Institute Name: Tata Institute of Social Sciences (IR-O-U-0331)
Institute Name: Tata Institute of Social Sciences (IR-O-U-0331)
Institute Name: Tata Institute of Social Sciences (IR-O-U-0331)
Ministry of Education
Government of India
Data Submitted by Institution for India Rankings '2022'
Institute Name: Tata Institute of Social Sciences [IR-O-U-0331]
PG [1 Year Program(s)] 39 - - - - -
PG [1 Year 17 17 34 6 28 0 3 19 8 5 0 9
PG [2 Year 1087 1538 2625 584 1971 70 225 1272 559 120 64 754
Total Students
Part Time 35 36 0
Financial Resources: Utilised Amount for the Capital expenditure for previous 3 years
Financial Year 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19
Annual Capital Expenditure on Academic Activities and Resources (excluding expenditure on buildings)
Library 10250449 (One Crore Two Lakhs Fifty Thousand Four 4254416 (Forty Two Lakhs Five Four Thousand Four Hundred 9305359 (Ninety Three Lakhs Five Thousand Three Hundred
Hundred and Forty Nine Only) and Sixteen Only) and Fifty Nine Only)
New Equipment for Laboratories 20228930 (Two Crore Two Lakhs Twenty Eight Thousand Nine 76562292 (Seven Crores Sixty Five Lakhs Sixty Two Thousand 13897393 (One Crore Thirty Eight Lakhs Ninety Seven
Hundred and Thirty Only) Two Hundred and Ninety Two Only) Thousand Three Hundred and Ninety Three Only)
Studios 316830 (Three Lakhs Sixteen Thousand Eight Hundred and 0 (Zero) 0 (Zero)
Thirty Only)
Other expenditure on creation of Capital Assets (excluding 10281413 (One Crore Two Lakhs Eighty One Thousand Four 9006401 (Ninety Lakhs Six Thousand Four Hundred and One 4731988 (Forty Seven Lakhs Thirty One Thousand Nine
expenditure on Land and Building) Hundred and Thirteen Only) Only) Hundred Eighty Eight Only)
Financial Resources: Utilised Amount for the Operational expenditure for previous 3 years
Financial Year 2020-21 2019-20 2018-19
Salaries (Teaching and Non Teaching staff) 1173160088 (One Hundred and Seventeen Crores Thirty One 1155753078 (One Hundred and Fifteen Crores Fifty Seven 1060709602 (One Hundred and Six Crores Seven Lakhs Nine
Lakhs Sixty Thousand and Eighty Eight Only) Lakhs Fifty Three Thousand and Seventy Eight Only) Thousand Six Hundred and Two Only)
Maintenance of Academic Infrastructure or consumables and 470479488 (Forty Seven Crores Four Lakhs Seventy Nine 279979131 (Twenty Seven Crores Nine Lakhs Seventy Nine 261010224 (Twenty Six Crores Ten Lakhs Ten Thousand Two
other running expenditures(excluding maintenance of hostels Thousand Four Hundred and Eighty Eight Only) Thousand One Hundred and Thirty One Only) Hundred and Twenty Four Only)
and allied services,rent of the building, depreciation cost, etc)
Seminars/Conferences/Workshops 18333628 (One Crore Eighty Three Lakhs Thirty Three 47023679 (Four Crores Seventy Lakhs Twenty Three 26768357 (Two Crore Sixty Seven Lakhs Sixty Eight Thousand
Thousand Six Hundred and Twenty Eight Only) Thousand Six Hundred and Seventy Nine Only) Three Hundred and Fifty Seven Only)
Amount Received in Words Twenty Nine Crores Thirty Three Lakhs Eighty Thousand and Fifty Crores Forty Lakhs Eighty Seven Thousand and Thirty Forty Nine Crores Twenty lakhs Seventy One Thousand Six
Seventy One Only Two Only Hundred and Forty Four Only
Amount Received in Words Nine Crores Fifty Four Lakhs Fifty Four Thousand Five Two Crores Eighty Lakhs Twenty Thousand Eight Hundred Two Crores Seven Lakhs Thirty Seven Thousand Two
Hundred and Twenty One Only Only Hundred and Eighteen Only
Total Annual Earnings in Words Six Crores Thirty Lakhs Seventy One Thousand Eight Hundred Three Crores Twenty Eight Lakhs Ninety Five Thousand and Three Crores Thirty Six Lakhs Ninety Nine Thousand Two
and Forty Two Only Sixty Only Hundred and Twelve Only
2. Do your institution have provision for walking aids, including wheelchairs and transportation from one building to another for Yes
handicapped students?
3. Do your institution buildings have specially designed toilets for handicapped students? Yes, more than 80% of the buildings
NAAC Accreditation
1. Does your institute have a valid NAAC Accreditation? YES
Faculty Details
Number of faculty members entered 434