Portes - FinancialCrises Lessons 1998
Portes - FinancialCrises Lessons 1998
Portes - FinancialCrises Lessons 1998
Richard Portes
Professor of Economics, London Business School
President, Centre for Economic Policy Research
Investors should take risks, and risks mean that some proportion of investments
will fail. This is why we have domestic bankruptcy laws that provide for orderly
workouts when investments and the firms that made them do fail. Similarly, if the
international capital markets are functioning well, mistakes will be made. Then
one or another country (or its private sector borrowers) will fail: a crisis. History
records many. We should not expect or even wish to prevent them all. That
would be at the cost of insufficient, excessively risk-averse investment. So such
crises will always recur - but capital markets forget
The term ‘financial crisis’ is used too loosely, often to denote either a banking
crisis, or a debt crisis, or a foreign exchange market crisis. It is perhaps
preferable to invoke it only for the ‘big one’: a generalized, international financial
crisis. This is a nexus of foreign exchange market disturbances, debt defaults
(sovereign or private), and banking system failures: a triple crisis, in which the
interactions are the key to causality, depth, and persistence (Eichengreen and
Portes, 1987).
The widespread securitisation of debt in recent years has not changed the
picture - after all, one of the major historical examples is the 1930s crisis of
defaults on sovereign bonds. Nor has it diminished the importance of banking
sector fragility in provoking and exacerbating financial crises.
All crises are ‘crises of success’ (Portes and Vines, 1997). The initial capital
inflow that ultimately proves unsustainable (and perhaps unprofitable) is both a
sign and - for a time - a cause of economic promise and success. But we have
not yet learned how best to cope with the capital inflows, so success may lead to
All crises raise the problem of distinguishing between insolvency and illiquidity.
Today, some say that the ‘Asian miracle’ economies are actually ‘hollowed out’,
‘zombie’ economies: all that investment just went into creating excess capacity or
driving up real estate prices. Others argue that the growth was real, that these
economies should still come top in the World Competitiveness Report, and their
problem is simply overvalued exchange rates and the classical ‘run’ - a self-
fulfilling crisis of liquidation of short-term loans. We will not know for some time
which view is correct.
Because crises will always recur and because their causation is so complex, we
shall never arrive at an international financial system – whatever its ‘architecture’
- that can dispense with mechanisms for the resolution of financial crises. ‘Better
information’, ‘early warning’ and ‘preventive measures’ will not remove the need
for orderly workouts, whatever the source(s) of the crisis
The Asian macroeconomic fundamentals are good. And the Asian crises are
primarily private-sector ones, in economies with high aggregate savings, sound
fiscal positions, open and outward-looking policies, and relatively low sovereign
debt. Rather than high inflation, the serious feature of the crises is debt deflation,
or the bursting of a bubble. So this is very different from Mexico. In Russia, on
the other hand, the key feature is fiscal imbalance – the inability of the tax system
to provide an essential minimum level of government revenue.
The economies in crisis do have weak banking systems, and most started with
somewhat overvalued exchange rates (some but not all pegged). Those are
common features of financial crises. But the causes and current appearance of
these crises are different from previous episodes. Common factors are de facto
exchange rate pegs to the dollar, which resulted in overvaluation and large
current account deficits, and excessive private sector foreign borrowing.
But the idiosyncratic factors are at least as important: Thailand’s central bank
took forward positions that depleted net foreign reserves, and its finance
companies accumulated massive non-performing loans; Indonesian industrial
structures favour a particular political force but are inefficient; Korean banks
borrowed too much abroad on short maturities, and the Korean industrial sector
is exceptionally highly leveraged
Thus if attacked, it is almost always best to save the reserves and let the
exchange rate go. With appropriate monetary policies and adequate remaining
reserves, it may be possible to bring the rate back to a reasonable and stable
level fairly soon (e.g. France 1993, Czech Republic 1997). This is of course
essential: a violent, uncontrolled depreciation will make it impossible to
distinguish among ‘good’ and bad’ domestic assets, in view of the high degree of
foreign currency exposure that tends to arise in economies with pegged rates. It
will only be possible to tell which assets are ‘good’ when the exchange rate
returns closer to ‘equilibrium’ – and that is likely to take much longer if the
defense of an indefensible peg has gone on too long.
The fashion for currency boards has already gone too far. A currency board is
likely ultimately to fail – with potentially disastrous consequences – if the banking
system or political discipline are weak and foreign exchange reserves are low.
The sequence of events since summer 1997 demonstrates that in a world of full
capital mobility, no ‘bailout package’ can be sufficient if the markets are
unconvinced – and even very large packages may not convince them. Moreover,
the focus on foreign indebtedness, whether to banks or in securitized form,
ignores the major role of domestic capital flight in most of the crises that we have
observed. No feasible package will suffice to finance conversion of the entire
domestic money supply (not just the monetary base) into foreign exchange.
Although the Fund is conscious of contagion effects and systemic risk, its
constitution and procedures require that it act country-by-country. In a systemic
crisis, however, the domestic lender of last resort simply creates liquidity –
‘defends the money supply’. That function is not possible under the current
international financial system. And the IMF cannot follow the Bagehot rules for
additional important reasons: it cannot take collateral that would be immune to
sovereign repudiation; and it may be impossible to value financial asset collateral
in a case of global systemic crisis.
How to pick up the pieces once a crisis occurs will vary greatly from case to
case. But there are some general principles (Eichengreen and Portes, 1995),
some of which require action before any crisis hits.
Any new architecture should make explicit provision for temporary payments
standstills (requiring exchange controls or other restrictions on capital outflows)
and IMF lending into arrears on either bank lending or securitized debt. It is
important, too, that there be a better codified institutional framework for workouts.
The complicated interaction among the Fund, the London Club and the Paris
Club is time-consuming and in practice hinders the restructuring and writeoffs
that are ultimately necessary.
(ii) Borrower countries may resist provisions for orderly workouts (e.g.
qualified majority clauses in debt contracts), because they believe that
having such provisions in place ex ante will worsen their market terms. An
initiative by the G7 to include such clauses in their own sovereign debt
contracts would set a good example.
(iii) Lender institutions will doubtless resist any such provisions - market
participants blocked any implementation of the recommendations of the
G10 Deputies (Rey) Report of 1996. They should be ignored.
(iv) Defining the scope of any suspension of payments may differ from case to
case, and the extent and nature of the exchange controls or other
restrictions on capital mobility will have to be tailored to each case too.
(v) Any selective suspension raises problems, e.g.: would there be a run on
debts not covered? What about cross-default clauses?
(vi) It may be difficult to enforce the capital controls required for a standstill
(but their duration should not be too long, if the management of the
workout is expeditious).
(vii) Offering seniority to new credits may encounter obstacles in existing pari
passu clauses in loan contracts.
(viii) It is claimed that no workout could be fully ‘orderly’, because trade credit
would freeze up – but that has happened anyway in the Asian crisis
(ix) Market participants claim that any orderly workout provisions would pose a
threat to the international interbank market. But the evidence for this threat
is unclear.
(x) Critics of any workout involving debt reduction claim that this would
indefinitely postpone the debtor’s return to capital market access. But
when Mexico went to the market in mid-1995, after its ‘successful’ bailout
that kept creditors whole, it got no better terms than did Poland at exactly
the same time, although Poland had only six months previously agreed a
50% writeoff with the London and Paris Clubs. And Poland did better than
Hungary, too, although the latter had been punctually faithful on its
exceptionally heavy debt service.
Finally, it is important to recognise that the IMF already fulfills an excessive set of
roles in the international financial system – ‘excessive’ because they involve
potential conflicts of interest and counterproductive overlapping. That problem
would be exacerbated by giving the Fund additional responsibilities in debt
workouts. Here we may just list the various functions – it is evident how they may
conflict in practice:
Eichengreen, B., and R. Portes, 1995, Crisis? What Crisis? Orderly Workouts for
Sovereign Debtors, CEPR, London, pp. i-xviii + 134.
Portes, R., and D. Vines, 1997, Coping with Capital Inflows, Commonwealth
Secretariat, London, Economic Paper No. 30.
Radelet, S., and J. Sachs, 1998, ‘The East Asian financial crisis: diagnosis,
remedies, prospects’, Brookings Papers on Economic Activity 1998:1, pp. 1-74.