10 1108 - Sasbe 07 2023 0180
10 1108 - Sasbe 07 2023 0180
10 1108 - Sasbe 07 2023 0180
Purpose – This study addresses the prevailing complexities and limitations in estimating and managing
construction overhead costs (COCs) in the existing literature, with the purpose of enhancing the accuracy of
cost performance indicators in construction project management.
Design/methodology/approach – An innovative approach is proposed, employing the activity-based
costing (ABC) accounting method combined with building information modelling (BIM) to assign real overhead
costs to project activities. This study, distinguished by its incorporation of a real case study, focuses on an
administrative building with a four-story concrete structure. It establishes an automated method for evaluating
project cost performance through the detailed analysis of earned value management (EVM) cost indicators
derived from ABC results and BIM data.
Findings – The results show that the ABC integration improves the accuracy of cost performance indicators
by over 9%, revealing the project’s true cost index for the first time and demonstrating the substantial value of
the approach in construction engineering and management.
Research limitations/implications – The current study highlights a notable gap in the existing literature,
addressing the challenges in onsite overhead cost estimation and offering a solution that incorporates the state-
of-the-art techniques.
Practical implications – The proposed method has significant implications for project managers and
practitioners, enabling better-informed decisions based on precise cost data, ultimately leading to enhanced
project outcomes.
Originality/value – This research uniquely combines ABC and BIM, presenting a pioneering solution for the
accurate estimation and management of COCs in construction projects, adding significant value to the current
body of knowledge in this field.
Keywords Construction overhead costs (COCs), Building information modelling (BIM), 5D BIM,
Earn value management (EVM), Activity-based costing (ABC), Automated cost control
Paper type Research paper
Effective cost management, which includes the practices of cost accounting, analysis and
control, holds significant importance in the field of construction project management (Qiu and
Xiao, 2020; Vigneault et al., 2020). Construction overhead costs (COCs) encompass expenses
such as supervision, offices, staff and services and tend to increase as the construction project
Literature review
Generally, COCs refer to expenses that are not directly associated with the physical
construction work but are incurred to support ongoing projects (Plebankiewicz and
Lesniak, 2013). These expenses consist of site overheads required for project activities and Cost
the project’s proportionate share of home–office costs to operate the construction firm (Chao estimation:
and Liaw, 2019). Optimising and reducing COCs are an important aspect of managing
construction contract costs. However, accurately determining these costs, particularly for
construction companies, are challenging and typically relies on historical data estimates. The synergy
dynamic nature of the construction industry poses difficulties for contractors in determining
the optimal level of overhead costs during the bidding stage, which ultimately impacts their
competitiveness (Assaf et al., 2001). Proper identification, allocation and estimation of COCs
based on information from previous projects can mitigate the risk of low-profit margins (Liu
et al., 2023). To minimise risk in competitive bidding, researchers have employed quantitative
models, such as artificial neural networks and regression models (Chao and Kuo, 2018) for
estimating COCs. COCs can be subject to cost overruns due to factors such as change orders.
For instance, if a project is halted by the owner, the contractor’s COCs may increase, leading
to potential compensation claims (Faghihi et al., 2022). Resolving disputes and reaching a fair
agreement on recovering COCs can be challenging. Several studies have explored various
methods for evaluating these damages, including home–office overhead and onsite overhead
costs. Ibbs et al. (2015) examined nine calculation methods for unabsorbed home–office
overhead. Among these, the Eichleay formula has been widely used in calculating COCs
(Davis and Ibbs, 2017; Ibbs et al., 2015; Taam and Singh, 2003). In this regard Iyer and Manan
Bindal (2019) reported and compared 13 formulas for home–office calculations, highlighting
that while courts often rely on the Eichleay formula, alternative formulas may be more
suitable in different circumstances. While a substantial body of research has examined the
topic of home–office compensation, there has been comparatively limited scholarly
investigation into the recovery of site overhead damages. Ibbs and Nguyen (2007) applied
an analytical approach that allocated project-site overhead costs to scheduled activities. This
method helps track site overhead damages in a real-time manner.
Ensuring the successful completion of a project within the specified budget
necessitates efficient management of direct, indirect and overhead costs. Companies
consistently strive to minimise project costs, with COCs playing a crucial role (Globerson,
2017). Effective management of COCs necessitates continuous monitoring and control
over the actual amounts incurred during construction. Researchers such as Chen et al.
(2008), Kren (2014), and Lesniak and Juszczyk (2018) have utilised mathematical and
parametric models to precisely determine the percentage of COCs. Nevertheless, in
construction projects, overhead costs are handled independently and not directly allocated
to project activities which result in cost distortion when using the percentage method for
overhead costs (Kim and Kim, 2016). ABC proves to be a valuable approach for estimating
and allocating COCs. The subsequent section will provide a detailed explanation of this
In this research, a viable solution has been proposed and its practical applicability has
been investigated through a real-life case study. The aim is to consider COCs in EVM
calculations and accurately calculate the CPI. This will help identify actual deviations and
optimisation points. The results of a thorough literature review have aided in the
development of a conceptual framework that allows for automated data exchange among
three systems: BIM, ABC and EVM. In order to validate the framework, it was
implemented and tested in a case study involving the construction of an administrative
office. The relevant project data were collected by tracking the activities of project staff on-
site for a period of one month.
Framework development Cost
This study proposes an automated framework, as depicted in Figure 1 that aims to enhance estimation:
cost control in construction projects. As shown in Figure 1, the framework introduces a
precise methodology for estimating the total actual project cost, leading to a more accurate
CPI called CPI(Modified). The CPI (Modified) is derived from the total actual construction direct synergy
and overhead costs of the project, as represented by Equation (1).
X n
CTðABCÞ ¼ ðActual Direct Cost i þ Actual Overhead Cost i Þ
CPI ðModifiedÞ ¼ EV CTðABCÞ
EV ¼ Earned Value (1)
CTðABCÞ ¼ Total Project Actual costs
i ¼ activity i
In the pre-construction stage, the process begins with developing project WBS and planned
Value calculations based on bid information stage. The WBS is a crucial input for project
management processes, such as scheduling, cost estimating and resource allocation. PV is a
significant metric used to assess the progress of a project by measuring the value of the work
planned to be completed at a specific point in time. PV calculations are utilised in order to
establish a project baseline. The utilisation of BIM has emerged as a highly effective approach
Figure 1.
Automated cost control
framework of the
case study
SASBE for automating the QTO process in construction projects (Nassar, 2012). BIM enables the
generation of comprehensive and accurate cost estimates, leading to significant reductions in
both time and expenses (Plebankiewicz et al., 2015). The project budget is determined by
adding up the PV for each project activity (activity(i)), which is calculated using the QTO
process and the BIM 3D model, as shown in Equation (2).
PVðBIM Þ ¼ ððUnit Costi * Qi Þ þ Overhead Costi ÞÞ (2)
During the bidding phase, contractors often include a consolidated rate of COCs, which they
have obtained from their past experiences, along with direct costs (Alavipour and Arditi,
2018). In the PV calculation phase, the overhead cost for each activity is determined by
multiplying its weight with the overhead coefficient that was applied during the tendering
process. The weight of each activity is determined based on the project’s cost breakdown
structure (CBS).
During the construction phase, both direct and indirect costs are integrated to determine
the actual project costs. The accurate determination of actual costs for project activities
requires a significant endeavour in calculating the completed work, which entails gathering
real work quantities from the project site using the project status data. Therefore, to ascertain
precise quantities, the creation of a 3D BIM model up to LOD350 becomes indispensable in
determining specific element costs during the buyout phase (Wood et al., 2014). Equation (3) is
employed to estimate the actual costs associated with these activities.
Actual Costi ¼ Actual Unit Cost i * Quantityið5D BIM Þ þ Actual COCsiðABCÞ (3)
Formula (3) demonstrates a method to accurately calculate the real costs of each activity. It
entails determining the direct costs by multiplying the actual quantity of work performed
with the corresponding unit cost. These direct costs are obtained from the 5D BIM model.
Furthermore, the actual overhead costs for each activity are included in the 5D BIM model
following the implementation of the ABC system.
This data is then utilised by the cost control system to calculate new EVM metrics based
on Equation (1). Throughout these stages, BIM and ABC capabilities are employed to
compute planning and actual costs, with a seamless integration approach for project data.
The proposed framework introduces a significant advancement by incorporating a
method to estimate COCs linked to individual work packages. This allows the EVM
indicators to accurately represent the costs of each project activity. The integration of this
automated cost control system enables a thorough analysis of actual expenditure deviations,
providing valuable insights into the reasons behind these variations and identifying areas for
Case study
This study validated the framework by selecting an administrative construction project as a
case study. In order to choose an appropriate case study, certain criteria were considered. The
two main factors that were taken into account were generalisability and the significant
proportion of COCs in relation to other project expenses. “Generalisability” refers to the extent
to which the findings of the study can be applied to other similar situations or contexts. The
selection of a case study based on these criteria ensured that the study would provide
valuable insights and applicable recommendations for similar construction projects. This
case study focuses on a cast-in-place concrete construction project in Iran, a country where
construction projects are typically labour-intensive due to the availability of skilled labour Cost
and traditional construction methods. The project was executed under a design-bid-build estimation:
contract and involved the construction of an administrative building with a four-story
concrete structure and a total floor area of approximately 2,087 square metres. The
construction duration was 22 months, and based on the bidding phase, 15% of the initial synergy
contract amount was allocated for overhead costs, highlighting their significance. It is worth
noting that this percentage does not encompass contractor benefits, as profit is not factored
into the components of the cost structure. The project experienced numerous change orders
and associated claims, resulting in a significant increase in its value compared to the original
The research primarily focuses on a single project; however, the methodology used can be
applied to all projects within a company. This means that the method is applicable to all
projects, allowing the company to monitor resource utilisation across all sites using
information obtained from the project sites. It can identify areas for improvement and, if
needed, eliminate non-value-added support activities.
Figure 2.
Creating 3D BIM model
of the case study in
Revit software
Figure 3.
Creating 4D BIM model
in Navisworks
Cumulative AC
The precise estimation of project costs requires a thorough evaluation of both direct costs and
the COCs linked to each project activity. Calculating actual direct costs begins by extracting
quantities of performed work (actual work performed). Quantities from the 3D BIM model are
subsequently multiplied by the specified unit prices derived from contractual agreements. To
effectively incorporate COCs into the BIM 5D model, their determination relies on the utilisation
of the ABC methodology. This methodology involves the following essential procedural steps:
(1) Allocate resource costs to support activities.
(2) Allocate support activities costs to project activities.
Figure 4.
Interaction between
Revit and Navisworks
to develop 5D models
The support activities within the project are intricately linked to resource consumption. In Cost
order to discern and delineate these support activities, a thorough interview was conducted estimation:
with the key workforces. Table 1 presents a comprehensive overview of the diverse
responsibilities undertaken by project personnel, categorised according to the specific types
of support activities in which they are involved. synergy
Furthermore, a mobile-friendly daily timesheet has been implemented to gather data on
the utilisation of project resources across various project activities. Project personnel input
data into this timesheet throughout the day. This process serves two primary purposes:
firstly, it ensures the availability of timesheets for individuals and secondly, it facilitates the
accurate collection of received data. To address potential concerns, a briefing session was
conducted for task forces with two primary objectives: firstly, to assure them that completing
the timesheets would not impact their performance evaluation; secondly, to provide efficient
guidance on how to minimise the time required for filling them out. Table 2 displays a sample
10 100
8 80
Plan Value (%)
6 60
4 40
2 20
0 0
22 Time(Month)
Figure 5.
Project budget S-curve
Source(s): Figure created by the author
Estimation/Requesting material
Supervising field activities
Cost analysis/reporting
Coordinating delivery
material management
General coordination
Reviewing drawings
Handling deliveries
safety management
Responsibility matrix
progress control
Site visit
Executive supervisor
Duration Type of support activity Activity description Finish time Start time WBS ID
30 min Site visit Excavation site visit 8:30 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 67
Table 2.
Offline time sheet for 1h Supervision Site levelling supervision 9:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m. 68
executive supervisor – 45 min Inspection Monitoring facade execution 10:15 a.m. 9:30 a.m. 38
20 April 2020 – 8:00 1:45 h General coordination Site contractors coordination 12 p.m. 10:15 a.m. 67
a.m.–12:00 p.m. Source(s): Table created by the authors
The results obtained from the data collected over one month from project personnel for the
calculation of COCs are presented in Tables 5 and 6 Based on this information and
the calculations performed in the case study section, the CPI modified can be compared with the
CPI normal. Table 5 illustrates the first stage of allocation, depicting how and to what extent
project resources are consumed by support activities.
In the second stage of allocation, as depicted in Table 6, support activity costs are allocated
to project activities based on resource consumption. The collected data have been classified
according to the time spent on support activities and the resources consumed.
This stage involves categorising accumulated timesheets by project activities (WBS ID) to
determine the hours consumed by support activities. The table provides a breakdown of each
project activity’s contribution to support activities.
Modified cost performance index: The calculation of CPI encompasses all project costs,
including both direct costs and overhead costs, ensuring a high level of accuracy. The
findings from the case study implementation can be categorised into two groups:
(1) Technical results:
The findings indicate that the implementation of ABC/BIM integration enhances the
precision of cost performance indicators by over 9%. The primary discoveries address the
research gap and improve the accuracy of EVM indicators, as illustrated in Figure 6. When
disregarding COCs, the CPI is 0.54. However, adding COCs, reduced the CPI to 0.49.
A comparison between these two indices reveals that the CPImodified is less than the standard
Summarises the
project based on
project activities
overhead costs of the
Assign the resource to support activities
Support activities 1** 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Total COCs cost
Figure 6.
Comparison between CPI CPI (Modified)
the two CPI
Source(s): Figure created by the author
While this study has provided valuable insights into controlling and optimising COCs, it is
essential to acknowledge several limitations. One of the primary limitations is related to data
collection. This research heavily relies on self-reported data from project staff. While some
measures were taken to ensure the accuracy of the data, such as using mobile phones for data
entry, there is always a potential for errors in the entered data. Additionally, due to COVID-19,
data collection was conducted through a small sample of staff, which may not fully represent
the entire human resource pool of the project. On this basis, future research could further
develop an integrated system for data collection involving all project staff and provide
adequate training to project members, fostering effective communication between the technical,
financial and administrative units. This would ensure the accurate recording and diligent
monitoring of COCs, promoting a shared understanding and consistent approach within the
project. It is worth noting that the successful implementation of an integrated cost control
system necessitates the establishment of a comprehensive and integrated financial system that
aligns cost codes (cost pool codes) with the project WBS and its corresponding activities.
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Sepehr Abrishami can be contacted at: sepehr.abrishami@port.ac.uk
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