Oh4k 1-2
Oh4k 1-2
Oh4k 1-2
Section 11.2 - clarification that staff who test and assess will be suitably
28/08/2013 Paul Jewell
trained and competent
Forward 5
1.0 Scope 5
2.0 Safety 5
3.0 Clearances 5
4.0 Conductors 6
5.0 Poles 6
6.0 Stays 7
7.0 Electrical Connections 8
8.0 Pole Fittings 9
9.0 Transformer Poles 10
10.0 Services 11
11.0 Refurbishment of Line 12
Appendix A
Appendix B
Aerial Bundled Conductors (ABC) are made up of compact circular stranded hard-drawn
aluminum conductors insulated with a single layer of cross-linked polyethylene. The
conductor bundle is self supporting. All the connections are insulated making the
complete system effectively insulated.
This standard technique sets out the requirements for the use of ABC. Where
practicable ABC shall be used in place of open-wire LV distribution systems in
the following circumstances:-
Any work carried out on an ABC system shall be in accordance with Section 8 of
the Distribution Safety Rules and ST:OH5D.
3.1 General
All ABC overhead lines shall be designed for a hot curve temperature rating of
75ºC (See Appendix A).
Bundles through trees require a reduced ‘corridor’ when compared with open-wire
systems. However, under no circumstances must mature branches be allowed to
come into contact with the bundle.
Page Revised 26th February 2013
Aerial Bundle Conductors shall be to ESI Specification 43-13 and the following
sizes shall be used
• 50 sq mm 2 conductor bundle
• 50 sq mm 4 conductor bundle
• 95 sq mm 2 conductor bundle
• 95 sq mm 4 conductor bundle
• 120 sq mm 4 conductor bundle.
The minimum class of support to be used shall be a Medium class pole. Charts 1
and 2 shall be used in the selection of pole sizes for various deviations and wind
loaded spans.
Timber Foundation
Baulk 1500 x 250 x 125
Must be Fitted
Fig 1
Charts 3 and 4 provide the selection data for stayed poles with a factor of safety of
2.5. Where the pole is in an exposed position and the factor of safety has been
increased to 3.0 charts 5 and 6 shall be used.
The angle between the pole and stay shall be within a range of 20°- 45°. Stay
spreads are shown in chart 7.
Type 1 stay insulators shall be fitted in all stays associate with ABC lines.
Typical tensions at 10°C for ABC bundles and 4 wire open-wire systems are
given in the table below.
7.1 General
Only approved insulated connectors shall be used on ABC lines. These are listed
in ST: OH 10A.
Page Revised 14th July 2008
Care should be taken to ensure that cut ends of branch connectors are pushed fully
home in to the end cap provided with the IPC.
Insulated compression joints shall be used at ABC section positions and for
connection to open wire systems.
All exposed cut ends of ABC cores shall be fitted with an end seal.
8.1 General
All fittings supporting ABC systems shall be in accordance with ESI specification
Anchor clamps shall be fitted in such a manner as to ensure that only the insulated
jaws come into contract with the conductor’s insulation.
Insulated cable tie supports can be used to keep the conductor’s insulation away
from any steelwork or stays.
Suspension clamps are suitable for line deviations of up to 30° and for an uplift
position on straight line poles where the vertical angle does not exceed 30°.
In situations where uplift can occur the suspension clamp should be captivated
using keeper type suspension hook.
The phase cores shall be connected directly into the pole-mounted fuses.
The neutral core shall be removed from the bundle just above the fuses and
connected directly on to the transformer neutral stem.
A length of ABC minus the neutral shall then be used for the phase connections
between the transformer and the fuses.
10.1 Services
Where the spans exceed these values it will be necessary to erect a service pole
with an ABC span.
A maximum of four connections (i.e. two single phase or one three phase service)
can be accepted on any one pole. Where more than four connections are required
a Service Connection Box will be needed.
As it is not possible to check polarity with a test lamp on the main, polarity shall
be confirmed at the service cut-out.
For services connected directly to the ABC core the method of disconnection will
be to:-
The box shall be attached to the pole using 16mm bolts or coach screws. Where
possible the box shall be fitted above the ABC main to reduce the risk of damage
by ladder etc.
To connect the Service Connection box to the ABC main 50 sq mm tails shall be
used, with two insulation piercing connector’s fitted on each side of the pole as
shown in fig 2. The tails shall be supported with cable ties as necessary.
ABC Main
50 mm² ABC Tails
Fig 2
11.1 Planning
All ‘G’, ‘S’ and ‘L’ poles, if retained, shall be tested in line with ST:OH5B to ascertain
their condition and that they are fit for purpose to meet the requirements of this ST prior
to work commencing on site.
Whenever practicable the ABC bundle should be erected with the existing LV
conductors live. If this is not possible then the work should be planned in such a
way as to ensure that supply interruptions are kept to a minimum.
Prior to any work commencing a risk assessment in accordance with ST: HS 20A
should be carried out.
All decayed poles labeled ‘D’ shall be replaced prior to the open-wire network
being replaced with ABC.
For business efficiency ‘S’ and ‘L' poles shall normally be replaced as part of
refurbishment work, however; subject to satisfactory testing and assessment as
described in 11.1 above by a suitably trained and competent person, the project
controller may decide that their continued use is safe and appropriate. In this case
care shall be taken to ensure that these poles retain the correct classification in
CROWN after the work has been completed.
Good poles ‘G’ shall be retained where possible and only replaced where they do
not meet the requirements of this ST.
Older pattern stay rods plus any rods showing bad corrosion shall be replaced. In
addition, even where stay rods are adequate, it will probably be necessary to
replace all staywire and fixings.
Maximum Conductor Tension (MCT) (kgf) -6ºC 371.76 707.93 717.77 1080.27 1016.99
Maximum Conductor Weight (MCW) (kg/m) 0.75 1.17 1.16 1.90 2.29
Maximum Conductor Pressure (MCP) (kg/m) 1.32 1.51 1.63 1.88 2.07
Freezing Point Tension (FPT) (kgf) at 0 ºC 96.91 311.65 289.58 579.17 550.09
Table 2
Table 4
Table 5
Table 6
1. The stay slope should always be the greatest possible up to 45°
2. No stay slope shall be less than 20°
Item Description Shops No Quantity
1 Pig Tail Hook (200 mm) or 37328 1
Pig Tail Hook (300 mm)
Item Description Shops No Quantity
1 Anchor Clamp (50) or 30193 2
Anchor Clamp (95) 30194
2 Eye Bolt (200 mm) or 30130 2
Eye Bolt (300 mm) 30131
3 Square Washer Curved 30522 2
4 Cable Tie Support 30210 As
5 Cable Tie As
6 Stay Assembly As
Item Description Shops No Quantity
1 Anchor Clamp (50) or 30193 1
Anchor Clamp (95) 30194
2 Eye Bolt (200 mm) or 30130 1
Eye Bolt (300 mm) 30131
3 Square Washer Curved 30522 1
4 Cable Tie Support 30210 As
5 Cable Tie As
6 Non-tension Comp Joint 4
7 Crimp Comp Joint for Earth 1
Item Description Shops No Quantity
1 Anchor Clamp (50) or 30193 1
Anchor Clamp (95) 30194
2 Eye Bolt (200 mm) or 30130 1
Eye Bolt (300 mm) 30131
3 Square Washer Curved 30522 1
4 Cable Tie Support 30210 As
5 Cable Tie As
6 Comp End Seal 3
7 Non-tension Comp Joint 1
8 Stay Assembly As
Item Description Shops No Quantity
1 Anchor Clamp (50) or 30193
Anchor Clamp (95) 30194 1
2 Eye Bolt (200 mm) or 30130
Eye Bolt (300 mm) 30131 1
3 Square Washer Curved 30522 1
4 Pole Termination 95ABC/70cu 30319 4
Pole Termination 50ABC/32cu 30316
5 Cable Tie Support 30210 As
6 Cable Tie As
7 Stay Assembly As
Cable Ties
ABC Cores
Cable Ties
Note:- Plastic Cable Guard can be used to protect cables down the pole in
place of insulated supports as illustrated above.
Drip Loop
1. A maximum of two insulation piercing connectors can be fitted on either side
of the pole. Where more connections are required a Service Connection Box
shall be used.
Cable Tie
PST Insulated Ensure the Concentric Cable Insulated Phase
Service Cable
Concentric Neutral is fully inserted into End Cap
This ST supersedes ST:OH4K dated September 2006 which should now be withdrawn.
Section 11.1 Planning - paragraph added to clarify the requirements when retaining ‘G’, ‘S’ and
‘L’ poles.
Section 11.2 Replacement of Poles - paragraph added to clarify why S and L poles shall
normally be replaced.
ABC, Design