PROG BODR Final For Detailed Design 073010
PROG BODR Final For Detailed Design 073010
PROG BODR Final For Detailed Design 073010
g Wide Water Design
g Projects
g Program
g Management
g Services for
Water, Wastewater & Procurement Projects
Water Projects for the West Bank
Infrastructure Needs Program, Task Order 2
CONTRACT # 4040106
Design Program Management Services
for Water, Wastewater & Procurement
Projects West Bank
Project Title:
Infrastructure Needs Program,
Task Order 2
2010 Water Design Projects
Document Title:
Name Name
1 General .................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................... 1
1.2 Program Overview............................................................................................. 1
1.2.1 Program Objectives .................................................................................... 1
1.2.2 Program Scope Overview ........................................................................... 1
1.2.3 Program Ownership ................................................................................... 2
1.3 Reference Materials and Related Studies .......................................................... 2
1.4 Applicable Codes and Standards, Government Acts, and Local Authority
Regulations .................................................................................................................. 2
1.4.1 Local Territory Control Issues ..................................................................... 3
1.5 Environmental Protection, Safety, and Security Requirements .......................... 4
1.5.1 Environmental Evaluation and Mitigation Actions ...................................... 4
1.5.2 Safety and Security Mitigation Actions ....................................................... 5
1.6 General Permitting Requirements ..................................................................... 5
2 Program Description ................................................................................................ 6
2.1 Existing Conditions ............................................................................................ 6
2.1.1 Existing Mapping and Information.............................................................. 6
2.1.2 Climate....................................................................................................... 6
2.1.3 Geology ...................................................................................................... 6
2.1.4 Overview of Current Sources, Treatment and Distribution ......................... 7
2.2 Project Service Area .......................................................................................... 8
2.2.1 Service Area Overview ............................................................................... 8
2.2.2 Topography ................................................................................................ 8
2.2.3 Service Population ..................................................................................... 8
2.2.4 Water Quality Standards ............................................................................ 8
2.2.5 Raw Water or Source Water Quality........................................................... 9
2.3 Project Specific Elements .................................................................................. 9
2.3.1 Northeast Jenin .......................................................................................... 9
2.3.2 Southwest Jenin ....................................................................................... 10
2.3.3 Bani Naim................................................................................................. 11
2.3.4 Al Auja...................................................................................................... 12
2.3.5 Conveyance Systems ................................................................................ 12
2.4 Program Procurement Plan ............................................................................. 13
2.4.1 Major Equipment Procurement ................................................................ 13
2.4.2 Procurement Consistency......................................................................... 13
3 Design Criteria ....................................................................................................... 16
3.1 General ........................................................................................................... 16
3.1.1 Design Horizon ......................................................................................... 16
3.1.2 Piping Design Life ..................................................................................... 16
3.1.3 Facility Design Life .................................................................................... 16
3.1.4 Equipment Design Life .............................................................................. 16
3.2 Program Hydraulics ......................................................................................... 17
3.2.1 Overview .................................................................................................. 17
3.2.2 Hydraulic Evaluation Approach................................................................. 19
3.3 Pipeline Conveyance System Design ................................................................ 19
3.3.1 Codes, Standards, and References............................................................ 20
3.3.2 Design Overview ...................................................................................... 20
3.3.3 Design Criteria .......................................................................................... 21
3.4 Civil and Drainage Design ................................................................................ 25
3.4.1 Codes, Standards, and References............................................................ 25
3.4.2 Design Overview ...................................................................................... 25
3.4.3 Design Criteria .......................................................................................... 26
3.5 Instrumentation and Controls Design .............................................................. 29
3.5.1 Codes, Standards, and References............................................................ 29
3.5.2 Design Overview ...................................................................................... 29
3.5.3 Design Criteria .......................................................................................... 31
3.6 Architectural Design ........................................................................................ 47
3.6.1 Codes, Standards, and References............................................................ 47
3.6.2 Design Overview ...................................................................................... 47
3.6.3 Design Criteria .......................................................................................... 47
3.7 Structural Design ............................................................................................. 51
3.7.1 Codes, Standards, and References............................................................ 51
3.7.2 Design Overview ...................................................................................... 52
3.7.3 Design Criteria .......................................................................................... 53
3.8 Mechanical Design .......................................................................................... 57
3.8.1 Codes, Standards, and References............................................................ 57
3.8.2 Design Overview ...................................................................................... 58
3.8.3 Design Criteria .......................................................................................... 58
3.9 Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Design ............................................ 67
3.9.1 Codes, Standards, and References............................................................ 67
3.9.2 Design Overview ...................................................................................... 67
3.9.3 Design Criteria .......................................................................................... 67
3.10 Plumbing Design.............................................................................................. 74
3.10.1 Codes, Standards and Regulations ............................................................ 74
3.10.2 Design Overview ...................................................................................... 74
3.10.3 Design Criteria .......................................................................................... 75
3.11 Electrical Design .............................................................................................. 78
3.11.1 Codes, Standards, and References............................................................ 78
3.11.2 Design Overview ...................................................................................... 78
3.11.3 Design Criteria .......................................................................................... 79
3.12 Protective Coatings Design .............................................................................. 82
3.12.1 Codes, Standards, and References............................................................ 83
3.12.2 Design Overview ...................................................................................... 83
3.12.3 Design Criteria .......................................................................................... 83
Program Wide Basis of Design Report INP, Task Order 2 - Water Supply Projects
1 General
1.1 Introduction
This Basis of Design Report (BODR) has been prepared as a part of the Design Program
Management Services for Water, Wastewater & Procurement Projects, West Bank for the
Northeast Jenin, Southwest Jenin, Bani Naim, Conveyance, and Al Auja Water Supply
Projects. These projects will be referred in this document as the Water Supply Projects.
This project is being performed under the direction of the United States Agency for Inter-
national Development (USAID). The purpose of this BODR is to document the project
background, scope, design criteria and design elements that are common to all of the
projects. Project-specific BODRs have been developed for each project and cover project
specific scope, design criteria, and design elements.
The specific scope for each of the projects will be discussed briefly in Section 2.3 of this
document and in more detail in the project-specific BODRs.
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Program Wide Basis of Design Report INP, Task Order 2 - Water Supply Projects
1.4 Applicable Codes and Standards, Government Acts, and Local Au-
thority Regulations
Key document on ground water usage is provided in the Oslo II Accords. As part of the
Oslo II Accords, the Israelis and the Palestinians jointly agreed that the Eastern Aquifer
system would be the primary source of water supply to meet the immediate and possibly
long-term needs of Palestinians in the West Bank. Article 40 of the Accords indicated
that 78 million cubic meters per year of groundwater are available for development from
the Eastern Aquifer Basin and other agreed sources in the West Bank for the Palestinians.
Drinking water quality shall comply with the WHO/PWA benchmark which is suitable
for domestic water supply.
The PWA Planning and Design Guidelines, 2000 (PWA PDG) are the basis for the de-
sign criteria used to develop the Water Supply Projects. The PWA PDG include but are
not limited to: Construction and Installation of Pipes in Water Supply and Sewerage
Trenches, Dimensioning of Water Supply, Sewer and Storm Run-off Pipes, Pumping Sta-
tions for Sewerage, Pumping Stations for Water Pumping Stations for Water, Product
Standards Water Supply and Sewerage, General Technical Specifications for Sewerage
Systems, General Technical Specifications for Water Supply Networks, General and
Technical Specifications for Well Drilling, Design Guidelines for the Construction of
Water Tanks, General Technical Specifications for the Construction of Harvesting Cis-
terns (Pear-Shaped and Rectangular), General Technical Specifications for the Construc-
tion of Ready-Made Water Tanks, and General Technical Specifications for the Construc-
tion of Concrete Water Tanks.
Table 1 Standards
Standard Code
Discipline Standard Body
Civil American Water Works Association AWWA
American Society for Testing and Materials ASTM
American National Standards Institute ANSI
Architectural International Building Code IBC 2006
Life Safety Code NFPA 101
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
American’s with Disabilities Act (ADA)
Structural International Building Code IBC 2006
ACI 318-05
American Concrete Institute
ACI 350-06
Mechanical American Water Works Association AWWA
American Society for Testing and Materials ASTM
Hydraulic Institute Standards HI
ASME Section VII Division I
HVAC and American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-
Plumbing ASHRAE
Conditioning Engineers
International Plumbing Code
Electrical, National Electrical Code
Instrumentation International Electrical Testing Association
and Controls International Electrotechnical Commission
Enclosure for Electrical Equipment
Underwriters’ Laboratories
29 CFR 1910
Occupational Safety and Health Administration Standards
29 CFR 1926
European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization
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Impacts on existing public facilities Pipe routing and new project elements will be
located to avoid disturbing or limit the distur-
bance to existing public facilities. Where work
is performed near these resources, the design
shall take extra care to not impact these re-
sources. Building is prohibited within two me-
ters from each side of the centerline of pipelines
Disturbances on public and private Coordination with the appropriate property
property owner(s) will be required to avoid or minimize
Specific impacts on each project will be discussed in more detail in the project-specific
Basic security measures observed in the previous design Task Orders include but not li-
mited to guard personnel at each well site, steel doors, security lighting systems around
the perimeter of buildings and well sites, intrusion alarms connected to the SCADA sys-
tem, building windows protected with galvanized steel security screens, and fence around
the perimeter of well sites and gates.
In addition, there are specific construction requirements by the Israeli Army that apply
for well-drilling rigs (i.e. construction lighting). These requirements for drilling rigs and
similar construction equipment will be further researched as part of the permitting
process during the detailed design.
The Northeast (NE) Jenin project will not fall under the jurisdiction of the JWC but will
require approval from the NE Jenin Villages Joint Services Council (JSC).
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Program Wide Basis of Design Report INP, Task Order 2 - Water Supply Projects
2 Program Description
2.1 Existing Conditions
2.1.1 Existing Mapping and Information
Aerial photography in conjunction with topographical survey maps are needed to ex-
amine the pipeline routes and proposed locations of other new project elements. Base
mapping of the entire region is being assembled by the design team and includes topo-
graphy and roadways. Once the pipeline alignments, reservoirs, and pump station loca-
tions have been finalized, local survey crews will survey and provide detailed informa-
tion for the development of detailed design documents. Aerial photography from publi-
cally available sources are being used in the interim while professional quality aerials are
Photos of existing conditions and proposed locations for new components of each project
were taken by MWH staff on the January field visits to the West Bank. Select photos re-
lating to each project are located in the project-specific BODRs.
2.1.2 Climate
The climate of the West Bank is characterized as Mediterranean with long hot and dry
summers and short, cool, and rainy winters. The actual conditions at each project loca-
tion are affected by the diverse topography and altitude. The average monthly tempera-
ture can range from 2-5oC in the winter to as high as 40oC in the summer, depending
where the project locations resides in the region. The average annual rainfall can be less
than 200 mm during dry years and can be greater than 1,000 mm during wet years. May
through September are typically the drier months and some areas receive almost no mea-
surable precipitation during this period. Wind speeds in the region can reach up to 75
2.1.3 Geology
Soils in the valleys between the hills and mountains are alluvial soils. In the mountains
the dominant soils are Terra Rosa soil, and Rendzina soils on the eastern and southern
slopes. Terra Rosa is the type of red clay soil produced by the weathering of limestone.
When limestone weathers, the clay contained in the rocks is left behind, along with any
other non-soluble rock material. Under oxidizing conditions, when the soils are above
the water table, iron will form in the clay.
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Despite the relatively small area that the West Bank encompasses, the soils are quite di-
verse. This is due to the climatic, origin of the soils, and the topography in the region.
The geology of each project area will be described in more detail in the project-specific
The area of the Water Supply Projects lies in the seismic zone of the Dead Sea Transform
Fault, which extends from Gulf of Aqaba in the northern part of the Red Sea to the Al-
pine convergence zone in the Taurus Mountains, where the Arabian plate separates from
Africa plate. In the West Bank, this deep cleavage runs from the Dead Sea north through
the Jordan Valley. This is a zone of intensive seismic activity. The Dead Sea Transform
Fault shear strain where strong deformation occurred is a narrow, 20-40 km, wide zone
(several articles are available on the internet). Most earthquakes occurred, some of mag-
nitude of 7 on the Richter scale, in this narrow zone.
Seismic hazard map for the Dead Sea Transform Fault area is presented by A. Shapiro, et
al. (2007). The map displays peak ground acceleration (PGA) levels that have a probabil-
ity of 10% of being exceeded at least once within a period of 50 years. However, the
peak ground accelerations provided in this map are not conservative for designs required
to meet current structural building code standards. Therefore, seismic design accelera-
tions used for these projects will be as noted in Section below. Please refer to
this section for additional information pertinent to the seismic design requirements.
For the purposes of the BODRs, the following definitions will be used to describe the
general components of the Water Supply Projects. These definitions are consistent with
definitions in the BODR for all West Bank Water Supply Projects and the PWA PDG:
Transmission Pipelines – Transmission pipelines are described as pipes that transport wa-
ter from the water source to a reservoir or between villages and do not have customers
that draw from them. Transmission pipelines shall be 100-mm in diameter at a minimum
and as large as required by the hydraulic analysis.
Distribution Pipelines – Distribution pipelines are pipelines that carry water from the vil-
lage’s storage to the areas where customers are located. Service pipelines which provide
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water to each customer are connected to the distribution pipelines. Distribution pipelines
shall be at a minimum 50-mm in diameter with pipelines that provide fire flow or bulk
transfer of water to be 150 mm.
Service Pipelines - Service pipelines provide water to each customer and are connected to
the distribution pipelines. They shall at a minimum be 20-mm in diameter.
System Storage – System storage is provided to hold water provided by the PWA and
allow the local water distribution system to control the flow of water to the customers.
Two typical types include reservoirs and balancing tanks.
2.2.2 Topography
The topography of the West Bank varies from the Jordan Valley area at an elevation of
approximately 400 meters below sea level to the central highlands that run from Jenin to
Hebron at an elevation up to 1,000 meters above sea level. In general, the topography of
the West Bank is considered mountainous.
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Program Wide Basis of Design Report INP, Task Order 2 - Water Supply Projects
by the PWA. Available water quality information will be evaluated to determine if the
source water meets WHO and PWA standards, and the viability of its use for water
2. Construct water storage reservoirs ranging in size from 500 to 1,000 m3.
3. Construct 5 new water distribution pipe networks and replace one existing net-
work in Deir Gazala. In addition, 180 water service lines will be added to the
project for the existing Arrana Distribution System.
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4. Construct pumping stations and balancing tanks at the Al Jalama, Deir Gazala and
Beit Qad (a new well will be constructed at this junction). In addition, a new
pumping station will be constructed at the Faqqua-Jalbun junctions.
5. Connect 2 existing well sources at Arrana and Deir Gazala to the proposed reser-
voir at that village.
1. Construction of 8 new storage reservoirs that include the following 6 at Ajja, Ku-
ferit, Al Mutilla, Raba (actually to be completed by Anera separate from MWH’s
project,) Jalqamus, Birqin, Arraba and Kafr Rai and the remaining 2 reservoirs
per item 3 below.
3. Demolition of the Arraba 1,000 m3 reservoir and Jalqamus 500 m3 reservoir, and
construction of replacements as stated in 1 above for these 2 reservoirs.
5. Installation of two (2) new wells at Ashshuhada and Janzur, with hydraulic anal-
ysis only for the planed future new wells and booster pump stations at Kfrait, Du-
tan, Zabdeh, and Frasin.
6. Redevelopment of Sanur, Arraba and Qabatiya Wells along with addition of ba-
lancing reservoirs, booster pump stations, electrical and chlorination facilities.
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The scope of the Bani Naim project will include the following elements:
1. Design and install a new s 4.6 km section of 500-mm pipe between Bani Naim
and Halhul to bypass an existing section of damaged pipe.
2. Repair existing well BN-3 and replace the submersible pump. The well will first
be tested for water capacity and alignment of casing. The scope includes the ad-
dition of living quarters.
3. Design and construct a new well station, 2.6 km of connecting pipeline, road, and
power line for existing production well EH-4. The well will first be tested for wa-
ter capacity and alignment of casing. An electrical control building and living
quarters will be provided.
4. Design and construct a new well station BN-5, pump station and balance tank, 4.5
km of 250 mm connecting pipeline, road, overhead power line, and fiber cable for
a new production well. An electrical control building, chlorination and storage
building, and living quarters will be provided.
5. Convert the abandoned well BN-1 into a production well. An electrical control
building, chlorination and storage building, and living quarters will be provided.
This scope includes 2.5 km of 100 mm connecting pipeline and overhead power
6. Design a new reduced capacity well pump in the well BN-2 due to potential inter-
ferences with the adjacent wells BN-1b and BN-1. This scope includes the addi-
tion of living quarters.
The Bani Naim Project scope calls for capacity and alignment testing of all the existing
wells. As this will occur during the construction phase of the project, the design has pro-
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gressed using anticipated capacities provided. In order to mitigate any alignment issues,
submersible well pumps will be provided for these wells.
2.3.4 Al Auja
The purpose of the Al Auja Project is to provide a reliable and sufficient water source for
the village of Al Auja to meet the present and future domestic demands. The present
source of water is from Mekoroth with an allocation of 15 to 20 cubic meters per hour.
This supply is unavailable during much of the summer; therefore, the village needs a new
source of supply that can be relied upon. The village has a population of approximately
5,000 inhabitants. The village’s monthly water consumption is approximately 15,000
cubic meters per month.
The project will drill a new drinking water well, equip it, and connect to the new village
reservoir that is currently being built under another contract as part of its project to reha-
bilitate the internal distribution network.
The scope of the Conveyance Systems project includes the following elements:
6. Replacement/addition of the pumps at the East Herodian and Saer Pump Stations.
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The work requires equipment which will be procured from the United States where poss-
ible, including well pumping units, discharge columns, down-hole sensors and well data
panels, booster pumps and motors, soft-start/soft-stop units, VFDs, surge tanks, flow con-
trol valves, isolating valves and surge anticipation valves.
At this time, Task Orders are limited to obligate no more than US $10 million so it is ne-
cessary to divide the work into multiple units so that the upper limit of any one Task Or-
der remains below that limit. The type of work also influences the scope of each Task
Order since there are specialized needs for some of the work.
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Method 1 represents the current method that is being assumed for equipment procurement
for the design projects. This method would require the construction contractor to perform
equipment procurement as part of their bid package. The advantages of having the con-
struction contractor procure the equipment are as follows:
In this method, a single procurement contractor would procure all equipment for all the
bid packages and supply the equipment to the construction contractors who are awarded
the bid packages. The advantages of using a single procurement contractor are as follows:
tion contractor after installation. However, there would likely be additional cost
from the construction contractor to do this.
• Contractor’s markup on equipment and sales tax implications
• Equipment approval and delivery would require more time and is more likely to
impact the schedule because equipment approvals and procurement could not be-
gin until after bid packages are awarded.
This method would utilize the program manager as a procurement agent to the Owner for
equipment procurement. The Owner (via the program manager) would procure all
equipment for all the bid packages and supply the equipment to the construction contrac-
tors who are awarded the bid packages. The advantages of having the program manager
procure the equipment are as follows:
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Based on the procurement objectives, and discussions with USAID, the Construction
Contractor Equipment Procurement approach (Method 1) will be used for the USAID
West Bank Design Projects.
3 Design Criteria
3.1 General
The following sections provide a description of the design life of the project elements that
were used in the design of the Water Supply Projects.
• Buildings: 20 years
• External (outdoor) Pipes: 50 years
• Internal (indoor) Pipes: 15 years
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• Residential – 120 l/cap/day applied to the 2035 population projections for each
• Water Loss – 30 l/cap/day to be applied to the 2035 population projections for each
• Bulk Supply – Maximum 720 l/min at each village over 20 minutes per day.
• No allocation is included for additional commercial, industrial, irrigation, or lives-
tock demands.
Monthly demand fluctuations are not considered. Diurnal fluctuations will be absorbed
by the reservoirs as described in the section discussing Water Distribution Facilities. The
population projections and associated design flow for each project is included in the
project-specific BODRs.
The peaking factors are assumed to be: minimum flow is one half of the average flow
(0.5 * Average flow) and maximum flow is two times the average flow (2.0* Average
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By Hazen Williams
A roughness C-Factor of 140 will be used for all new transmission pipes and 120 for all
transmission pipes in an aged condition. The Darcy Weisbach formula with a roughness
of 0.000005 ft per recommendation of AWWA M55, will be used for HDPE distribution
Gate or butterfly valves will be installed along the pipeline at strategic locations to allow
isolation of downstream segments for repair or other purposes. In general, maximum
valve spacing along the transmission line will be 1,500 meters to provide for isolation of
pipeline segments for repair.
Air valve stations will be incorporated into the design using the guidelines of AWWA
manual M51 and consider existing site conditions. Air valves will be fenced for security.
In addition, farmers have removed air release valves in the past to access the water supply
for livestock. To ensure that these air valves are not removed from the transmission pipe-
lines, all air valves stations will contain a spigot to water livestock. Air valve stations
shall be designed to protect against cross contamination. Spigots will be provided with a
backflow prevention system and air valves shall be design to discharge above the high
water table.
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If necessary, additional transient analyses will be performed to help design the actuation
of various in-line modulating valves such as pressure sustaining valves, pressure reducing
valves and flow control valves so these devices do not produce significant transient pres-
Hydraulic transients models will not be developed for distribution systems since most
distribution systems are gravity fed by reservoirs and the potential for damaging pressure
transients is very low.
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Pipeline layouts and construction activities will be designed in order to meet the applica-
ble requirements of the PWA General Technical Specifications for Water Supply Net-
works and Planning and Design Guide. In addition, site-specific design and construction
criteria will developed for distribution systems from contact and input with the various
villages within the project area in order to best suit the needs of each village. This infor-
mation will be obtained through field investigations and meetings with representatives of
each village. Scope Transmission Pipelines
Generally, transmission pipelines are used to transmit water from the potable water
source to the individual villages throughout the West Bank region. Normally the trans-
mission pipelines originate from wells or existing pipelines and terminate at storage re-
servoirs. Transmission pipelines will be designed to transmit water to the individual sto-
rage reservoirs as required by the hydraulic analysis and will not include water service
lines or bulk filling stations.
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Push-on and mechanical joints requiring a gasket type seal for ductile iron will conform
to the requirements of AWWA C111. If petroleum contaminated soils are encountered,
nitrile gaskets will be used.
Additional protection against pipe corrosion will be provided via the recommendations of
the corrosion study provided by the Geotechnical Report. Likely provisions include
wrapping the pipe barrel with polyethylene sheet during installation as required by AW-
WA C105.
For transmission piping less than 100 mm and where pressures allow, HDPE pipe may be
used. The HDPE shall conform to the requirements detailed in the following section.
HDPE pipe and fittings will be butt fusion welded, or electro fusion welded according to
the requirements of AWWA Manual M-55.
Pipeline sections installed across wadis (dry ravines that tend to flood during the rainy
season) will be encased in reinforced concrete and covered by caged boulders (gabions)
or paved over with concrete pavement.
Again, the contractor will be required to develop and implement traffic control measures
that maintain the flow of traffic around the construction site, while still allowing local
access to residences and public facilities.
Re-connection to existing water service lines will be made as a part of this project where
existing water service lines are present. The re-connection will only be performed after
the water main has been disinfected, tested, and placed in service. If the existing water
system is disrupted during the construction of the new water distribution systems, the
contractor will be required to provide temporary water to the residences impacted.
Specifically, information regarding the hydraulic pressure and the buried pipe loads and
resulting stresses will be determined and compared to the allowable stresses of the pipe.
In addition, pipe supports for above grade piping will be placed so that pipe stresses do
not exceed allowable stresses.
In addition, the recommendations of the geotechnical report will be reviewed and incor-
porated into the design. Pipeline excavation activities will constrained in order to provide
adequate room for installation activities, but yet limit the impact to roadway traffic and
surface restorations. The design of the pipeline bedding and backfilling will attempt to
use local borrow sources in order to minimize transportation costs. Compaction will be
designed in order to provide adequate support to the pipeline and to limit surface settle-
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When working along existing paved roads, asphalt pavement damaged by trenching will
be replaced, while existing undisturbed asphalt will be left in place. Generally, construc-
tion of new asphalt pavement across the full width of the road will not be included in the
project, except where identified by the client.
Flanged joints will be used for piping above grade or in vaults to connect to valves,
PRVs, and other appurtenances. Restrained mechanical sleeve couplings will be pro-
vided to allow for removal of appurtenances, as appropriate.
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Gate or butterfly valves will be installed along the pipeline at strategic locations to allow
isolation of downstream segments for repair or other purposes. Gate valves will be used
on pipelines equal to or less than 250 mm, while butterfly valves will be used on pipe-
lines larger than 250 mm. Isolation valves that connect to ductile iron pipe will be me-
chanical joint, suitably restrained against thrust forces, while valves that connect the
HDPE pipe will be flanged. Where required, thrust restraint will be provided for me-
chanical joints.
Isolation valves will be supplied on transmission mains at a minimum of every 1,500 me-
Pressure reducing valves and flow control valves may also be installed at some connec-
tion points between the transmission system and individual reservoirs. Pressure reducing
valves may also be required in many distribution systems in order to limit the pressure for
residential use. These valves will be placed in precast concrete vaults.
noff is direct away from wells and pump station. The elevation of floors and other struc-
tures will be set as to ensure that they are protected from runoff.
Roadways will be aligned in order to provide access from existing roads to wells and
pump stations. Roadways will be graded to promote drainage away from the road and
toward the nearest Wadi Al Dabi. If these new roads cross existing drainage paths, either
the drainage paths will be diverted or culverts will be installed. The Well Station shall
also include a kitchen, shower and toilet. Because there is no centralized wastewater sys-
tem, the station will need a septic system to handle wastewater.
Design Speed shall be 60 km/h in the rural areas,15 km/h within project sites, and 30
km/h in residential areas. Horizontal road alignment layout will consist of straight tan-
gents and circular curves only. Compound curves, reverse curve or spiral will not be used
in the design. Roads and Paving design shall also conform to or exceed the applicable
requirements of the Specifications for asphalt concrete roadways from the American As-
sociation of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) and the Jordanian
Standard Specification.
• Vertical Crest or sag curves will be design to meet local minimum Stopping Sight
distance requirement.
• The minimum road width shall be 4.0m with 1.0 minimum shoulder on each side.
• The Standard Cross Slope for any new paved access road construction on the tra-
vel way shall be 2%. On unpaved roadway surfaces, the cross slope shall be 2.5%
to 5%.
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• Embankment slopes shall not exceed those recommended in the geotechnical re-
• Design of traffic striping and signs will not be included in this Project.
All pavements, sidewalls, sidewalks, curbs, gutters, shrubbery, fences, poles, sod, or oth-
er property and surface structures removed or disturbed as a part of the work will be res-
tored to a condition equal to that before the work began
Trench Backfill in Roadways: Where pipelines pass underneath asphalted roads and pa-
rallel to the axis of the road, trench backfill above the bedding will be filled with com-
pacted base course.
Base Course: 200 mm (after compaction) will consist of approved base course material,
placed, wetted and compacted to not less than 95 % of the modified proctor density.
Prime Coat: The roadways will have a prime coat between the base course and the as-
phalt surfacing, This Prime Coat will consist of spraying 2kg of prime coat (MCO) per
each square meter over the compacted base course, and applying a layer of asphalt mix of
18.75 mm gradation, in a thickness not less than 50mm, after compaction, to satisfy the
Specification requirements of Palestinian Ministry of Public Works.
Reservoirs: Grade backfill over the footings away from the reservoir at a 1:6 slope min-
imum. Backfill is to extend up the wall of the footing to a point 300 mm (12”) above the
footing to provide freeze protection.
At Slabs and Structures: Grade backfill around structures to be 150 mm (6”) below the
finish slab or floor grade. Slope the backfill at a 1:4 surface down and away from the
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structure for a minimum of 3 meters. Earthwork will meet the requirements of the speci-
Connecting Slopes: Where fill height requires connecting slopes from finish grade back
down to existing grade these slopes will be a 1:3 maximum. Any slopes not ‘catching’
within the property limits will be retained with a suitable vertical or sloped retaining wall
or other soil support system. Approved soil support systems are gabion baskets, rock-
eries, and concrete retaining walls.
Grading and drainage requirements will be coordinated to assure proper protection of all
disturbed earthwork on site.
Surface drainage will be via sheet flow at velocities under 0.5 meters per second. Chan-
nel flow will be in trapezoidal or ‘v’ ditches with velocities below1.0 meters per second
for unlined conditions and up to 2 meter per second lined. Channel slope shall be limited
to keep velocities within this range. Where higher velocity is required do to topographic
requirements the channel will be diverted to a pipe system, or concrete channel. Energy
dissipation may be required at steep slopes to’ break’ velocity and stabilize the flow.
Onsite drainage volumes will be calculated using the rational method, with suitable sub-
basin definition to define flow rates at critical locations. Landscaping
The use of shrubs and decorative trees will be minimized in order to reduce the required
maintenance of the landscaping. As previously discussed in this BODR, site drainage
will be directed away from structures towards the perimeter of the site into the drainage
swale, which can be vegetated for stormwater management. Drought-tolerant species of
shrubs and trees, native to the individual areas of the West Bank, can be planted in the
swale in depressions designed to retain some surface water runoff. No trees will be lo-
cated closer than 2 meters to structures; however, shrubs may be planted close to struc-
tures or curbs.
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An empty garden area (4 meters by 4 meters) will be designed near the living quarters to
plant seasonal vegetables and fruits. Suggested types of trees that can be planted are ci-
trus trees, olive trees, and almond trees.
Landscape irrigation for the garden will be available from the rainwater cistern, as dis-
cussed in a separate section. During periods of little rainfall, irrigation water can be used
to provide water to the shrubs and trees in the swale.
electronic equipment or instruments. Sample design criteria intended to support this phi-
losophical approach are bulleted below.
• Pump control logic will be limited to elementary level or pressure control (with
integration of discrete safety inputs) and low-maintenance mechanical control
elements used to the fullest extent possible at remote sites.
• The system installation approach will be geared toward location of electronic
components within secure facilities to the greatest extent possible. Where elec-
tronic components must be installed outdoors, the electronic display will not be
provided but remote mounted indoors.
• Use of air conditioning units in remote panels will be avoided: panels components
will be designed for extreme conditions and outdoor panels shall be designed re-
flect / radiate heat away from the panel.
• Although anticipated to be constructed by US integration firms, the selected con-
trol system equipment shall have current regional support and readily available
spare parts.
• Centralized control at each facility (thereby concentrating key components within
secure areas)
• The Owner’s ability to respond quickly to system component failure(s) is often a
function of events and circumstances beyond the control of the operations and
maintenance staff. Use of redundant components will allow the process to con-
tinue uninterrupted and maintenance tasks to be planned/scheduled:
o Redundant WAN fiber optic cabling in separate conduit
o Use of redundant central controllers in “process point of failure” facilities
o Use of redundant SCADA servers (with at least one unit panel secured) in
“process point of failure” facilities
o Use of redundant online power supplies for panels, communication hubs
and key network components.
o Allowance for standby pumps in all pumping strategies and mechanical
safety measures (including fail-safe shutdowns upon loss of power or con-
trol signal)
o Use of racked VFD units for ease of replacement and online redundant
VFD units at key locations where multi-pump arrangements do not apply.
• Mechanical, hydraulic and reserve battery power solutions for protection against
power failure or cycling
• Proportional chlorine injection only (with residual monitoring)
• Secure remote access will allow for remote monitoring and control of facility
processes and equipment as well as autodialer-type alarm notification.
Often, individual facilities or process control areas will be designed to operate indepen-
dently. However, it is anticipated that all systems will ultimately be integrated into a mas-
ter control structure. To this end, each site design will seek to employ common hardware,
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Lastly, given the importance of water distribution to the region, the control system will
always endeavor to maintain the process flow but not at the expense of wasted water.
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the control network, per site, shall consist of a centralized redundant PLC controller (ex-
cept as may apply to vendor supplied equipment or well sites directly connected to the
transmission system). The PLC shall be configured to communicate with Remote in-
put/output (I/O) units which may be located in the same control panel and/or within
another site structure. Remote I/O communication shall be via manufacturer adapter or
transceiver using manufacturer approved shielded industrial cabling and/or fiber optic
cabling. The typical site communication medium shall be category 5e Unshielded
Twisted Pair (UTP) cabling (indoor, low voltage areas) or 50 micron multimode fiber op-
tic cabling (outdoor or indoor process areas/medium voltage areas). All site fiber shall be
routed and terminated with 100% spare capacity. Inter-site communication shall be via
single mode fiber optic cabling (with routing options as detailed below) or via cellular
communications using a local (or Jordanian) service provider (depending upon negotiated
data rates).
All fiber routing shall be managed by means of lockable cross connect cabinets installed
within the property security fencing (if not within a secure property structure).
Each booster station shall include a room reserved for operator control system interface
and a second more secure area for housing of network and controller equipment. The
network and controller room shall house the control network equipment, the site redun-
dant PLC control cabinet and a panel mounted industrial computer configured as one of
two OLE (Object Linking & Embedding) for Process Control (OPC)-compliant Supervi-
sory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) servers. Two computers, furnished with the
necessary OPC-compliant control system software and support applications, shall be pro-
vided for the plant operations, support and management staff in the control room. The
second SCADA node server and SCADA/Development node workstation shall be server-
grade and workstation-grade desktop computers respectively, housed in a modular con-
sole along with one black and white laser printer. The SCADA servers shall be confi-
gured for “hot-standby” with both units tasked to collect data in parallel. The control sys-
tem packages shall be configured to allow for automatic SCADA control fail-over func-
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Program Wide Basis of Design Report INP, Task Order 2 - Water Supply Projects
tionality in the event of failure of the currently designated primary unit. The SCADA
servers shall be equipped with software capable of collecting, storing and trending SCA-
DA data and shall each be equipped with sufficient data storage capacity to house 2 years
of historical data (collection rate to be determined). The SCADA/Development computer
will house HMI view-node software, screen development software, PLC programming
software and shall also be capable of automatically generating reports and publishing
web-pages with pre-arranged process data displayed.
A router with multiple local access network (LAN) support and one 24-port 10/100 Base-
T auto-sensing ethernet switch with online redundant power supply shall constitute the
backbone of the control network. The default protocol shall be TCP/IP. Media conver-
ters shall be housed in concentration chassis with redundant power supplies. The router
shall be equipped with a remote access card and a fiber wide area network (WAN) card
(for connection to the WAN and in anticipation of a future managed network arrange-
ment). Remote access shall be strictly controlled by the router.
The type of network remote access to be employed will be finalized during Owner securi-
ty discussions.
One laptop furnished with the applicable control system software and support applica-
tions shall be provided for the senior management staff. The unit shall have software and
hardware capable of accessing the PLC control program directly (via direct connection to
the PLC) or over the network. The unit shall be capable of viewing the current status of
the booster station via the SCADA node servers. The unit shall be configured to remote-
ly access the control network via the site router. The router will serve as the remote entry
point to the site network (to be determined), the dial-out gateway for the SCADA alarms
auto-dialer software and will support WAN connectivity. The SCADA node servers shall
have redundant AutoDialer software installed and configured to page (with alphanumeri-
cal alarm descriptions) or call (using pre-recorded voice messages) selected support staff
should critical alarm conditions be detected. All out-going calls shall be routed through
and be monitored and managed by the site router.
In general all site control systems and local networks shall be designed and constructed in
anticipation of connection and integration into a centrally managed and administered con-
trol network. To this end, each site design will seek to employ common hardware, soft-
ware, data transfer methodologies, communication medium type and communication pro-
tocols. For local access security and wide area organization, individual workgroups (with
common user names and associated access privileges) will be established at each site and
associated facilities will be grouped under a common subnet (groupings to be deter-
mined). Instrument and equipment tag numbering for each site will include a prefix
which uniquely identifies an area subnet grouping and the physical site type. No attempt
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will be made to establish any higher level network organization structure (i.e. domains)
under the current contracts.
Reference CAD Standards guidelines for project and physical location identifier defini-
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Program Wide Basis of Design Report INP, Task Order 2 - Water Supply Projects
o Note: the need for an independent level data logger (as shown on the well
drawings) may be eliminated given the data logging capabilities of the lo-
cal PLC.
• Magnetic flow meters will be the preferred flow measurement instrument in pri-
mary process and sodium hypochlorite delivery lines
• 24VAC or loop-power will be the preferred scheme with quick-connections for
signal (and power where applicable)
Note: PLC units shall be as manufactured by Modicon or GE with iFix control sys-
tem software employed at all SCADA workstations and operator interfaces. A sepa-
rate historian will not be considered at this time (with the exception of the NE Jenin
central control facility).
Communications to starters, valve actuators and variable frequency drive (VFD) units
shall be via hard-wire connection only. The inter-building communication medium shall
be 50-micron fiber optic cable with redundant pairs. All controllers and control panels
shall be furnished with monitored, redundant power supplies and all area equipment
groupings shall be supported by smart Uninterruptable Power Supply (UPS) units (with
relay-card interface), monitored by the control system via hardwire connection. Links to
the portable emergency generator systems shall also be established for system and fuel
status monitoring. Power monitors shall be installed at all pumping facilities and smart
motor protection relays (MPR) on individual drives and starters. Power monitors shall be
modbus-ready. Multiple power monitors and/or MPR units shall be connected using a
bus architecture (with node drops) employing industrial grade RS-485 cabling with RJ-45
I/O depicted on the P&ID drawings for each process area shall be displayed on the hu-
man machine interface (HMI) control screens and all analog data (as well as alarms and
status points) shall be historically collected, recorded and trended. Generated control
screens shall be consistent in presentation, quality, color usage, symbol usage, and navi-
gation options (as established during the construction period graphics meetings).
Each raw water well will be equipped with a standardized Remote Telemetry Unit (RTU)
assembly supported by a smart UPS unit with relay-card interface (for direct bat-
tery/inverter monitoring at the PLC). The RTU assembly shall include an ethernet-ready
PLC with industrial transceiver to support single-mode fiber connection and a panel-
mounted, Ethernet-ready operator interface (capable of logging up to 2 weeks of data).
An Ethernet-ready cellular modem may be used in lieu of a fiber transceiver if required.
Ethernet components shall be locally networked by means of an industrial grade Ethernet
switch. A typical reservoir RTU shall be similarly configured with the exception of the
operator interface which will not be required.
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Each well site is anticipated to have a secure environmentally controlled structure; there-
fore the well site RTU assembly will be housed within a Nema 12 painted steel panel.
Where RTU panels must be mounted outdoors (e.g. reservoir locations), the furnished
Nema 4X panel shall be constructed of white-powder coated 316 stainless steel with
white-powder coated aluminum sunshields on all sides. Outdoor RTU panels shall be
configured with dead-front doors; area transmitters will be installed within the RTU and
no operator interface shall be provided. Remote outdoor installations may also consider
solar power options with storage battery in the event routing of power proves economi-
cally unfeasible. Panel temperature and intrusion detection (with override maintenance
switch) shall be monitored on all installations. In addition, each well site will have the
means to support plug-in monitoring of a portable generator.
It is anticipated that each well pump will be fitted with a variable frequency drive or re-
duced-voltage soft-starter equipped with a smart MPR. Modbus communications shall be
established between the MPR and the PLC (Note: Use of reduced voltage soft starter
(RVSS) and VFD units shall be detailed Section 3 – Raw Water Wells).
At each well site, the local operator interface shall be password-protected and equipped
with limited data logging capability. The operator interface shall be programmed to dis-
play status information concerning the local well site, any well sites associated with the
common transmission system feeding the down-stream booster pump station and the sta-
tus of the down-stream booster pump station. The well site PLC shall be programmed to
manage local well control functions, monitor status of all connected equipment and inter-
face with the associated booster pump station SCADA servers. Fire Systems, Chemical Leak Detection, and Other Safety Func-
The site Master Fire Control Panel (which will receive signals from all other site building
fire alarm panels) will be integrated with the site control system only to the extent that
area/building alarms will be annunciated and recorded on the SCADA workstations. In-
dividual smoke and heat detectors will be monitored by the fire alarm system.
The heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) system will not be integrated into
the control system and will be controlled by means of an independent, vendor specific,
controller and interface. However, an output from the control system or directly from the
fire system panel (to be determined) will be made available to the HVAC system to faci-
litate shutdown in the event a fire is detected.
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Chemical containment areas, including routing trenches, shall be equipped with chemi-
cally inert liquid detection devices configured to report to the site control system. In in-
stances where chemical lines are routed outside of containment areas or routing trenches,
the lines shall be double contained and sloped in a manner such that any liquid leaking
from the primary containment line will collect at a single point. A liquid detection device
shall be installed at this point and configured to report to the control system.
The site security lighting system will be considered for integration into the site control
system. Site lighting activation/deactivation will be tied to preset time-of-day setpoints.
Timers may be adjusted or overridden by an authorized operator via the HMI interface.
PLC and RTU panels shall be equipped with normally closed intrusion switches on each
panel door (wired in series) that are connected to the area PLC. A maintenance switch
within each panel shall serve to negate the intrusion condition.
The following section on digital CCTV systems is to be reviewed during the detail design
phase to support future security measures and remote monitoring from a central facility:
IP-based low light, color / B/W surveillance cameras will be proposed for installation at
select well and booster pump station sites. All cameras, unless specifically tasked other-
wise, shall be equipped with remote controls for point, tilt and zoom functionality. Mo-
tion sensors will be considered on indoor cameras where appropriate to the installation
(i.e. low personnel traffic areas). The medium for the security system communications
shall be 50 micron fiber optic cabling with vendor recommended transceivers.
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The site CCTV system will be supported by a NVR designed to provide the following
• Scheduled or stimulus-based recording of events
• Camera image multiplexing for customization of displays (where multiple cam-
eras are employed)
• Digital video web server (for share of camera monitoring and control via worksta-
tion web interface)
• System admin security monitor and gateway
The NVR shall be equipped with redundant power supplies and network connections and
shall house an integral Redundant Array of Independent Drives (RAID) 5 assembly capa-
ble of accommodating up to 2 weeks of stimulus-triggered recorded data. The CCTV /
Security system communication network (with independent subnet) shall be managed by
a layer 3 ethernet switch with LAN connection to the SCADA network router. The router
shall be used to manage security system traffic and SCADA network traffic with SCADA
traffic established as priority. CCTV images or historically recorded data may be re-
viewed via any networked computer (using a web-based thin-client interface) or directly
at the NVR.
Final NVR storage capacity to be determined following Owner security review meetings.
Existing well pumps may be equipped with reduced voltage soft starters (RVSS) or vari-
able frequency drives (VFD). New wells will be equipped with redundant VFD units con-
figured in a cold standby arrangement. The standby VFD will not be powered and an in-
terlocked key switch located on the facility switchgear will allow only one VFD unit to
be activated at any time. A common control arrangement will allow the local PLC to in-
terface with the active VFD only. Remote activation of the standby VFD will not be sup-
ported. Sample service options are as follows:
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Program Wide Basis of Design Report INP, Task Order 2 - Water Supply Projects
• Where existing wells are to be used to batch fill tanks or reservoirs, the applica-
tion may be served by an RVSS installation (depending on well production and
system hydraulics). The well will be automatically called to start or stop by the
area PLC based on operator preset balance tank level setpoints at the HMI.
• Where wells are used to feed directly into pressurized transmission systems, each
well will be assigned an operator adjustable pressure setpoint and flow range.
When called to run, the well RTU will ramp the VFD to meet the discharge pres-
sure setpoint as long as the well discharge flow remains at or below the maximum
discharge flow setpoint. Similarly, the RTU will reduce the VFD speed if the sys-
tem pressure rises above setpoint but only to a point of minimum discharge flow.
Upon initial start, the RTU will always force the well to achieve minimum dis-
charge flow even if the control pressure setpoint is exceeded. If a high-high pres-
sure condition is detected for longer than an operator preset time period, the well
will be automatically called to stop.
• VFD units may also be used for batching wells to support adjustment of the pro-
duction rate as the well characteristics change over time. Under this scenario,
when a well is called to run, the RTU will automatically ramp the VFD to meet
the operator preset flow setpoint.
Under each of the above scenarios, the discharge flow meter shall be monitored for high
flow (over production warning), low flow (warning) and low-low flow (shutdown follow-
ing time delay) conditions.
Two separate ports (with associated stilling well) shall be made available at the well head
to facilitate installation of the hydrostatic probes (Note: redundant data logger level in-
strument may be eliminated). A detected low-low level condition from either sensor shall
initiate well pump shutdown after preset time delay (programmed at the RTU for the pri-
mary unit and governed by mechanical timers for the secondary unit). The means to dis-
able the LALL shutdown shall be provided at the HMI (for the primary unit) and at the
well starter/VFD panel (for the secondary unit).
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Two VFD vertical turbine can-style pumps will serve to move water from the balance
tank into the transmission or distribution system. The pumps shall be sized to operate in
lead/standby fashion and shall be called to run based on system demand as may be re-
flected in system pressure for distribution systems or the control reservoir level in trans-
mission systems (where the reservoir serves to maintain transmission system hydraulic
stability – refer to Section 3.3). A pressure transmitter and optional magnetic flow meter
will be installed on the common discharge line with monitoring by the area PLC.
A typical balance tank shall be equipped with a non-contacting level transmitter plus
LALL and LAHH float switches (serving as backup override control points). Tank over-
flows shall be managed by a flap valve with routing to a site catchment area or local wa-
di. The level transmitter signal and both float signals shall be routed to the site PLC
which shall start the well pump based on operator preset level setpoints. The setpoint ar-
rangement shall be such as to ensure that the balance tank always maintains at least a
minimum discharge pump operating level. A detected LALL condition shall drive a
shutdown output from the area PLC directly interlocked to the balance tank discharge
pump drives (while generating an HMI alarm). A detected LAHH condition shall drive a
shutdown output from the area PLC directly interlocked with the well pump starter/VFD
(while generating an HMI alarm). As further protection for PLC-based level control op-
eration the fill line float valve will be positioned so as to remain open over the typical fill
control range. Should the balance tank level exceed the maximum fill level, the float pi-
lot shall be positioned to activate and drive the float valve to a closed position if the level
continues to rise. The float valve shall fully close before an overflow/flood condition is
created. Closure of the float valve will create a high pressure condition for the feeding
well pump which will shut down once the pressure exceeds the setting of the local dis-
charge pressure switch. If the balance tank is (also) fed from a transmission system, the
float control valve for the fill line will be positioned to operate over a normal fill range. Reservoirs
There are three types of reservoir anticipated:
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Dependent reservoir top-fill shall be managed by a float valve (operating over the normal
fill range) which shall respond to changes in reservoir level by opening the valve as the
float lowers and closing the valve as the float rises. Transmission system fed reservoirs
shall include a billing grade magnetic flow meter on the inlet line.
Filling of reservoirs critical to the hydraulic stability of the transmission system shall be
direct filled from the transmission system with pipe connection to the bottom of the re-
servoir (thereby allowing the control reservoir to serve as a system pressure/demand
monitor). The control reservoir level shall be monitored by a remote transmission system
pumping station or inline booster pump station which shall work to maintain the control
reservoir level (and therefore the overall system pressure). The associated pumping sys-
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tem shall be called to run based on system demand as will be reflected in the control re-
servoir level. The pump controller speed output signal shall be inversely proportional to
the control reservoir level. Override pump station start and stop control will be driven by
the control reservoir LALL and LAHH float switches.
The means to manually isolate any reservoir type and directly feed the associated distri-
bution system from the transmission system will also be provided. A pressure reducing
valve will be provided to protect against any potential for over-pressurization of the dis-
tribution system. In addition, dependent reservoir fill lines shall include a hydraulic con-
trol valve to limit rate of reservoir fill and regulate upstream pressure. The control valve,
which may ultimately include a float pilot, will be a diaphragm type thereby allowing for
field adjustment.
As further protection for PLC-based level control operation, the inlet line will be
equipped with a motor operated valve which will be programmed to remain in the open
position over the typical fill control range. Should the reservoir level exceed the maxi-
mum fill level, the local RTU PLC will drive the valve closed and generate an alarm
(propagated to the control pump station). If there is no demand on the transmission sys-
tem, closure of the control reservoir inlet valve will create a high pressure condition for
the feed pump station(s) which will result in immediate shut down. Once the reservoir
level falls below the maximum fill level for greater than a preset time, the inlet valve will
be allowed to open.
Rate of flow from the control reservoir to the transmission system will also be monitored
by the control reservoir inlet magnetic flow meter. Should the rate exceed a preset value
for longer than a preset time, the inlet motor operated isolation valve will be driven
closed and a pipe-break alarm generated (propagated to the control pump station). Open
of the fill valve shall be by authorized operator only.
The means to manually isolate any reservoir type and directly feed the associated distri-
bution system from the transmission system will also be provided. A pressure reducing
valve will be provided to protect against any potential for over-pressurization of the dis-
tribution system. In addition, the pump speed will be controlled by discharge pressure.
or RVSS (Note: low discharge flow shutdown will be considered if final hydraulic analy-
sis warrants usage.). Auto shutdown will be initiated if either condition is detected for
greater than a preset time delay.
The pump station PLC shall manage (4) primary process functions:
1. Management of the pump station balance tank/reservoir level (if tank fill is not
mechanically controlled). Note: not applicable to inline booster pump stations.
2. Management of the pump station pump operation
3. Management of the sodium hypochlorite storage/feed system
4. Management of the site duty/motive pumps
5. Monitoring of the site surge protection system.
Where the pump station tank/reservoir fill operation is not (solely) mechanically con-
trolled, the pump station PLC shall include logic to control the operation and sequencing
of source raw water wells. The HMI will be programmed to allow an authorized operator
to manipulate the tank/reservoir control level setpoints which determine when to start or
stop the wells. The means to enable/disable auto call of the wells shall also be provided -
necessary for storage facilities with other mechanically controlled fill options. Detection
of a tank/reservoir LAHH condition shall result in override shutdown (and auto start in-
hibit) of all source wells (Note: other well control and safety functions, once initiated to
start, shall be resident at the local well RTU as detailed in Section
Auto operation of the pump station pumps shall be based upon one of two scenarios:
1. Level controlled with out-of-range pressure condition override
2. Pressure controlled with out-of-range level condition override
Scenario 1 shall apply to pump stations which serve to satisfy the demands of another
storage facility as reflected in the SCADA system monitored level signal. In this case, the
level signal shall be transmitted to the pump station PLC and utilized as the process con-
trol variable. However, should a transmission system high pressure condition (at the
pump station common discharge header) be detected for longer than an operator preset
period of time, the pump station will be shutdown (until pressure returns to an acceptable
preset range) and a SCADA alarm generated.
Scenario 2 shall apply to pump stations which serve to satisfy the demands of a closed
distribution system as reflected in the system pressure readings at the pump station dis-
charge. In this case, the pressure signal shall be transmitted to the pump station PLC and
utilized as the process control variable. However, should a pump station source
tank/reservoir LALL condition be detected for an operator preset period of time, the
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pump station will be shutdown (until the tank/reservoir level is restored to a minimum
operation level) and a SCADA alarm generated.
Under both scenarios, the pump station PLC shall also monitor discharge line-break con-
dition i.e. low pressure/high flow condition detected. Given the value of water to the re-
gion, the pump station shall be shutdown and a SCADA alarm generated (Note: based on
expected pipe length and/or magnitude of elevation changes, it may be necessary to com-
pare pressure readings at the discharge of the source point, the intake of the receiving
point and, only as dictated by the final installation profile, a pressure point in-between).
Application of pressure and flow monitoring for pipe break detection will need to be as-
sessed on a case-by-case basis.
Inline booster pump stations shall serve to directly increase line pressure without the use
of a source tank. Inline booster pump stations shall be subject to the above pump station
description and discharge operating scenario options with the only exception being that
the pumps will pull directly from a transmission main rather than a dedicated tank, reser-
voir or wet well (and therefore not subject to low-level shutdown conditions). As such,
pump operation shall be dependent upon a minimum pressurization of the suction trans-
mission line. Therefore, in addition to instrumentation required for a pump station, the
inline booster pump station shall also include a redundant pressure transmitter arrange-
ment on the pump station suction header to serve as both an operating permissive and
suction source monitor during normal remote/auto operation. Loss of pressure signal will
not inhibit local operation of the pump at the drive/starter; however, the pump low suc-
tion pressure switch will serve as a backup safety measure to lockout the pump if a low
suction pressure condition is detected.
A minimum operating suction source pressure setpoint and range shall be established at
the HMI by an authorized operator. In the event the suction source pressure falls into the
minimum operating range for longer than an operator preset time limit, the booster pump
station PLC shall (if enabled at the HMI) attempt to override start a transmission system
pump station to boost transmission system pressure. Unless there is a pump station fault
pending or the associated transmission control reservoir exhibits a high level condition,
the pump station shall respond to the override start. The inline booster pump station PLC
shall be pre-programmed with the priority of transmission system pump stations capable
of boosting system pressure and shall sequence any calls to override start accordingly. If
the suction source pressure falls below the minimum operating pressure setpoint for
greater than a preset time period, the pump station will be forced to shut down by the
pump station PLC (until the suction source pressure recovers). Other pump station shut-
downs shall be subject to the local pump station conditions and control logic as described
earlier in this section.
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Program Wide Basis of Design Report INP, Task Order 2 - Water Supply Projects
The sodium hypochlorite feed shall be flow-paced by the area PLC based on the meas-
ured process flow rate and an operator entered sodium hypochlorite dosing ratio. Al-
though free chlorine will be monitored by the SCADA system, chemical feed trim based
on measured free chlorine residual analysis shall not be made available. A magnetic flow
meter shall be installed on the injection line. Instantaneous flow and totalized flow will
be recorded by the site control system.
Local pump controls and emergency/safety functions shall be integrated into the chemical
system local control station (LCS) which shall be equipped with a remote I/O module of
same make and manufacturer as the site PLC. Low flow conditions after a call to run
shall generate a system alarm. High discharge pressure shutdowns shall be interlocked
directly to the starter control logic of the feed pumps. E-stop lockout of the entire chemi-
cal system shall be available at the LCS. All LCS functions, including pump controls,
flow monitoring, bulk tank select, tank levels, containment area, double-pipe containment
and eyewash station status shall be monitored by the site control system via the LCS RIO
module. A fill station panel with LAH horn, bulk tank level displays, LAH pilot light
and horn silence button shall be provided at the bulk tank truck fill. LCS panel controls
and displays shall be site PLC driven. Remote manual controls for the feed pumps shall
be provided at the HMI.
activate the NaOCl injection system once the inlet flow exceeds an operator entered flow
threshold setpoint.
Note: The chlorination feed system design approach may be greatly simplified using sto-
rage drums with top-mounted drum pumps set within a containment area. Water bath
management of fumes has been eliminated from the preliminary design (with roof vent-
ing employed instead).
A memo regarding the sodium hypochlorite feed system operation is included in Appen-
dix A.
The potable water storage tank (located on the living quarters building roof), which will
be equipped with LAHH and LAL alarm float switches, shall serve to hydraulically
charge the site potable water plumbing and the chlorination area emergency eye-
wash/shower station in the event of duty pump failure. The potable water tank fill line
will be governed by a mechanical float valve.
The potable water system for inline booster pump stations, of similar piping and storage
arrangement as a typical pump station, will be directly pressurized from the suction side
transmission system and will therefore not require duty/motive pumps.
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Program Wide Basis of Design Report INP, Task Order 2 - Water Supply Projects
Based on the 2006 International Building Code, it has been determined that the Electrical
and Control Building will be Group F (Factory-Industrial). The Electrical Metering
Buildings will be Group F (Factory-Industrial). The Chlorination and Storage Building
will be Mixed Use of Group H (Hazardous) for the Chlorination Room, and Group S
(Storage) for the Storage Room. The Living Quarters Building will be Group R (Resi-
dential). Fire extinguishers will be provided as required per the building code.
Understanding the needs of persons with disabilities is essential for the success of any
new project; all buildings will comply as required with the provisions of the Americans
with Disabilities Act.
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Program Wide Basis of Design Report INP, Task Order 2 - Water Supply Projects Sustainability
USAID can incorporate many sustainable design features that will reduce negative im-
pacts on the environment. The major categories in which to focus the sustainability ef-
forts include: protect or restore habitat, stormwater design and management, minimum
energy performance, water efficiency, onsite renewable energy, and air quality. The sus-
tainability efforts are described below.
Water Efficiency
No potable water will be used for irrigation. Efficient plumbing fixtures will be used to
maximize water efficiency.
Air Quality
During construction, the project could consider meeting the Control Measures of the
Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors national Association (SMACNA) Indoor
Air Quality (IAQ) guidelines for Occupied Buildings Under Construction. Such meas-
ures include protection of onsite absorptive materials from moisture damage, high effi-
ciency filtration media, and building flush-out to ensure construction pollutants are elimi-
nated prior to occupancy.
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Program Wide Basis of Design Report INP, Task Order 2 - Water Supply Projects Roofing
The roofing for the Electrical and Control Building, Electrical Metering Buildings, Chlo-
rination and Storage Building, and Living Quarters Building will consist of a low slope
roof with parapet walls. The roof will consist of a PVC roofing system. Carpentry
Pressure treated wood blocking, roof nailers, plywood backing, and furring as shown on
the contract drawings will be provided.
Base and wall cabinets will be provided as indicated on the contract drawings. Typical
cabinet work will be plastic laminate finished construction meeting the standards of Arc-
hitectural Woodwork Institute (AWI) Custom Grade.
A plastic vapor retarder will be placed over the backfill and under all concrete floor slabs
on grade.
Overhead service doors for the Chlorination and Storage Building will be chain operated,
insulated, steel doors with weatherstripping.
Exterior windows will be aluminum framed with tinted, insulated, impact-resistant glass
to provide maximum thermal performance. All windows shall be protected with galva-
nized steel security screens.
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Program Wide Basis of Design Report INP, Task Order 2 - Water Supply Projects
Electrical and Control Building, Electrical Metering Buildings, and Chlorination and Sto-
rage Building floors will be concrete slabs with a steel trowel finish and clear sealer.
Flooring for the Living Quarters Building will be terrazzo tile in the kitchen, bedroom,
and entrance hall.
Restroom will have non-slip, ceramic tile floors. The toilet wet walls will have full
height glazed thin-set ceramic wall tile. All other walls will have a 1.4 meters high ce-
ramic tile wainscot, and painted walls above.
Finished ceilings will be a gypsum board ceiling system with batt insulation. Exposed
structural ceilings will receive an epoxy coating. Specialties
Fire protection will be provided per the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA),
appropriate authorities, agencies, and the building code.
The Electrical and Control Building, Electrical Metering Buildings, Chlorination and Sto-
rage Building, and Living Quarters Building will have flush walk-off mats at exterior en-
trance doors.
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Program Wide Basis of Design Report INP, Task Order 2 - Water Supply Projects
• ASCE 7-05 - Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures
• ACI 530-05 - Building Code Requirements and Specifications for Masonry Struc-
• AISC 325-05 - AISC Steel Construction Manual, 13th ed. (includes AISC 360-05
– Specification for Structural Steel Buildings, and AISC 303-05 – Code of Stan-
dard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges)
• AISC 327-05 - AISC Seismic Design Manual (includes AISC 341-05 – Seismic
Provisions for Structural Steel Buildings, and AISC 358-05 - Prequalified Con-
nections for Special and Intermediate Steel Moment Frames and Seismic Applica-
Structures will be designed in accordance with sound engineering principles based on the
references and codes listed herein. Unless otherwise approved by the project’s Lead
Structural Engineer, the following criteria will apply.
• Concrete design will be in accordance with ACI 350-06. Strength Design proce-
dures will be used. Load and strength reduction factors will be in accordance
with Appendix C of ACI 350-06. All other provisions of Appendix C will apply.
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Program Wide Basis of Design Report INP, Task Order 2 - Water Supply Projects
Booster pump stations will be open-air facilities covered by a structural steel canopy.
Roof access hatches or a monorail system will be provided for pump removal.
Structures will be designed in accordance with sound engineering principles based on the
references and codes listed herein. Unless otherwise approved by the project’s Lead
Structural Engineer, the following criteria will apply.
• Concrete design will be in accordance with ACI 318-05. Strength Design proce-
dures will be used.
• Structural steel design will be in accordance with AISC 360-05 and AISC 341-05.
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Program Wide Basis of Design Report INP, Task Order 2 - Water Supply Projects
• For seismic load cases: hydrostatic forces associated with normal operating condi-
tions plus hydrodynamic forces per ACI 350.3-06, as modified by ASCE 7-05.
(It should be noted that MWH staff in the West Bank stated that a common wind speed
used for regional designs is 100 km/hr. However, since it could not be verified that this
wind speed is associated with the ASCE 7-05 design wind event, and since the 100 km/hr
wind speed would represent an extremely low wind speed by ASCE 7-05 standards, the
wind speed from UFC 3-310-01 will be used in design).
• Exposure Category C
region of moderate seismicity, the appropriate classification for all of the project sites is
Seismic Zone 3, as defined by the 1997 UBC.
To incorporate the 10%/50yr data into the ASCE 7-05 seismic provisions, the ASCE 7-05
seismic parameters, SDS and SD1, must be established in terms of the 1997 UBC seismic
parameters, Ca and Cv. This is accomplished by using the formulas SDS = 2.5 * Ca and
SD1= Cv. The table below provides this conversion for the different site soil profiles that
are likely to be encountered.
Pending receipt of the geotechnical reports, the following ASCE 7-05 Site Classes will be
assumed for preliminary design purposes.
Dynamic lateral earth pressures associated with seismic events will be based on the rec-
ommendations included in the geotechnical report.
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Program Wide Basis of Design Report INP, Task Order 2 - Water Supply Projects
For retaining walls, when seismic loads cases are being evaluated and dynamic earth
pressure is considered:
• Overturning - 1.25
• Sliding - 1.10 Materials Concrete
• 35 MPa - All structural applications
• 420 MPa - ASTM A706M, where required for special seismic force resisting sys-
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Program Wide Basis of Design Report INP, Task Order 2 - Water Supply Projects Aluminum
• 6061-T6 - All applications, except as noted. Masonry
• ASTM C90M - Normal weight CMU, solid grouted or partially grouted for struc-
tural applications, hollow for architectural applications Waterstops
• PVC Flat-strip or Center-bulb Gaskets
• Neoprene
The terminology and standards pertaining to the pumping unit performance and construc-
tion shall conform to the American National Standards Institute for Vertical Turbine
Pumps ANSI/HI 2.1-2.5, or approved equivalent equal.
Each well pump station will include well pumps with variable frequency drives (1 duty
and 1 standby VFD), hypochlorite injection system including storage tanks, washout line
and magnetic flow meter. Addition project specific components may include an on-site
balance tank and a surge mitigation system (surge tank).
In most installations, the well pumps are located adjacent to a transmission pump station.
This transmission pump station will convey the chlorinated well water from the balance
tank to the transmission system. See the following section for transmission pump station
mechanical design requirements.
Well pumps shall be sized to convey the expected well production rate at the dynamic
water surface elevations. Furthermore, the pumps shall be designed for an additional 10
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Program Wide Basis of Design Report INP, Task Order 2 - Water Supply Projects
percent increase in pressure in anticipation lower aquifer water levels in the future. VFDs
will be used to adjust pump performance based on changing water surface elevations in
the reservoir.
A technical memorandum submitted under a separate cover discusses the advantages and
disadvantages of each configuration type. Also considered is the mean time between
failures (MTBF) for both types of pumps based on PWA experience.
Beyond the specific pump features, in addition to the above criteria, the depth of the well
greatly also influences the pumping configuration. Lineshaft pumps are suspended from
a surface mounting plate. As a result, the material properties of the line shaft limit the
overall depth possible. For deep applications, deep well submersible pumps may be the
only option. Based on discussions with domestic municipal vertical turbine pump manu-
facturer’s (Weir Floway, Flowserve and Fairbanks Morse Pumps), the recommended
practice is to provide submersible pumps for installations beyond 200 m depths. Al-
though this is a recommended practice, lineshaft pumps may be possible on a specific
project by project basis. See the project specific BODR for more information regarding
the pump types.
As discussed in the memorandum, MWH recommends the use of vertical turbine line
shaft pump wherever possible for deep well applications. In the event that the well depth
exceeds the physical limitations of a vertical turbine line shaft pump, submersible deep
well pumps shall be used.
Due to the necessity to minimize the diameter of the pump (based on well casing con-
straints), and the depth and pressures involved with the well pumps, providing units that
operate at 1500 RPM may not be possible. Although preference will be given to installa-
tions using 1500 RPM, most deep well submersible pumps will be operated at 3000
RPM. See the specific project level BODR for specific pump design information.
Regardless of the pump type selected, all well pumps shall be designed for an outdoor
installation on a concrete slab.
Cenomanian. The geology of each project area will be described in more detail in the
project-specific BODRs. Anticipated well yields will range from 40 to 100 meters cubic
meters per hour (m3/hr). Therefore, an average design flow for the wells is estimated to
be 100 m3/hr.
The minimum size requirement for wells producing 40 to 100 m3/hr shall be an inner cas-
ing diameter of 12-inches. This casing size will allow a maximum discharge rate of
1,592 m3/hr based on an up-hole velocity of 1.5 meters per second (m/sec). By maintain-
ing an uphole velocity of 1.5 m/sec or less, head losses in the well are minimized. The
12-inch inner diameter casing will allow for installation of a submersible pump and mo-
tor with an outer diameter of up to 8-inches.
The design of the wells shall provide multiple layers of protection from sanitary hazards.
The cased and open-hole portions of the wells shall be drilled using the cable tool me-
thod. The drift from vertical during drilling operations shall not be more than 0.5 of one
degree between any two consecutive surveys, and not more than one degree over the en-
tire well length. The wells shall be constructed with a minimum of 26-inch diameter sur-
face casing. Surface casing material shall be approximately 0.375-inch thick mild steel
(ASTM A 53 grade B) and shall be set and cemented into the first regionally extensive
confining beds. The well’s final casing shall consist of a minimum of 12-inch inner di-
ameter (ID) steel pipe. The wall thickness of the final casing shall be 0.375-inches.
The well shall have a minimum open-hole type completion with a 12-inch diameter bore-
hole extending from approximately 450 to 800 meters bls. Hydraulics
The required pump hydraulics shall be determined from the hydraulic model and the ex-
pected productions rates of the specific wells for each system. At a minimum, the pro-
vided pumps shall meet the requirements of the Hydraulic Institute, or equivalent stan-
dard, with regards to operating range and performance characteristics. The performance
curves shall be a continuously rising curve to avoid any “dip regions”. Furthermore, the
electric motors shall be sized to provide the required shaft power at any point on the per-
formance curve.
These pumps often run more or less continually. The pumps are equipped with a device
to prevent the pumps from running dry and to control the water level. The capacity of the
pumps is adapted to the inflow into the well. Also the pumps should be equipped with
check valves to prevent back flow and drainage of the pipeline. Specific design criteria
for well pumps are as follows:
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Program Wide Basis of Design Report INP, Task Order 2 - Water Supply Projects
• Air release and vacuum valves appropriately sized for each installation shall be
installed at the well head for all pumps.
The pumps shall be controlled based on the water surface elevation in the balance tank.
The pumps will also be provided with variable frequency drives. The intent of the VFD
is to adjust pump performance based on the production rates of the wells over time.
The balance tanks shall be sized for 8 hrs of storage at the well production rate in addi-
tion to a fire water supply volume. The balance tanks shall range in size from 500 m3 to
1500 m3 in 500 m3 increments. See the project level BODR of specific sizing require-
Pump stations convey flow from a balance tank into the transmission system. The intent
of using a balance tank is to create a hydraulic break between the transmission system
and any upstream influences.
The hydraulic characteristics of the pump must be selected to align with the design phi-
losophy of the system. Based on the hydraulic model, a system head curve will be
created for the pumps. The pumps hydraulic performance characteristic curve shall in-
clude a safe operating envelope compatible with these system head curves. Typically
pumps are required to convey flow from the minimum operation capacity to the maxi-
mum operating capacity.
The minimum number of duty pumps installed in each pump station must deliver the sys-
tem minimum and maximum flow requirements. The design and run-out points in the
pump curve should be within the stable and preferred operating range of the pump. In
both cases, one stand-by pump will be installed in parallel with the duty pumps to provide
an acceptable level of redundancy. The preliminary selection of the number of the pumps
will be based on the availability of manufacturers’ standard products in the required ca-
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Program Wide Basis of Design Report INP, Task Order 2 - Water Supply Projects
pacity and head range. All pumps will be equipped with VFDs in order provide complete
coverage over the required range of flows. All VFDs will be provided with a bypass fea-
ture to allow pumps to be operated in constant speed mode in the event of VFD failure.
Each pump (including the standby pump) will be provided with a discharge isolation
valve to allow operators to manually isolate the pump from the system downstream of the
pump’s check valve without impacting the overall station operation.
For new installations, the transmission booster pump station shall utilize a vertical turbine
pump arrangement. Vertical turbines offer the low flow high head pump characteristics
required by the transmissions systems in the West Bank. The vertical turbines will be in-
stalled in a can with the suction piping being located below ground.
For existing installations, depending on the required installations, pumps identical to the
existing may be installed. See the specific project level BODR for replacement pump in-
Similar to the transmission systems, each booster pump station will include a booster
pump, suction and discharge piping and valves and surge control system.
To provide a degree of reliability, each booster station will be provided with a minimum
of two duty pumps and one spare pump.
Booster Pump Stations shall include two styles of pumps based on the system pressure
requirements identified through the hydraulic model. For low pressure systems, horizon-
tal split case pumps shall be used. For high pressure systems, vertical turbine pumps
shall be used.
The control of the booster pumps shall be based on the differential pressure across the
pumps. The upstream system pressure in addition to the pump differential pressure shall
maintain a specific water level at the downstream reservoir. As a result, the pumps must
be controlled using a variable frequency drive. The pump speed will be adjusted, based
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Program Wide Basis of Design Report INP, Task Order 2 - Water Supply Projects
on the discharge pressure. See the specific project BODRs for individual pump sizing re-
quirements. Piping
The criteria defined in this section apply only to pump station piping. Transmission and
distribution mains design criteria is defined in Sections 3.3 and 3.4.
Where pressure allows, all onsite piping at the pump stations shall be flanged ductile iron
above ground. Flow velocities in the piping shall be limited to approximately 2 m/sec for
maximum flow on the suction side of the pump, and 3 m/sec for maximum flow on the
discharge side of the pump. Specific flow velocities at the suction of the pumps shall be
based on hydraulic institute intake design requirements. For vertical turbine can pumps,
typical velocities at the pump suction flange are 1 m/sec.
The well pump discharge piping will also include a washout pipe. During initial start up,
it is typical to waste a small percentage of the initial flow due to the accumulation of sus-
pended solids in the well water. Over time, a control valve will be opened to convey the
washout flow into the system.
The discharge piping of the well pump will also include a flow meter to measure the well
production rate. For more information on the flow meter, see the Instrumentation and
Controls section.
Each reservoir will be provided with an inlet, outlet, overflow, drain, and vent piping.
The inlet, outlet, and drain piping shall be provided with isolation valves. Screen mesh at
the vent piping shall be provided to protect the storage water from insects or other harm-
ful elements.
Due to the possibility of transients created in the system, the pump discharge piping shall
be fitted with a pressure relief valve that relieves pressure to the suction side of the pump
or to atmosphere. The pressure relieve valves shall be sized to compliment any surge mi-
tigation system that will be located on the site. See the specific project level BODR for
more information. Valves
Each pump station shall be provided with appropriate valves to aid in operation of the
system. The valves are classified into various categories according to their function with-
in the system. The main types of valves are:
• Isolation Valves - AWWA resilient seated gate valve or butterfly valves. Gate
valves will be used up to 250 mm (10-inch). Butterfly valves will be used for 300
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Program Wide Basis of Design Report INP, Task Order 2 - Water Supply Projects
mm (12-inch) and above. Note, valve selection is also dependent on system pres-
sures. For high system pressures (greater than 250 psi), gate valves will be used.
Where pressures are greater than 250 psi and the pipe is 300 mm (12-inch) or
larger, an ANSI Class 300 butterfly valve may be more economical than a gate
• Check Valves – Swing check valves with appropriate damper mechanisms will be
used at wells, booster pumps and reservoirs and will provide backflow prevention.
• Reservoir Valves – A combination of valves will be used at reservoirs depending
on how the reservoir is operated. These valves include:
o Rate of Flow Control Valves – Automatically controls/limits the flow rate
into the reservoirs regardless of line pressure
o Pressure Sustaining Valves – Maintains line pressure upstream of the re-
o Modulating Float Valves – Controls reservoir level by modulating in pro-
portion with the demand and shuts off at high water level..
o Combination Rate of Flow Control and Solenoid Shut-off Valves – This
valve limits the flow rate into reservoirs regardless of line pressure. To
limit the flow through the valve, a solenoid valve located in the pilot line
to the diaphragm can be energized to close the valve when the set point
flow is reached.
The use of these valves is defined on the various process flow diagrams for each
project found in the project BODRs.
• Air Release Valves – Combination air release / air vacuum valve on the discharge
header downstream of the pump. The valve shall be sized to prevent slam though
use of a throttling device.
• Control Valve (Waste Out Valve) – A control valve typically used at startup to
divert the initial flow from the well to a waste area or back into the well. For in-
stallations with balance tanks, gate valves will be utilized. For systems that pump
directly to reservoirs, globe valves are anticipated to be required.
Two pumps will be provided for each feed point, one duty and one standby. Two bulk
storage tanks will be provided for redundancy in the case of tank failure. To standardize
the design for each site, two 230 gallon (minimum) HDPE bulk storage tanks will be pro-
vided at each site. The bulk storage tanks will be vertical, linear- or cross-linked, high
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Program Wide Basis of Design Report INP, Task Order 2 - Water Supply Projects
density polyethylene tanks (as manufactured by Snyder Industries, Inc., Poly Processing
Company, or equal). Bulk storage tank connections should be provided as follows: (1)
vent (piped to the exterior of the building through the building wall with a screened,
turned-down vent), (2) overflow pipe to the containment area sized based on the tank fill
rate, (3) metering pump suction, (4) drain to the containment area, (5) recirculation pump
suction, and (6) recirculation pump discharge.
Plastic body positive displacement pumps shall be used for metering the sodium hypoch-
lorite solution. Sodium hypochlorite feed (metering) pumps capacity sizing is based on
providing sufficient pumping capacity for the maximum groundwater flow and maximum
sodium hypochlorite dose. Schedule 80 PVC (ASTM D1785) and CPVC piping (ASTM
F441) shall be used for sodium hypochlorite piping. Double containment piping with
leak detection system shall be provided where buried pipe is required. CPVC and PVC
piping will be socket welded or flanged and HDPE piping will be butt welded or flanged.
Threaded fittings can leak, particularly when used with basic (high pH) chemicals, and
should not be utilized.
A containment area will be provided for the bulk storage tanks and feed pumps to collect
spills and contain any leakage. Surfaces within the containment area will be provided
with a protective coating.
A check valve and isolation valve will be provided at each sodium hypochlorite injection
point to prevent groundwater from entering the sodium hypochlorite feed piping. Sodium
hypochlorite injection locations will be provided with a Hastalloy C diffuser.
Valves for sodium hypochlorite service will be vented CPVC ball valves, CPVC diaph-
ragm valves (at the bulk storage tank drain and metering pump suction), and CPVC check
valves. Because sodium hypochlorite off-gasses, vented ball valves are provided to allow
the gas to escape and prevent air binding of the pumps.
A memo with further detail of the sodium hypochlorite system is included Appendix A.
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For submersible deep well pumps, and vertical turbine can installations at the transmis-
sion pump stations, the pump bearings will be lubricated by the raw water.
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Air-Conditioned Areas:
• Summer: 24 degrees C (Dry-Bulb), 55% Relative Humidity
• Winter: 21 degrees C
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Program Wide Basis of Design Report INP, Task Order 2 - Water Supply Projects Insulation
Ductwork conveying mechanically cooled supply air will generally be insulated in accor-
dance with applicable Energy Efficiency Code requirements.
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Program Wide Basis of Design Report INP, Task Order 2 - Water Supply Projects Louvers
Heavy gauge aluminum louvers with drainable blades and bird screens will be used
throughout the plant. The louvers shall be sized so that the free area velocity is between 2
m/s and 5 m/s.
Published louver performance data bearing the ACMA Certified Ratings Seal for Air Per-
formance & Water Penetration must be submitted for approval prior to fabrication. Redundancy
In this project, most building spaces do not contain equipment or processes that would be
measurably harmed upon temporary loss of heating, ventilation or air conditioning.
Therefore, except as detailed below, no HVAC system redundancy is planned.
HVAC equipment, ductwork and air distribution devices serving corrosive areas will be
provided with protective coatings and/or constructed from corrosion resistant materials.
Ventilation of critical spaces such as sodium hypochlorite storage rooms will be provided
with HVAC Control Panels (HCP) complete with operator manual control capability and
system indicator lights, to clearly indicate ventilation system failure.
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Program Wide Basis of Design Report INP, Task Order 2 - Water Supply Projects
Office area HVAC control systems will be stand-alone electric or microprocessor based
electronic type as required.
Control systems shall include local control panels for equipment, either provided with
packaged equipment or free standing to serve one or more equipment items.
Air handling unit fans will be selected to account for the full range of filter drops between
clean and dirty.
Fans serving positive-pressure spaces will be selected with the filter at its final resistance.
Fans serving negative-pressure spaces will be selected with the filter at its initial resis-
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Program Wide Basis of Design Report INP, Task Order 2 - Water Supply Projects
Ventilation Rate: Fresh air ventilation rates will be appropriate for the
ventilated area
Environment: Non-corrosive
Ductwork: Galvanized with fiberglass blanket insulation for out-
side air ductwork
Smoke Detection: NR
Electrical Rooms
Indoor Design Criteria: Indoor design criteria are presented in Table 10
Heating Method Variable Speed Ductless Heat Pump
Air Conditioning Variable Speed Ductless Heat Pump
Environment: Non Corrosive
Ductwork: NR
Smoke Detection: NR
Control Rooms
Indoor Design Criteria: Indoor design criteria are presented in Table 10
Heating Method Variable Speed Ductless Heat Pump
Air Conditioning Variable Speed Ductless Heat Pump
Environment: Non Corrosive
Ductwork: NR
Smoke Detection: NR
Pump Station
Indoor Design Criteria: Indoor design criteria are presented in Table 10
Heating Method Electric unit heaters
Air Conditioned areas NR
Ventilation Method: Exhaust fans and Louvers
Ventilation Rate: Fresh air ventilation rates will be appropriate to the
ventilated area
Environment: No Corrosive
Ductwork: Galvanized
Smoke Detection: NR
Chlorination Rooms
Indoor Design Criteria: Indoor design criteria are presented in Table 10
Heating Method Corrosion Resistance, Wash down Electric Unit Heaters
Air Conditioned areas NA
Ventilation Method: FRP or Plastic roof Up-Blast Exhaust Fans
FRP or Plastic roof Supply Fans
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Program Wide Basis of Design Report INP, Task Order 2 - Water Supply Projects
Light duty hose valves for building interior and exterior washdown will be 20 mm globe
valves with hose thread adapters.
Medium duty hose valves for interior and exterior washdown will be 25 mm globe valves
with hose thread adapters.
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Program Wide Basis of Design Report INP, Task Order 2 - Water Supply Projects
Floor drains and hub drains that have infrequent use will have primed P-traps. The water
source for trap priming will be protected by a reduced pressure zone backflow preventer.
Water coolers will be double wall-hung units in the Administration Building, and single
wall-hung units or an approved source of potable water in all other areas; both types of
water coolers will be provided with glass fillers.
Water Heaters: Hot Water Solar Systems will be SPP solar water heater systems, Alter-
native Energy Tech LLC, Industrial Solar Technology, Universal Solar Products
Piping interior service valves, 50 mm and smaller, will be ball valves; 80 mm and larger
will be gate valves.
Floor drains, roof drains and cleanouts will be JR Smith, Josam, or equal.
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Program Wide Basis of Design Report INP, Task Order 2 - Water Supply Projects
Retention time will allow solids to settle out and oil and grease to float to the surface.
The septic tank will have risers with lids at the ground surface to allow for easy location,
inspection, and septage removal as necessary.
After exiting the septic tank, the semi-clarified effluent will discharge into a seepage tank
and, ultimately, to the ground. The seepage tank will be cylindrical with a diameter of
2,000 mm and a depth of 4,600 mm. The bottom 400 mm will be lined with packed
gravel or broken stone to allow percolation into the ground.
Based on discussions with the WBWD, there will be a setback of 30 m between the septic
system and wellheads. Cistern
The Living Quarters and Operations/Maintenance building will be provide with cisterns
for landscape irrigation. The cisterns will feed by rain water through the rain gutters
from the roof, will be a buried, and they will be made of cast in place concrete. The ca-
pacity of the cisterns will be 283 liters.
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Program Wide Basis of Design Report INP, Task Order 2 - Water Supply Projects
Backflow preventers that are located outside will be placed within an insulated enclosure.
through 33kV medium voltage overhead or underground transmission lines. All distribu-
tion on site will be via underground ductbanks, for each location.
A short circuit and protective device coordination study and Arc-Flash analysis will be
required to be performed, for each site, by the manufacturer of the major electrical
equipment, to ensure proper short circuit equipment rating of the equipment based on the
short circuit fault current availability from the power utility serving the site. The study
must be prepared by a registered professional engineer. The report will show the single
line diagrams for the new electrical system, including the main 33kV transformers, down
to the 400V power panels, switchboards and motor control centers (MCC), with corres-
ponding short circuit data, for both the booster pump stations and well sites. The fault
current available from the utility company will be obtained by the study provider and will
show a tabulation of protective devices, time-current characteristic curves of each device
and their settings. The manufacturer performing the study will be responsible for provid-
ing and installing Arc-Flash boundary labels on each piece of equipment, indicating the
requirement for proper protective equipment (PPE).
Page 79 of 91
Program Wide Basis of Design Report INP, Task Order 2 - Water Supply Projects
• Utility will provide protection for their lines and at the new primary transformer.
• Lightning protection in accordance with NFPA 780 will be provided to all new
buildings. No new lightning protection will be provided for existing structures.
• Additional surge protection for sensitive electronic equipment in the form of
Surge Protection Devices (SPD) will be provided at each 3.3kV Switchgear,
where required, for well sites, 400/230 VAC Motor Control Center (MCC) at
booster pump stations site and well sites, Panelboards and will also be included in
the controls and instrumentation system. Earthing
Non-current-carrying metal parts of equipment, raceways and other enclosures will be
grounded as required by an equipment-grounding conductor in the same raceway, cable
or cord. Individually insulated equipment grounding will have a continuous green finish.
All circuits, including lighting will have grounding conductors.
Indoor areas will be provided with switchable circuits with a minimum number of non-
switched lighting fixtures for personnel safety.
Emergency and exit lights will be provided per NEC, NFPA 101. Individual battery
packs will be used. Emergency lights will be hard wired. Cord and plug will not be ac-
Receptacle in wet, damp or outdoor areas will be GFCI. Others will be spec grade NE-
MA 5-20R.
Receptacles will be spaced such that any location can be accessed with a 10 meter exten-
sion cord in all areas of the facility. For HACR equipment, receptacles shall be spaced
7.5 meters and on the same grade level, per the requirements of NEC 210.63.
The secondary of the transformer will feed a 400/230 VAC motor control center or 3.3kV
switchgear, via main circuit breakers. The 3.3kV switchgear will be metal-clad, Arc-
Resistant type, with draw-out circuit breakers. The motor control center will house cir-
cuit breakers for the VFD and other electrical loads. The VFDs and reduced voltage solid
state starters (RVSS) will be housed in stand-alone NEMA enclosures, based on the loca-
tion criteria.
Page 81 of 91
Program Wide Basis of Design Report INP, Task Order 2 - Water Supply Projects
Low Voltage Motor 400/230V, 50Hz, 65 KAIC, Copper Bus, Major US manufacturers
Control Centers NEMA enclosures compliant with re- including Eaton Electrical,
quired area classification, circuit breaker GE, Square D.
type starters with networked power
monitor on each main breaker. All start-
ers to be equipped with control and
monitoring capability to gather operating
and tripping data. Soft start required for
all motors >7.5kW.
Variable Frequency All VFDs for motors smaller than 30kW Major US manufacturers
Drives will be 6-pulse PWM type and mounted including Allen-Bradley,
in motor control centers. All VFDs for Eaton Electrical, GE
motors 30kW and larger will have min-
imum 18 pulse inverters. Included will
be motor protection relay for RTD and
vibration and temperature as required.
Power Distribution Pa- 400/230V, 50 Hz, circuit breaker type, Major US manufacturers
nels copper bus, main lugs or breakers, en- including Eaton Electrical,
closures to suit environment GE. Security
CCTV cameras on the perimeter of the buildings will be provided.
Page 82 of 91
Program Wide Basis of Design Report INP, Task Order 2 - Water Supply Projects Painting
Painting of equipment and other project components provides protection and extends the
life of the equipment. The design criteria defined below will be used on all Water Supply
Projects unless additional information is provided in the project BODRs.
The primary benefits of the inorganic zinc primer are the excellent adhesion to bare steel
and the corrosion protection provided if the epoxy intermediate coat is chipped or dam-
aged. Inorganic zinc primers also have no recoat window limitation, which allows shop
priming and field finish coating.
Epoxy is heavily chalked by UV exposures and will need an aliphatic polyurethane top-
coat that provides excellent gloss and color retention for long-term aesthetics. Two coats
of the polyurethane topcoat will be used for color uniformity and additional long-term
UV resistance.
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Program Wide Basis of Design Report INP, Task Order 2 - Water Supply Projects
Structural steel and miscellaneous metals that are exposed to buried or submerged condi-
tions or mild chemicals will receive a three-coat system as follows:
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Program Wide Basis of Design Report INP, Task Order 2 - Water Supply Projects
Aluminum surfaces in contact with concrete will receive a one-coat system as follows:
Concrete exposed to corrosive chemicals will receive a filler-sealer plus two-coat system
as follows:
HVAC equipment, ductwork and air distribution devices located in corrosive areas or
serving corrosive areas will be provided with protective coatings and/or constructed from
corrosion resistant materials.
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Program Wide Basis of Design Report INP, Task Order 2 - Water Supply Projects Galvanizing
Ferrous metal that is not provided a protective coating shall be galvanized.
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Basis of Design Report INP, Task Order 2 - Water Supply Projects
Appendix A – Technical Memorandum – Sodium Hypochlorite Feed System Design Cri-
teria for the West Bank Projects
Subject: Sodium Hypochlorite Feed System Design Criteria for the West Bank Projects
The purpose of this memorandum is to provide standard sodium hypochlorite feed system design
criteria for the Basis of Design Reports (BODRs) for the following water supply projects:
Conveyance, Bani Naim, Al Auja, NE Jenin, and SW Jenin. The following text provides
description of the chlorine feed system, including transfer pumps, bulk storage tanks,
recirculation pumps, feed (metering) pumps, and general building layout.
Chlorine residual establishment and maintenance with liquid sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) will
follow the guidelines the World Health Organization (WHO) and the requirements of the
Palestinian Water Authority (PWA). Table 1 presents the locations where sodium hypochlorite
feed systems will be provided and the respective average groundwater flow in cubic meters per
hour (cmh) and million gallons per day (mgd).
Table 1 Locations where chlorine residual dosing will be provided
and average groundwater flow
Flow Flow
Project Chlorination Location (cmh) (mgd)
Conveyance Upstream of Well 17 Balancing Tank 100 0.63
Conveyance Upstream of Well 48R Balancing Tank 100 0.63
Conveyance Upstream of Well 32 Balancing Tank 200 1.27
SW Jenin Upstream of Sanur Balancing Tank 150 0.95
SW Jenin Upstream of Arraba Balancing Tank 120 0.76
SW Jenin Upstream of Qabatya Balancing Tank 140 0.89
SW Jenin Suction of Al Mutilla Booster Pump Station 5.6 0.04
SW Jenin Upstream of Kuferit Balancing Tank 14.9 0.09
Bani Naim Upstream of the BN-5 Balancing Tank 100 0.63
Al Auja Downstream of the Al Auja Well Pump 100 0.63
NE Jenin Upstream of Al Jalama Balancing Tank 156 0.99
NE Jenin Upstream of Deir Gazala Balancing Tank 131 0.83
NE Jenin Suction of Faqqua-Jalbun Inline Booster Station 73 0.46
NE Jenin Upstream of Beit Qad Balancing Tank 56 0.36
From conversations with the client, when the well head is located in close vicinity to the end
users, chlorine doses between 0.4 mg/L and 0.7 mg/L are typically required at existing well
heads to maintain a chlorine residual of 0.2 mg/L at the end users. For systems pumping more
than 10 kilometers, the maximum dose at the well head is typically increased to 1.0 mg/L. In an
effort to provide a standard design, minimum and maximum doses of 0.4 mg/L and 1.0 mg/L,
respectively, were assumed for all sodium hypochlorite feed locations. The design assumes that
the water pumped from the aquifer has low levels of chlorine demand. The WHO guidelines
recommend a free chlorine residual of 0.2 mg/L for normal circumstances and 0.5 mg/L in high
risk circumstances. Table 2 summarizes typical design criteria for the sodium hypochlorite feed
Typically sodium hypochlorite is not stored for more than 21 to 30 days because it decays over
time with rate of decay being a function of the solution strength, temperature, and exposure to
ultraviolet (UV) light. Table 3 shows the volume of a 10% trade solution of sodium hypochlorite
needed at each feed location to maintain 30 days of storage at average dose (assumed to be 0.6
mg/l) and maximum groundwater flow (see Table 1). As indicated in the table, the maximum
volume of sodium hypochlorite required is 457 gallons at the Conveyance Well 32 site.
Assuming the total storage volume will be stored in two bulk storage tanks, the minimum bulk
storage tank volume required at this site is 230 gallons.
Required usable volume Required
Storage of each bulk number of
Volume, storage tank, 66-gal
Project Chlorination Location gal1 gal2 drums
Conveyance Upstream of Well 17 Balancing Tank 228 114 4
Conveyance Upstream of Well 48R Balancing Tank 228 114 4
Conveyance Upstream of Well 32 Balancing Tank 457 229 7
SW Jenin Upstream of Sanur Balancing Tank 343 172 6
SW Jenin Upstream of Arraba Balancing Tank 274 137 5
SW Jenin Upstream of Qabatya Balancing Tank 320 160 5
SW Jenin Suction of Al Mutilla Booster Pump Station 13 7 1
SW Jenin Upstream of Kuferit Balancing Tank 34 17 1
Bani Naim Upstream of the BN-5 Balancing Tank 228 114 4
Al Auja Downstream of the Al Auja Well Pump 228 114 4
NE Jenin Upstream of Al Jalama Balancing Tank 356 178 6
NE Jenin Upstream of Deir Gazala Balancing Tank 299 150 5
NE Jenin Suction of Faqqua-Jalbun Inline Booster Station 167 84 3
NE Jenin Upstream of Beit Qad Balancing Tank 126 64 2
1. Storage volume based on 0.6 mg/L dose, maximum groundwater flow from Table 1, and 30 days storage.
2. Required usable volume based on two storage tank configuration.
Description on the individual components of the general system layout for the chlorine residual
system is presented below (refer to Instrumentation and Controls drawings).
2.1 Sodium Hypochlorite Deliveries
From conversations with the client, sodium hypochlorite may be delivered to the sites in 250 L
(66 gal) drums or in 1000 L trucks. For the design, it was assumed that the sodium hypochlorite
would be delivered in 250 L drums and storage space inside the chlorination storage and feed
building would be required to allow the drums to be offloaded and stored then transferred into
the bulk storage tanks. As shown in Table 3, the number of drums required at each site to
maintain 30 days of storage is between 2 and 7 drums. To standardize the design, it was decided
that enough space would be provided within the chlorination storage and feed building for eight
drums. Eight drums were selected because they equate to two pallets of four drums each. Once in
the chlorination storage and feed building, the drums will be stored on spill containment pallets,
each holding four drums (see Figure 1).
Figure 1 Four drum spill containment pallet
A fill station will be provided at the exterior of the chlorination storage and feed building for
deliveries of sodium hypochlorite from 1000 L trucks.
Each bulk tank will have its own fill piping with a lockable quick coupling device, isolation
valve, basket strainer, and drain piping at the fill station. Fill piping will be designed to allow
emptying the truck within 45 to 60 minutes. It is assumed that no power, compressed air, etc.
will be required for unloading of the sodium hypochlorite from the truck.
A containment area at the fill station will be provided to collect any spilled sodium hypochlorite.
Surfaces within the containment area will be provided with a protective coating. PVC hose bibs
and FRP hose racks will be provided for wash down and rinsing at the feed station.
A local control panel will be provided for monitoring of the bulk tank filling. The local control
panel shall be NEMA 4X and of Type 316 stainless steel or fiberglass construction. Type 304
stainless steel is not suitable for use in a chlorine environment. The fill station local control panel
shall be provided with level indication and a high level alarm light for each bulk storage tank. A
common alarm horn (activated by bulk storage tank high level) and alarm horn silence
pushbutton shall be provided for both tanks.
The sodium hypochlorite will be transferred from the 250 L drums to the bulk storage tanks with
a 20 lpm (5 gpm) transfer pump. One electric duty pump and one manual stand-by pump will be
provided. The electric pump is sized to transfer the contents of one 250 L drum to the bulk
storage tanks in approximately 15 minutes. A drum type pump will be used as the electric
transfer pump. The pump will be constant speed, self-priming, and suitable for container-to-
container transfer of sodium hypochlorite.
The transfer pump will be placed inside the containment area adjacent to the drum storage area
on a concrete equipment pad approximately 1 meter in height to allow access to the pump and to
avoid damage to the pump or motor in the event of tank failure or flooding of the containment
area. A check valve and manual isolation valve will be provided in the transfer pump fixed
discharge piping. A transition from fixed pipe to flexible tubing will be provided. The flexible
tubing will be 25 mm (1 inch) diameter. It will transfer the liquid sodium hypochlorite from the
drum pump to the bulk storage tanks
Two bulk storage tanks will be provided for redundancy in the case of tank failure. To
standardize the design for each site, two 230 gallon (minimum) HDPE bulk storage tanks will be
provided at each site. The capacity of each bulk storage tank is based on 50 percent of the
maximum calculated total storage volume at the largest site (see Table 3).
The bulk storage tanks will be vertical, linear- or cross-linked (with an OR liner), high density
polyethylene tanks (as manufactured by Snyder Industries, Inc., Poly Processing Company, or
equal). The level of sodium hypochlorite inside each tank will be monitored using a non-
contacting (ultrasonic type) level element. Backup low-low (LSLL) and high-high (LSHH) level
conductance-type probes (switches) will be provided for pump dry run protection and overflow
conditions, respectively. No sight glasses will be provided at the bulk storage tanks. Each tank
will be installed on a 450-mm (1.5-foot) high concrete slab that extends 300 mm (1 foot) beyond
the outside diameter of the bulk storage tank.
Bulk storage tank connections should be provided as follows: (1) vent (piped to the exterior of
the building through the building wall with a screened, turned-down vent), (2) overflow pipe to
the containment area sized based on the tank fill rate, (3) metering pump suction, (4) drain to the
containment area, (5) recirculation pump suction, and (6) recirculation pump discharge.
Each bulk storage tank will be provided with a 7.5-lpm (2.0-gpm) recirculation pump. When
started, the pump will circulate the contents of a bulk storage tank in a maximum of 2 hours. The
recirculation pump will be of the plastic, magnetic drive, centrifugal, base-mounted type and
shall be mounted on a concrete equipment pad the same height as the bulk storage tank concrete
equipment pad to provide a positive suction head on the recirculation pump.
Schedule 80 CPVC piping with a 25-mm (1.0-inch) diameter will be provided for the
recirculation pump suction and discharge piping. The discharge piping from each recirculation
pump shall be provided with a pressure gauge, a drain, and an antisiphon valve located at the top
of the pump discharge piping, at least two feet above the top of the bulk storage tank.
Sodium hypochlorite feed (metering) pumps capacity sizing is based on providing sufficient
pumping capacity for the maximum groundwater flow and maximum chlorination dose. Table 5
indicates the maximum pumping rate required for the sodium hypochlorite feed pumps at each
feed point in gallons per hour (gph) and liters per hour (lph) as well as the pressure at the
injection point.
Table 4 Sodium Hypochlorite Feed Pump Capacities
Two pumps are provided for each feed point, one duty and one standby. Sodium hypochlorite
pumps will be simplex, variable speed, positive displacement (diaphragm) metering pumps with
internal check valves and internal pressure relief. Pumps will be provided with an AC motor with
a variable frequency drive.
Flow pacing will be utilized to maintain the required sodium hypochlorite dose and will adjust
the metering pump speed (not stroke) in response to the water flow signal. Stroke control will be
The metering pumps shall be mounted on a concrete equipment pad at approximately the same
height as the bulk storage tank concrete equipment pad to provide a positive suction head on the
metering pump.
• Each pump discharge will be provided with a pressure relief valve in the discharge piping
which is connected to the pump suction line. This prevents damage of the pump in the event
of pumping against a closed valve.
• Pump suction and discharge manual isolation valves are provided to isolate each pump when
not in service.
• No check valves are provided in the discharge piping since the check valves are provided
within the diaphragm pump.
• A high pressure switch with isolation valve is provided in the discharge piping to shut down
the pump when called to be in service and the discharge isolation valve is closed. This
prevents damage of the pump due to pumping against a closed valve.
• A 2.5 inch pressure gauge with isolation valve is provided in the discharge piping. Pressure
gauges will be appropriately designed so the pressure reading is in the middle of the pressure
• A pulsation dampener with isolation valve is provided in the discharge piping to reduce the
pulsation wave generated by the positive displacement pumps.
• A backpressure valve is provided in each pump discharge piping to provide the backpressure
required by positive displacement pumps to provide flow rate control, to prevent chlorination
flow when the pump is off (even if normal discharge line pressure is above that of the static
head on the chlorination tank), to prevent siphoning from the storage tanks or pumps, and to
help improve the accuracy and repeatability of metering the sodium hypochlorite flow. The
backpressure valve is sized to provide a backpressure of approximately 25 psi higher than the
downstream pressure. The location of the back pressure valve near the pump (instead of the
injection point) provides easier maintenance and local adjustment.
• One common calibration column with isolation valves is provided in the suction piping for
periodic testing of the pump flow rate by the operations staff and during start up. The
calibration column will be sized for a maximum height of three feet and to provide a
minimum of one minute of draw-down at maximum flow.
• Pump suction and discharge piping drain valves are provided for maintenance and sampling.
• Off-gas is kept from accumulating in the pump suction and at the calibration column by
venting both of these locations back to the top of the bulk storage tank. Off-gas accumulation
will prohibit the pump from operating efficiently.
• A flow meter (magnetic meter) will be provided on the metering pump discharge header to
monitor instantaneous sodium hypochlorite feed flow and to allow totalization of sodium
hypochlorite flow by the control system. The flow meter will only measure flow and will not
provide feedback to the sodium hypochlorite feed system.
• The metering pump discharge piping accessories will be mounted on the wall.
• A flushing connection is provided in the suction header.
A local control panel shall be provided for monitoring and control of the following storage and
feed system components:
The local control panel shall be NEMA 4X and of Type 316 stainless steel or fiberglass
construction. Type 304 stainless steel is not suitable for use in a chlorine environment.
The following shall be provided on the front of the local control panel for each recirculation
pump: (1) a HAND-OFF-AUTO selector switch, (2) an adjustable frequency timer (1 to 7 days),
(3) and adjustable run timer (0 to 200 minutes), (4) a run indication light, and (5) a fail alarm
light. When the HAND-OFF-AUTO selector switch is in the AUTO position, the recirculation
pump shall start the recirculation pump based on the frequency timer run until the run timer
times out. When the HAND-OFF-AUTO selector switch is in the HAND position, the
recirculation pump shall run continuously.
The following shall be provided on the front of the local control panel for each metering pump:
(1) a HAND-OFF-AUTO selector switch, (2) start and stop pushbuttons, (3) a speed
potentiometer, (4) high discharge pressure alarm light, (5) a VFD fail alarm light, (6) a run
indication light, (7) an OUT OF TOLERANCE alarm, (8) a FAIL TO ACHIEVE SPEED alarm,
and (9) an alarm reset pushbutton. When the HAND-OFF-AUTO selector switch is in the
AUTO position, speed adjustment shall be automatic in proportion to the groundwater plant flow
with an operator-adjustable dose. When the HAND-OFF-AUTO selector switch is in the HAND
position, the pump can be started and stopped with the START and STOP pushbuttons and speed
can be adjusted with the potentiometer. A tachometer on each metering pump shall indicate to a
display at the local control panel. The local control panel shall be provided with an alarm horn
(failure of any metering pump), alarm horn silence pushbutton, and alarm reset pushbutton. A
dry contact shall be provided for input of groundwater flow to the local control panel. For
automatic operation, the operator shall be able to select which pump serves as the duty pump and
which pump serves as the standby pump.
High discharge pressure shall be interlocked directly to the starter control logic of the feed pump
to shut the pump down. If the metering pump cannot maintain the setpoint flow within 10
percent (adjustable), after a metering pump call to run an OUT OF TOLERANCE alarm shall be
generated. An adjustable timer (initially set at 15 seconds) shall allow the actual flow to deviate
from the desired flow during startup and groundwater flow changes without a warning alarm. A
FAIL TO ACHIEVE SPEED alarm shall be generated if the metering pump speed feedback does
not meet the speed setpoint within 120 seconds (adjustable). Emergency stop (e-stop) lockout of
the entire sodium hypochlorite feed system shall be available at the local control panel.
Sodium hypochlorite piping inside the chlorination storage and feed building will be CPVC
piping (ASTM F 441) or flexible HDPE tubing. Where buried, sodium hypochlorite piping will
double containment piping (HDPE chemical pipe inside a schedule 40 PVC carrier pipe) with a
leak detection system. CPVC and PVC piping will be socket welded or flanged and HDPE
piping will be butt welded or flanged. Threaded fittings can leak, particularly when used with
basic (high pH) chemicals, and should not be utilized.
Distribution boxes or manholes with leak detection will be provided at low points in the chlorine
delivery system. Manholes will be provided with a protective coating.
Valves for sodium hypochlorite service will be vented CPVC ball valves, CPVC diaphragm
valves (at the bulk storage tank drain and metering pump suction), and CPVC check valves.
Because sodium hypochlorite off-gasses, vented ball valves are provided to allow the gas to
escape and prevent valve failure from pressure build up.
2.7.2 Spill Containment and Washdown
A containment area will be provided for the bulk storage tanks and feed pumps to collect spills
and contain any leakage. The 150-mm (6-inch) high containment curb has been sized to contain
the contents of one bulk storage tank and still maintain a minimum of 50 mm (2 inches) of
freeboard. The floor in the containment area will be sloped to a 1m by 1m by 1m (3 ft by 3ft by
3ft) deep sump to collect spilled sodium hypochlorite or wash down water. Since ultimate
disposal of any liquid from the sump is dependent on the type of liquid (washdown, sodium
hypochlorite, etc.), a portable sump pump (< 0.5 hp, 230 V, 1 ph, 50 Hz) will be provided to
allow the flow to be directed to the appropriate disposal location. Surfaces within the
containment area will be provided with a protective coating.
Level switches will alarm leak and flood conditions within the containment area.
PVC hose bibs and FRP hose racks will be provided for wash down and rinsing in the storage
and feed building.
A check valve and isolation valve will be provided at each sodium hypochlorite injection point to
prevent groundwater from entering the sodium hypochlorite feed piping. Sodium hypochlorite
injection locations will be provided with a removable Hastalloy C diffuser per MWH standard
detail M-707.
Sodium hypochlorite has a fast reaction time and, therefore, mixing is not a governing design
criteria and static mixers are not required. The Owner has requested a manual sample port be
provided in the water piping upstream of the injection point.
A chlorine residual analyzer will be provided in the chlorination building to measure free
chlorine residual of a sample taken downstream of the sodium hypochlorite injection point. Free
chlorine residual will be monitored only and sodium hypochlorite trim based on the measured
free chlorine dose will not be provided. A drain will be provided at the analyzer.
Emergency shower and eyewash stations should be placed to meet the following criteria:
An emergency shower and eyewash will be provided in the chlorination storage and feed
building, at the fill station, and at the injection point. Where possible, emergency shower and
eyewash units should be served by the potable water system and provided with a drain.
The layout for the Chlorination and Storage Building includes an area for storage of two pallets
holding eight 250-L (66-gallon) drums. Access to this area will be provided through an 2500-mm
high by 300-mm wide (8-foot high by 10-foot wide) manual overhead door. The overhead door
will also allow future removal of the bulk storage tanks. The fill station will be located on the
same side of the building as the overhead door.
The sodium hypochlorite storage and feed system local control panel will be located adjacent to
the sodium hypochlorite drum storage, outside the containment area. A manway door will also
access to the building and the local control panel.
Corrosion resistant supply and exhaust air fans will generate negative pressure inside the sodium
hypochlorite storage building, and at the same time provide 12 air changes per hour. A supply
fan will be mounted on the roof of the building with distribution ductwork and supply
louvers/grilles near the ceiling inside the building. An exhaust fan will also be mounted on the
roof (at the corner opposite the supply fan) and with the exhaust louvers/grilles located near the
A minimum of one meter (three feet) of clearance will be provided around the equipment (tanks
and pumps) for operation and maintenance access. Clearance will be provided at the top of the
bulk storage tanks for removal of level probes, access to manways, etc.
Access on the exterior of the chlorination storage and feed building will be provided to allow
trucks to drive up and unload sodium hypochlorite. If space permits, it is desirable to have a
looped drive so that trucks can drive through to and exit without turning around.