7th Sem
7th Sem
7th Sem
TEACHING AND EVALUATION SCHEME FOR 7th Semester (Civil Engineering)(PT)(wef 2021-22)
Subject Subject Subject Periods/week Evaluation Scheme
Number Code L T P Internal End Sem Exams Total
Assessment/ Exams (Hours)
Th.1 Land Survey-II 5 - 20 80 3 100
Th.2 Construction Management 4 - 20 80 3 100
Total 9 40 160 - 200
Pr.1 Land Survey Practice -II - - 8 50 150 3 200
Modern survey techniques are heavily dependent on advanced instruments and image based data. The
course enables students to acquaint themselves with necessary information and processing procedures.
On completion of the subject a student will be able to –
1. Solve numerical problems in the segment off tacheometry
2. Comprehend concepts of curve ranging and solve simple numerical
3. Study and interpret maps
4. Acquaint themselves with modern surveying methods including use of digital theodolite and total
5. Comprehend basics of GPS setup, data processing and export
6. Comprehend basics of GIS and prepare map using GIS data
(Only concepts; applications without derivation)
1.1 Principles, stadia constants determination
1.2 Stadia tacheometry with staff held vertical and with line of collimation horizontal or
inclined, numerical problems
1.3 Elevations and distances of staff stations – numerical problems
2.1 compound, reverse and transition curve, Purpose & use of different types of
curves in field
2.2 Elements of circular curves, numerical problems
2.3 Preparation of curve table for setting out
2.4 Setting out of circular curve by chain and tape and by instrument angular
methods (i) offsets from long chord, (ii) successive bisection of arc, (iii) offsets from
tangents, (iv) offsets from chord produced, (v) Rankine’s method of tangent angles
(No derivation)
2.5 Obstacles in curve ranging – point of intersection inaccessible
1. https://theconstructor.org/surveying/surveying-principles-methods-civil-engineering/13048/
2. https://www.novatel.com/an-introduction-to-gnss/chapter-2-basic-gnss-concepts/
3. http://gps.alaska.edu/jeff/Spatial_Reference/Freymueller_DOT_GPS.pdf
4. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7srsI9Fr4QdUzAzSlRwZnNRZ3M/view :-
5. Surveying and Levelling by N.N. Basak, 2nd Edition
6. https://2018.foss4g-
7. http://www.lawsofindia.org/pdf/orissa/2012/2012OR5.pdf
8. http://revenueodisha.gov.in/sites/default/files/document/DILRMP/SOP_MRR_2016.pdf
9. http://revenueodisha.gov.in/sites/default/files/document/Govt_Land/22958_4_8_14.pdf
10. https://www.google.co.in/search?q=map+reading+and+interpretation+ppt&oq=Map+reading
11. Map Use: Reading, Analysis and Interpretation by Juliana O. Muehrcke and Philip Muehrcke
12. http://indiageospatialforum.org/2012/proceedings/ppt/P%20K%20parida.pdf
13. http://www.indiana.edu/~paleoind/Resources/Guide%20to%20Topographic%20Maps.pdf
14. http://www.dst.gov.in/sites/default/files/nationalmappolicy.pdf
15. Remote sensing and GIS / BasudebBhatta, 2nd edition, New Delhi, India, Oxford University
Press, - Oxford higher education.
16. http://www.gisresources.com/basic-of-photogrammetry_2/
17. http://giswin.geo.tsukuba.ac.jp/sis/tutorial/Fundamentals_of_GIS_Estoque.pdf
18. Learning Material Approved by R&DM Deptt., Govt. of Odisha
Name of the Course: Diploma in Civil Engineering
Course code: Semester 6th
Total Period: 60 Examination 3 hrs
Theory periods: 4P/week Class Test: 20
Maximum marks: 100 End Semester Examination: 80
The course aims to prepare students to be an effective team member in a construction organization setup.
This necessitates managerial skills in managing materials, time and human resources. Also, the course
helps the students to build concepts of disasters and explore about manmade disasters at national as well
as international level with quality measuring indices and vulnerability atlas of India.. The course has been
designed to cater to these needs.
11.3 Wind / Cyclone hazard and vulnerability, wind speed and pressures, wind
hazard and cyclone occurrence maps, storm surveys and cyclone resistant
11.4 Flood hazard and vulnerability, Flood hazard and Flood prone areas of the
country, General protection of habitants and flood resistant construction.
11.5 Landslides, Tsunamis and Thunderstorm hazards and vulnerability,
Landslide & Thunderstorm incidence maps, Measures against Tsunami
11.6 Housing vulnerability risk tables and usage of vulnerability atlas of India,
Inclusion of vulnerability atlas in Tender documents.
Current age Civil Engineering professionals are required to be conversant with traditional as well as
modern equipments and techniques for creating accurate maps. The course trains the students in
skill sets required to use traditional high-end equipments and modern tools.
On completion of the course students will be able to-
1. Conduct trigonometric leveling work in the field with the help of plane table surveying or geodetic
2. Prepare contoured maps or plans requiring both the horizontal as well as vertical control
3. Set out circular curve in the field.
4. Prepare survey map by conducting traverse survey with theodolite.
5. Lay out the construction plan of different types of structures at the site.
6. Study and use of modern electronic surveying instruments for its different applications.
Sl. No Name of Authors Titles of Book Name of Publisher
1 R. Agor A text book of surveying and Khanna Publishers,
2 B. C. Punmia Surveying Vol. I, II, III Laxmi Publication
3 D. Gaikwad, S. Chand & Co. Advanced Surveying
4 Bhatta Remote sensing & GIS Oxford Publication
1. https://theconstructor.org/surveying/surveying-principles-methods-civil-engineering/13048/
2. https://www.novatel.com/an-introduction-to-gnss/chapter-2-basic-gnss-concepts/
3. http://gps.alaska.edu/jeff/Spatial_Reference/Freymueller_DOT_GPS.pdf
4. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7srsI9Fr4QdUzAzSlRwZnNRZ3M/view :-
5. Surveying and Levelling by N.N. Basak, 2nd Edition
6. https://2018.foss4g-
7. http://www.lawsofindia.org/pdf/orissa/2012/2012OR5.pdf
8. http://revenueodisha.gov.in/sites/default/files/document/DILRMP/SOP_MRR_2016.pdf
9. http://revenueodisha.gov.in/sites/default/files/document/Govt_Land/22958_4_8_14.pdf
10. https://www.google.co.in/search?q=map+reading+and+interpretation+ppt&oq=Map+reading
11. Map Use: Reading, Analysis and Interpretation by Juliana O. Muehrcke and Philip Muehrcke
12. http://indiageospatialforum.org/2012/proceedings/ppt/P%20K%20parida.pdf
13. http://www.indiana.edu/~paleoind/Resources/Guide%20to%20Topographic%20Maps.pdf
14. http://www.dst.gov.in/sites/default/files/nationalmappolicy.pdf
15. Remote sensing and GIS / BasudebBhatta, 2nd edition, New Delhi, India, Oxford University
Press, - Oxford higher education.
16. http://www.gisresources.com/basic-of-photogrammetry_2/
17. http://giswin.geo.tsukuba.ac.jp/sis/tutorial/Fundamentals_of_GIS_Estoque.pdf
18. Learning Material Approved by R&DM Deptt., Govt. of Odisha
Pr 2. CADD Lab and Design & Detailing Practice
Name of the Course: Diploma in Civil Engineering
Course code: Semester 6th
Total Period: 45 Examination 3 hrs
Practical periods: 3P/week Sessional Examination: 25
Maximum marks: 125 Practical Examination: 100
The course intends to imbibe necessary skills in using software towards design and drafting.
On completion of the course students will be able to
1. Draw necessary detailing and schedule of bars for the various structural members
2. Draw important components of buildings using AutoCAD
3. Draw connectors using AutoCAD
4. Use STADD Pro in modeling structural members
5. Analyze the stress and deformation pattern in structural members
6. Design of buildings using STADD Pro software
7. Prepare building drawings suiting to approval needs prescribed by regulatory bodies
Draw the following with necessary details and schedule of bars from
supplied sketches or given references such as SP 34
1.1 Slab, beam and lintel with chajja as in a simple building (Help
from Sections 8 & 9 of SP 34 may be taken ) (Plate I)
1.2 Columns, column-beam connections with & without splicing,
isolated footing, staircase (Help from sections 6, 7, 10 of SP 34
may be taken)(Plate 2)
1.3 Different types of bolt connections, welded connections. (Plat3)
1.4 Details of Pile and Pile cap
1) STADD-Pro/V8i (latest Version) - Bentley
2) AutoCAD (Architecture) 2010 (Book) -William G. Wyatt
50 Marks
Total Periods 02 Maximum Marks
Lab. Periods: 02Periods /week Term Works 50Marks
Examination End Semester Examination --
A. Objective:
Each student has to select a recent topic of latest technology in the area of
Computer Science and present a seminar in front of all students of the class. He/She has to prepare a
PowerPoint presentation of the selected topic of minimum 10 slides are the total presentation will be
approximately 10 minutes duration .There will be interactive session between the presenter and rest of
the students including the faculty members of the dept at the end of presentation .A student has to
present at least 2 nos.of seminar during a semester and to submit the report for evaluation.
Students’ Project Work aims at developing innovative skills in the students whereby they apply the knowledge
and skills gained through the course covered in many subjects and Labs, by undertaking a project. The prime
emphasis of the project work is to understand and apply the basic knowledge of the principles of civil engineering
practices in real life situations, so as to participate and manage a large civil engineering projects in future.
Entire Project shall spread over 7th and 8th Semester. Part of the Project covered in 7th Semester shall be named
as Project Phase-I and balance portion to be covered in 8th Semester shall be named as Project Phase-II.
After undergoing the Project Work, the student will be able to:
Implement the theoretical and practical knowledge and skills gained through various
subjects/courses into an application suitable for a real practical working environment, preferably
in an industrial environment.
Develop civil engineering knowledge and applications in implementing these for the actual needs
of the community/industry.
Explain the working of industrial environment and its work ethics.
Explain what entrepreneurship is and how to become an entrepreneur.
Identify and contrast gap between the technological knowledge acquired through curriculum and
the actual industrial need and to compensate it by acquiring additional knowledge as required.
Carry out cooperative learning through synchronous guided discussions within the class in key
areas, asynchronous document sharing and discussions, as well as prepare collaborative edition
of the final project report.
Field computing and to achieve real life experience in civil engineering planning, designing and
To develop the skill of writing Project Report
General Guidelines
The individual students have different aptitudes and strengths. Project work, therefore, should match
the strengths of students. For this purpose, students should be asked to identify the type of project
work, they would like to execute. The activity of problem identification should begin well in advance
(right from beginning of 7th semester). Students should be allotted a problem of interest to him/her as a
project work. It is also essential that the faculty of the respective department may have a
brainstorming session to identify suitable project assignments for their students. The project
assignment can be individual assignment or a group assignment. There should not be more than 5
students if the project work is given to a group. The project work identified in collaboration with industry
should be preferred.
Qualitative analysis of any one or more of the civil engineering materials by addition or alteration of one or
more constituents to assess their suitability as construction materials.
Preparation of innovative structural models by use of materials having close resemblance to real life
Qualitative and/or Quantitative analysis of Physio-chemical characteristics of water form one or more
sources of water.
Analysis, design and/or estimation of civil engineering structures. Use of software for execution of projects
may be encouraged.
A suggestive criterion for assessing student performance by the external (preferably person from industry) and
internal (teacher) examiner is given in table below:
Sl. No. Performance Criteria
The teachers are free to evolve other criteria of assessment, depending upon the type of project work.
It is proposed that the institute may organize an annual exhibition of the project work done by the students and
invite leading Industrial organisations to such an exhibition.