1. COMPANY CREATION..................................................................... 3
2. LEDGER CREATION ......................................................................... 3
3. STOCK ENTRY ................................................................................. 4
4. PURCHASE ENTRY .......................................................................... 5
5. SALES ENTRY .................................................................................. 5
6. PAYMENT ENTRY ........................................................................... 6
7. RECEIPT ENTRY .............................................................................. 6
8. DEBIT NOTE ( PURCHASE RETURN) ................................................ 7
9. CREDIT NOTE (SALES RETURN) ....................................................... 7
10. CONTRA ENTRY ............................................................................ 8
11. SEPARTE DISCOUNT COLUMN ON INVOICES ............................... 8
12. JOURNAL ENTRY ........................................................................... 9
13. STOCK JOURNAL ..........................................................................10
14. PHYSICAL STOCK .........................................................................10
15. ORDER PROCESSING & TRACKING NUMBERS .............................11
16. MANUFACTURING JOURNAL .......................................................12
17. PRICE LIST....................................................................................13
18. COST CENTRE & COST CATEGORY ...............................................14
Accounting is a process of identifying, recording, summering and reporting economic information to decision makes in the form of financial statements
will be useful to the following parties:
❖ Suppliers Customers Employees Banks Suppliers of Equipments, Building & other Assests
❖ Lenders Owners.
What is Tally?
Tally is an Accounting Software . That is use to Record Day to Day Transaction, preparing Balance sheet etc.
❖ LIABILITIES :It is amount or thing which are in future business has to return or pay to it proprietor and other.
• For eg.(loan creditors bill payable, outstanding salary.)
❖ CAPITAL : The total amount ,goods or any other assets that are invested by the proprietors in to the business
From to time Is called capital.
• For e.g (properetors A/C)
❖ DIRECT EXPENSE: This group is used for recording all direct expense means the purchase of goods.
❖ INDIRECT EXPENSE: This group is used to maintain the record of all expense other than direct expense.
❖ DRAWING: Proprietor is one who invest in business, so some time he withdraw cash goods or any other assets from business that is called as
❖ SUNDRY CREDITORS: Company purchase material or any other thing on credit then the list of all company or person is under sundry creditor to
whom company purchase material.
❖ SUNDRY DEBTOR: These maintain the list of all company or person to whom company gives material on credit.
❖ BANK ACCOUNTS: It hold all bank balance in current A/C and Saving A/C.
• Real A/C
• Personal A/C
• Nominal A/C
Real Accounts :-
Real Accounts are Accounts relating to properties and assets, which are owned by the business concern.
Real Accounts include Tangible & Intangible Accounts.
o For e.g. Land, Building , Purchase, Cash
Personal Accounts :-
Personal Accounts are Accounts which relate to persons.
Personal Accounts include the following
Nominal Accounts :-
Nominal Accounts are Accounts which relate to incomes and expense and gains and losses of a business concern.
For e.g. Salary Accounts , Dividend Accounts, Sales Accounts can be broadly classified under the following four groups. Assets, Liabilities, Income,
Expenses. The above classification is the basis for generating various financial statements viz.
Balance Sheet, Profit &Loss A/C, and other MIS reports. The Assets and liabilities are taken to Balance sheet and the Income and Expenses
accounts are posted to Profit & Loss Accounts.
Debit What Comes In Debit the Receiver Debit All Expenses and Losses
Credit What Goes Out Credit the Giver Credit All Incomes & Gains
Alt + f3
Company info
Address = sai siddhi apt tulinj road near radha Krishna hotel nsp €
Country = india
State = Maharashtra
Contact no = 7894587459
Telephone no = 2250478956
Trial balance is a statement which debit balance and credit balance of all ledger accounts.
As per the double entry system every debit should have a corresponding credit the total of the debit Balance and credit balance should agree. A
detailed Trial balance has columns for *Account Name * Debit Balances * Credit Balances
Capital: The total amount, goods or any other assets that are invested by the proprietors in to the Business from time to time is called capital.
Fixed Assets: It is a fixed thing, which business possesses. Or assets means, which in future may Convert into cash.
Deposit Assets: It holds all short deposits like telephone deposits, rental deposits, etc.
Press F11: features under Accounting features
All features are should be? No
Description : Stock items are goods that you manufacture or trade (Sales and Purchase). It is the primary Inventory Transaction are similar to
ledger used in accounting transaction.
Gateway of tally
Gateway of tally
Inventory info
Units of measure
Simple name = UN
TOTAL 71718
Description : is used to record the purchase transaction of the company. The entry can be passed using the Voucher mode or the Invoice mode where the
calculation can be automated and the user can experience the case of feeding the transaction into the system.
3/7/2017 Purchased 1000 APSARA DARK pencil from the NATRAJ INDIA LTD . worth Rs.1200/- @ Rs. 1.20 each on Credit of 30 Days vide
bill no .PUR/JUL/26 Invoice no
6/7/2017 Purchased 10 ELLEGANCE PEN @ 1.50/- each & 10 DESIGNER PEN @ Rs. 2.50/- each for RS 40.00/- from FLAIR CORPORATION
vide bill no FC/JUL/45.
9/7/2017 Purchased 10 units of 400 pgs Note Book from AJANTA EMPORIUM @ Rs 25/- each worth Rs 250/- vide bill no .PUR/12345
12/7/2017 Purchased New Stock of A340 0.5 Gel from ADD GEL PEN INDIA LTD .300 PCS @ Rs 45/- each for Rs 13500/- vide bill no 12375
15/7/2017 Purchased 20 Small Bags from RAJAN DISTRIBUTION @ Rs 250/- each for Rs 5000/- vide bill no RD/ 7867
17/7/2017 Purchased 150 Fighter Pen from ROTOMAC INDIA LTD @ Rs 13/- each for 1950/- vide bill no PUR /JUL/7842
20/7/2017 Purchased 500 Plastic Ruler @ Rs 2.25/- each & 100 Steel Ruler @ Rs 12/- each from STAYAM STATIONERIES for Rs 2325/-
vide bill no RD /1034
23/7/2017 Purchased 2000 Natraj HB @ Rs 0.75/- for Rs 1500/- from STAYAM STATIONERIES vide bill no SS/MEMO/1051
25/7/2017 Purchased 10 Large Bags @ Rs 400/- each for Rs 4000/- from RAJAN DISTRIBUTORS vide bill no RD /1025
27/7/2017 Purchased 50 a 240 Smooth Gel @ Rs 25/- each for ADD GEL PEN INDIA LTD for Rs 1250/- vide bill no 15475
Description: When a company sells goods on credit or cash, Sales voucher is used to record all the Sales Transaction of the company.
05/06/2017 Sold 750 Apsara Dark @ Rs.1.50/- each, 1000 Natraj HB @ 1.20/- each to KAUSHAL STATIOERIES for Rs. /- Vide Bill No. SAL
/1235/00.01 for credit of 30 Days.
08/06/2017 Sold 20 Elegance pen @ Rs.160/- each sold to J.K DISTRIBUTORS for Rs.3200 vide Bill No. SAL/1236/00.01
12/06/2017 Sold 5 units of 400 Pages Notes Book @ Rs.30/- each, 100 units of 10 Pages Note Book @ 7 /- each for Rs.850 /- to
MODERN STATIONERIS vide Bill No. SAL /1237/00.01
15/06/2017 Sold 15 Small Bags @Rs.3.15/- each for Rs.4725/- vide Bill No. SAL/1238/00.01 to VIKAS STATIONERIES
18/06/2017 Sold Fighters pen 400 @ Rs.15/- each & Strikers pen @ Rs.50/- each to J.K. DISTRIBUTORS for Rs.8500/- Vide Bill No.
21/06/2017 Sold 850 Plastic Rulers @ Rs.2.25/- each & 466 Steel Ruler @ Rs.14/- each to KAUSHAL STATIONERIES for Rs.8436.50 Vide
Bill No. SAL/1240/00.01
23/06/2017 Sold 1000 Natraj HB @ 1.20/- each to KAUSHAL STATIONERIES @ for Rs.1200/- Vide Bill No. SAL/1241/00.01
25/06/2017 sold 300 units of A340 0.5Gel to NIDDHI ENTERPRISES @RS. 60/- each for RS 18000/- vide bill no. SAL/1242/00.011
27/06/2017 Sold 150 units of 200 pages Note Book to MODERN STATIONARIES @ RS 15/- for RS. 2250/- vide bill no. SAL/1243/00.01
30/06/2017 Sold 20 Designer pens @ RS. 250/- each to J.K DISTRIBUTORS for RS. 5000/- vide bill no. SAL/1244/00.01
Description : is used to account all the payments made by the company by way of Cash/Bank.
➢ All Office Expenses Should be Taken Under : INDIRECT EXPENSE
➢ All Factory Expenses Should be Taken under : DIRECT EXPENSE
When you create any Ledger in during Entry Press Alt +C for (Secondary Ledger Creation)
Gateway of Tally > Transaction > Accounting Voucher >Press F5 for Payment Entry .
5/8/2017 Issued Cheque of Rs 12500/- to ADD GEL PEN INDIA LTD As a part payment against bill no 12375 of Rs 13500/-
10/8/2017 Issued Cheque of Rs 1000/- to ADD GEL PEN INDIA LTD against bill no 12375
12/8/2017 Issued Cheque Of Rs 1200/- to NATRAJ INDIA LTD Against vide bill no PUR /JUL/26
15/8/2017 Paid od Rs 1500/- for Repairing of OFFICE CHAIR including in Old Expenses by Petty Cash
19/8/2017 Paid Rs 490/- to LAXMI TEA SHOP for TEA BILL including by Petty Cash
21/8/2017 Issued Cheque of Rs 5000/- to RAJAN DISTRIBUTORS against vide bill no RD/7867
22/8/2017 Paid by cash of Rs 2325/- to SATYAM STATIONERIES Against vide bill no RD/ 1034
24/8/2017 Paid by Cash of Rs 4000/- to RAJAN DISTRIBUTORS as part payment against bil no/ RD /1025
26/8/2017 Issued Cheque of Rs 1300/- to ROTOMAC INDIA LTD against vide bill no PUR /JUL/7842
28/8/2017 Paid by cash of Rs 750/- to SATYAM STATIONERIES against vide bill no SS/MEMO /1051
30/8/2017 Paid by cash of Rs 250/- to ADD GEL PEN INDIA LTD against bill no 15475
Description : Any money received from debtors against sales Invoices or on Account and for all transactions where money is received are accounted or
entered into Tally .ERP 9 using the receipt Voucher.
Gateway of Tally > Transaction > Accounting Voucher > Press F6 for Receipt Entry.
10/06/2017 Received Cheque of rs.1500/- from KAUSHAL STATIONERS against bill no . SAL/1235/00.01
12/06/2017 Received in cash of Rs.3200/- from J.K DISTRIBURTORS for bill no . SAL/1236/00.01
20/06/2017 Recevied in cheque of Rs.8500/- from J.K DISTRIBUTORS for bill no. SAL/1239/00.01
14/06/2017 Received in Cash of Rs.850/- from MODERN STATIONERIES for bill no.SAL/1237/00.01
18/06/2017 Recevied in cash of Rs.4725/- from VIKAS STATIONERIES for bill no SAL/1238/00.01
25/06/2017 Received in cash for Rs 600/- from KAUSHAL STATIONERIES for bill no .SAL/1241/00.01
30/06/2017 Recevied in cash for Rs,. 1500/- from MODERN STATIONERIES for bill no.SAL/1243/00.01
30/06/2017 Interest Cheque of Rs .4200/- Deposited in BANK OF INDIA Received from Fixed Deposit in BOB
Description : is a document issued to a party stating that you are debiting their Account in your Books of Accounts for the stated reason or vice –versa . It is
commonly used in case of Purchase Returns, Escalation / De-escalation in price ,any other expenses incurred by you on behalf of the party etc
Gateway of Tally > Transaction > Accounting voucher > Press Ctrl + F9 for Debit Note
10/7/2017 Debit Note Raise for 5 units of 400pages Note Book from AJANTA EMPORIUM @ Rs 25/- each worth Rs 125/- vide bill no
20/7/2017 Debit Note Raise for 50 Fighter pen from ROTOMAC INDIA LTD @ Rs 13/- each for Rs 650/- vide bill no PUR/JUL/7842.
25/7/2017 Debit Note Raise for 1000 Natraj HB @ 0.75/- each to SATYAM STATIONERIES vide bill no . SS/MEMO /1051.
30/7/2017 Debit Note Raise for 40 A 240 Smooth Gel@ Rs 25/- each to ADD GEL PEN INDIA LTD. Vide bill no .15475
Description: When a company sells goods on credit or cash, or sales voucher is used to record all the sales transaction of the company.
Gateway of Tally> Transaction> Accounting vouchere> press ctrl+ F8 for credit note
08/06/2017 Credit note raise for return of 150 APSARA DARK @ RS.1.50/- each & 500 Natraj HB @ RS. 1.20/- each to KAUSHAL STATIONERIES bill
no. sal /1235/00.01
22/06/2017 Credit note raise for return of 350 plastic ruler @n RS 2.25/- each to KAUSHAL STATIONERIES Adjusts against bill no SAL /1240/00.01
24/06/2017 Credit Note Raise for return of 500 Natraj HB @ Rs.120/- to KAUSHAL STATIONERIES adjust against bill no .SAL/1241/00.01
29/06/2017 Credit note Raise for Return of 50 units of 200 pgs Note Book @ Rs.15/- to MOSDERN STATIONERIES adjusts against bill no
1. Cash : A/C
2. Bank :A/C
3. Petty Cash :A/C
1. Cr – Account –( Cash)
2. Dr- Particular –(Bank of India )
Gateway of tally > Transaction> Accounting Voucher> Press F4 for Contra Entry.
20/9/2017 Open new A/C in Bank of Boroda Amount transfer from BANK OF INDIA Of Rs 1000/-
Separated Discount Column on Invoices is useful to get separate column of Discount in Purchase & Sales voucher , so that Discount is Deducted from the
Rate of Item and amount Appears.
20/10/2017 Purchased 20 Small bags from RAJAN DISTRIBUTORS @ Rs 250/- each at 10 % Discount .
24/10/2017 Purchased 200 units of A340 0.5 Gel from ADD GEL INDIA LTD @ Rs 50/- each at 10 % Discount.
e in
Debit asset
• Expense Journal Entry: We can use journal entry to book credit purchase of expense . when purchasing of consumble items like stationary .staff
welfare expense like drinking water,food bills on credit from a shop/ party we use journal entry to book such expenses.
• Adjusting journal entries:- The use of adjusting entry is to get accurate financial result of a company .for example
• Outstanding Expenses :- Outstanding expenses are expenses which are due but not paid .usually telephone bill of journal 2014 will be paid on
February 2014 .but the expenses should be recorded in January so as to get accurate financial report or profit. To do this we use a journal entry at
the end of the January by debiting “telephone expenses “ and crediting “expenses payable LEDGER”. Some other example of outstanding expenses”
are Interest payable,
• Pre-paid Expenses :- Pre-paid expenses are expenses paid in advance . for example insurance premium paid 5000 on May 1st 2016 for 1 year . The
expenses is spread over more than one financial year that is the expenses is shared in FY 2016-2017 ( May 2016 to March 2017 is 11 months) hence
current FY premium is calculated as 5000/12*11=4583.00 and for FY 2017-18 1 March =5000/12*10=417 .so Rs 417 is a pre –paid expenses or
Insurance premium pre-paid.
• Accrued Income :- Accrued income is an income earned but not received , it is a current asset for company . for example on 1st March 2016 ,ABC
LTD deposited Rs 500000 in bank as fixed deposit @8.5%/ year. On 31st March 2016 company will have earned one month interest 500000 x 8.5
%/12 x 1 month =3542. This has to be recorded as income in march 31st 2016 as current year income by passing a journal entry.\
• Unearned income :- Unearned income is an income received but not earned , which means cash or consideration received in advance but not
actually earned .for example a designing company receive money 5000 as advance for a particular costume design . but not delivered the service till
the date of receipt .in such case initially we debit cash account and credit liability account like unearned revenue account ,up on completing and
delivery the liability account debited and revenue account credit using a journal entry.
• Transfer journal entries:- transfer entries are used to transfer funds from one account to another or one department to another . Simple example
to understand this is , on 01-05-2016 XYZ LTD has two accounts in your books of accounts as “XYZ LTD ( DEBTOR)“ hold a debit balance of Rs 1000
and “XYZ LTD ( creditor)” hold a credit balance of Rs 1000 .To transfer funds from “ABC LTD (CREDITOR)” to XYZ LTD (DEBTOR) an to close both
accounts pass a journal entry by debiting ABC LTD (CREDITOR) and crediting ABC LTD (DEBTOR).
• Correcting entries :- There may be situations where accounts are wrongly credited o debited by accountants, In such case to correct those entries
we use two methods one is to reverse the first entry and correct entries , or to making single entry and to transfer from wrong account to the
correct account .
• Purchase and sale of fixed asset on account :- In tally we use journal vouchers are used to record the purchase or sale of fixed asset on account (
credit basis) , I have seen many are confused about the voucher type used to record fixed asset purchase . Use journal voucher instead purchase a
voucher to record fixed asset purchase or sale on credit basis for example purchase of computer from Computer solutions on credit basis use this
journal entry.
• Depreciation on Asset :- Depreciation is the written down value of asset , the value of asset decreases due to the wear and tear , passage of time,
obsolescence etc. Every year asset must be revalued after deducting the cost of depreciation . the value which is reduced on each asset is treated
as an expense of the company and depreciation affect in the net profit or loss of the company .
Gateway of Tally > Transaction > Accounting Voucher > Press F7 for journal Entry
01/09/09 Outstanding Commission Payable due to Mr. RAJAN KAKA OF Rs 2450/- to be paid during the year.
A place where stock Item is Stored is referred to as Godowns. You can specify where . The Stock Items are kept eg Ware House Self or Rack , etc And obtain
stock report for each Godown and Accounts for movement of stock between Location /Godown you can create Godown.
Godown Creation :
1/10/2017 10 LARGE BAGS shifted from Main Location to Andheri Godown (400 /- Rs bags)
5/10/2017 50 Books of 400 pgs note book Shifted from Main Location to Borivali Godown .
6/10/2017 Verify the Remaining stock of 200 units of 400 pgs notebook & Large bags were unit is 20.
Order Processing refers to placing order with suppliers for purchasing from them or receivers orders from customers for the purpose of selling . in Tally
.Order Processing is linked to Inventors . You can track the order position of a stock item, know what goods that was order54ed have arrived. Whether you
have fulfilled the orders on time and what the delay ,if any is .In this module ,you learn how to record purchased orders, and to call the orders while
entering a purchase invoice and likewise with sales orders and sales invoice . you will also learn how to display outstanding orders position and the effect of
orders on stocks.
Follow This
8/10/2017 Sales Order Received from J.K DISTRIBUTORS of 400 Fighter pen @ Rs 15/- each to be Delivered vide order no ORD/12345
12/10/2017 Purchased order Placed with ROTOMAC INDIA LTD for 150 Fighter pen @ Rs 13/- each rto be delivered as early as possible vide order
no PUR/456
14/10/2017 Received 150 Fighter Pen @ Rs 13/- from ROTOMAC INDIA LTD on the same day order no PUR /456
16/10/2017 Goods Delivered from JK DISTRIBUTORS FOR 400 Fighter pen of order no ORD /12345 .
Manufacturing of packed Drinking water being a process Industry, Manufacturing Journal is used to account the issue of raw material to production floor
and for the receipt of finished goods.
Note : This Manufacturing Journal Voucher has been used to Record How many (raw material & expenses are used to manufacture in 1 Product). It will
gives us to know how much price to take in 1 product for Manufacture.
• Voucher Creation :
Name : Manufacturing Journal
Type of Voucher : Stock Journal
Use as Manufacturing Journal : Yes
26/10/2017 Purchase the following item from Dev Info Tech to assemble a computer for office use . only While bringing Computer
Parts 6 % Wages paid & 750 Travelling Allowance Paid
RAM 3 1000
KEYBOARD 3 750/-
SPEAKER 3 950/-
LED 17 3 6000/-
IN organization dealing in multiple products for sales a list of all the items along with the price Details is maintained for the purpose of reference .This list is
called Price list .
Price list are maintained in various structure for different types of buyers ( customers),viz., Wholesalers, Dealers , Retailers, etc Since the price list is
structured based on the classification of buyers – it is referred at the time of making sales . since the sales price do change (on the basis of time ), the
change will have to appear in the Price List also .
10 400/- 5%
10 260/- 4%
8 460/- 5%
8 310/- 4%
ENABLE to COST CATEGORIES in F 11 > F1 Features to create and use Cost Categories & cost centres
Accounting Info
Accounting Info
• Back office
• Front office
• marketing
Back office
Front office