CHG O-No-18
CHG O-No-18
CHG O-No-18
Office of the
Principal Chief Operations Manager
NOTICE–429/ECoR/PCOM/CHG/Spl train/VSKP-SHM/02/2024 Dt.19.09.2024.
Sub: Running of special train No. 08525/08526 Visakhapatnam-Araku-Visakhapatnam TOD special
express by East Coast Railway.
Ref: (i) Sr.DCM-II/WAT letter No. WCM/Resvn/Spl Train/Araku/2024 of dt. 04.09.2024.
(ii) CCM(PS &M)/ECoR office Note No. PCCM/24/Quota/Proposal/Special train/Pt-II of
(iii) CPTM/SCR cois message of even no. dtd. 17.09.2024
(iv) Railway Board message No. 24/CMC/17 of dt. 16.09.2024.
With referece to above, it is decided by this Railway to run the following TOD special express train
in view of Puja, Chhat & Diwali festival. The details are as under:
Train No. 08525/08526 Visakhapatnam-Araku-Visakhapatnam TOD Special Express (daily). (Utilising the
lie over rake of Train No. 17219/17220 MTM-VSKP-MTM daily Express.
Days of run:- Daily from 05.10.24 to 15.10.24 = 11 trips in each way
Composition:- GSLR/D-02, GS-04, WGSCN-10, WACCN-01, WACCW-01=18 ICF coaches. (Lie over rake
of 17219/17220 Express) (No Bed rolls will be provided ).
Maintenance:- PM at MTM (SCR) with RBPC (SCR is requested to issue BPC as MTM-VSKP-ARK-VSKP-
Distance:- 131 Km each way (VSKP-ARK-VSKP).
08525 VSKP-ARK 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 11
13, 14, 15
08526 ARK-VSKP 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 11
13, 14, 15
For Chief Passenger Transportation Manager