SPEECH TEXT The Newest 2022
SPEECH TEXT The Newest 2022
SPEECH TEXT The Newest 2022
Before I deliver my speech I hope we do always thank to our God Allah SWT for his blessing and mercies, so
we are able to attend this program in this peaceful place without any troubles and obstacles....... Amin.
Furthermore, we especially send our peace and salutation to our prophet Muhammad SAW, who has guided us
from the darkness to the brightness namely Islamic religion.
In this beautiful moment, let me introduce myself my name is ….. and I am from MTsN 3 Mojokerto. Now i
am standing in front of you all to deliver my speech on the topic of “FOSTERING MADRASAH YOUTH
explanation today:
This topic encourages us to pay attention to the young existence in ` future. By knowing all the facts we
realize how crucial role the young generation is for Nation in the future. The youths supposedly symbolize the
force never become weak quickly, easily give up and never their heart crushing his spirit of their big dream.
For this reason. The question is how the institution especially Madrasah School prepares the Young
In modern era, many youths imitate modern style they could not understand which one is good and bad for
them they just think having fun and happy life, they don’t pay any attention what their life is like. Therefore
the school has crucial part of their development. The institution has to create Moslem leaders for society who
ultimately have to devote themselves for the development of Moslems community at large. We have to
activate school organization and extracurricular to indicate them be independence, loyalty, responsible to their
nation moreover their religion.
Many young generations are not aware of their education, they don’t know how strong competition between
us national community or international community. Ironically many Moslem brothers and sisters in our
country behave badly and intentionally avoiding Islamic teachings to follow western culture “astaiqfirroh,
summanaudubillah”. We could not imagine and describe what is going to happen in the future if all the young
people are careless in this responsibility. Consequently the institution more over Madrasah School must
guide them to be aware of education, be excellent, competitive and resilient students, what important
education in our life is like in Al-quran said……….
Allah will make space for you. And when you are told, “Arise,” then arise; Allah will raise those
who have believed among you and those who were given knowledge, by degrees. And Allah is...
Finally, I would like to call you all (my great teachers and my friends) to prepare our youth generation in order
to be able to replace the old one in the future. And I hope you and all Moslem brothers and sisters wherever
they are to abstain from bad action and furthermore we have to develop our skill, creativities, and potency to
reach the bright future.
I think it’s time for me to finish this speech forgive me for my mistakes the last I say wassalamu’alaikum wr