Caso Clinico Patologico Hematologia
Caso Clinico Patologico Hematologia
Caso Clinico Patologico Hematologia
A 6-year-old boy presents to the emergency department with acute onset of ab-
dominal pain, fever, hematuria, cough, and rhinorrhea. Blood was noticed in his
urine in the morning, with right flank and abdominal pain developing in the
evening just before presentation. He additionally complains of left ear pain of
2 days’ duration, having developed a runny nose, congestion, and cough during
that time. A temperature of up to 101 F (38.3 C) was measured at home. His sis-
ter is also noted to be ill with cough and cold symptoms. The family denies re-
cent changes in bowel habits, similar past abdominal symptoms, blood in stools,
changes in diet, or changes in appetite. The family denies similar past urinary
symptoms, current sore throat, or recent strep throat infection. His medical his-
tory is remarkable for laryngomalacia diagnosed at 3 months of age that resolved
spontaneously and recurrent ear infections during winter months. The family
history is remarkable for Hodgkin lymphoma in a grandfather diagnosed in the
third decade of life.
Physical examination reveals a nontoxic-appearing boy. Vital signs are remarkable
for temperature elevation to 102.5 F (39.2 C) and tachycardia to 120 beats/min. Re-
spiratory rate and blood pressure are normal. Review of growth parameters reveals
weight at the 19th percentile for age (decreased from the 52nd percentile seen ap-
proximately 2 years earlier) and height at the 29th percentile (trending appropriately AUTHOR DISCLOSURE: Drs Manougian,
Mehta, Beekman, Murphy, and
from the 30th percentile approximately 2 years earlier). Ear examination is remark-
McDermott have disclosed no financial
able for an erythematous and bulging left tympanic membrane. Eye, nose, throat, relationships relevant to this article. This
and neck examination findings are normal. Cardiac evaluation findings are normal commentary does contain a discussion of
an unapproved/investigative use of a
except for tachycardia. Pulmonary examination findings are normal. Capillary refill,
commercial product/device.
peripheral pulses, and skin turgor are normal. Abdominal examination reveals ten-
derness to palpation throughout the abdomen, suprapubic region, and the patient’s Acknowledgments: This project was
partially supported by the Division of
flanks bilaterally. Bowel sounds are normal, and no abdominal distention, hepatos- Intramural Research, National Institute of
plenomegaly, or masses are appreciated. He has no adenopathy. Evaluation of the Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National
extremities reveals paronychia of the left index finger. Institutes of Health. The content of this
publication does not necessarily reflect
On laboratory evaluation, a complete blood cell count reveals a normocytic anemia the views or policies of the Department
with a hemoglobin level of 10.5 g/dL (105 g/L) (lower limit of normal 5 11.5 g/dL of Health and Human Services, and
[115 g/L]), leukopenia with a white blood cell count of 2050/mL (2.05 × 109/L) consist- neither does the mention of trade names,
commercial products, or organizations
ing of a low absolute neutrophil count (ANC) of 800/mL (0.80 × 109/L), and a low ab- imply endorsement by the US
solute lymphocyte count of 150/mL (0.15 × 109/L). His platelet count is normal at Government.