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ffi z"q SECTI0N 1 Questions 1-10

ee:mplete the n*tes b*loui
write No M0RE THAN Two l,tIoRlslAND oK a NUMBER for c;rch ;ins\\'*:r.

9chool Trip Infornr alion

Exampl* Answgr
Name of club: I nte r n ati o n a t Fr i.e.n {.g,tt ip .p.t.VQ .

Trip to:

Country * 1 ...

Accom modation arran gements :

$tudents will not be bV themselves * students stay with families 2

Cost: k +j*
Duration: 3...., days

Price exeludinE presents for the host famity and 4 ....,.

Thkes place during *yrLwq 5 ,,......

Advert released on 6 ...,

After apptication is received 7 .., wte€.ssayyl

Number of students on trip: I ..,..

Total no of adults: ELx

Including: I .... pare*ts

Deposit: 10 d-
W 2.I SfCTl0N 2 Questions 1l-20
Questions 11*15
Cli*ose the correct lettec A, B or: C.

11 The speaker advises people to use a checklist if they

A dislike things being chaotic'
B don't have much time.
0 can't oasilY remember thlngs.

12 Furiher information may be obtained

A by post.
B from the website.
C from the local chemist.

13 To proteet oneself f rom the sun, the best thing {or people to do is

A ca{rY an umbrella.
B avoid direct sunlight.
C wear a hat'

14 Good walking shoes are necessary to

A $upport the feet.
B keeP out the rain'
C Protect against iniurY.

15 An awareness of customs is advisable in order to

A enjoY festivals.
ts mix with PeoPie.
C avoid trouble.

Questions 16-20
Complete the sr:mmarry below.
Write ONn WORD ONLY for each answer"

Extra tips
misuse any
Maintain famlly contact so they don't feel any 16 ....'......'...' , oI even
17 ......
Take a light waterproof cover and a first aid kit;with 18 .."" and antiseptic
Always keep expensive iterns like 20 """ safe'
w 2.s SrcTloN 3 Questions 21-30

Questions 21*23
Choose thc correct letter, A, B or C.

21 Ahmed's research is connected with the

A impact of roads in urban areas.

B link between people and urban inlrastructure'
C reasons behind system breakdowns'
22 Janice is finding the examining of her data

A a lot of effort.
B an easY task.
0 a slow Process.
23 What did Janice think as she commenced her research project?
A She assumed that it was going to be very hard'
B She imagined she would never be able to begin'
C She felt relaxed about the whole process'
)uestions 24-ZB
&lhat comments does Janice make about the vartou$
aspscts of her research? x':<
lettec A-G, next to questions
. 24*28;j
rhoose five answers foom the }:ox and write the correct ,ld

A fairly ea$Y
B vsry easy
C fairty difficult
D very difficult
E most difficult
f tiring
G tims-consuming
24 research que$tion
25 literature review
26 research Proposal
27 designing the methods
2* airns and objectives

QueEtians 29 and 30
f hoose TWO letters, A*F.
should contact fcr holp with writing?
which two of the folowing does Janice !'ecornmsnd Ahmed
A language contre
B private teacher
C student union
B re$earch supervisor v
re ?.,r0 SECTION 4 Questions 31-40

]uestisns 31-34
lhoose the correct letter; A, B or C.
31 What point does the speaker make about people's attitude to business?

A Their understanding of business practices is fairly limited.

B They wrongly beliove that it is only about financial gain.
C $ome people are changing their attitude to wealth oreation.
32 According to the speaker, ono positive aspect of business is that
A people profit f rom the jobs it creates.
A its attitude to employees is changing.
C it gives young people discipline.

33 What does the speaker $ay about how her company helps local communities?
A Care is taken tCI focu$ support where needed most.
B lt tries to put soma money back into the local areas.
C Help is given to improve numeracy standards.
How does the speaker say the company's training prograrnme changed?
A lt was managed very carefullY.
3 lt grew in its own way.
C lt developed very fast.

)uestions 35-40
)omplete the sentences below.
i ANDIOR A NUMBER for each ar$wer.

I Further developments in the training scheme

35 Workers were encouraged to put their own

36 Full-time staff rnembers were each allocated ...... weekly for training"
37 $ome mCIre experienced workers decided to ............ for nothing to various
organizations who need professional help.

The etfects of the scheme

38 from work through illness have been reduced enormously.
. Productivity was not affected.
, 39 The company has seen its profit go up by ...........
40 A reduction in staff turnover has led to a cut in .........
. And the cost of training new staff members has lessened.
w-!{1}ww@4,fyl,r *'w,
SECTION 1 Questions 1- L0

Questions 3, - 6
Complete the form below


Details for book search

Example Answer
Department Book Search

Author Dayne 2
ISBN number 978-0-3
Paperback book

Only published L

No longer in print
Book category 5.............. fiction
Search types
Gold f25
Silver 6 f............

Questions 7 - 10

Complete the sentences below.

7 The caller's mobile number is 08967..
B Her email address is
9 Her address is .......... Chaucer House, Ludlow Park Drive. Richmond SW20 gRL.
10 She doesn't want to receive any emails about......
SECTI0N 2 Questions 1 1-20
Questions 1 1-1 6
which change has been made to each part of the cinema?
SrX answers from the box and r.vrite the correct letter; A-G,
I 1-16.
next to questions

Begal Cinema Complex

Part'of the cinema
A enlarged
1,1 {aoade
B replaced
'12 auditorium
C stillclosed
D thoroughly cleaned 13 foyer
H split up
14 bar
F brightened up 15 roof terrace
1'6 cfnsma shop
G moved

Q:uestionf 1 7-20
Choose the correct letter A, B or C.
17 The renovated cinema will open again from
A 14th Juty.
B 4th July,.
e 14th June.
18 Which group will receive free tickets during the first week of opening?
A Pensioners-who attend any evening session.
B Young people aged 1T-25.
c children who arrive for a matinee performance.
19 On Wednesdays the reduction on ticket prices for cinema members will be
A 2s%.
B 'li,aYa,

C 33yu
20 A new development at the cinema is the
A cinematographyclasses.
B W6skly workshops.
C rnonthly talks. ,
5trCTlOlrt 3 Questions 21*3*
Question 21

Chonsc lhe cor-rscL lctt*r'A, I} ol" e'

21 Zahra'*talk is on eleetronic gadget$ lhet peopio
A find very arrnoyinE to have {o ljsten t*'
W boirght in the recent Past.
tr loe I they havolo carv !vl1h tle{l
Questions 22*24
Clhr:ose Tk WT:ri ielli:rs, A*G.
aru ffienlian*d as r1*\
whie lr r*nxy.ol th* follo*ing elernenis of conelucttn g zal:ra'x rc*&xr*Y\
yet rlecicleel?
A lenglh 0f thB que$tionnaire
B pietures 10 use
C volLrrne of data

0 eluralion o1 interviews
H Perioclol researeh
F age of inlerviewees
G exacl aims

Questlons 25*30
Conrplete the table belrxv'

Questi*nnaire on gadgets


SECTI0N 4 Questions 31*40

Questions 31*35
Cltoosc t ht' col l cct lct tcr A' B or
Cloud'seeding to Provide rain

31 Boreholes Provide water for

A industrialuse'
B agriculiural PurPoses'
C dcmestic con$umptton'
A suPernaturalmeans'
increases rainfall by
33 There is some proof that seeding clouds

A 15%.
B 55%.
C 257"' seeding?
to the speaker, why do some people not support cloud
34 According
A The benefits of the practice are limited'
B The costs of the equipment are too great'
CThe eftects o{ playing with nature are
cloud seeding is
35 The country that is most keen on
A Russia.
B China.
C the USA'

Questions 36-40
WORDS lor each answer'

How cloud seeding works

From the ground
From the air
36.... flares
dropped from 40 $ilver iodide crYstals carried
up bY heat to

Silver iodide crYstals

released in clouds

37 DroPs of water combine with 38 Ground seeding

crystals to make the "
and then lall as rain or snow
Questions 1-4
Complete the notes below-
for each answer'
Write nomore than ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER
.@ @,:,ffi,,S ',@..r,
: :,,:.

Questions 5-8
Complete the iorm below
wrire no more than oNE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER lor: each

Questions 9 and 10
Choose TWO letters, A-8.
Which TWO types of people are mentioned as desirable?
A adventilrous
B inllexible
C punctual
D friendlv q
W 1.3 SACT|0N U Questions 11-20

Questions 1 1*1 5
Chor:se rl:e corr"cct letler', A, B or: C.

Penwood Museum CornPetition

'11 ln the sixth summer show competition, there were

A tive prize winners.

B four Prize winners'
C three Prtze winners.
12 The theme of this year's competition is
A involving young people in the museum's activities'
B forming better links between localpeople and the musoum.
c irnproving the locatcommunity'6 accBss to art &ppreciation.
13 The competition was open to those aged
A 13-19
B 15-19.
c 13*18.
14 During the preparation for the entry the competitors were

A able to use the museum's educationalfacilities'

B not permitted to use the museum's educational facilities"
C allowed to buy any of the equipment they needed'
1S According to the speaker,lhe prize'wtnning exhibit has
A had no influence at all on attendances,
B led to a big reduction in attendances.
C brought about an inmease in attendances'

Questions 16-20
The Video Commentaries
what did the older people say about each piece of equipment?
Clroose fM answcrs lrom tho box ancl r,vrite the corrsct letter, A-F r:ext
lo qltcstir;trs
1 6*20,

Comments EquiPrnent
A too large 16 early wooden-framedTV
B boring 17 early radlos
C more convenient 1fi microwave ovens
D exciting 1g laptops
E well-constructed ZCI old cameras
f still looked fashionable
Question 21

Choose the correct letter, A, B or C'

the club's
21 The initial purpose of the case study was to look only at
A health and safetY PolicY'
B sPorting achievements'
C management structure' :?,

Questions 22-25

NUMBER for each arrswer.

write hro MoI{a THAN Two woRDS ANDlon A i.',

Stars Clut, Case $tudY

Club background
. 600 members overall
, ISstafl including 22 .....'....: workers

So far interviewed around 23 """'

Would be able to ask tar 24 ' where necessary

Good administration/very {ocused managers

Management grouP has team 25 ""
Being there is an exhilarating experience

Questions 2'6130
Complete the table belor'''
write I{O MORE THAI{ TWO WORil$ for each answer'
teasons for Club's Success
t' ': l:: ,
," :::'t':, -
: * ' '

crucial to pay for facilities,

unding f rom government,
27 ...,,..
...,.. and time
private 26 ....
...."' and
off wark

professional encouraging PeoPIe to reat

quality of 28 rheir 29 ......

thrilling to become the best in their

motivation and field
30 ...,.". ... of athletes
@ t.w SECI|ON 4 Questions 3t-40
Questions 31*37
Conrplctc tliu table bclorr,.
W'ite NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS tor.c.clr\\,cr:

William Jessop's 31 "......, is considered to be the first one ever buitt.

The achievements of HichardTievlthick passed mainly 32

The Salamanca was the first commercialty successf ul 33

The Oarlington to $tockton railway was at first conslructed to carry

34 ,'.,, . carrying gs ...."......was considered unimfortant.

The Liverpool to Manchester line was the first modern railway, because it carried
mgrcllndise and 36 ........... on a fixed timetabte.3z .,.,.:..
.. *"r, fult
to be hindering the growth of the cities and towns in the area,

Questions 38-40
Choose THREE letters, A*f'.
Which THREA of the I'ollor,ving con$equences of the opcning of the ncrv Lir,.cr-pool Ler
Manchester railr,r,ay alc m e n t i oiecl?

A Coal became scarce

B Cotton prices rose
C Passenger nurnbers rose

D The volume of goods transported went up

E No new canals were built
F Canal charges fell
Questions 1-5
Complete the notes below.

Notes on Exhibifion
Example Answer
Title of Exhibition: robots: the end of modern civilization

Two free: 1.............

Day(s) exhibition full: 2............
Days chosen by caller: 3......... and ..'...'.
Reference number: 4...........

Eating facilities
- 15 restaurants
- lncluding 5 ......... cafes
- Local restaurants putting on 6 ......

Questions 7 - LO
- Halls of Residence f30 a night
- Hotels from about f30 to approximately 7 f ..."....
Transport links
- within walking distance of the station and 8....... From the airport
- lt is possible to catch bus number 9......."..
- A taxi costs no more than 10 f .'.'....'.'..'
Questions 11- 13
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

11The weekend scheme for teenagers was started up

A L5 years ago.
B 2 years ago.
C L0 years ago.

12 When the teenagers first arrive, they don't like it. Because they can't
A contact PeoPle.
B use the lnternet.
C watch TV

13 The centre receives most of its money from

A donations.
B the nurserY.
C courses.
Questions 14*1 7
Label the map belorv.
Write the correct lctter, A-K, next to the questions I 4-17.

Fairbridge Countryside and Woodland Centre

14 OakLodge

{5 Ash Lodge

16 PicnicArea

17 Ptant Nursery

Que*iom 18-?0

Complcte the sentenees beloul

write N0 M0nB THAN TW0 lry0els for

each answer.

""""' of the surrounding area'

18 As the centre is high up, there are spectacular

has not altered for eenluries'

1$ As n01ree$ have beon cutd0\^lfi' the ',..""'

20 As pt0ple walk through the woodland,

peoplo ar0 a$kod n01tCI rernollg """"' 0r """""
Questicnx 21-25
Cl:iousc Y XV g, lErll* rs, A*H.
!\1hich FIVC inrpr"ovements does
CIlivia suggest?
& c?reek th* equiPment
B reduce the pace
f inelude more data
D distribute the handot-tts
W. nnake the talk longer
f improve thr organization
* rnake the talk shorter
l{ check the room laYaut

Questions 2*-28
Corutr:l*tc lh* sen1.i:.lrccs irr:lor.v.
{or **c}r an$wer""

2S He thinks that he ueed an
excessive anrount of
in his talk,
27 llw was frightened that theY
would appear
2* He feels th* main thing {or him
is to cantrol his .

Questinns ?9 and 30
A;rsll,ct- the q*rstion.s b*}ilw.
Wr:itc: ONA WOKI} tlNl.Y k:r *ach answel:
2S What dicl the stueients and the tutcr say the presentation was?

30 What is the tutor going to photocopy tor them to taks away?

W x.r SE(TlCIN 4 Q*esrfions 31*40
Questions 3 ?4A
[]o*rplele the notes belou,.

Migration of early humans

Human rnigration has occurrred throughout history

First signiiicant migrafion oecurred approximately s1 ... years ago

Earty pioneers did not survive

Harth experienced changes in gZ .... about 70,S00 years ago

New band of modern hurnans leftAfrica

- china about 50,000 year$ ago and Europe about aa .... ". years ago
- ?he open steppes of $iberia some 40,000 years ago
- roughly 20,000 years ago arriving in Japan, then linked to the main
- Australia wa$ reached across the sea on 35 ..... 50,000 years ago
- America via-Alaska some time between 1E and 1g,000 year$ ago
Mlgration within Alrica
Bantu occupied anound g6 ... of the African continent by 1,000 AD
$timulus for the Bantu migration was perhaps the farming of the ar ....

Population expansion led to mcvement into surrounding areas that were not heavily

tron production introduced fram gg ....

The Bantu used iron tools to feil troes, clsar forests and 3*

lron meant they had a 40 .., , over their neighbours

Progress test 1: Units 1*3
ECTION I euestions l-10

Questions t*4
l$r:n belrirv.
Corrrple{e t}rs

Cssas do Mar


Villa chosen Villa 1

-J I

0ales of stay 1 9*26lh 2

Cosl LJ per week.

Deposil payabte l4

Questinns 5*8
Cornplete lhc n0Les l:elow
wlite No MonE TI{AN TIIREE woRDs AND/0R A NU}{BER for each ansrvcr

To do list

Must 5 immediotely.

Check Debbie is 6 .....

Ask everyone if thay'd like to hire o 7

Poy deposit.

ftemernber to pay the bolonce of the cost by g

Questions 9 ancl 10
Clrtiose lfWO, A*[,.
Which T1{0 acdvities.r,r,orLlcl Anna like ro do on her holiclay?
A Lying on the beach
B $ur{ing
C Walking
D Mounrain biking
E Dolphin watching
Progress test 2: Units 4-6
SECTION 2 Questlons I1-20

&pl}lrlfre,rnqp, ttel ow
Write thgporrect let[en ArI, next to orccii,,

11 TransPort GallerY
12 PeoPle ofthe Past
13 ThoHuman BodY
U Re{reshmentsArea -*-

f,5 *
,dl4,sglrectletten Ar I[ or C.
i large numbers?
sell in
irirestic fridges first'start to selt

t$,i, iii:i2,.

17$fi,.,,i;:, .:

rnueti,did,-avacuum cldaner cost in l!00?

: . . :t..3i ,.'::.
s,$s$,i ',

[8$0, ,']
for children?
U6,t[6 pre.sent Day Galleries particularly suiiable
T.hev,follow:the'school cu rriculum and a re ve ry ed ucational''
r, ffr$r$ieib1ots of activities the childreh can take pert in.
iWt,*t uoui*r,does thn guide give forchildren Ll$ing the
water play area?

Theysl'routd be supervised by an adult'

ould wear protective clothin g'
Tt"iey: sft

They should not stay tonger than 30 minutes"

19 and 20
e the sentences beiow.
Pragress test 3: Units 7*9
--.:: I -' -

.;9rlril:ari: I : ril-.iria:.t:t. ._r.....

. .S-$(I{qJ*{ } Srr,qq,tioqs 21,-30

.;r,.,,:E:lri:,r- ::lr"t::r" '. :

i:{ffi6 &?5
r .&mpletelh* ngte$ below
irt:*a.. - .. ...ii,. iin-', r
: '

UrfyqrqitsWllar$e! tirisate
slFGl _all Ltrcy Jon

Personal ngvalopmsnt
itragu.teir Freparing for irib intervie$.s
Is@; Work 2l Better 22,..........."...'.....

if:':,-' . lr. Skllls

Personal DeveloPment
ir .'... r,' , .

*4 .................. $odi1s 2$ "..,..".,......... credit$


Qrr*:*ttca$ 26-28
A*swer the questir:ns below
*rit" tllo lcoltx THAN 1.I#(} woil)$ aNDI(}*. a NUMI3ER for each ansu,er:,

Module have?
?6 How rnany laariling oulcomee did the Personal Development
when you are criticized?
2? What does Jsn $ay is the iirst thing to do
good at bein0?
*8 Acuo|ding to the questionnaire, what was Jon

Qrrestitras 29 ar,d30
Ch**se TWO letlers fi:orn A-F"
Persor:ai Development madrrle?
Which TWO types ril' coursework are required h:r the
A afi acsignment
B asurveY
e acase studY
0 an online'blog'
E a literature Icview
Progress test 4: Units 1**12
SnCflON 4 Questions 3I"-40

Questions 3l*37
frirnpiete t&e t&l]lc be10w,
Write N0 MORE, TI{AN ONX WOBD CIn A NUMBE& fcir ea$h answer'
A*sstralian Art

Period Key artists

La18 18tr',century

1$tf'rentury John Lewin:settled in Australia in 32 ..,......."...... .

As well a$ nalure picturss also paint*d 33 .....'.."....". of farnous


Heidelberg $chool: arlists focused an the different kind of

34 ........,........ iound in Australia

2O*'cefilur,l Grace Cossington $mith: most famous for her piciurss ot Sydn*y
Harbour Bridge when not yet S5

Emily Kngwarreye: became a professional painter when she was

almost 36

James Gleeson: Surrealist

lan Fainareather: Huropean immigrant who wae influenced by

Aboriginal and $7 .....,....,...... ert

Ouesti*ns 3B*40
Cho<ise THREIi letrers, A-{}.
Ar:corcling to the speaker, rvhich TI{IISE ol the lblknvirrg has John I}alhstn u*eci tr: make ar"t?
A fool$,ear
A $and
C clothes pegs
0 pla$tic bags
E shells
F seaweed
g nylon roPe

Progress test 5: Units 13-14
SECTION 4 Questions 31-40

Questions 31-35
What does the speaker say about each form of money or barter?

Close FIVE answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-F, next to questions 31-35.

Early forms of money and barter in the United States

A used to pay for expensive items

B not very long-lasting

C used to pay construction workers
D temporarily made illegal
E used as an offering to the Gods
F kept in see-through containers

31 gold dust
32 cocoa beans

33 potlatch
34 wampum
35 tobacco leaves

Questions 36-40

Complete the summary below. Rite NO MORE THAN ONE WORD ORA NUMBER for each

The development of money in the United States

In 1690 Massacnusetts (introduced paper money to pqy 36 ,,........ other colonies copied the idea,
printing more and more, which resulted in high 37 .......,,,,,....,.... The British govemment responded

by banning paper money in the colonies in 38..................... In 1790 the dollar first became a

39.................... curency. In those days dollars were always coins. Dollar coins are still legal tender,

and until the 1930s, there were also ten-dollar coins, known as 40.....................
Final test
SECTION 1 Questions l-1O

Questlons l-4
Conrplete the notes below

Noles on Et Mariin'$ Lelsure Centre


Facilities:Swimming Pool, Gym ano F, j"tngf$

,il I Classes availalrle evenings and weokends: Pilates, clrcuit training, 1 .....,",.",.....'..".'.^.
Gym opening hours:Mon*Sat 2 ..,,,.,.,, am to .......... pm
iil I
, I lnduction session: lnstructor tests members'fitness, creates a 3 ..,.....,,......
and shows them how to use equipment.

ik Pereqnallrainir'lg available but at an 4 ............................

!i: Questlons 5-8
*l Complete the table belolv.
iAti Wr:ite NO MORE THANTHREE WORDS OR A NUMBI,R foreaih ansu'el
Conlracl Optiono

&14.. Option D6tsllg Pric6

ActlveWellnoss Unlimited use
ki: Only available lor Students, unemployed €25.00 a month
fi} and those 5 ....,...........
ilf, f 6........-....... a month
e ClubWellness Six-month contract
w;: or 'pay as you go'
*t e 7 ................ a session
H'' Casual Member Pay each time you visit Joining fee; t 8
W:, Annual membership fee
w. €4.50 per visit.

w.i Quertlons 9 and 10
a ibr
Bt Cr)mplete t]:e senrences belorv, Write NO MORE THAN TWo WORDS

w I The man is booked lor an induction on .......,..,.....,...,...'...'. at 1pm.

10 Forth6 induction, he should NOTwear

final test

$5CTI*N 2 Ouestions 11*20

Qrx*tinut 1X*13
Clroose th.e correct letter, A, B or C'

1 1 According to lhe speaker, a gap year is

& viewerJ with suspicion by employere'

B a gor:d waY to beconre more mature'

S usuallY not verY well organized"

help pecple
1I The speaker $ays that work experience can
& {inrj oul what they really wanito do'

3 getabetterjob.
C gei a good Place at university'

1& &\*vadecrdad
A l* slttdY Media Studies'

B notlo go lo univemitY'
* la U* t* univ*rsity as a malure sludent'

0uestlons 74 arrrl 15
Cl-roose llt&{} lerl*r:si A-E'
A Teachirtq kids lo swim
A Learning $Panish
C Teaching English
A Working with animals
f W0rking with street children

Qucstions l6 and l7
Answer the questions belolv'
OX A NUMBfn li r ear:}r ans!!'er
\{r'ite NO It{$11I1'[HAN TfiREE IryOR}S
to one$ own country?
16 l-low much could il cost approximately io be airlifted

people decide on befor€ they ieave?

17 1f travelling with fri6nds, what $hould

Ouestions tr8-20
Chtlrrsc'fHKEI: lettr:rs A*G'
Wliich ??{R}i}, sa1*tv measures <loes lhe spcakel
your itinerary is'
A Make *ure your iamily know what
B l{ ihore i$ a hotel safe, ksep your valuables
C Uselraveilerc cheques, ratherthan carrying
3 $on't leaveyour bag on thebackof a chair'
ta^--^ ,^.h6r *han * hrrknrck.
-ht, uea,i 669'9 lsEollB to| Btulo]tlec $ uaaq a^sq 0,
,qpea oqlr0 oldoed, $ueeu qctlir{ sruEu E a pq 6e

86r.UEu luoJa]llp oMl a^Bq 8S

uolllpp:l 6urrey-eos e onuq 10

on0uol eql puB rlFBuJnL{3 sr.ll rl}og 3

ea5uo1aq1 g
qseunqcaql v

;s,rnn 8ur.,no1loJ aql ur paqlitsap eq ueJ ?(lr.rl uuruJoJrles qsrq1\

'{J}-lI suol lscnb o1 lxau '3-y ',ratto1 l.).)JJo.) ;1rll irlr.rm nuE xoq oril uro.rJ s.rr,yrsur] u nO j asoorlJ

0?-lf suopsano

'o6a slea,t
000 0l punore .
peards aldoad pq1 stse00ns eliselv ul punol ql00l e u1yNq gS
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Questions gl*38

d,.tr#Hi?l"J:J:,f fi:*J,:row write No M0RE THANrwo woRDsAND/ORA

d of Khufu
Reason for interest Because ofthe (Bl)... u,.,0 ,i* of tfrc p.rr*r,.f
5.9 million tons
I"Ieight f3s) nretres tall
Materials (34)........... srone blocks
Numbel of workers
Mystery How ccluld rvorkerr
Questions g6*40
diagrams. \{rite No MonE rHAN
:j:n:f$:T oNn }voRD AND/on A NuMBEn

39 ...,,.,,....,............metre ramp
Sa*rZr*rz & {3sx***i*zzsw #***.*
$"W Qzzx xt*<yx * i$ 3 .*.3 %

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'31 "l"ht xltr:'*k*r t* dis*rss
zs g4*ing, . .. .. .,"bW\1.$& rn*ny Vsersp!*
,bt*l; iL'x fr \.,,ast.e *{ zn*n*t,
ltrseirrclr i*t* spet* usr"rlll:ls pradured u&vant**jn.. .. ,...."..,.
srsclt *s uit.rtsr:r:n d t *chrroloq_r:
33 Ir ;::ulrlie hraltb . ..Zzar,* in"rpr*r"ed tk*li*rtg sta*d;tr"r1s *{
n-r 11 ]iun s *!' yt* rspl *.
lk'rt*r}' jo*rrr x,::s delri.rpr(,d i* rlir'lic thc s*als in
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r*nrf*rl *l:ir:.
-i;l ilrirr rr lr i r: I tr i r.r sL,i1 * ii*n l*r i,Jl:cr cr* {t h*s imprrsre d
ir::lrrirl.r \* n r*l*rl fi x,fi lh irrs.

Qu*sfirns g6*39
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2.6 StCTlOhl 4 Questions 31-40

Questions 31-40
Cornplete the notes below.
Write NO MORE THAN TI,liO I,VOBDS far each answer.

Economics cour$e guidelines

During lectures


. will receive information about economics and the 01 .............. to

concentrate on

" will be provided with information about the subject

. will be provided with a framework {or further study

. will have an opportunity to be taught by a 3I in the field

. willtake part in the learning oulture in 33 ........

common problems students have with techniques used in leetures

. may not develop 34 ......., : no immediate questions

I newer techniques help improve gS ........... ....... more than lectures

How to avoid problems and make learning easier

. leave time to read 36 .. on the booklist

. test yourself with quizzes

. lf you have had a 37 ........ , revise what you previously learned

. use the web to do more 99...........

. check the sources of information on the web are 3g

. 40 .. with your classmates

ffi l,q $EcTtoN 4 euestions B 1-40
Complete the table below.
\\irite No it'IoRE THAN T\,v'o woRDS for each answer.

Answers tp urrortrd problems

:ll ,

pollution of air, new alternatives to 33 -"" **rl

31 ".- n respect for nature
nncl practices

34 previous bad alternatives to fossilfuels such as

depletion 35 ".. 36 hydrogen .

in cars

unequal wealth 37 solidarity among nations

distribution anrJ

of leaders

Questions 3B-40
Choose THREE letters A-F.
'dfhich THE"EE of the following are mentioned as potential obstacles to the solutions?
A new technologies
B unpopular changes

C research and development

D the cost involved

E how laws are made

F financial inequality

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