Background Study On Cloud Computing A Literature Review
Background Study On Cloud Computing A Literature Review
Background Study On Cloud Computing A Literature Review
Submitted: 25-02-2021 Revised: 05-03-2021 Accepted: 10-03-2021
ABSTRACT: In today’s world cloud computing is infrastructure from cloud providers without
a new technology to change the entire computing worrying about maintenance costs and still enjoy
environment. Cloud Computing affects people in advanced technology and not worry about the
their day to day life, process, and technology of the updating software and hardware resources.
enterprise. Cloud services are delivered from the
data centers which are located throughout the 2.2 Boundless storage
world. In this paper, we presented a literature Atthe time a huge volume of data is
review and background study on different generated and increasing exponentially, which has
approaches of cloud computing. We also discussed become a huge challenge to affect Holding such a
the various challenges that are present in cloud vast amount of data has many constraints like
computing architecture. safety, storing, maintenance of data. Cloud
KEYWORDS: Challenges, Types, Service Model Computing easily provides unlimited storage
resources on demand.
Cloud computing is a new technology and 2.3 Flexibility
it is a collection of networks. It comprises cloud An elastic solution is provided by cloud
service providers and cloud end-users. As the cost for data storage and accessing resources and repair
of storage, the power consumed by computers, and anytime and anywhere over the web using pc,
hardware is increasing as well as the storage space laptops, and even smart phones nowadays etc. The
in data centers can’t meet our need therefore cloud client’s data is stored during a data center that
computing was introduced. Rather than fitting their permits them to share their data with other
own physical infrastructure the users normally like authorized clients.
an intermediator supplier for the service of the net
within the cloud computing. As it provides Pay- 2.4 Measured Service
Per-Use-On-Demand mode by saving the cost to Cloud services generally charge users per
buy physical resources, the IT resources like hour of resource usage, or support the quantity of
network server storage applications and services certain kinds of transactions that have occurred,
are deployed with a lot of fast and easier manner amount of storage in use, and thus the quantity of
and with least management. By offering scalability, data transferred over a network. The measurements
flexibility, agility and simplicity some basic are also employed by the cloud service provider to
examples of cloud computing which are used in figure out the thanks to best allocate its physical
daily use are Facebook, youtube, Gmail and computing resources to all or any or any of its
Dropbox etc. customers to best meet its SLA (Service Level
Agreement) commitments and minimize the worth
II. SOME CHARACTERISTICS OF of providing the service.
CLOUD COMPUTING 1.5 Multitenancy
2.1 Cost effective Multitenancy is the key characteristic of public
One among the foremost important cloud services. The infrastructure serves multiple
features of cloud computing is that the pay-as-you- customers and Sometimes compliance
go model. Users pay according to their usage. requirements mandate that a service must run on a
Users can easily grow their business by renting fanatical infrastructure that's not shared. Such an
DOI: 10.35629/5252-0303127130 Impact Factor value 7.429 | ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 127
International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)
Volume 3, Issue 3 Mar. 2021, pp: 127-130 ISSN: 2395-5252
appointment eliminates certain security risks, like IV. TYPES OF CLOUD COMPUTING
escaping virtual machines and spreading an attack
to other customers running on the same
infrastructure. Some service providers will even
create a fanatical cloud infrastructure, complete
with dedicated and isolated provisioning tools, for
larger customers on demand.
approximately all small and big companies are In the research paper of Habib S et al.[8]
using cloud computing. discussed the obstacles to the adoption of cloud
In the research paper of Rani B et al.[2] computing from a cloud consumer’s perspective.
discussed the key concepts of cloud computing like They also discussed whether the consumers can
the architecture of Cloud Computing, service trust the cloud provider’s services despite all the
models, types of clouds and need of cloud. Cloud barriers. They also surveyed and analysed the
computing has become the buzzword within the existing trust and reputation issues in cloud
computing world. From the time that the Internet environments.
took over, computing technologies have developed In the research paper of Kavitha G et al[9]
tremendously. discussed the load balancing techniques along with
In the research paper of Wang X et al.[3] factors that can create this problem. They also
discussed the architecture and popular platforms of highlighted the advantages and limitations of
cloud computing and also took the example of existing load balancing techniques.
Google’s cloud computing techniques. It also In the research paper Guiliani G et al.[10]
addressed challenges and problems with cloud discussed private cloud computing in the view of
computing intimately. In spite of the several energy and saving incentives. They also discussed
limitations and therefore the need for better ICT resources of the data center and identified their
methodologies processes, cloud computing is energy related attributes. In this paper they also
becoming a hugely attractive paradigm, especially said that it is possible to save energy through
for giant enterprises. Cloud Computing initiatives studying the single-site private cloud data centers.
could affect the enterprises within two to 3 years
because it has the potential to significantly change VI. CHALLENGES OF CLOUD
In the research paper of Alshwaier A et The research on cloud computing is still in an early
al.[4] discussed that cloud computing and stage. We identified several challenges that are
education sounds ambiguous on the face of it. identified in cloud computing adoption. Some of
Naturally, it’s because, only a few individuals, the challenges are as follows:
publishers, and users alike come from the
education sector. Just to introduce how the cloud 6.1 Service level agreement
deserves a place in our current education It is essential for customers to obtain guarantees
institution, it’s important to repeat the education from providers on service delivery. A big challenge
philosophy. Its knowledge brings advancement, for cloud customers is to evaluate the SLAs of the
achievement, and success. One way or the cloud vendors.
opposite, cloud computing is often utilized to
enhance education standards and activities. 6.2 Cloud data management
In the research paper of Nazir M.[5] An important research topic in cloud computing is
discussed cloud computing, its model as well as its Cloud data management. As long as security may
architecture. This paper also analyses the key be a concern with cloud technologies, it'll be
challenges present in cloud computing and offers considered a barrier to cloud data management
best practices to improve the service provider’s and adoption.
enterprise’s bottom line in server economic
climate. 6.3 Security
In the research paper of Goudar R et al.[6] Security is yet another important topic. As a
discussed briefly about the challenges and issues of service provider does not have permission for
cloud computing. They identified several access to the physical security system for the data
challenges and also highlighted the cloud center in order that they are absolutely determined
interoperability issue that needs further research on the infrastructure supplier to induce full
and development. They also discussed the knowledge security. Security issues such as data
architecture and popular platform of cloud loss, phishing, botnet are serious threats to an
computing. organization and software.
In the research paper of Salunkhe U et
al.[7] discussed the role of cloud computing in 6.4 Server consolidation
education with respect to management institutions. In cloud resource utilization reduction of
The Internet based computing model is rapidly power and cooling requirements are now being
developing. They also discussed cloud base e- expanded to a great extent. Server consolidation is
learning as well as their benefits and issues. the way to maximize resource utilization and
DOI: 10.35629/5252-0303127130 Impact Factor value 7.429 | ISO 9001: 2008 Certified Journal Page 129
International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management (IJAEM)
Volume 3, Issue 3 Mar. 2021, pp: 127-130 ISSN: 2395-5252
minimize energy consumption in a cloud & Research, May 2016, Volume 10 Issue
environment. 2/4, ISSN 0974-497.
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