Study On CNC Machine
Study On CNC Machine
Study On CNC Machine
Reset Button:
The most important control button is usually the reset button. When the CNC machine is turned on, the reset
button is pressed by the machine operator. This Zeros tool moves the tool to coordinate 0, 0, 0 on the X, Y, and
Z axes. In simple terms, the reset button moves the device above the table to the corner of the machine. If the
reset button is not pressed, the CNC machine may start cutting the product in the
wrong direction or even miss the cutting and piecing table.
Manual Control:
The mower can be controlled manually, although it is rarely needed. The "X" and "Y" buttons control the move
ment of the tool along the horizontal plane. The "Z" button controls depth and up/down movements.
Stop Button:
Most control panels have a stop button. The machine stops very quickly when these keys are pressed.
Speed and Feed:
In some CNC machines, the speed and feed of the tool can be changed manually. .
One ofthe few things a driver does is change the cutting tool. Every CNC machine tool has several.
cutting tools. Straight cutters, chamfering V-
rooves and fillet cutters are some examples,If the design is a detail, it is necessary to change the cutting tool at l
east once during the production process. It is very important that all tools have the same length of mirror. If th
is is not done, the machine-
d parts will be machined in the wrong direction. specialdepth gauge is used to complete the cutting tool.
This"rule"applies to all CNC machines, but different techniques can be used depending on the type of CNC mach
The cutting tool can be removed and replaced with a new one. After checking the distance from the tip of the to
ol to the pliers with a depth gauge, retighten the collet and locknut using a wrench.