Fin 3153 Reflection Paper Lumayno, Angel
Fin 3153 Reflection Paper Lumayno, Angel
Fin 3153 Reflection Paper Lumayno, Angel
Reflection Paper (Barter)
Instruction: Based in the Activity 1 and Activity 3 Answer the following questions:
1. What fundamental principles underlie the concept of barter, and how do these principles relate
to the modern exchange of goods and services?
- Barter is all about mutual need where two people exchanging goods or services directly
because each has something the other wants. It hinges on a double coincidence of wants,
meaning both parties need to have exactly what the other is looking for. The value is totally
subjective, so the exchange depends on how much each person values what the other is offering.
Even though we mostly use money now, the same idea of trading what you have for what you need
still drives our transactions today. Barter might seem old-fashioned, but the essence of swapping
goods or services without cash still pops up in modern exchanges.
2. In what ways does bartering differ from monetary transactions, and what are the advantages
and disadvantages of each method of trade?
-Bartering involves directly swapping goods or services without money, which makes it more
personal but trickier to find a match for what you need. It’s great when money isn’t available but
can be challenging to get the perfect trade. Monetary transactions are simpler because money is a
universal exchange medium, though they can feel less personal and more transactional.
3. How does the absence of currency in barter system affect the negotiation and valuation of
goods and services between parties?
- Without currency in a barter system, people have to negotiate directly to agree on what each
good or service is worth. This makes valuing items trickier since there’s no standard measure, so
both sides must agree on a fair trade. The process can be more time-consuming because it relies
heavily on each person’s perception of value.
4. What role does trust play in successful bartering, and how does it influence the dynamics
between individuals or communities engaged in such exchanges?
- Trust is key in bartering because both sides need to believe they’re getting a fair deal. If there’s
trust, people are more likely to feel comfortable making exchanges, knowing the other person will
hold up their end of the bargain. In communities, trust strengthens relationships, making future
trades smoother and more frequent.
5. How has technology, particularly the internet, influenced the practice of bartering in recent
times? What new opportunities and challenges does it present?
- Technology and the internet have made bartering easier by connecting people from all over the
world, allowing them to find trade partners more easily. New opportunities include online barter
platforms where people can list items and services for exchange. However, challenges include
ensuring trust and managing trades across distances, which can be harder to handle than
in-person exchanges.