Dupont 2003
Dupont 2003
Dupont 2003
were performed according to the batch method. The solid EXAFS Spectroscopy. (a) Data Collection. The EXAFS
was equilibrated during at least 3 h in NaNO3 solution (0.1 spectra were collected at the Laboratoire d’Utilisation du
mol L-1) to achieve a complete hydration of the surface Rayonnement Electromagnétique (LURE), Paris-Sud Uni-
groups. The suspensions were then adjusted to the required versity, on the storage ring DCI with an energy of 1.85 GeV
pH and chromium concentration values and magnetically and a mean intensity of 300-200 mA. The measurements
stirred at room temperature for 24 h (except for kinetic were carried out at chromium K-edge (5989 eV) in the
experiments). The LCS particles were separated from the fluorescence mode at the XAS-4 station. The monochromator
solutions by filtration with a 0.2-µm Millipore filter. The used was a Si(111) channel cut, which was detuned to 50%
solution pH was continuously monitored during the experi- of the maximal intensity to remove the higher-order har-
ments. monics. The detectors were low-pressure (≈0.2 atm) air-
The solutions were analyzed for hexavalent and total filled ionization chambers. The spectra were the sum of 10
chromium. Hexavalent chromium (Cr(VI)) was detected by recordings in the 5840-7000 eV range, including the chro-
the diphenyl carbazide method (15): 1,5-diphenyl carbazide mium K-edge (≈5989 eV). The photon energy was calibrated
forms a pink complex in the presence of Cr(VI) ions in acidic from the spectrum of a chromium foil, assigning 5989 eV to
solutions. The concentration of Cr(VI) was calculated from the preedge peak. Spectra were recorded using sampling steps
the absorbance at 542 nm using a UV-visible spectropho- of 2 eV (EXAFS), and an integration time of 2.0 s per point
tometer. Total chromium (Cr(III) and Cr(VI)) was determined was used.
by an inductively coupled plasma spectrometer (ICP-AES, EXAFS Spectra Analysis. The EXAFS data analysis was
Varian Liberty II). The difference in concentration between performed with the “EXAFS pour le Mac” and EXAFS98
total and hexavalent chromium was taken as the concentra- programs (16). This standard EXAFS analysis (17) includes
tion of trivalent chromium. The ICP-AES measurements were merging of scans, linear preedge background removal,
compared to the measurements made with the Cr(VI)- polynomial atomic absorption calculation (of 5th order),
diphenylcarbazide method on Etalon samples. Analytical Lengeler-Eisenberger EXAFS spectra normalization (18), and
measurements made by the two techniques were always reduction from the absorption data µ(E) to the EXAFS
comparable within 5%. spectrum X(k). Radial distribution functions F(R) were
Spectroscopic Characterizations. IR Spectroscopy. In- calculated by Fourier transforms of k3w(k)µ(k) in the range
frared spectra were recorded on KBr pellets on a FTIR of 2-13 Å-1; w(k) is a Kaiser-Bessel apodization window
Spectrometer System from MIDAC Corporation. with a smoothness coefficient τ ) 2.5. Interatomic distances
(R), number of coordinated atoms (N), and Debye-Waller
X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy. XPS was used to char-
factor (σ) were evaluated by least-squares fitting Fourier-
acterize the surface chemistry of the LCS. Information was
filtered EXAFS spectra using the standard EXAFS formula
thus obtained on the elemental composition and the
without multiple scattering:
functional groups of the surface to a depth of about 0.1-1
[ ]
nm. XPS spectra were recorded on a VSM-hemispheric
spectrometer with a Mg KR incident X-ray beam. The X-ray
source was run at 100 W, and the spectra were recorded at
ø(k) ) S 20 ∑ R A (k)e
-2 i k2 -2Ri/λ(k)
σ2 e sin(2kRi + Φi(k))
15 kV. The analyzer chamber pressure was in the 1 × 10-7-1 i
× 10-10 Torr range. The powdered samples were mounted
on double-sided carbon tapes. Binding energies were cali- Experimental phase, Φi(k), and amplitude, Ai(k), functions
brated by assuming 284.6 eV for the C-C component of the for Cr-O atomic pairs have been extracted from the model
C1s line. The elemental composition was estimated using the compounds K3[Cr(C2O4)3]‚3H2O, Cr(H2O)63+, and Cr(acac)3.
area of C1s and O1s peaks corrected with their sensitivity factors
given in Scofield table. Analysis of sorbed chromium oxidation Results and Discussion
state was deduced by comparing experimental spectra with Kinetic Studies. The effect of time on adsorption of Cr(VI)
those of trivalent (Cr2O3) and hexavalent (CrO3) chromium was first investigated and is shown in Figure 1, which indicates
references. that the process is rather quick. Nearly 50% of the adsorption
FIGURE 2. pH effect on the sorption and reduction of hexavalent chromium. [LS] ) 8 g L-1; [Cr(VI)] ) 4 × 10-4 mol L-1; (9) sorbed chromium;
(0) soluble trivalent chromium.
FIGURE 3. Cr(VI) adsorption isotherms on LCS at two HNO3 concentrations. [LS] ) 4 g L-1; (9) CHNO3 ) 8 × 10-3 mol L-1 (pH 2.1); (2) CHNO3
) 8 × 10-4 mol L-1 (pH 3.1); ([) without HNO3.
capacity was reached within 4 h. The initial rapid adsorption the reduction process of hexavalent to trivalent chromium,
gives way to a very slow rate of approach to the equilibrium, which requires a large amount of proton. At pH below 4, the
and saturation is reached only after 24 h. Beyond 15 h, the concentration of soluble trivalent chromium increases when
concentration of trivalent chromium increases in the solution, pH decreases, which can be attributed to an increasing
which indicates that the removal of hexavalent chromium competition between protons and trivalent chromium toward
proceeds according to a redox process. The pH variations surface sites.
reported in Figure 1 also show that the adsorption reaction Influence of Analytical Chromium Concentration. Figure
of hexavalent chromium consumes protons. 3 shows typical adsorption isotherms for the chromium LCS
pH Dependence of Chromium Removal. The pH of the system. It is generally observed that the adsorption density,
aqueous solutions is an important controlling parameter in which corresponds to the concentration of chromium
the heavy metal adsorption processes. Its role on the removal removed (10-3 mol g-1) increases when the pH of the solution
of hexavalent chromium was studied by varying the initial decreases. Isotherm data have been used to calculate the
concentration of nitric acid in the suspension. Figure 2 maximal sorption capacity of the lignocellulosic substrate
demonstrates that the conversion of Cr(VI) mainly depends by substituting the required equilibrium concentration in
on the proton concentration. The higher the proton con- the Langmuir equation. The Langmuir isotherm is expressed
centration, the higher the efficiency of the Cr(VI) conversion. by
Such a dependence was already observed with anionic
materials (5,7) as well as on the amphoteric substrate (19), Ce Ce 1
) max + max with Cs ) KdCe
such as ferrous oxide. It has been explained both by a surface- Cs C C b
s s
exchange reaction between chromate and hydroxyl ions,
which favors chromate adsorption in acidic media, and by where Kd is the distribution coefficient that characterizes the
FIGURE 4. IR spectra of untreated LCS (a) and LCS contacted 24 h with acidic containing Cr(VI) solution (b). The arrows indicate the main
modifications induced by the adsorption of hexavalent chromium.
FIGURE 5. XPS spectra of LCS: (a) Cr2p signals of Cr-LCS system (-), CrIII2O3 ([), CrVIO3 (]); (b) C1s signal of untreated LCS; (c) C1s signal
of LCS contacted 24 h with acidic-containing Cr(VI) solution. The continuous line represents the superimposition of experimental and fitted
were obtained. The chromium ion is surrounded by six oxygen
atoms (N ) 6.05) at an average Cr-O bond distance of r )
2.04 ( 0.02 Å, with a relative Debye-Waller factor σ equal
to 0.024 Å. These data seem to indicate a coordination
through carboxylate functional groups of LS and thus that
chromium ions are held in inner-sphere complexes. Indeed,
these results are in good agreement with those obtained for
chromium complexes through X-ray crystallography with
carboxylic ligands (30, 31) in which Cr-O (COOH) distances
were equal to 1.99 and 2.00 Å. On the other hand, Cr-O
bond distances, which involve phenolic moieties were equal
to 1.91-1.95 Å (30, 32), are less probable. Previous results
obtained by IR and XPS spectroscopies are confirmed by
XAS studies about involvement of carboxylic moieties in
chromium complexation.
These studies show that the lignocellulosic substrate is
an efficient adsorbent for chromium(VI) removal from
aqueous solutions, owing to its very low cost and its relatively
interesting sorption capacity. The process, which is a function
of the pH and the concentration of the analytical hexavalent
chromium, is enhanced by redox processes. Sorption capacity
of the lignocellulosic substrate could be related to the
abundance of lignin and fatty acid moieties, which allow the
reduction of hexavalent chromium into trivalent one as well
as the fixation of Cr(III) on carboxylic moieties. Further
experiments are in progress in order to validate the efficiency
of this material in the cleanup of real industrial effluents.
These results may be of value in developing sound reme-
diation strategies for water contaminated with toxic first-
FIGURE 6. (a) First-shell fit of the EXAFS function of Cr(III)-LCS row transition metals.
system. Experimental first-shell filtered data in the 1.01-2.11-Å
range (dotted line), and best fit (solid curve) modeled as Cr-O Acknowledgments
contributions. Experimental phase and amplitude functions were
We are grateful to J. Lambert from LCPE, Université de Nancy
extracted from the EXAFS spectrum of the Cr(H2O)63+ reference
compound. (b) Radial structure function (RSF) of the first shell and I, for the XPS measurements and B. Richalot for her technical
its numerical simulation. RSF is not phase-shift corrected. assistance.
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