Amarune's Adventures - Vagrant in Wonderland

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Credits Contents

Lead Designer & Producer: Steve Fidler Part 1: Vagrant in Wonderland...................5

Writing and Design: Sven Truckenbrodt Part 2: Down the Mushroom Hole............6
Editor: Ryan Langr Part 3: Mee, the Myconid Colony.............8
Layout: Nathanaël Roux
Graphic Designer: Nathanaël Roux
Part 4: The Red Footprint Road............... 10
Cover Art: Alexandra Petruk (Adobe stock) composed by
Part 5: Bruthwol’s Laboratory................. 12
Steve Fidler Concluding Remarks...................................... 13
Cartography: Map of Faerûn by Dusty Haynes @, modified by Steve Fidler & Appendix A: Magic Items 14
Nathanaël Roux
Interior Sketch Art: Nathanaël Roux and Shiah Appendix B: Creatures 14
“Cinder” Irgangladen Azmyth................................................................. 14
Other Interior Art: Bruno Balixa, some art provided by Bat......................................................................... 15
Wizards of the Coast for DM’s Guild use. Used with Cavvekan.............................................................. 15
permission, ink splatter brushes ( Derro Child........................................................... 16
Content Warnings: post-traumatic stress disorder, Duergar Mycologist............................................. 16
memory loss, abduction, spiders Giant Rat............................................................... 17
Mee Myconid....................................................... 17
Playtesters: Andreas Klebinger, Heloisa Chiossi, Júlia Spider.................................................................... 18
Raíces, Louisa Gonzalez Somermayer, Marçal Gallemí Spore Weaver....................................................... 18
Rovira, Nikola Canigova, Peter Polak, Thomas Auzinger
Appendix C: Flora 19

Appendix D: Sidekick 20
Mee Myconid Scout............................................ 20

Appendix E: Consent and Safety

Tools 22

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, Eberron, the dragon ampersand, Ravnica and all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards
of the Coast in the USA and other countries.
This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors. Such material is used with permission under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.
All other original material in this work is copyright 2019-2020 by Vorpal Dice Press and published under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.

Amarune's Adventures | Credits

Vagrant in Wonderland
Determining Party Strength
Preamble Party Composition Party Strength
Vagrant in Wonderland is a whimsical Alice-esque 3-4 characters, APL less than 6 Very weak
journey into the depths of Araumycos, the Great 3-4 characters, APL equivalent to 7 Weak
Fungus. The characters encounter Vagrant, an 3-4 characters, APL greater than 7 Average
intrepid myconid scout living within Araumycos 5 characters, APL less than 7 Weak
who is looking for outside help for a great crisis that 5 characters, APL equivalent to 7 Average
has befallen their colony – vast parts of Araumycos
5 characters, APL greater than 7 Strong
are dying and they do not know why or how to stop
6-7 characters, APL less than 7 Average
it. When the party accepts Vagrant’s plea for help,
they are led underground through a secret passage. 6-7 characters, APL equivalent to 7 Strong
There’s one catch: Vagrant uses the shrinking 6-7 characters, APL greater than 7 Very strong
pygmywort mushroom (see appendix C) to get them This adventure incorporates topics that may not be
all inside – but they have no matching bigwig comfortable to everyone playing at your table, which
mushrooms (see appendix C) left to restore them to include: post-traumatic stress disorder, memory
their actual size again! The party soon discovers that loss, abduction, and spiders. Use the safety tools
the mystery of the dying colony and a fresh source provided in appendix E to ensure that everyone has
for bigwig mushrooms may be closely linked… a good time!
This adventure is optimized for a party of five
7th-level characters. Throughout this adventure,
sidebars will help you adjust for smaller or larger
Adventure Background
groups and characters of higher or lower levels. Use Vagrant’s myconid colony, which he refers to as
the five categories of party strength in these sidebars “Mee”, has been living inside a tiny cave within
as a guide. To determine the party strength of your Araumycos’ vast mass for many generations. Vagrant
group and whether you should adjust the adventure, and their companions are only a few inches tall and
first perform the following calculation to determine make use of bigwig mushrooms to grow themselves
the average party level (APL): to the size of feet when they have to interact with
outsiders – which is rarely the case. They use
• first, add up the total levels of all the character.
pygmywort mushrooms (see appendix C) to turn
• second, divide the total by the number of character.
back to their usual size. All members of Mee are
• finally, round fractions of .5 or greater up; round
telepathically linked via rapport spores and have
fractions of less than .5 down
been functioning as one autonomous communal
You can now use the Determining Party Strength entity with many individual opinions but a single
sidebar below to determine if you should make any unified mind.
adjustments in case your group’s strength deviates This peaceful existence has recently been
from the rating “average”. If a sidebar does not offer disrupted by the duergar mycologist Bruthwol, on
any recommendation for the APL of your group, you the hunt for rare specimens for his collection and
don’t have to make any adjustments. alchemical experiments. When he broke through

Amarune's Adventures | Vagrant in Wonderland

the ceiling of the colony’s cave with his foot up There are endless possibilities for adventuring in the
to his knee a few days ago, it must have seemed Underdark and you can peruse Amarune’s Almanac:
like the end of the world for Vagrant and their The Underdark for additional inspiration.
companions. To Bruthwol, it was a happy accident.
After a few choice curses while pulling out his leg,
he discovered the many tiny mushrooms running
Adventure Layout
about hectically inside – and the many patches of Here is an overview of the five parts of Vagrant in
cultivated fungi of the utmost rarity! Bruthwol could Wonderland the party goes through while helping
hardly believe his good fortune and eagerly started Vagrant restore Mee and recover some bigwig
scooping mushrooms and myconids alike into his mushrooms to get them back to their original size:
satchels. When the colony started putting up an
• Vagrant in Wonderland. The party meets the
organized defense, Bruthwol exercised the better
intrepid myconid scout Vagrant, who pleads for
part of valor and retreated. His satchels were filled to
their help for the myconid’s dying colony “Mee” in
the brim by then.
one of the many folds of Araumycos.
The effect this traumatic event had on the
• Down the Mushroom Hole. Vagrant provides
community was profound. With so many of their
pygmywort mushrooms to shrink themselves
communal mind’s voices beyond reach in Bruthwol’s
and the party to access Araumycos, deep in the
satchels, their ability to form organized thoughts
Underdark, through a small hidden passage.
and even recall recent history has largely vanished.
• Mee, the Myconid Colony. The party encounters
The colony does not remember what occurred but
the disrupted myconid colony Mee and pieces
knows their situation is dire. Efforts to save Mee
together what happened here. They also learn
are faltering as every myconid defaults back to their
about the bigwig mushrooms grown here and that
preferred tasks while failing to coordinate with their
they were apparently dragged away somewhere.
fellows. Vagrant set out to do what he did best as
• The Red Footprint Road. A trail of bloody
well – scout. They don’t know what is wrong, but
footprints leads the party towards Bruthwol’s
they know that they need help – urgently.
laboratory. They’ll soon learn that a trip through
the Underdark can be dangerous, however –
Adventure Hook especially when you’re only 5 inches tall.
• Bruthwol’s Laboratory. The party confronts
The immediate hook to this adventure can be found
Bruthwol in his laboratory and tries to rescue the
in the first section of Adventure Layout. Here, you
abducted myconids and obtain bigwig mushrooms
can find some ideas on how to incorporate this
to return to the surface.
adventure into a wider narrative.
This adventure works best as part of a journey The Adventure Timing sidebar provides an estimate
through the High Forest, under which Araumycos on how long you’re likely to spend on each section.
grows and stretches from the surface deep into the
Underdark. There are a myriad of reasons a party of Adventure Timing
adventurers might be drawn to the High Forest: sun This adventure aims for 3-5 hours of play time.
elves dwell here and weave their ancient magics; Depending on the actions of the party, this might
the Uthgardt barbarians are noble warriors who take longer or shorter, of course. If you need to
can become staunch allies just as easily as sworn watch the clock and want to keep things moving,
enemies; the Grandfather Tree is a sight to behold here is some guidance on how long each part should
and a marvel of nature; and the Emerald Enclave take, approximately:
maintains many circles here – and this is just the
• Vagrant in Wonderland. 30 minutes
beginning of adventuring opportunities that can
• Down the Mushroom Hole. 30 minutes
be encountered here. For more inspiration, peruse
• Mee, the Myconid Colony. 1 hour
Amarune’s Almanac: Forests of the Realms.
• The Red Footprint Road. 1 hour
You can also easily modify this adventure to
• Bruthwol’s Laboratory. 1 hour
take place entirely underground and integrate it
into an Underdark campaign, such as Out of the
Abyss. Simply have Vagrant encounter the party
while traveling close to Araumycos. This would fit
particularly well as part of chapter 5 or chapter 16.

Amarune's Adventures | Vagrant in Wonderland

Part 1: Roleplaying Vagrant, the Myconid Scout
Vagrant is an overly excited little myconid. They do
Vagrant in Wonderland not have a gender as per humanoid definitions and
While the party is wandering through the High cannot distinguish gender. When communicating
Forest, a bizarre figure suddenly bursts out from the with humanoids, they refer to themselves with the
woods and onto their path: pronouns they/them. If they try specific gender
As you are journeying through the High Forest, the pronouns, they get it wrong half of the time and keep
birds chirp in the trees and a light breeze rustles the switching pronouns for the same person. Vagrant acts
branches. With a few sudden cracks, something barrels as a scout to Mee but has never actually gone beyond
right onto your path! The strange creature breaks its a few feet of the colony before the current crisis. Every
head-over-heels tumble and springs to its… feet? You step is a new wonder to Vagrant – and they have no
are not quite sure what you are looking at. It is about filter for their child-like excitement about it!
three feet tall, has a small satchel tied around its Personality. Vagrant has problems with the concept
multicolored cap, and excitedly starts to mime. What of “I” and often talks of themselves in the third person.
stands before you resembles nothing so much as a Vagrant is a bit confused and has difficulty processing
tall-capped mushroom with spindly and flexible legs all the new impressions of the world right now.
on which it shakily swings from side to side while its Ideal. Everything is so exciting! Vagrant wants to see
equally wobbly arms flail in excited circles towards its everything now!
cap. You see a cloud of spores emerging from the cap. Bond. Mee is in trouble and my only purpose is
to save Mee.
Vagrant releases a cloud of rapport spores, Flaw. There is no filter when Vagrant talks – and they
knowing it’s the only way to communicate with cannot lie, for there are no secrets in Mee.
humanoids. A character can discern the intent with a
successful DC 12 Wisdom (Insight) check. Vagrant existed in Mee as if they are still in full bloom. This
is extremely excited but absolutely non-hostile – is no deception; a lifetime of memory is stronger
they will back down and cower before any sign of in Vagrant’s mind than the recent events. Vagrant
aggression (see the Roleplaying Vagrant box). tells the characters that there is a fungus for almost
When a character breathes in the rapport spores, anything – making potions, healing, becoming
they immediately hear an extremely excited and invisible, etc. All of this is true and Vagrant tries to
breathless little voice piping in their mind: excite the party if they latch onto any of this as a
potential reward.
“Oh, hello! Are you nice? You seem nice! Do you have a
You can use Vagrant as a sidekick for the party
name? I’m Vagrant! Can you help me? Please, you need
during this adventure (see appendix D; suggested
to come to Mee with me! Everything is terrible!”
sidekick level 3).
Vagrant proceeds to explain that “Mee” is dying and
that they do not know why. See the What Vagrant What Vagrant Knows
Knows sidebar for what the myconid scout can share Vagrant is currently a little confused due to the
when questioned at this stage. They have no way of disruption of the shared mind of Mee and suffers from
stopping the apocalyptical devastation that has already short-term memory problems. They are also battling
claimed “vast areas” of “Grandy Araumycos” – the the sensory overload from venturing so far from their
fungus in one of whose many folds they reside. Vagrant colony. While they cannot lie (see the Roleplaying
has trouble defining Mee if pressed about it – they do Vagrant sidebar), the information they share may be
not refer to it as a colony but simply as “Mee”. Vagrant inaccurate or out of context:
is an individual but also was the colony itself before its • Araumycos is dying and Mee with it. Vagrant and their
partial destruction. This concept is difficult to explain fellows have no idea what is wrong or how to fix it.
to outsiders for Vagrant and they trail off in confusion • Mee is home to a fantastical mushroom garden that contains
when trying to define the nature of their existence, even the rarest of specimens with fantastical properties. There
exacerbated by their confusion about their recent is no potion that cannot be brewed by Mee.
existence as a lone individual outside the mind of Mee. • Vagrant is a scout but has never ventured this far
Vagrant has little of immediate value to offer from Mee. They have no concept of how far they have
but gladly proposes that the characters can have actually travelled but confidently assure the party that
anything they want if only they help. Vagrant it did not take very long at all.
praises the vast gardens of rare fungi that once

Amarune's Adventures | Vagrant in Wonderland

Part 2: After ingesting the pygmywort mushrooms, the
characters can enter the hole. The tunnel is round, 25
Down the Mushroom Hole inches in diameter, meandering randomly, branching
If the party accepts Vagrant’s plea for help, Vagrant will in random intervals, and occasionally contains thicker
lead them on a seemingly random path into the forest, roots intersecting the path at any angle. Vagrant
crossing the way they already came several times. But remembers the right path home, which he followed
after not too long, they arrive at the secret passage: only recently. However, this time around, some of
the inhabitants have come back from their own daily
Vagrant stops in their excited flailing gate so suddenly
excursions and may take note. If the party is not
that you almost stumble into them. They happily point
moving stealthily, they are automatically detected
at a sandy hole below a half exposed tree root and
by a pack of four giant rats (see appendix B). If the
exclaim: “We are here! This is it! The secret passage I
party attempts to move stealthily, they first have to
found!” The hole is barely two feet wide – there is no
convince Vagrant to slow down and stay quiet with
way any of you could fit in there…
a DC 16 Charisma (Persuasion) check or a DC 17
A successful DC 13 Intelligence (Nature) check Charisma (Intimidation) check. In this situation,
reveals that this is likely a hole burrowed by an to move through the rats’ den undetected requires a
animal. The size points towards a fox, badger or successful DC 18 group Dexterity (Stealth) check. If
something similar. If the check succeeds by 3 or the party is detected, have them roll initiative:
more, the characters find that the claw marks at the
As you cross another branching tunnel path, you hear
entrance point towards some sort of giant rodent.
a loud squeak from the darkness in the tunnel. After
Vagrant takes out a pygmywort mushroom (see
a few moments, two pairs of eyes glowing in the
appendix C), breaks it into pieces, and hands one
darkness appear – approaching rapidly and emerging
to each party member while keeping the smallest
from the shadows as two giant rats, their teeth bared.
for themselves. Vagrant informs the party that this
will help them all get in. If the party is hesitant, Two giant rats (see appendix B) attack from the
Vagrant is happy to eat theirs first and demonstrate. side passage, two more lurk ahead and strike after
Vagrant also assures them that they can turn them the first round or if the party tries to flee ahead.
large again, with the help of a bigwig mushroom, just This encounter is intended to show the party the
as they turned themselves big to journey through full impact of their changed circumstances after
this strange world above. They just need to get to being shrunk by the pygmywort mushrooms and give
Mee, where there are large supplies of bigwigs. The them an opportunity to get used to the mechanics.
transformation process is a weird experience: This does not necessarily have to be a pure combat
encounter; the giant rats can be convinced to leave
You feel a tingling all over your body, followed by
with an offering of food and a successful DC 14
feeling as if you are being crushed, but this quickly
Wisdom (Animal Handling) check. To adjust
gives way to a sensation of falling. The world seems to
the encounter to different party strengths, see the
expand and grow to an unreasonable size around you
Adjusting the Encounter: Giant Rat Burrow sidebar.
– the blades of grass at your feet shoot up until they
If you wish to make the travel to Mee more
loom over your head, the buzzing of the bees grow to
difficult for your party or you know they enjoy
a belly-shaking roar, and the soft breeze suddenly feels
random encounters, consider using one of the
like it could sweep you off your feet at any moment.
random encounters detailed in section The Red
Finally, the feeling of vertigo stops – and you find that
Footprint Road.
you have shrunk to the size of only a few inches!
Being shrunk by Vagrant’s pygmywort mushrooms Adjusting the Encounter: Giant Rat
has mechanical effects that are detailed in the Burro.
DM, You Shrunk the Party! sidebar. In a nutshell, Here are some recommendations for adjusting the
characters only have to change their hit point encounter with the giant rats in their burrow. These are
maximum and damage dice, while the DM only not cumulative.
has to change the scale of their battlemaps and Very weak party. Replace two giant rats with two rats.
the movement speeds of creatures. Inform your Weak party. Remove one giant rat.
players of the relevant changes to their stats after Strong party. Add two giant rats.
they got shrunk! Very strong party. Replace one giant rat with a
swarm of rats.

Amarune's Adventures | Vagrant in Wonderland

DM, You Shrunk the Party! • Hit Points. Inform the characters that their hit point
Radically altering a basic feature of adventurers, maximum is equal to their level + their Constitution
such as reducing their size by a factor of 10, can modifier (minimum of 1) X their level, while shrunk.
have profound effects on game mechanics. Here are • Attacks and Damage. All attacks and spells originating
some quick guidelines for dealing with a party that from a shrunken creature use damage dice two
has to adventure while being affected by Vagrant’s categories smaller than usual. If the normal damage
shrinking pygmywort mushrooms. These do not always die is a d4 or a d6, the damage is reduced to a flat 1
scale perfectly but are designed to cause minimal instead. Modifiers are added to attack roles as normal,
adjustments for both the players and the DM, while but not to damage rolls. For example, a creature
still feeling impactful, challenging, and different: dealing 1d6 + 3 on an attack with a shortsword now
• Size. The size of a shrunken character is their usual deals 1 damage instead.
height in feet, but now measured in inches. For • Ranges of Attacks, Spells, and Effects. The attack ranges
example, a character who is 5 feet tall is now 5 inches of a shrunken creature are their usual attack ranges,
tall. Their size category is beyond Tiny, they are now but now measured in inches. A Diminutive creature
Diminutive. On a battlemap, a 5-foot square now cannot make a melee attack against a creature larger
represents a 5-inch square. A Diminutive creature than Diminutive unless they occupy the same space.
occupies 1 square, a Tiny creature occupies 4 squares (2 Spells or Effects originating from a Diminutive creature
by 2), a Small creature occupies 9 squares (3 by 3) and a are equally affected. For example, a fireball spell usually
Medium creature occupies 16 squares (4 by 4). has a range of 120 feet and a 20-foot radius, but
• Lifting and Carrying. The carrying capacity of a originating from a Diminutive creature, this is reduced
shrunken character is their usual carrying capacity to 120 inches range and a 20-inch radius. Healing
divided by ten. For example, a character with a carrying effects and other spells function as normal.
capacity of 150 pounds now has a carrying capacity of • Equipment. All equipment worn or carried by the
15 pounds. The weight a character can push, drag, or characters shrinks with them.
lift is affected in the same way. • Other Rules. All other rules pertaining to creature size
• Movement. The movement speed of a shrunken are applied to Diminutive creatures in the same way
character is their usual movement speed in feet, but as to creatures of other size categories. For example,
now measured in inches. For example, a character a Diminutive creature can only grapple up to small
who has a movement speed of 30 feet now has creatures (two size categories larger than themselves).
a movement speed of 30 inches. A Diminutive • Narration. Aside from pure mechanics, take care
creature can move through the space occupied by a to narrate everything that occurs in the adventure
creature larger than Diminutive. Creatures larger than from the perspective of a Diminutive character,
Diminutive can move their speed in feet multiplied only standing a few inches tall. You can find some
by 10 and now measured in inches. For example, inspiration on this in the read-aloud text boxes!
a creature with a movement speed of 30 feet can • XP. If you are using XP for levelling, multiply all XP
move 300 inches. gained by the characters while in Diminutive form by 4.

Amarune's Adventures | Vagrant in Wonderland

Part 3: things that can be learned, and the difficulty classes to
uncover information from each skill check. Improvise
Mee, the Myconid Colony interactions with the myconids of Mee where
A few hours after the encounter with the giant rats, necessary, based on the information on the state and
the party arrives at Araumycos and, ultimately, Mee: layout of the colony provided above.
After a few hours of travel, you start to see a strange white Mee’s Mysteries
fuzz appearing on the tunnel walls. When you get close to Checks DC
it, it reaches out gently and feels slowly across your armor Investigation. Below the mushroom debris that 14
or skin. It is fluffy and does not seem dangerous. As you go has fallen from the ceiling, you discern a familiar
on, the earthen tunnel walls are gradually entirely replaced outline in the mud. It is difficult to tell at first, from
by a spongy white and pale-yellow mass. As you walk this strange perspective and the days that must
across it, you bounce a little. The path becomes more of have passed, but… yes, that is a giant footprint –
a labyrinth of ways branching off in all dimensions, some easily 10 inches long!
as small as your thumb, others big enough that you could Persuasion. Trying to distract the demoralized 18
comfortably walk in them in your usual size. and apathetic myconids from their futile tasks to
tease out any useful information is difficult, but
Vagrant leads on confidently until the pearly white not impossible. Once a character convinces some
starts to turn grey and then black. The smell of decay to converse, they can be persuaded to assist in
chokes you until, finally, the tunnel opens up into any task that is not obviously dangerous or would
a cavern. Before you, you see an expanse of misery, require them to leave their cave. This provides a
incongruously bathed in the dim but cheerfully colorful +2 bonus to any other ability check a character
light from phosphorescent fungi growing on the cave attempts while investigating the colony.
walls. Myconids looking very similar to Vagrant roam Insight. Uncoordinated and futile as the myconids’ 15
around aimlessly, broken towers of mushrooms lie actions seem, you manage to discern a vague
across the ground, there is nothing left but stumps and pattern. Some of them seem to be trying to find
broken pieces of colorful mushroom where Vagrant ways to extend the remaining mushrooms upward
described glorious gardens to you. And a huge hole – some are collecting the longest pieces of broken
gapes in the ceiling of the cave. mushroom stalks, others are transporting ropes
and other materials to the top of the towers. Their
The cave in which Mee is located is roughly 500
efforts lead to nothing, as they are constantly
inches by 300 inches and 100 inches high. The
interrupted, their materials carried elsewhere, and
gardens once surrounded a cluster of mushroom
they seem to be unable to connect their separate
towers reaching up to 50 or 60 inches high. Small
actions – but the intent is definitely there.
streams of water trickle from the walls and pool in
Survival. It is difficult to tell from this perspective, 13
the center. There are some paths
but the damage to the mushroom gardens can
After the disruption of their colony, each myconid
only have been caused by some Medium or at least
went back to performing their usual preferred tasks,
Small creature grabbing a hold of the mushrooms
but there was no more coordination between them.
and forcefully yanking them from the ground.
While one myconid still harvested the mushrooms
they grew in the colony, the planter was gone Nature. While the mushroom garden is largely 17
and so the fields became depleted fast. While one ruined and the stores are decomposing rapidly,
myconid tried to continue singing the songs of their there are a few curious preserved specimens
communal history, the memory of that history was that stand out. You are able to identify these as
fragmented and the singer left with a sad monotone nimergan mushrooms (see appendix C).
wail. These and other signs of chaos and disorder are Perception. The gaping hole in the ceiling seems to 13
evident throughout the colony. Include an element be coated with a dried red substance at the edges.
of incongruity wherever possible while describing Medicine. The myconids living here seem distracted 17
Mee as the characters explore the colony. and confused, but characters can help them focus
The party will likely want to investigate Mee before with some meditation techniques or the right
determining their next steps. For a quick overview of herbs. This momentarily draws one of them out of
what the characters can uncover in Mee, refer to the their haze and into a trance that allows characters
Mee’s Mysteries box. This box lists appropriate checks to ask questions about what happened here as if
that can be undertaken while investigating Mee, the the myconid is under the effects of a speak with
dead spell. This only works once.
Amarune's Adventures | Vagrant in Wonderland
At some point towards the end of the party’s
investigation of what occurred in Mee, trigger the
following encounter with a wild cavvekan (see
appendix B):
While you are gathering information and discussing
your findings, a few distant myconid mind voices cry
out and others soon join in until a chaotic cacophony
of terror fills your head. As you turn to find the source
of this fresh disturbance, you see a bat-like snout
sniffing into the colony from the hole above. As you
watch, a whole head pokes through – it looks like a
cute small dog, except with bat ears and giant nostrils!
The myconids are running around aimlessly in a
collective panic.
Have the party roll initiative. On their first turn,
they must each succeed on a DC 12 Wisdom saving
throw or be affected by a confusion spell, courtesy
of the myconids’ collective panic influencing
their minds. The effects of the confusion spell end
immediately if the myconids can be calmed down
or at least six of them are incapacitated. Calming
and organizing the myconids to get to safety deeper
in the cavern and hide requires a successful DC 20
Charisma (Persuasion) check or a calm emotions
spell (which usually affects only humanoids but is
applicable here).
The party can determine that the intruder is a
cavvekan with a successful DC 14 Intelligence
(Nature) check. If the check succeeds by 2 or
more, they also learn some basic lore about these
creatures (see Amarune’s Almanac: The Underdark).
The cavvekan is not hostile, just curious. It will
spend the first round just sniffing around. However,
it starts trying to catch the myconids running
around in panic, out of pure play instinct, after two
rounds. It does not try to kill them, it’s just playing
– however, it may end up doing so accidentally
Bruno Balixa

if nobody interferes. The fact that the cavvekan

is not hostile but only playful can be ascertained
with a successful DC 10 Wisdom (Insight) check.
The cavvekan can be distracted with a successful
DC 14 Wisdom (Animal Handling) check if a
character provides something more interesting
than a struggling myconid. It behaves like a happy
playful dog, putting its head to the ground, wagging
its tail, and waiting for the next game. If a character
captures its attention this way, the cavvekan can be
led away from the colony. With a follow-up DC 16
Wisdom (Animal Handling) check, the cavvekan
becomes quite attached to any character who played
with it. It becomes docile and even lets the party ride
on its back!

Amarune's Adventures | Vagrant in Wonderland

Part 4: through the Underdark unhindered depending
on group size – some dangers are more difficult to
The Red Footprint Road avoid and foes are more easily attracted to larger
The party will likely want to exit the cave via the groups. If the party has the cavvekan with them, the
hole in the ceiling at some point, as many hints number of necessary successes is reduced, as the
uncovered in Mee point there. Some ways this is cavvekan moves much faster than the characters (see
achieved are by climbing one of the remaining table). If the party stops for a short rest, increase the
mushroom towers and grappling onto the ceiling, number of required successes by one. If the party
flying, or scaling the cavern walls. If the party is stops for a long rest, reset the counter. Give your
not in any hurry and can work in peace, this can players some indication of these penalties! This can
be accomplished without checks. If the party be a direct mechanical information out of game or,
has to do this quickly, scaling the slick walls better, a description of how Vagrant grows uneasy
requires a successful DC 15 Strength (Athletics) with the stop and suggests that this will ultimately
check and grappling onto the hole opening add time to their travel or a growing awareness that
requires a successful DC 17 Dexterity (Sleight of Araumycos is constantly shifting and can cloud a
Hand) check. traveler’s mind.
Once they reach the top, there is an obvious lead: Travel Skill Challenge:
A trail of footprints stretches down a tunnel. The left Necessary Successes
foot is the only one visible on the fungal growth of Successes without Successes with
Araumycos, as it seems to have been bloodied and is Players cavvekan cavvekan
leaving a red trail shining ominously in the illumination 3 3 2
of phosphorescent fungi. 4 3 2
After the party is ready to set out on the path of 5 4 3
bloody footprints they uncovered, the travel through 6 4 3
uncharted Underdark territory can begin! But their 7 5 4
path does not simply lead them through any old region You do not need to announce that you are running
of the Underdark, which in itself would be dangerous a skill challenge. Encourage players to propose how
enough – this is a journey through Araumycos’ vast they would like to make the dangerous travel ahead
body itself. Arriving at Bruthwol’s laboratory safe and of them easier. Encourage them to describe what
sound in this environment is no easy task. they are trying to do rather than having them ask for
To narrate the journey and possible complications, a specific check and then assign an appropriate skill.
use the following modified form of a skill challenge The base DC for each check is 15, but you can raise
(see the box Skill Challenges: Quick Rules or decrease the DC by up to +2 or -2 depending on
for guidance). the approach the players describe and complicating
circumstances. Reward creativity! Particularly
Skill Challenges: Quick Rules appropriate skills for this challenge could be
The players work together towards a common goal. Dexterity (Stealth) (e.g. to avoid dangers), Wisdom
Achieving this goal requires a number of successful (Survival) (e.g. to find shortcuts), Intelligence
ability checks set by the DM. Each player can announce (Nature) (e.g. to identify signs hinting at dangers),
how they wish to contribute and the DM assigns skills or Wisdom (Perception) (e.g. to notice approaching
and DCs for each ability check. The DM improvises danger). You can improvise more unorthodox skill
complications, opportunities, and conflicts arising from checks as well, such as Strength (Athletics) (e.g. to
failed checks. A skill challenge typically ends when the shove away an obstacle), Intelligence (Religion)
goal is achieved or after three failures; in this scenario (e.g. to pray for guidance from a god), or Wisdom
there is no hard failure condition, complications on (Medicine) (e.g. to bolster the party’s reserves with
failures simply delay achieving the goal. some isotonic drinks). These are just suggestions, try
to work creatively with your players!
Before the group arrives at Bruthwol’s laboratory, For each failed skill check, run one random
they have to accumulate a number of successes encounter from the table The Red Footprint
depending on the number of players (see the Road: Travel Complications. You can either
Travel Skill Challenge: Necessary Successes table). roll for the encounter or pick one that sounds
This reflects the increasing difficulties of trekking interesting to you.

Amarune's Adventures | Vagrant in Wonderland

The Red Footprint Road: Travel Complication
d8 Encounter
1 Amulet of Arachnid Alliance. A gleam catches the eyes of the character with the highest passive Perception.
It comes from a strange amulet formed from delicate strands of silver wrapped around an amethyst. Upon
closer inspection, these seem to form the likeness of a spider. Unfortunately, closer inspection also leads to an
attack by 4d4 spiders (see appendix B)! The characters can notice these spiders with a successful DC 14 Wisdom
(Perception) check while approaching and avoid detection with a successful DC 12 Dexterity (Stealth) check
until they touch the amulet. The amulet is an amulet of arachnid alliance (see appendix A).
2 Remodeling Araumycos. Some sections of Araumycos are less stable than others, its great mass is in slow but
constant flux. The floor beneath the characters suddenly gives way. They have to succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity
saving throw or slide down 30 inches along the collapsing mushroom floor. Below is a puddle of acidic slime
that helps Araumycos to digest itself. A creature that starts its turn in this slime must succeed on a DC 16
Constitution saving throw or takes 2d4 damage. Scaling the slimy walls of the collapsed area requires a
successful DC 16 Strength (Athletics) check. This check is made with advantage if any sort of help, such as a
rope or pitons, are provided.
3 Spore Weavers. The only passage ahead is covered with extensive webs. Characters with a passive Perception
score of 14 or higher notice movement in the webs, but they are too dense to see what exactly lurks within. If
anyone touches the web, 4 spore weavers (see appendix B) attack. For a very weak party, remove 2 spore weavers;
for a weak party, remove 1 spore weaver; for a strong party add 1 spore weaver; for a very strong party add 2
spore weavers.
4 Faerzress. Portions of the Underdark are suffused in a strange magical manifestation known as faerzress. These
areas shine with a kaleidoscope of colors, distort magic, and often produce their own weird effects. Any spells
cast in this area trigger a roll on the Wild Magic Surge table of the wild magic sorcerer (see Player’s Handbook).
Any character passing through this particular pocket must succeed on a DC 13 Intelligence saving throw or
randomly become affected by one of the following effects until they finish a long rest (roll a d6 or pick an effect):
• 1 – the character is lit up as if by a faerie fire spell
• 2 – the character gains one level of exhaustion as their energy is drained
• 3 – the character becomes affected by a zone of truth spell
• 4 – the character gains advantage on attack rolls as their reflexes are suddenly heightened
• 5 – the character must roll on the Wild Magic Surge table of the wild magic sorcerer (see Player’s Handbook)
any time they cast a spell as a strand of faerzress latches onto them
• 6 – the character is under the effect of a blink spell but cannot control where they reappear
5 Lady of the Caves. A patch of rock 200 inches wide and with stalagmite-like protrusions interrupts the soft
surface of Araumycos. Some of the stalagmites loom twice as tall as the characters. This is a lady of the caves
(see appendix C) fungus, which perfectly mimics stone. The characters can realize that this is not actually rock
but a fungus with a successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check. The fungus triggers only when at least four
Diminutive creatures or one Small creature (such as a cavvekan) step on it simultaneously.
6 Araumycos Visions. Araumycos is a highly psionic, active entity. Waves of this energy wash through its body and
can intrude upon a visitor’s mind without the Great Fungus even taking note of their existence. Each character
must succeed on a DC 16 Intelligence saving throw or be affected by a phantasmal force spell that projects their
most intimate fear. This effect can be ended as per the spell description or with a dispel magic spell. If a character
succeeds on the saving throw by 3 or more, they gain the benefits of an augury spell instead.
7 Derro Child. A lone derro child (see appendix B) wanders through Araumycos. They are not in danger or distress,
as their mind is strangely guided by the Great Fungus. When the child lays eyes upon the characters, it perceives
them as wonderful puppet toys and wants to play with them.
8 Dying Araumycos. Some parts of Araumycos are not only being remodeled but are dying off completely. The
mass of the Great Fungus in these areas has become black and reeks of decay. Any character passing through
such an area must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or become poisoned until they finish a short
or long rest.

Amarune's Adventures | Vagrant in Wonderland

Part 5: Roleplaying Bruthwol, the Mycologist
Bruthwol is a hermit, whose life’s purpose is to study
Bruthwol’s Laboratory fungi. He experiments with the specimens he finds to
After the party manages to trace the bloody footprints create novel alchemical potions and tinctures, which he
and brave the challenges of the Underdark and sells at various markets in the Underdark to support his
Araumycos, they finally arrive at Bruthwol’s laboratory: research. He is also a collector of rare specimens, which
Light spills out from an opening a few hundred inches are too precious to him to use in experiments.
away, and a strange acidic and sweet smell permeates Personality. I dislike other people, even other duergar,
the air. As you carefully approach closer, you can see what and want to be left alone to do my research. When
looks like some sort of small laboratory, with workbenches immersed in an experiment, the rest of the world
lining the walls, alchemical equipment piled on them, and ceases to exist to me.
all sorts of containers, bottles, and sample holders arrayed Ideal. The greatest secrets of alchemy lie in mycology
on shelves or hanging from the ceiling. – and I will be the one to discover them!
Bond. My collection of rare mushrooms is the finest
Bruthwol, a duergar mycologist (see appendix in all the Underdark and very precious to me.
B), is currently experimenting on the mushrooms Flaw. I may not be able to admit it, but I’m a careless
he collected from Mee. The characters can experimenter – my notes are a mess, my equipment
learn the following with successful Wisdom blows up on a regular basis, and I keep poisoning myself.
(Perception) checks:
However, the floor is covered in puddles and drops
• DC 12: Bruthwol is hunched over a workbench,
from spilled potions. These are not any one potion, but
seemingly distracted by a complex experiment
many mixed together. A character who takes a taste
involving several burners, distilling equipment,
from a puddle must succeed on a DC 16 Constitution
and colorful bubbling liquids
saving throw or be affected by a random potion
• DC 13: the nooks and crannies of the laboratory
immediately (see Potion Puddles table); they learn the
are covered in old webs, and you can make out two
impending effect, as if tasting a regular potion, and can
spiders (see appendix B) close to the entrance
choose to fail the saving throw. A character can only be
• DC 14: in one of the specimen containers above
affected by one ongoing potion effect at a time in this
the central table is a closed basket, in which the
way; the previous ongoing effect ends immediately
myconids missing from Vagrant’s colony hang
when they acquire a new one.
miserably and apathetic; there are about two
dozen of them Potion Puddle
• DC 16: above the workbench on which Bruthwol d20 Potion Effects
is currently working sit a number of closed 1-5 Potion of poison
wooden and metal containers that are labeled in 6-8 Potion of healing
fading dwarfish characters; anyone who can read 9-11 Potion of climbing
Dwarfish can identify a container labeled “bigwig” 12-14 Potion of fire breath
(this contains enough mushrooms to turn all 15-16 Potion of stone giant strength
characters back to normal) 17-18 Potion of invisibility
• DC 18: an azmyth (see appendix B) hangs 19-20 Potion of flying
from the ceiling between the containers with
This is not necessarily a combat encounter, but the
specimens; this is Slith, Bruthwol’s pet
party could certainly attempt to overcome Bruthwol
The tables and workbenches are 30 inches high; with brute force. To prepare an appropriate challenge,
the ceiling is 120 inches high, but the containers should it come to blows, consult the Adjusting
hang down to 80 inches above ground level. the Encounter: Bruthwol’s Laboratory box to scale
Bruthwol himself is totally preoccupied with the combat to the strength of your party. Other ways
experiment he is running. The azmyth is keeping of approaching the situations are subterfuge and
watch and sneaking through the laboratory requires negotiations – the party might try to free Vagrant’s
a successful DC 14 Dexterity (Stealth) check. fellow myconids and steal back the bigwig mushrooms
There are a number of interesting items that can be using distractions and stealth, or they might attempt
looted from Bruthwol’s laboratory (see Treasure section to negotiate with Bruthwol to convince them that he
below). Unfortunately, the potions in the racks cannot should give them what they want.
be easily accessed by the characters, due to their size.

Amarune's Adventures | Vagrant in Wonderland

Adjusting the Encounter: Bruthwol’s Concluding Remarks
Laboratory Once the party has restored the missing members of
Here are some recommendations for adjusting the Mee, the colony immediately rejoices in a growing
encounter with Bruthwol in his laboratory. These are song of joining:
not cumulative. As you approach Mee with the abducted myconids,
Very weak party. Remove the azmyth and reduce who have remained largely silent and miserable
Bruthwol’s hit points to 25. throughout your journey back, they start to perk up
Weak party. Reduce Bruthwol’s hit points to 25. a little and sway gently from side to side. Once you
Strong party. Add one additional azmyth. This one is arrive at the colony and the myconids descend through
visibly smaller and has 15 hit points. the hole in the cavern, the colony thanks the party
Very strong party. Add one additional azmyth. profusely and then gets to work restoring their home.
As adventure reward, you can have Vagrant offer

Art provided by Wizard of the Coast

Treasure: If the characters have time to search
Bruthwol’s laboratory in peace for at least 10 to accompany the party. While Vagrant loves their
minutes, they automatically locate the container colony, they also have a lust for travel, exploration,
with bigwig mushrooms. After they become their and adventure – especially after their recent taste
natural size again, have them roll ten times on the of roaming free. They will thus offer to accompany
Potion Puddles table to determine what usable the party; in which case, you can use the sidekick
potions they find. In addition, they can find features in appendix D to represent them.
Bruthwol’s great manifesto: Tunnels and Toadstools:
An Underdark Guide.

Amarune's Adventures | Vagrant in Wonderland

Appendix A: Magic Items Azmyth
Small beast, chaotic neutral
Amulet of Arachnid Alliance
Amulet, very rare (requires attunement) —
Armor Class 13
Hit Points 33 (6d6 + 12)
This amulet is made from delicate strands of silver Speed 5 ft., fly 50 ft.
wrapped around an amethyst to form the likeness
of a spider. This amulet has 5 charges and regains —
1d4 + 1 expended charges after a long rest. While 14 (+2) 17 (+3) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 14 (+2) 6 (-2)
attuned to this amulet, you are able to convey basic
commands and feelings to spiders and spider-like

Skills Perception +4, Stealth +5
creatures. Creatures you are able to communicate Senses blindsight 120 ft., passive Perception 14
with in this way will not attack you unless you attack Languages understands Common but can’t speak it,
them first, and as a bonus action, you can expend telepathy 60 ft.
a charge to cast the command spell (save DC 18) Challenge 1 (200 XP)
targeting one such creature within range.
E—cholocation. The azmyth can’t use its blindsight
Appendix B: Creatures while deafened.

Azmyth Keen Hearing. The azmyth has advantage on Wisdom

(Perception) checks that rely on hearing.

Multiattack. The azmyth uses Discharge Lightning
if it can, or makes a talons attack. It then makes a
bite attack.
Shiah “Cinder” Irgangladen

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one

target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.
Talons. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) slashing damage.
Discharge Lightning (Short or Long Rest). The azmyth
makes a talon attack. If the attack hits, the target
must make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw, taking
9 (2d8) lightning damage on a failed save, or half as
much damage on a successful one. A creature that
fails its save also can’t take reactions till the end of its
next turn.
Meld (1/Day). The azmyth magically turns invisible
until it attacks, moves, or until its concentration ends,
up to 1 hour (as if concentrating on a spell). It also
dampens sounds in an aura extending 10 feet from
it. Any creature outside the aura has disadvantage on
Wisdom (Perception) checks made to hear any sound
coming from within the aura.


Amarune's Adventures | Vagrant in Wonderland

Tiny beast, unaligned

Armor Class 12
Hit Points 1 (1d4 - 1)
Speed 5 ft., fly 30 ft.

2 (-4) 15 (+2) 8 (-1) 2 (-4) 12 (+1) 4 (-3)

enses blindsight 60 ft., passive Perception 11
Languages —
Challenge 0 (10 XP)
E—cholocation. The bat can’t use its blindsight
while deafened.
Keen Hearing. The bat has advantage on Wisdom
(Perception) checks that rely on hearing.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +0 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
creature. Hit: (1d1) piercing damage.

Cavvekan Light Blindness. The cavvekan has disadvantage on
Small beast, unaligned Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight, and is
blinded while in sunlight.

Armor Class 13 (natural armor) Pack Tactics. The cavvekan has advantage on an attack
Hit Points 27 (5d6 + 10) roll against a creature if at least one of the cavvekan’s
Speed 50 ft. allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally

isn’t incapacitated.
15 (+2) 17 (+3) 15 (+2) 3 (-4) 12 (+1) 7 (-2) Pounce. If the cavvekan moves at least 20 feet straight

Skills Perception +3, Stealth +5
toward a creature and then hits it with a claw attack
on the same turn, that target must succeed on a DC
Senses blindsight 120 ft., passive Perception 13
12 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. If the
Languages —
target is prone, the cavvekan can make one bite attack
Challenge 1 (200 XP)
against it as a bonus action.
Nathanaël Roux

E—cholocation. The cavvekan can’t use its blindsight Actions

while deafened.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Keen Hearing and Smell. The cavvekan has advantage target. Hit: 9 (2d6 + 2) piercing damage.
on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
hearing or smell.
target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) slashing damage.

Amarune's Adventures | Vagrant in Wonderland

Derro Child Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, the duergar has
disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom
Derro Child (Perception) checks that rely on sight.
Small humanoid (derro), chaotic evil

Armor Class 12 Tack Hammer. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5
Hit Points 7 (1d6 + 3) ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) bludgeoning damage, or 7
Speed 25 ft. (2d4 + 2) bludgeoning damage while enlarged.
Concoction. The mycologist throws a random

experimental potion bottle to a point it can see up to
10 (+0) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 11 (+0) 5 (-3) 9 (-1)
20 feet away from it. The concoction explodes there

Skill Stealth +4 and requires all creatures within a 5-foot sphere
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 7 centered on the location to make a DC 12 Dexterity
Languages — saving throw. Roll a d6 for each creature that fails its
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP) saving throw to determine which effect the concoction
imparts on it: 1, the creature goes into a frenzy and

M agic Resistance. The derro has advantage on saving can do nothing but move and attempt to attack the
throws against spells and other magical effects. creature closest to it until the end of its next turn; 2,
the creature takes 10 (3d6) acid damage; 3, the creature
Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, the derro has is poisoned for 1 minute or until it succeeds on a DC
disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom 12 Constitution saving throw at the end of its turn; 4,
(Perception) checks that rely on sight. the creature’s speed is reduced by half and it cannot
take Reactions until the end of its next turn; 5, the
Actions creature has disadvantage on all attack rolls and ability
Wooden Sword. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 checks until the end of its next turn; 6, the creature is
ft., one target. Hit: 3 (1d6) bludgeoning damage. polymorphed into a bat.
Hand Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range Enlarge (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest). For
30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage. 1 minute, the duergar magically increases in size,
along with anything it is wearing or carrying. While
enlarged, the duergar is Large, doubles its damage
Duergar Mycologist dice on Strength-based weapon attacks (included in
the attacks), and makes Strength checks and Strength
Duergar Mycologist saving throws with advantage. If the duergar lacks the
room to become Large, it attains the maximum size
Medium humanoid (dwarf), neutral evil
possible in the space available.

Armor Class 16 (scale mail, shield) Invisibility (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest). The
Hit Points 32 (5d8 + 10) duergar magically turns invisible until it attacks, casts
Speed 25 ft. a spell, uses its Enlarge, or until its concentration
is broken, up to 1 hour (as if concentrating on a

STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA spell). Any equipment the duergar wears or carries is
14 (+2) 11 (+0) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 9 (-1)
invisible with it.

Skills Nature +6
Damage Resistances acid, fire
Damage Immunities poison Spore Cloud (Recharge 5-6). When an attack hits the
Condition Immunities poisoned mycologist, it can use its reaction to explode a cloud
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 11 of spores from one of its many pouches, adding +2
Languages Dwarvish, Undercommon to its armor class (including against the triggering
Challenge 3 (700 XP) attack) and creating a 5-foot radius cloud of spores that
heavily obscures the area. The spore cloud lasts until

D uergar Resilience. The duergar has advantage on the end of the mycologist’s next turn.
saving throws against poison, spells, and illusions, as
well as to resist being charmed or paralyzed.
Amarune's Adventures | Vagrant in Wonderland
Giant Rat Mee Myconid
Giant Rat Mee Myconid
Small beast, unaligned Diminutive plant, neutral

Armor Class 12 —
Armor Class 10
Hit Points 7 (2d6) Hit Points 2 (2d1)
Speed 30 ft. Speed 20 in.

7 (-2) 15 (+2) 11 (+0) 2 (-4) 10 (+0) 4 (-3) 4 (-3) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 8 (-1) 12 (+1) 5 (-3)

enses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10 —
Senses darkvision 120 in., passive Perception 11
Languages — Languages —
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP) Challenge 0 (10 XP)

K een Smell. The rat has advantage on Wisdom S—hared Consciousness. A Mee myconid is mentally
(Perception) checks that rely on smell. connected to any other Mee myconid within 120 feet of
it. All connected Mee myconids are aware of anything
Pack Tactics. The rat has advantage on an attack
any individual is aware of – sensory impressions as well
roll against a creature if at least one of the rat’s
as emotions and memories. A mee myconid isolated
allies is within 5 feet of the creature and the ally
from their shared consciousness quickly becomes
isn’t incapacitated.
languid and unresponsive, falls unconscious after 1d4
hours, and dies after 1d4 days.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one Actions
target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage.
Rapport Spores. A 10-inch radius of spores extends
from the mee myconid. These spores can go around
corners and affect only creatures with an Intelligence
of 2 or higher that aren’t undead, constructs, or
elementals. Affected creatures can communicate
telepathically with one another while they are within
30 feet of each other. The effect lasts for 1 hour.

Giant Rat

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Amarune's Adventures | Vagrant in Wonderland

Spider Spider Climb. The spore weaver can climb difficult
surfaces, including upside down on ceilings, without
Spider needing to make an ability check.
Tiny beast, unaligned Web Sense. While in contact with a web, the spore
weaver knows the exact location of any other creature

Armor Class 12 in contact with the same web.
Hit Points 1 (1d4 - 1)
Speed 20 ft., climb 20 ft. Web Walker. The spore weaver ignores movement
restrictions caused by webbing.

2 (-4) 14 (+2) 8 (-1) 1 (-5) 10 (+0) 2 (-4) Actions
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one

Skill Stealth +4 creature. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage, and the
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 7 target must make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw,
Languages — taking 7 (2d6) poison damage on a failed save, or half
Challenge 0 (10 XP) as much damage on a successful one. If the poison
damage reduces the target to 0 hit points, the target is
S—pider Climb. The spider can climb difficult surfaces, stable but poisoned for 1 hour, even after regaining hit
including upside down on ceilings, without needing to points, and is paralyzed while poisoned in this way.
make an ability check.
Fungal Web (Recharge 5–6). Ranged Weapon Attack: +4
Web Sense. While in contact with a web, the spider to hit, range 30/60 ft., one creature. Hit: The target is
knows the exact location of any other creature in restrained by webbing coated in fungal mycelia, and
contact with the same web. must make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw. On
Web Walker. The spider ignores movement restrictions a failed save, the creature is also poisoned while it
caused by webbing. is restrained.
As an action, the restrained target can make a DC
Actions 14 Strength check, bursting the webbing on a success.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one The webbing can also be attacked and destroyed (AC
creature. Hit: 1 piercing damage, and the target must 10; hp 5; vulnerability to fire damage; immunity to
succeed on a DC 9 Constitution saving throw or take 2 bludgeoning, poison, and psychic damage).
(1d4) poison damage.
Spore Spray. When the spore weaver is hit with a melee
Spore Weaver attack by a creature within 5 feet of it, it can eject
noxious fumes at the attacker. The attacker must
succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or be
Spore Weaver poisoned until the end of their next turn.
Medium monstrosity, unaligned

Armor Class 13 (natural armor) Spore Weaver
Hit Points 25 (3d8 + 12)
Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft.

Nathanaël Roux

14 (+2) 15 (+2) 18 (+4) 2 (-4) 12 (+1) 4 (-3)

Skills Stealth +6
Damage Resistances poison
Condition Immunities poison
Senses blindsight 10 ft., darkvision 60 ft. passive
Perception 11
Languages —
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)

Amarune's Adventures | Vagrant in Wonderland
Appendix C: Flora mushroom can’t attempt to trap a creature again for
the next hour.
Bigwig When it comes time to reproduce, ladies spring
A bigwig is a four-inch-tall mushroom with a thin on a victim and inject them with spores. They then
stem and a wide purple cap. A creature that eats one let go. Eventually, the spores burrow back out of the
can choose to make a DC 12 Constitution saving skin and drop to the stone floor, where they begin
throw to not be affected by the mushroom’s magic. to grow anew.
If the creature fails or forgoes the saving throw, it
grows in size as though under the enlarge effect of an Nimergan
enlarge/reduce spell. The effect lasts for 1 hour. Ten Coveted by the duergar, nimergan is a fungus that
minutes before the effect ends, the creature feels serves a unique purpose within the Underdark. The
a tingling sensation, at which point it can sustain small, beige mushroom only grows to be an inch
its current size by eating another purple. The effect or two tall, three inches at its maximum. Its stem
ends if the creature eats a pygmywort mushroom or is dotted with many dark brown bumps, a parasitic
is magically reduced to its normal size (using the organism that feed on the stem of the nimergan.
reduce effect of an enlarge/reduce spell, for example). Once the nimergan reaches maturity, it is
The bigwig mushrooms grown in Mee are of a harvested and sealed in a cask not unlike a wine
special variety. They affect a target with an enlarge/ or spirits cask. The parasitic organism feeds on
reduce spell if the target is its normal size. If the target the nimergan, and creates a fermented liquid
is smaller than its normal size, it restores it to its that serves as a potent alcohol. The potency of
normal size. Additionally, there is no saving throw this alcohol varies depending on the time spent
against this effect. casked. Nimergan that has been casked for too long
can become so potent that it can be lethal. When
Lady of the Caves brewing nimergan to drink, you must make a DC
Often called ladies for short, these mushrooms 15 Wisdom check using brewer’s supplies. A failed
grow low to the ground but can reach up to 30 feet check represents a batch that is allowed to become
in radius. It’s a carnivorous fungus, often cultivated too potent, turning it poisonous.
by drow and duergar alike for use in torture or When brewing it as a poison, you must make a
execution. Its flat, stone-like cap is covered in DC 15 Intelligence check using a poisoner’s kit.
rows of concentric stalagmite-like spikes. This A failed check represents a batch that is finalized
camouflage is convincing, and requires a DC too early, leaving it as a normal alcoholic beverage.
15 Wisdom (Perception) check to realize the When the substance is poisonous, a creature who
mushroom’s surface is not natural stone. When it imbibes it becomes poisoned for 1 hour and must
senses a weight at its center (at least 25 pounds), its make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or fall
piston-like stalks spring up, trapping every creature unconscious for 1d4 − 1 hours. If the result of this d4
on its cap in a natural iron maiden where they are is 0, the creature begins making death saving throws
painfully digested. as if they are at 0 hit points. Curingthe poison, or
Creatures on the cap when it springs must succeed receiving magical healing of any kind, automatically
on a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw if its radius is stabilizes the target.
less than 20 feet, or DC 15 otherwise. On a success,
the creature jumps to an unoccupied space not on
the cap. On a failure, the creature is pushed to the
Shiah “Cinder” Irgangladen

center of the cap, takes 2d4 piercing damage, and

is restrained. At the start of each of the creature’s
turns, it takes 4d4 acid damage. The cap unfurls
if a trapped creature uses its action to succeed on
a Strength saving throw against the initial DC, or Nimergan
if the cap takes fire damage. After it springs, the

Lady of the Caves

Amarune's Adventures | Vagrant in Wonderland

Pygmywort Appendix D: Sidekick
A pygmywort is a mushroom with a one-inch-
long stem and a stubby blue cap with white dots. Mee Myconid Scout
A creature that eats one can choose to make a DC
12 Constitution saving throw to not be affected Mee Myconid Scout
by the mushroom’s magic. If the creature fails or
forgoes the saving throw, it shrinks in size as though (Enlarged Form)
under the reduce effect of an enlarge/reduce spell. 1st-level Small plant, neutral
The effect lasts for 1 hour. Ten minutes before the
effect ends, the creature feels a tingling sensation, at

Armor Class 11
which point it can sustain its current size by eating Hit Points 9 (2d6+ 2)
another pygmywort. The effect ends if the creature Speed 30 feet
eats a bigwig mushroom or is magically enlarged to its
normal size (using the enlarge effect of an enlarge/

4 (-3) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 8 (-1) 12 (+1) 5 (-3)
reduce spell, for example).
The pygmywort mushrooms grown in Mee are of —
Senses Darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 11
a special variety. They do not affect the target with Languages —
an enlarge/reduce spell, but instead reduces them Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)
to Diminutive size. Furthermore, the effect lasts
indefinitely. It can only be reversed with a wish S—hared Consciousness. A Mee myconid scout is
spell or by ingesting a bigwig mushroom grown in mentally connected to any other Mee myconid within
Mee. Additionally, there is no saving throw against 120 feet of it. All connected Mee myconids are aware
this effect. of anything any individual is aware of – sensory
impressions as well as emotions and memories. Unlike
other Mee myconids, the Mee myconid scout can
function away from the shared consciousness for an
unlimited amount of time.

Arm Flailing. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 3 (2d4 + 1) bludgeoning damage.
Rapport Spores. A 10-feet radius of spores extends from
the Mee myconid scout. These spores can go around
corners and affect only creatures with an Intelligence
of 2 or higher that aren’t undead, constructs, or
elementals. Affected creatures can communicate
telepathically with one another while they are within
30 feet of each other. The effect lasts for 1 hour.

Mee Myconid Scout (Enlarged Form)

Nathanaël Roux

Amarune's Adventures | Vagrant in Wonderland

Mee Myconid Scout Mee Myconid Scouts Beyond 1st Level
Level Hit Points New Features
(Standard Form) 2nd 13 (3d6 + 3) Intrepid. The scout is a bold
1st-level Diminutive plant, neutral creature and gains advantage on
all saving throws against being

Armor Class 11 charmed or frightened.
Hit Points 4 (2d1 + 2) 3rd 18 (4d6 + 4) Extended Consciousness. All
Speed 30 inches creatures affected by the scout’s
rapport spores can share the

STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA sensory input of any or all other
4 (-3) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 8 (-1) 12 (+1) 5 (-3)
creatures in the link if the other
enses Darkvision 120 in., passive Perception 11 creatures consent. Everyone
Languages — sharing this bond can see and hear
Challenge 0 (10 XP) what all other creatures in the link
are seeing and hearing.
S—hared Consciousness. A Mee myconid scout is 4th 22 (5d6 + 5) ASI: DEX +2 or WIS +2
mentally connected to every other Mee myconid 5th 27 (6d6 + 6) Proficiency Bonus: +1
within 120 feet of it. All connected mee myconids are Whacky Waving Arm Flailing. The
aware of anything any individual is aware of – sensory scout uses its arm flailing attack
impressions as well as emotions and memories. Unlike against all creatures within 5 feet
other Mee myconids, the Mee myconid scout can of it, using one attack and damage
function away from the shared consciousness for an roll for all.
unlimited amount of time. 6th 31 (7d6 + 7) Fungal Stride. The scout can
innately cast tree stride once. It
Actions must finish a long rest before it
Arm Flailing. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 in., can do so again. Wisdom is its
one target. Hit: 3 (2d1 + 1) bludgeoning damage. spellcasting ability for this spell.
7th 36 (8d6 + 8) Higher Consciousness. All creatures
Rapport Spores. A 10-inch radius of spores extends affected by the scout’s rapport
from the Mee myconid. These spores can go around spores share in its Intrepid feature
corners and affect only creatures with an Intelligence and can use an ability of another
of 2 or higher that aren’t undead, constructs, or creature in the bond as if it was
elementals. Affected creatures can communicate their own, if the creature whose
telepathically with one another while they are within ability is to be used consents.
30 feet of each other. The effect lasts for 1 hour. This ability can be used a number
of times equal to the scout’s
Wisdom modifier, and it regains
all expended uses after finishing a
long rest.
8th 40 (9d6 + 9) ASI: DEX +2 or WIS +2

Amarune's Adventures | Vagrant in Wonderland

Appendix E: If you identify problematic content, there are

Consent and Safety Tools three options:

• Erase. Remove the problematic content. As the
When roleplaying, we immerse ourselves in
DM, you are empowered to modify an adventure
fictional characters and story. Under the best
however necessary! This is especially true for
of circumstances, these characters and stories
content that is problematic to your players.
become very real to us. A DM who fills their role
• Avoid. Do not play this adventure with these
well facilitates the fun at the table by creating a
players. If it would be too difficult to remove the
save environment. By immersing ourselves in an
problematic content, either because it is core to
adventure and creating a shared roleplay experience,
the story or you do not have the time, just run a
we also make ourselves vulnerable. Some roleplay
different adventure.
content can be not fun or even traumatic. As a
• Protect. Ask players who are not comfortable
DM, it is your responsibility to protect your players
with content you feel unable to remove from the
from such content. You are their first and only line
adventure to not join this adventure. This may
of protection!
be a necessity for you, the DM – maybe you really
Use your consent tools to evaluate if any aspects of
want to run this adventure and do not have time
this adventure are potentially problematic for your
to modify it sufficiently or prepare an alternative.
players. Here are some suggestions on how you can
However, this option should only be used as a
ensure that your players have a good time:
last resort and you should make sure to explain to
• Prior Knowledge. If you have a positive pre- the affected player that this is not done to exclude
existing relationship with your players and them – it can be very painful to a player to be
have played with them before, you likely have excluded on the basis of their vulnerabilities, and
an idea what content might be problematic to this might make them feel even worse. Take time
them. Use your knowledge of their preferences, to explain your personal reasons for wanting to run
vulnerabilities and styles to identify potentially this adventure the way you want to run it and that
problematic content. Be aware that no matter how you cannot guarantee the player’s safety and well-
well you know your players, it is dangerous to rely being in doing so. Make clear that this is a measure
on this approach exclusively. of player protection, not exclusion.
• Consent and Safety Checklist. Use a generic
consent checklist to identify what content is
problematic to your players. Send this to your
players well in advance of the day of the game,
so you have enough time to prepare according to
their needs. You can, for example, use the form
included with this supplement: https://www.
• Ask and Talk! If you identify anything that might
be problematic, approach your players individually
or as a group about it in advance of game day and
discuss it with them. If you approach your players
as a group, make sure that they are aware that you
are always open to individual private feedback.
Not everyone may be comfortable exposing a topic
that is problematic to them in front of the group.

Amarune's Adventures | Vagrant in Wonderland

Amarune's Adventures | Vagrant in Wonderland

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