Collins WB Chapter 02 Answers
Collins WB Chapter 02 Answers
Collins WB Chapter 02 Answers
c) enormous, colossal c) 4, 7
d) delighted, ecstatic 3 a) While
3 Possible answers: b) so
b) howl, wail c) otherwise/or
c) splutter, shout 4 Possible answers:
d) chatter, prattle
a) … we took some photos and left.
e) stutter, whisper b) … we could raise enough money.
c) … we would be in serious danger.
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5 a) Unless the animal is provoked, it will not attack 4 Possible answer:
you. In my opinion, being vegetarian is not a good idea
The animal will not attack you unless it is because we were designed to eat meat. Our teeth are
provoked. adapted to tearing and chewing meat. In addition, we
b) He forces himself to swim in the sea every day can digest it easily. Throughout history, people have
although he does not enjoy it. eaten animals, although it must be admitted that some
Although he does not enjoy it, he forces himself to modern farming methods are very cruel compared to
swim in the sea every day. hunting with a bow and arrow. Meat is an important
c) They wouldn’t like the place so much if they went source of iron and protein, which is difficult to get
there in winter. from plants.
If they went there in winter, they wouldn’t like the
place so much. 2.5 Tenses and verb agreement
d) Once the pots are glazed, they go into the oven.
1 a) choose
The pots go in the oven once they are glazed.
b) is
6 Possible answer: c) wishes
The camp is located three miles outside the village of d) has
Broome. Take the narrow lane to the left of the village e) need
church and continue for two miles. At a junction, take
the left fork. The camp is at the end of this lane. 2 a)
b) were was
7 Sample answer:
We were so high up in the mountains, it was almost
d) was were
like being in an aeroplane. Below us, mist swirled
around in the valley, obscuring the river that ran e) has have
through it and lending a magical air to the scene. 3
Above us, we had a clear view of the summit. Despite
Verb Simple Past Past
our tiredness, we were eager to press on.
past progressive participle
do did was doing done
2.4 Accurate sentences: common errors
with sentences swim swam was swum
1 a) Jasmine is in hospital. She broke her leg. / Jasmine
is in hospital because she broke her leg. beg begged was begging begged
b) I’m a vegetarian. I don’t eat meat. / I’m a tell told was telling told
vegetarian and/so I don’t eat meat.
c) Correct become became was become
d) Correct
e) Cycling is hard work. It makes you fit. / Cycling is 4 a) saw
hard work but/so/and it makes you fit. b) began
2 Possible answers: c) has been
a) Listening to music is an activity that gives people a d) hid
lot of pleasure.
5 a) hoping, should
b) You could visit the castle if you have enough time.
b) caught
c) She fell asleep during the concert.
c) paid, chopping
d) We should hurry, otherwise we’ll be late.
d) wouldn’t have
3 a) a
6 a) says said
b) the
c) a
c) noticed notices
d) (no addition necessary)
e) an
7 a) got, haven’t told
f) a
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2.6 Accurate punctuation 11 a) :
b) ;
1 a) 4
c) :
b) 6
d) ;
2 a) His country, which has seen a lot of change, is now
e) ;
enjoying a period of peace.
f) :
b) My piano teacher, whose name is Mrs Normal,
lives in the next street. 12 ‘Don’t worry,’ said Aditya. ‘Arjun’s an experienced
c) Ollie’s house, where we went last night, has its walker. He knows what to do in weather like this.’
own swimming pool. ‘I wish I could be as certain,’ Rupa replied anxiously.
d) I gave the documents to my brother, who is very ‘It’s been over seven hours now.’
careless, and he left them on the train. ‘Stop it!’ Aditya insisted. ‘Arjun’s not stupid.’
3 a) Although life expectancy was low at that time, he ‘I know he isn’t,’ Rupa whispered, beginning to cry,
lived well into his nineties. ‘but that mountain’s so dangerous. Don’t you
b) According to the weather forecast, it will be sunny remember what happened to the Harrison brothers?’
all week.
Aditya frowned. Then he said, ‘Arjun will be fine.’
c) All in all, we were very pleased with our hotel,
which was extremely comfortable. 13 ‘We have our evidence now!’ cried Jade. ‘We can
confront Kiera and she’ll have to admit everything.’/
d) However, the painter’s later work is, in my opinion
‘I don’t think so,’ Max answered. / ‘What do you
at least, her best.
mean? How can she deny it?’ / ‘It’s not exactly that
4 a) parents’ she can deny it,’ Max said carefully, ‘but don’t forget
b) Charles’s the power that she has. If we provoke her, she could
c) women’s cause a lot of trouble for a lot of good people.’ / Jade’s
shoulders sagged and she stared miserably at the floor.
5 a) wouldn’t Then she sat bolt upright and announced, ‘I have a
b) you’ll plan!'
c) they’d 14 a) ‘Look out!’ shouted the man. ‘There’s a big hole
d) she’s right in front of you.’
6 a) your, there b) Ellie asked, ‘Where is the key?’
b) Who’s, It’s c) ‘The problem is,’ said Mum, ‘that the box is too
c) whose, its small.’
d) their, you’re 15 Possible answer:
7 friends ‘First you need to set it so that the camera is pointing
That’s at you,’ Kaito said.
months ‘How do I do that?’ his grandma asked.
school’s ‘Look, here,’ Kaito explained. ‘You change this setting.
didn’t You see?’
classmates ‘Oh yes. And now what?’
8 Apart from part b), either brackets or dashes may be used: ‘Now you can just press the round button and take
a) All students (apart from those in the advanced your photo.’
class) must take extra maths lessons on Fridays. ‘But my hair’s all messy!’
b) Lord Byron brought a very unusual pet to
‘Luckily there’s a low-tech solution for that.’ laughed
Cambridge – a bear!
Kaito. ‘A comb!’
c) Ollie (hard to believe I know) came top in the
science test.
9 Possible answers: 2.7 Accurate use of paragraphs and
a) we were hungrier than we’d realised! paragraph cohesion
b) the ring 1 For Suzi Roberts, it was a day like any other. She had
c) as far as I’m aware got up, had a shower, dressed, eaten breakfast and run
to catch the school bus. / Meanwhile, in the next
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2 a) to introduce the first character On the other hand, some critics have quibbled with the
b) to change location and introduce another character scientific accuracy of the movie, notably in the scenes
c) for direct speech connected with weapons production. Furthermore, I
do feel that the feminist agenda is at least partly
d) for a change of time and location
undermined by the focus on scantily-clad women,
3 Possible answers: especially in the opening scenes.
a) The number of people travelling by air is However, Wonderwoman is definitely worth seeing for
enormous. its sheer energy and some great performances such as
b) However, the carbon emissions from air travel are those by Gal Godot and Chris Pine.
a real environmental problem.
c) One possible answer lies with better technology.
2.8 Spelling
1 a) principal
For contrast whereas, conversely, on the
b) practise
other hand
c) stationery
To strengthen an in addition, moreover, d) effect
argument furthermore, above all e) complimented
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midnight. Apparently, another guest has [had] From the moment we arrived, we ^[were] treated with
decided to smoke in his room and set the fire alarm courtesy and kindess. The reseption [reception] staff
off, so we all have [had] to troop out, bleary eyed, into couldn’t have been more happier [happier] to help
^ [the] snow and wait for the all-clear. That man ^ with all our needs, from booking taxis to providing
[was] not popular! extra pillows. The restraunt [restaurant] was top class,
2 Although I could barely walk ^ [,] I staggered out of [. ] I particularly enjoyed the roast beef!
the building and into the street. The skin at the top of We will certainly be recomending the cherry tree inn
my arm^ [,] which had been ripped as I fell^ [,] was [Cherry Tree Inn] to all our friends!
stinging like crazy, but i [I] barely noticed. Yours faithfuly [faithfully],
‘Jingfei’! [!’] I yelled. ‘Jingfei, are you there! [?]’ George Miller
There was no answer. Despite my wobby legs, I
started to run down the Street [street], calling Jingfeis
[Jingfei’s] name with increasing desperation 2.10 Formality and informality
3 Possible answer (there are several ways to correct run-on or 1 and 2
spliced sentences):
Formal Neutral Informal Neutral
How do you choose the right musical instrument to synonym synonym
learn? In my opinion, a lot depend [depends] on your
personality. For example, it’s probably best not to play cessation end whinge complain
the trumpet if you are very shy, [because] it’s one of alight get off wonky uneven
the most noticeable instruments in the orchestra. A
stringed instrument, such as a violin or a cello, are [is] procure get gobsmacked amazed
probably a better bet for you. However, stringed
proximity closeness fishy suspicious
instruments are difficult to learn it [learn. It] usually
takes a long time before you can make a pleasant unsightly ugly guy man
sound. Whereas [sound, whereas] you can reach a
reasonable level more quickly with an instrument such 3 Possible answers:
as the clarinet. a) Informal. We ate a large amount of pizza.
4 Today my parents had a great surprise for me and my b) Informal. My little sister always has a tantrum
sister – they said we were going to a theme park! I when she’s hungry.
could hardly believe it, because they’re usually too c) Formal. The performance hasn’t started yet.
busy to take us out for the day. The first thing we went d) Informal. She arrived at the party with a large
on was a roller-coaster. My sister screamed her head number of her friends.
off – it was really embarrassing! Unfortunately, the
e) Formal. He told the children off for behaving
biggest roller-coaster was closed for repairs, which
was disappointing, but some of the other rides were
incredible. I definitely want to go there again! 4 a) The research was carried out by government
5 In my opinion, university is not necessarily the best
route to a successful [successful] career. That is why b) The damaged parts were removed.
I’ve chose [chosen] to do an apprenticeship. At c) The crime scene was examined by two police
university, your [you’re] spending at least three years officers.
learning things: [;] with an apprenticeship, you d) The safety equipment is checked every day.
actually do practical, hands-on work. As [work as] e) Passengers are requested to remain seated.
well as learning. I’m doing my apprenticeship at an
engineering firm, and I’ll be going to College [college] 5 Possible answer:
on Fridays. Our research shows that children from the poorest
6 ‘Do not let this document out of your site [sight],’ said families will, on average, achieve lower educational
Major Spicer. ‘Hand it to Commander Wilkins as soon results than their richer peers. There appear to be a
as you get to Prague’. [‘.] bunch of [several] reasons for this. Undoubtedly, one
of them is that parents who are slogging away
I put the document in my case without reading it – I [working long hours] in low-paid occupations often
was already well aware of its contnents [contents]. have little capacity to support their kids [children]
There was no time to loose [lose]. My flight to Prague educationally. In addition, even the brainiest [most
left in less than ^ [an] hour. intelligent] children will not function at their full
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d) teacher
e) journalist
2 Possible answers:
a) While we waited for the show to start, I could
hardly sit still, and all of us were chattering
b) The moment we got into that enormous theatre,
my stomach clenched up and I felt as though
everyone was staring at me.
c) The best thing about it? Everything really! The
dancing was stunning and the costumes were
d) I sat through the whole thing wondering why I’d
spent my hard-earned cash on this tedious rubbish.
3 Sample answers:
a) to work
b) a bit absent-minded, fairly good-natured
c) angry at first, but then more forgiving
d) really sorry for what they’d done
4 Possible answer:
I was on my way to work, and I was cycling quite fast
because I was late, as usual. I must admit, I was
thinking about whether or not I’d manage to get
tickets for a gig I wanted to go to, so I probably wasn’t
concentrating on the road as much as I should have
done. Anyway, I was just overtaking this blue car
when the driver opened the door and – bang! – I went
straight into it and fell onto the road. At first, I was
really angry, but the driver was so upset and
apologetic, I couldn’t be too cross. To be honest, I
could imagine doing the same thing. Anyway, my
trousers were a bit torn, but otherwise I was OK. The
driver’s going to send me the money for a new pair.
5 Possible answer:
At 10:45 a.m. I was called to an incident in Green
Street. It appeared that a collision had occurred when a
driver opened the car door in the path of the cyclist.
There was some damage to clothing, but the cyclist
was unhurt physically, and did not wish to press
charges. I took a note of the names and addresses of
both parties. After speaking to the driver about the
need to exercise more caution, I left the scene.
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