Impact of Social Media Academic PERFORMANCE of College Students (A Case Study in Africa Beza College)
Impact of Social Media Academic PERFORMANCE of College Students (A Case Study in Africa Beza College)
Impact of Social Media Academic PERFORMANCE of College Students (A Case Study in Africa Beza College)
A Thesis Sub s Submitted to the F to the F to the Faculty of H of Humanities and s and Social S
cie al Sciences
Central Department of Socio of Sociology, Tribhuvan Uni an Unive
In Partia In Partial Fulfil l Fulfillment of the R t of the R t of the R t of the Requirement for the t for the t for the De
gree of e of
Master of aster of Arts
Submitted by
Name:- id no
My ultimate thanks are to the almighty God for the gift of life, good health and His
grace of provision to carry out this research. I am indeed grateful to my advisor Mr. Abera
who professionally and skillfully supported and guided me in this project. Special gratitude
goes to my lecturers, staff of Africa beza university college. All my colleagues who
assisted me whole heartedly in all ways possible. I also wish to thank my friends for their
enormous support without which I could not have made it. May God bless you all.
1.1. Backgroun
d of the study
of interpersonal communication through private social gatherings, Facebook Pages,
classroom Twitter profiles, a s, and w nd web bl b blogs.
There's no denying that online networking services, particularly social media, have
brought people closer together than ever before, b , but experts a s and researchers a s all around
the world have been looking for flaws that consumers may have encountered. The
popularity of internet networking has increased dramatically since the introduction of
cell phones. The edge of traditional individual cooperation has been changed and will
be more distinct for the approaching age as the use of long-distance interpersonal
communication si on sites ha s has i s increased.
Long-distance interpersonal communication has effects not just within society, such
as specialized skills, self-expression, disengagement, relationships, and a feeling of
humanity. It is publ s public knowledge that in order to use social networking websites, use s, users
must first register an account and then sign in each time they visit. Every social
networking service does not provide customers with the option of making their online
identities private. Furthermore, there is a lack of awareness on methods for
safeguarding clients' personal information. As a result, when using online networking,
people face a variety of privacy and accountability problems. In particular, there have
been concerns about the quality and validity of the information available on the
internet due to the lack of a way to track back the facts. Rather than checking the
news, people prefer to get it. This deceives them and occasionally leads to false
assumptions. Furthermore, it gives them the false impression that they are
progressive. Another problem is the impact of social media on the general health of
society. People like to play games online that do not require any physical exercise.
The reason for this is that people prefer to play games online that do not require them
to perform anything physical. According to the Global Statshot estimates, by the year
2000, almost 100 million people had started using the internet and hence social
networking websites. Individuals were found to be often engaged on social media
websites. Even so, more people began to utilize these websites for networking, dating,
and e nd educational purposes.
While we use the word "social network site" to describe this phenomenon, "social
networking sites" is also used in public discourse, and the two phrases are frequently
interchanged. For two reasons: emphasis and scope, we decided not to use the term
"networking." The concept of "networking" stresses the formation of new
relationships, frequently between strangers. While networking is feasible on these
sites, it is not the norm, and it is not what sets them apart from other kinds of
computer-mediated c d communication (CMC).
Students' usage of social media has increased dramatically in recent decades, affecting
their study time, causing bad grammar and spelling when chatting on social media,
and diverting their attention away from their studies (Ndaku, 2013). Students spend
more time on social media than on academics, and this has had an impact on their
GPA (GPA). An investigation into the impact of social media on student academic
performance at tertiary institutions was carried out in Malaysia (Khan, 2009) Only a
few studies in tertiary institutions have been conducted on this topic, and the response
of the researchers were information technology students (Helou & Rahim, 2014). As a
result, this study will focus on Management and Information Technology (IT)
students a s at Erican C n College in K n Kuala Lumpur, Ma , Malaysia.
According to t o the study, faculty members b s believe that social media use raises a s a number
of privacy concerns. Similarly, Samir N. Hamade's findings from 2013 revealed a
slew of privacy and security concerns. According to the report, a large percentage of
students (70 percent) have used unsecure accounts that allow anyone to view their
Following that, communication channels such as blogging and instant messaging
became popular. Despite the fact that blogging does not appear to be a kind of social
media, the term is appropriate because it has enabled the general public to
communicate rapidly and conveniently through blog websites. Following that, a slew
of social networking websites popped up. MySpace was the first social networking
website, allowing users to create profiles and find friends, and it served as an
inspiration for the following generation of social media, such as Facebook. When
compared to Facebook and Twitter, MySpace now has the smallest user base. Another
website for individuals that need to construct a professional public image and develop
commercial media relations i ns is LinkedIn.
Using social media to improve learning can take several shapes, target different skills,
and use a variety of methods. Social media, according to university professors, can
improve contact, engagement, knowledge building, and community building.
However, studies demonstrate that these same technologies can divert students'
attention away from their studies and promote procrastination and superficial
thinking. The research that looked at the connection between social media and
academic performance and learning will be presented in the following section. Rather
than a full evaluation of all types of social media, this study focuses on research that
deal with the most prominent social networking applications, such as Facebook.
(2001, R 2001, Rovai)
Facebook is the most popular social media platform today, with over a billion users. It
was founded in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg. It was created with Harvard University
students in mind when it was first introduced. Facebook now has more than a billion
users. Twitter, which was founded by Jack Dorset, Biz Stone, Noah Glass, and Evan
Williams, is the second most well-known social media platform. Twitter has a user
base of over 500 million people. A short time afterwards, lots of new new websites
offering social media services popped up. Flickr was one of the first photo-sharing
social networking sites, and it remains one of the most popular today. Apart from
Flickr, Photobucket and Instagram are two of the most popular online social media
sites to use on business cards and other marketing materials. Tumblr, Foursquare,
Pinterest, Spotify, Google Buzz, Loopt, Blippy, and Groupon are some of the other
social media networking websites available. As more people began to use social
media websites, it became necessary for many corporate brands to post their social
media addresses, which mostly included Facebook and Twitter web addresses. As a
result, networks have evolved into a business platform. Similarly, social media
became one of the channels through which web advertisers and owners could promote
the appearance of their sites. Bookmarking on social media sites became a popular
way to promote a post or a website, and there were services that would bookmark a
post or a website. Entrepreneurs began to see the benefits of social networking
marketing for business. Young individuals who wish to express themselves,
collaborate, and communicate with others will benefit greatly from the internet
information sha on sharing culture. S . Students, on t s, on t s, on the other hand, shoul nd, should be d become more mindful
of their "digital footprint" and consider what personal information they disclose
online. Today, almost anything can be created, copied, pasted, and shared online with
thousands of people in a matter of seconds. Every internet post, image, or message
leaves a "digital footprint" that classmates, teachers, college admissions officers,
potential employers, or s, or the general public can access years l s later.
Students should be aware of the Internet's public and permanent nature so that they
can begin to create a positive digital footprint. Students must learn more than only
how to secure personal information, defend their own privacy, and respect the privacy
of others. Getting students to self-reflect before they self-reveal is a key strategy for
helping them control how they express themselves online. (Grayson, 2011; Madden,
Fox, Smith, & Vitak, 2007; Malhotra, Totti, Meira Jr, Kumaraguru, & Almeida, 2012;
Malhotra, T , Totti, Me , Meira Jr, K , Kumaraguru, & Almeida, 2012 , 2012).
Most middle school children now have access to email, social media, online films,
and games, all of which require usernames and passwords. Students should learn how
to develop strong passwords and secure their user accounts' private information. Apart
from that, students must be cautious while downloading files, media, or content from
the internet; most websites have privacy, copyright, plagiarism, fair use, and creative
credit policies that students must be aware of. For students, it is necessary to
understand the concept of identity theft, data theft, online viruses, and online scams,
where third party companies “steal” personal information such as passwords, credit
card information, and social security numbers to commit crime or fraud online. When
it comes to sharing information about oneself and others online, students must
understand w nd where the lines a s are drawn.
Alison Doyle, a Psychologist from the United States: People use social media to share
information, text, audio, video, photos, podcasts, and other multimedia
communication, according to her definition of social media. They're all social
networking sites where people can share their personal information with others.
Companies can also use social media to advertise their products and raise funds from
the public. Social media analytics gathers and analyzes data from blogs and social
media websites to assist businesspeople in making informed decisions. Social media
also ha so has a good i ood impact on st n students' unde s' understanding of g of human behavior, a , as well as a s a bad
impact on students' becoming selfish and obsessed. As a result, people from all walks
of life use social media for both construction and destruction. People connect through
social media by creating, sharing, and exchanging information and ideas in virtual
groups and ne nd networks (Shrestha lucky, 2013 , 2013).
In 2004, the United Nations defined youth as people aged 15 to 25, and all UN
statistics were based on this age group. The percentage of graduate students,
according to the Survey of Young Americans' Attitudes (61%) who are using social
media websites is more than that of high school students (40%). Facebook (87%),
Twitter (47%), Instagram (45%), Pinterest (37%), Snapchat (34%) and Tumblr (19%)
are all more popular among college students. Study found in [8] says that almost 96%
of all university students use Facebook in their daily routine. Other most commonly
used soc d social media platform is LinkedIn.
Nowadays, social media networking is the most widely used mode of communication.
People from all walks of life use it. Social media was broadly recognized by the
general public around ten years ago. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest,
YouTube, LinkedIn, Google+, Flickr, and Snapchat are just a few of the countless
online networking platforms available. The primary goal of social media is to provide
customers and users with access. On the internet, they can communicate with others
and form social bonds. They can also use social media to communicate their thoughts
and personal information, such as daily events, speculations, photos, videos, and
weblinks. Individuals can also use social media to advertise their businesses and
personal skills. Because of its ability to quickly disseminate useful information,
internet networking has b s become the fastest growing mode of association. S on. Social media
networking has influenced a wide range of industries, but it has had the greatest
impact on classrooms and the educational system as a whole. School after school has
mastered a wide spectrum of interpersonal contact through some type of social media,
whether it's through private social gatherings, Facebook Pages, classroom Twitter
profiles, or s, or web diaries. With suc h such a h a high pe h percentage of students ut s utilizing social media
on a regular basis, there is a pressing need to investigate the extent to which social
media is i s influencing pupils.
There is no doubt that online networking sites, particularly social media, have brought
people closer together than ever before, but experts and researchers around the world
have been looking for the flaws that its users may have encountered. The use of
internet networking has increased dramatically with the introduction of cell phones.
With the rise in the use of long-distance interpersonal communication platforms, the
face of traditional individual collaboration has altered and will become more unique
in t n the future.
It is a well-known fact that in order to use social networking websites, one must first
register an account and then sign in every time they visit. Every social networking site
does not s not provide its use s users with t h the option of on of maintaining their online identities pr s private.
Furthermore, there is a lack of consideration for methods of concealing clients'
personal information. A on. As a result, when usi n using onl g online networking, people face a variety
of privacy and a nd accountability difficulties.
Technology is regarded as the a very important thing, and humans have to be well in
order to control it. It is important to teach young people on how to use social media to
advance their careers and personal development. Technology has succeeded in
penetrating our bodies, bl s, blood, a ood, and e nd emotions.
Facebook is the social networking platform with the most subscribers. Mark
Zuckerberg founded it in 2004. It was created with Harvard University students in
mind. Facebook now has over 3 billion users. Twitter is the second most well-known
social networking platform, having been founded by Jack Dorset, Biz Stone, Noah
Glass, a ss, and E nd Evan W n Williams. T s. Twitter has ove s over 500 m 500 million use on users.
There have been numerous crimes and troubles committed through social media,
demonstrating the negative aspects of the platform. On the one hand, social media is
advancing the human race, while on the other, it is increasing cyber crime and health
issues. Youths are huge fans of social media, which they use on a daily basis and
spend t nd the significant amounts of s of time on.
As a result, the study aims to determine the positive influence of social media on
teenagers, who are heavily involved in various social media sectors. Whether they are
up to date on current events or whether their usage of social media is leading them
down a negative path. As a result, the study aims to determine the impact of social
media on youngsters, a s, as well as i s its g s good a d and n nd negative features.
The following questions have been formulated to find out the impact of Social media
on t on the youths.
How does the social media plays role on he on health of h of the youth’s daily basis?
What impact does t s the social media give on youth’s ?
The objective of the study is to look at the present status of youths influenced by
social media.
To explore the role of social media on he on health of h of the youths.
To explore the impact of using social media on youth’s.
The aim of the study was to determine the influence of social media us
e on youths in
the Dharan-15 municipality of Sunsari. The study will concentrate on
the effects of
social media use on youth. The study aims to determine whether soci
al media has a
negative or good impact on youths. The study focused on youngsters
who use social
media and are familiar with it and its network. The research is als
o important for
determining whether social media has a beneficial or harmful impact
on youngsters,
as w s well as f s for future social media research.
classmates, share information, reinvent their personas, and promote their social lives.
2007 (Nicole).
The pessimist’s p s perspectives: This vi s viewpoint is c s concerned about the negative aspects
of social media, as it supports the concept of brain drain. This idea emphasizes how
social and media are intimately connected and have become a daily necessity for the
youth. It has established a dependency on social media, to the point where we require
it on a daily basis. Youths' physical and mental health is deteriorating as a result of
their use of social media. Because there are many opportunities for disseminating
negativity through social media, such as pornography, threats, bullying, and so on,
things can be transferred in a matter of seconds. In terms of mental health, youngsters
are dealing with issues such as stress, insomnia, restlessness, eye problems, back
discomfort, a , and so on. nd so on. nd so on.
Students' usage of social media has reached epidemic proportions, affecting their
study time, causing bad grammar and spelling when chatting on social media, and
diverting their attention away from their studies (Ndaku, 2013). Students spend more
time on social media than on academics, and this has had an impact on their GPA
(GPA). At Malaysia, a study on the impact of social media on student academic
performance in higher institutions was conducted (Khan, 2009) Only a few studies
have been conducted in tertiary institutions on this topic, and the respondents were
information t on technology students (Helou & ou & Rahim, 2014).
Academic achievement is frequently poor among Facebook users. Social media has a
negative impact on students' academic performance that outweighs the benefits gained
from using social media platforms. People all across the world have become addicted
to the internet, which has resulted in more students utilizing social media than ever
before. Nalwa and Anand (2003) advised and recommended that those who are
addicted to the internet prefer to use it to put off their personal and professional
commitments, r s, resulting in poor n poor academic performance as a s a result.
Users of social media platforms (Facebook, WhatsApp, etc.) dedicate less time to
their academics than nonusers, resulting in poorer GPAs. Karpinski, & Duberstein
(2009) also stated that among the greatest diversions of today's generation, social
networking platforms (such as Facebook, Watzapp, and others) remain a key
distraction. (Karpinski,2009)
Globalization: It is the process of creating a more linked globe through the exchange
of ideas, goods, services, and markets, mostly through the use of communication and
transportation, as a result of increased scientific and technological advancement.
Economic, political, and cultural implications of globalization are all addressed. In
other words, globalization facilitates the international expansion of numerous
Globalization has introduced in the modern era. As a result, it is critical for everyone
to be aware of and understand the worldwide economy. Around the world, there is an
exchange of ideas as well as a free movement of products and services. Globalization
as a concept is quite popular, and it comes with its own set of benefits and drawbacks.
Globalization allows us to expand ideas, goods, and services beyond national borders
while also allowing consumers to purchase goods and services at a lower cost. It also
aids in the development and strengthening of diplomatic relations between countries.
Because ideas, goods, and services are exchanged, developing countries can advance
in science and technology by obtaining information, skills, and knowledge from
industrialized countries. Foreign investment and open commerce are also encouraged.
People will be able to create their social networks all around the world once they gain
access t ss to t o the worldwide community.
People's livelihood patterns are changing as a result of globalization. People are more
connected to social media and its use as a result of globalization. This encourages
cybercrime and unethical behavior through the use of contemporary technologies and
equipment made possible by globalization.
as a result of their access to current equipment and technology, which encourages
cybercrime and ot nd other undesirable behaviors r s related t d to social media usage.
The process of studying and comprehending the concept of the associated research
topic is known as a review of the literature. Books, papers, articles, and periodicals
can all be used as study materials. This chapter is crucial for understanding the
response on t on the relevant research t h topic as well as for broadening the information.
Facebook is currently the most popular social media platform with the most users.
Mark Zuckerberg founded the company in 2004. It was first made available to
Harvard University students alone. With over 3 billion members, Facebook is the
most popular social media platform on the planet. Twitter, established by Jack Dorset,
Biz Stone, Noah Glass, and Evan Williams, is the second most well-known social
media platform. More than 500 million people follow Twitter. Social media has had
tremendous success in recent years: Facebook, a social networking website, boasts
that its active users have surpassed 3 billion worldwide, with more than half of them
logging in e n every day (Facebook 2020 book 2020)
It is not surprising that social media usage is one of the most common activities
among children, adolescents, and emerging adults nowadays. It offers today’s youth a
portal for entertainment and communication and it is becoming one of the main
platforms for accessing information and news. The social media usage of American
adults aged 18– 29 years who represent the higher percentage of university students
rose from 12 pe 12 percent in 2005 t n 2005 t n 2005 to 90 pe o 90 pe o 90 percent in 201 n 2015 (Perrin, 2018)
internet, particularly social media, for casual communication is a waste of time.
( Kupuswamy and N nd Narayan,2010)
Because of peer pressure and because their classmates use it, a large percentage of
students use social media networking. According to the findings, 67.3 percent of the
participants use social networking websites. For the most part, students with a 3.0 to
3.5 GPA (Grade Point Average) use person to person chat services for fun. This is
substantial evidence that students' academic outcomes are unaffected by their use of
social media. S . Shahzad K d Khan (Shahzad K d Khan, 201 n, 2012)
Social media are computer-mediated interactive tools that allow people to create and
share information, ideas, career interests, and other kinds of expression through
virtual communities and networks. In the north and south of Cyprus, social media
networks were used in the curriculum of two private schools. The study's major focus
was on comparing the actions of students from the two institutions in terms of social
media usage. The study looked at the use of social systems in education as a new
basic necessity. Outside of the classroom, just a small percentage of students used
social media. According to the study, this is linked to parents' negative perceptions
about social media. One of the more intriguing findings was that the computer
technology teachers at both schools were not encouraging the usage of social
networks due to a lack of faith in them. In addition, the survey found that both
school's professors valued the use of social media only in conjunction with face-to-
face lectures and conversation. This is due to a lack of confidence among students
from both institutions in 15 face-to-face interactions. This is a significant
disadvantage of social media usage. According to the findings, teachers are frequently
expected to engage with their students via social media in order to ensure better
understanding by providing visual examples and to wish them luck with their exams
and studies. Daily course, test, and homework announcements were also posted on
social media in the south school. The report also indicated the teachers' concerns
about privacy at both schools. The study's conclusion was that instructors should be
trained in the safe and secure use of social media in order to be competent and
comfortable with t h them. 2 . 2013 (Fezile Isik)
A study looked into the link between students' use of social media and their academic
performance. They also talked about how it might affect peer networks, partnerships,
and the development of information. Instructors who want to use social media in their
classes to help students learn more should be prepared to encourage students and
participate actively in the communal learning group. The belief that pupils
automatically understand how to use social media could be a barrier for students who
require more supervision and guidance. According to the authors, b s, because females us s use
social media more than males, gender may have a significant 16 influence on the
extent to which students are engaged in academic activities via social media, hence
influencing their overall learning process. (Kristen Tarantino, Jessica McDonough,
Ma Hua, 2013 , 2013)
A recent big national study of 1588 middle school students, aged 10-15, indicated that
32% had experienced online harassment, with 43% experiencing it through instant
messaging (IM) in chartrooms and 28% through social networking sites. However,
some actual data contradicts these findings. For example, 1,915 girls and 1,852 boys
in grades 6, 7, and 8 who attended any of six elementary and middle schools in the
southern a n and northwestern U n United S d States p s participated i d in a n a recent study exploring c ng cyber
bullying among middle school students. Ybarra & Mitchell (2008; Ybarra & Mitchell,
According to the analysis and investigation, Facebook use has no bearing on college
student grades. Similarly, when it came to Facebook usage, there was no gender
distinction. The second hypothesis about gender differences was similarly proved to
be incorrect by statistical analysis.
The most significant benefit of social networks was improved communication with
family and friends, as well as increased participation in social, political, and social
activities. The two most notable drawbacks are ignoring study/work and spending too
much time on social media platforms. The findings revealed a lack of understanding
among students about how to use social media beyond for entertainment purposes,
highlighting the need to educate students about the benefits of social networks and the
nature of data found on them. The findings revealed that 60% of students were
disregarding their studies or work, which is the most serious detrimental consequence
of social media. Furthermore, 58 percent of students spent the most of their time on
social media. (Samir N. Hamade,2013 ).
The use of social media has a few positive effects on the lives of students. They can
use social media to construct their own social lives, make their own friends, and
connect with t h them. It is t s the most practical means of expressing one's i s ideas and be nd beliefs.
Furthermore, students can freely join other groups and debate a variety of topics
without having to worry about transportation. It helps them build confidence while
also improving their social abilities. Students can also strengthen their bonds with
instructors, allowing them to receive greater supervision and express their academic
concerns. According to the authors, one of the most significant detrimental effects of
social media is that kids become addicted to it. Students utilize social media even in
class as a result of their addicted behavior, causing disruption for other students as
well as attention challenges for them. Their grades are affected by their inability to
concentrate during lectures. As a result, social networking encourages students to
engage in non-educational, unethical, and inappropriate activities such as fruitless
visiting and stalking. The authors came to the conclusion that educators and parents
should collaborate in order to save children's and young adults' academic careers. This
coordinated effort appears to be the most effective strategy to limit social media
damage. (Çolak, 2014 k, 2014)
Social networking can be used as a teaching tool to assist students collaborate and
interact, and it is suggested that universities understand how to use social media
networking for educating and learning. However, because the subject university
understudy lacked an e-learning system, students were unable to collaborate and work
together via social media. The authors attempted to address this problem by building a
Facebook-based blog where students could connect, discuss, and share helpful
information about 18 lectures, course materials, quizzes, and teachers. The authors
looked at the influence of the e-learning blog on the students in terms of how much
they participated in academic activities together. (Munienge Mbodila, Clever Ndebele
and K nd Kikunga Muhandji, 2014)
2.3 Research Gap
Many research reports on the issue of "Impact of social media on youths" can be
discovered, but in the Nepali context, there are relatively few researches conducted on
this topic. Despite this, the study can be utilized to assess the social media trend and
its impact on health. In another section, you might want to look into the impact of
social media on young people's d s daily lives.
How does t s the social media plays role on he on health of h of the youth’s d s daily basis?
What impact does t s the social media give on youth’s ?
The micro level case study of the Dharan Sub-Metropolitan City ward -15 Sunsari
district is entitled 'Impact of Social Media on Youth.' The plan and approach for
obtaining the study's answers is known as the research design. It uses interview and
structural questionnaires as instruments. The research was conducted using an
exploratory research approach to achieve the study's unique goals. The study's major
goal was t s to show o show how social media affects young people.
The research is based on primary data and is presented in qualitative style. The data
was gathered from a field investigation as well as secondary sources that had
previously been published. Secondary data is also used to improve the study's
effectiveness. The information about the impact of social media on youngsters was
gathered using the interview method. Secondary data, on the other hand, is gathered
from relevant social media literature such as study, reports, journals, and news
a) Interview Schedule
The main tool for gathering quantitative primary data in the survey technique is the
interview schedule, which is a set of questionnaires that are asked of the respondent
and filled in by the researcher. The interview was organized, with predetermined
questions and a conventional recording technique. It's also known as a directed
interview because the questions are set in advance and cannot be changed. There were
a total of 30 pe 30 people who were interviewed.
it was chosen as the principal tool for gathering quantitative primary data. The
timetable was built on a comprehensive series of questions about how much time
people spend on soc nd on soc nd on social media, a , as w s well as t s the benefits a s and di nd disadvantages of s of using it.
The interview schedule has been prepared, and it includes questions about the person
who use ho uses soc s social media.
The relevant information was gathered using the structured questionnaire. The open
and c nd close questions w ons were accompanied b d by questionnaires.
Beside primary data other data was gathered from secondary sources, which could be
official or unofficial, in addition to the original data. The necessary information was
compiled from journal, book, and magazine publications, as well as newspaper
reports f s from various r ous research c h centers and or nd organizations.
The location Dharan Sub-Metropolitan City ward-15 of Sunsari district was taken as
the universe of the study. Purposeful sample selection was used. The purposive
strategy was chosen due to a lack of government data and records of teenagers
utilizing social media.
The participants who were active on social media were chosen and interviewed. As a
result, a sample of 30 people was chosen on purpose. The age range of the 30
responders was 17 to 25 years old. There were ten women and twenty men that took
part in the survey. Five respondents completed SLC, 15 respondents achieved +2
level, and ten respondents passed bachelor level among the 30 respondents. In this
case, all of the respondents are seen using social media and are more likely to be
active on soc on social media at all times.
The data was processed with the help of a scientific calculator and a computer. Both
descriptive and statistical methods were used to examine the acquired data and
information. The data was collected and collated during the analysis to fulfill the
study's needs. When necessary, the data was printed in percentage form, and tables,
graphs, di phs, diagrams, and pi nd pie charts w s were employed t d to sui o suit the study's criteria.
The study topic is impact of social media on youths of dharan-15, sunsari which has
its l s limitations.
This study was based on the study area's sample size, which may or may
not be reliable and us nd useful for the overall conclusion.
Because the study focused on the impact of social media on youths, and
some youths do not have access to social media, the results may not be
The interview was taken from only those youths who are engaged with the
social media so t so the data cannot be totally reliable.