Nomenclature Ionic Compounds
Nomenclature Ionic Compounds
Nomenclature Ionic Compounds
There are two types of metal cations with different naming conventions discussed
Anions have a negative charge. They are formed from nonmetals, which lie on the right
side of the periodic table. The negative charge is found using the Octet Rule as eight
(8) minus the Group number. Anions always have a single, fixed charge. The anion
name is formed by changing the element name suffix to “-ide” and adding the word “ion”
after the element name. For example, the element chlorine (Cl) is found in Group 7. It
ionizes to form the “chloride ion” represented as Cl-. The charge is -1 because it is in
Group 7, and 8 - 7 = 1.
Ionic compounds are formed by cation-anion pairs in electrically neutral ratios. They
are named using the cation name first, followed by the anion name, excluding the word
“ion.” For example, sodium ion (Na+) and chloride ion (Cl-) form the compound sodium
chloride. Its formula is NaCl, which is electrically neutral because sodium ion is +1 and
chloride ion is -1. As a second example, magnesium chloride has the formula MgCl2.
The subscripts indicate 2 chloride ions (Cl-) per 1 magnesium ion (Mg2+). The subscript
“1” is always implied and never written.
Note: There is never any charge indicated in the name of a compound having a cation
with a single, fixed charge. The single, fixed charge is obvious to a chemist.
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Chem 30A Spring 2016 – Laney College 2/27/2016
Professor Scott Beaver Ionic nomenclature worksheet
Name: ___________________________
Exercise 2. Complete the table of neutral ionic compounds with the formulas and names for
each cation-anion pair.
1. The main group (Groups 1-8) elements always have a single charge, determined
by the column on the periodic table.
2. Silver and zinc are the only transition metals with a single charge. Memorize the
ionic charges for Ag+ and Zn2+.
3. All other transition metals have multiple charges. Use a roman numeral to
indicate the cation charge, which can be figured out from the given information.
FeO __________________
NaCl __________________
CuBr2 __________________
ZnO __________________
K3P __________________
CaS __________________
Ag2S __________________
CoI3 __________________
Be3N2 __________________
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Chem 30A Spring 2016 – Laney College 2/27/2016
Professor Scott Beaver Ionic nomenclature worksheet
Name: ___________________________
Polyatomic ions
Polyatomic ions are charged groups of atoms. An example is ammonium ion, NH4+. It
has five atoms (one nitrogen and four hydrogens) that share a charge of +1. The
polyatomic ions remain intact, and parentheses may be required when using subscripts.
For example, ammonium chloride is NH4Cl and ammonium sulfide is (NH4)2S.
Ammonium is the only polyatomic cation. Common anions are shown in Table 1.
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Chem 30A Spring 2016 – Laney College 2/27/2016
Professor Scott Beaver Ionic nomenclature worksheet
Name: ___________________________
Exercise 5. Complete the table of neutral ionic compounds with the formulas and names for
each cation-anion pair, similar to Exercise 2.
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Chem 30A Spring 2016 – Laney College 2/27/2016
Professor Scott Beaver Ionic nomenclature worksheet
Name: ___________________________
CuCN __________________
FeO __________________
ZnO __________________
Al2O3 __________________
AgCl __________________
NH4NO3 __________________
NaNO3 __________________
NaNO2 __________________
Ca(NO2)2 __________________
FeCrO4 __________________
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