Play Script
Play Script
Play Script
by Caleb F.
OWL: I’m very hungry today, and you look like the
perfect snack.
MOUSE: Momma!
OWL V.O.: …and you and so many brothers and sisters and
OWL V.O.: You can eat grass, but once I kill you, and
your family, you won’t eat all the grass.
MOUSE: Oh, I sort of get ya. But I don’t care. Guys and
gals eat it all up!
(The owl does exactly what the mouse says. The mouse
wakes up and screams. The mouse runs and grabs the
(The mouse jumps and pulls on the owl. The owl tries to
leave with the mouse tugging.)
OWL (at the same time all the previous mouse lines.):
No. Nada. Nope. Negative. Never doing it. Back off. I
will never care.
(At this point, the owl and mouse should be off the
(INT: A house with red-brown walls)
GUY: So kids… …what did we learn today?
KID 1: That mice are jerks?
KID 2: That owls have self control?
GUY: No! The thing we learned today is that you can’t
have too much of an organism in a food chain.
KIDS (looking at each other): We didn’t understand
GUY: You’ll understand when you’re older.
(The actors give a bow and we
show the credits of everyone
who worked on it.)