Fundamentals of Research

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1. Social Science Research …………….

a.Explain b.Diagnosis c.Recommend d.Formulate
2.Social research aims at ……………….
a.Integration b.Social Harmony c.National Integration d.Social Equality
3.Research is classified on the basis of …….. and methods
a.Purpose b.Intent c.Methodology d.Techniques
4.Research is classified on the basis of …….. and methods
a.Purpose b.Intent c.Methodology d.Techniques
5.Fundamental Research is otherwise called
a.Action Research b.Survey c.Pilot study d.Pure Research
6.Motivation Research is a type of …………… research
a.Quantitative b.Qualitative c.Pure d.Applied
7. ………… helps in social planning
a.Social Science Research b.Experience Survey c.Problem formulation d.Diagnostic study
8. …………… is a motivation for research in students
a.Research degree b.Research Academy c.Research Labs d.Research Problems
9.A question which requires a solution is ………….
a.Observation b.Problem c.Data d.Experiment
10.Converting a question into a Researchable problem is called …………
a.Solution b.Examination c.Problem formulation d.Problem Solving
11.While Selecting a problem, problem which is ………….. is no taken
a.Very Common b.Overdone c.Easy one d.Rare
12.The first step in formulating a problem is
a.Statement of the problem b.Gathering of Data c.Measurement d.Survey
13. ………… is a quality of Good Researcher
a.Scientific temper b.Age c.Money d.Time
14.Social Science deals with …
a.Objects b.Human beings c.Living things d.Non-living
1.Theory is “ a set of systematically related propositions specifying casual relationship among variables” is defined by
a.Black James and Champion b.P.V. Young c.Emory d.Gibbes
2.Research method is a part of …………..
a.Problem b.Experiment c.Research Techniques d.Research methodology
3.Identifying causes of a problem and possible solution to a problem is
a.Field Study b.diagnostic study c.Action study d.Pilot study
4.A question which requires a solution is …………
a.Observation b.Problem c.Data d.Experiment
5.Converting a question into a Researchable problem is called …………
a.Solution b.Examination c.Problem formulation d.Problem Solving
6.Theory is “ a set of systematically related propositions specifying casual relationship among variables” is defined by
a.Black James and Champion b.P.V. Young c.Emory d.Gibbes
7.Research method is a part of …………..
a.Problem b.Experiment c.Research Techniques d.Research methodology
8.Identifying causes of a problem and possible solution to a problem is
a.Field Study b.diagnostic study c.Action study d.Pilot study
9.A question which requires a solution is ………….
a.Observation b.Problem c.Data d.Experiment
10.Converting a question into a Researchable problem is called ………
a.Solution b.Examination c.Problem formulation d.Problem Solving
11.While Selecting a problem, problem which is ………….. is no taken
a.Very Common b.Overdone c.Easy one d.Rare
12.The first step in formulating a problem is
a.Statement of the problem b.Gathering of Data c.Measurement d.Survey
13.While Selecting a problem, problem which is ………….. is no taken
a.Very Common b.Overdone c.Easy one d.Rare
14.The first step in formulating a problem is
a.Statement of the problem b.Gathering of Data c.Measurement d.Survey
15. …………….. will help in finding out a problem for research
a.Professor b.Tutor c.HOD d.Guide
16.Second step in problem formulation is
a.Statement of the problem b.Understanding the nature of the problem c.Survey d.Discussions
17.Third step in problem formulation is
a.Statement of the problem b.Understanding the nature of the problem
c.Survey the available literature d.Discussion
18.Fourth step in problem formulation is
a.Develop ideas through discussion b.Survey c.Statement of problem Enactment d.Summary
19.Last step in problem formulation is
a.Survey b.Discussion c.Literature survey d.Re Phrasing the Research problem
20.In the formulation of the problem we need to give a ………….
a.Title b.Index c.Bibliography d.Concepts
1.Review of the literature can be done through….
a.Thematization b.General reading c.News Paper reading d.Imagination
2.Theoretical review is associated with …..
a.Books b.Articles c.News papers d.Concepts
3.While Selecting a problem, problem which is ………….. is no taken
a.Very Common b.Overdone c.Easy one d.Rare
4.The first step in formulating a problem is
a.Statement of the problem b.Gathering of Data c.Measurement d.Survey
5.…………….. will help in finding out a problem for research
a.Professor b.Tutor c.HOD d.Guide
6.Second step in problem formulation is
a.Statement of the problem b.Understanding the nature of the problem c.Survey d.Discussions
7.Third step in problem formulation is
a.Statement of the problem b.Understanding the nature of the problem
c.Survey the available literature d.Discussion
8.Fourth step in problem formulation is
a.Develop ideas through discussion b.Survey
c.Statement of problem Enactment d.Defining the problem
9.Last step in problem formulation is
a.Survey b.Discussion c.Literature survey d.Re Phrasing the Research problem
10.The next step after research gap identification is…..
a.Framing hypotheses b.Research questions c.Design research objectives d.Conclusion
11.In the formulation of the problem we need to give a ………….
a.Title b.Index c.Bibliography d.Concepts
12.Objectives in problem formulation means
a.Questions to be answered b.Methods c.Techniques d.Methodology
13.The formulated problem should have
a.Originality b.Values c.Coherence d.Facts
14.Good scientific writing can be described as
a.Clear, concise, and compelling. b.Clear, concise, and flowery
c.Concise, dense, and compelling d.Clear, concise, and convoluted
15.Advocacy research is commonly carried out by
a.Pressure groups b.Politicians c.Public d.Individuals
1.A tentative proposition subject to test is
a.Variable b.Hypothesis c.Data d.Concept
2.Analogies are sources of ……………….
a.Data b.Concept c.Research d.Hypothesis
3.“A Proposition which can be put to test to determine its validity” Defined by
a.Lund berg b.Emory c.Johnson d.Good and Hatt
4.“ A tentative generalization” stated by
a.Good and Hatt b.Lund berg c.Emory d.Orwell
5.Propositions which describe the characteristics are ………….
a.Descriptive b.Imaginative c.Relational d.Variable
6.A Hypothesis which develops while planning the research is
a.Null Hypothesis b.Working Hypothesis c.Relational Hypothesis d.Descriptive Hypothesis
7.When a hypothesis is stated negatively it is called
a.Relational Hypothesis b.Situational Hypothesis c.Null Hypothesis d.Casual Hypothesis
8.The first variable is …………….. variable
a.Abstract b.Dependent c.Independent d.Separate
9.The second variable is called …………
a.Independent b.Dependent c.Separate d.Abstract
10.Hypothesis which explain relationship between two variables is
a.Causal b.Relational c.Descriptive d.Tentative
11.Null means
a.One b.Many c.Zero d.None of these
12.…………………. Represent common sense ideas
a.Statistical Hypothesis b.Complex Hypothesis c.Common sense Hypothesis d.Analytical Hypothesis
13.Hypothesis concerned with analytical variable is
a.Null Hypothesis b.Casual Hypothesis c.Barren Hypothesis d.Analytical Hypothesis
14.A Hypothesis from which no generalization can be made is
a.Null Hypothesis b.Barren Hypothesis c.Descriptive Hypothesis d.Analytical Hypothesis
15.………….. from theory leads to Hypothesis
a.Deduction b.Induction c.Logical deduction d.Observation
16.………….. is a source of Hypothesis
a.Intuition b.Knowledge c.Energy d.Survey
17.Hypothesis ……………… Research
18.Which among the following is a genuine research platform?
a.Google b.TOI c.Ad-Sense d.J-stor
1.…… concerned with academic study, especially research, exhibiting the methods and attitudes of a scholar, and
having the manner and appearance of a scholar.
a.Substantive b.Scholarly c.General d.Popular
2.……. having a solid base, being substantial
a.General b.Scholarly c.Substantive d.Popular
3.…… fit for, or reflecting the taste and intelligence of, the people at large.
a.Scientific b.Scholarly c.General d.Popular
4.……. arousing or intending to arouse strong curiosity, interest or reaction
a.Scientific b.Scholarly c.General d.Sensational
5.…… are lists of journals, organized by discipline, subject, or type of publication
a.Journal Indexes b.Abstracting c.Impact factor d.None of the above
6.……. are also called bibliographic indexes or bibliographic databases
a.Journal abstracting b.Abstracting c.Journal Indexes d.None of the above
7.…… type of indexing index journals that cover various disciplines and a broad variety of topics
a.IPR b.Journal indexes c.General indexes d.Popular magazines
8.…… index popular magazines, newspapers, and some scholarly journals.
a.Scientific journals b.Journal indexes c.General indexes d.Popular magazines
9.…….. cover a specific topic or discipline and will usually index more scholarly journals.
a.Scientific journals b.Specialised indexes c.Journal indexes d.Popular magazines
10.The indexation of a journal is based on some basic publishing standards is …..
a.Popular Indexing standards b.Commerce journal indexes
c.General Indexing standards d.Basic Indexing Standards
11.…….is a quantitative metric based on analysis of publication data using publications and citations to provide an
estimate of the importance, significance, and broad impact of a scientist’s cumulative research contributions.
a.Impact factor b.h Index c.h core d.h median
12.……. of a publication is a set of top cited h articles from the publication
a.Impact factor b.h Index c.h core d.h median
13.……. of a publication is the median of the citation counts in its h-core
a.Impact factor b.h Index c.h core d.h median
14.……. of a publication are, respectively, the h-index, h-core, and h-median of only those of its articles that were
published in the last five complete calendar years.
a.h median, h core and h5-core b.h5-index, h5-core, and h5-median
c.h5-index, h median, and h5-median d.h5-index, h5-core, and h index
15.Indexed journals are a hallmark of it’s ….
a.Circulation b.Quantity c.Affordability d.Quality
1.Journal Indexes are lists of journals, organized by discipline, subject, or type of publication.
a.Discipline and type of publication b.Discipline and subject
c.Discipline, subject, or type of publication d.None of the above
2.Journal abstracting are also called …………….
a.Journal abstracting b.Abstracting c.Bibliographic indexes d.None of the above
3.……. is the h-index for articles published in the last 5 complete years.
a.i10 index b.h5-index c.h median d.h core
4.…….. is based on H5-index, but instead measures the median (or middle) value of citations for the h number of
a.h index b.h median c.h core d.H5-median
5.The g-index is an author-level metric suggested in 2006 by ….
a.Pye b.Leo Egghe c.Popper d.None of the above
6.The …… is an alternative for the older h-index
a.g-index b.h index c.i10 index d.None of the above
7.The g-index is an alternative for the older ……., which does not average the numbers of citations.
a.i10 index b.h median c.h-index d.None of the above
8.i10-Index is the number of publications with at least ….. citations.
a.10 b.20 c.30 d.05
9.i10-Index is introduced by
a.Yahoo b.Facebook c.Google d.Research Gate
10.Which among the following is very simple and straightforward to calculate
a.i10 b.h core c.h index d.None of the above
11.JIF stands for ….
a.Journal Impact Factor b.Journal Index Factor c.Journal Impact Fonts d.Journal ID Factor
12.……… is a scientometric index calculated by Clarivate that reflects the yearly average number of citations of articles
published in the last two years in a given journal.
a.Journal Impact Factor b.Journal Index Factor c.Journal Impact Fonts d.Journal ID Factor
13.…….. of an academic journal is a measure reflecting the yearly average number of citations to recent articles
published in that journal.
a.JIF b.CiteScore c.Reviews d.Cite Factor
14.CiteScore is based on the citations recorded in the …… database.
a.Scopus b.JCR c.Web of Science d.None of the above
15.The ……. indicator is a measure of the scientific influence of scholarly journals that accounts for both the number
of citations received by a journal & the importance or prestige of the journals where the citations come from.
a.Web of Science b.Scopus c.JIF d.SCImago Journal Rank (SJR)
16.……. is a sophisticated metric that intrinsically accounts for field-specific differences in citation practices
a.JIF b.Scopus c.Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP) d.None of the Above
17.The Eigenfactor score, developed by …….. is a rating of the total importance of a scientific journal.
a.Sigmund b.R Kothari c.Lucian Pye d.Jevin West and Carl Bergstrom
1.……is an essay in which you explain what you have learned after exploring the topic in depth
a.News b.Article c.Research paper d.Monologue
2.In a ……., you include information from sources such as books, articles, interviews, and Internet sites
a.Sports newsb.Articlesc.Research paperd.Monologue
3.……. is the system used to assess the quality of a manuscript before it is published.
a.Reviews b.Peer review c.Analysis d.Observation
4.Independent researchers in the relevant research area assess submitted manuscripts for ……., …… and ……. to help
editors determine whether a manuscript should be published in their journal.
a.Originality b.Originality Significance
c.Originality, Validity and Significance d.Originality and Validity
5.A …… is a reference to the source of information used in your research
a.In-text b.Citation c.Bibliography d.None of the Above
6.Referencing your own previously published work is known as ……..
a.Citation b.Reference c.Self-citation d.None of the Above
7.Referencing your own previously published work is known as ……..
a.Citation b.Reference c.Self-citation d.None of the Above
8.Referencing your own previously published work is known as ……..
a.Citation b.Reference c.Self-citation d.None of the Above
9.A ….. is any external organization, public or private, which undertakes a contractual agreement with the
University/institutes to sponsor research or an entrepreneurial activity.
a.Funding Agency b.NGOs c.INGOs d.MNCs
10.……. enables legal professionals to retrieve cases, statutes, and other documents from its vast library of legal and
business materials.
a.Universities b.Research Institutes c.Manupatra d.None of the Above and ResearchGate are …….
a.Social networks b.Google platforms c.Academic social-networking sites (ASNS) d.Academic sites
12.These sites allow uploading ……..
a.Academic articles, abstracts, and links to published articles b.Abstracts, and links to published articles
c.Academic articles and links to published articles d.Academic articles
13.…….. track demand for published articles and engage in professional interaction
a.Social networks b.Google platforms c.Academic social-networking sites (ASNS)
d.Academic sites
14. …….. is an online, freely accessible search engine that lets users look for both physical and digital copies of articles.
a.Google Scholar b.Scopus c.Social networks d.Google platforms
15.It searches scholarly works from a variety of sources, including academic publishers and universities looking for
Peer-reviewed articles
a.Scopus b.Google Scholar c.Social networks d.Google platforms
16. …….. is a European commercial social networking site for scientists and researchers to share papers, ask and
answer questions, and find collaborators.
a.Acamedia b.ResearchGate c.Stanford dictionary d.Scopus
17.According to a 2014 study by Nature and a 2016 article in Times Higher Education, ….. is the largest academic social
network in terms of active users.
a.Jstor b.Stanford dictionary c.Scopus d.ResearchGate
1.…….. is personal neutrality
a.Objectivity b.Subjectivity c.Logic d.Norms
2.…… allows the facts to speak for themselves and not be influenced by the personal values and biases of the
a.Logic b.Norms c.Objectivity d.Morality
3.…….. is judgment based on individual personal impressions and feelings and opinions rather than external facts.
a.Norms b.Subjectivity c.Objectivity d.Morality
4.What in research keep promises and agreements; act with sincerity; strive for consistency of thought and action
a.Integrity b.Carefulness c.Subjectivity d.None of the above
5.….. avoids careless errors and negligence; carefully and critically examine your own work and the work of your peers
a.Objectivity b.Carefulness c.Subjectivity d.None of the above
6.Do not use unpublished data, methods, or results without permission as it comes under ….
a.Responsible publication b.Objectivity c.Integrity d.Intellectual Property Rights
7.….. directs researchers to publish in order to advance research and scholarship, not to advance just your own career
a.Objectivity b.Integrity c.Intellectual Property Rights d.Responsible publication
8.Protecting confidential communications, such as papers or grants submitted for publication, personnel records,
trade or military secrets, and patient records may fall under ….
a.Social Responsibility b.Confidentiality c.Intellectual Property Rights d.None of the above
9.What is in research an attempt to promote social good and prevent or mitigate social harms through research, public
education, and advocacy
a.Social Responsibility b.IPR c.Confidentiality d.None of the Above
10.……. help to educate, mentor, and advise students. Promote their welfare and allow them to make their own
a.IPR b.Confidentiality c.Responsible mentoring d.Social Responsibility
11.In research, …… is to know and obey relevant laws and institutional and governmental policies
a.Objectivity b.Integrity c.Legality d.None of the Above
12.Showing proper respect and care for animals when using them in research is known as…..
a.Animal protection b.Animal care c.Respect for animals d.None of the Above
13.When conducting research on human subjects, ….. minimizes harms and risks and maximize benefits; respect
human dignity, privacy, and autonomy.
a.IPR b.Human care c.Human subjects protection d.None of the Above
14.…… is one of the founding principles of research ethics.
a.Consent b.Permission c.Informed consent d.None of the Above
15.……. intent is that human participants can enter research freely with full information about what it means for them
to take part, and that they give consent before they enter the research.
a.Informed consent b.Consent c.Written Permission d.None of the Above
1.….. is presenting someone else's work or ideas as your own, with or without their consent, by incorporating it into
your work without full acknowledgement.
a.Referencing b.Quoting c.Abstracting d.Plagiarism
2.All published and unpublished material, whether in manuscript, printed or electronic form, is covered under the
definition of …...
a.Plagiarism b.Referencing c.Quoting d.Abstracting
3.……. is an originality checking and plagiarism prevention service that checks your writing for citation mistakes or
inappropriate copying.
a.Twitter b.Google c.Turnitin d.None of the Above
4.When you submit your paper, Turnitin compares it to text in its massive database of student work, websites, books,
articles, etc. b.Jstor c.Turnitin d.Google
5.……. is the process of acknowledging the sources you have used in writing your essay, assignment or piece of work
a.Referencing b.Quoting c.Copying d.None of the Above
6.…… allows the reader to access your source documents as quickly and easily as possible in order to verify, if
necessary, the validity of your arguments and the evidence on which they are based.
a.Indexing b.Quoting c.Copying d.Referencing
7.….. referencing is important in all academic work.
a.Inaccurate b.Partial c.Accurate d.None of the Above
8.As a student you will need to understand the general principles to apply when citing sources and take steps to avoid
a.Referencing b.Publishing c.Plagiarism d.None of the Above
9.Most cases of ….. is considered misdemeanors and punishable in Western Countries.
a.Plagiarism b.Referencing c.Criticism d.None of the Above
10.In Western countries, most cases of plagiarism are considered misdemeanors, punishable by fines of anywhere
between $100 and $50,000 and up to one year in jail
a.$1000 and $50,000 b.$100 and $50,000 c.$100 and $250,000 d.$100 and $10,000
11.In India, every student submitting a thesis, dissertation, term papers, reports or any other such documents to the
…. shall submit an undertaking.
12.Submitting an undertaking to the HEI indicates that the document has been prepared by him or her and that the
document is his/her …. work and free of any plagiarism
a.Plagiarized b.Original c.Dubious d.None of the Above
13.Each ….. shall certify that work done by the researcher under him/her is plagiarism free.
a.UGC b.ICSSR c.Supervisor d.Parents
14.All HEIs in India shall submit to INFLIBNET soft copies of all M.Phil., Ph.D. dissertations.
15.All HEIs in India shall submit to INFLIBNET soft copies of all M.Phil., Ph.D. dissertations and theses carried out in its
various departments after the award of degrees for hosting in the digital repository under the ….. programme.
a.Shodh Ganga e-repository b.CLAWS c.UGC d.NCERT
1.The process of sharing the answer to your research question along with the evidence on which your answer is based,
the sources you used, and your own reasoning and explanation is called …..
a.Term paper b.Thesis c.Research proposal d.Research writing
2.The goal of a …… is not to inform the reader what others have to say about a topic, but to draw on what others have
to say about a topic and engage the sources in order to thoughtfully offer a unique perspective on the issue at hand
a.Research paper b.Dissertation c.Research proposal d.Research writing
3.A …… is an essay in which you explain what you have learned after exploring your topic in depth.
a.Dissertation b.Research paper c.Thesis d.Research writing
4.A research proposal is a document proposing a research project, generally in the sciences or academia, and generally
constitutes a request for sponsorship of that research.
a.Term paper b.Thesis c.Research proposal d.Research writing
5.The aim of the …… is to produce an original piece of research work on a clearly defined topic.
a.Dissertation b.News c.Reading d.None of the Above
6.Most universities and colleges provide very specific …. to their students about their preferred approach in the
a.Research motto b.Research guidelines c.Reference style d.Methodology
7.Writing a ….. requires a range of research skills that will be of great value in future career and within organisations.
a.Fiction b.Dissertation c.Novel d.Poem
8.…..... is an important requirement in every researches.
a.Observation b.Imagination c.Proper citation d.None of the Above
9.References is an option available in ….
a.MS Paint b.MS PowerPoint c.MS Word d.None of the Above
10.MS Word can assist researchers in their …...
a.Academic writing b.Entertainment c.Sports d.None of the Above
11.The techniques learned by using templates, styles, and special document breaks can greatly assist in using MS Word
more efficiently for research papers, journal articles, proposals, lab reports, or any other writing project.
a.MS Paint b.MS PowerPoint c.MS Word d.MS Excel
12.A ….. is a set of rules on how to acknowledge the thoughts, ideas and works of others in a particular way.
a.Thesis b.Term paper c.Research proposal d.Referencing style
13.Referencing is a crucial part of successful academic writing, avoiding plagiarism and maintaining academic integrity
in your assignments and research.
a.Referencing b.Term paper c.Research proposal d.None of the Above
14.Given below which one is a reference style?
a.QS b.Scopus c.UGC d.MLA
15.Doe, J. (1999). Causes of the Civil War. Ohio: Smith Books. This reference style is an example of ….
a.SIS research manual b.APA c.MLA d.None of the Above
1.The ….. should outline research with interesting commentary about what you learned along the way.
a.Poster b.Banner c.Hand out d.None of the Above
2. ….. should be a balance of visuals and text.
a.Screening b.Banner c.Hand out d.Poster
3.The handout should be double-sided and the front side of the paper should include a picture of the poster.
a.Handout b.Screening c.Banner d.Poster
4. A … the presentation of research by an individual or group for a class or academic/professional conference.
a.Poster session b.Screening c.Banner d.Poster
5.The term …. refers to the smooth flow of ideas in a text.
a.Theory b.Coherence c.Concept d.None of the Above
6.There are two main strategies that will make your writing coherent: organizing your ideas in a ….. and connecting
them effectively by using transition words and phrases.
a.Logical order b.Order c.Spatial order d.None of the Above
7.When your ideas are set down in a ….., it is much easier for your reader to follow your train of thought.
a.Order b.Spatial order c.Logical order d.Reasoned way
8.Description uses …. in which details are organized according to their physical location.
a.Theoretical order b.Spatial order c.Logical order d.Reasoned way
9.…. is a supposition or a system of ideas intended to explain something, especially one based on general principles
independent of the thing to be explained.
a.Idea b.Concept c.Theory d.Thesis
10. ….. are formulated to explain, predict, and understand phenomena and, in many cases, to challenge and extend
existing knowledge within the limits of critical bounding assumptions.
a.Theories b.Ideas c.Observations d.None of the Above
11.The …. is the structure that can hold or support a theory of a research study.
a.Conceptual idea b.Theoretical framework c.Themes d.None of the Above
12.The theoretical framework connects the researcher to existing …...
a.Information b.Knowledge c.Observation d.None of the Above
13.The ….. uses slides to convey information rich in multimedia.
a.MS Word b.MS Excel c.MS Paint d.MS PowerPoint
14.…… is a software application that is particularly used to present data and information by using text, diagrams with
animation, images, and transitional effects, etc in the form of slides.
a.MS PowerPoint b.MS Word c.MS Excel d.MS Paint
15.MS PowerPoint used for data and information …..
a.Tabulation b.Visualization c.Calculation d.None of the Above
1.…. are the rights given to persons over the creations of their minds: inventions, literary and artistic works, and
symbols, names and images used in commerce.
a.Trade patents b.Logo rights c.WIPO d.Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)
2.Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) are outlined in Article 27 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
a.Article 15 b.Article 17 c.Article 20 d.Article 27
3.The importance of intellectual property was first recognized in the …..
a.Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property b.UDHR
c.UN Conventions on Trade d.None of the Above
4.WIPO stands for …..
a.World Wide Intellectual Property Organization b.World Intellectual Property Rights Organization c.World
Intellectual Property Organization d.World Ideas Property Organization
5.The rights of authors of literary and artistic works are protected by copyright, for a minimum period of … years after
the death of the author.
a.50 b.40 c.30 d.25
6.….. identify a good as originating in a place where a given characteristic of the good is essentially attributable to its
geographical origin.
a.Geological Indicators b.Geographical Indications c.Graphic indexes d.None of the Above
7.The clarion call of the National Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Policy 2016 is ….
a.Creative Idea; Innovative India b.Creative India; Innovative India
c.Creative and Innovative India d.None of the Above
8.A ….. is protection granted by a national government for an invention.
a.Discovery b.Idea c.Patent d.None of the Above
9.Which among the following is a type of patents:
a.Utility patents b.Academic patents c.Sports patents d.Commercial patents
10.….. issued for a new, original, and ornamental design for an article of manufacture.
a.Utility patent b.Academic patent c.Design patent d.Commercial patent
11.Eyeglasses is an example for …..
a.Academic patent b.Utility patent c.Design patent d.Commercial patent
12. A …… is a group of patent documents from different countries that protect the same invention.
a.IPR b.Rights c.Patent family d.None of the Above
13.Sections 3 and 4 of the Indian Patents Act, 1970, India clearly mentioned the …. regarding what can be patented in
a.Inclusions b.Exclusions c.Limitations d.None of the Above
14.Under Section 2(ja) of the Patents Act, India, an …. is defined as the characteristic of an invention that involves
technological advancement or is of economic importance or both.
a.Idea b.Innovation c.Imagination d.Inventive step
15.The Patent (Second Amendment) Act 2000 designed by the Government to bridge the conflict between the …. and
the Patent Act, 1970.
a.Patentees’ Rights b.TRIPS c.WIPO d.None of the Above
16.….. essentially refers to finding out something which already existed in nature but was unknown or unrecognised.
a.Innovation b.Discovery c.Exploration d.None of the Above
1.…… refers to the legal right of the owner of intellectual property.
a.Trademark b.IP c.Copyright d.Sign and symbol rights
2. The basis for copyright protection stems directly from the …..
a.British Constitution b.Indian Constitution c.French Constitution d.U.S. Constitution
3.The framer’sof copyrights believed that securing the exclusive rights of authors to their writings for limited periods
would promote the progress of ….
a.Science and commerce b.Science and arts c.Arts d.Science
4.There are three basic requirements including ……. that a work must meet to be protected by copyright.
a.Original, constructive and fixed b.Original, creative and fixed
c.Original, fine and fixed d.New, creative and fixed
5.According to the WIPO, ….. protect the legal interests of certain persons and legal entities that contribute to making
works available to the public which contains sufficient creativity or technical and organizational skill to justify
recognition of a copyright-like property right.
a.Neighboring rights b.IP rights c.Trademarks d.None of the Above
6.The neighboring rights law that came into force on 24th July 2019 in ….
a.U. S. A b.Germany c.Russia d.France
7.A …. is any sign that individualizes the goods of a given enterprise and distinguishes them from the goods of its
a.IP b.Trade symbol c.Trademark d.MRP
8.A trademark is a symbol or word that …. products or services and distinguishes it from other products or services on
the market.
a.Exclude b.Characterize c.Introduce d.None of the Above
9.A trademark is a type of …...
a.IP b.Trade symbol c.Trademark d.MRP
10.A trademark is a type of intellectual property consisting of a recognizable ……
a.Sign and design b.Expression c.Sign, design and expression d.None of the Above
11.A trademark can be protected on the basis of either …..
a.Use and registration b.Design and quality c.Quality alone d.Quality and use
12. The Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property was passed in the year…
a.1891 b.1893 c.1895 d.1899
13.The Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property places contracting countries under the obligation to
provide for a …..
a.Trademark register b.Trademark portfolio c.Regulation d.None of the above
14.TRIPS stands for ….
a.The Arrangement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights
b.The Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights
c.The Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights
d.The Agreement on Trade Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights
15.WTO stands for ….
a.World Tariff Organization b.World Trade Organization
c.World Trade and Tariff Organization d.None of the Above
16.The Trade Marks Act, 1999, India deals with entire law relating to ….
a.Marks and symbols b.Designs c.Trademarks d.None of the Above
1.The obligations under the ….. Agreement relate to provision of minimum standard of protection within the member
countries legal systems and practices.
2.The TRIPS Agreement provides for norms and standards in respect of following areas of intellectual property:
a.Symbols b.Patents c.Signs d.Design
3.The basic obligation in the area of patents is that the invention in all branches of technology shall be patentable if it
being capable of ….
a.Contributing new ideas b.Theoretical contribution c.Industrial application d.None of the Above
4.…… is a UN specialized agency created in 1967 to promote intellectual property (IP) protection and encourage
creative activity all over the world.
a.WIPO b.UNDP c.UNSC d.None of the Above
5.The World Intellectual Property Organisation or WIPO is a global body for the promotion and protection of …...
a.Trade rights b.Intellectual rights c.Intellectual Property Rights d.None of the Above
6.WIPO’s motto is to encourage ……, to promote the protection of intellectual property throughout the world.
a.Activities b.Intellectual activities c.Creative activity d.None of the Above
7.WIPO is headquartered in ….
a.Geneva b.Havana c.New Delhi d.Sydney
8.WIPO has its origins in the United International Bureaux for the Protection of Intellectual Property (BIRPI), which
was established in ….
a.1917 b.1945 c.1894 d.1893
9.To assist the development of campaigns that improve IP Protection all over the globe and keep the national
legislations in harmony is the primary function of ….
a.UNO b.UNESCO c.WIPO d.None of the Above
10.…. was the first multilateral free trade agreement.
a.WTO b.The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
c.International Convention on Trade d.None of the Above
11.GAAT came into force in the year…. as an agreement between 23 countries.
a.1945 b.1947 c.1948 d.None of the Above
12.GAAT was replaced by the ….
a.UNO b.WTO c.WB d.None of the Above
13.The purpose of the GATT was to eliminate …..
a.International trade b.Trade favoritism c.Harmful trade protectionism d.Trade advantages
14.The World Trade Organization (WTO) is the only global international organization dealing with the rules of trade
between ….
a.Nations b.MNC c.Regional groupings d.None of the Above
15.The ….. relations are governed by the “Arrangements for Effective Cooperation with other Intergovernmental
Organizations-Relations between the WTO and the United Nations” signed on 15 November 1995.
a.UN-EU b.WTO-EU c.WTO-UN d.None of the Above

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