Jo CV 2024
Jo CV 2024
Jo CV 2024
Dr Jo Soldan
Personal Summary
I have a wide range of clinical experience including adjustment to chronic illness, emotional
and behavioural change, pain management, post trauma reactions, oncology, individual and
family responses to crisis and chronic illness, organisational health monitoring and
interventions and psychological aspects of rare diseases and novel medical technology. More
latterly in my career my work has focused on staff well-being and resilience. I am currently
working in a Maggie’s Centre where my role enables me to combine both innovative patient
care and staff support and supervision.
20 years ago I went to University Massachusetts to learn to teach Mindfulness Based Stress
Reduction and have continued this training pathway in New Zealand and now back in the UK. I
am registered MBSR teacher with Mindfulness Training Institute Australia and New Zealand and
now through the Mindfulness Network working in the UK.
I have utilised a range of interventions including individual and family work, group work,
developing written materials, stepped care, education and supervision of multi disciplinary
teams, establishing and facilitating patient, relative and staff support groups and public and
patient involvement.
I am a strong organiser, and enjoy planning developing and providing clinical services, and
submitting service bids with some success. I was secretary of the S E Wales Faculty of Clinical
Health Psychology. I maintain my continuing professional development with regular CPD and
have ensured continuous and regular supervision for my clinical work.
For 7 years I lived and working in Auckland New Zealand where I have specialised again in
Critical Care but focused on staff well-being. I enjoyed developing and delivering an evidence-
based Mindfulness course for health care staff – Mindfulness Based Resilience @ Work which
spread to a number of Healthcare trusts and setting and is ongoing. (see link for video
I also worked with colleagues to develop a mindful culture in our home DHB (Trust) with
introductory sessions, drop ins, a mindful nest, blogs, sessions on management/leadership
training and for junior Doctors and Nurses.
For the last 5 years I have been working with Maggie’s in Cardiff offering clinical interventions
(one to one and group). I am responsible for supervising/supporting a multidisciplinary team to
make psychological resilience building interventions available and accessible to patients and
their families at different stages of cancer in a drop in service format.
I have been involved in supervising Clinical Psychologists in healthcare setting and carried out
an external review of psychology in healthcare settings for an NZ hospital system.
Doctorate in Clinical
2007 Cardiff University Doctorate Psychology. Thesis:’ Parent
Child Communication about
Familial Cancer Risk: A
Qualitative Study’
2005(12 wk Centre for Mindfulness in Medicine, Practicum in Mindfulness Mindfulness Based Stress
course) Health Care and Society, UMASS Based Stress Reduction Reduction
British Psychological Society. Division of Clinical Psychology and Division of Health Psychology,
Practitioner Status. Membership number 024347
Health Professions Council registered Clinical Psychologist and Health Psychologist. Reg No.
Work Experience
Date Organisation Description
Psychology training scheme Core placements in child services, adult mental health and
research psychologist.
1995/97 North Glamorgan NHS Trust Clinical Psychologist in Community Mental Health Team –
trauma needs.
0.6 then 0.8 Trust, Chronic Pain Individual interventions for patients and families, running
Management Groups
1999/02 Critical Care Unit, Cardiff and Clinical Psychologist in Critical Care. Providing a clinical
0.6 then 0.3 Vale NHS Trust service to address psychological needs of patients, relatives
2002/06 Career break to have children. A year spent in USA whilst my husband completed a fellowship.
2006/10 Critical Care Unit, Cardiff and Consultant Clinical Psychologist in Critical Care. As above
0.3 (one Vale University Health Board plus developments of the role including organisational health
2011- 2015 Critical Care Complex Counties Consultant Clinical Psychologist in Critical Care.
Manukau DHB, Auckland Developing a new service to patients, families and the MDT.
Focus on creating a healthier psychological environment within
2015- 2017 Freelance Resilience and Running 8 week MBSR courses and 4 week MBR@W courses in
Mindfulness teacher – Auckland hospital settings. Teaching range of healthcare staff and
Feb -Nov 22 Velindre NHS Trust Cardiff Consultant Clinical Psychologist & Head of Psycho Oncology
complementary therapists
2000/04 Facilitating monthly group supervision for clinical nurse specialists in cancer care,
2020 – Resilience workshops for students, housing service staff, healthcare staff
Summary of Publications
Daytime somnolence in myotonic dystrophy. Phillips MF, Steer HM, Soldan JR, Wiles
CM, Harper PS. J Neurol. 1999 Apr; 246(4):275-82.
Predictive testing for Huntington's disease: II. Qualitative findings from a study
of uptake in South Wales. Binedell J, Soldan JR, Harper PS. Clin Genet. 1998
Chronic illness and disability. Street E, Soldan J. In Keithley J, Marsh G. 1995. Counselling in
primary health care. Oxford General Practice Series. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Predictive tests in Huntingtons Disease. Harper PS, Soldan J, Tyler A. In Harper PS (Ed)
1996. Huntingtons Disease – Second Edition. WB Saunders Company Ltd London
Isolation of the gene: what has it meant to families? Soldan J, Street ES, Harper PS. 15th
International meeting, world federation of neurology research group on Huntingtons Disease,
Boston USA 1993
Adolescent requests for presymptomatic testing. Soldan J, Binedell J, Street E, Harper PS.
16th International meeting world federation of neurology research group on Huntingtons
Disease, Leuven, Belgium. 1995
Stages of change and chronic pain management. Soldan J, Chamberlain S, Harris B, Finlay
I. National chronic pain management conference. 1997
Selection for presymptomatic testing for Huntingtons disease: who decides? Binedell
J, Soldan J, Harper PS. J Med Genet. 1996;33:173-176
Oral Presentations
Support group after a major incident. South Wales special interest group in post traumatic
Efficacy of the biopsychosocial approach to chronic pain management. Bro Taf Health
authority Masterclass 1997
Critical Care Psychology. Welsh intensive care society summer meeting, 2002
Critical Care Psychology. British association of critical care nurses study day. 2002
Building Resilience in Frontline Healthcare. Jo Soldan & Debbie Minton APAC 2015
Mindfulness in the Workplace APAC intensive 2015- Jo Soldan & Dianne May
Could Mindfulness be part of a blueprint for healthier future for healthcare staff – Jo
Soldan & Timothea Goddard APAC 2016
Finalist in NZ HR 2016 Award for Health, Safety and Wellbeing- ‘Mindfulness Based Resilience
@ Work’- Ko Awatea & Counties Manukau DHB