Transfer Order of Track Maintainers
Transfer Order of Track Maintainers
Transfer Order of Track Maintainers
ID: 2024446560
Office Of: The DRM (P), Waltair.
Office Order No. : WAT/PB/1510/CIVIL Date : 07-10-
ENGG/2024 2024
With the approval of the Competent Authority, Sr. DEN (Co-Ord)/WAT through the placement committee the following
Transfer/Posting orders are hereby issued to have immediate effect:
1.The above posting/transfers are issued after scrutiny of the proposal by the placement committee and final approval
of Sr.DEN (Co-ord.)/WAT.
2. The staff should vacate the Railway Qtrs., if any, under occupation in the existing station within the retention period
permitted by the competent authority provided there is any change of judication/pool of the existing Rly. Quarter.
Retention of Railway Quarter beyond the permitted period will be treated as unauthorized occupation and damages for
such unauthorized occupation will be charged on telescopic rates.
3. Except staff at Sl.No. 4,5,6,7,8,9 & 10 all the Three staff are entitled to all transfer privileges as admissible under extant
rules as their transfers orders on administrative interest.
4. Date of implementation of these orders should be intimated to all concerned promptly to Ch.OS/SS-II over
Rly.Ph:82532 for record.
Digitally Signed.
Date: 07-Oct-2024 15:19:23
Assistant Personnel
Location: Officer (Engg.)
Sr.DEN (Co-ord.)/WAT, Sr.DFM/WAT, ADEN: JDB, ARK, SSE (P. Way): JDB, JYP, ARK, SUP O.O. File & Staff