Nace MR 0103 2003

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NACE Standard MR0103-2003

Item No. 21305


Materia1 Requirements

Materials Resistant to Sulfide Stress Cracking in

Corrosive Petroleum Refining Environments
Thhr NACE Inbmptknd standad iiepmemb a conaemw of tha6e individuai members who have
rrn/lewpd thk doai- L ecqe, md pmvisions. k ~ p t a n c sdoes not in 8ny respeci
pcsdud. anyom, wheltmr he hes edopled ìhe stendard or not tram manufacturing, maiketing,
purchwng, or uning proàroliP, pmceses. or pmce&fea not In confomiance vith this standard.
Noihkig antainsd in ihk NACE IntemPbiondEtMdard i6 to k constnred as gf8nting any rlght. by
bnp8cetkn or othen&a. t0 marwfactuis. W, or uso h connedkn with 8ny method, apparatus, or
pmduct c w e d by -16 Patent, or as brdemnlfylng or protecting anyone agalnst llaùlltty for
d Latta8 Patsnt Ms standad ispresenb mhimun rsquirements and should in no
way be i n t e ~ ~ ~88# aWi m Um 1189of of pmcecfums or materials. M e r 16 lhii
stnnd.rd htmuied to appiy hai1 casarr re(ating to Um Wect. Unpredktabie ci~umstancesrnay
negaia i h u8eiuinoss
~ of thle etandard In specific instences. NACE Intemaiional assumes no
issponsbiiity for aie Meipmtatlon or use oi this standard by other paftias and accepts
mpmsbiiity tor only thoee offidal NACE Int- hteqmtatkns issued by NACE Intemational
Ln aamhnce uutth S gocieming pmcedurss md pdicies wtdch preciude the kìsuance of
lnteipmtaths by inavidualMhnteen.

Usem ot U k NACE-I rtandsrd ere respandbie for reviewlng appmpriate healai, safety.
environmentai, und rsguletoy doaunsnSe ami for deUifminLig their app(icabilii In relaiion to thii
dendad prkr b its me. Ns NACE Intematknd standard may not nece55arily addresc alt
potential health end saiely groMems or environmental hruaibs associateci 4 t h the use of
matwW8, .puirm#d, endlor operahm deWed or refermd !o withinthii standard. Users of this
NACE Internatknal atandard am aiso iespondbk for wtabilshing eppropfiate health, sefety, and
8nvbmfmW prote3km practkes, h cor~~ikiion W/th --te regulstory authorities if
mxmary, to eanplbice with any existing applkabb reguletory requiremeni6 prior to the
use d U'b m r d
CAWlONARY NOTICE: NAGE Intemabional standards are subject to perkdic review. and may be
ievlwM or Wbdrawn at any the withoul d o r notice. NACE Intemational requims that action be
takef~to rwfflmi, mvb, or withdraw thii stanòard no later than five para from the date of Inltial
publiition. The umr is cautroned to obtain ihe latebt edition. Purcha~ersd NACE Intemational
standards may mceive current Informatica on all standards end other NACE Intemational
guMicaoons by contndng the NACE International Membeiship Servlces Department, 1440 South
Creek Drhre, Houston, Texas T70844006 (Telephons +l 281/22&6200).

Appmved 2003-03-15
NACE Inlmatlonal
1440 Soulh Creek Drive
Houston, Texas 770844906
+l 281/2286200
ISBN 1-57596168-4
Q 2003,NACE Intemational
NACE International

Materials Resistant to Sulfide Stress Cracking in Corrosive

Petroleum Refining Environments

1. Generai .........................................................................................................................
2 .
F w u s Materials .........................................................................................................
3. Nonferrous MaMais ..................................................................................................
4. Generai Fabrication Requlrernents .........................................................................
5. ....................................
Coatbrgs. and Diifusion Pmcesses ...............................................................
8. Vaives ................ ......................................................................
9 Compmsaua and Pumps ........................................................................................
Referen;es .......................................................................................................................
&wendixA: &cigruunci Informationon Hardness T d n g and
Requlrernents(Nonmandatory) ...................................................................................
Tabb 1-'Roed Mepmfor Thla Standard .........................................................................

Tabb 2-Ma~imum Hardnem Requirementsfor P-NumberedAiloy Steels ......................
Table Requkementstor Awtenitic Stainiess Sta& ................................
Table 4-Acc8~tabie Cold-Worlted NickelChrom)um and
~ld<el-Ch&iurnMdy~enwnAUoys and Mawlmum Hardness Requirements 11 .........
Tabb PfeciitlomHardenable Nickei Alloys, Conditions, and Maxirnum
Hardnerm Requhsments ..................................... ...................................................
... 12
Tabie 6-UNS R30035 Heat Treatments .........................................................................

Tabie 7-AxepUble Manlwn Aikys Conditlons and MaxirnumHardness .
TaMe B-Comrnon Wlting Materials That Meet Secaion 2 and
Cection 3 Requirements............................................................................................... 15

NACE International
W NACE standard definee material mquhmm for rsdrtur» to wifide stress crecking (SSC)
h .our i a i r y procsss emhmmmb, i.e., .nvkoments thnt consaki wet hydrogen 6uiiii (H&).
it & Int.nded to ba utlliad by mfimies, equlpcri.nt mandactumm. englneering contractm, and

The Dnn W H& m used in ihe fefhhng industry cwers a range ot damage
mearwlmstha cm acair c h ta M e ot hydiogen dierging in wet HiS refinery or gas plmt
procoma- UWdttUtYPI.otmat.rialdemigethidcaimraarewldhydrogen
charpng b w~lcka m a acrddng (E) of herd mldmente uid microstnictures, which is
addmnd by W a?mdmi U h e r typss d m a b M indude hydrogen Mlstering.
7 cnddng (HIC). and sbmodented hydmgen-hducedcracklng (SOHIC). whlch

H k M W i y miny ond mais. hdudiy orgpnh.olonq @.g.. API!'' and manufacturecs that have
wadfbd and swpkd uid pmksts ruch u mhthg quipmen! and valve6 to the
nfln(ng hdutry havo mai NACE Stutdud ~ ~ 0 1 7to 5 'd d h matwiak requimnts to prevent
SSC. ~ t i l h u I l w i y r k n ~ a r a i i a t W o i g d r w m e n t s a r e w t s i d e t h e s c a p e o f
MROlTB, ruhlch wa8 ciwdamd rpedlicrlly for the o@ and gas producoon industry. In 2000, NACE
Ta6k Qiwp (TQ) 231 wa8 f d to dwelop 8 miineryspecYic wr mnrice materìels standard.
Thir rtpndud i8 bawd on iha good wperhw gained with the MR0175 etanderd, but taflored to
Mhefy onviron- and .pplk!atbna O h r tiefmnme for mk rtandaid are NACE Standard
? PribBcetkns 8x194' and 8~294.4and the reiinhg r m n c e of the t& grorp
The tnatdds. heat mpbn«rar, end miimlak properiy rsqulmmnis Mn forlh in thii standard
Iupmamlthe kst Wohenl and rxpefbnw oi T5 231 uid iis nV0 spomors, SpecMic Technology
Oioup (STQ) 34 (Petioleun Refining ~d Oes Plweesing Industfy C v ~ o n and
) CTG 60
( C o n # k n n ) . In--thieludgmsntkbssed~extendve~rlenceintheoll
uid gau pipductkn W . mi docunented h MR0175. uid hao been deemed relevant to the
Wnìnewf POEdbk3. tiu mimmmcM mate- .n&fined by mference to accepted generic
daWWOm (euch a8 U N S ~nnikn)W o r acceptd aandmis. ruch as AISI,"' API. ASTM,'''
ASME,'~'MSI!~ N -.
ThirrtuiduduwpnpusdbyNACET.okGrorpCro,231arSrdAde~iessCracWng. TG231 Is
.dnWltrndby STQ 34 m Petfdeum Raning md Qm Pmcashg. It 18 ahro sponsored by STG
80 on Corrodon kkchanlsms. Thlr standad k iewd by NACE intemaknal under the auspices
af STO 34.

In W E sbanda&, the bmm atisll, msf dwwkf, and 8n used h accordame with the
ddkJtknr d lhaa bmm h the WC€ F W k o a i i b Slyb MeniarS 4th ed., Paragraph Shaff
and miadare mai tostale mandetoryrsquitenwits. T h e m shouldis used IO state something
good and LD iecommended bui is mi mendatoiy. i h e tetm m y is used t0 state someihing

"' Anm(En P.bdrumhil)Pit. (API). 1220 L St NW, W .- M:20005.

nd Abyr h U u UnW(id Nunbrhg SyOm (MiI( miMcn), ijoht p d d o n d ASTM Internationai (ASTM) and tho W e t y d
klomaYrn Engh.inhc. (W). 400 Comromwm h, wumndab. PA l-.
~knwbncannd&whwol(utri~ts ~ ~ .1 5 t h Nw.wuH#lai.ocamsno1.
1133 ~
"ASTM hbmilbnJ(ASTAI). 100 i;luba m.,~a-PA 1-2959.
WUmSod (ASME). Thrw P& A.- H w Yoik, NY 1001bb090.
" 8-8 h d W b (ANSI). 1819 L 96..t NW. W ,- DC m.
8tudrrdr Inditulkn(=I). 2 Puk SL. bndon W1A 285. U.K.

NACE Intematicmal
1.1 Scope @) If a kk-based anatysis indiites that the
occunence of SSC is ecceptabie in the subpa
1.1.1 This standad defines m a b d requiremm for 9ppfii.
reiaied proc;ssskig envkonmenls c#itskjng H& dlher 1.24 ihe manufacturer is responsible for meeting
asagesubssalvedinanaqueau,(~~with rnetallwplcalmquirements.
orwilhoutthepcsasria,d-. Riisandad
QesnolindudeMdiBmtmndedtoiiduQd.sign 1.3 Fa3018 CaitrlkRing to SSC

5 p d i x W s . OihertomirdnatHPCCmcking,
wnilmmientnlcnddng,con##hudahermof 1 9 1 SCC Is detined as crad9ng of a metal under h
fellun,sllhouphaiWeklheccop.dthla~, ~.ctbndtensile~andconosion(nthe
rhaddk-hthedeslqindopMetknd pmwna d water and H2S. SSC Is a fom of hydiagen
.puipn#nt 6eviwdy-wuMmP' c$au m&ng iesulting hwn absorption d atomic
ctwlm W lead -f by hydrogen that b pmduced by the sulnde corrosiai
mechrniemsomerthuiSsC~shouldbemltigeted readkul m lhe metal sulface.
1.3.2 SSC h refining equlpment Ls affected by
1.12 otandd i6 dmued a! the c o m p h knereaions of parameters incluckg
h the refhikig kk&ry. P m m i h oi SCC h caibon (a) chemical composihlon, strength (as indkated by
Wm-urderP-No. 1 hSeaknIX hrdne88). heat treatmeni, and microstnietum ot the
d the ASME Ba%r and Plwnwn V d Cade' is materiai expamd lo the c w r envfronrnent;
a c k h m d by r p d n g conpliance rrta, NACE
Ctenderd RPo472. @) iotal tensile stress present In the m a l e d
(eppnedplm rwsidual);

(C) Ihe hydrogen flux generated in the malerial

1.2.1 This standerd applies to ali comporients d ( w h i is a iunction of the envkonment, i.&,presence
equpmentoa$lomdto#urnnrorynvirwunents(as d frso water, )hS cofmntratbn, pii, and ather
deRMd in Puagnph 1 . 3 ) ~ # ~Wum
(1) h&gilty d
m by SSC WWkF.

~ ~ W O r ( 3 ) ~ a i e e q u i p m e n t f t w n
tmwifwnenmi pafameieis 8uch as cyanides and
Msundebn amcmtralion);

c a n t w n g t o ~ ~ u r e .
1.3.3 MamW susceptibilii to SSC k prlmarUy related
t0 matoiiei rtirngth (as indkxted by hardnesc), wMch
Ls ahded by chemlcal compasiuon, heat treament.
and nircrostniaure. Materials with high herdness
1.2.3 R b aie W 8 iesFxinsiMLity lo e r n i e lhat a genediy haMt an incnasedsusceptlbii to SCC.
matedai wiil be satiefaclofy in ihe intanded
environment The user msy seleci specific mateiials SCC has not generalty been a concem fu
for usa on the bssis of opetating canditims that caibon steeis typicalh/ used for refinefy p m u r e
Indude piessve, temperature. cofmhmess, Ruid ves8846 and piping in w t H2S seivice because
pfqmtlies, etc. A varlety of candiWe materiak may thsse aeels have sufflciently k w harbisss levels.
be 6eiected fran this stPnderd tor anv phren Howewer, impioperly heat-treated rnaterials. weld
deposits, end heat-affected zones (HAZs) may
contahirsgkns of hlgh hardness.

(a) lf a fnatdlurpcairwiew bawd on scient#ic and 1.3.4 CSC susceptibility for a given materia1increases
emplrkalkiovukdgshdcatesmetthasscresistance wi(h inmased temile stress.
will be adequate. Thes% ma6riais may ihen be
proposed for includon into tha s&nderd utiliring Residua1stresses contnbute to the overall
methods h Paragraph l .6. lensile stress levei. High residuai stresses
asodated *h weids increase cusceptibility to

NACE International
1.3.42 Conbol of weldmeni hafdnes, with or
withoutieduclionofmidddrrases.isa meteis, Utereby prornoting hydrogen - chaking.
mcognbd method for pfwmihg SSC. as However, aad<ing potentiai is maxjmized at near-
aWr#d h NACE !i&tndd RPO472 f~ P-No. 1 ambisrd temperatitre. Riis distinction Is important
caibonsmels. becsuscr mdak can beaxne charged dunng hiih-
tememùtre mposura and sit>aequenUy crack during
1.3.5 SumpWi$to SSC kt aiso miated b the -e lo bwer temperatutws (sudi as during
~~tLnirithertwlurhichirpmwuy -1.
r r s a o d s t 6 d ~ t w o ~ ~ ~ p H ~ d
HsS-dthwigi. Tm,th@hydrogeritLn 1.97 Tha tbne to failun, decreases as tnateMI
hd.elshestem~tokknwstinnear~ m total temile stresis. and dronmental
pHcolracw#w#rirwnisingnndboth~and char@ngpotsntlal increase. Exposure time t0 cause
h i g h w p H ~ .~ a t k u v p H ~ i r SSC CM k very short Y tho ather SSC iactors lavor,~condUnatHghpH~is nrcrplbllby. Same suscspoble equipment can fail
ciwiwd high cmcmhWm d (h. biwllide ion. In duhg shoit sour water excursions such as those
mnynAi#iy~~watersnvhoments.bosdusd mwuniored dung equipment shutdows.
~ t h o ~ o f ) . h C t M n w f t s n a N g h 1.h8 h end oser shall determine wttether the
bbrdlid6ioncaicenbrition. Pmmmdcycvildesaì perameien, -ry to cause SSC eabt in the
dmmtedpH~~fuilhrraggmabr(h.ckgsoddomlc procecis e n v l m t and whether the equipment tal$
hybogndisipingm~~ L I S C ~ i s wiWn the scupe of this standard. The .nd user may
kwminbhcnirr,w#hkScord«itag,H2CP81tiB( rely on wmbnce, risk-based anaiysiis, or aie above
pmmunhtho~~,oiCbCcmtentdthrwster guidJhrr (notaMy the envimnment91 g u k l e i i i
pham. RnpnrrnadasrnaslppmwdH2Ch ptwlded In Paragraph 1.95.1) to make UUs
thOebb#nlandbb.uffiebntb~SSC &WnhMbn. When hese gukielinee ere used to
uncbrconditiasthatpranate~hydroqen deiemihe witiea\er the equipment felk Hiithinthe scope
chaging. d thh &ndad, consideration should be ghren to al1
p h t operatirig scenarios and ìhe lik* hipect on ths
1.35.1 Sam ~ I U W I O Iconditkns
W IUWM ta matsilalo d constnrction. i.e., nonei ope~mtkna
aupe SCC ur thom coraehhg i r w water (in al#nbbnal upseis, attemate bxsible More)
W@=@)nd: amaibm, and statt~p~shutdown concstkns (e.g., p-
oulRdnZl d catams, etc.)
(a) >!XppmwdtssdvedI.hSiitheheewater,or
1.4 MaM& kiduded h Thk Standard
(b) ~waierpH<4andsanedssolvsdH2S
1.4.1 Matetiai8 induded in ti$ standard are resistant
to. bU nd necessanecessartly immuneto, SSC. Materials
haw krn induded based on their demmstrated
nslaSanes b SSC in neld appllcatbns, h SSC
leboratorytestiq, or both.

1.4.2 LisSed maierials do nol al exhibit the same levei

d mkhnce to SSC. Standard laboratory SSC tests+
GUCh a6 th06B adcireosed in NACE Standard fMOln,
am uxabmtd and severe tests. Materials that i h o NqhgH unir .rivi- wcms6Wy parrs these tests ara g.neraHy more
~ m f i n e r y r o u r ~ f r w n a w d l rssistanl to cracking in sour seivice oim materials that
andgesptlxkwlrovdmmwints fail tlm Wits. Meny alkya included in this stendard
cavered by NACE Stanberd MROlfS. perfonn satistactorlly in wur service even though Viey
becsuci mmy wet sour stmems in producblon may ciidc In lebotatory testS.
a bwer pii. Awttw maior differente b lhat 1.4.3 Impmpr design, pmessing, instailation, or
chbtide ion cmcmmbm tend b be handSng can cause resistant rnaterials to become
dgnineancly b w r in refheiy sour sewbs skme@kkt0 ssc.
thon In dl producbion sour #wvlce8.
1.4.4 No eiioil has been mads in thi standard to rank
1.3.6- I tmvmiun, iicnuisss the hydrogen- mate- basd on their relative resistance to CSC.
charging paientid gmutded fha ho nwtsr (In liquid Selecdkn d ihe appropriate material for a given
phas6) b nd & h b d by the eìeuated. terqmdure.
. d W appkatb depends on a nwnber of fac(m, inciuding
Uevabsdtenpe-prwnates- m e d i e n i i pioperties. c m i o n msistanm, and
(thmby ploaicing more momiornic hydrogen), and

NACE Intemational
15.7 When apprcabie, the conversion taMes m ASTM
E l&ahdi im used for conversion of hardness values
obbhed by other test methods to HRC, HRBS, or
C; 1.4.5 Although mmy d(he mabdds and materiai HBW vabs. However, H should be noted thai Wes
~IMsdhWe~dcobddewiulmderisk for many fmmials da dat e e t h that standani. The
uid matshl CW&&IIS W h NACE Sbndvd tPbleo ohould ody be used fw materials sgscifically
MR017WCKl3. mem afe ronw hotpros h Wch %bd h b acope. Conveislons may be performeci
.ionincuit-adst Atlniuod- brisrd on mr@ncel date for materials thai am not
.ymbai( cUvsnd w i m rppfvved by Uw w r . W h n tonverted
psrsgnphhart#hmrbhlww- hmWms nlier are utilized, they shall be reported in
m w m h w p e i s g r c i p h w;cordsna with Me requimnts spedfied in ASTM E
(-wbv)-anifi=w* 140.
1.5.8 hepìance cdterie for micrdiardness testing
(a8dbRmd h ASTM E 384') are outside tho scope of
W mndard See Appendlx A for more krfonnation.
1.6 nocsduiri for the Additiai d New MateMls or
1.6.1 The additkm of new materlak a d o r pmcesses
rsquires h use of NACE's siandard iet!ef Wioiing
1.6.2 MetMLale may be balbted based on iield
0 - d ~ leboratory test data
1.52 G s r a d d S l k r e n t ~ w l i P ~ u b . d m
ihbrtadard Thrmoaeommonlyusrdocilsr~ 1.6.3 W Eq~~rience
Data Reguimments
Radnuell C (HRC), F k k w d l '8' (HRBS), Brhel
(HBW), 8nd Vidon 5 iq# or 10 i@ (HV 5 W W 10). Flekl eqerience data &al) Mly doaiment
BidqirwndWomutbnm~hairlnsss~and the rloy c o n v d t h ( s ) . condltion(s). and
l h o ~ k h k d I h ~ ~ i 8 ~ h
heidnsr level(s), Ehe process fluid pammeters
-A W inllusneo SSC, and the exposure history.

1 . 5 . 3 ~ ~ u i d n p o r t i n g 6 h d ì ù 0 1.6.32 h ceitain aloy tamilies (sua a duplex

y w n o m i e d h ~ ~ m m e m o t h o d s debiless steeis), miaostnichire k aiso a CM
dmaiùed h W ASTM ItMdarbP. Milabk,and shall also be doairnented.
~t.rtmetho&. l.a4 Labontory Test Data Requirements

1.6.4 Ri.rtudud Irrt PWWWtWB (I-fE, W, The Isbomtory testing of matetiuisshall be
8ndmivpr-kd~ltimS)~beuibdforall conducad to ilevei of 88v%rity 8s dlelated by
RochW tmk The qmimm Wnpemtun for NM;E Standard TMOlii. If admi re*
Rockwii teeting drPI bs l(r to 35.C (!W to WmF). andlknrr an wtside these hìb, SSC of
NoIrrbrZcantrhelbeussd B e c a ~ ~ ~ B c ( n d l ~ u m sppwsd rnaierials rnay be poasible.
Brindi tesb s h d be pedcnmed wing 3,0004rgiioad, 1.8.42 The candidate matedal musi be tested in
a l0.rnm indenter, and the standrird 3Q.second dwii acamkma with the tesi proceduras esbbkbd in
tkne. NACE TMOlii. fhe tensib bar, Gring,
bent b m , and dwbhmUiever beam as
1.5.5 In some cases, mrudmum dkwable herdnesc desaoed in NACE Standard TMOli7 are
vekiec are pmvided in bolh HRC (or HRBS) and HBW. m e c i test specimens. Any d h s e tesi
In~~,eitherscelemaybeueed 8pecimm may be used. A minimum of thm test specimens hwn
.iich d Ihree dmerent mmercielly prepared
W mst be tested in the cantiioori Wloted far
kidudon. The cornposition of each heat and the
heet Imabnenqs) used shall be fumished 8s pafl
d the bekd The candidate matenat's camposition
range Wor UNS number and ils bar-treated

NACE I n t a m a t k ~ l
minlmm reqrrirernenis for compliance with thls
s h n d d when unlisted elkys, conditions, andlor
pnrcsssee icir speciiic applilions are qua\ilied.
1.82 Thr user stia11be responsible for determining ttie
wita#li(y d M unlisied alioy. condition, andlor piocess
W uii#rierice, endlor risù-basedanaiysk.

1.8.3 ii lebomtoiy testing vuill be used as an

.oc4ptence W. testing dKwld be conducted in
aamdamo wHh accepted standard test methods
auch irs those documented in NACE Standard

(a) ihm &wa level, mateilel t o n . fomiing processi,

heU-tnatment condltlon, microatnNhim, and
mecimi& properiies (paRlcularly hardnear) of aie
fidd oqmrlence specirnen should be weiC

(b) The enviromntai cunditions to whkh the fieki

e>iperlence qmcimen is expased shauld be w l C

(C) ihm tbld ekperlence expasure Hme shwkl be

skquats to emaire thai the unlisteci aiby. condltion,
&or prar#w pmvides rebistance t0 SSC.

1.8.5 Thr tuitabillty of the unlisied elby, conbtion.

Wor prom68 for a ywcinc applicaticm shoukl be
detennln#l besed on a comparative evaluation of the
.nubom#ntal conditions h the intended specific

conbded besed on the conesponding Infomiatkn for

h kbomtory test s p e c m andlor W eaprience
1.8.7 U n W alloys. c c d h n s , andlw pmcesses
qualifted for specific appiications ba6ed ori the
mquhmm in aiis section shell no! become pait of
ihis standwd unless they are appnwed airwgh lhe
standard NACE balloting process.

1.9.1 Foi 8asa of use, Table 1 provides generai

Infomietlon by materiaVappliikn group, as weil 8s
1.8.1 Albyb, awidlbknA and lmxesfm thet an, not refe- io s p d k paragaphs that caver a p p i i i e
Wed in Ihis siandaud may k qualM for uso in meteriai end i8bhtion requirements.
s p e c i n c ~ r Thisrectknprovibesthe
~ ~ .

NACE Intemational

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