An Experimental Study On Grinding of Zr-Based Bulk Metallic Glass

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Adv. Manuf.

(2015) 3:282–291
DOI 10.1007/s40436-015-0121-6

An experimental study on grinding of Zr-based bulk metallic glass

Mustafa Bakkal1 • Erdinç Serbest1 • İlker Karipçin1 • Ali T. Kuzu1 •

Umut Karagüzel1 • Bora Derin2

Received: 22 March 2015 / Accepted: 18 September 2015 / Published online: 5 October 2015
Ó Shanghai University and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2015

Abstract There are limited studies in the literature about of 0.34–0.58 lm. This study also demonstrates that con-
machinability of bulk metallic glass (BMG). As a novel ventional Al2O3 wheel is not suitable for grinding of the
and promising structural material, BMG material machin- BMG in dry conditions.
ing characteristics need to be verified before its utilization.
In this paper, the effects of cutting speed, feed rate, depth Keywords Bulk metallic glass (BMG)  Grinding 
of cut, abrasive particle size/type on the BMG grinding in Crystallization  X-ray analysis  Surface morphology
dry conditions were experimentally investigated. The
experimental evaluations were carried out using cubic
boron nitride (CBN) and Al2O3 cup wheel grinding tools. 1 Introduction
The parameters were evaluated along with the results of
cutting force, temperature and surface roughness mea- Metallic glasses are obtained by rapid cooling of molten
surements, X-ray, scanning electron microscope (SEM) alloys to prevent crystallization. The amorphous
and surface roughness analyse. The results demonstrated microstructure of the metallic glass leads to unique prop-
that the grinding forces reduced with the increasing cutting erties compared to crystalline metals, such as high strength,
speed as specific grinding energy increased. The effect of high hardness, and high elastic limits with relatively low
feed rate was opposite to the cutting speed effect, and Young’s modulus. These unique properties of bulk metallic
increasing feed rate caused higher grinding forces and glasses (BMGs) combined with the availability of
substantially lower specific energy. Some voids like cracks increased thickness make these materials good candidates
parallel to the grinding direction were observed at the edge for many potential engineering applications. The resear-
of the grinding tracks. The present investigations on ground ches on deformation behaviors of metallic glasses were
surface and grinding chips morphologies showed that accelerated by developing several new multi-component
material removal and surface formation of the BMG were metallic glasses in bulk form with high glass forming
mainly due to the ductile chip formation and ploughing as ability (GFA) and relatively low cooling rates [1–4].
well as brittle fracture of some particles from the edge of According to early reports, under the uni-axial stress state
the tracks. The roughness values obtained with the CBN and room temperature conditions, metallic glasses fail in
wheels were found to be acceptable for the grinding brittle manner due to inhomogeneous deformation in which
operation of the structural materials and were in the range the concentration of free volume in narrow regions called
shear bands weakens the material and causes catastrophic
failure [5]. However, in the constraint conditions, for
& Mustafa Bakkal example in the case of indentation experiments and
machining processes, shear localization can be arrested by
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Istanbul Technical surrounding elastic material and multiple shear bands form.
University, Istanbul, Turkey Those shear bands are the main cause of plastic deforma-
Department of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering, tion on BMGs. In the super cooled liquid region which
Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey exists between the crystallization and glass transition

An experimental study on grinding of Zr-based bulk metallic glass 283

temperatures, BMGs exhibit homogeneous deformation 2 Experimental

and substantial plasticity. In this region, deformation of the
material is characterized by viscous flow and transforms to 2.1 Material
non-Newtonian from Newtonian with increasing strain
rates [6]. One of the important methods to assess further The workpiece material used in the grinding experiments is
deformation characteristics of BMG in complex stress Zr-based BMG (Zr52.5Ti5Cu17.9Ni14.6Al10) rods produced by
condition is the evaluation of machinability under different arc melting method with high purity. The workpiece speci-
cutting conditions. mens have a diameter of 6.35 mm and a height of 20 mm.
Essentially, the machining processes are performed to Glass transition, crystallization, and melting temperatures of
fabricate precision BMG parts with high dimensional accu- the material are 393 °C, 455 °C, and 850 °C, respectively.
racy and better surface quality under multiple stress states, One of the key properties of BMG in machining is its
just beyond the assessment of deformation characteristics. very low thermal conductivity, 4 W/(m  K). Other
There are several papers about machinability characteristics mechanical properties of the material are presented in
of BMGs. According to the recent machining studies, BMGs Table 1.
exhibit ductile chip formation with several serrated lamellar
forms and deformation characteristics during turning and 2.2 Experimental setup and design
drilling operations [7–10]. An investigation on machining
chips showed that the oxidation of zirconium, which was the Grinding experiments were performed on a vertical spindle
main alloying element of the alloy, produced high flash grinder. Grinding wheels used in experiments are cup-type
temperature that caused crystallization [11]. As a novel resin bonded CBN and vitrified bonded aluminum oxide
feature of the machining of BMG, light emission on tool- wheels (AW100J5VKE5745). The process is known as cup
work contact area was observed and the effect of machining wheel grinding. Other details about grinding wheels are
parameters on this feature was examined in previous studies shown in Table 2.
[12, 13]. According to these reports, BMG parts can be Grinding wheels were dressed and trued prior to grind-
successfully machined when appropriate machining ing experiments. CBN wheels were trued by a single point
parameters are determined. diamond tool to reduce axial runout to an acceptable value,
Unlike other macro-scale machining processes, grinding is and then dressed by an aluminum oxide stick to open the
the least understood and the most neglected process due to wheel face. This operation is also known as stick dressing.
multiple and irregular cutting edges, high cutting speed and Truing operation is carried out under the selected param-
small depth of cut. In addition to high negative rake angles and eters of truing pass, table speed, and spindle speed, which
high cutting speeds in grinding, sliding and ploughing are 0.01 mm, 300 mm/min, and 3 000 r/min, respectively.
mechanisms also cause to generate the highest specific energy In addition to above-mentioned preparations, a hardened
during the grinding process [14]. To maintain the structural steel workpiece was ground with dressed wheel to elimi-
stability of BMG during grinding can only be accomplished by nate the beginning transient behavior of the wheel in
taking the special precautions due to metastable properties of accordance with Ref. [14]. The Al2O3 wheel was only
these materials. This can be made by analyzing the effect of dressed periodically by a single point diamond dresser. The
grinding parameters on grindability of the material as the grinding force components including tangential force (Ft)
grinding temperatures are held under the crystallization tem- and normal force (Fn) were measured during the grinding
perature 455 °C of the material. One of the goals of this study experiments by using a piezoelectric force dynamometer
is to determine the grinding parameters which do not lead to (Kistler 9257B), as shown in Fig. 1. The grinding tem-
the increase of the temperature above the crystallization peratures were measured in the workpiece subsurface using
temperature in dry conditions. Besides, the effects of the an embedded thermocouple method which was the simplest
cutting speed, feed rate, depth of cut, the type and size of and most useful method in measuring grinding tempera-
abrasives on the grinding forces, specific energies and surface tures [15]. In this method, the tip of the thermocouple
roughness were examined during grinding experiments of Zr- approaches the workpiece surface with the successive
based BMG commercially named as Vitreloy 105 in this passes. The temperatures at which the thermocouple and
study. The morphologies of ground surfaces and grinding the workpiece were ground together were accepted as the
debris were also observed and possible surface formation maximum surface temperatures [16]. The K-type thermo-
mechanisms were remarked. The authors kindly remind that couple was embedded into the blind hole drilled on the
due to the lack of material availability and size limits of bottom face of the workpiece which was about 1.5 mm
BMGs, numbers of experiments and reruns were less than from the surface to be ground. The temperature signals
those of the conventional machining experiments. were recorded using HP35665A dynamic signal analyzer.

284 M. Bakkal et al.

Table 1 Important mechanical properties of Zr-based BMG

Young modulus/ Hardness/ Poisson Strain hardening Tensile strength/ Fracture toughness/ Fracture elongation
GPa HRA ratio exponent MPa (MPam-1/2) (all elastic)/%

96 77 0.36 0 1 900 40–55 2

Table 2 Properties of wheels used in the experiments

Abrasive type Outside diameter D/mm Rim width W/mm Rim thickness T/mm Binder Grit size/lm Hardness/structure

CBN 100 6 2 Resin 64–91 –

Al2O3 80 10 50 Vitrified 100 (mesh) J/5

Fig. 1 Schematic illustration of the grinding operation and directions of cutting forces

On the ground surfaces, the average arithmetic surface feature of BMG was analyzed at experiments 2, 4 and 5. This
roughness value, Ra, was measured using a profilometer effect was evaluated by the result of temperature measure-
(Mitutoyo Surftest SJ-201P). The ground surface mor- ment and X-ray analysis to ensure the absence of crystal-
phology of the workpiece and grinding debris was analyzed lization features. Because crystallization of BMG
by using a scanning electron microscope (SEM) with an demolishes the all-favorable properties of BMGs, crystal-
energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS). lization is considered as one of the key aspects of grindability
Eight sets of grinding experiments were performed, as assessment experiments. Experiments 6, 7 and 8 were carried
shown in Table 3. All experiments were conducted in dry out to investigate the effects of grit size, depth of cut, and
conditions without coolant. Cutting speed effect in BMG grain type, respectively. BMG experiment parameters were
grinding was evaluated in the first three sets of experiments. selected according to the preliminary experiments due to the
Then, feed rate effect was analyzed at the fixed cutting speed lack of existing studies. Al2O3 parameters were just selected
(10 m/s). The effect of cutting speed on crystallization for the purpose of comparison.

An experimental study on grinding of Zr-based bulk metallic glass 285

Table 3 Design of grinding experiments

Number Cutting speed/(ms-1) Feed rate/(mmmin-1) Depth of cut/lm Grit size/lm Abrasive material

1 5 2 000 10 91 CBN
2 10 2 000 10 91
3 13 2 000 10 91
4 10 4 000 10 91
5 10 1 000 10 91
6 5 2 000 10 64
7 5 2 000 15 91
8 5 1 000 10 100 (mesh) Al2O3

3 Results and discussions 3.2 Grinding forces and specific grinding energy

3.1 Grinding temperature 3.2.1 Effects of cutting speed on the grinding forces
and specific grinding energy
The maximum surface temperatures measured in the
experiments are shown in Table 4. The temperatures in the The changes in the grinding forces with respect to the
workpiece have to be measured in order to understand the grinding passes are illustrated in Fig. 2 for a constant feed
deformation mode changes of the material with the tem- rate of 2 000 mm/min to evaluate the effect of cutting
perature. The excessive temperatures may also lead to speed.
thermal damage on the workpiece and cause residual ten- There is no significant force change recorded with the
sile stresses in the ground parts. increase of number of passes in higher cutting speeds, 10 m/s
As shown in Table 4, during the experiments 3, 4, 5 and 13 m/s owing to high wear resistance of the CBN grits
and 6, the maximum recorded temperatures exceeded the [17]. However, a slight decrease, almost 18%, was observed
crystallization temperature of the material. The recorded in lower cutting speed, 5 m/s. Owing to the low grinding
temperatures in these experiments are 600 °C, 500 °C, temperature in the lowest cutting speed, thermal softening
above 400 °C, and 460 °C, respectively. Besides, the and workpiece adhesion to the abrasive grains were less
crystallization of the workpieces was only confirmed effective. This contributes to self sharpening of the CBN
with X-ray analysis in the experiments 3, 5 and 6. Due grains, thus the cutting forces tend to reduce with the number
to the highest feed rate in the experiment 4, there was of passes increased. This result confirms the applicability of
almost no time left for the transformation from amor- the CBN tools in BMG grinding.
phous to crystalline microstructure. Therefore, crystal- Average grinding force and specific grinding energy
lization features were not observed and confirmed in this change (u) with the cutting speed are presented in Figs. 3a,
experiment. b, respectively. As shown in Fig. 3a, both normal and

Table 4 Maximum surface temperatures measured in the experiments

Number Cutting Feed Depth of Abrasive Maximum surface Crystallization
speed/(ms-1) rate/(mmmin-1) cut/lm material temperature/°C

1 5 2 000 10 CBN 270 No

2 10 2 000 10 390 No
3 13 2 000 10 600 Yes
4 10 4 000 10 500 No
5 10 1 000 10 Above 400 Yes
6 5 2 000 15 460 Yes
7 5 2 000 10 Al2O3 415 No

286 M. Bakkal et al.

tangential forces linearly decrease with the increase of

cutting speed due to thermal softening of the material.
Specific grinding energy was calculated according to the
formula given below:
P Ft v s
u¼ ¼ ; ð1Þ
Q dw avw
where P is the grinding power, Q the volumetric material
removal rate, Ft tangential force, dw workpiece diameter, vs
cutting speed, vw feed rate.
Both the grinding forces and the specific energies are
composed of the following three components: sliding,
ploughing, and chip formation [18]. Specific grinding
energy increase can be explained by higher intensity of the
cutting speed increase than grinding force alleviation and
constant material removal rate (Q). This is likely due to the
reduce in the uncut chip thickness with increasing cutting
speed, leading to increase in the amount of sliding and
ploughing contribution to the total grinding energy [14].

3.2.2 Effects of feed rate on the grinding forces

and specific grinding energy

Figure 4 illustrates the effect of feed rate on grinding for-

Fig. 2 Effect of cutting speed on grinding force at the fixed feed rate ces at the 10 m/s constant cutting speed. As shown in
of 2 000 mm/min
Fig. 4, forces do not vary with the number of passes for
two lower feed rates, 1 000 mm/min and 2 000 mm/min.

Fig. 4 Effect of feed rate on grinding forces at the fixed cutting speed
Fig. 3 Effect of cutting speed at the fixed feed rate of 2 000 mm/min of 10 m/s

An experimental study on grinding of Zr-based bulk metallic glass 287

This implies that the process exhibits the stable grinding pressure and material removal. Reducing of the contact
behavior in lower feed rate conditions when CBN wheels time also lessens the energy input interval on the ground
are used. Yet, the forces at the feed rate of 4 000 mm/min specimen. Both higher feed rate and narrower rim width in
periodically increase after each stick dressing period of the the case of cup wheel grinding provide better grinding
CBN wheel. This result indicates that the freshly cleaned conditions in terms of energy input to the workpiece [19].
out wheel is clogged by piled up soften BMG swarfs. This Because of this reason, the specific grinding energy is
is an undesirable circumstance and it endorses that the dry substantially reduced by increasing feed rates, as shown in
condition is not acceptable for BMG grinding at high feed Fig. 5b. Thus, as shown in Table 4, the material ground by
rate conditions. Thus, it confirms that above the 2 000 mm/ the feed rate of 1 000 mm/min crystallized while the
min feed rate, cutting fluid usage is essential for decent material ground by the feed rate of 4 000 mm/min did not
grinding process. crystallize according to X-ray analysis.
In order to evaluate the effect of feed rate on grinding
forces and specific energy, the plots are given in Figs. 5a, b 3.2.3 Effect of depth of cut and grit size on the grinding
respectively. It can be seen from Fig. 5, when the feed rate forces and specific grinding energy
is fourfold, the grinding forces double, yet the specific
energy is halved. This is due to the increasing material Figures 6a, b illustrate the experiment results to evaluate
removal rate with increasing feed rate. In this case, the effect of depth of cut and CBN grit size on the variation
increased feed rate enlarges the uncut chip thickness and of grinding forces.
reduces the relative amount of the ploughed material As shown in Fig. 6, smaller grit size caused moderately
compared to formed chip and this is accompanied by lower forces than that of the larger grit sized wheel at the
reducing of the specific ploughing energy [14]. constant depth of cut. Grinding forces in the experiment 6,
Additionally, higher feed rates cause lower contact time initially increase in the first 5 passes and reach a peak value
between the workpiece surface and cutting face of the of 75 N, then reduce to the lower values of about 60 N and
grinding wheel, and also lesser specific sliding energy. This remain steady. Similar trend of grinding forces was
also clarifies the higher gradient of the normal force than observed in the experiment 7 in which the effect of depth of
the tangential force. The results in Fig. 5a are formed due
to more aggressive grinding conditions with high contact

Fig. 6 Effect of grit size (64 lm and 91 lm) and depth of cut
(10 lm and 15 lm) on grinding forces at 5 m/s cutting speed and
Fig. 5 Effect of feed rate at the fixed cutting speed of 10 m/s 2 000 mm/min feed rate

288 M. Bakkal et al.

cut was examined. In this experiment, the grinding forces

were 25% higher than that of the experiment 1 due to the
50% higher depth of cut. This transient behavior was
observed after every stick dressing of the wheels because
of the initial dullness of the fresh CBN grains in the new
wheels used in these experiments. The effect of depth of
cut on grinding forces is similar to that of the feed rate, as
shown in Fig. 7.
Both parameters, depth of cut and feed rate, augment the
material removal rates and cause more aggressive grinding
conditions. However, more effective BMG grinding can be
gained at higher feed rates instead of higher depth of cut
values due to the lower contact time and energy input.

3.2.4 Effect of abrasive type on the grinding forces

Figure 8 shows the effect of abrasive type on BMG

grinding. In this analysis, Al2O3 wheel whose properties
are presented in Table 2 is used.
As shown in Fig. 8a, normal and tangential forces sub-
stantially increase with the increase of number of passes
after dressing of the wheel in every ten passes periodically
by the single point diamond dresser. Sources of this peri-
odic change are associated with adhering BMG material on
the wheel surface, low wear resistance of Al2O3 grains and Fig. 8 BMG grinding with Al2O3 wheel at 5 m/s cutting speed,
attritious wear by rubbing of the grains onto the workpiece 1 000 mm/min feed rate and 10 lm depth of cut
[20]. As presented in Fig. 8b, Fn/Ft force ratio also
increases due to the growth of wear flats on Al2O3 wheel by
attritious wear and this may also lead to thermal damage 3.3 Surface integrity and chip morphology
and/or crystallization of the workpiece. At the beginning of
process, the grinding forces in the conventional wheel used Unlike the other macro-scale machining processes, in
experiments were almost 15% lower than that of CBN grinding, micro ploughing, micro sliding and micro frac-
wheels used experiments, but they rapidly increased in ten ture mechanisms gain much importance in force and sur-
passes and substantially exceeded, by more than 35%, the face generation. Although there has been no study
CBN wheel used forces. These results indicate that the published about grinding of BMGs yet, some wear studies
conventional wheel is not suitable for grinding of the Zr- reported earlier can highlight the interaction between
based BMG in dry conditions without any grinding fluid. individual abrasive grains and workpiece to be ground. One
of these studies has been carried out in pin-on-disc wear
experiments on Vit1, and ductile chip formation at the
sliding conditions has been observed [21]. In this article,
the examination of the cross section of the wear tracks
pointed out some cracks running parallel to them. These
features may occur in the grinding grooves owing to the
interaction of the abrasive grains. In another study, wear
behaviors of some thin ribbon BMGs were investigated by
two-body abrasive wear experiment [22]. This study is
somewhat related because it was performed by the abrasive
papers resembling grinding process. It was reported that the
materials used in the experiments exhibited brittle micro
cracking similar to some ceramics and glasses. This result
suggested that wear mechanisms of the metallic glasses in
Fig. 7 Effect of depth of cut on grinding forces at 5 m/s cutting the two-body abrasive experiments were micro cutting and
speed and 2 000 mm/min feed rate micro cracking rather than ploughing [22].

An experimental study on grinding of Zr-based bulk metallic glass 289

Representative surface morphology micrographs of the

ground surface of the BMG specimens are shown in Fig. 9.
Due to the fact that the general characteristics of the
ground surfaces are similar, some characteristic regions of
the two surfaces are indicated in Figs. 9a, c respectively.
Figures 9b, d are the higher magnifications of Figs. 9a, c
respectively. Some void-like cracks can be seen in the
margin of grinding tracks parallel to the cutting direction.
These cracks may occur due to stress-induced free volume
generation and inhomogeneous deformation which is a
distinctive deformation mechanism of the BMG, when the
grains engage the material. The workpiece material is
subjected to ploughing as well as micro fracture at the end
of the grinding grooves. Due to the chemically active
elements in the BMG such as Zr and Ti, oxidation of the
newly generated surfaces may take place during cutting
and some oxidized region can be fractured in a brittle
manner as reported earlier [20]. As a consequence, it
suggests that material removal and surface formation of the
Zr-based BMG in grinding occur mainly by micro cutting
and ploughing mechanisms with some micro fracture.
Figures 10a, b also show the grinding swarfs removed from
the workpiece surfaces used in the experiments 3 and 5,
respectively. It is obvious that the material is removed from
the surface as ductile chips with lamella structure in dif-
ferent shapes and sizes which results from the adiabatic
shear band formation. Although the ductile chip formation
is clear in most of the swarfs, some uncharacterized par-
ticles can be observed. Possibly, these particles are dis-
placed from ground track edges due to the oxidation and
void-like crack formation.

3.4 Ra

One of the main evaluation criteria for grindability is Ra

value. The arithmetic averages of Ra values for all exper-
iment conditions are shown in Fig. 11. The lowest value,
0.34 lm, was recorded in the experiment 3, with 2
000 mm/min feed rate and the highest cutting speed of
13 m/s. The experiment 2, with the same feed rate and a
lower cutting speed, gives the second best value among all
As shown in Fig. 11, the Ra value reduced with the
increasing cutting speed, decreasing feed rates and depth of
cut, as expected. The recorded roughness values were in
the range of 0.34–0.58 lm in CBN wheel used experi-
ments. Unexpectedly, very similar Ra values were mea-
sured regarding the effect of the CBN wheel grit sizes in
experiments 1 and 6. This may be due to the dressing effect
or relative dullness of the wheel with smaller grit size. The
worst surface finish, 2 times higher value, was obtained in
the experiment 8, carried out by the conventional Al2O3
wheel, due to the rapid wear of the wheel and glazing of the Fig. 9 SEM micrographs of the ground surfaces

290 M. Bakkal et al.

grains in dry conditions. This also confirms that conven-

tional abrasive particle materials are not suitable for BMG
grinding in the experimental conditions.

4 Conclusions

In this study, grinding behavior of the Zr-based BMG was

investigated using CBN and conventional Al2O3 wheels.
Effects of feed rate, cutting speed, depth of cut, abrasive
type, and abrasive size on grindability of the material were
examined. One of the additional grindability evaluation
aspects is the crystallization of material which ruins the
favorable properties of BMG. The results showed that
grinding forces decreased as grinding energy increased
with the cutting speeds. Grinding temperatures rose with
the cutting speed and the cutting speed which did not lead
to crystallization was 10 m/s. Specific grinding energy
substantially reduced as grinding forces increased with
increasing feed rate. The lowest feed rate used in the
experiments caused the crystallization of the surface due to
higher energy input with longer contact time while the
higher feed rates did not lead to any crystallization.
Increase in feed rate from 1 000 mm/min to 4 000 mm/min
reduced the grinding energy from 115 J/mm3 to 59 J/mm3.
Examinations of the ground surface morphologies showed
that some void-like cracks parallel to the grinding direction
occurred at the edge of the cutting tracks. These features
combined with the observations on the grinding chips
implied that material removal and surface formation of the
BMG resulted from ductile chip formation and ploughing
as well as brittle fracture of some particles.
The Ra of the ground surfaces is in the range of
acceptable grinding values. The roughness values are in the
range of 0.34–0.58 lm in all of the experiments performed
by the CBN wheels. The decrease of the CBN abrasive size
Fig. 10 SEM micrographs of the grinding debris removed from the in one grade did not lead any significant effect on Ra. The
workpieces used in the experiments 3 and 5 two times rougher surface quality was obtained by the
conventional aluminum oxide wheels due to the rapid wear
of the wheel in dry conditions. The results also showed that
CBN wheels exhibited more stable grinding behavior than
that of conventional wheel in dry conditions.

Acknowledgment A portion of this research was sponsored by The

Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBI-
TAK) under the project number 107M443 and Istanbul Technical
University Research Foundation (ITU-BAP project).


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