Iso 13769 2018
Iso 13769 2018
Iso 13769 2018
Third edition
Reference number
ISO 13769:2018(E)
© ISO 2018
ISO 13769:2018(E)
Contents Page
Foreword......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... iv
1 Scope.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
2 Normative references....................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
3 Terms and definitions...................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
4 Application of stamp markings.............................................................................................................................................................. 2
4.1 General............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 2
4.2 Workmanship............................................................................................................................................................................................ 2
4.3 Arrangement and position of stamp markings............................................................................................................ 3
Annex A (informative) Examples of permanent marking positions for metallic LPG cylinders...........10
Annex B (normative) Specific provisions for and examples of permanent markings of small
Annex C (normative) Locations of stamp markings...........................................................................................................................15
Bibliography.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 19
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out
through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical
committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International
organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.
ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of
electrotechnical standardization.
The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are
described in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 1. In particular the different approval criteria needed for the
different types of ISO documents should be noted. This document was drafted in accordance with the
editorial rules of the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2 (see
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. Details of
any patent rights identified during the development of the document will be in the Introduction and/or
on the ISO list of patent declarations received (see
Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not
constitute an endorsement.
For an explanation on the voluntary nature of standards, the meaning of ISO specific terms and
expressions related to conformity assessment, as well as information about ISO's adherence to the
World Trade Organization (WTO) principles in the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) see the following
This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 58, Gas cylinders, Subcommittee SC 4,
Operational requirements for gas cylinders. ISO 13769:2018
Any feedback or questions on this document should be directed to the user’s national standards body. A
complete listing of these bodies can be found at
This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition (ISO 13769:2007), which has been technically
revised. The main changes compared to the previous edition are as follows:
— inclusion of markings for non-refillable gas cylinders;
— inclusion of markings for gas cylinders less than 0,5 l water capacity;
— inclusion of marking examples for small non-refillable and refillable gas cylinders.
This document has been written so that it is suitable to be referenced in the UN Recommendations for
the Transport of Dangerous Goods — Model Regulations.
This document is intended to be applied at the time of cylinder manufacture. However, it may be applied
by the cylinder user during use operations, e.g. the stamping of “empty weight” (item 10 in Figures C.1,
C.2 and C.3) on cylinders not so marked at the time of manufacture. It is also intended to be applied at
the time of periodic inspection.
Some stamp markings include the year and month. The order of these time elements is given with the
most significant digits (the year) to the left, in accordance with the rules given in ISO 8601.
1 Scope
This document specifies stamp marking of transportable gas cylinders of volumes greater than 0,12 l
and up to or equal to 150 l and tubes of volumes up to or equal to 3 000 l, including:
— steel and aluminium-alloy gas cylinders;
— composite gas cylinders;
— acetylene cylinders;
— liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) cylinders (see Annex A); and
— small cylinders (see Annex B).
Unless noted by exception, the use of “cylinder” in this document refers to the above types of cylinders.
Non-refillable cylinders are addressed by this standard.
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content
constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For
undated references, the latest edition of the ISOreferenced
13769:2018 document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 10286, Gas cylinders — Terminology e45fc86ee36e/iso-13769-2018
ISO 11114-1, Gas cylinders — Compatibility of cylinder and valve materials with gas contents — Part 1:
Metallic materials
UN Recommendations for the Transport of Dangerous Goods — Model Regulations (as amended)
durable marking
marking such as stencilling, labelling or other suitable methods
Note 1 to entry: Stencilling is the marking of a cylinder using inks and/or paints.
Note 2 to entry: Suitable methods include placing a tag/ring under the cylinder valve.
small cylinder
cylinder on which, due to its geometry, the arrangement and position of the markings cannot be
executed as described in Annex C
4.1 General
The stamp markings listed in Table 1 consist of manufacturing, operational and certification stamp
marks. See 4.3 for the arrangement and position of stamp markings.
Additional markings may be applied as agreed upon by interested parties, provided the layout does
not cause confusion regarding their interpretation and the clarity of other mandatory markings is not
Annex B specifies the marking provisions for small cylinders.
4.2 Workmanship (
The stamp markings listed in Table 1 shall be applied legibly so that the integrity of the cylinder is
ISO 13769:2018
unaffected, e.g. either on a
reinforced part of the cylinder or on a permanent attachment. Hard metal
stampings shall not be applied to the cylindrical part of the cylinder (unless applied by the manufacturer
as part of the manufacturing process).
For refillable metal and composite cylinders, the stamp markings shall be applied permanently. Certain
information (see Table 1) may be applied durably to the cylinder (e.g. by stencilling, labelling, using a ring).
For cylinders with a diameter less than 51 mm, the stamp marking may also be applied either
permanently or durably with a fixed label or other suitable method on the cylindrical part. However,
a hard metal stamping procedure shall not be used if it results in an unacceptable cycle and burst
The depth (when applicable) of the characters in the stamp marking applied by any method shall be
such that they are legible and durable under all operating conditions.
The stamp marking tools used (when applicable) shall have such radii as are necessary to prevent
the formation of sharp notches. The radius of the stamp marking tool should not be less than 0,2 mm.
Different values may be used, but it shall be demonstrated by fatigue and burst tests in accordance with
the design standard or equivalent that a failure does not initiate in the markings.
For welded cylinders, some stamp markings appear on a welded identity plate or on another part
permanently attached to the cylinder and thus are not subject to gas pressure.
For composite cylinders, permanent markings can be achieved by use of a printed label encapsulated
either by placing it under the resin or by covering it with a permanent transparent coating on the
shoulder or the side wall of the cylinder (see 4.3).
Except for the “UN” mark, the characters in the stamp markings shall be at least 5 mm in height.
This height may be reduced on cylinders with an outside diameter less than 140 mm except for small
cylinders, whose requirements are shown in B.1.1. In no case shall the characters be less than 2,5 mm
in height. The minimum size of the “UN” mark shall be 10 mm for cylinders with diameters greater than
or equal to 140 mm and 5 mm for cylinders with diameters less than 140 mm.
Table 1 (continued)
Status Figures as shown in Annex C (with examples)
(M)a Figure C.1
Stamp Figure C.2
Location Figure C.3
marking Description of the marking Location of
Normative of stamp Location of
number stamp mark-
(N)b marking for stamp marking
ing for lique-
compressed for acetylene
Optional fied gases
Manufacturing serial number: Alphanumeric identifi- M 7654321 7654322 7654323
cation number given or assigned by the manufacturer to
clearly identify the cylinder.
In the case of cylinders less than or equal to 1 l, the man-
ufacturing batch number may replace the manufacturing
serial number.
Stamp for non-destructive examination (NDE): When N if appli- UT MT PT
the cylinder is tested by and meets all the requirements cable
of NDE in accordance with an ISO standard for gas cyl-
inders (e.g. ultrasonic, magnetic particle, dye penetrant,
acoustic emission), the following symbols shall be used:
5 UT: for ultrasonic
MT: for magnetic particle
PT: for dye penetrant
AT: for acoustic emission
Identification of steel compatibility: Steel cylinders M if appli- H H —
and composite cylinders with steel liners compatible cable
with hydrogen and other gases of group 2 and group 11
in ISO 11114-1 shall be stamp marked with the letter
“H”. Stainless steel cylinders manufactured from high-
6 (
grade stainless steel and composite cylinders with
high-grade stainless-steel liners shall be stamped with
the letters “HG”.
ISO 13769:2018
X2CrNiMo17–12–2, as found in ISO 15510. e45fc86ee36e/iso-13769-2018
Test pressure: The prefix “PH” followed by the value of M PH300BAR PH250BAR PH60BAR or
the test pressure in bars and the letters “BAR”. PH52BAR
Inspection stamp: Identity mark or stamp of the au- M # # #
thorized inspection body.
Initial test datec: Year (four digits) followed by month M 2007/10 2007/10 2007/10
(two digits) of initial test, separated by a slash (i.e. “/”).
a Mandatory in accordance with the UN Model Regulations.
b Not mandatory according to the UN Model Regulations but normative for this document.
c In the UN Model Regulations, “date of the initial inspection” is used.
d In International Standards, “weight” is equivalent to a force, expressed in newtons. However, in common parlance (as used in terms defined in this
document), “weight” continues to be used to mean “mass,” although this practice is deprecated (see ISO 80000-4).
e The Aluminium Association Inc., 1400 Crystal Drive, Suite 430, Arlington, VA 22202, USA; www.
f The stamped value can be less than the approved value.
g The reference in UN Model Regulations is to mark No. 8 (not to mark No. 27).
Table 1 (continued)
Status Figures as shown in Annex C (with examples)
(M)a Figure C.1
Stamp Figure C.2
Location Figure C.3
marking Description of the marking Location of
Normative of stamp Location of
number stamp mark-
(N)b marking for stamp marking
ing for lique-
compressed for acetylene
Optional fied gases
Empty weight d: The weight of the cylinder in kilograms M for refilla- 62,1KG 43,3KG 45,3KG
(kg), including all integral parts (e.g. neckring, footring, ble cylinders
etc.) followed by the letters “KG”. This weight shall not
include the weight of the valve, valve cap or valve guard, O for non-re-
any coating or any porous material for acetylene. The fillable
empty weight shall be expressed to three significant cylinders
figures rounded up to the last digit. For cylinders less
than 1 kg, the empty weight shall be expressed to two
10 significant figures rounded up to the last digit. For acet-
ylene cylinders, it shall be expressed to at least one digit
after the decimal sign.
Weight 0,964 kg 1,064 kg 10,64 kg 106,41 kg
To be ex- 0,97 kg 1,07 kg 10,7 kg 107 kg
pressed as
Water capacity: The minimum water capacity, in litres, M for lique- ≈50L 40,6L 50,8L
guaranteed by the cylinder manufacturer, followed by fied gases
the letter “L”. On request by the customer or owner of
the cylinder for compressed gases, this capacity may be
expressed as the nominal average water capacity with a
N for acety-
tolerance of ±1,5 %. In such a case, the symbol “≈” shall
be stamped in front of the value of the water capacity.
O for
In the case of liquefied gases, the water capacity in litres gases
11 is expressed to three significant figures rounded down
ISO 13769:2018
to the last digit. If the value of the minimum or nominal
water capacity is an integer, the digits after the decimal
sign may be neglected. The actual determined volume
may also be indicated on request by the customer or
owner in special cases.
For cylinders intended to contain acetylene, the stamped
water capacity shall be the actual determined volume,
rounded down to three significant figures.
Identification of cylinder thread: M for refilla- 25E 25E 25E
ble cylinders
e.g. 17E or 25E thread in accordance with ISO 11363-1.
12 O for non-re-
Minimum guaranteed wall thickness: Minimum M 5,8MM 15,5MM 4,2MM
guaranteed wall thickness in millimetres (as per the
type approval test) of the cylindrical shell, followed by Exception:
the letters “MM”. not man-
datory for
13 cylinders or
O for non-re-
a Mandatory in accordance with the UN Model Regulations.
b Not mandatory according to the UN Model Regulations but normative for this document.
c In the UN Model Regulations, “date of the initial inspection” is used.
d In International Standards, “weight” is equivalent to a force, expressed in newtons. However, in common parlance (as used in terms defined in this
document), “weight” continues to be used to mean “mass,” although this practice is deprecated (see ISO 80000-4).
e The Aluminium Association Inc., 1400 Crystal Drive, Suite 430, Arlington, VA 22202, USA; www.
f The stamped value can be less than the approved value.
g The reference in UN Model Regulations is to mark No. 8 (not to mark No. 27).