Motion BOOK 1

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THBT International Sporting events should remain depoliticised

THBT parents pushing their children into playing any heavy contact sport should count as child abuse.

TH, as an Indian WWE fan, regrets the WWE title reign of Jinder Mahal.

THBT the portrayal of "autistic genius" characters in media do more harm than good. (Example: The leading
autistic doctor in "The Good Doctor")

TH, as an east Asian, regrets the rising popularity of K-Pop.

THBT it is morally permissible to consume art regardless of the artists' personal background.

THS the professionalisation of not-for-profit organisations

THW ban all further research in gene-alteration

THS the use of data as currency

THP auteur theory to death of the author.

THP a world where history is taught through first person accounts rather than text books.

THW make all books free access after 10 years from their release

THR national referendums being used as a means to make political decisions

THBT Democrats should adopt Popularism

THW make voting compulsory

THBT the Insulate Britain protests have done more harm than good

THW make farming subsidies contingent on the adoption of Green farming practices

THR the developing nations' claim to "Right to burn"

In areas with low levels of social mobility, THW allow the establishment of company towns

THO government expenditure in the NARCL

THW replace agricultural subsidies with direct benefits transfers

TH, as a parent belonging to a minority religion, would discourage their children from expressing their faith
publicly (e.g. crossing yourself, wearing hijabs, kippahs or other articles of faith, posting on social media,
publicly attending mass, synagogues etc.)

THW ban religious centers from opening addiction rehab centers

THBT religions should promise reward in the afterlife as opposed to promising material reward in this life, with
both outcomes contingent on faithful practice

THBT Indian players opting to primarily play in the IPL has done more harm than good for the Indian nation
cricketing team.

TH, as South Korea, would aim to significantly increase its cross-border economic cooperation with North Korea

THW ban social media companies from independently deplatforming politicians

TH prefers environmental movements heavily prioritizing a local agenda over a global one (e.g., focusing on
local pollution rather than climate change)

TH opposes the glorification of professional e-sports players

TH opposes the general approach of companies to grow by massively sacrificing short-term profitability with the
hope of gaining a large portion of the market* *e.g. the original business model of companies such as Uber or

THBT it is in the interest of the Catholic church to officially recognize Folk Saints

THBT pursuing strong expansionist policies* in the Arctic region is in the Russian interest *Including but not
limited to: building artificial islands in order to claim additional territory, trying to significantly limit foreign
presence, stationing warships and troops

TH opposes the academisation* of social justice movements *The increasingly significant presence of
academics and academic terminology, processes and structures in many parts of the world

THBT states should classify organized crime syndicates as terrorist groups* *classification as a terrorist group
would legally allow law enforcement to pursue tactics such as targeted extra-judicial killings, reducing barriers to
law enforcement gathering evidence, using military forces, criminalizing membership, etc

THP a world in which the Resident Evil machine exists

TH would teach children to have a logical approach to life, even at the expense of reducing their emotional
bandwidth (e.g. trying to react in less emotional ways, prioritising logic over emotions when approaching
problem-solving, etc.)

THBT police commissioners should be directly elected by their local community

TH supports developing states falsifying their history in order to create a unified national identity

TH supports the rise of language-generating AI

TH opposes the Biden Administration plan to finance large scale governmental projects through multi-trillion
dollar fiscal stimulus

TH prefers to live an average anonymous life in South Korea over being a K-Pop star

THP a system where campaign donations are banned and all candidates for an election are equally publicly
funded to a world that allows donations to candidates and parties

THBT a North American sports league, in seeking to expand beyond North America, should prioritize access
and development to the Latin American market over the Chinese market

TH, as Benny Gantz, Would form a government with the Likud and Netanyahu to avoid a March 2020 election

You are a woman in a healthy non-abusive long-term relationship with a man. You make a stable salary with
which you can support yourself. Your partner has/makes significantly(ridiculously) more money than you. THW
Let him pay for the vast majority of expenses incurred during your relationship

THBT major film companies should use AI to choose which films to greenlight

THBT the United States should adopt more pro-plaintiff policies, such as abandoning the need to prove material
harm and intent to defame.

THR the rise of business schools

Assuming support from international activists, THBT indigenous groups should advocate for a boycott,
divestment, and sanctions movement against Canada to fight its ongoing discrimination against Indigenous

TH as a socially conscious prominent management consultant firm would accept cases for foreign governments
with ongoing human rights violations
THR the narrative that immortality is desirable

THBT the US should pursue Modern Monetary Theory

In response to climate change THS an immediate, indefinite, international workers strike

THW actively instill a value of disobeying authority in children.

TH as the US would never militarily intervene in other countries.

THR the westernization of the elites in post-colonial countries.

THBT being single is preferable to being in a relationship.

THBT liberal media organisations should actively glorify democratic candidates of color.

THBT it is always unjustifiable to maintain friendship with somebody who use hate speech.

THR the celebration of soldiers as heroes.

Assuming that technology to do so existed, THW would progressively tax happiness and redistribute it.

TH, as an Asian American, would not support the suit against Harvard University.

THS the idea of authoritarian reformers in developing countries.

TH, as South Korea, would aim to significantly increase its cross-border economic cooperation with North Korea

THW ban social media companies from independently deplatforming politicians

TH prefers environmental movements heavily prioritizing a local agenda over a global one (e.g., focusing on
local pollution rather than climate change)
TH opposes the glorification of professional e-sports players

TH opposes the general approach of companies to grow by massively sacrificing short-term profitability with the
hope of gaining a large portion of the market* *e.g. the original business model of companies such as Uber or

THBT it is in the interest of the Catholic church to officially recognize Folk Saints

THBT pursuing strong expansionist policies* in the Arctic region is in the Russian interest *Including but not
limited to: building artificial islands in order to claim additional territory, trying to significantly limit foreign
presence, stationing warships and troops

TH opposes the academisation* of social justice movements *The increasingly significant presence of
academics and academic terminology, processes and structures in many parts of the world

THBT states should classify organized crime syndicates as terrorist groups* *classification as a terrorist group
would legally allow law enforcement to pursue tactics such as targeted extra-judicial killings, reducing barriers to
law enforcement gathering evidence, using military forces, criminalizing membership, etc

THP a world in which the Resident Evil machine exists

TH would teach children to have a logical approach to life, even at the expense of reducing their emotional
bandwidth (e.g. trying to react in less emotional ways, prioritising logic over emotions when approaching
problem-solving, etc.)

THBT police commissioners should be directly elected by their local community

TH supports developing states falsifying their history in order to create a unified national identity

TH supports the rise of language-generating AI

TH opposes the Biden Administration plan to finance large scale governmental projects through multi-trillion
dollar fiscal stimulus

TH prefers to live an average anonymous life in South Korea over being a K-Pop star
This House Regrets the perception that soldiers are heroes

THW release prisoners based on their rehabilitation status, rather than set a pre determined length to their

THBT all governments should follow suit and require big tech platforms to pay compensation for usage of news

THO the narrative that people should pursue doing something they love as a career

THS President Macron's active involvement

TH, as a newly turned 18 yo, would burn the envelope rather than open it

THBT that the recent actions against Navalny are beneficial for Putin

TH supports the decline of the state's power in an increasingly globalized world

THS online piracy in developing countries

THBT environmental movements should be pro-capitalism in their policies and advocacy (e.g., appealing to
corporations for green policies, advocating for individual responsibility and sustainable consumption; rather than
lobbying governments for extreme regulation, protesting for divestment)

THBT it is in the interest of Germany to support EU bonds

THP a world with radical honesty

THBT it is preferable to be single, than pursuing a successful long-term monogamous relationship

THW allow companies to buy the rights to govern economically failing cities.

THBT parents should teach morality to their children through religious context (e.g. “it is a sin to lie”; "help thy
neighbour" etc.)

THBT, when allocating resources to their children, working class families should allocate most of their resources
to support the most talented child in the family.

THW provide means-tested welfare in the form of basic goods and services (including vouchers), rather than
cash payments.

THBT twitter has done more harm than good

TH Prefers Asian Values to Western liberalism

THBT investors should cease purchasing bonds issued by the Venezuelan government.

THBT minority parents should shelter their children from the existence of racism for as long as possible

THBT that the EU should suspend the voting rights of Poland.

THW ban the creation of all artificial conscious beings.

THW require all sold products to clearly display their price in Dead Children Currency.

THR the creation and adoption of cryptocurrencies.

THBT Mohammed bin Salman's policies are in the interests of the ruling House of Saud.

Assuming it could be done peacefully, THW replace all existing governments with a single global democratic

THBT the trend towards the institutionalization of art has done more harm than good

THW introduce racial quotas for healthcare professionals (e.g. nurses, doctors)
THBT the feminist movement should oppose the commercialisation of reproduction (e.g. sale of ova, commercial

THBT South American countries should no longer co-operate with the USA's "War on Drugs"

THBT national legislatures should apportion electoral representation by age group, rather than geographical

In response to the 2021 Belarus–European Union border crisis, THBT NATO should deploy additional active
duty troops to their member states in Eastern Europe (Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Poland)

THP a world where religious beliefs and teachings are not codified into scripture or doctrine

THO transhumanism

TH, as South Korea, would aim to significantly increase its cross-border economic cooperation with North Korea

THW ban social media companies from independently deplatforming politicians

TH prefers environmental movements heavily prioritizing a local agenda over a global one (e.g., focusing on
local pollution rather than climate change)

TH opposes the glorification of professional e-sports players

TH opposes the general approach of companies to grow by massively sacrificing short-term profitability with the
hope of gaining a large portion of the market* *e.g. the original business model of companies such as Uber or

THBT it is in the interest of the Catholic church to officially recognize Folk Saints

THBT pursuing strong expansionist policies* in the Arctic region is in the Russian interest *Including but not
limited to: building artificial islands in order to claim additional territory, trying to significantly limit foreign
presence, stationing warships and troops

TH opposes the academisation* of social justice movements *The increasingly significant presence of
academics and academic terminology, processes and structures in many parts of the world

THBT states should classify organized crime syndicates as terrorist groups* *classification as a terrorist group
would legally allow law enforcement to pursue tactics such as targeted extra-judicial killings, reducing barriers to
law enforcement gathering evidence, using military forces, criminalizing membership, etc

THP a world in which the Resident Evil machine exists

TH would teach children to have a logical approach to life, even at the expense of reducing their emotional
bandwidth (e.g. trying to react in less emotional ways, prioritising logic over emotions when approaching
problem-solving, etc.)

THBT police commissioners should be directly elected by their local community

TH supports developing states falsifying their history in order to create a unified national identity

TH supports the rise of language-generating AI

TH opposes the Biden Administration plan to finance large scale governmental projects through multi-trillion
dollar fiscal stimulus

TH prefers to live an average anonymous life in South Korea over being a K-Pop star

As the Swedish Left Party in 1996, THW not delcare feminism to be a co-equal ideology of the party

THBT socialism is incompatible with religions which promise a reward for earthly poverty (eg likelier entry into
heaven, good karma, or spiritual virtue, etc)

THBT European leftist parties (eg Podemos, La France Insoumise, Die Linke), should support exist from the
European Union

THP left wing anarchism over Marxism

THR the predominance of historical materialism rather than Marxist humanism in socialist politics
THBT progressive feminists should embrace shunned ‘patriarchal’ dating norms (e.g. placing the onus on men
to make the first move, letting men pay for dates, pushing men to confirm the exclusivity/commitment of a
relationship, etc.)

THBT the journalists should portray right-wing extremist groups critically rather than empathetically (e.g.
focusing on their harmful actions, emphasising the impact on those opposed to them rather than trying to
interview extremists and portraying their perspectives, etc.)

THBT the Japanese government should repeal Article 9 of the Constitution.

THBT the provision of loans in times of economic crisis by global institutions like the International Monetary
Fund (IMF) and European Central Bank (ECB) should not be conditioned on meeting fiscal policy criteria
determined by these institutions, such as reductions in government budgets and changes to tax rates and

THW prohibit the payment of ransoms by governments or individuals

THW allow deaf parents to specifically select deaf over hearing embryos in utero

THP a world without the existence of the elixir

THBT indigenous communities in the Amazon rainforest should undertake acts of vigilantism against poachers
and illegal loggers.

TH, as the SNP, would focus and campaign around economic growth initiatives (e.g. drawing in foreign MNCs,
making investment more attractive domestically, etc.) rather than on its current pro-independence focus.

THS the narrative that all people are redeemable

This House Believes That governments should make the exchange of shares a condition for bail outs

THR the rise of abstract art

On the condition that gangs fulfil basic social needs (such as basic healthcare, education and sanitation), This
House Believes That the state should cease to combat them.
THBT social movements should emphasise an individual’s capacity to change their circumstances in the face of
oppression, as opposed to emphasising the structures that restrict and determine an individual’s fate.

This House, as South Korea, regrets passing the bill to ban the spreading of propaganda into North Korea

TH, as China, would adopt the Chongqing model of economic development instead of the Guangdong model

TH, as opposition parties in authoritarian democracies, would actively prioritise their militant wings over their
political wings.

THBT the West should invest domestically in schools that provide alternative progressive interpretations of
religious text to combat radicalism

This House Prefers a world in which the Indian subcontinent had become a united federal state as opposed to
being partitioned into two sovereign states

THR the creation of progressive political icons in the US (e.g. AOC, Bernie Sanders)

This House Supports the use of marketing boards in the agricultural sector.

THR the risse of cosmopolitan culture

As a religious leader of the majority religion in a religiously heterogenous state, THW promote the notion of
religious pluralism over religious inclusivism

TH prefers a world where people believe in determinism over one where people believe in free will

This House believes that environmentalists should campaign for environmental justice as opposed to overall
protection of the environment

THR the NFL's decision to implement interviewing and hiring incentives (i.e. higher draft picks) for African-
American coaches rather than pursuing the punishment of management for unequal hiring practices

This House Supports efforts that aim to strictly delineate military and civilian spheres of influence (e.g. banning
military generals from running for political office/appointment of military leaders into civilian positions, delegating
military decision making entirely to military commanders) in Southeast Asia.

THBT criminal justice policy should be decided by appointed technocrats rather than elected representatives.

THW ban research into the creation of Artificial General Intelligence

In countries with weak central governance, this house prefers civil-society-supported military coups

THW only allow the media and campaigning organisations to depict or publish information about the deceased
in a tragedy with the explicit permission of the family.

THW require educational institutions in wealthy countries with high numbers of international students to pay a
percentage of those students' tuition to educational institutions in developing countries

THR the pervasiveness of colonial determinism in discourse surrounding African development.

THBT the Bolivian government should prosecute the perpetrators of the 2019 coup.

THBT the state is morally illegitimate.

TH, as the RNC, would advocate for the criminal prosecution of Donald Trump.

THBT post-colonial states should emphasise their pre-colonial history and culture as opposed to focusing on the
impacts of colonialism in their history curricula.

When allocating COVID-19 vaccines, THW significantly deprioritise people who have failed to comply with
COVID-19 regulations* *e.g.: not wearing a mask, not socially distancing, avoiding travel restrictions

THO the expectation that one's monetary earnings should be in proportion with one's effort and hard work

THBT Central Bank leaders should be elected by an independent panel of experts, rather than selected by
THP a world in which the registry exists

THP a world in which moderate US Republican & Democrat representatives form their own political parties

THBT South Korean feminists should advocate for the conscription of women

THW break up Facebook Inc

THBT religious organisations should deny religious services* to current members of criminal organisations *e.g.
confession, last rites, marriage services, removing access from places of worship

THR the rise of OnlyFans in the pornography market

THBT Supreme Courts should abide by a textualist model of interpretation

THS the phenomenon of Green Card marriages

THBT organized religious groups should formally recognize scripture that contradicts primary religious texts

THW prohibit cities from offering tax credits and other incentives to attract large companies

THW abolish sex-based segregation in sports in favour of ability-based segregation

THP a world in which parents follow an authoritarian parenting model rather than an egalitarian parenting model

THBT the Argentinian government should have rejected the 2018 IMF bailout and sought to negotiate further
concessions, even at the risk of not receiving a bailout

Assuming feasibility, THW nationalize all high-cost research equipment and create a national pool of this
equipment where all researchers must apply to a centralized agency for access

THBT it is in the interest of countries that experienced Japanese colonial occupation (e.g., South Korea, China,
Singapore, Philippines, Vietnam) to boycott the 2021 Summer Olympics in Tokyo if far-right paraphernalia (e.g.,
displays of the Rising Sun flag) are permitted.

TH supports giving legal personhood to internationally recognized important environmental spaces (e.g., Mount
Everest, the Amazon) as a form of conservation

TH prefers a world with a widespread belief in radical freedom

TH supports the creation of charter cities in the developing world

THBT social movements should focus on publicly shaming corporations to change business practices rather
than trying to achieve these outcomes through legislative action

THBT the 'cultural defence' is a legitimate defence in criminal proceedings

THBT the U.S. Federal Reserve should purchase equities (i.e., buy stocks)

TH supports the narrative that All Cops Are Bad

TH prefers a world where romantic love is not the primary consideration in a marriage

THBT Brazil should fully privatize Petrobras / ECCQ Brasil debería privatizar por completo Petrobras

THBT that Western countries should revoke the citizenship of individuals that traveled to the Middle East to join
Jihadi groups, even if they were minors at the time of their departure / ECCQ los países occidentales deberían
revocar la ciudadanía a los individuos que se trasladaron a Medio Oriente para integrarse a grupos Jihadistas ,
incluso si eran menores de edad al momento de su translado

THS state attempts to help their citizens find and sustain love (e.g. subsidizing subscriptions to matching
agencies such as, significant funding for research on what makes a relationship last, creating
courses on how to woo and keep a spouse) / EC apoya que el estado busque ayudar a sus ciudadanos a
encontrar y mantener el amor (ej. Subsidiando suscripciones a sitios de citas como, financiando
significativamente investigaciones sobre cómo hacer que una relación perdure, creando cursos sobre cómo
sorprender y conservar a tu pareja)

THBT major awards of meritocratic distinction (e.g. the Nobel Prize, the Pulitzer Prize, Oscars, etc) should
include a moral clause* *a provision that allows the honoree to receive, or hold, the award only in the case they
meet a behavioral standard set by the awarding panel. / ECCQ los principales premios de reconocimiento al
mérito (Ej. Premio Nobel, Premio Pulitzer, Oscar’s, etc.) deberían incluir una cláusula moral* *una condición que
permite al homenajeado recibirlo y conservarlo únicamente cuando cumplan con un estándar de
comportamiento establecido por el jurado calificador.

THBT developing countries should pursue the establishment of charter cities / ECCQ los países en vía de
desarrollo deberían establecer ciudades chárter

THBT the general educational approach in schools should be to discourage children from assessing their
achievements in comparison to their peers. / ECCQ el enfoque general de la educación en los colegios debe ser
desincentivar que los niños midan sus logros comparándolos con los de sus pares.

In countries with proportional representation, THS founding political parties that exclusively represents women’s
interests / En países con representación proporcional, EC apoya la creación de partidos políticos que
representan exclusivamente los intereses de las mujeres.

THW prohibit businesses from adopting a public position on social justice issues (e.g. LGBTQIA+, racial
relations, abortion, etc)

THS countries granting rights to nature

EC preferiría unirse al Club de los 27 que vivir una vida anónima promedio.

En casos en que un funcionario público sea acusado de corrupción, EC reduciría el estándar probatorio al del
“balance de probabilidades”* en vez del de la “duda razonable”.

ECCQ el involucramientode Estados Unidos en Panama (presencia militar, influencia cultural, relaciones
economicas estrechas, etc) beneficia a los panamenos.

TH, as South Korea, would aim to significantly increase its cross-border economic cooperation with North Korea

THW ban social media companies from independently deplatforming politicians

TH prefers environmental movements heavily prioritizing a local agenda over a global one (e.g., focusing on
local pollution rather than climate change)
TH opposes the glorification of professional e-sports players

TH opposes the general approach of companies to grow by massively sacrificing short-term profitability with the
hope of gaining a large portion of the market* *e.g. the original business model of companies such as Uber or

THBT it is in the interest of the Catholic church to officially recognize Folk Saints

THBT pursuing strong expansionist policies* in the Arctic region is in the Russian interest *Including but not
limited to: building artificial islands in order to claim additional territory, trying to significantly limit foreign
presence, stationing warships and troops

TH opposes the academisation* of social justice movements *The increasingly significant presence of
academics and academic terminology, processes and structures in many parts of the world

THBT states should classify organized crime syndicates as terrorist groups* *classification as a terrorist group
would legally allow law enforcement to pursue tactics such as targeted extra-judicial killings, reducing barriers to
law enforcement gathering evidence, using military forces, criminalizing membership, etc

THP a world in which the Resident Evil machine exists

TH would teach children to have a logical approach to life, even at the expense of reducing their emotional
bandwidth (e.g. trying to react in less emotional ways, prioritising logic over emotions when approaching
problem-solving, etc.)

THBT police commissioners should be directly elected by their local community

TH supports developing states falsifying their history in order to create a unified national identity

TH supports the rise of language-generating AI

TH opposes the Biden Administration plan to finance large scale governmental projects through multi-trillion
dollar fiscal stimulus

TH prefers to live an average anonymous life in South Korea over being a K-Pop star
THW allow parents to remove their children from specific classes at school (e.g sports, religious studies, sex
education, science) on moral, religious or political grounds

THO the buying and selling of emotional services

THW ban the football clubs who proposed the formation of the European Super League from their domestic
leagues for 2 years

THBT Green Political Parties should take pro-capitalist stances as well as be willing to form coalitions with right
wing parties

THS the use of lustration in countries transitioning from authoritarian regimes

THP a world where major religions hold that their concept of the afterlife is based on the principle of divine
mercy, as opposed to divine judgement

When allocating COVID-19 vaccines, THW significantly deprioritise people who have failed to comply with
COVID-19 regulations* *e.g.: not wearing a mask, not socially distancing, avoiding travel restrictions

THO the expectation that one's monetary earnings should be in proportion with one's effort and hard work

THBT Central Bank leaders should be elected by an independent panel of experts, rather than selected by

THP a world in which the registry exists

THP a world in which moderate US Republican & Democrat representatives form their own political parties

THBT South Korean feminists should advocate for the conscription of women

THW break up Facebook Inc

THBT religious organisations should deny religious services* to current members of criminal organisations *e.g.
confession, last rites, marriage services, removing access from places of worship
THR the decline of tightly integrated families

THBT protest movements should actively integrate religious figures and institutions in opposition to authoritarian

THW ban the development of Neuralink technology, or any other brain-computer interface

TH, as India, would accept China's proposal

THBT heads of state in democratic nations should be limited to one term in office

When evaluating financial risk and value, THBT financial institutions and credit rating agencies should actively
account for climate and nature based impacts and risk

THW join the resistance against the AI

Assuming it could be done instantly, THW remove all nuclear weapons and the capacity to build them from the
current world

THBT, rather than give money to Foreign Aid and International Development Institutions, developed countries
should instead directly fund the Global Solidarity Fund

THBT humanity should invest considerable amount of resources into the exploration of deep space (e.g.
colonising, space mining, exploring deep space, finding alien races)

TH regrets the demonisation of populist leaders (e.g. Donald Trump, Marine LePen, Jair Bolsonaro)

THP a parliamentary electoral system which includes a constituency link

TH opposes the derogatory usage of the inherent identity characteristics of dominant groups - e.g. "You're so
white.", "Man Tears", "ugh such a Karen".

THBT Central Asian states should significantly disassociate from Russian cultural influence (e.g. language, the
arts, media, history etc.).
Assuming there is a safe procedure, THW allow adults to permanently "lock in" their chosen personality traits
(e.g. stubbornness, openness, honesty) as unchangeable.

In times of economic crises, THBT the government should withhold information that is likely to damage market

Given the opportunity, TH, as a talented young individual living in a Western Balkan country, would emigrate to
pursue a career in the EU

THO the "Toxic Positivity" culture

Given the opportunity, TH, as a talented young individual living in a Western Balkan country, would emigrate to
pursue a career in the EU

THO the "Toxic Positivity" culture

THP to be alone in the universe

This House Would allow the use of performance enhancing drugs in professional sport

This House Believes That minorities should not attempt to reclaim slurs that have been directed against them

This House Believes That Ireland should significantly raise its corporate tax

This House Opposes the Rise of Non-Career Politicians

This House Believes That universities should continue with primarily online education post COVID-19

This House Believes That Joe Biden should pick Elizabeth Warren as his Vice President running mate.

This House Opposes Twitch's decision to ban sexually suggestive content on their platform

This House Supports rioting as a means of fighting for social justice in the U.S.
This House Would violate the ceasefire and kill the leaders

THS online piracy in developing countries

THBT environmental movements should be pro-capitalism in their policies and advocacy (e.g., appealing to
corporations for green policies, advocating for individual responsibility and sustainable consumption; rather than
lobbying governments for extreme regulation, protesting for divestment)

THBT it is in the interest of Germany to support EU bonds

THP a world with radical honesty

THBT it is preferable to be single, than pursuing a successful long-term monogamous relationship

THW allow companies to buy the rights to govern economically failing cities.

THBT parents should teach morality to their children through religious context (e.g. “it is a sin to lie”; "help thy
neighbour" etc.)

THBT, when allocating resources to their children, working class families should allocate most of their resources
to support the most talented child in the family.

This House would give financial incentives to people who live a healthy lifestyle (eg. no smoking, exercising
regularly, healthy diet)

THP a world where the pill exists

This House would implement UBI in times of crisis

This House prefers a world where the Assassins Brotherhood exists

THBT Supreme Court justices should adopt Originalist stances in applying constitutional law

This House prefers to follow a religion where one's fate in the material world is predetermined, rather than one
where one's choices and actions influence their fate

This House supports the decline of oil prices

This House believes that in times of severe crisis, individuals have a moral obligation to dedicate themselves
towards combating the crisis

This House would prohibit the use of statistical risk assessments when criminal courts are making sentencing

This House prefers the antihero as the dominant female archetype in literature and movies.

This House believes that companies should adopt the practice of Radical Transparency.

This House would immediately abolish Two Schools under One Roof.

This House would ban payday loans.

This House prefers a world where people do not enter romantic relationships before they turn 18.

This House prefers a 2nd term of Donald Trump presidency over a Bernie Sanders presidency.

THBT Greece should introduce significant financial incentives for companies and individuals currently based in
Athens* to relocate to other Greek cities *Over a third of the Greek population lives in Athens.

THBT it is in the interest of the Chinese Communist Party to cease attempts to infringe on "One Country, Two
Systems" in Hong Kong, rather than continuing its current approach.

THW encourage women to be selfish

THBT it is in the interest of dominant organised religions for their leaders to declare more progressive
interpretations of traditional dogma* *e.g. on dietary and pilgrimage requirements, the acceptability of
contraception, same-sex relationships
THBT consumers should predominantly aim to buy locally produced goods and services

THW break up Disney

THBT schools should teach children to be skeptical of parental authority

In circumstances where a unanimous decision is currently required, THP majority voting as the European
Council's decision-making approach

THW make police commanders personally criminally liable for instances of police brutality committed by their

In situations where deliberate economic policies by another state have caused substantial economic harms,
THBT international law should recognise that military retaliation can be justified

THBT the US Democratic Party should prioritise employment issues, even at the expense of significant harms to
the environment.

TH Opposes the Defining Decade norm

THBT local governments in developing countries should allocate significant portions of their budget via
Participatory Budgeting

THBT it is in the interest of the Kremlin to take measures to reduce Russian dependency of China (e.g. limit the
selling of raw materials to China, reduce the share of Yuan in Russia's currency reserves, not allowing Chinese
companies to develop strategic infrastructure such as 5G in Russia)

THBT communities that have been victims of atrocities should emphasise the narrative of the 'banality of evil'
when interpreting those atrocities

THBT the Greek government should have rejected the 2015 bailout deal and sought to negotiate further
concessions, even at the risk of not receiving a bailout.

THBT women should decline chivalrous gestures

THS using social media platforms to depict stories from the Holocaust

THW ban religious arbitration courts

THS the strategy of “decapitation” in fighting transnational criminal organizations

THW NOT enforce pharmaceutical patent infringements within developing nations

THO social media banning of alt-right figures

THW create and teach a unified history curriculum in the European Union

THBT Gavrilo Princip was justified in killing Archduke Franz Ferdinand

THS the use of local lay judges in minor legal cases

This House supports the US’s use of economic warfare (eg. tariffs, targeted sanctions, etc.) against China in
order to force compliance with the rules of the global economic order (eg. opening up its economy, protecting
intellectual property, not engaging in currency manipulation, etc.)

THW ban the research, production and use of lethal autonomous weapons

TH regrets the Westernisation of the elites in post-colonial societies. (e.g. speaking predominantly in English,
wearing western clothing, going to schools and/or universities in the West, consuming predominantly Western

THBT shrinking cities should be allowed to impose an “exit tax” on leaving businesses

THBT liberal states should sponsor the hacking of infrastructure designed to limit freedom of speech in
authoritarian states

TH, as the UK conservative party, would hold a second Brexit referendum

TH prefers a world in which the prevailing norm is one of serial monogamy rather than monogamy
This House would allow people raised in isolated communities (e.g. the Amish, Hasidic Jews) to sue their
communities for harms caused by their lifestyle

TH, as the US Democrats, would give funding for the border wall in order to definitively end the government

This House regrets mainstream media's popularization of Western drag culture

THBT liberal states should fund the hacking of infrastructure designed to limit freedom of speech in authoritarian

This House regrets the increasing presence of nihilism in popular culture (eg. BoJack Horseman, Rick and
Morty, Nihilist Memes etc.)

This House prefers a world where everybody believes in the concept of a sleeping God rather than an active

This House would rather be a part of the "Club 27" than live an average anonymous life

This House believes that Tech Giants (e.g. Google, Amazon, Facebook) should NOT be permitted to sue for
patent infringement

This House believes that the world was better 10 years ago #tenyearchallenge

This House regrets the societal expectation of going to the University

This House would introduce quotas for women in League of Legends Esports teams

This House believes that the West should impose an arms embargo on Saudi Arabia

Assuming the technology existed, This House would allow the use of technology X.
In states with high rates of violent crime This House supports assassination of individuals credibly accused of
participating in organized crime

This House regrets the demonization of Donald Trump

This House believes that the open immigration policy is not good for Germany

Assuming that a technology exists that can accurately measure and transfer intelligence This House would
radically redistribute intelligence among the population

THW allow people to sue partners who cheated on them

THBT Putin is good for Russian power on the international stage

THBT the Bulgarian government should pay reparations to all those who were subjected to the Revival process

THBT the western companies and investors should pull out of the Saudi Arabia's Neom project

THR the increasing presence of nihilism in popular culture (eg. BoJack Horseman, Rick and Morty etc.)

TH prefers to be an averagely intelligent person to a genius

THBT it is NOT legitimate to shame public figures for non:criminal actions they did when they were young (eg.
partying, alcohol consumption, soft drugs use, political views etc.)

THS an Opinio System of Education

THS recall elections for national leaders (i.e. presidents, prime:ministers, ministers)

TH as the EU would significantly increase sanctions on Russia as opposed to lifting them

THBT parents should teach morality to their underage children through religious context (e.g. “it is a sin to lie”;
"help thy neighbor" etc.)
THW allow workers to sell their rights in exchange for higher pay (e.g. health and safety protections, right to
maternity/paternity leave etc.)

THO rise of social media influencers

THBT music streaming services (e.g. Spotify, Apple etc.) do more harm than good

Given the choice, THBT US Supreme Court Justices should be elected by a vote among federal judges rather
than a popular vote

This House would mandate by law that all couples must equally share domestic work

TH opposes left wing media using mockery to cover the far right e.g. The Daily Show, Last Week Tonight

This House would prefer that US Supreme Court Justices were elected by popular vote

THBT Croatian Democratic Party (HDZ) should disassociate from Thompson including but not limited to not
playing his songs on their rallies, not making public appearance at their rallies etc.

TH as the UK Conservative Party would hold a second Brexit referendum

THBT athletes should not be permitted to express political views during major sporting events

This House supports individuals publicizing the identity of people who attend far right protests and gatherings in
the USA to their community (coworkers, employers, family etc.)

This House supports individuals publicizing the identity of people who attend far right protests and gatherings in
the USA to their community (coworkers, employers, family etc.)

This House would privatize NASA

This House would privatize NASA

This House opposes Twitch's decision to ban sexually suggestive content on their platform
This House opposes Twitch's decision to ban sexually suggestive content on their platform

This House would allow victims (and families of deceased) of gun violence to sue the sellers of the gun used in
the act for compensation

This House would allow victims (and families of deceased) of gun violence to sue the sellers of the gun used in
the act for compensation

This House believes that prominent individuals outside politics (e.g. business leaders, celebrities) from
developing countries should emphasize the positive aspects of their country, rather than the negative aspects
when speaking on an international platform

This House believes that prominent individuals outside politics (e.g. business leaders, celebrities) from
developing countries should emphasize the positive aspects of their country, rather than the negative aspects
when speaking on an international platform

When allocating COVID-19 vaccines, THW significantly deprioritise people who have failed to comply with
COVID-19 regulations* *e.g.: not wearing a mask, not socially distancing, avoiding travel restrictions

THO the expectation that one's monetary earnings should be in proportion with one's effort and hard work

THBT Central Bank leaders should be elected by an independent panel of experts, rather than selected by

THP a world in which the registry exists

THP a world in which moderate US Republican & Democrat representatives form their own political parties

THBT South Korean feminists should advocate for the conscription of women

THW break up Facebook Inc

THBT religious organisations should deny religious services* to current members of criminal organisations *e.g.
confession, last rites, marriage services, removing access from places of worship

THR the decline in solidarity strikes

This House believes that individuals should be encouraged to make significant sacrifices for their community

TH, as Iran, would accept the Iran Deal Plus

THS the democratisation of powerful civil service positions

Assuming feasibility, This House believes that the Holy Kaaba should be under the custody/guardianship of the
OIC, instead of Saudi Arabia.

THS the creation of "ASEAN bonds" to fund the post-COVID 19 regional economic recovery

This House believes that progressive activists in conservative societies should aggressively adopt conservative
language/rhetoric in advocating for their agenda.

THP a world where the average person experiences substantially less intense emotions

This House would mandate that social media users select middleware packages to curate the information they
see on their social media accounts.

TH, as Moon-Jae In, Would repatriate North Korean defectors

THBT historically discriminated groups should abandon narratives of historical redress in their campaign for

THBT the Democratic Party leadership should publicly commit to using "procedurally activist" congressional
tactics to pursue their policy objectives

THW grant the WHO, in times of crisis, coercive powers to gather information about suspected infectious
disease outbreaks and to enforce its policy recommendations
THBT investors should be required to invest a significant portion of their portfolios in the real economy

THBT Southeast Asian states should actively move towards the consolidation of a regional alliances at the
expense of seeking stronger ties with non-regional allies (e.g by forming closer intra-ASEAN efence ties,
increasing ASEAN economic integration, etc)

THW legalise and actively incentivise the use of university bonds

THBT first generation immigrants should raise their children to fully integrate into their new country, and
completely abandon attempts to establish links to their country of origin

THR the US's declining relative influence over global governance

In areas characterized by significant ethnic and religious cleavages, THP a system of delegative democracy
over a system of collusive democracy

TH, as a Muslim SEA nation, would reject Saudi Arabian investments in education

TH, as an altruistically minded graduate, would follow the 80,000 hours approach to their professional career
rather than joining an altruistic organisation

THR the "quantitative turn" in the social sciences

TH, as the feminist movement, would advocate for aggressive government intervention to counteract behaviours
which the feminist movement determines are predominantly the outcome of adaptive preference

THW abolish youth wings of political parties

THBT minority groups should advocate for the widespread use of their cultural practices in society as opposed
to defending it from cultural appropriation

THR the Israel-Bahrain-UAE normalisation agreements

THBT Autonomous machine (vehicles, robots, etc.) companies should develop AI which prioritizes the life and
well-being of the owner of the machine and those close to them over that of other humans

In areas with rapidly rising property prices, This House would suspend all restrictions on property development
that are not health and safety requirements (for example, environmental zoning regulations, building height
restrictions, and regulations on the appearance of buildings)

THS the inclusion of Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) mechanisms in free trade agreements

THW require by law for Google and Facebook to pay traditional news media to publish their material

THW abolish the law against scandalizing the court in India

THS the complete demetrication of all social media

THBT feminists in Muslim-majority countries should push for the reformation of sharia courts over the
abolishment of it

THW break up persistently dominant political parties in emerging/developing democracies (e.g. the ANC in
South Africa, the Awami League in Bangladesh)

THBT all tech startups that become "unicorns" should be publicly traded

In developing democratic countries, THW prioritise bottom-up over top-down accountability reforms

THR the narrative that you need to truly love yourself in order to love others

TH, as an up and coming African American rap artist, would prioritise putting out content with themes of African
American struggles rather than content with themes of the boujie lifestyle

TH, as the EU, would actively prevent EU countries (Italy, Slovenia, Lithuania, etc.) from achieving closer ties
with China

THS the institutionalisation of the Quad (e.g. a quadrilateral free trade agreement, formalised diplomatic
summits and war games etc)
This House Would significantly decrease income tax rates for women

This House Would give victims of crimes significant power over sentencing

This House believes that contemporary social movements should focus on class differences rather than on
identity-based discrimination (e.g. gender, race)

This House, as a Pacific island state, would reject Chinese developmental assistance

In post-conflict societies, This House prefers power-sharing agreements to unrestricted democracy.

Given the dichotomy, This House believes that animal rights activists should focus on the environmental impacts
that meat consumption has on humans, rather than empathy for animals

This House believes that developing countries should prioritise the massive construction of infrastructure over
the direct provision of high subsidies and social welfare

This House believes that middle-class families should adopt a model of extended adolescence for their children,
rather than one of early independence.

TH, as the CCP, would publicly acknowledge their errors in their managing of COVID-19 & the creation of a
pandemic, and agree to reasonable measures of assistance & compensation to the global community.

TH, in times of economic crisis, would ease bank capital adequacy requirements

THBT Indian feminist movement movements should adopt Lakshmi as a symbol of the movement rather than

THW allow "religious duty" as a mitigating defense for crimes

THR the rise of ideological purity policing

THBT it is in the interest of the Aam Aadmi Party to join in a coalition with the Indian National Congress before
contesting in the next general election.
THBT ASEAN should abandon the China-ASEAN South China Sea Code of Conduct negotiations

That we prefer the establishment of truth and reconciliation commissions to attempts at pursuing retributive
justice (e.g. prosecuting perpetrators) in post-conflict states

That we should make it an offense to witness a crime and not report it

That we should make search engines liable for defamation when their algorithms promote defamatory content

That we should ban derivative markets

That we should ban hedge funds

That we regret central bank independence

That the US should escalate its ‘maximum pressure’ campaign against Iran

That we, as India, would rejoin the RCEP

That the UK should offer citizenship to all residents of Hong Kong

That developing countries should ban the sale of GMO products

That we shuold genetically design "Philosopher Kings"

Assuming that the technology existed, that we would allow individuals to sell their Intelligence Quotient (IQ) as a

You are a publicly successful chef, whose real cooking skill is secretly attributable to a rat which directs your
movements underneath your chef's hat. That we should reveal the existence of the rat.

That we should ban the consumption of animals

That we should ban religious practices that cause cruelty to animals.

That we regret cancel culture within progressive movements

That, as Joe Biden, we would prioritize solving economic inequality over racial issues in the campaign

That, as the minority resistance group, we would submit to the state

That no media platform should receive public funding

That we would abolish the Goldwater Rule

That we should regulate social media entities as publishers/news organisations

That, as Bibi Netanyahu, we should abandon efforts to annex Jewish settlements in the West Bank

That we regret the rise of decentralisation agendas in developing countries

That, as a liberal democracy, we should heavily restrict our Multinational Corporations from investing
in/expanding into illiberal states (e.g. Russia, Turkey, China, Poland)

THP a tech industry characterized by multiple smaller firms rather than one dominated by a few large players
(e.g. Google Amazon Facebook in status quo)

THR the rise of the commercialisation of surrogacy in developing countries

THW subsidise companies for the employment of ex-convicts

THR the decline of tightly integrated families

THBT protest movements should actively integrate religious figures and institutions in opposition to authoritarian
THW ban the development of Neuralink technology, or any other brain-computer interface

TH, as India, would accept China's proposal

THBT heads of state in democratic nations should be limited to one term in office

When evaluating financial risk and value, THBT financial institutions and credit rating agencies should actively
account for climate and nature based impacts and risk

THW join the resistance against the AI

Assuming it could be done instantly, THW remove all nuclear weapons and the capacity to build them from the
current world

THBT, rather than give money to Foreign Aid and International Development Institutions, developed countries
should instead directly fund the Global Solidarity Fund

THBT humanity should invest considerable amount of resources into the exploration of deep space (e.g.
colonising, space mining, exploring deep space, finding alien races)

TH regrets the demonisation of populist leaders (e.g. Donald Trump, Marine LePen, Jair Bolsonaro)

Assuming feasibility, THW ban all research into the possible genetic origins of sex, race and sexuality.

THBT environmental advocacy groups should prioritise lobbying governments to change environmental policy
(e.g. cap and trade policies, banning environmentally harmful chemicals) rather than convincing individuals to
take responsibility for their contribution to environmental damage (e.g. reducing/recycling waste, taking public

TH, as Israel, would end compulsory military service.

THR the depiction of the everyday life of people with disabilities as inspirational.

THBT the South African government should incentivize the movement of people out of townships, rather than
focus on policies that try to economically develop townships.

THBT the US should cut all political, economic and military ties with Saudi Arabia.

THBT social movements should reject the glorification of political violence.

THBT post-conflict states should actively promote a unifying national narrative in the history curriculum.

THW allow city and local governments to be held civilly responsible for deaths that can be ascribed to

THBT the use of erotic capital by women does more harm than good.

THP a world where people believe you should maximize productivity to a world where people believe you should
maximize leisure.

This House would remove quarterly reporting requirements for publicly traded companies

This House believes that prominent institutions in marginalized communities (churches, schools, community
centres, etc.) should practice the politics of respectability

This House supports the US's use of economic warfare (tariffs, targeted sanctions, etc.) against China in order
to force compliance with the rules of the global neoliberal economic order (opening up its economy, protecting
intellectual property, not engaging in currency manipulation, etc.)

This House would remove all health restrictions for prospective adoptive parents

This House believes that developing countries should never commit to having their sovereign debt disputes
settled by courts in foreign countries

In countries with vigorously contested campaign contribution regulations, this House believes that the political
left should not contest the premise that money is speech and should, instead, contest how that speech is

This House believes that the horrors of history are incompatible with a belief in a Judeo-Christian God
In a plurality of cases, this House believes that the "me too" movement should, on balance, prioritize a path
towards redemption over retribution

In legal systems where constitutional courts practice judicial review, this House would apply the "no precedential
effect rule" to judgments by single judge margins

This House would legalize and train sex workers specifically to work with disabled people

TH, as South Korea, would aim to significantly increase its cross-border economic cooperation with North Korea

THW ban social media companies from independently deplatforming politicians

TH prefers environmental movements heavily prioritizing a local agenda over a global one (e.g., focusing on
local pollution rather than climate change)

TH opposes the glorification of professional e-sports players

TH opposes the general approach of companies to grow by massively sacrificing short-term profitability with the
hope of gaining a large portion of the market* *e.g. the original business model of companies such as Uber or

THBT it is in the interest of the Catholic church to officially recognize Folk Saints

THBT pursuing strong expansionist policies* in the Arctic region is in the Russian interest *Including but not
limited to: building artificial islands in order to claim additional territory, trying to significantly limit foreign
presence, stationing warships and troops

TH opposes the academisation* of social justice movements *The increasingly significant presence of
academics and academic terminology, processes and structures in many parts of the world

THBT states should classify organized crime syndicates as terrorist groups* *classification as a terrorist group
would legally allow law enforcement to pursue tactics such as targeted extra-judicial killings, reducing barriers to
law enforcement gathering evidence, using military forces, criminalizing membership, etc
THP a world in which the Resident Evil machine exists

TH would teach children to have a logical approach to life, even at the expense of reducing their emotional
bandwidth (e.g. trying to react in less emotional ways, prioritising logic over emotions when approaching
problem-solving, etc.)

THBT police commissioners should be directly elected by their local community

TH supports developing states falsifying their history in order to create a unified national identity

TH supports the rise of language-generating AI

TH opposes the Biden Administration plan to finance large scale governmental projects through multi-trillion
dollar fiscal stimulus

TH prefers to live an average anonymous life in South Korea over being a K-Pop star

When allocating COVID-19 vaccines, THW significantly deprioritise people who have failed to comply with
COVID-19 regulations* *e.g.: not wearing a mask, not socially distancing, avoiding travel restrictions

THO the expectation that one's monetary earnings should be in proportion with one's effort and hard work

THBT Central Bank leaders should be elected by an independent panel of experts, rather than selected by

THP a world in which the registry exists

THP a world in which moderate US Republican & Democrat representatives form their own political parties

THBT South Korean feminists should advocate for the conscription of women

THW break up Facebook Inc

THBT religious organisations should deny religious services* to current members of criminal organisations *e.g.
confession, last rites, marriage services, removing access from places of worship

THBT contemporary social movements should focus on class differences rather than on identity-based
differences (gender, race, religion etc.)

THP lockdown policy decisions in federal governments to be made regionally (e.g. by states, provinces) rather
than by the centralized government

THP activist messaging to focus on how things could be (a positive vision for the future) rather than on how
things are (how bad things are currently)

THW allow victims of violent crimes to veto the prosecution of their offender

THBT governments in the developing world should limit migration to megacities

THW leave Dharma

THP to live in a world where most individuals lead polyamorous relationships, as opposed to single-partner

THR the Americanization of social justice debates, e.g. focus on police brutality as a result of BLM, use of
english terms by social movements rather than words in local languages and the focus on American icons such
as MLK or RBG

THW hold social media platforms liable for illegal content that is posted (fake news, defamation, etc.)

THO the glorification of career achievements as a basis for self worth

THR the increasing emphasis upon publicity and performative expressivism in social movements.

TH, as Saudi Arabia, W provide funding and support to Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF), and encourage
their aggression against the Ethiopian federal government

THW prefer to be born with HSAM

THR the narrative that there is no objective truth

TH, as South Korea, would aim to significantly increase its cross-border economic cooperation with North Korea

THW ban social media companies from independently deplatforming politicians

TH prefers environmental movements heavily prioritizing a local agenda over a global one (e.g., focusing on
local pollution rather than climate change)

TH opposes the glorification of professional e-sports players

TH opposes the general approach of companies to grow by massively sacrificing short-term profitability with the
hope of gaining a large portion of the market* *e.g. the original business model of companies such as Uber or

THBT it is in the interest of the Catholic church to officially recognize Folk Saints

THBT pursuing strong expansionist policies* in the Arctic region is in the Russian interest *Including but not
limited to: building artificial islands in order to claim additional territory, trying to significantly limit foreign
presence, stationing warships and troops

TH opposes the academisation* of social justice movements *The increasingly significant presence of
academics and academic terminology, processes and structures in many parts of the world

THBT states should classify organized crime syndicates as terrorist groups* *classification as a terrorist group
would legally allow law enforcement to pursue tactics such as targeted extra-judicial killings, reducing barriers to
law enforcement gathering evidence, using military forces, criminalizing membership, etc

THP a world in which the Resident Evil machine exists

TH would teach children to have a logical approach to life, even at the expense of reducing their emotional
bandwidth (e.g. trying to react in less emotional ways, prioritising logic over emotions when approaching
problem-solving, etc.)

THBT police commissioners should be directly elected by their local community

TH supports developing states falsifying their history in order to create a unified national identity

TH supports the rise of language-generating AI

TH opposes the Biden Administration plan to finance large scale governmental projects through multi-trillion
dollar fiscal stimulus

TH prefers to live an average anonymous life in South Korea over being a K-Pop star

When allocating COVID-19 vaccines, THW significantly deprioritise people who have failed to comply with
COVID-19 regulations* *e.g.: not wearing a mask, not socially distancing, avoiding travel restrictions

THO the expectation that one's monetary earnings should be in proportion with one's effort and hard work

THBT Central Bank leaders should be elected by an independent panel of experts, rather than selected by

THP a world in which the registry exists

THP a world in which moderate US Republican & Democrat representatives form their own political parties

THBT South Korean feminists should advocate for the conscription of women

THW break up Facebook Inc

THBT religious organisations should deny religious services* to current members of criminal organisations *e.g.
confession, last rites, marriage services, removing access from places of worship

THBT animal rights groups should focus their advocacy on creating a world where farmed animals are treated
well and killed humanely, rather than on eradicating animal-based products

THW make charitable status dependent on an evidence-based assessment of the organisation's utility (by an
external panel of experts)
THBT our strongest moral obligation is to our surrounding community rather than to humanity at large

In times of pandemics, THW significantly the minimum safety and efficacy standards required for the approval of
treatments and vaccines * including but not limited to measures such as: waiving medium-term and long-term
safety testing, accepting drugs that do not yet show superior outcomes compared to existing treatments,
allowing more severe side effects than those that are usually permitted

THBT Greece should introduce significant financial incentives for companies and individuals currently based in
Athens* to relocate to other Greek cities *Over a third of the Greek population lives in Athens.

THBT it is in the interest of the Chinese Communist Party to cease attempts to infringe on "One Country, Two
Systems" in Hong Kong, rather than continuing its current approach.

THW encourage women to be selfish

THBT it is in the interest of dominant organised religions for their leaders to declare more progressive
interpretations of traditional dogma* *e.g. on dietary and pilgrimage requirements, the acceptability of
contraception, same-sex relationships

THBT consumers should predominantly aim to buy locally produced goods and services

THW break up Disney

THBT schools should teach children to be skeptical of parental authority

In circumstances where a unanimous decision is currently required, THP majority voting as the European
Council's decision-making approach

THW make police commanders personally criminally liable for instances of police brutality committed by their

In situations where deliberate economic policies by another state have caused substantial economic harms,
THBT international law should recognise that military retaliation can be justified

THBT the US Democratic Party should prioritise employment issues, even at the expense of significant harms to
the environment.

TH Opposes the Defining Decade norm

THBT local governments in developing countries should allocate significant portions of their budget via
Participatory Budgeting

THBT it is in the interest of the Kremlin to take measures to reduce Russian dependency of China (e.g. limit the
selling of raw materials to China, reduce the share of Yuan in Russia's currency reserves, not allowing Chinese
companies to develop strategic infrastructure such as 5G in Russia)

THBT communities that have been victims of atrocities should emphasise the narrative of the 'banality of evil'
when interpreting those atrocities

THBT the Greek government should have rejected the 2015 bailout deal and sought to negotiate further
concessions, even at the risk of not receiving a bailout.

THBT Brazil should fully privatize Petrobras / ECCQ Brasil debería privatizar por completo Petrobras

THBT that Western countries should revoke the citizenship of individuals that traveled to the Middle East to join
Jihadi groups, even if they were minors at the time of their departure / ECCQ los países occidentales deberían
revocar la ciudadanía a los individuos que se trasladaron a Medio Oriente para integrarse a grupos Jihadistas ,
incluso si eran menores de edad al momento de su translado

THS state attempts to help their citizens find and sustain love (e.g. subsidizing subscriptions to matching
agencies such as, significant funding for research on what makes a relationship last, creating
courses on how to woo and keep a spouse) / EC apoya que el estado busque ayudar a sus ciudadanos a
encontrar y mantener el amor (ej. Subsidiando suscripciones a sitios de citas como, financiando
significativamente investigaciones sobre cómo hacer que una relación perdure, creando cursos sobre cómo
sorprender y conservar a tu pareja)

THBT major awards of meritocratic distinction (e.g. the Nobel Prize, the Pulitzer Prize, Oscars, etc) should
include a moral clause* *a provision that allows the honoree to receive, or hold, the award only in the case they
meet a behavioral standard set by the awarding panel. / ECCQ los principales premios de reconocimiento al
mérito (Ej. Premio Nobel, Premio Pulitzer, Oscar’s, etc.) deberían incluir una cláusula moral* *una condición que
permite al homenajeado recibirlo y conservarlo únicamente cuando cumplan con un estándar de
comportamiento establecido por el jurado calificador.

THBT developing countries should pursue the establishment of charter cities / ECCQ los países en vía de
desarrollo deberían establecer ciudades chárter

THBT the general educational approach in schools should be to discourage children from assessing their
achievements in comparison to their peers. / ECCQ el enfoque general de la educación en los colegios debe ser
desincentivar que los niños midan sus logros comparándolos con los de sus pares.

In countries with proportional representation, THS founding political parties that exclusively represents women’s
interests / En países con representación proporcional, EC apoya la creación de partidos políticos que
representan exclusivamente los intereses de las mujeres.

THW prohibit businesses from adopting a public position on social justice issues (e.g. LGBTQIA+, racial
relations, abortion, etc)

THS countries granting rights to nature

EC preferiría unirse al Club de los 27 que vivir una vida anónima promedio.

En casos en que un funcionario público sea acusado de corrupción, EC reduciría el estándar probatorio al del
“balance de probabilidades”* en vez del de la “duda razonable”.

ECCQ el involucramientode Estados Unidos en Panama (presencia militar, influencia cultural, relaciones
economicas estrechas, etc) beneficia a los panamenos.

This House, as South Africa, would forcibly break up exclusive Afrikaaner enclaves

This House believes that the protections of international law conventions and treaties should not apply to
combatants from terrorist organisations (e.g. prohibition on torture, prisoner of war status, guarantee of post-
conflict release)

This House opposes the norm that romantic love should be the primary source of fulfilment in a person's life

This House believes that the ongoing process of decolonisation should include actively disempowering religions
that were imposed on the country during colonialism

This House would implement substantial measures to impose long-termism in corporate investment culture (e.g.
minimum holding periods for shares, yearly rather than quarterly financial reporting, long-term executive
compensation plans)

This House supports granting megacities autonomous control over their economic and social policy (e.g.
immigration, health, criminal justice) with national taxation policy remaining under the control of the federal

This House would actively encourage women not to have children

This House believes that the United States should disengage from Syria

This House believes that developing countries should privatise their State-Owned Enterprises (such as airlines,
railway utility companies)

This House would grant individuals and organisations open standing to challenge the constitutionality of laws
enacted by their government

This House believes that it is unjustified to assist evil regimes in systematically persecuting members of their
identity group in order to mitigate and moderate the regime's abuses (e.g. Israel Kasztner in Nazi-controlled
Hungary, Wang Jingwei in Japan-occupied China).

This House would subsidise art that glorifies the working class

This House supports governments significantly increasing their use of big data-based predictive models in
decision-making to replace human judgements (e.g. criminal justice policy, allocation of healthcare resources,
housing development)

In the lead up to the 1994 negotiated settlement in South Africa, this house believes that the ANC should have
demanded further concessions (e.g. removing the amnesty provision in the TRC, greater land and economic
rights) even at the expense of prolonging the conflict.

This House believes that the WHO should adopt a convention which bans the sell of drugs with high resistance
tendencies (e.g. antibiotics) to countries which do not comply with WHO guidelines regarding their medical and
agricultural use

This House believes that an approach of Political Expansionism on the part of the Chinese state is in the
interests of the Chinese people
This House supports a norm of embracing anger in public discourse rather than one of aspiring to dispassionate

This House would impose a narrow banking regulation

This House believes that the present condition of humanity is preferable to its condition in 100 years time.

TH opposes the attempts by the feminist movement to redefine roles and behaviours traditionally associated
with women (e.g. wanting to be a housewife, wearing make-up and heels) as empowering.

THS countries withdrawing from the International Criminal Court in order to create their own regional
replacements (e.g. an African Criminal Court, an InterAmerican Criminal Court).

In areas of chronically low academic attainment, THBT the general approach of educational charities should be
to focus resources on maximising the potential of exceptional students, over helping the lowest achieving.

THS the rise of computational creativity (Infoslide: Computational Creativity' is a scientific field researching AI
models that simulate or replicate human creativity. Projects in the field include but are not limited to using AI to
script films, compose music, write poetry, and paint).

THW give legislative veto power to a Future Generations Commission (Infoslide: For the purposes of this
debate, a 'Future Generations Commission' is an independent body mandated with mapping the long-term
impacts of governmental policy on the young, or unborn generations).

Where resources are significantly limited, THBT states should actively promote religion in areas of high poverty.

TH prefers a world in which all children are conceived with DNA from a global genetic database.

THBT it is immoral for individuals who have met their basic needs to not donate any excess wealth to utility
maximising causes.

Actually, THW rather see one innocent man go to jail than see 100 guilty men walk free.

THR 'Operation Car Wash'. (Infoslide: Operation Car Wash' is a broad investigation conducted in Brazil that
revealed extensive corruption. As a result of the operation, the left-leaning Workers' Party have lost power, and
far-right candidate Jair Bolsonaro has been elected president)

From behind a veil of ignorance, TH would choose to not be born.

This House would consider politicians under oath when making public statements on political issues* (* thus
making them criminally liable for perjury if they lie about facts)

In countries where compulsory military service for men exists, this House believes that feminists should
advocate for the conscription of women

This House believes that the LGBT movement should embrace the message that sexuality is a choice

This House believes that United States foreign policy should seek to significantly restrict Iran's influence over

This House opposes Consumerist Culture* (*Consumerist Culture is a culture where consistently purchasing
goods is expected and considered a marker of social status)

This House believes that in Western states with high rates of unemployment the state should act as an employer
of last resort (i.e. the state should directly employ people who are unable to find a job elsewhere)

This House would allow communities to reduce the amount of policing employed within their neighborhoods

This House would allow the creation of Savior Siblings* (*a child who is born for the purpose of providing an
organ or cell transplant to a sibling who is affected with a fatal disease)

This House would allow individuals to sue religious institutions in their community for propagating beliefs that
cause them significant harm

This House believes that the Obama administration should have prioritized affordable tertiary education over
affordable healthcare

This House believes that the state should curb assortative mating* (*the phenomenon of people primarily
entering relationships and building families with those of similar social and economic characteristics)
TH opposes the portrayal of criminal lifestyles as “cool” in popular entertainment (e.g. Narcos, Breaking Bad,

THBT Greece should ban Sharia law in Western Thrace.

THB that it is in China’s interest to not retaliate to the imposition of tariffs by the Trump Administration

THO the buying and selling of emotional services

THBT social media platforms should aggressively prioritise content from the mainstream media over less
established media outlets

THP a world in which this machine exists

THW ban individuals credibly accused of corruption from running for public office.

THBT the general approach of states should be to repatriate refugees once they no longer have a well-founded
fear of persecution or violence.

This house believes that the US should ban extremist groups (e.g. the KKK and neo-Nazi groups)

This house believes that the WTO should allow developing countries to impose policies aimed at protecting
domestic industries, even at the expense of harming international trade.

THR the rise of “Sharing Culture”

This house believes that states should significantly fund female-only tech companies

This house, as Israel, supports the Jewish People’s Intelligence Services Doctrine.

This house supports universities treating students as customers (eg by allocating significant resources to
improving students lifestyles, and granting students influence over university decisions and the content and
delivery of course curricula)
This house believes that Western institutions should neither cooperate with, nor use the data produced by, non-
Western medical institutions that do not meet Western standards on human clinical trials

This house believes that LGBT groups should actively seek to include Side B Christians.

This house supports the creation and use of Lethal Autonomous Robots (Lethal Autonomous Robots are fully
autonomous military weapons that can select and engage targets without human intervention).

THB that Western European states at high risk for terror attacks should implement 'state of emergency' laws.

THR the mass deregulation of the financial sector

TH as the Kremlin would commemorate the 1917 Russian Revolution as a tradegy rather than a triumph for the

THW allow local communities to vote to reduce the amount of policing present within their districts

THBT China should remove its restrictions on rural to urban migrants.

THP a world where everyone has Highly Superior Autobiographical (with info slide)

Given that private gun ownership is legal, THS the existence of women's gun rights organizations (with info

THBT African countries should adopt English as the principal language of instruction in schools

THO the dominant narrative in popular culture that there exists a soulmate for everyone

In countries that have the death penalty, THW implement execution duty (with info slide)

THW allow individuals to sue religious organizations for compensation for the harmful effects of choices made
as a result of adherence to religious doctrine

THBT it is the Moral Imperative of Liberals within Eastern European countries to stay within their Home Country
rather than Emigrate to More Progressive Countries

THW Give Extra Votes to Individuals who Live in Areas with Consistently Low Voter Turnout

This House Believes That the state should pay a salary to stay-at-home parents

Given the existence of "SASP Glasses" technology, This House Would ban them.

This House Believes That western tech companies should collectively refuse to comply with the Russian
personal information law

This House Believes That developed nations should not recruit high-skilled workers (Such as doctors,
engineers, etc.) from developing countries

Given the ability to accurately measure the moral track record of a person, This House Would criminalize having
a consistently negative moral track record

This House Believes that the Election of Donald Trump Serves the Interests of Russian Citizens

When police are put on trial for alleged instances of a violent wrongdoing, this House would decrease the
burden of proof to the balance of probabilities.

This House would allow negative voting.

This House believes that armies should indoctrinate soldiers to take their own lives in the event that they fall
captive to the enemy.

This House believes that the state should promote the norm of the 'single life'.

This House believes that NATO should expel members that do not meet the organisation's defence spending

THW prosecute violent fouls in sports as criminal assault

THBT ICC should forcefeed detainees going on hunger strike.

TH, as China, would allow women, and only women, to marry multiple male partners

THBT Israel should Privatize the West Bank Checkpoints

THR the overwhelming narrative of good triumphing over evil in childrens

THW rather be a part of “Club 27” thank live an average anonymous

In retrospect, THW have preferred Truth and Reconciliation Comissions over the ICTY to deal with the aftermath
of the Yugoslav Wars

TH, as Catholics, would oppose the canonisation of Mother Theresa.

TH believes that the US Government should provide significant campaign funding for congressmen and
senators who score highly on bi-partisan metrics*. *Scores derived from instances of voting with the other party,
co-sponsoring bills, etc., calculated by independent bodies.

TH believes that the life in the cartel is a better life for Tony Montana than a life of following the law.

TH believes that the state’s general economic approach should be to promote policies which seek to maximise
net economic gain*, even when it comes at the expense of structural unemployment. * For example free trade
agreements and the automation of labour.

TH believes that Japan should depict the act of Inseki-Jisatsu as cowardly.

TH believes that liberal states should provide legal and financial aid to citizens who wish to permanently
emigrate from them.

TH believes that it is within the interest of Tibetans to assimilate with China.

TH would allow the “Cultural Defence” in all criminal proceedings.

THW make the number of votes an individual has inversely proportional to their wealth (i.e. the more wealth an
individual has the fewer votes in an election).

TalkToys are dolls with Artificial Intelligence (AI) and speech recognition software that enable them to engage in
an actual conversation with children (they have a lexicon of thousands of prescript responses). TalkToys are
meant to serve as a companion to the child, and they are in the late stages of development. Prominent
examples of toys that will be able to talk include Barbie, G.I Joe and Star Wars and Action Figures. THW Ban

The NRA, National Rifle Association of America, is a lobbying group in Washington. Its notable actions include
influencing legislation aimed to deregulate gun ownership laws, initiating lawsuits against municipalities that
have banned or have placed strict regulations on firearm laws, and endorsing candidates mainly of the
Republican Party. THBT the US should require the NRA to pay reparations to victims of gun violence.

THW suspend trade unions and labour protection laws in times of economic crisis.

Conscription is mandatory in Egypt for males of ages between 18 to 30. The service obligation is between 12 to
36 months and is followed by a 9-year reserve duty. THBT Egypt Should Conscript Women to Female-Only

THBT Sex Education Classes in Schools Should Teach Techniques For Pure Sexual Gratification (including, but
not limited to, anal sex, oral sex, mutual gratification and masturbation).

THW release inmates from jail solely on the basis of their rehabilitation and not upon the completion of a
predetermined period of time.

During the first centuries AD there was no religious law demanding clerical celibacy in the Catholic sect of
Christianity, and there is no direct mentioning of such a requirement in the New Testament. Celibacy is being
thought to have been universally adopted by Catholiscm after a decision made by a council in 12th century. TH,
as Pope Francis, would remove the requirement of catholic priests to take a vow of celibacy.

THBT jobs that are deemed to be of moral value or societal importance should have their wages set by the

THBT using Human Shield tactics, by the weaker side, can be justified in a-symmetrical wars.
Motion Infoslide

THBT Greece should introduce significant financial incentives for

companies and individuals currently based in Athens* to relocate to other
Greek cities *Over a third of the Greek population lives in Athens.

THBT it is in the interest of the Chinese Communist Party to cease

attempts to infringe on "One Country, Two Systems" in Hong Kong, rather
than continuing its current approach.

THW encourage women to be selfish

THBT it is in the interest of dominant organised religions for their leaders to

declare more progressive interpretations of traditional dogma* *e.g. on
dietary and pilgrimage requirements, the acceptability of contraception,
same-sex relationships

THBT consumers should predominantly aim to buy locally produced goods

and services

THW break up Disney The Walt Disney Company owns Pixa

ABC and dozens of other studios, med
merchandising rights.

THBT schools should teach children to be skeptical of parental authority

In circumstances where a unanimous decision is currently required, THP In matters of high sensitivity and comp
majority voting as the European Council's decision-making approach unanimous decision-making. These m
policy decisions, granting new rights to
current member states.

THW make police commanders personally criminally liable for instances of

police brutality committed by their subordinates
In situations where deliberate economic policies by another state have Substantial economic harms: e.g. rest
caused substantial economic harms, THBT international law should straits, aggressively increasing the pri
recognise that military retaliation can be justified strategic resources

THBT the US Democratic Party should prioritise employment issues, even

at the expense of significant harms to the environment.

TH Opposes the Defining Decade norm The 'Defining Decade' is a cultural nor
pursue life goals, even at the expense
As part of this approach it is common
most activities, seek more responsibili
relationships, and stigmatise idle time

THBT local governments in developing countries should allocate significant Participatory Budgeting is a process in
portions of their budget via Participatory Budgeting part of a municipal or local public budg
projects within a predefined amount o
decisions they made, e.g. local transp
cultural programs.

THBT it is in the interest of the Kremlin to take measures to reduce

Russian dependency of China (e.g. limit the selling of raw materials to
China, reduce the share of Yuan in Russia's currency reserves, not
allowing Chinese companies to develop strategic infrastructure such as 5G
in Russia)

THBT communities that have been victims of atrocities should emphasise The concept of the 'banality of evil' cla
the narrative of the 'banality of evil' when interpreting those atrocities ordinary individuals within a bureaucra
great evil are ordinary people, with no
their own advancement in the system.

THBT the Greek government should have rejected the 2015 bailout deal
and sought to negotiate further concessions, even at the risk of not
receiving a bailout.

2018 Novi Sad EUDC

CA Team: Duncan Crowe, Olivia Sundberg Diez, Daan Welling, Dee Courtney, Gigi Gil, Ilija
Ivanisevic, Yair Har-Oz

Round Motion
1 This House Believes that the US Democratic Party should move to the left in candidate selection a

2 This House believes that State Health Services should allow private companies to run hospitals fo

3 This House believes that the State should fund the creation of, and access to, realistic androids th

4 This House Regrets the glorification of the immediate postcolonial leaders in Sub-Saharan Africa.

5 This House Believes That South Korea should abandon the goal of, and all policies which aim at,

6 This House regrets the increasing trend of popular shows featuring neurodivergence* as the centr
psychology is non standard, e.g. for reasons of mental health, mental disability, etc.

7 This House, as Colombia, would cease cooperation with the USA in the War Against Drugs

8 This House Believes That Artists should not participate in the ongoing interpretation of their art.

9 This house supports first generation immigrants to Western Europe encouraging their children to f

ESL_Quarters THBT the EU should decriminalise human smuggling*. * Human smuggling is the aiding of a willin
human trafficking, in which the person does not consent.

ESL_Semis THR the decline of labour union power in the West

ESL_Final This House supports the promotion of collective guilt after large scale crimes against humanity

Open_Octos THW prefer a religion which preaches that one's fate in the material world is predetermined rather

Open_Quarter THBT the IMF should require direct control over a country's monetary policy as a condition of nati

Open_Semis THBT liberal democracies should constitutionally enshrine the right of regions to unilaterally seced
Open_Final THR the shift in the #MeToo movement from victims sharing their experiences to holding public fig

2017 Tallinn EUDC

CA Team: Steven Ramesh Rajavinothan, Helena Ivanov, Dan Lahav, Rebecca Irvine, Thomas
Simpson, Olivia Sundberg

Round Motion Infoslide

1 This house believes that the US should ban extremist groups (e.g. the
KKK and neo-Nazi groups)

2 This house believes that the WTO should allow developing countries
to impose policies aimed at protecting domestic industries, even at the
expense of harming international trade.

3 THR the rise of “Sharing Culture” “Sharing Culture” (a culture

intimate details of ones life
to others posts of this natu

4 This house believes that states should significantly fund female-only

tech companies

5 This house, as Israel, supports the Jewish People’s Intelligence The Jewish People’s Intelli
Services Doctrine. Israeli citizens’ security, ut
were adopted, Israel would
operations in order to keep

6 This house supports universities treating students as customers (eg

by allocating significant resources to improving students lifestyles, and
granting students influence over university decisions and the content
and delivery of course curricula)

7 This house believes that Western institutions should neither cooperate

with, nor use the data produced by, non-Western medical institutions
that do not meet Western standards on human clinical trials

8 This house believes that LGBT groups should actively seek to include Side B Christians are Chris
Side B Christians. nevertheless believe that h

9 This house supports the creation and use of Lethal Autonomous

Robots (Lethal Autonomous Robots are fully autonomous military
weapons that can select and engage targets without human

ESL_Final THB that Western European states at high risk for terror attacks
should implement 'state of emergency' laws.

Open_Semi THR the mass deregulation of the financial sector


Open_Final TH as the Kremlin would commemorate the 1917 Russian Revolution

as a tradegy rather than a triumph for the nation.

2016 Warsaw EUDC

CA Team: Emilia Carlqvist, Harish Natarajan, Adam Hawksbee, Helena Ivanov, Radu Cotarcea,
Yael Bezalel

Round Motion Infoslide

1 TH regrets the rise of social media as a primary source of news


2 TH supports Barack Obama's statements that emphasise African-

Americans taking individual responsibility for improving their own
position in life

3 THW create state-run centres where individuals can purchase and

consume psychedelic* drugs *drugs whose primary effect is to alter
cognition and perception e.g. LSD and Magic Mushrooms

4 TH supports strong government intervention to prevent

gentrification* *process when significant numbers of wealthier
people move to a poor area
5 THBT the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra should regularly play the Richard Wagner was a
works of Richard Wagner favoured by the Nazis
camps. When Wagner
controversial. Motion:

6 TH regrets the mass commercialisation of football

7 TH supports Sanctuary Cities in the United States A 'sanctuary city', for e

(e.g. educators, social
immigration status. Th
controls on illegal imm

8 THBT Latin American states should provide extensive material

support for a military coup against the Venezualan government

9 THBT the European Union should fund satirical* publications in its

member states that target far-right political parties * the use of
humour and exaggeration to criticize

ESL_Quarters THBT Western States should fund the spread of atheism in Iraq
through provision of education, health care and welfare

ESL_Semis TH regrets the safe space movement’s attempts to significantly limit The growing safe spac
speech on university campuses achieve its aims. Thes
limiting exposure to co

ESL_Final THBT western nations should support breakaway states in former

Soviet Union (e.g. East Ukraine or South Ossetia) after free and fair

Open_Partial_Octos TH supports BRICS* countries creating alternatives to the current

international economic institutions (i.e. the IMF, the World Bank,
and the World Trade Organisation) * Brazil, Russia, India, China,
South Africa

Open_Quarters THW require the economic policies of political parties to be

approved by an independent panel of experts before being used in
Open_Semis TH supports Iran’s extension of the Sharia principle of “an eye for Recently there has be
an eye” to the victims of acid attacks personal feuds or for t
governed by Sharia la
by putting acid in their

Open_Final THW nationalize and provide public access to the Metadata being
gathered by online multinational companies.

2015 Vienna EUDC

CA Team: Christine Simpson, Michael Shapira, Amanda Moorghen, Emilia Carlqvist, Gavin Illsley

Round Motion

1 This House would pay all elected politicians the median wage in their country.

2 This House believes that when multi-national corporations conduct any business in Western
environmental standards at all stages of production.

3 This House believes that Western states should not use private military contractors in comba

4 This House would ban any treatment, service or ritual from claiming a physical healing effec
placebo by a national regulator.

5 This House believes that the European Union should lift its arms embargo on China.

6 This House would only allow the media and campagning organisations to depict or publish in
explicit permission of the family.

7 TH believes that the West should stop all attempts to gather information or intelligence by de

8 TH believes that it is legitimate for individuals to punish people they deem to have committed

9 THW introduce a 100% inheritance tax

ESL_Quarters TH would legalise surrogacy for profit in Western Liberal Democracies

ESL_Semis TH would introduce a mandatory term of at least 1 year of non-military national service for 18

ESL_Semis_Aborted TH would allow EU citizens to donate to political parties in any EU state

ESL_Final TH believes that parents of a musical child genius have a moral obligation to push that child

Open_Quarters TH would prohibit businesses from taking a public position on social issues

Open_Semis TH would require all defendants in criminal cases to be represented only by state-employed

Open_Final TH would treat the deaths of soldiers as regrettable losses of lives rather than examples of h

2014 Zagreb EUDC

CA team: Rebecca Meredith, Milan Vignjevic, Alon van Dam, Ashish Kumar, Engin Arikan, Maja
Cimerman, Sella Nevo, Tomas Beerthuis

Round Motion

1 This house would pay additional benefits to families on welfare according to their child’s performa

2 This house supports two-party political systems over multi-party political systems.

3 This house would ban international aid charities from using senational, graphic, or overly-emotion

4 This house believes that EU member states should nationalise all their oil and gas resources in or
to an EU-run energy agency.

5 This house believes that states of the former Yugoslavia should not commemorate the events of t
6 This house would introduce blind voting.

7 This house would require of police departments that the ethnic composition of their arrests match

8 This house believes that micro-finance organisations (including, but not limited to: NGOs, charities
loans in developing nations exclusively to women.

9 This house believes that states should hold binding national referendums on major peace agreem

ESL_Tiebreak This house would make membership in a labour union compulsory for every worker.

ESL_Quarters This house would require companies to place images of animal suffering on all products or food w

ESL_Semis This house believes that leaders of minority religions in Europe should strongly encourage their co

ESL_Final THW, assuming it was technically feasible, remove the ability of soldiers to feel fear

Open_Quarter This house believes that supreme/constitutional courts should not have the power to strike down l

Open_Semis This house believes that the United States of America should invade, and forcibly partition Iraq.

Open_Finals This House believes that feminist movement should oppose military interventions which claim to fu

2013 Manchester EUDC

CA Team: Shengwu Li, Omer Nevo, Joe Roussos, Dessislava Kirova, Filip Dobranic, Andrew Tuffin

Round Motion

1 THW ban video games in which the player engages in brutal and immoral violence in a realistic se
2 THW require international development aid budgets to be approved by popular referenda

3 TH, as the Muslim Brotherhood, would sincerely offer to cease resistance, participate in elections

4 THW permit government agencies to conduct automated surveillance without court authorisation

5 THBT Israel should allow members of the Jewish diaspora to vote in elections

6 TH applauds the rise of songs by female pop artists that glorify assertive female sexuality. For exa
down; I wonder if you’ll be able to handle me; Rita Ora – R.I.P

7 THBT it is in China’s strategic interest to cease all non-humanitarian assistance to North-Korea un

8 THBT Barack Obama should not have granted legal immunity to officials who ordered the use of t

9 THW provide welfare in the form of basic goods and services rather than cash payments

ESL_Quarters THBT men should consistently call out and correct chauvinistic claims by colleagues and co-work

ESL_Semis THBT environmental agencies should start a campaign of sabotage and destruction against majo

ESL_Final THBT the state should not fund any works of art or performances that the average citizen would n

Open_Quarter THBT African countries should adopt English as the principle language of instruction

Open_Semis TH regrets that Western Media demonised Islamist Terrorists rather than portraying them as crimi

Open_Final THW give more votes to citizens according to their performance on a current affairs test

2012 Belgrade EUDC

CA Team: Art Ward, Isabelle Loewe, filip Dobranic, Stephen Boyle, Benjamin Woolgar, Manos

Round Motion

1 THBT Parents Should Choose Not To Send their Children to Private Schools

2 THW Give First Nations Peoples (eg. Native Americans and Aboriginal Australians) Complete Au

3 THBT The Music Industry Should Not Facilitate the Comebacks of Artists Who Commit Violent C

4 THBT The Mexican Government Should Lift All Limits on the Military and Law Enforcement in the

5 THBT The ECB Should Unconditionally Buy Government Debt from Struggling Eurozone Econom

6 THW Cap the Amount Corporations Can Spend in Any One Course of Litigation

7 THW Require the Military to Recruit Soldiers in Direct Proportion to the Socio-Economic Make-up

8 THBT The Palestinians Should Accept Complete Demilitarisation in Immediate Return for A Sove

9 THW Let Anyone Take Up Residence in Any Country, Provided They Can Show that They Will N

ESL_Quarters TH Supports Life Sentences Without the Possibility of Parole For Serial Serious Re-Offenders

ESL_Semis THBT The Militaries of Newly Democratised Arab Countries Should Act as Guardians of Secular

ESL_Final THW Retrospectively Remove Amnesties Granted to Those Who Committed Crimes As Part of O

Open_Quarters THBT Republika Srpska Should Secede from Bosnia and Herzegovina

Open_Semis THBT Schools Should Aggressively Stream Students According to their Ability From An Early Ag
Open_Final THW Amend the US Constitution To Prohibit Any Involvement by Religious Organisation in the E

Motion Infoslide

This House would impose a BBC-style impartiality requirement on The BBC (British Broadcasting Corpor
all news platforms. cover the news impartially. This means
controversial issues. 2. The amount of
should roughly reflect the level of supp
society. 3. It is not required to be neutr
like the rule of law and the legitimacy o

This House supports the rapid global elimination of both tariff and
non-tariff barriers to free trade.

This House would allow children to sue their parents for religious Indoctrination means teaching someone
indoctrination. In the case of religion, this can include
emphasising strict adherence to religiou
alternative viewpoints.

This House would abolish the Olympic Games.

This House believes that the Mexican government should adopt

measures that enable one cartel to monopolise the drug market.
(These measures can include but are not limited to: targeting enemy
cartels; selective arrests; stopping military deployments to areas
controlled by this cartel; and renouncing the headhunt on its current
In liberal democracies, This House would implement a Social Credit A Social Credit System is a national go
System. system that rewards citizens for good b
bad behaviour. 1. It evaluates a defined
goes beyond illegal or legally-obligator
donations, recycling, volunteer work; o
Scores can be given by members of the
and the government. 3. Based on these
rewards and sanctions (e.g., fast-track t
government-subsidised mortgages, free
tax, slower document-processing times
public sector jobs).

This House believes that ASEAN should abandon "the ASEAN The Association of Southeast Asian Na
Way". Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, M
Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. At
principles that have come to be known
principles place strong emphasis on nat
commitment to non-intervention in the
ASEAN decisions are made unanimous

This House believes that the feminist movement should support the
narrative that "beauty does not matter" over the narrative that "all
bodies are beautiful".

This House would abolish primary and secondary school grades/years

that group children based on age, and instead group them by
competency and intelligence.

This House prefers a world where, starting today, all humans have
identical intellectual abilities (equivalent to the current global

This House would abolish the private ownership of (housing)

property in major metropolitan areas.

In a relatively equal society where the "protected sphere model" is the Under the "deferred happiness model"
norm, This House, as a parent, would raise their children according to emphasis on setting children up for a su
the "deferred happiness model". through a focus on academic or extracu
and discipline. Under the "protected sp
is strong emphasis on "letting children
a focus on playtime and personal enjoy

This House prefers a world without the Neuralink. A highly-valued startup has invented N
allows people's consciousnesses to be i
powerful supercomputer and maintaine

This House believes that the United States government should cede
the authority to prosecute criminal trials involving African Americans
(as either victims or alleged perpetrators) to African American
interest groups, and allocate funding for this.

This House prefers religions in which all individuals have roughly

equal religious obligations and are encouraged to develop a personal
connection with the divine, over religions in which religious
obligation and access to the divine are concentrated in religious
authority figures.

This House prefers a cynical and pessimistic perception of democratic

politics to an idealistic and optimistic one.

This House believes that developing countries should acquire, on the

open market, large stakes in major publicly-traded global
corporations (eg. Google, JP Morgan, Shell, and Pfizer).

This House prefers a "Brave New World" to the status quo in Western A “Brave New World” has these chara
Liberal Democracies. genetically engineered and socially con
specific societal roles. 2. People's mate
unfailingly met. 3. There is no possibil

This House, as China, would grant universal suffrage to Hong Kong.

2019 Cape Town WUDC

CA Team: Ameera Natasha Moore, Fanele Mashwama, Dan Lahav, Elisha Kunene, Enting Lee,
Raffy Marshall, Steph White
Motion Infoslide

This House, as South Africa, would forcibly break up exclusive Afrikaaners are a white South African ethni
Afrikaaner enclaves predominantly Dutch settlers.

This House believes that the protections of international law

conventions and treaties should not apply to combatants from
terrorist organisations (e.g. prohibition on torture, prisoner of war
status, guarantee of post-conflict release)

This House opposes the norm that romantic love should be the
primary source of fulfilment in a person's life

This House believes that the ongoing process of decolonisation Decolonisation refers to the process of critiq
should include actively disempowering religions that were value systems and influences that were imp
imposed on the country during colonialism colonialism. Some examples include: remov
e.g. Cecil Rhodes, prioritising indigenous n
narratives, replacing colonial authors with l

This House would implement substantial measures to impose

long-termism in corporate investment culture (e.g. minimum
holding periods for shares, yearly rather than quarterly financial
reporting, long-term executive compensation plans)

This House supports granting megacities autonomous control Megacities are cities with a population of ov
over their economic and social policy (e.g. immigration, health,
criminal justice) with national taxation policy remaining under
the control of the federal government

This House would actively encourage women not to have


This House believes that the United States should disengage

from Syria
This House believes that developing countries should privatise
their State-Owned Enterprises (such as airlines, railway utility

This House would grant individuals and organisations open In most legal systems, in order to initiate leg
standing to challenge the constitutionality of laws enacted by plaintiffs must demonstrate that they are dir
their government case in a way that is distinct from general m
means that an ordinary citizen cannot challe
they cannot prove that it has, or is imminen
them. A doctrine of open standing would al
proceedings in court. Plaintiffs would still n
argument. For example, under the status qu
which may increase many people's premium
general member of the public. Under a doct

This House believes that it is unjustified to assist evil regimes in

systematically persecuting members of their identity group in
order to mitigate and moderate the regime's abuses (e.g. Israel
Kasztner in Nazi-controlled Hungary, Wang Jingwei in Japan-
occupied China).

This House would subsidise art that glorifies the working class

This House supports governments significantly increasing their Recently there has been an increased use of
use of big data-based predictive models in decision-making to algorithms in making various policy judgem
replace human judgements (e.g. criminal justice policy, learning and artificial intelligence advances
allocation of healthcare resources, housing development) apply such methods to more government de

In the lead up to the 1994 negotiated settlement in South Africa,

this house believes that the ANC should have demanded further
concessions (e.g. removing the amnesty provision in the TRC,
greater land and economic rights) even at the expense of
prolonging the conflict.
This House believes that the WHO should adopt a convention The World Health Organisation has adopted
which bans the sell of drugs with high resistance tendencies (e.g. topics which can impose binding regulation
antibiotics) to countries which do not comply with WHO
guidelines regarding their medical and agricultural use

This House believes that an approach of Political Expansionism For the purposes of this debate, "Political E
on the part of the Chinese state is in the interests of the Chinese international relations which involves exert
people intervening in the internal affairs of other st
and exercise influence over the political and
the targeted countries through channels such
backing political groups.

This House supports a norm of embracing anger in public

discourse rather than one of aspiring to dispassionate objectivity

This House would impose a narrow banking regulation In the status quo, financial institutions use t
customers (e.g. in a bank account) to make
could alternatively be used to buy governm
treasury bonds), which tend to have the low
In this debate, an “equity account” would b
institution can use deposits for loans and inv
equity account fluctuates based on the value
“narrow banking” regulation is the requirem
back up all deposits with an equivalent valu
assets, unless customers choose to deposit t

This House believes that the present condition of humanity is

preferable to its condition in 100 years time.

2018 Mexico WUDC

CA Team: Michael Dunn Goekjian, Mifzal Mohammed, Emma Johnstone, Sella Nevo, Wasifa
Noshin, Steven Penner, Paul Smith, Evan Lynyak, Nicholas Ferezin

Motion Infoslide

This house would ban all communication tech companies (such as

Google, Apple, Facebook, Whatsapp, etc.) from encrypting their
users data, including the content of their communications, in such
a way that the company cannot retrieve that data even under a
court order.

This house supports job security legislation. For the purpose of this debate, “job securit
intended to make businesses fire employee
disincentives the termination of existing em
employs an alternative individual to replac
legislation include, but are not limited to, i
detailed cause requirements for terminating
against discriminatory termination or simil

This house would redefine the criterion for excessive force in the The current criterion in the US as to wheth
US to be any use of beyond what is reasonable given all the facts excessive force is whether he acted reasona
of the case, including the benefit of hindsight (e.g. whether the time and without the benefit of hindsight. A
individual had a gun, not whether it was reasonable to believe he that when using this criterion, juries consis
had a gun). harming or killing black individuals acted

This house would limit the amount of time that a museum can The art that you see in a museum typically
display a given piece of art to 3 months out of every 10 year following sources: i) that museum’s perma
period, rather than allow museums to display their works as long display, ii) that museum’s permament colle
as they choose. storage and may occasionally be displayed
display as little as 5% of their collections);
on a temporary basis by another museum i
private individuals or institutions.

This house would allow citizens to vote on individual bills in

place of their representative, with the representative retaining the
voting power of those of their constituents who did not directly
vote on that specific bill.

This house believes that all states should mandate that research on CRISPR is currently the only existing tech
and use of CRISPR technology be exclusively carried out by and targeted gene edition in living organism
institutions funded entirely by the state. heritable* changes, though so far very little
changes in humans has occurred. * heritab
be passed on from parents to their children
This house, as Iran, would cease all support for military groups in
the Middle East (e.g. Hezbollah, Hamas, Houthis, etc.).

This house prefers a world in which all individuals who have

achieved a middle class standard of living choose to pursue the
highest level of achievement in their chosen career, rather than a
wold in which those individuals priorities day-to-day enjoyment
over work.

This house would not allow out of court settlements for

workplace discrimination and harrasment.

This house believes that Catholic religious officials in Mexico

should not make statements in support of governmental policies,
political parties, or candidates.

This house believes that it is better for the general population to

be more optimistic about the current and future state of the nation
(including societal cohesion, peace processes, the state of the
economy) than an objectively accurate judgement.

This house, as the Chinese Communist Party, would lift all

restrictions on foreign investments in China, except restrictions
critical to national security.

This house prefers a non-adversarial legal system

In democratic post-colonial states, This house believes that

opposition parties to the party of independence should claim and
use the legacy of anti-colonial resistance.

This house believes that ASEAN should negotiate all investment

deals with Chinese government entities as a bloc (with decisions
made by majority vote of its members), so that no member state
can enter into investment deals without the rest of the world.
This house supports the court's decision to acquit Tehlirian

This house, as a parent of a child with ASPD, would enable and Individuals with Anti-Social Personality D
support that child given that child’s aims based on their current known as sociopathy, have a highly reduce
psychological makeup, instead of trying to make them more People with ASPD do potentially have the
empathic. with other emotions, their capacity to feel e
on exposure to certain experiences and rela
reach what is considered a “normal” level.

This house would create an international court with the ability to

classify national debt as “Odious Debt” at the debtor nation’s
request and remove the obligation of that nation to pay.

This House would rather save the live of a single child over
extending the life of 5 adults by 10 years

2017 Dutch WUDC

CA Team: Syed Saddiq, Karin Merckens, Hyewon Rho, Michael Dunn Goekjian, Omer Nevo, Jodie
O'Neill, Veenu Goswami, Yashodhan Nair, Ingrid Rodriguez

Motion Infoslide

This House believes that post-genocidal regimes should destroy all places of extermination (for
example, death camps)

This House would allow members of the armed forces to form labour unions

This House believes that sports leagues should significantly tax and redistribute from wealthier
teams to poorer teams

In areas with rapidly rising property prices, This House would suspend all restrictions on
property development that are not health and safety requirements (for example, environmental
zoning regulations, building height restrictions, and regulations on the appearance of buildings)
This House believes that the Netherlands should allow citizens to purchase additional votes
from the government at a cost proportional to their wealth (for example, one additional vote for
1% of wealth)

This House believes that the world would be a better place if women from privileged
backgrounds turned down any benefits arising from affirmative action programs.

This House believes that South Korea should produce nuclear weapons

This House regrets the glamorization of start-up culture that encourages people to start their
own companies rather than pursue traditional career paths

This House would temporarily and significantly relax minimum labour standards in times of
unusually high unemployment, including workplace health and safety standards, minimum
wage, working hours restrictions etc.

THBT the European left should promote a hard left agenda, including the nationalisation of
major industry, very high tax rates on wealthy, and expansion of the welfare states.

This House believes that the US government should provide significant campaign funding for Scores derive
US congressmen and senators who score highly on bi-partisan metrics. the other par
calculated by

This house, as the pope, would abolish the requirement for clerical celibacy.

TH would establish English as primary language for education in China (inexact)

THW force all news organisations to operate as non-profits

This house believes that countries close to conflict zones should only grant long-term asylum to
refugees who agree to one year of military service.

This house would ban advocacy for religious belief in public places
THBT all governments should designate and publicly announce a list of financial institutions
that they would bail out in the event of a crisis

TH, as the Chinese Communist Party, will allow fair and competitive elections for local

This House would apply universal jurisdiction to crimes against the environment

2016 Thessaloniki WUDC

CA Team: Manos Moschopoulos, Arinah Najwa, Chris Bisset, John McKee, Josh Zoffer, Sarah
Balakrishnan, Tasneem Elias

Motion Infoslide

THW allow states to use mercenary forces in combat roles in active military operations Mercenaries are so
forces. They can b
state or through co

THW prohibit private ownership of art deemed to be culturally or historically significant

THBT all states should collectively aggregate and evenly distribute all revenue from
mineral wealth globally on a per capita basis

THBT governments with racially diverse populations should never record the ethnic or
racial background of their residents

THBT the US should withdraw from East Asia and cede regional hegemony to China.

THBT states should adopt sunset clauses that legally force them to review and either re- A sunset clause is
authorize or revise their constitutions every generation which it is contain
further action is tak
TH supports stronger collective bargaining rights and protections rather than legislated
labor market regulations (e.g., wage levels and working conditions)

THBT the creation of feminist icons and their cults of personality are good for the
feminist movement

THBT criminal punishments should be based only on the offenders' culpability rather than Culpability is a me
the damages caused by the criminal act or other outcomes derived from the punishment held morally respo

TH would retrospectively criminalise excessively risky management practises for

economically significant corporations and prosecute the executives responsible for them.

THBT campaigners for refugee protection should not use pictures displaying the graphic
suffering of refugees as part of their advocacy.

THW prefer a world in which extremely wealthy people in Western liberal states donate
excess money to their governments rather than to charities

THB the West should prioritize stability over exporting democracy in foreign policy

TH supports the decline of the nations-state's power in an increasingly globalized world.

Assuming the technology to do so easily and safely exists, THW force everyone in society
to undergo periodic sex changes.

THW kill baby Hitler

TH regrets mainstream, commercial films that depict historical subjugation and/or crimes
against humanity.

TH would nationalize all systemically important financial institutions, such as banks and
insurance companies.
TH supports the establishment of a Black secessionary state within the territory of the
United States, the founding of which is supported by the American government.

THBT non-western countries who were once colonized, when fabricating the material
culture of national identity (anthems, street names, holidays, flag, etc.) should privilege
pre colonial history and notions of indigeneity over themes of anti colonial resistance.

THBT the world's poor would be justified in pursuing complete Marxist revolution.

2015 Malaysia WUDC

CA Team: Shafiq Bazari, Jonathan Leader Maynard, Danique Van Koppenhagen, Sebastian
Templeton, Engin Arikan, Brett Frazer, Madeline Schultz


THR the decline of tightly integrated families

THBT environmental movements should support climate engineering that fundamentally alters the environment

THBT in areas of socio-economic deprivation, schools should train students in vocational skills to the exclusion

THW prohibit the media from reporting on the mental illness of those accused of crimes

THBT the international community should cut off internet access in Syria

THBT developing countries should adopt economic development policies that heavily disincentivise urbanisatio

THW ban the research and production of moral enhancement drugs

THBT the US and EU should seek to promote peace by heavily subsidising Israeli businesses who invest in the
TH, as a medical professional employed by the US military or security sevices, would, and would encourage oth
medical treatment to individuals undergoing 'enhanced interrogation techniques'

THW ban its citizens from visiting illiberal states whose economies depend on tourism

THBT progressive politicians in conservative societies should pander to bigots, racists, hardline conservatives a
attempting to win elections

THBT the African-American community should actively oppose 'broken windows policies'

THW strictly limit the replacement of workers with technology by companies

THBT liberal democracies that overthrow the governments of other states should impose power-sharing, even w
delays democratic representation

TH regrets the rise of art that celebrates gaining material wealth

THBT judges should deliberately misinterpret constitutions to protect important liberties

THW allow corporations to use hackers to retaliate against cyberattacks where the state seems unwilling or unab

THBT disadvantaged groups should emphasise their conformity with, rather than distinctiveness from, dominan
improving their social position

TH regrets the decline of secular pan-Arab nationalism

THBT all states should create special economic zones in cities, where all economic activities (except the purcha
carried out by women

THBT humanitarian organisations should, and should be allowed to, give funding, resources or services to illeg
made a condition for access to vulnerable civilians
2014 Chennai WUDC
CA Team: Michael Baer, Harish Natarajan, Ely Zosa, Stephen Whittington, Fiona Prowse, Michael

Motion Infoslide

THBT the United States of America should fund

moderate Madrassas (schools of Islamic study)
throughout the Islamic world

THW allow first-time offenders to, with the consent

of the victims, pay compensation to them in place of a
prison sentence

TH regrets the rise of a 'hookup culture' (one which

accepts and encourages casual sexual encounters
focused on physical pleasure, without necessarily
including emotional bonding)

THBT developing countries should ban members of

political dynasties from standing for elected office

THBT the Trans-Pacific Partnership is in the interests A number of countries are currently negotiating to esta
of the small and medium-sized negotiating countries. trade area by comprehensively liberalising trade in the
proposed agreement, known as the Trans-Pacific Partn
following countries: United States, Japan, Australia, V
Singapore, Malaysia, New Zeland, Peru and Brunei. Ch

THW make the receipt of welfare payments to raise

children conditional on the use of long-term, but
reversible, contraception

THBT government agencies that regulate drugs Generally, government agencies, responsible for regula
should only test whether a drug is safe, not whether it Food and Drug Administration, or the European Medic
is effective, before approving it for public use. new drug pass two different tests before being approve
tests asses whether a drug is: First, "safe", does the dru
risk? Second, "effective", does the drug do what it claim

THBT NATO should unconditionally offer

membership to the states of the former Soviet Union,
excluding Russia

TH regrets the commodification of indigenous


THBT the gay rights movement should abandon the

claim that sexuality is not a choice

THBT multinational companies should be liable for

human rights abuses that occur anywhere in their
supply chain

THW remove all copyright protection for material

deemed to be morally objectionable

THBT Pope Francis should publicly encourage

Catholics to support radically redistributive
government policies

THW allow countries to pay other countries to settle

asylum-seekers who reach their borders

THW abolish gated communities in the developing


THBT Japan should shame its soldiers who

participated in WWII, including those who did not
commit war crimes themselves
THW auction off the long-term right to govern
bankrupt cities for profit

THBT women should reject practices that alter the

appearance of their genitalia, such as waxing and

THBT India should adopt aggressive free market


2013 Berlin WUDC

CA Team: Sharmila Parmanand, Douglas Cochran, Victor Finkel, Isabelle Fischer, James Kilcup,
Jens Fischer


THW create public housing for the poor in wealthy areas

THBT Japan should acquire nuclear weapons

THW only imprison individuals who pose a direct and continuing threat to society

THBT International development institutions (such as the World Bank) should not finance natural resource extr
corrupt states

THBT self described progressive males of dominant ethnicities are morally obliged to refrain from taking positi
where there is a qualified alternative candidate from a historically disadvantaged group who would otherwise re

THW legally permit soldiers to refuse to participate in military actions or missions on the basis of conscience

THBT European Union nations should forgive Greece’s sovereign debt

THBT countries with booming populations should allocate every adult a single tradable permit to have a child

THW ban political parties and require all candidates for national public office to seek election as independents

THBT publicly funded universities should be required to reduce enrolment in degree programs within their univ
statistically poor employment outcomes

THBT policies that may have significant environmental consequences should be subject to a veto by a 'supreme

TH welcomes the decline of the USA as the sole global super power.

THBT publicly funded universities should be required to reduce enrolment in degree programs within their univ
statistically poor employment outcomes (same as EFL_Quarters)

THBT the feminist movement should actively promote norms of stable monogamous relationships

THBT representative democracies with large numbers of foreigners living in their territory (on a temporary or p
should create specific seats to represent them in parliament.

THBT universities should never prohibit research or teaching on the grounds of sexist, racist or otherwise discri

THBT the US should cut off military aid to Egypt

THW ban all advertising of consumer goods and services

TBHT the WTO should never allow nations to place export restrictions on food, rare-earth metals, and other non

THW not allow religious communities to expel members on the basis of views or actions that contradict doctrin

2012 Manila WUDC

CA Team: Sam Block, Lucinda David, Joe Roussos, Tim Mooney, Cormac Early, Masako Suzuki,
Art Ward


THW make fathers take paternity leave.

THW prevent politicians from making fact claims that, while not technically lies, are substantially misleading to

THW force large companies who leave an area to pay the costs of any resulting structural unemployment.

THW require individuals to use all their wealth beyond USD 5 million for philanthropic projects.

THW require deaf parents to send their children (whether deaf or hearing) to mainstream schools for their prima

TH supports politicians who pass progressive legislation, even where this is contrary to the wishes of the democ

TH supports the free movement of labour worldwide.

THW exempt academic disputes from defamation law.

THW ban all private healthcare in favour of a comprehensive public healthcare system.

THBT when doctors discover a patient has STDs, they should reveal that info to the patient’s partner.

THBT public education systems should raise the aspirations of children from disadvantaged backgrounds beyon
them to achieve.

THW limit government ministers’ standard of living to that of someone on the current median wage.

In countries with few female politicians, THB it is good to have a politically active ‘first lady’.
TH supports scientists who fabricate evidence exaggerating the certainty of man-made climate change, where th

THW not allow a single media company to own multiple TV channels or newspapers (whether in print or online

THBT “Western” consultants advising dictatorships have a moral duty to sabotage them.

THBT images designed to even slightly sexually attract/aroused viewer should be restricted to specialist adult sh

TH supports nationalism.

2011 Botswana WUDC

CA Team: Logandran Balavijendran, Pearl Mathumo, James Dray, Anat Gelber, Richard Lizius, Tim


This house believes that national sporting teams should reflect the diversity of the national population

This house believes that all states have a right to nuclear weapons

This house believes that governments should not provide benefits on the basis of marital status

This house believes that central banks should set limits on government spending

This wouse would prioritise asylum Seekers who have engaged in armed struggle against oppressive regimes

This wouse would allow teachers unions the right to strike

This wouse would require individuals to reveal their actual identity when communicating on the internet
This house believes that the southern african development community (SADC) should pursue political union

This house believes that social movements should use the courts rather than the legislature to advance social cha

This house supports a one state solution for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

This wouse would give more votes to the poor

This house believes that domestic courts should try foreign nationals who commit war crimes abroad

This wouse would prefer that the children of racial minorities be adopted by parents of that race

This house believes that the courts should break up consistently dominant political parties

This wouse would buy local

This house prefers a philosopher King to a tyrannical democracy

This wouse would buy countries votes in international organizations

This house believes that courts should not enforce wills that discriminate on the basis of race

This house opposes organised religion

This wouse would invade Zimbabwe

2010 Vehbi Koc WUDC

CA Team: Can Okar, Josh Bone, Julia Bowes, Suthen Tate Thomas, Will Jones, Handan Orel, Ozan
Mert Ondes.

This house would ban labour unions.

This house believes that developing nations should pay for the full tuition of female university students.

This house would financially incentivize both inter-faith and inter-ethnic marriages.

THW prohibit high-ranking members of the Sri Lankan military and the Tamil Tigers from participation in the e

THW abolish taxes on alcohol and cigarettes that go beyond normal sales taxes.

THW prosecute communities for complicity in honour killings.

THW grant those diagnosed with terminal illnesses the right to access treatments that have not completed clinic

THW partition Sudan.

THW ban all pornography.

This House would use faith based rehabilitation in prison.

This House believes that democratic states should own their own broadcasting corporations.

This House would ban any scheme intended to cure homosexuality

This house would allow prisoners to raise their babies behind bars.

This house would prohibit expression that portrays convicted war criminals in a positive light.
This house believes the West should recognise the Dalai Lama

This house would ban all procedures to alter one's racial appearance.

THB that the United States government should subsidize Twitter to liberalize oppressed societies

THB that the media should show the full horror of war

2009 Cork WUDC

CA Team: Derek Lande, Erin O'Brien, Ivan Ah Sam, Rory Gillis, Daniel Patrick McCarthy


This house would ban all forms of gambling.

This house would fire the senior managements of all corporations which receive government bailouts.

This house would allow soldiers to sue their government for negligence.

This house would force the religious desegregation of Northern Irish schools.

This house believes that China and India should bear the same obligations as the West in fighting climate chang

This house would criminalise adultery.

This house believes that the west should recognise the independence of Abkhazia.

This house would apply a lower rate of income tax to women.

This house would ban the publication of political opinion polls.

This house would prohibit all private health care.

This house would implement quotas for domestic players in national football leagues.

This house would arm local militia to fight the taliban in Afghanistan.

This house believes that the international criminal court should prosecute crimes against the democratic process

This house believes governments should subsidise private home ownership.

This house would ban abortion at all stages of pregnancy.

2008 Assumption WUDC

CA Team: Rajesh Krishnan, Ciaran Lawlor, Beth O’Connor, Joanna Nairn


This House would allow the use of torture.

This House believes that Taiwan should declare independence now

THW not allow local government to pay for the relocation of homeless people.

This House believes that the European Union should only direct aid to nations that pursue environmentally susta

This House believes that every criminal defendant should be required to use a government provided defense law

THW subject foreign political contributions to greater restrictions than domestic contributions.

This House would assassinate Vladimir Putin.

THB that governments should never rescue failing private industry.

This House would deny scarce medical resources to terminally ill patients.

This house would eliminate all non state-run schools

This House would support the use of mercenaries by the United Nations.

This House would force religious adoption agencies to place children with homosexual couples.

This House would require doctors to report all cases of suspected domestic violence.

This house believes that the Turkish military should stop enforcing the separation of church (mosque) and state

This house regrets the passing of Bhutto

This house would stop the search for the gay gene

This house would let them eat whale

This house would put an age limit on debating

THB that governments in the developing world should invest in sex tourism.

This House would force religious adoption agencies to place children with homosexual couples.

THB that extreme economic need should be grounds for asylum.

THB that people who give HIV to others must pay drug support.
CA Team: Kevin Massie, Derek Lande, Tim Sonnreich, Alex Deane


This house would ban government funding of religious schools

This house believes that the UK should abolish it’s nuclear arsenal

This House supports accelerated land redistribution in South Africa

This house would criminalize the payment of ransom

This house supports independence for Quebec

This house would abolish all taxes on inherited wealth

This house would support regime change in Myanmar/Burma

This house would ban Cosmetic Surgery

This house would grant citizenship in exchange for military service

This house would lift sanctions on Iran

This house believes all serious crimes should be trialed by Jury

This house believes that politicians have a right to a private life

This house would designate one city to permanently host the Olympics

This house believes that governments should provide heroin addicts with safe injection facilities

This house supports a 35 hour working week

This house believes that developing nation should nationalize their energy resources

This house believes that people sentenced to life imprisonment should be allowed to choose the death penalty in

This house would ban websites that glorify eating disorders

This house believes that economic growth is the solution to climate change

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