Abstract - 2021 of UP

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mRrj izns’k

lk¡f[;dh; lkjka’k mRrj izns’k



vFkZ ,oa la[;k izHkkx] vFkZ ,oa la[;k izHkkx]

jkT; fu;kstu laLFkku] fu;kstu foHkkx] mRrj izns'k jkT; fu;kstu laLFkku] fu;kstu foHkkx] mRrj izns'k
website-http://updes.up.nic.in website-http://updes.up.nic.in
lk¡f[;dh; lkjka'k
mRrj izns'k
Statistical Abstract
Uttar Pradesh


vFkZ ,oa la[;k izHkkx Economics and Statistics Division

jkT; fu;kstu laLFkku State Planning Institute
mRrj izns'k] y[kuÅ Uttar Pradesh, Lucknow

wRiqrKr{ tr+qr"oretw q-qt yqrr o-r go.

qndryf qrFftFq?Flq-q t t .ro qS qfi ,frfr q+qr e-61-qFT fr dfrq
dffi o-fqhq, qrEfl IH-*Frq,
T{ ffi d tfrhqn ci-gsR
trFo qfsrTw tqn fo-qrrqr t t sqo e-st-qFT of re-eX"i o*
sq*.ft q-{ri i-E frfuq Ml t n o effi a} e-fiTqrq fr qtrqfud
ftrqr q-fl t I
frfr ffiarcil, ffil, se|-fsfi}, qqrqq|-|-M delr
RTqTrmd srsrqq et gFdtTIig 16 s-6-rqFT lrrflfuo {fM,
silPfq.dfudtrfttdeII ci-aldfuq61 ft-{ q-'tTif fu]ffi * t s-+T{F
of gu drfrmrctffr erqtrffiq Tq qr'q rr-q d q-d-d$ Gffi fr
BqdeTd oer qp d qrEzrq t q-ndT"fcrH or ffiwr fi fu-qr
'rqr t t offi d e)-f, \'q ftsffif oi qgilfuo TERfdoq frqr
.rqr B t
q g=i q.ft qqRrd AwirZgdRrqT e) qarcrf{ grfua
orcTTt , fu{-d aM GTaf gq riqr qqFr o1 ertRrd3ffi BqFraT
oqfl q-6r-qnq qE+q q-Erqfu-qrqqr t Hffiq iil-{i{T,Krq
ytql zozr" 1:fqfifu6"Iq-dTo-l Brffi $wxur, d frfr-ffiTrcri,
q)qqror{f, o=,p-scn-f,qNm-dfurlf,erTcilarr$ft d ftfS e-tqrs<d
gfrmT d $q fr e-6nfo-fu€ *"r, frrrrmt rfl-Rrd tn-{i ig
GTef Tq i{cqr qqFI d vluqRrf,etffi \'q .ndznRvto1 rrsraql
oFTT aqtlT t
TS frwrs t fu qE sio frfr-MdruI,
W Preilft-did fuq sv*{ft fu€ *q-r I q-qtnrqd
sr.ra eior q gqx gi gstd or ss$ wr.ro t t

er€FrTh': (g*irqqr)
f{qfo :td 4t, zozz oTwg€q rrFrq,
ffiGlq ftrTIrT,
Kr-{ r{w qnsEI

"statisticalAbstract Uttar Pradesh"is one of the most

importantannual publicationof the Economicsand Statistics
Division.Like previouseditions,presenteditionhas also been
preparedaccordingto the methodologyof Central Statistical
Office,Govt. of India,New Delhi.ln orderto make it valuable
variousand specialized statisticshas been incorporated in this
To facilitatethe comparative assessment, latestinformation
for the past years too have been presentedin three parts viz.
SocialStatistics,EconomicStatisticsand Other Statistics.Some
tablesof the publicationcontaininter-statedata as well as state
levelinformation. The data has also been analysedgraphically.
The sourcesof the data as well as necessarynoteshave also
beenappropriately indicated.
I convey my thanks to all the concerned data
providers/departmenUagencies for their co-operationin enabling
thisdepartment to bringout the publication.I wouldliketo convey
my sincere appreciationto all the officers and staff of the
Economics and Statistics Division
who havebeenassociated with
bringingout this 36thissueon revisedformatof the "statistical
Abstract, Uttar Pradesh2021".This publication will be usefulas
a state referencefor the policymakers,planners,administration,
researchers and othersinterested in suchinformation.
I am surethe publication wouldbe usefulto planners, policy
makers,researchworkersand the academicians. Suggestion
any improvementsin the publication
shallbe welcome.


Lucknow: ( SureshGhandra)
Dated:March?3 ,2022 Addl.ChiefSecretary,
Govt.of UP.

"qifuT.htq ttnivt, Ttr{ ytgt" qr y?h'I{FT eref gq.{rqr yrTFT,

{reT Frqtfi TiTer-{,strr etgr ERr :B51 * yffi fq.qr qT l:dr erl
dsqttil q{ :pr85t ffiq €iFq*tq qrqfufq, qrkr s{s-R ERr BwrarT
q"d rrE fiRrd efsrT q{ FHFrd s.s t ffiftra f*.qr qT T6r t r
ttgT-fuq6fu vrrinr, BffiT y-+flr 2o2t rr 6T T{gil sifi
fifiTil {€ET
rsT s...rTsqi elifi *r {q rh'r{lq { Trqrh€ qH s'r qs-frs-{uT{rwr
deil +q v(fr'R + qqf-qs tdir;q fr*.rrq} \'q sr'aT€{qrd t tdqr
rf.rT tr s@ + dil ilfuq.ret + si-d i dsr q-{GTuf q-drrct q)
nrmlqrJ d- qrqq t effifd foqr .rqr t r
{s Fh-r{FTt qqrqrRf+. fr{ + frfrrq qoqert qer *r%d,
qr{igt, qqtflot, Ft{r, ET*erT,{rc{T strzT,qfr, gEgtrFT,F, qRrtq,
i{gd, {qR, qde{, 9rq \tq tqqn, f{ffi, Tig+T Ts=tT q-c{fr,
TTrffi*. e.FDq dqT qr*qfrq y{lrcr-{ \rq Frqfqr sil-fq qqfi qffi
qT qqr-+{r t*-qr rr{TTt, Eil {-eT nsT +q v{m-R + TrEEf-qafrFrq
fqrnqi@M Eru Bwrq q-n{ .ri tr
eisr + qq-cnFf*. t+f,rq q1 'rfr + gf,{rirs oTrq-{qig {s
]trnr{l-{ s1 e{n{-*'i{r irFf,drcri i t{q-f, qfr q-l rrq€ilfiq q-d{tet +
qTeTfr swotT sTgrrd q{ q1 wilfEqn {qqq <i qfr tr q.fn'qq
drff,qrrerit el<RF*q fr rfr sqel.q qlrq .d tr
{q €riq, Et s{FFt rfrrRrf, ftT+ ig sr+iild qq'il{ \rq g-arE
sqercqq-{T+n f{+ 'r} qe+q + ff,q + q*t qqftq6 ft.rT'ft/tdffi
qT sTTcrRq+T qrTT E TgII gq 9tF',rql;It rrqFqo eref qq {qr
sqrq * qq€d eTfirfirFsi qi q-ffi ql vneqr q,krT El
g+ qRrT t ffi rh'r{t=t sT ?16 3i*- +n-ftqkp+, ewfssl,
firM, fteTl-{nM, yiltlfrdfsrl \rq ef,-?Tsqffisfi + tdq sq+rfr
fqa drnr Fs ]FFTfl=T+ t{qq t{EdR K Uql-irfi EtrR fu
sqffien ilr Rt tri Eflrqi ql aF* rqFkT fq-qr qdrnr

fAiq: qTdo3 , 2022- M

The Economicsand StatisticsDivision, StatePlannihgInstitute,

Planning department, Uttar Pradesh had been bringing out the
"Statistical Abstract, Uttar Pradesh" since 1961. Thereafter as per
guidelinesof Central StatisticalOffice, Govt. of India receivedin 1986
this publication continued to be brought out in the revised format.
Thus the presentpublication "Statistical Abstrzct, VP. 2021" is the
36th issue in the revised format . The publication presents statistical
data related to various different depar{mentsof State and Central
Government and other organizations.The source of data have been
indicatedat the end of the tables.The different statistical information
havealso beenillustratedwith the help of graphand charts.
This publication containsnumerousdata on various aspectsof
social, economic and other statistics viz. Area, Population,
Environment, Education, Health, State Income, Agriculture, Animal
Husbandry, Forestry, Transport, Electricity, Communication,
Labour&Employment,Tourism, Joint Stock Companies,Public Sector
Undertakings, Public Administration and Electoral Statistics and
different data relating to other miscellaneoussectors.Thesedata have
been furnished by the concerneddepartments/agencies of the Stateand
For an overview of the trends in socio-economicdevelopment
of the State,data for the past few yearshave been incorporatedalong
with latestavailableyearsin most of the tables.
I am grateful to the all concern departments/agenciesfor their
co-operationin furnishing the requisiteinformation and suggestionto
bring out this publication in time. I would also like to convey my
appreciation of all the officers and staff of the Economics and
StatisticsDivision who have been associatedwith the bringing out of
the publication.
I hope that the present issue of this publication will be very
useful for policy makers, administrators,planners, researchers
academiciansand all other users.Suggestionsfrom the users for
improvementin contentsand quality of the publication shall alwaysbe

Dated: March 03 , 2022 Director
izdk'ku ls lEc) vf/kdkjh ,oa lgk;d
1& Jh foosd funs'kd
izkoSf/kd ekxZ&n'kZu ,oa i;Zos{k.k
1& Mk0 ¼Jherh½fnO;k ljhu esgjks=k la;D
q r funs'kd
2& Jherh vydk cgqxq.kk <kSfa M;ky la;D
q r funs'kd
3& Jh ftrsUnz dqekj ;kno mi funs'kd
4& Jherh iwue vFkZ ,oa la[;kf/kdkjh
5& Jh jktcyh vij lkWaf[;dh; vf/kdkjh¼izHkkjh½
ik.Mqfyfi lajpuk
1& dq0 xk;=h ckyk xkSre vij lkWaf[;dh; vf/kdkjh
leUo;d ,oa ifjfujh{k.k
1& Mk0 eatw nhf{kr vij lkWaf[;dh; vf/kdkjh
2& Jh vo/ksÓ dqekj Hkkjrh vij lkWaf[;dh; vf/kdkjh
3& Jh lR;sUnz izlkn frokjh vij lkWaf[;dh; vf/kdkjh
4& Jherh xhrkatfy vij lkWaf[;dh; vf/kdkjh
5& Jh dkS'kys'k dqekj 'kqDy vij lkWaf[;dh; vf/kdkjh
6& Jherh fdju dqekjh vij lkWaf[;dh; vf/kdkjh
xzkQ@pkVZ]ekufp= o doj i`"B ds dk;Z
1& Jh fÓo Óadj ;kno eq[; dykdkj
2& Jh jktsUnz izlkn feJ ofj"B dykdkj
Vad.k o vU; dk;Z
1& Jherh bPNk frokjh dfu"B lgk;d
2& Jherh ekyrh pijklh

1. Shri Vivek Director

Technical Guidance & Supervision

1. Dr.(Smt.)Divya Sarin Mehrotra Joint Director
2. Smt. Alka Bahuguna Dhaundiyal Joint Director
3. Shri Jitendra Kumar Yadav Deputy Director
4. Smt. Poonam Economics & Statistics Officer
5. Shri Rajbali Addl. Stat. Officer (Incharge)

Manuscript work
1. Gaytri Bala Gautam Addl. Stat. Officer

Co-ordination & Scrutiny Work

1. Dr. Manju Dixit Addl. Stat. Officer
2. Shri Avdhesh Bharti Addl. Stat. Officer
3. Shri Satendra Prasad Tiwari Addl. Stat. Officer
4. Smt. Gitanjali Addl. Stat. Officer
5. Shri Kaushlesh Kumar Shukla Addl. Stat. Officer
6. Smt. Kiran Kumari Addl. Stat. Officer

Graph / Chart,Map& Cover Page Work

1.Shri Shiv Shankar Yadav Chief Artist
2. Shri Rajendra Prasad Mishra Senior Artist
Typing & Other Work
1. Smt. Ichcha Tiwari Junior Asistant
2. Smt. Malti Fourth Class
fo"k; lwph
rkfydk la[;k fooj.k i`"B la[;k
Table No. Descriptions Page No.
Hkkx&1 lkekftd lk¡f[;dh
Part-1 Social Statistics
1& {ks=Qy ,oa tula[;k
Area and Population
1.1 mRrj izn's k esa tula[;k dh izo`fRr 1
Trend of Population in Uttar Pradesh.
1.2 mRrj izn's k esa ftysokj {ks=Qy ,oa fyxkauqlkj xzkeh.k ,oa uxjh; tula[;k
Districtwise Area and Rural & Urban Population by sex in UP. 2
1.3 mRrj izn's k esa ftysokj vuqlfw pr tkfr dh tula[;k 8
Districtwise Scheduled Caste Population in UP.
1.4 mRrj izn's k esa ftysokj vuqlfw pr tutkfr dh tula[;k 14
Districtwise Schedule tribe Population in UP.
1.5 mRrj izns'k esa ftysokj tula[;k rFkk n'kd vUrj] 20
Districtwise Decadal Variation and Population in UP.
1.6 mRrj izn's k esa ftysokj xzkeksa ,oa uxjksa dh la[;k 24
Districtwise No. of Villages and Towns in UP.
1.7 mRrj izn's k esa ftysokj tula[;k vkdkj oxZkuqlkj xzkeksa dk oxhZdj.k 28
Districtwise Villages Classified by Population Size in UP.
1.8 mRrj izn's k esa uxj ,oa uxj lewgksa dh tula[;k rFkk n'kd varj 34
Population of Towns and Urban Agglomerations in UP.
1.9 m-iz- esa ftysokj xzkeh.k ,oa uxjh; {ks=ksa esa eq[; deZdjksa] lhekUr deZdjksa rFkk dke
u djus okyksa dh tula[;k
Districtwise Population of main workers, marginal workers and non-workers in rural and
urban areas in UP.
m-iz- esa ftysokj deZdjksa ,oa dke u djus okyksa dh fyaxkuqlkj tula[;k rFkk eq[;
deZdjksa dk dqy tula[;k ls izfr'kr
Districtwise Population of workers and non-workers and percentage of main workers to
total population by Sex in UP.
1.11 mRrj izn's k esa ftysokj vkS|ksfxd Jsf.k;ksa ds vuqlkj eq[; deZdjksa dh fyaxkuqlkj 57
Sex wise main Workers by Industrial Categories in UP.
1.12 mRrj izn's k esa vk;q oxZ ,oa fyaxkuqlkj tula[;k ,oa eq[; deZdjksa dh la[;k 61
Population and main workers by age groups and sex in UP.
1.13 m-iz- esa /kekZul
q kj tuinokj tula[;k 63
Districtwise Population by Religions in UP.
1.14 jkT;okj tula[;k dh izeq[k fo'ks"krk;sa 67
Salient Features of Population by States
1.15 m-iz- esa ftysokj lk{kj O;fDr ,oa lk{kjrk nj 70
Districtwise Literate persons and Literacy Rate in UP.
1.16 m-iz- esa ftysokj vuqlfw pr tkfr;ksa ds lk{kj O;fDr ,oa lk{kjrk nj 76
Districtwise Literate persons and Literacy Rate of Scheduled Castes in UP.
1.17 m-iz- esa ftysokj vuqlfw pr tutkfr ds lk{kj O;fDr ,oa lk{kjrk nj 82
Districtwise Literate persons and Literacy Rate of Scheduled Tribes in UP.
2&i;kZoj.k lkaf[;dh
Environment Statistics
2.1 m0iz0 esa ftysokj iapo"kZh; vkSlr ekfld o"kkZ 88
Districtwise monthly quinquennial average rainfall
2.2 m0iz0 esa ftysokj fofHkUu o"kksZ esa okf"kZd o"kkZ 92
Districtwise annual rainfall in different years in UP.
2.3 m0iz0 ds ekSle foKku dsUnzksa ij fy;k x;k rkieku 95
¼d½ 2018
¼[k½ 2019
¼x½ 2020
Temp. recorded at Meterological centres in UP.
(a) 2018
(b) 2019
(c ) 2020
rkfydk la[;k fooj.k i`"B la[;k
Table No. Descriptions Page No.
3&tUe e`R;q vkWdMs+
Vital Statistics
3.1 m0 iz0 ,oa Hkkjr esa rhu o"khZ; dzfed vkSlr ij vk/kkfjr tUe ,oa e`R;q njsa 104
Birth rates and death rates based on three years moving average in UP. and India
3.2 m0 iz0 esa xzkeh.k ,oa uxjh; {ks=ksa esa vuqekfur okf"kZd tUe ,oa e`R;q njsa 106
Estimated Annual Birth and death rates in rural and urban areas of UP.
m0 iz0 esa orZeku fookfgr fL=;ksa dh fookg ds le; ftysokj vkSlr vk;q ,oa vk;q
oxZ 18 o"kZ ls de vk;q dh fookfgr fL=;ksa dk dqy fookfgr fL=;ksa ls izfr'kr
Districtwise mean age of currently married females and percentage of married females
aged below 18 years to total married females in UP.
3.4 m0 iz0 ftysokj f'k'kq ,oa cky e`R;q nj vuqeku 113
DistrictWise Infant and child mortality rate estimates in U.P.
4- vkokl
4.1 m0iz0 esa ftysokj tux.kuk edkuksa dk mi;ksfxrkuqlkj oxhZdj.k 119
Districtwise Number of Census Houses Classified by Uses in UP.
4.2 m0iz0 esa vkoklh; x`gksa dh la[;k rFkk izfr x`g O;fDr;ksa dh ftysokj la[;k 123
Number of Residential Houses & Persons per House in UP.
4.3 m0iz0 esa ftysokj Hkou foghu ,oa laLFkkxr tula[;k 127
Districtwise Houseless & Institutional Population in UP.
5- f'k{kk
5.1 m0iz0 esa fofHkUu izdkj dh ekU;rk izkIr f'k{k.k laLFkk;sa 129
Number of Recognised Educational Institutions by Types in UP.
5.2 m0iz0 esa fofHkUu izdkj dh ftysokj f'k{k.k laLFkkvksa dh la[;k 130
Districtwise Number of Educational Institutions by Type in UP.
5.3 m0iz0 esa fofHkUu laLFkkuqlkj efgykvksa gsrq ftysokj f'k{k.k laLFkkvksa dh la[;k 133
Districtwise Number Educational Institutions Exclusively for girls by Type in UP.
5.4 m0iz0 esa izcU/kkuqlkj f'k{k.k laLFkkvksa¼lkekU; f'k{kk½ dk oxhZdj.k 136
Classification of Educational Institutions( General Education) by management, in UP.
5.5 m0iz0 esa laLFkkokj v/;kidksa dh ftysokj la[;k 137
Districtwise Number of teachers by institutions in UP.
5.6 m0iz0 esa laLFkkokj fo|kfFkZ;ksa dh ftysokj la[;k 143
Districtwise Number of Students by institutions in UP.
5.7 m0iz0 esa laLFkkokj vuq tkfr@tutkfr da fo|kfFkZ;ksa dh ftysokj la[;k 149
Districtwise Number of S.C./S.T. Students by institutions in UP.
5.8 mRrj izn's k esa fMxzh Lrj ds bUthfu;fjax esa foHkkxkuqlkj izos'k 155
Intake in Degree Courses in Engineering by Departments in UP.
5.9 mRrj izn's k esa fofHkUu izdkj dh f'k{kk ij jktLo O;; 156
Revenue Expenditure incurred on Different type of Education in UP.
5.10 m0 iz0 esa lzksrkuqlkj f'k{k.k laLFkkvksa ij O;; 157
Expenditure incurred on Educational Institutions by sources in UP.
5.11 m0iz0 esa laLFkkuqlkj ftysokj Nk= v?;kid vuqikr 158
Districtwise Pupil Teacher ratio by Institutions in UP.
6- tulapkj
Mass Communication
6.1 m0iz0 esa eq[; Hkk"kkuqlkj lekpkj i= ,oa if=dkvksa dh la[;k 161
No. of news papers & periodicals by major languages in UP.
6.2 m0iz0 esa eqn.z kky;ksa dh ftysokj la[;k 162
Districtwise No. of Printing presses in UP.

rkfydk la[;k fooj.k i`"B la[;k
Table No. Descriptions Page No.
7& LokLF;
7.1 m0iz0 esa fpfdRlk ¼,yksiSfFkd½ laLFkkvksa dh ftysokj la[;k 165
Districtwise no. of medical (Allopathic) institutions in UP.
7.2 m0iz0 esa vk;qosfZ nd fpfdRlk lsok ¼jktdh;½ 171
Ayurvedic medical services (Govt.) in UP.
7.3 m0iz0 esa ;wukuh fpfdRlk lsok ¼jktdh;½ 172
Unani medical services (Govt.) in UP.
7.4 m0iz0 esa gksE;ksiSfFkd fpfdRlk lsok ¼jktdh;½ ds ftysokj vkadM+s 173
Districtwise data of Homeopathic medical services (Govt.) in UP.
7.5 m0iz0 esa fpfdRlky;ksa@vkS"k/kky;ksa ¼,yksiSfFkd½ esa 'kS;~;kvksa dh ftysokj la[;k 176
Districtwise No. of beds in hospitals/dispensaries (Allopathic) in UP.
8 & ifjokj dY;k.k
Family Welfare
8.1 m0iz0 esa ifjokj dY;k.k fpfdRlky;@dsUnzksa dh ftysokj la[;k 179
Districtwise no. of family welfare clinics/centres in UP.
8.2 m0iz0 esa ftysokj ifjokj dY;k.k ;kstuk;sa 182
Districtwise family welfare programmes in UP.
9 & lekt dY;k.k
Social Welfare
9.1 m0iz0 esa xzkeh.k fodkl ,oa fucZy oxZ gsrq fd, x;s dk;ksZ dh izxfr 185
Progress of work done for rural development & welfare of economically weaker section
in UP.
10- lkekftd lqj{kk ,oa izfrj{kk
¼iqfyl] vijk/k ,oa lq/kkj x`g½
Social security & defence
( Police, crime of sudhar grah)
10.1 m0iz0 esa iqfyl Fkkuksa ,oa iqfyl pkSfd;ksa dh ftysokj la[;k 186
Districtwise Police station & Police posts .
10.2 mRrj izn's k esa iqfyl 'kfDr 189
Strength of Police force in UP.
10.3 mRrj izn's k esa vijk/k lEcU/kh ?kVuk;sa 190
Incidences of crimes in UP.
10.4 mRrj izn's k esa dSfn;ksa dh ftysokj la[;k 192
Districtwise No. of Convicts in UP.
Hkkx&2 vkfFkZd lkWf[;dh
Part-2 Economic Statistics
11&jkT; vk;
State Income
11.1 m0iz0 esa lk/ku ykxr ij jkT; rFkk izfr O;fDr ?kjsyw mRikn ,oa muds lwpdkad 195
State & Per Capita Domestic Product at Factor Cost & their Indices in UP.
m0iz0 esa lk/ku ykxr ewY;ksa ij [k.Mokj fuoy jkT; ?kjsyw mRikn
11.2 196
¼izpfyr Hkkoksa ij½
Net State Domestic Product at Factor Cost by Sectors in UP. (at Current Prices)
m0iz0 esa lk/ku ykxr ewY;ksa ij [k.Mokj fuoy jkT; ?kjsyw mRikn
11.3 197
¼LFkk;h Hkkoksa ij½
Net State Domestic Product at Factor Cost by Sectors in UP.(at constt.prices)
11.4 m0iz0 esa lk/ku ykxr ewY;ksa ij eq[; [k.Mokj fuoy ?kjsyw mRikn ds lwpdkad 198
Indices of net Domestic Product at Factor Cost by Major Sectors in UP.
11.5 m0iz0 ,oa Hkkjr esa fuoy ?kjsyw mRikn esa xr o"kksZ esa izfr'kr vUrj 199
Percentage Change in Net Domestic Products Over previous Year in UP. &
11.6 Hkkjro"kZ ds pqus gq,q jkT;ksa esa izfr O;fDr vk; 200
Per Capita Income in selected States of India

rkfydk la[;k fooj.k i`"B la[;k
Table No. Descriptions Page No.
12& d`f"k
12.1 m0iz0 esa Hkwfe mi;ksfxrk ds ftysokj vkadM+s 201
Districtwise Land Utilisation in UP.
12.2 m0iz0 esa izeq[k Qlyksa dk ftysokj mRiknu] {ks=Qy ,oa vkSlr mit 219
Districtwise Area, Production & Average Yield of Important Crops in UP.
12.3 Hkkjr esa izeq[k Qlyksa ds jkT;okj vkSlr mit 267
Statewise Average Yield of Important Crops in India
12.4 m0iz0 esa vkdkj oxkZul
q kj fdz;kRed tksrksa dh ftysokj la[;k rFkk {ks=Qy 268
Districtwise no. and Area of Operational Holdings by Size Groups in UP.
12.5 m0iz0 esa jlk;fud moZjdksa dk ftysokj forj.k 274
Districtwise Distribution of Chemical Fertilizers in UP.
12.6 m0iz0 esa ftysokj d`f"k midj.k rFkk ;a= 280
Districtwise Agricultural Machinery & Implements in UP.
12.7 m0iz0 esa d`f"k mRiknu ds ifjek.k lwpdkad 286
Volume Indices of Agricultural Production in UP.
13 & flapkbZ
13.1 m0iz0 esa fofHkUu lk/kuksa }kjk ftysokj 'kq) flafpr {ks=Qy 288
Districtwise Net Area Irrigated by Diffirent Sources in UP.
m0iz0 esa ftysokj ldy flafpr {ks=Qy] mudk izfr'kr forj.k] ldy cks;s x;s {ks= 291
ls izfr'kr ,oa flapkbZ xgurk
Districtwise Gross Area Irrigated, their percentage distribution, percentage to Gross
cropped area & Irrigation intensity in UP.
13.3 m0iz0 esa eq[; Qlyksa ds vUrxZr ftysokj flafpr {ks=Qy 294
Districtwise Area Irrigated Under Major Crops in UP.

13.4 m0iz0 esa pkfyr jktdh; uydwi rFkk futh y?kq flapkbZ dk;ksZ dh ftysokj izxfr 300

Districtwise Progress of State Tube-wells in Operation & private Minor Irrigation Works
in UP.
14& i'kqikyu ,o nqX/kks|ksx
Animal Husbandry and Dairying
14.1 mRrj izn's k esa i'kq/ku ,oa dqDdqVkfn if{k;ksa dh ftysokj la[;k 303
Districtwise Number of Livestock and Poultry in UP.
14.2 mRrj izn's k esa i'kqikyu ds vUrxZr voLFkkiuk lEcU/kh lqfo/kk;sa 315
Districtwise Infrastructral Facilities in Animal Husbandry in UP.
14.3 mRrj izn's k esa i'kq laLFkkvksa esa fd;k x;k ftysokj dk;Z 318
Disstrictwise Work Done in Veterinary Institutions in UP.
14.4 mRrj izn's k esa lgdkjh foHkkx }kjk nw/k ,oa nw/k ls cus inkFkksZ dk fooj.k 324
Distribution of Milk & Milk Products by Co-operative Department in UP.
14.5 mRrj izn's k esa lgdkjh foHkkx }kjk ftysokj nw/k dk forj.k 325
Districtwise Distribution of Milk by Co-operative Department in UP.
15&ouks|ksx rFkk yV~Bs cukuk
Forestry & Logging
15.1 m0 iz0 esa ouksa ds vUrxZr {ks=Qy 326
Area Under Forests in Uttar Pradesh
15.2 m0 iz0 esa eq[; ou mit dh ek=k rFkk ewY; 327
Quantity and Value of Major Forest Products in UP.
15.3 m0 iz0 esa vfXudk.M rFkk i'kq pjkbZ ls cpk;k x;k ou {ks= 328
Forest Area Protected From Fire and Cattle Grazing
15.4 m0 iz0 esa jksfir o`{kksa ds vUrxZr {ks=Qy 329
Area Under Plantation .
15.5 m0 iz0 esa ouksa ls izkIr jktLo ,oa mu ij O;; 330
Revenue receipt from & Expenditure on Forests in UP.

rkfydk la[;k fooj.k i`"B la[;k
Table No. Descriptions Page No.
16 eRL; ikyu
16.1 m0 iz0 esa eRL; mRiknu 331
Fish Production in UP.
17&xzkE; fodkl ,oa lgdkfjrk
Rural Development and Cooperation
m0 iz0 esa ftysokj fodkl [k.M] vkckn xzke]{ks=Qy]xzkeh.k]tula[;k ,oa is;ty
17.1 332
lqfo/kk;qDr xzkeksa dk izfr'kr
Districtwise Number of Blocks, area,Rural population and percentage of villages with
drinking water facilities in UP.
17.2 mRrj izn's k ds izeq[k enksa ds vuqlkj xzkE; fodkl ;kstukvksa ij jktdh; O;; 335
Govt. Expenditure on Rural Development Programmes by Major Heads in UP.
17.3 mRrj izn's k esa lgdkjh lfefr;ksa rFkk cSadksa dh oxkZul
q kj ftysokj la[;k 336
District-wise number of Co-operative Societies and Banks Classified by Type in UP.
17.4 mRrj izn's k esa izkjfEHkd d`f"k _.k lfefr;ksa ds dfri; vkadM+s 342
Selected Statistics of Primary Agriculture Credit Socities in UP.
17.5 mRrj izn's k esa izkjfEHkd vd`"kh; _.k lfefr;ksa ds dfri; vkadM+s 344
Selected Statistics of Primary Non- Agriculture Credit Socities in UP.
17.6 mRrj izn's k esa m0iz0 lgdkjh xzkE; fodkl cSd ds dfri; vkadM+s 345
Selected Statistics of U.P.Sahkari Gram Vikas Bank in UP.
17.7 mRrj izn's k esa ftyk@dsUnzh; lgdkjh cSdksa ds dfri; vkadM+s 347
Selected Statistics of UP. District/Central Co-operative Banks in UP.
17.8 mRrj izn's k dksvkijsfVo QsMjs'ku ds dfri; vkadM+s 349
Selected Statistics of Co-operative Federation Ltd.
17.9 mRrj izn's k esa lgdkjh vkokl lfefr;ksa ds pqus gq, vkadM+s 350
Selected Statistics of Co-operative Housing Societies in UP.
17.10 mRrj izn's k esa nqX/k lgdkjh lfefr;ksa ds dfri; vkadM+s 351
Selected Statistics of milk Co-operative Societies in UP.
18& [kfudeZ ,oa [kku [kksnuk
Mining & Quarrying
18.1 mRrj izn's k esa [kfut inkFkksZ dk mRiknu 352
Production of Minerals in UP.
19& fofuekZ.k
19.1 mRrj izn's k esa ftysokj fucfU/kr dkj[kkuksa esa mRiknu ,oa jkstxkj 353
Districtwise Production & Employment in Registered Factories in UP.
19.2 mRrj izn's k esa vkS|ksfxd oxhZdj.k ds vuqlkj vkS|ksfxd mRiknu ds lwpdkad 359
Index Number of Industrial Production According to Industrial Classification in UP.
19.3 mRrj izn's k esa vkS|ksfxd vkLFkku 360
Industrial Estates in UP.
20& fo|qr ,oa ÅtkZ
Electricity and Power
20.1 m0iz0 esa vf/k"Bkfir la;a= {kerk ,oa mRikfnr fo|qr 361
Installed Plant Capacity and Electricity Generated in UP.

20.2 m0iz0 esa ftysokj mi;ksxkuqlkj fo|qr 'kfDr dk miHkksx ,oa miHkksDrkvksa dh la[;k 362

Distirctwise consumption of Electricity Power by use and Consumers in UP.

20.3 m0iz0 esa uxj ,oa fo|qrhd`r xzkeksa dh ftysokj la[;k 368
Distirctwise Number of Towns and Electrified Villages

rkfydk la[;k fooj.k i`"B la[;k
Table No. Descriptions Page No.
21& fuekZ.k
21.1 m0iz0 esa Hkou fuekZ.k lEcU/kh vko';d oLrqvksa ds ftysokj QqVdj Hkko 371
Districtwise Retail Prices of Essential Commodities Relating to Building Construction in
22& O;kikj

22.1 m0iz0 esa pquh gqbZ oLrqvksa dk ¼jsy ,oa unh }kjk½ Hkkjr ds vU; jkT;ksa dks fu;kZr 383

Export of Selected Commodities (By Rail & River) to other States of India from UP.

22.2 m0iz0 ls pquh gqbZ oLrqvksa dk ¼jsy ,oa unh }kjk½ Hkkjr ds vU; jkT;ksa ls vk;kr 386

Import of Selected Commodities (By Rail & River) to UP. from other States of India.
23& ifjogu
23.1 m0iz0 esa o"kZokj iathd`r ,oa pkfyr eksVj xkfM+;ksa dh la[;k 389
Yearwise No. of Registered Motor Vehicles & Motor Vehicles on road in UP.
23.2 m0iz0 esa jkT; jksMost ds okf.kfT;d 'kk[kk dh izxfr 391
Progress of State Roadways Commercial Wing in UP.
23.3 m0iz0 esa yksd fuekZ.k foHkkx }kjk la?k`r iDdh lM+dksa dh yEckbZ 392
District wise surfaced Road Length Maintained by P.W.D. in UP.
23.4 m0iz0 esa jsy ekxksZ dh yEckbZ 395
Length of Railway Routes in UP.
24 & foi.ku ,oa Hk.Mkj.k
Marketing & Storage
24.1 m0iz0 esa fofu;fer ef.M;ksa dh tuinokj la[;k 396
Districtwise No. of Regulated Markets in UP.
24.2 m0iz0 dh fofuf;fer ef.M;ksa esa d`f"k oLrqvksa dh okf"kZd dqy vkod 399
Annual arrivals of Agriculture Commodities in Regulated Markets of UP.
24.3 m0iz0 esa vfHkdj.kokj Hk.Mkj.k bdkbZ;ka ,oa mudh {kerk 400
Agencywise number and Capacity of storage units in UP.
24.4 m0iz0 esa jkT; ljdkj ds LokfeRo dks [kk|kUu Hk.Mkjksa dh ftysokj la[;k 401
Districtwise number of Capacity of State owned warehouses in UP.
24.5 mRrj izn's k esa fofHkUu ,tsfUl;ksa }kjk /kku ,oa xsgwa dh vf/kizkfIr 404
Procurement of wheat and Paddy by different agencies in UP.
24.6 mRrj izn's k esa lLrs xYys dh nqdkuksa dh la[;k 405
Number of Fair Price Shops in Uttar Pradesh
25& lapkj
25.1 m0iz0 esa Mkdh; laLFkkvksa dh ftysokj la[;k 406
Districtwise Number of Postal Institutions in Uttar Pradesh.
26 & i;ZVu ,oa ukxfjd mM~M;u
Tourism & Civil Aviation
26.1 m0iz0 esa ftysokj izeq[k i;ZVu LFky ,oa mudks ns[kus vkus okys i;ZVdksa dh la[;k 409

Districtwise Important Tourist Spots and No. of Tourists Visiting Them in Uttar Pradesh

26.2 m0iz0 rFkk Hkkjr esa vkus okys fons'kh i;ZVdksa dh la[;k rFkk vftZr fons'kh eqnkz 410

No. of Foreigner Tourists Visiting in UP. and India and Earned Foreign Currency

rkfydk la[;k fooj.k i`"B la[;k
Table No. Descriptions Page No.
27 & Je ,oa jkstxkj
Labour & Employment
27.1 m0iz0 esa okf.kfT;d izfr"Bkuks]a nqdkuksa dh la[;k rFkk muesa dk;Zjr deZpkjh 411
No. of Commercial Establishments, Shops & workers Employed in Them in UP.
m0iz0 esa m|ksx vuqlkj iathd`r dk;Zjr dkj[kkuksa dh la[;k vkSj muesa dk;Zjr
27.2 412
izfrfnu vkSlr Jfed
Industrywise No. of Registered Working Factories & Average Daily Workers Employed
in them in UP.
27.3 m0iz0 esa iw.kZdkfyd dqy vuqlfw pr tkfr ,oa tutkfr ds jkT; deZpkjh 414
Whole Time Total Scheduled Castes & Scheduled Tribes State Govt. Employees in

27.4 m0iz0 esa jkstxkj dk;kZy;ksas }kjk ftysokj iathdj.k ,oa jkstxkj ls yxkus dk dk;Z 415

Districtwise Applicants Registered & Placed in Employment through Employment

Exchanges in UP.
m0iz0 esa jkstxkj dk;kZy;ksas dh pkyw iaft;ksa esa dk;Z izkfFkZ;ksa dk O;olk;kuqlkj
27.5 418
Occupational Distribution of Applicants on the Live Register of Employment Exchanges
in UP.
27.6 m0iz0 ds lkoZtfud {ks= esa jkstxkj 419
Districtwise Employment in Public Sector in UP.
27.7 Hkkjr o"kZ esa lkoZtfud ,oa futh {ks= esa jkT;okj vuqekfur jkstxkj 422
Statewise Estimated Employment in Public & Private Sectors in India.
27.8 m0iz0 esa izeq[k m|ksx oxkZul
q kj izfr Jfed okf"kZd vkSlr dekbZ 424
Annual Average Earnings per labour by Major Industry Group in UP .
yksd lsok vk;ksx] mRrj izn's k }kjk foKkfir fjfDr;ksa rFkk laLrqr fd, x,
27.9 426
vH;fFkZ;ksa dh la[;k
Number of Vacancies Advertised & Applicants Recommended by Public Service
Commission UP.
27.10 m0iz0 ds dkj[kkuksa esa nq?kZVuk;sa 427
Accidents in Factories of UP.
27.11 mRrj izn's k esa m|ksxkuqlkj gM+rky ,oa rkykcfUn;ksa dh la[;k 428
Industrywise Number of Strikes & Lock-outs in UP.
27.12 mRrj izn's k esa lnL;rkuqlkj Jfed la?kksa dk oxhZdj.k 429
Distribution of trade Unions According to Membership in UP.

27.13 mRrj izn's k esa dkj[kkuksa esa efgyk Jfedksa dh la[;k ,oa muesa nh x;h ekr`Ro ykHk 430

No. of Female Workers Employed in Factories & Maternity Benefits given to them in
27.14 mRrj izn's k esa jkstxkj cktkj dh lwpuk 431
Employment Market Information in UP.
28&vf/kdks"k.k ,oa chek
Banking & Insurance
mRrj izn's k esa vuqlfw pr O;olkf;d cSadksa dh ftysokj la[;k rFkk muds _.k tek
28.1 433
Districtwise No. of Scheduled commercial Banks & their Credit Deposit Ratio in UP.
Hkkjr o"kZ esa jkT;okj vuqlfw pr O;olkf;d cSad dk;kZy;ksa dh la[;k] tek /kujkf'k
28.2 436
,oa forfjr _.k
Statewise No. of Bank Offices and Deposits & Credit in India.

rkfydk la[;k fooj.k i`"B la[;k
Table No. Descriptions Page No.
29 & yksd foRr
Public Finance
29.1 mRrj izn's k esa dqy jktLo izkfIr;ka 438
Total Revenue Receipts in UP.
29.2 mRrj izn's k ds jktLo ys[ks dk O;; 439
Expenditure From Revenue Accounts of Uttar Pradesh
29.3 mRrj izn's k dk iwt
a h ctV 440
Capital Budget in UP.
29.4 mRrj izn's k dk ctV ,d n`f"V esa 441
Over all Budgetory Position of UP.
29.5 mRrj izn's k esa jktdh; ctV dk izfr'kr forj.k ¼dk;Z lEcU/kh oxhZdj.k½ 442
Percentage Distribution of Govt.Budget in UP. (Functional Classification)
29.6 mRrj izn's k esa jktdh; ctV dk izfr'kr forj.k ¼vkfFkZd oxhZdj.k½ 444
Percentage Distribution of Govt. Budget in UP. ( Economic Classification)
29.7 mRrj izn's k esa Hkw&jktLo dh ftysokj ekax@olwyh ds vkadM+s 445
Districtwise Figures of Demand & Collection of Land Revenue in UP.
29.8 mRrj izn's k esa oLrqvksa ds vuqlkj vkcdkjh jktLo 451
Excise Revenue by Commodities in UP.
29.9 Hkkjr esa fjVuZl dh la[;k]vuqekfur dqy vk; rFkk lhekuqlkj ns; vk;dj 452
Number of Returns & Tax payable by Status and Returned Income Range in India.
29.10 Hkkjr esa fu/kkzZj.k o"kZ 2017&18 gsrq vk;dj dh njsAa 454
Rate of Income Tax for Assesment Years 2017-18 in India
29.11 mRrj izn's k esa Mkd?kj cpr ;kstuk 455
Post Office Saving Schemes in Uttar Pradesh
30 & Hkko vkSj lwpdkad
Prices & Indices
30.1 mRrj izn's k ds Fkksd Hkko lwpdkad 456
Index of Wholesale Prices in Uttar Pradesh.
30.2 mRrj izn's k esa d`"kh; oLrqvksa@izkFkfed oLrqvksa ds Fkksd Hkko lwpdkad 463
Index No. of Wholesale price of Agricultural Commodities/Primary Articles
30.3 vf[ky Hkkjrh; Fkksd Hkkoksa ds lewgokj lwpdkad 464
All India Index No. of Whole Sale Prices by Groups
30.4 m0iz0 ds pqus gq, dsUnzksa ij vkS|ksfxd Jfedksa dk miHkksDrk Hkko lwpdkad 468
Consumer Price Index No. for the Industrial Workers at Selected Centres in UP.
30-4v foRrh; o"kZ 2019&20 ds fy, m0iz0 dk vkSlr uxjh; miHkkssDrk Hkko
30-4c foRrh; o"kZ 2019&20 ds fy, mRrj izns'k dk vkSlr xzkeh.k miHkkssDrk Hkko
30.4b ANNUAL
AVERAGE (2019-20)
(2019-20) OFCONSUMER
30.5 m0iz0 dk miHkkssDrk Hkko lwpdkad ¼vk/kkj 2012=100½ 476
Consumer price index of UP. (Base 2012=100)
30.6 vf[ky Hkkjrh; vkS|ksfxd Jfedksa dk miHkksDrk Hkko lwpdkad 477
All India Index Number of Consumer Prices of Industrial Workers
31 iapo"khZ; ;kstuk;sa
Five Year Plan
31.1 mRrj izn's k dh iapo"khZ; rFkk okf"kZd ;kstukvksa ij O;;@ifjO;; 478
Expenditure/Outlay on Five Year & Annual Plans of UP.

rkfydk la[;k fooj.k i`"B la[;k
Table No. Descriptions Page No.
Hkkx&3 vU; lkWf[;dh
Part-3 Other Statistics
32 la;qDr LdU/k dEiuh
Joint Stock Companies
32.1 m0iz0 esa dk;Zjr] uo fucfU/kr rFkk lekIr gqbZ la;qDr LdU/k dEifu;ka 479
Joint Stock Companies at Work, Newly Registered & Liquidated in UP.
m0iz0 esa fucfU/kr la;qDr LdU/k dEifu;ksa dk vf/kd`r iwWth ,oa vkS|ksfxd oxkZul
q kj 480
Registered Joint Stock Companies Classified According to Authorised Capital &
Industrial Classification, in UP.
33& lkoZtfud midze
Public Undertaking
mRrj izn's k esa m0iz0 vkokl fodkl ifj"kn }kjk izkIr _.k rFkk cuk;s x;s edkuksa 481
dh la[;k
Loans Received & Houses Constructed by the UP. Housing & Development Board in
33.2 m-iz- esa ;w-ih- izkt
s sDV dkiksjZ 's ku fy- }kjk lEikfnr dk;ksZ dk fooj.k 482
Work done by UP. Project Corporation Ltd. in UP.
mRrj izn's k esa LVsV ,xzks b.MfLVª;y dkjiksj's ku fy0 dh pquh gqbZ miyfC/k;ksa ls
33.3 484
lEcfU/kr vkadM+s
Statistics Relating to Selected Achievements of UP. State Agro Industrial Corporation
34 & lkoZtfud iz'kklu ,oa fuokZpu lEcU/kh vkadM+s
Public Administration & Electoral Statistics
34.1 m0iz0 esa LFkkuh; fudk;ksa dh ftysokj la[;k 485
Districtwise No. of Local Bodies in UP.
34.2 m0iz0 ftyk iapk;rksa dh ftysokj dqy jktLo izkfIr;ka 488
Districtwise Total Revenue of Zila Panchayats in UP.
34.3 m0iz0 esa ftyk iapk;rksa dk ftysokj jktLo O;; ,oa iwathxr O;; 491
Districtwise Total Revenue Expenditure & Capital Expenditure of Zila Panchayats in
m0iz0 esa uxj fuxe] uxj ikfydk ifj"kn ,oa uxj iapk;rksa dh ftysokj dqy
34.4 494
jktLo izkfIr;ka
Districtwise Total Revenue receipts of Nagar Nigam, Nagar Palika Parishad & Nagar
Panchayat in UP.
m0iz0 esa uxj fuxe@uxj ikfydk ifj"kn@uxj iapk;rksa dh ftysokj dqy jktLo
34.5 497
,oa iwathxr O;;
Districtwise Total Revenue Expenditure & Capital Expenditure of Nagar Nigam, Nagar
Palika Parishad & Nagar Panchayat in UP.
34.6 m0iz0 ds LFkkuh; fudk;ksa esa izeq[k enksa ds vuqlkj dqy jktLo izkfIr;ka 500
Total Revenue Receipts for Important items of Local Bodies in UP.
34.7 m0iz0 ds LFkkuh; fudk;ksa esa izeq[k enksa ds vuqlkj dqy jktLo O;; 501
Total Revenue Expenditure for Important items of Local Bodies in UP.
34.8 m0iz0 ds LFkkuh; fudk;ksa esa izeq[k enksa ds vuqlkj dqy iwathxr O;; 502
Capital Expenditure of Local Bodies in UP.
34.9 m0iz0 ds LFkkuh; fudk;ksa esa ftysokj deZpkjh ,oa mudks iznRr /kujkf'k 503
Districtwise Employees & their Emoluments of Local Bodies in UP.
34.10 ¼d½ & m0iz0 esa xzke iapk;rksa] U;k; iapk;rksa] ,oa {ks= iapk;rksa dh ftysokj la[;k 509
Districtwise No. of Gram Panchayats, Nyay Panchayats & Block Panchayats in UP.
34.10 ¼[k½ & m0iz0 esa xzke iapk;rksa ds vk;&O;;d dk okf"kZd oxhZdj.k 512
Annual classification of Income & Expenditure of Gram Panchayats in UP.

rkfydk la[;k fooj.k i`"B la[;k
Table No. Descriptions Page No.
34.11 m0iz0 esa yksd lHkk ds fy, fuokZpdksa dh la[;k 513
Number of Electorates for Lok Sabha in UP.
34.12 m0iz0 esa fo/kku lHkk ds fy, ftysokj fuokZpdksa dh la[;k 516
Districtwise Number of Electorates for Vidhansabha in UP.
34.13 m0iz0 esa yksdlHkk ,oa fo/kkulHkk ds fy, lhVksa dh ftysokj la[;k 519
Districtwise Number of seats for Lok Sabha & Vidhansabha in UP.
m0iz0 esa fo/kku lHkk lkekU; fuokZpu&2017 esa Mkys x;s erksa dh la[;k] ernku dk
izfr'kr rFkk ekU;rk izkIr jk"Vªh; nyksa }kjk thrs x;s LFkkuksa dk ftysokj fooj.k
Districtwise Number of Votes Polled, Percentage of Vote Polled & Seats Won by the
Recognised National Parties in Vidhan Sabha General Election -2017 in UP.
34.15 m0iz0 yksd lHkk fuokZpu esa iM+s erksa dh la[;k 537
Number of Votes Polled in Lok Sabha Election in UP.
34.16 m0iz0fo/kku lHkk fuokZpu esa iM+s erksa dh la[;k 540
Number of Votes Polled in Vidhan Sabha Election in UP.
34.17 Hkkjr esa yksdlHkk rFkk fo/kkulHkkvksa ds fy, jkT;okj LFkkuksa dh la[;k 543
Number of Lok Sabha & Vidhan Sabha Seats by States in India
35 & fofo/k
35.1 mRrj izn's k esa vfXudk.M ,oa muesa gqbZ lEifRr ,oa thoksa dh {kfr 544
Incidence of Fire & Loss of Property and Life in UP.
35.2 mRrj izn's k esa ftysokj jsLV gkml rFkk Mkd caxyksa dh la[;k 545
Districtwise No. of Rest House/Dak Bunglows in UP.
35.3 mRrj izn's k esa vkfFkZd x.kuk]2005] 2012 dh izeq[k fo'ks"krk,a 551
Major Characterstics of Economic Census-2005, 2012 in UP.
35.4 mRrj izn's k esa vkfFkZd x.kuk&2012 ds vuqlkj m|eksa ds pqus gq, ftysokj vkadM+as 552
Districtwise selected statistics relating to enterprises of economic census- 2012 of in
35.5 m0iz0 esa ftysokj flusek?kjksa rFkk euksjt
a u ,oa ckthdj ls vk; 555
Districtwise No. of Cinema Houses, Income From Entertainment & Betting Tax in UP.
35.6 m0iz0 esa ftysokj Hwkw r iwoZ lSfud rFkk okjfoMskt dh la[;k 558
Districtwise No. of Ex- serviceman and warwidows in UP.
O;k[;kRed fVIi.kh v/;k; 1lss 35 rd 561-617
Explanatory notes - Chapter 1 to 35
..vizkIr Not Available *vufUre provisional
R la'kksf/kr Revised ** ekr` tuin esa lfEefyr Included in Mother District
# iqujko`fRr Repeated

la[;kvksa dk fudVre :i%&if=dk esa izdkf'kr la[;k;sa vkSj ;ksx lkekU;r% vk/ks ls
de dks NksM+rs gq, vkSj vk/kk ;k vk/ks ls vf/kd dks iw.kZ ekurs gq, fudVre lgL=]
yk[k ;k djksM+ esa nh x;h gSA tgkW dgha ;ksx i`Fkd&2 nh gqbZ la[;kvksa ds ;ksx ls
fdafpr fHkUu izrhr gksrs gSa ogkW ;fn dksbZ vU; dkj.k u fn;k x;k gks rks vUrj dk
dkj.k ;gh ekuuk pkfg;sA
Rounding:- The Figures including the totals published in the bulletin have been
generally rounded off to the nearest thousand,Lakh or Crore,neglecting less than
half and taking half or more than half as one.Whereas total differs from the sum
of individual figures, the difference,except where otherwise indicated may be
taken to be due to such roundings.

mRrj izns'k dk ekufp=


TT jk


lgkjuiqj K


'kkeyh eqt¶Qjuxj fctukSj N

Shamli Muzaffar

Baghpat esjB eqjknk&
Meerut ckn
gA fjR

vejksgk jkeiqj

Budh Nagar
Hapud Amroha


Pilibhit E
P y

vyhx<+ 'kkgtgkaiqj cgjkbp A

dklxat Shahjahanpur JkoLrh L
eFkqjk Kasganj
Bahraich Shrawasti
Mathura gkFkjl ,Vk lhrkiqj cyjkeiqj
jk t L Fkk u

Etah Sitapur Balrampur

Farrukhabad gjnksbZ fl)kFkZ uxj
Hardoi Siddharth nagar egkjktxat
fQjkstkckn eSuiqjh xks.Mk Mahrajganj
vkxjk Mainpuri dUukSt Gonda
Agra Kannauj
y[kuÅ ckjkcadh cLrh
lar dchj dq'khuxj
uxj Kushinagar
bVkok Lucknow
Barabanki Basti
vkSjs;k v;ks/;k
Auraiya mUuko SANT

Ayodhya NAGAR
dkuiqj nsgkr vEcsMdj uxj
M Kanpur
vesBh lqYrkuiqj

dkuiqj uxj Amethi Sultanpur

tkykSu Kanpur Raebareli vktex<+ eÅ

Nagar Mau

Qrsgiqj izrkix<+ Ballia
Pratapgarh tkSuiqj
gehjiqj Fatehpur Jaunpur xkthiqj
>kalh Hamirpur Ghazipur

dkS'kkEch okjk.klh gk

Hknksgh pUnkSyh

Banda Kaushambi Varanasi

egksck Bhadohi
Mahoba fp=dwV iz;kxjkt





lksuHknz >kj
iz ns 'k AR
NRRkhlx<+ D


vuqekfur ekufp=k
Hkkjr dk ekufp=

tEew ,oa LADAKH

fgekpy izns'k
paMhx<+ mRrjk[k.M
gfj;k.kk izns'k
ASSAM vle ukxkyS.M
mRrj izns'k NAGALAND
fcgkj MEGHALAYA ef.kiqj

f=iqjk fetksje
>kj[k.M if'pe caxky TRIPURA
xqtjkr e/;izns'k WEST BANGAL
vksfM+ kk
nho DIU

nknjk vkSj uxj gosyh vkSj ne.k vkSj nho½ MAHARASHTRA

xksok vkU/kz izns'k

v.Meku ,oa fudksckj }








¼Hkkjr IA)







vuqekfur ekufp=
Hkkx&1 lkekftd lk¡f[;dh
1& {ks=Qy ,oa tula[;k Area and Population
1-1 mRrj izn's k esa tula[;k dh izo`fRr
Trend of Population in Uttar Pradesh
tula[;k (Population)
n'kd vUrj
leLr n'kd vUrj iq:"k L=h xzkeh.k uxjh;
Years Decadal
Total Variation Male Female Rural Urban
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1901 48627655 .. .. 25098994 23528661 43250206 5377449

1911 48154908 -472747 -0.97 25144159 23010749 43254637 4900271

1921 46672398 -1482510 -3.08 24452475 22219923 41752011 4920387

1931 49779538 3107140 6.66 26148359 23631179 44228779 5550759

1941 56535154 6755616 13.57 29640728 26894426 49514884 7020270

1951 63219655 6684501 11.82 33100719 30118936 54593956 8625699

1961 73754554 10534899 16.66 38638307 35116247 64274659 9474895

1971 88341144 14586590 19.78 47016421 41324723 75952548 12388596

1981 110862013 22520869 25.49 58819276 52042737 90962898 19899115

1991# 132061653 28250274 & 25.48 & 70396062 61665591 106089822 25971831

2001# 166197921 34136268 25.85 87565369 78632552 131658339 34539582

2011# 199812341 33614420 20.23 104480510 95331831 155317278 44495063

& vfoHkkftr m0iz0 /Undivided UP. # iquxZfBr m0 iz0 #Reorganised UP.

..vizkIr .. Not Available

lzksr%&Hkkjrh; tux.kukA Source-Census of India .

1& {ks=Qy ,oa tula[;k @ Area and Population

1-2& mRrj izns'k esa ftysokj {ks=Qy ,oa fyxkauqlkj xzkeh.k ,oa uxjh; tula[;k 2011
Districtwise Area and Rural / Urban Population in UP. by sex 2011
xzkeh.k (Rural)
¼oxZ fd0eh0½ 2011 O;fDr iq:"k L=h
tuin District

Person Male Female
(Square Km.)2011
1 2 3 4 5 1
1 lgkjuiqj 3689 2399856 1269803 1130053 Saharanpur
2 eqt¶Qj uxj 4008 2952200 1565004 1387196 Muz. Nagar
3 'kkeyh ** ** ** ** Shamli
4 fctukSj 4561 2757401 1438412 1318989 Bijnor
5 eqjknkckn 3718 3198383 1680022 1518361 Moradabad
6 laHky ** ** ** ** Sambhal
7 jkeiqj 2367 1747172 916878 830294 Rampur
8 vejksgk 2249 1381508 724539 656969 Amroha
9 esjB 2559 1684507 894920 789587 Meerut
10 ckxir 1321 1028023 553807 474216 Bagapat
11 xkft;kckn 1179 1519098 808222 710876 Ghaziabad
12 gkiqqM+ ** ** ** ** Hapur
13 xkSrecq} uxj 1282 673806 359605 314201 G.B. Nagar
14 cqyUn'kgj 4512 2631742 1390490 1241252 Bulandshahr
15 vyhx<+ 3650 2456698 1308923 1147775 Aligarh
16 gkFkjl 1840 1232015 659814 572201 Hathras
17 eFkqjk 3340 1791191 962028 829163 Mathura
18 vkxjk 4041 2394602 1285184 1109418 Agra
19 fQjkstkckn 2407 1664987 891872 773115 Firozabad
20 ,Vk 2431 1506338 805589 700749 Etah
21 dklxat 1955 1148512 612556 535956 Kasganj
22 eSuiqjh 2760 1580087 842374 737713 Mainpuri
23 cnk;wW 5168 3037301 1630376 1406925 Badaun
24 cjsyh 4120 2879950 1530356 1349594 Bareilly
25 ihyhHkhr 3686 1679592 886789 792803 Pilibhit
26 'kkgtgkWiqj 4388 2412446 1293714 1118732 Shahjahanpur
27 [khjh 7680 3560208 1880679 1679529 Kheri
28 lhrkiqj 5743 3953208 2098123 1855085 Sitapur
29 gjnksbZ 5986 3551039 1906147 1644892 Hardoi
30 mUuko 4558 2576721 1351897 1224824 Unnao
31 y[kuÅ 2528 1550842 813752 737090 Lucknow
32 jk;cjsyh 4609 3097564 1592449 1505115 Raebareli
33 Q:Z[kkckn 2181 1469019 785301 683718 Farrukhabad
34 dUukSt 2093 1375775 734245 641530 Kannauj
35 bVkok 2311 1215511 652740 562771 Etawah
36 vkSjS;k 2016 1145323 616494 528829 Auraiya
37 dkuiqj nsgkr 3021 1622761 871508 751253 Kanpur Dehat
38 dkuiqj uxj 3155 1565623 837260 728363 Kanpur Nagar
39 tkykSu 4565 1271074 683656 587418 Jalaun
vuqc)----- Contd……

1& {ks=Qy ,oa tula[;k @ Area and Population

1-2& mRrj izns'k esa ftysokj {ks=Qy ,oa fyxkauqlkj xzkeh.k ,oa uxjh; tula[;k 2011
Districtwise Area and Rural / Urban Population in UP. by sex 2011
xzkeh.k (Rural)
¼oxZ fd0eh0½ 2011 O;fDr iq:"k L=h
tuin District

Person Male Female
(Square Km.)2011
1 2 3 4 5 1
40 >kWlh 5024 1165119 615629 549490 Jhansi
41 yfyriqj 5039 1046214 549478 496736 Lalitpur
42 gehjiqj 4021 894437 481373 413064 Hamirpur
43 egksck 3144 690577 368009 322568 Mahoba
44 ckWnk 4408 1523655 819243 704412 Banda
45 fp=dwV 3216 895398 476794 418604 Chitrakoot
46 Qrsgiqj 4152 2310740 1215690 1095050 Fatehpur
47 izrkix<+ 3717 3033899 1515583 1518316 Pratapgarh
48 dkS'kkEch 1779 1475140 773335 701805 Kausambi
49 izz;kxjkt 5482 4481518 2340959 2140559 prayagraj
50 ckjkcadh 4402 2929896 1533455 1396441 Barabanki
51 v;ks/;k 2341 2130743 1079257 1051486 Ayodhya
52 vEcsndj uxj 2350 2117158 1067762 1049396 Ambedkar Nagar
53 lqYrkuiqj 4436 3597201 1810496 1786705 Sultanpur
54 vesBh ** ** ** ** Amethi
55 cgjkbp 5237 3203687 1695122 1508565 Bahraich
56 JkoLrh 1640 1078712 573681 505031 Shrawasti
57 cyjkeiqj 3349 1982274 1027943 954331 Balrampur
58 xks.Mk 4003 3208890 1669058 1539832 Gonda
59 fl}kFkZuxj 2895 2398606 1212141 1186465 Siddharth Nagar
60 cLrh 2688 2326367 1182846 1143521 Basti
61 lardchj uxj 1646 1586652 802609 784043 Sant Kabir Nagar
62 egjktxat 2952 2549973 1312126 1237847 Maharajganj
63 xksj[kiqj 3321 3604766 1838726 1766040 Gorakhpur
64 dq'khuxj 2905 3396437 1730377 1666060 Kushi Nagar
65 nsofj;k 2540 2784143 1373111 1411032 Deoria
66 vktex<+ 4054 4220512 2082707 2137805 Azamgarh
67 eÅ 1713 1706760 858843 847917 Mau
68 cfy;k 2981 2935665 1514018 1421647 Ballia
69 tkSuiqj 4038 4147624 2041217 2106407 Jaunpur
70 xkthiqj 3377 3345908 1711651 1634257 Ghazipur
71 pUnkSyh 2541 1710203 890630 819573 Chandauli
72 okjk.klh 1535 2079790 1076526 1003264 Varanasi
Sant Ravidas
73 larjfonkl uxj 1015 1348911 686589 662322
74 fetkZiqj 4405 2149403 1127138 1022265 Mirzapur
75 lksuHknz 6905 1548217 803345 744872 Sonbhadra
mRrj izns'k 240928 155317278 80992995 74324283 Uttar Pradesh
** ekr` tuin esa lfEefyr ** Included in Mother District

lkzsr%& Hkkjrh; tux.kuk 2011 Source:-Census of India .

1& {ks=Qy ,oa tula[;k @ Area and Population
1-2& mRrj izns'k esa ftysokj {ks=Qy ,oa fyaxkuqlkj xzkeh.k ,oa uxjh; tula[;k 2011
Districtwise Area and Rural / Urban Population in UP. by sex 2011
uxjh; (Urban)
tuin O;fDr iq:"k L=h District
Person Male Female
1 6 7 8 1
1 lgkjuiqj 1066526 564303 502223 Saharanpur
2 eqt¶Qj uxj 1191312 628430 562882 Muz. Nagar
3 'kkeyh ** ** ** Shamli
4 fctukSj 925312 482803 442509 Bijnor
5 eqjknkckn 1573623 823164 750459 Moradabad
6 laHky ** ** ** Sambhal
7 jkeiqj 588647 307011 281636 Rampur
8 vejksgk 458713 238910 219803 Amroha
9 esjB 1759182 930823 828359 Meerut
10 ckxir 275025 146263 128762 Bagapat
11 xkft;kckn 3162547 1680612 1481935 Ghaziabad
12 gkiqqM+ ** ** ** Hapur
13 xkSrecq} uxj 974309 530609 443700 G.B. Nagar
14 cqyUn'kgj 867429 454770 412659 Bulandshahr
15 vyhx<+ 1217191 643073 574118 Aligarh
16 gkFkjl 332693 176313 156380 Hathras
17 eFkqjk 755993 405097 350896 Mathura
18 vkxjk 2024195 1079769 944426 Agra
19 fQjkstkckn 833169 440174 392995 Firozabad
20 ,Vk 268142 141750 126392 Etah
21 dklxat 288207 151609 136598 Kasganj
22 eSuiqjh 288442 151003 137439 Mainpuri
23 cnk;wW 644595 337383 307212 Badaun
24 cjsyh 1568409 827309 741100 Bareilly
25 ihyhHkhr 351415 185213 166202 Pilibhit
26 'kkgtgkWiqj 594092 312689 281403 Shahjahanpur
27 [khjh 461035 242508 218527 Kheri
28 lhrkiqj 530784 277141 253643 Sitapur
29 gjnksbZ 541806 285295 256511 Hardoi
30 mUuko 531646 278190 253456 Unnao
31 y[kuÅ 3038996 1580724 1458272 Lucknow
32 jk;cjsyh 307995 160093 147902 Raebareli
33 Q:Z[kkckn 416185 220939 195246 Farrukhabad
34 dUukSt 280841 147531 133310 Kannauj
35 bVkok 366299 193116 173183 Etawah
36 vkSjS;k 234222 123546 110676 Auraiya
37 dkuiqj nsgkr 173423 91747 81676 Kanpur Dehat
38 dkuiqj uxj 3015645 1622546 1393099 Kanpur Nagar
39 tkykSu 418900 222436 196464 Jalaun
vuqc)------- Contd…….

1& {ks=Qy ,oa tula[;k @ Area and Population
1-2& mRrj izns'k esa ftysokj {ks=Qy ,oa fyaxkuqlkj xzkeh.k ,oa uxjh; tula[;k 2011
Districtwise Area and Rural / Urban Population in UP. by sex 2011
uxjh; (Urban)
tuin O;fDr iq:"k L=h District
Person Male Female
1 6 7 8 1
40 >kWlh 833484 441807 391677 Jhansi
41 yfyriqj 175378 91533 83845 Lalitpur
42 gehjiqj 209848 112164 97684 Hamirpur
43 egksck 185381 98349 87032 Mahoba
44 ckWnk 275755 146633 129122 Banda
45 fp=dwV 96332 50927 45405 Chitrakoot
46 Qrsgiqj 321993 169032 152961 Fatehpur
47 izrkix<+ 175242 90502 84740 Pratapgarh
48 dkS'kkEch 124456 65150 59306 Kausambi
49 iz;kxjkt 1472873 790848 682025 Prayagraj
50 ckjkcadh 330803 173618 157185 Barabanki
51 v;ks/;k 340253 180371 159882 Ayodhya
52 vEcsndj uxj 280730 144648 136082 Ambedkar Nagar
53 lqYrkuiqj 199916 104090 95826 Sultanpur
54 vesBh ** ** ** Amethi
55 cgjkbp 284044 148762 135282 Bahraich
56 JkoLrh 38649 20216 18433 Shrawasti
57 cyjkeiqj 166391 86778 79613 Balrampur
58 xks.Mk 225029 118088 106941 Gonda
59 fl}kFkZuxj 160691 82954 77737 Siddharth Nagar
60 cLrh 138097 72426 65671 Basti
61 lardchj uxj 128531 67047 61484 Sant Kabir Nagar
62 egjktxat 134730 69628 65102 Maharajganj
63 xksj[kiqj 836129 439051 397078 Gorakhpur
64 dq'khuxj 168107 87678 80429 Kushi Nagar
65 nsofj;k 316803 164325 152478 Deoria
66 vktex<+ 393401 202297 191104 Azamgarh
67 eÅ 499208 255866 243342 Mau
68 cfy;k 304109 158884 145225 Ballia
69 tkSuiqj 346580 179248 167332 Jaunpur
70 xkthiqj 274360 143424 130936 Ghazipur
71 pUnkSyh 242553 127275 115278 Chandauli
72 okjk.klh 1597051 845331 751720 Varanasi
73 larjfonkl uxj 229302 120510 108792 Sant Ravidas Nagar
74 fetkZiqj 347567 185164 162403 Mirzapur
75 lksuHknz 314342 167999 146343 Sonbhadra
mRrj izns'k 44495063 23487515 21007548 Uttar Pradesh
** ekr` tuin esa lfEefyr ** Included in Mother District
lzksr%&Hkkjrh; tux.kuk 2011 Source-Census of India 2011

1& {ks=Qy ,oa tula[;k @ Area and Population
1-2& mRrj izns'k esa ftysokj {ks=Qy ,oa fyaxkuqlkj xzkeh.k ,oa uxjh; tula[;k 2011
Districtwise Area and Rural & Urban Population in UP. by sex 2011

izfr oxZ fd-eh-

dqy (Total)
tula[;k dk ?kuRo
O;fDr iq:"k L=h 2011
tuin District
Density of Population
Person Male Female
Per Sq-Kms. 2011

1 9 10 11 12 1
1 lgkjuiqj 3466382 1834106 1632276 940 Saharanpur
2 eqt¶Qj uxj 4143512 2193434 1950078 1034 Muz. Nagar
3 'kkeyh ** ** ** ** Shamli
4 fctukSj 3682713 1921215 1761498 807 Bijnor
5 eqjknkckn 4772006 2503186 2268820 1284 Moradabad
6 laHky ** ** ** ** Sambhal
7 jkeiqj 2335819 1223889 1111930 987 Rampur
8 vejksgk 1840221 963449 876772 818 Amroha
9 esjB 3443689 1825743 1617946 1346 Meerut
10 ckxir 1303048 700070 602978 986 Bagapat
11 xkft;kckn 4681645 2488834 2192811 9871 Ghaziabad
12 gkiqqM+ ** ** ** ** Hapur
13 xkSrecq} uxj 1648115 890214 757901 1286 G.B. Nagar
14 cqyUn'kgj 3499171 1845260 1653911 776 Bulandshahr
15 vyhx<+ 3673889 1951996 1721893 1007 Aligarh
16 gkFkjl 1564708 836127 728581 850 Hathras
17 eFkqjk 2547184 1367125 1180059 763 Mathura
18 vkxjk 4418797 2364953 2053844 1094 Agra
19 fQjkstkckn 2498156 1332046 1166110 1038 Firozabad
20 ,Vk 1774480 947339 827141 730 Etah
21 dklxat 1436719 764165 672554 735 Kasganj
22 eSuiqjh 1868529 993377 875152 677 Mainpuri
23 cnk;wW 3681896 1967759 1714137 712 Badaun
24 cjsyh 4448359 2357665 2090694 1080 Bareilly
25 ihyhHkhr 2031007 1072002 959005 551 Pilibhit
26 'kkgtgkWijq 3006538 1606403 1400135 685 Shahjahanpur
27 [khjh 4021243 2123187 1898056 524 Kheri
28 lhrkiqj 4483992 2375264 2108728 781 Sitapur
29 gjnksbZ 4092845 2191442 1901403 684 Hardoi
30 mUuko 3108367 1630087 1478280 682 Unnao
31 y[kuÅ 4589838 2394476 2195362 1816 Lucknow
32 jk;cjsyh 3405559 1752542 1653017 739 Raebareli
33 Q:Z[kkckn 1885204 1006240 878964 864 Farrukhabad
34 dUukSt 1656616 881776 774840 792 Kannauj
35 bVkok 1581810 845856 735954 685 Etawah
36 vkSjS;k 1379545 740040 639505 684 Auraiya
37 dkuiqj nsgkr 1796184 963255 832929 595 Kanpur Dehat
38 dkuiqj uxj 4581268 2459806 2121462 1452 Kanpur Nagar
39 tkykSu 1689974 906092 783882 370 Jalaun
vuqc)------ Contd…….

1& {ks=Qy ,oa tula[;k @ Area and Population
1-2& mRrj izns'k esa ftysokj {ks=Qy ,oa fyaxkuqlkj xzkeh.k ,oa uxjh; tula[;k 2011
Districtwise Area and Rural & Urban Population in UP. by sex 2011
dqy (Total) izfr oxZ fd-eh- tula[;k
O;fDr iq:"k L=h dk ?kuRo 2011
tuin District
Density of
Person Male Female Population Per Sq-
Kms. 2011
1 9 10 11 12 1
40 >kWlh 1998603 1057436 941167 398 Jhansi
41 yfyriqj 1221592 641011 580581 242 Lalitpur
42 gehjiqj 1104285 593537 510748 275 Hamirpur
43 egksck 875958 466358 409600 279 Mahoba
44 ckWnk 1799410 965876 833534 408 Banda
45 fp=dwV 991730 527721 464009 308 Chitrakoot
46 Qrsgiqj 2632733 1384722 1248011 634 Fatehpur
47 izrkix<+ 3209141 1606085 1603056 863 Pratapgarh
48 dkS'kkEch 1599596 838485 761111 899 Kausambi
49 iz;kxjkt 5954391 3131807 2822584 1086 Prayagraj
50 ckjkcadh 3260699 1707073 1553626 741 Barabanki
51 v;ks/;k 2470996 1259628 1211368 1056 Ayodhya
52 vEcsndj uxj 2397888 1212410 1185478 1020 Ambedkar Nagar
53 lqYrkuiqj 3797117 1914586 1882531 856 Sultanpur
54 vesBh ** ** ** ** Amethi
55 cgjkbp 3487731 1843884 1643847 666 Bahraich
56 JkoLrh 1117361 593897 523464 681 Shrawasti
57 cyjkeiqj 2148665 1114721 1033944 642 Balrampur
58 xks.Mk 3433919 1787146 1646773 858 Gonda
59 fl}kFkZuxj 2559297 1295095 1264202 884 Siddharth Nagar
60 cLrh 2464464 1255272 1209192 917 Basti
61 lardchj uxj 1715183 869656 845527 1042 Sant Kabir Nagar
62 egjktxat 2684703 1381754 1302949 910 Maharajganj
63 xksj[kiqj 4440895 2277777 2163118 1337 Gorakhpur
64 dq'khuxj 3564544 1818055 1746489 1227 Kushi Nagar
65 nsofj;k 3100946 1537436 1563510 1221 Deoria
66 vktex<+ 4613913 2285004 2328909 1138 Azamgarh
67 eÅ 2205968 1114709 1091259 1288 Mau
68 cfy;k 3239774 1672902 1566872 1087 Ballia
69 tkSuiqj 4494204 2220465 2273739 1113 Jaunpur
70 xkthiqj 3620268 1855075 1765193 1072 Ghazipur
71 pUnkSyh 1952756 1017905 934851 769 Chandauli
72 okjk.klh 3676841 1921857 1754984 2395 Varanasi
73 larjfonkl uxj 1578213 807099 771114 1555 Sant Ravidas Nagar
74 fetkZiqj 2496970 1312302 1184668 567 Mirzapur
75 lksuHknz 1862559 971344 891215 270 Sonbhadra
mRrj izns'k 199812341 104480510 95331831 829 Uttar Pradesh
** ekr` tuin esa lfEefyr ** Included in Mother District
lzksr%&Hkkjrh; tux.kuk&2011 Source:-Census of India-2011

1& {ks=Qy ,oa tula[;k @ Area and Population
1-3& mRrj izns'k esa ftysokj vuqlwfpr tkfr dh tula[;k 2011
Districtwise Scheduled Caste Population in UP. 2011
xzkeh.k (Rural)
tuin O;fDr iq:"k L=h District

Person Male Female

1 2 3 4 1
1 lgkjuiqj 627371 334256 293115 Saharanpur
2 eqt¶Qj uxj 458494 244133 214361 Muz. Nagar
3 'kkeyh ** ** ** Shamli
4 fctukSj 716442 376424 340018 Bijnor
5 eqjknkckn 582700 306887 275813 Moradabad
6 laHky ** ** ** Sambhal
7 jkeiqj 277838 146888 130950 Rampur
8 vejksgk 276283 144700 131583 Amroha
9 esjB 347463 185897 161566 Meerut
10 ckxir 125954 67707 58247 Bagapat
11 xkft;kckn 287708 153686 134022 Ghaziabad
12 gkiqqM+ ** ** ** Hapur
13 xkSrecq} uxj 129086 68551 60535 G.B. Nagar
14 cqyUn'kgj 606673 321833 284840 Bulandshahr
15 vyhx<+ 564827 301494 263333 Aligarh
16 gkFkjl 318235 170204 148031 Hathras
17 eFkqjk 400917 214919 185998 Mathura
18 vkxjk 505140 270558 234582 Agra
19 fQjkstkckn 333275 178450 154825 Firozabad
20 ,Vk 245671 131760 113911 Etah
21 dklxat 222875 119043 103832 Kasganj
22 eSuiqjh 319437 170802 148635 Mainpuri
23 cnk;wW 553486 296604 256882 Badaun
24 cjsyh 442422 235417 207005 Bareilly
25 ihyhHkhr 304273 161070 143203 Pilibhit
26 'kkgtgkWiqj 479352 257180 222172 Shahjahanpur
27 [khjh 1019387 536713 482674 Kheri
28 lhrkiqj 1393577 738958 654619 Sitapur
29 gjnksbZ 1209207 650259 558948 Hardoi
30 mUuko 873572 455745 417827 Unnao
31 y[kuÅ 597272 314172 283100 Lucknow
32 jk;cjsyh 984420 502718 481702 Raebareli
33 Q:Z[kkckn 256428 137656 118772 Farrukhabad
34 dUukSt 277813 149428 128385 Kannauj
35 bVkok 328659 177031 151628 Etawah
36 vkSjS;k 350574 189533 161041 Auraiya
37 dkuiqj nsgkr 431972 232978 198994 Kanpur Dehat
38 dkuiqj uxj 437722 235029 202693 Kanpur Nagar
39 tkykSu 375126 202852 172274 Jalaun
vuqc)------- Contd…….

1& {ks=Qy ,oa tula[;k @ Area and Population
1-3& mRrj izns'k esa ftysokj vuqlwfpr tkfr dh tula[;k 2011
Districtwise Scheduled Caste Population in UP. 2011

xzkeh.k (Rural)
tuin O;fDr iq:"k L=h District

Person Male Female

1 2 3 4 1
40 >kWlh 374245 197846 176399 Jhansi
41 yfyriqj 215108 113012 102096 Lalitpur
42 gehjiqj 198693 107472 91221 Hamirpur
43 egksck 188781 100318 88463 Mahoba
44 ckWnk 344057 184929 159128 Banda
45 fp=dwV 246900 131064 115836 Chitrakoot
46 Qrsgiqj 604239 317963 286276 Fatehpur
47 izrkix<+ 691199 341905 349294 Pratapgarh
48 dkS'kkEch 532594 279256 253338 Kausambi
49 iz;kxjkt 1108075 579398 528677 Prayagraj
50 ckjkcadh 833812 436762 397050 Barabanki
51 v;ks/;k 519511 262829 256682 Ayodhya
52 vEcsndj uxj 562930 283815 279115 Ambedkar Nagar
53 lqYrkuiqj 832547 421560 410987 Sultanpur
54 vesBh ** ** ** Amethi
55 cgjkbp 494161 262362 231799 Bahraich
56 JkoLrh 187982 101060 86922 Shrawasti
57 cyjkeiqj 268612 141426 127186 Balrampur
58 xks.Mk 515769 268210 247559 Gonda
59 fl}kFkZuxj 392650 200566 192084 Siddharth Nagar
60 cLrh 493904 252024 241880 Basti
61 lardchj uxj 353460 179233 174227 Sant Kabir Nagar
62 egjktxat 475865 245639 230226 Maharajganj
63 xksj[kiqj 849249 435137 414112 Gurakhpur
64 dq'khuxj 533210 273250 259960 Kushi Nagar
65 nsofj;k 440954 221038 219916 Deoria
66 vktex<+ 1123453 554540 568913 Azamgarh
67 eÅ 422657 214423 208234 Mau
68 cfy;k 466723 242906 223817 Ballia
69 tkSuiqj 959704 478315 481389 Jaunpur
70 xkthiqj 700013 361051 338962 Ghazipur
71 pUnkSyh 412719 217180 195539 Chandauli
72 okjk.klh 358612 187942 170670 Varanasi
73 larjfonkl uxj 322782 166710 156072 Sant Ravidas Nagar
74 fetkZiqj 613590 321829 291761 Mirzapur
75 lksuHknz 384816 199415 185401 Sonbhadra
mRrj izns'k 35685227 18663920 17021307 Uttar Pradesh
** ekr` tuin esa lfEefyr ** Included in Mother District

lzksr%&Hkkjrh; tux.kuk&2011 Source-Census of India-2011

1& {ks=Qy ,oa tula[;k @ Area and Population
1-3& mRrj izns'k esa ftysokj vuqlwfpr tkfr dh tula[;k
Districtwise Scheduled Caste Population in UP. 2011

uxjh; (Urban)

tuin O;fDr iq:"k L=h District

Person Male Female

1 5 6 7 1
1 lgkjuiqj 137079 72773 64306 Saharanpur
2 eqt¶Qj uxj 102756 54454 48302 Muz. Nagar
3 'kkeyh ** ** ** Shamli
4 fctukSj 71002 37448 33554 Bijnor
5 eqjknkckn 148706 78357 70349 Moradabad
6 laHky ** ** ** Sambhal
7 jkeiqj 30098 15956 14142 Rampur
8 vejksgk 41718 21962 19756 Amroha
9 esjB 276686 148301 128385 Meerut
10 ckxir 23106 12213 10893 Bagapat
11 xkft;kckn 485755 259064 226691 Ghaziabad
12 gkiqqM+ ** ** ** Hapur
13 xkSrecq} uxj 87019 46887 40132 G.B. Nagar
14 cqyUn'kgj 118927 62910 56017 Bulandshahr
15 vyhx<+ 190427 100989 89438 Aligarh
16 gkFkjl 69319 36966 32353 Hathras
17 eFkqjk 105663 56376 49287 Mathura
18 vkxjk 486185 261083 225102 Agra
19 fQjkstkckn 140615 74838 65777 Firozabad
20 ,Vk 35340 18871 16469 Etah
21 dklxat 31424 16769 14655 Kasganj
22 eSuiqjh 48769 25705 23064 Mainpuri
23 cnk;wW 69040 36316 32724 Badaun
24 cjsyh 114728 60547 54181 Bareilly
25 ihyhHkhr 29285 15366 13919 Pilibhit
26 'kkgtgkWijq 53321 28100 25221 Shahjahanpur
27 [khjh 42395 22527 19868 Kheri
28 lhrkiqj 52850 28075 24775 Sitapur
29 gjnksbZ 65298 34964 30334 Hardoi
30 mUuko 75016 38742 36274 Unnao
31 y[kuÅ 351022 184627 166395 Lucknow
32 jk;cjsyh 45947 24017 21930 Raebareli
33 Q:Z[kkckn 56284 30353 25931 Farrukhabad
34 dUukSt 32167 17026 15141 Kannauj
35 bVkok 59624 31700 27924 Etawah
36 vkSjS;k 41048 21880 19168 Auraiya
37 dkuiqj nsgkr 28572 15217 13355 Kanpur Dehat
38 dkuiqj uxj 379032 204574 174458 Kanpur Nagar
39 tkykSu 93052 49736 43316 Jalaun
vuqc)---- Contd…..

1& {ks=Qy ,oa tula[;k @ Area and Population
1-3& mRrj izns'k esa ftysokj vuqlwfpr tkfr dh tula[;k
Districtwise Scheduled Caste Population in UP. 2011

uxjh; (Urban)
tuin O;fDr iq:"k L=h District

Person Male Female

1 5 6 7 1
40 >kWlh 188260 99540 88720 Jhansi
41 yfyriqj 25411 13313 12098 Lalitpur
42 gehjiqj 42505 22797 19708 Hamirpur
43 egksck 32117 17071 15046 Mahoba
44 ckWnk 43798 23255 20543 Banda
45 fp=dwV 19755 10315 9440 Chitrakoot
46 Qrsgiqj 47241 24929 22312 Fatehpur
47 izrkix<+ 18053 9149 8904 Pratapgarh
48 dkS'kkEch 22803 12047 10756 Kausambi
49 iz;kxjkt 201776 107678 94098 Prayagraj
50 ckjkcadh 30747 16406 14341 Barabanki
51 v;ks/;k 35536 18455 17081 Ayodhya
52 vEcsndj uxj 28195 14425 13770 Ambedkar Nagar
53 lqYrkuiqj 19040 9878 9162 Sultanpur
54 vesBh ** ** ** Amethi
55 cgjkbp 15146 7864 7282 Bahraich
56 JkoLrh 1352 725 627 Shrawasti
57 cyjkeiqj 8600 4502 4098 Balrampur
58 xks.Mk 16204 8446 7758 Gonda
59 fl}kFkZuxj 16113 8424 7689 Siddharth Nagar
60 cLrh 20055 10510 9545 Basti
61 lardchj uxj 15579 8180 7399 Sant Kabir Nagar
62 egjktxat 17111 8787 8324 Maharajganj
63 xksj[kiqj 86812 45986 40826 Gorakhpur
64 dq'khuxj 11021 5697 5324 Kushi Nagar
65 nsofj;k 27709 14656 13053 Deoria
66 vktex<+ 47925 25046 22879 Azamgarh
67 eÅ 51880 27075 24805 Mau
68 cfy;k 27975 14718 13257 Ballia
69 tkSuiqj 30641 15911 14730 Jaunpur
70 xkthiqj 26628 13964 12664 Ghazipur
71 pUnkSyh 34067 17981 16086 Chandauli
72 okjk.klh 128346 68541 59805 Varanasi
73 larjfonkl uxj 30321 15907 14414 Sant Ravidas Nagar
74 fetkZiqj 47539 25607 21932 Mirzapur
75 lksuHknz 36845 19581 17264 Sonbhadra
mRrj izns'k 5672381 3013055 2659326 Uttar Pradesh
** ekr` tuin esa lfEefyr ** Included in Mother District
lzksr%&Hkkjrh; tux.kuk 2011 Source-Census of India 2011

1& {ks=Qy ,oa tula[;k @ Area and Population
1-3& mRrj izns'k esa ftysokj vuqlfw pr tkfr dh tula[;k 2011
Districtwise Scheduled Caste Population in UP. 2011
dqy (Total) dqy tula[;k ls
tuin O;fDr iq:"k L=h izfr'kr District
Percentage to total
Person Male Female
1 8 9 10 11 1
1 lgkjuiqj 764450 407029 357421 22.05 Saharanpur
2 eqt¶Qj uxj 561250 298587 262663 13.55 Muz. Nagar
3 'kkeyh ** ** ** ** Shamli
4 fctukSj 787444 413872 373572 21.38 Bijnor
5 eqjknkckn 731406 385244 346162 15.33 Moradabad
6 laHky ** ** ** ** Sambhal
7 jkeiqj 307936 162844 145092 13.18 Rampur
8 vejksgk 318001 166662 151339 17.28 Amroha
9 esjB 624149 334198 289951 18.12 Meerut
10 ckxir 149060 79920 69140 11.44 Bagapat
11 xkft;kckn 773463 412750 360713 16.52 Ghaziabad
12 gkiqqM+ ** ** ** ** Hapur
13 xkSrecq} uxj 216105 115438 100667 13.11 G.B. Nagar
14 cqyUn'kgj 725600 384743 340857 20.74 Bulandshahr
15 vyhx<+ 755254 402483 352771 20.56 Aligarh
16 gkFkjl 387554 207170 180384 24.77 Hathras
17 eFkqjk 506580 271295 235285 19.89 Mathura
18 vkxjk 991325 531641 459684 22.43 Agra
19 fQjkstkckn 473890 253288 220602 18.97 Firozabad
20 ,Vk 281011 150631 130380 15.84 Etah
21 dklxat 254299 135812 118487 17.70 Kasganj
22 eSuiqjh 368206 196507 171699 19.71 Mainpuri
23 cnk;wW 622526 332920 289606 16.91 Badaun
24 cjsyh 557150 295964 261186 12.52 Bareilly
25 ihyhHkhr 333558 176436 157122 16.42 Pilibhit
26 'kkgtgkWijq 532673 285280 247393 17.72 Shahjahanpur
27 [khjh 1061782 559240 502542 26.40 Kheri
28 lhrkiqj 1446427 767033 679394 32.26 Sitapur
29 gjnksbZ 1274505 685223 589282 31.14 Hardoi
30 mUuko 948588 494487 454101 30.52 Unnao
31 y[kuÅ 948294 498799 449495 20.66 Lucknow
32 jk;cjsyh 1030367 526735 503632 30.26 Raebareli
33 Q:Z[kkckn 312712 168009 144703 16.59 Farrukhabad
34 dUukSt 309980 166454 143526 18.71 Kannauj
35 bVkok 388283 208731 179552 24.55 Etawah
36 vkSjS;k 391622 211413 180209 28.39 Auraiya
37 dkuiqj nsgkr 460544 248195 212349 25.64 Kanpur Dehat
38 dkuiqj uxj 816754 439603 377151 17.83 Kanpur Nagar
39 tkykSu 468178 252588 215590 27.70 Jalaun
vuqc)------ Contd……

1& {ks=Qy ,oa tula[;k @ Area and Population
1-3& mRrj izn's k esa ftysokj vuqlfw pr tkfr dh tula[;k 2011
Districtwise Scheduled Caste Population in UP. 2011
dqy (Total)
dqy tula[;k ls
tuin O;fDr iq:"k L=h izfr'kr District
Percentage to total
Person Male Female
1 8 9 10 11 1
40 >kWlh 562505 297386 265119 28.14 Jhansi
41 yfyriqj 240519 126325 114194 19.69 Jhansi
42 gehjiqj 241198 130269 110929 21.84 Hamirpur
43 egksck 220898 117389 103509 25.22 Mahoba
44 ckWnk 387855 208184 179671 21.55 Banda
45 fp=dwV 266655 141379 125276 26.89 Chitrakoot
46 Qrsgiqj 651480 342892 308588 24.75 Fatehpur
47 izrkix<+ 709252 351054 358198 22.10 Pratapgarh
48 dkS'kkEch 555397 291303 264094 34.72 Kausambi
49 iz;kxjkt 1309851 687076 622775 22.00 Prayagraj
50 ckjkcadh 864559 453168 411391 26.51 Barabanki
51 v;ks/;k 555047 281284 273763 22.46 Ayodhya
52 vEcsndj uxj 591125 298240 292885 24.65 Ambedkar Nagar
53 lqYrkuiqj 851587 431438 420149 22.43 Sultanpur
54 vesBh ** ** ** ** Amethi
55 cgjkbp 509307 270226 239081 14.60 Bahraich
56 JkoLrh 189334 101785 87549 16.94 Shrawasti
57 cyjkeiqj 277212 145928 131284 12.90 Balrampur
58 xks.Mk 531973 276656 255317 15.49 Gonda
59 fl}kFkZuxj 408763 208990 199773 15.97 Siddharth Nagar
60 cLrh 513959 262534 251425 20.85 Basti
61 lardchj uxj 369039 187413 181626 21.52 Sant Kabir Nagar
62 egjktxat 492976 254426 238550 18.36 Maharajganj
63 xksj[kiqj 936061 481123 454938 21.08 Gorakhpur
64 dq'khuxj 544231 278947 265284 15.27 Kushi Nagar
65 nsofj;k 468663 235694 232969 15.11 Deoria
66 vktex<+ 1171378 579586 591792 25.39 Azamgarh
67 eÅ 474537 241498 233039 21.51 Mau
68 cfy;k 494698 257624 237074 15.27 Ballia
69 tkSuiqj 990345 494226 496119 22.04 Jaunpur
70 xkthiqj 726641 375015 351626 20.07 Ghazipur
71 pUnkSyh 446786 235161 211625 22.88 Chandauli
72 okjk.klh 486958 256483 230475 13.24 Varanasi
73 larjfonkl uxj 353103 182617 170486 22.37 Sant Ravidas Nagar
74 fetkZiqj 661129 347436 313693 26.48 Mirzapur
75 lksuHknz 421661 218996 202665 22.64 Sonbhadra
mRrj izns'k 41357608 21676975 19680633 20.70 Uttar Pradesh
** ekr` tuin esa lfEefyr ** Included in Mother District
lzksr%& Hkkjrh; tux.kuk 2011 Source:- Census of India 2011

1& {ks=Qy ,oa tula[;k @ Area and Population
1-4& mRrj izns'k esa ftysokj vuqlwfpr tutkfr dh tula[;k 2011
Districtwise Scheduled Tribe Population in UP. 2011

xzkeh.k (Rural)

tuin O;fDr iq:"k L=h District

Person Male Female

1 6 7 8 1
1 lgkjuiqj 148 74 74 Saharanpur
2 eqt¶Qj uxj 248 136 112 Muz. Nagar
3 'kkeyh ** ** ** Shamli
4 fctukSj 2974 1549 1425 Bijnor
5 eqjknkckn 171 99 72 Moradabad
6 laHky ** ** ** Sambhal
7 jkeiqj 122 66 56 Rampur
8 vejksgk 31 15 16 Amroha
9 esjB 222 122 100 Meerut
10 ckxir 13 9 4 Bagapat
11 xkft;kckn 572 308 264 Ghaziabad
12 gkiqqM+ ** ** ** Hapur
13 xkSrecq} uxj 220 116 104 G.B. Nagar
14 cqyUn'kgj 41 28 13 Bulandshahr
15 vyhx<+ 274 147 127 Aligarh
16 gkFkjl 233 116 117 Hathras
17 eFkqjk 313 163 150 Mathura
18 vkxjk 1113 565 548 Agra
19 fQjkstkckn 108 55 53 Firozabad
20 ,Vk 34 20 14 Etah
21 dklxat 120 66 54 Kasganj
22 eSuiqjh 476 257 219 Mainpuri
23 cnk;wW 7 2 5 Badaun
24 cjsyh 365 196 169 Bareilly
25 ihyhHkhr 1495 782 713 Pilibhit
26 'kkgtgkWiqj 251 122 129 Shahjahanpur
27 [khjh 52446 26460 25986 Kheri
28 lhrkiqj 1257 667 590 Sitapur
29 gjnksbZ 300 154 146 Hardoi
30 mUuko 2415 1290 1125 Unnao
31 y[kuÅ 1008 518 490 Lucknow
32 jk;cjsyh 1425 705 720 Raebareli
33 Q:Z[kkckn 155 78 77 Farrukhabad
34 dUukSt 14 9 5 Kannauj
35 bVkok 72 39 33 Etawah
36 vkSjS;k 76 49 27 Auraiya
37 dkuiqj nsgkr 761 377 384 Kanpur Dehat
38 dkuiqj uxj 485 269 216 Kanpur Nagar
39 tkykSu 599 309 290 Jalaun
vuqc)------- Contd……

1& {ks=Qy ,oa tula[;k @ Area and Population
1-4& mRrj izns'k esa ftysokj vuqlwfpr tutkfr dh tula[;k 2011
Districtwise Scheduled Tribe Population in UP. 2011
xzkeh.k (Rural)
tuin O;fDr iq:"k L=h District

Person Male Female

1 2 3 4 1
40 >kWlh 1969 1046 923 Jhansi
41 yfyriqj 69775 35886 33889 Lalitpur
42 gehjiqj 45 24 21 Hamirpur
43 egksck 250 143 107 Mahoba
44 ckWnk 61 27 34 Banda
45 fp=dwV 361 193 168 Chitrakoot
46 Qrsgiqj 304 167 137 Fatehpur
47 izrkix<+ 453 235 218 Pratapgarh
48 dkS'kkEch 101 49 52 Kausambi
49 iz;kxjkt 4861 2557 2304 Prayagraj
50 ckjkcadh 508 280 228 Barabanki
51 v;ks/;k 721 359 362 Ayodhya
52 vEcsndj uxj 690 376 314 Ambedkar Nagar
53 lqYrkuiqj 681 349 332 Sultanpur
54 vesBh ** ** ** Amethi
55 cgjkbp 10961 5498 5463 Bahraich
56 JkoLrh 5517 2882 2635 Shrawasti
57 cyjkeiqj 24750 12605 12145 Balrampur
58 xks.Mk 626 336 290 Gonda
59 fl}kFkZuxj 10590 5365 5225 Siddharth Nagar
60 cLrh 3240 1668 1572 Basti
61 lardchj uxj 1561 802 759 Sant Kabir Nagar
62 egjktxat 15037 7652 7385 Maharajganj
63 xksj[kiqj 14499 7367 7132 Gorakhpur
64 dq'khuxj 76851 39171 37680 Kushi Nagar
65 nsofj;k 102946 50588 52358 Deoria
66 vktex<+ 8276 4148 4128 Azamgarh
67 eÅ 21302 10637 10665 Mau
68 cfy;k 99178 51047 48131 Ballia
69 tkSuiqj 4486 2237 2249 Jaunpur
70 xkthiqj 27218 13873 13345 Ghazipur
71 pUnkSyh 37688 19482 18206 Chandauli
72 okjk.klh 19144 9912 9232 Varanasi
73 larjfonkl uxj 1758 920 838 Sant Ravidas Nagar
74 fetkZiqj 19188 9973 9215 Mirzapur
75 lksuHknz 374916 192524 182392 Sonbhadra
mRrj izns'k 1031076 526315 504761 Uttar Pradesh
** ekr` tuin esa lfEefyr ** Included in Mother District

lzksr%&Hkkjrh; tux.kuk 2011 Source:-Census of India 2011

1& {ks=Qy ,oa tula[;k @ Area and Population
1-4& mRrj izns'k esa ftysokj vuqlwfpr tutkfr dh tula[;k
Districtwise Scheduled Tribe Population in UP. 2011
uxjh; (Urban)
tuin O;fDr iq:"k L=h District
Person Male Female
1 5 6 7 1
1 lgkjuiqj 832 443 389 Saharanpur
2 eqt¶Qj uxj 69 40 29 Muz. Nagar
3 'kkeyh ** ** ** Shamli
4 fctukSj 84 39 45 Bijnor
5 eqjknkckn 514 278 236 Moradabad
6 laHky ** ** ** Sambhal
7 jkeiqj 236 141 95 Rampur
8 vejksgk 133 74 59 Amroha
9 esjB 3168 1706 1462 Meerut
10 ckxir 1 1 0 Bagapat
11 xkft;kckn 3396 1796 1600 Ghaziabad
12 gkiqqM+ ** ** ** Hapur
13 xkSrecq} uxj 1995 1073 922 G.B. Nagar
14 cqyUn'kgj 157 90 67 Bulandshahr
15 vyhx<+ 355 193 162 Aligarh
16 gkFkjl 35 21 14 Hathras
17 eFkqjk 1207 663 544 Mathura
18 vkxjk 6142 3262 2880 Agra
19 fQjkstkckn 2457 1291 1166 Firozabad
20 ,Vk 106 67 39 Etah
21 dklxat 30 14 16 Kasganj
22 eSuiqjh 2 1 1 Mainpuri
23 cnk;wW 51 28 23 Badaun
24 cjsyh 2862 1468 1394 Bareilly
25 ihyhHkhr 219 110 109 Pilibhit
26 'kkgtgkWiqj 257 137 120 Shahjahanpur
27 [khjh 929 524 405 Kheri
28 lhrkiqj 345 166 179 Sitapur
29 gjnksbZ 49 32 17 Hardoi
30 mUuko 511 268 243 Unnao
31 y[kuÅ 6498 3518 2980 Lucknow
32 jk;cjsyh 331 171 160 Raebareli
33 Q:Z[kkckn 75 46 29 Farrukhabad
34 dUukSt 1 0 1 Kannauj
35 bVkok 97 50 47 Etawah
36 vkSjS;k 74 42 32 Auraiya
37 dkuiqj nsgkr 40 21 19 Kanpur Dehat
38 dkuiqj uxj 3268 1839 1429 Kanpur Nagar
39 tkykSu 233 119 114 Jalaun
vuqc)--------- Contd………

1& {ks=Qy ,oa tula[;k @ Area and Population
1-4& mRrj izns'k esa ftysokj vuqlwfpr tutkfr dh tula[;k
Districtwise Scheduled Tribe Population in UP. 2011
uxjh; (Urban)
tuin O;fDr iq:"k L=h District
Person Male Female
1 5 6 7 1
40 >kWlh 1904 1028 876 Jhansi
41 yfyriqj 1835 948 887 Lalitpur
42 gehjiqj 429 235 194 Hamirpur
43 egksck 397 212 185 Mahoba
44 ckWnk 102 55 47 Banda
45 fp=dwV 5 3 2 Chitrakoot
46 Qrsgiqj 36 22 14 Fatehpur
47 izrkix<+ 270 145 125 Pratapgarh
48 dkS'kkEch 92 53 39 Kausambi
49 iz;kxjkt 3094 1713 1381 Prayagraj
50 ckjkcadh 102 53 49 Barabanki
51 v;ks/;k 210 110 100 Ayodhya
52 vEcsndj uxj 56 30 26 Ambedkar Nagar
53 lqYrkuiqj 15 9 6 Sultanpur
54 vesBh ** ** ** Amethi
55 cgjkbp 198 108 90 Bahraich
56 JkoLrh 17 7 10 Shrawasti
57 cyjkeiqj 137 52 85 Balrampur
58 xks.Mk 244 140 104 Gonda
59 fl}kFkZuxj 1431 722 709 Siddharth Nagar
60 cLrh 380 208 172 Basti
61 lardchj uxj 32 21 11 Sant Kabir Nagar
62 egjktxat 1398 709 689 Maharajganj
63 xksj[kiqj 3673 1894 1779 Gorakhpur
64 dq'khuxj 3418 1832 1586 Kushi Nagar
65 nsofj;k 6948 3628 3320 Deoria
66 vktex<+ 1051 542 509 Azamgarh
67 eÅ 1613 827 786 Mau
68 cfy;k 10936 5770 5166 Ballia
69 tkSuiqj 250 126 124 Jaunpur
70 xkthiqj 1494 791 703 Ghazipur
71 pUnkSyh 4037 2089 1948 Chandauli
72 okjk.klh 9473 5080 4393 Varanasi
73 larjfonkl uxj 115 66 49 Sant Ravidas Nagar
74 fetkZiqj 944 507 437 Mirzapur
75 lksuHknz 10102 5301 4801 Sonbhadra
mRrj izns'k 103197 54768 48429 Uttar Pradesh
** ekr` tuin esa lfEefyr ** Included in Mother District

lzksr%&Hkkjrh; tux.kuk 2011 Source:-Census of India 2011

1& {ks=Qy ,oa tula[;k @ Area and Population
1-4& mRrj izns'k esa ftysokj vuqlfw pr tutkfr dh tula[;k
Districtwise Scheduled Tribe Population in UP. 2011
dqy tula[;k ls
dqy (Total) vuq0 tu0 tkfr
tuin dk izfr'kr District

O;fDr iq:"k L=h %Population of

S.T. to total
Person Male Female Population
1 8 9 10 11 1
1 lgkjuiqj 980 517 463 0.03 Saharanpur
2 eqt¶Qj uxj 317 176 141 0.01 Muz. Nagar
3 'kkeyh ** ** ** ** Shamli
4 fctukSj 3058 1588 1470 0.08 Bijnor
5 eqjknkckn 685 377 308 0.01 Moradabad
6 laHky ** ** ** ** Sambhal
7 jkeiqj 358 207 151 0.02 Rampur
8 vejksgk 164 89 75 0.01 Amroha
9 esjB 3390 1828 1562 0.10 Meerut
10 ckxir 14 10 4 0.00 Bagapat
11 xkft;kckn 3968 2104 1864 0.08 Ghaziabad
12 gkiqqM+ ** ** ** ** Hapur
13 xkSrecq} uxj 2215 1189 1026 0.13 G.B. Nagar
14 cqyUn'kgj 198 118 80 0.01 Bulandshahr
15 vyhx<+ 629 340 289 0.02 Aligarh
16 gkFkjl 268 137 131 0.02 Hathras
17 eFkqjk 1520 826 694 0.06 Mathura
18 vkxjk 7255 3827 3428 0.16 Agra
19 fQjkstkckn 2565 1346 1219 0.10 Firozabad
20 ,Vk 140 87 53 0.01 Etah
21 dklxat 150 80 70 0.01 Kasganj
22 eSuiqjh 478 258 220 0.03 Mainpuri
23 cnk;wW 58 30 28 0.00 Badaun
24 cjsyh 3227 1664 1563 0.07 Bareilly
25 ihyhHkhr 1714 892 822 0.08 Pilibhit
26 'kkgtgkWijq 508 259 249 0.02 Shahjahanpur
27 [khjh 53375 26984 26391 1.33 Kheri
28 lhrkiqj 1602 833 769 0.04 Sitapur
29 gjnksbZ 349 186 163 0.01 Hardoi
30 mUuko 2926 1558 1368 0.09 Unnao
31 y[kuÅ 7506 4036 3470 0.16 Lucknow
32 jk;cjsyh 1756 876 880 0.05 Raebareli
33 Q:Z[kkckn 230 124 106 0.01 Farrukhabad
34 dUukSt 15 9 6 0.00 Kannauj
35 bVkok 169 89 80 0.01 Etawah
36 vkSjS;k 150 91 59 0.01 Auraiya
37 dkuiqj nsgkr 801 398 403 0.04 Kanpur Dehat
38 dkuiqj uxj 3753 2108 1645 0.08 Kanpur Nagar
39 tkykSu 832 428 404 0.05 Jalaun
vuqc)------- ……Contd

1& {ks=Qy ,oa tula[;k @ Area and Population
1-4& mRrj izns'k esa ftysokj vuqlfw pr tutkfr dh tula[;k
Districtwise Scheduled Tribe Population in UP. 2011
dqy tula[;k
dqy (Total) ls vuq0 tu0
tuin tkfr dk izfr'kr District

O;fDr iq:"k L=h %Population of

S.T. to total
Person Male Female Population
1 8 9 10 11 1
40 >kWlh 3873 2074 1799 0.19 Jhansi
41 yfyriqj 71610 36834 34776 5.86 Lalitpur
42 gehjiqj 474 259 215 0.04 Hamirpur
43 egksck 647 355 292 0.07 Mahoba
44 ckW n k 163 82 81 0.01 Banda
45 fp=dwV 366 196 170 0.04 Chitrakoot
46 Qrsgiqj 340 189 151 0.01 Fatehpur
47 izrkix<+ 723 380 343 0.02 Pratapgarh
48 dkS'kkEch 193 102 91 0.01 Kausambi
49 iz;kxjkt 7955 4270 3685 0.13 Prayagraj
50 ckjkcadh 610 333 277 0.02 Barabanki
51 v;ks/;k 931 469 462 0.04 Ayodhya
52 vEcsndj uxj 746 406 340 0.03 Ambedkar Nagar
53 lqYrkuiqj 696 358 338 0.02 Sultanpur
54 vesBh ** ** ** ** Amethi
55 cgjkbp 11159 5606 5553 0.32 Bahraich
56 JkoLrh 5534 2889 2645 0.50 Shrawasti
57 cyjkeiqj 24887 12657 12230 1.16 Balrampur
58 xks.Mk 870 476 394 0.03 Gonda
59 fl}kFkZuxj 12021 6087 5934 0.47 Siddharth Nagar
60 cLrh 3620 1876 1744 0.15 Basti
61 lardchj uxj 1593 823 770 0.09 Sant Kabir Nagar
62 egjktxat 16435 8361 8074 0.61 Maharajganj
63 xksj[kiqj 18172 9261 8911 0.41 Gorakhpur
64 dq'khuxj 80269 41003 39266 2.25 Kushi Nagar
65 nsofj;k 109894 54216 55678 3.54 Deoria
66 vktex<+ 9327 4690 4637 0.20 Azamgarh
67 eÅ 22915 11464 11451 1.04 Mau
68 cfy;k 110114 56817 53297 3.40 Ballia
69 tkSuiqj 4736 2363 2373 0.11 Jaunpur
70 xkthiqj 28712 14664 14048 0.79 Ghazipur
71 pUnkSyh 41725 21571 20154 2.14 Chandauli
72 okjk.klh 28617 14992 13625 0.78 Varanasi
73 larjfonkl uxj 1873 986 887 0.12 Sant Ravidas Nagar
74 fetkZiqj 20132 10480 9652 0.81 Mirzapur
75 lksuHknz 385018 197825 187193 20.67 Sonbhadra
mRrj izns'k 1134273 581083 553190 0.57 Uttar Pradesh
** ekr` tuin esa lfEefyr ** Included in Mother District
lzksr%& Hkkjrh; tux.kuk 2011 Source:- Census of India 2011

1& {ks=Qy ,oa tula[;k @ Area and Population

1-5& mRrj izns'k esa ftysokj tula[;k rFkk n'kd vUrj] 1961&2011
Districtwise Population and Decadal Variation in UP. 1961-2011

tula[;k (Populationl)
tuin District
1961 1971 1981 1991 2001 2011

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1
1 lgkjuiqj 1615478 2054834 1821543 2309029 2896863 3466382 Saharanpur
2 eqt¶Qj uxj 1444921 1802289 2248483 2842543 3543362 4143512 Muz. Nagar
3 'kkeyh ** ** ** ** ** ** Shamli
4 fctukSj 1190987 1490185 1927023 2454521 3131619 3682713 Bijnor
5 eqjknkckn 1973715 2428971 3149406 2965293 3810983 4772006 Moradabad
6 laHky ** ** ** ** ** ** Sambhal
7 jkeiqj 701537 901209 1178621 1502141 1923739 2335819 Rampur
8 vejksgk -- -- -- 1155742 1499068 1840221 Amroha
9 esjB 1819523 2007957 2767246 2417513 2973877 3443689 Meerut
10 ckxir -- -- -- 1030399 1163991 1303048 Bagapat
11 xkft;kckn 1036714 1340902 1843130 2235675 3314070 4681645 Ghaziabad
12 gkiqqM+ ** ** ** ** ** ** Hapur
13 xkSrecq} uxj -- -- -- 849742 1105292 1648115 G.B. Nagar
14 cqyUn'kgj 1573935 1891437 2358270 2468375 3009860 3499171 Bulandshahr
15 vyhx<+ 1765275 2111829 2574925 2449597 2992286 3673889 Aligarh
16 gkFkjl -- -- -- 1126918 1336031 1564708 Hathras
17 eFkqjk 1071279 1290307 1560447 1650653 2074516 2547184 Mathura
18 vkxjk 1862142 2308638 2248483 2751021 3621702 4418797 Agra
19 fQjkstkckn -- -- -- 1533054 2081752 2498156 Firozabad
20 ,Vk 1299674 1570925 1858692 2244998 1531645 1774480 Etah
21 dklxat ** ** ** ** 1228705 1436719 Kasganj
22 eSuiqjh 1180894 1445534 1726202 1311026 1596718 1868529 Mainpuri
23 cnk;wW 1411657 1645967 1971946 2448338 3069426 3681896 Badaun
24 cjsyh 1478490 1779867 2273030 2834616 3618589 4448359 Bareilly

25 ihyhHkhr 616225 752114 1008312 1283103 1728108 2031007 Pilibhit

26 'kkgtgkWiqj 1030256 1286104 1647664 1987395 2464930 3006538 Shahjahanpur

27 [khjh 1258433 1486590 1952680 2419234 3207232 4021243 Kheri

28 lhrkiqj 1608057 1884400 2332282 2857009 3619661 4483992 Sitapur

29 gjnksbZ 1573171 1849519 2274929 2747082 3398306 4092845 Hardoi

30 mUuko 1226779 1484393 1822591 2200397 2700324 3108367 Unnao

31 y[kuÅ 1338882 1617846 2014574 2762801 3647834 4589838 Lucknow

32 jk;cjsyh 1322121 1510812 1886940 2309928 2872335 3405559 Raebareli

33 Q:Z[kkckn 1295071 1556930 1949137 1284419 1570408 1885204 Farrukhabad

34 dUukSt -- -- -- 1155847 1388923 1656616 Kannauj

35 bVkok 1182202 1447702 1742651 1130340 1338871 1581810 Etawah

36 vkSjS;k -- -- -- 1000035 1179993 1379545 Auraiya

37 dkuiqj nsgkr 2381497 2996232 374222 1303232 1563336 1796184 Kanpur Dehat

38 dkuiqj uxj -- -- -- 3253572 4167999 4581268 Kanpur Nagar

39 tkykSu 663168 813490 -- 1219377 1454452 1689974 Jalaun

vuqc)------ Contd….

1& {ks=Qy ,oa tula[;k @ Area and Population

1-5& mRrj izns'k esa ftysokj tula[;k rFkk n'kd vUrj] 1961&2011
Districtwise Population and Decadal Variation in U.P. 1961-2011
tula[;k (Populationl)
tuin District
1961 1971 1981 1991 2001 2011
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1

40 >kWlh 714484 870138 1137031 1429698 1744931 1998603 Jhansi

41 yfyriqj 372995 436920 577648 752043 977734 1221592 Lalitpur

42 gehjiqj 794449 988215 1194168 884512 993792 1104285 Hamirpur

43 egksck .. .. .. 581979 758379 875958 Mahoba

44 ckWnk 953731 1182215 1533990 1266143 1501602 1799410 Banda

45 fp=dwV .. .. .. 595996 801957 991730 Chitrakoot

46 Qrsgiqj 1065768 1278254 1572421 1899387 2308384 2632733 Fatehpur

47 izrkix<+ 1252196 1422707 1301049 2210700 2731174 3209141 Pratapgarh

48 dkS'kkEch .. .. .. 1022548 1291993 1599596 Kausambi

49 iz;kxjkt 2438376 2937278 3797033 3898765 4937266 5954391 Prayagraj

50 ckjkcadh 1414547 1635593 1992074 2112782 2673581 3260699 Barabanki

51 v;ks/;k 1634665 1927281 2382815 1684747 2088928 2470996 Ayodhya

52 vEcsndj uxj .. .. .. 1629353 2026876 2397888 Ambedkar Nagar

53 lqYrkuiqj 1412984 1642928 2042778 2571706 3214832 3797117 Sultanpur

54 vesBh .. .. .. .. .. .. Amethi
55 cgjkbp 1499929 1726972 2216245 1840373 2701478 3487731 Bahraich

56 JkoLrh .. .. .. 923377 855985 1117361 Shrawasti

57 cyjkeiqj .. .. .. 1368630 1682350 2148665 Balrampur

58 xks.Mk 2073237 2302029 2834562 2204445 2765586 3433919 Gonda

59 fl}kFkZuxj .. .. 1380133 1607964 2040085 2559297 Siddharth Nagar

60 cLrh 2695755 2984090 2197936 1686327 2084814 2464464 Basti

61 lardchj uxj .. .. .. 1152116 1420226 1715183 Sant Kabir Nagar

62 egjktxat .. .. 1335090 1676378 2173878 2684703 Maharajganj

63 xksj[kiqj 2565182 3038177 2460611 3066002 3769456 4440895 Gorakhpur

64 dq'khuxj .. .. .. 2256334 2891667 3564544 Kushi Nagar

65 nsofj;k 2375075 2812350 3496564 2183690 2714179 3100946 Deoria

66 vktex<+ 2408052 2857484 2512954 3128623 3939916 4613913 Azamgarh

67 eÅ .. .. 1126256 1445782 1854950 2205968 Mau

68 cfy;k 1344016 1588935 1850296 2262273 2760667 3239774 Ballia

69 tkSuiqj 1727264 2005434 2532734 3214636 3911679 4494204 Jaunpur

70 xkthiqj 1321578 1531654 1944669 2416617 3037582 3620268 Ghazipur

71 pUnkSyh .. .. .. 1274839 1643251 1952756 Chandauli

72 okjk.klh 2364874 2852459 3701006 2508110 3138671 3676841 Varanasi

73 larjfonkl uxj .. .. .. 1077633 1353705 1578213 Sant Ravidas Nagar

74 fetkZiqj 1246958 1541088 1261150 1657139 2074709 2496970 Mirzapur

75 lksuHknz .. .. 777999 1075041 1504852 1862559 Sonbhadra

mRrj izns'k 70648198 84519184 100932907 132061653 166197921 199812341 Uttar Pradesh
** ekr` tuin esa lfEefyr ** Included in Mother District
lzksr% Hkkjrh; tux.kuk 2011 Source: Census of India 2011

1& {ks=Qy ,oa tula[;k @ Area and Population

1-5& mRrj izns'k esa ftysokj tula[;k rFkk n'kd vUrj] 1961&2011
Districtwise Population and Decadal Variation in UP., 1961-2011

tula[;k esa n'kd vUrj ¼izfr'kr½ Decadal

tuin Variation in Population (Percentage) District

1961-71 1971- 81 1981- 91 1991- 01 2001-11

1 8 9 10 11 12 1

1 lgkjuiqj 27.20 30.14 26.76 25.46 19.66 Saharanpur

2 eqt¶Qj uxj 24.73 26.20 24.98 24.65 16.94 Muz. Nagar
3 'kkeyh ** ** ** ** ** Shamli
4 fctukSj 25.12 30.14 26.57 27.59 17.60 Bijnor
5 eqjknkckn 23.07 29.07 30.85 28.52 25.22 Moradabad
6 laHky ** ** ** ** ** Sambhal
7 jkeiqj 28.46 30.78 27.45 28.07 21.42 Rampur

8 vejksgk ** ** ** ** 22.76 Amroha

9 esjB 21.35 25.33 24.60 23.99 15.89 Meerut
10 ckxir ** ** ** 12.97 11.95 Bagapat
11 xkft;kckn 29.34 37.45 46.70 47.19 41.27 Ghaziabad
12 gkiqqM+ ** ** ** ** ** Hapur
13 xkSrecq} uxj ** ** ** 41.46 49.11 G.B. Nagar
14 cqyUn'kgj 18.66 24.68 20.85 18.02 16.26 Bulandshahr
15 vyhx<+ 19.63 21.93 28.00 22.15 22.78 Aligarh
16 gkFkjl .. .. .. 18.56 17.12 Hathras
17 eFkqjk 20.45 20.94 23.76 25.68 22.78 Mathura
18 vkxjk 23.98 23.58 22.35 31.60 22.01 Agra
19 fQjkstkckn ** ** 21.65 33.91 20.00 Firozabad
20 ,Vk 20.87 18.32 20.78 24.29 15.08 Etah
21 dklxat ** ** ** ** 16.93 Kasganj
22 eSuiqjh 22.41 19.42 .. 21.79 17.02 Mainpuri
23 cnk;wW 16.60 19.80 24.16 25.37 19.95 Badaun
24 cjsyh 20.38 27.71 24.71 27.66 22.93 Bareilly
25 ihyhHkhr 22.05 34.06 27.25 28.22 17.53 Pilibhit
26 'kkgtgkWiqj 13.79 28.11 20.62 28.20 21.97 Shahjahanpur
27 [khjh 18.13 31.35 23.89 32.57 25.38 Kheri
28 lhrkiqj 17.18 24.03 27.24 26.69 23.88 Sitapur
29 gjnksbZ 17.57 23.00 20.75 23.71 20.44 Hardoi
30 mUuko 21.00 22.78 20.73 22.72 15.11 Unnao
31 y[kuÅ 20.84 24.52 37.14 32.03 25.82 Lucknow
32 jk;cjsyh 14.27 24.90 23.10 24.35 18.56 Raebareli
33 Q:Z[kkckn 20.22 25.19 25.20 22.27 20.05 Farrukhabad
34 dUukSt ** ** ** 20.16 19.27 Kannauj
35 bVkok 22.46 20.37 21.92 18.45 18.15 Etawah
36 vkSjS;k ** ** ** 18.00 16.91 Auraiya
37 dkuiqj nsgkr ** ** ** 19.96 14.89 Kanpur Dehat
38 dkuiqj uxj 25.81 24.90 21.77 28.11 9.92 Kanpur Nagar
39 tkykSu 21.79 32.10 25.74 19.28 16.19 Jalaun
vuqc)------ Contd…..

1& {ks=Qy ,oa tula[;k @ Area and Population

1-5& mRrj izns'k esa ftysokj tula[;k rFkk n'kd vUrj] 1961&2011
Districtwise Population and Decadal Variation in UP., 1961-2011

tula[;k esa n'kd vUrj ¼izfr'kr½ Decadal

tuin Variation in Population (Percentage) District

1961-71 1971- 81 1981- 91 1991- 01 2001-11

1 8 9 10 11 12 1
40 >kWlh 21.79 30.67 25.74 22.05 14.54 Jhansi

41 yfyriqj 17.14 32.21 30.19 30.01 24.94 Lalitpur

42 gehjiqj 22.67 21.24 23.64 18.00 11.12 Hamirpur

43 egksck ** ** ** 21.73 15.50 Mahoba
44 ckWnk 24.39 20.84 22.80 21.42 19.83 Banda
45 fp=dwV ** ** ** 28.56 23.66 Chitrakoot
46 Qrsgiqj 19.94 23.01 20.78 21.53 14.05 Fatehpur
47 izrkix<+ 13.62 26.59 ** 23.54 17.50 Pratapgarh
48 dkS'kkEch ** ** ** 26.46 23.81 Kausambi
49 iz;kxjkt 20.46 29.27 29.61 26.61 20.60 Prayagraj
50 ckjkcadh 15.63 21.80 21.64 26.54 21.96 Barabanki
51 v;ks/;k 17.90 23.62 25.01 23.99 18.29 Ayodhya
52 vEcsndj uxj .. .. .. 24.40 18.30 Ambedkar Nagar
53 lqYrkuiqj 16.27 24.34 25.27 25.01 18.11 Sultanpur
54 vesBh .. .. .. .. .. Amethi
55 cgjkbp 15.14 28.33 24.70 29.38 29.10 Bahraich
56 JkoLrh ** ** ** 27.40 30.54 Shrawasti
57 cyjkeiqj ** ** ** 22.92 27.72 Balrampur
58 xks.Mk 11.04 23.13 26.05 25.45 24.17 Gonda
59 fl}kFkZuxj 13.65 19.90 26.98 26.87 25.45 Siddharth Nagar
60 cLrh 18.41 24.33 26.98 23.63 18.21 Basti
61 lardchj uxj ** ** ** 23.27 20.77 Sant Kabir Nagar
62 egjktxat ** ** ** 29.68 23.50 Maharajganj
63 xksj[kiqj 18.44 24.93 22.75 22.94 17.81 Gorakhpur
64 dq'khuxj ** ** ** 28.23 23.27 Kushi Nagar
65 nsofj;k 18.41 24.33 26.98 24.22 14.25 Deoria

66 vktex<+ 18.66 24.03 ** 25.93 17.11 Azamgarh

67 eÅ ** ** ** 28.23 18.92 Mau

68 cfy;k 16.10 26.29 26.92 22.07 17.35 Ballia

69 tkSuiqj 15.90 26.97 24.27 21.68 14.89 Jaunpur

70 xkthiqj 20.62 29.75 31.33 25.70 19.18 Ghazipur

71 pUnkSyh ** ** ** 28.90 18.83 Chandauli

72 okjk.klh ** ** ** 25.14 17.15 Varanasi

73 larjfonkl uxj ** ** ** 25.62 16.58 Sant Ravidas Nagar

74 fetkZiqj 18.22 22.43 16.29 27.69 20.35 Mirzapur

75 lksuHknz 23.59 32.32 ** 36.14 23.77 Sonbhadra

mRrj izns'k 19.78 25.49 25.48 25.85 20.23 Uttar Pradesh

** ekr` tuin esa lfEefyr ** Included in Mother District

lzksr% Hkkjrh; tux.kuk 2011 Source: Census of India 2011

1& {ks=Qy ,oa tula[;k @ Area and Population

1-6& mRrj izns'k esa ftysokj xzkeksa ,oa uxjksa dh la[;k 1991] 2001] 2011
Districtwise No. of Villages and Towns in UP. 1991, 2001 , 2011
xzke (Villages)

1991 2001
tuin vkckn xSj vkckn dqy vkckn xSj vkckn dqy District

Inhabited Uninhabited Total Inhabited Uninhabited Total

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1
1 lgkjuiqj 1278 329 1607 1264 342 1606 Saharanpur
2 eqt¶Qj uxj 886 141 1027 893 132 1025 Muz. Nagar
3 'kkeyh ** ** ** ** ** ** Shamli
4 fctukSj 2132 897 3029 2148 841 2989 Bijnor
5 eqjknkckn 1581 261 1842 1559 241 1800 Moradabad
6 laHky ** ** ** ** ** ** Sambhal
7 jkeiqj 1098 55 1153 1092 63 1155 Rampur
8 vejksgk 919 205 1124 940 184 1124 Amroha
9 esjB 613 63 676 622 52 674 Meerut
10 ckxir 287 27 314 289* 26* 315* Bagapat
11 xkft;kckn 516 40 556 522 38 560 Ghaziabad
12 gkiqqM+ ** ** ** ** ** ** Hapur
13 xkSrecq} uxj 387 33 420 392 30 422 G.B. Nagar
14 cqyUn'kgj 1122 73 1195 1126 71 1197 Bulandshahr
15 vyhx<+ 1184 28 1212 1180 30 1210 Aligarh
16 gkFkjl 657 16 673 656 16 672 Hathras
17 eFkqjk 736 152 888 736 144 880 Mathura
18 vkxjk 904 36 940 903 35 938 Agra
19 fQjkstkckn 795 20 815 795 19 814 Firozabad
20 ,Vk 1507 103 1610 1517 93 1610 Etah
21 dklxat ** ** ** ** ** ** Kasganj
22 eSuiqjh 821 35 856 821 33 854 Mainpuri
23 cnk;wW 1780 301 2081 1782 299 2081 Badaun
24 cjsyh 1851 221 2072 1865 205 2070 Bareilly
25 ihyhHkhr 1210 139 1349 1216 133 1349 Pilibhit
26 'kkgtgkWiqj 2130 295 2425 2157 268 2425 Shahjahanpur
27 [khjh 1712 99 1811 1709 150 1859 Kheri
28 lhrkiqj 2314 34 2348 2321 27 2348 Sitapur
29 gjnksbZ 1883 100 1983 1901 169 2070 Hardoi
30 mUuko 1693 102 1795 1689 105 1794 Unnao
31 y[kuÅ 824 10 834 822 13 835 Lucknow
32 jk;cjsyh 1737 43 1780 1733 40 1773 Raebareli
33 Q:Z[kkckn 881 129 1010 883 124 1007 Farrukhabad
34 dUukSt 589 65 654 693 59 752 Kannauj
35 bVkok 1461 81 1542 686 6 692 Etawah
36 vkSjS;k .. .. .. 776 65 841 Auraiya
37 dkuiqj nsgkr 970 62 1032 971 60 1031 Kanpur Dehat
38 dkuiqj uxj 899 105 1004 909 94 1003 Kanpur Nagar
39 tkykSu 942 209 1151 937 214 1151 Jalaun
vuqo)--------- Contd…..

1& {ks=Qy ,oa tula[;k @ Area and Population

1-6& mRrj izns'k esa ftysokj xzkeksa ,oa uxjksa dh la[;k 1991] 2001] 2011
Districtwise No. of Villages and Towns in UP. 1991, 2001 , 2011
xzke (Villages)

1991 2001
tuin vkckn xSj vkckn dqy vkckn xSj vkckn dqy District
Inhabited Uninhabited Total Inhabited Uninhabited Total

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1
40 >kWlh 760 79 839 764 185 949 Jhansi
41 yfyriqj 689 65 754 697 81 778 Lalitpur
42 gehjiqj 511 136 647 521 127 648 Hamirpur
43 egksck 415 85 500 421 79 500 Mahoba
44 ckWnk 675 43 718 682 36 718 Banda
45 fp=dwV 526 97 623 545 85 630 Chitrakoot
46 Qrsgiqj 1352 164 1516 1353 169 1522 Fatehpur
47 izrkix<+ 2181 38 2219 2182 37 2219 Pratapgarh
48 dkS'kkEch 824 143 967 742 126 868 Kausambi
49 iz;kxjkt 2715 263 2978 2802 262 3064 Prayagraj
50 ckjkcadh 1812 31 1843 1821 21 1842 Barabanki
51 v;ks/;k 1233 37 1270 1247 25 1272 Ayodhya
52 vEcsndj uxj 1677 105 1782 1675 105 1780 Ambedkar Nagar
53 lqYrkuiqj 2495 34 2529 2499 32 2531 Sultanpur
54 vesBh ** ** ** ** ** ** Amethi
55 cgjkbp 1203 24 1227 1204 22 1226 Bahraich
56 JkoLrh 687 22 709 679 25 704 Shrawasti
57 cyjkeiqj 1004 17 1021 999 22 1021 Balrampur
58 xks.Mk 1814 7 1821 1815 6 1821 Gonda
59 fl}kFkZuxj 2452 241 2693 2338 194 2532 Siddharth Nagar
60 cLrh 3066 285 3351 3156 193 3351 Basti
61 lardchj uxj 1561 166 1727 1576 151 1727 Sant Kabir Nagar
62 egjktxat 1207 60 1267 1203 55 1258 Maharajganj
63 xksj[kiqj 2880 439 3319 2924 403 3327 Gorakhpur
64 dq'khuxj 1546 74 1620 1572 69 1641 Kushi Nagar
65 nsofj;k 2004 168 2172 2008 153 2161 Deoria
66 vktex<+ 3721 412 4133 3792 314 4106 Azamgarh
67 eÅ 1472 172 1644 1499 123 1622 Mau
68 cfy;k 1791 435 2226 1830 530 2360 Ballia
69 tkSuiqj 3269 122 3391 3290 96 3386 Jaunpur
70 xkthiqj 2583 781 3364 2665 699 3364 Ghazipur
71 pUnkSyh 1365 268 1633 1419 219 1638 Chandauli
72 okjk.klh 1262 74 1336 1289 38 1327 Varanasi
73 larjfonkl uxj 1075 149 1224 1097 127 1224 SantRavidas Nagar
74 fetkZiqj 1722 265 1987 1767 218 1985 Mirzapur
75 lksuHknz 1346 80 1426 1363 61 1424 Sonbhadra
mRrj izns'k 97135 10192 107327 97941 9511 107452 Uttar Pradesh
** ekr` tuin esa lfEefyr ** Included in Mother District
lzksr%&Hkkjrh; tux.kuk Source-Census of India

1& {ks=Qy ,oa tula[;k @ Area and Population

1-6& mRrj izns'k esa ftysokj xzkeksa ,oa uxjksa dh la[;k 1991] 2001] 2011
Districtwise No. of Villages and Towns in UP. 1991, 2001 , 2011
uxj ,oa uxj lewg
xzke ¼Villages) 2011 (Towns & Urban
tuin Agglomerations)
vkckn xSj vkckn dqy
1991 2001 2011
Inhabited Uninhabited Total
1 8 9 10 11 12 13 1
1 lgkjuiqj 1243 329 1572 13 13 16 Saharanpur
2 eqt¶Qj uxj 880 139 1019 21 21 27 Muz. Nagar
3 'kkeyh ** ** ** ** ** ** Shamli
4 fctukSj 2186 798 2984 20 21 26 Bijnor
5 eqjknkckn 1550 243 1793 12 13 17 Moradabad
6 laHky ** ** ** ** ** ** Sambhal
7 jkeiqj 1108 55 1163 8 8 10 Rampur
8 vejksgk 959 164 1123 8 8 9 Amroha
9 esjB 604 59 663 15 15 18 Meerut
10 ckxir 290 25 315 8 8 8 Bagapat
11 xkft;kckn 511 36 547 17 17 26 Ghaziabad
12 gkiqqM+ ** ** ** ** ** ** Hapur
13 xkSrecq} uxj 304 16 320 9 9 13 G.B. Nagar
14 cqyUn'kgj 1174 68 1242 16 16 21 Bulandshahr
15 vyhx<+ 1170 29 1199 13 13 24 Aligarh
16 gkFkjl 655 14 669 9 9 12 Hathras
17 eFkqjk 730 144 874 18 18 25 Mathura
18 vkxjk 893 36 929 14 16 27 Agra
19 fQjkstkckn 790 17 807 9 9 9 Firozabad
20 ,Vk 853 29 882 19 19 10 Etah
21 dklxat 650 65 715 ** ** 11 Kasganj
22 eSuiqjh 820 31 851 9 9 9 Mainpuri
23 cnk;wW 1785 276 2061 23 23 23 Badaun
24 cjsyh 1855 196 2051 22 22 31 Bareilly
25 ihyhHkhr 1295 140 1435 9 9 11 Pilibhit
26 'kkgtgkWiqj 2088 240 2328 10 10 11 Shahjahanpur
27 [khjh 1706 88 1794 10 10 14 Kheri
28 lhrkiqj 2317 31 2348 11 11 12 Sitapur
29 gjnksbZ 1907 163 2070 14 14 13 Hardoi
30 mUuko 1693 102 1795 19 19 21 Unnao
31 y[kuÅ 803 4 807 8 8 12 Lucknow
32 jk;cjsyh 1733 40 1773 9 9 9 Raebareli
33 Q:Z[kkckn 872 133 1005 6 6 9 Farrukhabad
34 dUukSt 688 64 752 8 8 8 Kannauj
35 bVkok 686 6 692 6 6 6 Etawah
36 vkSjS;k 769 70 839 7 7 9 Auraiya
37 dkuiqj nsgkr 966 63 1029 8 8 12 Kanpur Dehat
38 dkuiqj uxj 902 101 1003 6 9 10 Kanpur Nagar
39 tkykSu 942 209 1151 10 10 10 Jalaun
vuqo)--------- Contd…..

1& {ks=Qy ,oa tula[;k @ Area and Population

1-6& mRrj izns'k esa ftysokj xzkeksa ,oa uxjksa dh la[;k 1991] 2001] 2011
Districtwise No. of Villages and Towns in UP. 1991, 2001 , 2011
uxj ,oa uxj lewg
xzke ¼Villages) 2011 (Towns & Urban
tuin Agglomerations)
vkckn xSj vkckn dqy
1991 2001 2011
Inhabited Uninhabited Total
1 8 9 10 11 12 13 1
40 >kWlh 745 71 816 16 16 19 Jhansi
41 yfyriqj 691 61 752 4 4 6 Lalitpur
42 gehjiqj 497 130 627 7 7 7 Hamirpur
43 egksck 435 86 521 5 5 5 Mahoba
44 ckWnk 657 37 694 8 8 8 Banda
45 fp=dwV 562 94 656 3 3 4 Chitrakoot
46 Qrsgiqj 1352 163 1515 6 6 7 Fatehpur
47 izrkix<+ 2183 34 2217 7 7 9 Pratapgarh
48 dkS'kkEch 729 139 868 7 7 9 Kausambi
49 iz;kxjkt 2809 244 3053 12 12 25 Prayagraj
50 ckjkcadh 1817 22 1839 12 12 15 Barabanki
51 v;ks/;k 1235 29 1264 6 6 10 Ayodhya
52 vEcsndj uxj 1649 101 1750 7 7 7 Ambedkar Nagar
53 lqYrkuiqj 2498 29 2527 7 7 11 Sultanpur
54 vesBh ** ** ** ** ** ** Amethi
55 cgjkbp 1359 31 1390 4 4 5 Bahraich
56 JkoLrh 509 32 541 2 2 2 Shrawasti
57 cyjkeiqj 998 17 1015 4 4 6 Balrampur
58 xks.Mk 1812 5 1817 7 7 10 Gonda
59 fl}kFkZuxj 2336 169 2505 4 4 8 Siddharth Nagar
60 cLrh 3160 188 3348 2 2 3 Basti
61 lardchj uxj 1582 144 1726 5 5 6 Sant Kabir Nagar
62 egjktxat 1212 50 1262 6 6 7 Maharajganj
63 xksj[kiqj 2937 382 3319 8 9 14 Gorakhpur
64 dq'khuxj 1579 60 1639 7 7 8 Kushi Nagar
65 nsofj;k 2019 143 2162 10 10 10 Deoria
66 vktex<+ 3800 301 4101 15 15 20 Azamgarh
67 eÅ 1499 111 1610 9 9 14 Mau
68 cfy;k 1843 518 2361 9 9 11 Ballia
69 tkSuiqj 3287 94 3381 9 9 13 Jaunpur
70 xkthiqj 2740 627 3367 8 8 8 Ghazipur
71 pUnkSyh 1425 204 1629 6 5 11 Chandauli
72 okjk.klh 1258 37 1295 9 9 39 Varanasi
73 larjfonkl uxj 1087 130 1217 7 7 11 Sant Ravidas Nagar
74 fetkZiqj 1745 216 1961 6 6 10 Mirzapur
75 lksuHknz 1391 38 1429 14 14 18 Sonbhadra
mRrj izns'k 97814 8960 106774 682 689 915 Uttar Pradesh
** ekr` tuin esa lfEefyr ** Included in Mother District

lzksr%&Hkkjrh; tux.kuk Source:-Census of India

1& {ks=Qy ,oa tula[;k @ Area and Population
1-7& mRrj izns'k esa ftysokj tula[;k vkdkj oxZ vuqlkj xzkeksa dk oxhZdj.k 2011
Districtwise Villages Classified by Population Size in UP. 2011

tula[;k vkdkj ( Population Size )

vkckn xzkeksa dqy xzkeh.k
200 ls de
dh dqy la[;k tula[;k
tuin vkckn xzkeksa dh District
Total No. of tula[;k
Total rural la[;k
Villages No. of Inhabited
1 2 3 4 5 1
1 lgkjuiqj 1,243 2399856 82 5975 Saharanpur
2 eqt¶Qj uxj 880 2952200 51 4216 Muz. Nagar
3 'kkeyh ** ** ** ** Shamli
4 fctukSj 2,186 2757401 282 22113 Bijnor
5 eqjknkckn 1,550 3198383 64 4137 Moradabad
6 laHky ** ** ** ** Sambhal
7 jkeiqj 1,108 1747172 79 7327 Rampur
8 vejksgk 959 1381508 76 6532 Amroha
9 esjB 604 1684507 41 3137 Meerut
10 ckxir 290 1028023 15 1042 Bagapat
11 xkft;kckn 511 1519098 25 1556 Ghaziabad
12 gkiqqM+ ** ** ** ** Hapur
13 xkSrecq} uxj 304 673806 25 1541 G.B. Nagar
14 cqyUn'kgj 1,174 2631742 26 1885 Bulandshahr
15 vyhx<+ 1,170 2456698 16 1508 Aligarh
16 gkFkjl 655 1232015 22 2308 Hathras
17 eFkqjk 730 1791191 41 4044 Mathura
18 vkxjk 893 2394602 14 1673 Agra
19 fQjkstkckn 790 1664987 18 2090 Firozabad
20 ,Vk 853 1506338 23 2437 Etah
21 dklxat 650 1148512 16 1621 Kasganj
22 eSuiqjh 820 1580087 22 2748 Mainpuri
23 cnk;wW 1,785 3037301 50 5118 Badaun
24 cjsyh 1,855 2879950 94 8609 Bareilly
25 ihyhHkhr 1,295 1679592 212 17390 Pilibhit
26 'kkgtgkWiqj 2,088 2412446 203 17630 Shahjahanpur
27 [khjh 1,706 3560208 96 9155 Kheri
28 lhrkiqj 2,317 3953208 49 6083 Sitapur
29 gjnksbZ 1,907 3551039 51 6029 Hardoi
30 mUuko 1,693 2576721 52 4533 Unnao
31 y[kuÅ 803 1550842 16 1723 Lucknow
32 jk;cjsyh 1,733 3097564 67 6514 Raebareli
33 Q:Z[kkckn 872 1469019 31 4023 Farrukhabad
34 dUukSt 688 1375775 11 1490 Kannauj
35 bVkok 686 1215511 18 2208 Etawah
36 vkSjS;k 769 1145323 32 3403 Auraiya
37 dkuiqj nsgkr 966 1622761 23 2462 Kanpur Dehat
38 dkuiqj uxj 902 1565623 26 2581 Kanpur Nagar
39 tkykSu 942 1271074 58 4954 Jalaun
vuqo)--------- Contd…..

1& {ks=Qy ,oa tula[;k @ Area and Population
1-7& mRrj izns'k esa ftysokj tula[;k vkdkj oxZ vuqlkj xzkeksa dk oxhZdj.k 2011
Districtwise Villages Classified by Population Size in UP. 2011

tula[;k vkdkj ( Population Size )

vkckn xzkeksa dqy xzkeh.k
200 ls de
dh dqy la[;k tula[;k
tuin vkckn xzkeksa dh District
Total No. of tula[;k
Total rural la[;k
Villages No. of Inhabited
1 2 3 4 5 1
40 >kWlh 745 1165119 35 2066 Jhansi
41 yfyriqj 691 1046214 55 4267 Lalitpur
42 gehjiqj 497 894437 41 3554 Hamirpur
43 egksck 435 690577 33 2576 Mahoba
44 ckWnk 657 1523655 38 3350 Banda
45 fp=dwV 562 895398 46 3995 Chitrakoot
46 Qrsgiqj 1,352 2310740 48 5375 Fatehpur
47 izrkix<+ 2,183 3033899 103 13073 Pratapgarh
48 dkS'kkEch 729 1475140 20 2389 Kausambi
49 iz;kxjkt 2,809 4481518 220 20196 Prayagraj
50 ckjkcadh 1,817 2929896 66 7511 Barabanki
51 v;ks/;k 1,235 2130743 51 4915 Ayodhya
52 vEcsndj uxj 1,649 2117158 119 13297 Ambedkar Nagar
53 lqYrkuiqj 2,498 3597201 126 14170 Sultanpur
54 vesBh ** ** ** ** Amethi
55 cgjkbp 1,359 3203687 31 3183 Bahraich
56 JkoLrh 509 1078712 10 576 Shrawasti
57 cyjkeiqj 998 1982274 16 1693 Balrampur
58 xks.Mk 1,812 3208890 55 6539 Gonda
59 fl}kFkZuxj 2,336 2398606 189 17771 Siddharth Nagar
60 cLrh 3,160 2326367 513 45860 Basti
61 lardchj uxj 1,582 1586652 184 16783 Sant Kabir Nagar
62 egjktxat 1,212 2549973 45 3554 Maharajganj
63 xksj[kiqj 2,937 3604766 442 41749 Gorakhpur
64 dq'khuxj 1,579 3396437 70 6109 Kushi Nagar
65 nsofj;k 2,019 2784143 155 13937 Deoria
66 vktex<+ 3,800 4220512 590 47985 Azamgarh
67 eÅ 1,499 1706760 296 25633 Mau
68 cfy;k 1,843 2935665 312 28020 Ballia
69 tkSuiqj 3,287 4147624 384 36457 Jaunpur
70 xkthiqj 2,740 3345908 545 41841 Ghazipur
71 pUnkSyh 1,425 1710203 233 20041 Chandauli
72 okjk.klh 1,258 2079790 129 11088 Varanasi
73 larjfonkl uxj 1,087 1348911 142 13990 Sant Ravidas Nagar
74 fetkZiqj 1,745 2149403 232 19465 Mirzapur
75 lksuHknz 1,391 1548217 231 21455 Sonbhadra
mRrj izns'k 97,814 155317278 7,832 706258 Uttar Pradesh
** ekr` tuin esa lfEefyr ** Included in Mother District

lzksr%&Hkkjrh; tux.kuk 2011 Source:-Census of India 2011

1& {ks=Qy ,oa tula[;k @ Area and Population
1-7& mRrj izns'k esa ftysokj tula[;k vkdkj oxZ vuqlkj xzkeksa dk oxhZdj.k 2011
Districtwise Villages Classified by Population Size in UP. 2011
tula[;k vkdkj ( Population size)
200- 499 500- 999 1000-1999

tuin vkckn xzke tula[;k vkckn xzke tula[;k vkckn xzke tula[;k District

Inhabited Popula- Inhabited Popula- Inhabited

Villages tion Villages tion Villages

1 6 7 8 9 10 11 1
1 lgkjuiqj 117 40743 215 163133 389 571987 Saharanpur
2 eqt¶Qj uxj 41 15065 71 53202 212 323355 Muz. Nagar
3 'kkeyh ** ** ** ** ** ** Shamli
4 fctukSj 339 119836 584 429290 583 825552 Bijnor
5 eqjknkckn 120 44881 294 222055 492 719031 Moradabad
6 laHky ** ** ** ** ** ** Sambhal
7 jkeiqj 141 48519 272 201318 343 500282 Rampur
8 vejksgk 125 42976 251 185645 300 432135 Amroha
9 esjB 26 9404 63 47237 147 218256 Meerut
10 ckxir 9 3674 22 17292 67 102888 Bagapat
11 xkft;kckn 22 7700 47 35322 136 201827 Ghaziabad
12 gkiqqM+ ** ** ** ** ** ** Hapur
13 xkSrecq} uxj 17 6208 32 23889 106 161605 G.B. Nagar
14 cqyUn'kgj 38 12772 172 130414 413 612519 Bulandshahr
15 vyhx<+ 66 25036 240 185012 421 607514 Aligarh
16 gkFkjl 59 21384 143 106660 224 315417 Hathras
17 eFkqjk 62 22670 113 86300 191 279784 Mathura
18 vkxjk 46 18146 146 108098 256 382722 Agra
19 fQjkstkckn 60 22182 184 140531 254 370833 Firozabad
20 ,Vk 92 32755 204 149927 282 397625 Etah
21 dklxat 69 24048 142 106214 225 319653 Kasganj
22 eSuiqjh 92 33515 200 152253 246 353570 Mainpuri
23 cnk;wW 158 58364 424 319543 666 959848 Badaun
24 cjsyh 229 83513 472 353175 601 862512 Bareilly
25 ihyhHkhr 163 58324 290 216008 386 541919 Pilibhit
26 'kkgtgkWiqj 348 126550 665 488891 592 833603 Shahjahanpur
27 [khjh 170 63726 337 251756 489 709082 Kheri
28 lhrkiqj 242 89299 557 412774 744 1074221 Sitapur
29 gjnksbZ 187 70345 447 328911 585 833389 Hardoi
30 mUuko 231 84761 527 390299 516 717919 Unnao
31 y[kuÅ 68 27684 173 134165 276 392890 Lucknow
32 jk;cjsyh 213 78992 427 314570 533 761898 Raebareli
33 Q:Z[kkckn 81 27871 232 168267 294 418079 Farrukhabad
34 dUukSt 64 23572 149 113864 224 321562 Kannauj
35 bVkok 73 26874 162 122528 236 343907 Etawah
36 vkSjS;k 122 43687 193 145598 246 345754 Auraiya
37 dkuiqj nsgkr 78 28843 255 190894 341 493017 Kanpur Dehat
38 dkuiqj uxj 108 38965 240 182010 278 394852 Kanpur Nagar
39 tkykSu 151 54337 270 203819 292 412494 Jalaun
vuqo)--------- Contd…..

1& {ks=Qy ,oa tula[;k @ Area and Population
1-7& mRrj izns'k esa ftysokj tula[;k vkdkj oxZ vuqlkj xzkeksa dk oxhZdj.k 2011
Districtwise Villages Classified by Population Size in UP. 2011
tula[;k vkdkj ( Population size)
200- 499 500- 999 1000-1999

tuin vkckn xzke tula[;k vkckn xzke tula[;k vkckn xzke tula[;k District

Inhabited Popula- Inhabited Popula- Inhabited

Villages tion Villages tion Villages

1 6 7 8 9 10 11 1
40 >kWlh 79 27791 187 137340 250 355572 Jhansi
41 yfyriqj 80 29442 180 132111 227 325860 Lalitpur
42 gehjiqj 52 18143 85 62812 149 220640 Hamirpur
43 egksck 62 22212 97 72814 129 188589 Mahoba
44 ckWnk 52 19006 110 82256 184 271526 Banda
45 fp=dwV 76 27655 126 94781 172 251133 Chitrakoot
46 Qrsgiqj 186 68408 357 268147 416 596916 Fatehpur
47 izrkix<+ 382 139023 606 445410 621 877611 Pratapgarh
48 dkS'kkEch 60 20124 133 100850 252 366445 Kausambi
49 iz;kxjkt 353 123335 623 463371 843 1199823 Prayagraj
50 ckjkcadh 199 73740 496 362219 588 838736 Barabanki
51 v;ks/;k 136 51488 281 212636 400 574744 Ayodhya
52 vEcsndj uxj 307 108610 491 356280 429 605051 Ambedkar Nagar
53 lqYrkuiqj 419 150109 644 474206 749 1051708 Sultanpur
54 vesBh ** ** ** ** ** ** Amethi
55 cgjkbp 86 30456 211 160017 380 569689 Bahraich
56 JkoLrh 32 11083 77 58035 172 258027 Shrawasti
57 cyjkeiqj 50 17977 175 129402 363 544352 Balrampur
58 xks.Mk 216 79083 425 309555 558 802489 Gonda
59 fl}kFkZuxj 486 178383 838 615382 600 823966 Siddharth Nagar
60 cLrh 954 334722 1025 733115 506 684491 Basti
61 lardchj uxj 319 113366 522 380278 384 534257 Sant Kabir Nagar
62 egjktxat 71 24835 185 138311 390 572366 Maharajganj
63 xksj[kiqj 555 195872 745 537697 701 985129 Gorakhpur
64 dq'khuxj 117 41970 295 222496 518 751851 Kushi Nagar
65 nsofj;k 329 118491 520 385001 611 873942 Deoria
66 vktex<+ 736 252508 958 699209 940 1327341 Azamgarh
67 eÅ 295 103687 342 245986 312 443109 Mau
68 cfy;k 330 115447 368 271310 375 530173 Ballia
69 tkSuiqj 582 205294 797 585099 918 1312530 Jaunpur
70 xkthiqj 514 175493 619 450979 601 852891 Ghazipur
71 pUnkSyh 253 87966 320 235175 354 503249 Chandauli
72 okjk.klh 169 58395 250 186447 346 494124 Varanasi
73 larjfonkl uxj 171 58700 281 205804 288 405183 Sant Ravidas Nagar
74 fetkZiqj 304 107316 424 311903 474 667156 Mirzapur
75 lksuHknz 352 126868 373 267278 234 325699 Sonbhadra
mRrj izns'k 13,591 4854219 23,381 17274576 28,020 40099869 Uttar Pradesh
** ekr` tuin esa lfEefyr ** Included in Mother District

lzksr%&Hkkjrh; tux.kuk 2011 Source:-Census of India2011

1& {ks=Qy ,oa tula[;k @ Area and Population

1-7& mRrj izns'k esa ftysokj tula[;k vkdkj oxZ vuqlkj xzkeksa dk oxhZdj.k 2011
Districtwise Villages Classified by Population Size in UP. 2011
tula[;k vkdkj (Population Size)

2000- 4999 5000 ls vf/kd

tuin vkckn xzke tula[;k vkckn xzke tula[;k District

Inhabited Inhabited
Population Population
Villages Villages
1 12 13 14 15 1
1 lgkjuiqj 383 1174111 57 443907 Saharanpur
2 eqt¶Qj uxj 330 1061549 175 1494813 Muz. Nagar
3 'kkeyh ** ** ** ** Shamli
4 fctukSj 349 1014144 49 346466 Bijnor
5 eqjknkckn 471 1423461 109 784818 Moradabad
6 laHky ** ** ** ** Sambhal
7 jkeiqj 233 684885 40 304841 Rampur
8 vejksgk 185 533826 22 180394 Amroha
9 esjB 246 762006 81 644467 Meerut
10 ckxir 109 370825 68 532302 Bagapat
11 xkft;kckn 213 663004 68 609689 Ghaziabad
12 gkiqqM+ ** ** ** ** Hapur
13 xkSrecq} uxj 103 326012 21 154551 G.B. Nagar
14 cqyUn'kgj 452 1350359 73 523793 Bulandshahr
15 vyhx<+ 350 1055540 77 582088 Aligarh
16 gkFkjl 174 532117 33 254129 Hathras
17 eFkqjk 237 727906 86 670487 Mathura
18 vkxjk 316 983035 115 900928 Agra
19 fQjkstkckn 213 636796 61 492555 Firozabad
20 ,Vk 213 652246 39 271348 Etah
21 dklxat 168 486792 30 210184 Kasganj
22 eSuiqjh 202 600576 58 437425 Mainpuri
23 cnk;wW 433 1283651 54 410777 Badaun
24 cjsyh 397 1150961 62 421180 Bareilly
25 ihyhHkhr 214 611368 30 234583 Pilibhit
26 'kkgtgkWijq 254 709791 26 235981 Shahjahanpur
27 [khjh 490 1487066 124 1039423 Kheri
28 lhrkiqj 670 2015349 55 355482 Sitapur
29 gjnksbZ 539 1637750 98 674615 Hardoi
30 mUuko 307 918705 60 460504 Unnao
31 y[kuÅ 227 677448 43 316932 Lucknow
32 jk;cjsyh 395 1199019 98 736571 Raebareli
33 Q:Z[kkckn 199 585888 35 264891 Farrukhabad
34 dUukSt 191 567109 49 348178 Kannauj
35 bVkok 167 507472 30 212522 Etawah
36 vkSjS;k 156 463697 20 143184 Auraiya
37 dkuiqj nsgkr 239 696263 30 211282 Kanpur Dehat
38 dkuiqj uxj 200 583897 50 363318 Kanpur Nagar
39 tkykSu 153 461160 18 134310 Jalaun
vuqo)--------- Contd…..

1& {ks=Qy ,oa tula[;k @ Area and Population

1-7& mRrj izns'k esa ftysokj tula[;k vkdkj oxZ vuqlkj xzkeksa dk oxhZdj.k 2011
Districtwise Villages Classified by Population Size in UP. 2011
tula[;k vkdkj (Population Size)

2000- 4999 5000 ls vf/kd

tuin vkckn xzke tula[;k vkckn xzke tula[;k District

Inhabited Inhabited
Population Population
Villages Villages
1 12 13 14 15 1
40 >kWlh 170 483654 24 158696 Jhansi
41 yfyriqj 125 362744 24 191790 Lalitpur
42 gehjiqj 150 447222 20 142066 Hamirpur
43 egksck 102 294655 12 109731 Mahoba
44 ckWnk 207 655836 66 491681 Banda
45 fp=dwV 121 362565 21 155269 Chitrakoot
46 Qrsgiqj 278 835276 67 536618 Fatehpur
47 izrkix<+ 416 1202016 55 356766 Pratapgarh
48 dkS'kkEch 219 658786 45 326546 Kausambi
49 iz;kxjkt 663 1956818 107 717975 Prayagraj
50 ckjkcadh 402 1168250 66 479440 Barabanki
51 v;ks/;k 320 966682 47 320278 Ayodhya
52 vEcsndj uxj 272 813991 31 219929 Ambedkar Nagar
53 lqYrkuiqj 487 1434174 73 472834 Sultanpur
54 vesBh ** ** ** ** Amethi
55 cgjkbp 537 1633434 114 806908 Bahraich
56 JkoLrh 187 549558 31 201433 Shrawasti
57 cyjkeiqj 357 1029258 37 259592 Balrampur
58 xks.Mk 480 1422330 78 588894 Gonda
59 fl}kFkZuxj 196 560839 27 202265 Siddharth Nagar
60 cLrh 142 382338 20 145841 Basti
61 lardchj uxj 163 471964 10 70004 Sant Kabir Nagar
62 egjktxat 453 1337030 68 473877 Maharajganj
63 xksj[kiqj 410 1213128 84 631191 Gorakhpur
64 dq'khuxj 444 1351534 135 1022477 Kushi Nagar
65 nsofj;k 348 1007907 56 384865 Deoria
66 vktex<+ 514 1492611 62 400858 Azamgarh
67 eÅ 224 673881 30 214464 Mau
68 cfy;k 345 1055587 113 935128 Ballia
69 tkSuiqj 544 1606141 62 402103 Jaunpur
70 xkthiqj 377 1121925 84 702779 Ghazipur
71 pUnkSyh 244 715457 21 148315 Chandauli
72 okjk.klh 299 882086 65 447650 Varanasi
73 larjfonkl uxj 191 568967 14 96267 Sant Ravidas Nagar
74 fetkZiqj 282 844691 29 198872 Mirzapur
75 lksuHknz 166 483404 35 323513 Sonbhadra
mRrj izns'k 21,013 62642523 3,977 29739833 Uttar Pradesh
** ekr` tuin esa lfEefyr ** Included in Mother District

lzksr%& Hkkjrh; tux.kuk 2011 Source:- Census of India 2011

1& {ks=Qy ,oa tula[;k @ Area and Population

1-8& mRrj izns'k esa uxj ,oa uxj lewg dh tula[;k rFkk n'kd vUrj] 2001&2011
Population and Decadal Variation of Towns and Agglomerations in UP. 2001-2011

tula[;k (Population) 2011 tula[;k n'kd

tula[;k esa n'kd izfr'kr
dqy iq:"k L=h vUrj vUrj
uxj@uxj lewg Towns / Agglomerations
Population ¼2001&11½ ¼2001&11½
2001 Total Male Female Decadal Percentage
Variation in Decadal
Population Variation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1

izFke Js.kh Class-I

¼100000 ,oa vf/kd½ (100000+above)

1 lgkjuiqj u-ik-i- 455754 705478 371740 333738 249724 54.79

Saharanpur (M Corp.)

2 'kkeyh u-ik-i- 90055 107266 57187 50079 17211 19.11

Shamli (NPP)

3 eq-uxj u-ik-i-ck-fo- 331668 392768 206782 185986 61100 18.42

Muzaffarnagar (NPP)

4 eqjknkckn u-fu- 641583 887871 464580 423291 246288 38.39

Moradabad (M Corp.)

5 lEHky u-ik-i- 182478 220813 115767 105046 38335 21.01

Sambhal (NPP)

6 pankSlh u-ik-i- 103749 114383 60256 54127 10634 10.25

Chandausi (NPP)

7 jkeiqj u-ik-i- 281494 325313 169681 155632 43819 15.57

Rampur (NPP)
8 vejksgk u-ik-i- 165129 198471 103097 95374 33342 20.19
Amroha (NPP)

9 esjB u-fu- 1068772 1305429 688118 617311 236657 22.14

Meerut (M Corp.)

10 cMkSFk u-ik-i- 85708 103764 55013 48751 18056 21.07

Baraut (NPP)

11 eksnh uxj u-ik-i- 113218 130325 69268 61057 17107 15.11

Modinagar (NPP)

12 yksuh u-ik-i- 120945 516082 275025 241057 395137 326.71

Loni (NPP)
13 xkft;kckn u-fu- 968256 1648643 874607 774036 680387 70.27
Ghaziabad (M Corp.)
14 [kksjk ls-Vk- .. 190005 102574 87431 .. ..
Khora (CT)

15 gkiqM+ u-ik-i- 211983 262983 139525 123458 51000 24.06

Hapur (NPP)
16 uks,Mk u-ik-i- 305058 637272 349397 287875 332214 108.90
Noida (CT)
17 xzsVj uks,Mk ls-Vk- .. 102054 55540 46514 .. ..
Greater Noida (CT)
18 cqyUn'kgj u-ik-i- 176425 230024 120275 109749 53599 30.38
Bulandshahr (NPP + OG)
19 [kqtkZ u-ik-i- 98610 121207 63825 57382 22597 22.92
Khurja (NPP + OG)
20 vyhx<+ u-fu- 669087 874408 461772 412636 205321 30.69
Aligarh (M Corp.)

21 gkFkjl u-ik-i-ck-fo-fo- 126355 143020 76054 66966 16665 13.19

Hathras (NPP + OG)
22 eFkqjk u-ik-i- 302770 349909 185983 163926 47139 15.57
Mathura (NPP)

23 vkxjk u-fu- 1275134 1585704 845902 739802 310570 24.36

Agra (M Corp.)

24 fQjkstkckn u-ik-i-ck-fo- 397606 604214 319415 284799 206608 51.96

Firozabad (NPP)
25 fldksgkckn u-ik-i- 88161 107404 56794 50610 19243 21.83
Shikohabad (NPP)

26 eSuiqjh u-ik-i- 104851 136557 71274 65283 31706 30.24

Mainpuri (NPP + OG)
vuqo)--------- Contd……

1& {ks=Qy ,oa tula[;k @ Area and Population

1-8& mRrj izns'k esa uxj ,oa uxj lewg dh tula[;k rFkk n'kd vUrj] 2001&2011
Population and Decadal Variation of Towns and Agglomerations in UP. 2001-2011

tula[;k (Population) 2011 tula[;k n'kd

tula[;k esa n'kd izfr'kr
dqy iq:"k L=h vUrj vUrj
uxj@uxj lewg Towns / Agglomerations
Population ¼2001&11½ ¼2001&11½
2001 Total Male Female Decadal Percentage
Variation in Decadal
Population Variation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1
izFke Js.kh Class-I
¼100000 ls vf/kd½ (100000+above)
27 cnk;wWa u-ik-i- 148029 159285 83176 76109 11256 7.60 Budaun (NPP)
28 cjsyh u-fu-ck-fo- 720315 904797 477515 427282 184482 25.61 Bareilly (M Corp. + OG)
29 ihyhHkhr u-ik-i- 124245 127988 67614 60374 3743 3.01 Pilibhit (NPP)
30 'kkgtgk-u-ik-i-ck-fo- 301393 329736 173006 156730 28343 9.40 Shahjahanpur (NPP)
31 y[kheiqj u-ik-i- 121486 151993 80523 71470 30507 25.11 Lakhimpur (NPP)
32 lhrkiqj u-ik-i- 151908 177234 92696 84538 25326 16.67 Sitapur (NPP)
33 gjnksbZ u-ik-i- 112486 197029 103619 93410 84543 75.16 Hardoi (NPP + OG)
34 mUuko u-ik-i- 144662 177658 93021 84637 32996 22.81 Unnao (NPP)
35 y[kuÅ u-fu- 2185927 2817105 1460970 1356135 631178 28.87 Lucknow (M Corp.)
36 jk;cjsyh u-ik-i- 169333 191316 99903 91413 21983 12.98 Rae Bareli (NPP)
37 Q:-&de Qrsgx-u-ik-i- 228333 276581 145641 130940 48248 21.13 Farrukhabad-cum-Fatehgarh (NPP)
38 bVkok u-ik-i- 210453 256838 135439 121399 46385 22.04 Etawah (NPP)
39 dkuiqj u-fu-ck-fo- 2656607 2768057 1490547 1277510 219984 8.28 Kanpur (M Corp. + OG)
40 dkuiqj dSUVks-cksMZ- .. 108534 58550 49984 .. .. Kanpur (CB)
41 mjbZ u-ik-i- 139318 190575 101306 89269 51257 36.79 Orai (NPP + OG)
42 >klh u-fu-ck-fo- 426198 505693 265449 240244 79495 18.65 Jhansi (M Corp.)
43 yfyriqj u-ik-i- 111892 133305 69529 63776 21413 19.14 Lalitpur (NPP)
44 ckWnk u-ik-i-ck-fo- 139436 160473 85370 75103 21037 15.09 Banda (NPP + OG)
45 Qrsgiqj u-ik-i- 152078 193193 101263 91930 41115 27.04 Fatehpur (NPP)
46 iz;kxjkt u-fu-ck-fo- 1018092 1168385 630577 537808 150293 14.76 Prayagraj (M Corp. + OG)
47 v;ks/;k u-ik-i- 144705 165228 85620 79608 20523 14.18 Ayodhya (NPP)
48 vdcjiqj u-ik-i- 33906 111447 57330 54117 77541 228.69 Akbarpur (NPP)
49 lqYrkuiqj u-ik-i- 100065 107640 56420 51220 7575 7.57 Sultanpur (NPP)
50 cgjkbp u-ik-i- 168323 186223 97653 88570 17900 10.63 Bahraich (NPP)
51 xks.Mk u-ik-i- 120301 114046 59948 54098 -6255 -5.20 Gonda (NPP)
52 cLrh u-ik-i- 107601 114657 60095 54562 7056 6.56 Basti (NPP)
53 xksj[kiqj u-fu- 622701 673446 353907 319539 50745 8.15 Gorakhpur (M Corp.)
54 nsofj;k u-ik-i- 104227 129479 67462 62017 25252 24.23 Deoria (NPP)
55 vktex<+ u-ik-i- 93521 110983 57878 53105 17462 18.67 Azamgarh (NPP)
56 eÅukFk Hkatu u-ik-i- 212657 278745 142967 135778 66088 31.08 Maunath Bhanjan (NPP)
57 cfy;k u-ik-i- 101465 104424 55459 48965 2959 2.92 Ballia (NPP)
58 tkSuiqj u-ik-i- 160055 180362 93718 86644 20307 12.69 Jaunpur (NPP)
59 xkthiqj u-ik-i-ck-fo- 103298 121020 63513 57507 17722 17.16 Ghazipur (NPP + OG)
60 eqxyljk; u-ik-i- 88387 109650 57682 51968 21263 24.06 Mughalsarai (NPP)
61 okjk.klh u-fu-ck-fo- 1103952 1198491 635140 563351 94539 8.56 Varanasi (M Corp.)
62 fetkZ-de foU/;k-u-ik-i- 205053 234871 125601 109270 29818 14.54 Mirzapur-cum-Vindhyachal (NPP)
63 ,Vk u-ik-i- 107110 118517 62590 55927 11407 10.65 Etah (NPP)
64 dklxat u-ik-i- 92541 101277 53552 47725 8736 9.44 Kasganj (NPP)
vuqo)--------- Contd……

1& {ks=Qy ,oa tula[;k @ Area and Population

1-8& mRrj izn's k esa uxj ,oa uxj lewg dh tula[;k rFkk n'kd vUrj] 2001&2011
Population and Decadal Variation of Towns and Agglomerations in UP. 2001-2011

tula[;k (Population) 2011 tula[;k esa n'kd

tula[;k n'kd izfr'kr
dqy iq:"k L=h
uxj@uxj lewg vUrj vUrj Towns / Agglomerations
Population ¼2001&11½ ¼2001&11½
2001 Total Male Female Decadal Percentage
Variation in Decadal
Population Variation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1

f}rh; Js.kh Class-II

(50000-99999) (50000-99999)

1 xaxksg u-ik-i- 53913 59279 31318 27961 5366 9.95

Gangoh (NPP)

2 nsocUn u-ik-i- 81641 97037 53538 43499 15396 18.86

Deoband (NPP)
3 dSjS kuk u-ik-i- 73011 89000 47047 41953 15989 21.90
Kairana (NPP)
4 cq/kkuk u-iapk- 32950 53722 28180 25542 20772 63.04
Budhana (NP + OG)
5 [krkSyh u-ik-i- 58622 72949 38192 34757 14327 24.44
Khatauli (NPP)
6 uthckckn u-ik-i- 79025 88535 46372 42163 9510 12.03
Najibabad (NPP)
7 dhjriqj u-ik-i- 55769 61946 31999 29947 6177 11.08
Kiratpur (NPP + OG)
8 fctukSj u-ik-i- 79346 93297 49055 44242 13951 17.58
Bijnor (NPP)
9 uxhuk u-ik-i- 71350 95246 49890 45356 23896 33.49
Nagina (NPP)
10 'ksjdksV u-ik-i- 52880 62226 32369 29857 9346 17.67
Sherkot (NPP)
11 /kkeiqj u-ik-i- 46869 50997 26608 24389 4128 8.81
Dhampur (NPP)
12 fl;ksgjk u-ik-i-ck-fo- 47575 53296 28065 25231 5721 12.03
Seohara (NPP + OG)
13 pkaniqj u-ik-i- 68287 83441 43354 40087 15154 22.19
Chandpur (NPP)
14 xtjkSyk u-iapk- 39790 55048 28896 26152 15258 38.35
Gajraula (NP)
15 gluiqj u-ik-i- 53326 61243 32133 29110 7917 14.85 Hasanpur (NPP)
16 lj/kuk u-ik-i- 48314 58252 30171 28081 9938 20.57 Sardhana (NPP)
17 eokuk u-ik-i- 69191 81443 43029 38414 12252 17.71
Mawana (NPP)
18 esjB dSUVks-cksMZ- 92944 93312 53024 40288 368 0.40 Meerut (CB)
19 ckxir u-ik-i- 36384 50310 26435 23875 13926 38.28 Baghpat (NPP)
20 eqjknuxj u-ik-i- 74151 95208 50271 44937 21057 28.40
Muradnagar (NPP)
21 fiy[kqokW u-ik-i- 66907 83736 44226 39510 16829 25.15 Pilkhuwa (NPP)
22 nknjh u-ik-i- 57416 91189 48856 42333 33773 58.82 Dadri (NPP)
23 fldUnjkckn u-ik-i- 69867 81028 42152 38876 11161 15.97 Sikandrabad (NPP)
24 xqykVh u-ik-i- 42903 50823 26738 24085 7920 18.46 Gulaothi (NPP)
25 tgxhajkckn u-ik-i- 51394 59858 31234 28624 8464 16.47 Jahangirabad (NPP)
26 vrjkSyh u-ik-i- 43744 50412 26368 24044 6668 15.24 Atrauli (NPP)
27 dkslhdyka u-ik-i- 45721 60074 31926 28148 14353 31.39 Kosi Kalan (NPP + OG)
28 o~Unkou u-ik-i- 56692 63005 34769 28236 6313 11.14 Vrindavan (NPP)
vuqo)--------- Contd.........

1& {ks=Qy ,oa tula[;k @ Area and Population

1-8& mRrj izn's k esa uxj ,oa uxj lewg dh tula[;k rFkk n'kd vUrj] 2001&2011
Population and Decadal Variation of Towns and Agglomerations in UP. 2001-2011

tula[;k (Population) 2011 tula[;k esa n'kd

tula[;k n'kd izfr'kr
dqy iq:"k L=h
uxj@uxj lewg vUrj vUrj Towns / Agglomerations
Population ¼2001&11½ ¼2001&11½
2001 Total Male Female Decadal Percentage
Variation in Decadal
Population Variation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1
f}rh; Js.kh Class-II
(50000-99999) (50000-99999)
29 vkxjk dSUVq-cksMZ- 50968 53053 29134 23919 2085 4.09 Agra (CB)
30 VqaMyk u-ik-i- 40458 50423 26510 23913 9965 24.63 Tundla (NPP)
31 'kgloy u-ik-i- 58184 66204 34467 31737 8020 13.78 Sahaswan (NPP)
32 m>kWuh u-ik-i- 51051 62039 32439 29600 10988 21.52 Ujhani (NPP)
33 cgsMh+ u-ik-i- 58492 68413 35939 32474 9921 16.96 Baheri (NPP)
34 vkaoyk u-ik-i- 45268 55629 29231 26398 10361 22.89 Aonla (NPP)
35 Qjhniqj u-ik-i- 61139 78249 41111 37138 17110 27.99 Faridpur (NPP)
36 chlyiqj u-ik-i- 60681 73551 38858 34693 12870 21.21 Bisalpur (NPP)
37 frygj u-ik-i- 52911 61444 31908 29536 8533 16.13 Tilhar (NPP)
38 xksyk xksdjuukFk u-ik-i- 53842 60172 31415 28757 6330 11.76 Gola Gokaran Nath (NPP)
39 ygjiqj u-ik-i- 50092 61990 31878 30112 11898 23.75 Laharpur (NPP)
40 fcloka u-ik-i- 48234 55780 29059 26721 7546 15.64 Biswan (NPP)
41 egewnkckn u-ik-i- 41920 50777 26665 24112 8857 21.13 Mahmudabad (NPP)
42 'kkgkckn u-ik-i- 67751 80226 42635 37591 12475 18.41 Shahabad (NPP)
43 l.Mhyk u-ik-i- 48899 58346 30400 27946 9447 19.32 Sandila (NPP)
44 xaxk?kkV u-ik-i- 70803 84072 44098 39974 13269 18.74 Gangaghat (NPP)
45 y[kuÅ dSUV-cksMZ- 59582 63003 36586 26417 3421 5.74 Lucknow (CB)
46 fNcjkeÅ u-ik-i- 50268 60986 31661 29325 10718 21.32 Chhibramau (NPP)
47 dUukSt u-ik-i- 71727 84862 44880 39982 13135 18.31 Kannauj (NPP)
48 vkSjS;k u-ik-i- 64740 87736 46196 41540 22996 35.52 Auraiya (NPP)
49 tkykSu u-ik-i- 50057 56909 30070 26839 6852 13.69 Jalaun (NPP)
50 dkyih u-ik-i- 42893 51670 27414 24256 8777 20.46 Kalpi (NPP)
51 dksp u-ik-i- 50844 53412 28237 25175 2568 5.05 Konch (NPP)
52 emjkuhiqj u-ik-i- 50882 61449 32221 29228 10567 20.77 Mauranipur (NPP + OG)
53 jkB u-ik-i- 55950 65056 34571 30485 9106 16.28 Rath (NPP)
54 egksck u-ik-i- 78782 95216 50465 44751 16434 20.86 Mahoba (NPP)
55 fp=dwV/kke u-ik-i- 48892 57402 30421 26981 8510 17.41 Chitrakoot Dham (Karwi) (NPP)
56 csyk izrkix<+ u-ik-i- 71999 76133 39128 37005 4134 5.74 Bela Pratapgarh (NPP)
57 uokcxat u-ik-i-ck-fo- 75676 81486 42363 39123 5810 7.68 Nawabganj (NPP + OG)
58 v;ks/;k u-ik-i- 49417
55890 31705 24185
6473 13.10
Ayodhya (NPP)
59 VkWMk u-ik-i- 83467 95516 49429 46087 12049 14.44 Tanda (NPP)
60 cyjkeiqj u-ik-i- 72501 82488 42997 39491 9987 13.77 Balrampur (NPP + OG)
61 eqckjdiqj u-ik-i- 56892 70463 36134 34329 13571 23.85 Mubarakpur (NPP)
62 Hknksgh u-ik-i- 74522 94620 49639 44981 20098 26.97 Bhadohi (NPP)

1& {ks=Qy ,oa tula[;k (Area and Population)
1-8& mRrj izn's k esa uxj ,oa uxj lewg dh tula[;k rFkk n'kd vUrj] 2001&2011
Population and Decadal Variation of Towns and Agglomerations in UP. 2001-2011

tula[;k (Population) 2011 n'kd

tula[;k tula[;k esa izfr'kr
dqy iq:"k L=h
uxj@uxj lewg Population n'kd vUrj vUrj Towns / Agglomerations
2001 ¼2001&11½ ¼2001&11½
Total Male Female Decadal Percentage
Variation in Decadal
Population Variation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1

r~rh; Js.kh Class-III

(20000-49999) (20000-49999)

1- csgV u-i- 17162 20474 10886 9588 3312 19.30 Behat (NP)
2- udqj u-ik-i- 20715 22712 11865 10847 1997 9.64 Nakur (NPP)
3- uukSVk u-i- 16972 22551 11847 10704 5579 32.87 Nanauta (NP)
4- jkeiqj efugkju u-iapk- 24844 27979 14789 13190 3135 12.62 Rampur Maniharan (NP)
5- dka/kyk u-ik-i- 40136 46796 24535 22261 6660 16.59 Kandhla (NPP)
6- cur u-i- 19081 20728 10995 9733 1647 8.63 Banat (NP)
7- FkkukHkou u-ipk- 31161 36669 19248 17421 5508 17.68 Thana Bhawan (NP)
8- tykykckn u-iapk- 23588 27921 14764 13157 4333 18.37 Jalalabad (NP)
9- iqjdkth u-iapk-ck-fo- 23599 29041 15158 13883 5442 23.06 Purquazi (NP + OG)
10- pFkZoky u-i- 19610 20653 10727 9926 1043 5.32 Charthawal (NP)
11- ljor ls-Vk- .. 34846 18433 16413 .. .. Sarwat (CT)
12- &'kkgcqnhuiqj ls-Vk- .. 25157 13257 11900 .. .. Shahbudinpur (CT)
13- dqdjk ls-Vk- .. 29454 15669 13785 .. .. Kukra (CT)
14- &'kkgiqj u-i- 17187 20154 10553 9601 2967 17.26 Shahpur (NP)
15- ehjuiqj u-i- 26086 29283 15270 14013 3197 12.26 Miranpur (NP)
16- lgkuiqj u-i- 18349 21639 11303 10336 3290 17.93 Sahanpur (NP)
17- tykykckn u-ik- 16115 20360 10600 9760 4245 26.34 Jalalabad (NP)
18- eUMkoj u-i- 19558 21078 11119 9959 1520 7.77 Mandawar (NP)
19- >kyw u-i- 18704 20978 10893 10085 2274 12.16 Jhalu (NP)
20- ojgkiqj u-iapk- 20866 23456 11911 11545 2590 12.41 Warhapur (NP)
21- vQtyxa< u-ik-i- 24975 29101 15215 13886 4126 16.52 Afzalgarh (NPP)
22- usgVkSj u-ik-i- 44320 47834 24947 22887 3514 7.93 Nehtaur (NPP)
23- lgliqj u-iapk- 22606 24463 12822 11641 1857 8.21 Sahaspur (NP)
24- uwjiqj u-ik-i- 33590 38806 20044 18762 5216 15.53 Noorpur (NPP)
25- Bkdqj}kjk u-ik-i- 35371 44255 23046 21209 8884 25.12 Thakurdwara (NPP)
26- dkaB u-iapk- 23587 26381 13757 12624 2794 11.85 Kanth (NP)
27- Hkkstiqj ?kjeiqj u-iapk- 24396 31305 16261 15044 6909 28.32 Bhojpur Dharampur (NP)
28- idckjk ls-Vk- .. 36728 19157 17571 .. .. Pakbara (CT)
29- dqanjdh u-iapk- 24669 29951 15863 14088 5282 21.41 Kundarki (NP)
30- fcykjh u-ik-i- 30276 37567 19747 17820 7291 24.08 Bilari (NPP)
31- fljlh u-iapk- 21373 26519 13768 12751 5146 24.08 Sirsi (NP)
32- cgtksb u-ik-i- 30000 37037 19168 17869 7037 23.46 Bahjoi (NPP)
33- Lokj u-ik-i- 26149 32158 16733 15425 6009 22.98 Suar (NPP)
34- VkWMk u-ik-i- 40013 48059 25160 22899 8046 20.11 Tanda (NPP)
35- fcykliqj u-ik-i- 35751 43908 22785 21123 8157 22.82 Bilaspur (NPP)
36- dsejh u-iapk- 23871 28698 14972 13726 4827 20.22 Kemri (NP)
37- 'kkgkckn u-iapk- 32370 38276 19941 18335 5906 18.25 Shahabad (NP)
38- feyd u-ik-i- 25576 30553 15964 14589 4977 19.46 Milak (NPP)
39- ?kukSjk u-ik-i- 24468 30007 15826 14181 5539 22.64 Dhanaura (NPP)
40- cNjkokW u-ik-i- 26361 31101 16214 14887 4740 17.98 Bachhraon (NPP)
41- uoxokW lknkc u-iapk- 27066 32954 16989 15965 5888 21.75 Naugawan Sadat (NP)
42- m>kjh u-iapk- 18721 24488 12594 11894 5767 30.80 Ujhari (NP)
43- ykoj u-iapk- 18035 22024 11599 10425 3989 22.12 Lawar (NP)
44- gfLrukiqj u-iapk- 21249 26452 14010 12442 5203 24.49 Hastinapur (NP)
45- fdVBkSj u-iapk- 23614 27933 14488 13445 4319 18.29 Kithaur (NP)
46- lsoy[kkl u-iapk- 18451 24882 13073 11809 6431 34.85 Sewalkhas (NP)
47- [ks[kMk u-iapk- 40335 48676 26053 22623 8341 20.68 Khekada (NP)
48- nluk u-iapk- 24434 34914 18281 16633 10480 42.89 Dasna (NP)
vuqo)--------- Contd.........

1& {ks=Qy ,oa tula[;k @ Area and Population
1-8& mRrj izn's k esa uxj ,oa uxj lewg dh tula[;k rFkk n'kd vUrj] 2001&2011
Population and Decadal Variation of Towns and Agglomerations in UP. 2001-2011

tula[;k (Population) 2011 n'kd

tula[;k tula[;k esa izfr'kr
dqy iq:"k L=h
uxj@uxj lewg Population n'kd vUrj vUrj Towns / Agglomerations
2001 ¼2001&11½ ¼2001&11½
Total Male Female Decadal Percentage
Variation in Decadal
Population Variation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1

r~rh; Js.kh Class-III

(20000-49999) (20000-49999)

49- x<+eqDrs'oj u-ik-i- 33847 46077 24437 21640 12230 36.13 Garhmukhteshwar (NPP)
50- tsoj u-iapk- 27016 32269 17188 15081 5253 19.44 Jewar (NP)
51 vkSjxa kckn u-iapk- 20097 26544 13852 12692 6447 32.08 Aurangabad (NP)
52 fl;kuk u-ik-i- 38999 44415 23221 21194 5416 13.89 Siana (NPP)
53 vuwi'kgj u-ik-i- 23795 29087 15288 13799 5292 22.24 Anupshahr (NPP)
54 fMckb u-ik-i- 34877 39818 20882 18936 4941 14.17 Dibai (NPP)
55 ujkSjk u-iapk- 20407 22775 12186 10589 2368 11.60 Naraura (NP)
56 f'kdkjiqj u-ik-i- 33187 37969 20059 17910 4782 14.41 Shikarpur (NPP)
57 igklq u-iapk- 17122 20672 10785 9887 3550 20.73 Pahasu (NP)
58 [kqtkZ :jy ls-Vk- 98610 21383 11324 10059 -77227 -78.32 Khurja Rural (CT)
59 [kSj u-ik-i- 27667 35751 19019 16732 8084 29.22 Khair (NPP)
60 Nj~jkjQriqj u-iapk- 20831 21146 11052 10094 315 1.51 Chharra Rafatpur (NP)
61 tykyh u-iapk- 17451 20238 10692 9546 2787 15.97 Jalali (NP)
62 /kkuhiqj ls-Vk- .. 20511 11000 9511 .. .. Dhanipur (CT)
63 fldUnjk jko u-ik-i- 37938 46038 24050 21988 8100 21.35 Sikandrarao (NPP)
64 iqjfnyuxj u-iapk- 16146 21885 11555 10330 5739 35.54 Purdilnagar (NP)
65 'kknkckn u-iapk- 31742 40926 21488 19438 9184 28.93 Sadabad (NP)
66 Nkrk u-iapk- 20273 23537 12567 10970 3264 16.10 Chhata (NP)
67 jk;k u-iapk- 18032 21344 11202 10142 3312 18.37 Raya (NP)
68 xkso/kZu u-iapk- 18494 22576 12114 10462 4082 22.07 Govardhan (NP)
69 eFkqjk dSUVq-cksMZ 20545 25681 14955 10726 5136 25.00 Mathura (CB)
70 ,rekniqj u-ik-i- 19423 21897 11591 10306 2474 12.74 Etmadpur (NPP)
71 ?kukSyh ls-Vk- 23573 28990 15553 13437 5417 22.98 Dhanauli (CT)
72 vNusjk u-ik-i- 20004 22781 12117 10664 2777 13.88 Achhnera (NPP)
73 fdjkSyh u-iapk- 18943 23788 12634 11154 4845 25.58 Kiraoali (NP)
74 Qrsgiqj lhdjh u-ik-i- 28804 32905 17392 15513 4101 14.24 Fatehpur Sikri (NPP)
75 [ksjkx<+ u-iapk- 17905 21470 11387 10083 3565 19.91 Kheragarh (NP)
76 'kelkckn u-ik-i- 27338 33144 17433 15711 5806 21.24 Shamsabad (NPP)
77 Qrsgkckn u-iapk- 19468 23278 12356 10922 3810 19.57 Fatehabad (NP)
78 fljlkxat u-ik-i-ck-fo- 28212 32098 16748 15350 3886 13.77 Sirsaganj (NPP + OG)
79 djkSyh u-iapk- 20682 24969 13108 11861 4287 20.73 Kuraoali (NP)
80 djgy u-iapk- 24514 27701 14456 13245 3187 13.00 Karhal (NP)
81 Hkksxkao u-iapk- 26805 30874 16290 14584 4069 15.18 Bhogaon (NP)
82 caoj u-iapk- 21058 23729 12456 11273 2671 12.68 Bewar (NP)
83 xqUukSj u-iapk- 19108 23665 12361 11304 4557 23.85 Gunnaur (NP)
84 bLykeuxj u-iapk- 26066 31022 16050 14972 4956 19.01 Islamnagar (NP)
85 fclkSyh u-ik-i- 28398 32780 16990 15790 4382 15.43 Bisauli (NPP)
86 othjxat u-iapk- 17423 21844 11582 10262 4421 25.37 Wazirganj (NP)
87 fcYlh u-iapk- 23563 26604 13909 12695 3041 12.91 Bilsi (NPP)
88 ddjsyk u-ik-i- 32390 37986 20023 17963 5596 17.28 Kakrala (NPP)
89 vykiqj u-iapk- 20722 23985 12572 11413 3263 15.75 Allapur (NP)
90 nkrkxat u-iapk- 21685 26244 13682 12562 4559 21.02 Dataganj (NP)
91 fjpk u-iapk- 17508 20977 11076 9901 3469 19.81 Richha (NP)
92 nsojkfu;u u-iapk- 17462 20815 10863 9952 3353 19.20 Deoranian (NP)
93 'kh'kkx<+ u-iapk-- 20684 25815 13468 12347 5131 24.81 Shishgarh (NP)
94 Qragxat if'peh u-iapk- 20800 26607 13984 12623 5807 27.92 Fatehganj Pashchimi (NP)
95 fljkSyh u-iapk- 19023 23650 12431 11219 4627 24.32 Sirauli (NP)
96 /kkSjkVkWMk u-iapk- 20493 23727 12359 11368 3234 15.78 Dhaura Tanda (NP)
vuqo)--------- Contd.........

1& {ks=Qy ,oa tula[;k @ Area and Population
1-8& mRrj izn's k esa uxj ,oa uxj lewg dh tula[;k rFkk n'kd vUrj] 2001&2011
Population and Decadal Variation of Towns and Agglomerations in UP. 2001-2011

tula[;k (Population) 2011 n'kd

tula[;k tula[;k esa izfr'kr
dqy iq:"k L=h
uxj@uxj lewg Population n'kd vUrj vUrj Towns / Agglomerations
2001 ¼2001&11½ ¼2001&11½
Total Male Female Decadal Percentage
Variation in Decadal
Population Variation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1
r~rh; Js.kh Class-III
(20000-49999) (20000-49999)
97 cjayh dSUVq-cksMZ 28038 30003 17730 12273 1965 7.01 Bareilly (CB)
98 fFkfj;k futker [kku u-iapk- 19251 23184 11976 11208 3933 20.43 Thiriya Nizamat Khan (NP)
99 eksgsuiqj ls-Vk- .. 21812 11503 10309 .. .. Mohenpur (CT)
100 uokcxat u-ik-i- 30606 39241 20308 18933 8635 28.21 Nawabganj (NPP)
101 U;ksfj;k gqlSuiqj u-iapk- 19775 21812 11274 10538 2037 10.30 Nyoria Husainpur (NP)
102 iwjuiqj u-ik-i- 37233 40007 20924 19083 2774 7.45 Puranpur (NPP)
103 iqok;a u-iapk- 23406 28613 15068 13545 5207 22.25 Powayan (NP)
104 dVjk u-iapk- 26367 32440 17229 15211 6073 23.03 Katra (NP)
105 dUFk u-iapk- 21306 27137 14395 12742 5831 27.37 Kanth (NP)
106 tykykckn u-ik-i- 31131 38202 20212 17990 7071 22.71 Jalalabad (NPP)
107 ify;kdyk u-ik-i- 35029 41126 21602 19524 6097 17.41 Paliya Kalan (NPP)
108 eksgEnh u-ik-i- 38451 44968 23643 21325 6517 16.95 Mohammadi (NPP)
109 [khjh u-iapk- 25044 33355 17312 16043 8311 33.19 Kheri (NP)
110 /kkSjg
s jk u-iapk- 18902 24518 12851 11667 5616 29.71 Dhaurehra (NP)
111 egksyh u-iapk- 18411 21331 11178 10153 2920 15.86 Maholi (NP)
112 [kSjkckn u-ik-i- 38386 48538 25325 23213 10152 26.45 Khairabad (NPP)
113 gjxkao u-iapk- 17968 20920 11056 9864 2952 16.43 Hargaon (NP)
114 rEckkSj&le&vgenkckn u-iapk- 19684 26052 13641 12411 6368 32.35 Tambaur-cum-Ahamdabad (NP)
115 fl/kksyh u-iapk- 19539 24976 13088 11888 5437 27.83 Sidhauli (NP)
116 figkuh u-ik-i- 27545 36014 18808 17206 8469 30.75 Pihani (NPP)
117 lkUMh u-ik-i- 23234 26007 13654 12353 2773 11.94 Sandi (NPP)
118 fcyxzke u-ik-i- 25292 29768 15765 14003 4476 17.70 Bilgram (NPP)
119 eYykoka u-ik-i- 31860 36915 19404 17511 5055 15.87 Mallawan (NPP)
120 ckxjeÅ u-ik-i- 31871 44204 22985 21219 12333 38.70 Bangarmau (NPP)
121 lQhiqj u-iapk- 22378 25688 13299 12389 3310 14.79 Safipur (NP)
122 dVjh fiij [ksMk ls-Vk- .. 26475 14192 12283 .. .. Katri Piper Khera (CT)
123 e>kjk fiij vgkreyh ls- Vk- 16720 25310 13474 11836 8590 51.38 Majhara Pipar Ahatmali (CT)
124 iqjok u-iapk- 21271 24467 12659 11808 3196 15.03 Purwa (NP)
125 cD'kh dk rkykc u-iapk- .. 49166 25657 23509 .. .. Bakshi Ka Talab (NP)
126 tSSl u-ik-i- 24363 26735 13846 12889 2372 9.74 Jais (NPP)
127 ykyxat u-iapk- 21142 23124 12082 11042 1982 9.37 Lalganj (NP)
128 dk;exat u-ik-i- 31150 34384 18135 16249 3234 10.38 Kaimganj (NPP)
129 'ke'kkckn u-iapk- 23596 28454 14950 13504 4858 20.59 Shamsabad (NP)
130 eksgEnkckn u-iapk- 20600 24687 13243 11444 4087 19.84 Mohammadabad (NP)
131 le/ku u-iapk- 25327 31479 16388 15091 6152 24.29 Samdhan (NP)
132 xq#ljka;xat u-ik-i- 35597 46060 24282 21778 10463 29.39 Gursahaiganj (NPP)
133 frjokxat u-iapk- 20231 24082 12753 11329 3851 19.04 Tirwaganj (NP)
134 tloaruxj u-ik-i- 25333 28164 14944 13220 2831 11.18 Jaswantnagar (NPP)
135 HkjFkuk u-ik-i- 38779 44120 23213 20907 5341 13.77 Bharthana (NPP)
136 fc/kquk u-iapk- 24789 32252 16927 15325 7463 30.11 Bidhuna (NP)
137 ckcjiqj vthrey u-iapk- 24549 29284 15583 13701 4735 19.29 Babarpur Ajitmal (NP)
138 fnO;kiqj u-iapk- 20595 27237 14323 12914 6642 32.25 Dibiyapur (NP)
139 jlqykkckn u-iapk- .. 22196 11747 10449 .. .. Rasulabad (NP)
140 >ha>d u-iapk- 20433 24027 12648 11379 3594 17.59 Jhinjhak (NP)
141 vdcjiqj u-ik-i- 33906 20445 10836 9609 -13461 -39.70 Akbarpur (NP)
142 iq[kjka; u-ik-i- 20107 24258 12816 11442 4151 20.64 Pukhrayan (NPP)
143 fcYgkSj u-ik-i- 18067 20493 10836 9657 2426 13.43 Bilhaur (NPP)
144 uknZu jsyos dk- ls-Vk- 29783 20916 11274 9642 -8867 -29.77 Northern Railway Colony (CT)
vuqo)--------- Contd.........

1& {ks=Qy ,oa tula[;k (Area and Population)

1-8& mRrj izn's k esa uxj ,oa uxj lewg dh tula[;k rFkk n'kd vUrj] 2001&2011
Population and Decadal Variation of Towns and Agglomerations in UP. 2001-2011

tula[;k (Population) 2011 n'kd

tula[;k tula[;k esa izfr'kr
dqy iq:"k L=h
uxj@uxj lewg Population n'kd vUrj vUrj Towns / Agglomerations
2001 ¼2001&11½ ¼2001&11½
Total Male Female Decadal Percentage
Variation in Decadal
Population Variation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1

r~rh; Js.kh Class-III

(20000-49999) (20000-49999)
145 ?kkVeiqj u-ik-i- 35638 40623 21334 19289 4985 13.99 Ghatampur (NPP)
146 leFkj u-ik-i- 20217 22455 11856 10599 2238 11.07 Samthar (NPP)
147 xq#ljka; u-ik-i- 22940 26869 14127 12742 3929 17.13 Gursarai (NPP)
148 c#oklkxj u-ik-i- 22090 25028 13038 11990 2938 13.30 Barua Sagar (NPP)
149 >kalh dSUVq-cksMZ 18582 28343 17023 11320 9761 52.53 Jhansi (CB)
150 cchuk dSUVq-cksMZ 29292 27852 16275 11577 -1440 -4.92 Babina (CB)
151 gehjiqj u-ik-i- 32046 35475 19027 16448 3429 10.70 Hamirpur (NPP)
152 lqesjiqj u-iapk- 24661 39132 21028 18104 14471 58.68 Sumerpur (NP + OG)
153 ekSngk u-ik-i- 34730 40003 21266 18737 5273 15.18 Maudaha (NPP)
154 dqy igkM+ u-iapk- 17442 20096 10575 9521 2654 15.22 Kul Pahar (NP)
155 pj[kkjh u-ik-i- 23940 27760 14712 13048 3820 15.96 Charkhari (NPP)
156 dcjkbZ u-iapk- 21260 28564 15215 13349 7304 34.36 Kabrai (NP)
157 vrjkZ u-ik-i- 42384 47419 25098 22321 5035 11.88 Atarra (NPP)
158 dksjktgkukckn u-iapk- 24200 26359 13898 12461 2159 8.92 Kora Jahanabad (NP)
159 fcUndh u-ik-i- 34200 36926 19562 17364 2726 7.97 Bindki (NPP)
160 [kkxk u-iapk- 12021 35637 18763 16874 23616 196.46 Khaga (NP)
161 dqUMk u-iapk- 22311 27179 14063 13116 4868 21.82 Kunda (NP)
162 ykyxksikyxat u-iapk- 22992 28288 14570 13718 5296 23.03 Lal Gopalganj Nindaura (NP)
163 Qwyiqj u-iapk- 20986 22998 12004 10994 2012 9.59 Phulpur (NP)
164 >walh dksguk ls- Vk- 16322 20023 10386 9637 3701 22.67 Jhusi Kohna (CT)
165 iz;kxjkt dSVw-cksMZ 24137 26944 14750 12194 2807 11.63 Prayagraj (CB)
166 gafM;k u-iapk- 16439 21798 11493 10305 5359 32.60 Handia (NP)
167 Qrsgiqj u-iapk- 29981 35582 18649 16933 5601 18.68 Fatehpur (NP)
168 cadh u-iapk- 17011 21317 11724 9593 4306 25.31 Banki (NP)
169 tSniqj u-iapk- 30639 34443 17747 16696 3804 12.42 Zaidpur (NP)
170 cjsy dSUVq-cksMZ .. 27207 14918 12289 .. .. Barel (CT)
171 #nkSyh u-ik-i- 36776 43091 22448 20643 6315 17.17 Rudauli (NPP)
172 tykyiqj u-ik-i- 29636 31972 16563 15409 2336 7.88 Jalalpur (NPP)
173 ukuikjk u-ik-i- 42773 48337 25151 23186 5564 13.01 Nanpara (NPP)
174 fHkuxk u-iapk- 20415 23780 12476 11304 3365 16.48 Bhinga (NP)
175 rqylhiqj u-iapk- 21243 24488 12861 11627 3245 15.28 Tulsipur (NP)
176 mrjkSyk u-ik-i- 27502 32145 16621 15524 4643 16.88 Utraula (NPP)
177 duZyxat u-ik-i- 24142 29435 15388 14047 5293 21.92 Colonelganj (NPP)
178 fl}kFkZuxj u-ik-i- 21931 25422 13064 12358 3491 15.92 Siddharthnagar (NPP)
179 mldk cktkj u-iapk- .. 24444 12774 11670 .. .. Uska Bazar (NP)
180 ckWlh u-ik-i- 35711 41057 21105 19952 5346 14.97 Bansi (NPP)
181 Mqefj;kxat u-iapk- .. 30698 15776 14922 .. .. Domariyaganj (NP)
182 efgnkoy u-iapk- 24662 27897 14390 13507 3235 13.12 Mehdawal (NP)
183 [kyhykckn u-ik-i- 39559 47847 25154 22693 8288 20.95 Khalilabad (NPP)
184 ukSruok u-ik-i- 29302 33753 17431 16322 4451 15.19 Nautanwa (NPP)
185 fllok cktkj u-iapk- 18920 20963 10840 10123 2043 10.80 Siswa Bazar (NP)
186 egjktxat u-ik-i- 26348 33930 17656 16274 7582 28.78 Maharajganj (NPP)
187 lgtuok u-iapk- 25107 32886 17383 15503 7779 30.98 Sahjanwan (NP)
188 cjgkyxat u-iapk- 19045 21290 10948 10342 2245 11.79 Barhalganj (NP)
189 iMjkSuk u-ik-i- 44383 49723 25700 24023 5340 12.03 Padrauna (NPP)
190 dIrkuxat u-iapk- 11494 23526 12422 11104 12032 104.68 Kaptanganj (NP)
191 dq'khuxj u-iapk- 17983 22214 11502 10712 4231 23.53 Kushinagar (NP)
192 lsojgh u-iapk- 19825 23077 12110 10967 3252 16.40 Sewarhi (NP)
vuqo)--------- Contd.........

1& {ks=Qy ,oa tula[;k (Area and Population)

1-8& mRrj izn's k esa uxj ,oa uxj lewg dh tula[;k rFkk n'kd vUrj] 2001&2011
Population and Decadal Variation of Towns and Agglomerations in UP. 2001-2011

tula[;k (Population) 2011 n'kd

tula[;k tula[;k esa izfr'kr
dqy iq:"k L=h
uxj@uxj lewg Population n'kd vUrj vUrj Towns / Agglomerations
2001 ¼2001&11½ ¼2001&11½
Total Male Female Decadal Percentage
Variation in Decadal
Population Variation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1
r~rh; Js.kh Class-III
(20000-49999) (20000-49999)
193 :nzijq u-iapk- 26683 34014 17638 16376 7331 27.47 Rudrapur (NP)
194 xkSjkcjgt u-ik-i- 35285 36459 19166 17293 1174 3.33 Gaura Barhaj (NPP)
195 e>kSyhjkt u-iapk- 17235 20818 10559 10259 3583 20.79 Majhauliraj (NP)
196 lyseiqj u-iapk- 16924 21124 10930 10194 4200 24.82 Salempur (NP)
197 ykj u-iapk- 25363 28307 14322 13985 2944 11.61 Lar (NP)
198 vehyks ls-Vk- 21897 30339 15279 15060 8442 38.55 Amilo (CT)
199 ?kkslh u-iapk- 35903 39165 20135 19030 3262 9.09 Ghosi (NP)
200 dksikxat u-ik-i- 30762 34782 17880 16902 4020 13.07 Kopaganj (NP)
201 eksgEnkckn u-iapk- 20600 41780 21503 20277 21180 102.82 Muhammadabad (NP)
202 oyhniqj ls-Vk- .. 25589 12956 12633 .. .. Walidpur (CT)
203 csYFkjk jksM u-iapk- 17234 20404 10564 9840 3170 18.39 Belthara Road (NP)
204 fldUnjiqj u-iapk- 21783 23986 12512 11474 2203 10.11 Sikanderpur (NP)
205 jljk u-ik-i- 29238 31765 16640 15125 2527 8.64 Rasra (NPP)
206 fproM+kxkWo u-iapk- 20229 21879 11396 10483 1650 8.16 Chitbara Gaon (NP)
207 ckWlMhg u-iapk- 20111 21201 10818 10383 1090 5.42 Bansdih (NP)
208 lgrkoj u-iapk- 19015 20615 10731 9884 1600 8.41 Sahatwar (NP)
209 jsoVh u-iapk- 22082 26359 13577 12782 4277 19.37 Reoti (NP)
210 'kkgxat u-ik-i- 24602 26556 13812 12744 1954 7.94 Shahganj (NPP)
211 eksxjk ckn'kkgiqj u-ik-i- 17785 20004 10300 9704 2219 12.48 Mogra Badshahpur (NPP)
212 eNyh'kgj u-iapk- 22963 26107 13284 12823 3144 13.69 Machhlishahr (NP)
213 efj;kgwW u-iapk- 20156 22778 11661 11117 2622 13.01 Mariahu (NP)
214 lSniqwj u-iapk- 21568 24338 12716 11622 2770 12.84 Saidpur (NP)
215 eksgEenkckn u-ik-i- 30261 38328 20079 18249 8067 26.66 Mohammadabad (NPP)
216 tefu;kW u-ik-i- 29391 33243 17322 15921 3852 13.11 Zamania (NPP)
Mughalsarai Railway
217 eqxyljka; jsyos lsVsy u-iapk- 27921 20441 11090 9351 -7480 -26.79 Settlement (ITS)
218 pUnkSyh u-iapk- 20093 23020 11931 11089 2927 14.57 Chandauli (NP)
219 jkeuxj u-ik-i- 40619 49132 26071 23061 8513 20.96 Ramnagar (NPP)
220 yksgVk ls- Vk- 19706 25596 13333 12263 5890 29.89 Lohta (CT)
221 Qqyofj;k ls- Vk- 11972 20466 10931 9535 8494 70.95 Phulwaria (CT)
222 [kefj;k u-iapk- 23546 25929 13638 12291 2383 10.12 Khamaria (NP)
223 ?kksfl;k cktkj u-iapk- 16105 20760 10932 9828 4655 28.90 Ghosia Bazar (NP)
224 pqukj u-ik-i- 33933 37185 19647 17538 3252 9.58 Chunar (NPP)
225 vgjkSjk u-ik-i- 23142 24967 13203 11764 1825 7.89 Ahraura (NPP)
226 lksuHknz u-ik-i- 32243 36689 19294 17395 4446 13.79 Sonbhadra (NPP)
227 vkscjk u-iapk- 51014 46574 24804 21770 -4440 -8.70 Obra (NP)
228 fofyekj dqaMh ls- Vk- .. 21082 11080 10002 .. .. Villimar Kundi (CT)
229 jsuwdwV u-iapk- 53412 20076 11093 8983 -33336 -62.41 Renukoot (NP + OG)
Hindalco Industries Ltd.
230 fgUMkydks bUMLVz~ht fy- jsud
w wV .. 41792 22481 19311 .. ..
(Renukoot) (ITS)
231 ijklh ls-Vk- 21206 23966 12780 11186 2760 13.02 Parasi (CT)
232 vyhxat u-ik-i- 24260 28396 15172 13224 4136 17.05 Aliganj (NPP)
233 tyslj u-ik-i- 35653 38130 20173 17957 2477 6.95 Jalesar (NPP)
234 'kksjksu u-ik-i- 26678 27468 14658 12810 790 2.96 Soron (NPP)
235 'kgokj u-iapk- 20470 24067 12616 11451 3597 17.57 Sahawar (NP)
236 xatMqaMokjk u-ik-i- 41293 45385 23801 21584 4092 9.91 Ganj Dundawara (NPP)
237 Hkjxsu u-iapk- 19981 21891 11222 10669 1910 9.56 Bhargain (NP)
u-iapk-&uxj iapk;r] u0fu0&uxj fuxe] ls-Vk-&lsULkl Vkmu] u-ik-i-& uxj ikfydk ifj"kn] u-fu-ck-fo-& uxj fuxe okg~; foLrkj] u-ik-i-ck-fo-&
uxj ikfydk ifj"kn okg~; foLrkj]u-iapk-ck-fo-&uxj iapk;r okg~; foLrkj]
lzksr%& Hkkjrh; tux.kuk 2011 Source:- Census of India 2011

1& {ks=Qy ,oa tula[;k @ Area and Population
1-9&m-iz- esa ftysokj xzkeh.k ,oa uxjh; {ks=ksa esa eq[; deZdjksa] lhekUr deZdjksa rFkk dke
u djus okyksa dh tula[;k 2011
Districtwise Population of main workers, marginal workers and non-workers in rural and
urban areas in UP. 2011.
eq[; deZdj (Main Workers)
tuin xzkeh.k uxjh; dqy District
Rural Urban Total
1 2 3 4 1
1 lgkjuiqj 605,269 277,432 882,701 Saharanpur
2 eqt¶Qj uxj 777,086 308,405 1,085,491 Muz. Nagar
3 'kkeyh ** ** ** Shamli
4 fctukSj 624,535 215,243 839,778 Bijnor
5 eqjknkckn 716,119 388,849 1,104,968 Moradabad
6 laHky ** ** ** Sambhal
7 jkeiqj 406223 158,043 564266 Rampur
8 vejksgk 341,948 111,619 453,567 Amroha
9 esjB 429,083 461,727 890,810 Meerut
10 ckxir 266,268 68,251 334,519 Bagapat
11 xkft;kckn 385,408 867,503 1,252,911 Ghaziabad
12 gkiqqM+ ** ** ** Hapur
13 xkSrecq} uxj 156310 302,182 458492 G.B. Nagar
14 cqyUn'kgj 666,615 218,601 885,216 Bulandshahr
15 vyhx<+ 575,723 290,076 865,799 Aligarh
16 gkFkjl 264,161 73,134 337,295 Hathras
17 eFkqjk 414,059 180,740 594,799 Mathura
18 vkxjk 545,001 505,561 1,050,562 Agra
19 fQjkstkckn 362,737 210,912 573,649 Firozabad
20 ,Vk 355,311 60,165 415,476 Etah
21 dklxat 287146 67111 354,257 Kasganj
22 eSuiqjh 363,037 61,745 424,782 Mainpuri
23 cnk;wW 728,837 146,926 875,763 Badaun
24 cjsyh 652,231 391,681 1,043,912 Bareilly
25 ihyhHkhr 381,233 82,182 463,415 Pilibhit
26 'kkgtgkWijq 560332 139,171 699503 Shahjahanpur
27 [khjh 849,900 108,349 958,249 Kheri
28 lhrkiqj 900,223 123,419 1,023,642 Sitapur
29 gjnksbZ 841702 128,169 969871 Hardoi
30 mUuko 638,510 123321 761,831 Unnao
31 y[kuÅ 336,353 815932 1,152,285 Lucknow
32 jk;cjsyh 572,736 72,133 644,869 Raebareli
33 Q:Z[kkckn 370,033 104,653 474,686 Farrukhabad
34 dUukSt 346591 72,436 419027 Kannauj
35 bVkok 278,695 82,893 361,588 Etawah
36 vkSjS;k 271,085 54636 325,721 Auraiya
37 dkuiqj nsgkr 406,250 42,401 448,651 Kanpur Dehat
38 dkuiqj uxj 412,665 816,501 1,229,166 Kanpur Nagar
39 tkykSu 324,913 95,353 420,266 Jalaun
vuqo)--------- Contd.........

1& {ks=Qy ,oa tula[;k @ Area and Population
1-9&m-iz- esa ftysokj xzkeh.k ,oa uxjh; {ks=ksa esa eq[; deZdjksa] lhekUr deZdjksa rFkk dke
u djus okyksa dh tula[;k 2011
Districtwise Population of main workers, marginal workers and non-workers in rural and
urban areas in UP. 2011.
eq[; deZdj (Main Workers)
tuin xzkeh.k uxjh; dqy District
Rural Urban Total
1 2 3 4 1
40 >kWlh 345,377 214,664 560,041 Jhansi
41 yfyriqj 312,571 44,462 357,033 Lalitpur
42 gehjiqj 239,077 51298 290,375 Hamirpur
43 egksck 195,221 43,491 238,712 Mahoba
44 ckWnk 414,188 69044 483,232 Banda
45 fp=dwV 259,462 23,152 282,614 Chitrakoot
46 Qrsgiqj 594,710 75,446 670,156 Fatehpur
47 izrkix<+ 516,398 36,615 553,013 Pratapgarh
48 dkS'kkEch 385,172 30,140 415,312 Kausambi
49 iz;kxjkt 934,718 352,014 1,286,732 Prayagraj
50 ckjkcadh 753,692 80,602 834,294 Barabanki
51 v;ks/;k 416,288 80,291 496,579 Ayodhya
52 vEcsndj uxj 380,462 60,536 440,998 Ambedkar Nagar
53 lqYrkuiqj 644098 46,869 690967 Sultanpur
54 vesBh ** ** ** Amethi
55 cgjkbp 679,852 63,600 743,452 Bahraich
56 JkoLrh 225,829 6,933 232,762 Shrawasti
57 cyjkeiqj 424,869 33,858 458,727 Balrampur
58 xks.Mk 687,634 52,029 739,663 Gonda
59 fl}kFkZuxj 417,811 30,132 447,943 Siddharth Nagar
60 cLrh 415,881 27,843 443,724 Basti
61 lardchj uxj 240,109 25,344 265,453 Sant Kabir Nagar
62 egjktxat 411,102 28,191 439,293 Maharajganj
63 xksj[kiqj 558,259 188,122 746,381 Gorakhpur
64 dq'khuxj 491,425 31,833 523,258 Kushi Nagar
65 nsofj;k 393,211 62,171 455,382 Deoria
66 vktex<+ 695,830 88,442 784,272 Azamgarh
67 eÅ 268,569 127,869 396,438 Mau
68 cfy;k 507642 61,880 569522 Ballia
69 tkSuiqj 820,254 76,293 896,547 Jaunpur
70 xkthiqj 705,419 61,462 766,881 Ghazipur
71 pUnkSyh 295,252 46,675 341,927 Chandauli
72 okjk.klh 481,833 438,928 920,761 Varanasi
73 larjfonkl uxj 234,519 52,459 286,978 Sant Ravidas Nagar
74 fetkZiqj 456,348 80,743 537,091 Mirzapur
75 lksuHknz 321,407 75,789 397,196 Sonbhadra
mRrj izns'k 33,538,817 11,096,675 44,635,492 Uttar Pradesh
** ekr` tuin esa lfEefyr ** Included in Mother District

lzksr%& Hkkjrh; tux.kuk 2011 Source:- Census of India 2011

1& {ks=Qy ,oa tula[;k @ Area and Population
1-9& m-iz- esa ftysokj xzkeh.k ,oa uxjh; {ks=ksa esa eq[; deZdjksa] lhekUr deZdjksa rFkk dke
u djus okyksa dh tula[;k 2011
Districtwise Population of main workers, marginal workers and non-workers in rural and
urban areas in UP. 2011
lhekUr deZdj (Marginal Workers)
tuin xzkeh.k uxjh; dqy District

Rural Urban Total

1 5 6 7 1
1 lgkjuiqj 113110 41533 154643 Saharanpur
2 eqt¶Qj uxj 166370 39783 206153 Muz. Nagar
3 'kkeyh ** ** ** Shamli
4 fctukSj 203001 45257 248258 Bijnor
5 eqjknkckn 234415 78428 312843 Moradabad
6 laHky ** ** ** Sambhal
7 jkeiqj 148735 24260 172995 Rampur
8 vejksgk 122000 23522 145522 Amroha
9 esjB 114283 85446 199729 Meerut
10 ckxir 71295 10881 82176 Bagapat
11 xkft;kckn 110669 156958 267627 Ghaziabad
12 gkiqqM+ ** ** ** Hapur
13 xkSrecq} uxj 60363 50254 110617 G.B. Nagar
14 cqyUn'kgj 252858 35186 288044 Bulandshahr
15 vyhx<+ 239793 68769 308562 Aligarh
16 gkFkjl 123875 22945 146820 Hathras
17 eFkqjk 201412 44728 246140 Mathura
18 vkxjk 195407 143875 339282 Agra
19 fQjkstkckn 128815 59057 187872 Firozabad
20 ,Vk 115557 14951 130508 Etah
21 dklxat 101924 16584 118508 Kasganj
22 eSuiqjh 120484 15574 136058 Mainpuri
23 cnk;wW 198715 32865 231580 Badaun
24 cjsyh 242122 115937 358059 Bareilly
25 ihyhHkhr 132454 22736 155190 Pilibhit
26 'kkgtgkWiqj 158778 33933 192711 Shahjahanpur
27 [khjh 276078 30391 306469 Kheri
28 lhrkiqj 362372 36588 398960 Sitapur
29 gjnksbZ 315392 33683 349075 Hardoi
30 mUuko 321993 40920 362913 Unnao
31 y[kuÅ 185807 204714 390521 Lucknow
32 jk;cjsyh 536331 23510 559841 Raebareli
33 Q:Z[kkckn 95056 22525 117581 Farrukhabad
34 dUukSt 88757 16892 105649 Kannauj
35 bVkok 121699 22785 144484 Etawah
36 vkSjS;k 103492 12810 116302 Auraiya
37 dkuiqj nsgkr 169309 10904 180213 Kanpur Dehat
38 dkuiqj uxj 150204 192862 343066 Kanpur Nagar
39 tkykSu 169511 30987 200498 Jalaun
vuqo)--------- Contd.........

1& {ks=Qy ,oa tula[;k @ Area and Population
1-9& m-iz- esa ftysokj xzkeh.k ,oa uxjh; {ks=ksa esa eq[; deZdjksa] lhekUr deZdjksa rFkk dke
u djus okyksa dh tula[;k 2011
Districtwise Population of main workers, marginal workers and non-workers in rural and
urban areas in UP. 2011
lhekUr deZdj (Marginal Workers)
tuin xzkeh.k uxjh; dqy District

Rural Urban Total

1 5 6 7 1
40 >kWlh 183066 71807 254873 Jhansi
41 yfyriqj 133618 12700 146318 Lalitpur
42 gehjiqj 137177 16103 153280 Hamirpur
43 egksck 98492 12472 110964 Mahoba
44 ckWnk 201717 16740 218457 Banda
45 fp=dwV 107308 4275 111583 Chitrakoot
46 Qrsgiqj 370104 23669 393773 Fatehpur
47 izrkix<+ 496990 16598 513588 Pratapgarh
48 dkS'kkEch 212926 10848 223774 Kausambi
49 iz;kxjkt 685629 139546 825175 Prayagraj
50 ckjkcadh 335163 23393 358556 Barabanki
51 v;ks/;k 308648 25982 334630 Ayodhya
52 vEcsndj uxj 322250 24150 346400 Ambedkar Nagar
53 lqYrkuiqj 540128 11537 551665 Sultanpur
54 vesBh ** ** ** Amethi
55 cgjkbp 388737 19971 408708 Bahraich
56 JkoLrh 167987 3006 170993 Shrawasti
57 cyjkeiqj 288195 13331 301526 Balrampur
58 xks.Mk 416435 14454 430889 Gonda
59 fl}kFkZuxj 414480 16475 430955 Siddharth Nagar
60 cLrh 330783 9181 339964 Basti
61 lardchj uxj 261026 12990 274016 Sant Kabir Nagar
62 egjktxat 545349 9611 554960 Maharajganj
63 xksj[kiqj 539831 65417 605248 Gorakhpur
64 dq'khuxj 580073 13642 593715 Kushi Nagar
65 nsofj;k 400369 20495 420864 Deoria
66 vktex<+ 557868 29892 587760 Azamgarh
67 eÅ 264429 35880 300309 Mau
68 cfy;k 420816 29145 449961 Ballia
69 tkSuiqj 522596 18232 540828 Jaunpur
70 xkthiqj 423474 14247 437721 Ghazipur
71 pUnkSyh 288742 21874 310616 Chandauli
72 okjk.klh 213585 86362 299947 Varanasi
73 larjfonkl uxj 169452 14178 183630 Sant Ravidas Nagar
74 fetkZiqj 313074 31831 344905 Mirzapur
75 lksuHknz 319210 13993 333203 Sonbhadra
mRrj izns'k 18412163 2767060 21179223 Uttar Pradesh
** ekr` tuin esa lfEefyr ** Included in Mother District
lzksr%& Hkkjrh; tux.kuk 2011 Source:- Census of India 2011

1& {ks=Qy ,oa tula[;k @ Area and Population
1-9& m-iz- esa ftysokj xzkeh.k ,oa uxjh; {ks=ksa esa eq[; deZdjks]a lhekUr deZdjksa rFkk dke u
djus okyksa dh tula[;k 2011
Districtwise Population of main workers, marginal workers and non-workers in rural and urban
areas in UP. 2011
dke u djus okys (Non Workers)
tuin xzkeh.k uxjh; dqy District

Rural Urban Total

1 8 9 10 1
1 lgkjuiqj 1681477 747561 2429038 Saharanpur
2 eqt¶Qj uxj 2008744 843124 2851868 Muz. Nagar
3 'kkeyh ** ** ** Shamli
4 fctukSj 1929865 664812 2594677 Bijnor
5 eqjknkckn 2247849 1106346 3354195 Moradabad
6 laHky ** ** ** Sambhal
7 jkeiqj 1192214 406344 1598558 Rampur
8 vejksgk 917560 323572 1241132 Amroha
9 esjB 1141141 1212009 2353150 Meerut
10 ckxir 690460 195893 886353 Bagapat
11 xkft;kckn 1023021 2138086 3161107 Ghaziabad
12 gkiqqM+ ** ** ** Hapur
13 xkSrecq} uxj 457133 621873 1079006 G.B. Nagar
14 cqyUn'kgj 1712269 613642 2325911 Bulandshahr
15 vyhx<+ 1641182 858346 2499528 Aligarh
16 gkFkjl 843979 236614 1080593 Hathras
17 eFkqjk 1175720 530525 1706245 Mathura
18 vkxjk 1654194 1374759 3028953 Agra
19 fQjkstkckn 1173435 563200 1736635 Firozabad
20 ,Vk 1035470 193026 1228496 Etah
21 dklxat 759442 204512 963954 Kasganj
22 eSuiqjh 1096566 211123 1307689 Mainpuri
23 cnk;wW 2109749 464804 2574553 Badaun
24 cjsyh 1985597 1060791 3046388 Bareilly
25 ihyhHkhr 1165905 246497 1412402 Pilibhit
26 'kkgtgkWiqj 1693336 420988 2114324 Shahjahanpur
27 [khjh 2434230 322295 2756525 Kheri
28 lhrkiqj 2690613 370777 3061390 Sitapur
29 gjnksbZ 2393945 379954 2773899 Hardoi
30 mUuko 1616218 367405 1983623 Unnao
31 y[kuÅ 1028682 2018350 3047032 Lucknow
32 jk;cjsyh 1988497 212352 2200849 Raebareli
33 Q:Z[kkckn 1003930 289007 1292937 Farrukhabad
34 dUukSt 940427 191513 1131940 Kannauj
35 bVkok 815117 260621 1075738 Etawah
36 vkSjS;k 770746 166776 937522 Auraiya
37 dkuiqj nsgkr 1047202 120118 1167320 Kanpur Dehat
38 dkuiqj uxj 1002754 2006282 3009036 Kanpur Nagar
39 tkykSu 776650 292560 1069210 Jalaun
vuqo)--------- Contd…..

1& {ks=Qy ,oa tula[;k @ Area and Population
1-9& m-iz- esa ftysokj xzkeh.k ,oa uxjh; {ks=ksa esa eq[; deZdjks]a lhekUr deZdjksa rFkk dke u
djus okyksa dh tula[;k 2011
Districtwise Population of main workers, marginal workers and non-workers in rural and urban
areas in UP. 2011
dke u djus okys (Non Workers)
tuin xzkeh.k uxjh; dqy District

Rural Urban Total

1 8 9 10 1
40 >kWlh 636676 547013 1183689 Jhansi
41 yfyriqj 600025 118216 718241 Lalitpur
42 gehjiqj 518183 142447 660630 Hamirpur
43 egksck 396864 129418 526282 Mahoba
44 ckWnk 907750 189971 1097721 Banda
45 fp=dwV 528628 68905 597533 Chitrakoot
46 Qrsgiqj 1345926 222878 1568804 Fatehpur
47 izrkix<+ 2020511 122029 2142540 Pratapgarh
48 dkS'kkEch 877042 83468 960510 Kausambi
49 iz;kxjkt 2861171 981313 3842484 Prayagraj
50 ckjkcadh 1841041 226808 2067849 Barabanki
51 v;ks/;k 1405807 233980 1639787 Ayodhya
52 vEcsndj uxj 1414446 196044 1610490 Ambedkar Nagar
53 lqYrkuiqj 2412975 141510 2554485 Sultanpur
54 vesBh ** ** ** Amethi
55 cgjkbp 2135098 200473 2335571 Bahraich
56 JkoLrh 684896 28710 713606 Shrawasti
57 cyjkeiqj 1269210 119202 1388412 Balrampur
58 xks.Mk 2104821 158546 2263367 Gonda
59 fl}kFkZuxj 1566315 114084 1680399 Siddharth Nagar
60 cLrh 1579703 101073 1680776 Basti
61 lardchj uxj 1085517 90197 1175714 Sant Kabir Nagar
62 egjktxat 1593522 96928 1690450 Maharajganj
63 xksj[kiqj 2506676 582590 3089266 Gorakhpur
64 dq'khuxj 2324939 122632 2447571 Kushi Nagar
65 nsofj;k 1990563 234137 2224700 Deoria
66 vktex<+ 2966814 275067 3241881 Azamgarh
67 eÅ 1173762 335459 1509221 Mau
68 cfy;k 2007207 213084 2220291 Ballia
69 tkSuiqj 2804774 252055 3056829 Jaunpur
70 xkthiqj 2217015 198651 2415666 Ghazipur
71 pUnkSyh 1126209 174004 1300213 Chandauli
72 okjk.klh 1384372 1071761 2456133 Varanasi
73 larjfonkl uxj 944940 162665 1107605 Sant Ravidas Nagar
74 fetkZiqj 1379981 234993 1614974 Mirzapur
75 lksuHknz 907600 224560 1132160 Sonbhadra
mRrj izns'k 103366298 30631328 133997626 Uttar Pradesh
** ekr` tuin esa lfEefyr ** Included in Mother District

lzksr%& Hkkjrh; tux.kuk&2011 Source:- Census of India-2011

1& {ks=Qy ,oa tula[;k @ Area and Population
1-10& m-iz- esa ftysokj deZdjksa ,oa dke u djus okyksa dh fyaxkuqlkj tula[;k rFkk
eq[; deZdjks dk dqy tula[;k ls izfr'kr 2011
Districtwise Population of Workers and Non Workers and percentage of
Main Workers to total population by Sex in UP. 2011
eq[; deZdj (Main Worker)
tuin iq:"k L=h dqy District
Male Female Total
1 2 3 4 1
1 lgkjuiqj 801589 81112 882701 Saharanpur
2 eqt¶Qj uxj 962213 123278 1085491 Muz. Nagar
3 'kkeyh ** ** ** Shamli
4 fctukSj 749729 90049 839778 Bijnor
5 eqjknkckn 988949 116019 1104968 Moradabad
6 laHky ** ** ** Sambhal
7 jkeiqj 502124 62142 564266 Rampur
8 vejksgk 386571 66996 453567 Amroha
9 esjB 775053 115757 890810 Meerut
10 ckxir 292657 41862 334519 Bagapat
11 xkft;kckn 1071029 181882 1252911 Ghaziabad
12 gkiqqM+ ** ** ** Hapur
13 xkSrecq} uxj 377875 80617 458492 G.B. Nagar
14 cqyUn'kgj 748292 136924 885216 Bulandshahr
15 vyhx<+ 747491 118308 865799 Aligarh
16 gkFkjl 299433 37862 337295 Hathras
17 eFkqjk 506317 88482 594799 Mathura
18 vkxjk 912621 137941 1050562 Agra
19 fQjkstkckn 497247 76402 573649 Firozabad
20 ,Vk 362371 53105 415476 Etah
21 dklxat 315043 39214 354257 Kasganj
22 eSuiqjh 383292 41490 424782 Mainpuri
23 cnk;wW 795070 80693 875763 Badaun
24 cjsyh 910612 133300 1043912 Bareilly
25 ihyhHkhr 422120 41295 463415 Pilibhit
26 'kkgtgkWiqj 640720 58783 699503 Shahjahanpur
27 [khjh 855497 102752 958249 Kheri
28 lhrkiqj 900129 123513 1023642 Sitapur
29 gjnksbZ 866141 103730 969871 Hardoi
30 mUuko 645197 116634 761831 Unnao
31 y[kuÅ 969574 182711 1152285 Lucknow
32 jk;cjsyh 520983 123886 644869 Raebareli
33 Q:Z[kkckn 424227 50459 474686 Farrukhabad
34 dUukSt 366081 52946 419027 Kannauj
35 bVkok 321871 39717 361588 Etawah
36 vkSjS;k 291727 33994 325721 Auraiya
37 dkuiqj nsgkr 385967 62684 448651 Kanpur Dehat
38 dkuiqj uxj 1067154 162012 1229166 Kanpur Nagar
39 tkykSu 360043 60223 420266 Jalaun
vuqo)--------- Contd…..

1& {ks=Qy ,oa tula[;k @ Area and Population
1-10& m-iz- esa ftysokj deZdjksa ,oa dke u djus okyksa dh fyaxkuqlkj tula[;k rFkk
eq[; deZdjks dk dqy tula[;k ls izfr'kr 2011
Districtwise Population of Workers and Non Workers and percentage of
Main Workers to total population by Sex in UP. 2011
eq[; deZdj (Main Worker)
tuin iq:"k L=h dqy District
Male Female Total
1 2 3 4 1
40 >kWlh 443645 116396 560041 Jhansi
41 yfyriqj 278499 78534 357033 Lalitpur
42 gehjiqj 233058 57317 290375 Hamirpur
43 egksck 184837 53875 238712 Mahoba
44 ckWnk 384396 98836 483232 Banda
45 fp=dwV 208896 73718 282614 Chitrakoot
46 Qrsgiqj 521433 148723 670156 Fatehpur
47 izrkix<+ 419908 133105 553013 Pratapgarh
48 dkS'kkEch 292462 122850 415312 Kausambi
49 iz;kxjkt 981133 305599 1286732 Prayagraj
50 ckjkcadh 677923 156371 834294 Barabanki
51 v;ks/;k 404279 92300 496579 Ayadhya
52 vEcsndj uxj 349437 91561 440998 Ambedkar Nagar
53 lqYrkuiqj 548315 142652 690967 Sultanpur
54 vesBh ** ** ** Amethi
55 cgjkbp 640148 103304 743452 Bahraich
56 JkoLrh 192781 39981 232762 Shrawasti
57 cyjkeiqj 367929 90798 458727 Balrampur
58 xks.Mk 604204 135459 739663 Gonda
59 fl}kFkZuxj 347611 100332 447943 Siddharth Nagar
60 cLrh 360797 82927 443724 Basti
61 lardchj uxj 218934 46519 265453 Sant Kabir Nagar
62 egjktxat 343119 96174 439293 Maharajganj
63 xksj[kiqj 616241 130140 746381 Gorakhpur
64 dq'khuxj 422820 100438 523258 Kushi Nagar
65 nsofj;k 375569 79813 455382 Deoria
66 vktex<+ 611015 173257 784272 Azamgarh
67 eÅ 301006 95432 396438 Mau
68 cfy;k 445393 124129 569522 Ballia
69 tkSuiqj 664609 231938 896547 Jaunpur
70 xkthiqj 581125 185756 766881 Ghazipur
71 pUnkSyh 273276 68651 341927 Chandauli
72 okjk.klh 750828 169933 920761 Varanasi
73 larjfonkl uxj 237468 49510 286978 Sant Ravidas Nagar
74 fetkZiqj 420679 116412 537091 Mirzapur
75 lksuHknz 293517 103679 397196 Sonbhadra
mRrj izns'k 37420299 7215193 44635492 Uttar Pradesh
** ekr` tuin esa lfEefyr ** Included in Mother District
lzksr%& Hkkjrh; tux.kuk&2011 Source:- Census of India 2011

1& {ks=Qy ,oa tula[;k @ Area and Population
1-10& m-iz- esa ftysokj deZdjksa ,oa dke u djus okyksa dh fyaxkuqlkj tula[;k rFkk
eq[; deZdjks dk dqy tula[;k ls izfr'kr 2011
Districtwise Population of Workers and Non Workers and percentage of
Main Workers to total population by Sex in UP. 2011
lhekUr deZdj (Marginal Workers)

tuin iq:"k L=h dqy District

Male Female Total

1 5 6 7 1
1 lgkjuiqj 109547 45096 154643 Saharanpur
2 eqt¶Qj uxj 119356 86797 206153 Muz. Nagar
3 'kkeyh ** ** ** Shamli
4 fctukSj 171768 76490 248258 Bijnor
5 eqjknkckn 204490 108353 312843 Moradabad
6 laHky ** ** ** Sambhal
7 jkeiqj 107569 65426 172995 Rampur
8 vejksgk 72466 73056 145522 Amroha
9 esjB 123757 75972 199729 Meerut
10 ckxir 49947 32229 82176 Bagapat
11 xkft;kckn 160586 107041 267627 Ghaziabad
12 gkiqqM+ ** ** ** Hapur
13 xkSrecq} uxj 65509 45108 110617 G.B. Nagar
14 cqyUn'kgj 149523 138521 288044 Bulandshahr
15 vyhx<+ 181846 126716 308562 Aligarh
16 gkFkjl 98693 48127 146820 Hathras
17 eFkqjk 128825 117315 246140 Mathura
18 vkxjk 207080 132202 339282 Agra
19 fQjkstkckn 124593 63279 187872 Firozabad
20 ,Vk 77873 52635 130508 Etah
21 dklxat 60170 58338 118508 Kasganj
22 eSuiqjh 82775 53283 136058 Mainpuri
23 cnk;wW 144546 87034 231580 Badaun
24 cjsyh 242394 115665 358059 Bareilly
25 ihyhHkhr 112819 42371 155190 Pilibhit
26 'kkgtgkWiqj 142593 50118 192711 Shahjahanpur
27 [khjh 202986 103483 306469 Kheri
28 lhrkiqj 271123 127837 398960 Sitapur
29 gjnksbZ 225811 123264 349075 Hardoi
30 mUuko 205817 157096 362913 Unnao
31 y[kuÅ 256825 133696 390521 Lucknow
32 jk;cjsyh 346410 213431 559841 Raebareli
33 Q:Z[kkckn 70318 47263 117581 Farrukhabad
34 dUukSt 64853 40796 105649 Kannauj
35 bVkok 91842 52642 144484 Etawah
36 vkSjS;k 72816 43486 116302 Auraiya
37 dkuiqj nsgkr 108024 72189 180213 Kanpur Dehat
38 dkuiqj uxj 232717 110349 343066 Kanpur Nagar
39 tkykSu 110926 89572 200498 Jalaun
vuqo)--------- Contd….

1& {ks=Qy ,oa tula[;k @ Area and Population
1-10& m-iz- esa ftysokj deZdjksa ,oa dke u djus okyksa dh fyaxkuqlkj tula[;k rFkk
eq[; deZdjks dk dqy tula[;k ls izfr'kr 2011
Districtwise Population of Workers and Non Workers and percentage of
Main Workers to total population by Sex in UP. 2011
lhekUr deZdj (Marginal Workers)

tuin iq:"k L=h dqy District

Male Female Total

1 5 6 7 1

40 >kWlh 121712 133161 254873 Jhansi

41 yfyriqj 48284 98034 146318 Lalitpur
42 gehjiqj 75469 77811 153280 Hamirpur
43 egksck 52316 58648 110964 Mahoba
44 ckWnk 100918 117539 218457 Banda
45 fp=dwV 46081 65502 111583 Chitrakoot
46 Qrsgiqj 192303 201470 393773 Fatehpur
47 izrkix<+ 284661 228927 513588 Pratapgarh
48 dkS'kkEch 110182 113592 223774 Kausambi
49 iz;kxjkt 444977 380198 825175 Prayagraj
50 ckjkcadh 193318 165238 358556 Barabanki
51 v;ks/;k 193609 141021 334630 Ayadhya
52 vEcsndj uxj 197969 148431 346400 Ambedkar Nagar
53 lqYrkuiqj 321523 230142 551665 Sultanpur
54 vesBh ** ** ** Amethi
55 cgjkbp 255428 153280 408708 Bahraich
56 JkoLrh 101200 69793 170993 Shrawasti
57 cyjkeiqj 166403 135123 301526 Balrampur
58 xks.Mk 251644 179245 430889 Gonda
59 fl}kFkZuxj 236022 194933 430955 Siddharth Nagar
60 cLrh 197845 142119 339964 Basti
61 lardchj uxj 164548 109468 274016 Sant Kabir Nagar
62 egjktxat 316346 238614 554960 Maharajganj
63 xksj[kiqj 400635 204613 605248 Gorakhpur
64 dq'khuxj 382037 211678 593715 Kushi Nagar
65 nsofj;k 263504 157360 420864 Deoria
66 vktex<+ 330875 256885 587760 Azamgarh
67 eÅ 174407 125902 300309 Mau
68 cfy;k 277667 172294 449961 Ballia
69 tkSuiqj 269548 271280 540828 Jaunpur
70 xkthiqj 227575 210146 437721 Ghazipur
71 pUnkSyh 189695 120921 310616 Chandauli
72 okjk.klh 170406 129541 299947 Varanasi
73 larjfonkl uxj 105687 77943 183630 Sant Ravidas Nagar
74 fetkZiqj 192382 152523 344905 Mirzapur
75 lksuHknz 170094 163109 333203 Sonbhadra
mRrj izns'k 12426463 8752760 21179223 Uttar Pradesh
** ekr` tuin esa lfEefyr ** Included in Mother District
lzksr%& Hkkjrh; tux.kuk&2011 Source:- Census of India 2011

1& {ks=Qy ,oa tula[;k @ Area and Population
1-10& m-iz- esa ftysokj deZdjksa ,oa dke u djus okyksa dh fyaxkuqlkj tula[;k rFkk
eq[; deZdjks dk dqy tula[;k ls izfr'kr 2011
Districtwise Population of Workers and Non Workers and percentage of
Main Workers to total population by Sex in UP. 2011
dke u djus okys (Non Workers)
tuin iq:"k L=h dqy District
Male Female Total
1 8 9 10 1
1 lgkjuiqj 922970 1506068 2429038 Saharanpur
2 eqt¶Qj uxj 1111865 1740003 2851868 Muz. Nagar
3 'kkeyh ** ** ** Shamli
4 fctukSj 999718 1594959 2594677 Bijnor
5 eqjknkckn 1309747 2044448 3354195 Moradabad
6 laHky ** ** ** Sambhal
7 jkeiqj 614196 984362 1598558 Rampur
8 vejksgk 504412 736720 1241132 Amroha
9 esjB 926933 1426217 2353150 Meerut
10 ckxir 357466 528887 886353 Bagapat
11 xkft;kckn 1257219 1903888 3161107 Ghaziabad
12 gkiqqM+ ** ** ** Hapur
13 xkSrecq} uxj 446830 632176 1079006 G.B. Nagar
14 cqyUn'kgj 947445 1378466 2325911 Bulandshahr
15 vyhx<+ 1022659 1476869 2499528 Aligarh
16 gkFkjl 438001 642592 1080593 Hathras
17 eFkqjk 731983 974262 1706245 Mathura
18 vkxjk 1245252 1783701 3028953 Agra
19 fQjkstkckn 710206 1026429 1736635 Firozabad
20 ,Vk 507095 721401 1228496 Etah
21 dklxat 388952 575002 963954 Kasganj
22 eSuiqjh 527310 780379 1307689 Mainpuri
23 cnk;wW 1028143 1546410 2574553 Badaun
24 cjsyh 1204659 1841729 3046388 Bareilly
25 ihyhHkhr 537063 875339 1412402 Pilibhit
26 'kkgtgkWiqj 823090 1291234 2114324 Shahjahanpur
27 [khjh 1064704 1691821 2756525 Kheri
28 lhrkiqj 1204012 1857378 3061390 Sitapur
29 gjnksbZ 1099490 1674409 2773899 Hardoi
30 mUuko 779073 1204550 1983623 Unnao
31 y[kuÅ 1168077 1878955 3047032 Lucknow
32 jk;cjsyh 885149 1315700 2200849 Raebareli
33 Q:Z[kkckn 511695 781242 1292937 Farrukhabad
34 dUukSt 450842 681098 1131940 Kannauj
35 bVkok 432143 643595 1075738 Etawah
36 vkSjS;k 375497 562025 937522 Auraiya
37 dkuiqj nsgkr 469264 698056 1167320 Kanpur Dehat
38 dkuiqj uxj 1159935 1849101 3009036 Kanpur Nagar
39 tkykSu 435123 634087 1069210 Jalaun
vuqo)--------- Contd…..

1& {ks=Qy ,oa tula[;k @ Area and Population
1-10& m-iz- esa ftysokj deZdjksa ,oa dke u djus okyksa dh fyaxkuqlkj tula[;k rFkk
eq[; deZdjks dk dqy tula[;k ls izfr'kr 2011
Districtwise Population of Workers and Non Workers and percentage of
Main Workers to total population by Sex in UP. 2011
dke u djus okys (Non Workers)
tuin iq:"k L=h dqy District
Male Female Total
1 8 9 10 1
40 >kWlh 492079 691610 1183689 Jhansi
41 yfyriqj 314228 404013 718241 Lalitpur
42 gehjiqj 285010 375620 660630 Hamirpur
43 egksck 229205 297077 526282 Mahoba
44 ckWnk 480562 617159 1097721 Banda
45 fp=dwV 272744 324789 597533 Chitrakoot
46 Qrsgiqj 670986 897818 1568804 Fatehpur
47 izrkix<+ 901516 1241024 2142540 Pratapgarh
48 dkS'kkEch 435841 524669 960510 Kausambi
49 iz;kxjkt 1705697 2136787 3842484 Prayagraj
50 ckjkcadh 835832 1232017 2067849 Barabanki
51 v;ks/;k 661740 978047 1639787 Ayodhya
52 vEcsndj uxj 665004 945486 1610490 Ambedkar Nagar
53 lqYrkuiqj 1044748 1509737 2554485 Sultanpur
54 vesBh ** ** ** Amethi
55 cgjkbp 948308 1387263 2335571 Bahraich
56 JkoLrh 299916 413690 713606 Shrawasti
57 cyjkeiqj 580389 808023 1388412 Balrampur
58 xks.Mk 931298 1332069 2263367 Gonda
59 fl}kFkZuxj 711462 968937 1680399 Siddharth Nagar
60 cLrh 696630 984146 1680776 Basti
61 lardchj uxj 486174 689540 1175714 Sant Kabir Nagar
62 egjktxat 722289 968161 1690450 Maharajganj
63 xksj[kiqj 1260901 1828365 3089266 Gorakhpur
64 dq'khuxj 1013198 1434373 2447571 Kushi Nagar
65 nsofj;k 898363 1326337 2224700 Deoria
66 vktex<+ 1343114 1898767 3241881 Azamgarh
67 eÅ 639296 869925 1509221 Mau
68 cfy;k 949842 1270449 2220291 Ballia
69 tkSuiqj 1286308 1770521 3056829 Jaunpur
70 xkthiqj 1046375 1369291 2415666 Ghazipur
71 pUnkSyh 554934 745279 1300213 Chandauli
72 okjk.klh 1000623 1455510 2456133 Varanasi
73 larjfonkl uxj 463944 643661 1107605 Sant Ravidas Nagar
74 fetkZiqj 699241 915733 1614974 Mirzapur
75 lksuHknz 507733 624427 1132160 Sonbhadra
mRrj izns'k 54633748 79363878 133997626 Uttar Pradesh
** ekr` tuin esa lfEefyr ** Included in Mother District

lzksr%& Hkkjrh; tux.kuk&2011 Source:- Census of India 2011

1& {ks=Qy ,oa tula[;k @ Area and Population
1-10& m-iz- esa ftysokj deZdjksa ,oa dke u djus okyksa dh fyaxkuqlkj tula[;k rFkk
eq[; deZdjks dk dqy tula[;k ls izfr'kr 2011
Districtwise Population of Workers and Non Workers and percentage of
Main Workers to total population by Sex in UP. 2011
eq[; deZdjksa dk dqy tula[;k ls izfr'kr

tuin Main Workers as % to total Population


iq:"k Male L=h Female dqy Total

1 11 12 13 1
1 lgkjuiqj 43.70 4.97 25.46 Saharanpur
2 eqt¶Qj uxj 43.87 6.32 26.20 Muz. Nagar
3 'kkeyh ** ** ** Shamli
4 fctukSj 39.02 5.11 22.80 Bijnor
5 eqjknkckn 39.51 5.11 23.16 Moradabad
6 laHky ** ** ** Sambhal
7 jkeiqj 41.03 5.59 24.16 Rampur
8 vejksgk 40.12 7.64 24.65 Amroha
9 esjB 42.45 7.15 25.87 Meerut
10 ckxir 41.80 6.94 25.67 Bagapat
11 xkft;kckn 43.03 8.29 26.76 Ghaziabad
12 gkiqqM+ ** ** ** Hapur
13 xkSrecq} uxj 42.45 10.64 27.82 G.B. Nagar
14 cqyUn'kgj 40.55 8.28 25.30 Bulandshahr
15 vyhx<+ 38.29 6.87 23.57 Aligarh
16 gkFkjl 35.81 5.20 21.56 Hathras
17 eFkqjk 37.04 7.50 23.35 Mathura
18 vkxjk 38.59 6.72 23.77 Agra
19 fQjkstkckn 37.33 6.55 22.96 Firozabad
20 ,Vk 38.25 6.42 23.41 Etah
21 dklxat 41.23 5.83 24.66 Kasganj
22 eSuiqjh 38.58 4.74 22.73 Mainpuri
23 cnk;wW 40.40 4.71 23.79 Badaun
24 cjsyh 38.62 6.38 23.47 Bareilly
25 ihyhHkhr 39.38 4.31 22.82 Pilibhit
26 'kkgtgkWiqj 39.89 4.20 23.27 Shahjahanpur
27 [khjh 40.29 5.41 23.83 Kheri
28 lhrkiqj 37.90 5.86 22.83 Sitapur
29 gjnksbZ 39.52 5.46 23.70 Hardoi
30 mUuko 39.58 7.89 24.51 Unnao
31 y[kuÅ 40.49 8.32 25.11 Lucknow
32 jk;cjsyh 29.73 7.49 18.94 Raebareli
33 Q:Z[kkckn 42.16 5.74 25.18 Farrukhabad
34 dUukSt 41.52 6.83 25.29 Kannauj
35 bVkok 38.05 5.40 22.86 Etawah
36 vkSjS;k 39.42 5.32 23.61 Auraiya
37 dkuiqj nsgkr 40.07 7.53 24.98 Kanpur Dehat
38 dkuiqj uxj 43.38 7.64 26.83 Kanpur Nagar
39 tkykSu 39.74 7.68 24.87 Jalaun
vuqo)--------- Contd….

1& {ks=Qy ,oa tula[;k @ Area and Population
1-10& m-iz- esa ftysokj deZdjksa ,oa dke u djus okyksa dh fyaxkuqlkj tula[;k rFkk
eq[; deZdjks dk dqy tula[;k ls izfr'kr 2011
Districtwise Population of Workers and Non Workers and percentage of
Main Workers to total population by Sex in UP. 2011
eq[; deZdjksa dk dqy tula[;k ls izfr'kr

tuin Main Workers as % to total Population


iq:"k Male L=h Female dqy Total

1 11 12 13 1
40 >kWlh 41.95 12.37 28.02 Jhansi
41 yfyriqj 43.45 13.53 29.23 Lalitpur
42 gehjiqj 39.27 11.22 26.30 Hamirpur
43 egksck 39.63 13.15 27.25 Mahoba
44 ckWnk 39.80 11.86 26.86 Banda
45 fp=dwV 39.58 15.89 28.50 Chitrakoot
46 Qrsgiqj 37.66 11.92 25.45 Fatehpur
47 izrkix<+ 26.14 8.30 17.23 Pratapgarh
48 dkS'kkEch 34.88 16.14 25.96 Kausambi
49 iz;kxjkt 31.33 10.83 21.61 Prayagraj
50 ckjkcadh 39.71 10.06 25.59 Barabanki
51 v;ks/;k 32.10 7.62 20.10 Ayodhya
52 vEcsndj uxj 28.82 7.72 18.39 Ambedkar Nagar
53 lqYrkuiqj 28.64 7.58 18.20 Sultanpur
54 vesBh ** ** ** Amethi
55 cgjkbp 34.72 6.28 21.32 Bahraich
56 JkoLrh 32.46 7.64 20.83 Shrawasti
57 cyjkeiqj 33.01 8.78 21.35 Balrampur
58 xks.Mk 33.81 8.23 21.54 Gonda
59 fl}kFkZuxj 26.84 7.94 17.50 Siddharth Nagar
60 cLrh 28.74 6.86 18.00 Basti
61 lardchj uxj 25.17 5.50 15.48 Sant Kabir Nagar
62 egjktxat 24.83 7.38 16.36 Maharajganj
63 xksj[kiqj 27.05 6.02 16.81 Gorakhpur
64 dq'khuxj 23.26 5.75 14.68 Kushi Nagar
65 nsofj;k 24.43 5.10 14.69 Deoria
66 vktex<+ 26.74 7.44 17.00 Azamgarh
67 eÅ 27.00 8.75 17.97 Mau
68 cfy;k 26.62 7.92 17.58 Ballia
69 tkSuiqj 29.93 10.20 19.95 Jaunpur
70 xkthiqj 31.33 10.52 21.18 Ghazipur
71 pUnkSyh 26.85 7.34 17.51 Chandauli
72 okjk.klh 39.07 9.68 25.04 Varanasi
73 larjfonkl uxj 29.42 6.42 18.18 Sant Ravidas Nagar
74 fetkZiqj 32.06 9.83 21.51 Mirzapur
75 lksuHknz 30.22 11.63 21.33 Sonbhadra
mRrj izns'k 35.82 7.57 22.34 Uttar Pradesh
** ekr` tuin esa lfEefyr ** Included in Mother District
lzksr%& Hkkjrh; tux.kuk 2011 Source:- Census of India 2011

1& {ks=Qy ,oa tula[;k @ Area and Population
1-11& mRrj izns'k esa ftysokj vkS|ksfxd Jsf.k;ksa ds vuqlkj eq[; deZdjksa dh fyaxkuqlkj
la[;k] 2011
Districtwise number of Main Workers by Industrial Categories sex-wise in UP. by
d`"kd d`f"k etnwj
tuin Cultivator Agricultural Labourers
iq:"k L=h iq:"k L=h
Male Female Male Female
1 2 3 4 5 1
1 lgkjuiqj 202069 9748 190347 20699 Saharanpur
2 eqt¶Qj uxj 287616 21072 220596 29988 Muz. Nagar
3 'kkeyh ** ** ** ** Shamli
4 fctukSj 194909 16000 193230 18036 Bijnor
5 eqjknkckn 303626 23449 203432 19860 Moradabad
6 laHky ** ** ** ** Sambhal
7 jkeiqj 176580 11104 137840 12970 Rampur
8 vejksgk 163266 20997 70588 11414 Amroha
9 esjB 158291 17653 95206 17041 Meerut
10 ckxir 103167 9286 42300 7142 Bagapat
11 xkft;kckn 124521 15308 69650 13577 Ghaziabad
12 gkiqqM+ ** ** ** ** Hapur
13 xkSrecq} uxj 53119 7780 22445 5173 G.B. Nagar
14 cqyUn'kgj 263083 29818 112822 23958 Bulandshahr
15 vyhx<+ 228828 20453 129160 19860 Aligarh
16 gkFkjl 104080 7253 69755 7724 Hathras
17 eFkqjk 169524 21268 70380 19485 Mathura
18 vkxjk 229008 19143 119951 16517 Agra
19 fQjkstkckn 154170 11240 79692 8753 Firozabad
20 ,Vk 199161 14805 71660 8462 Etah
21 dklxat 179223 11343 57322 6344 Kasganj
22 eSuiqjh 222645 13191 71861 7761 Mainpuri
23 cnk;wW 489712 31512 145069 12618 Badaun
24 cjsyh 303700 19367 195910 15035 Bareilly
25 ihyhHkhr 186940 8737 128058 10383 Pilibhit
26 'kkgtgkWijq 308277 13207 164058 10962 Shahjahanpur
27 [khjh 449443 30072 230144 27736 Kheri
28 lhrkiqj 465076 36048 230785 31668 Sitapur
29 gjnksbZ 486534 34978 204453 24485 Hardoi
30 mUuko 319746 48003 126652 30303 Unnao
31 y[kuÅ 117331 19123 82782 19726 Lucknow
32 jk;cjsyh 205212 34779 130207 43484 Raebareli
33 Q:Z[kkckn 208058 10440 89805 6993 Farrukhabad
34 dUukSt 208949 11057 76553 5984 Kannauj
35 bVkok 136787 9522 75426 8849 Etawah
36 vkSjS;k 136306 8472 78453 11460 Auraiya
37 dkuiqj nsgkr 176678 18843 109622 23925 Kanpur Dehat
38 dkuiqj uxj 157094 17482 131688 28516 Kanpur Nagar
39 tkykSu 152825 14637 101769 23497 Jalaun

1& {ks=Qy ,oa tula[;k @ Area and Population
1-11& mRrj izns'k esa ftysokj vkS|ksfxd Jsf.k;ksa ds vuqlkj eq[; deZdjksa dh fyaxkuqlkj
la[;k] 2011
Districtwise number of Main Workers by Industrial Categories sex-wise in UP. by
d`"kd d`f"k etnwj
tuin Cultivator Agricultural Labourers
iq:"k L=h iq:"k L=h
Male Female Male Female
1 2 3 4 5 1
40 >kWlh 156790 33050 85588 41201 Jhansi
41 yfyriqj 176701 42180 37953 21322 Lalitpur
42 gehjiqj 94849 15091 64173 25417 Hamirpur
43 egksck 80339 16100 44672 22010 Mahoba
44 ckWnk 168611 33525 110395 44900 Banda
45 fp=dwV 100563 30227 58700 30810 Chitrakoot
46 Qrsgiqj 217171 47146 144043 60893 Fatehpur
47 izrkix<+ 160719 46107 86987 41287 Pratapgarh
48 dkS'kkEch 85520 26715 120179 66735 Kausambi
49 iz;kxjkt 258014 79488 154452 80354 Prayagraj
50 ckjkcadh 332055 53417 170454 55716 Barabanki
51 v;ks/;k 164309 29014 79902 25876 Ayodhya
52 vEcsndj uxj 134546 25278 79204 30560 Ambedkar Nagar
53 lqYrkuiqj 211950 38094 139311 50416 Sultanpur
54 vesBh ** ** ** ** Amethi
55 cgjkbp 324825 35153 185664 37627 Bahraich
56 JkoLrh 111317 14689 53088 14678 Shrawasti
57 cyjkeiqj 184694 35797 106192 36898 Balrampur
58 xks.Mk 309600 44137 156742 43733 Gonda
59 fl}kFkZuxj 167478 39769 97056 36429 Siddharth Nagar
60 cLrh 186320 32167 70520 23962 Basti
61 lardchj uxj 90645 12941 56161 16634 Sant Kabir Nagar
62 egjktxat 128363 23695 110900 43352 Maharajganj
63 xksj[kiqj 148592 26212 127332 36212 Gorakhpur
64 dq'khuxj 151577 24481 138216 38931 Kushi Nagar
65 nsofj;k 129207 21677 64713 21038 Deoria
66 vktex<+ 255685 55375 106765 46900 Azamgarh
67 eÅ 84110 17185 47981 19362 Mau
68 cfy;k 129503 24427 119725 41467 Ballia
69 tkSuiqj 290582 96330 133390 69905 Jaunpur
70 xkthiqj 218661 55874 149161 70768 Ghazipur
71 pUnkSyh 79780 12262 61290 20579 Chandauli
72 okjk.klh 116682 35172 66746 31588 Varanasi
73 larjfonkl uxj 55437 11795 25592 10524 Sant Ravidas Nagar
74 fetkZiqj 118929 23385 102735 48475 Mirzapur
75 lksuHknz 77751 23841 91924 55391 Sonbhadra
mRrj izns'k 13727429 1848986 7777577 1972338 Uttar Pradesh

1& {ks=Qy ,oa tula[;k @ Area and Population

1-11& mRrj izns'k esa ftysokj vkS|ksfxd Jsf.k;ksa ds vuqlkj eq[; deZdjksa dh fyaxkuqlkj la[;k]2011

Districtwise number of Main Workers by Industrial Categories sex-wise in UP. by 2011

ikfjokfjd m|ksx esa yxs
vU; deZdj dqy eq[; deZdj
tuin Workers in household
Other Workers Total Main Workers District

iq:"k L=h iq:"k L=h iq:"k L=h

Male Female Male Female Male Female
1 6 7 8 9 10 11 1
1 lgkjuiqj 21810 5117 387363 45548 801589 81112 Saharanpur
2 eqt¶Qj uxj 25219 7918 428782 64300 962213 123278 Muz. Nagar
3 'kkeyh ** ** ** ** ** ** Shamli
4 fctukSj 26263 9856 335327 46157 749729 90049 Bijnor
5 eqjknkckn 46680 15722 435211 56988 988949 116019 Moradabad
6 laHky ** ** ** ** ** ** Sambhal
7 jkeiqj 22208 11645 165496 26423 502124 62142 Rampur
8 vejksgk 12059 8192 140658 26393 386571 66996 Amroha
9 esjB 37424 10808 484132 70255 775053 115757 Meerut
10 ckxir 9807 4151 137383 21283 292657 41862 Bagapat
11 xkft;kckn 48277 15327 828581 137670 1071029 181882 Ghaziabad
12 gkiqqM+ ** ** ** ** ** ** Hapur
13 xkSrecq} uxj 17644 8421 284667 59243 377875 80617 G.B. Nagar
14 cqyUn'kgj 24606 19795 347781 63353 748292 136924 Bulandshahr
15 vyhx<+ 32934 16133 356569 61862 747491 118308 Aligarh
16 gkFkjl 14769 5337 110829 17548 299433 37862 Hathras
17 eFkqjk 19078 8174 247335 39555 506317 88482 Mathura
18 vkxjk 46739 19127 516923 83154 912621 137941 Agra
19 fQjkstkckn 27954 12857 235431 43552 497247 76402 Firozabad
20 ,Vk 10724 7573 80826 22265 362371 53105 Etah
21 dklxat 6917 7932 71581 13595 315043 39214 Kasganj
22 eSuiqjh 10701 4587 78085 15951 383292 41490 Mainpuri
23 cnk;wW 14059 9027 146230 27536 795070 80693 Badaun
24 cjsyh 50431 30123 360571 68775 910612 133300 Bareilly
25 ihyhHkhr 7352 5113 99770 17062 422120 41295 Pilibhit
26 'kkgtgkWiqj 12766 6739 155619 27875 640720 58783 Shahjahanpur
27 [khjh 18977 9413 156933 35531 855497 102752 Kheri
28 lhrkiqj 30756 13716 173512 42081 900129 123513 Sitapur
29 gjnksbZ 25663 10617 149491 33650 866141 103730 Hardoi
30 mUuko 21758 7196 177041 31132 645197 116634 Unnao
31 y[kuÅ 56034 14036 713427 129826 969574 182711 Lucknow
32 jk;cjsyh 23229 9417 162335 36206 520983 123886 Raebareli
33 Q:Z[kkckn 14392 12017 111972 21009 424227 50459 Farrukhabad
34 dUukSt 14275 20322 66304 15583 366081 52946 Kannauj
35 bVkok 9737 3757 99921 17589 321871 39717 Etawah
36 vkSjS;k 5400 1824 71568 12238 291727 33994 Auraiya
37 dkuiqj nsgkr 9242 3492 90425 16424 385967 62684 Kanpur Dehat
38 dkuiqj uxj 41942 8999 736430 107015 1067154 162012 Kanpur Nagar
39 tkykSu 9864 4742 95585 17347 360043 60223 Jalaun
vuqo)--------- Contd….

1& {ks=Qy ,oa tula[;k @ Area and Population

1-11& mRrj izns'k esa ftysokj vkS|ksfxd Jsf.k;ksa ds vuqlkj eq[; deZdjksa dh fyaxkuqlkj la[;k] 2011
Districtwise number of Main Workers by Industrial Categories sex-wise in UP. by 2011
ikfjokfjd m|ksx esa yxs
vU; deZdj dqy eq[; deZdj
tuin Workers employed in
householed Industries
Other Workers Total Main Workers District

iq:"k L=h iq:"k L=h iq:"k L=h

Male Female Male Female Male Female
1 6 7 8 9 10 11 1
40 >kWlh 18175 9073 183092 33072 443645 116396 Jhansi
41 yfyriqj 6260 2978 57585 12054 278499 78534 Lalitpur
42 gehjiqj 7549 2983 66487 13826 233058 57317 Hamirpur
43 egksck 5893 2284 53933 13481 184837 53875 Mahoba
44 ckWnk 8511 2563 96879 17848 384396 98836 Banda
45 fp=dwV 5029 2937 44604 9744 208896 73718 Chitrakoot
46 Qrsgiqj 17164 9461 143055 31223 521433 148723 Fatehpur
47 izrkix<+ 24975 10529 147227 35182 419908 133105 Pratapgarh
48 dkS'kkEch 9725 7018 77038 22382 292462 122850 Kausambi
49 iz;kxjkt 66099 41132 502568 104625 981133 305599 Prayagraj
50 ckjkcadh 35091 16346 140323 30892 677923 156371 Barabanki
51 v;ks/;k 17761 7314 142307 30096 404279 92300 Ayodhya
52 vEcsndj uxj 26211 8577 109476 27146 349437 91561 Ambedkar Nagar
53 lqYrkuiqj 32198 14165 164856 39977 548315 142652 Sultanpur
54 vesBh ** ** ** ** ** ** Amethi
55 cgjkbp 14335 5398 115324 25126 640148 103304 Bahraich
56 JkoLrh 5854 3073 22522 7541 192781 39981 Shrawasti
57 cyjkeiqj 11420 4222 65623 13881 367929 90798 Balrampur
58 xks.Mk 22907 13301 114955 34288 604204 135459 Gonda
59 fl}kFkZuxj 13227 4485 69850 19649 347611 100332 Siddharth Nagar
60 cLrh 14818 5337 89139 21461 360797 82927 Basti
61 lardchj uxj 11473 4066 60655 12878 218934 46519 Sant Kabir Nagar
62 egjktxat 14046 4960 89810 24167 343119 96174 Maharajganj
63 xksj[kiqj 32109 11025 308208 56691 616241 130140 Gorakhpur
64 dq'khuxj 18814 6446 114213 30580 422820 100438 Kushi Nagar
65 nsofj;k 17991 7070 163658 30028 375569 79813 Deoria
66 vktex<+ 47549 23615 201016 47367 611015 173257 Azamgarh
67 eÅ 56973 30597 111942 28288 301006 95432 Mau
68 cfy;k 25852 12278 170313 45957 445393 124129 Ballia
69 tkSuiqj 34985 16452 205652 49251 664609 231938 Jaunpur
70 xkthiqj 23498 14751 189805 44363 581125 185756 Ghazipur
71 pUnkSyh 20475 10694 111731 25116 273276 68651 Chandauli
72 okjk.klh 103292 28639 464108 74534 750828 169933 Varanasi
73 larjfonkl uxj 28786 10177 127653 17014 237468 49510 Sant Ravidas Nagar
74 fetkZiqj 32594 12434 166421 32118 420679 116412 Mirzapur
75 lksuHknz 10142 4363 113700 20084 293517 103679 Sonbhadra
mRrj izns'k 1669471 739965 14245822 2653904 37420299 7215193 Uttar Pradesh
** ekr` tuin esa lfEefyr ** Included in Mother District

lzksr Hkkjrh; tux.kuk&2011 Source: Census of India2011

1& {ks=Qy ,oa tula[;k @ Area and Population
1-12& mRrj izns'k esa vk;q oxZ ,oa fyaxkuqlkj tula[;k ,oa eq[; deZdjksa dh la[;k
Population and main workers by age groups and sex in UP.
tula[;k (Population) 2011
dqy@xzkeh.k@uxjh; vk;q&oxZ
Total / Rural / Urban Age-Group
O;fDr iq:"k L=h
Persons Males Females
1 2 3 4 5
dqy Total dqy Total 199812341 104480510 95331831
0-14 71308266 37589959 33718307
15-19 23040380 12307573 10732807
20-24 17578648 9405485 8173163
25-29 14579829 7466367 7113462
30-34 12954682 6431401 6523281
35-39 12556222 6401231 6154991
40-49 18681179 9777310 8903869
50-59 12051169 6198118 5853051
60-69 9545160 4927243 4617917
70-79 4082260 2173969 1908291
80+ 1812484 935921 876563
ANS 1622062 865933 756129
xzkeh.k Rural dqy Total 155317278 80992995 74324283
0-14 57692619 30347288 27345331
15-19 17779084 9493418 8285666
20-24 12989044 6927701 6061343
25-29 10860729 5531452 5329277
30-34 9810399 4825061 4985338
35-39 9523701 4848208 4675493
40-49 13963513 7294887 6668626
50-59 9079291 4622965 4456326
60-69 7672441 3946605 3725836
70-79 3325937 1776631 1549306
80+ 1448090 754399 693691
ANS 1172430 624380 548050
uxjh; Urban dqy Total 44495063 23487515 21007548
0-14 13615647 7242671 6372976
15-19 5261296 2814155 2447141
20-24 4589604 2477784 2111820
25-29 3719100 1934915 1784185
30-34 3144283 1606340 1537943
35-39 3032521 1553023 1479498
40-49 4717666 2482423 2235243
50-59 2971878 1575153 1396725
60-69 1872719 980638 892081
70-79 756323 397338 358985
80+ 364394 181522 182872
ANS 449632 241553 208079
vuqc)------------ Contd..........

1& {ks=Qy ,oa tula[;k @ Area and Population
1-12& mRrj izns'k esa vk;q oxZ ,oa fyaxkuqlkj tula[;k ,oa eq[; deZdjksa dk fooj.k
Population and main workers by age groups and sex in UP.
eq[; deZdj (Main Workers) 2011
dqy@xzkeh.k@uxjh; vk;q&oxZ
O;fDr iq:"k L=h
Total / Rural / Urban Age-Group
Persons Males Females
1 6 7 8 9
dqy Total dqy Total 44649628 37430800 7218828
5-9 288086 171610 116476
10-14 608866 417016 191850
15-19 2593192 2119421 473771
20-24 4700304 4003836 696468
25-29 5434984 4601472 833512
30-34 5335534 4470235 865299
35-39 5603577 4700694 902883
40-49 8839926 7453910 1386016
50-59 5621350 4731449 889901
60-69 3624815 3062193 562622
70-79 1231776 1058487 173289
80+ 415019 351275 63744
ANS 352199 289202 62997
xzkeh.k Rural dqy Total 33543351 27813804 5729547
5-9 223099 131286 91813
10-14 464669 315168 149501
15-19 1977968 1612775 365193
20-24 3513237 2970812 542425
25-29 3999287 3349644 649643
30-34 3947276 3256095 691181
35-39 4171268 3454223 717045
40-49 6494531 5405026 1089505
50-59 4150951 3444771 706180
60-69 2978062 2500200 477862
70-79 1039656 889957 149699
80+ 336676 284134 52542
ANS 246671 199713 46958
uxjh; Urban dqy Total 11106277 9616996 1489281
5-9 64987 40324 24663
10-14 144197 101848 42349
15-19 615224 506646 108578
20-24 1187067 1033024 154043
25-29 1435697 1251828 183869
30-34 1388258 1214140 174118
35-39 1432309 1246471 185838
40-49 2345395 2048884 296511
50-59 1470399 1286678 183721
60-69 646753 561993 84760
70-79 192120 168530 23590
80+ 78343 67141 11202
ANS 105528 89489 16039
ANS. vk;q ugha crkbZ xbZ A Age not stated.
lzksr%& Hkkjrh; tux.kuk 2011 Source:- Census of India 2011

1& {ks=Qy ,oa tula[;k @ Area and Population
1-13& m-iz- esa /kekZuqlkj tuinokj tula[;k 2011
Districtwise Population by Religion in UP. 2011
dqy tula[;k fgUnw eqfLye bZlkbZ
tuin Total
Hindus Muslims Christions
1 2 3 4 5 1
1 lgkjuiqj 3466382 1966892 1454052 6523 Saharanpur
2 eqt¶Qj uxj 2829865 2382914 1711453 6495 Muz. Nagar
3 'kkeyh 1313647 ** ** ** Shamli
4 fctukSj 3682713 2032081 1585210 6184 Bijnor
5 eqjknkckn 3126507 2488265 2248392 13157 Moradabad
6 laHky 2199774 ** ** ** Sambhal
7 jkeiqj 2335819 1073890 1181337 9201 Rampur
8 vejksgk 1840221 1075440 750368 5952 Amroha
9 esjB 3443689 2183255 1185643 10582 Meerut
10 ckxir 1303048 917474 364583 1840 Bagapat
11 xkft;kckn 3343334 3414427 1186776 19026 Ghaziabad
12 gkiqqM+ 1338311 ** ** ** Hapur
13 xkSrecq} uxj 1648115 1394025 215500 7366 G.B. Nagar
14 cqyUn'kgj 3499171 2707195 777407 4088 Bulandshahr
15 vyhx<+ 3673889 2904140 729283 7635 Aligarh
16 gkFkjl 1564708 1397225 159448 1350 Hathras
17 eFkqjk 2547184 2310776 216933 3179 Mathura
18 vkxjk 4418797 3922718 411313 10076 Agra
19 fQjkstkckn 2498156 2140745 314812 3370 Firozabad
20 ,Vk 1774480 1611126 146346 2464 Etah
21 dklxat 1436719 1211427 213822 1969 Kasganj
22 eSuiqjh 1868529 1746649 100723 1729 Mainpuri
23 cnk;wW 3127621 2867707 790515 6320 Badaun
24 cjsyh 4448359 2830768 1536534 14822 Bareilly
25 ihyhHkhr 2031007 1449007 489686 3510 Pilibhit
26 'kkgtgkWiqj 3006538 2412595 527581 4630 Shahjahanpur
27 [khjh 4021243 3078262 807600 7502 Kheri
28 lhrkiqj 4483992 3555450 893725 6579 Sitapur
29 gjnksbZ 4092845 3508131 556219 5822 Hardoi
30 mUuko 3108367 2732016 363453 3574 Unnao
31 y[kuÅ 4589838 3537787 985070 20493 Lucknow
32 jk;cjsyh 2903507 2975998 413243 3634 Raebareli
33 Q:Z[kkckn 1885204 1596278 276846 3137 Farrukhabad
34 dUukSt 1656616 1375788 273967 1263 Kannauj
35 bVkok 1581810 1457892 113961 1362 Etawah
36 vkSjS;k 1379545 1273546 101963 1004 Auraiya
37 dkuiqj nsgkr 1796184 1612968 176327 1300 Kanpur Dehat
38 dkuiqj uxj 4581268 3792174 720660 15751 Kanpur Nagar
39 tkykSu 1689974 1509708 171581 1148 Jalaun
vuqo)--------- Contd…..

1& {ks=Qy ,oa tula[;k @ Area and Population
1-13& m-iz- esa /kekZuqlkj tuinokj tula[;k 2011
Districtwise Population by Religion in UP. 2011

dqy tula[;k fgUnw eqfLye bZlkbZ

tuin Total
Hindus Muslims Christions
1 2 3 4 5 1
40 >kWlh 1998603 1823930 147842 7050 Jhansi
41 yfyriqj 1221592 1163804 33724 1351 Lalitpur
42 gehjiqj 1104285 1010014 91269 814 Hamirpur
43 egksck 875958 815142 57454 965 Mahoba
44 ckWnk 1799410 1637549 157612 1367 Banda
45 fp=dwV 991730 955372 34559 693 Chitrakoot
46 Qrsgiqj 2632733 2274674 350700 2201 Fatehpur
47 izrkix<+ 3209141 2731351 452394 3920 Pratapgarh
48 dkS'kkEch 1599596 1372381 220423 2225 Kausambi
49 iz;kxjkt 5954391 5102041 796756 13782 Prayagraj
50 ckjkcadh 3260699 2505444 737106 4857 Barabanki
51 v;ks/;k 2470996 2094271 365806 3225 Ayodhya
52 vEcsndj uxj 2397888 1985654 401678 2536 Ambedkar Nagar
53 lqYrkuiqj 2431491 3119590 650261 4453 Sultanpur
54 vesBh 1867678 ** ** ** Amethi
55 cgjkbp 3487731 2291892 1169330 6400 Bahraich
56 JkoLrh 1117361 768643 343981 1427 Shrawasti
57 cyjkeiqj 2148665 1333242 805975 3228 Balrampur
58 xks.Mk 3433919 2739076 678615 4735 Gonda
59 fl}kFkZuxj 2559297 1789704 748073 3042 Siddharth Nagar
60 cLrh 2464464 2082976 364510 3493 Basti
61 lardchj uxj 1715183 1300586 404410 1766 Sant Kabir Nagar
62 egjktxat 2684703 2196884 458650 3527 Maharajganj
63 xksj[kiqj 4440895 4009037 403847 9662 Gorakhpur
64 dq'khuxj 3564544 2928462 620244 5006 Kushi Nagar
65 nsofj;k 3100946 2730957 358539 3626 Deoria
66 vktex<+ 4613913 3878626 718692 3810 Azamgarh
67 eÅ 2205968 1769937 428555 2109 Mau
68 cfy;k 3239774 3004240 213440 4463 Ballia
69 tkSuiqj 4494204 3981502 483750 4947 Jaunpur
70 xkthiqj 3620268 3233790 368153 4181 Ghazipur
71 pUnkSyh 1952756 1727869 215081 2153 Chandauli
72 okjk.klh 3676841 3107681 546987 7696 Varanasi
73 larjfonkl uxj 1578213 1368291 203887 1365 Sant Ravidas Nagar
74 fetkZiqj 2496970 2292534 195765 2373 Mirzapur
75 lksuHknz 1862559 1738769 103567 3963 Sonbhadra
mRrj izns'k 199812341 159312654 38483967 356448 Uttar Pradesh
vuqo)------- Contd…..

1& {ks=Qy ,oa tula[;k @ Area and Population
1-13& m-iz- esa /kekZul
q kj tuinokj tula[;k 2011
Districtwise Population by Religion in UP. 2011
flD[k ckS) tSu vU; /keZ voxhZd`r /keZ
tuin Other Unclassified
Sikkhs Budhdists Jains
Religion Religion

1 6 7 8 9 10 1
1 lgkjuiqj 18627 1937 10208 135 8008 Saharanpur
2 eqt¶Qj uxj 18601 1516 16345 60 6128 Muz. Nagar
3 'kkeyh ** ** ** ** ** Shamli
4 fctukSj 50624 1736 2134 41 4703 Bijnor
5 eqjknkckn 7555 1260 2426 382 10569 Moradabad
6 laHky ** ** ** ** ** Sambhal
7 jkeiqj 65316 384 1307 63 4321 Rampur
8 vejksgk 5295 189 517 21 2439 Amroha
9 esjB 24912 1855 18544 236 18662 Meerut
10 ckxir 483 161 16139 25 2343 Bagapat
11 xkft;kckn 23001 3487 16412 265 18251 Ghaziabad
12 gkiqqM+ ** ** ** ** ** Hapur
13 xkSrecq} uxj 9261 895 4518 91 16459 G.B. Nagar
14 cqyUn'kgj 2765 669 1572 86 5389 Bulandshahr
15 vyhx<+ 5875 2582 2805 91 21478 Aligarh
16 gkFkjl 524 424 1289 63 4385 Hathras
17 eFkqjk 2872 883 2056 126 10359 Mathura
18 vkxjk 12057 4049 21508 384 36692 Agra
19 fQjkstkckn 1804 3395 19077 61 14892 Firozabad
20 ,Vk 708 2887 5671 18 5260 Etah
21 dklxat 2280 3907 313 72 2929 Kasganj
22 eSuiqjh 475 8814 4161 38 5940 Mainpuri
23 cnk;wW 1135 1959 678 87 13495 Badaun
24 cjsyh 28187 4371 931 339 32407 Bareilly
25 ihyhHkhr 84787 360 138 45 3474 Pilibhit
26 'kkgtgkWiqj 51090 2312 301 84 7945 Shahjahanpur
27 [khjh 94388 18454 487 226 14324 Kheri
28 lhrkiqj 11611 2663 1410 79 12475 Sitapur
29 gjnksbZ 5688 6671 446 98 9770 Hardoi
30 mUuko 1204 920 240 31 6929 Unnao
31 y[kuÅ 23883 3877 4975 504 13249 Lucknow
32 jk;cjsyh 2424 722 397 602 8539 Raebareli
33 Q:Z[kkckn 3160 3161 487 100 2035 Farrukhabad
34 dUukSt 504 2033 606 65 2390 Kannauj
35 bVkok 1045 1733 3917 94 1806 Etawah
36 vkSjS;k 371 332 228 444 1657 Auraiya
37 dkuiqj nsgkr 478 819 155 103 4034 Kanpur Dehat
38 dkuiqj uxj 29676 2733 5710 589 13975 Kanpur Nagar
39 tkykSu 463 2875 256 145 3798 Jalaun
vuqo)--------- Contd…..

1& {ks=Qy ,oa tula[;k @ Area and Population
1-13& m-iz- esa /kekZul
q kj tuinokj tula[;k 2001
Districtwise Population by Religion in UP. 2001
flD[k ckS) tSu vU; /keZ voxhZd`r /keZ
tuin Other Unclassified
Sikkhs Budhdists Jains
Religion Religion

1 6 7 8 9 10 1
40 >kWlh 4951 1203 7328 311 5988 Jhansi
41 yfyriqj 1034 69 20390 41 1179 Lalitpur
42 gehjiqj 196 74 41 273 1604 Hamirpur
43 egksck 389 94 234 157 1523 Mahoba
44 ckWnk 231 168 916 50 1517 Banda
45 fp=dwV 63 101 285 27 630 Chitrakoot
46 Qrsgiqj 402 172 199 47 4338 Fatehpur
47 izrkix<+ 1451 7795 746 43 11441 Pratapgarh
48 dkS'kkEch 522 687 545 3 2810 Kausambi
49 iz;kxjkt 4377 4391 2247 305 30492 Prayagraj
50 ckjkcadh 2090 1553 3016 211 6422 Barabanki
51 v;ks/;k 1912 737 358 185 4502 Ayodhya
52 vEcsndj uxj 869 1817 235 33 5066 Ambedkar Nagar
53 lqYrkuiqj 1629 9989 426 336 10433 Sultanpur
54 vesBh ** ** ** ** ** Amethi
55 cgjkbp 8212 2793 1177 38 7889 Bahraich
56 JkoLrh 407 323 68 56 2456 Shrawasti
57 cyjkeiqj 900 1866 198 87 3169 Balrampur
58 xks.Mk 1893 649 338 57 8556 Gonda
59 fl}kFkZuxj 681 11964 179 356 5298 Siddharth Nagar
60 cLrh 900 9753 107 99 2626 Basti
61 lardchj uxj 447 4393 95 35 3451 Sant Kabir Nagar
62 egjktxat 1381 16030 243 338 7650 Maharajganj
63 xksj[kiqj 2123 2848 460 207 12711 Gorakhpur
64 dq'khuxj 767 4619 383 133 4930 Kushi Nagar
65 nsofj;k 818 1182 209 146 5469 Deoria
66 vktex<+ 719 5652 183 226 6005 Azamgarh
67 eÅ 340 564 155 129 4179 Mau
68 cfy;k 892 1595 233 64 14847 Ballia
69 tkSuiqj 1286 7898 349 114 14358 Jaunpur
70 xkthiqj 810 3145 213 184 9792 Ghazipur
71 pUnkSyh 1389 340 100 1175 4649 Chandauli
72 okjk.klh 3309 1146 1898 298 7826 Varanasi
73 larjfonkl uxj 199 1562 161 7 2741 Sant Ravidas Nagar
74 fetkZiqj 1133 341 701 27 4096 Mirzapur
75 lksuHknz 1649 1747 487 1907 10470 Sonbhadra
mRrj izns'k 643500 206285 213267 13598 582622 Uttar Pradesh
** ekr` tuin esa lfEefyr ** Included in Mother District
lzksr% Hkkjrh; tux.kuk 2011 Source: Census of India 2011

1& {ks=Qy ,oa tula[;k @ Area and Population
1-14& tux.kuk ds vuqlkj jkT;okj tula[;k dh ize[q k fo'ks"krk;sa
Salient Features of Population by States
{ks=Qy oxZ
tula[;k 2011 tula[;k 2001
jkT;@dsUnz 'kkflr izns'k fd-eh-2011 State / Union
Population Population
Area in Sq. territories
2011 2001
1 2 3 4 1
1 tEew vkSj d'ehj 222236 12541302 10143700 Jammu & Kashmir
2 fgekapy izns'k 55673 6864602 6077900 Himanchal Pradesh
3 iatkc 50362 27743338 24358999 Punjab
4 paMhx<+ 114 1055450 900635 Chandigarh
5 mRrjkapy 53483 10086292 8489349 Uttranchal
6 gfj;k.kk 44212 25351462 21144564 Haryana
7 fnYyh 1483 16787941 13850507 Delhi
8 jktLFkku 342239 68548437 56507188 Rajasthan
9 mRrj izns'k 240928 199812341 166197921 Uttar Pradesh
10 fcgkj 94163 104099452 82998509 Bihar
11 flfDde 7096 610577 540851 Sikkim
12 v#.kkapy izns'k 83743 1383727 1097968 Arunanchal Pradesh
13 ukxkyS.M 16579 1978502 1990036 Nagaland
14 ef.kiqj 22327 2855794 2293896 Manipur
15 fetksje 21081 1097206 888573 Mizoram
16 f=iqjk 10486 3673917 3199203 Tripura
17 es?kky; 22429 2966889 2318822 Meghalaya
18 vle 78438 31205576 26655528 Assam
19 if'pe caxky 88752 91276115 80176197 West Bengal
20 >kj[k.M 79716 32988134 26945829 Jharkhand
21 mM+hlk 155707 41974218 36804660 Orissa
22 NRrhlx<+ 135192 25545198 20833803 chhatteesgarh
23 e/; izns'k 308252 72626809 60348023 Madhya Pradesh
24 xqtjkr 196244 60439692 50671017 Gujrat
25 neu nho 111 243247 158204 Damam div
26 nknjk ,oa ukxj gosyh 491 343709 220490 Dadra & Nagar Haveli
27 egkjk"Vª 307713 112374333 96878627 Maharastra
28 vkU/kz izns'k 275045 84580777 76210007 Andhra Pradesh
29 dukZVd 191791 61095297 52850562 Karnataka
30 xksok 3702 1458545 1347668 Goa
31 y{k}hi 30 64473 60650 Lakshadweep
32 dsjy 38852 33406061 31841374 Kerla
33 rfeyukMq 130060 72147030 62405679 Tamilnadu
34 ikfUMpsjh 490 1247953 974345 Pondicherry
35 vaneku fudksckj 8249 380581 356152 Andaman & Nicobar
Hkkjr 3287469 1210854977 1028737436 India
vuqc)-------- Contd…

1& {ks=Qy ,oa tula[;k @ Area and Population
1-14& tux.kuk ds vuqlkj jkT;okj tula[;k dh ize[q k fo'ks"krk;sa
Salient Featuares of Population by States,

izfr gtkj iq#"kks

tula[;k esa vUrj izfr'kr vUrj
ij fL=;ksa dh
¼2001&11½ ¼2001&11½ State / Union
jkT;@dsUnz 'kkflr izns'k la[;k]2011
Variation in Percentage Females per
Population 2001-11 Variation 2001-11 1000 Males 2011
1 5 6 7 1
1 tEew vkSj d'ehj 2397602 23.64 883 Jammu & Kashmir
2 fgekapy izns'k 786702 12.94 974 Himanchal Pradesh
3 iatkc 3384339 13.89 893 Punjab
4 paMhx<+ 154815 17.19 818 Chandigarh
5 mRrjk[k.M 1596943 18.81 963 Uttrakhand
6 gfj;k.kk 4206898 19.90 877 Haryana
7 fnYyh 2937434 21.21 866 Delhi
8 jktLFkku 12041249 21.31 926 Rajasthan
9 mRrj izns'k 33614420 20.23 908 Uttar Pradesh
10 fcgkj 21100943 25.42 916 Bihar
11 flfDde 69726 12.89 889 Sikkim
12 v#.kkapy izns'k 285759 26.03 920 Arunanchal Pradesh
13 ukxkyS.M -11534 -0.58 931 Nagaland
14 ef.kiqj 561898 24.50 987 Manipur
15 fetksje 208633 23.48 975 Mizoram
16 f=iqjk 474714 14.84 961 Tripura
17 es?kky; 648067 27.95 986 Meghalaya
18 vle 4550048 17.07 954 Assam
19 if'pe caxky 11099918 13.84 947 West Bengal
20 >kj[k.M 6042305 22.42 947 Jharkhand
21 mM+hlk 5169558 14.05 978 Orissa
22 NRrhlx<+ 4711395 22.61 991 chhatteesgarh
23 e/; izns'k 12278786 20.35 930 Madhya Pradesh
24 xqtjkr 9768675 19.28 918 Gujrat
25 neu nho 85043 53.76 618 Damam div
26 nknjk ,oa ukxj gosyh 123219 55.88 775 Dadra & Nagar Haveli
27 egkjk"Vª 15495706 15.99 925 Maharastra
28 vkU/kz izns'k 8370770 10.98 992 Andhra Pradesh
29 dukZVd 8244735 15.60 968 Karnataka
30 xksok 110877 8.23 968 Goa
31 y{k}hi 3823 6.30 946 Lakshadweep
32 dsjy 1564687 4.91 1084 Kerla
33 rfeyukMq 9741351 15.61 995 Tamilnadu
34 ikfUMpsjh 273608 28.08 1038 Pondicherry
35 vaneku fudksckj 24429 6.86 878 Andaman & Nicobar
Hkkjr 182117541 17.70 940 India
vuqc)-------- Contd…

1& {ks=Qy ,oa tula[;k @ Area and Population
1-14 & jkT;okj tula[;k dh izeq[k fo'ks"krk;sa
Salient Featuares of Population by States,
izfr oxZ uxjh; tula[;k tkfr@vuqlwfpr
lk{kjrk dk
fd0eh0 dk izfr'kr tutkfr;ksa dk
izfr'kr 2011
tula[;k 2011 2011 dqy tula[;k ls State / Union
jkT;@dsUnz 'kkflr izns'k izfr'kr 2011 territories
Percentage of Percentage of
Population Per Urban S.C./S.Ts. To
Sq.Km. 2011 Population total Population
2011 2011
1 8 9 10 11 1
1 tEew vkSj d'ehj 124 27.38 67.16 19.3 Jammu & Kashmir
2 fgekapy izns'k 123 10.03 82.80 30.9 Himanchal Pradesh
3 iatkc 550 37.48 75.84 31.9 Punjab
4 paMhx<+ 9252 97.25 86.05 18.9 Chandigarh
5 mRrjk[k.M 189 30.23 78.82 21.7 Uttrakhand
6 gfj;k.kk 573 34.88 75.55 20.2 Haryana
7 fnYyh 11297 97.50 86.21 16.8 Delhi
8 jktLFkku 201 24.87 66.11 31.3 Rajasthan
9 mRrj izns'k 828 22.27 67.68 21.3 Uttar Pradesh
10 fcgkj 1102 11.29 61.80 17.2 Bihar
11 flfDde 86 25.15 81.42 38.4 Sikkim
12 v#.kkapy izns'k 17 22.94 65.39 68.8 Arunanchal Pradesh
13 ukxkyS.M 119 28.86 79.60 86.5 Nagaland
14 ef.kiqj 122 32.45 76.90 44.3 Manipur
15 fetksje 52 52.11 91.33 94.5 Mizoram
16 f=iqjk 350 26.17 87.22 49.6 Tripura
17 es?kky; 132 20.07 74.43 86.7 Meghalaya
18 vle 397 14.10 72.19 19.6 Assam
19 if'pe caxky 1029 31.87 76.26 29.3 West Bengal
20 >kj[k.M 414 24.05 66.41 38.3 Jharkhand
21 mM+hlk 269 16.69 72.89 40.0 Orissa
22 NRrhlx<+ 189 23.24 70.28 43.4 chhatteesgarh
23 e/; izns'k 236 27.63 69.32 36.7 Madhya Pradesh
24 xqtjkr 308 42.60 78.03 21.5 Gujrat
25 neu nho 2169 75.17 87.10 8.8 Damam div
26 nknjk ,oa uxj gosyh 698 46.72 76.24 53.8 Dadra & Nagar Haveli
27 egkjk"Vª 365 45.22 82.34 21.2 Maharastra
28 vkU/kz izns'k 308 33.36 67.02 23.4 Andhra Pradesh
29 dukZVd 319 38.67 75.37 24.1 Karnataka
30 xksok 394 62.17 88.70 12.0 Goa
31 y{k}hi 2013 78.07 91.85 94.8 Lakshadweep
32 dsjy 859 47.70 94.00 10.6 Kerla
33 rfeyukMq 555 48.40 80.09 21.1 Tamilnadu
34 ikfUMpsjh 2598 68.33 85.85 15.7 Pondicherry
35 vaneku fudksckj 46 37.70 86.63 7.5 Andaman & Nicobar
Hkkjr 382 31.14 72.99 25.3 India
lzksr%&Hkkjrh; tux.kuk 2011 Source:- Census of India 2011

1& {ks=Qy ,oa tula[;k @ Area and Population
1-15& m-iz- esa ftysokj lk{kj O;fDr ,oa lk{kjrk nj] 2011
Districtwise Literate Persons and Literacy Rate in UP. 2011
lk{kj tula[;k (Literate Population) dqy xzkeh.k tula[;k esa
lk{kj tula[;k dk
tuin xzkeh.k (Rural) izfr'kr District
O;fDr iq#"k L=h % of lit. popn. to
Person Male Female total rural popn.
1 2 3 4 5 1
1 lgkjuiqj 1390046 833060 556986 68.6 Saharanpur
2 eqt¶Qj uxj 1695394 1032545 662849 68.3 Muz. Nagar
3 'kkeyh ** ** ** ** Shamli
4 fctukSj 1596174 942936 653238 68.5 Bijnor
5 eqjknkckn 1407142 879994 527148 53.4 Moradabad
6 laHky ** ** ** ** Sambhal
7 jkeiqj 758979 470606 288373 52.4 Rampur
8 vejksgk 729207 456283 272924 63.4 Amroha
9 esjB 1002668 606760 395908 70.7 Meerut
10 ckxir 626257 388481 237776 71.7 Bagapat
11 xkft;kckn 922310 558355 363955 72.6 Ghaziabad
12 gkiqqM+ ** ** ** ** Hapur
13 xkSrecq} uxj 421928 258660 163268 74.8 G.B. Nagar
14 cqyUn'kgj 1517979 954110 563869 68.7 Bulandshahr
15 vyhx<+ 1382995 876316 506679 67.3 Aligarh
16 gkFkjl 737968 461121 276847 71.5 Hathras
17 eFkqjk 1021669 658485 363184 68.6 Mathura
18 vkxjk 1401109 882241 518868 70.6 Agra
19 fQjkstkckn 1016244 623082 393162 72.6 Firozabad
20 ,Vk 877716 546586 331130 69.7 Etah
21 dklxat 565528 360562 204966 60.0 Kasganj
22 eSuiqjh 1005932 602521 403411 75.4 Mainpuri
23 cnk;wW 1224505 799893 424612 49.6 Badaun
24 cjsyh 1332606 846768 485838 55.9 Bareilly
25 ihyhHkhr 861548 538786 322762 60.7 Pilibhit
26 'kkgtgkWiqj 1156822 725363 431459 58.2 Shahjahanpur
27 [khjh 1746934 1076152 670782 59.0 Kheri
28 lhrkiqj 1952518 1214326 738192 59.6 Sitapur
29 gjnksbZ 1883588 1182280 701308 63.4 Hardoi
30 mUuko 1423118 858153 564965 64.5 Unnao
31 y[kuÅ 900857 533656 367201 67.8 Lucknow
32 jk;cjsyh 1750026 1046389 703637 66.0 Raebareli
33 Q:Z[kkckn 827275 504652 322623 67.8 Farrukhabad
34 dUukSt 846493 506915 339578 73.1 Kannauj
35 bVkok 798203 477378 320825 77.3 Etawah
36 vkSjS;k 755923 449437 306486 77.5 Auraiya
37 dkuiqj nsgkr 1049386 625151 424235 75.3 Kanpur Dehat
38 dkuiqj uxj 1010152 594367 415785 74.7 Kanpur Nagar
39 tkykSu 789966 489075 300891 72.4 Jalaun
vuqo)--------- Contd.........

1& {ks=Qy ,oa tula[;k @ Area and Population
1-15& m-iz- esa ftysokj lk{kj O;fDr ,oa lk{kjrk nj] 2011
Districtwise Literate Persons and Literacy Rate in UP. 2011
lk{kj tula[;k (Literate Population) dqy xzkeh.k tula[;k esa
lk{kj tula[;k dk
tuin xzkeh.k (Rural) izfr'kr District
O;fDr iq#"k L=h % of lit. popn. to total
Person Male Female rural popn.
1 2 3 4 5 1
40 >kWlh 702993 439201 263792 70.2 Jhansi
41 yfyriqj 517428 327392 190036 60.4 Lalitpur
42 gehjiqj 511783 324610 187173 66.8 Hamirpur
43 egksck 369716 232584 137132 63.0 Mahoba
44 ckWnk 811134 519162 291972 64.2 Banda
45 fp=dwV 467692 293502 174190 63.8 Chitrakoot
46 Qrsgiqj 1298742 790476 508266 66.2 Fatehpur
47 izrkix<+ 1809634 1053356 756278 69.5 Pratapgarh
48 dkS'kkEch 739042 464180 274862 60.5 Kausambi
49 iz;kxjkt 2584919 1587083 997836 68.8 Prayagraj
50 ckjkcadh 1493624 899301 594323 60.8 Barabanki
51 v;ks/;k 1209329 703072 506257 66.8 Ayodhya
52 vEcsndj uxj 1299666 743063 556603 71.6 Ambedkar Nagar
53 lqYrkuiqj 2093674 1219195 874479 68.5 Sultanpur
54 vesBh ** ** ** ** Amethi
55 cgjkbp 1230278 785971 444307 47.5 Bahraich
56 JkoLrh 402379 264837 137542 46.1 Shrawasti
57 cyjkeiqj 773010 491213 281797 48.0 Balrampur
58 xks.Mk 1529165 950247 578918 57.4 Gonda
59 fl}kFkZuxj 1131307 685236 446071 58.3 Siddharth Nagar
60 cLrh 1293319 763479 529840 66.3 Basti
61 lardchj uxj 872802 519871 352931 66.0 Sant Kabir Nagar
62 egjktxat 1327176 829484 497692 61.9 Maharajganj
63 xksj[kiqj 2086628 1250910 835718 68.0 Gorakhpur
64 dq'khuxj 1845751 1121845 723906 64.8 Kushi Nagar
65 nsofj;k 1654427 955289 699138 70.1 Deoria
66 vktex<+ 2511143 1416457 1094686 70.3 Azamgarh
67 eÅ 1035752 593606 442146 71.8 Mau
68 cfy;k 1758635 1045031 713604 70.2 Ballia
69 tkSuiqj 2491044 1432198 1058846 70.8 Jaunpur
70 xkthiqj 2007741 1186471 821270 71.1 Ghazipur
71 pUnkSyh 1014020 608563 405457 70.7 Chandauli
72 okjk.klh 1301232 769456 531776 73.4 Varanasi
73 larjfonkl uxj 767870 463952 303918 68.2 Sant Ravidas Nagar
74 fetkZiqj 1201584 733853 467731 67.3 Mirzapur
75 lksuHknz 752876 468097 284779 59.6 Sonbhadra
mRrj izns'k 85284680 51793688 33490992 65.5 Uttar Pradesh

1& {ks=Qy ,oa tula[;k @ Area and Population
1-15& m-iz- esa ftysokj lk{kj O;fDr ,oa lk{kjrk nj] 2011
Districtwise Literate Persons and Literacy Rate in UP. 2011
dqy uxjh; tula[;k esa
lk{kj tula[;k (Literate Population)
lk{kj tula[;k dk
tuin uxjh; (Urban) izfr'kr District
O;fDr iq#"k L=h % of lit. popn. to total
Person Male Female urban popn.
1 6 7 8 9 1
1 lgkjuiqj 687062 387054 300008 74.5 Saharanpur
2 eqt¶Qj uxj 721945 415983 305962 71.0 Muz. Nagar
3 'kkeyh ** ** ** ** Shamli
4 fctukSj 539219 298535 240684 68.3 Bijnor
5 eqjknkckn 856706 477441 379265 63.4 Moradabad
6 laHky ** ** ** ** Sambhal
7 jkeiqj 284687 159802 124885 56.0 Rampur

8 vejksgk 253903 144258 109645 65.1 Amroha

9 esjB 1138820 647760 491060 74.8 Meerut
10 ckxir 171713 101377 70336 73.3 Bagapat
11 xkft;kckn 2200954 1253042 947912 80.6 Ghaziabad
12 gkiqqM+ ** ** ** ** Hapur
13 xkSrecq} uxj 701019 407405 293614 83.7 G.B. Nagar
14 cqyUn'kgj 513677 299204 214473 69.4 Bulandshahr
15 vyhx<+ 709572 407064 302508 67.9 Aligarh
16 gkFkjl 204604 118036 86568 71.9 Hathras
17 eFkqjk 486077 284861 201216 74.5 Mathura
18 vkxjk 1279401 732353 547048 72.7 Agra
19 fQjkstkckn 505562 289232 216330 70.6 Firozabad
20 ,Vk 177486 100456 77030 76.9 Etah
21 dklxat 159322 92241 67081 65.0 Kasganj
22 eSuiqjh 197953 109589 88364 79.3 Mainpuri
23 cnk;wW 322972 186608 136364 59.1 Badaun
24 cjsyh 859153 495929 363224 63.1 Bareilly
25 ihyhHkhr 199547 115504 84043 64.9 Pilibhit
26 'kkgtgkWiqj 334108 189779 144329 64.6 Shahjahanpur
27 [khjh 287110 161005 126105 71.7 Kheri
28 lhrkiqj 331215 183376 147839 72.1 Sitapur
29 gjnksbZ 338013 192307 145706 72.0 Hardoi
30 mUuko 350466 194910 155556 75.1 Unnao
31 y[kuÅ 2226403 1208784 1017619 81.9 Lucknow
32 jk;cjsyh 215817 119576 96241 79.0 Raebareli
33 Q:Z[kkckn 265402 150175 115227 73.4 Farrukhabad
34 dUukSt 170594 96681 73913 71.0 Kannauj
35 bVkok 263800 146205 117595 82.0 Etawah
36 vkSjS;k 174913 96761 78152 85.7 Auraiya
37 dkuiqj nsgkr 120857 67813 53044 80.0 Kanpur Dehat
38 dkuiqj uxj 2232870 1234812 998058 82.1 Kanpur Nagar
39 tkykSu 285230 164355 120875 77.6 Jalaun

vuqo)--------- Contd.........

1& {ks=Qy ,oa tula[;k @ Area and Population
1-15& m-iz- esa ftysokj lk{kj O;fDr ,oa lk{kjrk nj] 2011
Districtwise Literate Persons and Literacy Rate in UP. 2011
dqy uxjh; tula[;k esa
lk{kj tula[;k (Literate Population)
lk{kj tula[;k dk
tuin uxjh; (Urban) izfr'kr District
O;fDr iq#"k L=h % of lit. popn. to total
Person Male Female urban popn.
1 6 7 8 9 1
40 >kWlh 601520 344504 257016 81.6 Jhansi
41 yfyriqj 123763 70194 53569 81.2 Lalitpur
42 gehjiqj 141516 83515 58001 77.0 Hamirpur
43 egksck 118390 69699 48691 73.6 Mahoba
44 ckWnk 191803 111464 80339 79.9 Banda
45 fp=dwV 63380 36837 26543 76.3 Chitrakoot
46 Qrsgiqj 213424 120527 92897 75.7 Fatehpur
47 izrkix<+ 121925 68025 53900 79.5 Pratapgarh
48 dkS'kkEch 74382 43099 31283 70.1 Kausambi
49 iz;kxjkt 1080808 612257 468551 82.5 Prayagraj
50 ckjkcadh 198834 111217 87617 69.5 Barabanki
51 v;ks/;k 241572 135267 106305 80.0 Ayodhya
52 vEcsndj uxj 187273 103613 83660 76.9 Ambedkar Nagar
53 lqYrkuiqj 146228 81053 65175 83.1 Sultanpur
54 vesBh ** ** ** ** Amethi
55 cgjkbp 168090 92314 75776 68.8 Bahraich
56 JkoLrh 20934 11863 9071 63.7 Shrawasti
57 cyjkeiqj 95347 53730 41617 66.7 Balrampur
58 xks.Mk 150829 83934 66895 76.7 Gonda
59 fl}kFkZuxj 97619 55482 42137 72.1 Siddharth Nagar
60 cLrh 100464 56240 44224 82.5 Basti
61 lardchj uxj 82147 47227 34920 75.1 Sant Kabir Nagar
62 egjktxat 91968 52190 39778 78.3 Maharajganj
63 xksj[kiqj 613700 342980 270720 82.4 Gorakhpur
64 dq'khuxj 109069 61877 47192 74.9 Kushi Nagar
65 nsofj;k 220812 123999 96813 80.0 Deoria
66 vktex<+ 260774 142957 117817 77.3 Azamgarh
67 eÅ 327292 179476 147816 77.5 Mau
68 cfy;k 204955 115929 89026 77.6 Ballia
69 tkSuiqj 240633 133196 107437 80.2 Jaunpur
70 xkthiqj 189808 107082 82726 80.3 Ghazipur
71 pUnkSyh 160586 90891 69695 76.7 Chandauli
72 okjk.klh 1102671 619660 483011 78.4 Varanasi
73 larjfonkl uxj 142276 82830 59446 73.2 Sant Ravidas Nagar
74 fetkZiqj 227099 131984 95115 75.5 Mirzapur
75 lksuHknz 232832 133891 98941 84.3 Sonbhadra

mRrj izns'k Uttar Pradesh

29112875 16441276 12671599 75.1

1& {ks=Qy ,oa tula[;k @ Area and Population
1-15& m-iz- esa ftysokj lk{kj O;fDr ,oa lk{kjrk nj] 2011
Districtwise Literate Persons and Literacy Rate in UP. 2011

lk{kj tula[;k (Literate Population) dqy tula[;k esa lk{kj

dqy tula[;k dk izfr'kr
tuin (Total) District
O;fDr iq#"k L=h % of lit. popn to total
Person Male Female popn
1 10 11 12 13 1
1 lgkjuiqj 2077108 1220114 856994 70.5 Saharanpur
2 eqt¶Qj uxj 2417339 1448528 968811 69.1 Muz. Nagar
3 'kkeyh ** ** ** ** Shamli
4 fctukSj 2135393 1241471 893922 68.5 Bijnor
5 eqjknkckn 2263848 1357435 906413 56.8 Moradabad
6 laHky ** ** ** ** Sambhal
7 jkeiqj 1043666 630408 413258 53.3 Rampur

8 vejksgk 983110 600541 382569 63.8 J.P. Nagar

9 esjB 2141488 1254520 886968 72.8 Meerut

10 ckxir 797970 489858 308112 72.0 Bagapat
11 xkft;kckn 3123264 1811397 1311867 78.1 Ghaziabad
12 gkiqqM+ ** ** ** ** Hapur
13 xkSrecq} uxj 1122947 666065 456882 80.1 G.B. Nagar
14 cqyUn'kgj 2031656 1253314 778342 68.9 Bulandshahr
15 vyhx<+ 2092567 1283380 809187 67.5 Aligarh
16 gkFkjl 942572 579157 363415 71.6 Mahamaya Nagar
17 eFkqjk 1507746 943346 564400 70.4 Mathura
18 vkxjk 2680510 1614594 1065916 71.6 Agra
19 fQjkstkckn 1521806 912314 609492 71.9 Firozabad
20 ,Vk 1055202 647042 408160 70.8 Etah
21 dklxat 724850 452803 272047 61.0 Kanshiram Nagar
22 eSuiqjh 1203885 712110 491775 76.0 Mainpuri
23 cnk;wW 1547477 986501 560976 51.3 Badaun
24 cjsyh 2191759 1342697 849062 58.5 Bareilly
25 ihyhHkhr 1061095 654290 406805 61.5 Pilibhit
26 'kkgtgkWiqj 1490930 915142 575788 59.5 Shahjahanpur
27 [khjh 2034044 1237157 796887 60.6 Kheri
28 lhrkiqj 2283733 1397702 886031 61.1 Sitapur
29 gjnksbZ 2221601 1374587 847014 64.6 Hardoi
30 mUuko 1773584 1053063 720521 66.4 Unnao
31 y[kuÅ 3127260 1742440 1384820 77.3 Lucknow
32 jk;cjsyh 1965843 1165965 799878 67.3 Raibareli
33 Q:Z[kkckn 1092677 654827 437850 69.0 Farrukhabad
34 dUukSt 1017087 603596 413491 72.7 Kannauj
35 bVkok 1062003 623583 438420 78.4 Etawah
36 vkSjS;k 930836 546198 384638 78.9 Auraiya
37 dkuiqj nsgkr 1170243 692964 477279 75.8 Ramabai Nagar
38 dkuiqj uxj 3243022 1829179 1413843 79.7 Kanpur Nagar
39 tkykSu 1075196 653430 421766 73.7 Jalaun
vuqo)--------- Contd…..

1& {ks=Qy ,oa tula[;k @ Area and Population
1-15& m-iz- esa ftysokj lk{kj O;fDr ,oa lk{kjrk nj] 2011
Districtwise Literate Persons and Literacy Rate in UP. 2011

lk{kj tula[;k (Literate Population) dqy tula[;k esa lk{kj

dqy tula[;k dk izfr'kr
tuin (Total) District
O;fDr iq#"k L=h % of lit. popn to total
Person Male Female popn
1 10 11 12 13 1
40 >kWlh 1304513 783705 520808 75.0 Jhansi
41 yfyriqj 641191 397586 243605 63.5 Lalitpur
42 gehjiqj 653299 408125 245174 68.8 Hamirpur
43 egksck 488106 302283 185823 65.3 Mahoba
44 ckWnk 1002937 630626 372311 66.7 Banda
45 fp=dwV 531072 330339 200733 65.0 Chitrakoot
46 Qrsgiqj 1512166 911003 601163 67.4 Fatehpur
47 izrkix<+ 1931559 1121381 810178 70.1 Pratapgarh
48 dkS'kkEch 813424 507279 306145 61.3 Kausambi
49 iz;kxjkt 3665727 2199340 1466387 72.3 Prayagraj
50 ckjkcadh 1692458 1010518 681940 61.7 Barabanki
51 v;ks/;k 1450901 838339 612562 68.7 Ayodhya
52 vEcsndj uxj 1486939 846676 640263 72.2 Ambedkar Nagar
53 lqYrkuiqj 2239902 1300248 939654 69.3 Sultanpur
54 vesBh ** ** ** ** Amethi
55 cgjkbp 1398368 878285 520083 49.4 Bahraich
56 JkoLrh 423313 276700 146613 46.7 Shrawasti
57 cyjkeiqj 868357 544943 323414 49.5 Balrampur
58 xks.Mk 1679994 1034181 645813 58.7 Gonda
59 fl}kFkZuxj 1228926 740718 488208 59.2 Siddharth Nagar
60 cLrh 1393783 819719 574064 67.2 Basti
61 lardchj uxj 954949 567098 387851 66.7 Sant Kabir Nagar
62 egjktxat 1419144 881674 537470 62.8 Maharajganj
63 xksj[kiqj 2700328 1593890 1106438 70.8 Gorakhpur
64 dq'khuxj 1954820 1183722 771098 65.2 Kushi Nagar
65 nsofj;k 1875239 1079288 795951 71.1 Deoria
66 vktex<+ 2771917 1559414 1212503 70.9 Azamgarh
67 eÅ 1363044 773082 589962 73.1 Mau
68 cfy;k 1963590 1160960 802630 70.9 Ballia
69 tkSuiqj 2731677 1565394 1166283 71.5 Jaunpur
70 xkthiqj 2197549 1293553 903996 71.8 Ghazipur
71 pUnkSyh 1174606 699454 475152 71.5 Chandauli
72 okjk.klh 2403903 1389116 1014787 75.6 Varanasi
73 larjfonkl uxj 910146 546782 363364 69.0 Sant Ravidas Nagar
74 fetkZiqj 1428683 865837 562846 68.5 Mirzapur
75 lksuHknz 985708 601988 383720 64.0 Sonbhadra
mRrj izns'k 114397555 68234964 46162591 67.7 Uttar Pradesh
** ekr` tuin esa lfEefyr ** Included in Mother District

lzksr%& Hkkjrh; tux.kuk 2011 Source:- Census of India 2011

1& {ks=Qy ,oa tula[;k @ Area and Population
1-16& m-iz- esa ftysokj vuqlwfpr tkfr;ksa ds lk{kj O;fDr ,oa lk{kjrk nj] 2011
DistrictwiseLiterate Persons and Literacy Rate of scheduled castes in UP., 2011
lk{kj tula[;k (Literate Population) vuqlwfpr tkfr esa
xzkeh.k (Rural)
lk{kjrk izfr'kr
tuin District
O;fDr iq#"k L=h % lit. in Sch.
Person Male Female Caste

1 2 3 4 5 1
1 lgkjuiqj 367831 226503 141328 69.47 Saharanpur
2 eqt¶Qj uxj 260600 163762 96838 66.83 Muz. Nagar
3 'kkeyh ** ** ** ** Shamli
4 fctukSj 404093 246919 157174 67.02 Bijnor
5 eqjknkckn 262060 166071 95989 54.61 Moradabad
6 laHky ** ** ** ** Sambhal
7 jkeiqj 128021 80402 47619 55.96 Rampur
8 vejksgk 143173 90467 52706 62.91 Amroha
9 esjB 205198 127188 78010 70.03 Meerut
10 ckxir 71020 45489 25531 66.36 Bagapat
11 xkft;kckn 172432 106696 65736 71.41 Ghaziabad
12 gkiqM
q + ** ** ** ** Hapur
13 xkSrecq} uxj 75811 47816 27995 70.41 G.B. Nagar
14 cqyUn'kgj 322582 209150 113432 63.96 Bulandshahr
15 vyhx<+ 290076 188642 101434 62.23 Aligarh
16 gkFkjl 171844 109940 61904 65.58 Hathras
17 eFkqjk 209063 136669 72394 63.92 Mathura
18 vkxjk 267739 172135 95604 64.98 Agra
19 fQjkstkckn 187899 116410 71489 68.12 Firozabad
20 ,Vk 127,841 81,474 46,367 63.53 Etah
21 dklxat 97,761 63,359 34,402 54.35 Kasganj
22 eSuiqjh 179535 110251 69284 68.52 Mainpuri
23 cnk;wW 216256 141123 75133 48.55 Badaun
24 cjsyh 206292 130638 75654 57.06 Bareilly
25 ihyhHkhr 147302 92901 54401 58.39 Pilibhit
26 'kkgtgkWiqj 207964 132441 75523 53.56 Shahjahanpur
27 [khjh 457376 286270 171106 54.58 Kheri
28 lhrkiqj 624815 395797 229018 54.70 Sitapur
29 gjnksbZ 572533 370381 202152 57.35 Hardoi
30 mUuko 425258 260922 164336 57.77 Unnao
31 y[kuÅ 306120 186418 119702 60.66 Lucknow
32 jk;cjsyh 460500 280906 179594 55.87 Raebareli
33 Q:Z[kkckn 121506 76737 44769 58.69 Farrukhabad
34 dUukSt 144142 89468 54674 63.60 Kannauj
35 bVkok 195857 119763 76094 72.03 Etawah
36 vkSjS;k 207348 126569 80779 71.22 Auraiya
37 dkuiqj nsgkr 242479 149471 93008 67.33 Kanpur Dehat
38 dkuiqj uxj 244062 148860 95202 66.17 Kanpur Nagar
39 tkykSu 212070 136506 75564 67.57 Jalaun
vuqo)--------- Contd…

1& {ks=Qy ,oa tula[;k @ Area and Population
1-16& m-iz- esa ftysokj vuqlwfpr tkfr;ksa ds lk{kj O;fDr ,oa lk{kjrk nj] 2011
DistrictwiseLiterate Persons and Literacy Rate of scheduled castes in U.P., 2011
lk{kj tula[;k (Literate Population) vuqlwfpr tkfr esa
xzkeh.k (Rural)
lk{kjrk izfr'kr
tuin District
O;fDr iq#"k L=h % lit. in Sch.
Person Male Female Caste

1 2 3 4 5 1
40 >kWlh 205383 132680 72703 64.95 Jhansi
41 yfyriqj 98628 63201 35427 56.78 Lalitpur
42 gehjiqj 101615 66453 35162 60.63 Hamirpur
43 egksck 88505 56830 31675 56.10 Mahoba
44 ckWnk 156520 102377 54143 56.10 Banda
45 fp=dwV 107420 67791 39629 54.77 Chitrakoot
46 Qrsgiqj 292810 182698 110112 58.26 Fatehpur
47 izrkix<+ 352432 208816 143616 60.44 Pratapgarh
48 dkS'kkEch 213469 138702 74767 49.67 Kausambi
49 iz;kxjkt 527793 333359 194434 58.20 Prayagraj
50 ckjkcadh 363245 225660 137585 52.87 Barabanki
51 v;ks/;k 244892 146564 98328 56.67 Ayodhya
52 vEcsndj uxj 312202 182837 129365 65.70 Ambedkar Nagar
53 lqYrkuiqj 396665 239843 156822 57.48 Sultanpur
54 vesBh ** ** ** ** Amethi
55 cgjkbp 169639 110915 58724 42.79 Bahraich
56 JkoLrh 61733 41175 20558 40.82 Shrawasti
57 cyjkeiqj 86807 57731 29076 40.12 Balrampur
58 xks.Mk 202912 130171 72741 48.12 Gonda
59 fl}kFkZuxj 163058 102379 60679 52.12 Siddharth Nagar
60 cLrh 244782 147709 97073 60.22 Basti
61 lardchj uxj 175826 107843 67983 60.50 Sant Kabir Nagar
62 egjktxat 229162 144349 84813 57.67 Maharajganj
63 xksj[kiqj 446904 274751 172153 62.50 Gorakhpur
64 dq'khuxj 251280 157217 94063 56.89 Kushi Nagar
65 nsofj;k 233477 140793 92684 63.30 Deoria
66 vktex<+ 603554 351352 252202 63.87 Azamgarh
67 eÅ 242655 142576 100079 68.22 Mau
68 cfy;k 257202 159460 97742 65.33 Ballia
69 tkSuiqj 509471 304355 205116 63.77 Jaunpur
70 xkthiqj 376506 231766 144740 64.72 Ghazipur
71 pUnkSyh 206478 129960 76518 61.24 Chandauli
72 okjk.klh 192840 118543 74297 64.57 Varanasi
73 larjfonkl uxj 152751 96598 56153 58.40 Sant Ravidas Nagar
74 fetkZijq 277180 175086 102094 56.14 Mirzapur
75 lksuHknz 171416 107261 64155 55.14 Sonbhadra
mRrj izns'k 17653671 10994315 6659356 59.80 Uttar Pradesh
vuqo)--------- Contd…

1& {ks=Qy ,oa tula[;k @ Area and Population
1-16& m-iz- esa ftysokj vuqlwfpr tkfr;ksa ds lk{kj O;fDr ,oa lk{kjrk nj] 2011
DistrictwiseLiterate Persons and Literacy Rate of scheduled castes in UP., 2011
lk{kj tula[;k (Literate Population) vuqlwfpr tkfr esa
uxjh; (Urban)
lk{kjrk izfr'kr
tuin District
O;fDr iq#"k L=h % lit.in Sch.
Person Male Female Caste

1 6 7 8 9 1
1 lgkjuiqj 90510 53096 37414 76.07 Saharanpur
2 eqt¶Qj uxj 62471 37565 24906 70.32 Muz. Nagar
3 'kkeyh ** ** ** ** Shamli
4 fctukSj 40315 23817 16498 66.20 Bijnor
5 eqjknkckn 79133 46469 32664 62.17 Moradabad
6 laHky ** ** ** ** Sambhal
7 jkeiqj 15308 9109 6199 59.46 Rampur
8 vejksgk 23203 13966 9237 65.57 Amroha
9 esjB 176749 104828 71921 73.73 Meerut
10 ckxir 14162 8674 5488 71.85 Bagapat
11 xkft;kckn 311703 184807 126896 74.60 Ghaziabad
12 gkiqM
q + ** ** ** ** Hapur
13 xkSrecq} uxj 52513 32362 20151 71.64 G.B. Nagar
14 cqyUn'kgj 66000 40282 25718 65.37 Bulandshahr
15 vyhx<+ 98766 59940 38826 61.03 Aligarh
16 gkFkjl 35447 21649 13798 60.78 Hathras
17 eFkqjk 55445 34431 21014 61.96 Mathura
18 vkxjk 259973 155607 104366 62.17 Agra
19 fQjkstkckn 78776 47298 31478 66.14 Firozabad
20 ,Vk 19,552 11,670 7,882 65.76 Etah
21 dklxat 14,441 8,903 5,538 54.88 Kasganj
22 eSuiqjh 28686 16612 12074 69.67 Mainpuri
23 cnk;wW 30083 18482 11601 52.36 Badaun
24 cjsyh 65728 38655 27073 66.27 Bareilly
25 ihyhHkhr 16300 9711 6589 64.69 Pilibhit
26 'kkgtgkWiqj 28029 16654 11375 61.01 Shahjahanpur
27 [khjh 21028 12502 8526 57.81 Kheri
28 lhrkiqj 28247 16676 11571 62.63 Sitapur
29 gjnksbZ 36031 21823 14208 64.39 Hardoi
30 mUuko 43596 25066 18530 66.78 Unnao
31 y[kuÅ 222982 128236 94746 71.83 Lucknow
32 jk;cjsyh 25251 14998 10253 63.22 Raebareli
33 Q:Z[kkckn 30303 18256 12047 63.40 Farrukhabad
34 dUukSt 15161 8993 6168 56.78 Kannauj
35 bVkok 38272 22244 16028 74.63 Etawah
36 vkSjS;k 27233 15814 11419 77.98 Auraiya
37 dkuiqj nsgkr 16434 9744 6690 68.37 Kanpur Dehat
38 dkuiqj uxj 239569 140039 99530 71.03 Kanpur Nagar
39 tkykSu 57963 35376 22587 71.93 Jalaun
vuqo)--------- Contd…

1& {ks=Qy ,oa tula[;k @ Area and Population
1-16& m-iz- esa ftysokj vuqlwfpr tkfr;ksa ds lk{kj O;fDr ,oa lk{kjrk nj] 2011
DistrictwiseLiterate Persons and Literacy Rate of scheduled castes in U.P., 2011
lk{kj tula[;k (Literate Population) vuqlwfpr tkfr esa
uxjh; (Urban)
lk{kjrk izfr'kr
tuin District
O;fDr iq#"k L=h % lit. in Sch.
Person Male Female Caste

1 6 7 8 9 1
40 >kWlh 124656 74470 50186 75.63 Jhansi
41 yfyriqj 16334 9641 6693 75.05 Lalitpur
42 gehjiqj 24625 15525 9100 67.73 Hamirpur
43 egksck 17668 11125 6543 64.48 Mahoba
44 ckWnk 24783 15215 9568 66.68 Banda
45 fp=dwV 8870 5465 3405 54.81 Chitrakoot
46 Qrsgiqj 25147 15335 9812 62.26 Fatehpur
47 izrkix<+ 10356 6034 4322 66.60 Pratapgarh
48 dkS'kkEch 8755 5623 3132 47.01 Kausambi
49 iz;kxjkt 121213 71542 49671 68.60 Prayagraj
50 ckjkcadh 13640 8270 5370 52.61 Barabanki
51 v;ks/;k 20729 11942 8787 66.93 Aypdhya
52 vEcsndj uxj 16173 9351 6822 67.18 Ambedkar Nagar
53 lqYrkuiqj 10835 6448 4387 66.92 Sultanpur
54 vesBh ** ** ** ** Amethi
55 cgjkbp 7333 4374 2959 57.24 Bahraich
56 JkoLrh 621 380 241 54.47 Shrawasti
57 cyjkeiqj 3591 2208 1383 49.08 Balrampur
58 xks.Mk 8816 5263 3553 63.53 Gonda
59 fl}kFkZuxj 7675 4797 2878 58.32 Siddharth Nagar
60 cLrh 10364 6311 4053 60.07 Basti
61 lardchj uxj 7792 4890 2902 59.98 Sant Kabir Nagar
62 egjktxat 8602 5232 3370 59.08 Maharajganj
63 xksj[kiqj 53608 32068 21540 70.22 Gorakhpur
64 dq'khuxj 5678 3441 2237 61.08 Kushi Nagar
65 nsofj;k 14613 8939 5674 62.22 Deoria
66 vktex<+ 26906 16025 10881 65.56 Azamgarh
67 eÅ 28799 17077 11722 65.89 Mau
68 cfy;k 14293 8947 5346 61.05 Ballia
69 tkSuiqj 16796 10139 6657 64.78 Jaunpur
70 xkthiqj 15412 9338 6074 68.81 Ghazipur
71 pUnkSyh 19231 11612 7619 66.84 Chandauli
72 okjk.klh 75617 45203 30414 68.03 Varanasi
73 larjfonkl uxj 14116 9030 5086 57.10 Sant Ravidas Nagar
74 fetkZijq 23939 15132 8807 60.02 Mirzapur
75 lksuHknz 21851 13280 8571 69.47 Sonbhadra
mRrj izns'k 3294800 1964026 1330774 67.47 Uttar Pradesh
vuqo)--------- Contd…

1& {ks=Qy ,oa tula[;k @ Area and Population
1-16& m-iz- esa ftysokj vuqlwfpr tkfr;ksa dss lk{kj O;fDr ,oa lk{kjrk nj] 2011
DistrictwiseLiterate Persons and Literacy Rate of scheduled castes in U.P., 2011
lk{kj tula[;k (Literate Population) vuqlwfpr tkfr esa
dqy (Total)
lk{kjrk izfr'kr
tuin District
O;fDr iq#"k L=h % lit. in Sch.
Person Male Female Caste

1 10 11 12 13 1
1 lgkjuiqj 458341 279599 178742 70.68 Saharanpur
2 eqt¶Qj uxj 323071 201327 121744 67.48 Muz. Nagar
3 'kkeyh ** ** ** ** Shamli
4 fctukSj 444408 270736 173672 66.94 Bijnor
5 eqjknkckn 341193 212540 128653 56.19 Moradabad
6 laHky ** ** ** ** Sambhal
7 jkeiqj 143329 89511 53818 56.31 Rampur
8 vejksgk 166376 104433 61943 63.27 Amroha
9 esjB 381947 232016 149931 71.69 Meerut
10 ckxir 85182 54163 31019 67.22 Bagapat
11 xkft;kckn 484135 291503 192632 73.43 Ghaziabad
12 gkiqM
q + ** ** ** ** Hapur
13 xkSrecq} uxj 128324 80178 48146 70.91 G.B. Nagar
14 cqyUn'kgj 388582 249432 139150 64.20 Bulandshahr
15 vyhx<+ 388842 248582 140260 61.92 Aligarh
16 gkFkjl 207291 131589 75702 64.71 Hathras
17 eFkqjk 264508 171100 93408 63.50 Mathura
18 vkxjk 527712 327742 199970 63.57 Agra
19 fQjkstkckn 266675 163708 102967 67.52 Firozabad
20 ,Vk 147,393 93,144 54,249 63.82 Etah
21 dklxat 112,202 72,262 39,940 54.41 Kasganj
22 eSuiqjh 208221 126863 81358 68.68 Mainpuri
23 cnk;wW 246339 159605 86734 48.98 Badaun
24 cjsyh 272020 169293 102727 59.04 Bareilly
25 ihyhHkhr 163602 102612 60990 58.96 Pilibhit
26 'kkgtgkWiqj 235993 149095 86898 54.34 Shahjahanpur
27 [khjh 478404 298772 179632 54.71 Kheri
28 lhrkiqj 653062 412473 240589 55.00 Sitapur
29 gjnksbZ 608564 392204 216360 57.72 Hardoi
30 mUuko 468854 285988 182866 58.50 Unnao
31 y[kuÅ 529102 314654 214448 64.91 Lucknow
32 jk;cjsyh 485751 295904 189847 56.21 Raebareli
33 Q:Z[kkckn 151809 94993 56816 59.57 Farrukhabad
34 dUukSt 159303 98461 60842 62.88 Kannauj
35 bVkok 234129 142007 92122 72.44 Etawah
36 vkSjS;k 234581 142383 92198 71.95 Auraiya
37 dkuiqj nsgkr 258913 159215 99698 67.40 Kanpur Dehat
38 dkuiqj uxj 483631 288899 194732 68.49 Kanpur Nagar
39 tkykSu 270033 171882 98151 68.46 Jalaun
vuqo)--------- Contd…

1& {ks=Qy ,oa tula[;k @ Area and Population
1-16& m-iz- esa ftysokj vuqlwfpr tkfr;ksa ds lk{kj O;fDr ,oa lk{kjrk nj] 2011
Districtwise Literate Persons and Literacy Rate of scheduled castes in U.P., 2011
lk{kj tula[;k (Literate Population) vuqlwfpr tkfr esa
dqy (Total)
lk{kjrk izfr'kr
tuin District
O;fDr iq#"k L=h % lit. in Sch.
Person Male Female Caste

1 10 11 12 13 1
40 >kWlh 330039 207150 122889 68.61 Jhansi
41 yfyriqj 114962 72842 42120 58.81 Lalitpur
42 gehjiqj 126240 81978 44262 61.90 Hamirpur
43 egksck 106173 67955 38218 57.34 Mahoba
44 ckWnk 181303 117592 63711 57.34 Banda
45 fp=dwV 116290 73256 43034 54.77 Chitrakoot
46 Qrsgiqj 317957 198033 119924 58.56 Fatehpur
47 izrkix<+ 362788 214850 147938 60.60 Pratapgarh
48 dkS'kkEch 222224 144325 77899 49.56 Kausambi
49 iz;kxjkt 649006 404901 244105 59.89 Prayagraj
50 ckjkcadh 376885 233930 142955 52.86 Barabanki
51 v;ks/;k 265621 158506 107115 57.35 Ayodhya
52 vEcsndj uxj 328375 192188 136187 65.77 Ambedkar Nagar
53 lqYrkuiqj 407500 246291 161209 57.70 Sultanpur
54 vesBh ** ** ** ** Amethi
55 cgjkbp 176972 115289 61683 43.24 Bahraich
56 JkoLrh 62354 41555 20799 40.92 Shrawasti
57 cyjkeiqj 90398 59939 30459 40.41 Balrampur
58 xks.Mk 211728 135434 76294 48.61 Gonda
59 fl}kFkZuxj 170733 107176 63557 52.37 Siddharth Nagar
60 cLrh 255146 154020 101126 60.21 Basti
61 lardchj uxj 183618 112733 70885 60.48 Sant Kabir Nagar
62 egjktxat 237764 149581 88183 57.72 Maharajganj
63 xksj[kiqj 500512 306819 193693 63.24 Gorakhpur
64 dq'khuxj 256958 160658 96300 56.97 Kushi Nagar
65 nsofj;k 248090 149732 98358 63.24 Deoria
66 vktex<+ 630460 367377 263083 63.94 Azamgarh
67 eÅ 271454 159653 111801 67.96 Mau
68 cfy;k 271495 168407 103088 65.09 Ballia
69 tkSuiqj 526267 314494 211773 63.80 Jaunpur
70 xkthiqj 391918 241104 150814 64.87 Ghazipur
71 pUnkSyh 225709 141572 84137 61.68 Chandauli
72 okjk.klh 268457 163746 104711 65.51 Varanasi
73 larjfonkl uxj 166867 105628 61239 58.29 Sant Ravidas Nagar
74 fetkZijq 301119 190218 110901 56.43 Mirzapur
75 lksuHknz 193267 120541 72726 56.45 Sonbhadra
mRrj izns'k 20948471 12958341 7990130 60.89 Uttar Pradesh
** ekr` tuin esa lfEefyr ** Included in Mother District

lzksr%& Hkkjrh; tux.kuk 2011 Source:- Census of India 2011

1& {ks=Qy ,oa tula[;k @ Area and Population
1-17& m-iz- esa ftysokj vuqlwfpr tu tkfr;ksa ds lk{kj O;fDr ,oa lk{kjrk nj] 2011
Districtwise Literate Persons and Literacy Rate of Scheduled tribes in UP. 2011
lk{kj tula[;k dk
lk{kj tula[;k (Literate Population)
dqy xzkeh.k tutkfr
tuin xzkeh.k (Rural) tula[;k ls izfr'kr District
O;fDr iq#"k L=h %. of lit. to total rural
Scheduled tribes
Person Male Female popn.
1 2 3 4 5 1
1 lgkjuiqj 88 47 41 68.22 Saharanpur
2 eqt¶Qj uxj 121 74 47 59.02 Muz. Nagar
3 'kkeyh ** ** ** ** Shamli
4 fctukSj 1298 821 477 51.51 Bijnor
5 eqjknkckn 77 58 19 50.99 Moradabad
6 laHky ** ** ** ** Sambhal
7 jkeiqj 49 37 12 45.79 Rampur
8 vejksgk 8 4 4 36.36 Amroha
9 esjB 118 79 39 62.43 Meerut
10 ckxir 4 4 0 40.00 Bagapat
11 xkft;kckn 320 191 129 63.87 Ghaziabad
12 gkiqqM+ ** ** ** ** Hapur
13 xkSrecq} uxj 112 67 45 61.54 G.B. Nagar
14 cqyUn'kgj 21 18 3 63.64 Bulandshahr
15 vyhx<+ 150 99 51 66.67 Aligarh
16 gkFkjl 102 67 35 51.00 Hathras
17 eFkqjk 144 93 51 58.06 Mathura
18 vkxjk 481 296 185 54.29 Agra
19 fQjkstkckn 71 38 33 72.45 Firozabad
20 ,Vk 27 18 9 87.10 Etah
21 dklxat 45 31 14 50.56 Kasganj
22 eSuiqjh 325 195 130 80.45 Mainpuri
23 cnk;wW 5 2 3 83.33 Badaun
24 cjsyh 175 99 76 58.72 Bareilly
25 ihyhHkhr 707 427 280 54.85 Pilibhit
26 'kkgtgkWiqj 84 44 40 44.21 Shahjahanpur
27 [khjh 24667 14953 9714 56.54 Kheri
28 lhrkiqj 548 362 186 53.73 Sitapur
29 gjnksbZ 161 103 58 60.98 Hardoi
30 mUuko 709 480 229 36.97 Unnao
31 y[kuÅ 376 235 141 46.94 Lucknow
32 jk;cjsyh 472 289 183 42.29 Raebareli
33 Q:Z[kkckn 44 31 13 36.07 Farrukhabad
34 dUukSt 10 6 4 83.33 Kannauj
35 bVkok 36 26 10 62.07 Etawah
36 vkSjS;k 46 33 13 71.88 Auraiya
37 dkuiqj nsgkr 296 195 101 48.84 Kanpur Dehat
38 dkuiqj uxj 202 143 59 52.06 Kanpur Nagar
39 tkykSu 295 178 117 60.70 Jalaun
40 >kWlh 673 433 240 42.19 Jhansi
vuqo)--------- Contd.........

1& {ks=Qy ,oa tula[;k @ Area and Population
1-17& m-iz- esa ftysokj vuqlwfpr tu tkfr;ksa ds lk{kj O;fDr ,oa lk{kjrk nj] 2011
Districtwise Literate Persons and Literacy Rate of Scheduled tribes in UP. 2011
lk{kj tula[;k dk
lk{kj tula[;k (Literate Population)
dqy xzkeh.k tutkfr
tuin xzkeh.k (Rural) tula[;k ls izfr'kr District
O;fDr iq#"k L=h %. of lit. to total rural
Scheduled tribes
Person Male Female popn.
1 2 3 4 5 1
41 yfyriqj 16205 10606 5599 30.52 Lalitpur
42 gehjiqj 27 19 8 65.85 Hamirpur
43 egksck 98 73 25 49.00 Mahoba
44 ckWnk 27 16 11 56.25 Banda
45 fp=dwV 169 91 78 58.48 Chitrakoot
46 Qrsgiqj 124 88 36 49.01 Fatehpur
47 izrkix<+ 147 85 62 38.89 Pratapgarh
48 dkS'kkEch 12 10 2 14.12 Kausambi
49 iz;kxjkt 1944 1248 696 50.28 Prayagraj
50 ckjkcadh 130 87 43 31.33 Barabanki
51 v;ks/;k 442 247 195 70.61 Ayodhya
52 vEcsndj uxj 399 254 145 69.15 Ambedkar Nagar
53 lqYrkuiqj 340 200 140 59.03 Sultanpur
54 vesBh ** ** ** ** Amethi
55 cgjkbp 4122 2509 1613 45.37 Bahraich
56 JkoLrh 1948 1244 704 43.04 Shrawasti
57 cyjkeiqj 10057 6522 3535 50.59 Balrampur
58 xks.Mk 182 115 67 35.55 Gonda
59 fl}kFkZuxj 4716 2914 1802 55.59 Siddharth Nagar
60 cLrh 1845 1104 741 68.03 Basti
61 lardchj uxj 862 529 333 66.87 Sant Kabir Nagar
62 egjktxat 8336 5131 3205 65.87 Maharajganj
63 xksj[kiqj 8775 5146 3629 71.01 Gorakhpur
64 dq'khuxj 40279 24869 15410 63.01 Kushi Nagar
65 nsofj;k 57913 33874 24039 67.03 Deoria
66 vktex<+ 4780 2775 2005 69.18 Azamgarh
67 eÅ 13197 7367 5830 73.50 Mau
68 cfy;k 55478 33415 22063 66.70 Ballia
69 tkSuiqj 2328 1372 956 62.72 Jaunpur
70 xkthiqj 16380 9663 6717 71.83 Ghazipur
71 pUnkSyh 21761 13084 8677 69.06 Chandauli
72 okjk.klh 11099 6737 4362 68.84 Varanasi
73 larjfonkl uxj 880 555 325 59.26 Sant Ravidas Nagar
74 fetkZiqj 8927 5528 3399 57.32 Mirzapur
75 lksuHknz 130052 85357 44695 43.75 Sonbhadra
mRrj izns'k 457048 283110 173938 54.48 Uttar Pradesh
** ekr` tuin esa lfEefyr ** Included in Mother District
lzksr%& Hkkjrh; tux.kuk 2011 Source:- Census of India 2011

1& {ks=Qy ,oa tula[;k @ Area and Population
1-17& m-iz- esa ftysokj vuqlwfpr tu tkfr;ksa ds lk{kj O;fDr ,oa lk{kjrk nj] 2011
Districtwise Literate Persons and Literacy Rate of Scheduled tribes in UP. 2011

lk{kj tula[;k (Literate Population) lk{kj tula[;k dk dqy

uxjh; tutkfr tula[;k
uxjh; (Urban) ls izfr'kr
tuin District
O;fDr iq#"k L=h Per. of lit. to total urban
Scheduled Tribes
Person Male Female popn.
1 6 7 8 9 1
1 lgkjuiqj 291 180 111 44.16 Saharanpur
2 eqt¶Qjuxj 36 26 10 62.07 Muz. Nagar
3 'kkeyh ** ** ** ** Shamli
4 fctukSj 55 26 29 72.37 Bijnor
5 eqjknkckn 385 220 165 84.25 Moradabad
6 laHky ** ** ** ** Sambhal
7 jkeiqj 203 121 82 96.21 Rampur
8 vejksgk 22 15 7 20.00 Amroha
9 esjB 1655 994 661 61.23 Meerut
10 ckxir 0 0 0 0.00 Bagapat
11 xkft;kckn 2206 1290 916 74.88 Ghaziabad
12 gkiqqM+ ** ** ** ** Hapur
13 xkSrecq} uxj 1463 844 619 85.36 G.B. Nagar
14 cqyUn'kgj 43 26 17 31.16 Bulandshahr
15 vyhx<+ 222 132 90 71.61 Aligarh
16 gkFkjl 24 16 8 80.00 Hathras
17 eFkqjk 341 210 131 32.79 Mathura
18 vkxjk 3283 1939 1344 62.21 Agra
19 fQjkstkckn 1166 694 472 55.76 Firozabad
20 ,Vk 50 33 17 56.18 Etah
21 dklxat 22 12 10 75.86 Kasganj
22 eSuiqjh 0 0 0 0.00 Mainpuri
23 cnk;wW 41 22 19 89.13 Badaun
24 cjsyh 1512 832 680 58.65 Bareilly
25 ihyhHkhr 149 88 61 76.80 Pilibhit
26 'kkgtgkWiqj 191 112 79 83.41 Shahjahanpur
27 [khjh 614 398 216 75.06 Kheri
28 lhrkiqj 206 110 96 67.76 Sitapur
29 gjnksbZ 24 17 7 63.16 Hardoi
30 mUuko 156 95 61 38.61 Unnao
31 y[kuÅ 3708 2303 1405 65.01 Lucknow
32 jk;cjsyh 143 85 58 52.38 Raebareli
33 Q:Z[kkckn 36 21 15 53.73 Farrukhabad
34 dUukSt 1 0 1 100.00 Kannauj
35 bVkok 34 21 13 43.04 Etawah
36 vkSjS;k 49 28 21 80.33 Auraiya
37 dkuiqj nsgkr 27 19 8 79.41 Kanpur Dehat
38 dkuiqj uxj 1863 1144 719 64.96 Kanpur Nagar
39 tkykSu 108 70 38 54.82 Jalaun
vuqo)--------- Contd.........

1& {ks=Qy ,oa tula[;k @ Area and Population
1-17& m-iz- esa ftysokj vuqlwfpr tu tkfr;ksa ds lk{kj O;fDr ,oa lk{kjrk nj] 2011
Districtwise Literate Persons and Literacy Rate of Scheduled tribes in UP. 2011

lk{kj tula[;k (Literate Population) lk{kj tula[;k dk dqy

uxjh; tutkfr tula[;k
uxjh; (Urban) ls izfr'kr
tuin District
O;fDr iq#"k L=h Per. of lit. to total urban
Scheduled Tribes
Person Male Female popn.
1 6 7 8 9 1
40 >kWlh 1074 654 420 64.00 Jhansi
41 yfyriqj 500 316 184 33.51 Lalitpur
42 gehjiqj 86 61 25 24.93 Hamirpur
43 egksck 25 21 4 8.25 Mahoba
44 ckWnk 27 17 10 33.33 Banda
45 fp=dwV 2 1 1 100.00 Chitrakoot
46 Qrsgiqj 26 15 11 92.86 Fatehpur
47 izrkix<+ 110 61 49 48.46 Pratapgarh
48 dkS'kkEch 4 4 0 5.06 Kausambi
49 iz;kxjkt 1610 991 619 60.66 Prayagraj
50 ckjkcadh 61 39 22 74.39 Barabanki
51 v;ks/;k 125 66 59 62.81 Ayodhya
52 vEcsndj uxj 37 24 13 71.15 Ambedkar Nagar
53 lqYrkuiqj 11 6 5 84.62 Sultanpur
54 vesBh ** ** ** ** Amethi
55 cgjkbp 102 62 40 59.30 Bahraich
56 JkoLrh 11 6 5 68.75 Shrawasti
57 cyjkeiqj 108 46 62 85.04 Balrampur
58 xks.Mk 179 111 68 81.36 Gonda
59 fl}kFkZuxj 790 470 320 66.28 Siddharth Nagar
60 cLrh 265 159 106 79.34 Basti
61 lardchj uxj 17 11 6 60.71 Sant Kabir Nagar
62 egjktxat 899 526 373 74.17 Maharajganj
63 xksj[kiqj 2562 1456 1106 77.83 Gorakhpur
64 dq'khuxj 1798 1136 662 61.51 Kushi Nagar
65 nsofj;k 4277 2517 1760 72.04 Deoria
66 vktex<+ 708 403 305 79.02 Azamgarh
67 eÅ 1105 623 482 79.55 Mau
68 cfy;k 6325 3754 2571 67.73 Ballia
69 tkSuiqj 143 76 67 66.51 Jaunpur
70 xkthiqj 1006 589 417 78.96 Ghazipur
71 pUnkSyh 2907 1675 1232 82.42 Chandauli
72 okjk.klh 6631 3867 2764 79.17 Varanasi
73 larjfonkl uxj 65 46 19 69.89 Sant Ravidas Nagar
74 fetkZiqj 509 311 198 63.39 Mirzapur
75 lksuHknz 5071 3155 1916 60.21 Sonbhadra
mRrj izns'k 59505 35418 24087 66.97 Uttar Pradesh
** ekr` tuin esa lfEefyr ** Included in Mother District
lzksr%& Hkkjrh; tux.kuk 2011 Source:- Census of India 2011

1& {ks=Qy ,oa tula[;k @ Area and Population
1-17& m-iz- esa ftysokj vuqlfw pr tu tkfr;ksa ds lk{kj O;fDr ,oa lk{kjrk nj] 2011
Districtwise Literate Persons and Literacy Rate of Scheduled tribes in UP. 2011
lk{kj tula[;k (Literate Population) lk{kj tula[;k dk dqy
tutkfr tula[;k ls
dqy (Total) izfr'kr
tuin District
O;fDr iq#"k L=h Per. of lit. to total
urban Scheduled
Person Male Female Tribes popn.
1 9 10 11 12 13
1 lgkjuiqj 379 227 152 48.10 Saharanpur
2 eqt¶Qj uxj 157 100 57 59.70 Muz. Nagar
3 'kkeyh ** ** ** ** Shamli
4 fctukSj 1353 847 506 52.12 Bijnor
5 eqjknkckn 462 278 184 75.99 Moradabad
6 laHky ** ** ** ** Sambhal
7 jkeiqj 252 158 94 79.25 Rampur

8 vejksgk 30 19 11 22.73 Amroha

9 esjB 1773 1073 700 61.31 Meerut
10 ckxir 4 4 0 36.36 Bagapat
11 xkft;kckn 2526 1481 1045 73.28 Ghaziabad
12 gkiqqM+ ** ** ** ** Hapur
13 xkSrecq} uxj 1575 911 664 83.07 G.B. Nagar
14 cqyUn'kgj 64 44 20 37.43 Bulandshahr
15 vyhx<+ 372 231 141 69.53 Aligarh
16 gkFkjl 126 83 43 54.78 Hathras
17 eFkqjk 485 303 182 37.66 Mathura
18 vkxjk 3764 2235 1529 61.07 Agra
19 fQjkstkckn 1237 732 505 56.51 Firozabad
20 ,Vk 77 51 26 64.17 Etah
21 dklxat 67 43 24 56.78 Kasganj
22 eSuiqjh 325 195 130 80.05 Mainpuri
23 cnk;wW 46 24 22 88.46 Badaun
24 cjsyh 1687 931 756 58.66 Bareilly
25 ihyhHkhr 856 515 341 57.72 Pilibhit
26 'kkgtgkWiqj 275 156 119 65.63 Shahjahanpur
27 [khjh 25281 15351 9930 56.88 Kheri
28 lhrkiqj 754 472 282 56.95 Sitapur
29 gjnksbZ 185 120 65 61.26 Hardoi
30 mUuko 865 575 290 37.25 Unnao
31 y[kuÅ 4084 2538 1546 62.78 Lucknow
32 jk;cjsyh 615 374 241 44.28 Raebareli
33 Q:Z[kkckn 80 52 28 42.33 Farrukhabad
34 dUukSt 11 6 5 84.62 Kannauj
35 bVkok 70 47 23 51.09 Etawah
36 vkSjS;k 95 61 34 76.00 Auraiya
37 dkuiqj nsgkr 323 214 109 50.47 Kanpur Dehat
38 dkuiqj uxj 2065 1287 778 63.42 Kanpur Nagar
39 tkykSu 403 248 155 59.00 Jalaun
vuqo)--------- Contd.........

1& {ks=Qy ,oa tula[;k @ Area and Population
1-17& m-iz- esa ftysokj vuqlfw pr tu tkfr;ksa ds lk{kj O;fDr ,oa lk{kjrk nj] 2011
Districtwise Literate Persons and Literacy Rate of Scheduled tribes in UP. 2011
lk{kj tula[;k (Literate Population) lk{kj tula[;k dk dqy
tutkfr tula[;k ls
dqy (Total) izfr'kr
tuin District
O;fDr iq#"k L=h Per. of lit. to total
urban Scheduled
Person Male Female Tribes popn.
1 9 10 11 12 13
40 >kWlh 1747 1087 660 53.38 Jhansi
41 yfyriqj 16705 10922 5783 30.60 Lalitpur
42 gehjiqj 113 80 33 29.27 Hamirpur
43 egksck 123 94 29 24.45 Mahoba
44 ckWnk 54 33 21 41.86 Banda
45 fp=dwV 171 92 79 58.76 Chitrakoot
46 Qrsgiqj 150 103 47 53.38 Fatehpur
47 izrkix<+ 257 146 111 42.48 Pratapgarh
48 dkS'kkEch 16 14 2 9.76 Kausambi
49 iz;kxjkt 3554 2239 1315 54.51 Prayagraj
50 ckjkcadh 191 126 65 38.43 Barabanki
51 v;ks/;k 567 313 254 68.73 Ayodhya
52 vEcsndj uxj 436 278 158 69.32 Ambedkar Nagar
53 lqYrkuiqj 351 206 145 59.59 Sultanpur
54 vesBh ** ** ** ** Amethi
55 cgjkbp 4224 2571 1653 45.63 Bahraich
56 JkoLrh 1959 1250 709 43.13 Shrawasti
57 cyjkeiqj 10165 6568 3597 50.81 Balrampur
58 xks.Mk 361 226 135 49.32 Gonda
59 fl}kFkZuxj 5506 3384 2122 56.90 Siddharth Nagar
60 cLrh 2110 1263 847 69.27 Basti
61 lardchj uxj 879 540 339 66.74 Sant Kabir Nagar
62 egjktxat 9235 5657 3578 66.59 Maharajganj
63 xksj[kiqj 11337 6602 4735 72.45 Gorakhpur
64 dq'khuxj 42077 26005 16072 62.94 Kushi Nagar
65 nsofj;k 62190 36391 25799 67.35 Deoria
66 vktex<+ 5488 3178 2310 70.30 Azamgarh
67 eÅ 14302 7990 6312 73.94 Mau
68 cfy;k 61803 37169 24634 66.80 Ballia
69 tkSuiqj 2471 1448 1023 62.92 Jaunpur
70 xkthiqj 17386 10252 7134 72.21 Ghazipur
71 pUnkSyh 24668 14759 9909 70.41 Chandauli
72 okjk.klh 17730 10604 7126 72.37 Varanasi
73 larjfonkl uxj 945 601 344 59.89 Sant Ravidas Nagar
74 fetkZiqj 9436 5839 3597 57.62 Mirzapur
75 lksuHknz 135123 88512 46611 44.20 Sonbhadra
mRrj izns'k 516553 318528 198025 55.68 Uttar Pradesh
** ekr` tuin esa lfEefyr ** Included in Mother District

lzksr%& Hkkjrh; tux.kuk 2011 Source:- Census of India 2011

2&i;kZoj.k lkaf[;dh @ Environment Statistics
2-1 & m0iz0 esa ftysokj iapo"kZhZ; vkSlr ekfld o"kkZ 2020 (feyh-eh-esa½
Districtwise monthly quinquennial average rainfall 2020 in UP. ( In m.m.)
ekg @ Months
tuin tuojh Qjojh ekpZ vizSy ebZ twu tqykbZ
Jan Feb March April May June July
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1
1 lgkjuiqj 26.0 18.6 17.1 12.5 29.0 81.7 216.5 Saharanpur
2 eqt¶Qj uxj 16.3 17.6 25.0 9.6 26.6 51.5 211.4 Muz. Nagar
3 'kkeyh 8.6 10.2 14.4 5.3 10.2 35.6 145.7 Shamli
4 fctukSj 20.4 26.0 21.8 12.4 25.5 37.2 313.5 Bijnor
5 eqjknkckn 10.1 18.7 17.5 11.3 16.5 100.6 269.1 Moradabad
6 laHky 3.0 5.3 1.6 8.1 9.3 33.1 177.5 Sambhal
7 jkeiqj 10.1 8.8 8.9 11.2 8.5 63.3 208.9 Rampur
8 vejksgk 12.6 16.3 14.5 12.2 19.5 22.9 228.2 Amroha
9 esjB 25.4 14.2 14.7 6.3 18.4 48.2 241.7 Meerut
10 ckxir 25.1 16.4 27.6 2.6 26.2 50.5 204.9 Bagapat
11 xkft;kckn 7.7 8.4 7.8 0.6 9.6 27.1 54.7 Ghaziabad
12 gkiqqM+ 3.6 6.1 15.7 0.1 4.3 22.5 73.9 Hapur
13 xkSrecq} uxj 17.7 11.4 8.0 0.7 31.8 22.0 97.3 G.B. Nagar
14 cqyUn'kgj 9.4 4.5 16.4 2.9 10.6 32.9 59.0 Bulandshahr
15 vyhx<+ 12.0 5.1 22.8 3.6 13.1 49.6 167.5 Aligarh
16 gkFkjl 10.9 2.3 5.8 1.4 2.6 26.8 184.5 Hathras
17 eFkqjk 8.2 4.2 6.0 7.0 5.5 19.9 104.5 Mathura
18 vkxjk 9.3 3.9 15.7 7.3 14.2 33.3 164.2 Agra
19 fQjkstkckn 6.5 2.5 11.5 7.9 11.3 41.9 216.2 Firozabad
20 ,Vk 13.8 6.5 15.8 5.6 8.4 121.7 258.0 Etah
21 dklxat 16.8 8.9 8.6 1.8 9.8 67.0 260.4 Kasganj
22 eSuiqjh 4.6 4.8 12.1 4.4 16.7 48.7 200.8 Mainpuri
23 cnk;wW 7.9 9.2 7.9 9.7 15.9 28.8 212.2 Badaun
24 cjsyh 17.9 14.6 17.2 13.2 25.8 73.9 384.5 Bareilly
25 ihyhHkhr 4.9 7.4 11.1 11.2 16.7 43.9 259.0 Pilibhit
26 'kkgtgkWiqj 1.3 12.7 11.6 9.2 15.9 24.5 297.3 Shahjahanpur
27 [khjh 14.0 17.7 16.2 5.5 50.4 54.8 406.2 Kheri
28 lhrkiqj 11.8 13.4 8.1 9.1 18.2 44.4 221.4 Sitapur
29 gjnksbZ 0.3 6.3 0.0 1.3 5.0 39.4 228.6 Hardoi
30 mUuko 11.1 3.3 5.4 8.0 16.0 47.6 206.5 Unnao
31 y[kuÅ 7.5 10.3 5.8 1.3 9.2 58.4 259.6 Lucknow
32 jk;cjsyh 1.3 0.9 1.8 2.5 2.6 19.9 87.5 Raebareli
33 Q:Z[kkckn 1.7 0.9 2.6 8.7 7.4 37.1 188.6 Farrukhabad
34 dUukSt 6.1 9.8 9.5 8.8 14.7 42.1 217.3 Kannauj
35 bVkok 2.1 5.7 3.4 5.4 5.7 35.3 148.2 Etawah
36 vkSjS;k 4.2 1.1 3.8 3.2 8.9 43.7 134.8 Auraiya
37 dkuiqj nsgkr 1.3 1.5 2.6 1.2 7.1 21.4 112.9 Kanpur Dehat
38 dkuiqj uxj 0.9 3.5 0.4 0.5 3.7 18.9 181.0 Kanpur Nagar
39 tkykSu 11.8 3.9 4.1 1.3 14.6 51.4 244.6 Jalaun
vuqc)----- Contd…...

2&i;kZoj.k lkaf[;dh @ Environment Statistics
2-1 & m0iz0 esa ftysokj iapo"kZhZ; vkSlr ekfld o"kkZ 2020 (feyh-eh-esa½
Districtwise monthly quinquennial average rainfall 2020 in UP. ( In m.m.)
ekg @ Months
tuin tuojh Qjojh ekpZ vizSy ebZ twu tqykbZ
Jan Feb March April May June July
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1

40 >kWlh 9.4 1.6 1.4 3.8 12.8 52.8 185.9 Jhansi

41 yfyriqj 8.6 2.1 4.7 4.9 8.4 70.8 248.0 Lalitpur
42 gehjiqj 8.4 3.7 10.3 5.5 20.6 55.3 296.1 Hamirpur
43 egksck 6.6 2.5 1.7 0.1 11.5 33.1 249.9 Mahoba
44 ckWnk 4.6 2.9 5.0 8.1 20.3 82.4 317.6 Banda
45 fp=dwV 14.0 3.7 1.8 1.6 6.6 61.7 334.4 Chitrakoot
46 Qrsgiqj 6.9 3.3 8.0 5.6 16.9 40.3 216.9 Fatehpur
47 izrkix<+ 10.8 2.9 8.2 6.4 16.7 71.6 271.8 Pratapgarh
48 dkS'kkEch 3.2 1.8 2.6 2.8 7.2 64.0 198.7 Kausambi
49 iz;kxjkt 14.2 4.0 11.8 7.4 7.2 46.7 275.1 Prayagraj
50 ckjkcadh 12.0 10.3 17.9 5.9 22.8 64.3 418.7 Barabanki
51 v;ks/;k 10.5 5.8 4.1 5.1 10.3 26.5 234.0 Ayodhya
52 vEcsndj uxj 11.4 7.6 5.5 5.9 26.7 146.4 447.0 Ambedkar Nagar
53 lqYrkuiqj 7.3 0.1 0.1 3.3 2.5 33.6 314.8 Sultanpur
54 vesBh 3.4 2.5 0.3 4.2 4.1 21.2 369.4 Amethi
55 cgjkbp 4.5 7.4 8.5 4.5 35.0 195.5 334.9 Bahraich
56 JkoLrh 0.5 0.0 0.0 3.6 6.7 21.5 243.7 Shrawasti
57 cyjkeiqj 1.3 0.0 2.9 4.6 32.9 61.7 259.8 Balrampur
58 xks.Mk 7.2 9.3 13.3 1.1 43.7 80.2 377.7 Gonda
59 fl}kFkZuxj 8.1 5.1 1.3 1.5 26.4 108.3 290.4 Siddharth Nagar
60 cLrh 6.4 13.2 1.2 2.2 25.1 45.0 341.1 Basti
61 lardchj uxj 12.0 7.8 8.3 6.0 47.9 124.7 448.5 Sant Kabir Nagar
62 egjktxat 3.6 14.8 7.6 12.5 186.6 124.6 388.4 Maharajganj
63 xksj[kiqj 2.3 20.4 61.4 30.3 66.1 565.5 1093.1 Gorakhpur
64 dq'khuxj 0.5 3.4 0.5 1.7 23.0 57.4 191.7 Kushi Nagar
65 nsofj;k 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 52.6 116.6 366.4 Deoria
66 vktex<+ 2.1 1.6 3.8 0.0 11.5 66.6 252.1 Azamgarh
67 eÅ 0.6 0.0 0.5 0.4 12.7 63.9 226.3 Mau
68 cfy;k 1.9 0.4 0.5 0.0 22.9 53.2 140.7 Ballia
69 tkSuiqj 4.5 1.1 2.0 0.7 6.2 25.5 169.9 Jaunpur
70 xkthiqj 0.5 1.2 4.6 0.7 8.3 59.1 278.8 Ghazipur
71 pUnkSyh 5.3 1.0 6.0 4.3 10.8 38.6 174.8 Chandauli
72 okjk.klh 2.5 1.9 5.7 0.0 11.9 59.9 319.5 Varanasi
73 larjfonkl uxj 1.8 4.0 34.5 11.0 14.6 70.7 255.2 Sant Ravidas Nagar
74 fetkZiqj 7.6 2.3 28.3 4.8 12.9 73.1 321.0 Mirzapur
75 lksuHknz 13.8 2.3 19.8 4.6 15.9 100.6 341.2 Sonbhadra
lzksr%&jktLo ifj"kn( mRrj izns'kA Source- Board of Revenue UP.

2&i;kZoj.k lkaf[;dh @ Environment Statistics
2-1& m0iz0 esa ftysokj iapo"kZh;Z vkSlr ekfld o"kkZ 2020(feyh-eh-esa½
Districtwise monthly quinquennial average rainfall 2020 in UP. ( In m.m.)
ekg @ Months
tuin vxLr flrEcj vDrwcj uoEcj fnlEcj
Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.
1 9 10 11 12 13 1
1 lgkjuiqj 216.0 80.1 0.6 3.5 1.7 Saharanpur

2 eqt¶Qj uxj 168.2 89.3 0.1 5.8 0.9 Muz. Nagar

3 'kkeyh 118.3 75.4 0.1 3.3 0.0 Shamli

4 fctukSj 233.2 132.2 2.7 4.5 10.9 Bijnor

5 eqjknkckn 260.4 140.3 2.6 5.5 17.0 Moradabad

6 laHky 209.8 182.6 5.4 5.8 9.2 Sambhal

7 jkeiqj 236.6 123.5 2.0 0.8 10.4 Rampur

8 vejksgk 232.3 120.3 1.7 1.4 6.2 Amroha

9 esjB 155.6 87.6 0.0 5.4 6.0 Meerut

10 ckxir 166.5 73.8 0.8 8.1 10.9 Bagapat

11 xkft;kckn 56.9 33.7 1.4 1.4 2.1 Ghaziabad

12 gkiqqM+ 76.6 44.8 2.5 1.7 14.5 Hapur

13 xkSrecq} uxj 104.5 47.0 7.6 3.6 1.7 G.B. Nagar

14 cqyUn'kgj 89.3 75.9 1.2 0.0 0.6 Bulandshahr

15 vyhx<+ 116.5 70.9 0.7 1.8 2.4 Aligarh

16 gkFkjl 108.3 104.2 10.1 5.3 5.1 Hathras

17 eFkqjk 134.4 64.5 0.8 1.8 0.8 Mathura

18 vkxjk 132.8 58.6 4.9 4.7 3.6 Agra

19 fQjkstkckn 187.8 54.8 0.0 6.7 4.5 Firozabad

20 ,Vk 216.1 72.7 1.7 7.4 7.3 Etah

21 dklxat 206.9 53.5 2.3 1.9 3.9 Kasganj

22 eSuiqjh 210.4 78.5 4.4 4.3 5.9 Mainpuri

23 cnk;wW 230.6 79.1 5.1 1.7 10.5 Badaun

24 cjsyh 305.4 128.7 5.7 4.4 13.3 Bareilly

25 ihyhHkhr 256.3 97.3 3.5 3.0 10.0 Pilibhit

26 'kkgtgkWiqj 279.6 118.0 1.7 2.2 16.9 Shahjahanpur

27 [khjh 291.0 113.9 10.5 2.8 12.1 Kheri

28 lhrkiqj 205.7 67.4 1.1 1.1 5.6 Sitapur

29 gjnksbZ 187.6 66.6 0.7 1.6 4.9 Hardoi

30 mUuko 144.5 99.7 13.8 3.9 6.5 Unnao

31 y[kuÅ 207.9 147.5 4.4 0.0 4.7 Lucknow

32 jk;cjsyh 147.3 45.8 3.5 0.1 3.6 Raebareli

33 Q:Z[kkckn 222.8 86.0 3.7 6.2 3.4 Farrukhabad

34 dUukSt 235.0 108.7 4.8 8.1 4.4 Kannauj

35 bVkok 100.4 50.3 1.8 7.7 0.1 Etawah

36 vkSjS;k 114.2 72.6 12.8 2.4 1.1 Auraiya

37 dkuiqj nsgkr 74.7 57.3 1.5 0.6 0.6 Kanpur Dehat

38 dkuiqj uxj 124.9 103.6 6.3 0.4 1.9 Kanpur Nagar

39 tkykSu 136.9 79.7 5.2 0.7 3.8 Jalaun

vuqc)----- Contd…...

2&i;kZoj.k lkaf[;dh @ Environment Statistics
2-1& m0iz0 esa ftysokj iapo"kZh;Z vkSlr ekfld o"kkZ 2020(feyh-eh-esa½
Districtwise monthly quinquennial average rainfall 2020 in UP. ( In m.m.)
ekg @ Months
tuin vxLr flrEcj vDrwcj uoEcj fnlEcj
Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.
1 9 10 11 12 13 1

40 >kWlh 133.9 77.7 8.3 0.0 0.0 Jhansi

41 yfyriqj 192.4 118.5 7.2 0.4 2.5 Lalitpur

42 gehjiqj 254.1 104.6 22.3 0.3 1.9 Hamirpur

43 egksck 251.2 104.4 16.9 0.0 4.4 Mahoba

44 ckWnk 243.6 111.5 13.6 0.5 3.0 Banda

45 fp=dwV 311.0 132.1 29.2 0.0 5.6 Chitrakoot

46 Qrsgiqj 167.4 98.9 50.7 0.0 2.4 Fatehpur

47 izrkix<+ 240.8 252.8 34.4 0.0 6.0 Pratapgarh

48 dkS'kkEch 168.9 187.5 43.3 3.3 1.6 Kausambi

49 iz;kxjkt 236.2 163.0 36.5 0.6 4.0 Prayagraj

50 ckjkcadh 325.8 208.4 6.3 3.0 3.9 Barabanki

51 v;ks/;k 225.4 164.7 7.3 0.4 6.7 Ayodhya

52 vEcsndj uxj 237.8 271.6 1.1 4.2 4.6 Ambedkar Nagar

53 lqYrkuiqj 184.1 159.1 1.2 0.0 2.0 Sultanpur

54 vesBh 338.9 232.8 3.6 0.0 2.4 Amethi

55 cgjkbp 231.7 128.6 0.0 0.3 0.0 Bahraich
56 JkoLrh 153.1 55.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 Shrawasti
57 cyjkeiqj 211.2 80.6 17.8 0.0 0.0 Balrampur
58 xks.Mk 246.0 126.8 5.9 0.5 1.2 Gonda
59 fl}kFkZuxj 159.7 153.8 13.5 1.3 1.6 Siddharth Nagar
60 cLrh 143.4 158.0 9.8 0.0 3.5 Basti
61 lardchj uxj 172.6 238.2 11.5 1.1 2.1 Sant Kabir Nagar
62 egjktxat 208.1 198.9 10.5 0.0 4.5 Maharajganj
63 xksj[kiqj 328.9 531.4 6.5 6.4 1.2 Gorakhpur
64 dq'khuxj 80.5 87.1 1.0 0.2 1.1 Kushi Nagar
65 nsofj;k 162.9 213.5 14.2 0.0 0.0 Deoria
66 vktex<+ 183.9 227.9 3.5 0.0 1.0 Azamgarh
67 eÅ 141.7 152.0 7.5 0.0 0.0 Mau
68 cfy;k 113.4 154.3 10.6 0.0 0.1 Ballia
69 tkSuiqj 137.3 172.2 6.3 0.0 5.0 Jaunpur
70 xkthiqj 123.1 159.4 13.3 0.0 3.1 Ghazipur
71 pUnkSyh 119.3 60.7 1.4 0.3 0.5 Chandauli
72 okjk.klh 261.6 251.0 28.7 0.0 0.4 Varanasi
73 larjfonkl uxj 211.6 295.7 1.1 0.0 0.0 Sant Ravidas Nagar
74 fetkZiqj 283.6 194.7 11.7 1.8 9.1 Mirzapur
75 lksuHknz 273.3 186.8 26.6 4.6 5.4 Sonbhadra

lzksr%&jktLo ifj"kn( mRrj izns'kA Source:- Board of Revenue UP.

2&i;kZoj.k lkaf[;dh ( Environment Statistics )
2-2 & m0iz0 esa ftysokj fofHkUu o"kksZ esa okf"kZd o"kZk ¼fe]eh esa½
District wise annual rainfall in different years in UP. ( in m.m.)
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 tuojh&ekpZ vizSy&twu tqykbZ&flrEcj vDVwcj&fnlEcj
2020 2020 2020 2020
tuin District

Jan-march April-June July-Sept Oct-Dec

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1
1 lgkjuiqj 445.7 637.2 969.2 600.6 862.9 146.4 143.7 555.8 17.0 Saharanpur

2 eqt¶Qjuxj 504.9 560.4 954.0 486.7 638.5 186.7 107.9 343.9 0.0 Muz.. Nagar

3 'kkeyh 170.3 414.8 971.3 233.2 352.0 97.5 44.5 210.0 0.0 Shamli

4 fctukSj 964.6 880.8 526.0 956.1 948.6 201.0 99.6 643.8 4.2 Bijnor

5 eqjknkckn 892.0 655.5 1126.0 907.2 767.1 94.1 93.7 577.5 1.8 Moradabad

6 laHky 515.4 1368.3 930.8 215.9 233.9 20.5 11.9 161.0 40.5 Sambhal

7 jkeiqj 590.9 613.0 1088.9 699.3 532.3 102.8 105.4 324.1 0.0 Rampur

8 vejksgk 781.6 740.0 1002.6 405.7 489.6 83.6 76.6 329.4 0.0 Amroha

9 esjB 484.9 578.4 1018.2 612.8 434.6 92.8 62.6 279.2 0.0 Meerut

10 ckxir 438.1 721.0 759.9 610.0 557.2 165.7 94.0 297.5 0.0 Bagapat

11 xkft;kckn 101.2 243.3 346.1 163.6 198.7 58.8 26.7 100.1 13.1 Ghaziabad

12 gkiqqM+ 0.0 378.0 322.4 292.8 349.9 21.5 31.7 249.8 46.9 Hapur

13 xkSrecq}uxj 166.6 123.1 310.6 667.9 484.4 26.5 73.0 350.2 34.7 G.B. Nagar

14 cqyUn'kgj 401.6 393.6 480.4 120.4 114.8 73.0 4.1 37.7 0.0 Bulandshahr

15 vyhx<+ 517.8 492.8 549.4 382.6 373.3 106.4 32.1 226.4 8.4 Aligarh

16 gkFkjl 560.3 425.7 538.2 399.0 418.5 27.5 3.2 373.5 14.3 Hathras

17 eFkqjk 409.6 461.5 424.8 189.2 299.4 56.4 27.2 213.4 2.4 Mathura

18 vkxjk 475.6 332.7 525.6 522.3 407.3 84.8 79.2 235.4 7.9 Agra

19 fQjkstkckn 597.8 503.4 524.0 624.3 524.9 62.4 87.8 362.9 11.8 Firozabad

20 ,Vk 969.4 602.6 901.4 634.3 559.8 74.7 48.3 410.2 26.6 Etah

21 dklxat 669.6 581.9 936.1 511.8 471.4 87.1 48.7 328.1 7.5
22 eSuiqjh 501.6 583.2 822.9 526.7 553.1 72.9 100.8 370.4 9.0 Mainpuri

23 cnk;wW 541.2 492.4 1220.4 408.2 436.4 40.9 30.1 331.3 34.1 Badaun

24 cjsyh 995.6 928.7 1403.5 905.7 812.4 149.9 155.6 506.9 0.0 Bareilly

25 ihyhHkhr 553.4 599.3 1178.7 508.7 840.8 112.0 183.9 544.6 0.3 Pilibhit

26 'kkgtgkWiqj 804.6 743.3 1142.1 768.8 504.2 62.3 80.2 356.7 5.0 Shahjahanpur
vuqc)------ Contd……..

2&i;kZoj.k lkaf[;dh ( Environment Statistics )
2-2 & m0iz0 esa ftysokj fofHkUu o"kksZ esa okf"kZd o"kZk ¼fe]eh esa½
District wise annual rainfall in different years in UP. ( in m.m.)
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 tuojh&ekpZ vizSy&twu tqykbZ&flrEcj vDVwcj&fnlEcj
2020 2020 2020 2020
tuin District

Jan-march April-June July-Sept Oct-Dec

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1
27 [khjh 715.7 1035.2 648.9 1494.3 1092.0 123.3 163.8 801.2 3.7 kheri

28 lhrkiqj 630.1 583.5 627.4 625.7 558.0 45.1 95.5 412.9 4.5 Sitapur

29 gjnksbZ 646.6 462.6 583.7 712.4 306.9 0.0 54.5 252.4 0.0 Hardoi

30 mUuko 559.9 459.2 747.9 588.4 504.3 72.3 96.1 319.1 16.8 Unnao

31 y[kuÅ 700.0 399.8 719.2 921.7 861.8 52.8 58.7 733.9 16.4 Lucknow

32 jk;cjsyh 195.5 162.1 421.2 585.4 222.8 19.2 41.5 161.4 0.7 Raebareli

33 Q:Z[kkckn 289.5 605.8 937.6 523.5 507.6 19.3 49.8 424.2 14.3 Farrukhabad

34 dUukSt 498.3 613.8 937.7 711.8 629.2 76.1 71.2 457.8 24.1 Kannauj

35 bVkok 441.6 311.6 540.8 350.1 206.5 38.9 32.4 120.9 14.3 Etawah

36 vkSjS;k 310.4 196.4 510.1 572.5 416.3 26.8 118.9 263.6 7.0 Auraiya

37 dkuiqj nsgkr 194.5 203.0 589.5 210.3 241.6 35.9 37.6 165.3 2.8 Kanpur Dehat

38 dkuiqj uxj 716.1 684.7 574.5 24.1 235.5 9.9 50.6 171.5 3.5 Kanpur Nagar

39 tkykSu 732.5 379.9 694.7 605.0 386.2 49.7 42.5 290.5 3.5 Jalaun

40 >kWlh 561.5 379.1 448.0 569.0 470.0 33.4 98.5 338.1 0.0 Jhansi

41 yfyriqj 830.4 587.6 459.0 917.4 539.1 29.7 102.2 402.2 5.0 Lalitpur

42 gehjiqj 873.0 398.2 811.7 1093.4 749.2 49.6 154.0 544.3 1.3 Hamirpur

43 egksck 1112.5 508.7 579.7 558.2 637.5 10.7 23.9 547.3 55.6 Mahoba

44 ckWnk 1228.9 515.5 574.0 1009.6 775.9 65.4 292.4 409.5 8.6 Banda

45 fp=dwV 1033.0 963.6 585.5 981.0 903.9 17.0 27.6 775.4 83.9 Chitrakoot

46 Qrsgiqj 658.8 533.6 503.5 836.2 566.0 41.7 122.5 401.8 0.0 Fatehpur

47 izrkix<+ 746.0 681.2 782.0 1126.6 1270.1 36.4 176.4 967.5 89.8 Pratapgarh

48 dkS'kkEch 528.6 559.4 682.0 806.1 853.1 10.5 27.1 701.2 114.3 Kaushambi

49 iz;kxjkt 841.8 684.4 679.4 1051.7 731.1 52.3 155.4 418.4 105.0 Prayagraj

50 ckjkcadh 652.7 907.1 1367.3 1435.7 1194.3 162.8 230.2 786.1 15.2 Barabanki

51 v;ks/;k 765.2 637.1 630.6 719.4 772.6 47.7 38.4 660.8 25.7 Ayodhya

52 vEcsndjuxj 1440.4 778.5 750.8 1351.1 1524.5 79.0 581.0 843.5 21.0 AmbedkarNagar

53 lqYrkuiqj 718.1 501.1 713.3 770.7 800.3 0.9 37.5 753.4 8.5 Sultanpur
vuqc)------ Contd……..

2&i;kZoj.k lkaf[;dh ( Environment Statistics )
2-2 & m0iz0 esa ftysokj fofHkUu o"kksZ esa okf"kZd o"kZk ¼fe]eh esa½
District wise annual rainfall in different years in UP. ( in m.m.)
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 tuojh&ekpZ vizSy&twu tqykbZ&flrEcj vDVwcj&fnlEcj
2020 2020 2020 2020
tuin District

Jan-march April-June July-Sept Oct-Dec

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1
54 vesBh 667.2 1420.0 1368.7 709.9 735.0 3.5 9.5 706.4 15.6 Amethi

55 cgjkbp 494.5 996.2 1262.0 1032.2 998.6 75.2 252.3 669.8 1.3 Bahraich

56 JkoLrh 250.5 344.6 1293.5 323.0 211.7 0.0 56.0 155.7 0.0 Shrawasti

57 cyjkeiqj 1014.8 956.2 1328.0 35.0 30.2 0.0 11.3 18.9 0.0 Balrampur

58 xks.Mk 816.8 703.7 1387.7 770.1 926.9 101.4 226.2 596.8 2.5 Gonda

59 fl}kFkZuxj 653.7 815.0 608.6 705.6 1071.2 27.2 322.0 692.8 29.2 Siddharth Nagar

60 cLrh 735.9 667.6 622.0 853.2 882.4 56.6 25.7 788.4 11.7 Basti

61 lardchj uxj 995.3 986.6 608.6 1307.5 1508.3 85.0 457.3 954.3 11.7 SantkabirNagar

62 egjktxat 973.9 1008.3 610.0 897.0 2357.8 104.8 1020.2 1232.8 0.0 Mahrajganj

63 xksj[kiqj 585.5 616.1 590.2 964.4 10970.0 565.0 3020.0 7353.0 32.0 Gorakhpur

64 dq'khuxj 382.4 301.1 617.0 464.0 479.4 13.3 82.4 377.7 6.0 KushiNagar

65 nsofj;k 610.8 2106.8 612.0 884.6 417.0 0.0 176.0 227.0 14.0 Deoria

66 vktex<+ 622.5 572.0 937.5 992.8 641.9 24.9 145.5 471.5 0.0 Azamgarh

67 eÅ 509.2 326.9 932.5 709.3 550.0 2.5 130.1 417.4 0.0 Mau

68 cfy;k 530.3 105.9 899.6 616.0 338.9 0.6 83.4 254.9 0.0 Ballia

69 tkSuiqj 625.5 437.3 481.0 516.2 578.3 7.0 15.6 526.1 29.6 Jaunpur

70 xkthiqj 892.0 748.1 407.0 579.0 636.3 10.0 76.4 515.0 34.9 Ghazipur

71 pUnkSyh 802.1 364.1 396.5 57.4 476.1 27.9 157.3 288.5 2.4 Chandauli

72 okjk.klh 1172.4 780.3 588.0 1133.3 1044.3 8.0 0.0 968.8 67.5 Varanasi

73 larjfonkluxj 673.5 508.0 928.5 1390.0 1029.0 212.0 309.0 508.0 0.0 SantravidasNagar

74 fetkZiqj 1074.0 481.9 1413.6 935.7 842.7 136.5 270.8 426.3 9.1 Mirzapur

75 lksuHknz 1386.1 732.4 893.2 1007.7 922.2 66.5 326.6 487.8 41.3 Sonbhadra
L=ksr& jktLo ifj"kn m0 iz0 A Source-Board of Revenue UP.

2&i;kZoj.k lkaf[;dh @ Environment Statistics
2-3v & m0iz0 ds ekSle foKku dsUnzkas ij fy;k x;k rkieku 2018
2.3 (a) Temperature recorded at Meteorological Centres in UP. 2018
¼0lsfYl;l½ (0 Celcious)
tuojh Qjojh ekpZ vizSy
January February March April
dsUnz Centre
vf/k0 U;wu0 vf/k0 U;wu0 vf/k0 U;wu0 vf/k0 U;wu0
Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1
1& ckjkcadh 25.4 3.4 30.5 9.4 37.8 12.5 40.0 18.5 Barabanki
2& 'kkgtgkWiqj 26.2 0.9 30.2 5.4 36.8 12.5 40.0 17.4 Shajahanpur
3& xkthiqj N/A N/A N/A N/A n/a n/a n/a n/a Ghazipur

4& esjB 26.2 2.9 31.0 5.4 37.8 11.9 40.7 16.6 Meerut
5& Qrsgx<+ 24.1 N/A 29.8 10.2 35.5 14.7 39.3 19.2 Fatehgarh
6& eq0uxj 25.2 1.6 28.4 3.4 34.4 9.4 40.0 12.9 Muzaffarnagar
7& gjnksbZ+ 25.6 4.0 31 7.5 36.0 14.0 39.6 18.0 Hardoi
8& ckWnk N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A n/a n/a n/a Banda
9& eqjknkckn 27.3 2.5 29.8 N/A N/A n/a 39.4 18.7 Moradabad

10& gehjiqj 26.2 4.6 34.6 10.2 39.2 15.2 42.2 20.2 Hamirpur
11& bVkok 23.8 5.4 28.7 7.6 35.6 11.6 41.2 15.0 Etawah
12& cjsyh 25.7 3.8 29.2 5.4 36.2 11.5 39.3 15.9 Bareilly
13& ckcriqj 27.2 4.6 33.2 8.6 41.0 14.3 43.0 19.0 Babatpur
14& xksj[kiqj 23.8 3.4 30.5 8.4 35.3 12.1 39.9 17.0 Gorakhpur
15& cgjkbp 23.2 2.2 31.2 6.2 36.4 12.2 39.0 16.2 Bahraich
16& iz;kxjkt 28.3 5.0 35.4 8.0 40.6 13.6 44.3 19.6 prayagraj
17& cfy;k 24.5 N/A 32.0 N/A 38.0 n/a 40.5 15.5 Ballia
18& Qrsgiqj .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Fatehpur
19& [khjh 22.6 1.8 29.8 7.6 36.4 13.2 39.0 16.6 Kheri
20& lksuHknz .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Sonbhadra
21& y[kuÅ 27.0 2.6 32.5 7.4 38.5 11.0 40.7 17.9 Lucknow
22& lqyrkuiqj 25.8 1.8 32.2 6.0 38.2 11.6 41.2 17.2 Sultanpur
23& >kWlh 29.5 3.4 35.5 9.0 40.6 15.0 44.1 19.0 Jhansi
24& uthckckn 24.6 1.7 29.5 5.4 33.5 10.6 38.2 16.2 Nazibabad
25- Qqjlrxat 26.7 2.4 32.7 5.6 38.4 10.5 39.0 16.2 Fursat ganj
26& dkuiqj 26.8 3.0 33.0 5.8 38.6 11.6 41.6 17.6 Kanpur
27& vyhx<+ 25.6 5.2 30.6 7.0 39.2 14.0 41.8 17.6 Aligarh
28& eSuiqjh .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Mainpuri
29& tkykSu 24.5 5.8 33.5 11.0 36.5 15.5 43.5 19.5 Jalaun
vuqc)------ Contd……..

2&i;kZoj.k lkaf[;dh @ Environment Statistics
2-3c& m0iz0 ds ekSle foKku dsUnzksa ij fy;k x;k rkieku 2018
2.3 (b) Temperature recorded at Meteorological Centres in UP.2018
¼0lsfYl;l½ (0 Celcious)

ebZ twu tqykbZ vxLr

dsUnz May June July August

vf/k0 U;wu0 vf/k0 U;wu0 vf/k0 U;wu0 vf/k0 U;wu0
Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min.
1 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1
1& ckjkcadh 43.6 21.0 42.4 23.0 39.2 24.2 35.3 24.0 Barabanki
2& 'kkgtgkWiqj 43.8 19.8 42.8 19.4 37.5 24.2 35.5 23.4 Shajahanpur
3& xkthiqj n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Ghazipur
4& esjB 43.2 18.6 41.8 19.6 38.5 22.4 36.2 24.0 Meerut
5& Qrsgx<+ 44.5 18.2 43.9 21.3 38.8 23.4 34.8 22.9 Fatehgarh
6& eq0uxj 43.1 17.2 41.1 18.0 37.0 20.3 35.5 21.0 Muzaffarnagar
7& gjnksbZ+ 43.6 22.5 42.6 22.4 38.0 24.0 36.2 22.0 Hardoi
8& ckWnk 46.8 n/a 45.6 n/a 41.4 n/a 36.4 n/a Banda
9& eqjknkckn 42.2 19.4 41.0 24.0 37.4 23.7 34.6 24.6 Moradabad
10& gehjiqj 45.6 24.2 45.2 25.2 41.2 23.2 35.2 24.2 Hamirpur
11& bVkok 43.8 19.2 44.1 24.2 36.8 20.0 33.4 19.6 Etawah
12& cjsyh 44.0 19.3 43.0 18.5 38 22.3 36.1 21.7 Barelly
13& ckcriqj 44.6 21.2 45.4 25.0 40.0 24.0 36.8 23.7 Babatpur
14& xksj[kiqj 41.8 18.3 42.8 22.8 39.5 24.3 37.6 25.2 Gorakhpur
15& cgjkbp 43.0 18.0 42.2 19.8 36.4 20.2 36.4 21.4 Bahraich
16& iz;kxjkt 46.6 20.0 45.5 26.8 42.5 24.0 36.7 24.0 prayagraj
17& cfy;k 42.0 20.4 43.5 23.8 40.0 24.6 38.0 25.0 Ballia
18& Qrsgiqj .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Fatehpur
19& [khjh 43.2 17.6 42.2 19.4 36.4 20.4 35.8 21.4 Kheri
20& lksuHknz .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Sonbhadra
21& y[kuÅ 44.8 21.1 42.7 23.1 39.7 23.8 35.3 23.6 Lucknow
22& lqyrkuiqj 43.0 20.5 44.0 25.0 38.4 24.0 35.0 22.6 Sultanpur
23& >kWlh 46.6 22.5 45.7 24.0 41.3 23.2 35.2 23.1 Jhansi
24& uthckckn 41.5 20.0 40.5 20.2 38.5 23.2 34.6 22.5 Nazibabad
25- Qqjlrxat 44.6 19.1 43.0 23.8 38.4 22.8 35.4 22.7 Fursat ganj
26& dkuiqj 44.6 19.0 44.8 21.2 40.0 22.5 35.0 21.5 Kanpur
27& vyhx<+ 44.4 20.4 43.6 24.2 39.6 24.0 36.4 23.2 Aligarh
28& eSuiqjh .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Mainpuri
29& tkykSu 47.5 19.0 45.3 22.5 41.5 16.0 35.0 23.5 Jalaun
vuqc)----- Contd…...

2&i;kZoj.k lkaf[;dh @ Environment
2-3l& m0iz0 ds ekSle foKku dsUnzksa ij fy;k x;k rkieku 2018
2.3 (c) Temperature recorded at Meteorological Centres in UP.2018
¼0lsfYl;l½ (0 Celcious)
flrEcj vDVwcj uoEcj fnlEcj
September October November December
dsUnz Centre
vf/k0 U;wu0 vf/k0 U;wu0 vf/k0 U;wu0 vf/k0 U;wu0
Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min.
1 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 1
1& ckjkcadh 34.6 23.4 35.8 16.0 30.6 11.7 25.5 5.6 Barabanki
2& 'kkgtgkWiqj 35.4 21.4 34.8 14.0 31.7 8.6 26.5 1.8 Shajahanpur
3& xkthiqj n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Ghazipur
4& esjB 35.1 20.8 34.8 13.3 29.9 9.2 25.6 2.8 Meerut
5& Qrsgx<+ 33.8 22.3 33.9 17.3 30.3 14.9 26.2 6.6 Fatehgarh
6& eq0uxj 35.0 18.0 34.0 10.3 30.2 5.3 24.9 0.0 Muzaffarnagar
7& gjnksbZ+ 35.6 23.0 35.6 17.0 32.6 13.0 26.0 5.6 Hardoi
8& ckWnk 33.4 20.2 39.2 16.0 36.4 12.6 29.2 6.0 Banda
9& eqjknkckn 35.4 21.2 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Moradabad
10& gehjiqj 35.2 23.2 38.2 17.2 34.2 13.2 26.2 6.2 Hamirpur
11& bVkok 34.8 20.4 35.6 18.4 30.1 14.6 25.6 6.8 Etawah
12& cjsyh 35.2 20.2 33.9 12.3 30.3 8.4 24.1 3.2 Barelly
13& ckcriqj 36.8 23.2 37.1 16.6 34.4 12.8 27.2 5.7 Babatpur
14& xksj[kiqj 36.6 23.7 37.4 14.8 33.2 11.8 26.6 4.6 Gorakhpur
15& cgjkbp 35.2 19.8 35.0 13.2 32.6 12.0 26.2 5.6 Bahraich
16& iz;kxjkt 37.3 22.1 38.9 15.8 36.2 12.0 29.3 4.5 prayagraj
17& cfy;k 36.0 23.5 36.4 15.3 35.0 12.5 26.5 6.2 Ballia
18& Qrsgiqj .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Fatehpur
19& [khjh 35.6 20.0 35.4 13.8 32.0 9.2 27.2 3.4 Kheri
20& lksuHknz .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Sonbhadra
21& y[kuÅ 35.4 22.6 35.7 15.4 32.1 10.2 26.4 3.3 Lucknow
22& lqyrkuiqj 34.2 19.6 33.4 14.2 30.0 10.8 25.2 3.2 Sultanpur
23& >kWlh 36.2 21.9 37.5 15.5 35.5 10.9 27.5 5.3 Jhansi
24& uthckckn 34.6 20.2 33.8 12.8 31.4 9.8 25.8 5.4 Nazibabad
25- Qqjlrxat 35.7 22.1 35.9 14.4 33.4 9.4 26.8 2.5 Fursat ganj
26& dkuiqj 35.2 21.2 36.2 14.8 33.0 7.3 27.0 3.0 Kanpur
27& vyhx<+ 36.0 21.2 36.4 15.2 31.6 11.6 26.6 4.6 Aligarh
28& eSuiqjh .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Mainpuri
29& tkykSu 36.0 23.5 37.0 18.5 31.5 14.0 25.0 6.0 Jalaun
..vizkIr .. Not Available
lzksr %& Hkkjrh; ekSle foKku dsUnz] vekSlh ,;jiksVZ] y[kuÅA
Source :- Indian Meteorological Centres , Amausi Airport, Lucknow.

2&i;kZoj.k lkaf[;dh @ Environment Statistics

2-3v & m0iz0 ds ekSle foKku dsUnzksa ij fy;k x;k rkieku 2019
2.3 (a) Temperature recorded at Meteorological Centres in UP. 2019
¼0lsfYl;l½ (0 Celcious)
tuojh Qjojh ekpZ vizSy
January February March April
dsUnz Centre
vf/k0 U;wu0 vf/k0 U;wu0 vf/k0 U;wu0 vf/k0 U;wu0
Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1
1& ckjkcadh 24.0 5.0 29.2 8.4 37.0 9.6 42.4 16.2 Barabanki

2& 'kkgtgkWiqj 23.0 4.5 28.5 7.2 35.8 9.3 40.6 16.4 Shajahanpur

3& xkthiqj n/a 5.0 n/a 6.0 n/a 8.0 n/a 17.0 Ghazipur

4& esjB 27.6 3.8 26.3 7.5 36.0 8.3 42.0 14.5 Meerut

5& Qrsgx<+ 26.5 6.9 26.1 8.5 34.2 13.4 42.4 17.7 Fatehgarh

6& eq0uxj 22.9 3.2 27.9 7.2 34.4 8.2 40.1 15.6 Muzaffarnagar

7& gjnksbZ+ 23.5 7.0 27.6 8.5 36.6 11.0 41.2 17.0 Hardoi

8& ckWnk 30.0 5.8 34.4 8.2 42.4 10.0 46.2 17.4 Banda

9& eqjknkckn 27.5 .. 25.7 n/a n/a n/a 40.2 17.8 Moradabad

10& gehjiqj 23.2 6.2 28.2 8.2 39.2 9.6 43.6 19.2 Hamirpur

11& bVkok 20.4 5.4 27.0 6.4 32.6 10.4 43.0 14.0 Etawah

12& cjsyh 24.1 3.9 27.3 6.5 36.1 7.5 43.0 15.2 Bareilly

13&okjk.klh¼ch-,p-;w-½ 25.7 4.5 32.0 8.6 39.8 8.1 45.3 16.7 Varanasi(B.H.U.)

14& xksj[kiqj 24.3 5.9 29.2 7.2 36.9 9.2 41.8 19.2 Gorakhpur

15& cgjkbp 24.8 6.0 29.6 8.0 37.4 8.8 41.6 17.6 Bahraich

16& iz;kxjkt 28.8 5.0 31.8 6.9 41.4 7.6 46.5 17.1 prayagraj

17& cfy;k 25.5 6.0 31.5 6.5 37.8 8.2 42.5 19.0 Ballia

18& [khjh 24.2 3.8 30.2 3.4 36.0 5.4 44.2 13.4 Kheri

19& lksuHknz 29.5 4.0 32.5 7.1 38.4 7.2 43.5 16.8 Sonbhadra

20& y[kuÅ 28.2 5.2 30.5 9.2 38.7 9.1 44.6 16.6 Lucknow

21& lqyrkuiqj 25.8 4.0 30.0 7.4 39.2 7.8 43.8 16.8 Sultanpur

22& >kWlh 30.7 5.5 34.7 7.5 40.3 9.3 44.6 17.8 Jhansi

23& uthckckn 24.5 6.2 27.8 7.0 35.2 7.8 39.8 12.2 Nazibabad

24& Qqjlrxat 26.4 3.0 29.8 6.2 38.1 6.4 44.4 14.8 Fursat ganj

25& dkuiqj 26.4 4.2 29.4 6.6 37.8 7.6 42.6 14.6 Kanpur

26& vyhx<+ 25.8 5.0 26.2 7.4 37.8 8.4 42.4 17.0 Aligarh

27& tkykSu 24.6 6.5 30.0 8.0 39.5 9.5 46.0 19.0 Jalaun

28& vkxjk 25.1 2.7 30.2 5.6 n/a 8.0 43.1 17.1 Agra

29& cLrh 25.0 5.5 30.0 7.0 38.0 12.0 42.5 15.0 Basti
vuqc)------ Contd……..

2&i;kZoj.k lkaf[;dh @ Environment Statistics

2-3c& m0iz0 ds ekSle foKku dsUnzksa ij fy;k x;k rkieku 2019

2.3 (b) Temperature recorded at Meteorological Centres in UP. 2019
¼0lsfYl;l½ (0 Celcious)

ebZ twu tqykbZ vxLr

May June July August
dsUnz Centre
vf/k0 U;wu0 vf/k0 U;wu0 vf/k0 U;wu0 vf/k0 U;wu0
Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min.

1 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1
1& ckjkcadh 44.0 23.0 44.8 23.4 37.0 23.4 35.8 23.6 Barabanki

2& 'kkgtgkWiqj 43.4 21.1 43.0 22.6 38.0 23.0 35.3 23.0 Shajahanpur

3& xkthiqj n/a 22.0 n/a 21.5 n/a 22.2 n/a 22.0 Ghazipur

4& esjB 44.0 19.7 44.3 21.2 39.0 21.3 37.3 23.6 Meerut

5& Qrsgx<+ 43.2 21.8 44.3 20.2 41.5 23.2 34.5 22.3 Fatehgarh

6& eq0uxj 42.1 20.2 42.2 21.6 40.2 21.4 35.6 23.0 Muzaffarnagar

7& gjnksbZ+ 43.0 23.5 42.6 20.0 38.0 17.2 35.6 20.5 Hardoi

8& ckWnk 48.2 23.4 48.4 24.2 41.4 23.6 36.6 21.2 Banda

9& eqjknkckn 42.0 25.0 42.5 23.4 38.0 23.7 37.0 25.4 Moradabad

10& gehjiqj 46.2 25.2 47.2 23.1 40.2 25.2 36.2 25.2 Hamirpur

11& bVkok 44.2 19.4 45.8 26.0 41.2 22.2 33.2 22.0 Etawah

12& cjsyh 44.0 21.7 47.2 23.0 38.7 22.3 35.8 23.2 Barelly

13&okjk.klh¼ch-,p-;w-½ 45.5 23.1 45.9 25.3 40.0 25.0 36.7 24.3 Varanasi(B.H.U.)

14& xksj[kiqj 42.8 20.3 44.0 22.4 37.0 23.6 36.3 25.3 Gorakhpur

15& cgjkbp 43.0 21.4 42.8 21.0 37.6 22.9 35.8 22.2 Bahraich

16& iz;kxjkt 48.6 23.6 48.9 22.6 41.3 23.8 36.9 24.6 prayagraj

17& cfy;k 43.5 21.0 44.6 24.5 39.0 23.0 37.0 25.0 Ballia

18& [khjh 44.0 23.2 42.4 23.4 40.0 23.0 37.0 23.0 Kheri

19& lksuHknz 45.3 22.7 46.4 25.7 37.4 23.1 35.0 22.6 Sonbhadra

20& y[kuÅ 44.8 23.0 44.9 23.1 39.2 22.7 36.5 24 Lucknow

21& lqyrkuiqj 45.8 22.0 44.8 24.8 38.2 23.8 36.8 24.0 Sultanpur

22& >kWlh 46.7 25.0 48.1 23.2 41.2 23.1 35.2 24.1 Jhansi

23& uthckckn 41.4 19.6 41.6 24.2 38.6 22.4 36.4 24.2 Nazibabad

24& Qqjlrxat 45.2 21.8 45.2 23.7 38.6 23.2 35.8 23.0 Fursat ganj

25& dkuiqj 45.8 21.2 45.0 24.8 38.8 24.2 35.4 23.0 Kanpur

26& vyhx<+ 45.8 22.4 46.4 23.0 42.6 22.8 35.6 24.4 Aligarh

27& tkykSu 46.0 23.0 46.5 23.5 41.0 24.5 34.5 24.5 Jalaun

28& vkxjk 46.3 22.9 45.7 24.8 43.2 24.2 36.5 25.1 Agra

29& cLrh 44.5 22.0 45.0 24.0 41.5 22.0 39.0 21.5 Basti
vuqc)----- Contd…...

2&i;kZoj.k lkaf[;dh @ Environment Statistics

2-3l& m0iz0 ds ekSle foKku dsUnzksa ij fy;k x;k rkieku 2019

2.3 (c) Temperature recorded at Meteorological Centres in UP. 2019
¼0lsfYl;l½ (0 Celcious)
flrEcj vDVwcj uoEcj fnlEcj
September October November December
dsUnz Centre
vf/k0 U;wu0 vf/k0 U;wu0 vf/k0 U;wu0 vf/k0 U;wu0
Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min.

1 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 1

1& ckjkcadh 34.5 20.2 32.0 16.6 30.6 11.7 26.5 1.6 Barabanki

2& 'kkgtgkWiqj 37.3 25.5 33.2 15.3 31.7 8.6 26.2 2.8 Shajahanpur

3& xkthiqj n/a 21.0 n/a 17.5 n/a 12.5 n/a 1.5 Ghazipur

4& esjB 36.8 21.8 33.4 16.0 29.9 9.2 24.7 2.5 Meerut

5& Qrsgx<+ 35.5 21.3 31.8 14.4 30.3 14.9 26.9 4.7 Fatehgarh

6& eq0uxj 36.0 21.2 32.0 13.8 30.2 5.3 25.9 1.0 Muzaffarnagar

7& gjnksbZ+ 35.6 18.0 37.0 .. 32.6 13.0 27.0 2.0 Hardoi

8& ckWnk 36.6 22.4 34.6 17.0 36.4 12.6 28.2 2.0 Banda

9& eqjknkckn 35.2 22.2 33.4 18.0 n/a n/a 26.7 4.0 Moradabad

10& gehjiqj 35.2 23.2 33.2 18.2 34.2 13.2 25.2 4.2 Hamirpur

11& bVkok 33.8 21.8 32.1 17.8 30.1 14.6 24.8 2.8 Etawah

12& cjsyh 35.9 20.5 32.5 14.0 30.3 8.4 25.1 2.5 Barelly

13&okjk.klh¼ch-,p-;w-½ 36.6 23.7 34.4 19.7 34.0 11.1 27.9 3.4 Varanasi(B.H.U.)

14& xksj[kiqj 36.2 22.0 33.2 18.6 33.2 11.8 26.6 4.0 Gorakhpur

15& cgjkbp 36.0 20.0 34.0 15.0 32.6 12.0 16.4 0.2 Bahraich

16& iz;kxjkt 36.7 23.4 34.6 20.3 36.2 12.0 29.3 3.6 prayagraj

17& cfy;k 37.0 22.0 34.5 20.0 35.0 12.5 27.0 4.5 Ballia

18& [khjh 36.4 23.0 35.4 15.0 32.0 9.2 29.0 5.4 Kheri

19& lksuHknz 34.5 20.2 32.2 16.5 32.6 10.8 27.0 0.8 Sonbhadra

20& y[kuÅ 36.8 21.8 34.4 17.3 32.1 10.2 26.8 0.7 Lucknow

21& lqyrkuiqj 34.2 22.4 34.6 17.0 30.0 10.8 27.8 2.4 Sultanpur

22& >kWlh 34.6 22.9 35.1 16.4 35.5 10.9 27.5 1.8 Jhansi

23& uthckckn 35.8 22.0 32.4 15.0 31.4 9.8 26.4 4.5 Nazibabad

24& Qqjlrxat 35.6 21.8 32.2 15.6 33.4 9.4 26.6 1.4 Fursat ganj

25& dkuiqj 35.2 22.0 34.4 16.0 33.0 7.3 26.0 0.0 Kanpur

26& vyhx<+ 37.0 22.2 34.0 16.8 31.6 11.6 24.4 1.8 Aligarh

27& tkykSu 34.5 22.0 34.0 19.0 31.5 14.0 24.5 3.0 Jalaun

28& vkxjk 36.1 23.4 35.0 16.5 34.5 10.0 23.9 1.9 Agra

29& cLrh 36.0 20.0 35.5 15.5 35.5 11.0 29.0 4.5 Basti
..vizkIr .. Not Available
lzksr %& Hkkjrh; ekSle foKku dsUnz] vekSlh ,;jiksVZ] y[kuÅA
Source :- Indian Meteorological Centres , Amausi Airport, Lucknow.

2&i;kZoj.k lkaf[;dh @ Environment Statistics
2-3v & m0iz0 ds ekSle foKku dsUnzksa ij fy;k x;k rkieku 2020
2.3 (a) Temperature recorded at Meteorological Centres in UP. 2020
¼0lsfYl;l½ (0 Celcious)
tuojh Qjojh ekpZ vizSy

January February March April

dsUnz Centre
vf/k0 U;wu0 vf/k0 U;wu0 vf/k0 U;wu0 vf/k0 U;wu0

Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1
1& ckjkcadh 23.6 5.4 27.0 7.5 34.0 14.0 37.4 16.8 Barabanki
2& 'kkgtgkWiqj 23.0 4.5 27.0 5.0 32.8 10.9 38.2 16.0 Shajahanpur
3& xkthiqj n/a 4.0 n/a 5.5 n/a 11.0 n/a n/a Ghazipur
4& esjB 21.6 2.8 26.6 4.0 32.6 11.0 38.6 15.8 Meerut
5& Qrsgx<+ 21.5 3.5 26.3 6.6 33.0 10.4 37.9 14.3 Fatehgarh
6& eq0uxj 21.6 0.9 26.2 2.2 30.8 8.4 37.2 13.0 Muzaffarnagar
7& gjnksbZ+ 23.6 5.5 28.5 7.5 32.6 10.8 38.0 20.0 Hardoi
8& ckWnk 26.6 4.2 29.8 6.6 36.4 12.8 42.6 17.2 Banda
9& eqjknkckn N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. Moradabad
10& gehjiqj 23.2 5.2 26.2 6.2 35.2 12.2 41.2 18.2 Hamirpur
11& bVkok 20.6 4.0 29.6 5.0 32.2 11.4 39.8 15.8 Etawah
12& cjsyh 22.9 3.2 26.0 4.8 31.9 10.5 38.1 14.5 Bareilly
13&okjk.klh¼ch-,p-;w-½ 25.7 5.7 29.3 3.0 36.0 12.0 41.0 15.8 Varanasi(B.H.U.)
14& xksj[kiqj 23.8 6.6 27.8 6.5 32.6 13.3 38.1 15.3 Gorakhpur
15& cgjkbp 23.4 4.0 27.4 6.0 33.8 13.4 37.6 17.2 Bahraich
16& iz;kxjkt 26.5 5.3 30.1 6.4 37.1 12.2 43.7 16.4 prayagraj
17& cfy;k 24.1 5.0 28.6 7.5 35.1 13.0 40.1 15.5 Ballia
18& [khjh N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. Kheri
19& lksuHknz 26.0 16.0 28.5 3.6 34.2 11.2 40.0 13.2 Sonbhadra
20& y[kuÅ 24.8 4.0 28.6 7.1 34.4 13.2 38.8 15.6 Lucknow
21& lqYrkuiqj 24.6 3.6 28.4 4.0 35.6 11.6 41.0 14.6 Sultanpur
22& >kWlh 28.5 4.6 32.2 7.6 36.2 13.0 42.3 17.2 Jhansi
23& uthckckn 25.2 5.5 27.0 6.5 31.5 10.4 37.5 14.5 Nazibabad
24& Qqjlrxat 24.0 3.0 27.6 4.0 34.8 9.8 40.0 14.2 Fursat ganj
25& dkuiqj 24.2 3.2 27.4 5.4 34.0 11.6 39.4 13.8 Kanpur
26& vyhx<+ 23.8 5.0 27.2 6.6 32.8 11.4 39.6 16.4 Aligarh
27& tkykSu 21.4 2.7 28.4 9.0 34.0 13.4 40.4 19.0 Jalaun
28& vkxjk 23.4 4.9 29.7 6.6 34.7 11.9 42.3 16.2 Agra
29& cLrh N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. Basti
vuqc)------ Contd……..

2&i;kZoj.k lkaf[;dh @ Environment Statistics

2-3c& m0iz0 ds ekSle foKku dsUnzksa ij fy;k x;k rkieku 2020

2.3 (b) Temperature recorded at Meteorological Centres in UP. 2020
¼0lsfYl;l½ (0 Celcious)
ebZ twu tqykbZ vxLr
May June July August
dsUnz Centre
vf/k0 U;wu0 vf/k0 U;wu0 vf/k0 U;wu0 vf/k0 U;wu0
Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min.
1 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1
1& ckjkcadh 44.0 18.0 37.5 22.0 36.6 24.5 35.4 24.0 Barabanki

2& 'kkgtgkWiqj 44.0 16.5 39.0 21.3 37.0 22.3 35.5 23.8 Shajahanpur

3& xkthiqj n/a 18.0 n/a 21.5 n/a 23.0 n/a n/a Ghazipur

4& esjB 44.5 17.6 40.0 19.8 37.6 21.0 37.0 23.0 Meerut

5& Qrsgx<+ 42.9 15.0 40.7 20.3 38.5 19.8 36.9 19.3 Fatehgarh

6& eq0uxj 42.4 16.6 39.0 18.1 36.5 19.8 35.8 22.8 Muzaffarnagar

7& gjnksb+Z 21.2 14.8 39.5 21.6 37.5 24.0 36.2 24.8 Hardoi

8& ckWnk 46.8 19.8 41.6 20.2 38.0 21.8 35.8 23.4 Banda

9& eqjknkckn N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. Moradabad

10& gehjiqj 45.2 21.1 41.2 23.2 38.2 23.2 36.2 25.2 Hamirpur

11& bVkok 44.4 18.2 42.4 19.2 40.8 21.6 37.8 19.1 Etawah

12& cjsyh 42.5 16.7 40.3 22.3 37.1 22.4 35.6 24.3 Barelly

13&okjk.klh¼ch-,p-;w-½ 45.9 20.4 40.1 22.1 36.7 24.7 36.5 24.6 Varanasi(B.H.U.)

14& xksj[kiqj 42.4 18.7 37.2 22.4 35.0 24.2 35.6 24.8 Gorakhpur

15& cgjkbp 42.6 17.0 38.6 22.0 36.9 24.2 35.8 23.4 Bahraich

16& iz;kxjkt 47.6 21.6 42.6 23.2 37.8 24.1 36.5 25.3 prayagraj

17& cfy;k 44.1 20.0 38.1 23.0 37.1 24.5 36.6 25.5 Ballia

18& [khjh N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. Kheri

19& lksuHknz 45.0 15.6 37.2 19.7 35.2 20.7 34.4 20.7 Sonbhadra

20& y[kuÅ 44.1 19.8 39.8 22.2 37.4 22.7 37 24.9 Lucknow

21& lqyrkuiqj 45.6 19.0 40.0 22.4 36.0 23.6 36.0 24.6 Sultanpur

22& >kWlh 47.0 12.0 43.5 21.6 41.6 23.0 35.8 24.0 Jhansi

23& uthckckn 42.5 17.2 39.8 19.6 37.5 22.0 36.5 23.0 Nazibabad

24& Qqjlrxat 45.4 18.6 40.3 21.0 36.2 23.6 35.8 23.7 Fursat ganj

25& dkuiqj 45.4 20.4 41.0 21.4 38.2 22.6 36.2 24.0 Kanpur

26& vyhx<+ 45.0 19.8 41.6 22.8 39.4 21.8 37.8 23.6 Aligarh

27& tkykSu 46.4 21.0 43.0 21.0 41.0 24.5 34.5 24.5 Jalaun

28& vkxjk 46.7 21.0 42.8 22.2 44.1 25.4 37.1 25.1 Agra

29& cLrh N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. Basti
vuqc)----- Contd…...

2&i;kZoj.k lkaf[;dh @ Environment Statistics
2-3l& m0iz0 ds ekSle foKku dsUnzksa ij fy;k x;k rkieku 2020
2.3 (c) Temperature recorded at Meteorological Centres in UP. 2020
¼0lsfYl;l½ (0 Celcious)
flrEcj vDVwcj uoEcj fnlEcj
September October November December
dsUnz Centre
vf/k0 U;wu0 vf/k0 U;wu0 vf/k0 U;wu0 vf/k0 U;wu0
Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min.
1 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 1
1& ckjkcadh 35.6 23.0 34.5 16.0 30.2 8.6 25.8 2.6 Barabanki

2& 'kkgtgkWiqj 37.0 22.3 37.0 11.4 31.0 7.0 27.5 2.8 Shajahanpur

3& xkthiqj n/a 22.5 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Ghazipur

4& esjB 37.0 22.6 35.9 13.0 32.4 6.9 27.8 3.5 Meerut

5& Qrsgx<+ 35.4 18.9 34.5 11.9 33.2 7.5 25.3 1.0 Fatehgarh

6& eq0uxj 36.0 20.4 34.9 10.2 29.6 5.5 26.9 2.0 Muzaffarnagar

7& gjnksbZ+ 37.0 23.5 36.8 16.2 30.6 9.8 28.0 5.0 Hardoi

8& ckWnk 38.4 22.8 36.6 14.4 31.8 8.4 29.2 4.4 Banda

9& eqjknkckn N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. Moradabad

10& gehjiqj 37.2 23.2 37.2 16.2 30.2 10.2 26.2 5.2 Hamirpur

11& bVkok 33.0 19.6 32.0 18.0 27.8 10.8 21.2 4.0 Etawah

12& cjsyh 37.5 21.1 35 13.0 29.3 6.4 25.1 2.8 Barelly

13&okjk.klh¼ch-,p-;w-½ 37.4 22.8 35.8 15.1 32.5 8.1 30.7 5.6 Varanasi(B.H.U.)

14& xksj[kiqj 35.0 23.9 34.9 14.8 32.2 9.8 27.4 5.1 Gorakhpur

15& cgjkbp 36.6 22.4 35.2 15.2 31.0 10.4 26.8 9.3 Bahraich

16& iz;kxjkt 37.2 24.0 37.8 15.4 32.8 9.6 31.2 5.6 prayagraj

17& cfy;k 37.1 25.0 37.1 16.0 32.1 10.0 27.1 23.2 Ballia

18& [khjh N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. Kheri

19& lksuHknz 35.0 18.6 33.8 11.0 32.0 5.5 29.0 2.6 Sonbhadra

20& y[kuÅ 37.7 23.2 37.4 14.6 31 8.6 28 1.0 Lucknow

21& lqyrkuiqj 38.0 23.4 37.2 15.2 32.2 8.2 27.4 4.2 Sultanpur

22& >kWlh 38.9 23.0 35.6 13.5 34.1 9.5 32.9 5.0 Jhansi

23& uthckckn 37.5 21.4 35.5 14.5 32.4 8.0 27.2 4.0 Nazibabad

24& Qqjlrxat 37.4 18.9 35.8 13.0 31.6 5.7 29.3 2.6 Fursat ganj

25& dkuiqj 36.4 22.4 35.9 13.0 31.7 6.6 28.4 3.4 Kanpur

26& vyhx<+ 38.0 22.0 36.4 13.4 31.0 7.4 27.8 4.8 Aligarh

27& tkykSu 34.5 22.0 34.0 19.0 31.5 14.0 24.5 3.0 Jalaun

28& vkxjk 38.6 23.5 37.2 14.6 32.2 n/a 29.0 4.8 Agra

29& cLrh N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. Basti
N.A.vizkIr N.A. Not Available
lzksr %& Hkkjrh; ekSle foKku dsUnz] vekSlh ,;jiksVZ] y[kuÅA
Source :- Indian Meteorological Centres , Amausi Airport, Lucknow.

3&tUe e`R;q vk¡dMs+ @ Vital Statistics
3-1&m0 iz0 ,oa Hkkjr esa rhu o"khZ; dzfed vkSlr ij vk/kkfjr tUe ,oa e`R;q njsa
Birth rates and death rates based on three years moving average in UP. and India
¼izfr gtkj/Per Thousand)
m0iz0 tUe nj@ Birth Rate e`R;q nj@Death rate
U.P. o"kZ@year xzkeh.k uxjh; ;kSfxd xzkeh.k uxjh; ;kSfxd
Rural Urban Combined Rural Urban Combined
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
U 1971-73 44.6 34.0 43.2 22.9 13.5 21.7
T 1972-74 43.6 33.0 42.3 22.7 13.1 21.5
T 1973-75 43.7 32.9 42.3 21.6 13.1 20.6
A 1974-76 43.1 32.8 41.7 22.1 13.2 20.9
R 1975-77 42.4 32.9 41.2 21.8 13.2 20.7
P 1976-78 41.4 32.3 40.3 21.0 12.7 20.0
R 1977-79 41.2 32.2 40.1 19.5 12.0 18.5
A 1978-80 40.9 32.4 39.8 18.6 11.5 17.7
D 1979-81 40.6 32.2 39.5 17.3 10.1 16.4
E 1980-82 40.4 32.3 39.2 17.1 9.9 16.0
S 1981-83 40.1 32.3 38.9 16.8 9.9 15.7
H 1982-84 39.8 33.2 38.6 17.4 10.7 16.2
1983-85 39.4 32.9 38.2 17.7 10.7 16.4
1984-86 39.3 32.2 38.0 17.3 10.6 16.1
1985-87 39.1 31.5 37.7 16.2 9.9 15.0
1987-89 38.7 31.1 37.3 14.4 9.2 13.7
1988-90 38.0 30.2 36.5 13.5 8.8 12.6
1989-91 37.5 28.9 35.9 12.7 8.3 11.9
1990-92 37.4 29.1 35.8 12.9 0.7 12.1
1991-93 37.5 29.6 36.0 12.7 8.5 11.9
1992-94 37.3 29.8 35.9 12.5 12.5 11.8
1993-95 36.6 29.7 35.4 11.5 8.5 10.9
1994-96 35.7 28.8 34.7 11.0 11.0 10.5
1995-97 35.3 28.2 34.1 10.7 10.7 10.3
1996-98 33.3 34.7 27.7 10.3 10.7 8.2
1997-99 32.9 34.0 27.5 10.4 10.9 8.1
1998-00 32.7 33.7 27.3 10.4 10.9 8.1
1999-01 33.2 27.0 32.1 10.6 7.8 10.1
vuqc)---- Contd…..

3&tUe e`R;q vk¡dMs+ @ Vital Statistics
3-1&m0 iz0 ,oa Hkkjr esa rhu o"khZ; dzfed vkSlr ij vk/kkfjr tUe ,oa e`R;q njsa
Birth rates and death rates based on three years moving average in UP. and India
¼izfr gtkj/Per Thousand)
Hkkjr tUe nj@ Birth Rate e`R;q nj@Death rate
India o"kZ@year xzkeh.k uxjh; ;kSfxd xzkeh.k uxjh; ;kSfxd
Rural Urban Combined Rural Urban Combined
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1971-73 37.7 30.0 36.3 17.4 9.9 15.9
1972-74 36.7 29.4 35.3 17.3 9.7 15.7
I 1973-75 36.2 28.6 34.8 16.8 9.7 15.3
N 1974-76 36.1 28.4 34.4 16.5 9.7 15.0
D 1975-77 35.6 28.5 34.2 16.6 9.7 15.2
I 1976-78 34.9 27.6 33.3 15.9 9.3 14.5
A 1977-79 34.5 27.9 33.1 15.1 9.0 13.9
1978-80 34.5 28.1 33.3 14.2 8.6 13.1
1979-81 35.3 27.5 33.8 13.9 7.9 12.7
1980-82 35.4 27.6 33.8 13.5 7.7 12.3
1981-83 35.4 27.8 33.8 13.3 7.7 12.1
1982-84 35.3 28.6 33.8 13.3 8.0 12.1
1983-85 35.0 28.6 33.6 13.3 8.1 12.1
1984-86 34.6 28.2 33.2 13.0 8.0 11.8
1985-87 34.1 27.5 32.6 12.4 7.6 11.3
1986-88 33.6 26.9 32.1 12.0 7.6 11.0
1987-89 33.0 26.3 31.5 11.7 7.4 10.7
1988-90 32.3 25.4 30.8 11.2 7.2 10.2
1989-91 31.6 24.7 30.0 10.7 7.0 9.9
1990-92 31.2 24.0 29.6 10.7 7.0 9.9
1991-93 30.7 23.7 29.1 10.7 6.6 9.7
1992-94 30.6 23.3 28.8 10.5 6.5 9.5
1993-95 30.3 23.1 28.5 10.1 6.4 9.2
1994-96 29.9 22.4 28.1 9.8 6.6 9.1
1995-97 29.4 21.9 27.7 9.7 8.5 9.0
1996-98 27.0 28.7 21.5 9.0 9.7 6.5
1997-99 26.5 28.2 21.3 8.8 9.5 6.4
1998-00 26.1 27.7 20.8 8.7 9.4 6.4
1999-01 27.1 20.3 25.4 9.1 6.3 8.4

lzksr&,l-vkj-,l cqysfVu Source-S.R.S. Bulletin

3&tUe e`R;q vk¡dMs+ @ Vital Statistics
3-2&m0 iz0 esa xzkeh.k ,oa uxjh; {ks=ksa esa vuqekfur okf"kZd tUe ,oa e`R;q nj
Estimated Annual Birth and death rates in rural and urban areas of UP.
izfr gtkj (Per Thousand)

tUe nj@ Birth Rate e`R;q nj@Death rate

o"kZ xzkeh.k uxjh; ;kSfxd xzkeh.k uxjh; ;kSfxd
Year Rural Urban Combined Rural Urban Combined
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

2011 28.8 23.7 27.8 8.3 6.1 7.9

2013 28.1 23.3 27.2 8.1 5.9 7.7

2014 28.3 23.3 27.0 8.0 5.8 7.4

2015 27.9 23.0 26.7 7.7 5.7 7.2

2016 27.3 22.8 26.2 7.3 5.5 6.9

2017 27.0 22.6 25.9 7.2 5.4 6.7

2018 26.6 22.5 25.6 7.0 5.3 6.6

2019 26.4 22.3 25.4 6.9 5.3 6.5

Lkzksr& Hkkjr ds egkiath;d ¼lSEiqy jftLV~s'ku cqyfs Vu½

Source- Registrar General Of India(S.R.S.Bulletin)

3&tUe e`R;q vk¡dMs+ @ Vital Statistics

3-3&m0 iz0 esa orZeku esa fookfgr fL=;ksa ,oa iqq:"kksa dh vkSlr vk;q 2012&13

3.3- District wise mean age of currently married females /males 2012-13

fookg ds le; vkSlr vk;q

Mean Age At marriage

tuin Distt.
iq:"k / Male L=h / Female

dqy xzkeh.k uxjh; dqy xzkeh.k uxjh;

Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1
1 lgkjuiqj 24.2 23.4 26.4 22.1 21.5 23.9 Saharanpur
2 eqt¶Qj uxj 24.5 24.0 25.6 22.3 21.9 23.2 Muz. Nagar
3 'kkeyh Shamli
4 fctukSj 24.6 24.2 26.0 22.3 22.0 23.1 Bijnor
5 eqjknkckn 23.7 22.6 26.0 21.8 21.1 23.3 Moradabad
6 laHky Sambhal
7 jkeiqj 24.4 23.4 27.0 21.7 21.2 22.9 Rampur

8 vejksgk 23.8 23.1 25.8 21.9 21.5 22.9 Amroha

9 esjB 24.1 23.3 25.0 21.9 21.3 22.6 Meerut
10 ckxir 24.2 24.0 25.1 21.7 21.6 22.2 Bagapat
11 xkft;kckn 24.7 23.7 25.4 22.4 21.5 23.0 Ghaziabad
12 gkiqqM+ Hapur
13 xkSrecq} uxj 23.4 22.8 25.0 21.3 20.9 22.4 G.B. Nagar
14 cqyUn'kgj 24.3 24.0 25.0 22.0 21.7 22.6 Bulandshahr
15 vyhx<+ 23.5 22.8 25.1 21.4 20.9 22.7 Aligarh
16 gkFkjl 23.4 22.9 24.7 21.3 21.0 22.2 Hathras
17 eFkqjk 23.2 22.4 24.7 21.0 20.4 22.2 Mathura
18 vkxjk 23.5 22.1 24.8 21.4 20.5 22.4 Agra
19 fQjkstkckn 23.5 22.9 25.4 21.4 21.1 22.7 Firozabad
20 ,Vk 22.9 22.6 24.8 20.9 20.8 21.8 Etah
21 dklxat Kasganj
22 eSuiqjh 23.4 23.0 25.4 21.1 20.9 22.5 Mainpuri
23 cnk;wW 21.7 21.5 22.6 20.2 20.0 21.1 Badaun
24 cjsyh 23.6 22.5 25.4 21.5 20.7 22.8 Bareilly
25 ihyhHkhr 23.1 22.5 25.5 20.9 20.4 22.6 Pilibhit
26 'kkgtgkWiqj 22.5 21.9 25.2 20.8 20.4 22.7 Shahjahanpur
27 [khjh 23.1 22.9 26.0 21.4 21.1 24.2 Kheri
vuqc)---- Contd……..

3&tUe e`R;q vk¡dMs+ @ Vital Statistics

3-3&m0 iz0 esa orZeku esa fookfgr fL=;ksa ,oa iqq:"kksa dh vkSlr vk;q 2012&13

3.3- District wise mean age of currently married females /males 2012-13

fookg ds le; vkSlr vk;q

Mean Age At marriage

tuin Distt.
iq:"k / Male L=h / Female

dqy xzkeh.k uxjh; dqy xzkeh.k uxjh;

Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1

28 lhrkiqj 22.6 22.5 23.9 20.9 20.8 21.7 Sitapur

29 gjnksbZ 23.2 22.9 24.8 20.9 20.7 22.0 Hardoi

30 mUuko 24.9 24.5 27.0 22.3 22.1 23.3 Unnao

31 y[kuÅ 25.7 23.8 27.1 22.9 21.8 23.8 Lucknow

32 jk;cjsyh 24.3 23.9 27.5 22.0 21.9 24.0 Raebareli

33 Q:Z[kkckn 24.4 23.5 27.2 22.4 21.9 23.9 Farrukhabad

34 dUukSt 23.8 23.5 25.1 21.5 21.3 22.6 Kannauj

35 bVkok 24.0 23.5 26.0 21.7 21.3 23.0 Etawah

36 vkSjS;k 24.6 24.4 25.3 21.9 21.7 22.7 Auraiya

37 dkuiqj nsgkr 25.0 24.8 - 22.4 22.2 - Kanpur Dehat

38 dkuiqj uxj 26.1 24.8 26.5 23.1 22.1 23.4 Kanpur Nagar

39 tkykSu 23.5 23.1 24.5 21.5 21.1 22.3 Jalaun

40 >kWlh 23.9 22.2 25.8 21.5 20.4 22.8 Jhansi

41 yfyriqj 21.3 20.7 25.6 19.6 19.1 22.6 Lalitpur

42 gehjiqj 25.0 24.9 25.4 21.6 21.3 22.9 Hamirpur

43 egksck 23.5 22.6 25.2 21.0 20.5 22.2 Mahoba

44 ckWnk 24.2 23.9 25.1 21.2 21.0 21.8 Banda

45 fp=dwV 22.9 22.6 25.4 20.8 20.6 22.5 Chitrakoot

46 Qrsgiqj 24.8 24.5 26.9 22.2 21.9 24.1 Fatehpur

47 izrkix<+ 23.1 22.9 25.3 21.7 21.6 22.3 Pratpgarh

48 dkS'kkEch 24.7 24.5 25.8 21.9 21.8 22.7 Kaushambi

vuqc)---- Contd……..

3&tUe e`R;q vk¡dMs+ @ Vital Statistics

3-3&m0 iz0 esa orZeku esa fookfgr fL=;ksa ,oa iqq:"kksa dh vkSlr vk;q 2012&13

3.3- District wise mean age of currently married females /males 2012-13

fookg ds le; vkSlr vk;q

Mean Age At marriage

tuin Distt.
iq:"k / Male L=h / Female

dqy xzkeh.k uxjh; dqy xzkeh.k uxjh;

Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1
49 iz;kxjkt 24.7 23.7 27.8 22.4 21.8 24.8 Prayagraj
50 ckjkcadh 23.2 23 25.1 21.3 21.2 23.2 Barabanki
51 v;ks/;k 23.8 23.1 27.3 21.7 21.3 23.8 Ayodhya
52 vEcsndj uxj 24.1 23.9 - 21.9 21.8 - AmbedkarNagar
53 lqYrkuiqj 22.8 22.5 - 21.3 21.2 - Sultanpur
54 vesBh Amethi
55 cgjkbp 22.0 21.8 25.7 20.6 20.4 23.7 Bahraich
56 JkoLrh 21.5 21.4 - 19.4 19.4 - Shrawasti
57 cyjkeiqj 22.0 21.7 - 19.5 19.3 - Balrampur
58 xks.Mk 22.3 22.0 26.7 20.9 20.7 24.0 Gonda
59 fl}kFkZuxj 21.6 21.2 - 19.8 19.7 - SiddarthNagar
60 cLrh 23.0 22.3 - 21.4 21.2 - Basti
61 lardchj uxj 22.9 22.6 - 21.5 21.4 - SantkabirNagar
62 egjktxat 22.6 22.3 - 20.7 20.5 - Maharajganj
63 xksj[kiqj 25.2 23.9 26.6 22.3 21.5 23.7 Gorakhpur
64 dq'khuxj 23.4 23.3 - 21.4 21.4 - KushiNagar
65 nsofj;k 24.6 24.2 27.0 22.6 22.4 24.0 Deoria
66 vktex<+ 23.9 23.6 25.9 21.7 21.6 23.2 Azamgarh
67 eÅ 24.1 23.6 25.7 22.1 21.9 22.8 Mau
68 cfy;k 24.0 23.8 25.6 22.1 21.8 24.7 Ballia
69 tkSuiqj 23.2 23.0 - 21.3 21.3 - Jaunpur
70 xkthiqj 23.4 23.0 26.3 21.1 21.0 22.2 Ghazipur
71 pUnkS y h 22.4 21.9 26.0 20.3 20.1 22.3 Chandauli
72 okjk.klh 24.7 22.8 26.4 22.2 21.2 23.5 Varanasi
73 larjfonkl uxj 22.8 22.2 25.7 20.7 20.4 22.6 SantravidasNagar
74 fetkZiqj 23.2 22.8 25.0 20.9 20.6 22.8 Mirzapur
75 lksuHknz 22.6 22.2 24.9 20.5 20.2 22.1 Sonbhadra
mRrj izns'k 23.8 23.0 25.8 21.6 21.1 23.0 Uttar Pradesh
..vizkIr .. Not Available
lzksr% Annual Health Survey 2012-13(Data is of year 2009-11)

3&tUe e`R;q vk¡dMs+ @ Vital Statistics

3-3&m0 iz0 esa orZeku esa fookg ds le; esa 18 o"kZ ls de fookfgr fL=;ksa dk dqy fookfgr fL=;ksa ls
izfr'kr rÉk 18 o"kZ ls iwoZ fookg gks tkus okyh 20&24 oÔhZ; dk fookfgr efgykvksa dh la[;k dk izfr'kr 2012&13
District wise percentage proportion of married females aged below 18 years and women aged 20-24
years married before legal age(18 years)to total married females in UP. 2012-13

18 o"kZ ls de vk;q oxZ esa 18 o"kZ ls iwoZ fookg gks tkus okyh
fookfgr fL=;ksa dk izfr'kr 20&24o"khZ; fookfgr efgykvksa dk izfr'kr

tuin % of Females married in The Currently married wqomen aged 20-24 years Distt.
age group below 18 years married before legal age(18 years)(%)

dqy xzkeh.k uxjh; dqy Total

xzkeh.k uxjh;
Total Rural Urban Rural Urban
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1
1 lgkjuiqj 1.5 2.1 0.0 18.5 19.6 13.3 Saharanpur
2 eqt¶Qj uxj 2.1 2.6 0.9 20.9 22.5 16.1 Muz. Nagar
3 'kkeyh ** ** ** ** ** ** Shamli
4 fctukSj 0.4 0.4 0.6 9.7 10.2 7.8 Bijnor
5 eqjknkckn 2.6 3.1 1.5 24.5 26.4 18.5 Moradabad
6 laHky ** ** ** ** ** ** Sambhal
7 jkeiqj 2.3 2.2 2.5 20.8 21.9 16.9 Rampur

8 vejksgk 1.9 2.0 1.6 20.0 22.7 8.3 Amroha

9 esjB 2.7 3.9 1.2 22.0 26.6 14.3 Meerut
10 ckxir 2.1 2.3 1.0 19.6 19.9 18.3 Bagapat
11 xkft;kckn 1.2 2.1 0.5 20.0 20.1 20.0 Ghaziabad
12 gkiqqM+ ** ** ** ** ** ** Hapur
13 xkSrecq} uxj 5.1 6.1 2.2 27.7 27.6 28.1 G.B. Nagar
14 cqyUn'kgj 1.2 1.6 0.4 23.8 25.4 19.9 Bulandshahr
15 vyhx<+ 1.6 2.0 0.9 28.9 31.0 21.7 Aligarh
16 gkFkjl 3.7 4.4 1.7 29.7 31.9 20.8 Hathras
17 eFkqjk 6.5 8.4 3.2 40.0 44.9 26.4 Mathura
18 vkxjk 3.8 5.2 2.5 32.6 37.6 25.8 Agra
19 fQjkstkckn 3.6 4.1 2.2 24.4 24.6 23.7 Firozabad
20 ,Vk 4.0 4.1 2.8 33.8 34.9 25.3 Etah
21 dklxat ** ** ** ** ** ** Kasganj
22 eSuiqjh 2.4 2.8 0.8 26.4 27.5 19.3 Mainpuri
23 cnk;wW 11.3 12.8 5.1 44.8 47.1 32.7 Badaun
24 cjsyh 3.3 4.7 1.2 36.8 39.6 30.9 Bareilly
25 ihyhHkhr 7.8 9.4 1.8 39.1 42.2 17.1 Pilibhit
26 'kkgtgkWiqj 8.3 10.0 0.7 45.4 47.7 29.4 Shahjahanpur
27 [khjh 6.9 7.5 0.0 30.9 31.2 26.9 Kheri
vuqc)---- Contd……..

3&tUe e`R;q vk¡dMs+ @ Vital Statistics

3-3&m0 iz0 esa orZeku esa fookg ds le; esa 18 o"kZ ls de fookfgr fL=;ksa dk dqy fookfgr fL=;ksa ls
izfr'kr rÉk 18 o"kZ ls iwoZ fookg gks tkus okyh 20&24 oÔhZ; dk fookfgr efgykvksa dh la[;k dk izfr'kr 2012&13
District wise percentage proportion of married females aged below 18 years and women aged 20-24
years married before legal age(18 years)to total married females in UP. 2012-13

18 o"kZ ls de vk;q oxZ esa 18 o"kZ ls iwoZ fookg gks tkus okyh
fookfgr fL=;ksa dk izfr'kr 20&24o"khZ; fookfgr efgykvksa dk izfr'kr

tuin % of Females married in The Currently married wqomen aged 20-24 years Distt.
age group below 18 years married before legal age(18 years)(%)

dqy xzkeh.k uxjh; dqy Total

xzkeh.k uxjh;
Total Rural Urban Rural Urban
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1

28 lhrkiqj 5.0 5.4 1.7 30.6 31.4 19 Sitapur

29 gjnksbZ 5.5 6.0 2.2 38.4 40.6 16.7 Hardoi

30 mUuko 2.1 2.4 0.7 20.7 21.9 12.2 Unnao

31 y[kuÅ 4.5 7.6 2.3 25.9 28.1 23.6 Lucknow

32 jk;cjsyh 1.9 2.0 0.0 28.3 27.6 40.6 Raebareli

33 Q:Z[kkckn 3.8 5.2 0.0 25.0 27.5 13.7 Farrukhabad

34 dUukSt 2.8 3.3 1.1 29.2 29.9 25.9 Kannauj

35 bVkok 3.7 3.8 3.1 26.7 28.3 16.2 Etawah

36 vkSjS;k 2.7 3 1.7 22.8 23.6 18.2 Auraiya

37 dkuiqj nsgkr 2.5 2.8 - 21 21.4 - Kanpur Dehat

38 dkuiqj uxj 1.1 1.8 0.9 16.2 14.2 17.1 Kanpur Nagar

39 tkykSu 4.7 4.5 5.2 25.3 27.0 18.9 Jalaun

40 >kWlh 3.8 5.6 2.0 31.6 37.8 21.1 Jhansi

41 yfyriqj 25.6 28.7 4.5 59.7 61.6 28.8 Lalitpur

42 gehjiqj 2.6 3.1 0.8 19.1 19.5 17.0 Hamirpur

43 egksck 5.2 6.7 2.3 31.6 33.6 26.5 Mahoba

44 ckWnk 6.2 6.6 5.1 28.8 30.2 22.2 Banda

45 fp=dwV 7.0 7.7 0.9 34.5 34.7 32.1 Chitrakoot

46 Qrsgiqj 0.7 0.8 0.0 20.2 19.8 23.6 Fatehpur

47 izrkix<+ 2.5 2.6 0.0 24.3 24.7 13.3 Pratpgarh

48 dkS'kkEch 2.2 2.1 3.7 20.6 20.7 19.5 Kaushambi

vuqc)---- Contd……..

3&tUe e`R;q vk¡dMs+ @ Vital Statistics

3-3&m0 iz0 esa orZeku esa fookg ds le; esa 18 o"kZ ls de fookfgr fL=;ksa dk dqy fookfgr fL=;ksa ls
izfr'kr rÉk 18 o"kZ ls iwoZ fookg gks tkus okyh 20&24 oÔhZ; dk fookfgr efgykvksa dh la[;k dk izfr'kr 2012&13
District wise percentage proportion of married females aged below 18 years and women aged 20-24
years married before legal age(18 years)to total married females in UP. 2012-13

18 o"kZ ls de vk;q oxZ esa 18 o"kZ ls iwoZ fookg gks tkus okyh
fookfgr fL=;ksa dk izfr'kr 20&24o"khZ; fookfgr efgykvksa dk izfr'kr

tuin % of Females married in The Currently married wqomen aged 20-24 years Distt.
age group below 18 years married before legal age(18 years)(%)

dqy xzkeh.k uxjh; dqy Total

xzkeh.k uxjh;
Total Rural Urban Rural Urban
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1
49 iz;kxjkt 1.5 1.8 0.5 18.4 18.1 20.0 Prayagraj
50 ckjkcadh 7.6 7.7 6.5 42.7 43.9 10.5 Barabanki
51 v;ks/;k 5.90 6.9 1.6 46.7 49.4 23.4 Ayodhya
52 vEcsndj uxj 3.0 2.9 - 32.4 33.2 - AmbedkarNagar
53 lqYrkuiqj 5.3 5.5 - 30.4 30.8 - Sultanpur
54 vesBh ** ** ** ** ** ** Amethi
55 cgjkbp 17.6 18.7 1.8 52.3 53 35.9 Bahraich
56 JkoLrh 28.9 29.3 - 58.7 58.9 - Shrawasti
57 cyjkeiq j 26.6 27.4 - 57.7 58.9 - Balrampur
58 xks.Mk 13.6 14.4 2.9 49.7 51 18.9 Gonda
59 fl}kFkZuxj 24.8 25.5 - 54.7 55.2 - SiddarthNagar
60 cLrh 6.2 6.6 - 42.9 43.2 - Basti
61 lardchj uxj 8.2 8.7 - 41.4 42.4 - SantkabirNagar
62 egjktxat 14.6 15.6 - 48.6 49.9 - Maharajganj
63 xksj[kiqj 3.7 5.1 1.3 37.0 42.0 18.8 Gorakhpur
64 dq ' khuxj 6.6 6.7 - 31.0 31.0 - KushiNagar
65 nsofj;k 3.8 4.1 1.4 26.0 26.2 23.5 Deoria
66 vktex<+ 3.3 3.6 0.9 26.8 27.1 22.2 Azamgarh
67 eÅ 1.8 2.3 0.0 24.6 25.7 18.8 Mau
68 cfy;k 4.6 5.0 1.1 29.7 30.1 25.8 Ballia
69 tkSuiqj 4.6 5.1 - 32.9 32.9 - Jaunpur
70 xkthiqj 5.8 6.10 2.7 29.0 29.7 19.2 Ghazipur
71 pUnkS yh 19.5 20.8 7.7 48.0 48.8 36.6 Chandauli
72 okjk.klh 4.8 7.1 2.1 36.2 43.0 22.9 Varanasi
73 larjfonkl uxj 7.7 8.7 2.3 42.0 43.4 27.5 SantravidasNagar
74 fetkZiqj 10.1 10.9 5.6 42.0 43.4 30.4 Mirzapur
75 lksuHknz 8.4 9.7 0.0 45.1 46.8 22.6 Sonbhadra
mRrj izns'k 5.4 6.7 1.6 32.6 34.8 21.4 Uttar Pradesh
..vizkIr **ekr` tuin esa lfEefyr .. Not Available

lzkrs % Annual Health Survey 2012-13(Data is of year 2009-11) ** included in mother district

3&tUe e`R;q ds vk¡dMs+ @ Vital Statistics
3-4&m0 iz0 esa ftysokj f'k'kq ,oa cky e`R;q nj vuqeku (izfr gtkj)
Districtwise Infant and child mortality rate estimates in UP. (Per thousand)

f'k'kq e`R;q nj vuqeku

Infant mortality estimates

tuin dqy 2011&12 dqy 2012&13 Distt.

(Total) (Total)
O;fDr xzkeh.k uxjh; O;fDr xzkeh.k uxjh;
Person Rural urban Person Rural urban
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1
1 lgkjuiqj 79 87 47 76 84 44 Saharanpur
2 eqt¶Qj uxj 55 60 39 51 56 36 Muz. Nagar
3 'kkeyh Shamli
4 fctukSj 60 63 47 62 64 51 Bijnor
5 eqjknkckn 65 63 69 64 63 65 Moradabad
6 laHky Sambhal
7 jkeiqj 64 71 36 60 67 35 Rampur
8 vejksgk 73 78 57 72 77 55 Amroha
9 esjB 52 56 46 50 53 44 Meerut
10 ckxir 54 57 46 52 54 45 Bagapat
11 xkft;kckn 50 56 46 46 55 38 Ghaziabad
12 gkiqqM+ Hapur
13 xkSrecq} uxj 57 60 48 57 62 45 G.B. Nagar
14 cqyUn'kgj 68 64 76 68 66 71 Bulandshahr
15 vyhx<+ 72 76 63 70 74 60 Aligarh
16 gkFkjl 61 59 66 57 57 59 Hathras
17 eFkqjk 45 51 32 44 49 33 Mathura
18 vkxjk 53 53 52 51 55 48 Agra

19 fQjkstkckn 60 62 51 56 58 49 Firozabad

20 ,Vk 71 74 48 67 69 46 Etah

21 dklxat Kasganj
22 eSuiqjh 54 52 65 50 48 61 Mainpuri

23 cnk;wW 88 89 83 84 85 - Badaun

24 cjsyh 78 87 55 78 87 57 Bareilly

25 ihyhHkhr 74 78 49 73 78 45 Pilibhit

26 'kkgtgkWijq 82 88 42 80 86 45 Shahjahanpur
vuqc)----- Contd……..

3&tUe e`R;q ds vk¡dMs+ @ Vital Statistics
3-4&m0 iz0 esa ftysokj f'k'kq ,oa cky e`R;q nj vuqeku (izfr gtkj)
Districtwise Infant and child mortality rate estimates in UP. (Per thousand)

f'k'kq e`R;q nj vuqeku

Infant mortality estimates

tuin dqy 2011&12 dqy 2012&13 Distt.

(Total) (Total)
O;fDr xzkeh.k uxjh; O;fDr xzkeh.k uxjh;
Person Rural urban Person Rural urban
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1
27 [khjh 78 81 - 78 80 52 kheri
28 lhrkiqj 80 80 79 80 81 74 Sitapur
29 gjnksbZ 81 82 76 81 82 73 Hardoi
30 mUuko 58 59 48 58 60 48 Unnao
31 y[kuÅ 44 53 34 44 54 34 Lucknow
32 jk;cjsyh 53 54 33 53 55 33 Raebareli
33 Q:Z[kkckn 78 81 63 78 82 61 Farrukhabad
34 dUukSt 81 82 74 79 81 73 Kannauj
35 bVkok 56 56 55 56 56 56 Etawah
36 vkSj;S k 58 62 36 58 62 36 Auraiya
37 dkuiqj nsgkr 65 69 - 65 68 - Kanpur Dehat
38 dkuiqj uxj 37 56 29 37 55 29 Kanpur Nagar
39 tkykSu 66 66 65 65 67 59 Jalaun
40 >kWlh 42 51 29 41 50 28 Jhansi
41 yfyriqj 72 74 54 73 75 56 Lalitpur
42 gehjiqj 45 45 46 45 45 45 Hamirpur
43 egksck 47 52 38 46 49 39 Mahoba
44 ckWnk 55 51 81 55 52 74 Banda
45 fp=dwV 69 69 70 67 67 68 Chitrakoot
46 Qrsgiqj 57 59 - 55 57 36 Fatehpur
47 izrkix<+ 85 86 67 84 85 - Pratapgarh
48 dkS'kkEch 83 82 99 82 81 - Kaushambi
49 iz;kxjkt 87 92 57 81 86 55 Prayagraj
50 ckjkcadh 71 72 - 68 70 - Barabanki
51 v;ks/;k 94 96 70 88 92 54 Ayodhya
52 vEcsndj uxj 67 68 48 63 64 - Ambedkar Nagar
53 lqYrkuiqj 46 47 - 45 46 - Sultanpur
vuqc)------ Contd……..

3&tUe e`R;q ds vk¡dMs+ @ Vital Statistics
3-4&m0 iz0 esa ftysokj f'k'kq ,oa cky e`R;q nj vuqeku (izfr gtkj)
Districtwise Infant and child mortality rate estimates in UP. (Per thousand)

f'k'kq e`R;q nj vuqeku

Infant mortality estimates

tuin dqy 2011&12 dqy 2012&13 Distt.

(Total) (Total)
O;fDr xzkeh.k uxjh; O;fDr xzkeh.k uxjh;
Person Rural urban Person Rural urban
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1
54 vesBh Amethi
55 cgjkbp 65 66 - 66 68 39 Bahraich
56 JkoLrh 100 100 120 96 96 - Shrawasti

57 cyjkeiqj 89 89 - 87 87 - Balrampur

58 xks.Mk 71 73 - 71 74 - Gonda

59 fl}kFkZuxj 87 88 71 87 88 - Siddharth Nagar

60 cLrh 81 82 58 81 82 - Basti

61 lardchj uxj 62 61 - 63 64 - Santkabir Nagar

62 egjktxat 84 84 68 78 78 - Maharajganj

63 xksj[kiqj 62 64 56 62 62 61 Gorakhpur

64 dq'khuxj 80 82 - 80 81 - Kushi Nagar

65 nsofj;k 70 72 53 70 73 45 Deoria

66 vktex<+ 75 76 - 74 74 73 Azamgarh

67 eÅ 76 76 76 73 73 75 Mau

68 cfy;k 69 67 86 69 68 76 Ballia

69 tkSuiqj 76 77 67 75 77 - Jaunpur

70 xkthiqj 81 79 101 77 77 - Ghazipur

71 pUnkSyh 79 78 - 77 76 93 Chandauli

72 okjk.klh 76 75 77 72 71 72 Varanasi

73 larjfonkl uxj 81 81 88 82 81 93 Sant RavidasNagar

74 fetkZiqj 81 83 65 80 82 - Mirzapur

75 lksuHknz 68 72 - 69 72 - Sonbhadra
mRrj izns'k 70 73 53 68 72 51 Uttar Pradesh
..vizkIr .. Not Available
lzksr% Annual Health Survey 2011-12 and 2012-13

3&tUe e`R;q ds vk¡dMs+ @ Vital Statistics
3-4&m0 iz0 esa ftysokj f'k'kq ,oa cky e`R;q nj vuqeku (izfr gtkj)
Districtwise Infant and child mortality rate estimates in UP. (Per thousand)
cky e`R;q nj¼5 o"kZ ls de½
Under Five Years Child Mortality rate

tuin dqy 2011&12 dqy 2012&13 Year/Distt.

(Total) (Total)
O;fDr xzkeh.k uxjh; O;fDr xzkeh.k uxjh;
Person Rural urban Person Rural urban
1 8 9 10 11 12 13 1
1 lgkjuiqj 103 115 57 99 111 53 Saharanpur
2 eqt¶Qj uxj 74 82 47 71 80 43 Muz. Nagar
3 'kkeyh Shamli
4 fctukSj 77 81 61 79 83 64 Bijnor
5 eqjknkckn 83 84 82 80 81 78 Moradabad
6 laHky Sambhal
7 jkeiqj 91 104 45 86 98 44 Rampur

8 vejksgk Amroha
9 esjB 62 67 54 59 65 49 Meerut
10 ckxir 73 78 52 70 75 52 Bagapat
11 xkft;kckn 63 74 55 59 69 52 Ghaziabad
12 gkiqqM+ Hapur
13 xkSrecq} uxj 69 74 58 70 75 55 G.B. Nagar
14 cqyUn'kgj 92 93 91 89 92 84 Bulandshahr
15 vyhx<+ 89 97 70 90 99 70 Aligarh
16 gkFkjl 82 79 93 78 76 84 Hathras
17 eFkqjk 60 70 37 58 66 41 Mathura
18 vkxjk 70 77 64 69 79 59 Agra
19 fQjkstkckn 85 91 64 79 85 61 Firozabad
20 ,Vk 90 96 51 86 91 53 Etah
21 dklxat Kasganj
22 eSuiqjh 82 83 82 78 79 75 Mainpuri
23 cnk;wW 109 112 97 108 110 - Badaun
24 cjsyh 105 120 72 104 117 74 Bareilly
25 ihyhHkhr 95 101 64 91 96 61 Pilibhit

26 'kkgtgkWijq 101 109 54 100 107 55 Shahjahanpur

vuqc)------ Contd……..

3&tUe e`R;q ds vk¡dMs+ @ Vital Statistics
3-4&m0 iz0 esa ftysokj f'k'kq ,oa cky e`R;q nj vuqeku (izfr gtkj)
Districtwise Infant and child mortality rate estimates in UP. (Per thousand)
cky e`R;q nj¼5 o"kZ ls de½
Under Five Years Child Mortality rate

tuin dqy 2011&12 dqy 2012&13 Year/Distt.

(Total) (Total)
O;fDr xzkeh.k uxjh; O;fDr xzkeh.k uxjh;
Person Rural urban Person Rural urban
1 8 9 10 11 12 13 1
27 [khjh 116 122 - 117 121 55 kheri

28 lhrkiqj 116 117 107 114 116 90 Sitapur

29 gjnksbZ 115 117 97 118 121 97 Hardoi

30 mUuko 83 85 74 83 85 71 Unnao

31 y[kuÅ 57 78 39 58 79 40 Lucknow

32 jk;cjsyh 78 81 46 80 84 39 Raebareli

33 Q:Z[kkckn 97 104 73 98 107 70 Farrukhabad

34 dUukSt 102 106 88 102 105 89 Kannauj

35 bVkok 83 86 72 85 90 69 Etawah

36 vkSj;S k 85 90 53 84 90 48 Auraiya

37 dkuiqj nsgkr 96 101 - 94 98 - Kanpur Dehat

38 dkuiqj uxj 50 77 40 50 77 40 Kanpur Nagar

39 tkykSu 96 96 97 97 97 96 Jalaun

40 >kWlh 60 72 43 59 73 43 Jhansi

41 yfyriqj 113 117 75 114 118 78 Lalitpur

42 gehjiqj 63 64 61 66 67 60 Hamirpur

43 egksck 70 73 63 73 79 62 Mahoba

44 ckWnk 91 90 100 96 97 96 Banda

45 fp=dwV 122 126 78 119 123 81 Chitrakoot

46 Qrsgiqj 79 84 - 81 86 40 Fatehpur

47 izrkix<+ 109 111 72 104 107 - Pratapgarh

48 dkS'kkEch 126 126 121 113 113 - Kaushambi

49 iz;kxjkt 112 119 71 104 113 62 Prayagraj

50 ckjkcadh 96 97 - 97 100 - Barabanki
vuqc)------ Contd……..

3&tUe e`R;q ds vk¡dMs+ @ Vital Statistics
3-4&m0 iz0 esa ftysokj f'k'kq ,oa cky e`R;q nj vuqeku (izfr gtkj)
Districtwise Infant and child mortality rate estimates in UP. (Per thousand)
cky e`R;q nj¼5 o"kZ ls de½
Under Five Years Child Mortality rate

tuin dqy 2011&12 dqy 2012&13 Year/Distt.

(Total) (Total)
O;fDr xzkeh.k uxjh; O;fDr xzkeh.k uxjh;
Person Rural urban Person Rural urban
1 8 9 10 11 12 13 1
51 v;ks/;k 124 128 91 115 120 72 Ayodhya
52 vEcsndj uxj 81 83 57 78 79 - Ambedkarnagar
53 lqYrkuiqj 67 69 - 66 67 - Sultanpur
54 vesBh Amethi
55 cgjkbp 100 102 - 105 108 53 Bahraich
56 JkoLrh 135 136 120 130 130 - Shrawasti
57 cyjkeiqj 123 124 - 117 119 - Balrampur
58 xks.Mk 96 99 - 97 100 - Gonda
59 fl}kFkZuxj 118 119 77 116 117 - Siddharthnagar
60 cLrh 106 109 62 106 109 - Basti
61 lardchj uxj 93 92 - 91 93 - Santkabirnagar
62 egjktxat 105 107 80 96 97 - Mahrajganj
63 xksj[kiqj 81 84 70 76 78 71 Gorakhpur
64 dq'khuxj 99 101 - 99 99 - Kushinagar
65 nsofj;k 86 88 66 83 86 57 Deoria
66 vktex<+ 90 92 - 89 90 82 Azamgarh
67 eÅ 93 95 86 86 87 86 Mau
68 cfy;k 84 83 98 82 83 80 Ballia

69 tkSuiqj 96 95 108 91 91 - Jaunpur

70 xkthiqj 96 94 118 94 94 - Ghazipur

71 pUnkSyh 103 103 - 98 98 103 Chandauli

72 okjk.klh 97 101 92 90 94 85 Varanasi

73 larjfonkl uxj 107 108 102 106 106 109 Santravidasnagar

74 fetkZiqj 110 114 78 105 110 - Mirzapur

75 lksuHknz 99 107 - 99 106 - Sonbhadra
mRrj izns'k 92 99 65 90 97 63 Uttar Pradesh
..vizkIr .. Not Available
lzksr% Annual Health Survey 2011-12 and 2012-13

4- vkokl @ HOUSING
4-1& m0iz0 esa ftysokj tux.kuk edkuksa dk mi;ksx ds vuqlkj oxhZdj.k 2011
Districtwise Number of Census Houses Classified by Uses in UP. census 2011
tux.kuk [kkyh vkokl vkokl ,oa nqdku Ldwy dkyst
edkuks dh tux.kuk vU; ,ao dk;kZy; vkfn District

dqy la[;k edkuks dh

tuin dqy la[;k
Total Total number
number of of vacant Residence Residence- Shop and Office School,
census census cum-other College
houses houses use etc.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1
1 lgkjuiqj 889,238 49,414 546,804 40,782 77,962 3,860 Saharanpur
2 eqt¶Qj uxj 969,850 56,036 613,570 65,852 70,601 6,701 Muz. Nagar
3 'kkeyh ** ** ** ** ** ** Shamli
4 fctukSj 908,523 51,307 578,231 48,476 58,004 5,929 Bijnor
5 eqjknkckn 1,047,916 54,805 698,521 81,032 61,158 4,993 Moradabad
6 laHky ** ** ** ** ** ** Sambhal
7 jkeiqj 539,992 22,790 366,078 23,205 37,173 4,035 Rampur
8 vejksgk 451,374 23,121 280,228 31,668 28,869 2,497 Amroha
9 esjB 803,823 56,640 493,101 72,357 60,593 3,155 Meerut
10 ckxir 316,046 27,966 170,165 36,269 18,913 1,750 Bagapat
11 xkft;kckn 1,191,723 131,603 769,209 56,884 73,671 4,581 Ghaziabad
12 gkiqqM+ ** ** ** ** ** ** Hapur
13 xkSrecq} uxj 509,770 94,625 300,455 15,395 27,976 2,304 G.B. Nagar
14 cqyUn'kgj 880,077 69,675 498,197 82,597 59,970 3,982 Bulandshahr
15 vyhx<+ 858,059 53,365 528,018 73,354 48,347 4,128 Aligarh
16 gkFkjl 373,033 21,059 240,468 18,020 21,162 1,868 Hathras
17 eFkqjk 585,290 35,400 378,039 31,473 34,768 2,833 Mathura
18 vkxjk 903,823 49,293 638,996 28,999 52,737 4,059 Agra
19 fQjkstkckn 535,368 23,048 387,090 23,309 26,916 2,830 Firozabad
20 ,Vk 401,998 18,302 276,335 13,154 19,582 2,280 Etah
21 dklxat 343724 19291 225872 9790 17633 1959 Kasganj
22 eSuiqjh 411,258 17,293 301,068 8,611 17,890 2,595 Mainpuri
23 cnk;wW 867,624 49,130 544,682 61,012 36,305 4,002 Badaun
24 cjsyh 994,411 53,256 679,259 60,941 53,170 4,451 Bareilly
25 ihyhHkhr 461,390 19,001 331,572 26,651 21,925 2,407 Pilibhit
26 'kkgtgkWiqj 655,003 25,297 493,993 17,877 29,839 3,952 Shahjahanpur
27 [khjh 862,610 22,470 683,517 19,270 28,717 4,675 Kheri
28 lhrkiqj 938,902 27,051 765,755 20,080 24,729 4,988 Sitapur
29 gjnksbZ 907,677 32,221 684,169 19,325 25,916 4,626 Hardoi
30 mUuko 717,356 37,383 545,677 17,342 20,594 3,899 Unnao
31 y[kuÅ 1,061,721 93,661 779,061 36,706 50,227 4,136 Lucknow
32 jk;cjsyh 778,418 38,546 593,869 16,669 23,355 3,851 Raebareli
33 Q:Z[kkckn 411,490 19,775 295,558 10,294 18,310 2,253 Farrukhabad
34 dUukSt 365,770 17,010 268,210 8,882 12,767 3,053 Kannauj
35 bVkok 351,126 19,612 263,447 9,087 15,273 2,310 Etawah
36 vkSjS;k 314,274 17,730 238,819 7,947 11,779 2,073 Auraiya
37 dkuiqj nsgkr 405,256 16,587 315,045 10,905 10,539 3,036 Kanpur Dehat
38 dkuiqj uxj 1,049,775 72,191 775,296 39,645 57,344 4,170 Kanpur Nagar
39 tkykSu 396,421 19,031 269,571 15,427 12,595 2,856 Jalaun
vuqc)----- Contd…..

4- vkokl@HOUSING
4-1& m0iz0 esa ftysokj tux.kuk edkuksa dk mi;ksx ds vuqlkj oxhZdj.k 2011
Districtwise Number of Census Houses Classified by Uses in UP. census 2011
tux.kuk [kkyh vkokl vkokl ,oa nqdku Ldwy dkyst
edkuks dh tux.kuk vU; ,ao dk;kZy; vkfn District
dqy la[;k edkuks dh
dqy la[;k
Total Total number
number of of vacant Residence Residence- Shop and Office School,
census census cum-other College
houses houses use etc.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1
40 >kWlh 504,913 28,049 339,988 15,590 21,745 3,440 Jhansi
41 yfyriqj 301,832 19,169 207,135 9,386 10,348 1,889 Lalitpur
42 gehjiqj 311,381 19,845 195,729 12,253 8,233 1,936 Hamirpur
43 egksck 246,823 17,190 155,111 7,191 6,993 1,758 Mahoba
44 ckWnk 445,625 22,905 299,413 20,936 12,748 2,879 Banda
45 fp=dwV 230,795 12,475 157,431 9,407 5,534 2,990 Chitrakoot
46 Qrsgiqj 636,540 30,417 453,398 16,579 19,077 6,164 Fatehpur
47 izrkix<+ 752,786 33,148 509,645 17,198 22,395 3,796 Pratapgarh
48 dkS'kkEch 380,620 22,693 262,869 12,385 8,640 1,978 Kausambi
49 iz;kxjkt 1,248,570 63,177 852,464 40,822 42,262 6,267 Prayagraj
50 ckjkcadh 714,908 29,816 548,393 15,727 31,507 3,962 Barabanki
51 v;ks/;k 589,666 32,870 397,189 17,895 22,737 3,969 Ayodhya
52 vEcsndj uxj 566,590 24,466 343,078 18,311 24,864 3,395 Ambedkar Nagar
53 lqYrkuiqj 889,628 37,166 597,788 21,072 30,729 5,237 Sultanpur
54 vesBh ** ** ** ** ** ** Amethi
55 cgjkbp 760,262 20,752 574,080 17,176 21,124 6,239 Bahraich
56 JkoLrh 257,274 7,750 175,579 9,747 5,303 1,589 Shrawasti
57 cyjkeiqj 445,838 20,465 301,444 17,621 13,497 3,307 Balrampur
58 xks.Mk 726,372 31,646 512,959 18,634 25,546 4,379 Gonda
59 fl}kFkZuxj 513,513 23,019 359,210 15,698 15,053 3,721 Siddharth Nagar
60 cLrh 545,025 21,887 362,418 15,149 18,904 3,730 Basti
61 lardchj uxj 352,151 14,594 247,375 8,337 12,595 2,453 Sant Kabir Nagar
62 egjktxat 607,079 22,006 403,740 15,841 20,723 3,445 Maharajganj
63 xksj[kiqj 951,128 50,744 662,989 24,224 37,455 4,892 Gorakhpur
64 dq'khuxj 785,099 19,108 539,751 14,462 25,891 4,010 Kushi Nagar
65 nsofj;k 665,706 25,518 450,644 13,238 30,188 4,198 Deoria
66 vktex<+ 971,458 41,904 621,899 30,663 39,753 5,584 Azamgarh
67 eÅ 451,528 21,998 289,628 27,193 19,414 2,890 Mau
68 cfy;k 629,381 21,581 463,099 14,859 20,486 3,472 Ballia
69 tkSuiqj 1,006,670 46,080 625,964 24,750 43,811 5,651 Jaunpur
70 xkthiqj 761,640 28,540 499,162 22,529 30,905 7,442 Ghazipur
71 pUnkSyh 395,759 16,940 278,939 13,321 12,084 2,089 Chandauli

72 okjk.klh 755,064 45,188 488,155 46,099 40,934 3,485 Varanasi

73 larjfonkl uxj 339,507 16,758 207,312 9,123 12,811 1,816 Sant Ravidas Nagar

74 fetkZiqj 543,115 27,841 369,591 17,548 18,340 3,168 Mirzapur

75 lksuHknz 428,088 34,534 313,052 11,684 13,354 2,449 Sonbhadra

mRrj izns'k 45172443 2407224 30884566 1781935 2013292 256746 Uttar Pradesh
vuqc)----- Contd…..

4- vkokl @ HOUSING
4-1& m0iz0 esa ftysokj tux.kuk edkuksa dk mi;ksx ds vuqlkj oxhZdj.k 2011
Districtwise Number of Census Houses Classified by Uses in UP. census 2011
gksVy@ykWt@ fpfdRlky; QSDVjh iwtkLFky vU; fuoflr edkuksa
xsLVgkml vkSS"k/kky; odZ'kki vukoklh; dh la0 District
vkfn vkfn odZ'ksM vkfn iz;hsx esa
Hotel, Lodge, Hospital, Factory, Work- Place of Other non- No. of occupied
Guest house Dispensary shop, Work- worship residential houses
etc. etc. shed etc. use
1 8 9 10 11 12 13 1
1 lgkjuiqj 77,962 1,115 1,831 5,500 5,733 153,388 Saharanpur
2 eqt¶Qj uxj 70,601 1,590 2,206 5,482 5,649 137,869 Muz. Nagar
3 'kkeyh ** ** ** ** ** ** Shamli
4 fctukSj 58,004 1,670 2,307 4,836 5,973 149,373 Bijnor
5 eqjknkckn 61,158 1,175 1,876 6,671 6,255 126,467 Moradabad
6 laHky ** ** ** ** ** ** Sambhal
7 jkeiqj 37,173 740 941 3,595 4,147 75,584 Rampur

8 vejksgk 28,869 441 866 2,765 2,623 77,000 Amroha

9 esjB 60,593 1,055 1,474 6,165 3,758 99,397 Meerut
10 ckxir 18,913 353 691 1,846 1,620 54,487 Bagapat
11 xkft;kckn 73,671 2,050 2,300 10,458 3,896 128,478 Ghaziabad
12 gkiqqM+ ** ** ** ** ** ** Hapur
13 xkSrecq} uxj 27,976 1,258 826 7,974 1,662 54,582 G.B. Nagar
14 cqyUn'kgj 59,970 1,063 1,494 3,467 6,379 150,221 Bulandshahr
15 vyhx<+ 48,347 790 1,437 4,781 7,371 131,938 Aligarh
16 gkFkjl 21,162 307 689 1,455 4,308 62,070 Hathras
17 eFkqjk 34,768 874 1,093 1,860 5,157 90,452 Mathura
18 vkxjk 52,737 1,340 1,788 4,943 7,030 107,922 Agra
19 fQjkstkckn 26,916 497 782 2,313 4,199 62,384 Firozabad
20 ,Vk 19,582 415 644 1,043 3,128 66,005 Etah
21 dklxat 17633 374 502 1725 2406 63171 Kasganj
22 eSuiqjh 17,890 239 576 986 3,377 57,632 Mainpuri
23 cnk;wW 36,305 941 1,289 2,426 6,718 158,556 Badaun
24 cjsyh 53,170 1,364 1,685 4,581 6,336 124,635 Bareilly
25 ihyhHkhr 21,925 448 728 1,705 3,182 52,622 Pilibhit
26 'kkgtgkWiqj 29,839 668 935 2,343 4,165 73,888 Shahjahanpur
27 [khjh 28,717 676 1,020 3,217 6,130 90,826 Kheri
28 lhrkiqj 24,729 598 1,045 3,160 7,791 81,567 Sitapur
29 gjnksbZ 25,916 617 911 2,647 6,828 128,495 Hardoi
30 mUuko 20,594 418 1,075 2,295 7,289 78,731 Unnao
31 y[kuÅ 50,227 1,926 1,959 4,628 5,991 75,209 Lucknow
32 jk;cjsyh 23,355 693 1,100 2,470 9,301 86,415 Raebareli
33 Q:Z[kkckn 18,310 302 698 1,814 3,348 57,855 Farrukhabad
34 dUukSt 12,767 317 678 1,870 3,152 48,901 Kannauj
35 bVkok 15,273 313 557 1,126 3,312 34,793 Etawah
36 vkSjS;k 11,779 226 413 853 3,115 30,701 Auraiya
37 dkuiqj nsgkr 10,539 294 591 1,593 4,308 41,056 Kanpur Dehat
38 dkuiqj uxj 57,344 1,486 1,760 8,125 6,720 75,622 Kanpur Nagar
39 tkykSu 12,595 322 673 1,150 4,859 69,068 Jalaun
vuqc)----- Contd…..

4- vkokl@HOUSING
4-1& m0iz0 esa ftysokj tux.kuk edkuksa dk mi;ksx ds vuqlkj oxhZdj.k 2011
Districtwise Number of Census Houses Classified by Uses in UP. census 2011
gksVy@ykWt@ fpfdRlky; QSDVjh iwtkLFky vU; fuoflr edkuksa
xsLVgkml vkSS"k/kky; odZ'kki vukoklh; dh la0 District
vkfn vkfn odZ'ksM vkfn iz;hsx esa
Hotel, Lodge, Hospital, Factory, Work- Place of Other non- No. of occupied
Guest house Dispensary shop, Work- worship residential houses
etc. etc. shed etc. use
1 8 9 10 11 12 13 1
40 >kWlh 21,745 734 1,527 2,088 4,694 84,091 Jhansi
41 yfyriqj 10,348 346 552 704 3,059 48,622 Lalitpur
42 gehjiqj 8,233 255 531 1,035 2,580 68,144 Hamirpur
43 egksck 6,993 250 529 956 2,656 53,646 Mahoba
44 ckWnk 12,748 385 728 1,405 3,733 79,754 Banda
45 fp=dwV 5,534 269 374 1,758 1,977 38,120 Chitrakoot
46 Qrsgiqj 19,077 647 893 3,298 6,095 98,541 Fatehpur
47 izrkix<+ 22,395 816 1,291 2,398 7,872 152,619 Pratapgarh
48 dkS'kkEch 8,640 243 472 822 3,024 66,634 Kausambi
49 iz;kxjkt 42,262 2,281 2,220 5,192 12,390 217,016 Prayagraj
50 ckjkcadh 31,507 695 1,238 3,303 6,657 71,489 Barabanki
51 v;ks/;k 22,737 690 1,250 2,598 4,734 103,364 Ayodhya
52 vEcsndj uxj 24,864 545 1,103 4,357 3,983 141,340 Ambedkar Nagar
53 lqYrkuiqj 30,729 732 1,475 3,277 7,737 182,495 Sultanpur
54 vesBh ** ** ** ** ** ** Amethi
55 cgjkbp 21,124 694 1,019 3,445 5,892 108,506 Bahraich
56 JkoLrh 5,303 253 241 999 2,532 52,832 Shrawasti
57 cyjkeiqj 13,497 445 610 1,731 4,651 81,078 Balrampur
58 xks.Mk 25,546 818 905 2,955 5,988 120,958 Gonda
59 fl}kFkZuxj 15,053 538 762 1,777 4,658 88,272 Siddharth Nagar
60 cLrh 18,904 588 881 1,833 5,390 113,134 Basti
61 lardchj uxj 12,595 287 613 1,583 2,970 60,683 Sant Kabir Nagar
62 egjktxat 20,723 460 716 2,258 3,664 133,261 Maharajganj
63 xksj[kiqj 37,455 1,288 1,633 3,478 7,017 153,285 Gorakhpur
64 dq'khuxj 25,891 623 937 2,098 3,906 172,757 Kushi Nagar
65 nsofj;k 30,188 523 1,276 2,385 4,884 130,955 Deoria
66 vktex<+ 39,753 794 2,495 3,309 7,902 214,829 Azamgarh
67 eÅ 19,414 353 1,208 3,126 3,720 80,484 Mau
68 cfy;k 20,486 486 1,079 1,963 5,934 94,764 Ballia
69 tkSuiqj 43,811 876 2,822 4,483 9,340 239,622 Jaunpur
70 xkthiqj 30,905 902 2,149 4,093 7,250 156,363 Ghazipur
71 pUnkSyh 12,084 317 926 1,401 3,705 64,802 Chandauli
72 okjk.klh 40,934 1,371 2,038 5,756 5,699 111,554 Varanasi
73 larjfonkl uxj 12,811 412 805 3,938 3,195 82,662 Sant Ravidas Nagar
74 fetkZiqj 18,340 667 1,220 3,026 5,516 94,610 Mirzapur
75 lksuHknz 13,354 467 769 1,166 2,201 47,159 Sonbhadra
mRrj izns'k 2013292 51005 80727 213862 354421 6,965,805 Uttar Pradesh
..vizkIr .. Not Available

L=ksr%& Hkkjrh; tux.kuk 2011 Source :-Census of India 2011

4- vkokl @ HOUSING
4-2& m0iz0 esa ftysokj vkoklh; x`gksa dh la[;k rFkk izfr x`g O;fDr;ksadh la[;k&2011
Districtwise Number of Residential Houses & Persons per House in UP. 2011
dqy ifjokjksa dh vkoklh; x`gksa dh la[;k
la[;k Number of Residential Houses
Total xzkeh.k uxjh; ;ksx
Household Rural Urban Total
1 2 3 4 5 1
1 lgkjuiqj 597656 370,967 175,837 546,804 Saharanpur
2 eqt¶Qj uxj 676642 424,491 189,079 613,570 Muz. Nagar
3 'kkeyh ** ** ** ** Shamli
4 fctukSj 633197 433,576 144,655 578,231 Bijnor
5 eqjknkckn 796170 455,853 242,668 698,521 Moradabad
6 laHky ** ** ** ** Sambhal
7 jkeiqj 393736 270,721 95,357 366,078 Rampur
8 vejksgk 314401 206,048 74,180 280,228 Amroha
9 esjB 579110 214,353 278,748 493,101 Meerut
10 ckxir 209916 129,969 40,196 170,165 Bagapat
11 xkft;kckn 850676 210,778 558,431 769,209 Ghaziabad
12 gkiqqM+ ** ** ** ** Hapur
13 xkSrecq} uxj 327090 98,641 201,814 300,455 G.B. Nagar
14 cqyUn'kgj 587529 362,701 135,496 498,197 Bulandshahr
15 vyhx<+ 611371 345,486 182,532 528,018 Aligarh
16 gkFkjl 260860 188,992 51,476 240,468 Hathras
17 eFkqjk 423125 265,990 112,049 378,039 Mathura
18 vkxjk 710566 349,962 289,034 638,996 Agra
19 fQjkstkckn 414266 257,745 129,345 387,090 Firozabad
20 ,Vk 290683 234,169 42,166 276,335 Etah
21 dklxat 237903 182363 43509 225872 Kasganj
22 eSuiqjh 313690 255,476 45,592 301,068 Mainpuri
23 cnk;wW 615776 444,722 99,960 544,682 Badaun
24 cjsyh 756784 423,343 255,916 679,259 Bareilly
25 ihyhHkhr 362573 272,630 58,942 331,572 Pilibhit
26 'kkgtgkWiqj 527501 401,133 92,860 493,993 Shahjahanpur
27 [khjh 745077 608,701 74,816 683,517 Kheri
28 lhrkiqj 801764 687,641 78,114 765,755 Sitapur
29 gjnksbZ 730442 601,199 82,970 684,169 Hardoi
30 mUuko 588533 459,804 85,873 545,677 Unnao
31 y[kuÅ 860703 263,073 515,988 779,061 Lucknow
32 jk;cjsyh 619707 544,812 49,057 593,869 Raebareli
33 Q:Z[kkckn 314144 231,062 64,496 295,558 Farrukhabad
34 dUukSt 280928 225,330 42,880 268,210 Kannauj
35 bVkok 277527 206,368 57,079 263,447 Etawah
36 vkSjS;k 248197 201,781 37,038 238,819 Auraiya
37 dkuiqj nsgkr 329817 287,428 27,617 315,045 Kanpur Dehat
38 dkuiqj uxj 863338 279,697 495,599 775,296 Kanpur Nagar
39 tkykSu 288338 203,657 65,914 269,571 Jalaun
vuqc)----- Contd…..

4- vkokl
4-2& m0iz0 esa ftysokj vkoklh; x`gksa dh la[;k rFkk izfr x`g O;fDr;ksa dh la[;k&2011
Districtwise Number of Residential Houses & Persons per House in UP. 2011
dqy ifjokjksa dh vkoklh; x`gksa dh la[;k
la[;k Number of Residential Houses
Total xzkeh.k uxjh; ;ksx
Household Rural Urban Total
1 2 3 4 5 1
40 >kWlh 367779 205,054 134,934 339,988 Jhansi
41 yfyriqj 222094 177,991 29,144 207,135 Lalitpur
42 gehjiqj 204863 160,696 35,033 195,729 Hamirpur
43 egksck 158435 123,010 32,101 155,111 Mahoba
44 ckWnk 319963 253,523 45,890 299,413 Banda
45 fp=dwV 168232 142,239 15,192 157,431 Chitrakoot
46 Qrsgiqj 472238 400,917 52,481 453,398 Fatehpur
47 izrkix<+ 533546 484,694 24,951 509,645 Pratapgarh
48 dkS'kkEch 277851 243,729 19,140 262,869 Kausambi
49 iz;kxjkt 976733 663,901 188,563 852,464 Prayagraj
50 ckjkcadh 579058 498,711 49,682 548,393 Barabanki
51 v;ks/;k 423375 346,188 51,001 397,189 Ayodhya
52 vEcsndj uxj 368728 305,723 37,355 343,078 Ambedkar Nagar
53 lqYrkuiqj 623523 568,311 29,477 597,788 Sultanpur
54 vesBh ** ** ** ** Amethi
55 cgjkbp 603754 531,797 42,283 574,080 Bahraich
56 JkoLrh 188289 170,258 5,321 175,579 Shrawasti
57 cyjkeiqj 323881 279,121 22,323 301,444 Balrampur
58 xks.Mk 541247 480,163 32,796 512,959 Gonda
59 fl}kFkZuxj 379351 337,649 21,561 359,210 Siddharth Nagar
60 cLrh 382212 343,458 18,960 362,418 Basti
61 lardchj uxj 256645 231,057 16,318 247,375 Sant Kabir Nagar
62 egjktxat 426565 384,476 19,264 403,740 Maharajganj
63 xksj[kiqj 692960 535,416 127,573 662,989 Gorakhpur
64 dq'khuxj 561062 515,884 23,867 539,751 Kushi Nagar
65 nsofj;k 468346 409,553 41,091 450,644 Deoria
66 vktex<+ 665232 580,948 40,951 621,899 Azamgarh
67 eÅ 324424 240,041 49,587 289,628 Mau
68 cfy;k 480268 421,040 42,059 463,099 Ballia
69 tkSuiqj 663513 580,513 45,451 625,964 Jaunpur
70 xkthiqj 546664 464,300 34,862 499,162 Ghazipur
71 pUnkSyh 296804 244,749 34,190 278,939 Chandauli
72 okjk.klh 560162 282,001 206,154 488,155 Varanasi
73 larjfonkl uxj 222403 178,980 28,332 207,312 Sant Ravidas Nagar
74 fetkZiqj 394925 320,175 49,416 369,591 Mirzapur
75 lksuHknz 333174 256,632 56,420 313,052 Sonbhadra
mRrj izns'k 33448035 23,963,560 6,921,006 30884566 Uttar Pradesh

vuqc)----- Contd ..

4- vkokl@HOUSING
4-2& m0iz0 esa ftysokj vkoklh; x`gksa dh la[;k rFkk izfr x`g O;fDr;ksadh la[;k&2011
Districtwise Number of Residential Houses & Persons per House in UP. 2011
izfr vkoklh; x`g O;fDr;ksa dh la[;k
Persons per occupied Residential House
;ksx xzkeh.k uxjh;
Total Rural Urban
1 6 7 8 1
1 lgkjuiqj 6.3 6.5 6.1 Saharanpur
2 eqt¶Qj uxj 6.8 7.0 6.3 Muz. Nagar
3 'kkeyh ** ** ** Shamli
4 fctukSj 6.4 6.4 6.4 Bijnor
5 eqjknkckn 6.8 7.0 6.5 Moradabad
6 laHky ** ** ** Sambhal
7 jkeiqj 6.4 6.5 6.2 Rampur
8 vejksgk 6.6 6.7 6.2 Amroha
9 esjB 7.0 7.9 6.3 Meerut
10 ckxir 7.7 7.9 6.8 Bagapat
11 xkft;kckn 6.1 7.2 5.7 Ghaziabad
12 gkiqM
q + ** ** ** Hapur
13 xkSrecq} uxj 5.5 6.8 4.8 G.B. Nagar
14 cqyUn'kgj 7.0 7.3 6.4 Bulandshahr
15 vyhx<+ 7.0 7.1 6.7 Aligarh
16 gkFkjl 6.5 6.5 6.5 Hathras
17 eFkqjk 6.7 6.7 6.7 Mathura
18 vkxjk 6.9 6.8 7.0 Agra
19 fQjkstkckn 6.5 6.5 6.4 Firozabad
20 ,Vk 6.4 6.4 6.4 Etah
21 dklxat 6.4 6.3 6.6 Kasganj
22 eSuiqjh 6.2 6.2 6.3 Mainpuri
23 cnk;wW 6.8 6.8 6.4 Badaun
24 cjsyh 6.5 6.8 6.1 Bareilly
25 ihyhHkhr 6.1 6.2 6.0 Pilibhit
26 'kkgtgkWiqj 6.1 6.0 6.4 Shahjahanpur
27 [khjh 5.9 5.8 6.2 Kheri
28 lhrkiqj 5.9 5.7 6.8 Sitapur
29 gjnksbZ 6.0 5.9 6.5 Hardoi
30 mUuko 5.7 5.6 6.2 Unnao
31 y[kuÅ 5.9 5.9 5.9 Lucknow
32 jk;cjsyh 5.7 5.7 6.3 Raebareli
33 Q:Z[kkckn 6.4 6.4 6.5 Farrukhabad
34 dUukSt 6.2 6.1 6.5 Kannauj
35 bVkok 6.0 5.9 6.4 Etawah
36 vkSjS;k 5.8 5.7 6.3 Auraiya
37 dkuiqj nsgkr 5.7 5.6 6.3 Kanpur Dehat
38 dkuiqj uxj 5.9 5.6 6.1 Kanpur Nagar
39 tkykSu 6.3 6.2 6.4 Jalaun
vuqc)----- Contd….. .

4- vkokl @ HOUSING
4-2& m0iz0 esa ftysokj vkoklh; x`gksa dh la[;k rFkk izfr x`g O;fDr;ksadh la[;k&2011
Districtwise Number of Residential Houses & Persons per House in U.P. 2011
izfr vkoklh; x`g O;fDr;ksa dh la[;k
tuin Persons per occupied Residential House
;ksx xzkeh.k uxjh;
Total Rural Urban
1 6 7 8 1
40 >kWlh 5.9 5.7 6.2 Jhansi
41 yfyriqj 5.9 5.9 6.0 Lalitpur
42 gehjiqj 5.6 5.6 6.0 Hamirpur
43 egksck 5.6 5.6 5.8 Mahoba
44 ckWnk 6.0 6.0 6.0 Banda
45 fp=dwV 6.3 6.3 6.3 Chitrakoot
46 Qrsgiqj 5.8 5.8 6.1 Fatehpur
47 izrkix<+ 6.3 6.3 7.0 Pratapgarh
48 dkS'kkEch 6.1 6.1 6.5 Kausambi
49 iz;kxjkt 7.0 6.8 7.8 Prayagraj
50 ckjkcadh 5.9 5.9 6.7 Barabanki
51 v;ks/;k 6.2 6.2 6.7 Ayodhya
52 vEcsndj uxj 7.0 6.9 7.5 Ambedkar Nagar
53 lqYrkuiqj 6.4 6.3 6.8 Sultanpur
54 vesBh ** ** ** Amethi
55 cgjkbp 6.1 6.0 6.7 Bahraich
56 JkoLrh 6.4 6.3 7.3 Shrawasti
57 cyjkeiqj 7.1 7.1 7.5 Balrampur
58 xks.Mk 6.7 6.7 6.9 Gonda
59 fl}kFkZuxj 7.1 7.1 7.5 Siddharth Nagar
60 cLrh 6.8 6.8 7.3 Basti
61 lardchj uxj 6.9 6.9 7.9 Sant Kabir Nagar
62 egjktxat 6.6 6.6 7.0 Maharajganj
63 xksj[kiqj 6.7 6.7 6.6 Gorakhpur
64 dq'khuxj 6.6 6.6 7.0 Kushi Nagar
65 nsofj;k 6.9 6.8 7.7 Deoria
66 vktex<+ 7.4 7.3 9.6 Azamgarh
67 eÅ 7.6 7.1 10.1 Mau
68 cfy;k 7.0 7.0 7.2 Ballia
69 tkSuiqj 7.2 7.1 7.6 Jaunpur
70 xkthiqj 7.3 7.2 7.9 Ghazipur
71 pUnkSyh 7.0 7.0 7.1 Chandauli
72 okjk.klh 7.5 7.4 7.7 Varanasi
73 larjfonkl uxj 7.6 7.5 8.1 Sant Ravidas Nagar
74 fetkZijq 6.8 6.7 7.0 Mirzapur
75 lksuHknz 5.9 6.0 5.6 Sonbhadra
mRrj izns'k 6.5 6.5 6.4 Uttar Pradesh
..vizkIr .. Not Available
lzksr %& Hkkjrh; tux.kuk 2011 Source :-Census of India 2011

4- vkokl@HOUSING
4-3& m0iz0 esa ftysokj Hkou foghu ,oa laLFkkxr tula[;k
Districtwise Houseless & Institutional Population in U.P.
O;fDr;ksa dh dqy la[;k
Number of Persons

Hkou dqy tula[;k ls laLFkkxr&1991

foghu&2011 izfr'kr
Houseless2011 Institutional 1991
Percentage to
Total Population

1 2 3 4 1
1 lgkjuiqj 1668 0.05 7468 Saharanpur
2 eqt¶Qj uxj 3853 0.09 5898 Muz. Nagar
'kkeyh -- -- Shamli
3 fctukSj 2510 0.07 3139 Bijnor
4 eqjknkckn 3432 0.07 1088 Moradabad
laHky -- -- Sambhal
5 jkeiqj 1499 0.06 2197 Rampur
6 vejksgk 1229 0.07 -- Amroha
7 esjB 4270 0.12 6831 Meerut
8 ckxir 1057 0.08 -- Bagapat
9 xkft;kckn 12328 0.26 6909 Ghaziabad
gkiqqM+ -- -- Hapur
10 xkSrecq} uxj 3584 0.22 -- G.B. Nagar
11 cqyUn'kgj 2617 0.07 1429 Bulandshahr
12 vyhx<+ 8590 0.23 11113 Aligarh
13 gkFkjl 1493 0.10 -- Hathras
14 eFkqjk 6111 0.24 5950 Mathura
15 vkxjk 12565 0.28 3281 Agra
16 fQjkstkckn 3574 0.14 620 Firozabad
17 ,Vk 3480 0.20 1370 Etah
18 dklxat 1465 0.10 -- Kasganj
19 eSuiqjh 3533 0.19 719 Mainpuri
20 cnk;wW 2786 0.08 1458 Badaun
21 cjsyh 4565 0.10 6459 Bareilly
22 ihyhHkhr 974 0.05 902 Pilibhit
23 'kkgtgkWijq 2577 0.09 3096 Shahjahanpur
24 [khjh 3127 0.08 1834 Kheri
25 lhrkiqj 3460 0.08 4539 Sitapur
26 gjnksbZ 2609 0.06 2007 Hardoi
27 mUuko 3460 0.11 911 Unnao
28 y[kuÅ 18119 0.39 9904 Lucknow
29 jk;cjsyh 4986 0.15 2093 Raebareli
30 Q:Z[kkckn 1770 0.09 982 Farrukhabad
31 dUukSt 2614 0.16 -- Kannauj
32 bVkok 2916 0.18 934 Etawah
33 vkSjS;k 1554 0.11 -- Auraiya
34 dkuiqj nsgkr 2820 0.16 509 Kanpur Dehat
35 dkuiqj uxj 83200 1.82 10206 Kanpur Nagar
36 tkykSu 1137 0.07 373 Jalaun
vuqc)------ Contd…..

4- vkokl @ HOUSING
4-3& m0iz0 esa ftysokj Hkou foghu ,oa laLFkkxr tula[;k
Districtwise Houseless & Institutional Population in UP.
O;fDr;ksa dh dqy la[;k
tuin Number of Persons

Hkou dqy tula[;k ls laLFkkxr&1991

foghu&2011 izfr'kr
Houseless2011 Percentage to Institutional 1991
Total Population
1 2 3 4 1
37 >kWlh 2272 0.11 2776 Jhansi
38 yfyriqj 545 0.04 2058 Lalitpur
39 gehjiqj 460 0.04 1605 Hamirpur
40 egksck 589 0.07 -- Mahoba
41 ckWnk 1121 0.06 2143 Banda
42 fp=dwV 596 0.06 -- Chitrakoot
43 Qrsgiqj 2428 0.09 1329 Fatehpur
44 izrkix<+ 5319 0.17 1866 Pratapgarh
45 dkS'kkEch 1690 0.11 -- Kausambi
46 iz;kxjkt 22820 0.38 4290 Prayagraj
47 ckjkcadh 5742 0.18 1622 Barabanki
48 v;ks/;k 2492 0.10 3964 Ayodhya
49 vEcsndj uxj 1184 0.05 -- Ambedkar Nagar
50 lqYrkuiqj 5514 0.15 2383 Sultanpur
51 vesBh -- -- Amethi
52 cgjkbp 1794 0.05 1705 Bahraich
53 JkoLrh 1253 0.11 -- Shrawasti
54 cyjkeiqj 1914 0.09 -- Balrampur
55 xks.Mk 3352 0.10 4211 Gonda
56 fl}kFkZuxj 1475 0.06 1464 Siddharth Nagar
57 cLrh 2025 0.08 2244 Basti
58 lardchj uxj 688 0.04 -- Sant Kabir Nagar
59 egjktxat 2985 0.11 996 Maharajganj
60 xksj[kiqj 4214 0.09 6885 Gorakhpur
61 dq'khuxj 2331 0.07 -- Kushi Nagar
62 nsofj;k 3959 0.13 1516 Deoria
63 vktex<+ 3128 0.07 2886 Azamgarh
64 eÅ 1853 0.08 1731 Mau
65 cfy;k 2115 0.07 896 Ballia
66 tkSuiqj 7077 0.16 3650 Jaunpur
67 xkthiqj 3250 0.09 2873 Ghazipur
68 pUnkSyh 1753 0.09 -- Chandauli
69 okjk.klh 5689 0.15 15611 Varanasi
70 larjfonkl uxj 1130 0.07 -- Sant Ravidas Nagar
71 fetkZiqj 1917 0.08 2704 Mirzapur
72 lksuHknz 919 0.05 2072 Sonbhadra
mRrj izns'k 329125 0.16 179699 Uttar Pradesh
..vizkIr .. Not Available
lzksr%& Hkkjrh; tux.kuk 1991]2011 Source :-Census of India 1991,2011

5- f'k{kk @ Education
5-1& m0iz0 esa fofHkUu izdkj dh ekU;rk izkIr f'k{k.k laLFkk;sa
Number of Recognised Educational Institutions by Type in UP.

en Items
2011-12 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
1 1 3 4 5 6 7 1

1- fo'ofo|ky; 31 45 45 45 45 48 1- University

2- fMxzh dkyst
3553 5866 6681 6681 7391 7874 2- Degree College

3- izfr 10 yk[k tula[;k

ij egkfo|ky;ksa dh 3- No. of Degree College per
17 27 30 30 32 34
10 Lakh Population
4- f'k{kd izf'k{k.k dkyst
81 188 213 216 239 239# 4-Teachers Training College

5- mPprj ek/;fed fo|ky; 19430 25896 25896 26434 27959 27892 5- Higher Secondary School
6- izfr yk[k tula[;k ij
mPprj ek/;fed fo|ky; dh 6- No. of Higher Secondary
10 12 12 12 12 12
Schools per Lakh Population
7- mPp izkFkfed fo|ky;
76398 45590 64230 80624 83859 85570 7- Upper Primary School

8- izfr yk[k tula[;k ij mPp

izkFkfed fo|ky; la[;k 8- No. of Upper Primary
38 21 29 36 37 37
School per Lakh Population

9- izkFkfed fo|ky;
155619 113247 164319 161366 138185 138145 9- Primary School

10- izfr yk[k tula[;k ij

izkFkfed fo|ky; dh la[;k 10- No. of Primary School
78 52 74 72 61 60
per Lakh Population

11- f'k{kd izf'k{k.k Ldwy

.. .. .. .. .. .. 11- Teacher Training School

dqy laLFkk;sa 255112 190832 261384 275366 257439 259529 Total Institutions

.. orZeku esa vizkIr

# - iqujko`fRr # -Repeated
lzksr& mPp] ek/;fed ,oa csfld Source : Directorate of Higher, Secondary & Primary Education
UP.,Ministry Human Resource Development ,Govt.of India ,New Delhi.
f'k{kk funs'kky;] m0iz0 ]ekuo
lalk/ku fodkl ea=ky;]Hkkjr
ljdkj]ubZ fnYyh A

5- f'k{kk @ Education
5-2& m0iz0 esa fofHkUu izdkj dh ftysokj f'k{k.k laLFkkvksa dh la[;k
Districtwise Number of Educational Institutions by Type in UP.
¼30 flrEcj dks½ (As on 30th Sept.)

Year/District/Division /
fo'ofo|ky; fMxzhdkyst m0ek0fo0
mPp izkFkfed fo|ky; izkFkfed fo|ky; Region
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= University Degree Higher Upper Primary School Primary School
College Secondary School

1 2 3 4 5 6 1
2011-12 31 3553 19430 76398 155619 2011-12
2013-14 36 4123 22524 76882 168888 2013-14
2014-15 36 4746 22750 76901 168906 2014-15
2015-16 40 5302 24647 76909 168913 2015-16
2016-17 45 5866 25896 45590 113247 2016-17
2017-18 45 6681 25896 64230 164319 2017-18
2018-19 45 6681 26434 80624 161366 2018-19
2019-20 45 7391 27959 83859 138185 2019-20
2020-21 48 7874 27892 85570 138145 2020-21
1&lgkjuiqj 3 138 335 1523 2498 Saharanpur
2&eqtQ~Qjuxj 0 96 275 984 1545 Muzaffarnagar
3&'kkeyh 0 30 105 482 846 Shamli
lgkjuiqj e.My 3 264 715 2989 4889 Saharanpur div.

4&fctukSj 0 117 386 1871 2674 Bijnor

5&eqjknkckn 2 73 434 1541 2294 Moradabad
6&laHky 0 44 211 843 1328 Sambhal
7&jkeiqj 0 33 208 1099 1732 Rampur
8&vejksgk 1 73 334 1083 1714 Amroha
eqjknkckn e.My 3 340 1573 6437 9742 Moradabad Div.

9&esjB 5 186 400 1089 1460 Meerut

10&ckxir 0 107 142 378 513 Baghpat
11&xkft;kckn 1 149 226 1119 845 Ghaziabad
12&gkiqqM+ 1 63 108 446 605 Hapur
13&xkSrecq) uxj 7 99 153 709 616 G. B. Nagar
14&cqyUn'kgj 1 137 408 1462 1997 Bulandshahar
esjB e.My 15 741 1437 5203 6036 Meerut Div.

15&eFkqjk 0 145 528 943 1496 Mathura

16&vkxjk 1 218 875 1706 2537 Agra
17&fQjkstkckn 0 146 567 1313 1745 Firozabad
18&eSuiqjh 0 123 486 991 2054 Mainpuri
vkxjk e.My 1 632 2456 4953 7832 Agra Div.

19&vyhx<+ 1 141 781 1305 2200 Aligarh

20&gkFkjl 0 89 351 740 1215 Hathras
21&,Vk 0 136 564 963 1778 Etah
22&dklxat 0 37 257 783 1357 Kasganj
vyhx<+ e.My 1 403 1953 3791 6550 Aligarh Div.
23&cnk;wW 0 39 276 1100 2182 Badaun
24&cjsyh 2 93 412 1656 2702 Bareilly
25&ihyhHkhr 0 34 170 1018 1339 Pilibhit
26&'kkgtgkWiqj 0 56 372 1401 2527 Shahjahanpur
cjsyh e.My 2 222 1230 5175 8750 Bareilly Div.
vuqc)----- Contd…..

5- f'k{kk @ Education
5-2& m0iz0 esa fofHkUu izdkj dh ftysokj f'k{k.k laLFkkvksa dh la[;k
Districtwise Number of Educational Institutions by Type in UP.
¼30 flrEcj dks½ (As on 30th Sept.)

Year/District/Division /
fo'ofo|ky; fMxzhdkyst m0ek0fo0
mPp izkFkfed fo|ky; izkFkfed fo|ky; Region
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= University Degree Higher Upper Primary School Primary School
College Secondary School

1 2 3 4 5 6 1
27&[khjh 0 66 287 1511 2677 kheri

28&lhrkiqj 0 92 396 1756 3604 Sitapur

29&gjnksbZ 0 145 622 1486 3378 Hardoi

30&mUuko 0 86 390 1344 2745 Unnao

31&y[kuÅ 7 150 766 1439 1663 Lucknow

32&jk;cjsyh 0 79 332 948 2231 Raebareli

y[kuÅ e.My 7 618 2793 8484 16298 Lucknow Div.

33&Q:Z[kkckn 0 89 271 956 1492 Farrukhabad

34&dUukSt 0 94 345 829 1418 Kannauj

35&bVkok 0 65 282 1048 1628 Etawah

36&vkSjS;k 0 76 289 820 1253 Auraiya

37&dkuiqj nsgkr 0 98 319 863 1489 Kanpur Dehat

38&dkuiqj uxj 1 173 692 1588 2331 Kanpur Nagar

dkuiqj e.My 1 595 2198 6104 9611 Kanpur Div.

39&tkykSu 0 86 238 1036 1337 Jalaun

40&>kWlh 2 76 228 982 1400 Jhansi

41&yfyriqj 0 33 110 727 1126 Lalitpur

>kWlh e.My 2 195 576 2745 3863 Jhansi Div.

42&gehjiqj 0 39 144 609 1016 Hamirpur

43&egksck 0 26 96 528 683 Mahoba

44&ckWnk 1 73 163 847 1336 Banda

45&fp=dwV 1 23 109 605 952 Chitrakoot

fp=dwV /kke e.My 2 161 512 2589 3987 Chitrakoot Dham Div.

46&Qrsgiqj 0 74 399 1265 1984 Fatehpur

47&izrkix<+ 0 163 655 1418 2758 Pratapgarh

48&dkS'kkEch 0 75 362 796 985 Kaushambi

49&iz;kxjkt 3 335 1052 1895 2721 Prayagraj

iz;kxjkt e.My 3 647 2468 5374 8448 Prayagraj Div.

50&ckjkcadh 0 93 298 1304 2457 Barabanki

51&v;ks/;k 1 163 419 1242 2007 Ayodhya

52&vEcsMdjuxj 0 139 370 1361 2080 Ambedkar Nagar

53&lqYrkuiqj 0 131 325 1163 2037 Sultanpur

54&vesBh 0 57 241 754 1560 Amethi

v;ks/;k e.My 1 583 1653 5824 10141 Ayodhya Div.

vuqc)----- Contd…..

5- f'k{kk @ Education
5-2& m0iz0 esa fofHkUu izdkj dh ftysokj f'k{k.k laLFkkvksa dh la[;k
Districtwise Number of Educational Institutions by Type in UP.
¼30 flrEcj dks½ (As on 30th Sept.)

Year/District/Division /
fo'ofo|ky; fMxzhdkyst m0ek0fo0
mPp izkFkfed fo|ky; izkFkfed fo|ky; Region
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= University Degree Higher Upper Primary School Primary School
College Secondary School

1 2 3 4 5 6 1
55&cgjkbp 0 45 293 1305 2410 Bahraich

56&JkoLrh 0 11 123 465 895 Shrawasti

57&cyjkeiqj 0 26 154 914 1747 Balrampur

58&xks.Mk 0 86 486 1457 2629 Gonda

nsohikVu e.My 0 168 1056 4141 7681 Devipatan Div.

59&fl)kFkZuxj 1 33 201 1268 1974 Siddharth Nagar

60&cLrh 0 65 383 1099 2034 Basti

61&lardchjuxj 0 69 279 720 1248 Sant Kabir Nagar

cLrh e.My 1 167 863 3087 5256 Basti Div.

62&egjktxat 0 70 244 1166 1820 Mahrajganj

63&xksj[kiqj 1 349 479 1756 2456 Gorakhpur

64&dq'khuxj 0 116 325 1374 2900 Kushi Nagar

65&nsofj;k 0 158 543 1347 2122 Deoria

xksj[kiqj e.My 1 693 1591 5643 9298 Gorakhpur Div.

66&vktex<+ 1 250 752 2128 3196 Azamgarh

67&eÅ 0 159 508 818 1467 Mau

68&cfy;k 1 130 601 1178 2130 Ballia

vktex<+ e.My 2 539 1861 4124 6793 Azamgarh Div.

69&tkSuiqj 1 195 635 2076 3220 Jaunpur

70&xkthiqj 0 333 1000 1891 2924 Ghazipur

71&pUnkSyh 0 88 242 790 1031 Chandauli

72&okjk.klh 2 123 402 1409 1391 Varanasi

okjk.klh e.My 3 739 2279 6166 8566 Varanasi Div.

73&larjfonkl uxj 0 27 183 706 903 Sant.Ravidas Nagar

74&fetkZiqj 0 91 299 1136 1838 Mirzapur

75&lksuHknz 0 49 196 899 1663 Sonbhadra

foU/;kpy e.My 0 167 678 2741 4404 Vindhyachal Div.

1- if'peh lEHkkx 25 2926 10551 32201 49590 Western Region

2- dsUnzh; lEHkkx 8 1056 4501 13504 24559 Central Region

3- cqUnsy[k.M lEHkkx 4 356 1088 5334 7850 Bundelkhand Region

4- iwohZZ lEHkkx 11 3536 11752 34531 56146 Eastern Region

mRrj izns'k 48 7874 27892 85570 138145 Uttar pradesh

Source :- Directorate of Higher, Secondary & Primary
lzksr%& mPp] ek/;fed ,oa csfld f'k{kk funs'kky; m0iz0A
Education UP.

5- f'k{kk @ Education
5-3& m0iz0 esa fofHkUu laLFkkuqlkj efgykvks gsrq ftysokj f'k{k.k laLFkkvksa dh la[;k
Districtwise Number of Educational InstitutionExclusively for girls by Type in UP.

¼30 flrEcj dks½ (As on 30th Sept.)

fMxzhdkyst mPp izkFkfed fo|ky; m0ek0fo0

o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= Degree College Upper Primary School Higher Secondary /Region

1 2 3 4 1
2011-12 541 5780 3644 2011-12
2013-14 663 5781 4687 2013-14
2014-15 666 5781 4687 2014-15
2015-16 676 4356 3274 2015-16
2016-17 1066 2016 4082 2016-17
2017-18 1114 2935 4082 2017-18
2018-19 1114 2025 4241 2017-18
2019-20 1211 2082 4364 2019-20
2020-21 1373 2041 4404 2020-21
1&lgkjuiqj 15 30 66 Saharanpur
2&eqtQ~Qjuxj 10 25 61 Muzaffarnagar
3&'kkeyh 3 20 24 Shamli
lgkjuiqj e.My 28 75 151 Saharanpur div.
4&fctukSj 16 47 75 Bijnor
5&eqjknkckn 9 22 66 Moradabad
6&laHky 4 21 36 Sambhal
7&jkeiqj 3 19 35 Rampur
8&vejksgk 8 21 42 Amroha
eqjknkckn e.My 40 130 254 Moradabad Div.
9&esjB 17 26 75 Meerut
10&ckxir 14 11 28 Baghpat
11&xkft;kckn 8 13 47 Ghaziabad
12&gkiqqM+ 7 15 21 Hapur
13&xkSrecq) uxj 4 13 27 G. B. Nagar
14&cqyUn'kgj 15 38 67 Bulandshahar
esjB e.My 65 116 265 Meerut Div.
15&eFkqjk 9 13 52 Mathura
16&vkxjk 31 22 154 Agra
17&fQjkstkckn 18 15 53 Firozabad
18&eSuiqjh 10 9 36 Mainpuri
vkxjk e.My 68 59 295 Agra Div.
19&vyhx<+ 12 22 55 Aligarh
20&gkFkjl 9 15 25 Hathras
21&,Vk 8 20 32 Etah
22&dklxat 4 12 19 Kasganj
vyhx<+ e.My 33 69 131 Aligarh Div.
23&cnk;wW 7 23 57 Badaun
24&cjsyh 10 24 77 Bareilly
25&ihyhHkhr 5 22 27 Pilibhit
26&'kkgtgkWiqj 7 25 78 Shahjahanpur
cjsyh e.My 29 94 239 Bareilly Div.
vuqc)----- Contd…..

5- f'k{kk @ Education
5-3& m0iz0 esa fofHkUu laLFkkuqlkj efgykvks gsrq ftysokj f'k{k.k laLFkkvksa dh la[;k
Districtwise Number of Educational InstitutionExclusively for girls by Type in UP.

¼30 flrEcj dks½ (As on 30th Sept.)

fMxzhdkyst mPp izkFkfed fo|ky; m0ek0fo0

o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= Degree College Upper Primary School Higher Secondary /Region

1 2 3 4 1
27&[khjh 8 20 54 kheri
28&lhrkiqj 8 33 72 Sitapur
29&gjnksbZ 6 27 50 Hardoi
30&mUuko 11 24 54 Unnao
31&y[kuÅ 44 31 135 Lucknow
32&jk;cjsyh 8 22 51 Raebareli
y[kuÅ e.My 85 157 416 Lucknow Div.

33&Q:Z[kkckn 14 29 45 Farrukhabad
34&dUukSt 20 35 44 Kannauj
35&bVkok 9 21 21 Etawah
36&vkSjS;k 7 17 28 Auraiya
37&dkuiqj nsgkr 8 4 26 Kanpur Dehat
38&dkuiqj uxj 16 43 131 Kanpur Nagar
dkuiqj e.My 74 149 295 Kanpur Div.

39&tkykSu 9 26 42 Jalaun
40&>kWlh 11 17 48 Jhansi
41&yfyriqj 2 12 28 Lalitpur
>kWlh e.My 22 55 118 Jhansi Div.

42&gehjiqj 7 20 27 Hamirpur
43&egksck 2 9 18 Mahoba
44&ckWnk 7 35 41 Banda
45&fp=dwV 1 5 20 Chitrakoot
fp=dwV /kke e.My 17 69 106 Chitrakoot Dham Div.

46&Qrsgiqj 11 22 51 Fatehpur
47&izrkix<+ 28 33 103 Pratapgarh
48&dkS'kkEch 5 22 37 Kaushambi
49&iz;kxjkt 47 41 197 Prayagraj
iz;kxjkt e.My 91 118 388 Prayagraj Div

50&ckjkcadh 12 22 39 Barabanki
51&v;ks/;k 40 43 89 Ayodhya
52&vEcsMdjuxj 37 74 96 Ambedkar Nagar
53&lqYrkuiqj 34 28 78 Sultanpur
54&vesBh 10 20 45 Amethi
v;ks/;k e.My 133 187 347 Ayodhya Div.
vuqc)----- Contd…..

5- f'k{kk @ Education
5-3& m0iz0 esa fofHkUu laLFkkuqlkj efgykvks gsrq ftysokj f'k{k.k laLFkkvksa dh la[;k
Districtwise Number of Educational InstitutionExclusively for girls by Type in UP.

¼30 flrEcj dks½ (As on 30th Sept.)

fMxzhdkyst mPp izkFkfed fo|ky; m0ek0fo0

o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= Degree College Upper Primary School Higher Secondary /Region

1 2 3 4 1
55&cgjkbp 4 20 52 Bahraich
56&JkoLrh 3 6 9 Shrawasti
57&cyjkeiqj 5 18 35 Balrampur
58&xks.Mk 10 36 76 Gonda
nsohikVu e.My 22 80 172 Devipatan Div.

59&fl)kFkZuxj 6 25 34 Siddharth Nagar

60&cLrh 17 54 61 Basti
61&lardchjuxj 17 30 49 Sant Kabir Nagar
cLrh e.My 40 109 144 Basti Div.
62&egjktxat 14 27 46 Mahrajganj
63&xksj[kiqj 90 57 121 Gorakhpur
64&dq'khuxj 33 23 54 Kushi Nagar
65&nsofj;k 36 78 65 Deoria
xksj[kiqj e.My 173 185 286 Gorakhpur Div.

66&vktex<+ 88 119 135 Azamgarh

67&eÅ 26 30 80 Mau
68&cfy;k 55 60 77 Ballia
vktex<+ e.My 169 209 292 Azamgarh Div.

69&tkSuiqj 54 49 97 Jaunpur
70&xkthiqj 125 42 96 Ghazipur
71&pUnkSyh 28 19 45 Chandauli
72&okjk.klh 44 21 118 Varanasi
okjk.klh e.My 251 131 356 Varanasi Div.

73&larjfonkl uxj 9 20 55 Sant.Ravidas Nagar

74&fetkZiqj 18 19 57 Mirzapur
75&lksuHknz 6 10 37 Sonbhadra
foU/;kpy e.My 33 49 149 Vindhyachal Div.
1- if'peh lEHkkx 313 645 1473 Western Region

2- dsUnzh; lEHkkx 132 248 663 Central Region

3- cqUnsy[k.M lEHkkx 39 124 224 Bundelkhand Region

4- iwohZZ lEHkkx 889 1024 2044 Eastern Region

mRrj izns'k 1373 2041 4404 Uttar pradesh

lzksr& f'k{kk funs'kky;] mRrj izns'kA Source- Directorate of UP.
2015&16 lkWaf[dh; if=dk 2015-16 related with sankhikiya patrika

5- f'k{kk @ Education
5-4& m0iz0 esa izcU/kkuqlkj f'k{k.k laLFkkvksa ¼lkekU; f'k{kk½ dk oxhZdj.k
Classification of Educational Institutions( General Education) by management in UP.

jktdh; LFkkuh; fudk;@ Lo'kkflr lgk;rk izkIr@ ;ksx

ifj"kn laLFkk,a vlgk;rk izkIr
o"kZ / Year
Govt Local Bodies / Autonomous Aided / unaidded Total
Parishad Bodies

1 2 3 4 5 6
2011-12 1135 NA NA 18295 19430

2013-14 1584 NA NA 20940 22524

2014-15 1810 NA NA 20940 22750

2015-16 1938 NA NA 22709 24647

2016-17 2109 NA NA 23787 25896

2017-18 2109 NA NA 23787 25896

2018-19 2125 NA NA 24309 26434

2019-20 2330 NA NA 25629 27959

2020-21 2339 NA NA 25553 27892

lzksr%& ek/;fed f'k{kk funs'kky; m0iz0A Source :- Directorate of Secondary Education UP.

5- f'k{kk @ Education

5-5& m0iz0 esa laLFkkokj v/;kidksa dh ftysokj la[;k

Districtwise Number of teachers by institutions in UP.
¼30 flrEcj dks½ (As on 30th Sept.)

izkFkfed fo|ky; mPp izkFkfed fo|ky;

o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= Primary School Upper Primary School Year/District/Division/
iq#"k efgyk ;ksx iq#"k efgyk ;ksx
Male Female Total Male Female Total

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1
2011-12 224573 135727 360300 182530 86430 268960 2011-12
2013-14 202809 163463 366272 150309 122985 273294 2013-14
2014-15 215320 177291 392611 147511 118186 265697 2014-15
2015-16 289539 235923 525459 161733 129056 290789 2015-16
2016-17 0 0 672133 0 0 322738 2016-17
2017-18 0 0 225230 0 0 128135 2017-18
2018-19 332242 299300 631542 138022 91649 229671 2018-19
2019-20 293837 263838 557675 255987 223208 479195 2019-20
2020-21 307355 278379 585734 267798 234043 501841 2020-21
1&lgkjuiqj 4697 6285 10982 3903 5227 9130 Saharanpur
2&eqtQ~Qjuxj 2794 3341 6135 2329 2943 5272 Muzaffarnagar
3&'kkeyh 1776 1531 3307 1396 1251 2647 Shamli
lgkjuiqj e.My 9267 11157 20424 7628 9421 17049 Saharanpur div.
4&fctukSj 4438 6129 10567 4280 4851 9131 Bijnor

5&eqjknkckn 5148 5277 10425 4474 5871 10345 Moradabad

6&laHky 2947 2542 5489 2414 2062 4476 Sambhal
7&jkeiqj 3394 3861 7255 2621 2613 5234 Rampur
8&vejksgk 2990 3091 6081 2881 2607 5488 Amroha
eqjknkckn e.My 18917 20900 39817 16670 18004 34674 Moradabad Div.
9&esjB 2320 4527 6847 2342 5212 7554 Meerut
10&ckxir 1007 1248 2255 1170 1653 2823 Baghpat
11&xkft;kckn 1042 2735 3777 1910 5495 7405 Ghaziabad
12&gkiqqM+ 1052 1572 2624 1138 1658 2796 Hapur
13&xkSrecq) uxj 1147 2044 3191 1884 4419 6303 G. B. Nagar
14&cqyUn'kgj 4136 4536 8672 4376 5036 9412 Bulandshahar
esjB e.My 10704 16662 27366 12820 23473 36293 Meerut Div.
15&eFkqjk 3524 3269 6793 3068 2439 5507 Mathura
16&vkxjk 4202 5333 9535 4346 5502 9848 Agra
17&fQjkstkckn 3640 3210 6850 4006 3700 7706 Firozabad
18&eSuiqjh 4489 3528 8017 3093 2016 5109 Mainpuri
vkxjk e.My 15855 15340 31195 14513 13657 28170 Agra Div.
19&vyhx<+ 4572 4834 9406 3616 3981 7597 Aligarh
20&gkFkjl 2643 2210 4853 2409 1994 4403 Hathras
21&,Vk 4175 2937 7112 2984 1710 4694 Etah
22&dklxat 3350 2489 5839 2146 1186 3332 Kasganj
vyhx<+ e.My 14740 12470 27210 11155 8871 20026 Aligarh Div.
23&cnk;wW 5365 4041 9406 3547 2748 6295 Badaun
24&cjsyh 5664 6111 11775 4773 5711 10484 Bareilly
25&ihyhHkhr 2631 2159 4790 2797 2282 5079 Pilibhit
26&'kkgtgkWiqj 5132 3931 9063 3972 3101 7073 Shahjahanpur
cjsyh e.My 18792 16242 35034 15089 13842 28931 Bareilly Div.
vuqc)----- Contd …..

5- f'k{kk @ Education

5-5& m0iz0 esa laLFkkokj v/;kidksa dh ftysokj la[;k

Districtwise Number of teachers by institutions in UP.
¼30 flrEcj dks½ (As on 30th Sept.)

izkFkfed fo|ky; mPp izkFkfed fo|ky;

o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= Primary School Upper Primary School Year/District/Division/
iq#"k efgyk ;ksx iq#"k efgyk ;ksx
Male Female Total Male Female Total

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1
27&[khjh 5703 4884 10587 5129 3676 8805 kheri

28&lhrkiqj 8660 7690 16350 5194 4809 10003 Sitapur

29&gjnksbZ 7924 6311 14235 4357 3355 7712 Hardoi

30&mUuko 5241 6251 11492 3694 3860 7554 Unnao

31&y[kuÅ 2045 5130 7175 2817 7466 10283 Lucknow

32&jk;cjsyh 4221 4425 8646 2736 2894 5630 Raebareli

y[kuÅ e.My 33794 34691 68485 23927 26060 49987 Lucknow Div.

33&Q:Z[kkckn 3332 2788 6120 2813 1878 4691 Farrukhabad

34&dUukSt 3283 2849 6132 2586 1693 4279 Kannauj

35&bVkok 3415 3002 6417 2858 2188 5046 Etawah

36&vkSjS;k 2584 2159 4743 2768 1491 4259 Auraiya

37&dkuiqj nsgkr 2377 2928 5305 2333 1839 4172 Kanpur Dehat

38&dkuiqj uxj 3209 7245 10454 3519 5891 9410 Kanpur Nagar

dkuiqj e.My 18200 20971 39171 16877 14980 31857 Kanpur Div.

39&tkykSu 2488 1502 3990 3164 1797 4961 Jalaun

40&>kWlh 2493 2969 5462 2985 3551 6536 Jhansi

41&yfyriqj 2426 2143 4569 2163 2181 4344 Lalitpur

>kWlh e.My 7407 6614 14021 8312 7529 15841 Jhansi Div.

42&gehjiqj 2604 1556 4160 2036 1016 3052 Hamirpur

43&egksck 1445 1063 2508 1659 967 2626 Mahoba

44&ckWnk 3240 1949 5189 2683 1554 4237 Banda

45&fp=dwV 2696 1520 4216 2243 1055 3298 Chitrakoot

Chitrakoot Dham
fp=dwV /kke e.My 9985 6088 16073 8621 4592 13213 Div.
46&Qrsgiqj 4541 3900 8441 4150 2825 6975 Fatehpur

47&izrkix<+ 5970 4035 10005 4130 2190 6320 Pratapgarh

48&dkS'kkEch 2952 1882 4834 3099 1799 4898 Kaushambi

49&iz;kxjkt 5777 6515 12292 6259 5905 12164 Prayagraj

iz;kxjkt e.My 19240 16332 35572 17638 12719 30357 Prayagraj Div

50&ckjkcadh 4940 5299 10239 4046 4529 8575 Barabanki

51&v;ks/;k 4020 4594 8614 4018 3489 7507 Ayodhya

52&vEcsMdjuxj 5041 4516 9557 4748 3355 8103 Ambedkar Nagar

53&lqYrkuiqj 5237 4054 9291 4242 2817 7059 Sultanpur

54&vesBh 2934 2725 5659 2391 1609 4000 Amethi

v;ks/;k e.My 22172 21188 43360 19445 15799 35244 Ayodhya Div.

vuqc)----- Contd ..

5- f'k{kk @ Education

5-5& m0iz0 esa laLFkkokj v/;kidksa dh ftysokj la[;k

Districtwise Number of teachers by institutions in UP.
¼30 flrEcj dks½ (As on 30th Sept.)

izkFkfed fo|ky; mPp izkFkfed fo|ky;

o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= Primary School Upper Primary School Year/District/Division/
iq#"k efgyk ;ksx iq#"k efgyk ;ksx
Male Female Total Male Female Total

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1
55&cgjkbp 5648 4560 10208 4352 3097 7449 Bahraich

56&JkoLrh 2330 1431 3761 1525 838 2363 Shrawasti

57&cyjkeiqj 3795 2422 6217 2891 1630 4521 Balrampur

58&xks.Mk 6974 4520 11494 5182 3288 8470 Gonda

nsohikVu e.My 18747 12933 31680 13950 8853 22803 Devipatan Div.

59&fl)kFkZuxj 4941 3275 8216 4425 2126 6551 Siddharth Nagar

60&cLrh 4464 3552 8016 3367 2257 5624 Basti

61&lardchjuxj 2782 1712 4494 2342 1314 3656 Sant Kabir Nagar

cLrh e.My 12187 8539 20726 10134 5697 15831 Basti Div.

62&egjktxat 5226 3263 8489 4308 2030 6338 Mahrajganj

63&xksj[kiqj 5490 6040 11530 5674 6115 11789 Gorakhpur

64&dq'khuxj 7650 4871 12521 5471 2738 8209 Kushi Nagar

65&nsofj;k 5412 4062 9474 5131 3503 8634 Deoria

xksj[kiqj e.My 23778 18236 42014 20584 14386 34970 Gorakhpur Div.

66&vktex<+ 9514 6292 15806 7758 5204 12962 Azamgarh

67&eÅ 3435 2886 6321 2756 2084 4840 Mau

68&cfy;k 5728 3681 9409 4878 2717 7595 Ballia

vktex<+ e.My 18677 12859 31536 15392 10005 25397 Azamgarh Div.

69&tkSuiqj 9407 6742 16149 8694 5021 13715 Jaunpur

70&xkthiqj 8669 5420 14089 6920 4175 11095 Ghazipur

71&pUnkSyh 3160 2315 5475 3481 2260 5741 Chandauli

72&okjk.klh 3747 4763 8510 5743 7032 12775 Varanasi

okjk.klh e.My 24983 19240 44223 24838 18488 43326 Varanasi Div.

73&larjfonkl uxj 2835 1777 4612 3421 1860 5281 Sant.Ravidas Nagar

74&fetkZiqj 3884 3545 7429 3879 3256 7135 Mirzapur

75&lksuHknz 3191 2595 5786 2905 2551 5456 Sonbhadra

foU/;kpy e.My 9910 7917 17827 10205 7667 17872 Vindhyachal Div.

1- if'peh lEHkkx 100889 103569 204458 88900 94518 183418 Western Region

2- dsUnzh; lEHkkx 48861 54063 102924 37975 41144 79119 Central Region

3-cqUnsy[k.M lEHkkx 17392 12702 30094 16933 12121 29054 Bundelkhand Region

4- iwohZZ lEHkkx 140213 108045 248258 123990 86260 210250 Eastern Region

mRrj izns'k 307355 278379 585734 267798 234043 501841 Uttar pradesh
lzksr%&csfld f'k{kk funs'kky; m0iz0A Source :- Directorate of Basic Education UP.

5- f'k{kk @ Education
5-5& m0iz0 esa laLFkkokj v/;kidksa dh ftysokj la[;k
Districtwise Number of teachers by institutions in UP.
¼30 flrEcj dks½ (As on 30th Sept.)
mPprj ek/;fed fo|ky; egkfo|ky;¼fMxzh dkyst½
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@ Higher secondary School Degree college Year/District/Division/
iq#"k efgyk ;ksx iq#"k efgyk ;ksx Region
{ks= Male Female Total Male Female Total
1 8 9 10 11 12 13 1
2011-12 208726 42577 251303 18397 7368 25726 2011-12
2013-14 214364 45962 260326 18357 7369 25726 2013-14
2014-15 216115 49379 265494 18357 7369 25726 2014-15
2015-16 230993 54763 285756 34794 20243 54936 2015-16
2016-17 238074 57584 295658 49243 17419 66662 2016-17
2017-18 238236 57908 296144 55888 24029 79917 2017-18
2018-19 217198 94077 311275 55888 24029 79917 2018-19
2019-20 214282 109436 323718 44020 14120 72656 2019-20
2020-21 216119 106062 322181 56321 18778 103116 2020-21
1&lgkjuiqj 1483 1477 2960 115 71 186 Saharanpur
2&eqtQ~Qjuxj 1227 1045 2272 86 82 168 Muzaffarnagar
3&'kkeyh 691 321 1012 50 17 67 Shamli
lgkjuiqj e.My 3401 2843 6244 251 170 421 Saharanpur div.
4&fctukSj 2983 1508 4491 1044 516 1560 Bijnor
5&eqjknkckn 3713 3451 7164 736 288 1024 Moradabad
6&laHky 3481 270 3751 283 137 420 Sambhal
7&jkeiqj 2030 1727 3757 197 90 287 Rampur
8&vejksgk 1923 967 2890 534 234 768 Amroha
eqjknkckn e.My 14130 7923 22053 2794 1265 4059 Moradabad Div.
9&esjB 2694 1800 4494 191 292 483 Meerut
10&ckxir 1191 516 1707 99 39 138 Baghpat
11&xkft;kckn 1324 1441 2765 145 145 290 Ghaziabad
12&gkiqqM+ 743 515 1258 63 43 106 Hapur
13&xkSrecq) uxj 991 335 1326 29 58 87 G. B. Nagar
14&cqyUn'kgj 4077 965 5042 118 57 175 Bulandshahar
esjB e.My 11020 5572 16592 645 634 1279 Meerut Div.
15&eFkqjk 3083 1943 5026 2126 450 2576 Mathura
16&vkxjk 5034 4073 9107 2770 930 3700 Agra
17&fQjkstkckn 3569 1489 5058 1571 458 2029 Firozabad
18&eSuiqjh 7071 3332 10403 1990 260 2250 Mainpuri
vkxjk e.My 18757 10837 29594 8457 2098 10555 Agra Div.
19&vyhx<+ 6608 4311 10919 1707 488 2195 Aligarh
20&gkFkjl 2474 982 3456 796 161 957 Hathras
21&,Vk 3689 416 4105 1479 322 1801 Etah
22&dklxat 1401 996 2397 364 71 435 Kasganj
vyhx<+ e.My 14172 6705 20877 4346 1042 5388 Aligarh Div.
23&cnk;wW 1523 577 2100 277 127 404 Badaun
24&cjsyh 2915 1679 4594 930 577 1507 Bareilly
25&ihyhHkhr 1412 574 1986 324 111 435 Pilibhit
26&'kkgtgkWiqj 2113 1064 3177 689 251 940 Shahjahanpur
cjsyh e.My 7963 3894 11857 2220 1066 3286 Bareilly Div.
vuqc)----- Contd…..

5- f'k{kk @ Education
5-5& m0iz0 esa laLFkkokj v/;kidksa dh ftysokj la[;k
Districtwise Number of teachers by institutions in UP.
¼30 flrEcj dks½ (As on 30th Sept.)
mPprj ek/;fed fo|ky; egkfo|ky;¼fMxzh dkyst½
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@ Higher secondary School Degree college Year/District/Division/
iq#"k efgyk ;ksx iq#"k efgyk ;ksx Region
{ks= Male Female Total Male Female Total
1 8 9 10 11 12 13 1
27&[khjh 2047 738 2785 35 13 48 kheri
28&lhrkiqj 2932 1646 4578 41 19 60 Sitapur
29&gjnksbZ 5137 2529 7666 39 17 56 Hardoi
30&mUuko 2570 1162 3732 58 15 73 Unnao
31&y[kuÅ 5839 12769 18608 523 151 674 Lucknow
32&jk;cjsyh 2836 1217 4053 62 23 85 Raebareli
y[kuÅ e.My 21361 20061 41422 758 238 996 Lucknow Div.

33&Q:Z[kkckn 2096 943 3039 1300 419 1719 Farrukhabad

34&dUukSt 5100 1317 6417 1070 300 1370 Kannauj
35&bVkok 2458 1256 3714 1029 313 1342 Etawah
36&vkSjS;k 2499 907 3406 799 293 1092 Auraiya
37&dkuiqj nsgkr 1331 1004 2335 1285 418 1703 Kanpur Dehat
38&dkuiqj uxj 4478 3449 7927 1939 1571 3510 Kanpur Nagar
dkuiqj e.My 17962 8876 26838 7422 3314 10736 Kanpur Div.
39&tkykSu 2040 531 2571 2100 855 2955 Jalaun
40&>kWlh 1588 923 2511 1493 531 2024 Jhansi
41&yfyriqj 813 325 1138 580 204 784 Lalitpur
>kWlh e.My 4441 1779 6220 4173 1590 5763 Jhansi Div.

42&gehjiqj 1436 364 1800 719 235 954 Hamirpur

43&egksck 514 167 681 344 141 485 Mahoba
44&ckWnk 1173 207 1380 1147 361 1508 Banda
45&fp=dwV 871 216 1087 417 118 535 Chitrakoot
fp=dwV /kke e.My 3994 954 4948 2627 855 3482 Chitrakoot Dham Div.

46&Qrsgiqj 3052 1292 4344 462 127 589 Fatehpur

47&izrkix<+ 4335 944 5279 775 240 1015 Pratapgarh
48&dkS'kkEch 2323 750 3073 229 49 278 Kaushambi
49&iz;kxjkt 9243 4195 13438 1277 297 1574 Prayagraj
iz;kxjkt e.My 18953 7181 26134 2743 713 3456 Prayagraj Div.

50&ckjkcadh 1055 387 1442 679 349 1028 Barabanki

51&v;ks/;k 3758 1749 5507 1663 619 2282 Ayodhya
52&vEcsMdjuxj 2010 512 2522 1342 459 1801 Ambedkar Nagar
53&lqYrkuiqj 3061 1209 4270 1264 418 1682 Sultanpur
54&vesBh 1643 670 2313 347 157 504 Amethi
v;ks/;k e.My 11527 4527 16054 5295 2002 7297 Ayodhya Div.
vuqc)----- Contd …..

5- f'k{kk @ Education
5-5& m0iz0 esa laLFkkokj v/;kidksa dh ftysokj la[;k
Districtwise Number of teachers by institutions in UP.
¼30 flrEcj dks½ (As on 30th Sept.)
mPprj ek/;fed fo|ky; egkfo|ky;¼fMxzh dkyst½
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@ Higher secondary School Degree college Year/District/Division/
iq#"k efgyk ;ksx iq#"k efgyk ;ksx Region
{ks= Male Female Total Male Female Total
1 8 9 10 11 12 13 1
55&cgjkbp 2073 822 2895 282 102 384 Bahraich
56&JkoLrh 829 47 876 58 26 84 Shrawasti
57&cyjkeiqj 1204 323 1527 246 75 321 Balrampur
58&xks.Mk 3945 1665 5610 633 243 876 Gonda
nsohikVu e.My 8051 2857 10908 1219 446 1665 Devipatan Div.

59&fl)kFkZuxj 1739 465 2204 342 82 424 Siddharth Nagar

60&cLrh 1476 810 2286 686 205 891 Basti
61&lardchjuxj 2621 1091 3712 992 258 1250 Sant Kabir Nagar
cLrh e.My 5836 2366 8202 2020 545 2565 Basti Div.

62&egjktxat 2994 212 3206 832 265 1097 Mahrajganj

63&xksj[kiqj 3988 1827 5815 1760 664 2424 Gorakhpur
64&dq'khuxj 3100 1030 4130 748 120 868 Kushi Nagar
65&nsofj;k 4825 1631 6456 1423 247 1670 Deoria
xksj[kiqj e.My 14907 4700 19607 4763 1296 6059 Gorakhpur Div.
66&vktex<+ 7724 2380 10104 1446 434 1880 Azamgarh
67&eÅ 2430 1107 3537 1362 100 1462 Mau
68&cfy;k 4965 1879 6844 Nil Nil 2187 Ballia
vktex<+ e.My 15119 5366 20485 2808 534 5529 Azamgarh Div.
69&tkSuiqj 5300 2134 7434 1923 453 2376 Jaunpur
70&xkthiqj 8611 2953 11564 1857 517 2374 Ghazipur
71&pUnkSyh 1938 801 2739 µ µ 917 Chandauli
72&okjk.klh 3241 1745 4986 µ µ 22541 Varanasi
okjk.klh e.My 19090 7633 26723 3780 970 28208 Varanasi Div.
73&larjfonkl uxj 1706 375 2081 µ µ 492 Sant.Ravidas Nagar
74&fetkZiqj 1909 816 2725 µ µ 1226 Mirzapur
75&lksuHknz 1820 797 2617 µ µ 654 Sonbhadra
foU/;kpy e.My 5435 1988 7423 µ µ 2372 Vindhyachal Div.
1- if'peh lEHkkx 81596 42197 123793 22911 7600 30511 Western Region
2- dsUnzh; lEHkkx 31277 26193 57470 5123 2703 7826 Central Region
3- cqUnsy[k.M lEHkkx 8435 2733 11168 6800 2445 9245 Bundelkhand Region
4- iwohZZ lEHkkx 94811 34939 129750 21487 6030 55534 Eastern Region
mRrj izns'k 216119 106062 322181 56321 18778 103116 Uttar pradesh
uksV%& & {ks=h; mPp f'k{kk vf/kdkjh]okjk.klh }kjk fetkZiqj e.My dh lwpuk Note:- -Women and men have not been provided separately in
the information of Mirzapur division by the Regional Higher
esa efgyk ,oa iq:"k i`Fkd&i`Fkd miyC/k ugha djk;k x;k gSA
Education Officer, Varanasi.
lzksr& mPp]ek/;fed f'k{kk funs'kky; m0iz0A Source : Directorate of Higher ,Secondary Education UP .

5- f'k{kk @ Education
5-6& m0iz0 esa laLFkkokj fo|kfFkZ;ksa dh ftysokj la[;k
Districtwise Number of Students by institutions in UP.
¼30 flrEcj dks½ (As on 30th Sept.)
izkFkfed fo|ky; mPp izkFkfed fo|ky;
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@ Primary School Upper Primary School Year/District/Division/
{ks= ckyd ckfydk ;ksx ckyd ckfydk ;ksx Region
Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1
2011-12 13441096 12758227 26199323 6328276 5189078 11517354 2011-12
2013-14 13447229 12763422 26210651 6344718 5200338 11545056 2013-14
2014-15 13448174 12764316 26212490 6344804 5200503 11545307 2014-15
2015-16 13448600 12764593 26213193 5773617 5771993 11545610 2015-16
2016-17 12246649 11653253 23899902 5435568 5372275 10807843 2016-17
2017-18 5681742 5988940 11670682 1766312 1961944 3728256 2017-18
2018-19 9453495 9068956 18522451 2916864 3044316 5961180 2018-19
2019-20 8029179 7634202 15663381 7054047 6763906 13817953 2019-20
2020-21 7664594 8139152 15803746 7373348 7003251 14376599 2020-21
1&lgkjuiqj 118619 131902 250521 117191 111626 228817 Saharanpur
2&eqtQ~Qjuxj 83140 92784 175924 86295 79199 165494 Muzaffarnagar
3&'kkeyh 42764 48867 91631 42681 36276 78957 Shamli
lgkjuiqj e.My 244523 273553 518076 246167 227101 473268 Saharanpur div.
4&fctukSj 113781 117585 231366 119876 123348 243224 Bijnor
5&eqjknkckn 128811 133695 262506 137062 132997 270059 Moradabad
6&laHky 91453 98067 189520 79922 76908 156830 Sambhal
7&jkeiqj 97480 102955 200435 72976 72333 145309 Rampur
8&vejksgk 77208 82358 159566 78671 74900 153571 Amroha
eqjknkckn e.My 508733 534660 1043393 488507 480486 968993 Moradabad Div.
9&esjB 77481 86684 164165 95658 84749 180407 Meerut
10&ckxir 27563 29907 57470 36600 31761 68361 Baghpat
11&xkft;kckn 51999 55662 107661 108302 97176 205478 Ghaziabad
12&gkiqMq + 34840 38320 73160 39549 34949 74498 Hapur
13&xkSrecq) uxj 38191 41332 79523 89321 75590 164911 G. B. Nagar
14&cqyUn'kgj 103245 115615 218860 124173 112412 236585 Bulandshahar
esjB e.My 333319 367520 700839 493603 436637 930240 Meerut Div.
15&eFkqjk 75858 81884 157742 68217 66493 134710 Mathura
16&vkxjk 142352 147660 290012 151978 146582 298560 Agra
17&fQjkstkckn 78084 82014 160098 119299 106948 226247 Firozabad
18&eSuiqjh 88881 94505 183386 61528 56997 118525 Mainpuri
vkxjk e.My 385175 406063 791238 401022 377020 778042 Agra Div.
19&vyhx<+ 118194 126526 244720 103609 97729 201338 Aligarh
20&gkFkjl 55699 62728 118427 54645 52228 106873 Hathras
21&,Vk 85727 94524 180251 62526 57942 120468 Etah
22&dklxat 82239 91222 173461 50994 48417 99411 Kasganj
vyhx<+ e.My 341859 375000 716859 271774 256316 528090 Aligarh Div.
23&cnk;wW 141495 159391 300886 117492 104363 221855 Badaun
24&cjsyh 154897 167928 322825 163321 143237 306558 Bareilly
25&ihyhHkhr 67637 73249 140886 83455 76759 160214 Pilibhit
26&'kkgtgkWiqj 134743 153241 287984 130174 117229 247403 Shahjahanpur
cjsyh e.My 498772 553809 1052581 494442 441588 936030 Bareilly Div.
vuqc)----- Contd …..

5- f'k{kk @ Education
5-6& m0iz0 esa laLFkkokj fo|kfFkZ;ksa dh ftysokj la[;k
Districtwise Number of Students by institutions in UP.
¼30 flrEcj dks½ (As on 30th Sept.)
izkFkfed fo|ky; mPp izkFkfed fo|ky;
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@ Primary School Upper Primary School Year/District/Division/
{ks= ckyd ckfydk ;ksx ckyd ckfydk ;ksx Region
Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1
27&[khjh 165608 183396 349004 188709 172884 361593 kheri
28&lhrkiqj 227750 248323 476073 172763 162231 334994 Sitapur
29&gjnksbZ 198161 220003 418164 132586 123929 256515 Hardoi
30&mUuko 117666 123815 241481 91435 90106 181541 Unnao
31&y[kuÅ 80228 85273 165501 129621 120004 249625 Lucknow
32&jk;cjsyh 110011 114865 224876 84620 81421 166041 Raebareli
y[kuÅ e.My 899424 975675 1875099 799734 750575 1550309 Lucknow Div.
33&Q:Z[kkckn 83878 87549 171427 64070 64866 128936 Farrukhabad
34&dUukSt 73983 75875 149858 51779 54340 106119 Kannauj
35&bVkok 62893 67734 130627 56583 53652 110235 Etawah
36&vkSjS;k 56986 59769 116755 48967 47813 96780 Auraiya
37&dkuiqj nsgkr 57585 60121 117706 51098 49541 100639 Kanpur Dehat
38&dkuiqj uxj 100667 108926 209593 107374 102342 209716 Kanpur Nagar
dkuiqj e.My 435992 459974 895966 379871 372554 752425 Kanpur Div.

39&tkykSu 54556 57042 111598 66296 61768 128064 Jalaun

40&>kWlh 49855 52063 101918 73555 65522 139077 Jhansi
41&yfyriqj 58890 63599 122489 63226 56522 119748 Lalitpur
>kWlh e.My 163301 172704 336005 203077 183812 386889 Jhansi Div.
42&gehjiqj 47186 54176 101362 38251 36582 74833 Hamirpur
43&egksck 32718 34362 67080 35808 35183 70991 Mahoba
44&ckWnk 70967 76703 147670 73628 69123 142751 Banda
45&fp=dwV 46874 49516 96390 49734 45175 94909 Chitrakoot
fp=dwV /kke e.My 197745 214757 412502 197421 186063 383484 Chitrakoot Dham Div.
46&Qrsgiqj 94548 100681 195229 92685 91182 183867 Fatehpur
47&izrkix<+ 147555 149140 296695 97120 96905 194025 Pratapgarh
48&dkS'kkEch 70365 75042 145407 74883 71627 146510 Kaushambi
49&iz;kxjkt 171933 179428 351361 184308 179795 364103 Prayagraj
iz;kxjkt e.My 484401 504291 988692 448996 439509 888505 Prayagraj Div.

50&ckjkcadh 135102 143707 278809 132477 125583 258060 Barabanki

51&v;ks/;k 107352 112425 219777 94840 89879 184719 Ayodhya
52&vEcsMdjuxj 118911 120128 239039 105615 107858 213473 Ambedkar Nagar
53&lqYrkuiqj 101793 107204 208997 94717 89320 184037 Sultanpur
54&vesBh 76993 81065 158058 60457 57472 117929 Amethi
v;ks/;k e.My 540151 564529 1104680 488106 470112 958218 Ayodhya Div.
vuqc)----- Contd …..

5- f'k{kk @ Education
5-6& m0iz0 esa laLFkkokj fo|kfFkZ;ksa dh ftysokj la[;k
Districtwise Number of Students by institutions in UP.
¼30 flrEcj dks½ (As on 30th Sept.)
izkFkfed fo|ky; mPp izkFkfed fo|ky;
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@ Primary School Upper Primary School Year/District/Division/
{ks= ckyd ckfydk ;ksx ckyd ckfydk ;ksx Region
Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1
55&cgjkbp 158791 179210 338001 160781 142109 302890 Bahraich
56&JkoLrh 52025 64289 116314 49554 42968 92522 Shrawasti
57&cyjkeiqj 100140 109336 209476 92303 81838 174141 Balrampur
58&xks.Mk 165827 175456 341283 137984 130086 268070 Gonda
nsohikVu e.My 476783 528291 1005074 440622 397001 837623 Devipatan Div.

59&fl)kFkZuxj 123208 129351 252559 116352 114538 230890 Siddharth Nagar

60&cLrh 110580 110429 221009 77587 80837 158424 Basti
61&lardchjuxj 73481 74732 148213 57523 57919 115442 Sant Kabir Nagar
cLrh e.My 307269 314512 621781 251462 253294 504756 Basti Div.

62&egjktxat 126229 133036 259265 103284 105890 209174 Mahrajganj

63&xksj[kiqj 153985 151310 305295 160959 160672 321631 Gorakhpur
64&dq'khuxj 184770 184058 368828 131713 136740 268453 Kushi Nagar
65&nsofj;k 124011 122463 246474 101768 108263 210031 Deoria
xksj[kiqj e.My 588995 590867 1179862 497724 511565 1009289 Gorakhpur Div.
66&vktex<+ 219511 226228 445739 190452 190555 381007 Azamgarh
67&eÅ 92830 92790 185620 71601 72667 144268 Mau
68&cfy;k 136346 136200 272546 112737 114269 227006 Ballia
vktex<+ e.My 448687 455218 903905 374790 377491 752281 Azamgarh Div.

69&tkSuiqj 208356 214802 423158 192421 184443 376864 Jaunpur

70&xkthiqj 183489 191825 375314 152435 146981 299416 Ghazipur
71&pUnkSyh 77698 82814 160512 92985 85842 178827 Chandauli
72&okjk.klh 93513 95873 189386 156345 144761 301106 Varanasi
okjk.klh e.My 563056 585314 1148370 594186 562027 1156213 Varanasi Div.

73&larjfonkl uxj 63708 68061 131769 81552 74649 156201 Sant.Ravidas Nagar
74&fetkZijq 105556 113086 218642 122761 113792 236553 Mirzapur
75&lksuHknz 77145 81268 158413 97531 91659 189190 Sonbhadra
foU/;kpy e.My 246409 262415 508824 301844 280100 581944 Vindhyachal Div.
1- if'peh lEHkkx 2590121 2801532 5391653 2616914 2439819 5056733 Western Region

2- dsUnzh; lEHkkx 1287326 1389110 2676436 1183368 1119223 2302591 Central Region

3- cqUnsy[k.M lEHkkx 361046 387461 748507 400498 369875 770373 Bundelkhand Region

4- iwohZZ lEHkkx 3426101 3561049 6987150 3172568 3074334 6246902 Eastern Region

mRrj izns'k 7664594 8139152 15803746 7373348 7003251 14376599 Uttar pradesh
vuqc)---- Contd …..

5- f'k{kk @ Education
5-6& m0iz0 esa laLFkkokj fo|kfFkZ;ksa dh ftysokj la[;k
Districtwise Number of Students by institutions in UP.
¼30 flrEcj dks½ (As on 30th Sept.)
mPprj ek/;fed fo|ky; egkfo|ky;¼fMxzh dkyst½
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My {ks= Higher secondary School Degree college Year/District/Division
ckyd ckfydk ;ksx ckyd ckfydk ;ksx / Region
Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total
1 8 9 10 11 12 13 1
2011-12 7359542 5425123 12784665 1094753 871706 1966459 2011-12
2013-14 7841011 5476984 13317995 2177467 2363138 4540605 2013-14
2014-15 8025890 5627330 13653220 1094753 871706 1966459 2014-15
2015-16 8053598 5667273 13720871 1999750 1760921 3760671 2015-16
2016-17 7975481 5796663 13772144 2726039 2793693 5519732 2016-17
2017-18 8057766 5707396 13765162 2797501 2777137 5574638 2017-18
2018-19 8062220 5707531 13769751 2797501 2777137 5574638 2018-19
2019-20 7625611 6050326 13675937 1860220 3161057 5021277 2019-20
2020-21 7339911 5819361 13159272 2177467 2363138 4540605 2020-21
1&lgkjuiqj 122294 100353 222647 5652 9919 15571 Saharanpur
2&eqtQ~Qjuxj 91837 81070 172907 5220 9030 14250 Muzaffarnagar
3&'kkeyh 36427 28023 64450 2623 2798 5421 Shamli
lgkjuiqj e.My 250558 209446 460004 13495 21747 35242 Saharanpur div.
4&fctukSj 117047 92875 209922 52757 64091 116848 Bijnor
5&eqjknkckn 163124 142554 305678 42690 50602 93292 Moradabad
6&laHky 122505 10031 132536 22317 26833 49150 Sambhal
7&jkeiqj 21496 24355 45851 9604 12290 21894 Rampur
8&vejksgk 127450 107389 234839 23491 29511 53002 Amroha
eqjknkckn e.My 551622 377204 928826 150859 183327 334186 Moradabad Div.
9&esjB 143065 48954 192019 10850 18594 29444 Meerut
10&ckxir 39766 31554 71320 5074 3683 8757 Baghpat
11&xkft;kckn 67522 53578 121100 6162 10906 17068 Ghaziabad
12&gkiqqM+ 36376 28864 65240 3877 5078 8955 Hapur
13&xkSrecq) uxj 21385 17787 39172 1616 3649 5265 G. B. Nagar
14&cqyUn'kgj 114806 57194 172000 7892 8489 16381 Bulandshahar
esjB e.My 422920 237931 660851 35471 50399 85870 Meerut Div.
15&eFkqjk 106678 74337 181015 32258 30809 63067 Mathura
16&vkxjk 180398 140763 321161 47122 52629 99751 Agra
17&fQjkstkckn 93474 65479 158953 16125 24421 40546 Firozabad
18&eSuiqjh 112412 88999 201411 22861 26119 48980 Mainpuri
vkxjk e.My 492962 369578 862540 118366 133978 252344 Agra Div.

19&vyhx<+ 392308 265111 657419 38154 47224 85378 Aligarh

20&gkFkjl 28173 19339 47512 11945 14934 26879 Hathras
21&,Vk 85073 58822 143895 19321 22226 41547 Etah
22&dklxat 50670 38737 89407 9088 8457 17545 Kasganj
vyhx<+ e.My 556224 382009 938233 78508 92841 171349 Aligarh Div.
23&cnk;wW 84300 51187 135487 19250 22888 42138 Badaun
24&cjsyh 118673 94165 212838 45582 54881 100463 Bareilly
25&ihyhHkhr 49477 36861 86338 12493 15406 27899 Pilibhit
26&'kkgtgkWiqj 95440 75730 171170 25192 30513 55705 Shahjahanpur
cjsyh e.My 347890 257943 605833 102517 123688 226205 Bareilly Div.
vuqc)----- Contd …..

5- f'k{kk @ Education
5-6& m0iz0 esa laLFkkokj fo|kfFkZ;ksa dh ftysokj la[;k
Districtwise Number of Students by institutions in UP.
¼30 flrEcj dks½ (As on 30th Sept.)
mPprj ek/;fed fo|ky; egkfo|ky;¼fMxzh dkyst½
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My {ks= Higher secondary School Degree college Year/District/Division
ckyd ckfydk ;ksx ckyd ckfydk ;ksx / Region
Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total
1 8 9 10 11 12 13 1
27&[khjh 97051 73786 170837 24497 31548 56045 kheri
28&lhrkiqj 108336 85555 193891 26335 33975 60310 Sitapur
29&gjnksbZ 56569 37723 94292 45613 33233 78846 Hardoi
30&mUuko 101464 85194 186658 25735 33900 59635 Unnao
31&y[kuÅ 138286 126867 265153 13252 11977 25229 Lucknow
32&jk;cjsyh 88710 70390 159100 27001 34230 61231 Raebareli
y[kuÅ e.My 590416 479515 1069931 162433 178863 341296 Lucknow Div.
33&Q:Z[kkckn 59438 47163 106601 38540 22506 61046 Farrukhabad
34&dUukSt 55037 43557 98594 24746 23624 48370 Kannauj
35&bVkok 83027 66221 149248 31864 21669 53533 Etawah
36&vkSjS;k 55496 44035 99531 26926 21344 48270 Auraiya
37&dkuiqj nsgkr 30688 23152 53840 30836 25268 56104 Kanpur Dehat
38&dkuiqj uxj 127352 101052 228404 77441 86765 164206 Kanpur Nagar
dkuiqj e.My 411038 325180 736218 230353 201176 431529 Kanpur Div.
39&tkykSu 51498 40863 92361 21749 19926 41675 Jalaun
40&>kWlh 59149 46934 106083 32295 29569 61864 Jhansi
41&yfyriqj 85997 69612 155609 14475 13916 28391 Lalitpur
>kWlh e.My 196644 157409 354053 68519 63411 131930 Jhansi Div.

42&gehjiqj 31800 26946 58746 13376 13293 26669 Hamirpur

43&egksck 28663 22743 51406 12733 12839 25572 Mahoba
44&ckWnk 42528 34659 77187 19942 18780 38722 Banda
45&fp=dwV 23835 19612 43447 4457 6382 10839 Chitrakoot
fp=dwV /kke e.My 126826 103960 230786 50508 51294 101802 Chitrakoot Dham Div.

46&Qrsgiqj 67723 61647 129370 24483 31011 55494 Fatehpur

47&izrkix<+ 106178 106842 213020 50242 57170 107412 Pratapgarh
48&dkS'kkEch 51399 46698 98097 21577 17726 39303 Kaushambi
49&iz;kxjkt 506762 448270 955032 195035 129897 324932 Prayagraj
iz;kxjkt e.My 732062 663457 1395519 291337 235804 527141 Prayagraj Div.

50&ckjkcadh 87901 69748 157649 28858 31050 59908 Barabanki

51&v;ks/;k 104503 82922 187425 48111 50498 98609 Ayodhya
52&vEcsMdjuxj 81778 86365 168143 49330 61767 111097 Ambedkar Nagar
53&lqYrkuiqj 99814 79200 179014 50589 58769 109358 Sultanpur
54&vesBh 60498 48004 108502 12389 18648 31037 Amethi
v;ks/;k e.My 434494 366239 800733 189277 220732 410009 Ayodhya Div.

vuqc)----- Contd …..

5- f'k{kk @ Education
5-6& m0iz0 esa laLFkkokj fo|kfFkZ;ksa dh ftysokj la[;k
Districtwise Number of Students by institutions in UP.
¼30 flrEcj dks½ (As on 30th Sept.)
mPprj ek/;fed fo|ky; egkfo|ky;¼fMxzh dkyst½
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My {ks= Higher secondary School Degree college Year/District/Division
ckyd ckfydk ;ksx ckyd ckfydk ;ksx / Region
Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total
1 8 9 10 11 12 13 1
55&cgjkbp 71447 56692 128139 17664 16699 34363 Bahraich
56&JkoLrh 10047 6171 16218 1648 2200 3848 Shrawasti
57&cyjkeiqj 37402 29677 67079 100173 9033 109206 Balrampur
58&xks.Mk 107813 85548 193361 42617 35601 78218 Gonda
nsohikVu e.My 226709 178088 404797 162102 63533 225635 Devipatan Div.
59&fl)kFkZuxj 66415 52699 119114 7133 9139 16272 Siddharth Nagar
60&cLrh 77476 75684 153160 15416 20882 36298 Basti
61&lardchjuxj 69959 55511 125470 27109 24455 51564 Sant Kabir Nagar
cLrh e.My 213850 183894 397744 49658 54476 104134 Basti Div.
62&egjktxat 39865 33536 73401 21529 25853 47382 Mahrajganj
63&xksj[kiqj 175896 139571 315467 32299 55645 87944 Gorakhpur
64&dq'khuxj 142581 113135 255716 26317 40636 66953 Kushi Nagar
65&nsofj;k 167773 133126 300899 33082 51800 84882 Deoria
xksj[kiqj e.My 526115 419368 945483 113227 173934 287161 Gorakhpur Div.
66&vktex<+ 241193 191381 432574 53299 84539 137838 Azamgarh
67&eÅ 89714 98842 188556 39436 53138 92574 Mau
68&cfy;k 193386 153448 346834 39764 66287 106051 Ballia
vktex<+ e.My 524293 443671 967964 132499 203964 336463 Azamgarh Div.

69&tkSuiqj 160900 157076 317976 53875 77933 131808 Jaunpur

70&xkthiqj 210287 166859 377146 53999 67605 121604 Ghazipur
71&pUnkSyh 81301 64510 145811 22734 27845 50579 Chandauli
72&okjk.klh 97987 100668 198655 52682 66771 119453 Varanasi
okjk.klh e.My 550475 489113 1039588 183290 240154 423444 Varanasi Div.

73&larjfonkl uxj 51993 50099 102092 6217 13419 19636 Sant.Ravidas Nagar
74&fetkZiqj 62971 61110 124081 26514 34916 61430 Mirzapur
75&lksuHknz 69849 64147 133996 12317 21482 33799 Sonbhadra
foU/;kpy e.My 184813 175356 360169 45048 69817 114865 Vindhyachal Div.
1- if'peh lEHkkx 2875174 2035087 4910261 621292 695123 1316415 Western Region
2- dsUnzh; lEHkkx 904080 735114 1639194 324051 352957 677008 Central Region

3- cqUnsy[k.M lEHkkx 323470 261369 584839 119027 114705 233732 Bundelkhand Region

4- iwohZZ lEHkkx 3237187 2787791 6024978 1113097 1200353 2313450 Eastern Region
mRrj izns'k 7339911 5819361 13159272 2177467 2363138 4540605 Uttar pradesh

Source :- Directorate of Higher, Secondary &

lzksr%& mPp]ek/;fed ,oa csfld f'k{kk funs'kky; m0iz0A
Primary Education UP.

5- f'k{kk @ Education
5-7& m0iz0 esa laLFkkokj vuq0 tkfr@tutkfr ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa dh ftysokj la[;k
Districtwise Number of S.C./S.T. Students by institutions in UP.
¼30 flrEcj dks½ (As on 30th Sept.)

izkFkfed fo|ky; mPp izkFkfed fo|ky;

o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@ {ks= Primary School Upper Primary School Year/District/Division /
ckyd ckfydk ;ksx ckyd ckfydk ;ksx
Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1
2009-2013 N.A N.A N.A N.A N.A N.A 2009-2013
2014-15 3821584 3635551 7457134 1508661 1516730 3036590 2014-15
2015-16 3737109 3615204 7299178 1604755 1587362 3192117 2015-16
2016-17 2979132 2854241 5848776 909456 950460 1864338 2016-17
2017-18 2921385 2804924 5726309 936657 959857 1896514 2017-18
2018-19 3241011 3061263 6302274 1473385 1408592 2881977 2018-19
2019-20 2376165 2269069 4645234 1991060 1934287 3925347 2019-20
2020-21 2400805 2275902 4676707 2076171 2005647 4081818 2020-21
1&lgkjuiqj 34208 30767 64975 34336 32638 66974 Saharanpur
2&eqtQ~Qjuxj 17759 16234 33993 16208 15397 31605 Muzaffarnagar
3&'kkeyh 7014 6138 13152 6652 6242 12894 Shamli
lgkjuiqj e.My 58981 53139 112120 57196 54277 111473 Saharanpur div.
4&fctukSj 34438 32986 67424 29664 29890 59554 Bijnor
5&eqjknkckn 14592 14255 28847 21219 20231 41450 Moradabad
6&laHky 18307 17495 35802 14995 14677 29672 Sambhal
7&jkeiqj 16109 14999 31108 12772 12224 24996 Rampur
8&vejksgk 13564 13223 26787 16319 15838 32157 Amroha
eqjknkckn e.My 97010 92958 189968 94969 92860 187829 Moradabad Div.
9&esjB 20410 17824 38234 23782 21328 45110 Meerut
10&ckxir 5202 4758 9960 6185 5447 11632 Baghpat
11&xkft;kckn 12180 11421 23601 25348 22894 48242 Ghaziabad
12&gkiqqM+ 10713 9479 20192 10790 10163 20953 Hapur
13&xkSrecq) uxj 11026 10295 21321 19804 17201 37005 G. B. Nagar
14&cqyUn'kgj 31713 28642 60355 32334 30254 62588 Bulandshahar
esjB e.My 91244 82419 173663 118243 107287 225530 Meerut Div.
15&eFkqjk 25735 23934 49669 20876 20598 41474 Mathura
16&vkxjk 46813 44956 91769 45637 44272 89909 Agra
17&fQjkstkckn 21790 20300 42090 29675 27053 56728 Firozabad
18&eSuiqjh 25466 23752 49218 16944 16006 32950 Mainpuri
vkxjk e.My 119804 112942 232746 113132 107929 221061 Agra Div.
19&vyhx<+ 35796 33869 69665 30343 28746 59089 Aligarh
20&gkFkjl 21465 19063 40528 18251 17499 35750 Hathras
21&,Vk 19461 17843 37304 12483 11984 24467 Etah
22&dklxat 20217 18533 38750 10790 10167 20957 Kasganj
vyhx<+ e.My 96939 89308 186247 71867 68396 140263 Aligarh Div.
23&cnk;wW 32448 29164 61612 22794 20112 42906 Badaun
24&cjsyh 26902 25384 52286 27671 24447 52118 Bareilly
25&ihyhHkhr 16042 15104 31146 16038 15342 31380 Pilibhit
26&'kkgtgkWiqj 32704 29577 62281 27719 25706 53425 Shahjahanpur
cjsyh e.My 108096 99229 207325 94222 85607 179829 Bareilly Div.
vuqc)----- Contd …..

5- f'k{kk @ Education
5-7& m0iz0 esa laLFkkokj vuq0 tkfr@tutkfr ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa dh ftysokj la[;k
Districtwise Number of S.C./S.T. Students by institutions in UP.
¼30 flrEcj dks½ (As on 30th Sept.)

izkFkfed fo|ky; mPp izkFkfed fo|ky;

o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@ {ks= Primary School Upper Primary School Year/District/Division /
ckyd ckfydk ;ksx ckyd ckfydk ;ksx
Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1
27&[khjh 59430 54785 114215 61876 58772 120648 kheri
28&lhrkiqj 93228 86280 179508 64431 61177 125608 Sitapur
29&gjnksbZ 77691 70504 148195 44912 42133 87045 Hardoi
30&mUuko 43697 41255 84952 32421 32125 64546 Unnao
31&y[kuÅ 38225 36512 74737 43870 41699 85569 Lucknow
32&jk;cjsyh 49663 47948 97611 36641 36022 72663 Raebareli
y[kuÅ e.My 361934 337284 699218 284151 271928 556079 Lucknow Div.
33&Q:Z[kkckn 19109 18324 37433 13566 13974 27540 Farrukhabad
34&dUukSt 20652 19930 40582 12839 13252 26091 Kannauj
35&bVkok 22499 20786 43285 18780 17840 36620 Etawah
36&vkSjS;k 21871 20747 42618 18668 18525 37193 Auraiya
37&dkuiqj nsgkr 21946 21249 43195 18790 18768 37558 Kanpur Dehat
38&dkuiqj uxj 33464 31389 64853 31919 30439 62358 Kanpur Nagar
dkuiqj e.My 139541 132425 271966 114562 112798 227360 Kanpur Div.
39&tkykSu 21813 20634 42447 22961 21781 44742 Jalaun
40&>kWlh 17922 17408 35330 26888 24289 51177 Jhansi
41&yfyriqj 20989 19416 40405 18312 16618 34930 Lalitpur
>kWlh e.My 60724 57458 118182 68161 62688 130849 Jhansi Div.
42&gehjiqj 14609 12938 27547 10509 10162 20671 Hamirpur
43&egksck 10811 10385 21196 10788 10596 21384 Mahoba
44&ckWnk 23047 20899 43946 19392 17750 37142 Banda
45&fp=dwV 17842 16788 34630 16348 14926 31274 Chitrakoot
fp=dwV /kke e.My 66309 61010 127319 57037 53434 110471 Chitrakoot Dham Div.

46&Qrsgiqj 35189 33063 68252 31689 31247 62936 Fatehpur

47&izrkix<+ 45457 44935 90392 29022 30008 59030 Pratapgarh
48&dkS'kkEch 36162 33846 70008 36285 34878 71163 Kaushambi
49&iz;kxjkt 64164 61688 125852 63176 61811 124987 Prayagraj
iz;kxjkt e.My 180972 173532 354504 160172 157944 318116 Prayagraj Div.

50&ckjkcadh 53159 51036 104195 45388 43399 88787 Barabanki

51&v;ks/;k 36231 34429 70660 28815 28321 57136 Ayodhya
52&vEcsMdjuxj 39092 39116 78208 31606 32455 64061 Ambedkar Nagar
53&lqYrkuiqj 35291 33644 68935 27586 27090 54676 Sultanpur
54&vesBh 30450 29043 59493 21056 20558 41614 Amethi
v;ks/;k e.My 194223 187268 381491 154451 151823 306274 Ayodhya Div.
vuqc)----- Contd …..

5- f'k{kk @ Education
5-7& m0iz0 esa laLFkkokj vuq0 tkfr@tutkfr ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa dh ftysokj la[;k
Districtwise Number of S.C./S.T. Students by institutions in UP.
¼30 flrEcj dks½ (As on 30th Sept.)

izkFkfed fo|ky; mPp izkFkfed fo|ky;

o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@ {ks= Primary School Upper Primary School Year/District/Division /
ckyd ckfydk ;ksx ckyd ckfydk ;ksx
Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1
55&cgjkbp 31821 28524 60345 30526 27660 58186 Bahraich
56&JkoLrh 13411 11044 24455 12231 10386 22617 Shrawasti
57&cyjkeiqj 21078 19404 40482 17871 16337 34208 Balrampur
58&xks.Mk 37154 34909 72063 28350 27371 55721 Gonda
nsohikVu e.My 103464 93881 197345 88978 81754 170732 Devipatan Div.
59&fl)kFkZuxj 31740 30857 62597 24441 24293 48734 Siddharth Nagar
60&cLrh 35367 35295 70662 23597 25390 48987 Basti
61&lardchjuxj 23006 22913 45919 17334 18298 35632 Sant Kabir Nagar
cLrh e.My 90113 89065 179178 65372 67981 133353 Basti Div.

62&egjktxat 34940 33348 68288 26297 27288 53585 Mahrajganj

63&xksj[kiqj 51039 52613 103652 47493 49526 97019 Gorakhpur
64&dq'khuxj 47880 47546 95426 32368 33769 66137 Kushi Nagar
65&nsofj;k 37797 38502 76299 29893 32159 62052 Deoria
xksj[kiqj e.My 171656 172009 343665 136051 142742 278793 Gorakhpur Div.

66&vktex<+ 86121 83610 169731 63518 63825 127343 Azamgarh

67&eÅ 32440 32233 64673 23072 23803 46875 Mau
68&cfy;k 40627 40438 81065 29982 30469 60451 Ballia
vktex<+ e.My 159188 156281 315469 116572 118097 234669 Azamgarh Div.
69&tkSuiqj 70889 68011 138900 56997 55414 112411 Jaunpur
70&xkthiqj 66414 62471 128885 46097 43911 90008 Ghazipur
71&pUnkSyh 28954 27407 56361 30787 28962 59749 Chandauli
72&okjk.klh 24966 24348 49314 32055 30692 62747 Varanasi
okjk.klh e.My 191223 182237 373460 165936 158979 324915 Varanasi Div.

73&larjfonkl uxj 21544 19995 41539 23457 21866 45323 Sant.Ravidas Nagar
74&fetkZiqj 42456 39936 82392 41618 39152 80770 Mirzapur
75&lksuHknz 45384 43526 88910 50024 48105 98129 Sonbhadra
foU/;kpy e.My 109384 103457 212841 115099 109123 224222 Vindhyachal Div.
1- if'peh lEHkkx 656205 609782 1265987 613482 579947 1193429 Western Region

2- dsUnzh; lEHkkx 505692 474021 979713 411937 395781 807718 Central Region

3- cqUnsy[k.M lEHkkx 127033 118468 245501 125198 116122 241320 Bundelkhand Region

4- iwohZZ lEHkkx 1111875 1073631 2185506 925554 913797 1839351 Eastern Region

mRrj izns'k 2400805 2275902 4676707 2076171 2005647 4081818 Uttar pradesh
vuqc)---- Contd …..

5- f'k{kk @ Edducation
5-7& m0iz0 esa laLFkkokj vuq tkfr@tutkfr ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa dh ftysokj la[;k
District wise Number of S.C./S.T. Students by institutions in UP.
¼30 flrEcj dks½ (As on 30th Sept.)
mPprj ek/;fed fo|ky;
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@ Higher secondary School Year/District/Division /
{ks= ckyd ckfydk ;ksx
Boys Girls Total
1 8 9 10 1
2011-14 NA NA NA 2011-14
2015-16 1459426 1315465 2701495 2015-16
2016-17 1510016 1197487 2707503 2016-17
2017-18 1489706 1189148 2678854 2017-18
2018-19 1372997 1126559 2499556 2018-19
2019-20 1343690 1082825 2426515 2019-20
2020-21 1304428 1051185 2355613 2020-21
1&lgkjuiqj 25514 21313 46827 Saharanpur
2&eqtQ~Qjuxj 13474 11304 24778 Muzaffarnagar
3&'kkeyh 4822 3638 8460 Shamli
lgkjuiqj e.My 43810 36255 80065 Saharanpur div.
4&fctukSj 27588 23118 50706 Bijnor
5&eqjknkckn 15378 12427 27805 Moradabad
6&laHky 9795 6603 16398 Sambhal
7&jkeiqj 8022 6214 14236 Rampur
8&vejksgk 12809 9761 22570 Amroha
eqjknkckn e.My 73592 58123 131715 Moradabad Div.
9&esjB 22967 18193 41160 Meerut
10&ckxir 5025 3956 8981 Baghpat
11&xkft;kckn 13194 12155 25349 Ghaziabad
12&gkiqqM+ 9544 7657 17201 Hapur
13&xkSrecq) uxj 8825 7410 16235 G. B. Nagar
14&cqyUn'kgj 23060 16456 39516 Bulandshahar
esjB e.My 82615 65827 148442 Meerut Div.
15&eFkqjk 17116 10632 27748 Mathura
16&vkxjk 30192 22960 53152 Agra
17&fQjkstkckn 16002 11489 27491 Firozabad
18&eSuiqjh 12020 8592 20612 Mainpuri
vkxjk e.My 75330 53673 129003 Agra Div.
19&vyhx<+ 26674 15836 42510 Aligarh
20&gkFkjl 12868 7920 20788 Hathras
21&,Vk 8631 5488 14119 Etah
22&dklxat 6763 3982 10745 Kasganj
vyhx<+ e.My 54936 33226 88162 Aligarh Div.
23&cnk;wW 12735 6889 19624 Badaun
24&cjsyh 15147 10977 26124 Bareilly
25&ihyhHkhr 8402 6161 14563 Pilibhit
26&'kkgtgkWiqj 13926 8744 22670 Shahjahanpur
cjsyh e.My 50210 32771 82981 Bareilly Div.
vuqc)----- Contd …..

5- f'k{kk @ Edducation
5-7& m0iz0 esa laLFkkokj vuq tkfr@tutkfr ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa dh ftysokj la[;k
District wise Number of S.C./S.T. Students by institutions in UP.
¼30 flrEcj dks½ (As on 30th Sept.)
mPprj ek/;fed fo|ky;
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@ Higher secondary School Year/District/Division /
{ks= ckyd ckfydk ;ksx
Boys Girls Total
1 8 9 10 1
27&[khjh 26940 19269 46209 kheri
28&lhrkiqj 27495 19967 47462 Sitapur
29&gjnksbZ 29558 18106 47664 Hardoi
30&mUuko 20851 18956 39807 Unnao
31&y[kuÅ 26697 24847 51544 Lucknow
32&jk;cjsyh 19123 18613 37736 Raebareli
y[kuÅ e.My 150664 119758 270422 Lucknow Div.

33&Q:Z[kkckn 7336 5281 12617 Farrukhabad

34&dUukSt 9086 6433 15519 Kannauj
35&bVkok 13016 9409 22425 Etawah
36&vkSjS;k 12731 9885 22616 Auraiya
37&dkuiqj nsgkr 13567 10209 23776 Kanpur Dehat
38&dkuiqj uxj 21664 20368 42032 Kanpur Nagar
dkuiqj e.My 77400 61585 138985 Kanpur Div.

39&tkykSu 13044 10495 23539 Jalaun

40&>kWlh 15341 12935 28276 Jhansi
41&yfyriqj 8622 6226 14848 Lalitpur
>kWlh e.My 37007 29656 66663 Jhansi Div.
42&gehjiqj 7052 5511 12563 Hamirpur
43&egksck 6135 5327 11462 Mahoba
44&ckWnk 8488 6220 14708 Banda
45&fp=dwV 5218 3860 9078 Chitrakoot
fp=dwV /kke e.My 26893 20918 47811 Chitrakoot Dham Div.
46&Qrsgiqj 16324 14641 30965 Fatehpur
47&izrkix<+ 25958 23692 49650 Pratapgarh
48&dkS'kkEch 14189 11319 25508 Kaushambi
49&iz;kxjkt 43665 35798 79463 Prayagraj
iz;kxjkt e.My 100136 85450 185586 Prayagraj Div.
50&ckjkcadh 16922 14845 31767 Barabanki
51&v;ks/;k 17299 17144 34443 Ayodhya
52&vEcsMdjuxj 19882 21255 41137 Ambedkar Nagar
53&lqYrkuiqj 17621 16298 33919 Sultanpur
54&vesBh 10842 9743 20585 Amethi
v;ks/;k e.My 82566 79285 161851 Ayodhya Div.
vuqc)----- Contd …..

5- f'k{kk @ Edducation
5-7& m0iz0 esa laLFkkokj vuq tkfr@tutkfr ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa dh ftysokj la[;k
District wise Number of S.C./S.T. Students by institutions in UP.
¼30 flrEcj dks½ (As on 30th Sept.)
mPprj ek/;fed fo|ky;
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@ Higher secondary School Year/District/Division /
{ks= ckyd ckfydk ;ksx
Boys Girls Total
1 8 9 10 1
55&cgjkbp 8149 5601 13750 Bahraich
56&JkoLrh 2997 1858 4855 Shrawasti
57&cyjkeiqj 3827 2806 6633 Balrampur
58&xks.Mk 11422 8749 20171 Gonda
nsohikVu e.My 26395 19014 45409 Devipatan Div.
59&fl)kFkZuxj 8930 7256 16186 Siddharth Nagar
60&cLrh 16771 16279 33050 Basti
61&lardchjuxj 13118 11628 24746 Sant Kabir Nagar
cLrh e.My 38819 35163 73982 Basti Div.
62&egjktxat 13364 11557 24921 Mahrajganj
63&xksj[kiqj 34645 29968 64613 Gorakhpur
64&dq'khuxj 18858 16078 34936 Kushi Nagar
65&nsofj;k 29144 22345 51489 Deoria
xksj[kiqj e.My 96011 79948 175959 Gorakhpur Div.
66&vktex<+ 57755 52694 110449 Azamgarh
67&eÅ 25158 22159 47317 Mau
68&cfy;k 41001 26158 67159 Ballia
vktex<+ e.My 123914 101011 224925 Azamgarh Div.
69&tkSuiqj 39037 36549 75586 Jaunpur
70&xkthiqj 47508 32255 79763 Ghazipur
71&pUnkSyh 16943 14456 31399 Chandauli
72&okjk.klh 17015 16011 33026 Varanasi
okjk.klh e.My 120503 99271 219774 Varanasi Div.

73&larjfonkl uxj 11338 9520 20858 Sant.Ravidas Nagar

74&fetkZiqj 17097 15097 32194 Mirzapur
75&lksuHknz 15192 15634 30826 Sonbhadra
foU/;kpy e.My 43627 40251 83878 Vindhyachal Div.
1- if'peh lEHkkx 422662 310883 733545 Western Region

2- dsUnzh; lEHkkx 219141 179821 398962 Central Region

3- cqUnsy[k.M lEHkkx 63900 50574 114474 Bundelkhand Region

4- iwohZZ lEHkkx 598725 509907 1108632 Eastern Region

mRrj izns'k 1304428 1051185 2355613 Uttar pradesh

NA- vizkIr NA- Not Available
Source :- Directorate of Higher Secondary & Primary
lzksr& mPprj] ek/;fed ,oa csfld f'k{kk funs'kky; m0iz0A
Education UP.

5& f'k{kk / Education
5-8 mRrj izns'k esa fMxzh Lrj ds bUthfu;fjax esa foHkkxkuqlkj izos'k
5.8 Intake in Degree Courses in Engineering by Department in UP.

flfoy bUthfu;fjax esdSfudy bUthfu;fjax bysfDV§dy bUthfu;fjax vU; ;ksx

Civil Eng. Mechanical Eng. Electrical Eng. Others Total

o"kZ izos'k okLrfod izos'k okLrfod izos'k okLrfod izos'k okLrfod izos'k okLrfod
Year {kerk izos'k {kerk izos'k {kerk izos'k {kerk izos'k {kerk izos'k

Intake Actual Intake Actual Intake Actual Intake Actual Intake Actual
Capacity Intake Capacity Intake Capacity Intake Capacity Intake Capacity Intake

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

2011-12 447 439 425 401 464 449 1710 1634 3046 2923

2016-17 492 472 354 329 564 462 2188 1720 3598 2983

2017-18 483 487 357 348 558 558 1379 1365 2777 2758

2018-19 483 478 417 406 558 555 1563 1478 3021 2917

2019-20 521 512 382 379 601 607 1575 1519 3079 3017

2020-21 509 511 375 374 601 605 1584 1561 3069 3051

uksV%&vyhx< eqfLye fo'ofo|ky;]cukjl fgUnw fo'ofo|ky;] vkbZ-vkbZ-Vh- dkuiqj ,oa futh bathfu;fjxa dkyst lfEefyr ugh gSaA
Note:- The data relating to Aligarh Muslim University , Banaras Hindu University, I.I.T. Kanpur & Private Engineering college.
have not been included.
lzksr %& dk;Zifw rZ fnXn'kZd vk;&O;;d 2021&22 izkfof/kd f'k{kk foHkkx] mRrj izns'k 'kkluA
Source :- Kaarypurti digdarshak Aay-Vyayk 2021-22 Pravedhik Shiksha Vibagha UP. Shasan.

5& f'k{kk / Education

5-9 mRrj izns'k esa fofHkUu izdkj dh f'k{kk ij O;;

5.9 Expenditure Incurred on Different type Of Education in UP.
¼yk[k #0½ (Lakh Rs.)

iqujhf{kr vk; O;;d

okLrfod O;; Items
vuqeku vuqeku
en Revised Budget
Actual Expenditure
Estimates Estimates

2011-12 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22

1 2 3 4 5 6 1

1&izkFkfed f'k{kk 1695981 3538020 4121398 3750389 4704090 Primary Education

2&ek?;fed f'k{kk 660537 870441 986498 1048640 1362828 Secondary Education

3&mPp f'k{kk 136678 274601 236219 262135 325538 Higher Education

4&fo'ks"k f'k{kk Special Education

-- -- -- -- --
¼izkS<+ f'k{kk½ ( Adult Education)

5&vU; izkoSf/kd
Other Technical &
rFkk 'kSf{kd 28265 54666 68432 65885 86108 Educational Reasearch
vuql?a kku
;ksx 2521461 4737728 5412547 5127049 6478564 Total

lzksr&m0 iz0 ds ctV dh :ijs[kk 2021&22] Source- Budget in brief of UP. 2021-22 Financial
foRr foHkkx m0iz0 'kkluA department up administration.

5- f'k{kk ¼Education½

5-10 m0 iz0 esa lzksrkuqlkj f'k{k.k laLFkkvksa ij O;; ¼#0 gtkj es½a
Expenditure incurred on Educational Institutions by source in UP.( In thousand Rs)

o"kZ jktdh; fuf/k ls LFkkuh; fuf/k ls 'kqYd ls izfrHkwr ,oa vU; ;ksx
Securities and
Year From Govt Fund From Local Fund From Fee Total
other funds
1 2 3 4 5 6

2011-2012 47162671 ** ** ** **

2013-2014 54477237 ** ** ** **

2014-2015 57407132 ** ** ** **

2015-2016 60110352 ** ** ** **

2016-2017 61812339 ** ** ** **

2017-2018 72896092 ** ** ** **

2018-2019 75634823 ** ** ** **

2019-2020 80912149 ** ** ** **

2020-2021 79385866 ** ** ** **

**mDr LrEHkkssa ¼3]4]5]6½ dh lwpuk ek/;fed f'k{kk funs'kky; iz;kxjkt ls vuqiyC/k A

** The information of column(3,4,5.6) is unavailable from directorate of Secondary Education
Prayagraj .
Source- Directorate of Secondary Education UP.
lzksr%& ek/;fed f'k{kk funs'kkky;] m0iz0] iz;kxjktA Prayagraj.

5- f'k{kk Education
5-11& m0iz0 esa laLFkkuqlkj ftysokj Nk= v/;kid vuqikr
Districtwise Pupil Teacher ratio by Institution in UP.
izfr v/;kidksa Nk=ksa dh la[;k
No. Of Students Per Teacher Year/District
izkFkfed mPp izkFkfed
m0ek0fo0 fMxzhdkyst
fo|ky; fo|ky;
Primary Upper Higher Degree College
School Primary Secondary
School School

1 2 3 4 5 1

2011-12 73 43 51 84 2011-12
2013-14 72 42 51 84 2013-14
2014-15 67 43 51 84 2014-15
2015-16 50 40 48 68 2015-16
2016-17 36 33 47 84 2016-17
2017-18 52 29 46 70 2017-18
2018-19 29 26 44 70 2018-19
2019-20 28 29 42 69 2019-20
2020-21 27 29 41 44 2020-21
1 lgkjuiqj 23 25 75 84 Saharanpur
2 eqtQ~Qjuxj 29 31 76 85 MuzaffarNagar
3 'kkeyh 28 30 64 81 Shamli
4 fctukSj 22 27 47 75 Bijnor
5 eqjknkckn 25 26 43 91 Moradabad
6 laHky 35 35 35 117 Sambhal
7 jkeiqj 28 28 12 76 Rampur
8 vejksgk 26 28 81 69 Amroha
9 esjB 24 24 43 61 Meerut
10 ckxir 25 24 42 63 Bagapat
11 xkft;kckn 29 28 44 59 Ghaziabad
12 gkiqqM+ 28 27 52 84 Hapur
13 xkSrecq) uxj 25 26 30 61 G. Buddha Nagar
14 cqyUn'kgj 25 25 34 94 Bulandshahar
15 eFkqjk 23 24 36 24 Mathura
16 vkxjk 30 30 35 27 Agra
17 fQjkstkckn 23 29 31 20 Firozabad
18 eSuiqjh 23 23 19 22 Mainpuri
19 vyhx<+ 26 27 60 39 Aligarh
20 gkFkjl 24 24 14 28 Mahamaya Nagar
21 ,Vk 25 26 35 23 Etah
22 dklxat 30 30 37 40 Kasganj
23 cnk;wW 32 35 65 104 Badaun
24 cjsyh 27 29 46 67 Bareilly
25 ihyhHkhr 29 32 43 64 Pilibhit
26 'kkgtgkWiqj 32 35 54 59 Shahjahanpur
vuqc)----- Contd …..

5- f'k{kk Education
5-11& m0iz0 esa laLFkkuqlkj ftysokj Nk= v/;kid vuqikr
Districtwise Pupil Teacher ratio by Institution in UP.
izfr v/;kidksa Nk=ksa dh la[;k
No. Of Students Per Teacher Year/District
izkFkfed mPp izkFkfed
m0ek0fo0 fMxzhdkyst
fo|ky; fo|ky;
Primary Upper Higher Degree College
School Primary Secondary
School School

1 2 3 4 5 1

27 [khjh 33 41 61 1168 kheri

28 lhrkiqj 29 33 42 1005 Sitapur

29 gjnksbZ 29 33 12 1408 Hardoi

30 mUuko 21 24 50 817 Unnao

31 y[kuÅ 23 24 14 37 Lucknow

32 jk;cjsyh 26 29 39 720 Raebareli

33 Q:Z[kkckn 28 27 35 36 Farrukhabad

34 dUukSt 24 25 15 35 Kannauj

35 bVkok 20 22 40 40 Etwah

36 vkSjS;k 25 23 29 44 Auraiya

37 dkuiqj nsgkr 22 24 23 33 Ramabai Nagar

38 dkuiqj uxj 20 22 29 47 Kanpur Nagar

39 tkykSu 28 26 36 14 Jalaun

40 >kWlh 19 21 42 31 Jhansi

41 yfyriqj 27 28 137 36 Lalitpur

42 gehjiqj 24 25 33 28 Hamirpur

43 egksck 27 27 75 53 Mahoba

44 ckWnk 28 34 56 26 Banda

45 fp=dwV 23 29 40 20 Chitrakoot

46 Qrsgiqj 23 26 30 94 Fatehpur

47 izrkix<+ 30 31 40 106 Pratapgarh

48 dkS'kkEch 30 30 32 141 Kaushambi

49 iz;kxjkt 29 30 71 206 Prayagraj

vuqc)----- Contd…..

5- f'k{kk Education
5-11& m0iz0 esa laLFkkuqlkj ftysokj Nk= v/;kid vuqikr
Districtwise Pupil Teacher ratio by Institution in UP.
izfr v/;kidksa Nk=ksa dh la[;k
No. Of Students Per Teacher Year/District
izkFkfed mPp izkFkfed
m0ek0fo0 fMxzhdkyst
fo|ky; fo|ky;
Primary Upper Higher Degree College
School Primary Secondary
School School

1 2 3 4 5 1

50 ckjkcadh 27 30 109 58 Barabanki

51 v;ks/;k 26 25 34 43 Ayodhya

52 vXcsMdjuxj 25 26 67 62 AmbedkarNagar

53 lqyrkuiqj 22 26 42 65 Sultanpur

54 vesBh 28 29 47 62 Amethi
55 cgjkbp 33 41 44 89 Bahraich

56 JkoLrh 31 39 19 46 Shrawasti

57 cyjkeiqj 34 39 44 340 Balrampur

58 xks.Mk 30 32 34 89 Gonda

59 fl)kFkZuxj 31 35 54 38 SiddharthNagar

60 cLrh 28 28 67 41 Basti

61 lardchjuxj 33 32 34 41 SantkabirNagar

62 egjktxat 31 33 23 43 Mahrajganj

63 xksj[kiqj 26 27 54 36 Gorakhpur

64 dq'khuxj 29 33 62 77 KushiNagar

65 nsofj;k 26 24 47 51 Deoria

66 vktex<+ 28 29 43 73 Azamgarh

67 eÅ 29 30 53 63 Mau

68 cfy;k 29 30 51 48 Ballia

69 tkSuiqj 26 27 43 55 Jaunpur

70 xkthiqj 27 27 33 51 Ghazipur

71 pUnkSyh 29 31 53 55 Chandauli

72 okjk.klh 22 24 40 5 Varanasi

73 larjfonkl uxj 29 30 49 40 SantravidasNagar

74 fetkZiqj 29 33 46 50 Mirzapur

75 lksuHknz 27 35 51 52 Sonbhadra

mRrj izns'k 27 29 41 44 Uttar Pradesh

lzksr%& mPp] ek/;fed ,oa

Source :- Directorate of Higher, Secondary & Primary
csfld f'k{kk funs'kky;] Education UP.

6& tulapkj @ Mass Communication

6-1 m0iz0 esa eq[; Hkk"kkuqlkj lekpkj i= ,oa if=dkvksa dh la[;k

No. of news papers & periodicals by major languages in UP.

fgUnh vaxzsth laLd`r mnwZ f}Hkk"kh cgqHkk"kh vU; ;ksx

Hindi English Sanskrit Urdu Bilingual Multilingual Other Total

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

2011-12 10915 667 23 1280 576 28 23 13539

2014-15* 4368 133 46 483 48 1 51 5130

2015-16* 4685 259 54 426 60 51 5535

2016-17** 1895 50 0 393 5 0 1 2344

2017-18** 2146 90 0 443 8 0 1 2688

2018-19** 2234 92 0 448 10 1 14 2799

2019-20** 2521 101 1 476 11 1 14 3125

2020-21** 2636 104 2 498 12 1 14 3267

lzksr% jftLVªkj] lekpkj i=] Hkkjr ljdkj] lwpuk Source : Registrar News Paper of India, Ministry of
,oa izlkj.k ea=ky; ¼lkaf[;dh; lkajk'k Hkkjr Information and Broadcasting [Statistical abstract, Govt.
ljdkj½ of India]

*lkWaf[;dh; if=dk *sankhikiya patrika

**løpuk ,oa tulaidZ foÒkxA **Information and public

Relation deptt. UP.,Lko.

6- tulapkj @ Mass Communication
6-2 m0iz0 esa eqn.z kky;ksa dh ftysokj la[;k
District wise No. of printing Presses in UP.
lkoZtfud futh ;ksx Year/District/Division/
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= Region
Public Private Total

1 2 3 4 1
2011-12 43 11972 12013 2011-12
2013-14 28 9786 9814 2013-14
2014-15 43 9953 9996 2014-15
2015-16 48 9523 9567 2015-16
2016-17 33 10466 10495 2016-17
2017-18 54 10412 10466 2017-18
2018-19 53 10437 10490 2018-19
2019-20 53 10468 10521 2019-20
1&lgkjuiqj 0 209 209 Saharanpur
2&eqtQ~Qjuxj 0 220 220 Muzaffarnagar
3&'kkeyh 0 10 10 Shamli
lgkjuiqj e.My 0 439 439 Saharanpur div.

4&fctukSj 0 102 102 Bijnor

5&eqjknkckn 2 60 62 Moradabad
6&laHky 0 42 42 Sambhal
7&jkeiqj 6 8 14 Rampur
8&vejksgk 0 37 37 Amroha
eqjknkckn e.My 8 249 257 Moradabad Div.
9&esjB 0 465 465 Meerut
10&ckxir 0 25 25 Baghpat
11&xkft;kckn 0 293 293 Ghaziabad
12&gkiqqM+ 0 9 9 Hapur
13&xkSrecq) uxj 0 104 104 G. B. Nagar
14&cqyUn'kgj 0 110 110 Bulandshahar
esjB e.My 0 1006 1006 Meerut Div.
15&eFkqjk 0 149 149 Mathura
16&vkxjk 0 1038 1038 Agra
17&fQjkstkckn 0 57 57 Firozabad
18&eSuiqjh 0 25 25 Mainpuri
vkxjk e.My 0 1269 1269 Agra Div.
19&vyhx<+ 1 198 199 Aligarh
20&gkFkjl 0 62 62 Hathras
21&,Vk 0 60 60 Etah
22&dklxat 0 34 34 Kasganj
vyhx<+ e.My 1 354 355 Aligarh Div.
23&cnk;wW 0 41 41 Badaun
24&cjsyh 1 191 192 Bareilly
25&ihyhHkhr 1 29 30 Pilibhit
26&'kkgtgkWiqj 0 68 68 Shahjahanpur
cjsyh e.My 2 329 331 Bareilly Div.
vuqc)----- Contd …..

6- tulapkj @ Mass Communication
6-2 m0iz0 esa eqn.z kky;ksa dh ftysokj la[;k
District wise No. of printing Presses in UP.
lkoZtfud futh ;ksx Year/District/Division/
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= Region
Public Private Total

1 2 3 4 1
27&[khjh 2 93 95 kheri
28&lhrkiqj 1 86 87 Sitapur
29&gjnksbZ 1 66 67 Hardoi
30&mUuko 0 54 54 Unnao
31&y[kuÅ 3 1972 1975 Lucknow
32&jk;cjsyh 1 43 44 Raebareli
y[kuÅ e.My 8 2314 2322 Lucknow Div.

33&Q:Z[kkckn 0 60 60 Farrukhabad
34&dUukSt 0 73 73 Kannauj
35&bVkok 0 226 226 Etawah
36&vkSjS;k 0 49 49 Auraiya
37&dkuiqj nsgkr 0 3 3 Kanpur Dehat
38&dkuiqj uxj 0 432 432 Kanpur Nagar
dkuiqj e.My 0 843 843 Kanpur Div.

39&tkykSu 0 2 2 Jalaun
40&>kWlh 2 152 154 Jhansi
41&yfyriqj 2 30 32 Lalitpur
>kWlh e.My 4 184 188 Jhansi Div.

42&gehjiqj 0 52 52 Hamirpur
43&egksck 0 15 15 Mahoba
44&ckWnk 1 48 49 Banda
45&fp=dwV 0 13 13 Chitrakoot
fp=dwV /kke e.My 1 128 129 Chitrakoot Dham Div.
46&Qrsgiqj 1 36 37 Fatehpur
47&izrkix<+ 0 15 15 Pratapgarh
48&dkS'kkEch 0 16 16 Kaushambi
49&iz;kxjkt 14 770 784 Prayagraj
iz;kxjkt e.My 15 837 852 Prayagraj Div.
50&ckjkcadh 0 44 44 Barabanki
51&v;ks/;k 0 57 57 Ayodhya
52&vEcsMdjuxj 0 0 0 Ambedkar Nagar
53&lqYrkuiqj 0 10 10 Sultanpur
54&vesBh 0 5 5 Amethi
v;ks/;k e.My 0 116 116 Ayodhya Div.
vuqc)----- Contd …..

6- tulapkj @ Mass Communication
6-2 m0iz0 esa eqn.z kky;ksa dh ftysokj la[;k
District wise No. of printing Presses in UP.
lkoZtfud futh ;ksx Year/District/Division/
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= Region
Public Private Total

1 2 3 4 1
55&cgjkbp 4 48 52 Bahraich
56&JkoLrh 0 6 6 Shrawasti
57&cyjkeiqj 0 13 13 Balrampur
58&xks.Mk 1 20 21 Gonda
nsohikVu e.My 5 87 92 Devipatan Div.

59&fl)kFkZuxj 0 18 18 Siddharth Nagar

60&cLrh 2 76 78 Basti
61&lardchjuxj 0 26 26 Sant Kabir Nagar
cLrh e.My 2 120 122 Basti Div.

62&egjktxat 1 37 38 Mahrajganj
63&xksj[kiqj 1 73 74 Gorakhpur
64&dq'khuxj 0 118 118 Kushi Nagar
65&nsofj;k 0 61 61 Deoria
xksj[kiqj e.My 2 289 291 Gorakhpur Div.
66&vktex<+ 1 182 183 Azamgarh
67&eÅ 0 22 22 Mau
68&cfy;k 0 65 65 Ballia
vktex<+ e.My 1 269 270 Azamgarh Div.

69&tkSuiqj 0 115 115 Jaunpur

70&xkthiqj 0 111 111 Ghazipur
71&pUnkSyh 1 39 40 Chandauli
72&okjk.klh 3 1290 1293 Varanasi
okjk.klh e.My 4 1555 1559 Varanasi Div.

73&larjfonkl uxj 0 37 37 Sant.Ravidas Nagar

74&fetkZiqj 0 1 1 Mirzapur
75&lksuHknz 0 42 42 Sonbhadra
foU/;kpy e.My 0 80 80 Vindhyachal Div.
1- if'peh lEHkkx 11 4054 4065 Western Region
2- dsUnzh; lEHkkx 9 2829 2838 Central Region
3- cqUnsy[k.M lEHkkx 5 312 317 Bundelkhand Region
4- iwohZZ lEHkkx 28 3273 3301 Eastern Region
mRrj izns'k 53 10468 10521 Uttar pradesh
lzksr% ftyk lkaf[;dh; if=dk Source : Distt. Sankhikiya Patrika

7& LokLF; @ Health
7-1 & m0iz0 esa fpfdRlk ¼,yksifS Fkd½ laLFkkvksa dh ftysokj la[;k
Districtwise No. of medical (Allopathic) institutions in UP.
¼1 tuojh dh fLFkfr½ (As on 1st Jan.)
jkT; ljdkj LFkkuh; fudk; lgk;rk izkIr
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= State Govt. ,oa uxj ikfydk futh ion
lkoZtfud fo'ks"k Local bodies & private
municipal board Aided
Public Special
1 2 3 4 5 1
2011 4172 414 124 61 2011
2013 4495 416 124 61 2013
2014 4495 416 124 61 2014
2015 4501 416 124 61 2015
2016 4511 416 124 61 2016
2017 4516 416 124 61 2017
2018 4516 416 124 61 2018
2019 4518 416 124 61 2019
2020 4512 416 124 61 2020
2021 4514 416 124 61 2021
1&lgkjuiqj 68 9 6 1 Saharanpur
2&eqtQ~Qjuxj 81 7 3 1 Muzaffarnagar
3&'kkeyh 29 1 0 0 Shamli
lgkjuiqj e.My 178 17 9 2 Saharanpur div.
4&fctukSj 69 4 4 0 Bijnor
5&eqjknkckn 61 17 6 0 Moradabad
6&laHky 1 0 0 0 Sambhal
7&jkeiqj 42 3 0 1 Rampur
8&vejksgk 40 5 0 0 Amroha
eqjknkckn e.My 213 29 10 1 Moradabad Div.
9&esjB 57 8 9 0 Meerut
10&ckxir 36 2 0 0 Baghpat
11&xkft;kckn 50 4 2 0 Ghaziabad
12&gkiqqM+ 1 0 0 0 Hapur
13&xkSrecq) uxj 23 1 3 0 G. B. Nagar
14&cqyUn'kgj 92 5 0 0 Bulandshahar
esjB e.My 259 20 14 0 Meerut Div.
15&eFkqjk 56 5 5 2 Mathura
16&vkxjk 77 6 14 0 Agra
17&fQjkstkckn 59 4 1 0 Firozabad
18&eSuiqjh 63 3 1 0 Mainpuri
vkxjk e.My 255 18 21 2 Agra Div.
19&vyhx<+ 54 6 1 0 Aligarh
20&gkFkjl 37 4 0 0 Hathras
21&,Vk 45 5 1 1 Etah
22&dklxat 41 1 0 0 Kasganj
vyhx<+ e.My 177 16 2 1 Aligarh Div.
23&cnk;wW 82 3 1 0 Badaun
24&cjsyh 78 7 2 1 Bareilly
25&ihyhHkhr 41 14 0 1 Pilibhit
26&'kkgtgkWiqj 65 5 3 1 Shahjahanpur
cjsyh e.My 266 29 6 3 Bareilly Div.
vuqc)----- Contd …..

7& LokLF; @ Health
7-1 & m0iz0 esa fpfdRlk ¼,yksifS Fkd½ laLFkkvksa dh ftysokj la[;k
Districtwise No. of medical (Allopathic) institutions in UP.
¼1 tuojh dh fLFkfr½ (As on 1st Jan.)
jkT; ljdkj LFkkuh; fudk; lgk;rk izkIr
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= State Govt. ,oa uxj ikfydk futh ion
lkoZtfud fo'ks"k Local bodies & private
municipal board Aided
Public Special
1 2 3 4 5 1
27&[khjh 84 7 0 0 kheri
28&lhrkiqj 79 3 0 2 Sitapur
29&gjnksbZ 90 4 0 2 Hardoi
30&mUuko 69 3 2 0 Unnao
31&y[kuÅ 46 23 7 12 Lucknow
32&jk;cjsyh 86 3 1 0 Raebareli
y[kuÅ e.My 454 43 10 16 Lucknow Div.
33&Q:Z[kkckn 37 4 0 0 Farrukhabad
34&dUukSt 45 1 0 0 Kannauj
35&bVkok 58 7 2 2 Etawah
36&vkSjS;k 36 1 1 0 Auraiya
37&dkuiqj nsgkr 48 1 6 0 Kanpur Dehat
38&dkuiqj uxj 54 13 15 9 Kanpur Nagar
dkuiqj e.My 278 27 24 11 Kanpur Div.
39&tkykSu 55 3 0 0 Jalaun
40&>kWlh 50 5 2 1 Jhansi
41&yfyriqj 35 3 0 1 Lalitpur
>kWlh e.My 140 11 2 2 Jhansi Div.
42&gehjiqj 42 5 0 0 Hamirpur
43&egksck 28 9 0 0 Mahoba
44&ckWnk 57 2 2 0 Banda
45&fp=dwV 36 2 0 0 Chitrakoot
fp=dwV /kke e.My 163 18 2 0 Chitrakoot Dham Div.
46&Qrsgiqj 67 4 0 0 Fatehpur
47&izrkix<+ 102 7 2 0 Pratapgarh
48&dkS'kkEch 45 10 0 1 Kaushambi
49&iz;kxjkt 107 13 8 5 Prayagraj
iz;kxjkt e.My 321 34 10 6 Prayagraj Div.
50&ckjkcadh 87 3 0 0 Barabanki
51&v;ks/;k 56 6 0 2 Ayodhya
52&vEcsMdjuxj 52 5 0 0 Ambedkar Nagar
53&lqYrkuiqj 91 4 1 0 Sultanpur
54&vesBh 58 1 0 0 Amethi
v;ks/;k e.My 344 19 1 2 Ayodhya Div.
vuqc)----- Contd …..

7& LokLF; @ Health
7-1 & m0iz0 esa fpfdRlk ¼,yksifS Fkd½ laLFkkvksa dh ftysokj la[;k
Districtwise No. of medical (Allopathic) institutions in UP.
¼1 tuojh dh fLFkfr½ (As on 1st Jan.)
jkT; ljdkj LFkkuh; fudk; lgk;rk izkIr
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= State Govt. ,oa uxj ikfydk futh ion
lkoZtfud fo'ks"k Local bodies & private
municipal board Aided
Public Special
1 2 3 4 5 1
55&cgjkbp 65 3 0 2 Bahraich
56&JkoLrh 31 2 0 0 Shrawasti
57&cyjkeiqj 47 0 0 0 Balrampur
58&xks.Mk 66 14 0 2 Gonda
nsohikVu e.My 209 19 0 4 Devipatan Div.
59&fl)kFkZuxj 93 2 0 0 Siddharth Nagar
60&cLrh 70 12 1 0 Basti
61&lardchjuxj 35 2 0 0 Sant Kabir Nagar
cLrh e.My 198 16 1 0 Basti Div.
62&egjktxat 68 1 1 0 Mahrajganj
63&xksj[kiqj 105 15 2 2 Gorakhpur
64&dq'khuxj 76 10 0 0 Kushi Nagar
65&nsofj;k 90 3 0 0 Deoria
xksj[kiqj e.My 339 29 3 2 Gorakhpur Div.
66&vktex<+ 130 14 0 1 Azamgarh
67&eÅ 54 3 0 0 Mau
68&cfy;k 98 5 0 1 Ballia
vktex<+ e.My 282 22 0 2 Azamgarh Div.
69&tkSuiqj 113 10 0 1 Jaunpur
70&xkthiqj 87 5 1 0 Ghazipur
71&pUnkSyh 48 10 0 0 Chandauli
72&okjk.klh 53 11 4 5 Varanasi
okjk.klh e.My 301 36 5 6 Varanasi Div.
73&larjfonkl uxj 35 1 0 0 Sant.Ravidas Nagar
74&fetkZiqj 62 8 0 1 Mirzapur
75&lksuHknz 40 4 4 0 Sonbhadra
foU/;kpy e.My 137 13 4 1 Vindhyachal Div.
1- if'peh lEHkkx 1524 142 65 11 Western Region
2- dsUnzh; lEHkkx 710 64 31 25 Central Region
3- cqUnsy[k.M lEHkkx 303 29 4 2 Bundelkhand Region
4- iwohZZ lEHkkx 1977 181 24 23 Eastern Region
mRrj izns'k 4514 416 124 61 Uttar pradesh

vuqc)---- Contd…….

7& LokLF; @ Health
7-1& m0iz0 esa fpfdRlk ¼,yksiSfFkd½ laLFkkvksa dh ftysokj la[;k
Districtwise No. of medical (Allopathic) institutions in UP.
¼1 tuojh dh fLFkfr½ (As on 1st Jan.)

o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= vlgk;rk izkIr futh vU; dqy Year/District/Division/

Private Unaided Other Total Region
1 6 7 8 1
2011 15341 48 20160 2011
2013 19414 48 24558 2013
2014 19414 48 24558 2014
2015 19414 48 24558 2015
2016 19414 48 24558 2016
2017 19414 48 24558 2017
2018 19414 48 24558 2018
2019 15628 1151 21866 2019
2020 15632 1152 21897 2020
2021 15632 1152 21899 2021
1&lgkjuiqj 404 0 488 Saharanpur
2&eqtQ~Qjuxj 274 1 367 Muzaffarnagar
3&'kkeyh 45 0 75 Shamli
lgkjuiqj e.My 723 1 930 Saharanpur div.
4&fctukSj 172 0 249 Bijnor
5&eqjknkckn 604 0 688 Moradabad
6&laHky 115 0 116 Sambhal
7&jkeiqj 192 0 238 Rampur
8&vejksgk 110 0 155 Amroha
eqjknkckn e.My 1193 0 1446 Moradabad Div.
9&esjB 232 0 306 Meerut
10&ckxir 51 0 89 Baghpat
11&xkft;kckn 1190 0 1246 Ghaziabad
12&gkiqqM+ 71 0 72 Hapur
13&xkSrecq) uxj 401 48 476 G. B. Nagar
14&cqyUn'kgj 217 0 314 Bulandshahar
esjB e.My 2162 48 2503 Meerut Div.
15&eFkqjk 279 0 347 Mathura
16&vkxjk 1152 102 1351 Agra
17&fQjkstkckn 158 0 222 Firozabad
18&eSuiqjh 36 0 103 Mainpuri
vkxjk e.My 1625 102 2023 Agra Div.
19&vyhx<+ 448 0 509 Aligarh
20&gkFkjl 112 1 154 Hathras
21&,Vk 12 45 109 Etah
22&dklxat 41 0 83 Kasganj
vyhx<+ e.My 613 46 855 Aligarh Div.
23&cnk;wW 110 0 196 Badaun
24&cjsyh 256 0 344 Bareilly
25&ihyhHkhr 44 0 100 Pilibhit
26&'kkgtgkWiqj 126 0 200 Shahjahanpur
cjsyh e.My 536 0 840 Bareilly Div.
vuqc)----- Contd …..

7& LokLF; @ Health
7-1& m0iz0 esa fpfdRlk ¼,yksiSfFkd½ laLFkkvksa dh ftysokj la[;k
Districtwise No. of medical (Allopathic) institutions in UP.
¼1 tuojh dh fLFkfr½ (As on 1st Jan.)

o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= vlgk;rk izkIr futh vU; dqy Year/District/Division/

Private Unaided Other Total Region
1 6 7 8 1
27&[khjh 111 47 249 kheri
28&lhrkiqj 79 2 165 Sitapur
29&gjnksbZ 161 0 257 Hardoi
30&mUuko 98 0 172 Unnao
31&y[kuÅ 2309 116 2513 Lucknow
32&jk;cjsyh 209 0 299 Raebareli
y[kuÅ e.My 2967 165 3655 Lucknow Div.
33&Q:Z[kkckn 163 0 204 Farrukhabad
34&dUukSt 36 0 82 Kannauj
35&bVkok 44 0 113 Etawah
36&vkSjS;k 79 3 120 Auraiya
37&dkuiqj nsgkr 32 0 87 Kanpur Dehat
38&dkuiqj uxj 437 396 924 Kanpur Nagar
dkuiqj e.My 791 399 1530 Kanpur Div.
39&tkykSu 24 0 82 Jalaun
40&>kWlh 114 0 172 Jhansi
41&yfyriqj 34 0 73 Lalitpur
>kWlh e.My 172 0 327 Jhansi Div.
42&gehjiqj 0 0 47 Hamirpur
43&egksck 7 0 44 Mahoba
44&ckWnk 52 0 113 Banda
45&fp=dwV 17 1 56 Chitrakoot
fp=dwV /kke e.My 76 1 260 Chitrakoot Dham Div.
46&Qrsgiqj 64 0 135 Fatehpur
47&izrkix<+ 108 25 244 Pratapgarh
48&dkS'kkEch 130 37 223 Kaushambi
49&iz;kxjkt 902 0 1035 Prayagraj
iz;kxjkt e.My 1204 62 1637 Prayagraj Div.
50&ckjkcadh 95 0 185 Barabanki
51&v;ks/;k 165 0 229 Ayodhya
52&vEcsMdjuxj 121 0 178 Ambedkar Nagar
53&lqYrkuiqj 68 16 180 Sultanpur
54&vesBh 49 0 108 Amethi
v;ks/;k e.My 498 16 880 Ayodhya Div.
vuqc)----- Contd …..

7& LokLF; @ Health
7-1& m0iz0 esa fpfdRlk ¼,yksiSfFkd½ laLFkkvksa dh ftysokj la[;k
Districtwise No. of medical (Allopathic) institutions in UP.
¼1 tuojh dh fLFkfr½ (As on 1st Jan.)

o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= vlgk;rk izkIr futh vU; dqy Year/District/Division/

Private Unaided Other Total Region
1 6 7 8 1
55&cgjkbp 72 0 142 Bahraich
56&JkoLrh 39 0 72 Shrawasti
57&cyjkeiqj 52 19 118 Balrampur
58&xks.Mk 44 0 126 Gonda
nsohikVu e.My 207 19 458 Devipatan Div.
59&fl)kFkZuxj 88 0 183 Siddharth Nagar
60&cLrh 74 3 160 Basti
61&lardchjuxj 55 0 92 Sant Kabir Nagar
cLrh e.My 217 3 435 Basti Div.
62&egjktxat 65 56 191 Mahrajganj
63&xksj[kiqj 667 115 906 Gorakhpur
64&dq'khuxj 195 0 281 Kushi Nagar
65&nsofj;k 89 96 278 Deoria
xksj[kiqj e.My 1016 267 1656 Gorakhpur Div.
66&vktex<+ 410 0 555 Azamgarh
67&eÅ 111 0 168 Mau
68&cfy;k 53 0 157 Ballia
vktex<+ e.My 574 0 880 Azamgarh Div.
69&tkSuiqj 19 0 143 Jaunpur
70&xkthiqj 146 0 239 Ghazipur
71&pUnkSyh 293 1 352 Chandauli
72&okjk.klh 288 1 362 Varanasi
okjk.klh e.My 746 2 1096 Varanasi Div.
73&larjfonkl uxj 99 21 156 Sant.Ravidas Nagar
74&fetkZiqj 161 0 232 Mirzapur
75&lksuHknz 52 0 100 Sonbhadra
foU/;kpy e.My 312 21 488 Vindhyachal Div.
1- if'peh lEHkkx 7174 200 9116 Western Region
2- dsUnzh; lEHkkx 3595 561 4986 Central Region
3- cqUnsy[k.M lEHkkx 248 1 587 Bundelkhand Region
4- iwohZZ lEHkkx 4615 390 7210 Eastern Region
mRrj izns'k 15632 1152 21899 Uttar pradesh
*futh laLFkkvksa dh la0 esa vLirky] uflZx gkse] esfMdy Dyhfud] iSFkks0 ySc] MkXuks0 Dyhfud] ,Dl&js] vk;qZ0 ,oa
gksWE;ks0 fp0 lfEefyr gSaA
* Inculdes Hospitals,Nursing Home,Medi.Clinic,Path.Lab,Dig Clinic,X-ray,Ayurved and Homeo. Hospitals in private
lzksr % egkfuns'kky; LokLF; lsok,] m0iz0A
Source: Directorate General of Health services, UP.

7&LokLF; @ Health
7-2& m0iz0 esa vk;qosZfnd fpfdRlk lsok ¼jktdh;½
Ayurvedic medical services(Govt) in UP.
¼31 ekpZ dh fLFkfr½ (As on 31 March.)
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= 2011-12 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
1 2 3 4 5 1
1-fpfdRlky; ,oa vkSS"k/kky;
2114 2104 2104 2104 Hospital & dispensaries

2- miyC/k 'kS;~;k;sa 10054 10054 10054 10054 Beds available

3- mipkfjr jksxh ¼000½ 21854 13121 24886 16240 Patients treated

4-vkS"k/kky; esa yxs deZpkjh + +

Employees in dispensaries

¼d½ MkDVj
3599 3754R 3896 3896 Doctors

¼[k½ ulZ@feMokbQ 574 479 479 479 Nurses & Midwives

¼x½ vU; iSjkesfMdy 1963 2094 2094 2094 Other Paramedicals

R&la'kksf/kr R-Revised
lzksr& vk;qofsZ nd funs'kky; m0 iz0A Source : Ayurvedic Directorate, UP.

7&LokLF; @ Health
7-3&m0iz0 esa ;wukuh fpfdRlk lsok ¼jktdh;½
Unani medical services(Govt) in UP.

¼31 ekpZ dh fLFkfr½ (As on 31 March.)

o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= 2011-12 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 Region
1 2 3 4 5 1
1-fpfdRlky; ,oa vkSS"k/kky;
253 256 256 256 Hospital & dispensaries

2- miyC/k 'kS;~;k;sa
845 1023 1023 1023 Beds available

3- mipkfjr jksxh ¼000½

2588 3371 3022 2028 Patients treated

4-vkS"k/kky; esa yxs deZpkjh

Employees in dispensaries

¼d½ MkDVj
263 264 264 264 Doctors

¼[k½ ulZ@feMokbQ
36 37 37 37 Nurses & Midwives

¼x½ vU; iSjkesfMdy

263 274 274 274 Other Paramedicals

lzksr& ;wukuh funs'kky; m0 iz0A Source : Unani Directorate, UP.

7&LokLF; @ Health
7-4 & m0iz0 esa gksE;ksiSfFkd fpfdRlk lsok ¼jktdh;½ ds ftysokj vkadM+s
Districtwise data of Homeopathic medical services (Govt.) in UP.
fpfdRlky; ,oa fpfdRldksa dh
'kS;;~kvksa dh la[;k
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= vkS"k/kky; la[;k Year/District/Division/
Hospital & No. of beds No. of doctors Region
1 2 3 4 1
2011-12 1575 388 1610 2011-12
2013-14 1575 388 1610 2013-14
2014-15 1575 388 1610 2014-15
2015-16 1575 388 1610 2015-16
2016-17 1575 388 1610 2016-17
2017-18 1585 438 1610 2017-18
2018-19 1585 438 1610 2018-19
2019-20 1585 438 1610 2019-20
2020-21 1594 438 1619 2020-21
1&lgkjuiqj 8 0 7 Saharanpur
2&eqtQ~Qjuxj 15 4 15 Muzaffarnagar
3&'kkeyh 2 0 2 Shamli
lgkjuiqj e.My 25 4 24 Saharanpur div.
4&fctukSj 13 0 13 Bijnor
5&eqjknkckn 17 44 17 Moradabad
6&laHky 7 0 7 Sambhal
7&jkeiqj 14 0 14 Rampur
8&vejksgk 8 0 8 Amroha
eqjknkckn e.My 59 44 59 Moradabad Div.
9&esjB 12 4 12 Meerut
10&ckxir 8 0 8 Baghpat
11&xkft;kckn 15 4 16 Ghaziabad
12&gkiqqM+ 17 0 17 Hapur
13&xkSrecq) uxj 12 0 12 G. B. Nagar
14&cqyUn'kgj 20 0 21 Bulandshahar
esjB e.My 84 8 86 Meerut Div.
15&eFkqjk 16 0 16 Mathura
16&vkxjk 10 0 10 Agra
17&fQjkstkckn 8 0 8 Firozabad
18&eSuiqjh 16 0 17 Mainpuri
vkxjk e.My 50 0 51 Agra Div.
19&vyhx<+ 16 25 15 Aligarh
20&gkFkjl 11 0 11 Hathras
21&,Vk 10 0 10 Etah
22&dklxat 8 0 8 Kasganj
vyhx<+ e.My 45 25 44 Aligarh Div.
23&cnk;wW 12 0 12 Badaun
24&cjsyh 27 0 28 Bareilly
25&ihyhHkhr 22 0 21 Pilibhit
26&'kkgtgkWiqj 18 4 18 Shahjahanpur
cjsyh e.My 79 4 79 Bareilly Div.
vuqc)----- Contd …..

7&LokLF; @ Health
7-4 & m0iz0 esa gksE;ksiSfFkd fpfdRlk lsok ¼jktdh;½ ds ftysokj vkadM+s
Districtwise data of Homeopathic medical services (Govt.) in UP.
fpfdRlky; ,oa fpfdRldksa dh
'kS;;~kvksa dh la[;k
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= vkS"k/kky; la[;k Year/District/Division/
Hospital & No. of beds No. of doctors Region
1 2 3 4 1
27&[khjh 28 0 29 kheri
28&lhrkiqj 35 12 36 Sitapur
29&gjnksbZ 36 4 37 Hardoi
30&mUuko 34 4 35 Unnao
31&y[kuÅ 46 54 51 Lucknow
32&jk;cjsyh 46 4 47 Raebareli
y[kuÅ e.My 225 78 235 Lucknow Div.
33&Q:Z[kkckn 19 4 20 Farrukhabad
34&dUukSt 12 0 12 Kannauj
35&bVkok 16 0 16 Etawah
36&vkSjS;k 9 0 9 Auraiya
37&dkuiqj nsgkr 15 0 14 Kanpur Dehat
38&dkuiqj uxj 25 50 25 Kanpur Nagar
dkuiqj e.My 96 54 96 Kanpur Div.
39&tkykSu 21 0 22 Jalaun
40&>kWlh 9 0 9 Jhansi
41&yfyriqj 24 4 25 Lalitpur
>kWlh e.My 54 4 56 Jhansi Div.
42&gehjiqj 21 4 22 Hamirpur
43&egksck 11 0 11 Mahoba
44&ckWnk 27 0 28 Banda
45&fp=dwV 16 0 16 Chitrakoot
fp=dwV /kke e.My 75 4 77 Chitrakoot Dham Div.
46&Qrsgiqj 43 0 43 Fatehpur
47&izrkix<+ 47 4 48 Pratapgarh
48&dkS'kkEch 7 0 7 Kaushambi
49&iz;kxjkt 35 50 35 Prayagraj
iz;kxjkt e.My 132 54 133 Prayagraj Div.
50&ckjkcadh 26 0 28 Barabanki
51&v;ks/;k 21 34 20 Ayodhya
52&vEcsMdjuxj 19 0 19 Ambedkar Nagar
53&lqYrkuiqj 40 0 41 Sultanpur
54&vesBh 22 0 22 Amethi
v;ks/;k e.My 128 34 130 Ayodhya Div.
vuqc)----- Contd …..

7&LokLF; @ Health
7-4 & m0iz0 esa gksE;ksiSfFkd fpfdRlk lsok ¼jktdh;½ ds ftysokj vkadM+s
Districtwise data of Homeopathic medical services (Govt.) in UP.
fpfdRlky; ,oa fpfdRldksa dh
'kS;;~kvksa dh la[;k
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= vkS"k/kky; la[;k Year/District/Division/
Hospital & No. of beds No. of doctors Region
1 2 3 4 1
55&cgjkbp 19 4 20 Bahraich
56&JkoLrh 16 0 16 Shrawasti
57&cyjkeiqj 14 0 14 Balrampur
58&xks.Mk 11 4 11 Gonda
nsohikVu e.My 60 8 61 Devipatan Div.
59&fl)kFkZuxj 21 0 21 Siddharth Nagar
60&cLrh 20 0 21 Basti
61&lardchjuxj 18 0 18 Sant Kabir Nagar
cLrh e.My 59 0 60 Basti Div.
62&egjktxat 26 0 26 Mahrajganj
63&xksj[kiqj 37 25 37 Gorakhpur
64&dq'khuxj 46 0 46 Kushi Nagar
65&nsofj;k 27 0 28 Deoria
xksj[kiqj e.My 136 25 137 Gorakhpur Div.
66&vktex<+ 31 34 31 Azamgarh
67&eÅ 23 0 23 Mau
68&cfy;k 67 0 68 Ballia
vktex<+ e.My 121 34 122 Azamgarh Div.
69&tkSuiqj 40 4 41 Jaunpur
70&xkthiqj 28 54 28 Ghazipur
71&pUnkSyh 21 0 21 Chandauli
72&okjk.klh 15 0 16 Varanasi
okjk.klh e.My 104 58 106 Varanasi Div.
73&larjfonkl uxj 8 0 8 Sant.Ravidas Nagar
74&fetkZiqj 25 0 27 Mirzapur
75&lksuHknz 29 0 28 Sonbhadra
foU/;kpy e.My 62 0 63 Vindhyachal Div.
1- if'peh lEHkkx 398 89 400 Western Region
2- dsUnzh; lEHkkx 334 128 345 Central Region
3- cqUnsy[k.M lEHkkx 129 8 133 Bundelkhand Region
4- iwohZZ lEHkkx 733 213 741 Eastern Region
mRrj izns'k 1594 438 1619 Uttar pradesh
lzksr&gksE;ksiSfFkd funs'kky;] m0iz0A Source-Homeopathic Directorate, UP.

uksV&dzela[;k&5 ij vafdr fpfdRlk vf/kdkjh ds dqy Lohd`r in&1610 iwoZ esa]Fks rFkk o"kZ 2019&20 esa
01 fpfdRlkf/kdkjh ,oa o"kZ 2020&21 esa 08 fpfdRlkf/kdkjh ds inksa dk l`tu gqvk gSA bl izdkj dqy
fpfdRlkf/kdkjh ds orZeku esa Lohd`r in&1619 gSA tks orZeku esa ofj"B fpfdRlk vf/kdkjh ds in &408]
fpfdRlkf/kdkjh ds in 1182 gSA fpfdRlkf/kdkjh ds 29&inksa dks mPphd`r@vLFkfxr djrs gq, ftyk
gksE;ksiSfFkd fpfdRlkf/kdkjh ds 05 in] eq[; fpfdRlk v/kh{kd ds 18 in]mifuns'kd ds 02 in]la;qDr
funs'kd ds 02 in rFkk vij funs'kd ds 02 in l`ftr fd;s x;s gSA
Note-In column -5 total sanctioned posts for homeopathic docters were 1610 previously; And in the year 2019-20,
the posts of 01 Medical Officer and in the year 2020-21, 08 Medical Officer posts have been created. Thus, at
present the sanctioned post of total medical officer is -1619. Now senior doctors are 408, doctors are 1173 and 29
posts of doctors have been upgraded to District homeopathic doctors are 05, chief superintendent are 18, deputy
director are 02, joint director 02, additional director are 02.

7& LokLF; @ Health
7-5 & m0iz0 esa fpfdRlky;ksa@vkS"k/kky;ksa ¼,yksiSfFkd½ esa 'kS¸;kvksa dh ftysokj la[;k
Districtwise No. of beds in hospitals/dispensaries (Allopathic) in UP.
¼1tuojh2019 dh fLFkfr½ (As on 1 Jan.2019)
'kS;~;kvksa dh la[;k @ No. of beds
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= xzkeh.k uxjh; ;ksx Region
Rural Urban Total
1 2 3 4 1
2011-12 38338 45891 84229 2011-12
2013-14 38338 45891 84229 2013-14
2014-15 38338 46866 84204 2014-15
2015-16 39084 47315 86399 2015-16
2016-17 39114 47615 86729 2016-17
2017-18 39174 47707 86881 2017-18
2018-19 40070 47907 87977 2018-19
2019-20 40130 46607 86737 2019-20
2020-21 37720 47059 84779 2020-21
1&lgkjuiqj 718 926 1644 Saharanpur
2&eqtQ~Qjuxj 446 685 1131 Muzaffarnagar
3&'kkeyh 302 130 432 Shamli
lgkjuiqj e.My 1466 1741 3207 Saharanpur div.
4&fctukSj 542 500 1042 Bijnor
5&eqjknkckn 334 1097 1431 Moradabad
6&laHky 382 100 482 Sambhal
7&jkeiqj 270 806 1076 Rampur
8&vejksgk 344 400 744 Amroha
eqjknkckn e.My 1872 2903 4775 Moradabad Div.
9&esjB 496 670 1166 Meerut
10&ckxir 324 200 524 Baghpat
11&xkft;kckn 184 623 807 Ghaziabad
12&gkiqqM+ 246 200 446 Hapur
13&xkSrecq) uxj 234 402 636 G. B. Nagar
14&cqyUn'kgj 634 750 1384 Bulandshahar
esjB e.My 2118 2845 4963 Meerut Div.
15&eFkqjk 464 529 993 Mathura
16&vkxjk 686 1042 1728 Agra
17&fQjkstkckn 490 400 890 Firozabad
18&eSuiqjh 500 298 798 Mainpuri
vkxjk e.My 2140 2269 4409 Agra Div.
19&vyhx<+ 586 790 1376 Aligarh
20&gkFkjl 310 130 440 Hathras
21&,Vk 342 354 696 Etah
22&dklxat 278 30 308 Kasganj
vyhx<+ e.My 1516 1304 2820 Aligarh Div.
23&cnk;wW 596 700 1296 Badaun
24&cjsyh 680 1009 1689 Bareilly
25&ihyhHkhr 352 600 952 Pilibhit
26&'kkgtgkWiqj 572 418 990 Shahjahanpur
cjsyh e.My 2200 2727 4927 Bareilly Div.
vuqo)------ Contd.........

7& LokLF; @ Health
7-5 & m0iz0 esa fpfdRlky;ksa@vkS"k/kky;ksa ¼,yksiSfFkd½ esa 'kS¸;kvksa dh ftysokj la[;k
Districtwise No. of beds in hospitals/dispensaries (Allopathic) in UP.
¼1tuojh2019 dh fLFkfr½ (As on 1 Jan.2019)
'kS;~;kvksa dh la[;k @ No. of beds
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= xzkeh.k uxjh; ;ksx Region
Rural Urban Total
1 2 3 4 1
27&[khjh 712 569 1281 kheri
28&lhrkiqj 904 790 1694 Sitapur
29&gjnksbZ 706 830 1536 Hardoi
30&mUuko 630 684 1314 Unnao
31&y[kuÅ 454 3950 4404 Lucknow
32&jk;cjsyh 778 750 1528 Raebareli
y[kuÅ e.My 4184 7573 11757 Lucknow Div.
33&Q:Z[kkckn 378 486 864 Farrukhabad
34&dUukSt 466 582 1048 Kannauj
35&bVkok 352 481 833 Etawah
36&vkSjS;k 314 338 652 Auraiya
37&dkuiqj nsgkr 446 432 878 Kanpur Dehat
38&dkuiqj uxj 464 1500 1964 Kanpur Nagar
dkuiqj e.My 2420 3819 6239 Kanpur Div.
39&tkykSu 372 376 748 Jalaun
40&>kWlh 428 402 830 Jhansi
41&yfyriqj 242 464 706 Lalitpur
>kWlh e.My 1042 1242 2284 Jhansi Div.
42&gehjiqj 410 298 708 Hamirpur
43&egksck 176 298 474 Mahoba
44&ckWnk 440 498 938 Banda
45&fp=dwV 292 346 638 Chitrakoot
fp=dwV /kke e.My 1318 1440 2758 Chitrakoot Dham Div.
46&Qrsgiqj 472 694 1166 Fatehpur
47&izrkix<+ 1106 804 1910 Pratapgarh
48&dkS'kkEch 354 482 836 Kaushambi
49&iz;kxjkt 848 1370 2218 Prayagraj
iz;kxjkt e.My 2780 3350 6130 Prayagraj Div.
50&ckjkcadh 790 1032 1822 Barabanki
51&v;ks/;k 502 896 1398 Ayodhya
52&vEcsMdjuxj 394 316 710 Ambedkar Nagar
53&lqYrkuiqj 592 708 1300 Sultanpur
54&vesBh 510 130 640 Amethi
v;ks/;k e.My 2788 3082 5870 Ayodhya Div.
vuqo)------ Contd.........

7& LokLF; @ Health
7-5 & m0iz0 esa fpfdRlky;ksa@vkS"k/kky;ksa ¼,yksiSfFkd½ esa 'kS¸;kvksa dh ftysokj la[;k
Districtwise No. of beds in hospitals/dispensaries (Allopathic) in UP.
¼1tuojh2019 dh fLFkfr½ (As on 1 Jan.2019)
'kS;~;kvksa dh la[;k @ No. of beds
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= xzkeh.k uxjh; ;ksx Region
Rural Urban Total
1 2 3 4 1
55&cgjkbp 640 380 1020 Bahraich
56&JkoLrh 228 129 357 Shrawasti
57&cyjkeiqj 394 402 796 Balrampur
58&xks.Mk 688 742 1430 Gonda
nsohikVu e.My 1950 1653 3603 Devipatan Div.
59&fl)kFkZuxj 612 498 1110 Siddharth Nagar
60&cLrh 542 664 1206 Basti
61&lardchjuxj 280 372 652 Sant Kabir Nagar
cLrh e.My 1434 1534 2968 Basti Div.
62&egjktxat 576 400 976 Mahrajganj
63&xksj[kiqj 894 1076 1970 Gorakhpur
64&dq'khuxj 636 972 1608 Kushi Nagar
65&nsofj;k 780 1076 1856 Deoria
xksj[kiqj e.My 2886 3524 6410 Gorakhpur Div.
66&vktex<+ 968 1266 2234 Azamgarh
67&eÅ 324 285 609 Mau
68&cfy;k 772 784 1556 Ballia
vktex<+ e.My 2064 2335 4399 Azamgarh Div.
69&tkSuiqj 1000 510 1510 Jaunpur
70&xkthiqj 720 410 1130 Ghazipur
71&pUnkSyh 270 400 670 Chandauli
72&okjk.klh 352 1188 1540 Varanasi
okjk.klh e.My 2342 2508 4850 Varanasi Div.
73&larjfonkl uxj 248 302 550 Sant.Ravidas Nagar
74&fetkZiqj 582 596 1178 Mirzapur
75&lksuHknz 370 312 682 Sonbhadra
foU/;kpy e.My 1200 1210 2410 Vindhyachal Div.
1- if'peh lEHkkx 12822 15676 28498 Western Region
2- dsUnzh; lEHkkx 6356 11231 17587 Central Region
3- cqUnsy[k.M lEHkkx 2360 2682 5042 Bundelkhand Region
4- iwohZZ lEHkkx 16182 17470 33652 Eastern Region
mRrj izns'k 37720 47059 84779 Uttar pradesh
lzksr %& egkfuns'kky; LokLF; lsok,] m0iz0A
Source: Directorate General of Health services, UP.

8& ifjokj dY;k.k @ Family Welfare
8-1 & m0iz0 esa ifjokj dY;k.k fpfdRlky;@dsUnzksa dh ftysokj la[;k
Districtwise No. of family welfare clinics / centres in UP.
jktdh; @ Govt.
vU; ;ksx Year/District/Division/
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= xzkeh.k uxjh; Region
Rural Urban Others Total
1 2 3 4 5 1
2011-12 1209 359 31 1599 2011-12
2015-16 24930 316 558 25804 2015-16
2016-17 24930 318 592 25840 2016-17
2017-18 24930 318 592 25840 2017-18
2018-19 24930 318 592 25840 2018-19
2019-20 25122 326 593 26041 2019-20
2020-21 25122 327 593 26042 2020-21
1&lgkjuiqj 411 10 19 440 Saharanpur
2&eqtQ~Qjuxj 343 5 6 354 Muzaffarnagar
3&'kkeyh 172 1 3 176 Shamli
lgkjuiqj e.My 926 16 28 970 Saharanpur div.
4&fctukSj 413 3 9 425 Bijnor
5&eqjknkckn 306 5 26 337 Moradabad
6&laHky 258 2 4 264 Sambhal
7&jkeiqj 248 4 6 258 Rampur
8&vejksgk 211 3 6 220 Amroha
eqjknkckn e.My 1436 17 51 1504 Moradabad Div.
9&esjB 417 5 26 448 Meerut
10&ckxir 170 2 3 175 Baghpat
11&xkft;kckn 159 11 50 220 Ghaziabad
12&gkiqqM+ 188 1 3 192 Hapur
13&xkSrecq) uxj 135 1 15 151 G. B. Nagar
14&cqyUn'kgj 478 6 8 492 Bulandshahar
esjB e.My 1547 26 105 1678 Meerut Div.
15&eFkqjk 312 5 8 325 Mathura
16&vkxjk 463 9 30 502 Agra
17&fQjkstkckn 311 4 12 327 Firozabad
18&eSuiqjh 269 3 3 275 Mainpuri
vkxjk e.My 1355 21 53 1429 Agra Div.
19&vyhx<+ 416 9 18 443 Aligarh
20&gkFkjl 187 3 2 192 Hathras
21&,Vk 223 3 2 228 Etah
22&dklxat 210 2 2 214 Kasganj
vyhx<+ e.My 1036 17 24 1077 Aligarh Div.
23&cnk;wW 387 4 5 396 Badaun
24&cjsyh 497 7 21 525 Bareilly
25&ihyhHkhr 235 3 3 241 Pilibhit
26&'kkgtgkWiqj 377 3 11 391 Shahjahanpur
cjsyh e.My 1496 17 40 1553 Bareilly Div.
vuqc)----- Contd.........

8& ifjokj dY;k.k @ Family Welfare
8-1 & m0iz0 esa ifjokj dY;k.k fpfdRlky;@dsUnzksa dh ftysokj la[;k
Districtwise No. of family welfare clinics / centres in UP.
jktdh; @ Govt.
vU; ;ksx Year/District/Division/
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= xzkeh.k uxjh; Region
Rural Urban Others Total
1 2 3 4 5 1
27&[khjh 476 3 4 483 kheri
28&lhrkiqj 558 5 6 569 Sitapur
29&gjnksbZ 525 3 5 533 Hardoi
30&mUuko 419 3 5 427 Unnao
31&y[kuÅ 390 28 52 470 Lucknow
32&jk;cjsyh 361 4 3 368 Raebareli
y[kuÅ e.My 2729 46 75 2850 Lucknow Div.
33&Q:Z[kkckn 235 5 4 244 Farrukhabad
34&dUukSt 239 3 3 245 Kannauj
35&bVkok 214 6 6 226 Etawah
36&vkSjS;k 205 1 1 207 Auraiya
37&dkuiqj nsgkr 267 1 0 268 Kanpur Dehat
38&dkuiqj uxj 455 20 50 525 Kanpur Nagar
dkuiqj e.My 1615 36 64 1715 Kanpur Div.
39&tkykSu 336 4 6 346 Jalaun
40&>kWlh 382 5 13 400 Jhansi
41&yfyriqj 226 3 2 231 Lalitpur
>kWlh e.My 944 12 21 977 Jhansi Div.
42&gehjiqj 265 3 2 270 Hamirpur
43&egksck 173 3 2 178 Mahoba
44&ckWnk 348 4 2 354 Banda
45&fp=dwV 181 1 1 183 Chitrakoot
fp=dwV /kke e.My 967 11 7 985 Chitrakoot Dham Div.
46&Qrsgiqj 369 3 3 375 Fatehpur
47&izrkix<+ 456 5 1 462 Pratapgarh
48&dkS'kkEch 210 1 1 212 Kaushambi
49&iz;kxjkt 647 8 23 678 Prayagraj
iz;kxjkt e.My 1682 17 28 1727 Prayagraj Div.
50&ckjkcadh 442 3 1 446 Barabanki
51&v;ks/;k 307 7 6 320 Ayodhya
52&vEcsMdjuxj 280 3 4 287 Ambedkar Nagar
53&lqYrkuiqj 318 3 2 323 Sultanpur
54&vesBh 319 1 0 320 Amethi
v;ks/;k e.My 1666 17 13 1696 Ayodhya Div.
vuqo)--------- Contd.........

8& ifjokj dY;k.k @ Family Welfare
8-1 & m0iz0 esa ifjokj dY;k.k fpfdRlky;@dsUnzksa dh ftysokj la[;k
Districtwise No. of family welfare clinics / centres in UP.
jktdh; @ Govt.
vU; ;ksx Year/District/Division/
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= xzkeh.k uxjh; Region
Rural Urban Others Total
1 2 3 4 5 1
55&cgjkbp 355 3 2 360 Bahraich
56&JkoLrh 190 1 0 191 Shrawasti
57&cyjkeiqj 265 2 1 268 Balrampur
58&xks.Mk 421 3 2 426 Gonda
nsohikVu e.My 1231 9 5 1245 Devipatan Division
59&fl)kFkZuxj 358 1 1 360 Sidarthnagar
60&cLrh 328 4 2 334 Basti
61&lardchjuxj 217 2 2 221 Santkabirnagar
cLrh e.My 903 7 5 915 Basti Division
62&egjktxat 340 1 1 342 Maharajganj
63&xksj[kiqj 546 8 23 577 Gorakhpur
64&dq'khuxj 423 1 1 425 Kushinagar
65&nsofj;k 458 4 3 465 Deoria
xksj[kiqj e.My 1767 14 28 1809 Gorakhpur Division
66&vktex<+ 610 4 3 617 Azamgarh
67&eÅ 277 2 4 283 Mau
68&cfy;k 467 3 2 472 Ballia
vktex<+ e.My 1354 9 9 1372 Azamgarh Division
69&tkSuiqj 617 3 3 623 Jaunpur
70&xkthiqj 484 4 2 490 Ghazipur
71&pUnkSyh 288 2 2 292 Chandauli
72&okjk.klh 351 19 24 394 Varanasi
okjk.klh e.My 1740 28 31 1799 Varanasi Division
73&larjfonkl uxj 182 1 1 184 Santravidasnagar
74&fetkZiqj 329 3 4 336 Mirzapur
75&lksuHknz 217 3 1 221 Sonbhadra
foU/;kpy e.My 728 7 6 741 Vindhyachal Division
1- if'peh lEHkkx 8689 129 315 9133 Western Region
2- dsUnzh; lEHkkx 4262 73 129 4464 Central Region
3- cqUnsy[k.M lEHkkx 1911 23 28 1962 Bundelkhand Region
4- iwohZZ lEHkkx 10260 102 121 10483 Eastern Region
mRrj izns'k 25122 327 593 26042 Uttar pradesh
lzksr%& egkfuns'kky; ifjokj dY;k.k m0iz0A Source:- Directorate General of Family Welfare UP.

8& ifjokj dY;k.k @ Family Welfare
8-2 & m0iz0 esa ftysokj ifjokj dY;k.k ;kstuk;sa
Districtwise family welfare programmes in UP.
¼la[;k½ (Number)

LoSfPNd ulcUnh @ Voluntary

ywi fuos'ku @ I.U.D.
Year/District/Division /
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= Sterlisation
y{; miyfC/k y{; miyfC/k
Target Achievement Target Achievement
1 2 3 4 5 1
2011-12 970000 318843 2610967 1390745 2011-12
2015-16 970000 252714 2610967 1431879 2015-16
2016-17 970000 294326 2610967 1441967 2016-17
2017-18 970000 259005 2610967 1028443 2017-18
2018-19 970000 280778 2610967 830747 2018-19
2019-20 970000 303968 2610967 1010290 2019-20
2020-21 970000 291098 2610967 1064931 2020-21
1&lgkjuiqj 16640 1821 43430 11442 Saharanpur
2&eqtQ~Qjuxj 13717 1484 37973 8328 Muzaffarnagar
3&'kkeyh 6967 452 19284 9576 Shamli
lgkjuiqj e.My 37324 3757 100687 29346 Saharanpur div.
4&fctukSj 18289 1232 52015 12171 Bijnor
5&eqjknkckn 14455 2235 38097 14440 Moradabad
6&laHky 9956 1355 26695 13342 Sambhal
7&jkeiqj 11225 1585 29290 8319 Rampur
8&vejksgk 8750 2443 23079 15104 Amroha
eqjknkckn e.My 62675 8850 169176 63376 Moradabad Div.
9&esjB 17537 3759 45450 14173 Meerut
10&ckxir 6797 408 17675 3270 Baghpat
11&xkft;kckn 13359 1457 34524 13536 Ghaziabad
12&gkiqqM+ 5863 1672 15155 10874 Hapur
13&xkSrecq) uxj 6957 1602 17991 8284 G. B. Nagar
14&cqyUn'kgj 17072 4586 44945 23487 Bulandshahar
esjB e.My 67585 13484 175740 73624 Meerut Div.
15&eFkqjk 12095 7395 32500 13421 Mathura
16&vkxjk 21095 7859 55045 26780 Agra
17&fQjkstkckn 11956 2821 31310 34116 Firozabad
18&eSuiqjh 9304 130 27771 24886 Mainpuri
vkxjk e.My 54450 18205 146626 99203 Agra Div.
19&vyhx<+ 17467 4568 48333 33365 Aligarh
20&gkFkjl 7784 2206 21550 20371 Hathras
21&,Vk 8690 1558 22779 9567 Etah
22&dklxat 7603 716 19914 6801 Kasganj
vyhx<+ e.My 41544 9048 112576 70104 Aligarh Div.
23&cnk;wW 15421 1988 43430 14679 Badaun
24&cjsyh 21036 2366 55550 16098 Bareilly
25&ihyhHkhr 9609 1721 25755 10840 Pilibhit
26&'kkgtgkWiqj 14896 3059 39390 20233 Shahjahanpur
cjsyh e.My 60962 9134 164125 61850 Bareilly Div.
vuqc)----- Contd.........

8& ifjokj dY;k.k @ Family Welfare
8-2 & m0iz0 esa ftysokj ifjokj dY;k.k ;kstuk;sa
Districtwise family welfare programmes in UP.
¼la[;k½ (Number)

LoSfPNd ulcUnh @ Voluntary

ywi fuos'ku @ I.U.D.
Year/District/Division /
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= Sterlisation
y{; miyfC/k y{; miyfC/k
Target Achievement Target Achievement
1 2 3 4 5 1
27&[khjh 18700 5416 51005 25954 kheri
28&lhrkiqj 21132 8926 60186 24237 Sitapur
29&gjnksbZ 19852 2974 54035 19674 Hardoi
30&mUuko 15776 2448 42420 14415 Unnao
31&y[kuÅ 21517 4228 56055 14666 Lucknow
32&jk;cjsyh 11940 4044 32492 18055 Raebareli
y[kuÅ e.My 108917 28036 296193 117001 Lucknow Div.
33&Q:Z[kkckn 9208 592 24210 12634 Farrukhabad
34&dUukSt 8093 577 20705 10343 Kannauj
35&bVkok 7832 2334 21697 22026 Etawah
36&vkSjS;k 6888 1579 19098 15801 Auraiya
37&dkuiqj nsgkr 9251 1119 27674 14943 Kanpur Dehat
38&dkuiqj uxj 24179 2715 62620 21671 Kanpur Nagar
dkuiqj e.My 65451 8916 176004 97418 Kanpur Div.
39&tkykSu 8499 3452 22220 11582 Jalaun
40&>kWlh 10201 10296 26765 17228 Jhansi
41&yfyriqj 5709 8720 15150 7538 Lalitpur
>kWlh e.My 24409 22468 64135 36348 Jhansi Div.
42&gehjiqj 6087 2298 16563 15764 Hamirpur
43&egksck 4140 3061 13130 5774 Mahoba
44&ckWnk 8755 4747 22725 14982 Banda
45&fp=dwV 4668 2923 12120 9279 Chitrakoot
fp=dwV /kke e.My 23650 13029 64538 45799 Chitrakoot Dham Div.
46&Qrsgiqj 13466 1585 38885 14599 Fatehpur
47&izrkix<+ 15936 3780 42420 3568 Pratapgarh
48&dkS'kkEch 7560 3572 20132 11507 Kaushambi
49&iz;kxjkt 28868 15806 76828 22108 Prayagraj
iz;kxjkt e.My 65830 24743 178265 51782 Prayagraj Div.
50&ckjkcadh 15611 4058 40400 11210 Barabanki
51&v;ks/;k 12084 1780 31530 8842 Ayodhya
52&vEcsMdjuxj 11833 2066 30585 14896 Ambedkar Nagar
53&lqYrkuiqj 12013 2126 36888 15149 Sultanpur
54&vesBh 11477 2111 33539 14820 Amethi
v;ks/;k e.My 63018 12141 172942 64917 Ayodhya Div.
vuqo)--------- Contd.........

8& ifjokj dY;k.k @ Family Welfare
8-2 & m0iz0 esa ftysokj ifjokj dY;k.k ;kstuk;sa
Districtwise family welfare programmes in UP.
¼la[;k½ (Number)

LoSfPNd ulcUnh @ Voluntary

ywi fuos'ku @ I.U.D.
Year/District/Division /
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= Sterlisation
y{; miyfC/k y{; miyfC/k
Target Achievement Target Achievement
1 2 3 4 5 1

55&cgjkbp 13925 4362 37883 22703 Bahraich

56&JkoLrh 6866 1197 18677 12321 Shrawasti
57&cyjkeiqj 9849 1446 26260 17438 Balrampur
58&xks.Mk 16165 2504 41915 12446 Gonda
nsohikVu e.My 46805 9509 124735 64908 Devipatan Div.
59&fl)kFkZuxj 11908 1996 32320 9325 Siddharth Nagar
60&cLrh 12089 2168 26775 17897 Basti
61&lardchjuxj 8328 1911 18436 14892 Santkabirnagar
cLrh e.My 32325 6075 77531 42114 Basti Div.
62&egjktxat 12666 3679 38602 5472 Maharajganj
63&xksj[kiqj 22114 4155 64640 7073 Gorakhpur
64&dq'khuxj 16902 7616 44440 14126 Kushinagar
65&nsofj;k 15952 9620 45450 21539 Deoria
xksj[kiqj e.My 67634 25070 193132 48210 Gorakhpur Div.
66&vktex<+ 23085 7893 60095 12090 Azamgarh
67&eÅ 10809 5101 29795 3460 Mau
68&cfy;k 16075 2090 45450 8309 Ballia
vktex<+ e.My 49969 15084 135340 23859 Azamgarh Div.
69&tkSuiqj 22856 11257 59085 13100 Jaunpur
70&xkthiqj 17814 10055 52273 10095 Ghazipur
71&pUnkSyh 9582 13357 24907 8725 Chandauli
72&okjk.klh 18396 8978 47813 14681 Varanasi
okjk.klh e.My 68648 43647 184078 46601 Varanasi Div.
73&larjfonkl uxj 7901 5095 20503 10134 Santravidasnagar
74&fetkZiqj 12356 7607 31739 11799 Mirzapur
75&lksuHknz 8547 7200 22902 6538 Sonbhadra
foU/;kpy e.My 28804 19902 75144 28471 Vindhyachal Div.
1- if'peh lEHkkx 356561 67560 954640 458307 Western Region
2- dsUnzh; lEHkkx 171424 37513 465772 179424 Central Region
3- cqUnsy[k.M lEHkkx 48059 35497 128673 82147 Bundelkhand Region
4- iwohZZ lEHkkx 393956 150528 1061882 345053 Eastern Region
mRrj izns'k 970000 291098 2610967 1064931 Uttar pradesh
lzksr%& egkfuns'kky; ifjokj dY;k.k] m0iz0A Source:- Directorate General of Family Welfare, UP.

9& lekt dY;k.k @ Social Welfare
9-1 & m0iz0 esa xzkeh.k fodkl ,oa fucZy oxZ gsrq fd, x;s dk;ksZa dh izxfr
Progress of work done for rural development & welfare of economically weaker section in UP.
bdkbZ 2019-20 2020-21
;kstuk;sa y{; miyfC/k y{; miyfC/k Schemes
Unit Target Achievement Target Achievement
1 2 3 4 5 6 1

1& is;ty ;kstuk& gSUM iEi yk[k la[;k ** ** ** ** Drinking Water Scheme

National Bio-gas
2& jk"Vªh; ck;ks xSl ifj;kstuk la[;k ** ** ** **

1.92(Including 0.39(comleted
3& bfUnjk vkokl@iz/kkuea=h Indira Awas Yojana /
last year Remaining
yk[k la[;k 1.78 R 7.32 Pradhan Mantri Awas
vkokl ;kstuk balance under
house) construction)
4& iz/kkueU=h xzke lM+d P. M. Village Road
fd0eh0 560.170 376.080 1095.12 651.12
;kstuk Scheme
5&egkRek xk¡/kh jk"Vªh; xzkeh.k Mahatma gandhi
yk[k ekuo National Rural
jkstxkj xkj.Vh ;kstuk 2500.00 2444.42 4000.00 3947.70
fnol Employment Gurantee
6& vEcsMdj fo'ks"k jkstxkj Ambedkar Vishesh
yk[k la[;k ** ** ** **
;kstuk Rojgar Yojana

7&,u0vkj0,y0,e0 NRLM

7&¼v½lewg xBu lewg la[;k 93379 109625 100000 124118 SHG Formation

7&¼c½fjokWfYox Q.M lewg la[;k 65000 67918 132751 80915 Revolving Fund

7&¼lh½cSd dzsfMV lewg la[;k 51275 34362 60000 47544 Bank Credit

7&¼Mh½dE;qfuVh bUosLVesaV Q.M lewg la[;k 58500 52512 82216 65158 Community investment

8& fo/kk;d fuf/k la[;k ** 6076-00 ** 6589-00 Vidhayak Nidhi

ifj;kstu iw.kZ
..vizkIr .. Not Available
uksV%& R la'kksf/kr Note:- R Revised
Source:- Department of
òksr& xzkE; fodkl foHkkx] m0iz0A Rural Development,

10-1 lkekftd lqj{kk ,oa izfrj{kk @ Social security & social defence
¼iqfyl vijk/k ,oa lq/kkj x`g @ Police crime &Sudhar grah½

10-1&m0iz0 esa iqfyl Fkkuksa ,oa iqfyl pkSfd;ksa dh ftysokj la[;k 2021
Districtwise Police station & Police post in UP. 2021

¼31 ekpZ 2021dks½ (As on 31 March. 2021)

Fkkuk iqfyl pkSdh fo|qr Fkkuksa dh la[;k ;ksx
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= Number of Police Year/District/Division/Region
Police station Police post Total
station for electricity
1 2 3 4 5 1
1&lgkjuiqj 22 6 1 29 Saharanpur
2&eqtQ~Qjuxj 22 4 1 27 Muzaffarnagar
3&'kkeyh 9 1 1 11 Shamli
lgkjuiqj e.My 53 11 3 67 Saharanpur div.
4&fctukSj 22 3 1 26 Bijnor
5&eqjknkckn 21 3 1 25 Moradabad
6&laHky 12 1 1 14 Sambhal
7&jkeiqj 16 5 1 22 Rampur
8&vejksgk 13 1 1 15 Amroha
eqjknkckn e.My 84 13 5 102 Moradabad Div.
9&esjB 32 3 1 36 Meerut
10&ckxir 11 1 1 13 Baghpat
11&xkft;kckn 21 13 1 35 Ghaziabad
12&gkiqqM+ 10 1 1 12 Hapur
13&xkSrecq) uxj 24 9 1 34 G. B. Nagar
14&cqyUn'kgj 28 6 1 35 Bulandshahar
esjB e.My 126 33 6 165 Meerut Div.
15&eFkqjk 23 6 1 30 Mathura
16&vkxjk 43 8 1 52 Agra
17&fQjkstkckn 24 3 1 28 Firozabad
18&eSuiqjh 14 11 1 26 Mainpuri
vkxjk e.My 104 28 4 136 Agra Div.
19&vyhx<+ 31 20 1 52 Aligarh
20&gkFkjl 11 3 1 15 Hathras
21&,Vk 19 4 1 24 Etah
22&dklxat 11 1 1 13 Kasganj
vyhx<+ e.My 72 28 4 104 Aligarh Div.
23&cnk;wW 22 5 1 28 Badaun
24&cjsyh 29 3 1 33 Bareilly
25&ihyhHkhr 16 4 1 21 Pilibhit
26&'kkgtgkWiqj 23 3 1 27 Shahjahanpur
cjsyh e.My 90 15 4 109 Bareilly Div.
vuqo)--------- Contd.........

10-1 lkekftd lqj{kk ,oa izfrj{kk @ Social security & social defence
¼iqfyl vijk/k ,oa lq/kkj x`g @ Police crime &Sudhar grah½

10-1&m0iz0 esa iqfyl Fkkuksa ,oa iqfyl pkSfd;ksa dh ftysokj la[;k 2021
Districtwise Police station & Police post in UP. 2021

¼31 ekpZ 2021dks½ (As on 31 March. 2021)

Fkkuk iqfyl pkSdh fo|qr Fkkuksa dh la[;k ;ksx
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= Number of Police Year/District/Division/Region
Police station Police post Total
station for electricity
1 2 3 4 5 1
27&[khjh 26 8 1 35 kheri
28&lhrkiqj 28 3 1 32 Sitapur
29&gjnksbZ 26 4 1 31 Hardoi
30&mUuko 21 3 1 25 Unnao
31&y[kuÅ 46 9 1 56 Lucknow
32&jk;cjsyh 19 10 1 30 Raebareli
y[kuÅ e.My 166 37 6 209 Lucknow Div.
33&Q:Z[kkckn 15 1 1 17 Farrukhabad
34&dUukSt 10 3 1 14 Kannauj
35&bVkok 21 14 1 36 Etawah
36&vkSjS;k 11 13 1 25 Auraiya
37&dkuiqj nsgkr 17 4 1 22 Kanpur Dehat
38&dkuiqj uxj 45 9 1 55 Kanpur Nagar
dkuiqj e.My 119 44 6 169 Kanpur Div.
39&tkykSu 19 5 1 25 Jalaun
40&>kWlh 26 6 1 33 Jhansi
41&yfyriqj 16 4 1 21 Lalitpur
>kWlh e.My 61 15 3 79 Jhansi Div.
42&gehjiqj 14 6 1 21 Hamirpur
43&egksck 11 5 1 17 Mahoba
44&ckWnk 18 7 1 26 Banda
45&fp=dwV 12 5 1 18 Chitrakoot
fp=dwV /kke e.My 55 23 4 82 Chitrakoot Dham Div.
46&Qrsgiqj 21 10 1 32 Fatehpur
47&izrkix<+ 25 3 1 29 Pratapgarh
48&dkS'kkEch 14 5 1 20 Kaushambi
49&iz;kxjkt 40 10 1 51 Prayagraj
iz;kxjkt e.My 100 28 4 132 Prayagraj Div.
50&ckjkcadh 23 1 1 25 Barabanki
51&v;ks/;k 18 7 1 26 Ayodhya
52&vEcsMdjuxj 19 1 1 21 Ambedkar Nagar
53&lqYrkuiqj 19 5 1 25 Sultanpur
54&vesBh 16 1 1 18 Amethi
v;ks/;k e.My 95 15 5 115 Ayodhya Div.
vuqo)--------- Contd.........

10-1 lkekftd lqj{kk ,oa izfrj{kk @ Social security & social defence
¼iqfyl vijk/k ,oa lq/kkj x`g @ Police crime &Sudhar grah½

10-1&m0iz0 esa iqfyl Fkkuksa ,oa iqfyl pkSfd;ksa dh ftysokj la[;k 2021
Districtwise Police station & Police post in UP. 2021

¼31 ekpZ 2021dks½ (As on 31 March. 2021)

Fkkuk iqfyl pkSdh fo|qr Fkkuksa dh la[;k ;ksx
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= Number of Police Year/District/Division/Region
Police station Police post Total
station for electricity
1 2 3 4 5 1
55&cgjkbp 23 2 1 26 Bahraich
56&JkoLrh 8 2 1 11 Shrawasti
57&cyjkeiqj 16 1 1 18 Balrampur
58&xks.Mk 18 4 1 23 Gonda
nsohikVu e.My 65 9 4 78 Devipatan Div.
59&fl)kFkZuxj 21 1 1 23 SiddharthNagar
60&cLrh 17 1 1 19 Basti
61&lardchjuxj 9 1 1 11 SantkabirNagar
cLrh e.My 47 3 3 53 Basti Div.
62&egjktxat 19 1 1 21 Maharajganj
63&xksj[kiqj 29 7 1 37 Gorakhpur
64&dq'khuxj 18 2 1 21 KushiNagar
65&nsofj;k 21 1 1 23 Deoria
xksj[kiqj e.My 87 11 4 102 Gorakhpur Div.
66&vktex<+ 26 4 1 31 Azamgarh
67&eÅ 13 2 1 16 Mau
68&cfy;k 23 9 1 33 Ballia
vktex<+ e.My 62 15 3 80 Azamgarh Div.
69&tkSuiqj 28 2 1 31 Jaunpur
70&xkthiqj 26 15 1 42 Ghazipur
71&pUnkSyh 16 14 1 31 Chandauli
72&okjk.klh 28 5 1 34 Varanasi
okjk.klh e.My 98 36 4 138 Varanasi Div.
73&larjfonkl uxj 10 4 1 15 SantravidasNagar
74&fetkZiqj 16 9 1 26 Mirzapur
75&lksuHknz 22 10 1 33 Sonbhadra
foU/;kpy e.My 48 23 3 74 Vindhyachal Div.
1- if'peh lEHkkx 586 159 30 775 Western Region
2- dsUnzh; lEHkkx 272 61 10 343 Central Region
3- cqUnsy[k.M lEHkkx 116 38 7 161 Bundelkhand Region
4- iwohZZ lEHkkx 558 129 28 715 Eastern Region
mRrj izns'k 1532 387 75 1994 Uttar pradesh
lzkrs %&iqfyl egkfuns'kd]m0iz0A Source : D.G.Police, UP.

10-2 lkekftd lqj{kk ,oa izfrj{kk @ Social security & social defence
¼iqfyl vijk/k ,oa lq/kkj x`g @ Police crime and Sudhar grah½
10-2 & mRrj izns'k esa iqfyl 'kfDr
Strength of Police force in UP.

¼31 ekpZ dkss½ (As on 31 March.)

o"kZ @ years
en Item
2011 2018 2019 2020 2021
1 2 3 4 5 6 1

Sanctioned strength
Lohd`r iqfyl 'kfDr
of police

1- egkfuns'kd] egkfujh{kd] Director general,

Inspector general,
vij egkfujh{kd ,oa 168 167 176 179 182
Additional Inspector
mi egkfujh{kd general & D.I.G.

2- ofj"B iqfyl v/kh{kd] Superintendents of
police, Asstt.
lgk;d v/kh{kd ,oa 1319 1246 1522 1596 1596
Superintendents &
mi v/kh{kd Deputy

3- fujh{kd] mi fujh{kd ,oa Inspectors, Sub

21919 45722 47034 47161 48497 inspectors& Asstt.
lgk;d mifujh{kd Sub inspector

4- goynkj Head constables

58840 70735 74103 75600 79151 (Including Mounted
¼?kqM+lokj goynkj lfgr½ Head Constables)

5 ?kqM+lokj@iqfyl dkUlVsfcy Mounted/

249484 215255 229721 234479 249229 Constables(including
¼unh iqfyl lfgr½ river constables)

;ksx 331730 333125 352556 359015 378655 Total

lzksr % iqfyl egkfuns'kd]m0iz0A Source : D. G.Police, UP.

10- lkekftd lqj{kk ,oa izfrj{kk @ Social Security & Social Defence
¼iqfyl vijk/k ,oa lq/kkj x`g @ Police crime and Sudhar grah½
10-3 & mRrj izn's k esa vijk/k lEcU/kh ?kVuk;sa
Incidents of crimes in UP.

¼31 fnlEcj dks½ (As on 31 Dec.)

o"kZ gR;k MdSrh udctuh pksjh jkgtuh

Year Murder Dacoity Burglary Theft Robbery

1 2 3 4 5 6

2011 4951 379 5765 36683 3148

2013 5047 596 6683 17001 3591

2014 5150 294 6921 18819 3920

2015 4732 277 6683 19645 3637

2016 4889 284 7503 22070 4502

2017 4324 263 9272 25631 4089

2018 4018 144 8320 24332 3218

2019 3806 124 8309 21780 2241

2020 3779 120 6361 14231 1633

vuqo)----- Contd.....

10- lkekftd lqj{kk ,oa izfrj{kk @ Social Security & Social Defence
¼iqfyl vijk/k ,oa lq/kkj x`g @ Police crime and Sudhar grah½

10-3 & mRrj izns'k esa vijk/k lEcU/kh ?kVuk;sa

Incidents of crimes in UP.

¼31 fnlEcj dks½ (As on 31 Dec.)

o"kZ vigj.k ,oa naxs lnks"k ekuo flDds dk cykRdkj fofo/k dqy izKku
viu;u c/k dwVhdj.k ;ksX;
Year Kidnapping & Riots Culpable Counter fiting Rape Miscellaneous Total
abduction homicide Cognisable
1 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

2011 8500 5022 1454 270 2042 126921 195135

2013 11183 6089 1268 158 3050 144205 226445

2014 12361 6438 1412 111 3467 250 240475

2015 11999 6813 1338 120 3025 151074 241920

2016 15898 8018 1272 159 4816 174482 282171

2017 19921 8990 1267 180 4246 193970 310084

2018 21711 8908 1351 237 3946 231718 342355

2019 16590 5714 1271 82 3065 258705 353131

2020 12913 6126 1429 55 2769 284071 355110

lzksr % jkT; vijk/k vfHkys[k C;wjks] Source : State Crime Information Bureau ,
m0iz0 y[kuÅ A UP. Lucknow.

10- lkekftd lqj{kk ,oa izfrj{kk @ Social Security & Social Defence
¼iqfyl vijk/k ,oa lq/kkj x`g @ Police crime & sudhar grah½
10-4& mRrj izn's k esa dSfn;ksa dh ftysokj la[;k 2020&21
Districtwise No. of Convicts in UP. 2020-21
dSnh nks"k fl) (Convict) fopkjk/khu (Under trial) egk;ksx
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= Grand
iq:"k efgyk ukckfyx fons'kh ;ksx iq:"k efgyk ukckfyx fons'kh vU; ;ksx Region
Male Female Junvenil foreign Total Male Femal Junvenil foreign Other Total
e e e
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1
1&lgkjuiqj 373 24 0 0 397 1313 33 27 4 0 1377 1774 Saharanpur

2&eqtQ~Qjuxj 331 14 0 0 345 1970 40 43 2 0 2055 2400 Muzaffarnagar

3&'kkeyh+ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Shamli

lgkjuiqj e.My 704 38 0 0 742 3283 73 70 6 0 3432 4174 Saharanpur div.

4&fctukSj 180 4 0 0 184 867 28 28 2 0 925 1109 Bijnor

5&eqjknkckn 449 25 1 0 475 2768 87 105 0 10 2970 3445 Moradabad

6&laHky+ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sambhal

7&jkeiqj 235 20 0 1 256 744 21 24 3 0 792 1048 Rampur

8&vejksgk+ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Amroha

eqjknkckn e.My 864 49 1 1 915 4379 136 157 5 10 4687 5602 Moradabad Div.

9&esjB 487 39 1 0 527 1890 88 120 5 5 2108 2635 Meerut

10&ckxir 167 0 0 0 167 704 0 27 0 0 731 898 Baghpat

11&xkft;kckn 578 50 3 2 633 4324 138 160 7 1 4630 5263 Ghaziabad

12&gkiqqM++ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hapur

13&xkSrecq) uxj 432 6 0 4 442 2235 70 81 24 0 2410 2852 G. B. Nagar

14&cqyUn'kgj 545 24 1 0 570 1829 79 60 0 0 1968 2538 Bulandshahar

esjB e.My 2209 119 5 6 2339 10982 375 448 36 6 11847 14186 Meerut Div.

15&eFkqjk 195 12 0 0 207 1332 66 28 39 0 1465 1672 Mathura

16&vkxjk 2229 44 0 4 2277 2525 163 19 32 1 2740 5017 Agra

17&fQjkstkckn 447 36 5 0 488 1165 57 46 1 0 1269 1757 Firozabad

18&eSuiqjh 266 19 0 0 285 965 44 33 0 0 1042 1327 Mainpuri

vkxjk e.My 3137 111 5 4 3257 5987 330 126 72 1 6516 9773 Agra Div.

19&vyhx<+ 564 31 0 0 595 2860 123 69 8 0 3060 3655 Aligarh

20&gkFkjl+ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hathras

21&,Vk 164 18 0 0 182 1021 41 43 0 0 1105 1287 Etah

22&dklxat 188 7 0 0 195 583 35 10 0 0 628 823 Kasganj

vyhx<+ e.My 916 56 0 0 972 4464 199 122 8 0 4793 5765 Aligarh Div.

23&cnk;wW 358 35 0 0 393 999 26 27 0 0 1052 1445 Badaun

24&cjsyh 2758 29 0 3 2790 1852 61 45 6 0 1964 4754 Bareilly

25&ihyhHkhr 319 16 0 0 335 498 30 8 0 0 536 871 Pilibhit

26&'kkgtgkWiqj 192 8 1 0 201 1022 43 47 0 5 1117 1318 Shahjahanpur

cjsyh e.My 3627 88 1 3 3719 4371 160 127 6 5 4669 8388 Bareilly Div.

vuqo)--------- Contd.........

10- lkekftd lqj{kk ,oa izfrj{kk @ Social Security & Social Defence
¼iqfyl vijk/k ,oa lq/kkj x`g @ Police crime & sudhar grah½
10-4& mRrj izn's k esa dSfn;ksa dh ftysokj la[;k 2020&21
Districtwise No. of Convicts in UP. 2020-21
dSnh nks"k fl) (Convict) fopkjk/khu (Under trial) egk;ksx
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= Grand
iq:"k efgyk ukckfyx fons'kh ;ksx iq:"k efgyk ukckfyx fons'kh vU; ;ksx Region
Male Female Junvenil foreign Total Male Femal Junvenil foreign Other Total
e e e
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1
27&[khjh 247 17 0 4 268 1389 43 84 8 3 1527 1795 kheri

28&lhrkiqj 296 10 0 0 306 1526 69 17 1 0 1613 1919 Sitapur

29&gjnksbZ 418 14 0 0 432 1400 89 89 5 6 1589 2021 Hardoi

30&mUuko 225 16 0 1 242 919 42 41 0 0 1002 1244 Unnao

31&y[kuÅ 996 200 0 30 1226 3125 123 200 35 0 3483 4709 Lucknow

32&jk;cjsyh 102 2 0 0 104 1125 36 52 0 0 1213 1317 Raebareli

y[kuÅ e.My 2284 259 0 35 2578 9484 402 483 49 9 10427 13005 Lucknow Div.

33&Q:Z[kkckn 2355 17 0 0 2372 726 30 15 0 0 771 3143 Farrukhabad

34&dUukSt 194 13 0 0 207 571 37 36 0 0 644 851 Kannauj

35&bVkok 369 39 0 0 408 1149 59 24 0 0 1232 1640 Etawah

36&vkSjS;k+ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Auraiya

37&dkuiqj nsgkr 298 14 0 0 312 1092 51 46 4 1 1194 1506 Kanpur Dehat

38&dkuiqj uxj 414 22 0 2 438 2084 78 87 2 0 2251 2689 Kanpur Nagar

dkuiqj e.My 3630 105 0 2 3737 5622 255 208 6 1 6092 9829 Kanpur Div.

39&tkykSu 215 15 0 0 230 635 43 24 0 0 702 932 Jalaun

40&>kWlh 342 24 0 0 366 1052 54 46 0 0 1152 1518 Jhansi

41&yfyriqj 115 9 0 0 124 330 16 10 0 0 356 480 Lalitpur

>kWlh e.My 672 48 0 0 720 2017 113 80 0 0 2210 2930 Jhansi Div.

42&gehjiqj 283 6 0 0 289 448 24 20 0 0 492 781 Hamirpur

43&egksck 96 9 0 0 105 325 17 33 0 0 375 480 Mahoba

44&ckWnk 307 9 0 0 316 718 40 16 0 0 774 1090 Banda

45&fp=dwV 194 5 0 0 199 463 22 14 0 0 499 698 Chitrakoot

fp=dwV /kke e.My 880 29 0 0 909 1954 103 83 0 0 2140 3049 Chitrakoot Dham Div.

46&Qrsgiqj 388 14 0 0 402 1035 53 38 0 0 1126 1528 Fatehpur

47&izrkix<+ 122 11 0 0 133 964 45 71 0 0 1080 1213 Pratapgarh

48&dkS'kkEch 136 8 2 0 146 508 29 56 0 0 593 739 Kaushambi

49&iz;kxjkt 1482 38 0 5 1525 2606 144 93 3 0 2846 4371 Prayagraj

iz;kxjkt e.My 2128 71 2 5 2206 5113 271 258 3 0 5645 7851 Prayagraj Div.

50&ckjkcadh 250 9 0 0 259 1003 52 18 1 0 1074 1333 Barabanki

51&v;ks/;k 294 10 0 1 305 785 38 40 1 0 864 1169 Ayodhya

52&vEcsMdjuxj 165 3 0 0 168 579 29 34 0 0 642 810 Ambedkar Nagar

53&lqYrkuiqj 148 12 0 0 160 990 45 82 0 2 1119 1279 Sultanpur

54&vesBh+ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Amethi

v;ks/;k e.My 857 34 0 1 892 3357 164 174 2 2 3699 4591 Ayodhya Div.

vuqo)--------- Contd.........

10- lkekftd lqj{kk ,oa izfrj{kk @ Social Security & Social Defence
¼iqfyl vijk/k ,oa lq/kkj x`g @ Police crime & sudhar grah½
10-4& mRrj izn's k esa dSfn;ksa dh ftysokj la[;k 2020&21
Districtwise No. of Convicts in UP. 2020-21
dSnh nks"k fl) (Convict) fopkjk/khu (Under trial) egk;ksx
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= Grand
iq:"k efgyk ukckfyx fons'kh ;ksx iq:"k efgyk ukckfyx fons'kh vU; ;ksx Region
Male Female Junvenil foreign Total Male Femal Junvenil foreign Other Total
e e e
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1
55&cgjkbp 231 4 1 11 247 1196 66 30 48 0 1340 1587 Bahraich

56&JkoLrh+ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Shrawasti

57&cyjkeiqj 67 1 0 2 70 344 21 23 8 2 398 468 Balrampur

58&xks.Mk 241 9 2 0 252 734 42 60 1 6 843 1095 Gonda

nsohikVu e.My 539 14 3 13 569 2274 129 113 57 8 2581 3150 Devipatan Division

59&fl)kFkZuxj 222 11 0 14 247 441 29 39 17 1 527 774 SiddharthNagar

60&cLrh 226 9 0 0 235 462 23 48 0 4 537 772 Basti

61&lardchjuxj 78 11 0 0 89 344 28 23 0 1 396 485 SantkabirNagar

cLrh e.My 526 31 0 14 571 1247 80 110 17 6 1460 2031 Basti Division

62&egjktxat 160 6 1 16 183 683 54 47 41 1 826 1009 Maharajganj

63&xksj[kiqj 214 19 0 0 233 1441 84 95 0 0 1620 1853 Gorakhpur

64&dq'khuxj+ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 KushiNagar

65&nsofj;k 127 10 0 0 137 1334 100 67 0 1 1502 1639 Deoria

xksj[kiqj e.My 501 35 1 16 553 3458 238 209 41 2 3948 4501 Gorakhpur Div.

66&vktex<+ 294 42 0 0 336 1064 48 33 1 0 1146 1482 Azamgarh

67&eÅ 120 3 0 0 123 331 19 35 0 0 385 508 Mau

68&cfy;k 214 11 2 0 227 493 34 22 0 0 549 776 Ballia

vktex<+ e.My 628 56 2 0 686 1888 101 90 1 0 2080 2766 Azamgarh Division

69&tkSuiqj 103 3 0 0 106 859 51 50 1 0 961 1067 Jaunpur

70&xkthiqj 163 8 0 0 171 696 20 31 0 0 747 918 Ghazipur

71&pUnkSyh+ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Chandauli

72&okjk.klh 1919 20 0 11 1950 1860 91 89 5 0 2045 3995 Varanasi

okjk.klh e.My 2185 31 0 11 2227 3415 162 170 6 0 3753 5980 Varanasi Division

73&larjfonkl uxj 57 2 1 0 60 261 18 11 0 0 290 350 SantravidasNagar

74&fetkZiqj 160 10 0 1 171 441 15 43 0 0 499 670 Mirzapur

75&lksuHknz 199 17 0 0 216 777 38 34 0 0 849 1065 Sonbhadra

foU/;kpy e.My 416 29 1 1 447 1479 71 88 0 0 1638 2085 Vindhyachal Division

1- if'peh lEHkkx 14375 530 12 14 14931 35912 1399 1125 133 22 38591 53522 Western Region

2- dsUnzh; lEHkkx 3634 318 0 37 3989 14698 636 672 56 10 16072 20061 Central Region

3- cqUnsy[k.M lEHkkx 1552 77 0 0 1629 3971 216 163 0 0 4350 5979 Bundelkhand Region

4- iwohZZ lEHkkx 7142 278 9 61 7490 20193 1111 1156 126 18 22604 30094 Eastern Region

mRrj izns'k 26703 1203 21 112 28039 74774 3362 3116 315 50 81617 109656 Uttar pradesh

uksV%& orZeku esa izns'k esa dqy 74 dkjkxkjsa lapkfyr gSA fd'kksj lnu cjsyh esa orZeku esa dksbZ canh fu:} ugha gks jgk gSA 73 dkjkxkjksa ds vkWadM+sa fn;ss x;s gSaA 10
tuinksa dze'k% 'kkeyh] laHky] vejksg] gkiqM+] gkFkjl] vkSjs;k] vesBh] JkoLrh] dq'khuxj ,oa pankSyh es dkjkxkj ughaa gS] (+ ekdZ fd;k x;k gS) bu tuinksa dh lwpuk
'kwU; n'kkZ;h x;h gSA
Note:- At present there are 74 prisons operating in the state. At present no prisoner is being detained in Kishore Sadan Bareilly. Figures of 73 prisons have
been given. There are no prisons in 10 districts namely Shamli, Sambhal, Amroh, Hapur, Hathras, Aureya, Amethi, Shravasti, Kushinagar and Chandauli
respectively, (+ marked) The information of these districts has been shown as zero.

lzksr %egkfuns'kd dkjkxkj] m0iz0A Source: D.G.Karagar,UP.

Hkkx&2&vkfFkZd lk¡f[;dh
11& jkT; vk; @ State Income
11-1& m0iz0 esa Ckktkj ewY;ksa ij fUkoy jkT; ?kjsyw mRikn rFkk izfr O;fDr vk;
¼izpfyr ,oa LFkk;h¼ 2011&12½ Hkkoks ij½
Net State domestic products & Per Capita income in UP.
(At current & constan(2011-12) prices )

en bdkbZ 2011-12 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20* 2020-21# Items

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1
1- fuoy jkT; ?kjsyw mRikn djksM+ Net State Domestic
#0 Product (crore Rs)

¼1½ izpfyr Hkkoksa ij (i) At current Prices

645132 1145620 1279619 1398659 1505593 1510201

¼2½ 2011&12 ds Hkkoksa ij At 2011-12 Prices

645132 888453 922458 953440 976342 931712

2- izfr O;fDr fuoy jkT; ¼#0 esa½ Per capita net state
?kjsyw mRikn domestic product
(crore Rs)

¼1½ izpfyr Hkkoksa ij (i) At current Prices

32002 52671 57944 62380 66136 65338

¼2½ 2011&12 ds Hkkoksa ij At 2011-12 Prices

32002 40847 41771 42523 42888 40310

3-fuoy jkT; ?kjsyw mRikn Index No. of net State

ds lwpdkad domestic product

¼1½ izpfyr Hkkoksa ij At current Price

100.0 177.6 198.4 216.8 233.4 234.1

¼2½ 2011&12 ds Hkkoksa ij At 2011-1 Prices

100.0 137.7 143.0 147.8 151.3 144.4

4- izfr O;fDr fuoy jkT; Index No. of per capita

?kjsyw mRikn ds lwpdkad net State domestic

¼1½ izpfyr Hkkoksa ij 100.0 164.6 181.1 194.9 206.7 204.2 At current Prices

¼2½2011&12 ds Hkkoksa ij 100.0 127.6 130.5 132.9 134.0 126.0 At 2011-12 Prices

# Rofjr vuqeku # Quick Est.

* vufUre vuqeku * Provisional Est.

11& jkT; vk; @ State Income
11-2- m0iz0 esa cktkj ewY;ksa ij fuoy jkT; ?kjsyw mRikn LFkk;h ¼2011&12½Hkkoksa ij
Net State Domestic Product at Market price in UP. ( 2011-12)Price At Constant
¼djksM+ :0½ (Crore Rs.)
en 2011-12 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20* 2020-21# Items
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1
1- izkFkfed [k.M 175047.96 199490.42 218729.25 230648.35 222140.63 225957.39 Primary Sector

¼1½ d`f"k ,oa i'kqikyu 154498.25 170515.58 177253.60 189364.20 192911.52 191770.81 Agriculture & Livestock

¼2½ ou m|ksx ,oa yV~Bs 12358.13 13543.55 13550.28 14136.41 14165.82 14070.21 Forestry & Logging
¼3½ eNyh m|ksx 2445.25 3635.65 3737.42 3870.47 4083.42 4357.56 Fishing

¼4½ [kuu ,oa iRFkj 5746.33 11795.64 24187.95 23277.27 10979.87 15758.81 Mining & Quarrying
2- ek/;fed [k.M 156273.60 256678.84 240915.91 240832.15 237063.08 222347.44 Secondary Sector

¼1½ fofuZek.k 69194.42 154477.3 134014.60 124100.68 118014.56 109405.95 Manufacturing

¼2½ fuekZ.k dk;Z 80905.39 96243.19 99207.24 108989.85 110798.52 104607.08 Construction

¼3½ fo|qr] xSl ,oa ty 6173.79 5958.35 7694.07 7741.62 8250.00 8334.41 Electricity, Gas & Water
lEiwfrZ supply

3- r`rh;d [k.M 271654.14 373097.85 404819.60 424325.34 457568.71 436696.97 Tertiary Sector

¼1½ ifjogu 17832.79 36342.74 39956.40 44252.91 52953.33 51066.56 Transport

¼2½ jsyos 8504.96 9195.50 10602.15 10213.43 9896.75 6769.38 Railway

¼3½ laxzg.k 950.35 1014.81 1086.35 1590.31 1641.62 1590.58 Collation

¼4½ lapkj 7102.56 14744.97 12932.14 13095.76 13652.61 14553.75 Communication

¼5½ O;kikj gksVy ,oa 64749.04 87000.52 92826.17 98275.59 108680.98 87555.63 Trade, Hotel & Restaurant
tyiku x`g
¼6½ cSad O;kikj ,oa chek 24784.34 35312.27 40162.36 41790.74 43987.43 44647.24 Banking & Insurance

¼7½ LFkkoj lEink vkokl 83795.69 103896.46 108296.20 110284.31 112895.75 114655.76 Real state ownership of
x`gksa dk LokfeRo rFkk dwelling & Business activities

O;olkf;d lsok;sa
¼8½ lkoZtfud iz'kklu rFkk 32607.55 45498.44 53657.91 58271.80 62088.35 63631.06 Public Administrtion & Defence

¼9½ vU; lsok;sa 31326.86 40092.14 45299.92 46550.49 51771.89 52227.01 Other Services

# Rofjr vuqeku # Quick Est.

* vufUre vuqeku * Provisional Est.

11& jkT; vk; @ State Income
11-3& m0iz0 esa cktkj ewY;ksa ij fuoy jkT; ?kjsyw mRikn ¼vk/kkj o"kZ 2011-12½izpfyr Hkkoksa ij
Net State Domestic Product at Market Price in UP. ( Base Year 2011-12) At Current Prices
¼djksM+ :0½ (Crore Rs.)

en 2011-12 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20* 2020-21# Items

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1
1- izkFkfed [k.M 175047.96 281792.08 320717.25 343383.83 360363.16 378185.72 Primary Sector

¼1½ d`f"k ,oa i'kqikyu 154498.25 250563.14 277839.15 296618.59 322777.75 335320.78 Agriculture & Live Stock

¼2½ ou m|ksx ,oa yV~Bs 12358.13 16188.21 16787.52 18211.42 17828.75 18764.74 Forestory & Logging
¼3½ eNyh m|ksx 2445.25 4394.47 4516.54 7676.04 9785.25 10152.93 Fishing

¼4½ [kuu ,oa iRFkj 5746.33 10646.26 21574.04 20995.63 21205.58 21205.58 Mining & Quarrying
2- ek/;fed [k.M 156273.60 295814.87 303965.74 319972.60 322967.92 316254.19 Secondry Sector

¼1½ fofuZek.k 69194.42 159801.78 153826.81 147976.70 141304.51 134662.78 Manufacturing

¼2½ fuekZ.k dk;Z 80905.39 117508.72 128812.32 150543.26 154352.53 151439.07 Construction

¼3½ fo|qr] xSl ,oa ty 6173.79 18504.37 21326.61 21452.64 27310.88 30152.34 Electricity,Gas & Water
lEiwfrZ supply
3- r`rh;d [k.M 271654.14 476212.95 538686.50 595975.97 663662.72 643268.29 Tertiary Sector

¼1½ ifjogu 17832.79 41343.12 46239.33 52961.76 60807.18 43852.27 Transport

¼2½ jsyos 8504.96 12497.06 14845.71 14327.88 15454.55 10694.55 Railway

¼3½ laxzg.k 950.35 1344.59 1486.74 2260.14 2453.95 2556.30 Collation

¼4½ lapkj 7102.56 17755.33 16091.81 16272.25 17744.74 20767.61 Communication

¼5½O;kikj gksVy ,oa 64749.04 106454.06 119173.7 135852.09 148108.94 123815.5 Trade, Hotel & Restaurant
tyiku x`g
¼6½ cSad O;kikj ,oa 24784.34 38013.52 46630.18 52348.00 58389.40 63034.51 Banking & Insurance
¼7½LFkkoj lEink vkokl 83795.69 144588.10 156947.65 169512.89 185089.62 199901.52 Real state ownership of
x`gksa dk LokfeRo rFkk dwelling & Business
O;olkf;d lsok;sa

¼8½ lkoZtfud iz'kklu 32607.55 58656.59 71735.26 80082.93 90326.13 92570.47 Public Administrtion &
rFkk izfrj{kk Defence

¼9½ vU; lsok;sa 31326.86 55560.58 65536.13 72358.03 85288.21 86075.58 Other Services

# Rofjr vuqeku
# Quick Est.
* vufUre vuqeku * Provisional Est.

11& jkT; vk; @ State Income
11-4& m0iz0 esa eq[; [k.Mokj fuoy jkT; ?kjsyw mRikn ds lwpdkad
(vk/kkj o"kZ 2011&12)
Indices of net State Domestic Product by Major Sectors in UP.
(Base Year 2011-12)
¼izfr'kr½ (Percentage)
en 2011-12 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20* 2020-21# Items
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1
1- fuoy jkT; ?kjsyw mRikn 1- Index no. of NetState
Domestic Product
lwpdkad¼Ckktkj ewY;ks ij½ (at market price)
¼1½ izpfyr Hkkoksa ij
100.0 177.6 198.4 216.8 233.4 234.1 At current Prices

¼2½ 2011&12 ds Hkkoksa ij

100.0 137.7 143.0 147.8 151.3 144.4 At 2011-12 Prices

2- izkFkfed [k.M lwpdkad¼Ckqfu;knh ewY;sk ij½ Primary Sector Index

(at basic prices)
¼1½ izpfyr Hkkoksa ij 100.0 161.0 183.2 196.2 205.9 216.0 At current Prices

¼2½ 2011&12 ds Hkkoksa ij 100.0 114.0 125.0 131.8 126.9 129.1 At 2011-12 Prices

3- ek/;fed [k.M lwpdkad¼Ckqfu;knh ewY;sk ij½ SecondarySector Index

(at basic prices)
¼1½ izpfyr Hkkoksa ij
100.0 189.3 194.5 204.8 206.7 202.4 At current Price

¼2½ 2011&12ds Hkkoksa ij 100.0 164.2 154.2 154.1 151.7 142.3 At2011-12 Prices

4- r~rh;d [k.M lwpdkad¼Ckqfu;knh ewY;sk ij½ Tertiary Sector Index (at

basic prices)

¼1½ izpfyr Hkkoksa ij 100.0 175.3 198.3 219.4 244.3 236.8 At current Prices

¼2½ 2011&12 ds Hkkoksa ij 100.0 137.3 149.0 156.2 168.4 160.8 At 2011-12 Prices

5&izfr O;fDr fuoy jkT; ?kjsyw mRikn Per capita net State
Domestic Product Index
lwpdkad¼CkkTkkj ewY;sk ij½ at market price
¼1½ izpfyr Hkkoksa ij 100.0 164.6 181.1 194.9 206.7 204.2 At current Price
¼2½ 2011&12 ds Hkkoksa ij 100.0 127.6 130.5 132.9 134.0 126.0 At 2011-12 Prices
# Rofjr vuqeku # Quick Est.
* vufUre vuqeku + * Provisional Est.

11& jkT; vk; @ State Income
11-5& m0iz0 ,oa Hkkjr esa fuoy jkT; ewY; o/kZUk @fuoy ewY; o/kZUk¼NSVA/NVA½esa xr o"kksZ ls izfr'kr
o`f) ¼2011&12½ ds Hkkoksa ij
Percentage growth in Net State Value Added/Net Value Added (NSVA/NVA) Over previous Year in UP. & India
(At 2011-12)Prices

[k.M 2011-12 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 Sectors

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1

mRrj izns'k Uttar Pradesh

1- izkFkfed [k.M - 6.7 9.6 5.4 -3.7 1.7 Primary Sector

2- ek/;fed [k.M - 34.3 -6.1 -0.03 -1.6 -6.2 Secondary Sector

3- r`rh;d [k.M - 4.5 8.5 4.8 7.8 -4.6 Tertiary Sector

fuoy jkT; ewY; Total Net state value

- 12.8 4.2 3.6 2.3 -3.5
o/kZUk¼CkqfUk;knh ewY;ka ij½ added (at basic prices)

Hkkjr India

1- izkFkfed [k.M - 7.6 4.5 2.0 3.1 - Primary Sector

2- ek/;fed [k.M - 7.5 7.3 5.6 -2.7 - Secondary Sector

3- r`rh;d [k.M - 8.2 5.9 6.9 6.8 - Tertiary Sector

fuoy ewY; o/kZUk¼CkqfUk;knh Total Net value

- 7.9 6.0 5.6 3.5 3.9
ewY;ka ij½ added(at basic prices)

(-) vizkIr (-)not available

11& jkT; vk; @ State Income
11-6& Hkkjro"kZ ds pqus gq, jkT;ksa esa izfr O;fDr vk; 2011-12 ds Hkkoksa ij ¼#0 esa½
Per Capita Income in selected States Of India At 2011-12 Prices ( In Rs.)

jkT; 2011-12 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 States

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1

1&vkU/kz izns'k 69000 94115 103177 107286 113927 110453 Andhra Pradesh

2&vle 41142 53575 57835 59943 60660 na Asam

3&fcgkj 21750 25455 26719 29092 30621 31017 Bihar

4&xqtjkr 87481 129738 143604 154887 164310 na Gujrat

5&gfj;k.kk 106085 150259 158039 164976 176199 163992 Hariyana

6&fgekpy izns'k 87721 122208 129303 136664 142155 133189 Himanchal Pradesh

7&duZkVd 90263 131186 141229 148690 154861 149825 Karnatak

8&dsjy 97912 129251 137181 145521 149563 na Keral

9&e?; izns'k 38497 52782 54829 57401 62236 58425 Madhaya Pradesh

10&egkjk"V~z 99597 133686 139958 147097 152566 na Maharashtra

11&vksfM'kk 48499 67851 72922 77531 82257 79203 Odisha

12&iatkc 85577 105848 110857 115784 119162 109848 Punjab

13&jktLFkku 57192 71324 73109 75555 78390 72297 Rajsthan

14&rfeyukMq 93112 123206 133029 141844 149329 150990 Tamilnadu

15&mRrj izns'k 32002 40847 41771 42523 42888 40310 Uttar Pradesh

16&if'pe caxky 51543 60618 64007 68212 71719 72202 West Bengal

17&mRrjk[k.M 100305 138784 148090 154549 158919 na Uttarakhand

18&NRrhlx<+ 55177 67139 68374 72537 75278 72236 Chattisgarh

19&>kj[k.M 41254 48826 52277 56133 57246 53489 Jharkhand

20&fnYyh 185001 244255 252960 260967 274671 254001 Delhi

Hkkjr 63462 83003 87586 92241 94566 86659 India

12&d`f"k @ Agriculture
12-1& m0iz0 esa Hkwfe mi;ksfxrk ds ftysokj vkadM+s
Districtwise Land Utilisation in UP.
¼{ks=Qy gs0 esa½ ( Area in Hect.)
Hkwfe mi;ksfxrk ds fy, Year/District/Division /
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= ou
izfrosfnr {ks=Qy Region
Reporting Area for land
1 2 3 1
2011-12 24170454 1655575 2011-12
2013-14 24170454 1658153 2013-14
2014-15 24170454 1658608 2014-15
2015-16 24170454 1666173 2015-16
2016-17 24170454 1666317 2016-17
2017-18 24170454 1671096 2017-18
2018-19 24170454 1714612 2018-19
1&lgkjuiqj 363791 33260 Saharanpur
2&eqtQ~Qjuxj 293815 24056 Muzaffarnagar
3&'kkeyh 127683 5296 Shamli
lgkjuiqj e.My 785289 62612 Saharanpur div.
4&fctukSj 464545 54451 Bijnor
5&eqjknkckn 223920 64 Moradabad
6&laHky 245330 232 Sambhal
7&jkeiqj 235726 6611 Rampur
8&vejksgk 216879 21001 Amroha
eqjknkckn e.My 1386400 82359 Moradabad Div.
9&esjB 273005 21314 Meerut
10&ckxir 134983 1629 Baghpat
11&xkft;kckn 92658 1824 Ghaziabad
12&gkiqqM+ 114276 846 Hapur
13&xkSrecq) uxj 125422 1869 G. B. Nagar
14&cqyUn'kgj 364974 8448 Bulandshahar
esjB e.My 1105318 35930 Meerut Div.
15&eFkqjk 330328 1823 Mathura
16&vkxjk 398970 35733 Agra
17&fQjkstkckn 241180 8659 Firozabad
18&eSuiqjh 272723 1776 Mainpuri
vkxjk e.My 1243201 47991 Agra Div.
19&vyhx<+ 371261 2487 Aligarh
20&gkFkjl 180155 1795 Hathras
21&,Vk 244068 1033 Etah
22&dklxat 195601 2060 Kasganj
vyhx<+ e.My 991085 7375 Aligarh Div.
23&cnk;wW 426768 6902 Badaun
24&cjsyh 406915 352 Bareilly
25&ihyhHkhr 378384 84076 Pilibhit
26&'kkgtgkWiqj 437469 6465 Shahjahanpur
cjsyh e.My 1649536 97795 Bareilly Div.
vuqo)------ Contd.........

12&d`f"k @ Agriculture
12-1& m0iz0 esa Hkwfe mi;ksfxrk ds ftysokj vkadM+s
Districtwise Land Utilisation in UP.
¼{ks=Qy gs0 esa½ ( Area in Hect.)
Hkwfe mi;ksfxrk ds fy, Year/District/Division /
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= ou
izfrosfnr {ks=Qy Region
Reporting Area for land
1 2 3 1
27&[khjh 772788 165390 kheri
28&lhrkiqj 573891 5772 Sitapur
29&gjnksbZ 598876 12271 Hardoi
30&mUuko 460222 16981 Unnao
31&y[kuÅ 251596 12000 Lucknow
32&jk;cjsyh 392045 4806 Raebareli
y[kuÅ e.My 3049418 217220 Lucknow Div.
33&Q:Z[kkckn 219911 258 Farrukhabad
34&dUukSt 208973 19069 Kannauj
35&bVkok 240270 30147 Etawah
36&vkSjS;k 206126 10275 Auraiya
37&dkuiqj nsgkr 314984 6642 Kanpur Dehat
38&dkuiqj uxj 301326 5617 Kanpur Nagar
dkuiqj e.My 1491590 72008 Kanpur Div.
39&tkykSu 454434 28178 Jalaun
40&>kWlh 501327 34473 Jhansi
41&yfyriqj 509791 76979 Lalitpur
>kWlh e.My 1465552 139630 Jhansi Div.
42&gehjiqj 390865 24084 Hamirpur
43&egksck 327429 16849 Mahoba
44&ckWnk 438949 5193 Banda
45&fp=dwV 338897 81363 Chitrakoot
fp=dwV /kke e.My 1496140 127489 Chitrakoot Dham Div.
46&Qrsgiqj 422126 7595 Fatehpur
47&izrkix<+ 361629 569 Pratapgarh
48&dkS'kkEch 185504 195 Kaushambi
49&iz;kxjkt 557074 21476 Prayagraj
iz;kxjkt e.My 1526333 29835 Prayagraj Div.
50&ckjkcadh 388587 5974 Barabanki
51&v;ks/;k 260266 3299 Ayodhya
52&vEcsMdjuxj 236203 328 Ambedkar Nagar
53&lqYrkuiqj 265881 637 Sultanpur
54&vesBh 238201 2111 Amethi
v;ks/;k e.My 1389138 12349 Ayodhya Div.
vuqo)------ Contd.........

12&d`f"k @ Agriculture
12-1& m0iz0 esa Hkwfe mi;ksfxrk ds ftysokj vkadM+s
Districtwise Land Utilisation in UP.
¼{ks=Qy gs0 esa½ ( Area in Hect.)
Hkwfe mi;ksfxrk ds fy, Year/District/Division /
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= ou
izfrosfnr {ks=Qy Region
Reporting Area for land
1 2 3 1
55&cgjkbp 486062 63097 Bahraich
56&JkoLrh 192887 34395 Shrawasti
57&cyjkeiqj 324697 58956 Balrampur
58&xks.Mk 401038 12850 Gonda
nsohikVu e.My 1404684 169298 Devipatan Div.
59&fl)kFkZuxj 297814 3708 Siddharth Nagar
60&cLrh 277039 4095 Basti
61&lardchjuxj 174810 4361 Sant Kabir Nagar
cLrh e.My 749663 12164 Basti Div.
62&egjktxat 290548 50266 Mahrajganj
63&xksj[kiqj 335217 5842 Gorakhpur
64&dq'khuxj 291469 817 Kushi Nagar
65&nsofj;k 249376 264 Deoria
xksj[kiqj e.My 1166610 57189 Gorakhpur Div.
66&vktex<+ 424058 110 Azamgarh
67&eÅ 171624 568 Mau
68&cfy;k 299265 81 Ballia
vktex<+ e.My 894947 759 Azamgarh Div.
69&tkSuiqj 399713 429 Jaunpur
70&xkthiqj 333214 111 Ghazipur
71&pUnkSyh 253374 77400 Chandauli
72&okjk.klh 152678 54 Varanasi
okjk.klh e.My 1138979 77994 Varanasi Div.
73&larjfonkl uxj 103102 76 Sant.Ravidas Nagar
74&fetkZiqj 452508 121586 Mirzapur
75&lksuHknz 680961 342953 Sonbhadra
foU/;kpy e.My 1236571 464615 Vindhyachal Div.
1- if'peh lEHkkx 8036109 393811 Western Region

2- dsUnzh; lEHkkx 4476441 243048 Central Region

3- cqUnsy[k.M lEHkkx 2961692 267119 Bundelkhand Region
4- iwohZZ lEHkkx 8696212 810634 Eastern Region
mRrj izns'k 24170454 1714612 Uttar pradesh
vuqo)------ Contd.........

12&d`f"k @ Agriculture
12-1& m0iz0 esa Hkwfe mi;ksfxrk ds ftysokj vkadM+s
Districtwise Land Utilisation in UP.
¼{ks=Qy gs0 esa½ ( Area in Hect.)

d`f"k v;ksX; Hkwfe

Land not available for cultivation
[ksrh ds vfrfjDr vU;
Ålj vkSj [ksrh ds
iz;ksx esa vkus okyh ;ksx
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= v;ksX; Hkwfe Year/District/
Hkwfe Division/Region
Land put Under barren and
non- Agr. Use uncultivable land
1 4 5 6 1
2011-12 2893204 457224 3350428 2011-12
2013-14 3026963 464473 3491436 2013-14
2014-15 3045852 461683 3507535 2014-15
2015-16 3123410 452806 3576216 2015-16
2016-17 3146749 444864 3591613 2016-17
2017-18 3163019 443743 3606762 2017-18
2018-19 3168866 441811 3610677 2018-19
1&lgkjuiqj 52180 275 52455 Saharanpur
2&eqtQ~Qjuxj 41190 2125 43315 Muzaffarnagar
3&'kkeyh 15515 95 15610 Shamli
lgkjuiqj e.My 108885 2495 111380 Saharanpur div.
4&fctukSj 66235 3045 69280 Bijnor
5&eqjknkckn 33790 2026 35816 Moradabad
6&laHky 36986 79 37065 Sambhal
7&jkeiqj 30896 4716 35612 Rampur
8&vejksgk 19575 405 19980 Amroha
eqjknkckn e.My 187482 10271 197753 Moradabad Div.
9&esjB 44492 3295 47787 Meerut
10&ckxir 19150 1845 20995 Baghpat
11&xkft;kckn 29700 1225 30925 Ghaziabad
12&gkiqqM+ 19183 1480 20663 Hapur
13&xkSrecq) uxj 46546 1890 48436 G. B. Nagar
14&cqyUn'kgj 43995 4685 48680 Bulandshahar
esjB e.My 203066 14420 217486 Meerut Div.
15&eFkqjk 41710 3476 45186 Mathura
16&vkxjk 47299 3745 51044 Agra
17&fQjkstkckn 29130 6365 35495 Firozabad
18&eSuiqjh 34510 14695 49205 Mainpuri
vkxjk e.My 152649 28281 180930 Agra Div.
19&vyhx<+ 41630 5702 47332 Aligarh
20&gkFkjl 20910 2005 22915 Hathras
21&,Vk 24785 1555 26340 Etah
22&dklxat 27405 2550 29955 Kasganj
vyhx<+ e.My 114730 11812 126542 Aligarh Div.
23&cnk;wW 51865 5070 56935 Badaun
24&cjsyh 56980 7456 64436 Bareilly
25&ihyhHkhr 45080 5500 50580 Pilibhit
26&'kkgtgkWiqj 42152 5333 47485 Shahjahanpur
cjsyh e.My 196077 23359 219436 Bareilly Div.
vuqo)--------- Contd.........

12&d`f"k @ Agriculture
12-1& m0iz0 esa Hkwfe mi;ksfxrk ds ftysokj vkadM+s
Districtwise Land Utilisation in UP.
¼{ks=Qy gs0 esa½ ( Area in Hect.)

d`f"k v;ksX; Hkwfe

Land not available for cultivation
[ksrh ds vfrfjDr vU;
Ålj vkSj [ksrh ds
iz;ksx esa vkus okyh ;ksx
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= v;ksX; Hkwfe Year/District/
Hkwfe Division/Region
Land put Under barren and
non- Agr. Use uncultivable land
1 4 5 6 1
27&[khjh 90950 3490 94440 kheri
28&lhrkiqj 67662 5620 73282 Sitapur
29&gjnksbZ 56180 14145 70325 Hardoi
30&mUuko 57180 11400 68580 Unnao
31&y[kuÅ 59440 6340 65780 Lucknow
32&jk;cjsyh 41840 13500 55340 Raebareli
y[kuÅ e.My 373252 54495 427747 Lucknow Div.
33&Q:Z[kkckn 30940 6255 37195 Farrukhabad
34&dUukSt 23185 4150 27335 Kannauj
35&bVkok 27696 6820 34516 Etawah
36&vkSjS;k 22550 6535 29085 Auraiya
37&dkuiqj nsgkr 32374 14975 47349 Kanpur Dehat
38&dkuiqj uxj 46760 13525 60285 Kanpur Nagar
dkuiqj e.My 183505 52260 235765 Kanpur Div.
39&tkykSu 41162 8535 49697 Jalaun
40&>kWlh 49285 32010 81295 Jhansi
41&yfyriqj 43397 14170 57567 Lalitpur
>kWlh e.My 133844 54715 188559 Jhansi Div.
42&gehjiqj 34042 8080 42122 Hamirpur
43&egksck 39450 7660 47110 Mahoba
44&ckWnk 44345 11182 55527 Banda
45&fp=dwV 31988 17386 49374 Chitrakoot
fp=dwV /kke e.My 149825 44308 194133 Chitrakoot Dham Div.
46&Qrsgiqj 54589 10010 64599 Fatehpur
47&izrkix<+ 71546 9005 80551 Pratapgarh
48&dkS'kkEch 24623 8025 32648 Kaushambi
49&iz;kxjkt 94810 14945 109755 Prayagraj
iz;kxjkt e.My 245568 41985 287553 Prayagraj Div.
50&ckjkcadh 61485 3614 65099 Barabanki
51&v;ks/;k 41190 3550 44740 Ayodhya
52&vEcsMdjuxj 42225 3324 45549 Ambedkar Nagar
53&lqYrkuiqj 41650 7920 49570 Sultanpur
54&vesBh 33995 7546 41541 Amethi
v;ks/;k e.My 220545 25954 246499 Ayodhya Div.
vuqo)--------- Contd.........

12&d`f"k @ Agriculture
12-1& m0iz0 esa Hkwfe mi;ksfxrk ds ftysokj vkadM+s
Districtwise Land Utilisation in UP.
¼{ks=Qy gs0 esa½ ( Area in Hect.)

d`f"k v;ksX; Hkwfe

Land not available for cultivation
[ksrh ds vfrfjDr vU;
Ålj vkSj [ksrh ds
iz;ksx esa vkus okyh ;ksx
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= v;ksX; Hkwfe Year/District/
Hkwfe Division/Region
Land put Under barren and
non- Agr. Use uncultivable land
1 4 5 6 1
55&cgjkbp 58985 3280 62265 Bahraich
56&JkoLrh 24930 152 25082 Shrawasti
57&cyjkeiqj 35450 3577 39027 Balrampur
58&xks.Mk 57545 3375 60920 Gonda
nsohikVu e.My 176910 10384 187294 Devipatan Div.
59&fl)kFkZuxj 38950 2230 41180 Siddharth Nagar
60&cLrh 42288 3600 45888 Basti
61&lardchjuxj 30605 1695 32300 Sant Kabir Nagar
cLrh e.My 111843 7525 119368 Basti Div.
62&egjktxat 33889 1080 34969 Mahrajganj
63&xksj[kiqj 49630 4300 53930 Gorakhpur
64&dq'khuxj 53180 2780 55960 Kushi Nagar
65&nsofj;k 34850 1605 36455 Deoria
xksj[kiqj e.My 171549 9765 181314 Gorakhpur Div.
66&vktex<+ 63288 6690 69978 Azamgarh
67&eÅ 26686 1780 28466 Mau
68&cfy;k 47750 4320 52070 Ballia
vktex<+ e.My 137724 12790 150514 Azamgarh Div.
69&tkSuiqj 50588 6840 57428 Jaunpur
70&xkthiqj 51195 2950 54145 Ghazipur
71&pUnkSyh 28744 2260 31004 Chandauli
72&okjk.klh 33730 1905 35635 Varanasi
okjk.klh e.My 164257 13955 178212 Varanasi Div.
73&larjfonkl uxj 18995 1910 20905 Sant.Ravidas Nagar
74&fetkZiqj 57995 8115 66110 Mirzapur
75&lksuHknz 60165 13012 73177 Sonbhadra
foU/;kpy e.My 137155 23037 160192 Vindhyachal Div.
1- if'peh lEHkkx 1067260 114398 1181658 Western Region
2- dsUnzh; lEHkkx 568460 96619 665079 Central Region
3- cqUnsy[k.M lEHkkx 283669 99023 382692 Bundelkhand Region
4- iwohZZ lEHkkx 1249477 131771 1381248 Eastern Region
mRrj izns'k 3168866 441811 3610677 Uttar pradesh
vuqo)--------- Contd.........

12&d`f"k @ Agriculture

12-1& m0iz0 esa Hkwfe mi;ksfxrk ds ftysokj vkadM+s

Districtwise Land Utilisation in UP.
¼{ks=Qy gs0 esa½ ( Area in Hect.)

LFkk;h pkjkxkg vU; o`{kksa >kfM+;ksa vkfn d`"; csdkj Hkwfe ;ksx
Year/District/ Division/
,oa vU; pjkbZ dk {ks0 tks okLrfod cks;s Region
dh Hkwfe x;s {ks= esa lfEefyr ugha
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= gSA
Permanent Land Under miscellaneous Cultivable waste Total
pastures & other trees, crops, grooves etc.
graze land not included in net area
1 7 8 9 10 1
2011-12 65720 350344 419905 835969 2011-12
2013-14 65389 325430 410154 800973 2013-14
2014-15 65198 305012 405316 775526 2014-15
2015-16 64720 291181 395089 750990 2015-16
2016-17 64883 284791 389328 739002 2016-17
2017-18 66213 283050 388917 738180 2017-18
2018-19 70145 268814 387642 726601 2018-19
1&lgkjuiqj 195 2715 421 3331 Saharanpur
2&eqtQ~Qjuxj 81 1954 1432 3467 Muzaffarnagar
3&'kkeyh 309 269 45 623 Shamli
lgkjuiqj e.My 585 4938 1898 7421 Saharanpur div.
4&fctukSj 505 1289 2180 3974 Bijnor
5&eqjknkckn 51 1838 570 2459 Moradabad
6&laHky 882 3093 1410 5385 Sambhal
7&jkeiqj 5 1552 330 1887 Rampur
8&vejksgk 165 102 110 377 Amroha
eqjknkckn e.My 1608 7874 4600 14082 Moradabad Div.
9&esjB 298 69 1613 1980 Meerut
10&ckxir 99 121 2494 2714 Baghpat
11&xkft;kckn 8 142 2165 2315 Ghaziabad
12&gkiqqM+ 63 82 913 1058 Hapur
13&xkSrecq) uxj 430 337 1730 2497 G. B. Nagar
14&cqyUn'kgj 1017 270 3300 4587 Bulandshahar
esjB e.My 1915 1021 12215 15151 Meerut Div.
15&eFkqjk 1334 938 7127 9399 Mathura
16&vkxjk 1052 636 2910 4598 Agra
17&fQjkstkckn 843 883 5100 6826 Firozabad
18&eSuiqjh 1213 943 3800 5956 Mainpuri
vkxjk e.My 4442 3400 18937 26779 Agra Div.
19&vyhx<+ 1873 290 5291 7454 Aligarh
20&gkFkjl 950 358 1173 2481 Hathras
21&,Vk 584 505 9258 10347 Etah
22&dklxat 240 806 10218 11264 Kasganj
vyhx<+ e.My 3647 1959 25940 31546 Aligarh Div.
23&cnk;wW 275 5733 1810 7818 Badaun
24&cjsyh 284 3722 1711 5717 Bareilly
25&ihyhHkhr 241 6015 2785 9041 Pilibhit
26&'kkgtgkWiqj 890 2461 2201 5552 Shahjahanpur
cjsyh e.My 1690 17931 8507 28128 Bareilly Div.

12&d`f"k @ Agriculture

12-1& m0iz0 esa Hkwfe mi;ksfxrk ds ftysokj vkadM+s

Districtwise Land Utilisation in UP.
¼{ks=Qy gs0 esa½ ( Area in Hect.)

LFkk;h pkjkxkg vU; o`{kksa >kfM+;ksa vkfn d`"; csdkj Hkwfe ;ksx
Year/District/ Division/
,oa vU; pjkbZ dk {ks0 tks okLrfod cks;s Region
dh Hkwfe x;s {ks= esa lfEefyr ugha
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= gSA
Permanent Land Under miscellaneous Cultivable waste Total
pastures & other trees, crops, grooves etc.
graze land not included in net area
1 7 8 9 10 1
27&[khjh 916 5211 5322 11449 kheri
28&lhrkiqj 777 4930 6879 12586 Sitapur
29&gjnksbZ 4600 10288 10604 25492 Hardoi
30&mUuko 3514 2211 10628 16353 Unnao
31&y[kuÅ 3099 2075 4806 9980 Lucknow
32&jk;cjsyh 3253 9192 16300 28745 Raebareli
y[kuÅ e.My 16159 33907 54539 104605 Lucknow Div.
33&Q:Z[kkckn 684 1565 2841 5090 Farrukhabad
34&dUukSt 2038 2201 1613 5852 Kannauj
35&bVkok 538 1602 10032 12172 Etawah
36&vkSjS;k 1316 2963 4518 8797 Auraiya
37&dkuiqj nsgkr 370 1683 1685 3738 Kanpur Dehat
38&dkuiqj uxj 3822 2598 9985 16405 Kanpur Nagar
dkuiqj e.My 8768 12612 30674 52054 Kanpur Div.
39&tkykSu 85 2447 5352 7884 Jalaun
40&>kWlh 720 1347 22928 24995 Jhansi
41&yfyriqj 3138 5486 24704 33328 Lalitpur
>kWlh e.My 3943 9280 52984 66207 Jhansi Div.
42&gehjiqj 466 909 6215 7590 Hamirpur
43&egksck 584 315 6032 6931 Mahoba
44&ckWnk 424 884 10119 11427 Banda
45&fp=dwV 48 1106 13012 14166 Chitrakoot
fp=dwV /kke e.My 1522 3214 35378 40114 Chitrakoot Dham
46&Qrsgiqj 3012 6864 11213 21089 Fatehpur
47&izrkix<+ 524 10413 4696 15633 Pratapgarh
48&dkS'kkEch 532 2671 3767 6970 Kaushambi
49&iz;kxjkt 1639 5654 11340 18633 Prayagraj
iz;kxjkt e.My 5707 25602 31016 62325 Prayagraj Div.
50&ckjkcadh 1545 7579 8066 17190 Barabanki
51&v;ks/;k 1789 6415 4609 12813 Ayodhya
52&vEcsMdjuxj 588 2283 4466 7337 Ambedkar Nagar
53&lqYrkuiqj 1180 1554 7868 10602 Sultanpur
54&vesBh 2086 7011 5788 14885 Amethi
v;ks/;k e.My 7188 24842 30797 62827 Ayodhya Div.

12&d`f"k @ Agriculture

12-1& m0iz0 esa Hkwfe mi;ksfxrk ds ftysokj vkadM+s

Districtwise Land Utilisation in UP.
¼{ks=Qy gs0 esa½ ( Area in Hect.)

LFkk;h pkjkxkg vU; o`{kksa >kfM+;ksa vkfn d`"; csdkj Hkwfe ;ksx
Year/District/ Division/
,oa vU; pjkbZ dk {ks0 tks okLrfod cks;s Region
dh Hkwfe x;s {ks= esa lfEefyr ugha
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= gSA
Permanent Land Under miscellaneous Cultivable waste Total
pastures & other trees, crops, grooves etc.
graze land not included in net area
1 7 8 9 10 1
55&cgjkbp 1077 6809 2144 10030 Bahraich
56&JkoLrh 480 1159 161 1800 Shrawasti
57&cyjkeiqj 309 6589 2124 9022 Balrampur
58&xks.Mk 1849 7894 5677 15420 Gonda
nsohikVu e.My 3715 22451 10106 36272 Devipatan Div.
59&fl)kFkZuxj 898 4737 2843 8478 Siddharth Nagar
60&cLrh 519 8098 4135 12752 Basti
61&lardchjuxj 884 3211 2175 6270 Sant Kabir Nagar
cLrh e.My 2301 16046 9153 27500 Basti Div.
62&egjktxat 149 1644 640 2433 Mahrajganj
63&xksj[kiqj 313 3357 6124 9794 Gorakhpur
64&dq'khuxj 354 4335 2280 6969 Kushi Nagar
65&nsofj;k 94 1866 2002 3962 Deoria
xksj[kiqj e.My 910 11202 11046 23158 Gorakhpur Div.
66&vktex<+ 1405 5125 6350 12880 Azamgarh
67&eÅ 192 3562 2437 6191 Mau
68&cfy;k 646 5792 1150 7588 Ballia
vktex<+ e.My 2243 14479 9937 26659 Azamgarh Div.
69&tkSuiqj 1431 2845 10000 14276 Jaunpur
70&xkthiqj 1392 4472 3161 9025 Ghazipur
71&pUnkSyh 22 1112 1036 2170 Chandauli
72&okjk.klh 17 2592 2537 5146 Varanasi
okjk.klh e.My 2862 11021 16734 30617 Varanasi Div.
73&larjfonkl uxj 294 551 783 1628 Sant.Ravidas Nagar
74&fetkZiqj 456 11095 9895 21446 Mirzapur
75&lksuHknz 190 35389 12503 48082 Sonbhadra
foU/;kpy e.My 940 47035 23181 71156 Vindhyachal Div.
1- if'peh lEHkkx 18463 45454 91101 155018 Western Region
2- dsUnzh; lEHkkx 24908 52631 85488 163027 Central Region
3- cqUnsy[k.M lEHkkx 5465 12494 88362 106321
4- iwohZZ lEHkkx 21309 158235 122691 302235 Eastern Region
mRrj izns'k 70145 268814 387642 726601 Uttar pradesh
vuqo)--------- Contd.........

12&d`f"k @ Agriculture
12-1&m0iz0 esa Hkwfe mi;ksfxrk ds ftysokj vkadM+s
Districtwise Land Utilisation in UP.
¼{ks=Qy gs0 esa½ ( Area in Hect.)
ijrh Hkwfe orZeku ijrh ;ksx
Year/District/ Division/
¼orZeku ijrh ds
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@ Region
Fallow land Current fallow Total
(other than current
1 11 12 13 1
2011-12 532850 1172566 1705416 2011-12
2013-14 538694 1135310 1674004 2013-14
2014-15 509192 1121550 1630742 2014-15
2015-16 547334 1160558 1707892 2015-16
2016-17 519520 1090305 1609825 2016-17
2017-18 552076 1060526 1612602 2017-18
2018-19 594270 986616 1580886 2018-19
1&lgkjuiqj 2097 3961 6058 Saharanpur
2&eqtQ~Qjuxj 2516 4840 7356 Muzaffarnagar
3&'kkeyh 51 95 146 Shamli
lgkjuiqj e.My 4664 8896 13560 Saharanpur div.
4&fctukSj 385 2444 2829 Bijnor
5&eqjknkckn 4910 7494 12404 Moradabad
6&laHky 4044 6002 10046 Sambhal
7&jkeiqj 1258 3009 4267 Rampur
8&vejksgk 125 136 261 Amroha
eqjknkckn e.My 10722 19085 29807 Moradabad Div.
9&esjB 2422 3103 5525 Meerut
10&ckxir 790 1550 2340 Baghpat
11&xkft;kckn 2659 3996 6655 Ghaziabad
12&gkiqqM+ 2169 2491 4660 Hapur
13&xkSrecq) uxj 9230 10502 19732 G. B. Nagar
14&cqyUn'kgj 1145 3032 4177 Bulandshahar
esjB e.My 18415 24674 43089 Meerut Div.
15&eFkqjk 2690 4643 7333 Mathura
16&vkxjk 24316 24711 49027 Agra
17&fQjkstkckn 6408 5711 12119 Firozabad
18&eSuiqjh 8641 9060 17701 Mainpuri
vkxjk e.My 42055 44125 86180 Agra Div.
19&vyhx<+ 4529 4376 8905 Aligarh
20&gkFkjl 1510 2226 3736 Hathras
21&,Vk 2805 5638 8443 Etah
22&dklxat 4067 4694 8761 Kasganj
vyhx<+ e.My 12911 16934 29845 Aligarh Div.
23&cnk;wW 1711 6288 7999 Badaun
24&cjsyh 2313 7570 9883 Bareilly
25&ihyhHkhr 1335 3327 4662 Pilibhit
26&'kkgtgkWiqj 2590 10763 13353 Shahjahanpur
cjsyh e.My 7949 27948 35897 Bareilly Div.
vuqo)--------- Contd.........

12&d`f"k @ Agriculture
12-1&m0iz0 esa Hkwfe mi;ksfxrk ds ftysokj vkadM+s
Districtwise Land Utilisation in UP.
¼{ks=Qy gs0 esa½ ( Area in Hect.)
ijrh Hkwfe orZeku ijrh ;ksx
Year/District/ Division/
¼orZeku ijrh ds
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@ Region
Fallow land Current fallow Total
(other than current
1 11 12 13 1
27&[khjh 8299 13891 22190 kheri
28&lhrkiqj 12380 28098 40478 Sitapur
29&gjnksbZ 23672 45423 69095 Hardoi
30&mUuko 18924 24504 43428 Unnao
31&y[kuÅ 18596 12327 30923 Lucknow
32&jk;cjsyh 35176 43070 78246 Raebareli
y[kuÅ e.My 117047 167313 284360 Lucknow Div.
33&Q:Z[kkckn 1409 2491 3900 Farrukhabad
34&dUukSt 201 1554 1755 Kannauj
35&bVkok 6092 8564 14656 Etawah
36&vkSjS;k 8194 5753 13947 Auraiya
37&dkuiqj nsgkr 10567 28296 38863 Kanpur Dehat
38&dkuiqj uxj 3733 24309 28042 Kanpur Nagar
dkuiqj e.My 30196 70967 101163 Kanpur Div.
39&tkykSu 5931 17171 23102 Jalaun
40&>kWlh 16003 32971 48974 Jhansi
41&yfyriqj 18016 29329 47345 Lalitpur
>kWlh e.My 39950 79471 119421 Jhansi Div.
42&gehjiqj 12036 21673 33709 Hamirpur
43&egksck 4761 43321 48082 Mahoba
44&ckWnk 14580 14629 29209 Banda
45&fp=dwV 10654 22323 32977 Chitrakoot
fp=dwV /kke e.My 42031 101946 143977 Chitrakoot Dham Div.
46&Qrsgiqj 20788 21538 42326 Fatehpur
47&izrkix<+ 4519 32047 36566 Pratapgarh
48&dkS'kkEch 8771 13990 22761 Kaushambi
49&iz;kxjkt 20348 33873 54221 Prayagraj
iz;kxjkt e.My 54426 101448 155874 Prayagraj Div.
50&ckjkcadh 12143 23578 35721 Barabanki
51&v;ks/;k 8492 11205 19697 Ayodhya
52&vEcsMdjuxj 2563 6768 9331 Ambedkar Nagar
53&lqYrkuiqj 10977 14101 25078 Sultanpur
54&vesBh 16636 17826 34462 Amethi
v;ks/;k e.My 50811 73478 124289 Ayodhya Div.
vuqo)--------- Contd.........

12&d`f"k @ Agriculture
12-1&m0iz0 esa Hkwfe mi;ksfxrk ds ftysokj vkadM+s
Districtwise Land Utilisation in UP.
¼{ks=Qy gs0 esa½ ( Area in Hect.)
ijrh Hkwfe orZeku ijrh ;ksx
Year/District/ Division/
¼orZeku ijrh ds
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@ Region
Fallow land Current fallow Total
(other than current
1 11 12 13 1
55&cgjkbp 9968 7306 17274 Bahraich
56&JkoLrh 2424 7233 9657 Shrawasti
57&cyjkeiqj 653 799 1452 Balrampur
58&xks.Mk 15519 14869 30388 Gonda
nsohikVu e.My 28564 30207 58771 Devipatan Div.
59&fl)kFkZuxj 3157 13019 16176 Siddharth Nagar
60&cLrh 5258 10278 15536 Basti
61&lardchjuxj 7430 10459 17889 Sant Kabir Nagar
cLrh e.My 15845 33756 49601 Basti Div.
62&egjktxat 1486 2250 3736 Mahrajganj
63&xksj[kiqj 13120 14533 27653 Gorakhpur
64&dq'khuxj 5057 5844 10901 Kushi Nagar
65&nsofj;k 6861 5324 12185 Deoria
xksj[kiqj e.My 26524 27951 54475 Gorakhpur Div.
66&vktex<+ 19141 35285 54426 Azamgarh
67&eÅ 3014 13274 16288 Mau
68&cfy;k 10492 12192 22684 Ballia
vktex<+ e.My 32647 60751 93398 Azamgarh Div.
69&tkSuiqj 24836 26532 51368 Jaunpur
70&xkthiqj 2498 7861 10359 Ghazipur
71&pUnkSyh 4462 10600 15062 Chandauli
72&okjk.klh 6222 4768 10990 Varanasi
okjk.klh e.My 38018 49761 87779 Varanasi Div.
73&larjfonkl uxj 4334 8386 12720 Sant.Ravidas Nagar
74&fetkZiqj 11748 20628 32376 Mirzapur
75&lksuHknz 5413 18891 24304 Sonbhadra
foU/;kpy e.My 21495 47905 69400 Vindhyachal Div.
1- if'peh lEHkkx 112612 160024 272636 Western Region
2- dsUnzh; lEHkkx 164278 265034 429312 Central Region
3- cqUnsy[k.M lEHkkx 81981 181417 263398 Bundelkhand Region
4- iwohZZ lEHkkx 235399 380141 615540 Eastern Region
mRrj izns'k 594270 986616 1580886 Uttar pradesh
vuqo)--------- Contd.........

12&d`f"k @ Agriculture
12-1& m0iz0 esa Hkwfe mi;ksfxrk ds ftysokj vkadM+s
Districtwise Land Utilisation in UP.
¼{ks=Qy gs0 esa½ ( Area in Hect.)
okLrfod cks;k ,d ls vf/kd ckj ldy cks;k x;k
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= x;k {ks=Qy cks;k x;k {ks=Qy {ks=Qy Division/Region
Net area sown Area sown more than Gross cropped
once area
1 14 15 16 1
2011-12 16623066 9105377 25728443 2011-12
2013-14 16545888 9349989 25895877 2013-14
2014-15 16598043 9549073 26147116 2014-15
2015-16 16469183 9734134 26203317 2015-16
2016-17 16563697 10384823 26948520 2016-17
2017-18 16541814 10322326 26864140 2017-18
2018-19 16537678 10320980 26858658 2018-19
1&lgkjuiqj 268687 168881 437568 Saharanpur
2&eqtQ~Qjuxj 215621 104808 320429 Muzaffarnagar
3&'kkeyh 106008 63756 169764 Shamli
lgkjuiqj e.My 590316 337445 927761 Saharanpur div.
4&fctukSj 334011 82801 416812 Bijnor
5&eqjknkckn 173177 140404 313581 Moradabad
6&laHky 192602 179920 372522 Sambhal
7&jkeiqj 187349 170247 357596 Rampur
8&vejksgk 175260 106207 281467 Amroha
eqjknkckn e.My 1062399 679579 1741978 Moradabad Div.
9&esjB 196399 106909 303308 Meerut
10&ckxir 107305 66987 174292 Baghpat
11&xkft;kckn 50939 25261 76200 Ghaziabad
12&gkiqqM+ 87049 55359 142408 Hapur
13&xkSrecq) uxj 52888 48785 101673 G. B. Nagar
14&cqyUn'kgj 299082 240829 539911 Bulandshahar
esjB e.My 793662 544130 1337792 Meerut Div.
15&eFkqjk 266587 141128 407715 Mathura
16&vkxjk 258568 167550 426118 Agra
17&fQjkstkckn 178081 130215 308296 Firozabad
18&eSuiqjh 198085 129569 327654 Mainpuri
vkxjk e.My 901321 568462 1469783 Agra Div.
19&vyhx<+ 305083 261631 566714 Aligarh
20&gkFkjl 149228 106181 255409 Hathras
21&,Vk 197905 130428 328333 Etah
22&dklxat 143561 127529 271090 Kasganj
vyhx<+ e.My 795777 625769 1421546 Aligarh Div.
23&cnk;wW 347114 295899 643013 Badaun
24&cjsyh 326527 210272 536799 Bareilly
25&ihyhHkhr 230025 168982 399007 Pilibhit
26&'kkgtgkWiqj 364614 242548 607162 Shahjahanpur
cjsyh e.My 1268280 917701 2185981 Bareilly Div.
vuqo)--------- Contd.........

12&d`f"k @ Agriculture
12-1& m0iz0 esa Hkwfe mi;ksfxrk ds ftysokj vkadM+s
Districtwise Land Utilisation in UP.
¼{ks=Qy gs0 esa½ ( Area in Hect.)
okLrfod cks;k ,d ls vf/kd ckj ldy cks;k x;k
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= x;k {ks=Qy cks;k x;k {ks=Qy {ks=Qy Division/Region
Net area sown Area sown more than Gross cropped
once area
1 14 15 16 1
27&[khjh 479319 225194 704513 kheri
28&lhrkiqj 441773 228653 670426 Sitapur
29&gjnksbZ 421693 254097 675790 Hardoi
30&mUuko 314880 192931 507811 Unnao
31&y[kuÅ 132913 64851 197764 Lucknow
32&jk;cjsyh 224908 147972 372880 Raebareli
y[kuÅ e.My 2015486 1113698 3129184 Lucknow Div.
33&Q:Z[kkckn 173468 55090 228558 Farrukhabad
34&dUukSt 154962 109596 264558 Kannauj
35&bVkok 148779 107842 256621 Etawah
36&vkSjS;k 144022 106869 250891 Auraiya
37&dkuiqj nsgkr 218392 103809 322201 Kanpur Dehat
38&dkuiqj uxj 190977 72280 263257 Kanpur Nagar
dkuiqj e.My 1030600 555486 1586086 Kanpur Div.
39&tkykSu 345573 138739 484312 Jalaun
40&>kWlh 311590 176077 487667 Jhansi
41&yfyriqj 294572 204500 499072 Lalitpur
>kWlh e.My 951735 519316 1471051 Jhansi Div.
42&gehjiqj 283360 94843 378203 Hamirpur
43&egksck 208457 78998 287455 Mahoba
44&ckWnk 337593 124412 462005 Banda
45&fp=dwV 161017 23427 184444 Chitrakoot
fp=dwV /kke e.My 990427 321680 1312107 Chitrakoot Dham Div.
46&Qrsgiqj 286517 137216 423733 Fatehpur
47&izrkix<+ 228310 141778 370088 Pratapgarh
48&dkS'kkEch 122930 76431 199361 Kaushambi
49&iz;kxjkt 352989 221835 574824 Prayagraj
iz;kxjkt e.My 990746 577260 1568006 Prayagraj Div.
50&ckjkcadh 264603 275362 539965 Barabanki
51&v;ks/;k 179717 111633 291350 Ayodhya
52&vEcsMdjuxj 173658 117940 291598 Ambedkar Nagar
53&lqYrkuiqj 179994 113408 293402 Sultanpur
54&vesBh 145202 95213 240415 Amethi
v;ks/;k e.My 943174 713556 1656730 Ayodhya Div.
vuqo)--------- Contd.........

12&d`f"k @ Agriculture
12-1& m0iz0 esa Hkwfe mi;ksfxrk ds ftysokj vkadM+s
Districtwise Land Utilisation in UP.
¼{ks=Qy gs0 esa½ ( Area in Hect.)
okLrfod cks;k ,d ls vf/kd ckj ldy cks;k x;k
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= x;k {ks=Qy cks;k x;k {ks=Qy {ks=Qy Division/Region
Net area sown Area sown more than Gross cropped
once area
1 14 15 16 1
55&cgjkbp 333396 227813 561209 Bahraich
56&JkoLrh 121953 69568 191521 Shrawasti
57&cyjkeiqj 216240 147499 363739 Balrampur
58&xks.Mk 281460 161268 442728 Gonda
nsohikVu e.My 953049 606148 1559197 Devipatan Division
59&fl)kFkZuxj 228272 154650 382922 SiddharthNagar
60&cLrh 198768 140451 339219 Basti
61&lardchjuxj 113990 96811 210801 SantkabirNagar
cLrh e.My 541030 391912 932942 Basti Division
62&egjktxat 199144 169895 369039 Maharajganj
63&xksj[kiqj 237998 150600 388598 Gorakhpur
64&dq'khuxj 216822 123322 340144 KushiNagar
65&nsofj;k 196510 132740 329250 Deoria
xksj[kiqj e.My 850474 576557 1427031 GorakhpurDivision
66&vktex<+ 286664 221205 507869 Azamgarh
67&eÅ 120111 77196 197307 Mau
68&cfy;k 216842 136994 353836 Ballia
vktex<+ e.My 623617 435395 1059012 Azamgarh Division
69&tkSuiqj 276212 223251 499463 Jaunpur
70&xkthiqj 259574 189815 449389 Ghazipur
71&pUnkSyh 127738 105703 233441 Chandauli
72&okjk.klh 100853 63597 164450 Varanasi
okjk.klh e.My 764377 582366 1346743 Varanasi Division
73&larjfonkl uxj 67773 34218 101991 SantravidasNagar
74&fetkZiqj 210990 121498 332488 Mirzapur
75&lksuHknz 192445 98804 291249 Sonbhadra
foU/;kpy e.My 471208 254520 725728 Vindhyachal Division
1- if'peh lEHkkx 6032986 4052483 10085469 Western Region
2- dsUnzh; lEHkkx 2975975 1702365 4678340 Central Region
3- cqUnsy[k.M lEHkkx 1942162 840996 2783158 Bundelkhand Region
4- iwohZZ lEHkkx 5586555 3725136 9311691 Eastern Region
mRrj izns'k 16537678 10320980 26858658 Uttar pradesh
vuqo)--------- Contd.........

12&d`f"k @ Agriculture
12-1& m0iz0 esa Hkwfe mi;ksfxrk ds ftysokj vkadM+s
Districtwise Land Utilisation in UP.
¼{ks=Qy gs0 esa½ ( Area in Hect.)
izfr O;fDr 'kqð cks;k Qly xgurk
x;k {ks=Qy Year/District/Division/
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= Region
Per capita Net area sown Cropping Intensity

1 17 18 1
2011-12 0.08 154.78 2011-12
2013-14 0.08 156.51 2013-14
2014-15 0.08 157.53 2014-15
2015-16 0.08 159.11 2015-16
2016-17 0.08 162.70 2016-17
2017-18 0.07 162.40 2017-18
2018-19 0.07 162.41 2018-19
1&lgkjuiqj 0.07 162.85 Saharanpur
2&eqtQ~Qjuxj 0.07 148.61 Muzaffarnagar
3&'kkeyh 0.08 160.14 Shamli
lgkjuiqj e.My 157.16 Saharanpur div.
4&fctukSj 0.08 124.79 Bijnor
5&eqjknkckn 0.05 181.08 Moradabad
6&laHky 0.09 193.42 Sambhal
7&jkeiqj 0.07 190.87 Rampur
8&vejksgk 0.08 160.60 Amroha
eqjknkckn e.My 163.97 Moradabad Div.
9&esjB 0.05 154.43 Meerut
10&ckxir 0.08 162.43 Baghpat
11&xkft;kckn 0.01 149.59 Ghaziabad
12&gkiqMq + 0.06 163.60 Hapur
13&xkSrecq) uxj 0.03 192.24 G. B. Nagar
14&cqyUn'kgj 0.08 180.52 Bulandshahar
esjB e.My 168.56 Meerut Div.
15&eFkqjk 0.09 152.94 Mathura
16&vkxjk 0.05 164.80 Agra
17&fQjkstkckn 0.06 173.12 Firozabad
18&eSuiqjh 0.10 165.41 Mainpuri
vkxjk e.My 163.07 Agra Div.
19&vyhx<+ 0.07 185.76 Aligarh
20&gkFkjl 0.09 171.15 Hathras
21&,Vk 0.16 165.90 Etah
22&dklxat 0.09 188.83 Kasganj
vyhx<+ e.My 178.64 Aligarh Div.
23&cnk;wW 0.08 185.25 Badaun
24&cjsyh 0.06 164.40 Bareilly
25&ihyhHkhr 0.10 173.46 Pilibhit
26&'kkgtgkWiqj 0.11 166.52 Shahjahanpur
cjsyh e.My 172.36 Bareilly Div.

12&d`f"k @ Agriculture
12-1& m0iz0 esa Hkwfe mi;ksfxrk ds ftysokj vkadM+s
Districtwise Land Utilisation in UP.
¼{ks=Qy gs0 esa½ ( Area in Hect.)
izfr O;fDr 'kqð cks;k Qly xgurk
x;k {ks=Qy Year/District/Division/
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= Region
Per capita Net area sown Cropping Intensity

1 17 18 1
27&[khjh 0.10 146.98 kheri
28&lhrkiqj 0.09 151.76 Sitapur
29&gjnksbZ 0.09 160.26 Hardoi
30&mUuko 0.09 161.27 Unnao
31&y[kuÅ 0.02 148.79 Lucknow
32&jk;cjsyh 0.06 165.79 Raebareli
y[kuÅ e.My 155.26 Lucknow Div.
33&Q:Z[kkckn 0.08 131.76 Farrukhabad
34&dUukSt 0.08 170.72 Kannauj
35&bVkok 0.09 172.48 Etawah
36&vkSjS;k 0.10 174.20 Auraiya
37&dkuiqj nsgkr 0.11 147.53 Kanpur Dehat
38&dkuiqj uxj 0.04 137.85 Kanpur Nagar
dkuiqj e.My 153.90 Kanpur Div.
39&tkykSu 0.19 140.15 Jalaun
40&>kWlh 0.14 156.51 Jhansi
41&yfyriqj 0.21 169.42 Lalitpur
>kWlh e.My 154.57 Jhansi Div.
42&gehjiqj 0.25 133.47 Hamirpur
43&egksck 0.21 137.90 Mahoba
44&ckWnk 0.17 136.85 Banda
45&fp=dwV 0.14 114.55 Chitrakoot
fp=dwV /kke e.My 132.48 Chitrakoot Dham Div.
46&Qrsgiqj 0.10 147.89 Fatehpur
47&izrkix<+ 0.06 162.10 Pratapgarh
48&dkS'kkEch 0.07 162.17 Kaushambi
49&iz;kxjkt 0.05 162.84 Prayagraj
iz;kxjkt e.My 158.27 Prayagraj Div.
50&ckjkcadh 0.07 204.07 Barabanki
51&v;ks/;k 0.07 162.12 Ayodhya
52&vEcsMdjuxj 0.07 167.92 Ambedkar Nagar
53&lqYrkuiqj 0.07 163.01 Sultanpur
54&vesBh 0.08 165.57 Amethi
v;ks/;k e.My 175.65 Ayodhya Div.

12&d`f"k @ Agriculture
12-1& m0iz0 esa Hkwfe mi;ksfxrk ds ftysokj vkadM+s
Districtwise Land Utilisation in UP.
¼{ks=Qy gs0 esa½ ( Area in Hect.)
izfr O;fDr 'kqð cks;k Qly xgurk
x;k {ks=Qy Year/District/Division/
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= Region
Per capita Net area sown Cropping Intensity

1 17 18 1
55&cgjkbp 0.07 168.33 Bahraich
56&JkoLrh 0.12 157.04 Shrawasti
57&cyjkeiqj 0.09 168.21 Balrampur
58&xks.Mk 0.07 157.30 Gonda
nsohikVu e.My 163.60 Devipatan Division
59&fl)kFkZuxj 0.08 167.75 SiddharthNagar
60&cLrh 0.07 170.66 Basti
61&lardchjuxj 0.06 184.93 SantkabirNagar
cLrh e.My 172.44 Basti Division
62&egjktxat 0.06 185.31 Maharajganj
63&xksj[kiqj 0.05 163.28 Gorakhpur
64&dq'khuxj 0.05 156.88 KushiNagar
65&nsofj;k 0.06 167.55 Deoria
xksj[kiqj e.My 167.79 GorakhpurDivision
66&vktex<+ 0.06 177.17 Azamgarh
67&eÅ 0.05 164.27 Mau
68&cfy;k 0.06 163.18 Ballia
vktex<+ e.My 169.82 Azamgarh Division
69&tkSuiqj 0.06 180.83 Jaunpur
70&xkthiqj 0.06 173.13 Ghazipur
71&pUnkSyh 0.06 182.75 Chandauli
72&okjk.klh 0.02 163.06 Varanasi
okjk.klh e.My 176.19 Varanasi Division
73&larjfonkl uxj 0.04 150.49 SantravidasNagar
74&fetkZiqj 0.08 157.58 Mirzapur
75&lksuHknz 0.09 151.34 Sonbhadra
foU/;kpy e.My 154.01 Vindhyachal Division
1- if'peh lEHkkx 0.07 167.17 Western Region
2- dsUnzh; lEHkkx 0.07 157.20 Central Region
3- cqUnsy[k.M lEHkkx 0.18 143.30 Bundelkhand Region
4- iwohZZ lEHkkx 0.06 166.68 Eastern Region
mRrj izns'k 0.07 162.41 Uttar pradesh
òksr&d`f"k funs'kky;] m0iz0A Source- Agriculture Directorare, UP.

12& d`f"k @ Agriculture
12-2¼v½ m0iz0 esa izeq[k Qlyksa dk ftysokj {ks=Qy]mRiknu ,oa vkSlr mit
Districtwise Area, Production & Average Yield of Important Crops in UP.
¼{ks=Qy gs0 esa] mRiknu eh0Vu rFkk vkSlr mit dq0@gs0½ ( Area in Hect. Production M.T.& Average Yield in Qtls / Hect)

pkoy (Rice) Tokj (Jawar)

Year/District /
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= {ks=Qy mRiknu vkSlr mit {ks=Qy mRiknu vkSlr mit Division/ Region
Area Production Average Yield Area Production Average Yield
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1
2011-12 5902603 13916898 23.58 187455 217925 11.63 2011-12
2014-15 6136003 13840649 22.56 162373 719851 9.84 2014-15
2015-16* 5862040 12501160 21.33 154827 104769 6.77 2015-16*
2016-17* 5991708 14470352 24.15 182923 183020 10.01 2016-17*
2017-18* 5923632 15518603 26.20 169145 214815 12.70 2017-18*
2018-19* 5924128 16019695 27.04 147490 183966 12.47 2018-19*
2019-20* 5924349 17027889 28.74 168047 226638 13.49 2019-20*
1&lgkjuiqj 59720 161423 27.03 0 0 0.00 Saharanpur
2&eqtQ~Qjuxj 11776 32149 27.30 0 0 0.00 Muzaffarnagar
3&'kkeyh 20909 71383 34.14 0 0 0.00 Shamli
lgkjuiqj e.My 92405 264955 28.67 0 0 0.00 Saharanpur div.
4&fctukSj 58082 154208 26.55 0 0 0.00 Bijnor
5&eqjknkckn 93997 259431 27.60 36 40 11.14 Moradabad
6&laHky 39632 107759 27.19 156 174 11.14 Sambhal
7&jkeiqj 147115 422956 28.75 257 286 11.14 Rampur
8&vejksgk 26952 68728 25.50 0 0 0.00 Amroha
eqjknkckn e.My 365778 1013082 27.70 449 500 11.14 Moradabad Div.
9&esjB 17184 50229 29.23 0 0 0.00 Meerut
10&ckxir 9586 29506 30.78 0 0 0.00 Baghpat
11&xkft;kckn 10662 29758 27.91 0 0 0.00 Ghaziabad
12&gkiqqM+ 21653 62166 28.71 0 0 0.00 Hapur
13&xkSrecq) uxj 14791 43220 29.22 0 0 0.00 G. B. Nagar
14&cqyUn'kgj 97148 280467 28.87 7 8 11.15 Bulandshahar
esjB e.My 171024 495346 28.96 7 8 11.15 Meerut Div.
15&eFkqjk 49607 98420 19.84 14 16 11.16 Mathura
16&vkxjk 5330 13730 25.76 89 99 11.16 Agra
17&fQjkstkckn 22723 64533 28.40 106 118 11.16 Firozabad
18&eSuiqjh 63053 168919 26.79 387 432 11.16 Mainpuri
vkxjk e.My 140713 345602 24.56 596 665 11.16 Agra Div.
19&vyhx<+ 92758 242098 26.10 1 1 11.09 Aligarh
20&gkFkjl 22836 58254 25.51 8 9 11.09 Hathras
21&,Vk 19552 56916 29.11 0 0 0.00 Etah
22&dklxat 17890 57820 32.32 55 61 11.09 Kasganj
vyhx<+ e.My 153036 415088 27.12 64 71 11.09 Aligarh Div.
23&cnk;wW 78094 206090 26.39 0 0 0.00 Badaun
24&cjsyh 165971 396836 23.91 128 142 11.07 Bareilly
25&ihyhHkhr 139065 471569 33.91 0 0 0.00 Pilibhit
26&'kkgtgkWiqj 219087 774473 35.35 1060 1173 11.07 Shahjahanpur
cjsyh e.My 602217 1848968 30.70 1188 1315 11.07 Bareilly Div.

12& d`f"k @ Agriculture
12-2¼v½ m0iz0 esa izeq[k Qlyksa dk ftysokj {ks=Qy]mRiknu ,oa vkSlr mit
Districtwise Area, Production & Average Yield of Important Crops in UP.
¼{ks=Qy gs0 esa] mRiknu eh0Vu rFkk vkSlr mit dq0@gs0½ ( Area in Hect. Production M.T.& Average Yield in Qtls / Hect)

pkoy (Rice) Tokj (Jawar)

Year/District /
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= {ks=Qy mRiknu vkSlr mit {ks=Qy mRiknu vkSlr mit Division/ Region
Area Production Average Yield Area Production Average Yield
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1
27&[khjh 190426 616790 32.39 54 38 6.99 kheri
28&lhrkiqj 160017 468210 29.26 5720 3997 6.99 Sitapur
29&gjnksbZ 152762 453551 29.69 5732 6193 10.80 Hardoi
30&mUuko 96540 254286 26.34 3330 1900 5.71 Unnao
31&y[kuÅ 49610 121247 24.44 1886 1318 6.99 Lucknow
32&jk;cjsyh 88738 230186 25.94 4747 3024 6.37 Raebareli
y[kuÅ e.My 738093 2144270 29.05 21469 16470 7.67 Lucknow Div.
33&Q:Z[kkckn 14078 53257 37.83 5080 6576 12.95 Farrukhabad
34&dUukSt 20305 81159 39.97 518 671 12.95 Kannauj
35&bVkok 51152 159185 31.12 173 224 12.95 Etawah
36&vkSjS;k 47090 164910 35.02 987 1619 16.40 Auraiya
37&dkuiqj nsgkr 40433 140828 34.83 10803 14166 13.11 Kanpur Dehat
38&dkuiqj uxj 32127 110292 34.33 12440 18761 15.08 Kanpur Nagar
dkuiqj e.My 205185 709631 34.58 30001 42017 14.01 Kanpur Div.
39&tkykSu 401 1028 25.64 5471 7689 14.05 Jalaun
40&>kWlh 8485 20076 23.66 799 787 9.85 Jhansi
41&yfyriqj 1503 822 5.47 209 206 9.85 Lalitpur
>kWlh e.My 10389 21926 21.11 6479 8682 13.40 Jhansi Div.
42&gehjiqj 72 182 25.28 13049 14727 11.29 Hamirpur
43&egksck 243 614 25.27 2960 2114 7.14 Mahoba
44&ckWnk 46958 123734 26.35 22404 41439 18.50 Banda
45&fp=dwV 10206 20677 20.26 18212 28103 15.43 Chitrakoot
fp=dwV /kke e.My 57479 145207 25.26 56625 86383 15.26 Chitrakoot Dham Div.
46&Qrsgiqj 80346 241199 30.02 9198 14607 15.88 Fatehpur
47&izrkix<+ 94501 241734 25.58 3188 4102 12.87 Pratapgarh
48&dkS'kkEch 45313 114597 25.29 3851 3372 8.76 Kaushambi
49&iz;kxjkt 154773 483047 31.21 4854 6885 14.18 Prayagraj

iz;kxjkt e.My 374933 1080577 28.82 21091 28966 13.73 Prayagraj Div.
50&ckjkcadh 180663 613712 33.97 1304 1771 13.59 Barabanki
51&v;ks/;k 96155 284235 29.56 1628 2212 13.59 Ayodhya

52&vEcsMdjuxj 114525 352050 30.74 610 829 13.59 Ambedkar Nagar

53&lqYrkuiqj 91730 286198 31.20 4907 6667 13.59 Sultanpur
54&vesBh 119019 325517 27.35 3889 5284 13.59 Amethi
v;ks/;k e.My 602092 1861712 30.92 12338 16763 13.59 Ayodhya Div.

12& d`f"k @ Agriculture
12-2¼v½ m0iz0 esa izeq[k Qlyksa dk ftysokj {ks=Qy]mRiknu ,oa vkSlr mit
Districtwise Area, Production & Average Yield of Important Crops in UP.
¼{ks=Qy gs0 esa] mRiknu eh0Vu rFkk vkSlr mit dq0@gs0½ ( Area in Hect. Production M.T.& Average Yield in Qtls / Hect)

pkoy (Rice) Tokj (Jawar)

Year/District /
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= {ks=Qy mRiknu vkSlr mit {ks=Qy mRiknu vkSlr mit Division/ Region
Area Production Average Yield Area Production Average Yield
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1
55&cgjkbp 162178 433502 26.73 38 45 11.84 Bahraich

56&JkoLrh 77399 188080 24.30 0 0 0.00 Shrawasti

57&cyjkeiqj 107710 298572 27.72 0 0 0.00 Balrampur
58&xks.Mk 123720 318579 25.75 0 0 0.00 Gonda
nsohikVu e.My 471007 1238733 26.30 38 45 11.84 Devipatan Division

59&fl)kFkZuxj 173935 497106 28.58 0 0 0.00 SiddharthNagar

60&cLrh 105523 285651 27.07 0 0 0.00 Basti

61&lardchjuxj 90903 285709 31.43 1 1 7.90 SantkabirNagar

cLrh e.My 370361 1068466 28.85 1 1 7.90 Basti Division

62&egjktxat 163395 459794 28.14 0 0 0.00 Maharajganj
63&xksj[kiqj 146308 409078 27.96 0 0 0.00 Gorakhpur
64&dq'khuxj 123998 359842 29.02 0 0 0.00 KushiNagar
65&nsofj;k 127424 340477 26.72 40 69 17.25 Deoria

xksj[kiqj e.My 561125 1569191 27.97 40 69 17.25 GorakhpurDivision

66&vktex<+ 212454 526249 24.77 5 7 14.62 Azamgarh
67&eÅ 88817 237319 26.72 13 19 14.62 Mau
68&cfy;k 117384 333136 28.38 1726 2523 14.62 Ballia
vktex<+ e.My 418655 1096704 26.20 1744 2549 14.62 Azamgarh Division
69&tkSuiqj 140933 395176 28.04 3084 3484 11.30 Jaunpur
70&xkthiqj 146746 382273 26.05 2217 3090 13.94 Ghazipur
71&pUnkSyh 114283 381591 33.39 787 484 6.15 Chandauli
72&okjk.klh 47540 126266 26.56 2443 4888 20.01 Varanasi
okjk.klh e.My 449502 1285306 28.59 8531 11946 14.00 Varanasi Division
73&larjfonkl uxj 27477 84492 30.75 1439 1839 12.78 SantravidasNagar
74&fetkZiqj 82961 251455 30.31 3364 5251 15.61 Mirzapur

75&lksuHknz 29917 87178 29.14 2583 3098 12.02 Sonbhadra

foU/;kpy e.My 140355 423125 30.15 7386 10188 13.79 Vindhyachal Division
1- if'peh lEHkkx 1657798 4841552 29.20 9062 11649 12.85 Western Region
2- dsUnzh; lEHkkx 1071662 3250301 30.33 55214 65775 11.91 Central Region
3- cqUnsy[k.M lEHkkx 67868 167133 24.63 63104 95065 15.06 Bundelkhand Region
4- iwohZZ lEHkkx 3127021 8768903 28.04 40667 54149 13.32 Eastern Region
mRrj izns'k 5924349 17027889 28.74 168047 226638 13.49 Uttar pradesh
vuqo)--------- Contd.........
*vuafre *Provisional

12& d`f"k @ Agriculture
12-2¼v½ m0iz0 esa izeq[k Qlyksa dk ftysokj {ks=Qy]mRiknu ,oa vkSlr mit
Districtwise Area, Production & Average Yield of Important Crops in UP.

¼{ks=Qy gs0 esa] mRiknu eh0Vu rFkk vkSlr mit dq0@gs0½ ( Area in Hect. Production M.T.& Average Yield in Qtls / Hect)

cktjk (Bajara) eDdk (Maize) Year/District/Division /

o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= {ks=Qy mRiknu vkSlr mit {ks=Qy mRiknu vkSlr mit

Area Production Average Yield Area Production Average Yield

1 8 9 10 11 12 13 1
2011-12 913545 1652020 18.08 756607 1273077 16.83 2011-12
2014-15 973484 1843143 18.93 691278 1275183 18.45 2014-15
2015-16* 974881 1775698 18.21 605036 1118656 18.49 2015-16*
2016-17* 907173 1736339 19.14 806480 1524658 18.91 2016-17*
2017-18* 925397 1795148 19.40 724343 1598893 22.07 2017-18*
2018-19* 876724 1779291 20.29 733025 1524873 20.80 2018-19*
2019-20* 917090 1939329 21.15 729073 1804132 24.75 2019-20*
1&lgkjuiqj 2 4 21.38 7060 18031 25.54 Saharanpur
2&eqtQ~Qjuxj 0 0 0.00 40 102 25.50 Muzaffarnagar
3&'kkeyh 0 0 0.00 103 263 25.53 Shamli
lgkjuiqj e.My 2 4 21.38 7203 18396 25.54 Saharanpur div.
4&fctukSj 0 0 0.00 88 141 16.02 Bijnor
5&eqjknkckn 3666 6027 16.44 165 285 17.27 Moradabad
6&laHky 71900 100155 13.93 5936 10639 17.92 Sambhal
7&jkeiqj 4398 7362 16.74 120 218 18.17 Rampur
8&vejksgk 3256 3484 10.70 2513 4783 19.03 Amroha
eqjknkckn e.My 83220 117028 14.06 8822 16066 18.21 Moradabad Div.
9&esjB 0 0 0.00 375 817 21.79 Meerut
10&ckxir 641 1212 18.91 24 59 24.58 Baghpat
11&xkft;kckn 422 798 18.91 257 637 24.79 Ghaziabad
12&gkiqqM+ 1 2 18.91 1166 2732 23.43 Hapur
13&xkSrecq) uxj 1543 2401 15.56 685 1698 24.79 G. B. Nagar
14&cqyUn'kgj 12978 24996 19.26 38691 96142 24.85 Bulandshahar
esjB e.My 15585 29409 18.87 41198 102085 24.78 Meerut Div.
15&eFkqjk 41016 93968 22.91 115 404 35.13 Mathura
16&vkxjk 118486 293964 24.81 172 459 26.69 Agra
17&fQjkstkckn 76497 179834 23.51 8158 25319 31.04 Firozabad
18&eSuiqjh 18698 56580 30.26 40661 144375 35.51 Mainpuri
vkxjk e.My 254697 624346 24.51 49106 170557 34.73 Agra Div.
19&vyhx<+ 84345 196598 23.31 14077 36282 25.77 Aligarh
20&gkFkjl 44214 102817 23.25 4179 10014 23.96 Hathras
21&,Vk 45875 126569 27.59 26498 121351 45.80 Etah
22&dklxat 39126 121291 31.00 38437 129555 33.71 Kasganj
vyhx<+ e.My 213560 547275 25.63 83191 297202 35.73 Aligarh Div.
23&cnk;wW 101980 162658 15.95 5709 13104 22.95 Badaun
24&cjsyh 7827 12452 15.91 210 495 23.57 Bareilly
25&ihyhHkhr 0 0 0.00 2474 6052 24.46 Pilibhit
26&'kkgtgkWiqj 3614 6050 16.74 1890 4179 22.11 Shahjahanpur
cjsyh e.My 113421 181160 15.97 10283 23830 23.17 Bareilly Div.

12& d`f"k @ Agriculture
12-2¼v½ m0iz0 esa izeq[k Qlyksa dk ftysokj {ks=Qy]mRiknu ,oa vkSlr mit
Districtwise Area, Production & Average Yield of Important Crops in UP.

¼{ks=Qy gs0 esa] mRiknu eh0Vu rFkk vkSlr mit dq0@gs0½ ( Area in Hect. Production M.T.& Average Yield in Qtls / Hect)

cktjk (Bajara) eDdk (Maize) Year/District/Division /

o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= {ks=Qy mRiknu vkSlr mit {ks=Qy mRiknu vkSlr mit

Area Production Average Yield Area Production Average Yield

1 8 9 10 11 12 13 1
27&[khjh 751 1199 15.97 6641 10292 15.50 kheri
28&lhrkiqj 2349 1873 7.97 10767 12154 11.29 Sitapur
29&gjnksbZ 3431 6907 20.13 32559 77581 23.83 Hardoi
30&mUuko 1423 2272 15.97 27330 54037 19.77 Unnao
31&y[kuÅ 913 1458 15.97 1527 2553 16.72 Lucknow
32&jk;cjsyh 586 936 15.97 176 449 25.51 Raebareli
y[kuÅ e.My 9453 14645 15.49 79000 157066 19.88 Lucknow Div.
33&Q:Z[kkckn 4074 10518 25.82 32203 128503 39.90 Farrukhabad
34&dUukSt 1263 2597 20.56 55078 253198 45.97 Kannauj
35&bVkok 35237 89094 25.28 5417 15045 27.77 Etawah
36&vkSjS;k 30683 79216 25.82 9887 26885 27.19 Auraiya
37&dkuiqj nsgkr 17556 45197 25.74 13113 50420 38.45 Kanpur Dehat
38&dkuiqj uxj 1158 2026 17.50 23695 64250 27.12 Kanpur Nagar
dkuiqj e.My 89971 228648 25.41 139393 538301 38.62 Kanpur Div.
39&tkykSu 14663 27727 18.91 6 4 6.67 Jalaun
40&>kWlh 23 43 18.91 1255 501 3.99 Jhansi
41&yfyriqj 0 0 0.00 22812 17063 7.48 Lalitpur
>kWlh e.My 14686 27770 18.91 24073 17568 7.30 Jhansi Div.
42&gehjiqj 514 949 18.47 4 10 25.00 Hamirpur
43&egksck 28 52 18.47 5 12 24.00 Mahoba
44&ckWnk 3268 5989 18.33 2 5 25.00 Banda
45&fp=dwV 10810 19969 18.47 5 12 24.00 Chitrakoot
fp=dwV /kke e.My 14620 26959 18.44 16 39 24.38 Chitrakoot Dham Div.
46&Qrsgiqj 6592 12901 19.57 427 787 18.43 Fatehpur
47&izrkix<+ 11475 14069 12.26 549 1017 18.52 Pratapgarh
48&dkS'kkEch 10600 12181 11.49 1793 3340 18.63 Kaushambi
49&iz;kxjkt 27043 33323 12.32 181 392 21.66 Prayagraj
iz;kxjkt e.My 55710 72474 13.01 2950 5536 18.77 Prayagraj Div.
50&ckjkcadh 443 957 21.61 3016 4387 14.55 Barabanki
51&v;ks/;k 1 2 21.61 2324 3967 17.07 Ayodhya
52&vEcsMdjuxj 9 19 21.61 712 1219 17.12 Ambedkar Nagar
53&lqYrkuiqj 214 463 21.61 4941 6357 12.87 Sultanpur
54&vesBh 426 921 21.61 507 726 14.32 Amethi
v;ks/;k e.My 1093 2362 21.61 11500 16656 14.48 Ayodhya Div.

12& d`f"k @ Agriculture
12-2¼v½ m0iz0 esa izeq[k Qlyksa dk ftysokj {ks=Qy]mRiknu ,oa vkSlr mit
Districtwise Area, Production & Average Yield of Important Crops in UP.

¼{ks=Qy gs0 esa] mRiknu eh0Vu rFkk vkSlr mit dq0@gs0½ ( Area in Hect. Production M.T.& Average Yield in Qtls / Hect)

cktjk (Bajara) eDdk (Maize) Year/District/Division /

o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= {ks=Qy mRiknu vkSlr mit {ks=Qy mRiknu vkSlr mit

Area Production Average Yield Area Production Average Yield

1 8 9 10 11 12 13 1
55&cgjkbp 30 64 21.25 80459 126734 15.75 Bahraich
56&JkoLrh 2 4 21.25 16187 15881 9.81 Shrawasti
57&cyjkeiqj 0 0 0.00 3306 4862 14.71 Balrampur
58&xks.Mk 0 0 0.00 48846 63159 12.93 Gonda
nsohikVu e.My 32 68 21.25 148798 210636 14.16 Devipatan Division
59&fl)kFkZuxj 0 0 0.00 390 312 8.00 SiddharthNagar
60&cLrh 0 0 0.00 2853 2313 8.11 Basti
61&lardchjuxj 13 30 23.08 1597 1248 7.81 SantkabirNagar
cLrh e.My 13 30 23.08 4840 3873 8.00 Basti Division
62&egjktxat 0 0 0.00 434 1063 24.49 Maharajganj
63&xksj[kiqj 8 17 21.92 3018 3923 13.00 Gorakhpur
64&dq'khuxj 181 397 21.92 7625 24535 32.18 KushiNagar
65&nsofj;k 139 305 21.92 7577 19178 25.31 Deoria
xksj[kiqj e.My 328 719 21.92 18654 48699 26.11 GorakhpurDivision
66&vktex<+ 112 242 21.60 8436 14084 16.70 Azamgarh
67&eÅ 48 104 21.60 483 860 17.81 Mau
68&cfy;k 460 993 21.60 25956 34225 13.19 Ballia
vktex<+ e.My 620 1339 21.60 34875 49169 14.10 Azamgarh Division
69&tkSuiqj 7093 11039 15.56 44196 99868 22.60 Jaunpur
70&xkthiqj 14566 19525 13.40 717 669 9.33 Ghazipur
71&pUnkSyh 4889 4394 8.99 63 147 23.33 Chandauli
72&okjk.klh 5544 8111 14.63 3296 6046 18.34 Varanasi
okjk.klh e.My 32092 43069 13.42 48272 106730 22.11 Varanasi Division
73&larjfonkl uxj 8383 9108 10.86 614 787 12.82 SantravidasNagar
74&fetkZiqj 9414 12654 13.44 1284 1151 8.96 Mirzapur
75&lksuHknz 190 262 13.79 15001 19785 13.19 Sonbhadra
foU/;kpy e.My 17987 22024 12.24 16899 21723 12.85 Vindhyachal Division
1- if'peh lEHkkx 751742 1680647 22.36 302388 1051767 34.78 Western Region
2- dsUnzh; lEHkkx 35202 75726 21.51 119251 276910 23.22 Central Region
3- cqUnsy[k.M lEHkkx 29306 54729 18.68 24089 17607 7.31 Bundelkhand Region
4- iwohZZ lEHkkx 100840 128227 12.72 283345 457848 16.16 Eastern Region
mRrj izns'k 917090 1939329 21.15 729073 1804132 24.75 Uttar pradesh
vuqo)--------- Contd.........
*vuafre *Provisional

12& d`f"k @ Agriculture
12-2¼v½ m0iz0 esa izeq[k Qlyksa dk ftysokj {ks=Qy]mRiknu ,oa vkSlr mit
Districtwise Area, Production & Average Yield of Important Crops in UP.

¼{ks=Qy gs0 esa] mRiknu eh0Vu rFkk vkSlr mit dq0@gs0½ ( Area in Hect. Production M.T.& Average Yield in Qtls / Hect)

xsgWw ( Wheat ) puk (Gram)

o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= {ks=Qy mRiknu vkSlr mit {ks=Qy mRiknu vkSlr mit

Year/District/Division /
Area Production Average Area Production Average Yield
1 14 15 16 17 18 19 1
2011-12 9792795 32149939 32.83 600580 710267 11.83 2011-12
2014-15 10047401 20364924 20.27 533773 169811 3.18 2014-45
2015-16* 9644838 26874361 27.86 267629 163409 6.11 2015-16*
2016-17* 9884913 34971381 35.38 561686 626294 11.15 2016-17*
2017-18* 9752941 35645666 36.55 500762 578550 11.55 2017-18*
2018-19* 9855900 38039724 38.60 572383 727945 12.72 2018-19*
2019-20* 9852504 36209665 36.75 620776 851211 13.71 2019-20*
1&lgkjuiqj 111829 435238 38.92 6 8 13.44 Saharanpur
2&eqtQ~Qjuxj 81330 323775 39.81 128 172 13.44 Muzaffarnagar
3&'kkeyh 48689 231711 47.59 3 4 13.44 Shamli
lgkjuiqj e.My 241848 990724 40.96 137 184 13.44 Saharanpur div.
4&fctukSj 145884 510448 34.99 42 56 13.44 Bijnor
5&eqjknkckn 125107 471153 37.66 20 27 13.44 Moradabad
6&laHky 138781 572194 41.23 3 4 13.44 Sambhal
7&jkeiqj 145657 597776 41.04 0 0 0.00 Rampur
8&vejksgk 89939 348334 38.73 0 0 0.00 Amroha
eqjknkckn e.My 645368 2499905 38.74 65 87 13.44 Moradabad Div.
9&esjB 74650 340180 45.57 0 0 0.00 Meerut
10&ckxir 55446 250782 45.23 0 0 0.00 Baghpat
11&xkft;kckn 29429 120894 41.08 0 0 0.00 Ghaziabad
12&gkiqqM+ 42066 188624 44.84 0 0 0.00 Hapur
13&xkSrecq) uxj 44802 189199 42.23 0 0 0.00 G. B. Nagar
14&cqyUn'kgj 192762 843719 43.77 45 60 13.44 Bulandshahar
esjB e.My 439155 1933398 44.03 45 60 13.44 Meerut Div.
15&eFkqjk 195767 557349 28.47 0 0 0.00 Mathura
16&vkxjk 137283 555307 40.45 714 1103 15.45 Agra
17&fQjkstkckn 101892 412663 40.50 231 357 15.45 Firozabad
18&eSuiqjh 150224 635448 42.30 890 1375 15.45 Mainpuri
vkxjk e.My 585166 2160767 36.93 1835 2835 15.45 Agra Div.
19&vyhx<+ 223574 921572 41.22 24 32 13.44 Aligarh
20&gkFkjl 82795 330683 39.94 10 14 13.44 Hathras
21&,Vk 136510 566653 41.51 215 289 13.44 Etah
22&dklxat 95297 373945 39.24 55 74 13.44 Kasganj
vyhx<+ e.My 538176 2192853 40.75 304 409 13.44 Aligarh Div.
23&cnk;wW 250941 1023839 40.80 0 0 0.00 Badaun
24&cjsyh 199331 629487 31.58 108 145 13.44 Bareilly
25&ihyhHkhr 138554 594812 42.93 41 55 13.44 Pilibhit
26&'kkgtgkWiqj 256371 1113932 43.45 60 81 13.44 Shahjahanpur
cjsyh e.My 845197 3362070 39.78 209 281 13.44 Bareilly Div.

12& d`f"k @ Agriculture
12-2¼v½ m0iz0 esa izeq[k Qlyksa dk ftysokj {ks=Qy]mRiknu ,oa vkSlr mit
Districtwise Area, Production & Average Yield of Important Crops in UP.

¼{ks=Qy gs0 esa] mRiknu eh0Vu rFkk vkSlr mit dq0@gs0½ ( Area in Hect. Production M.T.& Average Yield in Qtls / Hect)

xsgWw ( Wheat ) puk (Gram)

o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= {ks=Qy mRiknu vkSlr mit {ks=Qy mRiknu vkSlr mit

Year/District/Division /
Area Production Average Area Production Average Yield
1 14 15 16 17 18 19 1
27&[khjh 195264 826357 42.32 206 145 7.02 kheri
28&lhrkiqj 208656 700876 33.59 482 338 7.02 Sitapur
29&gjnksbZ 315210 1125615 35.71 588 412 7.02 Hardoi
30&mUuko 242533 801572 33.05 2957 3620 12.24 Unnao
31&y[kuÅ 83026 257381 31.00 1210 849 7.02 Lucknow
32&jk;cjsyh 133141 447753 33.63 5699 4360 7.65 Raebareli
y[kuÅ e.My 1177830 4159554 35.32 11142 9724 8.82 Lucknow Division
33&Q:Z[kkckn 76309 320956 42.06 683 952 13.94 Farrukhabad
34&dUukSt 78249 348180 44.50 957 1334 13.94 Kannauj
35&bVkok 95396 392364 41.13 1655 2307 13.94 Etawah
36&vkSjS;k 102910 399702 38.84 4590 6641 14.47 Auraiya
37&dkuiqj nsgkr 122451 520962 42.54 24328 34700 14.26 Kanpur Dehat
38&dkuiqj uxj 102937 418465 40.65 16106 22592 14.03 Kanpur Nagar
dkuiqj e.My 578252 2400629 41.52 48319 68526 14.18 Kanpur Division
39&tkykSu 149023 556303 37.33 44225 65600 14.83 Jalaun
40&>kWlh 148822 508550 34.17 73306 135352 18.46 Jhansi
41&yfyriqj 171271 548410 32.02 20504 32191 15.70 Lalitpur
>kWlh e.My 469116 1613263 34.39 138035 233143 16.89 Jhansi Division
42&gehjiqj 111468 364655 32.71 84227 99430 11.81 Hamirpur
43&egksck 84331 242804 28.79 78961 130413 16.52 Mahoba
44&ckWnk 161834 461299 28.50 94201 124380 13.20 Banda
45&fp=dwV 53793 142714 26.53 44040 43400 9.85 Chitrakoot
fp=dwV /kke e.My 411426 1211472 29.45 301429 397623 13.19 Chitrakoot Dham Div.
46&Qrsgiqj 179472 710602 39.59 28143 34006 12.08 Fatehpur
47&izrkix<+ 148014 508428 34.35 3556 3895 10.95 Pratapgarh
48&dkS'kkEch 73961 230766 31.20 12958 16902 13.04 Kaushambi
49&iz;kxjkt 210714 593160 28.15 14779 13749 9.30 Prayagraj
iz;kxjkt e.My 612161 2042956 33.37 59436 68552 11.53 Prayagraj Division
50&ckjkcadh 166367 672289 40.41 695 528 7.59 Barabanki
51&v;ks/;k 110184 409113 37.13 1641 1246 7.59 Ayodhya
52&vEcsMdjuxj 119046 466422 39.18 1388 1054 7.59 AmbedkarNagar
53&lqYrkuiqj 104036 412815 39.68 3882 2947 7.59 Sultanpur
54&vesBh 126155 389314 30.86 2782 2112 7.59 Amethi
v;ks/;k e.My 625788 2349953 37.55 10388 7887 7.59 Ayodhya Division

12& d`f"k @ Agriculture
12-2¼v½ m0iz0 esa izeq[k Qlyksa dk ftysokj {ks=Qy]mRiknu ,oa vkSlr mit
Districtwise Area, Production & Average Yield of Important Crops in UP.

¼{ks=Qy gs0 esa] mRiknu eh0Vu rFkk vkSlr mit dq0@gs0½ ( Area in Hect. Production M.T.& Average Yield in Qtls / Hect)

xsgWw ( Wheat ) puk (Gram)

o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= {ks=Qy mRiknu vkSlr mit {ks=Qy mRiknu vkSlr mit

Year/District/Division /
Area Production Average Area Production Average Yield
1 14 15 16 17 18 19 1
55&cgjkbp 157415 482160 30.63 233 314 13.47 Bahraich
56&JkoLrh 70486 233943 33.19 126 170 13.47 Shrawasti
57&cyjkeiqj 88122 324641 36.84 527 709 13.47 Balrampur
58&xks.Mk 155438 510148 32.82 692 932 13.47 Gonda
nsohikVu e.My 471461 1550892 32.90 1578 2125 13.47 Devipatan Division
59&fl)kFkZuxj 157091 636847 40.54 15 20 13.47 SiddharthNagar
60&cLrh 120160 369252 30.73 752 1013 13.47 Basti
61&lardchjuxj 90988 355399 39.06 368 496 13.47 SantkabirNagar
cLrh e.My 368239 1361498 36.97 1135 1529 13.47 Basti Division
62&egjktxat 148985 600708 40.32 0 0 0.00 Maharajganj
63&xksj[kiqj 190449 703896 36.96 496 622 12.55 Gorakhpur
64&dq'khuxj 119461 441528 36.96 3 4 12.55 KushiNagar
65&nsofj;k 153059 513972 33.58 125 157 12.55 Deoria
xksj[kiqj e.My 611954 2260104 36.93 624 783 12.55 GorakhpurDivision
66&vktex<+ 232369 802368 34.53 3231 3552 10.99 Azamgarh
67&eÅ 95061 329291 34.64 1397 1536 10.99 Mau
68&cfy;k 137020 522432 38.13 3285 6026 18.34 Ballia
vktex<+ e.My 464450 1654091 35.61 7913 11114 14.05 Azamgarh Division
69&tkSuiqj 210908 758214 35.95 4891 6810 13.92 Jaunpur
70&xkthiqj 184666 636359 34.46 4470 7902 17.68 Ghazipur
71&pUnkSyh 100039 340833 34.07 1735 2395 13.80 Chandauli
72&okjk.klh 68369 225602 33.00 2042 4043 19.80 Varanasi
okjk.klh e.My 563982 1961008 34.77 13138 21150 16.10 Varanasi Division
73&larjfonkl uxj 46356 127287 27.46 560 482 8.61 SantravidasNagar
74&fetkZiqj 96236 233240 24.24 13313 11266 8.46 Mirzapur
75&lksuHknz 60343 144001 23.86 11171 13451 12.04 Sonbhadra
foU/;kpy e.My 202935 504528 24.86 25044 25199 10.06 Vindhyachal Division
1- if'peh lEHkkx 3647774 14600919 40.03 10480 15090 14.40 Western Region
2- dsUnzh; lEHkkx 1749057 6481872 37.06 80414 101550 12.63 Central Region
3- cqUnsy[k.M lEHkkx 880542 2824735 32.08 439464 630766 14.35 Bundelkhand Region
4- iwohZZ lEHkkx 3575131 12302139 34.41 90418 103805 11.48 Eastern Region
mRrj izns'k 9852504 36209665 36.75 620776 851211 13.71 Uttar pradesh
vuqo)--------- Contd.........

12& d`f"k @ Agriculture
12-2¼v½ m0iz0 esa izeq[k Qlyksa dk ftysokj {ks=Qy]mRiknu ,oa vkSlr mit
Districtwise Area, Production & Average Yield of Important Crops in UP.

¼{ks=Qy gs0 esa] mRiknu eh0Vu rFkk vkSlr mit dq0@gs0½ ( Area in Hect. Production M.T.& Average Yield in Qtls / Hect)

vU; nkysa (Other Pulses) dqy nkysa (Total Pulses)

o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= {ks=Qy mRiknu vkSlr mit {ks=Qy mRiknu vkSlr mit Year/District/Division / Region

Area Production Average Area Production Average

Yield Yield
1 20 21 22 23 24 25 1
2011-12 1815479 1687038 9.29 2416059 2397305 9.92 2011-12
2014-15 1721943 1014393 5.89 2255716 1184204 5.25 2014-15
2015-16* 1613211 948914 5.88 1880840 1112323 5.91 2015-16*
2016-17* 1946449 1768749 9.09 2508135 2395043 9.55 2016-17*
2017-18* 1763183 1623152 9.21 2263945 2201702 9.73 2017-18*
2018-19* 1718453 1680040 9.78 2290836 2407985 10.51 2018-19*
2019-20* 1749706 1596134 9.12 2370482 2447345 10.32 2019-20*
1&lgkjuiqj 3583 1599 4.46 3589 1607 4.48 Saharanpur
2&eqtQ~Qjuxj 1524 735 4.82 1652 907 5.49 Muzaffarnagar
3&'kkeyh 1271 583 4.59 1274 587 4.61 Shamli
lgkjuiqj e.My 6378 2917 4.57 6515 3101 4.76 Saharanpur div.
4&fctukSj 2528 2605 10.30 2570 2661 10.35 Bijnor
5&eqjknkckn 4674 3600 7.70 4694 3627 7.73 Moradabad
6&laHky 15422 13149 8.53 15425 13153 8.53 Sambhal
7&jkeiqj 5959 5807 9.74 5959 5807 9.74 Rampur
8&vejksgk 2891 2259 7.81 2891 2259 7.81 Amroha
eqjknkckn e.My 31474 27420 8.71 31539 27507 8.72 Moradabad Div.
9&esjB 3074 3381 11.00 3074 3381 11.00 Meerut
10&ckxir 1547 1454 9.40 1547 1454 9.40 Baghpat
11&xkft;kckn 728 666 9.15 728 666 9.15 Ghaziabad
12&gkiqqM+ 2423 2449 10.11 2423 2449 10.11 Hapur
13&xkSrecq) uxj 1316 1231 9.35 1316 1231 9.35 G. B. Nagar
14&cqyUn'kgj 12450 11684 9.38 12495 11744 9.40 Bulandshahar
esjB e.My 21538 20865 9.69 21583 20925 9.70 Meerut Div.
15&eFkqjk 4693 4402 9.38 4693 4402 9.38 Mathura
16&vkxjk 1569 1513 9.64 2283 2616 11.46 Agra
17&fQjkstkckn 4039 5285 13.08 4270 5642 13.21 Firozabad
18&eSuiqjh 7439 10929 14.69 8329 12304 14.77 Mainpuri
vkxjk e.My 17740 22129 12.47 19575 24964 12.75 Agra Div.
19&vyhx<+ 13861 8583 6.19 13885 8615 6.20 Aligarh
20&gkFkjl 6682 6036 9.03 6692 6050 9.04 Hathras
21&,Vk 8096 7161 8.85 8311 7450 8.96 Etah
22&dklxat 5478 3836 7.00 5533 3910 7.07 Kasganj
vyhx<+ e.My 34117 25616 7.51 34421 26025 7.56 Aligarh Div.
23&cnk;wW 43119 57016 13.22 43119 57016 13.22 Badaun
24&cjsyh 12208 16179 13.25 12316 16324 13.25 Bareilly
25&ihyhHkhr 772 940 12.18 813 995 12.24 Pilibhit
26&'kkgtgkWiqj 32415 30370 9.37 32475 30451 9.38 Shahjahanpur
cjsyh e.My 88514 104505 11.81 88723 104786 11.81 Bareilly Div.

12& d`f"k @ Agriculture
12-2¼v½ m0iz0 esa izeq[k Qlyksa dk ftysokj {ks=Qy]mRiknu ,oa vkSlr mit
Districtwise Area, Production & Average Yield of Important Crops in UP.

¼{ks=Qy gs0 esa] mRiknu eh0Vu rFkk vkSlr mit dq0@gs0½ ( Area in Hect. Production M.T.& Average Yield in Qtls / Hect)

vU; nkysa (Other Pulses) dqy nkysa (Total Pulses)

o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= {ks=Qy mRiknu vkSlr mit {ks=Qy mRiknu vkSlr mit Year/District/Division / Region

Area Production Average Area Production Average

Yield Yield
1 20 21 22 23 24 25 1
27&[khjh 16307 13197 8.09 16513 13342 8.08 kheri
28&lhrkiqj 36178 22058 6.10 36660 22396 6.11 Sitapur
29&gjnksbZ 32043 22121 6.90 32631 22533 6.91 Hardoi
30&mUuko 40476 30216 7.47 43433 33836 7.79 Unnao
31&y[kuÅ 6963 4780 6.86 8173 5629 6.89 Lucknow
32&jk;cjsyh 22091 8586 3.89 27790 12946 4.66 Raebareli
y[kuÅ e.My 154058 100958 6.55 165200 110682 6.70 Lucknow Division
33&Q:Z[kkckn 6848 6321 9.23 7531 7273 9.66 Farrukhabad
34&dUukSt 5312 5958 11.22 6269 7292 11.63 Kannauj
35&bVkok 10293 11679 11.35 11948 13986 11.71 Etawah
36&vkSjS;k 8319 9033 10.86 12909 15674 12.14 Auraiya
37&dkuiqj nsgkr 18430 26489 14.37 42758 61189 14.31 Kanpur Dehat
38&dkuiqj uxj 17838 14457 8.10 33944 37049 10.91 Kanpur Nagar
dkuiqj e.My 67040 73937 11.03 115359 142463 12.35 Kanpur Division
39&tkykSu 106996 172962 16.17 151221 238562 15.78 Jalaun
40&>kWlh 136890 148263 10.83 210196 283615 13.49 Jhansi
41&yfyriqj 238751 143799 6.02 259255 175990 6.79 Lalitpur
>kWlh e.My 482637 465024 9.64 620672 698167 11.25 Jhansi Division
42&gehjiqj 70666 58205 8.24 154893 157635 10.18 Hamirpur
43&egksck 117993 96700 8.20 196954 227113 11.53 Mahoba
44&ckWnk 57718 71450 12.38 151919 195830 12.89 Banda
45&fp=dwV 40475 30626 7.57 84515 74026 8.76 Chitrakoot
fp=dwV /kke e.My 286852 256981 8.96 588281 654604 11.13 Chitrakoot Dham Div.
46&Qrsgiqj 33907 32160 9.48 62050 66166 10.66 Fatehpur
47&izrkix<+ 22665 18924 8.35 26221 22819 8.70 Pratapgarh
48&dkS'kkEch 8595 7156 8.33 21553 24058 11.16 Kaushambi
49&iz;kxjkt 35723 29051 8.13 50502 42800 8.47 Prayagraj
iz;kxjkt e.My 100890 87291 8.65 160326 155843 9.72 Prayagraj Division
50&ckjkcadh 25956 20019 7.71 26651 20547 7.71 Barabanki
51&v;ks/;k 11653 10391 8.92 13294 11637 8.75 Ayodhya
52&vEcsMdjuxj 8340 9494 11.38 9728 10548 10.84 AmbedkarNagar
53&lqYrkuiqj 22911 24233 10.58 26793 27180 10.14 Sultanpur
54&vesBh 20384 19624 9.63 23166 21736 9.38 Amethi
v;ks/;k e.My 89244 83761 9.39 99632 91648 9.20 Ayodhya Division

12& d`f"k @ Agriculture
12-2¼v½ m0iz0 esa izeq[k Qlyksa dk ftysokj {ks=Qy]mRiknu ,oa vkSlr mit
Districtwise Area, Production & Average Yield of Important Crops in UP.

¼{ks=Qy gs0 esa] mRiknu eh0Vu rFkk vkSlr mit dq0@gs0½ ( Area in Hect. Production M.T.& Average Yield in Qtls / Hect)

vU; nkysa (Other Pulses) dqy nkysa (Total Pulses)

o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= {ks=Qy mRiknu vkSlr mit {ks=Qy mRiknu vkSlr mit Year/District/Division / Region

Area Production Average Area Production Average

Yield Yield
1 20 21 22 23 24 25 1
55&cgjkbp 55409 37064 6.69 55642 37378 6.72 Bahraich
56&JkoLrh 23769 15493 6.52 23895 15663 6.55 Shrawasti
57&cyjkeiqj 36594 31536 8.62 37121 32245 8.69 Balrampur
58&xks.Mk 26610 24932 9.37 27302 25864 9.47 Gonda
nsohikVu e.My 142382 109025 7.66 143960 111150 7.72 Devipatan Division
59&fl)kFkZuxj 8827 7407 8.39 8842 7427 8.40 SiddharthNagar
60&cLrh 10198 8158 8.00 10950 9171 8.38 Basti
61&lardchjuxj 8187 6305 7.70 8555 6801 7.95 SantkabirNagar
cLrh e.My 27212 21870 8.04 28347 23399 8.25 Basti Division
62&egjktxat 10410 7630 7.33 10410 7630 7.33 Maharajganj
63&xksj[kiqj 6740 5030 7.46 7236 5652 7.81 Gorakhpur
64&dq'khuxj 5572 3812 6.84 5575 3816 6.84 KushiNagar
65&nsofj;k 6199 3584 5.78 6324 3741 5.92 Deoria
xksj[kiqj e.My 28921 20056 6.93 29545 20839 7.05 GorakhpurDivision
66&vktex<+ 14428 16122 11.17 17659 19674 11.14 Azamgarh
67&eÅ 4076 4578 11.23 5473 6114 11.17 Mau
68&cfy;k 27584 32292 11.71 30869 38318 12.41 Ballia
vktex<+ e.My 46088 52992 11.50 54001 64106 11.87 Azamgarh Division
69&tkSuiqj 25560 29697 11.62 30451 36507 11.99 Jaunpur
70&xkthiqj 21736 25663 11.81 26206 33565 12.81 Ghazipur
71&pUnkSyh 13935 15363 11.02 15670 17758 11.33 Chandauli
72&okjk.klh 9477 8984 9.48 11519 13027 11.31 Varanasi
okjk.klh e.My 70708 79707 11.27 83846 100857 12.03 Varanasi Division
73&larjfonkl uxj 6335 5144 8.12 6895 5626 8.16 SantravidasNagar
74&fetkZiqj 22204 15584 7.02 35517 26850 7.56 Mirzapur
75&lksuHknz 25374 20352 8.02 36545 33803 9.25 Sonbhadra
foU/;kpy e.My 53913 41080 7.62 78957 66279 8.39 Vindhyachal Division
1- if'peh lEHkkx 230533 236443 10.26 241013 251533 10.44 Western Region
2- dsUnzh; lEHkkx 250189 194083 7.76 330603 295633 8.94 Central Region
3- cqUnsy[k.M lEHkkx 769489 722005 9.38 1208953 1352771 11.19 Bundelkhand Region
4- iwohZZ lEHkkx 499495 443603 8.88 589913 547408 9.28 Eastern Region
mRrj izns'k 1749706 1596134 9.12 2370482 2447345 10.32 Uttar pradesh
vuqo)--------- Contd.........
*vuafre *Provisional

12& d`f"k @ Agriculture
12-2¼v½ m0iz0 esa izeq[k Qlyksa dk ftysokj {ks=Qy]mRiknu ,oa vkSlr mit
Districtwise Area, Production & Average Yield of Important Crops in UP.

frygu (Oil Seeds)

¼{ks=Qy gs0 esa] mRiknu eh0Vu rFkk vkSlr mit dq0@gs0½ ( Area in Hect. Production M.T.& Average Yield in Qtls / Hect)

ewWxQyh ¼Groundnut ) fry ('kq)) Til (Pure½

o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= {ks=Qy mRiknu vkSlr mit {ks=Qy mRiknu vkSlr mit

Year/District/Division / Region

Area Production Area Production Average Yield
1 26 27 28 29 30 31 1
2011-12 94837 94018 9.91 313751 70165 2.24 2011-12
2014-15 102045 88631 8.69 382428 70943 1.86 2014-15
2015-16* 96912 65405 6.75 545983 165537 3.03 2015-16*
2016-17* 94013 85006 9.04 271079 58123 2.14 2016-17*
2017-18* 87922 89075 10.13 278080 82116 2.95 2017-18*
2018-19* 101032 100470 9.94 327257 74028 2.26 2018-19*
2019-20* 93822 88371 9.42 355909 65536 1.84 2019-20*
1&lgkjuiqj 2391 2513 10.51 94 17 1.84 Saharanpur
2&eqtQ~Qjuxj 1 1 10.51 1 0 1.84 Muzaffarnagar
3&'kkeyh 0 0 0.00 23 4 1.84 Shamli
lgkjuiqj e.My 2392 2514 10.51 118 21 1.84 Saharanpur div.
4&fctukSj 752 2049 27.25 26 5 1.84 Bijnor
5&eqjknkckn 0 0 0.00 26 5 1.84 Moradabad
6&laHky 6 17 27.25 341 63 1.84 Sambhal
7&jkeiqj 21 57 27.25 39 7 1.84 Rampur
8&vejksgk 22 60 27.25 35 6 1.84 Amroha
eqjknkckn e.My 801 2183 27.25 467 86 1.84 Moradabad Div.
9&esjB 0 0 0.00 1 0 1.84 Meerut
10&ckxir 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 Baghpat
11&xkft;kckn 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 Ghaziabad
12&gkiqqM+ 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 Hapur
13&xkSrecq) uxj 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 G. B. Nagar
14&cqyUn'kgj 15 14 9.42 11 2 1.84 Bulandshahar
esjB e.My 15 14 9.42 12 2 1.84 Meerut Div.
15&eFkqjk 0 0 0.00 443 52 1.18 Mathura
16&vkxjk 0 0 0.00 1664 196 1.18 Agra
17&fQjkstkckn 139 312 22.48 1700 201 1.18 Firozabad
18&eSuiqjh 1246 2801 22.48 427 50 1.18 Mainpuri
vkxjk e.My 1385 3113 22.48 4234 499 1.18 Agra Div.
19&vyhx<+ 66 62 9.42 30 5 1.84 Aligarh
20&gkFkjl 2 2 9.42 90 17 1.84 Hathras
21&,Vk 975 918 9.42 400 74 1.84 Etah
22&dklxat 277 261 9.42 798 147 1.84 Kasganj
vyhx<+ e.My 1320 1243 9.42 1318 243 1.84 Aligarh Div.
23&cnk;wW 525 495 9.42 2216 126 0.57 Badaun
24&cjsyh 164 154 9.42 3002 216 0.72 Bareilly
25&ihyhHkhr 353 333 9.42 778 67 0.86 Pilibhit
26&'kkgtgkWiqj 5058 4765 9.42 6096 628 1.03 Shahjahanpur
cjsyh e.My 6100 5747 9.42 12092 1037 0.86 Bareilly Div.

12& d`f"k @ Agriculture
12-2¼v½ m0iz0 esa izeq[k Qlyksa dk ftysokj {ks=Qy]mRiknu ,oa vkSlr mit
Districtwise Area, Production & Average Yield of Important Crops in UP.

frygu (Oil Seeds)

¼{ks=Qy gs0 esa] mRiknu eh0Vu rFkk vkSlr mit dq0@gs0½ ( Area in Hect. Production M.T.& Average Yield in Qtls / Hect)

ewWxQyh ¼Groundnut ) fry ('kq)) Til (Pure½

o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= {ks=Qy mRiknu vkSlr mit {ks=Qy mRiknu vkSlr mit

Year/District/Division / Region

Area Production Area Production Average Yield
1 26 27 28 29 30 31 1
27&[khjh 6310 5111 8.10 3550 376 1.06 kheri
28&lhrkiqj 2740 3140 11.46 9486 2201 2.32 Sitapur
29&gjnksbZ 7879 11606 14.73 17106 10246 5.99 Hardoi
30&mUuko 2659 3140 11.81 12730 1986 1.56 Unnao
31&y[kuÅ 94 107 11.33 1730 597 3.45 Lucknow
32&jk;cjsyh 1221 574 4.70 3664 1264 3.45 Raebareli
y[kuÅ e.My 20903 23678 11.33 48266 16670 3.45 Lucknow Division
33&Q:Z[kkckn 1190 1121 9.42 2260 255 1.13 Farrukhabad
34&dUukSt 1918 1807 9.42 2041 712 3.49 Kannauj
35&bVkok 80 75 9.42 1312 213 1.62 Etawah
36&vkSjS;k 81 76 9.42 1270 206 1.62 Auraiya
37&dkuiqj nsgkr 0 0 0.00 2294 303 1.32 Kanpur Dehat
38&dkuiqj uxj 180 170 9.42 2532 210 0.83 Kanpur Nagar
dkuiqj e.My 3449 3249 9.42 11709 1899 1.62 Kanpur Division
39&tkykSu 12 10 8.25 49074 20807 4.24 Jalaun
40&>kWlh 20662 16736 8.10 107171 3429 0.32 Jhansi
41&yfyriqj 10975 9362 8.53 8269 289 0.35 Lalitpur
>kWlh e.My 31649 26108 8.25 164514 24525 1.49 Jhansi Division
42&gehjiqj 1783 1393 7.81 39957 6553 1.64 Hamirpur
43&egksck 6862 5071 7.39 29994 2849 0.95 Mahoba
44&ckWnk 660 801 12.14 13705 5879 4.29 Banda
45&fp=dwV 17 13 7.81 1283 208 1.62 Chitrakoot
fp=dwV /kke e.My 9322 7278 7.81 84939 15489 1.82 Chitrakoot Dham Div.
46&Qrsgiqj 262 248 9.47 11498 2070 1.80 Fatehpur
47&izrkix<+ 1 1 9.47 1043 178 1.71 Pratapgarh
48&dkS'kkEch 43 41 9.47 2087 253 1.21 Kaushambi
49&iz;kxjkt 22 21 9.47 1361 233 1.71 Prayagraj
iz;kxjkt e.My 328 311 9.47 15989 2734 1.71 Prayagraj Division
50&ckjkcadh 333 314 9.42 172 32 1.84 Barabanki
51&v;ks/;k 0 0 0.00 36 7 1.84 Ayodhya
52&vEcsMdjuxj 0 0 0.00 19 3 1.84 AmbedkarNagar
53&lqYrkuiqj 43 40 9.42 286 52 1.84 Sultanpur
54&vesBh 5 5 9.42 846 156 1.84 Amethi
v;ks/;k e.My 381 359 9.42 1359 250 1.84 Ayodhya Division

12& d`f"k @ Agriculture
12-2¼v½ m0iz0 esa izeq[k Qlyksa dk ftysokj {ks=Qy]mRiknu ,oa vkSlr mit
Districtwise Area, Production & Average Yield of Important Crops in UP.

frygu (Oil Seeds)

¼{ks=Qy gs0 esa] mRiknu eh0Vu rFkk vkSlr mit dq0@gs0½ ( Area in Hect. Production M.T.& Average Yield in Qtls / Hect)

ewWxQyh ¼Groundnut ) fry ('kq)) Til (Pure½

o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= {ks=Qy mRiknu vkSlr mit {ks=Qy mRiknu vkSlr mit

Year/District/Division / Region

Area Production Area Production Average Yield
1 26 27 28 29 30 31 1
55&cgjkbp 1416 1334 9.42 444 82 1.84 Bahraich
56&JkoLrh 204 192 9.42 325 60 1.84 Shrawasti
57&cyjkeiqj 7 7 9.42 62 11 1.84 Balrampur
58&xks.Mk 26 24 9.42 438 80 1.84 Gonda
nsohikVu e.My 1653 1557 9.42 1269 233 1.84 Devipatan Division
59&fl)kFkZuxj 35 33 9.42 0 0 0.00 SiddharthNagar
60&cLrh 1 1 9.42 196 36 1.84 Basti
61&lardchjuxj 1136 1070 9.42 168 31 1.84 SantkabirNagar
cLrh e.My 1172 1104 9.42 364 67 1.84 Basti Division
62&egjktxat 1149 776 6.75 51 9 1.84 Maharajganj
63&xksj[kiqj 3079 3276 10.64 197 36 1.84 Gorakhpur
64&dq'khuxj 416 310 7.44 69 13 1.84 KushiNagar
65&nsofj;k 3880 1979 5.10 68 13 1.84 Deoria
xksj[kiqj e.My 8524 6341 7.44 385 71 1.84 GorakhpurDivision
66&vktex<+ 205 193 9.42 28 5 1.84 Azamgarh
67&eÅ 390 367 9.42 30 6 1.84 Mau
68&cfy;k 537 506 9.42 0 0 0.00 Ballia
vktex<+ e.My 1132 1066 9.42 58 11 1.90 Azamgarh Division
69&tkSuiqj 28 26 9.42 984 154 1.57 Jaunpur
70&xkthiqj 55 52 9.42 45 7 1.57 Ghazipur
71&pUnkSyh 3 3 9.42 17 3 1.57 Chandauli
72&okjk.klh 9 8 9.42 392 62 1.57 Varanasi
okjk.klh e.My 95 89 9.42 1438 226 1.57 Varanasi Division
73&larjfonkl uxj 7 5 7.55 292 58 2.00 SantravidasNagar
74&fetkZiqj 2071 1564 7.55 1471 219 1.49 Mirzapur
75&lksuHknz 1123 848 7.55 5615 1196 2.13 Sonbhadra
foU/;kpy e.My 3201 2417 7.55 7378 1473 2.00 Vindhyachal Division
1- if'peh lEHkkx 15282 17893 11.71 25124 3274 1.30 Western Region
2- dsUnzh; lEHkkx 21678 24410 11.26 64762 19285 2.98 Central Region
3- cqUnsy[k.M lEHkkx 40971 33386 8.15 249453 40014 1.60 Bundelkhand Region
4- iwohZZ lEHkkx 15891 12682 7.98 16570 2963 1.79 Eastern Region
mRrj izns'k 93822 88371 9.42 355909 65536 1.84 Uttar pradesh
vuqo)--------- Contd.........
*vuafre *Provisional

12& d`f"k @ Agriculture
12-2¼v½ m0iz0 esa izeq[k Qlyksa dk ftysokj {ks=Qy]mRiknu ,oa vkSlr mit
Districtwise Area, Production & Average Yield of Important Crops in UP.

frygu (Oil Seeds)

¼{ks=Qy gs0 esa] mRiknu eh0Vu rFkk vkSlr mit dq0@gs0½ ( Area in Hect. Production M.T.& Average Yield in Qtls / Hect)

ykgh rFkk ljlksa ¼'kq)½ vylh ¼Linseed½

Rapeseeds & Mustard (Pure)
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= Year/District/Division / Region
{ks=Qy mRiknu vkSlr mit {ks=Qy mRiknu vkSlr mit
Area Production Average Yield Area Production Average Yield
1 32 33 34 35 36 37 1
2011-12 603663 684933 11.35 29916 13454 4.50 2011-12
2014-15 584287 453878 7.77 24685 14543 5.89 2014-15
2015-16* 593351 602616 10.16 16715 3194 1.91 2015-16*
2016-17* 689174 857813 12.45 32381 17415 5.38 2016-17*
2017-18* 678853 944759 13.92 25695 15461 6.02 2017-18*
2018-19* 753181 1117198 14.83 27870 17579 6.31 2018-19*
2019-20* 702889 885907 12.60 27073 18626 6.88 2019-20*
1&lgkjuiqj 857 1207 14.08 0 0 0.00 Saharanpur
2&eqtQ~Qjuxj 3685 4669 12.67 0 0 0.00 Muzaffarnagar
3&'kkeyh 2375 3955 16.65 0 0 0.00 Shamli
lgkjuiqj e.My 6917 9831 14.21 0 0 0.00 Saharanpur div.
4&fctukSj 8005 10038 12.54 4 2 6.88 Bijnor
5&eqjknkckn 2469 3217 13.03 0 0 0.00 Moradabad
6&laHky 13412 21457 16.00 1 1 6.88 Sambhal
7&jkeiqj 3905 4658 11.93 0 0 0.00 Rampur
8&vejksgk 3251 4350 13.38 0 0 0.00 Amroha
eqjknkckn e.My 31042 43720 14.08 5 3 6.88 Moradabad Div.
9&esjB 4972 7098 14.28 0 0 0.00 Meerut
10&ckxir 1944 2797 14.39 0 0 0.00 Baghpat
11&xkft;kckn 1291 1703 13.19 8 6 6.88 Ghaziabad
12&gkiqqM+ 3653 6437 17.62 0 0 0.00 Hapur
13&xkSrecq) uxj 615 887 14.42 0 0 0.00 G. B. Nagar
14&cqyUn'kgj 9725 13090 13.46 2 1 6.88 Bulandshahar
esjB e.My 22200 32012 14.42 10 7 6.88 Meerut Div.
15&eFkqjk 43247 68374 15.81 0 0 0.00 Mathura
16&vkxjk 54866 94751 17.27 0 0 0.00 Agra
17&fQjkstkckn 10855 19157 17.65 0 0 0.00 Firozabad
18&eSuiqjh 14325 27031 18.87 0 0 0.00 Mainpuri
vkxjk e.My 123293 209313 16.98 0 0 0.00 Agra Div.
19&vyhx<+ 19665 28056 14.27 1 1 6.88 Aligarh
20&gkFkjl 9153 14294 15.62 0 0 0.00 Hathras
21&,Vk 16363 29975 18.32 42 29 6.88 Etah
22&dklxat 10137 19108 18.85 201 138 6.88 Kasganj
vyhx<+ e.My 55318 91433 16.53 244 168 6.88 Aligarh Div.
23&cnk;wW 35071 63940 18.23 7 5 6.88 Badaun
24&cjsyh 17669 12369 7.00 327 225 6.88 Bareilly
25&ihyhHkhr 11453 9804 8.56 2 1 6.88 Pilibhit
26&'kkgtgkWiqj 13083 16284 12.45 0 0 0.00 Shahjahanpur
cjsyh e.My 77276 102397 13.25 336 231 6.88 Bareilly Div.

12& d`f"k @ Agriculture
12-2¼v½ m0iz0 esa izeq[k Qlyksa dk ftysokj {ks=Qy]mRiknu ,oa vkSlr mit
Districtwise Area, Production & Average Yield of Important Crops in UP.

frygu (Oil Seeds)

¼{ks=Qy gs0 esa] mRiknu eh0Vu rFkk vkSlr mit dq0@gs0½ ( Area in Hect. Production M.T.& Average Yield in Qtls / Hect)

ykgh rFkk ljlksa ¼'kq)½ vylh ¼Linseed½

Rapeseeds & Mustard (Pure)
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= Year/District/Division / Region
{ks=Qy mRiknu vkSlr mit {ks=Qy mRiknu vkSlr mit
Area Production Average Yield Area Production Average Yield
1 32 33 34 35 36 37 1
27&[khjh 28687 26825 9.35 0 0 0.00 kheri
28&lhrkiqj 28274 22925 8.11 1 1 6.88 Sitapur
29&gjnksbZ 18795 18468 9.83 5 3 6.88 Hardoi
30&mUuko 16156 18026 11.16 18 12 6.88 Unnao
31&y[kuÅ 3142 1616 5.14 1 1 6.88 Lucknow
32&jk;cjsyh 8351 6232 7.46 46 32 6.88 Raebareli
y[kuÅ e.My 103405 94092 9.10 71 49 6.88 Lucknow Division
33&Q:Z[kkckn 6732 8368 12.43 0 0 0.00 Farrukhabad
34&dUukSt 8075 12574 15.57 0 0 0.00 Kannauj
35&bVkok 17713 34848 19.67 0 0 0.00 Etawah
36&vkSjS;k 12762 19015 14.90 0 0 0.00 Auraiya
37&dkuiqj nsgkr 23217 37610 16.20 8 6 6.88 Kanpur Dehat
38&dkuiqj uxj 14127 19130 13.54 150 103 6.88 Kanpur Nagar
dkuiqj e.My 82626 131545 15.92 158 109 6.88 Kanpur Division
39&tkykSu 19882 25807 12.98 361 248 6.88 Jalaun
40&>kWlh 9299 9624 10.35 751 517 6.88 Jhansi
41&yfyriqj 5287 4097 7.75 4 3 6.88 Lalitpur
>kWlh e.My 34468 39528 11.47 1116 768 6.88 Jhansi Division
42&gehjiqj 12870 10898 8.47 2809 1935 6.89 Hamirpur
43&egksck 7224 6790 9.40 8998 6272 6.97 Mahoba
44&ckWnk 2557 2271 8.88 1376 1028 7.47 Banda
45&fp=dwV 1958 1136 5.80 447 313 7.01 Chitrakoot
fp=dwV /kke e.My 24609 21095 8.57 13630 9548 7.01 Chitrakoot Dham Div.
46&Qrsgiqj 16694 17787 10.65 137 56 4.10 Fatehpur
47&izrkix<+ 2039 2239 10.98 1 1 4.10 Pratapgarh
48&dkS'kkEch 1665 1938 11.64 0 0 0.00 Kaushambi
49&iz;kxjkt 1337 1702 12.73 471 193 4.10 Prayagraj
iz;kxjkt e.My 21735 23666 10.89 609 250 4.10 Prayagraj Division
50&ckjkcadh 21380 13919 6.51 6 4 6.88 Barabanki
51&v;ks/;k 5417 3526 6.51 49 34 6.88 Ayodhya
52&vEcsMdjuxj 5530 3600 6.51 2 1 6.88 AmbedkarNagar
53&lqYrkuiqj 2864 1864 6.51 18 12 6.88 Sultanpur
54&vesBh 3508 2378 6.78 47 32 6.88 Amethi
v;ks/;k e.My 38699 25287 6.53 122 83 6.88 Ayodhya Division

12& d`f"k @ Agriculture
12-2¼v½ m0iz0 esa izeq[k Qlyksa dk ftysokj {ks=Qy]mRiknu ,oa vkSlr mit
Districtwise Area, Production & Average Yield of Important Crops in UP.

frygu (Oil Seeds)

¼{ks=Qy gs0 esa] mRiknu eh0Vu rFkk vkSlr mit dq0@gs0½ ( Area in Hect. Production M.T.& Average Yield in Qtls / Hect)

ykgh rFkk ljlksa ¼'kq)½ vylh ¼Linseed½

Rapeseeds & Mustard (Pure)
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= Year/District/Division / Region
{ks=Qy mRiknu vkSlr mit {ks=Qy mRiknu vkSlr mit
Area Production Average Yield Area Production Average Yield
1 32 33 34 35 36 37 1
55&cgjkbp 7265 5168 7.11 71 49 6.88 Bahraich
56&JkoLrh 2835 1888 6.66 63 43 6.88 Shrawasti
57&cyjkeiqj 18396 13043 7.09 12 8 6.88 Balrampur
58&xks.Mk 7673 7931 10.34 28 19 6.88 Gonda
nsohikVu e.My 36169 28030 7.75 174 119 6.88 Devipatan Division
59&fl)kFkZuxj 3250 2694 8.29 1517 1043 6.88 SiddharthNagar
60&cLrh 2558 2121 8.29 23 16 6.88 Basti
61&lardchjuxj 2472 2050 8.29 7 5 6.88 SantkabirNagar
cLrh e.My 8280 6865 8.29 1547 1064 6.88 Basti Division
62&egjktxat 5466 3160 5.78 2 1 6.88 Maharajganj
63&xksj[kiqj 5524 5469 9.90 34 24 6.88 Gorakhpur
64&dq'khuxj 9693 6940 7.16 3 2 6.88 KushiNagar
65&nsofj;k 1644 1228 7.47 0 0 0.00 Deoria
xksj[kiqj e.My 22327 16797 7.52 39 27 6.88 GorakhpurDivision
66&vktex<+ 2278 2882 12.65 0 0 0.00 Azamgarh
67&eÅ 210 266 12.67 0 0 0.00 Mau
68&cfy;k 895 1131 12.64 0 0 0.00 Ballia
vktex<+ e.My 3383 4279 12.65 0 0 0.00 Azamgarh Division
69&tkSuiqj 3602 1222 3.39 0 0 0.00 Jaunpur
70&xkthiqj 548 182 3.32 0 0 0.00 Ghazipur
71&pUnkSyh 289 96 3.32 577 397 6.88 Chandauli
72&okjk.klh 728 243 3.34 23 16 6.88 Varanasi
okjk.klh e.My 5167 1743 3.37 600 413 6.88 Varanasi Division
73&larjfonkl uxj 176 125 7.10 0 0 0.00 SantravidasNagar
74&fetkZiqj 2471 1992 8.06 3077 2117 6.88 Mirzapur
75&lksuHknz 3328 2157 6.48 5335 3670 6.88 Sonbhadra
foU/;kpy e.My 5975 4274 7.15 8412 5787 6.88 Vindhyachal Division
1- if'peh lEHkkx 361328 563511 15.60 595 409 6.87 Western Region
2- dsUnzh; lEHkkx 178823 182538 10.21 372 218 5.86 Central Region
3- cqUnsy[k.M lEHkkx 59077 60623 10.26 14746 10316 7.00 Bundelkhand Region
4- iwohZZ lEHkkx 103661 79235 7.64 11360 7683 6.76 Eastern Region
mRrj izns'k 702889 885907 12.60 27073 18626 6.88 Uttar pradesh
vuqo)--------- Contd.........
*vuafre *Provisional

12& d`f"k @ Agriculture
12-2(v½m0iz0 esa izeq[k Qlyksa dk ftysokj {ks=Qy]mRiknu ,oa vkSlr mit
Districtwise Area, Production & Average Yield of Important Crops in UP.

¼{ks=Qy gs0 esa] mRiknu eh0Vu rFkk vkSlr mit dq0@gs0½ ( Area in Hect. Production M.T.& Average Yield in Qtls / Hect)

dqy [kk|kUu ¼Total Foodgrainss½ xUuk ¼Sugarcane½

Year/District/Division /
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= {ks=Qy mRiknu vkSlr mit {ks=Qy mRiknu vkSlr mit Region

Area Production Average Yield Area Production Average Yield

1 38 39 40 41 42 43 1
2011-12 20144298 52057080 25.84 2116998 126110299 595.70 2011-12
2014-15 20430951 38927235 19.05 2215557 145831105 658.21 2014-15
2015-16* 19353679 43947756 22.71 2168888 145384798 670.32 2015-16*
2016-17* 20460565 55746591 27.25 2159841 156948671 726.67 2016-17*
2017-18* 19912620 57384040 28.82 2234282 177056410 792.45 2017-18*
2018-19* 19985124 60415160 30.23 2223805 179698158 808.07 2018-19*
2019-20* 20136711 60184020 29.89 2208347 179567765 813.13 2019-20*
1&lgkjuiqj 182222 616395 33.83 134470 10710267 796.48 Saharanpur
2&eqtQ~Qjuxj 94957 357454 37.64 177109 16075121 907.64 Muzaffarnagar
3&'kkeyh 71048 304183 42.81 64278 6367636 990.64 Shamli
lgkjuiqj e.My 348227 1278032 36.70 375857 33153024 882.06 Saharanpur div.
4&fctukSj 206628 667471 32.30 201152 17398039 864.92 Bijnor
5&eqjknkckn 227666 740566 32.53 51262 3963168 773.12 Moradabad
6&laHky 272461 806142 29.59 28771 2283842 793.80 Sambhal
7&jkeiqj 303509 1034408 34.08 19737 1585276 803.20 Rampur
8&vejksgk 125612 427788 34.06 75782 6239587 823.36 Amroha
eqjknkckn e.My 1135876 3676375 32.37 376704 31469912 835.40 Moradabad Div.
9&esjB 95368 394947 41.41 138815 12632720 910.04 Meerut
10&ckxir 67349 283434 42.08 74735 6378782 853.52 Baghpat
11&xkft;kckn 41513 152813 36.81 21832 1864977 854.24 Ghaziabad
12&gkiqqM+ 67773 257832 38.04 38493 3249117 844.08 Hapur
13&xkSrecq) uxj 64500 243209 37.71 1976 174054 880.84 G. B. Nagar
14&cqyUn'kgj 360896 1284377 35.59 50610 4437080 876.72 Bulandshahar
esjB e.My 697399 2616612 37.52 326461 28736730 880.25 Meerut Div.
15&eFkqjk 299219 780742 26.09 829 54552 658.04 Mathura
16&vkxjk 269662 887051 32.89 213 14016 658.04 Agra
17&fQjkstkckn 221495 716932 32.37 322 21189 658.04 Firozabad
18&eSuiqjh 284452 1028762 36.17 477 31388 658.04 Mainpuri
vkxjk e.My 1074828 3413487 31.76 1841 121145 658.04 Agra Div.
19&vyhx<+ 436682 1439570 32.97 8823 712510 807.56 Aligarh
20&gkFkjl 162998 516555 31.69 1077 86688 804.90 Hathras
21&,Vk 245275 914599 37.29 295 21398 725.36 Etah
22&dklxat 199222 698640 35.07 7477 601823 804.90 Kasganj
vyhx<+ e.My 1044177 3569364 34.18 17672 1422419 804.90 Aligarh Div.
23&cnk;wW 480235 1463992 30.48 27333 1906531 697.52 Badaun
24&cjsyh 385829 1055887 27.37 90416 6951905 768.88 Bareilly
25&ihyhHkhr 280906 1073428 38.21 73956 5743127 776.56 Pilibhit
26&'kkgtgkWiqj 514752 1931094 37.52 37411 2994825 800.52 Shahjahanpur
cjsyh e.My 1661722 5524401 33.25 229116 17596388 768.01 Bareilly Div.

12& d`f"k @ Agriculture
12-2(v½m0iz0 esa izeq[k Qlyksa dk ftysokj {ks=Qy]mRiknu ,oa vkSlr mit
Districtwise Area, Production & Average Yield of Important Crops in UP.

¼{ks=Qy gs0 esa] mRiknu eh0Vu rFkk vkSlr mit dq0@gs0½ ( Area in Hect. Production M.T.& Average Yield in Qtls / Hect)

dqy [kk|kUu ¼Total Foodgrainss½ xUuk ¼Sugarcane½

Year/District/Division /
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= {ks=Qy mRiknu vkSlr mit {ks=Qy mRiknu vkSlr mit Region

Area Production Average Yield Area Production Average Yield

1 38 39 40 41 42 43 1
27&[khjh 410307 1469992 35.83 237847 20656536 868.48 kheri
28&lhrkiqj 424823 1211500 28.52 145796 11167390 765.96 Sitapur
29&gjnksbZ 543988 1697130 31.20 36564 2867641 784.28 Hardoi
30&mUuko 415868 1151676 27.69 786 64788 824.28 Unnao
31&y[kuÅ 145309 390023 26.84 203 16733 824.28 Lucknow
32&jk;cjsyh 257346 701085 27.24 2639 157274 595.96 Raebareli
y[kuÅ e.My 2197641 6621406 30.13 423835 34930362 824.15 Lucknow Division
33&Q:Z[kkckn 140646 531777 37.81 8613 558260 648.16 Farrukhabad
34&dUukSt 162565 695998 42.81 168 10845 645.57 Kannauj
35&bVkok 200889 675280 33.61 499 32214 645.57 Etawah
36&vkSjS;k 207011 696687 33.65 603 38928 645.57 Auraiya
37&dkuiqj nsgkr 252075 849084 33.68 2211 142735 645.57 Kanpur Dehat
38&dkuiqj uxj 212094 662795 31.25 3334 213003 638.88 Kanpur Nagar
dkuiqj e.My 1175280 4111621 34.98 15428 995985 645.57 Kanpur Division
39&tkykSu 330207 853032 25.83 1890 69467 367.55 Jalaun
40&>kWlh 377001 835188 22.15 105 3859 367.55 Jhansi
41&yfyriqj 463981 767498 16.54 39 1434 367.55 Lalitpur
>kWlh e.My 1171189 2455718 20.97 2034 74760 367.55 Jhansi Division
42&gehjiqj 283390 547157 19.31 3260 129650 397.70 Hamirpur
43&egksck 290558 488275 16.80 2523 100340 397.70 Mahoba
44&ckWnk 387394 830667 21.44 502 19965 397.70 Banda
45&fp=dwV 182451 297086 16.28 199 7914 397.70 Chitrakoot
fp=dwV /kke e.My 1143793 2163185 18.91 6484 257869 397.70 Chitrakoot Dham Div.
46&Qrsgiqj 339974 1052506 30.96 6374 518289 813.13 Fatehpur
47&izrkix<+ 284911 794486 27.89 912 74158 813.13 Pratapgarh
48&dkS'kkEch 159029 393878 24.77 1503 122213 813.13 Kaushambi
49&iz;kxjkt 453482 1170619 25.81 694 56431 813.13 Prayagraj
iz;kxjkt e.My 1237396 3411489 27.57 9483 771091 813.13 Prayagraj Division
50&ckjkcadh 378539 1313897 34.71 8771 720239 821.16 Barabanki
51&v;ks/;k 223838 711971 31.81 21844 1671765 765.32 Ayodhya
52&vEcsMdjuxj 245453 833785 33.97 11309 842521 745.00 AmbedkarNagar
53&lqYrkuiqj 233753 743276 31.80 9404 633107 673.16 Sultanpur
54&vesBh 274450 747417 27.23 1652 124411 753.09 Amethi
v;ks/;k e.My 1356033 4350346 32.08 52980 3992043 753.50 Ayodhya Division

12& d`f"k @ Agriculture
12-2(v½m0iz0 esa izeq[k Qlyksa dk ftysokj {ks=Qy]mRiknu ,oa vkSlr mit
Districtwise Area, Production & Average Yield of Important Crops in UP.

¼{ks=Qy gs0 esa] mRiknu eh0Vu rFkk vkSlr mit dq0@gs0½ ( Area in Hect. Production M.T.& Average Yield in Qtls / Hect)

dqy [kk|kUu ¼Total Foodgrainss½ xUuk ¼Sugarcane½

Year/District/Division /
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= {ks=Qy mRiknu vkSlr mit {ks=Qy mRiknu vkSlr mit Region

Area Production Average Yield Area Production Average Yield

1 38 39 40 41 42 43 1
55&cgjkbp 456037 1080694 23.70 22128 1682171 760.20 Bahraich
56&JkoLrh 187980 453607 24.13 7805 575486 737.33 Shrawasti
57&cyjkeiqj 236416 660746 27.95 45049 3059728 679.20 Balrampur
58&xks.Mk 355932 919802 25.84 78398 5990862 764.16 Gonda
nsohikVu e.My 1236365 3114849 25.19 153380 11308247 737.27 Devipatan Division
59&fl)kFkZuxj 340264 1141712 33.55 2060 127835 620.56 SiddharthNagar
60&cLrh 239535 666548 27.83 49321 3060664 620.56 Basti
61&lardchjuxj 192743 651384 33.80 3770 233951 620.56 SantkabirNagar
cLrh e.My 772542 2459644 31.84 55151 3422450 620.56 Basti Division
62&egjktxat 323224 1069195 33.08 18099 1227547 678.24 Maharajganj
63&xksj[kiqj 348868 1128666 32.35 2484 177765 715.64 Gorakhpur
64&dq'khuxj 256971 830473 32.32 70015 5445767 777.80 KushiNagar
65&nsofj;k 295010 879210 29.80 9768 731389 748.76 Deoria
xksj[kiqj e.My 1224073 3907544 31.92 100366 7582468 755.48 GorakhpurDivision
66&vktex<+ 473827 1371390 28.94 23195 1461285 630.00 Azamgarh
67&eÅ 192258 581203 30.23 6777 434379 640.96 Mau
68&cfy;k 315855 938936 29.73 6652 353434 531.32 Ballia
vktex<+ e.My 981940 2891529 29.45 36624 2249098 614.10 Azamgarh Division
69&tkSuiqj 437564 1307042 29.87 9680 604613 624.60 Jaunpur
70&xkthiqj 380673 1091096 28.66 7924 425741 537.28 Ghazipur
71&pUnkSyh 236723 747946 31.60 705 40192 570.10 Chandauli
72&okjk.klh 139118 384947 27.67 4041 203359 503.24 Varanasi
okjk.klh e.My 1194078 3531031 29.57 22350 1273905 569.98 Varanasi Division
73&larjfonkl uxj 91558 230413 25.17 949 77166 813.13 SantravidasNagar
74&fetkZiqj 233054 542349 23.27 1394 113350 813.13 Mirzapur
75&lksuHknz 159540 314625 19.72 238 19353 813.13 Sonbhadra

foU/;kpy e.My 484152 1087387 22.46 2581 209869 813.13 Vindhyachal Division

1- if'peh lEHkkx 6673340 22678013 33.98 1337534 113139865 845.88 Western Region
2- dsUnzh; lEHkkx 3380323 10499688 31.06 444525 36524628 821.66 Central Region
3- cqUnsy[k.M lEHkkx 2314982 4618903 19.95 8518 332629 390.50 Bundelkhand Region
4- iwohZZ lEHkkx 7768066 22387416 28.82 417770 29570643 707.82 Eastern Region
mRrj izns'k 20136711 60184020 29.89 2208347 179567765 813.13 Uttar pradesh
vuqo)--------- Contd.........
*vuafre *Provisional

12& d`f"k @ Agriculture
12-2(v½ m0iz0 esa izeq[k Qlyksa dk ftysokj {ks=Qy]mRiknu ,oa vkSlr mit
Districtwise Area, Production & Average Yield of Important Crops in UP.
¼{ks=Qy gs0 esa] mRiknu eh0Vu rFkk vkSlr mit dq0@gs0½ ( Area in Hect. Production M.T.& Average Yield in Qtls / Hect)

dqy frygu ¼Total oil seed) vkyw ¼Potato)

Year/District/Division/ Region
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= {ks=Qy mRiknu vkSlr mit {ks=Qy mRiknu vkSlr mit
Area Production Average Yield Area Production Average Yield

1 44 45 46 47 48 49 1
2011-12 1062569 889385 8.37 537954 11997388 223.02 2011-12
2014-15 1149868 670747 5.83 573521 12915933 225.20 2014-15
2015-16* 1290701 846507 6.56 612600 14112748 230.37 2015-16*
2016-17* 1100492 1029351 9.35 575641 13956310 242.45 2016-17*
2017-18* 1086911 1145522 10.54 572826 15008697 262.01 2017-18*
2018-19* 1233307 1331446 10.80 571399 17056711 298.51 2018-19*
2019-20* 1205516 1074664 8.91 552382 14869966 269.20 2019-20*
1&lgkjuiqj 3342 3737 11.18 399 10741 269.20 Saharanpur
2&eqtQ~Qjuxj 3687 4670 12.67 876 23582 269.20 Muzaffarnagar
3&'kkeyh 2398 3959 16.51 452 12168 269.20 Shamli
lgkjuiqj e.My 9427 12366 13.12 1727 46491 269.20 Saharanpur div.
4&fctukSj 8787 12094 13.76 634 18806 296.63 Bijnor
5&eqjknkckn 2495 3222 12.91 1069 40943 383.00 Moradabad
6&laHky 13760 21538 15.65 11327 227220 200.60 Sambhal
7&jkeiqj 4077 4788 11.74 1994 50219 251.85 Rampur
8&vejksgk 3308 4416 13.35 3518 100418 285.44 Amroha
eqjknkckn e.My 32427 46058 14.20 18542 437606 236.01 Moradabad Div.
9&esjB 4973 7098 14.27 5581 192896 345.63 Meerut
10&ckxir 1945 2798 14.39 165 4772 289.24 Baghpat
11&xkft;kckn 1299 1709 13.16 541 15648 289.24 Ghaziabad
12&gkiqqM+ 3653 6437 17.62 3825 92668 242.27 Hapur
13&xkSrecq) uxj 615 887 14.42 193 5582 289.24 G. B. Nagar
14&cqyUn'kgj 9755 13110 13.44 8495 232202 273.34 Bulandshahar
esjB e.My 22240 32039 14.41 18800 543768 289.24 Meerut Div.
15&eFkqjk 43690 68426 15.66 10608 297873 280.80 Mathura
16&vkxjk 56530 94947 16.80 57010 1622391 284.58 Agra
17&fQjkstkckn 12694 19670 15.50 45393 1435735 316.29 Firozabad
18&eSuiqjh 16005 29892 18.68 13889 430684 310.09 Mainpuri
vkxjk e.My 128919 212935 16.52 126900 3786683 298.40 Agra Div.
19&vyhx<+ 19792 28166 14.23 22816 656713 287.83 Aligarh
20&gkFkjl 9254 14325 15.48 41896 1183939 282.59 Hathras
21&,Vk 17780 30996 17.43 6302 204519 324.53 Etah
22&dklxat 11422 19666 17.22 4380 119478 272.78 Kasganj
vyhx<+ e.My 58248 93153 15.99 75394 2164649 287.11 Aligarh Div.
23&cnk;wW 37819 64566 17.07 12104 309572 255.76 Badaun
24&cjsyh 21163 12965 6.13 2015 24142 119.81 Bareilly
25&ihyhHkhr 12586 10205 8.11 515 12485 242.42 Pilibhit
26&'kkgtgkWiqj 24255 21686 8.94 8690 219223 252.27 Shahjahanpur
cjsyh e.My 95823 109422 11.42 23324 565422 242.42 Bareilly Div.

12& d`f"k @ Agriculture
12-2(v½ m0iz0 esa izeq[k Qlyksa dk ftysokj {ks=Qy]mRiknu ,oa vkSlr mit
Districtwise Area, Production & Average Yield of Important Crops in UP.
¼{ks=Qy gs0 esa] mRiknu eh0Vu rFkk vkSlr mit dq0@gs0½ ( Area in Hect. Production M.T.& Average Yield in Qtls / Hect)

dqy frygu ¼Total oil seed) vkyw ¼Potato)

Year/District/Division/ Region
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= {ks=Qy mRiknu vkSlr mit {ks=Qy mRiknu vkSlr mit
Area Production Average Yield Area Production Average Yield

1 44 45 46 47 48 49 1
27&[khjh 38547 32312 8.38 1324 26721 201.82 kheri
28&lhrkiqj 40502 28268 6.98 4848 95554 197.10 Sitapur
29&gjnksbZ 44201 40898 9.25 10460 198081 189.37 Hardoi
30&mUuko 31686 23334 7.36 7815 207926 266.06 Unnao
31&y[kuÅ 4967 2321 4.67 5378 94163 175.09 Lucknow
32&jk;cjsyh 13284 8105 6.10 4117 62566 151.97 Raebareli
y[kuÅ e.My 173187 135238 7.81 33942 685011 201.82 Lucknow Division
33&Q:Z[kkckn 10285 9887 9.61 33056 1020240 308.64 Farrukhabad
34&dUukSt 14155 18024 12.73 47661 1322879 277.56 Kannauj
35&bVkok 19118 35154 18.39 15862 464106 292.59 Etawah
36&vkSjS;k 14113 19297 13.67 4846 152087 313.84 Auraiya
37&dkuiqj nsgkr 25568 37944 14.84 3431 97989 285.60 Kanpur Dehat
38&dkuiqj uxj 16989 19613 11.54 11637 269699 231.76 Kanpur Nagar
dkuiqj e.My 100228 139919 13.96 116493 3327000 285.60 Kanpur Division
39&tkykSu 69372 46894 6.76 605 16287 269.20 Jalaun
40&>kWlh 138767 30505 2.20 570 15344 269.20 Jhansi
41&yfyriqj 43753 24000 5.49 525 14133 269.20 Lalitpur
>kWlh e.My 251892 101399 4.03 1700 45764 269.20 Jhansi Division
42&gehjiqj 57442 20793 3.62 81 2181 269.20 Hamirpur
43&egksck 55176 22076 4.00 150 4038 269.20 Mahoba
44&ckWnk 18328 9996 5.45 199 5357 269.20 Banda
45&fp=dwV 3764 1700 4.52 164 4415 269.20 Chitrakoot
fp=dwV /kke e.My 134710 54565 4.05 594 15991 269.20 Chitrakoot Dham Div.
46&Qrsgiqj 28594 20165 7.05 10499 265971 253.33 Fatehpur
47&izrkix<+ 3084 2419 7.84 6036 133673 221.46 Pratapgarh
48&dkS'kkEch 3795 2232 5.88 4123 74189 179.94 Kaushambi
49&iz;kxjkt 3191 2149 6.73 13435 291929 217.29 Prayagraj
iz;kxjkt e.My 38664 26965 6.97 34093 765762 224.61 Prayagraj Division
50&ckjkcadh 21891 14269 6.52 14937 489844 327.94 Barabanki
51&v;ks/;k 5502 3567 6.48 4226 121519 287.55 Ayodhya
52&vEcsMdjuxj 5551 3604 6.49 4551 130864 287.55 AmbedkarNagar
53&lqYrkuiqj 3240 2008 6.20 5338 93169 174.54 Sultanpur
54&vesBh 4566 2792 6.11 4329 124480 287.55 Amethi
v;ks/;k e.My 40750 26240 6.44 33381 959876 287.55 Ayodhya Division

12& d`f"k @ Agriculture
12-2(v½ m0iz0 esa izeq[k Qlyksa dk ftysokj {ks=Qy]mRiknu ,oa vkSlr mit
Districtwise Area, Production & Average Yield of Important Crops in UP.
¼{ks=Qy gs0 esa] mRiknu eh0Vu rFkk vkSlr mit dq0@gs0½ ( Area in Hect. Production M.T.& Average Yield in Qtls / Hect)

dqy frygu ¼Total oil seed) vkyw ¼Potato)

Year/District/Division/ Region
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= {ks=Qy mRiknu vkSlr mit {ks=Qy mRiknu vkSlr mit
Area Production Average Yield Area Production Average Yield

1 44 45 46 47 48 49 1
55&cgjkbp 9264 6682 7.21 2245 60435 269.20 Bahraich
56&JkoLrh 3427 2183 6.37 555 14941 269.21 Shrawasti
57&cyjkeiqj 18508 13112 7.08 1603 43153 269.20 Balrampur
58&xks.Mk 8165 8054 9.86 3488 93897 269.20 Gonda
nsohikVu e.My 39364 30031 7.63 7891 212426 269.20 Devipatan Division
59&fl)kFkZuxj 4802 3770 7.85 1849 49775 269.20 SiddharthNagar
60&cLrh 2778 2174 7.83 2506 67462 269.20 Basti
61&lardchjuxj 3783 3156 8.34 2078 55940 269.20 SantkabirNagar
cLrh e.My 11363 9100 8.01 6433 173177 269.20 Basti Division
62&egjktxat 6679 3961 5.93 2503 57128 228.24 Maharajganj
63&xksj[kiqj 8900 8896 10.00 4362 110633 253.63 Gorakhpur
64&dq'khuxj 10183 7268 7.14 2451 59895 244.37 KushiNagar
65&nsofj;k 5592 3220 5.76 1651 40345 244.37 Deoria
xksj[kiqj e.My 31354 23345 7.45 10967 268001 244.37 GorakhpurDivision
66&vktex<+ 2514 3084 12.27 4820 51198 106.22 Azamgarh
67&eÅ 644 658 10.22 1531 31721 207.19 Mau
68&cfy;k 1439 1647 11.45 8140 217314 266.97 Ballia
vktex<+ e.My 4597 5389 11.72 14491 300233 207.19 Azamgarh Division
69&tkSuiqj 4630 1424 3.08 11107 226649 204.06 Jaunpur
70&xkthiqj 688 296 4.30 8384 166523 198.62 Ghazipur
71&pUnkSyh 886 499 5.63 833 10196 122.40 Chandauli
72&okjk.klh 1152 329 2.86 3149 63770 202.51 Varanasi
okjk.klh e.My 7356 2548 3.46 23473 467138 199.01 Varanasi Division
73&larjfonkl uxj 475 188 3.96 1395 34560 247.74 SantravidasNagar
74&fetkZiqj 9091 5893 6.48 1754 43454 247.74 Mirzapur
75&lksuHknz 15401 7871 5.11 1088 26954 247.74 Sonbhadra
foU/;kpy e.My 24967 13952 5.59 4237 104968 247.74 Vindhyachal Division
1- if'peh lEHkkx 404755 588335 14.54 366112 10503931 286.90 Western Region
2- dsUnzh; lEHkkx 266229 227229 8.54 74446 1808514 242.93 Central Region
3- cqUnsy[k.M lEHkkx 386602 155964 4.03 2294 61755 269.20 Bundelkhand Region
4- iwohZZ lEHkkx 147930 103136 6.97 109530 2495766 227.86 Eastern Region
mRrj izns'k 1205516 1074664 8.91 552382 14869966 269.20 Uttar pradesh
òksr& d`f"k funs'kky;] m0iz0A Source- Agriculture Directorare, UP.
*vuafre *Provisional

12& d`f"k @ Agriculture
12-2 (c½ m0iz0 esa izeq[k Qlyksa dk ftysokj {ks=Qy]mRiknu ,oa vkSlr mit
Districtwise Area, Production & Average Yield of Important Crops in UP.
¼{ks=Qy gs0 esa] mRiknu eh0Vu rFkk vkSlr mit dq0@gs0½ ( Area in Hect. Production M.T.& Average Yield in Qtls / Hect)

pkoy (Rice) Tokj (Jawar)

Year/District /
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= {ks=Qy mRiknu vkSlr mit {ks=Qy mRiknu vkSlr mit Division/ Region
Area Production Average Yield Area Production Average Yield
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1
2011-12 5902603 13916898 23.58 187455 217925 11.63 2011-12
2015-16* 5862040 12501160 21.33 154827 104769 6.77 2015-16*
2016-17* 5991708 14470352 24.15 182923 183020 10.01 2016-17*
2017-18* 5923632 15518603 26.20 169145 214815 12.70 2017-18*
2018-19* 5924128 16019695 27.04 147490 183966 12.47 2018-19*
2019-20* 5924349 17027889 28.74 168047 226638 13.49 2019-20*
2020-21* 5967035 17225106 28.87 174246 275047 15.78 2020-21*
1&lgkjuiqj 58334 165785 28.42 0 0 0.00 Saharanpur
2&eqtQ~Qjuxj 13152 35839 27.25 0 0 0.00 Muzaffarnagar
3&'kkeyh 21293 65794 30.90 0 0 0.00 Shamli
lgkjuiqj e.My 92779 267418 28.82 0 0 0.00 Saharanpur div.
4&fctukSj 54838 163490 29.81 2 3 15.00 Bijnor
5&eqjknkckn 99217 319742 32.23 36 44 12.22 Moradabad
6&laHky 43628 129183 29.61 142 175 12.32 Sambhal
7&jkeiqj 147043 469896 31.96 1082 1337 12.36 Rampur
8&vejksgk 26974 75770 28.09 0 0 0.00 Amroha
eqjknkckn e.My 371700 1158081 31.16 1262 1559 12.35 Moradabad Div.
9&esjB 15161 44587 29.41 0 0 0.00 Meerut
10&ckxir 5443 16236 29.83 0 0 0.00 Baghpat
11&xkft;kckn 8104 23550 29.06 0 0 0.00 Ghaziabad
12&gkiqqM+ 20641 57217 27.72 1 1 10.00 Hapur
13&xkSrecq) uxj 15025 41920 27.90 0 0 0.00 G. B. Nagar
14&cqyUn'kgj 90309 256518 28.40 18 22 12.22 Bulandshahar
esjB e.My 154683 440028 28.45 19 23 12.11 Meerut Div.
15&eFkqjk 52090 109910 21.10 199 246 12.36 Mathura
16&vkxjk 5962 16223 27.21 100 124 12.40 Agra
17&fQjkstkckn 25195 66968 26.58 147 182 12.38 Firozabad
18&eSuiqjh 62145 180766 29.09 473 585 12.37 Mainpuri
vkxjk e.My 145392 373867 25.71 919 1137 12.37 Agra Div.
19&vyhx<+ 83341 219354 26.32 1 1 10.00 Aligarh
20&gkFkjl 24254 66514 27.42 5 6 12.00 Hathras
21&,Vk 19989 57568 28.80 0 0 0.00 Etah
22&dklxat 16655 51114 30.69 45 56 12.44 Kasganj
vyhx<+ e.My 144239 394550 27.35 51 63 12.35 Aligarh Div.
23&cnk;wW 82805 219460 26.50 168 208 12.38 Badaun
24&cjsyh 159580 499124 31.28 108 133 12.31 Bareilly
25&ihyhHkhr 139872 509274 36.41 0 0 0.00 Pilibhit
26&'kkgtgkWiqj 209672 800890 38.20 970 1199 12.36 Shahjahanpur
cjsyh e.My 591929 2028748 34.27 1246 1540 12.36 Bareilly Div.

12& d`f"k @ Agriculture
12-2 (c½ m0iz0 esa izeq[k Qlyksa dk ftysokj {ks=Qy]mRiknu ,oa vkSlr mit
Districtwise Area, Production & Average Yield of Important Crops in UP.
¼{ks=Qy gs0 esa] mRiknu eh0Vu rFkk vkSlr mit dq0@gs0½ ( Area in Hect. Production M.T.& Average Yield in Qtls / Hect)

pkoy (Rice) Tokj (Jawar)

Year/District /
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= {ks=Qy mRiknu vkSlr mit {ks=Qy mRiknu vkSlr mit Division/ Region
Area Production Average Yield Area Production Average Yield
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1
27&[khjh 186611 640169 34.30 53 50 9.43 kheri
28&lhrkiqj 167014 474736 28.42 4828 2984 6.18 Sitapur
29&gjnksbZ 153344 439784 28.68 4528 4560 10.07 Hardoi
30&mUuko 99011 231686 23.40 3549 1654 4.66 Unnao
31&y[kuÅ 50993 120649 23.66 1965 1812 9.22 Lucknow
32&jk;cjsyh 90022 267365 29.70 5855 3800 6.49 Raebareli
y[kuÅ e.My 746995 2174389 29.11 20778 14860 7.15 Lucknow Div.
33&Q:Z[kkckn 13842 44987 32.50 1103 2180 19.76 Farrukhabad
34&dUukSt 20982 72472 34.54 537 1028 19.14 Kannauj
35&bVkok 53758 169983 31.62 197 362 18.38 Etawah
36&vkSjS;k 30680 111092 36.21 898 1602 17.84 Auraiya
37&dkuiqj nsgkr 42227 136351 32.29 12324 19305 15.66 Kanpur Dehat
38&dkuiqj uxj 28721 100035 34.83 12022 23893 19.87 Kanpur Nagar
dkuiqj e.My 190210 634920 33.38 27081 48370 17.86 Kanpur Div.
39&tkykSu 321 603 18.79 5523 9075 16.43 Jalaun
40&>kWlh 8758 20231 23.10 1127 1390 12.33 Jhansi
41&yfyriqj 1400 1870 13.36 581 923 15.89 Lalitpur
>kWlh e.My 10479 22704 21.67 7231 11388 15.75 Jhansi Div.
42&gehjiqj 46 113 24.57 16620 16938 10.19 Hamirpur
43&egksck 243 598 24.61 2960 5381 18.18 Mahoba
44&ckWnk 53038 127344 24.01 23621 56178 23.78 Banda
45&fp=dwV 10216 28237 27.64 17144 31645 18.46 Chitrakoot
fp=dwV /kke e.My 63543 156292 24.60 60345 110142 18.25 Chitrakoot Dham Div.
46&Qrsgiqj 82345 241553 29.33 9218 14877 16.14 Fatehpur
47&izrkix<+ 97504 256046 26.26 3195 4116 12.88 Pratapgarh
48&dkS'kkEch 45287 126713 27.98 5967 7225 12.11 Kaushambi
49&iz;kxjkt 157847 496271 31.44 4871 8396 17.24 Prayagraj
iz;kxjkt e.My 382983 1120583 29.26 23251 34614 14.89 Prayagraj Div.
50&ckjkcadh 182412 596852 32.72 1251 1726 13.80 Barabanki
51&v;ks/;k 98379 282938 28.76 1563 2187 13.99 Ayodhya
52&vEcsMdjuxj 115918 350884 30.27 668 936 14.01 Ambedkar Nagar
53&lqYrkuiqj 92290 275763 29.88 4480 6254 13.96 Sultanpur
54&vesBh 119311 318202 26.67 3820 5262 13.77 Amethi
v;ks/;k e.My 608310 1824639 30.00 11782 16365 13.89 Ayodhya Div.

12& d`f"k @ Agriculture
12-2 (c½ m0iz0 esa izeq[k Qlyksa dk ftysokj {ks=Qy]mRiknu ,oa vkSlr mit
Districtwise Area, Production & Average Yield of Important Crops in UP.
¼{ks=Qy gs0 esa] mRiknu eh0Vu rFkk vkSlr mit dq0@gs0½ ( Area in Hect. Production M.T.& Average Yield in Qtls / Hect)

pkoy (Rice) Tokj (Jawar)

Year/District /
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= {ks=Qy mRiknu vkSlr mit {ks=Qy mRiknu vkSlr mit Division/ Region
Area Production Average Yield Area Production Average Yield
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1
55&cgjkbp 162847 439198 26.97 27 33 12.22 Bahraich
56&JkoLrh 74772 196277 26.25 78 118 15.13 Shrawasti
57&cyjkeiqj 108645 312246 28.74 4 7 17.50 Balrampur
58&xks.Mk 131615 320219 24.33 0 0 0.00 Gonda
nsohikVu e.My 477879 1267940 26.53 109 158 14.50 Devipatan Division
59&fl)kFkZuxj 173507 495015 28.53 0 0 0.00 SiddharthNagar
60&cLrh 104824 273905 26.13 0 0 0.00 Basti
61&lardchjuxj 92340 276983 30.00 0 0 0.00 SantkabirNagar
cLrh e.My 370671 1045903 28.22 0 0 0.00 Basti Division
62&egjktxat 170662 462249 27.09 0 0 0.00 Maharajganj
63&xksj[kiqj 153160 370038 24.16 0 0 0.00 Gorakhpur
64&dq'khuxj 121775 312109 25.63 1 2 20.00 KushiNagar
65&nsofj;k 133417 288865 21.65 18 41 22.78 Deoria
xksj[kiqj e.My 579014 1433261 24.75 19 43 22.63 GorakhpurDivision
66&vktex<+ 212305 512292 24.13 5 12 24.00 Azamgarh
67&eÅ 88527 227337 25.68 16 36 22.50 Mau
68&cfy;k 116409 297309 25.54 1554 2598 16.72 Ballia
vktex<+ e.My 417241 1036938 24.85 1575 2646 16.80 Azamgarh Division
69&tkSuiqj 145649 404030 27.74 3123 9804 31.39 Jaunpur
70&xkthiqj 159976 467290 29.21 2730 7245 26.54 Ghazipur
71&pUnkSyh 114594 374035 32.64 745 1810 24.30 Chandauli
72&okjk.klh 50974 134011 26.29 2338 2906 12.43 Varanasi
okjk.klh e.My 471193 1379366 29.27 8936 21765 24.36 Varanasi Division
73&larjfonkl uxj 27741 84607 30.50 1348 1424 10.56 SantravidasNagar
74&fetkZiqj 86266 281400 32.62 3373 3711 11.00 Mirzapur
75&lksuHknz 33788 99472 29.44 4921 5239 10.65 Sonbhadra
foU/;kpy e.My 147795 465479 31.49 9642 10374 10.76 Vindhyachal Division
1- if'peh lEHkkx 1619984 5061226 31.24 6232 9494 15.23 Western Region
2- dsUnzh; lEHkkx 1082700 3249180 30.01 55593 74661 13.43 Central Region
3- cqUnsy[k.M lEHkkx 74022 178996 24.18 67576 121530 17.98 Bundelkhand Region
4- iwohZZ lEHkkx 3190329 8735704 27.38 44845 69362 15.47 Eastern Region
mRrj izns'k 5967035 17225106 28.87 174246 275047 15.78 Uttar pradesh
vuqo)--------- Contd.........
*vuafre *Provisional

12& d`f"k @ Agriculture
12-2 (c½ m0iz0 esa izeq[k Qlyksa dk ftysokj {ks=Qy]mRiknu ,oa vkSlr mit
Districtwise Area, Production & Average Yield of Important Crops in UP.

¼{ks=Qy gs0 esa] mRiknu eh0Vu rFkk vkSlr mit dq0@gs0½ ( Area in Hect. Production M.T.& Average Yield in Qtls / Hect)

cktjk (Bajara) eDdk (Maize) Year/District/Division /

o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= {ks=Qy mRiknu vkSlr mit {ks=Qy mRiknu vkSlr mit

Area Production Average Yield Area Production Average Yield

1 8 9 10 11 12 13 1
2011-12 913545 1652020 18.08 756607 1273077 16.83 2011-12
2015-16* 974881 1775698 18.21 605036 1118656 18.49 2015-16*
2016-17* 907173 1736339 19.14 806480 1524658 18.91 2016-17*
2017-18* 925397 1795148 19.40 724343 1598893 22.07 2017-18*
2018-19* 876724 1779291 20.29 733025 1524873 20.80 2018-19*
2019-20* 917090 1939329 21.15 729073 1804132 24.75 2019-20*
2020-21* 907406 2119958 23.36 772611 1817350 23.52 2020-21*
1&lgkjuiqj 2 5 25.00 7701 15283 19.85 Saharanpur
2&eqtQ~Qjuxj 0 0 0.00 72 194 26.94 Muzaffarnagar
3&'kkeyh 0 0 0.00 151 300 19.87 Shamli
lgkjuiqj e.My 2 5 25.00 7924 15777 19.91 Saharanpur div.
4&fctukSj 0 0 0.00 14 41 29.29 Bijnor
5&eqjknkckn 3390 6356 18.75 52 151 29.04 Moradabad
6&laHky 69841 141624 20.28 5728 17559 30.65 Sambhal
7&jkeiqj 3476 3393 9.76 241 679 28.17 Rampur
8&vejksgk 3316 2948 8.89 2373 5957 25.10 Amroha
eqjknkckn e.My 80023 154321 19.28 8408 24387 29.00 Moradabad Div.
9&esjB 24 45 18.75 302 682 22.58 Meerut
10&ckxir 428 805 18.81 11 29 26.36 Baghpat
11&xkft;kckn 0 0 0.00 115 301 26.17 Ghaziabad
12&gkiqqM+ 1 2 20.00 2520 6057 24.04 Hapur
13&xkSrecq) uxj 1377 1969 14.30 331 864 26.10 G. B. Nagar
14&cqyUn'kgj 12519 24162 19.30 48707 128546 26.39 Bulandshahar
esjB e.My 14349 26983 18.80 51986 136479 26.25 Meerut Div.
15&eFkqjk 43853 115772 26.40 650 2365 36.38 Mathura
16&vkxjk 114618 280514 24.47 411 1426 34.70 Agra
17&fQjkstkckn 71656 195406 27.27 9456 28537 30.18 Firozabad
18&eSuiqjh 18114 50466 27.86 44735 169609 37.91 Mainpuri
vkxjk e.My 248241 642158 25.87 55252 201937 36.55 Agra Div.
19&vyhx<+ 88582 212508 23.99 19995 49039 24.53 Aligarh
20&gkFkjl 47520 131440 27.66 3728 9853 26.43 Hathras
21&,Vk 45249 123032 27.19 30460 127014 41.70 Etah
22&dklxat 40178 127328 31.69 36998 127641 34.50 Kasganj
vyhx<+ e.My 221529 594308 26.83 91181 313547 34.39 Aligarh Div.
23&cnk;wW 98503 228501 23.20 7696 25303 32.88 Badaun
24&cjsyh 6897 15380 22.30 198 603 30.45 Bareilly
25&ihyhHkhr 0 0 0.00 294 919 31.26 Pilibhit
26&'kkgtgkWiqj 4379 11810 26.97 2437 6315 25.91 Shahjahanpur
cjsyh e.My 109779 255691 23.29 10625 33140 31.19 Bareilly Div.

12& d`f"k @ Agriculture
12-2 (c½ m0iz0 esa izeq[k Qlyksa dk ftysokj {ks=Qy]mRiknu ,oa vkSlr mit
Districtwise Area, Production & Average Yield of Important Crops in UP.

¼{ks=Qy gs0 esa] mRiknu eh0Vu rFkk vkSlr mit dq0@gs0½ ( Area in Hect. Production M.T.& Average Yield in Qtls / Hect)

cktjk (Bajara) eDdk (Maize) Year/District/Division /

o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= {ks=Qy mRiknu vkSlr mit {ks=Qy mRiknu vkSlr mit

Area Production Average Yield Area Production Average Yield

1 8 9 10 11 12 13 1
27&[khjh 476 618 12.98 11310 19525 17.26 kheri
28&lhrkiqj 3383 2826 8.35 10848 13026 12.01 Sitapur
29&gjnksbZ 3218 4949 15.38 36938 87637 23.73 Hardoi
30&mUuko 1167 1518 13.01 30143 62048 20.58 Unnao
31&y[kuÅ 748 1818 24.30 1488 3824 25.70 Lucknow
32&jk;cjsyh 722 955 13.23 45 91 20.22 Raebareli
y[kuÅ e.My 9714 12684 13.06 90772 186151 20.51 Lucknow Div.
33&Q:Z[kkckn 3866 7533 19.49 34471 124626 36.15 Farrukhabad
34&dUukSt 1188 2641 22.23 54246 174100 32.09 Kannauj
35&bVkok 35566 92506 26.01 5683 17685 31.12 Etawah
36&vkSjS;k 29462 83820 28.45 17912 57186 31.93 Auraiya
37&dkuiqj nsgkr 17561 43532 24.79 13049 38005 29.12 Kanpur Dehat
38&dkuiqj uxj 1152 2074 18.00 23509 64565 27.46 Kanpur Nagar
dkuiqj e.My 88795 232106 26.14 148870 476167 31.99 Kanpur Div.
39&tkykSu 14751 27322 18.52 320 830 25.94 Jalaun
40&>kWlh 13 9 6.92 1252 719 5.74 Jhansi
41&yfyriqj 0 0 0.00 26174 29557 11.29 Lalitpur
>kWlh e.My 14764 27331 18.51 27746 31106 11.21 Jhansi Div.
42&gehjiqj 268 597 22.28 16 37 23.13 Hamirpur
43&egksck 28 63 22.50 5 12 24.00 Mahoba
44&ckWnk 2864 6346 22.16 4 9 22.50 Banda
45&fp=dwV 9213 20411 22.15 9 23 25.56 Chitrakoot
fp=dwV /kke e.My 12373 27417 22.16 34 81 23.82 Chitrakoot Dham Div.
46&Qrsgiqj 7338 12575 17.14 606 1506 24.85 Fatehpur
47&izrkix<+ 11788 13013 11.04 715 1669 23.34 Pratapgarh
48&dkS'kkEch 10292 14988 14.56 226 588 26.02 Kaushambi
49&iz;kxjkt 25948 31261 12.05 143 341 23.85 Prayagraj
iz;kxjkt e.My 55366 71837 12.97 1690 4104 24.28 Prayagraj Div.
50&ckjkcadh 545 1289 23.65 4785 9713 20.30 Barabanki
51&v;ks/;k 2 4 20.00 2849 6607 23.19 Ayodhya
52&vEcsMdjuxj 2 5 25.00 730 1585 21.71 Ambedkar Nagar
53&lqYrkuiqj 163 394 24.17 4772 9106 19.08 Sultanpur
54&vesBh 396 946 23.89 587 1183 20.15 Amethi
v;ks/;k e.My 1108 2638 23.81 13723 28194 20.55 Ayodhya Div.

12& d`f"k @ Agriculture
12-2 (c½ m0iz0 esa izeq[k Qlyksa dk ftysokj {ks=Qy]mRiknu ,oa vkSlr mit
Districtwise Area, Production & Average Yield of Important Crops in UP.

¼{ks=Qy gs0 esa] mRiknu eh0Vu rFkk vkSlr mit dq0@gs0½ ( Area in Hect. Production M.T.& Average Yield in Qtls / Hect)

cktjk (Bajara) eDdk (Maize) Year/District/Division /

o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= {ks=Qy mRiknu vkSlr mit {ks=Qy mRiknu vkSlr mit

Area Production Average Yield Area Production Average Yield

1 8 9 10 11 12 13 1
55&cgjkbp 2 4 20.00 77057 111459 14.46 Bahraich
56&JkoLrh 7 17 24.29 10677 9421 8.82 Shrawasti
57&cyjkeiqj 0 0 0.00 2765 3759 13.59 Balrampur
58&xks.Mk 0 0 0.00 47319 56014 11.84 Gonda
nsohikVu e.My 9 21 23.33 137818 180653 13.11 Devipatan Division
59&fl)kFkZuxj 0 0 0.00 435 337 7.75 SiddharthNagar
60&cLrh 0 0 0.00 2875 2291 7.97 Basti
61&lardchjuxj 11 30 27.27 1371 1228 8.96 SantkabirNagar
cLrh e.My 11 30 27.27 4681 3856 8.24 Basti Division
62&egjktxat 0 0 0.00 354 954 26.95 Maharajganj
63&xksj[kiqj 7 17 24.29 2885 1393 4.83 Gorakhpur
64&dq'khuxj 147 360 24.49 7434 16694 22.46 KushiNagar
65&nsofj;k 155 372 24.00 6811 9836 14.44 Deoria
xksj[kiqj e.My 309 749 24.24 17484 28877 16.52 GorakhpurDivision
66&vktex<+ 118 283 23.98 6175 11334 18.35 Azamgarh
67&eÅ 42 106 25.24 465 853 18.34 Mau
68&cfy;k 1894 4610 24.34 31555 39997 12.68 Ballia
vktex<+ e.My 2054 4999 24.34 38195 52184 13.66 Azamgarh Division
69&tkSuiqj 5997 9258 15.44 45939 73163 15.93 Jaunpur
70&xkthiqj 15140 24054 15.89 649 1099 16.93 Ghazipur
71&pUnkSyh 4974 6930 13.93 59 108 18.31 Chandauli
72&okjk.klh 4784 5104 10.67 3085 5325 17.26 Varanasi
okjk.klh e.My 30895 45346 14.68 49732 79695 16.02 Varanasi Division
73&larjfonkl uxj 8486 8800 10.37 681 868 12.75 SantravidasNagar
74&fetkZiqj 9409 12267 13.04 1188 1446 12.17 Mirzapur
75&lksuHknz 190 267 14.05 14621 18701 12.79 Sonbhadra
foU/;kpy e.My 18085 21334 11.80 16490 21015 12.74 Vindhyachal Division
1- if'peh lEHkkx 744005 1859966 25.00 337688 1098864 32.54 Western Region
2- dsUnzh; lEHkkx 36310 72154 19.87 132721 299940 22.60 Central Region
3- cqUnsy[k.M lEHkkx 27137 54748 20.17 27780 31187 11.23 Bundelkhand Region
4- iwohZZ lEHkkx 99954 133090 13.32 274422 387359 14.12 Eastern Region
mRrj izns'k 907406 2119958 23.36 772611 1817350 23.52 Uttar pradesh
vuqo)--------- Contd.........

*vuafre *Provisional

12& d`f"k @ Agriculture
12-2 (c½ m0iz0 esa izeq[k Qlyksa dk ftysokj {ks=Qy]mRiknu ,oa vkSlr mit
Districtwise Area, Production & Average Yield of Important Crops in UP.

¼{ks=Qy gs0 esa] mRiknu eh0Vu rFkk vkSlr mit dq0@gs0½ ( Area in Hect. Production M.T.& Average Yield in Qtls / Hect)

xsgWw ( Wheat ) puk (Gram)

Year/District/Division /
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= {ks=Qy mRiknu vkSlr mit {ks=Qy mRiknu vkSlr mit Region
Area Production Average Yield Area Production Average Yield

1 14 15 16 17 18 19 1
2011-12 9792795 32149939 32.83 600580 710267 11.83 2011-12
2015-16* 9644838 26874361 27.86 267629 163409 6.11 2015-16*
2016-17* 9884913 34971381 35.38 561686 626294 11.15 2016-17*
2017-18* 9752941 35645666 36.55 500762 578550 11.55 2017-18*
2018-19* 9855900 38039724 38.60 572383 727945 12.72 2018-19*
2019-20* 9852504 36209665 36.75 620776 851211 13.71 2019-20*
2020-21* 9851478 37478852 38.04 611365 760147 12.43 2020-21*
1&lgkjuiqj 112258 466881 41.59 3 4 13.33 Saharanpur
2&eqtQ~Qjuxj 82486 357577 43.35 18 22 12.22 Muzaffarnagar
3&'kkeyh 50333 242001 48.08 14 17 12.14 Shamli
lgkjuiqj e.My 245077 1066459 43.52 35 43 12.29 Saharanpur div.
4&fctukSj 155416 591669 38.07 24 29 12.08 Bijnor
5&eqjknkckn 121959 528204 43.31 21 25 11.90 Moradabad
6&laHky 138648 567764 40.95 4 5 12.50 Sambhal
7&jkeiqj 144307 610996 42.34 30 36 12.00 Rampur
8&vejksgk 92094 370218 40.20 1 1 10.00 Amroha
eqjknkckn e.My 652424 2668851 40.91 80 96 12.00 Moradabad Div.
9&esjB 79499 362992 45.66 7 8 11.43 Meerut
10&ckxir 55427 253468 45.73 11 13 11.82 Baghpat
11&xkft;kckn 28112 119926 42.66 0 0 0.00 Ghaziabad
12&gkiqqM+ 43488 181823 41.81 2 2 10.00 Hapur
13&xkSrecq) uxj 44305 177973 40.17 1 1 10.00 G. B. Nagar
14&cqyUn'kgj 194116 854887 44.04 35 42 12.00 Bulandshahar
esjB e.My 444947 1951069 43.85 56 66 11.79 Meerut Div.
15&eFkqjk 202884 712731 35.13 0 0 0.00 Mathura
16&vkxjk 137658 586148 42.58 1012 1745 17.24 Agra
17&fQjkstkckn 100567 416146 41.38 297 722 24.31 Firozabad
18&eSuiqjh 150115 637839 42.49 983 3057 31.10 Mainpuri
vkxjk e.My 591224 2352864 39.80 2292 5524 24.10 Agra Div.
19&vyhx<+ 223574 934986 41.82 24 29 12.08 Aligarh
20&gkFkjl 82467 337785 40.96 22 27 12.27 Hathras
21&,Vk 137493 567296 41.26 326 394 12.09 Etah
22&dklxat 94618 360021 38.05 61 74 12.13 Kasganj
vyhx<+ e.My 538152 2200088 40.88 433 524 12.10 Aligarh Div.
23&cnk;wW 232327 907237 39.05 68 82 12.06 Badaun
24&cjsyh 200048 773586 38.67 16 19 11.88 Bareilly
25&ihyhHkhr 141500 629534 44.49 5 6 12.00 Pilibhit
26&'kkgtgkWiqj 252861 1126749 44.56 82 101 12.32 Shahjahanpur
cjsyh e.My 826736 3437106 41.57 171 208 12.16 Bareilly Div.

12& d`f"k @ Agriculture
12-2 (c½ m0iz0 esa izeq[k Qlyksa dk ftysokj {ks=Qy]mRiknu ,oa vkSlr mit
Districtwise Area, Production & Average Yield of Important Crops in UP.

¼{ks=Qy gs0 esa] mRiknu eh0Vu rFkk vkSlr mit dq0@gs0½ ( Area in Hect. Production M.T.& Average Yield in Qtls / Hect)

xsgWw ( Wheat ) puk (Gram)

Year/District/Division /
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= {ks=Qy mRiknu vkSlr mit {ks=Qy mRiknu vkSlr mit Region
Area Production Average Yield Area Production Average Yield

1 14 15 16 17 18 19 1
27&[khjh 195061 802091 41.12 94 100 10.64 kheri
28&lhrkiqj 210592 764449 36.30 520 554 10.65 Sitapur
29&gjnksbZ 320441 1200052 37.45 546 575 10.53 Hardoi
30&mUuko 242573 844154 34.80 3090 3578 11.58 Unnao
31&y[kuÅ 81162 275302 33.92 5114 7241 14.16 Lucknow
32&jk;cjsyh 135517 528381 38.99 5730 3924 6.85 Raebareli
y[kuÅ e.My 1185346 4414429 37.24 15094 15972 10.58 Lucknow Division
33&Q:Z[kkckn 76415 311773 40.80 824 1160 14.08 Farrukhabad
34&dUukSt 76169 315245 41.39 1062 1552 14.61 Kannauj
35&bVkok 95976 395887 41.25 1778 2566 14.43 Etawah
36&vkSjS;k 102110 423757 41.50 4162 5875 14.12 Auraiya
37&dkuiqj nsgkr 122414 498444 40.72 22315 31486 14.11 Kanpur Dehat
38&dkuiqj uxj 103150 407211 39.48 15072 24585 16.31 Kanpur Nagar
dkuiqj e.My 576234 2352317 40.82 45213 67224 14.87 Kanpur Division
39&tkykSu 144371 532022 36.85 44275 62420 14.10 Jalaun
40&>kWlh 153236 463806 30.27 63785 68318 10.71 Jhansi
41&yfyriqj 171453 535282 31.22 20124 27691 13.76 Lalitpur
>kWlh e.My 469060 1531110 32.64 128184 158429 12.36 Jhansi Division
42&gehjiqj 110320 354265 32.11 82882 91439 11.03 Hamirpur
43&egksck 71779 194394 27.08 64524 65944 10.22 Mahoba
44&ckWnk 161837 454302 28.07 94201 110909 11.77 Banda
45&fp=dwV 49779 164687 33.08 46218 58920 12.75 Chitrakoot
fp=dwV /kke e.My 393715 1167648 29.66 287825 327212 11.37 Chitrakoot Dham Div.
46&Qrsgiqj 173279 657710 37.96 41891 59656 14.24 Fatehpur
47&izrkix<+ 147069 502535 34.17 4075 4271 10.48 Pratapgarh
48&dkS'kkEch 75587 249908 33.06 12641 14698 11.63 Kaushambi
49&iz;kxjkt 210752 755631 35.85 15524 19719 12.70 Prayagraj
iz;kxjkt e.My 606687 2165784 35.70 74131 98344 13.27 Prayagraj Division
50&ckjkcadh 166827 722528 43.31 695 1107 15.93 Barabanki
51&v;ks/;k 112366 396436 35.28 1686 2688 15.94 Ayodhya
52&vEcsMdjuxj 119547 459300 38.42 1294 2063 15.94 AmbedkarNagar
53&lqYrkuiqj 104600 403756 38.60 3790 6035 15.92 Sultanpur
54&vesBh 127185 493223 38.78 2991 4750 15.88 Amethi
v;ks/;k e.My 630525 2475243 39.26 10456 16643 15.92 Ayodhya Division

12& d`f"k @ Agriculture
12-2 (c½ m0iz0 esa izeq[k Qlyksa dk ftysokj {ks=Qy]mRiknu ,oa vkSlr mit
Districtwise Area, Production & Average Yield of Important Crops in UP.

¼{ks=Qy gs0 esa] mRiknu eh0Vu rFkk vkSlr mit dq0@gs0½ ( Area in Hect. Production M.T.& Average Yield in Qtls / Hect)

xsgWw ( Wheat ) puk (Gram)

Year/District/Division /
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= {ks=Qy mRiknu vkSlr mit {ks=Qy mRiknu vkSlr mit Region
Area Production Average Yield Area Production Average Yield

1 14 15 16 17 18 19 1
55&cgjkbp 161971 565765 34.93 199 241 12.11 Bahraich
56&JkoLrh 70402 238944 33.94 47 57 12.13 Shrawasti
57&cyjkeiqj 87202 296748 34.03 515 623 12.10 Balrampur
58&xks.Mk 154832 519461 33.55 703 851 12.11 Gonda
nsohikVu e.My 474407 1620918 34.17 1464 1772 12.10 Devipatan Division
59&fl)kFkZuxj 156385 619597 39.62 13 16 12.31 SiddharthNagar
60&cLrh 119730 425880 35.57 832 1007 12.10 Basti
61&lardchjuxj 91078 376972 41.39 488 597 12.23 SantkabirNagar
cLrh e.My 367193 1422449 38.74 1333 1620 12.15 Basti Division
62&egjktxat 149744 560791 37.45 0 0 0.00 Maharajganj
63&xksj[kiqj 190783 714103 37.43 543 626 11.53 Gorakhpur
64&dq'khuxj 118046 441846 37.43 0 0 0.00 KushiNagar
65&nsofj;k 153125 533028 34.81 113 137 12.12 Deoria
xksj[kiqj e.My 611698 2249768 36.78 656 763 11.63 GorakhpurDivision
66&vktex<+ 240293 849680 35.36 3316 4911 14.81 Azamgarh
67&eÅ 94569 356525 37.70 1344 2052 15.27 Mau
68&cfy;k 137921 519839 37.69 3180 5317 16.72 Ballia
vktex<+ e.My 472783 1726044 36.51 7840 12280 15.66 Azamgarh Division
69&tkSuiqj 209293 773966 36.98 4992 9393 18.82 Jaunpur
70&xkthiqj 183259 638291 34.83 3191 5270 16.52 Ghazipur
71&pUnkSyh 99917 363998 36.43 1808 2494 13.79 Chandauli
72&okjk.klh 69795 256304 36.72 487 615 12.63 Varanasi
okjk.klh e.My 562264 2032559 36.15 10478 17772 16.96 Varanasi Division
73&larjfonkl uxj 47585 172591 36.27 686 841 12.26 SantravidasNagar
74&fetkZiqj 97635 319909 32.77 13676 18847 13.78 Mirzapur
75&lksuHknz 57786 151646 26.24 11262 15967 14.18 Sonbhadra
foU/;kpy e.My 203006 644146 31.73 25624 35655 13.91 Vindhyachal Division
1- if'peh lEHkkx 3649230 15123099 41.44 10893 17614 16.17 Western Region
2- dsUnzh; lEHkkx 1751016 6700322 38.27 95067 132806 13.97 Central Region
3- cqUnsy[k.M lEHkkx 862775 2698758 31.28 416009 485641 11.67 Bundelkhand Region
4- iwohZZ lEHkkx 3588457 12956673 36.11 89396 124086 13.88 Eastern Region
mRrj izns'k 9851478 37478852 38.04 611365 760147 12.43 Uttar pradesh
vuqo)--------- Contd.........

*vuafre *Provisional

12& d`f"k @ Agriculture
12-2 (c½m0iz0 esa izeq[k Qlyksa dk ftysokj {ks=Qy]mRiknu ,oa vkSlr mit
Districtwise Area, Production & Average Yield of Important Crops in UP.

¼{ks=Qy gs0 esa] mRiknu eh0Vu rFkk vkSlr mit dq0@gs0½ ( Area in Hect. Production M.T.& Average Yield in Qtls / Hect)

vU; nkysa (Other Pulses) dqy nkysa (Total Pulses)

o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= {ks=Qy mRiknu vkSlr mit {ks=Qy mRiknu vkSlr mit Year/District/Division /
Area Production Average Yield Area Production Average Yield

1 20 21 22 23 24 25 1
2011-12 1815479 1687038 9.29 2416059 2397305 9.92 2011-12
2015-16* 1613211 948914 5.88 1880840 1112323 5.91 2015-16*
2016-17* 1946449 1768749 9.09 2508135 2395043 9.55 2016-17*
2017-18* 1763183 1623152 9.21 2263945 2201702 9.73 2017-18*
2018-19* 1718453 1680040 9.78 2290836 2407985 10.51 2018-19*
2019-20* 1749706 1596134 9.12 2370482 2447345 10.32 2019-20*
2020-21* 1768367 1772066 10.02 2379732 2532213 10.64 2020-21*
1&lgkjuiqj 2759 4662 16.90 2762 4666 16.89 Saharanpur
2&eqtQ~Qjuxj 1658 1410 8.50 1676 1432 8.54 Muzaffarnagar
3&'kkeyh 1299 1012 7.79 1313 1029 7.84 Shamli
lgkjuiqj e.My 5716 7084 12.39 5751 7127 12.39 Saharanpur div.
4&fctukSj 2774 3061 11.03 2798 3090 11.04 Bijnor
5&eqjknkckn 4736 5418 11.44 4757 5443 11.44 Moradabad
6&laHky 12826 15163 11.82 12830 15168 11.82 Sambhal
7&jkeiqj 5822 5675 9.75 5852 5711 9.76 Rampur
8&vejksgk 3669 3136 8.55 3670 3137 8.55 Amroha
eqjknkckn e.My 29827 32453 10.88 29907 32549 10.88 Moradabad Div.
9&esjB 3148 3948 12.54 3155 3956 12.54 Meerut
10&ckxir 1115 1028 9.22 1126 1041 9.25 Baghpat
11&xkft;kckn 782 608 7.77 782 608 7.77 Ghaziabad
12&gkiqqM+ 2774 2653 9.56 2776 2655 9.56 Hapur
13&xkSrecq) uxj 1654 1310 7.92 1655 1311 7.92 G. B. Nagar
14&cqyUn'kgj 14309 12625 8.82 14344 12667 8.83 Bulandshahar
esjB e.My 23782 22172 9.32 23838 22238 9.33 Meerut Div.
15&eFkqjk 4220 5903 13.99 4220 5903 13.99 Mathura
16&vkxjk 2198 3033 13.80 3210 4778 14.88 Agra
17&fQjkstkckn 5730 7207 12.58 6027 7929 13.16 Firozabad
18&eSuiqjh 7213 12746 17.67 8196 15803 19.28 Mainpuri
vkxjk e.My 19361 28889 14.92 21653 34413 15.89 Agra Div.
19&vyhx<+ 16821 12345 7.34 16845 12374 7.35 Aligarh
20&gkFkjl 6800 4963 7.30 6822 4990 7.31 Hathras
21&,Vk 9233 8604 9.32 9559 8998 9.41 Etah
22&dklxat 13017 15543 11.94 13078 15617 11.94 Kasganj
vyhx<+ e.My 45871 41455 9.04 46304 41979 9.07 Aligarh Div.
23&cnk;wW 43065 52976 12.30 43133 53058 12.30 Badaun
24&cjsyh 12342 21073 17.07 12358 21092 17.07 Bareilly
25&ihyhHkhr 2554 3423 13.40 2559 3429 13.40 Pilibhit
26&'kkgtgkWiqj 32878 37447 11.39 32960 37548 11.39 Shahjahanpur
cjsyh e.My 90839 114919 12.65 91010 115127 12.65 Bareilly Div.

12& d`f"k @ Agriculture
12-2 (c½m0iz0 esa izeq[k Qlyksa dk ftysokj {ks=Qy]mRiknu ,oa vkSlr mit
Districtwise Area, Production & Average Yield of Important Crops in UP.

¼{ks=Qy gs0 esa] mRiknu eh0Vu rFkk vkSlr mit dq0@gs0½ ( Area in Hect. Production M.T.& Average Yield in Qtls / Hect)

vU; nkysa (Other Pulses) dqy nkysa (Total Pulses)

o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= {ks=Qy mRiknu vkSlr mit {ks=Qy mRiknu vkSlr mit Year/District/Division /
Area Production Average Yield Area Production Average Yield

1 20 21 22 23 24 25 1
27&[khjh 19759 17676 8.95 19853 17776 8.95 kheri
28&lhrkiqj 38645 30210 7.82 39165 30764 7.85 Sitapur
29&gjnksbZ 30469 23413 7.68 31015 23988 7.73 Hardoi
30&mUuko 35663 24938 6.99 38753 28516 7.36 Unnao
31&y[kuÅ 10110 9310 9.21 15224 16551 10.87 Lucknow
32&jk;cjsyh 21229 10335 4.87 26959 14259 5.29 Raebareli
y[kuÅ e.My 155875 115882 7.43 170969 131854 7.71 Lucknow Division
33&Q:Z[kkckn 6985 6887 9.86 7809 8047 10.30 Farrukhabad
34&dUukSt 4399 4350 9.89 5461 5902 10.81 Kannauj
35&bVkok 9715 13900 14.31 11493 16466 14.33 Etawah
36&vkSjS;k 7887 8564 10.86 12049 14439 11.98 Auraiya
37&dkuiqj nsgkr 18149 23714 13.07 40464 55200 13.64 Kanpur Dehat
38&dkuiqj uxj 17195 20212 11.75 32267 44797 13.88 Kanpur Nagar
dkuiqj e.My 64330 77627 12.07 109543 144851 13.22 Kanpur Division
39&tkykSu 117790 199065 16.90 162065 261485 16.13 Jalaun
40&>kWlh 143279 124771 8.71 207064 193089 9.33 Jhansi
41&yfyriqj 242181 172003 7.10 262305 199694 7.61 Lalitpur
>kWlh e.My 503250 495839 9.85 631434 654268 10.36 Jhansi Division
42&gehjiqj 69390 66505 9.58 152272 157944 10.37 Hamirpur
43&egksck 111619 75556 6.77 176143 141500 8.03 Mahoba
44&ckWnk 61230 79565 12.99 155431 190474 12.25 Banda
45&fp=dwV 38759 44079 11.37 84977 102999 12.12 Chitrakoot
fp=dwV /kke e.My 280998 265705 9.46 568823 592917 10.42 Chitrakoot Dham Div.
46&Qrsgiqj 34819 39520 11.35 76710 99176 12.93 Fatehpur
47&izrkix<+ 21377 18157 8.49 25452 22428 8.81 Pratapgarh
48&dkS'kkEch 11512 14581 12.67 24153 29279 12.12 Kaushambi
49&iz;kxjkt 33039 32783 9.92 48563 52502 10.81 Prayagraj
iz;kxjkt e.My 100747 105041 10.43 174878 203385 11.63 Prayagraj Division
50&ckjkcadh 23519 20021 8.51 24214 21128 8.73 Barabanki
51&v;ks/;k 11251 9803 8.71 12937 12491 9.66 Ayodhya
52&vEcsMdjuxj 9127 10197 11.17 10421 12260 11.76 AmbedkarNagar
53&lqYrkuiqj 23029 24994 10.85 26819 31029 11.57 Sultanpur
54&vesBh 20101 19528 9.71 23092 24278 10.51 Amethi
v;ks/;k e.My 87027 84543 9.71 97483 101186 10.38 Ayodhya Division

12& d`f"k @ Agriculture
12-2 (c½m0iz0 esa izeq[k Qlyksa dk ftysokj {ks=Qy]mRiknu ,oa vkSlr mit
Districtwise Area, Production & Average Yield of Important Crops in UP.

¼{ks=Qy gs0 esa] mRiknu eh0Vu rFkk vkSlr mit dq0@gs0½ ( Area in Hect. Production M.T.& Average Yield in Qtls / Hect)

vU; nkysa (Other Pulses) dqy nkysa (Total Pulses)

o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= {ks=Qy mRiknu vkSlr mit {ks=Qy mRiknu vkSlr mit Year/District/Division /
Area Production Average Yield Area Production Average Yield

1 20 21 22 23 24 25 1
55&cgjkbp 55880 58035 10.39 56079 58276 10.39 Bahraich
56&JkoLrh 23069 15572 6.75 23116 15629 6.76 Shrawasti
57&cyjkeiqj 37309 32103 8.60 37824 32726 8.65 Balrampur
58&xks.Mk 22658 25659 11.32 23361 26510 11.35 Gonda
nsohikVu e.My 138916 131369 9.46 140380 133141 9.48 Devipatan Division
59&fl)kFkZuxj 9423 8465 8.98 9436 8481 8.99 SiddharthNagar
60&cLrh 10169 8837 8.69 11001 9844 8.95 Basti
61&lardchjuxj 8484 6868 8.10 8972 7465 8.32 SantkabirNagar
cLrh e.My 28076 24170 8.61 29409 25790 8.77 Basti Division
62&egjktxat 11281 9336 8.28 11281 9336 8.28 Maharajganj
63&xksj[kiqj 7247 7107 9.81 7790 7733 9.93 Gorakhpur
64&dq'khuxj 4737 3880 8.19 4737 3880 8.19 KushiNagar
65&nsofj;k 6219 4801 7.72 6332 4938 7.80 Deoria
xksj[kiqj e.My 29484 25124 8.52 30140 25887 8.59 GorakhpurDivision
66&vktex<+ 14539 17659 12.15 17855 22570 12.64 Azamgarh
67&eÅ 3989 5088 12.76 5333 7140 13.39 Mau
68&cfy;k 27701 38281 13.82 30881 43598 14.12 Ballia
vktex<+ e.My 46229 61028 13.20 54069 73308 13.56 Azamgarh Division
69&tkSuiqj 23499 34009 14.47 28491 43402 15.23 Jaunpur
70&xkthiqj 19776 26102 13.20 22967 31372 13.66 Ghazipur
71&pUnkSyh 14978 17289 11.54 16786 19783 11.79 Chandauli
72&okjk.klh 7457 12871 17.26 7944 13486 16.98 Varanasi
okjk.klh e.My 65710 90271 13.74 76188 108043 14.18 Varanasi Division
73&larjfonkl uxj 5674 6091 10.73 6360 6932 10.90 SantravidasNagar
74&fetkZiqj 22132 22191 10.03 35808 41038 11.46 Mirzapur
75&lksuHknz 24523 20213 8.24 35785 36180 10.11 Sonbhadra
foU/;kpy e.My 52329 48495 9.27 77953 84150 10.79 Vindhyachal Division
1- if'peh lEHkkx 244382 280673 11.49 255275 298287 11.68 Western Region
2- dsUnzh; lEHkkx 249557 219349 8.79 344624 352155 10.22 Central Region
3- cqUnsy[k.M lEHkkx 784248 761544 9.71 1200257 1247185 10.39 Bundelkhand Region
4- iwohZZ lEHkkx 490180 510500 10.41 579576 634586 10.95 Eastern Region
mRrj izns'k 1768367 1772066 10.02 2379732 2532213 10.64 Uttar pradesh
vuqo)--------- Contd.........
*vuafre *Provisional

12& d`f"k @ Agriculture
12-2 (c½m0iz0 esa izeq[k Qlyksa dk ftysokj {ks=Qy]mRiknu ,oa vkSlr mit
Districtwise Area, Production & Average Yield of Important Crops in UP.

frygu (Oil Seeds)

¼{ks=Qy gs0 esa] mRiknu eh0Vu rFkk vkSlr mit dq0@gs0½ ( Area in Hect. Production M.T.& Average Yield in Qtls / Hect)

ewWxQyh ¼Groundnut ) fry ('kq)) Til (Pure½

o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= {ks=Qy mRiknu vkSlr mit {ks=Qy mRiknu vkSlr mit

Year/District/Division / Region

Area Production Average Yield Area Production Average Yield

1 26 27 28 29 30 31 1
2011-12 94837 94018 9.91 313751 70165 2.24 2011-12
2015-16* 96912 65405 6.75 545983 165537 3.03 2015-16*
2016-17* 94013 85006 9.04 271079 58123 2.14 2016-17*
2017-18* 87922 89075 10.13 278080 82116 2.95 2017-18*
2018-19* 101032 100470 9.94 327257 74028 2.26 2018-19*
2019-20* 93822 88371 9.42 355909 65536 1.84 2019-20*
2020-21* 90921 109921 12.09 317224 98365 3.10 2020-21*
1&lgkjuiqj 2089 1698 8.13 36 11 3.10 Saharanpur
2&eqtQ~Qjuxj 1 1 8.13 1 0 3.10 Muzaffarnagar
3&'kkeyh 0 0 0.00 23 7 3.10 Shamli
lgkjuiqj e.My 2090 1699 8.13 60 18 3.10 Saharanpur div.
4&fctukSj 1299 1570 12.09 14 4 3.10 Bijnor
5&eqjknkckn 0 0 0.00 26 8 3.10 Moradabad
6&laHky 6 7 12.09 2366 733 3.10 Sambhal
7&jkeiqj 22 27 12.09 43 13 3.10 Rampur
8&vejksgk 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 Amroha
eqjknkckn e.My 1327 1604 12.09 2449 758 3.10 Moradabad Div.
9&esjB 0 0 0.00 1 0 3.10 Meerut
10&ckxir 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 Baghpat
11&xkft;kckn 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 Ghaziabad
12&gkiqqM+ 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 Hapur
13&xkSrecq) uxj 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 G. B. Nagar
14&cqyUn'kgj 1 1 12.09 9 3 3.10 Bulandshahar
esjB e.My 1 1 12.09 10 3 3.10 Meerut Div.
15&eFkqjk 0 0 0.00 646 167 2.58 Mathura
16&vkxjk 0 0 0.00 2003 517 2.58 Agra
17&fQjkstkckn 204 567 27.82 2090 539 2.58 Firozabad
18&eSuiqjh 1226 3411 27.82 451 116 2.58 Mainpuri
vkxjk e.My 1430 3978 27.82 5190 1339 2.58 Agra Div.
19&vyhx<+ 28 34 12.09 104 32 3.10 Aligarh
20&gkFkjl 2 2 12.09 219 68 3.10 Hathras
21&,Vk 546 660 12.09 277 86 3.10 Etah
22&dklxat 203 246 12.09 769 238 3.10 Kasganj
vyhx<+ e.My 779 942 12.09 1369 424 3.10 Aligarh Div.
23&cnk;wW 525 255 4.86 2696 369 1.37 Badaun
24&cjsyh 476 231 4.86 925 191 2.07 Bareilly
25&ihyhHkhr 353 172 4.86 989 164 1.66 Pilibhit
26&'kkgtgkWiqj 2657 1291 4.86 8862 1507 1.70 Shahjahanpur
cjsyh e.My 4011 1949 4.86 13472 2231 1.66 Bareilly Div.

12& d`f"k @ Agriculture
12-2 (c½m0iz0 esa izeq[k Qlyksa dk ftysokj {ks=Qy]mRiknu ,oa vkSlr mit
Districtwise Area, Production & Average Yield of Important Crops in UP.

frygu (Oil Seeds)

¼{ks=Qy gs0 esa] mRiknu eh0Vu rFkk vkSlr mit dq0@gs0½ ( Area in Hect. Production M.T.& Average Yield in Qtls / Hect)

ewWxQyh ¼Groundnut ) fry ('kq)) Til (Pure½

o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= {ks=Qy mRiknu vkSlr mit {ks=Qy mRiknu vkSlr mit

Year/District/Division / Region

Area Production Average Yield Area Production Average Yield

1 26 27 28 29 30 31 1
27&[khjh 9050 12000 13.26 3762 1196 3.18 kheri
28&lhrkiqj 2190 1989 9.08 8433 2462 2.92 Sitapur
29&gjnksbZ 8047 9222 11.46 18296 11417 6.24 Hardoi
30&mUuko 2465 2068 8.39 10423 1636 1.57 Unnao
31&y[kuÅ 94 107 11.40 909 371 4.08 Lucknow
32&jk;cjsyh 1105 786 7.11 2804 1144 4.08 Raebareli
y[kuÅ e.My 22951 26172 11.40 44627 18226 4.08 Lucknow Division
33&Q:Z[kkckn 802 970 12.09 2543 572 2.25 Farrukhabad
34&dUukSt 1524 1843 12.09 1759 489 2.78 Kannauj
35&bVkok 100 121 12.09 1025 170 1.66 Etawah
36&vkSjS;k 81 98 12.09 826 156 1.89 Auraiya
37&dkuiqj nsgkr 0 0 12.09 6212 988 1.59 Kanpur Dehat
38&dkuiqj uxj 139 168 12.09 2509 100 0.40 Kanpur Nagar
dkuiqj e.My 2646 3200 12.09 14874 2475 1.66 Kanpur Division
39&tkykSu 21 27 13.09 31355 11413 3.64 Jalaun
40&>kWlh 20662 28018 13.56 89274 26693 2.99 Jhansi
41&yfyriqj 12587 15507 12.32 8761 867 0.99 Lalitpur
>kWlh e.My 33270 43552 13.09 129390 38973 3.01 Jhansi Division
42&gehjiqj 529 751 14.19 33729 8399 2.49 Hamirpur
43&egksck 6862 9751 14.21 29994 10318 3.44 Mahoba
44&ckWnk 572 801 14.00 16756 7792 4.65 Banda
45&fp=dwV 8 11 14.19 1225 511 4.17 Chitrakoot
fp=dwV /kke e.My 7971 11314 14.19 81704 27020 3.31 Chitrakoot Dham Div.
46&Qrsgiqj 0 0 0.00 10698 3402 3.18 Fatehpur
47&izrkix<+ 1 1 12.01 536 168 3.14 Pratapgarh
48&dkS'kkEch 24 29 12.12 1862 547 2.94 Kaushambi
49&iz;kxjkt 0 0 0.00 777 244 3.14 Prayagraj
iz;kxjkt e.My 25 30 12.12 13873 4361 3.14 Prayagraj Division
50&ckjkcadh 329 398 12.09 219 68 3.10 Barabanki
51&v;ks/;k 0 0 0.00 35 11 3.10 Ayodhya
52&vEcsMdjuxj 0 0 0.00 27 8 3.10 AmbedkarNagar
53&lqYrkuiqj 18 22 12.09 270 84 3.10 Sultanpur
54&vesBh 5 6 12.09 645 200 3.10 Amethi
v;ks/;k e.My 352 426 12.09 1196 371 3.10 Ayodhya Division

12& d`f"k @ Agriculture
12-2 (c½m0iz0 esa izeq[k Qlyksa dk ftysokj {ks=Qy]mRiknu ,oa vkSlr mit
Districtwise Area, Production & Average Yield of Important Crops in UP.

frygu (Oil Seeds)

¼{ks=Qy gs0 esa] mRiknu eh0Vu rFkk vkSlr mit dq0@gs0½ ( Area in Hect. Production M.T.& Average Yield in Qtls / Hect)

ewWxQyh ¼Groundnut ) fry ('kq)) Til (Pure½

o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= {ks=Qy mRiknu vkSlr mit {ks=Qy mRiknu vkSlr mit

Year/District/Division / Region

Area Production Average Yield Area Production Average Yield

1 26 27 28 29 30 31 1
55&cgjkbp 1788 2162 12.09 414 128 3.10 Bahraich
56&JkoLrh 133 161 12.09 338 105 3.10 Shrawasti
57&cyjkeiqj 7 8 12.09 14 4 3.10 Balrampur
58&xks.Mk 18 22 12.09 375 116 3.10 Gonda
nsohikVu e.My 1946 2353 12.09 1141 353 3.10 Devipatan Division
59&fl)kFkZuxj 29 35 12.09 0 0 0.00 SiddharthNagar
60&cLrh 1 1 12.09 162 50 3.10 Basti
61&lardchjuxj 1125 1360 12.09 145 45 3.10 SantkabirNagar
cLrh e.My 1155 1396 12.09 307 95 3.10 Basti Division
62&egjktxat 1213 803 6.62 50 15 3.10 Maharajganj
63&xksj[kiqj 3986 3819 9.58 180 56 3.10 Gorakhpur
64&dq'khuxj 733 648 8.84 55 17 3.10 KushiNagar
65&nsofj;k 1858 1615 8.69 71 22 3.10 Deoria
xksj[kiqj e.My 7790 6885 8.84 356 110 3.10 GorakhpurDivision
66&vktex<+ 97 117 12.09 78 24 3.10 Azamgarh
67&eÅ 470 568 12.09 17 5 3.10 Mau
68&cfy;k 237 287 12.09 0 0 0.00 Ballia
vktex<+ e.My 804 972 12.09 95 29 3.10 Azamgarh Division
69&tkSuiqj 0 0 0.00 543 64 1.18 Jaunpur
70&xkthiqj 55 66 12.09 36 4 1.18 Ghazipur
71&pUnkSyh 3 4 12.09 17 2 1.18 Chandauli
72&okjk.klh 1 1 12.09 351 42 1.18 Varanasi
okjk.klh e.My 59 71 12.09 947 112 1.18 Varanasi Division
73&larjfonkl uxj 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 SantravidasNagar
74&fetkZiqj 2153 3113 14.46 1309 151 1.15 Mirzapur
75&lksuHknz 161 264 16.40 4855 1316 2.71 Sonbhadra
foU/;kpy e.My 2314 3377 14.59 6164 1467 2.38 Vindhyachal Division
1- if'peh lEHkkx 12145 13205 10.87 28703 6160 2.15 Western Region
2- dsUnzh; lEHkkx 23419 26738 11.42 64265 22784 3.55 Central Region
3- cqUnsy[k.M lEHkkx 41241 54866 13.30 211094 65993 3.13 Bundelkhand Region
4- iwohZZ lEHkkx 14116 15112 10.71 13162 3428 2.60 Eastern Region
mRrj izns'k 90921 109921 12.09 317224 98365 3.10 Uttar pradesh
vuqo)--------- Contd.........

*vuafre *Provisional

12& d`f"k @ Agriculture
12-2 (c½m0iz0 esa izeq[k Qlyksa dk ftysokj {ks=Qy]mRiknu ,oa vkSlr mit
Districtwise Area, Production & Average Yield of Important Crops in UP.

frygu (Oil Seeds)

¼{ks=Qy gs0 esa] mRiknu eh0Vu rFkk vkSlr mit dq0@gs0½ ( Area in Hect. Production M.T.& Average Yield in Qtls / Hect)

ykgh rFkk ljlksa ¼'kq)½ vylh ¼Linseed½

Rapeseeds & Mustard (Pure)
Year/District/Division /
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= Region
{ks=Qy mRiknu vkSlr mit {ks=Qy mRiknu vkSlr mit
Area Production Average Yield Area Production Average Yield
1 32 33 34 35 36 37 1
2011-12 603663 684933 11.35 29916 13454 4.50 2011-12
2015-16* 593351 602616 10.16 16715 3194 1.91 2015-16*
2016-17* 689174 857813 12.45 32381 17415 5.38 2016-17*
2017-18* 678853 944759 13.92 25695 15461 6.02 2017-18*
2018-19* 753181 1117198 14.83 27870 17579 6.31 2018-19*
2019-20* 702889 885907 12.60 27073 18626 6.88 2019-20*
2020-21* 700982 1007738 14.38 25965 14543 5.60 2020-21*
1&lgkjuiqj 983 1517 15.43 0 0 0.00 Saharanpur
2&eqtQ~Qjuxj 4841 7220 14.91 0 0 0.00 Muzaffarnagar
3&'kkeyh 1572 2796 17.79 0 0 0.00 Shamli
lgkjuiqj e.My 7396 11533 15.59 0 0 0.00 Saharanpur div.
4&fctukSj 4217 4022 9.54 0 0 0.00 Bijnor
5&eqjknkckn 2436 3342 13.72 0 0 0.00 Moradabad
6&laHky 14444 23718 16.42 1 1 5.60 Sambhal
7&jkeiqj 5282 7613 14.41 0 0 0.00 Rampur
8&vejksgk 3325 4268 12.84 0 0 0.00 Amroha
eqjknkckn e.My 29704 42963 14.46 1 1 5.60 Moradabad Div.
9&esjB 5670 8682 15.31 0 0 0.00 Meerut
10&ckxir 2716 3715 13.68 0 0 0.00 Baghpat
11&xkft;kckn 1208 1591 13.17 39 22 5.60 Ghaziabad
12&gkiqMq + 2417 4244 17.56 0 0 0.00 Hapur
13&xkSrecq) uxj 801 1294 16.15 0 0 0.00 G. B. Nagar
14&cqyUn'kgj 11460 19700 17.19 2 1 5.60 Bulandshahar
esjB e.My 24272 39226 16.16 41 23 5.60 Meerut Div.
15&eFkqjk 45346 93050 20.52 0 0 0.00 Mathura
16&vkxjk 55336 122785 22.19 0 0 0.00 Agra
17&fQjkstkckn 10718 23366 21.80 0 0 0.00 Firozabad
18&eSuiqjh 7964 16756 21.04 0 0 0.00 Mainpuri
vkxjk e.My 119364 255957 21.44 0 0 0.00 Agra Div.
19&vyhx<+ 22953 39302 17.12 57 32 5.60 Aligarh
20&gkFkjl 9091 17778 19.56 0 0 0.00 Hathras
21&,Vk 12026 27273 22.68 0 0 0.00 Etah
22&dklxat 10021 24301 24.25 0 0 0.00 Kasganj
vyhx<+ e.My 54091 108654 20.09 57 32 5.60 Aligarh Div.
23&cnk;wW 42377 74631 17.61 240 134 5.60 Badaun
24&cjsyh 20143 18511 9.19 0 0 0.00 Bareilly
25&ihyhHkhr 10632 10728 10.09 2 1 5.60 Pilibhit
26&'kkgtgkWiqj 16773 26380 15.73 0 0 0.00 Shahjahanpur
cjsyh e.My 89925 130250 14.48 242 135 5.60 Bareilly Div.

12& d`f"k @ Agriculture
12-2 (c½m0iz0 esa izeq[k Qlyksa dk ftysokj {ks=Qy]mRiknu ,oa vkSlr mit
Districtwise Area, Production & Average Yield of Important Crops in UP.

frygu (Oil Seeds)

¼{ks=Qy gs0 esa] mRiknu eh0Vu rFkk vkSlr mit dq0@gs0½ ( Area in Hect. Production M.T.& Average Yield in Qtls / Hect)

ykgh rFkk ljlksa ¼'kq)½ vylh ¼Linseed½

Rapeseeds & Mustard (Pure)
Year/District/Division /
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= Region
{ks=Qy mRiknu vkSlr mit {ks=Qy mRiknu vkSlr mit
Area Production Average Yield Area Production Average Yield
1 32 33 34 35 36 37 1
27&[khjh 27163 27197 10.01 0 0 0.00 kheri
28&lhrkiqj 27572 27077 9.82 39 22 5.60 Sitapur
29&gjnksbZ 17199 17904 10.41 0 0 0.00 Hardoi
30&mUuko 16234 19102 11.77 22 12 5.60 Unnao
31&y[kuÅ 3879 4215 10.87 7 4 5.60 Lucknow
32&jk;cjsyh 6759 3601 5.33 54 30 5.60 Raebareli
y[kuÅ e.My 98806 99096 10.03 122 68 5.60 Lucknow Division
33&Q:Z[kkckn 7400 8399 11.35 0 0 0.00 Farrukhabad
34&dUukSt 8168 15163 18.56 0 0 0.00 Kannauj
35&bVkok 16505 31930 19.35 0 0 0.00 Etawah
36&vkSjS;k 14238 24384 17.13 0 0 0.00 Auraiya
37&dkuiqj nsgkr 23214 45538 19.62 10 6 5.60 Kanpur Dehat
38&dkuiqj uxj 14030 11540 8.23 110 62 5.60 Kanpur Nagar
dkuiqj e.My 83555 136954 16.39 120 68 5.60 Kanpur Division
39&tkykSu 16212 17849 11.01 227 127 5.60 Jalaun
40&>kWlh 9257 9071 9.80 1031 578 5.60 Jhansi
41&yfyriqj 5287 3484 6.59 95 53 5.60 Lalitpur
>kWlh e.My 30756 30404 9.89 1353 758 5.60 Jhansi Division
42&gehjiqj 14083 13742 9.76 2069 1283 6.20 Hamirpur
43&egksck 6475 4384 6.77 7048 3651 5.18 Mahoba
44&ckWnk 2670 2082 7.80 2595 1744 6.72 Banda
45&fp=dwV 2128 1677 7.88 537 306 5.70 Chitrakoot
fp=dwV /kke e.My 25356 21885 8.63 12249 6984 5.70 Chitrakoot Dham Div.
46&Qrsgiqj 19785 23358 11.81 141 60 4.26 Fatehpur
47&izrkix<+ 2103 2604 12.38 3 1 4.26 Pratapgarh
48&dkS'kkEch 1607 2756 17.15 4 2 4.26 Kaushambi
49&iz;kxjkt 1271 1669 13.13 777 331 4.26 Prayagraj
iz;kxjkt e.My 24766 30387 12.27 925 394 4.26 Prayagraj Division
50&ckjkcadh 21226 16046 7.56 7 4 5.60 Barabanki
51&v;ks/;k 3716 2809 7.56 15 8 5.60 Ayodhya
52&vEcsMdjuxj 5582 4220 7.56 5 3 5.60 AmbedkarNagar
53&lqYrkuiqj 2783 2104 7.56 23 13 5.60 Sultanpur
54&vesBh 3038 2270 7.47 60 34 5.60 Amethi
v;ks/;k e.My 36345 27449 7.55 110 62 5.60 Ayodhya Division

12& d`f"k @ Agriculture
12-2 (c½m0iz0 esa izeq[k Qlyksa dk ftysokj {ks=Qy]mRiknu ,oa vkSlr mit
Districtwise Area, Production & Average Yield of Important Crops in UP.

frygu (Oil Seeds)

¼{ks=Qy gs0 esa] mRiknu eh0Vu rFkk vkSlr mit dq0@gs0½ ( Area in Hect. Production M.T.& Average Yield in Qtls / Hect)

ykgh rFkk ljlksa ¼'kq)½ vylh ¼Linseed½

Rapeseeds & Mustard (Pure)
Year/District/Division /
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= Region
{ks=Qy mRiknu vkSlr mit {ks=Qy mRiknu vkSlr mit
Area Production Average Yield Area Production Average Yield
1 32 33 34 35 36 37 1
55&cgjkbp 7311 6101 8.34 84 47 5.60 Bahraich
56&JkoLrh 2769 1825 6.59 63 35 5.60 Shrawasti
57&cyjkeiqj 17736 14384 8.11 12 7 5.60 Balrampur
58&xks.Mk 7379 8754 11.86 28 16 5.60 Gonda
nsohikVu e.My 35195 31064 8.83 187 105 5.60 Devipatan Division
59&fl)kFkZuxj 3227 3356 10.40 1473 825 5.60 SiddharthNagar
60&cLrh 2455 2553 10.40 23 13 5.60 Basti
61&lardchjuxj 2489 2587 10.39 7 4 5.60 SantkabirNagar
cLrh e.My 8171 8496 10.40 1503 842 5.60 Basti Division
62&egjktxat 4364 5603 12.84 1 1 5.60 Maharajganj
63&xksj[kiqj 3268 4605 14.09 36 20 5.60 Gorakhpur
64&dq'khuxj 9843 6504 6.61 3 2 5.60 KushiNagar
65&nsofj;k 1580 1518 9.61 2 1 5.60 Deoria
xksj[kiqj e.My 19055 18230 9.57 42 24 5.60 GorakhpurDivision
66&vktex<+ 2227 3225 14.48 0 0 0.00 Azamgarh
67&eÅ 210 304 14.48 2 1 5.60 Mau
68&cfy;k 1104 1596 14.46 0 0 0.00 Ballia
vktex<+ e.My 3541 5125 14.47 2 1 5.60 Azamgarh Division
69&tkSuiqj 3524 3197 9.07 2 1 5.60 Jaunpur
70&xkthiqj 381 347 9.11 0 0 0.00 Ghazipur
71&pUnkSyh 291 265 9.11 541 303 5.60 Chandauli
72&okjk.klh 721 656 9.10 2 1 5.60 Varanasi
okjk.klh e.My 4917 4465 9.08 545 305 5.60 Varanasi Division
73&larjfonkl uxj 133 130 9.77 13 7 5.60 SantravidasNagar
74&fetkZiqj 2425 2046 8.44 3267 1830 5.60 Mirzapur
75&lksuHknz 3209 3424 10.67 5186 2904 5.60 Sonbhadra
foU/;kpy e.My 5767 5600 9.71 8466 4741 5.60 Vindhyachal Division
1- if'peh lEHkkx 371063 668459 18.01 341 191 5.60 Western Region
2- dsUnzh; lEHkkx 177061 195578 11.05 390 200 5.13 Central Region
3- cqUnsy[k.M lEHkkx 56112 52289 9.32 13602 7742 5.69 Bundelkhand Region
4- iwohZZ lEHkkx 96746 91412 9.45 11632 6410 5.51 Eastern Region
mRrj izns'k 700982 1007738 14.38 25965 14543 5.60 Uttar pradesh
vuqo)--------- Contd.........
*vuafre *Provisional

12& d`f"k @ Agriculture
12-2 (c½m0iz0 esa izeq[k Qlyksa dk ftysokj {ks=Qy]mRiknu ,oa vkSlr mit
Districtwise Area, Production & Average Yield of Important Crops in UP.

¼{ks=Qy gs0 esa] mRiknu eh0Vu rFkk vkSlr mit dq0@gs0½ ( Area in Hect. Production M.T.& Average Yield in Qtls / Hect)

dqy [kk|kUu ¼Total Foodgrainss½ xUuk ¼Sugarcane½

Year/District/Division /
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= {ks=Qy mRiknu vkSlr mit {ks=Qy mRiknu vkSlr mit Region

Area Production Average Yield Area Production Average Yield

1 38 39 40 41 42 43 1
2011-12 20144298 52057080 25.84 2116998 126110299 595.70 2011-12
2015-16* 19353679 43947756 22.71 2168888 145384798 670.32 2015-16*
2016-17* 20460565 55746591 27.25 2159841 156948671 726.67 2016-17*
2017-18* 19912620 57384040 28.82 2234282 177056410 792.45 2017-18*
2018-19* 19985124 60415160 30.23 2223805 179698158 808.07 2018-19*
2019-20* 20136711 60184020 29.89 2208347 179567765 813.13 2019-20*
2020-21* 20221291 61945406 30.63 2180010 178339549 818.07 2020-21*
1&lgkjuiqj 181120 652818 36.04 136598 11216881 821.16 Saharanpur
2&eqtQ~Qjuxj 97563 395597 40.55 173652 16031553 923.20 Muzaffarnagar
3&'kkeyh 73173 309384 42.28 64554 6483029 1004.28 Shamli
lgkjuiqj e.My 351856 1357799 38.59 374804 33731463 899.98 Saharanpur div.
4&fctukSj 213072 758306 35.59 201195 17610196 875.28 Bijnor
5&eqjknkckn 229417 859959 37.48 46627 3615271 775.36 Moradabad
6&laHky 271543 873750 32.18 27462 2203990 802.56 Sambhal
7&jkeiqj 302001 1092012 36.16 21848 1755006 803.28 Rampur
8&vejksgk 128476 458184 35.66 71753 5946602 828.76 Amroha
eqjknkckn e.My 1144509 4042211 35.32 368885 31131065 843.92 Moradabad Div.
9&esjB 98245 412671 42.00 133141 12139264 911.76 Meerut
10&ckxir 62473 271728 43.50 71208 6212186 872.40 Baghpat
11&xkft;kckn 37197 144715 38.91 25364 2229293 878.92 Ghaziabad
12&gkiqqM+ 69860 249456 35.71 38075 3224496 846.88 Hapur
13&xkSrecq) uxj 63958 229007 35.81 1194 106019 887.93 G. B. Nagar
14&cqyUn'kgj 366817 1303535 35.54 50788 4481939 882.48 Bulandshahar
esjB e.My 698550 2611112 37.38 319770 28393197 887.93 Meerut Div.
15&eFkqjk 308352 963196 31.24 1196 68861 575.76 Mathura
16&vkxjk 268063 911897 34.02 186 10709 575.75 Agra
17&fQjkstkckn 221070 745283 33.71 62 3570 575.76 Firozabad
18&eSuiqjh 286667 1065776 37.18 481 27694 575.76 Mainpuri
vkxjk e.My 1084152 3686152 34.00 1925 110834 575.76 Agra Div.
19&vyhx<+ 440380 1456160 33.07 5833 476813 817.44 Aligarh
20&gkFkjl 167234 559023 33.43 307 24042 783.12 Hathras
21&,Vk 249458 907154 36.36 280 21927 783.12 Etah
22&dklxat 204488 691887 33.84 7090 535210 754.88 Kasganj
vyhx<+ e.My 1061560 3614224 34.05 13510 1057992 783.12 Aligarh Div.
23&cnk;wW 465084 1435185 30.86 25252 1963798 777.68 Badaun
24&cjsyh 379235 1310062 34.54 98155 7576388 771.88 Bareilly
25&ihyhHkhr 284227 1143162 40.22 68845 5501266 799.08 Pilibhit
26&'kkgtgkWiqj 503529 1985296 39.43 38209 3011939 788.28 Shahjahanpur
cjsyh e.My 1632075 5873705 35.99 230461 18053391 783.36 Bareilly Div.

12& d`f"k @ Agriculture
12-2 (c½m0iz0 esa izeq[k Qlyksa dk ftysokj {ks=Qy]mRiknu ,oa vkSlr mit
Districtwise Area, Production & Average Yield of Important Crops in UP.

¼{ks=Qy gs0 esa] mRiknu eh0Vu rFkk vkSlr mit dq0@gs0½ ( Area in Hect. Production M.T.& Average Yield in Qtls / Hect)

dqy [kk|kUu ¼Total Foodgrainss½ xUuk ¼Sugarcane½

Year/District/Division /
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= {ks=Qy mRiknu vkSlr mit {ks=Qy mRiknu vkSlr mit Region

Area Production Average Yield Area Production Average Yield

1 38 39 40 41 42 43 1
27&[khjh 413515 1480583 35.80 239823 20474169 853.72 kheri
28&lhrkiqj 436507 1290649 29.57 145653 11181490 767.68 Sitapur
29&gjnksbZ 551116 1765109 32.03 36200 2871529 793.24 Hardoi
30&mUuko 416441 1172937 28.17 655 53561 817.73 Unnao
31&y[kuÅ 151670 420197 27.70 942 77030 817.73 Lucknow
32&jk;cjsyh 261068 820072 31.41 2650 171020 645.36 Raebareli
y[kuÅ e.My 2230317 6949547 31.16 425923 34828799 817.73 Lucknow Division
33&Q:Z[kkckn 138667 503054 36.28 7802 512186 656.48 Farrukhabad
34&dUukSt 159459 574308 36.02 246 16495 670.53 Kannauj
35&bVkok 204301 698333 34.18 383 25681 670.53 Etawah
36&vkSjS;k 195242 699054 35.80 646 43316 670.53 Auraiya
37&dkuiqj nsgkr 253212 807750 31.90 2202 158614 720.32 Kanpur Dehat
38&dkuiqj uxj 205987 658427 31.96 3065 205517 656.53 Kanpur Nagar
dkuiqj e.My 1156868 3940926 34.07 14344 961809 670.53 Kanpur Division
39&tkykSu 336039 858114 25.54 1277 52457 410.78 Jalaun
40&>kWlh 377322 692890 18.36 181 7435 410.77 Jhansi
41&yfyriqj 471578 787922 16.71 11 452 410.91 Lalitpur
>kWlh e.My 1184939 2338926 19.74 1469 60344 410.78 Jhansi Division
42&gehjiqj 283070 539159 19.05 3639 297696 818.07 Hamirpur
43&egksck 256153 351138 13.71 2523 206399 818.07 Mahoba
44&ckWnk 397804 836171 21.02 728 59555 818.06 Banda
45&fp=dwV 176608 363592 20.59 283 23151 818.06 Chitrakoot
fp=dwV /kke e.My 1113635 2090060 18.77 7173 586801 818.07 Chitrakoot Dham Div.
46&Qrsgiqj 353274 1039923 29.44 6220 287003 461.42 Fatehpur
47&izrkix<+ 286803 803073 28.00 1139 52556 461.42 Pratapgarh
48&dkS'kkEch 163145 433602 26.58 1364 62938 461.42 Kaushambi
49&iz;kxjkt 453318 1360472 30.01 730 33684 461.42 Prayagraj
iz;kxjkt e.My 1256540 3637070 28.95 9453 436181 461.42 Prayagraj Division
50&ckjkcadh 380143 1353509 35.61 9543 786305 823.96 Barabanki
51&v;ks/;k 228214 701026 30.72 21383 1655557 774.24 Ayodhya
52&vEcsMdjuxj 248098 827517 33.35 11401 852704 747.92 AmbedkarNagar
53&lqYrkuiqj 234235 729775 31.16 9148 626601 684.96 Sultanpur
54&vesBh 275920 847710 30.72 1681 128052 761.76 Amethi
v;ks/;k e.My 1366610 4459537 32.63 53156 4049219 761.76 Ayodhya Division

12& d`f"k @ Agriculture
12-2 (c½m0iz0 esa izeq[k Qlyksa dk ftysokj {ks=Qy]mRiknu ,oa vkSlr mit
Districtwise Area, Production & Average Yield of Important Crops in UP.

¼{ks=Qy gs0 esa] mRiknu eh0Vu rFkk vkSlr mit dq0@gs0½ ( Area in Hect. Production M.T.& Average Yield in Qtls / Hect)

dqy [kk|kUu ¼Total Foodgrainss½ xUuk ¼Sugarcane½

Year/District/Division /
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= {ks=Qy mRiknu vkSlr mit {ks=Qy mRiknu vkSlr mit Region

Area Production Average Yield Area Production Average Yield

1 38 39 40 41 42 43 1
55&cgjkbp 458455 1176140 25.65 25549 1948776 762.76 Bahraich
56&JkoLrh 179103 460566 25.72 8885 652648 734.55 Shrawasti
57&cyjkeiqj 236567 645884 27.30 43687 2854683 653.44 Balrampur
58&xks.Mk 357680 923939 25.83 81767 6288536 769.08 Gonda
nsohikVu e.My 1231805 3206529 26.03 159888 11744643 734.55 Devipatan Division
59&fl)kFkZuxj 339769 1123449 33.07 2095 137692 657.24 SiddharthNagar
60&cLrh 238484 712089 29.86 39022 2516295 644.84 Basti
61&lardchjuxj 194334 664411 34.19 3776 243729 645.47 SantkabirNagar
cLrh e.My 772587 2499949 32.36 44893 2897716 645.47 Basti Division
62&egjktxat 332111 1033542 31.12 16988 1115500 656.64 Maharajganj
63&xksj[kiqj 356778 1100199 30.84 2729 164395 602.40 Gorakhpur
64&dq'khuxj 252264 775218 30.73 69050 4923265 713.00 KushiNagar
65&nsofj;k 300247 838300 27.92 9431 613053 650.04 Deoria
xksj[kiqj e.My 1241400 3747259 30.19 98198 6816213 694.13 GorakhpurDivision
66&vktex<+ 479568 1405796 29.31 19014 1168676 614.64 Azamgarh
67&eÅ 191140 599512 31.37 7088 413032 582.72 Mau
68&cfy;k 323750 919683 28.41 6406 388357 606.24 Ballia
vktex<+ e.My 994458 2924991 29.41 32508 1970065 606.02 Azamgarh Division
69&tkSuiqj 439020 1314871 29.95 9668 631939 653.64 Jaunpur
70&xkthiqj 386350 1173128 30.36 7369 435213 590.60 Ghazipur
71&pUnkSyh 237837 768455 32.31 679 42188 621.33 Chandauli
72&okjk.klh 139188 417732 30.01 3882 232609 599.20 Varanasi
okjk.klh e.My 1202395 3674186 30.56 21598 1341949 621.33 Varanasi Division
73&larjfonkl uxj 92545 276289 29.85 1046 85570 818.07 SantravidasNagar
74&fetkZiqj 238584 673003 28.21 743 60783 818.08 Mirzapur
75&lksuHknz 165906 341931 20.61 263 21515 818.06 Sonbhadra
foU/;kpy e.My 497035 1291223 25.98 2052 167868 818.07 Vindhyachal Division
1- if'peh lEHkkx 6670371 23659952 35.47 1318432 113075620 857.65 Western Region
2- dsUnzh; lEHkkx 3422933 10809156 31.58 446953 36266238 811.41 Central Region
3- cqUnsy[k.M lEHkkx 2298574 4428986 19.27 8642 647145 748.84 Bundelkhand Region
4- iwohZZ lEHkkx 7829413 23047312 29.44 405983 28350546 698.32 Eastern Region
mRrj izns'k 20221291 61945406 30.63 2180010 178339549 818.07 Uttar pradesh
vuqo)--------- Contd.........

*vuafre *Provisional

12& d`f"k @ Agriculture
12-2 (c½m0iz0 esa izeq[k Qlyksa dk ftysokj {ks=Qy]mRiknu ,oa vkSlr mit
Districtwise Area, Production & Average Yield of Important Crops in UP.
¼{ks=Qy gs0 esa] mRiknu eh0Vu rFkk vkSlr mit dq0@gs0½ ( Area in Hect. Production M.T.& Average Yield in Qtls / Hect)

dqy frygu ¼Total oil seed) vkyw ¼Potato)

Year/District/Division/ Region
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= {ks=Qy mRiknu vkSlr mit {ks=Qy mRiknu vkSlr mit
Area Production Average Yield Area Production Average Yield

1 44 45 46 47 48 49 1
2011-12 1062569 889385 8.37 537954 11997388 223.02 2011-12
2015-16* 1290701 846507 6.56 612600 14112748 230.37 2015-16*
2016-17* 1100492 1029351 9.35 575641 13956310 242.45 2016-17*
2017-18* 1086911 1145522 10.54 572826 15008697 262.01 2017-18*
2018-19* 1233307 1331446 10.80 571399 17056711 298.51 2018-19*
2019-20* 1205516 1074664 8.91 552382 14869966 269.20 2019-20*
2020-21* 1196460 1275433 10.66 562605 16647424 295.90 2020-21*
1&lgkjuiqj 3108 3226 10.38 673 12246 181.96 Saharanpur
2&eqtQ~Qjuxj 4843 7221 14.91 1256 22854 181.96 Muzaffarnagar
3&'kkeyh 1595 2803 17.57 387 7042 181.96 Shamli
lgkjuiqj e.My 9546 13250 13.88 2316 42142 181.96 Saharanpur div.
4&fctukSj 5584 5670 10.15 919 27947 304.10 Bijnor
5&eqjknkckn 2493 3393 13.61 1338 35484 265.20 Moradabad
6&laHky 16817 24459 14.54 9696 297056 306.37 Sambhal
7&jkeiqj 5463 7742 14.17 1726 50006 289.72 Rampur
8&vejksgk 3325 4268 12.84 3868 118763 307.04 Amroha
eqjknkckn e.My 33682 45532 13.52 17547 529256 301.62 Moradabad Div.
9&esjB 5671 8682 15.31 5163 177189 343.19 Meerut
10&ckxir 2716 3715 13.68 255 7863 308.37 Baghpat
11&xkft;kckn 1247 1613 12.94 768 23683 308.37 Ghaziabad
12&gkiqqM+ 2417 4244 17.56 4026 123469 306.68 Hapur
13&xkSrecq) uxj 801 1294 16.15 581 17916 308.37 G. B. Nagar
14&cqyUn'kgj 11474 19708 17.18 9569 277788 290.30 Bulandshahar
esjB e.My 24326 39256 16.14 20362 627908 308.37 Meerut Div.
15&eFkqjk 45992 93217 20.27 11692 400416 342.47 Mathura
16&vkxjk 57339 123302 21.50 58747 1874382 319.06 Agra
17&fQjkstkckn 13270 24826 18.71 47739 1672345 350.31 Firozabad
18&eSuiqjh 9656 20303 21.03 13841 467120 337.49 Mainpuri
vkxjk e.My 126257 261648 20.72 132019 4414263 334.37 Agra Div.
19&vyhx<+ 23193 39470 17.02 22175 784463 353.76 Aligarh
20&gkFkjl 9339 17885 19.15 43660 1454970 333.25 Hathras
21&,Vk 12849 28019 21.81 6376 228095 357.74 Etah
22&dklxat 10993 24785 22.55 4321 125128 289.58 Kasganj
vyhx<+ e.My 56374 110159 19.54 76532 2592656 338.77 Aligarh Div.
23&cnk;wW 45876 75441 16.44 13578 339436 249.99 Badaun
24&cjsyh 21561 18956 8.79 2338 55621 237.90 Bareilly
25&ihyhHkhr 12284 11577 9.42 485 13924 287.10 Pilibhit
26&'kkgtgkWiqj 28342 29261 10.32 8701 311687 358.22 Shahjahanpur
cjsyh e.My 108063 135235 12.51 25102 720668 287.10 Bareilly Div.

12& d`f"k @ Agriculture
12-2 (c½m0iz0 esa izeq[k Qlyksa dk ftysokj {ks=Qy]mRiknu ,oa vkSlr mit
Districtwise Area, Production & Average Yield of Important Crops in UP.
¼{ks=Qy gs0 esa] mRiknu eh0Vu rFkk vkSlr mit dq0@gs0½ ( Area in Hect. Production M.T.& Average Yield in Qtls / Hect)

dqy frygu ¼Total oil seed) vkyw ¼Potato)

Year/District/Division/ Region
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= {ks=Qy mRiknu vkSlr mit {ks=Qy mRiknu vkSlr mit
Area Production Average Yield Area Production Average Yield

1 44 45 46 47 48 49 1
27&[khjh 39975 40393 10.10 1271 29444 231.66 kheri
28&lhrkiqj 38234 31550 8.25 4961 112788 227.35 Sitapur
29&gjnksbZ 44168 39400 8.92 10791 272376 252.41 Hardoi
30&mUuko 29241 22951 7.85 8348 214435 256.87 Unnao
31&y[kuÅ 4889 4697 9.61 4521 100434 222.15 Lucknow
32&jk;cjsyh 10722 5561 5.19 4066 57205 140.69 Raebareli
y[kuÅ e.My 167229 144552 8.64 33958 786682 231.66 Lucknow Division
33&Q:Z[kkckn 10889 10139 9.31 31785 1002753 315.48 Farrukhabad
34&dUukSt 13572 20405 15.03 47709 1401261 293.71 Kannauj
35&bVkok 17639 32233 18.27 17724 519047 292.85 Etawah
36&vkSjS;k 15145 24638 16.27 4931 158754 321.95 Auraiya
37&dkuiqj nsgkr 29516 46609 15.79 3450 102965 298.45 Kanpur Dehat
38&dkuiqj uxj 16890 12010 7.11 11463 308882 269.46 Kanpur Nagar
dkuiqj e.My 103651 146034 14.09 117062 3493662 298.45 Kanpur Division
39&tkykSu 47892 29468 6.15 1279 30009 234.63 Jalaun
40&>kWlh 134561 71227 5.29 788 18489 234.63 Jhansi
41&yfyriqj 66133 49623 7.50 432 10136 234.63 Lalitpur
>kWlh e.My 248586 150318 6.05 2499 58634 234.63 Jhansi Division
42&gehjiqj 50783 24431 4.81 21 621 295.90 Hamirpur
43&egksck 52457 29532 5.63 100 2959 295.90 Mahoba
44&ckWnk 23127 12786 5.53 163 4823 295.90 Banda
45&fp=dwV 3962 2549 6.43 278 8226 295.90 Chitrakoot
fp=dwV /kke e.My 130329 69298 5.32 562 16629 295.90 Chitrakoot Dham Div.
46&Qrsgiqj 30625 26821 8.76 8984 220629 245.58 Fatehpur
47&izrkix<+ 2643 2774 10.50 5817 127794 219.69 Pratapgarh
48&dkS'kkEch 3497 3334 9.53 4426 104489 236.08 Kaushambi
49&iz;kxjkt 2825 2244 7.94 13504 305690 226.37 Prayagraj
iz;kxjkt e.My 39590 35173 8.88 32731 758602 231.77 Prayagraj Division
50&ckjkcadh 21781 16516 7.58 14914 471357 316.05 Barabanki
51&v;ks/;k 3771 2835 7.52 3982 111440 279.86 Ayodhya
52&vEcsMdjuxj 5644 4272 7.57 4357 121935 279.86 AmbedkarNagar
53&lqYrkuiqj 3117 2255 7.23 5629 103568 183.99 Sultanpur
54&vesBh 3913 2736 6.99 4536 126944 279.86 Amethi
v;ks/;k e.My 38226 28614 7.49 33418 935244 279.86 Ayodhya Division

12& d`f"k @ Agriculture
12-2 (c½m0iz0 esa izeq[k Qlyksa dk ftysokj {ks=Qy]mRiknu ,oa vkSlr mit
Districtwise Area, Production & Average Yield of Important Crops in UP.
¼{ks=Qy gs0 esa] mRiknu eh0Vu rFkk vkSlr mit dq0@gs0½ ( Area in Hect. Production M.T.& Average Yield in Qtls / Hect)

dqy frygu ¼Total oil seed) vkyw ¼Potato)

Year/District/Division/ Region
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= {ks=Qy mRiknu vkSlr mit {ks=Qy mRiknu vkSlr mit
Area Production Average Yield Area Production Average Yield

1 44 45 46 47 48 49 1
55&cgjkbp 9648 8473 8.78 2353 69625 295.90 Bahraich
56&JkoLrh 3303 2126 6.44 531 15712 295.90 Shrawasti
57&cyjkeiqj 17769 14403 8.11 1615 47788 295.90 Balrampur
58&xks.Mk 7800 8908 11.42 3379 99985 295.90 Gonda
nsohikVu e.My 38520 33910 8.80 7878 233110 295.90 Devipatan Division
59&fl)kFkZuxj 4729 4216 8.92 1832 54209 295.90 SiddharthNagar
60&cLrh 2641 2617 9.91 2540 75159 295.90 Basti
61&lardchjuxj 3766 3996 10.61 2167 64122 295.90 SantkabirNagar
cLrh e.My 11136 10829 9.72 6539 193490 295.90 Basti Division
62&egjktxat 5628 6422 11.41 2528 63761 252.22 Maharajganj
63&xksj[kiqj 7470 8500 11.38 4287 99446 231.97 Gorakhpur
64&dq'khuxj 10634 7171 6.74 1469 35180 239.48 KushiNagar
65&nsofj;k 3511 3156 8.99 1549 37095 239.48 Deoria
xksj[kiqj e.My 27243 25249 9.27 9833 235482 239.48 GorakhpurDivision
66&vktex<+ 2405 3370 14.01 5075 54587 107.56 Azamgarh
67&eÅ 718 904 12.59 1083 21802 201.31 Mau
68&cfy;k 1366 1917 14.03 7954 207695 261.12 Ballia
vktex<+ e.My 4489 6191 13.79 14112 284084 201.31 Azamgarh Division
69&tkSuiqj 4074 3269 8.02 10113 241640 238.94 Jaunpur
70&xkthiqj 498 453 9.10 11845 290736 245.45 Ghazipur
71&pUnkSyh 855 578 6.76 823 13086 159.00 Chandauli
72&okjk.klh 1075 700 6.51 3163 83598 264.30 Varanasi
okjk.klh e.My 6502 5000 7.69 25944 629060 242.47 Varanasi Division
73&larjfonkl uxj 146 137 9.38 1419 32454 228.71 SantravidasNagar
74&fetkZiqj 9154 7140 7.80 1640 37508 228.71 Mirzapur
75&lksuHknz 13411 7908 5.90 1132 25890 228.71 Sonbhadra
foU/;kpy e.My 22711 15185 6.69 4191 95852 228.71 Vindhyachal Division
1- if'peh lEHkkx 415493 692495 16.67 376027 12008708 319.36 Western Region
2- dsUnzh; lEHkkx 266041 246508 9.27 72769 1890515 259.80 Central Region
3- cqUnsy[k.M lEHkkx 378915 219616 5.80 3061 75263 245.88 Bundelkhand Region
4- iwohZZ lEHkkx 136011 116814 8.59 110748 2672938 241.35 Eastern Region
mRrj izns'k 1196460 1275433 10.66 562605 16647424 295.90 Uttar pradesh
òksr& d`f"k funs'kky;] m0iz0A Source- Agriculture Directorare, UP.
*vuafre *Provisional

12& d`f"k @ Agriculture
12-3 Hkkjr esa izeq[k Qlyksa ds jkT;okj vkSlr mit&2019&20¹
12.3 Statewise Average Yield of Important Crops in India - 2019-20*
¼dq0@gs0½ (Qt./Hect)

pkoy Tokj cktjk eDdk xsgwW vkyw xUuk dikl puk

jkT; States
Rice Jwar Bajra Maize Wheat Potato Sugarcane Cotton Gram

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1
1- vkU/kz izns'k 37.70 23.77 22.96 67.64 & & 787.20 & 12.06 Andhra Pradesh
2- vle 22.43 & & 31.01 13.93 76.22 & & 6.78 Assam
3- fcgkj 20.96 & 11.34 30.83 26.26 298.85 569.81 & 7.69 Bihar
4- xqtjkr 21.81 13.69 20.98 18.09 31.55 306.44 712.87 5.30 15.74 Gujrat
5- gfj;k.kk 33.34 & 20.68 28.33 46.87 250.48 809.78 5.84 10.72 Haryana

6- fgekapy izns'k 16.00 & 7.30 25.30 17.70 & & & 10.40 Himanchal Pradesh

7- tEew d'ehj & & & & & & & & & Jammu & Kashmir
8- dukZVd 30.12 12.68 11.67 28.39 13.24 & 790.00 4.16 7.89 Karnataka
9- dsjy 32.15 & & & & & & & & Kerala
10- e/; izns'k 23.75 14.94 22.19 29.07 29.93 228.34 594.70 & 12.88 Madhya Pradesh
11- egkjk"Vª 19.57 8.26 7.67 17.67 16.57 & 786.50 2.60 11.19 Maharastra
12- ef.kiqj & & & & & & & & & Manipur
13- es?kky; & & & & & & & & & Meghalaya
14- fetksje & & & & & & & & & Mizoram
15- ukxkyS.M & & & & & & & & & Nagaland
16- vksfM'kk 20.68 & 6.20 24.98 14.24 & & & 7.79 Odisha
17- iatkc 40.35 & 8.00 37.11 50.08 270.58 795.15 8.10 12.74 Punjab
18- jktLFkku 21.89 7.09 10.93 13.55 35.01 & & 6.23 10.80 Rajasthan
19- flfDde & & & & & & & & & Sikkim
20- rfeyukMq 37.64 10.48 29.29 70.36 & & 1015.00 & 7.59 Tamilnadu
21-rsykaxkuk 36.49 12.27 8.89 53.47 18.46 & & 5.46 15.32 Telangana
22- f=iqjk & & & & & & & & & Tripura
23- mRrj izns'k 27.04 13.49 21.15 24.48 34.32 228.07 808.07 & 13.71 Uttar Pradesh
24- if'peh caxky 28.51 & 4.01 54.76 31.00 288.80 & & 11.91 West Bengal
25- v:.kkapy izns'k & & & & & & & & &
26 NRrhlx<+ 17.73 & & 22.37 10.50 144.90 & & 2.31 Chhattisgarh

27- xksok & & & & & & & & & Goa
28- >kj[k.M 23.50 & 7.12 20.12 20.71 144.39 & & 12.02 Jharkhand

29- mRrjk[k.M 26.46 & & 19.21 28.89 & 754.10 & 8.37 Uttrakhand
30- fnYyh & & & & & & & & & Delhi
Hkkjr 27.05 10.05 13.68 29.45 34.21 236.70 778.93 4.51 11.16 India
&ux.; ,oa 'kwU;
òksr& vFkZ ,oa la[;k funs'kky;@ d`f"k ,oa lgdkfjrk ea=ky; Source-Directorate of Economics & Statistics , Agri.& Co-op.
]Hkkjr ljdkjA Ministry,Govt. Of India.

12& d`f"k @ Agriculture
12-4 m0iz0 esa vkdkj oxkZuqlkj fdz;kRed tksrksa dh ftysokj la[;k rFkk {ks=Qy
Districtwise Operational Holdings & Area by Size Group in UP.

¼la[;k gtkj rFkk {ks=Qy gtkj gs0½ (No. in (000) & Area in (000) Hect)
lhekUr tksr y?kq tksr v/kZ e/;e tksr
¼Marginal Holdings½ ¼Small Holdings½ (Semi Medium Holdings½
1-0gs0 ls de 1-0&2-0gs0 2-0ls 4-0 gs0
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= Year/District/Division/ Region

la[;k {ks=Qy la[;k {ks=Qy la[;k {ks=Qy

Number Area Number Area Number Area
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1
1970-71 10452.90 3829.60 2688.90 3775.40 1651.90 4537.10 1970-71
1976-77 11773.40 4263.90 2781.40 3854.90 1626.60 4437.60 1976-77
1980-81 12572.20 4615.00 2898.20 4063.50 1613.60 4412.90 1980-81
1985-86 13781.80 4773.40 2964.30 4114.90 1581.70 4313.10 1985-86
1990-91 14829.30 5653.30 3118.90 4390.70 1542.50 4206.70 1990-91
1995-96 15583.50 6023.40 2982.90 4214.50 1504.10 4101.30 1995-96
2000-01 16658.90 6647.66 3087.05 4365.81 1427.14 3905.64 2000-01
2005-06 17507.11 6971.56 3103.17 4340.99 1391.56 3795.56 2005-06
2010-11 18532.27 7170.85 3035.33 4243.30 1334.27 3628.86 2010-11
2015-16 19099.83 7298.33 3008.40 4174.66 1313.70 3559.52 2015-16
1&lgkjuiqj 169.21 74.84 48.17 72.40 34.84 97.77 Saharanpur
2&eqtQ~Qjuxj 159.68 51.90 36.15 51.22 21.79 59.79 Muzaffarnagar
3&'kkeyh 88.91 31.69 20.76 28.92 10.81 29.31 Shamli
lgkjuiqj e.My 417.80 158.43 105.08 152.55 67.44 186.87 Saharanpur div.
4&fctukSj 252.87 117.44 64.66 96.66 32.19 88.95 Bijnor
5&eqjknkckn 211.75 77.55 34.54 48.88 15.50 40.71 Moradabad
6&laHky 256.08 89.41 35.23 47.99 16.76 46.91 Sambhal
7&jkeiqj 163.85 62.43 38.07 52.53 18.08 48.53 Rampur
8&vejksgk 154.82 64.85 30.00 43.09 15.49 43.39 Amroha
eqjknkckn e.My 1039.38 411.68 202.51 289.15 98.02 268.48 Moradabad Div.
9&esjB 133.69 54.54 35.27 50.10 18.70 52.26 Meerut
10&ckxir 75.50 30.66 21.37 29.84 11.51 31.03 Baghpat
11&xkft;kckn 53.10 17.53 9.91 13.56 4.48 12.11 Ghaziabad
12&gkiqqM+ 81.34 28.67 16.70 23.20 7.48 20.09 Hapur
13&xkSrecq) uxj 55.71 29.08 10.73 14.79 4.68 12.54 G. B. Nagar
14&cqyUn'kgj 266.80 106.86 54.97 84.10 26.26 73.34 Bulandshahar
esjB e.My 666.13 267.34 148.95 215.59 73.11 201.36 Meerut Div.
15&eFkqjk 99.78 43.93 40.50 58.21 29.37 80.50 Mathura
16&vkxjk 170.02 71.10 52.32 73.41 28.54 76.90 Agra
17&fQjkstkckn 156.41 66.63 35.06 46.38 17.66 46.29 Firozabad
18&eSuiqjh 253.38 102.19 39.67 56.29 11.48 31.18 Mainpuri
vkxjk e.My 679.58 283.85 167.56 234.29 87.05 234.87 Agra Div.
19&vyhx<+ 203.54 80.12 55.92 77.12 30.46 82.74 Aligarh
20&gkFkjl 112.70 44.33 28.40 38.69 13.86 37.93 Hathras
21&,Vk 203.38 81.82 40.24 56.08 13.96 38.08 Etah
22&dklxat 138.27 56.70 29.30 39.65 10.64 28.23 Kasganj
vyhx<+ e.My 657.89 262.97 153.85 211.54 68.91 186.98 Aligarh Div.
23&cnk;wW 400.75 144.62 69.99 96.05 27.21 71.97 Badaun
24&cjsyh 385.75 153.22 67.69 89.40 25.13 67.09 Bareilly
25&ihyhHkhr 150.54 60.19 42.44 61.19 21.84 58.44 Pilibhit
26&'kkgtgkWiqj 323.66 145.81 64.81 90.75 28.54 77.71 Shahjahanpur
cjsyh e.My 1260.70 503.83 244.93 337.39 102.71 275.21 Bareilly Div.
vuqo)--------- Contd.........

12& d`f"k @ Agriculture
12-4 m0iz0 esa vkdkj oxkZuqlkj fdz;kRed tksrksa dh ftysokj la[;k rFkk {ks=Qy
Districtwise Operational Holdings & Area by Size Group in UP.

¼la[;k gtkj rFkk {ks=Qy gtkj gs0½ (No. in (000) & Area in (000) Hect)
lhekUr tksr y?kq tksr v/kZ e/;e tksr
¼Marginal Holdings½ ¼Small Holdings½ (Semi Medium Holdings½
1-0gs0 ls de 1-0&2-0gs0 2-0ls 4-0 gs0
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= Year/District/Division/ Region

la[;k {ks=Qy la[;k {ks=Qy la[;k {ks=Qy

Number Area Number Area Number Area
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1
27&[khjh 522.85 209.55 89.16 132.35 39.62 104.45 kheri
28&lhrkiqj 538.47 217.09 89.18 124.13 31.80 85.13 Sitapur
29&gjnksbZ 597.00 241.16 76.35 105.34 28.23 76.25 Hardoi
30&mUuko 438.97 182.41 61.21 82.05 18.70 48.94 Unnao
31&y[kuÅ 207.17 74.15 27.60 37.65 9.23 24.99 Lucknow
32&jk;cjsyh 388.27 151.05 46.33 57.94 15.85 41.52 Raebareli
y[kuÅ e.My 2692.73 1075.40 389.82 539.46 143.43 381.28 Lucknow Division
33&Q:Z[kkckn 210.66 83.56 28.77 37.64 11.40 29.78 Farrukhabad
34&dUukSt 223.90 88.17 30.54 39.73 8.75 23.62 Kannauj
35&bVkok 163.74 61.98 29.08 40.39 18.71 52.22 Etawah
36&vkSjS;k 160.94 60.54 28.53 39.04 11.39 30.74 Auraiya
37&dkuiqj nsgkr 230.10 85.26 44.17 60.47 18.33 49.57 Kanpur Dehat
38&dkuiqj uxj 187.42 70.65 33.32 42.58 14.88 40.28 Kanpur Nagar
dkuiqj e.My 1176.75 450.15 194.41 259.86 83.46 226.20 Kanpur Division
39&tkykSu 146.24 70.67 56.81 74.39 35.30 96.94 Jalaun
40&>kWlh 123.49 57.80 56.35 78.88 34.85 96.54 Jhansi
41&yfyriqj 110.31 60.08 65.32 93.06 29.29 80.46 Lalitpur
>kWlh e.My 380.04 188.55 178.48 246.34 99.44 273.94 Jhansi Division
42&gehjiqj 82.93 41.11 39.38 55.77 28.45 78.82 Hamirpur
43&egksck 73.62 37.50 34.32 49.93 23.60 68.80 Mahoba
44&ckWnk 164.72 73.03 55.33 77.43 33.70 93.40 Banda
45&fp=dwV 127.74 50.25 29.62 40.91 14.01 37.97 Chitrakoot
fp=dwV /kke e.My 449.00 201.88 158.65 224.04 99.75 278.99 Chitrakoot Dham Div.
46&Qrsgiqj 313.90 113.28 58.56 82.22 23.25 63.08 Fatehpur
47&izrkix<+ 445.21 174.43 39.99 55.27 12.90 33.57 Pratapgarh
48&dkS'kkEch 183.46 58.33 23.53 30.37 9.65 24.95 Kaushambi
49&iz;kxjkt 452.60 173.24 60.66 83.13 27.40 74.41 Prayagraj
iz;kxjkt e.My 1395.17 519.28 182.74 251.00 73.19 196.00 Prayagraj Division
50&ckjkcadh 413.23 155.37 50.76 73.66 15.01 41.13 Barabanki
51&v;ks/;k 299.29 88.50 26.17 31.99 11.60 30.09 Ayodhya
52&vEcsMdjuxj 307.04 125.16 25.79 31.08 7.13 19.16 AmbedkarNagar
53&lqYrkuiqj 343.21 122.50 28.48 37.74 8.44 22.61 Sultanpur
54&vesBh 287.96 98.24 27.11 36.37 9.68 25.71 Amethi
v;ks/;k e.My 1650.73 589.77 158.31 210.84 51.87 138.71 Ayodhya Division
vuqo)--------- Contd.........

12& d`f"k @ Agriculture
12-4 m0iz0 esa vkdkj oxkZuqlkj fdz;kRed tksrksa dh ftysokj la[;k rFkk {ks=Qy
Districtwise Operational Holdings & Area by Size Group in UP.

¼la[;k gtkj rFkk {ks=Qy gtkj gs0½ (No. in (000) & Area in (000) Hect)
lhekUr tksr y?kq tksr v/kZ e/;e tksr
¼Marginal Holdings½ ¼Small Holdings½ (Semi Medium Holdings½
1-0gs0 ls de 1-0&2-0gs0 2-0ls 4-0 gs0
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= Year/District/Division/ Region

la[;k {ks=Qy la[;k {ks=Qy la[;k {ks=Qy

Number Area Number Area Number Area
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1
55&cgjkbp 428.31 182.78 55.73 74.49 19.15 51.04 Bahraich
56&JkoLrh 152.37 57.92 26.59 40.27 9.44 24.76 Shrawasti
57&cyjkeiqj 237.13 102.13 39.07 58.66 16.50 43.53 Balrampur
58&xks.Mk 426.04 186.99 53.47 68.41 14.23 37.09 Gonda
nsohikVu e.My 1243.84 529.82 174.86 241.82 59.31 156.42 Devipatan Division
59&fl)kFkZuxj 363.16 133.82 43.77 59.60 13.26 35.15 SiddharthNagar
60&cLrh 284.13 122.11 35.29 49.02 12.60 33.06 Basti
61&lardchjuxj 198.68 62.48 22.01 29.07 7.79 21.23 SantkabirNagar
cLrh e.My 845.96 318.41 101.07 137.68 33.64 89.44 Basti Division
62&egjktxat 345.46 105.95 33.27 44.20 11.41 30.64 Maharajganj
63&xksj[kiqj 460.85 144.73 43.54 58.85 14.45 39.71 Gorakhpur
64&dq'khuxj 441.63 138.50 29.50 40.69 11.69 31.89 KushiNagar
65&nsofj;k 324.93 99.59 33.51 47.18 11.90 31.35 Deoria
xksj[kiqj e.My 1572.87 488.77 139.83 190.92 49.46 133.59 Gorakhpur Division
66&vktex<+ 537.70 184.97 52.45 74.63 19.57 52.64 Azamgarh
67&eÅ 217.24 78.86 17.79 26.53 6.20 17.14 Mau
68&cfy;k 315.71 106.00 36.83 49.79 15.19 41.00 Ballia
vktex<+ e.My 1070.65 369.82 107.07 150.95 40.96 110.78 Azamgarh Division
69&tkSuiqj 603.78 184.42 51.27 69.41 15.98 41.56 Jaunpur
70&xkthiqj 362.59 159.60 37.42 52.48 13.95 37.11 Ghazipur
71&pUnkSyh 170.57 72.42 18.98 26.88 8.55 22.99 Chandauli
72&okjk.klh 261.36 74.45 10.49 13.41 2.31 5.58 Varanasi
okjk.klh e.My 1398.29 490.89 118.17 162.18 40.79 107.24 Varanasi Division
73&larjfonkl uxj 174.57 59.88 8.72 11.64 2.19 5.73 SantravidasNagar
74&fetkZiqj 192.65 77.65 37.46 56.54 18.46 50.77 Mirzapur
75&lksuHknz 135.08 49.96 35.95 50.90 20.52 56.67 Sonbhadra
foU/;kpy e.My 502.30 187.49 82.13 119.07 41.17 113.16 Vindhyachal Division
1- if'peh lEHkkx 5480.72 2182.36 1139.79 1597.31 547.49 1490.11 Western Region
2- dsUnzh; lEHkkx 3837.37 1499.95 576.63 798.39 214.90 575.35 Central Region
3- cqUnsy[k.M lEHkkx 829.04 390.43 337.13 470.38 199.19 552.93 Bundelkhand Region
4- iwohZZ lEHkkx 8952.70 3225.59 954.85 1308.58 352.12 941.13 Eastern Region
mRrj izns'k 19099.83 7298.33 3008.40 4174.66 1313.70 3559.52 Uttar pradesh
vuqo)--------- Contd.........

12& d`f"k @ Agriculture
12-4 m0iz0 esa vkdkj oxkZuqlkj fdz;kRed tksrksa dh ftysokj la[;k rFkk {ks=Qy
Districtwise Operational Holdings & Area by Size Group in UP.
¼la[;k gtkj rFkk {ks=Qy gtkj gs0½ (No. in (000) & Area in (000) Hect)
vkdkj oxZ ¼gsDVs;j esa½ tksrksa dk
Size Group in Hectares vkSlr
Year/District / Division/
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= e/;e tksr o`gr tksr Average
leLr tksr ¼All size of Region
¼Medium Holdings ½ ¼Large Holdings ½ holdings
4-0ls 10-0 gs0 10-0 gs0 ls vf/kd (Hect.)

la[;k {ks=Qy la[;k {ks=Qy la[;k {ks=Qy

Number Area Number Area Number Area
1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1
1970-71 733.0 4211.2 112.30 1805.2 15634.0 1815.5 1.20 1970-71
1976-77 704.2 4983.5 85.60 1320.5 16971.2 17860.4 1.10 1976-77
1980-81 661.2 3768.0 72.10 1111.3 1781.3 17970.7 1.00 1980-81
1985-86 602.1 3377.4 55.30 849.5 18985.2 17648.2 0.98 1985-86
1990-91 648.5 3042.0 45.20 494.0 20074.0 17985.9 0.90 1990-91
1995-96 484.6 2799.7 37.80 562.3 2060.3 17700.8 0.86 1995-96
2000-01 462.96 2579.9 32.13 484.3 21668.2 17983.3 0.83 2000-01
2005-06 427.88 2374.2 27.87 423.6 22457.6 17906.0 0.80 2005-06
2010-11 398.28 2198.8 25.31 379.8 23325.5 17621.6 0.76 2010-11
2015-16 376.79 2074.6 22.91 343.2 23821.6 17450.4 0.73 2015-16
1&lgkjuiqj 8.67 45.54 0.25 3.34 261.14 293.89 1.13 Saharanpur
2&eqtQ~Qjuxj 7.21 38.56 0.22 3.88 225.04 205.36 0.91 Muzaffarnagar
3&'kkeyh 2.75 14.43 0.07 0.91 123.30 105.26 0.85 Shamli
lgkjuiqj e.My 18.63 98.53 0.54 8.14 609.48 604.51 0.99 Saharanpur div.
4&fctukSj 6.86 35.47 0.21 4.70 356.80 343.22 0.96 Bijnor
5&eqjknkckn 3.43 18.70 0.16 2.18 265.38 188.03 0.71 Moradabad
6&laHky 2.90 15.12 0.08 1.12 311.06 200.55 0.64 Sambhal
7&jkeiqj 4.47 23.40 0.15 2.94 224.63 189.82 0.85 Rampur
8&vejksgk 4.64 24.93 0.13 1.73 205.08 177.99 0.87 Amroha
eqjknkckn e.My 22.31 117.63 0.73 12.67 1362.95 1099.60 0.81 Moradabad Div.
9&esjB 5.66 30.87 0.21 3.58 193.52 191.35 0.99 Meerut
10&ckxir 2.98 16.23 0.08 1.04 111.45 108.80 0.98 Baghpat
11&xkft;kckn 1.12 5.99 0.03 0.45 68.65 49.64 0.72 Ghaziabad
12&gkiqqM+ 1.58 8.27 0.04 1.15 107.13 81.38 0.76 Hapur
13&xkSrecq) uxj 1.20 6.32 0.06 1.05 72.37 63.77 0.88 G. B. Nagar
14&cqyUn'kgj 7.02 37.93 0.26 3.35 355.30 305.58 0.86 Bulandshahar
esjB e.My 19.56 105.60 0.68 10.63 908.42 800.52 0.88 Meerut Div.
15&eFkqjk 13.73 76.41 0.60 8.27 183.98 267.32 1.45 Mathura
16&vkxjk 10.36 58.53 0.76 11.67 262.01 291.61 1.11 Agra
17&fQjkstkckn 4.86 25.84 0.17 2.11 214.16 187.25 0.87 Firozabad
18&eSuiqjh 2.38 12.91 0.09 1.21 307.01 203.78 0.66 Mainpuri
vkxjk e.My 31.34 173.68 1.62 23.27 967.15 949.95 0.98 Agra Div.
19&vyhx<+ 9.57 51.73 0.36 4.60 299.84 296.32 0.99 Aligarh
20&gkFkjl 3.71 19.66 0.07 0.91 158.74 141.52 0.89 Hathras
21&,Vk 3.25 17.96 0.13 1.76 260.97 195.70 0.75 Etah
22&dklxat 2.35 12.51 0.09 1.46 180.65 138.54 0.77 Kasganj
vyhx<+ e.My 18.87 101.86 0.66 8.72 900.19 772.08 0.86 Aligarh Div.
23&cnk;wW 6.20 33.30 0.26 3.44 504.40 349.38 0.69 Badaun
24&cjsyh 5.23 27.62 0.19 3.00 483.99 340.33 0.70 Bareilly
25&ihyhHkhr 6.63 34.77 0.41 6.04 221.86 220.63 0.99 Pilibhit
26&'kkgtgkWiqj 7.24 39.25 0.36 5.54 424.62 359.06 0.85 Shahjahanpur
cjsyh e.My 25.30 134.95 1.21 18.02 1634.86 1269.40 0.78 Bareilly Div.
vuqo)--------- Contd.........

12& d`f"k @ Agriculture
12-4 m0iz0 esa vkdkj oxkZuqlkj fdz;kRed tksrksa dh ftysokj la[;k rFkk {ks=Qy
Districtwise Operational Holdings & Area by Size Group in UP.
¼la[;k gtkj rFkk {ks=Qy gtkj gs0½ (No. in (000) & Area in (000) Hect)
vkdkj oxZ ¼gsDVs;j esa½ tksrksa dk
Size Group in Hectares vkSlr
Year/District / Division/
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= e/;e tksr o`gr tksr Average
leLr tksr ¼All size of Region
¼Medium Holdings ½ ¼Large Holdings ½ holdings
4-0ls 10-0 gs0 10-0 gs0 ls vf/kd (Hect.)

la[;k {ks=Qy la[;k {ks=Qy la[;k {ks=Qy

Number Area Number Area Number Area
1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1
27&[khjh 10.80 55.10 0.44 8.37 662.87 509.83 0.77 kheri
28&lhrkiqj 6.79 35.95 0.26 4.67 666.50 466.97 0.70 Sitapur
29&gjnksbZ 7.91 43.97 0.29 5.54 709.79 472.25 0.67 Hardoi
30&mUuko 4.01 21.41 0.16 2.39 523.05 337.20 0.64 Unnao
31&y[kuÅ 1.71 9.31 0.07 1.31 245.78 147.41 0.60 Lucknow
32&jk;cjsyh 2.98 15.93 0.09 1.17 453.52 267.61 0.59 Raebareli
y[kuÅ e.My 34.20 181.68 1.33 23.45 3261.51 2201.27 0.67 Lucknow Division
33&Q:Z[kkckn 2.70 14.62 0.09 1.21 253.61 166.80 0.66 Farrukhabad
34&dUukSt 2.36 12.69 0.07 1.06 265.61 165.28 0.62 Kannauj
35&bVkok 2.94 15.71 0.09 1.10 214.56 171.40 0.80 Etawah
36&vkSjS;k 2.94 15.78 0.13 1.59 203.92 147.68 0.72 Auraiya
37&dkuiqj nsgkr 4.51 24.14 0.16 2.73 297.26 222.17 0.75 Kanpur Dehat
38&dkuiqj uxj 3.19 16.98 0.12 2.17 238.93 172.66 0.72 Kanpur Nagar
dkuiqj e.My 18.63 99.91 0.65 9.86 1473.89 1045.98 0.71 Kanpur Division
39&tkykSu 18.66 108.72 1.35 17.53 258.36 368.25 1.43 Jalaun
40&>kWlh 16.12 94.43 0.80 12.36 231.61 340.01 1.47 Jhansi
41&yfyriqj 9.77 55.63 1.10 15.77 215.78 305.00 1.41 Lalitpur
>kWlh e.My 44.55 258.77 3.25 45.66 705.76 1013.26 1.44 Jhansi Division
42&gehjiqj 16.27 95.23 1.91 25.53 168.93 296.46 1.75 Hamirpur
43&egksck 13.39 79.93 1.02 13.28 145.94 249.43 1.71 Mahoba
44&ckWnk 16.59 94.98 1.60 22.30 271.94 361.13 1.33 Banda
45&fp=dwV 6.33 37.29 1.11 17.28 178.80 183.70 1.03 Chitrakoot
fp=dwV /kke e.My 52.57 307.43 5.64 78.39 765.60 1090.72 1.42 Chitrakoot Dham Div.
46&Qrsgiqj 6.94 38.37 0.39 5.41 403.04 302.36 0.75 Fatehpur
47&izrkix<+ 1.96 10.22 0.05 0.71 500.10 274.20 0.55 Pratapgarh
48&dkS'kkEch 2.70 14.85 0.19 2.59 219.52 131.09 0.60 Kaushambi
49&iz;kxjkt 8.29 46.51 0.81 10.33 549.76 387.62 0.71 Prayagraj
iz;kxjkt e.My 19.88 109.96 1.44 19.03 1672.42 1095.26 0.65 Prayagraj Division
50&ckjkcadh 2.87 15.60 0.14 2.67 482.00 288.43 0.60 Barabanki
51&v;ks/;k 1.58 7.88 0.04 0.83 338.69 159.28 0.47 Ayodhya
52&vEcsMdjuxj 1.01 5.42 0.02 0.27 340.99 181.10 0.53 AmbedkarNagar
53&lqYrkuiqj 1.34 6.93 0.02 0.35 381.48 190.14 0.50 Sultanpur
54&vesBh 1.68 8.73 0.02 0.26 326.46 169.32 0.52 Amethi
v;ks/;k e.My 8.48 44.57 0.24 4.38 1869.62 988.27 0.53 Ayodhya Division
vuqo)--------- Contd.........

12& d`f"k @ Agriculture
12-4 m0iz0 esa vkdkj oxkZuqlkj fdz;kRed tksrksa dh ftysokj la[;k rFkk {ks=Qy
Districtwise Operational Holdings & Area by Size Group in UP.
¼la[;k gtkj rFkk {ks=Qy gtkj gs0½ (No. in (000) & Area in (000) Hect)
vkdkj oxZ ¼gsDVs;j esa½ tksrksa dk
Size Group in Hectares vkSlr
Year/District / Division/
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= e/;e tksr o`gr tksr Average
leLr tksr ¼All size of Region
¼Medium Holdings ½ ¼Large Holdings ½ holdings
4-0ls 10-0 gs0 10-0 gs0 ls vf/kd (Hect.)

la[;k {ks=Qy la[;k {ks=Qy la[;k {ks=Qy

Number Area Number Area Number Area
1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1
55&cgjkbp 3.92 20.82 0.20 3.29 507.30 332.41 0.66 Bahraich
56&JkoLrh 1.89 10.03 0.05 0.69 190.33 133.66 0.70 Shrawasti
57&cyjkeiqj 3.58 18.57 0.10 1.41 296.38 224.30 0.76 Balrampur
58&xks.Mk 3.05 16.25 0.15 1.96 496.93 310.70 0.63 Gonda
nsohikVu e.My 12.44 65.66 0.50 7.34 1490.95 1001.07 0.67 Devipatan Division
59&fl)kFkZuxj 2.55 13.73 0.15 1.92 422.89 244.21 0.58 SiddharthNagar
60&cLrh 1.94 10.21 0.06 0.69 334.01 215.09 0.64 Basti
61&lardchjuxj 1.55 8.51 0.06 0.81 230.09 122.10 0.53 SantkabirNagar
cLrh e.My 6.04 32.44 0.27 3.42 986.99 581.39 0.59 Basti Division
62&egjktxat 2.51 13.59 0.07 1.98 392.71 196.35 0.50 Maharajganj
63&xksj[kiqj 2.05 10.94 0.10 1.31 520.98 255.54 0.49 Gorakhpur
64&dq'khuxj 2.11 11.19 0.07 1.10 485.01 223.38 0.46 KushiNagar
65&nsofj;k 2.11 11.02 0.11 1.58 372.57 190.72 0.51 Deoria
xksj[kiqj e.My 8.78 46.75 0.35 5.96 1771.27 865.99 0.49 Gorakhpur Division
66&vktex<+ 3.65 19.84 0.13 1.79 613.51 333.86 0.54 Azamgarh
67&eÅ 1.05 5.77 0.06 0.81 242.34 129.11 0.53 Mau
68&cfy;k 4.86 26.52 0.26 3.51 372.85 226.81 0.61 Ballia
vktex<+ e.My 9.56 52.12 0.44 6.11 1228.70 689.78 0.56 Azamgarh Division
69&tkSuiqj 2.20 11.34 0.03 0.49 673.26 307.22 0.46 Jaunpur
70&xkthiqj 3.50 19.44 0.27 4.44 417.73 273.09 0.65 Ghazipur
71&pUnkSyh 2.51 13.98 0.16 2.09 200.78 138.34 0.69 Chandauli
72&okjk.klh 0.15 0.79 0.01 0.11 274.32 94.34 0.34 Varanasi
okjk.klh e.My 8.37 45.55 0.47 7.13 1566.08 812.98 0.52 Varanasi Division
73&larjfonkl uxj 0.33 1.77 0.01 0.12 185.82 79.13 0.43 SantravidasNagar
74&fetkZiqj 7.01 37.87 1.12 20.14 256.70 242.96 0.95 Mirzapur
75&lksuHknz 9.94 57.91 1.78 30.83 203.27 246.26 1.21 Sonbhadra
foU/;kpy e.My 17.28 97.54 2.91 51.09 645.79 568.35 0.88 Vindhyachal Division
1- if'peh lEHkkx 146.94 791.04 5.80 86.40 7320.74 6147.20 0.84 Western Region
2- dsUnzh; lEHkkx 51.71 276.77 2.13 36.42 4682.74 3186.88 0.68 Central Region
3- cqUnsy[k.M lEHkkx 97.12 566.20 8.88 124.05 1471.36 2103.98 1.43 Bundelkhand Region
4- iwohZZ lEHkkx 81.02 440.62 6.09 96.39 10346.78 6012.30 0.58 Eastern Region
mRrj izns'k 376.79 2074.63 22.91 343.25 23821.63 17450.37 0.73 Uttar pradesh
Lkzksr& jktLo ifj"kn] m0iz0A Source- Board of Revenue, UP.
uksV&;ksx esa fudVre eku dh otg ls vUrj gks ldrk gSA Note- Total May not tally due to rounding off

12& d`f"k @ Agriculture
12-5¼v½ & m0iz0 esa jlk;fud moZjdksa dk ftysokj forj.k
Districtwise Distribution of Chemical Fertilizers in UP.
¼eh0Vu½ (M.Tons)
ukbV~kstu QkLQsfVd iksVkf'kd dqy Year/District/Division /
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= Region
Nitrogen Phosphatic Potasic Total
1 2 3 4 5 1
2011-12 3067100 1024223 166418 4257741 2011-12
2013-14 2972621 764653 104769 3842043 2013-14
2014-15 3168952 915348 187339 4271639 2014-15
2015-16 2930010 1098076 202003 4230089 2015-16
2016-17 2890093 1133512 237507 4261112 2016-17
2017-18 3224289 1191640 239068 4654997 2017-18
2018-19 3480818 1051164 189769 4721751 2018-19
2019-20 3804259 1263418 203313 5270990 2019-20
1&lgkjuiqj 54950 15515 2126 72591 Saharanpur
2&eqtQ~Qjuxj 42754 15189 2651 60594 Muzaffarnagar
3&'kkeyh 29183 8077 737 37997 Shamli
lgkjuiqj e.My 126887 38781 5514 171182 Saharanpur div.
4&fctukSj 49743 14645 2884 67272 Bijnor
5&eqjknkckn 32961 6027 1479 40467 Moradabad
6&laHky 33511 14641 1597 49749 Sambhal
7&jkeiqj 32036 5155 849 38040 Rampur
8&vejksgk 38326 7297 1573 43753 Amroha
eqjknkckn e.My 186577 47765 8382 242724 Moradabad Div.
9&esjB 55576 18519 2750 76845 Meerut
10&ckxir 34714 10979 2127 47820 Baghpat
11&xkft;kckn 18707 5267 597 24571 Ghaziabad
12&gkiqqM+ 37388 9465 1375 48228 Hapur
13&xkSrecq) uxj 18973 5173 561 24707 G. B. Nagar
14&cqyUn'kgj 72295 26723 4576 103594 Bulandshahar
esjB e.My 237653 76126 11986 325765 Meerut Div.
15&eFkqjk 92952 29865 3686 126503 Mathura
16&vkxjk 135704 45524 18303 199531 Agra
17&fQjkstkckn 71866 27013 2653 101532 Firozabad
18&eSuiqjh 51630 17640 1994 71264 Mainpuri
vkxjk e.My 352152 120042 26636 498830 Agra Div.
19&vyhx<+ 113953 34058 6401 154412 Aligarh
20&gkFkjl 58965 23271 6516 88752 Hathras
21&,Vk 58350 20827 3716 82893 Etah
22&dklxat 25607 9094 966 35667 Kasganj
vyhx<+ e.My 256875 87250 17599 361724 Aligarh Div.
23&cnk;wW 70170 19902 3302 93374 Badaun
24&cjsyh 72597 19250 3028 94875 Bareilly
25&ihyhHkhr 52266 13240 3338 68844 Pilibhit
26&'kkgtgkWijq 129044 36691 6680 172415 Shahjahanpur
cjsyh e.My 324077 89083 16348 429508 Bareilly Div.
vuqo)--------- Contd.........

12& d`f"k @ Agriculture
12-5¼v½ & m0iz0 esa jlk;fud moZjdksa dk ftysokj forj.k
Districtwise Distribution of Chemical Fertilizers in UP.
¼eh0Vu½ (M.Tons)
ukbV~kstu QkLQsfVd iksVkf'kd dqy Year/District/Division /
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= Region
Nitrogen Phosphatic Potasic Total
1 2 3 4 5 1

27&[khjh 53650 15444 3494 72588 kheri

28&lhrkiqj 103622 34280 6431 144333 Sitapur
29&gjnksbZ 111857 37210 2311 151378 Hardoi
30&mUuko 48462 17027 1311 66800 Unnao
31&y[kuÅ 24809 10369 512 35690 Lucknow
32&jk;cjsyh 75276 26338 2460 104074 Raebareli
y[kuÅ e.My 417676 140668 16519 574863 Lucknow Division
33&Q:Z[kkckn 62440 15512 5516 83468 Farrukhabad
34&dUukSt 54260 13738 3949 71947 Kannauj
35&bVkok 42127 17204 1440 60771 Etawah
36&vkSjS;k 38050 12802 703 51555 Auraiya
37&dkuiqj nsgkr 55726 18889 3217 77832 Kanpur Dehat
38&dkuiqj uxj 92113 29807 3384 125304 Kanpur Nagar
dkuiqj e.My 344716 107952 18209 470877 Kanpur Division
39&tkykSu 40069 18904 901 59874 Jalaun
40&>kWlh 43633 23554 1062 68249 Jhansi
41&yfyriqj 33984 27775 965 62724 Lalitpur
>kWlh e.My 117686 70233 2928 190847 Jhansi Division
42&gehjiqj 29250 15012 715 44977 Hamirpur
43&egksck 9329 6216 616 16161 Mahoba
44&ckWnk 23740 12864 1323 37927 Banda
45&fp=dwV 12883 7004 353 20240 Chitrakoot
fp=dwV /kke e.My 75202 41096 3007 119305 Chitrakoot Dham Div.
46&Qrsgiqj 58579 21927 2405 82911 Fatehpur
47&izrkix<+ 34412 12583 3611 50606 Pratapgarh
48&dkS'kkEch 29326 8763 1824 39913 Kaushambi
49&iz;kxjkt 99463 34113 9497 143073 Prayagraj
iz;kxjkt e.My 221780 77386 17337 316503 Prayagraj Division
50&ckjkcadh 68095 18316 2458 88869 Barabanki
51&v;ks/;k 37437 13191 2144 52772 Ayodhya
52&vEcsMdjuxj 36664 11497 1324 49485 AmbedkarNagar
53&lqYrkuiqj 40274 13084 1150 54508 Sultanpur
54&vesBh 33177 14958 1155 49290 Amethi
v;ks/;k e.My 215647 71046 8231 294924 Ayodhya Division
vuqo)--------- Contd.........

12& d`f"k @ Agriculture
12-5¼v½ & m0iz0 esa jlk;fud moZjdksa dk ftysokj forj.k
Districtwise Distribution of Chemical Fertilizers in UP.
¼eh0Vu½ (M.Tons)
ukbV~kstu QkLQsfVd iksVkf'kd dqy Year/District/Division /
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= Region
Nitrogen Phosphatic Potasic Total
1 2 3 4 5 1

55&cgjkbp 78735 26173 9991 114899 Bahraich

56&JkoLrh 10757 4651 528 15936 Shrawasti
57&cyjkeiqj 20803 5867 1022 27692 Balrampur
58&xks.Mk 50570 16588 3335 70493 Gonda
nsohikVu e.My 160865 53279 14876 229020 Devipatan Division
59&fl)kFkZuxj 43692 14130 4210 62032 SiddharthNagar
60&cLrh 43909 12806 1734 58449 Basti
61&lardchjuxj 17673 6688 641 25002 SantkabirNagar
cLrh e.My 105274 33624 6585 145483 Basti Division
62&egjktxat 79266 21912 4544 105722 Maharajganj
63&xksj[kiqj 52845 13399 3722 69966 Gorakhpur
64&dq'khuxj 38807 12127 2292 53226 KushiNagar
65&nsofj;k 35479 12139 2202 49820 Deoria
xksj[kiqj e.My 206397 59577 12760 278734 Gorakhpur Division
66&vktex<+ 49239 16146 1496 66881 Azamgarh
67&eÅ 44621 16509 2200 63330 Mau
68&cfy;k 41711 16225 2072 60008 Ballia
vktex<+ e.My 135571 48880 5768 190219 Azamgarh Division
69&tkSuiqj 56972 18735 1927 77634 Jaunpur
70&xkthiqj 55967 19335 2081 77383 Ghazipur
71&pUnkSyh 40117 9551 979 50647 Chandauli
72&okjk.klh 63796 19451 3069 86316 Varanasi
okjk.klh e.My 216852 67072 8056 291980 Varanasi Division
73&larjfonkl uxj 10335 5840 600 16775 SantravidasNagar
74&fetkZiqj 52305 16784 896 69985 Mirzapur
75&lksuHknz 39732 10934 1076 51742 Sonbhadra

foU/;kpy e.My 102372 33558 2572 138502 Vindhyachal Division

1- if'peh lEHkkx 1681098 518303 98073 2297474 Western Region

2- dsUnzh; lEHkkx 692189 229607 27983 949779 Central Region
3- cqUnsy[k.M lEHkkx 192888 111329 5935 310152 Bundelkhand Region
4- iwohZZ lEHkkx 1238084 404179 71322 1713585 Eastern Region
mRrj izns'k 3804259 1263418 203313 5270990 Uttar pradesh

lzksr&d`f"k funs'kky;] m0iz0A Source:- Directorate of Agriculture, UP.

12& d`f"k @ Agriculture
12-5 (c½ & m0iz0 esa jlk;fud moZjdksa dk ftysokj forj.k
Districtwise Distribution of Chemical Fertilizers in UP.
¼eh0Vu½ (M.Tons)
ukbV~kstu QkLQsfVd iksVkf'kd dqy Year/District/Division /
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= Region
Nitrogen Phosphatic Potasic Total
1 2 3 4 5 1
2011-12 3067100 1024223 166418 4257741 2011-12
2014-15 3168952 915348 187339 4271639 2014-15
2015-16 2930010 1098076 202003 4230089 2015-16
2016-17 2890093 1133512 237507 4261112 2016-17
2017-18 3224289 1191640 239068 4654997 2017-18
2018-19 3480818 1051164 189769 4721751 2018-19
2019-20 3804259 1263418 203313 5270990 2019-20
2020-21 3773229 1315552 256344 5345125 2020-21
1&lgkjuiqj 54606 16235 2363 73204 Saharanpur
2&eqtQ~Qjuxj 42597 15984 3293 61874 Muzaffarnagar
3&'kkeyh 29076 8347 974 38397 Shamli
lgkjuiqj e.My 126279 40566 6630 173475 Saharanpur div.
4&fctukSj 49335 15478 3425 68238 Bijnor
5&eqjknkckn 32396 6447 1964 40807 Moradabad
6&laHky 33236 15338 2009 50583 Sambhal
7&jkeiqj 31519 5559 1006 38084 Rampur
8&vejksgk 37763 7704 1884 47351 Amroha
eqjknkckn e.My 184249 50526 10288 245063 Moradabad Div.
9&esjB 55229 19293 3623 78145 Meerut
10&ckxir 34522 11401 2480 48403 Baghpat
11&xkft;kckn 18565 5477 718 24760 Ghaziabad
12&gkiqMq + 37083 9791 1705 48579 Hapur
13&xkSrecq) uxj 18787 5386 688 24861 G. B. Nagar
14&cqyUn'kgj 71778 27793 5863 105434 Bulandshahar
esjB e.My 235964 79141 15077 330182 Meerut Div.
15&eFkqjk 92577 30860 4512 127949 Mathura
16&vkxjk 135054 46816 25726 207596 Agra
17&fQjkstkckn 71494 27928 3480 102902 Firozabad
18&eSuiqjh 51093 18383 2537 72013 Mainpuri
vkxjk e.My 350218 123987 36255 510460 Agra Div.
19&vyhx<+ 113508 35046 7527 156081 Aligarh
20&gkFkjl 58662 23998 8028 90688 Hathras
21&,Vk 57895 21586 4556 84037 Etah
22&dklxat 25307 9476 1237 36020 Kasganj
vyhx<+ e.My 255372 90106 21348 366826 Aligarh Div.
23&cnk;wW 69368 20885 4108 94361 Badaun
24&cjsyh 71777 20158 3475 95410 Bareilly
25&ihyhHkhr 51573 13892 4087 69552 Pilibhit
26&'kkgtgkWiqj 127984 37962 7810 173756 Shahjahanpur
cjsyh e.My 320702 92897 19480 433079 Bareilly Div.
vuqo)--------- Contd.........

12& d`f"k @ Agriculture
12-5 (c½ & m0iz0 esa jlk;fud moZjdksa dk ftysokj forj.k
Districtwise Distribution of Chemical Fertilizers in UP.
¼eh0Vu½ (M.Tons)
ukbV~kstu QkLQsfVd iksVkf'kd dqy Year/District/Division /
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= Region
Nitrogen Phosphatic Potasic Total
1 2 3 4 5 1
27&[khjh 53129 16461 4172 73762 kheri
28&lhrkiqj 103018 35586 6994 145598 Sitapur
29&gjnksbZ 111067 38682 2918 152667 Hardoi
30&mUuko 48042 17852 1506 67400 Unnao
31&y[kuÅ 24643 10806 624 36073 Lucknow
32&jk;cjsyh 74678 27241 3421 105340 Raebareli
y[kuÅ e.My 414577 146628 19635 580840 Lucknow Division
33&Q:Z[kkckn 61456 16091 6932 84479 Farrukhabad
34&dUukSt 53681 14198 4870 72749 Kannauj
35&bVkok 41851 17849 1820 61520 Etawah
36&vkSjS;k 37686 13324 854 51864 Auraiya
37&dkuiqj nsgkr 55121 19666 4259 79046 Kanpur Dehat
38&dkuiqj uxj 91360 30778 4500 126638 Kanpur Nagar
dkuiqj e.My 341155 111906 23235 476296 Kanpur Division
39&tkykSu 39742 19971 1109 60822 Jalaun
40&>kWlh 43522 24704 1249 69475 Jhansi
41&yfyriqj 33992 29081 1165 64238 Lalitpur
>kWlh e.My 117256 73756 3523 194535 Jhansi Division
42&gehjiqj 29010 15845 843 45698 Hamirpur
43&egksck 9364 6700 726 16790 Mahoba
44&ckWnk 23678 13652 1632 38962 Banda
45&fp=dwV 12782 7399 414 20595 Chitrakoot
fp=dwV /kke e.My 74834 43596 3615 122045 Chitrakoot Dham Div.
46&Qrsgiqj 58088 22867 3106 84061 Fatehpur
47&izrkix<+ 33986 13154 4570 51710 Pratapgarh
48&dkS'kkEch 29006 9105 2193 40304 Kaushambi
49&iz;kxjkt 98391 35373 13036 146800 Prayagraj
iz;kxjkt e.My 219471 80499 22905 322875 Prayagraj Division
50&ckjkcadh 67417 19117 3226 89760 Barabanki
51&v;ks/;k 37085 13800 3293 54178 Ayodhya
52&vEcsMdjuxj 36312 12003 1768 50083 AmbedkarNagar
53&lqYrkuiqj 39929 13580 1397 54906 Sultanpur
54&vesBh 32915 15577 1429 49921 Amethi
v;ks/;k e.My 213658 74077 11113 298848 Ayodhya Division
vuqo)--------- Contd.........

12& d`f"k @ Agriculture
12-5 (c½ & m0iz0 esa jlk;fud moZjdksa dk ftysokj forj.k
Districtwise Distribution of Chemical Fertilizers in UP.
¼eh0Vu½ (M.Tons)
ukbV~kstu QkLQsfVd iksVkf'kd dqy Year/District/Division /
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= Region
Nitrogen Phosphatic Potasic Total
1 2 3 4 5 1
55&cgjkbp 78271 27057 12559 117887 Bahraich
56&JkoLrh 10697 4914 640 16251 Shrawasti
57&cyjkeiqj 20541 6306 1281 28128 Balrampur
58&xks.Mk 50062 17365 4420 71847 Gonda
nsohikVu e.My 159571 55642 18900 234113 Devipatan Division
59&fl)kFkZuxj 43239 14691 5028 62958 SiddharthNagar
60&cLrh 43304 13429 2133 58866 Basti
61&lardchjuxj 17480 7028 783 25291 SantkabirNagar
cLrh e.My 104023 35148 7944 147115 Basti Division
62&egjktxat 78611 22602 5752 106965 Maharajganj
63&xksj[kiqj 52162 13989 4486 70637 Gorakhpur
64&dq'khuxj 38451 12684 2697 53832 KushiNagar
65&nsofj;k 35036 12710 3146 50892 Deoria
xksj[kiqj e.My 204260 61985 16081 282326 Gorakhpur Division
66&vktex<+ 48758 16942 1827 67527 Azamgarh
67&eÅ 44321 17077 2850 64248 Mau
68&cfy;k 41319 16942 2678 60939 Ballia
vktex<+ e.My 134398 50961 7355 192714 Azamgarh Division
69&tkSuiqj 56409 19550 2534 78493 Jaunpur
70&xkthiqj 55621 20093 2515 78229 Ghazipur
71&pUnkSyh 39792 9866 1093 50751 Chandauli
72&okjk.klh 63356 19983 3758 87097 Varanasi
okjk.klh e.My 215178 69492 9900 294570 Varanasi Division
73&larjfonkl uxj 10261 6092 746 17099 SantravidasNagar
74&fetkZiqj 52133 17312 1095 70540 Mirzapur
75&lksuHknz 39670 11235 1219 52124 Sonbhadra
foU/;kpy e.My 102064 34639 3060 139763 Vindhyachal Division
1- if'peh lEHkkx 1667458 538685 123554 2329697 Western Region
2- dsUnzh; lEHkkx 686563 239056 34726 960345 Central Region
3- cqUnsy[k.M lEHkkx 192090 117352 7138 316580 Bundelkhand Region
4- iwohZZ lEHkkx 1227118 420459 90926 1738503 Eastern Region
mRrj izns'k 3773229 1315552 256344 5345125 Uttar pradesh
lzkrs &d`f"k funs'kky;] m0iz0A Source:- Directorate of Agriculture, UP.

12& d`f"k @ Agriculture
12-6 & m0iz0 esa ftysokj d`f"k midj.k rFkk ;a=
Districtwise Agricultural Machinery & Implements in UP.
(la0 esa) (In No.)

gy (Plough)
xUuk isjus ds dzs'kj
(Sugercane Crusher)
ydM+h yksgk ;ksx 'kfDr }kjk cSyksa }kjk ;ksx Year/District/Division/Region
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= pkfyr pkfyr
Wooden Iron Total Worked by Worked by Total
Power Bullocks

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1
1961 7222500 496911 7719411 2834 325359 328193 1961
1966 7554813 928507 8483320 3769 366147 369916 1966
1972 7989940 1681408 9671348 28476 401123 429599 1972
1978 7779722 2188082 9967804 29630 410868 440498 1978
1982 7656985 2657695 10314680 39273 441445 480718 1982
1988 7720953 3042249 10763202 61344 398925 460269 1988
1993 6919525 2966284 9885809 69489 377078 406567 1993
1997 4710012 2446512 7156524 92018 248926 340944 1997
2003 3064738 1894164 4958902 91572 248926 340498 2003
2007 3429649 1323115 4752764 .. 87062 .. 2007
1&lgkjuiqj 42117 19831 61948 .. 242 .. Saharanpur
2&eqtQ~Qjuxj 21516 38891 60407 .. 387 .. Muzaffarnagar
3&'kkeyh ** ** ** ** ** ** Shamli
lgkjuiqj e.My 63633 58722 122355 .. 629 .. Saharanpur div.
4&fctukSj 68395 64452 132847 .. 355 .. Bijnor
5&eqjknkckn 84194 35212 119406 .. 519 .. Moradabad
6&laHky ** ** ** ** ** ** Sambhal
7&jkeiqj 38152 18780 56932 .. 330 .. Rampur
8&vejksgk 42235 22368 64603 .. 198 .. Amroha
eqjknkckn e.My 232976 140812 373788 .. 1402 .. Moradabad Div.
9&esjB 90910 14423 105333 .. 131 .. Meerut
10&ckxir 12215 15327 27542 .. 261 .. Baghpat
11&xkft;kckn 20312 8388 28700 .. 107 .. Ghaziabad
12&gkiqqM+ ** ** ** ** ** ** Hapur
13&xkSrecq) uxj 6097 815 6912 .. 1 .. G. B. Nagar
14&cqyUn'kgj 17515 9957 9957 .. 159 .. Bulandshahar
esjB e.My 147049 48910 195959 .. 659 .. Meerut Div.
15&eFkqjk 8032 805 8837 .. 72 .. Mathura
16&vkxjk 47981 1473 49454 .. 141 .. Agra
17&fQjkstkckn 14627 6398 21025 .. 86 .. Firozabad
18&eSuiqjh 22287 21633 43920 .. 265 .. Mainpuri
vkxjk e.My 92927 30309 123236 .. 564 .. Agra Div.
19&vyhx<+ 17824 6492 24316 .. 48 .. Aligarh
20&gkFkjl 11325 1503 12828 .. 14 .. Hathras
21&,Vk 91551 49796 141347 .. 6185 .. Etah
22&dklxat ** ** ** .. ** .. Kasganj
vyhx<+ e.My 120700 57791 178491 .. 6247 .. Aligarh Div.
23&cnk;wW 71904 58249 130153 .. 604 .. Badaun
24&cjsyh 47048 30862 77910 .. 221 .. Bareilly
25&ihyhHkhr 19891 18844 38735 .. 255 .. Pilibhit
26&'kkgtgkWiqj 40567 23431 63998 .. 504 .. Shahjahanpur
cjsyh e.My 179410 131386 310796 .. 1584 .. Bareilly Div.
vuqo)--------- Contd.........

12& d`f"k @ Agriculture
12-6 & m0iz0 esa ftysokj d`f"k midj.k rFkk ;a=
Districtwise Agricultural Machinery & Implements in UP.
(la0 esa) (In No.)

gy (Plough)
xUuk isjus ds dzs'kj
(Sugercane Crusher)
ydM+h yksgk ;ksx 'kfDr }kjk cSyksa }kjk ;ksx Year/District/Division/Region
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= pkfyr pkfyr
Wooden Iron Total Worked by Worked by Total
Power Bullocks

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1
27&[khjh 36260 63261 99521 .. 353 .. kheri
28&lhrkiqj 103415 60498 163913 .. 1086 .. Sitapur
29&gjnksbZ 59527 31650 91177 .. 535 .. Hardoi
30&mUuko 50103 42282 92385 .. 723 .. Unnao
31&y[kuÅ 49924 6638 56562 .. 93 .. Lucknow
32&jk;cjsyh 98356 35244 133600 .. 429 .. Raebareli
y[kuÅ e.My 397585 239573 637158 .. 3219 .. Lucknow Division
33&Q:Z[kkckn 26874 13187 40061 .. 138 .. Farrukhabad
34&dUukSt 30721 18906 49627 .. 433 .. Kannauj
35&bVkok 39052 18694 57746 .. 397 .. Etawah
36&vkSjS;k 13801 10647 24448 .. 490 .. Auraiya
37&dkuiqj nsgkr 49447 14588 64035 .. 1068 .. Kanpur Dehat
38&dkuiqj uxj 90340 9090 99430 .. 269 .. Kanpur Nagar
dkuiqj e.My 250235 85112 335347 .. 2795 .. Kanpur Division
39&tkykSu 25398 6062 31460 .. 257 .. Jalaun
40&>kWlh 57758 5138 62896 .. 101 .. Jhansi
41&yfyriqj 50086 1863 51949 .. 126 .. Lalitpur
>kWlh e.My 133242 13063 146305 .. 484 .. Jhansi Division
42&gehjiqj 35821 5489 41310 .. 256 .. Hamirpur
43&egksck 35592 2264 37856 .. 129 .. Mahoba
44&ckWnk 77126 31321 108447 .. 207 .. Banda
45&fp=dwV 45142 6238 51380 .. 58 .. Chitrakoot
fp=dwV /kke e.My 193681 45312 238993 .. 650 .. Chitrakoot Dham Div.
46&Qrsgiqj 60016 33351 93367 .. 1496 .. Fatehpur
47&izrkix<+ 49726 13067 62793 .. 4407 .. Pratapgarh
48&dkS'kkEch 37566 16846 54412 .. 453 .. Kaushambi
49&iz;kxjkt 111647 39215 150862 .. 2395 .. Prayagraj
iz;kxjkt e.My 258955 102479 361434 .. 8751 .. Prayagraj Division
50&ckjkcadh 65104 20456 85560 .. 292 .. Barabanki
51&v;ks/;k 61320 4841 66161 .. 2359 .. Ayodhya
52&vEcsMdjuxj 40034 4912 44946 .. 2145 .. AmbedkarNagar
53&lqYrkuiqj 89887 8620 98507 .. 9638 .. Sultanpur
54&vesBh ** ** ** .. ** .. Amethi
v;ks/;k e.My 256345 38829 295174 .. 14434 .. Ayodhya Division
vuqo)--------- Contd.........

12& d`f"k @ Agriculture
12-6 & m0iz0 esa ftysokj d`f"k midj.k rFkk ;a=
Districtwise Agricultural Machinery & Implements in UP.
(la0 esa) (In No.)

gy (Plough)
xUuk isjus ds dzs'kj
(Sugercane Crusher)
ydM+h yksgk ;ksx 'kfDr }kjk cSyksa }kjk ;ksx Year/District/Division/Region
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= pkfyr pkfyr
Wooden Iron Total Worked by Worked by Total
Power Bullocks

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1
55&cgjkbp 54313 59101 113414 .. 201 .. Bahraich
56&JkoLrh 51351 32055 83406 .. 107 .. Shrawasti
57&cyjkeiqj 59321 14928 74249 .. 186 .. Balrampur
58&xks.Mk 52152 15162 67314 .. 468 .. Gonda
nsohikVu e.My 217137 121246 338383 .. 962 .. Devipatan Division
59&fl)kFkZuxj 50948 10984 61932 .. 91 .. SiddharthNagar
60&cLrh 27397 3878 31275 .. 466 .. Basti
61&lardchjuxj 40576 7315 47891 .. 288 .. SantkabirNagar
cLrh e.My 118921 22177 141098 .. 845 .. Basti Division
62&egjktxat 67788 17925 85713 .. 186 .. Maharajganj
63&xksj[kiqj 97672 16024 113696 .. 677 .. Gorakhpur
64&dq'khuxj 35251 5014 40265 .. 171 .. KushiNagar
65&nsofj;k 33466 8849 42315 .. 568 .. Deoria
xksj[kiqj e.My 234177 47812 281989 .. 1602 .. Gorakhpur Division
66&vktex<+ 75298 53620 128918 .. 13162 .. Azamgarh
67&eÅ 41910 18573 60483 .. 2669 .. Mau
68&cfy;k 28612 5141 33753 .. 846 .. Ballia
vktex<+ e.My 145820 77334 223154 .. 16677 .. Azamgarh Division
69&tkSuiqj 57313 10875 68188 .. 13591 .. Jaunpur
70&xkthiqj 44215 29000 73215 .. 4256 .. Ghazipur
71&pUnkSyh 33937 4370 38307 .. 975 .. Chandauli
72&okjk.klh 75167 5507 80674 .. 3254 .. Varanasi
okjk.klh e.My 210632 49752 260384 .. 22076 .. Varanasi Division
73&larjfonkl uxj 20065 1193 21258 .. 1678 .. SantravidasNagar
74&fetkZiqj 41105 5583 46688 .. 1238 .. Mirzapur
75&lksuHknz 115054 5720 120774 .. 566 .. Sonbhadra
foU/;kpy e.My 176224 12496 188720 .. 3482 .. Vindhyachal Division
1- if'peh lEHkkx 947143 529364 1476507 .. 12543 .. Western Region
2- dsUnzh; lEHkkx 662492 317058 979550 .. 6344 .. Central Region
3- cqUnsy[k.M lEHkkx 326923 58375 385298 .. 1134 .. Bundelkhand Region
4- iwohZZ lEHkkx 1493091 418318 1911409 .. 67041 .. Eastern Region
mRrj izns'k 3429649 1323115 4752764 .. 87062 .. Uttar pradesh
vuqo)--------- Contd.........

12& d`f"k @ Agriculture
12-6 & m0iz0 esa ftysokj d`f"k midj.k rFkk ;a=
Districtwise Agricultural Machinery & Implements in UP.
(la0 esa) (In No.)
VªSDVjksa dh izfr gtkj cSyxkM+h flapkbZ ds flapkbZ ds fy,
Year/District/Division /
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= la[;k gs0ldy cks;s fy, iEilsV fo|qr iEilsV Region
x;s {ks=Qy ij
VSªDVjksa dh
No. of Tractors No. of Tractors Bullock Carts pumpsets for Electric pump- sets
per1000 Hect. irrigation for irrigation
gross area Sown

1 8 9 10 11 12 1
1961 7139 1 2122234 8408 2969 1961
1966 10139 1 2145713 28146 10197 1966
1972 27650 2 2230879 205795 106142 1972
1978 71411 4 2261336 487004 172327 1978
1982 140821 8 2178583 818863 277370 1982
1988 230086 13 2140375 1333309 362394 1988
1993 346662 20 2095546 1900671 380686 1993
1997 466307 19 1562383 2312113 422322 1997
2003 733154 29 1562383 2312113 422322 2003
1&lgkjuiqj 34613 81 32277 57224 23129 Saharanpur
2&eqtQ~Qjuxj 38772 81 62540 50364 30046 Muzaffarnagar
3&'kkeyh ** ** ** ** ** Shamli
lgkjuiqj e.My 73385 81 94817 107588 53175 Saharanpur div.
4&fctukSj 22606 50 61047 47325 22007 Bijnor
5&eqjknkckn 22190 40 46760 75949 5831 Moradabad
6&laHky ** ** ** ** ** Sambhal
7&jkeiqj 11439 32 18561 57737 3400 Rampur
8&vejksgk 14016 54 42569 52980 11200 Amroha
eqjknkckn e.My 70251 43 168937 233991 42438 Moradabad Div.
9&esjB 17520 57 27159 24688 14166 Meerut
10&ckxir 12129 69 35203 5556 11896 Baghpat
11&xkft;kckn 12380 48 21668 21896 10274 Ghaziabad
12&gkiqqM+ ** ** ** ** ** Hapur
13&xkSrecq) uxj 6366 48 8667 24837 4463 G. B. Nagar
14&cqyUn'kgj 13874 27 56792 22084 24583 Bulandshahar
esjB e.My 62269 45 149489 99061 65382 Meerut Div.
15&eFkqjk 20620 51 8187 36737 4200 Mathura
16&vkxjk 12877 32 294 94151 5707 Agra
17&fQjkstkckn 6446 23 1635 21297 8435 Firozabad
18&eSuiqjh 4737 17 5539 23078 4866 Mainpuri
vkxjk e.My 44680 33 15655 175263 23208 Agra Div.
19&vyhx<+ 18245 37 20841 36422 14711 Aligarh
20&gkFkjl 5492 24 3768 16359 8578 Hathras
21&,Vk 8345 16 37371 37503 5852 Etah
22&dklxat ** ** ** ** ** Kasganj
vyhx<+ e.My 32082 26 61980 90284 29141 Aligarh Div.
23&cnk;wW 14864 21 53724 69950 8287 Badaun
24&cjsyh 15243 28 24396 73258 1323 Bareilly
25&ihyhHkhr 14249 36 13523 38469 3932 Pilibhit
26&'kkgtgkWiqj 13129 23 23409 70920 6278 Shahjahanpur
cjsyh e.My 57485 26 115052 252597 19820 Bareilly Div.
vuqo)--------- Contd.........

12& d`f"k @ Agriculture
12-6 & m0iz0 esa ftysokj d`f"k midj.k rFkk ;a=
Districtwise Agricultural Machinery & Implements in UP.
(la0 esa) (In No.)
VªSDVjksa dh izfr gtkj cSyxkM+h flapkbZ ds flapkbZ ds fy,
Year/District/Division /
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= la[;k gs0ldy cks;s fy, iEilsV fo|qr iEilsV Region
x;s {ks=Qy ij
VSªDVjksa dh
No. of Tractors No. of Tractors Bullock Carts pumpsets for Electric pump- sets
per1000 Hect. irrigation for irrigation
gross area Sown

1 8 9 10 11 12 1
27&[khjh 19094 27 49197 66270 4315 kheri
28&lhrkiqj 14207 22 35572 54760 1566 Sitapur
29&gjnksbZ 7764 12 30322 49997 954 Hardoi
30&mUuko 11154 24 29984 40377 2174 Unnao
31&y[kuÅ 9662 46 1728 28932 7201 Lucknow
32&jk;cjsyh 12411 30 17172 34854 6467 Raebareli
y[kuÅ e.My 74292 24 163975 275190 22677 Lucknow Division
33&Q:Z[kkckn 5471 25 7830 33658 4525 Farrukhabad
34&dUukSt 6526 29 6025 29577 3385 Kannauj
35&bVkok 3896 8 3055 10505 2211 Etawah
36&vkSjS;k 3690 0 3394 13616 379 Auraiya
37&dkuiqj nsgkr 6364 20 10670 19047 1360 Kanpur Dehat
38&dkuiqj uxj 6182 24 7095 19347 2109 Kanpur Nagar
dkuiqj e.My 32129 22 38069 125750 13969 Kanpur Division
39&tkykSu 15710 36 9890 10421 356 Jalaun
40&>kWlh 12306 26 20761 29277 1565 Jhansi
41&yfyriqj 7675 20 21101 32437 224 Lalitpur
>kWlh e.My 35691 28 51752 72135 2145 Jhansi Division
42&gehjiqj 11757 33 19985 12388 481 Hamirpur
43&egksck 7034 24 23902 18424 151 Mahoba
44&ckWnk 5199 12 43328 13496 833 Banda
45&fp=dwV 2752 14 12018 8730 758 Chitrakoot
fp=dwV /kke e.My 26742 21 99233 53038 2223 Chitrakoot Dham Div.
46&Qrsgiqj 6620 16 19367 25272 5334 Fatehpur
47&izrkix<+ 7089 22 208 23276 2511 Pratapgarh
48&dkS'kkEch 2278 13 539 11238 1627 Kaushambi
49&iz;kxjkt 14150 27 183 23708 9270 Prayagraj
iz;kxjkt e.My 30137 21 20297 83494 18742 Prayagraj Division
50&ckjkcadh 13202 26 2421 65380 1315 Barabanki
51&v;ks/;k 8246 41 395 17953 7895 Ayodhya
52&vEcsMdjuxj 11773 42 49 38412 7186 AmbedkarNagar
53&lqYrkuiqj 11207 26 878 34513 8372 Sultanpur
54&vesBh ** ** ** ** ** Amethi
v;ks/;k e.My 44428 31 3743 156258 24768 Ayodhya Division
vuqo)--------- Contd.........

12& d`f"k @ Agriculture
12-6 & m0iz0 esa ftysokj d`f"k midj.k rFkk ;a=
Districtwise Agricultural Machinery & Implements in UP.
(la0 esa) (In No.)
VªSDVjksa dh izfr gtkj cSyxkM+h flapkbZ ds flapkbZ ds fy,
Year/District/Division /
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= la[;k gs0ldy cks;s fy, iEilsV fo|qr iEilsV Region
x;s {ks=Qy ij
VSªDVjksa dh
No. of Tractors No. of Tractors Bullock Carts pumpsets for Electric pump- sets
per1000 Hect. irrigation for irrigation
gross area Sown

1 8 9 10 11 12 1
55&cgjkbp 5041 10 16257 37114 560 Bahraich
56&JkoLrh 2371 12 10929 30193 914 Shrawasti
57&cyjkeiqj 6530 22 13243 30792 311 Balrampur
58&xks.Mk 9460 21 9914 64791 7056 Gonda
nsohikVu e.My 23402 16 50343 162890 8841 Devipatan Division
59&fl)kFkZuxj 8405 24 1419 37444 261 SiddharthNagar
60&cLrh 9420 31 1661 41033 2621 Basti
61&lardchjuxj 4350 21 1423 19060 502 SantkabirNagar
cLrh e.My 22175 26 4503 97537 3384 Basti Division
62&egjktxat 9717 27 4142 43133 544 Maharajganj
63&xksj[kiqj 10001 26 2179 42655 2238 Gorakhpur
64&dq'khuxj 12598 37 3493 36215 157 KushiNagar
65&nsofj;k 3688 11 1338 34486 1786 Deoria
xksj[kiqj e.My 36004 25 11152 156489 4725 GorakhpurDivision
66&vktex<+ 12364 25 212 43338 19716 Azamgarh
67&eÅ 4592 22 265 10004 6954 Mau
68&cfy;k 4561 13 130 20465 6287 Ballia
vktex<+ e.My 21517 20 607 73807 32957 Azamgarh Division
69&tkSuiqj 9767 22 396 30801 15870 Jaunpur
70&xkthiqj 9522 23 240 17694 15194 Ghazipur
71&pUnkSyh 6078 25 132 7937 4381 Chandauli
72&okjk.klh 4269 27 123 7632 11310 Varanasi
okjk.klh e.My 29636 24 891 64064 46755 Varanasi Division
73&larjfonkl uxj 2520 26 21 2893 4938 SantravidasNagar
74&fetkZiqj 8555 28 79 18159 2729 Mirzapur
75&lksuHknz 5774 20 62 11625 213 Sonbhadra
foU/;kpy e.My 16849 24 162 32677 7880 Vindhyachal Division
1- if'peh lEHkkx 359735 37 626234 1046140 243664 Western Region
2- dsUnzh; lEHkkx 106660 23 203528 404236 32795 Central Region
3- cqUnsy[k.M lEHkkx 62433 24 150985 125173 4368 Bundelkhand Region
4- iwohZZ lEHkkx 204326 24 69910 736564 141495 Eastern Region
mRrj izns'k 733154 29 1050657 2312113 422322 Uttar pradesh
** ekr` tuin esa lfEefyr ** Included in Mother District
uksV%&i'kqx.kuk o"kZ 2003 ds Ik'pkr VªSDVjksa dh la[;k] cSyxkM+h] Note:- Not available data after year 2003 about No.of
flapkbZ ds fy, iEilsV] flapkbZ ds fy, fo|qr iEilsV dh x.kuk ugh Tractor,Bullock Carts, Pumpsets for Irrigation,Electric
gq;h gSA Pumpsets for Irrigation.
lzksr&i'kqx.kuk] m0iz0A Source-Cattle Census,UP.

12& d`f"k @ Agriculture
12-7 m0iz0 esa d`f"k mRiknu ds ifjek.k lwpdkad
Volume Indices of Agricultural Production in UP.
d`f"k o"kZ @ Agr. Year ( 2011-12=100)
izfr'kr Hkkj 2011&12esa mRiknu ifj.kke lwpdkad (volume Indices)
(gtkj dq0)
oLrq Commodities
Percentage Production in
2018-19 F 2019-20 P 2020-21 Q
weight 2011-12 (Th. M.T.)
1 2 3 4 5 6 1
1- [kk|kUu 503.42 - 107.58 110.39 121.45 1. FOOD GRAINS
¼d½ vukt 442.81 - 109.24 111.92 123.85 (a) Cereals
1- xsgwa 256.15 30293.00 108.08 111.63 123.72 1 Wheat
2- pkoy 162.35 21033.60 110.86 110.66 122.84 2 Paddy
3- tkS 3.44 403.70 112.81 129.56 120.82 3 Barley
4- eDdk 9.31 1308.30 116.66 129.45 138.91 4 Maize
5- Tokj 1.85 212.50 86.26 106.65 129.53 5 Jowar
6- cktjk 9.66 1632.90 108.97 118.77 129.83 6 Bajara
7- lkoka 0.02 4.60 41.30 89.57 138.48 8 Sawan
8- NksVs vukt 0.02 3.60 75.00 51.67 76.39 9 Small Millets
¼[k½- nkysa 60.61 - 95.48 99.20 103.89 (b) Pulses
1- vjgj 9.59 333.80 81.52 83.67 106.02 1 Arhar
2- mnZ 11.85 371.20 87.63 66.00 85.37 2 Urad
3- ewax 1.33 45.80 121.62 115.72 133.41 3 Moong
4- elwj 11.98 505.20 96.67 89.63 94.72 4 Masoor
5- puk 17.86 683.50 106.45 124.56 111.21 5 Gram
6- eVj 8.00 463.40 93.22 121.98 121.20 6 Peas
¼x½ i'kq pkjk 103.67 - 128.19 133.81 108.54 C-Cattle Feed
1- Hkwlk 80.88 138357.94 136.56 143.75 144.27 1 Bhusa
2- pkjk 22.79 34501.80 98.49 98.49 98.49 2 Fodder
2- udnh Qlysa 392.92 - 149.26 148.98 152.85 2. Cash Crops
¼d½Qy ,oa lCth 169.10 - 145.33 146.53 154.19 (a)Fruits&Vegetables
1- yhph 0.03 1.40 2628.57 2734.29 2773.57 1 Litchi
2- dsyk 0.82 104.40 3086.78 3191.70 3244.74 2 Banana
3- vke 53.00 3840.80 119.21 123.27 125.15 3 Mango
4- js'ksnkj Qy 0.02 1.40 1164.29 1361.43 1386.43 4 Citrus Fruits
5- iihrk 0.12 12.30 848.78 886.59 902.68 5 Papaya
6-ve:n 1.62 251.50 372.29 384.96 390.88 6 Guava
7-vkWoyk@vuksyk 2.82 332.30 115.77 119.70 121.16 7 Amla/Anola
8- VekVj 1.96 265.30 318.14 321.10 340.14 8 Tomato
9- vkyw 59.64 14125.10 108.48 99.15 117.86 9 Potato
10- 'kdjdan 1.34 226.00 102.08 107.55 87.78 10 Sweet Potato
11- I;kt 2.29 383.50 114.84 115.92 106.99 11 Onion
12-cUnxksHkh 0.29 62.60 491.37 534.92 540.35 12 Cabbage
13-Qwy xksHkh 1.16 205.70 195.96 202.65 205.84 13 Cauli Flower
14- vksdjk ¼fHkUMh½ 1.26 136.00 227.79 235.52 239.40 14 Okra
15-cSxu 0.55 90.80 318.61 329.44 334.15 15 Brinjal
16-gjh eVj 12.78 1602.80 158.15 163.53 166.04 16 Green Peas

12& d`f"k @ Agriculture
12-7 m0iz0 esa d`f"k mRiknu ds ifjek.k lwpdkad
Volume Indices of Agricultural Production in UP.
d`f"k o"kZ @ Agr. Year ( 2011-12=100)
izfr'kr Hkkj 2011&12esa mRiknu ifj.kke lwpdkad (volume Indices)
(gtkj dq0)
oLrq Commodities
Percentage Production in
2018-19 F 2019-20 P 2020-21 Q
weight 2011-12 (Th. M.T.)
1 2 3 4 5 6 1
17-djsyk 17Bittergourd
0.18 23.30 352.36 367.34 373.35
18-ykSdh 18Bottlegourd
0.85 165.90 261.78 293.21 297.68
19-xktj 0.37 71.60 230.31 238.67 242.30 19Carrot

20-[kjcwtk 3.55 570.20 97.60 100.92 102.48 20Muskmelon

21-?kqab;k 0.78 114.20 147.20 153.88 155.63 21Arvi

22-rksjbZ 22Torail/Ridgegourd
0.72 112.00 287.68 310.39 314.79
23-ijoy@dqan: 23Parval/Littlegourd
0.19 28.30 207.42 230.00 233.32
24-ewyh 24Radish
0.23 65.50 235.27 253.16 256.34
25-dn~nw 25Pumpkin
0.67 148.80 251.01 259.86 263.20
26-rjcwt 1.53 392.40 161.45 174.80 177.60 26Watermilon

¼[k½ xUuk 179.63 107159.50 167.71 167.54 166.42 (b) Sugar Cane

¼x½ frygu 33.74 - 95.68 82.51 92.22 (c)Oil Seeds

1- ykgh ljlksa 1 Mustard&Rapeseeds

27.01 1138.90 98.05 84.00 88.48
2- vylh 1.03 55.00 32.18 33.78 26.44
2 Lin seeds

3- fry 3.05 82.80 89.25 79.11 118.80 3 Seesamum

4- ewWaxQyh 4 Ground Nuts

2.21 92.30 108.78 95.94 119.09
5- lks;kchu 5 Soya been
0.33 22.10 95.02 51.09 178.46
6- lwjteq[kh 0.11 6.10 22.95 90.66 89.02 6 Sun flower
¼?k½ vU; 10.45 - 68.70 83.95 93.59 (d) Others
1- fepkZ 0.51 10.30 233.01 123.50 117.18 1 Dry Chilly
2- gYnh 0.20 5.60 101.79 34.11 117.68 2 Turmeric
3- yglqu 2.10 202.80 111.29 112.10 118.50 4 Garlic
4- /kfu;k 0.10 4.40 88.64 119.55 120.68 5 Corriander
5- vnjd 0.06 2.80 160.71 153.21 181.43 6 Ginger
6- rEckdw 7.32 247.70 42.79 73.92 83.78 3 Tobacco
7- vQhe 0.01 0.008 66.25 5.00 62.50 9 Opium
8- :bZ 0.13 2.10 90.48 60.00 51.90 7 Cotton
9- lubZ ¼js'kk½s 0.02 0.60 50.00 76.67 110.00 8 Hemp/Fibers
lkekU; lwpdkad 1000 - 126.10 127.98 135.11 GENERAL INDEX
Q- Rofjr vuqeku * vufUre vuqeku

13& flapkbZ @ Irrigation
13-1& m0iz0 esa fofHkUu lk/kuksa }kjk ftysokj 'kq) flafpr {ks=Qy (gs0es)a
District wise Net Area Irrigated by Different Sources in UP.
¼{ks=Qy gsDVs;j esa½ (Area in hect.)
'kq) cks;s x;s
Year / District / Division /
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= uydwi ,oa rkykc >hy {ks= ls 'kq) Region
ugjsa vU; lk/ku ;ksx
dwi ,oa iks[kj flafpr {ks=Qy dk
Percentage of Net
Tubewells & Tanks & Other
Canals Total Irrigated Area to
Wells Lakes Sources
Net Area Sown
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1
2011-12 2554554 11009249 98710 146233 13808746 83.1 2011-12
2013-14 2556870 11291484 118910 59723 14026987 84.8 2013-14
2014-15 2481854 11657023 183647 66914 14389438 81.8 2014-15
2015-16 2165995 11915865 66695 82891 14231446 86.4 2015-16
2016-17 2212906 11951920 75628 96411 14336865 86.6 2016-17
2017-18 2173792 11980195 76265 102000 14332252 86.6 2017-18
2018-19 2182795 12012473 80092 116555 14391915 87.0 2018-19
1&lgkjuiqj 31018 228296 0 0 259314 96.5 Saharanpur
2&eqtQ~Qjuxj 55441 160098 1 0 215540 100.0 Muzaffarnagar
3&'kkeyh 6112 99881 0 0 105993 100.0 Shamli
lgkjuiqj e.My 92571 488275 1 0 580847 98.4 Saharanpur div.
4&fctukSj 8631 317222 48 910 326811 97.8 Bijnor
5&eqjknkckn 1438 165733 210 768 168149 97.1 Moradabad
6&laHky 0 168978 2 11053 180033 93.5 Sambhal
7&jkeiqj 94 183124 0 501 183719 98.1 Rampur
8&vejksgk 0 172207 0 30 172237 98.3 Amroha
eqjknkckn e.My 10163 1007264 260 13262 1030949 97.0 Moradabad Div.
9&esjB 29266 167125 0 0 196391 100.0 Meerut
10&ckxir 1732 105526 0 0 107258 100.0 Baghpat
11&xkft;kckn 5409 45517 0 0 50926 100.0 Ghaziabad
12&gkiqqM+ 6870 80179 0 0 87049 100.0 Hapur
13&xkSrecq) uxj 8814 44052 0 0 52866 100.0 G. B. Nagar
14&cqyUn'kgj 15056 283895 0 0 298951 100.0 Bulandshahar
esjB e.My 67147 726294 0 0 793441 100.0 Meerut Div.
15&eFkqjk 102282 164073 0 0 266355 99.9 Mathura
16&vkxjk 19426 222979 23 20 242448 93.8 Agra
17&fQjkstkckn 18063 149425 0 0 167488 94.1 Firozabad
18&eSuiqjh 50303 147658 0 0 197961 99.9 Mainpuri
vkxjk e.My 190074 684135 23 20 874252 97.0 Agra Div.
19&vyhx<+ 21385 282556 0 0 303941 99.6 Aligarh
20&gkFkjl 11434 135462 0 0 146896 98.4 Hathras
21&,Vk 8592 181899 50 2648 193189 97.6 Etah
22&dklxat 13594 127129 0 1117 141840 98.8 Kasganj
vyhx<+ e.My 55005 727046 50 3765 785866 98.8 Aligarh Div.
23&cnk;wW 8 306425 7 15537 321977 92.8 Badaun
24&cjsyh 13135 283409 131 12229 308904 94.6 Bareilly
25&ihyhHkhr 21211 205647 13 13 226884 98.6 Pilibhit
26&'kkgtgkWiqj 1689 330309 13 12704 344715 94.5 Shahjahanpur
cjsyh e.My 36043 1125790 164 40483 1202480 94.8 Bareilly Div.

13& flapkbZ @ Irrigation
13-1& m0iz0 esa fofHkUu lk/kuksa }kjk ftysokj 'kq) flafpr {ks=Qy (gs0es)a
District wise Net Area Irrigated by Different Sources in UP.
¼{ks=Qy gsDVs;j esa½ (Area in hect.)
'kq) cks;s x;s
Year / District / Division /
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= uydwi ,oa rkykc >hy {ks= ls 'kq) Region
ugjsa vU; lk/ku ;ksx
dwi ,oa iks[kj flafpr {ks=Qy dk
Percentage of Net
Tubewells & Tanks & Other
Canals Total Irrigated Area to
Wells Lakes Sources
Net Area Sown
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1
27&[khjh 14033 431564 0 616 446213 93.1 kheri
28&lhrkiqj 11417 389707 775 738 402637 91.1 Sitapur
29&gjnksbZ 36399 338907 29 10 375345 89.0 Hardoi
30&mUuko 59494 235208 87 64 294853 93.6 Unnao
31&y[kuÅ 19702 102812 4 0 122518 92.2 Lucknow
32&jk;cjsyh 79305 124498 0 26 203829 90.6 Raebareli
y[kuÅ e.My 220350 1622696 895 1454 1845395 91.6 Lucknow Division
33&Q:Z[kkckn 553 168445 0 0 168998 97.4 Farrukhabad
34&dUukSt 6893 139652 0 0 146545 94.6 Kannauj
35&bVkok 57085 78323 21 547 135976 91.4 Etawah
36&vkSjS;k 47516 81965 0 76 129557 90.0 Auraiya
37&dkuiqj nsgkr 43455 115827 34 4 159320 73.0 Kanpur Dehat
38&dkuiqj uxj 30882 103668 122 0 134672 70.5 Kanpur Nagar
dkuiqj e.My 186384 687880 177 627 875068 84.9 Kanpur Division
39&tkykSu 153350 112285 1364 241 267240 77.3 Jalaun
40&>kWlh 87620 123129 14330 46 225125 72.3 Jhansi
41&yfyriqj 57398 139983 17470 13525 228376 77.5 Lalitpur
>kWlh e.My 298368 375397 33164 13812 720741 75.7 Jhansi Division
42&gehjiqj 22722 178101 2867 600 204290 72.1 Hamirpur
43&egksck 13924 84763 5899 880 105466 50.6 Mahoba
44&ckWnk 58084 144656 1707 2982 207429 61.4 Banda
45&fp=dwV 4897 80073 1015 667 86652 53.8 Chitrakoot
fp=dwV /kke e.My 99627 487593 11488 5129 603837 61.0 Chitrakoot Dham Div.
46&Qrsgiqj 38927 175723 110 255 215015 75.0 Fatehpur
47&izrkix<+ 65802 142257 0 0 208059 91.1 Pratapgarh
48&dkS'kkEch 12793 87724 0 0 100517 81.8 Kaushambi
49&iz;kxjkt 148803 155943 2312 4155 311213 88.2 Prayagraj
iz;kxjkt e.My 266325 561647 2422 4410 834804 84.3 Prayagraj Division
50&ckjkcadh 55319 192463 40 9 247831 93.7 Barabanki
51&v;ks/;k 19722 145760 0 526 166008 92.4 Ayodhya
52&vEcsMdjuxj 9137 156044 0 13 165194 95.1 AmbedkarNagar
53&lqYrkuiqj 21976 132973 0 0 154949 86.1 Sultanpur
54&vesBh 56363 74598 0 0 130961 90.2 Amethi
v;ks/;k e.My 162517 701838 40 548 864943 91.7 Ayodhya Division

13& flapkbZ @ Irrigation
13-1& m0iz0 esa fofHkUu lk/kuksa }kjk ftysokj 'kq) flafpr {ks=Qy (gs0es)a
District wise Net Area Irrigated by Different Sources in UP.
¼{ks=Qy gsDVs;j esa½ (Area in hect.)
'kq) cks;s x;s
Year / District / Division /
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= uydwi ,oa rkykc >hy {ks= ls 'kq) Region
ugjsa vU; lk/ku ;ksx
dwi ,oa iks[kj flafpr {ks=Qy dk
Percentage of Net
Tubewells & Tanks & Other
Canals Total Irrigated Area to
Wells Lakes Sources
Net Area Sown
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1
55&cgjkbp 4720 208664 1505 5893 220782 66.2 Bahraich
56&JkoLrh 0 68374 2 78 68454 56.1 Shrawasti
57&cyjkeiqj 3433 88335 4818 2424 99010 45.8 Balrampur
58&xks.Mk 211 249361 145 408 250125 88.9 Gonda
nsohikVu e.My 8364 614734 6470 8803 638371 67.0 Devipatan Division
59&fl)kFkZuxj 7934 159043 11801 877 179655 78.7 SiddharthNagar
60&cLrh 0 186987 72 100 187159 94.2 Basti
61&lardchjuxj 2183 96590 57 502 99332 87.1 SantkabirNagar
cLrh e.My 10117 442620 11930 1479 466146 86.2 Basti Division
62&egjktxat 11146 158632 760 63 170601 85.7 Maharajganj
63&xksj[kiqj 2172 201630 951 430 205183 86.2 Gorakhpur
64&dq'khuxj 38582 146506 111 4059 189258 87.3 KushiNagar
65&nsofj;k 6768 177792 0 2046 186606 95.0 Deoria
xksj[kiqj e.My 58668 684560 1822 6598 751648 88.4 GorakhpurDivision
66&vktex<+ 37104 241064 7 12 278187 97.0 Azamgarh
67&eÅ 8596 107393 0 0 115989 96.6 Mau
68&cfy;k 21291 156977 10 0 178278 82.2 Ballia
vktex<+ e.My 66991 505434 17 12 572454 91.8 Azamgarh Division
69&tkSuiqj 54973 185813 74 28 240888 87.2 Jaunpur
70&xkthiqj 47267 182394 0 17 229678 88.5 Ghazipur
71&pUnkSyh 104503 10081 450 1967 117001 91.6 Chandauli
72&okjk.klh 9816 80472 0 1 90289 89.5 Varanasi
okjk.klh e.My 216559 458760 524 2013 677856 88.7 Varanasi Division
73&larjfonkl uxj 11233 46626 0 0 57859 85.4 SantravidasNagar
74&fetkZiqj 82054 55821 7845 7267 152987 72.5 Mirzapur
75&lksuHknz 44235 8063 2800 6873 61971 32.2 Sonbhadra
foU/;kpy e.My 137522 110510 10645 14140 272817 57.9 Vindhyachal Division
1- if'peh lEHkkx 563050 5227189 519 58153 5848911 96.9 Western Region
2- dsUnzh; lEHkkx 388933 2210377 1201 1722 2602233 87.4 Central Region
3- cqUnsy[k.M lEHkkx 397995 862990 44652 18941 1324578 68.2 Bundelkhand Region
4- iwohZZ lEHkkx 832817 3711917 33720 37739 4616193 82.6 Eastern Region
mRrj izns'k 2182795 12012473 80092 116555 14391915 87.0 Uttar Pradesh
lzksr%&d`f"k funs'kky;] m0iz0A Source:- Directorate of Agriculture ,UP.

13& flapkbZ @ Irrigation
13-2&m0iz0 esa ldy flafpr {ks=Qy] mudk izfr'kr fooj.k] ldy cks;s x;s
{ks=Qy ls izfr'kr o flapkbZ xgurk
Districtwise Gross Area Irrigated, Their percentage distribution ,Percentage to Gross Cropped
Area and Irrigation Intensity in UP.
¼{ks=Qy gsDVs;j esa½ (Area in Hect.)
ldy flafpr jkT; ;ksx ls ldy flafpr flapkbZ xgurk
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= {ks=Qy ¼gs0½ izfr'kr {ks=Qy dk /Region
ldy cks;s x;s
{ks=Qy ls
Gross Area Percentage to Percentage of Irrigation Intensity
Irrigated (Hect.) State Total Gross Irrigated
to Total Area
1 2 3 Sown
4 5 1
2011-12 19901052 100.0 77.35 144.12 2011-12
2013-14 20403496 100.0 78.79 145.46 2013-14
2014-15 20964765 100.0 80.18 145.70 2014-15
2015-16 20881918 100.0 79.69 146.73 2015-16
2016-17 21632946 100.0 80.28 150.89 2016-17
2017-18 21595957 100.0 80.39 150.68 2017-18
2018-19 21680575 100.0 80.72 150.64 2018-19
1&lgkjuiqj 417593 1.93 95.43 161.04 Saharanpur
2&eqtQ~Qjuxj 320348 1.48 99.97 148.63 Muzaffarnagar
3&'kkeyh 169749 0.78 99.99 160.15 Shamli
lgkjuiqj e.My 907690 4.19 97.84 156.27 Saharanpur div.
4&fctukSj 402756 1.86 96.63 123.24 Bijnor
5&eqjknkckn 294394 1.36 93.88 175.08 Moradabad
6&laHky 275790 1.27 74.03 153.19 Sambhal
7&jkeiqj 344009 1.59 96.20 187.25 Rampur
8&vejksgk 245778 1.13 87.32 142.70 Amroha
eqjknkckn e.My 1562727 7.21 89.71 151.58 Moradabad Div.
9&esjB 303300 1.40 100.00 154.44 Meerut
10&ckxir 174245 0.80 99.97 162.45 Baghpat
11&xkft;kckn 76187 0.35 99.98 149.60 Ghaziabad
12&gkiqqM+ 142408 0.66 100.00 163.60 Hapur
13&xkSrecq) uxj 101651 0.47 99.98 192.28 G. B. Nagar
14&cqyUn'kgj 539780 2.49 99.98 180.56 Bulandshahar
esjB e.My 1337571 6.17 99.98 168.58 Meerut Div.
15&eFkqjk 337449 1.56 82.77 126.69 Mathura
16&vkxjk 279662 1.29 65.63 115.35 Agra
17&fQjkstkckn 227294 1.05 73.73 135.71 Firozabad
18&eSuiqjh 327530 1.51 99.96 165.45 Mainpuri
vkxjk e.My 1171935 5.41 79.74 134.05 Agra Div.
19&vyhx<+ 486427 2.24 85.83 160.04 Aligarh
20&gkFkjl 223520 1.03 87.51 152.16 Hathras
21&,Vk 308247 1.42 93.88 159.56 Etah
22&dklxat 230871 1.06 85.16 162.77 Kasganj
vyhx<+ e.My 1249065 5.76 87.87 158.94 Aligarh Div.
23&cnk;wW 469006 2.16 72.94 145.66 Badaun
24&cjsyh 500733 2.31 93.28 162.10 Bareilly
25&ihyhHkhr 390666 1.80 97.91 172.19 Pilibhit
26&'kkgtgkWiqj 566446 2.61 93.29 164.32 Shahjahanpur
cjsyh e.My 1926851 8.89 88.15 160.24 Bareilly Div.

13& flapkbZ @ Irrigation
13-2&m0iz0 esa ldy flafpr {ks=Qy] mudk izfr'kr fooj.k] ldy cks;s x;s
{ks=Qy ls izfr'kr o flapkbZ xgurk
Districtwise Gross Area Irrigated, Their percentage distribution ,Percentage to Gross Cropped
Area and Irrigation Intensity in UP.
¼{ks=Qy gsDVs;j esa½ (Area in Hect.)
ldy flafpr jkT; ;ksx ls ldy flafpr flapkbZ xgurk
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= {ks=Qy ¼gs0½ izfr'kr {ks=Qy dk /Region
ldy cks;s x;s
{ks=Qy ls
Gross Area Percentage to Percentage of Irrigation Intensity
Irrigated (Hect.) State Total Gross Irrigated
to Total Area
1 2 3 Sown
4 5 1
27&[khjh 652369 3.01 92.60 146.20 kheri
28&lhrkiqj 593439 2.74 88.52 147.39 Sitapur
29&gjnksbZ 553714 2.55 81.94 147.52 Hardoi
30&mUuko 415609 1.92 81.84 140.95 Unnao
31&y[kuÅ 183949 0.85 93.01 150.14 Lucknow
32&jk;cjsyh 332712 1.53 89.23 163.23 Raebareli
y[kuÅ e.My 2731792 12.60 87.30 148.03 Lucknow Division
33&Q:Z[kkckn 214434 0.99 93.82 126.89 Farrukhabad
34&dUukSt 245404 1.13 92.76 167.46 Kannauj
35&bVkok 207287 0.96 80.78 152.44 Etawah
36&vkSjS;k 214626 0.99 85.55 165.66 Auraiya
37&dkuiqj nsgkr 234081 1.08 72.65 146.93 Kanpur Dehat
38&dkuiqj uxj 179970 0.83 68.36 133.64 Kanpur Nagar
dkuiqj e.My 1295802 5.98 81.70 148.08 Kanpur Division
39&tkykSu 275637 1.27 56.91 103.14 Jalaun
40&>kWlh 234572 1.08 48.10 104.20 Jhansi
41&yfyriqj 229980 1.06 46.08 100.70 Lalitpur
>kWlh e.My 740189 3.41 50.32 102.70 Jhansi Division
42&gehjiqj 210306 0.97 55.61 102.94 Hamirpur
43&egksck 107700 0.50 37.47 102.12 Mahoba
44&ckWnk 284614 1.31 61.60 137.21 Banda
45&fp=dwV 94941 0.44 51.47 109.57 Chitrakoot
fp=dwV /kke e.My 697561 3.22 53.16 115.52 Chitrakoot Dham Div.
46&Qrsgiqj 315625 1.46 74.49 146.79 Fatehpur
47&izrkix<+ 338348 1.56 91.42 162.62 Pratapgarh
48&dkS'kkEch 165369 0.76 82.95 164.52 Kaushambi
49&iz;kxjkt 513854 2.37 89.39 165.11 Prayagraj
iz;kxjkt e.My 1333196 6.15 85.02 159.70 Prayagraj Division
50&ckjkcadh 503646 2.32 93.27 203.22 Barabanki
51&v;ks/;k 269813 1.24 92.61 162.53 Ayodhya
52&vEcsMdjuxj 279611 1.29 95.89 169.26 AmbedkarNagar
53&lqYrkuiqj 251528 1.16 85.73 162.33 Sultanpur
54&vesBh 214013 0.99 89.02 163.42 Amethi
v;ks/;k e.My 1518611 7.00 91.66 175.57 Ayodhya Division

13& flapkbZ @ Irrigation
13-2&m0iz0 esa ldy flafpr {ks=Qy] mudk izfr'kr fooj.k] ldy cks;s x;s
{ks=Qy ls izfr'kr o flapkbZ xgurk
Districtwise Gross Area Irrigated, Their percentage distribution ,Percentage to Gross Cropped
Area and Irrigation Intensity in UP.
¼{ks=Qy gsDVs;j esa½ (Area in Hect.)
ldy flafpr jkT; ;ksx ls ldy flafpr flapkbZ xgurk
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= {ks=Qy ¼gs0½ izfr'kr {ks=Qy dk /Region
ldy cks;s x;s
{ks=Qy ls
Gross Area Percentage to Percentage of Irrigation Intensity
Irrigated (Hect.) State Total Gross Irrigated
to Total Area
1 2 3 Sown
4 5 1
55&cgjkbp 290603 1.34 51.78 131.62 Bahraich
56&JkoLrh 85737 0.40 44.77 125.25 Shrawasti
57&cyjkeiqj 169942 0.78 46.72 171.64 Balrampur
58&xks.Mk 390229 1.80 88.14 156.01 Gonda
nsohikVu e.My 936511 4.32 60.06 146.70 Devipatan Division
59&fl)kFkZuxj 208149 0.96 54.36 115.86 SiddharthNagar
60&cLrh 324234 1.50 95.58 173.24 Basti
61&lardchjuxj 106266 0.49 50.41 106.98 SantkabirNagar
cLrh e.My 638649 2.95 68.46 137.01 Basti Division
62&egjktxat 182709 0.84 49.51 107.10 Maharajganj
63&xksj[kiqj 272464 1.26 70.11 132.79 Gorakhpur
64&dq'khuxj 305134 1.41 89.71 161.23 KushiNagar
65&nsofj;k 303141 1.40 92.07 162.45 Deoria
xksj[kiqj e.My 1063448 4.91 74.52 141.48 GorakhpurDivision
66&vktex<+ 489971 2.26 96.48 176.13 Azamgarh
67&eÅ 191096 0.88 96.85 164.75 Mau
68&cfy;k 286748 1.32 81.04 160.84 Ballia
vktex<+ e.My 967815 4.46 91.39 169.06 Azamgarh Division
69&tkSuiqj 410798 1.89 82.25 170.53 Jaunpur
70&xkthiqj 400310 1.85 89.08 174.29 Ghazipur
71&pUnkSyh 215360 0.99 92.25 184.07 Chandauli
72&okjk.klh 138226 0.64 84.05 153.09 Varanasi
okjk.klh e.My 1164694 5.37 86.48 171.82 Varanasi Division
73&larjfonkl uxj 87110 0.40 85.41 150.56 SantravidasNagar
74&fetkZiqj 242300 1.12 72.87 158.38 Mirzapur
75&lksuHknz 107058 0.49 36.76 172.75 Sonbhadra
foU/;kpy e.My 436468 2.01 60.14 159.99 Vindhyachal Division
1- if'peh lEHkkx 9037590 41.69 89.61 154.52 Western Region
2- dsUnzh; lEHkkx 3965114 18.29 84.75 152.37 Central Region
3- cqUnsy[k.M lEHkkx 1437750 6.63 51.66 108.54 Bundelkhand Region
4- iwohZZ lEHkkx 7240121 33.39 77.75 156.84 Eastern Region
mRrj izns'k 21680575 100.00 80.72 150.64 Uttar pradesh
lzksr%&d`f"k funs'kky;] m0iz0A Source:- Directorate of Agriculture ,UP.

13& flapkbZ @ Irrigation
13-3& m0iz0 esa eq[; Qlyksa ds vUrxZr ftysokj flafpr {ks=Qy
Districtwise Gross Area Irrigated Under Major Crops in UP.
Qlysa / Crops

¼{ks=Qy gsDVs;j esa½ ( Area in Hect.)

pkoy Tokj cktjk eDdk xsgwW Year / District / Division /
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= Region
Rice Jwar Bajra Maize Wheat
1 2 3 4 5 6 1
2011-12 4846562 1161 74355 263319 9627601 2011-12
2012-13 4921282 1065 82279 278237 9630065 2012-13
2013-14 5012744 647 98884 293267 9617009 2013-14
2014-15 5318164 5708 120349 312868 9930000 2014-15
1&lgkjuiqj 63636 0 0 117 123699 Saharanpur
2&eqtQ~Qjuxj 12072 0 2 24 79944 Muzaffarnagar
3&'kkeyh 22015 0 1 70 51015 Shamli
lgkjuiqj e.My 97723 0 3 211 254658 Saharanpur div.
4&fctukSj 53893 3 0 0 99471 Bijnor
5&eqjknkckn 96305 0 0 31 121876 Moradabad
6&laHky 40523 0 0 16621 139279 Sambhal
7&jkeiqj 129669 7 0 16 138807 Rampur
8&vejksgk 24184 0 266 1577 93688 Amroha
eqjknkckn e.My 344574 10 266 18245 593121 Moradabad Div.
9&esjB 17391 0 23 346 76557 Meerut
10&ckxir 5468 7 655 4 54175 Baghpat
11&xkft;kckn 9796 0 24 106 27325 Ghaziabad
12&gkiqqM+ 22585 0 1 741 43061 Hapur
13&xkSrecq) uxj 27181 4673 0 290 44599 G. B. Nagar
14&cqyUn'kgj 104927 25 13754 38684 200287 Bulandshahar
esjB e.My 187348 4705 14457 40171 446004 Meerut Div.
15&eFkqjk 48723 27 1179 221 192822 Mathura
16&vkxjk 10913 0 249 104 132867 Agra
17&fQjkstkckn 24975 41 3945 8348 100328 Firozabad
18&eSuiqjh 82532 182 9065 49061 161616 Mainpuri
vkxjk e.My 167143 250 14438 57734 587633 Agra Div.
19&vyhx<+ 89587 0 23021 19610 220742 Aligarh
20&gkFkjl 26859 3 11516 3396 81770 Hathras
21&,Vk 31946 17 34580 25882 132602 Etah
22&dklxat 17368 0 7079 38836 98009 Kasganj
vyhx<+ e.My 165760 20 76196 87724 533123 Aligarh Div.
23&cnk;wW 85985 7 3180 6263 261759 Badaun
24&cjsyh 168863 12 84 196 206549 Bareilly
25&ihyhHkhr 155544 0 0 70 150402 Pilibhit
26&'kkgtgkWiqj 190621 55 250 455 247913 Shahjahanpur
cjsyh e.My 601013 74 3514 6984 866623 Bareilly Div.

13& flapkbZ @ Irrigation
13-3& m0iz0 esa eq[; Qlyksa ds vUrxZr ftysokj flafpr {ks=Qy
Districtwise Gross Area Irrigated Under Major Crops in UP.
Qlysa / Crops

¼{ks=Qy gsDVs;j esa½ ( Area in Hect.)

pkoy Tokj cktjk eDdk xsgwW Year / District / Division /
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= Region
Rice Jwar Bajra Maize Wheat
1 2 3 4 5 6 1
27&[khjh 155760 0 2 1803 173355 kheri
28&lhrkiqj 163217 0 0 222 215519 Sitapur
29&gjnksbZ 148209 74 26 4174 325885 Hardoi
30&mUuko 101074 0 0 1223 241458 Unnao
31&y[kuÅ 52369 0 0 143 80903 Lucknow
32&jk;cjsyh 122515 0 0 0 173152 Raebareli
y[kuÅ e.My 743144 74 28 7565 1210272 Lucknow Division
33&Q:Z[kkckn 12569 169 623 23275 72610 Farrukhabad
34&dUukSt 30469 66 303 32208 76784 Kannauj
35&bVkok 54455 30 1427 4807 97880 Etawah
36&vkSjS;k 56935 232 8344 6829 109029 Auraiya
37&dkuiqj nsgkr 40568 30 618 3433 123782 Kanpur Dehat
38&dkuiqj uxj 32677 48 35 2663 102032 Kanpur Nagar
dkuiqj e.My 227673 575 11350 73215 582117 Kanpur Division
39&tkykSu 1600 0 0 0 158388 Jalaun
40&>kWlh 11053 0 0 1 159543 Jhansi
41&yfyriqj 2 0 0 0 188963 Lalitpur
>kWlh e.My 12655 0 0 1 506894 Jhansi Division
42&gehjiqj 66 0 0 65 108506 Hamirpur
43&egksck 1 0 0 0 56684 Mahoba
44&ckWnk 55144 0 0 0 157784 Banda
45&fp=dwV 7437 0 0 8 69431 Chitrakoot
fp=dwV /kke e.My Chitrakoot Dham Div.
62648 0 0 73 392405
46&Qrsgiqj 89802 0 0 60 182233 Fatehpur
47&izrkix<+ 125108 0 0 13 168495 Pratapgarh
48&dkS'kkEch 47445 0 0 248 79422 Kaushambi
49&iz;kxjkt 145215 0 0 0 247451 Prayagraj
iz;kxjkt e.My 407570 0 0 321 677601 Prayagraj Division
50&ckjkcadh 193132 0 0 362 167045 Barabanki
51&v;ks/;k 96151 0 0 1454 106423 Ayodhya
52&vEcsMdjuxj 117536 0 0 344 119654 AmbedkarNagar
53&lqYrkuiqj 95877 0 0 320 107774 Sultanpur
54&vesBh 93635 0 0 86 97206 Amethi
v;ks/;k e.My 596331 0 0 2566 598102 Ayodhya Division

13& flapkbZ @ Irrigation
13-3& m0iz0 esa eq[; Qlyksa ds vUrxZr ftysokj flafpr {ks=Qy
Districtwise Gross Area Irrigated Under Major Crops in UP.
Qlysa / Crops

¼{ks=Qy gsDVs;j esa½ ( Area in Hect.)

pkoy Tokj cktjk eDdk xsgwW Year / District / Division /
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= Region
Rice Jwar Bajra Maize Wheat
1 2 3 4 5 6 1
55&cgjkbp 32184 0 0 1534 181920 Bahraich
56&JkoLrh 9206 0 0 198 71364 Shrawasti
57&cyjkeiqj 23231 0 0 194 52930 Balrampur
58&xks.Mk 133568 0 0 2265 156666 Gonda
nsohikVu e.My 198189 0 0 4191 462880 Devipatan Division
59&fl)kFkZuxj 154123 0 0 548 152069 SiddharthNagar
60&cLrh 94533 0 0 402 112006 Basti
61&lardchjuxj 393 0 0 33 91419 SantkabirNagar
cLrh e.My 249049 0 0 983 355494 Basti Division
62&egjktxat 59 0 0 162 154806 Maharajganj
63&xksj[kiqj 54386 0 0 241 191238 Gorakhpur
64&dq'khuxj 110053 0 25 3173 115224 KushiNagar
65&nsofj;k 115806 0 52 3468 159695 Deoria
xksj[kiqj e.My 280304 0 77 7044 620963 GorakhpurDivision
66&vktex<+ 199964 0 8 1190 229030 Azamgarh
67&eÅ 85105 0 9 263 93601 Mau
68&cfy;k 114692 0 0 3875 139956 Ballia
vktex<+ e.My 399761 0 17 5328 462587 Azamgarh Division
69&tkSuiqj 143354 0 0 392 211659 Jaunpur
70&xkthiqj 154739 0 3 51 191183 Ghazipur
71&pUnkSyh 115204 0 0 0 99773 Chandauli
72&okjk.klh 48021 0 0 45 69118 Varanasi
okjk.klh e.My 461318 0 3 488 571733 Varanasi Division
73&larjfonkl uxj 28179 0 0 0 50159 SantravidasNagar
74&fetkZiqj 68157 0 0 16 126491 Mirzapur
75&lksuHknz 19625 0 0 8 31140 Sonbhadra
foU/;kpy e.My 115961 0 0 24 207790 Vindhyachal Division
1- if'peh lEHkkx 1717989 5556 119571 278188 3637465 Western Region
2- dsUnzh; lEHkkx 1099323 152 681 14083 1785364 Central Region
3- cqUnsy[k.M lEHkkx 75303 0 0 74 899299 Bundelkhand Region
4- iwohZZ lEHkkx 2425549 0 97 20523 3607872 Eastern Region
mRrj izns'k 5318164 5708 120349 312868 9930000 Uttar pradesh

13& flapkbZ @ Irrigation
13-3& m0iz0 esa eq[; Qlyksa ds vUrxZr ftysokj flafpr {ks=Qy
Districtwise Gross Area Irrigated Under Major Crops in UP.
Qlysa / Crops

¼{ks=Qy gsDVs;j esa½ ( Area in Hect.)

tkS puk vU; nkysa frygu 'kq) xUuk vkyw

Year/District/ Division/
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= Other Oilseed Region
Barley Gram Sugarcane Potato
Pulses Pure
1 7 8 9 10 11 12 1
2011-12 116568 91476 442433 506074 1987451 536915 2011-12
2012-13 118907 108423 462660 558167 2038478 538486 2012-13
2013-14 112829 112589 518645 555497 2105420 543493 2013-14
2014-15 120535 105308 513288 489369 2114516 572906 2014-15
1&lgkjuiqj 74 10 2506 1897 120249 450 Saharanpur
2&eqtQ~Qjuxj 186 84 1270 4032 163709 873 Muzaffarnagar
3&'kkeyh 93 1 978 1086 61657 359 Shamli
lgkjuiqj e.My 353 95 4754 7015 345615 1682 Saharanpur div.
4&fctukSj 16 6 841 2115 199277 521 Bijnor
5&eqjknkckn 9 20 503 2380 46719 1138 Moradabad
6&laHky 601 2 825 10301 26579 9605 Sambhal
7&jkeiqj 0 0 1892 2845 25080 1504 Rampur
8&vejksgk 48 3 1254 2894 77781 3241 Amroha
eqjknkckn e.My 674 31 5315 20535 375436 16009 Moradabad Div.
9&esjB 107 8 3012 5682 128409 5618 Meerut
10&ckxir 37 2 1026 1963 76387 202 Baghpat
11&xkft;kckn 39 0 652 1155 21650 437 Ghaziabad
12&gkiqqM+ 340 1 2183 1949 36374 3403 Hapur
13&xkSrecq) uxj 549 0 1001 189 1057 100 G. B. Nagar
14&cqyUn'kgj 5255 44 11245 8141 51528 8271 Bulandshahar
esjB e.My 6327 55 19119 19079 315405 18031 Meerut Div.
15&eFkqjk 4741 3 3832 38907 628 18765 Mathura
16&vkxjk 4471 130 665 34364 141 70904 Agra
17&fQjkstkckn 7171 437 2937 8386 109 50415 Firozabad
18&eSuiqjh 2393 1018 7149 9948 355 15838 Mainpuri
vkxjk e.My 18776 1588 14583 91605 1233 155922 Agra Div.
19&vyhx<+ 7535 10 16131 16277 6724 25991 Aligarh
20&gkFkjl 1757 3 5860 6419 203 49057 Hathras
21&,Vk 5914 2 7702 7285 168 5787 Etah
22&dklxat 2608 4 4365 9342 7246 4720 Kasganj
vyhx<+ e.My 17814 19 34058 39323 14341 85555 Aligarh Div.
23&cnk;wW 448 16 4498 20415 25810 14478 Badaun
24&cjsyh 24 3 1030 11925 87647 1712 Bareilly
25&ihyhHkhr 2 0 284 9367 65644 335 Pilibhit
26&'kkgtgkWiqj 241 36 1312 7760 64909 4806 Shahjahanpur
cjsyh e.My 715 55 7124 49467 244010 21331 Bareilly Div.

13& flapkbZ @ Irrigation
13-3& m0iz0 esa eq[; Qlyksa ds vUrxZr ftysokj flafpr {ks=Qy
Districtwise Gross Area Irrigated Under Major Crops in UP.
Qlysa / Crops

¼{ks=Qy gsDVs;j esa½ ( Area in Hect.)

tkS puk vU; nkysa frygu 'kq) xUuk vkyw

Year/District/ Division/
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= Other Oilseed Region
Barley Gram Sugarcane Potato
Pulses Pure
1 7 8 9 10 11 12 1
27&[khjh 119 23 965 21558 261079 1132 kheri
28&lhrkiqj 418 7 2295 21195 146534 3870 Sitapur
29&gjnksbZ 1423 93 3959 12498 38316 12195 Hardoi
30&mUuko 1027 236 3355 13694 693 9087 Unnao
31&y[kuÅ 57 10 1577 3326 184 4350 Lucknow
32&jk;cjsyh 1265 177 4011 7025 1731 4969 Raebareli
y[kuÅ e.My 4309 546 16162 79296 448537 35603 Lucknow Division
33&Q:Z[kkckn 904 345 5134 7623 7661 37148 Farrukhabad
34&dUukSt 541 599 3040 6270 134 39779 Kannauj
35&bVkok 1389 616 6287 9962 360 15964 Etawah
36&vkSjS;k 1917 496 4326 10920 585 5777 Auraiya
37&dkuiqj nsgkr 3522 686 3020 16812 2128 3473 Kanpur Dehat
38&dkuiqj uxj 2018 712 3155 7577 2915 11884 Kanpur Nagar
dkuiqj e.My 10291 3454 24962 59164 13783 114025 Kanpur Division
39&tkykSu 7400 1377 75404 5233 1263 474 Jalaun
40&>kWlh 18892 34660 84915 8120 135 282 Jhansi
41&yfyriqj 10587 11965 73722 4148 37 358 Lalitpur
>kWlh e.My 36879 48002 234041 17501 1435 1114 Jhansi Division
42&gehjiqj 3106 12680 13413 7323 5522 77 Hamirpur
43&egksck 5456 26411 31835 3662 3865 90 Mahoba
44&ckWnk 213 966 2847 117 483 265 Banda
45&fp=dwV 357 914 402 356 210 317 Chitrakoot
fp=dwV /kke e.My 9132 40971 48497 11458 10080 749 Chitrakoot Dham Div.
46&Qrsgiqj 274 156 6588 10855 7484 9746 Fatehpur
47&izrkix<+ 534 112 9844 1563 814 4494 Pratapgarh
48&dkS'kkEch 190 52 2391 902 689 4905 Kaushambi
49&iz;kxjkt 460 53 9299 330 666 12476 Prayagraj
iz;kxjkt e.My 1458 373 28122 13650 9653 31621 Prayagraj Division
50&ckjkcadh 8 10 2183 24802 8341 16447 Barabanki
51&v;ks/;k 210 674 4874 3649 20536 3975 Ayodhya
52&vEcsMdjuxj 569 489 5851 3978 10903 3971 AmbedkarNagar
53&lqYrkuiqj 875 47 9949 2408 9195 5032 Sultanpur
54&vesBh 567 73 4332 1825 1532 2841 Amethi
v;ks/;k e.My 2229 1293 27189 36662 50507 32266 Ayodhya Division

13& flapkbZ @ Irrigation
13-3& m0iz0 esa eq[; Qlyksa ds vUrxZr ftysokj flafpr {ks=Qy
Districtwise Gross Area Irrigated Under Major Crops in UP.
Qlysa / Crops

¼{ks=Qy gsDVs;j esa½ ( Area in Hect.)

tkS puk vU; nkysa frygu 'kq) xUuk vkyw

Year/District/ Division/
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= Other Oilseed Region
Barley Gram Sugarcane Potato
Pulses Pure
1 7 8 9 10 11 12 1
55&cgjkbp 68 7 1089 3349 17539 1819 Bahraich
56&JkoLrh 27 79 235 769 5574 362 Shrawasti
57&cyjkeiqj 0 225 732 5799 15632 1634 Balrampur
58&xks.Mk 283 531 4459 7072 71485 2551 Gonda
nsohikVu e.My 378 842 6515 16989 110230 6366 Devipatan Division
59&fl)kFkZuxj 6 0 5160 2363 350 883 SiddharthNagar
60&cLrh 0 596 3521 3054 40050 1775 Basti
61&lardchjuxj 454 602 3609 2341 2209 1729 SantkabirNagar
cLrh e.My 460 1198 12290 7758 42609 4387 Basti Division
62&egjktxat 25 20 1124 2924 14176 2300 Maharajganj
63&xksj[kiqj 1092 280 2260 2870 2208 3919 Gorakhpur
64&dq'khuxj 44 8 2100 4726 56002 1432 KushiNagar
65&nsofj;k 361 135 1497 1511 8054 1319 Deoria
xksj[kiqj e.My 1522 443 6981 12031 80440 8970 GorakhpurDivision
66&vktex<+ 2463 2517 5978 1879 19120 4490 Azamgarh
67&eÅ 2133 1450 1646 317 5899 1513 Mau
68&cfy;k 1338 505 1061 598 4071 6375 Ballia
vktex<+ e.My 5934 4472 8685 2794 29090 12378 Azamgarh Division
69&tkSuiqj 546 86 7125 3265 9123 9976 Jaunpur
70&xkthiqj 1849 1390 3164 425 5526 8410 Ghazipur
71&pUnkSyh 277 41 245 29 665 783 Chandauli
72&okjk.klh 200 123 2768 314 3983 3211 Varanasi
okjk.klh e.My 2872 1640 13302 4033 19297 22380 Varanasi Division
73&larjfonkl uxj 202 10 1047 135 1093 1227 SantravidasNagar
74&fetkZiqj 102 160 477 852 1545 2423 Mirzapur
75&lksuHknz 108 61 65 22 177 867 Sonbhadra
foU/;kpy e.My 412 231 1589 1009 2815 4517 Vindhyachal Division
1- if'peh lEHkkx 49410 3899 103740 261799 1304780 397198 Western Region
2- dsUnzh; lEHkkx 10131 2110 31108 139342 469405 77153 Central Region
3- cqUnsy[k.M lEHkkx 46011 88973 282538 28959 11515 1863 Bundelkhand Region
4- iwohZZ lEHkkx 14983 10326 95902 59269 328816 96692 Eastern Region
mRrj izns'k 120535 105308 513288 489369 2114516 572906 Uttar pradesh
lzksr&d`f"k funs'kky;] m0iz0A Source:- Directorate of Agriculture, UP.

13& flapkbZ @ Irrigation

13-4 & m0iz0 esa pkfyr jktdh; uydwi rFkk futh y?kq flapkbZ dk;ksZ dh ftysokj izxfr
Districtwise Progress of State Tubewells in Operation & Minor Irrigation Works in UP.
¼31 ekpZ dh fLFkfr½ ¼la[;k½ ( As on 31st March) (No.)
pkfyr jktdh; futh uydwi iDds dqW, ,oa HkwLrjh; ifEiax
uydwi Private Tubewells cksfajx lsV
Year / District / Division /
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= Region
State Tubewells in xgjs mFkys Dug Wells Pumping Sets
Operation Cum Bore On Surface
Deep Shallow

1 2 3 4 5 6 1
2011-12 29595 29031 4131688 134952 29128 2011-12
2013-14 30917 32355 4197041 139208 30010 2013-14
2014-15 32047 33174 4218339 139833 30128 2014-15
2015-16 32047 33501 4243939 139833 30128 2015-16
2016-17 33375 33803 4262531 147810 30128 2016-17
2017-18 33351 34665 4284227 154930 30128 2017-18
2018-19 33077 35298 4296991 155134 30128 2018-19
2019-20 33848R 35863 4312572 155629 30128 2019-20
2020-21 34401 37067 4334477 155838 30128 2020-21
1&lgkjuiqj 543 110 85548 0 0 Saharanpur
2&eqtQ~Qjuxj 390 724 97148 232 15 Muzaffarnagar
3&'kkeyh 91 0 0 0 0 Shamli
lgkjuiqj e.My 1024 834 182696 232 15 Saharanpur div.
4&fctukSj 713 136 90435 0 12 Bijnor
5&eqjknkckn 533 545 107396 0 0 Moradabad
6&laHky 616 0 911 0 0 Sambhal
7&jkeiqj 425 712 75113 0 49 Rampur
8&vejksgk 324 378 72356 0 0 Amroha
eqjknkckn e.My 2611 1771 346211 0 61 Moradabad Div.
9&esjB 350 102 58651 22 18 Meerut
10&ckxir 280 199 26369 79 0 Baghpat
11&xkft;kckn 92 11 39247 0 8 Ghaziabad
12&gkiqqM+ 154 9 475 0 0 Hapur
13&xkSrecq) uxj 81 0 25247 0 0 G. B. Nagar
14&cqyUn'kgj 525 58 76617 0 1 Bulandshahar
esjB e.My 1482 379 226606 101 27 Meerut Div.
15&eFkqjk 1 163 64779 422 0 Mathura
16&vkxjk 282 978 68180 1749 30 Agra
17&fQjkstkckn 392 663 35727 62 0 Firozabad
18&eSuiqjh 556 37 67512 5 0 Mainpuri
vkxjk e.My 1231 1841 236198 2238 30 Agra Div.
19&vyhx<++ 655 138 71945 67 0 Aligarh
20&gkFkjl 196 73 39510 0 0 Hathras
21&,Vk 392 25 83720 0 0 Etah
22&dklxat 404 16 4990 0 0 Kasganj
vyhx<+ e.My 1647 252 200165 67 0 Aligarh Div.
23&cnk;wW 1195 281 110570 0 68 Badaun
24&cjsyh 806 478 123021 89 12 Bareilly
25&ihyhHkhr 198 50 79134 0 0 Pilibhit
26&'kkgtgkWiqj 565 117 107565 0 150 Shahjahanpur
cjsyh e.My 2764 926 420290 89 230 Bareilly Div.
vuqo)--------- Contd.........

13& flapkbZ @ Irrigation

13-4 & m0iz0 esa pkfyr jktdh; uydwi rFkk futh y?kq flapkbZ dk;ksZ dh ftysokj izxfr
Districtwise Progress of State Tubewells in Operation & Minor Irrigation Works in UP.
¼31 ekpZ dh fLFkfr½ ¼la[;k½ ( As on 31st March) (No.)
pkfyr jktdh; futh uydwi iDds dqW, ,oa HkwLrjh; ifEiax
uydwi Private Tubewells cksfajx lsV
Year / District / Division /
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= Region
State Tubewells in xgjs mFkys Dug Wells Pumping Sets
Operation Cum Bore On Surface
Deep Shallow

1 2 3 4 5 6 1
27&[khjh 794 8 128056 168 0 kheri
28&lhrkiqj 723 8 149324 0 0 Sitapur
29&gjnksbZ 686 0 100704 373 48 Hardoi
30&mUuko 232 292 105884 228 0 Unnao
31&y[kuÅ 421 299 38618 52 29 Lucknow
32&jk;cjsyh 387 13 87541 5229 0 Raebareli
y[kuÅ e.My 3243 620 610127 6050 77 Lucknow Division
33&Q:Z[kkckn 315 190 34931 29 10 Farrukhabad
34&dUukSt 287 614 34308 57 17 Kannauj
35&bVkok 530 274 43730 0 0 Etawah
36&vkSjS;k 358 993 43730 0 0 Auraiya
37&dkuiqj nsgkr 464 2325 54235 176 5 Kanpur Dehat
38&dkuiqj uxj 378 4346 47509 166 73 Kanpur Nagar
dkuiqj e.My 2332 8742 258443 428 105 Kanpur Division
39&tkykSu 706 2897 11138 3014 1518 Jalaun
40&>kWlh 162 1030 13643 31977 5120 Jhansi
41&yfyriqj 1 2474 1365 35287 4953 Lalitpur
>kWlh e.My 869 6401 26146 70278 11591 Jhansi Division
42&gehjiqj 578 2305 12445 3882 2505 Hamirpur
43&egksck 0 382 1646 17955 5062 Mahoba
44&ckWnk 656 1393 13190 4926 1134 Banda
45&fp=dwV 20 1309 3687 8180 2577 Chitrakoot
fp=dwV /kke e.My 1254 5389 30968 34943 11278 Chitrakoot Dham Div.
46&Qrsgiqj 581 2008 41857 777 59 Fatehpur
47&izrkix<+ 141 85 103827 168 0 Pratapgarh
48&dkS'kkEch 388 2135 16878 17 69 Kaushambi
49&iz;kxjkt 1074 2579 41235 3887 805 Prayagraj
iz;kxjkt e.My 2184 6807 203797 4849 933 Prayagraj Division
50&ckjkcadh 313 95 107724 466 0 Barabanki
51&v;ks/;k 718 16 70989 375 0 Ayodhya
52&vEcsMdjuxj 515 7 65340 121 0 AmbedkarNagar
53&lqYrkuiqj 476 35 136115 853 2 Sultanpur
54&vesBh 358 3 4632 0 0 Amethi
v;ks/;k e.My 2380 156 384800 1815 2 Ayodhya Division
vuqo)--------- Contd.........

13& flapkbZ @ Irrigation

13-4 & m0iz0 esa pkfyr jktdh; uydwi rFkk futh y?kq flapkbZ dk;ksZ dh ftysokj izxfr
Districtwise Progress of State Tubewells in Operation & Minor Irrigation Works in UP.
¼31 ekpZ dh fLFkfr½ ¼la[;k½ ( As on 31st March) (No.)
pkfyr jktdh; futh uydwi iDds dqW, ,oa HkwLrjh; ifEiax
uydwi Private Tubewells cksfajx lsV
Year / District / Division /
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= Region
State Tubewells in xgjs mFkys Dug Wells Pumping Sets
Operation Cum Bore On Surface
Deep Shallow

1 2 3 4 5 6 1
55&cgjkbp 589 0 70754 69 48 Bahraich
56&JkoLrh 206 0 48697 48 85 Shrawasti
57&cyjkeiqj 388 108 52664 122 6 Balrampur
58&xks.Mk 581 2 120107 14 28 Gonda
nsohikVu e.My 1764 110 292222 253 167 Devipatan Division
59&fl)kFkZuxj 411 56 60027 428 61 SiddharthNagar
60&cLrh 629 7 86136 44 0 Basti
61&lardchjuxj 509 131 50277 320 15 SantkabirNagar
cLrh e.My 1549 194 196440 792 76 Basti Division
62&egjktxat 332 37 88685 47 26 Maharajganj
63&xksj[kiqj 1175 11 103411 85 0 Gorakhpur
64&dq'khuxj 221 0 65750 0 0 KushiNagar
65&nsofj;k 984 3 76705 27 0 Deoria
xksj[kiqj e.My 2712 51 334551 159 26 GorakhpurDivision
66&vktex<+ 567 0 79160 11 0 Azamgarh
67&eÅ 363 14 37197 130 0 Mau
68&cfy;k 875 12 43316 732 0 Ballia
vktex<+ e.My 1805 26 159673 873 0 Azamgarh Division
69&tkSuiqj 562 56 92725 1978 20 Jaunpur
70&xkthiqj 841 689 76407 78 172 Ghazipur
71&pUnkSyh 345 119 15870 585 374 Chandauli
72&okjk.klh 792 617 17563 431 14 Varanasi
okjk.klh e.My 2540 1481 202565 3072 580 Varanasi Division
73&larjfonkl uxj 521 274 8319 65 5 SantravidasNagar
74&fetkZiqj 489 630 8662 17947 1378 Mirzapur
75&lksuHknz & 183 5598 11587 3547 Sonbhadra
foU/;kpy e.My 1010 1087 22579 29599 4930 Vindhyachal Division
1- if'peh lEHkkx 12249 8074 1768865 2813 390 Western Region
2- dsUnzh; lEHkkx 4979 9394 861452 7635 214 Central Region
3- cqUnsy[k.M lEHkkx 2123 11790 57114 105221 22869 Bundelkhand Region
4- iwohZZ lEHkkx 15050 7809 1647046 40169 6655 Eastern Region
mRrj izns'k 34401 37067 4334477 155838 30128 Uttar Pradesh
R- la'kksf/kr R-Revised

lzksr& y?kq flapkbZ ,oa flapkbZ foHkkx] m0iz0A Source- Minor Irrigation & Deptt. Of Irrigation, UP.

14& i'kqikyu ,o nqX/kks|ksx
Animal Husbandry and Dairying
14-1 mRrj izns'k esa i'kq/ku ,oa dqDdqVkfn if{k;ksa dh ftysokj la[;k
Districtwise Number of Livestock and Poultry in UP.
xkstkrh; Cattle
ns'kh Deshi dzkl czhM Cross Bread fons'kh Exotic
uj 2 o"kZ ls eknk 3 o"kZ uj 1-5 o"kZ eknk 2-5 o"kZ uj 2-5 o"kZ eknk 2-5
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= Åij ls Åij ls Åij ls Åij ls Åij o"kZ ls Åij Year/District/Division/Region
Males Above Females Males Above Females Males Above Females
2 Years Above 3 1.5 Years Above 2.5 2.5 Years Above 2.5
Years Years Years

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1
1982 11021603 6035128 1995652 581438 - - 1982
1988 10678660 6214825 1318467 615546 - - 1988
1993 9733546 6352647 1063020 658260 - - 1993
1997 7155937 5843785 511881 777364 - - 1997
2003 5420086 5473376 183792 714296 - - 2003
2007 3993440 5776480 258372 777814 804 3975 2007
2012 1054302 6075330 129496 2415329 - - 2012
2019* 1054302 6075330 129496 2415329 34923 716074 2019*
1&lgkjuiqj 5120 47087 2349 69283 679 20472 Saharanpur
2&eqtQ~Qjuxj 5844 24972 4002 97126 1232 29466 Muzaffarnagar
3&'kkeyh 1144 11179 1131 39714 315 14038 Shamli
lgkjuiqj e.My 12108 83238 7482 206123 2226 63976 Saharanpur div.
4&fctukSj 31757 73215 9533 70060 2294 27606 Bijnor
5&eqjknkckn 12017 42884 5383 32299 1794 6473 Moradabad
6&laHky 17895 57585 1167 12682 501 9062 Sambhal
7&jkeiqj 5466 31526 604 14210 578 5040 Rampur
8&vejksgk 11921 51850 5275 44046 706 5600 Amroha
eqjknkckn e.My 79056 257060 21962 173297 5873 53781 Moradabad Div.
9&esjB 3020 24487 3663 84437 1242 25860 Meerut
10&ckxir 1721 20616 4171 44206 497 11395 Baghpat
11&xkft;kckn 1132 11807 1870 40100 348 6009 Ghaziabad
12&gkiqqM+ 1817 16907 2356 28699 493 9703 Hapur
13&xkSrecq) uxj 1730 22182 1391 16761 776 12578 G. B. Nagar
14&cqyUn'kgj 13072 67893 8778 57296 5544 34184 Bulandshahar
esjB e.My 22492 163892 22229 271499 8900 99729 Meerut Div.
15&eFkqjk 7001 89404 889 17454 246 13814 Mathura
16&vkxjk 1421 83588 855 32082 1472 29342 Agra
17&fQjkstkckn 1388 39572 614 36851 134 13149 Firozabad
18&eSuiqjh 3112 31877 820 19912 392 14999 Mainpuri
vkxjk e.My 12922 244441 3178 106299 2244 71304 Agra Div.
19&vyhx<+ 12959 77442 8222 65796 1327 19370 Aligarh
20&gkFkjl 2604 40546 584 16331 589 11530 Hathras
21&,Vk 2464 19204 721 17028 253 10931 Etah
22&dklxat 14178 24320 1063 5656 416 2871 Kasganj
vyhx<+ e.My 32205 161512 10590 104811 2585 44702 Aligarh Div.
23&cnk;wW 32131 86343 9773 26598 268 3036 Badaun
24&cjsyh 13612 91033 708 13872 533 7037 Bareilly
25&ihyhHkhr 7654 56956 806 14702 200 1933 Pilibhit
26&'kkgtgkWiqj 22755 116139 698 8440 83 408 Shahjahanpur
cjsyh e.My 76152 350471 11985 63612 1084 12414 Bareilly Div.
vuqo)--------- Cont d…..

14& i'kqikyu ,o nqX/kks|ksx
Animal Husbandry and Dairying
14-1 mRrj izns'k esa i'kq/ku ,oa dqDdqVkfn if{k;ksa dh ftysokj la[;k
Districtwise Number of Livestock and Poultry in UP.
xkstkrh; Cattle
ns'kh Deshi dzkl czhM Cross Bread fons'kh Exotic
uj 2 o"kZ ls eknk 3 o"kZ uj 1-5 o"kZ eknk 2-5 o"kZ uj 2-5 o"kZ eknk 2-5
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= Åij ls Åij ls Åij ls Åij ls Åij o"kZ ls Åij Year/District/Division/Region
Males Above Females Males Above Females Males Above Females
2 Years Above 3 1.5 Years Above 2.5 2.5 Years Above 2.5
Years Years Years

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1
27&[khjh 51828 166197 5564 32603 1562 7860 kheri
28&lhrkiqj 53295 194334 1436 14057 669 6312 Sitapur
29&gjnksbZ 56520 171943 4289 20366 603 3753 Hardoi
30&mUuko 48136 120756 891 15377 1125 4525 Unnao
31&y[kuÅ 10720 82486 2767 25945 161 7081 Lucknow
32&jk;cjsyh 37976 155756 1369 28013 248 6327 Raebareli
y[kuÅ e.My 258475 891472 16316 136361 4368 35858 Lucknow Division
33&Q:Z[kkckn 4608 33918 783 14565 149 8637 Farrukhabad
34&dUukSt 4511 102288 405 11365 173 8414 Kannauj
35&bVkok 844 34934 167 18315 302 5455 Etawah
36&vkSjS;k 1463 41158 49 7516 132 7501 Auraiya
37&dkuiqj nsgkr 2694 65950 472 22227 84 3210 Kanpur Dehat
38&dkuiqj uxj 3992 66844 894 24269 65 5484 Kanpur Nagar
dkuiqj e.My 18112 345092 2770 98257 905 38701 Kanpur Division
39&tkykSu 2260 95482 16 5683 45 4282 Jalaun
40&>kWlh 12323 104185 152 3211 11 925 Jhansi
41&yfyriqj 16111 166479 30 5433 10 312 Lalitpur
>kWlh e.My 30694 366146 198 14327 66 5519 Jhansi Division
42&gehjiqj 12765 62687 50 2369 8 515 Hamirpur
43&egksck 16558 65410 33 882 11 152 Mahoba
44&ckWnk 63545 91992 613 888 25 635 Banda
45&fp=dwV 34644 119012 53 1067 56 1447 Chitrakoot
fp=dwV /kke e.My 127512 339101 749 5206 100 2749 Chitrakoot Dham Div.
46&Qrsgiqj 25027 54162 1310 13921 192 3335 Fatehpur
47&izrkix<+ 7958 243528 1151 34607 868 23073 Pratapgarh
48&dkS'kkEch 10268 61702 1068 11893 123 5456 Kaushambi
49&iz;kxjkt 13949 191185 2187 89345 227 7736 prayagraj
iz;kxjkt e.My 57202 550577 5716 149766 1410 39600 prayagraj Division
50&ckjkcadh 9661 133638 394 20525 236 11115 Barabanki
51&v;ks/;k 10030 96900 669 15960 374 6481 Ayodhya
52&vEcsMdjuxj 3402 59994 4428 41874 331 12079 AmbedkarNagar
53&lqYrkuiqj 7048 113803 1018 47772 352 18543 Sultanpur
54&vesBh 7739 122098 1096 24374 117 3259 Amethi
v;ks/;k e.My 37880 526433 7605 150505 1410 51477 Ayodhya Division
vuqo)--------- Contd…..

14& i'kqikyu ,o nqX/kks|ksx
Animal Husbandry and Dairying
14-1 mRrj izns'k esa i'kq/ku ,oa dqDdqVkfn if{k;ksa dh ftysokj la[;k
Districtwise Number of Livestock and Poultry in UP.
xkstkrh; Cattle
ns'kh Deshi dzkl czhM Cross Bread fons'kh Exotic
uj 2 o"kZ ls eknk 3 o"kZ uj 1-5 o"kZ eknk 2-5 o"kZ uj 2-5 o"kZ eknk 2-5
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= Åij ls Åij ls Åij ls Åij ls Åij o"kZ ls Åij Year/District/Division/Region
Males Above Females Males Above Females Males Above Females
2 Years Above 3 1.5 Years Above 2.5 2.5 Years Above 2.5
Years Years Years

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1
55&cgjkbp 33441 149622 564 8977 291 1933 Bahraich

56&JkoLrh 31848 62101 127 5302 57 1560 Shrawasti

57&cyjkeiqj 32726 68198 341 5359 377 2965 Balrampur
58&xks.Mk 11392 133362 1317 51501 141 11636 Gonda
nsohikVu e.My 109407 413283 2349 71139 866 18094 Devipatan Division
59&fl)kFkZuxj 1575 33065 121 5556 15 1507 SiddharthNagar
60&cLrh 1539 25940 380 24949 34 4484 Basti
61&lardchjuxj 951 13200 2772 23701 228 1604 SantkabirNagar
cLrh e.My 4065 72205 3273 54206 277 7595 Basti Division
62&egjktxat 2026 12210 686 19974 76 1182 Maharajganj
63&xksj[kiqj 1301 43400 1303 73864 298 25998 Gorakhpur
64&dq'khuxj 2191 25593 762 51271 134 974 KushiNagar
65&nsofj;k 4922 43198 685 73638 167 11896 Deoria
xksj[kiqj e.My 10440 124401 3436 218747 675 40050 GorakhpurDivision
66&vktex<+ 3656 113078 846 100336 200 9810 Azamgarh
67&eÅ 622 55634 207 27051 26 1435 Mau
68&cfy;k 1108 108937 559 100528 74 7231 Ballia
vktex<+ e.My 5386 277649 1612 227915 300 18476 Azamgarh Division
69&tkSuiqj 5531 184065 730 72085 533 33816 Jaunpur
70&xkthiqj 1355 133194 356 46607 7 7655 Ghazipur
71&pUnkSyh 3749 86856 177 69437 74 7926 Chandauli
72&okjk.klh 1107 64752 1571 60017 586 33021 Varanasi
okjk.klh e.My 11742 468867 2834 248146 1200 82418 Varanasi Division
73&larjfonkl uxj 1291 82530 148 19024 70 7409 SantravidasNagar
74&fetkZiqj 24758 157978 4455 85191 209 17043 Mirzapur
75&lksuHknz 122403 198982 609 10898 155 5179 Sonbhadra
foU/;kpy e.My 148452 439490 5212 115113 434 29631 Vindhyachal Division
1- if'peh lEHkkx 246361 1472912 78830 977402 23668 375913 Western Region
2- dsUnzh; lEHkkx 299849 1212066 19386 217303 4945 59002 Central Region
3- cqUnsy[k.M lEHkkx 158206 705247 947 19533 166 8268 Bundelkhand Region
4- iwohZZ lEHkkx 349886 2685105 30333 1201091 6144 272891 Eastern Region
mRrj izns'k 1054302 6075330 129496 2415329 34923 716074 Uttar Pradesh
vuqc)--- Contd…..

14& i'kqikyu ,o nqX/kks|ksx
Animal Husbandry and Dairying
14-1 mRrj izns'k esa i'kq/ku ,oa dqDdqVkfn if{k;ksa dh ftysokj la[;k
Districtwise Number of Livestock and Poultry in UP.

xkstkrh; Cattle efg"k oa'kh; Buffaloes

cNM+s ,oa cfN;k uj 3 o"kZ ls eknk 3 o"kZ ls iMok ,oa ifM+;k

Young Stock Åij Åij Buffalloes Young
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= Males Above 3 Females Above 3
Stock Year/District/Division/Region
Years Years

1 8 9 10 11 1
1982 6517472 2007657 7905780 5871481 1982
1988 7524831 2162120 8957014 7121051 1988
1993 7823824 2044289 10149074 7897361 1993
1997 6825950 1918437 9881763 8263095 1997
2003 6759210 1608809 11194710 10110181 2003
2007 8286467 1477696 12869193 12093504 2007
2012 7523678 1513981 15432180 13679173 2012
2019* 8594187 797639 15731618 16487528 2019*
1&lgkjuiqj 121514 15309 219348 237316 Saharanpur
2&eqtQ~Qjuxj 128582 38068 202116 219563 Muzaffarnagar
3&'kkeyh 50370 11731 114968 126587 Shamli
lgkjuiqj e.My 300466 65108 536432 583466 Saharanpur div.
4&fctukSj 163825 36608 285086 300711 Bijnor
5&eqjknkckn 76084 21267 184017 203436 Moradabad
6&laHky 76021 10294 333072 367627 Sambhal
7&jkeiqj 48672 11411 171939 170230 Rampur
8&vejksgk 97251 28479 229766 256302 Amroha
eqjknkckn e.My 461853 108059 1203880 1298306 Moradabad Div.
9&esjB 101876 41223 259434 215047 Meerut
10&ckxir 63324 15785 155797 145233 Baghpat
11&xkft;kckn 38934 10801 120776 82143 Ghaziabad
12&gkiqqM+ 42140 20528 117562 108696 Hapur
13&xkSrecq) uxj 35449 8438 145550 110994 G. B. Nagar
14&cqyUn'kgj 117554 49961 485354 436712 Bulandshahar
esjB e.My 399277 146736 1284473 1098825 Meerut Div.
15&eFkqjk 85428 7182 291015 278359 Mathura
16&vkxjk 134028 23557 536315 506926 Agra
17&fQjkstkckn 72605 3796 314518 327244 Firozabad
18&eSuiqjh 68527 12184 276987 303741 Mainpuri
vkxjk e.My 360588 46719 1418835 1416270 Agra Div.
19&vyhx<+ 126182 21059 456759 464680 Aligarh
20&gkFkjl 52263 3790 221855 192133 Hathras
21&,Vk 39583 2904 297358 293288 Etah
22&dklxat 31162 5511 237541 284657 Kasganj
vyhx<+ e.My 249190 33264 1213513 1234758 Aligarh Div.
23&cnk;wW 121641 35869 521889 549412 Badaun
24&cjsyh 108184 22320 335852 349437 Bareilly
25&ihyhHkhr 78036 7609 92118 120651 Pilibhit
26&'kkgtgkWiqj 112620 12221 286861 306305 Shahjahanpur
cjsyh e.My 420481 78019 1236720 1325805 Bareilly Div.
vuqo)--------- Contd…..

14& i'kqikyu ,o nqX/kks|ksx
Animal Husbandry and Dairying
14-1 mRrj izns'k esa i'kq/ku ,oa dqDdqVkfn if{k;ksa dh ftysokj la[;k
Districtwise Number of Livestock and Poultry in UP.

xkstkrh; Cattle efg"k oa'kh; Buffaloes

cNM+s ,oa cfN;k uj 3 o"kZ ls eknk 3 o"kZ ls iMok ,oa ifM+;k

Young Stock Åij Åij Buffalloes Young
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= Males Above 3 Females Above 3
Stock Year/District/Division/Region
Years Years

1 8 9 10 11 1
27&[khjh 202994 46260 362641 427457 kheri
28&lhrkiqj 200628 16014 317176 350183 Sitapur
29&gjnksbZ 162522 19704 416661 398385 Hardoi
30&mUuko 133375 16594 307266 332632 Unnao
31&y[kuÅ 85186 3772 150787 132091 Lucknow
32&jk;cjsyh 162169 6647 223884 233161 Raebareli
y[kuÅ e.My 946874 108991 1778415 1873909 Lucknow Division
33&Q:Z[kkckn 52005 4628 211004 228069 Farrukhabad
34&dUukSt 107361 17493 201616 211845 Kannauj
35&bVkok 44760 2473 184035 197311 Etawah
36&vkSjS;k 55355 2488 177934 196476 Auraiya
37&dkuiqj nsgkr 86594 7045 278519 317149 Kanpur Dehat
38&dkuiqj uxj 73718 4429 252566 237050 Kanpur Nagar
dkuiqj e.My 419793 38556 1305674 1387900 Kanpur Division
39&tkykSu 96430 1859 177071 178767 Jalaun
40&>kWlh 105982 1920 162618 142013 Jhansi
41&yfyriqj 176139 5470 136839 149434 Lalitpur
>kWlh e.My 378551 9249 476528 470214 Jhansi Division
42&gehjiqj 62757 1983 116528 119999 Hamirpur
43&egksck 55923 1674 70775 65418 Mahoba
44&ckWnk 97797 10939 200842 211987 Banda
45&fp=dwV 111461 2355 124741 124592 Chitrakoot
fp=dwV /kke e.My 327938 16951 512886 521996 Chitrakoot Dham Div.
46&Qrsgiqj 64866 10364 314973 322166 Fatehpur
47&izrkix<+ 293018 7102 271511 317462 Pratapgarh
48&dkS'kkEch 85985 8377 156835 199191 Kaushambi
49&iz;kxjkt 255827 9609 411516 395933 Prayagraj
iz;kxjkt e.My 699696 35452 1154835 1234752 Prayagraj Division
50&ckjkcadh 149193 6928 239910 261992 Barabanki
51&v;ks/;k 144112 1430 145750 200981 Ayodhya
52&vEcsMdjuxj 140731 4581 137737 200965 AmbedkarNagar
53&lqYrkuiqj 171170 3572 151432 163781 Sultanpur
54&vesBh 156971 5333 165523 171808 Amethi
v;ks/;k e.My 762177 21844 840352 999527 Ayodhya Division
vuqo)--------- Contd…..

14& i'kqikyu ,o nqX/kks|ksx
Animal Husbandry and Dairying
14-1 mRrj izns'k esa i'kq/ku ,oa dqDdqVkfn if{k;ksa dh ftysokj la[;k
Districtwise Number of Livestock and Poultry in UP.

xkstkrh; Cattle efg"k oa'kh; Buffaloes

cNM+s ,oa cfN;k uj 3 o"kZ ls eknk 3 o"kZ ls iMok ,oa ifM+;k

Young Stock Åij Åij Buffalloes Young
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= Males Above 3 Females Above 3
Stock Year/District/Division/Region
Years Years

1 8 9 10 11 1
55&cgjkbp 148437 18907 194912 210446 Bahraich
56&JkoLrh 59047 6152 91009 77218 Shrawasti
57&cyjkeiqj 87780 7430 99444 119429 Balrampur
58&xks.Mk 169071 2352 221513 214306 Gonda
nsohikVu e.My 464335 34841 606878 621399 Devipatan Division
59&fl)kFkZuxj 55225 1391 70999 110562 SiddharthNagar
60&cLrh 68377 20757 118183 204859 Basti
61&lardchjuxj 41552 3966 60880 79845 SantkabirNagar
cLrh e.My 165154 26114 250062 395266 Basti Division
62&egjktxat 32948 1658 86393 92579 Maharajganj
63&xksj[kiqj 141267 3487 115964 133739 Gorakhpur
64&dq'khuxj 84299 1019 77376 91799 KushiNagar
65&nsofj;k 153337 2844 78980 109070 Deoria

xksj[kiqj e.My 411851 9008 358713 427187 GorakhpurDivision

66&vktex<+ 232532 1417 223636 252510 Azamgarh
67&eÅ 88329 555 91686 100470 Mau
68&cfy;k 216465 919 116662 132205 Ballia
vktex<+ e.My 537326 2891 431984 485185 Azamgarh Division
69&tkSuiqj 240180 3579 304505 276370 Jaunpur
70&xkthiqj 197098 1488 236937 267540 Ghazipur
71&pUnkSyh 170174 490 150324 172303 Chandauli
72&okjk.klh 145795 1342 125089 117254 Varanasi
okjk.klh e.My 753247 6899 816855 833467 Varanasi Division
73&larjfonkl uxj 101993 977 75484 80142 SantravidasNagar

74&fetkZiqj 221554 5174 153141 129267 Mirzapur

75&lksuHknz 211843 2787 75958 69887 Sonbhadra
foU/;kpy e.My 535390 8938 304583 279296 Vindhyachal Division
1- if'peh lEHkkx 2451336 504987 7668442 7791131 Western Region
2- dsUnzh; lEHkkx 1321245 137757 2864383 3012266 Central Region
3- cqUnsy[k.M lEHkkx 706489 26200 989414 992210 Bundelkhand Region
4- iwohZZ lEHkkx 4115117 128695 4209379 4691921 Eastern Region
mRrj izns'k 8594187 797639 15731618 16487528 Uttar Pradesh

vuqc)----- Contd…..

14& i'kqikyu ,o nqX/kks|ksx
Animal Husbandry and Dairying
14-1 mRrj izns'k esa i'kq/ku ,oa dqDdqVkfn if{k;ksa dh ftysokj la[;k
Districtwise Number of Livestock and Poultry in UP.
HksaM+ cdjs rFkk ?kksM+s] VV~Vw lqvj
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= Sheeps cdfj;ka Horses,Ponies Pigs Year/District/Division/ Region
1 12 13 14 15 1
1982 2309748 9685692 212039 2281441 1982
1988 2149968 11320750 216930 2488749 1988
1993 2403919 13109826 249117 2904537 1993
1997 2218591 12866360 239638 3212771 1997
2003 1436731 12941013 154049 2602130 2003
2007 1400474 14829064 98036 1986793 2007
2012 1353653 15585615 151848 1334392 2012
2019* 984725 14480025 97569 408678 2019*
1&lgkjuiqj 15605 61682 3030 10287 Saharanpur
2&eqtQ~Qjuxj 5664 29793 3092 8666 Muzaffarnagar
3&'kkeyh 2842 21559 1842 5121 Shamli
lgkjuiqj e.My 24111 113034 7964 24074 Saharanpur div.
4&fctukSj 4022 91889 2431 10168 Bijnor
5&eqjknkckn 2900 96932 2371 3572 Moradabad
6&laHky 2040 84709 2165 3261 Sambhal
7&jkeiqj 6761 80830 2257 1698 Rampur
8&vejksgk 1076 75742 1002 1736 Amroha
eqjknkckn e.My 16799 430102 10226 20435 Moradabad Div.
9&esjB 3828 43470 2385 8276 Meerut
10&ckxir 2178 16948 1738 3580 Baghpat
11&xkft;kckn 914 17397 1026 2583 Ghaziabad
12&gkiqqM+ 959 30690 907 4686 Hapur
13&xkSrecq) uxj 1220 18114 673 3012 G. B. Nagar
14&cqyUn'kgj 3793 127975 4016 6332 Bulandshahar
esjB e.My 12892 254594 10745 28469 Meerut Div.
15&eFkqjk 24099 64681 1381 11360 Mathura
16&vkxjk 18578 147937 1453 14029 Agra
17&fQjkstkckn 6584 182510 608 6135 Firozabad
18&eSuiqjh 10754 266679 985 4343 Mainpuri
vkxjk e.My 60015 661807 4427 35867 Agra Div.
19&vyhx<+ 9974 136507 2333 6262 Aligarh
20&gkFkjl 3985 84215 1209 5274 Hathras
21&,Vk 2200 98507 567 3319 Etah
22&dklxat 5629 84550 980 2045 Kasganj
vyhx<+ e.My 21788 403779 5089 16900 Aligarh Div.
23&cnk;wW 12837 176402 4481 8327 Badaun
24&cjsyh 3097 130533 6758 4695 Bareilly
25&ihyhHkhr 603 46890 2446 3009 Pilibhit
26&'kkgtgkWiqj 3005 113702 2891 4545 Shahjahanpur
cjsyh e.My 19542 467527 16576 20576 Bareilly Div.
vuqo)--------- Contd…..

14& i'kqikyu ,o nqX/kks|ksx
Animal Husbandry and Dairying
14-1 mRrj izns'k esa i'kq/ku ,oa dqDdqVkfn if{k;ksa dh ftysokj la[;k
Districtwise Number of Livestock and Poultry in UP.
HksaM+ cdjs rFkk ?kksM+s] VV~Vw lqvj
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= Sheeps cdfj;ka Horses,Ponies Pigs Year/District/Division/ Region
1 12 13 14 15 1
27&[khjh 18664 486491 2639 4645 kheri
28&lhrkiqj 4660 468528 751 3862 Sitapur
29&gjnksbZ 17261 378278 3619 11540 Hardoi
30&mUuko 14209 320399 1199 6917 Unnao
31&y[kuÅ 805 160719 542 3576 Lucknow
32&jk;cjsyh 12060 277338 3083 22843 Raebareli
y[kuÅ e.My 67659 2091753 11833 53383 Lucknow Division
33&Q:Z[kkckn 7880 119358 1204 3050 Farrukhabad
34&dUukSt 8209 152089 491 1576 Kannauj
35&bVkok 5116 243429 236 4029 Etawah
36&vkSjS;k 10151 258416 311 4414 Auraiya
37&dkuiqj nsgkr 14243 420847 136 1970 Kanpur Dehat
38&dkuiqj uxj 8616 292141 885 7464 Kanpur Nagar
dkuiqj e.My 54215 1486280 3263 22503 Kanpur Division
39&tkykSu 25462 322607 673 3543 Jalaun
40&>kWlh 42297 260396 431 4002 Jhansi
41&yfyriqj 3590 180189 242 521 Lalitpur
>kWlh e.My 71349 763192 1346 8066 Jhansi Division
42&gehjiqj 12503 299330 580 3269 Hamirpur
43&egksck 14025 206066 332 5336 Mahoba
44&ckWnk 9702 281392 1084 5409 Banda
45&fp=dwV 19683 175973 489 4470 Chitrakoot
fp=dwV /kke e.My 55913 962761 2485 18484 Chitrakoot Dham Div.
46&Qrsgiqj 88677 438167 2326 12249 Fatehpur
47&izrkix<+ 9372 340666 2362 13192 Pratapgarh
48&dkS'kkEch 20565 312771 2354 16312 Kaushambi
49&iz;kxjkt 121374 261053 2216 13871 Prayagraj
iz;kxjkt e.My 239988 1352657 9258 55624 Prayagraj Division
50&ckjkcadh 400 229206 1499 5646 Barabanki
51&v;ks/;k 8499 189303 473 4505 Ayodhya
52&vEcsMdjuxj 9410 164844 257 1487 AmbedkarNagar
53&lqYrkuiqj 20102 195700 552 2311 Sultanpur
54&vesBh 8094 214207 1435 10855 Amethi
v;ks/;k e.My 46505 993260 4216 24804 Ayodhya Division
vuqo)--------- Contd…..

14& i'kqikyu ,o nqX/kks|ksx
Animal Husbandry and Dairying
14-1 mRrj izns'k esa i'kq/ku ,oa dqDdqVkfn if{k;ksa dh ftysokj la[;k
Districtwise Number of Livestock and Poultry in UP.
HksaM+ cdjs rFkk ?kksM+s] VV~Vw lqvj
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= Sheeps cdfj;ka Horses,Ponies Pigs Year/District/Division/ Region
1 12 13 14 15 1
55&cgjkbp 15488 581585 2062 5126 Bahraich
56&JkoLrh 3110 111488 490 2598 Shrawasti
57&cyjkeiqj 9136 270790 590 5301 Balrampur
58&xks.Mk 14839 290621 747 6621 Gonda
nsohikVu e.My 42573 1254484 3889 19646 Devipatan Division
59&fl)kFkZuxj 4010 284526 196 1558 SiddharthNagar
60&cLrh 8135 152497 87 455 Basti
61&lardchjuxj 2940 143081 261 1015 SantkabirNagar
cLrh e.My 15085 580104 544 3028 Basti Division
62&egjktxat 1870 252829 394 4435 Maharajganj
63&xksj[kiqj 8601 173017 1276 4507 Gorakhpur
64&dq'khuxj 1084 297917 573 3680 KushiNagar
65&nsofj;k 2198 255563 339 2006 Deoria
xksj[kiqj e.My 13753 979326 2582 14628 GorakhpurDivision
66&vktex<+ 10885 299653 200 6081 Azamgarh
67&eÅ 3205 171962 209 3648 Mau
68&cfy;k 18560 157490 1388 6762 Ballia
vktex<+ e.My 32650 629105 1797 16491 Azamgarh Division
69&tkSuiqj 27321 276543 188 9345 Jaunpur
70&xkthiqj 19171 151400 324 2732 Ghazipur
71&pUnkSyh 17087 89091 226 3907 Chandauli
72&okjk.klh 9665 124528 71 1557 Varanasi
okjk.klh e.My 73244 641562 809 17541 Varanasi Division
73&larjfonkl uxj 22209 47738 54 1064 SantravidasNagar
74&fetkZiqj 71717 126877 428 4869 Mirzapur
75&lksuHknz 22718 240083 38 2226 Sonbhadra
foU/;kpy e.My 116644 414698 520 8159 Vindhyachal Division
1- if'peh lEHkkx 186503 3104135 57269 159390 Western Region
2- dsUnzh; lEHkkx 179595 3472114 16679 80712 Central Region
3- cqUnsy[k.M lEHkkx 127262 1725953 3831 26550 Bundelkhand Region
4- iwohZZ lEHkkx 491365 6177823 19790 142026 Eastern Region
mRrj izns'k 984725 14480025 97569 408678 Uttar Pradesh
vuqc)---- Contd …..

14& i'kqikyu ,o nqX/kks|ksx
Animal Husbandry and Dairying
14-1 mRrj izn's k esa i'kq/ku ,oa dqDdqVkfn if{k;ksa dh ftysokj la[;k
Districtwise Number of Livestock and Poultry in UP.
vU; i'kq/ku dqy i'kq/ku dqDdqV vkfn
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= Other Live Stock Total Live Stock Poultry etc.

1 16 17 18 1
1982 312632 56735124 6858443 1982
1988 379617 61198528 9319999 1988
1993 526753 70152054 10789730 1993
1997 432941 61066433 13166233 1997
2003 400997 56457552 12193964 2003
2007 114200 63966312 17879918 2007
2012 107238 68715147 18667832 2012
2019* 27299 68034722 12525340 2019*
1&lgkjuiqj 128 829209 526157 Saharanpur
2&eqtQ~Qjuxj 438 798624 22316 Muzaffarnagar
3&'kkeyh 169 402710 296426 Shamli
lgkjuiqj e.My 735 2030543 844899 Saharanpur div.
4&fctukSj 115 1109320 345049 Bijnor
5&eqjknkckn 41 691470 113771 Moradabad
6&laHky 78 978159 26848 Sambhal
7&jkeiqj 76 551298 85648 Rampur
8&vejksgk 16 810768 25752 Amroha
eqjknkckn e.My 326 4141015 597068 Moradabad Div.
9&esjB 369 818617 391369 Meerut
10&ckxir 335 487524 73995 Baghpat
11&xkft;kckn 239 336079 159515 Ghaziabad
12&gkiqqM+ 112 386255 11300 Hapur
13&xkSrecq) uxj 145 379013 91663 G. B. Nagar
14&cqyUn'kgj 550 1419014 34710 Bulandshahar
esjB e.My 1750 3826502 762552 Meerut Div.
15&eFkqjk 858 893171 12637 Mathura
16&vkxjk 1714 1533297 91453 Agra
17&fQjkstkckn 598 1006306 37831 Firozabad
18&eSuiqjh 220 1015532 41666 Mainpuri
vkxjk e.My 3390 4448306 183587 Agra Div.
19&vyhx<+ 979 1409851 210949 Aligarh
20&gkFkjl 828 637736 78121 Hathras
21&,Vk 218 788545 37439 Etah
22&dklxat 161 700740 5892 Kasganj
vyhx<+ e.My 2186 3536872 332401 Aligarh Div.
23&cnk;wW 152 1589159 261865 Badaun
24&cjsyh 177 1087848 175378 Bareilly
25&ihyhHkhr 17 433630 23760 Pilibhit
26&'kkgtgkWiqj 29 990702 90381 Shahjahanpur
cjsyh e.My 375 4101339 551384 Bareilly Div.
vuqo)--------- Contd…..

14& i'kqikyu ,o nqX/kks|ksx
Animal Husbandry and Dairying
14-1 mRrj izn's k esa i'kq/ku ,oa dqDdqVkfn if{k;ksa dh ftysokj la[;k
Districtwise Number of Livestock and Poultry in UP.
vU; i'kq/ku dqy i'kq/ku dqDdqV vkfn
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= Other Live Stock Total Live Stock Poultry etc.

1 16 17 18 1
27&[khjh 37 1817442 555265 kheri
28&lhrkiqj 105 1632010 285081 Sitapur
29&gjnksbZ 186 1665630 71226 Hardoi
30&mUuko 135 1323536 39678 Unnao
31&y[kuÅ 327 666965 89032 Lucknow
32&jk;cjsyh 83 1170957 60257 Raebareli
y[kuÅ e.My 873 8276540 1100539 Lucknow Division
33&Q:Z[kkckn 303 690161 8593 Farrukhabad
34&dUukSt 294 828130 3563 Kannauj
35&bVkok 479 741885 61157 Etawah
36&vkSjS;k 279 763643 32126 Auraiya
37&dkuiqj nsgkr 20 1221160 24450 Kanpur Dehat
38&dkuiqj uxj 232 978649 564501 Kanpur Nagar
dkuiqj e.My 1607 5223628 694390 Kanpur Division
39&tkykSu 406 914586 12462 Jalaun
40&>kWlh 244 840710 27154 Jhansi
41&yfyriqj 17 840816 23435 Lalitpur
>kWlh e.My 667 2596112 63051 Jhansi Division
42&gehjiqj 291 695634 27505 Hamirpur
43&egksck 331 502926 22039 Mahoba
44&ckWnk 884 977734 18488 Banda
45&fp=dwV 296 720339 83176 Chitrakoot
fp=dwV /kke e.My 1802 2896633 151208 Chitrakoot Dham Div.
46&Qrsgiqj 433 1352168 452548 Fatehpur
47&izrkix<+ 142 1566012 125668 Pratapgarh
48&dkS'kkEch 276 893176 48028 Kaushambi
49&iz;kxjkt 379 1776407 284913 Prayagraj
iz;kxjkt e.My 1230 5587763 911157 Prayagraj Division
50&ckjkcadh 111 1070454 876003 Barabanki
51&v;ks/;k 75 825542 519963 Ayodhya
52&vEcsMdjuxj 105 782225 266404 AmbedkarNagar
53&lqYrkuiqj 225 897381 71997 Sultanpur
54&vesBh 81 892990 673731 Amethi
v;ks/;k e.My 597 4468592 2408098 Ayodhya Division
vuqo)--------- Contd…..

14& i'kqikyu ,o nqX/kks|ksx
Animal Husbandry and Dairying
14-1 mRrj izn's k esa i'kq/ku ,oa dqDdqVkfn if{k;ksa dh ftysokj la[;k
Districtwise Number of Livestock and Poultry in UP.
vU; i'kq/ku dqy i'kq/ku dqDdqV vkfn
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= Other Live Stock Total Live Stock Poultry etc.

1 16 17 18 1
55&cgjkbp 202 1371993 176152 Bahraich
56&JkoLrh 25 452132 11446 Shrawasti
57&cyjkeiqj 214 710080 101015 Balrampur
58&xks.Mk 563 1129982 178460 Gonda
nsohikVu e.My 1004 3664187 467073 Devipatan Division
59&fl)kFkZuxj 87 570393 26586 SiddharthNagar
60&cLrh 18 630694 59826 Basti
61&lardchjuxj 6 376002 89727 SantkabirNagar
cLrh e.My 111 1577089 176139 Basti Division
62&egjktxat 35 509295 78913 Maharajganj
63&xksj[kiqj 274 728296 367842 Gorakhpur
64&dq'khuxj 233 638905 405343 KushiNagar
65&nsofj;k 696 739539 216289 Deoria
xksj[kiqj e.My 1238 2616035 1068387 GorakhpurDivision
66&vktex<+ 450 1255290 909806 Azamgarh
67&eÅ 1141 546180 129948 Mau
68&cfy;k 3964 872852 151696 Ballia
vktex<+ e.My 5555 2674322 1191450 Azamgarh Division
69&tkSuiqj 130 1434921 103953 Jaunpur
70&xkthiqj 1161 1067025 71399 Ghazipur
71&pUnkSyh 410 772231 276404 Chandauli
72&okjk.klh 167 686522 121667 Varanasi
okjk.klh e.My 1868 3960699 573423 Varanasi Division
73&larjfonkl uxj 29 440162 30495 SantravidasNagar
74&fetkZiqj 1923 1004584 265408 Mirzapur
75&lksuHknz 33 963799 152631 Sonbhadra
foU/;kpy e.My 1985 2408545 448534 Vindhyachal Division
1- if'peh lEHkkx 10117 25108396 3377330 Western Region
2- dsUnzh; lEHkkx 1669 12898971 3018041 Central Region
3- cqUnsy[k.M lEHkkx 2469 5492745 214259 Bundelkhand Region
4- iwohZZ lEHkkx 13044 24534610 5915710 Eastern Region
mRrj izns'k 27299 68034722 12525340 Uttar Pradesh
*vufUre *Provisional
dqy i'kq/ku es dqRrs NksMdj Excludes dogs in Total live Stock
lzksr& 1-i'kqikyu foHkkx] m0 iz0 A Source- 1. Dept. of Animal Husbandary, UP.

14& i'kqikyu ,o nqX/kks|ksx
Animal Husbandry and Dairying
14-2 mRrj izns'k esa i'kqikyu ds vUrxZr voLFkkiuk lEcU/kh lqfo/kk;sa
Districtwise Infrastractural Facilities in Animal Husbandry in UP.
¼la[;k½ (Number)
i'kq vkS"k/kky;ksa d`f=e HksaM+ Åu dqDdqV lqvj iztuu
fpfdRlky;ksa dh la[;k xHkkZ/kku fodkl dsUnz iztuu dsUnz dsUnz
o"kZ@ftyk@ dh la[;k No. of
dsUnz Sheep &
Breeding Year/District/
No. of A.I. Centres
e.My@{ks= Veterinary
Dispensaries Extension Farms Farms Division/Region

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1
2011-12 2200 2843 5043 180 13 8 2011-12
2013 -14 2200 2843 5043 180 13 6 2013 -14
2014 -15 2200 2575 5043 180 13 6 2014 -15
2015 -16 2200 2843 5043 180 11 6 2015 -16
2016 -17 2202 2842 5036 180 11 6 2016 -17
2017-18 2202 2842 5044 180 11 6 2017-18
2018-19 2202 2842 5044 180 8 6 2018-19
2019-20 2202 2842 5044 180 8 6 2019-20
2020-21 2202 2842 5044 180 4 6 2020-21
1&lgkjuiqj 36 47 83 0 0 0 Saharanpur
2&eqtQ~Qjuxj 48 54 102 5 0 0 Muzaffarnagar
3&'kkeyh 25 28 53 1 0 0 Shamli
lgkjuiqj e.My 109 129 238 6 0 0 Saharanpur div.
4&fctukSj 37 30 67 0 0 0 Bijnor
5&eqjknkckn 22 53 75 0 0 0 Moradabad
6&laHky 18 39 57 0 0 0 Sambhal
7&jkeiqj 19 26 45 0 0 0 Rampur
8&vejksgk 21 43 64 0 0 0 Amroha
eqjknkckn e.My 117 191 308 0 0 0 Moradabad Div.
9&esjB 32 72 104 0 0 0 Meerut
10&ckxir 32 46 78 0 0 0 Baghpat
11&xkft;kckn 17 19 36 0 0 0 Ghaziabad
12&gkiqqM+ 17 31 48 0 1 0 Hapur
13&xkSrecq) uxj 20 13 33 0 0 0 G. B. Nagar
14&cqyUn'kgj 45 63 108 0 0 0 Bulandshahar
esjB e.My 163 244 407 0 1 0 Meerut Div.
15&eFkqjk 29 47 76 2 0 0 Mathura
16&vkxjk 34 42 76 1 0 0 Agra
17&fQjkstkckn 29 40 69 0 0 0 Firozabad
18&eSuiqjh 36 41 77 1 0 0 Mainpuri
vkxjk e.My 128 170 298 4 0 0 Agra Div.
19&vyhx<+ 47 130 177 0 0 1 Aligarh
20&gkFkjl 20 25 45 0 0 0 Hathras
21&,Vk 42 31 73 0 0 0 Etah
22&dklxat 16 23 39 0 0 0 Kasganj
vyhx<+ e.My 125 209 334 0 0 1 Aligarh Div.
vuqc) Contd…..
23&cnk;wW 26 45 71 1 0 0 Badaun
24&cjsyh 35 31 66 0 1 0 Bareilly
25&ihyhHkhr 16 29 45 0 0 0 Pilibhit
26&'kkgtgkWiqj 31 29 60 0 0 0 Shahjahanpur
cjsyh e.My 108 134 242 1 1 0 Bareilly Division

14& i'kqikyu ,o nqX/kks|ksx
Animal Husbandry and Dairying
14-2 mRrj izns'k esa i'kqikyu ds vUrxZr voLFkkiuk lEcU/kh lqfo/kk;sa
Districtwise Infrastractural Facilities in Animal Husbandry in UP.
¼la[;k½ (Number)
i'kq vkS"k/kky;ksa d`f=e HksaM+ Åu dqDdqV lqvj iztuu
fpfdRlky;ksa dh la[;k xHkkZ/kku fodkl dsUnz iztuu dsUnz dsUnz
o"kZ@ftyk@ dh la[;k No. of
dsUnz Sheep &
Breeding Year/District/
No. of A.I. Centres
e.My@{ks= Veterinary
Dispensaries Extension Farms Farms Division/Region

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1
27&[khjh 42 32 74 0 0 0 kheri
28&lhrkiqj 38 41 79 0 0 1 Sitapur
29&gjnksbZ 47 59 106 1 0 0 Hardoi
30&mUuko 52 47 99 1 0 0 Unnao
31&y[kuÅ 28 50 78 0 0 0 Lucknow
32&jk;cjsyh 39 53 92 12 0 0 Raebareli

y[kuÅ e.My 246 282 528 14 0 1 Lucknow Division

33&Q:Z[kkckn 25 28 53 1 0 0 Farrukhabad
34&dUukSt 19 16 35 0 0 0 Kannauj
35&bVkok 26 35 61 0 0 0 Etawah
36&vkSjS;k 18 23 41 0 0 0 Auraiya

37&dkuiqj nsgkr 27 59 86 0 0 0 Kanpur Dehat

38&dkuiqj uxj 32 80 112 0 0 0 Kanpur Nagar

dkuiqj e.My 147 241 388 1 0 0 Kanpur Division
39&tkykSu 20 41 61 4 0 0 Jalaun
40&>kWlh 22 19 41 8 1 0 Jhansi
41&yfyriqj 19 32 51 5 0 1 Lalitpur
>kWlh e.My 61 92 153 17 1 1 Jhansi Division
42&gehjiqj 19 25 44 1 0 0 Hamirpur
43&egksck 15 12 27 1 0 0 Mahoba
44&ckWnk 20 23 43 1 0 0 Banda
45&fp=dwV 13 16 29 4 0 0 Chitrakoot
Chitrakoot Dham
fp=dwV /kke e.My 67 76 143 7 0 0
46&Qrsgiqj 35 52 87 10 0 0 Fatehpur
47&izrkix<+ 50 51 101 4 0 0 Pratapgarh
48&dkS'kkEch 15 24 39 11 0 0 Kaushambi
49&iz;kxjkt 49 101 150 32 0 0 Prayagraj
iz;kxjkt e.My 149 228 377 57 0 0 Prayagraj Division
50&ckjkcadh 37 67 104 0 1 1 Barabanki
51&v;ks/;k 29 22 51 1 0 0 Ayodhya
52&vEcsMdjuxj 18 23 41 0 0 0 AmbedkarNagar
53&lqYrkuiqj 32 47 79 7 0 0 Sultanpur
54&vesBh 28 39 67 0 0 0
v;ks/;k e.My 144 198 342 8 1 1 Ayodhya Division
vuqo)--------- Contd…..

14& i'kqikyu ,o nqX/kks|ksx
Animal Husbandry and Dairying
14-2 mRrj izns'k esa i'kqikyu ds vUrxZr voLFkkiuk lEcU/kh lqfo/kk;sa
Districtwise Infrastractural Facilities in Animal Husbandry in UP.
¼la[;k½ (Number)
i'kq vkS"k/kky;ksa d`f=e HksaM+ Åu dqDdqV lqvj iztuu
fpfdRlky;ksa dh la[;k xHkkZ/kku fodkl dsUnz iztuu dsUnz dsUnz
o"kZ@ftyk@ dh la[;k No. of
dsUnz Sheep &
Breeding Year/District/
No. of A.I. Centres
e.My@{ks= Veterinary
Dispensaries Extension Farms Farms Division/Region

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1
55&cgjkbp 35 30 65 1 0 0 Bahraich
56&JkoLrh 13 3 16 0 0 0 Shrawasti
57&cyjkeiqj 19 19 38 1 0 0 Balrampur
58&xks.Mk 35 33 68 2 0 0 Gonda
nsohikVu e.My 102 85 187 4 0 0 Devipatan Division
59&fl)kFkZuxj 25 36 61 0 0 0 SiddharthNagar
60&cLrh 32 33 65 0 0 0 Basti
61&lardchjuxj 18 19 37 0 0 0 SantkabirNagar
cLrh e.My 75 88 163 0 0 0 Basti Division

62&egjktxat 31 26 57 0 0 0 Maharajganj
63&xksj[kiqj 52 53 105 3 0 0 Gorakhpur
64&dq'khuxj 24 40 64 1 0 0 KushiNagar
65&nsofj;k 26 38 64 2 0 0 Deoria
xksj[kiqj e.My 133 157 290 6 0 0 GorakhpurDivision
66&vktex<+ 58 54 112 4 0 0 Azamgarh
67&eÅ 31 28 59 2 0 0 Mau
68&cfy;k 56 46 102 1 0 0 Ballia
vktex<+ e.My 145 128 273 7 0 0 Azamgarh Division
69&tkSuiqj 36 45 81 3 0 0 Jaunpur

70&xkthiqj 52 50 102 2 0 0 Ghazipur

71&pUnkSyh 18 21 39 5 0 1 Chandauli
72&okjk.klh 16 18 34 15 0 1 Varanasi
okjk.klh e.My 122 134 256 25 0 2 Varanasi Division
73&larjfonkl uxj 11 10 21 8 0 0 SantravidasNagar
74&fetkZiqj 27 29 56 14 0 0 Mirzapur
75&lksuHknz 23 17 40 1 0 0 Sonbhadra
foU/;kpy e.My 61 56 117 23 0 0 Vindhyachal Division
1- if'peh lEHkkx 838 1179 2017 12 2 1 Western Region
2- dsUnzh; lEHkkx 377 540 917 24 1 2 Central Region
3- cqUnsy[k.M lEHkkx 128 168 296 24 1 1 Bundelkhand Region
4- iwohZZ lEHkkx 859 955 1814 120 0 2 Eastern Region
mRrj izns'k 2202 2842 5044 180 4 6 Uttar Pradesh
lzksr&i'kqikyu funs'kky;] m0iz0A Source:- Directorate of Animal Husbandry, UP.

14& i'kqikyu ,o nqX/kks|ksx
Animal Husbandry and Dairying
14-3 mRrj izns'k esa i'kq laLFkkvksa esa fd;k x;k ftysokj dk;Z
Districtwise Work Done in Veterinary Institutions in UP.
¼yk[k esa½ ( In lakh)
fpfdfRlr i'kq cf/k;kdj.k Vhdkdj.k
Animals Treated Castration xyk?kksaVw iksaduh jkuh[ksr
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@ {ks= Performed
H.S. R.P. R.D. Year/District/Division/Region

1 2 3 4 5 6 1
2011-12 282.57 12.14 268.55 0.00 73.92 2011-12
2013-14 31.91 1.39 32.27 0.00 9.90 2013-14
2014-15 325.25 14.56 243.54 0.00 103.62 2014-15
2015-16 341.71 14.75 346.27 0.00 74.96 2015-16
2016-17 355.42 16.01 417.16 0.00 57.05 2016-17
2017-18 370.88 17.44 372.22 0.00 92.89 2017-18
2018-19 386.12 24.69 330.30 0.00 93.01 2018-19
2019-20 399.96 29.42 334.91 0.00 43.42 2019-20
2020-21 422.95 31.25 402.24 0.00 5.32 2020-21
1&lgkjuiqj 4.53 0.35 5.88 0.00 0.00 Saharanpur
2&eqtQ~Qjuxj 4.38 0.21 5.99 0.00 0.00 Muzaffarnagar
3&'kkeyh 3.26 0.23 3.11 0.00 0.00 Shamli
lgkjuiqj e.My 12.17 0.79 14.98 0.00 0.00 Saharanpur div.
4&fctukSj 6.05 0.35 7.72 0.00 0.00 Bijnor
5&eqjknkckn 4.49 0.31 3.78 0.00 0.00 Moradabad
6&laHky 4.50 0.26 6.17 0.00 0.00 Sambhal
7&jkeiqj 4.77 0.27 4.19 0.00 0.00 Rampur
8&vejksgk 3.16 0.32 5.80 0.00 0.00 Amroha
eqjknkckn e.My 22.97 1.51 27.66 0.00 0.00 Moradabad Div.
9&esjB 6.60 0.19 6.02 0.00 0.00 Meerut
10&ckxir 3.43 0.11 3.54 0.00 0.00 Baghpat
11&xkft;kckn 3.07 0.12 2.45 0.00 0.65 Ghaziabad
12&gkiqMq + 3.36 0.10 2.83 0.00 0.00 Hapur
13&xkSrecq) uxj 1.97 0.13 2.56 0.00 0.00 G. B. Nagar
14&cqyUn'kgj 8.46 0.66 9.93 0.00 0.00 Bulandshahar
esjB e.My 26.89 1.31 27.33 0.00 0.65 Meerut Div.
15&eFkqjk 4.82 0.14 6.16 0.00 0.00 Mathura
16&vkxjk 7.54 0.19 9.98 0.00 0.00 Agra
17&fQjkstkckn 3.70 0.32 6.51 0.00 0.00 Firozabad
18&eSuiqjh 4.11 0.23 5.83 0.00 0.00 Mainpuri
vkxjk e.My 20.17 0.88 28.48 0.00 0.00 Agra Div.
19&vyhx<+ 9.01 0.45 9.58 0.00 0.00 Aligarh
20&gkFkjl 3.67 0.16 4.14 0.00 0.00 Hathras
21&,Vk 5.10 0.35 5.35 0.00 0.00 Etah
22&dklxat 2.67 0.39 4.83 0.00 0.00 Kasganj
vyhx<+ e.My 20.45 1.35 23.90 0.00 0.00 Aligarh Div.
23&cnk;wW 8.26 0.82 10.88 0.00 0.22 Badaun
24&cjsyh 6.93 0.75 7.44 0.00 0.00 Bareilly
25&ihyhHkhr 4.49 0.09 2.32 0.00 0.00 Pilibhit
26&'kkgtgkWiqj 5.75 0.46 6.42 0.00 0.00 Shahjahanpur
cjsyh e.My 25.43 2.12 27.06 0.00 0.22 Bareilly Division

14& i'kqikyu ,o nqX/kks|ksx
Animal Husbandry and Dairying
14-3 mRrj izns'k esa i'kq laLFkkvksa esa fd;k x;k ftysokj dk;Z
Districtwise Work Done in Veterinary Institutions in UP.
¼yk[k esa½ ( In lakh)
fpfdfRlr i'kq cf/k;kdj.k Vhdkdj.k
Animals Treated Castration xyk?kksaVw iksaduh jkuh[ksr
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@ {ks= Performed
H.S. R.P. R.D. Year/District/Division/Region

1 2 3 4 5 6 1
27&[khjh 8.53 0.45 9.96 0.00 0.00 kheri
28&lhrkiqj 9.83 0.65 8.73 0.00 0.00 Sitapur
29&gjnksbZ 8.49 0.80 9.32 0.00 0.00 Hardoi
30&mUuko 9.56 0.85 7.78 0.00 0.00 Unnao
31&y[kuÅ 7.74 0.38 4.09 0.00 1.41 Lucknow
32&jk;cjsyh 6.33 0.49 6.81 0.00 0.00 Raebareli
y[kuÅ e.My 50.48 3.62 46.69 0.00 1.41 Lucknow Division
33&Q:Z[kkckn 3.01 0.20 4.14 0.00 0.00 Farrukhabad
34&dUukSt 4.35 0.32 4.50 0.00 0.00 Kannauj
35&bVkok 4.41 0.31 3.85 0.00 0.00 Etawah
36&vkSjS;k 4.75 0.50 3.76 0.00 0.00 Auraiya
37&dkuiqj nsgkr 6.39 1.39 6.16 0.00 0.00 Kanpur Dehat
38&dkuiqj uxj 8.40 0.73 4.55 0.00 0.00 Kanpur Nagar
dkuiqj e.My 31.31 3.45 26.96 0.00 0.00 Kanpur Division
39&tkykSu 5.28 0.32 4.30 0.00 0.04 Jalaun
40&>kWlh 5.05 0.48 3.99 0.00 0.00 Jhansi
41&yfyriqj 4.72 0.29 5.21 0.00 0.00 Lalitpur
>kWlh e.My 15.05 1.09 13.50 0.00 0.04 Jhansi Division
42&gehjiqj 4.29 0.36 2.99 0.00 0.00 Hamirpur
43&egksck 2.92 0.23 1.90 0.00 0.00 Mahoba
44&ckWnk 4.24 0.42 4.88 0.00 0.00 Banda
45&fp=dwV 3.15 0.30 4.14 0.00 0.00 Chitrakoot
fp=dwV /kke e.My 14.60 1.31 13.91 0.00 0.00 Chitrakoot Dham Div.
46&Qrsgiqj 8.08 0.43 6.35 0.00 0.00 Fatehpur
47&izrkix<+ 8.13 0.50 9.21 0.00 0.00 Pratapgarh
48&dkS'kkEch 4.72 0.73 4.29 0.00 0.00 Kaushambi
49&iz;kxjkt 9.02 0.67 10.11 0.00 0.13 Prayagraj
iz;kxjkt e.My 29.95 2.33 29.96 0.00 0.13 Prayagraj Division
50&ckjkcadh 7.32 0.97 6.39 0.00 0.00 Barabanki
51&v;ks/;k 5.27 0.42 5.08 0.00 0.65 Ayodhya
52&vEcsMdjuxj 4.96 0.51 4.81 0.00 0.00 AmbedkarNagar
53&lqYrkuiqj 6.52 0.74 5.39 0.00 0.00 Sultanpur
54&vesBh 6.37 0.44 5.27 0.00 0.00 Amethi
v;ks/;k e.My 30.44 3.08 26.94 0.00 0.65 Ayodhya Division

14& i'kqikyu ,o nqX/kks|ksx
Animal Husbandry and Dairying
14-3 mRrj izns'k esa i'kq laLFkkvksa esa fd;k x;k ftysokj dk;Z
Districtwise Work Done in Veterinary Institutions in UP.
¼yk[k esa½ ( In lakh)
fpfdfRlr i'kq cf/k;kdj.k Vhdkdj.k
Animals Treated Castration xyk?kksaVw iksaduh jkuh[ksr
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@ {ks= Performed
H.S. R.P. R.D. Year/District/Division/Region

1 2 3 4 5 6 1
55&cgjkbp 7.77 1.03 6.16 0.00 0.20 Bahraich
56&JkoLrh 3.83 0.30 2.49 0.00 0.00 Shrawasti
57&cyjkeiqj 3.98 0.44 3.37 0.00 0.00 Balrampur
58&xks.Mk 6.74 0.37 6.21 0.00 0.01 Gonda
nsohikVu e.My 22.32 2.14 18.23 0.00 0.21 Devipatan Division
59&fl)kFkZuxj 5.64 0.31 2.46 0.00 0.00 SiddharthNagar
60&cLrh 5.33 0.77 1.84 0.00 0.02 Basti
61&lardchjuxj 3.22 0.13 4.99 0.00 0.00 SantkabirNagar
cLrh e.My 14.19 1.21 9.29 0.00 0.02 Basti Division
62&egjktxat 6.37 0.38 2.00 0.00 0.00 Maharajganj
63&xksj[kiqj 9.14 0.40 4.23 0.00 0.00 Gorakhpur
64&dq'khuxj 4.87 0.30 2.68 0.00 0.00 KushiNagar
65&nsofj;k 6.06 0.40 3.69 0.00 0.00 Deoria
xksj[kiqj e.My 26.44 1.48 12.60 0.00 0.00 GorakhpurDivision
66&vktex<+ 8.26 0.60 7.48 0.00 0.00 Azamgarh
67&eÅ 4.48 0.16 2.82 0.00 0.00 Mau
68&cfy;k 6.27 0.42 5.49 0.00 0.00 Ballia
vktex<+ e.My 19.01 1.18 15.79 0.00 0.00 Azamgarh Division
69&tkSuiqj 7.62 0.55 8.76 0.00 0.00 Jaunpur
70&xkthiqj 7.00 0.39 6.59 0.00 0.00 Ghazipur
71&pUnkSyh 5.57 0.22 5.28 0.00 0.74 Chandauli
72&okjk.klh 5.15 0.57 4.24 0.00 0.00 Varanasi
okjk.klh e.My 25.34 1.73 24.87 0.00 0.74 Varanasi Division
73&larjfonkl uxj 2.37 0.16 2.84 0.00 0.08 SantravidasNagar
74&fetkZijq 7.44 0.23 6.38 0.00 1.17 Mirzapur
75&lksuHknz 5.93 0.28 4.87 0.00 0.00 Sonbhadra
foU/;kpy e.My 15.74 0.67 14.09 0.00 1.25 Vindhyachal Division
1- if'peh lEHkkx 144.60 9.29 165.66 0.00 0.87 Western Region
2- dsUnzh; lEHkkx 80.67 7.14 70.14 0.00 1.41 Central Region
3- cqUnsy[k.M lEHkkx 29.65 2.40 27.41 0.00 0.04 Bundelkhand Region
4- iwohZZ lEHkkx 168.03 12.42 139.03 0.00 3.00 Eastern Region
mRrj izns'k 422.95 31.25 402.24 0.00 5.32 Uttar Pradesh
vuqc)--------- Contd…..

14& i'kqikyu ,o nqX/kks|ksx
Animal Husbandry and Dairying
14-3 mRrj izns'k esa i'kq laLFkkvksa esa fd;k x;k ftysokj dk;Z
¼yk[k esa½ Districtwise Work Done in Veterinary Institutions in UP. (in Lakh)
Vhdkdj.k vU; ;ksx d`f=e xHkkZ/kku
Vaccination Others Total Artifical
o"kZ@ftyk@ e.My@{ks= Division/Region
yaxfM+;k Qkmy ikDl xk; HkSal
B.Q. F.P. Cow Buffaloes

1 7 8 9 10 11 12 1
2011-12 1.95 6.86 199.28 550.56 32.99 21.34 2011-12
2013-14 2.51 5.75 263.04 688.38 41.66 29.68 2013-14
2014-15 2.30 6.96 612.12 968.54 44.65 33.22 2014-15
2015-16 3.48 6.76 685.27 1116.74 47.40 36.55 2015-16
2016-17 1.64 5.04 1105.10 1585.99 61.30 52.30 2016-17
2017-18 2.90 9.57 1007.88 1485.46 66.09 58.42 2017-18
2018-19 1.88 7.31 1001.52 1434.02 67.30 66.30 2018-19
2019-20 0.09 3.95 999.47 1381.84 68.28 72.52 2019-20
2020-21 0.17 2.53 586.25 996.51 68.53 76.33 2020-21
1&lgkjuiqj 0.00 0.00 4.18 10.06 1.44 1.19 Saharanpur
2&eqtQ~Qjuxj 0.00 0.00 3.96 9.95 1.37 1.30 Muzaffarnagar
3&'kkeyh 0.00 0.00 3.81 6.92 0.68 0.66 Shamli
lgkjuiqj e.My 0.00 0.00 11.95 26.93 3.49 3.15 Saharanpur div.
4&fctukSj 0.00 0.00 9.34 17.06 1.34 0.93 Bijnor
5&eqjknkckn 0.00 0.00 2.95 6.73 0.73 0.69 Moradabad
6&laHky 0.00 0.00 8.11 14.28 1.25 1.63 Sambhal
7&jkeiqj 0.00 0.00 4.66 8.85 0.78 0.92 Rampur
8&vejksgk 0.00 0.00 4.19 9.99 1.29 1.31 Amroha
eqjknkckn e.My 0.00 0.00 29.25 56.91 5.39 5.48 Moradabad Div.
9&esjB 0.00 0.00 4.46 10.48 1.59 1.43 Meerut
10&ckxir 0.00 0.00 4.71 8.25 0.34 1.33 Baghpat
11&xkft;kckn 0.00 0.44 3.24 6.78 0.68 0.49 Ghaziabad
12&gkiqMq + 0.00 0.00 3.64 6.47 0.84 0.67 Hapur
13&xkSrecq) uxj 0.00 0.00 3.64 6.20 0.56 0.69 G. B. Nagar
14&cqyUn'kgj 0.00 0.00 13.56 23.49 2.41 2.81 Bulandshahar
esjB e.My 0.00 0.44 33.25 61.67 6.42 7.42 Meerut Div.
15&eFkqjk 0.00 0.00 8.06 14.22 1.20 1.21 Mathura
16&vkxjk 0.00 0.00 14.05 24.03 1.62 2.05 Agra
17&fQjkstkckn 0.00 0.00 8.94 15.45 0.80 0.97 Firozabad
18&eSuiqjh 0.00 0.00 6.34 12.17 0.65 1.02 Mainpuri
vkxjk e.My 0.00 0.00 37.39 65.87 4.27 5.25 Agra Div.
19&vyhx<+ 0.00 0.00 12.99 22.57 1.86 1.72 Aligarh
20&gkFkjl 0.00 0.00 5.73 9.87 0.93 0.95 Hathras
21&,Vk 0.00 0.00 4.83 10.18 1.05 1.71 Etah
22&dklxat 0.00 0.00 6.23 11.06 0.91 1.28 Kasganj
vyhx<+ e.My 0.00 0.00 29.78 53.68 4.75 5.66 Aligarh Div.
23&cnk;wW 0.00 0.00 11.08 22.18 1.34 2.27 Badaun
24&cjsyh 0.00 0.00 9.39 16.83 1.14 1.92 Bareilly
25&ihyhHkhr 0.00 0.00 2.94 5.26 0.71 0.73 Pilibhit
26&'kkgtgkWiqj 0.00 0.00 4.32 10.74 0.55 0.90 Shahjahanpur
cjsyh e.My 0.00 0.00 27.73 55.01 3.74 5.82 Bareilly Division
vuqc)----- Contd…..

14& i'kqikyu ,o nqX/kks|ksx
Animal Husbandry and Dairying
14-3 mRrj izns'k esa i'kq laLFkkvksa esa fd;k x;k ftysokj dk;Z
¼yk[k esa½ Districtwise Work Done in Veterinary Institutions in UP. (in Lakh)
Vhdkdj.k vU; ;ksx d`f=e xHkkZ/kku
Vaccination Others Total Artifical
o"kZ@ftyk@ e.My@{ks= Division/Region
yaxfM+;k Qkmy ikDl xk; HkSal
B.Q. F.P. Cow Buffaloes

1 7 8 9 10 11 12 1
27&[khjh 0.00 0.00 12.73 22.69 0.82 1.44 kheri
28&lhrkiqj 0.00 0.00 12.76 21.49 1.01 1.97 Sitapur
29&gjnksbZ 0.00 0.00 13.32 22.64 1.35 2.42 Hardoi
30&mUuko 0.00 0.00 6.13 13.91 0.84 1.63 Unnao
31&y[kuÅ 0.01 1.62 10.81 17.94 1.08 1.20 Lucknow
32&jk;cjsyh 0.00 0.00 8.84 15.65 1.46 1.35 Raebareli
y[kuÅ e.My 0.01 1.62 64.59 114.32 6.56 10.01 Lucknow Division
33&Q:Z[kkckn 0.00 0.00 6.33 10.47 0.50 0.61 Farrukhabad
34&dUukSt 0.00 0.00 7.80 12.30 0.54 0.73 Kannauj
35&bVkok 0.00 0.00 6.08 9.93 0.69 1.04 Etawah
36&vkSjS;k 0.00 0.00 6.45 10.21 0.48 0.74 Auraiya
37&dkuiqj nsgkr 0.00 0.00 9.99 16.15 0.96 1.13 Kanpur Dehat
38&dkuiqj uxj 0.00 0.00 7.54 12.09 0.74 0.83 Kanpur Nagar
dkuiqj e.My 0.00 0.00 44.19 71.15 3.91 5.08 Kanpur Division
39&tkykSu 0.00 0.00 7.31 11.65 0.25 0.35 Jalaun
40&>kWlh 0.00 0.00 7.29 11.28 0.25 0.35 Jhansi
41&yfyriqj 0.00 0.00 7.87 13.08 0.17 0.21 Lalitpur
>kWlh e.My 0.00 0.00 22.47 36.01 0.67 0.91 Jhansi Division
42&gehjiqj 0.00 0.00 7.28 10.27 0.21 0.34 Hamirpur
43&egksck 0.00 0.00 5.12 7.02 0.10 0.14 Mahoba
44&ckWnk 0.00 0.00 8.1 12.98 0.17 0.32 Banda
45&fp=dwV 0.00 0.00 5.80 9.94 0.39 0.48 Chitrakoot
fp=dwV /kke e.My 0.00 0.00 26.30 40.21 0.87 1.28 Chitrakoot Dham Div.
46&Qrsgiqj 0.00 0.00 10.50 16.85 0.78 1.82 Fatehpur
47&izrkix<+ 0.00 0.00 12.04 21.25 0.80 0.85 Pratapgarh
48&dkS'kkEch 0.00 0.00 7.11 11.40 0.54 0.52 Kaushambi
49&iz;kxjkt 0.16 0.04 14.48 24.92 1.97 1.44 Prayagraj
iz;kxjkt e.My 0.16 0.04 44.13 74.42 4.09 4.63 Prayagraj Division
50&ckjkcadh 0.00 0.00 10.50 16.89 1.39 1.73 Barabanki
51&v;ks/;k 0.00 0.00 6.83 12.56 1.02 1.51 Ayodhya
52&vEcsMdjuxj 0.00 0.00 2.96 7.77 0.72 0.81 AmbedkarNagar
53&lqYrkuiqj 0.00 0.00 6.09 11.48 1.02 0.66 Sultanpur
54&vesBh 0.00 0.00 6.66 11.93 1.05 0.67 Amethi
v;ks/;k e.My 0.00 0.00 33.04 60.63 5.20 5.38 Ayodhya Division
vuqo)--------- Contd…..

14& i'kqikyu ,o nqX/kks|ksx
Animal Husbandry and Dairying
14-3 mRrj izns'k esa i'kq laLFkkvksa esa fd;k x;k ftysokj dk;Z
¼yk[k esa½ Districtwise Work Done in Veterinary Institutions in UP. (in Lakh)
Vhdkdj.k vU; ;ksx d`f=e xHkkZ/kku
Vaccination Others Total Artifical
o"kZ@ftyk@ e.My@{ks= Division/Region
yaxfM+;k Qkmy ikDl xk; HkSal
B.Q. F.P. Cow Buffaloes

1 7 8 9 10 11 12 1
55&cgjkbp 0.00 0.00 20.36 26.72 1.06 1.19 Bahraich
56&JkoLrh 0.00 0.00 4.14 6.63 0.42 0.33 Shrawasti
57&cyjkeiqj 0.00 0.00 4.75 8.12 0.48 0.56 Balrampur
58&xks.Mk 0.00 0.00 4.80 11.02 0.76 0.93 Gonda
nsohikVu e.My 0.00 0.00 34.05 52.49 2.72 3.01 Devipatan Division
59&fl)kFkZuxj 0.00 0.00 7.09 9.55 0.62 0.62 SiddharthNagar
60&cLrh 0.00 0.00 3.93 5.79 0.70 0.92 Basti
61&lardchjuxj 0.00 0.00 4.90 9.89 0.35 0.36 SantkabirNagar
cLrh e.My 0.00 0.00 15.92 25.23 1.67 1.90 Basti Division
62&egjktxat 0.00 0.03 8.41 10.44 0.51 0.41 Maharajganj
63&xksj[kiqj 0.00 0.00 15.36 19.59 1.46 0.96 Gorakhpur
64&dq'khuxj 0.00 0.00 11.37 14.05 1.07 0.71 KushiNagar
65&nsofj;k 0.00 0.11 12.41 16.21 1.17 0.66 Deoria
xksj[kiqj e.My 0.00 0.14 47.55 60.29 4.21 2.74 GorakhpurDivision
66&vktex<+ 0.00 0.00 8.27 15.75 1.38 1.35 Azamgarh
67&eÅ 0.00 0.00 9.25 12.07 0.52 0.57 Mau
68&cfy;k 0.00 0.00 11.23 16.72 1.41 0.84 Ballia
vktex<+ e.My 0.00 0.00 28.75 44.54 3.31 2.76 Azamgarh Division
69&tkSuiqj 0.00 0.00 9.87 18.63 1.58 1.43 Jaunpur
70&xkthiqj 0.00 0.00 10.61 17.20 0.85 0.91 Ghazipur
71&pUnkSyh 0.00 0.00 7.52 13.54 1.29 1.33 Chandauli
72&okjk.klh 0.00 0.00 5.97 10.21 1.51 0.93 Varanasi
okjk.klh e.My 0.00 0.00 33.97 59.58 5.23 4.60 Varanasi Division
73&larjfonkl uxj 0.00 0.00 3.89 6.81 0.47 0.27 SantravidasNagar
74&fetkZijq 0.00 0.29 10.23 18.07 0.88 0.54 Mirzapur
75&lksuHknz 0.00 0.00 7.82 12.69 0.68 0.44 Sonbhadra
foU/;kpy e.My 0.00 0.29 21.94 37.57 2.03 1.25 Vindhyachal Division
1- if'peh lEHkkx 0.00 0.44 196.01 362.98 30.27 35.90 Western Region
2- dsUnzh; lEHkkx 0.01 1.62 103.12 176.30 10.43 15.52 Central Region
3- cqUnsy[k.M lEHkkx 0.00 0.00 48.77 76.22 1.54 2.19 Bundelkhand Region
4- iwohZZ lEHkkx 0.16 0.47 238.35 381.01 26.29 22.72 Eastern Region
mRrj izns'k 0.17 2.53 586.25 996.51 68.53 76.33 Uttar Pradesh
lzksr&i'kqikyu foHkkx m0iz0A Source:- Deptt. of Animal Husbandry UP.

14& i'kqikyu ,o nqX/kks|ksx
Animal Husbandry and Dairying
14-4 mRrj izns'k esa lgdkjh foHkkx }kjk nw/k ,oa nw/k ls cus inkFkksZ dk forj.k
Distribution of Milk & Milk Products by Co-operative Department in UP.
nw/k¼gtkj yh0 ½ eD[ku ¼fd-xzk-½ dzhe¼fd0-xzk0-½ ?kh¼fd0-xzk0-½ vU; inkFkZ
o"kZ Milk (Thousand Ltrs.) Butter (kg) Cream (Kg.) Ghee (Kg.) ¼fd0xzk0½ Years
Others (Kg)

1 2 3 4 5 6 1

2011-12 136514 747030 .. 938238 5535559 2011-12

2013-14 115982 392680 .. 686990 2272030 2013-14

2014-15 88765 346200 .. 525690 5505800 2014-15

2015-16 79138 314976 .. 498989 5032011 2015-16

2016-17 70252 280300 .. 385450 4991940 2016-17

2017-18 63473 448950 .. 579150 5958290 2017-18

2018-19 66767 725176 .. 531776 5802035 2018-19

2019-20 72183 223876 4553.3 464942 14340740 2019-20

2020-21 68153 207771 .. 466816 5931778 2020-21

..vizkIr ..Not Available
lzksr& nqX/k fodkl foHkkx] m0iz0A Source:- Department of Dairy development, UP.

14& i'kqikyu ,o nqX/kks|ksx
Animal Husbandry and Dairying
14-5 mRrj izns'k esa lgdkjh foHkkx }kjk nw/k dk forj.k o"kZ 2020-21
Districtwise distribution of Milk by Co-operative Department in UP.year 2020-21
¼gtkj yh0 esa½ (Thousand Ltrs)
dsUnz Milk nw/k Centres
1 2 1
1&eqtQ~Qjuxj nqqX/k la?k 449 Saharanpur Milk Fedration
2&eqjknkckn nqqX/k la?k 3168 Moradabad Milk Fedration
3&esjB nqqX/k la?k 19152 Meerut Milk Fedration
4&fQjkstkckn nqqX/k la?k 945 Agra Milk Fedration
5&eFkqjk nqX/k la?k 0 Matura Milk Fedration
6&vyhx<+ nqX/k la?k 544 Aligarh Milk Fedration
7&cjsyh nqX/k la?k 5084 Bareilly Milk Fedration
8&y[kuÅ nqX/k la?k 13366 Lucknow Milk Fedration
9&dkuiqj nqX/k la?k 2267 Kanpur Milk Fedration
10&>kWlh nqX/k la?k 4289 Jhansi Milk Fedration
11&fp=dwV (dohZ½nqX/k la?k 854 Chitrakoot Milk Fedration
12&iz;kxjkt nqX/k la?k 2774 Prayagraj Milk Fedration
13&v;ks/;k nqX/k la?k 5077 Ayodhya Milk Fedration
14&xks.Mk¼nsohikVu) nqX/k la?k 2435 Devipatan Milk Fedration
15&cLrh nqX/k la?k 1340 Basti Milk Fedration
16&xksj[kiqj nqX/k la?k 1876 GorakhpurMilk Fedration
17&vktex<+ nqX/k la?k 679 Azamgarh Milk Fedration
18&okjk.klh nqX/k la?k 3446 Varanasi Milk Fedration
19&fetkZijq ¼foU/;kpy½ nqX/k la?k 409 Vindhyachal Milk Fedration
1- if'peh lEHkkx 29342 Western Region
2- dsUnzh; lEHkkx 15633 Central Region
3- cqUnsy[k.M lEHkkx 5143 Bundelkhand Region
4- iwohZZ lEHkkx 18035 Eastern Region
mRrj izns'k 68153 Uttar Pradesh
lzksr&nqX/k fodkl foHkkx] m0iz0A Source:- Department of Dairy development ,UP.

15& ouks|ksx rFkk yV~Bs cukuk
Forestry & Logging
15-1 & m0 iz0 esa ouksa ds vUrxZr {ks=Qy
Area Under Forest in Uttar Pradesh
¼oxZ fd0eh0 ½ (Sq.Kms)
ou foHkkx ds vU; ou {ks= dqy ou {ks= ou foHkkx ds jkT; ds HkkSxksfyd
v/khu ou {ks= Other Forest Total Forest v/khu {ks= dk {ks=Qy ls ou {ks=
Area Area
Forest Area dqy ou {ks= ls dk izfr'kr
under Forest
o"kZ / Year Department izfr'kr Percentage of
forest Area to
Percentage of
Geographical Area
Forest Area Under
of the State
Department to
Total Forest Area

1 2 3 4 5 6
2011-12 16484.52 83.08 16567.60 99.49 6.84

2013-14 16499.85 81.68 16581.53 99.51 0.49

2014-15 16505.89 80.19 16586.08 99.52 0.48

2015-16 16577.21 84.52 16661.73 99.49 0.51

2016-17 16578.65 84.52 16663.17 99.49 0.51

2017-18 16629.55 81.21 16710.76 99.51 6.94

2018-19 17065.21 80.91 17146.12 99.53 7.11

2019-20* 17627.34 80.96 17708.30 99.53 7.35

* vufUre * Provisional
lzksr%& ou foHkkx] m0iz0 A Source - Forest Deptt., UP.

15& ouks|ksx rFkk yV~Bs cukuk
Forestry & Logging
15-2 & m0 iz0 esa eq[; ou mit dh ek=k rFkk ewY;
Quantity and Value of Major Forest Products in UP.

ek=k gtkj ?ku ehVj Quantity (000 Cubic Metre)

ewY; ¼000:i;s½
o"kZ / Year bekjrh ydMh+ tykus dh ydM+h dqy Total Value (Thousand
Timber Fire Wood Rs.)

1 2 3 4 5

2011-12 193.00 3.00 196.00 1740721.00

2013-14 270.00 1.00 271.00 2474347.00

2014-15 227.00 4.00 231.00 2209010.00

2015-16 212.00 1.00 213.00 1904891.00

2016-17 175.00 1.00 176.00 1883381.00

2017-18 159.00 0.00 159.00 1819621.00

2018-19 183.46 22.86 206.32 2475177.00

2019-20 168.92 20.46 189.38 1892184.00

lzksr%& ou foHkkx] m0iz0 A Source - Forest Deptt., UP.

15& ouks|ksx rFkk yV~Bs cukuk
Forestry & Logging
15-3 & m0 iz0 esa vfXu dk.M rFkk i'kq pjkbZ ls cpk;k x;k ou {ks=
Forest Area Protected From Fire and Cattle Grazingi in UP.
¼{ks0 oxZ fd0 eh0 esa½ (Area in Sq km.)

dqy vfXu dk.M ls cpko Protection Against pjkbZ gsrq o"kZ esa o"kZ esa dqN
{ks=Qy Fire fuf"k) {ks0 pjkbZ gsrq le; ds
fy, pjkbZ
cpk;k vfXu dk.M vfXu 'keu Closed to [kqyk {ks=
Total Area
Forest Area iz;kl
Grazing Area open gsrq [kqyk
fd;k x;k x;k ls cpk;s x;s ij O;; to Grazing
o"kZ {ks= Area
{ks=Qy {ks=Qy {ks=Qy dk Cost of Fire
Conservation Open to
Year Attempted Protected izfr'kr (000 Rs) Grazing For
Area Area
Percentage Part Of The
Under Fire Year
Protection to
Total Forest

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
2011-12 16484.52 6.74 707.35 4.29 ** 10657.5 4446.56 1380.43
2013-14 16500.00 3.89 208.69 1.26 ** 10506.4 4584.94 1408.56
2014-15 16505.89 4.06 1.84 0.01 ** 10922.7 4259.74 1323.48
2015-16 16577.21 5.62 713.79 4.31 ** 11110.5 4409.84 1056.88
2016-17 16578.65 3.24 1092.1 6.59 ** 10903 4514.4 1161.26

2017-18 16629.55 13.27 4095.7 24.63 ** 11056.7 4515.65 1056.89

2018-19 17146.12 13.32 1091.30 6.36 ** 12360.2 3729.00 1056.89

2019-20 17708.30 451.03 1108.72 6.26 ** 12293.80 4297.40 1117.07
uksV%&** vizkIr Note:-** Not Avallable
lzksr%& ou foHkkx m0iz0 A Source - Forest Deptt., UP.

15 ouks|ksx rFkk yV~Bs cukuk
Forestry & Logging
15-4 & m0 iz0 esa jksfir o`{kksa ds vUrxZr {ks=Qy
Area Under Plantation In UP.
¼{ks=Qy oxZ fd0 eh0 esa½ ¼Area in Sq.Km.)
o"kZ ;wdsfyIVl 'kh'ke Vhd [kSj eyosjh phM+ fofo/k ;ksx
Years Eucalyptus Sheesham Teak Khair Mulbery Chir Miscella Total

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

2011-12 6.61 15.96 18.84 1.56 … … 596.54 639.51

2013-14 6.07 13.10 20.97 1.53 … … 524.26 565.93

2014-15 6.10 12.50 18.77 1.25 … … 405.08 443.70

2015-16 4.21 15.79 18.77 0.00 … … 415.69 454.46

2016-17 19.51 17.71 30.97 1.76 … … 495.84 565.79

2017-18 3.64 13.18 20.08 0.24 … … 403.94 441.08

2018-19 9.54 13.01 19.35 1.74 … … 325.40 369.04

2019-20 5.40 18.58 26.49 0.77 … … 476.13 527.37

lzksr%& ou foHkkx m0iz0 A Source - Forest Deptt., UP.

15& ouks|ksx rFkk yV~Bs cukuk
Forestry & Logging
15-5 & m0 iz0 esa ouksa ls izkIr jktLo ,oa mu ij O;;
¼yk[k #0½ Revenue receipt From Forest & Expenditure on them in UP. ( Rs lakhs)

ouksas ls izkIr dqy jktLo Gross ouksa ij O;; 'kq) jktLo cpr ¼$½ ?kkVk ¼&½
Revenue From Forests Expenditure on Forests Net Revenue Surplus (+) Deficit (-)

o"kZ ou foHkkx ou fuxe ;ksx ou foHkkx ou fuxe ;ksx ou foHkkx ou fuxe ;ksx
Years Forest Forest Total Forest Forest Total Forest Forest Total
Department Corporation Department Corporation Department Corporation

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

2011-12 28496.82 55693.00 84189.82 48964.65 43085.00 92049.65 -20467.83 12608.00 -7859.83

2013-14 35508.73 70934.00 106442.73 72339.52 65258.00 137597.52 -36830.79 5676.00 -31154.79

2014-15 41292.25 71479.00 112771.25 79551.05 71378.00 150929.05 -38258.80 101.00 -38157.80

2015-16 62939.95 58984.00 121923.95 86062.80 58558.00 144620.80 -23122.85 426.00 -22696.85

2016-17 25926.16 57345.00 83271.16 124983.67 54153.00 179136.67 -99057.51 3192.00 -95865.51

2017-18 33047.04 58370.00 91417.04 83201.18 50331.00 133532.18 -50154.14 8039.00 -42115.14

2018-19 35300.00 51556.00 86856.00 90784.79 44551.00 135335.79 -55484.79 7005.00 -48479.79

2019-20 33200.52 28486.00 61686.52 133649.20 26256.00 159905.20 -100448.68 2230.00 -98218.68

lzkrs %& ou foHkkx m0iz0 A Source - Forest Deptt., UP.

16 eRL; ikyu
16-1 & m0 iz0 esa eRL; mRiknu
Fish Production in UP.
eRL; foHkkxh; futh {ks= esa foHkkxh; Qzsl okVj dqy eRL; eRL; foi.ku
foHkkx ds tyk'k;ksa esa eRL; cht tyk'k;ksa esa dSp mRiknu ¼eh0Vu½
vUrxZr eRL; cht vaxqfydkvksa eRL; mRiknu ¼eh0Vu0½ ¼eh0Vu0½ Marketing of
izcfU/kr vaxqfydkvksa dk forj.k ¼fDoa0 esa½ Fresh Total Fish
Water Catch &
ty {ks= dk lap;u ¼yk[k esa½ Fish Catch &
Catch Landing
Landing in
¼gs0esa½ ¼yk[k esa½ Distribution of Departmental (Tonnes) (Tonnes)
o"kZ Year
Water Area Collection of
Fingerlings in Ponds (Qtl)
Private Sector
Managed Fingerlings in
(in Lakh)
by Fisheries Departmental
Department Ponds (in
(inHect.) Lakh)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

2011-12 96471 207.30 14136.42 12712.10 429718 429718 429718

2013-14 65100 249.44 15652.87 13014.34 464484 464484 464484

2014-15 65100 227.18 15964.75 28947.29 494265 494265 494265

2015-16 65100 234.33 17653.23 18198.40 504808 504808 504808

2016-17 65100 285.43 26272.46 16880.20 617694 617694 617694

2017-18 65100 385.17 26333.92 20380.60 628749 628749 628749

2018-19 65100 274.33 29442.13 36380.21 662000 662000 662000

2019-20 65100 198.58 30008.96 45954.27 698749 698749 698749

2020-21 65100 188.68 33392.98 43433.57 745659 745659 745659

lzksr%&eRL; funs'kky;]m0iz0 Source-Directorate of fisheries,UP.

17&xzkE; fodkl ,oa lgdkfjrk
Rural Development and Co-operative
17-1 & m0 iz0 esa ftysokj fodkl [k.Mksa dh la[;k] {ks=Qy]is;ty lqfo/kk;qDr ykHkkfUor xzkEk ,oa tula[;k
Districtwise Number of Blocks ,area, population and , Villages Covered by drinking water facilities in UP.

dk;Zjr is;ty lqfo/kk;qDr

vkckn xzke tula[;k
fodkl xzkeksa dk dqy vkckn
inhabited {ks=Qy¼oxZ fd0eh0 es½a ¼xzkeh.k½
ftyk [k.M Villages
xzkeksa ls izfr'kr District
Area (Sq. km.) 2011 Population
Block (rural) Water facilties to
Functioning 2020 2011 inhabited villages,
3 1-3-2021 2019-20

1 2 3 4 5 6 1
1-lgkjuiqj 11 1242 3689 2399856 100.0 Saharanpur
2-eqtQ~Qjuxj 9 587 4008 2952200 100.0 MuzaffarNagar
3-'kkeyh 5 293 ** ** 100.0 Shamli

4-fctukSj 11 2186 4561 2757401 100.0 Bijnor

5-eqjknkckn 8 960 3718 3198383 100.0 Moradabad

6-laHky 8 894 ** ** 100.0 Sambhal

7-jkeiqj 6 1108 2367 1747172 100.0 Rampur

8-vejksgk 6 959 2249 1381508 100.0 Amroha

9-esjB 12 604 2559 1684507 100.0 Meerut

10-ckxir 6 290 1321 1028023 100.0 Bagapat

11-xkft;kckn 4 183 1179 1519098 100.0 Ghaziabad

12-gkiqqM+ 4 329 ** ** 100.0 Hapur

13-xkSrecq) uxj 3 109 1282 673806 100.0 G. Buddha Nagar

14-cqyUn'kgj 16 1174 4512 2631742 100.0 Bulandshahar

15-eFkqjk 10 700 3650 1791191 100.0 Mathura

16-vkxjk 15 894 1840 2394602 100.0 Agra

17-fQjkstkckn 9 785 3340 1664987 100.0 Firozabad

18-eSuiqjh 9 807 4041 1580087 100.0 Mainpuri

19-vyhx<+ 12 1162 2407 2456698 100.0 Aligarh

20&gkFkjl 7 655 2431 1232015 100.0 Hathras

21-,Vk 8 853 1955 1506338 100.0 Etah

22-dklxat 7 650 2760 1148512 100.0 Kasganj

23-cnk;wW 15 1478 5168 3037301 100.0 Badaun

24-cjsyh 15 1855 4120 2879950 100.0 Bareilly

25-ihyhHkhr 7 1295 3686 1679592 100.0 Pilibhit

26-'kkgtgkWiqj 15 2077 4388 2412446 100.0 Shahjahanpur

27-[khjh 15 1706 7680 3560208 100.0 kheri

28-lhrkiqj 19 2317 5743 3953208 100.0 Sitapur
vuqc)------ Contd.-------.

17&xzkE; fodkl ,oa lgdkfjrk
Rural Development and Co-operative
17-1 & m0 iz0 esa ftysokj fodkl [k.Mksa dh la[;k] {ks=Qy]is;ty lqfo/kk;qDr ykHkkfUor xzkEk ,oa tula[;k
Districtwise Number of Blocks ,area, population and , Villages Covered by drinking water facilities in UP.

dk;Zjr is;ty lqfo/kk;qDr

vkckn xzke tula[;k
fodkl xzkeksa dk dqy vkckn
inhabited {ks=Qy¼oxZ fd0eh0 es½a ¼xzkeh.k½
ftyk [k.M Villages
xzkeksa ls izfr'kr District
Area (Sq. km.) 2011 Population
Block (rural) Water facilties to
Functioning 2020 2011 inhabited villages,
3 1-3-2021 2019-20

1 2 3 4 5 6 1
29-gjnksbZ 19 1907 5986 3551039 100.0 Hardoi
30-mUuko 16 1693 4558 2576721 100.0 Unnao
31-y[kuÅ 8 803 2528 1550842 100.0 Lucknow
32+-jk;cjsyh 18 1535 4609 3097564 100.0 Raebareli
33-Q:Z[kkckn 7 872 2181 1469019 100.0 Farrukhabad

34-dUukSt 8 688 2093 1375775 100.0 Kannauj

35-bVkok 8 686 2311 1215511 100.0 Etwah

36-vkSjS;k 7 769 2016 1145323 100.0 Auraiya

37-dkuiqj nsgkr 10 937 3021 1622761 100.0 Kanpur Dehat

38-dkuiqj uxj 10 902 3155 1565623 100.0 Kanpur Nagar
39-tkykSu 9 942 4565 1271074 100.0 Jalaun
40->kWlh 8 745 5024 1165119 100.0 Jhansi

41-yfyriqj 6 691 5039 1046214 100.0 Lalitpur

42-gehjiqj 7 486 4021 894437 100.0 Hamirpur
43-egksck 4 435 3144 690577 100.0 Mahoba
44-ckWnk 8 657 4408 1523655 100.0 Banda
45-fp=dwV 5 561 3216 895398 100.0 Chitrakoot
46-Qrsgiqj 13 1352 4152 2310740 100.0 Fatehpur
47-izrkix<+ 17 2161 3717 3033899 100.0 Pratapgarh
48-dkS'kkEch 8 729 1779 1475140 100.0 Kaushambi

49-iz;kxjkt 23 2809 5482 4481518 100.0 Prayagraj

50-ckjkcadh 15 1805 4402 2929896 100.0 Barabanki

51-v;ks/;k 11 1235 2341 2130743 100.0 Ayodhya

52-vXcsMdjuxj 9 1644 2350 2117158 100.0 AmbedkarNagar

53-lqyrkuiqj 14 1708 4436 3597201 100.0 Sultanpur

54-vesBh 13 976 ** ** 100.0 Amethi

55-cgjkbp 14 1360 5237 3203687 100.0 Bahraich

56-JkoLrh 5 500 1640 1078712 100.0 Shrawasti

57-cyjkeiqj 9 998 3349 1982274 100.0 Balrampur

vuqc)------ Contd..

17&xzkE; fodkl ,oa lgdkfjrk
Rural Development and Co-operative
17-1 & m0 iz0 esa ftysokj fodkl [k.Mksa dh la[;k] {ks=Qy]is;ty lqfo/kk;qDr ykHkkfUor xzkEk ,oa tula[;k
Districtwise Number of Blocks ,area, population and , Villages Covered by drinking water facilities in UP.

dk;Zjr is;ty lqfo/kk;qDr

vkckn xzke tula[;k
fodkl xzkeksa dk dqy vkckn
inhabited {ks=Qy¼oxZ fd0eh0 es½a ¼xzkeh.k½
ftyk [k.M Villages
xzkeksa ls izfr'kr District
Area (Sq. km.) 2011 Population
Block (rural) Water facilties to
Functioning 2020 2011 inhabited villages,
3 1-3-2021 2019-20

1 2 3 4 5 6 1
58-xks.Mk 16 1814 4003 3208890 100.0 Gonda

59-fl)kFkZuxj 14 2336 2895 2398606 100.0 SiddharthNagar

60-cLrh 14 3158 2688 2326367 100.0 Basti

61-lardchjuxj 9 1582 1646 1586652 100.0 SantkabirNagar

62-egjktxat 12 1207 2952 2549973 100.0 Mahrajganj

63-xksj[kiqj 20 2937 3321 3604766 100.0 Gorakhpur

64-dq'khuxj 14 1484 2905 3396437 100.0 KushiNagar

65-nsofj;k 16 2019 2540 2784143 100.0 Deoria

66-vktex<+ 22 3800 4054 4220512 100.0 Azamgarh

67-eÅ 9 1496 1713 1706760 100.0 Mau

68-cfy;k 17 1843 2981 2935665 100.0 Ballia

69-tkSuiqj 21 3216 4038 4147624 100.0 Jaunpur

70-xkthiqj 16 2737 3377 3345908 100.0 Ghazipur

71-pUnkSyh 9 1428 2541 1710203 100.0 Chandauli

72-okjk.klh 8 1258 1535 2079790 100.0 Varanasi

73-larjfonkl uxj 6 1087 1015 1348911 100.0 SantravidasNagar

74-fetkZiqj 12 1745 4405 2149403 100.0 Mirzapur

75-lksuHknz 10 1391 6905 1548217 100.0 Sonbhadra

mRrj izns'k 826 97276 240928 155317278 100.0 Uttar Pradesh

** ekr` tuin esa lfEefyr ** Included in Mother District

lzksr%&LrEHk 2] xzkE; fodkl vk;qDr m0 iz0] LrEHk 4]5Hkkjrh; tux.kuk 2011] LrEHk 3]6 tuinh; lkWf[;dh; if=dk 2020
Source- Col.2 , Rural Development Commissioner,UP. col..4,& 5 Census Of India 2011,Col.3,6 District Sankhikiya Patrika 2020

17&xzkE; fodkl ,oa lgdkfjrk
Rural Development and Co-operative

17-2 & mRrj izns'k ds izeq[k enksa ds vuqlkj xzkE; fodkl ;kstukvksa ij jktdh; O;;

Govt. Expenditure on Rural Development Programmes by Major Heads in UP.

¼yk[k :i;s esa½ (Rs in Lakhs)

okLrfod okLrfod okLrfod okLrfod okLrfod

2011-12 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
izeq[k ensa Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Major Heads

1 2 3 4 5 6 1

1- lkeqnkf;d fodkl funs'kky; 50409.58 88697.58 95727.26 2987.03 3000.00 Directorate Of Community Development

2- d`f"k izlkj izf'k{k.k 2619.14 4098.76 4245.43 0.00 0.00 Agriculture Extension Training

3- xzkeh.k tykiwfrZz 85326.57 109385.67 127549.77 0.00 0.00 Drinking Water Supply Scheme

4- vEcsMdj fo'ks"k jkstxkj ;kstuk 958.76 0.00 0.00 0.00 2226.70 Ambedkar Special Employment Scheme

5& bfUnjk vkokl@iz/kkuea=h vkokl

41501.08 496087.43 282137.71 154555.1 595370.56 Indra Awas Yojana /Pradhanmantri awas yojna

6-ck;ksxSl ;kstuk # 198.00 # # # # Bio Gas Yojana #

7- jk"Vh; le fodkl ;kstuk 0.00 .. .. .. .. Rashtriya Sam Vikas Yojana

8&lEiw.kZ xzkeh.k jkstxkj ;kstuk 0.00 .. .. .. .. Sampurna Gramin Rojgar Yojana

9- jk"Vzh; xzkeh.k jkstxkj xkj.Vh

47111.00 453890.00 216290.38 6087500 1306404.00* National Rural Employment Gurantee Scheme

10- Lo.kZt;Urh xzke le`f} ;kstuk 12807.58 .. .. .. .. Swarna Jayanti Village Development Scheme

11-m0iz0 xzkeh.k lM+d fodkl

3218.21 2195.88 5327.83 1357.47 5393.1 U.P Rural Road Development Agency
vfHkdj.k dh LFkkiuk

12-fofo/k 132795.1 373597.78 364624.2 0.00 0.00 Miscellaneous

dqy ;ksx 376944.99 1527953.1 1095902.58 6246399.60 1912394.36 Total

uksV%&1- * ,evkbZ,l dh lwpuk ds vuqlkj Note:- 1. * Report according to MIS

2. # bl en ij jkT; ljdkj }kjk dksbZ vuqnku ns; ugh gSaA 2. # NO grant is payable by the state government on this item.

lzksr%& xzkE; fodkl vk;qDr] m0iz0A Source- Rural Development Commissioner, UP.

17&xzkE; fodkl ,oa lgdkfjrk
Rural Development and Co-operative
17-3 & mRrj izns'k esa lgdkjh lfefr;ksa ,oa cSadksa dh oxkZuqlkj ftysokj la[;k 2020-21

Districtwise number of Co-operative Societies and Banks Classified by type in UP. 2020-21
¼30 twu dh fLFkfr ½ (As on 30th June.)
'kh"kZ ftyk dsUnzh; d`"kh; lgdkjh dsUnzh; ftyk
lfefr;ka lgdkjh cSad _.k lfefr;ka miHkksDrk lgdkjh la?k
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@ Apex District Co-operative Co-operative Hk.Mkj District
Socities Bank Credit Socities Co-operative
{ks= Central
Federation Region


1 2 3 4 5 6 1
1&lgkjuiqj 0 1 106 1 1 Saharanpur
2&eqtQ~Qjuxj 0 1 68 1 1 Muzaffarnagar
3&'kkeyh 0 0 28 0 0 Shamli
lgkjuiqj e.My 0 2 202 2 2 Saharanpur div.
4&fctukSj 0 1 98 1 1 Bijnor
5&eqjknkckn 0 1 58 1 1 Moradabad
6&laHky 0 0 42 0 0 Sambhal
7&jkeiqj 0 1 64 1 1 Rampur
8&vejksgk 0 0 45 1 0 Amroha
eqjknkckn e.My 0 3 307 4 3 Moradabad Div.
9&esjB 0 1 83 1 1 Meerut
10&ckxir 0 0 36 0 0 Baghpat
11&xkft;kckn 0 1 25 1 1 Ghaziabad
12&gkiqMq + 0 0 36 1 0 Hapur
13&xkSrecq) uxj 0 0 34 0 0 G. B. Nagar
14&cqyUn'kgj 0 1 150 1 1 Bulandshahar
esjB e.My 0 3 364 4 3 Meerut Div.
15&eFkqjk 0 1 79 1 1 Mathura
16&vkxjk 0 1 103 1 1 Agra
17&fQjkstkckn 0 1 80 1 1 Firozabad
18&eSuiqjh 0 1 61 1 1 Mainpuri
vkxjk e.My 0 4 323 4 4 Agra Div.
19&vyhx<+ 0 1 113 1 1 Aligarh
20&gkFkjl 0 0 82 0 0 Hathras
21&,Vk 0 1 66 1 1 Etah
22&dklxat 0 0 36 1 1 Kasganj
vyhx<+ e.My 0 2 297 3 3 Aligarh Div.
23&cnk;wW 0 1 162 1 1 Badaun
24&cjsyh 0 1 142 1 1 Bareilly
25&ihyhHkhr 0 1 76 1 1 Pilibhit
26&'kkgtgkWiqj 0 1 114 1 1 Shahjahanpur
cjsyh e.My 0 4 494 4 4 Bareilly Division
vuqc) Cont..

17&xzkE; fodkl ,oa lgdkfjrk
Rural Development and Co-operative
17-3 & mRrj izns'k esa lgdkjh lfefr;ksa ,oa cSadksa dh oxkZuqlkj ftysokj la[;k 2020-21

Districtwise number of Co-operative Societies and Banks Classified by type in UP. 2020-21
¼30 twu dh fLFkfr ½ (As on 30th June.)
'kh"kZ ftyk dsUnzh; d`"kh; lgdkjh dsUnzh; ftyk
lfefr;ka lgdkjh cSad _.k lfefr;ka miHkksDrk lgdkjh la?k
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@ Apex District Co-operative Co-operative Hk.Mkj District
Socities Bank Credit Socities Co-operative
{ks= Central
Federation Region


1 2 3 4 5 6 1
27&[khjh 0 1 130 1 1 kheri
28&lhrkiqj 0 1 204 1 1 Sitapur
29&gjnksbZ 0 1 196 1 1 Hardoi
30&mUuko 0 1 179 1 1 Unnao
31&y[kuÅ 8 1 102 1 0 Lucknow
32&jk;cjsyh 0 1 185 0 1 Raebareli
y[kuÅ e.My 8 6 996 5 5 Lucknow Division
33&Q:Z[kkckn 1 1 70 1 1 Farrukhabad
34&dUukSt 0 0 48 0 0 Kannauj
35&bVkok 0 1 60 2 1 Etawah
36&vkSjS;k 0 0 79 0 0 Auraiya
37&dkuiqj nsgkr 0 0 99 1 1 Kanpur Dehat
38&dkuiqj uxj 0 1 90 1 1 Kanpur Nagar
dkuiqj e.My 1 3 446 5 4 Kanpur Division
39&tkykSu 0 1 68 1 1 Jalaun
40&>kWlh 0 1 59 1 1 Jhansi
41&yfyriqj 0 1 41 0 0 Lalitpur
>kWlh e.My 0 3 168 2 2 Jhansi Division
42&gehjiqj 0 0 47 0 0 Hamirpur
43&egksck 0 1 42 1 1 Mahoba
44&ckWnk 0 1 47 1 1 Banda
45&fp=dwV 0 0 41 0 1 Chitrakoot
fp=dwV /kke e.My 0 2 177 2 3 Chitrakoot Dham Div.
46&Qrsgiqj 0 1 115 1 1 Fatehpur
47&izrkix<+ 0 1 174 1 1 Pratapgarh
48&dkS'kkEch 0 0 64 0 1 Kaushambi
49&iz;kxjkt 0 1 207 1 1 Prayagraj
iz;kxjkt e.My 0 3 560 3 4 Prayagraj Division
50&ckjkcadh 0 1 153 1 1 Barabanki
51&v;ks/;k 0 1 79 1 1 Ayodhya
52&vEcsMdjuxj 0 0 106 1 0 AmbedkarNagar
53&lqYrkuiqj 0 1 90 1 0 Sultanpur
54&vesBh 0 0 95 1 0 Amethi
v;ks/;k e.My 0 3 523 5 2 Ayodhya Division
vuqo)--------- Cont..

17&xzkE; fodkl ,oa lgdkfjrk
Rural Development and Co-operative
17-3 & mRrj izns'k esa lgdkjh lfefr;ksa ,oa cSadksa dh oxkZuqlkj ftysokj la[;k 2020-21

Districtwise number of Co-operative Societies and Banks Classified by type in UP. 2020-21
¼30 twu dh fLFkfr ½ (As on 30th June.)
'kh"kZ ftyk dsUnzh; d`"kh; lgdkjh dsUnzh; ftyk
lfefr;ka lgdkjh cSad _.k lfefr;ka miHkksDrk lgdkjh la?k
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@ Apex District Co-operative Co-operative Hk.Mkj District
Socities Bank Credit Socities Co-operative
{ks= Central
Federation Region


1 2 3 4 5 6 1
55&cgjkbp 0 1 110 1 1 Bahraich
56&JkoLrh 0 0 45 0 1 Shrawasti
57&cyjkeiqj 0 0 62 0 1 Balrampur
58&xks.Mk 0 0 166 1 1 Gonda
nsohikVu e.My 0 1 383 2 4 Devipatan Division
59&fl)kFkZuxj 0 1 127 1 1 SiddharthNagar
60&cLrh 0 1 116 0 1 Basti
61&lardchjuxj 0 0 83 1 1 SantkabirNagar
cLrh e.My 0 2 326 2 3 Basti Division
62&egjktxat 0 0 96 1 1 Maharajganj
63&xksj[kiqj 0 1 191 1 1 Gorakhpur
64&dq'khuxj 0 0 144 1 1 KushiNagar
65&nsofj;k 0 1 186 2 1 Deoria
xksj[kiqj e.My 0 2 617 5 4 GorakhpurDivision
66&vktex<+ 0 1 251 1 1 Azamgarh
67&eÅ 0 1 92 1 1 Mau
68&cfy;k 0 1 165 1 1 Ballia
vktex<+ e.My 0 3 508 3 3 Azamgarh Division
69&tkSuiqj 0 1 227 1 1 Jaunpur
70&xkthiqj 0 1 182 1 1 Ghazipur
71&pUnkSyh 0 0 83 0 0 Chandauli
72&okjk.klh 0 1 94 1 1 Varanasi
okjk.klh e.My 0 3 586 3 3 Varanasi Division
73&larjfonkl uxj 0 0 52 0 0 SantravidasNagar
74&fetkZiqj 0 1 86 1 1 Mirzapur
75&lksuHknz 0 0 64 1 1 Sonbhadra
foU/;kpy e.My 0 1 202 2 2 Vindhyachal Division
1- if'peh lEHkkx 1 20 2244 24 21 Western Region
2- dsUnzh; lEHkkx 8 9 1453 9 9 Central Region
3- cqUnsy[k.M lEHkkx 0 5 345 4 5 Bundelkhand Region
4- iwohZZ lEHkkx 0 16 3437 23 23 Eastern Region
mRrj izns'k 9 50 7479 60 58 Uttar Pradesh
vuqc) Contd…....

17&xzkE; fodkl ,oa lgdkfjrk
Rural Development and Co-operative
17-3 & mRrj izns'k esa lgdkjh lfefr;ksa rFkk cSadksa dh oxkZuqlkj ftysokj la[;k 2020-21
Districtwise number of Co-operative Societies and Banks Classified by Type in UP. 2020-21
¼30 twu dh fLFkfr½ (As on 30th June.)
xUuk nqX/k vkiwfrZ vkokl ;ksx dz; izkjfEHkd
vkiwfrZ lgdkjh lgdkjh Total fodz; miHkksDrk
lgdkjh lfefr lfefr;ka lfefr;ka Hk.Mkj
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@ Year/District/Division/
lfefr;ka Milk Supply Housing Marketing Primary
{ks= Sugarcane
Co-operative cooperative Societies Consumer Region
Socities Societies Stores

1 7 8 9 10 11 12 1
1&lgkjuiqj 4 74 50 164 6 11 Saharanpur
2&eqtQ~Qjuxj 7 17 256 3 17 Muzaffarnagar
3&'kkeyh 3 0 3 1 1 Shamli
lgkjuiqj e.My 14 192 67 423 10 29 Saharanpur div.
4&fctukSj 9 315 31 936 4 5 Bijnor
5&eqjknkckn 3 53 436 1 11 Moradabad
6&laHky 3 0 3 4 0 Sambhal
7&jkeiqj 4 63 15 234 3 17 Rampur
8&vejksgk 2 145 10 243 2 0 Amroha
eqjknkckn e.My 21 812 109 1852 14 33 Moradabad Div.
9&esjB 6 69 904 5 35 Meerut
10&ckxir 2 4 43 2 0 Baghpat
11&xkft;kckn 1 738 1124 2 6 Ghaziabad
12&gkiqqM+ 3 4 6 1 3 Hapur
13&xkSrecq) uxj 0 50 719 813 3 14 G. B. Nagar
14&cqyUn'kgj 2 243 8 378 9 13 Bulandshahar
esjB e.My 14 919 1542 3268 22 71 Meerut Div.
15&eFkqjk 1 196 32 190 4 21 Mathura
16&vkxjk 0 128 677 1005 4 47 Agra
17&fQjkstkckn 0 60 24 108 2 4 Firozabad
18&eSuiqjh 0 23 5 231 3 0 Mainpuri
vkxjk e.My 1 407 738 1534 13 72 Agra Div.
19&vyhx<+ 1 45 168 5 21 Aligarh
20&gkFkjl 0 5 87 3 1 Hathras
21&,Vk 0 8 322 3 23 Etah
22&dklxat 1 0 1 2 5 Kasganj
vyhx<+ e.My 2 243 58 613 13 50 Aligarh Div.
23&cnk;wW 1 198 6 431 3 2 Badaun
24&cjsyh 7 192 99 319 3 74 Bareilly
25&ihyhHkhr 4 48 5 129 3 35 Pilibhit
26&'kkgtgkWiqj 2 252 6 400 4 53 Shahjahanpur
cjsyh e.My 14 690 116 1279 13 164 Bareilly Division
vuqc) Cont..

17&xzkE; fodkl ,oa lgdkfjrk
Rural Development and Co-operative
17-3 & mRrj izns'k esa lgdkjh lfefr;ksa rFkk cSadksa dh oxkZuqlkj ftysokj la[;k 2020-21
Districtwise number of Co-operative Societies and Banks Classified by Type in UP. 2020-21
¼30 twu dh fLFkfr½ (As on 30th June.)
xUuk nqX/k vkiwfrZ vkokl ;ksx dz; izkjfEHkd
vkiwfrZ lgdkjh lgdkjh Total fodz; miHkksDrk
lgdkjh lfefr lfefr;ka lfefr;ka Hk.Mkj
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@ Year/District/Division/
lfefr;ka Milk Supply Housing Marketing Primary
{ks= Sugarcane
Co-operative cooperative Societies Consumer Region
Socities Societies Stores

1 7 8 9 10 11 12 1
27&[khjh 11 164 4 360 8 3 kheri
28&lhrkiqj 6 174 10 346 10 0 Sitapur
29&gjnksbZ 5 157 4 460 7 15 Hardoi
30&mUuko 1 187 15 220 2 7 Unnao
31&y[kuÅ 1 410 818 1617 3 90 Lucknow
32&jk;cjsyh 1 261 19 425 5 6 Raebareli
y[kuÅ e.My 25 1353 870 3428 35 121 Lucknow Division
33&Q:Z[kkckn 0 91 6 678 3 0 Farrukhabad
34&dUukSt 0 105 0 235 3 0 Kannauj
35&bVkok 0 20 467 3 1 Etawah
36&vkSjS;k 0 1 80 4 3 Auraiya
37&dkuiqj nsgkr 0 1 101 4 0 Kanpur Dehat
38&dkuiqj uxj 2 262 660 3 80 Kanpur Nagar
dkuiqj e.My 2 301 290 2221 20 84 Kanpur Division
39&tkykSu 0 57 5 355 6 1 Jalaun
40&>kWlh 0 24 152 6 2 Jhansi
41&yfyriqj 0 1 44 2 0 Lalitpur
>kWlh e.My 0 193 30 551 14 3 Jhansi Division
42&gehjiqj 0 1 244 4 2 Hamirpur
43&egksck 0 0 45 3 0 Mahoba
44&ckWnk 0 93 4 115 4 0 Banda
45&fp=dwV 0 104 0 87 2 0 Chitrakoot
fp=dwV /kke e.My 0 352 5 491 13 2 Chitrakoot Dham Div.
46&Qrsgiqj 1 76 5 277 4 1 Fatehpur
47&izrkix<+ 0 60 9 317 3 0 Pratapgarh
48&dkS'kkEch 0 0 66 3 0 Kaushambi
49&iz;kxjkt 1 190 864 6 39 Prayagraj
iz;kxjkt e.My 2 387 204 1524 16 40 Prayagraj Division
50&ckjkcadh 4 235 9 714 1 10 Barabanki
51&v;ks/;k 3 244 6 340 2 11 Ayodhya
52&vEcsMdjuxj 1 260 1 462 2 3 AmbedkarNagar
53&lqYrkuiqj 2 5 591 1 14 Sultanpur
54&vesBh 0 0 0 1 0 Amethi
v;ks/;k e.My 10 890 21 2107 7 38 Ayodhya Division
vuqo)--------- Cont..

17&xzkE; fodkl ,oa lgdkfjrk
Rural Development and Co-operative
17-3 & mRrj izns'k esa lgdkjh lfefr;ksa rFkk cSadksa dh oxkZuqlkj ftysokj la[;k 2020-21
Districtwise number of Co-operative Societies and Banks Classified by Type in UP. 2020-21
¼30 twu dh fLFkfr½ (As on 30th June.)
xUuk nqX/k vkiwfrZ vkokl ;ksx dz; izkjfEHkd
vkiwfrZ lgdkjh lgdkjh Total fodz; miHkksDrk
lgdkjh lfefr lfefr;ka lfefr;ka Hk.Mkj
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@ Year/District/Division/
lfefr;ka Milk Supply Housing Marketing Primary
{ks= Sugarcane
Co-operative cooperative Societies Consumer Region
Socities Societies Stores

1 7 8 9 10 11 12 1
55&cgjkbp 2 125 17 314 4 4 Bahraich
56&JkoLrh 0 56 0 160 0 0 Shrawasti
57&cyjkeiqj 3 61 4 168 3 0 Balrampur
58&xks.Mk 6 373 5 530 3 4 Gonda
nsohikVu e.My 11 615 26 1172 10 8 Devipatan Division
59&fl)kFkZuxj 1 28 0 246 1 0 SiddharthNagar
60&cLrh 8 2 547 1 0 Basti
61&lardchjuxj 0 1 89 2 0 SantkabirNagar
cLrh e.My 9 238 3 882 4 0 Basti Division
62&egjktxat 4 28 0 202 3 0 Maharajganj
63&xksj[kiqj 6 140 35 418 4 106 Gorakhpur
64&dq'khuxj 14 25 0 225 5 6 KushiNagar
65&nsofj;k 11 62 10 330 3 3 Deoria
xksj[kiqj e.My 35 255 45 1175 15 115 GorakhpurDivision
66&vktex<+ 1 40 12 318 2 13 Azamgarh
67&eÅ 1 10 0 172 5 16 Mau
68&cfy;k 0 127 2 435 10 3 Ballia
vktex<+ e.My 2 177 14 925 17 32 Azamgarh Division
69&tkSuiqj 2 81 3 325 5 32 Jaunpur
70&xkthiqj 2 86 5 393 4 7 Ghazipur
71&pUnkSyh 1 0 83 3 19 Chandauli
72&okjk.klh 0 102 742 4 94 Varanasi
okjk.klh e.My 5 432 110 1543 16 152 Varanasi Division
73&larjfonkl uxj 1 0 52 1 0 SantravidasNagar
74&fetkZiqj 0 122 3 203 3 22 Mirzapur
75&lksuHknz 0 0 63 2 11 Sonbhadra
foU/;kpy e.My 1 122 3 318 6 33 Vindhyachal Division
1- if'peh lEHkkx 66 3495 265710429 98 423 Western Region
2- dsUnzh; lEHkkx 32 1733 1147 5180 47 212 Central Region
3- cqUnsy[k.M lEHkkx 0 545 35 1042 27 5 Bundelkhand Region
4- iwohZZ lEHkkx 70 2805 412 8655 86 407 Eastern Region
mRrj izns'k 168 8578 425125306 258 1047 Uttar Pradesh
Source-(1) Commissioner and Registrar,
lzksr%&¼1½ vk;qDr ,oa fuca/kd] lgdkfjrk] m0iz0A
Co-operation, UP.
¼2½xUuk vk;qDr] m0iz0A (2)Cane comissioner, UP.
¼3½nqX/k fodkl] m0iz0A (3)Department of Dairy development UP.
¼4½m0iz0 vkokl ,oa fodkl ifj"knA (4)UP.Housing & Development Board

17&xzkE; fodkl ,oa lgdkfjrk
Rural Development and Co-operative
17-4 & mRrj izns'k esa izkjfEHkd d`f"k _.k lgdkjh lfefr;ksa ds dfri; vkadM+s
Selected Statistics of Primary Agriculture Credit Cooperative Socities in UP.
¼/kujkf'k yk[k #0 esa½ (Amount in lakh Rs)
¼30 ekpZ dh fLFkfr½ (As on 30th march)
lfefr;ksa lnL;rk ¼gtkj esa½ iznRr va'k iwwth dk;Z'khy iwath fu{ksi
dh la[;k Membership Paid up Working Deposits
( in ooo) Capital Capital
o"kZ@year No. of Year

1 2 3 4 5 6 1

2011-12 7562 16395 39642 305459 11022 2011-12

2013-14 7562 14224 44314 305459 11022 2013-14

2014-15 7562 14224 40179 346480 12814 2014-15

2015-16 7580 14698 44456 392788 24194 2015-16

2016-17 7479 12341 47598 392788 24194 2016-17

2017-18 7479 14793 49503 480380 16870 2017-18

2018-19 7479 19606 67456 824619 21616 2018-19

2019-20 7479 13622 81799 847820 21346 2019-20

2020-21* 7479 13369 86844 888274 23710 2020-21*

*vufUre * Provisional

vuqc)----- Contd..

17&xzkE; fodkl ,oa lgdkfjrk
Rural Development and Co-operative
17-4 & mRrj izns'k esa izkjfEHkd d`f"k _.k lgdkjh lfefr;ksa ds dfri; vkadM+s
Selected Statistics of Primary Agriculture Credit Cooperative Socities in UP.
¼/kujkf'k yk[k #0 esa½ (Amount in lakh Rs)
¼30 ekpZ dh fLFkfr (As on 30th march)
m/kkj o"kZ esa _.k olwy gqvk yxk gqvk yxs gq, _.k ykHk okyh
cdk;k forfjr _.k Loans _.k ls cdk;k dk lfefr;ksa dh
Borrowing Loans Loans Out izfr'kr la[;k
Outstanding Advance Standing
over dues as No of Societies
o"kZ@ Year During the
percentage of showing profit
out standing

1 7 8 9 10 11 12

2011-12 282828 344828 -- 225617 -- --

2013-14 282828 580037 -- 225617 -- --

2014-15 283350 288472 -- 254497 -- --

2015-16 116339 334123 274010 314610 36.9 2424

2016-17 116339 334123 274010 314610 36.9 2424

2017-18 134505 396498 354668 354395 37.95 2540

2018-19 264102 428953 484058 616988 42.8 2437

2019-20 245749 499982 539472 649242 37.85 2531

2020-21* 266894 595090 533218 704349 -- 2595

*vufUre * Provisional
..vizkIr ..Not Available
lzksr%& vk;qDr ,oa fuca/kd] lgdkfjrk] m0iz0A
Source- Commissioner and Registrar, Co-operation, UP.

17&xzkE; fodkl ,oa lgdkfjrk
Rural Development and Co-operative
17-5 & mRrj izns'k esa izkjfEHkd vd`"kh; _.k lfefr;ksa ds dfri; vkadM+s
Selected Statistics of Primary Non Agricultural Credit Societies in UP.
¼31 ekpZ dh fLFkfr½¼/kujkf'k yk[k :i;s esa½ (As on 31th march) (Amount in Lakh Rs.)
o"kZ lfefr;ksa lnL;rk iznRr va'k fd;k'khy jf{kr rFkk fu{ksi forfjr yxk gqvk yxs gq, _.k ykHk okyh
@(Year) dh la[;k ¼gtkj esa½ iwwth iwwth vU; Deposits _.k _.k dk cdk;k ls lfefr;ksa dh
No. of Membershi Paid up Workin fuf/k;k Loans Loans izfr'kr la[;k
Societies p (in Capital g Reserved Advance Outstanding Dues As No of
Thousands) Capital and Percentage of Societies
Other Outstanding Showing
Funds Loans Profits
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

2011-12 3544 917 7335 66505 3006 14583 -- 59347 -- 1930

2013-14 3544 917 7335 66505 3006 14583 -- 59347 -- 1930

2014-15 3489 913 8192 67945 4142 15907 66136 75936 -- 1972

2015-16 3536 483 16755 81437 3183 11099 48830 77153 10.3 2193

2016-17 3536 483 16755 81437 3183 11099 48830 77176 10.33 2193

2017-18 3536 259 13215 62480 3943 9058 52990 77561 -- 2193

2018-19 3566 438 17369 133699 4075 9177 48210 81695 -- 1878

2019-20 3586 405 17004 103575 8232 8106 59742 89087 -- 1712

2020-21* 3641 398 19351 103435 9680 10597 57263 88817 -- 1529

*vufUre ..vizkIr ..Not Available * Provisional

lzksr%& vk;qDr ,oa fuca/kd] lgdkfjrk] m0iz0A

Source-Commissioner and Registrar, Co-operation, UP.

17&xzkE; fodkl ,oa lgdkfjrk
Rural Development and Co-operative
17-6 & mRrj izn's k esa lgdkjh xzke fodkl cSdksa ds dfri; vkadM+s
Selected Statistics of sahkari Gram Vikas Banks in UP.
¼31ekpZ dh fLFkfr½¼/kujkf'k yk[k :i;s esa½ (As on 31th march.) (Amount in Lakh Rs.)
cSad lnL;rk va'k iwwth Share Capital forfjr _.k VªSDVjksa dh
'kk[kkvksa ¼gtkj esa½ ljdkj dh vU; ;ksx jf{kr rFkk fdz;k'khy iwwth Loans dz; la[;k
dh la[;k Membership Held by Others Total vU; fuf/k;ka Working Capital
During the
No.Of Tractors
(in Govt. Purchased
No. of Bank Reserved Year
o"kZ@ year Branches Thousands)
and Other

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
2011-12 323 2396 -- 29126 29126 20021 312463 56815 1407

2013-14 323 2916 -- 29295 29295 23477 218084 40653 754

2014-15 323 2988 -- 30773 30773 23477 218856 59034 556

2015-16 323 3052 -- 33067 33067 23804 220428 65570 344

2016-17 323 3051 -- 33150 33150 26165 233470 23592 237

2017-18 323 3025 -- 31823 31823 26151 207309 6251 103

2018-19 323 3037 -- 30413 30413 15664 199660 15174 123

2019-20 323 1482 -- 28692 28692 26163 158281 5113 26

2020-21 323 1457 -- 53586 53586 26163 139721 2327 19

vuqc)----- Contd…..

17&xzkE; fodkl ,oa lgdkfjrk
Rural Development and Co-operative
17-6 & mRrj izn's k esa lgdkjh xzke fodkl cSdksa ds dfri; vkadM+s
Selected Statistics of sahkari Gram Vikas Banks in UP.
¼31 ekpZ dh fLFkfr½ ¼/kujkf'k yk[k :i;s esa½ (As on 31th march.) (Amount in Lakh Rs.)
uydwiksa dk vU; Hkwfe _.k olwyh _.kko'ks"k ykHk okys ykHk gkfu okys gkfu
izfr"Bkiu lq/kkj Loans Loan cSadksa dh Profit cSadksa dh Amount
Recovered outstanding of Loss
Installation of Other Land la[;k la[;k
o"kZ@ year Tubewells Reforms During the
Year Banks Banks
Showing Showing
Profit (No.) Loss (No.)

1 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

2011-12 198 -- 39593 189387 114 1106 209 2406

2013-14 50 5 132144 87859 174 12922 149 2353

2014-15 1 114 51835 81461 116 2164 207 3267

2015-16 -- 82 60270 35251 72 1296 251 4749

2016-17 -- 17 35855 36046 10 90 313 7880

2017-18 -- 4 90631 206224 123 1178 200 4096

2018-19 -- 5 42925 181063 45 417 279 6355

2019-20 -- 0 72049 280706 109 1840 214 3951

2020-21 -- 0 63253 159155 48 584 275 5062

..vizkIr ..Not Available

lzksr%& vk;qDr ,oa fuca/kd] lgdkfjrk] m0iz0A Source-Commissioner and Registrar, Co-operation, UP.

17&xzkE; fodkl ,oa lgdkfjrk
Rural Development and Co-operative
17-7 & mRrj izns'k esa ftyk@dsUnzh; lgdkjh cSdksa ds dfri; vkadM+s
Selected Statistics of District/Central Co-operative Banks in UP.
¼31 ekpZ dh fLFkfr½¼/kujkf'k yk[k :i;s esa½ (As on 31th march)(Amount in Lakh Rs.)
cSadksa dh la[;k 'kk[kkvksa lnL;rk ¼gtkj esa½ iznRr va'k iwwth jf{kr rFkk fdz;k'khy iwwth fu{ksi
No. of dh la[;k Membership Paidup vU; fuf/k;ka Working Deposits
o"kZ@ year Banks No. of (000) Share Reserved Capital
Branches Capital & Other

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

2011-12 50 1326 21 44055 123966 1748601 1164189

2013-14 50 1330 20 56706 153293 1809289 1241297

2014-15 50 1340 20 69294 183952 1892001 1329327

2015-16 50 1340 20 101990 362074 2323655 1425342

2016-17 50 1352 20 184776 267266 2669178 1624390

2017-18 50 1266 15 188518 324678 2583514 1666277

2018-19 50 1260 20 208327 329424 2681541 17954409

2019-20 50 1260 20 193617 360312 2828502 1870224

2020-21 50 1315 20 382224 362856 2927809 2049534

vuqc)--------- Contd------

17&xzkE; fodkl ,oa lgdkfjrk
Rural Development and Co-operative
17-7 & mRrj izns'k esa ftyk@dsUnzh; lgdkjh cSdksa ds dfri; vkadM+s
Selected Statistics of District/Central Co-operative Banks in UP.
¼31 ekpZ dh fLFkfr½¼/kujkf'k yk[k :i;s esa½ (As on 31th march) (Amount in Lakh Rs.)
vU; m/kkj forfjr yxk gqvk _.k yxs _.k ls ykHk okys ykHk gkfu gkfu
Other _.k
Loans cdk;k dk cSadksa dh Profit okys cSadksa Profit
Borrowing Loans Outstanding izfr'kr la[;k dh la[;k
Outstanding Advance
Overdues as No. of No. of
o"kZ@ year Percentage of Banks Banks
Outstanding Showing Showing
Profits Loss

1 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
2011-12 352905 785447 675363 39.78 34 10081 16 15232
2013-14 465822 1088763 836083 17.04 34 8389 16 15702
2014-15 545820 1170808 1088980 14.29 33 7044 17 18292
2015-16 591663 1391943 1114380 13.11 37 8180 13 6408
2016-17 376674 941072 1177940 13.10 40 7291 10 6087
2017-18 394645 899023 1118068 52.19 34 3282 16 7925
2018-19 411374 1072263 1199292 46.69 37 5036 13 6145
2019-20 452195 1256586 1223886 39.36 17 7021 33 7944
2020-21 581688 708559 806699 22.87 34 6637 16 7196

..vizkIr ..Not Available

lzksr%& vk;qDr ,oa fuca/kd] lgdkfjrk] m0iz0A Source-Commissioner and Registrar, Co-operation, UP.

17&xzkE; fodkl ,oa lgdkfjrk
Rural Development and Co-operative
17-8 & mRrj izns'k dksvkijsfVo QsMjs'ku ds dfri; vkadM+s
Selected Statistics of Co-operative Federation Ltd.in UP.
¼31 ekpZ dh fLFkfr½¼/kujkf'k yk[k :i;s½ (As on 31th march) (Amount in Lakh Rs.)
esa½ lnL;rk iznRr va'k jf{kr rFkk fdz;k'khy iwwth dqy fodz; d`f"k mRiknu d`f"k miHkksDrk oLrq ykHk gkfu
¼gtkj esa½ iwwth vU; Working ewY; foi.ku vko';drk;sa Consumers Profit Loss
Paidup fuf/k;ka Capital Value of Agriculture Agriculture Goods
Capital Sales Produce Needs Distributed
(000) Reserved
o"kZ@ year & Other Marketed

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
2011-12 288 7503 12528 60647 385092 216485 114820 53787 256 N.A

2013-14 289 7806 6538 77295 N.A 319554 N.A N.A 125 N.A

2014-15 289 7959 9754 92828 N.A 319554 N.A N.A 0.52 (-14.41)

2015-16 289 8058 9831 90735 N.A 319554 N.A N.A (-)60.49 (-)74.90

2016-17 289 8058 9831 90735 445712 219717 N.A N.A N.A 6050

2017-18 297 8348 9947 150650 519637 466195 N.A N.A N.A N.A

2018-19 297 8348 9947 N.A 740773 6511 N.A N.A N.A 11106

2019-20 297 8495 10060 186180 690120 582000 N.A N.A N.A N.A

2020-21 297 8604 10049 203150 677082 528044 N.A N.A N.A N.A
NA &vizkIr NA -Not Available
lzksr%& vk;qDr ,oa fuca/kd] lgdkfjrk] m0iz0A Source-Commissioner and Registrar, Co-operation, UP.

17&xzkE; fodkl ,oa lgdkfjrk
Rural Development and Co-operative
17-9 & mRrj izns'k esa lgdkjh vkokl lfefr;ksa ds pqus gq, vkadM+s
Selected Statistics of Co-operative Housing Societies in UP.
¼30 twu dh fLFkfr½ (As on 30th June.)
vkokl lnL;rk futh iwwath dk;Z'khy iawth o"kZ ds vUr ykHk okyh ykHk ¼yk[k gkfu okyh gkfu ¼yk[k :i;s
lfefr;ksa la[;k ¼yk[k :i;s½ ¼yk[k :i;s½ esa fufeZr lfefr;ksa :i;s½ lfefr;ksa Loss (Lakh Rs.)
dh la[;k N0 of Owned Fund Working Capital Hkouksa dh dh la[;k Profit dh la[;k
Membership (Lakh Rs.) (Lakh Rs.) (Lakh Rs.) Societies
No. of la[;k Houses Societies
o"kZ@ year Housing Constructed in Profit in Loss
Societies End Of Year (No.) (No.)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
2011-12 4117 585910 1110.50 46700.52 205265 .. .. .. ..

2013-14 4225 588640 1113.30 46703.23 207518 .. .. .. ..

2014-15 4256 589415 1114.15 46704.01 264078 .. .. .. ..

2015-16 4276 589915 1114.65 46754.05 265020 .. .. .. ..

2016-17 4282 590065 1114.80 46804.05 265030 .. .. .. ..

2017-18 4287 590215 1114.85 46854.85 265030 .. .. .. ..
2018-19 4315 590440 1115.17 46855.37 265030 .. .. .. ..
2019-20 4317 590502 1115.17 46856.38 291948 .. .. .. ..
2020-21 4317 590502 1115.17 46856.38 291948 .. .. .. ..
..vizkIr ..Not Available
lzzkrs &m0 iz0 vkokl ,oa fodkl ifj"kn A Source-UP.Housing & Development Board.

17&xzkE; fodkl ,oa lgdkfjrk
Rural Development and Co-operative

17-10 & mRrj izns'k esa nqX/k lgdkjh lfefr;ksa ds dfri; vkadM+s
Selected Statistics of Dairy & Supply Co-operative Societies in UP.

lfefr;ksa dh la[;k lnL;rk ¼gtkj esa½ iznRr va'k iwwth nqX/k ,oa nqX/k mRikn dk
No. of Societies Membership ¼yk[k :0 esa½ fodz;¼yk[k #0 esa½
o"kZ@ year Paidup Capital Milk & Milk Product Sold
(Rs in.Lakh) (Rs.in Lakh)

1 2 3 4 5

2011-12 13369 614 10349 162624

2014-15 10818 479 11923 53926

2015-16 7288 309 12245 43039

2016-17 6768 306 13899 73993

2017-18 6710 301 15719 67847

2018-19 7293 333 15719 67847

2019-20 8049 359 11104 91722

2020-21 8578 370 11104* 91722*

* iqujko`fRr * Repeat
lzksr&vk;qDr]nqX/k fodkl]m-iz-A Source-Comm. Dairy Development, UP.

18& [kfudeZ ,oa [kku [kksnuk
Mining & Quarrying
18-1& mRrj izns'k esa [kfut inkFkksZ dk mRiknu
production of Minerals in UP.
¼31 ekpZ dh fLFkfr½ (As on 31 March)
¼ifjek.k eh0Vu esa]ewY; gtkj :i;s esa½ (Quantity in M.Ton,Value in 000 Rs.)
[kfut inkFkZ@o"kZ 2011 2017 2018 2019* 2020* 2021* Minerals
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1
¼v½ /kkfRod (A) Metallic
1- ckDlkbV 1- Boxite
¼aAa ½ ifjek.k -- -- -- -- -- -- (i) Quantity
¼aaA½ ewY; -- -- -- -- -- -- (ii) Value
2- Mk;Liksj 2- Diaspore
¼aAa ½ ifjek.k 14917 -- -- -- -- -- (i) Quantity
¼aAa A½ ewY; 22752 -- -- -- -- -- (ii) Value
¼vk½ v/kkfRod (B) Non-Metallic
1- MksyksekbV 1- Dolomite
¼aAa ½ ifjek.k -- -- -- -- -- -- (i) Quantity
¼aAa A½ ewY; -- -- -- -- -- -- (ii) Value
2- ftIle 2- Gypsum
¼aAa ½ ifjek.k -- -- -- -- -- -- (i) Quantity
¼aAa A½ ewY; -- -- -- -- -- -- (ii) Value
3- pwus dk iRFkj 3- Limestone
¼aAa ½ifjek.k 3312 2443 2139 2388 2633 2321 (i) Quantity
¼aAa A½ ewY; 500514 377577 526800R 624400R 704600R 646300 (ii) Value
4- eSXuslkbV 4- Magnesite
¼aAa ½ifjek.k -- -- -- -- -- -- (i) Quantity
¼aAa A½ ewY; -- -- -- -- -- -- (ii) Value
5- vksdj ¼xs:½ 5- Ochre
¼aAa ½ifjek.k -- -- -- -- -- -- (i) Quantity
¼aAa A½ ewY; -- -- -- -- -- -- (ii) Value
6- QkLQksjkbV 6- PhosPhorite
¼aAa ½ifjek.k -- -- -- -- -- -- (i) Quantity
¼aAa A½ ewY; -- -- -- -- -- -- (ii) Value
7- ikbjksQkbykbV 7- Pyrophilite
¼aAa ½ifjek.k 31076 -- 14285** 14377** 5090** 8855** (i) Quantity
¼aAa A½ ewY; 8810 -- 28000 R 28000 R 23000R 18175 (ii) Value
8- flfydk lSaM 8- Silica Sand
¼aAa ½ifjek.k 167109 -- 213052** 589355** 152450** 310542** (i) Quantity
¼aAa A½ ewY; 36486 -- 83200 R 276800 R 141500R 150853 (ii) Value
9- LVhjkbV~l 9- Steatites
¼aAa ½ifjek.k -- -- -- -- -- -- (i) Quantity
¼aAa A½ ewY; -- -- -- -- -- -- (ii) Value
10- ,YM~;wlkbV 10- Andusite
¼aAa ½ifjek.k -- -- -- -- -- -- (i) Quantity
¼aAa A½ ewY; -- -- -- -- -- -- (ii) Value
11- dks;yk 11- Coal
¼aAa ½ifjek.k½ 15526 14401 16659 18884 16598 15390 (i) Quantity
¼aAa A½ ewY; 15122300 15540508 -- -- -- -- (ii) Value
12- xU/kd 12- Sulpher
¼aAa ½ifjek.k 38856 42013 43016 46111 43602 48620 (i) Quantity
¼aAa A½ ewY; -- -- 0 0 0 0 (ii) Value
uksV& LrEHk 10 rFkk 11 dh lwpuk vizSy ls Qjojh dh gSA Note-Information in Col.10&11 Aprial to march.
..vizkIr .. Not Avilable
* vufUre * Provisonal
** ifj.kke ?ku eh0 R -la'kksf/kr R- Revised ** Quantity Cubic metre
lzksr&bfUM;u C;wjks vkQ ekbUl] Hkkjr ljdkj] ukxiqj o HkwrRo Source- Indian Bureau of Mines,Government of India Nagpur,and Directorate
,oa [kfudeZ funs'kky;] mRrj izns'k] y[kuÅA of Geology& Minig,UP. Lucknow.

19& fofuekZ.k
19-1 mRrj izns'k esa ftysokj fucfU/kr dkj[kkuksa esa mRiknu ,oa jkstxkj

Districtwise Production & Employment in Registered Factories in UP.

dkj[kkuksa dh la[;k No. of Factories dqy jkstxkj Total Employment

o"kZ@tuin iathd`r iathd`r ,oa dk;Zjr dqy dehZ dqy deZpkjh Year/Distt.
Registered Registered & Total Workers Total Employee
Working Persons
1 2 3 4 5 1
2011-12 13935 10554 624236 816163 2011-12

2013-14 14552 12612 721374 924750 2013-14

2014-15 14952 12198 701294 908210 2014-15
2015-16 15364 13628 795301 1031737 2015-16
2016-17 15357 13743 803435 1048471 2016-17
2017-18 15925 13676 993927 1374857 2017-18
1-lgkjuiqj 167 153 8945 12106 Saharanpur
2-eqtQ~Qjuxj 243 237 9172 12082 Muzaffar Nagar
3-'kkeyh 60 58 2163 2950 Shamli
4-fctukSj 193 172 11844 14096 Bijnor
5-eqjknkckn 489 406 40265 44848 Moradabad
6-laHky 80 74 3838 4448 Sambhal
7-jkeiqj 149 120 9394 10840 Rampur
8-vejksgk 112 94 17779 20232 Amroha
9-esjB 692 601 26258 36808 Meerut
10-ckxir 45 40 2128 3085 Bagapat
11-xkft;kckn 1846 1605 68805 95608 Ghaziabad
12-gkiqqM+ 226 209 8368 11799 Hapur
13-xkSrecq) uxj 3874 2963 338266 531174 G. buddh Nagar
14-cqyUn'kgj 403 296 21755 24839 Bulandshahr
15-eFkqjk 195 180 13931 17139 Mathura
16-vkxjk 915 753 88071 107727 Agra
17-fQjkstkckn 542 497 18633 24126 Firozabad
18-eSuiqjh 72 60 1338 1779 Mainpuri
19-vyhx<+ 287 246 14901 18170 Aligarh
20&gkFkjl 182 170 2635 3663 Hathras
21-,Vk 10 10 1059 1179 Etah
22-dklxat 9 9 223 385 Kasganj
23-cnk;wW 22 23 2664 3598 Badaun
24-cjsyh 308 272 16424 21189 Bareilly
vuqc) Contd-----

19& fofuekZ.k
19-1 mRrj izns'k esa ftysokj fucfU/kr dkj[kkuksa esa mRiknu ,oa jkstxkj

Districtwise Production & Employment in Registered Factories in UP.

dkj[kkuksa dh la[;k No. of Factories dqy jkstxkj Total Employment

o"kZ@tuin iathd`r iathd`r ,oa dk;Zjr dqy dehZ dqy deZpkjh Year/Distt.
Registered Registered & Total Workers Total Employee
Working Persons
1 2 3 4 5 1
25-ihyhHkhr 63 42 4220 5727 Pilibhit
26-'kkgtgkWiqj 112 90 10915 14082 Shahjahanpur
27-[khjh 110 102 6190 8316 kheri
28-lhrkiqj 124 131 4015 5257 Sitapur
29-gjnksbZ 84 73 2961 3750 Hardoi
30-mUuko 227 223 15688 19609 Unnao
31-y[kuÅ 590 550 43317 71363 Lucknow
32+-jk;cjsyh 84 82 2395 3073 Raebareli
33-Q:Z[kkckn 65 56 1432 1627 Farrukhabad
34-dUukSt 122 117 4489 4850 Kannauj
35-bVkok 65 40 1495 2173 Etawah
36-vkSjS;k 20 14 3709 4403 Auraiya
37-dkuiqj nsgkr 163 150 9017 11782 Kanpur Dehat
38-dkuiqj uxj 1269 1156 46337 61195 Kanpur Nagar
39-tkykSu 14 13 773 856 Jalaun
40->kWlh 56 47 4312 5408 Jhansi
41-yfyriqj 4 4 1471 1918 Lalitpur
42-gehjiqj 7 7 779 857 Hamirpur
43-egksck 25 24 365 450 Mahoba
44-ckWnk 5 5 45 65 Banda
45-fp=dwV 0 0 0 0 Chitrakoot
46-Qrsgiqj 85 80 3263 4216 Fatehpur
47-izrkix<+ 11 11 182 215 Pratapgarh
48-dkS'kkEch 25 26 998 1107 Kaushambi
49-iz;kxjkt 216 194 7323 9618 Prayagraj
50-ckjkcadh 105 98 4052 5638 Barabanki
51-v;ks/;k 91 86 1916 2813 Ayodhya
52-vXcsMdjuxj 41 41 667 1115 Ambedkar Nagar
53-lqYrkuiqj 22 18 911 1052 Sultanpur
54-vesBh 43 46 4080 5270 Amethi
vuqc) Contd-----

19& fofuekZ.k
19-1 mRrj izns'k esa ftysokj fucfU/kr dkj[kkuksa esa mRiknu ,oa jkstxkj

Districtwise Production & Employment in Registered Factories in UP.

dkj[kkuksa dh la[;k No. of Factories dqy jkstxkj Total Employment

o"kZ@tuin iathd`r iathd`r ,oa dk;Zjr dqy dehZ dqy deZpkjh Year/Distt.
Registered Registered & Total Workers Total Employee
Working Persons
1 2 3 4 5 1
55-cgjkbp 44 48 1351 1913 Bahraich

56-JkoLrh 0 0 0 0 Shrawasti

57-cyjkeiqj 23 18 1712 2228 Balrampur

58-xks.Mk 27 27 2435 3785


59-fl)kFkZuxj 2 2 ** ** Sidarth Nagar

60-cLrh 14 13 535 661 Basti

61-lardchjuxj Santkabir Nagar

14 13 619 768
62-egjktxat 15 12 623 777

63-xksj[kiqj Gorakhpur
142 140 7003 8802
64-dq'khuxj Kushi Nagar
9 8 1459 1727
65-nsofj;k Deoria
11 10 254 346
66-vktex<+ 9 8 48 79

67-eÅ 15 15 443 617 Mau

68-cfy;k 9 8 32 178 Ballia

69-tkSuiqj Jaunpur
67 64 8080 8748
70-xkthiqj Ghazipur
27 21 1107 1339
71-pUnkSyh 135 129 4401 5841

72-okjk.klh Varanasi
201 182 7373 10367
73-larjfonkl uxj St Ravidas Nagar
111 103 11277 12816
74-fetkZiqj Mirzapur
71 71 16835 17757
75-lksuHknz Sonbhadra
10 10 12164 14433
mRrj izns'k 15925 13676 993927 1374857 Uttar pradesh
vuqo)--------- Cont........

19& fofuekZ.k
19-1 mRrj izns'k esa ftysokj fucfU/kr dkj[kkuksa esa mRiknu ,oa jkstxkj
Districtwise Production & Employment in Registered Factories in UP.
dqy fofu;kstu dqy fuxZr 'kqn vkof/kZr ewY;
¼yk[k :0½ ¼yk[k :0½ ¼yk[k :0½
o"kZ@tuin Year/Distt.
Total Investment Total Output Net Value Added (Lakh Rs.)
(Lakh Rs.) (Lakh Rs.)

1 6 7 8 1
2011-12 14621867 35130615 5266325 2011-12
2013-14 17330618 41687566 5763860 2013-14
2014-15 18188321 45752957 6776131 2014-15
2015-16 20652091 47401321 7162903 2015-16
2016-17 22222510 54736746 10214773 2016-17
2017-18 23146670 56679982 8365556 2017-18
1-lgkjuiqj 389504 926570 448250 Saharanpur
2-eqtQ~Qjuxj 578602 1159040 100026 Muzaffar Nagar
3-'kkeyh 136932 217485 22803 Shamli
4-fctukSj 372268 565820 64824 Bijnor
5-eqjknkckn 369270 764213 123042 Moradabad
6-laHky 83287 233516 13539 Sambhal
7-jkeiqj 257637 527446 72302 Rampur
8-vejksgk 391278 713116 85124 Amroha
9-esjB 669331 1571319 276921 Meerut
10-ckxir 81539 147321 1947 Bagapat
11-xkft;kckn 1479071 3859650 550009 Ghaziabad
12-gkiqqM+ 387560 825927 62607 Hapur
13-xkSrecq) uxj 4942481 16720065 2327623 G. buddh Nagar
14-cqyUn'kgj 514616 1670348 337201 Bulandshahr
15-eFkqjk 769869 3844130 447789 Mathura
16-vkxjk 451075 1658528 248855 Agra
17-fQjkstkckn 135238 373192 42217 Firozabad
18-eSuiqjh 74060 403413 133354 Mainpuri
19-vyhx<+ 337086 1154564 98350 Aligarh
20&gkFkjl 63228 233182 37807 Hathras
21-,Vk 49361 124383 27554 Etah
22-dklxat 12345 63135 93 Kasganj
23-cnk;wW 260617 314544 39685 Badaun
24-cjsyh 728612 1757001 179852 Bareilly
vuqc) Contd-----

19& fofuekZ.k
19-1 mRrj izns'k esa ftysokj fucfU/kr dkj[kkuksa esa mRiknu ,oa jkstxkj
Districtwise Production & Employment in Registered Factories in UP.
dqy fofu;kstu dqy fuxZr 'kqn vkof/kZr ewY;
¼yk[k :0½ ¼yk[k :0½ ¼yk[k :0½
o"kZ@tuin Year/Distt.
Total Investment Total Output Net Value Added (Lakh Rs.)
(Lakh Rs.) (Lakh Rs.)

1 6 7 8 1
25-ihyhHkhr 197235 227474 32014 Pilibhit
26-'kkgtgkWiqj 410303 756465 126748 Shahjahanpur
27-[khjh 719307 686044 100958 kheri
28-lhrkiqj 207797 362697 52238 Sitapur
29-gjnksbZ 224339 326115 42124 Hardoi
30-mUuko 431172 889089 91011 Unnao
31-y[kuÅ 687260 2196138 326176 Lucknow
32+-jk;cjsyh 103911 203635 32919 Raebareli
33-Q:Z[kkckn 12184 18827 2550 Farrukhabad
34-dUukSt 26278 53516 11986 Kannauj
35-bVkok 23203 56086 -1194 Etawah
36-vkSjS;k 694573 644231 103858 Auraiya
37-dkuiqj nsgkr 322419 1231758 106853 Kanpur Dehat
38-dkuiqj uxj 690293 2476396 363279 Kanpur Nagar
39-tkykSu 12433 36783 8042 Jalaun
40->kWlh 126108 273320 38884 Jhansi
41-yfyriqj 1522163 606706 227497 Lalitpur
42-gehjiqj 14230 80977 11362 Hamirpur
43-egksck 29183 11451 4964 Mahoba
44-ckWnk 390 377 100 Banda
45-fp=dwV * * * Chitrakoot
46-Qrsgiqj 181056 208652 1735 Fatehpur
47-izrkix<+ 511 1064 369 Pratapgarh
48-dkS'kkEch 11949 4673 2020 Kaushambi
49-iz;kxjkt 400642 714268 118390 Prayagraj
50-ckjkcadh 112184 410525 33521 Barabanki
51-v;ks/;k 125019 260607 47321 Ayodhya
52-vXcsMdjuxj 40782 77104 15907 Ambedkar Nagar
53-lqYrkuiqj 5561 13908 -274 Sultanpur
54-vesBh 144096 457832 95032 Amethi
vuqc) Contd-----

19& fofuekZ.k
19-1 mRrj izns'k esa ftysokj fucfU/kr dkj[kkuksa esa mRiknu ,oa jkstxkj
Districtwise Production & Employment in Registered Factories in UP.
dqy fofu;kstu dqy fuxZr 'kqn vkof/kZr ewY;
¼yk[k :0½ ¼yk[k :0½ ¼yk[k :0½
o"kZ@tuin Year/Distt.
Total Investment Total Output Net Value Added (Lakh Rs.)
(Lakh Rs.) (Lakh Rs.)

1 6 7 8 1
55-cgjkbp Bahraich
96634 166297 -532
56-JkoLrh * * * Shrawasti

57-cyjkeiqj 185629 182259 48147 Balrampur

58-xks.Mk 197439 208470 24578 Gonda

59-fl)kFkZuxj Sidarth Nagar

** ** **
60-cLrh 40490 30240 -637 Basti

61-lardchjuxj 13481 78157 19953 Santkabir Nagar

62-egjktxat Maharajganj
22090 34707 -3188
63-xksj[kiqj Gorakhpur
208885 351850 34295
64-dq'khuxj Kushi Nagar
112492 113430 89
65-nsofj;k 27382 13668 -892 Deoria
66-vktex<+ 251 642 121 Azamgarh

67-eÅ 6822 9469 -54 Mau

68-cfy;k 1927 575 237 Ballia
69-tkSuiqj 87766 125697 23854 Jaunpur

70-xkthiqj Ghazipur
42600 83138 8307
71-pUnkSyh 131506 467216 113555 Chandauli
72-okjk.klh 108200 365313 57978 Varanasi
73-larjfonkl uxj 84483 221676 44115 St Ravidas Nagar

74-fetkZiqj Mirzapur
138847 271194 105573
75-lksuHknz 628298 841357 151893 Sonbhadra
mRrj izns'k 23146670 56679982 8365556 Uttar pradesh
* tuin esa dkj[kkus dk vkoaVu ugha A * Districtwise not distribution in factories.
**tuin fp=dwV o fl}kFkZuxj ds vkW¡dMs dze'k% ckWnk o cLrh esa lfEefyr gSA
lzksr% okf"kZd m|ksx los{Z k.k m-iz-A

19& fofuekZ.k
19-2 mRrj izns'k esa vkS|ksfxd oxhZdj.k ds vuqlkj vkS|ksfxd mRiknu ds lwpdkad (2011-12=100)
Index Number of Industrial Production According to Industrial Classification in UP.
vkS|ksfxd vk/kkj o"kZ&2011&12
ladsr izfr'kr Hkkj 2016-17 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21
m|ksxksa ds uke Name of Industries
Ind. (Percentage
Code weight)
Manufacture of food Products
[kk| inkFkZ dk fofuekZ.k 93.56 98.56 108.73 101.87 101.71
10 and beverages
Manufacture of beverages
is; inkFkZ dk fofuekZ.k 22.01 143.89 214.82 213.06 203.99
11 Products

rEckdw mRiknu dk fofuekZ.k 53.74 67.26 65.76 67.27 57.12 Manufacture of tobaco Products

13 oL= fofuekZ.k 15.68 136.23 132.04 117.38 124.63 Manufacture of textiles

ifj/kkuksa dk fofuekZ.k 25.24 111.83 78.19 69.98 49.77 Manufacture of wearing apparel
peM+k vkSj peM+s ls lEcfU/kr Manufacture of leather and
15 27.01 80.97 58.09 55.04 57.74
mRiknksa dk fofuekZ.k related Products
ydM+h rFkk ydM+h o dkdZ ds Manufacture of wood and
mRiknksa dk fofuekZ.k QuhZpj ds Products of wood and cork
16 1.58 85.5 193.97 178.00 174.00 except furniture Manufacture of
vfrfjDr LVªk IysfVax oLrqvksa dk
articles of straw and plating
fofuekZ.k materials
dkxt rFkk dkxt mRikn dk Manufacture of Paper and Paper
13.54 166.83 176.2 188.50 173.38
17 fofuekZ.k Products
eqnz.k ,oa fjdkMsZM ehfM;k dk Publishing,Printing and
18 24.76 140.34 94.85 81.94 56.6
iquZmRiknu reproduction of recorded media

dks;yk issVªksfy;e mRiknksa dk 'kks/ku Manufacture of cocke, refined

19 47.50 124.21 133.22 119.00 119.42 Petroleum Products and nuclear
rFkk ukfHkdh; bZ/kuksa dk fofuekZ.k
jlk;u rFkk jlk;u mRiknksa dk Manufacture of chemicals and
99.21 109.58 132.42 131.95 118.97
20 fofuekZ.k chemical Products
Hks"kt] vkS"k/kh; jlk;u rFkk Pharmaceuticals, medicinal
16.16 123.98 132.97 120.97 155.75
21 ouLifr mRiknksa dk fofuekZ.k chemical and botanical Products
jcM+ rFkk IykfLVd mRiknksa dk Manufacture of rubber and
35.43 108.00 117.67 122.83 114.05 Plastics Products
22 fofuekZ.k
vU; v/kfRod [kfut mRiknksa dk Manufacture of other non-
23 33.42 119.56 150.43 144.83 134.57
fofuekZ.k metallic mineral Products
ewy /kkrqvksa dk fofuekZ.k 67.81 116.46 133.37 135.21 125.8 Manufacture of basic metals
QSfczdsVsM /kkrq mRiknksa dk fofuekZ.k Manufacture of fabricated metal
] e'khujh rFkk mikLdj ds 27.22 140.41 150.10 123.99 126.09 Products Except machinery and
vfrfjDr equipment

dEI;wVj bysDVªkfud ,oa vkWfIVdy Manufacture of computer,

49.74 44.43 25.70 20.69 14.27
mRiknksa dk fofuekZ.k electronic and optical Products
Manufacture of electrial
fo|qqrh; midj.kksa dk fofuekZ.k 30.97 180.1 303.61 334.71 510.27
machinery and apparatus N.E.C.
e'khujh vkSj ,u-bZ-lh- midj.kksa Manufacture of machinery and
28 38.16 131.48 116.96 121.56 111.37
dk mRiknu equipment N.E.C.
eksVj okgu]Vªsyjksa rFkk lsehVªsyjksa Manufacture of motor vehicles
65.02 107.31 132.67 86.11 64.95
29 dk fofuekZ.k trailers and semi-trailers
Manufacture of other transport
vU; ifjogu miLdj dk fofuekZ.k 11.49 94.31 87.45 82.02 69.38
30 equipments

31 QuhZpj dk fofuekZ.k fofuekZ.k 2.41 223.25 420.05 463.87 632.45 Manufacture of furniture

32 vU; fofuekZ.k 7.69 141.04 160.76 206.29 227.67 Other manufacturing

fofuekZ.k lwpdkad 809.35 110.98 123.62 118.00 117.90 Manufacturing Index

19& fofuekZ.k
19-3 mRrj izn's k esa vkS|ksfxd vkLFkku
Industrial Estates in UP.
en@ o"kZ 2011-12 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 Items/ Year

1 2 3 4 5 6 1

1&vkLFkkuksa dh la[;k 80 78 78 78 78 No. of Estates

2&'ksMksa dh la[;k 985 985 985 985 985 No. of Sheds

¼1½vkoafVr 972 975 968 970 960 Alloted

¼2½dk;Zjr 695 803 838 823 809 Working

3&IykVksa dh la[;k 3634 3647 3647 3647 3651 No.of Plots

¼1½vkoafVr 3555 3614 3600 3592 3596 Alloted

¼2½dk;Zjr 1512 2882 2829 2888 2870 Working

4& jkstxkj esa yxs

28691 38715E 38689E 38839E 38879E No.of persons Employed
O;fDr;ksa dh la[;k

5&mRiknu djksM+ #0 esa 518.82 714.44E 713.24E 723.34E 725.35E Production in Crore Rs.

uksV%&E vuqekfur Note:- E Estimated

lzksr& m|ksx funs'kky;]

Source- Directorate of Industries,UP.Kanpur.
mRrj izns'k] dkuiqj A

20& fo|qr ,oa ÅtkZ
Electricity and Power
20-1 m0iz0 esa vf/k"Bkfir la;=a {kerk ,oa mRikfnr fo|qr
Installed Plant Capacity and Electricity Generated in UP.
vf/k"Bkkfir {kerk ¼esxkokV½ mRikfnr fo|qr ¼yk[k fdyks okV ?kaVk½
Installed Capacity (M.W.) Energy Generated (lakh K.W.H.)

o"kZ ;ksx ty rki Mhty ,oa xSl ;ksx ty rki Mhty ,oa xSl

year Total Hydro Thermal Diesel & Gas Total Hydro Thermal Diesel & Gas

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

2011-12 4710 527 4183 _ 218385 14315 204070 _

2013-14 5458 525 4933 _ 265894 1268 25321 _

2014-15 5460 527 4933 _ 263691 12767 250924 _

2015-16 6159 525 5634 _ 280352 9935 270417 _

2016-17 7159 525 6634 _ 301725 11988 289737 _

2017-18 7159 525 6634 _ 300730 12714 288016 _

2018-19 5999 525 5474 _ 306269 9908 296361 _

2019-20 5999 525 5474 _ 261996 8821 253175 _

2020-21 5999 525 5474 _ 247312 13430 233882 _

& vizkIr _ Not Available

lzksr&m0 iz0 ikoj dkjiksZjs'ku A Source- UP.Power Corporation

20& fo|qr ,oa ÅtkZ
Electricity and Power
20-2 m0iz0 esa ftysokj mi;ksxkuqlkj fo|qr 'kfDr dk miHkksx ,oa miHkksDrkvksa dh la[;k
District wise Consumption of Electricity Power by use & Consumers in UP.
¼miHkksx& yk[k fd0ok0?k0½ (Consumption- Lakh K.W.H)

vkS|ksfxd 'kfDr
Industrial Power
?kjsyw]m"ek] y?kq 'kfDr]
okf.kfT;d] m"ek fuEu o e/;e
izdk'k ,oa ia[ks lkoZtfud izdk'k Year/District/
o"kZ@tuin@ e.My@{ks= Commercial mPp
Domestic, Heat Small oksYVst Public Lighting Division/Region
Power Lights & Fans
Low & Medium High

1 2 3 4 5 6 1
2011-12 198386 35204 25232 108560 7032 2011-12
2013-14 232905 39671 26406 123387 7643 2013-14
2014-15 265895 42050 27084 126341 7801 2014-15
2015-16 300155 49547 28477 128165 8231 2015-16
2016-17 348998 53932 30809 134158 9278 2016-17
2017-18 402332 60163 33722 144492 10052 2017-18
2018-19 411758 62352 32914 146628 9031 2018-19
2019-20 436911 64025 32938 149499 8401 2019-20
2020-21 450070 60767 29170 130082 7018 2020-21
1&lgkjuiqj 7878 1171 428 1407 141 Saharanpur
2&eqtQ~Qjuxj 7179 1103 362 5820 36 MuzaffarNagar
3&'kkeyh 3038 392 120 979 23 Shamli
lgkjuiqj e.My 18095 2667 910 8206 200 Saharanpur Division
4&fctukSj 7948 915 213 1114 78 Bijnor
5&eqjknkckn 8042 976 733 1721 189 Moradabad
6&laHky 2639 401 245 694 58 Sambhal
7&jkeiqj 4431 589 270 1231 108 Rampur
8&vejksgk 3262 512 252 1161 23 Amroha
eqjknkckn e.My 26324 3393 1714 5921 456 Moradabad Division
9&esjB 14750 2184 1907 4007 263 Meerut
10&ckxir 4143 386 122 431 69 Bagapat
11&xkft;kckn 27869 3361 3125 13610 292 Ghaziabad
12&gkiqqM+ 3994 585 620 3564 16 Hapur
13&xkSrecq) uxj 15584 2131 1577 19780 384 GautambuddhNagar
14&cqyUn'kgj 7126 871 628 4689 56 Bulandshahr
esjB e.My 73466 9518 7979 46081 1080 Meerut Division
15&eFkqjk 8518 978 588 2422 57 Mathura
16&vkxjk 5560 580 492 2349 22 Agra
17&fQjkstkckn 4807 687 295 1311 69 Firozabad
18&eSuiqjh 2437 290 99 387 36 Mainpuri
vkxjk e.My 21323 2535 1475 6469 184 Agra Div.
19&vyhx<+ 10344 1127 1392 4012 62 Aligarh
20&gkFkjl 2963 379 299 1495 24 Hathras

21&,Vk 2559 256 79 271 60 Etah

22&dklxat 1965 253 123 454 8 Kasganj
vyhx<+ e.My 17831 2015 1892 6232 154 Aligarh Div.
23&cnk;wW 4015 425 213 200 36 Badaun
24&cjsyh 10920 1362 434 2179 186 Bareilly
25&ihyhHkhr 2582 210 37 531 17 Pilibhit
26&'kkgtgkWiqj 4702 499 190 941 25 Shahjahanpur
cjsyh e.My 22219 2497 874 3851 265 Bareilly Division
vuqc) Contd….

20& fo|qr ,oa ÅtkZ
Electricity and Power
20-2 m0iz0 esa ftysokj mi;ksxkuqlkj fo|qr 'kfDr dk miHkksx ,oa miHkksDrkvksa dh la[;k
District wise Consumption of Electricity Power by use & Consumers in UP.
¼miHkksx& yk[k fd0ok0?k0½ (Consumption- Lakh K.W.H)

vkS|ksfxd 'kfDr
Industrial Power
?kjsyw]m"ek] y?kq 'kfDr]
okf.kfT;d] m"ek fuEu o e/;e
izdk'k ,oa ia[ks lkoZtfud izdk'k Year/District/
o"kZ@tuin@ e.My@{ks= Commercial mPp
Domestic, Heat Small oksYVst Public Lighting Division/Region
Power Lights & Fans
Low & Medium High

1 2 3 4 5 6 1
27&[khjh 5077 511 153 310 61 kheri
28&lhrkiqj 4409 482 95 306 137 Sitapur

29&gjnksbZ 5106 396 182 697 283 Hardoi

30&mUuko 4709 627 332 2326 60 Unnao

31&y[kuÅ 30433 5439 704 8184 1543 Lucknow

32&jk;cjsyh 5264 572 213 1048 135 Raebareli

y[kuÅ e.My 54998 8026 1678 12871 2219 Lucknow Division

33&Q:Z[kkckn 3102 340 104 445 16 Farrukhabad
34&dUukSt 2568 271 148 625 27 Kannauj
35&bVkok 2967 656 186 640 36 Etawah
36&vkSjS;k 2134 259 76 3689 13 Auraiya

37&dkuiqj nsgkr 4341 460 230 5448 14 Kanpur Dehat

38&dkuiqj uxj 16252 3081 3242 6076 366 Kanpur Nagar

dkuiqj e.My 31364 5068 3986 16923 473 Kanpur Division

39&tkykSu 3422 392 114 273 8 Jalaun

40&>kWlh 7402 863 258 1466 98 Jhansi

41&yfyriqj 2234 208 114 39 25 Lalitpur

>kWlh e.My 13058 1462 485 1778 132 Jhansi Division

42&gehjiqj 2022 200 59 271 33 Hamirpur

43&egksck 1524 187 55 541 31 Mahoba

44&ckWnk 2803 298 103 73 37 Banda

45&fp=dwV 1565 216 43 96 13 Chitrakoot

fp=dwV /kke e.My 7913 901 261 981 113 Chitrakoot Dham Div.
46&Qrsgiqj 3722 248 102 1387 16 Fatehpur

47&izrkix<+ 6220 384 170 108 34 Pratapgarh

48&dkS'kkEch 1993 185 50 99 19 Kaushambi
49&iz;kxjkt 17852 2554 429 2353 474 Prayagraj
iz;kxjkt e.My 29787 3371 751 3948 544 Prayagraj Division
50&ckjkcadh 4326 468 144 1329 86 Barabanki

51&v;ks/;k 4073 580 105 499 49 Ayodhya

52&vEcsMdjuxj 4383 446 1161 477 43 AmbedkarNagar

53&lqYrkuiqj 4435 357 99 100 165 Sultanpur

54&vesBh 2755 299 102 761 11 Amethi
v;ks/;k e.My 19972 2149 1611 3165 355 Ayodhya Division
vuqo)--------- Contd….

20& fo|qr ,oa ÅtkZ
Electricity and Power
20-2 m0iz0 esa ftysokj mi;ksxkuqlkj fo|qr 'kfDr dk miHkksx ,oa miHkksDrkvksa dh la[;k
District wise Consumption of Electricity Power by use & Consumers in UP.
¼miHkksx& yk[k fd0ok0?k0½ (Consumption- Lakh K.W.H)

vkS|ksfxd 'kfDr
Industrial Power
?kjsyw]m"ek] y?kq 'kfDr]
okf.kfT;d] m"ek fuEu o e/;e
izdk'k ,oa ia[ks lkoZtfud izdk'k Year/District/
o"kZ@tuin@ e.My@{ks= Commercial mPp
Domestic, Heat Small oksYVst Public Lighting Division/Region
Power Lights & Fans
Low & Medium High

1 2 3 4 5 6 1
55&cgjkbp 3602 709 304 658 81 Bahraich

56&JkoLrh 1392 102 8 14 11 Shrawasti

57&cyjkeiqj 2218 298 63 51 28 Balrampur

58&xks.Mk 4962 528 198 385 9 Gonda

nsohikVu e.My 12173 1636 573 1108 129 Devipatan Division

59&fl)kFkZuxj 3190 384 36 101 18 SiddharthNagar

60&cLrh 4269 261 142 198 8 Basti

61&lardchjuxj 2493 268 139 482 15 SantkabirNagar

cLrh e.My 9952 913 317 782 41 Basti Division
62&egjktxat 3532 243 98 283 16 Maharajganj

63&xksj[kiqj 12531 1779 620 2248 118 Gorakhpur

64&dq'khuxj 4986 464 137 146 13 KushiNagar

65&nsofj;k 5991 502 179 104 49 Deoria

xksj[kiqj e.My 27039 2988 1033 2781 195 GorakhpurDivision
66&vktex<+ 10082 1266 539 321 20 Azamgarh

67&eÅ 4729 2420 540 222 57 Mau

68&cfy;k 7363 515 281 203 40 Ballia

vktex<+ e.My 22175 4201 1360 746 117 Azamgarh Division

69&tkSuiqj 10562 546 179 777 41 Jaunpur

70&xkthiqj 5454 731 308 428 34 Ghazipur

71&pUnkSyh 3003 425 208 2083 24 Chandauli

72&okjk.klh 12301 4426 677 1837 124 Varanasi

okjk.klh e.My 31320 6128 1373 5126 224 Varanasi Division

73&larjfonkl uxj 2491 418 77 234 38 SantravidasNagar

74&fetkZiqj 5447 661 202 1052 83 Mirzapur

75&lksuHknz 3123 219 618 1830 16 Sonbhadra

foU/;kpy e.My 11061 1298 897 3115 137 Vindhyachal Division

1- if'peh lEHkkx 190029 24152 15358 82159 2431 Western Region

2- dsUnzh; lEHkkx 83640 12283 5397 27111 2703 Central Region

3- cqUnsy[k.M lEHkkx 20971 2363 746 2758 244 Bundelkhand Region

4- iwohZZ lEHkkx 155431 21969 7669 18054 1639 Eastern Region

mRrj izns'k 450070 60767 29170 130082 7018 Uttar Pradesh

vuqc) Contd….

20& fo|qr ,oa ÅtkZ
Electricity and Power
20-2 m0iz0 esa ftysokj mi;ksxkuqlkj fo|qr 'kfDr dk miHkksx ,oa miHkksDrkvksa dh la[;k
District wise Consumption of Electricity Power by use & Consumers in UP.
¼miHkksx& yk[k fd0ok0?k0½ (Consumption- Lakh K.W.H)

lkoZ0 tydy ,oa lQkbZ dqy miHkksx
jsy d`f"k fofo/k dh la[;k Year/District
o"kZ@tuin@ e.My@{ks= Public Water works and Total
Rail Agriculture Miscellaneous No. of /Division/Region
sewarage pumping Consumption
1 7 8 9 10 11 12 1
2011-12 7094 13259 87558 3807 486132 12788949 2011-12
2013-14 8118 15945 102011 26283 582369 14264942 2013-14
2014-15 8887 16728 117283 21894 633963 16418453 2014-15
2015-16 8974 16250 126360 22085 688243 17168756 2015-16
2016-17 10152 17875 15617 21703 642521 18013497 2016-17
2017-18 11060 20498 177105 2168 881104 19922196 2017-18
2018-19 5715 17221 173362 20474 879455 25979110 2018-19
2019-20 1870 17269 181783 20849 913546 28711917 2019-20
2020-21 1931 16154 189117 19260 903569 29747884 2020-21
1&lgkjuiqj 0 286 7228 0 18540 623408 Saharanpur
2&eqtQ~Qjuxj 0 206 7061 0 21767 517971 MuzaffarNagar
3&'kkeyh 0 124 5193 0 9870 247593 Shamli
lgkjuiqj e.My 0 616 19482 0 50176 1388972 Saharanpur Division
4&fctukSj 0 241 6058 0 16567 636482 Bijnor

5&eqjknkckn 0 301 2715 0 14678 539791 Moradabad

6&laHky 0 40 3875 0 7953 285439 Sambhal

7&jkeiqj 0 190 1761 0 8580 354572 Rampur
8&vejksgk 0 43 5797 0 11050 316941 Amroha
eqjknkckn e.My 0 814 20205 0 58828 2133225 Moradabad Division
9&esjB 0 598 6390 0 30098 758370 Meerut
10&ckxir 0 51 5345 0 10547 252022 Bagapat
11&xkft;kckn 180 748 1155 0 50341 947886 Ghaziabad
12&gkiqqM+ 0 91 3200 0 12069 274553 Hapur

13&xkSrecq) uxj 628 900 890 0 41874 340848 GautambuddhNagar

14&cqyUn'kgj 0 103 7510 0 20983 570022 Bulandshahr
esjB e.My 809 2491 24489 0 165912 3143701 Meerut Division
15&eFkqjk 0 183 2026 0 14772 464488 Mathura
16&vkxjk 382 603 5921 19144 35052 415708 Agra
17&fQjkstkckn 0 267 4017 0 11453 377222 Firozabad
18&eSuiqjh 0 47 2428 0 5725 252839 Mainpuri
vkxjk e.My 382 1099 14392 19144 67002 1510257 Agra Div.
19&vyhx<+ 228 280 5729 0 23174 630503 Aligarh
20&gkFkjl 0 57 3502 0 8719 248706 Hathras
21&,Vk 0 65 2597 0 5887 222749 Etah
22&dklxat 0 109 1285 0 4196 190318 Kasganj
vyhx<+ e.My 228 511 13113 0 41976 1292276 Aligarh Div.
23&cnk;wW 0 99 5900 0 10889 350746 Badaun
24&cjsyh 0 258 1925 0 17263 615515 Bareilly

25&ihyhHkhr 0 49 564 0 3990 275889 Pilibhit

26&'kkgtgkWiqj 0 31 2573 0 8962 361590 Shahjahanpur

cjsyh e.My 0 436 10962 0 41104 1603740 Bareilly Division
vuqc) Contd….

20& fo|qr ,oa ÅtkZ
Electricity and Power
20-2 m0iz0 esa ftysokj mi;ksxkuqlkj fo|qr 'kfDr dk miHkksx ,oa miHkksDrkvksa dh la[;k
District wise Consumption of Electricity Power by use & Consumers in UP.
¼miHkksx& yk[k fd0ok0?k0½ (Consumption- Lakh K.W.H)

lkoZ0 tydy ,oa lQkbZ dqy miHkksx
jsy d`f"k fofo/k dh la[;k Year/District
o"kZ@tuin@ e.My@{ks= Public Water works and Total
Rail Agriculture Miscellaneous No. of /Division/Region
sewarage pumping Consumption
1 7 8 9 10 11 12 1
27&[khjh 0 100 2704 0 8915 540428 kheri

28&lhrkiqj 0 45 2327 0 7801 474337 Sitapur

29&gjnksbZ 0 93 1547 0 8304 468484 Hardoi

30&mUuko 0 188 1201 0 9443 465963 Unnao

31&y[kuÅ 263 2436 1159 0 50161 1133032 Lucknow

32&jk;cjsyh 0 162 2924 0 10317 503431 Raebareli

y[kuÅ e.My 263 3023 11862 0 94941 3585675 Lucknow Division

33&Q:Z[kkckn 0 67 2110 0 6184 262464 Farrukhabad

34&dUukSt 0 53 2895 0 6587 215090 Kannauj

35&bVkok 0 179 1905 0 6569 221502 Etawah

36&vkSjS;k 0 77 1352 0 7601 199816 Auraiya

37&dkuiqj nsgkr 0 84 4984 0 15561 475517 Kanpur Dehat

38&dkuiqj uxj 0 1091 0 0 30108 657597 Kanpur Nagar

dkuiqj e.My 0 1552 13245 0 72611 2031986 Kanpur Division
39&tkykSu 0 165 2469 0 6842 245570 Jalaun
40&>kWlh 0 293 953 0 11332 299340 Jhansi
41&yfyriqj 0 141 961 0 3723 150596 Lalitpur
>kWlh e.My 0 599 4383 0 21897 695506 Jhansi Division
42&gehjiqj 0 173 2992 0 5750 184148 Hamirpur

43&egksck 0 62 461 0 2860 139618 Mahoba

44&ckWnk 0 329 2843 0 6485 275625 Banda
45&fp=dwV 0 174 1251 0 3358 157912 Chitrakoot

fp=dwV /kke e.My 0 738 7547 0 18453 757303 Chitrakoot Dham Div.

46&Qrsgiqj 0 68 5756 0 11300 341854 Fatehpur

47&izrkix<+ 0 116 2014 0 9046 461216 Pratapgarh

48&dkS'kkEch 0 60 2656 0 5062 204864 Kaushambi

49&iz;kxjkt 0 1471 4681 0 29815 830686 Prayagraj

iz;kxjkt e.My 0 1716 15107 0 55223 1838620 Prayagraj Division

50&ckjkcadh 0 104 855 0 7312 390235 Barabanki

51&v;ks/;k 0 57 1687 0 7049 403581 Ayodhya

52&vEcsMdjuxj 0 35 1151 0 7695 338324 AmbedkarNagar

53&lqYrkuiqj 0 70 2038 0 7263 365576 Sultanpur

54&vesBh 0 25 981 0 4935 252699 Amethi

v;ks/;k e.My 0 290 6712 0 34254 1750415 Ayodhya Division

vuqo)--------- Contd….

20& fo|qr ,oa ÅtkZ
Electricity and Power
20-2 m0iz0 esa ftysokj mi;ksxkuqlkj fo|qr 'kfDr dk miHkksx ,oa miHkksDrkvksa dh la[;k
District wise Consumption of Electricity Power by use & Consumers in UP.
¼miHkksx& yk[k fd0ok0?k0½ (Consumption- Lakh K.W.H)

lkoZ0 tydy ,oa lQkbZ dqy miHkksx
jsy d`f"k fofo/k dh la[;k Year/District
o"kZ@tuin@ e.My@{ks= Public Water works and Total
Rail Agriculture Miscellaneous No. of /Division/Region
sewarage pumping Consumption
1 7 8 9 10 11 12 1
55&cgjkbp 0 29 542 88 6012 398925 Bahraich

56&JkoLrh 0 13 154 0 1694 128482 Shrawasti

57&cyjkeiqj 0 5 254 0 2916 223456 Balrampur

58&xks.Mk 0 37 612 0 6731 375285 Gonda

nsohikVu e.My 0 84 1561 88 17353 1126148 Devipatan Division
59&fl)kFkZuxj 0 19 209 0 3957 329619 SiddharthNagar

60&cLrh 0 16 717 0 5609 394319 Basti

61&lardchjuxj 0 8 102 0 3508 246332 SantkabirNagar

cLrh e.My 0 42 1028 0 13075 970270 Basti Division

62&egjktxat 0 17 218 0 4406 392006 Maharajganj

63&xksj[kiqj 0 193 1102 0 18590 762340 Gorakhpur
64&dq'khuxj 0 38 167 0 5952 429907 KushiNagar

65&nsofj;k 0 70 851 0 7746 424634 Deoria

xksj[kiqj e.My 0 318 2337 0 36693 2008887 GorakhpurDivision

66&vktex<+ 0 70 2011 0 14309 589805 Azamgarh

67&eÅ 0 102 1512 0 9581 339929 Mau
68&cfy;k 0 69 1175 28 9676 309257 Ballia
vktex<+ e.My 0 241 4699 28 33566 1238991 Azamgarh Division
69&tkSuiqj 0 115 2827 0 15047 578862 Jaunpur

70&xkthiqj 0 149 4642 0 11748 419569 Ghazipur

71&pUnkSyh 0 92 1687 0 7522 241677 Chandauli

72&okjk.klh 0 929 2789 0 23084 685289 Varanasi

okjk.klh e.My 0 1286 11946 0 57401 1925397 Varanasi Division

73&larjfonkl uxj 0 65 1431 0 4752 183363 SantravidasNagar

74&fetkZiqj 0 168 2980 0 10593 299281 Mirzapur

75&lksuHknz 249 66 1637 0 7758 263871 Sonbhadra

foU/;kpy e.My 249 299 6048 0 23103 746515 Vindhyachal Division

1- if'peh lEHkkx 1419 6344 110904 19144 451940 11971043 Western Region

2- dsUnzh; lEHkkx 263 4370 23456 0 159222 5450878 Central Region

3- cqUnsy[k.M lEHkkx 0 1337 11930 0 40350 1452809 Bundelkhand Region

4- iwohZZ lEHkkx 249 4103 42827 116 252056 10873154 Eastern Region

mRrj izns'k 1931 16154 189117 19260 903569 29747884 Uttar Pradesh

Lzkksr&m0iz0] ikoj dkjisZkjs'ku A Source- UP., Power Corporation.

20& fo|qr ,oa ÅtkZ
Electricity and Power
20-3 m0iz0 esa uxj ,oa fo|qrhd`r xzkeksa dh ftysokj la[;k
Districtwise Number of Towns and Electrified Villages in UP.
¼31 ekPkZ ds vuqlkj½ ( As on 31st march)

vkckn xzkeksa ls fo|qrhd`r

uxj vkckn xzke fo|qrhd`r xzke xzkeksa dk izfr'kr Year/District/
o"kZ@tuin@e.My@{ks= Towns Inhabited villages Electrified %age of Electrified Division/Region
(2011) (2011) Villages Villages to Inhabited

1 2 3 4 5 1
2011 689 97941 87086 88.92 2011
2013 689 97941 87086 88.92 2013
2014 915 97814 87086 89.03 2014
2015 915 97814 87139 89.09 2015
2016 915 97814 87585 89.54 2016
2017 915 97814 97804 99.99 2017
2018 915 97814 97814 100.00 2018
2019 915 97814 97814 100.00 2019
2020 915 97814 97814 100.00 2020
1&lgkjuiqj 16 1243 1243 100.00 Saharanpur
2&eqtQ~Qjuxj 17 587 587 100.00 MuzaffarNagar
3&'kkeyh 10 293 293 100.00 Shamli
lgkjuiqj e.My 43 2123 2123 100.00 Saharanpur Division
4&fctukSj 26 2186 2186 100.00 Bijnor
5&eqjknkckn 12 965 965 100.00 Moradabad
6&laHky 8 894 894 100.00 Sambhal
7&jkeiqj 10 1108 1108 100.00 Rampur
8&vejksg 9 959 959 100.00 Amroha
eqjknkckn e.My 65 6112 6112 100.00 Moradabad Division
9&esjB 18 604 604 100.00 Meerut
10&ckxir 8 290 290 100.00 Bagapat
11&xkft;kckn 22 183 183 100.00 Ghaziabad
12&gkiqqM+ 4 328 328 100.00 Hapur
13&xkSrecq) uxj 13 304 304 100.00 GautambuddhNagar
14&cqyUn'kgj 21 1174 1174 100.00 Bulandshahr
esjB e.My 86 2883 2883 100.00 Meerut Division
15&eFkqjk 25 730 730 100.00 Mathura
16&vkxjk 27 893 893 100.00 Agra
17&fQjkstkckn 9 790 790 100.00 Firozabad
18&eSuiqjh 9 820 820 100.00 Mainpuri
vkxjk e.My 70 3233 3233 100.00 Agra Div.
19&vyhx<+ 24 1170 1170 100.00 Aligarh
20&gkFkjl 12 655 655 100.00 Hathras
21&,Vk 10 853 853 100.00 Etah
22&dklxat 11 650 650 100.00 Kasganj
vyhx<+ e.My 57 3328 3328 100.00 Aligarh Div.
23&cnk;wW 20 1476 1476 100.00 Badaun
24&cjsyh 31 1855 1855 100.00 Bareilly
25&ihyhHkhr 11 1295 1295 100.00 Pilibhit
26&'kkgtgkWiqj 11 2088 2088 100.00 Shahjahanpur
cjsyh e.My 73 6714 6714 100.00 Bareilly Division
vuqc) Contd…..

20& fo|qr ,oa ÅtkZ
Electricity and Power
20-3 m0iz0 esa uxj ,oa fo|qrhd`r xzkeksa dh ftysokj la[;k
Districtwise Number of Towns and Electrified Villages in UP.
¼31 ekPkZ ds vuqlkj½ ( As on 31st march)

vkckn xzkeksa ls fo|qrhd`r

uxj vkckn xzke fo|qrhd`r xzke xzkeksa dk izfr'kr Year/District/
o"kZ@tuin@e.My@{ks= Towns Inhabited villages Electrified %age of Electrified Division/Region
(2011) (2011) Villages Villages to Inhabited

1 2 3 4 5 1
27&[khjh 14 1706 1706 100.00 kheri
28&lhrkiqj 12 2317 2317 100.00 Sitapur
29&gjnksbZ 13 1907 1907 100.00 Hardoi
30&mUuko 21 1693 1693 100.00 Unnao

31&y[kuÅ 12 803 803 100.00 Lucknow

32&jk;cjsyh 8 1535 1535 100.00 Raebareli
y[kuÅ e.My 80 9961 9961 100.00 Lucknow Division
33&Q:Z[kkckn 9 872 872 100.00 Farrukhabad
34&dUukSt 8 688 688 100.00 Kannauj
35&bVkok 6 686 686 100.00 Etawah
36&vkSjS;k 9 769 769 100.00 Auraiya
37&dkuiqj nsgkr 12 966 966 100.00 Kanpur Dehat
38&dkuiqj uxj 10 902 902 100.00 Kanpur Nagar
dkuiqj e.My 54 4883 4883 100.00 Kanpur Division
39&tkykSu 10 942 942 100.00 Jalaun
40&>kWlh 19 745 745 100.00 Jhansi
41&yfyriqj 6 691 691 100.00 Lalitpur
>kWlh e.My 35 2378 2378 100.00 Jhansi Division
42&gehjiqj 7 497 497 100.00 Hamirpur
43&egksck 5 435 435 100.00 Mahoba
44&ckWnk 8 657 657 100.00 Banda
45&fp=dwV 4 562 562 100.00 Chitrakoot

fp=dwV /kke e.My 24 2151 2151 100.00 Chitrakoot Dham Div.

46&Qrsgiqj 7 1352 1352 100.00 Fatehpur
47&izrkix<+ 9 2183 2183 100.00 Pratapgarh
48&dkS'kkEch 9 729 729 100.00 Kaushambi
49&iz;kxjkt 25 2809 2809 100.00 Prayagraj
iz;kxjkt e.My 50 7073 7073 100.00 Prayagraj Division
50&ckjkcadh 15 1817 1817 100.00 Barabanki
51&v;ks/;k 10 1235 1235 100.00 Ayodhya

52&vEcsMdjuxj 7 1649 1649 100.00 AmbedkarNagar

53&lqYrkuiqj 5 1708 1708 100.00 Sultanpur

54&vesBh 7 988 988 100.00 Amethi
v;ks/;k e.My 44 7397 7397 100.00 Ayodhya Division
vuqo)--------- Contd…..

20& fo|qr ,oa ÅtkZ
Electricity and Power
20-3 m0iz0 esa uxj ,oa fo|qrhd`r xzkeksa dh ftysokj la[;k
Districtwise Number of Towns and Electrified Villages in UP.
¼31 ekPkZ ds vuqlkj½ ( As on 31st march)

vkckn xzkeksa ls fo|qrhd`r

uxj vkckn xzke fo|qrhd`r xzke xzkeksa dk izfr'kr Year/District/
o"kZ@tuin@e.My@{ks= Towns Inhabited villages Electrified %age of Electrified Division/Region
(2011) (2011) Villages Villages to Inhabited

1 2 3 4 5 1
55&cgjkbp 5 1359 1359 100.00 Bahraich

56&JkoLrh 2 509 509 100.00 Shrawasti

57&cyjkeiqj 6 998 998 100.00 Balrampur
58&xks.Mk 10 1812 1812 100.00 Gonda
nsohikVu e.My 23 4678 4678 100.00 Devipatan Division
59&fl)kFkZuxj 8 2336 2336 100.00 SiddharthNagar
60&cLrh 3 3160 3160 100.00 Basti
61&lardchjuxj 6 1582 1582 100.00 SantkabirNagar
cLrh e.My 17 7078 7078 100.00 Basti Division
62&egjktxat 7 1212 1212 100.00 Maharajganj
63&xksj[kiqj 14 2937 2937 100.00 Gorakhpur
64&dq'khuxj 8 1579 1579 100.00 KushiNagar
65&nsofj;k 10 2019 2019 100.00 Deoria
xksj[kiqj e.My 39 7747 7747 100.00 GorakhpurDivision
66&vktex<+ 20 3800 3800 100.00 Azamgarh
67&eÅ 14 1499 1499 100.00 Mau

68&cfy;k 11 1843 1843 100.00 Ballia

vktex<+ e.My 45 7142 7142 100.00 Azamgarh Division
69&tkSuiqj 13 3287 3287 100.00 Jaunpur

70&xkthiqj 8 2740 2740 100.00 Ghazipur

71&pUnkSyh 11 1425 1425 100.00 Chandauli

72&okjk.klh 39 1258 1258 100.00 Varanasi

okjk.klh e.My 71 8710 8710 100.00 Varanasi Division

73&larjfonkl uxj 11 1087 1087 100.00 SantravidasNagar

74&fetkZiqj 10 1745 1745 100.00 Mirzapur

75&lksuHknz 18 1391 1391 100.00 Sonbhadra

foU/;kpy e.My 39 4223 4223 100.00 Vindhyachal Division
1- if'peh lEHkkx 426 27408 27408 100.00 Western Region

2- dsUnzh; lEHkkx 124 14998 14998 100.00 Central Region

3- cqUnsy[k.M lEHkkx 59 4529 4529 100.00 Bundelkhand Region
4- iwohZZ lEHkkx 306 50879 50879 100.00 Eastern Region
mRrj izns'k 915 97814 97814 100.00 Uttar Pradesh
Lzkksr&m0iz0 ikoj dkjiskjs'ku A Source- UP. Power Corporetion

21& fuekZ.k
21-1 & m0iz0 esa Hkou fuekZ.k lEcU/kh vko';d oLrqvksa ds ftysokj QqVdj Hkko
Districtwise Retail Prices of Essential Commodities Relating to Building Construction in UP.
¼:0 esa½ ( in Rs.)
bZaV izFke Js.kh ¼izfr gtkj½ lhesaV ¼de 'kfDr½ ¼izfr eh0 Vu½
o"kZ@ftyk Bricks No. 1 ( Per Thousand) Cement(low strength)( Per M.T.) year/ District

2018 2019 2020 2018 2019 2020

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1
1-lgkjuiqj 3775 4600 4700 6675 6625 7450 Saharanpur

2-eqtQ~Qjuxj 3850 3963 4300 N.A 6600 N.A Muzaffar Nagar

3-'kkeyh 3525 4075 4500 6600 6600 6750 Shamli

4-fctukSj 3850 4425 5050 6625 7375 7300 Bijnor
5-eqjknkckn 4175 3913 4500 6175 6525 6800 Moradabad
6-laHky 4875 4450 4400 6275 6400 7800 Sambhal
7-jkeiqj 4025 4100 4575 5900 6250 6625 Rampur
8-vejksgk 3800 3850 4450 6425 6200 6800 Amroha
9-esjB 4025 4675 5000 5800 6000 6150 Meerut
10-ckxir 4950 4900 5000 6700 7050 7800 Bagapat
11-xkft;kckn 4275 4775 5200 6025 5650 5950 Ghaziabad
12-gkiqqM+ 4800 4850 4950 7075 7200 7200 Hapur
13-xkSrecq) uxj 4500 4663 5350 N.A 6200 6200 G. buddh Nagar
14-cqyUn'kgj 4950 5075 5100 5825 5900 6400 Bulandshahr
15-eFkqjk 4450 4800 5425 5700 5675 6100 Mathura
16-vkxjk 5075 5000 5000 5650 5475 5700 Agra
17-fQjkstkckn 4850 5400 5825 7000 5725 6675 Firozabad
18-eSuiqjh 5500 5738 6800 6000 6000 7320 Mainpuri
19-vyhx<+ 4500 4475 4900 5750 6100 7000 Aligarh
20&gkFkjl 3912 4105 4525 5760 5800 6150 Hathras
21-,Vk 5150 5175 5800 6150 6175 6950 Etah
22-dklxat 5100 5000 5550 5650 6100 6975 Kasganj
23-cnk;wW 4950 5625 5400 6325 6125 6675 Badaun
24-cjsyh 5600 5425 5500 5450 6400 8800 Bareilly
25-ihyhHkhr 5250 5225 5425 5980 5850 6300 Pilibhit
26-'kkgtgkWiqj 5000 5000 5700 6050 6325 7050 Shahjahanpur
vuqc) Contd…..

21& fuekZ.k
21-1 & m0iz0 esa Hkou fuekZ.k lEcU/kh vko';d oLrqvksa ds ftysokj QqVdj Hkko
Districtwise Retail Prices of Essential Commodities Relating to Building Construction in UP.
¼:0 esa½ ( in Rs.)
bZaV izFke Js.kh ¼izfr gtkj½ lhesaV ¼de 'kfDr½ ¼izfr eh0 Vu½
o"kZ@ftyk Bricks No. 1 ( Per Thousand) Cement(low strength)( Per M.T.) year/ District

2018 2019 2020 2018 2019 2020

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1
27-[khjh 6450 6275 6650 5100 5175 5325 kheri
28-lhrkiqj 6950 6825 7375 6800 6975 7300 Sitapur
29-gjnksbZ 6100 6625 6600 6050 6250 6600 Hardoi
30-mUuko 5750 6200 6675 N.A 6200 6400 Unnao
31-y[kuÅ 5250 6525 7800 5900 7125 7225 Lucknow
32+-jk;cjsyh 4625 5300 6500 6150 6575 7140 Raebareli
33-Q:Z[kkckn 5625 6000 6000 5850 5800 6000 Farrukhabad
34-dUukSt 5700 5875 6275 N.A 6000 6400 Kannauj
35-bVkok 5050 4875 5500 5600 6000 6650 Etawah
36-vkSjS;k 7125 7625 6800 5000 5350 6025 Auraiya
37-dkuiqj nsgkr 6000 5125 5675 N.A 7000 6575 Kanpur Dehat
38-dkuiqj uxj 5750 5850 6550 6050 6800 6775 Kanpur Nagar
39-tkykSu 6300 5000 5000 4000 6200 6100 Jalaun
40->kWlh 6213 6100 6650 7200 7775 7600 Jhansi
41-yfyriqj 5925 5800 6500 N.A 6200 6200 Lalitpur
42-gehjiqj 6075 5363 5975 N.A 6000 6000 Hamirpur
43-egksck 5450 5225 6150 5350 6150 6225 Mahoba
44-ckWnk 6162 5900 6475 5475 5900 6000 Banda
45-fp=dwV 5400 5300 6050 5240 5175 5900 Chitrakoot
46-Qrsgiqj 6125 5700 5850 6050 6625 6575 Fatehpur
47-izrkix<+ 5100 4875 6125 N.A 6600 6600 Pratapgarh
48-dkS'kkEch 4900 5150 5175 5975 6825 6825 Kaushambi
49-iz;kxjkt 5125 5650 5500 5910 6650 7000 Prayagraj
50-ckjkcadh 6125 6625 8500 6175 6975 7300 Barabanki
51-v;ks/;k 5062 5750 7000 6200 6450 8000 Ayodhya
52-vEcsMdjuxj 5750 5250 5375 6650 7225 7525 Ambedkar Nagar
53-lqYrkuiqj 6038 5475 6000 4500 4750 5500 Sultanpur
54-vesBh 5125 5000 5875 6250 7250 7400 Amethi
vuqc) Contd…..

21& fuekZ.k
21-1 & m0iz0 esa Hkou fuekZ.k lEcU/kh vko';d oLrqvksa ds ftysokj QqVdj Hkko
Districtwise Retail Prices of Essential Commodities Relating to Building Construction in UP.
¼:0 esa½ ( in Rs.)
bZaV izFke Js.kh ¼izfr gtkj½ lhesaV ¼de 'kfDr½ ¼izfr eh0 Vu½
o"kZ@ftyk Bricks No. 1 ( Per Thousand) Cement(low strength)( Per M.T.) year/ District

2018 2019 2020 2018 2019 2020

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1
55-cgjkbp 6600 7363 7500 6150 6225 6283 Bahraich
56-JkoLrh 5900 6100 6000 6500 7125 7675 Shrawasti
57-cyjkeiqj 6000 6350 7250 6800 7450 7400 Balrampur
58-xks.Mk 5850 6125 7175 N.A 7800 7850 Gonda
59-fl)kFkZuxj 6125 6625 7375 7000 7500 6225 Sidarth Nagar
60-cLrh 5625 6050 6300 N.A 6600 6600 Basti
61-lardchjuxj 6175 5500 6075 7300 7825 8150 Santkabir Nagar
62-egjktxat 6075 6250 6625 6400 7450 7650 Maharajganj
63-xksj[kiqj 6250 6000 6000 7000 7900 8100 Gorakhpur
64-dq'khuxj 5113 5775 5938 5950 7400 7300 Kushi Nagar
65-nsofj;k 4925 5625 6200 N.A 7000 7500 Deoria
66-vktex<+ 6950 7300 7375 6000 7200 7875 Azamgarh
67-eÅ 5000 5375 6000 6200 7700 8375 Mau
68-cfy;k 6000 6025 6325 5950 6200 5700 Ballia
69-tkSuiqj 5750 5525 5825 6625 7100 7475 Jaunpur
70-xkthiqj 6675 6475 6475 7150 6175 5950 Ghazipur
71-pUnkSyh 5900 6550 7150 7000 7200 7400 Chandauli
72-okjk.klh 6800 6725 6850 7575 8275 8300 Varanasi
73-larjfonkl uxj 5100 4800 6213 6500 7600 7425 St Ravidas Nagar
74-fetkZiqj 5400 6000 6300 6200 6800 7050 Mirzapur
75-lksuHknz 6425 6000 6450 6675 6800 7275 Sonbhadra

21& fuekZ.k
21-1 & m0iz0 esa Hkou fuekZ.k lEcU/kh vko';d oLrqvksa ds ftysokj QqVdj Hkko
Districtwise Retail Prices of Essential Commodities Relating to Building Construction in UP.
¼:0 esa½ ( in Rs.)

ckyw vOoy pwuk lQsn¼vuLySDM½

o"kZ@ftyk ¼izfr ?ku eh0½ ¼izfr fDoaVy½ Year/District
White lime (Unslacked)
Sand fine ( Per Cubic Mt.)
(Per Quintal)
2018 2019 2020 2018 2019 2020
1 8 9 10 11 12 13 1
1-lgkjuiqj 1065 1201 1118 1010 1100 1100 Saharanpur
2-eqtQ~Qjuxj 1178 1180 1250 1075 1075 1100 Muzaffar Nagar
3-'kkeyh 1140 1140 1140 1050 1050 1050 Shamli
4-fctukSj 1680 1100 1300 736 800 810 Bijnor
5-eqjknkckn 1171 914 991 900 900 930 Moradabad
6-laHky 995 1060 1098 953 1113 1200 Sambhal
7-jkeiqj 750 900 N.A 675 775 825 Rampur
8-vejksgk 2106 1300 986 850 855 845 Amroha
9-esjB 1340 1334 1227 650 685 788 Meerut
10-ckxir 1530 1500 1703 818 758 778 Bagapat
11-xkft;kckn 830 857 972 828 958 1000 Ghaziabad
12-gkiqqM+ 1892 1413 1403 855 1025 1275 Hapur
13-xkSrecq) uxj 1341 1377 1413 1313 1370 1230 G. buddh Nagar
14-cqyUn'kgj 1828 1607 1651 973 975 1020 Bulandshahr
15-eFkqjk 1740 1350 1755 600 750 600 Mathura
16-vkxjk 1793 1200 1625 800 810 810 Agra
17-fQjkstkckn 3470 1327 1236 900 800 800 Firozabad
18-eSuiqjh 2527 1095 1250 800 750 800 Mainpuri
19-vyhx<+ 1170 1272 1589 700 680 800 Aligarh
20&gkFkjl 1550 1625 1625 1048 1135 1140 Hathras
21-,Vk 946 1200 1024 800 1000 800 Etah
22-dklxat 1424 1500 1600 700 750 888 Kasganj
23-cnk;wW 1238 1017 1104 1080 1200 1163 Badaun
24-cjsyh 936 1060 1360 905 940 1065 Bareilly
25-ihyhHkhr 1716 1050 798 750 1075 1285 Pilibhit
26-'kkgtgkWiqj 1281 1139 866 1000 1000 1005 Shahjahanpur
vuqc) Contd…..

21& fuekZ.k
21-1 & m0iz0 esa Hkou fuekZ.k lEcU/kh vko';d oLrqvksa ds ftysokj QqVdj Hkko
Districtwise Retail Prices of Essential Commodities Relating to Building Construction in UP.
¼:0 esa½ ( in Rs.)

ckyw vOoy pwuk lQsn¼vuLySDM½

o"kZ@ftyk ¼izfr ?ku eh0½ ¼izfr fDoaVy½ Year/District
White lime (Unslacked)
Sand fine ( Per Cubic Mt.)
(Per Quintal)
2018 2019 2020 2018 2019 2020
1 8 9 10 11 12 13 1
27-[khjh 1475 1250 1050 950 938 888 kheri
28-lhrkiqj 1463 1343 1450 1350 1250 1000 Sitapur
29-gjnksbZ 1475 1225 1275 850 800 825 Hardoi
30-mUuko 1800 1350 1550 950 904 905 Unnao
31-y[kuÅ 1800 1589 901 1310 1038 1128 Lucknow
32+-jk;cjsyh 1808 1431 1236 960 1070 1115 Raebareli
33-Q:Z[kkckn 1669 1250 1400 661 660 900 Farrukhabad
34-dUukSt 1062 1130 1413 1100 1100 1100 Kannauj
35-bVkok 1483 1060 1350 625 850 900 Etawah
36-vkSjS;k 2075 1130 1350 600 650 700 Auraiya
37-dkuiqj nsgkr 1700 1398 1342 875 825 875 Kanpur Dehat
38-dkuiqj uxj 1828 1400 1589 600 675 675 Kanpur Nagar
39-tkykSu 1500 1483 1554 975 1000 1000 Jalaun
40->kWlh 2000 1300 1365 948 940 1060 Jhansi
41-yfyriqj 2450 1413 1213 763 926 820 Lalitpur
42-gehjiqj 2611 1695 1916 600 670 970 Hamirpur
43-egksck 1757 1695 1439 1000 934 800 Mahoba
44-ckWnk 1914 1704 1501 760 780 1200 Banda
45-fp=dwV 2170 1943 1819 1200 1148 1003 Chitrakoot
46-Qrsgiqj 1001 1457 1483 1200 1200 1200 Fatehpur
47-izrkix<+ 1632 1413 1060 825 1150 705 Pratapgarh
48-dkS'kkEch 2357 1342 1705 1225 1038 1038 Kaushambi
49-iz;kxjkt 2214 1801 1801 1238 1275 1100 Prayagraj
50-ckjkcadh 1396 1236 883 898 812 746 Barabanki
51-v;ks/;k 1122 1060 1250 800 800 1000 Ayodhya
52-vEcsMdjuxj 2311 1230 1077 913 788 783 Ambedkar Nagar
53-lqYrkuiqj 1598 1200 883 1300 1350 1358 Sultanpur
54-vesBh 3000 1200 1500 1000 1000 1000 Amethi
vuqc) Contd…..

21& fuekZ.k
21-1 & m0iz0 esa Hkou fuekZ.k lEcU/kh vko';d oLrqvksa ds ftysokj QqVdj Hkko
Districtwise Retail Prices of Essential Commodities Relating to Building Construction in UP.
¼:0 esa½ ( in Rs.)

ckyw vOoy pwuk lQsn¼vuLySDM½

o"kZ@ftyk ¼izfr ?ku eh0½ ¼izfr fDoaVy½ Year/District
White lime (Unslacked)
Sand fine ( Per Cubic Mt.)
(Per Quintal)
2018 2019 2020 2018 2019 2020
1 8 9 10 11 12 13 1
55-cgjkbp 839 989 928 1000 1200 1223 Bahraich
56-JkoLrh 2463 1300 1350 900 975 850 Shrawasti
57-cyjkeiqj 2367 1272 1077 900 855 810 Balrampur
58-xks.Mk 1086 882 689 800 800 876 Gonda
59-fl)kFkZuxj 1500 1060 1350 1025 1300 1138 Sidarth Nagar
60-cLrh 2350 1483 1492 1000 1000 1000 Basti
61-lardchjuxj 3000 1429 975 1022 1100 1150 Santkabir Nagar
62-egjktxat 1879 1236 909 1050 1000 1000 Maharajganj
63-xksj[kiqj 1475 1175 1060 1175 1500 1500 Gorakhpur
64-dq'khuxj 1033 1060 850 1300 1038 1200 Kushi Nagar
65-nsofj;k 1780 1250 1400 1180 1160 1170 Deoria
66-vktex<+ 2700 1325 1700 1285 1345 1400 Azamgarh
67-eÅ 1025 1088 1500 1100 1100 1113 Mau
68-cfy;k 1298 1300 1363 1338 1180 1051 Ballia

69-tkSuiqj 1958 1426 1702 1500 1200 1000 Jaunpur

70-xkthiqj 1113 1250 1189 800 844 958 Ghazipur
71-pUnkSyh 1420 2119 1884 950 950 950 Chandauli
72-okjk.klh 1767 1372 1199 800 800 1128 Varanasi
73-larjfonkl uxj 2325 1600 1750 700 700 1050 St Ravidas Nagar
74-fetkZiqj 1897 1785 1766 1000 1038 988 Mirzapur
75-lksuHknz 1575 1651 1616 813 900 900 Sonbhadra
vuqc)----- Contd…..

21& fuekZ.k
21-1& m0iz0 esa Hkou fuekZ.k lEcU/kh vko';d oLrqvksa ds ftysokj QqVdj Hkko
District wise Retail Prices of Essential Commodities Relating to Building Construction in UP.
¼:0 esa½ ( in Rs.)
lfj;k¼12 fe0 eh0 izfr eh0 Vu½ ydM+h lh0 ih0 lkxksSu¼izfr ?ku eh0½
o"kZ@ftyk Saria (12 mm Per metric Ton) C.P. Teak Wood (Per Cubic Metre) Year/District

2018 2019 2020 2018 2019 2020

1 14 15 16 17 18 19 1
1-lgkjuiqj 41125 48000 46000 58474 49537 61125 Saharanpur
2-eqtQ~Qjuxj 39000 44030 45410 72000 76500 78000 Muzaffar Nagar
3-'kkeyh 42000 42000 42000 75500 76000 76000 Shamli
4-fctukSj 37625 47550 43000 89800 88300 101545 Bijnor
5-eqjknkckn 39450 49800 40650 46286 54673 58500 Moradabad
6-laHky 43125 47400 47000 67240 71000 71000 Sambhal
7-jkeiqj 41125 53625 42000 63054 54738 63737 Rampur
8-vejksgk 41875 50700 33175 73875 73775 63086 Amroha
9-esjB 39500 48543 44563 89575 88709 87859 Meerut
10-ckxir 58000 51500 47250 110582 120888 133333 Bagapat
11-xkft;kckn 37000 45000 42500 124476 137730 134180 Ghaziabad
12-gkiqqM+ 38830 45000 41225 126209 127152 134216 Hapur
13-xkSrecq) uxj 38125 48500 45000 83000 85241 97572 G. buddh Nagar
14-cqyUn'kgj 44500 45250 44500 74790 82119 89625 Bulandshahr
15-eFkqjk 40575 45225 50000 79223 78057 95364 Mathura
16-vkxjk 43625 48000 48100 118234 137748 137748 Agra
17-fQjkstkckn 39700 47725 43875 89850 86101 48563 Firozabad
18-eSuiqjh 37160 49423 45000 N.A N.A 93598 Mainpuri
19-vyhx<+ 41375 53750 38000 81236 81901 84379 Aligarh
20&gkFkjl 50275 50688 48650 62658 63369 71226 Hathras
21-,Vk 42000 49500 47250 84744 84744 84736 Etah
22-dklxat 42125 46850 40250 99779 102198 100092 Kasganj
23-cnk;wW 37250 48000 45000 86587 97823 102329 Badaun
24-cjsyh 42825 43050 45000 88300 92707 100662 Bareilly
25-ihyhHkhr 43050 40500 40250 105950 113907 113466 Pilibhit
26-'kkgtgkWiqj 42250 47500 46025 63753 65248 63135 Shahjahanpur
vuqc) Contd…..

21& fuekZ.k
21-1& m0iz0 esa Hkou fuekZ.k lEcU/kh vko';d oLrqvksa ds ftysokj QqVdj Hkko
District wise Retail Prices of Essential Commodities Relating to Building Construction in UP.
¼:0 esa½ ( in Rs.)
lfj;k¼12 fe0 eh0 izfr eh0 Vu½ ydM+h lh0 ih0 lkxksSu¼izfr ?ku eh0½
o"kZ@ftyk Saria (12 mm Per metric Ton) C.P. Teak Wood (Per Cubic Metre) Year/District

2018 2019 2020 2018 2019 2020

1 14 15 16 17 18 19 1
27-[khjh 41500 45000 45875 64800 65000 66000 kheri
28-lhrkiqj 42875 52025 50500 87000 89000 90000 Sitapur
29-gjnksbZ 42500 49250 51250 80500 80500 83000 Hardoi
30-mUuko 44000 47250 46875 75000 120265 124459 Unnao
31-y[kuÅ 47375 53875 47773 109130 114790 118101 Lucknow
32+-jk;cjsyh 44150 51250 44375 N.A N.A N.A Raebareli
33-Q:Z[kkckn 40500 51250 45000 N.A N.A N.A Farrukhabad
34-dUukSt 44250 46000 43000 N.A N.A N.A Kannauj
35-bVkok 40538 48750 43000 81076 85298 83400 Etawah
36-vkSjS;k 33000 45000 40800 88500 88525 88450 Auraiya
37-dkuiqj nsgkr 41500 51250 44500 123125 124175 123079 Kanpur Dehat
38-dkuiqj uxj 40250 50000 44500 122833 113245 114932 Kanpur Nagar
39-tkykSu 37000 43000 37000 90000 135320 135316 Jalaun
40->kWlh 41500 44875 45650 103000 102261 69814 Jhansi
41-yfyriqj 41375 47625 45525 58988 58700 58775 Lalitpur
42-gehjiqj 38125 47625 43588 64966 58631 59514 Hamirpur
43-egksck 42375 48000 43000 57798 49139 60044 Mahoba
44-ckWnk 35275 47031 48375 44238 47506 49890 Banda
45-fp=dwV 42325 49312 45163 95000 N.A N.A Chitrakoot
46-Qrsgiqj 34625 42500 35000 166004 166445 162031 Fatehpur
47-izrkix<+ 45975 43750 44100 95000 N.A N.A Pratapgarh
48-dkS'kkEch 41750 48250 43000 77941 70199 73764 Kaushambi
49-iz;kxjkt 41800 49875 45000 138231 126447 130684 Prayagraj
50-ckjkcadh 44375 47375 48000 106353 88742 113024 Barabanki
51-v;ks/;k 46875 51625 52500 67461 68402 76009 Ayodhya
52-vEcsMdjuxj 36625 44625 48363 112185 124503 112992 Ambedkar Nagar
53-lqYrkuiqj 38500 44000 41075 86976 90066 98013 Sultanpur
54-vesBh 41750 44500 44000 N.A N.A N.A Amethi
vuqc) Contd…..

21& fuekZ.k
21-1& m0iz0 esa Hkou fuekZ.k lEcU/kh vko';d oLrqvksa ds ftysokj QqVdj Hkko
District wise Retail Prices of Essential Commodities Relating to Building Construction in UP.
¼:0 esa½ ( in Rs.)
lfj;k¼12 fe0 eh0 izfr eh0 Vu½ ydM+h lh0 ih0 lkxksSu¼izfr ?ku eh0½
o"kZ@ftyk Saria (12 mm Per metric Ton) C.P. Teak Wood (Per Cubic Metre) Year/District

2018 2019 2020 2018 2019 2020

1 14 15 16 17 18 19 1
55-cgjkbp 42567 45325 45655 76821 81318 81648 Bahraich

56-JkoLrh 43000 45250 49750 87494 87488 87691 Shrawasti

57-cyjkeiqj 43000 44750 44750 88300 90508 93598 Balrampur

58-xks.Mk 42250 49500 42500 63576 63576 64018 Gonda

59-fl)kFkZuxj N.A 48250 47500 N.A N.A 81678 Sidarth Nagar

60-cLrh 42000 43000 43000 81000 82007 81960 Basti

61-lardchjuxj 58208 61263 45047 80870 82041 85270 Santkabir Nagar

62-egjktxat 44250 53000 47500 77941 80121 81677 Maharajganj

63-xksj[kiqj 45500 55750 60000 93598 91832 91832 Gorakhpur
64-dq'khuxj 42500 51500 46000 73078 64812 65000 Kushi Nagar
65-nsofj;k 54750 55000 53500 109475 102428 112141 Deoria

66-vktex<+ 49750 57000 52250 91129 90000 91125 Azamgarh

67-eÅ 42500 43625 44850 81375 104750 109250 Mau

68-cfy;k 49500 52875 48375 129272 130154 115987 Ballia

69-tkSuiqj 52750 56000 51250 N.A N.A N.A Jaunpur

70-xkthiqj 42475 43688 44550 129750 117500 125000 Ghazipur

71-pUnkSyh 43180 43180 50000 N.A N.A 98000 Chandauli

72-okjk.klh 43500 50000 50000 125365 123599 121200 Varanasi

42500 46500 47025 N.A N.A N.A St Ravidas Nagar
74-fetkZiqj 41500 51000 51000 72830 88837 99574 Mirzapur

75-lksuHknz 45250 46500 47000 98000 N.A 75843 Sonbhadra

vuqc)--- Contd…

21& fuekZ.k
21-1 & m0iz0 esa Hkou fuekZ.k lEcU/kh vko';d oLrqvksa ds ftysokj QqVdj Hkko
District wise Retail Prices of Essential Commodities Relating to Building Construction in UP.

¼:0 esa½ ( in Rs.)

o"kZ@ftyk LkkYk dh ydM+h¼izfr ?ku eh0½

Sal wood (Per Cubic Metre)
2018 2019 2020
1 20 21 22 1
1-lgkjuiqj 56756 56601 56689 Saharanpur
2-eqtQ~Qjuxj 60000 64500 65650 Muzaffar Nagar
3-'kkeyh 75000 72750 73000 Shamli
4-fctukSj 58191 56512 60486 Bijnor
5-eqjknkckn 45900 49923 54525 Moradabad
6-laHky 56975 64375 64500 Sambhal
7-jkeiqj 67544 62242 70637 Rampur
8-vejksgk 44250 52750 43874 Amroha
9-esjB 60000 62347 57395 Meerut
10-ckxir 53884 54746 58720 Bagapat
11-xkft;kckn 79703 75000 88275 Ghaziabad
12-gkiqqM+ 67964 72759 83444 Hapur
13-xkSrecq) uxj 42750 56131 59603 G. buddh Nagar
14-cqyUn'kgj 41943 57241 55461 Bulandshahr
15-eFkqjk 47099 48141 44150 Mathura
16-vkxjk 75143 84768 84768 Agra
17-fQjkstkckn 60000 60033 77701 Firozabad
18-eSuiqjh 59900 60000 49095 Mainpuri
19-vyhx<+ 65342 83457 87594 Aligarh
20&gkFkjl 47575 58000 49496 Hathras
21-,Vk 60910 70620 70609 Etah
22-dklxat 71082 74293 78264 Kasganj
23-cnk;wW 44150 56137 47020 Badaun
24-cjsyh 63576 64459 65342 Bareilly
25-ihyhHkhr 67121 65784 68433 Pilibhit
26-'kkgtgkWiqj 59426 72533 82946 Shahjahanpur
vuqc)---- Contd…..

21& fuekZ.k
21-1 & m0iz0 esa Hkou fuekZ.k lEcU/kh vko';d oLrqvksa ds ftysokj QqVdj Hkko
District wise Retail Prices of Essential Commodities Relating to Building Construction in UP.

¼:0 esa½ ( in Rs.)

o"kZ@ftyk LkkYk dh ydM+h¼izfr ?ku eh0½

Sal wood (Per Cubic Metre)
2018 2019 2020
1 20 21 22 1
27-[khjh 60300 61500 62375 kheri
28-lhrkiqj 58625 63000 67275 Sitapur
29-gjnksbZ 71000 70750 72750 Hardoi
30-mUuko 78384 74123 45828 Unnao
31-y[kuÅ 81183 93598 96336 Lucknow
32+-jk;cjsyh N.A N.A N.A Raebareli
33-Q:Z[kkckn N.A N.A N.A Farrukhabad
34-dUukSt N.A N.A N.A Kannauj
35-bVkok N.A N.A 35320 Etawah
36-vkSjS;k 46500 57125 47171 Auraiya
37-dkuiqj nsgkr 76700 78188 68999 Kanpur Dehat
38-dkuiqj uxj 77933 72627 67550 Kanpur Nagar
39-tkykSu 56000 52384 42384 Jalaun
40->kWlh 55975 57528 N.A Jhansi
41-yfyriqj N.A N.A N.A Lalitpur
42-gehjiqj N.A N.A N.A Hamirpur
43-egksck 64746 55276 61016 Mahoba
44-ckWnk N.A N.A N.A Banda
45-fp=dwV N.A N.A N.A Chitrakoot
46-Qrsgiqj 97130 99117 95585 Fatehpur
47-izrkix<+ N.A N.A N.A Pratapgarh
48-dkS'kkEch N.A N.A N.A Kaushambi
49-iz;kxjkt 69768 83302 86534 Prayagraj
50-ckjkcadh 91727 71082 113024 Barabanki
51-v;ks/;k N.A N.A N.A Ayodhya
52-vEcsMdjuxj 87372 85475 91965 Ambedkar Nagar
53-lqYrkuiqj 78145 80353 85210 Sultanpur
54-vesBh N.A N.A N.A Amethi
vuqc)---- Contd…..

21& fuekZ.k
21-1 & m0iz0 esa Hkou fuekZ.k lEcU/kh vko';d oLrqvksa ds ftysokj QqVdj Hkko
District wise Retail Prices of Essential Commodities Relating to Building Construction in UP.

¼:0 esa½ ( in Rs.)

o"kZ@ftyk LkkYk dh ydM+h¼izfr ?ku eh0½

Sal wood (Per Cubic Metre)
2018 2019 2020
1 20 21 22 1
55-cgjkbp 63134 67154 67720 Bahraich
56-JkoLrh 63605 72393 81190 Shrawasti
57-cyjkeiqj 64900 69316 83532 Balrampur
58-xks.Mk N.A N.A N.A Gonda

59-fl)kFkZuxj N.A N.A 67108 Sidarth Nagar

60-cLrh 80000 N.A N.A Basti

61-lardchjuxj N.A N.A N.A Santkabir Nagar

62-egjktxat N.A N.A N.A Maharajganj
63-xksj[kiqj N.A N.A N.A Gorakhpur
64-dq'khuxj N.A N.A N.A Kushi Nagar
65-nsofj;k N.A N.A N.A Deoria
66-vktex<+ 82003 81500 81500 Azamgarh
67-eÅ 85685 86600 86375 Mau
68-cfy;k 88035 89183 83240 Ballia
69-tkSuiqj 80353 71523 87417 Jaunpur

70-xkthiqj 81575 78750 76475 Ghazipur

71-pUnkSyh 40265 45265 45486 Chandauli

72-okjk.klh 78573 77690 55294 Varanasi
73-larjfonkl uxj N.A N.A N.A St Ravidas Nagar

74-fetkZiqj 59568 75781 86442 Mirzapur

75-lksuHknz 30000 73250 48884 Sonbhadra

uksV%&N.A vizkIr Note:- N.A Not Available

22& O;kikj
22-1 & m0iz0 ls pquh gqbZ oLrqvksa dk ¼jsy ,oa unh }kjk½ Hkkjr ds vU; jkT;ksa dks fu;kZr
Export of Selected Commodities (By Rail & River borne) from UP.to other States of India .
¼gtkj dq0 esa½ ( In 000,Quintals.)
oLrq;sa@o"kZ 2011-12 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 Commodites/Years
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1
1- /kku 317.00 -- 292.08 -- 0.00 0.00 Rice in husk

2- pkoy 1464.00 345.15 502.57 7647.15 160.27 326.52 Rice

3-puk ,oa puk mRikn .-- 0.00 -- -- 0.00 1.12 Gram & Gram Product

4- nkysa ¼puk ,oa puk mRikn Pulses(Other than Gram &

68.00 213.90 -- 1.28 4.41 14.13
ds vfrfjDr½ Gram Product)

5- xsgwW 8399.00 14845.69 12482.48 26712.30 793.46 1028.46 Wheat

6- xsgwW dk vkVk -- -- -- -- 0.06 0.00 Wheat Flour

7- Tokj ,oa cktjk 433.00 0.00 522.90 543.50 0.00 2.56 Jwar and Bajra

8- eDdk ,oa eksVs vukt 159.00 72.45 69.87 2091.00 8.62 7.97 Maize and Small Millets

9- ewwaxQyh ¼frygu½ -- -- -- -- -- 0.00 Groundnut (Oil seed)

10- js.Mh -- -- -- -- -- 0.00 Castor(")

11- fcukSyk -- -- -- -- -- -- Cotton

12- vylh -- -- -- -- -- -- Linseed

13- ykgh ,oa ljlksa

-- -- -- -- -- -- Rapeseed and Mustard

14- fry -- -- -- -- -- -- Til

15- dikl ¼dPpk Hkkjrh;½

-- -- -- -- -- -- Cotton (Indian Raw)

16- dikl ¼dPPkk fons'kh½ -- -- -- -- -- -- Cotton (Raw Foreign)

17- dikl
-- -- -- -- -- -- Cotton

18- twV ¼dPpk½ ¼[kqyh cUn Jute (Raw)(loose and Pucca

-- -- -- -- 0.00 0.00
xkaBsa½ Bales)

19- rkts Qy ,oa rjdkfj;ka

105.00 857.94 484.11 2637.88 7.60 0.12 Fresh Fruits & Vegetables

20- [kyh¼js.Mh ,oa vU;½ 490.00 1593.00 2392.50 5093.65 156.05 110.21 Oil cakes (Caster and others)

vuqc) Contd

22& O;kikj
22-1 & m0iz0 ls pquh gqbZ oLrqvksa dk ¼jsy ,oa unh }kjk½ Hkkjr ds vU; jkT;ksa dks fu;kZr
Export of Selected Commodities (By Rail & River borne) from UP.to other States of India .
¼gtkj dq0 esa½ ( In 000,Quintals.)
oLrq;sa@o"kZ 2011-12 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 Commodites/Years
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1
21- rEckdw ¼dPpk½ -- -- -- -- -- -- Tobacco (Raw)

22- $ i'kq HksaM+ cdfj;ksa ds + Cattle Except Sheep

-- -- -- -- -- --
vfrfjDr ¼la0½ goat (NO.)
23-?kksM+s VV~Vw ,oa [kPpj -- -- -- -- -- --
Horses Ponies and Mules
24-0½ HksaM+ ,oa cdfj;ka ¼la0½ -- -- -- -- -- -- Sheep and goats (No.)

25- vU; NksVs i'kq ¼la0½ -- -- -- -- -- -- Othersort Animals (No.)

26- peM+k ¼dPpk½ -- -- -- -- -- -- Hide & Skin (Raw)

27- peM+k ¼iDdk½ -- -- -- -- -- -- Hide & Skin (Tanned)

28- gM~Mh -- -- -- -- -- -- Bones

29- dksd rFkk dks;yk 8.00 1939.96 1630.51 1086.60 4989.57 8893.80 Coal & Coke

30- pwuk rFkk pwuk iRFkj 26.00 474.04 175.57 56.66 0.00 0.00 Lime & Lime Stone

31- eSxuht ¼v;Ld½ -- -- -- -- 0.00 0.00 Magnese(ore)

32- yksgk ¼v;Ld½ 53.00 -- -- -- 0.00 0.00 Iron (ore)

33- [kfut rsy feV~Vh rsy ds Mineral (except Kerosene

16036.00 161219.32 205876.36 255380.93 3145.06 2853.83
vfrfjDr oil)
34- feV~Vh dk rsy 144.00 4664.82 5707.86 6538.62 83.17 37.40 Kerosene Oil

35- Vhd ¼ydM+h½ -- -- -- -- -- Teak (Wood)

36- vU; bekjrh ydM+h 2660.00 3650.56 4352.05 3873.40 102.26 -- Other Timber

37- yk[k rFkk peM+k -- -- -- -- -- -- Lac & Shellac

38- chM+h ds iRrs -- -- -- -- -- -- Tendu Leaves

39- phuh ¼[kk.Mlkjh ds

3151.00 708.08 4449.04 11412.07 1325.24 1310.48 Sugar (Excluding Khandsari)
40- [kk.Mlkjh -- -- -- -- -- -- Khandsari Sugar

41- xqM+ -- -- -- -- -- -- Gur

42- 'khjk vkfn -- -- -- 324.00 221.37 108.52 Molases etc.

43- ued 26.00 -- 0.12 -- 0.00 0.00 Salt

44- pk; -- -- 0.00 -- 0.00 0.00 Tea

45- ewwxQyh rsy -- -- -- -- 0.00 0.00 Groundnut Oil

46 ljlksa rsy 1.00 -- -- -- 2.46 0.98 Musterd Oil

47- ukfj;y rsy -- -- -- -- -- -- Coconut Oil

vuqc) Contd

22& O;kikj
22-1 & m0iz0 ls pquh gqbZ oLrqvksa dk ¼jsy ,oa unh }kjk½ Hkkjr ds vU; jkT;ksa dks fu;kZr
Export of Selected Commodities (By Rail & River borne) from UP.to other States of India .
¼gtkj dq0 esa½ ( In 000,Quintals.)
oLrq;sa@o"kZ 2011-12 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 Commodites/Years
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1
48- js.Mh rsy -- -- -- -- 0.00 0.00 Castor Oil

49- vU; ouLifr rsy 27.00 -- -- 13.41 2.56 6.22 Other Vegetable Oil

50- lwrh /kkxs ¼Hkkjrh; ,oa

-- -- -- -- -- -- Cotton Yarn (Foreign&Indian)
51- lwrh diM+s ¼Hkkjrh; ,oa Cotton cloths (Foreign &
-- -- -- -- -- --
fons'kh½ Indian)
52- cksjs ,oa diM+s ¼ns'kh ,oa Gunny bag & cloths (Foreign
-- -- -- -- -- --
fons'kh½ & Indian)
53- vU; twV ¼fofuZfer½ -- -- -- -- 0.00 0.00 Other Jute (Manufactured)

54- Åuh oL= -- -- -- -- -- -- Woolen Cloths

55- d`f=e js'keh oL= -- -- -- -- -- -- Artificial Silk Cloths

56- lhesUV 1061.00 39607.14 8258.53 14195.87 508.20 781.66 Cement

57- ÃaaV -- 0.00 -- -- 0.00 0.00 Bricks

58- VkbYl -- -- -- -- -- Tiles

59- yksgk rFkk bLikr 404.00 3829.51 2684.31 2227.27 62.37 72.75 Iron & Steels

60- e'khujh midj.k 6.00 -- 9.18 -- -- -- Machinery Equipments

61- 'kh'kk -- -- -- -- -- -- Glass

62- /kkrw mRikn -- -- -- -- -- 0.00 Metal Product

63- dkQh -- -- -- -- -- 0.00 Coffee

64- lw[ks Qy -- -- -- -- -- -- Dried Fruits

65- v.Ms -- -- -- -- -- -- Eggs

66- Åu ¼dPpk½ -- -- -- -- -- -- Wool (Raw)

67- dkVu ds vfrfjDr vU;

-- -- -- -- -- -- Hemps other than Cotton
68- jcj -- -- -- -- -- -- Rubber

69- gjsZ cgsj -- -- -- -- -- -- Myrobalans

70- twrs -- -- -- -- -- -- Shoes

$ Ik'kq/ku + Live stock

..vizkIr ..Not Available

lzksr & okf.kfT;d tkudkjh ,oa lk¡f[;dh Note- Directorate General of Commercial Intelligence
egkfuns'kky;] Hkkjr ljdkj] dksydkrk A and Statistics Kolkata.

22- O;kikj
22-2 & m0iz0 esa pquh gqbZ oLrqvksa dk ¼jsy ,oa unh }kjk½ Hkkjr ds vU; jkT;ksa ls vk;kr
Import of Selected Commodities (By Rail & River) from other States of India to UP.
¼gtkj dq0 esa½ (in 000 Quintals)
oLrq;sa@o"kZ 2011-12 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 Commodites/ years
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1
1- /kku
33.00 94.66 23.61 18.84 7.30 4.48 Rice in husk

2- pkoy
4473.00 14476.62 12248.85 23546.75 852.46 671.33 Rice

3- puk ,oa puk mRikn

80.00 452.16 53.13 -- 0.00 0.00 Gram & Gram Product

4-nkys¼a puk ,ao puk mRikn ds Pulses(Other than Gram &

2178.00 1667.21 25.91 140.11 0.00 0.00
vfrfjDr½ Gram Product)

5- xsgWw 14249.00 42843.17 50425.57 16748.71 652.41 1603.15 Wheat

6- xsgWw dk vkVk -- -- 164.83 -- 0.00 0.00 Wheat Floor

7- Tokj ,oa cktjk -- -- -- -- 0.00 0.00 Jwar and Bajra

8- eDdk ,oa eksVs vukt 111.00 52.44 -- 26.46 8.62 5.32 Maize and Small Millets

9- ewwaxQyh ¼frygu½ -- -- -- -- 0.00 0.00 Groundnut (Oil seed)

10- js.Mh -- -- -- -- Castor

11- fcukSyk -- -- -- -- -- -- Cotton

12- vylh -- -- -- -- -- -- Linseed

13- ykgh ,oa ljlksa -- -- -- -- -- -- Rapeseed and Musterd

14- fry -- -- -- -- -- -- Til

15-dikl¼dPpk Hkkjrh;½
-- -- -- -- -- -- Cotton (Indian Raw)

16-dikl ¼dPPkk fons'kh½ -- -- -- -- -- -- Cotton (Raw Foreign)

17- dikl -- -- -- -- -- -- Cotton

18-twV dPpk¼[kqyh cUn xkaBsa½ Jute Raw (loose and Pucca

-- -- -- -- -- --

19-rkts Qy ,oa rjdkfj;ka 738.00 433.62 2983.83 1341.21 2394.55 7.30 Fresh Fruits & Vegetables

20-[kyh¼js.Mh ,oa vU;½ 26.00 0.00 -- 25.68 0.09 0.09

Oil cakes (Caster and

vuqc) Contd

22- O;kikj
22-2 & m0iz0 esa pquh gqbZ oLrqvksa dk ¼jsy ,oa unh }kjk½ Hkkjr ds vU; jkT;ksa ls vk;kr
Import of Selected Commodities (By Rail & River) from other States of India to UP.
¼gtkj dq0 esa½ (in 000 Quintals)
oLrq;sa@o"kZ 2011-12 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 Commodites/ years
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1
21- rEckdw ¼dPpk½ -- -- -- -- -- -- Tobacco (Raw)

22-$ i'kq HksaM+ cdfj;ksa ds + Cattle Except Sheep

-- -- -- -- -- --
vfrfjDr ¼la0½ goat (NO.)

23-?kksM+s VV~Vw ,oa [kPpj ¼la0½ Horses Ponies and Mules

-- -- -- -- -- --
24- HksaM+ ,oa cdfj;ka ¼la0½ -- -- -- -- -- -- Sheep and goats (No.)

25- vU; NksVs i'kq ¼la0½ -- -- -- -- -- -- Animals othersort (No.)

26- peM+k ¼dPpk½ -- -- -- -- -- -- Hide & Skin (Raw)

27- peM+k ¼iDdk½ -- -- -- -- -- 0.00 Hide & Skin (Tamed)

28- gM~Mh -- -- -- -- -- -- Bones

29- dksd rFkk dks;yk 53589.00 108195.89 114332.81 90009.20 32430.69 35233.57 Coal & Coke

30- pwuk rFkk pwuk iRFkj 2312.00 4099.25 2636.14 3773.34 540.25 -- Lime & Lime Stone

31- eSxuht ¼v;Ld½ -- 0.00 -- -- -- 0.00 Magnese(ore)

32- yksgk ¼v;Ld½ 3032.00 4118.60 5060.89 7110.81 715.55 817.09 Iron (ore)

33-[kfut rsy feV~Vh rsy ds

36117.00 55136.75 52311.85 58027.59 5655.17 5794.47 Mineral (except Kerosene oil)
34- feV~Vh dk rsy 9299.00 8187.60 5272.60 3451.82 321.54 239.28 Kerosene Oil

35- Vhd ¼ydM+h½ -- -- -- -- -- -- Teak (Wood)

36- vU; bekjrh ydM+h 34.00 -- 124.89 2.56 0.00 0.00 Other Timber

37- yk[k rFkk peM+k -- -- -- -- -- -- Lac & Shellac

38- chM+h ds iRrs -- -- -- -- -- -- Tendu Leaves

39. phuh ¼[kk.Mlkjh ds

675.00 343.12 56.69 309.20 15.49 2.66 Sugar (Excluding Khandsari)
40- [kk.Mlkjh -- -- -- -- -- -- Khandsari Sugar

41- xqM+ -- -- -- -- -- -- Gur

42- 'khjk vkfn -- -- -- -- -- 0.00 Molases etc.

43- ued 61.00 10491.20 11513.28 11124.08 1081.37 1145.36 Salt

44- pk; -- 0.00 -- -- 0.00 0.00 Tea

45- ewwxQyh rsy -- -- -- -- 0.00 Groundnut Oil

46- ljlksa rsy -- 54.61 -- -- 0.00 0.00 Musterd Oil

47- ukfj;y rsy -- -- -- -- -- -- Coconut Oil

48- js.Mh rsy -- -- -- -- -- -- Castor Oil

49- vU; ouLifr rsy 1004.00 7202.66 4998.58 14498.71 492.60 385.34 Other Vegetable Oil

vuqc) Contd

22- O;kikj
22-2 & m0iz0 esa pquh gqbZ oLrqvksa dk ¼jsy ,oa unh }kjk½ Hkkjr ds vU; jkT;ksa ls vk;kr
Import of Selected Commodities (By Rail & River) from other States of India to UP.
¼gtkj dq0 esa½ (in 000 Quintals)
oLrq;sa@o"kZ 2011-12 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 Commodites/ years
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1
50- lwrh /kkxs ¼Hkkjrh; ,oa Cotton Yarn
-- -- -- -- -- --
fons'kh½ (Foreign&Indian)
51- lwrh diM+s ¼Hkkjrh; ,oa Cotton cloths (Foreign &
-- -- -- -- -- --
fons'kh½ Indian)

52- cksjs ,oa diM+s ¼ns'kh ,oa Gunny bag & cloth (Foreign
702.00 -- -- -- -- --
fons'kh½ & Indian)

53- vU; twV ¼fofuZfer½

-- -- -- -- 89.43 65.16 Other Jute (Manufactures)

54- Åuh oL= -- -- -- -- -- -- Woolen Cloths

55- d`f=e js'keh oL= -- -- -- -- -- -- Artificial Silk Cloths

56- lhesUV 119835.00 181571.24 176993.09 200213.90 21202.79 18829.41 Cement

57- ÃaaV
-- -- -- -- 6.44 0.00 Bricks

58- VkbYl -- -- -- -- -- -- Tiles

59- yksgk rFkk bLikr 32893.00 52438.26 55341.73 49421.10 4789.96 4397.93 Iron & Steels

60- e'khujh midj.k 246.00 6.45 1.35 -- -- -- Machinery Equipments

61- 'kh'kk -- -- -- -- -- -- Glass

62- /kkrw mRikn -- 888.47 115.98 625.95 300.01 323.24 Metal Product

63- dkQh -- -- -- -- 0.00 0.00 Coffee

64- lw[ks Qy -- -- -- -- -- -- Dried Fruits

65- v.Ms -- -- -- -- -- -- Eggs

66- Åu ¼dPpk½ -- -- -- -- -- -- Wool (Raw)

67- dkVu ds vfrfjDr vU;

-- -- -- -- -- -- Hemps other than Cotton
68- jcj -- -- -- -- -- -- Rubber

69- gjsZ cgsj -- -- -- -- -- -- Myrobalans

70- twrs
-- -- -- -- -- -- Shoes

$Ik'kq/ku + Live stock

..vizkIr .. Not available

lzksr & okf.kfT;d tkudkjh ,oa lkaf[;dh
Note- Directorate General of Commercial Intelligence
egkfuns'kky;] Hkkjr ljdkjA and Statistics Kolkata.

23& ifjogu
23-1 & m0iz0 esa o"kZokj iathd`r ,oa pkfyr eksVj xkfM+;ksa dh la[;k
Yearwise No. of Registered Motor Vehicles & Motor Vehicles On Road in UP.
¼d½ iathd`r eksVj xkfM+;ka [ a] Registered Motor Vehicles
ensa items
eksVj eksVj dkj ;k=h cl feuh Vªd rhu ifg, VªSDVj VsEiks@ vU; ;ksx
lkbfdy Motor Car Passenger cl Truck okyh Tractor vkVks Others Total
o"kZ@Year Motor Mini Bus fMyhojh oSu fjD'kk
Three Tempo
Wheeler /Auto
Delivery Van Rickshaw

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

2011-12 1368524 134580 2753 2120 50178 7766 73513 38374 50068 1727876

2013-14 1713375 141647 3799 2857 53105 6099 87315 32062 58829 2099088

2014-15 1914202 160233 3715 2793 52865 5539 90712 31555 58535 2320149

2015-16 1921003 173618 5110 2541 55659 4813 71112 35755 57882 2327493

2016-17 1974792 152288 7268 3615 58544 6022 71829 42090 64487 2380935

2017-18 2481618 222795 5238 2580 79452 6643 79832 53040 88903 3020101

2018-19 2664481 222551 6968 3465 96193 11558 99916 73165 113401 3291698

2019-20 2836408 253317 8280 4078 85293 11817 112588 64982 153054 3529817

2020-21 1861935 213908 1013 498 36618 8610 127752 14603 85553 2350490
lzksr&ifjogu vk;qDr, m0iz0A Source- Commissioner Transport, UP.

23& ifjogu
23-1 & m0iz0 esa o"kZokj iathd`r ,oa pkfyr eksVj xkfM+;ksa dh la[;k
Yearwise No. of Registered Motor Vehicle & Motor Vehicle on Roads in UP.
¼[k½ pkfyr eksVj xkfM+;ka [ b] Motor Vehicles on Road
ensa Items
eksVj dkj eksVj cls VSfDl;ka ifCyd izkbosV VªSDVj dj eqDr vU; ;ksx Total
o"kZ@Year Motor Car lkbfdy Buses Taxis dSfj;j dSfj;j Tractor xkfM+;ka Others
Motor Cycle Public Private Tax
Carrier Carrier Exempted

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

2011-12 1108100 12410064 34428 235028 338977 -- 1064284 62992 191401 15445274

2013-14 1686747 15395363 45473 312423 401110 -- 1147190 80055 243248 19311609

2014-15 1572217 17398458 51866 350855 511631 -- 1197985 136811 415707 21635530

2015-16 1746117 19258791 57939 380024 562503 -- 1276927 156408 497657 23936366

2016-17 2027972 21127282 75309 429245 624936 -- 1338243 153584 488675 26265246

2017-18 2859529 22748737 76498 523964 685366 -- 1323482 23695 75037 28316308

2018-19 2439845 26597000 86531 606247 777402 -- 1447604 181782 575643 32712054

2019-20 2794390 27959149 1E+05 753124 880630 -- 1522750 212730 692286 34924824

2020-21 2891055 29756069 1E+05 824187 893971 -- 1646213 236543 481241 36843396

&& vizkIr ..Not Available

lzkrs &ifjogu vk;qDr] m0iz0A Source- Commissioner transport, UP.

23& ifjogu
23-2 & m0iz0 jkT; esa jksMost ds okf.kfT;d 'kk[kk dh izxfr
Progress of State Roadways Commercial Wing in UP.

en o"kZ/bdkbZ
2011-12 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21* Items
Year/ Unit
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1
6840 8965 8830 9045 8777
1- dqy cls ¼vku jksM½ la[;k/No. Total Buses on Road
(8325) (11862) (11615) (11688) (11343)

2- dqy fd0eh0 yk[k/Lakh 11135 15128 14697 14641 10903 Total Km.

3- dqy vftZr fd0eh0 yk[k/Lakh 10872 14934 14497 14416 10785 Effective Km.

4- dqy ys tk;s x;s ;k=h yk[k/Lakh 4911 6258 6016 5754 3433 Total Passenger Carried on

fd0eh0 izfr
5- bZ/ku 5.21 5.22 5.21 5.21 5.27 Fuel Average
yh0/Km.Per Litt.

izfr 1000
6- cszd Mkmu fd0eh0/Per 1000 0.06 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.03 Break Down

7-nq?kZVuk;sa la[;k/No. 935 741 751 648 471 Accidents

8- dk;Zjr deZpkjh ]] 28170 22633 21156 19379 17935 Total Staff

9- dqy izkfIr;ka yk[k :0/LakhRs. 232398 446281 460138 472775 380226 Total Receipts

10-dqy O;; ]] 235855 434012 456153 458505 382770 Total Expenditure

11-dqy gkfu ¼&½ ]] -3457.15 -2544.39 Total Loss (-)

dqy ykHk ¼$½ ]] 484.41 12269 3985 14270 Total Profit (+)

iSlk izfr
12-lexz izkfIr;ka 2138 2988 3174 3280 3526 Overall Receipts
fdeh0/Paise.per Km.

13-lexz O;; ]] 2169 2906 3147 3181 3549 Overall Expenditure

14-lexz gkfu ¼&½ ]] -31.8 -23.6 Over all Loss (-)

lexz ykHk ¼$½ ]] 4.4 82.1 27.5 99 Profit (+)

15-C;kt dk Hkqxrku yk[k :0 3573 1019 11 122 2605 Interest Paid

16-dqy vkxr ]] 232398 446281 460138 472775 380226 Total Receipts

uksV%&dks"Bd es nh x;h la[;k vuqcaf/kr clksa Note -Parenthetical figures are including no. of undertaking Buses.
dks lfEefyr dj gSA
*vufUre *Provisional
lzksr%&jkT; lM+d ifjogu fuxe] m0iz0A Source- UP.S.R.T.C. UP.

23& ifjogu
23-3 & m0iz0 esa yksd fuekZ.k foHkkx }kjk la?k`r iDdh lM+dksa dh yEckbZ
Districtwise Surfaced Road Length Maintained by P.W.D. in UP.
lM+dksa dh yEckbZ¼fd0eh0½ Length of Roads (Kms) izfr gtkj oxZ izfr yk[k iDdh lM+dksa ls tqM+s xzke
fd0eh0 {ksrzQy tula[;k ij Villages Linked with
ij iDdh lM+dksa iDdh lM+dksa dh Road
dh yEckbZ yEckbZ ¼fd0eh0½
isaVsM rFkk lhesaV okVj ckm.M lh0lh0 la[;k izfr'kr
¼fd0eh0½ Length of
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@ dkUdzhV ekxZ VªSDl rFkk ioZrh; ekxZ Roads per Lakh
No. Percentage
Length of Year/District/Division/Region
{ks= Painted Cement & awaater Bound C. C.
Roads per Population
Concrete Roads
Tracks & Hill Cutting ;ksx thousand (Kms)
Roads Total Sq.Km.Area

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1
2011-12 189492 1108 190600 791 95 72523 75 2011-12
2014-15 215888 88 215976 939 106 97645 101 2014-15
2015-16 226093 81 226174 939 106 97645 101 2015-16
2016-17 234099 47 234146 972 108 77754 80 2016-17
2017-18 235406 0 235406 977 107 77754 79 2017-18
2018-19 235133 377 235510 978 105 76042 78 2018-19
2019-20 254970 0 254970 1058 112 81521 84 2019-20
2020-21 260576 0 260576 1082 113 82249 85 2020-21
1&lgkjuiqj 3426 0 3426 929 86 1122 90 Saharanpur
2&eqtQ~Qjuxj 2298 0 2298 573 71 562 96 MuzaffarNagar
3&'kkeyh 1204 0 1204 ** 85 272 93 Shamli
lgkjuiqj e.My 6927 0 6927 900 80 1956 92 Saharanpur Division
4&fctukSj 3607 0 3607 791 87 2186 100 Bijnor
5&eqjknkckn 2186 0 2186 588 58 934 97 Moradabad
6&laHky 2242 0 2242 ** 87 848 95 Sambhal
7&jkeiqj 2231 0 2231 943 82 810 73 Rampur
8&vejksgk 2343 0 2343 1042 108 943 98 Amroha
eqjknkckn e.My 12609 0 12609 978 82 5721 94 Moradabad Division
9&esjB 2272 0 2272 888 60 577 96 Meerut
10&ckxir 1101 0 1101 833 78 289 100 Bagapat
11&xkft;kckn 914 0 914 775 19 163 89 Ghaziabad
12&gkiqqM+ 1122 0 1122 ** 74 293 89 Hapur
13&xkSrecq) uxj 885 0 885 690 41 109 100 GautambuddhNagar
14&cqyUn'kgj 3902 0 3902 865 97 1108 94 Bulandshahr
esjB e.My 10197 0 10197 940 57 2539 94 Meerut Division
15&eFkqjk 2791 0 2791 836 93 697 100 Mathura
16&vkxjk 4548 0 4548 1125 88 890 100 Agra
17&fQjkstkckn 3395 0 3395 1411 116 785 100 Firozabad
18&eSuiqjh 3800 0 3800 1377 181 773 96 Mainpuri
vkxjk e.My 14534 0 14534 1158 110 3145 99 Agra Div.
19&vyhx<+ 3657 0 3657 1002 85 1120 96 Aligarh
20&gkFkjl 1726 0 1726 938 98 655 100 Hathras
21&,Vk 2288 0 2288 941 204 799 94 Etah
22&dklxat 1983 0 1983 1014 123 615 95 Kasganj
vyhx<+ e.My 9653 0 9653 977 109 3189 96 Aligarh Div.
23&cnk;wW 3792 0 3792 734 89 1423 96 Badaun
24&cjsyh 3243 0 3243 787 62 1543 83 Bareilly
25&ihyhHkhr 2390 0 2390 649 99 1131 87 Pilibhit
26&'kkgtgkWiqj 3396 0 3396 774 100 1274 61 Shahjahanpur
cjsyh e.My 12822 0 12822 738 84 5371 80 Bareilly Division
vuqc)----- Contd------

23& ifjogu
23-3 & m0iz0 esa yksd fuekZ.k foHkkx }kjk la?k`r iDdh lM+dksa dh yEckbZ
Districtwise Surfaced Road Length Maintained by P.W.D. in UP.
lM+dksa dh yEckbZ¼fd0eh0½ Length of Roads (Kms) izfr gtkj oxZ izfr yk[k iDdh lM+dksa ls tqM+s xzke
fd0eh0 {ksrzQy tula[;k ij Villages Linked with
ij iDdh lM+dksa iDdh lM+dksa dh Road
dh yEckbZ yEckbZ ¼fd0eh0½
isaVsM rFkk lhesaV okVj ckm.M lh0lh0 la[;k izfr'kr
¼fd0eh0½ Length of
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@ dkUdzhV ekxZ VªSDl rFkk ioZrh; ekxZ Roads per Lakh
No. Percentage
Length of Year/District/Division/Region
{ks= Painted Cement & awaater Bound C. C.
Roads per Population
Concrete Roads
Tracks & Hill Cutting ;ksx thousand (Kms)
Roads Total Sq.Km.Area

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1
27&[khjh 4289 0 4289 558 89 1453 85 kheri

28&lhrkiqj 6358 0 6358 1107 119 1981 85 Sitapur

29&gjnksbZ 5357 0 5357 895 113 1445 76 Hardoi

30&mUuko 4911 0 4911 1077 143 1480 87 Unnao

31&y[kuÅ 3591 0 3591 1420 65 803 100 Lucknow

32&jk;cjsyh 4600 0 4600 998 118 1207 79 Raebareli

y[kuÅ e.My 29106 0 29106 936 105 8369 84 Lucknow Division

33&Q:Z[kkckn 2065 0 2065 947 95 658 75 Farrukhabad

34&dUukSt 3023 0 3023 1444 159 648 94 Kannauj

35&bVkok 3467 0 3467 1500 193 609 89 Etawah

36&vkSjS;k 2575 0 2575 1277 166 717 93 Auraiya

37&dkuiqj nsgkr 2958 0 2958 979 149 930 99 Kanpur Dehat

38&dkuiqj uxj 3237 0 3237 1026 67 901 100 Kanpur Nagar
dkuiqj e.My 17324 0 17324 1172 122 4463 92 Kanpur Division
39&tkykSu 2673 0 2673 586 142 777 82 Jalaun
40&>kWlh 2650 0 2650 528 120 618 83 Jhansi
41&yfyriqj 2080 0 2080 413 142 666 96 Lalitpur
>kWlh e.My 7404 0 7404 506 133 2061 87 Jhansi Division
42&gehjiqj 1830 0 1830 455 162 463 95 Hamirpur
43&egksck 1670 0 1670 531 161 435 100 Mahoba

44&ckWnk 3161 0 3161 717 156 553 84 Banda

45&fp=dwV 1983 0 1983 617 161 438 78 Chitrakoot

fp=dwV /kke e.My 8644 0 8644 585 160 1889 88 Chitrakoot Dham Div.

46&Qrsgiqj 3358 0 3358 809 116 1314 97 Fatehpur

47&izrkix<+ 5851 0 5851 1574 162 1606 74 Pratapgarh

48&dkS'kkEch 2030 0 2030 1141 107 729 100 Kaushambi

49&iz;kxjkt 9010 0 9010 1644 131 2807 100 Prayagraj

iz;kxjkt e.My 20249 0 20249 1338 132 6456 92 Prayagraj Division

50&ckjkcadh 5132 0 5132 1166 135 1770 98 Barabanki

51&v;ks/;k 3588 0 3588 1533 128 1235 100 Ayodhya

52&vEcsMdjuxj 3802 0 3802 1618 140 1381 84 AmbedkarNagar

53&lqYrkuiqj 4044 0 4044 912 149 1231 72 Sultanpur

54&vesBh 3200 0 3200 ** 187 958 98 Amethi

v;ks/;k e.My 19766 0 19766 1461 144 6575 89 Ayodhya Division

vuqo)--------- Contd------

23& ifjogu
23-3 & m0iz0 esa yksd fuekZ.k foHkkx }kjk la?k`r iDdh lM+dksa dh yEckbZ
Districtwise Surfaced Road Length Maintained by P.W.D. in UP.
lM+dksa dh yEckbZ¼fd0eh0½ Length of Roads (Kms) izfr gtkj oxZ izfr yk[k iDdh lM+dksa ls tqM+s xzke
fd0eh0 {ksrzQy tula[;k ij Villages Linked with
ij iDdh lM+dksa iDdh lM+dksa dh Road
dh yEckbZ yEckbZ ¼fd0eh0½
isaVsM rFkk lhesaV okVj ckm.M lh0lh0 la[;k izfr'kr
¼fd0eh0½ Length of
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@ dkUdzhV ekxZ VªSDl rFkk ioZrh; ekxZ Roads per Lakh
No. Percentage
Length of Year/District/Division/Region
{ks= Painted Cement & awaater Bound C. C.
Roads per Population
Concrete Roads
Tracks & Hill Cutting ;ksx thousand (Kms)
Roads Total Sq.Km.Area

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1
55&cgjkbp 3974 0 3974 759 82 1266 93 Bahraich

56&JkoLrh 1847 0 1847 1126 180 382 76 Shrawasti

57&cyjkeiqj 2991 0 2991 893 114 976 98 Balrampur

58&xks.Mk 6266 0 6266 1565 153 1596 88 Gonda

nsohikVu e.My 15078 0 15078 1060 120 4220 90 Devipatan Division

59&fl)kFkZuxj 3549 0 3549 1226 115 2057 88 SiddharthNagar

60&cLrh 4081 0 4081 1518 146 2105 67 Basti

61&lardchjuxj 2657 0 2657 1614 134 1499 95 SantkabirNagar

cLrh e.My 10287 0 10287 1423 131 5661 80 Basti Division

62&egjktxat 3467 0 3467 1175 109 731 61 Maharajganj

63&xksj[kiqj 6735 0 6735 2028 134 2271 77 Gorakhpur

64&dq'khuxj 5450 0 5450 1876 129 1484 100 KushiNagar

65&nsofj;k 4478 0 4478 1763 131 1174 58 Deoria

xksj[kiqj e.My 20130 0 20130 1718 127 5660 74 GorakhpurDivision

66&vktex<+ 6652 0 6652 1641 128 3479 92 Azamgarh

67&eÅ 2218 0 2218 1295 88 1157 77 Mau

68&cfy;k 3903 0 3903 1309 107 1177 64 Ballia

vktex<+ e.My 12773 0 12773 1460 112 5813 81 Azamgarh Division

69&tkSuiqj 6864 0 6864 1700 138 2504 78 Jaunpur

70&xkthiqj 6095 0 6095 1805 147 1931 71 Ghazipur

71&pUnkSyh 3309 0 3309 1302 149 1030 72 Chandauli

72&okjk.klh 3249 0 3249 2117 79 679 54 Varanasi

okjk.klh e.My 19517 0 19517 1698 126 6144 71 Varanasi Division

73&larjfonkl uxj 2021 0 2021 1991 114 963 89 SantravidasNagar

74&fetkZiqj 5232 0 5232 1188 185 1267 73 Mirzapur

75&lksuHknz 6303 0 6303 913 278 787 57 Sonbhadra

foU/;kpy e.My 13556 0 13556 1100 197 3017 71 Vindhyachal Division

1- if'peh lEHkkx 77871 0 77871 975 90 24553 90 Western Region

2- dsUnzh; lEHkkx 43789 0 43789 955 106 13284 89 Central Region

3- cqUnsy[k.M lEHkkx 16048 0 16048 546 146 3950 87 Bundelkhand Region

4- iwohZZ lEHkkx 122867 0 122867 1431 133 40462 80 Eastern Region

mRrj izns'k 260576 0 260576 1082 113 82249 85 Uttar Pradesh

** ekr` tuin esa lfEefyr ** Included in Mother District

lzksr%&yksd fuekZZ.k foHkkx] m0iz0A Source-Public Works Department, UP.

lzksr%&LRkEHk 7 tuinh; lkWf[;dh; if=dk 2020- Source.Col 7,District Sankhikiya Patrika 2020.

23& ifjogu

23-4 & m0iz0 esa jsy ekxksZ dh yEckbZ

Railway Route Length in UP.

¼fd0eh0 ½ ¼31 ekpZ dks½ (K.M.) (As on 31st March)

;ksx cM+h ykbu NksVh ykbu ldjh ykbu
o"kZ /Year
Broad Gauge Metre Gauge Narrow Gauge
1 2 3 4 5

2011-12 8800 7684 1114 2

2013-14 8920 8051 867 2

2014-15 8950 8065 883 2

2015-16 9077 8297 778 2

2016-17 9167 8453 712 2

2017-18* 8817 8111 704 2

2018-19 8823 8326 495 2

2019-20 8808 8423 383 2

2020-21 8799 8456 341 2

uksV%&* mRRkj iwoZ jsyos }kjk Li"Vhdkj.k@iqujkadu ds Note-* Revised after clarification/re-check
of Route Kms by North Eastern Railway.
Ik'pkr ekxZ fdyksehVj dks iqujhf{kr fd;k x;k A
lzksr%&jsyos cksMZ] Hkkjr ljdkj] ubZ fnYyh A Source- Railway Board .Govt. of India,
New Delhi .

24 & foi.ku ,oa Hk.Mkj.k
Marketing & Storage
24-1 m0iz0 esa fofu;fer ef.M;ksa dh tuinokj la[;k ¼d`f"k o"kZ 2020-21½
Districtwise No. of Regulated Markets in UP.( Agriculture Year-2020-21)

mi ef.M;ksa dks
eq[; e.Mh
mi e.Mh la[;k lfEefyr djrs gq,
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= la[;k Year/District/Division/Region
Main Markets
Sub Markets ef.M;ksa dh dqy la[;k
(No.) Markets including sub
market (No.)

1 2 3 4 1
1&lgkjuiqj 8 6 14 Saharanpur
2&eqtQ~Qjuxj 3 4 7 MuzaffarNagar
3&'kkeyh 4 3 7 Shamli
lgkjuiqj e.My 15 13 28 Saharanpur Division
4&fctukSj 7 8 15 Bijnor
5&eqjknkckn 1 5 6 Moradabad
6&laHky 4 0 4 Sambhal
7&jkeiqj 5 2 7 Rampur
8&vejksgk 3 3 6 Amroha
eqjknkckn e.My 20 18 38 Moradabad Division
9&esjB 4 2 6 Meerut
10&ckxir 2 5 7 Bagapat
11&xkft;kckn 2 1 3 Ghaziabad
12&gkiqqM+ 1 2 3 Hapur
13&xkSrecq) uxj 4 3 7 GautambuddhNagar
14&cqyUn'kgj 9 5 14 Bulandshahr
esjB e.My 22 18 40 Meerut Division
15&eFkqjk 2 9 11 Mathura
16&vkxjk 8 14 22 Agra
17&fQjkstkckn 4 2 6 Firozabad
18&eSuiqjh 3 5 8 Mainpuri
vkxjk e.My 17 30 47 Agra Div.
19&vyhx<+ 4 6 10 Aligarh
20&gkFkjl 3 5 8 Hathras
21&,Vk 3 5 8 Etah
22&dklxat 2 8 10 Kasganj
vyhx<+ e.My 12 24 36 Aligarh Div.
23&cnk;wW 8 8 16 Badaun
24&cjsyh 3 12 15 Bareilly
25&ihyhHkhr 3 7 10 Pilibhit
26&'kkgtgkWijq 5 8 13 Shahjahanpur
cjsyh e.My 19 35 54 Bareilly Division
vuqc)----- Contd--------------

24 & foi.ku ,oa Hk.Mkj.k
Marketing & Storage
24-1 m0iz0 esa fofu;fer ef.M;ksa dh tuinokj la[;k ¼d`f"k o"kZ 2020-21½
Districtwise No. of Regulated Markets in UP.( Agriculture Year-2020-21)

mi ef.M;ksa dks
eq[; e.Mh
mi e.Mh la[;k lfEefyr djrs gq,
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= la[;k Year/District/Division/Region
Main Markets
Sub Markets ef.M;ksa dh dqy la[;k
(No.) Markets including sub
market (No.)

1 2 3 4 1
27&[khjh 6 14 20 kheri
28&lhrkiqj 7 6 13 Sitapur
29&gjnksbZ 5 11 16 Hardoi
30&mUuko 3 6 9 Unnao
31&y[kuÅ 2 9 11 Lucknow
32&jk;cjsyh 4 12 16 Raebareli
y[kuÅ e.My 27 58 85 Lucknow Division
33&Q:Z[kkckn 4 3 7 Farrukhabad
34&dUukSt 2 9 11 Kannauj
35&bVkok 3 2 5 Etawah
36&vkSjS;k 3 7 10 Auraiya
37&dkuiqj nsgkr 3 6 9 Kanpur Dehat
38&dkuiqj uxj 4 6 10 Kanpur Nagar
dkuiqj e.My 19 33 52 Kanpur Division
39&tkykSu 7 5 12 Jalaun
40&>kWlh 6 6 12 Jhansi
41&yfyriqj 2 3 5 Lalitpur
>kWlh e.My 15 14 29 Jhansi Division
42&gehjiqj 5 4 9 Hamirpur
43&egksck 3 4 7 Mahoba
44&ckWnk 3 5 8 Banda
45&fp=dwV 2 2 4 Chitrakoot
fp=dwV /kke e.My 13 15 28 Chitrakoot Dham Div.
46&Qrsgiqj 5 6 11 Fatehpur
47&izrkix<+ 1 8 9 Pratapgarh
48&dkS'kkEch 3 0 3 Kaushambi
49&iz;kxjkt 4 16 20 Prayagraj
iz;kxjkt e.My 13 30 43 Prayagraj Division
50&ckjkcadh 2 4 6 Barabanki
51&v;ks/;k 2 4 6 Ayodhya
52&vEcsMdjuxj 2 4 6 AmbedkarNagar
53&lqYrkuiqj 1 2 3 Sultanpur
54&vesBh 2 0 2 Amethi
v;ks/;k e.My 9 14 23 Ayodhya Division
vuqo)--------- Contd--------------

24 & foi.ku ,oa Hk.Mkj.k
Marketing & Storage
24-1 m0iz0 esa fofu;fer ef.M;ksa dh tuinokj la[;k ¼d`f"k o"kZ 2020-21½
Districtwise No. of Regulated Markets in UP.( Agriculture Year-2020-21)

mi ef.M;ksa dks
eq[; e.Mh
mi e.Mh la[;k lfEefyr djrs gq,
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= la[;k Year/District/Division/Region
Main Markets
Sub Markets ef.M;ksa dh dqy la[;k
(No.) Markets including sub
market (No.)

1 2 3 4 1
55&cgjkbp 6 3 9 Bahraich
56&JkoLrh 1 0 1 Shrawasti
57&cyjkeiqj 4 0 4 Balrampur
58&xks.Mk 3 1 4 Gonda
nsohikVu e.My 14 4 18 Devipatan Division
59&fl)kFkZuxj 4 6 10 SiddharthNagar
60&cLrh 1 2 3 Basti
61&lardchjuxj 1 1 2 SantkabirNagar
cLrh e.My 6 9 15 Basti Division
62&egjktxat 4 9 13 Maharajganj
63&xksj[kiqj 3 4 7 Gorakhpur
64&dq'khuxj 1 3 4 KushiNagar
65&nsofj;k 1 6 7 Deoria
xksj[kiqj e.My 9 22 31 GorakhpurDivision
66&vktex<+ 1 5 6 Azamgarh
67&eÅ 2 4 6 Mau
68&cfy;k 4 6 10 Ballia
vktex<+ e.My 7 15 22 Azamgarh Division
69&tkSuiqj 3 9 12 Jaunpur
70&xkthiqj 4 7 11 Ghazipur
71&pUnkSyh 1 4 5 Chandauli
72&okjk.klh 1 5 6 Varanasi
okjk.klh e.My 9 25 34 Varanasi Division
73&larjfonkl uxj 1 2 3 SantravidasNagar
74&fetkZiqj 2 1 3 Mirzapur
75&lksuHknz 2 2 4 Sonbhadra
foU/;kpy e.My 5 5 10 Vindhyachal Division
1- if'peh lEHkkx 117 159 276 Western Region
2- dsUnzh; lEHkkx 41 80 121 Central Region
3- cqUnsy[k.M lEHkkx 28 29 57 Bundelkhand Region
4- iwohZZ lEHkkx 65 114 179 Eastern Region
mRrj izns'k 251 382 633 Uttar Pradesh
lzksr%&jkT; d`f"k mRiknu e.Mh lfefr] mRrj izns'kA Source:- Rajya Krishi Utpadan Mandi Samiti, UP.

24- foi.ku ,oa Hk.Mkj.k
24- Marketing & Storage
24-2 m0iz0 dh fu;fer ef.M;ksa esa d`f"k oLrqvksa dh okf"kZd dqy vkod¼d`f"k o"kZ 2020&21½
Annual arrival of Agriculture Commodities in Regulated Markets of UP.( Agriculture Year-2020-21)
¼gtkj eh0Vu½ (Thousand M.T.)

d`f"k mRikn 2011-12 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 Agriculture Products

1 2 3 4 5 6 1
1- xsgwW 10821 13698 14013 12933R 3910 1- Wheat

2- puk 563 424 604 607 134 2- Gram

3- tkS 151 121 123 91 34 3- Barley
4- pkoy 2801 3358 3108 2786 123 4- Rice
5- /kku 9676 11681 12519 13732 5265 5- Paddy
6- Tokj 63 59 61 60 34 6- Jwar

7- cktjk 548 918 649 713 281 7- Bajra

8- eDdk 725 1934 1768 1458 482 8- Maize

9- vjgj 318 299 324 285 8 9- Arhar

10- xqM+ 657 942 1009 1174R 260 10- Gur

11-ykgh ljlksa vkfn* 422 620 638 525 113 11- Mustard and rape seed etc*

12-ewwxQyh 234 339 376 387 165 12- Ground Nut

13- eVj 860 954 565 498 229 13- Peas
14- vylh 25 15 15 10 1 14-Linseed
15- vkyw 7483 9047 8978 8176 2424 15-Potato
R- la'kksf/kr R- Revised
uksV%&1-*lHkh izdkj dh ljlksa ykgh¼ftlesa jkbZ]nqoka rkjkehjk vkSj Note:-1. * Mustard and rape seed (including Rye,
rksfj;ka Hkh lfEefyr gSA½ 2- Duwan,Taramira and all Kinds.)
2. 46 dated 27.09.2020, which came into effect from
dsUnzh; ljdkj] d`f"k mit O;kikj vkSj okf.kT; ¼lao/kZu vkSj 05.06.2020, mainly due to the limited scope of the market
ljyhdj.k½vf/kfu;e] 2020 la[;k&46fnukad&27-09-2020] tks committees of the State to the main market/sub-market sites
fnukad&05-06-2020 ls izHkkoh gqvk] ds vuqlkj eq[; :i ls constructed as a change in trade area.
izns'k dh e.Mh lfefr;ksa ds VªsM ,fj;k esa ifjorZu Lo:i
fufeZr eq[; e.Mh@mie.Mh LFkyksa rd dk;Z{ks= lhfer gks tkus
ds dkj.k vkod esa fxjkoV vk;h gSA
Lkzkrs & jkT; d`f"k mRiknu eaMh ifj"kn] m0iz0A Source:- Rajya Krishi Utpadan Mandi Samiti, UP.

24 & foi.ku ,oa Hk.Mkj.k
Marketing & Storage
24-3 m0iz0 esa vfHkdj.kokj Hk.Mkj.k bdkbZ;ka ,oa mudh {kerk
Agencywise number and Capacity of Storage units in UP.
¼{kerk eh0 Vu esa½ (Capacity in M.T.)
Hkkjrh; [kk| fuxe m0 iz0 jkT; Hk.Mkj.k fuxe dsUnzh; Hk.Mkj.k fuxe ;ksx

o"kZ Food Corporation of India UP. State Warehousing

Central Warehousing

la[;k {kerk la[;k {kerk la[;k {kerk la[;k

Number Capacity Number Capacity Number Capacity Number Capacity

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
2011-12 50 2011172 142 3014978 43 929982 235 5956132

2013-14 50 2011172 159 3219931 32 838520 241 6069623

2014-15 50 2011172 160 3827748 38 842008 248 6680928

2015-16 50 2011172 161 3873535 33 838520 244 6723227

2016-17 48 1337309 152 3566987 33 808013 233 5712309

2017-18 48 1337308 152 3783709 34 822297 234 5943314
2018-19 48 1321208 158 4004132 34 849770 240 6175110
2019-20 47 1337308 156 3955014 34 849770 237R 6142092R
2020-21 47 1699000 157 3961148 36 940478 240 6600626

R- la'kksf/kr R- Revised

Lkzksr& Hkkjrh; [kk| fuxe@dsUnzh; Hk.Mkj.k fuxe@jkT;

Hk.Mkj.k fuxe] m-iz- A Source- Food Corpn. Of India/Central / State Warehousing Corpn. UP.

24&foi.ku ,oa Hk.Mkj.k
Marketing & Storage
24-4 m0iz0 eas jkT; ljdkj ds LokfeRo eas [kk|kUu Hk.Mkjksa dh ftysokj la[;k ,oa {kerk¼eh0Vu½

Districtwise number and Capacity (M.T.) of State owned Warehouses in UP.

2011-12 R 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20

o"kZ@tuin la[;k {kerk la[;k {kerk la[;k {kerk la[;k {kerk la[;k {kerk Year/District
Number Capacity Number Capacity Number Capacity Number Capacity Number Capacity

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1

1-lgkjuiqj 1 2000 1 2000 1 2000 1 2000 1 2000

2-eqtQ~Qjuxj 8 22873 8 22873 8 22873 8 22873 8 22873 Muzaffar Nagar

3-'kkeyh 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Shamli

4-fctukSj 4 12000 4 12000 4 12000 4 12000 4 12000 Bijnor

5-eqjknkckn 4 55955 3 56015 3 56015 3 56015 3 56015 Moradabad

6-laHky 1 6334 1 7325 1 7325 1 7325 1 7325 Sambhal

7-jkeiqj 13 18752 17 28100 17 28100 17 28100 17 28100 Rampur

8-vejksgk 22 5230 22 5230 22 5230 16 7021 16 7021 Amroha

9-esjB 24 14701 24 14701 24 14701 24 14701 24 14701 Meerut

10-ckxir 6 13 6 42 6 42 6 42 6 42 Bagapat

11-xkft;kckn 4 400 4 300 0 0 2 150 2 150 Ghaziabad

12-gkiqqM+ 7 900 7 900 7 900 7 1080 7 1080 Hapur

13-xkSrecq) uxj 1 500 1 500 0 0 0 0 0 0 G. buddh Nagar

14-cqyUn'kgj 48 84800 48 84800 48 45 45553 45 46694 Bulandshahr
15-eFkqjk 18 19200 18 19200 18 19200 18 19200 19 6700 Mathura

16-vkxjk 91 80662 91 79962 91 79962 91 79962 91 79962 Agra

17-fQjkstkckn 129 94070 55 121744 55 112442 47 59689 47 55389 Firozabad

18-eSuiqjh 36 19072 43 23598 43 23598 43 23598 0 12700 Mainpuri

19-vyhx<+ 24 8054 24 8054 24 8054 24 8054 24 8054 Aligarh

20&gkFkjl 16 3700 30 9209 30 9209 30 9209 37 15674 Hathras

21-,Vk 89 105331 87 34465 98 30565 98 30565 98 30565 Etah

22-dklxat 31 12378 15 8203 15 8203 15 8203 19 8203 Kasganj

23-cnk;wW 24 5532 24 5534 24 5534 24 5534 24 5534 Badaun

24-cjsyh 34 36192 34 36192 34 36198 34 36198 34 36198 Bareilly

25-ihyhHkhr 40 47500 40 47500 40 47500 40 47500 40 47500 Pilibhit

26-'kkgtgkWiqj 85 179040 61 179000 61 179000 61 179000 61 179000 Shahjahanpur

27-[khjh 160 23590 160 23590 160 23590 160 23590 160 23590 kheri

vuqc)-------- Contd…..

24&foi.ku ,oa Hk.Mkj.k
Marketing & Storage
24-4 m0iz0 eas jkT; ljdkj ds LokfeRo eas [kk|kUu Hk.Mkjksa dh ftysokj la[;k ,oa {kerk¼eh0Vu½

Districtwise number and Capacity (M.T.) of State owned Warehouses in UP.

2011-12 R 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20

o"kZ@tuin la[;k {kerk la[;k {kerk la[;k {kerk la[;k {kerk la[;k {kerk Year/District
Number Capacity Number Capacity Number Capacity Number Capacity Number Capacity

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1

28-lhrkiqj 61 6100 61 6100 61 6100 61 6100 61 6100 Sitapur

29-gjnksbZ 57 14332 47 13272 40 8970 40 8970 40 8970 Hardoi

30-mUuko 63 24700 16 15300 16 17700 16 17700 16 17700 Unnao

31-y[kuÅ 135 31600 135 21610 135 21610 135 21610 135 21610 Lucknow

32+-jk;cjsyh 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Raebareli

33-Q:Z[kkckn 33 6175 25 11350 25 11350 25 11350 25 11350 Farrukhabad

34-dUukSt 30 15645 24 3500 24 3500 24 3500 24 3500 Kannauj

35-bVkok 61 9250 127 11589 127 11589 8 7849 8 7849 Etawah

36-vkSjS;k 16 16500 23 23142 20 23142 20 23142 20 23142 Auraiya

37-dkuiqj nsgkr 41 7700 20 5300 20 5300 26 10003 26 10003 Kanpur Dehat

38-dkuiqj uxj 15 19742 35 28385 37 24888 37 24888 37 24888 Kanpur Nagar

39-tkykSu 27 22258 27 22258 27 22258 27 22258 27 22258 Jalaun

40->kWlh 94 12484 94 12484 255 16850 255 16850 255 16850 Jhansi

41-yfyriqj 48 14700 48 14700 48 14700 48 14700 48 14700 Lalitpur

42-gehjiqj 68 11250 68 11250 68 11250 68 11250 68 11250 Hamirpur

43-egksck 55 8750 55 8750 55 8750 55 8750 55 8750 Mahoba

44-ckWnk 14 29500 14 29500 14 29500 14 29500 14 29500 Banda

45-fp=dwV 10 1270 55 8396 56 8396 56 8396 56 9626 Chitrakoot

46-Qrsgiqj 206 58634 163 25614 163 25614 163 25614 163 24711 Fatehpur

47-izrkix<+ 8 36950 8 36950 8 36950 8 36950 8 36950 Pratapgarh

48-dkS'kkEch 17 7462 17 7462 11 10110 11 10110 11 10110 Kaushambi

49-iz;kxjkt 54 37492 54 37492 54 37492 54 37492 54 37492 Prayagraj

50-ckjkcadh 29 48004 41 112004 41 112004 41 112004 41 112004 Barabanki

51-v;ks/;k 116 23600 116 23600 125 23700 125 23900 125 23900 Ayodhya

52-vXcsMdjuxj 8 11631 114 78631 114 78631 108 32110 108 32510 Ambedkar Nagar

53-lqyrkuiqj 15 14500 15 14500 15 14500 15 14500 15 14500 Sultanpur

54-vesBh 15 17000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Amethi

vuqc) Contd…..

24&foi.ku ,oa Hk.Mkj.k
Marketing & Storage
24-4 m0iz0 eas jkT; ljdkj ds LokfeRo eas [kk|kUu Hk.Mkjksa dh ftysokj la[;k ,oa {kerk¼eh0Vu½

Districtwise number and Capacity (M.T.) of State owned Warehouses in UP.

2011-12 R 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20

o"kZ@tuin la[;k {kerk la[;k {kerk la[;k {kerk la[;k {kerk la[;k {kerk Year/District
Number Capacity Number Capacity Number Capacity Number Capacity Number Capacity

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1

55-cgjkbp 21 16950 21 16950 21 16950 17 14250 4 800 Bahraich

56-JkoLrh 7 920 12 6109 12 4939 12 5263 12 4835 Shrawasti

57-cyjkeiqj 1 3500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Balrampur

58-xks.Mk 27 38250 27 38250 27 38250 27 38250 27 38250 Gonda

59-fl)kFkZuxj 16 2321 1 550000 1 550000 1 550000 0 0 Sidarth Nagar

60-cLrh 24 3173 24 3173 24 3173 24 3173 24 3173 Basti

61-lardchjuxj 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Santkabir Nagar

62-egjktxat 131 27900 33 20089 33 20089 33 20089 33 20089 Maharajganj

63-xksj[kiqj 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Gorakhpur

64-dq'khuxj 9 9000 9 9000 9 9000 11 11000 11 11000 Kushi Nagar

65-nsofj;k 1 5000 1 5000 1 5000 1 5000 1 5000 Deoria

66-vktex<+ 60 59870 60 59870 60 59870 60 59870 17 14850 Azamgarh

67-eÅ 29 17895 29 17895 29 17865 29 17865 29 17865 Mau

68-cfy;k 1 800 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ballia

69-tkSuiqj 65 7065 65 7065 65 7065 65 7065 65 7065 Jaunpur

70-xkthiqj 62 13273 64 17949 64 17949 64 17949 64 17949 Ghazipur

71-pUnkSyh 35 5555 3 4000 3 4000 3 4000 3 4000 Chandauli

72-okjk.klh 9 10926 9 11425 9 11425 9 11425 0 0 Varanasi

73-larjfonkl uxj 81 13200 81 13200 81 13200 19 14705 20 16431 St Ravidas Nagar

74-fetkZiqj 52 25527 96 21400 96 22400 96 22600 107 23600 Mirzapur

75-lksuHknz 7 11200 2 2000 2 2000 2 2000 2 2000 Sonbhadra

mRrj izns'k 2854 1638333 2767 2217551 2930 2120270 2732 2071162 2647 1434200 Uttar Pradesh
lzksr%& tuinh; lkW0 Source-District Statistical Patrika
uksV%&R- la'kksf/kr jkT; ljdkj ds Note:- R -Revised State owned warehouse in up of combaend
information (state government +coprative+ other) & UP State
LokfeRo esa ¼jkT; ljdkj
warehouse corporation information in table 24.3 .
$lgdkfjrk $vU; ½ dh lwpuk
lfEefyr gS] rFkk m0iz0 jkT;
Hk.Mkj.k fuxe dh lwpuk
rk0 24-3 esa nh x;h gSA

24 & foi.ku ,oa Hk.Mkj.k
Marketing & Storage
24-5 mRrj izn's k esa fofHkUu ,tsfUl;ksa }kjk /kku ,oa xsgwa dh vf/kizkfIr ¼eh0 Vu½
Procurement of wheat and Paddy by different agencies in UP. ( M.T.)
m0iz0 jkT;
m0iz0 jkT;
jkT; m0iz lgdkjh [kk| ,oa fodkl Hkkjrh; [kk|
,xzks ;ksx
ljdkj la?k vko';d fuxe@vU; fuxe
o"kZ@ b.MfLVª;y
(Year) UP. State
UP. Food and UP. State Agro Development Food
State Govt. Cooperative essential Industrial corporation/ Corporation Of Total
Federation commodities Corporation. others India
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
/kku (Paddy)
2011-12 914568 591322 106138 226731 276823 2935 2118517
2014-15 1129627 311883 15066 26032 281875 53833.7 1818317
2015-16 2417507 582723 146387 109536 883242 204432 4343827
2016-17 2578940 175617 58660 73046 480900 146908 3514070
2017-18 1990493 851580 104053 114693 839273 390318 4290410
2018-19 2166820 871014 144367 143339 1432385 67437 4825364
2019-20 2495685 1081924 161077 196468 1626564 95283 5657002
2020-21 2839378 1618585 173587 188477 1754220 110030 6684277
2011-12 891503 1138748 188766 340541 813709 72203 3445470
2014-15 54794 276790 30625 56534 158475 50805 628023
2015-16 225366 517326 51180 90295 957065 163584 2267079
2016-17 164196 351079 29388 30269 175950 46344 797227
2017-18 820439 1768652 89206 136370 576624 15-Potato 3699172
2018-19 1280012 2475403 91159 170323 920448 354998 5292344
2019-20 991020 1573084 101305 119606 809683 109567 3704265
2020-21 746217 1561755 75780 123414 935088 134453 3576707
Lkzksr& [kk| ,oa jln foHkkx, m0iz0,y[kuÅ A source-food and supply Deptt. UP.Lucknow.

24&foi.ku ,oa Hk.Mkj.k
Marketing & Storage
24-6 mRrj izn's k esa lLrs xYys dh nqdkuksa dh la[;k
Number of Fair Price Shops in Uttar Pradesh

o"kZ Years xzkeh.k Rural uxjh; Urban ;ksx Total

1 2 3 4
2011-12 63969 9058 73027

2014-15 ** ** 77116

2015-16 65888 13172 79060

2016-17 ** ** 79903

2017-18 ** ** 81129

2018-19 68821 11733 80554

2019-20 68917 11210 80127

2020-21 68735 10815 79550

uksV%&vkWWauykbu n'kkZ;k x;k MkVk fnukad 25-08-2021 Note:- According to Online data date 25.08.2021.
ds vuqlkj A
Lkzksr& [kk| ,oa jln foHkkx, m0iz0, y[kuÅ A
Source- Food and Civil Supply Deptt. UP. Lucknow.

25& lapkj
25-1 & m0iz0 esa Mkdh; laLFkkvksa dh ftysokj la[;k
Districtwise Number of Postal Institution in Uttar Pradesh

Mkd?kj Post Offices VsyhQksu

uxjh; xzkeh.k ;ksx ,Dlpstas dk;Zjr VsyhQksu b.VjusV MCY;w-,y-,y- MCY;w-,y-,y-
dusD'ku lClØkboj fQDl~M dusD'ku eksckby dusD'ku
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= Year/District/Division/Region

Urban Rural Total Telephone Working telephone Internet W.L.L.Fixed W.L.L.Mobile

Exchange Connections Subscribers Connections Connections
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1

2011-12 1925 15744 17669 3208 1803527 230047 504378 41931 2011-12
2013-14 1927 15744 17671 3134 1088833 132800 254356 64786 2013-14
2014-15 1925 15730 17655 3110 734341 103047 245442 69217 2014-15
2015-16 1933 15729 17662 3289 706023 204696 63595 7452 2015-16
2016-17 1935 15735 17670 3286 696218 197748 62962 6921 2016-17
2017-18 1924 15747 17671 3068 568962 180816 0 0 2017-18
2018-19 1927 15745 17672 3061 530540 167728 0 0 2018-19
2019-20 1927 15743 17670 2289 414600 157236 0 0 2019-20
2020-21 1904 15761 17665 2267 258617 78843 0 0 2020-21
1&lgkjuiqj 32 179 211 45 3241 1262 0 0 Saharanpur
2&eqtQ~Qjuxj 30 191 221 MuzaffarNagar
63 5325 2244 0 0
3&'kkeyh 15 83 98 Shamli
lgkjuiqj e.My 77 453 530 108 8566 15-Potato 0 0 Saharanpur Division
4&fctukSj 37 266 303 54 2818 1154 0 0 Bijnor
5&eqjknkckn 29 114 143 Moradabad
73 7844 2729 0 0
6&laHky 18 121 139 Sambhal
7&jkeiqj 22 95 117 Rampur
32 1725 617 0 0
8&vejksgk 16 110 126 Amroha
eqjknkckn e.My 122 706 828 159 12387 4500 0 0 Moradabad Division
9&esjB 76 172 248 Meerut
66 15316 4951 0 0
10&ckxir 11 140 151 Bagapat
11&xkft;kckn 47 71 118 Ghaziabad
57 15495 3344 0 0
12&gkiqqM+ 10 89 99 Hapur
13&xkSrecq) uxj 29 80 109 48 13508 2147 0 0 GautambuddhNagar
14&cqyUn'kgj 39 287 326 35 1844 603 0 0 Bulandshahr
esjB e.My 212 839 1051 206 46163 11045 0 0 Meerut Division
15&eFkqjk 44 175 219 27 2775 859 0 0 Mathura
16&vkxjk 83 272 355 Agra
82 11209 3810 0 0
17&fQjkstkckn 21 156 177 Firozabad
18&eSuiqjh 17 139 156 39 1077 378 0 0 Mainpuri
vkxjk e.My 165 742 907 148 15061 5047 0 0 Agra Div.
19&vyhx<+ 47 313 360 Aligarh
61 3728 1196 0 0
20&gkFkjl 15 138 153 Hathras
21&,Vk 15 181 196 Etah
37 1976 799 0 0
22&dklxat 10 101 111 Kasganj
vyhx<+ e.My 87 733 820 98 5704 1995 0 0 Aligarh Div.
23&cnk;wW 33 251 284 35 926 512 0 0 Badaun
24&cjsyh 64 227 291 60 5207 1948 0 0 Bareilly
25&ihyhHkhr 17 135 152 33 673 302 0 0 Pilibhit
26&'kkgtgkWiqj 36 258 294 26 2930 245 0 Shahjahanpur
cjsyh e.My 150 871 1021 154 9736 3007 0 0 Bareilly Division
vuqc)----- Contd--------------

25& lapkj
25-1 & m0iz0 esa Mkdh; laLFkkvksa dh ftysokj la[;k
Districtwise Number of Postal Institution in Uttar Pradesh

Mkd?kj Post Offices VsyhQksu

uxjh; xzkeh.k ;ksx ,Dlpstas dk;Zjr VsyhQksu b.VjusV MCY;w-,y-,y- MCY;w-,y-,y-
dusD'ku lClØkboj fQDl~M dusD'ku eksckby dusD'ku
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= Year/District/Division/Region

Urban Rural Total Telephone Working telephone Internet W.L.L.Fixed W.L.L.Mobile

Exchange Connections Subscribers Connections Connections
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1

27&[khjh 18 370 388 35 1819 941 0 0 kheri

28&lhrkiqj 34 384 418 32 2897 824 0 0 Sitapur
29&gjnksbZ 26 307 333 39 5476 706 0 0 Hardoi
30&mUuko 24 247 271 46 1412 491 0 0 Unnao
31&y[kuÅ 129 155 284 81 28100 8166 0 0 Lucknow
32&jk;cjsyh 21 341 362 30 2154 1051 0 0 Raebareli
y[kuÅ e.My 252 1804 2056 263 41858 12179 0 0 Lucknow Division
33&Q:Z[kkckn 33 123 156 Farrukhabad
32 5681 977 0 0
34&dUukSt 14 134 148 Kannauj
35&bVkok 21 157 178 Etawah
38 1695 746 0 0
36&vkSjS;k 12 143 155 Auraiya
37&dkuiqj nsgkr 13 289 302 Kanpur Dehat
58 18170 798 0 0
38&dkuiqj uxj 95 81 176 Kanpur Nagar
dkuiqj e.My 188 927 1115 128 25546 2521 0 0 Kanpur Division
39&tkykSu 24 221 245 15 1327 543 0 0 Jalaun
40&>kWlh 53 160 213 Jhansi
40 6220 2966 0 0
41&yfyriqj 10 144 154 Lalitpur
>kWlh e.My 87 525 612 55 7547 3509 0 0 Jhansi Division
42&gehjiqj 9 122 131 Hamirpur
23 882 462 0 0
43&egksck 9 87 96 Mahoba
44&ckWnk 17 188 205 Banda
31 3028 559 0 0
45&fp=dwV 7 80 87 Chitrakoot
fp=dwV /kke e.My 42 477 519 54 3910 1021 0 0 Chitrakoot Dham Div.
46&Qrsgiqj 14 242 256 28 1016 261 0 0 Fatehpur
47&izrkix<+ 16 347 363 51 7017 1965 0 0 Pratapgarh
48&dkS'kkEch 1 130 131 Kaushambi
69 10236 4567 0 0
49&iz;kxjkt 58 354 412 Prayagraj
iz;kxjkt e.My 89 1073 1162 148 18269 6793 0 0 Prayagraj Division
50&ckjkcadh 18 343 361 44 2028 836 0 0 Barabanki
51&v;ks/;k 37 344 381 Ayodhya
60 2871 1278 0 0
52&vEcsMdjuxj 9 313 322 AmbedkarNagar
53&lqYrkuiqj 2 196 198 Sultanpur
64 7479 1439 0 0
54&vesBh 14 374 388 Amethi
v;ks/;k e.My 80 1570 1650 168 12378 3553 0 0 Ayodhya Division
vuqo)--------- Contd--------------

25& lapkj
25-1 & m0iz0 esa Mkdh; laLFkkvksa dh ftysokj la[;k
Districtwise Number of Postal Institution in Uttar Pradesh

Mkd?kj Post Offices VsyhQksu

uxjh; xzkeh.k ;ksx ,Dlpstas dk;Zjr VsyhQksu b.VjusV MCY;w-,y-,y- MCY;w-,y-,y-
dusD'ku lClØkboj fQDl~M dusD'ku eksckby dusD'ku
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= Year/District/Division/Region

Urban Rural Total Telephone Working telephone Internet W.L.L.Fixed W.L.L.Mobile

Exchange Connections Subscribers Connections Connections
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1

55&cgjkbp 13 279 292 Bahraich

22 2998 514 0 0
56&JkoLrh 2 100 102 Shrawasti
57&cyjkeiqj 11 174 185 Balrampur
34 2934 1388 0 0
58&xks.Mk 18 333 351 Gonda
nsohikVu e.My 44 886 930 56 5932 1902 0 0 Devipatan Division
59&fl)kFkZuxj 9 205 214 SiddharthNagar
60&cLrh 14 277 291 76 3003 976 0 0 Basti
61&lardchjuxj 5 182 187 SantkabirNagar
cLrh e.My 28 664 692 76 3003 976 0 0 Basti Division
62&egjktxat 3 216 219 Maharajganj
74 5145 1692 0 0
63&xksj[kiqj 43 356 399 Gorakhpur
64&dq'khuxj 12 211 223 KushiNagar
57 1707 745 0 0
65&nsofj;k 22 263 285 Deoria
xksj[kiqj e.My 80 1046 1126 131 6852 2437 0 0 GorakhpurDivision
66&vktex<+ 21 387 408 42 1760 643 0 0 Azamgarh
67&eÅ 11 190 201 38 1634 597 0 0 Mau
68&cfy;k 18 336 354 39 1351 254 0 0 Ballia
vktex<+ e.My 50 913 963 119 4745 1494 0 0 Azamgarh Division
69&tkSuiqj 24 398 422 45 4242 212 0 0 Jaunpur
70&xkthiqj 20 360 380 35 2542 645 0 0 Ghazipur
71&pUnkSyh 8 171 179 75 Chandauli
20502 10736 0 0
72&okjk.klh 71 190 261 Varanasi
okjk.klh e.My 123 1119 1242 155 27286 11593 0 0 Varanasi Division
73&larjfonkl uxj 2 101 103 SantravidasNagar
74&fetkZiqj 18 161 179 41 3674 1765 0 0 Mirzapur
75&lksuHknz 8 151 159 Sonbhadra
foU/;kpy e.My 28 413 441 41 3674 1765 0 0 Vindhyachal Division
1- if'peh lEHkkx 893 4901 5794 943 104993 #VALUE! 0 0 Western Region
2- dsUnzh; lEHkkx 392 2759 3151 393 63072 14074 0 0 Central Region
3- cqUnsy[k.M lEHkkx 129 1002 1131 109 11457 4530 0 0 Bundelkhand Region
4- iwohZZ lEHkkx 490 7099 7589 822 79095 29416 0 0 Eastern Region
mRrj izns'k 1904 15761 17665 2267 258617 #VALUE! 0 0 Uttar Pradesh
† tuin 'kkeyh] laHky] vejksgk] ckxir] gkiqM+] fQjkstkckn] gkFkjl] dklxat] dUukSt] vkSjS;k] dkuiqjnsgkr] yfyriqj] egksck] fp=dwV] dkS'kkEch] vEcsMdjuxj] vesBh]
JkoLrh] cyjkeiqj] fl}kFkZuxj] lardchjuxj] egjktxat] dq'kkhuxj] pUnkSyh] larjfonkluxj] lksuHknz dh lwpuk,a dze'k% eqtQ~Qjuxj] eqjknkckn] jkeiqj esjB] xkft;kckn]
vkxjk] vyhx<+] ,Vk] Q:Z[kkckn] bVkok] dkuiqjuxj] >kWlh] gehjiqj] ckank] bykgkckn] QStkckn] lqYrkuiqj] cgjkbp] xks.Mk] cLrh] xksj[kiqj] nsofj;k] okjk.klh rFkk fetkZiqj esa
lfEefyr gSaA
† Information of Shamli, Sambhal, Amroha, Baghpat , Hapur, Firozabad, Hathras, Kasganj, Kannauj, Auraiya, KanpurDehat, Lalitpur, Mahoba, Chitrakoot, Kaushambi,
AmbedkarNagar, Amethi, Shrawasti, Balrampur, SiddhartNagar, SantkabirNagar, Maharajgaj, KushiNagar, Chandauli, SantravidasNagar, Sonbhadra, are included in
Muzaffarnagar, Moradabad, Rampur, Meerut, Ghaziabad, Agra, Aligarh, Etah, Farukhabad, Etawah, KanpurNagar, Jhansi, Hamirpur, Banda, Allahabad,
Faizabad, Sultanpur, Bahraich, Gonda, Basti, Gorakhpur, Deoria, Varanasi, and Mirzapur respectively.
Lkzksr& eq[; egkizCkU/kd Mkd?kj ,oa nwjlapkj] m0iz0 A Source- Chief G.M. & Telecommunication, UP.

26&i;ZVu ,oa ukxfjd mM~M;u
Tourism & Civil Aviation
26-1 & m0iz0 esa ftysokj izeq[k i;ZVu LFky ,oa mudks ns[kus vkus okys i;ZVdksa dh la[;k
Districtwise Important Tourist Spots & No. of Tourists Visiting Them in Uttar Pradesh
dze ftyk i;ZVu LFky i;ZVdksa dh la[;k ¼yk[k½ Tourist Spot District
la[;k N0. of Tourists (Lakh)
2011 2018 2019 2020 2021(*)
1 2 3 4 3 4 5 6 3 2
1 vkxjk vkxjk 79.65 106.28 108.66 26.97 14.79 Agra Agra
2 okjk.klh okjk.klh 47.12 64.44 67.97 9.82 1.26 Varanasi Varanasi
3 v;ks/;k v;ks/;k 121.87 192.44 201.49 60.22 3.22 Ayodhya Ayodhya
4 iz;kxjkt iz;kxjkt 315.63 448.15 2852.28 319.33 85.12 Prayagraj Prayagraj
5 xksj[kiqj xksj[kiqj 21.96 27.92 30.51 14.77 3.19 Gorakhpur Gorakhpur
6 eFkqjk eFkqjk 65.98 76.88 82.69 13.70 5.60 Mathura Mathura
7 y[kuÅ y[kuªÅ 41.39 99.53 57.86 19.27 15.07 Lucknow Lucknow
8 lhrkiqj uhelkj 0.02 101.57 107.04 6.94 0.41 Neemsar Sitapur
9 JkoLrh JkoLrh 2.03 11.32 12.71 0.16 0.01 Sharawasti Sharawasti
10 dq'khuxj dq'khuxj 7.78 9.77 10.96 3.23 1.21 Kushi Nagar Kushi Nagar
11 ckjkcadh nsok'kjhQ 3.79 7.14 7.58 3.46 1.32 Deva Sharif Barabanki
12 >kalh >kalh 19.83 78.38 80.35 12.54 7.77 Jhansi Jhansi
13 fp=dwV fp=dwV 49.95 68.01 72.39 15.87 4.81 Chitrakoot Chitrakoot
14 okjk.klh lkjukFk 11.43 15.05 14.68 4.61 1.97 Sarnath Varanasi
Gola Gokaran
15 [khjh xksyk xksdjuukFk 1.85 2.49 2.43 0.63 0.11 Kheri
16 vkxjk Qrsgiqj lhdjh 6.69 6.91 7.29 1.82 0.52 Fatehpur Sikri Agra

[khjh nq/kok us'kuy ikdZ Dudhwa

17 0.08 0.38 0.39 0.35 0.10 Kehri
National Park
18 dkS'kkEch dkS'kkEch 1.49 21.76 21.76 5.17 4.96 Kaushambi Kaushambi

lardchjuxj exgj Sant Kabeer

19 2.23 1.11 1.28 0.54 0.09 Maghar
(*) -ekg tuojh 2021 ls flRkEcj 2021 rd (*) -Month Janvary 2021 to September 2021
uksV& dqEHk esyk@ Luku iz;kxjkt esa o"kZ 2019 esa ekg tuojh 2019 ls ekpZ 2019 rd vk;s Hkkjrh; Ik;ZVd@J}kyq &239470000 rFkk fons'kh Ik;ZVd@J}kyq
& 1030000 mDr Ik;ZVd lk¡f[;dh; esa lfEefyr gSA

Lkzksr%&i;ZVu egkfuns'kky;] m0iz0A Source- DirectorateGeneral of Tourism, UP.

26 & i;ZVu ,oa ukxfjd mM~M;u
Tourism & Civil Aviation
26-2 & m0iz0 rFkk Hkkjr esa vkus okys fons'kh i;ZVdksa dh la[;k rFkk vftZr fons'kh eqnzk
No. of Foreigner Tourists Visiting in UP. & India and Earned Foreign Currency from them
fons'kh i;ZVd ¼yk[k½ vftZr fons'kh eqnzk ¼djksM+ :0 esa½
Foreigner Tourists (Lakh) Earned Foreign Currency (Crore Rs.)
o"kZ@ year
m0iz0 Hkkjr m0iz0 Hkkjr
U.P. India U.P. India
1 2 3 4 5

2011 26.39 63.09 16607.20E 83036.00

2014 29.10 76.79 24073.40 E 120367.00

2015 31.04 80.27 26968.80 E 134844.00

2016 31.57 88.04 30829.20 E 154146.00#2

2017 35.56 100.35 35574.80 E 177874.00#2

2018 37.80 105.57 38976.20 E 194881.00#2

2019 47.45 109.30 42332.20 E 211661.00#2

2020 8.90 71.71 10027.20 E 50136.00#2

2021 E 0.15 NA NA NA

uksV%& E- vuqekfur Note:-E-Provisional

NA-vuqiyC/k NA- Not Available

#2- vuafre #i ls vuqeku¼C;wwjks vkWWQ behxzs'ku bf.M;k ls izkIr vafre QkWjsu VwfjLV ,jkboy ds vk/kkj ij½

lkzsr%&i;ZVu egkfuns'kky;] m0iz0 A Source- D. G. of Tourism, UP.

27 & Je ,oa jkstxkj
Labour & Employment
27-1 & m0iz0 esa okf.kfT;d izfr"Bkuks]a nqdkuksa dh la[;k rFkk muesa dk;Zjr deZpkjh
No. of Commercial Establishments, Shops & Workers Employed in them in UP.
uxjksa dh nqdkusa okf.kfT;d izfr"Bku gksVy ,oa tyiku x`g ;ksx
No. of Shops Comm. Hotel & Restaurants Total
o"kZ@year Towns Establishments
la[;k deZpkjh la[;k deZpkjh la[;k deZpkjh la[;k deZpkjh
Number Employees Number Employees Number Employees Number Employees

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

2011-12 689 490213 585723 201691 935336 75603 169205 767507 1690264

2013-14 915 490869 479327 224830 936871 76817 171503 792516 1787701

2014-15 915 356566 1134208 226629 689238 164667 454266 747862 2277712

2015-16 915 353116 1119774 224179 679843 162718 450364 740013 2249987

2016-17 915 353733 1121730 224796 681714 163336 452074 741865 2255518

2017-18 915 353533 1120980 224596 680985 163172 451881 741301 2253846

2018-19 915 318243 288336 306673 1833192 7462 53665 632378 2175193

2019-20 915 350866 315288 337831 2080096 6267 54926 694964 2450310

2020-21 915 370657 339729 359338 2506275 7158 59447 729995 2846004
Lkzksr%& Jek;qDr] m0 iz0] dkuiqjA Source-Labour Commissioner ,UP.,Kanpur

27& Je ,oa jkstxkj
Labour & Employment
27-2&m0iz0 esa m|ksxkuqlkj iathd`r dk;Zjr dkj[kkuksa dh la[;k vkSj muesa dk;Zjr izfrfnu vkSlr Jfed] 2017&18
Industrywise No. of Registered Working Factories & Average Daily Workers Employed in them in UP.2017-18

iathd`r izfrfnu vkSlr

m|ksx oxZ
m|ksx dk fooj.k
dkj[kkus Jfed Industries
Registered Average Daily
Industry group
Factories workers
1 2 3 4 1
10 [kk| mRikn ds fofuekZ.k 1984 148372 Manufacturing of food products
11 is; mRikn ds fofuekZ.k 133 12737 Manufacturing of beverages
12 rEckdw mRiknu dk fofuekZ.k 198 14019 Manufacture of tobacco products
13 oL= fofuekZ.k 929 61598 Manufacture of textiles
14 iguus ds diM+ksa dk fofuekZ.k 1216 105038 Manufacture of wearing apparel
Manufacture of leather and related
15 peM+k ,oa peM+k mRikn dk fofuekZ.k 857 68644
Manufacture of wood and products
ydM+h rFkk ydM+h o dkdZ ds mRiknksa of wood and cork, except furniture;
16 dk fofuekZ.k QuhZpj ds vfrfjDr LVªk 287 6860 manufacture of articles of straw and
IysfVax oLrqvksa dk fofuekZ.k plaiting materials
Manufacture of paper and paper
17 dkxt rFkk dkxt mRikn dk fofuekZ.k 581 21476
Printing and reproduction of
18 eqnz.k rFkk fjdkMsM
Z ehfM;k dk iqumZRiknu 417 12874
recorded media
dksd ,oa issVªksfy;e 'kks/ku mRiknksa dk Manufacture of coke and refined
19 73 4880
fofuekZ.k petroleum products
Manufacture of chemicals and
20 jlk;u rFkk jlk;u mRiknksa dk fofuekZ.k 677 44593
chemical products
QkekZlwfVdYl]vkS"kf/k; ,oa ouLifrd Manufacture of pharmaceuticals,
21 227 10880 medicinal chemical and botanical
mRikn dk fofuekZ.k products
Manufacture of rubber and plastics
22 jcM+ rFkk IykfLVd mRiknksa dk fofuekZ.k 961 41229
vU; v/kkfRod ,oa [kfut mRiknks dk Manufacture of other non-metallic
23 1300 46717
fofuekZ.k mineral products
24 ewy /kkrqvksa dk fofuekZ.k 596 31338 Manufacture of basic metals
QSfczdsVsM /kkrq mRiknksa dk fofuekZ.k] Manufacture of fabricated metal
25 1422 137821 products, except machinery and
e'khujh rFkk miLdj ds vfrfjDr equipment
dEI;wVj]bysDVªkfuDl ,oa vkfIVdy mRiknksa Manufacture of computer, electronic
26 249 27781
dk fofuekZ.k and optical products

27 fo|qqr midj.kksa dk fofuekZ.k Manufacture of electrical equipment

621 27417
Manufacture of machinery and
28 vU; e'khujh rFkk miLdj dk fofuekZ.k
722 32966 equipment n.e.c.
Manufacture of motor vehicles,
29 eksVj okgu] Vªsyjksa lsehVªsyjksa dk fofuekZ.k
277 32183 trailers and semi-trailers
Manufacture of other transport
30 vU; ifjogu miLdj dk fofuekZ.k
163 12088 equipments

27& Je ,oa jkstxkj
Labour & Employment
27-2&m0iz0 esa m|ksxkuqlkj iathd`r dk;Zjr dkj[kkuksa dh la[;k vkSj muesa dk;Zjr izfrfnu vkSlr Jfed] 2017&18
Industrywise No. of Registered Working Factories & Average Daily Workers Employed in them in UP.2017-18

iathd`r izfrfnu vkSlr

m|ksx oxZ
m|ksx dk fooj.k
dkj[kkus Jfed Industries
Registered Average Daily
Industry group
Factories workers
1 2 3 4 1
31 QuhZpj dk fofuekZ.k 119 8101 Manufacturing of furniture
32 vU; fofuekZ.k 349 35344 Other manufacturing
e'khujh rFkk miLdj dk LFkkiu ,oa Repair and installation of machinery
ejEer 50 1094 and equipment

Electricity, gas, steam and air

35 fctyh] xSl] ,oa okrkuqdwfyax dh vkiwfrZ
63 5999 conditioning supply
Water collection, treatment and
36 ikuh dk laxzg.k] 'kq}hdj.k rFkk vkiwfrZ
1 0 supply
osLV dysD'ku]VªhVesaUV ,oa fMLiksty Waste collection, treatment and
fdz;k,a 6 384 disposal activities; materials
42 flfoy bathfu;fjax 0 0 Civil engineering
43 fof'k"V fuekZ.k fdz;k,a 0 0 Specialized construction activities
eksVj okguksa o eksVj lkbfdyksa dk Fkksd Wholesale and retail trade and
45 repair of motor vehicles and
,oa QqVdj O;kikj ,oa ejEer 585 26322 motorcycles
Fkksd O;kikj] eksVj okguksa o eksVj Wholesale trade, except of motor
lkbfdyksa ds vfrfjDr 0 62 vehicles and motorcycles
QqVdj O;kikj]eksVj okguksa o eksVj Retail trade, except of motor
lkbfdyksa ds vfrfjDr 0 172 vehicles and motorcycles
51 gokbZ ifjogu 0 70 Air transport
Hk.Mkj.k ,oaa lg;ksxh fdz;kdyki gsrq Warehousing and support activities
;krk;kr 815 13265 for transportation
55 vkokl 0 12 Accommodation
58 izdk'ku 13 460 Publishing activities
68 Hkwfe Hkou fcdzh O;kkikj 0 0 Land buildings sale trade
72 oSKkfud 'kks/k ,oa fodkl 0 0 Scientific research & Development
vU; O;olkf;d] oSKkfud ,oa rduhdh Other professional, scientific and
fdz;k,a 3 2 technical activities
Hkou ,oa Hkwfe lEcU/kh fØ;kvksa dh Services to buildings and landscape
lsok;sa 0 0 activities
dk;kZy; izk'kklfud]dk;kZy; lg;ksxh ,oa Office administrative, office support
82 and other business support
vU; O;olk; lg;ksxh fdz;k,a 12 168 activities
Creative arts & entertainment
90 jpukRed dyk vkSj euksjatu fdz;kdyki
0 14 activities
[ksy izfØ;k ,oa ,E;wtesUV o fjØs'ku Sport, amusement & recreation
izzfØ;k;sa 0 0 activities
dEI;wVj o oS;fDrd ,oa ?kjsyw lkekuksa Repairing of computers and
dh ejEer 7 589 personal and household goods
96 vU; oS;fDrd lsok lEcU/kh fdz;k,a 13 358 Other personal service activities
;ksx 15926 993927 Total

lzksr% okf"kZd m|ksx losZ{k.k m-iz-A

27 & Je ,oa jkstxkj
Labour & Employment
27-3 & m0iz0 esa iw.kZdkfyd dqy vuqlwfpr tkfr ,oa tutkfr ds jkT; deZpkjh &2021
Whole Time Total Scheduled Caste & Scheduled Tribes State Govt. Employees in UP. - 2021

¼31ekpZ dh fLFkfr½ (As on 31st march)

dqy iw.kZdkfyd deZpkjh vuq0tkfr ,oa vuq0 dqy deZpkfj;ksa ls
tutkfr ds deZpkjh vuq0tkfr ,oa
whole time total S.C / S.T total tutkfr ds
employees employees
deZpkfj;ksa dk izfr'kr
lsok oxZ la[;k izfr'kr la[;k izfr'kr Service Group

Number Percentage Number Percentage Percentage to S.C. &

S.T. Employees to
Total Employees

1 2 3 4 5 6 1

1- izFke Js.kh 8 0.47 0 0.00 0.00 Class - I

2- f}rh; Js.kh 249 14.77 33 10.28 13.25 Class - II

3- r`rh; Js.kh 1032 61.21 170 52.96 16.47 Class - III

4- prqFkZ Js.kh 397 23.55 118 36.76 29.72 Class - IV

leLr 1686 100.00 321 100.00 19.04 All Classes

Source:- Directorate of Training and

Lkzksr%& izf'k{k.k ,oa lsok;kstu funs'kky;]m0iz0 A Employment, UP.

27 & Je ,oa jkstxkj
Labour and Employment
27-4 - m0iz0 esa jkstxkj dk;kZy;kssa }kjk ftysokj iathdj.k ,oa jkstxkj ls yxkus dk dk;Z
Districtwise Applicants Registered - Placed in Employment through Employment Exchange in ]UP.
iath;u dke ij o"kZ ds vUr esa vf/klwfpr fjDr
yxk;s x;s thfor iaftdk ij LFkku
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= vH;FkhZ vH;FkhZ Year/District/
Applicants Applicants Applicant on the Live Vacancies Notified
Registered Placed in Registered at the end
Employment of year
1 2 3 4 5 1
2012 5454789 8691 6922611 2736 2012
2014 455689 38870 7371876 2151 2014
2015 757637 43025 3402974 1631 2015
2016 619704 68521 3178009 963 2016
2017 326280 47930 2647227 931 2017
2018 422430 113910 2111754 237 2018
2019 985459 95961 3304750 116 2019
2020 304836 123525 3614927 109 2020
1&lgkjuiqj 7401 5507 57942 0 Saharanpur
2&eqtQ~Qjuxj 4099 533 36434 0 MuzaffarNagar
3&'kkeyh 1192 466 11855 0 Shamli
lgkjuiqj e.My 12692 6506 106231 0 Saharanpur Division
4&fctukSj 6481 346 46359 0 Bijnor
5&eqjknkckn 5394 2276 41946 0 Moradabad
6&laHky 1496 355 15106 0 Sambhal
7&jkeiqj 4940 1262 29493 47 Rampur
8&vejksgk 2599 243 19215 0 Amroha
eqjknkckn e.My 20910 4482 152119 47 Moradabad Division
9&esjB 4875 5351 47986 0 Meerut
10&ckxir 777 760 12155 0 Bagapat
11&xkft;kckn 2805 774 29212 0 Ghaziabad
12&gkiqqM+ 1558 1094 8028 0 Hapur
13&xkSrecq) uxj 1214 436 9896 0 GautambuddhNagar
14&cqyUn'kgj 3992 1643 35618 0 Bulandshahr
esjB e.My 15221 10058 142895 0 Meerut Division
15&eFkqjk 2088 305 21873 2 Mathura
16&vkxjk 6780 3872 57509 9 Agra
17&fQjkstkckn 2747 2604 40224 0 Firozabad
18&eSuiqjh 2152 526 38559 0 Mainpuri
vkxjk e.My 13767 7307 158165 11 Agra Div.
19&vyhx<+ 3708 2791 32148 0 Aligarh
20&gkFkjl 2001 2400 14871 0 Hathras
21&,Vk 1784 1171 27666 0 Etah
22&dklxat 1293 1302 14624 0 Kasganj
vyhx<+ e.My 8786 7664 89309 0 Aligarh Div.
23&cnk;wW 3959 815 41371 0 Badaun
24&cjsyh 7882 4037 77388 0 Bareilly
25&ihyhHkhr 2541 1122 44938 0 Pilibhit
26&'kkgtgkWiqj 3509 2963 45812 0 Shahjahanpur
cjsyh e.My 17891 8937 209509 0 Bareilly Division
vuqc)------- Contd…

27 & Je ,oa jkstxkj
Labour and Employment
27-4 - m0iz0 esa jkstxkj dk;kZy;kssa }kjk ftysokj iathdj.k ,oa jkstxkj ls yxkus dk dk;Z
Districtwise Applicants Registered - Placed in Employment through Employment Exchange in ]UP.
iath;u dke ij o"kZ ds vUr esa vf/klwfpr fjDr
yxk;s x;s thfor iaftdk ij LFkku
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= vH;FkhZ vH;FkhZ Year/District/
Applicants Applicants Applicant on the Live Vacancies Notified
Registered Placed in Registered at the end
Employment of year
1 2 3 4 5 1
27&[khjh 4412 562 114764 2 kheri
28&lhrkiqj 3564 705 54542 0 Sitapur
29&gjnksbZ 5715 591 39820 0 Hardoi
30&mUuko 3271 1717 37983 0 Unnao
31&y[kuÅ 13693 3094 98965 0 Lucknow
32&jk;cjsyh 3755 1499 50710 0 Raebareli
y[kuÅ e.My 34410 8168 396784 2 Lucknow Division
33&Q:Z[kkckn 2474 2548 35569 0 Farrukhabad
34&dUukSt 1810 1116 43627 0 Kannauj
35&bVkok 2744 486 53475 0 Etawah
36&vkSjS;k 2404 1025 32684 0 Auraiya
37&dkuiqj nsgkr 2186 1139 26613 0 Kanpur Dehat
38&dkuiqj uxj 15976 3270 134058 0 Kanpur Nagar
dkuiqj e.My 27594 9584 326026 0 Kanpur Division
39&tkykSu 2744 1010 36005 0 Jalaun
40&>kWlh 5211 3599 55617 0 Jhansi
41&yfyriqj 3266 2147 34601 0 Lalitpur
>kWlh e.My 11221 6756 126223 0 Jhansi Division
42&gehjiqj 1906 627 31646 0 Hamirpur
43&egksck 1722 899 20467 0 Mahoba
44&ckWnk 2455 673 40424 0 Banda
45&fp=dwV 1578 209 17893 0 Chitrakoot
fp=dwV /kke e.My 7661 2408 110430 0 Chitrakoot Dham Div.
46&Qrsgiqj 3310 1255 38376 0 Fatehpur
47&izrkix<+ 5709 1507 107873 0 Pratapgarh
48&dkS'kkEch 1600 211 17403 0 Kaushambi
49&iz;kxjkt 10223 2724 176181 0 Prayagraj
iz;kxjkt e.My 20842 5697 339833 0 Prayagraj Division
50&ckjkcadh 2836 1713 24413 0 Barabanki
51&v;ks/;k 6230 1121 62329 0 Ayodhya
52&vEcsMdjuxj 5796 3600 69952 0 AmbedkarNagar
53&lqYrkuiqj 3719 2600 65788 0 Sultanpur
54&vesBh 2425 602 24874 0 Amethi
v;ks/;k e.My 21006 9636 247356 0 Ayodhya Division
vuqc)------- Contd…

27 & Je ,oa jkstxkj
Labour and Employment
27-4 - m0iz0 esa jkstxkj dk;kZy;kssa }kjk ftysokj iathdj.k ,oa jkstxkj ls yxkus dk dk;Z
Districtwise Applicants Registered - Placed in Employment through Employment Exchange in ]UP.
iath;u dke ij o"kZ ds vUr esa vf/klwfpr fjDr
yxk;s x;s thfor iaftdk ij LFkku
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= vH;FkhZ vH;FkhZ Year/District/
Applicants Applicants Applicant on the Live Vacancies Notified
Registered Placed in Registered at the end
Employment of year
1 2 3 4 5 1
55&cgjkbp 2828 945 29208 0 Bahraich
56&JkoLrh 617 667 7504 0 Shrawasti
57&cyjkeiqj 1131 749 14895 0 Balrampur
58&xks.Mk 4345 3245 50930 0 Gonda
nsohikVu e.My 8921 5606 102537 0 Devipatan Division
59&fl)kFkZuxj 2013 927 16301 0 SiddharthNagar
60&cLrh 5889 410 50204 0 Basti
61&lardchjuxj 2140 514 21181 0 SantkabirNagar
cLrh e.My 10042 1851 87686 0 Basti Division
62&egjktxat 3296 1734 56217 0 Maharajganj
63&xksj[kiqj 11680 3619 83924 0 Gorakhpur
64&dq'khuxj 4730 745 36826 0 KushiNagar
65&nsofj;k 5107 1544 40182 0 Deoria
xksj[kiqj e.My 24813 7642 217149 0 GorakhpurDivision
66&vktex<+ 7691 2620 88204 0 Azamgarh
67&eÅ 4860 3507 76336 0 Mau
68&cfy;k 5755 2662 96870 0 Ballia
vktex<+ e.My 18306 8789 261410 0 Azamgarh Division
69&tkSuiqj 4439 645 156511 0 Jaunpur
70&xkthiqj 8412 1205 105054 0 Ghazipur
71&pUnkSyh 2686 1165 44876 0 Chandauli
72&okjk.klh 7108 4696 87688 0 Varanasi
okjk.klh e.My 22645 7711 394129 0 Varanasi Division
73&larjfonkl uxj 1861 1333 52259 0 SantravidasNagar
74&fetkZiqj 3256 2393 60003 49 Mirzapur
75&lksuHknz 2991 997 34874 0 Sonbhadra
foU/;kpy e.My 8108 4723 147136 49 Vindhyachal Division
1- if'peh lEHkkx 98699 50129 1023583 58 Western Region
2- dsUnzh; lEHkkx 58718 15545 620244 2 Central Region
3- cqUnsy[k.M lEHkkx 18882 9164 236653 0 Bundelkhand Region
4- iwohZZ lEHkkx 128537 48687 1734447 49 Eastern Region
mRrj izns'k 304836 123525 3614927 109 Uttar Pradesh
Source- Directorate of Training and
Lkzksr& izf'k{k.k ,oa lsok;kstu funs'kky;]mRrj izns'k A Employment, UP.

27 & Je ,oa jkstxkj
Labour & Employment
27-5 & m0iz0 esa jkstxkj dk;kZy;ksas dh pkyw iaft;ksa esa dk;Z izkfFkZ;ksa dk O;olk;kuqlkj foHkktu
Occupational Distribution of Applicants on the Live Register of Employment Exchange in UP.

en 2011 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Item

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1
1-fo/kk;d ofj"B vf/kdkjh rFkk Professional Technical and related
19074 4876 3550 4051 5264 5866
izzcU/kd worker

2- O;olkf;d Administration executive &

173376 151047 128808 93801 114606 123883
Managerial workers

3-lg O;olkf;d 32940 38600 38280 40677 61225 62599 Clerical & related workers

4-fyfid 8912 12453 11078 11045 26974 27849 Sales workers

5- lsok dkexkj rFkk nqdkunkj

4889 3217 2347 4699 5607 5961 services workers
,oa cktkj fodzz; dkexkj

6- dq'ky d`"kh; ,oa eRL;&m/kksx Farmers, Fishermen, Hunters and

482 1166 772 5082 1628 3422
ds dkexkj related workers

7-f'kYi rFkk lEcfU/kr O;olk;

58371 71026 74678 59966 79461 94082 Mines Quarryman & related workers
8-IykaV ]e'khu vkijsVj rFkk
17281 16787 15131 10394 13208 16648 Mines Quarryman
Craftsmen, Products process
9- izkfjEHkd O;olk; 22715 17719 17024 14339 10591 11292 workers & Labour not else-where
10-os dk;Z izkFkhZ ftudk fdlh Wrokers not elsewhere classified
1707557 2861118 2355559 1867700 2986186 3263325
O;olk; esa oxhZdj.k ugha gS by occupation

;ksx 2045597 3178009 2647227 2111754 3304750 3614927 Total

Lkzksr& izf'k{k.k ,oa lsok;kstu

Source- Directorate of Training and Employment, UP.
funs'kky;] mRrj izns'k A

27 & Je ,oa jkstxkj
Labour & Employment
27-6 & m0iz0 ds lkoZtfud {ks= esa jkstxkj
Districtwise Employment in Public Sector in UP.
¼31 ekpZ dh fLFkfr½¼la[;k½ (No.)(As on 31st March)
dsUnzh; ljdkj jkT; ljdkj v)Z ljdkj LFkkuh; fudk; ;ksx
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= Year/District/Division/Region
Central Govt. State Govt. Quasi Govt. Local Body Total

1 2 3 4 5 6 1
2011 319315 691730 506008 109803 1626856 2011
2016 307875 701507 493400 108687 1611469 2016
2017 307718 705319 495692 107731 1616460 2017
2018 302877 699952 489324 107369 1599522 2018
2019 302524 701418 490798 107135 1601875 2019
2020 302326 700823 490039 107578 1600766 2020
1&lgkjuiqj 794 12982 4942 1774 20492 Saharanpur
2&eqtQ~Qjuxj 872 14634 3182 1729 20417 MuzaffarNagar
3&'kkeyh 4 407 1567 578 2556 Shamli
lgkjuiqj e.My 1670 28023 9691 4081 43465 Saharanpur Division
4&fctukSj 784 11946 12105 1775 26610 Bijnor
5&eqjknkckn 22159 16632 5740 1589 46120 Moradabad
6&laHky 98 487 711 784 2080 Sambhal
7&jkeiqj 684 6571 5601 447 13303 Rampur
8&vejksgk 32 4091 754 775 5652 Amroha
eqjknkckn e.My 23757 39727 24911 5370 93765 Moradabad Division
9&esjB 4875 22013 11253 4194 42335 Meerut
10&ckxir 0 618 795 349 1762 Bagapat
11&xkft;kckn 2948 12101 8448 4059 27556 Ghaziabad
12&gkiqMq + 470 675 1018 1079 3242 Hapur
13&xkSrecq) uxj 117 713 5381 1534 7745 GautambuddhNagar
14&cqyUn'kgj 1264 8644 9547 2426 21881 Bulandshahr
esjB e.My 9674 44764 36442 13641 104521 Meerut Division
15&eFkqjk 1767 8128 11490 2022 23407 Mathura
16&vkxjk 8246 16642 11272 4407 40567 Agra
17&fQjkstkckn 753 6787 1291 1876 10707 Firozabad
18&eSuiqjh 336 5646 5136 645 11763 Mainpuri
vkxjk e.My 11102 37203 29189 8950 86444 Agra Div.
19&vyhx<+ 2676 12671 12008 2003 29358 Aligarh
20&gkFkjl 0 2923 778 681 4382 Hathras
21&,Vk 722 6601 9330 642 17295 Etah
22&dklxat 0 877 432 822 2131 Kasganj
vyhx<+ e.My 3398 23072 22548 4148 53166 Aligarh Div.
23&cnk;wW 726 8198 6777 1567 17268 Badaun
24&cjsyh 12633 15456 18986 5073 52148 Bareilly
25&ihyhHkhr 55 13208 2301 919 16483 Pilibhit
26&'kkgtgkWiqj 4020 8943 8665 1254 22882 Shahjahanpur
cjsyh e.My 17434 45805 36729 8813 108781 Bareilly Division
vuqc)------- Contd…

27 & Je ,oa jkstxkj
Labour & Employment
27-6 & m0iz0 ds lkoZtfud {ks= esa jkstxkj
Districtwise Employment in Public Sector in UP.
¼31 ekpZ dh fLFkfr½¼la[;k½ (No.)(As on 31st March)
dsUnzh; ljdkj jkT; ljdkj v)Z ljdkj LFkkuh; fudk; ;ksx
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= Year/District/Division/Region
Central Govt. State Govt. Quasi Govt. Local Body Total

1 2 3 4 5 6 1
27&[khjh 932 8611 7005 716 17264 kheri
28&lhrkiqj 1134 16078 8498 1406 27116 Sitapur
29&gjnksbZ 10 10568 6976 1065 18619 Hardoi
30&mUuko 515 7710 6342 685 15252 Unnao
31&y[kuÅ 74189 46667 49429 7278 177563 Lucknow
32&jk;cjsyh 2413 11228 10323 1012 24976 Raebareli
y[kuÅ e.My 79193 100862 88573 12162 280790 Lucknow Division
33&Q:Z[kkckn 637 5285 3827 1100 10849 Farrukhabad
34&dUukSt 0 7943 514 703 9160 Kannauj
35&bVkok 781 14776 7216 924 23697 Etawah
36&vkSjS;k 62 2371 1626 495 4554 Auraiya
37&dkuiqj nsgkr 31 4354 304 173 4862 Kanpur Dehat
38&dkuiqj uxj 29405 25978 27111 10720 93214 Kanpur Nagar
dkuiqj e.My 30916 60707 40598 14115 146336 Kanpur Division
39&tkykSu 4 6894 4438 989 12325 Jalaun
40&>kWlh 26683 15436 4845 1254 48218 Jhansi
41&yfyriqj 329 4900 5092 364 10685 Lalitpur
>kWlh e.My 27016 27230 14375 2607 71228 Jhansi Division
42&gehjiqj 76 5188 3098 343 8705 Hamirpur
43&egksck 48 5233 677 251 6209 Mahoba
44&ckWnk 500 8729 1192 549 10970 Banda
45&fp=dwV 0 1551 243 297 2091 Chitrakoot
fp=dwV /kke e.My 624 20701 5210 1440 27975 Chitrakoot Dham Div.
46&Qrsgiqj 551 8843 7908 564 17866 Fatehpur
47&izrkix<+ 807 9866 1631 435 12739 Pratapgarh
48&dkS'kkEch 0 1257 191 109 1557 Kaushambi
49&iz;kxjkt 34901 35125 12916 11226 94168 Prayagraj
iz;kxjkt e.My 36259 55091 22646 12334 126330 Prayagraj Division
50&ckjkcadh 1184 8404 8553 797 18938 Barabanki
51&v;ks/;k 1075 11009 12331 2450 26865 Ayodhya
52&vEcsMdjuxj 0 4474 1755 314 6543 AmbedkarNagar
53&lqYrkuiqj 213 10028 7607 427 18275 Sultanpur
54&vesBh 1514 2731 2248 141 6634 Amethi
v;ks/;k e.My 3986 36646 32494 4129 77255 Ayodhya Division
vuqc)------- Contd…

27 & Je ,oa jkstxkj
Labour & Employment
27-6 & m0iz0 ds lkoZtfud {ks= esa jkstxkj
Districtwise Employment in Public Sector in UP.
¼31 ekpZ dh fLFkfr½¼la[;k½ (No.)(As on 31st March)
dsUnzh; ljdkj jkT; ljdkj v)Z ljdkj LFkkuh; fudk; ;ksx
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= Year/District/Division/Region
Central Govt. State Govt. Quasi Govt. Local Body Total

1 2 3 4 5 6 1
55&cgjkbp 843 8106 5996 631 15576 Bahraich
56&JkoLrh 0 232 60 36 328 Shrawasti
57&cyjkeiqj 31 2055 565 310 2961 Balrampur
58&xks.Mk 1360 9798 12189 563 23910 Gonda
nsohikVu e.My 2234 20191 18810 1540 42775 Devipatan Division
59&fl)kFkZuxj 35 7434 890 213 8572 SiddharthNagar
60&cLrh 1623 7216 5636 236 14711 Basti
61&lardchjuxj 0 1769 1397 155 3321 SantkabirNagar
cLrh e.My 1658 16419 7923 604 26604 Basti Division
62&egjktxat 3 7663 1338 530 9534 Maharajganj
63&xksj[kiqj 21477 19681 15832 1741 58731 Gorakhpur
64&dq'khuxj 53 6206 693 887 7839 KushiNagar
65&nsofj;k 1457 13579 1392 576 17004 Deoria
xksj[kiqj e.My 22990 47129 19255 3734 93108 GorakhpurDivision
66&vktex<+ 250 15193 11561 561 27565 Azamgarh
67&eÅ 682 6526 7699 520 15427 Mau
68&cfy;k 1071 15158 2459 609 19297 Ballia
vktex<+ e.My 2003 36877 21719 1690 62289 Azamgarh Division
69&tkSuiqj 1083 10313 11907 1051 24354 Jaunpur
70&xkthiqj 1483 13355 9140 685 24663 Ghazipur
71&pUnkSyh 1156 1516 623 791 4086 Chandauli
72&okjk.klh 23010 12663 14161 4221 54055 Varanasi
okjk.klh e.My 26732 37847 35831 6748 107158 Varanasi Division
73&larjfonkl uxj 0 2933 632 312 3877 SantravidasNagar
74&fetkZiqj 1054 13096 5110 960 20220 Mirzapur
75&lksuHknz 626 6500 17353 200 24679 Sonbhadra
foU/;kpy e.My 1680 22529 23095 1472 48776 Vindhyachal Division
1- if'peh lEHkkx 68515 248969 172693 48225 538402 Western Region
2- dsUnzh; lEHkkx 110364 148441 132449 24416 415670 Central Region
3- cqUnsy[k.M lEHkkx 27640 47931 19585 4047 99203 Bundelkhand Region
4- iwohZZ lEHkkx 95807 255482 165312 30890 547491 Eastern Region
mRrj izns'k 302326 700823 490039 107578 1600766 Uttar Pradesh
Lkzksr&& izf'k{k.k ,oa lsok;kstu funs'kky;] mRrj izn's k A Source- Directorate of Training & Emp., UP.

27 & Je ,oa jkstxkj
Labour & Employment
27-7 & Hkkjr o"kZ esa lkoZtfud ,oa futh {ks= esa jkT;okj vuqekfur jkstxkj
Statewise Estimated Employment in Public & Private Sectors in India
¼gtkj esa½ (in 000)
lkoZtfud {ks= futh {ks= egk;ksx
Public Sector Private Sector
dsUnzh; jkT; dsUnzh; jkT; v)Z LFkkuh; c`gr~ y?kq Grand
ljdkj ljdkj v)Z ljdkjh fudk;
o"kZ@jkT; Year/States
Central State Semi Semi Local Large Small
Govt. Govt. Central State Body
Govt. Govt.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1
2001-02 3195 7384 3196 2824 2176 7509 924 27206 2001-02
2002-03 3133 7367 3177 2724 2179 7472 949 27000 2002-03
2003-04 3027 7222 3303 2519 2126 7234 1012 26443 2003-04
2004-05 2939 7202 3285 2464 2118 7489 963 26458 2004-05
2005-06 2860 7300 3469 2440 2118 8805 26992 2005-06
2006-07 2800 7209 3447 2414 2132 9274 27278 2006-07
2007-08 2739 7171 3389 2407 1968 9875 27548 2007-08
2008-09 2660 7238 3402 2422 2073 9251 1056 28172 2008-09
2009-10 2552 7353 3458 2410 2089 10846 28708 2009-10
2010-11 2552 7353 3458 2410 2089 10846 28708 2010-11
2011-12 2552 7353 3458 2410 2089 10846 28708 2011-12
2012-13 2520 7184 3449 2349 2107 10846 28455 2012-13
1-vkU/kz izn's k 185 396 176 281 238 736 2012 1- Andhra Pradesh
2-vklke 67 316 93 52 10 583 1121 2- Asam
3-fcgkj 95 200 47 37 16 26 421 3- Bihar
4-xqtjkr 75 170 115 119 318 1196 1993 4- Gujarat
5-gfj;k.kk 19 245 37 59 14 289 663 5- Haryana
6-fgekapy izn's k 12 190 18 43 4 12 279 6- Himanchal Pradesh
7-tEew d'ehj 28 148 8 9 6 1 201 7- J. & K.
8-dukZVd 96 574 163 160 69 1223 2285 8- karnatak
9-dsjy 60 268 87 136 25 498 1074 9- Kerala
10-e/; izn's k 129 464 138 62 53 148 995 10- M.P.
11-ukxkyS.M 5 63 3 1 0 2 78 11- Nagaland
12-ef.kiqj 4 61 5 3 4 1 77 12- Manipur
13-es?kky; 5 40 6 3 1 1 45 13- Meghalaya
14-vksfM'kk 59 357 90 69 16 119 727 14- Odisha
15-egkjk"Vª 326 530 404 223 647 2177 4307 15- Maharashtra
16-iatkc 62 254 59 84 28 338 826 16- Punjab
17-jktLFkku 112 600 70 92 71 312 1269 17- Rajasthan
vuqc)------- Contd--

27 & Je ,oa jkstxkj
Labour & Employment
27-7 & Hkkjr o"kZ esa lkoZtfud ,oa futh {ks= esa jkT;okj vuqekfur jkstxkj
Statewise Estimated Employment in Public & Private Sectors in India
¼gtkj esa½ (in 000)
lkoZtfud {ks= futh {ks= egk;ksx
Public Sector Private Sector
dsUnzh; ljdkj jkT; ljdkj dsUnzh; v)Z jkT; v)Z LFkkuh; c`gr~ y?kq
o"kZ@jkT; fudk; Year/States
Central State Semi Semi Local Large Small Total
Govt. Govt. Central State Body
Govt. Govt.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1

18-flfDde .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 18-Sikkim

19-rfeyukMq 214 548 179 319 174 885 2319 19- Tamilnaidu

20-f=iqjk 7 116 6 7 9 * 141 20- Tripura

21-mRrj izns'k 302 701 ** 490 108 ** 1601 21- Uttar Pradesh

22-if'pe caxky 273 280 350 103 153 783 1927 22- West Bengal

23-p.Mhx<+ 11 23 18 2 5 6 99 23- Chandigarn

24-fnYyh 203 131 144 36 83 59 861 24- Delhi

25-xksok 6 55 14 6 2 4 87 25-Goa

26-neu }hi 0 1 0 0 * 5 15 26- Goa, Daman Diu

27-fetksje 0 8 0 0 4 0 41 27- Mizorum

28-v.Meku fudksckj 5 26 2 1 2 0 37 28- Andman Nicobar

29-ikafMpsjh 4 15 1 8 2 0 69 29- Pndichery

30-mRrjk[k.M 22 107 33 41 12 78 288 30- Uttrakhand

31->kj[k.M 89 184 936 40 19 337 1605 31-Jharkhand

32-NRrhlx<++ 27 122 77 18 13 36 329 32-Chhatisgarh

dqy 2520 7184 3449 2349 2107 10846 28708 Total

m0iz0 dh j¨txkj lûpuk o"kZ 2019&20 dh gSS] rFkk vU; jkT¸k¨ dh lûpuk o"kZ 2012&13 ls lacafÌr gSA

Employment information of the Uttar Pradesh in year 2019-20, and other states information related to the year 2012-13.

Lkzksr& jkstxkj ,oa izf'k{k.k egkfuns'kky;] Je ea=ky;] Hkkjr ljdkj] ubZ fnYyh A
Source- Director General of Employment & Training Ministry, Gov. of India, New Delhi.

27& Je ,oa jkstxkj
Labour & Employment
27-8&m-iz- esa izeq[k m|ksxkuqlkj izfr Jkfed okf"kZd dekbZ 2017&18
Average Annual Earnings Per Workers by Major Industry Group 2017-18 in UP.
¼gtkj #0 esa½ (In 000 Rs.)
izfr Jkfed okf"kZd
m|ksx oxZ dekbZ (Average
(Industry m|ksx dk fooj.k Annual Industries
group) Earnings Per

1 2 3 4
10 [kk| mRikn ds fofuekZ.k 211 Manufacture of food products

11 is; mRikn ds fofuekZ.k 335 Manufacture of beverages

12 rEckdw mRiknu dk fofuekZ.k 234 Manufacture of tobacco products

13 oL= fofuekZ.k 179 Manufacture of textiles

14 iguus ds diM+ksa dk fofuekZ.k 216 Manufacture of wearing apparel

15 peM+k ,oa peM+k mRikn dk fofuekZ.k 193 Manufacture of leather and related products

ydM+h rFkk ydM+h o dkdZ ds mRiknksa dk Manufacture of wood and products of wood
and cork, except furniture; manufacture of
16 fofuekZ.k QuhZpj ds vfrfjDr LVªk IysfVax 181
articles ofstraw and plaiting materials
oLrqvksa dk fofuekZ.k
17 dkxt rFkk dkxt mRikn dk fofuekZ.k 233 Manufacture of paper and paper products
Printing and reproduction of recorded
18 eqnz.k rFkk fjdkMsZM ehfM;k dk iqumZRiknu 308
Manufacture of coke and refined petroleum
19 dksd ,oa issVªksfy;e 'kks/ku mRiknksa dk fofuekZ.k 726
Manufacture of chemicals and chemical
20 jlk;u rFkk jlk;u mRiknksa dk fofuekZ.k 297
QkekZlwfVdYl]vkS"kf/k; ,oa ouLifrd mRikn dk Manufacture of pharmaceuticals, medicinal
21 352
fofuekZ.k chemical and botanical products
Manufacture of rubber and plastics
22 jcM+ rFkk IykfLVd mRiknksa dk fofuekZ.k 293
Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral
23 vU; v/kkfRod ,oa [kfut mRiknks dk fofuekZ.k 169
24 ewy /kkrqvksa dk fofuekZ.k 345 Manufacture of basic metals
QSfczdsVsM /kkrq mRiknksa dk fofuekZ.k] e'khujh rFkk Manufacture of fabricated metal products,
25 55
miLdj ds vfrfjDr except machinery and equipment
dEI;wVj]bysDVªkfuDl ,oa vkfIVdy mRiknksa dk Manufacture of computer, electronic and
26 687
fofuekZ.k optical products

27 fo|qqr midj.kksa dk fofuekZ.k 332 Manufacture of electrical equipment

Manufacture of machinery and equipment
28 vU; e'khujh rFkk miLdj dk fofuekZ.k 383
Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and
29 eksVj okgu] Vªsyjksa lsehVªsyjksa dk fofuekZ.k 411
30 vU; ifjogu miLdj dk fofuekZ.k 336 Manufacture of other transport equipment
31 QuhZpj dk fofuekZ.k 255 Manufacture of furniture

27& Je ,oa jkstxkj
Labour & Employment
27-8&m-iz- esa izeq[k m|ksxkuqlkj izfr Jkfed okf"kZd dekbZ 2017&18
Average Annual Earnings Per Workers by Major Industry Group 2017-18 in UP.
¼gtkj #0 esa½ (In 000 Rs.)
izfr Jkfed okf"kZd
m|ksx oxZ dekbZ (Average
(Industry m|ksx dk fooj.k Annual Industries
group) Earnings Per

1 2 3 4
32 vU; fofuekZ.k 212 Other manufacturing
Repair and installation of machinery and
33 e'khujh rFkk miLdj dk LFkkiu ,oa ejEer 336
Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning
35 fctyh] xSl] ,oa okrkuqdwfyax dh vkiwfrZ 420
36 ikuh dk laxzg.k] 'kq}hdj.k rFkk vkiwfrZ 0 Water collection, treatment and supply
Waste collection, treatment and disposal
38 osLV dysD'ku]VªhVesaUV ,oa fMLiksty fdz;k,a 172
activities; materials
42 flfoy bathfu;fjax 0 Civil engineering
43 fof'k"V fuekZ.k fdz;k,a 0 Specialized construction activities
eksVj okguksa o eksVj lkbfdyksa dk Fkksd ,oa Wholesale and retail trade and repair of
45 271
QqVdj O;kikj ,oa ejEer motor vehicles and motorcycles
Fkksd O;kikj] eksVj okguksa o eksVj lkbfdyksa ds Wholesale trade, except of motor vehicles
46 177
vfrfjDr and motorcycles
QqVdj O;kikj]eksVj okguksa o eksVj lkbfdyksa ds Retail trade, except of motor vehicles and
47 179
vfrfjDr motorcycles
51 gokbZ ifjogu 62 Air transport
Warehousing and support activities for
52 Hk.Mkj.k ,oaa lg;ksxh fdz;kdyki gsrq ;krk;kr 130
55 vkokl 121 Accommodation

58 izdk'ku 286 Publishing activities

68 Hkwfe Hkou fcdzh O;kkikj 179 Land buildings sale trade

oSKkfud 'kks/k ,oa fodkl 0 Scientific research & Development
Other professional, scientific and technical
74 vU; O;olkf;d] oSKkfud ,oa rduhdh fdz;k,a 131
Hkou ,oa Hkwfe lEcU/kh fØ;kvksa dh lsok;saHkou
Services to buildings and landscape
81 ,oa Hkwfe lEcU/kh fØ;kvksa dh lsok;savU; 0
O;olkf;d] oSKkfud ,oa rduhdh fdz;k,a
dk;kZy; izk'kklfud]dk;kZy; lg;ksxh ,oa vU; Office administrative, office support and
82 753
O;olk; lg;ksxh fdz;k,a other business support activities

90 jpukRed dyk vkSj euksjatu fdz;kdyki 242 Creative arts & entertainment activities

[ksy izfØ;k ,oa ,E;wtesUV o fjØs'ku izzfØ;k;sa 0 Sport, amusement & recreation activities
dEI;wVj o oS;fDrd ,oa ?kjsyw lkekuksa dh Repair of computers and personal and
95 244
ejEer household goods
96 vU; oS;fDrd lsok lEcU/kh fdz;k,a 195 Other personal service activities

lzksr% okf"kZd m|ksx losZ{k.k m-iz-A

27 & Je ,oa jkstxkj
Labour & Employment
27-9 & yksd lsok vk;ksx] mRrj izns'k }kjk foKkfir fjfDr;ksa rFkk laLrqr fd, x,
vH;fFkZ;ksa dh la[;k
Number of Posts Advertised & Applicants Recommended by Public Service Commission , UP.

foKkfir fjfDr;ksa lk{kkRdkj esa mifLFkr laLrqr vH;fFkZ;ksa dh

vkosndksa dh la[;k
dh la[;k vH;FkhZ la[;k
o"kZ / Year

No.of Posts Candidates No Of candidates

No. of Applicants
Advertised Interviewed Recommended
1 2 3 4 5

2011-12 4859 415166 11075 3369

2013-14 21464 1362062 9754 2771
2014-15 5708 2138710 18230 6923
2015-16 4419 1089985 33888 11672
2016-17 9548 996131 5346 2518*
2017-18 14510 1568211 8572 3419
2018-19 5378 823183 7164 4870#
2019-20 2128 1249689 22941 14413$
2020-21 3936 1929613 12101 8180 &
Lkzksr%&yksd lsok vk;ksx] m0 iz0] iz;kxjktA
Source- Public Service Commision ,UP. Prayagraj .
uksV%&*leh{kk vf/kdkjh@ lgk;d le{kk vf/kdkjh ij p;fur 426 inksa ij lk{kkRdkj dk izkfo/kku ugha gS A
# LVkQ ulZ ij p;fur 2388 inksa ij lk{kkRdkj dk izkfo/kku ugha gS A
$ ,y0Vh0 xzsM gsrq laLrqr 4266 inksa ij lk{kkRdkj dk izkfo/kku ugha gS A
s &2 rFkk ,y0Vh0 xzsM gsrq p;fur dqy 3608 inks
& [k.M f'k{kk vf/kdkjh] dEI;wVj lgk;d] izksxzkej xzsM&1] xzM
lk{kkRdkj dk izkfo/kku ugha gS A

27 & Je ,oa jkstxkj
Labour & Employment
27-10 & m0iz0 ds dkj[kkuksa esa nq?kZVuk;sa
Accidents in Factories of UP.
en@o"kZ 2011 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Items/Year
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1

1- dqy 161 182 92 96 109 109 110 122 136 1- Total

2- ?kkrd 63 55 45 39 46 57 48 46 67 2- Fatal

3-tks ?kkrd ugh 78 127 43 57 63 52 62 76 69 3- Non Fatal

uksV &vk;q/k dkj[kkuksa ds vkWdMss+ lfEefyr ugh gSA

Note- Excluded the information of Ordinance Factories .
lzksr&Jek;qDr] mRrj izns'k] dkuiqj A Source- Labour commissioner, UP.,Kanpur.

27 & Je ,oa jkstxkj
Labour & Employment
27-11 & mRrj izn's k esa m|ksxkuqlkj gM+rky ,oa rkykcfUn;ksa dh la[;k 2020&21
Industrywise Number of Strikes & Lock-outs in UP. 2020-21
gM+rky@rkykcafn;ksa izHkkfor Jfedksa ekuo fnolksa dh osru gkfu mRiknu gkfu
dh la[;k dh la[;k gkfu la[;k ¼000 :0½ ¼000:0½

m|ksx ,oa ladsr la[;k Name of Industry & Code No.

No. of Loss in Loss in
No. of Strikes/ No. of Man
Workers Pay Production
Lock-0uts Days Lost
Involved (000Rs.) (000Rs.)

1 2 3 4 5 6 1
¼20&21½[kk| inkFkksZ dk fuekZ.k 0 0 0 0 0
(20-21) Manufacturing of Food
¼206½'kDdj ds dkj[kkus 0 0 0 0 0
(206) Sugar Factories

4&¼23½lwrh feysa 0 0 0 0 0 4-(23) Cotton Mills

4&¼24½Åuh feysa 0 0 0 0 0
4-(24) Woollen Mills

5&¼251½twV feysa 1 2500 65000 0 0

5-(251) Jute Mills

6&¼252½ oL= m|ksx 0 0 0 0 0 6-(252) Cloth Industry

7&¼285½dkxt NikbZ ,oa eqnz.k 0 0 0 0 0 7-(285) Printing & Publishing

8&¼29½peM+s rFkk peM+s dk 8-(29) Leather & Leather
0 0 0 0 0 Products
9&¼310½jlk;u ,oa jlk;fud mRikn 9-(310) Chemical & Chemical
0 0 0 0 0 Products

10&¼321½'kh'kk ,oa 'kh'ks dk 10-(321) Glass & Glass

0 0 0 0 0 Products
11&¼330&343½ yksgk mRiknu ,oa 11-(330-343) Misc. Industries
e'khujh ds fofo/k m|ksx of Iron Production & Machinery
0 0 0 0 0

12& bUthfu;fjax m|ksx 0 0 0 0 0

12-Engineering Industries

13& fofo/k m|ksx 13- Misc. Industries

2 564 14664 0 0

;ksx 3 3064 79664 0 0 Total

uksV& 1-Hkkjr ljdkj ds izfrj{kk ea=ky; das v/khu dkj[kkuksa ds vkWdMss+ lfEefyr ugh gSA
Note- 1-Excluded the information of Defence Factories of Govt. of India.
lzksr&Jek;qDr] mRrj izns'k] dkuiqjA Source- Labour commissioner UP. Kanpur

27 & Je ,oa jkstxkj
Labour & Employment
27-12 & mRrj izns'k esa lnL;rkuqlkj Jfed la?kksa dk oxhZdj.k 2020-21
Distribution of trade Unions According to Membership in UP.2020-21
dz0la la?kksa dh la[;k izfr'kr lnL;rk izfr'kr
Sl. lnL;rk oxZ No. of Units Percentage Membership Percentage Classes
1 2 3 4 5 6 1

1- 50 ls de 37 11.90 1222 0.25 Bellow 50

2- 50 ls 99 47 15.11 3314 0.68 50 to 99

3- 100 ls 149 56 18.00 7050 1.45 100 to149

4- 150 ls 199 33 10.61 5707 1.17 150 to 199

5- 200 ls 249 38 12.22 7650 1.57 200 to 249

6- 250 ls 299 10 3.22 2344 0.48 250 to 299

7- 300 ls 349 13 4.18 3487 0.71 300 to 349

8- 350 ls 399 6 1.93 2233 0.46 350 to 399

9- 400 ls 449 9 2.89 3788 0.78 400 to 449

10- 450 ls 499 5 1.61 2322 0.48 450 to 499

11- 500 ls 999 22 7.07 14494 2.97 500 to 999

12- 1000 ls 4999 23 7.40 43923 9.00 1000 to 4999

13- 5000 ls 9999 1 0.32 5000 1.03 5000 to9999

14- 10000 vkSj vf/kd 11 3.54 385235 78.97 10000& above

;ksx 311 100.00 487769 100.00 Total

Lkzksr& jftLV`kj V`sM ;wfu;u] m0iz0] dkuiqj A Source- Registrar Trade Union ,U P. ,Kanpur

27 & Je ,oa jkstxkj
Labour & Employment
27-13 & mRrj izn's k esa dkj[kkuksa esa efgyk Jfedksa dh la[;k ,oa mudks nh x;h ekr`Ro ykHk
No. of Female Workers Employed in Factories in UP. & Maternity Benefits given to them
o"kZ@ Year
ensa Items
2011 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
1 2 5 6 7 8 9 1
1- mu dkj[kkuksa dh la[;k ftuesa 1. No. of factories in
421 370 457 345 430 478 which maternity benefit
ekr`Ro ykHk vf/kfu;e ykxw gSA Act was Inforced.

2- dke ij yxh fL=;ksa dh 2. Average No. Of daily

1157 842 1227 1003 1243 1372
vkSlr nSfud la[;k employmed women

3- fL=;ka ftUgksaus ykHk dh ekax 3. Women who claimed

22 13 17 .. .. 34.0
dh benifits

4- fL=;ksa dh la[;k ftUgsa iw.kZ ;k 4. No. of women who

10 11 26 26 35 28 were given full or part
vkaf'kd ykHk feyk benefits

5- mu ekeyksa dh la[;k ftUgsa 5. No. of cases in which

435 11 26 26 36R 28
iw.kZ ;k vkaf'kd ykHk feyk bonus was given

6. Total amount of
6- cksul dh dqy /kujkf'k ¼:0½ 3340082 5,499,049 1,803,552 368,640 1,274,073 1,453,172
Bonus (Rs.)

7. Total amounts
7- nh x;h dqy /kujkf'k ¼:0½ 3617354 6,037,948 2,983,579 1,177,469 2,043,786 2,682,642 given(Rs.)

8- izfr ekeys esa ekr`Ro ykHk ds 8. Average amounts

fy, nh x;h vkSlr /kujkf'k 27727 48,990 45,385 31,108 21,991 72,689 given per case of
¼:0½# Maternity benefit (Rs.) #

# ekr`Ro ykHk ds vUrxZr fooj.k i= Hkstus okys dkj[kkuks ls lEcfU?kr A

# Relates to factories submitting returns, under maternity benefits.
R- la'ksf/kr R- Revised

Lkzksr& Jek;qDr m0 iz0] dkuiqj A Source-Labour Bureeu UP. Kanpur.

27 & Je ,oa jkstxkj
Labour & Employment
27-14 & mRrj izns'k esa jkstxkj cktkj dh lwpuk
Employment Market Information in UP.
¼31 ekpZ dks½ (As On 31st March)

en@m|ksx o"kZ@year Item/Industries

2011-12 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1
¼i)lwpuk Hkstus okyh bdkb;ka 1- Reporting Units
1-d`f"k rFkk i'kq/ku 757 873 877 867 869 869 1. Agriculture & livestock
2-[kfut rFkk mR[kuu 12 15 16 16 16 16 2. Mining & Quarrying
3-fofuekZ.k 1961 2109 2106 2092 2087 2098 3. Manufacturing
4-fctyh] xSl 420 339 342 338 338 338 4. Electricity, Gas
5- fuekZ.k 1014 1046 1046 1043 1046 1046 5. Construction
6-O;kikj ,oa okf.kT; 633 670 690 699 701 703 6. Trade & Commerce
7-ifjogu 519 429 426 424 423 423 7. Transport
8-foRr] chek ,oa fj;y bLVsV 8. Financing. Insurance
5628 5687 5749 5724 5725 5748
vkfn & Real Estate etc.
9-lsok;sa 15203 15345 15536 15359 15400 15428 9. Services
;ksx 26147 26513 26788 26562 26605 26669 Total
¼ii½jkstxkj II- Employment
¼A½ d`f"k rFkk i'kq/ku (i)Agriculture & Livestock
¼d½ jktdh; 39797 38645 39303 37768 37695 37594 (a) Public
¼[k½ futh 370 615 528 459 503 501 (b) Private
;ksx 40167 39260 39831 38227 38198 38095 Total
¼AA½ [kfut rFkk mR[kuu (ii) Mining & Quarrying
¼d½ jktdh; 4913 4622 4616 4643 4644 4646 (a) Public
¼[k½ futh 12 62 108 113 113 111 (b) Private
;ksx 4925 4684 4724 4756 4757 4757 Total
¼AAA½ fofuekZ.k (iii) Manufacturing
¼d½ jktdh; 102702 93298 92486 90520 90476 90098 (a) Public
¼[k½ futh 291899 333049 344532 354717 354589 353733 (b) Private
;ksx 394601 426347 437018 445237 445065 443831 Total
¼IV½ fctyh] xSl (iv) Electricity
¼d½ jktdh; 60342 46545 47209 46126 46072 46022 (a) Public
¼[k½ futh 4415 5729 5812 5819 5808 5848 (b) Private
;ksx 64757 52274 53021 51945 51880 51870 Total
vuqc)------ Contd…

27 & Je ,oa jkstxkj
Labour & Employment
27-14 & mRrj izns'k esa jkstxkj cktkj dh lwpuk
Employment Market Information in UP.
¼31 ekpZ dks½ (As On 31st March)
en@m|ksx Item/Industries
2011-12 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1
¼V½ fuekZ.k (v) Construction
¼d½jktdh; 127311 128915 128725 126006 126289 126026 (a) Public
¼[k½ futh 289 430 430 431 431 428 (b) Private
;ksx 127600 129345 129155 126437 126720 126454 Total
¼vi½O;kikj ,oa okf.kT; (vi) Trade & Commerce
¼d½ jktdh; 13657 15204 16304 15398 15338 15323 (a) Public
¼[k½ futh 8766 11896 12543 13336 13447 13409 (b) Private
;ksx 22423 27100 28847 28734 28785 28732 Total
¼vii½ ifjogu (vii) Transport
¼d½ jktdh; 264795 233184 233463 229074 228860 228742 (a) Public
¼[k½ futh 22702 2983 2966 2734 2733 2726 (b) Private
;ksx 287497 236167 236429 231808 231593 231468 Total
¼viii½foRr] chek ,oa fj;y bLVsV vkfn
¼d½ jktdh; 111353 102981 104278 103183 102842 102579 (a) Public
¼[k½ futh 27834 33502 36780 36829 36825 36824 (b) Private
;ksx 139187 136483 141058 140012 139667 139403 Total
¼ix½lkeqnkf;d ,oa vU; lsok;sa
¼d½ jktdh; 902379 1131185 950580 942751 944932 944482 (a) Public
¼[k½ futh 223886 644185 342134 324543 313550 313181 (b) Private
;ksx 1126265 1775370 1292714 1267294 1258482 1257663 Total
dqy jkstxkj Total Employment
¼d½ jktdh; 1627249 1611469 1616460 1599522 1601875 1600766 (a) Public
¼[k½ futh 580173 668170 707957 717328 717966 717548 (b) Private
;ksx 2207422 2279639 2324417 2316850 2319841 2318314 Total
lzksr& izf'k{k.k ,oa lsok;kstu
Source- Directorate of Training & Emp., UP.
funs'kky;] m0iz0A

28&vf/kdks"k.k ,oa chek
Banking & Insurance
28-1&mRrj izn's k esa vuqlwfpr O;olkf;d cSadksa dh ftysokj la[;k rFkk muds _.k tek vuqikr

Districtwise No.of Scheduled commercial Banks & their Credit Deposit Ratio in UP. 2020-21

dk;kZy;ksa dh _.k tek jkf'k;ka _.k tek

la[;k ¼djksM+ :0½ ¼djksM+ :0½ vuqikr
tuin District
No. of Credit Deposit Credit
Offices (Cr.Rs.) (Cr.Rs.) Deposit
1 2 3 4 5 1
1-lgkjuiqj 298 9445 15521 60.85 Saharanpur
2-eqtQ~Qjuxj 275 8845 14509 60.96 Muzaffar Nagar
3-'kkeyh 100 2640 4349 60.70 Shamli
4-fctukSj 290 8819 14567 60.54 Bijnor
5-eqjknkckn 327 10862 18437 58.91 Moradabad
6-laHky 159 4132 5397 76.56 Sambhal
7-jkeiqj 205 4374 6328 69.12 Rampur
8-vejksgk 200 4015 6096 65.86 Amroha
9-esjB 442 16810 37718 44.57 Meerut
10-ckxir 129 2558 5687 44.98 Bagapat
11-xkft;kckn 473 26408 68189 38.73 Ghaziabad
12-gkiqqM+ 138 4034 6954 58.01 Hapur
13-xkSrecq) uxj 542 51896 128976 40.24 G. buddh Nagar
14-cqyUn'kgj 247 7418 14980 49.52 Bulandshahr
15-eFkqjk 275 8677 16993 51.06 Mathura
16-vkxjk 513 27053 44656 60.58 Agra
17-fQjkstkckn 160 4562 9292 49.10 Firozabad
18-eSuiqjh 113 2960 6066 48.80 Mainpuri
19-vyhx<+ 306 10759 23110 46.56 Aligarh
20&gkFkjl 134 3476 5948 58.44 Hathras
21-,Vk 123 3257 5291 61.56 Etah
22-dklxat 85 2059 3193 64.48 Kasganj
23-cnk;wW 165 4703 6456 72.85 Badaun
24-cjsyh 396 12987 24602 52.79 Bareilly
25-ihyhHkhr 149 3696 5484 67.40 Pilibhit
26-'kkgtgkWiqj 226 5809 9056 64.15 Shahjahanpur
vuqc)----- Contd…..

28&vf/kdks"k.k ,oa chek
Banking & Insurance
28-1&mRrj izn's k esa vuqlwfpr O;olkf;d cSadksa dh ftysokj la[;k rFkk muds _.k tek vuqikr

Districtwise No.of Scheduled commercial Banks & their Credit Deposit Ratio in UP. 2020-21

dk;kZy;ksa dh _.k tek jkf'k;ka _.k tek

la[;k ¼djksM+ :0½ ¼djksM+ :0½ vuqikr
tuin District
No. of Credit Deposit Credit
Offices (Cr.Rs.) (Cr.Rs.) Deposit
1 2 3 4 5 1
27-[khjh 271 6313 9469 66.67 kheri
28-lhrkiqj 297 4616 10187 45.31 Sitapur
29-gjnksbZ 241 4685 10255 45.69 Hardoi
30-mUuko 218 3159 11405 27.70 Unnao
31-y[kuÅ 983 60221 187692 32.09 Lucknow
32+-jk;cjsyh 306 4854 12158 39.92 Raebareli
33-Q:Z[kkckn 135 2732 6666 40.98 Farrukhabad
34-dUukSt 130 2629 5163 50.92 Kannauj
35-bVkok 123 2931 7795 37.60 Etawah
36-vkSjS;k 100 1439 4785 30.07 Auraiya
37-dkuiqj nsgkr 163 2201 5778 38.09 Kanpur Dehat
38-dkuiqj uxj 636 28841 75134 38.39 Kanpur Nagar
39-tkykSu 130 2589 6336 40.86 Jalaun
40->kWlh 211 7063 17091 41.33 Jhansi
41-yfyriqj 90 2852 3901 73.11 Lalitpur
42-gehjiqj 103 1809 3888 46.53 Hamirpur
43-egksck 60 1730 3459 50.01 Mahoba
44-ckWnk 144 2631 5982 43.98 Banda
45-fp=dwV 81 1409 2922 48.22 Chitrakoot
46-Qrsgiqj 193 3357 9096 36.91 Fatehpur
47-izrkix<+ 250 3382 11724 28.85 Pratapgarh
48-dkS'kkEch 129 1420 4041 35.14 Kaushambi
49-iz;kxjkt 564 15407 51798 29.74 Prayagraj
50-ckjkcadh 263 5724 9044 63.29 Barabanki
51-v;ks/;k 205 3832 16151 23.73 Ayodhya
52-vEcsMdjuxj 178 2662 7535 35.33 Ambedkar Nagar
53-lqYrkuiqj 177 2746 9349 29.37 Sultanpur
54-vesBh 192 2723 7538 36.12 Amethi
vuqc)----- Contd…..

28&vf/kdks"k.k ,oa chek
Banking & Insurance
28-1&mRrj izn's k esa vuqlwfpr O;olkf;d cSadksa dh ftysokj la[;k rFkk muds _.k tek vuqikr

Districtwise No.of Scheduled commercial Banks & their Credit Deposit Ratio in UP. 2020-21

dk;kZy;ksa dh _.k tek jkf'k;ka _.k tek

la[;k ¼djksM+ :0½ ¼djksM+ :0½ vuqikr
tuin District
No. of Credit Deposit Credit
Offices (Cr.Rs.) (Cr.Rs.) Deposit
1 2 3 4 5 1
55-cgjkbp 200 4,057 7,396 54.85 Bahraich
56-JkoLrh 74 1051 1975 53.22 Shrawasti
57-cyjkeiqj 140 2,153 5228 41.18 Balrampur
58-xks.Mk 227 4,338 9,973 43.50 Gonda
59-fl)kFkZuxj 154 1837 5854 31.38 Sidarth Nagar
60-cLrh 168 2795 8740 31.98 Basti
61-lardchjuxj 125 1602 4711 34.01 Santkabir Nagar
62-egjktxat 163 2608 5786 45.07 Maharajganj
63-xksj[kiqj 418 11327 34273 33.05 Gorakhpur
64-dq'khuxj 210 3436 9047 37.98 Kushi Nagar
65-nsofj;k 230 3320 12392 26.79 Deoria
66-vktex<+ 319 4182 19124 21.87 Azamgarh
67-eÅ 162 2092 9829 21.28 Mau
68-cfy;k 233 2741 13164 20.82 Ballia
69-tkSuiqj 347 5255 18208 28.86 Jaunpur
70-xkthiqj 283 4303 16305 26.39 Ghazipur
71-pUnkSyh 171 2631 7519 34.99 Chandauli
72-okjk.klh 506 18925 48115 39.33 Varanasi
73-larjfonkl uxj 132 2608 6182 42.19 St Ravidas Nagar
74-fetkZiqj 199 3185 9635 33.06 Mirzapur
75-lksuHknz 162 3034 9523 31.86 Sonbhadra
mRrj izns'k 17666 525691 1287176 40.84 Uttar pradesh
lzksr%& laLFkkxr foRr] chek ,oa Source- Directorate of Institutional Finance, U P.
ckg; lgk;frr ifj;ksstuk funs'kky;]
mRrj izns'k A

28 & vf/kdks"k.k ,oa chek
Banking & Insurance
28-2&jkT;okj vuqlwfpr O;olkf;d cSad dk;kZy;ksa dh la[;k tek /kujkf'k ,oa forfjr _.k
ekpZ] 2021
Statewise No. of Sch. Commercial Bank Offices & their Deposits & Credits March; 2021

dk;kZy;ksa dh _.k jkf'k;ka tek _.k tek

la[;k ¼djks³ #0esa½ ¼djksM+ :0esa½ vuqikr
jkT; States
No. of Credit Deposit C.D.R
Offices (Cr.Rs.) (Cr. Rs.)
1 2 3 4 5 1
1- gfj;k.kk 5049 289312 557146 51.93 1. Haryana

2- tEew d'ehj 1755 69276 143322 48.34 2. Jammu & Kashmir

3- iatkc 6484 253966 466992 54.38 3. Pubjab

4- jktLFkku 7701 368832 478797 77.03 4. Rajasthan

5- fgekpy izns'k 1632 35077 113052 31.03 5. Himanchal Pradesh

6- fnYyh 3573 1308579 1398764 93.55 6. Delhi

7-v:.kkapy izns'k 167 4794 19926 24.06 7. Arunachal Pradesh

8- vle 2925 81870 175579 46.63 8. Assam

9- ef.kiqj 208 7079 12585 56.25 9. Manipur

10- es?kky; 357 9747 26230 37.16 10. Meghalaya

11- fetksje 208 5230 12279 42.59 11. Mizoram

12- ukxkyS.M 177 5398 13652 39.54 12. Nagaland

13- f=iqjk 570 11857 28656 41.38 13. Tripura

14- fcgkj 7423 158572 402144 39.43 14. Bihar

15- >kj[k.M 3120 77067 258871 29.77 15.Jharkhand

vuqc) Contd…..

28 & vf/kdks"k.k ,oa chek
Banking & Insurance
28-2&jkT;okj vuqlwfpr O;olkf;d cSad dk;kZy;ksa dh la[;k tek /kujkf'k ,oa forfjr _.k
ekpZ] 2021
Statewise No. of Sch. Commercial Bank Offices & their Deposits & Credits March; 2021

dk;kZy;ksa dh _.k jkf'k;ka tek _.k tek

la[;k ¼djks³ #0esa½ ¼djksM+ :0esa½ vuqikr
jkT; States
No. of Credit Deposit C.D.R
Offices (Cr.Rs.) (Cr. Rs.)
1 2 3 4 5 1
16- vksfM'kk 5180 144756 370286 39.09 16. Odisha
17- flfDde 163 3799 11116 34.18 17. Sikkim
18- ia0 caxky 9114 414111 909072 45.55 18. West Bengal
19- NRrhlx<+ 2797 108855 176878 61.54 19.Chatteesgarh
20- e/; izns'k 7117 308463 458517 67.27 20.Madhya Pradesh
21- mRrj izns'k 17666 525691 1287176 40.84 21.Uttar Pradesh
22& mRrjkapy 2147 58247 166815 34.92 22.Uttranchal
23- xksok 668 20920 86059 24.31 23.Goa
24- xqtjkr 8333 581725 847264 68.66 24. Gujrat
25- egkjk"Vª 13160 2895742 3053453 94.83 25. Maharastra
26- vkU/kz izns'k 7295 471738 366478 128.72 26. Andhra Pradesh
27- dukZVd 10530 740288 1215335 60.91 27.Karanataka
28- dsjy 6637 375588 610519 61.52 28 Kerala
29- rfeyukMq 11692 1036274 1020907 101.51 29. Tamil Nadu
30- rsyaxkuk 5451 561844 621746 90.37 30.Telangana
31- vU; 908 100650 130354 77.21 31.Others
vf[ky Hkkjr 150207 11035347 15439970 71.47 All India
lzksr%& laLFkkxr foRr] chek ,oa Source- Directorate of Institutional Finance ,UP.
ckg; lgk;frr ifj;ksstuk
funs'kky;] mRrj izns'k A

29 & yksd foRr
Public Finance
29-1 & mRrj izn's k esa dqy jktLo izkfIr;ka
Total Revenue Receipts in UP.
¼yk[k :i;s½ [ Lakh Rs.]
2011-12 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22

okLrfod okLrfod iqujhf{kr vuqeku vk;&O;;d vuqeku

Actual Actual Revised Estimates Budget Estimates

jktLo lzksr jktLo dqy jktLo ls jktLo dqy jktLo ls jktLo dqy jktLo ls jktLo dqy jktLo ls Source of Revenue
izfr'kr izfr'kr izfr'kr izfr'kr
Revenue Percentage Revenue Percentage Revenue Percentage Revenue Percentage
to Total to Total to Total to Total
Revenue Revenue Revenue Revenue

1 2 3 6 7 8 9 10 11 1
(A) Share from Central
¼v½ dsUnzh; djksa esa va'k 5035095 38.5 11781830 32.2 9861807 32.1 11939530 28.5

¼c½ jkT; dj jktLo 5261343 40.2 12282583 33.5 12486694 40.7 18634500 44.5 (B) State Tax Revenue

1- Hkw&jktLo 49068 0.4 50362 0.1 0.1 86000 0.2 1. Land Revenue
2-jkT; mRikn 'kqYd 813920 6.2 2732476 7.5 9.3 4150000 9.9 2. State Excise Duty
3. Stamp & Registration
3-LVkEi ,oa fucU/ku 'kqYd 769441 5.9 1606980 4.4 4.5 2550000 6.1
1385570 Fee
4-okguksa ij dj 237586 1.8 771487 2.1 1.6 935000 2.2 4. Taxes on Vehicles
5-fcdzhdj&O;kikjdj ¼oSV½ 3310734 25.3 2051713 5.6 7.3 3110000 7.4 5. Sales Tax /'Trade Tax
6-oLrq ,oa lsok dj 'kqYd 6.Good &service Tax
µ µ 4723241 12.9 16.4 7328500 17.5
¼th0,l0Vh0½ 5035463 (GST)

7-vU; dj ,oa 'kqYd 80594 0.5 346324 0.9 1.4 475000 1.1 7. Other Taxes & Duties
¼l½ djsrj jktLo 1014530 7.8 8170508 22.3 1081192 3.5 2542167 6.1 (C) Non-Tax Revenue

1- ou 28588 0.2 31208 0.1 31713 0.1 57600 0.1 1- Forest

2- flapkbZ fuekZ.k dk;Z 19791 0.2 102358 0.3 77643 0.3 186500 0.4 2-. Irrigation works
3-yksd fuekZ.k dk;Z lM+ds ,oa 3-public/ Civil works,
22282 0.2 75283 0.2 52659 0.2 674400 1.6
iqy Roads & Bridges
4. Education Sport, Art &
4-f'k{kk [ksy dyk ,oa laLd`fr ¹ 200855 1.5 48021 0.1 53085 0.2 62010 0.1

5-fpfdRlk yksd LokLF; ifjokj 5. Medical, Public Health,

10826 0.1 29436 0.1 34257 0.1 47903 0.1 Family Welfare water
dY;k.k] ty lEiwfrZ ,oa lQkbZ supply, sanitation
6. Community
6-lkeqnkf;d fodkl 18002 0.1 10279 0.0 6316 0.0 7208 0.0
7- izdh.kZ 714186 5.5 7873923 21.5 825519 2.7 1506546 3.6 7. Miscellaneous

(D) Grants in-aid from

¼n½ dsUnz ls vuqnku 1776002 13.6 4404397 12.0 7250473 23.6 8717847 20.8
dqy jktLo izkfIr;ka 13086970 100.0 36639318 100.0 30680166 100.0 41834044 100.0 Total Revenue Receipts
lzksr%& m0iz0 ctV #i&js[kk] foRr
Source- UP. Budget in Brief, Finance Department, UP.
foHkkx] m0iz0A

29 & yksd foRr
Public Finance
29-2 & mRrj izns'k ds jktLo ys[ks dk O;;
Expenditure From Revenue Accounts of Uttar Pradesh
¼yk[k :i;s½ (Lakh Rs.)
2010-11 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22
okLrfod okLrfod iqujhf{kr vuqeku vk;&O;;d vuqeku
Type of
O;; ds izdkj actual actual Revised Estimates Budget Estimates
O;; izfr'kr O;; izfr'kr O;; izfr'kr O;; izfr'kr
Expenditure Percentage Expenditure Percentage Expenditure Percentage Expenditure Percentage

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1
1-jkT; ds vax
119481 1.1 341000 1.1 423991 1.3 485203 1.2 1.Organs of State

2-jkT; dks"kh; lsok;sa

302561 2.8 448590 1.5 421694 1.3 592996 1.5 2.Fiscal Services

3-C;kt dh vnk;xh
3. Interest
vkSj _.k 'kks/ku 2153826 20.0 3481302 11.6 3905938 12.2 4552981 11.5 Payment &
Servicing Debts

4-iz'kklfud lsok;sa
4. Administrative
960787 8.9 2543198 8.5 2724467 8.5 3691859 9.3

5-lkekftd vkSj 5. Social &

lkeqnkf;d lsok;sa 3956671 36.7 10384876 34.8 11257307 35.2 1488377 3.8 Community

6-vkfFkZd lsok;sa 1572503 14.6 6280942 21.0 6462441 20.2 7216965 18.3
6. Economic
7-vU; 1701732 15.8 6403396 21.4 6800405 21.3 21484654 54.4 7. Others

Total Revenue
dqy jktLo O;; 10767561 100.0 29883304 100.0 31996243 100.0 39513035 100.0

lzksr%& m0iz0 ds ctV dh #i&js[kk] foRr foHkkx] m0iz0A Source- UP. Budget in Brief, Finance Department, UP.

29 & yksd foRr
Public Finance
29-3 & mRrj izn's k dk iwt
a h ctV
Capital Budget in UP.
¼yk[k :i;s½ (Lakh Rs.)
iqujhf{kr vk; O;;d
okLrfod okLrfod okLrfod vuqeku vuqeku

'kh"kZd Revised Budget Particulars

Actual Actual Actual Estimates Estimates

2011-12 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22

1 2 3 4 5 6 1

¼d½ dqy izkfIr;ka iwath (A) Receipts

1- _.kksa ls izkfIr;ka 1965230 5159526 7380870 9150200 8550940 1- Receipts from loan

2-_.kksa vkSj vfxzeksa ls olwfy;ka 13317 531338 564058 220000 233200 2- Collection of loans & advances

3- Transferred from contigency

3-vkdfLedrk _.k ls varj.k --- --- --- --- ---

;ksx izfIr;ka 1978547 5690864 7944928 9370200 8784140 Total receipts

¼[k½O;; iwath (B) Expenditure

1- iwthxr ifjO;; 2157396 6246341 5999803 6825387 11376770 1- Capital Expenditure

2- _.kksa ls izfrnku 828761 2071661 2240061 2489743 3886853 2- Repayment of loans

3- Disbursement of Loans &

3-_.kksa ,oa vfxzeksa dk laforj.k 97557 630264 212001 163685 250419

4-vkdfLedrk fuf/k dk varj.k --- --- --- --- --- 4- Transferred to contigency fund

;ksx 3083714 8948266 8451865 9478815 15514042 Total expenditure

¼x½lexz cpr ¼$½ ;k ?kkVk ¼&½ -1105167 -3257402 -506937 -108615 -6729902 Overall surplus (+) or deficit (-)

..vizkIr ..Not Available

lzksr%& m0iz0 ds vk; O;; dh
Source- UP. Budget in Brief, Finance Department, UP.
#i&js[kk] foRr foHkkx] m0iz0A

29 & yksd foRr
Public Finance
29-4 & mRrj izn's k dk ctV ,d n`f"V esa
Over all Budgetory Position of UP.
¼yk[k :i;s½ (Lakh Rs.)

iqujhf{kr vk; O;;d

okLrfod okLrfod okLrfod
vuqeku vuqeku
'kh"kZd Revised Budget Particulars
Actual Actual Actual Estimates Estimates
2011-12 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22
1 1 2 3 4 5 1

1- Surplus (+) or Deficit (-)

1-jktLo ys[ks esa cpr¼$½;k ?kkVk¼&½ 698453 2824956 6756013 -1316077 2321009
on revenue accounts

2- Surplus (+) or Deficit (-)

2-iwth ys[ks esa cpr¼$½;k ?kkVk¼&½ -1105167 -3257402 -506937 -108615 -6729902
on capital accounts

3- Overall Surplus (+) or

3-lesfdr fuf/k esa cpr¼$½;k ?kkVk¼&½ -406714 -432446 6249076 -1424692 -4408893
Deficit (-)

4-udnh vf/k'ks"k esa o`f)¼$½;k deh 4- Increase (+) or Decrease

45415 -9412 6495 -584692 -3798894
¼&½ (-) on cash balance

¼d½ o"kZ ds vkjEHk esa vf/k'ks"k -103397 26521 17110 1988004 1403312 A- Opening balance

¼[k½ o"kZ ds vUr esa vf/k'ks"k -57982 17109 23605 1403312 -2395582 B- Closing balance

lzksr%& m0iz0 ds vk; O;; dh #i&js[kk] foRr foHkkx] m0iz0A

Source- UP. Budget in Brief, Finance Department, UP. .

29 & yksd foRr
Public Finance
29-5 & mRrj izns'k esa jktdh; ctV dk izfr'kr forj.k ¼dk;Z lEcU/kh oxhZdj.k½
Percentage Distribution of Govt.Budget in UP. (Functional Classification)

okLrfod okLrfod okLrfod okLrfod vuqeku
'kh"kZd Particulars
Revised Budget
Actual Actual Actual Actual Estimates
2011-12 2017-18 2018-19 2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1
1- lkekU; lsok;sa
18.5 22.9 23.0 23.4 23.5 21.5 1- General services

1-1 lkekU; iz'kklu rFkk 1.1 General administration& social

18.5 22.9 23.0 23.4 23.5 21.5
'kkafr ,oa O;oLFkk security
¼1½ lkekU; iz'kklu
1.4 1.9 1.9 2.0 2.2 2.1 (i) General administration

¼2½ djksa dh mxkgh ij

1.4 2.3 2.1 2.1 1.9 1.9 (ii) Collection of tax exp.
¼3½ U;k;
1.1 1.3 1.2 1.2 1.8 1.5 (iii) Judicial

¼4½ dkjkxkj
0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 (iv) Jail

¼5½ iqfyl
7.4 8.3 8.3 9.3 8.9 9.3 (v) police

¼6½ vU; lkekU; lsok;sa

6.8 8.7 9.2 8.5 8.4 6.4 (vi) Other General services

1-2 lkekU; 'kks/k

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.2 General research

2- lqj{kk
0.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2- Security

3- f'k{kk
23.8 18.0 16.2 17.7 16.2 15.8 3- Education

3-1 lkekU; iz'kklu fofu;e 3.1 General administration regulation

0.5 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3
,oa 'kks/k & research
3-2Ldwyksa] fo|ky;ksa ,oa 3.2 School, Universities & other
23.3 17.6 15.8 17.3 15.9 15.5
vU; f'k{kk lEcU/kh lqfo/kk;sa educational facilities
4- LokLF;
4.9 6.2 5.5 5.8 5.5 6.2 4- Health

4-1 lkekU; iz'kklu fofu;e 4.1 General administration regulation

0.2 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2
,oa 'kks/k & research
4-2vLirkyksa nok[kkuksa ,oa 4.2 Hospital, Dispensaries & other
4.7 6.1 5.4 5.6 5.3 6.0
vU;O;fDrxr LokLF; lsok;sa private health services

29 & yksd foRr
Public Finance
29-5 & mRrj izns'k esa jktdh; ctV dk izfr'kr forj.k ¼dk;Z lEcU/kh oxhZdj.k½
Percentage Distribution of Govt. in UP. (Functional Classification)

okLrfod okLrfod okLrfod okLrfod vuqeku
'kh"kZd Particulars
Revised Budget
Actual Actual Actual Actual Estimates
2011-12 2017-18 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1
5 lkekftd lqj{kk ,oa 5- Social security & welfare
8.9 6.2 6.5 6.0 7.1 6.1
dY;k.k lsok;sa services
5-1 lekt dY;k.k lsok;sa
5.7 4.4 5.0 4.5 5.2 4.2 5.1 Social welfare services

5-2 lekt lqj{kk lsok;sa

3.2 1.8 1.5 1.5 1.9 1.9 5.2 Social Security services

6- vkokl ,oa lkeqnkf;d

5.2 6 5.7 5.5 7.8 8.6 6- Housing & community services
7- lkaLd`frd ,oa /kkfeZd
-0.4 0.5 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.6 7- Cultural & religious services
8- vkfFkZd lsok;sa
22.1 25.9 28.1 26.2 24.2 26.2 8- Economic services

8-1 lkekU; iz'kklu fofu;e

8.1 Hospital, Dispensaries & other
'kks/k 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.6
private health services

8-2d`f"k] ou] flapkbZ eRL;

8.2 Agriculture, Forest,
,oa f'kdkj 8.2 13.2 7.7 7.1 7.6 6.9
Irrigation,Fisheries & Hunting

8-3 [kfut] m|ksx ,oa

0.6 0.5 1.4 1.0 0.6 0.7 8.3 Mining industries & construction
8-4 fo|qr] xSl] ok"i ,oa
6.2 5.5 8.6 7.5 6.4 7.9 8.4 Electricity, gas, steam & water
8-5 ijek.kfod ÅtkZ
0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.5 Atomic energy

8-6 ifjogu ,oa lapkj

6.7 5.5 9.0 8.5 8.6 9.7 8-6 Transport & communication

8-7 vU; vkfFkZd lsok;sa

-0.1 0.7 0.9 1.5 0.4 0.4 8.7 Other economic services

9- vU; lsok;sa
16.6 14.3 14.4 14.9 15.2 15.0 9- Other services

9-1 foink lgk;rk

0.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 9.1 Relief on calamities

9-2 vU; fofo/k dk;Z

16.6 14.2 14.3 14.9 15.2 15.0 9.2Other Miscellaneous services

100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Total

lzksr%& m0iz0 vk; O;;d

Source:-Budget Classification of UP.
lEcU/kh oxhZdj.k A

29 & yksd foRr
Public Fiance
29-6 & mRrj izns'k esa jktdh; ctV dk izfr'kr forj.k ¼vkfFkZd oxhZdj.k½
Percentage Distribution of Govt. Budget in UP. ( Economic Classification )
okLrfod okLrfod okLrfod okLrfod iqujhf{kr vk;&O;;d
vuqeku vuqeku
vkfFkZd oxhZdj.k Actual Actual Actual Actual Revised Budget Economic Classification
Estimates Estimates

2011-12 2017-18 2018-19 2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1
1- pkyw O;; 77.7 80.5 73.2 75.7 73.8 67.3 1- Current expenditure

1-1 [kir lEcU/kh 'kq) O;;

31.6 30.9 29.0 31.5 32.0 31.1 1.1 Net consumption expenditure

1-2 lk/kkj.k _.k ij O;kt 10.5 9.3 8.6 8.9 9.0 7.8 1.2 Interest on ordinary loan

1-3 jkT; lgk;rk 7.1 5.7 6.2 6.3 6.9 6.0 1.3 State subsidies
1-4 ifjokjksa ds vk; [kkrs esa 1.4 Trans. to accounts of households &
24.6 30.0 25.5 24.5 21.3 18.8
rFkk vU; laLFkkvksa dks vUrj.k other institutions

1-5 LFkkuh; fudk;ksas dks pkyw

1.5 Transfer to local bodies current
dk;Z lapkyu ds fy;s vUrj.k 3.9 4.6 3.9 4.5 4.6 3.6

2- iwathxr O;; 22.3 19.5 26.8 24.3 26.2 32.7 2- Capital expenditure
2-1 dqy fLFkj iawth fuekZ.k 9.2 9.4 12.5 12.4 14.6 18.7 2.1 Total fixed capital formation

¼1½ Hkou ,oa vU; fuekZ.k

8.8 8.9 12.1 12.0 14.2 18.2 (i) Building & other construction
¼2½ e'khu ,oa midj.k 0.4 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.5 (ii) Machine & tools

2-2 LVkdksa esa 'kq) o`f) -0.5 0.6 1.2 1.1 0.0 0.0 2.2 Net increase in stock

2-3 iawthxr vUrj.k 3.9 1.3 1.7 1.9 2.7 4.2 2.3 Capital transfer
¼1½ LFkkuh; fudk;kssa dks 0.9 0.3 0.7 0.3 0.4 0.9 (i) To local Bodies
¼2½ vU; lsDVjksa dks 3.0 1.0 1.0 1.6 2.3 3.3 (ii) To other sectors
2-4 iawthxr 'ks;jksa esa fuos'k 3.1 2.8 3.9 2.4 2.3 2.2 2.4 Investment in capital shares
2-5 _.k ,oa vfxze 0.7 0.4 1.7 0.5 0.4 0.3 2.5 Loans & advances
¼1½ LFkkuh; fudk;kssa dks 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 (i) To local Bodies
¼2½ vU; lsDVjksa dks 0.5 0.4 1.7 0.5 0.4 0.3 (ii) To other sectors
2-6 lkoZtfud _.kksa dh
5.9 5.0 5.8 6.0 6.2 7.3 2-6 Repayment of public loans
;ksx 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Total

lzksr% m0iz0 vk; O;;d lEcU/kh

Source-Budget Classification of UP.

29 & yksd foRr
Public Finance
29-7 & mRrj izns'k esa Hkw&jktLo dh ftysokj ekax@olwyh ds vkadM+&s 2021
Districtwise Figures of Demand & Collection of Land Revenue in UP. 2021
¼30 flrEcj dh fLFkfrs½ ¼yk[k #- esa½ (As on 30th Sept.)(In Lakh Rs.)

la'kksf/kr ekfld dzfed olwyh@

Net @
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My&{ks= ekax@revised LFkxu@ stay olwyh@onthly gradual Year/District/ Division/Region
Demand collection collection

1 2 3 4 5 6 1
1&lgkjuiqj 56.64 0.00 56.64 0.00 56.64 Saharanpur
2&eqtQ~Qjuxj 42.09 0.00 42.09 0.67 42.73 MuzaffarNagar
3&'kkeyh 18.76 0.00 18.76 1.27 19.07 Shamli
lgkjuiqj e.My 117.49 0.00 117.49 1.94 118.44 Saharanpur Division
4&fctukSj 58.10 0.00 58.10 0.00 58.10 Bijnor
5&eqjknkckn 25.90 0.00 25.90 2.31 26.66 Moradabad
6&laHky 25.56 0.00 25.56 3.14 28.11 Sambhal
7&jkeiqj 27.28 0.65 26.63 0.00 26.62 Rampur
8&vejksgk 22.85 0.00 22.85 0.29 23.80 Amroha
eqjknkckn e.My 159.69 0.65 159.04 5.74 163.29 Moradabad Division
9&esjB 36.72 0.00 36.72 4.59 37.22 Meerut
10&ckxir 14.22 0.00 14.22 0.24 14.33 Bagapat
11&xkft;kckn 8.58 0.00 8.58 0.81 9.07 Ghaziabad
12&gkiqqM+ 13.39 0.00 13.39 1.17 14.86 Hapur
13&xkSrecq) uxj 6.78 0.00 6.78 0.00 6.81 GautambuddhNagar
14&cqyUn'kgj 36.68 0.00 36.68 0.29 36.68 Bulandshahr
esjB e.My 116.37 0.00 116.37 7.10 118.97 Meerut Division
15&eFkqjk 27.68 0.00 27.68 2.34 27.68 Mathura
16&vkxjk 16.95 0.00 16.95 1.22 17.17 Agra
17&fQjkstkckn 24.35 0.00 24.35 1.74 24.35 Firozabad
18&eSuiqjh 21.01 0.00 21.01 0.24 21.01 Mainpuri
vkxjk e.My 89.99 0.00 89.99 5.54 90.21 Agra Div.
19&vyhx<+ 43.50 0.00 43.50 0.03 43.50 Aligarh
20&gkFkjl 21.62 0.00 21.62 1.83 21.62 Hathras
21&,Vk 21.09 0.00 21.09 0.63 21.09 Etah
22&dklxat 13.54 0.00 13.54 0.00 13.56 Kasganj
vyhx<+ e.My 99.75 0.00 99.75 2.49 99.77 Aligarh Div.
23&cnk;wW 46.93 0.00 46.93 2.93 48.00 Badaun
24&cjsyh 39.35 0.00 39.35 2.80 40.96 Bareilly
25&ihyhHkhr 35.09 0.00 35.09 1.33 35.10 Pilibhit
26&'kkgtgkWiqj 90.69 0.00 90.69 12.97 91.10 Shahjahanpur
cjsyh e.My 212.06 0.00 212.06 20.03 215.16 Bareilly Division
vuqc)------- Contd----------

29 & yksd foRr
Public Finance
29-7 & mRrj izns'k esa Hkw&jktLo dh ftysokj ekax@olwyh ds vkadM+&s 2021
Districtwise Figures of Demand & Collection of Land Revenue in UP. 2021
¼30 flrEcj dh fLFkfrs½ ¼yk[k #- esa½ (As on 30th Sept.)(In Lakh Rs.)

la'kksf/kr ekfld dzfed olwyh@

Net @
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My&{ks= ekax@revised LFkxu@ stay olwyh@onthly gradual Year/District/ Division/Region
Demand collection collection

1 2 3 4 5 6 1
27&[khjh 84.25 0.00 84.25 5.21 84.90 kheri
28&lhrkiqj 42.03 0.00 42.03 2.75 42.03 Sitapur
29&gjnksbZ 63.90 0.00 63.90 6.12 64.48 Hardoi
30&mUuko 43.33 0.00 43.33 0.00 43.33 Unnao
31&y[kuÅ 21.43 0.00 21.43 13.13 21.43 Lucknow
32&jk;cjsyh 32.46 0.00 32.46 4.63 32.78 Raebareli
y[kuÅ e.My 287.40 0.00 287.40 31.84 288.95 Lucknow Division
33&Q:Z[kkckn 10.51 0.00 10.51 0.85 10.51 Farrukhabad
34&dUukSt 11.37 0.00 11.37 0.25 11.37 Kannauj
35&bVkok 13.67 0.00 13.67 0.00 13.67 Etawah
36&vkSj;S k 14.05 0.00 14.05 0.59 14.69 Auraiya
37&dkuiqj nsgkr 25.43 0.00 25.43 0.20 25.46 Kanpur Dehat
38&dkuiqj uxj 22.26 0.00 22.26 2.28 22.26 Kanpur Nagar
dkuiqj e.My 97.29 0.00 97.29 4.17 97.96 Kanpur Division
39&tkykSu 30.37 0.00 30.37 0.91 30.37 Jalaun
40&>kWlh 26.38 0.00 26.38 0.95 26.38 Jhansi
41&yfyriqj 24.40 0.00 24.40 0.65 24.40 Lalitpur
>kWlh e.My 81.15 0.00 81.15 2.51 81.15 Jhansi Division
42&gehjiqj 43.00 0.00 43.00 9.01 43.02 Hamirpur
43&egksck 18.85 0.00 18.85 1.80 18.85 Mahoba
44&ckWnk 107.80 0.00 107.80 7.46 40.19 Banda
45&fp=dwV 16.73 0.00 16.73 0.78 16.69 Chitrakoot
fp=dwV /kke e.My 186.38 0.00 186.38 19.05 118.75 Chitrakoot Dham Div.
46&Qrsgiqj 39.80 0.00 39.80 1.39 39.80 Fatehpur
47&izrkix<+ 20.51 0.00 20.51 0.36 20.51 Pratapgarh
48&dkS'kkEch 21.11 0.00 21.11 1.71 21.78 Kaushambi
49&iz;kxjkt 35.02 0.00 35.02 5.12 35.02 Prayagraj
iz;kxjkt e.My 116.44 0.00 116.44 8.58 117.11 Prayagraj Division
50&ckjkcadh 32.48 0.00 32.48 1.15 32.48 Barabanki
51&v;ks/;k 13.67 0.00 13.67 0.29 13.67 Ayodhya
52&vEcsMdjuxj 11.71 0.00 11.71 0.00 11.71 AmbedkarNagar
53&lqYrkuiqj 13.69 0.00 13.69 0.00 13.69 Sultanpur
54&vesBh 13.22 0.00 13.22 0.00 13.22 Amethi
v;ks/;k e.My 84.77 0.00 84.77 1.44 84.77 Ayodhya Division
vuqo)--------- Contd…

29 & yksd foRr
Public Finance
29-7 & mRrj izns'k esa Hkw&jktLo dh ftysokj ekax@olwyh ds vkadM+&s 2021
Districtwise Figures of Demand & Collection of Land Revenue in UP. 2021
¼30 flrEcj dh fLFkfrs½ ¼yk[k #- esa½ (As on 30th Sept.)(In Lakh Rs.)

la'kksf/kr ekfld dzfed olwyh@

Net @
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My&{ks= ekax@revised LFkxu@ stay olwyh@onthly gradual Year/District/ Division/Region
Demand collection collection

1 2 3 4 5 6 1
55&cgjkbp 24.91 0.00 24.91 0.17 25.15 Bahraich
56&JkoLrh 12.40 0.00 12.40 1.06 12.40 Shrawasti
57&cyjkeiqj 25.90 0.00 25.90 0.00 25.90 Balrampur
58&xks.Mk 20.43 0.00 20.43 0.00 20.43 Gonda
nsohikVu e.My 83.64 0.00 83.64 1.23 83.88 Devipatan Division
59&fl)kFkZuxj 19.18 0.00 19.18 0.20 19.18 SiddharthNagar
60&cLrh 16.23 0.00 16.23 0.35 16.23 Basti
61&lardchjuxj 7.00 0.00 7.00 0.00 7.00 SantkabirNagar
cLrh e.My 42.41 0.00 42.41 0.55 42.41 Basti Division
62&egjktxat 14.95 0.00 14.95 0.00 14.95 Maharajganj
63&xksj[kiqj 13.99 0.00 13.99 0.56 13.99 Gorakhpur
64&dq'khuxj 12.82 0.00 12.82 0.00 12.82 KushiNagar
65&nsofj;k 10.93 0.00 10.93 0.39 10.93 Deoria
xksj[kiqj e.My 52.69 0.00 52.69 0.95 52.69 GorakhpurDivision
66&vktex<+ 15.80 0.00 15.80 0.00 15.80 Azamgarh
67&eÅ 11.36 0.00 11.36 0.57 11.36 Mau
68&cfy;k 14.66 0.00 14.66 0.42 14.66 Ballia
vktex<+ e.My 41.82 0.00 41.82 0.99 41.82 Azamgarh Division
69&tkSuiqj 16.72 0.00 16.72 1.92 16.72 Jaunpur
70&xkthiqj 26.48 0.00 26.48 1.43 26.48 Ghazipur
71&pUnkSyh 15.58 0.00 15.58 0.00 15.58 Chandauli
72&okjk.klh 7.05 0.00 7.05 0.74 7.05 Varanasi
okjk.klh e.My 65.83 0.00 65.83 4.09 65.83 Varanasi Division
73&larjfonkl uxj 5.71 0.00 5.71 0.00 5.71 SantravidasNagar
74&fetkZiqj 38.32 0.00 38.32 0.00 38.32 Mirzapur
75&lksuHknz 31.46 0.00 31.46 3.94 31.46 Sonbhadra
foU/;kpy e.My 75.49 0.00 75.49 3.94 75.49 Vindhyachal Division
1- if'peh lEHkkx 845 0.65 844 45 856 Western Region
2- dsUnzh; lEHkkx 407 0.00 407 37 409 Central Region
3- cqUnsy[k.M lEHkkx 268 0.00 268 22 200 Bundelkhand Region
4- iwohZZ lEHkkx 491 0.00 491 19 492 Eastern Region
mRrj izns'k 2010.66 0.65 2010.01 122.18 1956.65 Uttar Pradesh
vuqc) ---------- Contd--------

29& yksd foRr
Public Finance
29-7 & mRrj izn's k esa Hkw&jktLo dh ftysokj ekax@olwyh ds vkadM+s] 2021
Districtwise Figures of Demand & Collection of Land Revenue in UP. 2021
¼30 flrEcj dh fLFkfrs½ ¼yk[k #- esa½ (As on 30th Sept.)(In Lakh Rs.)
cdk;k xro"kZ blh xro"kZ dh
izzfr'kr 'kq}
vof/k esa
cdk;k 'kq} ekWax la'ksf/kr ekWax ekax ls
rqyuk esa
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= ls @outstanding ls@ dzfed deh@c`f) Year/District/Division/Region
Net Demand outstanding from net
olwyh@gradual increase/dec
revised demand collection rease from
demand from last year last year

1 7 8 9 10 11 1
1&lgkjuiqj 0.00 0.00 100.00 57.84 -1.20 Saharanpur
2&eqtQ~Qjuxj -0.64 -0.64 101.52 43.92 -1.19 MuzaffarNagar
3&'kkeyh -0.31 -0.31 101.65 19.85 -0.78 Shamli
lgkjuiqj e.My -0.95 -0.95 100.81 121.61 -3.17 Saharanpur Division
4&fctukSj 0.00 0.00 100.00 57.23 0.87 Bijnor
5&eqjknkckn -0.76 -0.76 102.93 26.95 -0.29 Moradabad
6&laHky -2.55 -2.55 109.98 27.24 0.87 Sambhal
7&jkeiqj 0.01 0.66 99.96 27.04 -0.42 Rampur
8&vejksgk -0.95 -0.95 104.16 24.53 -0.73 Amroha
eqjknkckn e.My -4.25 -3.60 102.67 162.99 0.30 Moradabad Division
9&esjB -0.50 -0.50 101.36 37.04 0.18 Meerut
10&ckxir -0.11 -0.11 100.77 14.88 -0.55 Bagapat
11&xkft;kckn -0.49 -0.49 105.71 9.27 -0.20 Ghaziabad
12&gkiqqM+ -1.47 -1.47 110.98 14.56 0.30 Hapur
13&xkSrecq) uxj -0.03 -0.03 100.44 7.08 -0.27 GautambuddhNagar
14&cqyUn'kgj 0.00 0.00 100.00 37.06 -0.38 Bulandshahr
esjB e.My -2.60 -2.60 102.23 119.89 -0.92 Meerut Division
15&eFkqjk 0.00 0.00 100.00 28.59 -0.91 Mathura
16&vkxjk -0.22 -0.22 101.30 17.75 -0.58 Agra
17&fQjkstkckn 0.00 0.00 100.00 24.75 -0.40 Firozabad
18&eSuiqjh 0.00 0.00 100.00 21.24 -0.23 Mainpuri
vkxjk e.My -0.22 -0.22 100.24 92.33 -2.12 Agra Div.
19&vyhx<+ 0.00 0.00 100.00 44.97 -1.47 Aligarh
20&gkFkjl 0.00 0.00 100.00 22.79 -1.17 Hathras
21&,Vk 0.00 0.00 100.00 22.92 -1.83 Etah
22&dklxat -0.02 -0.02 100.15 13.37 0.19 Kasganj
vyhx<+ e.My -0.02 -0.02 100.02 104.05 -4.28 Aligarh Div.
23&cnk;wW -1.07 -1.07 102.28 46.34 1.66 Badaun
24&cjsyh -1.61 -1.61 104.09 33.66 7.30 Bareilly
25&ihyhHkhr -0.01 -0.01 100.03 35.62 -0.52 Pilibhit
26&'kkgtgkWiqj -0.41 -0.41 100.45 26.07 65.03 Shahjahanpur
cjsyh e.My -3.10 -3.10 101.46 141.69 73.47 Bareilly Division
vuqc)------- Contd----------

29& yksd foRr
Public Finance
29-7 & mRrj izn's k esa Hkw&jktLo dh ftysokj ekax@olwyh ds vkadM+s] 2021
Districtwise Figures of Demand & Collection of Land Revenue in UP. 2021
¼30 flrEcj dh fLFkfrs½ ¼yk[k #- esa½ (As on 30th Sept.)(In Lakh Rs.)
cdk;k xro"kZ blh xro"kZ dh
izzfr'kr 'kq}
vof/k esa
cdk;k 'kq} ekWax la'ksf/kr ekWax ekax ls
rqyuk esa
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= ls @outstanding ls@ dzfed deh@c`f) Year/District/Division/Region
Net Demand outstanding from net
olwyh@gradual increase/dec
revised demand collection rease from
demand from last year last year

1 7 8 9 10 11 1
27&[khjh -0.65 -0.65 100.77 26.55 58.35 kheri
28&lhrkiqj 0.00 0.00 100.00 42.20 -0.17 Sitapur
29&gjnksbZ -0.58 -0.58 100.91 26.01 38.47 Hardoi
30&mUuko 0.00 0.00 100.00 12.42 30.91 Unnao
31&y[kuÅ 0.00 0.00 100.00 5.60 15.83 Lucknow
32&jk;cjsyh -0.32 -0.32 100.99 9.19 23.59 Raebareli
y[kuÅ e.My -1.55 -1.55 100.54 121.97 166.98 Lucknow Division
33&Q:Z[kkckn 0.00 0.00 100.00 10.84 -0.33 Farrukhabad
34&dUukSt 0.00 0.00 100.00 11.62 -0.25 Kannauj
35&bVkok 0.00 0.00 100.00 14.05 -0.38 Etawah
36&vkSjS;k -0.64 -0.64 104.56 14.63 0.06 Auraiya
37&dkuiqj nsgkr -0.03 -0.03 100.12 25.72 -0.26 Kanpur Dehat
38&dkuiqj uxj 0.00 0.00 100.00 22.41 -0.15 Kanpur Nagar
dkuiqj e.My -0.67 -0.67 100.69 99.27 -1.31 Kanpur Division
39&tkykSu 0.00 0.00 100.00 30.41 -0.04 Jalaun
40&>kWlh 0.00 0.00 100.00 27.18 -0.80 Jhansi
41&yfyriqj 0.00 0.00 100.00 7.42 16.98 Lalitpur
>kWlh e.My 0.00 0.00 100.00 65.01 16.14 Jhansi Division
42&gehjiqj -0.02 -0.02 100.05 14.42 28.60 Hamirpur
43&egksck 0.00 0.00 100.00 18.95 -0.10 Mahoba
44&ckWnk 67.61 67.61 37.28 18.06 22.13 Banda
45&fp=dwV 0.04 0.04 99.76 5.30 11.39 Chitrakoot
fp=dwV /kke e.My 67.63 67.63 63.71 56.73 62.02 Chitrakoot Dham Div.
46&Qrsgiqj 0.00 0.00 100.00 42.15 -2.35 Fatehpur
47&izrkix<+ 0.00 0.00 100.00 21.36 -0.85 Pratapgarh
48&dkS'kkEch -0.67 -0.67 103.17 14.90 6.88 Kaushambi
49&iz;kxjkt 0.00 0.00 100.00 35.02 0.00 Prayagraj
iz;kxjkt e.My -0.67 -0.67 100.58 113.43 3.68 Prayagraj Division
50&ckjkcadh 0.00 0.00 100.00 17.33 15.15 Barabanki
51&v;ks/;k 0.00 0.00 100.00 14.26 -0.59 Ayodhya
52&vEcsMdjuxj 0.00 0.00 100.00 12.29 -0.58 AmbedkarNagar
53&lqYrkuiqj 0.00 0.00 100.00 14.55 -0.86 Sultanpur
54&vesBh 0.00 0.00 100.00 13.60 -0.38 Amethi
v;ks/;k e.My 0.00 0.00 100.00 72.03 12.74 Ayodhya Division
vuqo)--------- Contd…

29& yksd foRr
Public Finance
29-7 & mRrj izn's k esa Hkw&jktLo dh ftysokj ekax@olwyh ds vkadM+s] 2021
Districtwise Figures of Demand & Collection of Land Revenue in UP. 2021
¼30 flrEcj dh fLFkfrs½ ¼yk[k #- esa½ (As on 30th Sept.)(In Lakh Rs.)
cdk;k xro"kZ blh xro"kZ dh
izzfr'kr 'kq}
vof/k esa
cdk;k 'kq} ekWax la'ksf/kr ekWax ekax ls
rqyuk esa
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= ls @outstanding ls@ dzfed deh@c`f) Year/District/Division/Region
Net Demand outstanding from net
olwyh@gradual increase/dec
revised demand collection rease from
demand from last year last year

1 7 8 9 10 11 1
55&cgjkbp -0.24 -0.24 100.96 25.85 -0.70 Bahraich
56&JkoLrh 0.00 0.00 100.00 12.65 -0.25 Shrawasti
57&cyjkeiqj 0.00 0.00 100.00 26.69 -0.79 Balrampur
58&xks.Mk 0.00 0.00 100.00 20.92 -0.49 Gonda
nsohikVu e.My -0.24 -0.24 100.29 86.11 -2.23 Devipatan Division
59&fl)kFkZuxj 0.00 0.00 100.00 19.81 -0.63 SiddharthNagar
60&cLrh 0.00 0.00 100.00 16.79 -0.56 Basti
61&lardchjuxj 0.00 0.00 100.00 7.17 -0.17 SantkabirNagar
cLrh e.My 0.00 0.00 100.00 43.77 -1.36 Basti Division
62&egjktxat 0.00 0.00 100.00 15.11 -0.16 Maharajganj
63&xksj[kiqj 0.00 0.00 100.00 14.57 -0.58 Gorakhpur
64&dq'khuxj 0.00 0.00 100.00 13.48 -0.66 KushiNagar
65&nsofj;k 0.00 0.00 100.00 11.21 -0.28 Deoria
xksj[kiqj e.My 0.00 0.00 100.00 54.37 -1.68 GorakhpurDivision
66&vktex<+ 0.00 0.00 100.00 16.30 -0.50 Azamgarh
67&eÅ 0.00 0.00 100.00 11.40 -0.04 Mau
68&cfy;k 0.00 0.00 100.00 15.06 -0.40 Ballia
vktex<+ e.My 0.00 0.00 100.00 42.76 -0.94 Azamgarh Division
69&tkSuiqj 0.00 0.00 100.00 13.78 2.94 Jaunpur
70&xkthiqj 0.00 0.00 100.00 26.68 -0.20 Ghazipur
71&pUnkSyh 0.00 0.00 100.00 16.23 -0.65 Chandauli
72&okjk.klh 0.00 0.00 100.00 8.24 -1.19 Varanasi
okjk.klh e.My 0.00 0.00 100.00 64.93 0.90 Varanasi Division
73&larjfonkl uxj 0.00 0.00 100.00 5.51 0.20 SantravidasNagar
74&fetkZiqj 0.00 0.00 100.00 38.32 0.00 Mirzapur
75&lksuHknz 0.00 0.00 100.00 33.48 -2.02 Sonbhadra
foU/;kpy e.My 0.00 0.00 100.00 77.31 -1.82 Vindhyachal Division
1- if'peh lEHkkx -11.8 -11 101.40 794 62 Western Region
2- dsUnzh; lEHkkx -1.6 -2 100.39 230 179 Central Region
3- cqUnsy[k.M lEHkkx 67.63 68 74.72 122 78 Bundelkhand Region
4- iwohZZ lEHkkx -0.91 -1 100.19 495 -4 Eastern Region
mRrj izns'k 53.36 54.01 97.35 1640.25 316.40 Uttar Pradesh
lzksr %& jktLo ifj"kn] m0iz0 A source:-Board of Revenue, UP.

29 & yksd foRr
Public Finance
29-8 & mRrj izns'k esa oLrqvksa ds vuqlkj vkcdkjh jktLo
Excise Revenue by Commodities in UP.
¼yk[k :i;s ess½ ( In Lakh Rs.)
o"kZ@en 2011-12 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 Year/Items

1 2 3 4 5 6 1

1- ns'kh 'kjkc 434191 827690 1129225 1280966 1511502 1- Country liquors

2- ns'kh [kehj efnjk 90 98 122 108 100 2- Country fermented liquors

3- tkS vkfn dh efnjk ¼ekYV½ 60809 212595 347873 404037 341648 3- Malt liquors

4- fons'kh 'kjkc vkSj vklo 294290 573528 859577 1008362 1105104 4- Foreign liquors & sprits

5- okf.kfT;d rFkk fod`r dh gqbZ 5- Commercial denatured sprit

718 1516 2350 3390 5449
fLizV rFkk vkS"k/kh; 'kjkc and medicated liquors

6- en~;lkj] vQhe vkfn ls 6- Medical & toilet

;qDr vkS"k/kh; vkSj izlk/ku 714 184 24 569 51 preparationsCommodites,Alco
hol, Opium etc.
lEcU/kh lkexzh

7- vQhe] Hkkax rFkk vU; Hks"kt 2594 4922 9537 4653 4479 7- Opium, hemp & other drugs

8- tqekZus ,oa tfCr;ka 444 10092 2401 2051 2033 8- Fines & confictions

9- vU; izkfIr;ka 20101 102926 43040 28550 36242 9- Other receipts

10- izR;kfiZr /kujkf'k ¼?kVkb;s½ 10- Recoveries of over pay

(-)34 (-)1541 (-)1392 (-)205 (-)463
jkT; vkcdkjh 'kqYd¼mi ;ksx½ State Excise duties( Sub total)

11- eksVj fLizV rFkk Mhty dh 11- Tax on sale of diesel &
- - - - -
fcdzh ij dj motor sprit

dqy ;ksx 813917 1732010 2392757 2732480 3006145 Total

uksV%& & vizkIr Note:- - Not Available

lzksr%& vkcdkjh vk;qDr] m0 iz0] iz;kxjkt A Source:- Excise Commissionar,UP. Prayagraj.

29 & yksd foRr
Public Finance
29-9 Hkkjr o"kZ esa fjVuZl dh la[;k vuqekfur dqy vk; ,oa lhekuqlkj ns; vk;dj] o"kZ 2018&19
Number of Returns and Tax Payable by status and Returned Income Range in India., Year 2018--19
¼djkssM+ :i;s esa½ (In Crores Rs.)

O;fDrxr @ Individuals
vfoHkkftr fgUnw ifjokj @ fucfU/kr QeZ @ Registered Firm
vk; lhek Un-divided Hindu Family
fu/kkZj.k o"kZ@izkIr vk; dh lhek esa fjVuZl dh dqy vk; vkSlr dqy ns; fjVuZl dh dqy vk; vkSlr ns; fjVuZl dh dqy vk; vkSlr dqy ns;
la[;k vk; vk;dj la[;k dqy vk; vk;dj la[;k vk; vk;dj

Assessment year/ Range of Returned No. of Returns gross Average Tax No. of gross Average Tax No. of gross Average Tax
Income (INR) income(in Gross Total Payable(in Returns income(in Gross Payable( Returns income(in Gross Total Payable(in
crore INR) Income(in crore INR) crore INR) Total in crore crore INR) Income(in crore INR)
Lakh INR) Income(in INR) Lakh INR)
Lakh INR)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
dj ;ksX; lhek@Taxable Range
<0 - - - - - - - - - - - -

=0 170767 - - - 13091 - - - 345142 - - -

>0 and<=1,50,000 2378193 19439 0.82 66272 174496 1177 0.67 1113 524813 2413 0.46 2331

>150,000 and<=2,00,000 1376970 24389 1.77 12298 67594 1191 1.76 192 47844 829 1.73 649
>2,00,000 and <=2,50,000 3787092 88749 2.34 10825 222173 5264 2.37 162 35259 788 2.24 584

>2,50,000 and <=3,50,000 14275685 435583 3.05 18682 246725 7113 2.88 266 51483 1528 2.97 1039

>3,50,000 and<=4,00,000 5025936 187421 3.73 8362 59393 2226 3.75 108 18992 711 3.74 454

>4,00,000 and<=4,50,000 4156142 176437 4.25 7712 52982 2245 4.24 99 16403 696 4.24 418

>4,50,000 and<=5,00,000 3783374 179602 4.75 6968 46940 2239 4.77 83 14395 683 4.75 396

>5,00,000 and5,50,000 2999708 156922 5.23 6478 36649 1915 5.22 73 12435 652 5.24 355

>5,50,000 and <=9,50,000 11153567 786895 7.06 36041 129192 9115 7.06 396 62977 4560 7.24 2263

>9,50,000and<=10,00,000 600970 58565 9.75 3163 8483 828 9.75 37 5263 513 9.75 239

>10,00,000and<=15,00,000 3001781 358928 11.96 21667 42771 5085 11.89 273 35584 4356 12.24 2002

>15,00,000 and<=20,00,000 998299 171450 17.17 13581 12603 2158 17.12 150 19647 3396 17.28 1575

>20,00,000 and<=25,00,000 508642 113143 22.24 11152 5518 1224 22.18 142 12846 2874 22.37 1305

>25,00,000 and<=50,00,000 736059 247793 33.66 29248 8043 2743 34.10 367 29944 10539 35.20 3788

>50,00,000 and<=1,00,00,000 209345 141704 67.69 22081 2602 1797 69.07 261 19675 14218 72.26 4389

>1,00,00,000 and<=5,00,00,000 89793 161142 179.46 27654 1149 2100 182.75 409 13790 28513 206.77 9809

>5,00,00,000and<=10,00,00,000 5132 34814 678.38 6214 98 678 691.66 97 1808 12549 694.08 3548

>10,00,00,000and<=25,00,00,000 2089 31046 1486.15 4845 43 701 1629.43 69 986 15009 1522.19 3611

>25,00,00,000and<=50,00,00,000 451 15474 3431.07 2011 4 141 3517.78 47 284 9665 3403.28 1985

>50,00,00,000and<=100,00,00,000 147 9929 6754.40 1530 1 69 6884.10 267 99 6755 6823.26 1661

>100,00,00,000and<=500,00,00,000 74 13130 17743.08 1061 4 887 - - 66 12550 19015.18 594

>500,00,00,000 3 2344 78134.03 - - - - - 1 864 86364.10 -

;ksx Total 55260219 3414897 317845 1130554 50893 4612 1269736 134660 42993
vuqc) ---------- Contd--------

29 & yksd foRr
Public Finance
29-9 Hkkjr o"kZ esa fjVuZl dh la[;k vuqekfur dqy vk; ,oa lhekuqlkj ns; vk;dj] o"kZ 2018&19
Number of Returns and Tax Payable by status and Returned Income Range in India., Year 2018-19
¼djkssM+ :i;s esa½ (In Crores Rs.)

fu/kkZj.k o"kZ@izkIr vk; dh lhek

vU; @ others dEiuh @ Company lEiw.kZ Lrj@All Status

vkSlr dqy vkSlr dqy vkSlr dqy

fjVuZl dh fjVuZl dh ns; fjVuZl
dqy vk; vk; ns; vk;dj dqy vk; vk; dqy vk; vk; ns; vk;dj
la[;k la[;k vk;dj dh la[;k
Assessment year/ Range of
Returned Income No. of gross Average Tax No. of gross Average Tax No. of gross Average Tax Payable(in
Returns income(in Gross Total Payable(in Returns income(in Gross Total Payable(in Returns income(in Gross Total crore INR)
crore INR) Income(in crore INR) crore INR) Income(in crore INR) crore INR) Income(in
Lakh INR) Lakh INR) Lakh INR)

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

dj ;ksX; lhek@Taxable Range

<0 - - - - - - - - - - - -

=0 64131 - - - 467568 - - - 1060699 - - -

>0 and<=1,50,000 73057 327 -1.66 116 127905 557 0.44 827 3278464 23913 0.73 70659

>150,000 and<=2,00,000 8592 150 -5.23 31 13259 231 1.74 305 1514259 26790 1.77 13475

>2,00,000 and <=2,50,000 10882 249 -6.85 30 10608 238 2.24 305 4066014 95288 2.34 11906

>2,50,000 and <=3,50,000 10262 302 -8.83 56 16954 505 2.98 615 14601109 445031 3.05 20658

>3,50,000 and<=4,00,000 3190 118 -11.24 26 7138 268 3.75 299 5114649 190744 3.73 9249

>4,00,000 and<=4,50,000 2873 121 -12.72 25 6353 270 4.24 296 4234753 179769 4.25 8550

>4,50,000 and<=5,00,000 2851 135 -14.27 23 5722 272 4.75 289 3853282 182931 4.75 7759

>5,00,000 and5,50,000 2123 110 -15.70 21 5250 275 5.24 278 3056165 159874 5.23 7205

>5,50,000 and <=9,50,000 9935 717 -21.63 129 29354 2152 7.33 2056 11385025 803439 7.06 40885

>9,50,000and<=10,00,000 887 86 -29.25 14 2903 283 9.75 233 618506 60275 9.75 3686

>10,00,000and<=15,00,000 5218 637 -36.43 117 21980 2704 12.30 2188 3107334 371710 11.96 26247

>15,00,000 and<=20,00,000 2931 508 -51.75 97 15077 2617 17.36 1,876 1048557 180129 17.18 17279

>20,00,000 and<=25,00,000 1863 417 -66.93 96 10896 2439 22.39 1,675 539765 120097 22.25 14370

>25,00,000 and<=50,00,000 4565 1607 -104.76 397 30380 10819 35.61 6301 808991 273501 33.81 40101

>50,00,000 and<=1,00,00,000 2952 2088 -212.38 562 24452 17567 71.84 8727 259026 177374 68.48 36020

>1,00,00,000 and<=5,00,00,000 3353 7223 -598.14 2157 29773 65881 221.28 31061 137858 264859 192.12 71090

>5,00,00,000and<=10,00,00,000 594 4158 -2076.12 1265 6496 45873 706.17 20089 14128 98072 694.17 31213

>10,00,00,000and<=25,00,00,000 385 5953 -4666.91 1886 4913 77365 1574.70 31608 8416 130074 1545.56 42019

>25,00,00,000and<=50,00,00,000 182 6463 -10368.95 1564 2111 73926 3501.96 30,081 3032 105669 3485.14 35688

>50,00,00,000and<=100,00,00,000 81 5632 -20506.54 1699 1236 86989 7037.98 34,777 1564 109374 6993.20 39934

>100,00,00,000and<=500,00,00,000 93 16763 -59303.19 935 1261 260789 20681.15 87,287 1498 304119 20301.70 89877

>500,00,00,000 7 5391 -169167.92 0 353 821451 232705.5 169858 364 830050 228035.75 169858
;ksx Total
211007 59162 11237 841942 1,473,472 431041 58713458 5133084 807728

lzksr % vk;dj foHkkXk dh osclkbV Source :incometaxindia.gov.in

29 & yksd foRr
Public Finance
29-10 Hkkjr esa fu/kkZj.k] o"kZ 2019&20] 2020&21] 2021&22 gsrq vk;dj dh njsa
Rate of Income Tax for Assessment, Year 2019-20, 2020-21,2021-22 in India
'kq) vk; lhek LokLF; midj ,oa
vk; dj dh nj
Lrj ¼:0½ f'k{kk midj
Net Income Range Health and
Income Tax Rates
(Rs.) Education cess
1 2 3 4 1
1- vU; dksbZ O;fDrxr vfoHkkftr fgUnw 1- For any other Individual,
every H.U.F./ A.O.P./
ifjokj] viathd`r QeZ] O;fDrxr Up to 2,50,000 Nil / 0 Nil / 0
B.O.I./artificial juridical
vo;o person

5% of income
2,50,001- exceeding Rs.2,50,000 4% of Income tax
5,00,000 5%(dqy vk; &:0 vk; dj dk 4%

20 % ofincome
5,00,001- exceeding 5,00,000 :0 4% of Income tax
10,00,000 20 % (&:0 5]00]000;k mlls vk; dj dk 4%

30 %of income
Above exceeding minus Rs. 4% of Income tax
Rs.10,00,000 5,00,000) 30 % (dqy vk; dj dk 4%
vk; &:0 5]00]000½

izoklh ofj"B ukxfjd¼xr o"kZ dh vof/k 2-Resident Senior Citizen

(Who is 60 years or more
esa fdlh le; 60 o"kZ ;k mlls Up to 3,00,000 Nil / 0 Nil / 0
at any time during the
vf/kd½ previous year)
5 %of income
3,00,001- exceeding 3,00,000)Rs. 4% of Income tax
5,00,000 5 %(dqy vk; &:0 vk; dj dk 4%

20%of income
5,00,001- exceeding Rs. 4% of Income tax
10,00,000 5,00,000) 20% (dqy vk; vk; dj dk 4%
&:0 5]00]000½
30 % of income
exceeding Rs.
Above 10,00,000) 30 % (dqy 4% of Income tax
Rs.10,00,000 vk; dj dk 4%
vk; &:0 10]00]000;k mlls
izoklh ofj"B ukxfjd¼xr o"kZ dh vof/k 2-Resident Senior Citizen
(Who is 80 years or more
esa fdlh le; 80 o"kZ ;k mlls Up to 5,00,000 Nil / 0 Nil / 0
at any time during the
vf/kd½ previous year)
20 %of income
5,00,001- exceeding 5,00,000)Rs. 4% of Income tax
10,00,000 20 %(dqy vk; &:0 vk; dj dk 4%
30 % of income
exceeding Rs.
Above 10,00,000) 30 % (dqy 4% of Income tax
Rs.10,00,000 vk; dj dk 4%
vk; &:0 10]00]000;k mlls
uksV&vf/kHkkj ¼o"kZ 2019&20] 2020&21] 2021&22) &10%vk;dj Note-Surcharge (for the assessment year 2019-20,2020-21,2021,22):10% of
the income tax amount( if income is greater than Rs. 5000000/-) and 15% of
dk ¼;fn vk; 50]000000@ls vf/kd] 15%vk;dj dk ¼;fn vk;
the income tax amount. Subject to marginal releif (if income is greater than
10000000/- ls vf/kd½ 10,00,00,00/-)
lzksr % vk;dj foHkkXk dh osclkbV Source :incometaxindia.gov.in

29&yksd foRr
29- Public Finance

29-11& mRrj izns'k esa Mkd?kj cpr ;kstuk

Post Office Saving Schemes in Uttar Pradesh

foRrh; o"kZ esa 'kq) Mkd cpr¼djksM+ :Ik;s½

Net Savings in the Financial Year(Crore. Rs.)

en 2011-12 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21*


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1

1- Mkd?kj cpr 666.13 927.06 2980.26 750.98 1461.11 -761.18 1727.69 1- Post office savings

2- Cummulative time
2-lap;h lkof/k tek - - - - - - 0.00

3-vkorhZ tek 318.84 661.32 965.7 854.23 1339.74 1550 2332.15 3- Recurring deposits

4-Mkd?kj lkof/k tek (-)78.49 2076.10 615.57 1599.15 2618.37 4233.46 3376.27 4- Post office time deposits

5- National saving
5-jk"Vªh; cpr i= 720.68 1018.89 (-)17.68 -19.34 546.35 1605.36 1401.26

6-fdlku fodkl i= (-)609.47 728.84 1193.56 2208.92 4597.5 5423.32 3926.37 6- Kisan vikas patra

7-bafnjk fodkl i= - (-).45 - - - 0.00 0.00 7- Indira vikas patra

8-ih0ih0,Q0 [kkrk 2256.58 4687.49 5656.91 6482.44 415.01 1161.73 916.92 8- P.P.F. a/c

9-vU; cpr esa tek

(-)688.70 617.31 1027.90 823.76 5612.68 7437.34 8492.11 Other savings (Misc.)
;ksx 2585.57 10716.6 12422.22 12700.1 16590.8 20650.03 22172.77 Total

uksV%& & * vuafre Note:- * Provisional

& vizkIr - Not Available

lzksr&jk"Vz~h; cpr funs'kky; mRrj izns'k

Source- Directorate Of Post Office
Savings , UP. Lucknow.

30&Hkko vkSj lwpdkad
Prices & Indices
30-1& mRrj izns'k ds Fkksd Hkko lwpdkad (2011-12=100)
Index of Wholesale Prices in Uttar Pradesh (2011-12=100)
izfr'kr Hkkj lwpdkad Indices
oxZ o en Percentage Categories & Items
Weight 2018&19 2019&20 2020&21
1 2 3 4 5 1
I- izzkFkfed oLrq,a 19.9260 173.25 179.17 191.94 (I)PRIMARY ARTICLES
d& [kk| oLrq,a 13.6670 160.32 167.71 182.56 A- FOOD ARTICLES
[ i ] [kk|kUu 5.1933 152.84 166.56 174.01 (i) FOOD GRAINS
[ d ] vukt 3.7725 154.76 166.01 168.19 (a) CEREALS
1- pkoy 2.4872 152.15 162.09 169.38 1- Rice
2- xsgwW 1.1853 160.74 173.42 166.40 2- Wheat
3- tkS 0.0096 142.29 162.25 147.76 3- Barley
4- Tokj 0.0100 126.82 147.20 163.90 4- Jowar
5- cktjk 0.0058 148.34 183.84 162.61 5- Bajra
6- eDdk 0.0746 152.33 180.67 160.87 6- Maize
[ [k ] nkysa 1.4208 147.74 168.00 189.46 (b) PULSES
1- vjgj 0.3989 124.64 156.61 175.99 1- Arhar
2- mnZ 0.0572 146.95 169.45 203.02 2- Urd
3- ewWx 0.0270 138.49 154.10 176.44 3- Moong
4- elwj 0.4458 140.16 143.56 159.45 4- Masoor
5- eVj 0.2745 184.68 231.52 276.19 5- Peas
6- puk 0.1811 157.86 157.99 163.45 6- Gram
7-lks;kchu 0.0363 172.89 170.89 168.18 7-Soyabeen
[ii] Qy ,oa rjdkjh 1.3167 181.05 194.00 270.21 (ii) FRUITS & VEGETABLES
[d] Qy 0.4372 134.42 145.89 138.10 (a) FRUITS
1- dsyk 0.1006 166.14 173.93 175.26 1- Banana
2- lsc 0.1575 112.60 104.21 102.96 2- Apple
3- lw[ks esos 0.0043 152.46 150.81 161.32 3- Dry Fruits
4- yhph 0.0038 98.38 146.98 131.45 4- Litchi
5- iihrk 0.0118 139.72 163.05 167.31 5- Papaya
6- vke 0.1541 157.06 222.91 199.16 6- Mango
7- vaxwj 0.0051 133.49 145.02 127.81 7- Grapes
¼[k½ rjdkjh 0.8795 204.23 217.92 335.88 (b) VEGETABLES
1- cSxu 0.0170 169.18 203.22 186.21 1- Brinjal
2- cUnxksHkh@QwyxksHkh 0.0221 127.61 188.32 171.59 2- Cabbage/Cauliflower
3- I;kt¼lw[kh½ 0.0826 158.90 346.51 293.45 3- Onion
4- VekVj 0.0489 121.69 180.51 211.16 4- Tomato
5- 'kdjdUn 0.0108 100.18 182.36 182.73 5- Sweet Potato
6- vkyw 0.6583 221.40 209.14 363.86 6- Potato
7- gjh eVj 0.0347 145.21 152.23 144.71 7- Green Peas
8- yksfc;k 0.0051 199.21 196.94 209.87 8- Lobia
(iii) nw/k o nqX/k inkFkZ 5.8599 155.33 156.48 161.06 (iii) MILK & MILK PRODUCTS
1- nw/k 5.8598 155.33 156.48 161.06 1- Milk
2-ngh 0.0001 159.30 162.13 157.30 2- Curd
(iv) ekWal] eNyh o v.Mk 0.7823 207.88 213.59 252.13 (iv) MEAT, FISH & EGGS
1- ekWal 0.7119 213.23 218.83 260.24 1- Meat
2- v.Mk 0.0569 160.12 167.97 178.14 2- Egg
3- eNyh 0.0135 127.06 129.95 136.31 3- Fish
(V) elkys 0.5148 167.32 170.12 183.75 (v) CONDIMENTS & SPICES
1- /kfu;kWa 0.0499 155.13 161.66 181.97 1- Coriander
2- gYnh 0.0836 91.22 99.43 101.56 2- Turmeric
3- fepkZ ¼lw[kk yky½ 0.2976 151.65 158.77 166.90 3- Chillies (Dry red)
4- vnjd lww[kh ¼lksaB½ 0.0837 306.33 286.12 326.81 4- Ginger (Dry)
c& v[kk| inkFkZ 5.5027 205.32 206.76 213.33 B- NON FOOD ARTICLES
(i) js'ks 0.3359 128.95 125.51 122.73 (i) FIBERS
1- dikl 0.2541 139.99 135.70 131.67 1- Cotton Yarn & Fibre
2- twV ¼dPpk½ 0.0533 100.00 100.00 100.00 2- Jute (raw)
3- Åu ¼dPpk½ 0.0285 84.73 82.35 85.52 3- Wool (raw)
vuqc)------- Contd…

30&Hkko vkSj lwpdkad
Prices & Indices
30-1& mRrj izns'k ds Fkksd Hkko lwpdkad (2011-12=100)
Index of Wholesale Prices in Uttar Pradesh (2011-12=100)
izfr'kr Hkkj lwpdkad Indices
oxZ o en Percentage Categories & Items
Weight 2018&19 2019&20 2020&21
1 2 3 4 5 1
(ii) frygu 0.3699 131.58 130.80 155.70 (ii) OIL SEEDS
1- ewWaxQyh 0.0932 123.30 118.83 134.31 1- Ground nut
2- ykgh vkSj ljlksa 0.2093 125.74 129.82 160.33 2- Ragi & Mustard
3- jsaMh cht 0.0034 123.56 131.27 132.91 3- Castor Seed
4- <SpWak cht 0.0062 425.13 310.70 347.84 4- Dhaincha Seed
4- vylh 0.0061 145.04 150.63 158.92 4- Linseed
5- egqvk cht 0.0015 114.22 128.76 139.77 5- Mahuwa Seed
6- esFkh cht 0.0025 189.23 164.26 164.24 6- Methi Seed
7- lwjteq[kh cht 0.0477 0.00 0.00 0.00 7- Sun-Flower Seed
(iii) vU; v[kk| oLrq,a 4.7969 216.36 218.30 224.11 (iii) OTHER NON FOOD ARTICLES
1- peM+k ¼dPpk½ 0.1022 127.73 131.08 138.73 1- Hides(raw)
2- gM~Mh ¼dPph½ 0.0135 162.69 146.14 134.79 2- Bone (Crushed)
3- [kky ¼dPpk½ 0.1075 193.68 203.50 231.43 3- Skin (raw)
4- xUuk 4.3855 221.82 221.82 227.27 4- Sugarcane
5- bekjrh ydM+h vkSj yV~Bs 0.0430 178.43 221.42 238.82 5- Timber & Logs
6- rEckdw ¼dPpk½ 0.1120 138.87 191.75 188.04 6- Tobacco (raw)
7- Hkwlk 0.0332 173.49 185.25 184.93 7- Bhusa
x& [kfut inkFkZ 0.7563 173.58 185.53 205.82 C- MINERALS
1- flfydk lS.M 0.0202 857.11 857.11 928.54 1- Silica Sand
2- pwuk iRFkj 0.0001 128.31 133.93 141.93 2- Lime
3- LVksu fpi 0.1187 344.74 274.92 279.83 3- Stone Chip
4- y?kq [kfut ¼jsr½ 0.6173 118.30 146.37 167.95 4- Minor Mineral (Sand)
II- bZ/ku]'kfDr] izdk'k ,oa Lusgd 4.7750 179.64 183.50 190.58 II FUEL, POWER, LIGHT & LUBRICANTS
(i) dks;yk [kuu 0.8020 152.39 158.86 151.31 (i) COAL MINING
1- iRFkj dk dks;yk o lkQ`Vdksd 0.8020 152.39 158.86 151.31 1- Coal and Coke
(ii) [kfut rsy 1.0337 149.73 162.48 178.32 (ii) MINERALS OIL
1- feV~Vh dk rsy 0.0507 217.85 271.28 279.02 1- Kerosene Oil
2- isVªksy 0.1103 105.61 105.05 108.40 2- Petrol
3- Mhty rsy 0.3445 162.20 157.20 167.42 3- Diesel Oil
4- ,y0ih0th0 flfyUMj 0.5282 144.28 167.47 196.58 4- L.P.G. Cylinder
(iii) fo|qr&izdk'k 2.9289 197.80 197.82 205.84 (iii) POWER- LIGHT
1- fo|qr 2.8946 198.95 198.96 207.02 1- Electricity
2- xSj ijEijkxr fo|qr ¼lkSj mtkZ½ 2- Non-Conventional Electricity
0.0343 100.69 101.95 106.22 (Solar Energy)
(iv) Lusgd 0.0104 138.89 138.89 138.89 (iv) LUBRICANTS
1- Lusgd rsy 0.0005 138.89 138.89 138.89 1- Lubricating Oil
2- Qjus'k rsy 0.0099 0.00 0.00 0.00 2- Furnace Oil
III- fofufeZr mRikn 75.2990 135.98 139.10 142.80 III MANUFACTURED PRODUCTS
d& [kk| mRikn 15.9258 127.83 129.71 134.04 A- FOOD PRODUCTS
(i) nqX/k'kkyk mRikn 0.0776 134.10 134.63 138.03 (i) DAIRY PRODUCTS
1- fo/kk;u fd;k gqvk nw/k 0.0776 134.10 134.63 138.03 1- Powder Milk
¼ii½ nqX/k mRikn 0.4787 152.60 157.04 161.57 (ii) MILK PRODUCTS
1- ns'kh ?kh 0.3791 151.59 156.23 161.89 1- Ghee
2- eD[ku 0.0540 167.23 168.39 169.81 2- Butter
3- [kks;k 0.0250 154.62 162.64 152.72 3- Khoya
4- iuhj 0.0011 136.11 134.44 143.66 4- Paneer
5- dzhe 0.0056 137.78 141.76 150.37 5- Cream
6- vkbldzhe ikmMj 0.0139 127.04 132.90 142.80 6- Ice Cream Powder
(iii) vU; [kk| mRikn 0.1595 122.80 123.88 126.59 (iii) OTHER FOOD ARTICLES
1- pk; 0.1594 122.78 123.85 126.55 1- Tea
2- dkQh 0.0001 161.12 174.81 185.66 2- Coffee
(iv) fMCck cUn vkSj lajf{kr (iv) CANNED & PRESERVED FRUITS &
0.2770 121.62 122.92 127.10
Qy ,oa lfCt;kWa VEGETABLES
1- Qy dk jl fMCck cUn 0.2349 122.39 122.39 123.59 1- Canned Juice
2- tke fefJr 0.0002 123.20 123.20 128.14 2- Jam Mixed
3- vpkj ,oa lkWal ¼VekVj dSpi½ 0.0419 117.31 125.92 146.80 3- Pickles & Souces (Tomato Ketchup)
vuqc)------- Contd…

30&Hkko vkSj lwpdkad
Prices & Indices
30-1& mRrj izns'k ds Fkksd Hkko lwpdkad (2011-12=100)
Index of Wholesale Prices in Uttar Pradesh (2011-12=100)
izfr'kr Hkkj lwpdkad Indices
oxZ o en Percentage Categories & Items
Weight 2018&19 2019&20 2020&21
1 2 3 4 5 1
(v) vukt fey mRikn 1.4798 155.27 164.21 163.25 (v) GRAIN MILL PRODUCTS
1- eSnk 0.3287 156.24 168.50 162.04 1- Maida
2- vkVk 0.6578 149.87 160.16 155.44 2- Atta
3- cslu 0.1028 185.94 165.71 178.87 3- Besan (Gram Powder)
4- lwth 0.0749 152.99 168.43 162.24 4- Suji
5- uwMYl 0.0939 139.84 157.52 168.92 5- Food Products (Noodles)
6- Hkwlh vkfn 0.0086 126.89 134.22 141.15 6- Husk & other waste
7- pwuh&vjgj 0.0793 176.25 183.20 200.73 7- Chuni -Arhar
8- pksdj 0.1338 157.39 165.40 168.36 8- Bran, Wheat
(vi) csdjh ds mRikn 0.5256 156.51 156.60 160.88 (vi) BAKERY PRODUCTS
1- fcLdqV 0.2546 126.33 126.33 126.33 1- Biscuits
2- dsd ,oa isLV~h 0.0435 171.32 167.99 172.91 2- Bakery Products (Cake & Pastry)
3- czsM 0.1366 194.09 203.31 227.90 3- Bread
4- dLVMZ ikmMkj 0.0909 177.47 165.73 151.18 4- Custard Powder
(vii) phuh] [kk.Mlkjh ,oa xqM+ 9.1313 114.26 114.14 115.88 (vii) SUGAR, KHANDSARI & GUR
1- phuh 7.4085 113.69 113.21 114.14 1- Sugar
2- ns'kh 'kDdj 0.8134 120.38 117.92 118.50 2- Khandsari
3- xqM+ 0.9094 113.46 118.31 127.72 3- Gur
(viii) duQSD'kujh vkSj pkdysV 0.0757 126.80 121.08 121.16 CHOCOLATE
1- duQSD'kujh ¼VkQh½ 0.0757 126.80 121.08 121.16 1- Sweetmeat Confectionary (Toffees)
(ix) fofo/k [kk| mRikn 3.7206 143.55 147.71 160.69 (ix) MISC. FOOD PRODUCTS
¼d½ [kk| rsy 2.6607 143.54 145.27 158.04 (a) EDIBLE OILS
1- ouLifr 1.0560 117.29 119.88 140.49 1- Vanaspati
2- ljlksa dk rsy 0.5185 129.35 131.41 141.22 2- Mustard Oil
3- ukfj;y dk rsy 1.0128 180.04 180.90 187.23 3- Coconut Oil
4- fjQkbUM rsy 0.0734 117.68 116.87 126.79 4- Oil, Soyabeans (Refined)
¼[k½ [kyh 0.3257 118.75 119.14 124.41 (b) OIL CAKES
1- vk;y jkbl czku 0.2649 109.09 108.83 108.83 1- Oil, Rice Bran
2- ljlksa dk [kyh 0.0608 160.83 164.06 192.28 2- Mustard Cake
¼x½ vU; fofo/k [kk| mRikn 0.7342 154.58 169.21 186.38 (c) OTHER MISC. FOOD
1- Xywdkst 0.0420 130.87 130.75 136.60 1- Glucose ( Non-Chemical Variety)
2- 'khjk ¼fousxj½ 0.6078 158.75 176.50 196.97 2- Molasses (Vinegar)
3- ued 0.0312 218.51 205.92 190.31 3- Salt
4- dRFkk 0.0532 88.15 94.72 102.43 4- Katachu (Katha/Khair)
[k&is;]rEckdw ,oa rEckdw ds mRikn 2.3365 174.31 180.23 189.83 TOBBACO PRODS.
¼i½ 'kjkc m|ksx 1.4642 185.65 190.36 201.03 (i) WINE INDUSTRIES
1- fg~oLdh 0.6093 153.21 153.44 163.94 1- Alcohol/Liquor, (IMFL) - Blended
2- rkM+h 0.0365 168.64 166.23 188.83 2- Toddy
3- ns'kh 'kjkc 0.3514 189.84 190.54 202.27 3- Liquor, Country
4- fc;j 0.1177 172.33 198.45 191.41 4- Beer
5- vkS|ksfxd vYdksgy 0.2098 209.32 216.68 233.97 5- Liquor
6- ifj"Ñr fLizV 0.1395 296.86 311.07 321.71 6- Rectified Spirit
¼ii½ vYdksgy jfgr rFkk dkcksZsusVsM is; 0.0085 106.94 106.94 107.89 WATER

1- 'khry is; ¼isIlh½ 0.0085 106.94 106.94 107.89 1- Soft Drink (Pepsi)
¼iii½ rEckdw fofufeZr 0.8638 155.76 163.78 171.63 (iii) TOBBACO MANUFACT.
1- flxjsV 0.5533 162.17 169.18 181.96 1- Cigarettes
2- chM+h 0.1565 143.70 133.76 124.66 2- Bidi
3- iku 0.0001 95.62 106.31 120.19 3- Pan
4- vU; rEckdw ,oa rEckdw mRikn 4- Other Tobbaco & Tobbaco
0.1539 145.05 174.92 182.30
¼dfEiyk½ Prods. (Kampila)
x& diM+k 5.1639 142.28 143.12 144.20 C- TEXTILES
vuqc)------- Contd…

30&Hkko vkSj lwpdkad
Prices & Indices
30-1& mRrj izns'k ds Fkksd Hkko lwpdkad (2011-12=100)
Index of Wholesale Prices in Uttar Pradesh (2011-12=100)
izfr'kr Hkkj lwpdkad Indices
oxZ o en Percentage Categories & Items
Weight 2018&19 2019&20 2020&21
1 2 3 4 5 1
(i) lwrh oL= ,oa /kkxs 2.8531 138.31 138.83 140.25 (i) COTTON TEXTILES & YARN
1- ;kuZ ikfyLVj 0.3034 148.95 156.36 164.42 1- Yarn, Polyester
2- jsMhesM lwrh oL= 0.1292 128.53 132.80 141.52 2- Cotton Cloth, Knitted
3- dkVu ;kuZ 0.3065 153.81 158.54 165.62 3- Cotton Yarn
4- QfuZf'kax DykFk ¼xn~ns½ 0.1333 129.61 129.61 129.61 4- Furnishing Cloth (Mattress)
5- [kknh diM+k ¼/kksrh dqrkZ½ 0.1614 194.68 188.79 191.91 5- Khadi Cloth (Dhoti, Kurta)
6- iSUV dkVu 0.0826 106.18 106.18 105.92 6- Trousers / Pants, Cotton
7- /kksrh yV~Bk 7- Cloth finished /processed, cotton
0.8466 105.01 105.02 107.05 (Dhoti, Laththa)
8- deht 0.5457 167.31 160.26 148.26 8- Garment cloth, cloth- (Shirt)
9- VsUV dk diM+k 0.0758 120.08 123.87 135.46 9- Tent cloth, cotton
10- Nkrk 0.0074 156.30 148.34 144.58 10- Umbrella
11- lkM+h ¼dkVu Qkbcj½ 0.0402 141.68 141.85 141.69 11- Sarees, cotton staple fibre
12- csM 'khV lwrh 0.1490 139.87 151.97 162.01 12- Bed sheet, cotton
13- dkVu gkstjh ¼cfu;kbu½ 0.0720 155.56 155.57 159.72 13- Cotton hosiery (Vest 85)
(ii) Åuh /kkxk ,oa diMa+s 0.0833 167.55 178.04 188.24 (ii) WOOLEN YARN TEXTILES
1- cqukbZ dk Åu ,oa Åuh /kkxk 0.0213 138.89 143.34 146.96 1- Yarn of wool / animal hair, KDR
2- Åuh diMa+s ¼dksV½ 0.0430 197.95 211.08 228.53 2- Coats/ overcoats, wollen

3- Åuh diMa+s ,oa Åuh [kknh ¼dEcy½ 0.0190 130.88 142.18 143.33 3- Knitting cloth woolen khadi,(Twid,blanket)

(iii) js'keh] d`f=e js'keh ,oa d`f=e diM+k 1.2640 151.98 153.56 155.14 (iii) SILK, ART SILK & SYNTHETIC

1- tjh lkM+h 0.0763 149.91 169.65 192.40 1- Zari - saree

2- [kknh ukbyku&dqrkZ 0.0097 110.12 130.74 147.34 2- Khadi nylon-kurta
3- [kknh iksyh 0.0058 176.69 198.93 217.06 3- Khadi poly
4- js'ke ,oa d`f=e js'keh diM+k 0.0274 158.09 163.66 163.66 4- Silk & art silk fabrics
5- ukbZyksu Vsjhu fefJr diM+k 1.1448 152.21 152.21 152.21 5- Nylon /terrene mixed cloth-pant
(iv) twV lu ,oa diM+k 0.9635 139.12 139.12 137.73 (iv) JUTE, SUN & MATTE TEXTILES
1- jSX~l ¼ck/kWaus dk diM+k½ 0.0219 156.09 156.09 155.57 1- Rags (binding cloth)
2- xyhpk Åuh 0.5657 155.88 155.88 155.88 2- Carpets wollen
3- cksjk 0.3759 112.89 112.89 109.37 3- Gunny bags
?k- ydM+h ,oa mRikn 2.2318 123.25 127.38 130.65 D- WOODS & PRODUCTS
1- IykbZoqM ,oa ikfVZdy cksZM ¼Mksj½ 0.1032 181.78 193.16 209.90 1- Plywood & particle board (door)
2- fVEcj ¼Qk;joqM½ 0.0912 140.46 139.87 141.74 2- Timber/wooden planks, sawn (Firewood)
3- ydM+h dh NM+h 1.4173 117.60 119.01 117.79 3- Handicraft / decorative (Wooden stick)
4- ydM+h ds cDls 0.2131 90.20 0.00 0.00 4- Wooden cases
5- QuhZpj 0.4070 127.55 137.04 152.88 5- Furniture
bZ& dkxt ,oa dkxt ds mRikn 1.9991 124.03 130.13 137.31 E- PAPER & PAPER PRODUCTS
1- dkxt ¼ys[ku½ 1.0563 114.92 120.35 126.70 1- Paper (Writing)
2- QkmUVsu isu ,oa isfUly 0.0208 121.88 123.22 123.97 2- Fountain pen & pencil
3- NikbZ lkexzh ¼fizUVj½ 0.4072 143.44 152.32 164.14 3- Printed materials (Printer)
4- dkcZu CySd 0.3215 130.05 131.12 131.22 4- Carbon / Carbon black
5- vH;kl iqfLrdk 112 ist 0.1933 123.09 135.94 150.30 5- Exercise books 112 pages
M+&peM+k ,oa peM+k mRikn 3.2767 146.86 148.36 153.33 F- LEATHER & LEATHER PRODUCTS
1- peM+k mRikn ¼csYV] ilZ½ 0.8256 140.69 144.17 154.22 1- Leather goods (purse, belt)
2- twrk 2.4511 148.94 149.77 153.03 2- Footwear (Relaxo)
p&jcj ,oa jcj mRikn 5.4504 104.51 108.62 116.71 G- RUBBER, PLASTIC & PRODUCTS
1- Vk;j ,oa V~;wc 0.0964 132.55 136.50 137.67 1- Tyre / tube
2- IykfLVd ds nkus 0.0400 102.27 102.27 105.78 2- Plastic granules
3- FkeksZdksy mRikn ¼Xykl½ 0.0357 121.73 129.32 118.99 3- Thermocol product (glass)
4- Qkse ysfeusVsM ¼dq'ku½ 0.0643 116.97 123.32 127.92 4- Foam, laminated (pillow)
5- dksYM jksYM ¼Qk;Yl½ 'khV 1.4987 98.78 100.51 106.85 5- Cold rolled sheets (foils)
6- Qsuksfyd ysfeusV~l ¼vkbZ dkMZ doj½ 1.5400 91.03 91.03 96.94 6- Phenolic laminates (i.card covers)
7- cSV 0.0646 111.46 116.77 122.89 7- Toys (bat)
8- IykfLVd mRikn ¼dqflZ;k] cksry½ 1.0080 127.85 141.89 162.82 8- Articles of plastic (chair, bottles)
9- ckDl IykfLVd ¼esdvi½ 0.3638 98.18 104.63 110.81 9- Box plastic (make-up box)
10- [ksydwn dk lkeku ¼cSMfeUVu usV½ 0.0270 116.67 116.67 120.00 10- All types of sports nets (Badminton)
11- jcM+ ,oa IykfLVd ds twrs 0.7119 109.17 111.86 113.90 11- Rubber & plastic shoes
vuqc)------- Contd…

30&Hkko vkSj lwpdkad
Prices & Indices
30-1& mRrj izns'k ds Fkksd Hkko lwpdkad (2011-12=100)
Index of Wholesale Prices in Uttar Pradesh (2011-12=100)
izfr'kr Hkkj lwpdkad Indices
oxZ o en Percentage Categories & Items
Weight 2018&19 2019&20 2020&21
1 2 3 4 5 1
N&jlk;u ,oa jlk;u mRikn 6.0820 144.71 145.68 149.36 H- CHEMICAL AND CHEMICAL PROD.
(i)vk/kkjHkwr vkS|ksfxd jlk;u 0.9050 171.37 175.75 186.85 (i) BASIC INDUST. CHEMICALS
1- dkfLVd lksMk 0.0168 186.60 186.88 215.55 1- Tanning chemical / agent (Caustic Soda)
2- ,dzksyksukbV~kbV 0.0003 109.43 111.09 113.84 2- Acrylonitrite
3- ikfyelZ ¼ikyhFkhu cSx½ 0.1498 225.11 202.63 209.21 3- Polymers-others (polythene bag)
4- dSfY'k;e dkcksZusV 0.0724 113.99 127.19 136.63 4- Calcium carbonate
5- Ñ"kh; jlk;u&fodkl laj{kz.k gsrq 5- Agricultural chemicals etc. for growth
0.6657 165.17 174.73 186.59
¼csUthu] Cyhfpx ikmMj½ protection
(ii) moZjd 1.9890 111.30 106.66 106.00 (ii) FERTILIZERS
1- ;wfj;k ,u dkUVsUV 1.9379 108.68 103.57 102.46 1- Urea N Content
2- ukbVªkstsusl ;wfj;k 0.0147 205.21 217.06 221.56 2- Nitrogenous Urea
3- QkLQsfVd ¼lqij QkLQsV½ 0.0364 212.82 226.50 247.82 3- Phosphetic (Super Phospetic)
(iii) dhV uk'kd 0.1442 104.07 106.21 120.11 (iii) PESTICIDES & INSECTICIDES
1- isLVhlkbM~l 0.0251 119.34 135.77 150.73 1- Other basic items (Pesticides)
2- bUlsDVhlkbM~l 0.0587 98.46 94.18 103.06 2- Insecticides
3- esykfFk;ku 0.0604 103.19 105.61 123.96 3- Malathian
(iv) jax ,oa okfuZ'k 0.7548 171.90 178.57 191.23 (iv) PAINTS & VARNISHES
1- bukesy jax 0.7548 171.90 178.57 191.23 1- Paints (Enamel)
(V) vkS"kf/k ,oa nok;sa 1.0778 127.72 132.85 138.26 DRUGS & MEDICINES
1- Medical disposables (Thermo welded
1- fMLikstscy flfjt ¼fMLiksosu½ 0.0172 213.89 221.45 237.65 Dispovan)
2- nWar ,oa nWar lkexzh 0.0166 131.59 131.59 132.74 2- Dental & Dentistry materials
3- P;ouizk'k 0.0111 144.82 144.40 144.46 3- Chyavanprash
4- eYVhfoVkfeu 0.0549 131.88 132.57 132.57 4- Multi-Vitamins
5- vk;qosZfnd nok;sa 0.1779 143.75 148.91 152.80 5- Ayurvedic medicines
6- ;wukuh nok;sa 0.1981 141.85 150.70 159.33 6- Unani medicines
7- esUFkky 0.2044 105.17 112.35 113.60 7- Menthol
8- gksE;ksiSfFkd ,oa ck;ks dsfed nok;sa 0.0137 163.17 163.38 169.03 8- Homeopathetic & bio-chemic medicines
9- ,.Vhck;sskfVd nok;sa 0.0229 84.46 94.92 104.13 9- Antibiotics & preparations
10- vkDlhtu] fyfDoM 0.1821 119.11 121.51 135.20 10- Oxygen, Liquid
11- CyM iz'kj e'khu 0.0629 95.90 91.62 86.06 11- Machines (Blood pressure)
12- iksfy;ks oSDlhu 0.1160 136.89 143.98 147.77 12- Vaccine for polio
(vi) lkSUn;Z izlk/ku lkcqu 1.1607 182.97 183.25 180.01 DETERGENTS
1- lkcqu 0.1903 152.58 156.78 160.65 1- Soap
2- ijQ;we@lsUV 0.0151 137.24 136.62 135.48 2- Perfume / scent
3- vxjcRrh 0.0152 171.20 169.22 166.72 3- Agarbattis
4- fMVjtsUV dsd 0.7713 204.98 201.33 195.77 4- Detergent cake
5- ,lsaf'k;y vk;y 0.0832 106.62 109.88 109.90 5- Essential oil
6- Xyhljhu 0.0856 136.63 161.18 159.46 6- Cyano Pyridine (Glycerine)
(vii) jaxus okyk inkFkZ voxhZd`r jlk;u 0.0505 175.22 175.82 175.82 (vii) DYE STUFF & OTHER CHEMICALS
1- fn;klykbZ 0.0505 175.22 175.82 175.82 1- Matches
t& v/kkfRod [kfut mRikn 2.8891 127.47 133.58 141.15 I- NON METALLIC MINERAL PRODUCTS.
(i) lajpukRed lkeku 0.6219 140.89 147.59 154.02 (i) STRUCTURAL PRODUCTS
1- lsusVzjh fQfVaXl ¼okl cssflu½ 0.0110 219.76 216.80 220.23 1- Sanitary fittings (Wash Besin)
2- bZZVsa 0.4400 145.24 154.05 161.03 2- Bricks
3- Q~yksj feYl ¼vkVk pDdh½ 0.0128 133.23 134.17 144.63 3- Flour mill stone (Atta Chakki)
4- VkbYl 0.1581 123.93 125.87 130.65 4- Tiles
(ii) dkWp ,oa dkWp ds mRikn 0.5139 105.33 109.41 116.58 (ii) GLASS & GLASS PRODUCTS
1- 'kh'ks dk fxykl 0.1125 132.76 134.94 134.36 1- Glassware, pressed (Glass)
2- ykyVsu dh fpeuh 0.0172 88.86 100.53 107.61 2- Chimney (Lalten)
3- LdYipj ¼yk[k dh pwfM+;kWa½ 0.0142 188.57 188.57 188.57 3- Sculpture ( Bangles Lac)
4- pwfM+;kW 0.1515 93.02 93.02 91.76 4- Bangles
5- cksry ,oa tkj 0.2185 95.62 103.18 120.66 5- Bottles & Jar
vuqc)------- Contd…

30&Hkko vkSj lwpdkad
Prices & Indices
30-1& mRrj izns'k ds Fkksd Hkko lwpdkad (2011-12=100)
Index of Wholesale Prices in Uttar Pradesh (2011-12=100)
izfr'kr Hkkj lwpdkad Indices
oxZ o en Percentage Categories & Items
Weight 2018&19 2019&20 2020&21
1 2 3 4 5 1
(iii) feV~Vh ds crZu ,o+ dzkd~jh 0.4301 138.22 140.39 142.42 (iii) EARTHENWARE & POTTERY
1- dzkd~jh ¼fMuj lsV½ 0.0293 143.47 143.47 174.93 1- Crockery (Dinner Set)
2- izs'kj dqdj ¼;wukbVsM½ 0.1258 139.46 141.82 148.27 2- Pressure Cooker (United)
3- LVsuysl LVhy ds crZu ¼Fkkyh½ 0.2750 137.10 139.41 136.27 3- Utensils, Stainless Steel (Thali)
(IV) lhesUV] pwuk ,oa IykLVj 1.1165 126.83 135.48 148.18 (iv) CEMENT, LIME & PLASTER
1- lhesUV 1.1165 126.83 135.48 148.18 1- Cement
(V) fofo/k v/kkfRod [kfut mRikn 0.2067 123.18 127.03 122.89 PRODUCTS
1-,0lh0lh0 lhesUV mRikn 1-, 209 Asbestos Cement based article
0.2067 123.18 127.03 122.89 (Cosgated Sheet)
>&ewy fefJr /kkrq ,oa /kkrq mRikn J- BASIC METAL ALLOYS & METAL
12.0655 109.28 111.55 115.95 PRODUCTS
(I) ewy fefJr /kkrq 8.0210 103.67 106.45 109.46 (I) BASIC METAL ALLOYS
¼d½ykSg rFkk bLikr 6.5328 102.67 106.48 109.46 (a) IRON,STEEL AND FERROUS ALLOYS
1- ckj ,oa jkM 1.5000 104.13 106.94 107.09 1- Bars & Rods
2- QksfYMax csM 0.0156 147.80 155.70 160.44 2- Sacks, HDPE woven (Folding bed)
3- bLikr fi.M 2.9621 104.91 109.51 112.82 3- Steel Ingots
4- yksgs ds ikbi 2.0551 98.02 101.41 105.98 4- Iron Pipes
¼[k½vykSg fefJr /kkrq 1.4882 108.08 106.28 109.45 (b) NON-FERROUS METALS & ALLOYS
1- ,Y;qehfu;e ds rkj 0.8506 109.94 110.91 110.91 1- Wire, Alluminium
2- gs;j fiu 0.0226 129.38 134.89 139.22 2- Hair Pins
3- fDyi ¼vykSg /kkrq½ 0.0003 137.72 139.73 142.65 3- Clips, Non-Ferrous
4- ,Y;qehfu;e fi.M 0.6147 104.72 98.81 106.32 4- Aluminium Ingots
(ii) /kkrq mRikn 4.0445 120.40 121.67 128.82 (ii) METAL PRODUCTS
1- Vhu ds cDls 0.2736 137.52 129.42 116.76 1- Tin Boxes & Containers
2- M~e E;wftfdy ¼dSf'k;ks½ 0.0026 106.30 117.97 118.38 2- Drum, Musical (Casio)
3- ck;ksyksftdy ckDl 0.0049 269.57 269.57 273.73 3- Engineering Levels (Biological Box)
4- jsQjsD'ku ¼feDlh½ 0.0002 141.48 153.67 165.31 4- Refraction (Vegetables/Cereal Splits)

5- czhQds'k 5- Materials Handling Equipment

0.0277 138.47 137.36 138.71 (Briefcase)
6- dkfLVzx ,oa QkfZxx] ykSg@LVhy 0.1498 132.46 122.46 115.26 6- Castings & Forging, Iron / Steel
7- QSczhdsVsM /kkrq mRikn 0.0578 109.83 111.28 113.64 7- Fabricated Metal Products
8- QSczhds'ku ,oaa osfYMzax jkM 0.1181 107.74 107.74 107.74 8- Fabrication & Welding Rods

9- xSl midj.k&vksou 9- Gas Appliances such as cooking

0.8322 109.92 109.62 109.64 range, Oven etc.
10- rkys 0.2542 152.78 152.78 154.77 10- Locks
11- dkij ok;j 1.0419 134.17 129.32 130.05 11- Brass Castings (Copper Wire)
12- fxzy xsV 0.1556 111.77 118.25 127.48 12- Grill Gate
13- ToSyjh ¼pkWanh dh NM+s½ 0.3990 69.19 77.36 106.03 13- Jewellery, Silver (Silver Bar)
14- LVksu ¼ekf.kd½ 0.0108 115.47 115.62 117.65 14- Stone, Precious (Manik)
15- lksus dk flDdk 0.2883 126.52 148.88 198.18 15- Gold Coin
16- vkHkw"k.k ¼xys dk gkj½ 0.0271 123.41 136.56 183.01 16- Ornaments / Jewellery, (Necklace)
17- eksrh 0.0001 99.43 99.43 103.68 17- Pearls (Moti)
18- Polypropypylene Monofilament
18- IykfLVd dh jLlh 0.0121 164.23 168.06 171.00 (Plastic Rassi)
19- fjxa LVhy ¼th0vkbZ0ikbi0½ 0.0307 292.11 327.91 387.50 19- Rings, Steel (G. I. Pipe)
20- cksYV ,oa uV 0.1495 114.05 117.54 119.29 20- Bolts & Nuts
21- 'khV~l ,oa IysVs~l] ykSg@bLikr 0.1541 95.27 102.82 109.71 21- Sheets & Plates, Iron / Steel
22- vYehjk] LVhy 0.0186 134.06 134.06 141.34 22- Almirah, Steel
23- dqflZ;Wak /kkrq dh ¼LVhy jfgr½ 0.0356 100.50 105.65 114.10 23- Chair, Metal (other than steel)
vuqc)------- Contd…

30&Hkko vkSj lwpdkad
Prices & Indices
30-1& mRrj izns'k ds Fkksd Hkko lwpdkad (2011-12=100)
Index of Wholesale Prices in Uttar Pradesh (2011-12=100)
izfr'kr Hkkj lwpdkad Indices
oxZ o en Percentage Categories & Items
Weight 2018&19 2019&20 2020&21
1 2 3 4 5 1
=& e'khujh ,oa e'khujh midj.k 17.8782 163.38 168.22 168.36 TOOLS
(I) e'khujh ,oa vkStkj (I) MACHINERY & TOOLS
1.9901 143.80 145.54 149.07
¼fo|qr e'khu ds vfrfjDr½ (Except electrical)
1- e'khu VwYl ,oa ,lsltjht 1.7037 139.80 141.71 145.71 1- Machine Tools & Accessories
2- vk;y fey e'khujh 0.0931 228.57 228.57 215.48 2- Oil Mill Machinery
3- ykBs oDlZ ¼xzkbfUMx e'khu½ 0.0091 112.39 112.43 112.49 3- Lathe Works (Grinding Machine)
4- dYVhosVj ¼gy½ 0.0113 113.14 114.03 121.08 4- Cultivators (Hal)
5- d`f"k la;= ¼Fkszlj½ 0.1555 145.24 146.25 154.10 5- Agricultural Machinery (Thresher)
6- dzSUd'kkQ~V ¼eksVjlkbZfdy½ 0.0174 105.26 107.19 114.92 6- Crankshafts ( M. Cycle)
(ii) fo|qr pkfyr e'khus] midj.k ,oa (ii) ELECTRICAL MACHINERY,
9.2871 189.83 191.31 188.40
1- ,;j dUMh'kuj 1.7501 144.07 143.55 139.68 1- Air Conditioner
2- okf'kax e'khu 0.3744 107.50 107.34 105.90 2- Washing Machines
3- ?kfM+;k 0.0497 118.97 118.91 122.90 3- Watches & Clocks
4- lcefZlZcy iEi 0.1067 99.39 105.40 110.99 4- Pumps, Injection
5- jkbl fey e'khujh 0.0114 150.82 153.18 160.32 5- Rice Mill Machinery
6- QksVksLVsV e'khu 6- Xerox /Photocopier / Reprographic
0.0406 103.54 103.57 103.60 Machine
7- tujsVj ¼Jhjke gksUMk½ 0.0619 120.51 123.27 125.37 7- Generators (SriRam Honda)
8- oSD;we Dyhuj 0.0001 105.23 105.27 107.04 8- Vacuum Cleaner
9- fctyh dh eksVj ¼VwYyw iEi½ 0.0915 103.95 106.28 107.73 9- Electric Motor (Tullu Pump)
10- bUlqys'ku cksMZ ¼gSoYl½ 0.0008 98.21 105.72 116.32 10- Insulation Board (Heavells)
11- VªkUlQkeZj 0.4992 187.08 203.72 232.39 11- Transformer
12- 'kq"d lsy 0.0603 130.02 133.02 142.37 12- Dry Cell (Jeep)
13- VsyhLdksi 0.0080 143.08 143.08 143.08 13- Telescope
14- fctyh dk ySEi ¼V~;wc ykbV½ 0.1955 113.38 113.38 113.38 14- Electric Lamp (Tube)
15- fiDpj V~;wc ¼dyj½ 0.7089 114.49 113.82 113.82 15- Picture Tube (Colour)
16- ohfM;ks QksVksxzkQh ¼ohfM;ks dSejk½ 0.0981 115.64 116.07 120.92 16- Video Photography(Video Camera)
17- QksVksxzkQ ¼MhftVy dSejk½ 17- Photography, Cinematography
0.3653 120.23 121.79 123.32 Supplies (Camera)
18- Telephone Answering Machine
18- eksckby Qksu 0.2831 90.19 85.07 80.28 (Mobile)
19- dUMDVj] ,0lh0,l0vkj0 ¼gSoYl½ 0.0430 104.20 107.20 112.41 19- Conductor, A.C.S.R (Heavells)
20- fctyh ds ia[ks ¼lhfyxa½ 1.0488 139.25 139.25 139.25 20- Electric Fan (Ceiling)
21- Vsyhfotu lsV 2.5287 204.32 199.88 183.81 21- Television Set
22- Q~yS'k ykbV ds'k ¼,ojsMh½ 0.1287 161.67 169.95 198.97 22- Flash Light Case (Everedy)
23- dkij ok;j ¼gSoYl 3-029½ 23- Electrical Equipment & parts,
0.8246 552.47 572.53 574.07 (Copper wire Heavells 3.029))
24- jsfM;ks 0.0077 126.93 126.93 126.93 24- Transistor
(iii);krk;kr midj.k 6.6010 132.07 142.58 145.99 (iii) TRANSPORT EQUIPMENTS
¼d½ eksVj xkM+h 3.4611 132.45 135.61 139.49 (a) MOTOR VEHICLES
1- Vªd 0.1920 157.59 163.70 176.14 1- Trucks
2- thi 0.1043 170.46 167.53 175.19 2- Jeep
3- esVkMksj 0.1232 69.75 81.29 87.21 3- Matador
4- dkj ¼ek:fr vkYVks½ 1.6359 120.99 124.45 123.27 4- Car (Maruti Alto)
5- cl 0.0497 158.43 162.60 170.16 5- Buses
6- VS~DVj 0.6075 128.37 129.09 132.12 6- Tractor
7- vkseuh cl 0.0196 200.40 205.59 214.25 7- Omni Buses
8- VS~DVj ikVZ~l 0.1333 170.88 177.96 182.46 8- Tractor Parts
9- eksVj okgu ¼dkj ikVZ~l½ 0.5514 153.67 156.04 171.35 9- Motor Vehicle (Car Parts)
10- Mhty bUtu 0.0389 113.89 114.65 116.60 10- Diesel Engine
11- i'kq pfyr okgu ¼Muyi½ 0.0053 404.95 399.60 384.15 11- Cart, Animal Driven (Dunlop)
¼[k½ eksVj lkbfdy] LdwVj] lkbfdy ,oa (b) MOTOR CYCLES, SCOOTERS,
3.1399 131.64 150.25 153.16
1- LdwVj ¼gksUMk ,fDVok½ 1.4435 126.68 136.54 137.91 1- Scooters (Honda Activa)
2- eksVj lkbfdy ¼ghjks gksUMk LiysUMj½ 0.7225 128.47 137.92 141.18 2- Motorcycles (Hero Honda -Splendour)
3- eksVj lkbfdy ikVZ~l ¼Dyp IysV½ 0.5130 153.81 225.86 230.96 3- Motorcycles Parts (Clutch Plate)
4- eSXkusV ¼LikdZ Iyx½ 0.0986 123.67 118.40 114.86 4- Magnets (Spark Plug)
5- lkbfdy 0.3623 128.52 131.06 138.12 5- Bicycles
leLr oxZ 100.0000 145.49 149.20 154.87 ALL GROUPS

30 Hkko vkSj lwpdkad
Prices and indices
30-2 mRrj izns'k esa d`"kh; oLrqvksa@izkFkfed oLrqvksa ds Fkksd Hkko lwpdkad

Index No. of Wholesale Prices of Agriculture Commodities/Primary Articles in UP.

o"kZ@Year 2004&05 =100

o"kZ lkekU; lwpdkad

Year General Index

1 2

2011-12 159.0

2012-13 172.1

2013-14 183.4

2014-15 193.9

2015-16 204.0

o"k@Z Year 2011-12 =100

2016-17 137.8

2017-18 143.2

2018-19 145.5

2019-20 149.2

2020-21 154.9

30 Hkko vkSj lwpdkad
Prices and indices
30-3 & vf[ky Hkkjrh; Fkksd Hkkoksa ds lewgokj lwpdkad
All India Index No. of WholeSale Prices by Groups
vk/kkj o"kZ@Base Year 2011-12=100
en Hkkj 2012-13 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21

1 2 3 4 5 6
All commodities 100.00000 106.9 119.8 121.8 123.4
I PRIMARY ARTICLES 22.61756 111.4 134.2 191.9 145.7
(A). FOOD ARTICLES 15.25585 110.9 143.7 182.6 160.7
a. FOOD GRAINS (CEREALS+PULSES) 3.46238 115.1 146.7 174.0 159.3
a1. CEREALS 2.82378 114.1 151.0 168.2 158.1
a2. PULSES 0.63860 120.0 127.3 147.6 164.7
b. FRUITS & VEGETABLES 3.47508 114.9 147.3 174.7 179.2
b1. VEGETABLES 1.87448 123.5 150.2 197.0 203.6
b2. FRUITS 1.60060 104.9 144.0 148.6 150.7
c. MILK 4.43999 107.6 143.1 146.7 153.4
d. EGGS,MEAT & FISH 2.40156 113.3 138.0 147.0 151.2
e. CONDIMENTS & SPICES 0.52885 87.1 129.6 143.9 149.5
f. OTHER FOOD ARTICLES 0.94799 102.9 144.4 144.0 162.0
(B). NON-FOOD ARTICLES 4.11894 113.3 123.1 128.7 130.5
a. FIBRES 0.83931 99.0 127.0 128.2 119.8
b. OIL SEEDS 1.11530 126.8 140.5 151.4 161.7
c. OTHER NON-FOOD ARTICLES 1.96043 112.0 107.3 104.8 109.0
d. FLORICULTURE 0.20390 111.2 164.1 238.0 210.0
(C). MINERALS 0.83317 118.2 136.5 154.5 164.9
a. METALLIC MINERALS 0.64818 112.1 123.0 147.4 159.8
b. OTHER MINERALS 0.18499 139.5 183.5 179.0 183.1
(D). CRUDE PETROLEUM & NATURAL GAS 2.40960 109.4 92.4 85.3 70.4
II FUEL & POWER 13.15190 107.1 104.1 102.2 94.0
(A). COAL 2.13813 102.1 123.3 125.3 126.6
a. Coking Coal 0.64703 100.0 132.9 138.1 141.8
b. Non-Coking Coal 1.40097 103.2 119.0 119.0 119.3
c. Lignite 0.09013 98.9 120.3 129.1 130.9
(B). MINERAL OILS 7.94968 110.9 96.7 92.3 79.2
(C). ELECTRICITY 3.06409 100.5 109.6 111.8 109.6
III MANUFACTURED PRODUCTS 64.23054 105.3 117.9 118.3 121.5
(A). MANUFACTURE OF FOOD PRODUCTS 9.12173 108.7 128.6 133.9 141.4
a. Processing and preserving of meat 0.13405 111.3 136.7 137.5 137.2
b. Processing and preserving of fish, crustaceans and 0.20396 100.7 132.1 136.1 139.0
molluscs and products thereof
c. Processing and preserving of fruit and vegetables 0.13809 104.0 114.3 114.3 120.2
d. Manufacture of vegetable and animal oils and fats 2.64293 106.3 117.6 119.3 143.5
e. Manufacture of dairy products 1.16545 103.3 136.2 145.0 146.9
f. Manufacture of grain mill products 2.00952 112.3 141.6 146.3 143.5
g. Manufacture of starches and starch products 0.10955 106.0 116.6 135.5 115.9
h. Manufacture of bakery products 0.21459 107.3 129.3 133.5 138.1
i. Manufacture of sugar, molasses & honey 1.16275 111.8 111.2 118.3 118.4
j. Manufacture of cocoa, chocolate and sugar confectionery 0.17501 105.1 126.7 127.2 128.0
k. Manufacture of macaroni, noodles, couscous and similar 0.02640 107.3 134.5 132.7 132.3
farinaceous products
l. Manufacture of Tea & Coffee products 0.37083 111.6 137.7 139.7 166.5
m. Manufacture of Processed condiments & salt 0.16302 96.8 122.2 132.4 147.0
n. Manufacture of processed ready to eat food 0.02428 105.4 127.0 128.7 132.2
o. Manufacture of Health supplements 0.22500 106.5 143.6 159.9 142.9
p. Manufacture of prepared animal feeds 0.35630 125.7 157.5 173.6 170.5
(B). MANUFACTURE OF BEVERAGES 0.90907 104.5 120.7 123.6 124.5
a. Manufacture of wines & spirits 0.40833 105.2 113.8 117.8 120.2
b. Manufacture of malt liquors and malt 0.22526 101.7 120.5 125.7 126.5
c. Manufacture of soft drinks; production of mineral waters and 0.27548 105.8 131.2 130.5 129.4
other bottled waters

30 Hkko vkSj lwpdkad
Prices and indices
30-3 & vf[ky Hkkjrh; Fkksd Hkkoksa ds lewgokj lwpdkad
All India Index No. of WholeSale Prices by Groups
vk/kkj o"kZ@Base Year 2011-12=100
en Hkkj 2012-13 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21

1 2 3 4 5 6
(C). MANUFACTURE OF TOBACCO PRODUCTS 0.51357 108.4 150.4 153.4 157.2
a. Manufacture of tobacco products 0.51357 108.4 150.4 153.4 157.2
(D). MANUFACTURE OF TEXTILES 4.88068 104.0 117.9 117.7 117.6
a. Preparation and spinning of textile fibres 2.58154 103.9 110.6 107.9 106.6
b. Weaving & Finishing of textiles 1.50903 103.6 127.3 130.1 131.7
c. Manufacture of knitted and crocheted fabrics 0.19296 105.9 112.9 114.5 115.2
d. Manufacture of made-up textile articles, except apparel 0.29850 105.3 130.3 134.5 132.3
e. Manufacture of cordage, rope, twine and netting 0.09776 108.3 138.7 143.1 155.6
f. Manufacture of other textiles 0.20089 102.3 118.3 116.8 116.3
(E). MANUFACTURE OF WEARING APPAREL 0.81414 112.2 138.8 138.3 138.6
a. Manufacture of wearing apparel (woven), except fur apparel 0.59324 115.3 139.4 139.2 138.1

b. Manufacture of knitted and crocheted apparel 0.22090 103.8 137.0 135.9 139.8
(F). MANUFACTURE OF LEATHER AND RELATED 0.53540 107.3 121.8 118.6 117.9
a. Tanning and dressing of leather; dressing and dyeing of fur 0.14215 112.9 111.0 105.5 111.1

b. Manufacture of luggage, handbags, saddlery and harness 0.07540 109.1 134.7 136.3 138.6
c. Manufacture of footwear 0.31785 104.4 123.5 120.3 120.6
(G). MANUFACTURE OF WOOD AND OF PRODUCTS OF 0.77181 110.9 133.5 133.7 134.6
a. Saw milling and planing of wood 0.12417 110.6 124.5 122.2 120.7
b. Manufacture of veneer sheets; manufacture of plywood, 0.49330 109.9 136.3 135.5 136.6
laminboard, particle board and other panels and boards
c. Manufacture of builders’ carpentry and joinery 0.03558 111.0 158.7 176.2 185.8
d. Manufacture of wooden containers 0.11876 115.8 124.1 125.7 125.7
(H). MANUFACTURE OF PAPER AND PAPER PRODUCTS 1.11322 103.6 123.3 121.1 121.7
a. Manufacture of pulp, paper and paperboard 0.49296 103.3 129.3 125.0 124.1
b. Manufacture of corrugated paper and paperboard and 0.31422 107.7 116.5 115.0 122.2
containers of paper and paperboard
c. Manufacture of other articles of paper and paperboard 0.30604 99.9 120.6 121.2 117.4
(I). PRINTING AND REPRODUCTION OF RECORDED 0.67622 110.5 146.6 150.6 153.8
a. Printing 0.67622 110.5 146.6 150.6 153.8
(J). MANUFACTURE OF CHEMICALS AND CHEMICAL 6.46505 108.3 119.1 117.5 118.2
a. Manufacture of basic chemicals 1.43330 107.2 125.0 119.9 118.6
b. Manufacture of fertilizers and nitrogen compounds 1.48497 113.5 121.1 123.1 123.6
c. Manufacture of plastic and synthetic rubber in primary form 1.00082 108.9 117.6 112.4 116.7

d. Manufacture of pesticides and other agrochemical products 0.45369 107.5 120.2 122.6 124.4

e. Manufacture of paints, varnishes and similar coatings, 0.49145 105.5 112.7 114.7 114.9
printing ink and mastics
f. Manufacture of soap and detergents, cleaning and polishing 0.61219 106.8 116.8 118.6 120.6
preparations, perfumes and toilet preparations
g. Manufacture of other chemical products 0.69227 104.8 116.6 114.2 115.1
h. Manufacture of man-made fibres 0.29636 102.3 104.0 97.9 93.7
(K). MANUFACTURE OF PHARMACEUTICALS, MEDICINAL 1.99345 104.8 123.5 127.3 130.9
a. Manufacture of pharmaceuticals, medicinal chemical and 1.99345 104.8 123.5 127.3 130.9
botanical products
(L). MANUFACTURE OF RUBBER AND PLASTICS 2.29851 103.7 109.6 108.5 111.3

30 Hkko vkSj lwpdkad
Prices and indices
30-3 & vf[ky Hkkjrh; Fkksd Hkkoksa ds lewgokj lwpdkad
All India Index No. of WholeSale Prices by Groups
vk/kkj o"kZ@Base Year 2011-12=100
en Hkkj 2012-13 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21

1 2 3 4 5 6
a. Manufacture of rubber tyres and tubes; retreading and 0.60897 103.1 98.9 98.9 98.3
rebuilding of rubber tyres
b. Manufacture of other rubber products 0.27178 100.3 91.7 93.5 93.3
c. Manufacture of plastics products 1.41776 104.7 117.6 115.4 120.3
(M). MANUFACTURE OF OTHER NON-METALLIC MINERAL 3.20176 107.2 115.9 116.7 117.6
a. Manufacture of glass and glass products 0.29504 105.4 121.4 124.5 127.2
b. Manufacture of refractory products 0.22322 108.5 111.1 108.7 109.5
c. Manufacture of clay building materials 0.12113 108.3 98.0 102.8 109.3
d. Manufacture of other porcelain and ceramic products 0.22247 103.7 112.7 113.9 109.5
e. Manufacture of cement, lime and plaster 1.64480 107.8 114.3 119.5 120.9
f. Manufacture of articles of concrete, cement and plaster 0.29248 108.8 121.5 121.6 125.3
g. Cutting, shaping and finishing of stone 0.23351 103.6 118.8 120.2 121.1
h. Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products 0.16911 108.6 130.4 86.6 78.9
(N). MANUFACTURE OF BASIC METALS 9.64632 104.8 112.2 106.2 111.4
a. Inputs into steel making 1.41103 107.8 113.0 100.6 109.2
b. Metallic iron 0.65301 103.0 117.8 107.7 113.3
c. Mild Steel - Semi Finished Steel 1.27356 107.3 99.5 95.1 99.8
d. Mild Steel -Long Products 1.08063 101.9 110.2 105.5 112.0
e. Mild Steel - Flat products 1.14442 105.4 119.6 108.7 117.2
f. Alloy steel other than Stainless Steel- Shapes 0.06671 106.3 111.7 102.8 108.3
g. Stainless Steel - Semi Finished 0.92396 101.9 112.7 102.9 108.7
h. Pipes & tubes 0.20534 102.9 126.6 126.2 127.9
i. Manufacture of non-ferrous metals incl. precious metals 1.69264 104.2 112.2 107.0 112.3
j. Castings 0.92451 105.8 109.8 112.8 109.1
k. Forgings of steel 0.27051 102.4 126.8 146.5 145.7
(O). MANUFACTURE OF FABRICATED METAL PRODUCTS, 3.15498 103.2 115.1 115.5 115.9
a. Manufacture of structural metal products 1.03144 107.3 112.8 113.9 114.1
b. Manufacture of tanks, reservoirs and containers of metal 0.65951 102.1 127.3 124.4 127.8
c. Manufacture of steam generators, except central heating hot 0.14462 107.8 105.9 104.7 98.9
water boilers
d. Forging, pressing, stamping and roll-forming of metal; 0.38342 97.7 96.3 100.5 96.7
powder metallurgy
e. Manufacture of cutlery, hand tools and general hardware 0.20758 99.7 99.7 100.5 102.9
f. Manufacture of other fabricated metal products 0.72841 101.4 123.1 124.0 125.0
(P). MANUFACTURE OF COMPUTER, ELECTRONIC AND 2.00875 101.0 111.8 110.4 109.8
a. Manufacture of electronic components 0.40241 104.5 100.9 98.1 99.1
b. Manufacture of computers and peripheral equipment 0.33637 95.7 132.5 135.0 134.8
c. Manufacture of communication equipment 0.30998 102.8 116.7 117.0 114.9
d. Manufacture of consumer electronics 0.64095 99.9 103.8 98.8 98.5
e. Manufacture of measuring, testing, navigating and control 0.18056 102.7 109.1 111.5 107.7
f. Manufacture of watches and clocks 0.07551 104.4 137.9 139.1 141.8
g. Manufacture of irradiation, electromedical and 0.05546 101.7 103.2 103.6 102.8
electrotherapeutic equipment
h. Manufacture of optical instruments and photographic 0.00751 101.5 108.7 110.2 102.7
(Q). MANUFACTURE OF ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT 2.92970 103.4 111.7 111.3 113.6
a. Manufacture of electric motors, generators, transformers 1.29789 102.2 107.7 109.0 113.2
and electricity distribution and control apparatus
b. Manufacture of batteries and accumulators 0.23573 103.2 117.7 117.0 117.1
c. Manufacture of fibre optic cables for data transmission or 0.13327 112.2 126.1 109.9 98.1
live transmission of images

30 Hkko vkSj lwpdkad
Prices and indices
30-3 & vf[ky Hkkjrh; Fkksd Hkkoksa ds lewgokj lwpdkad
All India Index No. of WholeSale Prices by Groups
vk/kkj o"kZ@Base Year 2011-12=100
en Hkkj 2012-13 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21

1 2 3 4 5 6
d. Manufacture of other electronic and electric wires and 0.42798 104.6 111.2 109.7 115.9
e. Manufacture of wiring devices, electric lighting & display 0.26294 98.1 108.6 111.1 111.1
f. Manufacture of domestic appliances 0.36600 107.8 121.6 119.9 119.7
g. Manufacture of other electrical equipment 0.20589 101.7 108.6 108.6 109.5
(R). MANUFACTURE OF MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT 4.78899 103.6 111.3 113.1 114.0
a. Manufacture of engines and turbines, except aircraft, vehicle 0.63840 102.1 103.0 104.8 106.3
and two wheeler engines
b. Manufacture of fluid power equipment 0.16151 106.2 118.2 119.9 119.4
c. Manufacture of other pumps, compressors, taps and valves 0.55183 102.1 108.9 111.2 111.6

d. Manufacture of bearings, gears, gearing and driving 0.34015 104.5 111.2 110.1 111.8
e. Manufacture of ovens, furnaces and furnace burners 0.00837 115.5 78.2 80.0 80.2
f. Manufacture of lifting and handling equipment 0.28509 101.7 110.4 111.5 113.4
g. Manufacture of office machinery and equipment 0.00582 103.1 130.2 130.2 130.2
h. Manufacture of other general-purpose machinery 0.43675 109.5 129.6 130.9 138.7
i. Manufacture of agricultural and forestry machinery 0.83265 104.7 116.9 120.6 121.6
j. Manufacture of metal-forming machinery and machine tools 0.22363 101.9 101.8 108.1 108.4

k. Manufacture of machinery for mining, quarrying and 0.37079 105.0 75.7 75.1 75.7
l. Manufacture of machinery for food, beverage and tobacco 0.22793 101.1 124.7 125.2 128.0
m. Manufacture of machinery for textile, apparel and leather 0.19214 102.5 119.9 119.7 121.9
n. Manufacture of other special-purpose machinery 0.46834 102.4 123.8 126.3 128.7
o. Manufacture of renewable electricity generating equipment 0.04559 86.8 67.3 66.0 65.2

(S). MANUFACTURE OF MOTOR VEHICLES, TRAILERS 4.96853 102.8 112.8 114.5 117.8
a. Manufacture of motor vehicles 2.60026 103.0 113.3 115.2 119.4
b. Manufacture of parts and accessories for motor vehicles 2.36827 102.7 112.2 113.7 116.1
(T). MANUFACTURE OF OTHER TRANSPORT EQUIPMENT 1.64777 101.5 111.7 118.0 126.2
a. Building of ships and floating structures 0.11734 105.3 158.8 158.8 158.8
b. Manufacture of railway locomotives and rolling stock 0.10979 100.9 104.7 106.4 105.0
c. Manufacture of motor cycles 1.30205 100.8 106.6 114.3 124.7
d. Manufacture of bicycles and invalid carriages 0.11700 105.9 127.8 128.9 130.3
e. Manufacture of other transport equipment 0.00159 110.9 123.5 126.1 128.5
(U). MANUFACTURE OF FURNITURE 0.72672 105.4 127.3 130.9 133.2
a. Manufacture of furniture 0.72672 105.4 127.3 130.9 133.2
(V). OTHER MANUFACTURING 1.06417 96.4 107.0 112.7 132.4
a. Manufacture of jewellery and related articles 0.99638 95.3 103.9 109.9 130.5
b. Manufacture of musical instruments 0.00124 105.6 174.1 174.0 173.7
c. Manufacture of sports goods 0.01238 106.5 127.4 129.7 132.0
d. Manufacture of games and toys 0.00476 105.4 132.2 136.9 142.4
e. Manufacture of medical and dental instruments and supplies 0.04941 115.5 159.2 162.1 167.4

IV FOOD INDEX 24.37758 110.0 138.1 147.6 153.4

uksV& mijksDr vkadMk dsUnzh; lka0 laxBu] Hkkjr ljdkj us fgUnh esa miyC/k ugh djk;k gSA
Note- Data not provided by C.S.O. ,Govt. of India in Hindi.
lzksr& ekfld vkadMk lkj] dsUnzh; lka0 laxBu] Hkkjr ljdkjA
Source-Monthly Abstract of Statistics C.S.O. Govt. of India

30 & Hkko vkSj lwpdkad
Prices & Indices
30-4 & m0iz0 ds pqus gq, dsUnzksa ij vkS|ksfxd Jfedksa dk miHkksDrk Hkko lwpdkad
Consumer Price Index No. for the Industrial Workers at Selected Centres in UP.
vkxjk Agra xkft;kckn Ghaziabad dkuiqj Kanpur
[kk| inkFkZ fofo/k lkekU; [kk| inkFkZ fofo/k lkekU; fofo/k lkekU;
o"kZ@ekl inkFkZ Year/Month
General General General
Food Misc. Food Misc. Food Misc.
Index Index Index
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1
2011* .. .. 195 .. 199 .. .. 200 2011*

2014* 260 196 255 258 204 240 280 186 255 2014*

2015* 274 207 269 279 223 256 296 192 268 2015*

2016* 306 219 291 295 236 270 319 199 285 2016*

2017* 320 229 303 299 242 277 310 203 287 2017*

2018* 322 244 332 309 254 306 315 211 313 2018*

2019* - - 362 - - 341 - - 347 2019*

2020*# - - 387 - - 355 - - 368 2020*#

tuojh 20* - - 382 - - 350 - - 364 Jan-20*

Qjojh 20* 348 267 377 327 273 346 347 232 360 Feb-20*
ekpZ 20* 352 267 379 334 274 344 346 232 360 Mar-20*
viSzy 20* 361 267 383 358 274 351 349 232 361 Apr-20*
ebZ 20* - - 381 - - 351 - - 360 May-20*
twu 20* 356 268 381 357 274 351 344 233 360 Jun-20*
tqykbZ 20* 368 268 389 337 274 353 355 234 367 Jul-20*
vxLr 20* - - 390 - - 356 - - 368 Aug-20*
flrEcj 20# 124 112 120 119 113 122 120 112 119 Sep-20#
vDVwcj 20# 125 112 120 121 112 122 123 115 120 Oct-20#
uoEcj 20# 124 112 119 121 113 122 124 115 120 Nov-20#
fnlEcj 20# 117 112 117 115 112 120 118 117 120 Dec-20#
vuqc)------ Contd...

30 & Hkko vkSj lwpdkad
Prices & Indices
30-4&m0iz0 ds pqus gq, dsUnzksa ij vkS|ksfxd Jfedksa dk miHkksDrk Hkko lwpdkad
Consumer Price Index No. for the Industrial Workers at Selected Centres in UP.
y[kuÅ Lucknow okjk.klh Varanasi

[kk| inkFkZ [kk| inkFkZ

o"kZ@ekl fofo/k lkekU; fofo/k lkekU; Year/Month
lwpdkad lwpdkad

Food Misc. General Index Food Misc. General Index

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1

2011* .. .. 195 .. .. 194 2011*

2014* 271 171 242 277 191 247 2014*

2015* 297 185 261 298 203 265 2015*

2016* 314 193 274 314 214 278 2016*
2017* 304 197 275 301 224 279 2017*
2018* 306 208 305 301 236 302 2018*

2019* - - 343 - - 338 2019*

2020*# - - 369 - - 360 2020*#

tuojh 20* - - 362 - - 358 Jan-20*
Qjojh 20* 345 217 357 341 260 353 Feb-20*
ekpZ 20* 357 217 362 336 260 351 Mar-20*
viSzy 20* 365 217 365 337 260 351 Apr-20*
ebZ 20* - - 358 - - 351 May-20*
twu 20* 357 218 362 337 260 352 Jun-20*
tqykbZ 20* 372 219 372 350 260 360 Jul-20*
vxLr 20* - - 373 - - 363 Aug-20*
flrEcj 20# 127 120 124 118 117 121 Sep-20#
vDVwcj 20# 133 121 126 122 117 123 Oct-20#
uoEcj 20# 128 121 125 124 119 124 Nov-20#
fnlEcj 20# 120 121 122 118 119 122 Dec-20#
*vk/kkj o"kZ 2001¾100 * Base year 2001=100

# vk/kkj o"kZ 2016¾100 # Base year 2016=100

..vizkIr ..Not Available

lzksr %& yscj C;wjks] Hkkjr ljdkj] f'keykA Source :-Labour Bureau, Govt. of India, Shimla.

30 & Hkko vkSj lwpdkad
Prices & Indices
30-4v foRrh; o"kZ 2020&21 ds fy, m0iz0 dk vkSlr uxjh; miHkksD
s rk Hkko lwpdkad
¼vk/kkj Ñf"k o"kZ 2011&12=100½
(Base Agr. Year 2011-12=100)

dzekad en jkT; if'peh e/; cqUnsy[k.M iwohZ Item

State Western Central Bundelkhand Eastern
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
leLr 175.03 173.50 176.74 173.38 176.85 All Groups
1- [kk|] is; nzO; vkSj rEckdw 175.42 172.66 176.78 175.17 180.85 Food beverages and tobacco
(i) vukt ,oa mRikn 176.39 175.71 177.91 176.04 176.54 Cereals & Products
1 xsgwa vkVk 177.38 177.75 172.77 176.84 181.55 Wheat
2 pkoy&vjok 176.27 171.64 188.14 176.27 172.21 Rice(Arwa)
3 puk lkcqr 156.58 155.91 156.64 167.26 153.83 Gram whole
4 eDdk 163.88 167.16 169.28 145.46 159.18 Maize
(ii) nkysa ,oa mRikn 162.71 160.58 163.28 164.37 165.08 Pulses & Products
5 vjgj nky 158.04 160.82 157.62 161.14 155.99 Arhar Dal
6 mM+n nky 179.92 172.23 190.83 173.66 208.11 Urd Dal
7 elwj nky 152.49 152.90 147.72 171.47 150.34 Masur Dal
8 eVj nky 239.76 240.11 257.81 226.86 236.28 Pea Dal
9 eawx nky 155.88 153.88 156.87 166.30 153.12 Moong Dal
10 puk nky 155.47 155.11 158.60 155.73 152.66 Gram: Dal
11 lks;kchu cjh 169.88 165.47 153.24 196.39 175.26 Soyabeenbari
(iii) nw/k ,oa nwX/k mRikn 173.08 170.10 174.58 173.83 182.76 Milk & Milks Products
12 nw/k rjy 172.95 168.84 176.51 172.44 183.99 Milk
13 ?kh 174.24 180.59 156.40 178.86 163.99 Ghee
(iv) rsy o fLuX/k inkFkZ 148.88 149.32 149.52 148.74 147.17 Oils & Fats
14 ljlksa dk rsy 153.45 155.70 153.06 156.53 149.15 Mustard oil
15 ouLifr ?kh 136.17 134.42 139.62 131.69 137.86 Vanaspati Ghee
(v) ekWal] eNyh o v.Mk 202.52 203.04 205.09 196.50 198.34 Meats, Fish & Eggs
16 ekal cdjs dk 215.59 212.81 223.79 208.20 214.26 Goat meat
17 eNyh jksgw 178.51 200.58 174.05 184.17 167.12 Fish(Rohu)
18 v.Mk 152.02 153.25 148.11 155.86 152.47 Eggs
(vi) lCth 236.28 237.52 224.85 235.82 247.39 Vegetables
19 vkyw 269.20 276.20 249.06 284.40 276.42 Potato
20 VekVj 190.30 187.03 194.34 184.53 191.98 Tomato
21 I;kt 244.98 243.49 241.89 250.39 249.48 Onion
22 cSaxu 183.19 178.12 187.31 180.77 189.39 Brinjal
23 fepZ 157.41 158.78 143.43 185.14 162.47 Chillis:green
(vii) Qy ,oa esos 159.19 153.48 166.88 167.98 163.88 Fruits & Dry fruits
24 lsc 119.73 113.14 138.64 116.65 114.95 Apple

25 dsyk 159.91 154.01 158.88 193.16 173.70 Banana

26 vke 75.09 75.38 88.27 84.41 66.39 Mango
27 eawxQyh 144.20 138.64 151.12 144.47 149.71 Groundnut
28 ukfj;y ¼dksijk½ 228.47 228.19 248.66 217.09 215.92 Dry Fruit-Coconut:copra
(viii) phuh] xqM+ vkfn 117.97 117.11 117.89 122.69 119.98 Sugar, Gur etc
29 phuh 116.93 116.21 116.84 120.46 118.90 Sugar
30 xqM+ 138.18 139.89 137.17 139.03 135.18 Gur

30 & Hkko vkSj lwpdkad
Prices & Indices
30-4v foRrh; o"kZ 2020&21 ds fy, m0iz0 dk vkSlr uxjh; miHkksD
s rk Hkko lwpdkad
¼vk/kkj Ñf"k o"kZ 2011&12=100½
(Base Agr. Year 2011-12=100)

dzekad en jkT; if'peh e/; cqUnsy[k.M iwohZ Item

State Western Central Bundelkhand Eastern
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
(ix) elkys 152.62 153.18 154.06 154.40 148.14 Condiments & Spices
31 sÌfu;k ¼lkcqr½ 168.13 170.17 168.83 166.81 161.97 Corriander (Whole)
32 fepZ ¼lkcqr½ 175.74 172.39 186.77 177.95 180.20 Dry chillies (Whole)
33 gYnh 106.26 102.24 112.39 111.24 109.61 Turmeric (Whole)
34 ued filk 145.48 146.39 145.03 142.95 144.27 Salt Powder
35 xje elkyk 145.98 145.99 146.58 145.49 145.43 Garam Masala
(x) rS;kj Hkkstu ,oa vYikgkj 147.16 144.21 149.41 147.94 151.39 Prepared meal & refresment
36 rS;kj feBkbZ 157.05 150.70 168.55 177.14 156.62 Prepared sweetsJALEBI
37 fcLdqV 131.97 132.46 132.72 124.47 131.06 Biscuits
38 uedhu 153.32 150.28 154.42 130.58 167.13 Sev Besan
(xi) veknd is; 155.83 152.64 157.91 139.67 162.57 Non-alchohlic beverages
39 pk; iRrh 141.28 136.64 151.23 136.05 144.00 Tea:leaf
40 pk;di 178.50 199.38 165.66 147.19 176.09 Tea:cups
41 'khry is; 170.59 171.65 165.99 163.70 174.71 Cold Drink
(xii) iku]lqikjh] rEckdw o eknd is; 204.58 203.54 217.63 204.88 189.45 Pan,supari & tabacco beverages
42 iku o lqikjh dk lkekU; vkSlr 204.48 197.92 219.37 201.49 196.88 Average of pan(Leaf) Sada & supari
43 chM+h 236.24 228.21 292.83 229.87 256.53 Bidi
44 flxjsV 213.37 211.01 223.97 234.36 207.47 Cigratte
45 rEckdw iRrh 198.89 183.70 226.37 209.01 176.37 tobaco chewing leaf
46 'kjkc 155.04 157.38 151.24 161.49 152.06 Country liquor
2- bZ/ku o izdk'k 211.55 209.16 217.99 208.60 210.73 Fuel and light
47 fctyh 274.19 274.19 274.19 274.19 274.19 Electricity
48 ,y0ih0th0xSl 169.81 167.16 169.67 170.77 176.74 LPG
49 tykÅ ydM+h 146.97 141.41 149.55 158.72 157.95 Firewoods
50 feV~Vh dk rsy 118.45 121.45 117.76 119.35 114.34 Kerosene
51 ekfpl 161.24 158.38 185.87 145.10 144.46 Match box
52 eksecRrh 147.31 154.73 129.73 134.25 127.79 Candle
3- vkokl 201.68 202.15 199.89 185.29 208.18 Housing
53 vkokl fdjk;k 217.94 219.40 214.18 227.66 217.76 House rent
54 jkt o vdq'ky Jfed dh etnwjh dk vkSlr 190.52 183.04 201.19 174.24 202.92 Ave.of Raj and Unskilled Labour
55 ty Hkkj 135.96 130.30 120.53 101.82 176.33 Water tax
4- oL=] fcLrj ,oa twrs 171.99 179.04 162.03 161.69 167.98 Clothing, Bedding and Footwear
(i) oL= vkSj fcLrj 173.37 182.13 162.38 157.09 168.17 Clothing and bedding
56 deht dk diM+k 179.92 194.02 161.57 143.32 173.53 Cloth shirt
57 lkM+h 158.88 148.50 174.85 167.11 156.35 Sari
58 /kksrh enkZuh 173.65 181.90 166.40 160.48 165.21 Dhoti Mardani
59 cfu;ku 166.28 176.98 142.05 170.29 170.01 Hosiery Baniyan
60 csM'khV 186.92 184.82 227.66 136.33 146.30 Bedsheet
(ii) twrs 164.86 163.97 160.21 188.33 166.87 Footwear
61 peM+s ds twrs 163.85 157.14 170.21 174.75 173.65 Leather shoes
62 peM+s ds lSafMy ¼ysMht½ 163.05 166.02 138.78 229.46 170.46 Leather sandals(Ladies)
63 jcM+ @ ih0oh0lh0 ds pIiy 164.01 170.66 158.33 172.79 146.95 Rubber/PVC footwear (Chappal)

30 & Hkko vkSj lwpdkad
Prices & Indices
30-4v foRrh; o"kZ 2020&21 ds fy, m0iz0 dk vkSlr uxjh; miHkksD
s rk Hkko lwpdkad
¼vk/kkj Ñf"k o"kZ 2011&12=100½
(Base Agr. Year 2011-12=100)

dzekad en jkT; if'peh e/; cqUnsy[k.M iwohZ Item

State Western Central Bundelkhand Eastern
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

5- fofo/k 160.27 157.59 165.99 164.06 155.45 Miscellaneous

(i) f'k{kk 207.36 199.01 233.22 207.43 184.62 Education
64 V~;w'ku Qhl@ dksfpax Qhl 230.23 216.72 267.65 220.51 201.32 Tution fees / Coaching Fees
65 jftLVj 146.95 152.32 134.36 167.40 144.62 Register
66 lekpkj i= 138.07 159.12 100.78 149.64 142.11 Newspapers Hindi Dainik
(ii) fpfdRlk 123.32 124.84 120.15 137.35 115.82 Medical care
67 dkzslhu 74.48 74.48 74.50 74.45 74.47 Crocin
68 ,Vhu 50 58.78 58.78 58.84 58.69 58.71 Atin 50
69 Mk;uhy 128.33 128.33 128.34 128.33 128.31 Daynil
70 dQlhji& csukfMªy 184.58 184.24 185.78 184.00 184.02 Benadryl Cough Syrup114ml
71 MkDVj Qhl Dyhfud ij 215.89 208.76 191.24 372.76 188.10 Doctor's fee at clinic
72 CyM VsLV Qhl 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Blood Test
(iii) euksjatu vkfn 192.04 186.34 197.29 197.36 195.63 Recreation and amusement
73 flusek fVdV 166.66 148.27 190.00 250.00 162.98 Cinema Ticket
74 dsfcy Vh0ch0 fdjk;k 141.79 140.90 145.81 129.52 139.99 Cabel TV rent
75 jaxhu Vh0ch0 171.57 190.84 160.35 155.16 161.65 Colour TV

(iv) O;fDrxr ns[k&js[k ,oa py lEifRr 165.96 168.23 162.33 169.99 162.00 Personal care and effects
76 ugkus dk lkcqu 145.32 154.86 126.55 144.12 138.80 Toilet soap
77 ds'k rsy 139.86 143.00 135.17 134.37 138.95 Hair oil
78 VwFk isLV 165.42 164.24 173.08 155.04 162.12 Toothpaste
79 Vsyde ikmMj 224.72 229.17 222.01 221.63 219.09 Telcom Powder
80 lsafox CysM 210.63 200.27 216.52 227.37 226.20 Shaving blades
(v) ?kjsyw vko';drk,Wa 161.77 162.46 157.66 161.58 164.95 Household and requisties
81 VkpZ ihry dh 152.39 152.02 162.15 146.26 144.75 Torch
82 vxjcRrh 130.69 133.46 122.82 140.53 130.11 Agarbati
83 fctyh dk cYc 125.76 129.56 124.10 115.67 121.16 Electric bulb
84 nthZ dh flykbZ 195.98 196.04 188.03 196.68 202.84 Tailor
85 ukbZ 202.65 203.92 196.05 179.94 210.17 Barber
86 filkbZ 188.96 185.04 193.85 197.84 188.97 Grinding
87 /kqykbZ dk lkcqu 106.83 113.92 94.91 89.67 104.07 Washing shop
88 flaxy csM 193.60 202.61 193.19 204.01 169.11 Single bed
89 Fkkyh 139.24 142.62 129.97 133.89 146.11 Stainless steel thali
90 lhfyazx QSu 121.24 121.89 121.15 109.10 122.91 Electricc good Ceilling fan
91 vdq'ky etnwj 187.44 174.77 212.16 187.59 175.35 Unskilled labour
92 eksckby Qksu@gS.MlsV 112.67 119.24 103.96 109.44 104.22 Mobile phone/handset
(vi) ;krk;kr ,oa lapkj 139.32 136.59 142.80 143.12 137.93 Transport and communication
93 VsyhQksu dky njsa ¼ch0,l0,u0,y0½ 120.00 120.00 120.00 120.00 120.00 Telephone charges b.s.n.l
94 jftLVMZ i= 99.44 99.44 99.44 99.44 99.44 Registerd letter 10gm
95 isVz~ksy 115.07 115.14 114.41 115.74 115.94 Petrol
96 jsy ;k=k fdjk;k 157.14 157.14 157.14 157.14 157.14 Railway fare
97 cl ;k=k fdjk;k 186.15 186.15 186.15 186.15 186.15 Bus fare
98 dkj 155.82 147.82 157.35 140.78 148.93 Car
99 eksVj lkbfdy 148.22 151.02 147.00 141.85 149.89 Motor cycle
(vii) vU; 151.91 150.67 143.51 161.75 155.26 Others
100 LoÆZ vkHkw"k.k 173.16 174.58 170.11 173.29 172.66 Gold
101 pkanh dk vkHkw"k.k 108.21 108.07 107.49 109.29 109.24 Silver

30& Hkko vkSj lwpdkad
Prices & Indices
30-4c foRrh; o"kZ 2020&21 ds fy, mRrj izns'k dk vkSlr xzkeh.k miHkkssDrk Hkko lwpdkad
¼vk/kkj Ñf"k o"kZ 2011&12¾100½
(BASE YEAR 2011-12=100)
dzekad en jkT; if'peh {ks= e?; {ks= cqUnsy[k.M {ks= iwohZ {ks= Item
State Western Central Bundelkhand Eastern
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
leLr 183.07 180.36 184.45 177.62 185.70 All Groups
1- [kk|] is; nzO; vkSj rEckdw 184.83 178.17 192.08 177.89 188.60 Food, beverages and tobacco
(i) vukt ,oa mRikn 180.79 178.56 186.37 182.72 179.93 Cereals & Products
1 xsgwa 177.91 177.65 181.52 183.10 175.56 Wheat
2 pkoy&vjok 186.18 182.51 194.06 178.55 185.04 Rice(Arwa)
3 puk lkcqr 167.40 170.02 172.38 187.03 154.33 Gram whole
4 eDdk 175.89 156.56 191.47 173.47 196.80 Maize
5 cktjk 209.24 203.38 194.83 204.97 233.02 Bajra
(ii) nkysa ,oa mRikn 170.69 160.83 177.24 165.46 174.39 Pulses & Products
6 vjgj nky 153.74 153.93 153.95 160.51 152.96 Arhar Dal
7 mM+n nky 190.35 171.35 214.79 179.78 208.92 Urd Dal
8 elwj nky 153.48 152.57 157.86 151.23 153.19 Masur Dal
9 eVj nky 238.34 224.14 258.11 203.64 236.67 Pea Dal
10 eawx nky 160.50 157.31 171.04 168.67 141.75 Moong Dal
11 puk nky 166.28 168.61 168.53 167.11 161.85 Gram: Dal
(iii) nw/k ,oa nwX/k mRikn 183.80 175.97 191.97 172.03 195.31 Milk & Milks Products
12 nw/k rjy 184.62 175.92 193.84 175.11 196.21 Milk
13 ?kh 168.54 177.20 160.83 160.64 167.85 Ghee
(iv) rsy o fLuX/k inkFkZ 152.40 151.28 159.87 148.83 150.45 Oils & Fats
14 ljlksa dk rsy 154.69 154.96 161.94 153.60 151.42 Mustard oil
15 ouLifr ?kh 137.52 134.81 140.13 135.78 140.87 Vanaspati Ghee
(v) ekWal] eNyh o v.Mk 202.01 211.12 201.52 191.34 197.86 Meats, Fish & Eggs
16 ekal cdjs dk 220.49 219.67 213.89 214.15 219.07 Goat meat
17 eNyh jksgw 182.04 209.24 189.49 175.78 171.59 Fish(Rohu)
18 v.Mk 156.34 167.68 144.50 145.41 153.86 Eggs
(vi) rjdkjh 256.70 251.62 268.82 229.29 257.75 Vegetables
19 vkyw 292.50 291.28 309.62 271.79 287.96 Potato
20 VekVj 198.20 193.17 212.36 196.55 195.80 Tomato
21 I;kt 247.08 243.09 234.73 252.57 251.77 Onion
22 cSaxu 182.31 176.34 216.74 161.98 177.95 Brinjal
23 fepZ 165.80 161.72 154.82 160.26 173.97 Chillis:green
(vii) Qy ,oa 'kq"d Qy 163.35 162.47 156.44 168.40 163.73 Fruits & Dry fruits
24 lsc 115.91 118.27 114.48 112.39 115.06 Apple
25 dsyk 161.05 151.60 163.53 173.98 169.59 Banana
26 vke 162.37 172.94 170.41 187.17 138.88 Mango
27 eawxQyh 151.16 147.97 153.88 140.00 155.12 Groundnut
28 ukfj;y ¼dksijk½ 239.78 254.94 237.99 223.68 228.27 Coconut:copra
(viii) phuh] xqM+ vkfn 121.46 119.80 120.26 126.47 123.70 Sugar, Gur etc
29 phuh 118.02 116.78 117.56 120.34 119.94 Sugar
30 xqM+ 137.82 139.24 136.48 139.97 136.54 Gur

30& Hkko vkSj lwpdkad
Prices & Indices
30-4c foRrh; o"kZ 2020&21 ds fy, mRrj izns'k dk vkSlr xzkeh.k miHkkssDrk Hkko lwpdkad
¼vk/kkj Ñf"k o"kZ 2011&12¾100½
(BASE YEAR 2011-12=100)
dzekad en jkT; if'peh {ks= e?; {ks= cqUnsy[k.M {ks= iwohZ {ks= Item
State Western Central Bundelkhand Eastern
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
(ix) elkys 156.85 154.90 163.13 160.55 155.35 Condiments & Spices
31 sÌfu;k ¼lkcqr½ 177.66 169.71 194.01 187.54 177.07 Corriander (Whole)
32 fepZ 174.74 175.21 176.79 165.57 174.41 Dry chillies (Whole)
33 gYnh 105.79 102.75 107.33 107.52 107.80 Turmeric (Whole)
34 ued 163.99 157.36 176.29 170.17 164.49 Salt
35 xje elkyk 144.40 143.54 145.55 144.77 144.32 Garam Masala
(x) rS;kj Hkkstu ,oa vYikgkj 155.00 152.98 160.19 153.06 154.63 Prepared meal & refresment
36 rS;kj feBkbZ 161.32 156.61 172.47 162.01 159.89 Prepared sweets JALEBI
37 fcLdqV 146.14 146.42 146.87 143.03 146.09 Biscuits
38 uedhu 161.66 159.24 167.13 161.96 161.15 Sev Besan
(xi) veknd is; 160.27 143.89 161.23 149.54 174.64 non-alchohlic beverages
39 pk; iRrh 144.31 140.39 151.93 148.35 146.60 Tea:leaf
40 pk;di 194.49 174.07 183.62 156.29 200.10 Tea:cups
41 'khry is; 161.79 167.01 149.04 141.95 158.28 Cold Drink
(xii) iku]lqikjh] rEckdw o eknd is; 223.05 221.08 233.32 210.35 222.79 Pan,supari & tabacco beverages
42 iku o lqikjh dk lkekU; vkSlr 232.61 240.89 255.91 203.34 230.05 Average of pan(Leaf) Sada & supari
43 chM+h 254.69 232.54 286.25 260.95 274.85 Bidi
44 flxjsV 205.63 203.98 193.08 210.40 208.59 Cigratte
45 rEckdw iRrh 206.86 244.15 195.70 207.39 184.37 tobaco chewing leaf
46 'kjkc 162.45 150.78 146.00 163.64 186.59 Country liquor
2- bZ/ku o izdk'k 213.59 217.55 205.06 192.98 217.16 Fuel and light
47 fctyh 454.55 454.55 454.55 454.55 454.55 Electricity
48 ,y0ih0th0xSl 172.19 167.78 171.71 170.74 176.71 LPG
49 tykÅ ydM+h 163.19 156.97 166.73 176.98 163.73 Firewoods
50 miys 220.31 204.73 243.17 149.77 249.50 Dungcake
51 feV~Vh dk rsy 233.86 238.65 234.07 233.09 232.52 Kerosene
52 ekfpl 154.71 167.35 159.45 130.39 138.63 Match box
53 eksecRrh 143.55 141.88 149.32 154.09 142.96 Candle
3- vkokl 215.98 202.26 215.58 220.47 226.63 Housing
jkt o vdq'ky Jfed dh etnwjh
54 215.98 202.26 215.58 220.47 226.63 Ave.of Raj and Unskilled Labour
dk vkSlr
4- oL=] fcLrj ,oa twrs 180.01 188.16 166.96 171.43 178.87 Clothing, Bedding and Footwear
(i) oL= vkSj fcLrj 181.68 191.64 167.47 169.29 180.14 Clothing and bedding
55 deht dk diM+k 190.01 198.69 176.10 150.50 186.58 Cloth shirt
56 lkM+h 180.00 200.94 160.52 195.02 170.97 Sari
57 /kksrh enkZuh 181.65 188.33 181.71 167.46 178.38 Dhoti Mardani
58 cfu;ku 173.14 179.47 154.32 175.37 173.75 Hosiery Baniyan
59 csM'khV 183.60 191.55 161.87 165.78 188.66 Bedsheet
(ii) twrs 169.52 169.25 163.59 184.47 169.65 Footwear
60 peM+s ds twrs 175.21 166.45 176.53 174.78 189.16 Leather shoes
61 peM+s ds lSafMy ¼ysMht½ 180.79 179.12 189.26 212.65 173.06 Leather sandals(Ladies)
62 jcM+ @ ih0oh0lh0 ds pIiy 157.66 167.20 139.85 177.08 152.08 Rubber/PVC footwear (Chappal)
5- fofo/k 165.51 165.80 162.35 171.61 165.15 Miscellaneous
(i) f'k{kk 209.83 219.18 186.92 210.76 209.48 Education
63 V~;'w ku Qhl@ dksfpax Qhl 234.17 244.44 205.27 265.77 231.51 Tutionfees
64 jftLVj 179.82 182.44 157.10 162.14 185.70 Register
65 lekpkj i= 140.19 147.57 112.48 152.65 141.63 Newspapers Hindi Dainik

30& Hkko vkSj lwpdkad
Prices & Indices
30-4c foRrh; o"kZ 2020&21 ds fy, mRrj izns'k dk vkSlr xzkeh.k miHkkssDrk Hkko lwpdkad
¼vk/kkj Ñf"k o"kZ 2011&12¾100½
(BASE YEAR 2011-12=100)
dzekad en jkT; if'peh {ks= e?; {ks= cqUnsy[k.M {ks= iwohZ {ks= Item
State Western Central Bundelkhand Eastern
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
(ii) fpfdRlk 127.84 133.19 129.47 133.04 121.34 Medical care
66 dkzslhu 74.67 74.66 74.61 74.49 74.72 Crocin
67 ,Vhu 50 59.02 59.00 59.02 59.01 59.05 Atin 50
68 Mk;uhy 127.77 127.77 127.77 127.75 127.77 Daynil
69 dQlhji& csukfMªy 184.08 184.05 184.23 184.00 184.05 Benadryl Cough Syrup114ml
70 MkDVj Qhl Dyhfud ij 303.71 323.81 288.82 307.99 285.46 Doctor's fee at clinic
71 CyM VsLV Qhl 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Blood Test
(iii) euksjatu vkfn 280.99 257.33 239.09 335.93 276.82 Recreation and amusement
72 flusek fVdV 378.15 375.33 326.39 488.89 370.37 Cinema Ticket
73 jsfM;ks¼nks cSaM½ 118.74 98.75 85.24 184.37 123.70 Radio 2 band
(iv) O;fDrxr ns[k&js[k ,oa py lEifRr 165.45 164.00 172.17 181.90 161.56 Personal care and effects
74 ugkus dk lkcqu 154.25 152.92 163.87 163.25 151.15 Toilet soap
75 ds'k rsy 134.47 136.72 129.13 133.84 134.67 Hair oil
76 VwFk isLV 166.36 165.07 167.08 164.16 168.08 Toothpaste
77 Vsyde ikmMj 220.99 216.20 225.43 240.54 217.10 Telcom Powder
78 lsafox CysM 229.94 224.04 233.39 222.97 236.55 Shaving blades
(v) ?kjsyw vko';drk,Wa 189.39 175.81 189.11 200.52 198.18 Household and requisties
79 vxjcRrh 166.51 170.29 157.37 205.12 159.17 Agarbati
80 VkpZ ihry dh 142.25 150.04 138.20 163.83 127.03 Torch
81 cSV~zh ¼'kq"d lsy½ 128.48 125.35 125.32 103.21 135.99 Batteries(Dry cells)
82 /kqykbZ dk lkcqu 123.68 125.90 117.72 150.36 120.57 Washing shop
83 vdq'ky etnwj 229.25 199.00 259.81 270.64 216.89 Unskilled labour
84 nthZ dh flykbZ 211.49 210.34 159.64 251.76 216.01 Tailor
85 ukbZ 257.26 239.72 279.44 205.66 262.18 Barber
86 filkbZ 217.14 185.67 235.36 184.50 237.14 Grinding
87 flaxy csM 219.56 212.19 206.34 290.21 212.30 Single bed
88 Fkkyh 145.10 134.71 162.91 132.10 143.60 Stainless steel thali
89 lhfyax QSu 119.55 117.62 121.24 112.46 122.91 Electricc good Ceilling fan
90 eksckby Qksu@gS.MlsV 110.56 100.48 108.28 116.22 118.82 Mobile phone/handset
(vi) ;krk;kr ,oa lapkj 157.54 158.76 161.16 152.91 154.61 Transport and communication
91 jftLVMZ i= 99.43 99.41 99.44 99.44 99.44 Registry fee 10gm
92 VsyhQksu dky njsa ¼ch0,l0,u0,y0½
150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 Telephone charges b.s.n.l
93 isVz~ksy 116.44 115.40 115.53 115.73 118.08 Petrol
94 jsy ;k=k fdjk;k 136.84 136.84 136.84 136.84 136.84 Railway fare
95 cl ;k=k fdjk;k 186.15 186.15 186.15 186.15 186.15 Bus fare
96 lkbfdy 136.66 139.20 132.11 136.78 136.15 Bicycle
97 eksVj lkbfdy 151.34 154.11 143.55 147.70 147.84 Motor cycle
(vii) vU; 142.57 143.12 139.25 149.54 141.82 Others
98 LoÆZ vkHkw"k.k 176.37 173.58 174.88 173.66 172.54 Gold
99 pkanh dk vkHkw"k.k 113.76 109.02 109.01 108.58 109.30 Silver

30 & Hkko vkSj lwpdkad
Prices & Indices

30-5& m0iz0 dk miHkkssDrk Hkko lwpdkad ¼vk/kkj 2012=100½

Consumer price index of UP. (Base 2012=100)
oxZ Group 2018 2018 2018 2019 2019 2019 2020 2020 2020

Rural Urban Combined Rural Urban Combined Rural Urban Combined

xzkeh.k uxjh; la;qDr xzkeh.k uxjh; la;qDr xzkeh.k uxjh; la;qDr

[kk| vkSj Food and
is; nzO; beverages 134.4 135.5 134.8 140.5 142.9 141.2 153.1 155.1 153.7

Pan; tobacco;
iku] rEckdw and
vkSj eknd is; intoxicants 149.5 162.9 152.6 159.8 169.4 162.0 165.9 174.4 167.8

Clothing and
oL= ,oa twrs footwear 146.3 137.2 143.5 147.3 142.9 145.9 149.6 146.8 148.8

vkokl Housing 0.0 156.1 157.1 0.0 163.8 0.0 0.0 168.6 0.0

bZ/ku o izdk'k Fuel and light 142.8 136.9 141.0 145.4 136.5 142.7 147.1 143.5 146.0

fofo/k Miscellaneous 131.7 129.5 130.8 140.1 133.4 137.6 145.9 140.0 143.7

lwpdkad ¼leLr General Index
oxZ½ (All Groups) 135.7 138.0 136.5 141.8 143.8 142.5 152.0 153.3 152.5

lzksr&Hkkjr ljdkj] lakf[k;dh & dk;Zdze dk;kZUo;u ea=ky;

Source: -Government of India ,Ministry of statistics & Programme Implementation

30 & Hkko vkSj lwpdkad
Prices & Indices
30-6 & vf[ky Hkkjrh; vkS|ksfxd Jfedksa dk miHkksDrk Hkko lwpdkad

All India Index Number of Consumer Prices of Industrial Workers

okf"kZd @ ekfld vkSlr [kk| inkFkZ fofo/k lkekU; Year / Monthly

Food products Misc. General Average

1 2 3 4 1
2011-12* 206 168 195 2011-12*
2014-15* 292 207 264 2014-15*
2015-16* 294 216 265 2015-16*
2016-17* 305 226 276 2016-17*
2017-18* 310 235 284 2017-18*
2018-19* 311 245 298 2018-19*
2019-20* 334 254 322 2019-20*
2020-21*# 118 118 120 2020-21*#
z &20* 341 256 329 Apr-20*
ebZ &20* 342 256 330 May-20*
twu& 20* 346 257 332 Jun-20*
tqykbZ &20* 350 260 336 Jul-20*
vxLr&20* 352 260 338 Aug-20*
flrEcj&20# 120 117 118 Sep-20#
vDVwcj&20# 123 117 120 Oct-20#
uoEcj&20# 124 117 120 Nov-20#
fnlEcj&20# 120 118 119 Dec-20#
tuojh&21# 117 117 118 Jan-21#
Qjojh&21# 118 118 119 Feb-21#
ekpZ&21# 118 118 120 March-21#
*vk/kkj o"kZ 2001¾100 * Base year 2001=100
# vk/kkj o"kZ 2016¾100 # Base year 2016=100
lzksr& ekfld vkadMk lkj] dsUnzh; lka0 laxBu Source-Monthly Abstract of Statistics, C.S.O. Govt. of India.

Hkkjr ljdkj A

31&iapo"khZ; ;kstuk;sa
Five Year Plans
31-1 & mRrj izns'k dh iapo"khZ; rFkk okf"kZd ;kstukvksa ij O;;@ifjO;;
Expenditure/Outlay on Five Year & Annual Plan Of UP.
¼yk[k :0 esa½ ( in Lakh Rs)
okf"kZd ;kstuk okf"kZd ;kstuk okf"kZd ;kstuk okf"kZd ;kstuk
Annual plan Annual plan Annual plan Annual plan

fodkl ds en 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21** Items of Development

vuqeksfnr dqy vuqeksfnr vuqeksfnr dqy vuqeksfnr vuqeksfnr dqy vuqeksfnr vuqeksfnr dqy vuqeksfnr
ifjO;; ifjO;; ls ifjO;; ifjO;; ls ifjO;; ifjO;; ls ifjO;; ifjO;; ls
izfr'kr izfr'kr izfr'kr izfr'kr
Approved Percentage Approved Percentage Approved Percentage Approved Percentage
outlay to Total outlay to Total outlay to Total outlay to Total
Expenditure Expenditure Expenditure Expenditure
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1

1- Agriculture & Allied

1-d`f"k ,oa lEoxhZ; lsok;sa 4834728 R 17.95 4542060R 11.32 2464898 7.27 2208051 5.88

2-lgdkfjrk 35573 0.13 49588R 0.12 95058 0.28 74197 0.20 2- Co-operative

3-xzkE; fodkl 1531410R 5.73 1095903R 2.73 707659 2.09 1148685 3.06 3- Rural Development

4- Irrigation, Flood Control &

4-flapkbZ ,oa ck<+ fu;U=.k 2208260 R 8.34 4495035R 11.20 4968962 14.66 4323911 11.51

5-m|ksx ,oa [kfudeZ 302012 1.13 508570 1.27 950340 2.80 642109 1.71 5- Industries & Minerals

6- ifjogu 1191559 4.46 2250660 5.61 2021562 5.97 2309893 6.15 6- Transport

7-1lkekU; f'k{kk 4898873 18.33 4720608 11.76 6202229 18.30 5419050 14.42 7.1General Education

7-2fpfdRlk ,oa tuLokLF; 1152559R 4.31 1780570 4.44 1470100 4.34 2081393 5.54 7.2 Medical & Public Health

7-3LoPNrk ,oa ty lEiwfrZ 687476 2.57 824363 2.05 1114658 3.29 1589788 4.23 7-3 Severage Water Supply

7-4vU; lkekftd lsok;sa 5343765R 19.99 3748961 9.34 4378734 12.92 4800692 12.78 7.4 Other Social Services

8- fofo/k 4546607R 17.01 16114076R 40.15 9510901 28.07 12976529 34.54 8- Miscellaneous

;ksx 26732822 100.00 40130394 100.00 33885101 100.00 37574298 100.00 Total
**vufUre **Provisional
R la'kksf/kr R Revised
uksV%&o"kZ 2017&18 ls vk;kstukxr ,oa vk;stusRrj en Note: - From the year 2017-18, the classification of plan and non-plan
items has been abolished.
dk oxhZdj.k lekIr dj fn;k x;k gSA

lzksr %& m0iz0] fu;kstu foHkkx] m0iz0

Source : - UP., Planning Dept, UP. Govt.& depand on
'kklu],oa foHkkxksa ls izkIr lwpukvksa ds
department information.
vk/kkj ij A

Hkkx&3 vU; lk¡f[;dh
32&la;qDr LdU/k dEiuh
Joint Stock Companies
32-1 m0iz0 esa dk;Zjr] uofucfU/kr rFkk lekIr gqbZ la;qDr LdU/k dEifu;ka
Joint Stock Companies At Works, Newly Registered & Liquidated in UP.

¼31 ekpZ dh fLFkfr½ ( As on 31st March)

dk;Zjr dEifu;ka Working o"kZ esa fucfU/kr dEifu;ka dEifu;ka ftudk o"kZ
Companies Registered Companies in the esa lekiu gqvk
o"kZ la[;k iznRr iwWth la[;k vf/kd`r iwWth
Number Paid up Capital Number Authorised Companies
(000 Rs) Capital (000 Rs) Liquidated during the
1 2 3 4 5 6
2011-12 28865 539731766 5404 9775921 ..

2013-14 42566 NA 7850 391177000 NA

2014-15 42566 1110679907 5987 17701646 13
2015-16 51153 3287842977 7356 24343648 796
2016-17 59726 3304428722 8573 26694141 668

2017-18 83845 2196340564 10483 12153314 ..

2018-19 75231 2361058746 12403 118014383 ..

2019-20 79869 2409632967 12277 27912669 ..

2020-21 94984 2737142910 16126 21686125 0

..vizkIr ..Not Available

lzksr& dEiuh jftLV~kj fof/k U;k; ,oa dEiuh dk;Z Hkkjr Source-Ministry of law Justice and
ljdkj&dkuiqjA Company affairs Govt. Of India Kanpur

32& la;qDr LdU/k dEiuh
Joint Stock Companies
32-2 m0iz0 esa fucfU/kr la;D
q r LdU/k dEifu;ksa dk vf/kd`r iwWth ,oa vkS|ksfxd oxkZul
q kj oxhZdj.k o"kZ 2020&21
Registered Joint Stock Companies Classified According to Authorised Capital & Industrial Classification in UP.2020-21

vf/kd`r iwWth vkdkj oxZ @ Size of Authorised Capital ;ksx

:i;s ,d :i;s ,d :i;s 5 :i;s 10 :i;s 25 Total

vkS|ksfxd oxhZdj.k yk[k Rs

Below ls yk[k fdUrq yk[k
Rs 1 Lakh fdUrq yk[k
Rs 5 Lakh Rs fdUrq
10 yk[k25
Industrial Classification
1 Lakh but under But under Lakh But Lakh &
5 Lakh 10 Lakh under 25 Above

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1
0- d`f"k ,oa lEoxhZ; lsok;sa 291 156 553 314 10 1324 0- Agriculture & Allied Services
1-[kku [kksnuk rFkk iRFkj [kksnuk 19 0 10 23 1 53 1- Mining & Quarring
2-[kk| inkFkZ]oL= ,oa peM+s dk 2- Processing & Manufacturing of food
511 98 496 290 59 1454
fo/kk;u rFkk muds mRikn stuff, textile, lather products thereof

3-/kkrqvksa rFkk jlk;uksa dk fo/kk;u

3- Processing & Manufacturing of metals
,oa fofuZek.k rFkk muds mRikn 331 70 363 239 54 1057
and chemicals and products thereof

4-vU; fo/kk;u ,oa fofuZek.k¼vU;= 4-Other Processing & Manufacturing (Not

78 11 74 49 9 221
voxhZdj.k½ elsewhere Classified)

5-fuekZ.k ,oa mi;ksfxrk;sa

381 97 337 184 10 1009 5- Construction and manufacturing

6-okf.kT;] O;kikj ,oa foRr

959 239 919 456 53 2626 6- Commerce (Trade & finance)

7-ifjogu] lapkj ,oa lap;

202 26 118 54 8 408 7- Transport, Communication & storage

8-lkeqnkf;d rFkk O;olkf;d lsok;sa 8- Community & business services

3068 421 1646 786 52 5973
oS;fDrd] lkekftd lsok;sa Personal,Social services
9- vU; lsok;sa .. .. .. .. .. .. 9- other services

;ksx 5840 1118 4516 2395 256 14125 Total

lkzsr&dEiuh jftLV~kj fof/k U;k; ,oa dEiuh dk;Z Hkkjr ljdkj dkuiqj A Source-Ministry of law Justice and Company affairs Govt. Of India

..vizkIr ..Not Available

33& lkoZtfud midze
Public Undertaking

33-1&mRrj izns'k esa m0iz0 vkokl fodkl ifj"kn }kjk izkIr _.k rFkk cuk;s x;s edkuksa dh la[;k
Loans Received & Houses Constructed by the U.P. Housing & Development Board in UP.

_.k @ Loan(Lakh Rs) edkuksa dh la[;k @ No. of Houses

o"kZ @ jkT; gqMdks ls dqy _.k nqcZy vYi e/;e mPp vU; dqy
ljdkj ls vk; oxZ vk; oxZ vk; oxZ vk; oxZ
From State From Total EWS LIG MIG HIG Others Total
Govt. HUDCO Loans

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
2011-12 --- --- --- 1721 151 115 215 5 2207
2013-14 --- --- --- 2911 1558 1207 1343 1 7020
2014-15 --- --- --- 3547 2614 2075 1210 49 9495
2015-16 --- --- --- 2259 3215 1317 1499 19 8309
2016-17 --- --- --- 1392 623 1575 699 170 4459
2017-18 --- --- --- 748 3185 1037 412 18 5400
2018-19 --- --- --- 863 1974 1072 41 2 3952
2019-20 --- --- --- 128 230 608 0 0 966
2020-21 --- --- --- 4806 128 458 0 0 5392

..vizkIr ..Not Available

uksV%& nqcZy vk; oxZ ds Hkouksa esa ih0,e0,0vkbZ0 ds

Note:- EWS Houses in included P.M.A.Y 4776 Nug Houses.
4776 ux Hkou Hkh lfEefyr gSa
Lkzkrs & m0 iz0 vkokl ,oa fodkl ifj"kn A Source- UP. Housing and Development Board

33 & lkoZtfud miØe @ Public Undertaking
33-2& m-iz- esa ;w-ih- izkstsDV dkiksZjs'ku fy- }kjk lEikfnr dk;ksZ dk fooj.k
Work done by UP. Project Corporation Ltd. in UP.

ifj;kstuk dh izxkeh ;ksx

o"kZ esa lEikfnr dk;Z
la[;k ¼yk[k :- esa½
ifj;kstuk dk uke dk ewY; ¼yk[k :- esa½ Name of Projects.
No. of Progressive
Value of work done
Projects total
during year [Rs. In Lakh]
[Rs. In Lakh]

2020-21 2020-21 2020-21

1 2 3 4 1
1-flapkbZ foHkkx dh ugj ifj;kstukvksa ds 1-Civil construction works of canal project of
24 851.49 165241.06
flfoy fuekZ.k dk;Z irrigation department.

2-Hkwfe lq/kkj ;kstuk¼fo'o cSad iksf"kr½ ds

2-Reclamation project (word bank sponsered)
vUrxZr Mªsuksa ds th.kksZ)kj@lqn`<+hdj.k ds 0 0.00 4835.70
repairing & strengthening. of drains
3-LokLF; foHkkx ds izkFkfed LokLF; 3-Construction of P. H. C. & C.H.C. centres of
628 3510.59 113331.69
dsUnzksa@ lkeqnkf;d LokLF; dsUnzksa ds fuekZ.k health department .

4-Xk`g foHkkx ds flfoy dk;Z 31 2552.90 65179.89 4-Civil works of Home Deptt.

5-dkjkxkj foHkkx ds flfoy fuekZ.k dk;Z 95 2015.47 21027.47 5-Civil constrution works of prisons.

6-xzkE; fodkl foHkkx ds vUrxZr ftyksa esa 6-Various constructions in Distt. Under Deptt.
17 147.08 58866.73
fofHkUu fuekZ.k dk;Z of Rural Development.

7-lsUVªy xzkmUM okVj cksMZ 0 0.00 176.53 7-Central ground water board.

8-y?kq flapkbZ foHkkx ds vUrxZr xgjs

0 0.00 1076.09 8-Construction of deep tubewells of M.I. deptt.
uydwiksa dk fuekZ.k

9-i'kqikyu foHkkx ds flfoy dk;Z 272 3660.75 30954.25 9-Civil construction works of A.H. department.

10-dsUnzh; fo|ky; ds fuekZ.k dk;Z 0 0.00 274.83 10-Construction works of kendriy Vidyalay.

11-fMikftV dk;Z ds vUrxZr vU; uydwiksa 11-Other construction of tubewells under deposit
0 0.00 18139.93
dk fuekZ.k works.

12-fMikftV dk;Z ds vUrxZr vU; flfoy 12-Other civil construction works in deposit
5894 12222.73 85876.98
dk;Z works.

13- vkj0 vkbZ0 Mh0 ,Q0&8¼ukckMZ½ 0 0.00 404.10 13-R.I.D.F-8 (NABARD)

14- vkj0 vkbZ0 Mh0 ,Q0&10¼ukckMZ½ 0 0.00 173.20 14-R.I.D.F-10 (NABARD)

15-f'k{kk foHkkXk 365 4063.45 80019.92 15-Education Deptt.

16-ukckMZ Qst&3 0 0.00 4.26 16-NABARD Phase-3

17-lkeqnkf;d uydwi 0 0.00 9.60 17-Community tubewells

vuqc}++----- Contd…..

33 & lkoZtfud miØe @ Public Undertaking
33-2& m-iz- esa ;w-ih- izkstsDV dkiksZjs'ku fy- }kjk lEikfnr dk;ksZ dk fooj.k
Work done by UP. Project Corporation Ltd. in UP.

ifj;kstuk dh izxkeh ;ksx

o"kZ esa lEikfnr dk;Z
la[;k ¼yk[k :- esa½
ifj;kstuk dk uke dk ewY; ¼yk[k :- esa½ Name of Projects.
No. of Progressive
Value of work done
Projects total
during year [Rs. In Lakh]
[Rs. In Lakh]

2020-21 2020-21 2020-21

1 2 3 4 1

18-Ik;ZVu foHkkx 123 4452.63 22078.97 18-Tourism Deptt.

19-jktLo foHkkx 3 99.10 33362.20 19-Board Of Revenue

20-jk"Vªh; le fodkl foHkkx 0 0.00 1897.80 20-Rastriy Sam Vikas Vibhag

21-vk;qosZfnd o ;wukuh foHkkx 78 1317.43 2694.01 21-Deptt. Ayrvd & Unani

22-[ksydwn o ;qok dY;k.k foHkkx 24 2288.35 15503.12 22-Deptt. Of Sports & Youth welfare

23-ifjokj dY;k.k 26 24.50 33523.05 23-Family Welfare

24- mPp f'k{kk 84 2235.51 17037.45 24-Higher Education

25-Civil construction works of Transport

25-ifjogu foHkkx dss flfoy dk;ZZ 6 331.50 9575.54

26-jkT; uxjh; fodkl vfHkdj.k ¼lwMk½ 10 20.00 30973.01 26-State Urban development Agency(SUDA)

27-fiNM+k {ks= vuqnku fuf/k ¼iapk;rh jkt½ 0 0.00 30640.89 27-Backword Aria Aids (Panchayati Raj)

28d``f"k foHkkx 38 2071.31 15544.02 28-Agriculture department.

29-Je foHkkzx 63 2593.34 25371.37 29-Labour department.

30-State employes Insurense corporation

30-jkT; deZzZpkjh chek fuxe ¼dsUnz ljdkj½ 1 0.00 28783.25
(Central Govt.)

31-vYi la[;d dY;k.k foHkkx 134 3074.62 39499.57 31-Minorties Welfare department.

32-Mk0 vEcssndj lkeqnkf;d Hkou 0 0.00 3731.84 32 -Dr -Ambedkar Community Center

33-mRrjk[k.M ds dk;Z 3 60.73 5983.04 33-Works of Uttarakhand

34-izkfof/kd f'k{kk 37 1090.89 21288.38 34-Technical Education

35-LokL/; ¼,uvkj,p,e½ 873 1919.60 16331.04 35-Health(NRHM)

36-U;k; foHkkx 18 1145.38 5896.78 36.Justice Department

37-gksexkMZ foHkkx 5 0.00 3318.19 37.Homeguard Department

;ksx 8852 51749.35 1008625.75 Total

lzksr %& ;w-ih- izkstsDV dkiksZjs'ku A Source:- UP. Project Corporation.

33& lkoZtfud midze
Public Undertaking
33-3 & mRrj izns'k esa LVsV ,xzks b.MfLVª;y dkjiksjs'ku fy0 dh pquh gqbZ miyfC/k;ksa ls lEcfU/kr vkadM+s
Statistics Relating to Selected Achievements of UP. State Agro Industrial Corporation Ltd.
en@o"kZ bdkbZ 2011-12 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 Items / Years
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1
Distribution of Fertilizers
1-moZjdksa dk forj.k M.T(eh0Vu) 153784 34219 15945 15361 14688
Sale of Tractors
2-VSªDVjksa dh fcdzh No (la[;k) 244 21 15 11 15

3-dEckbUl }kjk Qlyksa Harvesting of Crops with

.. .. 2 .. .. .. Combines
dh dVkbZ
(1) Area
¼1½{ks=Qy Acre (,dM+) .. .. .. .. ..

(2) Amount Received

¼2½izkIr fd;k x;k /ku Th.Rs (gtkj #0) .. .. .. .. ..

4-VSªDVj rFkk dEckbUl Sale of Spare Parts of

No. (la0) 7313 4661 6442 3547 5398 Tractors & Combines
iqtksZ dh fcdzh
5-VSªDVjksa dh ejEer ls Amount Received from
Th.Rs (gtkj #0) .. .. .. .. .. Tractor Repairs(Rs in 000)
izkIr /ku
uksV%& en&4 esa VªSDVj rFkk dEckbZUl ds iqtksZ ds vfrfjDr vU; d`f"k ;U=ksa dh fcdzh Hkh lfEefyr gS A
Note- Item -4 Inculuds Sale of other Agricultural Implements except Spare Parts of Tractors & Combines .

uksV%& en&1esa moZjd dk forj.k ds vkWadM+s iwoZ ds o"kksZ dh rqyuk esa o"kZ 2018&19 esa foRrh; miyC/krk
u gksus ds dkj.k vkWadM+ksa esa deh vk;h gS A
Note:-The figures of distribution of fertilizers in item-1 have decreased in the year 2018-19
onwards as compared to the previous years due to non-availability of financial resources.
..vizkIr …Not Available
Lkzksr%& m0iz0 ,xzks bUM0 dkjiksjs'ku]
Source:- UP. Agro Industrial Corporation, Lucknow.
y[kuÅ A

34 & lkoZtfud iz'kklu ,oa fuokZpu lEcU/kh vkadM+s
Public Administration & Electoral Statistics

34-1 m0iz0 esa LFkkuh; fudk;ksa dh ftysokj la[;k 2019-20

Districtwise No. of Urban Local Bodies in UP. 2019-20
uxj fuxe uxj ikfydk uxj ftyk ty ;ksx Nkouh {ks= ifj"kn
ifj"kn iapk;r iapk;r laLFkku
ftyk@ e.My@{ks= Division/Region
Nagar Nagar Palika Nagar Zila Jal Total Cantonment Board
Nigam Parishad Panchayat Panchayat Sansthan

1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 1

1&lgkjuiqj 1 4 6 1 0 12 0 Saharanpur

2&eqtQ~Qjuxj 0 2 8 1 0 11 0 MuzaffarNagar

3&'kkeyh 0 3 7 1 0 11 0 Shamli

lgkjuiqj e.My 1 9 21 3 0 34 0 Saharanpur Division

4&fctukSj 0 12 6 1 0 19 0 Bijnor

5&eqjknkckn 1 2 7 1 0 11 0 Moradabad

6&laHky 0 3 5 1 0 9 0 Sambhal

7&jkeiqj 0 5 3 1 0 9 0 Rampur

8&vejksgk 0 5 3 1 0 9 0 Amroha

eqjknkckn e.My 1 27 24 5 0 57 0 Moradabad Division

9&esjB 1 2 13 1 0 17 1 Meerut

10&ckxir 0 3 6 1 0 10 0 Bagapat

11&xkft;kckn 1 4 4 1 0 10 0 Ghaziabad

12&gkiqqM+ 0 3 1 1 0 5 0 Hapur

13&xkSrecq) uxj 0 1 5 1 0 7 0 GautambuddhNagar

14&cqyUn'kgj 0 9 8 1 0 18 0 Bulandshahr

esjB e.My 2 22 37 6 0 67 1 Meerut Division

15&eFkqjk 1 1 13 1 0 16 1 Mathura

16&vkxjk 1 5 7 1 1 15 1 Agra

17&fQjkstkckn 1 3 3 1 0 8 0 Firozabad

18&eSuiqjh 0 1 8 1 0 10 0 Mainpuri

vkxjk e.My 3 10 31 4 1 49 2 Agra Div.

19&vyhx<+ 1 2 9 1 0 13 0 Aligarh

20&gkFkjl 0 2 7 1 0 10 0 Hathras

21&,Vk 0 4 5 1 0 10 0 Etah

22&dklxat 0 3 7 1 0 11 0 Kasganj

vyhx<+ e.My 1 11 28 4 0 44 0 Aligarh Div.

23&cnk;wW 0 7 13 1 0 21 0 Badaun

24&cjsyh 1 Bareilly
1 4 15 1 0 21
25&ihyhHkhr 0 3 6 1 0 10 0 Pilibhit

26&'kkgtgkWiqj 1 3 5 1 0 10 1 Shahjahanpur

cjsyh e.My 2 17 39 4 0 62 2 Bareilly Division

vuqc)------- Contd…

34 & lkoZtfud iz'kklu ,oa fuokZpu lEcU/kh vkadM+s
Public Administration & Electoral Statistics

34-1 m0iz0 esa LFkkuh; fudk;ksa dh ftysokj la[;k 2019-20

Districtwise No. of Urban Local Bodies in UP. 2019-20
uxj fuxe uxj ikfydk uxj ftyk ty ;ksx Nkouh {ks= ifj"kn
ifj"kn iapk;r iapk;r laLFkku
ftyk@ e.My@{ks= Division/Region
Nagar Nagar Palika Nagar Zila Jal Total Cantonment Board
Nigam Parishad Panchayat Panchayat Sansthan

1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 1

27&[khjh 0 4 6 1 0 11 0 kheri

28&lhrkiqj 0 6 5 1 0 12 0 Sitapur

29&gjnksbZ 0 7 6 1 0 14 0 Hardoi

30&mUuko 0 3 15 1 0 19 0 Unnao

31&y[kuÅ 1 0 8 1 1 11 1 Lucknow

32&jk;cjsyh 0 1 8 1 0 10 0 Raebareli

y[kuÅ e.My 1 21 48 6 1 77 1 Lucknow Division

33&Q:Z[kkckn 0 2 4 1 0 7 1 Farrukhabad

34&dUukSt 0 3 5 1 0 9 0 Kannauj

35&bVkok 0 3 3 1 0 7 0 Etawah

36&vkSj;S k 0 1 6 1 0 8 0 Auraiya

37&dkuiqj nsgkr 0 2 10 1 0 13 0 Kanpur Dehat

38&dkuiqj uxj 1 2 2 1 1 7 1 Kanpur Nagar
dkuiqj e.My 1 13 30 6 1 51 2 Kanpur Division
39&tkykSu 0 4 6 1 1 12 0 Jalaun

40&>kWlh 1 5 7 1 1 15 2 Jhansi

41&yfyriqj 0 1 3 1 1 6 0 Lalitpur
>kWlh e.My 1 10 16 3 3 33 2 Jhansi Division
42&gehjiqj 0 3 4 1 1 9 0 Hamirpur

43&egksck 0 2 3 1 1 7 0 Mahoba

44&ckWnk 0 2 6 1 1 10 0 Banda
45&fp=dwV 0 1 2 1 1 5 0 Chitrakoot
fp=dwV /kke e.My 0 8 15 4 4 31 0 Chitrakoot Dham Div.
46&Qrsgiqj 0 2 5 1 0 8 0 Fatehpur
47&izrkix<+ 0 1 8 1 0 10 0 Pratapgarh

48&dkS'kkEch 0 1 6 1 0 8 0 Kaushambi

49&iz;kxjkt 1 0 9 1 1 12 1 Prayagraj

iz;kxjkt e.My 1 4 28 4 1 38 1 Prayagraj Division

50&ckjkcadh 0 1 12 1 0 14 0 Barabanki

51&v;ks/;k 1 1 3 1 0 6 1 Ayodhya

52&vEcsMdjuxj 0 3 2 1 0 6 0 AmbedkarNagar

53&lqYrkuiqj 0 1 4 1 0 6 0 Sultanpur

54&vesBh 0 2 2 1 0 5 0 Amethi
v;ks/;k e.My 1 8 23 5 0 37 1 Ayodhya Division
vuqo)--------- Contd…

34 & lkoZtfud iz'kklu ,oa fuokZpu lEcU/kh vkadM+s
Public Administration & Electoral Statistics

34-1 m0iz0 esa LFkkuh; fudk;ksa dh ftysokj la[;k 2019-20

Districtwise No. of Urban Local Bodies in UP. 2019-20
uxj fuxe uxj ikfydk uxj ftyk ty ;ksx Nkouh {ks= ifj"kn
ifj"kn iapk;r iapk;r laLFkku
ftyk@ e.My@{ks= Division/Region
Nagar Nagar Palika Nagar Zila Jal Total Cantonment Board
Nigam Parishad Panchayat Panchayat Sansthan

1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 1

55&cgjkbp 0 Bahraich
0 2 3 1 0 6
56&JkoLrh 0 Shrawasti
0 1 1 1 0 3
57&cyjkeiqj 0 Balrampur
0 2 2 1 0 5
58&xks.Mk 0 3 4 1 0 8 0 Gonda

nsohikVu e.My 0 8 10 4 0 22 0 Devipatan Division

59&fl)kFkZuxj 0 2 4 1 0 7 0 SiddharthNagar

60&cLrh 0 1 4 1 0 6 0 Basti

61&lardchjuxj 0 1 3 1 0 5 0 SantkabirNagar

cLrh e.My 0 4 11 3 0 18 0 Basti Division

62&egjktxat 0 2 5 1 0 8 0 Maharajganj

63&xksj[kiqj 1 0 9 1 0 11 0 Gorakhpur

64&dq'khuxj 0 3 4 1 0 8 0 KushiNagar

65&nsofj;k 0 2 8 1 0 11 0 Deoria

xksj[kiqj e.My 1 7 26 4 0 38 0 GorakhpurDivision

66&vktex<+ 0 2 11 1 0 14 0 Azamgarh

67&eÅ 0 1 9 1 0 11 0 Mau

68&cfy;k 0 2 8 1 0 11 0 Ballia

vktex<+ e.My 0 5 28 3 0 36 0 Azamgarh Division

69&tkSuiqj 0 3 6 1 0 10 0 Jaunpur

70&xkthiqj 0 3 5 1 0 9 0 Ghazipur

71&pUnkSyh 0 1 3 1 0 5 0 Chandauli

72&okjk.klh 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 Varanasi

okjk.klh e.My 1 8 15 4 1 29 1 Varanasi Division

73&larjfonkl uxj 0 2 5 1 0 8 0 SantravidasNagar

74&fetkZiqj 0 3 1 1 0 5 0 Mirzapur

75&lksuHknz 0 1 7 1 0 9 0 Sonbhadra

foU/;kpy e.My 0 6 13 3 0 22 0 Vindhyachal Division

1- if'peh lEHkkx 10 105 198 30 1 344 6 Western Region

2- dsUnzh; lEHkkx 2 28 77 10 2 119 2 Central Region

3- cqUnsy[k.M lEHkkx 1 18 31 7 7 64 2 Bundelkhand Region

4- iwohZZ lEHkkx 4 47 137 28 2 218 3 Eastern Region

mRrj izns'k 17 198 443 75 12 745 13 Uttar Pradesh

lzksr%LFkkuh; fudk;ksa ds vkWdM+s Source : Data of local Bodies

34 & lkoZtfud iz'kklu ,oa fuokZpu lEcU/kh vkadM+s
Public Administration & Electoral Statistics
34-2 m0iz0 ftyk iapk;r dh ftysokj dqy jktLo izkfIr;ka 2019-20
Districtwise Total Revenue of District Panchayat UP. 2019-20

¼#0 gtkj es½ (Rs in 000)

jktLo dj djsRrj jktLo lk/kkj.k vuqnku dqy jktLo
ftyk@e.My@{ks= District/ Division/Region
Tax Non Tax Ordinary Total
Revenue Revenue Grants Revenue
1 2 3 4 5 1
1&lgkjuiqj 16148 196275 303897 516320 Saharanpur
2&eqtQ~Qjuxj 6058 29230 331768 367056 MuzaffarNagar
3&'kkeyh 10589 21692 209297 241578 Shamli
lgkjuiqj e.My 32795 247197 844962 1124954 Saharanpur Division
4&fctukSj 15262 32145 433230 480637 Bijnor
5&eqjknkckn 12839 23102 282044 317985 Moradabad
6&laHky 6531 2541 272708 281780 Sambhal
7&jkeiqj 7380 8715 265269 281364 Rampur
8&vejksgk 5596 12517 253911 272024 Amroha
eqjknkckn e.My 47608 79020 1507162 1633790 Moradabad Division
9&esjB 19752 25729 294126 339607 Meerut
10&ckxir 6869 108082 146696 261647 Bagapat
11&xkft;kckn 22747 15750 252585 291082 Ghaziabad
12&gkiqqM+ 11420 34333 301223 346976 Hapur
13&xkSrecq) uxj 3254 8027 223361 234642 GautambuddhNagar
14&cqyUn'kgj 14970 48455 298625 362050 Bulandshahr
esjB e.My 79012 240376 1516616 1836004 Meerut Division
15&eFkqjk 12199 10882 312438 335519 Mathura
16&vkxjk 16273 25513 369841 411627 Agra
17&fQjkstkckn 1038 22893 591685 615616 Firozabad
18&eSuiqjh 2429 43420 216620 262469 Mainpuri
vkxjk e.My 31939 102708 1490584 1625231 Agra Div.
19&vyhx<+ 2080 15048 338938 356066 Aligarh
20&gkFkjl 1475 39040 215700 256215 Hathras
21&,Vk 548 16563 242393 259504 Etah
22&dklxat 1033 1051 201343 203427 Kasganj
vyhx<+ e.My 5136 71702 998374 1075212 Aligarh Div.
23&cnk;wW 3507 26072 347738 377317 Badaun
24&cjsyh 14448 37203 350382 402033 Bareilly
25&ihyhHkhr 2504 96852 499357 598713 Pilibhit
26&'kkgtgkWiqj 5722 10314 307002 323038 Shahjahanpur
cjsyh e.My 26181 170441 1504479 1701101 Bareilly Division
vuqc)------- Contd…

34 & lkoZtfud iz'kklu ,oa fuokZpu lEcU/kh vkadM+s
Public Administration & Electoral Statistics
34-2 m0iz0 ftyk iapk;r dh ftysokj dqy jktLo izkfIr;ka 2019-20
Districtwise Total Revenue of District Panchayat UP. 2019-20

¼#0 gtkj es½ (Rs in 000)

jktLo dj djsRrj jktLo lk/kkj.k vuqnku dqy jktLo
ftyk@e.My@{ks= District/ Division/Region
Tax Non Tax Ordinary Total
Revenue Revenue Grants Revenue
1 2 3 4 5 1
27&[khjh 25954 56393 496954 579301 kheri
28&lhrkiqj 12860 47052 532287 592199 Sitapur
29&gjnksbZ 21731 26002 497652 545385 Hardoi
30&mUuko 3407 33575 368514 405496 Unnao
31&y[kuÅ 50133 72043 285657 407833 Lucknow
32&jk;cjsyh 4128 2719 343238 350085 Raebareli
y[kuÅ e.My 118213 237784 2524302 2880299 Lucknow Division
33&Q:Z[kkckn 1242 27208 224891 253341 Farrukhabad
34&dUukSt 1666 22373 220060 244099 Kannauj
35&bVkok 2901 25277 221620 249798 Etawah
36&vkSjS;k 1655 8083 226312 236050 Auraiya
37&dkuiqj nsgkr 3557 93061 214123 310741 Kanpur Dehat
38&dkuiqj uxj 11252 111754 180662 303668 Kanpur Nagar
dkuiqj e.My 22273 287756 1287668 1597697 Kanpur Division
39&tkykSu 1211 63070 247803 312084 Jalaun
40&>kWlh 44250 46370 212484 303104 Jhansi
41&yfyriqj 8276 11361 118593 138230 Lalitpur
>kWlh e.My 53737 120801 578880 753418 Jhansi Division
42&gehjiqj 5157 6900 150020 162077 Hamirpur
43&egksck 697 9247 282028 291972 Mahoba
44&ckWnk 2268 5708 281467 289443 Banda
45&fp=dwV 1300 34761 207345 243406 Chitrakoot
fp=dwV /kke e.My 9422 56616 920860 986898 Chitrakoot Dham Div.
46&Qrsgiqj 2151 24575 325599 352325 Fatehpur
47&izrkix<+ 7424 27126 385592 420142 Pratapgarh
48&dkS'kkEch 3051 30326 261302 294679 Kaushambi
49&iz;kxjkt 84621 36664 431900 553185 Prayagraj
iz;kxjkt e.My 97247 118691 1404393 1620331 Prayagraj Division
50&ckjkcadh 13576 43206 402590 459372 Barabanki
51&v;ks/;k 12486 22729 313244 348459 Ayodhya
52&vEcsMdjuxj 2916 7873 305697 316486 AmbedkarNagar
53&lqYrkuiqj 31829 24252 294821 350902 Sultanpur
54&vesBh 462 22782 355436 378680 Amethi
v;ks/;k e.My 61269 120842 1671788 1853899 Ayodhya Division
vuqo)--------- Contd…

34 & lkoZtfud iz'kklu ,oa fuokZpu lEcU/kh vkadM+s
Public Administration & Electoral Statistics
34-2 m0iz0 ftyk iapk;r dh ftysokj dqy jktLo izkfIr;ka 2019-20
Districtwise Total Revenue of District Panchayat UP. 2019-20

¼#0 gtkj es½ (Rs in 000)

jktLo dj djsRrj jktLo lk/kkj.k vuqnku dqy jktLo
ftyk@e.My@{ks= District/ Division/Region
Tax Non Tax Ordinary Total
Revenue Revenue Grants Revenue
1 2 3 4 5 1
55&cgjkbp 5766 23827 451335 480928 Bahraich
56&JkoLrh 3455 12323 164950 180728 Shrawasti
57&cyjkeiqj 1030 22722 301439 325191 Balrampur
58&xks.Mk 1522 5436 438725 445683 Gonda
nsohikVu e.My 11773 64308 1356449 1432530 Devipatan Division
59&fl)kFkZuxj 2636 16047 298198 316881 SiddharthNagar
60&cLrh 4616 33393 303776 341785 Basti
61&lardchjuxj 12484 21159 216660 250303 SantkabirNagar
cLrh e.My 19736 70599 818634 908969 Basti Division
62&egjktxat 7803 20034 318909 346746 Maharajganj
63&xksj[kiqj 12535 24149 475250 511934 Gorakhpur
64&dq'khuxj 1552 42619 394104 438275 KushiNagar
65&nsofj;k 11349 33315 345888 390552 Deoria
xksj[kiqj e.My 33239 120117 1534151 1687507 GorakhpurDivision
66&vktex<+ 10030 49524 540482 600036 Azamgarh
67&eÅ 2848 27649 263575 294072 Mau
68&cfy;k 4300 17787 469235 491322 Ballia
vktex<+ e.My 17178 94960 1273292 1385430 Azamgarh Division
69&tkSuiqj 11793 16044 510425 538262 Jaunpur
70&xkthiqj 4364 24059 405370 433793 Ghazipur
71&pUnkSyh 15789 12200 308891 336880 Chandauli
72&okjk.klh 19800 28437 628237 676474 Varanasi
okjk.klh e.My 51746 80740 1852923 1985409 Varanasi Division
73&larjfonkl uxj 16132 5513 265635 287280 SantravidasNagar
74&fetkZiqj 8044 22100 394884 425028 Mirzapur
75&lksuHknz 4508 121454 780423 906385 Sonbhadra
foU/;kpy e.My 28684 149067 1440942 1618693 Vindhyachal Division
1- if'peh lEHkkx 230135 994385 8755060 9979580 Western Region
2- dsUnzh; lEHkkx 148749 510380 3647276 4306405 Central Region
3- cqUnsy[k.M lEHkkx 63159 177417 1499740 1740316 Bundelkhand Region
4- iwohZZ lEHkkx 305145 751543 10624383 11681071 Eastern Region
mRrj izns'k 747188 2433725 24526459 27707372 Uttar Pradesh
lzksr % LFkkuh; fudk;ksa ds vkWdM+s Source : Data of local Bodies

34 & lkoZtfud iz'kklu ,oa fuokZpu lEcU/kh vkadM+s
Public Administration & Electoral Statistics
34-3 m0iz0 esa ftyk iapk;r dk ftysokj jktLo O;; ,oa iwathxr O;; o"kZ 2019-20
Districtwise Total Revenue Expenditure & Captial Expenditure of District Panchayat in UP. 2019-20
¼gtkj :0 esa½ (Rs in 000)

jktLo O;; iwathxr O;; dqy O;;

ftyk@ Revenue Expenditure Capital Expenditure Total
e.My@{ks= dqy lk/kkj.k _.k dh dqy jktLo O;; dqy iwathxr uo fuekZ.k
LrEHk ¼4$5½
O;; vnk;xh O;;
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1
1&lgkjuiqj 275060 0 114020 161040 161040 275060 Saharanpur
2&eqtQ~Qjuxj 257716 0 45583 212133 212133 257716 MuzaffarNagar
3&'kkeyh 159439 0 22709 136730 136730 159439 Shamli
lgkjuiqj e.My 692215 0 182312 509903 509903 692215 Saharanpur Division
4&fctukSj 300453 0 64068 236385 236385 300453 Bijnor
5&eqjknkckn 320666 0 76482 244184 244184 320666 Moradabad
6&laHky 142558 0 32036 110522 110522 142558 Sambhal
7&jkeiqj 183826 0 22974 160852 160852 183826 Rampur
8&vejksgk 204141 0 51411 152730 152730 204141 Amroha
eqjknkckn e.My 1151644 0 246971 904673 904673 1151644 Moradabad Division
9&esjB 48934 0 27212 21722 21722 48934 Meerut
10&ckxir 195327 0 48631 146696 146696 195327 Bagapat
11&xkft;kckn 199870 0 199870 0 0 199870 Ghaziabad
12&gkiqqM+ 270153 0 55504 214649 214649 270153 Hapur
13&xkSrecq) uxj 125176 0 14572 110604 110604 125176 GautambuddhNagar
14&cqyUn'kgj 292549 0 30153 262396 262396 292549 Bulandshahr
esjB e.My 1132009 0 375942 756067 756067 1132009 Meerut Division
15&eFkqjk 227881 0 197881 30000 30000 227881 Mathura
16&vkxjk 405662 0 38053 367609 343640 405662 Agra
17&fQjkstkckn 258816 0 117034 141782 141782 258816 Firozabad
18&eSuiqjh 99715 0 59715 40000 40000 99715 Mainpuri
vkxjk e.My 992074 0 412683 579391 555422 992074 Agra Div.
19&vyhx<+ 177815 0 43411 134404 134404 177815 Aligarh
20&gkFkjl 21619 0 20168 1451 1451 21619 Hathras
21&,Vk 161627 0 35748 125879 125897 161627 Etah
22&dklxat 93432 0 13217 80215 80215 93432 Kasganj
vyhx<+ e.My 454493 0 112544 341949 341967 454493 Aligarh Div.
23&cnk;wW 335682 0 27893 307789 307789 335682 Badaun
24&cjsyh 216299 0 126554 89745 89745 216299 Bareilly
25&ihyhHkhr 256410 0 178820 77590 77590 256410 Pilibhit
26&'kkgtgkWiqj 220165 0 45398 174767 174767 220165 Shahjahanpur
cjsyh e.My 1028556 0 378665 649891 649891 1028556 Bareilly Division
vuqc)------- Contd…

34 & lkoZtfud iz'kklu ,oa fuokZpu lEcU/kh vkadM+s
Public Administration & Electoral Statistics
34-3 m0iz0 esa ftyk iapk;r dk ftysokj jktLo O;; ,oa iwathxr O;; o"kZ 2019-20
Districtwise Total Revenue Expenditure & Captial Expenditure of District Panchayat in UP. 2019-20
¼gtkj :0 esa½ (Rs in 000)

jktLo O;; iwathxr O;; dqy O;;

ftyk@ Revenue Expenditure Capital Expenditure Total
e.My@{ks= dqy lk/kkj.k _.k dh dqy jktLo O;; dqy iwathxr uo fuekZ.k
LrEHk ¼4$5½
O;; vnk;xh O;;
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1
27&[khjh 270342 0 58110 212232 178740 270342 kheri
28&lhrkiqj 348039 0 36001 312038 312038 348039 Sitapur

29&gjnksbZ 526281 0 388602 137679 19945 526281 Hardoi

30&mUuko 50366 0 30366 20000 20000 50366 Unnao

31&y[kuÅ 231683 0 58255 173428 173428 231683 Lucknow
32&jk;cjsyh 176089 0 37722 138367 138367 176089 Raebareli
y[kuÅ e.My 1602800 0 609056 993744 842518 1602800 Lucknow Division
33&Q:Z[kkckn 175117 0 44909 130208 130208 175117 Farrukhabad
34&dUukSt 116699 0 89199 27500 27500 116699 Kannauj

35&bVkok 87818 0 28703 59115 59115 87818 Etawah

36&vkSj;S k 52197 0 26763 25434 25434 52197 Auraiya
37&dkuiqj nsgkr 106962 0 76962 30000 30000 106962 Kanpur Dehat
38&dkuiqj uxj 83746 0 23503 60243 60243 83746 Kanpur Nagar
dkuiqj e.My 622539 0 290039 332500 332500 622539 Kanpur Division
39&tkykSu 216943 0 44439 172504 172504 216943 Jalaun
40&>kWlh 214291 0 61153 153138 153138 214291 Jhansi
41&yfyriqj 183858 0 39106 144752 144752 183858 Lalitpur
>kWlh e.My 615092 0 144698 470394 470394 615092 Jhansi Division
42&gehjiqj 162042 0 5122 156920 156920 162042 Hamirpur
43&egksck 221798 0 28786 193012 193012 221798 Mahoba
44&ckWnk 343944 0 46350 297594 297594 343944 Banda
45&fp=dwV 141666 0 55747 85919 82954 141666 Chitrakoot
fp=dwV /kke e.My 869450 0 136005 733445 730480 869450 Chitrakoot Dham Div.

46&Qrsgiqj 112836 0 93736 19100 19100 112836 Fatehpur

47&izrkix<+ 277890 0 47522 230368 230368 277890 Pratapgarh

48&dkS'kkEch 198247 0 27572 170675 170675 198247 Kaushambi

49&iz;kxjkt 195325 0 94304 101021 101021 195325 Prayagraj

iz;kxjkt e.My 784298 0 263134 521164 521164 784298 Prayagraj Division
50&ckjkcadh 394365 0 62845 331520 331520 394365 Barabanki

51&v;ks/;k 225811 0 44181 181630 181630 225811 Ayodhya

52&vEcsMdjuxj 97770 0 29677 68093 68093 97770 AmbedkarNagar

53&lqYrkuiqj 415000 0 231709 183291 183291 415000 Sultanpur

54&vesBh 315877 0 258597 57280 29528 315877 Amethi
v;ks/;k e.My 1448823 0 627009 821814 794062 1448823 Ayodhya Division
vuqo)--------- Contd…

34 & lkoZtfud iz'kklu ,oa fuokZpu lEcU/kh vkadM+s
Public Administration & Electoral Statistics
34-3 m0iz0 esa ftyk iapk;r dk ftysokj jktLo O;; ,oa iwathxr O;; o"kZ 2019-20
Districtwise Total Revenue Expenditure & Captial Expenditure of District Panchayat in UP. 2019-20
¼gtkj :0 esa½ (Rs in 000)

jktLo O;; iwathxr O;; dqy O;;

ftyk@ Revenue Expenditure Capital Expenditure Total
e.My@{ks= dqy lk/kkj.k _.k dh dqy jktLo O;; dqy iwathxr uo fuekZ.k
LrEHk ¼4$5½
O;; vnk;xh O;;
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1
55&cgjkbp 242686 0 97970 144716 144716 242686 Bahraich
56&JkoLrh 74836 0 74802 34 0 74836 Shrawasti
57&cyjkeiqj 157850 0 49823 108027 108027 157850 Balrampur

58&xks.Mk 254640 0 36969 217671 217671 254640 Gonda

nsohikVu e.My 730012 0 259564 470448 470414 730012 Devipatan Division

59&fl)kFkZuxj 100532 0 57218 43314 43314 100532 SiddharthNagar
60&cLrh 331706 0 230552 101154 101154 331706 Basti
61&lardchjuxj 111755 0 34095 77660 77660 111755 SantkabirNagar
cLrh e.My 543993 0 321865 222128 222128 543993 Basti Division
62&egjktxat 169603 0 41690 127913 110128 169603 Maharajganj

63&xksj[kiqj 234456 0 74657 159799 159799 234456 Gorakhpur

64&dq'khuxj 381846 0 56671 325175 325175 381846 KushiNagar

65&nsofj;k 204841 0 200277 4564 4564 204841 Deoria

xksj[kiqj e.My 990746 0 373295 617451 599666 990746 GorakhpurDivision

66&vktex<+ 505052 0 464689 40363 40363 505052 Azamgarh

67&eÅ 249559 0 33303 216256 216256 249559 Mau

68&cfy;k 289049 0 20440 268609 268609 289049 Ballia

vktex<+ e.My 1043660 0 518432 525228 525228 1043660 Azamgarh Division

69&tkSuiqj 290480 901 46290 244190 244190 291381 Jaunpur

70&xkthiqj 350029 0 219287 130742 130742 350029 Ghazipur

71&pUnkSyh 217987 321 206987 11000 11000 218308 Chandauli

72&okjk.klh 117744 0 105304 12440 12440 117744 Varanasi

okjk.klh e.My 976240 1222 577868 398372 398372 977462 Varanasi Division
73&larjfonkl uxj 112800 0 22854 89946 89946 112800 SantravidasNagar
74&fetkZiqj 497925 0 287524 210401 210401 497925 Mirzapur

75&lksuHknz 642698 0 448301 194397 194397 642698 Sonbhadra

foU/;kpy e.My 1253423 0 758679 494744 494744 1253423 Vindhyachal Division

1- if'peh lEHkkx 5882822 0 1898691 3984131 3960180 5882822 Western Region

2- dsUnzh; lEHkkx 2300709 0 866102 1434607 1283381 2300709 Central Region

3- cqUnsy[k.M lEHkkx 1484542 0 280703 1203839 1200874 1484542 Bundelkhand Region
4- iwohZZ lEHkkx 7263994 1222 3543265 3720729 3675158 7265216 Eastern Region
mRrj izns'k 16932067 1222 6588761 10343306 10119593 16933289 Uttar Pradesh
Source : Data of local Bodies
lzksr % LFkkuh; fudk;ksa ds vkWdM+s

34 & lkoZtfud iz'kklu ,oa fuokZpu lEcU/kh vkadM+s
Public Administration & Electoral Statistics
34-4& m0iz0 esa uxj fuxe] uxj ikfydk ifj"kn ,oa uxj iapk;rksa dh ftysokj dqy jktLo izkfIr;ka 2019-20
Districtwise Total Revenue of Nagar Nigam, Nagar Palika Parishad & Nagar Panchayat in UP. 2019-20
¼gtkj :0 esa½ (Rs in 000)

jktLo dj djsRrj jktLo lk/kkj.k vuqnku dqy jktLo

ftyk@ e.My@{ks= District/Division/Region
Tax Revenue Non Tax Ordinary Total Revenue
1 2 Revenue
3 Grants
4 5 1
1&lgkjuiqj 343158 1101851 1225384 2670393 Saharanpur
2&eqtQ~Qjuxj 53050 585645 316124 954819 MuzaffarNagar
3&'kkeyh 39940 337690 436907 814537 Shamli
lgkjuiqj e.My 436148 2025186 1978415 4439749 Saharanpur Division
4&fctukSj 72821 1467131 1203788 2743740 Bijnor
5&eqjknkckn 500484 444666 1807463 2752613 Moradabad
6&laHky 28752 566628 474100 1069480 Sambhal
7&jkeiqj 35379 1097464 558388 1691231 Rampur
8&vejksgk 39836 725745 617442 1383023 Amroha
eqjknkckn e.My 677272 4301634 4661181 9640087 Moradabad Division
9&esjB 712411 431945 3403641 4547997 Meerut
10&ckxir 17258 760237 474867 1252362 Bagapat
11&xkft;kckn 1281866 2932380 3132768 7347014 Ghaziabad
12&gkiqqM+ 79856 72882 1299894 1452632 Hapur
13&xkSrecq) uxj 10962 141502 466129 618593 GautambuddhNagar
14&cqyUn'kgj 104274 142791 2289054 2536119 Bulandshahr
esjB e.My 2206627 4481737 11066353 17754717 Meerut Division
15&eFkqjk 73357 506199 2127897 2707453 Mathura
16&vkxjk 737016 784919 3184045 4705980 Agra
17&fQjkstkckn 127592 1703358 1844030 3674980 Firozabad
18&eSuiqjh 14901 372479 879967 1267347 Mainpuri
vkxjk e.My 952866 3366955 8035939 12355760 Agra Div.
19&vyhx<+ 565704 2702214 2715473 5983391 Aligarh
20&gkFkjl 29105 315400 936765 1281270 Hathras
21&,Vk 22107 460715 520212 1003034 Etah
22&dklxat 26805 278089 513985 818879 Kasganj
vyhx<+ e.My 643721 3756418 4686435 9086574 Aligarh Div.
23&cnk;wW 23606 138234 1781566 1943406 Badaun
24&cjsyh 491980 2298901 1294447 4085328 Bareilly
25&ihyhHkhr 19346 827071 590695 1437112 Pilibhit
26&'kkgtgkWiqj 54617 1186085 604195 1844897 Shahjahanpur
cjsyh e.My 589549 4450291 4270903 9310743 Bareilly Division
vuqc)------- Contd…

34 & lkoZtfud iz'kklu ,oa fuokZpu lEcU/kh vkadM+s
Public Administration & Electoral Statistics
34-4& m0iz0 esa uxj fuxe] uxj ikfydk ifj"kn ,oa uxj iapk;rksa dh ftysokj dqy jktLo izkfIr;ka 2019-20
Districtwise Total Revenue of Nagar Nigam, Nagar Palika Parishad & Nagar Panchayat in UP. 2019-20
¼gtkj :0 esa½ (Rs in 000)

jktLo dj djsRrj jktLo lk/kkj.k vuqnku dqy jktLo

ftyk@ e.My@{ks= District/Division/Region
Tax Revenue Non Tax Ordinary Total Revenue
1 2 Revenue
3 Grants
4 5 1
27&[khjh 50734 164045 1208588 1423367 kheri
28&lhrkiqj 25502 856381 1098249 1980132 Sitapur
29&gjnksbZ 42201 192022 1320664 1554887 Hardoi
30&mUuko 33372 404367 1608578 2046317 Unnao
31&y[kuÅ 2363096 1094222 6321188 9778506 Lucknow
32&jk;cjsyh 79593 413467 611026 1104086 Raebareli
y[kuÅ e.My 2594498 3124504 12168293 17887295 Lucknow Division
33&Q:Z[kkckn 11525 29081 1175655 1216261 Farrukhabad
34&dUukSt 26685 148193 740096 914974 Kannauj
35&bVkok 35800 307029 1015658 1358487 Etawah
36&vkSjS;k 11891 320197 619463 951551 Auraiya
37&dkuiqj nsgkr 12287 222167 556363 790817 Kanpur Dehat
38&dkuiqj uxj 1419339 4233309 1587546 7240194 Kanpur Nagar
dkuiqj e.My 1517527 5259976 5694781 12472284 Kanpur Division
39&tkykSu 13977 142231 577255 733463 Jalaun
40&>kWlh 483654 388830 2441092 3313576 Jhansi
41&yfyriqj 11678 64640 367797 444115 Lalitpur
>kWlh e.My 509309 595701 3386144 4491154 Jhansi Division
42&gehjiqj 16551 304977 410627 732155 Hamirpur
43&egksck 8879 91500 389649 490028 Mahoba
44&ckWnk 16210 135929 573229 725368 Banda
45&fp=dwV 3742 18553 224367 246662 Chitrakoot
fp=dwV /kke e.My 45382 550959 1597872 2194213 Chitrakoot Dham Div.
46&Qrsgiqj 42006 407331 581426 1030763 Fatehpur
47&izrkix<+ 16250 298861 544889 860000 Pratapgarh
48&dkS'kkEch 8617 185678 529098 723393 Kaushambi
49&iz;kxjkt 920647 1754409 1119918 3794974 Prayagraj
iz;kxjkt e.My 987520 2646279 2775331 6409130 Prayagraj Division
50&ckjkcadh 15923 191719 906837 1114479 Barabanki
51&v;ks/;k 93526 882331 658017 1633874 Ayodhya
52&vEcsMdjuxj 11578 124163 758918 894659 AmbedkarNagar
53&lqYrkuiqj 23488 146656 380256 550400 Sultanpur
54&vesBh 2889 24359 212527 239775 Amethi
v;ks/;k e.My 147404 1369228 2916555 4433187 Ayodhya Division
vuqo)--------- Contd…

34 & lkoZtfud iz'kklu ,oa fuokZpu lEcU/kh vkadM+s
Public Administration & Electoral Statistics
34-4& m0iz0 esa uxj fuxe] uxj ikfydk ifj"kn ,oa uxj iapk;rksa dh ftysokj dqy jktLo izkfIr;ka 2019-20
Districtwise Total Revenue of Nagar Nigam, Nagar Palika Parishad & Nagar Panchayat in UP. 2019-20
¼gtkj :0 esa½ (Rs in 000)

jktLo dj djsRrj jktLo lk/kkj.k vuqnku dqy jktLo

ftyk@ e.My@{ks= District/Division/Region
Tax Revenue Non Tax Ordinary Total Revenue
1 2 Revenue
3 Grants
4 5 1
55&cgjkbp 20436 183473 608250 812159 Bahraich
56&JkoLrh 2392 9667 160337 172396 Shrawasti
57&cyjkeiqj 18485 216493 481524 716502 Balrampur
58&xks.Mk 36952 540826 273485 851263 Gonda
nsohikVu e.My 78265 950459 1523596 2552320 Devipatan Division
59&fl)kFkZuxj 8982 148964 545310 703256 SiddharthNagar
60&cLrh 19756 45088 566950 631794 Basti
61&lardchjuxj 11172 256241 284582 551995 SantkabirNagar
cLrh e.My 39910 450293 1396842 1887045 Basti Division
62&egjktxat 5427 48074 633063 686564 Maharajganj
63&xksj[kiqj 425253 1552627 1445057 3422937 Gorakhpur
64&dq'khuxj 9527 345829 1046264 1401620 KushiNagar
65&nsofj;k 46246 293157 712090 1051493 Deoria
xksj[kiqj e.My 486453 2239687 3836474 6562614 GorakhpurDivision
66&vktex<+ 29457 274815 772663 1076935 Azamgarh
67&eÅ 28162 43733 1357781 1429676 Mau
68&cfy;k 18586 193645 1000548 1212779 Ballia
vktex<+ e.My 76205 512193 3130992 3719390 Azamgarh Division
69&tkSuiqj 34870 285150 992760 1312780 Jaunpur
70&xkthiqj 23063 290472 527628 841163 Ghazipur
71&pUnkSyh 9334 200366 326377 536077 Chandauli
72&okjk.klh 839537 1562583 1614954 4017074 Varanasi
okjk.klh e.My 906804 2338571 3461719 6707094 Varanasi Division
73&larjfonkl uxj 18384 68196 538740 625320 SantravidasNagar
74&fetkZiqj 2986 169056 859102 1031144 Mirzapur
75&lksuHknz 32019 20647 766268 818934 Sonbhadra
foU/;kpy e.My 53389 257899 2164110 2475398 Vindhyachal Division
1- if'peh lEHkkx 5592084 23186721 38250098 67028903 Western Region
2- dsUnzh; lEHkkx 4084053 8179030 15800465 28063548 Central Region
3- cqUnsy[k.M lEHkkx 554691 1146660 4984016 6685367 Bundelkhand Region
4- iwohZZ lEHkkx 2718021 10165559 19717356 32600936 Eastern Region
mRrj izns'k 12948849 42677970 78751935 134378754 Uttar Pradesh
lzksr % LFkkuh; fudk;ksa ds vkWdM+s Source : Data of local Bodies

34 & lkoZtfud iz'kklu ,oa fuokZpu lEcU/kh vkadM+s
Public Administration & Electoral Statistics
34-5 m0iz0 esa uxj fuxe@uxj ikfydk ifj"kn ,oa uxj iapk;rksa dh ftysokj dqy jktLo ,oa iwathxr O;; 2019-20
Districtwise Total Revenue Expenditure & Total Capital Expenditure of Nagar Nigam & Nagar Panchayat in UP. 2019-20
¼gtkj :0 esa½ ( Rs in 000)

jktLo O;; @ Revenue Expenditure

iwathxr O;; @ Capital dqy O;; Total
Expenditure Expenditure

ftyk@ e.My@{ks= dqy lk/kkj.k _.k dh dqy jktLo

uo fuekZ.k
dqy iwathxr
LrEHk ¼4$6½ District/Division/Region
O;; vnk;xh O;; O;;
Total General Repayment Total Revenue New Total Capital
Colmn (4+6)
Expenditure of Loans Expenditure construction Expenditure
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1
1&lgkjuiqj 3269943 0 1798268 632964 1471675 3269943 Saharanpur
2&eqtQ~Qjuxj 1513299 0 1086210 388590 427089 1513299 MuzaffarNagar
3&'kkeyh 864121 0 559685 304436 304436 864121 Shamli
lgkjuiqj e.My 5647363 0 3444163 1325990 2203200 5647363 Saharanpur Division
4&fctukSj 2171909 0 1331399 840510 840510 2171909 Bijnor
5&eqjknkckn 988494 0 550483 438011 438011 988494 Moradabad
6&laHky 927914 1286 680259 209123 247655 929200 Sambhal
7&jkeiqj 1349670 0 792940 536155 556730 1349670 Rampur
8&vejksgk 1131476 0 638531 486148 492945 1131476 Amroha
eqjknkckn e.My 6569463 1286 3993612 2509947 2575851 6570749 Moradabad Division
9&esjB 3688024 0 2491841 1148144 1196183 3688024 Meerut
10&ckxir 937752 0 592211 266238 345541 937752 Bagapat
11&xkft;kckn 7000092 0 6026198 973894 973894 7000092 Ghaziabad
12&gkiqqM+ 1272679 0 817836 437888 454843 1272679 Hapur
13&xkSrecq) uxj 685366 0 336478 348888 348888 685366 GautambuddhNagar
14&cqyUn'kgj 2006801 0 1248785 740088 758016 2006801 Bulandshahr
esjB e.My 15590714 0 11513349 3915140 4077365 15590714 Meerut Division
15&eFkqjk 2161176 0 1501589 652510 659587 2161176 Mathura
16&vkxjk 5236358 3206 2899559 2137188 2336799 5239564 Agra
17&fQjkstkckn 2985918 0 2258834 727084 727084 2985918 Firozabad
18&eSuiqjh 1252488 0 917518 325059 334970 1252488 Mainpuri
vkxjk e.My 11635940 3206 7577500 3841841 4058440 11639146 Agra Div.
19&vyhx<+ 5030512 10709 4159322 868653 871190 5041221 Aligarh
20&gkFkjl 988913 0 558700 394249 430213 988913 Hathras
21&,Vk 791854 0 571875 213893 219979 791854 Etah
22&dklxat 836234 0 450176 386058 386058 836234 Kasganj
vyhx<+ e.My 7647513 10709 5740073 1862853 1907440 7658222 Aligarh Div.
23&cnk;wW 1729348 1 613365 1114687 1115983 1729349 Badaun
24&cjsyh 3769329 0 2697389 967884 1071940 3769329 Bareilly
25&ihyhHkhr 823559 0 656372 167187 167187 823559 Pilibhit
26&'kkgtgkWiqj 1440172 3296 877292 460606 562880 1443468 Shahjahanpur
cjsyh e.My 7762408 3297 4844418 2710364 2917990 7765705 Bareilly Division
vuqc)------- Contd…

34 & lkoZtfud iz'kklu ,oa fuokZpu lEcU/kh vkadM+s
Public Administration & Electoral Statistics
34-5 m0iz0 esa uxj fuxe@uxj ikfydk ifj"kn ,oa uxj iapk;rksa dh ftysokj dqy jktLo ,oa iwathxr O;; 2019-20
Districtwise Total Revenue Expenditure & Total Capital Expenditure of Nagar Nigam & Nagar Panchayat in UP. 2019-20
¼gtkj :0 esa½ ( Rs in 000)

jktLo O;; @ Revenue Expenditure

iwathxr O;; @ Capital dqy O;; Total
Expenditure Expenditure

ftyk@ e.My@{ks= dqy lk/kkj.k _.k dh dqy jktLo

uo fuekZ.k
dqy iwathxr
LrEHk ¼4$6½ District/Division/Region
O;; vnk;xh O;; O;;
Total General Repayment Total Revenue New Total Capital
Colmn (4+6)
Expenditure of Loans Expenditure construction Expenditure
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1
27&[khjh 1169759 0 768193 393799 401566 1169759 kheri
28&lhrkiqj 1380357 0 742177 628773 638180 1380357 Sitapur
29&gjnksbZ 1257895 0 680276 401745 577619 1257895 Hardoi
30&mUuko 1643333 0 939206 688467 704127 1643333 Unnao
31&y[kuÅ 22931679 0 16264225 6633805 6667454 22931679 Lucknow
32&jk;cjsyh 831247 0 599745 230434 231502 831247 Raebareli
y[kuÅ e.My 29214270 0 19993822 8977023 9220448 29214270 Lucknow Division
33&Q:Z[kkckn 826829 0 727665 93382 99164 826829 Farrukhabad
34&dUukSt 690684 20297 538989 133020 151695 710981 Kannauj
35&bVkok 935821 0 673177 262644 262644 935821 Etawah
36&vkSjS;k 966380 10392 651607 248827 314773 976772 Auraiya
37&dkuiqj nsgkr 673170 0 433198 230664 239972 673170 Kanpur Dehat
38&dkuiqj uxj 7670803 0 5320634 2348634 2350169 7670803 Kanpur Nagar
dkuiqj e.My 11763687 30689 8345270 3317171 3418417 11794376 Kanpur Division
39&tkykSu 1063057 0 520904 507229 542153 1063057 Jalaun
40&>kWlh 2149302 8301 1266007 852109 883295 2157603 Jhansi
41&yfyriqj 418399 0 365649 52750 52750 418399 Lalitpur
>kWlh e.My 3630758 3189 2157672 1412088 1478198 3639059 Jhansi Division
42&gehjiqj 608116 0 447385 160731 160731 608116 Hamirpur
43&egksck 588480 0 221210 366830 367270 588480 Mahoba
44&ckWnk 631851 0 475162 156689 156689 631851 Banda
45&fp=dwV 207327 0 118845 87516 88482 207327 Chitrakoot
Chitrakoot Dham
fp=dwV /kke e.My 2035774 0 1262602 771766 773172 2035774
46&Qrsgiqj 367027 0 356438 10589 10589 367027 Fatehpur
47&izrkix<+ 672525 0 484018 186431 188507 672525 Pratapgarh
48&dkS'kkEch 625341 0 214547 358287 410794 625341 Kaushambi
49&iz;kxjkt 3878661 0 2322294 1500267 1556367 3878661 Prayagraj
iz;kxjkt e.My 5543554 0 3377297 2055574 2166257 5543554 Prayagraj Division
50&ckjkcadh 964495 0 634107 330388 330388 964495 Barabanki
51&v;ks/;k 1394372 0 1072610 320607 321762 1394372 Ayodhya
52&vEcsMdjuxj 698302 0 538572 151412 159730 698302 AmbedkarNagar
53&lqYrkuiqj 356011 0 277840 78171 78171 356011 Sultanpur
54&vesBh 184090 0 150695 24202 33395 184090 Amethi
v;ks/;k e.My 3597270 0 2673824 904780 923446 3597270 Ayodhya Division
vuqo)--------- Contd…

34 & lkoZtfud iz'kklu ,oa fuokZpu lEcU/kh vkadM+s
Public Administration & Electoral Statistics
34-5 m0iz0 esa uxj fuxe@uxj ikfydk ifj"kn ,oa uxj iapk;rksa dh ftysokj dqy jktLo ,oa iwathxr O;; 2019-20
Districtwise Total Revenue Expenditure & Total Capital Expenditure of Nagar Nigam & Nagar Panchayat in UP. 2019-20
¼gtkj :0 esa½ ( Rs in 000)

jktLo O;; @ Revenue Expenditure

iwathxr O;; @ Capital dqy O;; Total
Expenditure Expenditure

ftyk@ e.My@{ks= dqy lk/kkj.k _.k dh dqy jktLo

uo fuekZ.k
dqy iwathxr
LrEHk ¼4$6½ District/Division/Region
O;; vnk;xh O;; O;;
Total General Repayment Total Revenue New Total Capital
Colmn (4+6)
Expenditure of Loans Expenditure construction Expenditure
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1
55&cgjkbp 587698 0 387958 169648 199740 587698 Bahraich
56&JkoLrh 76692 0 50561 26131 26131 76692 Shrawasti
57&cyjkeiqj 737319 7536 460022 262983 277297 744855 Balrampur
58&xks.Mk 701188 0 398638 234829 302550 701188 Gonda
nsohikVu e.My 2102897 0 1304715 693591 805718 2110433 Devipatan Division
59&fl)kFkZuxj 616656 0 177564 413665 439092 616656 SiddharthNagar
60&cLrh 587617 0 326386 260239 261231 587617 Basti
61&lardchjuxj 594756 0 193761 387913 400995 594756 SantkabirNagar
cLrh e.My 1799029 0 697711 1061817 1101318 1799029 Basti Division
62&egjktxat 559984 0 267343 285983 292641 559984 Maharajganj
63&xksj[kiqj 2906772 0 2163826 742492 742946 2906772 Gorakhpur
64&dq'khuxj 1179071 0 609587 561207 569484 1179071 KushiNagar
65&nsofj;k 968658 15335 557763 410895 410895 983993 Deoria
xksj[kiqj e.My 5614485 15335 3598519 2000577 2015966 5629820 GorakhpurDivision
66&vktex<+ 917949 0 442109 436910 475840 917949 Azamgarh
67&eÅ 1206833 280 685673 484993 521160 1207113 Mau
68&cfy;k 896506 0 396001 294935 500505 896506 Ballia
vktex<+ e.My 3021288 280 1523783 1216838 1497505 3021568 Azamgarh Division
69&tkSuiqj 1052203 7263 771312 255471 280891 1059466 Jaunpur
70&xkthiqj 692113 0 503667 186933 188446 692113 Ghazipur
71&pUnkSyh 466959 0 445959 21000 21000 466959 Chandauli
72&okjk.klh 3772637 0 2487685 1284952 1284952 3772637 Varanasi
okjk.klh e.My 5983912 0 4215886 1748356 1775289 5991175 Varanasi Division
73&larjfonkl uxj 607401 0 312744 266603 294657 607401 SantravidasNagar
74&fetkZiqj 1075668 0 781780 285034 293888 1075668 Mirzapur
75&lksuHknz 626858 0 448007 151318 178851 626858 Sonbhadra
foU/;kpy e.My 2309927 0 1542531 702955 767396 2309927 Vindhyachal Division
1- if'peh lEHkkx 58273115 49187 39704553 16904008 18568562 58322302 Western Region

2- dsUnzh; lEHkkx 38889765 0 26738199 11897298 12151566 38889765 Central Region

3- cqUnsy[k.M lEHkkx 5666532 3189 3420274 2183854 2251370 5674833 Bundelkhand Region

4- iwohZZ lEHkkx 28640840 15615 17943721 10043511 10711918 28671254 Eastern Region
mRrj izns'k 131470252 67991 87806747 41028671 43683416 131558154 Uttar Pradesh
lzksr % LFkkuh; fudk;ksa ds vkWdM+s Source : Data of local Bodies

34 & lkoZtfud iz'kklu ,oa fuokZpu lEcU/kh vkadM+s
Public Administration & Electoral Statistics
34-6 & m0iz0 ds LFkkuh; fudk;ksa esa izeq[k enksa ds vuqlkj dqy jktLo izkfIr;ka 2019-20
Total Revenue Receipts for Important Items of Local Bodies in UP. 2019-20
¼yk[k :0 esa½ (Rs in lakh)

uxj fuxe uxj ikfydk uxj iapk;r ftyk iapk;r ty laLFkku

en Items
Nagar Nigam Nagar Palika Nagar Zila Panchayat Jal Sansthan
Parishad Panchayat

1 2 3 4 5 7 1

¼A½ izR;{k dj Direct tax

1- Hkw jktLo 104.46 398.35 63.53 57.00 0.00 Land Revenue

2- lEifRr dj 75257.35 5636.37 1569.64 2120.96 3410.40 Property Tax

3- vU; izR;{k dj 17722.10 5006.49 646.78 4420.58 24588.04 Other Direct Tax

dqy izR;{k dj 93083.91 11041.20 2279.95 6598.54 27998.44 Total Direct Tax

¼2½vizR;{k dj Indirect Tax

4- lokfj;ksa ij dj 400.52 757.90 545.02 0.00 0.00 Tax on Vehicles

5-euksjtu dj 103.27 25.52 82.00 23.19 0.00 Entertainment Tax

6-LVkEi 'kqYd 8553.71 437.60 186.18 0.00 0.00 Stamp dutty

7- vU; vizR;{k dj 9957.49 1221.02 813.21 849.99 48.00 Other Indirect Tax

dqy vizR;{k dj 19014.98 2442.04 1626.41 873.18 48.00 Total Indirect Tax

dqy dj 112098.89 13483.24 3906.36 7471.73 28046.44 Total Tax

lzksr % LFkkuh; fudk; funs'kky; source:Local bodies directorate

lzksr 2 % LFkkuh; fudk;ksa ds vkWdM+s¼jkT; vk; vuqHkkx½ source2-:Local bodies data(State income section)

34 & lkoZtfud iz'kklu ,oa fuokZpu lEcU/kh vkadM+s
Public Administration & Electoral Statistics
34-7 & m0iz0 ds LFkkuh; fudk;ksa esa izeq[k enksa ds vuqlkj dqy jktLo O;; 2019&20
Total Revenue Expenditure For Important Items of Local Bodies in UP. 2019-20

¼yk[k :0½ (Rs in lakh)

uxj fuxe uxj ikfydk uxj iapk;r ftyk iapk;r ty laLFkku

en Items
Nagar Nigam Nagar Palika Nagar Panchayat Zila Panchayat Jal Sansthan
1 2 3 4 5 7 1

¼A½lk/kkj.k O;; General Expenditure

1-lkekU; iz'kklu rFkk jktLo General Administration

50653.80 57980.06 34525.73 35373.72 10591.92
,d=hdj.k & Revenue collection

2- tu LokLF; 22665.94 24693.48 1371.99 140.02 0.00 Public Health

3-lqj{kk rFkk lqfo/kk 2238.25 4658.10 1555.08 577.70 0.00 Security & Aminities

4- f'k{kk 4136.31 567.96 336.27 94.98 0.00 Education

5-lkoZtfud fuekZ.k 215685.45 126136.57 78520.16 105032.79 934.22 Public Works

6- fofo/k 372963.32 193427.86 123465.21 28113.68 40740.68 Miscellaneous

;ksx 668343.08 407464.03 239774.43 169332.89 52266.82 Total

lzksr % LFkkuh; fudk;ksa ds vkWdM+s Source : Data of local Bodies

34 & lkoZtfud iz'kklu ,oa fuokZpu lEcU/kh vkadM+s
Public Administration & Electoral Statistics
34-8 & m0iz0 ds LFkkuh; fudk;ksa esa ize[q k enksa ds vuqlkj dqy iwathxr O;; 2019&20
Total Capital Expenditure of Local Bodies For Important Items in UP. 2019-20
¼yk[k :0½ (Rs in Lakh)
uxj fuxe uxj ikfydk uxj iapk;r ftyk iapk;r ty laLFkku
en Items
Nagar Palika Nagar Zila Jal
Nagar Nigam
Parishad Panchayat Panchayat Sansthan
1 2 3 4 5 7 1

1-Hkou fuekZ.k Building

dqy 27903.26 9282.53 6046.58 3534.72 1.12 Total

2-lM+d]iqy&iqfy;k Road Bridges, Culverts

dqy 76997.29 63475.58 44452.92 66435.02 53.71 Total

Tools,Plants including Motor

3-vkStkj]e'khu]eksVj vkfn

dqy 16879.60 14418.12 12926.71 649.98 2375.97 Total

4-vU; fuekZ.k Other Construction

dqy 58250.45 43448.01 36205.66 30576.21 4072.74 Total

5-dqy iwath O;; Total Capital Expenditure

dqy 180030.60 130624.24 99631.87 101195.93 6503.54 Total

lzksr % LFkkuh; fudk;ksa ds vkWdM+s Source : Data of local Bodies

34 & lkoZtfud iz'kklu ,oa fuokZpu lEcU/kh vkadM+s
Public Administration & Electoral Statistics

34.9 & m0iz0 ds LFkkuh; fudk;ksa esa ftysokj deZpkjh ,oa mudks iznRr /kujkf'k 2019&20
Districtwise Employees & their Emoluments of Local Bodies in UP. 2019-20
uxj fuxe@uxj ikfydk uxj iapk;r ftyk iapk;r
Nagar Nigam/Nagar Nagar Panchayat Zila Panchayat
Palika Parishad

dqy dqy dqy dqy dqy dqy

ftyk@e.My@{ks= deZpkjh ifjyfC/k;ka deZpkjh ifjyfC/k;ka deZpkjh ifjyfC/k;ka Distt. / Div. / Region.

¼la0½ ¼la0½ ¼la0½

Total Total Total Total Total Total
Employees Emoluments Employees Emoluments Employees Emoluments
(No.) (000) (No.) (000) (No.) (000)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1
1&lgkjuiqj 3859 1035167 752 113416 88 81966 Saharanpur
2&eqtQ~Qjuxj 1060 600810 546 159555 95 32868 MuzaffarNagar
3&'kkeyh 541 224999 489 117045 17 13959 Shamli
lgkjuiqj e.My 5460 1860976 1787 390016 200 128793 Saharanpur Division
4&fctukSj 2242 799688 478 126217 38 47832 Bijnor
5&eqjknkckn 2709 196686 556 124017 66 64670 Moradabad
6&laHky 574 406611 408 66502 22 32036 Sambhal
7&jkeiqj 878 601559 314 47262 23 20093 Rampur
8&vejksgk 1256 472271 285 59558 73 28558 Amroha
eqjknkckn e.My 7659 2476815 2041 423556 222 193189 Moradabad Division
9&esjB 5024 1706842 965 226406 59 12411 Meerut
10&ckxir 423 197891 280 84133 44 26324 Bagapat
11&xkft;kckn 5160 2260912 291 64136 27 6824 Ghaziabad
12&gkiqMq + 1414 485690 26 17343 31 23075 Hapur
13&xkSrecq) uxj 113 67112 305 101741 26 10731 GautambuddhNagar
14&cqyUn'kgj 2610 932489 723 96428 45 27532 Bulandshahr
esjB e.My 14744 5650936 2590 590187 232 106897 Meerut Division
15&eFkqjk 2325 927958 808 189880 61 26705 Mathura
16&vkxjk 5491 2209906 386 112058 27 38053 Agra
17&fQjkstkckn 2074 1169522 179 48265 22 21453 Firozabad
18&eSuiqjh 99 202553 827 198404 29 27279 Mainpuri
vkxjk e.My 9989 4509939 2200 548607 139 113490 Agra Div.
19&vyhx<+ 3817 1326489 555 180620 45 34834 Aligarh
20&gkFkjl 578 293994 339 142588 28 20168 Hathras
21&,Vk 1102 359068 317 70641 61 30153 Etah
22&dklxat 801 276945 389 92377 13 12697 Kasganj
vyhx<+ e.My 6298 2256496 1600 486226 147 97852 Aligarh Div.
23&cnk;wW 1206 362653 739 183665 53 27894 Badaun
24&cjsyh 3050 1662837 856 212045 50 43203 Bareilly
25&ihyhHkhr 380 343749 354 79729 57 32412 Pilibhit
26&'kkgtgkWiqj 1227 616333 285 68916 42 45398 Shahjahanpur
cjsyh e.My 5863 2985572 2234 544355 202 148907 Bareilly Division
vuqc)------- cont..

34 & lkoZtfud iz'kklu ,oa fuokZpu lEcU/kh vkadM+s
Public Administration & Electoral Statistics

34.9 & m0iz0 ds LFkkuh; fudk;ksa esa ftysokj deZpkjh ,oa mudks iznRr /kujkf'k 2019&20
Districtwise Employees & their Emoluments of Local Bodies in UP. 2019-20
uxj fuxe@uxj ikfydk uxj iapk;r ftyk iapk;r
Nagar Nigam/Nagar Nagar Panchayat Zila Panchayat
Palika Parishad

dqy dqy dqy dqy dqy dqy

ftyk@e.My@{ks= deZpkjh ifjyfC/k;ka deZpkjh ifjyfC/k;ka deZpkjh ifjyfC/k;ka Distt. / Div. / Region.

¼la0½ ¼la0½ ¼la0½

Total Total Total Total Total Total
Employees Emoluments Employees Emoluments Employees Emoluments
(No.) (000) (No.) (000) (No.) (000)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1
27&[khjh 1435 384547 470 117401 47 58110 kheri
28&lhrkiqj 1373 456745 433 107289 86 25029 Sitapur
29&gjnksbZ 930 414353 466 70752 118 388603 Hardoi
30&mUuko 1711 419634 881 201031 46 34718 Unnao
31&y[kuÅ 12314 4346773 568 166918 72 56201 Lucknow
32&jk;cjsyh 663 228059 554 103292 64 37722 Raebareli
y[kuÅ e.My 18426 6250111 3372 766683 433 600383 Lucknow Division
33&Q:Z[kkckn 1145 431506 295 82932 29 20873 Farrukhabad
34&dUukSt 951 267431 256 55741 30 22672 Kannauj
35&bVkok 750 488016 136 44045 54 26503 Etawah
36&vkSjS;k 451 123805 560 137554 27 25929 Auraiya
37&dkuiqj nsgkr 299 65140 656 113640 42 42555 Kanpur Dehat
38&dkuiqj uxj 6353 2189869 136 42372 52 23503 Kanpur Nagar
dkuiqj e.My 9949 3565767 2039 476284 234 162035 Kanpur Division
39&tkykSu 1081 380390 234 57975 31 29735 Jalaun
40&>kWlh 2871 893908 268 80587 52 53865 Jhansi
41&yfyriqj 702 176050 222 31944 30 26947 Lalitpur
>kWlh e.My 4654 1450348 724 170506 113 110547 Jhansi Division
42&gehjiqj 559 151619 335 61414 24 15420 Hamirpur
43&egksck 416 112017 112 54285 24 18256 Mahoba
44&ckWnk 248 192806 306 76459 17 12916 Banda
45&fp=dwV 269 70861 173 32500 32 30013 Chitrakoot
fp=dwV /kke e.My 1492 527303 926 224658 97 76605 Chitrakoot Dham Div.
46&Qrsgiqj 183 74273 462 84123 22 23222 Fatehpur
47&izrkix<+ 243 12975 347 92274 33 30690 Pratapgarh
48&dkS'kkEch 241 40773 264 101892 46 26176 Kaushambi
49&iz;kxjkt 4635 1886346 666 140228 75 94040 Prayagraj
iz;kxjkt e.My 5302 2014367 1739 418517 176 174128 Prayagraj Division
50&ckjkcadh 298 146504 612 179041 68 61430 Barabanki
51&v;ks/;k 760 667754 185 39076 42 44181 Ayodhya
52&vEcsMdjuxj 670 217525 310 44091 43 29677 AmbedkarNagar
53&lqYrkuiqj 545 151043 178 33340 40 28346 Sultanpur
54&vesBh 171 38316 103 27944 19 7261 Amethi
v;ks/;k e.My 2444 1221142 1388 323492 212 170895 Ayodhya Division
vuqo)--------- cont..

34 & lkoZtfud iz'kklu ,oa fuokZpu lEcU/kh vkadM+s
Public Administration & Electoral Statistics

34.9 & m0iz0 ds LFkkuh; fudk;ksa esa ftysokj deZpkjh ,oa mudks iznRr /kujkf'k 2019&20
Districtwise Employees & their Emoluments of Local Bodies in UP. 2019-20
uxj fuxe@uxj ikfydk uxj iapk;r ftyk iapk;r
Nagar Nigam/Nagar Nagar Panchayat Zila Panchayat
Palika Parishad

dqy dqy dqy dqy dqy dqy

ftyk@e.My@{ks= deZpkjh ifjyfC/k;ka deZpkjh ifjyfC/k;ka deZpkjh ifjyfC/k;ka Distt. / Div. / Region.

¼la0½ ¼la0½ ¼la0½

Total Total Total Total Total Total
Employees Emoluments Employees Emoluments Employees Emoluments
(No.) (000) (No.) (000) (No.) (000)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1
55&cgjkbp 380 299070 132 37613 52 61189 Bahraich
56&JkoLrh 68 15302 71 13457 35 23258 Shrawasti
57&cyjkeiqj 595 150645 122 43381 39 25927 Balrampur
58&xks.Mk 569 308081 168 37901 52 36494 Gonda
nsohikVu e.My 1612 773098 493 132352 178 146868 Devipatan Division
59&fl)kFkZuxj 402 57151 324 53332 50 36543 SiddharthNagar
60&cLrh 312 200264 71 17557 50 39654 Basti
61&lardchjuxj 371 108858 233 51240 37 28640 SantkabirNagar
cLrh e.My 1085 366273 628 122129 137 104837 Basti Division
62&egjktxat 328 110349 407 96283 50 36143 Maharajganj
63&xksj[kiqj 4332 1028629 489 91756 80 57495 Gorakhpur
64&dq'khuxj 483 181513 331 48001 46 56670 KushiNagar
65&nsofj;k 921 269372 593 116861 49 54632 Deoria
xksj[kiqj e.My 6064 1589863 1820 352901 225 204940 GorakhpurDivision
66&vktex<+ 672 195064 968 136367 102 43923 Azamgarh
67&eÅ 1137 225247 734 149332 71 33303 Mau
68&cfy;k 210 211589 607 162390 37 20440 Ballia
vktex<+ e.My 2019 631900 2309 448089 210 97666 Azamgarh Division
69&tkSuiqj 764 345480 413 76958 48 41748 Jaunpur
70&xkthiqj 337 187809 263 90457 41 54905 Ghazipur
71&pUnkSyh 122 105885 166 46790 36 36368 Chandauli
72&okjk.klh 2621 2032275 39 8688 35 29391 Varanasi
okjk.klh e.My 3844 2671449 881 222893 160 162412 Varanasi Division
73&larjfonkl uxj 438 136195 330 71978 43 22263 SantravidasNagar
74&fetkZiqj 607 472170 57 15394 44 30000 Mirzapur
75&lksuHknz 67 34668 496 83624 43 51410 Sonbhadra
foU/;kpy e.My 1112 643033 883 170996 130 103673 Vindhyachal Division
1- if'peh lEHkkx 53310 21051492 13699 3303219 1282 885105 Western Region
2- dsUnzh; lEHkkx 25559 8725897 5238 1185859 617 751093 Central Region
3- cqUnsy[k.M lEHkkx 6146 1977651 1650 395164 210 187152 Bundelkhand Region
4- iwohZZ lEHkkx 23001 9690348 9067 1928205 1338 1080767 Eastern Region
mRrj izns'k 108016 41445388 29654 6812447 3447 2904117 Uttar Pradesh
vuqc)----- Contd..

34& lkoZtfud iz'kklu ,oa fuokZpu lEcU/kh vkadM+s
Public Administration & Electoral Statistics

34-9 & m0iz0 ds LFkkuh; fudk;ksa esa ftysokj deZpkjh ,oa mudks iznRr /kujkf'k 2019&20
Districtwise Employees & their Emoluments of Local Bodies in UP. 2019-20
ty laLFkku
Jal Sansthan
dqy deZpkjh¼la0½ dqy ifjyfC/k;ka
ftyk@ e.My@{ks= District/ Division/Region
Total Employees (No.) Total Emoluments (000)

1 10 11 1
1&lgkjuiqj 0 0 Saharanpur
2&eqtQ~Qjuxj 0 0 MuzaffarNagar
3&'kkeyh 0 0 Shamli
lgkjuiqj e.My 0 0 Saharanpur Division
4&fctukSj 0 0 Bijnor
5&eqjknkckn 0 0 Moradabad
6&laHky 0 0 Sambhal
7&jkeiqj 0 0 Rampur
8&vejksgk 0 0 Amroha
eqjknkckn e.My 0 0 Moradabad Division
9&esjB 0 0 Meerut
10&ckxir 0 0 Bagapat
11&xkft;kckn 0 0 Ghaziabad
12&gkiqMq + 0 0 Hapur
13&xkSrecq) uxj 0 0 GautambuddhNagar
14&cqyUn'kgj 0 0 Bulandshahr
esjB e.My 0 0 Meerut Division
15&eFkqjk 0 0 Mathura
16&vkxjk 604 500833 Agra
17&fQjkstkckn 0 0 Firozabad
18&eSuiqjh 0 0 Mainpuri
vkxjk e.My 604 500833 Agra Div.
19&vyhx<+ 0 0 Aligarh
20&gkFkjl 0 0 Hathras
21&,Vk 0 0 Etah
22&dklxat 0 0 Kasganj
vyhx<+ e.My 0 0 Aligarh Div.
23&cnk;wW 0 0 Badaun
24&cjsyh 0 0 Bareilly
25&ihyhHkhr 0 0 Pilibhit
26&'kkgtgkWiqj 0 0 Shahjahanpur
cjsyh e.My 0 0 Bareilly Division
vuqc)------- contd..

34& lkoZtfud iz'kklu ,oa fuokZpu lEcU/kh vkadM+s
Public Administration & Electoral Statistics

34-9 & m0iz0 ds LFkkuh; fudk;ksa esa ftysokj deZpkjh ,oa mudks iznRr /kujkf'k 2019&20
Districtwise Employees & their Emoluments of Local Bodies in UP. 2019-20
ty laLFkku
Jal Sansthan
dqy deZpkjh¼la0½ dqy ifjyfC/k;ka
ftyk@ e.My@{ks= District/ Division/Region
Total Employees (No.) Total Emoluments (000)

1 10 11 1
27&[khjh 0 0 kheri
28&lhrkiqj 0 0 Sitapur
29&gjnksbZ 0 0 Hardoi
30&mUuko 0 0 Unnao
31&y[kuÅ 3378 1310277 Lucknow
32&jk;cjsyh 0 0 Raebareli
y[kuÅ e.My 3378 1310277 Lucknow Division
33&Q:Z[kkckn 0 0 Farrukhabad
34&dUukSt 0 0 Kannauj
35&bVkok 0 0 Etawah
36&vkSjS;k 0 0 Auraiya
37&dkuiqj nsgkr 0 0 Kanpur Dehat
38&dkuiqj uxj 1166 943036 Kanpur Nagar
dkuiqj e.My 1166 943036 Kanpur Division
39&tkykSu 106 81056 Jalaun
40&>kWlh 580 154394 Jhansi
41&yfyriqj 45 24753 Lalitpur
>kWlh e.My 731 260203 Jhansi Division
42&gehjiqj 45 41980 Hamirpur
43&egksck 274 26025 Mahoba
44&ckWnk 672 57355 Banda
45&fp=dwV 479 11710 Chitrakoot
fp=dwV /kke e.My 1470 137070 Chitrakoot Dham Div.
46&Qrsgiqj 0 0 Fatehpur
47&izrkix<+ 0 0 Pratapgarh
48&dkS'kkEch 0 0 Kaushambi
49&iz;kxjkt 426 397390 Prayagraj
iz;kxjkt e.My 426 397390 Prayagraj Division
50&ckjkcadh 0 0 Barabanki
51&v;ks/;k 0 0 Ayodhya
52&vEcsMdjuxj 0 0 AmbedkarNagar
53&lqYrkuiqj 0 0 Sultanpur
54&vesBh 0 0 Amethi
v;ks/;k e.My 0 0 Ayodhya Division
vuqo)--------- contd..

34& lkoZtfud iz'kklu ,oa fuokZpu lEcU/kh vkadM+s
Public Administration & Electoral Statistics

34-9 & m0iz0 ds LFkkuh; fudk;ksa esa ftysokj deZpkjh ,oa mudks iznRr /kujkf'k 2019&20
Districtwise Employees & their Emoluments of Local Bodies in UP. 2019-20
ty laLFkku
Jal Sansthan
dqy deZpkjh¼la0½ dqy ifjyfC/k;ka
ftyk@ e.My@{ks= District/ Division/Region
Total Employees (No.) Total Emoluments (000)

1 10 11 1
55&cgjkbp 0 0 Bahraich
56&JkoLrh 0 0 Shrawasti
57&cyjkeiqj 0 0 Balrampur
58&xks.Mk 0 0 Gonda
nsohikVu e.My 0 0 Devipatan Division
59&fl)kFkZuxj 0 0 SiddharthNagar
60&cLrh 0 0 Basti
61&lardchjuxj 0 0 SantkabirNagar
cLrh e.My 0 0 Basti Division
62&egjktxat 0 0 Maharajganj
63&xksj[kiqj 0 0 Gorakhpur
64&dq'khuxj 0 0 KushiNagar
65&nsofj;k 0 0 Deoria
xksj[kiqj e.My 0 0 GorakhpurDivision
66&vktex<+ 0 0 Azamgarh
67&eÅ 0 0 Mau
68&cfy;k 0 0 Ballia
vktex<+ e.My 0 0 Azamgarh Division
69&tkSuiqj 0 0 Jaunpur
70&xkthiqj 0 0 Ghazipur
71&pUnkSyh 0 0 Chandauli
72&okjk.klh 418 374424 Varanasi
okjk.klh e.My 418 374424 Varanasi Division
73&larjfonkl uxj 0 0 SantravidasNagar
74&fetkZiqj 0 0 Mirzapur
75&lksuHknz 0 0 Sonbhadra
foU/;kpy e.My 0 0 Vindhyachal Division
1- if'peh lEHkkx 604 500833 Western Region
2- dsUnzh; lEHkkx 4544 2253313 Central Region
3- cqUnsy[k.M lEHkkx 2201 397273 Bundelkhand Region
4- iwohZZ lEHkkx 844 771814 Eastern Region
mRrj izns'k 8193 3923233 Uttar Pradesh
lzkrs %& LFkkuh; fudk;ksa Source : Data of local Bodies

ds vkWdM+s

34 & lkoZtfud iz'kklu ,oa fuokZpu lEcU/kh vkadM+s
Public Administration & Electoral Statistics
34-10-¼d½ & m0iz0 esa xzke iapk;rksa] U;k; iapk;rksa] ,oa {ks= iapk;rksa dh ftysokj la[;k 2021
Districtwise No. of Gram Panchayat, Nyay Panchayat & Block Committees in UP. 2021
ftyk@ e.My@{ks= U;k; iapk;r xzke iapk;r {ks= iapk;r District/ Division/Region
Nyay Panchayat Gram Panchayat Block
1 2 3 Committees
4 1
1&lgkjuiqj 113 884 11 Saharanpur
2&eqtQ~Qjuxj 78 498 9 MuzaffarNagar
3&'kkeyh 35 230 5 Shamli
lgkjuiqj e.My 226 1612 25 Saharanpur Division
4&fctukSj 130 1123 11 Bijnor
5&eqjknkckn 59 643 8 Moradabad
6&laHky 64 670 8 Sambhal
7&jkeiqj 75 680 6 Rampur
8&vejksgk 48 597 6 Amroha
eqjknkckn e.My 376 3713 39 Moradabad Division
9&esjB 92 479 12 Meerut
10&ckxir 46 244 6 Bagapat
11&xkft;kckn 25 161 4 Ghaziabad
12&gkiqqM+ 49 273 4 Hapur
13&xkSrecq) uxj 38 88 3 GautambuddhNagar
14&cqyUn'kgj 153 946 16 Bulandshahr
esjB e.My 403 2191 45 Meerut Division
15&eFkqjk 89 504 10 Mathura
16&vkxjk 114 690 15 Agra
17&fQjkstkckn 79 564 9 Firozabad
18&eSuiqjh 80 549 9 Mainpuri
vkxjk e.My 362 2307 43 Agra Div.
19&vyhx<+ 122 867 12 Aligarh
20&gkFkjl 64 463 7 Hathras
21&,Vk 70 575 8 Etah
22&dklxat 77 423 7 Kasganj
vyhx<+ e.My 333 2328 34 Aligarh Div.
23&cnk;wW 136 1037 15 Badaun
24&cjsyh 144 1193 15 Bareilly
25&ihyhHkhr 76 720 7 Pilibhit
26&'kkgtgkWiqj 124 1069 15 Shahjahanpur
cjsyh e.My 480 4019 52 Bareilly Division
vuqc)------- Contd..

34 & lkoZtfud iz'kklu ,oa fuokZpu lEcU/kh vkadM+s
Public Administration & Electoral Statistics
34-10-¼d½ & m0iz0 esa xzke iapk;rksa] U;k; iapk;rksa] ,oa {ks= iapk;rksa dh ftysokj la[;k 2021
Districtwise No. of Gram Panchayat, Nyay Panchayat & Block Committees in UP. 2021
ftyk@ e.My@{ks= U;k; iapk;r xzke iapk;r {ks= iapk;r District/ Division/Region
Nyay Panchayat Gram Panchayat Block
1 2 3 Committees
4 1
27&[khjh 156 1165 15 kheri
28&lhrkiqj 219 1599 19 Sitapur
29&gjnksbZ 191 1306 19 Hardoi
30&mUuko 173 1040 16 Unnao
31&y[kuÅ 97 494 8 Lucknow
32&jk;cjsyh 128 988 18 Raebareli
y[kuÅ e.My 964 6592 95 Lucknow Division
33&Q:Z[kkckn 87 594 7 Farrukhabad
34&dUukSt 81 499 8 Kannauj
35&bVkok 75 471 8 Etawah
36&vkSjS;k 74 477 7 Auraiya
37&dkuiqj nsgkr 102 618 10 Kanpur Dehat
38&dkuiqj uxj 90 590 10 Kanpur Nagar
dkuiqj e.My 509 3249 50 Kanpur Division
39&tkykSu 81 574 9 Jalaun
40&>kWlh 64 496 8 Jhansi
41&yfyriqj 48 415 6 Lalitpur
>kWlh e.My 193 1485 23 Jhansi Division
42&gehjiqj 59 330 7 Hamirpur
43&egksck 39 273 4 Mahoba
44&ckWnk 71 469 8 Banda
45&fp=dwV 47 331 5 Chitrakoot
fp=dwV /kke e.My 216 1403 24 Chitrakoot Dham Div.
46&Qrsgiqj 132 834 13 Fatehpur
47&izrkix<+ 171 1193 17 Pratapgarh
48&dkS'kkEch 88 451 8 Kaushambi
49&iz;kxjkt 218 1540 23 Prayagraj
iz;kxjkt e.My 609 4018 61 Prayagraj Division
50&ckjkcadh 136 1161 15 Barabanki
51&v;ks/;k 130 794 11 Ayodhya
52&vEcsMdjuxj 111 902 9 AmbedkarNagar
53&lqYrkuiqj 113 979 14 Sultanpur
54&vesBh 126 682 13 Amethi
v;ks/;k e.My 616 4518 62 Ayodhya Division
vuqo)--------- contd..

34 & lkoZtfud iz'kklu ,oa fuokZpu lEcU/kh vkadM+s
Public Administration & Electoral Statistics
34-10-¼d½ & m0iz0 esa xzke iapk;rksa] U;k; iapk;rksa] ,oa {ks= iapk;rksa dh ftysokj la[;k 2021
Districtwise No. of Gram Panchayat, Nyay Panchayat & Block Committees in UP. 2021
ftyk@ e.My@{ks= U;k; iapk;r xzke iapk;r {ks= iapk;r District/ Division/Region
Nyay Panchayat Gram Panchayat Block
1 2 3 Committees
4 1
55&cgjkbp 136 1045 14 Bahraich
56&JkoLrh 54 397 5 Shrawasti
57&cyjkeiqj 101 800 9 Balrampur
58&xks.Mk 166 1214 16 Gonda
nsohikVu e.My 457 3456 44 Devipatan Division
59&fl)kFkZuxj 152 1136 14 SiddharthNagar
60&cLrh 139 1185 14 Basti
61&lardchjuxj 85 754 9 SantkabirNagar
cLrh e.My 376 3075 37 Basti Division
62&egjktxat 102 882 12 Maharajganj
63&xksj[kiqj 191 1294 20 Gorakhpur
64&dq'khuxj 141 1003 14 KushiNagar
65&nsofj;k 176 1185 16 Deoria
xksj[kiqj e.My 610 4364 62 GorakhpurDivision
66&vktex<+ 278 1858 22 Azamgarh
67&eÅ 92 671 9 Mau
68&cfy;k 163 940 17 Ballia
vktex<+ e.My 533 3469 48 Azamgarh Division
69&tkSuiqj 218 1740 21 Jaunpur
70&xkthiqj 193 1238 16 Ghazipur
71&pUnkSyh 102 734 9 Chandauli
72&okjk.klh 108 694 8 Varanasi
okjk.klh e.My 621 4406 54 Varanasi Division
73&larjfonkl uxj 79 546 6 SantravidasNagar
74&fetkZiqj 105 809 12 Mirzapur
75&lksuHknz 67 629 10 Sonbhadra
foU/;kpy e.My 251 1984 28 Vindhyachal Division
1- if'peh lEHkkx 2497 18211 268 Western Region
2- dsUnzh; lEHkkx 1428 9795 143 Central Region
3- cqUnsy[k.M 410 2888 47 Bundelkhand Region
4- iwohZZ lEHkkx 3800 27295 368 Eastern Region
mRrj izns'k 8135 58189 826 Uttar Pradesh
lzksr % iapk;r jkt funs'kky;] m0iz0A Source : Panchyat Raj Directorate, UP.

uksV%&1-U;k; iapk;r dks vf/klwpuk la0 2673@79@fo0&1&17&1¼d½@2@17 fn0 26&12&2017 }kjk lekIr dj fn;k
x;k gSA vc U;k; iapk;r vfLrRo esa ugh gSA
Note: Nyay Panchayats no longer exist as per notification no
2673/79/v-1-17-1(ka) /2/17 dated 26-12-2017.

34 & lkoZtfud iz'kklu ,oa fuokZpu lEcU/kh vkadM+s
Public Administration & Electoral Statistics
34-10- ¼[k½ & m0iz0 esa xzke iapk;rksa ds vk;&O;; dk okf"kZd oxhZdj.k
Annual Income & Expenditure of Gram Panchayat in UP.
¼yk[k :i;s esa½
vk; ,oa O;; ds en 2011-12 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 Items of Income &

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1
1- Balance at the end of
1-o"kkZUr esa iapk;rksa ds ikl the Year
.. .. .. .. .. .. ..
vo'ks"k /kujkf'k

2- Income From Tax

2- dj olwyh ls vk; 219.48 234.22 76.77 68.94 68.94 242.07 276.49

3- Income From Licence

3- ykblsl
a 'kqYd ls vk; .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

4- Income from Land

4- Hkwfe izcU/k lfefr ls
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. Management Committee
5- Income from Forest
5- ou iapk;rksa ls vk; .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Panchayat

6- Income from Govt.

6- jktdh; vuqnku ls vk; .. .. .. .. .. 328531.2 362271.62 Aids

Income from
7- izdh.kZ lzzksrksa ls vk; .. .. .. .. .. 106042.5 137353.19 Miscellaneous

;ksx 219.48 234.22 76.77 68.94 68.94 434815.74 499901.30

O;; Expenditure
1- Expenditure on
1- fuekZ.k dk;ksZ ij O;; .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Construction
2- Expenditure on office
2- dk;kZy; iz'kklu ij O;; .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Administration

3- Miscellaneous
3- izdh.kZ dk;ksZ ij O;; .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Expenditure
;ksx .. .. .. .. .. .. ..

Balance at the end of

o"kkZUr esa vo'ks"k 219.48 234.22 76.77 68.94 68.94 434815.74 499901.30 the Year

..vizkIr ..Not Available

Lkzkrs &iapk;rh jkt funs'kky;]m-iz- Source :- Panchyat Raj Directorate, UP.

Source :- Year 2018-19 Sankhikiya Patrika 2019,Year 2019-20

Lkzkrs %&o"kZ 2018&19 lkWaf[;dh; if=dk 2019]o"kZ Sankhikiya Patrika 2020
2019&20 lkWfa [;dh; if=dk 2020

34 & lkoZtfud iz'kklu ,oa fuokZpu lEcU/kh vkadM+s
Public Administration & Electoral Statistics
34-11 & m0iz0 esa yksd lHkk ds fy, fuokZpdksa dh la[;k
Number of Electorates for Lok Sabha in UP.
yksdlHkk fuokZpu {ks= 2009 2014 2019 Lok Sabha Constituency
1 2 3 4 1
1&lgkjuiqj 1298132 1607332 1736881 Saharanpur
2&dSjkuk 1282551 1529533 1661963 Kairana
3&eqt¶Qjuxj 1370117 1585188 1692313 Muzaffar nagar
4&fctukSj 1287070 1559876 1659659 Bijnor
5&uxhuk 1196566 1492823 1584111 Nagina
6&eqjknkckn 1388525 1771467 1956174 Moradabad
7&jkeiqj 1154690 1616021 1678175 Rampur
8&lEHky 1290811 1692925 1827861 Sambhal
9&vejksgk 1173915 1542484 1643224 Amroha
10&esjB 1508793 1761618 1888376 Meerut
11&ckxir 1280070 1498435 1605254 Baghpat
12&xkft;kckn 1831688 2355594 2726132 Ghaziabad
13&xkSrecq) uxj 1522397 1983188 2297478 Gautam buddh Nagar
14&cqyUn'kgj 1482745 1731570 1782461 Bulandshahar
15&vyhx<+ 1345351 1789834 1882047 Aligarh
16&gkFkjl 1437725 1755374 1857192 Hathras
17&eFkqjk 1341649 1675664 1799321 Mathura
18&vkxjk 1539747 1813491 1934850 Agra
19&Qrsgiqj lhdjh 1345741 1578091 1710926 Fatehpur Sikri
20&fQjkstkckn 1422243 1633850 1785577 Firozabad
21&eSuiqjh 1399259 1647176 1715993 Mainpuri
22&,Vk 1278295 1574701 1617962 Etah
23&cnk;wa 1405695 1767738 1890129 Badaun
24&vkaoyk 1310878 1652063 1783792 Awala
25&cjsyh 1401423 1662880 1796060 Bareilly
26&ihyhHkhr 1310007 1669835 1759223 Pilibhit
27&'kkgtgkaiqj 1627964 1978119 2112860 Sahajahanpur
vuqc) ---------- Contd----------

34 & lkoZtfud iz'kklu ,oa fuokZpu lEcU/kh vkadM+s
Public Administration & Electoral Statistics
34-11 & m0iz0 esa yksd lHkk ds fy, fuokZpdksa dh la[;k
Number of Electorates for Lok Sabha in UP.
yksdlHkk fuokZpu {ks= 2009 2014 2019 Lok Sabha Constituency
1 2 3 4 1
28&[khjh 1297088 1678844 1769890 Kheri
29&/kkSjgjk 1269584 1557611 1644156 Dhaurahra
30&lhrkiqj 1230078 1549885 1665745 Sitapur
31&gjnksbZ 1416949 1713528 1806107 Hardoi
32&fefJ[k 1464770 1724716 1795574 Mishrikh
33&mUuko 1818980 2162173 2188558 Unnao
34&eksguykyxat 1500223 1836651 2020931 Mohanlalganj
35&y[kuÅ 1653123 1948278 2038725 Lucknow
36&jk;cjsyh 1379507 1593591 1697902 RaeBareli
37&vesBh 1431788 1668423 1741034 Amethii
38&lqYrkuiqj 1430750 1701833 1772251 Sultanpur
39izrkix<+ 1435159 1715163 1705457 Pratapgarh
40&Q:Z[kkckn 1325695 1611260 1703926 Farrukhabad
41&bVkok 1416867 1704550 1752343 Etawah
42&dUukSt 1504256 1806165 1870347 Kannauj
43&dkuiqj 1390055 1610615 1631296 Kanpur
44&vdcjiqj 1461050 1766817 1759904 Akbarpur
45&tkykSu 1684988 1886679 1929137 Jalaun
46&>kalh 1562082 1931775 2039741 Jhansi
47&gehjiqj 1498840 1736291 1747401 Hamirpur
48&ckank 1386265 1601279 1700409 Banda
49&Qrsgiqj 1536621 1803075 1835254 Fatehpur
50&dkS'kkEch 1391312 1737190 1784291 Kaushambi
51&Qwyiwj 1426450 1912467 2006228 Phoolpur
52&iz;kxjkt 1267492 1666193 1713808 Prayagraj
53&ckjkcadh 1422246 1720678 1816103 Barabanki
54&v;ks/;k 1503940 1736928 1820057 Ayodhya
55&vEcsndj uxj 1495189 1717272 1783347 Ambedkar Nagar
56&cgjkbp 1246820 1638497 1729377 Bahraich
vuqc) ---------- Contd----------

34 & lkoZtfud iz'kklu ,oa fuokZpu lEcU/kh vkadM+s
Public Administration & Electoral Statistics
34-11 & m0iz0 esa yksd lHkk ds fy, fuokZpdksa dh la[;k
Number of Electorates for Lok Sabha in UP.
yksdlHkk fuokZpu {ks= 2009 2014 2019 Lok Sabha Constituency
1 2 3 4 1
57&dSljxat 1376267 1711203 1804738 Kaisarganj
58&JkoLrh 1406111 1787985 1914441 Shrawasti
59&xks.Mk 1341442 1710401 1769574 Gonda
60&Mqefj;kxat 1499679 1761317 1885191 Dumariaganj
61&cLrh 1570657 1786718 1843417 Basti
62&lardchj uxj 1694463 1903326 1959032 Sant kabir Nagar
63&egjktxat 1509167 1742710 1912910 Mahrajganj
64&xksj[kiqj 1696953 1903364 1976801 Gorakhpur
65&dq'khuxj 1438263 1680899 1759974 Kushi Nagar
66&nsofj;k 1580745 1806511 1751033 Deoria
67&ckalxkao 1659648 1759041 1746513 Bansgaon
68&ykyxat 1509536 1659846 1749892 Lalganj
69&vktex<+ 1578854 1700118 1785624 Azamgarh
70&?kkslh 1701761 1888240 1985203 Ghosi
71&lyseiqj 1620136 1658890 1660069 Salempur

72&cfy;k 1679029 1762579 1809732 Ballia

73&tkSuiqj 1661613 1848475 1866398 Jaunpur
74&eNyh'kgj 1751074 1890934 1845484 Machhali Shahar
75&xkthiqj 1527723 1795962 1867712 Ghazipur
76&pUnkSyh 1446259 1666641 1749744 Chandauli
77&okjk.klh 1562258 1765970 1854541 Varanasi
78& Hknksasgh 1519449 1833964 1940675 Bhadohi
79& fetkZiqj 1405816 1719937 1842402 Mirzapur
80&jkcVZlxat 1215113 1638748 1722164 Robertsganj
lzksr%&fuokZpu funs'kky;] m-iz-A Source :-Directorate of Election , UP.

34 & lkoZtfud iz'kklu ,oa fuokZpu lEcU/kh vkadM+s
Public Administration & Electoral Statistics
34-12 & m0iz0 esa fo/kku lHkk ds fy, ftysokj fuokZpdksa dh la[;k
Districtwise Number of Electorates for Vidhan sabha in UP.
o"kZ@tuin@e.My 1989 1991 1993 1996 2002 2007 2012 2017 Year/District/Division
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1
1&lgkjuiqj 1308520 1344030 1433128 165388 1737704 1872003 2101437 2357460 Saharanpur

2&eqtQ~Qjuxj 1601123 1622950 1807886 204511 2036829 2294120 1746697 1913411 MuzaffarNagar

3&'kkeyh -- -- -- -- -- -- 828973 909946 Shamli

lgkjuiqj e.My 2909643 2966980 3241014 369899 3774533 4166123 4677107 5180817 Saharanpur Division

4&fctukSj 1301471 1220552 1505538 1738959 1804127 1929556 2276999 2542529 Bijnor

5&eqjknkckn 2183645 2794692 2521196 269487 1879909 2159634 1907444 2244180 Moradabad

6&laHky -- -- -- -- -- -- 1247038 1437421 Sambhal

7&jkeiqj 799740 804043 928171 2770793 1301941 1124063 1458828 1646078 Rampur

8&vejksgk -- -- -- -- 918951 804646 1146444 1262344 Amroha

eqjknkckn e.My 4284856 4819287 4954905 4779239 5904928 6017899 8036753 9132552 Moradabad Division

9&esjB 2061122 2088477 1963692 2783875 1803813 1964890 2161160 2446747 Meerut

10&ckxir -- -- -- -- 1121971 1391821 786917 905134 Bagapat

11&xkft;kckn 1255956 1046439 1651061 187968 1620240 1994645 1998285 2497078 Ghaziabad

12&gkiqqM+ -- -- -- -- -- -- 892443 1050954 Hapur

13&xkSrecq) uxj -- -- -- -- 877032 801713 1058974 1286431 GautambuddhNagar

14&cqyUn'kgj 1658949 1891553 1839292 17865 1524215 2047073 2260649 2494888 Bulandshahr

esjB e.My 4976027 5026469 5454045 2989708 6947271 8200142 9158428 10681232 Meerut Division

15&eFkqjk 1104068 1132029 1227847 138743 1164192 1338588 1528003 1734897 Mathura

16&vkxjk 1587273 1665837 1832159 210362 1889681 2566744 2944070 3244101 Agra

17&fQjkstkckn 732617 350346 1026288 96562 792804 1148034 1577547 1699128 Firozabad

18&eSuiqjh 841717 960672 856309 112770 1565661 1242394 1166612 1306256 Mainpuri

vkxjk e.My 4265675 4108884 4942603 558437 5412338 6295760 7216232 7984382 Agra Div.

19&vyhx<+ 1821207 1839701 2066913 237205 2168231 1842344 2152360 2566110 Aligarh

20&gkFkjl -- -- -- -- 460995 901911 975486 1078677 Hathras

21&,Vk 1322319 839732 1455947 162001 1620731 1778581 1104966 1223711 Etah

22&dklxat -- -- -- -- -- -- 898964 965868 Kasganj

vyhx<+ e.My 3143526 2679433 3522860 399206 4249957 4522836 5131776 5834366 Aligarh Div.

23&cnk;wW 1367001 1377506 1560153 -- 1537363 1924168 1983436 2238037 Badaun

24&cjsyh 1513443 1530503 1722326 1957744 2017009 2293295 2562214 3056404 Bareilly

25&ihyhHkhr 699102 209985 749530 862016 862011 1011712 1275008 1388189 Pilibhit

26&'kkgtgkWiqj 1121086 1148544 1289592 1357020 1420181 1603681 1821078 2036417 Shahjahanpur

cjsyh e.My 4700632 4266538 5321601 4176780 5836564 6832856 7641736 8719047 Bareilly Division

vuqc) Contd----------

34 & lkoZtfud iz'kklu ,oa fuokZpu lEcU/kh vkadM+s
Public Administration & Electoral Statistics
34-12 & m0iz0 esa fo/kku lHkk ds fy, ftysokj fuokZpdksa dh la[;k
Districtwise Number of Electorates for Vidhan sabha in UP.
o"kZ@tuin@e.My 1989 1991 1993 1996 2002 2007 2012 2017 Year/District/Division
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1
27&[khjh 1297073 1313149 1536920 1713954 2046944 1987104 2542983 2670035 kheri

28&lhrkiqj 1602611 1608460 1847438 2068098 1780372 2286031 2670618 2959166 Sitapur

29&gjnksbZ 1574319 1586295 1783023 1897281 1919395 2237629 2538378 2807036 Hardoi

30&mUuko 1287811 1295360 1454153 1627935 1662267 1842944 1898375 2167706 Unnao

31&y[kuÅ 1662790 1697825 1699079 2569488 2401951 2784198 3017627 3521094 Lucknow

32&jk;cjsyh 1334173 1340477 1477412 1616360 1663220 1902765 1489343 1983256 Raebareli

y[kuÅ e.My 8758777 8841566 9798025 11493116 11474149 13040671 14157324 16108293 Lucknow Division

33&Q:Z[kkckn 1348692 1357556 1518348 1709308 1011396 1129079 1203240 1341292 Farrukhabad

34&dUukSt -- -- -- -- 728331 852667 1077405 1152557 Kannauj

35&bVkok 1312593 1323701 1425205 1568204 696579 871573 1039012 1135287 Etawah

36&vkSjS;k -- -- -- -- 910060 751629 918230 982310 Auraiya

37&dkuiqj nsgkr 1473995 1101703 1441160 1553102 1615010 1403482 1172837 1271377 Kanpur Dehat

38&dkuiqj uxj 1277798 1671703 1555305 1987124 2094090 2317429 3136705 3370113 Kanpur Nagar

dkuiqj e.My 5413078 5454663 5940018 6817738 7055466 7325859 8547429 9252936 Kanpur Division

39&tkykSu 733437 569621 829239 1517690 967936 1064171 1172683 1232491 Jalaun

40&>kWlh 786774 992909 926564 1006750 1099320 1265076 1338808 1461733 Jhansi

41&yfyriqj 420570 423245 462209 503426 543412 613751 753820 868101 Lalitpur

>kWlh e.My 1940781 1985775 2218012 3027866 2610668 2942998 3265311 3562325 Jhansi Division

42&gehjiqj 836030 839444 950952 102533 660373 706519 768953 779097 Hamirpur

43&egksck -- -- -- -- 429658 495920 593051 621120 Mahoba

44&ckWnk 1047810 1057275 1187633 1548696 969977 1109467 1162669 1276160 Banda

45&fp=dwV -- -- -- -- 448238 507362 577252 682018 Chitrakoot

fp=dwV /kke e.My 1883840 1896719 2138585 1651229 2508246 2819268 3101925 3358395 Chitrakoot Dham Div.

46&Qrsgiqj 1102961 1112283 1232257 1391675 1200513 1249656 1711141 1795639 Fatehpur

47&izrkix<+ 1337255 1352997 1565665 1710358 1739159 1956090 2161127 2329211 Pratapgarh

48&dkS'kkEch -- -- -- -- 761164 830020 1007342 1092173 Kaushambi

49&iz;kxjkt 2638925 2686407 2853333 3318291 3063960 3269388 3770300 4361167 Prayagraj

iz;kxjkt e.My 5079141 5151687 5651255 6420324 6764796 7305154 8649910 9578190 Prayagraj Division

vuqc) ---------- Contd----------

34 & lkoZtfud iz'kklu ,oa fuokZpu lEcU/kh vkadM+s
Public Administration & Electoral Statistics
34-12 & m0iz0 esa fo/kku lHkk ds fy, ftysokj fuokZpdksa dh la[;k
Districtwise Number of Electorates for Vidhan sabha in UP.
o"kZ@tuin@e.My 1989 1991 1993 1996 2002 2007 2012 2017 Year/District/Division
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1
50&ckjkcadh 1382626 1226173 1575087 1744257 1518104 1737128 1996478 2153213 Barabanki
51&v;ks/;k 1688068 1896464 1992680 785869 1222099 1417570 1617327 1763783 Ayodhya
52&vEcsMdjuxj -- -- -- 1224787 1276905 1435145 1503360 1687742 AmbedkarNagar
53&lqYrkuiqj 1471136 1482738 1708301 1856641 1947250 2282316 1521732 1731824 Sultanpur
54&vesBh -- -- -- -- -- -- 1548326 1369791 Amethi
v;ks/;k e.My 4541830 4605375 5276068 5611554 5964358 6872159 8187223 8706353 Ayodhya Division
55&cgjkbp 1440231 1449592 1706236 1859800 990937 1767550 2039435 2420068 Bahraich

56&JkoLrh -- -- -- -- 965785 569186 656401 738153 Shrawasti

57&cyjkeiqj -- -- -- -- 2160954 1083368 1342671 1539244 Balrampur

58&xks.Mk 2059325 1886634 2341730 2512826 1179564 1873039 2123484 2359518 Gonda
nsohikVu e.My 3499556 3336226 4047966 4372626 5297240 5293143 6161991 7056983 Devipatan Division
59&fl)kFkZuxj 1151429 1156076 1140496 1354338 1661686 1399824 1637518 1852674 SiddharthNagar

60&cLrh 1550866 1733718 1829954 1891611 1417017 1434748 1629692 1811451 Basti
61&lardchjuxj -- -- -- -- 502830 1185086 1121155 1221504 SantkabirNagar
cLrh e.My 2702295 2889794 2970450 3245949 3581533 4019658 4388365 4885629 Basti Division
62&egjktxat -- 1061928 1090195 1308585 1419869 1648756 1670578 1834289 Maharajganj
63&xksj[kiqj 2695824 1679081 2099749 2274210 2391302 2823939 3051410 3433689 Gorakhpur
64&dq'khuxj -- -- -- -- 1511586 1865793 2247203 2475741 KushiNagar
65&nsofj;k 2544787 2547374 2927033 3193300 1821739 2267188 2184286 2178829 Deoria
xksj[kiqj e.My 5240611 5288383 6116977 6776095 7144496 8605676 9153477 9922548 GorakhpurDivision
66&vktex<+ 1945014 2211194 2293439 2510555 2535100 3051247 3159384 3430736 Azamgarh

67&eÅ 814391 817287 956656 -- 1252692 1160641 1423538 1585418 Mau

68&cfy;k 1539636 1560870 1683207 1990498 1808969 2368999 2237428 2347977 Ballia
vktex<+ e.My 4299041 4589351 4933302 4501053 5596761 6580887 6820350 7364131 Azamgarh Division
69&tkSuiqj 1942832 1947538 2235207 2239601 2278076 3032453 3106477 3182830 Jaunpur

70&xkthiqj 1419076 1651813 1736323 1787495 1848712 2058536 2388100 2598229 Ghazipur

71&pUnkSyh -- -- -- -- 1056796 1193506 1232336 1373797 Chandauli

72&okjk.klh 2916167 2727345 3167716 2965012 2061958 2262522 2493346 2795891 Varanasi
okjk.klh e.My 6278075 6326696 7139246 6992108 7245542 8547017 9220259 9950747 Varanasi Division
73&larjfonkl uxj -- -- -- 1091246 1123945 921052 1031424 1132411 SantravidasNagar

74&fetkZiqj 1012843 1015812 1063185 1292022 1335559 1487928 1601460 1797677 Mirzapur
75&lksuHknz 407190 409743 653673 602867 639755 677367 1151300 1307398 Sonbhadra

foU/;kpy e.My 1420033 1425555 1716858 2986135 3099259 3086347 3784184 4237486 Vindhyachal Division

mRrj izns'k 79147659 7791552 8981844 77349062 99717091 112474453 127299780 141516412 Uttar pradesh
lzksr%&fuokZpu funs'kky;] m0iz0 Source : Directorate of Election, UP.

34 & lkoZtfud iz'kklu ,oa fuokZpu lEcU/kh vkadM+s
Public Administration & Electoral Statistics
34-13&m0iz0 esa yksdlHkk ,oa fo/kkulHkk ds fy, lhVksa dh ftysokj la[;k
Districtwise Number of Seats for Lok sabha & Vidhan sabha in UP.

yksd lHkk fo/kku lHkk Vidhan

Lok Sabha Sabha Year/District
2019 2017
1 2 3 1
1-lgkjuiqj 1 7 Saharanpur
2-eqtQ~Qjuxj 1 6 Muzaffar Nagar
3-'kkeyh 1 3 Shamli
4-fctukSj 2 8 Bijnor
5-eqjknkckn 1 6 Moradabad
6-laHky 1 4 Sambhal
7-jkeiqj 1 5 Rampur
8-vejksgk 1 4 Jyotibafule Nagar
9-esjB 1 7 Meerut
10-ckxir 1 3 Bagapat
11-xkft;kckn 1 5 Ghaziabad
12-gkiqqM+ 0 3 Hapur
13-xkSrecq) uxj 1 3 G. buddh Nagar
14-cqyUn'kgj 1 7 Bulandshahr
15-eFkqjk 1 5 Mathura
16-vkxjk 2 9 Agra
17-fQjkstkckn 1 5 Firozabad
18-eSuiqjh 1 4 Mainpuri
19-vyhx<+ 1 7 Aligarh
20&gkFkjl 1 3 Hathras
21-,Vk 1 4 Etah
22-dklxat 0 3 Kasganj
23-cnk;wW 2 6 Badaun
24-cjsyh 1 9 Bareilly
25-ihyhHkhr 1 4 Pilibhit
26-'kkgtgkWiqj 1 6 Shahjahanpur
27-[khjh 2 8 kheri
vuqc) ---------- Contd----------

34 & lkoZtfud iz'kklu ,oa fuokZpu lEcU/kh vkadM+s
Public Administration & Electoral Statistics
34-13&m0iz0 esa yksdlHkk ,oa fo/kkulHkk ds fy, lhVksa dh ftysokj la[;k
Districtwise Number of Seats for Lok sabha & Vidhan sabha in UP.

yksd lHkk fo/kku lHkk Vidhan

Lok Sabha Sabha Year/District
2019 2017
1 2 3 1
28-lhrkiqj 2 9 Sitapur

29-gjnksbZ 1 8 Hardoi

30-mUuko 1 6 Unnao

31-y[kuÅ 2 9 Lucknow

32+-jk;cjsyh 1 6 Raebareli

33-Q:Z[kkckn 1 4 Farrukhabad

34-dUukSt 1 3 Kannauj

35-bVkok 1 3 Etawah

36-vkSjS;k 0 3 Auraiya

37-dkuiqj nsgkr 1 4 Kanpur Dehat

38-dkuiqj uxj 1 10 Kanpur Nagar

39-tkykSu 1 3 Jalaun

40->kWlh 1 4 Jhansi

41-yfyriqj 0 2 Lalitpur

42-gehjiqj 1 2 Hamirpur

43-egksck 0 2 Mahoba

44-ckWnk 1 4 Banda

45-fp=dwV 0 2 Chitrakoot

46-Qrsgiqj 1 6 Fatehpur

47-izrkix<+ 1 7 Pratapgarh

48-dkS'kkEch 1 3 Kaushambi

49-iz;kxjkt 2 12 Prayagraj
vuqc) ---------- Contd----------

34 & lkoZtfud iz'kklu ,oa fuokZpu lEcU/kh vkadM+s
Public Administration & Electoral Statistics
34-13&m0iz0 esa yksdlHkk ,oa fo/kkulHkk ds fy, lhVksa dh ftysokj la[;k
Districtwise Number of Seats for Lok sabha & Vidhan sabha in UP.

yksd lHkk fo/kku lHkk Vidhan

Lok Sabha Sabha Year/District
2019 2017
1 2 3 1
50-ckjkcadh 1 6 Barabanki
51-v;ks/;k 1 5 Ayodhya
52-vXcsMdjuxj 1 5 Ambedkar Nagar
53-lqyrkuiqj 1 5 Sultanpur

54-vesBh 1 4 Amethi

55-cgjkbp 2 7 Bahraich
56-JkoLrh 1 2 Shrawasti
57-cyjkeiqj 0 4 Balrampur
58-xks.Mk 1 7 Gonda
59-fl)kFkZuxj 1 5 Sidarth Nagar
60-cLrh 1 5 Basti
61-lardchjuxj 1 3 Santkabir Nagar
62-egjktxat 1 5 Maharajganj
63-xksj[kiqj 2 9 Gorakhpur
64-dq'khuxj 1 7 Kushi Nagar
65-nsofj;k 2 7 Deoria
66-vktex<+ 2 10 Azamgarh
67-eÅ 1 4 Mau
68-cfy;k 1 7 Ballia
69-tkSuiqj 2 9 Jaunpur
70-xkthiqj 1 7 Ghazipur
71-pUnkSyh 1 4 Chandauli
72-okjk.klh 1 8 Varanasi
73-larjfonkl uxj 1 3 St Ravidas Nagar
74-fetkZiqj 1 5 Mirzapur
75-lksuHknz 1 4 Sonbhadra
mRrj izns'k 80 403 Uttar pradesh
lzksr% fuokZpu funs'kky;] m0iz0A Source : Directorate of Election,U.P.
o"kZ 1967 esa fo/kku lHkk m0 iz0 pquko esa dqy lhV dh la[;k 431 Fkh orZeku esa dqy lhV dh la[;k 403 rFkk
,d lhV ,aXyks& baf.M;u dE;qfuVh ds fy, gSA
The Vidhan Sabha had 431 members till 1967, but now the Vidhan Sabha consists of 403 directly elected
members and one nominated member from the Anglo-Indian community in UP.

34& lkoZtfud iz'kklu ,oa fuokZpu lEcU/kh vkadM+s
Public Administration & Electoral Statistics
34-14 & m0iz0 esa fo/kku lHkk lkekU; fuokZpu 2017 esa Mkys x;s erksa dh la[;k] ernku dk izfr'kr
rFkk ekU;rk izkIr jk"Vªh; nyksa }kjk thrs x;s LFkkuksa dk ftysokj fooj.k
Districtwise Number of Votes Polled, Percentage of Votes Polled & Seats Won by the Recognised National
Parties in Vidhan Sabha Election 2017 in UP.
iM+s oS/k erksa dh Hkkjrh; jk"Vªh; dkaxszl @ Indian National Congress
la[;k(,000) izkIr oS/k erksa dh izkIr oS/k erksa dk dqy lhVsa thrh
la[;k(,000) oS/k erksa ls izfr'kr
tuin District
Total valid Votes Total No. of valid Percentage of valid Seat Won
Polled (,000) votes polled (,000) votes polled to total No.
of valid votes
1 2 3 4 5 1
1-lgkjuiqj 1723 398 23.11 2 Saharanpur

2-eqtQ~Qjuxj 1285 66 5.15 - Muzaffar Nagar

3-'kkeyh 617 40 6.55 - Shamli

4-fctukSj 1691 138 8.17 - Bijnor
5-eqjknkckn 1498 - - - Moradabad
6-laHky 941 59 6.30 - Sambhal
7-jkeiqj 1052 77 7.29 - Rampur
8-vejksgk 913 - - - Amroha
9-esjB 1631 109 6.67 - Meerut
10-ckxir 582 19 3.28 - Bagapat
11-xkft;kckn 1393 202 14.47 Ghaziabad
12-gkiqqM+ 697 70 9.98 - Hapur
13-xkSrecq) uxj 731 40 5.47 - G. buddh Nagar
14-cqyUn'kgj 1608 54 3.33 Bulandshahr
15-eFkqjk 1127 62 5.52 Mathura
16-vkxjk 2060 94 4.56 - Agra
17-fQjkstkckn 1123 - - - Firozabad
18-eSuiqjh 779 - - - Mainpuri
19-vyhx<+ 1629 77 4.71 - Aligarh
20&gkFkjl 680 27 4.02 - Hathras
21-,Vk 791 - - - Etah
22-dklxat 605 - - - Kasganj
23-cnk;wW 1335 32 2.41 - Badaun
24-cjsyh 1924 199 10.36 - Bareilly
25-ihyhHkhr 931 63 6.71 - Pilibhit

26-'kkgtgkWiqj 1256 76 6.06 - Shahjahanpur

27-[khjh 1828 108 5.90 - kheri

vuqc) ---------- Contd----------

34& lkoZtfud iz'kklu ,oa fuokZpu lEcU/kh vkadM+s
Public Administration & Electoral Statistics
34-14 & m0iz0 esa fo/kku lHkk lkekU; fuokZpu 2017 esa Mkys x;s erksa dh la[;k] ernku dk izfr'kr
rFkk ekU;rk izkIr jk"Vªh; nyksa }kjk thrs x;s LFkkuksa dk ftysokj fooj.k
Districtwise Number of Votes Polled, Percentage of Votes Polled & Seats Won by the Recognised National
Parties in Vidhan Sabha Election 2017 in UP.
iM+s oS/k erksa dh Hkkjrh; jk"Vªh; dkaxszl @ Indian National Congress
la[;k(,000) izkIr oS/k erksa dh izkIr oS/k erksa dk dqy lhVsa thrh
la[;k(,000) oS/k erksa ls izfr'kr
tuin District
Total valid Votes Total No. of valid Percentage of valid Seat Won
Polled (,000) votes polled (,000) votes polled to total No.
of valid votes
1 2 3 4 5 1

28-lhrkiqj 2030 67 3.31 - Sitapur

29-gjnksbZ 1672 52 3.10 - Hardoi
30-mUuko 1306 84 6.44 - Unnao
31-y[kuÅ 2058 69 3.35 Lucknow
32+-jk;cjsyh 1191 375 31.48 2 Raebareli
33-Q:Z[kkckn 802 - - - Farrukhabad
34-dUukSt 730 - - - Kannauj
35-bVkok 682 - - - Etawah
36-vkSjS;k 593 - - - Auraiya
37-dkuiqj nsgkr 796 3 0.36 - Kanpur Dehat
38-dkuiqj uxj 1930 260 13.47 1 Kanpur Nagar
39-tkykSu 744 100 13.44 Jalaun
40->kWlh 965 51 5.31 - Jhansi
41-yfyriqj 625 43 6.91 - Lalitpur
42-gehjiqj 494 43 8.69 Hamirpur
43-egksck 410 - - Mahoba
44-ckWnk 761 122 15.99 Banda
45-fp=dwV 413 41 9.80 - Chitrakoot
46-Qrsgiqj 1070 96 8.93 - Fatehpur
47-izrkix<+ 1301 140 10.77 1 Pratapgarh
48-dkS'kkEch 622 46 7.33 - Kaushambi
49-iz;kxjkt 2361 104 4.40 Allahabad
50-ckjkcadh 1452 82 5.64 - Barabanki
51-v;ks/;k 1074 - - - Faizabad
52-vXcsMdjuxj 1081 - - - Ambedkar Nagar
53-lqyrkuiqj 996 32 3.22 Sultanpur
54-vesBh 775 175 22.61 - Amethi
vuqc) ---------- Contd----------

34& lkoZtfud iz'kklu ,oa fuokZpu lEcU/kh vkadM+s
Public Administration & Electoral Statistics
34-14 & m0iz0 esa fo/kku lHkk lkekU; fuokZpu 2017 esa Mkys x;s erksa dh la[;k] ernku dk izfr'kr
rFkk ekU;rk izkIr jk"Vªh; nyksa }kjk thrs x;s LFkkuksa dk ftysokj fooj.k
Districtwise Number of Votes Polled, Percentage of Votes Polled & Seats Won by the Recognised National
Parties in Vidhan Sabha Election 2017 in UP.
iM+s oS/k erksa dh Hkkjrh; jk"Vªh; dkaxszl @ Indian National Congress
la[;k(,000) izkIr oS/k erksa dh izkIr oS/k erksa dk dqy lhVsa thrh
la[;k(,000) oS/k erksa ls izfr'kr
tuin District
Total valid Votes Total No. of valid Percentage of valid Seat Won
Polled (,000) votes polled (,000) votes polled to total No.
of valid votes
1 2 3 4 5 1

55-cgjkbp 1420 118 8.28 Bahraich

56-JkoLrh 466 - - - Shrawasti

57-cyjkeiqj 784 108 13.80 - Balrampur

58-xks.Mk 1358 3 0.20 - Gonda

59-fl)kFkZuxj 968 4 0.43 - Sidarth Nagar

60-cLrh 1041 112 10.75 Basti

61-lardchjuxj 648 - - - Santkabir Nagar

62-egjktxat 1141 172 15.09 Maharajganj

63-xksj[kiqj 1903 125 6.56 - Gorakhpur

64-dq'khuxj 1440 102 7.11 1 Kushi Nagar

65-nsofj;k 1238 51 4.12 Deoria

66-vktex<+ 1921 - - - Azamgarh

67-eÅ 929 57 6.11 - Mau

68-cfy;k 1277 - - - Ballia

69-tkSuiqj 1861 137 7.38 - Jaunpur

70-xkthiqj 1554 10 0.64 - Ghazipur

71-pUnkSyh 866 - - - Chandauli

72-okjk.klh 1723 265 15.40 Varanasi

73-larjfonkl uxj 653 - - - St Ravidas Nagar

74-fetkZiqj 1130 60 5.30 Mirzapur

75-lksuHknz 800 46 5.76 - Sonbhadra

vuqc) ---------- Contd----------

34 & lkoZtfud iz'kklu ,oa fuokZpu lEcU/kh vkadM+s
Public Administration & Electoral Statistics
34-14 & m0iz0 esa fo/kku lHkk lkekU; fuokZpu 2017 esa Mkys x;s erksa dh la[;k] ernku dk izfr'kr
rFkk ekU;rk izkIr jk"Vªh; nyksa }kjk thrs x;s LFkkuksa dk ftysokj fooj.k
Districtwise Number of Vote Polled, Percentage of Votes Polled & Seats Won by the Recognised
National Parties in Vidhan Sabha Election 2017 in UP.
Hkkjrh; turk ikVhZ @ Bhartiya Janta Party
izkIr oS/k erksa dh izkIr oS/k erksa dk lhVsa thrh
la[;k dqy oS/k erksa ls
tuin District
Total No. of valid Percentage of valid Seat Won
votes polled (000) votes polled to total
No. of valid votes
1 6 7 8 1
1-lgkjuiqj 625 36.29 4 Saharanpur
2-eqtQ~Qjuxj 519 40.38 6 Muzaffar Nagar
3-'kkeyh 239 38.72 2 Shamli
4-fctukSj 663 39.20 6 Bijnor
5-eqjknkckn 535 35.73 1 Moradabad
6-laHky 349 37.04 2 Sambhal
7-jkeiqj 349 33.12 2 Rampur
8-vejksgk 357 39.06 3 Amroha
9-esjB 681 41.77 6 Meerut
10-ckxir 233 40.06 2 Bagapat
11-xkft;kckn 749 53.78 5 Ghaziabad
12-gkiqqM+ 261 37.40 2 Hapur
13-xkSrecq) uxj 407 55.65 3 G. buddh Nagar
14-cqyUn'kgj 668 41.56 7 Bulandshahr
15-eFkqjk 503 44.59 4 Mathura
16-vkxjk 1012 49.14 9 Agra
17-fQjkstkckn 492 43.84 4 Firozabad
18-eSuiqjh 289 37.16 1 Mainpuri
19-vyhx<+ 811 49.82 7 Aligarh
20&gkFkjl 246 36.20 2 Hathras
21-,Vk 345 43.66 4 Etah
22-dklxat 260 42.88 3 Kasganj
23-cnk;wW 467 34.94 5 Badaun
24-cjsyh 859 44.64 9 Bareilly
25-ihyhHkhr 473 50.82 4 Pilibhit
26-'kkgtgkWiqj 538 42.84 5 Shahjahanpur
27-[khjh 849 46.45 8 kheri
vuqc) ---------- Contd----------

34 & lkoZtfud iz'kklu ,oa fuokZpu lEcU/kh vkadM+s
Public Administration & Electoral Statistics
34-14 & m0iz0 esa fo/kku lHkk lkekU; fuokZpu 2017 esa Mkys x;s erksa dh la[;k] ernku dk izfr'kr
rFkk ekU;rk izkIr jk"Vªh; nyksa }kjk thrs x;s LFkkuksa dk ftysokj fooj.k
Districtwise Number of Vote Polled, Percentage of Votes Polled & Seats Won by the Recognised
National Parties in Vidhan Sabha Election 2017 in UP.
Hkkjrh; turk ikVhZ @ Bhartiya Janta Party
izkIr oS/k erksa dh izkIr oS/k erksa dk lhVsa thrh
la[;k dqy oS/k erksa ls
tuin District
Total No. of valid Percentage of valid Seat Won
votes polled (000) votes polled to total
No. of valid votes
1 6 7 8 1

28-lhrkiqj 772 38.06 7 Sitapur

29-gjnksbZ 693 41.48 7 Hardoi

30-mUuko 571 43.74 5 Unnao

31-y[kuÅ 811 39.40 7 Lucknow

32+-jk;cjsyh 357 29.95 3 Raebareli

33-Q:Z[kkckn 397 49.53 4 Farrukhabad

34-dUukSt 310 42.45 2 Kannauj

35-bVkok 247 36.31 2 Etawah

36-vkSjS;k 237 39.96 3 Auraiya

37-dkuiqj nsgkr 335 42.13 4 Kanpur Dehat
38-dkuiqj uxj 955 49.49 7 Kanpur Nagar

39-tkykSu 355 47.71 3 Jalaun

40->kWlh 407 42.16 4 Jhansi

41-yfyriqj 316 50.59 2 Lalitpur

42-gehjiqj 258 52.36 2 Hamirpur

43-egksck 187 45.54 2 Mahoba

44-ckWnk 334 43.87 4 Banda

45-fp=dwV 175 42.42 2 Chitrakoot
46-Qrsgiqj 437 40.87 5 Fatehpur
47-izrkix<+ 290 22.30 2 Pratapgarh

48-dkS'kkEch 257 41.35 3 Kaushambi

49-iz;kxjkt 765 32.39 7 Prayagraj

vuqc) ---------- Contd----------

34 & lkoZtfud iz'kklu ,oa fuokZpu lEcU/kh vkadM+s
Public Administration & Electoral Statistics
34-14 & m0iz0 esa fo/kku lHkk lkekU; fuokZpu 2017 esa Mkys x;s erksa dh la[;k] ernku dk izfr'kr
rFkk ekU;rk izkIr jk"Vªh; nyksa }kjk thrs x;s LFkkuksa dk ftysokj fooj.k
Districtwise Number of Vote Polled, Percentage of Votes Polled & Seats Won by the Recognised
National Parties in Vidhan Sabha Election 2017 in UP.
Hkkjrh; turk ikVhZ @ Bhartiya Janta Party
izkIr oS/k erksa dh izkIr oS/k erksa dk lhVsa thrh
la[;k dqy oS/k erksa ls
tuin District
Total No. of valid Percentage of valid Seat Won
votes polled (000) votes polled to total
No. of valid votes
1 6 7 8 1
50-ckjkcadh 592 40.79 5 Barabanki
51-v;ks/;k 468 43.57 5 Ayodhya
52-vXcsMdjuxj 360 33.33 2 Ambedkar Nagar
53-lqyrkuiqj 369 37.07 4 Sultanpur
54-vesBh 268 34.60 3 Amethi
55-cgjkbp 648 45.61 6 Bahraich
56-JkoLrh 149 32.02 1 Shrawasti
57-cyjkeiqj 293 37.34 4 Balrampur
58-xks.Mk 593 43.68 7 Gonda
59-fl)kFkZuxj 318 32.88 4 Sidarth Nagar
60-cLrh 433 41.59 5 Basti
61-lardchjuxj 239 36.85 3 Santkabir Nagar
62-egjktxat 489 42.83 4 Maharajganj
63-xksj[kiqj 759 39.86 8 Gorakhpur
64-dq'khuxj 523 36.32 6 Kushi Nagar
65-nsofj;k 517 41.79 6 Deoria
66-vktex<+ 508 26.42 1 Azamgarh
67-eÅ 248 26.69 3 Mau
68-cfy;k 434 33.96 5 Ballia
69-tkSuiqj 491 26.40 4 Jaunpur
70-xkthiqj 427 27.49 3 Ghazipur
71-pUnkSyh 328 37.90 3 Chandauli
72-okjk.klh 662 38.43 6 Varanasi

73-larjfonkl uxj 209 32.01 1 St Ravidas Nagar

74-fetkZiqj 429 37.97 4 Mirzapur

75-lksuHknz 282 35.29 3 Sonbhadra
vuqc) ---------- Contd----------

34 & lkoZtfud iz'kklu ,oa fuokZpu lEcU/kh vkadM+s
Public Administration & Electoral Statistics
34-14 & m0iz0 esa fo/kku lHkk lkekU; fuokZpu 2017 esa Mkys x;s erksa dh la[;k] ernku dk izfr'kr rFkk ekU;rk izkIr
jk"Vªh; nyksa }kjk thrs x;s LFkkuksa dk ftysokj fooj.k
Districtwise Number of Votes Polled, Percentage of Votes Polled & Seats Won by the Recognised National Parties in Vidhan Sabha Election
2017 in UP.
viuk ny Apna Dal(soney lal) cgqtu lekt ikVh
Bahujan Samaj Party

izkIr oS/k erksa dh la[;k izkIr oS/k erksa dk dqy lhVsa thrh izkIr oS/k erksa izkIr oS/k erksa lhVsa thrh
oS/k erksa ls izfr'kr dh la[;k dk dqy oS/k
tuin erksa ls izfr'kr
Total No. of valid votes Percentage of valid votes Seat Won Total No. of Percentage of Seat Won
polled (000) polled to total No. of valid valid votes valid votes
votes polled (000) polled to total
No. of valid
1 9 10 11 12 13 14 1
1-lgkjuiqj - - - 422 24.52 - Saharanpur
2-eqtQ~Qjuxj - - - 222 17.29 - Muzaffar Nagar

3-'kkeyh - - - 98 15.92 - Shamli

4-fctukSj - - - 388 22.93 - Bijnor

5-eqjknkckn - - - 225 15.04 - Moradabad

6-laHky - - - 171 18.19 - Sambhal
7-jkeiqj - - - 228 21.68 - Rampur
8-vejksgk - - - 204 22.31 - Amroha
9-esjB - - - 372 22.81 - Meerut
10-ckxir - - - 114 19.50 - Bagapat
11-xkft;kckn - - - 259 18.57 - Ghaziabad

12-gkiqqM+ 203 29.15 1 Hapur

13-xkSrecq) uxj - - - 169 23.16 - G. buddh Nagar

14-cqyUn'kgj - - - 368 22.87 - Bulandshahr

15-eFkqjk - - - 252 22.39 1 Mathura

16-vkxjk - - - 538 26.13 - Agra

17-fQjkstkckn - - - 199 17.69 - Firozabad

18-eSuiqjh - - - 132 16.93 - Mainpuri

19-vyhx<+ - - - 356 21.85 - Aligarh

20&gkFkjl - - - 216 31.76 - Hathras

21-,Vk - - - 156 19.73 - Etah

22-dklxat - - - 115 19.02 - Kasganj

23-cnk;wW - - - 311 23.30 - Badaun

24-cjsyh - - - 363 18.88 - Bareilly

25-ihyhHkhr - - - 109 11.68 - Pilibhit

26-'kkgtgkWiqj - - - 243 19.37 - Shahjahanpur

27-[khjh - - - 374 20.45 - kheri

vuqc) ---------- Contd----------

34 & lkoZtfud iz'kklu ,oa fuokZpu lEcU/kh vkadM+s
Public Administration & Electoral Statistics
34-14 & m0iz0 esa fo/kku lHkk lkekU; fuokZpu 2017 esa Mkys x;s erksa dh la[;k] ernku dk izfr'kr rFkk ekU;rk izkIr
jk"Vªh; nyksa }kjk thrs x;s LFkkuksa dk ftysokj fooj.k
Districtwise Number of Votes Polled, Percentage of Votes Polled & Seats Won by the Recognised National Parties in Vidhan Sabha Election
2017 in UP.
viuk ny Apna Dal(soney lal) cgqtu lekt ikVh
Bahujan Samaj Party

izkIr oS/k erksa dh la[;k izkIr oS/k erksa dk dqy lhVsa thrh izkIr oS/k erksa izkIr oS/k erksa lhVsa thrh
oS/k erksa ls izfr'kr dh la[;k dk dqy oS/k
tuin erksa ls izfr'kr
Total No. of valid votes Percentage of valid votes Seat Won Total No. of Percentage of Seat Won
polled (000) polled to total No. of valid valid votes valid votes
votes polled (000) polled to total
No. of valid
1 9 10 11 12 13 14 1
28-lhrkiqj - - - 545 26.88 1 Sitapur

29-gjnksbZ - - - 419 25.07 - Hardoi

30-mUuko - - - 327 25.05 1 Unnao

31-y[kuÅ - - - 423 20.56 - Lucknow

32+-jk;cjsyh - - - 256 21.48 - Raebareli

33-Q:Z[kkckn - - - 122 15.21 - Farrukhabad

34-dUukSt - - - 151 20.72 - Kannauj

35-bVkok - - - 130 19.06 - Etawah

36-vkSj;S k - - - 157 26.40 - Auraiya

37-dkuiqj nsgkr - - - 189 23.76 - Kanpur Dehat

38-dkuiqj uxj - - - 313 16.21 - Kanpur Nagar

39-tkykSu - - - 175 23.48 - Jalaun

40->kWlh - - - 231 23.94 - Jhansi

41-yfyriqj - - - 115 18.44 - Lalitpur

42-gehjiqj - - - 99 20.11 - Hamirpur

43-egksck - - - 89 21.79 - Mahoba

44-ckWnk - - - 194 25.44 - Banda

45-fp=dwV - - - 80 19.42 - Chitrakoot

46-Qrsgiqj 81 7.61 1 200 18.69 - Fatehpur

47-izrkix<+ 163 12.51 2 222 17.11 - Pratapgarh

48-dkS'kkEch 0 - - 176 28.33 - Kaushambi

49-iz;kxjkt 206 8.72 1 527 22.30 - Prayagraj

vuqc) ---------- Contd----------

34 & lkoZtfud iz'kklu ,oa fuokZpu lEcU/kh vkadM+s
Public Administration & Electoral Statistics
34-14 & m0iz0 esa fo/kku lHkk lkekU; fuokZpu 2017 esa Mkys x;s erksa dh la[;k] ernku dk izfr'kr rFkk ekU;rk izkIr
jk"Vªh; nyksa }kjk thrs x;s LFkkuksa dk ftysokj fooj.k
Districtwise Number of Votes Polled, Percentage of Votes Polled & Seats Won by the Recognised National Parties in Vidhan Sabha Election
2017 in UP.
viuk ny Apna Dal(soney lal) cgqtu lekt ikVh
Bahujan Samaj Party

izkIr oS/k erksa dh la[;k izkIr oS/k erksa dk dqy lhVsa thrh izkIr oS/k erksa izkIr oS/k erksa lhVsa thrh
oS/k erksa ls izfr'kr dh la[;k dk dqy oS/k
tuin erksa ls izfr'kr
Total No. of valid votes Percentage of valid votes Seat Won Total No. of Percentage of Seat Won
polled (000) polled to total No. of valid valid votes valid votes
votes polled (000) polled to total
No. of valid
1 9 10 11 12 13 14 1
50-ckjkcadh - - - 326 22.45 - Barabanki

51-v;ks/;k - - - 229 21.33 - Ayodhya

52-vXcsMdjuxj - - - 271 25.05 3 Ambedkar Nagar

53-lqyrkuiqj - - - 256 25.72 - Sultanpur

54-vesBh - - - 147 19.02 - Amethi

55-cgjkbp - - - 274 19.33 0 Bahraich

56-JkoLrh - - - 129 27.67 1 Shrawasti

57-cyjkeiqj - - - 147 18.82 - Balrampur

58-xks.Mk - - - 294 21.68 - Gonda
59-fl)kFkZuxj 68 6.99 1 234 24.22 - Sidarth Nagar
60-cLrh - - - 278 26.70 - Basti
61-lardchjuxj - - - 152 23.48 - Santkabir Nagar
62-egjktxat - - - 217 19.00 - Maharajganj

63-xksj[kiqj - - - 434 22.79 1 Gorakhpur

64-dq'khuxj - - - 293 20.36 - Kushi Nagar

65-nsofj;k - - - 220 17.79 - Deoria

66-vktex<+ - - - 607 31.58 4 Azamgarh

67-eÅ - - - 306 32.91 1 Mau
68-cfy;k - - - 325 25.48 1 Ballia

69-tkSuiqj 59 3.16 1 468 25.15 1 Jaunpur

70-xkthiqj - - - 475 30.53 - Ghazipur

71-pUnkSyh - - - 251 28.95 - Chandauli

72-okjk.klh 103 6.00 1 272 15.77 - Varanasi

73-larjfonkl uxj - - - 150 22.96 - St Ravidas Nagar

74-fetkZiqj 107 9.47 1 252 22.30 1 Mirzapur

75-lksuHknz 64 8.05 1 185 23.11 - Sonbhadra

vuqc) ---------- Contd----------

34 & lkoZtfud iz'kklu ,oa fuokZpu lEcU/kh vkadM+s
Public Administration & Electoral Statistics
34-14 & m0iz0 esa fo/kku lHkk lkekU; fuokZpu 2017 esa Mkys x;s erksa dh la[;k] ernku dk izfr'kr rFkk
ekU;rk izkIr jk"Vªh; nyksa }kjk thrs x;s LFkkuksa dk ftysokj fooj.k
Districtwise Number of Votes Polled, Percentage of Votes Polled & Seats Won by the Recognised National Parties in Vidhan
Sabha Election 2017 in UP.
lektoknh ikVhZ @ Samajwadi Party vU; ny @ Other Party
izkIr oS/k erksa dh izkIr oS/k erksa dk dqy lhVsa thrh izkIr oS/k erksa izkIr oS/k erksa dk lhVsa thrh
la[;k oS/k erksa ls izfr'kr dh la[;k dqy oS/k erksa ls
tuin District
Total No. of valid Percentage of valid Seat Won Total No. of valid Percentage of valid Seat Won
votes polled (,000) votes polled to total votes polled votes polled to total
No. of valid votes (,000) No. of valid votes
1 15 16 17 18 19 20 1
1-lgkjuiqj 230 13.34 1 17 0.98 - Saharanpur
2-eqtQ~Qjuxj 365 28.43 - 98 7.65 - Muzaffar Nagar
3-'kkeyh 112 18.21 1 90 14.55 - Shamli
4-fctukSj 404 23.88 2 66 3.92 - Bijnor
5-eqjknkckn 596 39.80 4 108 7.22 - Moradabad
6-laHky 273 28.98 2 72 7.64 -- Sambhal
7-jkeiqj 369 35.08 3 14 1.35 - Rampur
8-vejksgk 299 32.78 1 45 4.98 - Amroha
9-esjB 370 22.67 1 80 4.91 - Meerut
10-ckxir 68 11.72 - 144 24.75 1 Bagapat
11-xkft;kckn 75 5.37 0 88 6.34 - Ghaziabad
12-gkiqqM+ 121 17.30 -- 22 3.18 -- Hapur
13-xkSrecq) uxj 72 9.80 - 30 4.09 - G. buddh Nagar

14-cqyUn'kgj 168 10.43 0 92 5.73 - Bulandshahr

15-eFkqjk 9 0.79 - 230 20.38 Mathura

16-vkxjk 282 13.68 0 87 4.20 - Agra
17-fQjkstkckn 366 32.63 1 41 3.63 - Firozabad
18-eSuiqjh 333 42.74 3 17 2.19 - Mainpuri
19-vyhx<+ 268 16.43 - 93 5.69 - Aligarh

20&gkFkjl 89 13.06 0 79 11.62 - Hathras

21-,Vk 257 32.51 0 20 2.51 - Etah
22-dklxat 162 26.75 -- 57 9.44 -- Kasganj

23-cnk;wW 359 26.89 1 146 10.94 - Badaun

24-cjsyh 386 20.09 0 85 4.40 - Bareilly

25-ihyhHkhr 229 24.61 0 43 4.58 - Pilibhit

26-'kkgtgkWiqj 340 27.06 1 30 2.38 - Shahjahanpur

27-[khjh 417 22.80 0 53 2.92 - kheri
vuqc) ------ Contd----------

34 & lkoZtfud iz'kklu ,oa fuokZpu lEcU/kh vkadM+s
Public Administration & Electoral Statistics
34-14 & m0iz0 esa fo/kku lHkk lkekU; fuokZpu 2017 esa Mkys x;s erksa dh la[;k] ernku dk izfr'kr rFkk
ekU;rk izkIr jk"Vªh; nyksa }kjk thrs x;s LFkkuksa dk ftysokj fooj.k
Districtwise Number of Votes Polled, Percentage of Votes Polled & Seats Won by the Recognised National Parties in Vidhan
Sabha Election 2017 in UP.
lektoknh ikVhZ @ Samajwadi Party vU; ny @ Other Party
izkIr oS/k erksa dh izkIr oS/k erksa dk dqy lhVsa thrh izkIr oS/k erksa izkIr oS/k erksa dk lhVsa thrh
la[;k oS/k erksa ls izfr'kr dh la[;k dqy oS/k erksa ls
tuin District
Total No. of valid Percentage of valid Seat Won Total No. of valid Percentage of valid Seat Won
votes polled (,000) votes polled to total votes polled votes polled to total
No. of valid votes (,000) No. of valid votes
1 15 16 17 18 19 20 1
28-lhrkiqj 535 26.37 1 67 3.29 - Sitapur

29-gjnksbZ 424 25.39 1 42 2.52 - Hardoi

30-mUuko 250 19.11 0 47 3.58 - Unnao

31-y[kuÅ 590 28.66 1 44 2.15 - Lucknow

32+-jk;cjsyh 92 7.72 1 51 4.30 - Raebareli

33-Q:Z[kkckn 228 28.39 0 15 1.88 - Farrukhabad

34-dUukSt 249 34.05 1 7 0.94 - Kannauj

35-bVkok 281 41.20 1 17 2.57 - Etawah

36-vkSj;S k 177 29.78 0 17 2.81 - Auraiya

37-dkuiqj nsgkr 204 25.63 0 54 6.83 - Kanpur Dehat

38-dkuiqj uxj 366 18.98 2 30 1.53 - Kanpur Nagar

39-tkykSu 62 8.28 0 38 5.05 - Jalaun

40->kWlh 239 24.80 0 21 2.18 - Jhansi

41-yfyriqj 116 18.51 - 13 2.06 - Lalitpur

42-gehjiqj 62 12.61 - 20 3.96 - Hamirpur

43-egksck 111 27.14 - 11 2.65 - Mahoba

44-ckWnk 52 6.79 0 34 4.48 - Banda

45-fp=dwV 63 15.35 0 40 9.61 - Chitrakoot

46-Qrsgiqj 163 15.21 0 66 6.17 - Fatehpur

47-izrkix<+ 158 12.12 0 52 4.02 - Pratapgarh

48-dkS'kkEch 86 13.85 - 27 4.41 - Kaushambi

49-iz;kxjkt 588 24.93 1 81 3.42 - Prayagraj

vuqc) ---------- Contd----------

34 & lkoZtfud iz'kklu ,oa fuokZpu lEcU/kh vkadM+s
Public Administration & Electoral Statistics
34-14 & m0iz0 esa fo/kku lHkk lkekU; fuokZpu 2017 esa Mkys x;s erksa dh la[;k] ernku dk izfr'kr rFkk
ekU;rk izkIr jk"Vªh; nyksa }kjk thrs x;s LFkkuksa dk ftysokj fooj.k
Districtwise Number of Votes Polled, Percentage of Votes Polled & Seats Won by the Recognised National Parties in Vidhan
Sabha Election 2017 in UP.
lektoknh ikVhZ @ Samajwadi Party vU; ny @ Other Party
izkIr oS/k erksa dh izkIr oS/k erksa dk dqy lhVsa thrh izkIr oS/k erksa izkIr oS/k erksa dk lhVsa thrh
la[;k oS/k erksa ls izfr'kr dh la[;k dqy oS/k erksa ls
tuin District
Total No. of valid Percentage of valid Seat Won Total No. of valid Percentage of valid Seat Won
votes polled (,000) votes polled to total votes polled votes polled to total
No. of valid votes (,000) No. of valid votes
1 15 16 17 18 19 20 1

50-ckjkcadh 382 26.33 1 41 2.80 - Barabanki

51-v;ks/;k 320 29.77 0 40 3.69 - Ayodhya
52-vXcsMdjuxj 296 27.34 0 53 4.89 - Ambedkar Nagar
53-lqyrkuiqj 202 20.31 1 108 10.81 - Sultanpur
54-vesBh 137 17.68 1 18 2.31 -- Amethi

55-cgjkbp 304 21.42 1 33 2.32 - Bahraich

56-JkoLrh 137 29.36 - 21 4.40 - Shrawasti

57-cyjkeiqj 139 17.74 0 24 3.11 - Balrampur

58-xks.Mk 329 24.22 0 56 4.09 - Gonda

59-fl)kFkZuxj 270 27.91 0 45 4.63 - Sidarth Nagar
60-cLrh 165 15.85 0 30 2.90 - Basti
61-lardchjuxj 128 19.84 0 109 16.82 - Santkabir Nagar
62-egjktxat 102 8.95 0 56 4.93 - Maharajganj
63-xksj[kiqj 371 19.49 0 144 7.58 - Gorakhpur
64-dq'khuxj 240 16.67 0 205 14.25 1 Kushi Nagar
65-nsofj;k 292 23.56 1 57 4.62 - Deoria
66-vktex<+ 647 33.68 5 122 6.38 - Azamgarh
67-eÅ 191 20.57 0 115 12.42 - Mau
68-cfy;k 344 26.94 1 75 5.86 - Ballia
69-tkSuiqj 433 23.29 3 212 11.39 - Jaunpur
70-xkthiqj 401 25.79 2 218 14.00 2 Ghazipur
71-pUnkSyh 248 28.60 1 24 2.81 - Chandauli
72-okjk.klh 235 13.65 - 129 7.46 1 Varanasi

73-larjfonkl uxj 181 27.74 0 101 15.50 1 St Ravidas Nagar

74-fetkZiqj 176 15.62 0 51 4.52 - Mirzapur

75-lksuHknz 140 17.48 0 31 3.83 - Sonbhadra
vuqc) ---------- Contd----------

34 & lkoZtfud iz'kklu ,oa fuokZpu lEcU/kh vkadM+s
Public Administration & Electoral Statistics
34-14 & m0iz0 esa fo/kku lHkk lkekU; fuokZpu 2017 esa Mkys x;s erksa dh la[;k] ernku dk izfr'kr
rFkk ekU;rk izkIr jk"Vªh; nyksa }kjk thrs x;s LFkkuksa dk ftysokj fooj.k
Districtwise Number of VotePolled, Percentage of Votes Polled & Seats Won by the Recognised National
Parties in Vidhan Sabha Election 2017 in UP.
funZyh; @ Independent
izkIr oS/k erksa dh la[;k izkIr oS/k erksa dk dqy lhVsa thrh
oS/k erksa ls izfr'kr
tuin District
Total No. of valid votes Percentage of valid Seat Won
polled (,000) votes polled to total No.
of valid votes
1 21 22 23 1
1-lgkjuiqj 28 1.64 - Saharanpur
2-eqtQ~Qjuxj 8 0.61 - Muzaffar Nagar
3-'kkeyh 36 5.84 - Shamli
4-fctukSj 29 1.69 - Bijnor
5-eqjknkckn 30 2.00 - Moradabad
6-laHky 11 1.16 - Sambhal
7-jkeiqj 13 1.22 - Rampur
8-vejksgk 5 0.51 - Amroha
9-esjB 13 0.79 - Meerut
10-ckxir 3 0.50 - Bagapat
11-xkft;kckn 15 1.05 - Ghaziabad
12-gkiqqM+ 19 2.78 - Hapur
13-xkSrecq) uxj 9 1.24 - G. buddh Nagar
14-cqyUn'kgj 12 0.76 - Bulandshahr
15-eFkqjk 67 5.95 - Mathura
16-vkxjk 40 1.93 - Agra
17-fQjkstkckn 19 1.68 - Firozabad
18-eSuiqjh 7 0.84 - Mainpuri
19-vyhx<+ 23 1.41 - Aligarh
20&gkFkjl 21 3.02 - Hathras
21-,Vk 11 1.36 - Etah
22-dklxat 8 1.35 - Kasganj
23-cnk;wW 12 0.86 - Badaun
24-cjsyh 19 0.98 - Bareilly
25-ihyhHkhr 9 0.95 - Pilibhit

26-'kkgtgkWiqj 20 1.59 - Shahjahanpur

27-[khjh 13 0.69 - kheri
vuqc) ---------- Contd………...

34 & lkoZtfud iz'kklu ,oa fuokZpu lEcU/kh vkadM+s
Public Administration & Electoral Statistics
34-14 & m0iz0 esa fo/kku lHkk lkekU; fuokZpu 2017 esa Mkys x;s erksa dh la[;k] ernku dk izfr'kr
rFkk ekU;rk izkIr jk"Vªh; nyksa }kjk thrs x;s LFkkuksa dk ftysokj fooj.k
Districtwise Number of VotePolled, Percentage of Votes Polled & Seats Won by the Recognised National
Parties in Vidhan Sabha Election 2017 in UP.
funZyh; @ Independent
izkIr oS/k erksa dh la[;k izkIr oS/k erksa dk dqy lhVsa thrh
oS/k erksa ls izfr'kr
tuin District
Total No. of valid votes Percentage of valid Seat Won
polled (,000) votes polled to total No.
of valid votes
1 21 22 23 1
28-lhrkiqj 25 1.22 - Sitapur
29-gjnksbZ 32 1.90 - Hardoi
30-mUuko 21 1.60 - Unnao
31-y[kuÅ 108 5.26 - Lucknow

32+-jk;cjsyh 48 4.00 - Raebareli

33-Q:Z[kkckn 38 4.79 - Farrukhabad

34-dUukSt 10 1.37 - Kannauj

35-bVkok 5 0.74 - Etawah
36-vkSj;S k 5 0.83 - Auraiya
37-dkuiqj nsgkr 8 1.03 - Kanpur Dehat

38-dkuiqj uxj 9 0.47 - Kanpur Nagar

39-tkykSu 11 1.44 - Jalaun

40->kWlh 11 1.17 - Jhansi

41-yfyriqj 13 2.14 - Lalitpur

42-gehjiqj 4 0.88 - Hamirpur

43-egksck 7 1.81 - Mahoba

44-ckWnk 19 2.48 - Banda

45-fp=dwV 9 2.22 - Chitrakoot

46-Qrsgiqj 15 1.45 - Fatehpur

47-izrkix<+ 265 20.37 2 Pratapgarh

48-dkS'kkEch 24 3.79 - Kaushambi
49-iz;kxjkt 70 2.99 - Prayagraj
vuqc)---------- Contd……..

34 & lkoZtfud iz'kklu ,oa fuokZpu lEcU/kh vkadM+s
Public Administration & Electoral Statistics
34-14 & m0iz0 esa fo/kku lHkk lkekU; fuokZpu 2017 esa Mkys x;s erksa dh la[;k] ernku dk izfr'kr
rFkk ekU;rk izkIr jk"Vªh; nyksa }kjk thrs x;s LFkkuksa dk ftysokj fooj.k
Districtwise Number of VotePolled, Percentage of Votes Polled & Seats Won by the Recognised National
Parties in Vidhan Sabha Election 2017 in UP.
funZyh; @ Independent
izkIr oS/k erksa dh la[;k izkIr oS/k erksa dk dqy lhVsa thrh
oS/k erksa ls izfr'kr
tuin District
Total No. of valid votes Percentage of valid Seat Won
polled (,000) votes polled to total No.
of valid votes
1 21 22 23 1
50-ckjkcadh 18 1.24 - Barabanki
51-v;ks/;k 10 0.92 - Ayodhya
52-vXcsMdjuxj 10 0.95 - Ambedkar Nagar
53-lqyrkuiqj 21 2.11 - Sultanpur
54-vesBh 24 3.11 - Amethi
55-cgjkbp 24 1.72 - Bahraich
56-JkoLrh 22 4.79 - Shrawasti
57-cyjkeiqj 64 8.16 - Balrampur
58-xks.Mk 69 5.08 - Gonda
59-fl)kFkZuxj 20 2.07 - Sidarth Nagar
60-cLrh 17 1.59 - Basti
61-lardchjuxj 16 2.42 - Santkabir Nagar

62-egjktxat 96 8.38 1 Maharajganj

63-xksj[kiqj 60 3.15 - Gorakhpur

64-dq'khuxj 64 4.43 - Kushi Nagar
65-nsofj;k 94 7.57 - Deoria
66-vktex<+ 24 1.26 - Azamgarh
67-eÅ 10 1.12 - Mau
68-cfy;k 97 7.62 - Ballia
69-tkSuiqj 47 2.53 - Jaunpur
70-xkthiqj 18 1.16 - Ghazipur
71-pUnkSyh 8 0.97 - Chandauli
72-okjk.klh 48 2.79 - Varanasi
St Ravidas
73-larjfonkl uxj 9 1.34 -
74-fetkZiqj 48 4.24 - Mirzapur
75-lksuHknz 35 4.32 - Sonbhadra
lzkrs %fuokZpu funs'kky;] m0iz0 Source : Directorate of Election, UP.

34 & lkoZtfud iz'kklu ,oa fuokZpu lEcU/kh vkadM+s
Public Administration & Electoral Statistics
34-15 & m0iz0 yksd lHkk fuokZpu 2019 esa iM+s erksa dh la[;k
Number of Votes Polled in Lok Sabha Election 2019 in UP.
dqy ernkrk er iM+s izfr'kr
fuokZpu {ks= Total Votes Percentage Lok Sabha Constituency
Electorates Polled
1 2 3 4 1
1&lgkjuiqj 1736881 1228915 70.75 Saharanpur

2&dSjkuk 1661963 1120863 67.44 Kairana

3&eqt¶Qjuxj 1692313 1154192 68.20 Muzaffar nagar

4&fctukSj 1659659 1096313 66.06 Bijnor

5&uxhuk 1584111 1005955 63.50

6&eqjknkckn 1956174 1279667 65.42 Moradabad

7&jkeiqj 1678175 1060161 63.17 Rampur

8&lEHky 1827861 1182209 64.68 Sambhal

9&vejksgk 1643224 1167308 71.04 Amroha

10&esjB 1888376 1212076 64.19 Meerut

11&ckxir 1605254 1037061 64.60 Baghpat

12&xkft;kckn 2726132 1521892 55.83

13&xkSrecq) uxj 2297478 1389655 60.49

Gautam Buddh Nagar

14&cqyUn'kgj 1782461 1118442 62.75 Bulandshahar

15&vyhx<+ 1882047 1156030 61.42 Aligarh

16&gkFkjl 1857192 1144035 61.60 Hathras

17&eFkqjk 1799321 1098112 61.03 Mathura

18&vkxjk 1934850 1141455 58.99 Agra

19&Qrsgiqj lhdjh 1710926 1031004 60.26
Fatehpur Sikri

20&fQjkstkckn 1785577 1072480 60.06 Firozabad

21&eSuiqjh 1715993 972697 56.68 Mainpuri

22&,Vk 1617962 997853 61.67 Etah

vuqc) ---------- Contd----------

34 & lkoZtfud iz'kklu ,oa fuokZpu lEcU/kh vkadM+s
Public Administration & Electoral Statistics
34-15 & m0iz0 yksd lHkk fuokZpu 2019 esa iM+s erksa dh la[;k
Number of Votes Polled in Lok Sabha Election 2019 in UP.
dqy ernkrk er iM+s izfr'kr
fuokZpu {ks= Total Votes Percentage Lok Sabha Constituency
Electorates Polled
1 2 3 4 1
23&cnk;wa 1890129 1079101 57.09 Badaun
24&vkaoyk 1783792 1050493 58.89 Awala
25&cjsyh 1796060 1065768 59.34 Bareilly
26&ihyhHkhr 1759223 1182890 67.24 Pilibhit
27&'kkgtgkaijq 2112860 1179974 55.85 Sahajahanpur
28&[khjh 1769890 1136203 64.20 Kheri
29&/kkSjgjk 1644156 1063178 64.66 Dhaurahra

30&lhrkiqj 1665745 1063378 63.84 Sitapur

31&gjnksbZ 1806107 1055392 58.43 Hardoi
32&fefJ[k 1795574 1025063 57.09 Mishrikh
33&mUuko 2188558 1235546 56.45 Unnao
34&eksguykyxat 2020931 1263936 62.54 Mohanlalganj
35&y[kuÅ 2038725 1107100 54.30 Lucknow
36&jk;cjsyh 1697902 955321 56.26 RaeBareli
37&vesBh 1741034 940981 54.05 Amethii
38&lqYrkuiqj 1772251 999041 56.37 Sultanpur
39izrkix<+ 1705457 910015 53.36 Pratapgarh
40&Q:Z[kkckn 1703926 1000373 58.71 Farrukhabad
41&bVkok 1752343 1023450 58.40 Etawah
42&dUukSt 1870347 1137100 60.80 Kannauj
43&dkuiqj 1631296 838253 51.39 Kanpur
44&vdcjiqj 1759904 1019142 57.91 Akbarpur
45&tkykSu 1929137 1126783 58.41 Jaloun
46&>kalh 2039741 1379407 67.63 Jhansi
47&gehjiqj 1747401 1087886 62.26 Hamirpur
48&ckank 1700409 1033276 60.77 Banda
49&Qrsgiqj 1835254 1039234 56.63 Fatehpur
vuqc) ---------- Contd----------

34 & lkoZtfud iz'kklu ,oa fuokZpu lEcU/kh vkadM+s
Public Administration & Electoral Statistics
34-15 & m0iz0 yksd lHkk fuokZpu 2019 esa iM+s erksa dh la[;k
Number of Votes Polled in Lok Sabha Election 2019 in UP.
dqy ernkrk er iM+s izfr'kr
fuokZpu {ks= Total Votes Percentage Lok Sabha Constituency
Electorates Polled
1 2 3 4 1
50&dkS'kkEch 1784291 971685 54.46 Kaushambi
51&Qwyiwj 2006228 974326 48.57 Phoolpur
52&iz;kxjkt 1713808 886815 51.75 Prayagraj
53&ckjkcadh 1816103 1154818 63.59 Barabanki
54&v;ks/;k 1820057 1085766 59.66 Ayodhya
55&vEcsndj uxj 1783347 1088465 61.03 Ambedkar Nagar
56&cgjkbp 1729377 988910 57.18 Bahraich
57&dSljxat 1804738 979823 54.29 Kaisarganj
58&JkoLrh 1914441 996486 52.05 Shrawasti
59&xks.Mk 1769574 922184 52.11 Gonda
60&Mqefj;kxat 1885191 985115 52.26 Dumariaganj
61&cLrh 1843417 1048885 56.90 Basti
62&lardchj uxj 1959032 1060806 54.15 Sant kabir Nagar
63&egjktxat 1912910 1225686 64.07 Mahrajganj
64&xksj[kiqj 1976801 1181222 59.75 Gorakhpur
65&dq'khuxj 1759974 1049179 59.61 Kushi Nagar
66&nsofj;k 1751033 1008896 57.62 Deoria
67&ckalxkao 1746513 965064 55.26 Bansgaon
68&ykyxat 1749892 958322 54.76 Lalganj
69&vktex<+ 1785624 1025648 57.44 Azamgarh
70&?kkslh 1985203 1137117 57.28 Ghosi
71&lyseiqj 1660069 915811 55.17 Salampur
72&cfy;k 1809732 981112 54.21 Ballia
73&tkSuiqj 1866398 1038560 55.65 Jaunpur
74&eNyh'kgj 1845484 1032111 55.93 Machhali Shahar
75&xkthiqj 1867712 1099890 58.89 Gazipur
76&pUnkSyh 1749744 1080060 61.73 Chandauli
77&okjk.klh 1854541 1058744 57.09 Varanasi
78& Hknksasgh 1940675 1037229 53.45 Bhadohi
79& fetkZiqj 1842402 1107660 60.12 Mirzapur
80&jkcVZlxat 1722164 987589 57.35 Robertsganj
lzksr%%& fuokZpu funs'kky;] m0iz0A Source :- Directorate of Election, UP.

34 & lkoZtfud iz'kklu ,oa fuokZpu lEcU/kh vkadM+s
Public Administration & Electoral Statistics
34-16 & m0iz0fo/kku lHkk fuokZpu 2017 esa iM+s erksa dh la[;k
Number of Votes Polled in Vidhan Sabha Election 2017 in UP.
dqy ernkrk er iM+s izfr'kr
tuin @ eaMy@ {ks= Total Votes Polled Percentage Distt/Div./Region
1 2 3 4 1
1&lgkjuiqj 2357460 1723070 73.09 Saharanpur
2&eqtQ~Qjuxj 1913411 1285042 67.16 MuzaffarNagar
3&'kkeyh 909946 616612 67.76 Shamli
lgkjuiqj e.My 5180817 3624724 69.96 Saharanpur Division
4&fctukSj 2542529 1691038 66.51 Bijnor
5&eqjknkckn 2244180 1498197 66.76 Moradabad
6&laHky 1437421 941266 65.48 Sambhal
7&jkeiqj 1646078 1052191 63.92 Rampur
8&vejksgk 1262344 913218 72.34 Amroha
eqjknkckn e.My 9132552 6095910 66.75 Moradabad Division
9&esjB 2446747 1630544 66.64 Meerut
10&ckxir 905134 582250 64.33 Bagapat
11&xkft;kckn 2497078 1393394 55.80 Ghaziabad
12&gkiqqM+ 1050954 696925 66.31 Hapur
13&xkSrecq) uxj 1286431 730699 56.80 GautambuddhNagar
14&cqyUn'kgj 2494888 1608435 64.47 Bulandshahr
esjB e.My 10681232 6642247 62.19 Meerut Division
15&eFkqjk 1734897 1127407 64.98 Mathura
16&vkxjk 3244101 2059772 63.49 Agra
17&fQjkstkckn 1699128 1122539 66.07 Firozabad
18&eSuiqjh 1306256 778890 59.63 Mainpuri
vkxjk e.My 7984382 5088608 63.73 Agra Div.
19&vyhx<+ 2566110 1628841 63.48 Aligarh
20&gkFkjl 1078677 679876 63.03 Hathras
21&,Vk 1223711 790618 64.61 Etah
22&dklxat 965868 605247 62.66 Kasganj
vyhx<+ e.My 5834366 3704582 63.50 Aligarh Div.
23&cnk;wW 2238037 1335394 59.67 Badaun
24&cjsyh 3056404 1923613 62.94 Bareilly
25&ihyhHkhr 1388189 930808 67.05 Pilibhit
26&'kkgtgkWiqj 2036417 1256175 61.69 Shahjahanpur
cjsyh e.My 8719047 5445990 62.46 Bareilly Division
vuqc) ---------- Contd----------

34 & lkoZtfud iz'kklu ,oa fuokZpu lEcU/kh vkadM+s
Public Administration & Electoral Statistics
34-16 & m0iz0fo/kku lHkk fuokZpu 2017 esa iM+s erksa dh la[;k
Number of Votes Polled in Vidhan Sabha Election 2017 in UP.
dqy ernkrk er iM+s izfr'kr
tuin @ eaMy@ {ks= Total Votes Polled Percentage Distt/Div./Region
1 2 3 4 1
27&[khjh 2670035 1828257 68.47 kheri
28&lhrkiqj 2959166 2029586 68.59 Sitapur
29&gjnksbZ 2807036 1671698 59.55 Hardoi
30&mUuko 2167706 1305590 60.23 Unnao
31&y[kuÅ 3521094 2058125 58.45 Lucknow
32&jk;cjsyh 1983256 1191008 60.05 Raebareli
y[kuÅ e.My 16108293 10084264 62.60 Lucknow Division
33&Q:Z[kkckn 1341292 801709 59.77 Farrukhabad
34&dUukSt 1152557 729809 63.32 Kannauj
35&bVkok 1135287 681501 60.03 Etawah
36&vkSjS;k 982310 593025 60.37 Auraiya
37&dkuiqj nsgkr 1271377 795614 62.58 Kanpur Dehat
38&dkuiqj uxj 3370113 1929868 57.26 Kanpur Nagar
dkuiqj e.My 9252936 5531526 59.78 Kanpur Division
39&tkykSu 1232491 744450 60.40 Jalaun
40&>kWlh 1461733 965048 66.02 Jhansi
41&yfyriqj 868101 625121 72.01 Lalitpur
>kWlh e.My 3562325 2334619 65.54 Jhansi Division
42&gehjiqj 779097 493535 63.35 Hamirpur
43&egksck 621120 409871 65.99 Mahoba
44&ckWnk 1276160 761221 59.65 Banda
45&fp=dwV 682018 413345 60.61 Chitrakoot
fp=dwV /kke e.My 3358395 2077972 61.87 Chitrakoot Dham Div.
46&Qrsgiqj 1795639 1069849 59.58 Fatehpur
47&izrkix<+ 2329211 1300516 55.84 Pratapgarh
48&dkS'kkEch 1092173 621942 56.95 Kaushambi
49&iz;kxjkt 4361167 2360658 54.13 Prayagraj
iz;kxjkt e.My 9578190 5352965 55.89 Prayagraj Division
50&ckjkcadh 2153213 1451736 67.42 Barabanki
51&v;ks/;k 1763783 1073886 60.89 Ayodhya
52&vEcsMdjuxj 1687742 1081013 64.05 AmbedkarNagar
53&lqYrkuiqj 1731824 995506 57.48 Sultanpur
54&vesBh 1369791 775114 56.59 Amethi
v;ks/;k e.My 8706353 5377255 61.76 Ayodhya Division
vuqc) ---------- Contd----------

34 & lkoZtfud iz'kklu ,oa fuokZpu lEcU/kh vkadM+s
Public Administration & Electoral Statistics
34-16 & m0iz0fo/kku lHkk fuokZpu 2017 esa iM+s erksa dh la[;k
Number of Votes Polled in Vidhan Sabha Election 2017 in UP.
dqy ernkrk er iM+s izfr'kr
tuin @ eaMy@ {ks= Total Votes Polled Percentage Distt/Div./Region
1 2 3 4 1
55&cgjkbp 2420068 1419918 58.67 Bahraich
56&JkoLrh 738153 466470 63.19 Shrawasti
57&cyjkeiqj 1539244 783693 50.91 Balrampur
58&xks.Mk 2359518 1357765 57.54 Gonda
nsohikVu e.My 7056983 4027846 57.08 Devipatan Division
59&fl)kFkZuxj 1852674 968173 52.26 SiddharthNagar
60&cLrh 1811451 1040837 57.46 Basti
61&lardchjuxj 1221504 647563 53.01 SantkabirNagar
cLrh e.My 4885629 2656573 54.38 Basti Division
62&egjktxat 1834289 1141094 62.21 Maharajganj
63&xksj[kiqj 3433689 1903473 55.44 Gorakhpur
64&dq'khuxj 2475741 1439959 58.16 KushiNagar
65&nsofj;k 2178829 1238097 56.82 Deoria
xksj[kiqj e.My 9922548 5722623 57.67 GorakhpurDivision
66&vktex<+ 3430736 1921381 56.00 Azamgarh
67&eÅ 1585418 929302 58.62 Mau
68&cfy;k 2347977 1277168 54.39 Ballia
vktex<+ e.My 7364131 4127851 56.05 Azamgarh Division
69&tkSuiqj 3182830 1861328 58.48 Jaunpur
70&xkthiqj 2598229 1553990 59.81 Ghazipur
71&pUnkSyh 1373797 865697 63.01 Chandauli
72&okjk.klh 2795891 1722905 61.62 Varanasi
okjk.klh e.My 9950747 6003920 60.34 Varanasi Division
73&larjfonkl uxj 1132411 653038 57.67 SantravidasNagar
74&fetkZiqj 1797677 1130133 62.87 Mirzapur
75&lksuHknz 1307398 799866 61.18 Sonbhadra
foU/;kpy e.My 4237486 2583037 60.96 Vindhyachal Division
1- if'peh lEHkkx 52143842 33408105 64.07 Western Region
2- dsUnzh; lEHkkx 24698635 15331331 62.07 Central Region
3- cqUnsy[k.M lEHkkx 6920720 4412591 63.76 Bundelkhand Region
4- iwohZZ lEHkkx 57753215 33330485 57.71 Eastern Region
mRrj izns'k 141516412 86482512 61.11 Uttar Pradesh
uksV& [kkxk fo/kku lHkk {ks= ls lEcf/kr lwpuk;sa Qrsgiqj Note-Information Related to Khaga Vidhan
Sabha Constituency is not Included in
tuin esa lEefyr ugha gSa A Fatehpur District
lzksr% fuokZpu funs'kky;] m0iz0A Source : Election Directorate, UP.

34 & lkoZtfud iz'kklu ,oa fuokZpu lEcU/kh vkadM+s
Public Administration & Electoral Statistics
34-17 Hkkjr esa yksdlHkk rFkk fo/kkulHkkvksa ds fy, jkT;okj LFkkuksa dh la[;k
Number of Lok Sabha & Vidhan Sabha Seats by States in India
yksd lHkk Lok Sabha fo/kkulHkk Vidhan Sabha
jkT;@dsUnz 'kkflr izns'k State/U.T.
dqy vuq0tkfr vuq0tutkfr dqy vuq0tkfr vuq0tutkfr
Total S.C. S.T. Total S.C. S.T.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1
1- vkU/kz izns'k 25 4 1 175 29 7 1- Andhra Pradesh
2- v:.kkapy izns'k 2 - - 60 - 59 2- Arunanchal Pradesh
3- vle 14 1 2 126 8 16 3- Assam
4- fcgkj 40 6 - 243 38 2 4- Bihar
5- xksvk 2 - - 40 1 - 5- Goa
6- xqtjkr 26 2 4 182 13 27 6- Gujrat
7- gfj;k.kk 10 2 - 90 17 - 7- Haryana
8- fgekapy izns'k 4 1 - 68 17 3 8- Himanchal Pradesh
9- tEew d'ehj 6 - - 87 7 - 9- Jammu Kashmir
10- dukZVd 28 5 2 223 36 15 10- Karnataka
11- dsjy 20 2 - 140 14 2 11- Kerla
12- e/; izns'k 29 4 6 230 35 47 12- Madhya Pradesh

13- egkjk"Vª 48 5 4 288 29 25 13- Maharastra

14- ef.kiqj 2 - 1 60 1 19 14- Manipur

15- es?kky; 2 - 2 60 - 55 15- Meghalaya

16- fetksje 1 - 1 40 - 39 16- Mizoram
17- ukxkyS.M 1 - - 60 - 59 17- Nagaland
18- vksfM'kk 21 3 5 146 24 33 18- Odisha
19- iatkc 13 4 - 117 34 - 19- Punjab
20- jktLFkku 25 4 3 200 34 25 20- Rajasthan
21- flfDde 1 - - 32 2 12 21- Sikkim
22- rfeyukMq 39 7 - 234 44 2 22- Tamilnadu
23- rssyaxkuk 17 3 2 119 19 12 23- Telangana

24- f=iqjk 2 - 1 60 10 20 24- Tripura

25- mRrj izns'k 80 17 - 403 82 - 25- Uttar Pradesh
26- i0 caxky 42 10 2 294 68 16 26- West Bangal

27-NRrhlx<+ 11 1 4 90 10 29 27-Chattisgarh

28->kj[k.M 14 1 5 81 9 28 28-Jharkhand
29-zmRrjk[k.M 5 1 - 70 13 2 29-Uttrakhand
¼d½leLr jkT; 530 83 45 4018 594 554 (a) All States

30- v.Meku fudksckj egk}hi 1 - - - - - 30- Andman Nikobar Island

31- p.Mhx<+ 1 - - - - - 31- Chandigarh

32- nknj uxj gosyh 1 - 1 - - - 32- Dadar Nagar Haveli

33- neu }hi 1 - - - - - 33- Daman Diu

34- fnYyh 7 1 - 70 12 - 34- Delhi
35- y{k}hi 1 - 1 - - - 35- Laksha Dweep
36- ikafMpsjh 1 - - 30 5 - 36- Pondicheri
¼[k½dsUnz 'kkflr izns'k 13 1 2 100 17 0 (b) Union Territories
Hkkjr 543 84 47 4118 611 554 India
lzkrs % Hkkjr fuokZZpu vk;ksxs ] fnYyh A Source : Election commission of India, Delhi.

35 & fofo/k
35-1 & mRrj izns'k esa vfXudk.M ,oa muesa gqbZ lEifRr rFkk ekuo ,oa i'kqvksa dh {kfr
Incidence of Fire & Loss of Property and Human Life/ Cattle in UP.

¼31 fnLkECkj dks½ (As On 31 Dec.)

vfXudk.M ,oa lEifRr dk ewY; ¼000:0½ ekuo {kfr la0 i'kq {kfr la0
cqykoksa dh Value of Property (000Rs) Loss of Human Loss of Cattle No.
Life No.
la[;k ftu ij
o"kZ dk;Z fd;k x;k
/Year izHkkfor {kfr gqbZ cpk;h x;h e`R;q ?kk;y e`R;q ?kk;y

No. of Fire & Effected Loss Saved Death Injured Death Injured

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
2011 23584 15566455 2065248 13501207 953 32 1008 9

2013 28579 24875516 5754621 19120894 764 732 1795 569

2014 28593 25991469 4259309 21732160 629 758 3484 731

2015 26233 19096856 1866072 15147977 620 1107 467 698

2016 25070 20467174 6296719 14170455 322 295 1713 735

2017 33868 33945101 6848312 27096789 555 650 2517 1117

2018 42306 27100988 3955294 28154142 626 504 1711 1366

2019 39555 12799577 2377505 10422072 555 545 4515 1663

2020 20796 5397594 885170 4512423 400 294 642 911

2021 27325 9404122 2039362 7364760 430 357 940 920

Lkzkrs %&iqfyl egkfujh{kd Qk;j lfoZlst] m0iz0 A Source- I. G . fire Services, UP.

35-2 & mRrj izns'k esa ftysokj jsLV gkmlsl rFkk Mkd caxyksa dh la[;k 2019-20
Districtwise No. of Rest Houses & Dak Bunglows in UP. 2019-20
jsLV gkmlsl @ Rest Houses
yks0fu0fo0 flapkbZ ou foHkkx ftyk ifj0 vU; ;ksx
ftyk@ e.My@{ks= Public works foHkkx
Irrigation Forest Zila Others Total District/ Division/Region
department department department Parishad

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1
1&lgkjuiqj 1 0 4 0 0 5 Saharanpur
2&eqtQ~Qjuxj 0 0 0 0 0 0 MuzaffarNagar
3&'kkeyh 0 0 0 0 0 0 Shamli
lgkjuiqj e.My 1 0 4 0 0 5 Saharanpur Division
4&fctukSj 2 2 1 0 0 5 Bijnor
5&eqjknkckn 1 1 0 0 0 2 Moradabad
6&laHky 1 0 0 0 0 1 Sambhal
7&jkeiqj 3 0 1 0 3 7 Rampur
8&vejksgk 0 0 0 0 1 1 Amroha
eqjknkckn e.My 7 3 2 0 4 16 Moradabad Division
9&esjB 4 17 2 0 3 26 Meerut
10&ckxir 1 1 0 0 5 7 Bagapat
11&xkft;kckn 1 1 1 0 8 11 Ghaziabad
12&gkiqqM+ 1 1 0 0 2 4 Hapur
13&xkSrecq) uxj 1 0 0 1 2 4 GautambuddhNagar
14&cqyUn'kgj 0 0 0 0 0 0 Bulandshahr
esjB e.My 8 20 3 1 20 52 Meerut Division
15&eFkqjk 4 0 1 1 6 12 Mathura
16&vkxjk 2 0 4 2 0 8 Agra
17&fQjkstkckn 1 0 0 0 0 1 Firozabad
18&eSuiqjh 1 0 0 0 0 1 Mainpuri
vkxjk e.My 8 0 5 3 6 22 Agra Div.
19&vyhx<+ 0 0 0 0 0 0 Aligarh
20&gkFkjl 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hathras
21&,Vk 1 0 1 1 2 5 Etah
22&dklxat 0 0 1 0 0 1 Kasganj
vyhx<+ e.My 1 0 2 1 2 6 Aligarh Div.
23&cnk;wW 0 0 0 0 0 0 Badaun
24&cjsyh 3 5 0 1 1 10 Bareilly
25&ihyhHkhr 2 2 4 0 3 11 Pilibhit
26&'kkgtgkWiqj 2 0 0 0 8 10 Shahjahanpur
cjsyh e.My 7 7 4 1 12 31 Bareilly Division
vuqc) ---------- Contd----------

35-2 & mRrj izns'k esa ftysokj jsLV gkmlsl rFkk Mkd caxyksa dh la[;k 2019-20
Districtwise No. of Rest Houses & Dak Bunglows in UP. 2019-20
jsLV gkmlsl @ Rest Houses
yks0fu0fo0 flapkbZ ou foHkkx ftyk ifj0 vU; ;ksx
ftyk@ e.My@{ks= Public works foHkkx
Irrigation Forest Zila Others Total District/ Division/Region
department department department Parishad

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1
27&[khjh 1 2 5 0 0 8 kheri
28&lhrkiqj 1 2 1 0 5 9 Sitapur
29&gjnksbZ 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hardoi
30&mUuko 0 1 2 0 1 4 Unnao
31&y[kuÅ 1 0 5 1 8 15 Lucknow
32&jk;cjsyh 0 0 2 0 2 4 Raebareli
y[kuÅ e.My 3 5 15 1 16 40 Lucknow Division
33&Q:Z[kkckn 0 0 0 0 0 0 Farrukhabad
34&dUukSt 0 0 0 0 2 2 Kannauj
35&bVkok 2 0 3 0 2 7 Etawah
36&vkSjS;k 0 0 0 0 3 3 Auraiya
37&dkuiqj nsgkr 0 0 0 0 0 0 Kanpur Dehat
38&dkuiqj uxj 1 0 2 0 4 7 Kanpur Nagar
dkuiqj e.My 3 0 5 0 11 19 Kanpur Division
39&tkykSu 0 0 2 0 1 3 Jalaun
40&>kWlh 1 19 4 0 2 26 Jhansi
41&yfyriqj 0 0 7 2 0 9 Lalitpur
>kWlh e.My 1 19 13 2 3 38 Jhansi Division
42&gehjiqj 0 3 2 1 1 7 Hamirpur
43&egksck 0 1 4 0 0 5 Mahoba
44&ckWnk 2 0 0 1 0 3 Banda
45&fp=dwV 2 2 4 0 0 8 Chitrakoot
fp=dwV /kke e.My 4 6 10 2 1 23 Chitrakoot Dham Div.
46&Qrsgiqj 1 0 0 0 0 1 Fatehpur
47&izrkix<+ 0 0 2 0 0 2 Pratapgarh
48&dkS'kkEch 0 0 0 0 1 1 Kaushambi
49&iz;kxjkt 1 1 1 1 14 18 Prayagraj
iz;kxjkt e.My 2 1 3 1 15 22 Prayagraj Division
50&ckjkcadh 0 1 0 0 0 1 Barabanki
51&v;ks/;k 1 0 0 1 1 3 Ayodhya
52&vEcsMdjuxj 1 0 0 0 0 1 AmbedkarNagar
53&lqYrkuiqj 0 0 0 0 0 0 Sultanpur
54&vesBh 0 0 0 0 0 0 Amethi
v;ks/;k e.My 2 1 0 1 1 5 Ayodhya Division
vuqc) ---------- Contd----------

35-2 & mRrj izns'k esa ftysokj jsLV gkmlsl rFkk Mkd caxyksa dh la[;k 2019-20
Districtwise No. of Rest Houses & Dak Bunglows in UP. 2019-20
jsLV gkmlsl @ Rest Houses
yks0fu0fo0 flapkbZ ou foHkkx ftyk ifj0 vU; ;ksx
ftyk@ e.My@{ks= Public works foHkkx
Irrigation Forest Zila Others Total District/ Division/Region
department department department Parishad

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1
55&cgjkbp 1 4 3 0 0 8 Bahraich
56&JkoLrh 0 0 3 1 0 4 Shrawasti
57&cyjkeiqj 0 4 5 0 0 9 Balrampur
58&xks.Mk 0 0 1 0 0 1 Gonda
nsohikVu e.My 1 8 12 1 0 22 Devipatan Division
59&fl)kFkZuxj 1 0 3 0 0 4 SiddharthNagar
60&cLrh 0 2 0 0 0 2 Basti
61&lardchjuxj 0 0 0 0 0 0 SantkabirNagar
cLrh e.My 1 2 3 0 0 6 Basti Division
62&egjktxat 3 0 7 0 0 10 Maharajganj
63&xksj[kiqj 1 1 7 1 3 13 Gorakhpur
64&dq'khuxj 0 0 0 0 0 0 KushiNagar
65&nsofj;k 1 1 0 0 1 3 Deoria
xksj[kiqj e.My 5 2 14 1 4 26 GorakhpurDivision
66&vktex<+ 1 1 1 0 1 4 Azamgarh
67&eÅ 0 0 2 0 0 2 Mau
68&cfy;k 2 0 3 0 0 5 Ballia
vktex<+ e.My 3 1 6 0 1 11 Azamgarh Division
69&tkSuiqj 0 1 0 0 0 1 Jaunpur
70&xkthiqj 0 0 1 0 0 1 Ghazipur
71&pUnkSyh 1 5 5 0 0 11 Chandauli
72&okjk.klh 2 2 1 0 1 6 Varanasi
okjk.klh e.My 3 8 7 0 1 19 Varanasi Division
73&larjfonkl uxj 2 1 0 1 1 5 SantravidasNagar
74&fetkZiqj 1 0 1 0 0 2 Mirzapur
75&lksuHknz 0 0 11 0 0 11 Sonbhadra
foU/;kpy e.My 3 1 12 1 1 18 Vindhyachal Division
1- if'peh lEHkkx 34 30 23 6 51 144 Western Region
2- dsUnzh; lEHkkx 5 6 17 1 20 49 Central Region
3- cqUnsy[k.M lEHkkx 5 25 23 4 4 61 Bundelkhand Region
4- iwohZZ lEHkkx 19 23 57 5 23 127 Eastern Region
mRrj izns'k 63 84 120 16 98 381 Uttar Pradesh
vuqc) ---------- Contd----------

35 & fofo/k
35-2 & mRrj izns'k esa ftysokj jsLV gkmlsl rFkk Mkd caxyksa dh la[;k 2019-20
Districtwise No. of Rest Houses & Dak Bunglows in UP. 2019-20
Mkd caxys @ Dak Bunglows
yksd fuekZ.k flapkbZ foHkkx ou foHkkx ftyk vU; ;ksx
ftyk@e.My@ {ks= foHkkx ifj"kn
District/Division/ Region

Public works Irrigation Forest Zila Others Total

deptt. department department Parishad

1 8 9 10 11 12 13 1
1&lgkjuiqj 7 12 0 2 2 23 Saharanpur
2&eqtQ~Qjuxj 3 15 1 2 4 25 MuzaffarNagar
3&'kkeyh 1 1 0 0 0 2 Shamli
lgkjuiqj e.My 11 28 1 4 6 50 Saharanpur Division
4&fctukSj 7 4 0 4 0 15 Bijnor
5&eqjknkckn 3 2 0 0 2 7 Moradabad
6&laHky 2 3 0 0 1 6 Sambhal
7&jkeiqj 1 6 0 0 0 7 Rampur
8&vejksgk 0 1 0 0 1 2 Amroha
eqjknkckn e.My 13 16 0 4 4 37 Moradabad Division
9&esjB 4 17 2 1 4 28 Meerut
10&ckxir 0 1 0 1 0 2 Bagapat
11&xkft;kckn 1 0 0 0 2 3 Ghaziabad
12&gkiqqM+ 4 0 0 1 0 5 Hapur
13&xkSrecq) uxj 0 0 0 0 1 1 GautambuddhNagar
14&cqyUn'kgj 7 8 0 0 15 30 Bulandshahr
esjB e.My 16 26 2 3 22 69 Meerut Division
15&eFkqjk 5 26 0 0 0 31 Mathura
16&vkxjk 4 19 0 3 0 26 Agra
17&fQjkstkckn 6 8 0 3 0 17 Firozabad
18&eSuiqjh 4 5 0 0 2 11 Mainpuri
vkxjk e.My 19 58 0 6 2 85 Agra Div.
19&vyhx<+ 3 16 0 0 6 25 Aligarh
20&gkFkjl 3 3 0 0 0 6 Hathras
21&,Vk 2 15 0 0 0 17 Etah
22&dklxat 3 5 0 0 0 8 Kasganj
vyhx<+ e.My 11 39 0 0 6 56 Aligarh Div.
23&cnk;wW 4 10 0 2 2 18 Badaun
24&cjsyh 3 0 0 0 4 7 Bareilly
25&ihyhHkhr 3 3 0 1 0 7 Pilibhit
26&'kkgtgkWiqj 3 1 0 0 1 5 Shahjahanpur
cjsyh e.My 13 14 0 3 7 37 Bareilly Division
vuqc) ---------- Contd----------

35 & fofo/k
35-2 & mRrj izns'k esa ftysokj jsLV gkmlsl rFkk Mkd caxyksa dh la[;k 2019-20
Districtwise No. of Rest Houses & Dak Bunglows in UP. 2019-20
Mkd caxys @ Dak Bunglows
yksd fuekZ.k flapkbZ foHkkx ou foHkkx ftyk vU; ;ksx
ftyk@e.My@ {ks= foHkkx ifj"kn
District/Division/ Region

Public works Irrigation Forest Zila Others Total

deptt. department department Parishad

1 8 9 10 11 12 13 1
27&[khjh 5 0 0 4 0 9 kheri
28&lhrkiqj 6 1 0 3 2 12 Sitapur
29&gjnksbZ 6 29 1 2 2 40 Hardoi
30&mUuko 4 9 0 0 0 13 Unnao
31&y[kuÅ 3 14 0 0 0 17 Lucknow
32&jk;cjsyh 2 19 0 3 0 24 Raebareli
y[kuÅ e.My 26 72 1 12 4 115 Lucknow Division
33&Q:Z[kkckn 6 0 0 1 0 7 Farrukhabad
34&dUukSt 3 2 0 0 0 5 Kannauj
35&bVkok 3 15 0 1 0 19 Etawah
36&vkSjS;k 3 3 0 0 4 10 Auraiya
37&dkuiqj nsgkr 3 11 0 0 0 0 Kanpur Dehat
38&dkuiqj uxj 6 9 0 1 0 16 Kanpur Nagar
dkuiqj e.My 24 40 0 3 4 57 Kanpur Division
39&tkykSu 3 10 0 0 0 13 Jalaun
40&>kWlh 12 0 0 1 1 14 Jhansi
41&yfyriqj 4 6 0 5 1 16 Lalitpur
>kWlh e.My 19 16 0 6 2 43 Jhansi Division
42&gehjiqj 3 6 0 2 0 11 Hamirpur
43&egksck 4 8 4 2 0 18 Mahoba
44&ckWnk 2 8 0 0 0 10 Banda
45&fp=dwV 0 0 0 0 0 0 Chitrakoot
fp=dwV /kke e.My 9 22 4 4 0 39 Chitrakoot Dham Div.
46&Qrsgiqj 2 3 0 0 6 11 Fatehpur
47&izrkix<+ 6 1 0 1 0 8 Pratapgarh
48&dkS'kkEch 3 4 0 2 0 9 Kaushambi
49&iz;kxjkt 1 3 0 0 0 4 Prayagraj
iz;kxjkt e.My 12 11 0 3 6 32 Prayagraj Division
50&ckjkcadh 6 19 0 1 0 26 Barabanki
51&v;ks/;k 2 5 0 0 4 11 Ayodhya
52&vEcsMdjuxj 2 3 0 2 3 10 AmbedkarNagar
53&lqYrkuiqj 3 3 0 1 1 8 Sultanpur

54&vesBh 3 3 1 0 1 0 Amethi

v;ks/;k e.My 16 33 1 4 9 55 Ayodhya Division

vuqc) ---------- Contd----------

35 & fofo/k
35-2 & mRrj izns'k esa ftysokj jsLV gkmlsl rFkk Mkd caxyksa dh la[;k 2019-20
Districtwise No. of Rest Houses & Dak Bunglows in UP. 2019-20
Mkd caxys @ Dak Bunglows
yksd fuekZ.k flapkbZ foHkkx ou foHkkx ftyk vU; ;ksx
ftyk@e.My@ {ks= foHkkx ifj"kn
District/Division/ Region

Public works Irrigation Forest Zila Others Total

deptt. department department Parishad

1 8 9 10 11 12 13 1
55&cgjkbp 4 0 0 0 0 4 Bahraich
56&JkoLrh 5 0 0 0 0 5 Shrawasti
57&cyjkeiqj 3 1 0 1 0 5 Balrampur
58&xks.Mk 7 1 1 0 0 9 Gonda
nsohikVu e.My 19 2 1 1 0 23 Devipatan Division
59&fl)kFkZuxj 6 4 0 1 0 11 SiddharthNagar
60&cLrh 6 3 0 0 0 9 Basti
61&lardchjuxj 2 2 1 0 0 5 SantkabirNagar
cLrh e.My 14 9 1 1 0 25 Basti Division
62&egjktxat 1 5 0 3 0 9 Maharajganj
63&xksj[kiqj 2 2 0 1 1 6 Gorakhpur
64&dq'khuxj 0 0 0 0 0 0 KushiNagar
65&nsofj;k 2 4 0 2 3 11 Deoria
xksj[kiqj e.My 5 11 0 6 4 26 GorakhpurDivision
66&vktex<+ 7 4 0 1 1 13 Azamgarh
67&eÅ 3 4 0 1 7 15 Mau
68&cfy;k 2 6 0 5 3 16 Ballia
vktex<+ e.My 12 14 0 7 11 44 Azamgarh Division
69&tkSuiqj 7 11 0 1 0 19 Jaunpur
70&xkthiqj 4 5 0 2 1 12 Ghazipur
71&pUnkSyh 1 5 0 1 0 7 Chandauli
72&okjk.klh 2 1 0 0 3 6 Varanasi
okjk.klh e.My 14 22 0 4 4 44 Varanasi Division
73&larjfonkl uxj 1 0 0 0 0 1 SantravidasNagar
74&fetkZiqj 3 16 0 3 0 22 Mirzapur
75&lksuHknz 3 1 1 0 0 5 Sonbhadra
foU/;kpy e.My 7 17 1 3 0 28 Vindhyachal Division
1- if'peh lEHkkx 98 201 3 22 51 375 Western Region
2- dsUnzh; lEHkkx 43 114 1 14 10 168 Central Region
3- cqUnsy[k.M lEHkkx 28 38 4 10 2 82 Bundelkhand Region
4- iwohZZ lEHkkx 91 97 4 28 28 240 Eastern Region
mRrj izns'k 260 450 12 74 91 865 Uttar Pradesh

lzksr %ftyk lkWaf[;dh; if=dk Source : Distt.Sankhikiya Patrika

35 & fofo/k

35-3 mRrj izns'k esa vkfFkZd x.kuk] dh izeq[k fo'ks"krk,a

Major Characteristics of Economic Census, in UP.

en xzkeh.k uxjh; ;ksx

Rural Urban Total

1 2 3 4 1
2005 2005

v& d`"kh; m|e A : Agricultural Enterprises

dqy la[;k 231530 25620 257150 Total Number

c& vd`"kh; m|e B : Non Agricultural Enterprises

dqy la[;k 1973363 1790097 3763460 Total Number

l& leLr m|e 2012 C : All Enterprises 2012

v& d`"kh; m|e A : Agricultural Enterprises

dqy la[;k 1367202 78135 1445337 Total Number

c& vd`"kh; m|e B : Non Agricultural Enterprises

dqy la[;k 2791753 2446815 5238568 Total Number

1&dqy la[;k 4158955 2524950 6683905 1- Total Number

2&lkekU;r% dk;Zjr O;fDr 7953379 6164673 14118052 2- Normally working person
3- voSrfud dk;Zjr O;fDr 5872311 3242929 9115240 3- Non hired working person

lzksr %& vkfFkZd x.kuk m0iz0] 2005/2012 Source : Economic Census UP., 2005/2012

35 & fofo/k
35-4 m0iz0 esa dh vkfFkZd x.kuk ds vuqlkj pqus gq, m|eksa dsz ftysokj vkadM+s
Districtwise Selected Statistics Relating to Enterprises According to Economic Census of UP.

lkekU;r% dk;Zjr voSrfud dk;Zjr

d`"kh; m|eksa vd`"kh; m|eksa ;ksx
O;fDr;ksa dh O;fDr;ksa dh
dh la[;k dh la[;k 2012
la[;k la[;k
tuin District
No. of No. of Non Total No. of Normally No. of Non hired
Agricultural Agricultural 2012 working person working person
Enterprises Enterprises 2012 2012

1 2 3 4 5 1
1-lgkjuiqj 27678 115718 143396 290967 164885
2-eqtQ~Qjuxj 10475 114704 125179 254009 154154 Muzaffar Nagar
3-'kkeyh .. .. .. ** ** Shamli
4-fctukSj 24922 109822 134744 279786 177083 Bijnor
5-eqjknkckn 79943 162398 242341 480870 351871 Moradabad
6-laHky ** ** ** ** ** Sambhal
7-jkeiqj 10512 85868 96380 179202 121531 Rampur
8-vejksgk 75547 61039 136586 289413 233997 Amroha
9-esjB 96950 154121 251071 491840 351599 Meerut
10-ckxir 14489 33092 47581 92698 64518 Bagapat
11-xkft;kckn 27790 173833 201623 465158 255254 Ghaziabad
12-gkiqqM+ ** ** ** .. .. Hapur
13-xkSrecq) uxj 11588 59791 71379 629146 86781 G. buddh Nagar
14-cqyUn'kgj 159557 100633 260190 554143 468168 Bulandshahr
15-eFkqjk 13240 55253 68493 138604 88907 Mathura
16-vkxjk 64092 155491 219583 513784 323456 Agra
17-fQjkstkckn 18 68322 68340 211695 88180 Firozabad
18-eSuiqjh 10922 39646 50568 86664 56687 Mainpuri
19-vyhx<+ 124317 101706 226023 482614 389225 Aligarh
20&gkFkjl 5872 54644 60516 154330 120994 Hathras
21-,Vk 32122 38150 70272 141038 104571 Etah
22-dklxat 45492 32838 78330 136892 110630 Kasganj
23-cnk;wW 121005 96238 217243 425938 358573 Badaun
24-cjsyh 44864 217176 262040 516076 380994 Bareilly
25-ihyhHkhr 15484 67352 82836 155337 105572 Pilibhit
26-'kkgtgkWiqj 5833 74494 80327 158778 99780 Shahjahanpur
27-[khjh 2332 71050 73382 133860 84928 kheri

35 & fofo/k

35-4 m0iz0 esa dh vkfFkZd x.kuk ds vuqlkj pqus gq, m|eksa ds ftysokj vkadM+s
Districtwise Selected Statistics Relating to Enterprises According to Economic Census of UP.
d`"kh; vd`"kh; ;ksx lkekU;r% dk;Zjr voSrfud dk;Zjr
m|eksa dh m|eksa dh 2012 O;fDr;ksa dh O;fDr;ksa dh
la[;k la[;k la[;k la[;k
tuin District

No. of No. of Non Total No. of Normally No. of Non hired

Agricultural Agricultural 2012 working person working person
Enterprises Enterprises 2012 2012
1 2 3 4 5 6 1
28-lhrkiqj 2795 103092 105887 216077 139153 Sitapur
29-gjnksbZ 3343 81641 84984 168263 108571 Hardoi
30-mUuko 1662 54126 55788 105821 68359 Unnao
31-y[kuÅ 25945 205960 231905 535358 309769 Lucknow
32+-jk;cjsyh 5178 64069 69247 135137 85246 Raebareli
33-Q:Z[kkckn 2474 39459 41933 88779 54610 Farrukhabad
34-dUukSt 1433 39770 41203 79412 49279 Kannauj
35-bVkok 44042 44265 88307 147227 115008 Etawah
36-vkSjS;k 5957 26338 32295 57262 38180 Auraiya
37-dkuiqj nsgkr 18757 31261 50018 102140 61461 Kanpur Dehat
38-dkuiqj uxj 44296 157010 201306 493343 256352 Kanpur Nagar
39-tkykSu 16056 45767 61823 104191 75165 Jalaun
40->kWlh 1746 57119 58865 108464 65637 Jhansi
41-yfyriqj 516 24490 25006 49083 28451 Lalitpur
42-gehjiqj 501 21491 21992 43464 27808 Hamirpur
43-egksck 2090 20766 22856 42709 28417 Mahoba
44-ckWnk 2711 31759 34470 76791 40657 Banda
45-fp=dwV 63 15083 15146 29169 17011 Chitrakut
46-Qrsgiqj 30512 61689 92201 176201 125876 Fatehpur
47-izrkix<+ 4514 55454 59968 118263 71478 Pratapgarh
48-dkS'kkEch 1051 34579 35630 68742 43398 Kaushambi
49-iz;kxjkt 25656 197935 223591 394947 286201 Prayagraj
vuqc)------- Contd…….

35 & fofo/k

35-4 m0iz0 esa dh vkfFkZd x.kuk ds vuqlkj pqus gq, m|eksa dsz ftysokj vkadM+s

Districtwise Selected Statistics Relating to Enterprises According to Economic Census of UP.

d`"kh; m|eksa dh vd`"kh; ;ksx lkekU;r%dk;Zjr voSrfud
la[;k m|eksa dh 2012 O;fDr;ksa dh dk;Zjr
la[;k la[;k 2012 O;fDr;ksa dh
tuin la[;k 2012 District
No. of No. of Non Total No. of Normally No. of Non hired
Agricultural Agricultural 2012 working person working person
Enterprises Enterprises 2012 2012

1 2 3 4 5 6 1
50-ckjkcadh 2537 75346 77883 153835 106356 Barabanki
51-v;ks/;k 2083 52319 54402 105644 63493 Ayodhya
52-vXcsMdjuxj 1063 51321 52384 103666 67329 Ambedkarnagar
53-lqyrkuiqj 8039 76287 84326 199337 103665 Sultanpur
54-vesBh ** ** ** ** ** Amethi
55-cgjkbp 3150 50019 53169 103191 61565 Bahraich
56-JkoLrh 1673 15821 17494 32153 20981 Shravasti
57-cyjkeiqj 1075 35311 36386 64243 41486 Balrampur
58-xks.Mk 1478 47749 49227 90798 57965 Gonda
59-fl)kFkZuxj 8353 49440 57793 99316 67716 Sidarthnagar
60-cLrh 1774 49942 51716 120001 64741 Basti
61-lardchjuxj 10137 52999 63136 100862 78977 Santkabirnagar
62-egjktxat 15664 59201 74865 129098 95526 Mahrajganj
63-xksj[kiqj 22998 109162 132160 270651 166956 Gorakhpur
64-dq'khuxj 4533 67310 71843 130575 88908 Kushinagar
65-nsofj;k 7162 72150 79312 136192 90367 Deoria
66-vktex<+ 24331 101779 126110 226715 168998 Azamgarh
67-eÅ 2515 70502 73017 160750 119138 Mau
68-cfy;k 7112 77931 85043 188684 103922 Ballia
69-tkSuiqj 14011 90911 104922 195866 131352 Jaunpur
70-xkthiqj 20904 79911 100815 186479 132575 Ghazipur
71-pUnkSyh 2419 34815 37234 70607 47269 Chandauli
72-okjk.klh 7174 136929 144103 326318 216981 Varanasi
73-larjfonkl uxj 1692 41903 43595 116406 64559 Santravidasnagar
74-fetkZiqj 6281 53850 60131 130979 80673 Mirzapur
75-lksuHknz 837 29158 29995 72001 35317 Sonbhadra
mRrj izns'k 1445337 5238568 6683905 14118052 9115240 Uttar pradesh
** ekr` tuin esa lfEefyr ** Included in Mother District

lzkrs %& vkfFkZd x.kuk m0iz0 ] 2005@2012 Source : Economic Census UP. , 2005/2012

35& fofo/k / Miscellaneous
35-5 m0iz0 esa ftysokj flusek?kjksa rFkk euksjatu dj ,oa ckthdj ls vk;
Districtwise No. of Cinema Houses, Income From Entertainment Tax & Betting Tax in UP.
¼vk; gtkj :0 esa½ (Income in 000 Rs)
LFkk;h flusek?kj ¼eYVhIysDl½ euksjatu dj ls vk; dqy vk;
@Permanent Cinema (Multiplex)
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= la[;k@Ldzhu cSBus dk LFkku Income From Total Income Year/District/Division / Region
Number/ Screen Seating Capacity Entertainment Tax

1 2 3 4 5 1
2011-12 656 419063 1518829 3124534 2011-12
2013-14 571 314024 2170772 3017154 2013-14
2014-15 574 308223 2014988 3098587 2014-15
2015-16 550 299439 2273619 3479981 2015-16
2016-17 540 282234 22259.14 36498.06 2016-17
2017-18 513 225308 7487.54 11733.4 2017-18
2018-19 526 213400 ** ** 2018-19
2019-20 553 207733 ** ** 2019-20
2020-21 437 139595 ** ** 2020-21
1&lgkjuiqj 12 4373 ** ** Saharanpur
2&eqtQ~Qjuxj 6 1559 ** ** MuzaffarNagar
3&'kkeyh 0 0 ** ** Shamli
lgkjuiqj e.My 18 5932 ** ** Saharanpur Division
4&fctukSj 6 1948 ** ** Bijnor
5&eqjknkckn 12 4885 ** ** Moradabad
6&laHky 0 0 ** ** Sambhal
7&jkeiqj 4 1155 ** ** Rampur
8&vejksgk 2 719 ** ** Amroha
eqjknkckn e.My 24 8707 ** ** Moradabad Division
9&esjB 14 5791 ** ** Meerut
10&ckxir 2 491 ** ** Bagapat
11&xkft;kckn 60 17818 ** ** Ghaziabad
12&gkiqqM+ 5 1078 ** ** Hapur
13&xkSrecq) uxj 75 15255 ** ** GautambuddhNagar
14&cqyUn'kgj 7 3761 ** ** Bulandshahr
esjB e.My 163 44194 ** ** Meerut Division
15&eFkqjk 4 687 ** ** Mathura
16&vkxjk 24 11412 ** ** Agra
17&fQjkstkckn 2 1996 ** ** Firozabad
18&eSuiqjh 0 0 ** ** Mainpuri
vkxjk e.My 30 14095 ** ** Agra Div.
19&vyhx<+ 10 3255 ** ** Aligarh
20&gkFkjl 0 0 ** ** Hathras
21&,Vk 0 0 ** ** Etah
22&dklxat 2 1138 ** ** Kasganj
vyhx<+ e.My 12 4393 ** ** Aligarh Div.
vuqc)------ Contd…

35& fofo/k / Miscellaneous
35-5 m0iz0 esa ftysokj flusek?kjksa rFkk euksjt
a u dj ,oa ckthdj ls vk;
Districtwise No. of Cinema Houses, Income From Entertainment Tax & Betting Tax in UP.
¼vk; gtkj :0 esa½ (Income in 000 Rs)
LFkk;h flusek?kj ¼eYVhIysDl½@ euksjatu dj ls vk; dqy vk;
Permanent Cinema (Multiplex)
o"kZ@ftyk@ la[;k@Ldzhu cSBus dk LFkku Income From Total Income
e.My@{ks= Entertainment Tax
Number/ Screen Seating Capacity

1 2 3 4 5 1
23&cnk;wW 2 766 ** ** Badaun
24&cjsyh 9 3555 ** ** Bareilly
25&ihyhHkhr 0 0 ** ** Pilibhit
26&'kkgtgkWiqj 0 0 ** ** Shahjahanpur
cjsyh e.My 11 4321 ** ** Bareilly Division
27&[khjh 3 1227 ** ** kheri
28&lhrkiqj 3 426 ** ** Sitapur
29&gjnksbZ 1 510 ** ** Hardoi
30&mUuko 1 490 ** ** Unnao
31&y[kuÅ 67 17721 ** ** Lucknow
32&jk;cjsyh 1 447 ** ** Raebareli
y[kuÅ e.My 76 20821 ** ** Lucknow Division
33&Q:Z[kkckn 3 618 ** ** Farrukhabad
34&dUukSt 0 0 ** ** Kannauj
35&bVkok 0 0 ** ** Etawah
36&vkSjS;k 0 0 ** ** Auraiya
37&dkuiqj nsgkr 0 0 ** ** Kanpur Dehat
38&dkuiqj uxj 30 13857 ** ** Kanpur Nagar
dkuiqj e.My 33 14475 ** ** Kanpur Division
39&tkykSu 0 0 ** ** Jalaun
40&>kWlh 3 561 ** ** Jhansi
41&yfyriqj 0 0 ** ** Lalitpur
>kWlh e.My 3 561 ** ** Jhansi Division
42&gehjiqj 0 0 ** ** Hamirpur
43&egksck 0 0 ** ** Mahoba
44&ckWnk 0 0 ** ** Banda
45&fp=dwV 0 0 ** ** Chitrakoot
fp=dwV /kke e.My 0 0 ** ** Chitrakoot Dham Div.
46&Qrsgiqj 3 1434 ** ** Fatehpur
47&izrkix<+ 1 239 ** ** Pratapgarh
48&dkS'kkEch 0 0 ** ** Kaushambi
49&iz;kxjkt 13 4398 ** ** Prayagraj
iz;kxjkt e.My 17 6071 ** ** Prayagraj Division
vuqc)------ Contd…

35& fofo/k / Miscellaneous
35-5 m0iz0 esa ftysokj flusek?kjksa rFkk euksjatu dj ,oa ckthdj ls vk;
Districtwise No. of Cinema Houses, Income From Entertainment Tax & Betting Tax in UP.
¼vk; gtkj :0 esa½ (Income in 000 Rs)
LFkk;h flusek?kj ¼eYVhIysDl½ @ euksjatu dj ls vk; dqy vk;
Permanent Cinema (Multiplex)
o"kZ@ftyk@e.My@{ks= la[;k@Ldzhu cSBus dkLFkku Income From Total Income Year/District/Division / Region
Entertainment Tax
Number/Screen Seating Capacity

1 2 3 4 5 1
50&ckjkcadh 0 0 - - Barabanki
51&v;ks/;k 0 0 ** ** Ayodhya
52&vEcsMdjuxj 0 0 ** ** AmbedkarNagar
53&lqYrkuiqj 2 190 ** ** Sultanpur
54&vesBh 0 0 ** ** Amethi
v;ks/;k e.My 2 190 ** ** Ayodhya Division
55&cgjkbp 2 411 ** ** Bahraich
56&JkoLrh 0 0 ** ** Shrawasti
57&cyjkeiqj 1 200 ** ** Balrampur
58&xks.Mk 2 434 ** ** Gonda
nsohikVu e.My 5 1045 ** ** Devipatan Division
59&fl)kFkZuxj 0 0 ** ** SiddharthNagar
60&cLrh 1 323 ** ** Basti
61&lardchjuxj 1 616 ** ** SantkabirNagar
cLrh e.My 2 939 ** ** Basti Division
62&egjktxat 0 0 ** ** Maharajganj
63&xksj[kiqj 19 5265 ** ** Gorakhpur
64&dq'khuxj 0 0 ** ** KushiNagar
65&nsofj;k 2 823 ** ** Deoria
xksj[kiqj e.My 21 6088 ** ** GorakhpurDivision
66&vktex<+ 1 222 ** ** Azamgarh
67&eÅ 0 0 ** ** Mau
68&cfy;k 0 0 ** ** Ballia
vktex<+ e.My 1 222 ** ** Azamgarh Division
69&tkSuiqj 0 0 ** ** Jaunpur
70&xkthiqj 0 0 ** ** Ghazipur
71&pUnkSyh 3 1222 ** ** Chandauli
72&okjk.klh 13 5872 ** ** Varanasi
okjk.klh e.My 16 7094 ** ** Varanasi Division
73&larjfonkl uxj 0 0 ** ** SantravidasNagar
74&fetkZiqj 3 447 ** ** Mirzapur
75&lksuHknz 0 0 ** ** Sonbhadra
foU/;kpy e.My 3 447 ** ** Vindhyachal Division
1- if'peh lEHkkx 261 82260 ** ** Western Region
2- dsUnzh; lEHkkx 109 36112 ** ** Central Region
3- cqUnsy[k.M lEHkkx 3 561 ** ** Bundelkhand Region
4- iwohZZ lEHkkx 64 20662 ** ** Eastern Region
mRrj izns'k 437 139595 ** ** Uttar Pradesh

uksV& ** fnukad 01-07-2017 ls iwjs ns'k esa th0,l0Vh ykxw gksus ds mijkUr euksjatu dj th0,l0Vh0 esa lekfgr gks x;k gS]rFkk o"kZ
2017&18 dh vk; esa ekg twu rd dk gh euksjatu dj lfEekfyr gS ,oa 'kklu dh vf/klwpuk fnukad 24&04&2018 ds ek/;e ls
euksjatu dj foHkkx dk lafofy;u okf.kT; dj foHkkx esa gks x;k gSA

Note- ** Entertainment tax is included in G.S.T. on account of G.S.T. system implementated from 01-07-2017. Thus
entertainment tax is included in the revenue for year 2017-18. According to the notification of Govt of u.p. the intertainment
tax deptt. Is merged in commercial tax department w.e.f. date 24-04-2018.
lzksr& okf.kT; dj vk;qDr] m0iz0A Source : Commercial Tax Commissioner, UP.

35 & fofo/k


35.6& mRrj izns'k esa tuinokj dk;Zjr lSfud] HkwriwoZ lSfud ,oa okjfoMkst dh la[;k] &2021
35.6 -District Wise Number of Serving Soldiers,Ex -Servicemen and War Widows -2021 in UP.

HkwriwoZ lSfud okjfoMkst

tuin Ex -Servicemen War Widows District
1 2 3 1
1-lgkjuiqj 3562 764 Saharanpur
2-eqt¶Qjuxj 4183 662 Muzaffarnagar

3-'kkeyh 3116 257 Shamli

4-fctukSj 2034 497 Bijnor

5-eqjknkckn 1233 572 Moradabad

6-lEHky 892 346 Sambhal

7-jkeiqj 1663 828 Rampur

8-vejksgk 955 136 Amroha
9-esjB 13096 2358 Meerut

10-ckxir 8422 1456 Baghpat

11-xkft;kckn 6067 1262 Ghaziabad

12-gkiqqM+ 4229 1005 Hapur

13-xkSrecq)uxj 8546 930 Gautam Buddha Nagar

14-cqyUn'kgj 26387 4866 Bulandshahar
15-vyhx<+ 8770 1062 Aligarh

16-gkFkjl 6363 1011 Hathras

17-eFkqjk 9477 1476 Mathura
18-vkxjk 14248 1700 Agra

19-fQjkstkckn 5782 1084 Firozabad

20-,Vk 10187 1330 Etah

21-dklxat 581 99 Kasganj

22-eSuiqjh 8744 2775 Mainpuri

23-cnk;wa 2845 555 Budaun

24-cjsyh 8806 1537 Bareilly
vuqc) ---------- Contd…

35 & fofo/k


35.6& mRrj izns'k esa tuinokj dk;Zjr lSfud] HkwriwoZ lSfud ,oa okjfoMkst dh la[;k] &2021
35.6 -District Wise Number of Serving Soldiers,Ex -Servicemen and War Widows -2021 in UP.

HkwriwoZ lSfud okjfoMkst

tuin Ex -Servicemen War Widows District
1 2 3 1
25-ihyhHkhr 1305 647 Pilibhit
26-'kkgtgkaijq 2541 828 Shahjahanpur
27-[khjh 2077 56 Kheri
28-lhrkiqj 1175 276 Sitapur
29-gjnksbZ 4388 1055 Hardoi
30-mUuko 3518 695 Unnao
31-y[kuÅ 25330 2574 Lucknow
32jk;cjsyh 6751 1383 Rae Bareli
33+-vesBh 2556 535 Amethi
34Q:Z[kkckn 7666 1702 Farrukhabad
35-dUukSt 3464 615 Kannauj
36-bVkok 7069 1341 Etawah
37-vkSjs;k 3838 760 Auraiya
38-dkuiqj nsgkr 5033 745 Kanpur Dehat
39-dkuiqj uxj 13137 1716 Kanpur Nagar
40-tkykSu 3518 920 Jalaun
41->kalh 1983 448 Jhansi
42-yfyriqj 154 28 Lalitpur
43-gehjiqj 1631 263 Hamirpur
44-egksck 310 53 Mahoba
45-ckank 2937 459 Banda
46-fp=dwV 753 101 Chitrakoot
47-Qrsgiqj 6205 746 Fatehpur
48-izrkix<+ 5963 897 Pratapgarh
49-dkS'kkEch 1255 146 Kaushambi
50-iz;kxjkt 7941 1152 Prayagraj
vuqc) ---------- Contd…

35 & fofo/k


35.6& mRrj izns'k esa tuinokj dk;Zjr lSfud] HkwriwoZ lSfud ,oa okjfoMkst dh la[;k] &2021
35.6 -District Wise Number of Serving Soldiers,Ex -Servicemen and War Widows -2021 in UP.

HkwriwoZ lSfud okjfoMkst

tuin Ex -Servicemen War Widows District
1 2 3 1
51-ckjkcadh 1598 651 Barabanki
52-v;ks/;k 4620 1341 Ayodhya
53-vEcsMdjuxj 1261 235 Ambedkar Nagar
54-lqYrkuiqj 5884 1768 Sultanpur
55-cgjkbp 437 107 Bahraich
56-JkoLrh 134 27 Shrawasti
57-cyjkeiqj 246 111 Balrampur
58-xks.Mk 2689 528 Gonda
59-fl)kFkZuxj 614 170 Siddharth Nagar
60-cLrh 2246 443 Basti
61-lUrdchjuxj 887 143 Sant Kabir Nagar
62-egkjktxat 1094 264 Mahrajganj
63-xksj[kiqj 6252 1024 Gorakhpur
64-dq'khuxj 9138 534 Kushinagar
65-nsofj;k 6027 1034 Deoria
66-vktex<+ 6071 583 Azamgarh
67-eÅ 4650 474 Mau
68-cfy;k 13334 2982 Ballia
69-tkSuiqj 2916 330 Jaunpur
70-xkthiqj 27654 3110 Ghazipur
71-pUnkSyh 2237 133 Chandauli
72-okjk.klh 6706 625 Varanasi
73-lUrjfonkluxj 321 39 Sant Ravidas Nagar
74-fetkZiqj 1636 125 Mirzapur
75-lksuHknz 280 8 Sonbhadra
mRrj izns'k 391618 65498 Uttar Pradesh
lzksr& funs'kd] lSfud dY;k.k] m0iz0A
Source : Director ,Sanik Welfare, UP.

Hkkx&4&O;k[;kRed fVIi.kh
tula[;k 1&{ks=Qy ,oa tula[;k
bl vuqHkkx ds vUrxZr Hkkjrh; tux.kuk ds miyC/k vkadM+ksa dk lkj fofHkUu
oxhZdj.k ds vuqlkj 17 rkfydkvksa esa izLrqr fd;k x;k gSA tux.kuk ds vkadM+as
eq[;r;k xzkeh.k ,oa uxjh; {ks=ksa ds i`Fkd&i`Fkd fn;s tkrs gSaA tux.kuk 2011 esa
xzkeh.k ,oa uxjh; {ks=ksa ds fy, viuk;h x;h ifjHkk"kk fuEu izdkj gSA

1&xzkeh.k {ks=&
xzkeh.k {ks= dk vk/kkj bdkbZ jktLo xzke gS] ftudh fuf'pr lhek;sa gksrh gSa A
2&uxjh; {ks=&
tux.kuk 2001 ,oa 2011 esa fdlh LFkku dks uxjh; ekuus ds fy, fuEu
ekin.M viuk;s x;s%&
¼d½lHkh lkafof/kd uxj vFkZkr~ uxj fuxe@egkikfydk] uxj ikfydk] Nkouh
ifj"kn] vf/klwfpr uxj {ks= lfefr lfgr lHkh LFkku A
¼[k½vU; LFkku tks fuEu rhu 'krsZ lkFk&2 iwjh djrs gSa%&
¼1½de ls de 5]000 tula[;k
¼2½ dk;Zjr iq:"k tula[;k de ls de 75 izfr'kr xSj&d`f"k dk;ksZa esa dk;Zjr
¼3½tula[;k dk ?kuRo de ls de 400 izfroxZ fdyksehVj ;k 1000 izfroxZ ehy
rkfydk 1-1
bl rkfydk esa 1901 ls 2011 rd dh mRrj izns'k dh tula[;k dh izo`fRr
n'kd vUrj ds lkFk n'kkZ;h x;h gSA tula[;k dk uxjh;] xzkeh.k ,oa iq:"k] L=h
foHkktu Hkh fn;k x;k gS A
rkfydk 1-2
bl rkfydk esa mRrj izn's k ds ftyksa dk {ks=Qy 2001 rFkk 2011 dh tula[;k
dks fyaxkuqlkj rFkk xzkeh.k ,oa uxjh; {ks=okj izLrqr fd;k x;k gS A rkfydk esa iz;qDr
ftyksa dk {ks=Qy tux.kuk ls fy;k x;k gSA lEcfU/kr {ks=Qy ds vkadM+ksa dks
fudVre iw.kkZad esa vafdr fd;k x;k gSA
rkfydk 1-3 o 1-4
bu rkfydkvksa esa dze'k% vuqlwfpr tkfr ,oa vuqlwfpr tutkfr ds 2011 ds
vkadM+as fyaxkuqlkj xzkeh.k ,oa uxjh; i`Fkd&i~Fkd izLrqr fd;s x;s gSa A vuqlwfpr tkfr
,oa vuqlwfpr tutkfr dk dqy tula[;k ls izfr'kr Hkh n'kkZ;k x;k gS A
rkfydk 1-5
bl rkfydk esa mRrj izn's k esa tux.kuk o"kZ 1961] 1971] 1981] 1991] 2001
rFkk 2011 ds ftysokj tula[;k ds vkadMka+s rFkk 1961&71] 1971&81] 1981&91]
1991&2001 o 2001&2011 esa izfr'kr n'kd vUrj dks Hkh iznf'kZr fd;k x;k gSA
rkfydk 1-6
bl rkfydk esa mRrj izn's k ds ftyksa esa 1991] 2001 rFkk 2011 dh tux.kuk ds
vuqlkj vkckn ,oa xSj vkckn xzke ,oa uxjksa dh la[;k dks izLrqr fd;k x;k gsSA

rkfydk 1-7
bl rkfydk ds vUrxZr 2011 dh tux.kuk ds vk/kkj ij fuEu 6 tula[;k
oxksZa ds vuqlkj vkckn xzkeksa dh ftysokj la[;k ,oa mudh tula[;k dks izLrqr fd;k
x;k gS A
¼1½200 ls de
¼6½5000 vkSj vf/kd
tula[;k oxZ 1000&1999 esa xzkeksa dh la[;k lokZf/kd gS mlds ckn tula[;k vkdkj
oxZ 500&999 dk LFkku gSA 5000 o blls vf/kd tula[;k okys xzkeksa dh la[;k lcls
de gSA

mRrj izns'k esa 2011 dh tux.kuk ds vuqlkj izFke Js.kh ds uxjksa dh la[;k
64 ]f}rh; Js.kh ds 62 rFkk r`rh; Js.kh ds uxjksa dh la[;k 237 gSA uxj ,oa uxj
lewgksa dh 2011 dh tula[;k rFkk tula[;k esa n'kd vUrj vkSj mDr izfr'kr
¼2001&2011½ mUgh uxjksa esa fn;s x;s gSa ftudh tula[;k 2011 dh tux.kuk ds
vuqlkj 20]000 vFkok vf/kd gSA tux.kuk ds vuqlkj uxj ,oa uxj lewgksa dk
oxhZdj.k fuEu Jsf.k;ksa esa fd;k x;k gSA
1&izFke Js.kh &,d yk[k ;k blls vf/kd tula[;k okys uxj@uxj lewg
2&f}rh; Js.kh&50]000 ls 99999 ** **
3&r`rh; Js.kh& 20]000 ls 49]999 ** **
rkfydk 1-8 esa dsoy izFke] f}rh; ,oa r`rh; Js.kh ds uxj@uxj lewgksa dks lfEefyr
fd;k x;k gSA
2001 dh tux.kuk esa ^^uxj lewg** ds fy, viuk;h xbZ ladYiuk fuEuor~ gS%&
1& ckg~; foLrkj ds lkFk ,slk 'kgj ;k dLck] ftldk ckg~; foLrkj lkafokf/kd
lhek ds ckgj gks] ijUrq xzke ;k xzkeksa dh lhekvksa ds vUrxZr vkrk gksA
2&vius ckg~; foLrkj lfgr nks ;k mlls vf/kd dLcsA
3&vius ckg~; foLrkj ds lkFk ,d ;k mlls vf/kd dLcksa okyk] ,slk 'kgj
ftlds lHkh ckg~; foLrkj vkil esa tqM+s gSA
rkfydk 1-9
bl rkfydk esa 2011 dh tula[;k dk ftysokj vkfFkZd oxhZdj.k izLrqr fd;k
x;k gS ftlds vUrxZr eq[; deZdjksa] lhekUr deZdjksa ,oa dk;Z u djus okyksa dks
xzkeh.k ,oa uxjh; {ks=kuqlkj i`Fkd&i`Fkd fn[kk;k x;k gSA
rkfydk 1-10
bl rkfydk ds vUrxZr tux.kuk 2011 ds eq[; deZdjks]a lhekUr deZdjksa ,oa
dk;Z u djus okyksa dk ftysokj fyaxkuqlkj fooj.k fn;k x;k gSA eq[; deZdjksa dk dqy
tula[;k ls ftysokj izfr'kr Hkh n'kkZ;k x;k gSA

rkfydk 1-11
bl rkfydk ds vUrxZr tux.kuk 2011 ds eq[; deZdjksa dk vkS|ksfxd Jsf.k;ksa
esa ftysokj fooj.k fn;k x;k gS] ftlds vUrxZr d`"kd] d`f"k etnwj] ikfjokfjd m|ksxksa
esa yxs deZdjksa rFkk vU; deZdj dks i`Fkd&i`Fkd fn[kk;k x;k gSA
rkfydk 1-12
bl rkfydk esa mRrj izn's k dh 2011 dh tux.kuk ds vuqlkj dqy tula[;k
,oa 2001 ds vuqlkj dqy eq[; deZdjksa dks fyaxkuqlkj 5&14] 15&19] 20&24] 25&29]
30&34] 35&39] 40&49] 50&59] 60&69]70&79 ,oa 80 o vf/kd ,oa vk;q ugha crk;h
x;h vk;q oxksZa esa oxhZd`r fd;k x;k gSA
rkfydk 1-13
rkfydk esa /kekZuqlkj ftysokj tula[;k nh x;h gSA blds vUrxZr 2011 dh
tux.kuk ds vk/kkj ij fgUnw] eqfLye] fl[k] blkbZ] ckS) ,oa tSu /keksZ ds /kekZoyfEc;ksa
dh i`Fkd&i`Fkd tula[;k ftysokj nh x;h gSA
rkfydk 1-14
blds vUrxZr Hkkjr ds leLr jkT;ksa rFkk dsUnz 'kkflr izns'kksa dk tux.kuk
2011 ds vuqlkj {ks=Qy rFkk tux.kuk 2011 dh tula[;k ds lkFk&lkFk izfr'kr
n'kd vUrj] fyaxkuqikr tux.kuk 2011 ds vuqlkj ,oa uxjh; tula[;k dk izfr'kr]
lk{kjrk nj rFkk vuqlwfpr tkfr@vuqlwfpr tutkfr dk izfr'kr tux.kuk 2011 ds
vuqlkj fn;k x;k gSA
rkfydk 1-15
tux.kuk 2011 ds vuqlkj bl rkfydk esa mRrj izns'k ds leLr ftyksa esa
xzkeh.k ,oa uxjh; {ks=okj ,oa fyaxkuqlkj lk{kjksa dh la[;k nh x;h gSA lk{kj tula[;k
dk dqy tula[;k ls ftysokj izfr'kr Hkh rkfydk esa lfEefyr fd;k x;k gSA
rkfydk 1-16 o 1-17
bu rkfydkvksa esa dze'k% vuqlwfpr tkfr ,oa vuqlwfpr tutkfr;ksa dhs xzkeh.k
,oa uxjh; {ks=okj ,oa fyaxkuqlkj lk{kjksa dh la[;k ftysokj nh x;h gSA vuqlwfpr
tkfr ,oa vuqlwfpr tu tkfr ds lk{kjksa dk vuqlwfpr tkfr ,oa vuqlwfpr tu&tkfr
dh dqy tula[;k ls izfr'kr Hkh fn;k x;k gSA
Area and Population

This section includes available data abstract of census of India and presented
in 17 tables according to different classification. Census data have been presented
for rural and urban areas separately. The definition adopted for rural and urban
areas in 2011 is as below:-
1 - Rural Areas
The basic unit for the rural areas is the revenue village which has definite
2- Urban Areas
The following criteria were adopted for treating a place as urban area.
(a) All statutory towns i.e. all places with a municipal corporation, cantonment
board or Notified town-area committee etc.
(b) A place satisfying the following three criteria simualtaneously.
(i) A minimum population of 5,000

(ii) Seventy five percent of male working population engaged in Non-
Agricultural activities and
(III) A density of population at least 400 per Sq. Km.or 1000 per sq. mile.
Table 1.1
This table shows the trend of population with decadal growth since 1901 to
2011. The sexwise population for rural and urban areas seperately has also been
Table 1.2
This table includes the district wise area and sexwise population of 2011
census for rural and urban areas separately. The area used in the table have been
taken from census. Area figures are rounded off to the nearest integer.

Table 1.3 and 1. 4

District wise scheduled caste and scheduled tribes population for rural and
urban area and sexwise have been given in these table respectively. The percentage
of scheduled castes and scheduled tribes population to their corresponding total
population have also been provided.
Table 1.5
This table includes the district wise population data for 1961, 1971
1981,1991,2001 and 2011 census and also provide the as percentage of decadal
variation for the four decades i.e. 1961-71, 1971-81, 1981-91, 1991-2001 and
Table 1.6
District wise number of inhabited and uninhabited villages and number of
towns have been given in this table according to 1991, 2001 and 2011 census.
Table 1.7
This table gives the district wise number of inhabited villages and their
population by the following six population ranges:
(i) Less than 200
(ii) 200 - 499
(iii) 500 -999
(iv) 1000 - 1999
(v) 2000 - 4999
(vi) 5000 and above
Largest number of villages falls in the population range 1000-1999 followed
by population range 500-999. The minimum number of villages comes in population
range 5000 and above.

Table 1.8
According to 2011 census the total number of towns are 63 inclass-I, 62
inclass-II, and 237 inclass-III. This table provides population data as per 2011
census along with decadal variations and their percentage (2001-2011) of main
towns only whose; population as per 2011 census is 20,000 or above.
As per 2011 census the towns/urban agglomerations are classified in to following
(1) Class I-Towns/Urban agglomerations with population 1,00,000 or above.
(2) Class II- " " " " 50,000-99,999
(3) Class-III " " " " 20,000-49,999
Thus table 1.8 includes only towns/urban agglomerations belonging to class I, II and
III only. The concept of urban agglomeration adopted in 2001 census constitutes:

(1) A city or town with contiguous outgrowth (s) the out growth being outside the statutory
limits but falling within the boundaries of adjoining village or villages,or(2) Two or more
adjoining towns with their outgrowth (s) or (3) A city adjoining one or more towns with
their outgrowths.
Table 1.9
District wise economic classification of 2011 population has been given in this
table, which includes main workers, marginal workers and Non-workers for rural and
urban areas separately.
Table 1.10
This table shows the district wise and sexwise distribution of main workers,
marginal workers and Non-workers. It also provides the percentage of main workers
to total population.

Table 1.11
This table provides district wise industrial classification of main workers into (i)
cultivators, (ii) Agriculture Labourers and (iii) workers in household Industry and (iv)
other workers.
Table 1.12
This table gives the total population 2011 and total workers for 2001 census
by sex in the age group:-
5-14 15-19
20-24 25-29
30-34 35-39
40-49 50-59
60-69 70-79
80 and above ANS (age not states)
Table 1.13
This table gives the district wise population by religion as per 2011 census. It
includes the separate figures for Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Sikkhs, Buddhists and
Table 1.14
This table gives the area according to 2011 and population according to 2011
and 2011 as per census for all the States and Union territories of India, percentage
decadal variation. sex ratio urbanisation are according to 2011 census and literacy
rate with percentege of S.C / S.T population have also been furnished in this table
for census 2011.
Table 1.15
This table shows the literate persons by sex and Status for each district of the
State separately. It also indicates the percentage of literate persons to total
population by district.
Table 1.16 & 1.17
This table provides the population of literate persons among scheduled castes
and scheduled tribes respectively by sex for each district of the State. It also
provides the percentage of literate persons belonging to scheduled caste and
scheduled tribes population for each district separately.

2&i;kZoj.k lkaf[;dh
bl mi[k.M esa o"kkZ ,oa rkieku ds uohure miyC/k vkadM+sa izLrqr fd;s x;s gSaA
¼1½ o"kkZ%&
bl izdk'ku esa o"kkZ ls lEcfU/kr vkadM+ksa dh nks rkfydk;sa 2-1 rFkk 2-2 nh x;h
gSArkfydk 2-1 gsrq ftysokj o"kZ 2020 rd ekgokj o"kkZ ds vkadM+as izkIr fd;s x;s gSaA
bl izdkj ls izkIr fd;s x;s vkadM+ksa ds vk/kkj ij izR;sd ftys ,oa 12 ekg dk
i`Fkd&i`Fkd iapo"khZ; ekfld vkSlr fudkydj bl rkfydk esa izLrqr fd;k x;k gSA
rkfydk 2-2 esa o"kZ 2016 ls 2020 ds ftysokj okLrfod o"kkZ ds vkadM+as fn;s x;s
gSA 2020 dh o"kkZ dk ftysokj =Sekfld forj.k fn;k x;k gSA
o"kkZ dh lwpuk mRrj izns'k ds ftysokj leLr rglhy dsUnz ij izfrfnu vafdr
dh tkrh gS rFkk bl izdkj ls vafdr o"kZ vFkok ekl dh dqy o"kkZ Kkr djds rglhy
dsUnzksa dh la[;k ls bls foHkkftr djds ml vof/k dh ftys dh dqy o"kkZ fudky dj
jktLo ifj"kn }kjk miyC/k djkbZ tkrh gSA bl izdkj o"kkZ ds vkadM+aks ds laxzg dk
vk/kkj bdkbZ ijks{k :i ls jkT; ds leLr rglhy eq[;ky; gSA
izLrqr vad esa uohure miyC/k dys.Mj o"kZ 2018] 2019 ,oa 2020 ds mRrj
izn's k esa dsUnzokj ekfldz mPpre ,oa U;wure rkieku ds vkadM+as 29 ekSle foKku dsUnzksa
ds izLrqr fd;s x;s gaSA rkieku ds vkadM+as Hkkjr ekSle foHkkx dsUnz vekSlh] y[kuÅ ls
izkIr fd;s x;s gSaA
2- Environment Statistics

This section includes the latest available data relating rainfall and
(1) Rainfall
Rainfall data are presented in table number 2.1 and 2.2 of this publication.
The districtwise monthly quinquennial average of rainfall, has been presented in
table number 2.1 for calculation of quinquennial average of rainfall, the monthly data
of actual rainfall of all the districts for monthly to 2020 were collected. The
quinquennial monthly average of rainfall for each district and all the twelve months
were calculated separately and have been presented in table 2.1.
Table 2.2 presents districtwise annual data of actual rainfall for the years,
2016 to 2019. Districtwise quarterly rainfall has also been furnished for the year
2020. In the table daily rainfall is recorded at all the districtwise tehsil headquarters
of the state. The districtwise actual rainfall for a particular year or month is calculated
by adding up total rainfall of all the Tehsil headquarters falling within the district for
that particular period and dividing the same by the number of tehsils of which the
data have been used.The above calculating of annual rainfall for District is done by
board of revenue and provided by him. In this way the base unit for collection of
rainfall.data is tehsil headquarters of the state indirectly.
(2) Temperature
The monthly data of maximum and minimum temperature of all the 29
centres for the latest available year 2018, 2019 & 2020. have been included in the
present volume. The temperature data are collected from Meteorological
Government of India, Amuasi, Lucknow.

3&tUe e`R;q ds vkadM+s
bl vad esa tUe ,oa e`R;q ds vkadM+as lfEefyr djus dk iz;kl fd;k x;k gSa
ijUrq vkadM+ksa dh vuqiyC/krk ds dkj.k vkadM+ksa ds izLrqrhdj.k dk {ks= bl vad esa Hkh
vf/kd O;kid ugha cuk;k tk ldk gSA tUe e`R;q ds vkadM+as rkfydk la[;k 3-1] 3-2] 3-
3 ,oa 3-4 esa izLrqr fd;s x;s gSaA
rkfydk 3-1 esa mRrj izn's k ,oa Hkkjr ds 1971&73 ls 1999&01 rd ds uxjh;
,oa xzkeh.k {ks=okj tUe ,oa e`R;q nj izLrqr fd;s x;s gSaA;s nj rhu o"khZ; py vkSlr
ij vk/kkfjr gSaA
rkfydk la[;k 3-2 esa mRrj izns'k ds xzkeh.k ,oa uxjh; {ks=ksa esa vuqekfur
okf"kZd tUe ,oa e`R;q njsa 2011 ls 2019 rd dh n'kkZ;h x;h gSaA
rkfydk 3-3 esa mRrj izn's k esa o"kZ 2012 ds 18 o"kZ ls de vk;q dh fookfgr
fL=;ksa dk dqy fL=;ksa ls izfr'kr rFkk xzkeh.k ,oa uxjh; tuinokj fL=;ksa dh fookg
ds le; vkSlr vk;q dh lwpuk nh x;h gSA
rkfydk 3-4 esa Hkh tux.kuk 2011 ,oa 2012 ij gh vk/kkfjr mRrj izns'k xzkeh.k
,oa uxjh; {ks=ksa esa fyaxkuqlkj ftysokj f'k'kq ,oa cky e`R;q nj vuqeku n'kkZ;k x;k gSA


This section contains on vital statistics, but due to non availability of detailed
data as was envisaged, it could not be possible too. Vital statistics have been
presented in tables 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 and 3.4
Table 3.1 presents Birth rate and Death rate based on three years moving
average for Uttar Pradesh and India by rural and urban area for the years 1971-73 to
Table 3.2 included the estimates annual birth rate and death rate in rural and
urban area for years 2011 to 2019 of Uttar Pradesh.
Table No. 3.3 presents the average age of married women at the time of
marriage in U.P. for rural and urban area by districts according to Census, 2012 and
also the percentage of married women below 18 years to total married women.
Table No. 3.4 provides estimated Districtwise infant and child mortality rate
by sex for rural and urban area in UP. based on Annual Health Survey 2011, 2012

4& vkokl
bl mi[k.M ds vUrxZr tux.kuk] 2011 es Hkou lEcU/kh laxzghr vkadMksa
ds vuqlkj rhu rkfydk;sa izLrqr dh x;h gSaA tux.kuk] 2011 esa tula[;k dk x.kuk
ds iwoZ lHkh {ks=ksa dh edku lwfp;kW rS;kj dh x;h FkhaA bu lwfp;ksa ds ek/;e ls
laxzghr vkadM+ksa dk laf{kIr lkj bl [k.M esa fn;k x;k gSaA
rkfydk 4-1
bl rkfydk esa 2011 ds tux.kuk edkuksa dks muds mi;ksx ds vuqlkj oxhZd`r
djds ftysokj izLrqr fd;k x;k gS%&
1&[kkyh tux.kuk edku
3&vkokl ,oa vU;
4&nqdku ,oa dk;Z'kkykA
5&Ldwy ,oa dkyst
6&gksVy@xsLV gkml
7&fpfdRlky;@ vkS"k/kky;
8&dkj[kkuk] dk;Z'kkyk rFkk odZ'ksM~lA
9&iwtk LFky
10&vU; vukoklh; iz;ksx esa vkus okysA
rkfydk 4-2
bl rkfydk ds vUrxZr mRrj izns'k esa ftysokj ,oa xzk eh.k rFkk uxjh; {ks=okj
vkoklh; edku dh la[;k nh x;h gSAbu edkuksa esa vkokl djus okys dqy ifjokjksa ,oa
laLFkkxr ifjokjksa dh la[;k Hkh tuinokj nh x;h gSA blds vfrfjDr izfr vkoklh;
x`g esa fuokl dj jgs O;fDr;ksa dh la[;k Hkh iznf'kZr dh x;h gSA
rkfydk 4-3
bl rkfydk esa tux.kuk 1991] 2011 ds vk/kkj ij Hkoufoghu ,oa laLFkkxr
O;fDr;ksa dh ftysokj tula[;k izLrqr dh x;h gS rFkk Hkoufoghu ,oa laLFkkxr
tula[;k dk dqy tula[;k ls izfr'kr Hkh n'kkZ;k x;k gSA
4- Housing
This section includes three table on the basis of data collected at the time of house
listing in 2011 census. The detailed data regarding census house were collected through
house listing schedules in 2011 census. The abstract of data collected regarding census
houses is being presented in these tables.
Table 4.1:
This table includes the districtwise number of houses by its uses and the houses are
classified according to following uses for year 2011.
1. vacant Census houses .
2. Residence
3. Residence cum other uses.
4. Workshop-cum shops
5. School/ Colleges.
6. Hotel/guest houses.
7. Hospitals and dispensaries
8. Factories, workshops and work sheds.
9. Places of worships.
10. Others non-Residential uses.

Table 4.2 :
This table gives the districtwise number of residential houses in rural and urban
areas separately. This table also provides districtwise numbers of households and
Institutional households and persons per occupied residential house.
Table 4.3: This table shows the districtwise houseless and Institutional population
according to 1991 and 2011 census. It also gives the districtwise percentage of houseless
and Institutional population to total population.

bl mi[k.M esa f'k{kk lEcU/kh lwpukvksa dk {ks= vkSj O;kid cukdj foLr`r lwpuk;sa nsus ds
fy, 11 rkfydk;sa lfEefyr dh x;h gSa ftudk laf{kIr fooj.k fuEuizdkj gSaA vf/kdka'k rkfydkvksa
esa lwpuk;sa 1950&51 ls nsdj vkadM+ksa dh O;kidrk vkSj mi;ksfxrk dks vkSj vf/kd c<+k fn;k x;k
rkfydk la[;k 5-1
bl rkfydk esa mRrj izns'k esa fo'ofo|ky;ks]a fMxzh dkystks]a f'k{kd izf'k{k.k fo|ky;ksa ]mPprj
ek/;fed fo|ky;ksa ] mPp izkFkfed fo|ky;ska ]] izkFkfed fo|ky;ska dh la[;k ,oa izfr yk[k tulaa[;k
ij bu fo|ky;ksa dh la[;k ¼fMxzh dkyst izfr nl yk[k tula[;k ij½nh x;h gSA ;s lwpuk,W o"kZ
2011&21 lss nh x;h gS ftlls foxr ikap n'kdksa ds fodkl nj dk v/;;u lqxe gks tk;sxkA
rkfydk la[;k 5-2
bl rkfydk esa fofHkUu izdkj dh f'k{k.k laLFkkvksa dh jkT; Lrj dh la[;k 2011&12 ls rFkk
o"kZ 2011&21 dh ftysokj f'k{k.k laLFkkvksa dh la[;k dks lfEefyr fd;k x;k gSA
rkfydk la[;k 5-3
bl rkfydk esa dsoy efgykvksa ds f'k{k.k gsrq fofHkUu izdkj dh f'k{k.k laLFkkvksa dks laLFkk;sa
nh x;h gSaA blds vUrxZr Hkh 2011&12 ls jkT; Lrj dh rFkk ftysokj o"kZ 2020&21 dh lwpuk dks
iznf'kZr fd;k x;k gSA
rkfydk la[;k 5-4
blds vUrxZr mRrj izns'k dh f'k{k.k laLFkkvksa ¼lkekU; f'k{kk½dks ¼1½jktdh; ¼2½LFkkuh;
fudk; ¼3½Lo'kklh laLFkk;sa rFkk ¼4½lgk;rk@vlgk;rk izkIr izcU/kkuqlkj oxhZd`r djds izLrqr fd;k
x;k gSA
rkfydk la[;k 5-5
bl rkfydk esa f'k{k.k laLFkkvksa ds vuqlkj ftysokj v/;kidksa dh la[;k dks lfEefyr fd;k
x;k gSAjkT; Lrj dh lwpuk 2011&12 ls rFkk 2020&21 dh lwpuk dks ftysokj izLrqr fd;k x;k
rkfydk la[;k 5-6
rkfyd 5-5 dh Hkkfr bl rkfydk esa f'k{k.k laLFkkvksa ds vuqlkj fo|kfFkZ;ksa dh la[;k
iznf'kZr dh x;h gSA
rkfydk la[;k 5-7
bl rkfydk esa 30 flrEcj] 2021 dh fLFkfr ds vuqlkj izkFkfed fo|ky;] mPp
izkFkfed fo|ky; ,oa 30 flrEcj] 2021 dh fLFkfr ds vuqlkj mPprj ek/;fed
fo|ky; esa vuqlwfpr tkfr ,oa vuqlwfpr tutkfr ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa¼ckyd ,oa ckfydk½
dh ftysokj la[;k nh x;h gSA
rkfydk la[;k 5-8
bl rkfydk esa mRrj izn's k ds bathfu;fajx fMxzh dkystksa dh izos'k {kerk ,oa
muesa okLrfod izos'k dh lwpuk o"kZ 2011&12 ls 2020&21 rd izLrqr dh x;h gSA
flfoy@eSdsfudy ,oa bysfDV+dy fo"k;ksa ls lEcU/kh izos'k {kerk ,oa okLrfod izos'k
dh lwpuk dks i`Fkd&i`Fkd izLrqr fd;k x;k gSAvyhx<+ eqfLye fo'ofo|ky;] cukjl
fgUnw fo'ofo|ky;] bf.M;u baLVhV~;wV vkQ VsDukykWth dkuiqj ,oa futh bathfu;fjax
dkytksa dh lwpuk;sa bl rkfydk esa lfEefyr ugha dh tk ldh gSaA
rkfydk la[;k 5-9
bl rkfydk esa mRrj izn's k esa fofHkUu f'k{kk ij O;; 1950&51 ls izLrqr fd;k
x;k gSA blds vUrxZr ¼1½izkFkfed f'k{kk ¼2½ek/;fed f'k{kk ¼3½mPp f'k{kk ¼4½fo'ks"k
f'k{kk ¼5½vU;¼izkfof/kd f'k{kk rFkk 'kS{kf.kd vuqla/kku ,oa izf'k{k.k lfgr½dh O;;
i`Fkd&i`Fkd fn;k x;k gSA
rkfydk la[;k 5-10
bl rkfydk esa mRrj izn's k dh f'k{kk lzksrokj] jktdh; fuf/k LFkkuh; fuf/k]
'kqYd rFkk vU; fuf/k;ksa ls O;; 1950&51 ls lfEefyr fd;k x;k gSSA
rkfydk la[;k 5-11
mRrj izns'k esa ftysokj Nk= v/;kid vuqikr laLFkkuqlkj iznf'kZr fd;k x;k
gSAjkT; Lrj dh lwpuk;sa 2011&2021 ls nh x;h gS rFkk 2020&21 dh lwpuk dks
ftysokj Hkh izLrqr fd;k x;k gSA

In this volume the coverage of educational Statistics have been expanded and
more detailed information are included. The section includes eleven tables to provide
educational information. To increase the coverage and utility, the data have been
presented since 1950-51 in most of the tables of this section.
Table No. 5.1 :
This table presents the number of recognised institution inUttar Pradesh, which
includes number of universities, Degree Colleges, Higher Secondary Schools, Upper
Primary Schools , Primary Schools and Teacher Training Schools (B.T.C.) Number of
each type of Institutions per lakh of population (for Degree Colleges per 10 lakh of
population) have also been provided in this table. The inclusion of data since 1950-51
will facilitate the comperative study of data for the last five decades.
Table No. 5.2:
This table provides the districtwise number of educational institutions by type in
UP. for latest year 2020-21. State level figures of these institutions have been given
since 2011-2021.

Table No. 5.3:

This table includes the number of educational institutions by type exclusively
meant for Girls. This table provides state level figures since 2011-12, while the
districtwise information have been given for the year 2020-21.
Table No. 5.4:
Number of Educational Institutions (General education) according to
Management, classified under (i) Government, (ii) Local Bodies, (iii) Autonomous Bodies
(Universities) and (iv) Aided-Unaided clssification have been given in this table.
Table No. 5.5:
This table includes the number of teachers by different type of institutions. State
level figures have been presented since 2011-12 while districtwise for the latest year
Table No. 5.6:
Similar to table 5.5 this table shows the number of students by Institutions.
Table No. 5.7:
This table presents the districtwise number of students belonging to scheduled
castes and scheduled tribes as on 30th September, 2021 in Primary, Upper Primary
School and Higher Secondary Schools as on 30th September, 2021 in UP.

Table No. 5.8:
This table includes the intake capacity and actual intake of students in Civil,
Mechanical, Electrical and other Trades of degree course in Engineering colleges of
Uttar Pradesh since 2011-2021 to 2020-21. The similar information of Aligarh-Muslim
University., Banaras Hindu University and Indian-Institute of Technology, Kanpur and
private Engineering colleges are not included in this table.
TAble No. 5.9:
This table presents the revenue expenditure incurred on different types of
education in UP. since 1950-51 under the heads (i) Primary education (ii)
Secondary education, (iii) Higher Education, (iv) Special education and (v) Others
(Technical and educational research & training)
Table No. 5.10:
This table presents the Expenditure incurred on Educational Institutions by
sources in UP. since 1950-51 which includes expenditure from Government Funds,
Local Bodies Funds, Fees and other sources.
Table No. 5.11:
This table gives the districtwise pupil teacher ratio by Institutions in UP. State
level figures have been presented since 2011-21 while the districtwise for 2020-21.


bl mi[k.M esa tulapkj ek/;eksa lEcU/kh lwpuk;sa nh x;h gSaAblds vUrxZr mRrj
izn's k esa izdkf'kr ,oa eqfnzr i= ,oa if=dkvksa rFkk eqnz.kky;ksa lEcU/kh la[;k dks
lfEefyr fd;k x;k gSa bl mi[k.M esa nks rkfydk;sa rkfydk la[;k 6-1 rFkk 6-2
izLrqr dh x;h gSA bu lwpukvksas dks 1950&51 ls izLrqr djus dk izLrko Fkk ijUrq
vf/kd iqjkuh lwpuk;sa miyC/k u gks ikus ds dkj.k o"kZ 1980 ls ;s lwpuk;sa nh x;h gSaA
rkfydk la[;k 6-1
bl rkfydk esa mRrj izns'k esa o"kZ 2011 ls 2020&21 rd dh eqfnzr ,oa izdkf'kr
Hkk"kkokj i= rFkk if=dkvksa dh la[;k nh x;h gSaAfgUnh] vxzsath ;k vU; ;wjksfi;u Hkk"kk
mnwZ] laLd`r] caxkyh ,oa vU; Hkk"kkvksa dh i= if=dkvksa dh la[;k i`Fkd& i`Fkd nh
x;h gSA
rkfydk la[;k 6-2
mRrj izns'k esa lkoZtfud ,oa futh eqnz.kky;ksa dh ftysokj la[;k o"kZ 2019&20
dh bl rkfydk esa izLrqr dh x;h gSA tcfd jkT; Lrj dh lwpuk 2011&12 ls nh
x;h gSA

6- Mass-Communication

This section presents data on mass-communication media. It provides

number of newspapers and periodicals printed and published and number of
Presses in UP. This section includes two table viz. 6.1 and 6.2 It was proposed to
present the data in these tables since 1950-51, but due to non-availability of data, it
would be presented only since 1980.
Table 6.1
This table provides the number of newspapers and periodicals by languages
since 2011, to 2020-21 It includes number of newspapers and periodicals printed
and published in Hindi, English or other Europeon languages, Urdu, Sanskrit,
Bengali and other languages separately in UP.
Table 6.2
This table presents districtwise number of Public and Private Printing Presses
in U.P for the year 2019-20 while state level information have been given since
bl vad easa LokLF; ds vUrxZr vf/kd O;kid vkadM+as izLrqr djus dk iz;kl
fd;k x;k gSA lHkh izdkj dh fpfdRlk laLFkkvksa esa ftysokj fpfdfRlr jksfx;ksa lEcU/kh
lwpuk;sa nsus dk izLrko Fkk] ijUrq iz;klksa ds ckotwn Hkh bl fo"k; ds fo'oLr vkadM+s
miyC/k u gksus ds dkj.k mUgsa lfEefyr ugha fd;k tk ldkA miyC/k vkadM+ksa dks bl
mi[ak.M dh pkj rkfydkvksa esa izLrqr fd;k x;k gS ftldk laf{kIr fooj.k fuEuor~ gSA
rkfydk la[;k 7-1
bl rkfydk&7-1 esa mRrj izns'k esa ftysokj fpfdRlk ¼,yksiSfFkd½ laLFkkvksa dh
la[;k fuEu oxkZuqlkj izLrqr dh x;h gSaA
¼1½jkT; ljdkj ¼d½ lkoZtfud ¼[k½ fo'ks"kA
¼2½LFkkuh; fudk; ,oa uxjikfydk
¼3½lgk;rk izkIr futh
¼4½vlgk;rk izkIr futh
tuojh 2011ls lwpuk;sa jkT; Lrj dh izLrqr djds tuojh 2020 dh lwpukvksa
dks ftysokj n'kkZ;k x;k gSA
rkfydk la[;k 7-2
bl rkfydk esa mRrj izns'k ds vk;qosZfnd i)fr ds fpfdRlky;ksa@vkS"k/kky;ksa dh
la[;k] miyC/k 'kS;~;kvksa dh la[;k fpfdfRlr jksxh rFkk fpfdRlky;ksa ,oa vkS"k/kky;ksa esa
deZpkfj;ksa lEcU/kh lwpuk;sa iznf'kZr dh x;h gSaA ;wukuh funs'kky; fnlEcj 2008 ls
vk;qosZn ,oa ;wukuh funs'kky; ls vyx gksdj i`Fkd funs'kky; cukA

rkfydk la[;k 7-3

bl rkfydk esa mRrj izn's k ds ;wukuh i)fr ds fpfdRlky;ks@ a vkS"k/kky;ksa dh
la[;k] miyC/k 'kS;~;kvksa dh la[;k fpfdfRlr jksxh rFkk fpfdRlky;ksa ,oa vkS"k/kky;ksa esa
deZpkfj;ksa lEcU/kh lwpuk;sa iznf'kZr dh x;h gSaA

rkfydk la[;k 7-4
mRrj izns'k esa jkT; ljdkj ds v/khu gksE;ksiSfFkd fpfdRlk lsok ds vUrxZr
lapkfyr fpfdRlky;ksa ,oa vkS"k/kky;ksa dh ftysokj la[;k muesa miyC/k 'kS;~;kvksa ,oa
fpfdRldksa dh la[;k bl rkfydk esa izLrqr dh x;h gSA
rkfydk la[;k 7-5
bl rkfydk esa mRrj izns'k esa ,yksiSfFkd fpfdfRlky;ksa ,oa vkS"k/kky;ksa esa
miyC/k 'kS;~;kvksa dk xzkeh.k ,oa uxjh; {ks=kuqlkj miyC/k uohure o"kZ dk ftysokj
fooj.k izLrqr fd;k x;k gSA
7- Health

Attempt have been made to provide more detailed data under the 'Health' in
this volume. It was proposed to furnish district formation of patient treated by
diseases in all types of Medical Institutions but due to non availability of reliable data
on the subject, it could not be possible to include this detailed data. The available
data have been given in four tables as briefed below:
Table 7.1
This table includes the districtwise number of Medical (Allopathic)institutuions
according to following categories-
(1) State Government (a) Public (b) Special
(2) Local Bodies and Municipal Boards
(3) Private aided
(4) Private unaided
(5) Others
The state level data have been furnished since Jan. 2011 while district
information includes the latest figures as on Jan. 2020.

Table 7.2
This table presents the data relating to Ayurvedic services which includes
number of Hospitals / Dispensaries and Beds available and patients treated for the
state as a whole along with employees in Hospitals and dispensaries. Directorate of
Unani is separated from Directorate of Ayurved & Unani since Dec.2008.
Table 7.3
This table presents the data relating to Unani services which includes number
of Hospitals / Dispensaries and Beds available and patients treated for the state as a
whole along with employees in Hospitals and dispensaries.

Table 7.4
This table shows the districtwise number of Hospitals and Dispensaries,
number of beds available in them alongwith number of Doctors belonging to
Homoeopathic medical services under the state Government.
Table 7.5
This table includes the districtwise number of beds available in Allopathic
hospitals and dispensaries by Rural and Urban area in Uttar Pradesh.

8&ifjokj dY;k.k
izLrqr vad esa ifjokj dY;k.k lEcU/kh dqN egRoiw.kZ lwpuk;sa bl mi [k.M esa
izLrqr dh x;h gSaA bl mi[k.M esa nks rkfydk;sa] rkfydk la[;k 8-1 rFkk 8-2 lfEefyr
dh x;h gSaA
rkfydk la[;k 8-1 esa mRrj izns'k esa ifjokj dY;k.k fpfdRlky;ks@ a dsUnzksa dh
ftysokj la[;k iznf'kZr dh x;h gSAjktdh; ifjokj dY;k.k dsUnzksa dk xzkeh.k ,oa
uxjh; {ks=okj fooj.k Hkh izLrqr fd;k x;k gSA
rkfydk 8-2 esa ifjokj dY;k.k ds vUrxZr fd;s x;s fofHkUu dk;ksZa dh izxfr
n'kkZ;h x;h gS ftlesa LoSfPNd ulcUnh] vkbZ0;w0Mh0 ds y{; ,oa miyfC/k;ksa dks
lfEefyr fd;k x;k gS] jkT; Lrj dh lwpuk;sa o"kZ 2011&12 ls rFkk uohure miyC/k
o"kZ 2020&21 ds ftysokj vkadM+sa izLrqr fd;s x;s gSaA bl ifjPNzsn dh lwpuk;sa ifjokj
dY;k.k egkfuns'kky; mRrj izns'k }kjk miyC/k djkbZ x;h gSaA

8- Family Welfare
Data relating to Family welfare have been exclusively presented in this
section of the present volume. This section includes two tables viz. table nos. 8.1
and 8.2.
Table 8.1 presents the districtwise number of family welfare clinics/centres
have also been presented by Rural and Urban areas.
Table 8.2 shows the progress of family welfare operations which includes the
targets and achievements of voluntary sterlisation and I.U.D. The state level figures
have been furnished since 2011-12, while district break-ups have been provided for
the latest available year 2020-21. The information for this section have been made
available by the Directorate General of Family Welfare, Uttar Pradesh.

9&lkekftd dY;k.k lsok;sa
bl mi[k.M esa xzkE; fodkl foHkkx }kjk lapkfyr xzkeh.k fodkl laca/kh
dk;Zdzeksa rFkk fucZy oxZ gsrq dk;kZfUor dh tk jgh gS fofHkUu ;kstukvksa dh ;kstukokj
izxfr dk mYys[k fd;k x;k gS tks orZeku esa ljdkj }kjk lapkfyr gSa] bu ;kstukvksa esa
eq[; :i ls lkeqnkf;d fodkl] Hkouksa dk fuekZ.k] d`"kd izlkj izf'k{k.k dsUnzksa ij
izf'k{k.kkFkhZ la[;k] nhun;ky mik/;k; jkT; fodkl laLFkku esa izf'kf{kr izf'k{k.kkFkhZ]
jk"Vªh; ck;ksxSl dk;Zdze] xzkeh.k vkokl] is;ty] Lo.kZt;Urh jkstxkj ;kstuk }kjk
jkstxkj l`tu] iz/kkuea=h xzke lM+d ;kstuk esa fufeZr lM+dsa] jk"Vªh; xzkeh.k jkstxkj
xkj.Vh ;kstuk }kjk l`ftr ekuo fnol rFkk vEcsndj fo'ks"k ;kstuk esa ykHkkfUor
ykHkkfFkZ;ksa dh la[;k dks lfEefyr fd;k x;k gSA 9-1 esa ;kstukokj o"kZ 2011&12 rFkk
2020&21 ds fu/kkZfjr y{; ,oa mudh iwfrZ vafdr gSA
9- Social Welfare Services

In this saction, the programmes for the development of economically Weaker

section and rural development have been included by the goverment. Among these
schemes, the targets and achievements in the year 2011-12 & 2020-21 for following
schemes are given in this table 9.1. Block Buildings constructed by community
development , trainees trained by farmers extension training centers, trainees trained
by Deendayal Upadhiya state development institution, National Bio-Gas
Programme, Housing for Economically weaker section, Drinking Water, Employment
Generation by Swarn jayanthi village self employment schemes, Road prepared in
P.M.village Road schemes, Employment Generation by N.R.E.G.P. (National Rural
Employment Guaranty Programme) and employment Generation by Ambedker
special employment schemes are these main schemes.

10&lkekftd lqj{kk ,oa izfrj{kk
¼iqfyl] vijk/k ,oa lq/kkj x`g½
izLrqr vad esa iqfyl ,oa vijk/k lEcU/kh vkadM+as pkj rkfydkvksa esa izLrqr fd,
x;s gSa ftudk laf{kIr fooj.k fuEuor~ gSA
rkfydk 10-1
bl rkfydk esa mRrj izn's k esa ftysokj Fkkuksa ,oa iqfyl pkSfd;ksa dks uohure
miyC/k la[;k 31 ekpZ] 2021 dh fLFkfr ds vuqlkj izLrqr dh x;h gSaA
rkfydk 10-2
bl rkfydk esa mRrj izn's k dh flfoy iqfyl 'kfDr dks o"kZ 2011 ls 2021 dh
31 ekpZ dh fLFkfr izLrqr dh x;h gSA
rkfydk 10-3
bl rkfydk esa fofHkUu vijk/kksa ds vuqlkj mRrj izns'k] esa ?kVh ?kVukvksa dks
izLrqr fd;k x;k gS]ftlds vUrxZr gR;k] MdSrh] udctuh] pksjh] jkgtuh] vigj.k ,oa
viu;u naxs lnks"k ekuo o/k] flDds dk dwVhdj.k vkSj fofo/k vijk/kksa dks lfEefyr
fd;k x;k gSA;g lwpuk;sa 2011 ls 2020 rd 31 fnlEcj] dh fLFkfr ds vuqlkj jkT;
Lrj dh nh x;h gSaA
rkfydk 10-4
bl rkfydk esa vk;q ,oa fyax ds vuqlkj dSfn;ksa dh la[;k nh x;h gSaA uohure
o"kZ 2020&21 dh lwpuk;sa ftysokj izLrqr dh x;h gSaA
10- Social Security and Defence
(Police, Crime and Sudhar Griha)

In the present volume data relating to police and crime have been presented
in four tables of this section as briefed below:
Table 10.1
This table includes the districtwise number of police stations and police posts
in U.p.for the latest available year i.e. as on 31st March, 2021

Table 10.2
This table presents the strength of civil police in Uttar Pradesh for the period
2011 to 2021, as on 31st March.
Table 10.3
This table shows the state level incidence of crimes Murder, Dacoity,
Burglary, Theft, Robbery, Kidnapping & Abduction, Riots, Culpable, Homicide,
Counterfitings and Miscellaneous in Uttar Pradesh for the year 2011 to 2020 as on
31st December.
Table 10.4
Data relating to districtwise and convicts by age and sex could be presented
in this table districtwise data have been given for the latest available year 2020-21.

11&jkT; vk;

jkT; ds fofHkUu vkfFkZd fodkl dk;Zdzeksa dh izxfr ds ekiu gsrq lk/ku ykxr
ij jkT; o ?kjsyw 'kq+) mRikn ds vuqeku] ftUgsa lkekU;r;k jkT; vk; dh laKk nh
tkrh gSa] dks ,d egRoiw.kZ ,dy vkfFkZd lwpdkad le>k tkrk gSA izns'k esa 1948&49
ls jkT; vk; vuqeku rS;kj fd;s tk jgs gSaA jkT; 'kq) /kjsyw mRikn ds vuqekuksa dks
rS;kj djus dk dk;Z dsUnzh; lkaf[;dh; laxBu ds fn'kk funsZ'ku esa vFkZ ,oa la[;k
izHkkx]jkT; fu;kstu laLFkku ]mRrj izns'k }kjk fd;k tkrk gSa lkekU;r;k jkT;vk;
vuqeku esFkkMkyksth vkQ LVsV bUde ,LVhesV~l vkQ ;w0ih0 ¼fjokbTMlhjht½uked
iqfLrdk esa izdkf'kr jhfr fo/kku ds vuqlkj rS;kj fd;s tkrs gSaAjhfr fo/kku esa fd, x;s
ifjorZuksa ,oa la'kks/kuksa dks izfr o"kZ ^^jkT; vk; vuqeku] mRrj izns'k** esa izdkf'kr
vuqekuksa ds lkFk ifjf'k"V esa ^^jhfr fo/kku lEcU/kh fVIi.kh** esa izLrqr dj fn;k tkrk
2&izLrrq vad esa jkT; ?kjsyw mRikn vuqekuksa ds vkadM+as 2011&2012 vk/kkj o"kZ
ij ¼2011&12 lss 2020&21 rd½ 6 rkfydkvksa esa izLrqr fd, x;s gSa A
rkfydk la[;k 11-1
bl rkfydk esa mRrj izn's k esa lk/ku ykxr ij jkT; rFkk izfr O;fDr ?kjsyw
mRikn ,oa muds lwpdakd o"kZ 2011&12 lss 2020&21 rd 2011&2012 ds Hkkoksa ,oa
izpfyr Hkkoksa ij izLrqr fd, x;s gSa
rkfydk la[;k 11-2
bl rkfydk ds vUrxZr mRrj izns'k esa lk/ku ykxr ewY;ksa ij [k.Mokj fuoy
jkT; ?kjsyw mRikn ds vuqeku izpfyr Hkkoksa ij vk/kkj o"kZ 2011&2012 ij izLrqr fd;s
x;s gSaAbl rkfydk esa o"kZ 2011&12 lss 2020&21 rd ds vkadM+sa fn;s x;s gSa A
rkfydk la[;k 11-3
bl rkfydk esa mRrj izn's k esa lk/ku ykxr ewY;ksa ij fuoy jkT; ?kjsyw mRikn
ds vuqeku o"kZ 2011&2012 ds LFkk;h Hkkoksa ij o"kZ 2011&12 lss 2020&21 rd izLrqr
fd, x;s gSa A

rkfydk la[;k 11-4
bl rkfydk ds vUrxZr mRrj izns'k ds lk/ku ykxr ij eq[; [k.Mokj fuoy
?kjsyw mRikn ds lwpdakd uohu Ja[kyk ds vuqlkj fn, x;s gSaA 'kq) ?kjsyw mRikn ds
[k.Mokj lwpdakd izpfyr Hkkoksa ,oa o"kZ 2011&2012 ds Hkkoksa ij i`Fkd& i`Fkd o"kZ
2011&12 lss 2020&21 rd ds izLrqr fd, x;s gSa A
rkfydk la[;k 11-5
bl rkfydk esa mRrj izn's k rFkk Hkkjr ds fuoy ?kjsyw mRikn dk [k.Mokj o"kZ
2011&12 lss 2020&21 rd 2011&2012 ds Hkkoksa ij xr o"kksZa ls izfr'kr vUrj n'kkZ;k
x;k gSA
rkfydk la[;k 11-6
bl rkfydk esa Hkkjr o"kZ ds 15 izeq[k jkT;ksa dh izfr O;fDr vk; 1999&2000 ]
mRrj izns'k ,o Hkkjr dh izfr O;fDr vk; o"kZ 2011&12 ds LFkk;h Hkkoksa ij o"kZ
2011&12 lss 2020&21 rd fn;s x;s gSaAbl izdkj Hkkjr ds izeq[k jkT;ksa dk rqyukRed
v/;;u fd;k tk ldrk gSA
11- State Income

State Income estimates are by and large, regarded as economic barometer

which measures overall health of State's economy. State Income esitmates are
being prepared since 1948-49. State domestic product estimates are being prepared
by the Economics & Statistics Division, State Planning Institute, Uttar Pradesh in
consultation with the Central Statistical Organisation Generally the state domestic
products estimates are prepared according to the methodology given in
"Methodology of State Income Estimates of U.P. (revised series)". Changes adopted
in methodology (concepts and coverage) indicated in the appendix- "Notes on
methodology" in the concerned publication of "State Income Estimates, Uttar
The present issue of Statistical Abstract, Uttar Pradesh contains six tables on
State Domestic Products on 2011-12 base year for 2011-12 to 2020-21.
Table 11.1
This table contains state and per capita domestic products on factor cost and
its indices in UP. since 2011-12 to 2020-21 both at constant (2011-12) and current

TAble 11.2
This table presents the net domestic products estimates at factor cost by each
sector in Uttar Pradesh.These estimates have been calculated at current prices
according to base Year 2011-12.The table shows data for the year 2011-12 to
Table 11.3
This table includes the net state domestic products at factor cost for each
section in U.P. at constant prices of 2011-12 from the year 2011-12 to 2020-21 in
this table.
Table 11.4
The indices of net state domestic products at factor cost for major sectors
have been presented according to the new series. This table includes indices
separately based on current prices and constant prices of 2011-12 from the year
2011-12 to 2020-21.
Table 11.5
This table presents the percentage change in net domestic products over
previous year since 2012-13 to 2020-21. at 2011-12 prices for uttar pradesh and
Table 11.6
This table includes per capita income of 15 selected states of India at
2011-2012 prieces, UP. and India at 2011-12 since 2011-12 to 2020-21. Thus the
table provides the comparable data for the major states of India.


izLrqr vad ds bl mi[k.M ds vUrxZr d`f"k lEcU/kh vkadM+ksa dks lkr

rkfydkvksa esa izLrqr fd;k x;k gS] ftlds vUrxZr Hkwfe mi;ksfxrk ]Qlyksa ds vUrxZr
{ks=Qy] mRiknu] vkSlr mit] jlk;fud moZjdksa dk forj.k] d`f"k mRiknu ds ifjek.k
lwpdakd] fdz;kRed tksarksa dh la[;k o {ks=Qy rFkk d`f"k midj.k ,oa ;U= lEcU/kh
lwpuk;sa lfEefyr dh x;h gSaAlwwpukvksa dks vf/kd O;kid ,oa mi;ksxh cukus rFkk izxfr
dh izo`fRr dk rqyukRed v/;;u miyC/k djkus dh n`f"V ls jkT;Lrj ds vkadM+sa
1950&51 ls izLrqr fd;s x;s gSaA uohure miyC/k uohure o"kZ dh lwwpukvksa dks
ftysokj izLrqr fd;k x;k gSaA bl mi[k.M esa lfEefyr lwpukvksa dk rkfydkokj
laf{kIr fooj.k fuEu izdkj gSA

rkfydk la[;k 12-1
bl rkfydk ds vUrxZr Hkwfe mi;ksfxrk ds vkadM+as izLrqr fd;s x;s gSaAftlds
vUrxZr izfrosfnr {ks=Qy] cu ds vUrxZr {ks=Qy] d`f"k v;ksX; Hkwfe ¼ijrh dks
NksMd+ j½] vU; d`f"k Hkwfe] ijrh Hkwfe] okLrfod cks;k x;k {ks=Qy],d ls vf/kd ckj
cks;k x;k {sk=Qy] ldy cks;k x;k {ks=Qy ,oa Qly l?kurk lEcU/kh lwpuk;sa
lfEefyr dh x;h gSaA jkT; Lrj ds vkadM+sa 2011&12 ls fn;s x;s ga]S tcfd uohure
miyC/k o"kZ 2018&19 dh lwpuk;sa tuinokj Hkh iznf'kZr dh x;h gSaA
rkfydk la[;k 12-2
bl rkfydk esa mRrj izn's k esa izeq[k Qlyksa ds vUrxZr {ks=Qy] mRiknu ,oa
vkSlr mit ds ftysokj vkadM+sa izLrqr fd;s x;s gSaAizxfr dh xfr ds rqyukRed
v/;;u dh lqfo/kk miyC/k djkus dh n`f"V ls jkT;Lrj ds vkadM+sa 2011&12 ls fn;s
x;s gSa ,oa uohure miyC/k o"kZ 2019&20 ,oa 2020&21 dh lwpuk;sa tuinokj Hkh
iznf'kZr dh x;h gSA
rkfydk la[;k 12-3
Hkkjr o"kZ ds fofHkUu jkT;ksa dh izeq[k Qlyksa dh o"kZ 2019&20 dh vkSlr mit
bl rkfydk esa izLrqr dh x;h gSA blls fofHkUu jkT;ksa dh vkSlr mit dk rqyukRed
v/;;u fd;k tk ldrk gSA
rkfydk la[;k 12-4
bl rkfydk esa d`f"k x.kuk 2010&11 ds vk/kkj ij mRrj izns'k esa fofHkUu vkdkj
oxZ tksrksa ds vuqlkj tksrksa dh ftysokj la[;k rFkk {ks=Qy fn;k x;k gSA 1970&71 ls
2010&11 dh jkT; Lrj dh lwpuk;sa Hkh lfEefyr dh x;h gSaA
rkfydk la[;k 12-5
bl rkfydk ds vUrxZr mRrj izns'k esa ftysokj jlk;fud moZjdksa dk forj.k
izLrqr fd;k x;k gSAjkT; Lrj dh lwpuk;sa o"kZ 2011&12 ls izLrqr dh x;h gSa tcfd
uohure miyC/k o"kZ 2019&20 rFkk 2020&21 dh lwpuk;sa ftysokj izLrqr dh x;h gSaA
;s lwpuk;sa d`f"k funs'kky; mRrj izns'k ls izkIr dh x;h gSaA
rkfydk la[;k 12-6
o"kZ 2007 dh i'kq x.kuk tks i'kqikyu funs'kky;] m0iz0 }kjk djk;h x;h gS] es
dsoy i'kq pkfyr d`f"k midj.k ,oa ;a=ksa dh gh x.kuk dh x;h gS tcfd buds iwoZ tks
jktLo ifj"kn] m0iz0 }kjk djk;h x;h gS] es 'kfDr pkfyr rFkk i'kq pkfyr d`f"k
midj.k ,oa ;a=ksa dh x.kuk dh x;h Fkh A jkT;Lrj dh lwpuk;sa i’kqx.kuk o"kZ 1961 ls
izLrqr dh x;h gSaA
rkfydk la[;k 12-7
bl rkfydk esa mRrj izns'k esa fofHkUu d`"kh; mRiknuksa ds ifjek.k lwpdakd
izLrqr fd;s x;s gSaA;s lwpdakd vk/kkj o"kZ 2011&2012 ij vk/kkfjr gSa] ifj.kker% o"kZ
2011&2012 dk fofHkUu oLrqvksa dk mRiknu n'kkZrs gq, ifjek.k lwpdkad o"kZ 2011&12
ls 2020&21 dsa izLrqr fd;s x;s gSaA

12 - Agriculture

The present issue includes agriculture statistics in seven tables under this
section. The data presented in these tables relate to land utilization, area under main
crops, production, average yield, distribution of chemical fertilizers volume indices of
agricultural production, number and area of operational holdings and agricultural
implements. To make the data more useful, the state figures have been given since
the year 1950-51, while the districtwise break-ups have been provided for the latest
available. The information given under these section are briefed as below:-
Table 12.1
This table includes reporting area for land utilization, area under forests, land
not available for cultivation, other uncultivated lands (excluding fallows), fallow lands,
Net area sown. Area sown more than once and total cropped area. Cropping
intensity has also been shown in this table. State level figures have been provided
since 2011-12 and districtwise figures have been given for the latest available year
2018-2019 .
Table 12.2
This table presents the area production and average yield of important crops
for each district separately for the year 2019-20, 2020-21. To facilitate the periodwise
comparative study the state figures have been furnished since 2011-12.
Table 12.3
Statewise average yield of important crops in India for the year 2019-20 has
been presented in this table. Thus this table facilitates comparable study of average
yield of different states in India.
Table 12.4
Districtwise number of operational holdings and area by size groups in U.P
based on Agriculture census 2010-11 have been given in this table. The state figures
for the agriculture censuses 1970-71 to 2005-06 have also been included in this
Table 12.5
This table includes the districtwise distribution of Chemical fertilizers in UP. for
the year 2019-20,2020-21. State figures of distribution of chemical fertilizers have
also been included in this table since 2011-12. These information have been
procured from Agriculture Directorate U.P.
Table 12.6
This table presents the districtwise Agricultural Machinery and implements in
UP. according to animal operated cattle census 2007 whereas last year, animal and
power operated cattle sensus 2003 was done by Board of Revenue, UP. State level
figures for agricultural machinery and implements have also been included since
cattle census 1961 in this table.
Table 12.7
This table includes the volume indices of Agricultural Production in UP. These
indices are based on the production of 2011-2012 of the concerned commodities.
These indices relate to the year 2011-12 to 2020-21.

bl v/;k; ds vUrxZr flapkbZ ls lacaf/kr fofHkUu vkadM+s 4 rkfydkvksa esa
ftysokj izLrqr fd;s x;s gSaA bl mi[k.M ds vUrxZr lfEefyr vkadM+ksa dk laf{kIr
fooj.k fuEu izdkj gSaA
rkfydk 13-1
bl rkfydk ds vUrxZr mRrj izns'k esa fofHkUu lk/kuksa ;Fkk¼1½ ugjsa ¼2½jktdh;
uydwi ¼3½futhuydwi ,oa dwi]¼4½ rkykc] >hy ,oa iks[kj rFkk ¼5½vU; lk/kuksa }kjk
'kq) flafpr {ks=Qy ds vkadM+sa o"kZ 2011&12 ls fn, x;s gSa rFkk o"kZ 2018&2019 ds
vkadM+as ftysokj fn;s x;s gSaA
rkfydk 13-2
mRrj izns'k esa ftysokj lEiw.kZ flafpr {ks=Qy lEcU/kh lwpuk;sa bl rkfydk esa
nh x;h gSa rFkk bl rkfydk esa lEiw.kZ cks;s x;s {ks=Qy ls lEiw.kZ flafpr {ks=Qy dk
izfr'kr ,oa flapkbZ xgurk Hkh iznf'kZr dh x;h gSA ftysokj lwpuk;sa o"kZ 2018&19 ls
lEcfU/kr gSaA flapkbZ {ks= esa gqbZ izxfr ds v/;;u dh lqfo/kk iznku djus dh n`f"V ls
jkT; Lrj dh lwpuk;sa o"kZ 2011&12 ls bl rkfydk esa lfEefyr dh x;h gSaA
rkfydk 13-3
bl rkfydk ds vUrxZr mRrj izns'k esa izeq[k Qlyksa ds vUrxZr ftysokj flafpr
{ks=Qy ds vkadM+as iznf'kZr fd, x, gSaA jkT; Lrj dh lwpuk;sa o"kZ 1950&51 ls nh x;h
gSa] tcfd ftysokj lwpuk;sa dsoy o"kZ 2014&15 ls gh lEcfU/kr gSaA
rkfydk 13-4
bl rkfydk esa mRrj izns'k esa pkfyr jktdh; uydwi ,oa futh y?kq flapkbZ dh
ftysokj izxfr nh x;h gS] ftlesa pkfyr jktdh; uydwi ds vfrfjDr futh uydwi]
iDds dq,]a ,oa cksfjax ifEiax lsVksa dks Hkh lfEefyr fd;k x;k gSA mRrj izns'k dh
lwpuk;sa o"kZ 2001&02 ls lfEefyr dh x;h gSa] tcfd ftysokj lwpuk;sa o"kZ 2020&21
ls lEcfU/kr gSaA
13 - Irrigation
In this section, the districtwise data related to different items of irrigation have been
given in 4 tables. The data included in this section are briefed as below:
Table 13.1
This table includes the net area irrigated by different sources in UP. Area irrigated by
canals Govt., Private. Tube-wells and wells. Tanks and Lakes, and other sources have been
presented in this table. Districtwise data for the year 2018&2019 has been included in this
Table 13.2
Districtwise gorss area irrigated, and percentage of gross area irrigated to total gross
cropped area have been presented in this table. The districtwise irrigation intensity have been
also included in this table. To facilitate the comparable study of the trend of development under
irrigation sector, the state figures have been given since 2011-12, while the districtwise figures
related to latest available year 2018-2019.

Table 13.3
This table includes the districtwise area irrigated under major crops in UP. It presents the
state level data since 1950-51, while the districtwise break-ups have been given for the year
Table 13.4
This table presents the districtwise number of State tubewells in operation. Private
tubewells. Masonary wells and Pumping sets on surface water in UP. State level figures have
been shown since 2001-02 while the districtwise numbers have been given for the year 2020-21 .

14&i'kq/ku ,oa nqX/kks|ksx

izLrqr izdk'ku ds bl mi[ak.M esa i'kq/ku ,oa nqX/k m|ksx ls lEcfU/kr vkadM+sa
izLrqr fd, x, gSa]ftlds vUrxZr i'kqx.kuk] i'kqikyu ds vUrxZr voLFkkiuk lEcU/kh
lqfo/kk,a] i'kq laLFkkvksa }kjk fd, x, dk;Z rFkk lgdkjh foHkkx }kjk nw/k ,oa nqX/k
inkFkksZa dk forj.k lfEefyr fd;k x;k gSA bl [k.M esa ikap rkfydk,a lfEEfyr dh
x;h gSa] ftudk laf{kIr fooj.k fuEu izdkj gSA
rkfydk 14-1
bl rkfydk esa mRrj izns'k esa i'kq/ku ,oa dqDdqVkfn dh ftysokj la[;k nh x;h
gSA blds vkadM+sa i'kqx.kuk ij vk/kkfjr gSA i'kqx.kuk 2012 ds vkad a M+as ftysokj izLrqr
fd;s x;s gSaA rqyukRed v/;;u dks lqfo/kktud cukus ds fy, mRrj izns'k ds
i'kqx.kuk 1982] 1988] 1993] 1997] 2003 rFkk 2007] 2012] 2019 ds vkadMas Hkh fn,
x, gSaA blesa xkstkrh;] efg"k tkrh;] i'qkvks]a HksM+] cdfj;ksa] ?kksM+s rFkk VVzVwvks]a lqvj]
ÅaV ,oa dqDdqVkfn if{k;ksa dh la[;k iznf'kZr dh x;h gSA
rkfydk 14-2
bl rkfydk ds vUrxZr mRrj izns'k esa i'kq fpfdRlky;ks]a i'kq vkS"k/kky;ksa] d`f=e
xHkZk/kku dsUnz] HksM+] iztuu fodkl dsUnz] dqDdqV iztuu QkeZ ,oa lqvj iztuu dsUnzksa
dh ftysokj la[;k izLrqr dh x;h gSA jkT;Lrj dh lwpuk;sa o"kZ 2011&12 ls izLrqr dh
x;h gS] tcfd o"kZ 2020&21 dh lwpuk ftysokj iznf'kZr dh x;h gSaA
rkfydk 14-3
i'kq laLFkkvksa }kjk mRrj izns'k esa o"kZ 2020&21 esa fd, x, dk;ksZa dh izxfr dks
ftysokj iznf'kZr fd;k x;k gS]ftlds vUrxZr fpfdRlk] i'kq cf/k;kdj.k ,oa Vhdkdj.k
vkfn lwpukvksa dks lfEefyr fd;k x;k gSA jkT; Lrj dh lwpuk;sa o"kZ 2011&12 ls
izLrqr dh x;h gSak blls i'kqikyu {ks= esa fiNys ikap n'kdksa esa iznku dh x;h lqfo/kkvksa
dk rqyukRed ewY;kadu fd;k tk ldrk gSaA

rkfydk 14-4
bl rkfydk esa mRrj izn's k esa lgdkjh foHkkx }kjk nw/k ls cus inkFkksZa dk forj.k
iznf'kZr fd;k x;k gSA o"kZ 2011&12 ls 2020&21 rd ds vkadM+sa izLrqr fd, x, gSaA
rkfydk 14-5
mRrj izns'k esa izeq[k dsUnzksa ds ek/;e ls lgdkjh foHkkx }kjk o"kZ 2020&21 esa
forfjr fd, x, nw/k dk forj.k izLrqr fd;k x;k gSA

14- Animal Husbandry and Dairying
This section of persent issue containing the data on cattle census Animal Husbandry
and Dairying Five tables have been included in this section which are briefed as below:
Table 14.1:
This table presents the districtwise number of Live Stock and Poultry in UP. based on the
cattle census 2012. To facilitate comparative study the state level figures for the cattle censuses
1982, 1988 1993 1997, 2003 and 2007, 2012,2019 have been given.
Table 14.2:
This table provides the number of veterinary hospitals, number of veterinary
dispensaries. A.I. centres sheep and wool extention centre, Poultry breeding farms and Pig
breeding farms,. Districtwise data relate to the year 2020-21 and state level figures have been
furnished since 2011-12.
Table 14.3: This table presents the accounts of work done by veterinary institutions for each
district of Uttar Pradesh in the year 2020-21.To study the trends of increase in facilities provided
under animal husbandry sector, the state level figures of Uttar Pradesh have also been furnished
since 2011-12.
Table 14.4:
This table gives the quantity of milk, butter, cream, ghee and other milk products
distributed by Cooperative Department in UP. for the year 2011-12 to 2020-21.
Table 14.5:
This table shows the distribution of milk by main centres set up by Co-operative
Department in Uttar Pradesh for the year 2020-21.

15&ouks|ksx ,oa yVBs cukuk

izLrqr izdk'ku ds bl mi[k.M esa ou lkaf[;dh ikap rkfydk;sa izLrqr dh x;h
gS] ftudk laf{kIr fooj.k fuEukuqlkj gSA
rkfydk 15-1
bl rkfydk ds vUrxZr mRrj izns'k esa ouksa dk {ks=Qy 2011&12 ls 2019&20
rd dk izLrqr fd;k x;k gSAdqy ou {ks= dks ¼1½ou foHkkx ds v/khu ou {ks= ,oa
¼2½vU; ou {ks= ds vUrxZr oxhZd`r djds i`Fkd&i`Fkd izLrqr fd;k x;k gSAbl
rkfydk esa ou foHkkx ds v/khu ou {ks= dk dqy ou ls ,oa jkT; ds ou {ks= dk jkT;
ds dqy HkkSxksfyd {ks= ls izfr'kr Hkh izLrqr fd;k x;k gSaA
rkfydk 15-2
mRrj izns'k esa eq[; ou mit dh ek=k ,oa ewY; dh o"kZ 2011&12 ls 2019&20
rd dh lwpuk bl rkfydk esa iznf'kZr dh x;h gS A
rkfydk 15-3
bl rkfydk esa mRRkj izns'k ds vfXudk.M ,oa i'kqpjkbZ ls cpk;s x;s ou {ks= ds
vkadM+s o"kZ 2011&12 ls 2019&20 izLrqr fd, x;s gSaA
rkfydk 15-4
bl rkfydk ds vUrxZr mRrj izns'k esa ;wdsfyIVl] 'kh'ke]Vhd] [kSj]eyosjh] phM+
,oa vU; fofo/k o`{kksa ds vUrxZr {ks=Qy izLrqr fd;k x;k gSA ;s vkadM+as Hkh o"kZ
2011&12 ls 2019&20 rd fn, x, gSaA
rkfydk 15-5
bl rkfydk ds vUrxZr ou foHkkx ,oa ou fuxe }kjk ouksa ls izkIr dqy jktLo
,oa ouksa ij O;; o"kZ 2011&12 ls 2019&20 rd n'kkZ;k x;k gSA

15- Forestry and Logging

This section of the present volume includes five tables on Forest statistics of Uttar
Pradesh which are briefed as below:
Table 15.1:
This table presents the Forest area under the forest department. Area under other
forests, Total forest area, percentage of forest area under forest department to total forest area,
and percentage of forest area to geographical area of the State in Uttar Pradesh. The data have
been provided in this table from 2011-12 to 2019-20.
Table 15.2:
This table gives the total quantity and their total value of major forest products since
2011-12 to 2019-20 in Uttar Pradesh.
Table 15.3:
This table provides the forest area protected against Fire and Grazing since 2011-12 to
2019-20 in Uttar Pradesh.
Table 15.4:
This table shown the area under plantation of Eucalyptus, Sheesham, Teak, Khair
Mulbery, Chir and miscellaneous plants in Uttar Pradesh. The data included in this table relates
to the period from 2011-12 to 2019-20.
Table 15.5:
This table gives the gross revenue from the forest Department, forest Corporation
alongwith the expenditure and surplus/deficit since 2011-12 to 2019-20.

16&eRL; ikyu

bl [k.M ds vUrxZr mRrj izns'k esa eRL; foHkkx ds vUrxZr izcfU/kr ty {ks=] foHkkxh;
tyk'k;ksa esa eRL; cht ¼vaxqfydkvksa½ dk lap; ,oa futh {ks= esa eRL; cht dk forj.k] foHkkxh;
tyk'k;ksa esa eRL; mRiknu] Qzs'k okVj ,oa fQlst dSp] mRiknu ,oa foi.ku] lEcU/kh lwpuk;sa o"kZ
2011&12 ls 2020&21 rd dh jkT; Lrj dh izLrqr dh xbZ gSA

16- Fisheries
Under this section, data on water area managed by Fisheries Department,
collection of fingerlings in departmental ponds, distribution of fingerlings in private
sector, Fish catch landing in departmental ponds, fresh water fish catch, total fish
catch and landing and marketing of fish, have been provides from 2011-12 to
2020-21 under this Table.

17& xzkE; fodkl ,oa lgdkfjrk
izLrqr izdk'ku ds bl mi[k.M esa xzkE; fodkl ,oa lgdkfjrk ds fodkl ls
lEcfU/kr vkadM+sa rsjg rkfydkvksa esa izLrqr fd, x, gSa]ftudk laf{kIr fooj.k fuEuor~
rkfydk 17-1
bl rkfydk esa mRrj izn's k esa ftysokj dk;Zjr fodkl [k.Mksa dh la[;k] 2021
,oa 2011 dh tux.kuk ds vuqlkj vkckn xzkeksa dh la[;k] {ks=Qy] fodkl [k.Mksa dh
ftysokj xzkeh.k tula[;k rFkk is;ty lqfo/kk;qDr xzkeksa dk dqy vkckn xzkeksa ls
izfr'kr n'kkZ;k x;k gSaA
rkfydk 17-2
bl rkfydk esa mRRkj izn's k esa izeq[k enksa ds vuqlkj xzkE; fodkl ;kstukvksa ij
jktdh; O;; izLrqr fd;k x;k gSA bu izeq[k enksa ij o"kZ 2016&17] 2017&18]
2019&20] 2020&21 dk okLrfod O;; fn;k x;k gSaA
rkfydk 17-3
bl rkfydk esa mRrj izn's k esa ftysokj 'kh"kZ lgdkjh lfefr;ksa dh la[;k ftyk
dsUnzh; lgdkjh cSadksa dh la[;k] d`"kh; lgdkjh _.k] dsUnzh; miHkksDrk Hk.Mkjksa dh
la[;k] ftyk lgdkjh la?kksa dh la[;k] xUuk vkiwfrZ lgdkjh lfefr;k]sa nqX/k vkiwfrZ
lgdkjh lfefr;ka] vkokl lfefr;kW]dz; fodz; lfefr;kW izkjfEHkd miHkksDrk Hk.Mkj
vkfn dh la[;k izLrqr dh xbZ gSaA
rkfydk 17-4
mRrj izns'k esa izkjfEHkd d`f"k _.k lfefr;ksa ls lEcfU/kr dfri; vkadM+as o"kZ
1960&61 ls bl rkfydk esa izLrqr fd, x, gSa] ftlds vUrxZr lfefr;ksa dh la[;k]
lnL;rk] iznRrva'k] iwath] fu{ksi m/kkj@cdk;k] olwy fd;k x;k rFkk cdk;k _.k
lEcU/kh lwpuk;sa lfEefyr dh x;h gSaA
rkfydk 17-5
bl rkfydk esa mRrj izn's k esa izkjfEHkd vd`"kh; _.k lfefr;ksa ds mUgha enksa ds
vkadM+as o"kZ 2011&12 ls izLrqr fd, x, gSaA ftu enksa ds vkadM+sa rkfydk la[;k 17-5 esa
vd`"kh; _.k lfefr;ksa ds fy, izLrqr fd, x, gSaA
rkfydk 17-6
bl rkfydk esa lgdkjh xzke fodkl cSadksa ds dfri; vkdM+sa izLrqr fd, x;s gSaA
okLro esa ;s vkadM+as mRrj izns'k lgdkjh xzke fodkl cSadksa dh 'kk[kkvksa ls lEcfU/kr gSaA
blds vUrxZr cSadksa dh ¼'kk[kkvksadh½ la[;k mudh lnL;rk] va'k iwwth] jf{kr rFkk vU;
fuf/k;kW] fØ;k'khy iwWth] fu{ksi vU; m/kkj forfjr _.k cdk;k _.k lEcU/kh lwpuk;sa
lfEEfyr dh x;h gSA ;g lwpuk,W 2011&12 ls 2020&21 rd dh gSa A
rkfydk 17-7
bl rkfydk esa mRrj izn's k esa ftyk@dsUnzh; lgdkjh cSadksa ds dfri; vkadM+sa
izLrqr fd, x, gSa] ftlds vUrxZr cSadksa dh la[;k] 'kk[kkvksa dh la[;k lnL;rk iznRr
va'k iwWth]jf{kr rFkk vU; fuf/k;ka fdz;k'khy iwath] fu{ksi vU; m/kkj forfjr _.k
cdk;k _.k lEcU/kh lwpuk;sa lfEefyr dh x;h gSaA

rkfydk 17-8
mRrj izns'k dksvkijsfVo QsMjs'ku fyfeVsM ls lEcfU/kr lnL;rk iznRr va'k iwath
]jf{kr rFkk vU; fuf/k;kW] fdz;k'khy iwWth] dqy fodz;] d`f"k mRiknu dk foi.ku] d`f"k
vko';drk,a forfjr miHkksDrk oLrq,a ,oa ykHk rFkk gkfu dh lwpuk,a bl rkfydk esa
izLrqr dh x;h gSaA
rkfydk 17-9
bl rkfydk esa mRrj izns'k esa vkokl lfefr;ksa ls lEcfU/kr vkadM+as o"kZ
2011&12 ls 2020&21 vof/k rd ds izLrqr fd, x, gSa] ftlds vUrxZr vkokl
lfefr;ksa dh la[;k] lnL;rk]futhiwath] dk;Z'khy iwath] lanfHkZr o"kZ ds vUr esa fufeZr
Hkouksa dh la[;k] ykHk rFkk gkfu okyh lfefr;ksa dh la[;k rFkk ykHk rFkk gkfu lEcU/kh
lwpuk,a lfEefyr dh x;h gSA
rkfydk 17-10
bl rkfydk esa lgdkjh nqX/k lfefr;ksa lEcU/kh vkadM+s fn, x, gS] ftlds
vUrxZr lfefr;ksa dh la[;k] lnL;rk] iznRr] va'k iwWth] nqX/k ,oa nqX/k mRikn ds fodz;
lEcU/kh lwpuk,a nh x;h gSaA bl rkfydk esa o"kZ 2011&12 lss 2020&21 rd dh vof/k
ds vkadM+sa fn, x, gSA
17- Rural Development and Co-operation
Data relating to rural development and co-operation have been presented in
the section of the present issue. This section includes thirteen tables which are
briefed as below:
Table 17.1:
This table presents the districtwise number of blocks 2021 and rural area and
rural populaltion according to 2011 census and water facilities to inhabited villages
have been included in this table.
Table 17.2:
This table includes the government expenditure on rural development
programmes by major heads in Uttar Pradesh. It gives the actual expenditure for the
year 2016-17,2017-18,2018-19,2020-21 have also been provided.
Table 17.3:
This table provides the districtwise number of co-operative societies and
banks classified by types in Uttar Pradesh. It includes the number of Apex societies,
number of district central co-operative banks, Agricultural co-operative credit
societies, Central co-operative stores number of district co-operative federation,
number of cane supply co-operative societies milk supply societies. Housing
societies, Marketing societies, primary consumer stores etc.
Table 17.4:
This table gives the selected statistics of Primary agricultural co-operative
credit societies in U.P. since 1960-61. It includes the number of societies ,
membership, share capital, working capital, deposits, Borrowings and outstanding,
loan recovered and outstanding.
Table 17.5:
Similar to table 17.5 this table presents the selected statistics relating to non-
agricultural primary credit co-operative societies in UP. since 2011-12.

Table 17.6:
This table presents, the selected statistics of UP. co-operative village
development bank. Actually the data presented in this table pertain to the branches
of Uttar Pradesh, Co-operative village development Bank. It includes number of
banks i.e. branches of U.P. co-operative gram development bank, their membership,
share capital, Reserve Funds, working capital and loan advanced etc. These
information relate to the years since 2011-12 to 2020-21.
Table 17.7:
This table includes selected statistics of District/Central Co-operative banks in
Uttar Pradesh, Number of banks, their branches membership paid up share capital,
reserved and other funds, working capital, deposits, outstanding credit and, loans
advanced etc. also been shown in the table.
Table 17.8:
This table contains data relating to UP. Co-operative Federation and shows
the information relating to membership, paid up share capital, reserved and other
funds, working capital, total sales marketing of agricultural produces, Agriculture
needs, value of consumers goods distributed profit and loss of the Federation.
Table 17.9:
This table provides the selected statistics of Housing co-operative societies in
Uttar Pradesh, which includes the number of co-operative housing societies,
membership, paidup, share capital owned capital, working capital number of houses
constructed at the end of year, number of societies giving profit or incurring losses
etc. The data relate to the period from 2011-12 to 2020-21.
Table 17.10:
This table presents the selected statistics of Dairy and Milk Supply co-
operative societies in Uttar Pradesh, which includes number of societies,
membership, paid up share capital and sales of milk and milk products. The data for
the period 2011-12 to 2019-20 have been presented in this table.

18& [kfudeZ ,oa [kku [kksnuk

bl ifjPNsn esa dsoy ,d rkfydk izLrqr dh x;h gS] ftlds vUrxZr ckDlkbV]
Mk;Liksj] MksyksekbV] ftIle] pwus dk iRFkj] eSXuslkbV] vksdj] QkLQksjkbV]
ikbjksQkbykbV flYdk lS.M] LVhVkbV] ,.MywlkbV] rFkk dks;yk ds mRiknu dh ek=k
,oa muds mRiknu dk ewY; o"kZ 2011 ls 2020 dh vof/k rd lfEefyr fd;k x;k gSA
18- Mining and Quarrying
This section presents only one table which includes the quantity and value of
production of Bauxite, Diaspore, Dolomite, Gypsum, Limestone, Mignesite, Ochre,
Phosphorite, Pyrophylite, silicasand and, Steatite and Aundlusite etc. since 1997 to

19& fofuekZ.k
bl [k.M ds vUrxZr rhu rkfydk,a izLrqr dh x;h gSa]ftldk fooj.k fuEu
izdkj gSA
rkfydk la[;k 19-1
bl rkfydk esa mRrj izn's k esa ftysokj iathd`r ,oa fooj.k i= izLrqr djus
okyh bdkb;ksa dh la[;k] bu bdkb;ksa esa dqy jkstxkj] dqy fofu;kstu] dqy fuxZr
ewY; ,oa 'kq) vkof/kZr ewY; lEcU/kh lwpuk;sa izLrqr dh x;h gSaA rqyukRed v/;;u dh
n`f"V ls jkT;Lrjh; vkadM+as o"kZ 2011&12 ls izLrqr fd, x;s gSa] tcfd o"kZ 2017&18
dh lwpukvksa dks ftysokj izLrqr fd;k x;k gSA
rkfydk la[;k 19-2
bl rkfydk esa mRRkj izn's k esa vkS|ksfxd oxhZdj.k ds vuqlkj vkS|ksfxd mRiknu
ds lwpdkad lfEefyr fd, x;s gSaA 19-2 esa izLrqr lwpdakdksa dk vk/kkj o"kZ 2011&12 gS
rFkk o"kZ 2016&17 ls 2020&21 rd ds lwpdakd fn, x, gSaA
rkfydk la[;k 19-3
bl rkfydk esa mRrj izn's k esa vkS|ksfxd vkLFkkuksa dh lwpuk o"kZ 2011&12 ls
o"kZ 2020&21 rd dh izLrqr dh x;h gSA blesa vkS|ksfxd vkLFkkuksa] 'kSMks]a IykVksa dh
la[;k rFkk jkstxkj esa yxs O;fDr;ksa dh la[;k n'kkZ;h x;h gSA
19- Manufacturing
This section includes three tables which are briefed as below:
Table 19.1:
This table gives the districtwise number of registered factories, number of
factories submitting the returns, total employment, total investment, total output and
net value added in Uttar Pradesh. State figures have been given since 2011–12
while the districtwise figures have been given for the year 2017-2018.
Table 19.2:
The 19.2(A} table includes the Index of Industrial Production according to
Industrial classification in Uttar Pradesh for the 19.2 table includes the Index of
Industrial Production according to Industrial classification in Uttar Pradesh for the
year 2016-17 to 2020-21 having base year 2011-12.

Table 19.3:
This table presents the information regarding Industrial Estate in UP. for the
years since 2011-12 to 2020-21 which includes no. of Estates, sheds & plots, and
persons employed.

20& fo|qr ,oa ÅtkZ

bl [k.M ds vUrxZr fo|qr ,oa ÅtkZ fo"k;d rhu rkfydk;sa lfEefyr dh x;h
gSa] ftudk laf{kIr fooj.k fuEuizdkj gSA
rkfydk la[;k 20-1
bl rkfydk esa mRrj izn's k esa fo|qr dh vf/k"Bkfir la;= a {kerk ,oa fo|qr
mRiknu dh lwpuk o"kZ 1950&51 ls lfEEfyr dh x;h gSaA blesa ty] rki] Mhty ,oa
xSl ij vk/kkfjr vf/k"Bkfir {kerk ,oa mRiknu i`Fkd&i`Fkd fn[kk;k x;k gSA
rkfydk la[;k 20-2
bl rkfydk esa mRrj izn's k esa mi;ksfxrkuqlkj fo|qr ÅtkZ miHkksx rFkk dqy
miHkksDrkvksa dh la[;k o"kZ 1950&51 ls izLrqr fd;k x;k gSAfo|qr ÅtkZ dk miHkksx
fuEu mi;ksxksa esa i`Fkd&i`Fkd izLrqr fd;k x;k gSA
1- ?kjsyw Å"ek] y?kq 'kfDr izdk'k ,oa ia[ks 2- okf.kfT;d Å"ek 3- vkS|ksfxd
'kfDr¼d½ fuEu ,oa ehfM;e oksYV¼[k½mPp oksYV 4- lkoZtfud izdk'k 5- jsy 6-
lkoZtfud tydy ,oa lQkbZ 7- d`f"k vkSj 8- fofo/k
fo|qr ÅtkZ dk Js.khokj miHkksx rFkk dqy miHkksDrkvksas dh o"kZ 2020&21 dh
lwpuk tuinokj Hkh nh x;h gSA
rkfydk la[;k 20-3
bl rkfydk ds vUrxZr mRrj izns'k esa fo|qrhd`r uxj ,oa xzkeksa dh ftysokj
la[;k iznf'kZr dh x;h gSAfo|qrhdj.k esa gq, fodkl dh izxfr dk v/;;u djus ds
fy, jkT; Lrj ds vkadM+as 1950&51 ls izLrqr fd;s x;s gSa tcfd 2020&21 dh lwpuk;sa
ftysokj izLrqr dh x;h gSaA orZeku esa izn'k ds lHkh uxj fo|qrhd`r gS A

20- Electricity and Power

This section of the publication includes three tables on Electricity and Power
which are briefed as below:

Table 20.1 :
This table presents the installed capacity and Electricity generated in Uttar
Pradesh since 1950-51. The installed capacity and generation Hydro, Thermal,
Diesal and Gas electricity have been presented separately.

Table 20.2 :
This table gives the consumption data of Electricity power by the following
uses and total consumers of all uses in Uttar Pradesh since the year 1950-51.
(1) Domestic heat small power, light and fans.
(2) Commercial heat,
(3) Industrial power (i) Low Medium volt (ii) High volt.

(4) Public lighting.
(5) Traction.
(6) Public water works and severage pumping.
(7) Agriculture and
(8) Miscellaneous.
The districtwise Consumption of electricity by its uses and total consumers for
2020-21 are also given in the table.
Table 20.3 :
This table includes districtwise number of towns and inhabited villages,
number of villages electrified and percentage of villages electrified to total inhabited
villages in Uttar Pradesh. To provide the facility of comparable study the state's
figures have been given since 1950-51, while the districtwise figures are given for
the latest available year 2020&21. All towns of the state are electrified in the present

21& fuekZ.k

blesa dsoy ,d rkfydk dh lajpuk dh x;h gS] ftudk laf{kIr fooj.k fuEuor~
gS A
rkfydk la[;k 21-1
bl rkfydk esa mRrj izn's k esa Hkou fuekZ.k lEcU/kh vko';d oLrqvksa ds ftysokj
QqVdj Hkko izLrqr fd;s x;s gSaA blds vUrxZr bZV izFke Js.kh] lhesUV] ckyw
¼vOoy½]pwuk lQsn¼vuLysDM½] lfj;k] lh0ih0 lkxkSu ,oa lky ydM+h ds Hkko
lfEefyr fd;s x;s gSaA;s Hkko o"kZ 2017] 2018]2019 rFkk 2020 ls lEcfU/kr gSaA
21 - Construction

Only one table has been designed, the description of which is briefed as
Table 21.1 :
This table presents the districtwise retail prices of essential items relating to
construction of buildings in UP. Which includes bricks number one, Cement, Sand
(fine) White Lime (Unslacked), Saria and C.P. Sagon & Sal Woods etc. for the year
2017, 2018,2019 and 2020.

bl [k.M ds vUrxZr mRrj izns'k ls pquh gq;h oLrqvksa dk ¼jsy ,oa unh }kjk½
Hkkjr ds vU; jkT;ksa dks fu;kZr rFkk mRrj izns'k esa dfri; pquh gq;h oLrqvksa dk vU;
jkT;ksa ls vk;kr lEcU/kh vkadM+as izLrqr fd, x, gSaA
rkfydk la[;k 22-1
bl rkfydk ds vUrxZr pquh gq;h 72 oLrqvksa ds jsy ,oa unh }kjk mRrj izns'k
ls vU; jkT;ksa dks fu;kZr ds vkadM+sa izLrqr fd, x, gSaA
rkfydk la[;k 22-2
bl rkfydk ds vUrxZr Hkh pquh gq;h 72 oLrqvksa ds jsy ,oa unh }kjk Hkkjr ds
vU; jkT;ksa ls mRrj izn's k dks vk;kr ds vkadM+as izLrqr fd, x;s gSaA

22 - Trade

This section includes the export and import of selected commodities from UP. to
other states and from other states to Uttar Pradesh in India respectively.

Table 22.1 :
This table includes the data relating to seventy two selected commodities
which were exported from UP. to other states of India by rail and river.
Table 22.2 :
This table presents the import data relating to seventy two commodities by rail
and river to Uttar Pradesh from other states of India.


bl [k.M ds vUrxZr ifjogu lEcU/kh dqN vf/kd O;kid vkadM+ska dks izLrqr
djus dk iz;kl fd;k x;k gSA ifjogu ds vUrxZr gq, fodkl dks ifjyf{kr djus ds
fy, ,oa rqyukRed v/;;u dh lqfo/kk ds fy, uohure o"kZ ds vfrfjDr iwoZ o"kksZa ds
vkadM+as Hkh izLrqr fd, x;s gSaAbl [k.M esa pkj rkfydk,a lfEefyr dh xbZ gSaA ftudk
laf{kIr fooj.k fuEuor~ gS%&

rkfydk 23-1
bl rkfydk esa mRrj izn's k esa iathd`r rFkk lM+d ij pkfyr ;k=h ,oa eky
gsrq eksVj xkfM+;ksa dh la[;k vyx&vyx 1970&71 ls izLrqr dh x;h gSA ;k=h eksVj
xkfM+;ksa ds vUrxZr cl] dkj ,oa LVs'ku oSxu] ;k=h] thi] VSDlh rhu ifg;s rFkk nks
ifg;s okys okgu lfEefyr fd;s x;s gSA eky gsrq iathd`r eksVj xkfM+;ksa ds vUrxZr
pkj vFkok pkj ls vf/kd ifg;s okys okgu Vz~SDVj ,oa Vsyj vkfn lfEefyr fd;s x;s
rkfydk 23-2
bl rkfydk ds vUrxZr mRrj izns'k lM+d ifjogu fuxe dh okf.kfT;d 'kk[kk
dh izxfr o"kZ 1990&91 ls n'kkZ;h xbZ gS] ftlds vUrxZr pkfyr clksa dh dqy la[;k]
dqy ys tk;s x;s ;kf=;ksa dh la[;k] dk;Zjr deZpkjh] dqy izkfIr;kW] dqy O;; ,oa dqy
ykHk@gkfu dh lwpuk;sa lfEEfyr dh x;h gS A
rkfydk 23-3
mRrj izns'k esa lkoZtfud fuekZ.k foHkkx }kjk la?k`r lM+dksa dh ftysokj yEckbZ
nh x;h gSAlM+dksa dh yEckbZ ds jkT; Lrj vkadM+as o"kZ 2011&12 ls izLrqr fd, x;s gSa]
tcfd uohure miyC/k o"kZ 2020&21 ds vkadM+as ftysokj izLrqr fd;s x;s gSaA bl
rkfydk ds vUrxZr isUVsM] lhes.V] dadzhV o okVj ckmUM lhes.V] dadzhV lM+dksa dh
i`Fkd&i`Fkd lwpuk Hkh n'kkZ;h x;h gS lkFk gh izfr gtkj oxZ fdyksehVj {ks= ,oa izfr
yk[k tula[;k ij iDdh lM+dksa dh yEckbZ rFkk lM+dksa ls tqM+s xzkekssa dh la[;k Hkh nh
x;h gS A
rkfydk 23-4
bl rkfydk ds vUrxZr mRrj izns'k esa jsy ekxksZa dh dqy yEckbZ 31 ekpZ dh
fLFkfr ds vuqlkj o"kZ 2011&12 ls izLrqr dh x;h gS A cM+h ykbu ¼1-676eh½] NksVh
ykbu ¼1-000eh½ rFkk ladjh ykbu ¼0-762eh] 0-610eh½ dh yEckbZ i`Fkd&i`Fkd Hkh nh
x;h gS A

23 - Transport

Attempts have been made to present more exhaustive data pertaining to

transport in this section of this issue. To facilitate the comparative study on
development works of Transport section the data have been given since 1970-71.
Four tables are included in this section which are briefed as below:
Table 23.1 :
This table gives number of registered and on road Motor vehicles registered
since 1970-71 in Uttar Pradesh. Under registration of passenger, vehicles, the
number of buses, cars and Station wagons passenger, jeeps, Taxies, three wheelers
and two wheelers have been given while the goods vehicles include, four wheelers
and above, three wheelers, tractors and trailers etc.
Table 23.2 :
This table shows the progress of commercial wing of Uttar Pradesh State
Roadways Transport Corporation from 1990-91 It includes total fleet on road, total
number of passengers carried, total staff, total receipts, total expenditure and loss or
profit of the corporation.
Table 23.3 :
This table provides the districtwise road length maintained by P.W.D. in Uttar
Pradesh. Data of road length for the state as a whole have been given since
2011-12, while the districtwise figures have been given for the latest available year
2020-21 Black tapped and water bound roads have also been shown separately,
Road length per thousands sq. meters and road length per lakh of population,
number of villages connected with roads, have also been shown in the table.
Table 23.4:
This table gives the railway route length in Uttar Pradesh since 2011-12.
Railway route length of broad gauge (1.676m), Meter gauge (1.000m) and Narrow
gauge(0.762m, 0.610m) have been shown separately.

24&foi.ku ,oa Hk.Mkj.k
blds vUrxZr jkT; esa foi.ku ,oa Hk.Mkj.k dh lqfo/kkvksa ds fodkl lEcU/kh vkadM+sa izLrqr
fd;s x;s gSaA bl mi[k.M ds vUrxZr N% rkfydk;sa lfEefyr dh x;h gSaA
rkfydk 24-1
mRRkj izns'k esa d`"kdksa dks muds mRiknu ds foi.ku dh lqfo/kk miyC/k djkus ,oa mRiknu
dk lgh ,oa mfpr ewY; fnykus ,oa fcpkSfy, ls cpkus ds fy, jkT; d`f"k mRiknu e.Mh ifj"kn
mRrj izns'k dk xBu fd;k x;kA bl rkfydk esa d`f"k mRiknu e.Mh ifj"kn }kjk lapkfyr ef.M;ksa
,oa mief.M;ksa dh ftysokj la[;k nh x;h gSA
rkfydk 24-2
bl rkfydk esa mRrj izns'k dh fu;fer ef.M;ksa esa d`f"k oLrqvksa ds o"kZ 2011&12 ls
2020&21 rd dh okf"kZd vkod dh lwpuk nh x;h gSAblesa xsgwW] puk] tkS] pkoy] /kku] Tokj]
cktjk] eDdk] vjgj] xqM+] ljlks]a ewWxQyh] vylh] ,oa vkyw vkfn oLrqvksa dks lfEefyr fd;k x;k
rkfydk 24-3
bl rkfydk esa mRrj izns'k esa vfHkdj.kokj Hk.Mkj.k dh bdkbZ;kW ,oa mudh Hk.Mkj.k {kerk
lEcU/kh lwpuk;sa o"kZ 2011&12 ls 2020&21 rd dh izLrqr dh x;h gSA
rkfydk 24-4
bl rkfydk esa mRrj izns'k esa jkT; ljdkj ds LokfeRo okys Hk.Mkjksa dh la[;k muds
Hk.Mkj.k {kerk lEcU/kh vkadM+sa izLrqr fd;s x;s gSA ;s lwpuk;sa ftysokj nh x;h gS rFkk o"kZ
2011&12 ls o"kZ 2019&20 dh vof/k ls lEcfU/kr gS A
rkfydk 24-5
bl rkfydk ds vUrxZr vfHkdj.kokj /kku ,oa xsgsa w dh vf/kizkfIr ds vkadM+as o"kZ 2011&12 ls
2020&21 o"kZ rd dh vof/k ds izLrqr fd, x, gSaA fofHkUu ,tsfUl;ksa esa jkT; ljdkj] mRRkj izns'k
lgdkjh la?k] mRrj izns'k [kk| rFkk vko';d oLrq fuxe mRrj izns'k jkT; ,xzks b.MfLV~z;y
dkjiksjs'ku] fodkl fuxeksa ,oa Hkkjrh; [kk| fuxe dks lfEefyr fd;k x;k gSA
rkfydk 24-6
mRrj izns'k esa uxjh; ,oa xzkeh.k {ks=ksa esa lkoZtfud forj.k iz.kkyh ds vUrxZr ljdkjh
lLrs xYys dh nqdkuksa dh la[;k i`Fkd&i`Fkd izLrqr dh x;h gSA bu nqdkuksa ls mRrj izn's k esa
miHkksDrkvksa dks lLrs vkSj fu;f=r ewY; ij phuh ,oa [kk|kUu miyC/k djk;k tkrk gSA

24 - Marketing and Storage

This section provides the data relating to the developmental activities of

marketing and storage facilities in Uttar Pradesh. This section includes six tables
which are briefed below:
Table 24.1 :
To provide facilities of marketing of agricultural produce to eliminate the
middlemen and ensure the proper value to the farmers of their produce, the Krishi
Utpadan Mandi Parishad, Uttar Pradesh has been establised. This table gives the
number of Mandies and submandies for each district in Uttar Pradesh.
Table 24.2 :
This table presents the annual arrivals of Agricultural commodities in
regulated markets in Uttar Pradesh for the year 2011-12 to 2020-21. The arrivals of
wheat, Gram, Barley, Rice, Paddy, Jwar, Bajra, Maize, Arhar, Peas, Gur, Mustard
Seed, Ground nut, Linseed and Potato have been given in this table.
Table 24.3 :
This table gives the agencywise number of storage units and their capacity in
UP., since 2011-12 to 2020-21.
Table 24.4 :
This table provides the districtwise number and capacity of State owned
warehouses for the year 2011-12 to 2019&20 in Uttar Pradesh.

Table 24.5 :
This table shows the procurement of Paddy and Wheat by different agencies
in Uttar Pradesh for the years 2011-12 to 2020-21. Different agencies include, State
Government UP. Co-operative Federation, UP. State food and essential
commodities corporation, UP. State Agro-Industrial Corporation Developmental
Corporation and Food Corporation of India etc.
Table 24.6 :
This table presents the number of fair price shops under Public Distribution
System (P.D.S.) in UP. in rural and urban areas separately. The sugar and other
essential commodities like foodgrains are made available to consumers on the
cheaper rates fixed by the Government.

bl mi[k.M esa dsoy ,d rkfydk lfEefyr dh x;h gS] ftlds vUrxZr

Mkd?kjksa dh xzkeh.k ,oa uxjh; {ks=okj] rkj?kjksa dh la[;k nh x;h gSaA VsyhQksu

,Dlpsatksa dh la[;k rFkk dk;Zjr VsyhQksu dusD'ku ] bUVjusV lClØkbcj ] MCY;w ,y]

,y fQDlM dusD'ku] MCY;w ,y] ,y eksckby dusD'ku lEcU/kh lwpuk;sa ch0 ,l0 ,u0

,y0 dh nh x;h gSaA jkT; Lrj dh lwpuk;sa o"kZ 2011&12ls izLrqr dh x;h gSa tcfd

uohure o"kZ 2020&21 dh lwpuk;sa ftysokj Hkh nh x;h gSA

25 - Communication

In this chapter only one table has been presented which gives the number of

post offices, number of telegraph offices where as number of telephone exchanges

and number of working telephone connections, internet subscribers, W.L.L. fixed

connections, W.L.L. mobile connections is given by BSNL. The state figures have

been presented since 2011-12 to facilitate the comparable study while the

districtwise information have been given for the latest available year 2020-21.

26&i;ZVu ,oa ukxfjd mM~M;u
bl izns'k esa ukxfjd mM~M;u lEcU/kh vf/kd mi;ksxh vkadM+as miyC/k u gks ikus
ds dkj.k bl ifjPNsn esa miyC/k vkadM+ksa ds vk/kkj ij i;ZVu lEcU/kh dsoy nks
rkfydk,a lfEefyr dh x;h gS ftudk laf{kIr fooj.k fuEu izdkj gSA
rkfydk 26-1
bl rkfydk esa mRrj izn's k esa izeq[k i;ZVu LFkyokj i;ZVdksa dh lwpuk izLrqr
dh x;h gSA;g lwpuk o"kZ 2011 ls 2021 rd dh vof/k ls lEcfU/kr gSA
rkfydk 26-2
bl rkfydk esa mRrj izn's k rFkk Hkkjr esa vkus okys fons'kh i;ZVdksa dh la[;k
rFkk vftZr fons'kh eqnzk dh lwpuk;sa lfEefyr dh x;h gSA;s lwpuk;sa o"kZ 2011 ls 2021
rd dh vof/k ls lEcfU/kr gSaA

26 - Tourism and Civil Aviation

The useful data on civil aviation is not available in this state, hence only two
tables containing the data on tourism have been added.
Table 26.1:
This table presents the districtwise important tourist spots and number of
tourists visiting them in Uttar Pradesh from the year 2011 to 2021.
Table 26.2:
This table gives the number of foreigner tourists visiting Uttar Pradesh and
India. This table also gives an accounts of foreign currency earned. The data have
been given for the years 2011 to 2021.

27&Je ,oa jkstxkj
bl le; Je lkaf[;dh; ,oa jkstxkj lEcU/kh vkadM+ksa dk cgqr egRo gSA
izdk'ku ds bl mi[k.M esa Je ,oa jkstxkj ls lEcU/kh O;kid ,oa mi;ksxh lwpuk;sa 16
rkfydkvksa esa izLrqr dh x;h gSa ftudk laf{kIr fooj.k fn;k tk jgk gSA
rkfydk 27-1
bl rkfydk esa mRRkj izns'k esa okf.kfT;d izfr"Bkuks]a nqdkuksa rFkk gksVy ,oa
tyiku x`gksa dh la[;k rFkk muesa dk;Zjr deZpkjh lEcU/kh lwpuk o"kZ 2011&12 ls
2020&21 rd izLrqr dh x;h gSA
rkfydk 27-2
bl rkfydk ds vUrxZr mRRkj izn's k esa o"kZ 2017&18 esa m|ksx oxkZuqlkj fooj.k
i= izLrqr djus okys iathd`r dkj[kkuksa dh la[;k rFkk muesa dk;Zjr izfrfnu vkSlr
Jfedksa dh la[;k nh x;h gSA buesa ,sls lHkh dkj[kkuksa dks lfEEfyr fd;k x;k gS tks
dkj[kkuk vf/kfu;e 1948 ds vUrxZr iathd`r gS rFkk okf"kZd fjVuZ izLrqr djrs gSaA
rkfydk 27-3
bl rkfydk esa 31 fnlEcj] 2021 dh fLFkfr ds vuqlkj mRrj izn's k esa
iw.kZdkfyd vuqlwfpr tkfr ,oa vuqlwfpr tutkfr ds deZpkfj;ksa dh la[;k lsok
oxkZuqlkj izFke] f}rh;] r`rh;] ,oaprqFkZ Jsf.k;ksa dh i`Fkd&i`Fkd izLrqr dh x;h gSA
izR;sd lsok oxZ esa vuqlwfpr tkfr;ksa ,o avuqlwfpr tutkfr;ksa dk izfrfuf/kRo bu
tkfr;ksa ds deZpkfj;ksa dk dqy deZpkfj;ksa ds izfr'kr ds #i esa fn[kk;k x;k gSA
rkfydk 27-4 }kjk ftysokj iathdj.k ,oa jkstxkj ls yxkus lEcU/kh dk;Z ds izxfr ds
vkadM+as o"kZ 2012 ls bl rkfydk ds vUrxZr mRrj izns'k esa jkstxkj nQ~rjksa izLrqr fd,
x;s gSaA blesa iathc) vH;fFkZ;ksa dh la[;k o"kZ esa lwfpr fjDr LFkku] izkFkhZ ftudks dke
fnyk;k x;k rFkk o"kZ ds vUr esa pkyw iaftdk esa vH;FkhZ lEcU/kh lwpuk;sa o"kZ 2020 dh
ftysokj nh x;h gSa A
rkfydk 27-5
bl rkfydk ds vUrxZr mRrj izns'k esa jkstxkj nQ~rjksa dh pkyw iaft;ksa esa dk;Z
izkfFkZ;ksa dk fuEu O;olk;kuqlkj foHkktu izLrqr fd;k x;k gSA¼1½O;olkf;d] izkoSf/kd
rFkk lEcfU/kr dk;Z izkFkhZ]¼2½iz'kkldh; dk;Z ikyd rFkk izcU/kd dk;Z izkFkhZA¼3½ fyfid
oxhZ; ¼4½fodz; dk;Z izkFkhZ]¼5½d`"kd] eNq,] f'kdkjh] yB~Vs cukuk rFkk lEcfU/kr dk;Z
izkFkhZ]¼6½[kfut mRiknd rFkk lEcfU/kr dk;Z izkFkhZ]¼7½ifjogu rFkk lapkj O;olk;ksa ds
dk;Z izkFkhZ]¼8½f'kYidkj mRiknu fdz;kfof/k izkFkhZ rFkk Jfed ftudk dgha oxhZdj.k ugha
gqvkA¼9½[ksy dzhM+k rFkk fouksn dk;Z izkFkhZ ,oa¼10+½ os dk;Z izkFkhZ ftudk fdlh O;olk;
esa oxhZdj.k ugh gqvk gS A
rkfydk 27-6
rkfydk ds vUrxZr mRrj izns'k esa lkoZtfud {ks= ¼dsUnzh; ljdkj] jkT;
ljdkj] v)Z ljdkj rFkk LFkkuh; fudk;½esa jkstxkj dh lwpuk nh x;h gS A jkT; Lrj
dh lwpuk;sa o"kZ 2011 ls izLrqr dh x;h gS] tcfd uohure miyC/k o"kZ 2020 dh
lwpuk;sa ftysokj izLrqr dh x;h gSaA ;s 31 ekpZ dh fLFkfr ds vuqlkj gSA

rkfydk 27-7
bl rkfydk ds vUrxZr lkoZtfud {ks= ,oa futh {ks= esa jkT;okj vuqekfur
jkstxkj ds vkadM+sa izLrqr fd, x, gSaAlkoZtfud {ks= ds vUrxZr dsUnzh; ljdkj] jkT;
ljdkj] dsUnzh; v)Z ljdkjh izfr"Bku] jkT; v)Z ljdkjh izfr"Bku ,oa LFkkuh; fudk;
lfEefyr gSaA futh {ks= dks ^o`gr ,oa y?kq*esa oxhZd`r fd;k x;k gSAlEiw.kZ Hkkjr dh
lwpuk o"kZ 2001&02 ls 2012&13 ds vkadM+as jkT;okj izLrqr fd, x, gSaA bu lwpukvksa
dks lzksr] jkstxkj ,oa izf'k{k.k egkfuns'kky;] Hkkjr ljdkj] ubZ fnYyh gSA

rkfydk 27-8
bl rkfydk ds vUrxZr mRRkj izn's k esa izeq[k m|ksx oxkZZuqlkj Jfedksa dks okf"kZd
vkSlr dekbZ ds o"kZ 2017&18 ds vkadM+sa izLrqr fd;s x;s gSaA
rkfydk 27-9
rkfydk esa yksd lsok vk;ksx mRRkj izn's k }kjk foKkfir fjfDr;ksa dh la[;k]
vkosnu i=ksa dh la[;k]lk{kkRdkj esa mifLFkr vH;fFkZ;ksa dh la[;k ,oa fu;qfDr ds fy,
laLrqr fd, x, vH;fFkZ;ksa dh la[;k la[;k o"kZ 2011&12 ls o"kZ 2020&21 rd dks
lfEefyr dh x;h gSA blds i'pkr ds o"kksZa dh lwpuk;sa lnu esa vHkh rd ikfjr u
gksus d dkj.k lfEefyr ugha fd;s tk lds gSaA
rkfydk 27-10
bl rkfydk ds vUrxZr mRRkj izns'k esa dkj[kkus esa gqbZ nq?kZVuk;sa o"kZ 2011 ls
izLrqr dh x;hA nq?kZVukvksa dks nks oxksZ esa ¼1½?kkrd rFkk ¼2½tks ?kkrd ugha Fkh esa
oxhZsd`r fd;k x;k gSA
rkfydk 27-11
bl rkfydk esa mRrj izn's k esa m|ksxksa esa o"kZ 2020&21 esa gqbZ gM+rky ,oa
rkykcafn;ksa dh la[;k izLrqr dh x;h gS ftlds vUrxZr izHkkfor Jfedksa dh la[;k]
ekuo fnolksa dh gkfu] osru gkfu ,oa mRiknu gkfu dh lwpuk lfEEfyr gSA
rkfydk 27-12
bl rkfydk esa mRrj izn's k esa lnL;rkuqlkj Jfed la?kksa dk oxhZdj.k izLrqr
fd;k x;k gSAJfed la?kksa dks 50 ls de] 50&99] 100&149] 150&199] 200&249]
250&299] 300&349] 350&399] 400&449] 450&499] 500&999]1000 ls 4999] 5000 ls
9999]rFkk 10000 vkSj vf?kd oxksZa esa ckWVk x;k gS A bl vad esa 2020&21 dh lwpuk
nh x;h gS A
rkfydk 27-13
bl rkfydk ds vUrxZr mRRkj izns'k ds dkj[kkuksa esa efgyk] Jfedksa dh la[;k
,oa mUgsa ekr`Ro ykHk ds vUrxZr fn, x;s ykHk ds vkadM+sa o"kZ 2011 ls 2020 rd ds
izLrqr fd, x, gSaA
rkfydk 27-14
bl rkfydk esa mRrj izn's k ds jkstxkj cktkj dh lwpuk iznf'kZr dh x;h gS]
ftlds vUrxZr fofHkUu m|ksxkuqlkj lwpuk Hkstus okyh bdkb;ksa dh lwpuk dks
lfEefyr fd;k x;k gSA

27 - Labour and Employment
The labour and employment statistics has got a great importance in the
present planning era. This section of the publication presents 16 tables on labour
and employment statistics which are briefed as below:
Table 27.1:
This table shows the number of commercial establishments Hotel and
restaurants and shops and persons employed there in since 2011-12 to 2020-21.
Table 27.2:
This table gives the industry-group-wise number of registered working
factories submitting the returns and average daily workers employed in them which
are registered under Factory Act 1948 for the year 2017-18.
Table 27.3:
This table provides the whole time total numbers of scheduled castes and
scheduled tribes state government employees as on 31st Dec.2021 in class I,II,III
and IV services groups separately. Percentage of class wise scheduled castes and
scheduled tribes employees to total employees has also been given.
Table 27.4:
This table includes the districtwise applicants registered and placed in
employment through employment exchanges in Uttar Pradesh. Information regarding
number of applicants registered, vacancies notified by the end of the year, applicants
placed in employment and applicants on the live register at the end of the year have
been given in this table. the data consist of year 2020 districtwise while state level
data is given since 2012 .
Table 27.5
This table includes occupational distribution of applicants on live register of
employment exchanges in Uttar Pradesh. The applicants are classified in the
following occupations according to their choice. (i) Professional technical and related
workers, (ii) Administrative, Executive and managerial workers, (iii) Clerical and
related workers, (iv) Sales workers, (v) Farmers, Fishermen, Hunters and related
workers, (vi) Mines, quarrymen and related workers, (vii) Workers in transport and
communication, (viii) Craftsmen products process workers and labourers not else
where classified, (ix) Service sports and recreation workers, (x) Workers not
classified by any occupation.

Table 27.6:
This table gives districtwise employment in Central Govt, State Government,
Quasi Governments and local bodies in Uttar Pradesh. The state level figures have
been presented since 2011 where as district level figures have been given for the
latest year 2020, these are the position as on 31st march.
Table 27.7:
It gives statewise estimated employment in Public and Private sector, Public
Sector Includes Central Government, State Government establishment Central
Quasi Government establishment State Quasi Government .Establishment and local
bodies, Private sector have been classified into large and small sectors. All India,
figures have been presented since the year 2001-02 while statewise figures are
given for the year 2012-2013. The source of data is Director General Employment &
Training, Government of India, New Delhi.
Table 27.8:
This table gives the average annual earnings of workers by major industry
groups for year 2017-18 in Uttar Pradesh.
Table 27.9:
This table shows the no. of posts advertised, no. of applicants for, no. of
candidates interviewed and no. of candidates recommended for appointment by The
State Public Service Commission in Uttar Pradesh from 2011-12 to 2020-21.
Table 27.10:
This table presents fatal and non-fatal accidents in the factories of Uttar
Pradesh since 2011.
Table 27.11:
This table gives the industrywise no. of strikes and lock-outs in Uttar Pradesh
for the year 2020-21 which also includes, no. of workers involved, no. of man days
lost, loss in pay and production.
Table 27.12:
It gives distribution of trade unions according to their membership in Uttar
Pradesh. The unions and membership are classified according to groups of
members (i) below 50, (ii) 50-99, (iii) 100-149,(iv) 150-199, (v) 200-249, (vi) 250-299,
(vii) 300-349, (viii) 350-399, (ix) 400-449, (x) 450-499, (xi) 500-999, (xii) 1000-4999,
(xiii) 5000-9999, (xiv) 10,000 and above Figures have been given for the latest year

Table 27.13:
This table gives the no. of female workers employed in the registered factories
of Uttar Pradesh and maternity benefits given to them for the years 2011 to 2020.
Table 27.14:
This table presents the employment market information in Uttar Pradesh for
the reporting units by industry.

28&vf/kdks"k.k ,oa chek

bl ifjPNsn ds vUrxZr dsUnzh; lkaf[;dh; laxBu dh ofdZx desVh ds lq>ko
ds vuqlkj dqN vf/kd O;kid lwpuk;sa nsus dk izLrko Fkk] ijUrq lq>ko esa lfEefyr
lHkh lwpuk,a miyC/k u gks ikus ds dkj.k miyC/k lwpuk,a dsoy nks rfydkvksa esa gh
izLrqr dh x;h gSaA ftudk laf{kIr fooj.k fuEukuqlkj gS%&
rkfydk 28-1
bl rkfydk esa mRRkj izn's k esa vuqlwfpr O;olkf;d cSad dk;kZy;ksa dh la[;k
ekpZ 2020 dh fLFkfr ds vuqlkj ftysokj _.k ,oa tek rFkk mudk vuqikr izLrqr
fd;k x;k gSA
rkfydk 28-2
bl rkfydk esa jkT;okj vuqlwfpr O;olkf;d cSadksa dh tek /kujkf'k ,oa forfjr
_.k ds vkadM+sa ekpZ] 2020 dh fLFkfr ds vuqlkj izLrqr fd, x, gSaA
28- Banking and Insurance

As per suggestions of the working commitee constituted by the Central

Statistical Organisation more detailed data were proposed to be given under the
section. The section includes only two tables which are briefed below:
Table 28.1:
This table provides districtwise no. of offices of Scheduled commercial Banks,
their credit, deposit and their ratio for the Uttar Pradesh as on march 2020.
Table 28.2:
This table provides statweise no. of Scheduled commercial Bank offices their
deposits, and loan distributed as on March, 2020.

29&yksd foRr
izLrqr mi[k.M esa eq[;r;k mRrj izns'k ds ctV lEcU/kh izeq[k vkadM+as fn, x,
gSa A bl mi[k.M esa 11 rkfydk;sa nh x;h gSaA ftudk laf{kIr fooj.k fuEu izdkj gSA

rkfydk 29-1
mRRkj izns'k esa dqy jktdh; izkfIr;ka o"kZ 2011&12 ls vk;&O;;d vuqeku
2021&22 rd bl rkfydk esa izLrqr dh x;h gSAizkfIr;ksa dks jktLo ds lzksrkuqlkj Hkh
oxhZd`r djds n'kkZ;k x;k gSA
rkfydk 29-2
bl rkfydk ds vUrxZr mRrj izns'k ljdkj ds jktLo ys[ks ls o"kZ 2010&11 ls
2021&22 rd dk O;; izLrqr fd;k x;k gSAO;; dk ¼1½jkT; ds vax] ¼2½jkt dks"kh;
lsok;sa]¼3½C;kt dh vnk;xh ,oa _.k la'kks/ku dk;Z]¼4½iz'kklfud lsok;s]a ¼5½lkekftd ,oa
lkeqnkf;d lsok;s]a ¼6½vkfFkZd lsok;sa rFkk ¼7½vU; enksa ds vUrxZr i`Fkd&2 dqy O;; ds
izfr'kr ds lkFk fn[kk;k x;k gSA
rkfydk 29-3
mRRkj izn's k dk iwath ctV bl rkfydk esa izLrqr fd;k x;k gS ftlds vUrxZr
iwthaxr izkfIr;ka ,oa iwath O;; ds o"kZ 2011&12 ls 2021&22 rd ds vkadM+as lfEefyr
fd, x, gSaA
rkfydk 29-4
bl rkfydk esa mRrj izn's k ctV dh fLFkfr o"kZ 2011&12 ls 2021&22 rd
lexz :Ik ls izLrqr dh x;h gS] ftlds vUrxZr jktLo o iwWth ys[kksa ls cpr vFkok
?kkVs rFkk udnh vf/k'ks"k esa o`f) vFkok deh dks iznf'kZr fd;k x;k gSA
rkfydk 29-5
mRrj izns'k esa jktdh; ctV dk dk;Z lEcU/kh oxhZdj.k izfr'kr forj.k ds :Ik
esa o"kZ 2011&12 ls 2021&22 rd dk bl rkfydk esa izLrqr fd;k x;k gSA
rkfydk 29-6
bl rkfydk esa mRrj izn's k ds jktdh; O;; dk vkfFkZd oxhZdj.k izfr'kr
forj.k ds :i esa izLrqr fd;k x;k gS ftlesa pkyw O;; ,oa iathxr O;; dk forj.k
i`Fkd&2 izLrqr fd;k x;k gSAblds vUrxZr o"kZ 2011&12] 2016&17 o 2017&8 ds
okLrfod 2019&20 ds iqujhf{kr vuqeku ,oa 2021&22 ds vk;&O;; ds vuqeku vkadM+as
izLrqr fd, x, gSaA
rkfydk 29-7
bl rkfydk ds vUrxZr mRrj izns'k ds Hkw&jktLo dh ftysokj ekax rFkk olwyh
ds vkadM+as izLrqr fd, x, gSa tks fd flrEcj 30] 2021 ls lEcfU/kr gSaA pkyw ,oa
cdk;k nksuksa izdkj dh i`Fkd&i`Fkd ekaxsa ,oa olwfy;kW n'kkZ;h x;h gSaA
rkfydk 29-8
bl rkfydk ds vUrxZr mRrj izns'k esa vkcdkjh ls izkIr jktLo ds vkadM+sa o"kZ
2011&12 ls 2020&21 rd ds izLrqr fd, x, gSaA ns'kh vklo] ns'kh [kehjh efnjk] tkS
vkfn dh efnjk] fons'kh efnjk@'kjkcsa vkSj vzklo okf.kfT;d rFkk fod`r dh gq;h fLizV
rFkk vkS"k/kh; 'kjkcsa] e|lkj vQhe vkfn ls ;qDr vkS"k/kh; vkSj izlk/ku lEcU/kh
lkefxz;ka] vQhe] Hkkax ,oa vU; Hks"kt] tqekZus ,oa tfCRr;kW ,oa vU; izkfIr;kW vkfn enksa
ds vUrxZr vkcdkjh jktLo ds vkadM+sa izLrqr fd, x, gSaA
rkfydk 29-9
bl rkfydk ds vUrxZr vk;dj ls lEcfU/kr lwpuk;sa nh x;h gSaA blesa mRRkj
izn's k esa O;fDrxr vfoHkkftr fgUnw ifjokj] iathd`r QeZ] vU; dEiuh ,oa lEiw.kZ Lrjksa
,oa vk;&lhekuqlkj fu/kkZj.kksa dh la[;k] fu/kkZfjr vk; ,oa vk;dj dh ekax vf/kHkkj
lfgr rFkk fu/kkZfjr 'kq) vk; ds v/khu fu/kkZj.k la[;k ,oa 'kq) vk; n'kkZ;h x;h gSA
;g lwpuk o"kZ 2018&19 ls lEcfU/kr gSA bldk lzksr vk;dj egkfuns'kky;] foRr
ea=ky;] Hkkjr ljdkj] ubZ fnYyh gSA
rkfydk 29-10
bl rkfydk esas Hkkjr ljdkj esa Lrjokj vk;dj lhekuqlkj vk;dj dh njsa
fu/kkZj.k o"kZ 2019&20]2020&21] 2021&22 dh nh x;h gS A
rkfydk 29-11
bl rkfydk esa mRrj izn's k esa Mkd?kj cpr ;kstuk dss vUrxZr 'kq) Mkd?kj
cpr ds o"kZ 2011&12 ls 2020&21 ds vkWdM+s fn;s x;s gSaA

29- Public Finance

This section presents mainly the budget statistics of Uttar Pradesh. This section includes
eleven tables as briefed below:
Table 29.1:
This table includes the total revenue receipts of Government of Uttar Pradesh. Receipts
have been shown by sources from 2011-12 to Budget Estimates 2022&22.
Table 29.2:
This table shows the expenditure from the revenue accounts of Uttar Pradesh from 2010-
11 to 2021&22. Expenditure have been classified under the heads (i) Organization of State, (ii)
Fiscal services, (iii) interest payments and servicing debts, (iv) Administrative services, (v) Social
and community services, (vi) Economic services and others.
Table 29.3:
This table present the capital budget of Uttar Pradesh from 2011-12 to 2021&22. It shows
the receipts and expenditure and over all surplus of deficit of the capital budget.
Table 29.4:
This table shows the over all budgetory position of Uttar Pradesh from 2011-12 to
2021-22. It gives surplus or deficit on revenue accounts surplus of deficit on capital accounts,
over all surplus or deficit and increase or decrease in cash balance.
Table 29.5:
This table presents the percentage distribution of Government budget (Functional
Classification) in Uttar Pradesh from 2011-12 to 2020-21.
Table 29.6:

This table presents the percentage distibution of government expenditure according to

economic classification in Uttar Pradesh, which includes current expenditure and capital
expenditure. The figures for the year 2011&12] 2016&17 and are 2017-18 actuals while 2019-20
and 2021-22 are Revised and budget estimates respectively.
Table 29.7:
This table shows the districtwise demand and collection of land revenue in UP. for the
Sep 30, 2021 which also gives the current and arrear demands and collection.

Table 29.8:
This table shows the revenue from excise by commodities in Uttar Pradesh since the
year 2011-12 to 2020-21. The commodities are classified as country spirit, country fermented
liquor, malt liquor, foreign liquor and spirits, commercial denatured spirits, medical and toilet
preparations, alcohol, opium, hemp and other drugs and fines etc.

Table 29.9:
This table presents information relating to Income Tax. It includes information on
individuals, undivided Hindu family registered firms, associations registered firms, others
companies and all levels in U.P. as well as no. of asessments according to Income ranges,
assessed income, demand of Income-Tax including surchange, number of assessments under
not assessed income and net income. The information relates to the year 2018-19. Its source is
Income-Tax Directorate, Ministry of Finance, Government of India, New Delhi.
Table 29.10:
This table shows the assessed income tax, including surcharge according to the taxable
income in India, alongwith the percentage of tax to the income. The information is related to the
year 2019-2020,2020-21,2021-22.
Table 29.11: This table provides the receipts and outstandings deposits of post offices in Uttar
Pradesh since the year 2011-12 to 2020-2021.

30&Hkko ,oa lwpdkad

bl [k.M ds vUrxZr Hkko ,oa lwpdkad lac/a kh 7 rkfydk;sa lfEEfyr dh x;h gS
ftudk fooj.k fuEu izdkj gSA
rkfydk 30-1
izLrqr vad ds bl ifjPNsn ds vUrxZr Hkko ,oa lwpdkad izLrqr fd, x, gSaA
2011&12¾100 mi;ksx fd;k x;k gSaA bl rkfydk esa izkFkfed oLrqvksa ds vUrxZr
[kk|kUu] nkysa] Qy vkSj rjdkjh] nw/k vkSj nw/k inkFkZ] ekal] eNyh o v.Mk rFkk v[kk|
inkFkksZa ds vUrxZr js'ks] frygu rFkk vU; [kk| oLrqvksa ds Hkko lwpdkad 2018&19 ls
2020&21 rd ds izLrqr fd, x, gSaAbZ/ku] 'kfDr] izdk'k] vkSj Lusgd fofufeZr mRikn
vkfn oLrqvksa ds lwpdakd Hkh fn, x;s gSaA fofufeZr mRiknksa ds vUrxZr [kk|
mRiknks& a is; rEckdw ds mRiknksa diM+k] dkxt ,oa dkxt ds mRiknksa] peM+k ,oa peM+k
ds mRiknks]a v/kkfRod [kfut mRiknksas] ewYk fefJr /kkrq ,oa /kkrq mRiknks]a e'khu ,oa
;krk;kr midj.k lEcU/kh oLrqvksa dks lfEefyr fd;k x;k gSaA
rkfydk 30-2
bl rkfydk ds vUrxZr mRRkj izns'k esa d`f"k oLrqvksa ds lkekU; Fkksd Hkko ds
lwpdakd o"kZ 2004&05 ds vk/kkj ij ;g lwpdakd o"kZ 2011&12ls o"kZ 2015&16 rd
,oa o"kZ 2011&12 ds vk/kkj ij ;g lwpdakd o"kZ 2016&17]2017&18] 2018&19
]2019&20 2020&21 ds izLrqr fd, x;s gSaA
rkfydk 30-3
bl rkfydk ds vUrxZr o"kZ 2011&12 ds vk/kkj ij vf[ky Hkkjrh; Fkksd Hkko
ds lwpdakd o"kZ 2012&13] 2018&19 rFkk 2020&21 ds izLrqr fd, x, gSa A izR;sd
lewg rFkk milewg ,oa leLr oLrqvksa ds lfEEfyr lwpdakd Hkh izLrqr fd, x;s gSaA
rkfydk 30-4
bl rkfydk esa mRrj izn's k ds vkxjk] xkft;kckn ]dkuiqj] y[kuÅ rFkk
okjk.klh dsUnzksa ds vkS|ksfxd Jfedksa dk miHkksDrk Hkko lwpdkad vk/kkj o"kZ 1982 rFkk
o"kZ 2006 ls vk/kkj o"kZ 2001 ij fn;s x;s gSaA o"kZ 2006 ls y[kuÅ u;k dsUnz
lfEefyr fd;k x;k gSA
rkfydk 30-4 v esa foRrh; o"kZ 2020&21 ds fy;s lEHkkxokj mRrj izns’k dk
vkSlr uxjh; miHkksxrk Hkko lwpdkad rFkk 30-4 c esa foRrh; o"kZ 2020&21 ds fy;s
mRrj izns’k dk lEHkkxokj vkSlr xzkeh.k miHkksDrk Hkko lwpdkad izFke ckj lfEefyr
fd;k x;k gS A
rkfydk 30-5
bl rkfydk esa mRrj izn's k ds miHkksDrk Hkko lwpdkad xzkeh.k uxjh; o la;qDr
en esa fn;s x;s gS A
rkfydk 30-6
bl rkfydk esa vf[ky Hkkjrh; vks|ksSxd Jfedksa dk miHkksDrk Hkko lwpdkad o"kZ
2001 ds vk/kkj ij tuojh 2011&12 ls 2020&21 rd ds izLrqr fd, x, gSaA o"kZ
2019&20 ds lwpdkadksa dks ekgokj Hkh izLrqr fd;k x;k gSA

30- Prices and Indices

This section contains the data relating to price and indices and includes seven
tables which are briefed below:

Table 30.1:
This table presents the whole sale price index number of Uttar Pradesh based
on the Year 2011-12. In calculating the index number the percentage weight has
also been takes into account. The weighted index number for cereals, pulses, fruits
and vegetables, milk and milk products meat, fish and eggs, Condiments and
spieces, other food articles have been given under the head food articles. Under the
head non-food articles the index number of fibre oilseeds, and other non-food
articles have been given from 2018-19 to 2020-21. The indices of fuel, power light
and lubricants, food products, sugar products, sugar khandsari and gur, edible oils,
oil cakes, beverages, tabacco, textiles, paper and paper products, leather and
leather products, rubber and rubber products chemical and chemical products,
machinery and transport equipment have also been given.
Table 30.2:
This table presents the index number of whole sale prices of agricultural
commodities in U.P. for the base year 2004-05 ,2011-12 have been given from
2011-12 to 2020-21.

Table 30.3:
This table presents the All-India index numbers of wholesale prices by groups
from 2012-13,2018-19,2019-20,2020-21 based on base year 2011-12. Besides
giving groupwise index number of all commodities have been presented in this table.
Table 30.4:
This table gives the consumer price index numbers for the industrial workers
for the centres Agra, Ghaziabad, Kanpur, Lucknow and Varanasi. These index
numbers are based on 1982 and Since year 2006 index numbers based on the year
2001. Table 30.4 a shows annual average urban consumer price index whereas
table30.4b shows annual average rural consumer price index for the year 2020-21
first time introduced in this edition.
Table 30.5:
This table provides consumer price index number for urban non mannual
employees for Agra, Allahabad, Kanpur, Lucknow and Meerut centres of Uttar
Pradesh for the years 2016to 2019 based on 2011-12
Table 30.6:
This table includes all India index number of consumer prices of industrial
workers based on the year 2001. The index number have been given, for the years
2011-12 to 2020-21, Monthwise index number for the year 2019-20 have been

31&iapo"khZ; ;kstuk
ns'k vkSj izns'k ds cgqeq[kh rFkk dzec) fodkl ds fy, iapo"khZZ; ;kstuk dh
lajpuk dh tkrh gSAbl mi[k.M esa iapo"khZ; ;kstukvksa ls lacaf/kr dfri; vkadM+s nks
rkfydkvksa esa izLrqr fd, x;s gS A
rkfydk 31-1
bl rkfydk ds vUrxZr mRRkj izns'k dh iapo"khZ; ;kstuk dk O;;@ifjO;;
izLrqr fd;k x;k gSA ftlds vUrxZr d`f"k ,oa lEoxhZ; lsok;sa] lgdkfjrk] xzkE;
fodkl] flapkbZ] ck<+ fu;U=.k ,oa ÅtkZ] m|ksx ,oa [kfusdeZ] ifjogu] f'k{kk] fpfdRlk
,oa tuLokLF;] LoPNrk ,oa ty lEiwfrZ rFkk vU; lkekftd lsok;sa vkfn enksa ij gqvk
O;; }kn'ke ;kstuk iape Ok"kZ 2016&17 dk ifjO;; Hkh izLrqr fd;k x;k gS A okf"kZd
;kstuk 2017&18 ls 2020&21-

31- Five- Year Plan

Five year plans are prepared for the planned development of the state and the
country. This section includes two tables giving data of five year plans of U.P. as
Table 31.1:
This table includes the expenditure & Outlay on the five year plans of Uttar
Pradesh from the Twelfth plan fifth 2016-17 are classified under the heads (I)
Agriculture and allied services (II) Co-operative (III) Rural Development (IV)
Irrigation, Flood control and energy (V) Industry and minerals (VI) Transport (VII)
Education (VIII) Medical and Public Health (IX) Severage and water supply and other
services etc. Annual plan 2017-18 to 2020-21.

Hkkx 3 vU; lkaf[;dh

32 & la;qDr LdU/k dEifu;ka

bl [k.M esa la;qDr LdU/k dEiuh fo"k;d nks rkfydk,a lfEefyr dh

x;h gSA rkfydk la[;k 32-1 esa mRrj izns'k esa dk;Zjr dEifu;kW] mudh iznRr iwath
,oa o"kZokj lekIr gq;h dEifu;ksa dh la[;k lfEefyr dh x;h gSaA ;s lwpuk,a o"kZ
2011&12 ls o"kZ 2020&21 rd dh lfEefyr dh x;h gSaArkfydk 32-2 esa o"kZ
2020&21 dh fucfU/kr la;qDr LdU/k dEifu;ksa dh vf/kd`r iwath ,oa vkS|ksfxd
oxkZuqlkj oxkZsdj.k izLrqr fd;k x;k gSAvkS|ksfxd oxksZa ;Fkk ¼1½sd`f"k rFkk lEcU/kh
dk;Z]¼2½[kku [kksnuk ,oa iRFkj dkVuk] [kk| inkFkZ] oL= ,oa peM+s dk fo/kk;u ,oa
muds mRikn] ¼3½/kkrq ,oa jlk;uksa dk fo/kk;u ,oa muds mRikn ¼4½vU; fo/kk;u ,oa
fuekZ.k¼vU;= voxhZd`r½]¼5½fuekZ.k ,oa vU; mi;ksfxrk,a]¼6½okf.kT;¼O;kikj ,oa
foRr½¼7½ifjogu] lapkj ,oa lap;]¼8½lkeqnkf;d rFkk O;olkf;d] lsok;sa rFkk oS;fDrd
lsokvksa ds vUrxZr o"kZ 2009&10 esa iathd`r dEifu;ksa dh la[;k]mudh vf/kd`r iwath
oxZZ¼d½,d yk[k :i;s ls de ]¼[k½ ,d yk[k fdUrq ipkl yk[k ls de]¼x½ 5 yk[k
fdUrq nl yk[k ls de]¼?k½:0 nl yk[k fdUrq 25 yk[k ls de rFkk]¼M½25yk[k]
vFkok mlls vf/kd ds vuqlkj i`Fkd&2 nh x;h gSaA
Part-3 Other Statistics
32- Joint Stock Companies

This section presents two tables containing the data on joint stock
companies. Table 32.1 includes number of companies at work alongwith their paid
up capital, from the years 2011-12 to 2020-21, and number of companies registered
with there authorised capital and numbers of companies liquidated. Table 32.2
shows the classification of joint stock companies registered during the year 2020-21
according to Industrial Group and size of their authorized capital. Number of Joint
stock companies has been presented for Industrial groups (i) Agricultural and allied
services, (ii) Mining and Quarrying, (iii) Processing and manufacturing of food stuff,
textile, leather and proudcts their of, (iv) Processing and manufacturing of metals
and chemicals and products thereof, (v) Other Processing and manufacturing (not
elsewhere classified, (vi) Construction and utilities, (vii) Commerce (Trade and
finance), (viii) Transport Communication and storage, (ix) Community and Business
services and Personal and other services, in authorised capital size groups (a)
Below Rs. 1.00 lakh, (b) Rs. 1.00 lakh but under 5 lakh, (c) 5 lakh but under 10 lakh,
(d) Rs. 10 lakh but under 25 lakh and 25 lakh and above separately.

33 & lkoZtfud midze
ns'k ,oa jkT;ksa dh vFkZ O;oLFkk dk lqn`<+hdj.k ,oa lkekftd dY;k.k dk;ksZa esa
xfr ykus ds fy, dsUnz ,oa jkT;ksa dh ljdkjksa }kjk lkoZtfud midzeksa dh LFkkiuk dh
x;h gSA bu midzeksa dk eq[; mn~ns'; iw.kZr;k O;olkf;d u gksdj lkoZtfud fgr ,oa
lkekftd dY;k.k dh vksj vf/kd /;ku nsuk gSAizLrqr ifjPNsn esa dfri; lkoZtfud
midzeksa ls lEcfU/kr vkadM+as rhu rkfydkvksa esa izLrqr fd, x, gS ftudk laf{kIr
fooj.k fuEu izdkj gS%&
rkfydk la[;k 33-1
bl rkfydk ds vUrxZr mRrj izns'k vkokl ,oa fodkl ifj"kn }kjk izkIr _.k
,oa cuk;s x;s Hkouksa dk fooj.k izLrqr fd;k x;k gSA ftlesa jkT; ljdkj ,oa gqMdksa
ls izkIr _.k dks i`Fkd&2 lwpuk ,oa ifj"kn }kjk nqcZy vk; oxZ] vYi vk; oxZ] e/;e
vk; oxZ ds fy, fufeZr Hkouksa dh la[;k o"kZ 1911&12 ls 2020&21 rd izLrqr dh
x;h gSA
rkfydk la[;k 33-2
bl rkfydk esa mRRkj izn's k izkstDs V dkjiksjs'ku }kjk djk;s tk jgs fofHkUu
ifj;kstukvksa dh izxfr lEcU/kh foRrh; vkadM+s fn;s x;s gSA
rkfydk la[;k 33-3
blds vUrxZr mRrj izn's k ,xzks b.MfLV~;y dkjiksjs'ku fyfeVsM dh pquh gq;h
miyfC/k;ksa ls lEcfU/kr vkadM+as izLrqr fd, x;s gSa ftlds vUrxZr moZjdksa dk forj.k]
VS~DVjksa dh fcsdzh] VS~DVj rFkk dEckbUl iqtksZa dh fcdzh] VS~DVjksa dh ejEer ls izkIr /ku
lEcU/kh o"kZ 2011&12ls 2020&21 dh lwpuk;sa lfEEkfyr dh x;h gSaA
33 - Public Undertakings

To strengthen the economy of the State and Country and to expand the social
welfare activities, the Central and State Governments have commissioned the Central and
State Public undertakings respectively. The main purpose of these public undertakings are
not to earn profit but to safegaurd the public interests and to expand the social welfare
activities. This section presents the data relating to some public undertakings and includes
three tables as briefed below:

Table 33.1:
This table includes the loan received and houses constructed by the Housing and
Development Board in Uttar Pradesh from the year 1911-12 to 2020-21. It shows the loans
from State Government and from HUDCO and the houses contructed for Economically
Weaker section, Lower Income group, Middle Income group and High Income group
Table 33.2:
This table presents the financial progress of different projects under UP. Project
Table 33.3:
This table shows statistics relating to selected achievements of UP. State Agro-
Industrial Corporation Ltd., which includes distribution of fertilizers, sale of Tractors, sale of
spare parts of tractors and combines and amount received for Tractor repairing since the
years 2011-12 to 2020-21.

34 & lkoZtfud iz'kklu ,oa fuokZpu
lkaf[;dh; lkjka'k mRRkj izns'k izdk'ku ds izLrqr vad esa bl [k.M ds vUrxZr
LFkkuh; fudk;ksa ds vfrfjDr fo/kku lHkk ds pquko lEcU/kh vkadM+as Hkh lfEefyr fd,
x, gSaAHkkjrh; x.kra= esa dsUnz ,oa jkT;ksa esa tuizfrfuf/k ljdkjsa dke djrh gSaA
iztkra= esa tuizfrfuf/k;ksa ds pquko ls lEcfU/kr lwpukvksa dk cgqr egRo gksrk gSAvr,o
bl ifjPNsn esa pquko lEcU/kh O;kid ,oa mi;ksxh vkadM+ksa dks Hkh izLrqr fd;k x;k
gSAbl ifjPNsn esa 17 rkfydk;sa lfEEkfyr dh x;h gS] ftudk laf{kIr fooj.k fuEuor~
rkfydk 34-1
bl rkfydk esa o"kZ 2019&20 dh fLFkfr ds vuqlkj mRrj izns'k esa
LFkkuh; fudk;ksa dh ftysokj la[;k nh x;h gS ftlds vUrxZr uxj fuxe] uxjikfydk
ifj"kn] uxj iapk;r] ftyk iapk;r] fodkl izkf/kdj.k ,oa ty laLFkku dks lfEefyr
fd;k x;k gSA
rkfydk 34-2
bl rkfydk ds vUrxZr mRrj izns'k esa ftyk iapk;rksa dh o"kZ 2019&20
dh jktLo izkfIr;kW fn[kk;h x;h gSa jktLo dj] djRsrj jktLo ,oa lk/kkj.k vuqnku
vkfn lzksrksa ls izkIr vk; i`Fkd&2 Hkh izLrqr dh x;h gSaA
rkfydk 34-3
bl rkfydk esa mRrj izn's k esa ftyk iapk;rksa dk o"kZ 2019&20 dk dqy
jktLo O;; ,oa dqy iwath O;; ftysokj izLrqr fd;k x;k gSA jktLo O;; dk ¼1½dqy
lk/kkj.k O;; ,oa ¼2½_.k dh vnk;xh enksa esa rFkk iwath O;; dk ¼1½uo fuekZ.k ,oa
¼2½dqy iwtha O;; enksa esa i`Fkd&2 forj.k Hkh fn;k x;k gSA
rkfydk 34-4
mRrj izns'k esa ftysokj uxj fuxe] uxjikfydk ifj"kn ,oa uxj iapk;rksa
dh o"kZ 2019&20 dh jktLo izkfIr;ka bl rkfydk esa izLrqr dh x;h gSaA dqy izkfIr;ksa
dk forj.k¼1½jktLo dj¼2½djsRrj jktLo ,oa lk/kkj.k vuqnku enksa esa i`Fkd&2Hkh izLrqr
fd;k x;k gSA
rkfydk 34-5
bl rkfydk ds vUrxZr mRrj izns'k esa ftysokj uxj fuxe] uxjikfydk
ifj"kn ,oa uxj iapk;rksa dk o"kZ 2019&20 dk dqy jktLo O;; rFkk iwath O;;
ftysokj lfEEkfyr fd;k x;k gS ftldk forj.k ¼1½dqy lk/kkj.k O;; ¼2½_.k dh
vnk;xh rFkk uo fuekZ.k enksa esa i`Fkd&2 Hkh izLrqr fd;k x;k gSA
rkfydk 34-6
bl rkfydk esa mRRkj izns'k dh LFkkuh; fudk;ksa dh izeq[k enksa ds vuqlkj
jktLo izkfIr;ka o"kZ 2019&20 dh lwpuk lfEEfyr dh x;h gSAjktLo dj ds vUrxZr
lEifRrdj] lsok dj] vDVz`k; dj] Vjfeuy dj] O;kikj rFkk o`fRrdj i'kqv ksa o
lokfj;ksa ij dj] Vksy dj ,oa fofo/k djksa ls izkfIr;ka i`Fkd&2 izLrqr dh x;h gSA

rkfydk 34-7
bl rkfydk esa mRRkj izn's k dh uxj fuxe] uxjikfydk ifj"kn] uxj
iapk;r] ftyk iapk;r] ,oa ty laLFkkuksa dk dqy jktLo O;; fuEu enksa ds vUrxZr
IkzLrqr fd;k x;k gSA¼1½lk/kkj.k O;; ¼d½lk/kkj.k iz'kklu rFkk jktLo ,d=hdj.k
¼[k½tuLokLF;¼x½lqj{kk rFkk lqfo/kk¼?k½f'k{kk¼M-½lkoZtfud fuekZ.k ,oa ¼p½ fofo/kA

¼2½_.k dh vnk;xhA
¼3½dqy jktLo O;;A
rkfydk 34-8
bl rkfydk ds vUrxZr mRrj izns'k dh uxj fuxe] uxjikfydk ifj"kn]
uxj iapk;r] ftyk iapk;r],oa ty laLFkkuksa ds a o"kZ 2019&20 ds iwtha O;; iznf'kZr
fd, x, gSaA fuekZ.k] lM+d@iSny ekxZ] iqy ,oa iqfy;k vkSj vkStkj e'khu vkfn
lEcU/kh uofuekZ.k ,oa dqy iwath O;; i`Fkd&2 fn[kk;s x;s gSaA
rkfydk 34-9
bl rkfydk esa fudk;ksa ds deZpfj;ksa ds ftysokj la[;k ,oa mlds iznRr
/kujkf'k iznf'kZr dh x;h gSAvU; rkfydkvksa dh Hkakfr ;g lwpuk Hkh o"kZ 2019&20 ls
lEcfU/kr gS rFkk fuxe] uxjikfydk ifj"kn] uxj iapk;r] ftyk iapk;r] fodkl
izkf/kdj.k ,oa ty laLFkkuksa dh ftysokj lwpuk,a i`Fkd&2 izLrqr dh x;h gSA
rkfydk 34-10
bl rkfydk dks nks mirkfydkvksa d ,oa [k esa foHkDr fd;k x;k gS tks
fuEu izdkj gS%&
¼d½blds vUrxZr mRrj izns'k esa U;k; iapk;rks]a xzke iapk;rksa ,oa {ks= iapk;rksa dh
ftysokj la[;k o"kZ 2020&21 dh nh x;h gSA
¼[k½bl rkfydk esa xzkEk iapk;rksa ds jkT; Lrjh; vk;&O;; dk fooj.k o"kZ 2011&12
ls 2019&20 rd fn;k x;k gSA
rkfydk 34-11
bl rkfydk esa mRRkj izn's k dh lHkh yksd lHkk fuokZpu {ks=ksa dh yksd
lHkk ds fy, o"kZ 2009] 2014] 2019 esa lEiUu gq, vke pqukoksa esa fuokZpdksa dh la[;k
izLrqr dh x;h gSA
rkfydk 34-12
bl rkfydk esa mRRkj izns'k esa 1980]1985]1989] 1991] 1993] 1996] 2002]
2007 rFkk 2017 ds fo/kku lHkk ds vke pqukoksa ls lEcfU/kr ftysokj fuokZpdksa dh
la[;k lfEefyr dh x;h gSA
rkfydk 34-13
bl rkfydk esa mRRkj izn's k ls fofHkUu vke pqukoksa esa yksd lHkk {ks=ksa ds
LFkkuksa dh ftysokjla[;k nh x;h gSA tgkW dgha ,d yksdlHkk {ks= dk izlkj foLrkj
,d ls vf/kd tuinksa esa Fkk]ogkW yksd lHkk {ks= ds uke dk LFkku ftl ftyk tuin
esa fLFkr Fkk] mlh tuin esa og yksd lHkk {ks= ekuk x;k]ftldk ifj.kke ;g gqvk fd
fdlh&fdlh ftys esa yksdlHkk fuokZpu {ks= dk ,d Hkh LFkku ugha fn[kk;k x;k gSAbl
rkfydk esa fofHkUu vke pqukoksa esa mRrj izns'k fo/kku lHkk ds fy, ftysokj LFkkuksa dh
la[;k Hkh iznf'kZr dh x;h gSA

rkfydk 34-14
bl rkfydk esa mRRkj izn's k fo/kku lHkk lkekU; fuokZpu 2017 esa Mkys
x;s dqy oS/k erksa dh la[;k] ernku dk izfr'kr] ekU;rk izkIr nyksa ,oa vU; }kjk izkIr
er] dqy oS/k erksa ls mUgsa izkIr erksa dk izfr'kr] muds }kjk thrh x;h lhVksa dh
ftysokj la[;k i`Fkd&2 izLrqr dh x;h gSA
rkfydk 34-15
mRRkj izn's k esa yksd lHkk vke fuokZpu] 2019 esa yksd lHkk {ks=okj dqy
ernkrkvksa dh la[;k]iM+s erksa ,oa ernku dk izfr'kr bl rkfydk esa izLrqr dh x;h
rkfydk 34-16
bl rkfydk ds vUrxZr mRrj izns'k fo/kku lHkk ds lkekU; fuokZpu] 2017 ds
vuqlkj ftysokj dqy ernkrkvksa dh la[;k] iM+s erksa dh la[;k] ,oa ernku dk izfr'kr
izLrqr fd;k x;k gSA
rkfydk 34-17
bl rkfydk ds vUrxZr Hkkjr esa yksd lHkk ds lkekU; fuokZpu] o"kZ 2019
ds vuqlkj ,oa jkT; fo/kku lHkk ds fy, o"kZ 2017 rd uohure lkekU; fuokZpu ds
vuqlkj vuqlwfpr tkfr ,oa vuqlwfpr tutkfr ds fy, vkjf{kr ,oa dqy LFkkuksa dh
jkT;okj rFkk dsUnz'kkflr izns'kokj la[;k izLrqr dh x;h gSA

34 - Public Administration and Electoral Statistics

The present issue of the Statistical Abstract UP. also includes electoral
statistics of State Assembly and Parliament, besides the data relating to Local
Bodies. Indian Republic has the public representative governments both at the
centre and states. Considering the importance of the data relating to the election of
members of State Assembalies and Parliament electoral Statistics has been
presented in the section of the issue. This section contains 17 tables which are
briefed below:-
Table 34.1:
This table includes districtwise number of Nagar Nigam, Nagar Palika
Parishad, Nagar Panchayat, Cantonment Boards, Zila Panchayats, Development
authorities and Jal Sansthans for the year 2019-20.
Table 34.2:
This table gives the districtwise total revenue receipts of Zila Panchayats in
UP. for the year 2019-20 which includes the Tax revenue, Non-tax Revenue, and
ordinary grants.

Table 34.3:
This table presents the total revenue and capital expenditure of Zila
Panchayats of UP., Expenditure has been further classified by total general
expenditure, repayment of loans, new construction and total capital expenditure for
the year 2019-20.
Table 34.4:
This table provides districtwise revenue receipts of Nagar Nigam /Nagar
Palika Parishad/ Nagar Panchayat in UP. for the year 2019-20 which includes tax
revenue, Non-tax, revenue, ordinary grants and total revenue.
Table 34.5:
This table gives the districtwise total revenue expenditure and capital
expenditure of Nagar Nigam, Nagar Palika Parishad and Nagar Panchayats in UP.,
for the year 2019-20 classified by total general expenditure, Repayment of loans,
total revenue expenditure, total capital expenditure and new construction.
Table 34.6:
This table presents categorywise revenue receipts of local bodies for the
2019-20 under tax revenue, property tax, Octroi tax, Terminal Tax, Trade and
Progression tax, Tax on animals and vehicles, total tax miscellaneous taxes, Non-tax
revenues and ordinary grants separately.
Table 34.7:
This table includes the total revenue expenditure of local bodies i.e. Zila
Panchayat, Nagar Nigam / Nagar Palika Parishad, Nagar Panchayats, and Jal
sansthan in U.P. under the items: I. General Expenditure: (a) General Administration
and Revenue collection, (b) Security and Amenities, (c) Education, (d) Public Health,
(e) Public works, (f) Miscellaneous.II. Repayment of loan and III. Total Revenue
Table 34.8:
This table gives, the total capital expenditure of Nagar Nigam, Nagar Palika
Parishad, Nagar Panchayat, Zila Panchayat, and Jal Sansthans for the year
2019-20. This includes the expenditure of new construction and repair works on
buildings, Roads, Culverts and Bridges, Tools, Plants including Motor Vehicles and
other construction.
Table 34.9 This table includes the districtwise employees and their emoluments in
local bodies of Uttar Pradesh for the year 2019-20. Separate figures of total
employees and emoluments in Nagar Nigam / Nagar Palika Parishad, Nagar
Panchayat, Zila Panchayat, and Jal Sansthans have been given.
Table 34.10:
This table has been divided into two sub-tables, viz. (a) and (b) as follows:
(a) This sub table gives the districtwise number ofNyaya Panchayats, Gram
Panchayats and Block Committee for the year 2020.
(b) This sub-table shows the details of Income and Expenditure at
State level, of Gram Panchayats, for the period 2011-12 to 2019-20.
Table 34.11:
This table includes the Parliament constituency-wise number of Electorates
relating to General Elections of 2004,2009 and 2014. And 2019.
Table 34.12:
This table includes the districtwise number of Electorates for Vidhan Sabha as
per general elections held in 1989, 1991, 1993, 1996, 2002 , 2007and 2017.
Table 34.13:
This table presents the number of Lok Sabha and Vidhan Sabha seats by
district in U.P. according to Lok Sabha general election and Vidhan Sabha general
election. Wherever the Lok Sabha constituency is spread over in more than one
district, the lok sabha contituency is named, consequently has been shown in the
district by which the lok sabha constituency is named, consequently some of the
district do not have any seat as no Lok Sabha constituency is named by their place
belonging to that district.
Table 34.14:
This table shows the districtwise numbers of vote polled in General Election of
UP. Assembly in 2017 and percentage of valid vote polled and seats won by the
recognised National Parties, State Parties, others and independent.
Table 34.15: This table includes the Lok Sabha constituencywise number of total
electorates, number of vote and percentage of vote polled to total votes in Lok
Sabha General Election 2019 in UP.
Table 34.16:
This table provides the number of total electorates, vote, polled and
percentage of votes polled to total electorates by districts in UP. Vidhan Sabha
General Election, 2017.

Table 34.17:
This table shows the number of Lok Sabha seats according to Lok Sabha
General Election held in India in 2019 and number of Vidhan Sabha seats according
to latest Vidhan Sabha General Election held upto 2017 by States and Union
Territories of India.


izdk'ku ds bl mi[k.M esa fofHkUu fo"k;ksa ls lEcfU/kr pkj rkfydk,a

lfEEkfyr dh xbZ gSa]ftldk laf{kIr fooj.k fuEu izdkj gS %&
rkfydk 35-1
bl rkfydk ds vUrxZr mRrj izns'k esa vfXudk.Mksa esa gqbZ lEifRr ,oa
thoksa dh {kfr lEcU/kh lwpuk,a nh x;h gSaA vfXudk.M ls izHkkfor o {kfr gqbZ ,oa
cpk;h x;h lEifRRk dk ewY;] ekuo ,oa i'kq {kfr ds vUrxZr e`R;q ,oa ?kk;yksa dh la[;k
bl rkfydk esa o"kZ 2011 ls 2021 rd lfEefyr dh xbZ gSA
rkfydk 35-2
bl rkfydk esa 31 ekpZ] 2020 dh fLFkfr ds vuqlkj mRrj izns'k esa
ftysokj jsLV gkmlst rFkk Mkd caxyksa dh la[;k nh x;h gSAlkoZtfud fuekZ.k foHkkx]
flapkbZ foHkkx]ou foHkkx] ftyk iapk;r rFkk vU; laLFkkvksa ds jsLV gkmlst ,oa Mkd
caxyksa dh la[;k i`Fkd&2 izLrqr dh x;h gSA
rkfydk 35-3 ,oa 35-4
mRrj izns'k esa 2005] 2012 dh vkfFkZd x.kuk ds vuqlkj m|eksa ds dqN
pqus gq;s ftysokj vkadM+as bl rkfydk esa izLrqr fd, x, gSaA d`f"k m|eksa] vd`"kh;
m|eksa lEcU/kh lwpuk,a Hkh rkfydk esa lfEEkfyr dh xbZ gSa vkSaj muesa dk;Zjr O;fDr Hkha
fn[kk, x, gSaA
rkfydk 35-5
bl rkfydk ds vUrxZr mRrj izns'k esa ftysokj flusek?kjksa dh la[;k] mues
cSBus das LFkku¼{kerk½ euksjatu dj ls vk; ,oa dqy vk; izLrqr dh x;h gS AjkT; Lrj
ds vkWdM+s rqyukRed n`f"V ls o"kZ 2011&12 ls 2018&19 rd izLrqr fd;s x;s gS]
tcfd ftysokj vkWdM+s uohure o"kZ 2020&21 ls lEcfU/kr gSA
rkfydk 35-6
bl uohu rkfydk ds vUrxZr mRrj izns'k esa ftysokj HkwriwoZ lSfudksa dh
la[;k rFkk okjfoMkst dh la[;k o"kZ 2021 ls lEcfU/kr gS A

35- Miscellaneous
This section includes five tables on the miscellaneous subjects as per
description given below:-
Table 35.1:
This table gives the incidence of Fires and other accidents in UP. for the years
2011 to 2021 which includes number of fire and other calls attended, value of
property affected, destroyed and save. Loss of human life and loss of cattle wealth
have also been furnished in this table.

Table 35.2:
This table shows the districtwise number of Rest houses and Dak Bunglows
as on 31 March, 2020 Rest houses and Dak Bunglows belonging to Public Works
Department, Irrigation Department , Forest Department, Zila Panchayats and other
have also been shown separately.
Table 35.3 & 35.4
This table presents the districtwise selected statistics relating to Economic
Census 2005,2012 Information in regard to Agricultural and non agricultural
enterprises and no. of working persons have also been furnished in the table.
Table 35.5:
This table provides the districtwise number of Cinema houses and seating
capacity and Income from entertainment and betting tax in Uttar Pradesh. State level
figures have been given since 2011-12 to 2018-19 while District level figure
furnished in the year 2020-21.
Table 35.6:
This table provides the districtwise number of Ex- service man and war
widows for the year 2021.


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