procedure to control animations using threads and use [7M]
Platform.runLater to run the code in the application thread.
b) Discuss the features of Assertions. [8M]
10 a) Explain the procedure to restrict the number of concurrent tasks that access a [8M]
shared resource using semaphores.
b) Explain the support of Java for Network Programming. [7M]
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II B. Tech I Semester Regular Examinations, March - 2021
(Electronics and Communication Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 75
Answer any FIVE Questions each Question from each unit
All Questions carry Equal Marks
1 a) Explain the need of object-oriented programming? Give applications of java? [8M]
b) Discuss different – Inbult uesses in brief.. [7M]
2 a) Explain the concept of Overloading in Java with suitable example. [6M]
b) List the primitive data types available in Java and explain. [9M]
3 a) Write the benefits of packages and interfaces. [6M]
b) What is method overloading? Can you define two methods that have the same [9M]
name but different parameter types? Can you define two methods in a class with
identical method names and parameter profiles with different return value types or
different modifiers?
4 a) How can we add a class to a package? Write about relative and absolute paths. [7M]
b) Fields in an interface are implicitly static and final. Justify the validity of the [8M]
5 a) Write a Java program to develop an animation for simulating a bouncing ball. [7M]
b) Write a Java program to create a check box using the CheckBox class. [8M]
6 a) Explain the procedure to define handler classes, register handler objects with the [8M]
source object, and write the code to handle events.
b) Explain the procedure to create a button with text and graphic using the Button [7M]
class and set a handler using the setOnAction method in the abstract ButtonBase
7 a) Explain Useful methods of InputStream. [8M]
b) Discuss features of High-Level File I/O. [7M]
8 a) Write a Java program to read and write primitive values and strings using [7M]
DataInputStream and DataOutputStream .
b) Compare and contrast the features of Text I/O vs Binary I/O. [8M]
9 a) Explain the procedure to create synchronized collections using the static methods [7M]
in the Collections class.
b) Write a Java program to throw exceptions and multiple catch Blocks. [8M]
10 a) Discuss the procedure to develop parallel programs using the Fork/Join [8M]
b) Write a Java program to simulate the importance of Exceptions. [7M]
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2 a) Explain the history of Java ? Summarize the need of object-oriented [7M]
b) List and explain Java Buzz words in detail. [8M]
3 a) What is an interface? What are the similarities between interfaces and classes? [7M]
b) Demonstrate the importance of abstract classes? Show it with an example? [8M]
4 a) Give an example where the interface can be used to support multiple [8M]
b) What is the interface? Write a program to demonstrate how interfaces can be [7M]
5 a) Explain the features of event-driven programming. [7M]
b) Write a Java program to enter data in multiple lines using the TextArea class. [8M]
6 a) Explain different layout managers of Java. [8M]
b) Write a Java program to select a single item using ComboBox. [7M]
7 a) Write the procedure to store and restore objects using ObjectOutputStream and [7M]
b) Explain the features of Low-Level File I/O. [8M]
8 a) Write a Java program to get file creation, last access, and last modification time. [8M]
b) Discuss the features of Binary I/O Classes. [7M]
9 a) Discuss the procedure to use the resource-ordering technique to avoid deadlocks [8M]
b) Write a Java program to propagate exceptions. [7M]
10 a) Explain the life cycle of a thread with a neat sketch. [7M]
b) Discuss various types of Exceptions in detail. [8M]
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