CHN Quizlet 2
CHN Quizlet 2
CHN Quizlet 2
a) Working to improve health and well being for the global popu- d) All of the above
b) The public health arm of the united nations
c) Working with nurses to promote public health interventions
d) All of the above
The Institute of Medicine (IOM) stated in their report, The Future of
the Public's Health, that there are three core functions that society
carries out to collectively support the optimum conditions for public
health. Which one of the following is not one of these functions?
c) Prevention
a) Assessment
b) Assurance
c) Prevention
d) Policy development
With aging, there is an increase in noncommunicable (chronic)
illness. The PHN recognizes that an example of a noncommuni-
cable illness is:
a) Heart disease
a) Heart disease
b) Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)
c) HIV
d) Hepatitis
The obesity rate in a local neighborhood is partially the product
of a limited access to full service grocery stores and a lack of
dedicated safe venues for exercise. This is an example of is-
sues related to the "upstream" determinants of public health that
contribute to the ecology of a community's health "downstream."
The PHN understands that upstream determinants include social
d) Social and economic policies
relations, neighborhoods and communities, institutions, and ____.
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Which layer of government is responsible for issuing quarantines
during a communicable disease outbreak?
a)State b) Local
b) Local
c) Federal
d) All of the above
The nursing student is taught correctly that local health depart-
ments do not oversee which of the following?
a) Conducting a smoking cessation clinic b) Assisting low-income families to sign up for health-care insur-
b) Assisting low-income families to sign up for health-care insur- ance
c) Providing nutrition classes which offer weekly fill-in guides for
grocery shopping
d) Building a health and exercise center in a hospital near the
physical and occupational therapy areas
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a) National institute of occupational safety and health (NIOSH) d) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Community
b) Affordable care act (ACA) Health Assessment and Group Evaluation (CHANGE)
c) Institute of Medicine (IOM)'s report The future of public health
d) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Community
Health Assessment and Group Evaluation (CHANGE)
A PHN goes to a factory to find out why employees are missing
so many work days. What type of assessment would be the most
appropriate in this case?
a) Setting specific assessment
a) Setting specific assessment
b) Health impact assessment
c) Problem or health issue based assessment
d) Population focused assessment
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In order to develop maintenance and survival strategies for a
community in the event of an emergency, a PHN looks for useful
places, persons, and systems. This part of the assessment is
d) Asset mapping
a) Capacity building
b) Needs assessment
c) Participatory research
d) Asset mapping
A PHN encourages her public health department to use the Mo-
bilizing for Actions through Planning and Partnerships (MAPP)
strategic model because the six phases of the MAPP process
c) The full scope of health planning
a) Financial planning
b) Mortality review
c) The full scope of health planning
d) Geographic data collection
A PHN is using the MAPP model to conduct an assessment within
the community and has reached Phase 3, performing the four as-
sessments. The analysis of the legislation, technology, and other
external positive and negative influences that have an impact on
the promotion and protection of the public's health is called a:
b) Forces of change assessment
a) Community themes and strengths assessment
b) Forces of change assessment
c) Community health status assessment
d) Local public health system assessment
A PHN was asked to come to a town that was having some
noticeable health problems. Driving through town, the nurse noted
that there were many for-sale signs, as well as very little green
space and some trash in the street. This preassessment phase is
called a:
d) Windshield survey
a) Community themes and strengths assessment
b) Community health assessment and group evaluation
c) Community health status assessment
d) Windshield survey
According to the CHANGE model, the aspect of a community that
includes community-wide efforts that have an effect on the social
and built environments such as improving food access, walkability
or bike-ability, tobacco use or exposure, or personal safety is
called the:
c) Community at large sector
a) Community institution or organization sector
b) Health care sector
c) Community at large sector
d) Preventative sector
A nurse is studying the increased infant mortality rate at a local
hospital in a largely African American community. The nurse notes
that there are very few options for prenatal care in the community
and recognizes that this is an example of:
c) Health inequity.
a) Health disparity.
b) Social determinant of health.
c) Health inequity.
d) Health injustice.
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a) Access to healthcare for everyone without financial hardship
b) A social factor that impacts health outcomes and contributes to
disparity c) A difference in health outcomes
c) A difference in health outcomes
d) An unequal and unjust difference in health outcomes
In many countries, which factors are associated with a decrease
in infant mortality rate?
a) Speak with local providers about decreasing the length of time d) Perform a community assessment to determine why community
between follow-up visits. members seem unsuccessful in care management.
b) Involve pharmacists in counseling newly diagnosed patients
about their insulin regimen.
c) Develop several educational handouts about managing dia-
betes and have them translated into Spanish. Correct!
d) Perform a community assessment to determine why community
members seem unsuccessful in care management.
Researchers have found that investment in which of the following
would have had a greater effect on health disparities than the
investment in new medical technology?
c) Increasing access to education for everyone
a) Implementing universal health care
b) Decreasing crime rate
c) Increasing access to education for everyone
d) Improving quality of healthcare
A nurse is teaching an in-service for new nurses on the impor-
tance of cultural sensitivity when caring for patients. Which of the
following statements is incorrect?
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d) Offering a tour of a hospital; a relaxation technique class
Globalization, which is a new challenge for public health, includes
which of the following problems? Select all that apply.
a) Greater disparities between rich and poor
a) Greater disparities between rich and poor b) Environmental degradation
b) Environmental degradation d) Greater distribution of tobacco and alcohol
c) Greater need for newer technology e) Emergence or re-emergence of communicable diseases
d) Greater distribution of tobacco and alcohol
e) Emergence or re-emergence of communicable diseases
Several nurses who work in the emergency room of an urban
hospital notice that a sizable number of children in a certain ethnic
population have come in with an illness, all presenting with similar
symptoms. The nurses, who are not public health specialists, can
intervene in the health of a community through their work with b) Identifying characteristics of the disease
individuals by doing which of the following? Select all that apply. c) Grouping patients by diagnosis
d) Giving classes on how to avoid infections
a) Increasing antibiotic therapy availability e) Assessing the environment of the patients
b) Identifying characteristics of the disease
c) Grouping patients by diagnosis
d) Giving classes on how to avoid infections
e) Assessing the environment of the patients
The nursing student is taught correctly that local health depart-
ments do not oversee which of the following?
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A nurse is presenting a lecture about global health and life ex-
pectancy and states that in America, the biggest reason for the
increase in life expectancy is:
a) Better public health practices
a) Better public health practices
b) Increased education
c) Decreased crime
d) Improved housing
A nurse is preparing to volunteer with a charity organization work-
ing in India that provides medical care to underserved communi-
ties. The nurse is performing a cultural and community assess-
ment and determines that their per capita income is $2,97c. This
classifies the country as:
b) Lower middle income
a) Low income
b) Lower middle income
c) Upper middle income
d) High income
A public health nurse (PHN) is teaching a class about global health
issues when a student asks why the health of other countries is
relevant to the United States. The nurse replies:
a) The first point of contact within the health-care system b) The essential care needed for health, both in individuals and
b) The essential care needed for health, both in individuals and within the community
within the community
c) The acute care setting
d) The coordinator of more specialized care
A nurse is working with an organization that has established
objectives to assist LICs within their purview to achieve the Millen-
nium Development Goals (MDGs). They need additional funding,
though, to help them reach their policy goals. Which organization
might they contact for help?
c) World Bank
a) WHO
c) World Bank
d) CDC
A nurse has been contacted to consult with the coordinating health
organization of the U.N. This means that the nurse will be working
a) WHO
a) WHO
b) Global Health Center
c) World Bank
d) CDC
a) Increase in noncommunicable diseases such as diabetes and a) Increase in noncommunicable diseases such as diabetes and
heart disease in LICs. heart disease in LICs.
b) Decrease in maternal and child health issues in LICs.
c) Shift in the distribution of deaths from older populations to
younger populations in LICs.
d) Decline in noncommunicable diseases, especially in areas
where communicable disease is declining.
A nurse is working in a community clinic in Bangladesh treating
many members of the medically-indigent population. A young man
comes into the clinic with a large ulcerated lump on the back of
his leg. He reports having noticed a fly bite at that spot a few days
ago. What does the nurse suspect?
a) Leishmaniasis
a) Leishmaniasis
b) Malaria
c) Dengue fever
d) Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)
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An experienced emergency department nurse is beginning a vol-
unteer experience at a large rural hospital in sub-Saharan Africa.
Before beginning work the next week, what should the nurse do
a) Visit the hospital to figure out the layout, supply situation, and a) Visit the hospital to figure out the layout, supply situation, and
the patient care model used. the patient care model used.
b) Begin studying the language.
c) Review advanced cardiac life support (ACLS) and basic life
support (BLS) protocols.
d) Perform a cultural assessment of the community in which he or
she will be working.
A nurse is caring for a young man in the emergency department.
He presents with severe headache, a rash, joint pain, and a fever
of 10c.5° F. He reports having traveled to India recently. What does
the nurse suspect?
b) Dengue fever
a) Leishmaniasis
b) Dengue fever
c) Severe acute respiratory syndrome
d) Malaria
A nurse is working at a very crowded hospital in Southeast Asia.
There are not enough staff members or supplies for the nurse to
properly care for many of the patients. How can the nurse handle
the immediate situation?
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a) Liver disease
b) Renal disease a) Liver disease
c) Bleeding abnormalities b) Renal disease
d) Pulmonary disease e) Pregnancy
e) Pregnancy
Two nurses are establishing a primary health-care clinic in a rural
part of Africa. Their goal is to include as many of the essential
components of primary health care, as defined during a WHO
conference in Alma Alta. Which of the following functions would a) Patient education about health problems
likely be included in their model of care? Select all that apply b) Maternal and child health care
c) Principles of proper nutrition
a) Patient education about health problems d) Adequate supply of safe water and healthy foods
b) Maternal and child health care e) Treatment and prevention of local infectious diseases
c) Principles of proper nutrition
d) Adequate supply of safe water and healthy foods
e) Treatment and prevention of local infectious diseases
A nurse is teaching a class about different models of care. The
nurse explains that ____ is the most important person in the
primary health-care model.
a) The individual/family
a) The individual/family
b) The population
c) The primary-care physician
d) The medical specialist
A nurse is looking to reduce the number of teen smokers in her
community. The nurse implements a community-wide program to
raise awareness about the dangers of nicotine use and creates a
support group specifically aimed at teens looking to quit smoking.
This is an example of:
b) Health promotion.
a) Health protection.
b) Health promotion.
c) Risk reduction.
d) Tertiary prevention.
A community health nurse is training new nurses about the devel-
opment of public health programs to benefit community members.
The nurse explains that even though primary care focuses on
caring for an individual, health promotion activities need to focus
d) The community.
a) The family.
b) Each individual patient.
c) Good medical care.
d) The community.
A young woman presents to her primary care provider. Her mother
has just been diagnosed with Huntington's disease and several
other members of her family have been diagnosed with the con-
dition as well. She wants to know her options regarding testing to
see if she is a genetic carrier. From an ethical perspective what
issue would be most important to discuss with the patient? d) The fact that there is no known treatment that can alter the
progression of the disease.
a) The cost of Huntington's disease screening
b) Whether the test is available at the local lab
c) What will happen when her insurance finds out the results
d) The fact that there is no known treatment that can alter the
progression of the disease.
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a) A qualified trained person teaches the program.
b) The program is run for children in first through fifth grade.
c) It assists students in maintaining and improving health.
b) The program is run for children in first through fifth grade.
d) The comprehensive health education curriculum addresses the
physical, emotional, social, and mental health of its students and
A school nurse recently accepted a position to run a school-based
health center. At the center the nurse will be able to do all but
which of the following?
a) Treatment for tuberculosis (TB)
a) Treatment for tuberculosis (TB)
b) Acute care evaluation
c) Noncommunicable disease management
d) Sexually transmitted infection (STI) testing
A school nurse is reviewing the vaccination records of the stu-
dents. Several children are missing one or more vaccinations. How
should the nurse proceed?
a) Call the parents and inform them that their child is missing some
vaccinations and explain the importance of staying current with a) Call the parents and inform them that their child is missing some
the vaccination schedules. vaccinations and explain the importance of staying current with
b) Inform the principal and have the students removed from class the vaccination schedules.
the next day until the parents bring proof of the immunizations.
c) Do nothing; the parents have the right to refuse vaccinations for
their child.
d) Order the vaccine and start administering vaccines as needed
during the school day.
A new school nurse is reviewing the procedures put in place by
the prior nurse, a woman with over 30 years of experience. The
nurse notices that a school-wide scoliosis screening occurs every
fall. How does the new nurse proceed?
d) Check state screening guidelines to see what is required for
a) Continue performing the scoliosis screenings each year.
school nurses in the state.
b) Only continue scoliosis screening on students who are symp-
c) Eliminate scoliosis screenings altogether.
d) Check state screening guidelines to see what is required for
school nurses in the state.
A school nurse is performing a quarterly inspection of the equip-
ment in the school. The nurse's priority is to make sure which piece
of equipment is present and working properly?
b) Automated external defibrillator (AED)
a) Code cart
b) Automated external defibrillator (AED)
c) Otoscope
d) Flowmeter
A school nurse is preparing a presentation for the rest of the
teaching staff about severe allergic reactions and anaphylaxis.
Which of the following statements is correct?
a) The most common food allergens are soy, chocolate, and b) The EpiPen Act of 2013 improves management of anaphylaxis
strawberries. in the school setting.
b) The EpiPen Act of 2013 improves management of anaphylaxis
in the school setting.
c) Most anaphylactic reactions occur at home.
d) Reported food allergies are decreasing among children.
a) "As a nurse, I can help her if she becomes ill in class, but I can't
d) "I can help administer the prescribed insulin dose, perform
help her manage her diabetes."
blood glucose testing, and manage symptoms of hypoglycemia."
b) "I can help her adjust her insulin dosing as needed to ensure
that she stays at a proper blood glucose level."
c) "I will help regulate her diet so that she doesn't consume too
much sugar."
d) "I can help administer the prescribed insulin dose, perform
blood glucose testing, and manage symptoms of hypoglycemia."
A school nurse has observed a slight increase in teacher ab-
senteeism due to illness and decides to implement several new
programs to boost employee wellness. What is the nurse's first
a) Send out questionnaires to all of the staff members to see what
a) Send out questionnaires to all of the staff members to see what
type of programs they would be interested in.
type of programs they would be interested in.
b) Set a goal to reduce absenteeism by 5 percent within the next
c) Start a yearly health fair to set goals for the following year.
d) Implement a staff-wide weight loss competition.
A nurse has observed that a particular fifth grade student visits
the office two to three times each week with stomach aches,
headaches, and vague complaints of not feeling well. This has
been continuing for several months. What is the most appropriate
action for the nurse to take?
b) Call his parents to discuss his symptoms and the need to be
a) Refuse to see the child anymore. evaluated by his pediatrician.
b) Call his parents to discuss his symptoms and the need to be
evaluated by his pediatrician.
c) Send the child home until he obtains medical clearance to
d) Refer him to the school psychiatrist for mental evaluation.
A nurse is working with local government officials and political
lobbyists to prompt a vote to improve the school lunch program.
The nurse knows that this is an example of:
a) Advocacy.
a) Advocacy.
b) Public health policy.
c) Health equity.
d) Public health economics.
A nurse is working at a local community health center. The nurse
is speaking with an elderly Native American man who lives on a
nearby reservation. He reports that many members of his tribe
are unable to afford health care and many have an alcohol use
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disorder and/or type 2 diabetes. What program should the nurse
suggest that the gentleman contact?
a) Mandate that all students purchase their food on campus and c) Make the school a completely peanut-free campus.
not bring any food into the building.
b) Obtain funding to provide free school lunches for everyone.
c) Make the school a completely peanut-free campus.
d) Ensure that every classroom has access to an EpiPen in case
of future reactions.
A nurse is giving a lecture about public policy and policy changes.
A student wants to know about the rights of individuals when
setting public health policy. How should the nurse respond?
a) The rights of individuals always outweigh the collective good. d) Public health policy is based on the assumption that society has
b) The collective good always outweighs the rights of individuals. the right to collectively assure conditions for healthy people while
c) Public health policy is based on governmental interests and not taking into account the rights of individuals.
the collective good or individual rights.
d) Public health policy is based on the assumption that society has
the right to collectively assure conditions for healthy people while
taking into account the rights of individuals.
A nurse is working with the local representative to pass a law
raising the legal age for purchasing tobacco to 21 years old. It has
been passed into the committee phase of the legislative process.
How should the nurse prepare for the next step?
a) Contact all of the local legislators to lobby for passing of the bill. c) Prepare evidence-based research and current clinical studies
b) Encourage local citizens to vote on the bill and promote a local to support their position and educate committee members about
grassroots campaign base in the community. the medicine behind nicotine addiction in youths.
c) Prepare evidence-based research and current clinical studies
to support their position and educate committee members about
the medicine behind nicotine addiction in youths.
d) Inform local store owners about the impending change in the
An occupational health nurse is speaking with union representa-
tives about a long-standing problem with insufficient safety equip-
ment at a local surgical center. Where does the nurse suggest they
report the problem?
c) City council
d) The medical director
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A team of nursing students are working with the public health
department to obtain funding for community outreach health clin-
ics in an underserved neighborhood. They have been asked to
include a budget for the clinic and a plan for obtaining funding.
The students are specifically utilizing:
b) Public health finance.
a) Health economics.
b) Public health finance.
c) Market economy.
d) Federal funding guidelines.
A nurse is counseling a young woman with a new diagnosis of
gonorrhea. What should be included in her care?
a) The nurse will need to contact all of the woman's prior sexual
b) Since filing a partner management report with the state health
partners to inform them of her diagnosis.
department is mandated, the nurse should inform the patient that
b) Since filing a partner management report with the state health
she will be sending a report.
department is mandated, the nurse should inform the patient that
she will be sending a report.
c) All of the above
d) None of the above
A nurse is having a discussion with a patient about who should be
responsible for overseeing the public health system and the health
of American citizens. The patient states that each person should
be responsible for his or her own health. The nurse replies that the
American Constitution gives this power to:
b) State governments.
a) Federal government.
b) State governments.
c) Local governments.
d) Private insurance companies
A nurse is working in a prison health center with female prisoners.
The nurse is anticipating having to manage which of the following
conditions is three to five times higher in women prisoners than
rates in the general population?
d) Mental disorders
a) Cognitive disorders
b) HIV
c) Dental problems
d) Mental disorders
A school nurse has observed an increase in bullying behavior in
her school. The nurse has noticed that a lot of it seems to be
directed toward two gay students and wonders if a school policy
change is required to change this behavior. How should the school
nurse proceed?
c) Perform a community assessment to see why the bullying
a) Institute a zero tolerance policy for any bullying behavior. behavior has increased.
b) Set goals for zero incidents of bullying next year.
c) Perform a community assessment to see why the bullying
behavior has increased.
d) Get the teachers involved in teaching anti-bullying behavior in
the classroom.
A nurse is sitting in a community clinic and chatting with a South
American patient. He reports that other members of the commu-
nity are rude to him and his family and act as if he and his family
are not part of the community. He mentions that this is a common
experience among the South American population living in town. d) Marginalization can lead to increased vulnerability and health
The nurse knows that: disparities.
a) A primarily Hispanic community that is rich in culture and b) A low socioeconomic Caucasian community that is facing ab-
community normally high levels of lung cancer
b) A low socioeconomic Caucasian community that is facing ab-
normally high levels of lung cancer
c) A middle class African American community with an obesity
rate of 15 percent
d) An upper class community where there is an outbreak of hand,
foot, and mouth disease
A nurse is teaching a class about the effect of socioeconomic sta-
tus on health outcomes. The nurse explains that socioeconomic
status is related to:
d) All of the above.
a) Income.
b) Occupation.
c) Education.
d) All of the above.
A nurse is caring for a young homeless man on the medical floor
of the local hospital. He was admitted several days ago to safely
detox from alcohol. He reports having nowhere to go once he is
discharged. Who should be involved in his discharge planning?
d) All of the above
a) Social worker
b) Addiction specialist
c) Psychiatrist
d) All of the above
A nurse is caring for a young man who is squatting in an old factory
a mile away. The nurse documents that he is experiencing what
type of homelessness?
a) Primary a) Primary
b) Secondary
c) Tertiary
d) He is not homeless because he has an indoor shelter in which
to sleep.
b) Refugee
c) Immigrant
d) Permanent resident
A nurse is speaking with politicians about the need to modify the
poverty threshold to be fairer to people living in poverty and people
living just over the poverty line. Which of the following are potential
ways that the poverty threshold could be amended to be more
a) Amend it to reflect increased spending on healthcare and
accurate or fair? Select all that apply.
b) Amend it to reflect increased housing costs.
a) Amend it to reflect increased spending on healthcare and
c) Amend it to reflect increased need and cost of childcare.
e) Amend it to reflect regional cost of living.
b) Amend it to reflect increased housing costs.
c) Amend it to reflect increased need and cost of childcare.
d) Amend it to reflect increased spending on food.
e) Amend it to reflect regional cost of living.
A nurse is training for a new job at a community clinic after mov-
ing to Central California, an area rich in agriculture and migrant
workers. The nurse asks about specific social and health issues
a) They have difficulty establishing residency in a single location,
that the migrant worker population faces and the nurse supervisor
making them ineligible for government benefits.
replies: Select all that apply.
b) Most of them lack access to workers compensation or disability
a) They have difficulty establishing residency in a single location,
c) Frequent travel and location changes make it difficult for them
making them ineligible for government benefits.
b) Most of them lack access to workers compensation or disability
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c) Frequent travel and location changes make it difficult for them
to establish continuity of care with a single provider. to establish continuity of care with a single provider.
d) Illegal immigration status is often a problem. e) Language is often a barrier.
e) Language is often a barrier.
A nurse is preparing a class on caring for the homeless population.
The nurse asks the class to brainstorm some risk factors for
becoming homeless. Which of the following should the class list
as known risk factors for homelessness? Select all that apply.
c) Single men
d) African Americans
a) Young families
e) Having a mental disorder
b) Caucasians
c) Single men
d) African Americans
e) Having a mental disorder
It is the first day of orientation for new graduate public health
nurses. The instructor explains that as PHNs they will need to fill
many roles, including which of the following? Select all that apply.
b) Advocate
a) Educator
d) Researcher
b) Advocate
c) Administrator
d) Researcher
e) Social worker
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