Prac 8
Prac 8
Prac 8
1 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................... 2
1.1 OBJECTIVES .................................................................................................................... 2
1.2 TEAM MEMBERS ............................................................................................................ 2
2 SCOPE ................................................................................................................................... 2
3 ASSUMPTIONS / RISKS .................................................................................................... 3
3.1 ASSUMPTIONS ................................................................................................................ 3
3.2 RISKS .............................................................................................................................. 3
4 TEST APPROACH .............................................................................................................. 3
4.1 TEST AUTOMATION ........................................................................................................ 3
5 TEST ENVIRONMENT ...................................................................................................... 4
6 MILESTONES / DELIVERABLES.................................................................................... 4
6.1 TEST SCHEDULE ............................................................................................................. 4
6.2 DELIVERABLES ............................................................................................................... 4
1 Introduction
The Test Plan has been created to communicate the test approach to team members. It
includes the objectives, scope, schedule, risks and approach. This document will clearly
identify what the test deliverables will be and what is deemed in and out of scope.
1.1 Objectives
This test plan is developed to test a Chat Application. Server and Clients are integrated to
communicate data with each other. Data flow from one client to other through a Server. Test
Plans aims to develop a suitable plan to test both the Server and Client.
1.2 Team Members
Resource Name Role
Test Plan Project Manager
Server Unit Testing team
Client Unit Testing team
Database Unit Testing team
Test Report QA Manager.
2 Scope
The initial phase will include all ‘must have’ requirements. These and any other
requirements that get included must all be tested. At the end of Phase 1, a tester must be
able to:
1. Create a manual test with as many steps as necessary
2. Save it
3. Retrieve it and have the ability to view it when running the test
4. Enter results and appropriate comments
5. View results
As the team works with the product they will define the needs for the second phase.
Load testing will not be considered part of this project since the user base is known and not
an issue.
Rewriting, moving or porting existing test cases from the existing Word documents is not
considered part of this project.
3 Assumptions / Risks
3.1 Assumptions
This section lists assumptions that are made specific to this project.
3.2 Risks
4 Test Approach
The project is using an agile approach, with weekly iterations. At the end of each week the
requirements identified for that iteration will be delivered to the team and will be tested.
6 Milestones / Deliverables
6.1 Test Schedule
Task Name Start Finish Effort
Test Planning 1/9/24 2/9/24 2d
Review Requirements documents 3/9/24 4/9/24 2d
Create initial test estimates 5/9/24 5/9/24 1d
Staff and train new test resources 6/9/24 10/9/24 5d
First deploy to QA test environment 12/9/24 12/9/24 1d
Functional testing – Iteration 1 13/9/24 14/9/24 2d
Iteration 2 deploy to QA test 15/9/24 15/9/24 1d
Functional testing – Iteration 2 16/9/24 17/9/24 2d
System testing 18/9/24 20/9/24 3d
Regression testing 21/9/24 22/9/24 2d
UAT 23/9/24 23/9/24 1d
Resolution of final defects and final 24/9/24 26/9/24 3d
build testing
Deploy to Staging environment 27/9/24 27/9/24 1d
Performance testing 28/9/24 28/9/24 1d
Release to Production 29/9/24 30/9/24 2d
6.2 Deliverables
Deliverable For Date / Milestone
Test Plan Project Manager; QA 5/9/24
Director; Test Team
Traceability Matrix Project Manager; QA 12/9/24
Test Results Project Manager 17/9/24
Test Status report QA Manager, QA Director 22/9/24
Metrics All team members 27/9/24