Sample Chapter I
Sample Chapter I
Sample Chapter I
curriculum demands so much from its key players to fully achieve its
educational campaign are the public school teachers entrusted with the
Standard for Teachers (PPST)" was realized through DepEd Order No. 42
(2017), which paved the way for better guidelines for teachers in their
of the National Achievement Test at the national level for the last two (2)
Assessment (PISA) results are dismally low. While Isabela City Division
was not part of PISA sites, NAT results were the lowest in the region, and
Region-IX was lowest nationwide. (See Appendices for the copies of NAT
prepare and equip the learners with the needed competencies, let alone
even ready to conduct classes in various modes, but they had no choice
learning tools.
type of learning which integrates technology and digital media and with
In the same article, the writer also mentioned how all stakeholders
location. The majority of the parents prefer modular learning over other
pandemics alone, such as COVID 19, but other events like floods,
people in the community, are now familiar with various platforms such
Group, and Canvas, among others. With this new paradigm shift,
the new normal among public elementary schools in Isabela City Schools
1.1 Affective;
1.3 Normative?
4.1 Gender;
4.2 Age;
are the public faces of the school, and their behavior influences school
must continuously equip the teachers with the knowledge, skills, and
for teachers (DepEd Order No. 2, 2015) and the PPST were used to
meet, group chat, zoom, or even actual data were utilized in gathering
delimited to their average grade for the First Grading Period and Second
Only grade 6 students were included in this study since among all
the grade levels this is the stage where they can already read and
data gathering started on May 18, 2021 upon the approval of the
the public schools district supervisors and school heads of the target
districts in the data collection. The researcher took two (2) weeks to