ARMA 2024 Warpinski Method
ARMA 2024 Warpinski Method
ARMA 2024 Warpinski Method
ABSTRACT: Understanding the effect of in-situ stresses on geological formations has been modeled over the years aiming
to evaluate their behavior in zones of interest. The relationship between horizontal stress, pore pressure, and fracture gradient
significantly predicts the safe range of drilling fluid weight, avoiding kick, wellbore instability, and loss of circulation material.
The challenges in estimating horizontal stress include the lack of information on rock properties, which entails the need for open-
hole well tests and/or coring analysis. These techniques collaborate to estimate the stresses in a specific area well but are not
applicable to all scenarios. The Warpinski method proposes an approach for elastic and viscoelastic rock behavior, introducing the
relationship between stress and strain when deriving horizontal stress. This research presents a case study in which the Warpinski
method is applied, assuming temperature variation and its effect compared to a second scenario when the temperature is assumed
to be constant. The preliminary data were derived from a prior study referenced throughout the paper, and the results were
compared to previous methods that were well-known in the oil industry. The data obtained from the Warpinski method shows a
good approach related to the other methods mentioned, showing results that are in accordance with what is expected.
𝜎 ′ = 𝜎 − 𝑎PP (2)
2 LITERATURE REVIEW AND STATE OF THE ART Without the aforementioned tests, horizontal stresses can
be indirectly estimated using well-log data (Almalikee and
In essence, the overburden stress (𝜎) is the outcome of Alnajm, 2019). In 1989, Norman R. Warpinski devised
a force exerted on a plane, with specific magnitude, di- a technique to estimate the values of horizontal stresses
rection, and orientation, divided by the area of that plane. using formation history data over geological time. This
Pore pressure (PP ) can be defined as the pressure of the approach considers variations in pore pressure, tempera-
fluid contained within the porous spaces of the rock. It ture gradients, consolidation, and diagenesis, considering
will depend on the fluid density of the formation and the changes in formation properties over time, as well as tec-
loads it is bearing. The presence of pore pressure acting tonic variations and nonzero horizontal strains (Warpin-
in all directions within the pores of a rock helps to support ski, 1989). When estimating stress using real-time for-
or alleviate a significant portion of the total applied stress. mation evaluation data, the time-history approach is no
Thus, when a rock is subjected to a force, the effective longer necessary, relying instead on assumptions of con-
stress (𝜎 ′ ) applied to its matrix is equal to the total stress stant rock and fluid properties within the sedimentary base
minus the pore pressure, which consists of Terzaghi’s ef- (de Oliveira, 2017).
Zhang et al. (2023) reiterate that certain field tests are time 𝑡1 will be the initial moment when formation data is
available for measuring horizontal stresses; however, they available, and the reference time 𝑡2 will be the moment
may not be accessible at the desired depth. Furthermore, when predicting in-situ stresses is desired (de Oliveira,
numerous theoretical and empirical methods have been 2017).
suggested for estimating horizontal stresses in isotropic
Integrating the equation 5 in terms of minimum horizontal
rocks, yet they still entail significant uncertainty in deter-
effective stress,
mining horizontal stress.
3.1. Analytical Model for Estimation of In Situ Stress Considering the assumptions of constant rock properties
with Thermal Effect and linear-elastic behavior, the equations referenced as 7
Warpinski (1989) proposes a differential relationship be- and 8 can be simplified as follows:
tween strain and stress for materials with linear-elastic, The minimum horizontal effective stress is defined as,
homogeneous, and isotropic behavior:
Considering minimum horizontal effective stress and 𝜈 𝐸𝜀 ℎ 𝜈𝐸𝜀 𝐻 𝛼𝐸𝑇
𝜎ℎ′ = 𝜎𝑉′ + + + (9)
strain, 1−𝜈 1 − 𝜈2 1 − 𝜈2 1 − 𝜈
′ 𝜈 𝐸𝜀 𝐻 𝜈𝐸𝜀 ℎ 𝛼𝐸𝑇
Considering maximum horizontal effective stress and 𝜎𝐻 = 𝜎𝑉′ + + + (10)
1−𝜈 1 − 𝜈2 1 − 𝜈2 1 − 𝜈
The paper’s analysis relies on data from de Oliveira (2017) The section presents an analysis of the results derived
about an offshore well in Brazil. The author underscores from the methodology applied in this study. Figure 2 rep-
the interpretation of indirect field rock mechanical mea- resents the compressional and shear slowness of the for-
surements via commercial software packages such as In- mation logged from 3,139 m to 4,880 m.
teractive Petrophysics (IP) and SEST TR. 2.0© .
Analyzing the changes in compressional and shear slow-
The subsequent approach encompassed the consideration ness, it becomes apparent that three geological zones de-
of specific methodologies for geomechanical parameter lineated by De Oliveira and Carrasco (2020) can be dis-
analysis: cerned: shale, carbonate, and sandstone zone.
𝑉 𝑝2 − 2𝑉𝑠2
𝜈dyn = (13)
2(𝑉 𝑝2 −𝑉𝑠2 )
𝜇 As previously stated, determining vertical stress is a piv-
𝑉𝑠 = (16) otal aspect of our investigation. Figure 3 illustrates the
vertical stress obtained by Eaton’s method, where the
• Slowness is the inverse of velocity and is defined as: weight of the overlying rock and sediment exerts pressure
on the underlying layers. Vertical stress increases steadily
𝜇 𝑝 = 1/𝑉 𝑝 (17) and uniformly as depth increases since this method pro-
poses a constant rate change with depth.
Although contemporary techniques allow for indirect esti-
𝜇 𝑠 = 1/𝑉𝑠 (18) mation of overburden stress through methods such as well
logs, seismic surveys, and geomechanical modeling, as
• The temperature variation is estimated employing well as direct measurements using downhole pressure sen-
the expression proposed by Serra de Souza and F.O. sors like Measurement-While-Drilling (MWD) and wire-
(2015): line tools, employing a mathematical model for determin-
ing this parameter can provide valuable support for initial
(1 − 𝜈)Δ𝑃 analyses of target locations. This approach can be further
Δ𝑇 = (19) enhanced through validation using correlation wells.
various points of LOTs distributed along the trajectory of
the well. Accordingly, the strain can be deduced utilizing
Equation 12, as depicted in Figure 4.
In this context, positive strain values indicate lateral com-
pression, while negative values indicate lateral spread-
ing. An observable disparity in strain trends becomes ev-
ident during logging of the shale zone, characterized by
a pronounced deviation towards higher negative values.
This demonstrates a more heterogeneous lateral spread-
ing within this zone. However, beyond the 3500m mark,
strains exhibit a reduced and more uniform lateral spread-
ing pattern. Positive strains indicating lateral compres-
sion can also be identified. This is based on the equation
12 and the Poisson’s ratio results (derived from compres-
sional and shear slowness) at corresponding depths. The
decrease in Poisson’s ratio reduces the effect of overbur-
den stress, reducing spreading behavior and resulting in
deformation in the compressional direction.
Ultimately, the horizontal stress can be determined once
the strain is predicted. Figure 5 illustrates the variation of
horizontal stress along the wellbore. A comparable profile
Fig. 3: Vertical stress derived from Eaton (1969). to Figure 2 is evident, underscoring the method’s sensi-
tivity to the formation slowness, which is also utilized in
deriving Young’s Modulus.
𝛼 = coefficient of linear thermal expansion (°C−1 )
𝑎 = Biot’s coefficient
𝐶 = empirical angular-linear coefficient
𝐸 = Young’s modulus (psi)
𝜀 ℎ = strain in minimum horizontal stress direction
𝜀 𝐻 = strain in maximum horizontal stress direction
PP = pore pressure (psi)
𝜎ℎ = minimum horizontal stress (psi)
𝜎𝐻 = maximum horizontal stress (psi)
𝜎ℎ′ = minimum horizontal effective stress (psi)
′ = maximum horizontal effective stress (psi)
𝜎𝑉′ = vertical effective stress (psi)
𝜎 ′ = effective stress (psi)
𝑇 = temperature (°C)
𝑡 = time (h)
Fig. 8: Comparison of Horizontal Stress Prediction Methods:
Eaton (1969), Matthews (1967),Yoshida et al. (1996),Breckels 𝜈 = Poisson’s ratio
and Van Eekelen (1982), De Oliveira and Carrasco (2020), and
Warpinski method coupled with thermal effects. 𝑉 𝑝 = compressional wave (ft/us)
𝑉𝑠 = shear wave (ft/us)
5 CONCLUSIONS 𝑘 = bulk modulus (psi)
This study builds upon the model introduced by 𝜇 = shear or rigidity modulus (psi)
De Oliveira and Carrasco (2020) by incorporating ther-
𝜇 𝑝 = compressional slowness (us/ft)
mal effects into the prediction of horizontal stress. The
model accounts for uniform horizontal deformation, hori- 𝜇 𝑠 = shear slowness (us/ft)
zontal effective stresses, linear-elastic behavior, and con- 𝜌 = density (g/cm3 )
stant rock properties. The proposed methodology offers
a potential alternative for obtaining more accurate hor-
izontal stress predictions, thereby enhancing aspects of SUBSCRIPTS
wellbore stability analysis, addressing directional drilling 𝑑𝑦𝑛 = dynamic;
challenges, managing fracture initiation and propagation,
𝑒 = effective;
mitigating lost circulation events, minimizing formation
damage, and optimizing wellbore trajectory. ℎ = minimum;
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𝑝 = pore; stress.(compiled from the work of k. terzaghi and aw skemp-
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a partir do método de Warpinski. Universidade Estadual do
Norte Fluminense (UFF), Niterǿi.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 7. De Oliveira, A. S. S. and Carrasco, A. M. V. (2020). Uti-
lização do método de warpinski na estimativa das tensões
The author extends sincere gratitude to the Pontifical in situ. Technical report, Universidade Estadual do Norte
Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio) for the Fluminense (UFF), Rio de Janeiro.
unwavering support and resources provided throughout 8. Eaton, B. A. (1969). Fracture gradient prediction and its ap-
the course of this research endeavor. The academic mi- plication in oilfield operations. Journal of petroleum tech-
nology, 21(10):1353–1360.
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9. Geertsma, J. (1957). The effect of fluid pressure decline on
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the efforts providing data, support, and consultation. wellbore stability while drilling: Modeling and case study.
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