Come Be Our Light
Come Be Our Light
Come Be Our Light
Palan Reyes
NoteWorthy Composer 2 Demonstration Print
We are lost in the night, sear-ching long-ing for day. Wea-ry
bro-ken by sin, we seek your face yearn to be saved. You are Sa-vior of
You are Sa-vior of
You are Sa-vior of
You are Sa-vior of
All Son of God the Most High You a - lone bring us hope
all Son of God the Most High You a - lone bring us hope.
all Son of God the Most High You a - lone bring us hope
all Son of God the Most High You a - lone bring us hope
heal-ing and strength mer-cy and light. Come Lord Je - sus Christ Be with us
Come Lord Je - sus Christ
hea-ling and strength. Come Lord Je - sus Christ
hea-ling and strength mer-cy and light.
Come Lord Je - sus Christ
hea-ling and strength mer-cy and light. Come Oh Lord Je - sus Christ
now Come and re - new us. Come Prince of Peace. Dwell in our
Be with us now re - new us oh Come Come Prince of Peace
Be with us now, re - new us oh Come Come, Prince of Peace
Be with us now,
re - new us oh Come Come, Prince of Peace
Be with us now re - new us Oh Come Oh Come Prince of Peace
hearts Come be our way our truth and life Con -quer the night Come be our
Dwell in our hearts, our way our truth and life. Con -quer the night be our
Dwell in our hearts, our way our truth and life. Con -quer the night be our
Dwell in our hearts,
our way our truth and life. Con -quer the night be our
Dwell in our hearts our way our truth and life. Con -quer the night be our
light Em-man-u - el. Em - man - u - el.
light Em-man-u - el Em-man-u - el!
light Em-man-u - el
Em-man-u - el!
light Em-man-u - el Em-man-u - el!
light Em-man-u - el Em-man-u - el!
Save us, Em - man - u - el Be our God with us now.
Save us, Em - man - u - el Be our God with us now.
Save us, Em - man - u - el Be our God with us now.
Grant us good - ness and grace jus - tice and peace, full - ness of life.
Grant us good - ness and grace jus - tice and peace, full - ness of life.
Grant us good - ness and grace jus - tice and peace, full - ness of life.
Come Lord Je - sus Christ Be with us now. Come and re - new us Come
Come Lord Je - sus Christ Be with us now. Come and re - new us Come
Come Lord Je - sus Christ Be with us now. Come and re - new us Come
Come Lord Je - sus Christ Be with us now Come and re - new us Come
Prince of Peace Dwell in our hearts. Come be our way our truth and life.
Prince of Peace Dwell in our hearts. Come be our way our truth and life.
Prince of Peace Dwell in our hearts. Come be our way our truth and life.
Prince of Peace Dwell in our hearts Come be our way our truth and life.
NoteWorthy Composer 2 Demonstration Print
Con - quer the night Come be our light Em - man - u - el! Come
Con - quer the night Come be our light Em - man - u - el! Come
Con - quer the night
Come be our light Em - man - u - el! Come
Con - quer the night Come be our light Em - man - u - el Come
NoteWorthy Composer 2 Demonstration Print
Lord Je - sus Christ Be with us now Come and re - new us. Come
Lord Je - sus Christ Be with us now re - new us oh Come
Lord Je - sus Christ Be with us now re - new us oh Come
Lord Je - sus Christ
Be with us now re - new us
oh Come
Oh Lord Je - sus Christ Be with us now re - new us Oh Come
NoteWorthy Composer 2 Demonstration Print
Prince of Peace. Dwell in our hearts Come be our way our truth and life
Come Prince of Peace Dwell in our hearts our way our truth and life
Come Prince of Peace Dwell in our hearts our way our truth and life
Come Prince of Peace Dwell in our hearts our way our truth and life
Oh Come Prince of Peace Dwell in our hearts our way our truth and life.
NoteWorthy Composer 2 Demonstration Print
Con - quer the night Come be our light Em - man - u - el.
Con - quer the night Come be our light. Be with us now!
Con - quer the night Come be our light. Be with us now!
Con - quer the night Come be our light. Be with us now!
Con - quer the night Come be our light. Be with us now!
NoteWorthy Composer 2 Demonstration Print
Em-man-u - el. Em-man-u - el! Em - man - u - el! Em-
Dwell in our hearts! Con-quer the night! Come be our
Dwell in our hearts! Con-quer the night! Come be our
Dwell in our hearts! Con-quer the night! Come be our
Dwell in our hearts! Con-quer the night! Come be our
NoteWorthy Composer 2 Demonstration Print
- man - u - el!
light! Ooh!
light! Ooh!
light! Ooh!
light! Ooh!