Laboratory-Exercise-2 - Ruminant Production
Laboratory-Exercise-2 - Ruminant Production
Laboratory-Exercise-2 - Ruminant Production
Knowing the estimated body weight and body condition score of an animal is vital in
understanding the status and requirements of the animal with regards to its health. It also
serves as an important indicator of health status and typically, a decrease in body condition
score could serve as a symptom for certain diseases or condition.
Along with that, in terms of administering drugs to animals, it is also important to
understand the correlation of dosage to the body weight and condition of the animal. The
dosage given should be as accurate as possible to prevent negative effects, especially when
the aim of the drug is to improve the health of the animal. This is a standard operation
procedure and as future animal handlers, it is important to understand the sensitivity of these
practices which is why we should always read the labels to the drugs that we are using to the
animals and follow them as guided.
Upon completion of this exercise, the students are expected to:
1. identify the estimated live weight of small ruminants,
2. understand the different modes of administration of drugs,
3. compute the needed dosage when administering drugs, and
4. perform deworming on small ruminants.
1. Tape measure
2. 21cc 3ml syringe
3. Working clothes or scrub suit, working shoes/boots
4. Farm visit
5. Internet
6. Reference sites
7. Laboratory exercise sheet
8. Ball pen
1. Before going to the field, we will have a short orientation regarding the activity.
2. While working in pairs, one should restrain the animal. Using the tape measure,
the weight of the animal will be estimated using the weight estimation technique
utilizing heart girth and body length of the animal. Note your findings.
3. Once the body weight of the animal is estimated, compute for the appropriate dose
1 ml : 50 kg body weight
4. Load the drug to the syringe. Make sure to keep the cap on after loading the
needle. Ensure that there is no air pockets before administering the shot.
5. Restrain the animal and make sure to handle it firmly. Follow the procedure of
deworming discussed in the field. Note the mode of administration and the
appropriate location where the needle should be at. Note your experience and
Table 1. Add title to the table
Animal Heart Girth (in) Body Length (in) Body Weight Dosage (ml)
QUESTIONS (Make sure to explain using your own words particularly in no. 2 and 3.)
1. Research for some common internal parasite species of ruminant animals which
are prioritized by common anthelmintic drugs.
2. Explain the significance of knowing the proper way of restraining the animal.
3. Based on your experience, explain the importance of knowing the estimated
weight of the animal when deworming as well as the significance of deworming in
ruminant production and management.