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Class 12 Physics | Moving Charges And Magnetism | Part-2
Class 12 Physics | Moving Charges And Magnetism | Part-2

Moving Charges And

Class 12 Physics | Moving Charges And Magnetism | Part-2

Force between Two Parallel Current Carrying Wires:

Case-1: Parallel wire carrying currents in the same direction

• When 2 parallel, current carrying wires are placed at some distance r from
each other, they will experience a force on each other, due to magnetic
field produced by each other
• Let the wires A and B, carrying current iA and iB respectively are placed r
distance apart and parallel to each other
1. Magnetic field(BB) at any point on wire A due to current iB on wire B will
be perpendicular to the plane having both wires and in the upwards
direction (direction given by right hand thumb rule)
BB = μoiB/(2πr)
Force per unit length (FA/B)on wire A due to magnetic field (BB) produced
by wire B will be given by:
FA/B =iABB sin90° = iABB
∴ FA/B =μoiAiB/(2πr)
Class 12 Physics | Moving Charges And Magnetism | Part-2

The direction of FA/B will be perpendicular to wire A and towards wire B

(by using Fleming’s right hand thumb rule to find cross product
direction, already discussed)

1. Magnetic field(BA) at any point on wire B due to current iA on wire A will

be perpendicular to the plane having both wires and in the downwards
direction (direction given by right hand thumb rule)
BA = μoiA/(2πr)
Force per unit length (FB/A) on wire B due to magnetic field (BA)
produced by wire A will be given by:
FB/A = iBBA sin90° = iBBA
∴ FA/B = μoiAiB/(2πr)
The direction of FB/A will be perpendicular to wire B and towards wire A
(by using Fleming’s right hand thumb rule to find cross product
direction, already discussed):

Note: Both the forces FA/B and FB/Aare equal and towards each other, meaning
the both the current carrying wires will be attracted towards each other

• In the above equation of force F, putting iA = iB = 1A,and r = 1m

• F = μo×1×1/(2π×1) =μo/(2π) = 4π×10-7/(2π)
• ∴ F = 2×10-7N/m
• So, we can define 1Ampere current as the amount of current flowing in
the 2 parallel straight wires placed 1meter apart, when the force acting
on each wire per unit length is equal to the 2×10-7N/m

Case-2: Parallel wire carrying currents in the opposite direction:
Class 12 Physics | Moving Charges And Magnetism | Part-2

• On proceeding in the similar manner as the first case, we will find that the
values of forces will be the same, only their directions get reversed (refer
the diagram above)
• The forces will be equal but this time away from each other, i.e., the wires
will move away from each other (repel each other)

Two parallel straight wires A and B, of length 10cm are carrying currents of 8A
and 5A respectively in the same direction. The distance between the wires is
4cm. Find the force acting on wire A due to wire B. Will the force acting on
wire B due to wire A be the same as the above answer?
Given, L = 0.1m, iA = 8A, iB = 5A, r = 0.04m
Force between two straight, parallel current carrying wires is given by:
F = μoiAiBL/(2πr) = 4π×10-7×8×5×0.1/(2π×0.04) = 2×10-5N
∴F = 2×10-5N, directed towards wire B (ans)
Yes, the force acting on wire A due to wire B will be equal to the force on wire
B due to A.
Class 12 Physics | Moving Charges And Magnetism | Part-2

Torque on a Current Loop:

• We already know that a current carrying wire experiences a force when

placed in external magnetic field (in direction other than the magnetic field
lines). In this section we will discuss what happens when a current loop is
places in the external magnetic field
• A rectangular loop of vertical dimension b and horizontal dimension a,
carrying currenti, is placed in an external magnetic field B as shown below:

Force on a current i carrying conductor of length l making an angle θ with the

external magnetic field B is given by: F = ilBsinθ
For section pq of wire, length = b, current = i, angle θ = 90°. So, force will be:
Fpq = ibB sin90° = ibB(perpendicular to the plane of paper inwards)
For section qr of wire, length = a, current = i, angle θ = 0°. So, force will be:
Fqr = ibB sin0° = 0
For section rs of wire, length = b, current = i, angle θ = 90°. So, force will be:
Class 12 Physics | Moving Charges And Magnetism | Part-2

Frs = ibB sin90° = ibB(perpendicular to the plane of paper outwards)

For section sp of wire, length = a, current = i, angle θ = 0°. So, force will be:
Fsp = ibB sin0° = 0
Hence, the net force on the current loop pqrs will be:
Fnet = Fpq + Fqr + Frs + Fsp = ibB + 0 + (-ibB) + 0
∴Fnet = 0

• Hence, no net force acting on the rectangular loop

• But the force on pq and rs are equal and opposite and acting on 2 different
points of a body so together they constitute a couple. Hence, the net
torqueԏon the loop pqrs due to couple will be:
• ԏ = F×a = i(ba)B = iAB = mB

Here, A = ab = area of the loop pqrs, and m = magnet moment = iA(having

direction same as the area vector of the loop, i.e. perpendicular to the plane of
paper outwards)

If the plane of the loop is rotated by angle θ in clockwise direction from

bottom, then the area vector (or magnetic moment vector) would make an
angle θ with the magnetic field lines, then the torque would be given by:
Class 12 Physics | Moving Charges And Magnetism | Part-2

ԏ = F×asinθ = i(ba)B sinθ = iABsinθ = mBsinθ

• The above equation shows that torque depends on the angle θ between
magnetic moment and magnetic field.
• Torque will be maximum when θ = 90°(magnetic moment is normal to the
magnetic field)
• Torque will be minimum (ԏ = 0) when θ = 0° or 180° (magnetic moment is
parallel or antiparallel to the magnetic field). In this case, the system is said
to be in equilibrium.
• In the case of θ = 0°, the system will be in stable equilibrium, i.e. if the loop
is given a small angular displacement, the loop will come back to the initial
position and angle will be 0 again
• In the case of θ = 180°, the system is said to be in the unstable equilibrium,
i.e. if the loop is given a small angular displacement, the angular
displacement will increase further
• Note: For N number of turns, the magnetic moment will be given by:
• m = NiA
The above equation of torque on a loop in a magnetic field is comparable to
the torque on a dipole in an electric field:
Class 12 Physics | Moving Charges And Magnetism | Part-2

• Hence, we can see that current loop behaves as a magnetic dipole with
when viewed as anticlockwise current loop representing north pole, and
when viewed as clockwise current loop representing south pole

A square coil of side 10cm, having 20turns and carrying a current of 12A, is
suspended vertically, and normal to the plane of coil makes an angle of 30°
with the uniform magnetic field of 0.8T. Calculate the magnitude of torque
experienced by the coil.
Will the answer change if square coil is replaced by any other coil of same area,
other values being fixed?
Given, L = 0.1m, N = 20, i = 12A, θ = 30°, B = 0.8T
The torque experienced by the coil is given by:
ԏ = NiABsinθ = 20×12×(0.1×0.1)×0.8×sin30° = 0.96Nm
∴ԏ = 0.96Nm (ans)
The answer will still be the same if shape of coil is changed, because torque
depends on the net area of loop (which is fixed).
Class 12 Physics | Moving Charges And Magnetism | Part-2

Circular Current Loop as a Magnetic Dipole:

• After the above discussion, now we know that current loop behaves as a
magnetic dipole. In this topic we will discuss about the circular current
• Magnetic field at a distance x on the axis passing through the center of
the of the circular current(i) carrying loop and normal to the plane of
loop is given by:
B = μoiR2/2(x2 + R2)3/2

• If the point is very far from the current loop (x ˃˃ R), then the magnetic
field will be:
B = μoiR2/(2x3)
Multiplying numerators and denominators by π:
B = μoiπR2/(2πx3)
B = μoiA/(2πx3) =μom/(2πx3)
∴ B = μo2m/(4πx3)

• Comparing the above equation to the electric field E due to electric dipole
of moment p at an axial point: E = 2p/(4πƐox3)

• We can observe that

1. magnetic dipole moment m and electric dipole moment p are comparable
2. permeability of free space μo and inverse of permittivity of free space 1/Ɛo
are comparable
Class 12 Physics | Moving Charges And Magnetism | Part-2

• Using the above comparison, we can also use the value of electric field E
due to electric dipole of moment p at an equatorial point to evaluate the
magnetic field at the equatorial point
• E = p/(4πƐox3)
• ∴ B = μom/(4πx3)

Magnetic Dipole Moment of revolving electron

• We all know that a moving charge constitutes current. Same can be said
about an electron revolving around a nucleus

• For an electron of charge e revolving around a nucleus of charge Ze at an

orbit of radius r, with velocity v magnetic moment μl is calculated by the
following method:

First, we will find the current i due to electron revolution:

i = e/T
T = 2πr/v
∴i = ev/(2πr)
Now, we know that magnetic moment μl is given by:
μl = iA= iπr2
μl = ev/(2πr) × πr2 = evr/2
On multiplying and dividing by mass of electron me, we get :
μl = emevr/(2me)
Class 12 Physics | Moving Charges And Magnetism | Part-2

Here, mevr = L (angular momentum of electron, perpendicular to the plane

of paper outwards)
∴μl = -eL/(2me)
Where, minus sign signifies that angular momentum’s direction is opposite
to the magnetic moment’s direction.

• Note: The above equation can be rearranged as:

• μl/L = e/(2me)
• Here, the ratio μl/L is a constant (evident from left hand side of
equation, which is also a constant), and this ratio is known as
gyromagnetic ratio (8×1010C/kg).
Moving Coil Galvanometer:
• Moving coil galvanometer is an electromagnetic device that can
measure small values of current. It is also known as Weston
• It works on the principle that when a current loop is placed in an
external magnetic field, it experiences torque, and the value of torque
can be changed by changing the current in the loop
• Moving coil galvanometer consists of permanent horse-shoe magnets,
coil, soft iron core, pivoted spring, non-metallic frame, scale and pointer
• We know that a current loop having N number of turns,and the cross
sectional area A, carrying current i, when placed in and along the
direction of external magnetic field B, experiences a torque given by:
ԏ = NiAB
Class 12 Physics | Moving Charges And Magnetism | Part-2

The pivoted spring of spring constant k would oppose the above torque with
restoring torque C given by: C = kΦ
Here, Φ is the angular deflection of spring
Both, the torque, and the restoring torque would be equal:
kΦ = NiAB
Φ = NiAB/k
In the above equation, except for current, every other quantity on the right
hand side is constant for a galvanometer, hence: Φ ∝ i

• So, the angular deflection Φ produced in the pointer could be measured in

terms of current in the scale calibrated on the basis of above equations.
• To use galvanometer as an ammeter (to measure higher values of current),
we need to connect a shunt wire, with very small resistance(Rs), in parallel
with the galvanometer (which have very low resistance of Rg
Class 12 Physics | Moving Charges And Magnetism | Part-2

Equivalent resistance R of ammeter will be:

R = RgRs/(Rg + Rs)
Rg ˃˃ Rs
∴ R = RgRs/Rg = Rs

• So, the equivalent resistance of ammeter is very less, which is a must for
sensitivity of ammeter to be higher. Also, most of the current will pass
through the shunt, thus protecting the galvanometer from any damage.
• Ammeter is connected in series with the circuit where current is to be
• Current sensitivity(deflection per unit current) of galvanometer is given by:
Φ/i = NAB/k
• To use galvanometer as a voltmeter, we need to connect a wire, with very
high resistance(Rw˃˃Rg), in series with the galvanometer to ensure that our
voltmeter equivalent resistance is high and so that it will draw a very small
current. Equivalent resistance will be given by:

R = R g + Rw = R w

Voltmeter is connected in parallel with the circuit where voltage is to be

Voltage sensitivity (deflection per unit voltage) of galvanometer is given by:
Φ/V = NAB/(kR)
Class 12 Physics | Moving Charges And Magnetism | Part-2

2 moving coil galvanometers M1 and M2(having the same spring constants),
have the following specifications: R1 = 10Ω, N1 = 30, A1 = 3.6×10-3m2, B1 = 0.25T
R2 = 14Ω, N2 = 42, A2 = 1.8×10-3m2, B2 = 0.5T
Find the ratios of current and voltage sensitivities between the 2
current sensitivity is given by:
Φ/i = NAB/k
(Φ/i)1 = (30×3.6×10-3×0.25)/k
(Φ/i)2 = (42×1.8×10-3×0.5)/k
∴(Φ/i)1/(Φ/i)2 = (30×3.6×10-3×0.25)/(42×1.8×10-3×0.5) = 5/7 (ans)
Voltage sensitivity is given by:
Φ/V = NAB/(KR)
(Φ/V)1 = (30×3.6×10-3×0.25)/(k×10)
(Φ/V)2 = (42×1.8×10-3×0.5)/(k×14)
∴ (Φ/V)1/(Φ/V)2 = (30×3.6×10-3×0.25×14)/(42×1.8×10-3×0.5×10) = 1 (ans)


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