Syllabus Ecology 1

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Republic of the Philippines


(Formerly Botolan Community College)
Botolan, Zambales


Outcomes-Based Teaching and Learning Plan in ECOLOGY
We envision Polytechnic College of Botolan as a Polytechnic College of Botolan, its competitive faculty shall
VISION socio-cultural institution that is committed to provide MISSION endeavour to explore avenues and opportunities in moulding and
quality and globally competitive education empowering students by providing relevant quality education
The Teacher Education Program envisions to The teacher Education Program aims to educate, train and produce
produce transformative leaders geared toward young exemplary mentors who are God-loving, competent,
achieving a socio-cultural community who are nationalistic and civic citizen’s ready to face the challenges of the
committed to provide equitable and globally local and global community.
competitive quality of education to promote lifelong
learning opportunities for all.

First Semester, A.Y 2021-2022
Course Code Sci 2 Course Title Ecology Type Lecture/Laboratory Credit Units 3
This semester course presents the study of the Ecology which will provide students with a solid foundation in the study of the relationships between organisms and the
Course Description environment. This course provides knowledge of the basic ecological concepts and principles is a prerequisite to analysis and understanding of ecological crises that beset
the earth. It provides the students the hope for the future. It incorporates current environmental programs like sustainable development and environmental education.
Course Pre- requisites Sci 1 Course Schedule
Course Intended Learning Outcomes
Program Outcomes Addressed by the Course
After completing this course the students must be able to:
Program Educational Objectives
1. Understand the concepts, principles, theories and laws in Ecology that are applicable to their daily lives and chosen career.
2. Realized the importance and relevance of Ecology in education to meet the needs of the community and the country.
3. Acquired critical thinking, and creative skills in learning.
4. Developed a sense of value which characterizes a responsible citizen of the community and the country.
Teaching and Learning Activities (TLA) Outcome – based
Time Assessment
Frame Face to face Flexible Learning (OBA)

I. Introduction After the completion of the unit,

A. Mission and Vision of the students will be able to:  Recitation
College  Lecture/Discussion  Orientation on the Rules  Rubrics
B. Introduction of the course  Power point and Regulations  Quizzes
Week C. Discussion of the course 1. Understand the objective of the  Activity
presentation  Discussion
1 syllabus (topics, grading course and equip them about sheets
system, course the mission and vision of the  Class interaction.  Class interaction
 Assignment
requirements) University. s
D. Gender awareness and

 Accomplishing task in
II. Introduction: Ecology  Modular presentation
1. Define Ecology;
1. Science and its impact on and discussion:
2. Determine the impact of  Lecture/Discussion  Rubrics
Week science on society;  Power point expository and  Quizzes
2 2. Scope of ecology
3. Discuss the scope of ecology; presentation reflection  Activity
3. Historical Aspects of sheets
4. Discuss Historical Aspects of  Class interaction.  Making science
Ecology  Assignment
Ecology; and activities for the
4. Ecology: Its relevance and s
5. Discuss the relevant sample
relationship with other fields
relationship with other fields.
5. Laws of Ecology: pedagogy/strategy
Applications to human

 Lecture/
III. The Ecosystem 1. Define Ecosystem; Discussion  Activities on  Rubrics
1. Definition of ecosystem 2. Identify the components of  Power point ecosystem- Models of  Quizzes
Week 2. Components of ecosystem  Activity
ecosystem; presentation ecosystem.
3 sheets/
3. Feeding relationships and 3. Discuss the feeding  Interactive  Accomplishing tasks
trophic levels Laboratory
relationships and trophic levels classroom in energy flow
4. Energy flow and pyramids of sheets
in an ecosystem;  Accomplishing  Modular presentation
energy and biomass  Assignment
4. Discuss the Energy flow and task on: Feeding and discussion:
expository and
 Making science
pyramids of energy and
activities for the s

 Accomplishing task:
- group activities
IV. The Biogeochemical Cycles on the
1. Exemplify the Carbon- Oxygen  Lecture/  Rubrics
and  Quizzes
Cycle; Discussion Cycles
importance  Activity
2. Illustrate the Water Cycle;  Interactive  Modular presentation and sheets/
Week 3. Describe the Nitrogen Cycle; classroom discussion: expository and Laboratory
1. Carbon- Oxygen Cycles
4 and  Reporting reflection sheets
2. Water Cycle
4. Discuss the Sedimentary  Demonstration 
3. Nitrogen Cycle  Making science activities Assignment
Cycle.  Power point s
4. Sedimentary Cycles for the sample

V. Population and Communities 1.Define Population and  Lecture/  Activities species  Rubrics
community; Discussion diversity.  Quizzes
1. Definition of Population and 2. Identify the Characteristics of  Demonstratio  Modular presentation  Activity
Community Population; n and discussion: sheets/
5 Laboratory
2. Some Characteristics of 3.Describe the community  Reporting expository and
Population relationship;  Power point sheets
reflection  Assignment
3. Community relationship 4.Discuss the species diversity and presentation
 Making science
4. Species Diversity and stability;  Interactive
activities for the
Stability 5.Explain the ecological classroom
5. Ecological Succession succession. sample
 Activities on
Earthquakes, typhoon
and floods.
 Models of volcanic
 Lecture/ eruptions.
VI. Humankind and the  Rubrics
Discussion  Modular presentation
Environment  Quizzes
1.Explain Earthquakes;  Demonstration and discussion:
Week  Activity
2. Discuss the Volcanic Eruptions;  Reporting expository and
6 1. Earthquakes sheets/
and  Power point
2. Volcanic Eruptions reflection  Laboratory
3. Discuss typhoons and floods. presentation
3. Typhoons and Floods  Making science sheets
 Interactive
activities for the  Assignment


VII. Personal Pollution  Lecture/  Recitation

1. Sources of Pollutants: Discussion;  Activities on different  Rubrics
 Food Additives;  Demonstration; sources of pollutants.  Quizzes
Week  Medicines; 1. Identify the sources of  Reporting;  Modular presentation  Activity
7  Dangerous drugs and pollutants; and  Power point and discussion: sheets/
narcotics; 2. Discuss the effects of pollutants. presentation; Laboratory
expository and
 Smoking;  Interactive sheets
reflection  Assignment
 Alcohol; and classroom.
 Making science
 Cosmetics.
activities for the
1.Describe and compare the  Individual/group
VIII. Air Pollution different air activities on the
 Lecture/
pollution episodes; Air Pollution.
Discussion;  Rubrics
1. Air Pollution Episodes; 2. Define air pollution;  Modular presentation
 Demonstration;  Quizzes
Week 2.What is Air Pollution; 3. Identify the air pollutants and and discussion:
 Reporting;  Activity
8 3.Air Pollutants, Their Sources them expository and
 Power point sheets/
and effects on Man’s Health; sources and effects on man’s reflection
presentation; Laboratory
4.Particulate Pollutants; and health;
 Interactive  Making science sheets
5.The Effects of the air pollution 4. Compare the organic particles
classroom. activities for the  Assignment
in the atmosphere. pollutant
to inorganic; and sample
5. Discuss the effects of the air pedagogy/strategy
 Accomplishing task in
1. Identify the water pollutants and
IX. Water Pollution water pollution.
them  Lecture/
 Modular presentation  Rubrics
sources; Discussion;
1.Water pollutants and their and discussion:  Quizzes
2. Explain the effects of water  Demonstration;
Week sources expository and  Activity
pollution;  Reporting;
9 2.Effects of Water Pollution reflection sheets/
3. Exemplify the process to treat  Power point Laboratory
3.Treatment of Water  Making science
water; and presentation; sheets
4.Role of People and
4. Discuss the role of people; and  Interactive activities for the
Government to Combat Water  Assignment
government to combat water classroom. sample
pollution. pedagogy/strategy
 Accomplishing tasks
1. Define Land Pollution; in Land Pollution
 Lecture/  Rubrics
X. Land Pollution 2. Identify the sources of land  Modular presentation
Discussion;  Quizzes
pollution; and discussion:
 Demonstration;  Activity
1. What is Land Pollution? 3. Explain the effects of land expository and
Week  Reporting; sheets/
2. Sources of Land Pollution pollution; reflection Laboratory
10  Power point
3. Effects of Land Pollution 4. Exemplify the control of land  Making science sheets
4. Control of Land Pollution pollution;  Assignment.
 Interactive activities for the
5. Sanitary Landfills and
classroom. sample
5. Discuss the sanitary landfills.
 Accomplishing tasks
in Noise Pollution
 Lecture/
 Modular presentation  Rubrics
XI. Noise Pollution 1. Explain the Nature of Sound; Discussion;
and discussion:  Quizzes
2.Identify the sources of noise;  Demonstration;
1. Nature of Sound 3.Enumerate the effects of  Reporting; expository and  Activity
Week sheets/
11 2. Sources of Noise excessive noise;  Power point reflection
3. Effects of Excessive Noise and presentation;  Making science
4. Control Noise 4. Discuss on how to control noise.  Interactive activities for the
 Assignment
classroom. sample
 Accomplishing tasks
1. Define Radiation; in Radiation Pollution
XII. Radiation Pollution  Lecture/  Rubrics
2. Enumerate the sources of  Modular presentation
Discussion;  Quizzes
radiation; and discussion:
1. Meaning of Radiation  Demonstration;  Activity
3. Identify the effects of radiation; expository and
Week 2. Sources of Radiation  Reporting; sheets/
4. Explain on how to measure reflection Laboratory
12 3. Effects of Radiation  Power point
radiation;  Making science sheets
4. How to Measure Radiation presentation;
and  Assignment.
5. Minimizing the hazards  Interactive activities for the
5. State the hazards caused by
caused by Radiation classroom. sample

 Accomplishing tasks
XIII. The Energy Situation in Uses of source
1. State the brief history of energy  Lecture/  Rubrics
energy and energy
consumption; Discussion;  Quizzes
1.Brief history of Energy crises and situation
2. Enumerate the uses and  Demonstration;  Activity
Consumption  Modular presentation
Week sources of energy;  Reporting; sheets/
2.Uses and sources of energy and discussion: Laboratory
13 3. Identify the energy crises and  Power point
3. Energy Crises and expository and sheets
conservation; and presentation;
Conservation reflection  Assignment.
4. Enumerate the alternative  Interactive
4. Alternative Sources of  Making science
sources of energy. classroom.
activities for the
XIV. Population, Food and  Accomplishing task in
1. Explain the Biotic potential and
Hunger population and hunger
its carrying capacity;  Lecture/  Rubrics
 Modular presentation
2. Discuss about the world Discussion;  Quizzes
1. Biotic Potential and Carrying and discussion:
population;  Demonstration;  Activity
Capacity expository and
Week 3. Illustrate Manila which is a place  Reporting; sheets/
2. World Population reflection Laboratory
14 of overpopulation;  Power point
3. Manila, A Case of  Making science sheets
4. Describe the hunger in the presentation;
Overpopulation  Assignment.
Philippines;  Interactive activities for the
4. Food and Hunger
5. Elaborate the worldwide food classroom. sample
5. Hunger in the Philippines
production. pedagogy/strategy
6. Worldwide Food Production
1. Enumerate the different  Accomplishing task in
sustainable sustainable
 Lecture/  Rubrics
development that is well development
XV. Towards a Brighter Discussion;  Quizzes
exemplified in  Modular presentation
Ecological Future  Demonstration;  Activity
the objectives of the Philippine and discussion:
Week  Reporting; sheets/
Environmental Policy; and expository and
15 1. Sustainable Development: A  Power point Laboratory
2. Discuss the factors that reflection
Shared Responsibility presentation; sheets
considers in
2. Environmental Education  Interactive  Making science  Assignment.
sustainable development;
classroom. activities for the
3. Discuss the strategies for
sustainable sample
development; pedagogy/strategy
1. Attendance
2. Quizzes/Practical test
3. Major Examinations
4. Assignments/Exercises
5. Worksheets
6. Laboratory Activities

 Semestral Grade will be based on the summation of the grades in the three Laboratory (50%)
terms for a given semester; that is 30% prelim, 30% midterm, 40% final Laboratory Examinations 40%
term. Lab Activities 50%
Attendance 10%
 Grade for the said terms shall be calculated and weighted based on the
following: 100%
50% Class Standing 30% Major Examination 20% Project
 Score from each categories mentioned above, shall be transmuted to
percentage rate and then converted to its college rating (1.00-5.00)
 The passing raw score shall be divided by total item and multiplied by 45
and added to 55, equivalent percentage rating shall be 75% that is
equivalent with the grade of 3.00.


Students are not allowed to have 20% or more absences of the total class hours; otherwise, they will be graded as follows:
Dropped (if majority of the excessive absences are excused)
Failed (if majority of the excessive absences are unexcused)

Classroom decorum
1. Students are expected to respect and value themselves, school environment and the diversity of the PCB;
2. They are expected to contribute to classes and work cooperatively whenever the situation requires;
3. They are expected to come to class prepared and you are responsible for all missing work;
4. Bullying of any kind is not permitted in this classroom;
5. They are expected to show work for all mathematics on homework, class work, projects, tests and quizzes;
6. They are to be in the assigned seat when the class starts. Otherwise late comers may result in a detention;
7. They are expected not to talk while I am speaking or interrupt while other people are speaking;
8. There will be no getting out of your seat or speaking without permission. If you want to speak or get of your seat during class, raise your hand and wait to be
9. There will be no leaving the room except for emergencies, which should not occur often;
10. If the students need to leave the room, just take the pass and leave as quietly as possible;
11. Books should be covered at all times. If you lose your book, report it to me immediately;
12. No eating or drinking in the classroom;
13. They shall be dropped from the course if they incurred absences equivalent to more than 10 hrs;
14. They shall be admitted to special examination only for valid reasons with supporting documents such as letter from the parents and/or medical certificate;
15. Requirements such as projects and papers should have submitted on time. Failure to submit on time will be subjected to point deduction;
16. Tardiness, cheating and other forms of disorderly behavior shall be subject to school rules and policies.
Examination/ Evaluation
1. Quizzes may be announced or unannounced.
2. Long examinations are always announced.
3. Cheating is strictly prohibited. A student who is caught cheating will be given a score of”0” for the first offense. For the second offense, he/she will
automatically fail the subject.
4. Students who missed exams, laboratory exercises, or quizzes may only be excused for any of the following reasons:
a. participation in a College-approved field trip or activity (must be cleared one week in advance);
b. personal illness (must present medical certificate); and
c. death or serious illness in the immediate family (must present death or medical certificate).
 Santiago, Florenda I. et. al. 2008. Environmental Science. A Shared Reponsibility. First Edition. Rex Bookstore, Inc. 856 Nicador Reyes, Sr. St.,
Sampaloc, Manila
 Molles Jr. Manuel C. 2014. Ecology: Concepts and Applications. Six Edition. McGraw-Hill Education. 2 Penn Plaza, New York, NY

Revision Number Date of Revision Date of Implementation Highlights of Revision
February 15,2021
Prepared: Reviewed: Approved:

Instructor Program Coordinator College President

Date: _________________ Date: _________________ Date: __________________

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