Temperature Controller: FZ110/FZ400/FZ900

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Temperature Controller

Instruction Manual
[Part2: Parameters/Functions]


 This manual assumes that the reader has a fundamental knowledge of the principles of
electricity, process control, computer technology and communications.
 The figures, diagrams and numeric values used in this manual are only for explanation
 RKC is not responsible for any damage or injury that is caused as a result of using this
instrument, instrument failure or indirect damage.
 RKC is not responsible for any damage and/or injury resulting from the use of
instruments made by imitating this instrument.
 Periodic maintenance is required for safe and proper operation of this instrument. Some
components have a limited service life, or characteristics that change over time.
 Every effort has been made to ensure accuracy of all information contained herein. RKC
makes no warranty, expressed or implied, with respect to the accuracy of the information.
The information in this manual is subject to change without prior notice.
 No portion of this document may be reprinted, modified, copied, transmitted, digitized,
stored, processed or retrieved through any mechanical, electronic, optical or other means
without prior written approval from RKC.

 Modbus is a registered trademark of Schneider Electric.

 Company names and product names used in this manual are the trademarks or registered
trademarks of the respective companies.

All Rights Reserved, Copyright  2016, RKC INSTRUMENT INC.

 Screens used in this manual
It should be noted that this manual describes various screens of F110/400/900 according to the
following rules.

● FZ110/400/900 are available in two types: single input type and dual input type.
The dual input type is further categorized into two types: Dual PV type (for FZ400/900) and PV +
Remote setting type (for FZ110/400/900).
For a dual input model, the same parameter may exist in both Input 1 and Input 2. “1.” or “2.” is
added to the top of the parameters for identification. “1.” is not added to the top of the parameters
list for the single input type.

[Display example of the dual input type]

Input 1_Set value (SV) Input 2_Set value (SV)

1. SV 2. SV
[Display example of a single input type]
Set value (SV)

1. SV
This manual uses the dual inputs for explanation. For other types such as a single input type, ignore
the first character “1.” at the top of the parameter.
The parameters used only on FZ400 and FZ900 (including parameters used only on the dual input
type) are displayed in the colored background.

[Notation in this manual]

Input 1_Set value (SV) Input 2_Set value (SV)
This part is not Parameter shown
displayed on
the single input 1. SV only on the dual
input type 2. SV

FUNC key assignment

Parameters used only
on FZ400/900
regardless of the
number of inputs.
● In the explanation of the operating navigation “2. SELECTING PARAMETERS (P. 2-1),” such
display frames as shown below are used to show the difference.
Parameters always displayed

1.0 Parameters that are displayed if the display requirements are satisfied.

Parameters that are displayed if the display requirements are satisfied. (FZ400/900 only)

Parameters with the different display requirements between FZ110 and FZ400/900.

IMR03A05-E4 i-1
 Character Symbols
11-segment character
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Minus Period

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 - .
A B (b) C c D (d) E F G H I J K

A b C c D E F G H I J K
L M N n O (o) P Q R S T t U

L M N n o P Q R S T t U
u V W X Y Z Degree / Prime * →

u V W X Y Z @ / ` Š ‹

7-segment character
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Minus Period

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 - .
A B (b) C c D (d) E F G H I J K

A b C c D E F G H I J K
L M N (n) O (o) P Q R S T t U u

L M n o P Q R S T t U u
V W X Y Z Degree / Prime *

V W X Y Z @ ` Š

 Abbreviation symbols
These abbreviations are used in this manual:
Abbreviation Abbreviation
symbols Name symbols Name
PV Measured value TC (input) Thermocouple (input)
SV Set value RTD (input) Resistance temperature detector (input)
MV Manipulated output value V (input) Voltage (input)
AT Autotuning I (input) Current (input)
ST Startup tuning HBA (1, 2) Heater break alarm (1, 2)
OUT (1 to 3) Output (1 to 3) CT (1, 2) Current transformer (1, 2)
DI (1 to 6) Digital input (1 to 6) LBA Control loop break alarm
DO (1 to 4) Digital output (1 to 4) LBD LBA deadband
FBR Feedback resistance

i-2 IMR03A05-E4
Document Configuration
There are seven manuals pertaining to this product. Please be sure to read all manuals specific to your
application requirements.
The following manuals can be downloaded from the official RKC website:

Manual Manual Number Remarks

FZ110/FZ400/FZ900 Installation Manual IMR03A01-E This manual is enclosed with instrument.
This manual explains the mounting and wiring.

FZ110/FZ400/FZ900 Quick Operation Manual IMR03A02-E This manual is enclosed with instrument.
This manual explains the basic key operation, mode
menu, and data setting.

FZ110/FZ400/FZ900 Parameter List IMR03A03-E This manual is enclosed with instrument.

This list is a compilation of the parameter data of
each mode.

FZ110/FZ400/FZ900 Instruction Manual IMR03A04-E This manual describes installation, wiring,

[Part 1: Hardware] troubleshooting and product specification.

FZ110/FZ400/FZ900 Instruction Manual IMR03A05-E4 This manual you are reading now.
[Part 2: Parameters/Functions] [Parameters]
This manual describes how to switch the operation
modes and parameters, the range of parameters, and
initialization/automatic conversion associated with
the change of settings.
This manual describes how to set up and each

FZ110/FZ400/FZ900 Instruction Manual IMR03A07-E This manual explains RKC communication protocol
[Host Communication] (ANSI X3.28-1976) and Modbus relating to
communication parameters setting.

FZ110/FZ400/FZ900 Instruction Manual IMR03A08-E This manual describes how to set up the instrument
[PLC Communication] for communication with a programmable controller

Read this manual carefully before operating the instrument. Please place the manual in a
convenient location for easy reference.

IMR03A05-E4 i-3
Symbols................................................................................................................................. i-1
 Screens used in this manual ......................................................................................... i-1
 Character Symbols ....................................................................................................... i-2
 Abbreviation symbols .................................................................................................... i-2
Document Configuration........................................................................................................ i-3

1. MODE SWITCHING ........................................................... 1-1
Chapter 1 describes various mode types and how to switch between them.

2. SELECTING PARAMETERS ............................................. 2-1

Chapter 2 describes various parameter types and how to switch between them.

2.1 Monitor & SV Setting Mode [A] ....................................................................2-2

 1-loop control (Including Remote setting input/Input circuit error alarm) ............ 2-2
 2-loop control/Cascade control [FZ400/900] ....................................................... 2-3
 Control with PV select [FZ400/900] .................................................................... 2-4
 Differential temperature control [FZ400/900] ...................................................... 2-5
2.2 Parameter Select Mode [B] ..........................................................................2-6
2.3 Operation Transfer Mode [C] .......................................................................2-7
2.4 Setting Lock Mode [D] .................................................................................2-8
2.5 Memory Area Transfer Mode [E] (FZ400/900) .............................................2-9
2.6 Parameter Setting Mode [F] ....................................................................... 2-10
2.7 Setup Setting Mode [G] ............................................................................. 2-12
2.8 Engineering Mode [H] ................................................................................ 2-15

3. PARAMETER LIST ............................................................ 3-1

Chapter 3 describes displays, names and data ranges of each parameter.

3.1 How to Read the Table ................................................................................3-2

3.2 Monitor & SV Setting Mode [A] ....................................................................3-3
3.3 Parameter Select Mode [B] ..........................................................................3-5
3.4 Operation Transfer Mode [C] .......................................................................3-6
3.5 Setting Lock Mode [D] .................................................................................3-7
3.6 Memory Area Transfer Mode [E] (FZ400/900) .............................................3-8

i-4 IMR03A05-E4
3.7 Parameter Setting Mode [F] .........................................................................3-9
 Parameter group No. 00: Setting (SV) ................................................................. 3-9
 Parameter group No. 40: Event (EV) ................................................................... 3-9
 Parameter group No. 51: Input 1_Control (1.ConT) ............................................ 3-10
 Parameter group No. 52: Input 2_Control (2.ConT) ............................................ 3-12
 Parameter group No. 56: Input 1_Cooling control (1.CooL) ............................... 3-13
 Parameter group No. 70: Memory area (ArEA) .................................................. 3-14
3.8 Setup Setting Mode [G] ............................................................................. 3-16
 Setting group No. 10: Display (dSP).................................................................. 3-16
 Setting group No. 21: Input 1 (1.InP) ............................................................... 3-16
 Setting group No. 22: Input 2 (2.InP) ............................................................... 3-16
 Setting group No. 30: Output (oUT)................................................................... 3-17
 Setting group No. 45: Heater break alarm 1 (HBA1) .......................................... 3-17
 Setting group No. 46: Heater break alarm 2 (HBA2) .......................................... 3-18
 Setting group No. 51: Input 1_Control (1.ConT) ................................................ 3-18
 Setting group No. 52: Input 2_Control (2.ConT) ................................................ 3-19
 Setting group No. 53: Input 1_Tuning (1.TUNE) ................................................. 3-19
 Setting group No. 54: Input 2_Tuning (2.TUNE) ................................................. 3-20
 Setting group No. 55: Position proportioning control (POSIT) ........................... 3-20
 Setting group No. 57: Proactive (PACT)............................................................. 3-20
 Setting group No. 58: 2-input function (2PV) ..................................................... 3-21
 Setting group No. 91: System (SYS) ................................................................. 3-22
3.9 Engineering Mode [H] ................................................................................ 3-23
 Function block No. 10: Display (dSP)................................................................. 3-23
 Function block No. 11: Key operation (KEY) ...................................................... 3-24
 Function block No. 21: Input 1 (1.InP) ............................................................... 3-25
 Function block No. 22: Input 2 (2.InP) ............................................................... 3-27
 Function block No. 23: Digital input (DI) ........................................................... 3-29
 Function block No. 30: Output (OUT).................................................................. 3-30
 Function block No. 31: Retransmission output 1 (Ao1)...................................... 3-31
 Function block No. 32: Retransmission output 2 (Ao2)...................................... 3-32
 Function block No. 33: Retransmission output 3 (Ao3)...................................... 3-32
 Function block No. 34: Digital output (do) ......................................................... 3-33
 Function block No. 41: Event 1 (EV1) ................................................................ 3-34
 Function block No. 42: Event 2 (EV2) ................................................................ 3-35
 Function block No. 43: Event 3 (EV3) ................................................................ 3-35
 Function block No. 44: Event 4 (EV4) ................................................................ 3-35
 Function block No. 45: CT1 (CT1)...................................................................... 3-36
 Function block No. 46: CT2 (CT2)...................................................................... 3-36
 Function block No. 50: Control (ConT) ............................................................... 3-37
 Function block No. 51: Input 1_Control (1.ConT) ............................................... 3-38
 Function block No. 52: Input 2_Control (2.ConT) ............................................... 3-39
 Function block No. 55: Position proportioning control (POSIT) .......................... 3-40
 Function block No. 56: Input 1_Cooling control (1.CooL) ................................... 3-40
 Function block No. 57: Proactive (PACT)............................................................ 3-40

IMR03A05-E4 i-5
 Function block No. 58: 2-input function (2PV) .................................................... 3-41
 Function block No. 60: Communication (SCI) ................................................... 3-42
 Function block No. 62: PLC communication (MAP) ............................................ 3-43
 Function block No. 70: Memory area (ArEA) ..................................................... 3-43
 Function block No. 71: Input 1_Setting limiter (1. SVL) ..................................... 3-43
 Function block No. 72: Input 2_Setting limiter (2. SVL) ..................................... 3-44
 Function block No. 91: System (SYS) ................................................................ 3-44


WHEN SETTING IS CHANGED ....................................... 4-1
Chapter 4 describes the parameters that are initialized/modified when setting is changed.

4.1 Parameters to Be Initialized ..........................................................................4-2

4.1.1 When Select function for input 2 (2PV) is changed
[Engineering mode: Function block No. 58] ...................................................... 4-3
4.1.2 When Input 1_Input type (1. I N P ) and Input 1_Display unit (1.U N I T )
are changed [Engineering mode: Function block No. 21] ................................. 4-6
4.1.3 When Input 1_Decimal point position (1.P G D P ) is changed
[Engineering mode: Function block No. 21] ...................................................... 4-9
4.1.4 When Input 2_Input type (2. I N P ) and Input 2_Display unit (2.U N I T )
are changed [Engineering mode: Function block No. 22] ............................... 4-10
4.1.5 When Input 1_Control action (1. OS) is changed
[Engineering mode: Function block No. 51] .................................................... 4-13
4.1.6 When Input 2_Control action (2. OS) is changed
[Engineering mode: Function block No. 52] .................................................... 4-14
4.1.7 If Open/Close output neutral zone (YDB) is changed
[Setup setting mode: Setting group No. 55] .................................................... 4-14
4.1.8 When OUT1 function selection (oSL1) is changed
[Engineering mode: Function block No. 30] .................................................... 4-14
4.1.9 When OUT2 function selection (oSL2) is changed
[Engineering mode: Function block No. 30] .................................................... 4-15
4.1.10 When OUT3 function selection (oSL3) and Universal output type selection
(UNIo) are changed [Engineering mode: Function block No. 30] .................. 4-15
4.1.11 When Retransmission output 1 type (Ao1) is changed
[Engineering mode: Function block No. 31]................................................... 4-16
4.1.12 When Retransmission output 2 type (Ao2) is changed
[Engineering mode: Function block No. 32]................................................... 4-16
4.1.13 When Retransmission output 3 type (Ao3) is changed
[Engineering mode: Function block No. 33]................................................... 4-17
4.1.14 When Event 1 type (ES1) and Event 1 assignment (EVA1) are changed
[Engineering mode: Function block No. 41]................................................... 4-17
4.1.15 When Event 2 type (ES2) and Event 2 assignment (EVA2) are changed
[Engineering mode: Function block No. 42]................................................... 4-17

i-6 IMR03A05-E4
4.1.16 When Event 3 type (ES3) and Event 3 assignment (EVA3) are changed
[Engineering mode: Function block No. 43]................................................... 4-18
4.1.17 When Event 4 type (ES4) and Event 4 assignment (EVA4) are changed
[Engineering mode: Function block No. 44]................................................... 4-18
4.1.18 When CT1 type (CTt1) is changed
[Engineering mode: Function block No. 45]................................................... 4-18
4.1.19 When CT2 type (CTt2) is changed
[Engineering mode: Function block No. 46]................................................... 4-19
4.1.20 When Integral/Derivative time decimal point position (Id d P ) is changed
[Engineering mode: Function block No. 50]................................................... 4-19
4.1.21 When Communication protocol (CMPS) is changed
[Engineering mode: Function block No. 60]................................................... 4-19
4.1.22 When Register type (MP..R EG) is changed
[Engineering mode: Function block No. 62]................................................... 4-20
4.1.23 When Soak time unit (STdP) is changed
[Engineering mode: Function block No. 70]................................................... 4-20
4.1.24 When Initialization (DEF) is changed
[Engineering mode: Function block No. 91]................................................... 4-20

4.2 Parameters to Be Automatically Converted ................................................ 4-21

 Example of automatic conversion ..................................................................... 4-22
4.2.1 When Input data type (INDT) is changed
[Engineering mode: Function block No. 21] .................................................... 4-23
4.2.2 When Input 1_Decimal point position (1.P G D P ), Input 1_Input range high
(1.P G S H ) and Input 1_Input range low (1.P G S L ) are changed
[Engineering mode: Function block No. 21] .................................................... 4-25
4.2.3 When Input 1_Setting limiter high/low (1. S L H , 1. S L L ) is changed
[Engineering mode: Function block No. 71] .................................................... 4-27
4.2.4 When Input 1_Output limiter high/low (heat-side) (1. OLH, 1. OLL)
is changed [Parameter setting mode: Parameter group No. 51]..................... 4-27
4.2.5 When Input 1_Output limiter high/low (cool-side) (1.oLHc, 1.oLLc)
is changed [Parameter setting mode: Parameter group No. 56]..................... 4-27
4.2.6 When Input 2_Decimal point position (2.P G D P ) is changed
[Engineering mode: Function block No. 22] .................................................... 4-28
4.2.7 When Input 2_Input range high/low (2.P G S H , 2.P G S L ) is changed
[Engineering mode: Function block No. 22] .................................................... 4-30
4.2.8 When Input 2_Setting limiter high/low (2. S L H , 2. S L L ) is changed
[Engineering mode: Function block No. 72] .................................................... 4-32
4.2.9 When Input 2_Output limiter high/low (2. OLH, 2. OLL) is changed
[Parameter setting mode: Parameter group No. 52] ....................................... 4-32
4.2.10 When Memory area transfer (AREA) is changed [Monitor & SV setting
mode (FZ110) and Memory area transfer mode (FZ400/900)]...................... 4-32
4.2.11 When Input 1_Level PID setting 1 (1.LEV1) is changed
[Setup setting mode: Setting group No. 51]................................................... 4-32

IMR03A05-E4 i-7
4.2.12 When Input 1_Level PID setting 2 (1.LEV2) is changed
[Setup setting mode: Setting group No. 51]................................................... 4-33
4.2.13 When Input 1_Level PID setting 3 (1.LEV3) is changed
[Setup setting mode: Setting group No. 51]................................................... 4-33
4.2.14 When Input 1_Level PID setting 4 (1.LEV4) is changed
[Setup setting mode: Setting group No. 51]................................................... 4-33
4.2.15 When Input 1_Level PID setting 5 (1.LEV5) is changed
[Setup setting mode: Setting group No. 51]................................................... 4-34
4.2.16 When Input 1_Level PID setting 6 (1.LEV6) is changed
[Setup setting mode: Setting group No. 51]................................................... 4-34
4.2.17 When Input 1_Level PID setting 7 (1.LEV7) is changed
[Setup setting mode: Setting group No. 51]................................................... 4-34
4.2.18 When Input 2_Level PID setting 1 (2.LEV1) is changed
[Setup setting mode: Setting group No. 52]................................................... 4-35
4.2.19 When Input 2_Level PID setting 2 (2.LEV2) is changed
[Setup setting mode: Setting group No. 52]................................................... 4-35
4.2.20 When Input 2_Level PID setting 3 (2.LEV3) is changed
[Setup setting mode: Setting group No. 52]................................................... 4-35
4.2.21 When Input 2_Level PID setting 4 (2.LEV4) is changed
[Setup setting mode: Setting group No. 52]................................................... 4-36
4.2.22 When Input 2_Level PID setting 5 (2.LEV5) is changed
[Setup setting mode: Setting group No. 52]................................................... 4-36
4.2.23 When Input 2_Level PID setting 6 (2.LEV6) is changed
[Setup setting mode: Setting group No. 52]................................................... 4-36
4.2.24 When Input 2_Level PID setting 7 (2.LEV7) is changed
[Setup setting mode: Setting group No. 52]................................................... 4-37

i-8 IMR03A05-E4

5. INPUT FUNCTION ............................................................. 5-1
This chapter describes input related functions, setting contents and setting procedure based
on the key words related to inputs.

5.1 Changing Input .............................................................................................5-2

5.2 Switching Functions Using Digital Inputs (DI) ............................................. 5-16
5.3 Correcting Input .......................................................................................... 5-28
5.4 Preventing the Input Flicker ........................................................................ 5-31
5.5 Inverting the Input ....................................................................................... 5-33
5.6 Extracting Square Root of Input.................................................................. 5-35
5.7 Changing Error Handling at Input Error ......................................................5-39
5.8 Using Dual Input Function .......................................................................... 5-48

6. OUTPUT FUNCTION ......................................................... 6-1

This chapter describes output related functions, setting contents and setting procedure based
on the key words related to outputs.

6.1 Changing Output Assignment [Control Output, Retransmission Output,

Logic Calculation (Event) Output, Instrument Status Output] .......................6-2
6.2 Changing Output Type of OUT3................................................................. 6-12
6.3 Using Retransmission Output..................................................................... 6-14
6.4 Changing Proportional Cycle Time............................................................. 6-20
6.5 Changing Energizing/De-energizing Output ............................................... 6-24
6.6 Limiting Output ........................................................................................... 6-26
6.7 Suppressing Sudden Change in Output (Output Change Rate Limiter) ..... 6-29
6.8 Suppressing Sudden Change in Output (Balanceless Bumpless).............. 6-33
6.9 Changing the Output Action While in Control Stop Mode ........................... 6-39
6.10 Monitoring Manipulated Output Value ...................................................... 6-42

7. EVENT FUNCTION ............................................................ 7-1

This chapter describes event related functions, setting contents and setting procedure based
on the key words related to events.

7.1 Using Event Function ...................................................................................7-2

7.1.1 Changing input for event ................................................................................................ 7-3
7.1.2 Changing event type ...................................................................................................... 7-7
7.1.3 Adding hold action to the event action ......................................................................... 7-16

IMR03A05-E4 i-9
7.1.4 Setting a differential gap in event action ...................................................................... 7-19
7.1.5 Preventing event from turning on due to a transient abnormal input ........................... 7-21
7.1.6 Changing event output assignment ............................................................................. 7-23
7.1.7 Changing the event set value ...........................................................................................7-23
7.2 Using Heater Break Alarm (HBA) ............................................................... 7-24
7.2.1 Setting the Heater break alarm (HBA) set value.......................................................... 7-25
7.2.2 Preventing Heater break alarm (HBA) from turning on due to a transient
abnormal input ............................................................................................................. 7-28
7.2.3 Changing the output monitored by the Heater break alarm (HBA) .............................. 7-30
7.2.4 Changing the Current transformer (CT) type ............................................................... 7-33
7.2.5 Forcing the CT input value to 0.0 A when the heater is OFF ...................................... 7-35
7.3 Using Control Loop Break Alarm (LBA) ...................................................... 7-36
7.4 Checking Event ON State .......................................................................... 7-40
7.5 Keeping the Event State (Interlock Function) ............................................. 7-42
7.6 Releasing the Event State (Interlock Release) ........................................... 7-44
7.7 Preventing Control with Input Errors (Input Circuit Error Alarm)
[FZ400/900] ................................................................................................ 7-46

8. CONTROL FUNCTION ...................................................... 8-1

This chapter describes control related functions, setting contents and setting procedure based
on the key words related to controls.

8.1 Running/Stopping Control (RUN/STOP Transfer) ........................................8-2

8.2 Changing Control Action ..............................................................................8-5
8.3 Setting PID Values Automatically (Autotuning) .......................................... 8-11
8.4 Setting PID Values Automatically (Startup tuning) .....................................8-18
8.5 Setting PID Values Manually ...................................................................... 8-24
8.6 Controlling with ON/OFF Action ................................................................. 8-31
8.7 Controlling with Heat/Cool Action ............................................................... 8-36
8.8 Controlling with Position Proportioning Control .......................................... 8-44
8.9 Controlling with Manual Control ................................................................. 8-56
8.10 Using Remote Setting Input ..................................................................... 8-61
8.11 Executing 2-Loop Control [FZ400/900] .................................................... 8-67
8.12 Executing Differential Temperature Control [FZ400/900] ......................... 8-70
8.13 Executing Control with PV Select [FZ400/900] ........................................ 8-75
8.14 Executing Cascade Control [FZ400/900] ................................................. 8-84
8.15 Controlling with Level PID ........................................................................ 8-98
8.16 Eliminating Offset Inherent to Proportioning Control (Manual Reset) ..... 8-108
8.17 Continuing Stable Control after the Operation Transfer
(SV Tracking) ......................................................................................... 8-110

i-10 IMR03A05-E4
8.18 Suppressing Overshoot.......................................................................... 8-116
8.19 Changing the Action at Power ON (Hot/Cold Start)................................ 8-124

9. DISPLAY RELATED FUNCTIONS .................................... 9-1

This chapter describes display related functions, setting contents and setting procedure based
on the key words related to Display.

9.1 Grouping Necessary Screens (Parameter Select Function) .........................9-2

9.2 Hiding Unnecessary Screens ..................................................................... 9-12
9.3 Hiding the Display of the Set Value (SV) .................................................... 9-18
9.4 Changing the Display Position of STOP during the Control Stop ............... 9-20
9.5 Changing the ALM Lamp Lighting Condition .............................................. 9-22
9.6 Changing the Display Contents of the MV Display [FZ400/900]................. 9-24
9.7 Checking Input Peak Value/Bottom Value.................................................. 9-26
9.8 Suppressing the Display Flickering ............................................................ 9-30
9.9 Checking the Instrument Information .........................................................9-32

10. SETTING AND KEY OPERATION ................................ 10-1

This chapter describes setting and key operation related functions, setting contents and setting
procedure based on the keywords related to setting and key operation.

10.1 Limiting the Setting Range of Set Value (SV) .......................................... 10-2
10.2 Eliminating a Sudden Set Value Change (Setting Change Rate Limiter) ... 10-6
10.3 Storing the Control Related Set Values (Memory Area Function) .......... 10-10
10.4 Copying the Data in Memory Area to Set Other Areas........................... 10-16
10.5 Running a Simple Ramp/Soak Control................................................... 10-18
10.6 Using a Simple Sequence Operation ..................................................... 10-26
10.7 Registering a Set Value (SV) Without Pressing the SET Key ................ 10-33
10.8 Accessing Some Functions Directly (FUNC Key) [FZ400/900] .............. 10-35
10.9 Restricting Key Operation (Set Data Lock) ............................................ 10-38
10.10 Initializing the Set Data ......................................................................... 10-41

INDEX [Alphabetical order] ................................................ A-1

INDEX [Character order] ................................................... A-10

IMR03A05-E4 i-11
Pictorial table of contents
Pages that mainly describe the hardware are shown.

Memory area
MV display unit FZ400 FZ900
Memory area selection
Change display contents ······················· P. 10-10
························· P. 9-24

MV display unit

Memory area Change display contents

························· P. 9-24
Memory area selection
······················· P. 10-10
Key opration
FUNC key ········· P. 10-35
Key operation
FUNC key ········· P. 10-35

Digital output (DO2/DO3/DO4)

Output 1 (OUT1)/Output 2 (OUT2)
FZ400/900 Output assignment ········· P. 6-4
Output assignment ······ P. 6-2
Terminal configuration Logic operation (event) output
Control output
1 25 13 Status output
Retransmission output
2 26 14
Logic operation (event) output 3 27 15
Status output 4 28 16
5 29 17
6 30 18
7 31 19
Logic operation (event)
8 32 20
Digital output (DO1) 9 33 21 ・Event setting ······················· P. 7-2
10 34 22
・Heater break alarm (HBA) ····· P. 7-24
Output assignment ······P.6-4 11 35 23
12 36 24 ・Control loop break alarm (LBA)
Logic operation (event) output
·········································· P. 7-36
Status output

Option 1
・Current transformer (CT) input
Heater break alarm (HBA)
Logic operation (event) ································· P. 7-24
・Feedback resistance (FBR) input
・Event setting ······················· P. 7-2 Position proportional PID control
・Heater break alarm (HBA) ····· P. 7-24 ································· P. 8-44
・Control loop break alarm (LBA)
·········································· P. 7-36
Option 3
・Measured input 2
2-loop control ············· P. 8-67
Measured input 1
Differential temperature control
・Input type selection ······· P. 5-2 ······························· P. 8-70
・Input range setting ········ P. 5-2 Option 2 Control with PV select ·· P. 8-75
・PV bias ······················P. 5-28 Cascade control ·········· P. 8-84
・Output 3 (OUT3) ············· P. 6-2
・PV ratio ······················ P. 5-28 Input circuit error alarm P. 7-46
P. 6-12
・PV digital filter ············· P. 5-31 ・Remote setting input ····· P. 8-61
・Digital input
(DI1 to DI4, DI1 to DI6)
··································· P. 5-16
・Communication function ··············
Refer to Instruction Manual [Host
communication] (IMR03A07-E) or
Instruction Manual [PLC
communication] (IMR03A08-E)

i-12 IMR03A05-E4

Memory area
Change display contents
······················· P. 10-10

Terminal configuration
1 13 7 Digital output (DO1/DO2)
Output 1 (OUT1)/Output 2 (OUT2)
2 14 8 Output assignment ········· P.6-4
Output assignment ······ P. 6-2 3 15 9 Logic operation (event) output
Control output 4 16 10 Status output
Retransmission output 5 17 11
Logic operation (event) output 6 18 12
Status output

Logic operation (event) Logic operation (event)

Event setting······················ P. 7-2 Event setting ······················ P. 7-2
Heater break alarm (HBA) ···· P. 7-24 Heater break alarm (HBA) ···· P. 7-24
Control loop break alarm (LBA) Control loop break alarm (LBA)
······································· P. 7-36 ······································· P. 7-36

Measured input
Option Input type selection ······ P. 5-2
Input range setting ······· P. 5-2
・Remote setting input·········· P. 8-61
PV bias ····················· P. 5-28
・Output 3 (OUT3) ··············· P. 6-2
PV ratio ····················· P. 5-28
P. 6-12
PV digital filter············· P. 5-31
・Digital input (DI1, DI1 to DI3)
····································· P. 5-16
・Current transformer (CT) input
Heater break alarm (HBA) · P. 7-24
・Communication function ··············
Refer to Instruction Manual [Host
communication] (IMR03A07-E) or
Instruction Manual [PLC
communication] (IMR03A08-E)

IMR03A05-E4 i-13

i-14 IMR03A05-E4


This chapter describes various modes and how to switch between them.

IMR03A05-E4 1-1

 Mode switching
The instrument has eight different modes (seven modes for FZ110) for operation and setting. Modes can be
switched through the key operation of and MODE keys.

Only FZ400/900
Model, Input type and Input range
Power ON 2
Except of Monitor mode, Parameter
(Refer to P. 1-3) select mode and Feedback adjustment
Automatically Automatically
When the Blind AREA
function is activated.
Display of each
Parameter select mode ・ + MODE Memory area transfer mode
Only desired screens can be ・No key is operated The memory area to be used for
grouped for display. When the for 60 seconds 2 control (control area) can be switched
Blind function is valid, unnecessary in this mode. [FZ400/900 only*]
Any one of the
modes can be hidden. above (Refer to P. 2-9)
(Refer to P. 2-6)
A * For FZ110, the Memory
area transfer can be
MODE + Monitor & SV setting mode found in the Monitor
and SV setting mode.
In this mode, setting of SV (control
target value) and monitoring of PV,
(2 seconds) MODE (2 seconds)
SV, and MV can be conducted.
Conduct operation in this mode. C
Parameter setting mode (Refer to P. 2-2)
Operation transfer mode
Parameters related to the control
In this mode, switching between
can be set. Parameters in this
RUN/STOP, Auto/Manual, and
mode can be used in the memory
Remote/Local can be done as
area function, and up to 16 areas
well as conducting AT and ST.
can be set.
(Refer to P. 2-7)
(Refer to P. 2-10)

Setting lock mode
Setup setting mode
Set data lock can be set to prevent
Control related parameters not + MODE (4 seconds**)
accidental key operations.
available in Memory area can be Parameter select mode can be set
set up here. up to group desired screens for
(Refer to P. 2-12) display. (Refer to P. 2-8)
(2 seconds)
+ MODE Engineering mode + MODE
(2 seconds) (2 seconds)
The instrument can be configured
to the user's requirements (input,
** To switch to the Setting lock mode:
output, control mode, etc). Press the SET key until Parameter setting mode
is displayed. Keep pressing without releasing
(Refer to P. 2-15) your finger from the key to enter the Setting lock
mode. Parameter mode is not displayed if the
operation is attempted in the reverse order.

Legend X: Press X key once X+Y: Press X and Y key simultaneously

X (n times): Press X key n times
X (n seconds): Press and hold X key for n seconds or more
X+Y (n seconds): Press and hold X and Y keys simultaneously for n seconds

1-2 IMR03A05-E4

 Model, Input type, Unit and Input range

Immediately after the instrument is powered, the input type, the unit symbol and the input range will be

Example: FZ900, Thermocouple input (type K) and 200 to 1372 C

Power ON
Table 1 Input type symbol

Symbol Input type
FZ110, FZ400 or FZ900 K Thermocouple K

88888 J Thermocouple J

Automatically (in 1 second)

Input 1_Input symbol
T Thermocouple T

Thermocouple S
Unit of input 1:
Temperature input: C or F R Thermocouple R

@C88K Voltage/Current input: No display

E Thermocouple E
Input type for input 1 (Refer to Table 1)
b Thermocouple B
Automatically (in 1 second) *
n Thermocouple N

Thermocouple PLII
Input 1_Input range high
W Thermocouple

- 200 Input 1_Input range low

Thermocouple U

Automatically (in 1 second) *
Thermocouple L

2. INP Unit for input 2 and Input type for input 2
(Refer to Input 1 for the displayed contents.) PT
Thermocouple PR40-20

RTD Pt100
@C K JP RTD JPt100
Automatically (in 1 second)
V Voltage

Input 2_Input range high and
Input 2_Input range low
- 200
Automatically (in 1 second)

Monitor & SV setting mode

8828 Input 1_Measured value (PV)/

Input 1_Set value (SV)
* Displayed for 2 seconds (Single input type)

IMR03A05-E4 1-3

1-4 IMR03A05-E4

This chapter describes various parameter types and how to switch between them.

2.1 Monitor & SV Setting Mode [A]........................................................ 2-2

2.2 Parameter Select Mode [B] ............................................................. 2-6
2.3 Operation Transfer Mode [C]........................................................... 2-7
2.4 Setting Lock Mode [D] ..................................................................... 2-8
2.5 Memory Area Transfer Mode [E] (FZ400/900) ................................ 2-9
2-6 Parameter Setting Mode [F] .......................................................... 2-10
2.7 Setup Setting Mode [G] ................................................................. 2-12
2.8 Engineering Mode [H] ................................................................... 2-15

IMR03A05-E4 2-1
2. SELECTING PARAMETERS [Monitor & SV setting mode]

2.1 Monitor & SV Setting Mode [A]

When the Monitor and SV setting mode is entered, there are 4 (four) display contents depending on the
control. Each display also differs between the Auto mode and the Manual mode.
 1-loop control (including Remote setting input/Input circuit error alarm) (Input circuit error alarm is available only on FZ400/900)
 2-loop control/Cascade control
 Control with PV select FZ400/900 only
 Differential temperature control

■ 1-loop control (including Remote setting input/Input circuit error alarm)

Auto mode Manual mode
Input 1_Measured value (PV)/
Input 1_Measured value (PV)/ Input 1_ Input 1_Manual manipulated output Input 1_
Input 1_Set value (SV) SET Set value (SV) setting Set value (SV) setting
or value (MV)
 *,  *
8200 200 PV1
8200 SET 1.00SV
8880 If no key is operated
00000 8105.0 00000
for 2 seconds* SET Flashing Adjustable SET Flashing

Input 1_Measured value (PV)/

Input 2_Measured value (PV) Interlock release

8200 SET, R.SET** 1.0ILR

8300 SET

Memory area transfer

Remote setting
input value monitor

Input 1_Manipulated output

value monitor [heat-side]
1.00MV Screen when the Monitor & SV setting mode is entered
 Input 1_Measured value (PV)/Input 1_Set value (SV)
 Input 1_Measured value (PV)/Input 1_Manual manipulated output value (MV)
Input 1_Manipulated output
value monitor [cool-side]
1.0MVc : Press MONI or <MODE key

* Valid only when "Direct registration" is set in "Data registration" in Fn11 in

Current transformer 1
the Engineering mode.
(CT1) input value monitor
1.0CT1 : Displayed only on FZ110.

Current transformer 2
(CT2) input value monitor
SET, R.SET** For FZ400/900, the display can be switched in the reverse
CT2 order when the R.SET key is pressed.
(except the case with ** mark.)
event state Remote setting input and Input circuit error alarm are
SET, R.SET** available on the dual input type.

Memory area soak

time monitor

2-2 IMR03A05-E4
2. SELECTING PARAMETERS [Monitor & SV setting mode]

■ 2-loop control/Cascade control [FZ400/900]

Auto mode Manual mode
Input 1_Measured value (PV)/
Input 1_Measured value (PV)/ Input 1_ Input 1_Manual manipulated output Input 1_
SET Set value (SV) setting
Input 1_Set value (SV) Set value (SV) setting value (MV)
 *,  *
8200 8200 PV1
8200 SET 1.00SV
8880 If no key is operated
00000 8105.0 00000
for 2 seconds* SET Flashing Adjustable SET Flashing

Input 2_Measured value (PV)/

Input 2_Measured value (PV)/ Input 2_ Input 2_
SET** Input 2_Manual manipulated output
Input 2_Set value (SV) Set value (SV) setting Set value (SV) setting
or value (MV) a
 *,  *
8300 8300 PV2
8300 SET** 2.00SV
8880 If no key is operated
00000 - 5.0 00000
for 2 seconds* SET Flashing Adjustable SET Flashing

a For Cascade control:

Input 1_Measured value (PV)/ Input 2_Measured value (PV)/Input 1_Manual manipulated output value (MV)
Input 2_Measured value (PV) Interlock release

8200 SET, R.SET** 1.0ILR

8300 SET

Input 1_Manipulated output

value monitor [heat-side]

1.00MV SET, R.SET**

Screen when the Monitor & SV setting mode is entered

 Input 1_Measured value (PV)/Input 1_Set value (SV)
Input 1_Manipulated output
 Input 1_Measured value (PV)/Input 1_Manual manipulated output value (MV)
value monitor [cool-side]

1.0MVc SET, R.SET**

: Press MONI or <MODE key

* Valid only when "Direct registration" is set in "Data registration" in Fn11 in

Input 2_Manipulated the Engineering mode.
output value monitor
For FZ400/900, the display can be switched in the reverse
Current transformer 1 order when the R.SET key is pressed.
(CT1) input value monitor
(except the case with ** mark.)

Current transformer 2
(CT2) input value monitor

event state

Memory area soak

time monitor

IMR03A05-E4 2-3
2. SELECTING PARAMETERS [Monitor & SV setting mode]

■ Control with PV select [FZ400/900]

Auto mode Manual mode
PV select Measured value (PV)/
PV select Measured value (PV)/ Input 1_ Input 1_Manual manipulated output Input 1_
Input 1_Set value (SV)
Set value (SV) setting value (MV) Set value (SV) setting
 *,  *
8200 8200 PV1
8200 SET 1.00SV
8880 If no key is operated
00000 8105.0 00000
for 2 seconds* SET Flashing Adjustable SET Flashing

Input 1_Measured value (PV)/

Input 2_Measured value (PV) Interlock release

8200 SET, R.SET** 1.0ILR

8300 SET

Input 1_Manipulated output

value monitor [heat-side]

1.00MV SET, R.SET**

Screen when the Monitor & SV setting mode is entered

 PV select_Measured value (PV)/Input 1_Set value (SV)
 PV select_Measured value (PV)/Input 1_Manual manipulated output value (MV)
Input 1_Manipulated output
value monitor [cool-side]

1.0MVc SET, R.SET**

: Press MONI or <MODE key

* Valid only when "Direct registration" is set in "Data registration" in Fn11 in

Current transformer 1 the Engineering mode.
(CT1) input value monitor
For FZ400/900, the display can be switched in the reverse
Current transformer 2 order when the R.SET key is pressed.
(CT2) input value monitor
SET, R.SET** (except the case with ** mark.)

event state

Memory area soak

time monitor

2-4 IMR03A05-E4
2. SELECTING PARAMETERS [Monitor & SV setting mode]

■ Differential temperature control [FZ400/900]

Auto mode Manual mode
Measured value (PV) of Measured value (PV) of differential
differential temperature input/ temperature input/
Set value (SV) of differential SET Set value (SV) of differential Input 1_Manual manipulated output Set value (SV) of differential
temperature input temperature input setting value (MV) temperature input setting
 *,  *
- 2 - 2 PV1
- 2 SET dSV
8880 If no key is operated 00000 8105.0 00000
for 2 seconds* Flashing Adjustable Flashing
Input 1_Measured value (PV)/
Input 1_Measured value (PV)/ SET** Input 1_ Input 1_Manual manipulated output Input 1_
Input 1_Set value (SV) or Set value (SV) setting value (MV) Set value (SV) setting
 *,  *
8200 8200 PV1
8200 SET** 1.00SV
8880 If no key is operated 00000 8105.0 00000
for 2 seconds* Flashing Adjustable Flashing
Input 2_Measured value (PV)/
Input 2_Measured value (PV)/ Input 2_ Input 2_Manual manipulated output Input 2_
Input 2_Set value (SV) Set value (SV) setting value (MV) Set value (SV) setting
 *,  *
300 300 PV2
300 SET** 2.00SV
0 If no key is operated 00000 - 5.0 00000
for 2 seconds* Flashing Adjustable Flashing

Input 1_Measured value (PV)/

Input 2_Measured value (PV) Interlock release

8200 SET, R.SET**

8300 SET

Input 1_Manipulated output

value monitor [heat-side]
Screen when the Monitor & SV setting mode is entered
 Measured value (PV) of differential temperature input/Set value (SV) of
Input 1_Manipulated output differential temperature input
value monitor [cool-side]  Measured value (PV) of differential temperature input/Input 1_Manual
manipulated output value (MV)
1.0MVc SET, R.SET**

: Press MONI or <MODE key

Input 2_Manipulated * Valid only when "Direct registration" is set in "Data registration" in Fn11 in
output value monitor the Engineering mode.

2.00MV SET, R.SET**

For FZ400/900, the display can be switched in the reverse

Current transformer 1
(CT1) input value monitor order when the R.SET key is pressed.
1.0CT1 (except the case with ** mark.)

Current transformer 2
(CT2) input value monitor

event state


Memory area soak

time monitor

IMR03A05-E4 2-5
2. SELECTING PARAMETERS [Parameter select mode]

2.2 Parameter Select Mode [B]

Displays the screens registered in Parameter select setting.

Monitor & SV setting mode

<MODE+ 

Screen set in Parameter

select setting 1

* 1. * Parameter symbol is displayed inside this box.



Screen set in Parameter

select setting 16


 For FZ400/900, the display can be switched in the reverse order when the R.SET key is pressed.
 While the Blind function is valid, only Parameter select setting screen, Set data lock mode, and
PV/SV monitor * screens are displayed. The instrument starts from the Parameter select mode
after powered on.
* The PV/SV monitor includes SV setting mode and Manual manipulated output value setting.

2-6 IMR03A05-E4
2. SELECTING PARAMETERS [Operation transfer mode]

2.3 Operation Transfer Mode [C]

Monitor & SV setting mode
<MODE (2 seconds)

RUN/STOP transfer


Input 1_
Autotuning (AT)


Input 2_
Autotuning (AT)

2. ATU

Input 1_
Startup tuning (ST)


Input 2_
Startup tuning (ST)

2. STU

Input 1_
Auto/Manual transfer


Input 2_
Auto/Manual transfer

2. A/M

Remote/Local transfer *
* For FZ400/900, this parameter is displayed when any of the following is selected in
R/L Select function for input 2: "Remote setting input," "Cascade control," "Control with
PV select," or "2-loop control/Differential temperature control."
For FZ110, this parameter is displayed when Remote setting input is supplied.

Control area
Local/External transfer


Return to RUN/STOP transfer

For FZ400/900, the display can be switched in the reverse order when the R.SET key is pressed.

IMR03A05-E4 2-7
2. SELECTING PARAMETERS [Setting lock mode]

2.4 Setting Lock Mode [D]

* When the SET key is pressed and held for a certain period of time, the Parameter
Monitor & SV setting mode setting mode will be displayed once. If the SET key is kept pressing without releasing
the finger from the key, the Setting lock mode is entered.
(4 seconds) *

Parameter select Parameter select

Set data unlock/lock transfer setting 6 setting 16



Parameter select
Set lock level setting 7 Return to

LCK.LV PSL07 Set data unlock/lock


Parameter select
Area lock setting 8


Parameter select
Select Blind function setting 9


Parameter select Parameter select

direct registration setting 10


Parameter select Parameter select

setting 1 setting 11


Parameter select Parameter select

setting 2 setting 12


Parameter select Parameter select

setting 3 setting 13


Parameter select Parameter select

setting 4 setting 14


Parameter select Parameter select

setting 5 setting 15


For FZ400/900, the display can be switched in the reverse order when the R.SET key is pressed.
(Except the operation to enter the Set data lock)

2-8 IMR03A05-E4
2. SELECTING PARAMETERS [Memory area transfer mode]

2.5 Memory Area Transfer Mode [E] (FZ400/900)

Display of each mode


Memory area transfer

For FZ100, the Memory area selection screen can be
AREA found in the Monitor & SV setting mode.

Monitor & SV setting mode

IMR03A05-E4 2-9
2. SELECTING PARAMETERS [Parameter setting mode]

2.6 Parameter Setting Mode [F]

Monitor & SV setting mode
SET (2 seconds)

Pn00 Pn40 Pn51 Pn52

Setting (SV) Event (EV) Input 1_Control (1.ConT) Input 2_Control (2.ConT)

Pn00 Pn40 Pn51 Pn52 Pn56
To the To the
next (P. 3-9) SET (P. 3-9) SET (P. 3-11) SET (P. 3-12) SET next
page page

Event 1 set value Input 1_Proportional band Input 1_Output limiter Input 2_ Input 2_Output limiter
Input 1_Set value (SV) (EV1) [high] [heat-side] high [heat-side] Proportional band high

1.0 SV EV1 1.0 P 1.0OLH 2. P 2. OLH


Event 1 set value Input 1_Integral time Input 1_Output limiter Input 2_ Input 2_Output limiter
Input 2_Set value (SV) (EV1’) [low] [heat-side] low [heat-side] Integral time low

2. SV EV1` 1.0 I 1.0OLL 2. I 2. OLL


Event 2 set value Input 1_Derivative time Input 1_Control loop break Input 2_ Input 2_Control loop
Set value (SV) of differential
(EV2) [high] [heat-side] alarm (LBA) time Derivative time break alarm (LBA) time
temperature input

dSV EV2 1.0 d 1.0LBA 2. d 2. LBA


Event 2 set value Input 1_ON/OFF action Input 1_LBA deadband Input 2_ON/OFF action Input 2_LBA deadband
Return to (EV2’) [low] differential gap (upper) (LBD) differential gap (upper) (LBD)
Pn00 screen
EV2` 1. oHH 1.0LBd 2. oHH 2. LBd

Event 3 set value Input 1_ON/OFF action Input 2_ON/OFF action

Return to Return to
(EV3) [high] differential gap (lower) differential gap (lower)
Pn51 screen Pn52 screen
EV3 1. oHL 2. oHL

Event 3 set value Input 1_Control Input 2_Control

(EV3’) [low] response parameter response parameter

EV3` 1.0RPT 2. RPT


Event 4 set value Input 1_ Input 2_

(EV4) [high] Proactive intensity Proactive intensity



Event 4 set value

(EV4) [low] Input 1_Manual reset Input 2_Manual reset

EV4` 1.0 MR 2. MR

Return to Input 1_FF amount Input 2_FF amount

Pn40 screen
1.0 FF 2. FF

2-10 IMR03A05-E4
2. SELECTING PARAMETERS [Parameter setting mode]

For FZ400/900, the display can be switched in the reverse order when the R.SET key is pressed.
(Except the operation to enter the Set data lock)

Input 1_Cooling control Pn70
(1.CooL) Memory area (ArE)

Pn56 Pn70 Pn00
To the To the
previous (P. 3-13) (P. 3-14) previous
page page

Input 1_Proportional band Select Trigger type for Input 2_Auto/Manual

[cool-side] Memory area transfer transfer selection (Area)

1.0 Pc TRGA 2.A/M.A


Input 1_Integral time Input 2_Manipulated

[cool-side] Area soak time output value (Area)

1.0 Ic AST 2. MV.A


Input 1_Derivative time Remote/Local transfer

[cool-side] Link area number selection (Area) *

1.0 dc LNKA R/L.A * For FZ400/900, this parameter is displayed when any of
the following is selected in Select function for input 2:
SET SET SET "Remote setting input," "Cascade control," "Control with
PV select," or "2-loop control/Differential temperature
Input 1_ Input 1_Setting change
Overlap/Deadband rate limiter (up) Return to For FZ110, this parameter is displayed when Remote
Pn70 screen setting input is supplied.
1.0 db 1.SVRU

Input 1_Output limiter Input 1_Setting change

high [cool-side] rate limiter (down)

1.OLHc 1.SVRd

Input 1_Output limiter Input 1_Auto/Manual

low [heat-side] transfer selection (Area)

1.OLLc 1.A/M.A

Input 1_Manipulated
Return to output value (Area)
Pn56 screen
1. MV.A

Input 2_Setting change

rate limiter (up)


Input 2_Setting change

rate limiter (down)


IMR03A05-E4 2-11
2. SELECTING PARAMETERS [Setup setting mode]

2.7 Setup Setting Mode [G]

Monitor & SV setting mode


Sn21 Sn22 Sn30 Heater break alarm 1
Input 1 (1.InP) Input 2 (2.InP) * Output (oUT) (HbA1)
Display (dSP)

Sn91 Sn10 Sn21 Sn22 Sn30 Sn45 Sn46

To To the
P. 2-14 (P. 3-16) (P. 3-16) SET (P. 3-16) SET (P. 3-17) SET (P. 3-17) SET next
Input 2_PV bias OUT1 proportional Heater break alarm 1
Input 1_PV bias (RS bias) * cycle time (HBA1) set value
Display update cycle

PVCY 1.0 Pb 2. Pb T1 HBA1


Input 1_ Input 2_PV digital filter OUT2 proportional Number of heater break
Return to PV digital filter (RS digital filter) * cycle time alarm 1 (HBA1) delay times

Sn10 screen
1.0 dF 2. dF T2 HBC1

Input 2_PV ratio OUT3 proportional

Input 1_PV ratio (RS ratio) * cycle time Return to
Sn45 screen
1.0 PR 2. PR T3

Input 1_ Input 2_ OUT1 minimum ON/OFF

PV low input cut-off PV low input cut-off time of proportional cycle

1.0PLC 2. PLC MT1


OUT2 minimum ON/OFF

Return to Return to time of proportional cycle
Sn21 screen Sn22 screen

* This parameter is displayed when FZ400/900 has two inputs. OUT3 minimum ON/OFF
For FZ110, this parameter is displayed when Remote setting time of proportional cycle
input is supplied.

Return to
Sn30 screen

2-12 IMR03A05-E4
2. SELECTING PARAMETERS [Setup setting mode]

For FZ400/900, the display can be switched in the reverse order when the R.SET key is pressed.

Sn46 Sn51 Sn52 Sn53 Sn54

Heater break alarm 2 Input 1_Control Input 2_Control Input 1_Tuning Input 2_Tuning
(HbA2) (1.ConT) (2.ConT) (1.TUnE) (2.TUnE)

Sn46 Sn51 Sn52 Sn53 Sn54 Sn55
To the To the
previous (P. 3-18) SET (P. 3-18) SET (P. 3-19) SET (P. 3-19) SET (P. 3-20) SET next
page page

Heater break alarm 2 Input 1_Manual Input 2_Manual

(HBA2) set value manipulated output value manipulated output value Input 1_AT bias Input 2_AT bias

HBA2 1.0M.MV 2. M.MV 1.0ATb 2. ATb


Number of heater break Input 1_Level PID Input 2_Level PID Input 1_AT remaining Input 2_AT remaining
alarm 2 (HBA2) delay times setting 1 setting 1 time monitor time monitor



Input 1_Level PID Input 2_Level PID Input 1_ Input 2_

Return to setting 2 setting 2 AT/ST status monitor AT/ST status monitor
Sn46 screen

Input 1_Level PID Input 2_Level PID

setting 3 setting 3 Return to Return to
Sn53 screen Sn54 screen
1.LEV3 2.LEV3

Input 1_Level PID Input 2_Level PID

setting 4 setting 4

1.LEV4 2.LEV4

Input 1_Level PID Input 2_Level PID

setting 5 setting 5

1.LEV5 2.LEV5

Input 1_Level PID Input 2_Level PID

setting 6 setting 6

1.LEV6 2.LEV6

Input 1_Level PID Input 2_Level PID

setting 7 setting 7

1.LEV7 2.LEV7

Return to Return to
Sn51 screen Sn52 screen

IMR03A05-E4 2-13
2. SELECTING PARAMETERS [Setup setting mode]

Position proportioning Sn57 Sn58 Sn91
control (PoSIT) Proactive (PACT) 2-input function (2PV) System (SYS)

Sn55 Sn57 Sn58 Sn91 Sn10
To the To
previous (P. 3-20) SET (P. 3-20) SET (P. 3-21) SET (P. 3-22) SET P. 2-12

Open/Close output Cascade_Proportional PV select Input 1_

neutral zone FF amount learning band (master-side) transfer level Peak hold monitor



Input 1_Determination
Open/Close output Cascade_Integral time PV select Input 1_
point of external
differential gap (master-side) transfer time Bottom hold monitor



Input 2_Determination
Cascade_Derivative time Input 1_
Return to point of external Return to
(master-side) Hold reset
Sn55 screen Sn58 screen
2.EXdJ MAS.d 1.HLdR

Cascade_Proportional Input 2_
Return to band (slave-side) Peak hold monitor
Sn57 screen

Cascade_Integral time Input 2_

(slave-side) Bottom hold monitor

SLV.I 2.bHLd

Cascade_Derivative time Input 2_

(slave-side) Hold reset

SLV.d 2.HLdR

Digital filter Return to
Sn91 screen

Scale high


Scale low


2-14 IMR03A05-E4
2. SELECTING PARAMETERS [Engineering mode]

2.8 Engineering Mode [H]

Monitor & SV setting mode To set up the parameters in the Engineering mode, the
control must be stopped (STOP). Parameters can be
SET+<MODE (2 seconds) checked while in RUN mode.
Fn10 Fn11 Fn21 Fn22
Display (dSP) Key operation (KEY) Input 1 (1.InP) Input 2 (2.InP)

Fn10 Fn11 Fn21 Fn22 Fn23
dSP KEY 1. InP 2. InP
To To the
P. 2-21 SET (P. 3-24) SET (P. 3-25) SET (P. 3-27) SET next
(P. 3-23)

Input 1_ Input 2_
STOP display selection Data registration Input 1_Input type Square root extraction Input 2_Input type Square root extraction



ALM lamp lighting

condition FUNC key assignment Input 1_Display unit Input 1_Inverting input Input 2_Display unit Input 2_Inverting input



PV flashing display FUNC key operation Input 1_ Input 2_

at input error selection Decimal point position Input data type Decimal point position Return to
Fn22 screen

Show/Hide Input 1_ Input 2_

Input 1_SV Return to Input range high
Return to Input range high
Fn11 screen Fn21 screen

Show/Hide Input 1_ Input 2_

Input 2_SV Input range low Input range low



Show/Hide Input 1_Input error Input 2_Input error

Input 1_MV determination point (high) determination point (high)

1.dS.MV 1. POV 2. POV


Show/Hide Input 1_Input error Input 2_Input error

Input 2_MV determination point (low) determination point (low)

2.dS.MV 1. PUN 2. PUN


Select hide items Input 1_Temperature Input 2_Temperature

in Monitor mode compensation calculation compensation calculation



Select hide items in Input 1_ Input 2_

Operation transfer mode Burnout direction Burnout direction

DS.MOd 1. bOS 2. bOS


Return to
Fn10 screen

IMR03A05-E4 2-15
2. SELECTING PARAMETERS [Engineering mode]

For FZ400/900, the display can be switched in the reverse order when the R.SET key is pressed.

Fn31 Fn32
Fn23 Fn30 Retransmission output 1 Retransmission output 2
Digital input (dI) Output (oUT) (Ao1) (Ao2)

Fn23 Fn30 Fn31 Fn32 Fn33
To the To the
previous (P. 3-29) (P. 3-30) SET (P. 3-31) SET (P. 3-32) SET next
page page

OUT1 function Universal output type Retransmission output 1 Retransmission output 2

DI1 function selection selection selection (OUT3) type type



OUT2 function Retransmission output 1 Retransmission output 2

DI2 function selection selection Return to scale high scale high
Fn30 screen

OUT3 function Retransmission output 1 Retransmission output 2

DI3 function selection selection scale low scale low



OUT1 logic calculation

DI4 function selection selection Return to Return to
Fn31 screen Fn32 screen
dISL4 oLG1

OUT2 logic calculation

DI5 function selection selection

dISL5 oLG2

OUT3 logic calculation

DI6 function selection selection

dISL6 oLG3

DI logic invert De-energized selection


Area switching time

(Without area set signal) Interlock selection


Output action
Return to at control stop
Fn23 screen

2-16 IMR03A05-E4
2. SELECTING PARAMETERS [Engineering mode]

Retransmission output 3 Fn34 Fn41 Fn42 Fn43
(Ao3) Digital output (do) Event 1 (EV1) Event 2 (EV2) Event 3 (EV3)

Fn33 Fn34 Fn41 Fn42 Fn43 Fn44
AO3 do EV1 EV2 EV3
To the To the
previous (P. 3-32) SET (P. 3-33) SET (P. 3-34) SET (P. 3-35) SET (P. 3-35) SET next
page page

Retransmission output 3
type DO1 function selection Event 1 assignment Event 2 assignment Event 3 assignment



Retransmission output 3
scale high DO2 function selection Event 1 type Event 2 type Event 3 type



Retransmission output 3
scale low DO3 function selection Event 1 hold action Event 2 hold action Event 3 hold action

ALS3 dOSL3 EHo1 EHo2 EHo3


Event 1 Event 2 Event 3

Return to DO4 function selection differential gap differential gap differential gap
Fn33 screen

DO1 logic calculation

selection Event 1 timer Event 2 timer Event 3 timer



DO2 logic calculation

selection Return to Return to Return to
Fn41 screen Fn42 screen Fn43 screen

DO3 logic calculation



DO4 logic calculation



Return to
Fn34 screen

IMR03A05-E4 2-17
2. SELECTING PARAMETERS [Engineering mode]

Fn44 Fn45 Fn46 Fn50 Input 1_Control
Event 4 (EV4) CT1 (CT1) CT2 (CT2) Control (ConT) (1.ConT)

Fn43 Fn44 Fn45 Fn46 Fn50 Fn51 Fn52

EV4 CT1 CT2 ConT 1.ConT
To the To the
previous SET (P. 3-36) SET (P. 3-36) SET (P. 3-37) SET (P. 3-38) SET next
(P. 3-35)
page page
Input 1_ Input 1_Level PID
Event 4 assignment CT1 assignment CT2 assignment Hot/Cold start Control action differential gap

EVA4 CTA1 CTA2 Pd 1. oS 1. LHS

Input 1_Output change
Manual manipulated rate limiter (up)
Event 4 type CT1 type CT2 type output value selection Return to
Fn51 screen
ES4 CTt1 CTt2 MVTS 1. oRU
Input 1_ Output change
rate limiter (down)
Event 4 hold action CT1 ratio CT2 ratio SV tracking [heat-side]

EHo4 CTR1 CTR2 TRK 1. oRd


Event 4 CT1 CT2 Integral/Derivative time Input 1_Action (high)

differential gap low input cut-off low input cut-off decimal point position input error



Input 1_Action (low)

Event 4 timer Return to Return to ST start condition input error
Fn45 screen Fn46 screen

Input 1_Manipulated
Return to Return to output value at input error
Fn44 screen Fn50 screen
1. PSM
Input 1_ Manipulated
output value at STOP

1. RMV

Input 1_Start
determination point

1. PDA

Input 1_Level PID

action selection


2-18 IMR03A05-E4
2. SELECTING PARAMETERS [Engineering mode]

Fn52 Fn55 Fn56

Input 2_Control Position proportioning Input 1_Cooling Control Fn57
(2.ConT) control (PoSIT) (1.CooL) Proactive (PACT)

Fn52 Fn55 Fn56 Fn57 Fn58
2.ConT PoSIT 1.CooL PACT
To the To the
(P. 3-39) SET (P. 3-40) SET (P. 3-40) SET (P. 3-40) SET
previous next
page page
Action at feedback Input 1_Output change
Input 2_ Input 2_Level PID resistance (FBR) rate limiter (up) Bottom suppression
Control action differential gap input error [cool-side] function

2. oS 2. LHS YBR 1.oRUc bTMSP

Input 1_ Output change
Input 2_Output change rate limiter (down)
rate limiter (up) Return to Feedback adjustment [cool-side]
Return to
Fn52 screen Fn57 screen
2. oRU POS 1.oRdc
Input 1_ Manipulated
Input 2_ Output change output value at STOP
rate limiter (down) Control motor time [cool-side]

2. oRd MoT 1.RMVc


Input 2_Action (high) Undershoot

input error Integrated output limiter suppression factor


Input 2_Action (low) Overlap/Deadband

input error Valve action at STOP reference point



Input 2_Manipulated Action at saturated

output value at input error output Return to
Fn56 screen

Input 2_ Manipulated
output value at STOP Return to
Fn55 screen
2. RMV

Input 2_Start
determination point

2. PDA

Input 2_Level PID

action selection


IMR03A05-E4 2-19
2. SELECTING PARAMETERS [Engineering mode]

Fn58 Fn60 PLC communication Fn70
2-input function (2PV) Communication (SCI) (MAP) Memory area (ArE)

Fn58 Fn60 Fn62 Fn70 Fn71
To the To the
previous (P. 3-41) SET (P. 3-42) SET (P. 3-43) SET (P. 3-43) SET next
page page
Select function Number of recognizable Setting change rate
for input 2 Communication protocol Register type devices limiter unit time



Cascade _AT mode Register start number

(master-side) Device address (High-order 4-bit) Return to Soak time unit
Fn62 screen

Cascade _AT mode Register start number

(slave-side) Communication speed (Low-order 16-bit) Return to
Fn70 screen

Selection of Monitor item

PV select trigger Data bit configuration register bias



Input circuit error Setting item

alarm set value Interval time register bias



Communication response Instrument link

Return to monitor recognition time
Fn58 screen

PLC response waiting

Return to time
Fn60 screen

PLC communication
start time


Slave register bias


2-20 IMR03A05-E4
2. SELECTING PARAMETERS [Engineering mode]

Fn71 Fn72
Input 1_Setting limiter Input 2_Setting limiter Fn91
(1.SVL) (2.SVL) System (SYS)

Fn71 Fn72 Fn91 Fn10
To the To
(P. 3-43) SET (P. 3-44) SET (P. 3-44) SET
previous P. 2-15
Input 1_ Input 2_
Setting limiter high Setting limiter high Initialization



Input 1_ Input 2_
Setting limiter low Setting limiter low Integrated operating time

1. SLL 2. SLL WT

Peak hold monitor of

Return to Return to ambient temperature
Fn71 screen Fn72 screen

ROM version


Model code monitor


Instrument number


Return to
Fn91 screen

IMR03A05-E4 2-21

2-22 IMR03A05-E4

This chapter describes displays, names and data ranges of each parameter.

3.1 How to Read the Table ................................................................... 3-2

3.2 Monitor & SV Setting Mode [A]........................................................ 3-3
3.3 Parameter Select Mode [B] ............................................................. 3-5
3.4 Operation Transfer Mode [C]........................................................... 3-6
3.5 Setting Lock Mode [D] ..................................................................... 3-7
3.6 Memory Area Transfer Mode [E] (FZ400/900) ................................ 3-8
3.7 Parameter Setting Mode [F] ............................................................ 3-9
3.8 Setup Setting Mode [G] ................................................................. 3-16
3.9 Engineering Mode [H] ................................................................... 3-23

IMR03A05-E4 3-1

3.1 How to Read the Table

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

Factory User
No. Symbol Name Data range set value set value

(1) No. : This is a screen number used to register screens displayed in the Parameter select mode.
The screen number can be registered in the Parameter select setting screen.
Parameters without the number can not be regisered in Parameter select setting screen.
If there are two items with the same number, one of them will be displayed according to the
display requirements.

(2) Symbol: 11-segment parameter symbols shown on the PV display.

(3) Name: Name of parameter

(4) Data range: Data range of parameter

(5) Factory set value: Factory set value of parameters

(6) User set value: Stores parameter values set by the user
This may be useful when the data is initialized.

In the data range and the factory set value some unfamiliar expressions are used. These are used for
Control with PV select and can be rephrased as follows:
PV select input span as Input span
PV select input range high as Input range high
PV select input range low as Input range low
The setting range is as follows.
 PV select input range high: Input range high of Input 1 and Input 2, whichever is larger
 PV select input range low: Input range low of Input 1 and Input 2, whichever is smaller
 PV select input span: PV select input range low up to PV select input range high

[Example] When there is a relation as follows between the Input range of Input 1 and Input 2.
Input 1_ Input 1_
Input range low Input range high
Input 1_Input range

Input 2_ Input 2_
Input range low Input range high
Input 2_Input range

PV select input span

PV select PV select
input range low input range high

3-2 IMR03A05-E4
3.2 Monitor & SV Setting Mode [A]

3.2 Monitor & SV Setting Mode [A]

Factory User
No. Symbol Name Data range set value set value
1  Input 1_Measured value (PV)/ PV display unit:  
Input 1_Set value (SV) 1 Input 1_Input range low  (Input 1_5 % of input span)
to Input 1_Input range high  (Input 1_5 % of input span)
[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]
SV display unit 2:
 Input 1_Set value (SV) (Auto mode: at RUN)
 STOP display
 Remote setting input value (at Remote mode)
 Input 1_Manual manipulated output value (at Manual mode)
1  PV select Measured value (PV)/ PV display unit:  
Input 1_Set value (SV) 3 When controlling with Input 1:
Input 1_Input range low  (Input 1_5 % of input span)
to Input 1_Input range high  (Input 1_5 % of input span)
When controlling with Input 2:
Input 2_Input range low  (Input 2_5 % of input span)
to Input 2_Input range high  (Input 2_5 % of input span)
[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]
SV display unit 2:
 Input 1_Set value (SV) (Auto mode: at RUN)
 STOP display
 Input 1_Manual manipulated output value (at Manual mode)
2  Input 2_Measured value (PV)/ PV display unit:  
Input 2_Set value (SV) 4 Input 2_Input range low  (Input 2_5 % of input span)
to Input 2_Input range high  (Input 2_5 % of input span)
[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]
SV display unit 1:
 Input 2_Set value (SV) (Auto mode: at RUN)
 STOP display
 Input 2_Manual manipulated output value (at Manual mode)

Displayed in case of FZ400/900.

Not displayed when “Control with PV select” is selected in “Select function for input 2.”
Refer to the following table for the display range and the setting range of each data.
Display data Data type Data range
Input 1_Set value (SV) Monitor/Setting Input 1_Setting limiter low to Input 1_Setting limiter high
Input 2_Set value (SV) Monitor/Setting Input 2_Setting limiter low to Input 2_Setting limiter high
Remote setting input value Monitor Input 1_Setting limiter low to Input 1_Setting limiter high
Input 1_Manual manipulated Setting  In case of PID control or Position proportioning PID control with Feedback resistor (FBR):
output value Input 1_Output limiter low [heat-side] to Input 1_Output limiter high [heat-side]
 In case of Heat/Cool PID control:
Input 1_Output limiter low [cool-side] to +Input 1_Output limiter high [heat-side]
 In case of Position proportioning PID control without Feedback resistor (FBR):
Not displayed
Input 2_Manual manipulated Setting Input 2_Output limiter low to Input 2_Output limiter high
output value
Displayed when “Control with PV select” is selected in “Select function for input 2.”
Displayed when “2-loop control/Differential temperature control” or “Cascade control” is selected in “Select function for input 2.”

Continued on the next page.

IMR03A05-E4 3-3
3.2 Monitor & SV Setting Mode [A]

Factory User
No. Symbol Name Data range set value set value
3  Measured value (PV) of differential PV display unit:  
temperature input/ 19999 to 99999 * or 1999 to 9999 **
Set value (SV) of differential * In case of Input data type 0
temperature input 1 ** In case of Input data type 1
[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]
SV display unit:
(Input 1_Input span) to (Input 1_Input span)
[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]
4  Input 1_Measured value (PV)/ PV display unit:  
Input 2_Measured value (PV) 2 Input 1_Input range low  (Input 1_5 % of input span)
to Input 1_Input range high  (Input 1_5 % of input span)
[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]
SV display unit:
Input 2_Input range low  (Input 2_5 % of input span)
to Input 2_Input range high  (Input 2_5 % of input span)
[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]
1. SV Input 1_Set value (SV) 3 Input 1_Setting limiter low to Input 1_Setting limiter high
★ [Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]

2. SV Input 2_Set value (SV) 3, 4 Input 2_Setting limiter low to Input 2_Setting limiter high
★ [Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]

(Input 1_Input span) to (Input 1_Input span)

dSV Set value (SV) of differential
temperature input 1、3 ★ [Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]

 
SVR Remote setting input value
monitor 5
Input 1_Setting limiter low to Input 1_Setting limiter high
[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]
5.0 to 105.0 %  
1. MV Input 1_Manipulated output value
monitor [heat-side] 6
5.0 to 105.0 %  
1. MVc Input 1_Manipulated output value
monitor [cool-side] 7
5.0 to 105.0 %  
2. MV Input 2_Manipulated output value
monitor 8
 
CT1 Current transformer 1 (CT1) input
value monitor 9
0.0 to 100.0 A

 
CT2 Current transformer 2 (CT2) input
value monitor 10
0.0 to 100.0 A

 
EVENT Comprehensive event state When an event occurs, the character of the occurring event is
displayed on the Set value (SV) display unit. If two or more
events occur at the same time, the relevant characters are
displayed alternately every 0.5 seconds.
EVT1: Event 1
EVT2: Event 2
EVT3: Event 3
EVT4: Event 4
HBA1: Heater break alarm 1 (HBA1)
HBA2: Heater break alarm 2 (HBA2)
LBA1: Control loop break alarm 1 (LBA1)
LBA2: Control loop break alarm 2 (LBA2)
In1.UP: Input 1_Input error high
In1.dn: Input 1_Input error low
In2.UP: Input 2_Input error high
In2.dn: Input 2_Input error low
Displayed in case of FZ400/900.
★ Data included in Memory area
Displayed when “2-loop control/Differential temperature control” is selected in “Select function for input 2” AND “Differential temperature control” is
selected in “2-loop control/Differential temperature control.”
Displayed when “2-loop control/Differential temperature control,” “Cascade control,” “Control with PV select” or “Input circuit error alarm” is selected in
“Select function for input 2.”
Displayed in Manual mode.
Displayed when “2-loop control/Differential temperature control” or “Cascade control” is selected in “Select function for input 2.”
For FZ400/900, this parameter is displayed when “Remote setting input” is selected in “Select function for input 2.”
For FZ110, this parameter is displayed when Remote setting input is supplied.
Not displayed the Control action is a Position proportioning PID control without Feedback resistance (FBR) input.
Feedback resistance (FBR) input value is displayed when the Control action is a Position proportioning PID controller with Feedback resistance (FBR) input.
Displayed when Input 1 is Heat/Cool PID control.
Displayed when “2-loop control/Differential temperature control” is selected in “Select function for input 2.”
Displayed when Current transformer (CT) input is supplied.
Displayed when two Current transformer (CT) inputs are supplied.
Continued on the next page.

3-4 IMR03A05-E4
3.3 Parameter Select Mode [B]

Factory User
No. Symbol Name Data range set value set value
 
APT Memory area soak time monitor 0 hours 00 minutes 00 seconds to 9 hours 59 minutes 59 seconds *
0 hours 00 minutes to 99 hours 59 minutes
0 minutes 00 seconds to 199 minutes 59 seconds
* Displayed only for FZ400/900 when the input data type is 0.
[Data range of Memory area soak time monitor can be selected
on the Soak time unit.]
oFF: oFF
ILR Interlock release 1
Interlock release
Interlock state
AREA Memory area transfer 2 1 to 16 1

Displayed when Interlock function is valid.
Displayed on FZ110. For FZ400/900, this parameter is displayed in the Memory area transfer mode.
This parameter is display only (not settable) if “Memory area transfer (without area set signal)” is selected in DI function selection AND “External mode” is
selected in “Control area Local/External transfer.”

3.3 Parameter Select Mode [B]

Up to 16 screens registered on the Parameter select setting screen (Set data lock mode) by the user can be

IMR03A05-E4 3-5
3.4 Operation Transfer Mode [C]

3.4 Operation Transfer Mode [C]

Factory User
No. Symbol Name Data range set value set value
rUn: RUN (Control start) rUn
R/S RUN/STOP transfer
SToP: STOP (Control stop)
oFF: PID control oFF
1. ATU Input 1_Autotuning (AT)
on: Start Autotuning
When the Autotuning (AT) is finished, the control will
automatically return to “oFF.”
oFF: oFF
2. ATU Input 2_Autotuning (AT) 1
PID control
Start Autotuning
When the Autotuning (AT) is finished, the control will
automatically return to “oFF.”
oFF: oFF
1. STU Input 1_Startup tuning (ST) 2
ST unused
Execute once *
on2: Execute always
* When the ST is finished, the control will automatically return
to “oFF.”
oFF: oFF
2. STU Input 2_Startup tuning (ST) 1
ST unused
Execute once *
on2: Execute always
* When the ST is finished, the control will automatically return
to “oFF.”
1. A/M Input 1_Auto/Manual transfer
Auto mode
Manual mode
2. A/M Input 2_Auto/Manual transfer 1
Auto mode
Manual mode
 When “Remote setting input” is selected at Select function LoC
R/L Remote/Local transfer 3
for Input 2 4
LoC: Local mode
rEM: Remote mode
 When “Cascade control” is selected at Select function for SnGL
input 2 5
SnGL: Single control
CAS: Cascade control
 When “Control with PV select” is selected at Select function InP1
for input 2 6
InP1: Input 1
InP2: Input 2
 When “2-loop control/Differential temperature control” is 2LooP
selected at Select function for input 2 1
2LooP: 2-loop control
dIFF: Differential temperature control
LoC: Local mode LoC
L/E Control area Local/External
transfer 7 EXT: External mode
Displayed in case of FZ400/900.
Displayed when “2-loop control/Differential temperature control” is selected in “Select function for input 2.”
Displayed when the Control action is not a Position proportioning PID control.
For FZ400/900, this parameter is displayed when any of the following is selected in Select function for input 2: “Remote setting input,” “Cascade control,”
“Control with PV select,” or “2-loop control/Differential temperature control.”
For FZ110, this parameter is displayed when Remote setting input is supplied.
For FZ400/900, this parameter is displayed when “Remote setting input” is selected in “Select function for input 2.”
For FZ110, this parameter is displayed when Remote setting input is supplied.
Displayed when “Cascade control” is selected in “Select function for input 2.”
Displayed when “Control with PV select” is selected in “Select function for input 2.”
When “Switching by level” is selected at “Selection of PV select trigger,” the parameter becomes display only.
Displayed when “Memory area transfer (without area set signal)” is selected in DI function selection.

3-6 IMR03A05-E4
3.5 Setting Lock Mode [D]

3.5 Setting Lock Mode [D]

Factory User
No. Symbol Name Data range set value set value
 oFF: Unlock state oFF
LOCK Set data unlock/lock transfer
on: Lock state

LCK.LV Set lock level 0: Unlock
1: Lock

00000 SV display unit

SV setting mode*  Parameter select mode
Operation transfer mode
Parameter setting mode
Setup setting mode
Engineering mode
Set Lock/Unlock at each digit.
* Set value (SV), Interlock release and Memory area transfer
(FZ110 only)

ARE.LK Area lock 0: Memory area is adjustable when the setting data is locked.
1: Memory area is not adjustable when the setting data is locked.

(Memory area transfer mode is not displayed)

 oFF: Blind function: OFF oFF
BLIND Select Blind function
on: Blind function: ON
 oFF: Direct registration: OFF oFF
PSL.d Parameter select direct
registration on: Direct registration: ON

PSL01 Parameter select setting 1 0 to 303 (Screen No.)
0: No registration

PSL02 Parameter select setting 2 0 to 303 (Screen No.)
0: No registration

PSL03 Parameter select setting 3 0 to 303 (Screen No.)
0: No registration

PSL04 Parameter select setting 4 0 to 303 (Screen No.)
0: No registration

PSL05 Parameter select setting 5 0 to 303 (Screen No.)
0: No registration

PSL06 Parameter select setting 6 0 to 303 (Screen No.)
0: No registration

PSL07 Parameter select setting 7 0 to 303 (Screen No.)
0: No registration

PSL08 Parameter select setting 8 0 to 303 (Screen No.)
0: No registration

PSL09 Parameter select setting 9 0 to 303 (Screen No.)
0: No registration

PSL10 Parameter select setting 10 0 to 303 (Screen No.)
0: No registration

PSL11 Parameter select setting 11 0 to 303 (Screen No.)
0: No registration

PSL12 Parameter select setting 12 0 to 303 (Screen No.)
0: No registration

PSL13 Parameter select setting 13 0 to 303 (Screen No.)
0: No registration

PSL14 Parameter select setting 14 0 to 303 (Screen No.)
0: No registration

PSL15 Parameter select setting 15 0 to 303 (Screen No.)
0: No registration

PSL16 Parameter select setting 16 0 to 303 (Screen No.)
0: No registration

Displayed in case of FZ400/900.

IMR03A05-E4 3-7
3.6 Memory Area Transfer Mode [E] (FZ400/900)

3.6 Memory Area Transfer Mode [E] (FZ400/900)

Factory User
No. Symbol Name Data range set value set value
AREA Memory area transfer * 1 to 16 1

Displayed in case of FZ400/900.

* For FZ110, this parameter is displayed in the Monitor & SV setting mode.
This parameter is display only (not settable) if “Memory area transfer (without area set signal)” is selected in DI function selection AND “External mode” is
selected in “Control area Local/External transfer.”
Not displayed when “Memory area is not adjustable when the setting data is locked” is selected in Area lock.

3-8 IMR03A05-E4
3.7 Parameter Setting Mode [F]

3.7 Parameter Setting Mode [F]

 Parameter group No. 00: Setting (SV)
Factory User
No. Symbol Name Data range set value set value
  
Pn00 Parameter group No. 00 This is the first parameter symbol of Parameter group No. 00.

1. SV Input 1_Set value (SV) Input 1_Setting limiter low to Input 1_Setting limiter high
★ [Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]

2. SV Input 2_Set value (SV) 1 Input 2_Setting limiter low to Input 2_Setting limiter high
★ [Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]

(Input 1_Input span) to (Input 1_Input span)

dSV Set value (SV) of differential
temperature input 2 ★ [Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]

Displayed in case of FZ400/900.

★ Data included in Memory area
Displayed when “2-loop control/Differential temperature control” or “Cascade control” is selected in “Select function for input 2.”
Displayed when “2-loop control/Differential temperature control” is selected in “Select function for input 2” AND “Differential temperature control” is selected
in “2-loop control/Differential temperature control.”

 Parameter group No. 40: Event (EV)

Factory User
No. Symbol Name Data range set value set value
  
Pn40 Parameter group No. 40 1 This is the first parameter symbol of Parameter group No. 40.

EV1 Event 1 set value (EV1) 2
Event 1 set value (EV1) [high] 2, 3
 When assigned to Input_1 or Differential temperature input
For Deviation,
Input value and
(Input 1_Input span) to (Input 1_Input span) Set value:
 When assigned to Input 2
(Input 2_Input span) to (Input 2_Input span) TC/RTD inputs:
 When Control with PV select is selected at Select function 10
for input 2. V/I inputs:
(PV select input span) to (PV select input span) 5 % of input span
[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.] For Manipulated
Input value or Set value: output value:
 When assigned to Input 1 50.0
Input 1_Input range low to Input 1_Input range high
 When assigned to Input 2
Input 2_Input range low to Input 2_Input range high
 When assigned to Differential temperature input
(Input 1_Input span) to (Input 1_Input span)
 When Control with PV select is selected at Select function
for input 2.
PV select input range low to PV select input range high
[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]
★ Manipulated output value:
5.0 to +105.0 %
EV1` Event 1 set value (EV1’) [low] 2, 3 Deviation:
 When assigned to Input_1 or Differential temperature input
TC/RTD inputs:
(Input 1_Input span) to (Input 1_Input span) V/I inputs:
 When assigned to Input 2
5 % of input span
(Input 2_Input span) to (Input 2_Input span)
 When Control with PV select is selected at Select function
for input 2.
(PV select input span) to (PV select input span)
Input value or Set value:
 When assigned to Input 1
Input 1_Input range low to Input 1_Input range high
 When assigned to Input 2
Input 2_Input range low to Input 2_Input range high
 When assigned to Differential temperature input
(Input 1_Input span) to (Input 1_Input span)
 When Control with PV select is selected at Select function
★ for input 2.
PV select input range low to PV select input range high
[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]

★ Data included in Memory area

Displayed when the Event function is valid.
Displayed when Event 1 is valid.
Displayed when Event 1 type is high/low with individual setting.
Continued on the next page.

IMR03A05-E4 3-9
3.7 Parameter Setting Mode [F]

Factory User
No. Symbol Name Data range set value set value
EV2 Event 2 set value (EV2) 1
Event 2 set value (EV2) [high] 1, 2
Same as Event 1 set value (EV1)/Event 1 set value (EV1) [high]

EV2` Event 2 set value (EV2’) [low] 1, 2

Same as Event 1 set value (EV1’) [low]

EV3 Event 3 set value (EV3) 3
Event 3 set value (EV3) [high] 3, 4
Same as Event 1 set value (EV1)/Event 1 set value (EV1) [high]

EV3` Event 3 set value (EV3’) [low] 3, 4

Same as Event 1 set value (EV1’) [low]

EV4 Event 4 set value (EV4) 5
Event 4 set value (EV4) [high] 5, 6
Same as Event 1 set value (EV1)/Event 1 set value (EV1) [high]

EV4` Event 4 set value (EV4’) [low] 5, 6

Same as Event 1 set value (EV1’) [low]

★ Data included in Memory area

Displayed when Event 2 is valid.
Displayed when Event 2 type is high/low with individual setting.
Displayed when Event 3 is valid.
Displayed when Event 3 type is high/low with individual setting.
Displayed when Event 4 is valid.
Displayed when Event 4 type is high/low with individual setting.

 Parameter group No. 51: Input 1_Control (1.ConT)

Factory User
No. Symbol Name Data range set value set value
  
Pn51 Parameter group No. 51 This is the first parameter symbol of Parameter group No. 51

1. P Input 1_Proportional band
TC/RTD inputs:
0 (0.0, 0.00) to Input 1_Input span (Unit: C [F])
TC/RTD inputs:
(When Control with PV select: 0 to PV select input span) V/I inputs:
[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.] 3.0
Voltage (V)/Current (I) inputs:
0.0 to 1000.0 % of Input 1_Input span
(When Control with PV select: 0.0 to 1000.0 % of PV select
input span)

0 (0.0, 0.00): ON/OFF action
1. I Input 1_Integral time [heat-side] 1 PID control or Heat/Cool PID control:
0 to 3600 seconds, 0.0 to 3600.0 seconds or

0.00 to 360.00 seconds

0 (0.0, 0.00): PD action
Position proportioning PID control:
1 to 3600 seconds, 0.1 to 3600.0 seconds or
0.01 to 360.00 seconds
[Varies with the setting of the Integral/Derivative time decimal

point position.]
1. d Input 1_Derivative time
[heat-side] 1
0 to 3600 seconds, 0.0 to 3600.0 seconds or
0.00 to 360.00 seconds

0 (0.0, 0.00): PI action

[Varies with the setting of the Integral/Derivative time decimal
★ point position.]

★ Data included in Memory area

Displayed when the “Input 1_Proportional band [heat-side]” in the same memory area is other than 0 (0.0).

Continued on the next page.

3-10 IMR03A05-E4
3.7 Parameter Setting Mode [F]

Factory User
No. Symbol Name Data range set value set value
1. OHH Input 1_ON/OFF action differential TC/RTD inputs:
gap (upper) 1 0 (0.0, 0.00) to Input 1_Input span (Unit: C [F])
TC/RTD inputs:
(When Control with PV select: 0 to PV select input span) V/I inputs:
[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.] 0.1
Voltage (V)/Current (I) inputs:
0.0 to 100.0 % of Input 1_Input span
(When Control with PV select: 0.0 to 100.0 % of PV select
input span)
1. OHL Input 1_ON/OFF action differential TC/RTD inputs:
gap (lower) 1 0 (0.0, 0.00) to Input 1_Input span (Unit: C [F])
TC/RTD inputs:
(When Control with PV select: 0 to PV select input span) V/I inputs:
[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.] 0.1
Voltage (V)/Current (I) inputs:
0.0 to 100.0 % of Input 1_Input span
(When Control with PV select: 0.0 to 100.0 % of PV select
input span)
1. RPT Input 1_Control response
0: Slow
1: Medium
PID control or
2: Fast proportioning PID
[When the P or PD action is selected, this setting becomes control: 0
★ invalid] Heat/Cool PID
control: 2
1.PACT Input 1_Proactive intensity 2, 3 0 to 4
★ 0: No function

100.0 to 100.0 %
1. MR Input 1_Manual reset 4


100.0 to 100.0 %
1. FF Input 1_FF amount 1, 3, 5, 6


1. OLH Input 1_Output limiter high
[heat-side] 7
Input 1_Output limiter low [heat-side] to 105.0 % 105.0

5.0 % to Input 1_Output limiter high [heat-side] 5.0
1. OLL Input 1_Output limiter low
[heat-side] 7

1. LbA Input 1_Control loop break alarm
(LBA) time
0 to 7200 seconds
0: No function
LBA function is
spaecified: 480
LBA function is not

specified: 0
1. Lbd Input 1_LBA deadband (LBD) 0 to Input 1_Input span
★ (When Control with PV select: 0 to PV select input span)

[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]

★ Data included in Memory area

Displayed when the “Input 1_Proportional band [heat-side]” in any memory area is 0 (0.0). (Common setting in memory area)
Displayed when the “Input 1_Proportional band [heat-side]” in the same memory area is other than 0 (0.0).
Displayed when the “Input 1_Integral time [heat-side]” in the same memory area is other than 0 (0.0, 0.00).
Displayed when the “Input 1_Integral time [heat-side]” in the same memory area is 0 (0.0, 0.00).
Displayed when Bottom suppression function is valid.
Displayed when the “Input 1_Control action” is other than Position proportioning PID control.
Not displayed when the “Input 1_Control action” is Position proportioning PID control AND Feedback resistance (FBR) input is not supplied.

IMR03A05-E4 3-11
3.7 Parameter Setting Mode [F]

 Parameter group No. 52: Input 2_Control (2.ConT)

Factory User
No. Symbol Name Data range set value set value
  
Pn52 Parameter group No. 52 1 This is the first parameter symbol of Parameter group No. 52

2. P Input 2_Proportional band 1 TC/RTD inputs:
0 (0.0, 0.00) to Input 2_Input span (Unit: C [F])
TC/RTD inputs:
[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.] V/I inputs:
Voltage (V)/Current (I) inputs: 3.0
0.0 to 1000.0 % of Input 2_Input span

0 (0.0, 0.00): ON/OFF action
2. I Input 2_Integral time 1, 2 0 to 3600 seconds, 0.0 to 3600.0 seconds or
0.00 to 360.00 seconds

★ 0 (0.0, 0.00): PD action

[Varies with the setting of the Integral/Derivative time decimal
point position.]
2. d Input 2_Derivative time 1, 2 0 to 3600 seconds, 0.0 to 3600.0 seconds or
0.00 to 360.00 seconds

★ 0 (0.0, 0.00): PI action

[Varies with the setting of the Integral/Derivative time decimal
point position.]
2. OHH Input 2_ON/OFF action differential TC/RTD inputs:
gap (upper) 2, 3 0 (0.0, 0.00) to Input 2_Input span (Unit: C [F])
TC/RTD inputs:
[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.] V/I inputs:
Voltage (V)/Current (I) inputs: 0.1
0.0 to 100.0 % of Input 2_Input span
2. OHL Input 2_ON/OFF action differential TC/RTD inputs:
gap (lower) 2, 3 0 (0.0, 0.00) to Input 2_Input span (Unit: C [F])
TC/RTD inputs:
[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.] V/I inputs:
Voltage (V)/Current (I) inputs: 0.1
0.0 to 100.0 % of Input 2_Input span
2. RPT Input 2_Control response
parameter 1
0: Slow
1: Medium

2: Fast
[When the P or PD action is selected, this setting becomes
★ invalid]
2.PACT Input 2_Proactive intensity 1, 2, 4 0 to 4
★ 0: No function

100.0 to 100.0 %
2. MR Input 2_Manual reset 1, 5


100.0 to 100.0 %
2. FF Input 2_FF amount 1, 2, 4, 6


2. OLH Input 2_Output limiter high 2

Input 2_Output limiter low to 105.0 % 105.0

5.0 % to Input 2_Output limiter high 5.0

2. OLL Input 2_Output limiter low 2

2. LbA Input 2_Control loop break alarm
(LBA) time 1
0 to 7200 seconds
0: No function
LBA function is
spaecified: 480
LBA function is not

specified: 0
2. Lbd Input 2_LBA deadband (LBD) 1 0 to Input 2_Input span
★ [Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]

Displayed in case of FZ400/900.

★ Data included in Memory area
Displayed when “2-loop control/Differential temperature control” or “Cascade control” is selected in “Select function for input 2.”
Displayed when the “Input 2_Proportional band” in the same memory area is other than 0 (0.0).
Displayed when the “Input 2_Proportional band” in any memory area is 0 (0.0). (Common setting in memory area)
Displayed when the “Input 2_Integral time” in the same memory area is other than 0 (0.0, 0.00).
Displayed when the “Input 2_Integral time” in the same memory area is 0 (0.0, 0.00).
Displayed when Bottom suppression function is valid.

3-12 IMR03A05-E4
3.7 Parameter Setting Mode [F]

 Parameter group No. 56: Input 1_Cooling control (1.CooL)

Factory User
No. Symbol Name Data range set value set value
  
Pn56 Parameter group No. 56 1 This is the first parameter symbol of Parameter group No. 56

1. Pc Input 1_Proportional band
[cool-side] 1, 2
TC/RTD inputs:
1 (0.1, 0.01) to Input 1_Input span (Unit: C [F])
TC/RTD inputs:
(When Control with PV select: 1 to PV select input span) V/I inputs:
[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.] 3.0
Voltage (V)/Current (I) inputs:
0.1 to 1000.0 % of Input 1_Input span
(When Control with PV select: 0.1 to 1000.0 % of PV select
★ input span)
1. Ic Input 1_Integral time [cool-side] 1, 2 0 to 3600 seconds, 0.0 to 3600.0 seconds or
0.00 to 360.00 seconds

0 (0.0, 0.00): PD action

[Varies with the setting of the Integral/Derivative time decimal
★ point position.]

1. dc Input 1_Derivative time
[cool-side] 1, 2
0 to 3600 seconds, 0.0 to 3600.0 seconds or
0.00 to 360.00 seconds

0 (0.0, 0.00): PI action

[Varies with the setting of the Integral/Derivative time decimal
★ point position.]

1. db Input 1_Overlap/Deadband 1 TC/RTD inputs:
(Input 1_Input span) to (Input 1_Input span)
TC/RTD inputs:
When Control with PV select: V/I inputs:
(PV select input span) to (PV select input span) 0.0
(Unit: C [F])
[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]
Voltage (V)/Current (I) inputs:
100.0 to 100.0 % of Input 1_Input span
When Control with PV select:
100.0 to 100.0 % of PV select input span
Minus () setting results in Overlap. However, the overlapping

range is within the proportional range.
1.oLHc Input 1_Output limiter high
[cool-side] 1
Input 1_Output limiter low [cool-side] to 105.0 % 105.0

5.0 % to Input 1_Output limiter high [cool-side] 5.0
1.oLLc Input 1_Output limiter low
[cool-side] 1

★ Data included in Memory area

Displayed when the “Input 1_Control action” is Heat/Cool PID control.
Displayed when the “Input 1_Proportional band [heat-side]” in the same memory area is other than 0 (0.0).

IMR03A05-E4 3-13
3.7 Parameter Setting Mode [F]

 Parameter group No. 70: Memory area (ArEA)

Factory User
No. Symbol Name Data range set value set value
  
Pn70 Parameter group No. 70 This is the first parameter symbol of Parameter group No. 70

TRGA Select Trigger type for Memory
area transfer
0 to 63
0: No assignment

1: Event 1
2: Event 2
4: Event 3
8: Event 4
16: Digital input 1 (DI1) Close edge
32: Digital input 1 (DI1) Open edge
★ To select two or more functions, sum each value.

AST Area soak time 0 hours 00 minutes 00 seconds to
9 hours 59 minutes 59 seconds *
(0 minutes
0 hours 00 minutes to 99 hours 59 minutes
00 seconds)
0 minutes 00 seconds to 199 minutes 59 seconds
* Settable only for FZ400/900 when the Input data type is 0.
[Data range of Area soak time can be selected on the Soak
★ time unit.]

LNKA Link area number 0 to 16
★ 0: No link

1.SVRU Input 1_Setting change rate limiter
0 to Input 1_Input span
(When Control with PV select: 0 to PV select input span)

0: No function
★ [Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]
1.SVRd Input 1_Setting change rate limiter
0 to Input 1_Input span
(When Control with PV select: 0 to PV select input span)

0: No function
★ [Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]
1.A/M.A Input 1_Auto/Manual transfer
selection (Area)
0: No transfer
1: Auto mode (bumpless)

2: Auto mode (bump)

3: Manual mode (bumpless)
★ 4: Manual mode (bump)
1. MV.A Input 1_Manipulated output value
PID control, Position proportioning PID control:
5.0 to 105.0 %
PID control,
Heat/Cool PID control: proportioning PID
105.0 to 105.0 % control: 5.0
Heat/Cool PID

2.SVRU Input 2_Setting change rate limiter 0 to Input 2_Input span
(up) 1 0: No function

★ [Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]

2.SVRd Input 2_Setting change rate limiter 0 to Input 2_Input span
(down) 1 0: No function

★ [Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]

2.A/M.A Input 2_Auto/Manual transfer
selection (Area) 2
0: No transfer
1: Auto mode (bumpless)

2: Auto mode (bump)

3: Manual mode (bumpless)
★ 4: Manual mode (bump)
5.0 to 105.0 % 5.0
2. MV.A Input 2_Manipulated output value
(Area) 2

Displayed in case of FZ400/900.

★ Data included in Memory area
Displayed when “2-loop control/Differential temperature control” or “Cascade control” is selected in “Select function for input 2.”
Displayed when “2-loop control/Differential temperature control” is selected in “Select function for input 2.”

Continued on the next page.

3-14 IMR03A05-E4
3.7 Parameter Setting Mode [F]

Factory User
No. Symbol Name Data range set value set value
 When “Remote setting input” is selected at Select function
R/L.A Remote/Local transfer selection
(Area) 1 for Input 2 2

0: No transfer
1: Local mode
2: Remote mode
 When “Cascade control” is selected at Select function for
input 2 3
0: No transfer
1: Single control
2: Cascade control
 When “Control with PV select” is selected at Select function
for input 2 4
0: No transfer
1: Input 1
2: Input 2
 When “2-loop control/Differential temperature control” is
selected at Select function for input 2 5
0: No transfer
★ 1: 2-loop control
2: Differential temperature control

Displayed in case of FZ400/900.

★ Data included in Memory area
For FZ400/900, this parameter is displayed when any of the following is selected in Select function for input 2: “Remote setting input,” “Cascade control,”
“Control with PV select,” or “2-loop control/Differential temperature control.”
For FZ110, this parameter is displayed when Remote setting input is supplied.
For FZ400/900, this parameter is displayed when “Remote setting input” is selected in “Select function for input 2.”
For FZ110, this parameter is displayed when Remote setting input is supplied.
Displayed when “Cascade control” is selected in “Select function for input 2.”
Displayed when “Control with PV select” is selected in “Select function for input 2.”
Displayed when “2-loop control/Differential temperature control” is selected in “Select function for input 2.”

IMR03A05-E4 3-15
3.8 Setup Setting Mode [G]

3.8 Setup Setting Mode [G]

 Setting group No. 10: Display (dSP)
Factory User
No. Symbol Name Data range set value set value
  
Sn10 Setting group No. 10 This is the first parameter symbol of Setting group No. 10

PVCY Display update cycle 1:
50 ms
100 ms
250 ms
300 ms
9: 450 ms
10: 500 ms

3: 150 ms 7: 350 ms
4: 200 ms 8: 400 ms

 Setting group No. 21: Input 1 (1. InP)

Factory User
No. Symbol Name Data range set value set value
  
Sn21 Setting group No. 21 This is the first parameter symbol of Setting group No. 21

(Input 1_Input span) to (Input 1_Input span)

1. Pb Input 1_PV bias
When Control with PV select:

(PV select input span) to (PV select input span)

[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]
1. DF Input 1_PV digital filter 0.0 to 100.0 seconds
0.0: Filter OFF

1. PR Input 1_PV ratio 0.500 to 1.500 1.000

1. PLC Input 1_PV low input cut-off * 0.00 to 25.00 % of Input 1_Input span
(When Control with PV select: 0.00 to 25.00 % of PV select

input span)

* This parameter is displayed when Input 1 is Voltage/Current and when Square root extraction is valid.

 Setting group No. 22: Input 2 (2. InP)

Factory User
No. Symbol Name Data range set value set value
  
Sn22 Setting group No. 22 1 This is the first parameter symbol of Setting group No. 22

2. Pb
84 Input 2_PV bias Input 2_PV bias 0
(RS bias) 3 (Input 2_Input span) to (Input 2_Input span)
RS bias
(Input 1_Input span) to (Input 1_Input span)
[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]
2. DF Input 2_PV digital filter 2
(RS digital filter) 4
0.0 to 100.0 seconds
0.0: Filter OFF

2. PR Input 2_PV ratio 2
(RS ratio) 5
Input 2_PV ratio
0.500 to 1.500

RS ratio
0.001 to 9.999
2. PLC Input 2_PV low input cut-off 6 0.00 to 25.00 % of Input 2_Input span 0.00

Displayed in case of FZ400/900.

Displayed on FZ400/900 with dual inputs. Not displayed when “No function” is slected in “Select function for input 2.”
For FZ110, this parameter is displayed when Remote setting input is supplied.
Displayed on FZ400/900 with dual inputs. Not displayed when “No function” is slected in “Select function for input 2.”
This parameter is displayed as “RS bias” on FZ400/900 if “Remote setting input” is selected in Select function for input 2.
For FZ110: Displayed as “RS bias” when Remote setting input is supplied.
This parameter is displayed as “RS digital filter” on FZ400/900 if “Remote setting input” is selected in Select function for input 2.
For FZ110: Displayed as “RS digital filter” when Remote setting input is supplied.
This parameter is displayed as “RS ratio” on FZ400/900 if “Remote setting input” is selected in Select function for input 2.
For FZ110: Displayed as “RS ratio” when Remote setting input is supplied.
This parameter is displayed when Input 2 is Voltage/Current and when Square root extraction is valid. Not displayed when “No function” or “Remote setting
input” is slected in “Select function for input 2.”

3-16 IMR03A05-4E4
3.8 Setup Setting Mode [G]

 Setting group No. 30: Output (oUT)

Factory User
No. Symbol Name Data range set value set value
  
Sn30 Setting group No. 30 1 This is the first parameter symbol of Setting group No. 30

T1 OUT1 proportional cycle time 2 0.1 to 100.0 seconds Relay contact
output: 20.0
Voltage pulse
Transistor output:
T2 OUT2 proportional cycle time 3 0.1 to 100.0 seconds Relay contact
output: 20.0
Voltage pulse
Transistor output:
T3 OUT3 proportional cycle time 4 0.1 to 100.0 seconds Voltage pulse
output: Note3
MT1 OUT1 minimum ON/OFF time of
proportional cycle 2
0 to 1000 ms 0

MT2 OUT2 minimum ON/OFF time of
proportional cycle 3
0 to 1000 ms 0

MT3 OUT3 minimum ON/OFF time of
proportional cycle 4
0 to 1000 ms 0

Note1: In case OUT1 function selection is “Input 1_Control output [cool-side]” AND Inpu1_Control action is “Heat/Cool PID control [air cooling] or [water cooling]”: 20.0,
Other casees: 2.0
Note2: In case OUT2 function selection is “Input 1_Control output [cool-side]” AND Inpu1_Control action is “Heat/Cool PID control [air cooling] or [water cooling]”: 20.0,
Other casees: 2.0
Note3: In case OUT3 function selection is “Input 1_Control output [cool-side]” AND Inpu1_Control action is “Heat/Cool PID control [air cooling] or [water cooling]”: 20.0,
Other casees: 2.0
Displayed when any one of OUT1 to OUT3 is Relay contact output, Voltage pulse output or Transistor output.
Displayed when OUT1 is Relay contact output, Voltage pulse output or Transistor output.
Displayed when OUT2 is Relay contact output, Voltage pulse output or Transistor output.
Displayed when OUT3 is supplied and “Universal output type selection” is “Voltage pulse output.”

 Setting group No. 45: Heater break alarm 1 (HBA1)

Factory User
No. Symbol Name Data range set value set value
  
Sn45 Setting group No. 45 This is the first parameter symbol of Setting group No. 45

HBA1 Heater break alarm 1 (HBA1) set
value 1, 2
0.0 to 100.0 A
0.0: HBA function OFF

HBC1 Number of heater break alarm 1
(HBA1) delay times 1
0 to 255 times 5

Displayed when Current transformer (CT) input is supplied. Not displayed in the following cases.
・CT1 assignment is “None.”
・The output type of CT1 assignment is Current output or Continuous voltage output.
For FZ400/900: Current transformer 1 (CT1) input is displayed on the MV display.

IMR03A05-E4 3-17
3.8 Setup Setting Mode [G]

 Setting group No. 46: Heater break alarm 2 (HBA2)

Factory User
No. Symbol Name Data range set value set value
  
Sn46 Setting group No. 46 This is the first parameter symbol of Setting group No. 46

HBA2 Heater break alarm 2 (HBA2) set
value 1, 2
0.0 to 100.0 A
0.0: HBA function OFF

HBC2 Number of heater break alarm 2
(HBA2) delay times 1
0 to 255 times 5

Displayed in case of FZ400/900.

Displayed when two Current transformer (CT) inputs are supplied. Not displayed in the following cases.
・CT2 assignment is “None.”
・The output type of CT2 assignment is Current output or Continuous voltage output.
For FZ400/900: Current transformer 2 (CT2) input is displayed on the MV display.

 Setting group No. 51: Input 1_Control (1.ConT)

Factory User
No. Symbol Name Data range set value set value
  
Sn51 Setting group No. 51 This is the first parameter symbol of Setting group No. 51

1. M.M V Input 1_Manual manipulated
output value 1
PID control, Position proportioning PID control:
Input 1_Output limiter low [heat-side]
PID control,
to Input 1_Output limiter high [heat-side] proportioning PID
Heat/Cool PID control 2: control: 5.0
(Input 1_Output limiter high [cool-side]) Heat/Cool PID
to (Input 1_Output limiter high [heat-side]) control: 0.0
1.LEV1 Input 1_Level PID setting 1 3, 4 Input 1_Input range low to Input 1_Input range high Input 1_
Input range high
When Control with PV select:
PV select input range low to PV select input range high Control with PV
select: PV select
[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]
input range high
1.LEV2 Input 1_Level PID setting 2 3, 4 Same as Input 1_Level PID setting 1

1.LEV3 Input 1_Level PID setting 3 3, 4 Same as Input 1_Level PID setting 1

1.LEV4 Input 1_Level PID setting 4 3, 4 Same as Input 1_Level PID setting 1

1.LEV5 Input 1_Level PID setting 5 3, 4 Same as Input 1_Level PID setting 1

1.LEV6 Input 1_Level PID setting 6 3, 4 Same as Input 1_Level PID setting 1

1.LEV7 Input 1_Level PID setting 7 3, 4 Same as Input 1_Level PID setting 1

Not displayed on a Position proportioning PID controller without Feedback resistor (FBR).
In case of Heat/Cool PID control, the data range has such exceptional conditions as shown below.
(1) Input 1_Output limiter high [cool-side] is  0.0 %
 Input 1_Output limiter low [heat-side] is  0.0 % : 0.0 % to (Input 1_Output limiter high [heat-side])
 Input 1_Output limiter low [heat-side] is  0.0 % : Input 1_Output limiter low [heat-side] to Input 1_Output limiter high [heat-side]
(2) Input 1_Output limiter high [heat-side] is  0.0 %
 Input 1_Output limiter low [cool-side] is  0.0 % : (Input 1_Output limiter high [cool-side]) to 0.0 %
 Input 1_Output limiter low [cool-side] is  0.0 % : (Input 1_Output limiter high [cool-side]) to (Input 1_Output limiter low [cool-side])
(3) Fixed at 0.0% in the following cases:
Input 1_Output limiter high [cool-side]  0.0 %, AND Input 1_Output limiter high [heat-side]  0.0 %
Displayed when Input 1 is with Level-PID AND any code other than “Cascade control” is selected in Select function for input 2.
Input 1_Level PID settings 1 to 7 always maintain the following relation.
(Input 1_Level PID setting 1)  (Input 1_Level PID setting 2)  (Input 1_Level PID setting 3)  (Input 1_Level PID setting 4)  (Input 1_Level PID setting 5) 
(Input 1_Level PID setting 6)  (Input 1_Level PID setting 7)

3-18 IMR03A05-E4
3.8 Setup Setting Mode [G]

 Setting group No. 52: Input 2_Control (2.ConT)

Factory User
No. Symbol Name Data range set value set value
  
Sn52 Setting group No. 52 1 This is the first parameter symbol of Setting group No. 52

2. M.M V Input 2_Manual manipulated
output value 1
Input 2_Output limiter low to Input 2_Output limiter high

2.LEV1 Input 2_Level PID setting 1 2, 3 Input 2_Input range low to Input 2_Input range high
[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]
Input 2_
Input range high
2.LEV2 Input 2_Level PID setting 2 2, 3 Same as Input 2_Level PID setting 1

2.LEV3 Input 2_Level PID setting 3 2, 3 Same as Input 2_Level PID setting 1

2.LEV4 Input 2_Level PID setting 4 2, 3 Same as Input 2_Level PID setting 1

2.LEV5 Input 2_Level PID setting 5 2, 3 Same as Input 2_Level PID setting 1

2.LEV6 Input 2_Level PID setting 6 2, 3 Same as Input 2_Level PID setting 1

2.LEV7 Input 2_Level PID setting 7 2, 3 Same as Input 2_Level PID setting 1

Displayed in case of FZ400/900.

Displayed if “2-loop control/Differential temperature control” is selected in “Select function for input 2.”
Displayed when Input 2 is with Level-PID AND “2-loop control/Differential temperature control” is selected in “Select function for input 2.”
Input 2_Level PID settings 1 to 7 always maintain the following relation.
(Input 2_Level PID setting 1)  (Input 2_Level PID setting 2)  (Input 2_Level PID setting 3)  (Input 2_Level PID setting 4)  (Input 2_Level PID setting 5) 
(Input 2_Level PID setting 6)  (Input 2_Level PID setting 7)

 Setting group No. 53: Input 1_Tuning (1.TUNE)

Factory User
No. Symbol Name Data range set value set value
  
Sn53 Setting group No. 53 This is the first parameter symbol of Setting group No. 53

(Input 1_Input span) to (Input 1_Input span)

1. A T b Input 1_AT bias
When Control with PV select:

(PV select input span) to (PV select input span)

[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]
 
1.ATTM Input 1_AT remaining time monitor 0 hours 00 minutes to 48 hours 00 minutes

 
1.TUNE Input 1_AT/ST status monitor 0:
AT/ST complete
AT running now
2: ST running now
1: Aborted. Setting changed.
2: Aborted. Abnormal input.
3: Aborted. Timeout.
4: Aborted. Abnormal calculated values.

IMR03A05-E4 3-19
3.8 Setup Setting Mode [G]

 Setting group No. 54: Input 2_Tuning (2.TUNE)

Factory User
No. Symbol Name Data range set value set value
  
Sn54 Setting group No. 54 * This is the first parameter symbol of Setting group No. 54

(Input 2_Input span) to (Input 2_Input span)

2. A T b Input 2_AT bias *
[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]

 
2.ATTM Input 2_AT remaining time
monitor *
0 hours 00 minutes to 48 hours 00 minutes

 
2.TUNE Input 2_AT/ST status monitor * 0:
AT/ST complete
AT running now
2: ST running now
1: Aborted. Setting changed.
2: Aborted. Abnormal input.
3: Aborted. Timeout.
4: Aborted. Abnormal calculated values.

Displayed in case of FZ400/900.

* Displayed when “2-loop control/Differential temperature control” is selected in “Select function for input 2.”

 Setting group No. 55: Position proportioning control (POSIT)

Factory User
No. Symbol Name Data range set value set value
  
Sn55 Setting group No. 55 * This is the first parameter symbol of Setting group No. 55

YDB Open/Close output neutral zone * 0.1 to 10.0 % of output 2.0

YHS Open/Close output differential
gap *
0.1 to 5.0 % of output 1.0

* Displayed when the control action is Position proportioning PID control.

 Setting group No. 57: Proactive (PACT)

Factory User
No. Symbol Name Data range set value set value
  
Sn57 Setting group No. 57 This is the first parameter symbol of Setting group No. 57

FFST FF amount learning 1 0 to 3
0: No learning

1: Learn Input 1

2: Learn Input 2
To select two or more functions, sum each value.
(Input 1_Input span) to (Input 1_Input span) 1
1.EXDJ Input 1_Determination point of
external disturbance When Control with PV select:
(PV select input span) to (PV select input span)
[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]
(Input 2_Input span) to (Input 2_Input span) 1
2.EXDJ Input 2_Determination point of
external disturbance 2 [Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]

Displayed in case of FZ400/900.

Displayed when Bottom suppression function is valid.
Displayed when “2-loop control/Differential temperature control” or “Cascade control” is selected in “Select function for input 2.”

3-20 IMR03A05-E4
3.8 Setup Setting Mode [G]

 Setting group No. 58: 2-input function (2PV)

Factory User
No. Symbol Name Data range set value set value
  
Sn58 Setting group No. 58 1, 2 This is the first parameter symbol of Setting group No. 58

MAS.P Cascade_Proportional band
(master-side) 1
TC/RTD inputs:
1 (0.1, 0.01) to Input 1_Input span (Unit: C [F])
TC/RTD inputs:
[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.] V/I inputs:
Voltage (V)/Current (I) inputs:
0.1 to 1000.0 % of Input 1_Input span
MAS.I Cascade_Integral time
(master-side) 1
1 to 3600 seconds, 0.1 to 3600.0 seconds or
0.01 to 360.00 seconds

[Varies with the setting of the Integral/Derivative time decimal

point position.]
MAS.d Cascade_Derivative time
(master-side) 1
0 to 3600 seconds, 0.0 to 3600.0 seconds or
0.00 to 360.00 seconds

0 (0.0, 0.00): PI action

[Varies with the setting of the Integral/Derivative time decimal
point position.]
SLV.P Cascade_Proportional band
(slave-side) 1
TC/RTD inputs:
1 (0.1, 0.01) to Input 2_Input span (Unit: C [F])
TC/RTD inputs:
[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.] V/I inputs:
Voltage (V)/Current (I) inputs:
0.1 to 1000.0 % of Input 2_Input span
SLV.I Cascade_Integral time
(slave-side) 1
1 to 3600 seconds, 0.1 to 3600.0 seconds or
0.01 to 360.00 seconds

[Varies with the setting of the Integral/Derivative time decimal

point position.]
SLV.d Cascade_Derivative time
(slave-side) 1
0 to 3600 seconds, 0.0 to 3600.0 seconds or
0.00 to 360.00 seconds

0 (0.0, 0.00): PI action

[Varies with the setting of the Integral/Derivative time decimal
point position.]
C.DF Cascade_Digital filter 1 0.0 to 100.0 seconds
0.0: Filter OFF

C.SCH Cascade_Scale high 1 Cascade_Scale low to Input 2_Setting limiter high
[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]
Input 2_
Setting limiter high
C.SCL Cascade_Scale low 1 Input 2_Setting limiter low to Cascade_Scale high
[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]
Input 2_
Setting limiter low
2PV.LV PV select transfer level 2 Input 1_Input range low to Input 1_Input range high
[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]
Input 1_
Input range high
2PV.TM PV select transfer time 2 0.0 to 100.0 seconds 0.0

Displayed in case of FZ400/900.

Displayed when “Cascade control” is selected in “Select function for input 2.”
Displayed when “Control with PV select” is selected in “Select function for input 2.”

IMR03A05-E4 3-21
3.8 Setup Setting Mode [G]

 Setting group No. 91: System (SYS)

Factory User
No. Symbol Name Data range set value set value
  
Sn91 Setting group No. 91 This is the first parameter symbol of Setting group No. 91

Input 1_Input range low  (Input 1_5 % of input span)  

1.PHLd Input 1_Peak hold monitor
to Input 1_Input range high  (Input 1_5 % of input span)
[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]
Input 1_Input range low  (Input 1_5 % of input span)  
1.bHLd Input 1_Bottom hold monitor
to Input 1_Input range high  (Input 1_5 % of input span)
[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]
1.HLdR Input 1_Hold reset
Returns to Hold state automatically after reset.
Input 2_Input range low  (Input 2_5 % of input span)  
2.PHLd Input 2_Peak hold monitor *
to Input 2_Input range high  (Input 2_5 % of input span)
[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]
Input 2_Input range low  (Input 2_5 % of input span)  
2.bHLd Input 2_Bottom hold monitor *
to Input 2_Input range high  (Input 2_5 % of input span)
[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]
HoLD: HoLD 
2.HLdR Input 2_Hold reset *
Returns to Hold state automatically after reset.

Displayed in case of FZ400/900.

* This parameter is displayed when any of the following is selected in Select function for input 2: “Cascade control,” “Control with PV select,” “2-loop
control/Differential temperature control” or “Input circuit error alarm.”

3-22 IMR03A05-E4
3.9 Engineering Mode [H]

3.9 Engineering Mode [H]

Parameters in the Engineering mode should be set according to the application before
setting any parameter related to operation. Once the parameters in the Engineering
mode are set correctly, no further changes need to be made to parameters for the
same application under normal conditions. If they are changed unnecessarily, it may
result in malfunction or failure of the instrument. RKC will not bear any responsibility
for malfunction or failure as a result of improper changes in the Engineering mode.

Parameters in Engineering mode are settable only when the controller is in STOP mode.
However, only checking can be made even in the RUN state.

 Function block No. 10: Display (dSP)

Factory User
No. Symbol Name Data range set value set value
  
Fn10 Function block No. 10 This is the first parameter symbol of Function block No. 10

SPCH STOP display selection 0: Stop on PV display
1: Stop on SV display

2: Stop on MV display *
* Selectable only for FZ400/900.
ALC ALM lamp lighting condition 0 to 4095
0: OFF

1: Event 1
2: Event 2
4: Event 3
8: Event 4
16: Heater break alarm 1 (HBA1)
32: Heater break alarm 2 (HBA2)
64: Control loop break alarm 1 (LBA1)
128: Control loop break alarm 2 (LBA2)
256: Input 1_Input error high
512: Input 1_Input error low
1024: Input 2_Input error high
2048: Input 2_Input error low
To select two or more functions, sum each value.
dSoP PV flashing display at input error 0: Flashing display
1: Non-flashing display

1.DS.SV Show/Hide Input 1_SV 0: Hide Input 1_SV
1: Show Input 1_SV

2.DS.SV Show/Hide Input 2_SV 1 0: Hide Input 2_SV
1: Show Input 2_SV

1.DS.MV Show/Hide Input 1_MV 0:
Show Input 1_Manipulated output value (MV)

2: Show Memory area soak time

3: Show Current transformer 1 (CT1) input value
4: Show Current transformer 2 (CT2) input value
2.DS.MV Show/Hide Input 2_MV 2 0:
Show Input 2_Manipulated output value (MV)

2: Show Memory area soak time

3: Show Current transformer 1 (CT1) input value
4: Show Current transformer 2 (CT2) input value

Displayed in case of FZ400/900.

Displayed when “2-loop control/Differential temperature control” or “Cascade control” is selected in “Select function for input 2.”
Displayed when “2-loop control/Differential temperature control” is selected in “Select function for input 2.”

IMR03A05-E4 3-23
3.9 Engineering Mode [H]

Factory User
No. Symbol Name Data range set value set value
DS.MON Select hide items in Monitor mode 0 to 31
0: Show all

1: Remote setting input value monitor

2: Manipulated output value (MV) monitor
4: Current transformer (CT) monitor
8: Comprehensive event state
16: Memory area soak time
To select two or more functions, sum each value.
DS.MOd Select hide items in Operation
transfer mode
0 to 63
0: Show all

1: RUN/STOP transfer

2: Autotuning (AT)
4: Startup tuning (ST)
8: Auto/Manual transfer
16: Remote/Local transfer
(Cascade mode transfer, PV select transfer,
2-loop control/Differential temperature control)
32: Control area Local/External transfer
To select two or more functions, sum each value.

 Function block No. 11: Key operation (KEY)

Factory User
No. Symbol Name Data range set value set value
  
Fn11 Function block No. 11 This is the first parameter symbol of Function block No. 11

SET.KY Data registration 0: SET key method
Used to register the Set value (SV) using the SET key.

1: Direct registration
Used to register the Set value (SV) without pressing the
SET key.
FN.KY FUNC key assignment 0:
RUN/STOP transfer

2: Autotuning (AT) (Common to Input 1 and 2)

3: Input 1_Autotuning (AT)
4: Input 2_Autotuning (AT)
5: Auto/Manual transfer (Common to Input 1 and 2)
6: Input 1_Auto/Manual transfer
7: Input 2_Auto/Manual transfer
8: Remote/Local transfer
(Cascade mode transfer, PV select transfer,
2-loop control/Differential temperature control)
9: Control area Local/External transfer
10: Interlock release
11: Hold reset (Common to Input 1 and 2)
12: Input 1_Hold reset
13: Input 2_Hold reset
14: Set data unlock/lock transfer
15: Area jump
FN.TYP FUNC key operation selection 0: Press once
The function set at “FUNC key assignment” is activated

upon a press of the FUNC key.

1: Press and hold
The function set at "FUNC key assignment" is activated by
holding the FUNC key pressed.

Displayed in case of FZ400/900.

3-24 IMR03A05-E4
3.9 Engineering Mode [H]

 Function block No. 21: Input 1 (1. InP)

Factory User
No. Symbol Name Data range set value set value
  
Fn21 Function block No. 21 This is the first parameter symbol of Function block No. 21

1. I N P Input 1_Input type 0:
TC input K
TC input J
RTD input Pt100
RTD input JPt100
Same as the input
type of the input
2: TC input R 15: Current input 0 to 20 mA DC range code
3: TC input S 16: Current input 4 to 20 mA DC specified at the
4: TC input B 17: Voltage input 0 to 10 V DC time of order.
5: TC input E 18: Voltage input 0 to 5 V DC
6: TC input N 19: Voltage input 1 to 5 V DC
7: TC input T 20: Voltage input 0 to 1 V DC
8: TC input 21: Voltage input
W5Re/W26Re 10 to 10 V DC
9: TC input PLII 22: Voltage input 5 to 5 V DC
10: TC input U 23: Voltage input 0 to 100 mV DC
11: TC input L 24: Voltage input 0 to 10 mV DC
12: TC input PR40-20
0: C
1.U N I T Input 1_Display unit 1
1: F
Same as the
display unit of the
input range code
specified at the
time of order.
1.P G D P Input 1_Decimal point position 0: No decimal place
1: One decimal place
Same as the
decimal point
2: Two decimal places position of the
input range code
3: Three decimal places
specified at the
4: Four decimal places
time of order.
TC input:
W5Re/W26Re, PR40-20: 0 (fixed) For V/I inputs: 1
Thermocouples other than those shown above: 0 to 1
RTD input: 0 to 2
Voltage (V)/Current (I) input:
In case of Input data type 0: 0 to 4
In case of Input data type 1: 0 to 3
When Control with PV select:
Decimal point position setting of Input 1 and Input 2 is
compared and the smaller will be used.
(Input 1_Input range low  1 digit)
1.P G S H Input 1_Input range high
to Input 1_Maximum value of input range
High limit value of
the input range
[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.] code specified at
the time of order.
For V/I inputs:
1.P G S L Input 1_Input range low Input 1_Minimum value of input range
to (Input 1_Input range high  1 digit)
Low limit value of
the input range
[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.] code specified at
the time of order.
For V/I inputs: 0.0
1. P o V Input 1_Input error determination
point (high)
Input 1_Input error determination point (low)
to Input 1_Input range high  (Input 1_5 % of input span)
Input 1_
Input range high 
[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.] (Input 1_5 % of
input span)
Input 1_Input range low  (Input 1_5 % of input span) *
1. P U N Input 1_Input error determination
point (low) to Input 1_Input error determination point (high)
Input 1_
Input range low 
[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.] (Input 1_5 % of
* When Input type of Input 1 is RTD, low limit value is about input span)
2 Ohms.
(Pt100: 245.5 C [409.8 F], JPt100: 237.6 C [395.7 F])
1.T C J C Input 1_Temperature
compensation calculation 2
0: No temperature compensation calculation
1: With temperature compensation calculation

1. b o S Input 1_Burnout direction 3 0: Upscale
1: Downscale

Displayed when “Input 1_Input type” is either Thermocouple (TC) or RTD.
Displayed when “Input 1_Input type” is Thermocouple (TC).
Displayed when “Input 1_Input type” is Thermocouple (TC) or Low voltage input (0 to 100 mV DC and 0 to 10 mV DC).

Continued on the next page.

IMR03A05-E4 3-25
3.9 Engineering Mode [H]

Factory User
No. Symbol Name Data range set value set value
1. S Q R Input 1_Square root extraction 1 0: Unused
1: Used

1. I N V Input 1_Inverting input 1 0: Unused
1: Used

INDT Input data type 0: Number of measured value digits: 5
Number of RKC communication digits: 7
Conforms to Input
range code to
Modbus: Double word specified at the
PLC communication: Double word time of ordering
(System data: Single word)
1: Number of measured value digits: 4
Number of RKC communication digits: 6 *
Modbus: Single word **
PLC communication: Single word
* Set “2” to handle the data of REX-D and its equivalent
models in RKC communication.
** The data of the FB series and its equivalent are included.

The unit of time depends on the Input data type.

In case of Input data type 0
FZ400/900: hour/minute/second, hour/minute,
FZ110: hour/minute, minute/second
In case of Input data type 1
hour/minute, minute/second
Displayed when Input 1 is Voltage (V)/Current (I).

3-26 IMR03A05-E4
3.9 Engineering Mode [H]

 Function block No. 22: Input 2 (2. InP)

Factory User
No. Symbol Name Data range set value set value
  
Fn22 Function block No. 22 1 This is the first parameter symbol of Function block No. 22

2. I N P Input 2_Input type 1, 2 0:
TC input K
TC input J
13: RTD input Pt100
14: RTD input JPt100
Same as Input 1_
Input type
2: TC input R 15: Current input 0 to 20 mA DC
3: TC input S 16: Current input 4 to 20 mA DC When Remote
4: TC input B 17: Voltage input 0 to 10 V DC setting input is
5: TC input E 18: Voltage input 0 to 5 V DC specified at the
6: TC input N 19: Voltage input 1 to 5 V DC time of order, but
7: TC input T 20: Voltage input 0 to 1 V DC the input type is
8: TC input 21: Voltage input not specified: 17
W5Re/W26Re 10 to 10 V DC
9: TC input PLII 22: Voltage input 5 to 5 V DC
10: TC input U 23: Voltage input 0 to 100 mV DC
11: TC input L 24: Voltage input 0 to 10 mV DC
12: TC input PR40-20
・ When Measured Input 2 is selected for FZ400/900:
0 to 24
・ When Remote setting input is selected for FZ400/900:
15 to 24
・ When Remote setting input is selected for FZ110:
15 to 22
0: C
2.U N I T Input 2_Display unit 2, 3, 4
1: F
Same as Input 1_
Display unit
2.P G D P Input 2_Decimal point position 2, 4 0: No decimal place
1: One decimal place
Same as Input 1_
Decimal point
2: Two decimal places position
3: Three decimal places
4: Four decimal places
TC input:
W5Re/W26Re, PR40-20: 0 (fixed)
Thermocouples other than those shown above: 0 to 1
RTD input: 0 to 2
Voltage (V)/Current (I) input: For Input data type is 0: 0 to 4
For Input data type is 1: 0 to 3
2.P G S H Input 2_Input range high 1 TC/RTD inputs and Voltage (V)/Current (I) Inputs
(For other than Remote setting input):
Same as Input 1_
Input range high
(Input 2_Input range low  1 digit)
to Input 2_Maximum value of input range
Voltage (V)/Current (I) Inputs (For Remote setting input):
(Input 2_Input range low  1 digit)
to Input 1_Maximum value of input range
[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]
2.P G S L Input 2_Input range low 1 TC/RTD inputs and Voltage (V)/Current (I) Inputs
(For other than Remote setting input):
Same as Input 1_
Input range low
Input 2_Minimum value of input range
to (Input 2_Input range high  1 digit)
Voltage (V)/Current (I) Inputs (For Remote setting input):
Input 1_Minimum value of input range
to (Input 2_Input range high  1 digit)
[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]

Displayed in case of FZ400/900.

For FZ400/900, this parameter is displayed when Remote setting input or Measured input 2 is supplied.
For FZ110, this parameter is displayed when Remote setting input is supplied.
Not displayed when “No function” is selected in “Select function for input 2.”
Displayed when Input 2 is either Thermocouple (TC) or RTD.
Not settable when Remote setting input or Control with PV select is selected.

Continued on the next page.

IMR03A05-E4 3-27
3.9 Engineering Mode [H]

Factory User
No. Symbol Name Data range set value set value
2. P o V Input 2_Input error determination
point (high) 1
Input 2_Input error determination point (low)
to Input 2_Input range high  (Input 2_5 % of input span)
Input 2_
Input range high
[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]  (Input 2_
5 % of input span)
Input 2_Input range low  (Input 2_5 % of input span) *
2. P U N Input 2_Input error determination
point (low) 1 to Input 2_Input error determination point (high)
Input 2_
Input range low
[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]  (Input 2_
* When Input type of Input 2 is RTD, low limit value is about 5 % of input span)
2 Ohms.
(Pt100: 245.5 C [409.8 F], JPt100: 237.6 C [395.7 F])
2.T C J C Input 2_Temperature
compensation calculation 2, 3
0: No temperature compensation calculation
1: With temperature compensation calculation

2. b o S Input 2_Burnout direction 2, 4 0: Upscale
1: Downscale

2. S Q R Input 2_Square root extraction 1, 5 0: Unused
1: Used

2. I N V Input 2_Inverting input 1, 5 0: Unused
1: Used

Displayed in case of FZ400/900.

Not displayed when “No function” or “Remote setting input” is selected in “Select function for input 2.”
Not displayed when “No function” is selected in “Select function for input 2.”
Displayed when Input 2 is either Thermocouple (TC) or RTD.
Displayed when Input 2 is Thermocouple (TC) or Low voltage input (0 to 100 mV DC and 0 to 10 mV DC).
Displayed when Input 2 is Voltage (V)/Current (I).

3-28 IMR03A05-E4
3.9 Engineering Mode [H]

 Function block No. 23: Digital input (DI)

Factory User
No. Symbol Name Data range set value set value
  
Fn23 Function block No. 23 1 This is the first parameter symbol of Function block No. 23

dISL1 DI1 function selection 1 0:
No function
RUN/STOP transfer
Based on Model
2: Auto/Manual transfer (Common to Input 1 and 2)
3: Input 1_Auto/Manual transfer
4: Input 2_Auto/Manual transfer
5: Remote/Local transfer
(Cascade mode transfer, PV select transfer,
2-loop control/Differential temperature control)
6: Interlock release
7: Hold reset (Common to Input 1 and 2)
8: Input 1_Hold reset
9: Input 2_Hold reset
10: Autotuning (AT) (Common to Input 1 and 2)
11: Input 1_Autotuning (AT)
12: Input 2_Autotuning (AT)
13: Set data unlock/lock transfer
14: Direct/Reverse action transfer
15: Memory area transfer (2 points, without area set signal)
16: Memory area transfer (8 points, without area set signal)
17: Memory area transfer (8 points, with area set signal)
18: Memory area transfer (16 points, without area set signal)
19: Memory area transfer (16 points, with area set signal)
20: Area jump
dISL2 DI2 function selection 2 0 to 14
Same as DI1 function selection (0 to 14)
Based on Model
dISL3 DI3 function selection 2 0 to 14
Same as DI1 function selection (0 to 14)
Based on Model
dISL4 DI4 function selection 3 0 to 14
Same as DI1 function selection (0 to 14)
Based on Model
dISL5 DI5 function selection 4 0 to 14
Same as DI1 function selection (0 to 14)
Based on Model
dISL6 DI6 function selection 4 0 to 14
Same as DI1 function selection (0 to 14)
Based on Model
dIINV DI logic invert 1 0 to 31
0: No logic invert

1: RUN/STOP transfer

2: Auto/Manual transfer
4: Remote/Local transfer
(Cascade mode transfer, PV select transfer,
2-loop control/Differential temperature control)
8: Set data unlock/lock transfer
16: Direct/Reverse action transfer
To select two or more functions, sum each value.
dITIM Area switching time 1
(without area set signal)
1 to 5 seconds 2

Displayed in case of FZ400/900.

Displayed when Digital input function is supplied.
Displayed when Digital input function is supplied. For FZ110: Displayed when three Digital inputs (DI) are supplied.
Displayed when Digital input function is supplied. (FZ400/900 only)
Displayed when six Digital inputs (DI) are supplied. (FZ400/900 only)

IMR03A05-E4 3-29
3.9 Engineering Mode [H]

 Function block No. 30: Output (OUT)

Factory User
No. Symbol Name Data range set value set value
  
Fn30 Function block No. 30 This is the first parameter symbol of Function block No. 30

oSL1 OUT1 function selection 1 0:
No assignment
Input 1_Control output [heat-side] or [open-side]
Based on Model
2: Input 1_Control output [cool-side] or [close-side]
3: Input 2_Control output
4: Retransmission output
5: Logic calculation output (Event, HBA, LBA, Input error)
6: RUN state output
7: Input 1_Manual mode state output
8: Input 2_Manual mode state output
9: Remote mode state output (Cascade control state output,
Output of differential temperature control state,
Input 2 state output of Control with PV select)
10: Input 1_Autotuning (AT) state output
11: Input 2_Autotuning (AT) state output
12: Output while Set value of Input 1 is changing
13: Output while Set value of Input 2 is changing
14: Output of the communication monitoring result
15: FAIL output
oSL2 OUT2 function selection 2 Same as OUT1 function selection Based on Model
oSL3 OUT3 function selection 3 Same as OUT1 function selection 4

188 OUT1 logic calculation selection 0 to 4095 0
0: OFF
1: Event 1
2: Event 2
4: Event 3
8: Event 4
16: Heater break alarm 1 (HBA1)
32: Heater break alarm 2 (HBA2)
64: Control loop break alarm 1 (LBA1)
128: Control loop break alarm 2 (LBA2)
256: Input 1_Input error high
512: Input 1_Input error low
1024: Input 2_Input error high
2048: Input 2_Input error low
To select two or more functions, sum each value.
oLG2 OUT2 logic calculation selection 2 Same as OUT1 logic calculation selection Based on Model
oLG3 OUT3 logic calculation selection 3 Same as OUT1 logic calculation selection 0

EXC Energized/De-energized selection 0 to 127
0: All outputs are energized

1: OUT1 de-energized

2: OUT2 de-energized
4: OUT3 de-energized
8: DO1 de-energized
16: DO2 de-energized
32: DO3 de-energized
64: DO4 de-energized
To select two or more functions, sum each value.
ILS Interlock selection 0 to 4095
0: Unused

1: Event 1
2: Event 2
4: Event 3
8: Event 4
16: Heater break alarm 1 (HBA1)
32: Heater break alarm 2 (HBA2)
64: Control loop break alarm 1 (LBA1)
128: Control loop break alarm 2 (LBA2)
256: Input 1_Input error high
512: Input 1_Input error low
1024: Input 2_Input error high
2048: Input 2_Input error low
To select two or more functions, sum each value.
Displayed when OUT1 is supplied.
Displayed when OUT2 is supplied.
Displayed when OUT3 is supplied.

3-30 IMR03A05-E4
3.9 Engineering Mode [H]

Factory User
No. Symbol Name Data range set value set value
SS Output action at control stop 0 to 7
0: OFF

1: Logic calculation output: Action continues

2: Retransmission output: Action continues
4: Instrument status output: Action continues
To select two or more functions, sum each value.
UNIo Universal output type selection
(OUT3) *
0: Voltage pulse output
1: Current output (4 to 20 mA)

2: Current output (0 to 20 mA)

* Displayed when OUT3 is supplied.

 Function block No. 31: Retransmission output 1 (Ao1)

Factory User
No. Symbol Name Data range set value set value
  
Fn31 Function block No. 31 * This is the first parameter symbol of Function block No. 31

Ao1 Retransmission output 1 type * 0: No retransmission output
1: Input 1_Measured value (PV)

2: Input 1_Local SV
3: Input 1_SV monitor value
4: Input 1_Deviation
5: Input 1_Manipulated output value [heat-side]
6: Input 1_Manipulated output value [cool-side]
7: Input 2_Measured value (PV)
8: Input 2_Local SV
9: Input 2_SV monitor value
10: Input 2_Deviation
11: Input 2_Manipulated output value
12: Remote setting input value
13: Current transformer 1 (CT1) input value
14: Current transformer 2 (CT2) input value
15: Measured value (PV) of differential temperature input
AHS1 Retransmission output 1
scale high *
No retransmission output, Input 1_Measured value (PV), Input No retransmission
1_Local SV, Input 1_SV monitor value, and Remote setting output, Input 1_
input value: Measured value
Input 1_Input range low to Input 1_Input range high (PV), Input 1_
When Control with PV select: Local SV, Input 1_
PV select input range low to PV select input range high SV monitor value,
and Remote
[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]
setting input value:
Input 1_Deviation:
Input 1_
(Input 1_Input span) to (Input 1_Input span)
Input range high
[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]
Control with PV
Input 2_Measured value (PV), Input 2_Local SV, and Input 2_SV
select: PV select
monitor value:
input range high
Input 2_Input range low to Input 2_Input range high
Input 1_Deviation:
[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]
(Input 1_Input
Input 2_Deviation:
(Input 2_Input span) to (Input 2_Input span)
[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.] Input 2_Measured
value (PV), Input 2_
Manipulated output value:
Local SV, and
5.0 to 105.0 %
Input 2_SV monitor
Current transformer (CT) input value:
0.0 to 100.0 %
Input 2_
Measured value (PV) of differential temperature input: Input range high
(Input 1_Input span) to (Input 1_Input span)
[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.] Input 2_Deviation:
(Input 2_Input
Manipulated output
value, and Current
transformer (CT)
input value: 100.0
Measured value
(PV) of differential
temperature input:

* Displayed when OUT1 type is Current output or Continuous voltage output.

Continued on the next page.

IMR03A05-E4 3-31
3.9 Engineering Mode [H]

Factory User
No. Symbol Name Data range set value set value
ALS1 Retransmission output 1
scale low *
No retransmission output, Input 1_Measured value (PV), Input No retransmission
1_Local SV, Input 1_SV monitor value, and Remote setting output, Input 1_
input value: Measured value
Input 1_Input range low to Input 1_Input range high (PV), Input 1_
When Control with PV select: Local SV, Input 1_
PV select input range low to PV select input range high SV monitor value,
and Remote
[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]
setting input value:
Input 1_Deviation:
Input 1_
(Input 1_Input span) to (Input 1_Input span)
Input range low
[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]
Control with PV
Input 2_Measured value (PV), Input 2_Local SV, and Input 2_SV
select: PV select
monitor value:
input range low
Input 2_Input range low to Input 2_Input range high
Input 1_Deviation:
[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]
(Input 1_Input
Input 2_Deviation:
(Input 2_Input span) to (Input 2_Input span)
[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.] Input 2_Measured
value (PV), Input 2_
Manipulated output value:
Local SV, and
5.0 to 105.0 %
Input 2_SV monitor
Current transformer (CT) input value:
0.0 to 100.0 %
Input 2_
Measured value (PV) of differential temperature input: Input range low
(Input 1_Input span) to (Input 1_Input span)
[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.] Input 2_Deviation:
(Input 2_Input
Manipulated output
value, and Current
transformer (CT)
input value: 0.0
Measured value
(PV) of differential
temperature input:

* Displayed when OUT1 type is Current output or Continuous voltage output.

 Function block No. 32: Retransmission output 2 (Ao2)

Factory User
No. Symbol Name Data range set value set value
  
Fn32 Function block No. 32 * This is the first parameter symbol of Function block No. 32

Ao2 Retransmission output 2 type * Same as Retransmission output 1 type 0

AHS2 Retransmission output 2
scale high *
Same as Retransmission output 1 scale high

ALS2 Retransmission output 2
scale low *
Same as Retransmission output 1 scale low

* Displayed when OUT2 type is Current output or Continuous voltage output.

 Function block No. 33: Retransmission output 3 (Ao3)

Factory User
No. Symbol Name Data range set value set value
  
Fn33 Function block No. 33 * This is the first parameter symbol of Function block No. 33

Ao3 Retransmission output 3 type * Same as Retransmission output 1 type 1

AHS3 Retransmission output 3
scale high *
Same as Retransmission output 1 scale high

ALS3 Retransmission output 3
scale low *
Same as Retransmission output 1 scale low

* Displayed when OUT3 is supplied and “Universal output type selection” is “Current output.”

3-32 IMR03A05-E4
3.9 Engineering Mode [H]

 Function block No. 34: Digital output (do)

Factory User
No. Symbol Name Data range set value set value
  
Fn34 Function block No. 34 1 This is the first parameter symbol of Function block No. 34

doSL1 DO1 function selection 1 0:
No assignment
Logic calculation output (Event, HBA, LBA, Input error)
Based on Model
2: RUN state output
3: Input 1_Manual mode state output
4: Input 2_Manual mode state output
5: Remote mode state output
(Cascade control state output,
Output of differential temperature control state,
Input 2 state output of Control with PV select)
6: Input 1_Autotuning (AT) state output
7: Input 2_Autotuning (AT) state output
8: Output while Set value of Input 1 is changing
9: Output while Set value of Input 2 is changing
10: Output of the communication monitoring result
11: FAIL output
doSL2 DO2 function selection 2 Same as DO1 function selection Based on Model
doSL3 DO3 function selection 3 Same as DO1 function selection Based on Model
doSL4 DO4 function selection 3 Same as DO1 function selection Based on Model
doLG1 DO1 logic calculation selection 1 0 to 4095
0: OFF
Based on Model
1: Event 1
2: Event 2
4: Event 3
8: Event 4
16: Heater break alarm 1 (HBA1)
32: Heater break alarm 2 (HBA2)
64: Control loop break alarm 1 (LBA1)
128: Control loop break alarm 2 (LBA2)
256: Input 1_Input error high
512: Input 1_Input error low
1024: Input 2_Input error high
2048: Input 2_Input error low
To select two or more functions, sum each value.
doLG2 DO2 logic calculation selection 2 Same as DO1 logic calculation selection Based on Model
doLG3 DO3 logic calculation selection 3 Same as DO1 logic calculation selection Based on Model
doLG4 DO4 logic calculation selection 3 Same as DO1 logic calculation selection Based on Model

Displayed in case of FZ400/900.

Displayed when Digital output (DO) is supplied.
For FZ400/900, this parameter is displayed when four Digital outputs (DO) are supplied.
For FZ110, this parameter is displayed when two Digital outputs (DO) are supplied.
Displayed when four Digital outputs (DO) are supplied.

IMR03A05-E4 3-33
3.9 Engineering Mode [H]

 Function block No. 41: Event 1 (EV1)

Factory User
No. Symbol Name Data range set value set value
  
Fn41 Function block No. 41 This is the first parameter symbol of Function block No. 41

EVA1 Event 1 assignment * 1: Input 1
2: Input 2

3: Differential temperature input

ES1 Event 1 type 0:
Deviation high (Using SV monitor value) a
If the Event type is
specified by the
2: Deviation low (Using SV monitor value)a initial setting code
3: Deviation high/low (Using SV monitor value) a when ordering,
4: Band (Using SV monitor value) a that Event type will
5: Deviation high/low (Using SV monitor value) be the factory set
[High/Low individual setting] a value.
6: Band (Using SV monitor value)
[High/Low individual setting] a If the Event type is
7: SV high (Using SV monitor value) not specified: 1
8: SV low (Using SV monitor value)
9: Process high b
10: Process low b
11: Deviation high (Using local SV) a
12: Deviation low (Using local SV) a
13: Deviation high/low (Using local SV) a
14: Band (Using local SV) a
15: Deviation high/low (Using local SV)
[High/Low individual setting] a
16: Band (Using local SV) [High/Low individual setting] a
17: SV high (Using local SV)
18: SV low (Using local SV)
19: MV high [heat-side] b, c
20: MV low [heat-side] b, c
21: MV high [cool-side] b
22: MV low [cool-side] b
23: Process high/low [High/Low individual setting] b
24: Process band [High/Low individual setting] b
Event hold and re-hold action is available.
Event hold action is available.
When the instrument is specified as position proportioning
PID control with feedback resistance, this item becomes
Feedback resistance (FBR) input.
EHo1 Event 1 hold action 0: Hold action OFF
1: Hold action ON
If the Event type is
specified by the
2: Re-hold action ON initial setting code
Setting hold or re-hold action on the event that is not available when ordering, the
with hold and re-hold actions will just be ignored. factory set value of
Event hold action
differs depending
on the Event type.

If the Event type is

not specified: 0
EH1 Event 1 differential gap Deviation, Process and SV:
 If event assignment is either Input 1 or Differential
Deviation, Process
and SV:
temperature. TC/RTD inputs: 2
0 to Input 1_Input span V/I inputs: 0.2
(When Control with PV select: 0 to PV select input span)
MV: 0.2
 If event assignment is Input 2
0 to Input 2_Input span
[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]
0.0 to 110.0 %
EVT1 Event 1 timer 0.0 to 600.0 seconds 0.0

Displayed in case of FZ400/900.

* Displayed when “2-loop control/Differential temperature control” or “Cascade control” is selected in “Select function for input 2.”

3-34 IMR03A05-E4
3.9 Engineering Mode [H]

 Function block No. 42: Event 2 (EV2)

Factory User
No. Symbol Name Data range set value set value
  
Fn42 Function block No. 42 This is the first parameter symbol of Function block No. 42

EVA2 Event 2 assignment * Same as Event 1 assignment

ES2 Event 2 type Same as Event 1 type

EHo2 Event 2 hold action Same as Event 1 hold action

EH2 Event 2 differential gap Same as Event 1 differential gap

EVT2 Event 2 timer Same as Event 1 timer

Displayed in case of FZ400/900.

* Displayed when “2-loop control/Differential temperature control” or “Cascade control” is selected in “Select function for input 2.”

 Function block No. 43: Event 3 (EV3)

Factory User
No. Symbol Name Data range set value set value
  
Fn43 Function block No. 43 This is the first parameter symbol of Function block No. 43

EVA3 Event 3 assignment * Same as Event 1 assignment

ES3 Event 3 type Same as Event 1 type

EHo3 Event 3 hold action Same as Event 1 hold action

EH3 Event 3 differential gap Same as Event 1 differential gap

EVT3 Event 3 timer Same as Event 1 timer

Displayed in case of FZ400/900.

* Displayed when “2-loop control/Differential temperature control” or “Cascade control” is selected in “Select function for input 2.”

 Function block No. 44: Event 4 (EV4)

Factory User
No. Symbol Name Data range set value set value
  
Fn44 Function block No. 44 This is the first parameter symbol of Function block No. 44

EVA4 Event 4 assignment * Same as Event 1 assignment

ES4 Event 4 type Same as Event 1 type

EHo4 Event 4 hold action Same as Event 1 hold action

EH4 Event 4 differential gap Same as Event 1 differential gap

EVT4 Event 4 timer Same as Event 1 timer

Displayed in case of FZ400/900.

* Displayed when “2-loop control/Differential temperature control” or “Cascade control” is selected in “Select function for input 2.”

IMR03A05-E4 3-35
3.9 Engineering Mode [H]

 Function block No. 45: CT1 (CT1)

Factory User
No. Symbol Name Data range set value set value
  
Fn45 Function block No. 45 * This is the first parameter symbol of Function block No. 45

CTA1 CT1 assignment * 0:

2: OUT2
3: OUT3
CTt1 CT1 type * 0: CTL-6-P-N
1: CTL-12-S56-10L-N
Based on Model
2: CTL-6-P-Z
CTR1 CT1 ratio * 0 to 9999
When the CT type is changed, the following value will be
If CTL-6-P-N or
CTL-6-P-Z is
automatically set. specified for the
CTL-6-P-N: 800 Current transformer
CTL-12-S56-10L-N: 1000 (CT) type: 800
CTL-6-P-Z: 800 If CTL-12-S56-10L
-N is specified for
the Current
transformer (CT)
type: 1000
CLC1 CT1 low input cut-off * 0.0 to 1.0 A 0.0

* Displayed when Current transformer (CT) input is supplied.

 Function block No. 46: CT2 (CT2)

Factory User
No. Symbol Name Data range set value set value
  
Fn46 Function block No. 46 * This is the first parameter symbol of Function block No. 46

CTA2 CT2 assignment * 0:
Based on Model
2: OUT2
3: OUT3
CTt2 CT2 type * 0: CTL-6-P-N
1: CTL-12-S56-10L-N
Based on Model
2: CTL-6-P-Z
CTR2 CT2 ratio * 0 to 9999
When the CT type is changed, the following value will be
If CTL-6-P-N or
CTL-6-P-Z is
automatically set. specified for the
CTL-6-P-N: 800 Current transformer
CTL-12-S56-10L-N: 1000 (CT) type: 800
CTL-6-P-Z: 800 If CTL-12-S56-10L
-N is specified for
the Current
transformer (CT)
type: 1000
CLC2 CT2 low input cut-off * 0.0 to 1.0 A 0.0

Displayed in case of FZ400/900.

* Displayed when two Current transformer (CT) inputs are supplied.

3-36 IMR03A05-E4
3.9 Engineering Mode [H]

 Function block No. 50: Control (ConT)

Factory User
No. Symbol Name Data range set value set value
  
Fn50 Function block No. 50 This is the first parameter symbol of Function block No. 50

Pd Hot/Cold start 0:
Hot start 1
Hot start 2

2: Cold start
3: STOP start
MVTS Manual manipulated output value
0: The last manipulated output value
(Balanceless-bumpless function)

1: Manual manipulated output value

TRK SV tracking 0 to 3
0: No SV tracking function

1: SV tracking at transferring Remote/Local *

* Including Cascade mode transfer, 2-loop control/
Differential temperature control transfer
2: SV tracking at transferring Auto/Manual
To select two or more functions, sum each value.
Id d P Integral/Derivative time decimal
point position
0: No decimal place
1: One decimal place

2: Two decimal places

STS ST start condition 0: Activate the Startup tuning (ST) function when the power is
turned on; when transferred from STOP to RUN; or when

the Set value (SV) is changed.

1: Activate the Startup tuning (ST) function when the power is
turned on; or when transferred from STOP to RUN.
2: Activate the Startup tuning (ST) function when the Set value
(SV) is changed.

IMR03A05-E4 3-37
3.9 Engineering Mode [H]

 Function block No. 51: Input 1_Control (1.ConT)

Factory User
No. Symbol Name Data range set value set value
  
Fn51 Function block No. 51 This is the first parameter symbol of Function block No. 51

1. OS Input 1_Control action 0: Brilliant II PID control (direct action)
1: Brilliant II PID control (reverse action)
Control action
specified at the
2: Brilliant II Heat/Cool PID control [water cooling] time of order.
3: Brilliant II Heat/Cool PID control [air cooling]
4: Brilliant II Heat/Cool PID control [Cooling linear type]
5: Brilliant II Position proportioning PID control (reverse action)
6: Brilliant II Position proportioning PID control (direct action)
For cascade control, only 0 or 1 is selectable.
1. ORU Input 1_Output change rate limiter
(up) [heat-side] 1
0.0 to 1000.0 %/seconds of manipulated output
0.0: OFF

1. ORd Input 1_ Output change rate limiter 0.0 to 1000.0 %/seconds of manipulated output
(down) [heat-side] 1 0.0: OFF

1.A O V E Input 1_Action (high) input error 0: Control continues (with the latest output)
1: Manipulated output value at input error (Manual mode)

The operation mode is switched to the Manual mode and

the Input 1_Manipulated output value at input error is
2: Manipulated output value at input error (Auto mode)
The operation mode remains in the Auto mode and the
Input 1_Manipulated output value at input error of is
output. When the error is recovered, the operation mode is
switched to the PID control.
1.A U N E Input 1_Action (low) input error 0: Control continues (with the latest output)
1: Manipulated output value at input error (Manual mode)

The operation mode is switched to the Manual mode and

the Input 1_Manipulated output value at input error is
2: Manipulated output value at input error (Auto mode)
The operation mode remains in the Auto mode and the
Input 1_Manipulated output value at input error of is
output. When the error is recovered, the operation mode is
switched to the PID control.
1. P S M Input 1_Manipulated output value
at input error
PID control, Position proportioning PID control:
5.0 to 105.0 %
PID control,
Heat/Cool PID control: proportioning PID
105.0 to 105.0 % control: 5.0
Heat/Cool PID
control: 0.0
5.0 to 105.0 % 5.0
1. R M V Input 1_ Manipulated output value
at STOP [heat-side]
1. P d A Input 1_Start determination point 0 to Input 1_Input span
(When Control with PV select: 0 to PV select input span)
3 % of
Input 1_Input span
0: Operation starts from any start state selected by Hot/Cold Control with
start PV select:
[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.] 3 % of PV select
input span
1.L P I D Input 1_Level PID action
selection 2
0: Switching by Memory area number
1: Switching by Set value (SV) (Level PID action)

2: Switching by Measured value (PV) (Level PID action)

1. L H S Input 1_Level PID differential gap 2 0 to Input 1_Input span
(When Control with PV select: 0 to PV select input span)
TC/RTD inputs: 2
V/I inputs: 0.2
[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]
Not displayed when Control action is Position proportioning PID action.
Displayed when any code other than “Cascade control” is selected in “Select function for input 2.”

3-38 IMR03A05-E4
3.9 Engineering Mode [H]

 Function block No. 52: Input 2_Control (2.ConT)

Factory User
No. Symbol Name Data range set value set value
  
Fn52 Function block No. 52 1 This is the first parameter symbol of Function block No. 52

2. OS Input 2_Control action 1 0: Brilliant II PID control (direct action)
1: Brilliant II PID control (reverse action)
Same as Input 1_
Control action
2. ORU Input 2_Output change rate limiter
(up) 2
0.0 to 1000.0 %/seconds of manipulated output
0.0: OFF

2. ORd Input 2_Output change rate limiter
(down) 2
0.0 to 1000.0 %/seconds of manipulated output
0.0: OFF

2.A O V E Input 2_Action (high) input error 2 0: Control continues (with the latest output)
1: Manipulated output value at input error (Manual mode)

The operation mode is switched to the Manual mode and

the Input 2_Manipulated output value at input error is
2: Manipulated output value at input error (Auto mode)
The operation mode remains in the Auto mode and the
Input 2_Manipulated output value at input error of is
output. When the error is recovered, the operation mode is
switched to the PID control.
2.A U N E Input 2_Action (low) input error 2 0: Control continues (with the latest output)
1: Manipulated output value at input error (Manual mode)

The operation mode is switched to the Manual mode and

the Input 2_Manipulated output value at input error is
2: Manipulated output value at input error (Auto mode)
The operation mode remains in the Auto mode and the
Input 2_Manipulated output value at input error of is
output. When the error is recovered, the operation mode is
switched to the PID control.
5.0 to 105.0 % 5.0
2. P S M Input 2_Manipulated output value
at input error 2
5.0 to 105.0 % 5.0
2. R M V Input 2_Manipulated output value
at STOP 2
2. P d A Input 2_Start determination point 1 0 to Input 2_Input span
0: Operation starts from any start state selected by Hot/Cold
3 % of
Input 2_Input span
[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]
2.L P I D Input 2_Level PID action
selection 2
0: Switching by Memory area number
1: Switching by Set value (SV) (Level PID action)

2: Switching by Measured value (PV) (Level PID action)

2. L H S Input 2_Level PID differential gap 2 0 to Input 2_Input span
[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]
TC/RTD inputs: 2
V/I inputs: 0.2

Displayed in case of FZ400/900.

Displayed when “2-loop control/Differential temperature control” or “Cascade control” is selected in “Select function for input 2.”
Displayed when “2-loop control/Differential temperature control” is selected in “Select function for input 2.”

IMR03A05-E4 3-39
3.9 Engineering Mode [H]

 Function block No. 55: Position proportioning control (POSIT)

Factory User
No. Symbol Name Data range set value set value
  
Fn55 Function block No. 55 1 This is the first parameter symbol of Function block No. 55

YbR Action at feedback resistance
(FBR) input error 1, 2
0: Action depending on the value action at STOP
1: Control action continued

AdJ 
POS Feedback adjustment 1, 2 When the <MODE key is pressed and held for 5 seconds,
Feedback adjustment is automatically started.
AdJ: Adjustment end
oPEn: During adjustment on the open-side
CLoSE: During adjustment on the close-side
Err: Adjustment error
MoT Control motor time 1 5 to 1000 seconds 10

oLA Integrated output limiter 1 0.0 to 200.0 % of control motor time
0.0: OFF

VAL Valve action at STOP 1 0: Close-side output OFF, Open-side output OFF
1: Close-side output ON, Open-side output OFF

2: Close-side output OFF, Open-side output ON

YASo Action at saturated output 1, 2 0: Invalid (The close-side [or open-side] output turns to OFF
when the valve position is fully closed [or opened]).

1: Valid (The close-side [or open-side] output remains ON

state when the valve position is fully closed [or opened]).

Displayed in case of FZ400/900.

Displayed when the Control action is a Position proportioning PID control.
Displayed when a Feedback resistance (FBR) input is supplied.

 Function block No. 56: Input 1_Cooling control (1.CooL)

Factory User
No. Symbol Name Data range set value set value
  
Fn56 Function block No. 56 * This is the first parameter symbol of Function block No. 56

1.O R U c Input 1_Output change rate limiter
(up) [cool-side] *
0.0 to 1000.0 %/seconds of manipulated output
0.0: OFF

1.O R d c Input 1_Output change rate limiter
(down) [cool-side] *
0.0 to 1000.0 %/seconds of manipulated output
0.0: OFF

5.0 to +105.0 % 5.0

1.R M V c Input 1_Manipulated output value
at STOP [cool-side] *
US Undershoot suppression factor * 0.000 to 1.000 Water cooling:
Air cooling:
Cooling linear:
dbPA Overlap/Deadband reference
point *
0.0 to 1.0 0.0

* Displayed when the Control action is Heat/Cool PID control.

 Function block No. 57: Proactive (PACT)

Factory User
No. Symbol Name Data range set value set value
  
Fn57 Function block No. 57 * This is the first parameter symbol of Function block No. 57

BTMSP Bottom suppression function * 0: No function
1: FF amount is added by level

2: FF amount is forcibly added

* Displayed when the Control action is other than Position proportioning PID control.

3-40 IMR03A05-E4
3.9 Engineering Mode [H]

 Function block No. 58: 2-input function (2PV)

Factory User
No. Symbol Name Data range set value set value
  
Fn58 Function block No. 58 1 This is the first parameter symbol of Function block No. 58

2PV Select function for input 2 1 0:
No function
Remote setting input
When the Remote
2: 2-loop control/Differential temperature control setting input is
3: Control with PV select specified: 1
4: Cascade control (Slave single  Cascade) * When the
5: Cascade control (Master single  Cascade) * Measured input 2
6: Input circuit error alarm is specified: 2
* This parameter cannot be specified if the instrument is a ・FZ110: 1
Heat/Cool PID or a Position proportioning PID type.
 When Measured input 2 is selected for FZ400/900 at the
time of order: 0 to 6
 When the Remote setting input is selected for FZ400/900 or
when the Remote setting input is selected for FZ110: 0 to 1
MAS.AT Cascade_AT mode
(master-side) 2
0: Easy adjustment (AT: one cycle)
1: Load factor adjustment (AT: 2 cycles)
TC/RTD inputs: 0
V/I inputs: 1
SLV.AT Cascade_AT mode
(slave-side) 2
0: Easy adjustment (AT: one cycle)
1: Load factor adjustment (AT: 2 cycles)
TC/RTD inputs: 0
V/I inputs: 1
2PV.TG Selection of PV select trigger 3 0: Switching by level
1: Switching by signal (Key, DI and Communication)

ICA Input circuit error alarm set value 4 0 to Input 1_Input span
0: No function
TC/RTD inputs: 10
V/I inputs:
[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.] 5 % of
Input 1_Input span

Displayed in case of FZ400/900.

For FZ400/900, this parameter is displayed when Remote setting input or Measured input 2 ** is supplied.
For FZ110, this parameter is displayed when Remote setting input is supplied.
** Even if Measured input 2 is specified at the time of order, the Remote setting input can be selected later. In this case, thermocouple (TC) or RTD can be
selected as a Remote setting input type. (If Remote setting input is specified, selecting a thermocouple or an RTD is not available.)
Displayed when “Cascade control” is selected in “Select function for input 2.”
Displayed when “Control with PV select” is selected in “Select function for input 2.”
Displayed when “Input circuit error alarm” is selected in “Select function for input 2.”

IMR03A05-E4 3-41
3.9 Engineering Mode [H]

 Function block No. 60: Communication (SCI)

Factory User
No. Symbol Name Data range set value set value
  
Fn60 Function block No. 60 * This is the first parameter symbol of Function block No. 60

CMPS Communication protocol * 0: RKC communication
1: Modbus
When the
(Order of data transfer: upper word to lower word) protocol is
specified at the
2: Modbus
time of order, the
(Order of data transfer: lower word to upper word) specified
3: PLC communication communication
(MITSUBISHI MELSEC series special protocol protocol will be the
QnA-compatible 3C frame [format 4]) factory preset
protocol not
specified: 0
Add Device address * RKC communication: 0 to 99
Modbus: 1 to 99
communication: 0
PLC communication: 0 to 30 Modbus: 1
communication: 0
bPS Communication speed * 0:
2400 bps
4800 bps

2: 9600 bps
3: 19200 bps
4: 38400 bps
5: 57600 bps
bIT Data bit configuration * 0 to 11
Refer to Data bit configuration table

INT Interval time * 0 to 250 ms 10

 
CMRM Communication response
monitor * 00000 SV display unit
Communication response monitor
0: Normal response
1: Overrun error
2: Parity error
4: Framing error
8: Receive buffer overflow
If two or more errors occur, the error values
are summed up. Errors are displayed in the
hexadecimal format (0 to F).
0 (fixed)
Reception status monitor *
Transmission status monitor *
* Each time signal is sent or received, 0 and 1
are displayed in turns.
Lights off

* Displayed when Communication function is supplied.

Data bit configuration table

Set value Data bit Parity bit Stop bit Set value Data bit Parity bit Stop bit
0 8 Without 1 6 7 Without 1
1 8 Without 2 7 7 Without 2
2 8 Even 1 8 7 Even 1
3 8 Even 2 9 7 Even 2
4 8 Odd 1 10 7 Odd 1
5 8 Odd 2 11 7 Odd 2
: Not settable for Modbus

3-42 IMR03A05-E4
3.9 Engineering Mode [H]

 Function block No. 62: PLC communication (MAP)

Factory User
No. Symbol Name Data range set value set value
  
Fn62 Function block No. 62 1 This is the first parameter symbol of Function block No. 62

MP.REG Register type 1 Mitsubishi PLC
0: D register (data register)

1: R register (file register)

2: W register (link register)
3: ZR register
(Method of specifying consecutive numbers when
32767 of R register is exceeded.)
MP.SRH Register start number
(High-order 4-bit) 1
0 to 15 0

MP.SRL Register start number
(Low-order 16-bit) 1
0 to 65535 1000

MP.MOD Monitor item register bias 1 12 to 65535 12

MP.STB Setting item register bias 1 0 to 65535 0

MP.LTM Instrument link recognition time 1 0 to 255 seconds 5

MP.TMO PLC response waiting time 1 0 to 3000 ms 255

MP.STM PLC communication start time 1 1 to 255 seconds 5

MP.SLB Slave register bias 1 0 to 65535 80

MP.MAD Number of recognizable devices 1 0 to 30 8

Displayed when both Communication function and PLC communication protocol are supplied.

 Function block No. 70: Memory area (ArEA)

Factory User
No. Symbol Name Data range set value set value
  
Fn70 Function block No. 70 This is the first parameter symbol of Function block No. 70

SVRT Setting change rate limiter unit
1 to 3600 seconds 60

STdP Soak time unit 0: 0 hours 00 minutes to 99 hours 59 minutes
1: 0 minutes 00 seconds to 199 minutes 59 seconds

2: 0 hours 0 minutes 0 seconds

to 9 hours 59 minutes 59 seconds
In case of Input data type 0: 0 to 2
In case of Input data type 1: 0 or 1

 Function block No. 71: Input 1_Setting limiter (1. SVL)

Factory User
No. Symbol Name Data range set value set value
  
Fn71 Function block No. 71 This is the first parameter symbol of Function block No. 71

1. S L H Input 1_Setting limiter high Input 1_Setting limiter low to Input 1_Input range high
When Control with PV select
Input 1_
Input range high
Input 1_Setting limiter low to PV select input range high Control with PV
[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.] select: PV select
input range high
1. S L L Input 1_Setting limiter low Input 1_Input range low to Input 1_Setting limiter high
When Control with PV select
Input 1_
Input range low
PV select input range low to Input 1_Setting limiter high Control with PV
[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.] select: PV select
input range low

IMR03A05-E4 3-43
3.9 Engineering Mode [H]

 Function block No. 72: Input 2_Setting limiter (2. SVL)

Factory User
No. Symbol Name Data range set value set value
  
Fn72 Function block No. 72 * This is the first parameter symbol of Function block No. 72

2. S L H Input 2_Setting limiter high * Input 2_Setting limiter low to Input 2_Input range high
[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]
Input 2_
Input range high
2. S L L Input 2_Setting limiter low * Input 2_Input range low to Input 2_Setting limiter high
[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]
Input 2_
Input range low

Displayed in case of FZ400/900.

* Displayed when “2-loop control/Differential temperature control” or “Cascade control” is selected in “Select function for input 2.”

 Function block No. 91: System (SYS)

Factory User
No. Symbol Name Data range set value set value
  
Fn91 Function block No. 91 This is the first parameter symbol of Function block No. 91

 
DEF Initialization 1225: Start initialization
Other values: Set values are maintained

After the initialization, this instrument is restarted. This setting

will automatically go back to zero.
  
WT Integrated operating time 0 to 65535 hours

 120 to 120 C  
TCJ Peak hold monitor of ambient
  
RoM ROM version The installed ROM version is displayed

  
FZ900 Model code monitor Model code is displayed.
Use the UP or DOWN key to scroll the display horizontally
(left or right).
  
00000 Instrument number monitor Instrument number is displayed.

The serial
number of the
instrument is

3-44 IMR03A05-E4

This chapter describes the parameters that are initialized/modified when setting is

4.1 Parameters to Be Initialized ............................................................ 4-2

4.2 Parameters to Be Automatically Converted................................... 4-21

IMR03A05-E4 4-1
4.1 Parameters to Be Initialized

4.1 Parameters to Be Initialized

Changing any of the following parameters will require initialization * of the related settings.
* Settings are reset to the factory preset values. Some parameters may not be set to a factory preset value (such as
change of input type).

Make sure all settings are recorded before changing the set values.

Check all set values after having changed the settings.

See page
 Select function for input 2 Engineering Mode Function block No. 58 4-3
 Input 1_Input type Engineering Mode Function block No. 21 4-6
 Input 1_Display unit Engineering Mode Function block No. 21 4-6
 Input 1_Decimal point position Engineering Mode Function block No. 21 4-9
 Input 2_Input type Engineering Mode Function block No. 22 4-10
 Input 2_Display unit Engineering Mode Function block No. 22 4-10
 Input 1_Control action Engineering Mode Function block No. 51 4-13
 Input 2_Control action Engineering Mode Function block No. 52 4-14
 Open/Close output neutral zone Setup Setting Mode Setting group No. 55 4-14
 OUT1 function selection Engineering Mode Function block No. 30 4-14
 OUT2 function selection Engineering Mode Function block No. 30 4-15
 OUT3 function selection Engineering Mode Function block No. 30 4-15
 Universal output type selection Engineering Mode Function block No. 30 4-15
 Retransmission output 1 type Engineering Mode Function block No. 31 4-16
 Retransmission output 2 type Engineering Mode Function block No. 32 4-16
 Retransmission output 3 type Engineering Mode Function block No. 33 4-17
 Event 1 type Engineering Mode Function block No. 41 4-17
 Event 1 assignment Engineering Mode Function block No. 41 4-17
 Event 2 type Engineering Mode Function block No. 42 4-17
 Event 2 assignment Engineering Mode Function block No. 42 4-17
 Event 3 type Engineering Mode Function block No. 43 4-18
 Event 3 assignment Engineering Mode Function block No. 43 4-18
 Event 4 type Engineering Mode Function block No. 44 4-18
 Event 4 assignment Engineering Mode Function block No. 44 4-18
 CT1 type Engineering Mode Function block No. 45 4-18
 CT2 type Engineering Mode Function block No. 46 4-19
 Integral/Derivative time decimal point position Engineering Mode Function block No. 50 4-19
 Communication protocol Engineering Mode Function block No. 60 4-19
 Register type Engineering Mode Function block No. 62 4-20
 Soak time unit Engineering Mode Function block No. 70 4-20
 Initialization Engineering Mode Function block No. 91 4-20

4-2 IMR03A05-E4
4.1 Parameters to Be Initialized

4.1.1 When Select function for input 2 (2PV) is changed

[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 58]
The following parameters will be initialized.
Some parameters may have prerequisites for initialization. (Refer to the prerequisite and P. 4-5)
Mode Items Symbol Initial value Condition
Remote/Local transfer
When “Remote setting input” is selected at Select function R/L LoC 
for Input 2
Remote/Local transfer
When “Cascade control” is selected at Select function for R/L SnGL 
input 2
Operation Transfer Mode
Remote/Local transfer
When “Control with PV select” is selected at Select R/L InP1 
function for input 2
Remote/Local transfer
When “2-loop control/Differential temperature control” is R/L 2LooP 
selected at Select function for input 2

Monitor & SV Setting Mode Input 1_Set value (SV) 0 1

group No. 00
Input 1_Set value (SV) 1. SV 0 1

Event 1 set value (EV1)

Event 1 set value (EV1) [high] EV1 4

Event 2 set value (EV2)

Event 2 set value (EV2) [high] EV2 TC/RTD inputs: 10 4
V/I inpusts: 5 % of input span
Event 3 set value (EV3)
Event 3 set value (EV3) [high] EV3 MV: 50.0 4
group No. 40 Event 4 set value (EV4)
Event 4 set value (EV4) [high] EV4 4

Event 1 set value (EV1’) [low] EV1` 4

Event 2 set value (EV2’) [low] EV2` TC/RTD inputs: 10 4
Event 3 set value (EV3’) [low] EV3` V/I inpusts: 5 % of input span 4
Event 4 set value (EV4’) [low] EV4` 4
TC/RTD inputs: 30
Input 1_Proportional band [heat-side] 1. P V/I inputs: 3.0

Input 1_Integral time [heat-side] 1. I 240 1

Input 1_Derivative time [heat-side] 1. d 60 1
PID control or Position
Setting Mode
Input 1_Control response parameter 1. RPT proportioning PID control: 0 1
Heat/Cool PID control: 2
Parameter Input 1_Proactive intensity 1.PACT 2 1
group No. 51
Input 1_Manual reset 1. MR 0.0 1
Input 1_FF amount 1. FF 0.0 1
LBA function is spaecified: 480
Input 1_Control loop break alarm (LBA) time 1. LbA LBA function is not specified: 0

Input 1_LBA deadband (LBD) 1. Lbd 0 1

Input 1_ON/OFF action differential gap (upper) 1. OHH TC/RTD inputs: 1 1
Input 1_ON/OFF action differential gap (lower) 1. OHL V/I inputs: 0.1 1
TC/RTD inputs: 30
Input 1_Proportional band [cool-side] 1. Pc V/I inputs: 3.0

Parameter Input 1_Integral time [cool-side] 1. Ic 240 1

group No. 56 Input 1_Derivative time [cool-side] 1. dc 60 1
TC/RTD inputs: 0
Input 1_Overlap/Deadband 1. db V/I inputs: 0.0

Parameter Input 1_Setting change rate limiter (up) 1.SVRU 0 1

group No. 70 Input 1_Setting change rate limiter (down) 1.SVRd 0 1
Setting group
No. 21
Input 2_PV bias 1. Pb 0 1
Setup Setting
Mode Setting group Input 2_PV bias
No. 22 (RS bias) 2. Pb 0 2

IMR03A05-E4 4-3
4.1 Parameters to Be Initialized

Mode Items Symbol Initial value Condition

Input 2_PV digital filter
(RS digital filter) 2. DF 0.0 2
Setting group
No. 22 Input 2_PV ratio
(RS ratio) 2. PR 1.000 2

Input 1_Level PID setting 1 1.LEV1 1

Input 1_Level PID setting 2 1.LEV2 1
Input 1_Level PID setting 3 1.LEV3 Input 1_Input range high 1
Setup Setting Setting group
Mode No. 51
Input 1_Level PID setting 4 1.LEV4 Control with PV select: 1
PV select input range high
Input 1_Level PID setting 5 1.LEV5 1
Input 1_Level PID setting 6 1.LEV6 1
Input 1_Level PID setting 7 1.LEV7 1
Setting group
No. 53
Input 1_AT bias 1. A T b 0 1

Setting group Input 1_Determination point of external

No. 57 disturbance 1.EXDJ 1 1

Function block
No. 21
Input 1_Decimal point position 1.P G D P 0 1

Same as Input 1_Input type

Input 2_Input type 2. I N P When Remote setting input is specified 3
at the time of order: 17
Same as Input 1_Display unit
Only when the input type is Control
Input 2_Display unit 2.U N I T with PV select, Input circuit error alarm, 5
and Remote setting input (V/I inputs).
Not initialized in other cases.
Same as Input 1_Decimal point position
Only when the input type is Control
Input 2_Decimal point position 2.P G D P with PV select, Input circuit error alarm, 5
and Remote setting input (V/I inputs).
Zero (0) for other cases.
Function block ・TC/RTD inputs
No. 22 Input 2_Maximum value of input
・V/I inputs
Input 2_Input range high 2.P G S H Remote setting input:
Input 1_Maximum value of
input range
Others: 100
・TC/RTD inputs
Input 2_Minimum value of input
Engineering ・V/I inputs
Mode Input 2_Input range low 2.P G S L Remote setting input:
Input 1_Minimum value of
input range
Others: 0
Input 1_Measured value (PV),
Input 1_Local SV,
Input 1_SV monitor value, and
Remote setting input value:
Input 1_Input range high
Retransmission output 1 scale high AHS1 Control with PV select:
1 and 7
PV select input range high
Input 1_Deviation: (Input 1_Input span)
Measured value (PV) of differential
Function block temperature input: 100
No. 31 Input 1_Measured value (PV),
Input 1_Local SV,
Input 1_SV monitor value, and
Remote setting input value:
Input 1_Input range low
Retransmission output 1 scale low ALS1 Control with PV select: 1 and 7
PV select input range low
Input 1_Deviation: (Input 1_Input span)
Measured value (PV) of differential
temperature input: 100

4-4 IMR03A05-E4
4.1 Parameters to Be Initialized

Mode Items Symbol Initial value Condition

Same as Retransmission output 1
Function block
Retransmission output 2 scale high AHS2 scale high
1 and 7
No. 32 Same as Retransmission output 1
Retransmission output 2 scale low ALS2 scale low
1 and 7

Same as Retransmission output 1

Function block
Retransmission output 3 scale high AHS3 scale high
1 and 7
No. 33 Same as Retransmission output 1
Retransmission output 3 scale low ALS3 scale low
1 and 7

Event 1 assignment EVA1 1 

Function block TC/RTD inputs: 2
No. 41 Event 1 differential gap EH1 V/I inputs: 0.2 4
MV: 0.2
Event 2 assignment EVA2 1 
Function block TC/RTD inputs: 2
No. 42 Event 2 differential gap EH2 V/I inputs: 0.2 4
MV: 0.2
Event 3 assignment EVA3 1 
Function block TC/RTD inputs: 2
No. 43 Event 3 differential gap EH3 V/I inputs: 0.2 4
Mode MV: 0.2
Event 4 assignment EVA4 1 
Function block TC/RTD inputs: 2
No. 44 Event 4 differential gap EH4 V/I inputs: 0.2 4
MV: 0.2
3 % of Input 1_Input span
Function block
No. 51
Input 1_Start determination point 1. P d A Control with PV select: 1
3 % of PV select input span
Function block TC/RTD inputs: 2
No. 51
Input 1_Level PID differential gap 1. L H S V/I inputs: 0.2

TC/RTD inputs: 10
Function block
No. 58
Input circuit error alarm set value ICA V/I inputs: 3
5 % of Input 1_Input span
Input 1_Input range high
Input 1_Setting limiter high 1. S L H Control with PV select: 1
Function block PV select input range high
No. 71 Input 1_Input range low
Input 1_Setting limiter low 1. S L L Control with PV select: 1
PV select input range low

1: “Select function for input 2” is switched between “Control with PV select” and “Others *.”
* No function, Remote setting input, 2-loop control/Differential temperature control, Cascade control, and Input circuit error alarm.
2: “Select function for input 2” is switched between “Remote setting input” and “Others *.”
* No function, Control with PV select, 2-loop control/Differential temperature control, Cascade control, and Input circuit error alarm.
3: “Select function for input 2” is switched between “Input circuit error alarm” and “Others *.”
* No function, Remote setting input, Control with PV select, 2-loop control/Differential temperature control, and Cascade control.
4: Event type is other than Manipulated output value AND “Select function for input 2” is switched between “Control with PV select”
and “Others *.”
* No function, Remote setting input, 2-loop control/Differential temperature control, Cascade control, and Input circuit error alarm.
5: “Select function for input t 2” is switched to any one of “Remote setting input,” “Control with PV select,” or “Input circuit error
alarm” and “Others *.”
* No function, 2-loop control/Differential temperature control, and Cascade control.
6: “Select function for input 2” is switched to any one of “Remote setting input” or “Input circuit error alarm” and “Others *.”
* No function, Control with PV select, 2-loop control/Differential temperature control, and Cascade control.
7: Retransmission output is “No retransmission output,” “Input 1_Measured value (PV),” “Input 1_Set value (SV),”
“Input 1_Deviation,” “Input 1_Remote setting input value,” OR Measured value (PV) of differential temperature input.

IMR03A05-E4 4-5
4.1 Parameters to Be Initialized

4.1.2 When Input 1_Input type (1. INP) and Input 1_Display unit (1.UNIT) are
changed [Engineering Mode: Function block No. 21]
The following parameters will be initialized.
Some parameters may have prerequisites for initialization. (Refer to the prerequisite and P. 4-9)
Mode Items Symbol Initial value Condition
Input 1_Set value (SV) Input 1_Set value (SV) 
Monitor & SV Setting Mode Set value (SV) of differential
Set value (SV) of differential temperature input 
temperature input

Parameter Input 1_Set value (SV) 1. SV 0 

group No. 00 Set value (SV) of differential temperature input dSV 0 
Event 1 set value (EV1)
Event 1 set value (EV1) [high] EV1 3

Event 2 set value (EV2)

Event 2 set value (EV2) [high] EV2 TC/RTD inputs: 10 3
V/I inpusts: 5 % of input span
Event 3 set value (EV3)
Event 3 set value (EV3) [high] EV3 MV: 50.0 3
group No. 40 Event 4 set value (EV4)
Event 4 set value (EV4) [high] EV4 3

Event 1 set value (EV1’) [low] EV1` 3

Event 2 set value (EV2’) [low] EV2` TC/RTD inputs: 10 3
Event 3 set value (EV3’) [low] EV3` V/I inpusts: 5 % of input span 3
Event 4 set value (EV4’) [low] EV4` 3
TC/RTD inputs: 30
Input 1_Proportional band [heat-side] 1. P V/I inputs: 3.0

Input 1_Integral time [heat-side] 1. I 240 

Input 1_Derivative time [heat-side] 1. d 60 
Setting Mode PID control or Position
Input 1_Control response parameter 1. RPT proportioning PID control: 0 
Heat/Cool PID control: 2
Parameter Input 1_Proactive intensity 1.PACT 2 
group No. 51
Input 1_Manual reset 1. MR 0.0 
Input 1_FF amount 1. FF 0.0 
LBA function is spaecified: 480
Input 1_Control loop break alarm (LBA) time 1. LbA LBA function is not specified: 0

Input 1_LBA deadband (LBD) 1. Lbd 0 

Input 1_ON/OFF action differential gap (upper) 1. OHH TC/RTD inputs: 1 
Input 1_ON/OFF action differential gap (lower) 1. OHL V/I inputs: 0.1 
TC/RTD inputs: 30
Input 1_Proportional band [cool-side] 1. Pc V/I inputs: 3.0

Parameter Input 1_Integral time [cool-side] 1. Ic 240 

group No. 56 Input 1_Derivative time [cool-side] 1. dc 60 
TC/RTD inputs: 0
Input 1_Overlap/Deadband 1. db V/I inputs: 0.0

Parameter Input 1_Setting change rate limiter (up) 1.SVRU 0 

group No. 70 Input 1_Setting change rate limiter (down) 1.SVRd 0 
Input 1_PV bias 1. Pb 0 

Setting group Input 1_PV digital filter 1. DF 0.0 

No. 21 
Input 1_PV ratio 1. PR 1.000

Setup Setting
Input 1_PV low input cut-off * 1. PLC 0.00 
Input 2_PV bias
(RS bias) 2. Pb 0 1

Setting group Input 2_PV digital filter

No. 22 (RS digital filter) 2. DF 0.0 1

Input 2_PV ratio

(RS ratio) 2. PR 1.000 1

* When the Input 1_Input type was changed.

4-6 IMR03A05-E4
4.1 Parameters to Be Initialized

Mode Items Symbol Initial value Condition

Input 1_Level PID setting 1 1.LEV1 
Input 1_Level PID setting 2 1.LEV2 
Input 1_Level PID setting 3 1.LEV3 Input 1_Input range high 
Setting group
No. 51
Input 1_Level PID setting 4 1.LEV4 Control with PV select: 
PV select input range high
Input 1_Level PID setting 5 1.LEV5 
Input 1_Level PID setting 6 1.LEV6 
Input 1_Level PID setting 7 1.LEV7 
Setting group
No. 53
Input 1_AT bias 1. A T b 0 

Setting group Input 1_Determination point of external

No. 57 disturbance 1.EXDJ 1 

TC/RTD inputs: 30
Cascade_Proportional band (master-side) MAS.P V/I inputs: 3.0

Setup Setting
Mode Cascade_Integral time (master-side) MAS.I 240 
Cascade_Derivative time (master-side) MAS.d 60 
TC/RTD inputs: 30
Cascade_Proportional band (slave-side) SLV..P 
V/I inputs: 3.0
Setting group
No. 58
Cascade_Integral time (slave-side) SLV.I 240 
Cascade_Derivative time (slave-side) SLV.d 60 
Cascade_Digital filter C.DF 10.0 
Cascade_Scale high C.SCH Input 2_Setting limiter high 
Cascade_Scale low C.SCL Input 2_Setting limiter low 
PV select transfer level 2PV.LV Input 1_Input range high 

Setting group Input 1_Peak hold monitor 1.PHLd 

No. 91 Input 1_Bottom hold monitor 1.bHLd 
Input 1_Decimal point position 1 1.P G D P 0 
・TC/RTD inputs:
Input 1_Input range high 1.P G S H Input 1_Maximum value of input range 
・V/I inputs: 100
・TC/RTD inputs:
Function block
Input 1_Input range low 1.P G S L Input 1_Minimum value of input range 
No. 21
・V/I inputs: 0
Input 1_Input range high
Input 1_Input error determination point (high) 1. P o V  (Input 1_5 % of input span)

Input 1_Input range low

Input 1_Input error determination point (low) 1. P U N  (Input 1_5 % of input span)

Same as Input 1_Display unit

Only when the input type is Control with
Input 2_Display unit 2
2..U N I T PV select, Input circuit error alarm, and 2
Remote setting input (V/I inputs).
Engineering Not initialized in other cases.
Mode Same as Input 1_Decimal point position
Only when the input type is Control with
Input 2_Decimal point position 1
2.P G D P PV select, Input circuit error alarm, and 2
Remote setting input (V/I inputs).
Zero (0) for other cases.
・TC/RTD inputs
Function block
Input 2_Maximum value of input range
No. 22
・V/I inputs
Input 2_Input range high 2.P G S H Remote setting input:
Input 1_Maximum value of input range
Others: 100
・TC/RTD inputs
Input 2_Minimum value of input range
・V/I inputs
Input 2_Input range low 2.P G S L Remote setting input:
Input 1_Minimum value of input range
Others: 0
When the Input 1_Input type was changed.
When the Input 1_Display unit was changed.

IMR03A05-E4 4-7
4.1 Parameters to Be Initialized

Mode Items Symbol Initial value Condition

Input 1_Measured value (PV),
Input 1_Local SV,
Input 1_SV monitor value, and
Remote setting input value:
Input 1_Input range high
Retransmission output 1 scale high AHS1 Control with PV select:
PV select input range high
Input 1_Deviation: (Input 1_Input span)
Measured value (PV) of differential
Function block temperature input: 100
No. 31 Input 1_Measured value (PV),
Input 1_Local SV,
Input 1_SV monitor value, and
Remote setting input value:
Input 1_Input range low
Retransmission output 1 scale low ALS1 Control with PV select: 4
PV select input range low
Input 1_Deviation: (Input 1_Input span)
Measured value (PV) of differential
temperature input: 100
Same as Retransmission output 1
Function block
Retransmission output 2 scale high AHS2 scale high
No. 32 Same as Retransmission output 1
Retransmission output 2 scale low ALS2 scale low

Same as Retransmission output 1

Function block
Retransmission output 3 scale high AHS3 scale high

Engineering No. 33 Same as Retransmission output 1

Retransmission output 3 scale low ALS3 scale low

Function block
No. 41 Event 1 differential gap EH1 3

Function block
No. 42 Event 2 differential gap EH2 TC/RTD inputs: 2 3
V/I inputs: 0.2
Function block
No. 43 Event 3 differential gap EH3 MV: 0.2 3

Function block
No. 44 Event 4 differential gap EH4 3

3 % of Input 1_Input span

Input 1_Start determination point 1. P d A Control with PV select: 
Function block 3 % of PV select input span
No. 51
TC/RTD inputs: 2
Input 1_Level PID differential gap 1. L H S 
V/I inputs: 0.2
Cascade_AT mode (master-side) MAS.AT TC/RTD inputs: 0 

Function block
Cascade_AT mode (slave-side) SLV.AT V/I inputs: 1 
No. 58 TC/RTD inputs: 10
Input circuit error alarm set value ICA V/I inputs: 
5 % of Input 1_Input span
Input 1_Input range high
Input 1_Setting limiter high 1. S L H Control with PV select: 
Function block PV select input range high
No. 71 Input 1_Input range low
Input 1_Setting limiter low 1. S L L Control with PV select: 
PV select input range low

4-8 IMR03A05-E4
4.1 Parameters to Be Initialized

1: “Select function for input 2” is Remote setting input AND Input 2_Input type is either voltage input or current input.
2: “Select function for input 2” is Remote setting input AND Input 2_Input type is either voltage input or current input, or Select
function for input 2 is Control with PV select.
3: The condition is either of the following.
・Event type is other than Manipulated output value AND “Select function for input 2” is set to “Control with PV select.”
・Event type is other than Manipulated output value AND Event assignment is either “Input 1” or “Differential temperature input.”
4: Retransmission output is “No retransmission output,” “Input 1_Measured value (PV),” “Input 1_Set value (SV),”
“Input 1_Deviation,” “Input 1_Remote setting input value,” OR Measured value (PV) of differential temperature input.

4.1.3 When Input 1_Decimal point position (1.P G D P ) is changed

[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 21]
The following parameters will be initialized.
If Select function for input 2 is “Remote setting input” AND Input 2_Input type is Voltage/Current input, OR
Select function for input 2 is “Control with PV select.”
Mode Items Symbol Initial value
Same as Input 1_Decimal point position
Engineering Function block Only when the input type is Control with PV
Mode No. 22
Input 2_Decimal point position 2.P G D P select, Input circuit error alarm, and Remote
setting input (V/I inputs).
Zero (0) for other cases.

IMR03A05-E4 4-9
4.1 Parameters to Be Initialized

4.1.4 When Input 2_Input type (2. INP) and Input 2_Display unit (2.UNIT) are
changed [Engineering Mode: Function block No. 22]
The following parameters will be initialized.
Some parameters may have prerequisites for initialization. (Refer to the prerequisite and P. 4-12)
Mode Items Symbol Initial value Condition
Monitor & SV Setting Mode Input 2_Set value (SV) 0 
group No. 00
Input 2_Set value (SV) 2. SV 0 

Event 1 set value (EV1)

Event 1 set value (EV1) [high] EV1 3

Event 2 set value (EV2)

Event 2 set value (EV2) [high] EV2 TC/RTD inputs: 10 3
V/I inpust: 5 % of input span
Event 3 set value (EV3)
Event 3 set value (EV3) [high] EV3 MV:50.0 3
group No. 40 Event 4 set value (EV4)
Event 4 set value (EV4) [high] EV4 3

Event 1 set value (EV1’) [low] EV1` 3

Event 2 set value (EV2’) [low] EV2` TC/RTD inputs: 10 3
Event 3 set value (EV3’) [low] EV3` V/I inpust: 5 % of input span 3
Event 4 set value (EV4’) [low] EV4` 3
TC/RTD inputs: 30
Parameter Input 2_Proportional band 2. P V/I inputs: 3.0

Setting Mode
Input 2_Integral time 2. I 240 
Input 2_Derivative time 2. d 60 
Input 2_Control response parameter 2. RPT 0 
Input 2_Proactive intensity 2.PACT 2 
group No. 52
Input 2_Manual reset 2. MR 0.0 
Input 2_FF amount 2. FF 0.0 
LBA function is spaecified: 480
Input 2_Control loop break alarm (LBA) time 2. LbA 
LBA function is not specified: 0
Input 2_LBA deadband (LBD) 2. Lbd 0 
Input 2_ON/OFF action differential gap (upper) 2. OHH TC/RTD inputs: 1 
Input 2_ON/OFF action differential gap (lower) 2. OHL V/I inputs: 0.1 

Parameter Input 2_Setting change rate limiter (up) 2.SVRU 0 

group No. 70 Input 2_Setting change rate limiter (down) 2.SVRd 0 
Input 2_PV bias
(RS bias) 2. Pb 0 

Input 2_PV digital filter

Setting group (RS digital filter) 2. DF 0.0 
No. 22
Input 2_PV ratio
(RS ratio) 2. PR 1.000 

Input 2_PV low input cut-off * 2. PLC 0.00 

Input 2_Level PID setting 1 2.LEV1 
Setup Setting
Mode Input 2_Level PID setting 2 2.LEV2 
Input 2_Level PID setting 3 2.LEV3 
Setting group
Input 2_Level PID setting 4 2.LEV4 Input 2_Input range high 
No. 52
Input 2_Level PID setting 5 2.LEV5 
Input 2_Level PID setting 6 2.LEV6 
Input 2_Level PID setting 7 2.LEV7 
Setting group
No. 54
Input 2_AT bias 2. A T b 0 

* When the Input 2_Input type was changed.

4-10 IMR03A05-E4
4.1 Parameters to Be Initialized

Mode Items Symbol Initial value Condition

Setting group Input 2_Determination point of external
No. 57 disturbance 2.EXDJ 1 

TC/RTD inputs: 30
Cascade_Proportional band (master-side) MAS.P V/I inputs: 3.0

Cascade_Integral time (master-side) MAS.I 240 

Cascade_Derivative time (master-side) MAS.d 60 
TC/RTD inputs: 30
Cascade_Proportional band (slave-side) SLV.P 
Setup Setting Setting group V/I inputs: 3.0
No. 58
Mode Cascade_Integral time (slave-side) SLV.I 240 
Cascade_Derivative time (slave-side) SLV.d 60 
Cascade_Digital filter C.DF 10.0 
Cascade_Scale high C.SCH Input 2_Setting limiter high 
Cascade_Scale low C.SCL Input 2_Setting limiter low 

Setting group Input 2_Peak hold monitor 2.PHLd 

No. 91 Input 2_Bottom hold monitor 2.bHLd 
Function block
No. 21
Input 1_Decimal point position * 1.P G D P 0 1

Same as Input 1_Decimal point position

Only when the input type is Control with
Input 2_Decimal point position * 2.P G D P PV select, Input circuit error alarm, and 2
Remote setting input (V/I inputs).
Zero (0) for other cases.
・TC/RTD inputs
Input 2_Maximum value of input range
・V/I inputs
Input 2_Input range high 2.P G S H 
Remote setting input:
Input 1_Maximum value of input range
Function block Others: 100
No. 22 ・TC/RTD inputs
Input 2_Minimum value of input range
・V/I inputs
Input 2_Input range low 2.P G S L Remote setting input:

Input 1_Minimum value of input range
Others: 0
Input 2_Input range high
Input 2_Input error determination point (high) 2. P o V 
Engineering  (Input 2_5 % of input span)
Mode Input 2_Input range low
Input 2_Input error determination point (low) 2. P U N 
 (Input 2_5 % of input span)
Input 2_Measured value (PV),
Input 2_Local SV, and
Retransmission output 1 scale high AHS1 Input 2_SV monitor value: 4
Input 2_Input range high
Function block Input 2_Deviation: (Input 2_Input span)
No. 31 Input 2_Measured value (PV),
Input 2_Local SV, and
Retransmission output 1 scale low ALS1 Input 2_SV monitor value: 4
Input 2_Input range low
Input 2_Deviation: (Input 2_Input span)
Same as Retransmission output 1
Function block
Retransmission output 2 scale high AHS2 scale high
No. 32 Same as Retransmission output 1
Retransmission output 2 scale low ALS2 scale low

Same as Retransmission output 1

Function block
Retransmission output 3 scale high AHS3 scale high
No. 33 Same as Retransmission output 1
Retransmission output 3 scale low ALS3 scale low

* When the Input 2_Input type was changed.

IMR03A05-E4 4-11
4.1 Parameters to Be Initialized

Mode Items Symbol Initial value Condition

Function block
No. 41
Event 1 differential gap EH1 3

Function block
No. 42
Event 2 differential gap EH2 TC/RTD inputs: 2

Function block V/I inputs: 0.2

No. 43
Event 3 differential gap EH3 3

Function block
No. 44
Event 4 differential gap EH4 3
Mode Function block
Input 2_Start determination point 2. P d A 3 % of Input 2_Input span 
TC/RTD inputs: 2
No. 52 Input 2_Level PID differential gap 2. L H S 
V/I inputs: 0.2
Function block Cascade_AT mode (master-side) MAS.AT TC/RTD inputs: 0 
No. 58 Cascade_AT mode (slave-side) SLV.AT V/I inputs: 1 

Function block Input 2_Setting limiter high 2. S L H Input 2_Input range high 
No. 72 Input 2_Setting limiter low 2. S L L Input 2_Input range low 
1: If “Select function for input 2” is “Control with PV select.”
2: If “Select function for input 2” is other than “Control with PV select.”
3: If Event type is other than manipulated output AND “Select function for input 2” is other than “Control with PV select,” AND
Event assignment is “Input 2.”
4: Retransmission output is “Input 1_Measured value (PV),” “Input 1_Set value (SV),” or “Input 1_Deviation.”

4-12 IMR03A05-E4
4.1 Parameters to Be Initialized

4.1.5 When Input 1_Control action (1. OS) is changed

[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 51]
The following parameters will be initialized.
Some parameters may have prerequisites for initialization. (See following for the prerequisites)
Mode Items Symbol Initial value Condition
TC/RTD inputs: 30
Input 1_Proportional band [heat-side] 1. P V/I inputs: 3.0

Input 1_Integral time [heat-side] 1. I 240 

Input 1_Derivative time [heat-side] 1. d 60 
PID control or Position
Input 1_Control response parameter 1. RPT proportioning PID control: 0 
Heat/Cool PID control: 2
Parameter Input 1_Proactive intensity 1.PACT 2 
group No. 51
Input 1_Manual reset 1. MR 0.0 
Input 1_FF amount 1. FF 0.0 
LBA function is spaecified: 480
Input 1_Control loop break alarm (LBA) time 1. LbA LBA function is not specified: 0

Setting Mode Input 1_LBA deadband (LBD) 1. Lbd 0 
Input 1_ON/OFF action differential gap (upper) 1. OHH TC/RTD inputs: 1 
Input 1_ON/OFF action differential gap (lower) 1. OHL V/I inputs: 0.1 
TC/RTD inputs: 30
Input 1_Proportional band [cool-side] 1. Pc V/I inputs: 3.0

Parameter Input 1_Integral time [cool-side] 1. Ic 240 

group No. 56 Input 1_Derivative time [cool-side] 1. dc 60 
TC/RTD inputs: 0
Input 1_Overlap/Deadband 1. db V/I inputs: 0.0

PID control or Position

Input 1_Manipulated output value (Area) 1. MV.A proportioning PID control: 5.0 4
group No. 70
Heat/Cool PID control: 0.0
Relay contact output: 20.0
OUT1 proportional cycle time T1 Voltage pulse output, 1
Transistor output: Note1
Setting group
Relay contact output: 20.0
No. 30
Setup Setting OUT2 proportional cycle time T2 Voltage pulse output, 2
Mode Transistor output: Note2
OUT3 proportional cycle time T3 Voltage pulse output: Note3 3
PID control or Position
Setting group
Input 1_Manual manipulated output value 1. M.M V proportioning PID control: 5.0 4
No. 51
Heat/Cool PID control: 0.0
PID control or Position
Function block
Input 1_Manipulated output value at input error 1. P S M proportioning PID control: 5.0 4
No. 51
Engineering Heat/Cool PID control: 0.0
Mode Water cooling: 0.100
Function block
No. 56
Undershoot suppression factor US Air cooling: 0.250 
Cooling linear: 1.000
Note1: In case OUT1 function selection is “Input 1_Control output [cool-side]” AND Inpu1_Control action is “Heat/Cool PID control [air
cooling] or [water cooling]”: 20.0, Other casees: 2.0
Note2: In case OUT2 function selection is “Input 1_Control output [cool-side]” AND Inpu1_Control action is “Heat/Cool PID control [air
cooling] or [water cooling]”: 20.0, Other casees: 2.0
Note3: In case OUT3 function selection is “Input 1_Control output [cool-side]” AND Inpu1_Control action is “Heat/Cool PID control [air
cooling] or [water cooling]”: 20.0, Other casees: 2.0

1: When OUT1 is configured to control output: (Switching between Dir/Rev action in Input 1 is excluded from the initialization).
2: When OUT2 is configured to control output: (Switching between Dir/Rev action in Input 1 is excluded from the initialization).
3: When OUT3 is configured to control output: (Switching between Dir/Rev action in Input 1 is excluded from the initialization).
4: When Input 1_Control action is other than switching between Dir/Rev action and Cooling action.

IMR03A05-E4 4-13
4.1 Parameters to Be Initialized

4.1.6 When Input 2_Control action (2. OS) is changed

[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 52]
The following parameters will be initialized.
Mode Items Symbol Initial value
TC/RTD inputs: 30
Input 2_Proportional band 2. P V/I inputs: 3.0
Input 2_Integral time 2. I 240
Input 2_Derivative time 2. d 60
Input 2_Control response parameter 2. RPT 0
Input 2_Proactive intensity 2.PACT 2
Parameter Parameter
Setting Mode group No. 52
Input 2_Manual reset 2. MR 0.0
Input 2_FF amount 2. FF 0.0
LBA function is spaecified: 480
Input 2_Control loop break alarm (LBA) time 2. LbA LBA function is not specified: 0
Input 2_LBA deadband (LBD) 2. Lbd 0
Input 2_ON/OFF action differential gap (upper) 2. OHH TC/RTD inputs: 1
Input 2_ON/OFF action differential gap (lower) 2. OHL V/I inputs: 0.1

4.1.7 When Open/Close output neutral zone (YDB) is changed

[Setup Setting Mode: Setting group No. 55]
The following parameters will be initialized.
Mode Items Symbol Initial value
Setup Setting Setting group
Mode No. 55
Open/Close output differential gap YHS 1.0

4.1.8 When OUT1 function selection (oSL1) is changed

[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 30]
The following parameters will be initialized.
Mode Items Symbol Initial value
Relay contact output: 20.0
Setup Setting Setting group
Mode No. 30
OUT1 proportional cycle time T1 Voltage pulse output,
Transistor output: Note1
Note1: In case OUT1 function selection is “Input 1_Control output [cool-side]” AND Inpu1_Control action is “Heat/Cool PID control [air
cooling] or [water cooling]”: 20.0, Other casees: 2.0

4-14 IMR03A05-E4
4.1 Parameters to Be Initialized

4.1.9 When OUT2 function selection (oSL2) is changed

[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 30]
The following parameters will be initialized.
Mode Items Symbol Initial value
Relay contact output: 20.0
Setup Setting Setting group
Mode No. 30
OUT2 proportional cycle time T2 Voltage pulse output,
Transistor output: Note2
Note2: In case OUT2 function selection is “Input 1_Control output [cool-side]” AND Inpu1_Control action is “Heat/Cool PID control [air
cooling] or [water cooling]”: 20.0, Other casees: 2.0

4.1.10 When OUT3 function selection (oSL3) and Universal output type
selection (UNIo) are changed
[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 30]
The following parameters will be initialized.
Mode Items Symbol Initial value
Setup Setting Setting group
Mode No. 30
OUT3 proportional cycle time T3 Voltage pulse output: Note3

Note3: In case OUT3 function selection is “Input 1_Control output [cool-side]” AND Inpu1_Control action is “Heat/Cool PID control [air
cooling] or [water cooling]”: 20.0, Other casees: 2.0

IMR03A05-E4 4-15
4.1 Parameters to Be Initialized

4.1.11 When Retransmission output 1 type (Ao1) is changed

[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 31]
The following parameters will be initialized.
Mode Items Symbol Initial value
 Input 1_Measured value (PV), Input 1_Local
SV, Input 1_SV monitor value, and Remote
setting input value:
Input 1_Input range high
Control with PV select:
PV select input range high
 Input 1_Deviation: (Input 1_Input span)
Retransmission output 1 scale high AHS1  Input 2_Measured value (PV), Input 2_Local
SV, and Input 2_SV monitor value:
Input 2_Input range high
 Input 2_Deviation: (Input 2_Input span)
 Manipulated output value, and Current
transformer (CT) input value: 100.0
 Measured value (PV) of differential
Engineering Function block temperature input: 100
Mode No. 31  Input 1_Measured value (PV), Input 1_Local
SV, Input 1_SV monitor value, and Remote
setting input value:
Input 1_Input range low
Control with PV select:
PV select input range low
 Input 1_Deviation: (Input 1_Input span)
Retransmission output 1 scale low ALS1  Input 2_Measured value (PV), Input 2_Local
SV, and Input 2_SV monitor value:
Input 2_Input range low
 Input 2_Deviation: (Input 2_Input span)
 Manipulated output value, and Current
transformer (CT) input value: 0.0
 Measured value (PV) of differential
temperature input: 100

4.1.12 When Retransmission output 2 type (Ao2) is changed

[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 32]
The following parameters will be initialized.
Mode Items Symbol Initial value
Same as Retransmission output 1
Engineering Function block
Retransmission output 2 scale high AHS2 scale high
Mode No. 32 Same as Retransmission output 1
Retransmission output 2 scale low ALS2 scale low

4-16 IMR03A05-E4
4.1 Parameters to Be Initialized

4.1.13 When Retransmission output 3 type (Ao3) is changed

[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 33]
The following parameters will be initialized.
Mode Items Symbol Initial value
Same as Retransmission output 1
Engineering Function block
Retransmission output 3 scale high AHS3 scale high
Mode No. 33 Same as Retransmission output 1
Retransmission output 3 scale low ALS3 scale low

4.1.14 When Event 1 type (ES1) and Event 1 assignment (EVA1) are
changed [Engineering Mode: Function block No. 41]
The following parameters will be initialized.
Mode Items Symbol Initial value
TC/RTD inputs: 10
Event 1 set value (EV1)
Parameter Parameter Event 1 set value (EV1) [high] EV1 V/I inpusts: 5 % of input span
MV: 50.0
Setting Mode group No. 40
TC/RTD inputs: 10
Event 1 set value (EV1’) [low] EV1` V/I inpusts: 5 % of input span
If the Event type is specified by the initial
setting code when ordering, the factory set
Event 1 hold action EHo1 value of Event hold action differs depending
on the Event type.

Engineering Function block If the Event type is not specified: 0

Mode No. 41 Deviation, Process and SV:
TC/RTD inputs: 2
Event 1 differential gap EH1 V/I inputs: 0.2
MV: 0.2
Event 1 timer EVT1 0.0

4.1.15 When Event 2 type (ES2) and Event 2 assignment (EVA2) are
changed [Engineering Mode: Function block No. 42]
The following parameters will be initialized.
Mode Items Symbol Initial value
TC/RTD inputs: 10
Event 2 set value (EV2)
Parameter Parameter Event 2 set value (EV2) [high] EV2 V/I inpusts: 5 % of input span
MV: 50.0
Setting Mode group No. 40
TC/RTD inputs: 10
Event 2 set value (EV2’) [low] EV2` V/I inpusts: 5 % of input span
If the Event type is specified by the initial
setting code when ordering, the factory set
Event 2 hold action EHo2 value of Event hold action differs depending
on the Event type.

Engineering Function block If the Event type is not specified: 0

Mode No. 42 Deviation, Process and SV:
TC/RTD inputs: 2
Event 2 differential gap EH2 V/I inputs: 0.2
MV: 0.2
Event 2 timer EVT2 0.0

IMR03A05-E4 4-17
4.1 Parameters to Be Initialized

4.1.16 When Event 3 type (ES3) and Event 3 assignment (EVA3) are
changed [Engineering Mode: Function block No. 43]
The following parameters will be initialized.
Mode Items Symbol Initial value
TC/RTD inputs: 10
Event 3 set value (EV3)
Parameter Parameter Event 3 set value (EV3) [high] EV3 V/I inpusts: 5 % of input span
MV: 50.0
Setting Mode group No. 40
TC/RTD inputs: 10
Event 3 set value (EV3’) [low] EV3` V/I inpusts: 5 % of input span
If the Event type is specified by the initial
setting code when ordering, the factory set
Event 3 hold action EHo3 value of Event hold action differs depending
on the Event type.

Engineering Function block If the Event type is not specified: 0

Mode No. 43 Deviation, Process and SV:
TC/RTD inputs: 2
Event 3 differential gap EH3 V/I inputs: 0.2
MV: 0.2
Event 3 timer EVT3 0.0

4.1.17 When Event 4 type (ES4) and Event 4 assignment (EVA4) are
changed [Engineering Mode: Function block No. 44]
The following parameters will be initialized.
Mode Items Symbol Initial value
TC/RTD inputs: 10
Event 4 set value (EV4)
Parameter Parameter Event 4 set value (EV4) [high] EV4 V/I inpust: 5 % of input span
MV: 50.0
Setting Mode group No. 40
TC/RTD inputs: 10
Event 4 set value (EV4’) [low] EV4` V/I inpust: 5 % of input span
If the Event type is specified by the initial
setting code when ordering, the factory set
Event 4 hold action EHo4 value of Event hold action differs depending
on the Event type.

Engineering Function block If the Event type is not specified: 0

Mode No. 43 Deviation, Process and SV:
TC/RTD inputs: 2
Event 4 differential gap EH4 V/I inputs: 0.2
MV: 0.2
Event 4 timer EVT4 0.0

4.1.18 When CT1 type (CTt1) is changed

[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 45]
The following parameters will be initialized.
Mode Items Symbol Initial value
Engineering Function block CTL-6-P-N or CTL-6-P-Z: 800
Mode No. 45 CT1 ratio CTR1 CTL-12-S56-10L-N: 1000

4-18 IMR03A05-E4
4.1 Parameters to Be Initialized

4.1.19 When CT2 type (CTt2) is changed

[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 46]
The following parameters will be initialized.
Mode Items Symbol Initial value
Engineering Function block CTL-6-P-N or CTL-6-P-Z: 800
Mode No. 46 CT2 ratio CTR2 CTL-12-S56-10L-N: 1000

4.1.20 When Integral/Derivative time decimal point position (Id d P ) is

changed [Engineering Mode: Function block No. 50]
The following parameters will be initialized.
Mode Items Symbol Initial value
Parameter Input 1_Integral time [heat-side] 1. I 240
group No. 51 Input 1_Derivative time [heat-side] 1. d 60

Parameter Parameter Input 2_Integral time 2. I 240

group No. 52
Setting Mode Input 2_Derivative time 2. d 60

Parameter Input 1_Integral time [cool-side] 1. Ic 240

group No. 56 Input 1_Derivative time [cool-side] 1. dc 60
Cascade _Integral time (master-side) MAS.I 240

Setup Setting Setting group Cascade _Derivative time (master-side) MAS.d 60

Mode No. 58 Cascade _Integral time (slave-side) SLV.I 240
Cascade _Derivative time (slave-side) SLV.d 60

4.1.21 When Communication protocol (CMPS) is changed

[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 60]
The following parameters will be initialized.
Mode Items Symbol Initial value
RKC communication: 0
Function block Device address Add Modbus: 1
Engineering No. 60 PLC communication: 0
Mode Data bit configuration bIT 0
Function block
No. 62
Register type MP.REG 0

IMR03A05-E4 4-19
4.1 Parameters to Be Initialized

4.1.22 When Register type (MP.REG) is changed

[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 62]
The following parameters will be initialized.
Mode Items Symbol Initial value
Engineering Function block Register start number (High-order 4-bit) MP.SRH 0
Mode No. 62 Register start number (Low-order 16-bit) MP.SRL 1000

4.1.23 When Soak time unit (STdP) is changed

[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 70]
The following parameters will be initialized.
Mode Items Symbol Initial value
Parameter Parameter 0:00
Setting Mode group No. 70
Area soak time AST (0 minutes 00 seconds)

4.1.24 When Initialization (DEF) is changed

[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 91]
If Initialization is done by setting “1225” at [Engineering Mode: Function block No. 91], all the settings will
be set to the factory set values.

Make sure all settings are recorded before Initializing.

4-20 IMR03A05-E4
4.2 Parameters to Be Automatically Converted

4.2 Parameters to Be Automatically Converted

If the data of the following parameter is changed, related set values are also automatically converted.

Make sure all settings are recorded before changing the set values.

Check all set values after having changed the settings.

Refer to  Example of automatic conversion (P. 4-22) for details of automatic conversion.

See page
 Input data type Engineering Mode Function block No. 21 4-23
 Input 1_Decimal point position Engineering Mode Function block No. 21 4-25
 Input 1_Input range high/low Engineering Mode Function block No. 21 4-25
 Input 1_Setting limiter high/low Engineering Mode Function block No. 71 4-27
 Input 1_Output limiter high/low [heat-side] Parameter Setting Mode Parameter group No. 51 4-27
 Input 1_Output limiter high/low [cool-side] Parameter Setting Mode Parameter group No. 56 4-27
 Input 2_Decimal point position Engineering Mode Function block No. 22 4-28
 Input 2_Input range high/low Engineering Mode Function block No. 22 4-30
 Input 2_Setting limiter high/low Engineering Mode Function block No. 72 4-32
 Input 2_Output limiter high/low Parameter Setting Mode Parameter group No. 52 4-32
 Memory area transfer Monitor & SV Setting Mode (FZ110)
Memory Area Transfer Mode (FZ400/900) 4-32
 Input 1_Level PID setting 1 Setup Setting Mode Setting group No. 51 4-32
 Input 1_Level PID setting 2 Setup Setting Mode Setting group No. 51 4-33
 Input 1_Level PID setting 3 Setup Setting Mode Setting group No. 51 4-33
 Input 1_Level PID setting 4 Setup Setting Mode Setting group No. 51 4-33
 Input 1_Level PID setting 5 Setup Setting Mode Setting group No. 51 4-34
 Input 1_Level PID setting 6 Setup Setting Mode Setting group No. 51 4-34
 Input 1_Level PID setting 7 Setup Setting Mode Setting group No. 51 4-34
 Input 2_Level PID setting 1 Setup Setting Mode Setting group No. 52 4-35
 Input 2_Level PID setting 2 Setup Setting Mode Setting group No. 52 4-35
 Input 2_Level PID setting 3 Setup Setting Mode Setting group No. 52 4-35
 Input 2_Level PID setting 4 Setup Setting Mode Setting group No. 52 4-36
 Input 2_Level PID setting 5 Setup Setting Mode Setting group No. 52 4-36
 Input 2_Level PID setting 6 Setup Setting Mode Setting group No. 52 4-36
 Input 2_Level PID setting 7 Setup Setting Mode Setting group No. 52 4-37

IMR03A05-E4 4-21
4.2 Parameters to Be Automatically Converted

 Example of automatic conversion

 If the position of a decimal point is changed, the decimal point is shifted according to the setting.
Example 1: When the Input 1_Input range high is set to 400.0 C, changing the decimal point position to 0
from 1 will change the Input 1_Input range high to 400 C.

Input 1_
Input range high

The value will be rounded off to a positive integer.
(400.5 °C is rounded off to 401 °C)
0400.0 00400

Example 2: When the Input 1_input range is 200.0 to +850.0 C (Input type: RTD Pt100), changing the
decimal point position to 2 from 1 will change the input range to 100.0 to 100.0 C.
Input 1_
Input range high

1.PGSH 1.PGSH In case of RTD Pt100, as the maximum measuring

range with decimal place of 2 is 100.0 to 100.0 C,
0850.0 100.00 this value will not be exceeded.
Input 1_
Input range low

-200.0 /00.00

 When the input range is changed, the setting limiter will be also changed according to the setting.
Example: Input 1_Input range is 0 to 1372 °C, Input 1_Setting limiter high is 800 °C. Changing the Input 1_
Input range high to 400 °C will change the Setting limiter high to 400 °C accordingly.

Input range low Input range high

Input range

Setting range

0 C 100 C 800 C 1372 C

Setting limiter low Setting limiter high

400 C
Input range Change

Setting range

0.0 C 100 C 400 C

Setting limiter low Setting limiter high

4-22 IMR03A05-E4
4.2 Parameters to Be Automatically Converted

4.2.1 When Input data type (INDT) is changed

[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 21]
The following parameters will be automatically converted.
Some parameters may have prerequisite for automatic conversion. (Refer to the prerequisite and P. 4-24)
Mode Items Symbol Condition
Monitor & SV Setting Mode Set value (SV) of differential temperature input 
Parameter group No. 00 Set value (SV) of differential temperature input dSV 
Event 1 set value (EV1)
Event 1 set value (EV1) [high] EV1 4

Event 1 set value (EV1’) [low] EV1` 4

Event 2 set value (EV2)
Event 2 set value (EV2) [high] EV2 4

Event 2 set value (EV2’) [low] EV2` 4

Parameter group No. 40
Event 3 set value (EV3)
Event 3 set value (EV3) [high] EV3 4

Event 3 set value (EV3’) [low] EV3` 4

Event 4 set value (EV4)
Event 4 set value (EV4) [high] EV4 4

Event 4 set value (EV4’) [low] EV4` 4

Input 1_Proportional band [heat-side] 1. P 1
Parameter Setting Mode Input 1_ON/OFF action differential gap (upper) 1. OHH 1
Parameter group No. 51
Input 1_ON/OFF action differential gap (lower) 1. OHL 1
Input 1_LBA deadband (LBD) 1. Lbd 
Input 2_Proportional band 2. P 1
Input 2_ON/OFF action differential gap (upper) 2. OHH 1
Parameter group No. 52
Input 2_ON/OFF action differential gap (lower) 2. OHL 1
Input 2_LBA deadband (LBD) 2. Lbd 
Input 1_Proportional band [cool-side] 1. Pc 1
Parameter group No. 56
Input 1_Overlap/Deadband 1. db 1
Input 1_Setting change rate limiter (up) 1.SVRU 
Input 1_Setting change rate limiter (down) 1.SVRd 
Parameter group No. 70
Input 2_Setting change rate limiter (up) 2.SVRU 
Input 2_Setting change rate limiter (down) 2.SVRd 
Setting group No. 53 Input 1_AT bias 1. A T b 
Setting group No. 54 Input 2_AT bias 2. A T b 
Input 1_Determination point of external disturbance 1.EXDJ 
Setting group No. 57
Input 2_Determination point of external disturbance 2.EXDJ 
Setup Setting Mode
Input 1_Peak hold monitor 1.PHLd 
Input 1_Bottom hold monitor 1.bHLd 
Setting group No. 91
Input 2_Peak hold monitor 2.PHLd 
Input 2_Bottom hold monitor 2.bHLd 
Input 1_Input error determination point (high) 1. P o V 
Function block No. 21
Input 1_Input error determination point (low) 1. P U N 
Input 2_Input error determination point (high) 2. P o V 
Engineering Mode Function block No. 22
Input 2_Input error determination point (low) 2. P U N 
Retransmission output 1 scale high AHS1 2
Function block No. 31
Retransmission output 1 scale low ALS1 2

IMR03A05-E4 4-23
4.2 Parameters to Be Automatically Converted

Mode Items Symbol Condition

Retransmission output 2 scale high AHS2 2
Function block No. 32
Retransmission output 2 scale low ALS2 2
Retransmission output 3 scale high AHS3 2
Function block No. 33
Retransmission output 3 scale low ALS3 2
Function block No. 41 Event 1 differential gap EH1 3
Function block No. 42 Event 2 differential gap EH2 3
Engineering Mode Function block No. 43 Event 3 differential gap EH3 3
Function block No. 44 Event 4 differential gap EH4 3
Input 1_Start determination point 1. P d A 
Function block No. 51
Input 1_Level PID differential gap 1. L H S 
Input 2_Start determination point 2. P d A 
Function block No. 52
Input 2_Level PID differential gap 2. L H S 
Function block No. 58 Input circuit error alarm set value ICA 
1: When Input type is Thermocouple/RTD input.
2: When Retransmission output is “Input 1_Deviation,” “Input 2_Deviation,” or Measured value (PV) of differential temperature
3: Event type is other than Manipulated output value
4: In any one of the following cases
・Event type is a deviation action
・Evet type is an input value action, AND Event assignment is “Differential temperature input.”
・Event type is a set value action, AND Event assignment is “Differential temperature input.”

4-24 IMR03A05-E4
4.2 Parameters to Be Automatically Converted

4.2.2 When Input 1_Decimal point position (1.P G D P ), Input 1_Input range
high (1.P G S H ) and Input 1_Input range low (1.P G S L ) are changed
[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 21]
The following parameters will be automatically converted.
Some parameters may have prerequisite for automatic conversion. (Refer to the prerequisite and P. 4-26)
Mode Items Symbol Condition
Input 1_Set value (SV) 
Monitor & SV Setting Mode
Set value (SV) of differential temperature input 
Input 1_Set value (SV) 1. SV 
Parameter group No. 00
Set value (SV) of differential temperature input dSV 
Event 1 set value (EV1)
Event 1 set value (EV1) [high] EV1 3

Event 1 set value (EV1’) [low] EV1` 3

Event 2 set value (EV2)
Event 2 set value (EV2) [high] EV2 3

Event 2 set value (EV2’) [low] EV2` 3

Parameter group No. 40
Event 3 set value (EV3)
Event 3 set value (EV3) [high] EV3 3

Event 3 set value (EV3’) [low] EV3` 3

Parameter Setting Mode Event 4 set value (EV4)
Event 4 set value (EV4) [high] EV4 3

Event 4 set value (EV4’) [low] EV4` 3

Input 1_Proportional band [heat-side] 1. P 2
Input 1_ON/OFF action differential gap (upper) 1. OHH 2
Parameter group No. 51
Input 1_ON/OFF action differential gap (lower) 1. OHL 2
Input 1_LBA deadband (LBD) 1. Lbd 
Input 1_Proportional band [cool-side] 1. Pc 2
Parameter group No. 56
Input 1_Overlap/Deadband 1. db 2
Input 1_Setting change rate limiter (up) 1.SVRU 
Parameter group No. 70
Input 1_Setting change rate limiter (down) 1 .SVRd 
Setting group No. 21 Input 1_PV bias 1. Pb 
Setting group No. 22 Input 2_PV bias (RS bias) * 2. Pb 1
Input 1_Level PID setting 1 1.LEV1 
Input 1_Level PID setting 2 1.LEV2 
Input 1_Level PID setting 3 1.LEV3 
Setting group No. 51 Input 1_Level PID setting 4 1.LEV4 
Input 1_Level PID setting 5 1.LEV5 
Setup Setting Mode Input 1_Level PID setting 6 1.LEV6 
Input 1_Level PID setting 7 1.LEV7 
Setting group No. 53 Input 1_AT bias 1. A T b 
Setting group No. 57 Input 1_Determination point of external disturbance 1.EXDJ 
Cascade_Proportional band (master-side) MAS.P 2
Setting group No. 58
PV select transfer level 2PV.LV 
Input 1_Peak hold monitor 1.PHLd 
Setting group No. 91
Input 1_Bottom hold monitor 1.bHLd 
Input 1_Input range high * 1.P G S H 
Engineering Mode Function block No. 21
Input 1_Input range high * 1.P G S L 
* Only if the Input 1_Decimal point position has been changed. (Not applicable to high and low limit of Input 1)

IMR03A05-E4 4-25
4.2 Parameters to Be Automatically Converted

Mode Items Symbol Condition

Input 1_Input error determination point (high) 1. P o V 
Function block No. 21
Input 1_Input error determination point (low) 1. P U N 
Input 2_Input range high * 2.P G S H 1
Function block No. 22
Input 2_Input range high * 2.P G S L 1
Retransmission output 1 scale high AHS1 4
Function block No. 31
Retransmission output 1 scale low ALS1 4
Retransmission output 2 scale high AHS2 4
Function block No. 32
Retransmission output 2 scale low ALS2 4
Retransmission output 3 scale high AHS3 4
Function block No. 33
Engineering Mode Retransmission output 3 scale low ALS3 4
Function block No. 41 Event 1 differential gap EH1 3
Function block No. 42 Event 2 differential gap EH2 3
Function block No. 43 Event 3 differential gap EH3 3
Function block No. 44 Event 4 differential gap EH4 3

Function block No. 51

Input 1_Start determination point 1. P d A 
Input 1_Level PID differential gap 1. L H S 
Function block No. 58 Input circuit error alarm set value ICA 
Input 1_Setting limiter high 1. S L H 
Function block No. 71
Input 1_Setting limiter low 1. S L L 
* Only if the Input 1_Decimal point position has been changed. (Not applicable to high and low limit of Input 1)

1: “Select function for input 2” is Remote setting input AND Input 2_Input type is either voltage output or current output.
2: When Input 1_Input type is Thermocouple/RTD input.
3: The condition is either of the following.
・Event type is other than Manipulated output value AND “Select function for input 2” is set to “Control with PV select.”
・Event type is other than Manipulated output value AND Event assignment is either “Input 1” or “Differential temperature input.”
4: Retransmission output is “No retransmission output,” “Input 1_Measured value (PV),” “Input 1_Set value (SV),”
“Input 1_Deviation,” “Input 1_Remote setting input value,” OR Measured value (PV) of differential temperature input.

4-26 IMR03A05-E4
4.2 Parameters to Be Automatically Converted

4.2.3 When Input 1_Setting limiter high/low (1. SLH, 1. SLL) is changed
[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 71]
The following parameters will be automatically converted.
Mode Items Symbol
Monitor & SV Setting Mode Input 1_Set value (SV)
Parameter Setting Mode Parameter group No. 00 Input 1_Set value (SV) 1. SV

4.2.4 When Input 1_Output limiter high/low [heat-side] (1. OLH, 1. OLL) is
changed [Parameter Setting Mode: Parameter group No. 51]
The following parameters will be automatically converted.
Mode Items Symbol
Setup Setting Mode Setting group No. 51 Input 1_Manual manipulated output value 1. M.M V

4.2.5 When Input 1_Output limiter high/low [cool-side] (1.oLHc, 1.oLLc) is

changed [Parameter Setting Mode: Parameter group No. 56]
The following parameters will be automatically converted.
If the control action is set to “Heat/Cool PID control,” the data of the following parameter will be
automatically converted.
Mode Items Symbol
Setup Setting Mode Setting group No. 51 Input 1_Manual manipulated output value 1. M.M V

IMR03A05-E4 4-27
4.2 Parameters to Be Automatically Converted

4.2.6 When Input 2_Decimal point position (2.P G D P ) is changed

[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 22]
The following parameters will be automatically converted.
Some parameters may have prerequisite for automatic conversion. (Refer to the prerequisite and P. 4-29)
Mode Items Symbol Condition
Monitor & SV Setting Mode Input 2_Set value (SV) 
Parameter group No. 00 Input 2_Set value (SV) 2. SV 
Event 1 set value (EV1)
Event 1 set value (EV1) [high] EV1 3

Event 1 set value (EV1’) [low] EV1` 3

Event 2 set value (EV2)
Event 2 set value (EV2) [high] EV2 3

Event 2 set value (EV2’) [low] EV2` 3

Parameter group No. 40
Event 3 set value (EV3)
Event 3 set value (EV3) [high] EV3 3

Parameter Setting Mode

Event 3 set value (EV3’) [low] EV3` 3
Event 4 set value (EV4)
Event 4 set value (EV4) [high] EV4 3

Event 4 set value (EV4’) [low] EV4` 3

Input 2_Proportional band 2. P 2

Parameter group No. 52

Input 2_ON/OFF action differential gap (upper) 2. OHH 2
Input 2_ON/OFF action differential gap (lower) 2. OHL 2
Input 2_LBA deadband (LBD) 2. Lbd 
Input 2_Setting change rate limiter (up) 2.SVRU 
Parameter group No. 70
Input 2_Setting change rate limiter (down) 2.SVRd 
Input 2_PV bias
Setting group No. 22
(RS bias) 2. Pb 1

Input 2_Level PID setting 1 2.LEV1 

Input 2_Level PID setting 2 2.LEV2 
Input 2_Level PID setting 3 2.LEV3 
Setting group No. 52 Input 2_Level PID setting 4 2.LEV4 
Input 2_Level PID setting 5 2.LEV5 
Input 2_Level PID setting 6 2.LEV6 
Setup Setting Mode
Input 2_Level PID setting 7 2.LEV7 
Setting group No. 54 Input 2_AT bias 2. A T b 
Setting group No. 57 Input 2_Determination point of external disturbance 2.EXDJ 
Cascade_Proportional band (master-side) SLV.P 2
Setting group No. 58 Cascade_Scale high C.SCH 
Cascade_Scale low C.SCL 
Input 2_Peak hold monitor 2.PHLd 
Setting group No. 91
Input 2_Bottom hold monitor 2.bHLd 
Input 2_Input range high 2.P G S H 1
Input 2_Input range low 2.P G S L 1
Function block No. 22
Input 2_Input error determination point (high) 2. P o V 
Input 2_Input error determination point (low) 2. P U N 
Engineering Mode
Retransmission output 1 scale high AHS1 4
Function block No. 31
Retransmission output 1 scale low ALS1 4
Retransmission output 2 scale high AHS2 4
Function block No. 32
Retransmission output 2 scale low ALS2 4

4-28 IMR03A05-E4
4.2 Parameters to Be Automatically Converted

Mode Items Symbol Condition

Retransmission output 3 scale high AHS3 4
Function block No. 33
Retransmission output 3 scale low ALS3 4
Function block No. 41 Event 1 differential gap EH1 3
Function block No. 42 Event 2 differential gap EH2 3
Function block No. 43 Event 3 differential gap EH3 3
Engineering Mode Function block No. 44 Event 4 differential gap EH4 3

Input 2_Start determination point 2. P d A 

Function block No. 52
Input 2_Level PID differential gap 2. L H S 
Input 2_Setting limiter high 2. S L H 
Function block No. 72
Input 2_Setting limiter low 2. S L L 
1: “Select function for input 2” is Remote setting input.
2: When Input 1_Input type is Thermocouple/RTD input.
3: If Event type is other than manipulated output AND “Select function for input 2” is other than “Control with PV select,” AND
Event assignment is “Input 2.”
4: Retransmission output is “Input 2_Measured value (PV),” “Input 2_Set value (SV),” or “Input 2_Deviation.”

IMR03A05-E4 4-29
4.2 Parameters to Be Automatically Converted

4.2.7 When Input 2_Setting limiter high/low (2.P G S H , 2.P G S L ) is changed

[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 22]
The following parameters will be automatically converted.
Some parameters may have prerequisite for automatic conversion. (Refer to the prerequisite and P. 4-31)
Mode Items Symbol Condition
Monitor & SV Setting Mode Input 2_Set value (SV) 
Input 1_Set value (SV) 1. SV 1
Parameter group No. 00
Input 2_Set value (SV) 2. SV 
Event 1 set value (EV1)
Event 1 set value (EV1) [high] EV1 5

Event 1 set value (EV1’) [low] EV1` 5

Event 2 set value (EV2)
Event 2 set value (EV2) [high] EV2 5

Event 2 set value (EV2’) [low] EV2` 5

Parameter group No. 40
Event 3 set value (EV3)
Event 3 set value (EV3) [high] EV3 5

Event 3 set value (EV3’) [low] EV3` 5

Event 4 set value (EV4)
Event 4 set value (EV4) [high] EV4 5

Event 4 set value (EV4’) [low] EV4` 5

Parameter Setting Mode

Input 1_Proportional band [heat-side] 1. P 3
Input 1_ON/OFF action differential gap (upper) 1. OHH 3
Parameter group No. 51
Input 1_ON/OFF action differential gap (lower) 1. OHL 3
Input 1_LBA deadband (LBD) 1. Lbd 1
Input 2_Proportional band 2. P 2

Parameter group No. 52

Input 2_ON/OFF action differential gap (upper) 2. OHH 2
Input 2_ON/OFF action differential gap (lower) 2. OHL 2
Input 2_LBA deadband (LBD) 2. Lbd 
Input 1_Proportional band [cool-side] 1. Pc 3
Parameter group No. 56
Input 1_Overlap/Deadband 1. db 3
Input 1_Setting change rate limiter (up) 1.SVRU 1
Input 1_Setting change rate limiter (down) 1.SVRd 1
Parameter group No. 70
Input 2_Setting change rate limiter (up) 2.SVRU 
Input 2_Setting change rate limiter (down) 2.SVRd 
Input 2_PV bias
Setting group No. 22
(RS bias) 2. Pb 4

Input 1_Level PID setting 1 1.LEV1 1

Input 1_Level PID setting 2 1.LEV2 1
Input 1_Level PID setting 3 1.LEV3 1
Setting group No. 51 Input 1_Level PID setting 4 1.LEV4 1
Input 1_Level PID setting 5 1.LEV5 1
Input 1_Level PID setting 6 1.LEV6 1
Setup Setting Mode
Input 1_Level PID setting 7 1.LEV7 1
Input 2_Level PID setting 1 2.LEV1 
Input 2_Level PID setting 2 2.LEV2 
Input 2_Level PID setting 3 2.LEV3 
Setting group No. 52 Input 2_Level PID setting 4 2.LEV4 
Input 2_Level PID setting 5 2.LEV5 
Input 2_Level PID setting 6 2.LEV6 
Input 2_Level PID setting 7 2.LEV7 

4-30 IMR03A05-E4
4.2 Parameters to Be Automatically Converted

Mode Items Symbol Condition

Setting group No. 53 Input 1_AT bias 1. A T b 1
Setting group No. 54 Input 2_AT bias 2. A T b 
Input 1_Determination point of external disturbance 1.EXDJ 1
Setting group No. 57
Input 2_Determination point of external disturbance 2.EXDJ 
Setup Setting Mode Cascade_Proportional band (slave-side) SLV.P 2
Setting group No. 58 Cascade_Scale high C.SCH 
Cascade_Scale low C.SCL 
Input 2_Peak hold monitor 2.PHLd 
Setting group No. 91
Input 2_Bottom hold monitor 2.bHLd 
Input 2_Input error determination point (high) 2. P o V 
Function block No. 22
Input 2_Input error determination point (low) 2. P U N 
Retransmission output 1 scale high AHS1 6
Function block No. 31
Retransmission output 1 scale low ALS1 6
Retransmission output 2 scale high AHS2 6
Function block No. 32
Retransmission output 2 scale low ALS2 6
Retransmission output 3 scale high AHS3 6
Function block No. 33
Retransmission output 3 scale low ALS3 6
Function block No. 41 Event 1 differential gap EH1 5
Function block No. 42 Event 2 differential gap EH2 5
Engineering Mode
Function block No. 43 Event 3 differential gap EH3 5
Function block No. 44 Event 4 differential gap EH4 5
Input 1_Start determination point 1. P d A 1
Function block No. 51
Input 1_Level PID differential gap 1.L P I D 1
Input 2_Start determination point 2. P d A 
Function block No. 52
Input 2_Level PID differential gap 2. L H S 
Input 1_Setting limiter high 1. S L H 1
Function block No. 71
Input 1_Setting limiter low 1. S L L 1
Input 2_Setting limiter high 2. S L H 
Function block No. 72
Input 2_Setting limiter low 2. S L L 
1: If “Select function for input 2” is “Control with PV select.”
2: When Input type is Thermocouple/RTD input.
3: “Select function for input 2” is “Control with PV select” AND Input 2_Input type is Thermocouple/RTD input.
4: “Select function for input 2” is other than Remote setting input
5: If Event type is other than manipulated output AND “Select function for input 2” is other than “Control with PV select,” AND
Event assignment is “Input 2.”
6: The condition is either of the following.
・ Retransmission output is “Input 2_Measured value (PV),” “Input 2_Set value (SV),” or “Input 2_Deviation.”
・ When “Select function for Input 2” is “Control with PV select,” the Retransmission output will be as follows.
“No retransmission output,” “Input 1_Measured value (PV),” “Input 1_Set value (SV),” “Input 1_Deviation,”
“Input 1_Remote setting input value,” OR Measured value (PV) of differential temperature input.

IMR03A05-E4 4-31
4.2 Parameters to Be Automatically Converted

4.2.8 When Input 2_Setting limiter high/low (2. SLH, 2. SLL) is changed
[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 72]
The following parameters will be automatically converted.
Mode Items Symbol
Monitor & SV Setting Mode Input 2_Set value (SV)
Parameter Setting Mode Parameter group No. 00 Input 2_Set value (SV) 2. SV
Cascade_Scale high C.SCH
Setup Setting Mode Setting group No. 58
Cascade_Scale low C.SCL

4.2.9 When Input 2_Output limiter high/low (2. OLH, 2. OLL) is changed
[Parameter Setting Mode: Parameter group No. 52]
The following parameters will be automatically converted.
Mode Items Symbol
Setup Setting Mode Setting group No. 52 Input 2_Manual manipulated output value 2. M.M V

4.2.10 When Memory area transfer (AREA) is changed [Monitor & SV

Setting Mode (FZ110), Memory Area Transfer Mode (FZ400/900)]
The following parameters will be automatically converted.
Mode Items Symbol

Setup Setting Mode

Setting group No. 51 Input 1_Manual manipulated output value 1. M.M V
Setting group No. 52 Input 2_Manual manipulated output value 2. M.M V

4.2.11 When Input 1_Level PID setting 1 (1.LEV1) is changed

[Setup Setting Mode: Setting group No. 51]
The following parameters will be automatically converted.
Mode Items Symbol
Input 1_Level PID setting 2 1.LEV2
Input 1_Level PID setting 3 1.LEV3
Input 1_Level PID setting 4 1.LEV4
Setup Setting Mode Setting group No. 51
Input 1_Level PID setting 5 1.LEV5
Input 1_Level PID setting 6 1.LEV6
Input 1_Level PID setting 7 1.LEV7

4-32 IMR03A05-E4
4.2 Parameters to Be Automatically Converted

4.2.12 When Input 1_Level PID setting 2 (1.LEV2) is changed

[Setup Setting Mode: Setting group No. 51]
The following parameters will be automatically converted.
Mode Items Symbol
Input 1_Level PID setting 1 1.LEV1
Input 1_Level PID setting 3 1.LEV3
Input 1_Level PID setting 4 1.LEV4
Setup Setting Mode Setting group No. 51
Input 1_Level PID setting 5 1.LEV5
Input 1_Level PID setting 6 1.LEV6
Input 1_Level PID setting 7 1.LEV7

4.2.13 When Input 1_Level PID setting 3 (1.LEV3) is changed

[Setup Setting Mode: Setting group No. 51]
The following parameters will be automatically converted.
Mode Items Symbol
Input 1_Level PID setting 1 1.LEV1
Input 1_Level PID setting 2 1.LEV2
Input 1_Level PID setting 4 1.LEV4
Setup Setting Mode Setting group No. 51
Input 1_Level PID setting 5 1.LEV5
Input 1_Level PID setting 6 1.LEV6
Input 1_Level PID setting 7 1.LEV7

4.2.14 When Input 1_Level PID setting 4 (1.LEV4) is changed

[Setup Setting Mode: Setting group No. 51]
The following parameters will be automatically converted.
Mode Items Symbol
Input 1_Level PID setting 1 1.LEV1
Input 1_Level PID setting 2 1.LEV2
Input 1_Level PID setting 3 1.LEV3
Setup Setting Mode Setting group No. 51
Input 1_Level PID setting 5 1.LEV5
Input 1_Level PID setting 6 1.LEV6
Input 1_Level PID setting 7 1.LEV7

IMR03A05-E4 4-33
4.2 Parameters to Be Automatically Converted

4.2.15 When Input 1_Level PID setting 5 (1.LEV5) is changed

[Setup Setting Mode: Setting group No. 51]
The following parameters will be automatically converted.
Mode Items Symbol
Input 1_Level PID setting 1 1.LEV1
Input 1_Level PID setting 2 1.LEV2
Input 1_Level PID setting 3 1.LEV3
Setup Setting Mode Setting group No. 51
Input 1_Level PID setting 4 1.LEV4
Input 1_Level PID setting 6 1.LEV6
Input 1_Level PID setting 7 1.LEV7

4.2.16 When Input 1_Level PID setting 6 (1.LEV6) is changed

[Setup Setting Mode: Setting group No. 51]
The following parameters will be automatically converted.
Mode Items Symbol
Input 1_Level PID setting 1 1.LEV1
Input 1_Level PID setting 2 1.LEV2
Input 1_Level PID setting 3 1.LEV3
Setup Setting Mode Setting group No. 51
Input 1_Level PID setting 4 1.LEV4
Input 1_Level PID setting 5 1.LEV5
Input 1_Level PID setting 7 1.LEV7

4.2.17 When Input 1_Level PID setting 7 (1.LEV7) is changed

[Setup Setting Mode: Setting group No. 51]
The following parameters will be automatically converted.
Mode Items Symbol
Input 1_Level PID setting 1 1.LEV1
Input 1_Level PID setting 2 1.LEV2
Input 1_Level PID setting 3 1.LEV3
Setup Setting Mode Setting group No. 51
Input 1_Level PID setting 4 1.LEV4
Input 1_Level PID setting 5 1.LEV5
Input 1_Level PID setting 6 1.LEV6

4-34 IMR03A05-E4
4.2 Parameters to Be Automatically Converted

4.2.18 When Input 2_Level PID setting 1 (2.LEV1) is changed

[Setup Setting Mode: Setting group No. 52]
The following parameters will be automatically converted.
Mode Items Symbol
Input 2_Level PID setting 2 2.LEV2
Input 2_Level PID setting 3 2.LEV3
Input 2_Level PID setting 4 2.LEV4
Setup Setting Mode Setting group No. 52
Input 2_Level PID setting 5 2.LEV5
Input 2_Level PID setting 6 2.LEV6
Input 2_Level PID setting 7 2.LEV7

4.2.19 When Input 2_Level PID setting 2 (2.LEV2) is changed

[Setup Setting Mode: Setting group No. 52]
The following parameters will be automatically converted.
Mode Items Symbol
Input 2_Level PID setting 1 2.LEV1
Input 2_Level PID setting 3 2.LEV3
Input 2_Level PID setting 4 2.LEV4
Setup Setting Mode Setting group No. 52
Input 2_Level PID setting 5 2.LEV5
Input 2_Level PID setting 6 2.LEV6
Input 2_Level PID setting 7 2.LEV7

4.2.20 When Input 2_Level PID setting 3 (2.LEV3) is changed

[Setup Setting Mode: Setting group No. 52]
The following parameters will be automatically converted.
Mode Items Symbol
Input 2_Level PID setting 1 2.LEV1
Input 2_Level PID setting 2 2.LEV2
Input 2_Level PID setting 4 2.LEV4
Setup Setting Mode Setting group No. 52
Input 2_Level PID setting 5 2.LEV5
Input 2_Level PID setting 6 2.LEV6
Input 2_Level PID setting 7 2.LEV7

IMR03A05-E4 4-35
4.2 Parameters to Be Automatically Converted

4.2.21 When Input 2_Level PID setting 4 (2.LEV4) is changed

[Setup Setting Mode: Setting group No. 52]
The following parameters will be automatically converted.
Mode Items Symbol
Input 2_Level PID setting 1 2.LEV1
Input 2_Level PID setting 2 2.LEV2
Input 2_Level PID setting 3 2.LEV3
Setup Setting Mode Setting group No. 52
Input 2_Level PID setting 5 2.LEV5
Input 2_Level PID setting 6 2.LEV6
Input 2_Level PID setting 7 2.LEV7

4.2.22 When Input 2_Level PID setting 5 (2.LEV5) is changed

[Setup Setting Mode: Setting group No. 52]
The following parameters will be automatically converted.
Mode Items Symbol
Input 2_Level PID setting 1 2.LEV1
Input 2_Level PID setting 2 2.LEV2
Input 2_Level PID setting 3 2.LEV3
Setup Setting Mode Setting group No. 52
Input 2_Level PID setting 4 2.LEV4
Input 2_Level PID setting 6 2.LEV6
Input 2_Level PID setting 7 2.LEV7

4.2.23 When Input 2_Level PID setting 6 (2.LEV6) is changed

[Setup Setting Mode: Setting group No. 52]
The following parameters will be automatically converted.
Mode Items Symbol
Input 2_Level PID setting 1 2.LEV1
Input 2_Level PID setting 2 2.LEV2
Input 2_Level PID setting 3 2.LEV3
Setup Setting Mode Setting group No. 52
Input 2_Level PID setting 4 2.LEV4
Input 2_Level PID setting 5 2.LEV5
Input 2_Level PID setting 7 2.LEV7

4-36 IMR03A05-E4
4.2 Parameters to Be Automatically Converted

4.2.24 When Input 2_Level PID setting 7 (2.LEV7) is changed

[Setup Setting Mode: Setting group No. 52]
The following parameters will be automatically converted.
Mode Items Symbol
Input 2_Level PID setting 1 2.LEV1
Input 2_Level PID setting 2 2.LEV2
Input 2_Level PID setting 3 2.LEV3
Setup Setting Mode Setting group No. 52
Input 2_Level PID setting 4 2.LEV4
Input 2_Level PID setting 5 2.LEV5
Input 2_Level PID setting 6 2.LEV6

IMR03A05-E4 4-37

4-38 IMR03A05-E4

This chapter describes input related functions, setting contents and setting
procedure based on the key words related to inputs.

5.1 Changing Input ............................................................................... 5-2

5.2 Switching Functions Using Digital Inputs (DI) ............................... 5-16
5.3 Correcting Input ............................................................................ 5-28
5.4 Preventing the Input Flicker .......................................................... 5-31
5.5 Inverting the Input ......................................................................... 5-33
5.6 Extracting Square Root of Input .................................................... 5-35
5.7 Changing Error Handling at Input Error ........................................ 5-39
5.8 Using Dual Input Function ............................................................ 5-48

IMR03A05-E4 5-1

5.1 Changing Input

Measured input can be changed at following parameters. Set the input according to the sensor and the
 Input type
 Dispaly unit
 Decimal point position
 Input range high/Input range low
 Input data type

 Description of function
Input type
Input type can be easily configured to thermocouple, RTD, current or voltage only by changing the settings.
 TC input type: K, J, R, S, B, E, N, T, W5Re/W26Re, PL II, U, L, PR40-20
 RTD input type: Pt100, JPt100
 Current input type: 0 to 20 mA DC, 4 to 20 mA DC
 Voltage input type: 0 to 10 V DC, 0 to 5 V DC, 1 to 5 V DC, 0 to 1 V DC, 10 to 10 V DC, 5 to 5 V DC,
0 to 100 mV DC, 0 to 10 mV DC

Display unit
In case of thermocouple or RTD input, the measurement unit can be selected from C and °F.

Decimal point position

The decimal point position depends on the input type.
 TC input: K, J, R, S, B, E, N, T, PL II, U, L: No decimal place or One decimal place
Thermocouples other than those shown above: No decimal place (fixed)
 RTD input: No decimal place, One decimal place or Two decimal places
 Voltage/Current input: In case of Input data type 0: No decimal place, One decimal place, Two decimal places,
Three decimal places or Four decimal places
In case of Input data type 1: No decimal place, One decimal place, Two decimal places or
Three decimal places

For the Input data type, refer to Input range table (P. 5-11).

Input range high/low

In the case of temperature input (TC and RTD), input ranges can be changed. In the case of voltage (V) and
current (I) inputs, the display range is programmable within 19999 and 99999.
(The input range specified when ordered can be changed by setting the input range high and low.)

Example of input change 1:

Changing thermocouple K “200.0 to 1372.0 C” to “0.0 to 400.0 C”
Minimum value of Maximum value of
Input range Input range
200.0 C +1372.0 C
Measured range
Input span
1572.0 C

Input span
400.0 C

Input range low Input range high

0.0 C 400.0 C

5-2 IMR03A05-E4

Example of input change 2:

When the input range is 200.0 to 850.0 °C (Input type: RTD Pt100), changing the decimal point position to 2
from 1 will change the input range to 100.00 to +100.00 °C.
The maximum range with an RTD Pt100 input with two decimal places is 100.00 to 100.00 °C.
Accordingly setting beyond this range is not possible.

Minimum value of Maximum value of

Input range Input range
200.0 C +850.0 C
Measuring range with one decimal place.

Input span
1050.0 C

Measuring range with

two decimal places.
Input span
200.00 C

Minimum value of Maximum value of

Input range Input range
100.00 C +100.00 C

Example of input change 3:

In the case of Voltage input (1 to 5 V DC), the input range has been reduced from “0.0 to 100.0” to “0.0 to

Voltage input: 1 V Voltage input: 5 V

Input range low Input range high

0.0 100.0

Input range low Input range high

0.0 50.0

Input data type

The number of digits of the Measured value (PV), the number of data digits in RKC communication, the data
type in Modbus communication (double word or single word) can be changed.

IMR03A05-E4 5-3

 Parameter setting
Refer to the Input range table (P. 5-11) for the input range of each input type.
For the input range code, refer to Input range code table (P. 5-13).

 Input 1_Input type

[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 21 (Fn21)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

1. INP 0: TC input K
1: TC input J
15: Current input 0 to 20 mA DC
16: Current input 4 to 20 mA DC
Same as the input type of the
input range code specified at
the time of order.
2: TC input R 17: Voltage input 0 to 10 V DC
3: TC input S 18: Voltage input 0 to 5 V DC
4: TC input B 19: Voltage input 1 to 5 V DC
5: TC input E 20: Voltage input 0 to 1 V DC
6: TC input N 21: Voltage input 10 to 10 V DC
7: TC input T 22: Voltage input 5 to 5 V DC
8: TC input W5Re/W26Re 23: Voltage input 0 to 100 mV DC
9: TC input PL II 24: Voltage input 0 to 10 mV DC
10: TC input U
11: TC input L
12: TC input PR40-20
13: RTD input Pt100
14: RTD input JPt100

When the input type is changed from current or high voltage input * to TC, RTD or low
voltage input *, remove the wirings of the measured input before attempting the input change.
Changing the input type with the signal applied to the instrument may lead to a failure of the
* High voltage input: 0 to 10 V DC, 0 to 5 V DC, 1to 5 V DC, 0 to 1 V DC, 10 to 10 V DC, 5 to 5 V DC
Low voltage input: 0 to 100 mV DC, 0 to 10 mV DC


CHANGED (P. 4-1)” for the parameters that are initialized or changed when the input type is

5-4 IMR03A05-E4

 Input 2_Input type

[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 22 (Fn22)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

2. INP 0: TC input K
1: TC input J
15: Current input 0 to 20 mA DC
16: Current input 4 to 20 mA DC
Same as Input 1_Input type

When Remote setting input is

2: TC input R 17: Voltage input 0 to 10 V DC
3: TC input S 18: Voltage input 0 to 5 V DC specified at the time of order,
19: Voltage input 1 to 5 V DC but the input type is not
4: TC input B
specified: 17
5: TC input E 20: Voltage input 0 to 1 V DC
6: TC input N 21: Voltage input 10 to 10 V DC
7: TC input T 22: Voltage input 5 to 5 V DC
8: TC input W5Re/W26Re 23: Voltage input 0 to 100 mV DC
9: TC input PL II 24: Voltage input 0 to 10 mV DC
10: TC input U
11: TC input L
12: TC input PR40-20
13: RTD input Pt100
14: RTD input JPt100
 When Measured input 2 is selected for FZ400/900: 0 to 24
 When Remote setting input is selected for FZ400/900: 15 to 24
 When Remote setting input is selected for FZ110: 15 to 22

When the input type is changed from current or high voltage input * to TC, RTD or low
voltage input *, remove the wirings of the measured input before attempting the input change.
Changing the input type with the signal applied to the instrument may lead to a failure of the
* High voltage input: 0 to 10 V DC, 0 to 5 V DC, 1to 5 V DC, 0 to 1 V DC, 10 to 10 V DC, 5 to 5 V DC
Low voltage input: 0 to 100 mV DC, 0 to 10 mV DC

To display Input 2_Input type, “Measured input 2” or “Remote setting input” must be specified
on FZ400/900 at the time of order. For FZ110, Remote setting input must be specified at the time
of order.
Input 2_Input type is not displayed if “No function” is selected at Select function for input 2 in
Function block No. 58 in the Engineering mode.
CHANGED (P. 4-1)” for the parameters that are initialized or changed when the input type is

IMR03A05-E4 5-5

 Input 1_Display unit

[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 21 (Fn21)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

1.UNIT 0: C
1: F
Same as the display unit of the
input range code specified at
the time of order.

To show “Input 1_Display unit,” thermocouple or RTD must be selected at Input 1_Input type in
Function block No. 21 in the Engineering mode.
CHANGED (P. 4-1)” for the parameters that are initialized or changed when the display unit is

 Input 2_ Display unit

[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 22 (Fn22)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

2.UNIT 0: C
1: F
Same as Input 1_Temperature

To show “Input 2_Display unit,” “Measured input 2” must be specified at the time of order and
thermocouple or RTD must be selected at “Input 2_Input type” in Function block No. 22 in the
Engineering mode.
Input 2_Input type is not displayed if “No function” is selected at Select function for input 2 in
Function block No. 58 in the Engineering mode. The setting cannot be changed if Remote setting
input and Control with PV select are set.
CHANGED (P. 4-1)” for the parameters that are initialized or changed when the display unit is

5-6 IMR03A05-E4

 Input 1_Decimal point position

[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 21 (Fn21)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

1.PGdP 0:
No decimal place
One decimal place
Same as the decimal point
position of the input range code
specified at the time of order.
2: Two decimal places
3: Three decimal places For V/I inputs: 1
4: Four decimal places

TC input: W5Re/W26Re, PR40-20: 0 (fixed)

Thermocouples other than those shown above: 0 to 1
RTD input: 0 to 2
Voltage (V)/Current (I) input:
In case of Input data type 0: 0 to 4
In case of Input data type 1: 0 to 3
When Control with PV select:
Decimal point position setting of Input 1 and Input 2 is compared
and the smaller will be used.


CHANGED (P. 4-1)” for the parameters that are initialized or automatically converted when the
decimal point position is changed.

 Input 2_Decimal point position

[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 22 (Fn22)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

2.PGdP 0:
No decimal place
One decimal place
Same as Input 1_ Decimal point
2: Two decimal places
3: Three decimal places
4: Four decimal places

TC input: W5Re/W26Re, PR40-20: 0 (fixed)

Thermocouples other than those shown above: 0 to 1
RTD input: 0 to 2
Voltage (V)/Current (I) input:
In case of Input data type 0: 0 to 4
In case of Input data type 1: 0 to 3

To show the “Input 2_Decimal point position,” “Measured input 2” must be specified at the time
of order.
Input 2_Input type is not displayed if “No function” is selected at Select function for input 2 in
Function block No. 58 in the Engineering mode. The setting cannot be changed if Remote setting
input and Control with PV select are set.
When Control with PV select is set in “Select function for input 2” in Function block No. 58 in the
Engineering mode, a smaller value (of Decimal point position setting for Input 1 and Input 2) will
be used.
CHANGED (P. 4-1)” for the parameters that are initialized or automatically converted when the
decimal point position is changed.

IMR03A05-E4 5-7

 Input 1_Input range high

[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 21 (Fn21)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

1.PGSH (Input 1_Input range low  1 digit) to Input 1_Maximum value of input range
[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]
High limit value of the input
range code specified at the time
of order.
For V/I inputs: 100.0
Refer to the Input range table (P. 5-11) for the input range of each input type.


CHANGED (P. 4-1)” for the parameters that are automatically converted when the Input range
high is changed.

 Input 2_Input range high

[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 22 (Fn22)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

2.PGSH  TC/RTD inputs and Voltage (V)/Current (I) inputs

(For other than Remote setting input):
Same as Input 1_Input range high

(Input 2_Input range low  1 digit) to Input 2_Maximum value of input range
[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]

 Voltage (V)/Current (I) inputs (For Remote setting input):

(Input 2_Input range low  1 digit) to Input 1_Maximum value of input range
[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]

Refer to the Input range table (P. 5-11) for the input range of each input type.

To display Input 2_Input range high, “Measured input 2” or “Remote setting input” must be
specified on FZ400/900 at the time of order. For FZ110, Remote setting input must be specified at
the time of order.
CHANGED (P. 4-1)” for the parameters that are automatically converted when the Input range
high is changed.

5-8 IMR03A05-E4

 Input 1_Input range low

[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 21 (Fn21)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

1.PGSL Input 1_Minimum value of input range to (Input 1_Input range high  1 digit)
[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]
Low limit value of the input range
code specified at the time of order.
For V/I inputs: 0.0
Refer to the Input range table (P. 5-11) for the input range of each input type.


CHANGED (P. 4-1)” for the parameters that are automatically converted when the Input range
low is changed.

 Input 2_Input range low

[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 22 (Fn22)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

2.PGSL  TC/RTD inputs and Voltage (V)/Current (I) inputs

(For other than Remote setting input):
Same as Input 1_Input range low

Input 2_Minimum value of input range to (Input 2_Input range high  1 digit)
[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]

 Voltage (V)/Current (I) inputs (For Remote setting input):

Input 1_Minimum value of input range to (Input 2_Input range high  1 digit)
[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]

Refer to the Input range table (P. 5-11) for the input range of each input type.

To display Input 2_Input range low, “Measured input 2” or “Remote setting input” must be
specified on FZ400/900 at the time of order. For FZ110, Remote setting input must be specified at
the time of order.
CHANGED (P. 4-1)” for the parameters that are automatically converted when the Input range
low is changed.

IMR03A05-E4 5-9

 Input data type

[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 21 (Fn21)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

INDT 0: Number of measured value digits: 5

Number of RKC communication digits: 7
Conforms to Input range code
to specified at the time of
Modbus: Double word
PLC communication: Double word
(System data: Single word)
1: Number of measured value digits: 4
Number of RKC communication digits: 6 *
Modbus: Single word **
PLC communication: Single word
* Set “2” to handle the data of REX-D and its equivalent models in RKC
** The data of the FB series and its equivalent are included.

When changing the Input data type from 0 to 1 (or 2) and when the present
Input range has 5 digits (example: Input range high: 1372.0), you need to
configure the Input range to have 4 digits beforehand.
The unit of time depends on the Input data type.
In case of Input data type 0
FZ400/900: hour/minute/second, hour/minute, minute/second
FZ110: hour/minute, minute/second
In case of Input data type 1
hour/minute, minute/second


CHANGED (P. 4-1)” for the parameters that are automatically converted when the Input data type
is changed.

5-10 IMR03A05-E4

 Input range table

The input range may vary with the Input data type.
The Input data types are as follows.
 Measured value (PV): 5 or 4 digits for the display
 RKC communication: 7 or 6 digits for the data
 Modbus: Double word or single word
 PLC communication: Double word or single word
The Input data type can be changed at “Input data type” in Function block No. 21 in the
Engineering mode.
The input resolution may vary with the selected input range, unit, and decimal point position.

 TC input
In case of Input data type 0 In case of Input data type 1
Number of measured value digits: 5 Number of measured value digits: 4
Decimal point Number of RKC communication digits: 7 Number of RKC communication digits: 6
Input type Modbus: Double word Modbus: Single word
PLC communication: Double word PLC communication: Single word
C F C F
200 to 400 C 328 to 752 F 200 to 400 C 328 to 752 F
No decimal place
200 to 1372 C 328 to 2502 F 200 to 1372 C 328 to 2502 F
200.0 to 400.0 C 328.0 to 752.0 F 199.9 to 400.0 C 199.9 to 752.0 F
One decimal place
200.0 to 1372.0 C 328.0 to 2502.0 F 199.9 to 999.9 C 199.9 to 999.9 F
200 to 400 C 328 to 752 F 200 to 400 C 328 to 752 F
No decimal place
200 to 1200 C 328 to 2192 F 200 to 1200 C 328 to 2192 F
200.0 to 400.0 C 328.0 to 752.0 F 199.9 to 400.0 C 199.9 to 752.0 F
One decimal place
200.0 to 1200.0 C 328.0 to 2192.0 F 199.9 to 999.9 C 199.9 to 999.9 F
No decimal place 200 to 400 C 328 to 752 F 200 to 400 C 328 to 752 F
One decimal place 200.0 to 400.0 C 328.0 to 752.0 F 199.9 to 400.0 C 199.9 to 752.0 F
No decimal place 50 to 1768 C 58 to 3214 F 50 to 1768 C 58 to 3214 F
One decimal place 50.0 to 1768.0 C 58.0 to 3214.0 F 50.0 to 999.9 C 58.0 to 999.9 F
No decimal place 50 to 1768 C 58 to 3214 F 50 to 1768 C 58 to 3214 F
One decimal place 50.0 to 1768.0 C 58.0 to 3214.0 F 50.0 to 999.9 C 58.0 to 999.9 F
No decimal place 200 to 1000 C 328 to 1832 F 200 to 1000 C 328 to 1832 F
One decimal place 200.0 to 1000.0 C 328.0 to 1832.0 F 199.9 to 999.9 C 199.9 to 999.9 F
No decimal place 0 to 1800 C 0 to 3272 F 0 to 1800 C 0 to 3272 F
One decimal place 0.0 to 1800.0 C 0.0 to 3272.0 F 0.0 to 999.9 C 0.0 to 999.9 F
No decimal place 0 to 1300 C 0 to 2372 F 0 to 1300 C 0 to 2372 F
One decimal place 0.0 to 1300.0 C 0.0 to 2372.0 F 0.0 to 999.9 C 0.0 to 999.9 F
W5Re/W26Re No decimal place 0 to 2300 C 0 to 4200 F 0 to 2300 C 0 to 4200 F
No decimal place 0 to 1390 C 0 to 2534 F 0 to 1390 C 0 to 2534 F
One decimal place 0.0 to 1390.0 C 0.0 to 2534.0 F 0.0 to 999.9 C 0.0 to 999.9 F
No decimal place 200 to 600 C 328 to 1112 F 200 to 600 C 328 to 1112 F
One decimal place 200.0 to 600.0 C 328.0 to 1112.0 F 199.9 to 600.0 C 199.9 to 999.9 F
No decimal place 0 to 900 C 0 to 1652 F 0 to 900 C 0 to 1652 F
One decimal place 0.0 to 900.0 C 0.0 to 1652.0 F 0.0 to 900.0 C 0.0 to 999.9 F
PR40-20 No decimal place 0 to 1800 C 0 to 3200 F 0 to 1800 C 0 to 3200 F
* The least significant digit (LSD) may flicker when the display resolution is set to 0.1°C (0.1°F).

If there is no decimal point, there is no difference in the input range by Input data type.
Thermcouple inputs K, J, T, S, R, E, B, N, PL II, U, and L are settable to one decimal place.

IMR03A05-E4 5-11

 RTD input
In case of Input data type 0 In case of Input data type 1
Number of measured value digits: 5 Number of measured value digits: 4
Decimal point Number of RKC communication digits: 7 Number of RKC communication digits: 6
Input type Modbus: Double word Modbus: Single word
PLC communication: Double word PLC communication: Single word
C F C F
200 to 850 C 328 to 1562 F 200 to 850 C 328 to 1562 F
No decimal place 100 to 100 C 148 to 212 F 100 to 100 C 148 to 212 F
0 to 50 C 32 to 122 F 0 to 50 C 32 to 122 F
200.0 to 850.0 C 328.0 to 1562.0 F 199.9 to 850.0 C 199.9 to 999.9 F
One decimal place 100.0 to 100.0 C 148.0 to 212.0 F 100.0 to 100.0 C 148.0 to 212.0 F
0.0 to 50.0 C 32.0 to 122.0 F 0.0 to 50.0 C 32.0 to 122.0 F
100.00 to 100.00 C 148.00 to 212.00 F 19.99 to 99.99 C 19.99 to 99.99 F
Two decimal places
0.00 to 50.00 C 32.00 to 122.00 F 0.00 to 50.00 C 32.00 to 99.99 F
200 to 649 C 328 to 1184 F 200 to 649 C 328 to 1184 F
No decimal place 100 to 100 C 148 to 212 F 100 to 100 C 148 to 212 F
0 to 50 C 32 to 122 F 0 to 50 C 32 to 122 F
200.0 to 649.0 C 328.0 to 1184.0 F 199.9 to 649.0 C 199.9 to 999.9 F
One decimal place 100.0 to 100.0 C 148.0 to 212.0 F 100.0 to 100.0 C 148.0 to 212.0 F
0.0 to 50.0 C 32.0 to 122.0 F 0.0 to 50.0 C 32.0 to 122.0 F
100.00 to 100.00 C 148.00 to 212.00 F 19.99 to 99.99 C 19.99 to 99.99 F
Two decimal places
0.00 to 50.00 C 32.00 to 122.00 F 0.00 to 50.00 C 32.00 to 99.99 F

If there is no decimal point, there is no difference in the input range by Input data type.

 Voltage/Current input
In case of Input data type 0 In case of Input data type 1
Decimal point Number of measured value digits: 5 Number of measured value digits: 4
Input type Number of RKC communication digits: 7 Number of RKC communication digits: 6
Modbus: Double word Modbus: Single word
PLC communication: Double word PLC communication: Single word
No decimal place 19999 to 99999 1999 to 9999
One decimal place 1999.9 to 9999.9 199.9 to 999.9
Voltage/Current Two decimal places 199.99 to 999.99 19.99 to 99.99
Three decimal places 19.999 to 99.999 1.999 to 9.999
Four decimal places 1.9999 to 9.9999

5-12 IMR03A05-E4

Input range code table (can be specified when ordering)

The Input range code table is a list of input range codes so that a user can specify the input range at
the time of ordering. Even if the input range has been specified when ordered, the input range can
be changed later within the measured range.

 TC Input
Type Code Range See Note Type Code Range See Note
K K01 0 to 200 C 4 T T01 199.9 to 400.0 C 4
K02 0 to 400 C 4 T02 199.9 to 100.0 C 4
K03 0 to 600 C 4 T03 100.0 to 200.0 C 4
K04 0 to 800 C 4 T19 200.0 to 400.0 C 5
K06 0 to 1200 C 4 R R01 0 to 1600 C 4
K07 0 to 1372 C 4 R07 50 to 1768 C 4
K08 199.9 to 300.0 C 4 R08 50.0 to 1768.0 C 5
K09 0.0 to 400.0 C 4 R09 0.0 to 1600.0 C 5
K10 0.0 to 800.0 C 4 S S06 50 to 1768 C 4
K14 0 to 300 C 4 S07 50.0 to 1768.0 C 5
K41 200 to 1372 C 4 B B03 0 to 1800 C 4
K42 200.0 to 1372.0 C 5 B04 0.0 to 1800.0 C 5
KA1 0 to 800 F 4 E E01 0 to 800 C 4
KA2 0 to 1600 F 4 E23 0.0 to 800.0 C 4
KA3 0 to 2502 F 4 N N02 0 to 1300 C 4
J J01 0 to 200 C 4 N05 0.0 to 1300.0 C 5
J02 0 to 400 C 4 W5Re/
W03 0 to 2300 C 4
J03 0 to 600 C 4 W26Re
J04 0 to 800 C 4 PL II A01 0 to 1300 C 4
J08 0.0 to 400.0 C 4 A05 0.0 to 1300.0 C 5
J29 200.0 to 1200.0 C 5 U U01 199.9 to 600.0 C 4
JA1 0 to 800 F 4 L L04 0.0 to 900.0 C 4
JA3 0 to 2192 F 4 PR40-20 F02 0 to 1800 C 5
JA6 0 to 400 F 4 FA2 0 to 3200 F 5

 RTD input
Type Code Range See Note Type Code Range See Note
Pt100 D01 199.9 to 649.0 C 4 Pt100 D21 200.0 to 200.0 C 5
D04 100.0 to 100.0 C 4 D27 0.00 to 50.00 C 4
D05 100.0 to 200.0 C 4 D34 100.00 to 100.00 C 5
D06 0.0 to 50.0 C 4 D35 200.0 to 850.0 C 5
D07 0.0 to 100.0 C 4 DA1 199.9 to 999.9 F 4
D08 0.0 to 200.0 C 4 DA9 0.0 to 500.0 F 4
D09 0.0 to 300.0 C 4 JPt100 P08 0.0 to 200.0 C 4
D10 0.0 to 500.0 C 4 P29 100.00 to 100.00 C 5
D12 199.9 to 600.0 C 4 P30 200.0 to 640.0 C 5

 Voltage/Current input
Type Code Range See Note Type Code Range See Note
Voltage/ 101 0 to 10 mV DC 5 Voltage/ 601 1 to 5 V DC 5
Current 201 0 to 100 mV DC 5 Current 701 0 to 20 mA DC 5
301 0 to 1 V DC 5 801 4 to 20 mA DC 5
401 0 to 5 V DC 5 904 10 to 10 V DC 5
501 0 to 10 V DC 5 905 5 to 5 V DC 5

Note The number of displayed digits of the measured value.

In case of RKC communication, if the displayed data is 4 digits, it is handled as 6-digit data. If the displayed data is 5 digits, it is
handled as 7-digit data. In case of Modbus communication, the 4-digit display is handled as a “single word” and the 5-digit
display is handled as a “double word”.

IMR03A05-E4 5-13

 Setting procedure
To enter the Engineering mode

Setting lock mode

Monitor & SV setting mode Set data unlock/lock
PV/SV monitor transfer

028.0 (4 seconds *)
* Press the key until
000.0 0on 0oFF Parameter setting mode
is displayed.
Lock state Unlock state Keep pressing without
releasing your finger from
the key to enter the
Operation transfer mode Setting lock mode.
RUN/STOP transfer

00R/S 00R/S
(2 seconds) (2 seconds)


Engineering mode
Function block No. 10 Function block No. 21 Input 1_
[Display] [Input 1] Input 1_Input type Input 1_Display unit Decimal point position

Fn100 Twice Fn210 1. INP 1.UNIT 1.PGdP

00DSP 1. InP 00000 00000 00001
Set input type Set temperature unit Set Decimal point

Input 1_ Input 1_
In the case of Several In the case of Input range low Input range high

two inputs times two inputs

In the case of
one input
0000.0 0400.0
Set Input range low Set Input range high

Setting End

 Next parameter is displayed.

 Press and MODE keys simultaneously to return to the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor.
(For FZ400/900, the MONI key may be pressed to return to the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor)
 Select RUN on the RUN/STOP transfer.
 Select lock on the Set data unlock/lock transfer.

Continued on the next page.

5-14 IMR03A05-E4

Continued from the previous page.

Function block Input 2_

No. 22 [Input 2] Input 2_Input type Input 2_Display unit Decimal point position

Fn220 2. INP 2.UNIT 2.PGdP

2. InP 00000 00000 00001
Set input type Set temperature unit Set Decimal point

Input 2_ Input 2_
Input range low Input range high

0000.0 0400.0
Set Input range low Set Input range high
Setting End

 Next parameter is displayed.

 Press and MODE keys simultaneously to return to the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor.
(For FZ400/900, the MONI key may be pressed to return to the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor)
 Select RUN on the RUN/STOP transfer.
 Select lock on the Set data unlock/lock transfer.

IMR03A05-E4 5-15

5.2 Switching Functions Using Digital Inputs (DI)

With the use of Digital input (DI), switching between the following functions is available.
 RUN/STOP transfer
 Auto/Manual transfer
 Select function for input 2 transfer * (Remote/Local transfer, Cascade mode transfer, PV select transfer
or 2-loop control/Differential temperature control)
* For FZ400/900, the function selected at Select function for Input 2 is switchable.
For FZ110, switching between remote and local only is available.
 Interlock release
 Peak/Bottom holds release
 Selection of Autotuning (AT)
 Set data Unlock/Lock
 Direct/Reverse action
 Memory area

 Number of Digital input (DI)

FZ400/900: Maximum 6 points (None, 4, or 6)
FZ110: Maximum 3 points (None, 4, or 6)

 Functional setting of Digital input (DI)

Set the desired function at each Digital input (DI).
Setting DI1 DI2 DI3 DI4 DI5 DI6
0 No function No function No function No function No function No function
2 AUTO/MAN (1/2) AUTO/MAN (1/2) AUTO/MAN (1/2) AUTO/MAN (1/2) AUTO/MAN (1/2) AUTO/MAN (1/2)
6 Interlock release Interlock release Interlock release Interlock release Interlock release Interlock release
7 Hold reset (1/2) Hold reset (1/2) Hold reset (1/2) Hold reset (1/2) Hold reset (1/2) Hold reset (1/2)
8 Hold reset (1) Hold reset (1) Hold reset (1) Hold reset (1) Hold reset (1) Hold reset (1)
9 Hold reset (2) Hold reset (2) Hold reset (2) Hold reset (2) Hold reset (2) Hold reset (2)
10 AT ON/OFF (1/2) AT ON/OFF (1/2) AT ON/OFF (1/2) AT ON/OFF (1/2) AT ON/OFF (1/2) AT ON/OFF (1/2)
11 AT ON/OFF (1) AT ON/OFF (1) AT ON/OFF (1) AT ON/OFF (1) AT ON/OFF (1) AT ON/OFF (1)
12 AT ON/OFF (2) AT ON/OFF (2) AT ON/OFF (2) AT ON/OFF (2) AT ON/OFF (2) AT ON/OFF (2)
13 Unlock/Lock Unlock/Lock Unlock/Lock Unlock/Lock Unlock/Lock Unlock/Lock
14 Direct/Reverse action Direct/Reverse action Direct/Reverse action Direct/Reverse action Direct/Reverse action Direct/Reverse action
15 2 areas
16 8 areas without SET
17 8 areas with SET
18 16 areas without SET
19 16 areas with SET
20 Area jump
: The Setting range of DI2 to DI6 is from 0 to 14. Values 15 or larger cannot be set.
: When any of 16, 17, 18, and 19 is set for DI1, DI2 to DI5 (which are crossed out with ) are used for
switching the Memory area and not settable.
Continued on the next page.

5-16 IMR03A05-E4

Continued from the previous page.

[Explanation of functional setting]

AUTO/MAN (1/2): Auto/Manual transfer (Common to Input 1/Input 2)
AUTO/MAN (1): Auto/Manual transfer (Input 1 only)
AUTO/MAN (2): Auto/Manual transfer (Input 2 only) 1
REM/LOC: Remote/Local transfer *
(Cascade mode transfer, PV select transfer,
2-loop control/Differential temperature control)
* For FZ400/900, the function selected at Select function for input 2 is switchable.
For FZ110, switching between remote and local only is available.
Interlock release: Release of Interlock
Hold reset (1/2): Release of Peak or Bottom hold value (Common to Input 1/Input 2)
Hold reset (1): Release of Peak or Bottom hold value (Input 1 only)
Hold reset (2): Release of Peak or Bottom hold value (Input 2 only) 1
AT ON/OFF (1/2): Autotuning (AT) ON/OFF (Common to Input 1/Input 2)
AT ON/OFF (1): Autotuning (AT) ON/OFF (Input 1 only)
AT ON/OFF (2): Autotuning (AT) ON/OFF (Input 2 only) 1
Unlock/Lock: Set data unlock/lock
Direct/Reverse action: Switching between direct and reverse actions (Common to Input 1/Input 2) 2
2 areas: Memory area transfer 2 points (without area set signal)
8 areas without SET: Memory area transfer 8 points (without area set signal) 3
DI2 and DI3 are not settable in this setting.
8 areas with SET: Memory area transfer 8 points (with area set signal) 4
DI2, DI3 and DI4 are not settable in this setting.
16 areas without SET: Memory area transfer 16 points (without area set signal) 4
DI2, DI3 and DI4 are not settable in this setting.
16 areas with SET: Memory area transfer 16 points (with area set signal) 5
DI2, DI3, DI4 and DI5 are not settable in this setting.
Area jump: Move to the linked area No.
(If area is not specified, the jump destination is the current area No.  1)

Effective if two inputs are available (FZ400/900 only)
Effective if setting of control action of Input 1 or Input 2 is any of 0, 1, 5, and 6.
Effective if three or more Digital inputs (DI) are available
Effective if four or more Digital inputs (DI) are available (FZ400/900 only)
Effective if six or more Digital inputs (DI) are available (FZ400/900 only)

IMR03A05-E4 5-17

 Open/Close action of Digital Input (DI)

● RUN/STOP transfer, Auto/Manual transfer, Remote/Local transfer, Set data
unlock/lock transfer and Direct/Reverse action transfer
Functions are selected as follows using the open/close action of the contact.
Function Contact close Contact open
Auto/Manual transfer Auto mode Manual mode
Remote/Local transfer Remoto mode Local mode
PV select transfer 2 Input 2 Input 1
2-loop control/Differential Differential
2-loop control 1
Only one of the functions is available
Remote/Local temperature control temperature control
(Remote/Local only for FZ110)
transfer 1 Cascade mode transfer
Cascade control Slave single control 2
When [1: Switch by signal] is selected
(Slave single)
at Selection of PV select trigger (in
Cascade mode transfer Master single Function block No. 58 in the
Cascade control
(Master single) control Engineering mode)
Set data unlock/lock transfer Lock UnlocK
Direct/Reverse action transfer Direct action Reverse action

Switching between Direct/Reverse action is available, only while the instrument is at STOP.
Switching is not available during RUN. Setting the contact at RUN beforehand will perform
switching when the instrument enters the STOP mode.
If “Input 1_Control action” or “Input 2_Control action” is set to “0: Brilliant II PID control
(direct action)” or “1: Brilliant II PID control (reverse action),” PID action is switched between
reverse and direction actions. In the case of “5: Brilliant II Position proportioning PID control
(reverse action)” or “6: Brilliant II Position proportioning PID control (direct action),” Position
proportioning PID action is switched between reverse and direction actions.
The above open/close action can be reversed (reversing the functions of open and close).
This setting can be done in DI logic invert (Function block No. 23 in the Engineering mode).

Timing chart of functions

: Within 200 ms

Contact closed 

Contact open 


Auto/Manual Manual Auto Manual Auto Manual
Remoto/Local Local Remoto Local Remoto Local
PV select transfer Input 1 Input 2 Input 1 Input 2 Input 1
2-loop/Differential 2-loop Differential Differential 2-loop
2-loop control
temperature control temperature control temperature control control
Slave/Master Slave/Master Slave/Master
Cascade Cascade Cascade
single single single
Unlock/lock Unlock Lock Unlock Lock Unlock
Direct/Reverse Reverse Reverse Reverse
Direct action Direct action
action action action action

After the contact is transferred, it takes “Within 200 ms” until the action of this
instrument is actually selected.

5-18 IMR03A05-E4

● Interlock release, Peak/Bottom hold release

Through the detection of close edge (rising edge), Interlock state and Peak (or Bottom) hold values are

Timing chart for releasing interlock, peak and bottom hold

Close edge
Within 200 ms

Contact closed 

Contact open 

Interlock Interlock state Interlock release

Peak/Bottom hold Peak/Bottom hold state Peak/Bottom hold release

After the contact is transferred, it takes “Within 200 ms” until the action of this
instrument is actually selected.

● Autotuning (AT) ON/OFF

Through the detection of the close edge, Autotuning (AT) ON/OFF is switched.
If Input 1 and Input 2 are common, priority is given to the AT start. (Refer to the table below)
Status before AT on/off switching Status after AT on/off switching
Input 1 Input 2 Input 1 Input 2
in PID control in PID control AT start AT start
during AT in PID control AT continues AT start
in PID control during AT AT start AT continues
during AT during AT PID control PID control

ON/OFF timing chart of Autotuning (AT)

Close edge
Within 200 ms Within 200 ms

Contact closed 

Contact open 

Autotuning OFF ON OFF

After the contact is transferred, it takes “Within 200 ms” until the action of this
instrument is actually selected.

IMR03A05-E4 5-19

● Memory area transfer

Selection of Memory area No. can be obtained through such contact status as shown below.
Memory area No. DI1 DI2 DI3 DI4
1     : Open
2     : Closed
3    
4    
5    
6    
7    
8    
9    
10    
11    
12    
13    
14    
15    
16    
: Areas used by DI for 2 areas.
: Areas used by DI for 8 areas.
: Areas used by DI for 16 areas.

Memory area transfer timing

 With SET signal ·· First, change the contact status to a desired No. referring to the above table, and use a
Close edge (Rising edge) of the area SET signal.
The area SET signal contact is: DI4 for 8 memory areas and DI5 for 16 memory areas.
Close edge
Within 200 ms

Contact closed 

Contact open 

Memory area Memory area No. A Memory area No. B

Memory area transfer

After the contact is transferred, it takes “Within 200 ms” until the action of this
instrument is actually selected.

 Without SET signal ·· First select the memory area using contacts, then wait for 0.5 to 5.0 seconds (set in
“Area switching time (without area set signal)” [Engineering mode, Function block
No. 23]).

To change the Memory area without using the SET signal, “External mode” must be set at
Control area Local/External transfer in the Operation transfer mode.

5-20 IMR03A05-E4

● Area jump
The memory area will be switched to the area set in the “Link area number” in the Parameter setting mode
after the Close edge or Open edge has been detected. If the “Link area number” is not specified, the area
number (which is the current number * + 1) will be selected.

* In case the “Link area number” is not specified and the current control area No. is 16, the area will not be changed.

Example: If the current control area is “Memory area No. 1” and the “Link area number” (set in area No. 1)
is “No. 5,” the memory area will be changed to No. 5 from No. 1 after the Area jump.

Control area Control area

Memory area No. 1 Memory area No. 5
Area jump

Link area number

No. 5

To do the Area jump

“Digital input 1 (DI1) Close edge” or “Digital input 1 (DI1) Open edge,” or both of these must be
selected at Select Trigger type for Memory area transfer in the Parameter setting mode.

Timing chart of Area jump

Area jump

Within 200 ms
[Close edge]
Contact closed 

Contact open 

Within 200 ms
[Open edge]
Contact closed 

Contact open 

Memory area Memory area No. A Memory area No. B

After the contact is transferred, it takes “Within 200 ms” until the action of this
instrument is actually selected.

If “Event 1 to 4” are selected at the Select Trigger type for Memory area transfer in the Parameter
setting mode of the memory area, the area jump will be conducted in case the preset event happens.

IMR03A05-E4 5-21

 Relation between Digital Input (DI) and Setting via front keys (or through
● RUN/STOP transfer
Setting via front keys or Setting via
Instrument status
through communication Digital Input (DI)
RUN STOP Priority to STOP

● Auto/Manual transfer
Setting via front keys or Setting via
Instrument status
through communication Digital Input (DI)
Auto mode Auto mode
Auto mode
Manual mode
Auto mode Manual mode Priority to manual mode
Manual mode
Manual mode

● Remote/Local transfer
Remote/Local transfer
Setting via front keys or Setting via
Instrument status
through communication Digital Input (DI)
Remoto mode Remoto mode
Remoto mode
Local mode
Remoto mode Local mode Priority to Local mode
Local mode
Local mode

PV select transfer
Setting via front keys or Setting via
Instrument status
through communication Digital Input (DI)
Input 2 Input 2
Input 2
Input 1
Input 2 Input 1 Priority to Input 1
Input 1
Input 1

2-loop control/Differential temperature control transfer

Setting via front keys or Setting via
Instrument status
through communication Digital Input (DI)
Differential temperature Differential temperature
Differential temperature
control control
2-loop control
Differential temperature
2-loop control Priority to 2-loop control
2-loop control control
2-loop control

Cascade mode transfer (Slave/Master single control)

Setting via front keys or Setting via
Instrument status
through communication Digital Input (DI)
Cascade control Cascade control
Cascade control
Slave/Master single control
Priority to
Cascade control Slave/Master single control
Slave/Master single control Slave/Master single control
Slave/Master single control

5-22 IMR03A05-E4

● Set data unlock/lock transfer

Setting via front keys or Setting via
Instrument status
through communication Digital Input (DI)
Unlock state Unlock state
Unlock state
Lock state
Priority is given to
Unlock state Lock state
Lock state lock status
Lock state

Functions like “Interlock release,” “Peak hold/Bottom hold release,” “Autotuning on/off,”
“Memory area transfer (with SET signal),” and “Area jump” basically conform to the operation via
front keys, through communication, or via digital inputs.

 Parameter setting
 DI1 function selection
[Engineering mode: Function block No. 23 (Fn23)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

DISL1 0:
No function
RUN/STOP transfer
Based on Model code

2: Auto/Manual transfer (Common to Input 1 and 2)

3: Input 1_Auto/Manual transfer
4: Input 2_Auto/Manual transfer 1
5: Remote/Local transfer 2
(Cascade mode transfer, PV select transfer,
2-loop control/Differential temperature control)
6: Interlock release
7: Hold reset (Common to Input 1 and 2)
8: Input 1_Hold reset
9: Input 2_Hold reset 1
10: Autotuning (AT) (Common to Input 1 and 2)
11: Input 1_Autotuning (AT)
12: Input 2_Autotuning (AT) 1
13: Set data unlock/lock transfer
14: Direct/Reverse action transfer
15: Memory area transfer (2 points, without area set signal)
16: Memory area transfer (8 points, without area set signal) 3
17: Memory area transfer (8 points, with area set signal) 4
18: Memory area transfer (16 points, without area set signal) 4
19: Memory area transfer (16 points, with area set signal) 5
20: Area jump
1 Effective if two inputs are available (FZ400/900 only)
2 For FZ400/900, the function selected at Select function for input 2 is switchable.
For FZ110, switching between remote and local is only available.
3 Effective if three or more Digital inputs (DI) are available
4 Effective if four or more Digital inputs (DI) are available (FZ400/900 only)
5 Effective if six or more Digital inputs (DI) are available (FZ400/900 only)

To display “DI1 function selection,” Digital input must be specified at the time of order.

IMR03A05-E4 5-23

 DI2 function selection

[Engineering mode: Function block No. 23 (Fn23)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

DISL2 0:
No function
RUN/STOP transfer
Based on Model code

2: Auto/Manual transfer (Common to Input 1 and 2)

3: Input 1_Auto/Manual transfer
4: Input 2_Auto/Manual transfer 1
5: Remote/Local transfer 2
(Cascade mode transfer, PV select transfer,
2-loop control/Differential temperature control)
6: Interlock release
7: Hold reset (Common to Input 1 and 2)
8: Input 1_Hold reset
9: Input 2_Hold reset 1
10: Autotuning (AT) (Common to Input 1 and 2)
11: Input 1_Autotuning (AT)
12: Input 2_Autotuning (AT) 1
13: Set data unlock/lock transfer
14: Direct/Reverse action transfer
1 Effective if two inputs are available (FZ400/900 only)
2 For FZ400/900, the function selected at Select function for input 2 is switchable.
For FZ110, switching between remote and local is only available.

To display “DI2 function selection,” Digital input must be specified at the time of order.
For FZ110: Displayed when three Digital inputs (DI) are supplied.

 DI3 function selection

[Engineering mode: Function block No. 23 (Fn23)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

DISL3 Same as DI2 function selection Based on Model code

To display “DI3 function selection,” Digital input must be specified at the time of order.
For FZ110: Displayed when three Digital inputs (DI) are supplied.

 DI4 function selection

[Engineering mode: Function block No. 23 (Fn23)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

DISL4 Same as DI2 function selection Based on Model code

To display “DI4 function selection,” Digital input must be specified at the time of order.
(FZ400/900 only)

5-24 IMR03A05-E4

 DI5 function selection

[Engineering mode: Function block No. 23 (Fn23)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

DISL5 Same as DI2 function selection Based on Model code

To display “DI5 Function selection,” Digital inputs (6 points) must be specified at the time of order.
(FZ400/900 only)

 DI6 function selection

[Engineering mode: Function block No. 23 (Fn23)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

DISL6 Same as DI2 function selection Based on Model code

To display “DI6 Function selection,” Digital inputs (6 points) must be specified at the time of order.
(FZ400/900 only)

 DI logic invert
[Engineering mode: Function block No. 23 (Fn23)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

DIINV 0 to 31
0: No logic invert

1: RUN/STOP transfer

2: Auto/Manual transfer
4: Remote/Local transfer *
(Cascade mode transfer, PV select transfer,
2-loop control/Differential temperature control)
8: Set data unlock/lock transfer
16: Direct/Reverse action transfer
To select two or more functions, sum each value.

* For FZ400/900, the function selected at Select function for input 2 is switchable.
For FZ110, switching between remote and local is only available.

To display “DI logic invert,” Digital input must be specified at the time of order.

 Area switching time (without area set signal)

[Engineering mode: Function block No. 23 (Fn23)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

DITIM 1 to 5 seconds 2

To display “Area switching time (without area set signal),” Digital input must be specified at the
time of order.
“Area switching time (without area set signal)” becomes valid when any one of 15, 16, and 18 is
set at “DI1 function selection”

IMR03A05-E4 5-25

 Control area Local/External transfer

[Operation Transfer Mode]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

L /E LOC: Local mode

EXT: External mode

To display “Control area Local/External transfer,” any one of 15, 16 and 18 must be set at “DI1
function selection.”
If “External mode” is set at “Control area Local/External transfer,” control area cannot be switched
via key operations.

5-26 IMR03A05-E4

 Setting procedure
To enter the Engineering mode

Setting lock mode

Monitor & SV setting mode Set data unlock/lock
PV/SV monitor transfer

28.0 (4 seconds *)
* Press the key until
000.0 0on 0oFF Parameter setting mode
is displayed.
Lock state Unlock state Keep pressing without
releasing your finger from
the key to enter the
Operation transfer mode Setting lock mode.
RUN/STOP transfer

00R/S 00R/S
(2 seconds) (2 seconds)


Engineering mode
Function block No. 10 Function block No. 23
[Display] [Digital input] DI1 function selection DI2 function selection DI3 function selection

Fn100 Several
times Fn230 DISL1 DISL2 dISL3
00DSP DI 00000 00000 00000
Set function of DI1 Set function of DI2 Set function of DI3

Area switching time

(without area set signal) DI logic invert DI6 function selection DI5 function selection DI4 function selection


00002 00000 00000 00000 00000
Set Area switching Set DI logic invert Set function of DI6 Set function of DI5 Set function of DI4

Setting End

 Next parameter is displayed.

 Press and MODE keys simultaneously to return to the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor.
(For FZ400/900, the MONI key may be pressed to return to the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor)
 Select RUN on the RUN/STOP transfer.
 Select lock on the Set data unlock/lock transfer.

IMR03A05-E4 5-27

5.3 Correcting Input

PV bias can be used for Input correction. The PV bias is used to compensate the individual variations of the
sensors or correct the difference between the Measured value (PV) of other instruments.

 Description of function
 PV bias
PV bias adds bias to the Measured value (PV).
Setting example of PV bias:
When measuring the same type of load by using different sensors, the Measured value (PV) will be
displayed differently based on the features of sensors:
FZ400 [A]: 200 C FZ400 [B]: 198 C
To correct the Measure value (PV) of FZ400 [B], add bias of 2 C by PV bias:
Displayed value  Measured value (PV)  PV bias  198 C  2 C  200 C
200 C 198 C
FZ400 FZ400
200 C
[A] [B] 198 C
PV after adding bias
Sensor A Sensor B PV bias
2 C
PV change
Load A Load B 2 C
0 C Time

 PV ratio
PV ratio is a multiplier to be applied to the Measured value (PV).
Setting example of PV ratio:
PV ratio can be used to display 200 °C by adding 2 °C when the actual Measured value (PV) is 198 °C
but the displayed value remains 0 °C when the actual PV is 0 °C. (The displayed value changes from 0 °C
to 2 °C by PV bias setting.)
Displayed value  Measured value (PV)  PV ratio  198 C  1.010  199.98 C

Error between PV and displayed value

is reduced.
PV ratio (1.010)
PV after using PV ratio

200 C
198 C

PV change

0 C Time

PV and the displayed value is matched at 0 C.

5-28 IMR03A05-E4

● When setting PV bias and PV ratio at the same time

When PV bias = 15 C and Temperature (PV  PV ratio [1.500])  PV bias
Measured value (PV) = 50 C 90 C
If PV ratio = 0.700
Displayed value = 50  0.700  15
= 50 C (PV  PV ratio [0.700])  PV bias
50 C
PV ratio = 1.500
Displayed value = 50  1.500  15 PV change
= 90 C 15 C
PV bias
0 C Time

 Parameter setting
● Input 1_PV bias
[Setup Setting Mode: Setting group No. 21 (Sn21)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

1. Pb  (Input 1_Input span) to  (Input 1_Input span)

When Control with PV select:

(PV select input span) to  ( PV select input span)

Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.

● Input 2_PV bias (RS bias)

[Setup Setting Mode: Setting group No. 22 (Sn22)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

2. Pb Input 2_PV bias

(Input 2_Input span) to (Input 2_Input span)

RS bias
(Input 1_Input span) to (Input 1_Input span)
Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.

To display Input 2_PV bias, “Measured input 2” or “Remote setting input” must be specified on
FZ400/900 at the time of order. For FZ110, Remote setting input must be specified at the time of
If Remote setting input is supplied, it is displayed as RS bias.
Input 2_Input type is not displayed if “No function” is selected at Select function for input 2 in
Function block No. 58 in the Engineering mode.

● Input 1_PV ratio

[Setup Setting Mode: Setting group No. 21 (Sn21)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

1. PR 0.500 to 1.500 1.000

IMR03A05-E4 5-29

● Input 2_PV ratio

[Setup Setting Mode: Setting group No. 22 (Sn22)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

2. PR Input 2_PV ratio

0.500 to 1.500

RS ratio
0.001 to 9.999

To display Input 2_PV ratio, “Measured input 2” or “Remote setting input” must be specified on
FZ400/900 at the time of order. For FZ110, Remote setting input must be specified at the time of
If Remote setting input is supplied, it is displayed as PV ratio.
Input 2_Input type is not displayed if “No function” is selected at Select function for input 2 in
Function block No. 58 in the Engineering mode.

 Setting procedure
Setup setting mode
Monitor & SV setting mode Setting group No. 10 Setting group No. 21
PV/SV monitor [Display] [Input 1] Input 1_PV bias

28.0 + MODE
Sn100 Sn210 1. Pb Twice

000.0 00DSP 1. InP 00000

Set PV bias

In the case of Input 1_PV ratio
two inputs In the case of
two inputs
1. PR
Setting End
In the case of one input
Set PV ratio
 Next parameter is displayed.
 Press and MODE keys simultaneously to return to
the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor.
(For FZ400/900, the MONI key may be pressed to return to
the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor)

Setting group No. 22

[Input 2] Input 2_PV bias Input 2_PV ratio

Sn220 2. Pb Twice 2. PR
2. InP 00000 01.000
Set PV bias Set PV ratio

Setting End

 Next parameter is displayed.

 Press and MODE keys simultaneously to return to
the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor.
(For FZ400/900, the MONI key may be pressed to return to
the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor)

5-30 IMR03A05-E4

5.4 Preventing the Input Flicker

To prevent the input flicker, PV digital filter with the first-order lag calculation is provided.

 Description of function
PV digital filter is software designed to reduce variance of PV caused by noise. Effect of Input noise can be
reduced by setting time constant of PV digital filter based on the controlled object requirement and its level
of noise. Setting a value too small leads to a poor result of PV digital filter; just as an input response will be
poor when setting a value too large.

Actual PV Pulse input by noise

Input amplitude
Filtered input

PV after setting
PV digital filter

 Parameter setting
● Input 1_PV digital filter
[Setup Setting Mode: Setting group No. 21 (Sn21)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

1. DF 0.0 to 100.0 seconds

0.0: Filter OFF

● Input 2_PV digital filter (RS digital filter)

[Setup Setting Mode: Setting group No. 22 (Sn22)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

2. DF 0.0 to 100.0 seconds

0.0: Filter OFF

To display Input 2_PV digital filter, “Measured input 2” or “Remote setting input” must be
specified on FZ400/900 at the time of order. For FZ110, Remote setting input must be specified at
the time of order.
If Remote setting input is supplied, it is displayed as RS digital filter.
Input 2_Input type is not displayed if “No function” is selected at Select function for input 2 in
Function block No. 58 in the Engineering mode.

IMR03A05-E4 5-31

 Setting procedure
Setup setting mode
Monitor & SV setting mode Setting group No. 10 Setting group No. 21
PV/SV monitor [Display] [Input 1] Input 1_PV digital filter

028.0 + MODE
Sn100 Sn210 Twice 1. DF
000.0 00DSP 1. InP 0000.0
Set PV digital filter

In the case of Several In the case of

two inputs times two inputs

In the case of
one input
Setting End

 Next parameter is displayed.

 Press and MODE keys simultaneously to return to
the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor.
(For FZ400/900, the MONI key may be pressed to return to
the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor)

Setting group No. 22

[Input 2] Input 2_PV digital filter

Sn220 Twice 2. dF Setting End

2. InP 0000.0  Next parameter is displayed.
Set PV digital filter
 Press and MODE keys simultaneously to return to
the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor.
(For FZ400/900, the MONI key may be pressed to return to
the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor)

5-32 IMR03A05-E4

5.5 Inverting the Input

If the instrument is a current/voltage input type, the proportional relation between the input current (voltage)
and the displayed value can be inverted.

 Description of function
Reverse setting (Input range high < Input range low) of Input range high and low is not available on the
instrument. However, with the Input invert function, the display relation to the input can be inverted.

Example: with/without invert function for voltage input 0 to 5 V

Displayed value
(Input range)

The left graph illustrates the signal when Input voltage is 5 V.
The displayed value without the Invert function is “10.”
The displayed value with the Invert function is “150.”


Input voltage [V]

Without invert 0 5

With invert 5 0

 Parameter setting
● Input 1_Inverting input
[Engineering mode: Function block No. 21 (Fn21)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

1. INV 0: Unused
1: Used

To show “Input 1_Inverting input,” current or voltage must be selected at Input 1_Input type in
Function block No. 21 in the Engineering mode.

● Input 2_Inverting input

[Engineering mode: Function block No. 22 (Fn22)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

2. INV 0: Unused
1: Used

To show “Input 2_Inverting input,” Measured input 2 must be specified at the time of order and
voltage or current must be specified at “Input 2_Input type” in Function block No. 22 in the
Engineering mode.
Not displayed if “Select function for input 2” is set in Function block No. 58 in the Engineering
mode to “No function” or “Remote setting input.”

IMR03A05-E4 5-33

 Setting procedure
To enter the Engineering mode

Monitor & SV setting mode Setting lock mode

PV/SV monitor Set data unlock/lock transfer

28.0 (4 seconds *)
* Press the key until
000.0 0on 0oFF Parameter setting mode
is displayed.
Lock state Unlock state Keep pressing without
releasing your finger from
the key to enter the
Operation transfer mode Setting lock mode.
RUN/STOP transfer

00R/S 00R/S
(2 seconds) (2 seconds)


Engineering mode
Function block Function block
No. 10 [Display] No. 21 [Input 1] Input 1_Inverting input

Fn100 Twice Fn210 Several times 1. INV

00DSP 1. InP 00000
Set Inverting input

In the case of two inputs

In the case of
two inputs In the case of one input
Setting End

 Next parameter is displayed.

 Press and MODE keys simultaneously to return to the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor.
(For FZ400/900, the MONI key may be pressed to return to the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor)
 Select RUN on the RUN/STOP transfer.
 Select lock on the Set data unlock/lock transfer.

Function block
No. 22 [Input 2] Input 2_Inverting input

Fn220 Several times 2. INV Setting End

2. InP 00000  Next parameter is displayed.
Set Inverting input
 Press and MODE keys simultaneously to return to
the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor.
(For FZ400/900, the MONI key may be pressed to return to
the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor)
 Select RUN on the RUN/STOP transfer.
 Select lock on the Set data unlock/lock transfer.

5-34 IMR03A05-E4

5.6 Extracting Square Root of Input

Square root extraction can control flow by sending the output signal directly from a differential pressure type
flow transmitter to instrument. By setting PV low input cut-off, Square root extraction will not be performed
for the Measured value below the set value of PV low input cut-off.

 Description of function
 Square root extraction
When using a differential pressure type flow transmitter, the Measured value (PV) is computed by Square
root extraction.
Equation: Measured value (PV) = √(Input value *)  PV ratio  PV bias
* Output from differential √ PV to be used for flow
pressure type flow PV low input cut-off
(Square root extraction) control and displayed

 PV low input cut-off

The result of square root extraction become “0” when the Measured value (PV) drops below the set value of
the PV low input cut-off. Output is not produced when the result of square root extraction is zero (0).
When input signal square root extraction is used for in flow control, etc., the Square root extraction result
varies widely at the Low measured value range. The Measured value less than the PV low input cut-off is
ignored to compute control output in order to prevent control disturbance caused by input variation at Low
measured value range.


100 %

70.7 %

50 %

When set value of the

PV low input cut-off is
0% 50 % 100 %

When set value of the PV low input cut-off is 15 %

 Parameter setting
● Input 1_Square root extraction
[Engineering mode: Function block No. 21 (Fn21)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

1. SQR 0: Unused
1: Used

To show “Input 1_Square root extraction,” current or voltage must be selected at Input 1_Input
type in Function block No. 21 in the Engineering mode.

IMR03A05-E4 5-35

● Input 2_Square root extraction

[Engineering mode: Function block No. 22 (Fn22)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

2. SQR 0: Unused
1: Used

To show “Input 2_Square root extraction,” Measured input 2 must be specified at the time of
order and voltage or current must be specified at “Input 2_Input type” in Function block No. 22
in the Engineering mode.
Not displayed if “Select function for input 2” is set in Function block No. 58 in the Engineering
mode to “No function” or “Remote setting input.”

● Input 1_PV low input cut-off

[Setup Setting Mode: Setting group No. 21 (Sn21)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

1. PLC 0.00 to 25.00 % of Input 1_Input span

(When Control with PV select: 0.00 to 25.00 % of PV select input span)

To display “Input 1_PV low input cut-off,” input type is Voltage/Current input, AND “Input
1_Square root extraction” in Function block No. 21 in the Engineering mode must be set to “Used.”

● Input 2_PV low input cut-off

[Setup Setting Mode: Setting group No. 22 (Sn22)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

2. PLC 0.00 to 25.00 % of Input 2_Input span 0.00

To display “Input 2_PV low input cut-off,” specify “Measured input 2” at the time of order, AND
input type is Voltage/Current input, AND “Input 2_Square root extraction” in Function block No. 22
in the Engineering mode must be set to “Used.”
Not displayed if “Select function for input 2” is set in Function block No. 58 in the Engineering
mode to “No function” or “Remote setting input.”

5-36 IMR03A05-E4

 Setting procedure
To enter the Engineering mode

Setting lock mode

Monitor & SV setting mode Set data unlock/lock
PV/SV monitor transfer

028.0 (4 seconds *)
* Press the key until
000.0 0on 0oFF Parameter setting mode
is displayed.
Lock state Unlock state Keep pressing without
releasing your finger from
the key to enter the
Operation transfer mode Setting lock mode.
RUN/STOP transfer

00R/S 00R/S
(2 seconds) (2 seconds)


Engineering mode
Function block Function block Input 1_
No. 10 [Display] No. 21 [Input 1] Square root extraction

Fn100 Fn210 1. SQR

In the case of one input
Twice Several times

00DSP 1. InP 00000 + MODE

In the case of Set Square root extraction

A Continued to A
two inputs
In the case of two inputs

Function block Input 2_

No. 22 [Input 2] Square root extraction

Fn220 Several times 2. SQR

2. InP 00000
Set Square root extraction

In the case of two inputs

Continued on the next page.

IMR03A05-E4 5-37

Continued from the previous page.


Setup setting mode

Monitor & SV setting mode Setting group No. 10 Setting group No. 21 Input 1_
PV/SV monitor [Display] [Input 1] PV low input cut-off

28.0 + MODE
Sn100 Sn210 4 times 1. PLC
00 STOP 00DSP 1. InP 000.00
Set PV low input cut-off

In the case of Several In the case of

times two inputs
two inputs

In the case of one input

Setting End

 Next parameter is displayed.

 Press and MODE keys simultaneously to return to the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor.
(For FZ400/900, the MONI key may be pressed to return to the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor)
 Select RUN on the RUN/STOP transfer.
 Select lock on the Set data unlock/lock transfer.

Setting group No. 22 Input 2_

[Input 2] PV low input cut-off

Sn220 Several
times 2. PLC Setting End
2. InP 000.00  Next parameter is displayed.
Set PV low input cut-off
 Press and MODE keys simultaneously to return to
the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor.
(For FZ400/900, the MONI key may be pressed to return to
the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor)
 Select RUN on the RUN/STOP transfer.
 Select lock on the Set data unlock/lock transfer.

5-38 IMR03A05-E4

5.7 Changing Error Handling at Input Error

The measures for input errors can be selected from Input burnout direction, Input error determination point,
Manipulated output value at Input error, PV flashing display at input error, and Input error status output.

 Description of function
If the measured value (PV) exceeds the Input error determination point (high or low), the action predefined
at “Action (high and low) input error” will be taken. Input error status signal can be output from OUT1 to
OUT3 and DO1 to DO4.

In manual mode and control stop mode, action and output will not be taken for input errors.

 Input error determination point is set within the input range

Input display range
(Setting range of Input error determination point)

Underscale Input range low Input range high Over-scale

uuuuu 5 % of Input range 5 % of ooooo
[Flashing] input span (Input span) input span [Flashing]
Measured value
(PV) display
Measured Measured
value (PV) value (PV)
[Flashing] 1 [Flashing] 1

Action area at input error Action area at input error

Input error Input error

determination point (low) determination point (high)

Manipulated output Manipulated output

at Input error Latest output
at Input error
 Auto mode (AUTO)
Manipulated Manipulated output value (MV)
output (MV) Choose either Choose either
obtained by PID control

Latest output Latest output

Input error status
Low limit output ON 2 High limit output ON 2

Downscale direction Burnout Upscale direction

direction 3

Flashing can be suppressed by setting “PV flashing display at input error” (Function block No. 10 in the
Engineering mode).
For Input error status output, refer to  Details of OUT1 to 3 as well as DO1 to 4 logic calculation selection
(P. 6-4).
Setting Burnout direction is valid for thermocouple input and low voltage input (0 to 10 mV DC, 0 to 100 mV DC).
Actions of other input types are fixed as follows.
RTD input: Upscale
High voltage/Current inputs:Downscale (Indicates value near 0)

Refer to the Input range table (P. 5-11) for the input range of each input.
For details of Input error status output, refer to 6.1 Changing Output Assignment (P. 6-2).

IMR03A05-E4 5-39

● Input error determination point is set outside the input range

Input display range

(Setting range of Input error determination point)

Underscale Input range low Input range high Over-scale

uuuuu ooooo
5 % of Input range 5 % of
[Flashing] [Flashing]
Measured value input span (Input span) input span
(PV) display Measured Measured
value (PV) value (PV)
[Flashing] 1 [Flashing] 1

Action area at Action area at

input error input error

Input error determination point (low) Input error determination point (high)
Manipulated output Manipulated output
at Input error at Input error
Latest output
Manipulated Choose  Auto mode (AUTO): Manipulated output value (MV) obtained
output (MV) either by PID control

Latest output Latest output

Input error status

output Low limit output ON 2 High limit output ON 2

Downscale direction Burnout Upscale direction

direction 3

Flashing can be suppressed by setting “PV flashing display at input error” (Function block No. 10 in the
Engineering mode).
For Input error status output, refer to  Details of OUT1 to 3 as well as DO1 to 4 logic calculation selection
(P. 6-4).
Setting Burnout direction is valid for thermocouple input and low voltage input (0 to 10 mV DC, 0 to 100 mV DC).
Actions of other input types are fixed as follows.
RTD input: Upscale
High voltage/Current inputs:Downscale (Indicates value near 0)

Refer to the Input range table (P. 5-11) for the input range of each input.
For details of Input error status output, refer to 6.1 Changing Output Assignment (P. 6-2).

5-40 IMR03A05-E4

In the case of control with dual inputs, the action at input error is conducted independently on each
of Input 1 and Input 2. However, exceptional cases are shown below in which Action at input error
may be slightly different.
● Cascade control
Switching is possible between Cascade control and Master single control or Cascade control and Slave single
control. Action at input error of each case is as follows.
Cascade control Master single control Slave single control
 Input 1 is determined at
Input 1_Input error determination
Input 1 is determined at Input 2 is determined at
Input error  Input 2 is determined at
Input 1_Input error Input 2_Input error
determination Input 2_Input error determination
determination point. determination point.
Whichever is triggered by input
Action selected for Action selected for Action selected for
Action at input error
Input 1_Action input error. Input 1_Action input error. Input 1_Action input error.
Manipulated output Input 1_Manipulated output value Input 1_Manipulated output Input 1_Manipulated output
value at input error at input error value at input error value at input error
[Action at input error for cascade control]
The settings of Action at input error high and low are conflicting each other and when both Input 1 and
Input 2 go to an input error state.
Input 1_Action input error Input 2_Action input error Control action
1: Manipulated output value at 2: Manipulated output value at Input 1_Manipulated output value at input error”
input error (Manual mode) input error (Auto mode) is output in Manual mode
2: Manipulated output value at 1: Manipulated output value at “Input 1_Manipulated output value at input error”
input error (Auto mode) input error (Manual mode) is output in Auto mode
1: Manipulated output value at Input 1_Manipulated output value at input error”
0: Control continues
input error (Manual mode) is output in Manual mode
1: Manipulated output value at Input 1_Manipulated output value at input error”
0: Control continues
input error (Manual mode) is output in Manual mode
2: Manipulated output value at “Input 1_Manipulated output value at input error”
0: Control continues
input error (Auto mode) is output in Auto mode
2: Manipulated output value at “Input 1_Manipulated output value at input error”
0: Control continues
input error (Auto mode) is output in Auto mode

● 2-loop control/Differential temperature control

Input 1 is abnormal Input 2 is abnormal
Input error Input 1 is determined at Input 1_Input error Input 2 is determined at Input 2_Input error
determination determination point. determination point.
Input 1 side:
“Input 1_Manipulated output value at input error”
Action at input error Action selected for Input 1_Action input error. is output [fixed]
Input 2 side:
Action selected for Input 2_Action input error.
Manipulated output Input 1_Manipulated output value at input error
Input 1_Manipulated output value at input error
value at input error Input 2_Manipulated output value at input error

● Input circuit error alarm

Input 1 is abnormal Input 2 is abnormal
Input error Input 1 is determined at Input 1_Input error Input 2 is determined at Input 2_Input error
determination determination point. determination point.
Action at input error Action selected for Input 1_Action input error.
Even if Input 2 is in input error, Action at input
Manipulated output error will not be taken. *
Input 1_Manipulated output value at input error
value at input error
* If (Input 2  Input 1) exceeds the Input circuit error alarm set value, Action at input error is the action defined in
Input 1_Action input error.

IMR03A05-E4 5-41

● Control with PV select

Input 1 is abnormal Input 2 is abnormal
Input error Input 1 is determined at Input 1_Input error Input 2 is determined at Input 2_Input error
determination determination point. determination point.
When the Input 1 is used: When the Input 1 is used:
Action selected for Input 1_Action input error. No Action at input error
Action at input error
When the Input 2 is used: When the Input 2 is used:
No Action at input error Action selected for Input 1_Action input error.
Manipulated output
Input 1_Manipulated output value at input error Input 1_Manipulated output value at input error
value at input error

 Parameter setting
● PV flashing display at input error
[Engineering mode: Function block No. 10 (Fn10)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

DSOP 0: Flashing display

1: Non-flashing display

● Input 1_Input error determination point (high)

[Engineering mode: Function block No. 21 (Fn21)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

1. POV Input 1_Input error determination point (low)

to Input 1_Input range high  (Input 1_5 % of input span)
Input 1_Input range high
 (Input 1_5 % of input span)

Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.

● Input 1_Input error determination point (low)

[Engineering mode: Function block No. 21 (Fn21)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

1. PUN Input 1_Input range low  (Input 1_5 % of input span) *

to Input 1_Input error determination point (high)
Input 1_Input range low
 (Input 1_5 % of input span)

Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.

* When Input type of Input 1 is RTD, low limit value is about 2 Ohms.
(Pt100: 245.5 C [409.8 F], JPt100: 237.6 C [395.7 F])

● Input 2_Input error determination point (high)

[Engineering mode: Function block No. 22 (Fn22)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

2. POV Input 2_Input error determination point (low)

to Input 2_Input range high  (Input 2_5 % of input span)
Input 2_Input range high
 (Input 2_5 % of input span)

Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.

To show the “Input 2_Input error determination point (high),” “Measured input 2” must be
specified at the time of order.
Not displayed when “No function” or “Remote setting input” is slected in “Select function for input
2” (Function block No. 58 in Engineering mode).

5-42 IMR03A05-E4

● Input 2_Input error determination point (low)

[Engineering mode: Function block No. 22 (Fn22)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

2. PUN Input 2_Input range low  (Input 2_5 % of input span) *

to Input 2_Input error determination point (high)
Input 2_Input range low
 (Input 2_5 % of input span)

Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.

* When Input type of Input 2 is RTD, low limit value is about 2 Ohms.
(Pt100: 245.5 C [409.8 F] , JPt100: 237.6 C [395.7 F])

To show the “Input 2_Input error determination point (low),” “Measured input 2” must be
specified at the time of order.
Not displayed when “No function” or “Remote setting input” is slected in “Select function for input
2” (Function block No. 58 in Engineering mode).

● Input 1_Burnout direction

[Engineering mode: Function block No. 21 (Fn21)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

1. BOS 0: Upscale
1: Downscale

To show “Input 1_Burnout direction,” thermocouple or voltage (low) [0 to 100 mV DC, 0 to 10 mV

DC] must be selected at Input 1_Input type in Function block No. 21 in the Engineering mode.

● Input 2_Burnout direction

[Engineering mode: Function block No. 22 (Fn22)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

2. BOS 0: Upscale
1: Downscale

To show “Input 2_Burnout direction,” “Measured input 2” must be specified at the time of order
and thermocouple or low voltage (0 to 100 mV DC, 0 to 10 mV DC) must be selected at “Input
2_Input type” in Function block No. 22 in the Engineering mode.
Input 2_Input type is not displayed if “No function” is selected at Select function for input 2 in
Function block No. 58 in the Engineering mode.

● Input 1_Action (high) input error

[Engineering mode: Function block No. 51 (Fn51)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

1.AOVE 0: Control continues (with the latest output)

1: Manipulated output value at input error (Manual mode)

The operation mode is switched to the Manual mode and the Input
1_Manipulated output value at input error is output.
2: Manipulated output value at input error (Auto mode)
The operation mode remains in the Auto mode and the Input
1_Manipulated output value at input error of is output. When the error
is recovered, the operation mode is switched to the PID control.

IMR03A05-E4 5-43

● Input 1_Action (low) input error

[Engineering mode: Function block No. 51 (Fn51)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

1.AUNE 0: Control continues (with the latest output)

1: Manipulated output value at input error (Manual mode)

The operation mode is switched to the Manual mode and the Input
1_Manipulated output value at input error is output.
2: Manipulated output value at input error (Auto mode)
The operation mode remains in the Auto mode and the Input
1_Manipulated output value at input error of is output. When the error
is recovered, the operation mode is switched to the PID control.

● Input 2_Action (high) input error

[Engineering mode: Function block No. 52 (Fn52)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

2.AOVE 0: Control continues (with the latest output)

1: Manipulated output value at input error (Manual mode)

The operation mode is switched to the Manual mode and the Input
1_Manipulated output value at input error is output.
2: Manipulated output value at input error (Auto mode)
The operation mode remains in the Auto mode and the Input
1_Manipulated output value at input error of is output. When the error
is recovered, the operation mode is switched to the PID control.

To show “Input 2_Action (high) input error,” “Measured input 2” must be specified at the time of
order, and “Select function for input 2” (Function block No. 58 in the Engineering mode) must be
set to “2-loop control/Differential temperature input” must be set up.

● Input 2_Action (low) input error

[Engineering mode: Function block No. 52 (Fn52)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

2.AUNE 0: Control continues (with the latest output)

1: Manipulated output value at input error (Manual mode)

The operation mode is switched to the Manual mode and the Input
1_Manipulated output value at input error is output.
2: Manipulated output value at input error (Auto mode)
The operation mode remains in the Auto mode and the Input
1_Manipulated output value at input error of is output. When the error
is recovered, the operation mode is switched to the PID control.

To show “Input 2_Action (low) input error,” “Measured input 2” must be specified at the time of
order, and “Select function for input 2” (Function block No. 58 in the Engineering mode) must be
set to “2-loop control/Differential temperature input” must be set up.

● Input 1_Manipulated output value at input error

[Engineering mode: Function block No. 51 (Fn51)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

1. PSM PID control, Position proportioning PID control: 5.0 to 105.0 %

Heat/Cool PID control: 105.0 to 105.0 %
PID control, Position proportioning
PID control: 5.0
Heat/Cool PID control: 0.0

For Heat/Cool PID control, output is produced from the heat side if the setting is positive (+) and
output is produced from the cool side if the setting is negative ().

5-44 IMR03A05-E4

● Input 2_Manipulated output value at input error

[Engineering mode: Function block No. 52 (Fn52)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value
5.0 to 105.0 % 5.0
2. PSM
To show “Input 2_Manipulated output value at input error,” “Measured input 2” must be specified
at the time of order, and “Select function for input 2” (Function block No. 58 in the Engineering
mode) must be set to “2-loop control/Differential temperature input” must be set up.

 Setting procedure
To enter the Engineering mode

Monitor & SV setting mode Setting lock mode

PV/SV monitor Set data unlock/lock transfer

28.0 (4 seconds*)
* Press the key until
000.0 0on 0oFF Parameter setting mode
is displayed.
Lock state Unlock state Keep pressing without
releasing your finger from
the key to enter the
Operation transfer mode Setting lock mode.
RUN/STOP transfer

00R/S 00R/S
(2 seconds) (2 seconds)


Engineering mode
Function block No. 10 PV flashing display
[Display] at input error
Set PV flashing display

Fn100 at input error 3 times

00DSP 00000
Set PV flashing display
at input error

Several times Continue setting

End setting
Setting End

 Next parameter is displayed.

 Press and MODE keys simultaneously to return to the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor.
(For FZ400/900, the MONI key may be pressed to return to the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor)
 Select RUN on the RUN/STOP transfer.
 Select lock on the Set data unlock/lock transfer.

Set Input error determination point

and burnout direction Twice
Continued on the next page.
Set action at input error Several times

IMR03A05-E4 5-45

Function block No. 21 Input 1_Input error Input 1_Input error Input 1_
[Input 1] determination point (high) determination point (low) Burnout direction

Fn210 1. PoV 1. PUN 1. BOS

Several End setting
times Twice

1. InP 0420.0 -020.0 00000

Set Input error Set Input error Set Burnout direction
Continue setting In the case of determination determination
two inputs point (high) point (low)

Several times Set Input 2 or continue other setting

Function block No. 22 Input 2_Input error Input 2_Input error Input 2_
[Input 2] determination point (high) determination point (low) Burnout direction

Fn220 2. PoV 2. PUN 2. BOS

End setting
times Twice

2. InP 0420.0 -020.0 00000

Set Input error Set Input error Set Burnout direction
determination determination
point (high) point (low)

Several times Continue setting

Press or keys according to the setting item.

Proceed to A or C , whichever is appropriate.

Function block No. 51 Input 1_Action (high) Input 1_Action (low) Input 1_Manipulated output value
[Input 1_Control] input error input error at input error

Fn510 1.AoVE 1.AUNE 1. PSM

Several End setting

1.ConT 00002 00002 -005.0

Set Action (high) Set Action (low) Set Manipulated output
input error input error value at input error
Continue setting In the case of
two inputs

Several times Set Input 2 or continue other setting

Setting End

 Next parameter is displayed.

 Press and MODE keys simultaneously to return to
the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor.
(For FZ400/900, the MONI key may be pressed to return to
the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor)
  Select RUN on the RUN/STOP transfer.
Continued on the next page.  Select lock on the Set data unlock/lock transfer.

5-46 IMR03A05-E4

Continued from the previous page.

 
Function block No. 52 Input 2_Action (high) Input 2_Action (low) Input 2_Manipulated output value
[Input 2_Control] input error input error at input error

Fn520 2.AoVE 2.AUNE 2. PSM

Several End setting

2.ConT 00002 00002 -005.0

Set Action (high) Set Action (low) Set Manipulated output
input error input error value at input error

Several times Continue setting

Press or keys according to the setting item.

Proceed to A or B , whichever is appropriate.

Setting End

 Next parameter is displayed.

 Press and MODE keys simultaneously to return to
the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor.
(For FZ400/900, the MONI key may be pressed to return to
the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor)
 Select RUN on the RUN/STOP transfer.
 Select lock on the Set data unlock/lock transfer.

IMR03A05-E4 5-47

5.8 Using Dual Input Function

This instrument has an optional dual input function which can be configured as follows.

 Remote setting input function

The instrument uses an input signal from Input 2 as a remote signal and sets it to the Input 1_Set value
(SV). Remote setting input can be supplied on any of FZ110/400/900 if it is specified at the time of order.

Refer to 8.10 Using Remote Setting Input (P. 8-61) for more details.

 2-loop control function

The instrument performs two independent control using Input 1 and 2. To have this function, “Measured
input 2” must be specified at the time of order. Available only on FZ400/900.
The 2-loop control can be configured to Differential temperature control, and vice versa.

Refer to 8.11 Executing 2-Loop Control [FZ400/900] (P. 8-67) for more details of 2-loop control.

 Differential temperature control function

With this function, temperature control of Input 1 is performed by setting a temperature difference between
Input 2 and Input 1. To have this function, “Measured input 2” must be specified at the time of order.
Available only on FZ400/900.
The 2-loop control can be configured to Differential temperature control, and vice versa.

Refer to 8.12 Executing Differential Temperature Control [FZ400/900] (P. 8-70) for details.

 Control with PV select

This function uses two inputs and allows the sensors to be switched from one to another depending on the
temperature of the controlled object (high or low temperatures). To have this function, “Measured input 2”
must be specified at the time of order. Available only on FZ400/900.

For Control with PV select, refer to 8.13 Executing Control with PV Select [FZ400/900] (P. 8-75).

 Cascade control
Cascade control is available where Input 1 is used as a Master and Input 2 as a Slave.
To have this function, “Measured input 2” must be specified at the time of order. Available only on
Cascade control is available in two control modes; “Slave single control or Cascade control” and “Master
single control or Cascade control.”

For the Cascade control, refer to 8.14 Executing Cascade Control [FZ400/900] (P. 8-84).

 Input circuit error alarm function

The instrument uses two inputs to detect an error from the difference in input between the two. To have this
function, “Measured input 2” must be specified at the time of order. Available only on FZ400/900.

For more details, refer to 7.7 Preventing Control with Input Errors (Input Circuit Error
Alarm) [FZ400/900] (P. 7-46).

5-48 IMR03A05-E4

 Parameter setting
 Select function for input 2
[Engineering mode: Function block No. 58 (Fn58)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

r2PV 0:
No function
Remote setting input
When the Remote setting input is
2: 2-loop control/Differential temperature control specified: 1
3: Control with PV select When the Measured input 2 is
4: Cascade control (Slave single  Cascade) * specified: 2
5: Cascade control (Master single  Cascade) *
6: Input circuit error alarm
・FZ110: 1
* This parameter cannot be specified if the instrument is a Heat/Cool PID
or a Position proportioning PID type.
 When Measured input 2 is selected for FZ400/900 at the time of order:
0 to 6
 When the Remote setting input is selected for FZ400/900 or when the
Remote setting input is selected for FZ110: 0 to 1

To display “Select function for input 2,” “Remote setting input” or “Measured input 2” must be
specified at the time of order.
CHANGED (P. 4-1)” for the parameters that are initialized or changed when the Select function for
input 2 is changed.

IMR03A05-E4 5-49

 Setting procedure
To enter the Engineering mode

Monitor & SV setting mode Setting lock mode

PV/SV monitor Set data unlock/lock transfer

028.0 (4 seconds*)
* Press the key until
000.0 0on 0oFF Parameter setting mode
is displayed.
Lock state Unlock state Keep pressing without
releasing your finger from
the key to enter the
Operation transfer mode Setting lock mode.
RUN/STOP transfer

00R/S 00R/S
(2 seconds) (2 seconds)


Engineering mode
Function block No. 10 Function block No. 58 Select function
[Display] [2-input function] for input 2

Fn100 Several
times Fn580 2PV
00DSP 2PV 00002
Set “Select function
for input 2”

Setting End

 Next parameter is displayed.

 Press and MODE keys simultaneously to return to the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor.
(For FZ400/900, the MONI key may be pressed to return to the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor)
 Select RUN on the RUN/STOP transfer.
 Select lock on the Set data unlock/lock transfer.

5-50 IMR03A05-E4
This chapter describes output related functions, setting contents and setting
procedure based on the key words related to outputs.

6.1 Changing Output Assignment

[Control Output, Retransmission Output, Logic Calculation (Event)
Output, Instrument Status Output]................................................... 6-2
6.2 Changing Output Type of OUT3 ................................................... 6-12
6.3 Using Retransmission Output ....................................................... 6-14
6.4 Changing Proportional Cycle Time ............................................... 6-20
6.5 Changing Energizing/De-energizing Output ................................. 6-24
6.6 Limiting Output.............................................................................. 6-26
6.7 Suppressing Sudden Change in Output
(Output Change Rate Limiter) ....................................................... 6-29
6.8 Suppressing Sudden Change in Output
(Balanceless Bumpless) ............................................................... 6-33
6.9 Changing the Output Action While in Control Stop Mode ............. 6-39
6.10 Monitoring Manipulated Output Value ......................................... 6-42

IMR03A05-E4 6-1

6.1 Changing Output Assignment

[Control Output, Retransmission Output, Logic Calculation
(Event) Output, Instrument Status Output]
FZ110/400/900 has such hardware outputs as shown below.
 FZ110: OUT1 to 3 (max. 3), DO1 to 2 (max. 2)
 FZ400/900: OUT1 to 3 (max. 3), DO1 to 4 (max. 4)

The following output signals are assigned to each output terminal.

 Control output (Settable only between OUT1 and OUT3)
 Retransmission output (Settable only between OUT1 and OUT3)
 Logic calculation output
[Event, Heater break alarm (HBA), Control loop break alarm (LBA), Input error status]
 Instrument Status Output
[RUN, Manual mode, Remote mode, Autotuning (AT), While Set value (SV) is changing, Communication
monitoring result, FAIL]

 Description of function
Output signals [Control Output, Retransmission Output, Logic Calculation Output, or Instrument Status Output]
are assigned to the output terminals (OUT1 to 3, DO1 to 4).

 Position of output terminals

FZ110 FZ400/900

① ⑬ ⑦ ① ㉕ ⑬ DO2 *
DO2 *
② ⑭ ⑧ ② ㉖ ⑭
DO1 *
③ ⑮ ⑨ OUT2 ③ ㉗ ⑮ DO3 *
④ ⑯ ⑩ ④ ㉘ ⑯
⑤ ⑰ ⑪ ⑤ ㉙ ⑰
OUT1 DO4 *
OUT1 ⑥ ㉚ ⑱
⑥ ⑱ ⑫
⑦ ㉛ ⑲
⑧ ㉜ ⑳
⑨ ㉝ ㉑
⑩ ㉞ ㉒
⑪ ㉟ ㉓
* Optional ⑫ ㊱ ㉔
OUT3 *
 Details of functions assigned to OUT1 to 3
Setting Assigned functions
0 No assignment
1 Input 1_Control output [heat-side] or [open-side]
2 Input 1_Control output [cool-side] or [close-side]
3 Input 2_Control output
4 Retransmission output
5 Logic calculation output [Event, HBA, LBA, Input error status]
6 RUN state output
7 Input 1_Manual mode state output
8 Input 2_Manual mode state output
Remote mode state output (Cascade control state output, Output of differential temperature control state,
Input 2 state output of Control with PV select)
10 Input 1_Autotuning (AT) state output
11 Input 2_Autotuning (AT) state output
12 Output while Set value of Input 1 is changing
13 Output while Set value of Input 2 is changing
14 Output of the communication monitoring result
15 FAIL output
Continued on the next page.

6-2 IMR03A05-E4

[Explanation of the setting]

 Input 1_Control output [heat-side] or [open-side]:
Assignable to Input 1. If Heat/Cool PID control is selected for Input 1, this output is used as heating
output. If Position proportioning PID control is selected, this output is used as an opening output.
 Input 1_Control output [cool-side] or [close-side]:
This output is available if Heat/Cool PID control is selected for Input 1.
If Heat/Cool PID control is selected, this output is used as a cooling output. If Position proportioning
PID control is selected, this output is used as a closing output.
 Input 2_Control output
Assignable to Input 2. This output is available if 2-loop control (including Differential temperature
control) or Cascade control is selected for Select function for Input 2. (FZ400/900 only)
 Retransmission output:
Retransmission output type needs to be specified later. Retransmission output scaling is also available.
For more details of Retransmission output, refer to 6.3 Using Retransmission Output
(P. 6-14).
 Logic calculation output [Event, HBA, LBA, Input error status]:
Logic calculation needs to be specified separately. Multiple outputs can be output from a single output
terminal as logical OR relation.
Refer to the next page (P. 6-4) for Logic calculation selection.
 RUN state output:
Output turns on while the instrument is in RUN mode.
 Input 1_Manual mode state output:
Output turns on while the Input 1 is in Manual mode.
 Input 2_Manual mode state output:
Output turns on while the Input 2 is in Manual mode. (FZ400/900 only)
 Remote mode state output (Cascade control state output, Output of differential temperature control state,
Input 2 state output of Control with PV select)
Output turns on while the instrument is in the remote mode, cascade control, differential temperature
control, or when Input 2 of Control with PV select is used.
 Input 1_Autotuning (AT) state output:
Output turns on while the Input 1 is in the Autotuning (AT).
 Input 2_Autotuning (AT) state output:
Output turns on while the Input 2 is in the Autotuning (AT). (FZ400/900 only)
 Output while Set value of Input 1 is changing:
Output turns on while the Input 1_Set value (SV) is changing due to Setting change rate limiter.
 Output while Set value of Input 2 is changing:
Output turns on while the Input 2_Set value (SV) is changing due to Setting change rate limiter.
(FZ400/900 only)
 Output of the communication monitoring result:
Valid only when the communication function is supplied. Output turns on if improper communication
continues for 10 seconds.
 FAIL output:
Output turns on when the instrument is in FAIL state.
When FAIL is selected, the output terminal is fixed to de-energizing, and the previous setting of
energizing and de-energizing gets invalid.

IMR03A05-E4 6-3

 Details of functions assigned to DO1 to 4

Setting Assigned functions
0 No assignment
1 Logic calculation output [Event, HBA, LBA, Input error status]
2 RUN state output
3 Input 1_Manual mode state output
4 Input 2_Manual mode state output
Remote mode state output (Cascade control state output, Output of differential temperature control state,
Input 2 state output of Control with PV select)
6 Input 1_Autotuning (AT) state output
7 Input 2_Autotuning (AT) state output
8 Output while Set value of Input 1 is changing
9 Output while Set value of Input 2 is changing
10 Output of the communication monitoring result
11 FAIL output

[Explanation of the setting]

Refer to [Explanation of the setting] for OUT1 to 3

 Details of OUT1 to 3 as well as DO1 to 4 logic calculation selection

Multiple functions can be selected in the logic operation. The selected functions are OR-output.
To select multiple functions, add the numbers of the desired functions.
Setting Assigned functions
0 No assignment Example
1 Event 1 To select Event 1 output, Heater break alarm 1 (HBA1)
2 Event 2 output and Input 1_Input error output high, set as follows.
4 Event 3 ・Event 1 = 1
8 Event 4 ・Heater break alarm 1 (HBA1) = 16
16 Heater break alarm 1 (HBA1) ・Input 1_Input error high = 256
32 Heater break alarm 2 (HBA2)
64 Control loop break alarm 1 (LBA1) 1  16  256 = 273
128 Control loop break alarm 2 (LBA2)
So, set 273
256 Input 1_Input error high
512 Input 1_Input error low
1024 Input 2_Input error high
2048 Input 2_Input error low

[Explanation of the setting]

 Event: Output turns on when the instrument is in the event state.
You also need to set Event assignment, Event type, Event hold action, Event differential gap, Event
timer, and Event set value.
For details of Event, refer to 7.1 Using Event Function (P. 7-2).
 Heater break alarm (HBA):
Output turns on when the instrument is in Heater break alarm (HBA) state.
You also need to set CT assignment, HBA set value, and HBA delay time.
For details of Heater break alarm (HBA), refer to 7.2 Using Heater Break Alarm
(HBA) (P. 7-24).
 Control loop break alarm (LBA):
Output turns on when the instrument is in Control loop break alarm (LBA) state.
You also need to set LBA time and LBA deadband.
For details of Control loop break alarm (LBA), refer to 7.3 Using Control loop break
alarm (LBA) (P. 7-36).
 Input error high:
Output turns on when the Measured value (PV) exceeds the Input error determination point (high).
Under the conditions of a valid Input circuit error alarm, when the Measured value of Input 2 goes
over the Set value of the Input circuit error alarm and the measured value of Input 1, the Input error
high alarm of Input 1 will turn on.
 Input errorlow:
Output turns on when the Measured value (PV) exceeds the Input error determination point (low).
Under the conditions of a valid Input circuit error alarm, when the Measured value of Input 2 falls
below over the Set value of the Input circuit error alarm and the measured value of Input 1, the Input
error low alarm of Input 1 will turn on.

6-4 IMR03A05-E4

 Setting example
To provide Event 1 to Event 4 from DO1 as a logic OR output.
1. Select “1: Logic calculation output” in DO1 assignment.
2. Set “15” for DO1_logic calculation selection.
Enter “1” to output Event 1, “2” for Event 2, “4” for Event 3, and “8” for Event 4. Add the sum of these
numbers (15), then the outputs of Event 1 to 4 are produced as a logical OR.

[Setup procedures]
To enter the Engineering mode

Setting lock mode

Monitor & SV setting mode Set data unlock/lock
PV/SV monitor transfer

028.0 (4 seconds *)
* Press the key until
000.0 0on 0oFF Parameter setting mode
is displayed.
Lock state Unlock state Keep pressing without
releasing your finger from
the key to enter the
Operation transfer mode Setting lock mode.
RUN/STOP transfer

00R/S 00R/S
(2 seconds) (2 seconds)


Engineering mode
Function block No. 10 Function block No. 34 DO1 logic calculation
[Display] [Digital output] DO1 function selection selection

Fn100 Several
times Fn340 DOSL1 Several
times DoLG1
00DSP do 00001 00015
Set “1: Logic Set “15”
calculation output”
When Event is set When Event is set times

Setting End

 Next parameter is displayed.

 Press and MODE keys simultaneously to return to
the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor.
Function block No. 41 (For FZ400/900, the MONI key may be pressed to return
[Event 1]
to the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor)

Fn410 Refer to 7.1 Using Event

function (P. 7-2) for the
 Select RUN on the RUN/STOP transfer.
 Select lock on the Set data unlock/lock transfer.
EV1 procedure after here.

IMR03A05-E4 6-5

 Output function map

Select output function
Retransmission output 1 * If "Retransmission output" is selected at OUT2
type selection [P. 6-14] function selection, retransmission output 2 is
OUT1 function selection [P. 6-2]
Retransmission output 1 available.
No assignment
scale high [P. 6-15] If "Retransmission output" is selected at OUT3
Input 1_Control output [heat-side] or [open-side]
Retransmission output 1 function selection, retransmission output 3 is
Input 1_Control output [cool-side] or [close-side]
scale low [P. 6-15]
Input 2_Control output
Retransmission output *
Logic calculation output OUT1 logic calculation selection (Multiple selection is available) [P. 6-4]
RUN state output No assignment
Input 1_Manual mode state output Event 1 Event 1 assignment [P. 7-3]
Input 2_Manual m ode state output Event 2 Event 1 type selection
Remote mode state output Event 3 [P. 7-7]
Input 1_AT state output Event 4 Event 1 hold action
Input 2_AT state output HBA1 [P. 7-16]
Output while Set value of Input 1 is HBA2 Event 1 differential gap
changing LBA1 [P. 7-19]
Output while Set value of Input 2 is LBA2 Event 1 timer [P. 7-21]
changing Input 1_Input error high Event 1 set value [P. 7-23]
Output of Communication monitoring result Input 1_Input error low
FAIL output Input 2_Input error high Event 2, 3 and 4:
Input 2_Input error low Same as Event 1
OUT2 function selection
Same as OUT1 function selection
HBA1 set value [P. 7-25]
OUT3 function selection Interlock selection HBA1 delay time [P. 7-28]
Same as OUT1 function selection (Multiple selection is available) ** CT1 assignment [P. 7-30]
Unused [P. 7-42] CT1 type [P. 7-33]
Event 1 CT1 ralio [P. 7-33]
DO1 function selection [P. 6-4]
Event 2 CT1 low input cut-off
No assignment [P. 7-35]
Event 3
Logic calculation output
Event 4
RUN state output HBA2: Same as HBA1
Input 1_Manual mode state output
Input 2_Manual mode state output
LBA1 LBA1 time [P. 7-37]
Remote mode state output
LBA2 LBA1 deadband
Input 1_AT state output
Input 1_Input error high [P. 7-37]
Input 2_AT state output
Input 1_Input error low
Output while Set value of Input 1 is LBA2: Same as LBA1
Input 2_Input error high
Input 2_Input error low
Output while Set value of Input 2 is
Output of Communication monitoring ** “Interlock selection” is shared with “OUT1 (2, 3)
result logic calculation selection” and “DO1 (2, 3, 4)
FAIL output DO1 logic calculation selection logic calculation selection.”
(Multiple selection is available) [P. 6-4]
DO2 function selection
Same as DO1 function selection No assignment
Event 1
DO3 function selection Event 2
Same as DO1 function selection Event 3
DO4 function selection Event 4 Same as OUT1 logic calculation selection
Same as DO1 function selection HBA1
Energized/De-energized selection LBA1
(Multiple selection is available) [P. 6-24] LBA2
All outputs are energized Input 1_Input error high
OUT1 de-energized Input 1_Input error low
OUT2 de-energized Input 2_Input error high
OUT3 de-energized Input 2_Input error low
DO1 de-energized
DO2 de-energized
DO3 de-energized
DO4 de-energized

6-6 IMR03A05-E4

 Parameter setting
 OUT1 function selection
[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 30 (Fn30)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

A oSL1 0:
No assignment
Input 1_Control output [heat-side] or [open-side]
Based on Model code

2: Input 1_Control output [cool-side] or [close-side]

3: Input 2_Control output
4: Retransmission output
5: Logic calculation output (Event, HBA, LBA, Input error)
6: RUN state output
7: Input 1_Manual mode state output
8: Input 2_Manual mode state output
9: Remote mode state output (Cascade control state output,
Output of differential temperature control state,
Input 2 state output of Control with PV select)
10: Input 1_Autotuning (AT) state output
11: Input 2_Autotuning (AT) state output
12: Output while Set value of Input 1 is changing
13: Output while Set value of Input 2 is changing
14: Output of the communication monitoring result
15: FAIL output

To display “OUT1 function selection,” you need to specify the output type other than “None” at
Output 1 (OUT1) at the time of order.
CHANGED (P. 4-1)” for the parameters that are initialized when the OUT1 function selection is

 OUT2 function selection

[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 30 (Fn30)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

A oSL2 Same as OUT1 function selection Based on Model code

To display “OUT2 function selection,” you need to specify the output type other than “None” at
Output 2 (OUT2) at the time of order.
CHANGED (P. 4-1)” for the parameters that are initialized when the OUT2 function selection is

IMR03A05-E4 6-7

 OUT3 function selection

[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 30 (Fn30)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

A oSL3 Same as OUT1 function selection 4

To display “OUT3 function selection,” you need to specify the output type OUT3 at the time of
CHANGED (P. 4-1)” for the parameters that are initialized when the OUT3 function selection is

 DO1 function selection

[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 34 (Fn34)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

A doSL1 0:
No assignment
Logic calculation output (Event, HBA, LBA, Input error)
Based on Model code

2: RUN state output

3: Input 1_Manual mode state output
4: Input 2_Manual mode state output
5: Remote mode state output
(Cascade control state output,
Output of differential temperature control state,
Input 2 state output of Control with PV select)
6: Input 1_Autotuning (AT) state output
7: Input 2_Autotuning (AT) state output
8: Output while Set value of Input 1 is changing
9: Output while Set value of Input 2 is changing
10: Output of the communication monitoring result
11: FAIL output

To display “DO1 function selection,” you have to specify digital output (DO) for FZ110.

 DO2 function selection

[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 34 (Fn34)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

A doSL2 Same as DO1 function selection Based on Model code

To display “DO2 function selection,” you have to specify 4 digital outputs (DO) on FZ400/900 at
the time of order. For FZ110, you have to specify 2 digital outputs (DO) at the time of order.

 DO3 function selection

[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 34 (Fn34)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

A doSL3 Same as DO1 function selection Based on Model code

To display “DO3 function selection,” you have to specify 4 digital outputs (DO) at the time of
order. (FZ400/900 only)

6-8 IMR03A05-E4

 DO4 function selection

[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 34 (Fn34)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

A doSL4 Same as DO1 function selection Based on Model code

To display “DO4 function selection,” you have to specify 4 digital outputs (DO) at the time of
order. (FZ400/900 only)

 OUT1 logic calculation selection

[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 30 (Fn30)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

oLG1 0 to 4095
0: OFF

1: Event 1
2: Event 2
4: Event 3
8: Event 4
16: Heater break alarm 1 (HBA1)
32: Heater break alarm 2 (HBA2)
64: Control loop break alarm 1 (LBA1)
128: Control loop break alarm 2 (LBA2)
256: Input 1_Input error high
512: Input 1_Input error low
1024: Input 2_Input error high
2048: Input 2_Input error low
To select two or more functions, sum each value.

To display “OUT1 logic calculation selection,” you need to specify the output type other than
“None” at Output 1 (OUT1) at the time of order.

 OUT2 logic calculation selection

[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 30 (Fn30)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

oLG2 Same as OUT1 logic calculation selection Based on Model code

To display “OUT2 logic calculation selection,” you need to specify the output type other than
“None” at Output 2 (OUT2) at the time of order.

 OUT3 logic calculation selection

[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 30 (Fn30)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

oLG3 Same as OUT1 logic calculation selection 0

To display “OUT3 logic calculation selection,” you need to specify the output type OUT3 at the
time of order.

IMR03A05-E4 6-9

 DO1 logic calculation selection

[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 34 (Fn34)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

dOLG1 Same as OUT1 logic calculation selection (P. 6-9) Based on Model code

To display “DO1 logic calculation selection,” you have to specify digital output (DO) for FZ110.

 DO2 logic calculation selection

[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 34 (Fn34)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

dOLG2 Same as OUT1 logic calculation selection (P. 6-9) Based on Model code

To display “DO2 logic calculation selection,” you have to specify 4 digital outputs (DO) on
FZ400/900 at the time of order. For FZ110, you have to specify 2 digital outputs (DO) at the time
of order.

 DO3 logic calculation selection

[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 34 (Fn34)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

dOLG3 Same as OUT1 logic calculation selection (P. 6-9) Based on Model code

To display “DO3 logic calculation selection,” you have to specify 4 digital outputs (DO) at the time
of order. (FZ400/900 only)

 DO4 logic calculation selection

[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 34 (Fn34)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

dOLG4 Same as OUT1 logic calculation selection (P. 6-9) Based on Model code

To display “DO4 logic calculation selection,” you have to specify 4 digital outputs (DO) at the time
of order. (FZ400/900 only)

6-10 IMR03A05-E4

 Setting procedure
To enter the Engineering mode

Setting lock mode

Monitor & SV setting mode Set data unlock/lock
PV/SV monitor transfer

028.0 (4 seconds *)
* Press the key until
000.0 0on 0oFF Parameter setting mode
is displayed.
Lock state Unlock state Keep pressing without
releasing your finger from
the key to enter the
Operation transfer mode Setting lock mode.
RUN/STOP transfer

00R/S 00R/S
(2 seconds) (2 seconds)


Engineering mode
Function block No. 10 Function block No. 30
[Display] [Output] OUT1 function selection OUT2 function selection OUT3 function selection

Fn100 Several
times Fn300 OSL1 OSL2 OSL3
00DSP oUT 00001 00005 00004
Set OUT1 function Set OUT2 function Set OUT3 function

OUT3 logic calculation OUT2 logic calculation OUT1 logic calculation

selection selection selection

oLG3 oLG2 oLG1

Several times
00000 00048 00000
Set OUT3 logic Set OUT2 logic Set OUT1 logic
calculation function calculation function calculation function

Function block No. 34

[Digital output] DO1 function selection DO2 function selection DO3 function selection DO4 function selection


do 00001 00001 00001 00001
Set DO1 function Set DO2 function Set DO3 function Set DO4 function

DO4 logic calculation DO3 logic calculation DO2 logic calculation DO1 logic calculation
selection selection selection selection


00008 00004 00002 00001
Set DO4 logic Set DO3 logic Set DO2 logic Set DO1 logic
calculation function calculation function calculation function calculation function
Setting End

 Next parameter is displayed.

 Press and MODE keys simultaneously to return to the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor.
(For FZ400/900, the MONI key may be pressed to return to the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor)
 Select RUN on the RUN/STOP transfer.
 Select lock on the Set data unlock/lock transfer.

IMR03A05-E4 6-11

6.2 Changing Output Type of OUT3

OUT3 (optional) is produced as a universal output. Output type can be changed even after the purchase.

 Description of function
Output 3 (optional) may be selected from the following three types. The output can be modified without
changing the hardware.
 Voltage pulse output (0/14 V DC)

 Current output (4 to 20 mA DC)

 Current output (0 to 20 mA DC)

 Parameter setting
 Universal output type selection (OUT3)
[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 30 (Fn30)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

A UNIo 0: Voltage pulse output

1: Current output (4 to 20 mA DC)

2: Current output (0 to 20 mA DC)

To display “Universal output type selection (OUT3),” you need to specify the output type OUT3 at
the time of order.
CHANGED (P. 4-1)” for the parameters that are initialized when the Universal output type
selection (OUT3) is changed.

6-12 IMR03A05-E4

 Setting procedure
To enter the Engineering mode

Setting lock mode

Monitor & SV setting mode Set data unlock/lock
PV/SV monitor transfer

028.0 (4 seconds *)
* Press the key until
000.0 0on 0oFF Parameter setting mode
is displayed.
Lock state Unlock state Keep pressing without
releasing your finger from
the key to enter the
Operation transfer mode Setting lock mode.
RUN/STOP transfer

00R/S 00R/S
(2 seconds) (2 seconds)


Engineering mode
Function block No. 10 Function block No. 30 Universal output type
[Display] [Output] selection

Fn100 Several
times Fn300 Several
times UNIO
00DSP oUT 00001
Set Universal output

Setting End

 Next parameter is displayed.

 Press and MODE keys simultaneously to return to the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor.
(For FZ400/900, the MONI key may be pressed to return to the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor)
 Select RUN on the RUN/STOP transfer.
 Select lock on the Set data unlock/lock transfer.

IMR03A05-E4 6-13

6.3 Using Retransmission Output

Retransmission output can be provided from OUT1 to 3. To use the Retransmission output, the output type
must be current or continuous voltage output.

 Description of function
To use the Retransmission output, select Retransmission output at OUT1 to 3 function selection.
If Retransmission output is selected at the OUT1 function selection, the output is provided as Retransmission output 1.
If Retransmission output is selected at the OUT2 function selection, the output is provided as Retransmission output 2.
If Retransmission output is selected at the OUT3 function selection, the output is provided as Retransmission output 3.

For ditails OUT1 to 3 function selection, refer to 6.1 Changing Output Assignment [Control Output,
Retransmission Output, Logic Calculation (Event) Output, Instrument Status Output] (P. 6-2).

 Details of Retransmission output type

Setting Assigned functions
0 No retransmission output
1 Input 1_Measured value (PV)
Input 1_Measured value (PV) is output.
2 Input 1_Local SV
Input 1_Set value (SV) is output. The local SV is the SV set. If the set value is changed, irrespective of the Setting
change rate limiter whether or not it is set, the new set value will be used as soon as the value is changed.
3 Input 1_SV monitor value
Input 1_Set value (SV) is output. The SV monitor value is the monitored value of the set value (SV). If a Setting
change rate limiter is set, the set value starts changing according to the setting when the setting is changed.
4 Input 1_Deviation
[Input 1_Measured value (PV)  Input 1_Set value (SV)] is output.
5 Input 1_Manipulated output value [heat-side]
Input 1_Manipulated output value [heat-side] is output.
6 Input 1_Manipulated output value [cool-side]
Input 1_Manipulated output value [cool-side] is output.
7 Input 2_Measured value (PV) 1
Input 2_Measured value (PV) is output.
8 Input 2_Local SV 1
Input 2_Set value (SV) is output. The local SV is the SV set. If the set value is changed, irrespective of the Setting
change rate limiter whether or not it is set, the new set value will be used as soon as the value is changed.
9 Input 2_SV monitor value 1
Input 2_Set value (SV) is output. The SV monitor value is the monitored value of the set value (SV). If a Setting
change rate limiter is set, the set value starts changing according to the setting when the setting is changed.
10 Input 2_Deviation 1
[Input 2_Measured value (PV)  Input 2_Set value (SV)] is output.
11 Input 2_Manipulated output value 1
Input 2_Manipulated output value [heat-side] is output.
12 Remote setting input value 2
Remote setting input value is output.
13 Current transformer 1 (CT1) input value 3
Current transformer 1 (CT1) input value is output.
14 Current transformer 2 (CT2) input value 4
Current transformer 2 (CT2) input value is output.
15 Measured value (PV) of differential temperature input 1
Measured value (PV) of Differential temperature input [Input 1_Measured value (PV)  Input 2_Measured
value (PV)] is output.
Valid if “Measured input 2” is specified at the time of order. (FZ400/900 only)
For FZ400/900: Valid when “Remote setting input” is selected at Select function for input 2.
For FZ110: Valid if Remote setting input is supplied.
Valid if Current transformer (CT) input is supplied.
Valid if two Current transformer (CT) input are supplied. (FZ400/900 only)

The output will be 0 % when the Retransmission output type not provided on the instrument is set.

6-14 IMR03A05-E4

 Scaling the Retransmission output

Set high and low limits for the Retransmission output. The scale range depends on the type of the selected
Retransmission output.

No retransmission output, Input 1_Measured value (PV), Input 1_Local SV, Input 1_SV monitor value, and
Remote setting input value:
Input 1_Input range low to Input 1_Input range high
(When Control with PV select: PV select input range low to PV select input range high)
[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]
Input 1_Deviation:
(Input 1_Input span) to (Input 1_Input span)
[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]
Input 2_Measured value (PV), Input 2_Local SV, and Input 2_SV monitor value:
Input 2_Input range low to Input 2_Input range high
[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]
Input 2_Deviation:
(Input 2_Input span) to (Input 2_Input span)
[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]
Manipulated output value:
5.0 to +105.0 %
Current transformer (CT) input value:
0.0 to 100.0 %
Measured value (PV) of differential temperature input:
(Input 1_Input span) to (Input 1_Input span)
[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]

IMR03A05-E4 6-15

 Parameter setting
 Retransmission output 1 type
[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 31 (Fn31)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

A O1 0:
No retransmission output
Input 1_Measured value (PV)
9: Input 2_SV monitor value
10: Input 2_Deviation

2: Input 1_Local SV 11: Input 2_Manipulated output

3: Input 1_SV monitor value value
4: Input 1_Deviation 12: Remote setting input value
5: Input 1_Manipulated output value 13: Current transformer 1 (CT1)
[heat-side] input value
6: Input 1_Manipulated output value 14: Current transformer 2 (CT2)
[cool-side] input value
7: Input 2_Measured value (PV) 15: Measured value (PV) of
8: Input 2_Local SV differential temperature input

To display “Retransmission output 1 type,” Output type on OUT1 must be specified as Current
output or Continuous voltage output at the time of order.
CHANGED (P. 4-1)” for the parameters that are initialized when the Retransmission output 1 type
is changed.

 Retransmission output 1 scale high

[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 31 (Fn31)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

AHS1 No retransmission output, Input 1_Measured value (PV), Input 1_Local

SV, Input 1_SV monitor value, and Remote setting input value:
No retransmission output, Input 1_
Measured value (PV), Input 1_Local
Input 1_Input range low to Input 1_Input range high SV, Input 1_SV monitor value, and
When Control with PV select: Remote setting input value:
PV select input range low to PV select input range high Input 1_Input range high
[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.] Control with PV select:
PV select input range high
Input 1_Deviation:
(Input 1_Input span) to (Input 1_Input span) Input 1_Deviation:
[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.] (Input 1_Input span)
Input 2_Measured value (PV), Input 2_Local SV, and Input 2_SV monitor Input 2_Measured value (PV),
value: Input 2_Local SV, and Input 2_SV
Input 2_Input range low to Input 2_Input range high monitor value:
[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.] Input 2_Input range high
Input 2_Deviation: Input 2_Deviation:
(Input 2_Input span) to (Input 2_Input span) (Input 2_Input span)
[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.] Manipulated output value, and
Manipulated output value: Current transformer (CT) input
5.0 to 105.0 % value: 100.0
Current transformer (CT) input value: Measured value (PV) of differential
0.0 to 100.0 % temperature input: 100
Measured value (PV) of differential temperature input:
(Input 1_Input span) to (Input 1_Input span)
[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]

To display “Retransmission output 1 scale high,” Output type on OUT1 must be specified as
Current output or Continuous voltage output at the time of order.

6-16 IMR03A05-E4

 Retransmission output 1 scale low

[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 31 (Fn31)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

ALS1 Same as Retransmission output 1 scale high (P. 6-16) No retransmission output, Input 1_
Measured value (PV), Input 1_Local
SV, Input 1_SV monitor value, and
Remote setting input value:
Input 1_Input range low
Control with PV select:
PV select input range low
Input 1_Deviation:
(Input 1_Input span)
Input 2_Measured value (PV),
Input 2_Local SV, and Input 2_SV
monitor value:
Input 2_Input range low
Input 2_Deviation:
(Input 2_Input span)
Manipulated output value, and
Current transformer (CT) input
value: 0.0
Measured value (PV) of differential
temperature input: 100

To display “Retransmission output 1 scale low,” Output type on OUT1 must be specified as
Current output or Continuous voltage output at the time of order.

 Retransmission output 2 type

[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 32 (Fn32)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

A O2 Same as Retransmission output 1 (P. 6-16) 0

To display “Retransmission output 2 type,” Output type on OUT2 must be specified as Current
output or Continuous voltage output at the time of order.
CHANGED (P. 4-1)” for the parameters that are initialized when the Retransmission output 2 type
is changed.

 Retransmission output 2 scale high

[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 32 (Fn32)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

AHS2 Same as Retransmission output 1 scale high (P. 6-16) Same as Retransmission output 1
scale high

To display “Retransmission output 2 scale high,” Output type on OUT2 must be specified as
Current output or Continuous voltage output at the time of order.

IMR03A05-E4 6-17

 Retransmission output 2 scale low

[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 32 (Fn32)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

ALS2 Same as Retransmission output 1 scale low (P. 6-17) Same as Retransmission output 1
scale low

To display “Retransmission output 2 scale low,” Output type on OUT2 must be specified as
Current output or Continuous voltage output at the time of order.

 Retransmission output 3 type

[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 33 (Fn33)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

A O3 Same as Retransmission output 1 (P. 6-16) 1

To display “Retransmission output 3 type,” OUT3 must be specified at the time of order, and
Current output must be set up in “Universal output type selection” in Function block No. 30 in
Engineering mode.
CHANGED (P. 4-1)” for the parameters that are initialized when the Retransmission output 3 type
is changed.

 Retransmission output 3 scale high

[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 33 (Fn33)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

AHS3 Same as Retransmission output 1 scale high (P. 6-16) Same as Retransmission output 1
scale high

To display “Retransmission output 3 scale high,” OUT3 must be specified at the time of order, and
Current output must be set up in “Universal output type selection” in Function block No. 30 in
Engineering mode.

 Retransmission output 3 scale low

[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 33 (Fn33)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

ALS3 Same as Retransmission output 1 scale low (P. 6-17) Same as Retransmission output 1
scale low

To display “Retransmission output 3 scale low,” OUT3 must be specified at the time of order, and
Current output must be set up in “Universal output type selection” in Function block No. 30 in
Engineering mode.

6-18 IMR03A05-E4

 Setting procedure
To enter the Engineering mode

Setting lock mode

Monitor & SV setting mode Set data unlock/lock
PV/SV monitor transfer

028.0 (4 seconds *)
* Press the key until
000.0 0on 0oFF Parameter setting mode
is displayed.
Lock state Unlock state Keep pressing without
releasing your finger from
the key to enter the
Operation transfer mode Setting lock mode.
RUN/STOP transfer

00R/S 00R/S
(2 seconds) (2 seconds)


Engineering mode
Function block No. 10 Function block No. 31 Retransmission output 1 Retransmission output 1 Retransmission output 1
[Display] [Retransmission output 1] type scale high scale low

Fn100 Several
times Fn310 Ao1 AHS1 ALS1
00DSP Ao1 00000 0400.0 0000.0
Set Retransmission Set Retransmission Set Retransmission
output type output scale high output scale low

Function block No. 32 Retransmission output 2 Retransmission output 2 Retransmission output 2

[Retransmission output 2] type scale high scale low

Fn320 Ao2 AHS2 ALS2

Ao2 00000 0400.0 0000.0
Set Retransmission Set Retransmission Set Retransmission
output type output scale high output scale low

Function block No. 33 Retransmission output 3 Retransmission output 3 Retransmission output 3

[Retransmission output 3] type scale high scale low

Fn330 Ao3 AHS3 ALS3

Ao3 00001 0400.0 0000.0
Set Retransmission Set Retransmission Set Retransmission
output type output scale high output scale low

Setting End

 Next parameter is displayed.

 Press and MODE keys simultaneously to return to the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor.
(For FZ400/900, the MONI key may be pressed to return to the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor)
 Select RUN on the RUN/STOP transfer.
 Select lock on the Set data unlock/lock transfer.

IMR03A05-E4 6-19

6.4 Changing Proportional Cycle Time

When time proportioning output (relay output, voltage pulse output or transistor output) is specified at the
time of ordering, Proportional cycle time and Minimum ON/OFF time of proportional cycle can be changed.

 Description of function
 Proportional cycle time
PV change
Manipulated output value turns ON and OFF in
a certain cycle (Proportional cycle time) when SV band
the Measured value (PV) reaches within the
Proportional band at Time proportioning action.
More precise control can be achieved by ON
shortening Proportional cycle time, however, OFF
the life of operating unit (Relay etc.) can be T: Proportional cycle time
shortened based on the feature of the specific
controlled object

 Minimum ON/OFF time of proportioning cycle

Minimum ON/OFF time of proportioning cycle can be used to compensate relay life by acquiring the
minimum OF/OFF time.
Minimum ON time of proportioning cycle:
Manipulated output does not turn ON when the duration of the computed ON output is shorter than the
Minimum ON time of proportioning cycle being set.
Manipulated output remains ON the same amount of time as the computed ON output when the computed
ON output is longer than the Minimum ON time of proportioning cycle being set.
(Minimum ON time of proportioning cycle is valid when the computed ON output exceeds 0 %.)
Minimum OFF time of proportioning cycle:
Manipulated output remains OFF the same amount of time as the Minimum OFF time set when the
computed OFF output is shorter than the Minimum OFF time being set.
Manipulated output remains OFF the same amount of time as the computed OFF output when the computed
OFF output is longer than the Minimum OFF time being set.
(Minimum OFF time of proportioning cycle is valid when the computed OFF output is below 100 %.)

When the computed ON output exceeds 0 % When the computed OFF output is below 100 %
Proportional cycle time Proportional cycle time
Setting of ON Setting of ON
Minimum Minimum
ON/OFF time ON/OFF time
(Minimum ON time) (Minimum OFF time)
* *
Computed Computed Computed
output ON output output
OFF OFF Computed OFF
Actual output Actual output

* When a long minimum ON/OFF time is required for the relay, set a time longer than that time.

Minimum ON/OFF time of proportioning cycle is not operative if the Proportioning cycle is set
shorter than the Minimum ON/OFF time of proportioning cycle (Proportioning cycle  Minimum
ON/OFF proportioning time).

6-20 IMR03A05-E4

 Parameter setting
 OUT1 proportional cycle time
[Setup Setting Mode: Setting group No. 30 (Sn30)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

T1 0.1 to 100.0 seconds Relay contact output: 20.0

Voltage pulse output,
Transistor output: Note
Note: In case OUT1 function selection is “Input 1_Control output [cool-side]” AND Input 1_Control action is “Heat/Cool PID
control [air cooling] or [water cooling]”: 20.0, Other casees: 2.0

To display “OUT1 proportional cycle time,” Output type on OUT1 must be specified at the time of
order as Relay contact output, Voltage pulse output, or Transistor output.

 OUT2 proportional cycle time

[Setup Setting Mode: Setting group No. 30 (Sn30)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

T2 0.1 to 100.0 seconds Relay contact output: 20.0

Voltage pulse output,
Transistor output: Note
Note: In case OUT2 function selection is “Input 1_Control output [cool-side]” AND Input 1_Control action is “Heat/Cool PID
control [air cooling] or [water cooling]”: 20.0, Other casees: 2.0

To display “OUT2 proportional cycle time,” Output type on OUT2 must be specified at the time of
order as Relay contact output, Voltage pulse output, or Transistor output.

 OUT3 proportional cycle time

[Setup Setting Mode: Setting group No. 30 (Sn30)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

T3 0.1 to 100.0 seconds Voltage pulse output: Note

Note: In case OUT3 function selection is “Input 1_Control output [cool-side]” AND Input 1_Control action is “Heat/Cool PID
control [air cooling] or [water cooling]”: 20.0, Other casees: 2.0

To display “OUT3 proportional cycle time,” OUT3 must be specified at the time of order, and
Voltage pulse output must be set up in “Universal output type selection” in Function block No. 30
in Engineering mode.

 OUT1 minimum ON/OFF time of proportional cycle

[Setup Setting Mode: Setting group No. 30 (Sn30)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

M T1 0 to 1000 ms 0

To display “OUT1 minimum ON/OFF time of proportional cycle,” Output type on OUT1 must be
specified at the time of order as Relay contact output, Voltage pulse output, or Transistor output.

IMR03A05-E4 6-21

 OUT2 minimum ON/OFF time of proportional cycle

[Setup Setting Mode: Setting group No. 30 (Sn30)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

M T2 0 to 1000 ms 0

To display “OUT2 minimum ON/OFF time of proportional cycle,” Output type on OUT2 must be
specified at the time of order as Relay contact output, Voltage pulse output, or Transistor output.

 OUT3 minimum ON/OFF time of proportional cycle

[Setup Setting Mode: Setting group No. 30 (Sn30)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

M T3 0 to 1000 ms 0

To display “OUT3 minimum ON/OFF time of proportional cycle,” OUT3 must be specified at the
time of order, and Voltage pulse output must be set up in “Universal output type selection” in
Function block No. 30 in Engineering mode.

6-22 IMR03A05-E4

 Setting procedure
Setup setting mode
Monitor & SV setting mode Setting group No. 10 Setting group No. 30
PV/SV monitor [Display] [Output] OUT1 proportional cycle time

28.0 + MODE
Sn100 Several
times Sn300 T1
000.0 00DSP OUT 0020.0
Set proportional
cycle time

OUT2 minimum ON/OFF OUT1 minimum ON/OFF

time of proportional cycle time of proportional cycle OUT3 proportional cycle time OUT2 proportional cycle time

MT2 MT1 T3 T2
00000 00000 0020.0 0020.0
Set minimum Set minimum Set proportional Set proportional
ON/OFF time of ON/OFF time of cycle time cycle time
proportional cycle proportional cycle

OUT3 minimum ON/OFF

time of proportional cycle

MT3 Setting End

Set minimum  Next parameter is displayed.
ON/OFF time of  Press and MODE keys simultaneously to return to the Measured value
proportional cycle (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor. (For FZ400/900, the MONI key may be pressed to
return to the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor)

IMR03A05-E4 6-23

6.5 Changing Energizing/De-energizing Output

Each output (OUT 1 to 3, DO1 to 4) can be individually set to energize or de-energize.

Setting energize/de-energize at Control output, Retransmission output, or Output terminal to which

FAIL is assigned is ignored. (FAIL is fixed as de-energize)

 Description of function
 Outputs selectable to energize or de-energize
Logic calculation output: Event, Heater break alarm (HBA), Control loop break alarm (LBA), Input
error status
Instrument Status Output: RUN, Manual mode, Remote mode, Autotuning (AT), While Set value (SV) is
changing, Communication monitoring result

 Explanation of energizing and de-energizing outputs

Output state
Output type Status when the function assigned to the Status when the function assigned to the
output is ON output is OFF
Relay contact Energize Contact close Contact open
output De-energize Contact open Contact close
Voltage pulse Energize ON OFF
output De-energize OFF ON
Energize Outputs the maximum output current (100 %) Outputs the minimum output current (0 %)
Current output
De-energize Outputs the minimum output current (0 %) Outputs the maximum output current (100 %)
Continuous Energize Outputs the maximum output current (100 %) Outputs the minimum output current (0 %)
voltage output De-energize Outputs the minimum output current (0 %) Outputs the maximum output current (100 %)
Transistor Energize ON OFF
output De-energize OFF ON

Example: Relay contact output

Status when the Status when the Status when the Status when the
function assigned to function assigned to function assigned to function assigned to
the output is ON the output is OFF the output is ON the output is OFF
Contact close Contact open Contact open Contact close

Energize De-energize

 Output state at STOP

Irrespective of setting Energize/De-energize, the output state at STOP is as follows.
If “Output action at control stop” (Function block No. 30 in Engineering mode) is set to continue the action,
setting of Energize/De-energize remains valid.
Output type Output state
Relay contact output Contact open
Voltage pulse output OFF
Current output Outputs the minimum output current (0 %)
Continuous voltage output Outputs the minimum output current (0 %)
Transistor output OFF

6-24 IMR03A05-E4

 Parameter setting
 Energized/De-energized selection
[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 30 (Fn30)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

E XC 0 to 127
0: All outputs are energized

1: OUT1 de-energized

2: OUT2 de-energized
4: OUT3 de-energized
8: DO1 de-energized
16: DO2 de-energized
32: DO3 de-energized
64: DO4 de-energized
To select two or more functions, sum each value.

 Setting procedure
To enter the Engineering mode

Setting lock mode

Monitor & SV setting mode Set data unlock/lock
PV/SV monitor transfer

028.0 (4 seconds *)
* Press the key until
000.0 0on 0oFF Parameter setting mode
is displayed.
Lock state Unlock state Keep pressing without
releasing your finger from
the key to enter the
Operation transfer mode Setting lock mode.
RUN/STOP transfer

00R/S 00R/S
(2 seconds) (2 seconds)


Engineering mode
Function block No. 10 Function block No. 30 Energized/De-energized
[Display] [Output] selection

Fn100 Several
times Fn300 Several
00DSP oUT 00000
Set Energized/

Setting End

 Next parameter is displayed.

 Press and MODE keys simultaneously to return to the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor.
(For FZ400/900, the MONI key may be pressed to return to the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor)
 Select RUN on the RUN/STOP transfer.
 Select lock on the Set data unlock/lock transfer.

IMR03A05-E4 6-25

6.6 Limiting Output

Use output limiter to limit the output.

 Description of function
This is the function which restricts the high and low limits of Manipulated output values (MV).

Manipulated output value (MV)

105.0 %
The manipulated output value
is not produced within this
Output limiter high 

Manipulated output value (MV)

Output limiter low 

The manipulated output value is not
produced within this range.
5.0 % Time

Output limiter is also effective in ON/OFF control.

 Parameter setting
 Input 1_Output limiter high [heat-side]
[Parameter Setting Mode: Parameter group No. 51 (Pn51)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

1. oLH Input 1_Output limiter low [heat-side] to 105.0 % 105.0

Not displayed the Control action is a Position proportioning PID control without Feedback
resistance (FBR) input.
CHANGED (P. 4-1)” for the parameters that are automatically converted when the Input 1_Output
limiter high [heat-side] is changed.

 Input 1_Output limiter low [heat-side]

[Parameter Setting Mode: Parameter group No. 51 (Pn51)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

1. oLL 5.0 % to Input 1_Output limiter high [heat-side] 5.0

Not displayed the Control action is a Position proportioning PID control without Feedback
resistance (FBR) input.
CHANGED (P. 4-1)” for the parameters that are automatically converted when the Input 1_Output
limiter low [heat-side] is changed.

6-26 IMR03A05-E4

 Input 2_Output limiter high

[Parameter Setting Mode: Parameter group No. 52 (Pn52)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

2. oLH Input 2_Output limiter low to 105.0 % 105.0

To display “Input 2_Output limiter high,” specify “Measured input 2” at the time of order, AND
“Select function for Input 2” (Function block No. 58 in Engineering mode) must be set to 2-loop
control/Differential temperature control, or Cascade control.
CHANGED (P. 4-1)” for the parameters that are automatically converted when the Input 2_Output
limiter high is changed.

 Input 2_Output limiter low

[Parameter Setting Mode: Parameter group No. 52 (Pn52)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

2. oLL 5.0 % to Input 2_Output limiter high 5.0

To display “Input 2_Output limiter low,” specify “Measured input 2” at the time of order, AND
“Select function for Input 2” (Function block No. 58 in Engineering mode) must be set to 2-loop
control/Differential temperature control, or Cascade control.
CHANGED (P. 4-1)” for the parameters that are automatically converted when the Input 2_Output
limiter low is changed.

 Input 1_Output limiter high [cool-side]

[Parameter Setting Mode: Parameter group No. 56 (Pn56)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

1.oLHc Input 1_Output limiter low [cool-side] to 105.0 % 105.0

To display “Input 1_Output limiter high [cool-side],” specify Heat/Cool PID control at the time of order,
or select Heat/Cool PID control at “Input 1_Control action” (Function block No. 51 in Engineering mode).
CHANGED (P. 4-1)” for the parameters that are automatically converted when the Input 1_Output
limiter high [cool-side] is changed.

 Input 1_Output limiter low [cool-side]

[Parameter Setting Mode: Parameter group No. 56 (Pn56)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

1.oLLc 5.0 % to Input 1_Output limiter high [cool-side] 5.0

To display “Input 1_Output limiter low [cool-side],” specify Heat/Cool PID control at the time of order,
or select Heat/Cool PID control at “Input 1_Control action” (Function block No. 51 in Engineering mode).
CHANGED (P. 4-1)” for the parameters that are automatically converted when the Input 1_Output
limiter low [cool-side] is changed.

IMR03A05-E4 6-27

 Setting procedure
Parameter setting mode
Monitor & SV setting mode Parameter group No. 00 Parameter group No. 51 Input 1_Output limiter high
PV/SV monitor [Setting] [Input 1_Control] [heat-side]

28.0 (2 seconds)
Pn000 Once or
Twice Pn510 Several
times 1. oLH
000.0 00SV 1.ConT 0105.0
Set Output limiter
In case of Heat/Cool PID control Several
times In case of Input 1_Output limiter low
In case of two inputs two inputs [heat-side]
or Heat/Cool

1. oLL
PID control

Setting End
In case of one input
Set Output limiter
 Next parameter is displayed. low
 Press and MODE keys simultaneously to return to
the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor.
(For FZ400/900, the MONI key may be pressed to return to
the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor)

Parameter group No. 52

[Input 2_Control] Input 2_Output limiter high Input 2_Output limiter low

Pn520 Several
times 2. oLH 2. oLL
2.ConT 0105.0 -005.0
Set Output limiter Set Output limiter
high low

Setting End

 Next parameter is displayed.

 Press and MODE keys simultaneously to return to
the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor.
(For FZ400/900, the MONI key may be pressed to return to
the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor)

Parameter group No. 56 Input 1_Output limiter high Input 1_Output limiter low
[Input 1_Cooling control] [cool-side] [cool-side]

Pn560 Several
times 1.oLHc 1.oLLc
1.CooL 0105.0 -005.0
Set Output limiter Set Output limiter
high low

Setting End

 Next parameter is displayed.

 Press and MODE keys simultaneously to return to
the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor.
(For FZ400/900, the MONI key may be pressed to return to
the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor)

6-28 IMR03A05-E4

6.7 Suppressing Sudden Change in Output

(Output Change Rate Limiter)
Output change rate limiter may be used to suppress sudden change in output at power on or at the time of set
value change.

 Description of function
The Output change rate limiter limits the variation of Manipulated output (MV) per second. This function is
suitable for an application in which a sudden MV change is not acceptable.

Example: The Output change rate limiter is effective.

 The MV reaches 100 % when the power is turned on to the controller and such a sudden output change is
not acceptable in the application.
 A sudden output change occurs at the SV change and it is not acceptable in the application.

Output limiter high

100 %
When the output change rate limiter is

Manipulated output (MV)

MV 0.0 to
Sudden 1000.0 % of
MV manipulated
variation of
output 1 second output

Manipulated output (MV)

Output limiter low Set the amount of increase given to the

0% operation output in the percentage of
manipulated output for each second.

Sudden change in the output at power-up, set value

change or by disturbance

The output changes at specific rates set by Output change rate limiter (up) even under the situations where a
sudden output change would occur without Output change rate limiter function. There is also independent
Output change rate limiter (down).

If the output change rate is set smaller, it will cause slow control response and affect Derivative
When the Output change rate limiter is used, you may not be able to obtain appropriate PID
constants by Autotuning.
The Output change rate limiter is particularly effective when a sudden MV change may create
uncontrollable situation cause a large current flow. Also, it is very effective current output or
voltage output is used as control output.
Output change rate limiter may be also effective in Manual mode (including communication).
Output change rate limiter also functions when output changes suddenly due to manipulated
manual output at input error.
When the instrument recovers from power failure in Hot start 1, the Output change rate limiter
starts from the value before the power failure.
The Output change rate limiter is deactivated when control is stopped (at STOP), when control
action is an ON/OFF control or Position proportioning PID control.

IMR03A05-E4 6-29

 Parameter setting
 Input 1_Output change rate limiter (up) [heat-side]
[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 51 (Fn51)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

1. oRU 0.0 to 1000.0 %/seconds of manipulated output

0.0: OFF

Not displayed the Control action is a Position proportioning PID control without Feedback
resistance (FBR) input.

 Input 1_Output change rate limiter (down) [heat-side]

[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 51 (Fn51)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

1. oRD 0.0 to 1000.0 %/seconds of manipulated output

0.0: OFF

Not displayed the Control action is a Position proportioning PID control without Feedback
resistance (FBR) input.

 Input 2_Output change rate limiter (up)

[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 52 (Fn52)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

2. oRU 0.0 to 1000.0 %/seconds of manipulated output

0.0: OFF

To display “Input 2_Output change rate limiter (up),” specify “Measured input 2” at the time of
order, AND “Select function for Input 2” (Function block No. 58 in Engineering mode) must be set
to 2-loop control/Differential temperature control.

 Input 2_Output change rate limiter (down)

[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 52 (Fn52)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

2. oRD 0.0 to 1000.0 %/seconds of manipulated output

0.0: OFF

To display “Input 2_Output change rate limiter (down),” specify “Measured input 2” at the time of
order, AND “Select function for Input 2” (Function block No. 58 in Engineering mode) must be set
to 2-loop control/Differential temperature control.

6-30 IMR03A05-E4

 Input 1_Output change rate limiter (up) [cool-side]

[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 56 (Fn56)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

1.oRUc 0.0 to 1000.0 %/seconds of manipulated output

0.0: OFF

To display “Input 1_Output change rate limiter (up) [cool-side],” specify Heat/Cool PID control at
the time of order, or select Heat/Cool PID control at “Input 1_Control action” (Function block No. 51
in Engineering mode).

 Input 1_Output change rate limiter (down) [cool-side]

[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 56 (Fn56)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

1.oRDc 0.0 to 1000.0 %/seconds of manipulated output

0.0: OFF

To display “Input 1_Output change rate limiter (down) [cool-side],” specify Heat/Cool PID control at
the time of order, or select Heat/Cool PID control at “Input 1_Control action” (Function block No. 51
in Engineering mode).

 Setting procedure

To enter the Engineering mode

Setting lock mode

Monitor & SV setting mode Set data unlock/lock
PV/SV monitor transfer

028.0 (4 seconds *)
* Press the key until
000.0 0on 0oFF Parameter setting mode
is displayed.
Lock state Unlock state Keep pressing without
releasing your finger from
the key to enter the
Operation transfer mode Setting lock mode.
RUN/STOP transfer

00R/S 00R/S
(2 seconds) (2 seconds)


Continued on the next page.

IMR03A05-E4 6-31

Continued from the previous page.

Engineering mode
Function block No. 10 Function block No. 51 Input 1_Output change rate Input 1_Output change rate
[Display] [Input 1_Control] limiter (up) [heat-side] limiter (down) [heat-side]
In case of

Fn100 Several
times Fn510 Twice 1. oRU 1. oRd one input

00DSP 1.ConT 0000.0 0000.0

Set Output change Set Output change
In case of Heat/Cool PID control rate limiter (up) rate limiter (down)
In case of two inputs In case of two inputs or Heat/Cool PID control

Function block No. 52 Input 2_Output change Input 1_Output change

[[Input 2_Control] rate limiter (up) rate limiter (down)

Fn520 Twice 2. oRU 2. oRd

2.ConT 0000.0 0000.0
Set Output change Set Output change
rate limiter (up) rate limiter (down)

Parameter group No. 56 Input 1_Output change rate Input 1_Output change rate
[Input 1_Cooling control] limiter (up) [cool-side] limiter (down) [cool-side]

Fn560 1.oRUc 1.oRdc

1.CooL 0000.0 0000.0
Set Output change Set Output change
rate limiter (up) rate limiter (down)

Setting End

 Next parameter is displayed.

 Press and MODE keys simultaneously to return to the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor.
(For FZ400/900, the MONI key may be pressed to return to the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor)
 Select RUN on the RUN/STOP transfer.
 Select lock on the Set data unlock/lock transfer.

6-32 IMR03A05-E4

6.8 Suppressing Sudden Change in Output

(Balanceless Bumpless)
Balanceless bumpless may be used to suppress sudden output change when the control is transferred from
Auto mode to Manual mode (or Manual mode to Auto mode).

 Description of function
Manipulated output value, when transferred from Auto mode to Manual mode, depends on the setting of
“Manual manipulated output value selection.” Selection of “Use the most recent manipulated output value”
(balanceless bumpless function) or “Use the Manual manipulated output value *” (bump action) can be
selected in “Manual manipulated output value selection.”

* The Manual manipulated output value is the last manipulated output value in Manual mode before the mode is
transferred from Auto mode to Manual mode.
Note that the Manual manipulated output value can be preset in advance in the Setup setting mode before the
mode is transferred to Manual mode.

When the mode is transferred from Manual mode to Auto mode, the balanceless bumpless
function is always activated.

 Balanceless bumpless function

This function is used to prevent overload caused by the Manipulated output value (MV) suddenly changing
when Auto mode is transferred to Manual mode and vice versa.
Manipulated output value (MV)

Auto mode Manual mode Auto mode


(a) (b) (c)

(a) Transfer from Auto mode to Manual mode.

However, when the mode is transferred to Manual mode, the Manipulated output value used in
Auto mode will be used as the manual output value in Manual mode.
(b) The manipulated output value is changed (Manual mode function)
(c) Transfer from Manual mode to Auto mode.
When the mode is transferred to Auto mode, the controller starts PID control based on the MV used
in Manual mode.

IMR03A05-E4 6-33

 Bumpless action associated with Auto/Manual transfer at the time of memory area selection
This instrument allows Auto/Manual transfer at the time of Memory area selection. Selection of balanceless
bumpless action and bump action can be made at the time of Auto/Manual transfer.

[Parameters to set up]

 Auto/Manual transfer selection (Area)
This setting is used to select whether the mode should be transferred to Auto mode or Manual
mode at the time of Memory area selection. This setting is also used to select balanceless
bumpless action or bump action at the time of Auto/Manual transfer.
 Manipulated output value (Area)
This setting is used to set a manipulated output value when Bump action is selected at the time
of Auto/Manual selection (area). This setting is used in Auto mode and Manual mode in

There are several ways to select a memory area.

Concerning the selection by key operation, refer to 10.3 Storing the Control Related Settings
(Memory Area Function) (P. 10-10) or FZ110/FZ400/FZ900 Quick Operation Manual
Concerning the selection by Digital input (DI), refer to 5.2 Switching Functions Using Digital
Inputs (DI) (P. 5-16).
Concerning the selection by Memory area soak time, refer to 10.5 Executing Simple Program
Operation (P. 10-18) or 10.6 Executing Simple Sequence Operation (P. 10-26).

Bumpless/Bump action by “Auto/Manual transfer selection (Area)” has a priority over the
Bumpless/Bump action by “Manual manipulated output value selection.”

6-34 IMR03A05-E4

 Parameter setting
 Manual manipulated output value selection
[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 50 (Fn50)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

MVTS 0: The last manipulated output value (Balanceless bumpless function)

1: Manual manipulated output value

 Input 1_Manual manipulated output value

[Setup Setting Mode: Setting group No. 51 (Sn51)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

1. M.MV PID control, Position proportioning PID control:

Input 1_Output limiter low [heat-side]
PID control, Position proportioning
PID control: 5.0
to Input 1_Output limiter high [heat-side] Heat/Cool PID control: 0.0
Heat/Cool PID control:
(Input 1_Output limiter high [cool-side])
to +(Input 1_Output limiter high [heat-side])
* Heat/Cool PID control has exceptional conditions as follows for the data range.
(1) Input 1_Output limiter high [cool-side] is  0.0 %
 Input 1_Output limiter low [heat-side] is  0.0 %: 0.0 % to (Input 1_Output limiter high [heat-side])
 Input 1_Output limiter low [heat-side] is  0.0 %: Input 1_Output limiter low [heat-side]
to Input 1_Output limiter high [heat-side]
(2) Input 1_Output limiter high [heat-side] is  0.0 %
 Input 1_Output limiter low [cool-side] is  0.0 %: (Input 1_Output limiter high [cool-side]) to 0.0 %
 Input 1_Output limiter low [cool-side] is  0.0 %: (Input 1_Output limiter high [cool-side])
to (Input 1_Output limiter low [cool-side])
(3) Fixed at 0.0% in the following cases:
Input 1_Output limiter high [cool-side]  0.0 %, AND Input 1_Output limiter high [heat-side]  0.0 %

Not displayed the Control action is a Position proportioning PID control without Feedback
resistance (FBR) input.

 Input 2_Manual manipulated output value

[Setup Setting Mode: Setting group No. 52 (Sn52)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

2. M.MV Input 2_Output limiter low to Input 2_Output limiter high 5.0

To display “Input 2_Manual manipulated output value,” specify “Measured input 2” at the time of
order, AND “Select function for input 2” (Function block No. 58 in Engineering mode) must be set
to 2-loop control/Differential temperature control.

 Input 1_Auto/Manual transfer selection (Area)

[Parameter Setting Mode: Parameter group No. 70 (Pn70)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

1.A/M.A 0: No transfer
1: Auto mode (bumpless)

2: Auto mode (bump)

3: Manual mode (bumpless)
4: Manual mode (bump)

IMR03A05-E4 6-35

 Input 1_Manipulated output value (Area)

[Parameter Setting Mode: Parameter group No. 70 (Pn70)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

1. M V.A PID control, Position proportioning PID control:

5.0 to 105.0 %
PID control, Position proportioning
PID control: 5.0
Heat/Cool PID control: Heat/Cool PID control:0.0
105.0 to 105.0 %

 Input 2_Auto/Manual transfer selection (Area)

[Parameter Setting Mode: Parameter group No. 70 (Pn70)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

2.A/M.A 0: No transfer
1: Auto mode (bumpless)

2: Auto mode (bump)

3: Manual mode (bumpless)
4: Manual mode (bump)

To display “Input 2_Auto/Manual transfer selection (Area),” specify “Measured input 2” at the time
of order, AND “Select function for input 2” (Function block No. 58 in Engineering mode) must be
set to 2-loop control/Differential temperature control.

 Input 2_Manipulated output value (Area)

[Parameter Setting Mode: Parameter group No. 70 (Pn70)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

2. M V.A 5.0 to 105.0 % 5.0

To display “Input 2_Manipulated output value (Area),” specify “Measured input 2” at the time of
order, AND “Select function for input 2” (Function block No. 58 in Engineering mode) must be set
to 2-loop control/Differential temperature control.

6-36 IMR03A05-E4

 Setting procedure
 Setting “Manual manipulated output value selection” and “Manual manipulated
output value”
To enter the Engineering mode

Setting lock mode

Monitor & SV setting mode Set data unlock/lock
PV/SV monitor transfer

028.0 (4 seconds *)
* Press the key until
000.0 0on 0oFF Parameter setting mode
is displayed.
Lock state Unlock state Keep pressing without
releasing your finger from
the key to enter the
Operation transfer mode Setting lock mode.
RUN/STOP transfer

00R/S 00R/S
(2 seconds) (2 seconds)


Engineering mode
Function block No. 10 Function block No. 50 Manual manipulated
[Display] [Control] output value selection

Fn100 Several
times Fn500 Twice MVTS + MODE

00DSP ConT 00000

Set Manual manipulated
output value selection

Setup setting mode

Monitor & SV setting mode Setting group No. 10 Setting group No. 51 Input 1_Manual manipulated
PV/SV monitor [Display] [Input 1_Control] output value
In case of

028.0 + MODE
Sn100 Several
times Sn510 1. M.MV one input

STOP 00DSP 1.ConT -005.0

Set Manual
manipulated output
In case of two inputs times

Setting group No. 52 Input 2_Manual manipulated

[Input 2_Control] output value

Sn520 2. M.MV Setting End

2.ConT -005.0  Next parameter is displayed.
Set Manual
manipulated output  Press and MODE keys simultaneously to return to the
value Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor.
(For FZ400/900, the MONI key may be pressed to return to the
Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor)
 Select RUN on the RUN/STOP transfer.
 Select lock on the Set data unlock/lock transfer.

IMR03A05-E4 6-37

 Setting “Auto/Manual transfer selection (Area)” and “Manipulated output value (Area)”
Parameter setting mode Input 1_Auto/Manual
Monitor & SV setting mode Parameter group No. 00 Parameter group No. 70 transfer selection
PV/SV monitor [Setting] [Memory area function] (Area)

028.0 (2 seconds
or more) Pn000 Pn700 Several
times 1.A/M.A
000.0 00SV AREA 00000
Set Auto/Manual
transfer selection
Input 2_Auto/Manual
transfer selection
(Area) Input 1_Manipulated
output value (Area)


1. MV.A
In case of two inputs times

00000 -005.0
In case of one input
Set Auto/Manual
transfer selection Set Manipulated
(Area) output value (Area)

Input 2_Manipulated
output value (Area)

2. MV.A Setting End

-005.0  Next parameter is displayed.
Set Manipulated
output value (Area)  Press and MODE keys simultaneously to return to the Measured
value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor.
(For FZ400/900, the MONI key may be pressed to return to the Measured
value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor)

6-38 IMR03A05-E4

6.9 Changing the Output Action While in Control Stop Mode

This instrument can continue supplying Retransmission output and Event outputs, or output Manipulated
output value, even while Control is stopped.

 Description of function
The following three types can be continued to output even while in control stop mode. Multi types can be
 Retransmission output
 Logic calculation output [Event, Heater break alarm (HBA), Input error status]
 Instrument Status Output [Manual mode, Remote mode, While Set value (SV) is changing, Communication
monitoring result]

Continued output types while in Control stop cannot be selected by the output.
For example, this combination is not available:
Event 1: Continue to output even while in Control stop. Event 2: Output to be stopped.
Selection can be made in the unit of Retransmission output, Logic operation output, Instrument
status output.
Selecting “Logic calculation output: Action continues” as “Output action at control stop” will not
include Control loop break alarm (LBA).

 Manipulated output value at STOP

Manipulated output value at STOP is a function to produce the preset manipulated output value at Control
STOP. In the case of Heat/Cool PID control, Manipulated output value can be set on both sides of heating
and cooling. Likewise, in case of a dual output type, manipulated output value can be set on both sides of
Control output 1 and 2.

 Parameter setting
 Output action at control stop
[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 30 (Fn30)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

SS 0 to 7
0: OFF

1: Logic calculation output: Action continues

2: Retransmission output: Action continues
4: Instrument status output: Action continues
To select two or more functions, sum each value.

 Input 1_Manipulated output value at STOP [heat-side]

[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 51 (Fn51)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

1. RMV 5.0 to 105.0 % 5.0

IMR03A05-E4 6-39

 Input 2_Manipulated output value at STOP

[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 52 (Fn52)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

2. RMV 5.0 to 105.0 % 5.0

To display “Input 2_Manipulated output value at STOP,” specify “Measured input 2” at the time of
order, AND “Select function for input 2” (Function block No. 58 in Engineering mode) must be set
to 2-loop control/Differential temperature control.

 Input 1_Manipulated output value at STOP [cool-side]

[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 56 (Fn56)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

1.RMVc 5.0 to 105.0 % 5.0

To display “Input 1_Manipulated output value at STOP [cool-side],” specify Heat/Cool PID
control at the time of order, or select Heat/Cool PID control at “Input 1_Control action” (Function
block No. 51 in Engineering mode).

 Setting procedure

To enter the Engineering mode

Setting lock mode

Monitor & SV setting mode Set data unlock/lock
PV/SV monitor transfer

028.0 (4 seconds *)
* Press the key until
000.0 0on 0oFF Parameter setting mode
is displayed.
Lock state Unlock state Keep pressing without
releasing your finger from
the key to enter the
Operation transfer mode Setting lock mode.
RUN/STOP transfer

00R/S 00R/S
(2 seconds) (2 seconds)


Continued on the next page.

6-40 IMR03A05-E4

Continued from the previous page.


Engineering mode
Function block No. 10 Function block No. 30 Output action
[Display] [Output] at control stop

Fn100 Fn300 SS
Several Several Once or
times times Twice

00DSP oUT 00000

Set Output action at
control stop

Input 1_Manipulated
Function block No. 51 output value at STOP
[Input 1_Control] [heat-side]
In case of

Fn510 Several
1. RMV one input

1.ConT -005.0
In case of Set Manipulated
In case of Heat/Cool two inputs output value at STOP
PID control

In case of two inputs or Several

Heat/Cool PID control times
Function block No. 52 Input 2_Manipulated
[[Input 2_Control] output value at STOP

Fn520 Several
2. RMV
2.ConT -005.0
Set Manipulated
output value at STOP

Input 1_Manipulated
Parameter group No. 56 output value at STOP
[Input 1_Cooling control] [cool-side]

Fn560 Several
times 1.RMVc
1.CooL -005.0
Set Manipulated
output value at STOP

Setting End

 Next parameter is displayed.

 Press and MODE keys simultaneously to return to the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor.
(For FZ400/900, the MONI key may be pressed to return to the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor)
 Select RUN on the RUN/STOP transfer.
 Select lock on the Set data unlock/lock transfer.

IMR03A05-E4 6-41

6.10 Monitoring Manipulated Output Value

Manipulated output value can be monitored on this instrument.

 Display contents
 Input 1_Manipulated output value monitor [heat-side]
[Monitor & SV Setting Mode]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

1. MV 5.0 to 105.0 %

Not displayed the Control action is a Position proportioning PID control without Feedback
resistance (FBR) input.
Feedback resistance (FBR) input value is displayed when the Control action is a Position
proportioning PID control with Feedback resistance (FBR) input.

 Input 1_Manipulated output value monitor [cool-side]

[Monitor & SV Setting Mode]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

1. MVc 5.0 to 105.0 %

To display “Input 1_Manipulated output value monitor [cool-side],” specify Heat/Cool PID control at
the time of order, or select Heat/Cool PID control at “Input 1_Control action” (Function block No. 51
in Engineering mode).

 Input 2_Manipulated output value monitor

[Monitor & SV Setting Mode]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

2. MV 5.0 to 105.0 %

To display “Input 2_Manipulated output value monitor,” specify “Measured input 2” at the time of
order, AND “Select function for input 2” (Function block No. 58 in Engineering mode) must be set
to 2-loop control/Differential temperature control.

6-42 IMR03A05-E4

 Display operation
Input 1_Manipulated Input 1_Manipulated
Monitor & SV setting mode output value monitor output value monitor
PV/SV monitor [heat-side] [cool-side]
In case of

28.0 1. MV 1. MVc
MODE * **
Several times PID control

000.0 050.0 050.0

Input 2_Manipulated
output value monitor

In case of
two inputs
2. MV **


* In case of a FZ400/900, MONI key may be used instead.

** In case of a FZ400/900, R.SET key may be used to return.

IMR03A05-E4 6-43

6-44 IMR03A05-E4
This chapter describes event related functions, setting contents and setting
procedure based on the key words related to events.

7.1 Using Event Function ....................................................................... 7-2

7.1.1 Changing input for event ..................................................................... 7-3
7.1.2 Changing event type............................................................................ 7-7
7.1.3 Adding hold action to the event action............................................... 7-16
7.1.4 Setting a differential gap in event action............................................ 7-19
7.1.5 Preventing event from turning on due to a transient
abnormal input ................................................................................... 7-21
7.1.6 Changing event output assignment ................................................... 7-23
7.1.7 Changing the event set value ............................................................ 7-23
7.2 Using Heater Break Alarm (HBA)................................................... 7-24
7.2.1 Setting the Heater break alarm (HBA) set value ............................... 7-25
7.2.2 Preventing Heater break alarm (HBA) from turning on due to
a transient abnormal input ................................................................. 7-28
7.2.3 Changing the output monitored by the Heater break alarm (HBA) .... 7-30
7.2.4 Changing the Current transformer (CT) type ..................................... 7-33
7.2.5 Forcing the CT input value to 0.0 A when the heater is OFF ............ 7-35
7.3 Using Control Loop Break Alarm (LBA) ......................................... 7-36
7.4 Checking Event ON State .............................................................. 7-40
7.5 Keeping the Event State (Interlock Function) ................................. 7-42
7.6 Releasing the Event State (Interlock Release)............................... 7-44
7.7 Preventing Control with Input Errors (Input Circuit Error Alarm)
[FZ400/900] ................................................................................... 7-46

IMR03A05-E4 7-1

7.1 Using Event Function

 Setting procedure for event function
Set event as follows:

Set the parameter Set the parameter related to Event output.

related to event output  OUT1 to 3 function selection
 DO1 to 4 function selection
 OUT1 to 3 logic calculation selection
 DO1 to 4 logic calculation selection
 Energized/De-energized selection
 Interlock selection
 Output action at control stop
For OUT1 to 3 function selection, DO1 to 4 function selection, OUT1
to 3 logic calculation selection and DO1 to 4 logic calculation selection,
refer to 6.1 Changing Output Assignment (P. 6-2).
For Energized/De-energized selection, refer to 6.5 Changing
Energizing/De-energizing Output (P. 6-24).
For Interlock function, refer to 7.5 Keeping the Event State (Interlock
Function) (P. 7-42) and 7.6 Releasing the Event State (Interlock
Release) (P. 7-44).
For Output action at control stop, refer to 6.9 Changing the Output
Action While in Control Stop Mode (P. 6-39).

Set the following parameters:

Set the Event parameter  Event assignment
 Event type
 Event hold action
 Event differential gap
 Event timer
For event assignment, refer to 7.1.1 Changing input for event (P. 7-3).
For event type, refer to 7.1.2 Changing event type (P. 7-7).
For event hold action, refer to 7.1.3 Adding hold action to the event
action (P. 7-16).
For event differential gap, refer to 7.1.4 Setting a differential gap in
event action (P. 7-19).
For event timer, 7.1.5 Preventing event from turning on due to a
transient abnormal input (P. 7-21).

Set the Event set value.

Set the Event set value
For event set value, refer to 7.1.7 Changing the event set value
(P. 7-23).

7-2 IMR03A05-E4

7.1.1 Changing input for event

On this instrument input signal can be individually set for each event.
 Input 1
 Input 2
 Differential temperature input

 Description of function
There are four action available for event; Deviation action, Input value action, Set value action, and
Manipulated output value action.
Each event uses its own value.

 Deviation action
For Input 1: Deviation = Input 1_Measured value (PV) – Input 1_Set value (SV)
For Input 2: Deviation = Input 2_Measured value (PV) – Input 2_Set value (SV)
For Differential temperature input: Deviation = Measured value (PV) of differential temperature input –
Set value (SV) of differential temperature input

 Input value action

For Input 1: Input value = Input 1_Measured value (PV)
For Input 2: Input value = Input 2_Measured value (PV)
For Differential temperature input: Input value = Measured value (PV) of differential temperature input

 Set value action

For Input 1: Set value = Input 1_Set value (SV)
For Input 2: Set value = Input 2_Set value (SV)
For Differential temperature input: Set value = Set value (SV) of differential temperature input

 Manipulated output value action

For Input 1: Manipulated output value = Input 1_ Manipulated output value (MV)
For Input 2: Manipulated output value = Input 2_ Manipulated output value (MV)
For Differential temperature input: Manipulated output value = Input 1_ Manipulated output value (MV)

 Parameter setting
 Event 1 assignment
[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 41 (Fn41)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

EVA1 1: Input 1
2: Input 2

3: Differential temperature input

To display “Event 1 assignment,” specify “Measured input 2” at the time of order, AND “Select
function for input 2” (Function block No. 58 in Engineering mode) must be set to 2-loop
control/Differential temperature control, or Cascade control.
CHANGED (P. 4-1)” for the parameters that are initialized when the Event 1 assignment is changed.

IMR03A05-E4 7-3

 Event 2 assignment
[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 42 (Fn42)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

EVA2 1: Input 1
2: Input 2

3: Differential temperature input

To display “Event 2 assignment,” specify “Measured input 2” at the time of order, AND “Select
function for input 2” (Function block No. 58 in Engineering mode) must be set to 2-loop
control/Differential temperature control, or Cascade control.
CHANGED (P. 4-1)” for the parameters that are initialized when the Event 2 assignment is

 Event 3 assignment
[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 43 (Fn43)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

EVA3 1: Input 1
2: Input 2

3: Differential temperature input

To display “Event 3 assignment,” specify “Measured input 2” at the time of order, AND “Select
function for input 2” (Function block No. 58 in Engineering mode) must be set to 2-loop
control/Differential temperature control, or Cascade control.
CHANGED (P. 4-1)” for the parameters that are initialized when the Event 3 assignment is

 Event 4 assignment
[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 44 (Fn44)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

EVA4 1: Input 1
2: Input 2

3: Differential temperature input

To display “Event 4 assignment,” specify “Measured input 2” at the time of order, AND “Select
function for input 2” (Function block No. 58 in Engineering mode) must be set to 2-loop
control/Differential temperature control, or Cascade control.
CHANGED (P. 4-1)” for the parameters that are initialized when the Event 4 assignment is

7-4 IMR03A05-E4

 Setting procedure
To enter the Engineering mode

Setting lock mode

Monitor & SV setting mode Set data unlock/lock
PV/SV monitor transfer

028.0 (4 seconds *)
* Press the key until
000.0 0on 0oFF Parameter setting mode
is displayed.
Lock state Unlock state Keep pressing without
releasing your finger from
the key to enter the
Operation transfer mode Setting lock mode.
RUN/STOP transfer

00R/S 00R/S
(2 seconds) (2 seconds)


Engineering mode
Function block No. 10 Function block No. 41
[Display] [Event 1] Event 1 assignment Event 1 type Event 1 hold action

Fn100 Several
times Fn410 EVA1 ES1 EHO1
00DSP EV1 00001 00001 00000
Set Event assignment Set Event type Set Event hold

Event 1 timer Event 1 differential gap

0000.0 00002
Set Event timer Set Event
differential gap

Function block No. 42

[Event 2] Event 2 assignment Event 2 type Event 2 hold action

Fn420 EVA2 ES2 EHo2

EV2 00001 00001 00000
Set Event assignment Set Event type Set Event hold

Event 2 timer Event 2 differential gap

0000.0 00002
Set Event timer Set Event
differential gap

Continued on the next page.

IMR03A05-E4 7-5

Continued from the previous page.


Function block No. 43

[Event 3] Event 3 assignment Event 3 type Event 3 hold action

Fn430 EVA3 ES3 EHo3

EV3 00001 00001 00000
Set Event assignment Set Event type Set Event hold

Event 3 timer Event 3 differential gap

0000.0 00002
Set Event timer Set Event
differential gap

Function block No. 44

[Event 4] Event 4 assignment Event 4 type Event 4 hold action

Fn440 EVA4 ES4 EHo4

EV4 00001 00001 00000
Set Event assignment Set Event type Set Event hold

Event 4 timer Event 4 differential gap

0000.0 00002
Set Event timer Set Event
differential gap

Setting End

 Next parameter is displayed.

 Press and MODE keys simultaneously to return to the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor.
(For FZ400/900, the MONI key may be pressed to return to the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor)
 Select RUN on the RUN/STOP transfer.
 Select lock on the Set data unlock/lock transfer.

7-6 IMR03A05-E4

7.1.2 Changing event type

There are 24 types of event in total.

 Event type
Set value Event type Initial setting code
0 None N
1 Deviation high (Using SV monitor value) 1 A, E (With hold action), Q (With re-hold action)
2 Deviation low (Using SV monitor value) 1 B, F (With hold action), R (With re-hold action)
3 Deviation high/low (Using SV monitor value) 1 C, G (With hold action), T (With re-hold action)
4 Band (Using SV monitor value) 1 D
Deviation high/low (Using SV monitor value)
5 X, Y (With hold action), Z (With re-hold action)
[High/Low individual setting] 1
Band (Using SV monitor value) U
[High/Low individual setting] 1
7 SV high (Using SV monitor value) V
8 SV low (Using SV monitor value) W
9 Process high 2 H, K (With hold action)
10 Process low 2 J, L (With hold action)
11 Deviation high (Using local SV) 1 
12 Deviation low (Using local SV) 1 
13 Deviation high/low (Using local SV) 1 
14 Band (Using local SV) 1 
Deviation high/low (Using local SV) 
[High/Low individual setting] 1
Band (Using local SV) 
[High/Low individual setting] 1
17 SV high (Using local SV) 
18 SV low (Using local SV) 
19 MV high [heat-side] 2, 3 1
20 MV low [heat-side] 2, 3 2
21 MV high [cool-side] 2 3
22 MV low [cool-side] 2 4
23 Process high/low [High/Low individual setting] 2 
24 Process band [High/Low individual setting] 2 
1 Event hold and re-hold action is available.
2 Event hold action is available.
3 The Manipulated output value (MV) corresponds to the Feedback resistance (FBR) input value when the
Control action is a Position proportioning PID control with Feedback resistance (FBR) input.

IMR03A05-E4 7-7

 Description of function
 Deviation action
When the deviation (PV  SV) reaches the Event set value, event ON occurs.
SV monitor value type and local SV value type are available for Deviation action.
SV monitor value type The Event set value is set for the SV monitor value.
Setting change rate limiter adjusts the Event set value to follow the same
change rate of SV monitor value.
SV monitor value:
SV monitor value is displayed in the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) monitor
screen (Monitor & SV setting mode). When Setting change rate limiter is set, the Set
value (SV) in the changing process is displayed.
Local SV type The Event set value is set for the Set value (SV) [Local SV].
Local SV:
Local SV is displayed in the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) screen (Monitor &
SV setting mode).

SV monitor value type

[When setting change rate limiter is not set.] [When setting change rate limiter is set.]
When the Set value (SV) is changed, When the Set value (SV) is
Set value (SV) the Event set value is set for the Set Set value (SV) changed, the Event set value is
value (SV) after the change. set for the Set value (SV) in the
changing process.
Event set value
Set value (SV) Set value (SV)
Event set value Event set value
SV monitor value
Set value (SV) Set value (SV)

Time Time
Changing the set value (SV) Changing the set value (SV)

Local SV type

Set value (SV) When the Set value (SV) is changed, the Event set value is
set for the Set value (SV) after the change.

Event set value

Set value (SV) Local SV type has only one type of action on change
Event set value with or without the Setting change rate limiter.
Set value (SV)

Changing the set value (SV)

For the Setting change rate limiter, refer to 10.2 Eliminating a Sudden Set Value Change
(Setting Change Rate Limiter) (P. 10-6).

7-8 IMR03A05-E4

Some examples of Deviation high are described in the following:

Deviation high: When the deviation (PV – SV) is more than the Event set value, the event ON occurs.

SV monitor value type

(Example: When setting change rate limiter is set.) : Event ON zone
[Event set value is greater than 0] [Event set value is less than 0.]

Measured value (PV) Measured value (PV) Measured value (PV)

Set value (SV) SV monitor value

Set value (SV) Event set value
Event set value Set value (SV)
SV monitor value
Set value (SV)
Measured value (PV)
Time Time
Changing the set value (SV) Changing the set value (SV)
Event status OFF ON OFF Event status ON OFF ON

Local SV type : Event ON zone

[Event set value is greater than 0] [Event set value is less than 0.]
Measured value (PV) Measured value (PV)
Measured value (PV)

Event set value Set value (SV)

Set value (SV) Event set value
Event set value Set value (SV)
Set value (SV) Event set value

Measured value (PV)

Time Time
Changing the set value (SV) Changing the set value (SV)
Event status OFF ON OFF Event status ON OFF ON

Event turns ON or OFF in accordance with the differential gap setting. For Event differential gap,
refer to 7.1.4 Setting a differential gap in event action (P. 7-19).

IMR03A05-E4 7-9

Diagrams of the Deviation action type are shown in the following:

ON: Event action turned on

OFF: Event action turned off ( : Set value (SV) : Event set value ☆: Event differential gap)

Deviation high
When the deviation (PV – SV) is more than the Event set value, the event ON occurs.
(Event set value is greater than 0.) (Event set value is less than 0.)
Low High Low High

Deviation low
When the deviation (PV – SV) is less than the Event set value, the event ON occurs.
(Event set value is greater than 0.) (Event set value is less than 0.)
Low High Low High

Deviation high/low
Two types of Deviation high/low action are available.
Without high/low individual setting:
When the absolute deviation | PV – SV | is more/less than the Event set values, the event ON occurs.
With high/low individual setting:
High action: When the deviation (PV – SV) is more than the Event set value [high], the event ON
Low action: When the deviation (PV – SV) is less than the Event set value [low], the event ON
(Without High/Low individual setting) (With High/Low individual setting)
Low High Low High

Two types of Band action are available.
Without high/low individual setting:
When the absolute deviation | PV – SV | is within the Event set values, the event ON occurs.
With high/low individual setting:
High action: When the deviation (PV – SV) is less than the Event set value [high], the event ON
Low action: When the deviation (PV – SV) is more than the Event set value [low], the event ON
(Without High/Low individual setting) (With High/Low individual setting)
Low High Low High

7-10 IMR03A05-E4

 Set value action

When the Set value (SV) reaches the Event set value, event ON occurs.
SV monitor value type and local SV value type are available for Set value action.
SV monitor value type Event turns on when SV monitor value reaches Event set value.
Setting change rate limiter turns on the event when the Set value (SV) in
the changing process reaches Event set value.
SV monitor value:
SV monitor value is displayed in the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) monitor
screen (Monitor display mode). When Setting change rate limiter is set, the Set value
(SV) in the changing process is displayed.
Local SV type Event turns on when Set value (SV) [Local SV] reaches Event set value.
Local SV:
Local SV is displayed in the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) screen (SV setting

Some examples of SV high are described in the following:

SV high: When the Set value (SV) is more than the Event set value, the event ON occurs.
SV monitor value type : Event ON zone
[When setting change rate limiter is not set.] [When setting change rate limiter is set.]
Set value (SV) Event turns on when the Set value (SV) Event turns on when the Set
changed Set value (SV) value (SV) in the changing
reaches the Event set value. process reaches the Event
set value.
Set value (SV) Set value (SV)
Event set value Event set value
Set value (SV) Set value (SV)
SV monitor value

Time Time
Changing the set value (SV) Changing the set value (SV)
Event status OFF ON Event status OFF ON

Local SV type
: Event ON zone

Set value (SV) Event turns on when the changed Set value (SV)
reaches the Event set value.

Set value (SV) Local SV type has only one type of action on a change with
Event set value or without the Setting change rate limiter.
Set value (SV)

Changing the set value (SV)
Event status OFF ON

Event turns ON or OFF in accordance with the differential gap setting. For Event differential gap,
refer to 7.1.4 Setting a differential gap in event action (P. 7-19).

IMR03A05-E4 7-11

Diagrams of the Set value action type are shown in the following:

ON: Event action turned on

OFF: Event action turned off ( : Set value (SV) : Event set value ☆: Event differential gap)

SV high
When the Set value (SV) is more than the Event set value, the event ON occurs.
Low High

SV low
When the Set value (SV) is less than the Event set value, the event ON occurs.
Low High

7-12 IMR03A05-E4

 Input value action

When the Measured value (PV) reaches the Event set value, event ON occurs.

ON: Event action turned on

OFF: Event action turned off ( : Set value (SV) : Event set value ☆: Event differential gap)

Process high
When the Measured value (PV) is more than the Event set value, the event ON occurs.
Low High

Process low
When the Measured value (PV) is less than the Event set value, the event ON occurs.
Low High

Process high/low
Process high/low action can be modified to high and low individual setting.
High action: When the Measured value (PV) is more than the Event set value [high], the event ON occurs.
Low action: When the Measured value (PV) is less than the Event set value [low], the event ON occurs.
(With High/Low individual setting)
Low High

Process band
Process band action can be modified to high and low individual setting.
High action: When the Measured value (PV) is less than the Event set value [high], the event ON occurs.
Low action: When the Measured value (PV) is more than the Event set value [low], the event ON occurs.
(With High/Low individual setting)
Low High

IMR03A05-E4 7-13

 Manipulated output value action

When a Manipulated output value (MV) reaches the Event set value, the event ON occurs.

ON: Event action turned on

OFF: Event action turned off ( : Set value (SV) : Event set value ☆: Event differential gap)

MV high
When the Manipulated output value (MV) is more than the Event set value, the event ON occurs.
Low High

MV high
When the Manipulated output value (MV) is less than the Event set value, the event ON occurs.
Low High

 Parameter setting
 Event 1 type
[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 41 (Fn41)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

E S1 0:
Deviation high (Using SV monitor value) a
If the Event type is specified by the
initial setting code when ordering,
2: Deviation low (Using SV monitor value)a that Event type will be the factory set
3: Deviation high/low (Using SV monitor value) a value.
4: Band (Using SV monitor value) a
If the Event type is not specified: 1
5: Deviation high/low (Using SV monitor value)
[High/Low individual setting] a
6: Band (Using SV monitor value) [High/Low individual setting] a
7: SV high (Using SV monitor value)
8: SV low (Using SV monitor value)
9: Process high b
10: Process low b
11: Deviation high (Using local SV) a
12: Deviation low (Using local SV) a
13: Deviation high/low (Using local SV) a
14: Band (Using local SV) a
15: Deviation high/low (Using local SV) [High/Low individual setting] a
16: Band (Using local SV) [High/Low individual setting] a
17: SV high (Using local SV)
18: SV low (Using local SV)
19: MV high [heat-side] b, c
20: MV low [heat-side] b, c
21: MV high [cool-side] b
22: MV low [cool-side] b
23: Process high/low [High/Low individual setting] b
24: Process band [High/Low individual setting] b
a Event hold and re-hold action is available.
b Event hold action is available.
c When the instrument is specified as position proportioning PID control
with feedback resistance, this item becomes Feedback resistance (FBR)


CHANGED (P. 4-1)” for the parameters that are initialized when the Event 1 type is changed.

7-14 IMR03A05-E4

 Event 2 type
[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 42 (Fn42)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

E S2 Same as Event 1 type (P. 7-14) If the Event type is specified by the
initial setting code when ordering,
that Event type will be the factory set
If the Event type is not specified: 1


CHANGED (P. 4-1)” for the parameters that are initialized when the Event 2 type is changed.

 Event 3 type
[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 43 (Fn43)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

E S3 Same as Event 1 type (P. 7-14) If the Event type is specified by the
initial setting code when ordering,
that Event type will be the factory set
If the Event type is not specified: 1


CHANGED (P. 4-1)” for the parameters that are initialized when the Event 3 type is changed.

 Event 4 type
[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 44 (Fn44)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

E S4 Same as Event 1 type (P. 7-14) If the Event type is specified by the
initial setting code when ordering,
that Event type will be the factory set
If the Event type is not specified: 1


CHANGED (P. 4-1)” for the parameters that are initialized when the Event 4 type is changed.

 Setting procedure
Refer to the operation on P. 7-5.

IMR03A05-E4 7-15

7.1.3 Adding hold action to the event action

This instrument can be added hold action or re-hold action to the Event action.

Some event actions may not be available with hold and re-hold actions. Setting hold or re-hold
action on the event that is not available with hold and re-hold actions will just be ignored.
Refer to Setting of Event types (P.7-14) for those events that are available with hold or re-hold

 Description of function
 Hold action
When hold action is ON, the event action is suppressed at start-up or STOP to RUN until the measured value
has entered the non-event range.

[With hold action] [Without hold action]

Measured value (PV) Measured value (PV) Measured value (PV) Measured value (PV)

Set value (SV) Set value (SV)

Deviation Deviation
Event set value Event set value

Time Time

Hold action area

Event status OFF ON Event status ON OFF ON

7-16 IMR03A05-E4

 Re-hold action
When Re-hold action is ON, the event action is also suppressed at the Set value (SV) change until the
Measured value (PV) has entered the non-event range.
Action condition Hold action Re-hold action

When the power is turned on Works Works

When transferred from STOP (control STOP)

Works Works
to RUN (control RUN)

When the Set value (SV) is changed Does not work Works

[Example] When Event 1 type is the deviation low:

When re-hold action is OFF and event output type is deviation, the event output is produced due to the
Set value (SV) change. The re-hold action suppresses the alarm output until the measured value has
entered the non-event range again.

Measured value (PV)

Before the change
Event area
of set value
Event set value Set value
The change of set value

Measured value (PV)

After the change
Event area
of set value
Event set value Set value

When high alarm with hold action/re-hold action is used for Event function, alarm does not
turn on while hold action is in operation. Take measures to prevent overheating which may
occur if the control device fails.
The re-hold action is invalid for any of the following.
 Setting of Setting change rate limiter is other than “0 (no function)”
 Remote mode
 Cascade control
 Differential temperature control

 Parameter setting
 Event 1 hold action
[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 41 (Fn41)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

EHO1 0: Hold action OFF

1: Hold action ON
If the Event type is specified by the
initial setting code when ordering,
2: Re-hold action ON the factory set value of Event hold
Setting hold or re-hold action on the event that is not available with hold action differs depending on the Event
and re-hold actions will just be ignored. type.
If the Event type is not specified: 0

IMR03A05-E4 7-17

 Event 2 hold action

[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 42 (Fn42)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

EHO2 0: Hold action OFF

1: Hold action ON
If the Event type is specified by the
initial setting code when ordering,
2: Re-hold action ON the factory set value of Event hold
Setting hold or re-hold action on the event that is not available with hold action differs depending on the Event
and re-hold actions will just be ignored. type.
If the Event type is not specified: 0

 Event 3 hold action

[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 43 (Fn43)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

EHO3 0: Hold action OFF

1: Hold action ON
If the Event type is specified by the
initial setting code when ordering,
2: Re-hold action ON the factory set value of Event hold
Setting hold or re-hold action on the event that is not available with hold action differs depending on the Event
and re-hold actions will just be ignored. type.
If the Event type is not specified: 0

 Event 4 hold action

[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 44 (Fn44)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

EHO4 0: Hold action OFF

1: Hold action ON
If the Event type is specified by the
initial setting code when ordering,
2: Re-hold action ON the factory set value of Event hold
Setting hold or re-hold action on the event that is not available with hold action differs depending on the Event
and re-hold actions will just be ignored. type.
If the Event type is not specified: 0

 Setting procedure
Refer to the operation on P. 7-5.

7-18 IMR03A05-E4

7.1.4 Setting a differential gap in event action

 Description of function
It prevents chattering of event output due to the measured value fluctuation around the Event set value.

Measured value (PV) Measured value (PV)

Measured value (PV)
Measured value (PV)
Event set
value Differential gap
Event set Differential gap

Time Time
Event status OFF ON OFF Event status OFF ON OFF

Process high Process low

 Parameter setting
 Event 1 differential gap
[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 41 (Fn41)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

E H1 Deviation, Process and SV:

 If event assignment is either Input 1 or Differential temperature.
Deviation, Process and SV:
TC/RTD inputs: 2
0 to Input 1_Input span V/I inputs: 0.2
(When Control with PV select: 0 to PV select input span)
MV: 0.2
 If event assignment is Input 2
0 to Input 2_Input span
[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]
0.0 to 110.0 %

 Event 2 differential gap

[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 42 (Fn42)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

E H2 Same as Event 1 differential gap (P. 7-19) Deviation, Process and SV:
TC/RTD inputs: 2
V/I inputs: 0.2
MV: 0.2

IMR03A05-E4 7-19

 Event 3 differential gap

[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 43 (Fn43)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

E H3 Same as Event 1 differential gap (P. 7-19) Deviation, Process and SV:
TC/RTD inputs: 2
V/I inputs: 0.2
MV: 0.2

 Event 4 differential gap

[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 44 (Fn44)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

E H4 Same as Event 1 differential gap (P. 7-19) Deviation, Process and SV:
TC/RTD inputs: 2
V/I inputs: 0.2
MV: 0.2

 Setting procedure
Refer to the operation on P. 7-5.

7-20 IMR03A05-E4

7.1.5 Preventing event from turning on due to a transient abnormal input

Event timer can be used to prevent event from turning on for the event state shorter than the set time.

 Description of function
When an event condition becomes ON, the output is suppressed until the Event timer set time elapses. If the
event output is still ON after time is up, the output will resume.

Example: When the setting of Event 1 timer is 50.0 seconds

Measured value (PV)

Event set value 

Set value (SV) 

Event state 

Non-event state 
Event 1 timer Event 1 timer
(50 seconds)
(50.0 seconds) (50 seconds)
(50.0 seconds)

Event output ON 

Event output OFF 

Output state
DO1 lamp state OFF ON

The Event timer is also activated for the following reasons:

 When set to the event state simultaneously with power turned on
 When set to the event state simultaneously with control changed to RUN (control start) from
STOP (control stop).
In the event wait state, no event output is turned on even after the Event timer preset time has
The Event timer is reset for the following reasons:
 When power failure occurs while the Event timer is being activated
 When control is changed to STOP (control stop) from RUN (control start) while the Event timer
is being activated
 Cancellation of Event state

IMR03A05-E4 7-21

 Parameter setting
 Event 1 timer
[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 41 (Fn41)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

EVT1 0.0 to 600.0 seconds 0.0

 Event 2 timer
[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 42 (Fn42)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

EVT2 0.0 to 600.0 seconds 0.0

 Event 3 timer
[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 43 (Fn43)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

EVT3 0.0 to 600.0 seconds 0.0

 Event 4 timer
[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 44 (Fn44)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

EVT4 0.0 to 600.0 seconds 0.0

 Setting procedure
Refer to the operation on P. 7-5.

7-22 IMR03A05-E4

7.1.6 Changing event output assignment

Event output assignment can be changed through OUT1 to 3 function selection, DO1 to 4 function selection,
OUT1 to 3 logic calculation selection, and DO1 to 4 logic calculation selection.
Depending on the ordered specifications, there may be some restrictions in the event output assignment.

For Event output assignment, refer to 6.1 Changing Output Assignment [Control Output,
Retransmission Output, Logic Calculation (Event) Output, Instrument Status Output] (P. 6-2).

7.1.7 Changing the event set value

The Event set value can be set in Parameter group No. 40 in the Parameter setting mode.
Since the Set value for Event 1 to 4 are included in the Memory area, up to 16 data can be stored per

For detailed operation on how to set Event set values, refer to FZ110/FZ400/FZ900 Quick
operation manual (IMR03A02-E) or FZ110/FZ400/FZ900 Instruction Manual [Part 1:
Hardware] (IMR03A04-E).
Details of Memory area transfer can be found in 10.3 Storing the control related set values
(Memory Area function) (P. 10-10).

IMR03A05-E4 7-23

7.2 Using Heater Break Alarm (HBA)

 Setting procedure for Heater break alarm (HBA)
Set Heater break alarm (HBA) as follows:

Set the parameter Set the parameter related to Heater break alarm (HBA) output.
related to HBA output  OUT1 to 3 function selection
 DO1 to 4 function selection
 OUT1 to 3 logic calculation selection
 DO1 to 4 logic calculation selection
 Energized/De-energized selection
 Interlock selection
 Output action at control stop
For OUT1 to 3 function selection, DO1 to 4 function selection, OUT1
to 3 logic calculation selection and DO1 to 4 logic calculation selection,
refer to 6.1 Changing Output Assignment (P. 6-2).
For Energized/De-energized selection, refer to 6.5 Changing
Energizing/De-energizing Output (P. 6-24).
For Interlock function, refer to 7.5 Keeping the Event State (Interlock
Function) (P. 7-42) and 7.6 Releasing the Event State (Interlock
Release) (P. 7-44).
For Output action at control stop, refer to 6.9 Changing the Output
Action While in Control Stop Mode (P. 6-39).

Set the Current transformer Set the following parameters:

(CT) parameter  CT assignment
 CT type
 CT ratio
 CT low input cut-off
For CT assignment, refer to 7.2.3 Changing the output monitored by
the Heater Break Alarm (HBA) (P. 7-30).
For CT type and CT ratio, refer to 7.2.4 Changing the current
transformer (CT) type (P. 7-33).
For CT low input cut-off, refer to 7.2.5 Forcing the CT input value to
0.0A when the heater is OFF (P. 7-35).

Set the following parameters:

Set the HBA parameter
 Heater break alarm (HBA) set value
 Number of heater break alarm 1 (HBA1) delay times
For Heater break alarm (HBA) set value, refer to 7.2.1 Setting the
heater break alarm (HBA) set value (P. 7-25).
For Number of heater break alarm 1 (HBA1) delay times, refer to
7.2.2 Preventing Heater break alarm (HBA) from turning on due to
a transient abnormal input (P. 7-28).

7-24 IMR03A05-E4

7.2.1 Setting the Heater break alarm (HBA) set value

 Description of function
 Heater break alarm (HBA)
Heater break alarm (HBA) can only be used with time-proportional control output (relay or voltage pulse
The Heater break alarm (HBA) function monitors the current flowing through the load by a dedicated current
transformer (CT), then compares the measured value with the Heater break alarm (HBA) set values, and
detects a fault in the heating circuit.

The Heater break alarm (HBA) function is activated for the following cases:
 Low or No current flow (Heater break, malfunction of the control device, etc.):
When the control output is ON and the CT input value is equal to or less than the heater break
determination point for the preset number of consecutive sampling cycles, an alarm is activated.
 Over current or short-circuit:
When the control output is OFF and the CT input value is equal to or greater than the heater break
determination point for the preset number of consecutive sampling cycles, an alarm is activated.

Control output Operating

FZ110 unit
FZ900 CT input
Current transformer (CT)


Controlled object

[Setting Heater Break Alarm]

Set the HBA set value to approximately 85 % of the maximum reading of the CT input.
Set the HBA set value to a slightly smaller value to prevent a false alarm if the power supply becomes
unstable. When more than one heater is connected in parallel, the HBA set value may need to be increased to
detect a single heater failure.

When a set value of Heater Break Alarm (HBA) is set on FZ400/900, the CT input value is displayed on the
MV display and it may be helpful to set an alarm value.
[Display example]
PV display
HBA1 Parameter of Heater break alarm 1 (HBA1) set value
SV display 64.0 Heater break alarm 1 (HBA1) set value
MV display 75.3 Current transformer 1 (CT1) input value

When Heater break alarm 1 (HBA1) is set, the display shows the input value of the Current
transformer 1 (CT1). When Heater break alarm 2 (HBA2) is set, the display shows the input value of
the Current transformer 2 (CT2).
The data to be displayed on the MV display can be selected at “Show/Hide MV” in Function block
10 in Engineering mode. When the Heater break alarm (HBA) is displayed, the MV display shows
the Current transformer (CT) input value.

IMR03A05-E4 7-25

 Parameter setting
 Heater break alarm 1 (HBA1) set value
[Setup Setting Mode: Setting group No. 45 (Sn45)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

HBA1 0.0 to 100.0 A

0.0: HBA function OFF

To display “Heater break alarm 1 (HBA1) set value,” must be specified “CT input” at the time of
This parameter is not displayed if “no assignment” is set at “CT1 assignment” in Function block 45
in Engineering mode. If the output type assigned at “CT1 assignment” is Current output or
Continuous voltage output, this parameter will not be displayed.

 Heater break alarm 2 (HBA2) set value

[Setup Setting Mode: Setting group No. 46 (Sn46)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

HBA2 0.0 to 100.0 A

0.0: HBA function OFF

To display “Heater break alarm 2 (HBA2) set value,” must be specified “CT input” at the time of
order. (When CT input is specified on FZ400/900, two CT inputs are supplied.)
This parameter is not displayed if “no assignment” is set at “CT2 assignment” in Function block 46
in Engineering mode. If the output type assigned at “CT2 assignment” is Current output or
Continuous voltage output, this parameter will not be displayed.

7-26 IMR03A05-E4

 Setting procedure
Setup setting mode
Monitor & SV setting mode Setting group No. 10 Setting group No. 45 Heater break alarm 1
PV/SV monitor [Display] [Heater break alarm 1] (HBA1) set value

28.0 + MODE
Sn100 Several
times Sn450 HBA1
000.0 00DSP HBA1 0000.0
Set Heater break
alarm (HBA) set

Number of heater break

alarm 1 (HBA1) delay times

Set Number of
heater break alarm
(HBA) delay times
Setting group No. 46 Heater break alarm 2 Number of heater break
[Heater break alarm 2] (HBA2) set value alarm 2 (HBA2) delay times

Sn460 HBA2 HBC2

HBA2 0000.0 00005
Set Heater break Set Number of
alarm (HBA) set heater break alarm
value (HBA) delay times

Setting End

 Next parameter is displayed.

 Press and MODE keys simultaneously to return to the Measured value
(PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor. (For FZ400/900, the MONI key may be pressed to
return to the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor)

IMR03A05-E4 7-27

7.2.2 Preventing Heater break alarm (HBA) from turning on due to a

transient abnormal input
There is a function called HBA delay time which suppresses the alarm when the Heater break alarm (HBA)
state is less than the setting (the number of sampling).

 Description of function
 Number of HBA delay times
This is a function to allow the Heater break alarm (HBA) to turn on if the Heater break alarm (HBA) ON
condition continues beyond the setting (the number of sampling).

Heater break alarm (HBA) delay times  Number of HBA delay times  Sampling time *
*The sampling cycle time is the shortest. It varies with the load factor (Output ON or OFF time).

Sampling cycle: 0.5 seconds
Number of HBA delay times: 5 times (Factory set value)

HBA delay times  5 times  0.5 seconds  2 seconds

HBA ON state

HBA state HBA ON
HBA delay times

 Parameter setting
 Number of heater break alarm 1 (HBA1) delay times
[Setup Setting Mode: Setting group No. 45 (Sn45)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

HBC1 0 to 255 times 5

To display “Number of heater break alarm 1 (HBA1) delay times,” must be specified “CT input” at
the time of order.
This parameter is not displayed if “no assignment” is set at “CT1 assignment” in Function block 45
in Engineering mode. If the output type assigned at “CT1 assignment” is Current output or
Continuous voltage output, this parameter will not be displayed.

7-28 IMR03A05-E4

 Number of heater break alarm 2 (HBA2) delay times

[Setup Setting Mode: Setting group No. 46 (Sn46)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

HBC2 0 to 255 times 5

To display “Number of heater break alarm 2 (HBA2) delay times,” must be specified “CT input” at
the time of order. (When CT input is specified on FZ400/900, two CT inputs are supplied.)
This parameter is not displayed if “no assignment” is set at “CT2 assignment” in Function block 46
in Engineering mode. If the output type assigned at “CT2 assignment” is Current output or
Continuous voltage output, this parameter will not be displayed.

 Setting procedure
Refer to the operation on P. 7-27.

IMR03A05-E4 7-29

7.2.3 Changing the output monitored by the Heater break alarm (HBA)
Assignment of control output monitored by Current transformer (CT) used with Heater break alarm (HBA)
can be changed.

 Description of function
 CT assignment
The Current transformer (CT) input used by the Heater break alarm (HBA) monitors the output from the
output device controlled by the control output from the controller. If the output terminal of the control output
from the instrument is changed, assignment of the CT needs to be changed accordingly.
Control output and CT must be assigned
to the same output terminal.

Control output
(Output terminal: OUT1) Operating
FZ110 unit
FZ900 CT input (CT assignment: OUT1)

Current transformer (CT)



Controlled object

When there are two CT inputs (only on FZ400/900), to detect a break in three phase heater, CT1
and CT2 must be assigned to the same terminal.
CT1 and CT2 must be assigned to the same
output terminal.

Control output
(Output terminal: OUT1)
Operating unit
CT1 input (CT1 assignment: OUT1)

CT2 input (CT2 assignment: OUT1)

Sensor heater

Controlled object

7-30 IMR03A05-E4

 Parameter setting
 CT1 assignment
[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 45 (Fn45)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

CTA1 0:

2: OUT2
3: OUT3

To display “CT1 assignment,” must be specified “CT input” at the time of order.

 CT2 assignment
[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 46 (Fn46)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

CTA2 0:
Based on Model code

2: OUT2
3: OUT3

To display “CT2 assignment,” must be specified “CT input” at the time of order.
(When CT input is specified on FZ400/900, two CT inputs are supplied.)

IMR03A05-E4 7-31

 Setting procedure
To enter the Engineering mode

Setting lock mode

Monitor & SV setting mode Set data unlock/lock
PV/SV monitor transfer

028.0 (4 seconds *)
* Press the key until
000.0 0on 0oFF Parameter setting mode
is displayed.
Lock state Unlock state Keep pressing without
releasing your finger from
the key to enter the
Operation transfer mode Setting lock mode.
RUN/STOP transfer

00R/S 00R/S
(2 seconds) (2 seconds)


Engineering mode
Function block No. 10 Function block No. 45
[Display] [CT1] CT1 assignment CT1 type CT1 ratio

Fn100 Several
times Fn450 CTA1 CTt1 CTR1
00DSP CT1 00001 00000 00800
Set CT assignment Set CT type Set CT ratio

CT1 low input cut-off

Set CT low input

Function block No. 46

[CT2] CT2 assignment CT2 type CT2 ratio CT2 low input cut-off

Fn460 CTA2 CTt2 CTR2 CLC2

CT2 00002 00000 00800 0000.0
Set CT assignment Set CT type Set CT ratio Set CT low input

Setting End

 Next parameter is displayed.

 Press and MODE keys simultaneously to return to the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor.
(For FZ400/900, the MONI key may be pressed to return to the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor)
 Select RUN on the RUN/STOP transfer.
 Select lock on the Set data unlock/lock transfer.

7-32 IMR03A05-E4

7.2.4 Changing the Current transformer (CT) type

When a Current transformer (CT) type is changed, change the CT type on the instrument.
Input range of Current transformer (CT)
 CTL-6-P-N: 0 to 30 A
 CTL-12-S56-10L-N: 0 to 100A
 CTL-6-P-Z: 0 to 10 A

 Parameter setting
 CT1 type
[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 45 (Fn45)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

CTt1 0: CTL-6-P-N
1: CTL-12-S56-10L-N
Based on Model code

2: CTL-6-P-Z

To display “CT1 type,” must be specified “CT input” at the time of order.
After “CT1 type” is changed, the value of “CT1 ratio” is initialized and set to an appropriate CT type.
CT ratio value  CTL-6-P-N: 800
 CTL-12-S56-10L-N: 1000
 CTL-6-P-Z: 800
CHANGED (P. 4-1)” for the parameters that are initialized when the CT1 type is changed.

 CT1 ratio
[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 45 (Fn45)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

CTR1 0 to 9999
When the CT type is changed, the following value will be automatically
If CTL-6-P-N or CTL-6-P-Z is
specified for the Current transformer
set. (CT) type: 800
CTL-6-P-N: 800 If CTL-12-S56-10L-N is specified
CTL-12-S56-10L-N: 1000 for the Current transformer (CT)
CTL-6-P-Z: 800 type: 1000

To display “CT1 ratio,” must be specified “CT input” at the time of order.

IMR03A05-E4 7-33

 CT2 type
[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 46 (Fn46)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

CTt2 0: CTL-6-P-N
1: CTL-12-S56-10L-N
Based on Model code

2: CTL-6-P-Z

To display “CT2 type,” must be specified “CT input” at the time of order.
(When CT input is specified on FZ400/900, two CT inputs are supplied.)
After “CT2 type” is changed, the value of “CT2 ratio” is initialized and set to an appropriate CT type.
CT ratio value  CTL-6-P-N: 800
 CTL-12-S56-10L-N: 1000
 CTL-6-P-Z: 800
CHANGED (P. 4-1)” for the parameters that are initialized when the CT2 type is changed.

 CT2 ratio
[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 46 (Fn46)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

CTt2 0 to 9999
When the CT type is changed, the following value will be automatically
If CTL-6-P-N or CTL-6-P-Z is
specified for the Current transformer
set. (CT) type: 800
CTL-6-P-N: 800 If CTL-12-S56-10L-N is specified
CTL-12-S56-10L-N: 1000 for the Current transformer (CT)
CTL-6-P-Z: 800 type: 1000

To display “CT2 type,” must be specified “CT input” at the time of order.
(When CT input is specified on FZ400/900, two CT inputs are supplied.)

 Setting procedure
Refer to the operation on P. 7-32.

7-34 IMR03A05-E4

7.2.5 Forcing the CT input value to 0.0 A when the heater is OFF
If the Current transformer (CT) input value exceeds 0.0 A while the heater is off, the input value of the
Current transformer (CT) can be forced to 0.0 A.

 Description of function
 CT low input cut-off
The CT input value may exceed 0.0 A while the heater is OFF (control output is OFF). In such a case CT
low input cut-off may be used. This is a function to force the CT input which is below the set value to 0.0 A.

Note that Heater break alarm (HBA) may nor work properly if setting such as follows is made
when the CT low input cut-off function is used.
CT low input cut-off set value  Heater break alarm (HBA) set value
[Example] CT low input cut-off set value: 1.0 A and Heater break alarm (HBA) set value: 0.5 A
 If the CT input value is 0.8 A when the control output is ON, the CT input value becomes
0.0 A, causing the Heater break alarm (HBA) to turn on.
→ Actually the CT input value is larger than the HBA set value and the HBA is OFF.
 If the CT input value is 0.8 A when the control output is OFF, the CT input value becomes
0.0 A, causing the Heater break alarm (HBA) to turn off.
→ Actually the CT input value is larger than the HBA set value and the HBA is ON.
If current larger than the CT low input cut-off set value is given, HBA functions properly.

 Parameter setting
 CT1 low input cut-off
[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 45 (Fn45)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

CLC1 0.0 to 1.0 A 0.0

To display “CT1 low input cut-off,” must be specified “CT input” at the time of order.

 CT2 low input cut-off

[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 46 (Fn46)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

CLC2 0.0 to 1.0 A 0.0

To display “CT2 low input cut-off,” must be specified “CT input” at the time of order.
(When CT input is specified on FZ400/900, two CT inputs are supplied.)

 Setting procedure
Refer to the operation on P. 7-32.

IMR03A05-E4 7-35

7.3 Using Control Loop Break Alarm (LBA)

 Setting procedure for Control loop break alarm (LBA)
Set Control loop break alarm (LBA) as follows:

Set the parameter Set the parameter related to LBA output.

related to LBA output  OUT1 to 3 function selection
 DO1 to 4 function selection
 OUT1 to 3 logic calculation selection
 DO1 to 4 logic calculation selection
 Energized/De-energized selection
 Interlock selection
 Output action at control stop
For OUT1 to 3 function selection, DO1 to 4 function selection, OUT1
to 3 logic calculation selection and DO1 to 4 logic calculation selection,
refer to 6.1 Changing Output Assignment (P. 6-2).
For Energized/De-energized selection, refer to 6.5 Changing
Energizing/De-energizing Output (P. 6-24).
For Interlock function, refer to 7.5 Keeping the Event State (Interlock
Function) (P. 7-42) and 7.6 Releasing the Event State (Interlock
Release) (P. 7-44).
For Output action at control stop, refer to 6.9 Changing the Output
Action While in Control Stop Mode (P. 6-39).

Set the following parameters:

Set LBA time and LBD  Control loop break alarm (LBA) time
 LBA deadband (LBD)
For the parameter description, refer to  Description of function (P. 7-37).
For the data range of parameter, refer to  Parameter setting (P. 7-38).

7-36 IMR03A05-E4

 Description of function
The Control loop break alarm (LBA) function is used to detect a load (heater) break or a failure in the external actuator
(power controller, magnet relay, etc.), or a failure in the control loop caused by an input (sensor) break. The LBA
function is activated when control output reaches 0 % (low limit with output limit function) or 100 % (high limit with
output limit function). LBA monitors variation of the Measured value (PV) for the length of LBA time. When the LBA
time has elapsed and the PV is still within the alarm determination range, the LBA will be ON.

[Alarm action]
LBA determination range: TC/RTD input: 2 C [F] (fixed)
Voltage /Current input: 0.2 % of input span (fixed)

 Heating control
When the output reaches 0 % When the output exceeds 100 %
(low limit with output limit function) (high limit with output limit function)

When the LBA time has passed and the When the LBA time has passed and the
Measured value (PV) has not fallen below Measured value (PV) has not risen beyond
the alarm determination range, the alarm the alarm determination range, the alarm
LBA will be turned on. will be turned on.
condition For
When the LBA time has passed and the When the LBA time has passed and the
Measured value (PV) has not risen beyond Measured value (PV) has not fallen below
the alarm determination range, the alarm the alarm determination range, the alarm
will be turned on. will be turned on.

 Heat/Cool control
When the heat-side output exceeds When the heat-side output reaches
100 % (high limit with heat-side output 0 % and the cool-side output exceeds
limit function) and the cool-side 100 % (high limit with cool-side output
output reaches 0 % (A) * limit function) (B) *
When the LBA time has passed and the When the LBA time has passed and the
LBA occurring Measured value (PV) has not risen beyond Measured value (PV) has not fallen below
condition the alarm determination range, the alarm the alarm determination range, the alarm
will be turned on. will be turned on.
* If conditions of (A) and (B) are both met, priority is given to (A).

 LBA deadband (LBD)

The Control loop break alarm (LBA) may malfunction due to external disturbances. To prevent malfunction
due to external disturbance, LBA deadband (LBD) sets a neutral zone in which Control loop break alarm
(LBA) is not activated. When the Measured value (PV) is within the LBA deadband (LBD) area, Control
loop break alarm (LBA) will not be activated. If the LBA deadband (LBD) setting is not correct, the LBA
will not work correctly.
LBD differential gap *

Alarm area A Non-alarm area B Alarm area

Low High
Set value (SV) LBD set value

* TC/RTD input: 0.8 C [F] (fixed)

Voltage/Current input: 0.8 % of input span (fixed)

A: During temperature rise: Alarm area During temperature fall: Non-alarm area
B: During temperature rise: Non-alarm area During temperature fall: Alarm area

IMR03A05-E4 7-37

LBA function is not available:

 when displaying Input type and Input range after turning ON the power.
 during Autotuning (AT).
 in the STOP mode.
 when Control loop break alarm (LBA) time is “0.”
 when Feedback resistance (FBR) is not supplied on the Position proportioning PID control.
If the Control loop break alarm (LBA) setting time does not match the controlled object
requirements, the Control loop break alarm (LBA) setting time should be lengthened. If setting
time is not correct, the Control loop break alarm (LBA) will malfunction by turning on or off at
inappropriate times or not turning on at all.
While the LBA is ON (under alarm status), the following conditions cancel the alarm status and
LBA will be OFF.
 The Measured value (PV) rises beyond (or falls below) the LBA determination range within the
LBA time.
 The Measured value (PV) enters within the LBA deadband (LBD).
If the Autotuning (AT) is used, the Control loop break alarm (LBA) time is automatically set twice
as large as the integral time. The Control loop break alarm (LBA) time will not change even if the
integral time is changed.
If the Control loop break alarm (LBA) function detects an error occurring in the control loop, but
cannot specify the location, the control loop should be checked. The Control loop break alarm
(LBA) function does not detect the location which causes alarm status. If Control loop break alarm
(LBA) alarm is ON, check each device or wiring in the control loop.

 Parameter setting
 Input 1_Control loop break alarm (LBA) time
[Parameter Setting Mode: Parameter group No. 51 (Pn51)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

1. LBA 0 to 7200 seconds

0: No function
Output assignment is entered in the
initial setting code:
 The assigned output has LBA
output: 480
 The assigned output has no LBA
output: 0
Output assignment is not entered in
the initial setting code: 0

 Input 2_Control loop break alarm (LBA) time

[Parameter Setting Mode: Parameter group No. 52 (Pn52)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

2. LBA 0 to 7200 seconds

0: No function
Output assignment is entered in the
initial setting code:
 The assigned output has LBA
output: 480
 The assigned output has no LBA
output: 0
Output assignment is not entered in
the initial setting code: 0

To display “Input 2_Control loop break alarm (LBA) time,” specify “Measured input 2” at the time
of order, AND “Select function for input 2” (Function block No. 58 in Engineering mode) must be
set to 2-loop control/Differential temperature control, or Cascade control.

7-38 IMR03A05-E4

 Input 1_LBA deadband (LBD)

[Parameter Setting Mode: Parameter group No. 51 (Pn51)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

1. LBD 0 to Input 1_Input span

(When Control with PV select: 0 to PV select input span)

[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]

 Input 2_LBA deadband (LBD)

[Parameter Setting Mode: Parameter group No. 52 (Pn52)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

2. LBD 0 to Input 2_Input span

[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]

To display “Input 2_LBA deadband (LBD),” specify “Measured input 2” at the time of order, AND
“Select function for input 2” (Function block No. 58 in Engineering mode) must be set to 2-loop
control/Differential temperature control, or Cascade control.

 Setting procedure
Parameter setting mode
Monitor & SV setting mode Parameter group No. 00 Parameter group No. 51 Input 1_Control loop break
PV/SV monitor [Setting] [Input 1_Control] alarm (LBA) time

028.0 (2 seconds) Pn000 Several

times Pn510 Several
times 1. LBA
000.0 00SV 1.ConT 00480
Set Control loop
break alarm (LBA)

Input 1_LBA deadband

In case of In case of
two inputs two inputs
1. LBd
Set LBA deadband
In case of
Parameter group No. 52 Input 2_Control loop break Input 2_LBA deadband (LBD)
one input
[Input 2_Control] alarm (LBA) time (LBD)

Pn520 Several
times 2. LBA 2. LBd
2.ConT 00480 00000
Set Control loop Set LBA deadband
break alarm (LBA) (LBD)

Setting End

 Next parameter is displayed.

 Press and MODE keys simultaneously to return to the Measured value (PV)/Set
value (SV) Monitor.
(For FZ400/900, the MONI key may be pressed to return to the Measured value (PV)/Set
value (SV) Monitor)

IMR03A05-E4 7-39

7.4 Checking Event ON State

The event ON state can be checked with the ALM lamp or on the Comprehensive event state screen in the
Monitor & SV setting mode.

 Display contents
 ALM lamp
When the event is in the ON state, the ALM lamp turns on. However, the instrument has only one ALM
lamp which is turned on using the OR relation of the related functions. Combination of the states can be
freely available.
The setting can be done at ALM lamp lighting condition (Function block 10 in Engineering mode)

[Events that illuminate the lamp]

 Event 1 Display example
 Event 2
 Event 3
 Event 4
 Heater break alarm 1 (HBA1)
 Heater break alarm 2 (HBA2)
 Control loop break alarm 1 (LBA1) 200.0
 Control loop break alarm 2 (LBA2) 1 1 0.0
 Input 1_Input error high
ALM lamp
 Input 1_Input error low
 Input 2_Input error high
 Input 2_Input error low

 ALM lamp lighting condition

[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 10 (Fn10)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

S ALC 0 to 4095
0: OFF

1: Event 1
2: Event 2
4: Event 3
8: Event 4
16: Heater break alarm 1 (HBA1)
32: Heater break alarm 2 (HBA2)
64: Control loop break alarm 1 (LBA1)
128: Control loop break alarm 2 (LBA2)
256: Input 1_Input error high
512: Input 1_Input error low
1024: Input 2_Input error high
2048: Input 2_Input error low
To select two or more functions, sum each value.

7-40 IMR03A05-E4

 Comprehensive event state

[Monitor & SV Setting Mode]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

S EVENT When an event occurs, the character of the occurring event is displayed on
the Set value (SV) display unit. If two or more events occur at the same
time, the relevant characters are displayed alternately every 0.5 seconds.
EVT1: Event 1
EVT2: Event 2
EVT3: Event 3
EVT4: Event 4
HBA1: Heater break alarm 1 (HBA1)
HBA2: Heater break alarm 2 (HBA2)
LBA1: Control loop break alarm 1 (LBA1)
LBA2: Control loop break alarm 2 (LBA2)
In1.UP: Input 1_Input error high
In1.dn: Input 1_Input error low
In2.UP: Input 2_Input error high
In2.dn: Input 2_Input error low

 Display operation
Monitor & SV setting mode Monitor & SV setting mode
PV/SV monitor Comprehensive event state

28.0 Several times EVENT

000.0 00
** Nothing is displayed if event is
not detected.

* In case of a FZ400/900, MONI key may be used instead.

** In case of a FZ400/900, R.SET key may be used to return.

IMR03A05-E4 7-41

7.5 Keeping the Event State (Interlock Function)

 Description of function
The Event interlock function holds the event state (including the HBA, the LBA and the input error) even if
the Measured value (PV) is out of the event zone after it enters the event zone once.
Interlock can be set for the Event, Heater break alarm (HBA), Control loop break alarm (LBA) and Input

Example: When the Event interlock function is used for Deviation high

Measured value (PV)

Event set value

Deviation high
Set value (SV)


Event state OFF ON

[Without Event hold action]

For the interlock release, refer to 7.6 Releasing the Event State (Interlock Release) (P. 7-44).

 Parameter setting
 Interlock selection
[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 30 (Fn30)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

I LS 0 to 4095
0: Unused

1: Event 1
2: Event 2
4: Event 3
8: Event 4
16: Heater break alarm 1 (HBA1)
32: Heater break alarm 2 (HBA2)
64: Control loop break alarm 1 (LBA1)
128: Control loop break alarm 2 (LBA2)
256: Input 1_Input error high
512: Input 1_Input error low
1024: Input 2_Input error high
2048: Input 2_Input error low
To select two or more functions, sum each value.

7-42 IMR03A05-E4

 Setting procedure
To enter the Engineering mode

Setting lock mode

Monitor & SV setting mode Set data unlock/lock
PV/SV monitor transfer

028.0 (4 seconds *)
* Press the key until
000.0 0on 0oFF Parameter setting mode
is displayed.
Lock state Unlock state Keep pressing without
releasing your finger from
the key to enter the
Operation transfer mode Setting lock mode.
RUN/STOP transfer

00R/S 00R/S
(2 seconds) (2 seconds)


Engineering mode
Function block No. 10 Function block No. 30
[Display] [Output] Interlock selection

Fn100 Several
times Fn300 Several
00DSP oUT 00000
Set Interlock

Setting End

 Next parameter is displayed.

 Press and MODE keys simultaneously to return to the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor.
(For FZ400/900, the MONI key may be pressed to return to the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor)
 Select RUN on the RUN/STOP transfer.
 Select lock on the Set data unlock/lock transfer.

IMR03A05-E4 7-43

7.6 Releasing the Event State (Interlock Release)

 Description of function
The Event interlock function holds the event state (including the HBA, the LBA and the input error) even if
the Measured value (PV) is out of the event zone after it enters the event zone once.
The Interlock may be released by Digital input (DI) and Communication (optional) as well as key operation.

The following picture shows how to release the interlock.

Event type: Deviation high Measured value (PV)

Event set value

Set value (SV)

Without interlock function

Event state
(ALM lamp lights)

Event output OFF ON OFF

Not turned OFF as the

interlock continues.
With interlock function
Event state
(ALM lamp lights)

Event output OFF ON OFF

Interlock release screen

(ILr) state oFF on oFF

Interlock release operation

Release is invalid Release is valid
Invalid when PV is in the Since the PV is in the alarm
alarm ON region. OFF region, Interlock is
released and becomes “oFF.”

The Interlock release has an influence to all events, Heater break alarm (HBA), Control loop break
alarm (LBA) and input error that are in the interlock state and releases such events at one time
whose interlock release conditions are met.
For Interlock release through Digital input (DI), refer to 5.2 Switching Functions Using Digital
Inputs (DI) (P. 5-16).
For Interlock release through Communication, refer to FZ110/FZ400/FZ900 Instruction Manual
[Host Communication] (IMR03A07-E).

7-44 IMR03A05-E4

 Parameter setting
 Interlock release
[Monitor & SV Setting Mode]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

r ILR oFF: Interlock release

on: Interlock state

To display “Interlock release,” must be set the Interlock selection (Function block No. 30 in
Engineering mode) other than “Unused.”

 Setting procedure
After the Interlock is set, the Interlock release screen shows “oN” automatically.
Monitor & SV setting mode
Monitor & SV setting mode Interlock release Interlock release
PV/SV monitor [Interlock state] [Interlock release state]

028.0 Several
000.0 00on oFF
Once or Twice

IMR03A05-E4 7-45

7.7 Preventing Control with Input Errors

(Input Circuit Error Alarm) [FZ400/900]
 Description of function
Input circuit error alarm uses two inputs (dual input function) and detects errors in the input circuit from the
difference between two inputs. (FZ400/900 only)
When the difference between Input 1_Measured input (PV1) and Input 2_Measured input (PV2  PV1)
exceeds Input circuit error alarm set value, it is considered to be an input error and “Input error state” starts.


Input error state (low) Normal range Input error state (high)

Input circuit error PV1 Input circuit error

alarm set value (Control point) alarm set value

Determination of input errors

 (PV1 Input circuit error alarm set value)  PV2 … Input error of Input 1 (high)
 (PV1 Input circuit error alarm set value)  PV2 … Input error of Input 1 (low)

[Wiring example]
 TC input  RTD input

Compensating cable Measured object

(measuring the
same point) Input 1 Input 2
10 22
 
11 23 RTD 11 23
TC Input 1 Input 2
12 24 12 24
 

Parallel connection

 Voltage input  Current input

   
11 23 11 23
Signal Signal
Input 1 Input 2 Input 1 Input 2
source 12 24
source 12 24
   

Parallel connection Series connection

Different input type can be specified for Input 1 and Input 2. Note that action may be different on
each input.

7-46 IMR03A05-E4

To output “Input 1_Input error high/low,” output assignment must be set in advance. For details of
output assignment, refer to 6.1 Changing Output Assignment [Control Output, Retransmission
Output, Logic Calculation (Event) Output, Instrument Status Output] (P. 6-2).
Irrespective of Input circuit error alarm setting, “Input 1_Input error high/low” conducts normal
Input error alarm action. For detailed operation at Input error action, refer to 5.7 Changing Error
Handling at Input Error (P. 5-39).
Before using the Input circuit error alarm, check for errors in measured values between Input 1 and
Input 2 which should be removed in advance using PV bias.
The Input circuit error alarm function uses two inputs, but control using Input 2 is not available.
However, lighting the ALM lamp and providing state output from Digital output (DO) are possible.

 Parameter setting
 Select function for input 2
[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 58 (Fn58)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

r 2PV 0:
No function
Remote setting input
When the Remote setting input is
2: 2-loop control/Differential temperature control specified: 1
3: Control with PV select When the Measured input 2 is
4: Cascade control (Slave single  Cascade) * specified: 2
5: Cascade control (Master single  Cascade) * ・FZ110: 1
6: Input circuit error alarm
* This parameter cannot be specified if the instrument is a Heat/Cool PID
or a Position proportioning PID type.
 When Measured input 2 is selected for FZ400/900 at the time of order:
0 to 6
 When the Remote setting input is selected for FZ400/900 or when the
Remote setting input is selected for FZ110: 0 to 1

To select “Input circuit error alarm” in “Select function for input 2,” “Measured input 2” must be
CHANGED (P. 4-1)” for the parameters that are initialized when the Select function for input 2 is

 Input circuit error alarm set value

[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 58 (Fn58)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

r ICA 0 to Input 1_Input span

0: No function
TC/RTD inputs: 10
V/I inputs:
[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.] 5 % of Input 1_Input span

To display “Input circuit error alarm set value,” specify “Measured input 2” at the time of order,
AND “Select function for input 2” (Function block No. 58 in Engineering mode) must be set to
Input circuit error alarm.

IMR03A05-E4 7-47

 Setting procedure
To enter the Engineering mode
Setting lock mode
Monitor & SV setting mode Set data unlock/lock
PV/SV monitor transfer

028.0 (4 seconds *)
* Press the key until
000.0 0on 0oFF Parameter setting mode
is displayed.
Lock state Unlock state Keep pressing without
releasing your finger from
the key to enter the
Operation transfer mode Setting lock mode.
RUN/STOP transfer

00R/S 00R/S
(2 seconds) (2 seconds)


Engineering mode
Function block No. 10 Function block No. 58 Select function Input circuit error alarm
[Display] [2 input function] for input 2 set value

Fn100 Fn580 2PV ICA

Several Several
times times

00DSP 2PV 00006 00010

Set Select function Set Input circuit
for input 2 error alarm set value

Setting End

 Next parameter is displayed.

 Press and MODE keys simultaneously to return to the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor.
(For FZ400/900, the MONI key may be pressed to return to the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor)
 Select RUN on the RUN/STOP transfer.
 Select lock on the Set data unlock/lock transfer.

7-48 IMR03A05-E4
This chapter describes control related functions, setting contents and setting
procedure based on the key words related to controls.

8.1 Running/Stopping Control (RUN/STOP Transfer) ........................... 8-2

8.2 Changing Control Action .................................................................. 8-5
8.3 Setting PID Values Automatically (Autotuning) ............................ 8-11
8.4 Setting PID Values Automatically (Startup tuning) ........................ 8-18
8.5 Setting PID Values Manually.......................................................... 8-24
8.6 Controlling with ON/OFF Action..................................................... 8-31
8.7 Controlling with Heat/Cool Control ................................................. 8-36
8.8 Controlling with Position Proportioning Control.............................. 8-44
8.9 Controlling with Manual Control ..................................................... 8-56
8.10 Using Remote Setting Input ........................................................ 8-61
8.11 Executing 2-Loop Control [FZ400/900] ....................................... 8-67
8.12 Executing Differential Temperature Control [FZ400/900] ............ 8-70
8.13 Executing Control with PV Select [FZ400/900] ........................... 8-75
8.14 Executing Cascade Control [FZ400/900] .................................... 8-84
8.15 Controlling with Level PID ........................................................... 8-98
8.16 Eliminating Offset Inherent to Proportioning Control
(Manual Reset) ......................................................................... 8-108
8.17 Continuing Stable Control after the Operation Transfer
(SV Tracking) ............................................................................ 8-110
8.18 Suppressing Overshoot............................................................. 8-116
8.19 Changing the Action at Power ON (Hot/Cold Start)................... 8-124

IMR03A05-E4 8-1

8.1 Running/Stopping Control (RUN/STOP Transfer)

The RUN/STOP transfer can be made by Digital input (DI) or Communication (optional) other than the key
The factory set value is RUN. As soon as the controller is powered on, control is started.

 State of this instrument when set to STOP mode

Displays the STOP symbol “SToP” on the SV, PV or MV * displays.
STOP display (Factory set value: SV displays)
* FZ400/900 only
“Input 1_Manipulated output value at STOP [heat-side]” is output.
(Factory set value: 5.0 %)
PID control “Input 2_Manipulated output value at STOP” * is output.
(Factory set value: 5.0 %)
* In the case of 2-loop control/Differential temperature control

Control Heat-side: “Input 1_Manipulated output value at STOP [heat-side]” is output.

output Heat/Cool PID (Factory set value: 5.0 %)
control Cool-side: “Input 1_Manipulated output value at STOP [cool-side]” is output.
(Factory set value: 5.0 %)
Position Conform to the set value of the Valve action at STOP.
proportioning When there is Feedback resistance (FBR) input:
PID control “Input 1_Manipulated output value at STOP [heat-side]” is output.
Logic calculation output
According to the setting contents of Output action at STOP
Retransmission output
(Factory set value: OFF)
Instrument status output

Autotuning or Startup tuning AT canceled (PID constants are not updated.)

For STOP display selection, refer to 9.4 Changing the Display Position of STOP during the
Control Stop (P. 9-20).
For Action selection at STOP mode, refer to 6.9 Changing the Output Action While in Control
Stop Mode (P. 10-46).

 State of this instrument when set to RUN mode

Operation when transferred to RUN from STOP is in accordance with the Hot/Cold start selection setting.
For the Hot/Cold start, refer to 8.19 Changing the Action at Power ON (Hot/Cold Start) (P. 8-124).

For the details of the RUN/STOP switching by communication (optional), refer to the
FZ110/FZ400/FZ900 Instruction Manual [Host communication] (IMR03A07-E).

8-2 IMR03A05-E4

 Setting procedure
 Selection by front key operation
Changing the mode from RUN to STOP
Monitor & SV setting mode Operation transfer mode Monitor & SV setting mode
PV/SV monitor RUN/STOP transfer PV/SV monitor

028.0 00R/S 00R/S 028.0

(2 seconds) + MODE

000.0 00RUN 0STOP 0 STOP

STOP display

Changing the mode from STOP to RUN

Monitor & SV setting mode Operation transfer mode Monitor & SV setting mode
PV/SV monitor RUN/STOP transfer PV/SV monitor

028.0 00R/S 00R/S 028.0

(2 seconds)

STOP 00 STOP 0 RUN 0 000.0

STOP display

 Changing the mode with the direct key (FZ400/900 only)

Assigning the “RUN/STOP transfer” function to the FUNC key facilitates the RUN/STOP switching.
RUN/STOP transfer function is assigned to the FUNC key at the time of shipment for immediate use.
Each time FUNC key is pressed, RUN and STOP are toggled.
For the “FUNC key assignment,” refer to 10.8 Accessing some functions directly (FUNC key)
(P. 10-35).

Changing the mode from RUN to STOP

Monitor & SV setting mode Monitor & SV setting mode
PV/SV monitor RUN/STOP transfer PV/SV monitor

028.0 00R/S 028.0

Display changes
FUNC automatically

000.0 0STOP 0 STOP

RUN STOP state
(Display for 1 second) STOP diaplay

Changing the mode from STOP to RUN

Monitor & SV setting mode Monitor & SV setting mode
PV/SV monitor RUN/STOP transfer PV/SV monitor

028.0 FUNC
00R/S Display changes
automatically 028.0
STOP 0RUN 0 000.0
STOP RUN state
STOP dispaly (Display for 1 second)

Selection of key action is possible from “Press once” and “Press and hold” to enable the switching.
For details, refer to 10.8 Accessing some functions directly (FUNC key) (P. 10-35).

IMR03A05-E4 8-3

 Switching the mode with Digital Input (DI)

To switch the RUN/STOP using the Digital Input (DI), use “DI function selection” (Function block No. 23 in
the Engineering mode).
For the Digital input (DI) assignment, refer to 5.2 Switching Functions Using Digital Inputs (DI)
(P. 5-16).

Transfer timing of RUN/STOP

: Within 200 ms

Contact closed 

Contact open 


After the contact is transferred, it takes “Within 200 ms” until the action of this instrument is
actually selected.
The above switching action can be inverted (The functions at contact close and contact open can be
swapped). This setting can be done at “DI logic invert.” For details, refer to 5.2 Switching
Functions Using Digital Inputs (DI) (P. 5-16).

 RUN/STOP transfer state

The table below shows the actual RUN/STOP modes and displays under different combinations of settings by
Key operation, Communication, and Digital input (DI).
Setting via front keys
Setting via Digital
or through Instrument status STOP display
Input (DI)
* The instrument without RUN/STOP switching by DI will have the same display.

STOP character display

Monitor & SV setting mode Monitor & SV setting mode Monitor & SV setting mode
PV/SV monitor PV/SV monitor PV/SV monitor

028.0 028.0 028.0

STOP with the key STOP with the key STOP with the DI
(No RUN/STOP transfer by DI) RUN/STOP transfer by DI: RUN RUN/STOP transfer by key: RUN

The display position of STOP can be changed. For details, refer to 9.4 Changing the Display
Position of STOP during the Control Stop (P. 9-20).

8-4 IMR03A05-E4

8.2 Changing Control Action

Refer to the following 8 types of control action:
 PID control (direct action)  Heat/Cool PID control (air cooling)
 PID control (reverse action)  Heat/Cool PID control (Cooling linear type)
 ON/OFF action  Position proportioning PID control (direct action)
 Heat/Cool PID control (water cooling)  Position proportioning PID control (reverse action)

When the control mode is set to Cascade control which uses two measured inputs, the selectable
control action is limited to “PID control (direct action),” “PID control (reverse action),” or
“ON/OFF action.”

 PID control (direct action)

The Manipulated output value (MV) increases as the
Measured value (PV) increases.
This action is used generally for cooling control.

Direct action
 PID control (reverse action) MV
The Manipulated output value (MV) decreases as the
Measured value (PV) increases.
This action is used generally for heating control.

Reverse action
 ON/OFF action
ON/OFF control is possible when the Proportional band [heat-side] is set to 0. In ON/OFF control with
Reverse action, when the Measured value (PV) is smaller than the Set value (SV), the Manipulated output
(MV) is 100 % or ON. When the PV is higher than the SV, the MV is 0 % or OFF. Differential gap setting
prevents control output from repeating ON and OFF too frequently.
Measured value (PV)

ON/OFF action
differential gap (upper)
Set value (SV)
ON/OFF action
differential gap (lower)

Manipulated output ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF

value (MV)

For ON/OFF action, refer to 8.6 Controlling with ON/OFF Action (P. 8-31).

IMR03A05-E4 8-5

 Heat/Cool PID control

In Heat/Cool control, only one controller enables heating and cooling control.

Water cooling/Air cooling: The algorithm assuming plastic molding machine Heat/Cool control is employed.
Even in equipment provided with a cooling mechanism having nonlinear
characteristics, it responds quickly to attain the characteristic responding to the
set value with small overshooting.
Cooling linear type: The algorithm assuming applications without nonlinear cooling capability is
Manipulated output
value (MV) Proportional band Proportional band
[heat-side] [cool-side]

100 %

Manipulated Manipulated
output value output value
[heat-side] [cool-side]

0% Temperature
Set value
OL: Overlap OL DB DB: Deadband

For Heat/Cool PID control, refer to 8.7 Controlling with Heat/Cool Action (P. 8-36).

 Position proportioning PID control

Position proportioning PID control converts the control output value of the controller into the corresponding
signal to control a motor driven valve (control motor) and then performs temperature control of a controlled
object by regulating fluid flow.
In Position proportioning PID control of this controller, it is possible to select the presence or absence of
Feedback resistance (FBR) input which monitors the degree of valve position (Specify when ordering). In
addition, the direct action or reverse action can be selected.

[Example] FZ400/900
OUT1 (open-side)
6 19 Terminal number 19 to 21:
3 20 Valid only when there is the
Power supply to OUT2 (close-side) Feedback resistance (FBR).
4 21
control motor



 
Control motor

Controlled object

For Position proportioning PID control, refer to 8.8 Controlling with Position Proportioning
Control (P. 8-44).

8-6 IMR03A05-E4

 Brilliant II PID control

PID control is a control method of achieving stabilized control result by setting P (Proportional band),
I (Integral time) and D (Derivative time) constants, and is widely used. However, with this PID control, if P,
I and D values are set to focus on “better response to control set value change,” “response to external
disturbance” deteriorates. In contrast, if PID values are set to focus on “better response to external
disturbance,” “response to control set value change” deteriorates. In brilliant II PID control a form of
“Response to setting” can be selected from among Fast, Medium and Slow with PID constants remaining
unchanged so as to be in good “Response to disturbances.” In addition, the controller is provided with the
function which restricts the amount of undershooting caused by the cooling nonlinear characteristic
possessed by plastic molding machines when the Set value (SV) is lowered in Heat/Cool PID control.
Ordinary PID
P, I and D constants set so as to be in good response to set value change

Response to set value change Response to disturbance change

Set value Set value

P, I and D constants set so as to be in good response to disturbance

Response to set value change Response to disturbance change

Set value Set value

Brilliant II PID control

Response to set value change Response to disturbance change

Set value Set value


Restriction of undershooting when the set value (SV) is lowered

The undershoot factor is small.

Set value

The undershoot factor is large.

IMR03A05-E4 8-7

 Parameter setting
 Input 1_Control action
[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 51 (Fn51)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

1. O S 0: Brilliant II PID control (direct action)

1: Brilliant II PID control (reverse action)
Control action specified at the
time of order.
2: Brilliant II Heat/Cool PID control [water cooling]
3: Brilliant II Heat/Cool PID control [air cooling]
4: Brilliant II Heat/Cool PID control [Cooling linear type]
5: Brilliant II Position proportioning PID control (reverse action)
6: Brilliant II Position proportioning PID control (direct action)
For cascade control, only 0 or 1 is selectable.


CHANGED (P. 4-1)” for the parameters that are initialized when the Input 1_Control action is

 Input 2_Control action

[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 52 (Fn52)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

2. O S 0: Brilliant II PID control (direct action)

1: Brilliant II PID control (reverse action)
Same as Input 1_Control action

To display “Input 2_Control action,” specify “Measured input 2” at the time of order, AND “Select
function for input 2” (Function block No. 58 in Engineering mode) must be set to 2-loop
control/Differential temperature control, or Cascade control.
CHANGED (P. 4-1)” for the parameters that are initialized when the Input 2_Control action is

 Input 1_Control response parameter

[Parameter Setting Mode: Parameter group No. 51 (Pn51)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

1. RPT 0: Slow
1: Medium
PID control or Position
proportioning PID control: 0
2: Fast Heat/Cool PID control: 2
[When the P or PD action is selected, this setting becomes invalid]

 Input 2_Control response parameter

[Parameter Setting Mode: Parameter group No. 52 (Pn52)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

2. RPT 0: Slow
1: Medium

2: Fast
[When the P or PD action is selected, this setting becomes invalid]

To display “Input 2_Control response parameter,” specify “Measured input 2” at the time of order,
AND “Select function for input 2” (Function block No. 58 in Engineering mode) must be set to
2-loop control/Differential temperature control, or Cascade control.

8-8 IMR03A05-E4

 Setting procedure
To enter the Engineering mode

Setting lock mode

Monitor & SV setting mode Set data unlock/lock
PV/SV monitor transfer

028.0 (4 seconds *)
* Press the key until
000.0 0on 0oFF Parameter setting mode
is displayed.
Lock state Unlock state Keep pressing without
releasing your finger from
the key to enter the
Operation transfer mode Setting lock mode.
RUN/STOP transfer

00R/S 00R/S
(2 seconds) (2 seconds)


Engineering mode
Function block No. 10 Function block No. 51
[Display] [Input 1_Control] Input 1_Control action
In case of

Fn100 Fn510 1. OS
Several one input Next
times screen

00DSP 1.ConT 00001

Set Control action

In case of Several
two inputs times In case of two inputs

Function block No. 52

[Input 2_Control] Input 2_Control action

Fn520 2. OS Next

2.ConT 00001 screen

Set Control action

Parameter setting mode

Monitor & SV setting mode Parameter group No. 00 Parameter group No. 51 Input 1_Control
PV/SV monitor [Setting] [Input 1_Control] response parameter

28.0 (2 seconds)
Pn000 Once or
Twice Pn510 Several
times 1. RPT In case of one input

STOP 00SV 1.ConT 00000

Set Control
response parameter
In case of two inputs
times In case of two inputs

Go to End settings Next

on the next page screen

Continued on the next page.

IMR03A05-E4 8-9

Continued from the previous page.

Function block No. 52 Input 2_Control

[[Input 2_Control] response parameter

Pn520 Several
times 2. RPT
2.ConT 00000
Set Control
response parameter

Setting End

 Next parameter is displayed.

 Press and MODE keys simultaneously to return to the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor.
(For FZ400/900, the MONI key may be pressed to return to the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor)
 Select RUN on the RUN/STOP transfer.
 Select lock on the Set data unlock/lock transfer.

8-10 IMR03A05-E4

8.3 Setting PID Values Automatically (Autotuning)

The Autotuning (AT) automatically measures, computes and sets the optimum PID values. The Autotuning
(AT) can be used for PID control (Direct action/Reverse action) and Heat/Cool PID control.

For the details of Autotuning (AT) during the Cascade control, refer to 8.14 Executing Cascade
Control [FZ400/900] (P. 8-84).

 Description of function
 Parameters computed by Input 1_Autotuning (AT)
- Input 1_Proportional band [heat-side]
- Input 1_Integral time [heat-side]
- Input 1_Derivative time [heat-side]
- Input 1_Proportional band [cool-side] (Only for Heat/Cool PID control)
- Input 1_Integral time [cool-side] (Only for Heat/Cool PID control)
- Input 1_Derivative time [cool-side] (Only for Heat/Cool PID control)
- Input 1_Control loop break alarm (LBA) time (The LBA time is automatically set to twice the value of
the Integral time)

 Parameters computed by Input 2_Autotuning (AT)

- Input 2_Proportional band
- Input 2_Integral time
- Input 2_Derivative time
- Input 2_Control loop break alarm (LBA) time (The LBA time is automatically set to twice the value of
the Integral time)

 AT bias
The AT bias is used to prevent overshoot during Autotuning in the application which does not allow
overshoot even during Autotuning. RKC Autotuning method uses ON/OFF control at the set value to
compute the PID values. However, if overshoot is a concern during Autotuning, the desired AT bias should
be set to lower the set point during Autotuning so that overshoot is prevented.
[Example] When AT bias is set to the minus () side.

Measured value (PV)

Set value (SV) 

AT bias
AT point 


IMR03A05-E4 8-11

 AT remaining time monitor

Displays the remaining time until the Autotuning (AT) is completed.
(Display range: 0 hours 00 minutes to 48 hours 00 minutes)
The SV display shows “TCAL” from the start of Autotuning (AT) till the display of the remaining time. Once
the remaining time is displayed, the time is reduced every minute.
[Example] Input 1_AT remaining Input 1_AT remaining
time monitor time monitor

TCAL 2:00
Calculating the remaining time The remaining time is displayed

The “AT remaining time monitor” is a predictive value and may not be accurate.

 AT/ST status monitor

Displays the execution status of the Autotuning (AT).
 Displays “1” during the Autotuning (AT).
 Displays “0” when the Autotuning (AT) is completed.
 When the Autotuning (AT) is aborted, the display shows 1 up to 4 depending on the reason of the abort.
1: Aborted. Setting changed.
・When the set value (SV) is changed.
・When the AT bias is changed.
・When the PV bias, PV ratio, or PV digital filter is changed.
・When the Output limiter high or low is changed.
・When the Autotuning (AT) is changed to PID control.
・When the instrument is switched to STOP by RUN/STOP transfer.
・When the instrument is switched to Manual mode using Auto/Manual transfer.
・When the instrument is switched to Remote mode using Remote/Local transfer.
・When the instrument is switched to Cascade/Single.
・When the memory area is changed.
2: Aborted. Abnormal input.
・When the Measured value (PV) has entered the Input error range.
[Input error range: Input error determination point high  Measured value (PV),
Input error determination point low  Measured value (PV)]
・When the Feedback resistance (FBR) input is breaked
3: Aborted. Timeout.
Output state has not been changed (ON to OFF, OFF to ON) for more than two hours.
4: Aborted. Abnormal calculated values.
Error in the calculation of the values in Cascade control and Control with PV select.

 Caution for using the Autotuning (AT)

 When a temperature change (UP and/or Down) is 1 C or less per minute during Autotuning (AT),
Autotuning (AT) may not be finished normally. In that case, adjust the PID values manually. Manual
setting of PID values may also be necessary if the set value is around the ambient temperature or is close to
the maximum temperature achieved by the load.
 When the Output change rate limiter is used, you may not be able to obtain appropriate PID constants by
Autotuning (AT).

For the manual setting of PID values, refer to 8.5 Setting PID Values Manually (P. 8-24).

8-12 IMR03A05-E4

 Requirements for Autotuning (AT) start

Start the Autotuning (AT) when all following conditions are satisfied:
To start Autotuning (AT), go to Operation transfer mode.
RUN/STOP transfer RUN
Auto/Manual transfer Auto mode
Operation state
Remote/Local transfer Local mode
Autotuning (AT) setting PID control (State before starting AT)
PID control of Input 1 or Input 1_Output limiter high [heat-side]  0 %
Position proportioning PID control Input 1_Output limiter low [heat-side]  100 %
Input 2_Output limiter high  0 %
PID control of Input 2
Input 2_Output limiter low  100 %
Parameter setting
Input 1_Output limiter high [heat-side]  0 %
Input 1_Output limiter low [heat-side]  100 %
Heat/Cool PID control
Input 1_Output limiter high [cool-side]  0 %
Input 1_Output limiter low [cool-side]  100 %
The Measured value (PV) is not inside the Input error range.
Input value state [Input error range: Input error determination point (high)  Measured value (PV),
Input error determination point (low)  Measured value (PV)]

 Requirements for Autotuning (AT) cancellation

The Autotuning (AT) is immediately aborted and PID control starts when an error is detected in “AT/ST
status monitor.” The PID values will be the same as before the Autotuning (AT) was activated.

For details, refer to “AT/ST status monitor” on the previous page.

The Autotuning (AT) may be aborted in the following cases except for the conditions in “AT/ST status
・When the instrument is in FAIL state.
・When the power supply is disconnected.

IMR03A05-E4 8-13

 Parameter setting
 Input 1_Autotunning (AT)
[Operation Transfer Mode]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

1.UATU oFF: PID control

on: Start Autotuning

When the Autotuning (AT) is finished, the control will automatically return to

 Input 2_Autotunning (AT)

[Operation Transfer Mode]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

2.UATU oFF: PID control

on: Start Autotuning

When the Autotuning (AT) is finished, the control will automatically return to

To display “Input 2_Autotunning (AT),” specify “Measured input 2” at the time of order, AND
“Select function for input 2” (Function block No. 58 in Engineering mode) must be set to 2-loop
control/Differential temperature control.

 Input 1_AT bias

[Setup Setting Mode: Setting group No. 53 (Sn53)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

1.UATb (Input 1_Input span) to (Input 1_Input span)

When Control with PV select:

(PV select input span) to (PV select input span)

[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]

 Input 1_AT bias

[Setup Setting Mode: Setting group No. 54 (Sn54)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

2.UATb (Input 2_Input span) to (Input 2_Input span)

[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]

To display “Input 2_AT bias,” specify “Measured input 2” at the time of order, AND “Select
function for input 2” (Function block No. 58 in Engineering mode) must be set to 2-loop
control/Differential temperature control.

 Input 1_AT remaining time monitor

[Setup Setting Mode: Setting group No. 53 (Sn53)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

1.ATTM 0 hours 00 minutes to 48 hours 00 minutes 

8-14 IMR03A05-E4

 Input 2_AT remaining time monitor

[Setup Setting Mode: Setting group No. 54 (Sn54)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

2.ATTM 0 hours 00 minutes to 48 hours 00 minutes 

To display “Input 2_AT remaining time monitor,” specify “Measured input 2” at the time of order,
AND “Select function for input 2” (Function block No. 58 in Engineering mode) must be set to
2-loop control/Differential temperature control.

 Input 1_AT/ST status monitor

[Setup Setting Mode: Setting group No. 53 (Sn53)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

1.TUNE 0: AT/ST complete

1: AT running now

2: ST running now
1: Aborted. Setting changed.
2: Aborted. Abnormal input.
3: Aborted. Timeout.
4: Aborted. Abnormal calculated values.

 Input 2_AT/ST status monitor

[Setup Setting Mode: Setting group No. 54 (Sn54)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

2.TUNE 0: AT/ST complete

1: AT running now

2: ST running now
1: Aborted. Setting changed.
2: Aborted. Abnormal input.
3: Aborted. Timeout.
4: Aborted. Abnormal calculated values.

To display “Input 2_AT/ST status monitor,” specify “Measured input 2” at the time of order, AND
“Select function for input 2” (Function block No. 58 in Engineering mode) must be set to 2-loop
control/Differential temperature control.

IMR03A05-E4 8-15

 Setting procedure
 Start the Autotuning (AT)
Before start AT, refer to Requirements for Autotuning (AT) start (P. 8-13). Make sure that all required
conditions to start AT are satisfied.
Monitor & SV setting mode Operation transfer mode
PV/SV monitor RUN/STOP transfer MODE Input 1_Autotuning (AT)
or In case of

028.0 00R/S 1. ATU 1. ATU

MODE one input
(2 seconds)

000.0 00RUN OFF ON

Set Autotuning AT start

MODE or In case of two inputs

Input 2_Autotuning (AT)

2. ATU 2. ATU + MODE

Set Autotuning AT star


Aborting the Autotuning (AT)

Input 1_Autotuning (AT) Input 2_Autotuning (AT)

1. ATU 1. ATU 2. ATU 2. ATU

During Autotuning (AT), the AT lamp blinks.
When the Autotuning (AT) is finished, the control will automatically return to “oFF: PID control”
and the AT lamp turns off.
The Autotuning (AT) can be started by Digital input (DI). Refer to “5.2 Switching Functions
Using Digital Inputs (DI) (P. 5-16)” for more information on assigning Digital input (DI).
The Autotuning (AT) can be started on FZ400/900 by a key operation of the direct key (FUNC
key). For details, refer to 10.8 Accessing some functions directly (FUNC key) (P. 10-35).

8-16 IMR03A05-E4

 Setting AT bias. Check the AT remaining time and AT/ST status.

Setup setting mode
Monitor & SV setting mode Setting group No. 10 Setting group No. 53
PV/SV monitor [Display] [Input 1_Tuning] Input 1_AT bias

28.0 + MODE
Sn100 Several
times Sn530 1. ATB
000.0 00DSP 1.TUNE 00000
Set Input 1_AT

In case of Input 1_AT/ST status Input 1_AT remaining

two inputs In case of monitor time monitor
two inputs

In case of one input

0 0:00
Set Input 1_AT/ST Set Input 1_AT
status monitor remaining time

Setting End

 Next parameter is displayed.

 Press and MODE keys simultaneously to return to the Measured value (PV)/Set value
(SV) Monitor. (For FZ400/900, the MONI key may be pressed to return to the Measured
value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor)

Setting group No. 54 Input 2_AT remaining Input 2_AT/ST status

[Input 2_Tuning] Input 2_AT bias time monitor monitor

Sn54 2. ATB 2.ATTM 2.TUNE

2.TUNE 00000 0:00 0
Set Input 2_AT Set Input 2_AT Set Input 2_AT/ST
bias remaining time status monitor

Setting End

 Next parameter is displayed.

 Press and MODE keys simultaneously to return to the Measured value (PV)/Set value
(SV) Monitor. (For FZ400/900, the MONI key may be pressed to return to the Measured
value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor)

IMR03A05-E4 8-17

8.4 Setting PID Values Automatically (Startup tuning)

Startup tuning (ST) is a function which automatically computes and sets the PID values (Proportional band:
heat-side only) and Control loop break alarm (LBA) time from the response characteristics of the controlled
system at power ON, transfer from STOP to RUN, and Set value (SV) change.

 Description of function
 As simple autotuning, the PID values can be found in a short time without disturbing controllability for
controlled systems with slow response at power ON. At the same time, Control loop break alarm (LBA) is
calculated (about twice of the Integral time).
 For controlled systems which require different PID values for each temperature setting, the PID values can
be found for each Set value (SV) change.

Set value (SV)


Set value (SV)


Calculating and setting PID values Calculating and setting PID values

Starup tuning (ST) start

Startup Startup tuning (ST) start
[When the power is turned on, operation is changed [When SV is changed]
from STOP to RUN]

 The setting items related to Startup tuning (ST) are shown below. Set them according to the application
Setting item Details Setting mode
Start condition 0 (Factory set value) When the power is turned on, operation is changed from Engineering mode
STOP to RUN, or the Set value (SV) is changed.
1 When the power is turned on or operation is changed from
2 When the Set value (SV) is changed.
Execution oFF (Factory set value) ST unused Operation transfer
method on1 Execute once mode
on2 Execute always

When the Startup tuning (ST) function is activated in Heat/Cool PID control, only heat-side PID
values are calculated and changed. The Startup tuning (ST) is not available when the temperature is
downward. (PID values for cooling cannot be calculated)
The Startup tuning (ST) is not available in case of Position proportioning PID control.
If the Startup tuning (ST) is started when the ST start condition is at power on or switching from
STOP to RUN, the control will start with Hot start 2 even if the setting is Hot start 1. For Hot/Cold
start setting, refer to 8.19 Changing the Action at Power ON (Hot/Cold Start) (P. 8-124).

8-18 IMR03A05-E4

 AT/ST status monitor

Displays the execution status of the Startup tuning (ST).
 Displays “2” during the Startup tuning (ST).
 Displays “0” when the Startup tuning (ST) is completed.
 When the Startup tuning (ST) is aborted, the display shows 1 up to 4 depending on the reason of the
1: Aborted. Setting changed.
・When the Startup tuning (ST) is disabled (oFF: ST unused).
・When the PV bias, PV ratio, or PV digital filter is changed.
・When the Output limiter high or low is changed.
・When the instrument is switched to STOP by RUN/STOP transfer.
・When the instrument is switched to Manual mode using Auto/Manual transfer.
・When the instrument is switched to Remote mode using Remote/Local transfer.
・When the setting of the Level PID action selection is “2: Switching by the Measured value (PV).”
2: Aborted. Abnormal input.
When the Measured value (PV) has entered the Input error range.
[Input error range: Input error determination point high  Measured value (PV),
Input error determination point low  Measured value (PV)]
3: Aborted. Timeout.
When the Startup tuning (ST) will not end approximately 100 minutes after it has been started.
4: Aborted. Abnormal calculated values.
・When the input was switched by Control with PV select.
・Internal error of the Startup tuning (ST), etc.

 Caution for using the Startup tuning (ST)

 For Startup tuning (ST) at power ON or transfer from STOP to RUN, always set the heater power to ON
simultaneously with the start of tuning or before the start of tuning.
 Start Startup tuning (ST) in the state in which the temperature differential of the Measured value (PV) and
Set value (SV) at the start of Startup tuning (ST) is twice the Proportional band, or greater.
 If in Heat/Cool PID control, start activating the Startup tuning (ST) function under the condition of “Set
value (SV) > Measured value (PV).” Only the PID values on the heat-side are automatically calculated but
no PID values on the cool-side are changed. The PID values on the cooling side can be obtained by the
Autotuning (AT).
 When the manipulated output value may be limited by the Output limiter setting, the optimum PID values
may not be calculated by Startup tuning (ST).
 When setting the Output change rate limiter, the optimum PID values may not be computed by Startup
tuning (ST).
 When setting the Setting change rate limiter, the optimum PID values are not obtained even when Startup
tuning (ST) is executed at Set value (SV) change.
 When the Startup tuning (ST) is started at power on, priority is given to the Startup tuning (ST) and the
Proactive function will not start.

IMR03A05-E4 8-19

 Requirements for Startup tuning (ST) start

Start the Startup tuning (ST) when all following conditions are satisfied:
RUN/STOP transfer RUN
Auto/Manual transfer Auto mode
Operation state
Remote/Local transfer Local mode
Autotuning (AT) setting PID control
Startup tuning (ST) is set to ON (Execute once, Execute always)
Output limiter high  0.1 %, Output limiter low  99.9 %
Parameter setting [Heat/Cool PID control type: Output limiter high (heat-side)  0.1 %]
The Level PID action selection is done by other than “Switching by the Measured value
The Measured value (PV) is not underscale or over-scale.
Input error determination point (high)  Input value  Input error determination point (low)
Input value state
At Startup tuning (ST) at Set value (SV) change, the Measured value (PV) shall be stabilized.
Set value (SV) > Measured value (PV) [Heat/Cool PID control]
At startup, output is changed and saturated at the Output limiter high or the Output limiter
Output value state
low [Heat/Cool PID control type: Output limiter high (heat-side)].

 Requirements for Startup tuning (ST) cancellation

The Startup tuning (ST) will be immediately aborted if any in the cancel condition in the AT/ST status
monitor is met. The PID values will be the same as before the Startup tuning (ST) was activated.

For details, refer to “AT/ST status monitor” on the previous page.

The Startup tuning (ST) may be aborted in the following cases except for the conditions in “AT/ST status
・Autotuning (AT) has been started.
・When the instrument is in FAIL state.
・When the power supply is disconnected.

 Parameter setting
 Input 1_Startup tuning (ST)
[Operation Transfer Mode]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

1.USTU oFF: ST unused

on1: Execute once *

on2 Execute always

* When the ST is finished, the control will automatically return to “oFF.”

To display “Input 1_Startup tuning (ST),” you need to specify the control type other than “Position
proportioning PID control” at the time of order.

8-20 IMR03A05-E4

 Input 2_Startup tuning (ST)

[Operation Transfer Mode]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

2.USTU oFF: ST unused

on1: Execute once *

on2 Execute always

* When the ST is finished, the control will automatically return to “oFF.”

To display “Input 2_Startup tuning (ST),” specify “Measured input 2” at the time of order, AND
“Select function for input 2” (Function block No. 58 in Engineering mode) must be set to 2-loop
control/Differential temperature control.

 Input 1_AT/ST status monitor

[Setup Setting Mode: Setting group No. 53 (Sn53)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

1.TUNE 0: AT/ST complete

1: AT running now

2: ST running now
1: Aborted. Setting changed.
2: Aborted. Abnormal input.
3: Aborted. Timeout.
4: Aborted. Abnormal calculated values.

 Input 2_AT/ST status monitor

[Setup Setting Mode: Setting group No. 54 (Sn54)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

2.TUNE 0: AT/ST complete

1: AT running now

2: ST running now
1: Aborted. Setting changed.
2: Aborted. Abnormal input.
3: Aborted. Timeout.
4: Aborted. Abnormal calculated values.

To display “Input 2_AT/ST status monitor,” specify “Measured input 2” at the time of order, AND
“Select function for input 2” (Function block No. 58 in Engineering mode) must be set to 2-loop
control/Differential temperature control.

 ST start condition
[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 50 (Fn50)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

U STS 0: Activate the Startup tuning (ST) function when the power is turned on;
when transferred from STOP to RUN; or when the Set value (SV) is

1: Activate the Startup tuning (ST) function when the power is turned on; or
when transferred from STOP to RUN.
2: Activate the Startup tuning (ST) function when the Set value (SV) is

IMR03A05-E4 8-21

 Setting procedure
 Set the ST start condition
To enter the Engineering mode

Setting lock mode

Monitor & SV setting mode Set data unlock/lock
PV/SV monitor transfer

028.0 (4 seconds *)
* Press the key until
000.0 0on 0oFF Parameter setting mode
is displayed.
Lock state Unlock state Keep pressing without
releasing your finger from
the key to enter the
Operation transfer mode Setting lock mode.
RUN/STOP transfer

00R/S 00R/S
(2 seconds) (2 seconds)


Engineering mode
Function block No. 10 Function block No. 50
[Display] [Control] ST start condition

Fn100 Several
times Fn500 5 times STS
00DSP CONT 00000
Set ST start condition

Setting End

 Next parameter is displayed.

 Press and MODE keys simultaneously to return to the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor.
(For FZ400/900, the MONI key may be pressed to return to the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor)
 Select RUN on the RUN/STOP transfer.
 Select lock on the Set data unlock/lock transfer.

8-22 IMR03A05-E4

 Set the Startup tuning (ST)

Monitor & SV setting mode Operation transfer mode or Input 1_Startup tuning
PV/SV monitor RUN/STOP transfer (ST)
In case of

028.0 00R/S 1. STU 1. STU

MODE Several Once or one input
(2 seconds) times Twice

000.0 00RUN OFF ON1

Set Startup tuning Set “on1” or “on2”

MODE or In case of two inputs

Input 2_Startup tuning


2. STU Once or

Set Startup tuning Set “on1” or “on2”


 Start the Startup tuning (ST)

Before start ST, refer to Requirements for Startup tuning (AT) start (P. 8-20). Make sure that all
required conditions to start ST are satisfied.
Startup tuning can be started in the following manner. (started in the manner that satisfies the starting
 Power off the controller once and power on again.
 Stop the control once (STOP) and start the control again (RUN).
 Change the Set value (SV).

The AT lamp lights during the Startup tuning (ST).

After completion of the Startup tuning (ST), the AT lamp goes off.
When the Startup tuning setting is “on1: Execute once,” the setting will go back to “oFF: ST

IMR03A05-E4 8-23

8.5 Setting PID Values Manually

To perform PID control, PID parameters shown below need to be set up. These PID parameters can be
automatically set using Autotuning (AT) or Startup tuning (ST). Manual adjustment is also available.
 Proportional band (P)
 Integral time (I)
 Derivative time (D)

For Autotuning (AT) function, refer to 8.3 Setting PID Values Automatically (Autotuning)
(P. 8-11). For Startup tuning (ST) function, refer to 8.4 Setting PID Values Automatically
(Startup tuning) (P. 8-18).

 Description of function
Critical parameters of PID control such as Proportional action (Proportional band: P), Integral action
(Integral time: I), and Derivative action (Derivative time: D) are explained below.
Note that this explanation is based on the reverse action (heating control). With the direct action (cooling
control), the output increases as the measured value increases.

 Proportional action
Manipulated output
In the ON/OFF control action, the manipulated
value (MV)
output is turned on and off repeatedly, resulting
in oscillatory control. Proportional band
To eliminate this oscillation, control is Gradually decreases
performed by producing Manipulated output
value (MV) proportional to the deviation
between the Set value (SV) and the Measured
value (PV). Temperature
Technically a zone called “Proportional band” Set value (SV)
is established around the Set value (SV) and Manipulated output
when the Measured value (PV) enters the value (MV)
proportional band, the Manipulated output
value (MV) is gradually reduced. Proportional band is narrow.
The Measured value (PV) stabilizes within the Proportional band is wide.
Proportional band at the equilibrium point, but
in many cases the stabilized temperature does
not match the Set value (SV).
This deviation between the Set value (SV) and
the stabilized temperature is called “Offset.” Set value (SV)
With a narrower proportional band the control
result becomes closer to that of the ON/OFF Temperature
Proportional band is narrow.
control (oscillatory).
With a wider proportional band the output is Set value (SV) Offset
gradually reduced to stabilize quicker, however,
often with a larger offset.
Proportional band is wide.
For ON/OFF action, refer to 8.6 Time
Controlling with ON/OFF Action
(P. 8-31).

8-24 IMR03A05-E4

 Integral action Temperature

Deviation occurred
Proportional action provides more stable Measured value (PV)
control than ON/OFF control, but causes Set value (SV)
offset. This offset can be automatically
corrected by Integral action. Time
As long as deviation exists between the Set Manipulated
value (SV) and the Measured value (PV), output value
(MV) Output is added Integral action:
the Manipulated output value (MV) is added
Adding continues
according to the size of the deviation until until deviation is
no deviation exists. cleared

The strength of the Integral action is Time

expressed in the Integral time. The Integral Manipulated
time is the time till the Manipulated output output value Proportional action +
(MV) Integral action [b]
value (MV) by the Integral action gets equal
to that by the Proportional action. Proportional action +
The shorter the Integral time, the stronger Integral action [a]
the integral effect is, and the longer the
Proportional action
Integral time of Integral action [b]

Integral time of Integral action [a]

 Derivative action
The Derivative action allows the Manipulated output value (MV) proportional to the changing rate (speed) of
the Measured value (PV) to be produced to prevent a fluctuation of the Measured value (PV) before it happens.
The strength of the Derivative action is expressed in the Derivative time. The Derivative time is the time
until the Manipulated output value (MV) by the Proportional action gets equal to the Manipulated output
value (MV) by the Derivative action when the Measured value (PV) changes at a constant rate.
The longer the Derivative time is, the stronger the Derivative effect is, and the shorter the weaker.
The Derivative effect, if set too strong, produces large Manipulated output (MV) against a small change of
the Measured value (PV), thus causing hunting and resulting in unstable control.
Temperature Temperature
PV changes PV changes
Measured value (PV) Measured value (PV)
Set value Set value
(SV) (SV)

Time Time
Manipulated Manipulated
output value output value
(MV) (MV)
Derivative action

Derivative action
Time Manipulated
Manipulated output value
output value (MV) Proportional action +
(MV) Derivative action
Proportional action +
Derivative action Derivative action
action Time
PV gradually changes
PV changes stepwise
(PV changes at a constant rate)

IMR03A05-E4 8-25

 Outline of effect of PID

The following figure shows control behaviors under various control actions; ON/OFF control, proportional
control (P), Proportional + Integral action (PI action), and Proportional + Integral + Derivative actions (PID

ON/OFF action (P) action (P) + ( I) action (P) + (I) + (D) action

disturbance External Measured value (PV)

Set value
Stable, but with
No good response Good response
Largely to external to external
oscillates disturbances disturbances


 Adjusting PID parameters (Applications controlled with PID control)

In some applications PID values calculated and obtained through Autotuning (AT) and Startup tuning (ST)
may not be appropriate. In such a case the PID values need to be adjusted manually.
Attempt this adjustment referring to the following.

The sample here shows a general tendency. Control results depend on the controlled object and
combinations of control constants.

[Adjustment of Proportional band (P)]

Setting the proportional band as small as possible enables the Set value (SV) to be reached faster without overshoot.
However, if the proportional band is set too narrow, it will cause hunting and the manipulated output (MV) will
become oscillating.


Proportional band is set too narrow Proportional band is appropriately set Proportional band is set too wide

[Adjustment of Integral time (I) and Derivative time (D)]

Made larger (wider, longer) Made smaller (narrower, shorter)

Overshoot, undershoot Starts up quickly.
and hunting are Setting the value too
suppressed. short may cause
Setting the value too overshoot, undershoot
long may need longer or hunting.
time till the Set value
(SV) is reached.

8-26 IMR03A05-E4

 Parameter setting
 Input 1_Proportional band [heat-side]
[Parameter Setting Mode: Parameter group No. 51 (Pn51)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

1.U 1P TC/RTD inputs:

0 (0.0, 0.00) to Input 1_Input span (Unit: C [F])
TC/RTD inputs: 30
V/I inputs: 3.0
(When Control with PV select: 0 to PV select input span)
[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]
Voltage (V)/Current (I) inputs:
0.0 to 1000.0 % of Input 1_Input span
(When Control with PV select: 0.0 to 1000.0 % of PV select input span)
0 (0.0, 0.00): ON/OFF action

 Input 2_Proportional band

[Parameter Setting Mode: Parameter group No. 52 (Pn52)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

2.U 1P TC/RTD inputs:

0 (0.0, 0.00) to Input 2_Input span (Unit: C [F])
TC/RTD inputs: 30
V/I inputs: 3.0
[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]
Voltage (V)/Current (I) inputs:
0.0 to 1000.0 % of Input 2_Input span
0 (0.0, 0.00): ON/OFF action

To display “Input 2_Proportional band,” specify “Measured input 2” at the time of order, AND
“Select function for input 2” (Function block No. 58 in Engineering mode) must be set to 2-loop
control/Differential temperature control, or Cascade control.

 Input 1_Proportional band [cool-side]

[Parameter Setting Mode: Parameter group No. 56 (Pn56)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

1.U Pc TC/RTD inputs:

1 (0.1, 0.01) to Input 1_Input span (Unit: C [F])
TC/RTD inputs: 30
V/I inputs: 3.0
(When Control with PV select: 1 to PV select input span)
[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]
Voltage (V)/Current (I) inputs:
0.1 to 1000.0 % of Input 1_Input span
(When Control with PV select: 0.1 to 1000.0 % of PV select input span)

To display “Input 1_Proportional band [cool-side],” you need to specify “Heat/Cool PID control”
at the time of order, AND to enter a value other than 0 in the Input 1_Proportional band [heat-side]
in the same memory area.

IMR03A05-E4 8-27

 Input 1_Integral time [heat-side]

[Parameter Setting Mode: Parameter group No. 51 (Pn51)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

1.U 1I PID control or Heat/Cool PID control:

0 to 3600 seconds, 0.0 to 3600.0 seconds or 0.00 to 360.00 seconds

0 (0.0, 0.00): PD action

Position proportioning PID control:
1 to 3600 seconds, 0.1 to 3600.0 seconds or 0.01 to 360.00 seconds
[Varies with the setting of the Integral/Derivative time decimal point position.]

To display “Input 1_Integral time [heat-side],” you need to enter a value other than 0 in the Input
1_Proportional band [heat-side] in the same memory area.

 Input 2_Integral time

[Parameter Setting Mode: Parameter group No. 52 (Pn52)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

2.U 1I 0 to 3600 seconds, 0.0 to 3600.0 seconds or 0.00 to 360.00 seconds

0 (0.0, 0.00): PD action

[Varies with the setting of the Integral/Derivative time decimal point position.]

To display “Input 2_Integral time,” specify “Measured input 2” at the time of order, AND “Select
function for input 2” (Function block No. 58 in Engineering mode) must be set to 2-loop
control/Differential temperature control, or Cascade control. Additionally, you also need to enter a
value other than 0 in the Input 2_Proportional band in the same memory area.

 Input 1_Integral time [cool-side]

[Parameter Setting Mode: Parameter group No. 56 (Pn56)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

1.U Ic 0 to 3600 seconds, 0.0 to 3600.0 seconds or 0.00 to 360.00 seconds

0 (0.0, 0.00): PD action

[Varies with the setting of the Integral/Derivative time decimal point position.]

To display “Input 1_Integral time [cool-side],” you need to specify “Heat/Cool PID control” at the
time of order, AND to enter a value other than 0 in the Input 1_Proportional band [heat-side] in the
same memory area.

 Input 1_Derivative time [heat-side]

[Parameter Setting Mode: Parameter group No. 51 (Pn51)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

1.U 1d 0 to 3600 seconds, 0.0 to 3600.0 seconds or 0.00 to 360.00 seconds

0 (0.0, 0.00): PI action

[Varies with the setting of the Integral/Derivative time decimal point position.]

To display “Input 1_Derivative time [heat-side],” you need to enter a value other than 0 in the Input
1_Proportional band [heat-side] in the same memory area.

8-28 IMR03A05-E4

 Input 2_Derivative time

[Parameter Setting Mode: Parameter group No. 52 (Pn52)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

2.U 1d 0 to 3600 seconds, 0.0 to 3600.0 seconds or 0.00 to 360.00 seconds

0 (0.0, 0.00): PI action

[Varies with the setting of the Integral/Derivative time decimal point position.]

To display “Input 2_Derivative time,” specify “Measured input 2” at the time of order, AND
“Select function for input 2” (Function block No. 58 in Engineering mode) must be set to 2-loop
control/Differential temperature control, or Cascade control. Additionally, you also need to enter a
value other than 0 in the Input 2_Proportional band in the same memory area.

 Input 1_Derivative time [cool-side]

[Parameter Setting Mode: Parameter group No. 56 (Pn56)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

1.U dc 0 to 3600 seconds, 0.0 to 3600.0 seconds or 0.00 to 360.00 seconds

0 (0.0, 0.00): PI action

[Varies with the setting of the Integral/Derivative time decimal point position.]

To display “Input 1_Derivative time [cool-side],” you need to specify “Heat/Cool PID control” at
the time of order, AND to enter a value other than 0 in the Input 1_Proportional band [heat-side] in
the same memory area.

IMR03A05-E4 8-29

 Setting procedure
Parameter setting mode
Monitor & SV setting mode Parameter group No. 00 Parameter group No. 51 Input 1_Proportional
PV/SV monitor [Setting] [Input 1_Control] band [heat-side]

28.0 (2 seconds)
Pn000 Once or
Twice Pn510 1. P
000.0 00SV 1.ConT 0030.0
Set Proportional
Input 1_Integral time
In case of Heat/Cool PID control [heat-side]
In case of

In case of two inputs

two inputs or
Heat/Cool 1. I
PID control

Set Integral time

Input 1_Derivative time


1. d
In case of one input
Setting End
 Next parameter is displayed. Set Derivative time
 Press and MODE keys simultaneously to return to
the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor.
(For FZ400/900, the MONI key may be pressed to return to
the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor)

Parameter group No. 52

[Input 2_Control] Input 2_Proportional band Input 2_Integral time Input 2_Derivative time

Pn520 2. P 2. I 2. d
2.ConT 0030.0 0240.0 0060.0
Set Proportional Set Integral time Set Derivative time

Setting End

 Next parameter is displayed.

 Press and MODE keys simultaneously to return to
the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor.
(For FZ400/900, the MONI key may be pressed to return to
the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor)
Parameter group No. 56 Input 1_Proportional Input 1_Integral time Input 1_Derivative time
[Input 1_Cooling control] band [cool-side] [cool-side] [cool-side]

Pn560 1. Pc 1. Ic 1. dc
1.CooL 0030.0 0240.0 0060.0
Set Proportional Set Integral time Set Derivative time

Setting End

 Next parameter is displayed.

 Press and MODE keys simultaneously to return to
the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor.
(For FZ400/900, the MONI key may be pressed to return to
the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor)

8-30 IMR03A05-E4

8.6 Controlling with ON/OFF Action

In ON/OFF control, the Manipulated output value (MV) is turned on or off depending on the Measured value
(PV) whether it is above or below the Set value (SV).

 Description of function
When the Measured value (PV) is above the Set value (SV), the Manipulated output value (MV) is turned
OFF, and when the Measured value (PV) is below the Set value (SV), the Manipulated output value (MV) is
turned ON. To use the ON/OFF control, set the Proportional band [heat-side] to “0.”

In the ON/OFF control the output is turned on and off around the Set value (SV) and the output may be
turned on and off too frequently for a small change of temperature. This is called “chattering” and may
reduce the life of the output relay. To prevent this, ON/OFF differential gap should be properly set.

Measured value (PV)

ON/OFF action
differential gap (upper)
Set value (SV)
ON/OFF action
differential gap (lower)

Manipulated output ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF

value (MV)

This explanation applies to “Reverse action” (heating control).

The value of the ON/OFF action differential gap is a deviation from the Set value (SV). This gap
can be set individually above and below the Set value (SV). For example, in case of a Reverse
action (heating control), assuming that the Set value (SV) is 100 C with a ON/OFF action
differential gap (upper) of 5 C, the Manipulated output value (MV) turns off at 105 C.

In case of ON/OFF action, the Output changing rate limiter is deactivated.

 Cooling control with ON/OFF action

The process of Input 1 can be controlled with the ON/OFF action for the Cooling side (direct action) by
setting zero to the Input 1_Proportional band [heat-side] after “0: PID control (direct action)” is set at “Input
1_Control action” in Function block No. 51 in the Engineering mode.
The process of Input 2 can be controlled with the ON/OFF action for the Cooling side (direct action) by
setting zero to the Input 2_Proportional band after “0: PID control (direct action)” is set at “Input 2_Control
action” in Function block No. 52 in the Engineering mode.
The action is the same as above, but the ON/OFF position of the Manipulated output value (MV) becomes
opposite. The ON/OFF action differential gap can be set similarly.

IMR03A05-E4 8-31

 Heat/Cool control with ON/OFF action

Go to “Input 1_Control action,” Function block No.51 in the Engineering mode.
Select any one from “2: Heat/Cool PID control [water cooling],” “3: Heat/Cool PID control [air cooling],” or
“4: Heat/Cool PID control [Cooling linear type]” and set “0” at the Input 1_Proportional band [heat-side].
Then, the controller starts Heat/Cool control with ON/OFF action.

Manipulated output for ON/OFF action [at Heating control]

Low High

ON/OFF action
Set value (SV) ON/OFF action
differential gap (lower) differential gap (upper)

Manipulated output for ON/OFF action [at Heat/Cool control]

 Overlap/Deadband = 0
ON/OFF action ON/OFF action
differential gap (lower) differential gap (upper)

Heat-side output ON OFF

Low High

Cool-side output OFF ON

Low High

ON/OFF action
Set value (SV) ON/OFF action
differential gap (lower) differential gap (upper)

 Overlap/Deadband > 0
ON/OFF action ON/OFF action
differential gap (lower) differential gap (upper)

Heat-side output ON OFF

Low High
Set value (SV) Deadband

Cool-side output OFF ON

Low High

ON/OFF action ON/OFF action

differential gap (lower) differential gap (upper)

8-32 IMR03A05-E4

 Parameter setting
 Input 1_Proportional band [heat-side]
[Parameter Setting Mode: Parameter group No. 51 (Pn51)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

1.U 1P TC/RTD inputs:

0 (0.0, 0.00) to Input 1_Input span (Unit: C [F])
TC/RTD inputs: 30
V/I inputs: 3.0
(When Control with PV select: 0 to PV select input span)
[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]
Voltage (V)/Current (I) inputs:
0.0 to 1000.0 % of Input 1_Input span
(When Control with PV select: 0.0 to 1000.0 % of PV select input span)
0 (0.0, 0.00): ON/OFF action

 Input 2_Proportional band

[Parameter Setting Mode: Parameter group No. 52 (Pn52)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

2.U 1P TC/RTD inputs:

0 (0.0, 0.00) to Input 2_Input span (Unit: C [F])
TC/RTD inputs: 30
V/I inputs: 3.0
[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]
Voltage (V)/Current (I) inputs:
0.0 to 1000.0 % of Input 2_Input span
0 (0.0, 0.00): ON/OFF action

To display “Input 2_Proportional band,” specify “Measured input 2” at the time of order, AND
“Select function for input 2” (Function block No. 58 in Engineering mode) must be set to 2-loop
control/Differential temperature control, or Cascade control.

 Input 1_ON/OFF action differential gap (upper)

[Parameter Setting Mode: Parameter group No. 51 (Pn51)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

1.UoHH TC/RTD inputs:

0 (0.0, 0.00) to Input 1_Input span (Unit: C [F])
TC/RTD inputs: 1
V/I inputs: 0.1
(When Control with PV select: 0 to PV select input span)
[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]
Voltage (V)/Current (I) inputs:
0.0 to 100.0 % of Input 1_Input span
(When Control with PV select: 0.0 to 100.0 % of PV select input span)

To display “Input 1_ON/OFF action differential gap (upper),” zero (“0”) must be entered at Input
1_Proportional band [heat-side].”

IMR03A05-E4 8-33

 Input 1_ON/OFF action differential gap (lower)

[Parameter Setting Mode: Parameter group No. 51 (Pn51)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

1.UoHL TC/RTD inputs:

0 (0.0, 0.00) to Input 1_Input span (Unit: C [F])
TC/RTD inputs: 1
V/I inputs: 0.1
(When Control with PV select: 0 to PV select input span)
[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]
Voltage (V)/Current (I) inputs:
0.0 to 100.0 % of Input 1_Input span
(When Control with PV select: 0.0 to 100.0 % of PV select input span)

To display “Input 1_ON/OFF action differential gap (lower),” zero (“0”) must be entered at Input
1_Proportional band [heat-side].”

 Input 2_ON/OFF action differential gap (upper)

[Parameter Setting Mode: Parameter group No. 52 (Pn52)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

2.UoHH TC/RTD inputs:

0 (0.0, 0.00) to Input 2_Input span (Unit: C [F])
TC/RTD inputs: 1
V/I inputs: 0.1
[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]
Voltage (V)/Current (I) inputs:
0.0 to 100.0 % of Input 2_Input span

To display “Input 2_ON/OFF action differential gap (upper),” specify “Measured input 2” at the
time of order, AND “Select function for input 2” (Function block No. 58 in Engineering mode)
must be set to 2-loop control/Differential temperature control, or Cascade control. You also need to
enter zero (“0”) at the Input 2_Proportional band.

 Input 2_ON/OFF action differential gap (lower)

[Parameter Setting Mode: Parameter group No. 52 (Pn52)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

2.UoHL TC/RTD inputs:

0 (0.0, 0.00) to Input 2_Input span (Unit: C [F])
TC/RTD inputs: 1
V/I inputs: 0.1
[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]
Voltage (V)/Current (I) inputs:
0.0 to 100.0 % of Input 2_Input span

To display “Input 2_ON/OFF action differential gap (lower),” specify “Measured input 2” at the
time of order, AND “Select function for input 2” (Function block No. 58 in Engineering mode)
must be set to 2-loop control/Differential temperature control, or Cascade control. You also need to
enter zero (“0”) at the Input 2_Proportional band.

8-34 IMR03A05-E4

 Setting procedure
Parameter setting mode
Monitor & SV setting mode Parameter group No. 00 Parameter group No. 51 Input 1_Proportional band
PV/SV monitor [Setting] [Input 1_Control] [heat-side]

028.0 (2 seconds)
Pn000 Once or
Twice Pn510 1. P
000.0 00SV 1.ConT 0000.0
Set Proportional
band to “0.0”
In case of
two inputs
Input 1_ON/OFF action Input 1_ON/OFF action
In case of differential gap (lower) differential gap (upper)

1. oHL 1. oHH
two inputs times

In case of one input

0000.1 0000.1
Set ON/OFF action Set ON/OFF action
differential gap differential gap
(lower) (upper)
Setting End

 Next parameter is displayed.

 Press and MODE keys simultaneously to return to
the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor.
(For FZ400/900, the MONI key may be pressed to return to
the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor)

Parameter group No. 52 Input 2_ON/OFF action Input 2_ON/OFF action

[Input 2_Control] Input 2_Proportional band differential gap (upper) differential gap (lower)

Pn520 Several
times 2. P 2. oHH 2. oHL
2.ConT 0000.0 0000.1 0000.1
Set Proportional Set ON/OFF action Set ON/OFF action
band to “0.0” differential gap differential gap
(upper) (lower)

Setting End

 Next parameter is displayed.

 Press and MODE keys simultaneously to return to
the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor.
(For FZ400/900, the MONI key may be pressed to return to
the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor)

IMR03A05-E4 8-35

8.7 Controlling with Heat/Cool Control

With Heat/Cool PID control method, heat-side and cool-side can be controlled by a controller. For example,
this is effective when cooling control is required in extruder cylinder temperature control.

 Description of function
 Cool control type
The control on the heat-side is the same as the standard PID control. The control on the cool-side can be
selected from a few types according to the controlled object.
・Water cooling/Air cooling: The algorithm assuming plastic molding machine Heat/Cool control is
employed. Even in equipment provided with a cooling mechanism having
nonlinear characteristics, it responds quickly to attain the characteristic
responding to the set value with small overshooting.
・Cooling linear type: The algorithm assuming applications without nonlinear cooling capability is

 Overlap/Deadband
Heat/Cool PID control has a proportional band individually on each side of the heating and the cooling. With
the Set value (SV) as a reference point, setting the Overlap/Deadband below the Set value (SV) [setting on
the negative side] generates an overlap of the heating and the cooling proportional bands. Setting this
parameter above the Set value (SV) [setting on the positive side] generates a deadband.
Manipulated output
value (MV)
Proportional band Proportional band
[heat-side] [cool-side]

100 %

Manipulated output Manipulated output

value value
[heat-side] [cool-side]

0% Temperature
Set value
OL: Overlap OL DB DB: Deadband

[Overlap/Deadband reference point]

Each Set value (SV) for the Heat/Cool PID control becomes the Overlap/Deadband reference point.
 When setting 0.0, Overlap/Deadband reference point is at 0 % of the output at Proportional band [heat-side].
 When setting 0.5, Overlap/Deadband reference point is at the midpoint of the Overlap/Deadband.
 When setting 1.0, Overlap/Deadband reference point is at 0 % of the output at Proportional band [cool-side].
MV Proportional band Proportional band
[heat-side] [cool-side]

100 % Deadband

Heat-side 1.0
output value output value

0% Temp.
Set value Set value Set value
(SV) (SV) (SV)
dbPA dbPA dbPA
dbPA: Overlap/Deadband reference point
0.0 0.5 1.0

8-36 IMR03A05-E4

Example: Difference in Overlap/Deadband reference point

[Overlap/Deadband reference point: 0.0 ]
MV Proportional band Proportional band MV
[heat-side] [cool-side]

100 % 100 %

Heat-side Cool-side Heat-side Cool-side

output value output value output value output value

0% Temp. 0% Temp.
Set value (SV) Set value (SV)
[dbPA] [dbPA]
dbPA: Overlap/Deadband reference point
Deadband Overlap

[Overlap/Deadband reference point: 0.5 ]

MV Proportional band Proportional band MV
[heat-side] [cool-side]

100 % 100 %

Heat-side Cool-side Heat-side Cool-side

output value output value output value output value

0% Temp. 0% Temp.
Set value Set value
(SV) (SV)
[dbPA] [dbPA]
Deadband dbPA: Overlap/Deadband reference point Overlap

and : Position of Proportional band when Deadband is 0.

[Overlap/Deadband reference point: 1.0 ]

Position of
MV Proportional band Proportional band MV Proportional band
[heat-side] [cool-side] when Deadband is 0.

100 % 100 %

Heat-side Cool-side Heat-side Cool-side

output value output value output value output value

0% Temp. 0% Temp.

Position of Proportional Set value (SV) Set value (SV)

band when Deadband [dbPA] dbPA: Overlap/Deadband reference point [dbPA]
is 0.
Deadband Overlap

To change Deadband when the Overlap/Deadband reference point is 0.5, the Proportional band on
heat-side and cool-side shift equidistantly to the midpoint of the Overlap/Deadband.

IMR03A05-E4 8-37

 Undershoot suppression factor

The Undershoot suppression function suppresses the undershoot that occurs when the Set value (SV) is
lowered due to the special cooling characteristic (cooling nonlinear characteristic) of plastic molding
machines. The undershoot suppression effect increases as a smaller value is set for the Undershoot
suppression factor.

The undershoot factor

is small.

Set value (SV)

The undershoot factor

is large.

If the Undershoot suppression factor is set too small, the undershoot function acts excessively
and prevents the Measured value (PV) from reaching the Set value (SV). As a result, the PV
stabilizes at an offset or approaches the set value very slowly, preventing normal control.
In this event, change the setting for the Undershoot suppression factor to a slightly higher

 Parameter setting
 Input 1_Proportional band [heat-side]
[Parameter Setting Mode: Parameter group No. 51 (Pn51)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

1.U 1P TC/RTD inputs:

0 (0.0, 0.00) to Input 1_Input span (Unit: C [F])
TC/RTD inputs: 30
V/I inputs: 3.0
(When Control with PV select: 0 to PV select input span)
[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]
Voltage (V)/Current (I) inputs:
0.0 to 1000.0 % of Input 1_Input span
(When Control with PV select: 0.0 to 1000.0 % of PV select input span)
0 (0.0, 0.00): ON/OFF action

8-38 IMR03A05-E4

 Input 1_Proportional band [cool-side]

[Parameter Setting Mode: Parameter group No. 56 (Pn56)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

1.U Pc TC/RTD inputs:

1 (0.1, 0.01) to Input 1_Input span (Unit: C [F])
TC/RTD inputs: 30
V/I inputs: 3.0
(When Control with PV select: 1 to PV select input span)
[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]
Voltage (V)/Current (I) inputs:
0.1 to 1000.0 % of Input 1_Input span
(When Control with PV select: 0.1 to 1000.0 % of PV select input span)

To display “Input 1_Proportional band [cool-side],” you need to specify “Heat/Cool PID control”
at the time of order, AND to enter a value other than 0 in the Input 1_Proportional band [heat-side]
in the same memory area.

 Input 1_Integral time [heat-side]

[Parameter Setting Mode: Parameter group No. 51 (Pn51)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

1.U 1I PID control or Heat/Cool PID control:

0 to 3600 seconds, 0.0 to 3600.0 seconds or 0.00 to 360.00 seconds

0 (0.0, 0.00): PD action

Position proportioning PID control:
1 to 3600 seconds, 0.1 to 3600.0 seconds or 0.01 to 360.00 seconds
[Varies with the setting of the Integral/Derivative time decimal point position.]

To display “Input 1_Integral time [heat-side],” you need to enter a value other than 0 in the Input
1_Proportional band [heat-side] in the same memory area.

 Input 1_Integral time [cool-side]

[Parameter Setting Mode: Parameter group No. 56 (Pn56)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

1.U Ic 0 to 3600 seconds, 0.0 to 3600.0 seconds or 0.00 to 360.00 seconds

0 (0.0, 0.00): PD action

[Varies with the setting of the Integral/Derivative time decimal point position.]

To display “Input 1_Integral time [cool-side],” you need to specify “Heat/Cool PID control” at the
time of order, AND to enter a value other than 0 in the Input 1_Proportional band [heat-side] in the
same memory area.

IMR03A05-E4 8-39

 Input 1_Derivative time [heat-side]

[Parameter Setting Mode: Parameter group No. 51 (Pn51)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

1.U 1d 0 to 3600 seconds, 0.0 to 3600.0 seconds or 0.00 to 360.00 seconds

0 (0.0, 0.00): PI action

[Varies with the setting of the Integral/Derivative time decimal point position.]

To display “Input 1_Derivative time [heat-side],” you need to enter a value other than 0 in the Input
1_Proportional band [heat-side] in the same memory area.

 Input 1_Derivative time [cool-side]

[Parameter Setting Mode: Parameter group No. 56 (Pn56)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

1.U dc 0 to 3600 seconds, 0.0 to 3600.0 seconds or 0.00 to 360.00 seconds

0 (0.0, 0.00): PI action

[Varies with the setting of the Integral/Derivative time decimal point position.]

To display “Input 1_Derivative time [cool-side],” you need to specify “Heat/Cool PID control” at
the time of order, AND to enter a value other than 0 in the Input 1_Proportional band [heat-side] in
the same memory area.

 Input 1_Overlap/Deadband
[Parameter Setting Mode: Parameter group No. 56 (Pn56)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

1.U db TC/RTD inputs:

(Input 1_Input span)to (Input 1_Input span)
TC/RTD inputs: 0
V/I inputs: 0.0
When Control with PV select:
(PV select input span) to (PV select input span)
(Unit: C [F])
[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]
Voltage (V)/Current (I) inputs:
100.0 to 100.0 % of Input 1_Input span
When Control with PV select:
100.0 to 100.0 % of PV select input span
Minus () setting results in Overlap. However, the overlapping range is
within the proportional range.

To display “Input 1_Overlap/Deadband,” you need to specify “Heat/Cool PID control” at the time
of order, or “Input 1_Control action” (Function block No. 51 in Engineering mode) must be set to
Heat/Cool PID control.

8-40 IMR03A05-E4

 Input 1_Control action

[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 51 (Fn51)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

1. O S 0: Brilliant II PID control (direct action)

1: Brilliant II PID control (reverse action)
Control action specified at the
time of order.
2: Brilliant II Heat/Cool PID control [water cooling]
3: Brilliant II Heat/Cool PID control [air cooling]
4: Brilliant II Heat/Cool PID control [Cooling linear type]
5: Brilliant II Position proportioning PID control (reverse action)
6: Brilliant II Position proportioning PID control (direct action)
For cascade control, only 0 or 1 is selectable.


CHANGED (P. 4-1)” for the parameters that are initialized when the Input 1_Control action is

 Undershoot suppression factor

[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 56 (Fn56)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

US 0.000 to 1.000 Water cooling: 0.100

Air cooling: 0.250
Cooling linear: 1.000

To display “Undershoot suppression factor,” you need to specify “Heat/Cool PID control” at the
time of order, or “Input 1_Control action” (Function block No. 51 in Engineering mode) must be
set to Heat/Cool PID control.

 Overlap/Deadband reference point

[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 56 (Fn56)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

U dBPA 0.0 to 1.0 0.0

To display “Overlap/Deadband reference point,” you need to specify “Heat/Cool PID control” at
the time of order, or “Input 1_Control action” (Function block No. 51 in Engineering mode) must
be set to Heat/Cool PID control.

IMR03A05-E4 8-41

 Setting procedure
 Selecting Heat/Cool PID control
To enter the Engineering mode

Setting lock mode

Monitor & SV setting mode Set data unlock/lock
PV/SV monitor transfer

028.0 (4 seconds *)
* Press the key until
000.0 0on 0oFF Parameter setting mode
is displayed.
Lock state Unlock state Keep pressing without
releasing your finger from
the key to enter the
Operation transfer mode Setting lock mode.
RUN/STOP transfer

00R/S 00R/S
(2 seconds) (2 seconds)


Engineering mode
Function block No. 10 Function block No. 51
[Display] [Input 1_Control] Input 1_Control action

Fn100 Several
times Fn510 1. OS Several

00DSP 1.ConT 00002

Set Heat/Cool PID

Once or

Function block No. 56 Undershoot Overlap/Deadband

[Input 1_Cooling control] suppression factor reference point

Fn560 Several
times US DBPA
1.CooL 0.1000 0000.0
Set Undershoot Set Overlap/Deadband
suppression factor reference point

Setting End

 Next parameter is displayed.

 Press and MODE keys simultaneously to return to the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor.
(For FZ400/900, the MONI key may be pressed to return to the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor)
 Select RUN on the RUN/STOP transfer.
 Select lock on the Set data unlock/lock transfer.

8-42 IMR03A05-E4

 Setting parameters for Heat/Cool PID control

Parameter setting mode
Monitor & SV setting mode Parameter group No. 00 Parameter group No. 51 Input 1_Proportional
PV/SV monitor [Setting] [Input 1_Control] band [heat-side]

28.0 (2 seconds)
Pn000 Once or
Twice Pn510 1. P
000.0 00SV 1.ConT 0030.0
Set Proportional

Once or Input 1_Derivative time Input 1_Integral time

Twice [heat-side] [heat-side]

times 1. d 1. I
0060.0 0240.0
Set Derivative time Set Integral time

Parameter group No. 56 Input 1_Proportional Input 1_Integral time Input 1_Derivative time Input 1_
[Input 1_Cooling control] band [cool-side] [cool-side] [cool-side] Overlap/Deadband

Pn560 1. Pc 1. Ic 1. dc 1. dB
1.CooL 0030.0 0240.0 0060.0 0000.0
Set Proportional Set Integral time Set Derivative time Set Overlap/
band Deadband

Setting End

 Next parameter is displayed.

 Press and MODE keys simultaneously to return to
the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor.
(For FZ400/900, the MONI key may be pressed to return to
the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor)

The Parameters in Heat/Cool PID control can be calculated also in Autotuning (AT).
(Overlap/Deadband is excluded)
For Autotuning (AT), refer to 8.3 Setting PID Values Automatically (Autotuning) (P. 8-11).

IMR03A05-E4 8-43

8.8 Controlling with Position Proportioning Control

Position proportioning PID control converts the control output value of the controller into the corresponding
signal to control a motor driven valve (control motor) and then performs temperature control of a controlled
object by regulating fluid flow.

 Description of function
In Position proportioning PID control of this controller, it is possible to select the presence or absence of
Feedback resistance (FBR) input which monitors the degree of valve position (available only on FZ400/900).
In addition, the direct action or reverse action can be selected.

[Example] FZ400/900
OUT1 (open-side)
6 19 Terminal number 19 to 21:
3 20 Valid only when there is the
Power supply to OUT2 (close-side) Feedback resistance (FBR).
4 21
control motor



 
Control motor

Controlled object

The details of setting differ depending on the presence or absence of Feedback resistance (FBR) input.

● When the Feedback resistance (FBR) is provided (available only on FZ400/900):

 High/Low limit of valve position (limit value of FBR input) can be set.
[Output limiter high, Output limiter low]
 The valve position can be manually changed. [Manipulated output value (MV) setting in Manual mode]
 The feedback adjustment is necessary. [Feedback adjustment preparation]
 Action taken when Feedback resistance (FBR) input breaks can be selected.
[Action at Feedback resistance (FBR) input error]
 The close-side (or open-side) output remains ON when the valve position is fully closed (or opened).
[Action at saturated output]

● When the Feedback resistance (FBR) is not provided:

 Control motor operation can be restricted by the Integrated output limiter. [Integrated output limiter]
 The UP/DOWN key is used to output opening or closing signal in Manual mode.
UP key (open-side): While the UP key is being pressed, open-side output (OUT1) is output
continuously. Releasing the UP key turns off the output on the open-side to
hold the opened state at that time.
DOWN key (close-side): While the DOWN key is being pressed, close-side output (OUT2) is output
continuously. Releasing the DOWN key turns off the output on the closed-side
to hold the opened state at that time.

For manual operation of Position proportioning PID control, refer to 8.9 Controlling with Manual
Control (P. 8-56).

8-44 IMR03A05-E4

Parameter Valid/Invalid depending on the presence or absence of FBR input (×: Valid, : Invalid)
When the Feedback When the Feedback
Applicable parameters resistance (FBR) input is resistance (FBR) input is not
provided provided
Input 1_ Manipulated output value at STOP [heat-side]
( 1. R M V ) × 
Engineering mode [Function block No. 51 (Fn51)]
Input 1_Output limiter high ( 1. o L H )
Input 1_Output limiter low ( 1. o L L ) × 
Parameter setting mode [Parameter group No. 51 (Pn51)]
Open/Close output neutral zone ( Y d b ) *
× ×
Setup setting mode [Setting group No. 55 (Sn55)]
Open/Close output differential gap ( Y H S ) *
× ×
Setup setting mode [Setting group No. 55 (Sn55)]
Action at feedback resistance (FBR) input error ( Y b R )
× 
Engineering mode [Function block No. 55 (Fn55)]
Feedback adjustment ( P o S )
× 
Engineering mode [Function block No. 55 (Fn55)]
Control motor time ( M o T ) *
× ×
Engineering mode [Function block No. 55 (Fn55)]
Integrated output limiter ( o L A )
 ×
Engineering mode [Function block No. 55 (Fn55)]
Valve action at STOP ( V A L ) *
× ×
Engineering mode [Function block No. 55 (Fn55)]
Action at saturated output ( Y A S o )
× 
Engineering mode [Function block No. 55 (Fn55)]

* Always set this item regardless of the presence or absence of opening Feedback resistance (FBR) input.

Position proportioning PID control can be performed if two output points are selected when
ordering. If Current output or Continuous voltage output is specified, the Position proportioning
PID control cannot be selected. [Output value: 5.0 % (fixed)]
When the control action is the Position proportioning PID control, the Startup tuning (ST) is not
availed. Proportional cycle time and Output change rate limiter are also invalid.

IMR03A05-E4 8-45

● Open/Close output neutral zone

The Open/Close output neutral zone is used to prevent a control motor from repeating ON/OFF too
frequently. When the PID computed output value is within the Open/Close output neutral zone, the controller
will not output the MV to a control motor.
[Example] If the Open/Close output differential gap is set to 1/2 (a half) of the Open/Close output neutral
zone (Factory set value)
Sampling cycle

Addition of MV

Open/Close output differential gap

Open/Close output
neutral zone Open/Close output differential gap

Addition of MV
The controller does not output
OPEN the MV to a control motor when
the PID computed output value
CLOSE is within the neutral zone.
The open-side output is ON
The close-side output is ON

● Open/Close output differential gap

Setting Open/Close output differential gap is useful in preventing the Manipulated output (MV) for
Open/Close side from turning on and off all the time due to the fluctuation of the Feedback resistance input.

Changing the value of the Open/Close output neutral zone will make the Open/Close output
differential gap 1/2 (a half) of the Open/Close output neutral zone.

[Example 1] If the Open/Close output differential gap is set to 1/2 (a half) of the Open/Close output
neutral zone (Factory set value)
Open/Close output
neutral zone

Open-side output ON OFF

Close-side output ON

YHS YHS YHS: Open/Close output

MV: Manipulated output value differential gap

[Example 2] Narrowing the Open/Close output differential gap

Open/Close output
neutral zone

Open-side output ON OFF

Close-side output 

MV: Manipulated output value

Open/Close output
differential gap

8-46 IMR03A05-E4

● Feedback adjustment
Feedback adjustment function is to adjust controller’s output value to match the Feedback resistance (FBR)
of the control motor.
After the adjustment, the Manipulated output value of 0 to 100 % obtained after PID computation matches
the valve position signal of the fully closed position to the fully opened position [Feedback resistance (FBR)
input] sent from the control motor. The adjustment have to be completed before starting operation.
Always make sure that the wiring is correct and the control motor operates normally before the adjustment.
If opening adjustment is performed, the control motor time is automatically computed.
If the calculated value is 5 seconds or shorter, the Control motor time will be set to the low limit
value (5 seconds). If the calculated value is 1000 seconds or more, it is handled as an error and the
set value will not be updated.

[Adjustment procedure]
Adjustment error: Automatically
Engineering mode Adjustment error:
Feedback adjustment Automatically

00POS Start (5 seconds)

00POS Automatically
00ADJ MODE Adjustment
is aborted
Adjustment (5 seconds) Adjustment for Adjustment for
preparation open direction close direction

MODE Adjustment end:

Adjustment is aborted (5 seconds) Automatically

(5 seconds)
Adjustment error

● Control motor time

This is the time required until the control motor is fully opened from its fully closed state.
If opening adjustment is performed, the control motor time is automatically computed. If the calculated value
is 5 seconds or shorter, the Control motor time will be set to the low limit value (5 seconds). If the calculated
value is 1000 seconds or more, it is handled as an error and the set value will not be updated.

● Integrated output limiter

This is a restricted value when the output on the open or closed side is integrated. If the output on the open
(or closed) side is output in succession, it is integrated and if the result reaches the Integrated output limiter
value, the output on the open (or closed) side is turned off. In addition, if the output on the open (or closed)
side is reversed, the integrated value is reset.
The Integrated output limiter is invalid when the Feedback resistance (FBR) input was used.
This setting is invalid in the Manual mode.

[Setting example]
If control is started at the fully closed state when the control motor time is set at 10 seconds and the
Integrated output limiter value is set at 100 %, the following results.
The output on the open-side The output on the open-side The output on the close-side is
is output for 3 seconds. is output for 5 seconds. output for 2 seconds, and the
STOP STOP integrated output value of open-
Open-side integrated Open-side integrated side is reset at once.
value: 30 % value: 80 % Next, the output on the close-side
starts being integrated.
(New close-side integrated value
becomes 20 %.)

IMR03A05-E4 8-47

● Action at feedback resistance (FBR) input error

Use to select an action at the Feedback resistance (FBR) input break.

Data range 0: Action depending on the value action at STOP

1: Control action continued

● Valve action at STOP

Select the valve action when Feedback resistance (FBR) input is disabled or “0 (Action depending on the
value action setting at STOP)” is set for the action when a Feedback resistance (FBR) input break occurs.
Data range 0: Close-side output OFF, Open-side output OFF
1: Close-side output ON, Open-side output OFF
2: Close-side output OFF, Open-side output ON

● Action at saturated output

Set to maintain ON state for the close-side (or open-side) output when the valve position is fully closed (or

[When the Action at saturated output is invalid]

The close-side output turns OFF when the valve position is fully closed (FBR input value  0 %).
The open-side output turns OFF when the valve position is fully opened (FBR input value  100 %).
[When the Action at saturated output is valid]
The close-side output remains ON when the valve position is fully closed (FBR input value  0 %).
The open-side output remains ON when the valve position is fully opened (FBR input value  100 %).

To validate the Action at saturated output, make sure to use valve with limit switch.
Refer to the Action at Feedback resistance (FBR) input error for the valve action when the FBR
input is broken.
The Action at saturated output is invalid when the value of Output limiter high or Output limiter
low is between 0.1 % and 99.9 %.

8-48 IMR03A05-E4

 Setting flowchart
This section describes the Position proportioning PID control dedicated setting items and the setting items
which are effective when there is or is not a Feedback resistance (FBR) input. The following setting items
are all set in the Engineering mode.

Position proportioning PID Effective when there is a Effective when there is not a
control common setting Feedback resistance (FBR) Feedback resistance (FBR)
input input

Select the Select the Position proportioning PID control (direct/reverse action).
Control action [Position proportioning PID control common setting]

Set the Manipulated output Set the valve position at control STOP.
value (MV) at STOP mode [Effective when there is a Feedback resistance (FBR) input]

Set the Set the high-limit/low-limit value of the valve position.

Output limiter [Effective when there is a Feedback resistance (FBR) input]

Set the Open/Close Set the output OFF zone between open-side and close-side outputs.
output neutral zone [Position proportioning PID control common setting]

Set the Open/Close output Set the differential gap of open-side and close-side outputs.
differential gap [Position proportioning PID control common setting]

Set the action at Feedback Set the action at Feedback resistance (FBR) input error.
resistance (FBR) input error [Effective when there is a Feedback resistance (FBR) input]

Adjust the Feedback resistance (FBR) input.

Feedback adjustment
[Effective when there is a Feedback resistance (FBR) input]

Continued on the next page.

IMR03A05-E4 8-49

Continued from the previous page.

Set the Set the Control motor time required for rotation from the fully
Control motor time closed position to the fully opened position.
[Position proportioning PID control common setting]

Set the Integrated output limiter which integrates the output and
Set the
sets the output to OFF when the result reached the set value when
Integrated output limiter
an open-side (or close-side) output is outputted continuously.
[Effective when there is not a Feedback resistance (FBR) input]

Set the Set the action of open-side and close-side outputs at control STOP.
Valve action at STOP [Position proportioning PID control common setting]

Set to maintain ON state for the close-side (or open-side) output

Action at saturated output
when the valve position is fully closed (or opened).
[Effective when there is a Feedback resistance (FBR) input]

8-50 IMR03A05-E4

 Parameter setting
 Input 1_Control action
[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 51 (Fn51)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

1. O S 0: Brilliant II PID control (direct action)

1: Brilliant II PID control (reverse action)
Control action specified at the
time of order.
2: Brilliant II Heat/Cool PID control [water cooling]
3: Brilliant II Heat/Cool PID control [air cooling]
4: Brilliant II Heat/Cool PID control [Cooling linear type]
5: Brilliant II Position proportioning PID control (reverse action)
6: Brilliant II Position proportioning PID control (direct action)
For cascade control, only 0 or 1 is selectable.


CHANGED (P. 4-1)” for the parameters that are initialized when the Input 1_Control action is

 Input 1_ Manipulated output value at STOP [heat-side]

[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 51 (Fn51)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

1. RMV 5.0 to 105.0 % 5.0

 Input 1_Output limiter high [heat-side]

[Parameter Setting Mode: Parameter group No. 51 (Pn51)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

1. oLH Input 1_Output limiter low [heat-side] to 105.0 % 105.0

Not displayed the Control action is a Position proportioning PID control without Feedback
resistance (FBR) input.
CHANGED (P. 4-1)” for the parameters that are automatically converted when the Input 1_Output
limiter high [heat-side] is changed.

 Input 1_Output limiter low [heat-side]

[Parameter Setting Mode: Parameter group No. 51 (Pn51)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

1. oLL 5.0 % to Input 1_Output limiter high [heat-side] 5.0

Not displayed the Control action is a Position proportioning PID control without Feedback
resistance (FBR) input.
CHANGED (P. 4-1)” for the parameters that are automatically converted when the Input 1_Output
limiter low [heat-side] is changed.

IMR03A05-E4 8-51

 Open/Close output neutral zone

[Setup Setting Mode: Setting group No. 55 (Sn55)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

Y DB 0.1 to 10.0 % of output 2.0

To display the “Open/Close output neutral zone,” you need to set the parameters for the Position
proportioning PID control at “Input 1_Control action” in Function block No. 51 in the Engineering
CHANGED (P. 4-1)” for the parameters that are initialized when the Open/Close output neutral
zone is changed.

 Open/Close output differential gap

[Setup Setting Mode: Setting group No. 55 (Sn55)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

Y HS 0.1 to 5.0 % of output 1.0

To display the “Open/Close output differential gap,” you need to set the parameters for the Position
proportioning PID control at “Input 1_Control action” in Function block No. 51 in the Engineering

 Action at feedback resistance (FBR) input error

[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 55 (Fn55)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

Y BR 0: Action depending on the value action at STOP

1: Control action continued

To display “Action at feedback resistance (FBR) input error,” specify “Feedback resistance (FBR)
input” at the time of order, AND “Input 1_Control action” (Function block No. 51 in Engineering
mode) must be set Position proportioning PID control.

 Feedback adjustment
[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 55 (Fn55)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

P OS When the <MODE key is pressed and held for 5 seconds, Feedback
adjustment is automatically started.

AdJ: Adjustment end

oPEn: During adjustment on the open-side
CLoSE: During adjustment on the close-side
Err: Adjustment error

To display “Feedback adjustment,” specify “Feedback resistance (FBR) input” at the time of order,
AND “Input 1_Control action” (Function block No. 51 in Engineering mode) must be set Position
proportioning PID control.

8-52 IMR03A05-E4

 Control motor time

[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 55 (Fn55)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

M OT 5 to 1000 seconds 10

To display the “Control motor time,” you need to set the parameters for the Position proportioning
PID control at “Input 1_Control action” in Function block No. 51 in the Engineering mode.

 Integrated output limiter

[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 55 (Fn55)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

O LA 0.0 to 200.0 % of control motor time

0.0: OFF

To display the “Integrated output limiter,” you need to set the parameters for the Position
proportioning PID control at “Input 1_Control action” in Function block No. 51 in the Engineering

 Valve action at STOP

[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 55 (Fn55)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

V AL 0: Close-side output OFF, Open-side output OFF

1: Close-side output ON, Open-side output OFF

2: Close-side output OFF, Open-side output ON

To display the “Valve action at STOP,” you need to set the parameters for the Position
proportioning PID control at “Input 1_Control action” in Function block No. 51 in the Engineering

 Action at saturated output

[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 55 (Fn55)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

YASO 0: Invalid (The close-side [or open-side] output turns to OFF when the
valve position is fully closed [or opened]).

1: Valid (The close-side [or open-side] output remains ON state when the
valve position is fully closed [or opened]).

To display “Action at saturated output,” specify “Feedback resistance (FBR) input” at the time of
order, AND “Input 1_Control action” (Function block No. 51 in Engineering mode) must be set
Position proportioning PID control.

IMR03A05-E4 8-53

 Setting procedure
To enter the Engineering mode

Setting lock mode

Monitor & SV setting mode Set data unlock/lock
PV/SV monitor transfer

028.0 (4 seconds *)
* Press the key until
000.0 0on 0oFF Parameter setting mode
is displayed.
Lock state Unlock state Keep pressing without
releasing your finger from
the key to enter the
Operation transfer mode Setting lock mode.
RUN/STOP transfer

00R/S 00R/S
(2 seconds) (2 seconds)


Engineering mode Input 1_ Manipulated

Function block No. 10 Function block No. 51 output value at STOP
[Display] [Input 1_Control] Input 1_Control action [heat-side]

Fn100 Several
times Fn510 1. OS Several
times 1. RMV Next
00DSP 1.ConT 00005 -005.0
Set Control action Set Manipulated
output value at STOP

Parameter setting mode

Monitor & SV setting mode Parameter group No. 00 Parameter group No. 51 Input 1_Output limiter high
PV/SV monitor [Setting] [Input 1_Control] [heat-side]

28.0 (2 seconds) Pn000 Once or

Twice Pn510 Several
times 1. oLH
STOP 00SV 1.ConT 0105.0
Set Output limiter

Input 1_Output limiter low


Next 1. oLL
Set Output limiter

Continued on the next page.

8-54 IMR03A05-E4

Continued from the previous page.

Setup setting mode

Monitor & SV setting mode Setting group No. 10 Setting group No. 55 Open/Close output
PV/SV monitor [Display] [Position proportioning] neutral zone

28.0 + MODE
Sn100 Several
times Sn550 YDB
Set Open/Close
output neutral zone
Open/Close output
differential gap
(2 seconds)
Set Open/Close
output differential
Engineering mode Function block No. 55 gap
Function block No. 10 [Position proportioning Action at feedback
[Display] control] resistance (FBR) input error Feedback adjustment

Fn100 Several
times Fn550 YBR POS
Set Action at Adjust feedback
feedback resistance
(FBR) input error

Action at saturated
output Valve action at STOP Integrated output limiter Control motor time


00000 00000 0150.0 00010
Set Action at Set Valve action at Set Integrated output Set Control motor time
saturated output STOP limiter

Setting End

 Next parameter is displayed.

 Press and MODE keys simultaneously to return to the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor.
(For FZ400/900, the MONI key may be pressed to return to the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor)
 Select RUN on the RUN/STOP transfer.
 Select lock on the Set data unlock/lock transfer.

IMR03A05-E4 8-55

8.9 Controlling with Manual Control

To conduct the Manual control, you need to select the Manual mode using the Auto/Manual transfer.
The Auto/Manual transfer can be made by a key operation, Digital input (DI) or communication (optional).

For the detail of the Auto/Manual transfer through communication, refer to FZ110/FZ400/FZ900
Instruction Manual [Host communication] (IMR02A07-E).

For the detail of the Manipulated output value (balanceless bumpless) associated with the
Auto/Manual transfer, refer to 6.8 Suppressing Sudden Change in Output (Balanceless Bumpless)
(P. 6-33).

 Setting procedure
 Selection by front key operation
Transfer Auto mode to Manual mode
Monitor & SV setting mode Operation transfer mode or Input 1_Auto/Manual
PV/SV monitor RUN/STOP transfer transfer
In case of
028.0 (2 seconds)
00R/S Several
times 1. A/M 1. A/M
one input

000.0 00RUN AUTO MAN

Switch to Manual

MODE or In case of two inputs

Input 2_Auto/Manual

2. A/M 2. A/M + MODE

Switch to Manual Monitor & SV setting mode
mode PV/MV monitor

028.0 + MODE

Manual manipulated output value

Transfer Manual mode to Auto mode

Input 1_Auto/Manual Input 2_Auto/Manual
transfer transfer

1. A/M 1. A/M 2. A/M 2. A/M


During the manual mode, the Manual (MAN) mode lamp is lit.
Refer to P. 8-59 for the Display position of the lamp.

8-56 IMR03A05-E4

 Changing the mode with the direct key (FZ400/900 only)

Assigning the “Auto/Manual transfer” function to the FUNC key facilitates the Auto/Manual switching.
Each time FUNC key is pressed, Auto mode and Manual mode are toggled.
For the “FUNC key assignment,” refer to 10.8 Accessing some functions directly (FUNC key)
(P. 10-35).

Transfer Auto mode to Manual mode (Input 1_Auto/Manual transfer)

Monitor & SV setting mode Input 1_Auto/Manual Monitor & SV setting mode
PV/SV monitor transfer PV/MV monitor

028.0 1. A/M 028.0

Display changes
FUNC automatically

000.0 MAN 0050.0

Auto mode Manual mode
(Display for 1 second) Manual manipulated output value
Set value (SV)

Transfer Manual mode to Autol mode (Input 1_Auto/Manual transfer)

Monitor & SV setting mode Input 1_Auto/Manual Monitor & SV setting mode
PV/MV monitor transfer PV/SV monitor

028.0 1. A/M 028.0

Display changes
FUNC automatically

0050.0 AUTO 0 000.0

Manual mode Auto mode
(Display for 1 second) Set value (SV)

Manual manipulated
output value

Selection of key action is possible from “Press once” and “Press and hold” to enable the switching.
For details, refer to 10.8 Accessing some functions directly (FUNC key) (P. 10-35).

IMR03A05-E4 8-57

 Switching the mode with Digital Input (DI)

To switch the Auto/Manual using the Digital Input (DI), use “DI function selection” (Function block No. 23
in the Engineering mode).
For the Digital input (DI) assignment, refer to 5.2 Switching Functions Using Digital Inputs (DI)
(P. 5-16).

Transfer timing of Auto/Manual

: Within 200 ms

Contact closed 

Contact open 

Auto/Manual Manual Auto Manual Auto Manual

After the contact is transferred, it takes “Within 200 ms” until the action of this instrument is
actually selected.
The above switching action can be inverted (The functions at contact close and contact open can be
swapped). This setting can be done at “DI logic invert.” For details, refer to 5.2 Switching
Functions Using Digital Inputs (DI) (P. 5-16).

 Auto/Manual transfer state

The table below shows the actual Auto/Manual modes and displays under different combinations of settings by
Key operation, Communication, and Digital input (DI).
Setting via front keys
Setting via Digital
or through Instrument status
Input (DI)
Auto mode Auto mode
Auto mode
Manual mode
Auto mode Manual mode Priority to Manual mode
Manual mode
Manual mode

8-58 IMR03A05-E4

 Setting Manipulated output value in Manual mode

In the Manual mode, the Manipulated output value (MV) can be manually set.
Make sure the Manual mode lamp is on (the instrument is in the manual mode) before starting the operation.

[Position of the Manual mode lamp]

FZ110 FZ400 FZ900

Manual (MAN1)
mode lamp

Manual (MAN2)
miode lamp
Manual (MAN2)
Manual (MAN) Manual (MAN1) miode lamp
mode lamp mode lamp

[Adjusting the output]

Monitor & SV setting mode
PV/MV monitor

028.0 028.0
0050.0 0100.0  key: Increase the Manipulated output value (MV).
 key: Decrease the Manipulated output value (MV).
Manual manipulated  Press and hold the key or key makes numeric

output value
value change faster.


For Heat/Cool PID control:

When the Manual manipulated output is positive (), the Heating side manual manipulated output
value is output. When the Manual manipulated output is negative (), the Cooling side manual
manipulated output value is output.
When the Overlap is set on the instrument, the internally calculated value is output in the overlap
Monitor & SV setting mode Monitor & SV setting mode
PV/MV monitor PV/MV monitor

028.0 Manual manipulated output value ():

028.0 Manual manipulated output value ():
0050.0 The Heating side manual
manipulated output value is output.
--12.0 The Cooling side manual
manipulated output value is output.

When the Manipulated output value is selected on [Example: FZ400]

FZ400/900, priority is given to the display of the

Heating side manual manipulated output value. 028.0
When the Manual manipulated output value enters 0- 20.0 Manual manipulated output value ()

the negative range, the output is transferred to the 0050.0 The Cooling side manual
manipulated output value
Cooling side manual manipulated output value.

IMR03A05-E4 8-59

For Position proportioning PID control:

 When there is a Feedback resistance (FBR) input, the valve position can be set by or
key. When Feedback resistance (FBR) input is disconnected, the input display of the
Feedback resistance (FBR) goes off.
Monitor & SV setting mode
PV/MV monitor

0050.0 Valve position display (Feedback resistance input value)
(This display goes off at the time of FBR input break)

 When there is no Feedback resistance (FBR) input, the output becomes ON while the key
[Open-side output] or key [Close-side output] is pressed and the output becomes OFF when
your finger is removed from the key. MV is hidden.
Monitor & SV setting mode When the Open-side output is on, the output lamp assigned to the Open-side
PV/MV monitor output will light on.

When the Close-side output is on, the output lamp assigned to the Close-side
output will light on.

0050.0 Nothing is displayed here.

When the MV display is set to the Manipulated
output value on FZ400/900, nothing is displayed
on the MV display.

 Parameter setting
 Input 1_Auto/Manual transfer
[Operation Transfer Mode]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

1. A/M AUTo: Auto mode

MAn: Manual mode

 Input 2_Auto/Manual transfer

[Operation Transfer Mode]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

2. A/M AUTo: Auto mode

MAn: Manual mode

To display “Auto/Manual transfer,” specify “Measured input 2” at the time of order, AND “Select
function for input 2” (Function block No. 58 in Engineering mode) must be set to 2-loop
control/Differential temperature control.

8-60 IMR03A05-E4

8.10 Using Remote Setting Input

The Remote setting input uses the external signal (Input 2) as the Input 1_set value (SV).
To use the Remote setting input, the mode must be switched to the Remote mode with the Remote/Local
transfer. The Remote/Local transfer can be made by a key operation, Digital input (DI) or Communication

To use the Remote setting input function (on FZ400/900), you need to specify the “Remote setting
input” at the time of order, or configure the “Measured input 2” (that must be also specified at the
time order) to the Remote setting input at “Select function for input 2” in Function block No. 58 in
the Engineering mode.
Concerning FZ110, “Remote settingt input” must be specified at the time of order.
The signal type of the Remote setting input can be set at “Input 2_Input type” in Function block
No. 22 in the Engineering mode.
For the detail of the Remote/Local transfer through communication, refer to FZ110/FZ400/FZ900
Instruction Manual [Host communication] (IMR02A07-E).

 Description of function
[Description of Remote setting input]
Remote setting input (RS)
Input 1 (PV1) (PV2)

Input 1_PV digital filter Input 2_PV digital filter

(RS digital filter)

Input 1_PV ratio

Input 1_Set
value (SV) Input 2_PV ratio
(RS ratio)
Input 1_PV bias

Input 2_PV bias

(RS bias)

Input 1_Setting limiter

Local Remote
Input 1_Setting change
rate limiter


PID calculation
Input 1_Output limiter

Input 1_Output change

rate limiter

Output assignment


IMR03A05-E4 8-61

 Mode transfer
 Selection by front key operation
Transfer Local mode to Remote mode
Monitor & SV setting mode Operation transfer mode or
PV/SV monitor RUN/STOP transfer Remote/Local transfer
028.0 (2 seconds)
00R/S Several
times R/L R/L
000.0 00RUN LOC REM
Switch to Remote

Monitor & SV setting mode

PV/SV monitor

028.0 + MODE

Remote setting input value
Transfer Remote mode to Local mode
Remote/Local transfer


During the Remote mode, the Remote (REM) mode lamp lights on.
[Position of the Remote mode lamp]
FZ110 FZ400 FZ900

Remote (REM)
Remote (REM) mode lamp mode lamp

Remote (REM) mode lamp

For FZ400/900, the FUNC key may be configured to switch between Remote and Local.
For details, refer to 10.8 Accessing some functions directly (FUNC key) (P. 10-35).

8-62 IMR03A05-E4

 Switching the mode with Digital Input (DI)

To switch the Remote/Local using the Digital Input (DI), use “DI function selection” (Function block No. 23
in the Engineering mode).
For the Digital input (DI) assignment, refer to 5.2 Switching Functions Using Digital Inputs (DI)
(P. 5-16).

Transfer timing of Remote/Local

: Within 200 ms

Contact closed 

Contact open 

Remote/Local Local Remote Local Remote Local

After the contact is transferred, it takes “Within 200 ms” until the action of this instrument is
actually selected.
The above switching action can be inverted (The functions at contact close and contact open can be
swapped). This setting can be done at “DI logic invert.” For details, refer to 5.2 Switching
Functions Using Digital Inputs (DI) (P. 5-16).

 Remote/Local transfer state

The table below shows the actual Remote/Local modes and displays under different combinations of settings by
Key operation, Communication, and Digital input (DI).
Setting via front keys
Setting via Digital
or through Instrument status
Input (DI)
Remote mode Remote mode
Remote mode
Local mode
Remote mode Local mode Priority to Local mode
Local mode
Local mode

IMR03A05-E4 8-63

 Parameter setting
 Remote/Local transfer
[Operation Transfer Mode]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

R /L When “Remote setting input” is selected at Select function for input 2

LoC: Local mode

rEM: Remote mode

To display “Remote/Local transfer” (on FZ400/900), you need to specify the “Remote setting input”
at the time of order, or configure the “Measured input 2” (that must be also specified at the time
order) to the Remote setting input at “Select function for input 2” in Function block No. 58 in the
Engineering mode.
Concerning FZ110, “Remote settingt input” must be specified at the time of order.

 Input 2_Input type

[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 22 (Fn22)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

2. INP 0: TC input K
1: TC input J
15: Current input 0 to 20 mA DC
16: Current input 4 to 20 mA DC
Same as Input 1_Input type

When Remote setting input is

2: TC input R 17: Voltage input 0 to 10 V DC
3: TC input S 18: Voltage input 0 to 5 V DC specified at the time of order,
19: Voltage input 1 to 5 V DC but the input type is not
4: TC input B
specified: 17
5: TC input E 20: Voltage input 0 to 1 V DC
6: TC input N 21: Voltage input 10 to 10 V DC
7: TC input T 22: Voltage input 5 to 5 V DC
8: TC input W5Re/W26Re 23: Voltage input 0 to 100 mV DC
9: TC input PL II 24: Voltage input 0 to 10 mV DC
10: TC input U
11: TC input L
12: TC input PR40-20
13: RTD input Pt100
14: RTD input JPt100
 When Measured input 2 is selected for FZ400/900: 0 to 24 *
 When Remote setting input is selected for FZ400/900: 15 to 24
 When Remote setting input is selected for FZ110: 15 to 22

* When the “Measured input 2” is specified at the time of order, the Remote setting input type is selectable from TC and RTD by
selecting the Remote setting input at “Select function for input 2.” When the Remote setting input is set to TC or RTD, set “1:
Downscale” at the “Input 2_Burnout direction” in Function block No. 22 in the Engineering mode for safety reason.

To display Input 2_Input type, “Measured input 2” or “Remote setting input” must be specified
on FZ400/900 at the time of order. For FZ110, Remote setting input must be specified at the time
of order.
Input 2_Input type is not displayed if “No function” is selected at Select function for input 2 in
Function block No. 58 in the Engineering mode.
CHANGED (P. 4-1)” for the parameters that are initialized or changed when the input type is

8-64 IMR03A05-E4

 Select function for input 2

[Engineering mode: Function block No. 58 (Fn58)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

r 2PV 0:
No function
Remote setting input
When the Remote setting input is
2: 2-loop control/Differential temperature control specified: 1
3: Control with PV select When the Measured input 2 is
4: Cascade control (Slave single  Cascade) * specified: 2
5: Cascade control (Master single  Cascade) *
6: Input circuit error alarm
・FZ110: 1
* This parameter cannot be specified if the instrument is a Heat/Cool PID
or a Position proportioning PID type.
 When Measured input 2 is selected for FZ400/900 at the time of order:
0 to 6
 When the Remote setting input is selected for FZ400/900 or when the
Remote setting input is selected for FZ110: 0 to 1

To display “Select function for input 2,” “Remote setting input” or “Measured input 2” must be
specified at the time of order.
CHANGED (P. 4-1)” for the parameters that are initialized or changed when the Select function
for input 2 is changed.

IMR03A05-E4 8-65

 Setting procedure
To enter the Engineering mode

Monitor & SV setting mode Setting lock mode

PV/SV monitor Set data unlock/lock transfer

028.0 (4 seconds*)
* Press the key until
000.0 0on 0oFF Parameter setting mode
is displayed.
Lock state Unlock state Keep pressing without
releasing your finger from
the key to enter the
Operation transfer mode Setting lock mode.
RUN/STOP transfer

00R/S 00R/S
(2 seconds) (2 seconds)


Engineering mode
Function block No. 10 Function block No. 58 Select function
[Display] [2-input function] for input 2

Fn100 Several
times Fn580 2PV
00DSP 2PV 00001
Set “Select function
for input 2”

Setting End

 Next parameter is displayed.

 Press and MODE keys simultaneously to return to the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor.
(For FZ400/900, the MONI key may be pressed to return to the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor)
 Select RUN on the RUN/STOP transfer.
 Select lock on the Set data unlock/lock transfer.

8-66 IMR03A05-E4

8.11 Executing 2-loop control [FZ400/900]

When two inputs are supplied on the FZ400/900, independent dual loop control can be performed on Input 1
and Input 2.

 Description of function
The 2-loop control enables two single loop control on a single instrument.
Input 1 and Input 2 are independent from each other and setting must be done separately on each channel.

[Description of 2-loop control]

Input 1 (PV1) Input 2 (PV2)

Input 1_Set Input 2_Set

Input 1_PV digital filter value (SV) Input 2_PV digital filter value (SV)

Input 1_PV ratio Input 1_Setting limiter Input 2_PV ratio Input 2_Setting limiter

Input 1_PV bias Input 1_Setting change Input 2_PV bias Input 2_Setting change
rate limiter rate limiter


PID calculation PID calculation

Input 1_Output limiter Input 2_Output limiter

Input 1_Output change Input 2_Output change

rate limiter rate limiter

Output assignment

Output 1 (OUT1) Output 2 (OUT2) Output 3 (OUT3)

The 2-loop control and the Differential temperature control are switchable. For the detail of the
Differential temperature control, refer to 8.12 Executing Differential temperature control
[FZ400/900] (P. 8-70).

IMR03A05-E4 8-67

 Mode transfer
 Selection by front key operation
Transfer Differential temperature control to 2-loop control
Monitor & SV setting mode Operation transfer mode or
PV/SV monitor RUN/STOP transfer Remote/Local transfer

02.0 (2 seconds)
00R/S Several
times R/L R/L
000.0 00RUN DIFF 2LOOP
Measured value (PV) of Switch to 2-loop
differential temperature control
Set value (SV) of
differential temperature Monitor & SV setting mode
input PV/SV monitor

028.0 + MODE

 Switching the mode with Digital Input (DI)
To switch the Remote/Local (2-loop control/ Differential temperature control) using the Digital Input (DI),
use “DI function selection” (Function block No. 23 in the Engineering mode).
For the Digital input (DI) assignment, refer to 5.2 Switching Functions Using Digital Inputs (DI)
(P. 5-16).

Transfer timing of Remote/Local(2-loop control/ Differential temperature control)

: Within 200 ms

Contact closed 

Contact open 

2-loop control/Differential Differential temperature Differential temperature

2-loop control 2-loop control 2-loop control
temperature control control control

After the contact is transferred, it takes “Within 200 ms” until the action of this instrument is
actually selected.
The above switching action can be inverted (The functions at contact close and contact open can be
swapped). This setting can be done at “DI logic invert.” For details, refer to 5.2 Switching
Functions Using Digital Inputs (DI) (P. 5-16).

 Remote/Local transfer (2-loop control/ Differential temperature control) state

The table below shows the actual 2-loop control/ Differential temperature control status and displays under
different combinations of settings by Key operation, Communication, and Digital input (DI).
Setting via front keys or
Setting via Digital Input (DI) Instrument status
through communication
Differential temperature Differential temperature control Differential temperature control
control 2-loop control
Differential temperature control 2-loop control Priority to 2-loop control
2-loop control
2-loop control

8-68 IMR03A05-E4

 Parameter setting
 Remote/Local transfer (2-loop control/ Differential temperature control)
[Operation Transfer Mode]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

R /L When “2-loop control/Differential temperature control” is selected at

Select function for input 2
2LooP: 2-loop control
dIFF: Differential temperature control

To display “Remote/Local transfer” (2-loop control/Differential temperature control), specify

“Measured input 2” at the time of order, AND “Select function for input 2” (Function block No. 58
in Engineering mode) must be set to 2-loop control/Differential temperature control.

 Select function for input 2

[Engineering mode: Function block No. 58 (Fn58)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

r 2PV 0:
No function
Remote setting input
When the Remote setting input is
2: 2-loop control/Differential temperature control specified: 1
3: Control with PV select When the Measured input 2 is
4: Cascade control (Slave single  Cascade) * specified: 2
5: Cascade control (Master single  Cascade) *
6: Input circuit error alarm
・FZ110: 1
* This parameter cannot be specified if the instrument is a Heat/Cool PID
or a Position proportioning PID type.
 When Measured input 2 is selected for FZ400/900 at the time of order:
0 to 6
 When the Remote setting input is selected for FZ400/900 or when the
Remote setting input is selected for FZ110: 0 to 1

To display “Select function for input 2,” “Remote setting input” or “Measured input 2” must be
specified at the time of order.
CHANGED (P. 4-1)” for the parameters that are initialized or changed when the Select function
for input 2 is changed.
For the detail of Select function for input 2, refer to P. 8-66.

IMR03A05-E4 8-69

8.12 Executing Differential temperature control [FZ400/900]

Input 1 is controlled by setting a temperature difference between Input 1 and Input 2.

 Description of function
Differential temperature control is conducted, while Input 1 is used as Control temperature and Input 2 is
used as Reference temperature.
Temperature difference is set on Input 1 against Input 2, and the Input 1 is controlled so that the set
temperature difference could be obtained. As the input 2 can also be controlled, the differential temperature
control is possible while keeping the reference temperature constant.
This function is available only on FZ400/900.

In case of Differential temperature control, the Input 1_Set value (SV) is not used for control.
The Input 1_Monitor Set value (SV)* of is used in actual control.
* Input 1_Monitor Set value (SV) = Controlled temperature
= Input 2_Measured value (PV) [Reference temperature]  Set value of Differential temperature input

[Example] Control is done with the Reference temperature (PV of Input 2) at 100 C, and the Input 1 is
controlled by the Differential temperature.


 
11 23
* Example of Controlled temperature Input 1 Input 2
12 24
when the set value of Differential  
temperature input is set as follows.
Set value of
temperature input
50 C 50 C Controlled temperature * Controlled at a
0 C 100 C = Reference temperature + reference temperature
100 C 200 C Set value of Differential (100 ºC)
temperature input

The sensor type used on Input 1 and Input 2 can be different respectively.

[Setting items]
 Remote/Local transfer (2-loop control/ Differential temperature control) [Operation trandfer mode]
Transfer to Differential temperature control
 Input 2_Set value (SV) [Parameter setting mode: Parameter group No. 00]:
Setting Reference temperature
 Set value of Differential temperature input [Parameter setting mode: Parameter group No. 00]:
Setting Differential temperature
 Select function for input 2 [Engineering mode: Function block No. 58]:
Select 2-loop control/Differential temperature control
 Other items required for controlling Input 1 and Input 2 (e.g. setting PID values)

The 2-loop control and the Differential temperature control are switchable. For the detail of the
2-loop control, refer to 8.11 Executing 2-loop control [FZ400/900] (P. 8-67).

8-70 IMR03A05-E4

Differential temperature control can be conducted even if the instrument has only one input.
Wiring as follows may be an example of Differential temperature control. In this case, Reference
temperature cannot be controlled. Prepare a sample (another controller) if the Reference temperature
also needs to be controlled.
In case of the Differential temperature control with this wiring, such a setting as Remote/Local transfer
(2-loop control/Differential temperature control) is not required. Control is conducted by a single loop.

[Wiring examle]
Compensation wire 
Controlled temperature Thermocouple A
5 

 Input
6 
Reference temperature Thermocouple B
Compensation wire 
Place the connecting point (cold junction) near to
the terminals of FZ110.
Prerequisites for control
 Both thermocouples must be of the same type.
 Setting of Temperature compensation calculation should be “0: No Temperature compensation calculation”
In the above example, the setting of “Input 1_Temperature compensation calculation” (Function block
No. 21 in the Engineering mode) should be “0: No Temperature compensation calculation”

 Mode transfer
 Selection by front key operation
Transfer 2-loop control to Differential temperature control
Monitor & SV setting mode Operation transfer mode or
PV/SV monitor RUN/STOP transfer Remote/Local transfer

028.0 00R/S
(2 seconds)
times R/L R/L
000.0 00RUN 2LOOP DIFF
Switch to Differential
temperature control

Monitor & SV setting mode

PV/SV monitor

Measured value (PV) of differential temperature input

02.0 + MODE

Set value (SV) of differential temperature input

During the Differential temperature control, the Remote (REM) mode lamp lights on.
[Position of the Remote mode lamp]
FZ400 FZ900

Remote (REM)
Remote (REM) mode lamp mode lamp

IMR03A05-E4 8-71

For FZ400/900, the FUNC key may be configured to switch between 2-loop control and
Differential temperature control. For details, refer to 10.8 Accessing some functions directly
(FUNC key) (P. 10-35).
Mode transfer by other than the front key should be referred to 8.11 Executing 2-loop control
[FZ400/900] (P. 8-67).

 Parameter setting
 Remote/Local transfer (2-loop control/ Differential temperature control)
[Operation Transfer Mode]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

R /L When “2-loop control/Differential temperature control” is selected at

Select function for input 2
2LooP: 2-loop control
dIFF: Differential temperature control

To display “Remote/Local transfer” (2-loop control/Differential temperature control), specify

“Measured input 2” at the time of order, AND “Select function for input 2” (Function block No. 58
in Engineering mode) must be set to 2-loop control/Differential temperature control.

 Input 2_Set value (SV)

[Parameter Setting Mode: Parameter group No. 00 (Pn00)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

2. S V Input 2_Setting limiter low to Input 2_Setting limiter high

[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]

To display “Input 2_Set value (SV),” specify “Measured input 2” at the time of order, AND “Select
function for input 2” (Function block No. 58 in Engineering mode) must be set to 2-loop
control/Differential temperature control, or Cascade control.

 Set value (SV) of differential temperature input

[Parameter Setting Mode: Parameter group No. 00 (Pn00)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

dSV (Input 1_Input span) to (Input 1_Input span)

[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]

To display “Set value (SV) of differential temperature input,” specify “Measured input 2” at the
time of order, AND “Select function for input 2” (Function block No. 58 in Engineering mode)
must be set to 2-loop control/Differential temperature control, and Remote/Local transfer must be
select Differential temperature control.

8-72 IMR03A05-E4

 Select function for input 2

[Engineering mode: Function block No. 58 (Fn58)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

r 2PV 0:
No function
Remote setting input
When the Remote setting input is
2: 2-loop control/Differential temperature control specified: 1
3: Control with PV select When the Measured input 2 is
4: Cascade control (Slave single  Cascade) * specified: 2
5: Cascade control (Master single  Cascade) *
6: Input circuit error alarm
・FZ110: 1
* This parameter cannot be specified if the instrument is a Heat/Cool PID
or a Position proportioning PID type.
 When Measured input 2 is selected for FZ400/900 at the time of order:
0 to 6
 When the Remote setting input is selected for FZ400/900 or when the
Remote setting input is selected for FZ110: 0 to 1

To display “Select function for input 2,” “Remote setting input” or “Measured input 2” must be
specified at the time of order.
CHANGED (P. 4-1)” for the parameters that are initialized or changed when the Select function
for input 2 is changed.

IMR03A05-E4 8-73

 Setting procedure
To enter the Engineering mode

Setting lock mode

Monitor & SV setting mode Set data unlock/lock
PV/SV monitor transfer

028.0 (4 seconds *)
* Press the key until
000.0 0on 0oFF Parameter setting mode
is displayed.
Lock state Unlock state Keep pressing without
releasing your finger from
the key to enter the
Operation transfer mode Setting lock mode.
RUN/STOP transfer

00R/S 00R/S
(2 seconds) (2 seconds)


Engineering mode
Function block No. 10 Function block No. 58 Select function
[Display] [2-input function] for input 2

Fn100 Several
times Fn580 2PV Next

00DSP 2PV 00002

Set “Select function
for input 2”

Monitor & SV setting mode Operation transfer mode or
PV/SV monitor RUN/STOP transfer Remote/Local transfer

28.0 00R/S R/L R/L

MODE Several
(2 seconds) times + MODE


Switch to Differential
temperature control

Parameter setting mode

Monitor & SV setting mode Parameter group No. 00 Set value of Differential
PV/SV monitor [Setting] Input 2_Set value (SV) temperature input

28.0 (2 seconds) Pn000 Twice 2. SV DSV

STOP 00SV 0100.0 000.0
Set Reference Set Differential
temperature temperature

Setting End

 Next parameter is displayed.

 Press and MODE keys simultaneously to return to the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor.
(For FZ400/900, the MONI key may be pressed to return to the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor)
 Select RUN on the RUN/STOP transfer.
 Select lock on the Set data unlock/lock transfer.

8-74 IMR03A05-E4

8.13 Executing Control with PV select [FZ400/900]

The Control with PV select is a function to control by switching between two inputs for high and low
temperature ranges when two different sensors are used in the single controlled object.

 Description of function
In the Control with PV select, two inputs are used by switching between them: Input 1 (for low temperature
range as PV1) and Input 2 (for high temperature range as PV2). Parameters on the Input 1 are used for
control computation. Output is also provided on the Input 1 side as Manipulated output 1 (MV1).
[Pictorial explanation of Input switchover]

High temperature PV2

Input switchover point

Low temperature PV1 Input is automatically switched

here from PV1 to PV2.

There are two ways to switch between Input 1 (PV1) and Input 2 (PV2): Switch using the set value and
switch by using signal (key operation, digital input, and communication).

[Description of Control with PV select]

Input 1 (PV1) Input 2 (PV2)

Input 1_PV digital filter Input 2_PV digital filter

Input 1_Set
value (SV)
Input 1_PV ratio Input 2_PV ratio

Input 1_Setting limiter Input 1_PV bias Input 2_PV bias

Input 1_Setting change

rate limiter Control with PV select


PID calculation

Input 1_Output limiter

Manipulated output 1 (MV1)

Input 1_Output change
rate limiter

Output assignment


IMR03A05-E4 8-75

 Switching by Set value

The set value (PV select transfer level) is set and used as a trigger for switching between Input 1 (PV1) and
Input 2 (PV2). When this set value is exceeded, the present input is transferred to the other.
When the PV select transfer time is set, the transfer action takes place in the set period correcting the input.

[Direction of input switchover]

At temperature rise: PV1 to PV2 Legend
At temperature fall: PV2 to PV1 : Input 1 (PV1)
: Input 2 (PV2)
: PV select Measured value (PV)
 When PV1  PV2
When the PV select transfer time is set
<At temperature rise> <At temperature fall>
Temperature Temperature

PV of PV select

PV1 PV of PV select
PV select PV select
transfer transfer
level level PV2
Transfer takes Transfer takes
place as PV1 place as PV2
reached the PV reached the PV
select transfer select transfer
level. level.
Time Time

PV select PV select
transfer time transfer time

When the PV select transfer time is not set (Set value: 0.0)
<At temperature rise> <At temperature fall>
Temperature Temperature
As the PV select
transfer time is As the PV select
not set, the transfer time is
switchover is not set, the
PV1 switchover is
PV select PV2 PV select
transfer transfer
level level
PV of PV select
PV of PV select

Time Time

Switchover timing Switchover timing

8-76 IMR03A05-E4

 When PV1  PV2

When the PV select transfer time is set
<At temperature rise> <At temperature fall>
Temperature PV1 has reached the PV1 Temperature PV of PV select
PV select transfer
level, but PV2 has Transfer takes
not yet reached. place as PV2
PV of PV select
Switchover is not reached the PV
done. select transfer
PV select PV select
transfer transfer
level level
Transfer takes PV1 has reached
place as PV1 the PV select
PV2 reached the PV transfer level, but
select transfer PV2 has not yet
level. reached.
Switchover is not
Time done. Time

PV select PV select
transfer time transfer time

When the PV select transfer time is not set (Set value: 0.0)
<At temperature rise> <At temperature fall>
Temperature Temperature
PV1 As the PV select
transfer time is
PV of PV select not set, the
switchover is
PV select PV select
transfer transfer
level level
As the PV select
transfer time is
not set, the PV of PV select
PV2 switchover is

Time Time
Switchover timing Switchover timing

IMR03A05-E4 8-77

 Switchover by signal (key operation, digital input, and communication)

The switchover between Input 1 (PV1) and Input 2 (PV2) is done by using key operation, digital input or
When the PV select transfer time is set, the transfer action takes place in the set period correcting the input.

In the case of switchover by the signal (key operation, digital input, or communication), there are
no restrictions on the switchover direction of the inputs whether the temperature is on the rise or on
the decline.
For the detail of the input switchover through communication, refer to FZ110/FZ400/FZ900
Instruction Manual [Host communication] (IMR02A07-E).

 Switching the input with Digital Input (DI) : Input 1 (PV1)
: Input 2 (PV2)
When the PV select transfer time is set : PV select Measured value (PV)

Temperature PV of PV select


t t t t t: PV select transfer time

Input 1 Input 2 Input 1 Input 2 Input 1
(PV1) (PV2) (PV1) (PV2) (PV1)

Contact closed 

Contact open 

When the PV select transfer time is not set (Set value: 0.0)

Temperature PV of PV select


Input 1 Input 2 Input 1 Input 2 Input 1
(PV1) (PV2) (PV1) (PV2) (PV1)

Contact closed 

Contact open 

8-78 IMR03A05-E4

 Selection by front key operation

Transfer Input 1 to Input 2
Monitor & SV setting mode Operation transfer mode or
PV/SV monitor RUN/STOP transfer Remote/Local transfer
028.0 (2 seconds)
00R/S Several
000.0 00RUN INP1 INP2
Switch to Input 2
PV select Measured value (PV)
[controlling with Input 1]
Monitor & SV setting mode
PV/SV monitor

PV select Measured value (PV)

[controlling with Input 2] 100.0 + MODE

Transfer Input 2 to Input 1
Remote/Local transfer


During the switchover by the set value (PV select transfer level), Remote/Local transfer (PV
switchover) is not possible, but the transfer status can be checked on the Remote/Local transfer (PV
switchover) screen to see if the control is done by Input 1 or Input 2.
Remote/Local transfer Remote/Local transfer

Controlling with Input 1 R/L Controlling with Input 2 R/L


The Remote (REM) mode lamp lights on when the “Input 2 is used” as the Measured value (PV) of
the PV select and “when Input 1 is switched to Input 2.” When “Input 1 is used” and “when Input 2
is switched to Input 1,” the Remote (REM) mode lamp goes off.
[Position of the Remote mode lamp]
FZ400 FZ900

Remote (REM)
Remote (REM) mode lamp mode lamp

For FZ400/900, the FUNC key may be configured to switch between Input 1 and Input 2.
For details, refer to 10.8 Accessing some functions directly (FUNC key) (P. 10-35).

IMR03A05-E4 8-79

Input range and input span of the PV select

The “PV select input span ,” the “PV select input range high” and the “PV select iput range low”
mean “Input span,” “Input range high” and “Input range low” at the time of Control with PV select
The setting range is as follows.
 PV select input range high: Input range high of Input 1 and Input 2, whichever is larger
 PV select input range low: Input range low of Input 1 and Input 2, whichever is smaller
 PV select input span: PV select input range low up to PV select input range high

[Example] When there is a relation as follows between the Input range of Input 1 and Input 2.
PV select
PV select input range high
input range low
PV select input span

Input 1_ Input 1_
Input range low Input range high
Input 1_Input range

200 C 100 C
Input 2_ Input 2_
Input range low Input range high
Input 2_Input range

0 C 300 C
Setting range of
PV select transfer level
(Same as Input 1_Input range)

Effective range of
PV select transfer level

In the above example, the effective range of the PV select transfer level is 0 to 100 ºC.
This means that the action when the PV select transfer level is set somewhere
between 200 ºC and 0 ºC is equal to the action of the 0 ºC setting.

When the input is transferred after the start of the Startup tuning (ST), the ST will be aborted. In
the case of Autotuning (AT), if the input is transferred after the output has been transferred, the AT
will be aborted.
When either one of Input 1 (PV1) or Input 2 (PV2) is disconnected, the PV select transfer time will
be invalid.

8-80 IMR03A05-E4

 Parameter setting
 Remote/Local transfer (Control with PV select)
[Operation Transfer Mode]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

R /L When “Control with PV select” is selected at Select function for input 2

INP1: Input 1

INP2: Input 2

To display “Remote/Local transfer” (Control with PV select), specify “Measured input 2” at the
time of order, AND “Select function for input 2” (Function block No. 58 in Engineering mode)
must be set to Control with PV select.
When “Switching by level” is selected at “Selection of PV select trigger,” the parameter becomes
display only.

 PV select transfer level

[Setup Setting Mode: Setting group No. 58 (Sn58)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

2PV.LV Input 1_Input range low to Input 1_Input range high

[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]
Input 1_Input range high

To display “PV select transfer level,” specify “Measured input 2” at the time of order, AND “Select
function for input 2” (Function block No. 58 in Engineering mode) must be set to Control with PV

 PV select transfer time

[Setup Setting Mode: Setting group No. 58 (Sn58)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

2PV.TM 0.0 to 100.0 seconds 0.0

To display “PV select transfer time,” specify “Measured input 2” at the time of order, AND “Select
function for input 2” (Function block No. 58 in Engineering mode) must be set to Control with PV

IMR03A05-E4 8-81

 Select function for input 2

[Engineering mode: Function block No. 58 (Fn58)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

r 2PV 0:
No function
Remote setting input
When the Remote setting input is
2: 2-loop control/Differential temperature control specified: 1
3: Control with PV select When the Measured input 2 is
4: Cascade control (Slave single  Cascade) * specified: 2
5: Cascade control (Master single  Cascade) *
6: Input circuit error alarm
・FZ110: 1
* This parameter cannot be specified if the instrument is a Heat/Cool PID
or a Position proportioning PID type.
 When Measured input 2 is selected for FZ400/900 at the time of order:
0 to 6
 When the Remote setting input is selected for FZ400/900 or when the
Remote setting input is selected for FZ110: 0 to 1

To display “Select function for input 2,” “Remote setting input” or “Measured input 2” must be
specified at the time of order.
CHANGED (P. 4-1)” for the parameters that are initialized or changed when the Select function
for input 2 is changed.

 Selection of PV select trigger

[Engineering mode: Function block No. 58 (Fn58)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

2PV.TG 0: Switching by level

1: Switching by signal (Key, DI and Communication)

To display “Selection of PV select trigger,” specify “Measured input 2” at the time of order, AND
“Select function for input 2” (Function block No. 58 in Engineering mode) must be set to Control
with PV select.

8-82 IMR03A05-E4

 Setting procedure
To enter the Engineering mode

Monitor & SV setting mode Setting lock mode

PV/SV monitor Set data unlock/lock transfer

028.0 (4 seconds*)
* Press the key until
000.0 0on 0oFF Parameter setting mode
is displayed.
Lock state Unlock state Keep pressing without
releasing your finger from
the key to enter the
Operation transfer mode Setting lock mode.
RUN/STOP transfer

00R/S 00R/S
(2 seconds) (2 seconds)


Engineering mode
Function block No. 10 Function block No. 58 Select function Selection of PV select
[Display] [2-input function] for input 2 trigger

Fn100 Several
times Fn580 2PV 2PV.TG Next

00DSP 2PV 00003 00000


Set “Select function Set Selection of PV

for input 2” select trigger


Setup setting mode

Monitor & SV setting mode Setting group No. 10 Setting group No. 58
PV/SV monitor [Display] [2-input function] PV select transfer level

028.0 + MODE
Sn100 Several
times Sn580 2PV.LV
STOP 00DSP 2PV 0000.0
Set PV select transfer

PV select transfer time

Setting End 2PV.TM

 Next parameter is displayed.
Set PV select transfer
 Press and MODE keys simultaneously to return to the time
Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor.
(For FZ400/900, the MONI key may be pressed to return to the
Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor)
 Select RUN on the RUN/STOP transfer.
 Select lock on the Set data unlock/lock transfer.

IMR03A05-E4 8-83

8.14 Executing Cascade Control [FZ400/900]

During the Cascade control, the temperature of the controlled object is monitored by the Master, and
depending on the deviation between the target value (set value) and the actual temperature, the set value of
the Slave is adjusted. The controlled object is controlled by the Slave to bring the temperature of the
controlled object to the target value.
On the FZ400/900, Input 1 can be assigned to the Master and Input 2 to the Slave respectively to conduct
Cascade control on a single instrument. The use of Autotuning (AT) exclusively designed for the Cascade
control allows the PID values of both the Master and the Slave to be calculated.

 Description of function
The Cascade control has two types; One is to switch between “Cascade control” and “Master single control”
and the other is to switch between “Cascade control” and “Slave single control.”
The internal processing of the control is described below.

[Description of Cascade control]

Input 1 (PV1) Input 2 (PV2)

[Master] [Slave]

Input 1_Set
value (SV)
Input 1_PV digital filter Input 2_PV digital filter

Input 1_Setting limiter

Input 1_PV ratio Input 2_PV ratio

Input 1_Setting change

Input 1_PV bias rate limiter Input 2_PV bias


PID calculation 1

PID calculation 2
Digital filter

Scaling Input 1_Output limiter

Input 1_Output change

rate limiter

Manipulated output 1 (MV1)

Output assignment
Use the Master side PID values of Cascade control
Use the Slave side PID values of Cascade control


8-84 IMR03A05-E4

[Description of Master single control]

Input 1 (PV1) Input 2 (PV2)

[Master] [Slave]

Input 1_Set
value (SV)
Input 1_PV digital filter

Input 1_Setting limiter

Input 1_PV ratio

Input 1_Setting change

Input 1_PV bias rate limiter


PID calculation *

Input 1_Output limiter

Input 1_Output change

rate limiter

Manipulated output 1 (MV1)

Output assignment

* Use the PID values in the Master single control (PID values of Input 1)


To switch between “Cascade control” and “Master single control,” you need to set the Cascade
control (Master single  Cascade) at “Select function for input 2” in Function block No. 58 in the
Engineering mode.

IMR03A05-E4 8-85

[Description of Slave single control]

Input 1 (PV1) Input 2 (PV2)

[Master] [Slave]

Input 2_Set
value (SV)
Input 2_PV digital filter

Input 2_Setting limiter

Input 2_PV ratio

Input 2_Setting change

rate limiter Input 2_PV bias


PID calculation *

Input 1_Output limiter

Input 1_Output change

rate limiter

Manipulated output 1 (MV1)

Output assignment

* Use the PID values in the Slave single control (PID values of Input 2)


To switch between “Cascade control” and “Slave single control,” you need to set the Cascade
control (Slave single  Cascade) at “Select function for input 2” in Function block No. 58 in the
Engineering mode.

8-86 IMR03A05-E4

 Autotuning (AT) at Cascade control

During the Cascade control, four types of PID values can be calculated with the use of the Autotuning (AT)
exclusively developed for the Cascade control.
 Types of PID values
Types of PID values Calculated values
Cascade_Proportional band (master-side), Cascade_Integral time (master-side),
Master side PID values of Cascade control
Cascade_Derivative time (master-side)
Cascade_Proportional band (slave-side), Cascade_Integral time (slave-side),
Slave side PID values of Cascade control
Cascade_Derivative time (slave-side)
PID values in Master single cantrol
Input 1_Proportional band, Input 1_Integral time, Input 1_Derivative time
(PID values of Input 1)
PID values in Slave single cantrol
Input 2_Proportional band, Input 2_Integral time, Input 2_Derivative time
(PID values of Input 2)

 Cascade_AT mode
There are two types of Autotuning (AT) for the Cascade control; Easy adjustment and Load factor adjustment.
Easy adjustment: Autotuning (AT) is executed once. Control reference level* is not calculated.
Load factor adjustment: Autotuning (AT) is executed twice. Control reference level* is calculated.
* Control reference level is the data used for PID value calculation for Cascad control.
In the case of TC input/RTD input, there is no need of calculating the Control reference level and the Autotuning
(AT) in the Easy adjustment can be used.
In the case of Voltage/Current inputs, the Control reference level must be calculated and the Autotuning (AT) in the
Load factor adjustment must be used.

 PID values calculated by AT in different control modes

Cascade AT mode Types of PID values Control reference level
Control Master-side PID Slave-side PID PID values in PID values in
Master-side Salve-side values of values of Master single Slave single Master-side Salve-side
Cascade control Cascade control cantrol cantrol
Easy Easy
adjustment adjustment × × × ×  
(AT once) (AT once)
Easy Load factor
adjustment adjustment × × × ×  ×
Cascade (AT once) (AT twice)
control Load factor Easy
adjustment adjustment × × × × × 
(AT twice) (AT once)
Load factor Load factor
adjustment adjustment × × × × × ×
(AT twice) (AT twice)
adjustment Note ×  ×   
Master single (AT once)
control Load factor
adjustment Note ×  ×  × 
(AT twice)
Note adjustment  ×  ×  
Salve single (AT once)
control Load factor
Note adjustment  ×  ×  ×
(AT twice)
Note: Setting is ignored. ×: Calculated : Not calculated

When executing the Autotuning (AT) of the Cascade control, always use “Input 1_Autotuning
(AT)” in the Operation transfer mode.
When executing the Autotuning (AT) for the Cascade control, make sure that the set values (SV) of
the Master and the Slave are properly set.

IMR03A05-E4 8-87

 Switching between Cascade and Single

 Selection by front key operation
Single control (Master single or Slave single)  Cascade control

Monitor & SV setting mode Operation transfer mode or
PV/SV monitor RUN/STOP transfer Remote/Local transfer

028.0 00R/S R/L R/L

MODE Several
(2 seconds) times

000.0 00RUN SNGL CAS

Switch to Cascade

Monitor & SV setting mode

PV/SV monitor

Master side Measured value (PV)

028.0 + MODE

Master side Set value (SV)

Cascade control  Single control (Master single or Slave single)
Remote/Local transfer


During the Cascade control mode, the Remote (REM) mode lamp lights on.
[Position of the Remote mode lamp]
FZ400 FZ900

Remote (REM)
Remote (REM) mode lamp mode lamp

For FZ400/900, the FUNC key may be configured to switch between Cascade control and Single
control. For details, refer to 10.8 Accessing some functions directly (FUNC key) (P. 10-35).

8-88 IMR03A05-E4

 Switching the mode with Digital Input (DI)

To switch the Remote/Local (Cascade control) using the Digital Input (DI), use “DI function selection”
(Function block No. 23 in the Engineering mode).
For the Digital input (DI) assignment, refer to 5.2 Switching Functions Using Digital Inputs (DI)
(P. 5-16).

Transfer timing of Remote/Local (Cascade control/Single control)

: Within 200 ms

Contact closed 

Contact open 

Cascade control/ Master/Slave Master/Slave Master/Slave

Cascade Cascade
Single control Single Single Single

After the contact is transferred, it takes “Within 200 ms” until the action of this instrument is
actually selected.
The above switching action can be inverted (The functions at contact close and contact open can be
swapped). This setting can be done at “DI logic invert.” For details, refer to 5.2 Switching
Functions Using Digital Inputs (DI) (P. 5-16).

 Remote/Local transfer (Cascade control) state

The table below shows the actual Cascade control/Single control status and displays under different
combinations of settings by Key operation, Communication, and Digital input (DI).
Setting via front keys or Setting via Digital
Instrument status
through communication Input (DI)
Cascade control Cascade control
Cascade control Single control
Single control
Cascade control Priority to Single control
Single control (Master/Slave)
Single control

IMR03A05-E4 8-89

 Parameter setting
 Remote/Local transfer (Cascade control)
[Operation Transfer Mode]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

R /L When “Cascade control” is selected at Select function for input 2

SNGL: Single control (Master single or Slave single)

CAS: Cascade control

To display “Remote/Local transfer” (Cascade control), specify “Measured input 2” at the time of
order, AND “Select function for input 2” (Function block No. 58 in Engineering mode) must be set
to Cascade control.

 Input 1_Proportional band [heat-side]

[Parameter Setting Mode: Parameter group No. 51 (Pn51)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

1.U 1P TC/RTD inputs:

0 (0.0, 0.00) to Input 1_Input span (Unit: C [F])
TC/RTD inputs: 30
V/I inputs: 3.0
(When Control with PV select: 0 to PV select input span)
[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]
Voltage (V)/Current (I) inputs:
0.0 to 1000.0 % of Input 1_Input span
(When Control with PV select: 0.0 to 1000.0 % of PV select input span)
0 (0.0, 0.00): ON/OFF action

 Input 1_Integral time [heat-side]

[Parameter Setting Mode: Parameter group No. 51 (Pn51)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

1.U 1I PID control or Heat/Cool PID control:

0 to 3600 seconds, 0.0 to 3600.0 seconds or 0.00 to 360.00 seconds

0 (0.0, 0.00): PD action

Position proportioning PID control:
1 to 3600 seconds, 0.1 to 3600.0 seconds or 0.01 to 360.00 seconds
[Varies with the setting of the Integral/Derivative time decimal point position.]

To display “Input 1_Integral time [heat-side],” you need to enter a value other than 0 in the Input
1_Proportional band [heat-side] in the same memory area.

 Input 1_Derivative time [heat-side]

[Parameter Setting Mode: Parameter group No. 51 (Pn51)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

1.U 1d 0 to 3600 seconds, 0.0 to 3600.0 seconds or 0.00 to 360.00 seconds

0 (0.0, 0.00): PI action

[Varies with the setting of the Integral/Derivative time decimal point position.]

To display “Input 1_Derivative time [heat-side],” you need to enter a value other than 0 in the Input
1_Proportional band [heat-side] in the same memory area.

8-90 IMR03A05-E4

 Input 2_Proportional band

[Parameter Setting Mode: Parameter group No. 52 (Pn52)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

2.U 1P TC/RTD inputs:

0 (0.0, 0.00) to Input 2_Input span (Unit: C [F])
TC/RTD inputs: 30
V/I inputs: 3.0
[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]
Voltage (V)/Current (I) inputs:
0.0 to 1000.0 % of Input 2_Input span
0 (0.0, 0.00): ON/OFF action

To display “Input 2_Proportional band,” specify “Measured input 2” at the time of order, AND
“Select function for input 2” (Function block No. 58 in Engineering mode) must be set to 2-loop
control/Differential temperature control, or Cascade control.

 Input 2_Integral time

[Parameter Setting Mode: Parameter group No. 52 (Pn52)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

2.U 1I 0 to 3600 seconds, 0.0 to 3600.0 seconds or 0.00 to 360.00 seconds

0 (0.0, 0.00): PD action

[Varies with the setting of the Integral/Derivative time decimal point position.]

To display “Input 2_Integral time,” specify “Measured input 2” at the time of order, AND “Select
function for input 2” (Function block No. 58 in Engineering mode) must be set to 2-loop
control/Differential temperature control, or Cascade control. Additionally, you also need to enter a
value other than 0 in the Input 2_Proportional band in the same memory area.

 Input 2_Derivative time

[Parameter Setting Mode: Parameter group No. 52 (Pn52)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

2.U 1d 0 to 3600 seconds, 0.0 to 3600.0 seconds or 0.00 to 360.00 seconds

0 (0.0, 0.00): PI action

[Varies with the setting of the Integral/Derivative time decimal point position.]

To display “Input 2_Derivative time,” specify “Measured input 2” at the time of order, AND
“Select function for input 2” (Function block No. 58 in Engineering mode) must be set to 2-loop
control/Differential temperature control, or Cascade control. Additionally, you also need to enter a
value other than 0 in the Input 2_Proportional band in the same memory area.

IMR03A05-E4 8-91

 Cascade_Proportional band (master-side)

[Setup Setting Mode: Setting group No. 58 (Sn58)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

MA S.P TC/RTD inputs:

1 (0.1, 0.01) to Input 1_Input span (Unit: C [F])
TC/RTD inputs: 30
V/I inputs: 3.0
[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]
Voltage (V)/Current (I) inputs:
0.1 to 1000.0 % of Input 1_Input span

To display “Cascade_Proportional band (master-side),” specify “Measured input 2” at the time of

order, AND “Select function for input 2” (Function block No. 58 in Engineering mode) must be set
to Cascade control.

 Cascade_Integral time (master-side)

[Setup Setting Mode: Setting group No. 58 (Sn58)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

MA S.I 1 to 3600 seconds, 0.1 to 3600.0 seconds or 0.01 to 360.00 seconds

[Varies with the setting of the Integral/Derivative time decimal point position.]

To display “Cascade_Integral time (master-side),” specify “Measured input 2” at the time of order,
AND “Select function for input 2” (Function block No. 58 in Engineering mode) must be set to
Cascade control.

 Cascade_Derivative time (master-side)

[Setup Setting Mode: Setting group No. 58 (Sn58)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

MA S.d 0 to 3600 seconds, 0.0 to 3600.0 seconds or 0.00 to 360.00 seconds

0 (0.0, 0.00): PI action

[Varies with the setting of the Integral/Derivative time decimal point position.]

To display “Cascade_Derivative time (master-side),” specify “Measured input 2” at the time of

order, AND “Select function for input 2” (Function block No. 58 in Engineering mode) must be set
to Cascade control.

 Cascade_Proportional band (slave-side)

[Setup Setting Mode: Setting group No. 58 (Sn58)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

SL V.P TC/RTD inputs:

1 (0.1, 0.01) to Input 2_Input span (Unit: C [F])
TC/RTD inputs: 30
V/I inputs: 3.0
[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]
Voltage (V)/Current (I) inputs:
0.1 to 1000.0 % of Input 2_Input span

To display “Cascade_Proportional band (slave-side),” specify “Measured input 2” at the time of

order, AND “Select function for input 2” (Function block No. 58 in Engineering mode) must be set
to Cascade control.

8-92 IMR03A05-E4

 Cascade_Integral time (slaver-side)

[Setup Setting Mode: Setting group No. 58 (Sn58)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

SL V.I 1 to 3600 seconds, 0.1 to 3600.0 seconds or 0.01 to 360.00 seconds

[Varies with the setting of the Integral/Derivative time decimal point position.]

To display “Cascade_Integral time (slave-side),” specify “Measured input 2” at the time of order,
AND “Select function for input 2” (Function block No. 58 in Engineering mode) must be set to
Cascade control.

 Cascade_Derivative time (slave-side)

[Setup Setting Mode: Setting group No. 58 (Sn58)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

SL V.d 0 to 3600 seconds, 0.0 to 3600.0 seconds or 0.00 to 360.00 seconds

0 (0.0, 0.00): PI action

[Varies with the setting of the Integral/Derivative time decimal point position.]

To display “Cascade_Derivative time (slave-side),” specify “Measured input 2” at the time of order,
AND “Select function for input 2” (Function block No. 58 in Engineering mode) must be set to
Cascade control.

 Cascade_Digital filter
[Setup Setting Mode: Setting group No. 58 (Sn58)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

C.dF 0.0 to 100.0 seconds

0.0: Filter OFF

To display “Cascade_Digital filter,” specify “Measured input 2” at the time of order, AND “Select
function for input 2” (Function block No. 58 in Engineering mode) must be set to Cascade control.

 Cascade_Scale high
[Setup Setting Mode: Setting group No. 58 (Sn58)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

C.SCH Cascade_Scale low to Input 2_Setting limiter high

[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]
Input 2_Setting limiter high

To display “Cascade_Scale high,” specify “Measured input 2” at the time of order, AND “Select
function for input 2” (Function block No. 58 in Engineering mode) must be set to Cascade control.

IMR03A05-E4 8-93

 Cascade_Scale low
[Setup Setting Mode: Setting group No. 58 (Sn58)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

C.SCL Input 2_Setting limiter low to Cascade_Scale high

[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]
Input 2_Setting limiter low

To display “Cascade_Scale low,” specify “Measured input 2” at the time of order, AND “Select
function for input 2” (Function block No. 58 in Engineering mode) must be set to Cascade control.

 Select function for input 2

[Engineering mode: Function block No. 58 (Fn58)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

r 2PV 0:
No function
Remote setting input
When the Remote setting input is
2: 2-loop control/Differential temperature control specified: 1
3: Control with PV select When the Measured input 2 is
4: Cascade control (Slave single  Cascade) * specified: 2
5: Cascade control (Master single  Cascade) *
6: Input circuit error alarm
・FZ110: 1
* This parameter cannot be specified if the instrument is a Heat/Cool PID
or a Position proportioning PID type.
 When Measured input 2 is selected for FZ400/900 at the time of order:
0 to 6
 When the Remote setting input is selected for FZ400/900 or when the
Remote setting input is selected for FZ110: 0 to 1

To display “Select function for input 2,” “Remote setting input” or “Measured input 2” must be
specified at the time of order.
CHANGED (P. 4-1)” for the parameters that are initialized or changed when the Select function
for input 2 is changed.

 Cascade _AT mode (master-side)

[Engineering mode: Function block No. 58 (Fn58)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

MAS.AT 0: Easy adjustment (AT: one cycle)

1: Load factor adjustment (AT: 2 cycles)
TC/RTD inputs: 0
V/I inputs: 1

To display “Cascade_AT mode (master-side),” specify “Measured input 2” at the time of order,
AND “Select function for input 2” (Function block No. 58 in Engineering mode) must be set to
Cascade control.

 Cascade _AT mode (slave-side)

[Engineering mode: Function block No. 58 (Fn58)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

SLV.AT 0: Easy adjustment (AT: one cycle)

1: Load factor adjustment (AT: 2 cycles)
TC/RTD inputs: 0
V/I inputs: 1

To display “Cascade_AT mode (slave-side),” specify “Measured input 2” at the time of order,
AND “Select function for input 2” (Function block No. 58 in Engineering mode) must be set to
Cascade control.

8-94 IMR03A05-E4

 Setting procedure
Calculating the PID values for Cascade control (Slave single  Cascade) using AT
 Cascade control related setting
To enter the Engineering mode
Setting lock mode
Monitor & SV setting mode Set data unlock/lock
PV/SV monitor transfer

028.0 (4 seconds *)
* Press the key until
000.0 0on 0oFF Parameter setting mode
is displayed.
Lock state Unlock state Keep pressing without
releasing your finger from
the key to enter the
Operation transfer mode Setting lock mode.
RUN/STOP transfer

00R/S 00R/S
(2 seconds) (2 seconds)


Engineering mode
Function block No. 10 Function block No. 58 Select function Cascade_AT mode
[Display] [2-input function] for input 2 (master-side)

Fn100 Several
times Fn580 2PV MAS.AT
00DSP 2PV 00004 00000
Set “Select function Set Cascade_AT
for input 2” mode

Cascade_AT mode

Set Cascade_AT

Setup setting mode

Monitor & SV setting mode Setting group No. 10 Setting group No. 58
PV/SV monitor [Display] [2-input function] Cascade_Digital filter

028.0 + MODE
Sn100 Several
times Sn580 Several
times C.DF
STOP 00DSP 2PV 0010.0
Set Cascade_Digital

Continued on the next page.

IMR03A05-E4 8-95

Continued from the previous page.

Cascade_Scale high Cascade_Scale low

C.SCH C.SCL Setting End

0400.0 0000.0
 Next parameter is displayed.
Set Cascade_Scale Set Cascade_Scale
high low  Press and MODE keys simultaneously to return to the
Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor.
(For FZ400/900, the MONI key may be pressed to return to the
Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor)
 Select RUN on the RUN/STOP transfer.
 Select lock on the Set data unlock/lock transfer.

 Switching to Cascade control and executing AT

Monitor & SV setting Operation transfer mode or or
mode RUN/STOP transfer Remote/Local transfer
028.0 00R/S R/L R/L
Several Several
(2 seconds) times times

000.0 00RUN SNGL CAS

Switching to Cascade control
Cascade control
from Single control

Input 1_Autotuning (AT)

1. ATU 1. ATU
AT start Set Autotuning
AT lamp flashing
AT End

 Next parameter is displayed.

 Press and MODE keys simultaneously to return to the Measured value (PV)/Set value
(SV) Monitor. (For FZ400/900, the MONI key may be pressed to return to the Measured
value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor)

8-96 IMR03A05-E4

 Checking PID values PID values in Master

single control
Parameter setting mode
Monitor & SV setting mode Parameter group No. 00 Parameter group No. 51 Input 1_Proportional
PV/SV monitor [Setting] [Input 1_Control] band [heat-side]

28.0 (2 seconds)
Pn000 Once or
Pn510 1. P
000.0 00SV 1.ConT 0030.0
Check Proportional

Input 1_Derivative Input 1_Integral time

time [heat-side] [heat-side]
1. d 1. I
0060.0 0240.0
Check Derivative Check Integral
time time
PID values in Slave single control
Parameter group No. 52 Input 2_Proportional Input 2_Derivative
[Input 2_Control] band Input 2_Integral time time

Pn520 2. P 2. I 2. d Next

0030.0 0240.0 0060.0
Check Proportional Check Integral Check Derivative
band time time

Master-side PID values

of Cascade control
Setup setting mode
Monitor & SV setting mode Setting group No. 10 Setting group No. 58 Cascade_Proportional band
PV/SV monitor [Display] [2-input function] (master-side)

028.0 + MODE
Sn100 Several
times Sn580 MAS.P
000.0 00DSP 2PV 0030.0
Slave-side PID values
Check Proportional
of Cascade control band

Cascade_Integral time Cascade_Proportional band Cascade_Derivative time Cascade_Integral time

(slave-side) (slave-side) (master-side) (master-side)


0240.0 0030.0 0060.0 0240.0
Check Integral Check Proportional Check Derivative Check Integral
time band time time

Cascade_Derivative time

SLV.D Checking End

0060.0  Next parameter is displayed.
Check Derivative
time  Press and MODE keys simultaneously to return to the Measured value
(PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor. (For FZ400/900, the MONI key may be pressed to
return to the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor)

IMR03A05-E4 8-97

8.15 Controlling with Level PID

Level PID function is used to set the following parameters for control to each divided level of the input range
(up to 8 levels): PID values, Control response parameters, Output limiter high/low, Control loop break alarm
(LBA) time and LBA deadband.

 Description of function
・ Set the values such as PID values of each level to the Memory area 1 to 8 (PID memory group 1 to 8).
・ The input range can be divided based on the setting for the parameters of Level PID setting 1 to Level PID
setting 7.
・ The value selected in the Level PID action selection [SV or PV] is checked and determined in which level
of the PID it is, and the control is done using the PID values from the Memory area appropriate to the
・ Different levels can be set at Input 1 and Input 2.

Input range
high Set value (SV) Level 8
(Operation by Simple Set value of Level PID setting 7
Ramp/Soak control) Level 7
Set value of Level PID setting 6
Level 6
Set value of Level PID setting 5
Level 5
Set value of Level PID setting 4
Level 4
Set value of Level PID setting 3
Level 3
Set value of Level PID setting 2
Measured value (PV) Level 2
Set value of Level PID setting 1
Level 1
Input range

 Memory area to be used for level

The memory area used at each level will be selected after comparison between the Level PID setting and the
value [Set value (SV) or Measured value (PV)] selected in the Level PID action selection
PID memory
Level Description Memory area
PID memory
Level 8 group 8 Level PIDsetting 7  Set value (SV) or Measured value (PV)  Input rang high Memory area 8
PID memory
Level 7 group 7 Level PIDsetting 6  Set value (SV) or Measured value (PV)  Level PIDsetting 7 Memory area 7
PID memory
Level 6 group 6 Level PIDsetting 5  Set value (SV) or Measured value (PV)  Level PIDsetting 6 Memory area 6
PID memory
Level 5 group 5 Level PIDsetting 4  Set value (SV) or Measured value (PV)  Level PIDsetting 5 Memory area 5
PID memory
Level 4 group 4 Level PIDsetting 3  Set value (SV) or Measured value (PV)  Level PIDsetting 4 Memory area 4
PID memory
Level 3 group 3 Level PIDsetting 2  Set value (SV) or Measured value (PV)  Level PIDsetting 3 Memory area 3
PID memory
Level 2 group 2 Level PIDsetting 1  Set value (SV) or Measured value (PV)  Level PIDsetting 2 Memory area 2
PID memory
Level 1 group 1 Input range low  Set value (SV) or Measured value (PV)  Level PIDsetting 1 Memory area 1

8-98 IMR03A05-E4

 When two or more levels have the same setting, the values with a smaller level number will be
valid and used.

[Example 1] Values in Level PID setting 4 through 6 are the same.

Input range high
1372 C
Level 8 (PID memory group 8)
1350 C: Level PID setting 7
Level 7 (PID memory group 7)
1200 C: Level PID setting 4 to 6 As the PID values in the
Level 4 (PID memory group 4) Level PID setting 4
through 6 are the same,
500 C: Level PID setting 3 the smallest level “4” is
Level 3 (PID memory group 3) used.
300 C: Level PID setting 2

Level 2 (PID memory group 2)

50 C: Level PID setting 1

Level 1 (PID memory group 1)
Input range low
200 C

 If the Level PID setting is set ignoring the order of the level Nos., the Level PID values in the set
range will be the same and the smallest level number is used. (See Example 2)

[Example 2] Level PID setting 3 in Example 1 has been changed to 100 ºC.

Input range high

1372 C
Level 8 (PID memory group 8)
1350 C: Level PID setting 7
Level 7 (PID memory group 7)
1200 C: Level PID setting 4 to 6
Level PID setting 3 has been set to
“50 C,” smaller than Level PID
setting 1. Therefore, the values in
Level 4 (PID memory group 4)
Level setting 1 through 3 are all
“100 C” and the Level number will
be “1.”

100 C: Level PID setting 1 to 3

Level 1 (PID memory group 1)
Input range low
200 C

IMR03A05-E4 8-99

 Parameters of Memory area at Level PID

When using Level PID, parameters of Memory area are separated to be used for the Level PID function and
the regular Memory area function.

Memory area 8 For Level PID function: Memory area 16

Action of these parameters is based
Memory area 2 on the Level PID function regardless of Memory area 10
whether the control area is switched
Memory area 1 by using the front key. Memory area 9

[Group 2] [Group 2]
Parameter group No. 52 Parameter group No. 52
Invalidated at Level PID
[Group 1] [Group 1]
Parameter group No. 51 Parameter group No. 51
Parameter group No. 56 Parameter group No. 56

[Group 0] [Group 0]
Parameter group No. 00 Parameter group No. 00
Parameter group No. 40 Parameter group No. 40
Parameter group No. 70 Parameter group No. 70
For Memory area function:
Action of these parameters is based on the Memory area
function when switching the control area by using the front
key at Level PID.

Parameters of Memory area (at Level PID)

Parameters in each group

Parameters for Memory area function Parameters for Level PID function (Memory area 1 to 8)
(Memory area 1 to 16)

[Group 0] [Group 1] [Group 2]

Parameter group No. 00 Parameter group No. 51 Parameter group No. 52
 Input 1_Set value (SV)  Input 1_Proportional band [heat-side]  Input 2_Proportional band

 Input 2_Set value (SV)  Input 1_Integral time [heat-side]  Input 2_Integral time
 Set value (SV) of differential temperature input  Input 1_Derivative time [heat-side]  Input 2_Derivative time
 Input 1_Control response parameter  Input 2_Control response parameter
Parameter group No. 40  Input 1_Proactive intensity  Input 2_Proactive intensity

 Event 1 set value (EV1)  Input 1_Manual reset  Input 2_Manual reset
Event 1 set value (EV1) [high]  Input 1_FF amount  Input 2_FF amount
 Event 1 set value (EV1’) [low]  Input 1_Output limiter high [heat-side]  Input 2_Output limiter high
 Event 2 set value (EV2)  Input 1_Output limiter low [heat-side]  Input 2_Output limiter low
Event 2 set value (EV2) [high]  Input 1_Control loop break alarm (LBA)  Input 2_Control loop break alarm (LBA)
 Event 2 set value (EV2’) [low]
time time
 Event 3 set value (EV3)
 Input 1_LBA deadband (LBD)  Input 2_LBA deadband (LBD)
Event 3 set value (EV3) [high]
 Event 3 set value (EV3’) [low]
 Event 4 set value (EV4)
Parameter group No. 56
Event 4 set value (EV4) [high]  Input 1_Proportional band [cool-side]
 Event 4 set value (EV4’) [low]  Input 1_Integral time [cool-side]
 Input 1_Derivative time [cool-side]
Parameter group No. 70  Input 1_Overlap/Deadband
 Select Trigger type for Memory area transfer  Input 1_Output limiter high [cool-side]
 Area soak time  Input 1_Output limiter low [cool-side]
 Link area number
 Input 1_Setting change rate limiter (up)
 Input 1_Setting change rate limiter (down)
 Input 1_Auto/Manual transfer selection (Area)
 Input 1_Manipulated output value (Area) During the Level PID, Memory areas 9 through 16 are not used (invalid).
 Input 2_Setting change rate limiter (up)
 Input 2_Setting change rate limiter (down)
 Input 2_Auto/Manual transfer selection (Area))
These parameters are all in the Parameter setting mode,
 Input 2_Manipulated output value (Area) However, “ON/OFF action differential gap (upper)” and
 Remote/Local transfer selection (Area)
“ON/OFF action differential gap (lower)” are excluded.

8-100 IMR03A05-E4

Parameters for Level PID function

In Memory areas 1 through 8, the parameters in [Group 1] and [Group 2] are used as parameters for Level
PID. Setting in Memory areas 9 through 16 will be ignored.
Memory area number for the control area can be changed by the front key, communication, Digital input
(DI), Simple ramp/soak function or Simple sequence function; however, the parameters for Level PID
function of the changed Memory area are invalidated.
The value selected in the Level PID action selection [SV or PV] is checked and determined in which level
of the PID it is, and the control is done using the PID values from the Memory area appropriate to the

Refer to P. 8-100 for parameters in each group.

To use regular Memory area function

Input 1_Level PID action selection (Function block No. 51 in the Engineering mode) and Input
2_Level PID action selection (Function block No. 52 in the Engineering mode) can be used as a
regular Memory area function in the case of “Switching by Memory area number” (Factory set

Memory area display at Level PID

PID values used for control are changed by the Level PID, but the control area is not influenced.
This means that the Memory area No. on the PV/SV monitor screen in the Monitor & SV setting
mode remains unchanged.
To check the Memory area No. actually used by the Level PID, locate the parameter used in the
Level PID in the Parameter setting mode. Then, the actual Memory No. will be displayed. (See the
example below)

[Example] In this example, Area 3 is displayed on the instrument (as a control area). Parameter “P”
is displayed to show the Memory area No. actually used by the Level PID.
Parameter setting mode
Parameter group No. 51
Monitor & SV setting mode Input 1_Proportional
PV/SV monitor Change the Parameter band [heat-side]
setting mode.

AREA 28.0 AREA1. P

3 000.0 5 0030.0
Displays the Memory area Displays the Memory area
number in the Control area. number selected
by Level PID function.

 Parameters for Memory area function

In Memory areas 1 through 16, parameters in [Group 0] can be used for the regular Memory area function.
The parameters for the changed Memory area are validated by switching the Memory areas of the control
area by the front key, communication, Digital input (DI), Simple ramp/soak function or Simple sequence

For details of the parameters in Group 0, refer to P. 8-100.

IMR03A05-E4 8-101

Example of action of the Memory area when setting simple ramp/soak program at Level PID
[When “1: Switching by Set value (SV) (Level PID action)” is selected in Level PID action selection]

Memory area used at each level

[The area is selected by the comparison
between the Set value (SV) selected in Level
PID action selection and the Level PID setting.]

Input range high

Level 5:Memory area 5
Set value (SV) (PID memory group 5)

Level 4:Memory area 4

(PID memory group 4)

Level 3:Memory area 3

(PID memory group 3)

Level 2:Memory area 2

(PID memory group 2)

Level 1:Memory area 1

(PID memory group 1)

Input range low

Memory Memory Memory Memory Memory Memory
Memory area storing area 1 area 2 area 3 area 4 area 5 area 6
parameters for Memory area
function (PID memory group 2) (PID memory group 4) (PID memory group 6)
Memory area selected
for the control area (PID memory group 1) (PID memory group 3) (PID memory group 5)

 Level PID differential gap

When setting “Switch by Measured value (PV)” to Level PID action:
The Memory areas storing the parameters for Level PID function may switch frequently by the fluctuation of
the input when the Measured value (PV) is close to the Level PID set value.
Setting Level PID differential gap prevents memory areas from switching too frequently.

When Level PID differential gap is not set When Level PID differential gap is set
Level Level

Memory Memory Memory area 2

area 2 area 2
Level 2: Level 2:
Memory area 2 Memory area 2

Level PID Level PID

Level PID
setting 1 setting 1
Memory Memory Memory Level 1: Memory
area 1 area 1 area 1 Memory area 1 area 1 Level 1:
Memory area 1
Measured value (PV) Measured value (PV)

Time Time

When setting “Switch by Set value (SV)” to Level PID action:

The setting of Level PID differential gap is validated; however, it is recommended to set “0.0” to
Level PID differential gap.

8-102 IMR03A05-E4

When the setting of the Level PID differential gap is set larger than the half of the range between
two continuous Level set values, the Level PID differential gap is forcedly limited to the half of the
range between the two relevant Level set values.

[Example] When Level PID differential gap is “40 C” The Level PID differential gap is
limited to the half of the range
Input range high between the two relevant Level
set values.
400 C

300 C: Level PID setting 3

Span of level setting: 150 C

Level 3 (PID memory group 3) Level PID differential gap: 40 C

150 C: Level PID setting 2

Level 2 (PID memory group 2) Span of level setting: 50 C
100 C: Level PID setting 1 Level PID differential gap: 25 C

Level 1 (PID memory group 1) Span of level setting: 100 C

Input range low
Level PID differential gap: 40 C
0 C

 Autotuning (AT) at Level PID

Autotuning (AT) can be started even while Level PID function is used whether or not the Level PID action
selection is “Switching by SV” or “Switching by PV”. Autotuning (AT) will be executed at the Set value
(SV) when it is initiated.
The calculated PID values are stored in the memory area which has the Set value (SV) at the time of the
Autotuning (AT) start.

[Example] Input range high

1372 C
Level 8 (PID memory group 8)
1350 C: Level PID setting 7
Level 7 (PID memory group 7)
1200 C: Level PID setting 4 to 6
Level 4 (PID memory group 4)
500 C: Level PID setting 3
Level 3 (PID memory group 3)
300 C: Level PID setting 2 As the Autotuning (AT) was
SV at AT Start started at level 2, the PID
Level 2 (PID memory group 2)
values calculated by AT will
50 C: Level PID setting 1
be set to Memory area 2.
Input range low Level 1 (PID memory group 1)
200 C
AT start

 Level PID at Differential temperature control

When the Level PID action selection is “Switching by Set value (SV)”:
Level PID is done at the Input 1_Monitor Set value (SV)*.
* Input 1_Monitor Set value (SV) = Input 2_Measured value (PV) + Set value of Differential temperature input
When the Level PID action selection is “Switching by Measured value (PV)”:
Level PID is done at the Measured value (PV) Input 1.

The Level PID will not work at the Set value (SV) or Measured value (PV) of the Differential
temperature input.

IMR03A05-E4 8-103

 Parameter setting
● Input 1_Level PID setting 1 to Input 1_Level PID setting 7
[Setup Setting Mode: Setting group No. 51 (Sn51)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

1.LEV1 Input 1_Input range low to Input 1_Input range high

When Control with PV select:
Input 1_Input range high
Control with PV select:

1.LEV2 PV select input range low to PV select input range high

[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]
PV select input range high

Input 1_Level PID settings 1 to 7 always maintain the following relation.
(Input 1_Level PID setting 1)  (Input 1_Level PID setting 2) 
(Input 1_Level PID setting 3)  (Input 1_Level PID setting 4) 
1.LEV5 (Input 1_Level PID setting 5)  (Input 1_Level PID setting 6) 
(Input 1_Level PID setting 7)
To display the “Input 1_Level PID setting 1 through 7,” set switchover by the Set value (SV) or the
Measured value (PV) at “Input 1_Level PID action selection” in Function block No. 51 in the
Engineering mode AND set an item other than Cascade control at “Select function for input 2” in
Function block No. 58 in the Engineering mode.
CHANGED (P. 4-1)” for the parameters that are automatically converted when the Level PID
setting is changed.

● Input 2_Level PID setting 1 to Input 2_Level PID setting 7

[Setup Setting Mode: Setting group No. 52 (Sn52)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

2.LEV1 Input 2_Input range low to Input 2_Input range high

[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]
Input 2_Input range high

2.LEV2 Input 2_Level PID settings 1 to 7 always maintain the following relation.
2.LEV3 (Input 2_Level PID setting 1)  (Input 2_Level PID setting 2) 
(Input 2_Level PID setting 3)  (Input 2_Level PID setting 4) 
2.LEV4 (Input 2_Level PID setting 5)  (Input 2_Level PID setting 6) 
(Input 2_Level PID setting 7)

To display “Input 2_Level PID setting 1 to 7,” specify “Measured input 2” at the time of order,
AND “Input 2_Level PID action selection” (Function block No. 58 in Engineering mode) select to
“Switching by Set value (SV)” or “Switching by Measured value (PV),” AND “Select function for
input 2” (Function block No. 58 in Engineering mode) must be set to 2-loop control/Differential
temperature control, or Cascade control.
CHANGED (P. 4-1)” for the parameters that are automatically converted when the Level PID
setting is changed.

8-104 IMR03A05-E4

● Input 1_Level PID action selection

[Engineering mode: Function block No. 51 (Fn51)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

1.LPId 0: Switching by Memory area number

1: Switching by Set value (SV) (Level PID action)

2: Switching by Measured value (PV) (Level PID action)

To display “Input 1_Level PID action selection,” set an item other than Cascade control at “Select
function for input 2” in Function block No. 58 in the Engineering mode.

● Input 2_Level PID action selection

[Engineering mode: Function block No. 52 (Fn52)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

2.LPId 0: Switching by Memory area number

1: Switching by Set value (SV) (Level PID action)

2: Switching by Measured value (PV) (Level PID action)

To display “Input 2_Level PID action selection,” specify “Measured input 2” at the time of order,
AND “Select function for input 2” (Function block No. 58 in Engineering mode) must be set to
2-loop control/Differential temperature control.

● Input 1_Level PID differential gap

[Engineering mode: Function block No. 51 (Fn51)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

1. LHS 0 to Input 1_Input span

(When Control with PV select: 0 to PV select input span)
TC/RTD inputs: 2
V/I inputs: 0.2
[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]

To display “Input 1_Level PID differential gap,” set an item other than Cascade control at “Select
function for input 2” in Function block No. 58 in the Engineering mode.

● Input 2_Level PID differential gap

[Engineering mode: Function block No. 52 (Fn52)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

2. LHS 0 to Input 2_Input span

[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]
TC/RTD inputs: 2
V/I inputs: 0.2

To display “Input 2_Level PID differential gap,” specify “Measured input 2” at the time of order,
AND “Select function for input 2” (Function block No. 58 in Engineering mode) must be set to
2-loop control/Differential temperature control.

IMR03A05-E4 8-105

 Setting procedure
To enter the Engineering mode

Monitor & SV setting mode Setting lock mode

PV/SV monitor Set data unlock/lock transfer

028.0 (4 seconds*)
* Press the key until
000.0 0on 0oFF Parameter setting mode
is displayed.
Lock state Unlock state Keep pressing without
releasing your finger from
the key to enter the
Operation transfer mode Setting lock mode.
RUN/STOP transfer

00R/S 00R/S
(2 seconds) (2 seconds)


Engineering mode
Function block No. 10 Function block No. 51 Input 1_Level PID Input 1_Level PID
[Display] [Input 1_Control] action selection differential gap

Fn100 Several
times Fn510 Several
00DSP 1.ConT 00001 00002
In case of In case of Set Level PID action Set Level PID
one input two inputs selection differential gap

Function block No. 52 Input 2_Level PID Input 2_Level PID

[Input 2_Control] action selection differential gap

Fn520 Several
2.ConT 00001 00002
+ MODE Set Level PID action Set Level PID
selection differential gap

Setup setting mode

Monitor & SV setting mode Setting group No. 10 Setting group No. 51 Input 1_Level PID
PV/SV monitor [Display] [Input 1_Control] setting 1

028.0 + MODE
Sn100 Several
times Sn510
Once or
STOP 00DSP 1.ConT 1372.0
Set Level PID setting

Input 1_Level PID Input 1_Level PID Input 1_Level PID Input 1_Level PID
setting 5 setting 4 setting 3 setting 2

1.LEV5 1.LEV4 1.LEV3 1.LEV2

1372.0 1372.0 1372.0 1372.0
Set Level PID setting Set Level PID setting Set Level PID setting Set Level PID setting

Continued on the next page.

8-106 IMR03A05-E4

Continued from the previous page.

Input 1_Level PID Input 1_Level PID Setting group No. 51

setting 6 setting 7 [Input 1_Control]

1.LEV6 1.LEV7 Sn510 In case of one input

1372.0 1372.0 1.ConT

Set Level PID setting Set Level PID setting In case of
two inputs

Setting group No. 52 Input 2_Level PID Input 2_Level PID Input 2_Level PID
[Input 2_Control] setting 1 setting 2 setting 3

Sn520 2.LEV1 2.LEV2 2.LEV3

Once or

2.ConT 1372.0 1372.0 1372.0

Set Level PID setting Set Level PID setting Set Level PID setting

Input 2_Level PID Input 2_Level PID Input 2_Level PID Input 2_Level PID
setting 7 setting 6 setting 5 setting 4

2.LEV7 2.LEV6 2.LEV5 2.LEV4

1372.0 1372.0 1372.0 1372.0
Set Level PID setting Set Level PID setting Set Level PID setting Set Level PID setting

Setting End

 Next parameter is displayed.

 Press and MODE keys simultaneously to return to the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor.
(For FZ400/900, the MONI key may be pressed to return to the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor)
 Select RUN on the RUN/STOP transfer.
 Select lock on the Set data unlock/lock transfer.

IMR03A05-E4 8-107

8.16 Eliminating Offset Inherent to Proportioning Control

(Manual Reset)
In order to eliminate the offset occurring in Proportional (P) control, the Manipulated output value is
manually corrected.

 Description of function
This is the function used to manually correct the offset when in Proportional (P) control or PD control. If the
Manual reset value varies, the Manipulated output value also changes.
Offset means the deviation of the actual when the Manipulated output value becomes stabilized (stable state).

 When the Manual reset is set to the plus (+) side

The Manipulated output value under the stable condition increases by the Manual reset value.
 When the Manual reset is set to the minus () side
The Manipulated output value * under the stable condition decreases by the Manual reset value.


value (PV)
value (PV)


Set value (SV)

Manual reset is set.


Manual reset is available when the Integral time is 0 (0.0, 0.00).

 Parameter setting
 Input 1_Manual reset
[Parameter Setting Mode: Parameter group No. 51 (Pn51)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

1.U MR 100.0 to 100.0 % 0.0

To display “Input 1_Manual reset,” set “0” (zero) to the “Input 1_Integral time [heat-side].”

8-108 IMR03A05-E4

 Input 2_Manual reset

[Parameter Setting Mode: Parameter group No. 52 (Pn52)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

2.U MR 100.0 to 100.0 % 0.0

To display “Input 2_Manual reset,” specify “Measured input 2” at the time of order, AND “Select
function for input 2” (Function block No. 58 in Engineering mode) must be set to 2-loop
control/Differential temperature control. Additionally, you also need to set “0” (zero) to the “Input
1_Integral time.”

 Setting procedure
Parameter setting mode
Monitor & SV setting mode Parameter group No. 00 Parameter group No. 51
PV/SV monitor [Setting] [Input 1_Control] Input 1_Manual reset In case of

028.0 Pn000 Pn510 1. MR

Several Several one input
(2 seconds) times times

000.0 00SV 1.ConT 0000.0

Set Manual reset

In case of times
two inputs
In case of two inputs

Setting End

 Next parameter is displayed.

 Press and MODE keys simultaneously to return to the Measured value
(PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor.
(For FZ400/900, the MONI key may be pressed to return to the Measured value
(PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor)

Parameter group No. 52

[Input 2_Control] Input 2_Manual reset

Pn520 Several
times 2. MR
2.ConT 0000.0
Set Manual reset

Setting End

 Next parameter is displayed.

 Press and MODE keys simultaneously to return to the Measured value
(PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor.
(For FZ400/900, the MONI key may be pressed to return to the Measured value
(PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor)

IMR03A05-E4 8-109

8.17 Continuing Stable Control after the Operation Transfer

(SV Tracking)
This function is used to follow (keep tracking of) the other set value in another mode (control) that was used
before the change of the set value. This is useful to suppress a sudden change of the set value when the
operation mode is changed.

 Description of function
The SV tracking can be selected at the time of switching between Remote/Local and Auto/Manual. The
functions can be selected independently or together.

● SV tracking at the time of Remote/Local transfer

The SV tracking at the time of Remote/Local transfer may be effective in such switching actions.
 Switching between Remote and Local mode

 Switching between 2-loop control and Differential temperature control

 Switching between Cascade control and Slave single control

Switching between Remote and Local mode

When the operation mode is switched from Remote to Local mode, the Local set value follows the Remote
set value just before the switching (tracking).
[Change of set values when switched from Remote to Local mode]
Operation mode: Remote mode Local mode
Set value used Set value (SV)  Remote set value Set value (SV)  Local set value
SV tracking used Local set value  Remote set value Local set value  Remote set value
SV tracking unused Local set value  Remote set value Local set value  Remote set value

< SV tracking used > < SV tracking unused >

Set value (SV) Set value (SV)

Local set value 

Local set value 

Remote set value 

Remote set value 
Time Time
Remote mode Local mode Remote mode Local mode
 
Remote/Local transferred point Remote/Local transferred point

The SV tracking does not function at the time of switching from Local mode to Remote mode.

8-110 IMR03A05-E4

Switching between 2-loop control and Differential temperature control

When the Differential temperature control is switched to 2-loop control, the Input 1_Set value (SV) follows
the Input 1_set value monitor [PV just before the switching + Set value of Differential temperature control]

In case of Differential temperature control, the Input 1_Set value (SV) is not used for control.
The Input 1_Monitor Set value (SV)* of is used in actual control.
* Input 1_Monitor Set value (SV) = Controlled temperature
= Input 2_Measured value (PV) [Reference temperature]  Set value of Differential temperature input

[Change of set values when switched from Differential temperature control to 2-loop control]
Control: Differential temperature control 2-loop control
Set value used
Input 1_Set value monitor Input 1_Set value (SV)
(Input 1)
Input 1_Set value (SV) = Input 1_Set value (SV) Input 1_Set value (SV) = Input 2_PV just before the switching 
Set value of Differential temperature input
SV tracking used Input 1_Set value monitor = Input 2_PV  Input 1_Set value monitor =
Set value of Differential temperature input Input 2_PV  Set value of Differential temperature input
Input 1_ Set value (SV) = Input 1_Set value (SV) Input 1_Set value (SV) = Input 1_Set value (SV)
SV tracking unused Input 1_Set value monitor = Input 2_PV  Input 1_Set value monitor = Input 1_Set value (SV)
Set value of Differential temperature input

The SV tracking does not function at the time of switching from 2-loop control to Differential
temperature control.

Switching between Cascade control and Slave single control

 When the Cascade control is switched to the Slave single control, the set value of Input 2 (slave-side)
follows the Input 2_Measured value (PV) just before the switching
 When the Slave single control is switched to the Cascade control, the set value of Input 1 (master-side)

follows the Input 1_Measured value (PV) just before the switching

[Change of set values when switched from Cascade control to Slave single control]
Control: Cascade control Slave single control
Input 1_Set value (master-side) = Input 1_Set value (master-side) Input 1_Set value (master-side)
Input 2_Set value (slave-side) = Input_1 Set value (master-side)
SV tracking used = Set value according to the Manipulated output of Input 1 Input 2_Set value (slave-side)
(master-side) = Measured value of Input 2 (slave-side) just before
the switching
Input 1_Set value (master-side) = Input 1_Set value (master-side) Input 1_Set value (master-side)
Input 2_Set value (slave-side) = Input 1_Set value (master-side)
SV tracking unused = Set value according to the Manipulated output of Input 1 Input 2_Set value (slave-side)
(master-side) = Input 2_Set value (slave-side)

< SV tracking used >

When the Cascade control is Temperature
Master-side Measured value
switched to the Slave single
control, the Slave-side set Master-side
Set value
value tracks the Slave-side
measured value, switching Slave-side
Slave-side Measured value The Slave-side Set value is changed
without fluctuation can be
Set value to the Slave-side Measured value.
Cascade control Slave single control
(Controlled with the (Controlled with the
Master-side Set value) Slave-side Set value)
Switching point of control

IMR03A05-E4 8-111

< SV tracking unused >

When the Cascade control is Temperature
switched to the Slave-single
control, if the Slave-side Master-side
measured value and the Slave Set value
Master-side Measured value
side set value are not the Slave-side
same, fluctuation of the PV is Slave-side Measured value
caused. Set value

Cascade control Slave single control

(Controlled with the (Controlled with the
Master-side Set value) Slave-side Set value)
Switching point of control

[Change of set values when switched from Slave single control to Cascade control]
Control: Slave single control Cascade control
Input 1_Set value (master-side) Input 1_Set value (master-side)
= Input 1_Set value (master-side) = Measured value of Input 1 (master-side) just before the switching
SV tracking used Input 2_Set value (slave-side) Input 2_Set value (slave-side)
= Input 2_Set value (slave-side) = Set value according to the Manipulated output of Input 1
Input 1_Set value (master-side) = Input 1_ Set value (master-side)
Input 1_Set value (master-side) = Input 1_Set value (master-side)
SV tracking unused Input 2_Set value (slave-side) Input 2_Set value (slave-side)
= Input 2_Set value (slave-side) = Set value according to the Manipulated output of Input 1

< SV tracking used >

When the Slave single Temperature
The Master-side Set value is changed
control is switched to the Master-side Measured value
to the Master-side Measured value.
Cascade control, the
Master-side set value tracks Set value
the Master-side measured
value, switching without Set value
Slav- side
fluctuation can be achieved.
Measured value
Slave single control Cascade control
(Controlled with the (Controlled with the
Slave-side Set value) Master-side Set value)

Switching point of control

< SV tracking unused >

When the Slave single Temperature
control is switched to the Master-side Measured value
Cascade control, if the Slave-side
Master-side set value and the Set value
Master-side measured value
are not the same, fluctuation Set value
of the PV is caused.
Measured value
Slave single control Cascade control
(Controlled with the (Controlled with the
Slave-side Set value) Master-side Set value)

Switching point of control

8-112 IMR03A05-E4

● SV tracking at the time of Auto/Manual transfer

When the Manual mode is switched to the Auto mode, the Set value (SV) follows the Measured value (PV)
just before the switching.

[Change of set values when switched from Manual mode to Auto mode]
Operation mode: Manual mode Auto mode
Set value (SV) = Set value (SV) Set value (SV) = Measured value (PV) just before the switching
SV tracking used
Measured value (PV) = Measured value (PV) Measured value (PV) = Measured value (PV)
Set value (SV) = Set value (SV) Set value (SV) = Set value (SV)
SV tracking unused
Measured value (PV) = Measured value (PV) Measured value (PV) = Measured value (PV)

Input 1 and Input 2 is the same action.

< SV tracking used > < SV tracking unused >

Temperature Temperature

Set value (SV) Set value (SV)

Measured Measured
value (PV) value (PV)

Time Time
Manual mode Auto mode Manual mode Auto mode
 
Auto/Manual transferred point Auto/Manual transferred point

The SV tracking does not function at the time of switching from Auto mode to Manual mode.
SV tracking does not function at the time of Auto/Manual switching at the Differential temperature

 Parameter setting
 Input 1_Auto/Manual transfer
[Operation Transfer Mode]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

1. A/M AUTo: Auto mode

MAn: Manual mode

 Input 2_Auto/Manual transfer

[Operation Transfer Mode]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

2. A/M AUTo: Auto mode

MAn: Manual mode

To display “Input 2_Auto/Manual transfer,” specify “Measured input 2” at the time of order, AND
“Select function for input 2” (Function block No. 58 in Engineering mode) must be set to 2-loop
control/Differential temperature control.

IMR03A05-E4 8-113

 Remote/Local transfer
[Operation Transfer Mode]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

R /L When “Remote setting input” is selected at Select function for input 2

LoC: Local mode

rEM: Remote mode

When “Cascade control” is selected at Select function for input 2 SNGL
SNGL: Single control (Master single or Slave single)
CAS: Cascade control
When “2-loop control/Differential temperature control” is selected at 2LooP
Select function for input 2
2LooP: 2-loop control
dIFF: Differential temperature control

To display “Remote/Local transfer” (on FZ400/900), you need to specify the “Remote setting input”
at the time of order, or configure the “Measured input 2” (that must be also specified at the time
order) to the Remote setting input at “Select function for input 2” in Function block No. 58 in the
Engineering mode.
Concerning FZ110, “Remote settingt input” must be specified at the time of order.

 SV tracking
[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 50 (Fn50)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

U TRK 0 to 3
0: No SV tracking function

1: SV tracking at transferring Remote/Local *

* Including Cascade mode transfer, 2-loop control/
Differential temperature control transfer
2: SV tracking at transferring Auto/Manual
To select two or more functions, sum each value.

8-114 IMR03A05-E4

 Setting procedure
 SV tracking setting
To enter the Engineering mode

Monitor & SV setting mode Setting lock mode

PV/SV monitor Set data unlock/lock transfer

028.0 (4 seconds*)
* Press the key until
000.0 0on 0oFF Parameter setting mode
is displayed.
Lock state Unlock state Keep pressing without
releasing your finger from
the key to enter the
Operation transfer mode Setting lock mode.
RUN/STOP transfer

00R/S 00R/S
(2 seconds) (2 seconds)


Engineering mode
Function block No. 10 Function block No. 50
[Display] [Control] SV tracking

Fn100 Several
times Fn500 Several
times TRK
00DSP ConT 00001
Set SV tracking

Setting End

 Next parameter is displayed.

 Press and MODE keys simultaneously to return to the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor.
(For FZ400/900, the MONI key may be pressed to return to the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor)
 Select RUN on the RUN/STOP transfer.
 Select lock on the Set data unlock/lock transfer.

For detailed operation of Auto/Manual switching, refer to 8.9 Controlling with Manual Control
For detailed operation of Remote/Local switching, refer to 8.10 Using Remote Setting Input

IMR03A05-E4 8-115

8.18 Suppressing Overshoot

Overshoot can be suppressed on this instrument at the time of startup (power on, control stop to start), Set
value (SV) change, and external disturbances.
Overshoot during the transition from Ramp to Soak can be prevented, when the Setting change rate limiter is

 Description of function
Overshoot suppressing function may include Control response parameter, Proactive intensity, Determination
point of external disturbance and Bottom suppression function.

● Control response parameter

A response speed level at changing Set value (SV) at PID control can be selected from three levels (Slow,
Medium and Fast) in the Control response parameter.
Select “Fast” to quicken the response of the controlled object to the change in segment level and Set value
(SV). When the response speed level is “Fast,” overshoot will occur. To avoid overshoot, select “Slow.”

Fast Selected when rise time needs to be shortened (operation needs to started fast).
However in this case, slight overshooting may not be avoided.
Medium Middle between “Fast” and “Slow.”
Overshooting when set to “Medium” becomes less than that when set to “Fast.”
Slow Selected when no overshooting is allowed.
Used when material may be deteriorated if the temperature becomes higher that the
set value.

Measured value (PV) Fast


Set value (SV)


Set value (SV)

Set value (SV) change point

8-116 IMR03A05-E4

● Proactive intensity, Determination point of external disturbance

Overshoot can be suppressed at startup (power on, control stop to start), Set value (SV) change, and external
disturbances. Overshoot during the transition from Ramp to Soak can be prevented. The intensity ranges
from 0 to 4 (5 scales).

Startup (power on, control stop to start), Set value (SV) change
Temperature Temperature Proactive intensity: 0
Proactive intensity: 0

Set value (SV)

Set value (SV)
Measured value (PV)

Proactive intensity: 4 Set value (SV) Proactive intensity: 4

Measured value (PV)

Time Time
Power ON Set value (SV) change point

When external disturbance occurs

Overshoot can be suppressed when external disturbance occurs.
External disturbances are determined by the fluctuation between the stable state and Measured value (PV) of
the external disturbance determination point or more which is then used as a trigger.

Temperature Temperature
Proactive intensity: 0
Measured value (PV)

Set value (SV)

Set value (SV)
Determination point of
external disturbance
(negative setting)
Proactive intensity: 4
value (PV) Time
Detection of external disturbance
Measured value (PV)
Determination point of
external disturbance
(positive setting)

Set value (SV)

Detection of external disturbance

IMR03A05-E4 8-117

During Ramp control (Change of SV by Setting change rate limiter)

Overshoot can be suppressed when the temperature is in transition from theRramp state to the Soak state.

Proactive intensity: 0

Changing pattern of
Set value (SV)
Proactive intensity: 4

Measured value (PV)

● Bottom suppression function

When the input fluctuation by external disturbance is detected, the amount of FF (Feedforward) is added to
the output value to suppress the Bottom.

Measured value (PV)

Set value (SV)

Adjustment by FF amount of
the Bottom suppression


Bottom suppression by increasing

MV Manipulated output (MV)

FF amount

[Setting items]
 FF amount: This can also be obtained automatically by Amount of FF which is added to detect
external disturbance and Learning function
 FF amount learning:

FF amount can be calculated from external disturbance when detection of external

disturbance is executed after selection of “Learn.” When setting is completed, the value
will automatically return to “0: No learning.”
 Bottom suppression function:

Used to activate/deactivate the Bottom suppression function as well as a trigger function.

There are two types of triggers; when the Determination point of external disturbance (FF
amount is added by the level) is exceeded and Forced addition off FF amount. Trigger
signal can be input through communication in the case of Forced addition of FF amount.

8-118 IMR03A05-E4

 Parameter setting
 Input 1_Control response parameter
[Parameter Setting Mode: Parameter group No. 51 (Pn51)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

1. RPT 0: Slow
1: Medium
PID control or Position
proportioning PID control: 0
2: Fast Heat/Cool PID control: 2
[When the P or PD action is selected, this setting becomes invalid]

 Input 2_Control response parameter

[Parameter Setting Mode: Parameter group No. 52 (Pn52)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

2. RPT 0: Slow
1: Medium

2: Fast
[When the P or PD action is selected, this setting becomes invalid]

To display “Input 2_Control response parameter,” specify “Measured input 2” at the time of order,
AND “Select function for input 2” (Function block No. 58 in Engineering mode) must be set to
2-loop control/Differential temperature control, or Cascade control.

 Input 1_Proactive intensity

[Parameter Setting Mode: Parameter group No. 51 (Pn51)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

1.PACT 0 to 4
0: No function

To display “Input 1_Proactive intensity,” the Input 1_Proportional band [heat-side] and the Input
1_Integral time [heat-side] in the same memory area must be set to a value other than zero.

 Input 2_Proactive intensity

[Parameter Setting Mode: Parameter group No. 52 (Pn52)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

2.PACT 0 to 4
0: No function

To display “Input 2_Proactive intensity,” specify “Measured input 2” at the time of order, AND
“Select function for input 2” (Function block No. 58 in Engineering mode) must be set to 2-loop
control/Differential temperature control, or Cascade control. Additionally, you also need to enter a
value other than 0 in the Input 2_Proportional band and the Input 2_Integral time in the same
memory area.

IMR03A05-E4 8-119

 Input 1_FF amount

[Parameter Setting Mode: Parameter group No. 51 (Pn51)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

1. F F 100.0 to 100.0 % 0.0

To display “Input 1_FF amount,” 1 or 2 must be set at “Bottom suppression function” at Function
block No. 57 in the Engineering mode, and the Input 1_Proportional band [heat-side] and the Input
1_Integral time [heat-side] in the same memory area must be set to a value other than zero.
Not displayed when the control action is Position proportioning PID control.

 Input 2_FF amount

[Parameter Setting Mode: Parameter group No. 52 (Pn52)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

2. F F 100.0 to 100.0 % 0.0

To display “Input 1_FF amount,” 1 or 2 must be set at “Bottom suppression function” at Function
block No. 57 in the Engineering mode, AND “Select function for input 2” (Function block No. 58
in Engineering mode) must be set to 2-loop control/Differential temperature control, or Cascade
control. Additionally, you also need to enter a value other than 0 in the Input 2_Proportional band
and the Input 2_Integral time in the same memory area.

 FF amount learning
[Setup Setting Mode: Setting group No. 57 (Sn57)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

FFST 0 to 3
0: No learning

1: Learn Input 1

2: Learn Input 2
To select two or more functions, sum each value.

To display “FF amount learning,” 1 or 2 must be set at “Bottom suppression function” at Function
block No. 57 in the Engineering mode

 Input 1_Determination point of external disturbance

[Setup Setting Mode: Setting group No. 57 (Sn57)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

1.EXDJ (Input 1_Input span) to (Input 1_Input span)

When Control with PV select:

(PV select input span) to (PV select input span)

[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]

8-120 IMR03A05-E4

 Input 2_Determination point of external disturbance

[Setup Setting Mode: Setting group No. 57 (Sn57)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

2.EXDJ (Input 2_Input span) to (Input 2_Input span)

[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]

To display “Input 2_Determination point of external disturbance,” specify “Measured input 2” at

the time of order, AND “Select function for input 2” (Function block No. 58 in Engineering mode)
must be set to 2-loop control/Differential temperature control, or Cascade control.

 Bottom suppression function

[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 57 (Fn57)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

BTMSP 0: No function
1: FF amount is added by level

2: FF amount is forcibly added

Not displayed when the control action is Position proportioning PID control.

IMR03A05-E4 8-121

 Setting procedure
To enter the Engineering mode

Monitor & SV setting mode Setting lock mode

PV/SV monitor Set data unlock/lock transfer

028.0 (4 seconds*)
* Press the key until
000.0 0on 0oFF Parameter setting mode
is displayed.
Lock state Unlock state Keep pressing without
releasing your finger from
the key to enter the
Operation transfer mode Setting lock mode.
RUN/STOP transfer

00R/S 00R/S
(2 seconds) (2 seconds)


Engineering mode
Function block No. 10 Function block No. 57 Bottom suppression
[Display] [Proactive] function

Fn100 Several
times Fn570 BTMSP
00DSP PACT 00000
Set Bottom
suppression function

Setup setting mode

Monitor & SV setting mode Setting group No. 10 Setting group No. 57
PV/SV monitor [Display] [Proactive] FF amount learning

28.0 + MODE
Sn100 Several
times Sn570 FFST
Set FF amount
+ MODE learning

Input 2_Determination Input 1_Determination

point of external point of external
disturbance In case of disturbance

one input

-000.1 In case of two inputs

Set Determination Set Determination
point of external point of external
disturbance disturbance

Continued on the next page.

8-122 IMR03A05-E4

Continued from the previous page.

Parameter setting mode

Monitor & SV setting mode Parameter group No. 00 Parameter group No. 51 Input 1_Control
PV/SV monitor [Setting] [Input 1_Control] response parameter

28.0 (2 seconds)
Pn000 Once or
Twice Pn510 Several
times 1. RPT
STOP 00SV 1.ConT 00000
Set Control
In case of two inputs response parameter

Input 1_Proactive
In case of Input 1_FF amount intensity

1. FF 1.PACT
two inputs

In case of 0000.0 00002

one input Set FF amount Set Proactive

Parameter group No. 52 Input 2_Control Input 2_Proactive

[Input 2_Control] response parameter intensity Input 2_FF amount

Pn520 Several
times 2. RPT 2.PACT 2. FF
2.ConT 00000 00002 0000.0
Set Control Set Proactive Set FF amount
response parameter intensity

Setting End

 Next parameter is displayed.

 Press and MODE keys simultaneously to return to the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor.
(For FZ400/900, the MONI key may be pressed to return to the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor)
 Select RUN on the RUN/STOP transfer.
 Select lock on the Set data unlock/lock transfer.

IMR03A05-E4 8-123

8.19 Changing the Action at Power ON (Hot/Cold Start)

When restarting following a power failure (power OFF from ON), the start action can be selected by the
following parameters:
 Hot/Cold start
 Start determination point

 Description of function
● Hot/Cold start
Recovery action from power failure can be selected from the following.
For PID control or Heat/Cool PID control
Action when power Operation mode
Output value when power failure recovers
failure recovers when power failure recovers
Hot start 1 Same as that before power failure Near the output value before power failure occurs
Auto mode Computed control output value 2
Hot start 2 Same as that before power failure
Manual mode Output limiter low
Cold start Manual control mode Output limiter low
Started in the Reset mode regardless of the
STOP start Manipulated output value (MV) at STOP
Operation mode before power failure. 1
Factory set value: Hot start 1
If changed to RUN from STOP by RUN/STOP transfer after start, set to the operation mode before power failure
The result of control computation varies with the control response parameter.

If the Startup tuning (ST) function is executed or an automatic temperature rise is made just when
the power is turned on or selection is made from STOP to RUN as one of the startup conditions,
control starts at Hot start 2 even if set to Hot start 1 (factory set value).
For Position Proportioning PID control
Operation mode and Output value when power failure recovers
Action when With Feedback resistance (FBR) input
mode before
power failure Without Feedback resistance
power Feedback resistance (FBR) disconnected
recovers (FBR) input Feedback resistance (FBR)
connected Action at FBR disconnected: 0 * Action at FBR disconnected: 1 *
Operation mode: Operation mode: Operation mode:
Same as that before power failure Same as that before power failure Same as that before power failure
Auto mode
Output: Output: Output:
Computed control output value Computed control output value Computed control output value
Hot start 1 Operation mode:
Same as that before power failure
Operation mode: Operation mode:
Manual Same as that before power failure Output: Same as that before power failure
mode Output: No output
According to the result of control
Output: No output
computation of Manipulated output Operation mode:
value Same as that before power failure
Operation mode: Operation mode: Operation mode:
In accordance with the setting of
Same as that before power failure Same as that before power failure Same as that before power failure
Auto mode valve action at STOP
Output: Output: Output:
Computed control output value Computed control output value Computed control output value
Hot start 2 Operation mode:
Same as that before power failure
Operation mode: Operation mode:
Manual Same as that before power failure Output: Same as that before power failure
mode Output: No output
According to the result of control
Output: No output
computation of Manipulated output
Operation mode: Monual mode Operation mode: Monual mode
Operation mode: Monual mode Output: Output: Operation mode: Monual mode
Cold start
Output: No output According to the result of control In accordance with the setting of Output: No output
computation of Output limiter low valve action at STOP
Operation mode: STOP
Operation mode: STOP
Output: Operation mode: STOP
STOP start Output: According to the result of control
In accordance with the setting Output: In accordance with the setting of valve action at STOP
computation of Manipulated output
of valve action at STOP value at STOP

* Action at FBR disconnected

0: In accordance with the setting of valve action at STOP
1: Control action is continued

8-124 IMR03A05-E4

 Start determination point

Determination point of Hot start 1 is set. Determination point of start is a deviation setting from the Set value

 The start state is determined according to the Measured value (PV) level [deviation from set value] at
power recovery.
 When a Measured value (PV) is between the determination points on the  (plus) and  (minus) sides,
always started from Hot start 1 when recovered.
 When a Measured value (PV) is out of the determination points or the Start determination point is set at “0,”
operation starts from any start state selected by Hot/Cold start.

Start determination point Start determination point

(minus side) (plus side)

Hot start 1, Hot start 2, Hot start 1 Hot start 1, Hot start 2,
Cold start, or Reset start Cold start, or Reset start

Low High
Set value (SV) Start determination point setting

During Cascade control: Determined for Master side (Input 1) only.

In the case of Master single control and Slave single control, according to the setting of each input.
Action at power failure for 2-loop control is as follows:
 Hot start 1, Hot start 2, and Cold start

Control is started in a mode according to the determination point of start.

 STOP start
Starts in Hot start 1 when Input 1 or Input 2 stays within the determination point of start.
Starts in STOP start when both of Input 1 and Input 2 are outside the determination point of start.

IMR03A05-E4 8-125

 Parameter setting
 Hot/Cold start
[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 50 (Fn50)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

PD 0:
Hot start 1
Hot start 2

2: Cold start
3: STOP start

 Input 1_Start determination point

[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 51 (Fn51)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

1. PDA 0 to Input 1_Input span

(When Control with PV select: 0 to PV select input span)
3 % of Input 1_Input span
Control with PV select:
0: Operation starts from any start state selected by Hot/Cold start 3 % of PV select input span
[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]

 Input 2_Start determination point

[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 52 (Fn52)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

2. PDA 0 to Input 2_Input span

0: Operation starts from any start state selected by Hot/Cold start
3 % of Input 2_Input span

[Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.]

To display “Input 2_Start determination point,” specify “Measured input 2” at the time of order,
AND “Select function for input 2” (Function block No. 58 in Engineering mode) must be set to
2-loop control/Differential temperature control, or Cascade control.

8-126 IMR03A05-E4

 Setting procedure
To enter the Engineering mode

Monitor & SV setting mode Setting lock mode

PV/SV monitor Set data unlock/lock transfer

028.0 (4 seconds*)
* Press the key until
000.0 0on 0oFF Parameter setting mode
is displayed.
Lock state Unlock state Keep pressing without
releasing your finger from
the key to enter the
Operation transfer mode Setting lock mode.
RUN/STOP transfer

00R/S 00R/S
(2 seconds) (2 seconds)


Engineering mode
Function block No. 10 Function block No. 50
[Display] [Control] Hot/Cold start

Fn100 Several
times Fn500 PD Several

00DSP CONT 00000

Set Hot/Cold start

Function block No. 51 Input 1_Start

[Input 1_Control] determination point

Fn510 Several
1. PDA In case of one input

1.ConT 0012.0 In case of two inputs

In case of Set Start
two inputs determination point


Function block No. 52 Input 2_Start

[Input 2_Control] determination point

Fn520 Several
2. PDA Setting End
2.ConT 0012.0  Next parameter is displayed.
Set Start
determination point  Press and MODE keys simultaneously to return to
the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor.
(For FZ400/900, the MONI key may be pressed to return to
the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor)
 Select RUN on the RUN/STOP transfer.
 Select lock on the Set data unlock/lock transfer.

IMR03A05-E4 8-127

8-128 IMR03A05-E4

This chapter describes display related functions, setting contents and setting
procedure based on the key words related to Display.

9.1 Grouping Necessary Screens (Parameter Select Function) ........... 9-2

9.2 Hiding Unnecessary Screens........................................................ 9-12
9.3 Hiding the Display of the Set Value (SV) ...................................... 9-18
9.4 Changing the Display Position of STOP during the Control Stop.. 9-20
9.5 Changing the ALM Lamp Lighting Condition ................................ 9-22
9.6 Changing the Display Contents of the MV Display [FZ400/900] ... 9-24
9.7 Checking Input Peak Value/Bottom Value .................................... 9-26
9.8 Suppressing the Display Flickering ............................................... 9-30
9.9 Checking the Instrument Information ............................................ 9-32

IMR03A05-E4 9-1

9.1 Grouping Necessary Screens (Parameter Select Function)

This instrument has a function that allows a user to specify desired screens to be displayed. This function is
called “Parameter select function.” Up to 16 screens can be grouped together.

 Description of function
The Parameter select function allows grouping necessary screens into a single mode for display. Screens
registered in the Setting lock mode are displayed in the Parameter select mode.
The screens displayed in this mode can be operated in the same manner as they are in the original mode.

With the Parameter select function, the Setting lock mode screen and the Function block No. 91 in
the Engineering mode cannot be registered.

[How does Parameter select function work?]

Screen to register
Setting lock mode Parameter select mode

Monitor & SV setting mode

Registration Display
Parameter select Measured value (PV)
Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV)
setting 1 /Set value (SV)

Operation transfer mode Registration Parameter select
RUN/STOP transfer
setting 2
RUN/STOP transfer

Parameter select
Display Event 1 set value
Parameter setting mode setting 3 (EV1)

Event 1 set value (EV1)

Registration Parameter select
Event 1 type
setting 4
Engineering mode
Event 1 type
Parameter select
Registration Input 1_PV bias
setting 5

Setup setting mode

Input 1_PV bias

[Example] When “Event 1 set value (EV1)” screen in the Parameter setting mode is registered in the
Parameter select setting screen, this screen can be viewed in both the Parameter select mode
and the Parameter setting mode.

 Set data lock

This function can be independently activated in each operation mode.
For example, when the parameters in the Parameter setting mode are locked, the same parameters in the
Parameter select mode are settable.

9-2 IMR03A05-E4

There are two ways to register screens.

 Screen number entry: Enter the screen No. on the Parameter select setting screen.

 Direct registration: Display the desired screen and register it through key operations.

 Screen number entry

Enter the predefined screen number on the Parameter select setting screen in the Setting lock mode. The
registered screens in the Parameter select mode will be displayed.

Refer to the List of screen numbers (P. 9-9) for details.

[To register screens]

Check the screen number. Find the desired screen No. by referring to the List of screen

Enter the screen number on Display the “Parameter select setting screen” in the Setting lock
the Parameter select setting mode and enter the desired screen number to register.
screen. (A maximum of 16 screens can be registered)

Check the registered screen. Switch the mode to the Parameter select mode to see that the
registered screen is properly displayed.

[Registering screens and display (1)]

There are 16 Parameter select setting screens and these are freely settable. Unregistered screens, if any, will
be skipped and screens are displayed in series in the Parameter select mode.

Setting lock mode: Parameter select setting screen (for registration)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
: Registered screens : Unregistered screens (Set value = 0)

Parameter select mode: Displayed screens

A B C D E F Only registered screens are grouped for display.

IMR03A05-E4 9-3

[Entering screen No.]

In this example we will register “Event 1 set value (EV1)” in the Parameter setting mode.

Setting lock mode

Monitor & SV setting mode Set data unlock/lock Parameter select
PV/SV monitor transfer setting 1

28.0 (4 seconds *) LOCK Several

times PSL01 numeric
000.0 00oFF 00000 00027
Set the screen Register the setting
* Press the key until
Parameter setting mode number “27” for the
is displayed. Event 1 set value
Keep pressing without (EV1).
releasing your finger
from the key to enter the
Setting lock mode

Monitor & SV setting mode Parameter select

Parameter select mode PV/SV monitor setting 2

28.0 + MODE
0050.0 000.0 00000
The screen registered in Switch to the Parameter Registration is complete.
the Parameter select select mode Return to the Monitor &
setting screen 1 will be SV setting mode
(Check the registered

Registration is complete

9-4 IMR03A05-E4

 Direct registration
Activate the direct registration on the Parameter select direct registration screen in the Setting lock mode.
Display the screen to register and press the and keys simultaneously.
The screen will be registered on the Parameter select setting screen.

Control must be stopped before attempting the direct registration.

When the direct registration is activated on the Parameter select direct registration screen, all
modes except for the Setting lock mode will be locked.

[To register screens]

Stop the control. (STOP) Stop the control to make a direct registration.

Activate the Parameter select Call the “Parameter select direct registration” screen and enable
direct registration. the direct registration.
When the direct registration is set to ON, modes are
forced to be data lock state except the Setting lock
Display the desired screen
to register. Display the desired screen to register.

Perform registration Press the and keys simultaneously, then the displayed
screen will be registered in the Parameter select setting screen.

When the registration is accepted, the Parameter select

setting screen No. will be displayed about one second
on the SV display.
When the data is registered into the Parameter select
setting screen 2, “PSL02” will be displayed.

Check the registered screens. Change the mode to the Parameter select mode to check the
registered screen.

Deactivate the Parameter To release the Set data lock state, call the “Parameter select
select direct registration. direct registration” screen and disable the direct registration.

Start the control. (RUN) Start the control.

IMR03A05-E4 9-5

[Registering screens and display (2)]

This example shows the case of the direct registration under the state of the “[Registered screen and
display (1)]” (P. 9-3).

 When directly registered

Setting lock mode: Parameter select setting screen (for registration)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
: Registered screens : Unregistered screens (Set value = 0)

Directly registered screen

Parameter select mode: Displayed screens
A B C D E F G Only registered screens are grouped for display.

When attempting a direct registration, in case there is a registered screen in the Parameter select
setting screen, the new screen will be added to after the registered screen. Even if there are
unregistered screens, the new screen will be added to after the screen with the largest screen
number of the Parameter select setting screen.

 Registering further screens

Setting lock mode: Parameter select setting screen (for registration)
A was 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
removed from
the registration B C D E F G H

: Registered screens : Unregistered screens (Set value = 0)

Previously Newly
registered added
screen screen
Parameter select mode: Displayed screens
B C D E F G H Only registered screens are grouped for display.

When the Parameter select setting 16 screens are registered, the latest direct registration is added to
the position of No.16, and the data before that will be moved ahead to toward the direction of the
smaller numbers. Consequently, the screen registered at the Parameter select setting 1 will be
moved out and removed from the registration.

9-6 IMR03A05-E4

[Example of Direct registration]

This is an example to make a direct registration of “Input 1_PV bias” in the Setting group 21 in the Setup
setting mode under the state of the “[Registered screen and display (1)]” (P. 9-3).
Monitor & SV setting mode Operation transfer mode Monitor & SV setting mode
PV/SV monitor RUN/STOP transfer PV/SV monitor

28.0 00R/S 00R/S 28.0

(2 seconds) + MODE

000.0 00RUN 0STOP STOP


Setting lock mode

Set data unlock/lock Parameter select direct Parameter select
transfer registration setting 1

(4 seconds*)
LOCK Several
times PSL.d PSL.d PSL01
00oFF 00oFF 00on 00000
Activate the direct Register the setting Return to the Monitor
* Press the key until
Parameter setting mode registration (turn on)** & SV setting mode
is displayed. ** When the direct registration
Keep pressing without is set to ON, modes are
releasing your finger forced to be data lock state
from the key to enter the except the Setting lock mode.
Setting lock mode
Setup setting mode
Setting group No. 21 Setting group No. 10 Monitor & SV setting mode
[Input 1] [Display] PV/SV monitor

Sn210 Sn100 + MODE

28.0 + MODE


Switch to the Setup
setting mode

Monitor & SV setting mode

Input 1_PV bias PV/SV monitor

1. Pb +
1. Pb matically
1. Pb + MODE
0.0 Registering
PSL16 Approx.
1 second
0.0 STOP
“PSL16” is displayed Registration is complete. Switch to the Parameter
to show that the data Return to the Monitor & select mode
was registered into SV setting mode
the Parameter select
setting 16.
Monitor & SV setting mode Parameter select Parameter select
PV/SV monitor mode mode

28.0 1. Pb 000
(4 seconds*) + MODE Screen registered MODE +
in Parameter select

STOP 0.0 setting 1

A directly registered
screen is displayed.

Setting lock mode

Set data unlock/lock Parameter select direct
transfer registration Parameter select setting 1

LOCK Several
times PSL.d PSL.d PSL01 Registration is

00oFF 00on 00oFF 00000 complete

The direct registration Unlock the data

turned OFF setting

IMR03A05-E4 9-7

 Parameter setting
 Parameter select direct registration
[Setting Lock Mode]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

PSL.d oFF: Direct registration: OFF

on: Direct registration: ON

To allow “Parameter select direct registration,” Control must be stopped (STOP).

Set “on: Direct registration ON” to ON. All except Setting lock mode will be forced to data locked.
After the registration process is over, return the setting to oFF.
This setting returns to oFF when the power is turned off.

 Parameter select setting 1 to 16

[Setting Lock Mode]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

PSL01 0: No registration
1 to 303 (Screen No.)

For details, refer to List of screen numbers (P. 9-9).


9-8 IMR03A05-E4

 List of screen numbers

No. Name Mode No. Name Mode
Input 1_Measured value (PV) monitor 1 42 Input 1_Manual reset
Input 1_Set value (SV) monitor 2 43 Input 1_FF amount
Input 2_Measured value (PV) monitor 44 Input 1_Output limiter high [heat-side]
2 Parameter setting mode
Input 2_Set value (SV) monitor 3, 4
45 Input 1_Output limiter low [heat-side] Parameter group
Measured value (PV) of differential No. 51 (Pn51)
Input 1_Control loop break alarm
temperature input monitor 46
3 (LBA) time
Set value (SV) of differential temperature
input (SV) monitor 2 47 Input 1_LBA deadband (LBD)
Input 1_Measured value (PV) 48 Input 2_Proportional band
Input 2_Measured value (PV) 49 Input 2_Integral time
5 Remote setting input value monitor 50 Input 2_Derivative time
Input 1_Manipulated output value monitor Input 2_ON/OFF action differential gap
6 Monitor & SV setting 51
[heat-side] (upper)
Input 1_Manipulated output value monitor Input 2_ON/OFF action differential gap
7 52
[cool-side] 7 (lower)
8 Input 2_Manipulated output value monitor 53 Input 2_Control response parameter Parameter setting mode
Current transformer 1 (CT1) input value Parameter group
54 Input 2_Proactive intensity
monitor No. 52 (Pn52)
55 Input 2_Manual reset
Current transformer 2 (CT2) input value
10 56 Input 2_FF amount
57 Input 2_Output limiter high
11 Comprehensive event state
58 Input 2_Output limiter low
12 Memory area soak time monitor
Input 2_Control loop break alarm
13 Interlock release 59
(LBA) time
14 Memory area transfer
60 Input 2_LBA deadband (LBD)
15 RUN/STOP transfer
61 Input 1_Proportional band [cool-side]
16 Input 1_Autotuning (AT)
62 Input 1_Integral time [cool-side]
17 Input 2_Autotuning (AT) Parameter setting mode
63 Input 1_Derivative time [cool-side]
18 Input 1_Startup tuning (ST) Parameter group
64 Input 1_Overlap/Deadband No. 56 (Pn56)
19 Input 2_Startup tuning (ST)
65 Input 1_Output limiter high [cool-side]
20 Input 1_Auto/Manual transfer Operation transfer 66 Input 1_Output limiter low [cool-side]
21 Input 2_Auto/Manual transfer mode
Select Trigger type for Memory area
Remote/Local transfer 67
Cascade mode transfer
68 Area soak time
22 PV select transfer
2-loop control/Differential temperature 69 Link area number
control transfer 70 Input 1_Setting change rate limiter (up)
23 Control area Local/External transfer Input 1_Setting change rate limiter
24 Input 1_Set value (SV) (down)
Parameter setting
25 Input 2_Set value (SV) mode Input 1_Auto/Manual transfer selection
72 Parameter setting mode
Parameter group (Area)
Set value (SV) of differential temperature Parameter group
26 No. 00 (Pn00) 73 Input 1_Manipulated output value (Area)
input (SV) No. 70 (Pn70)
Event 1 set value (EV1) 74 Input 2_Setting change rate limiter (up)
Event 1 set value (EV1) [high] Input 2_Setting change rate limiter
28 Event 1 set value (EV1’) [low] (down)
Event 2 set value (EV2) Input 2_Auto/Manual transfer selection
29 76
Event 2 set value (EV2) [high] (Area)
Parameter setting
30 Event 2 set value (EV2’) [low] mode 77 Input 2_Manipulated output value (Area)
Event 3 set value (EV3) Parameter group Remote/Local transfer selection
31 78
Event 3 set value (EV3) [high] No. 40 (Pn40) (Area)
32 Event 3 set value (EV3’) [low] Setup setting mode
79 Display update cycle Setting group No. 10
Event 4 set value (EV4)
33 (Sn10)
Event 4 set value (EV4) [high]
80 Input 1_PV bias
34 Event 4 set value (EV4’) [low] Setup setting mode
81 Input 1_PV digital filter
35 Input 1_Proportional band [heat-side] Setting group No. 21
82 Input 1_PV ratio (Sn21)
36 Input 1_Integral time [heat-side]
83 Input 1_PV low input cut-off
37 Input 1_Derivative time [heat-side]
Parameter setting 84 Input 2_PV bias (RS bias)
Input 1_ON/OFF action differential gap
38 mode Input 2_PV digital filter
(upper) 85 Setup setting mode
Parameter group (RS digital filter) Setting group No. 22
Input 1_ON/OFF action differential gap No. 51 (Pn51)
(lower) 86 Input 2_PV ratio (RS ratio) (Sn22)

40 Input 1_Control response parameter 87 Input 2_PV low input cut-off

41 Input 1_Proactive intensity 88 OUT1 proportional cycle time
Setup setting mode
1 89 OUT2 proportional cycle time Setting group No. 30
Measured value (PV) of the PV select under the Control with PV select.
Input 1_Manual manipulated output value when Input 1 is in Manual mode. 90 OUT3 proportional cycle time
Input 1_Manual manipulated output value when the control is Cascade
control in the Manual mode.
Input 2_Manual manipulated output value when the control is 2-loop control
and when Input 2 is in Manual mode.

IMR03A05-E4 9-9

No. Name Mode No. Name Mode

OUT1 minimum ON/OFF time of 145 Show/Hide Input 1_SV
proportional cycle 146 Show/Hide Input 2_SV
Setup setting mode
OUT2 minimum ON/OFF time of 147 Show/Hide Input 1_MV
92 Setting group No. 30 Engineering mode
proportional cycle
(Sn30) 148 Show/Hide Input 2_MV Function block
OUT3 minimum ON/OFF time of No. 10 (Fn10)
proportional cycle 149 Select hide items in Monitor mode
Select hide items in Operation transfer
94 Heater break alarm 1 (HBA1) set value Setup setting mode 150
Setting group No. 45
Number of heater break alarm 1 151 Data registration Engineering mode
95 (Sn45)
(HBA1) delay times 152 FUNC key assignment Function block
96 Heater break alarm 2 (HBA2) set value 153 FUNC key operation selection No. 11 (Fn11)
Setup setting mode
Setting group No. 46 154 Input 1_Input type
Number of heater break alarm 2
97 (Sn46)
(HBA2) delay times 155 Input 1_Display unit
98 Input 1_Manual manipulated output value 156 Input 1_Decimal point position
99 Input 1_Level PID setting 1 157 Input 1_Input range high
100 Input 1_Level PID setting 2 158 Input 1_Input range low
101 Input 1_Level PID setting 3 Setup setting mode Input 1_Input error determination point
Setting group No. 51 159
102 Input 1_Level PID setting 4 (high) Engineering mode
Input 1_Input error determination point Function block
103 Input 1_Level PID setting 5 160
(low) No. 21 (Fn21)
104 Input 1_Level PID setting 6
Input 1_Temperature compensation
105 Input 1_Level PID setting 7 161
106 Input 2_Manual manipulated output value Input 1_Burnout direction
107 Input 2_Level PID setting 1
163 Input 1_Square root extraction
108 Input 2_Level PID setting 2 164 Input 1_Inverting input
109 Input 2_Level PID setting 3 Setup setting mode
Setting group No. 52 165 Input data type
110 Input 2_Level PID setting 4 (Sn52) 166 Input 2_Input type
111 Input 2_Level PID setting 5 167 Input 2_Display unit
112 Input 2_Level PID setting 6 Input 2_Decimal point position
113 Input 2_Level PID setting 7
169 Input 2_Input range high
114 Input 1_AT bias Setup setting mode 170 Input 2_Input range low
115 Input 1_AT remaining time monitor Setting group No. 53 Input 2_Input error determination point
116 Input 1_AT/ST status monitor (Sn53) 171 Engineering mode
Function block
117 Input 2_AT bias Setup setting mode Input 2_Input error determination point No. 22 (Fn22)
118 Input 2_AT remaining time monitor Setting group No. 54 (low)
119 Input 2_AT/ST status monitor (Sn54) Input 2_Temperature compensation
120 Open/Close output neutral zone Setup setting mode
174 Input 2_Burnout direction
Setting group No. 55
121 Open/Close output differential gap (Sn55) 175 Input 2_Square root extraction

FF amount learning 176 Input 2_Inverting input

177 DI1 function selection
Input 1_Determination point of external Setup setting mode
123 178 DI2 function selection
disturbance Setting group No. 57
Input 2_Determination point of external (Sn57) 179 DI3 function selection
disturbance 180 DI4 function selection Engineering mode
Cascade_Proportional band 181 DI5 function selection Function block
(master-side) No. 23 (Fn23)
182 DI6 function selection
126 Cascade_Integral time (master-side)
183 DI logic invert
Cascade_Derivative time
127 Area switching time
(master-side) 184
(without area set signal)
Cascade_Proportional band
128 185 OUT1 function selection
(slave-side) Setup setting mode
Setting group No. 58 186 OUT2 function selection
129 Cascade_Integral time (slave-side)
(Sn58) 187 OUT3 function selection
130 Cascade_Derivative time (slave-side)
188 OUT1 logic calculation selection
131 Cascade_Digital filter Engineering mode
189 OUT2 logic calculation selection
132 Cascade_Scale high Function block
190 OUT3 logic calculation selection No. 30 (Fn30)
133 Cascade_Scale low
191 Energized/De-energized selection
134 PV select transfer level
192 Interlock selection
135 PV select transfer time
193 Output action at control stop
136 Input 1_Peak hold monitor
194 Universal output type selection (OUT3)
137 Input 1_Bottom hold monitor
Setup setting mode 195 Retransmission output 1 type Engineering mode
138 Input 1_Hold reset
Setting group No. 91 196 Retransmission output 1 scale high Function block
139 Input 2_Peak hold monitor (Sn91)
197 Retransmission output 1 scale low No. 31 (Fn31)
140 Input 2_Bottom hold monitor
198 Retransmission output 2 type Engineering mode
141 Input 2_Hold reset
199 Retransmission output 2 scale high Function block
142 STOP display selection Engineering mode
200 Retransmission output 2 scale low No. 32 (Fn32)
143 ALM lamp lighting condition Function block
144 PV flashing display at input error No. 10 (Fn10)

9-10 IMR03A05-E4

No. Name Mode No. Name Mode

201 Retransmission output 3 type Engineering mode 255 Input 2_Control action
202 Retransmission output 3 scale high Function block 256 Input 2_Output change rate limiter (up)
203 Retransmission output 3 scale low No. 33 (Fn33) Input 2_Output change rate limiter
204 DO1 function selection (down)
205 DO2 function selection 258 Input 2_Action (high) input error
206 DO3 function selection 259 Input 2_Action (low) input error Engineering mode
Engineering mode Input 2_Manipulated output value at Function block
207 DO4 function selection 260
Function block input error No. 52 (Fn52)
208 DO1 logic calculation selection No. 34 (Fn34) Input 2_Manipulated output value at
209 DO2 logic calculation selection 261
210 DO3 logic calculation selection 262 Input 2_Start determination point
211 DO4 logic calculation selection Input 2_Level PID action selection
212 Event 1 assignment
264 Input 2_Level PID differential gap
213 Event 1 type Engineering mode Action at feedback resistance (FBR)
214 Event 1 hold action Function block 265
input error
215 Event 1 differential gap No. 41 (Fn41)
266 Feedback adjustment
Engineering mode
216 Event 1 timer 267 Control motor time Function block
217 Event 2 assignment 268 Integrated output limiter No. 55 (Fn55)
218 Event 2 type Engineering mode 269 Valve action at STOP
219 Event 2 hold action Function block 270 Action at saturated output
220 Event 2 differential gap No. 42 (Fn42)
Input 1_Output change rate limiter (up)
221 Event 2 timer [cool-side]
222 Event 3 assignment Input 1_Output change rate limiter
272 Engineering mode
(down) [cool-side]
223 Event 3 type Engineering mode Function block
Input 1_Manipulated output value at
224 Event 3 hold action Function block 273 No. 56 (Fn56)
STOP [cool-side]
225 Event 3 differential gap No. 43 (Fn43)
274 Undershoot suppression factor
226 Event 3 timer
275 Overlap/Deadband reference point
227 Event 4 assignment
Engineering mode
228 Event 4 type Engineering mode 276 Bottom suppression function Function block
229 Event 4 hold action Function block No. 57 (Fn57)
230 Event 4 differential gap No. 44 (Fn44) 277 Select function for input 2
231 Event 4 timer 278 Cascade_AT mode (master-side) Engineering mode
232 CT1 assignment 279 Cascade_AT mode (slave-side) Function block
233 CT1 type Engineering mode 280 Selection of PV select trigger No. 58 (Fn58)
Function block
234 CT1 ratio No. 45 (Fn45) 281 Input circuit error alarm set value
235 CT1 low input cut-off 282 Communication protocol
236 CT2 assignment 283 Device address
Engineering mode 284 Communication speed Engineering mode
237 CT2 type
Function block Function block
238 CT2 ratio No. 46 (Fn46) 285 Data bit configuration No. 60 (Fn60)
239 CT2 low input cut-off 286 Interval time
240 Hot/Cold start 287 Communication response monitor
Manual manipulated output value 288 Register type
selection Engineering mode Register start number (High-order
242 SV tracking Function block 4-bit)
Integral/Derivative time decimal point No. 50 (Fn50) Register start number (Low-order
243 290
position 16-bit)
244 ST start condition 291 Monitor item register bias Engineering mode
245 Input 1_Control action 292 Setting item register bias Function block
No. 62 (Fn62)
Input 1_Output change rate limiter (up) 293 Instrument link recognition time
[heat-side] 294 PLC response waiting time
Input 1_ Output change rate limiter 295 PLC communication start time
(down) [heat-side]
296 Slave register bias
248 Input 1_Action (high) input error 297 Number of recognizable devices
249 Input 1_Action (low) input error Engineering mode
Function block 298 Setting change rate limiter unit time Engineering mode
Input 1_Manipulated output value at No. 51 (Fn51) Function block
input error 299 Soak time unit No. 70 (Fn70)
Input 1_ Manipulated output value at
251 300 Input 1_Setting limiter high Engineering mode
STOP [heat-side]
Function block
252 Input 1_Start determination point 301 Input 1_Setting limiter low No. 71 (Fn71)
253 Input 1_Level PID action selection
302 Input 2_Setting limiter high Engineering mode
254 Input 1_Level PID differential gap
Function block
303 Input 2_Setting limiter low No. 72 (Fn72)

IMR03A05-E4 9-11

9.2 Hiding Unnecessary Screens

On this instrument, a specified range of screens can be hidden.
Below are screens that can be hidden.
 Monitor screen in the Monitor & SV setting mode

 Screens in the Operation transfer mode

 Screens restricted by the Blind function

9.2.1 Hide the monitor screen in the Monitor & SV setting mode
Show/Hide selection of the monitor screens in the Monitor & SV setting mode is available at “Select hide
items in Monitor mode” in Function block No. 10 in the Engineering mode.

[Applicable screens]
 Remote setting input value monitor
 Manipulated output value (MV) monitor *:
Input 1_Manipulated output value monitor [heat-side], Input 1_Manipulated output value monitor [cool-side],
Input 2_Manipulated output value monitor
 Current transformer (CT) input value monitor *:

Current transformer 1 (CT1) input value monitor, Current transformer 2 (CT2) input value monitor
 Comprehensive event state

 Memory area soak time

* Setting is done at “Manipulated output value (MV) monitor” and “Current transformer (CT) input value monitor.”

[Operating navigation in the Monitor & SV setting mode]

Measured value (PV)/

Set value (SV) display SET

Interlock release

Input 1_Measured value (PV)/

Input 2_Measured value (PV) 1.0ILR
8200.0 SET, R.SET

300.0 Memory area transfer

Current transformer 1
Remote setting
(CT1) input value monitor
input value monitor
Current transformer 2
Input 1_Manipulated output (CT2) input value monitor
value monitor [heat-side]
: Press MONI or <MODE key
1.00MV : Screens always displayed

Comprehensive : Screens displayed according to the

Input 1_Manipulated output event state condition
value monitor [cool-side]
1.0MVc : Screens displayed according to the
condition (FZ400/900 only)

: Screens with the different display

Memory area soak
Input 2_Manipulated time monitor requirements between FZ110 and
output value monitor FZ400/900.
2.00MV : Screens available only on FZ110

: Screen that can be hidden

9-12 IMR03A05-E4

 Parameter setting
 Select hide items in Monitor mode
[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 10 (Fn10)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

D S.MoN 0 to 31
0: Show all

1: Remote setting input value monitor

2: Manipulated output value (MV) monitor
4: Current transformer (CT) monitor
8: Comprehensive event state
16: Memory area soak time
To select two or more functions, sum each value.

 Setting procedure
To enter the Engineering mode

Setting lock mode

Monitor & SV setting mode Set data unlock/lock
PV/SV monitor transfer

028.0 (4 seconds *)
* Press the key until
000.0 0on 0oFF Parameter setting mode
is displayed.
Lock state Unlock state Keep pressing without
releasing your finger from
the key to enter the
Operation transfer mode Setting lock mode.
RUN/STOP transfer

00R/S 00R/S
(2 seconds) (2 seconds)


Engineering Mode
Function block No. 10 Select hide items
[Display] in Monitor mode

Fn100 Several times DS.MON Setting End

00DSP 00000  Next parameter is displayed.
Set “Select hide items
in Monitor mode”  Press and MODE keys simultaneously to return to the
Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor.
(For FZ400/900, the MONI key may be pressed to return to the
Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor)
 Select RUN on the RUN/STOP transfer.
 Select lock on the Set data unlock/lock transfer.

IMR03A05-E4 9-13

9.2.2 Hiding screens in Operation transfer mode

Show/Hide selection of the screens in the Operation transfer mode is available at “Select hide items in
Operation transfer mode” in Function block No. 10 in the Engineering mode.

[Applicable screens]
 RUN/STOP transfer
 Autotuning (AT) *: Input 1_Autotuning (AT), Input 2_Autotuning (AT)
 Startup tuning (ST) *: Input 1_Startup tuning (ST), Input 2_Startup tuning (ST)
 Auto/Manual transfer: Input 1_Auto/Manual transfer, Input 2_Auto/Manual transfer

 Remote/Local transfer

(Cascade mode transfer, PV select transfer, 2-loop control/Differential temperature control)

 Control area Local/External transfer

* Setting is done at “Autotuning (AT)” and “Startup tuning (ST).”

 Parameter setting
 Select hide items in Operation transfer mode
[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 10 (Fn10)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

D S.Mod 0 to 63
0: Show all

1: RUN/STOP transfer

2: Autotuning (AT)
4: Startup tuning (ST)
8: Auto/Manual transfer
16: Remote/Local transfer
(Cascade mode transfer, PV select transfer,
2-loop control/Differential temperature control)
32: Control area Local/External transfer
To select two or more functions, sum each value.

9-14 IMR03A05-E4

 Setting procedure
To enter the Engineering mode

Setting lock mode

Monitor & SV setting mode Set data unlock/lock
PV/SV monitor transfer

028.0 (4 seconds *)
* Press the key until
000.0 0on 0oFF Parameter setting mode
is displayed.
Lock state Unlock state Keep pressing without
releasing your finger from
the key to enter the
Operation transfer mode Setting lock mode.
RUN/STOP transfer

00R/S 00R/S
(2 seconds) (2 seconds)


Engineering Mode
Function block No. 10 Select hide items in
[Display] Operation transfer mode

Fn100 Several times

DS.MOd Setting End
00DSP 00000  Next parameter is displayed.
Set “Select hide items in
Operation transfer mode”  Press and MODE keys simultaneously to return to the
Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor.
(For FZ400/900, the MONI key may be pressed to return to the
Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor)
 Select RUN on the RUN/STOP transfer.
 Select lock on the Set data unlock/lock transfer.

IMR03A05-E4 9-15

9.2.3 Hiding the screen using the Blind function

The Blind function is used to hide all screens except Parameter select mode, Setting lock mode, and
Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) monitor.
The Blind function can be set in the Setting lock mode.

When the Blind function is activated, the instrument displays the Parameter select mode after
displaying the model and the input type/range at the time of power-up.
If all of the necessary screens are placed together in the Parameter select mode, there will be no
need of switching screens to other modes.

[Operation flow when the Blind function is activated]

Power ON
Automatically Modes to be hidden
Parameter select mode

Model, Operation transfer

Input type and
Input range

Monitor & SV setting

mode Parameter setting mode
* PV/SV monitor

(4 seconds)
Setup setting mode

Setting lock mode

Engineering mode

* The PV/SV monitor includes Set value (SV) setting

and Manipulated output value (MV) setting.

Memory area transfer

(FZ400/900 only)

9-16 IMR03A05-E4

 Parameter setting
 Select Blind function
[Setting Lock Mode]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

BLIND oFF: Blind function: OFF

on: Blind function: ON

 Setting procedure
Monitor & SV setting mode Setting lock mode
PV/SV monitor Set data unlock/lock transfer Select Blind function

28.0 (4 seconds*)
LOCK Several
times BLIND
000.0 00oFF oFF
Set Blind function
* Press the key until
Parameter setting mode
is displayed.
Keep pressing without
releasing your finger from
the key to enter the
Setting lock mode.

Setting End

 Next parameter is displayed.

 Press and MODE keys simultaneously to return to the Measured value
(PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor. (For FZ400/900, the MONI key may be pressed to
return to the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor)

IMR03A05-E4 9-17

9.3 Hiding the Display of the Set Value (SV)

On the normal PV/SV monitor screen, the Set value (SV) is displayed on the set value (SV) display unit.
This display can be turned OFF.

 Description of function
Display of Set value (SV)

With Set value (SV) display Without Set value (SV) display

200.0 200.0
200.0 200.0 Display off

1 5 0.0 1 5 0.0
This display can be
turned OFF.
(Refer to P. 9-24)

In the above figure FZ400 is used for explanation, but the operation is the same for FZ110/900.

 Parameter setting
 Show/Hide Input 1_SV
[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 10 (Fn10)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

1.D S.SV 0: Hide Input 1_SV

1: Show Input 1_SV

 Show/Hide Input 2_SV

[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 10 (Fn10)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

2.D S.SV 0: Hide Input 2_SV

1: Show Input 2_SV

To display “Show/Hide Input 2_SV,” specify “Measured input 2” at the time of order, AND
“Select function for input 2” (Function block No. 58 in Engineering mode) must be set to 2-loop
control/Differential temperature control, or Cascade control.

9-18 IMR03A05-E4

 Setting procedure
To enter the Engineering mode

Monitor & SV setting mode Setting lock mode

PV/SV monitor Set data unlock/lock transfer

028.0 (4 seconds*)
* Press the key until
000.0 0on 0oFF Parameter setting mode
is displayed.
Lock state Unlock state Keep pressing without
releasing your finger from
the key to enter the
Operation transfer mode Setting lock mode.
RUN/STOP transfer

00R/S 00R/S
(2 seconds) (2 seconds)


Engineering mode
Function block No. 10
[Display] Show/Hide Input 1_SV Show/Hide Input 2_SV

Fn100 4 times 1.DS.SV 2.DS.SV

00DSP 00001 00001
Set Show/Hide Set Show/Hide
Input 1_SV Input 2_SV

Setting End

 Next parameter is displayed.

 Press and MODE keys simultaneously to return to the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor.
(For FZ400/900, the MONI key may be pressed to return to the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor)
 Select RUN on the RUN/STOP transfer.
 Select lock on the Set data unlock/lock transfer.

IMR03A05-E4 9-19

9.4 Changing the Display Position of STOP during the Control Stop
The display position of “SToP” showing the control stop state can be changed.

 Description of function
The position of the STOP display can be specified; Measured value (PV) display, Set value (SV) display, or
Manipulated output value (MV) display.

200.0 STOP Displays the STOP

on the PV display

STOP Displays the STOP

on the SV display
1 5 0.0 (Factory set value) 1 5 0.0

1 SToP Displays the STOP on the MV display
(FZ400/900 only)

In the above figure FZ400 is used for explanation, but the operation is the same for FZ110/900.

 Parameter setting
 STOP display selection
[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 10 (Fn10)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

SPCH 0: Stop on PV display

1: Stop on SV display

2: Stop on MV display *
* Selectable only for FZ400/900.

9-20 IMR03A05-E4

 Setting procedure
To enter the Engineering mode

Monitor & SV setting mode Setting lock mode

PV/SV monitor Set data unlock/lock transfer

028.0 (4 seconds*)
* Press the key until
000.0 0on 0oFF Parameter setting mode
is displayed.
Lock state Unlock state Keep pressing without
releasing your finger from
the key to enter the
Operation transfer mode Setting lock mode.
RUN/STOP transfer

00R/S 00R/S
(2 seconds) (2 seconds)


Engineering mode
Function block No. 10
[Display] STOP display selection

Fn100 SPCH Setting End

00DSP 00001  Next parameter is displayed.
Set STOP display
selection  Press and MODE keys simultaneously to return to the
Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor.
(For FZ400/900, the MONI key may be pressed to return to the
Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor)
 Select RUN on the RUN/STOP transfer.
 Select lock on the Set data unlock/lock transfer.

IMR03A05-E4 9-21

9.5 Changing the ALM Lamp Lighting Condition

The light condition of the ALM lamp on the front panel can be changed.

 Description of function
ALM lamps can be configured to light on the occurrence of the following events.
These are freely combinable.
If multiple events occur, OR-logic is used for display.
 Event 1 Display example
 Event 2
 Event 3
 Event 4
 Heater break alarm 1 (HBA1)
 Heater break alarm 2 (HBA2)
Factory set
 Control loop break alarm 1 (LBA1) 200.0
 Control loop break alarm 2 (LBA2) 1 1 0.0
 Input 1_Input error high
ALM lamp
 Input 1_Input error low
 Input 2_Input error high
 Input 2_Input error low

 Parameter setting
 ALM lamp lighting condition
[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 10 (Fn10)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

S ALC 0 to 4095
0: OFF

1: Event 1
2: Event 2
4: Event 3
8: Event 4
16: Heater break alarm 1 (HBA1)
32: Heater break alarm 2 (HBA2)
64: Control loop break alarm 1 (LBA1)
128: Control loop break alarm 2 (LBA2)
256: Input 1_Input error high
512: Input 1_Input error low
1024: Input 2_Input error high
2048: Input 2_Input error low
To select two or more functions, sum each value.

9-22 IMR03A05-E4

 Setting procedure
To enter the Engineering mode

Setting lock mode

Monitor & SV setting mode Set data unlock/lock
PV/SV monitor transfer

028.0 (4 seconds *)
* Press the key until
000.0 0on 0oFF Parameter setting mode
is displayed.
Lock state Unlock state Keep pressing without
releasing your finger from
the key to enter the
Operation transfer mode Setting lock mode.
RUN/STOP transfer

00R/S 00R/S
(2 seconds) (2 seconds)


Engineering mode
Function block No. 10 ALM lamp lighting
[Display] condition

Fn100 Twice ALC Setting End

00DSP 00255
Set ALM lamp lighting
 Next parameter is displayed.
condition  Press and MODE keys simultaneously to return to the
Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor.
(For FZ400/900, the MONI key may be pressed to return to the
Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor)
 Select RUN on the RUN/STOP transfer.
 Select lock on the Set data unlock/lock transfer.

IMR03A05-E4 9-23

9.6 Changing the Display Contents of the MV Display

While the FZ400/900 is monitoring the Measured value (PV) and the Set value (SV), the MV display can be
configured to change the display contents.

 Description of function
The MV display on the FZ400/900 can display the following data. Display example
 Manipulated output value (MV) 1
 Memory area soak time
 Current transformer (CT) input value 2
 Hide 200.0
Not displayed the Control action is a Position proportioning
PID control without Feedback resistance (FBR) input.
Feedback resistance (FBR) input value is displayed when the 1 5 0.0 Manipulated
Control action is a Position proportioning PID controller with output value
Feedback resistance (FBR) input. (MV)
This display goes off at the time of FBR input break.
If the instrument has no current transformer (CT), the value
will not be displayed even if this setting is selected.

Display of Show Memory area soak time

When the Soak time unit is set to “2,” the time is displayed as follows depending on the time to be
Time Time unit Lamp Example (FZ900)
2 hour or more Hours: Minutes H:M:S H:M:S 2:06 (2 hours 6 minutes)
1 hour 00 minutes 00 seconds to Hours: Minutes:
1 hour 59 minutes 59 seconds seconds H:M:S H:M:S 1:08:45 (1 hour 8 minutes 45 seconds)
0 minutes 00 seconds to
59 minutes 59 seconds Minutes: seconds H:M:S H:M:S 37:09 (37 minutes 9 seconds)

 Parameter setting
 Show/Hide Input 1_MV
[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 10 (Fn10)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

1.D S.MV 0:
Show Input 1_Manipulated output value (MV)

2: Show Memory area soak time *

3: Show Current transformer 1 (CT1) input value
4: Show Current transformer 2 (CT2) input value

* The time unit depends on the setting of Soak time unit (Function block No. 70 in the Engineering mode).

9-24 IMR03A05-E4

 Show/Hide Input 2_MV

[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 10 (Fn10)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

2.D S.MV 0:
Show Input 2_Manipulated output value (MV)

2: Show Memory area soak time *

3: Show Current transformer 1 (CT1) input value
4: Show Current transformer 2 (CT2) input value
* The time unit depends on the setting of Soak time unit (Function block No. 70 in the Engineering mode).

To display “Show/Hide Input 2_MV,” specify “Measured input 2” at the time of order, AND
“Select function for input 2” (Function block No. 58 in Engineering mode) must be set to 2-loop
control/Differential temperature control.

 Setting procedure
To enter the Engineering mode

Monitor & SV setting mode Setting lock mode

PV/SV monitor Set data unlock/lock transfer

028.0 (4 seconds*)
* Press the key until
000.0 0on 0oFF Parameter setting mode
is displayed.
Lock state Unlock state Keep pressing without
releasing your finger from
the key to enter the
Operation transfer mode Setting lock mode.
RUN/STOP transfer

00R/S 00R/S
(2 seconds) (2 seconds)


Engineering mode
Function block No. 10
[Display] Show/Hide Input 1_MV Show/Hide Input 2_MV

Fn100 Several times 1.DS.MV 2.DS.MV

00DSP 00001 00001
Set Show/Hide Set Show/Hide
Input 1_MV Input 2_MV

Setting End

 Next parameter is displayed.

 Press and MODE keys simultaneously to return to the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor.
(For FZ400/900, the MONI key may be pressed to return to the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor)
 Select RUN on the RUN/STOP transfer.
 Select lock on the Set data unlock/lock transfer.

IMR03A05-E4 9-25

9.7 Checking Input Peak Value/Bottom Value

This instrument incorporates as standard the Peak/Bottom hold function which allows storing the peak (max)
and the bottom (min) Measured values (PV).

 Description of function
The peak hold/bottom hold function is used to store (hold) the peak (max) and the bottom (min) Measured
values (PV). Each of these values is updated when the measured temperature becomes more (or less) than the
value now being held.

The stored peak (max) and bottom (min) values can be reset on the Hold reset screen.

Measured value (PV)

Peak hold value


Bottom hold value


Power ON Bottom hold Peak hold Hold reset

value value
display display
updating updating

Peak/Bottom hold action description

 Parameter setting
● Input 1_Peak hold monitor
[Setup Setting Mode: Setting group No. 91 (Sn91)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

1.PHLd Input 1_Input range low  (Input 1_5 % of input span)
to Input 1_Input range high  (Input 1_5 % of input span)
Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.

9-26 IMR03A05-E4

● Input 2_Peak hold monitor

[Setup Setting Mode: Setting group No. 91 (Sn91)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

2.PHLd Input 2_Input range low  (Input 2_5 % of input span)
to Input 2_Input range high  (Input 2_5 % of input span)
Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.

To display “Input 2_Peak hold monitor,” specify “Measured input 2” at the time of order, AND
“Select function for input 2” (Function block No. 58 in Engineering mode) must be set to Cascade
control, Control with PV select, 2-loop control/Differential temperature control, or Input circuit
error alarm.

● Input 1_Bottom hold monitor

[Setup Setting Mode: Setting group No. 91 (Sn91)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

1.bHLd Input 1_Input range low  (Input 1_5 % of input span)
to Input 1_Input range high  (Input 1_5 % of input span)
Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.

● Input 2_Bottom hold monitor

[Setup Setting Mode: Setting group No. 91 (Sn91)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

2.bHLd Input 2_Input range low  (Input 2_5 % of input span)
to Input 2_Input range high  (Input 2_5 % of input span)
Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.

To display “Input 2_Bottomk hold monitor,” specify “Measured input 2” at the time of order, AND
“Select function for input 2” (Function block No. 58 in Engineering mode) must be set to Cascade
control, Control with PV select, 2-loop control/Differential temperature control, or Input circuit
error alarm.

● Input 1_Hold reset

[Setup Setting Mode: Setting group No. 91 (Sn91)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value
1.HLdR HoLd: Hold
rESET: Reset
Returns to Hold state automatically after reset.

Note that the both of the peak and the bottom hold values are reset at a time by the hold reset

IMR03A05-E4 9-27

● Input 2_Hold reset

[Setup Setting Mode: Setting group No. 91 (Sn91)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value
2.HLdR HoLd: Hold
rESET: Reset
Returns to Hold state automatically after reset.

To display “Input 2_Hold reset,” specify “Measured input 2” at the time of order, AND “Select
function for input 2” (Function block No. 58 in Engineering mode) must be set to Cascade control,
Control with PV select, 2-loop control/Differential temperature control, or Input circuit error alarm.
Note that the both of the peak and the bottom hold values are reset at a time by the hold reset

9-28 IMR03A05-E4

 Setting procedure
Setup setting mode
Monitor & SV setting mode Setting group No. 10 Setting group No. 91
PV/SV monitor [Display] [System] Input 1_Peak hold monitor

28.0 + MODE
Sn100 Sn910 1.PHLd
000.0 00DSP SYS 125.0
Displays Input 1_
Peak hold monitor

Input 1_Hold reset Input 1_Bottom hold monitor

In the case of two inputs

1.HLdR 1.bHLd
HOLD 18.0
In the case of one input

Set Input 1_Hold Displays Input 1_

reset Bottom hold

Setting End

 Next parameter is displayed.

 Press and MODE keys simultaneously to return to the Measured value
(PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor. (For FZ400/900, the MONI key may be pressed to
return to the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor)

Input 2_Peak hold monitor Input 2_Bottom hold monitor Input 2_Hold reset

2.PHLd 2.bHLd 2.HLdR

254.0 38.0 HOLD
Displays Input 2_ Displays Input 2_ Set Input 2_Hold
Peak hold monitor Bottom hold reset

Setting End

 Next parameter is displayed.

 Press and MODE keys simultaneously to return to the Measured value
(PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor. (For FZ400/900, the MONI key may be pressed to
return to the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor)

IMR03A05-E4 9-29

9.8 Suppressing the Display Flickering

The display flickering due to input changes in PV/SV monitor screen can be reduced by extending the
display update cycle.

● Applicable screens
The PV/SV monitor screen which comes at the beginning in the Monitor & SV setting mode. When the
instrument has two inputs, PV/SV on the Input 2 is also covered.

In the case of FZ400/900, the Manipulated output value (MV) displayed on the Manipulated output
value (MV) display is also covered.

[1-loop control]
Auto mode Manual mode
Input 1_Measured value (PV)/ Input 1_Measured value (PV)/
Input 1_Set value (SV) Input 1_Manual manipulated output value (MV)

200.0 200.0

000.0 105.0
[2-loop control/Cascade control] (FZ400/900 only)
 Auto mode  Manual mode
Input 1_Measured value (PV)/ Input 2_Measured value (PV)/ Input 1_Measured value (PV)/ Input 2_Measured value (PV)/
Input 1_Set value (SV) Input 2_Set value (SV) Input 1_Manual manipulated output value (MV) Input 2_Manual manipulated output value (MV)

200.0 300.0 200.0 300.0


000.0 0.0 105.0 - 5.0

[Control with PV select] (FZ400/900 only)
 Auto mode  Manual mode
PV select Measured value (PV)/ PV select Measured value (PV)/
Input 1_Set value (SV) Input 1_Manual manipulated output value (MV)

200.0 200.0

000.0 105.0
[Differential temperature control] (FZ400/900 only)
 Auto mode
Measured value (PV) of
differential temperature input/
Set value (SV) of differential Input 1_Measured value (PV)/ Input 2_Measured value (PV)/
temperature input Input 1_Set value (SV) Input 2_Set value (SV)

- 0.2 200.0 300.0


0010.0 000.0 0.0

 Manual mode
Measured value (PV) of differential
temperature input/
Input 1_Measured value (PV)/ Input 2_Measured value (PV)/
Input 1_Manual manipulated output
Input 1_Manual manipulated output value (MV) Input 2_Manual manipulated output value (MV)
value (MV)

- 0.2 200.0 300.0


105.0 105.0 - 5.0

9-30 IMR03A05-E4

 Parameter setting
● Display update cycle
[Setup Setting Mode: Setting group No. 10 (Sn10)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

50 ms
100 ms
6: 300 ms
7: 350 ms

3: 150 ms 8: 400 ms
4: 200 ms 9: 450 ms
5: 250 ms 10: 500 ms

 Setting procedure
Setup setting mode
Monitor & SV setting mode Setting group No. 10
PV/SV monitor [Display] Display update cycle

28.0 + MODE
Sn100 PVCY
000.0 00DSP 00001
Set Display update cycle

Setting End

 Next parameter is displayed.

 Press and MODE keys simultaneously to return to the Measured value
(PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor. (For FZ400/900, the MONI key may be pressed to
return to the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor)

IMR03A05-E4 9-31

9.9 Checking the Instrument Information

When error occurs and when you contact us, you are requested to provide us with the information on the
instrument model code and specification. You can check the ROM version, model code and serial number of
the instrument on the instrument display. The Integrated operating time and the maximum ambient
temperature (Peak hold monitor of the ambient temperature).

 How to check
● ROM Version


Running number
Version number

● Model code monitor

Displays the model code of the instrument. As the Model code is too long to be displayed on a single screen,
it can be scrolled left and right with and keys.

Example: Model code is FZ400FK02-MM4*1TA2NN/1

FZ400 and FZ900 come with
FZ400 Z400F 400FK three display units; PV, SV, and
MV are displayed. FZ110 only
FK02- K02-M 02-MM has PV and SV display only.
FZ400 Z400F 400FK
FK02- K 0 2- M 02-MM
M M 4*1 M 4*1 T 4*1 T A
The model code scrolls The Up key was pressed The Up key was pressed
from the PV display to once. once more.
the SV display The model code was The displayed characters
continuously over two scrolled one digit left. were scrolled one more

● Instrument number monitor

Displays the serial number of the instrument.

To read the displayed characters, refer to “Character Symbols” (P. i-2).

Alternatively, you can check the model code (MODEL), serial number (S/N) and suffix code
(CODE) on the label on the side of the instrument if you are unable to check the information on the

● Integrated operating time

As soon as the instrument is powered, “1” is added. Thereafter, “1” is accumulated for each hour.

● Peak hold monitor of the ambient temperature

Temperature around the rear terminal is measured and the maximum value is stored.
The Integrated operating time and the maximum ambient temperature (Peak hold monitor of the
ambient temperature) cannot be reset.

9-32 IMR03A05-E4

 Operating procedure
To enter the Engineering mode

Monitor & SV setting mode Setting lock mode

* Press the key until
PV/SV monitor Set data unlock/lock transfer
Parameter setting mode

28.0 0LOCK 0LOCK

is displayed.
(4 seconds*) + MODE Keep pressing without
releasing your finger from
000.0 0on 0oFF the key to enter the
Setting lock mode.
Lock state Unlock state

(2 seconds)

Engineering mode Engineering mode

Function block No. 10 Function block No. 91 Integrated operating Peak hold monitor of
[Display] [System] time ambient temperature

Fn100 Fn910 Twice WT TCJ

00DSP 0SYS 12345 35
Displays the Displays the Peak
Integrated operating hold monitor of
time ambient temperature

Instrument number
monitor Model code monitor ROM version

00000 FZ400 ROM

00000 FK02- 86600
Displays the Displays the Model Displays the ROM
Instrument number code monitor version
Setting End

 Next parameter is displayed.

 Press and MODE keys simultaneously to return to the
Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor.
(For FZ400/900, the MONI key may be pressed to return to the
Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor)
 Select RUN on the RUN/STOP transfer.
 Select lock on the Set data unlock/lock transfer.

IMR03A05-E4 9-33

9-34 IMR03A05-E4
This chapter describes setting and key operation related functions, setting
contents and setting procedure based on the keywords related to setting and key

10.1 Limiting the Setting Range of Set Value (SV) .............................. 10-2
10.2 Eliminating a Sudden Set Value Change
(Setting Change Rate Limiter) ..................................................... 10-6
10.3 Storing the Control Related Set Values
(Memory Area Function) ............................................................ 10-10
10.4 Copying the Data in Memory Area to Set Other Areas .............. 10-16
10.5 Running a Simple Ramp/Soak Control ...................................... 10-18
10.6 Using a Simple Sequence Operation......................................... 10-26
10.7 Registering a Set Value (SV) Without Pressing the SET Key .... 10-33
10.8 Accessing Some Functions Directly (FUNC Key)
[FZ400/900] ............................................................................... 10-35
10.9 Restricting Key Operation (Set Data Lock) ................................ 10-38
10.10 Initializing the Set Data ............................................................ 10-41

IMR03A05-E4 10-1

10.1 Limiting the Setting Range of Set Value (SV)

To limit the setting range of the Set value (SV), Setting limiter is used.

 Description of function
Setting limiter is a function to limit the setting range of the Set value (SV) within the input range.

Example: The input range is from 200.0 to 1372.0 C, the Setting limiter high is 400.0 C, and the
Setting limiter low is 0.0 C.

Input range low Input range high

Input range

Setting range

200.0 C 0.0 C 400.0 C 1372.0 C

Setting limiter low Setting limiter high

When the input range is changed, the setting limiter may be also changed according to the changed
[Example 1]
Input 1_Input range is 0 to 1372 °C, Input 1_Setting limiter high is 800 °C. Changing the Input 1_
Input range high to 400 °C will change the Setting limiter high to 400 °C accordingly.

Input range low Input range high

Input range

Setting range

0 C 100 C 800 C 1372 C

Setting limiter low Setting limiter high

400 C
Input range Change

Setting range

0.0 C 100 C 400 C

Setting limiter low Setting limiter high

10-2 IMR03A05-E4

[Example 2]
When the Input 1_Input range is 0 to 400 °C and the Input 1_Setting limiter high is 400 °C,
changing the Input 1_Input range high to 800 °C will not affect the setting limiter value. In this
case the Input 1_Setting limiter high remains 400 °C.
When a wider setting range of the Set value (SV) is required according to the extended input range,
change the setting limiter value accordingly.

Input range low Input range high

0 C 400 C
Input range

Setting range

100 C 400 C
Setting limiter low Setting limiter high

0 C 800 C

Input range

Setting range

100 C 400 C Simply changing the input

Setting limiter low Setting limiter high range alone will not affect
the setting limiter.

 Parameter setting
 Input 1_Setting limiter high
[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 71 (Fn71)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

1.ASLH Input 1_Setting limiter low to Input 1_Input range high

When Control with PV select:
Input 1_Input range high
Control with PV select:
Input 1_Setting limiter low to PV select input range high PV select input range high

Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.


CHANGED (P. 4-1)” for the parameters that are automatically converted when the Input 1_Setting
limiter high is changed.

IMR03A05-E4 10-3

 Input 2_Setting limiter high

[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 72 (Fn72)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

2.ASLH Input 2_Setting limiter low to Input 2_Input range high Input 2_Input range high

Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.

To display “Input 2_Setting limiter high,” specify “Measured input 2” at the time of order, AND
“Select function for input 2” (Function block No. 58 in Engineering mode) must be set to 2-loop
control/Differential temperature control, or Cascade control.
CHANGED (P. 4-1)” for the parameters that are automatically converted when the Input 2_Setting
limiter high is changed.

 Input 1_Setting limiter low

[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 71 (Fn71)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

1.ASLL Input 1_Input range low to Input 1_Setting limiter high

When Control with PV select:
Input 1_Input range low
Control with PV select:
PV select input range low to Input 1_Setting limiter high PV select input range low

Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.


CHANGED (P. 4-1)” for the parameters that are automatically converted when the Input 1_Setting
limiter low is changed.

 Input 2_Setting limiter low

[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 72 (Fn72)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

2.ASLL Input 2_Input range low to Input 2_Setting limiter high Input 2_Input range low

Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.

To display “Input 2_Setting limiter low,” specify “Measured input 2” at the time of order, AND
“Select function for input 2” (Function block No. 58 in Engineering mode) must be set to 2-loop
control/Differential temperature control, or Cascade control.
CHANGED (P. 4-1)” for the parameters that are automatically converted when the Input 2_Setting
limiter low is changed.

10-4 IMR03A05-E4

 Setting procedure
To enter the Engineering mode

Setting lock mode

Monitor & SV setting mode Set data unlock/lock
PV/SV monitor transfer

028.0 (4 seconds *)
* Press the key until
000.0 0on 0oFF Parameter setting mode
is displayed.
Lock state Unlock state Keep pressing without
releasing your finger from
the key to enter the
Operation transfer mode Setting lock mode.
RUN/STOP transfer

00R/S 00R/S
(2 seconds) (2 seconds)


Engineering mode
Function block No. 10 Function block No. 71
[Display] [Input 1_Setting limiter] Input 1_Setting limiter high Input 1_Setting limiter low

Fn100 Several
times Fn710 1. SLH 1. SLL
00DSP 1. SVL 1372.0 -200.0
Set Setting limiter high Set Setting limiter low

In the case of two inputs

In the case of
two inputs In the case of one input
Setting End

 Next parameter is displayed.

 Press and MODE keys simultaneously to return to the
Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor.
(For FZ400/900, the MONI key may be pressed to return to the
Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor)
 Select RUN on the RUN/STOP transfer.
 Select lock on the Set data unlock/lock transfer.

Function block No. 72

[Input 2_Setting limiter] Input 2_Setting limiter high Input 2_Setting limiter low

Fn720 2. SLH 2. SLL

2. SVL 1372.0 -200.0
Set Setting limiter high Set Setting limiter low

Setting End
 Next parameter is displayed.
 Press and MODE keys simultaneously to return to the
Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor.
(For FZ400/900, the MONI key may be pressed to return to the
Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor)
 Select RUN on the RUN/STOP transfer.
 Select lock on the Set data unlock/lock transfer.

IMR03A05-E4 10-5

10.2 Eliminating a Sudden Set Value Change

(Setting Change Rate Limiter)
This function allows the Set value (SV) to change gradually, not rapidly or not at a time, when the Set value
(SV) is changed.

 Description of function
This function is to allow the Set value (SV) to be automatically changed at specific rates when a new Set
value (SV).
Setting the Setting change rate limiter unit time parameter and the Setting change rate limiter (up and down)
will enable setting the changing rate (setting change rate limiter/unit time) of the Setting change rate limiter
(up or down).

[Application examples of Setting change rate limiter]

 Increasing the SV to a higher value  Decreasing the SV to a lower value

[Before changing] Decrease gradually
[After changing]
at specific rate
SV Increase gradually SV
[Before changing] at specific rate [After changing]

Time Time
Changing the set value Changing the set value

When the Setting change rate limiter is used, the Set value (SV) will also ramp up or ramp down by
the function at power-on and operation mode change from STOP to RUN.
When the Set value (SV) is changed by the Memory area transfer function, the Setting change rate
limiter functions from the Set value (SV) before the change (transfer) toward the set value after the
change (transfer).
If the Autotuning (AT) function is activated while the Set value (SV) is ramping up or ramping
down by the Setting change rate limiter, AT will starts after the Set value (SV) finishes ramp-up or
ramp-down by the limiter, and the controller is in PID control mode until AT starts.
When the value of Setting change rate limiter is changed during normal operation, the ramp-up or
ramp-down rate will be changed unless the SV already has finished ramp-up or ramp-down by the
When Setting change rate limiter is set to other than “OFF: No function (disabled)” and when the
Event type is set to a SV monitor value, the Event re-hold function by the Set value (SV) change is
invalid. However, the event using a local SV will have the Event re-hold function by the Set value
(SV) change valid.
During the Remote mode, the Input 1_Setting change rate limiter will function to Remote setting
input value.
During the Cascade control, the Input 2_Setting change rate limiter will be invalid (disabled).

10-6 IMR03A05-E4

 Parameter setting
 Input 1_Setting change rate limiter (up)
[Parameter Setting Mode: Parameter group No. 70 (Pn70)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

1.SVRU 0 to Input 1_Input span

(When Control with PV select: 0 to PV select input span)

0: No function
Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.

 Input 2_Setting change rate limiter (up)

[Parameter Setting Mode: Parameter groupNo. 70 (Pn70)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

2.SVRU 0 to Input 2_Input span

0: No function

Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.

To display “Input 2_Setting change rate limiter (up),” specify “Measured input 2” at the time of
order, AND “Select function for input 2” (Function block No. 58 in Engineering mode) must be set
to 2-loop control/Differential temperature control, or Cascade control.

 Input 1_Setting change rate limiter (down)

[Parameter Setting Mode: Parameter group No. 70 (Pn70)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

1.SVRd 0 to Input 1_Input span

(When Control with PV select: 0 to PV select input span)

0: No function
Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.

 Input 2_Setting change rate limiter (down)

[Parameter Setting Mode: Parameter group No. 70 (Pn70)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

2.SVRd 0 to Input 2_Input span

0: No function

Varies with the setting of the Decimal point position.

To display “Input 2_Setting change rate limiter (down),” specify “Measured input 2” at the time of
order, AND “Select function for input 2” (Function block No. 58 in Engineering mode) must be set
to 2-loop control/Differential temperature control, or Cascade control.

IMR03A05-E4 10-7

 Setting change rate limiter unit time

[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 70 (Fn70)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

SVRT 1 to 3600 seconds 60

 Setting procedure
 Set the Setting change rate limiter unit time parameter
To enter the Engineering mode

Setting lock mode

Monitor & SV setting mode Set data unlock/lock
PV/SV monitor transfer

028.0 (4 seconds *)
* Press the key until
000.0 0on 0oFF Parameter setting mode
is displayed.
Lock state Unlock state Keep pressing without
releasing your finger from
the key to enter the
Operation transfer mode Setting lock mode.
RUN/STOP transfer

00R/S 00R/S
(2 seconds) (2 seconds)


Engineering mode
Function block No. 10 Function block No. 70 Setting change rate limiter
[Display] [Memory area] unit time

Fn100 Several
times Fn700 SVRT
00DSP AREA 00060
Set “Setting change
rate limiter unit time”

Setting End

 Next parameter is displayed.

 Press and MODE keys simultaneously to return to the
Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor.
(For FZ400/900, the MONI key may be pressed to return to the
Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor)
 Select RUN on the RUN/STOP transfer.
 Select lock on the Set data unlock/lock transfer.

10-8 IMR03A05-E4

 Set the Setting change rate limiter (up/down)

Parameter setting mode
Monitor & SV setting mode Parameter group No. 00 Parameter group No. 70 Input 1_Setting change
PV/SV monitor [Setting] [Memory area] rate limiter (up)

028.0 (2 seconds) Pn000 Pn700 4 times 1.SVRU

000.0 00SV AREA 0000.0
Set “Setting change
rate limiter (up)”

Input 2_Setting change Input 2_Setting change Input 1_Setting change

rate limiter (down) rate limiter (up) rate limiter (down)

2.SVRd 2.SVRU 1.SVRd

In the case of
3 times two inputs

0000.0 0000.0 0000.0

Set “Setting change Set “Setting change Set “Setting change
rate limiter (down)” rate limiter (up)” rate limiter (down)”
In the case of
one input

Setting End

 Next parameter is displayed.

 Press and MODE keys simultaneously to return to the Measured value
(PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor. (For FZ400/900, the MONI key may be pressed to
return to the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor)

IMR03A05-E4 10-9

10.3 Storing the Control Related Set Values

(Memory Area Function)
This function allows PID related parameters such as a Set value (SV) to be stored as an area and up to 16

 Description of function
The Memory area function is to store up to 16 areas of parameters such as a Set value (SV). Parameters that
can be stored in an area are those inside the Parameter setting mode*.
One of the Areas is used for control, and the currently selected area is Control area.
Storing set values according to work processes in a location called “area” allows a necessary set of set values
for the work process to be retrieved only by changing the area number.

* ON/OFF action differential gap (upper) and (lower) are excluded.

Parameters inside the Parameter setting mode are categorized into six groups by the setting contents.
These parameters are categorized into three groups during the “Level PID” function.

 Memory area parameters of Parameter group No. 00 (Pn00) [Set value (SV)]
Input 1_Set value (SV)
Input 2_Set value (SV)
Set value (SV) of differential temperature input

 Memory area parameters of Parameter group No. 40 (Pn40) [Event]

Event 1 set value (EV1) or Event 1 set value (EV1) [high]
Event 1 set value (EV1’) [low]
Event 2set value (EV2) or Event 2set value (EV2) [high]
Event 2set value (EV2’) [low]
Event 3set value (EV3) or Event 3set value (EV3) [high]
Event 3set value (EV3’) [low]
Event 4set value (EV4) or Event 4set value (EV4) [high]
Event 4set value (EV4’) [low]

 Memory area parameters of Parameter group No. 51 (Pn51) [Input 1_Control]

Input 1_Proportional band [heat-side] Input 1_FF amount
Input 1_Integral time [heat-side] Input 1_Output limiter high [heat-side]
Input 1_Derivative time [heat-side] Input 1_Output limiter low [heat-side]
Input 1_Control response parameter Input 1_Control loop break alarm (LBA) time
Input 1_Proactive intensity Input 1_LBA deadband (LBD)
Input 1_Manual reset

 Memory area parameters of Parameter group No. 52 (Pn52) [Input 2_Control]

Input 2_Proportional band Input 2_FF amount
Input 2_Integral time Input 2_Output limiter high
Input 2_Derivative time Input 2_Output limiter low
Input 2_Control response parameter Input 2_Control loop break alarm (LBA) time
Input 2_Proactive intensity Input 2_LBA deadband (LBD)
Input 2_Manual reset

10-10 IMR03A05-E4

 Memory area parameters of Parameter group No. 56 (Pn56) [Input_1 Cooling control]
Input 1_Proportional band [cool-side]
Input 1_Integral time [cool-side]
Input 1_Derivative time [cool-side]
Input 1_Overlap/Deadband
Input 1_Output limiter high [cool-side]
Input 1_Output limiter low [cool-side]

 Memory area parameters of Parameter group No. 70 (Pn70) [Memory area]

Select Trigger type for Memory area transfer Input 1_Manipulated output value (Area)
Area soak time Input 2_Setting change rate limiter (up)
Link area number Input 2_Setting change rate limiter (down)
Input 1_Setting change rate limiter (up) Input 2_Auto/Manual transfer selection (Area)
Input 1_Setting change rate limiter (down) Input 2_Manipulated output value (Area)
Input 1_Auto/Manual transfer selection (Area) Remote/Local transfer selection (Area)

[Groups used during the Level PID]

 Group 0: Parameter group No. 00, No. 40 and No. 70
 Group 1: Parameter group No. 51, No. 56
 Group 2: Parameter group No. 52

For Level PID function, refer to 8.15. Controlling with Level PID (P. 8-98).

 Structural image of Memory area

Memory area 16
[Control area]

Memory area X
Memory area 2
Parameter group No. 00
Memory area 1 Parameter group No. 40
Parameter group No. 51
Parameter group No. 00 Parameter group No. 52
Parameter group No. 40 Parameter group No. 56
Parameter group No. 51 Parameter group No. 70
Parameter group No. 52
Parameter group No. 56
Parameter group No. 70

The following four parameters are used in common in all Memory areas, and therefore are not
included in the Memory area.
Parameter group No. 51: Input 1_ON/OFF action differential gap (upper)
Input 1_ON/OFF action differential gap (lower)
Parameter group No. 52: Input 2_ON/OFF action differential gap (upper)
Input 2_ON/OFF action differential gap (lower)

IMR03A05-E4 10-11

 Transferring the Control area

The Control area is displayed on the Memory area display Example
during the monitor display state. (See the right picture)

Control area can be transferred by Key operations, Digital

input, or communication. Memory area transfer by Memory
Area Soak time is also possible.
For the communication, refer to the separate
Memory area
FZ110/FZ400/FZ900 Instruction Manual display
16 5 0.0
[Host communication] (IMR03A07-E□).

 Selection by front key operation

Changing the Control area from 1 to 2
Monitor & SV setting mode Memory area transfer mode
PV/SV monitor Memory area transfer


1 000.0 10000001 10000002
Change the Memory Store the changed
area number to 2 value
Monitor & SV setting mode
PV/SV monitor

AREA 28.0
2 000.0

Changing the Control area from 1 to 2
Monitor & SV setting mode Monitor & SV setting mode Monitor & SV setting mode
PV/SV monitor Memory area transfer PV/SV monitor

28.0 Twice or
3 times AREA AREA 28.0
1 000.0 1
0000001 1
0000002 2 000.0
Change the Memory Store the changed
area number to 2 value

10-12 IMR03A05-E4

 Switching the Control area by Digital Input (DI)

To switch the control area by Digital input (DI), the instrument must have an option (Digital input). The
memory area transfer must be set at DI1 function selection.
To change the Control area by Digital input (DI), two methods are offered; Transfer using the SET signal
input and transfer without the SET signal.
・With a SET signal: After the Memory area has been selected by the DI, close the contact of the SET
signal so that the Control area is transferred.
・Without a SET signal input:
After the Memory area has been selected by the DI, the Area will be automatically
changed after the time period (0.5 to 5.0 seconds) set at “Area switching time (without
area set signal)” in Function block No. 23 in the Engineering mode.

For details, refer to 5.2 Switching Functions Using Digital Inputs (DI) (P. 5-16).

 Switching the Control area by Area soak time

Changing the Memory area by the Memory area soak time will need setting the Memory area No. to which
the Memory area is switched.
Refer to 10.5 Running a Simple Ramp/Soak Operation (P. 10-18) or 10.6 Using a Simple Sequence
Operation (P. 10-26) for details.

IMR03A05-E4 10-13

 Changing the data in the Memory area

 Change the Event 1 set value in the Control area (Memory area 1) from 10.0 to 50.0
Parameter setting mode Parameter setting mode
Monitor & SV setting mode Parameter group No. 00 Parameter group No. 40
PV/SV monitor [Setting] [Event] Event 1 set value (EV1)

28.0 Pn000 Pn400 EV1


1 000.0 1 00SV 1 00EV 1 0010.0

Change the mode to Change the Change the Event 1 Shift the flashing Flashing
the Parameter setting Parameter group 40 set value digit.

Setting End
AREA EV1 4 times AREA EV1
1 0050.0 1 0010.0
 Next parameter is displayed. Store the changed Flashing
 Press and MODE keys simultaneously to return value Change the set value
to the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor. to 50.0
(For FZ400/900, the MONI key may be pressed to return
to the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor)

 Change the Event 1 set value from 10.0 to 50.0 in Memory area 3 when the Control
area is Memory area 1.
Parameter setting mode Parameter setting mode
Monitor & SV setting mode Parameter group No. 00 Parameter group No. 40
PV/SV monitor [Setting] [Event] Event 1 set value (EV1)

28.0 Pn000 Pn400 EV1

5 times

1 000.0 1 00SV 1 00EV 1 0010.0

Change the mode to Change the Change the Event 1 Shift the flashing digit
the Parameter setting Parameter group 40 set value to the Memory area
mode display


AREA 4 times AREA 3 times AREA Twice AREA

3 0050.0 3 0010.0 3 0010.0 1 0010.0

Flashing * Flashing Flashing * Flashing Flashing Flashing
Store the changed Change the set value Shift the flashing Change the Memory
value to 50.0 digit. area No. to 3.
* The Memory area number
flashes when it is not in the
Control area.

Setting End

 Next parameter is displayed.

 Press and MODE keys simultaneously to return to the Measured value
(PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor. (For FZ400/900, the MONI key may be pressed to
return to the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor)

10-14 IMR03A05-E4

 Memory area display

During the PV/SV monitor display, the Set value (SV) displayed on the SV display is the Set value (SV) in
the Memory area No. now displayed on the Memory area display.
During the Monitor & SV setting mode display, the time displayed on the Memory area soak time is the time
of the Memory area No. now displayed on the Memory area display.
Monitor & SV setting mode Monitor & SV setting mode
PV/SV monitor Memory area soak time monitor


3 25.0 Set value (SV) in Memory
area 3
2 8.07 Memory area soak time
in Memory area 2

 Parameter setting
 Memory area transfer
[Monitor & SV Setting Mode] (FZ110)
[Memory Area Transfer Mode] (FZ400/900)
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

AREA 1 to 16 1

For FZ400/900, when the “Area lock” setting is “Memory area is not adjustable when the setting data
is locked”, this parameter will not be displayed.
CHANGED (P. 4-1)” for the parameters that are automatically converted when the Memory area
is changed.

IMR03A05-E4 10-15

10.4 Copying the Data in Memory Area to Set Other Areas

Up to 16 Memory areas can be set, but it consumes time if Memory areas are set one after another. On this
instrument, the data in the Memory area can be copied.

 Screens for Area copy mode

Monitor & SV setting (2 seconds) * You can start from any screen inside the
Parameter setting mode* Parameter setting mode.

Area copy mode

Set “Copy from” (source)


1 0 2 0 16 0 1 0

Set “Copy to” (destination)


1 0 2 0 16 0 A 0 1 0


Selecting this screen

will copy to all areas
Confirm to
execute AREA 1‹16 AREA 1‹16 The example (left) shows
copying Area 1 to Area 6
Area copy 1 no 1 YES

Check Area
copy status
1 CANCL 1 oK

Set “Copy from”

1 0

[To exit from Area copy mode] Parameter setting mode

Parameter group No. 00

Area copy mode**

AREA Pn000
1 00SV
** You can start
Monitor & SV setting mode
from any screen
PV/SV monitor
inside the Area

copy mode.

1 000.0

10-16 IMR03A05-E4

[Example Area copy]

Copy the data in Memory Area 1 to Memory area 5
Parameter setting mode
Monitor & SV setting mode Parameter group No. 00 Area copy mode
PV/SV monitor [Setting] Set “Copy from” Set “Copy to”

AREA 28.0 (2 seconds) AREA Pn000 +

1 000.0 1 00SV 1 00V 1 00V
Change the mode to Change the mode to Register Area 1 as Copy Change the Area 5
the Parameter setting the Area copy mode source, and switch to
mode the “Copy to” screen

Confirm to execute
Check Area copy status Area copy

AREA COPY AREA 1‹ 5 AREA 1‹ 5 AREA TO 4 times

00OK 00YES 00NO 5 00V

Check copying result Start copying Check that this is a copy Register as “Copy to”
(oK display) from Area 1 to Area 5
and switch to the YES

Copy End

 Next parameter is displayed.

 Press and MODE keys simultaneously to return to the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor.
(For FZ400/900, the MONI key may be pressed to return to the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor)

IMR03A05-E4 10-17

10.5 Running a Simple Ramp/Soak Control

On this instrument multiple Memory areas can be linked to run a simple ramp/soak control.

 Description of function
Simple Ramp/Soak control is possible by setting a Set value (SV), Setting change rate limiter (up/down),
Area soak time, and Link area number in each memory area.
 Set value (SV): Sets the fixed set point control (control by fixed set value) desired value of each
memory area.
 Setting change rate limiter:
Sets the slope of the Set value (SV) which is raised or lowered at each unit time.
 Area soak time: Sets the fixed set point control time of each memory area.
 Link area number: Sets the memory area numbers for linking the corresponding memory areas.

Besides the above, the Setting change rate limiter unit time and Area soak time unit are set in the
Engineering mode.

Example: Ramp/Soak control by linking Memory area 1 to 3

Measured value (PV)

Soak time
of Area 2
SV of area 2
Setting change rate limiter
Soak time (down) setting of Area 3
of Area 1
SV of area 1
Setting change rate limiter
(up) setting of Area 2 Soak time *
of Area 3
SV of area 3

Setting change rate limiter

Ambient temp. (up) setting of Area 1

Memory area Area 1 Area 2 Area 3
(Link area number) (2) (3) (OFF)

* As the area soak time for memory area linked last becomes invalid,
the state of SV3 reached continues.

To check the elapsed time in each area, refer to the “Memory area soak time monitor” in the
Monitor & SV setting mode.
For FZ400/900, Memory area soak time can be displayed on the MV display. Refer to 9.6
Changing the Display Contents of the MV Display [FZ400/900] (P. 9-24).

10-18 IMR03A05-E4

 Operation flowchart

Study of Ramp/Soak The Ramp/Soak control contents are studied, and the operation
content status is graphed, and the set values are summarized in a table in

Set the Setting change Refer to  Settings before operation (P. 10-20),
rate limiter unit time  Setting example (P. 10-21).

Refer to  Settings before operation (P. 10-20),

Set the Soak time unit
 Setting example (P. 10-21).

Set the Setting change Refer to  Setting example (P. 10-21)

rate limiter Set at each memory area.

Set the Refer to  Setting example (P. 10-21)

Area soak time Set at each memory area.

Set the Refer to  Setting example (P. 10-21)

Link area number Set at each memory area.

Set the Refer to  Setting example (P. 10-21)

Set value (SV) Set at each memory area.

Refer to  Setting example (P. 10-21)

Check the Control area The start area is made the Control area before the start of
Ramp/Soak control.

Refer to  Setting example (P. 10-21)

Ramp/Soak control start Changes from the STOP mode to the RUN mode, and starts
Ramp/Soak control.

IMR03A05-E4 10-19

 Settings before operation

When implementing Ramp/Soak control, it may be necessary to set the following items in advance.
 Setting change rate limiter unit time [Engineering mode: Function block No. 70 (Fn70)]
 Soak time unit [Engineering mode: Function block No. 70 (Fn70)]

To enter the Engineering mode

Setting lock mode

Monitor & SV setting mode Set data unlock/lock
PV/SV monitor transfer

028.0 (4 seconds *)
* Press the key until
000.0 0on 0oFF Parameter setting mode
is displayed.
Lock state Unlock state Keep pressing without
releasing your finger from
the key to enter the
Operation transfer mode Setting lock mode.
RUN/STOP transfer

00R/S 00R/S
(2 seconds) (2 seconds)


Engineering mode
Function block No. 10 Function block No. 70 Setting change rate
[Display] [Memory area] limiter unit time Soak time unit

Fn100 Several
times Fn700 SVRT STDP
00DSP AREA 00060 00001
Set “Setting change Set Soak time unit
rate limiter unit time”
Setting range:
Setting range: 0: 0 hours 00 minutes
1 to 3600 seconds to 99 hours 59 minutes
1: 0 minutes 00 seconds
to 199 minutes 59 seconds
2: 0 hours 0 minutes 0 seconds
to 9 hours 59 minutes 59 seconds

Setting End

 Next parameter is displayed.

 Press and MODE keys simultaneously to return to the
Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor.
(For FZ400/900, the MONI key may be pressed to return to the
Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor)
 Select RUN on the RUN/STOP transfer.
 Select lock on the Set data unlock/lock transfer.

10-20 IMR03A05-E4

 Setting example
This section uses the following sample of Ramp/Soak control to describe the setting procedures.

[Example: Ramp/Soak control by linking Memory area 1 to 3]

Measured value (PV)

Soak time of area 2

Area 2:
Input 1_Set value (SV) Area 3:
Soak time of
Input 1_Setting change rate
area 1 limiter (down) setting
Area 1:
Input 1_Set value (SV)
Area 2:
Input 1_Setting change rate
limiter (up) setting Soak time of area 3 *
Area 3:
Input 1_Set value (SV)
Area 1:
Ambient temp. Input 1_Setting change rate limiter (up) setting

Memory area Area 1 Area 2 Area 3
(Link area number) (2) (3) (OFF)

Area 1 Area 2 Area 3

Input 1_Set value (SV) 150.0 C 200.0 C 50.0 C
Input 1_Setting change rate limiter (up) 4.0 C/min. (60 sec.) 2.0 C/ min. (60 sec.) OFF
Input 1_Setting change rate limiter (down) OFF OFF 9.0 C/min. (60 sec.)
Area soak time 30 minutes 40 minutes 0 minutes *
Link area number 2 3 OFF
* In this example, the Area soak time for memory area 3 is set. However, as the Area soak time for the memory
area linked last becomes invalid, the state of SV3 reached continues.

Step 1:
Study the Ramp/Soak control content.

The Ramp/Soak control contents are studied and Ramp/Soak status is graphed and the set values of each
memory area are summarized in a table as shown above.

Step 2:
Set the Setting change rate limiter unit time and Soak time unit.

Refer to  Settings before operation (P. 10-20) and set the Setting change rate limiter unit time and Area
soak time (In this example, the factory set values are used for both). Since control stops (STOP) at this time,
go directly to the next step.
・Setting change rate limiter unit time: 60 seconds [factory set value]
・Soak time unit: 1 (0 minutes 00 seconds to 199 minutes 59 seconds)
[factory set value]

IMR03A05-E4 10-21

Step 3:
Set the Setting change rate limiter, Area soak time and Link area number to each of Memory area 1, 2
and 3.
Parameter setting mode
Monitor & SV setting mode Parameter group No. 00 Parameter group No. 70
PV/SV monitor [Setting] [Memory area] Area soak time

28.0 Pn000 Pn700 AST

(2 seconds) AREA Twice 3 times

1 00STOP 1 00SV 1 AREA 1 000:00

Change the mode STOP is Change the Change the Area Shift the flashing Flashing
to the Parameter displayed at Parameter group 70 soak time digit
setting mode control stop

Link area number

1 00002 1 00000 1 030:00 1 000:00
Register the changed Change the set value Register the changed Flashing
Flashing Flashing
value and go to the to 2 value and go to the Change the set value
Input 1_Setting change Link area number. to 30:00
rate limiter (up)

Input 1_Setting change Input 1_Setting change

rate limiter (up) rate limiter (down)


1 0000.0 1 0000.0 1 0004.0 1 0000.0
Shift the flashing Register the changed Make sure that the value
Flashing Flashing
digit value and go to the Input is 0.0, and change the
Change the set value to 4 1_Setting change rate screen to Area soak time
limiter (down) again.
Area soak time of Area soak time of
[Memory area 2] [Memory area 1]


MODE 5 times Several times

2 000:00 1 030:00 1 030:00

Flashing Flashing
Shift the flashing digit Flashing
to the Memory area
Set the Area soak Switch the Memory
time area No. to 2

Referring to the operations inside the

dotted lines, set the Area soak time,
Link area number, and Setting change Setting End
rate limiter of Input 1.
However, in the case of this  Next parameter is displayed.
Ramp/Soak control sample, the  Press and MODE keys simultaneously to return to
area soak time is invalid, even if the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor.
set, because Memory area 3 is
(For FZ400/900, the MONI key may be pressed to return
linked last.
to the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor)

The Memory area number flashes when a Memory area other than that in the Control area is displayed.

AREA AST (* Area other than Control area is displayed)

2 000:00
Flashing * Flashing

10-22 IMR03A05-E4

Step 4:
Set the SV to each of Memory area 1, 2 and 3.

Parameter setting mode

Monitor & SV setting mode Parameter group No. 00 Input 1_Set value (SV)
PV/SV monitor [Setting] of [Memory area 1]

1. SV 1. SV
AREA 28.0 (2 seconds) AREA Pn000 AREA
5 times

100 STOP 1 00SV 1 0100.0 1 0100.0

Change the mode to Switch the Input 1_ Shift the flashing Flashing Flashing
the Parameter setting Set value (SV) digit
Change the set value
Input 1_Set value (SV) to 150.0
of [Memory area 2]

1. SV 1. SV 1. SV
Similarly, Set the Set MODE
value (SV) of Input 1 AREA AREA 3 times AREA

in Memory area 2 and

2 0000.0 1 0150.0 1 0150.0
Flashing Flashing
Switch the Memory Shift the flashing digit
area to 2.
The value will be stored
immediately after the
Memory area is
Setting End

 Next parameter is displayed.

 Press and MODE keys simultaneously to return to the Measured value
(PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor. (For FZ400/900, the MONI key may be pressed to
return to the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor)

Step 5:
Check the control area number.

 FZ400/900
Monitor & SV setting mode Memory area transfer mode Monitor & SV setting mode
PV/SV monitor Memory area transfer PV/SV monitor


100 STOP 10000001 100 STOP
Change the mode to Check that the The Memory area 1
the Memory area Memory area No. is 1 becomes the Control
transfer mode area at the time of
operation start

 FZ110
Monitor & SV setting mode Monitor & SV setting mode Monitor & SV setting mode
PV/SV monitor Memory area transfer PV/SV monitor

28.0 Twice or
3 times AREA 28.0
000.0 1
0000001 100STOP
Change the mode Check that the The Memory area 1
to the Memory Memory area No. becomes the Control
area transfer mode is 1 area at the time of
operation start

IMR03A05-E4 10-23

Step 6:
Change from STOP mode to RUN mode

Monitor & SV setting mode Operation transfer mode

PV/SV monitor RUN/STOP transfer

28.0 R/S R/S

(2 seconds)

100 STOP 1 00STOP 1 00RUN

Change the mode to Change the mode to Ramp/Soak control
the Operation transfer Control RUN starts

Setting End

 Next parameter is displayed.

 Press and MODE keys simultaneously to return to the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor.
(For FZ400/900, the MONI key may be pressed to return to the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor)

10-24 IMR03A05-E4

 Parameter setting
For Setting change rate limiter (up/down) and Setting change rate limiter unit time, refer to 10.2
Eliminating a Sudden Set Value Change (Setting Change Rate Limiter) (P. 10-6).

 Area soak time

[Parameter Setting Mode: Parameter group No. 70 (Pn70)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

A ST 0 hours 00 minutes 00 seconds to 9 hours 59 minutes 59 seconds *

0 hours 00 minutes to 99 hours 59 minutes
(0 minutes 00 seconds)
0 minutes 00 seconds to 199 minutes 59 seconds
* Settable only for FZ400/900 when the Input data type is 0.
Data range of Area soak time can be selected on the Soak time unit.

For Input data type, refer to 5.1 Changing Input (P. 5-2).

 Link area number

[Parameter Setting Mode: Parameter group No. 70 (Pn70)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

LNKA 0 to 16
0: No link

 Soak time unit

[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 70 (Fn70)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

STDP 0: 0 hours 00 minutes to 99 hours 59 minutes

1: 0 minutes 00 seconds to 199 minutes 59 seconds

2: 0 hours 00 minutes 00 seconds

In case of Input data type 0: 0 to 2
In case of Input data type 1: 0 to 1

For Input data type, refer to 5.1 Changing Input (P. 5-2).

IMR03A05-E4 10-25

10.6 Using a Simple Sequence Operation

On this instrument, multiple Memory areas can be linked to run a simple sequence operation in each
Memory area.

 Description of function
Simple sequence operation is possible by setting a Set value (SV), Setting change rate limiter (up/down),
Select Trigger type for Memory area transfer, Area soak time, Link area number, Auto/Manual transfer
selection (Area), Manipulated output value (Area), and Remote/Local transfer selection (Area) in each
memory area.
 Set value (SV): Sets the fixed set point control (control by fixed set value) desired value of each
memory area.
 Setting change rate limiter:
Sets the slope of the Set value (SV) which is raised or lowered at each unit time.
 Select Trigger type for Memory area transfer:
Select a trigger type to switch the Memory area.
 Area soak time: Sets the fixed set point control time of each memory area.
 Link area number: Sets the memory area numbers for linking the corresponding memory areas.
Memory area will be switched by generated events or contact status of Digital
input (DI). To use the generated events as a switching method, setting up the event
function is required. To use the Digital input (DI) as a switching method, “Area
jump” must be preset in the DI function selection.
For the Event function, refer to 7.2 Using Heater Break Alarm (HBA) (P. 7-24).
For the DI function selection, refer to 5.2 Switching Functions Using Digital
Inputs (DI) (P. 5-16).
 Auto/Manual transfer selection (Area):
Select the operation mode (Auto mode or Manual mode) at the time of switching
the memory area. A selection of “Bump” or “Bumpless” is available both in Auto
and Manual modes.
When the SV tracking function is selected at the time of switching from Manual to
Auto mode, the Set value (SV) of the Memory area will be ignored.
For more details of Bumpless action at the time of switching between Auto/Manual,
refer to 6.8 Suppressing Sudden Change in Output (Balanceless Bumpless) (P. 6-33).
For the SV tracking function, refer to 8.17 Continuing Stable Control after the
Operation Transfer (SV Tracking) (P. 8-110).
 Manipulated output value (Area):
When either “Auto mode (bump)” or “Manual mode (bump)” is selected in the
Auto/Manual transfer selection (Area), the Manipulated output value just after the
switching is complete needs to be set here.
 Remote/Local transfer selection (Area):
Select the Operation mode at the time of Memory area switching.
The operation mode depends on the action selected in Select function for input 2.
・Remote setting input: Remote mode/Local mode switching
・Cascade control: Cascade control/Single control switching
・Control with PV select: Input 1/Input 2 switching
・2-loop control/Differential temperature control:
2-loop control/Differential temperature control switching
When the SV tracking function is selected at the time of the operation mode
transfer, the operation mode follows the action set in the SV tracking.
For the SV tracking function, refer to 8.17 Continuing Stable Control after the
Operation Transfer (SV Tracking) (P. 8-110).

10-26 IMR03A05-E4

Besides the above, the Setting change rate limiter unit time and Area soak time unit are set in the
Engineering mode

Example: Operating a simple sequence using Memory areas 1 through 4

Measured value (PV)

SV of area 3

SV of area 2
Setting change rate limiter (up)
setting of Area 3
SV of area 1

Memory area Memory area 1 Memory area 4 Memory area 2 Memory area 3
(Link area number) (4) (2) (3) (OFF)

Auto/Manual Auto mode Manual mode Auto mode Auto mode

Bump to the specified Operating at Area soak
Area switching by DI Area switching by DI Switched at the
(Open edge (Close edge completion of Area soak
[falling edge]) [rising edge])

 Description of operation
1. Memory area 1: Operation mode: Auto mode
Control target: Set value (SV) of Memory area 1
Area soak time: 0:00 (No function)
Link area number: 4
Memory area switching trigger: Open edge (falling edge) of Digital input (DI1)
2. Memory area 4: Operation mode: Switched from Auto mode to Manual mode
Control output: Bumps to the value specified by the Manipulated output value (Area)
Area soak time: 0:00 (No function)
Link area number: 2
Memory area switching trigger: Close edge (rising edge) of Digital input (DI1)
3. Memory area 2: Operation mode: Switched from Manual mode to Auto mode
Control target: Set value (SV) of Memory area 2
Area soak time: 10 minutes
Link area number: 3
Memory area switching trigger: 0 (No assignment)
Area is switched after the completion of the Area soak.
4. Memory area 3: Operation mode: Auto mode continues
Control target: After changing the Set value (SV) by the Setting change rate
limiter, control is done using the Set value (SV) in Memory area 3.
Area soak time: In this example, the Area soak time for memory area 3 is set.
However, as the Area soak time for the memory area linked last
becomes invalid, the state of SV3 reached continues.
Link area number: 0 (No function)
Memory area switching trigger: 0 (No assignment)
When both of Area soak time and Select trigger type for memory area transfer are valid, the
switching takes place based on the OR-logic.

IMR03A05-E4 10-27

 Parameter setting
For Setting change rate limiter (up/down) and Setting change rate limiter unit time, refer to 10.2
Eliminating a Sudden Set Value Change (Setting Change Rate Limiter) (P. 10-6).

 Select Trigger type for Memory area transfer

[Parameter Setting Mode: Parameter group No. 70 (Pn70)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

TRGA 0 to 63
0: No assignment

1: Event 1
2: Event 2
4: Event 3
8: Event 4
16: Digital input 1 (DI1) Close edge
32: Digital input 1 (DI1) Open edge
To select two or more functions, sum each value.

To use the generated events as a switching method, setting up the event function is required. To use
the Digital input (DI) as a switching method, “Area jump” must be preset in the DI function
selection. For the Event function, refer to 7.2 Using Heater Break Alarm (HBA) (P. 7-24). For
the DI function selection, refer to 5.2 Switching Functions Using Digital Inputs (DI) (P. 5-16).

 Area soak time

[Parameter Setting Mode: Parameter group No. 70 (Pn70)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

A ST 0 hours 00 minutes 00 seconds to 9 hours 59 minutes 59 seconds *

0 hours 00 minutes to 99 hours 59 minutes
(0 minutes 00 seconds)
0 minutes 00 seconds to 199 minutes 59 seconds
* Settable only for FZ400/900 when the Input data type is 0.
Data range of Area soak time can be selected on the Soak time unit.

For Input data type, refer to 5.1 Changing Input (P. 5-2).

 Link area number

[Parameter Setting Mode: Parameter group No. 70 (Pn70)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

LNKA 0 to 16
0: No link

 Input 1_Auto/Manual transfer selection (Area)

[Parameter Setting Mode: Parameter group No. 70 (Pn70)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

1.A/M.A 0: No transfer
1: Auto mode (bumpless)

2: Auto mode (bump)

3: Manual mode (bumpless)
4: Manual mode (bump)

10-28 IMR03A05-E4

 Input 1_Manipulated output value (Area)

[Parameter Setting Mode: Parameter group No. 70 (Pn70)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

1.M V.A PID control, Position proportioning PID control:

5.0 to 105.0 %
PID control, Position proportioning
PID control: 5.0
Heat/Cool PID control: Heat/Cool PID control: 0.0
105.0 to 105.0 %

 Input 2_Auto/Manual transfer selection (Area)

[Parameter Setting Mode: Parameter group No. 70 (Pn70)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

2.A/M.A 0: No transfer
1: Auto mode (bumpless)

2: Auto mode (bump)

3: Manual mode (bumpless)
4: Manual mode (bump)

To display “Input 2_Auto/Manual transfer selection (Area),” specify “Measured input 2” at the
time of order, AND “Select function for input 2” (Function block No. 58 in Engineering mode)
must be set to 2-loop control/Differential temperature control.

 Input 2_Manipulated output value (Area)

[Parameter Setting Mode: Parameter group No. 70 (Pn70)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

2.M V.A 5.0 to 105.0 % 5.0

To display “Input 2_Manipulated output value (Area),” specify “Measured input 2” at the time of
order, AND “Select function for input 2” (Function block No. 58 in Engineering mode) must be set
to 2-loop control/Differential temperature control.

IMR03A05-E4 10-29

 Remote/Local transfer selection (Area)

[Parameter Setting Mode: Parameter group No. 70 (Pn70)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

R/L.A  When “Remote setting input” is selected at Select function for input 2 0

0: No transfer
1: Local mode
2: Remote mode
 When “Cascade control” is selected at Select function for input 2 2
0: No transfer
1: Single control
2: Cascade control
 When “Control with PV select” is selected at Select function for
input 2 3
0: No transfer
1: Input 1
2: Input 2
 When “2-loop control/Differential temperature control” is selected
at Select function for input 2 4
0: No transfer
1: 2-loop control
2: Differential temperature control
For FZ400/900, this parameter is displayed when “Remote setting input” is selected in “Select function for input 2.”
For FZ110, this parameter is displayed when Remote setting input is supplied.
Displayed when “Cascade control” is selected in “Select function for input 2.”
Displayed when “Control with PV select” is selected in “Select function for input 2.”
Displayed when “2-loop control/Differential temperature control” is selected in “Select function for input 2.”

To display “Remote/Local transfer selection (Area)”

 Proceed as follows for FZ400/900; Specify two inputs at the time of order, set Remote setting
input, Cascade control, Control with PV select, or 2-loop control/Differential temperature control
at “Select function for input 2” in Function block No. 58 in the Engineering mode.
 Proceed as follows for FZ110: Specify Remote setting input.

 Soak time unit

[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 70 (Fn70)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

STDP 0: 0 hours 00 minutes to 99 hours 59 minutes

1: 0 minutes 00 seconds to 199 minutes 59 seconds

2: 0 hours 00 minutes 00 seconds to 9 hours 59 minutes 59 seconds

In case of Input data type 0: 0 to 2
In case of Input data type 1: 0 or 1

For Input data type, refer to 5.1 Changing Input (P. 5-2).

10-30 IMR03A05-E4

 Setting procedure
 Set the Setting change rate limiter unit time parameter and Soak time unit
To enter the Engineering mode

Setting lock mode

Monitor & SV setting mode Set data unlock/lock
PV/SV monitor transfer

028.0 (4 seconds *)
* Press the key until
000.0 0on 0oFF Parameter setting mode
is displayed.
Lock state Unlock state Keep pressing without
releasing your finger from
the key to enter the
Operation transfer mode Setting lock mode.
RUN/STOP transfer

00R/S 00R/S
(2 seconds) (2 seconds)


Engineering Mode
Function block Function block No. 70 Setting change rate
No. 10 [Display] [Memory area] limiter unit time Soak time unit

Fn100 Several
times Fn700 SVRT STdP
00DSP AREA 00060 00001
Set “Setting change Set the Soak time
rate limiter unit time” unit

Setting End

 Next parameter is displayed.

 Press and MODE keys simultaneously to return to the
Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor.
(For FZ400/900, the MONI key may be pressed to return to the
Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor)
 Select RUN on the RUN/STOP transfer.
 Select lock on the Set data unlock/lock transfer.

IMR03A05-E4 10-31

 Set the simple sequence related set items

Parameter setting mode
Monitor & SV setting mode Parameter group No. 00 Parameter group No. 70 Select Trigger type for
PV/SV monitor [Setting] [Memory area] Memory area transfer Area soak time

028.0 (2 seconds)
Pn000 Pn700 TRGA AST
000.0 00SV AREA 00000 000:00
Set the Select Trigger Set the Area soak
type for Memory area time

Input 1_Manipulated output Input 1_Auto/Manual transfer Input 1_Setting change rate Input 1_Setting change rate
value (Area) selection (Area) limiter (down) limiter (up) Link area number

1. MV.A 1.A/M.A 1.SVRd 1.SVRU LNKA

-005.0 00000 0000.0 0000.0 00000
Set the Set the Auto/Manual Set the Setting Set the Setting Set the Link area
Manipulated output transfer selection change rate limiter change rate limiter number
value (Area) (Area) (down) (up)

Input 2_Setting change rate Input 2_Setting change rate Input 2_Auto/Manual transfer Input 2_Manipulated output
limiter (up) limiter (down) selection (Area) value (Area)

2.SVRU 2.SVRd 2.A/M.A 2. MV.A

In case of
two inputs

0000.0 0000.0 00000 -005.0

Set the Setting Set the Setting Set the Auto/Manual Set the Manipulated
change rate limiter change rate limiter transfer selection output value (Area)
(up) (down) (Area)
In case of
one input

Remote/Local transfer
selection (Area)

Set the Remote/Local
transfer selection
Setting End

 Next parameter is displayed.

 Press and MODE keys simultaneously to return to the Measured value
(PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor. (For FZ400/900, the MONI key may be pressed to
return to the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor)

10-32 IMR03A05-E4

10.7 Registering a Set Value (SV) Without Pressing the SET Key
Basically the key must be pressed to register the data after changing the value of parameters.
There is another way of registering the Set value (SV) which takes in the changed data 2 seconds after the

 Description of function
[Example: Changing the Set value (SV) to 100.0]
● To register the value by pressing the SET key (SET key method)
Monitor & SV setting mode
PV/SV monitor SV setting mode

28.0 28.0 28.0 28.0 28.0

3 times

000.0 0000.0 0000.0 0100.0 Registration

Flashing Flashing Flashing

● To register the value without pressing the SET key (Direct method)
Monitor & SV setting mode
PV/SV monitor SV setting mode

28.0 28.0 Press and

hold 28.0 28.0
000.0 0000.1 0100.0 Release the finger
from the key will be 100.0
registered after
Flashing 2 seconds.

 To set the Set value (SV) in the PV/SV monitor, press the or key.
 Keep pressing the or key to accelerate the speed of increase/decrease.
 In the above explanation, the value is changed by using the or key, but MODE key may be
used to shift the blinking digit to change the value digit by digit.

To use a registration method without pressing the key, go to “Data registration” in Function
Block No. 11 in the Engineering mode.
Registration without pressing the key is only applicable to the Set value (SV). Other
parameters are not available in this method. Available mode is Monitor & SV setting mode only.

IMR03A05-E4 10-33

 Parameter setting
 Data registration
[Engineering Mode: Function blockNo. 11 (Fn11)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

SET.KY 0: SET key method

Used to register the Set value (SV) using the SET key.

1: Direct registration
Used to register the Set value (SV) without pressing the SET key.

 Setting procedure
To enter the Engineering mode

Setting lock mode

Monitor & SV setting mode Set data unlock/lock
PV/SV monitor transfer

028.0 (4 seconds *)
* Press the key until
000.0 0on 0oFF Parameter setting mode
is displayed.
Lock state Unlock state Keep pressing without
releasing your finger from
the key to enter the
Operation transfer mode Setting lock mode.
RUN/STOP transfer

00R/S 00R/S
(2 seconds) (2 seconds)


Engineering Mode Engineering Mode

Function block No. 10 Function block No. 11
[Display] [Key operation] Data registration

Fn100 Fn110 SET.KY

00DSP 00KEY 00000
Set the Data

Setting End

 Next parameter is displayed.

 Press and MODE keys simultaneously to return to the
Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor.
(For FZ400/900, the MONI key may be pressed to return to the
Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor)
 Select RUN on the RUN/STOP transfer.
 Select lock on the Set data unlock/lock transfer.

10-34 IMR03A05-E4

10.8 Accessing Some Functions Directly (FUNC Key)

FZ400/900 has a FUNC key which allows a specified function to be assigned to it.

 Description of function
Functions assignable to the FUNC key
 RUN/STOP transfer・・・A
 Autotuning (AT) (Common to Input 1 and 2)・・・B
 Input 1_Autotuning (AT)・・・B
 Input 2_Autotuning (AT)・・・B
 Auto/Manual transfer (Common to Input 1 and 2) ・・・A
 Input 1_Auto/Manual transfer・・・A
 Input 2_Auto/Manual transfer・・・A
 Remote/Local transfer (Cascade mode transfer, PV select transfer, 2-loop control/Differential temperature control) ・・・A
 Control area Local/External transfer・・・A
 Interlock release・・・C
 Hold reset (Common to Input 1 and 2)・・・C
 Input 1_Hold reset・・・C
 Input 2_Hold reset・・・C
 Set data unlock/lock transfer・・・A
 Area jump・・・D

Explanation of key action

A: Mode is changed for every press of the key.
B: Function is turned on and off for every press of the key.
C: Function is released or reset by pressing the key.
D: Pressing the key switches the memory area to the preset area set in the Link area number in the
Parameter setting mode. When the Link area number is not specified, a memory area with the number of
the current control area number +1 will be used.

For details of each function, refer to 5.2 Switching Functions Using Digital Inputs (DI) (P. 5-16).
Selection of key action is possible from “Press once” and “Press and hold” to enable the switching.
The function assigned to the FUNC key is accessible even when the Set data lock is used.

 Displays when switched by the FUNC key

[Example] RUN/STOP switching is assigned to the FUNC key
Monitor & SV setting mode Monitor & SV setting mode
PV/SV monitor RUN/STOP transfer PV/SV monitor
Returns to the

28.0 00R/S 28.0

original screen
FUNC automatically

000.0 0STOP 000.0

Assigned function is
displayed (about one

IMR03A05-E4 10-35

 Parameter setting
 FUNC key assignment
[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 11 (Fn11)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

F N.KY 0:
RUN/STOP transfer

2: Autotuning (AT) (Common to Input 1 and 2)

3: Input 1_Autotuning (AT)
4: Input 2_Autotuning (AT)
5: Auto/Manual transfer (Common to Input 1 and 2)
6: Input 1_Auto/Manual transfer
7: Input 2_Auto/Manual transfer
8: Remote/Local transfer
(Cascade mode transfer, PV select transfer,
2-loop control/Differential temperature control)
9: Control area Local/External transfer
10: Interlock release
11: Hold reset (Common to Input 1 and 2)
12: Input 1_Hold reset
13: Input 2_Hold reset
14: Set data unlock/lock transfer
15: Area jump

 FUNC key operation selection

[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 11 (Fn11)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

F N.TYP 0: Press once

The function set at “FUNC key assignment” is activated upon a press

of the FUNC key.

1: Press and hold
The function set at "FUNC key assignment" is activated by holding the
FUNC key pressed.

10-36 IMR03A05-E4

 Setting procedure
To enter the Engineering mode

Setting lock mode

Monitor & SV setting mode Set data unlock/lock
PV/SV monitor transfer

028.0 (4 seconds *)
* Press the key until
000.0 0on 0oFF Parameter setting mode
is displayed.
Lock state Unlock state Keep pressing without
releasing your finger from
the key to enter the
Operation transfer mode Setting lock mode.
RUN/STOP transfer

00R/S 00R/S
(2 seconds) (2 seconds)


Engineering Mode Engineering Mode

Function block No. 10 Function block No. 11 FUNC key operation
[Display] [Key operation] FUNC key assignment selection

Fn100 Fn110 Twice FN.KY FN.TYP

00DSP 00KEY 00001 00000
Set the FUNC key Set the FUNC key
assignment operation selection

Setting End

 Next parameter is displayed.

 Press and MODE keys simultaneously to return to the
Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor.
(For FZ400/900, the MONI key may be pressed to return to the
Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor)
 Select RUN on the RUN/STOP transfer.
 Select lock on the Set data unlock/lock transfer.

IMR03A05-E4 10-37

10.9 Restricting Key Operation (Set Data Lock)

The Set data lock function limits access of unauthorized personnel to the parameters and prevents parameter
change by mistake.

 Description of function
The Set data lock function restricts changing values depending on the mode. The Area lock restricts
switching the Memory areas.

● Set lock level

Select the mode to lock.
Setting lock mode
Set lock level

LCK.LV Set value 0: Unlock

1: Lock
SV setting mode*  Parameter select mode
* Set value (SV), Interlock release, Memory area transfer (FZ110 only)

Operation transfer mode

Parameter setting mode

Setup setting mode

Engineering mode

● Area lock (FZ400/900 only)

For FZ400/900: Select enable/disable Memory area switching
For FZ110: Locking Memory area switching is available by the Set lock level.
Setting lock mode
Area lock

ARE.LK Set value 0: Memory area is adjustable when the setting data is locked.
1: Memory area is not adjustable when the setting data is locked.
00000 (Memory area transfer mode is not displayed)

● Set data unlock/lock transfer

The parameter set with Set lock level and Area lock can be locked/unlocked.
Setting lock mode
Set data unlock/lock transfer

0LOCK Set value oFF: Unlock state

(Settings can be changed)
0oFF on: Lock state
Set lock

(Settings cannot be changed)

On FZ400/900, the Set lock indicator FZ900
lights on in the lock state.
Set lock

10-38 IMR03A05-E4

● When the set value was likely to be changed during the Set data lock state
A character will be shown on the Set value (SV) display unit to show the lock mode when any of
MODE , or key is pressed.
The “LCK” is displayed only while the relevant key is pressed. Releasing the finger from the key will return
the display to the original.

Example 1: “Event 1 set value” screen when the Parameter setting mode is locked.
Parameter setting mode
Event 1 set value
MODE , ,

EV1 While any of the keys is pressed

10 Release the finger to return
LCK Set lock state

Example 2: “PV/SV monitor” screen when the SV setting mode is locked

(Direct method is selected at Function block No. 11 in the Engineering mode)
Monitor & SV setting mode
PV/SV monitor
MODE , ,

203.0 While any of the keys is pressed

200.0 Release the finger to return
LCK Set lock state

Switching the Set data lock is available anytime irrespective or RUN or STOP state.

Parameter switching is available during the Set data lock state for checking the data.
When the SV setting mode is locked, the Set value (SV) setting screen in the SV setting mode will
not be displayed.
Even during the Set data lock state, setting through the communication (optional function) and
selection of functions by the FUNC key is possible. It should be noted that when the parameters in
the Engineering mode are changed, the instrument must be stopped (or stay in the STOP mode).

 Parameter setting
 Set data unlock/lock transfer
[Setting Lock Mode]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

LOCK oFF: Unlock state

on: Lock state

IMR03A05-E4 10-39

 Set lock level

[Setting Lock Mode]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

LCK.LV Set Lock/Unlock at each digit. 00000

00000 SV display
0: Unlock
1: Lock
SV setting mode *  Parameter select mode
* Set value (SV), Interlock release, Memory area
transfer (FZ110 only)
Operation transfer mode
Parameter setting mode
Setup setting mode
Engineering mode

 Area lock
[Setting Lock Mode]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

ARE.LK 0: Memory area is adjustable when the setting data is locked.

1: Memory area is not adjustable when the setting data is locked.

(Memory area transfer mode is not displayed)

 Setting procedure
Set data lock can be found in the Set data lock mode.

Monitor & SV setting mode Setting lock mode

PV/SV monitor Set data unlock/lock transfer Set lock level Area lock

28.0 (4 seconds*)
000.0 0oFF 00000 00000
Set the Set data Set the Set lock Set the Area lock
unlock/lock level
* Press the key until Parameter setting
mode is displayed.
Keep pressing without releasing your finger
from the key to enter the Setting lock

Setting End

 Next parameter is displayed.

 Press and MODE keys simultaneously to return to the Measured value
(PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor. (For FZ400/900, the MONI key may be pressed to
return to the Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor)

10-40 IMR03A05-E4

10.10 Initializing the Set Data

The set values can be initialized when all the set values need to be reset.

 Description of function
When the pass code is entered on the “Initialize” screen in Function block No. 91 in the Engineering mode,
all the set values are initialized and reset to the factory set values.

This action initializes and erases all the set values set so far. Record your setting separately if
necessary. 3. PARAMETER LIST (P. 3-1) has a field for user set values which can be used for

 Parameter setting
 Initialization
[Engineering Mode: Function block No. 91 (Fn91)]
Parameter symbol Data range Factory set value

D EF 1225: Start initialization

Other values: Set values are maintained

After the initialization, this instrument is restarted. This setting will

automatically go back to zero.

IMR03A05-E4 10-41

 Setting procedure
To enter the Engineering mode

Setting lock mode

Monitor & SV setting mode Set data unlock/lock
PV/SV monitor transfer

028.0 (4 seconds *)
* Press the key until
000.0 0on 0oFF Parameter setting mode
is displayed.
Lock state Unlock state Keep pressing without
releasing your finger from
the key to enter the
Operation transfer mode Setting lock mode.
RUN/STOP transfer

00R/S 00R/S
(2 seconds) (2 seconds)


Engineering mode Engineering Mode

Function block No. 10 Function block No. 91
[Display] [System] Initialization

Fn100 Fn910 DEF

00DSP 0SYS 00000
Set the Initialization

Setting End

 Next parameter is displayed.

 Press and MODE keys simultaneously to return to the
Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor.
(For FZ400/900, the MONI key may be pressed to return to the
Measured value (PV)/Set value (SV) Monitor)
 Select RUN on the RUN/STOP transfer.
 Select lock on the Set data unlock/lock transfer.

10-42 IMR03A05-E4

INDEX [Alphabetical Order]

A Cascade_Proportional band (slave-side) ·····················
Action at feedback resistance (FBR) input error ············ 2-14, 3-21, 8-92
2-19, 3-40, 8-52 Cascade_Scale high ························· 2-14, 3-21, 8-93
Action at saturated output ··················· 2-19, 3-40, 8-53 Cascade_Scale low··························· 2-14, 3-21, 8-94
Area lock ·········································· 2-8, 3-7, 10-40 Communication protocol··············· 2-20, 3-42, 4-2, 4-19
Area switching time (without area set signal) ················ Communication response monitor ················ 2-20, 3-42
2-16, 3-29, 5-25 Communication speed ······························· 2-20, 3-42
AT Comprehensive event state ······································
Input 1_AT bias ···························· 2-13, 3-19, 8-14 2-2, 2-3, 2-4, 2-5, 3-4, 7-41
Input 2_AT bias ···························· 2-13, 3-20, 8-14 Control action
Input 1_AT remaining time monitor ··· 2-13, 3-19, 8-14 Input 1_Control action ·········································
Input 2_AT remaining time monitor ··· 2-13, 3-20, 8-15 2-18, 3-38, 4-2, 4-13, 8-8, 8-41, 8-51
Input 1_AT/ST status monitor ······························· Input 2_Control action ······· 2-19, 3-39, 4-2, 4-14, 8-8
2-13, 3-19, 8-15, 8-21 Control area Local/External transfer ·········· 2-7, 3-6, 5-26
Input 2_AT/ST status monitor ······························· Control loop break alarm (LBA) time
2-13, 3-20, 8-15, 8-21 Input 1_Control loop break alarm (LBA) time············
Input 1_Autotuning (AT) ···················· 2-7, 3-6, 8-14 2-10, 3-11, 7-38
Input 2_Autotuning (AT) ···················· 2-7, 3-6, 8-14 Input 2_Control loop break alarm (LBA) time············
Auto/Manual 2-10, 3-12, 7-38
Input 1_Auto/Manual transfer ···· 2-7, 3-6, 8-60, 8-113 Control motor time ···························· 2-19, 3-40, 8-53
Input 2_Auto/Manual transfer ···· 2-7, 3-6, 8-60, 8-113 Control response parameter
Input 1_Auto/Manual transfer selection (Area) ········· Input 1_Control response parameter ······················
2-11, 3-14, 6-35, 10-28 2-10, 3-11, 8-8, 8-119
Input 2_Auto/Manual transfer selection (Area) ········· Input 2_Control response parameter ······················
2-11, 3-14, 6-36, 10-29 2-10, 3-12, 8-8, 8-119
Autotuning CT1 assignment ······························· 2-18, 3-36, 7-31
Input 1_Autotuning (AT) ···················· 2-7, 3-6, 8-14 CT1 low input cut-off ························· 2-18, 3-36, 7-35
Input 2_Autotuning (AT) ···················· 2-7, 3-6, 8-14 CT1 ratio········································· 2-18, 3-36, 7-33
CT1 type ···························· 2-18, 3-36, 4-2, 4-18, 7-33
B CT2 assignment ······························· 2-18, 3-36, 7-31
Bottom hold monitor CT2 low input cut-off ························· 2-18, 3-36, 7-35
Input 1_Bottom hold monitor ··········· 2-14, 3-22, 9-27 CT2 ratio········································· 2-18, 3-36, 7-34
Input 2_Bottom hold monitor ··········· 2-14, 3-22, 9-27 CT2 type ···························· 2-18, 3-36, 4-2, 4-19, 7-33
Bottom suppression function ······················· 2-19, 3-40 Current transformer 1 (CT1) input value monitor············
Burnout direction 2-2, 2-3, 2-4, 2-5, 3-4
Input 1_Burnout direction ··············· 2-15, 3-25, 5-43 Current transformer 2 (CT2) input value monitor············
Input 2_Burnout direction ··············· 2-15, 3-28, 5-43 2-2, 2-3, 2-4, 2-5, 3-4

Cascade_AT mode (master-side) ········· 2-20, 3-41, 8-94 Data bit configuration································· 2-20, 3-42
Cascade_AT mode (slave-side) ············ 2-20, 3-41, 8-94 Data registration ······························ 2-15, 3-24, 10-34
Cascade_Derivative time (master-side) ······················· Decimal point position
2-14, 3-21, 8-92 Input 1_Decimal point position ······························
Cascade_Derivative time (slave-side) ···· 2-14, 3-21, 8-93 2-15, 3-25, 4-2, 4-4, 4-9, 4-21, 4-25, 5-7
Cascade_Digital filter ························· 2-14, 3-21, 8-93 Input 2_Decimal point position ······························
Cascade_Integral time (master-side) ····· 2-14, 3-21, 8-92 2-15, 3-27, 4-21, 4-28, 5-7
Cascade_Integral time (slave-side) ······· 2-14, 3-21, 8-93 Derivative time
Cascade_Proportional band (master-side) ··················· Input 1_Derivative time [cool-side] ·························
2-14, 3-21, 8-92 2-11, 3-13, 8-29, 8-40

IMR03A05-E4 A-1

Input 1_Derivative time [heat-side] ························ Event 2 set value (EV2) [high] ····················· 2-10, 3-10
2-10, 3-10, 8-28, 8-40, 8-90 Event 2 set value (EV2') [low] ······················ 2-10, 3-10
Input 2_Derivative time ·········· 2-10, 3-12, 8-29, 8-91 Event 2 timer ··································· 2-17, 3-35, 7-22
Determination point of external disturbance Event 2 type ······················· 2-17, 3-35, 4-2, 4-17, 7-15
Input 1_Determination point of external disturbance ·· Event 3 assignment··············· 2-17, 3-35, 4-2, 4-18, 7-4
2-14, 3-20, 8-120 Event 3 differential gap ······················ 2-17, 3-35, 7-19
Input 2_Determination point of external disturbance ·· Event 3 hold action ··························· 2-17, 3-35, 7-18
2-14, 3-20, 8-121 Event 3 set value (EV3) ····························· 2-10, 3-10
Device address ········································ 2-20, 3-42 Event 3 set value (EV3) [high] ····················· 2-10, 3-10
DI logic invert ··································· 2-16, 3-29, 5-25 Event 3 set value (EV3') [low] ······················ 2-10, 3-10
DI1 function selection ························· 2-16, 3-29, 5-23 Event 3 timer ··································· 2-17, 3-35, 7-22
DI2 function selection ························· 2-16, 3-29, 5-24 Event 3 type ······················· 2-17, 3-35, 4-2, 4-18, 7-15
DI3 function selection ························· 2-16, 3-29, 5-24 Event 4 assignment··············· 2-18, 3-35, 4-2, 4-18, 7-4
DI4 function selection ························· 2-16, 3-29, 5-24 Event 4 differential gap ······················ 2-18, 3-35, 7-19
DI5 function selection ························· 2-16, 3-29, 5-25 Event 4 hold action ··························· 2-18, 3-35, 7-18
DI6 function selection ························· 2-16, 3-29, 5-25 Event 4 set value (EV4) ····························· 2-10, 3-10
Differential temperature input Event 4 set value (EV4) [high] ····················· 2-10, 3-10
Measured value (PV) of differential temperature input/ Event 4 set value (EV4') [low] ······················ 2-10, 3-10
Set value (SV) of differential temperature input ········ Event 4 timer ··································· 2-18, 3-35, 7-22
2-5, 3-4 Event 4 type ······················· 2-18, 3-35, 4-2, 4-18, 7-15
Set value (SV) of differential temperature input ········
2-5, 2-10, 3-4, 3-9, 8-72
Display unit
Feedback adjustment ························ 2-19, 3-40, 8-52
Input 1_Display unit············ 2-15, 3-25, 4-2, 4-6, 5-6
FF amount
Input 2_Display unit··········· 2-15, 3-27, 4-2, 4-10, 5-6
FF amount learning ····················· 2-14, 3-20, 8-120
Display update cycle ·························· 2-12, 3-16, 9-31
Input 1_FF amount ······················ 2-10, 3-11, 8-120
DO1 function selection ························ 2-17, 3-33, 6-8
Input 2_FF amount ······················· 2-10, 3-12, 8-12
DO1 logic calculation selection ············· 2-17, 3-33, 6-10
FUNC key assignment ······················ 2-15, 3-24, 10-36
DO2 function selection ························ 2-17, 3-33, 6-8
FUNC key operation selection ············ 2-15, 3-24, 10-36
DO2 logic calculation selection ············· 2-17, 3-33, 6-10
Function block No. 10: Display (dSP) ············ 2-15, 3-23
DO3 function selection ························ 2-17, 3-33, 6-8
Function block No. 11: Key operation (KEY) ··· 2-15, 3-24
DO4 function selection ························ 2-17, 3-33, 6-9
Function block No. 21: Input 1 (1. InP) ·········· 2-15, 3-25
DO4 logic calculation selection ············· 2-17, 3-33, 6-10
Function block No. 22: Input 2 (2. InP) ·········· 2-15, 3-27
Function block No. 23: Digital input (dI) ········· 2-16, 3-29
E Function block No. 30: Output (oUT) ············· 2-16, 3-30
Energized/De-energized selection········· 2-16, 3-30, 6-25
Function block No. 31: Retransmission output 1 (Ao1) ····
Engineering Mode [H] ·························· 1-2, 2-15, 3-23
2-16, 3-31
Event 1 assignment ··············· 2-17, 3-34, 4-2, 4-17, 7-3
Function block No. 32: Retransmission output 2 (Ao2) ····
Event 1 differential gap ······················· 2-17, 3-34, 7-19 2-16, 3-32
Event 1 hold action ···························· 2-17, 3-34, 7-17 Function block No. 33: Retransmission output 3 (Ao3) ····
Event 1 set value (EV1) ······························· 2-10, 3-9 2-17, 3-32
Event 1 set value (EV1) [high] ······················· 2-10, 3-9 Function block No. 34: Digital output (do)······· 2-17, 3-33
Event 1 set value (EV1') [low]························ 2-10, 3-9 Function block No. 41: Event 1 (EV1)············ 2-17, 3-34
Event 1 timer ···································· 2-17, 3-34, 7-22 Function block No. 42: Event 2 (EV2)············ 2-17, 3-35
Event 1 type ······················· 2-17, 3-34, 4-2, 4-17, 7-14 Function block No. 43: Event 3 (EV3)············ 2-17, 3-35
Event 2 assignment ··············· 2-17, 3-35, 4-2, 4-17, 7-4 Function block No. 44: Event 4 (EV4)············ 2-18, 3-35
Event 2 differential gap ······················· 2-17, 3-35, 7-19 Function block No. 45: CT1 (CT1) ················ 2-18, 3-36
Event 2 hold action ···························· 2-17, 3-35, 7-18 Function block No. 46: CT2 (CT2) ················ 2-18, 3-36
Event 2 set value (EV2) ····························· 2-10, 3-10 Function block No. 50: Control (ConT) ·········· 2-18, 3-37

A-2 IMR03A05-E4

Function block No. 51: Input 1_Control (1.ConT) ··········· Input 1_Bottom hold monitor ··············· 2-14, 3-22, 9-27
2-18, 3-38 Input 1_Burnout direction ··················· 2-15, 3-25, 5-43
Function block No. 52: Input 2_Control (2.ConT) ··········· Input 1_Control action ··············································
2-19, 3-39 2-18, 3-38, 4-2, 4-13, 8-8, 8-41, 8-51
Function block No. 55: Position proportioning control Input 1_Control loop break alarm (LBA) time ················
(PoSIT) ·················································· 2-19, 3-40 2-10, 3-11, 7-38
Function block No. 56: Input 1_Cooling control Input 1_Control response parameter ···························
(1.CooL) ················································· 2-19, 3-40 2-10, 3-11, 8-8, 8-119
Function block No. 57: Proactive (PACT)······· 2-19, 3-40 Input 1_Decimal point position ···································
Function block No. 58: 2-input function (2PV) · 2-20, 3-41 2-15, 3-25, 4-2, 4-4, 4-9, 4-21, 4-25, 5-7
Function block No. 60: Communication (SCI) · 2-20, 3-42 Input 1_Derivative time [cool-side] ······························
Function block No. 62: PLC communication (MAP) ········ 2-11, 3-13, 8-29, 8-40
2-20, 3-43 Input 1_Derivative time [heat-side] ·····························
Function block No. 70: Memory area (ArEA) ·· 2-20, 3-43 2-10, 3-10, 8-28, 8-40, 8-90
Function block No. 71: Input 1_Setting limiter (1. SVL) ··· Input 1_Determination point of external disturbance ·······
2-21, 3-43 2-14, 3-20, 8-120
Function block No. 72: Input 2_Setting limiter (2. SVL) ··· Input 1_Display unit················· 2-15, 3-25, 4-2, 4-6, 5-6
2-21, 3-44 Input 1_FF amount ··························· 2-10, 3-11, 8-120
Function block No. 91: System (SYS) ··········· 2-21, 3-44 Input 1_Hold reset ···························· 2-14, 3-22, 9-27
Input 1_Input error determination point (high) ···············
H 2-15, 3-25, 5-42
HBA Input 1_Input error determination point (low)·················
Heater break alarm 1 (HBA1) set value ·················· 2-15, 3-25, 5-42
2-12, 3-17, 7-26 Input 1_Input range high ······· 2-15, 3-25, 4-21, 4-25, 5-9
Heater break alarm 2 (HBA2) set value ·················· Input 1_Input range low········· 2-15, 3-25, 4-21, 4-25, 5-9
2-13, 3-18, 7-26 Input 1_Input type ··················· 2-15, 3-25, 4-2, 4-6, 5-4
Number of heater break alarm 1 (HBA1) delay times · Input 1_Integral time [cool-side] ···· 2-11, 3-13, 8-28, 8-39
2-12, 3-17, 7-28 Input 1_Integral time [heat-side] ·································
Number of heater break alarm 2 (HBA2) delay times · 2-10, 3-10, 8-28, 8-39, 8-90
2-13, 3-18, 7-29 Input 1_Inverting input ······················· 2-15, 3-26, 5-33
Heater break alarm 1 (HBA1) set value ······················· Input 1_LBA deadband (LBD)·············· 2-10, 3-11, 7-39
2-12, 3-17, 7-26 Input 1_Level PID action selection······· 2-18, 3-38, 8-105
Heater break alarm 2 (HBA2) set value ······················· Input 1_Level PID differential gap········ 2-18, 3-38, 8-105
2-13, 3-18, 7-26 Input 1_Level PID setting 1 ·······································
Hold reset 2-13, 3-18, 4-21, 4-32, 8-104
Input 1_Hold reset ························ 2-14, 3-22, 9-27 Input 1_Level PID setting 2 ·······································
Input 2_Hold reset ························ 2-14, 3-22, 9-28 2-13, 3-18, 4-21, 4-33, 8-104
Hot/Cold start ································· 2-18, 3-37, 8-126 Input 1_Level PID setting 3 ·······································
2-13, 3-18, 4-21, 4-33, 8-104
I Input 1_Level PID setting 4 ·······································
Initialization ······················ 2-21, 3-44, 4-2, 4-20, 10-41 2-13, 3-18, 4-21, 4-33, 8-104
Input 1_Action (high) input error ··········· 2-18, 3-38, 5-43 Input 1_Level PID setting 5 ·······································
Input 1_Action (low) input error············· 2-18, 3-38, 5-44 2-13, 3-18, 4-21, 4-34, 8-104
Input 1_AT bias································· 2-13, 3-19, 8-14 Input 1_Level PID setting 6 ·······································
Input 1_AT remaining time monitor········ 2-13, 3-19, 8-14 2-13, 3-18, 4-21, 4-34, 8-104
Input 1_AT/ST status monitor ······· 2-13, 3-19, 8-15, 8-21 Input 1_Level PID setting 7 ·······································
Input 1_Auto/Manual transfer ········· 2-7, 3-6, 8-60, 8-113 2-13, 3-18, 4-21, 4-34, 8-104
Input 1_Auto/Manual transfer selection (Area) ·············· Input 1_Manipulated output value (Area) ·····················
2-11, 3-14, 6-35, 10-28 2-11, 3-14, 6-36, 10-29
Input 1_Autotuning (AT) ························· 2-7, 3-6, 8-14

IMR03A05-E4 A-3

Input 1_Manipulated output value at input error ············ Input 1_Setting change rate limiter (down) ···················
2-18, 3-38, 5-44 2-11, 3-14, 10-7
Input 1_Manipulated output value at STOP [cool-side] ··· Input 1_Setting change rate limiter (up) ·······················
2-19, 3-40, 6-40 2-11, 3-14, 10-7
Input 1_Manipulated output value at STOP [heat-side] ··· Input 1_Setting limiter high ·······································
2-18, 3-38, 6-39, 8-51 2-20, 3-43, 4-21, 4-27, 10-3
Input 1_Manipulated output value monitor [cool-side] ····· Input 1_Setting limiter low···· 2-20, 3-43, 4-21, 4-27, 10-4
2-2, 2-3, 2-4, 2-5, 3-4, 6-42 Input 1_Square root extraction············· 2-15, 3-26, 5-35
Input 1_Manipulated output value monitor [heat-side]····· Input 1_Start determination point ········ 2-18, 3-38, 8-126
2-2, 2-3, 2-4, 2-5, 3-4, 6-42 Input 1_Startup tuning (ST) ····················· 2-7, 3-6, 8-20
Input 1_Manual manipulated output value···················· Input 1_Temperature compensation calculation ············
2-13, 3-18, 6-35 2-15, 3-25
Input 1_Manual reset ······················· 2-10, 3-11, 8-108 Input 2_Action (high) input error ··········· 2-19, 3-39, 5-44
Input 1_Measured value (PV)/Input 1_Set value (SV)····· Input 2_Action (low) input error ············ 2-19, 3-39, 5-44
2-2, 2-3, 2-5, 3-3 Input 2_AT bias ································ 2-13, 3-20, 8-14
Input 1_Measured value (PV)/Input 2_Measured value Input 2_AT remaining time monitor ······· 2-13, 3-20, 8-15
(PV) ········································· 2-2, 2-3, 2-4, 2-5, 3-4 Input 2_AT/ST status monitor ······· 2-13, 3-20, 8-15, 8-21
Input 1_ON/OFF action differential gap (lower) ············· Input 2_Auto/Manual transfer ········ 2-7, 3-6, 8-60, 8-113
2-10, 3-11, 8-34 Input 2_Auto/Manual transfer selection (Area) ··············
Input 1_ON/OFF action differential gap (upper)············· 2-11, 3-14, 6-36, 10-29
2-10, 3-11, 8-33 Input 2_Autotuning (AT) ························· 2-7, 3-6, 8-14
Input 1_Output change rate limiter (down) [cool-side] ····· Input 2_Bottom hold monitor ··············· 2-14, 3-22, 9-27
2-19, 3-40, 6-31 Input 2_Burnout direction ··················· 2-15, 3-28, 5-43
Input 1_Output change rate limiter (down) [heat-side] ···· Input 2_Control action ············ 2-19, 3-39, 4-2, 4-14, 8-8
2-18, 3-38, 6-30 Input 2_Control loop break alarm (LBA) time ················
Input 1_Output change rate limiter (up) [cool-side] ········· 2-10, 3-12, 7-38
2-19, 3-40, 6-31 Input 2_Control response parameter ···························
Input 1_Output change rate limiter (up) [heat-side] ········ 2-10, 3-12, 8-8, 8-119
2-18, 3-38, 6-30 Input 2_Decimal point position ···································
Input 1_Output limiter high [cool-side] ························· 2-15, 3-27, 4-21, 4-28, 5-7
2-11, 3-13, 4-21, 4-27, 6-27 Input 2_Derivative time ··············· 2-10, 3-12, 8-29, 8-91
Input 1_Output limiter high [heat-side]························· Input 2_Determination point of external disturbance ·······
2-10, 3-11, 4-21, 4-27, 6-26, 8-51 2-14, 3-20, 8-121
Input 1_Output limiter low [cool-side] ·························· Input 2_Display unit··············· 2-15, 3-27, 4-2, 4-10, 5-6
2-11, 3-13, 4-21, 4-27, 6-27 Input 2_FF amount ··························· 2-10, 3-12, 8-120
Input 1_Output limiter low [heat-side] ·························· Input 2_Hold reset ···························· 2-14, 3-22, 9-28
2-10, 3-11, 4-21, 4-27, 6-26, 8-51
Input 2_Input error determination point (high) ···············
Input 1_Overlap/Deadband ·················· 2-11, 3-13, 8-40 2-15, 3-28, 5-42
Input 1_Peak hold monitor··················· 2-14, 3-22, 9-26 Input 2_Input error determination point (low)·················
Input 1_Proactive intensity ················ 2-10, 3-11, 8-119 2-15, 3-28, 5-43
Input 1_Proportional band [cool-side] ·························· Input 2_Input range high ······· 2-15, 3-27, 4-21, 4-30, 5-8
2-11, 3-13, 8-27, 8-39 Input 2_Input range low········· 2-15, 3-27, 4-21, 4-30, 5-9
Input 1_Proportional band [heat-side] ························· Input 2_Input type ···· 2-15, 3-27, 4-2, 4-4, 4-10, 5-5, 8-64
2-10, 3-10, 8-27, 8-33, 8-38, 8-90 Input 2_Integral time··················· 2-10, 3-12, 8-28, 8-91
Input 1_PV bias ································ 2-12, 3-16, 5-29 Input 2_Inverting input ······················· 2-15, 3-28, 5-33
Input 1_PV digital filter ························ 2-12, 3-16, 5-31 Input 2_LBA deadband (LBD)·············· 2-10, 3-12, 7-39
Input 1_PV low input cut-off ················· 2-12, 3-16, 5-36 Input 2_Level PID action selection······· 2-19, 3-39, 8-105
Input 1_PV ratio ································ 2-12, 3-16, 5-29 Input 2_Level PID differential gap········ 2-19, 3-39, 8-105
Input 1_Set value (SV) ··· 2-2, 2-3, 2-4, 2-5,2-10, 3-4, 3-9 Input 2_Level PID setting 1 ·······································
2-13, 3-19, 4-21, 4-35, 8-104

A-4 IMR03A05-E4

Input 2_Level PID setting 2······································· Input 2_Start determination point ········ 2-19, 3-39, 8-126
2-13, 3-19, 4-21, 4-35, 8-104 Input 2_Startup tuning (ST) ····················· 2-7, 3-6, 8-21
Input 2_Level PID setting 3······································· Input 2_Temperature compensation calculation ············
2-13, 3-19, 4-21, 4-35, 8-104 2-15, 3-28
Input 2_Level PID setting 4······································· Input circuit error alarm set value ········· 2-20, 3-41, 7-41
2-13, 3-19, 4-21, 4-36, 8-104 Input data type ·················· 2-15, 3-26, 4-21, 4-23, 5-10
Input 2_Level PID setting 5······································· Input type symbol ············································· 1-3
····································· 2-13, 3-19, 4-21, 4-36, 8-104 Instrument link recognition time ··················· 2-20, 3-43
Input 2_Level PID setting 6······································· Instrument number monitor ················· 2-21, 3-44, 9-92
2-13, 3-19, 4-21, 4-36, 8-104 Integral/Derivative time decimal point position···············
Input 2_Level PID setting 7······································· 2-18, 3-3, 4-2, 4-19
2-13, 3-19, 4-21, 4-37, 8-104 Integral time
Input 2_Manipulated output value (Area) ····················· Input 1_Integral time [cool-side] ····························
2-11, 3-14, 6-36, 10-29 2-11, 3-13, 8-28, 8-39
Input 2_Manipulated output value at input error ············ Input 1_Integral time [heat-side] ····························
2-19, 3-39, 5-45 2-10, 3-10, 8-28, 8-39, 8-90
Input 2_Manipulated output value at STOP mode·········· Input 2_Integral time ·············· 2-10, 3-12, 8-28, 8-91
2-19, 3-39, 6-40 Integrated operating time ···················· 2-21, 3-44, 9-32
Input 2_Manipulated output value monitor ··················· Integrated output limiter ····················· 2-19, 3-40, 8-53
2-2, 2-3, 2-4, 2-5, 3-4, 6-42 Interlock release ················· 2-2, 2-3, 2-4, 2-5, 3-5, 7-45
Input 2_Manual manipulated output value···················· Interlock selection ····························· 2-16, 3-30, 7-42
2-13, 3-19, 6-35 Interval time············································· 2-20, 3-42
Input 2_Manual reset ······················· 2-10, 3-12, 8-109 Inverting input
Input 2_Measured value (PV)/Input 2_Set value (SV)····· Input 1_Inverting input ·················· 2-15, 3-26, 5-33
2-3, 2-5, 3-3 Input 2_Inverting input ·················· 2-15, 3-28, 5-33
Input 2_ON/OFF action differential gap (lower) ·············
2-10, 3-12, 8-34 L
Input 2_ON/OFF action differential gap (upper)············· LBA
2-10, 3-12, 8-34
Input 1_Control loop break alarm (LBA) time············
Input 2_Output change rate limiter (down) ··················· 2-10, 3-11, 7-38
2-19, 3-39, 6-30
Input 2_Control loop break alarm (LBA) time············
Input 2_Output change rate limiter (up) ······················· 2-10, 3-12, 7-38
2-19, 3-39, 6-30
Input 1_LBA deadband (LBD) ········· 2-10, 3-11, 7-39
Input 2_Output limiter high ·· 2-10, 3-12, 4-21, 4-32, 6-27
Input 2_LBA deadband (LBD) ········· 2-10, 3-12, 7-39
Input 2_Output limiter low···· 2-10, 3-12, 4-21, 4-32, 6-27
Link area number ··················· 2-11, 3-14, 10-25, 10-28
Input 2_Peak hold monitor··················· 2-14, 3-22, 9-27
Level PID action selection
Input 2_Proactive intensity ················ 2-10, 3-12, 8-119
Input 1_Level PID action selection ·························
Input 2_Proportional band ··· 2-10, 3-12, 8-27, 8-33, 8-91 2-18, 3-38, 8-105
Input 2_PV bias (RS bias) ··················· 2-12, 3-16, 5-29 Input 2_Level PID action selection ·························
Input 2_PV digital filter (RS digital filter) ······················ 2-19, 3-39, 8-105
2-12, 3-16, 5-31 Level PID differential gap
Input 2_PV low input cut-off ················· 2-12, 3-16, 5-36 Input 1_Level PID differential gap ··· 2-18, 3-38, 8-105
Input 2_PV ratio (RS ratio) ·················· 2-12, 3-16, 5-29 Input 2_Level PID differential gap ··· 2-19, 3-39, 8-105
Input 2_Set value (SV) ······ 2-3, 2-5, 2-10, 3-4, 3-9, 8-72 Level PID setting
Input 2_Setting change rate limiter (down) ··················· Input 1_Level PID setting 1 ··································
2-11, 3-14, 10-7 2-13, 3-18, 4-21, 4-32, 8-104
Input 2_Setting change rate limiter (up) ·· 2-11, 3-14, 10-7 Input 2_Level PID setting 1 ··································
Input 2_Setting limiter high ·· 2-21, 3-44, 4-21, 4-32, 10-4 2-13, 3-19, 4-21, 4-35, 8-104
Input 2_Setting limiter low ··· 2-21, 3-44, 4-21, 4-32, 10-4 Input 1_Level PID setting 2 ··································
Input 2_Square root extraction ············· 2-15, 3-28, 5-36 2-13, 3-18, 4-21, 4-33, 8-104

IMR03A05-E4 A-5

Input 2_Level PID setting 2 ·································· Manual manipulated output value selection ·············
2-13, 3-19, 4-21, 4-35, 8-104 2-18, 3-37, 6-35
Input 1_Level PID setting 3 ·································· Manual reset
2-13, 3-18, 4-21, 4-33, 8-104 Input 1_Manual reset ··················· 2-10, 3-11, 8-108
Input 2_Level PID setting 3 ·································· Input 2_Manual reset ··················· 2-10, 3-12, 8-109
2-13, 3-19, 4-21, 4-35, 8-104 Measured value (PV)
Input 1_Level PID setting 4 ·································· Input 1_Measured value (PV)/Input 1_Set value (SV)
2-13, 3-18, 4-21, 4-33, 8-104 2-2, 2-3, 2-5, 3-3
Input 2_Level PID setting 4 ·································· Input 2_Measured value (PV)/Input 2_Set value (SV)
2-13, 3-19, 4-21, 4-36, 8-104 2-3, 2-5, 3-3
Input 1_Level PID setting 5 ·································· Input 1_Measured value (PV)/Input 2_Measured
2-13, 3-18, 4-21, 4-34, 8-104 value (PV) ··························· 2-2, 2-3, 2-4, 2-5, 3-4
Input 2_Level PID setting 5 ·································· Measured value (PV) of differential temperature input/
2-13, 3-19, 4-21, 4-36, 8-104 Set value (SV) of differential temperature input ·· 2-5, 3-4
Input 1_Level PID setting 6 ·································· Memory area soak time monitor ···· 2-2, 2-3, 2-4, 2-5, 3-5
2-13, 3-18, 4-21, 4-34, 8-104 Memory area transfer ··············································
Input 2_Level PID setting 6 ·································· 2-2, 2-9, 3-5, 3-8, 4-21, 4-32, 10-15
2-13, 3-19, 4-21, 4-36, 8-104 Memory Area Transfer Mode [E] ··············· 1-2, 2-9, 3-8
Input 1_Level PID setting 7 ·································· Model code monitor ··························· 2-21, 3-44, 9-92
2-13, 3-18, 4-21, 4-34, 8-104 Monitor & SV Setting Mode [A] ··········· 1-2, 1-3, 2-2, 3-3
Input 2_Level PID setting 7 ·································· Monitor item register bias ··························· 2-20, 3-43
2-13, 3-19, 4-21, 4-37, 8-104 MV
Show/Hide Input 1_MV ················· 2-15, 3-23, 9-24
M Show/Hide Input 2_MV ················· 2-15, 3-23, 9-25
Manipulated output value
Input 1_Manipulated output value (Area) ················ N
2-11, 3-14, 6-36, 10-29 Number of heater break alarm 1 (HBA1) delay times ······
Input 2_Manipulated output value (Area) ················ 2-12, 3-17, 7-28
2-11, 3-14, 6-36, 10-29 Number of heater break alarm 2 (HBA2) delay times ······
Input 1_Manipulated output value at input error ········ 2-13, 3-18, 7-29
2-18, 3-38, 5-44 Number of recognizable devices ·················· 2-20, 3-43
Input 2_Manipulated output value at input error ········
2-19, 3-39, 5-45 O
Input 1_Manipulated output value at STOP Open/Close output differential gap ······· 2-14, 3-20, 8-52
[cool-side] ··································· 2-19, 3-40, 6-40 Open/Close output neutral zone·································
Input 1_Manipulated output value at STOP 2-14, 3-20, 4-2, 4-14, 8-52
[heat-side] ··························· 2-18, 3-38, 6-39, 8-51 Operation Transfer Mode [C] ···················· 1-2, 2-7, 3-6
Input 2_Manipulated output value at STOP mode ····· OUT1 function selection ········· 2-16, 3-30, 4-2, 4-14, 6-7
2-19, 3-39, 6-40 OUT1 logic calculation selection ············ 2-16, 3-30, 6-9
Input 1_Manipulated output value monitor [cool-side] OUT1 minimum ON/OFF time of proportioning cycle ······
2-2, 2-3, 2-4, 2-5, 3-4, 6-42 2-12, 3-17, 6-21
Input 1_Manipulated output value monitor [heat-side] OUT1 proportional cycle time ·············· 2-12, 3-17, 6-21
2-2, 2-3, 2-4, 2-5, 3-4, 6-42
OUT2 function selection ········· 2-16, 3-30, 4-2, 4-15, 6-7
Input 2_Manipulated output value monitor ···············
OUT2 logic calculation selection ············ 2-16, 3-30, 6-9
2-2, 2-3, 2-4, 2-5, 3-4, 6-42
OUT2 minimum ON/OFF time of proportioning cycle ······
Manual manipulated output value
····················································· 2-12, 3-17, 6-22
Input 1_Manual manipulated output value ···············
OUT2 proportional cycle time ·············· 2-12, 3-17, 6-21
2-13, 3-18, 6-35
OUT3 function selection ········· 2-16, 3-30, 4-2, 4-14, 6-8
Input 2_Manual manipulated output value ···············
OUT3 logic calculation selection ············ 2-16, 3-30, 6-9
2-13, 3-19, 6-35

A-6 IMR03A05-E4

OUT3 minimum ON/OFF time of proportioning cycle······ Parameter select setting 4 ······················· 2-8, 3-7, 9-8
2-12, 3-17, 6-22 Parameter select setting 5 ······················· 2-8, 3-7, 9-8
OUT3 proportional cycle time ··············· 2-12, 3-17, 6-21 Parameter select setting 6 ······················· 2-8, 3-7, 9-8
Output action at control stop ················ 2-16, 3-31, 6-39 Parameter select setting 7 ······················· 2-8, 3-7, 9-8
Output change rate limiter Parameter select setting 8 ······················· 2-8, 3-7, 9-8
Input 1_Output change rate limiter (down) Parameter select setting 9 ······················· 2-8, 3-7, 9-8
[cool-side] ··································· 2-19, 3-40, 6-31 Parameter select setting 10 ····················· 2-8, 3-7, 9-8
Input 1_Output change rate limiter (down) Parameter select setting 11 ····················· 2-8, 3-7, 9-8
[heat-side] ··································· 2-18, 3-38, 6-30 Parameter select setting 12 ····················· 2-8, 3-7, 9-8
Input 2_Output change rate limiter (down)··············· Parameter select setting 13 ····················· 2-8, 3-7, 9-8
2-19, 3-39, 6-30 Parameter select setting 14 ····················· 2-8, 3-7, 9-8
Input 1_Output change rate limiter (up) [cool-side] ···· Parameter select setting 15 ····················· 2-8, 3-7, 9-8
2-19, 3-40, 6-31 Parameter select setting 16 ····················· 2-8, 3-7, 9-8
Input 1_Output change rate limiter (up) [heat-side]···· Peak hold monitor
2-18, 3-38, 6-30 Input 1_Peak hold monitor ············· 2-14, 3-22, 9-26
Input 2_Output change rate limiter (up) ·················· Input 2_Peak hold monitor ············· 2-14, 3-22, 9-27
2-19, 3-39, 6-30 Peak hold monitor of ambient temperature ·················
Output limiter 2-21, 3-44, 9-32
Input 1_Output limiter high [cool-side] ···················· PLC communication start time ····················· 2-20, 3-43
2-11, 3-13, 4-21, 4-27, 6-27 PLC response waiting time ························· 2-20, 3-43
Input 1_Output limiter high [heat-side] ···················· Peak hold monitor
2-10, 3-11, 4-21, 4-27, 6-26, 8-51 Input 1_Peak hold monitor ············· 2-14, 3-22, 9-26
Input 2_Output limiter high ··································· Input 2_Peak hold monitor ············· 2-14, 3-22, 9-27
2-10, 3-12, 4-21, 4-32, 6-27 Proactive intensity
Input 1_Output limiter low [cool-side] ····················· Input 1_Proactive intensity ············ 2-10, 3-11, 8-119
2-11, 3-13, 4-21, 4-27, 6-27
Input 2_Proactive intensity ············ 2-10, 3-12, 8-119
Input 1_Output limiter low [heat-side] ·····················
Proportional band
2-10, 3-11, 4-21, 4-27, 6-26, 8-51
Input 1_Proportional band [cool-side] ·····················
Input 2_Output limiter low ····································
2-11, 3-13, 8-27, 8-39
2-10, 3-12, 4-21, 4-32, 6-27
Input 1_Proportional band [heat-side] ·····················
2-10, 3-10, 8-27, 8-33, 8-38, 8-90
Input 1_Overlap/Deadband ············· 2-11, 3-13, 8-40
Input 2_Proportional band2-10, 3-12, 8-27, 8-33, 8-91
Overlap/Deadband reference point ··· 2-19, 3-40, 8-41
Proportional cycle time
OUT1 minimum ON/OFF time of proportioning cycle ·
P 2-12, 3-17, 6-21
Parameter group No. 00: Setting (SV)············· 2-10, 3-9
OUT1 proportional cycle time ········· 2-12, 3-17, 6-21
Parameter group No. 40: Event (EV) ·············· 2-10, 3-9
OUT2 minimum ON/OFF time of proportioning cycle ·
Parameter group No. 51: Input 1_Control (1.ConT)········ 2-12, 3-17, 6-22
2-10, 3-10
OUT2 proportional cycle time ········· 2-12, 3-17, 6-21
Parameter group No. 52: Input 2_Control (2.ConT)········
OUT3 minimum ON/OFF time of proportioning cycle ·
2-10, 3-12
2-12, 3-17, 6-22
Parameter group No. 56: Input 1_Cooling control
OUT3 proportional cycle time ········· 2-12, 3-17, 6-21
(1.CooL) ················································· 2-11, 3-13
PV flashing display at input error ·········· 2-15, 3-23, 5-42
Parameter group No. 70: Memory area (ArEA) ·············
PV bias
2-11, 3-14
Input 1_PV bias ··························· 2-12, 3-16, 5-29
Parameter select direct registration ············ 2-8, 3-7, 9-8
Input 2_PV bias (RS bias) ·············· 2-12, 3-16, 5-29
Parameter Select Mode [B]······················· 1-2, 2-6, 3-5
Parameter select setting 1 ························ 2-8, 3-7, 9-8
PV digital filter
Parameter select setting 2 ························ 2-8, 3-7, 9-8
Input 1_PV digital filter ·················· 2-12, 3-16, 5-31
Parameter select setting 3 ························ 2-8, 3-7, 9-8

IMR03A05-E4 A-7

Input 2_PV digital filter (RS digital filter) ·················· Select function for input 2 ·········································
2-12, 3-16, 5-31 2-20, 3-41, 4-2, 4-3, 5-49, 7-47, 8-65, 8-69, 8-82, 8-94
PV low level cut-off Select hide items in Monitor mode ········ 2-15, 3-23, 9-13
Input 1_PV low input cut-off ············ 2-12, 3-16, 5-36 Select hide items in Operation transfer mode················
Input 2_PV low input cut-off ············ 2-12, 3-16, 5-36 2-15, 3-24, 9-14
PV ratio Select Trigger type for Memory area transfer ················
Input 1_PV ratio ··························· 2-12, 3-16, 5-29 2-11, 3-14, 10-28
Input 2_PV ratio (RS ratio) ·············· 2-12, 3-16, 5-29 Selection of PV select trigger ·············· 2-20, 3-41, 8-82
PV select input range high···································· 3-2 Set data unlock/lock transfer ················· 2-8, 3-7, 10-39
PV select input range low ····································· 3-2 Set lock level ····································· 2-8, 3-7, 10-40
PV select input span ··········································· 3-2 Setting change rate limiter
PV select Measured value (PV)/Input 1_Set value (SV) ·· Input 1_Setting change rate limiter (down)···············
2-4, 3-3 2-11, 3-14, 10-7
PV select transfer level ····················· 2-14, 3-21, 8-81 Input 2_Setting change rate limiter (down)···············
PV select transfer time ······················ 2-14, 3-21, 8-81 2-11, 3-14, 10-7
Input 1_Setting change rate limiter (up) ··················
R 2-11, 3-14, 10-7
Register start number (High-order 4-bit) ········ 2-20, 3-43 Input 2_Setting change rate limiter (up) ··················
Register start number (Low-order 16-bit) ······· 2-20, 3-43 2-11, 3-14, 10-7
Register type ······························ 2-20, 3-43, 4-2, 4-20 Setting limiter
Remote setting input value monitor ·················· 2-2, 3-4 Input 1_Setting limiter high ···································
Remote/Local transfer ············································· 2-20, 3-43, 4-21, 4-27, 10-3
2-7, 3-6, 8-64, 8-69, 8-72, 8-81, 8-90, 8-114 Input 2_Setting limiter high ···································
Remote/Local transfer selection (Area) ······················· 2-21, 3-44, 4-21, 4-32, 10-4
2-11, 3-15, 10-30 Input 1_Setting limiter low ····································
Retransmission output 1 scale high ······· 2-16, 3-31, 6-16 2-20, 3-43, 4-21, 4-27, 10-4
Retransmission output 1 scale low ········ 2-16, 3-32, 6-17 Input 2_Setting limiter low ····································
Retransmission output 1 type ···································· 2-21, 3-44, 4-21, 4-32, 10-4
2-16, 3-31, 4-2, 4-16, 6-16 Set value (SV)
Retransmission output 2 scale high ······· 2-16, 3-32, 6-17 Input 1_Set value (SV) ········································
Retransmission output 2 scale low ········ 2-16, 3-32, 6-17 2-2, 2-3, 2-4, 2-5,2-10, 3-4, 3-9
Retransmission output 2 type ···································· Input 2_Set value (SV) ········································
2-16, 3-32, 4-2, 4-16, 6-17 2-3, 2-5, 2-10, 3-4, 3-9, 8-72
Retransmission output 3 scale high ······· 2-17, 3-32, 6-18 Set value (SV) of differential temperature input ·············
Retransmission output 3 scale low ········ 2-17, 3-32, 6-18 2-5, 2-10, 3-4, 3-9, 8-72
Retransmission output 3 type ···································· Setting change rate limiter unit time ······ 2-20, 3-43, 10-8
2-17, 3-32, 4-2, 4-17, 6-18 Setting group No. 10: Display (dSP) ············· 2-12, 3-16
RS bias Setting group No. 21: Input 1 (1. InP) ············ 2-12, 3-16
Input 2_PV bias (RS bias) ·············· 2-12, 3-16, 5-29 Setting group No. 22: Input 2 (2. InP) ············ 2-12, 3-16
RS digital filter Setting group No. 30: Output (oUT) ·············· 2-12, 3-17
Input 2_PV digital filter (RS digital filter) ·················· Setting group No. 45: Heater break alarm 1 (HBA1) ·······
2-12, 3-16, 5-31 2-12, 3-17
RS ratio Setting group No. 46: Heater break alarm 2 (HBA2) ·······
Input 2_PV ratio (RS ratio) ·············· 2-12, 3-16, 5-29 2-13, 3-18
ROM version ···································· 2-21, 3-44, 9-32 Setting group No. 51: Input 1_Control (1.ConT)·············
RUN/STOP transfer ································ 2-7, 3-6, 8-3 2-13, 3-18
Setting group No. 52: Input 2_Control (2.ConT)·············
2-13, 3-19
Setting group No. 53: Input 1_Tuning (1.TUNE) ············
Select Blind function ····························· 2-8, 3-7, 9-17
2-13, 3-19

A-8 IMR03A05-E4

Setting group No. 54: Input 2_Tuning (2.TUNE) ············ Input 2_Temperature compensation calculation ········
2-13, 3-20 2-15, 3-28
Setting group No. 55: Position proportioning control U
(POSIT)·················································· 2-14, 3-20 Undershoot suppression factor ············ 2-19, 3-40, 8-41
Setting group No. 57: Proactive (PACT) ········ 2-14, 3-20 Universal output type selection (OUT3) ·······················
Setting group No. 58: 2-input function (2PV) ·· 2-14, 3-21 2-16, 3-31, 4-2, 4-15, 6-12
Setting group No. 91: System (SYS)············· 2-14, 3-22
Setting item register bias ···························· 2-20, 3-43 V
Setting Lock Mode [D] ····························· 1-2, 2-8, 3-7 Valve action at STOP ························ 2-19, 3-40, 8-53
Setup Setting Mode [G] ······················· 1-2, 2-12, 3-16
Show/Hide Input 1_MV ······················· 2-15, 3-23, 9-24
Show/Hide Input 1_SV ······················· 2-15, 3-23, 9-18
Show/Hide Input 2_MV ······················· 2-15, 3-23, 9-25
Show/Hide Input 2_SV ······················· 2-15, 3-23, 9-18
Slave register bias ···································· 2-20, 3-43
Soak time unit ·········· 2-20, 3-43, 4-2, 4-20, 10-25, 10-30
Square root extraction
Input 1_Square root extraction········· 2-15, 3-26, 5-35
Input 2_Square root extraction········· 2-15, 3-28, 5-36
Start determination point
Input 1_Start determination point ··· 2-18, 3-38, 8-126
Input 2_Start determination point ··· 2-19, 3-39, 8-126
Startup tuning (ST)
Input 1_Startup tuning (ST) ················ 2-7, 3-6, 8-20
Input 2_Startup tuning (ST) ················ 2-7, 3-6, 8-21
ST start condition ······························ 2-18, 3-37, 8-21
Input 1_Manipulated output value at STOP
[cool-side] ··································· 2-19, 3-40, 6-40
Input 1_Manipulated output value at STOP
[heat-side] ··························· 2-18, 3-38, 6-39, 8-51
Input 2_Manipulated output value at STOP mode ·····
2-19, 3-39, 6-40
Output action at control stop ··········· 2-16, 3-31, 6-39
STOP display selection ·················· 2-15, 3-23, 9-20
Valve action at STOP ···················· 2-19, 3-40, 8-53
Input 1_Set value (SV) ········································
2-2, 2-3, 2-4, 2-5,2-10, 3-4, 3-9
Input 2_Set value (SV) ········································
2-3, 2-5, 2-10, 3-4, 3-9, 8-72
Show/Hide Input 1_SV ··················· 2-15, 3-23, 9-18
Show/Hide Input 2_SV ··················· 2-15, 3-23, 9-18
SV tracking································ 2-18, 3-37, 8-114

Temperature compensation calculation
Input 1_Temperature compensation calculation ·······
2-15, 3-25

IMR03A05-E4 A-9

INDEX [Character Order]

* Mode
A: Monitor & SV setting Mode D: Setting lock mode G: Setup setting mode
B: Parameter select mode E: Memory area transfer mode H: Engineering mode
C: Operation transfer mode F: Parameter setting mode

Displayed in case of FZ400/900.

Symbol Name Mode* Page Symbol Name Mode* Page

Input 1_ON/OFF action
1 (1) 1. oHH 1. oHH
differential gap (upper)
F Pn51 2-10, 3-11
Input 1_ON/OFF action
1. A/M 1. A/M Input 1_Auto/Manual transfer C  2-7, 3-6 1. oHL 1. oHL
differential gap (lower)
F Pn51 2-10, 3-11
Input 1_Auto/Manual transfer Input 1_Output limiter high
1.A/M.A 1.A/M.A
selection (Area)
F Pn70 2-11, 3-14 1. oLH 1. oLH
F Pn51 2-10, 3-11
Input 1_Output limiter high
1.AOVE 1.AoVE Input 1_Action (high) input error H Fn51 2-18, 3-38 1.oLHc 1.oLHc
F Pn56 2-11, 3-13
Input 1_Output limiter low
1. ATb 1. ATb Input 1_AT bias G Sn53 2-13, 3-19 1. oLL 1. oLL
F Pn51 2-10, 3-11
Input 1_AT remaining time Input 1_Output limiter low
G Sn53 2-13, 3-19 1.oLLc 1.oLLc
F Pn56 2-11, 3-13
Input 1_ Output change rate
1. ATU 1. ATU Input 1_Autotuning (AT) C  2-7, 3-6 1. ORd 1. oRd
limiter (down) [heat-side]
H Fn51 2-18, 3-38
Input 1_ Output change rate
1.AUNE 1.AUNE Input 1_Action (low) input error H Fn51 2-18, 3-38 1.ORdc 1.oRdc
limiter (down) [cool-side]
H Fn56 2-19, 3-40
Input 1_Output change rate limiter
1.bHLd 1.bHLd Input 1_Bottom hold monitor G Sn91 2-14, 3-22 1. ORU 1. oRU
(up) [heat-side]
H Fn51 2-18, 3-38
Input 1_Output change rate limiter
1. boS 1. boS Input 1_Burnout direction H Fn21 2-15, 3-25 1.ORUc 1.oRUc
(up) [cool-side]
H Fn56 2-19, 3-40
Input 1_Derivative time
1. d 1. d
F Pn51 2-10, 3-11 1. OS 1. oS Input 1_Control action H Fn51 2-18, 3-38
Input 1_Overlap/Deadband 1 Input 1_Proportional band
1. db 1. db F Pn56 2-11, 3-13 1. P 1. P
F Pn51 2-10, 3-11

1. dc 1. dc Input 1_Derivative time [cool-side] F Pn56 2-11, 3-13 1.PACT 1.PACT Input 1_Proactive intensity F Pn51 2-10, 3-11

1. dF 1. dF Input 1_PV digital filter G Sn21 2-12, 3-16 1. Pb 1. Pb Input 1_PV bias G Sn21 2-12, 3-16
Input 1_Proportional band
1.DS.MV 1.dS.MV Show/Hide Input 1_MV H Fn10 2-15, 3-23 1. Pc 1. Pc
F Pn56 2-11, 3-13

1.DS.SV 1.dS.SV Show/Hide Input 1_SV H Fn10 2-15, 3-23 1. PdA 1. PdA Input 1_Start determination point H Fn51 2-18, 3-38
Input 1_Determination point of
external disturbance
G Sn57 2-14, 3-20 1.PGDP 1.PGdP Input 1_Decimal point position H Fn21 2-15, 3-25

1. FF 1. FF Input 1_FF amount F Pn51 2-10, 3-11 1.PGSH 1.PGSH Input 1_Input range high H Fn21 2-15, 3-25

1.HLdR 1.HLdR Input 1_Hold reset G Sn91 2-14, 3-22 1.PGSL 1.PGSL Input 1_Input range low H Fn21 2-15, 3-25

1. I 1. I Input 1_Integral time [heat-side] F Pn51 2-10, 3-11 1.PHLd 1.PHLd Input 1_Peak hold monitor G Sn91 2-14, 3-22

1. Ic 1. Ic Input 1_Integral time [cool-side] F Pn56 2-11, 3-13 1. PLC 1. PLC Input 1_PV low input cut-off G Sn21 2-12, 3-16
Input 1_Input error determination
1. INP 1. INP Input 1_Input type H Fn21 2-15, 3-25 1. PoV 1. PoV
point (high)
H Fn21 2-15, 3-25
Input 1_Manipulated output value
1. INV 1. INV Input 1_Inverting input H Fn21 2-15, 3-26 1. PSM 1. PSM
at input error
H Fn51 2-18, 3-38
Input 1_Control loop break alarm
1. LBA 1. LbA
(LBA) time
F Pn51 2-10, 3-11 1. PR 1. PR Input 1_PV ratio G Sn21 2-12, 3-16
Input 1_Input error determination
1. LBD 1. Lbd Input 1_LBA deadband (LBD) F Pn51 2-10, 3-11 1. PUN 1. PUN
point (low)
H Fn21 2-15, 3-25
Input 1_ Manipulated output value
1.LEV1 1.LEV1 Input 1_Level PID setting1 G Sn51 2-13, 3-18 1. RMV 1. RMV
at STOP [heat-side]
H Fn51 2-18, 3-38
Input 1_ Manipulated output value
1.LEV2 1.LEV2 Input 1_Level PID setting 2 G Sn51 2-13, 3-18 1.RMVc 1.RMVc
at STOP [cool-side]
H Fn56 2-19, 3-40
Input 1_Control response
1.LEV3 1.LEV3 Input 1_Level PID setting 3 G Sn51 2-13, 3-18 1. RPT 1. RPT
F Pn51 2-10, 3-11

1.LEV4 1.LEV4 Input 1_Level PID setting 4 G Sn51 2-13, 3-18 1. SLH 1. SLH Input 1_Setting limiter high H Fn71 2-21, 3-43

1.LEV5 1.LEV5 Input 1_Level PID setting 5 G Sn51 2-13, 3-18 1. SLL 1. SLL Input 1_Setting limiter low H Fn71 2-21, 3-43

1.LEV6 1.LEV6 Input 1_Level PID setting 6 G Sn51 2-13, 3-18 1. SQR 1. SQR Input 1_Square root extraction H Fn21 2-15, 3-26

1.LEV7 1.LEV7 Input 1_Level PID setting 7 G Sn51 2-13, 3-18 1. STU 1. STU Input 1_Startup tuning (ST) C  2-7, 3-6
Input 1_Level PID 2-2, 2-3, 2-4,
1. LHS 1. LHS
differential gap 2
H Fn51 2-18, 3-38 1. SV 1. SV Input 1_Set value (SV) A 
2-5, 3-4

1.LPID 1.LPId Input 1_Level PID action selection H Fn51 2-18, 3-38 1. SV 1. SV Input 1_Set value (SV) F Pn00 2-10, 3-9
Input 1_Manual manipulated Input 1_Setting change rate
1. M.MV 1. M.MV
output value
G Sn51 2-13, 3-18 1.SVRd 1.SVRd
limiter (down)
F Pn70 2-11, 3-14
Input 1_Setting change rate
1. MR 1. MR Input 1_Manual reset F Pn51 2-10, 3-11 1.SVRU 1.SVRU
limiter (up)
F Pn70 2-11, 3-14
Input 1_Manipulated output value 2-2, 2-3, 2-4, Input 1_Temperature
1. MV 1. MV
monitor [heat-side]
A 
2-5, 3-4 1.TCJC 1.TCJC
compensation calculation
H Fn21 2-15, 3-25
Input 1_Manipulated output value
1.MV.A 1.MV.A
F Pn70 2-11, 3-14 1.TUNE 1.TUNE Input 1_AT/ST status monitor G Sn53 2-13, 3-19
Input 1_Manipulated output value 2-2, 2-3, 2-4,
1. MVc 1. MVc
monitor [cool-side]
A 
2-5, 3-4 1.UNIT 1.UNIT Input 1_Display unit H Fn21 2-15, 3-25

A-10 IMR03A05-E4

Symbol Name Mode* Page Symbol Name Mode* Page

2 (2) 2.PACT 2.PACT Input 2_Proactive intensity F Pn52 2-10, 3-12

Input 2_PV bias
2. A/M 2. A/M Input 2_Auto/Manual transfer C  2-7, 3-6 2. Pb 2. Pb
(RS bias)
G Sn22 2-12, 3-16
Input 2_Auto/Manual transfer
2.A/M.A 2.A/M.A
selection (Area)
F Pn70 2-11, 3-14 2. PdA 2. PdA Input 2_Start determination point H Fn52 2-19, 3-39

2.AOVE 2.AoVE Input 2_Action (high) input error 2 H Fn52 2-19, 3-39 2.PGDP 2.PGdP Input 2_Decimal point position H Fn22 2-15, 3-27

2. ATb 2. ATb Input 2_AT bias G Sn54 2-13, 3-20 2.PGSH 2.PGSH Input 2_Input range high H Fn22 2-15, 3-27
Input 2_AT remaining time
G Sn54 2-13, 3-20 2.PGSL 2.PGSL Input 2_Input range low H Fn22 2-15, 3-27

2. ATU 2. ATU Input 2_Autotuning (AT) C  2-7, 3-6 2.PHLd 2.PHLd Input 2_Peak hold monitor G Sn91 2-14, 3-22

2.AUNE 2.AUNE Input 2_Action (low) input error H Fn52 2-19, 3-39 2. PLC 2. PLC Input 2_PV low input cut-off G Sn22 2-12, 3-16
Input 2_Input error determination
2.bHLd 2.bHLd Input 2_Bottom hold monitor G Sn91 2-14, 3-22 2. PoV 2. PoV
point (high)
H Fn22 2-15, 3-28

2. boS 2. boS Input 2_Burnout direction H Fn22 2-15, 3-28 2. PR 2. PR Input 2_PV ratio (RS ratio) G Sn22 2-12, 3-16
Input 2_Manipulated output value
2. d 2. d Input 2_Derivative time F Pn52 2-10, 3-12 2. PSM 2. PSM
at input error
H Fn52 2-19, 3-39
Input 2_PV digital filter Input 2_Input error determination
2. dF 2. dF
(RS digital filter)
G Sn22 2-12, 3-16 2. PUN 2. PUN
point (low)
H Fn22 2-15, 3-28

2.DS.MV 2.dS.MV Show/Hide Input 2_MV H Fn10 2-15, 3-23 2PV 2PV Select function for input 2 H Fn58 2-20, 3-41

2.DS.SV 2.dS.SV Show/Hide Input 2_SV H Fn10 2-15, 3-23 2PV.LV 2PV.LV PV select transfer level G Sn58 2-14, 3-21
Input 2_Determination point of
external disturbance
G Sn57 2-14, 3-20 2PV.TG 2PV.TG Selection of PV select trigger H Fn58 2-20, 3-41

2. FF 2. FF Input 2_FF amount F Pn52 2-10, 3-12 2PV.TM 2PV.TM PV select transfer time G Sn58 2-14, 3-21

2.HLdR 2.HLdR Input 2_Hold reset G Sn91 2-14, 3-22 2. SV 2. SV Input 2_Set value (SV) A  2-3, 2-5, 3-4

2. I 2. I Input 2_Integral time F Pn52 2-10, 3-12 2. SV 2. SV Input 2_Set value (SV) F Pn00 2-10, 3-9
Input 2_Manipulated output value
2. INP 2. INP Input 2_Input type H Fn22 2-15, 3-27 2. RMV 2. RMV
H Fn52 2-19, 3-39
Input 2_Control response
2. INV 2. INV Input 2_Inverting input H Fn22 2-15, 3-28 2. RPT 2. RPT
F Pn52 2-10, 3-12
Input 2_Control loop break alarm
2. LBA 2. LbA
(LBA) time
F Pn52 2-10, 3-12 2. SLH 2. SLH Input 2_Setting limiter high H Fn72 2-21, 3-44

2. LBD 2. Lbd Input 2_LBA deadband (LBD) F Pn52 2-10, 3-12 2. SLL 2. SLL Input 2_Setting limiter low H Fn72 2-21, 3-44

2.LEV1 2.LEV1 Input 2_Level PID setting 1 G Sn52 2-13, 3-19 2. SQR 2. SQR Input 2_Square root extraction H Fn22 2-15, 3-28

2.LEV2 2.LEV2 Input 2_Level PID setting 2 G Sn52 2-13, 3-19 2. STU 2. STU Input 2_Startup tuning (ST) C  2-7, 3-6
Input 2_Setting change rate
2.LEV3 2.LEV3 Input 2_Level PID setting 3 G Sn52 2-13, 3-19 2.SVRd 2.SVRd
limiter (down)
F Pn70 2-11, 3-14
Input 2_Setting change rate
2.LEV4 2.LEV4 Input 2_Level PID setting 4 G Sn52 2-13, 3-19 2.SVRU 2.SVRU
limiter (up)
F Pn70 2-11, 3-14
Input 2_Temperature
2.LEV5 2.LEV5 Input 2_Level PID setting 5 G Sn52 2-13, 3-19 2.TCJC 2.TCJC
compensation calculation
H Fn22 2-15, 3-28

2.LEV6 2.LEV6 Input 2_Level PID setting 6 G Sn52 2-13, 3-19 2.TUNE 2.TUNE Input 2_AT/ST status monitor G Sn54 2-13, 3-20

2.LEV7 2.LEV7 Input 2_Level PID setting 7 G Sn52 2-13, 3-19 2.UNIT 2.UNIT Input 2_Display unit H Fn22 2-15, 3-27

2. LHS 2. LHS Input 2_Level PID differential gap H Fn52 2-19, 3-39 A (A)
2.LPID 2.LPId Input 2_Level PID action selection H Fn52 2-19, 3-39 Add Add Device address H Fn60 2-20, 3-42
Input 2_Manual manipulated Retransmission output 1
2.M.MV 2. M.MV
output value
G Sn52 2-13, 3-19 AHS1 AHS1
scale high
H Fn31 2-16, 3-31
Retransmission output 2
2. MR 2. MR Input 2_Manual reset F Pn52 2-10, 3-12 AHS2 AHS2
scale high
H Fn32 2-16, 3-32
Input 2_Manipulated output value 2-2, 2-3, 2-4, Retransmission output 3
2. MV 2. MV
A 
2-5, 3-4 AHS3 AHS3
scale high
H Fn33 2-17, 3-32
Input 2_Manipulated output value
2.MV.A 2.MV.A
F Pn70 2-11, 3-14 ALC ALC ALM lamp lighting condition H Fn10 2-15, 3-23
Input 2_ON/OFF action Retransmission output 1
2. oHH 2. oHH
differential gap (upper)
F Pn52 2-10, 3-12 ALS1 ALS1
scale low
H Fn31 2-16, 3-32
Input 2_ON/OFF action Retransmission output 2
2. oHL 2. oHL
differential gap (lower)
F Pn52 2-10, 3-12 ALS2 ALS2
scale low
H Fn32 2-16, 3-32
Retransmission output 3
2. oLH 2. oLH Input 2_Output limiter high F Pn52 2-10, 3-12 ALS3 ALS3
scale low
H Fn33 2-17, 3-32

2. oLL 2. oLL Input 2_Output limiter low F Pn52 2-10, 3-12 Ao1 Ao1 Retransmission output 1 type H Fn31 2-16, 3-31
Input 2_Output change rate limiter
2. ORd 2. oRd
H Fn52 2-19, 3-39 Ao2 Ao2 Retransmission output 2 type H Fn32 2-16, 3-32
Input 2_Output change rate limiter
2. ORU 2. oRU
H Fn52 2-19, 3-39 Ao3 Ao3 Retransmission output 3 type H Fn33 2-17, 3-32
2-2, 2-3, 2-4,
2. OS 2. oS Input 2_Control action H Fn52 2-19, 3-39 APT APT Memory area soak time monitor A 
2-5, 3-5

2. P 2. P Input 2_Proportional band F Pn52 2-10, 3-12 ARE.LK ARE.LK Area lock D  2-8, 3-7

IMR03A05-E4 A-11

Symbol Name Mode* Page Symbol Name Mode* Page

AREA AREA Memory area transfer A  2-2, 3-5

DS.MOd dS.Mod
Select hide items in Operation
transfer mode
H Fn10 2-15, 3-24

AREA AREA Memory area transfer E  2-9, 3-8

DS.MON dS.MoN Select hide items in Monitor mode H Fn10 2-15, 3-24

AST AST Area soak time F Pn70 2-11, 3-14

dSoP dSoP PV flashing display at input error H Fn10 2-15, 3-23

B (b) ( b ) dSV dSV

Set value (SV) of differential
temperature input
A  2-5, 3-4

bIT bIT Data bit configuration H Fn60 2-20, 3-42

Set value (SV) of differential
temperature input
F Pn00 2-10, 3-9

BLIND bLINd Select Blind function D  2-8, 3-7

E (E)
bPS bPS Communication speed H Fn60 2-20, 3-42
EH1 EH1 Event 1 differential gap H Fn41 2-17, 3-34

BTMSP bTMSP Bottom suppression function H Fn57 2-19, 3-40

EH2 EH2 Event 2 differential gap H Fn42 2-17, 3-35

C (C) EH3 EH3 Event 3 differential gap H Fn43 2-17, 3-35

C.DF C.dF Cascade_Digital filter G Sn58 2-14, 3-21

EH4 EH4 Event 4 differential gap H Fn44 2-18, 3-35

CMPS CMPS Communication protocol H Fn60 2-20, 3-42

EHo1 EHo1 Event 1 hold action H Fn41 2-17, 3-34

CMRM CMRM Communication response monitor H Fn60 2-20, 3-42

EHo2 EHo2 Event 2 hold action H Fn42 2-17, 3-35

C.SCH C.SCH Cascade_Digital filter G Sn58 2-14, 3-21

EHo3 EHo3 Event 3 hold action H Fn43 2-17, 3-35

C.SCL C.SCL Cascade_Scale low G Sn58 2-14, 3-21

EHo4 EHo4 Event 4 hold action H Fn44 2-18, 3-35
Current transformer 1 (CT1) input 2-2, 2-3, 2-4,
value monitor
A 
2-5, 3-4 ES1 ES1 Event 1 type H Fn41 2-17, 3-34
Current transformer 2 (CT2) input 2-2, 2-3, 2-4,
value monitor
2-5, 3-4 ES2 ES2 Event 2 type H Fn42 2-17, 3-35

CTA1 CTA1 CT1 assignment H Fn45 2-18, 3-36

ES3 ES3 Event 3 type H Fn43 2-17, 3-35

CTA2 CTA2 CT2 assignment H Fn46 2-18, 3-36

ES4 ES4 Event 4 type H Fn44 2-18, 3-35

CLC1 CLC1 CT1 low input cut-off H Fn45 2-18, 3-36

EV1 EV1 Event 1 set value (EV1) F Pn40 2-10, 3-9

CLC2 CLC2 CT2 low input cut-off H Fn46 2-18, 3-36

EV1 EV1 Event 1 set value (EV1) [high] F Pn40 2-10, 3-9

CTR1 CTR1 CT1 ratio H Fn45 2-18, 3-36

EV1` EV1’ Event 1 set value (EV1’) [low] F Pn40 2-10, 3-9

CTR2 CTR2 CT2 ratio H Fn46 2-18, 3-36

EV2 EV2 Event 2 set value (EV2) F Pn40 2-10, 3-10

CTt1 CTt1 CT1 type H Fn45 2-18, 3-36

EV2 EV2 Event 2 set value (EV2) [high] F Pn40 2-10, 3-10

CTt2 CTt2 CT2 type H Fn46 2-18, 3-36

EV2` EV2’ Event 2 set value (EV2’) [low] F Pn40 2-10, 3-10

D (d) ( d ) EV3 EV3 Event 3 set value (EV3) F Pn40 2-10, 3-10
Overlap/Deadband reference
dbPA dbPA point
H Fn56 2-19, 3-40 EV3 EV3 Event 3 set value (EV3) [high] F Pn40 2-10, 3-10

DEF dEF Initialization H Fn91 2-21, 3-44 EV3` EV3’ Event 3 set value (EV3’) [low] F Pn40 2-10, 3-10

dIINV dIINV DI logic invert H Fn23 2-16, 3-29 EV4 EV4 Event 4 set value (EV4) F Pn40 2-10, 3-10

dISL1 dISL1 DI1 function selection H Fn23 2-16, 3-29 EV4 EV4 Event 4 set value (EV4) [high] F Pn40 2-10, 3-10

dISL2 dISL2 DI2 function selection H Fn23 2-16, 3-29 EV4` EV4’ Event 4 set value (EV4’) [low] F Pn40 2-10, 3-10

dISL3 dISL3 DI3 function selection H Fn23 2-16, 3-29 EVA1 EVA1 Event 1 assignment H Fn41 2-17, 3-34

dISL4 dISL4 DI4 function selection H Fn23 2-16, 3-29 EVA2 EVA2 Event 2 assignment H Fn42 2-17, 3-35

dISL5 dISL5 DI5 function selection H Fn23 2-16, 3-29 EVA3 EVA3 Event 3 assignment H Fn43 2-17, 3-35

dISL6 dISL6 DI6 function selection H Fn23 2-16, 3-29 EVA4 EVA4 Event 4 assignment H Fn44 2-18, 3-35
Area switching time
dITIM dITIM (without area set signal)
H Fn23 2-16, 3-29 EVENT EVENT Comprehensive event state A 
2-2, 2-3, 2-4,
2-5, 3-4
doLG1 doLG1 DO1 logic calculation selection H Fn34 2-17, 3-33 EVT1 EVT1 Event 1 timer H Fn41 2-17, 3-34

doLG2 doLG2 DO2 logic calculation selection H Fn34 2-17, 3-33 EVT2 EVT2 Event 2 timer H Fn42 2-17, 3-35

doLG3 doLG3 DO3 logic calculation selection H Fn34 2-17, 3-33 EVT3 EVT3 Event 3 timer H Fn43 2-17, 3-35

doLG4 doLG4 DO4 logic calculation selection H Fn34 2-17, 3-33 EVT4 EVT4 Event 4 timer H Fn44 2-18, 3-35

doSL1 doSL1 DO1 function selection H Fn34 2-17, 3-33 EXC EXC Energized/De-energized selection H Fn30 2-16, 3-30

doSL2 doSL2 DO2 function selection H Fn34 2-17, 3-33 F (F)

doSL3 doSL3 DO3 function selection H Fn34 2-17, 3-33
FFST FFST FF amount learning G Sn57 2-14, 3-20

doSL4 doSL4 DO4 function selection H Fn34 2-17, 3-33

Fn10 Fn10 Function block No. 10: Display H Fn10 2-15, 3-23

A-12 IMR03A05-E4

Symbol Name Mode* Page Symbol Name Mode* Page

Fn11 Fn11
Function block No. 11:
Key operation
H Fn11 2-15, 3-24 L (L)
Control area Local/External
Fn21 Fn21 Function block No. 21: Input 1 H Fn21 2-15, 3-25 L/E L/E
C  2-7, 3-6

Fn22 Fn22 Function block No. 22: Input 2 H Fn22 2-15, 3-27 LCK.LV LCK.LV Set lock level D  2-8, 3-7
Function block No. 23:
Fn23 Fn23
Digital input
H Fn23 2-16, 3-29 LNKA LNKA Link area number F Pn70 2-11, 3-14

Fn30 Fn30 Function block No. 30: Output H Fn30 2-16, 3-30 LoCK LoCK Set data unlock/lock transfer D  2-8, 3-7

Fn31 Fn31
Function block No. 31:
Retransmission output 1
H Fn31 2-16, 3-31 M (M)
Function block No. 32: Cascade_AT mode
Fn32 Fn32
Retransmission output 2
H Fn32 2-16, 3-32 MAS.AT MAS.AT
H Fn58 2-20, 3-41
Function block No. 33: Cascade_Derivative time
Fn33 Fn33
Retransmission output 3
H Fn33 2-17, 3-32 MAS.d MAS.d
G Sn58 2-14, 3-21
Function block No. 34: Cascade_Integral time
Fn34 Fn34
Digital output
H Fn34 2-17, 3-33 MAS.I MAS.I
G Sn58 2-14, 3-21
Cascade_Proportional band
Fn41 Fn41 Function block No. 41: Event 1 H Fn41 2-17, 3-34 MAS.P MAS.P
G Sn58 2-14, 3-21

Fn42 Fn42 Function block No. 42: Event 2 H Fn42 2-17, 3-35 MoT MoT Control motor time H Fn55 2-19, 3-40

Fn43 Fn43 Function block No. 43: Event 3 H Fn43 2-17, 3-35 MP.LTM MP.LTM Instrument link recognition time H Fn62 2-20, 3-43

Fn44 Fn44 Function block No. 44: Event 4 H Fn44 2-18, 3-35 MP.MAD MP.MAd Number of recognizable devices H Fn62 2-20, 3-43

Fn45 Fn45 Function block No. 45: CT1 H Fn45 2-18, 3-36 MP.MOD MP.Mod Monitor item register bias H Fn62 2-20, 3-43

Fn46 Fn46 Function block No. 46: CT2 H Fn46 2-18, 3-36 MP.REG MP.REG Register type H Fn62 2-20, 3-43

Fn50 Fn50 Function block No. 50: Control H Fn50 2-18, 3-37 MP.SLB MP.SLb Slave register bias H Fn62 2-20, 3-43
Function block No. 51: Register start number
Fn51 Fn51
Input 1_Control
H Fn51 2-18, 3-38 MP.SRH MP.SRH
(High-order 4-bit)
H Fn62 2-20, 3-43
Function block No. 52: Register start number
Fn52 Fn52
Input 2_Control
H Fn52 2-19, 3-39 MP.SRL MP.SRL
(Low-order 16-bit)
H Fn62 2-20, 3-43
Function block No. 55:
Fn55 Fn55
Position proportioning control
H Fn55 2-19, 3-40 MP.STB MP.STb Setting item register bias H Fn62 2-20, 3-43
Function block No. 56:
Fn56 Fn56
Input 1_Cooling control
H Fn56 2-19, 3-40 MP.STM MP.STM PLC communication start time H Fn62 2-20, 3-43

Fn57 Fn57 Function block No. 57: Proactive H Fn57 2-19, 3-40 MP.TMO MP.TMo PLC response waiting time H Fn62 2-20, 3-43
Function block No. 58: OUT1 minimum ON/OFF time of
Fn58 Fn58
2-input function
H Fn58 2-20, 3-41 MT1 MT1
proportional cycle
G Sn30 2-12, 3-17
Function block No. 60: OUT2 minimum ON/OFF time of
Fn60 Fn60
H Fn60 2-20, 3-42 MT2 MT2
proportional cycle
G Sn30 2-12, 3-17
Function block No. 62: OUT3 minimum ON/OFF time of
Fn62 Fn62
PLC communication
H Fn62 2-20, 3-43 MT3 MT3
proportional cycle
G Sn30 2-12, 3-17
Function block No. 70: Manual manipulated output value
Fn70 Fn70
Memory area
H Fn70 2-20, 3-43 MVTS MVTS
H Fn50 2-18, 3-37
Function block No. 71:
Fn71 Fn71
Input 1_Setting limiter
H Fn71 2-21, 3-43 O (o) ( o )
Function block No. 72:
Fn72 Fn72
Input 2_Setting limiter
H Fn72 2-21, 3-44 oLA oLA Integrated output limiter H Fn55 2-19, 3-40

Fn91 Fn91 Function block No. 91: Sysyem H Fn91 2-21, 3-44 oLG1 oLG1 OUT1 logic calculation selection H Fn30 2-16, 3-30

FN.KY FN.KY FUNC key assignment H Fn11 2-15, 3-24 oLG2 oLG2 OUT2 logic calculation selection H Fn30 2-16, 3-30

FN.TYP FN.TYP FUNC key operation selection H Fn11 2-15, 3-24 oLG3 oLG3 OUT3 logic calculation selection H Fn30 2-16, 3-30

H (H) oSL1 oSL1 OUT1 function selection H Fn30 2-16, 3-30

Heater break alarm 1 (HBA1)
HbA1 HbA1
set value
G Sn45 2-12, 3-17 oSL2 oSL2 OUT2 function selection H Fn30 2-16, 3-30
Heater break alarm 2 (HBA2)
HbA2 HbA2
set value
G Sn46 2-13, 3-18 oSL3 oSL3 OUT3 function selection H Fn30 2-16, 3-30
Number of heater break alarm 1
HbC1 HbC1
(HBA1) delay times
G Sn45 2-12, 3-17 P (P)
Number of heater break alarm 2
HbC2 HbC2
(HBA2) delay times
G Sn46 2-13, 3-18 Pd Pd Hot/Cold start H Fn50 2-18, 3-37

I (I) Pn00 Pn00

Parameter group No. 00:
F Pn00 2-10, 3-9
Parameter group No. 40:
ICA ICA Input circuit error alarm set value H Fn58 2-20, 3-41 Pn40 Pn40
F Pn40 2-10, 3-9
Integral/Derivative time decimal Parameter group No. 51:
IddP IddP
point position
H Fn50 2-18, 3-37 Pn51 Pn51
Input 1_Control
F Pn51 2-10, 3-11
2-2, 2-3, 2-4, Parameter group No. 52:
ILR ILR Interlock release A 
2-5, 3-5 Pn52 Pn52
Input 2_Control
F Pn52 2-10, 3-12
Parameter group No. 56:
ILS ILS Interlock selection H Fn30 2-16, 3-30 Pn56 Pn56
Input 1_Cooling control
F Pn56 2-11, 3-13
Parameter group No. 70:
INDT INdT Input data type H Fn21 2-15, 3-26 Pn70 Pn70
Memory area
F Pn70 2-11, 3-14

INT INT Interval time H Fn60 2-20, 3-42 POS PoS Feedback adjustment H Fn55 2-19, 3-40
Parameter select direct
D  2-8, 3-7

IMR03A05-E4 A-13

Symbol Name Mode* Page Symbol Name Mode* Page

PSL01 PSL01 Parameter select setting 1 D  2-8, 3-7 SS SS Output action at control stop H Fn30 2-16, 3-31

PSL02 PSL02 Parameter select setting 2 D  2-8, 3-7 STdP STdP Soak time unit H Fn70 2-20, 3-43

PSL03 PSL03 Parameter select setting 3 D  2-8, 3-7 STS STS ST start condition H Fn50 2-18, 3-37
Remote setting input value
PSL04 PSL04 Parameter select setting 4 D  2-8, 3-7 SVR SVR
A  2-2, 3-4
Setting change rate limiter unit
PSL05 PSL05 Parameter select setting 5 D  2-8, 3-7 SVRT SVRT
H Fn70 2-20, 3-43

PSL06 PSL06 Parameter select setting 6 D  2-8, 3-7 T (T)

PSL07 PSL07 Parameter select setting 7 D  2-8, 3-7 T1 T1 OUT1 proportional cycle time G Sn30 2-12, 3-17

PSL08 PSL08 Parameter select setting 8 D  2-8, 3-7 T2 T2 OUT2 proportional cycle time G Sn30 2-12, 3-17

PSL09 PSL09 Parameter select setting 9 D  2-8, 3-7 T3 T3 OUT3 proportional cycle time G Sn30 2-12, 3-17
Peak hold monitor of ambient
PSL10 PSL10 Parameter select setting 10 D  2-8, 3-7 TCJ TCJ
H Fn91 2-21, 3-44
Select Trigger type for Memory
PSL11 PSL11 Parameter select setting 11 D  2-8, 3-7 TRGA TRGA
area transfer
F Pn70 2-11, 3-14

PSL12 PSL12 Parameter select setting 12 D  2-8, 3-7 TRK TRK SV tracking H Fn50 2-18, 3-37

PSL13 PSL13 Parameter select setting 13 D  2-8, 3-7 U (U)

PSL14 PSL14 Parameter select setting 14 D  2-8, 3-7 UNIo UNIo
Universal output type selection
H Fn30 2-16, 3-31

PSL15 PSL15 Parameter select setting 15 D  2-8, 3-7 US US Undershoot suppression factor H Fn56 2-19, 3-40

PSL16 PSL16 Parameter select setting 16 D  2-8, 3-7 V (V)

PVCY PVCY Display update cycle G Sn10 2-12, 3-16
VAL VAL Valve action at STOP H Fn55 2-19, 3-40

R (R) W (W)
R/L R/L Remote/Local transfer C  2-7, 3-6
WT WT Integrated operating time H Fn91 2-21, 3-44
Remote/Local transfer selection
F Pn70 2-11, 3-15
Y (Y)
R/S R/S RUN/STOP transfer C  2-7, 3-6
YASo YASo Action at saturated output H Fn55 2-19, 3-40

RoM RoM ROM version H Fn91 2-21, 3-44

Action at feedback resistance
(FBR) input error
H Fn55 2-19, 3-40

S (S) YDB Ydb Open/Close output neutral zone G Sn55 2-14, 3-20

SET.KY SET.KY Data registration H Fn11 2-15, 3-24

YHS YHS Open/Close output differential gap G Sn55 2-14, 3-20
Cascade_AT mode
H Fn58 2-20, 3-41
Cascade_Derivative time
G Sn58 2-14, 3-21
Cascade_Integral time
G Sn58 2-14, 3-21
Cascade_Proportional band
G Sn58 2-14, 3-21

Sn10 Sn10 Setting group No. 10: Display G Sn10 2-12, 3-16

Sn21 Sn21 Setting group No. 21: Input 1 G Sn21 2-12, 3-16

Sn22 Sn22 Setting group No. 22: Input 2 G Sn22 2-12, 3-16

Sn30 Sn30 Setting group No. 30: Output G Sn30 2-12, 3-17
Setting group No. 45:
Sn45 Sn45
Heater break alarm 1
G Sn45 2-12, 3-17
Setting group No. 46:
Sn46 Sn46
Heater break alarm 2
G Sn46 2-13, 3-18
Setting group No. 51:
Sn51 Sn51
Input 1_Control
G Sn51 2-13, 3-18
Setting group No. 52:
Sn52 Sn52
Input 2_Control
G Sn52 2-13, 3-19
Setting group No. 53:
Sn53 Sn53
Input 1_Tuning
G Sn53 2-13, 3-19
Setting group No. 54:
Sn54 Sn54
Input 2_Tuning
G Sn54 2-13, 3-20
Setting group No. 55:
Sn55 Sn55
Position proportioning control
G Sn55 2-14, 3-20
Setting group No. 57:
Sn57 Sn57
G Sn57 2-14, 3-20
Setting group No. 58:
Sn58 Sn58
2-input function
G Sn58 2-14, 3-21

Sn91 Sn91 Setting group No. 91: System G Sn91 2-14, 3-22

SPCH SPCH STOP display selection H Fn10 2-15, 3-23

A-14 IMR03A05-E4
The first edition: MAY 2016 [IMQ02]
The fourth edition: JUN. 2017 [IMQ00]



PHONE: 03-3751-9799 (+81 3 3751 9799)
E-mail: info@rkcinst.co.jp
Website: http://www.rkcinst.com/

IMR03A05-E4 JUN. 2017

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