Enterprise Automation With Cloud Native Whitepaper
Enterprise Automation With Cloud Native Whitepaper
Enterprise Automation With Cloud Native Whitepaper
Introduction 1
Use Case 8
What is the Difference Between Typical RPA Tools vs. Automation Using Cloud? 10
Conclusion 10
Today, most business wants to be tech-intensive to stay ahead of the curve and be future-ready.
In this expedition, enterprises are accelerating cloud transformation to drive value for the company
and bring in scalability, affordability and optimized pricing models for their day-to-day operations.
However, conventionally Process Automation was not built into the cloud; it requires expertise
and specialized tools. While few cloud-enabled automation platforms are readily available in the
market, they are expensive. Hence, it would be cost-effective and scalable to build the automation
framework using cloud-native services to automate the business processes for the future.
Mphasis has deep expertise in Process Automation and Transformation, leveraging multiple
technologies across RPA, intelligent data extraction, AI/ML algorithms and cloud-native platforms.
This experience helps to enable business process automation to bring down the automation cost
and help ease development and maintenance for the automation developers.
Cloud-native Service-based Automation
Some advantages of moving to cloud-native services are stability, reliability and highly available
applications. However, despite these advantages, organizations face challenges while adopting
cloud-native technologies.
Here is the list of challenges that corporates face with the current set of automation platforms and
how these challenges can be mitigated with the cloud-native automation approach.
Skills like Selenium are easy to learn and Cloud hyperscalers manage
skilled people are also abundant in the market. the services, and the
Skill Maintenance customers have to do very
Selenium can be implemented in various
programming languages like Java, Python, little maintenance.
C# and JavaScript.
No licensing cost.
Mostly, pay-per-use
License High Cloud deployments are
of the cloud services. Cost Availability highly available, and
disaster recovery is baked in.
& DR
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How to Automate Business Processes with
Cloud-native Services?
Mphasis works with multiple automation platform providers, has partnerships, an expert team
and a proven record of delivering significant value to customers.
Any typical automation platform needs to have these components to develop, test and deploy
the bots:
Studio to build automation code
Packaging and deployment architecture
Execution framework for the bots
Orchestration framework
A control tower to manage the tasks
Password management
OCR and Human in Loop capabilities
Machine Learning capabilities
Control Tower
Cloud hyperscalers offer reliable, scalable and inexpensive cloud computing services. In addition,
they provide various services that are not limited to Compute, Networking, Storage, Database,
Analytics, Messaging, etc. This gives us the flexibility to put together services that can help build
a full-fledged automation platform.
The table below illustrates how to map the capabilities of an automation tool to cloud services.
Here, we have shown examples of Azure and AWS. This could be achieved with other cloud
hyperscalers too.
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Components Azure AWS
PyCharm, Microsoft Visual Studio, IntelliJ IDEA, NetBeans, Eclipse, AWS Cloud9
(Cloud-based IDE), Microsoft Visual Studio Online (Cloud-based IDE)
Azure Functions, Container Instances, Lambda, Elastic Cluster Service, Elastic
Framework for
Azure Kubernetes Service, VM’s Kubernetes Service, VM’s
the Bots
Orchestration Logic Apps, Azure Event Grid Event Bridge, Step Functions
Learning/Artificial Microsoft Cognitive Services Machine Learning Services (SageMaker)
Azure DevOps or any other combination AWS Code Build or any other combination
of ci-cd services. Cloud infrastructure can of ci-cd services. Cloud Infrastructure
Packaging &
be provisioned using Azure Resource can be provisioned using code templates
Manager code templates and plugged using AWS CloudFormation (& SAM) and
into the DevOps pipelines. plugged into the DevOps pipelines.
Password Manager,
File Storage,
Standard services across cloud hyperscalers
Logging, Scheduler
All managed resources from the cloud hyperscalers ensure that these horizontals are
Disaster Recovery,
handled well
Cloud-native landscape is vast, and it is easy to get lost in its expanding number of competing and
overlapping platforms and technology options. We help organizations transform their environment
by adopting cloud computing services and leveraging Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Machine Learning
(ML) powered apps in automation.
Automation scope is broadened, and efficiency increased with the inclusion of AI & ML. It is an
added layer of automation that brings human cognition into workflows. Our expertise and
market-ready products in AI & ML help us make automation more efficient.
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AI & ML – Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
in Automation
AI & ML can enhance the efficiency of automation and expand its possibilities. Cloud, with its
on-demand, highly scalable and high-performance computing capabilities, serves well for building
AI/ML models requiring intensive computing.
Cloud hyperscalers offer managed services that are purpose-built for use cases like Natural
Language Processing, Text Extraction from images, Document Classification, etc. They are built
using high-end AI/ML models and data that provide highly accurate results.
Process Mining
With the ever-growing number of business processes in an organization,
with multiple overlapping processes also sharing data, simplifying business
NLP-based Chatbots processes and identifying candidates to automate can be challenging.
Natural Language Processing-based AI/ML can help with process mining, analyzing logs and input/output business
Chatbots provide a natural language process data to mine for processes that can be analyzed by SMEs and filtered
interface that can be used to trigger for automation.
automation on the backend. This way,
a non-technical user can also interact
with the bots.
All the above applications only enhance the overall benefits of automation, making the application
of AI/ML to automation a necessity and not an add-on.
IDP – Intelligent Document Processing in Automation
Intelligent Document Processing is a specialized tool driven by Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning.
It helps automate data extraction from complex semi-structured/unstructured documents and convert
them into structured, usable data. It is also referred to as Cognitive Data Processing or Intelligent Data Capture.
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IDP takes advantage of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Optical Character
Recognition (OCR), Computer Vision and Intelligent Character Recognition (ICR) technologies to
classify, categorize, extract relevant data and validate the extracted data for improved accuracy.
Some of the applications of IDP for automation are:
Know your customer documents data extraction. This is a complex use case
in automation, as each country has several templates. In addition, these
documents are typically scanned, meaning quality is an issue – making data
extraction more difficult.
Accounts Payable
Manual processing of invoices is a tedious, error-prone task.
IDP can identify, extract and organize relevant data – freeing
up the manual human workforce.
IDP helps with hard-to-automate problems and can be valuable to the automation solution kit.
HIL - Human in Loop in Automation
Despite the advances of AI/ML, there are always scenarios that these technologies cannot
handle to the extent desired. In such cases, having a human review can help close the gap.
Human reviews can also be included as random QC, increasing the confidence in such solutions.
Human in Loop refers to a data review by human workers, which is part of a workflow.
HIL is especially useful for validating and updating data processed by OCR and AI-ML tasks.
Business users/SMEs are provided with a UI Template (simple web application) where the data
is presented for validation and update if necessary. Authenticated access can be provided to the
users using any Open ID connect identity providers.
These reviews can be orchestrated as part of workflows, helping improve automation potential,
data quality and QC.
Managed services from the cloud hyperscalers provide Intelligent Data Extraction, AI-ML and HIL
platforms which can be brought together within an automation workflow.
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Governance and Reporting in Automation
Governance is a critical component to achieving standard outputs with scale in automation.
Reporting provides valuable insights into the performance of automation, which is vital in value
realization and justification of efforts. Together, they are important pieces of the automation process.
Why is Process Automation with Cloud-native
Services Futuristic?
The ever-growing need for digitization has put automation on the fast track, and the need to see
higher ROI is a constant push to innovate. We see that automation tools combine many modules for
which we can find alternatives in the open-source and in the cloud services world.
The explosive growth of the cloud is seen in every industry. Cloud’s benefits of scale, cost, availability,
security and a widespread community are all compelling. So, it becomes natural to bring innovation
in automation by putting together open-source technologies and deploying them on cloud-native
infrastructure leveraging the managed services by the cloud hyperscalers.
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Figure 1: Traditional vs. cloud expenditure 2019-2025 | Source - Gartner® Press Release, Gartner Says More
Than Half of Enterprise IT Spending in Key Market Segments Will Shift to the Cloud by 2025, February 9, 2022.
spending. GARTNER is a registered trademark and service mark of Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and
internationally and is used herein with permission. All rights reserved.
Some of the reasons for the exponential growth of automation in cloud-native services can be
attributed to the following:
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Managed Services Automation ROI increases if spending is limited
Cloud hyperscalers provide a spectrum of to the solution and infrastructure is paid per
managed services from databases, workflow usage. It eases the burden on the infrastructure
orchestrators, queues and notification services team, where they are not required to plan and
to monitoring and logging. Automation benefits procure hardware ahead of its desired usage
from these services in integration, workflow, period. Cost is also saved on maintenance.
monitoring, etc. These services provide the
backbone of the automation solution and offer Infrastructure as a Code
cost and maintenance advantages, as with the Infrastructure as Code (IaC) manages and
other case in point here. provides cloud infrastructure through code.
Automation benefits from this as all the required
Growth of Hybrid Cloud infrastructure is provisioned with code, which
Pairing private, on-premises data centers with is versioned and saved on source code
public clouds has allowed companies to keep repositories, with no support from the IT team
the critical systems/data on-prem and move the while achieving total DevOps. This provides
rest to the cloud. Hyperscalers provide a private rapid, instant, anytime deployment with
link option to connect VPCs, cloud services and no errors or support.
on-premises networks without exposing the
High-Performance Computing (HPC)
traffic to the public internet. Automation benefits
significantly with an expanded scope due to the All major cloud providers offer HPC instances,
hybrid cloud. Automation solutions running on which are highly parallelized and offer huge
the cloud can securely process both the computing capacity at an affordable cost.
on-cloud and on-prem applications. Automation benefits from HPC systems used
for compute-intensive processing and building
Shift from Capex to OpEx Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning models.
Users can now save significant amounts of AI/ML models can be integrated with the
money on hardware and data centers and automation flows resulting in intelligent
instead buy services on an as-needed basis. automation.
Use Case
A large wealth management firm in the US achieves high efficiency and scalability while reducing
costs by automating processes with cloud-native services.
Business Challenge
The client’s existing Dormant Account Processing was time-consuming and highly manual. It involved
verifying accounts against the mainframe system, validating data against financial intermediary
websites, performing a manual QC of the account data with the business SME and then creating
accounts in the mainframe system. They aimed to automate their processes to bring efficiency and
scalability and free up the key resources to focus on critical work while saving costs.
Types of Automation: Web Automation, API processing.
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To enable bot for the Dormant Account Processing, we used AWS cloud, leveraging open-source
libraries and managed cloud-native services. To automate the infrastructure provisioning,
we built a DevOps pipeline using SAM templates and Cloud Formation Stacks from AWS.
We delivered the following services in an integrated manner:
• The mainframe system operations had a • Leveraged IAM (Identity and Access Management)
wrapper exposing them as APIs. These APIs policies to configure the least privilege policies
allowed the automation bot to perform CRUD for resources and Role-Based Access Control
operations for each screen in the mainframe (RBAC) for the users.
system. API processing was done using
• Deployed VPC, subnets and security groups
Java code and deployed on the serverless
to ensure maximum security for the solution
platform, AWS Lambda.
on the cloud.
• Web automation was done using open-source
• Encryption of the data at rest and in flight
Selenium library containerized using docker
was done to safeguard data in the database,
and deployed to EKS Fargate (serverless)
s3 buckets and while being moved between
docker orchestration service. Further, scaling
various services. Leveraged CloudWatch
was done based on the volume of the input.
logs, metrics and alarms to help log and
• Utilized managed workflow orchestrators - monitor the solution.
AWS Step Functions and Event Bus -
• Common dependencies were built into a
AWS EventBridge; serverless databases –
maven project and added as a Lambda layer.
AWS RDS. Workflow QC was done by the
business SME and the handshake between • Spring Cloud was used as the framework to
the bot and the SME was done through put together the automation code in Java.
emails using the AWS SES service.
• Automated 5 FTEs work
• Built on open-source technologies with zero licensing cost
• Eliminated manual work for infra setup
• No upfront capacity provisioning because of managed infrastructure from the cloud hyperscalers
• Enabled role-based access to provide required-only access
• All infrastructure provisioned was pay-per-use
• Always available automation on the cloud,
practically zero downtime
• Secured data through encryption
• Constant monitoring and alerting
to help support teams
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What is the Difference Between
Typical RPA Tools vs. Automation Using Cloud?
For automation using the cloud, the following needs to be considered:
Process automation using the cloud will become the next big thing shortly. We can see from the
above that building automation solution on the cloud provides huge cost, effort and scale benefits.
We believe it is a natural step to build your next automation solution open-source and on the cloud.
Having gone through the journey of building and delivering on this technology stack is a proof of how
production-grade automation solutions can be achieved with this stack. Despite its challenges related
to pro-code/intensive coding requirements, the overwhelming benefits of this novel approach make
it a compelling option to consider for automation solutions. With the rapid innovation and adoption of
the cloud, such an approach makes sense not only for the ‘now,’ but also for the future.
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Vinod Kumar Mohan
Automation Consultant, Senior Manager
Veena S
Enterprise Automation Leader, Vice President
Renjeev Kolanchery
Enterprise Automation Head, Senior Vice President
About Mphasis
Mphasis’ purpose is to be the “Driver in the Driverless Car” for Global Enterprises by applying next-generation design, architecture and
engineering services, to deliver scalable and sustainable software and technology solutions. Customer centricity is foundational to Mphasis,
and is reflected in the Mphasis’ Front2Back™ Transformation approach. Front2Back™ uses the exponential power of cloud and cognitive to provide
hyper-personalized (C = X2C™² = 1) digital experience to clients and their end customers. Mphasis’ Service Transformation approach helps ‘shrink
the core’ through the application of digital technologies across legacy environments within an enterprise, enabling businesses to stay ahead in a
changing world. Mphasis’ core reference architectures and tools, speed and innovation with domain expertise and specialization, combined with an
integrated sustainability and purpose-led approach across its operations and solutions are key to building strong relationships with marquee clients.
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