32 BDA Exp7&8
32 BDA Exp7&8
32 BDA Exp7&8
Prerequisite: Basic knowledge of Data Analysis & data visualization tools like
Hive/PIG/R/Tableau etc.
Mapping With CSL702.6
Objectives: Able to be used for data analysis, statistical modeling, and data
visualization tasks.
Outcome: Analyze the datasets using Data Analysis tools & generate reports using
data visualization tools capabilities.
Instructions: This experiment is a compulsory experiment. All the students are
required to perform this experiment individually.
Deliverables: Submission:
1. Installation steps snapshots.
2. Detail about Datasets
3. Data Analysis
4. Data Visualization
Installation Installation steps snapshots for Windows 10 systems
Order Date The date when the order was placed. This is crucial for
time-based analyses and trends.
Ship Date The date when the order was shipped to the customer.
Important for evaluating shipping efficiency.
Ship Mode The method used for shipping (e.g., Standard Class,
Second Class, etc.). Influences delivery time and cost.
City The city where the customer resides, useful for geographic
sales analysis.
Postal Code The postal code of the customer's address, useful for
detailed geographic segmentation.
Market Indicates the market classification (e.g., Domestic,
International), which can impact sales strategies.
Region The broader region (e.g., East, West) where the customer
is located, helpful for regional performance analysis.
Product Name The name of the product sold, important for identifying
specific items in sales reports.
Sales The total sales amount generated from each order line
item, critical for revenue analysis.
Discount The discount applied to the order line item, which affects
overall sales revenue and profit margins.
Profit The profit earned from each order line item after
accounting for costs, crucial for profitability analysis.
Shipping Cost The cost incurred to ship the order to the customer;
impacts overall profitability and pricing strategies.
Order Priority Indicates the priority level of the order (e.g., High,
Medium, Low), useful for managing fulfillment processes.
Returns Dataset
Order ID The unique identifier for the order that was returned.
Column Description
Revenue Forecasting
Creating a Dashboard
Conclusion: Students will be able to successfully perform Data Analysis & Data
Visualization using Tableau.
References: 1. Moodle Notes
2. https://www.tableau.com/
3. https://help.tableau.com/current/pro/desktop/en-
4. https://www.analyticsvidhya.com/blog/2021/10/step-by-step-
5. https://community.tableau.com/s/question/0D5
6. https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/apoorvaappz/global-super-
Don Bosco Institute of Technology
Department of Computer Engineering
Title of the Experiment: Data Analysis & Data Visualization using Hive/PIG/R/Tableau
Year and Semester: IVth Year and VIIth Semester