Module 2.B Talents of PWDs

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Introduction to the
Philosophy of the
Human Person
Module 2.B: Appreciation for the
Talents of Persons with Disabilities
and those from the Underprivileged
Sectors of Society

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

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What I Need to know

The Philippine government supports person with disabilities. The
country has enough laws to protect PWD’s and the underprivileged
sectors in society.
Discussed in this module are what served as self-awakening, and
ways to check any untoward people inflict on our fellowmen.
Upon completion of this module, I will be able to:

 Enumerate activities that demonstrate appreciation for the talents

of persons with disabilities and those from the underprivileged
sectors of society

 Performs activities that demonstrate an appreciation for the talents

of persons with disabilities and those from the underprivileged
sectors of society

What I Know
Read the following statements below. Write TRUE if the
statement is true. Write FALSE if the statement is false.
1. Holding a blind person while walking is good.
2. Leah criticizing her neighbour who is suffering from autism is a good
example of appreciating PWD.

3. Looking down on other people who are considered poor is a right way to
treat them.
4. Alienating students who suffer from malnutrition in school is an
offensive behavior.
5. Allowing women who are unemployed to engage in activities initiated
by the NGO’s or by the government will help them gain confidence and
knowledge in recreating and augmenting their livelihood.
6. Women should not marry for a support. Instead, they should earn for
their self.
7. Alienation goes against the concept of personhood.
8. Those people who can help or give assistance to vulnerable people
should consider the specific needs of the people they are helping.
9. Feelings or views of alienation, if left unaddressed, give rise to negative
views and actions directed against a person or group of persons.
10. Mary Wollstonecraft said that women should be educated to please
11. Putting yourself on the shoes of the low incomed individuals is a way
of empathizing and recognizing their worth as humans.
12. The most common measure of the underprivileged is income poverty.

What’s In
Match column A with column B. Write the letter of the correct
answer only in your notebook.
1. I-it relationship a. mother and father relationship
2. I-we relationship b. dog and owner relationship
3. I-you c. seller and customers relationship

What’s New
Instruction: Analyze the meaning of the song below. Write 3-5 sentences
only of your answer. Write it in your notebook.
Avril Lavigne
There's a light inside of all of us
It's never hiding, you just have to light it
It's the one thing that you gotta trust
It's like a diamond, you just have to find it
So if you ever feel like giving up
Yeah, just remember that
We were all meant to fly
Spread your wings across the universe
It's your time to
It's your time to shine
There's a light inside of all of us
Soon you'll find that
It's your time to fly
Your time to fly

A little help is all it ever takes

Somebody has to tell you it's worth fighting
A single step becomes a leap of faith
That's when you realize you started flying
So don't you ever say you're giving up

No, there's no looking back

'Cause we were all meant to fly
Spread your wings across the universe
It's your time to
It's your time to shine…

What is It
Appreciate the Talents of Persons with Disabilities (PWDs) and
those from the Underprivileged Sectors of Society

We all live in a world surrounded by different people with different

background and personality. Relating to others and settling our
differences is not always an easy task. Despite all these, how will we
appreciate and acknowledge the worth of those people who are
considered to be in need of special attention which is highly sought from
the people who supposed to be their support system?
The succeeding sections are some tips to appreciate the talents of
others particularly those who are underprivileged and PWDs.

A. On PWDs
The process of suspecting, recognizing, and identifying the
handicap for parents with PWD, will include feelings of shock,
bewilderment, sorrow, anger, and guilt. Whether these pertain to deafness
or spirited children, denial, for instance, is universal.
Feeling of impotence or questioning “Why me?” are some feelings
of ambivalence regarding a child’s condition. Some parents turn to
religion and consider “heaven sent blessing in disguise”. However, this
denies the real implications of the disability. Additional reactions include
fear of the future, when the parents worry about how the disability of the
child will affect his/her productivity or become a lifelong burden. Parents

whose children are diagnosed with disability have to let go of their dream
child. Realization and grief can blind parent’s their child’s uniqueness.

There are many categories of PWD or persons with disabilities. To

mention some, there are hearing impaired, diabetic, asthmatic, or cystic
fibrotic persons.

During diagnosis, isolation of affect occurs when the parents

intellectually accepts deafness of their child. The loss should require
mourning or grief; otherwise, something is seriously wrong.

However, negative attitudes of the family and community towards

PWDs may add to their poor academic and vocational outcomes. Parents
need to reach the point of constructive action. They can decide to
restructure certain aspects of their lifestyle in order to accommodate the
communicative as well as the educational needs of their child with
disability. Community sensitivity, through positive and supportive
attitudes toward PWDs, is also an important component. Believing that
one’s disability is never a hindrance in achieving one’s dream is a positive
attitude that should be applied.

The following are examples of ways that demonstrate appreciation of

the talents of PWDs.
1. Focus on the person's capabilities. Don’t be so focused on the
person’s disability that you don’t see the person.
2. Let us be respectful to them.
3. Show and give support for their talents. Empower them.
4. Being amazed of who they are instead of what we see.
5. Put yourself on their shoes or empathize.
6. Provide them fair and equal opportunities.
7. Respect their rights ( n.d.) (al. n.d.)

( n.d.)

( n.d.)

( n.d.)

( n.d.)

B. On Underprivileged Sectors of Society
The notion of poverty is not one-dimensional; rather it is
multidimensional. A number of different concepts and measures of
poverty relate to its various dimensions. Each of these dimensions
has the common characteristics of representing deprivation that
 Income
 Health
 Education
 Empowerment
 Working condition

The most common measure of the underprivileged is income

poverty, which is defined in terms of consumption of goods and
services. There is lack of goods and services. The World Bank
categorizes poverty in two levels: poor and extremely poor. Those
living below US $2.00/day are considered poor, while those living
below a US $1.25/day are extremely poor.

In the Philippines, the state’s response to poverty is crucial in

terms of how deeply and quickly poverty can be reduced. The
following sections look at how the state, the private sector, civil
society, and religious groups have responded to the poverty

In 2001, the current president made it explicit that the

Medium-Term Philippine Development Plan (MTPDP) itself would be
the government’s poverty plan. The goal was to eliminate poverty in
the next decade with four major strategies. Poverty was treated
from a macro perspective, recognizing the roles played by growth,
governance, agriculture modernization, and human development.
( n.d.)

At present, the government is one with the UN in taking action

to alleviating poverty and its underlying causes through the
implementation of the sustainable development goals. This is the
hope towards gearing social change not only in the Philippines but
all over the world. ( n.d.)

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by
all United Nations Member States in 2015, provides a shared blueprint for
peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future.
At its heart are the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are
an urgent call for action by all countries - developed and developing - in a
global partnership. They recognize that ending poverty and other
deprivations must go hand-in-hand with strategies that improve health
and education, reduce inequality, and spur economic growth – all while
tackling climate change and working to preserve our oceans and forests.

Furthermore, even though the Philippines have worked hard in

the past to reduce their poverty and keep up with their neighbors China,
Vietnam and Indonesia, they still have a long way to go. Marak K.
Warwick of The World Bank believes that with a solid foundation there is a
reason to be optimistic that the Philippines can achieve their goal.
The government transfers and gets qualified Filipinos to help through the
Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program. This particular program which
is a government cash-handout project has helped reduce poverty by 25
percent. Other NGO’s also extend their utmost effort to help the
impoverished through the implementation of their own programs.
The goal for the Philippine government is to create more jobs,
improve productivity, invest in health and nutrition while focusing on
reducing poverty. If the government is able to execute its plans
successfully, it is capable of reducing poverty in the Philippines by 13 to
15 percent by 2022. ( n.d.)

( n.d.)

C. On the Rights of Women

In the Philippines, women are subjected to oppression, among
others of class and sex that is why women are considered as
underprivileged sector due to this. The cases of domestic violence and
child abuse are very concerning issues nowadays. However, the
government has been giving attention to address the issues on women as
they are an integral part to the development of the country.

Jean Jacques Rousseau said that women should be educated to

please men. The infamous Mary Wollstonecraft, in Vindication on the
Rights of Women (1782), argued that such education would produce
women who were mere propagators of fools. She believes that women
must be united to men in wisdom and rationality. Society should allow
women to attain equal rights to philosophy and education given to men.
Further, for Wollstonecraft, women should not just to be valued until their
beauty fades; it is the fate of the fairest of flowers to be admired and
pulled to pieces by the careless hand that plucked. For her, if men would

snap women’s chains, they would find more women observant daughters,
ore affectionate sisters and faithful wives, more reasonable mother and
better citizens.

She maintains that women must learn to respect themselves.

Men’s worth should not be based on the vanity of women and babies, for
this degrade women by making them mere dolls. She stressed that
women should not marry for a support. Instead, they should earn their
own “bread”. During her time, even women in upper echelons of the
society are oppressed.
In the Philippines, to achieve women’s empowerment, the
government adopted the Magna Carta of Women (MCW) was adopted in
2009. It seeks to end all discrimination and to promote the rights of
women, as well as to establish the Philippines’ commitment to the
principles of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of
Discrimination Against Women’s Committee and the International
Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.

The MCW’s agenda includes:

1. Achieve fifty-fifty gender balance in government positions.

2. Leave benefits and nondiscrimination in employment, especially in
the military and police.
3. Equal access in education and equal status.
4. Nondiscriminatory and non-derogatory portrayal of women in
media and films.
5. Mandates review, amendment and repeal of existing discriminatory

The Philippine Commission on Women (PCW) is the oversight body

on women’s concerns and acts as the catalyst for gender mainstreaming
and the lead advocate of women’s empowerment in the Philippines. It
works around focus areas such as Women’s Priority Legislative Agenda,
gender-responsive governance, leadership and political participation,
violence against women and women’s economic empowerment.

However, challenges still exist for the Philippines. Poverty

and vulnerability of rural and indigenous women remain a pressing issue.
Structural sexism remains the biggest obstacle to women’s
empowerment .For instance many provisions of the Family Code give men
more decision-making powers than women. ( n.d.)

Apart from exercising the rights for women, there are many ways
to appreciate women and recognize their existence like empowerment,
giving support when they showcase their talents and learning to respect
what they love to do.

( n.d.)

( n.d.)

( n.d.)

( n.d.)

( n.d.)

What’s More
Instruction: Cite ways to appreciate the talents of PWDs and
underprivileged sectors of the society.
On PWDs On Women On Health On Low- Incomed
Deprived People
1. 1. 1. 1.
2. 2. 2. 2.
3. 3. 3. 3.

What I have learned
There are some tips to appreciate the talents of others particularly
those who are underprivileged and PWDs.
 Believing that one’s disability is never a hindrance in achieving
one’s dream is a positive attitude that should be applied.
 Focus on the person's capabilities. Don’t be so focused on the person’s
disability that you don’t see the person.
 Let us be respectful to them.
 Show and give support for their talents. Empower them.
 Being amazed of who they are instead of what we see.
 Put yourself on their shoes or empathize.
 Provide them fair and equal opportunities.
 Respect their rights

On underprivileged
A number of different concepts and measures of poverty relate to its
various dimensions. Each of these dimensions has the common
characteristics of representing deprivation that encompasses:
 Income
 Health
 Education
 Empowerment
 Working condition

The Philippine government have worked hard to reduce poverty and

keep up with their neighbors by implementing 4Ps, implementing the
sustainable goals and others. Some NGO’s organize programs to help the

On women
Apart from exercising the rights for women, there are many ways to
appreciate women and recognize their existence like empowerment,
giving support when they showcase their talents and learning to respect
what they love to do.

What I can do
A. Write a reflection about what you learn from the following pictures
showing what PWDs and underprivileged sectors in the society can do.
Give 3-5 sentences only for your answer.



Daniel Cabrera, boy in viral FB post, graduates from Cebu

grade school (May 17, 2019)

2 .

ports fest kicks off PWD week

A. Write a poem or write lyrics for a song (3-4 stanzas only) about
showing your appreciation for the talents of persons with disabilities
and those from the underprivileged sectors of the society. Consider the
following criteria as your guide.

CRITERIA 4 3 2 1
Lyrics The song lyrics/lines are outstanding. The
words memorable.

Creativity The student composed an original

song/poem with a clear theme.

The student expressed factual information
and incorporated appreciation of talents to
the PWDs and underprivileged sectors in

Organization The student clearly organized information,

used mostly correct grammar and spelling
and used legible handwriting.

Mechanics The composition contains few, if any,

errors in the conventions of the English
language, understanding that slang may be

used in song/poem.


dii=7v961WqhPzbAvM (accessed June 11, 2020).

al., Rheybelle Ara Lumaas et. n.d.

Christine Carmela R. Ramos, PhD. In Introduction to the Philosophy of the HUman Person,
by PhD Christine Carmela R. Ramos, 121-126. Manila, Philippines : Rex Book
Store, Inc. (RBSI), 2016. n.d.

(accessed June 11, 2020). n.d.

(accessed June 11, 2020). n.d.

(accessed June 11, 2020). n.d.

dii=7v961WqhPzbAvM (accessed June 11, 2020). n.d.

(accessed June 12, 2020). n.d.

3p9KrqAhVFVN4KHRg3A2kQ9QEwAHoECAoQAw&biw=1242&b (accessed June 12,
2020). n.d.

3p9KrqAhVFVN4KHRg3A2kQ9QEwAHoECAoQAw&biw=1242&b (accessed June 12,
2020). n.d.


3p9KrqAhVFVN4KHRg3A2kQ9QEwAHoECAoQAw&biw=1242&b (accessed June 12,
2020). n.d.

3p9KrqAhVFVN4KHRg3A2kQ9QEwAHoECAoQAw&biw=1242&b (accessed June 12,
2020). n.d.

CgNpbWcQA1CsVFimvQFggMEBaAJwAHgAgAH-BIgBxTeSAQswLjQuNi (accessed
June 12, 2020). n.d.

#imgrc=uE5ZVKP-dyo0zM&imgdii=qZOR4MdignZ8ZM (accessed June 12, 2020). n.d.

philippines/ (accessed June 12, 2020). n.d. (accessed

June 11, 2020). n.d.

menu=1300 (accessed June 12, 2020). n.d.

philippines-causes-constraints-opportunities.pdf (accessed June 12, 2020).


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