Marina Advisory No. 2021 49
Marina Advisory No. 2021 49
Marina Advisory No. 2021 49
AUG26 2021
Notice is hereby given that pursuant to PO 474, Republic Act No. 10635 and its
Implementing Rules and Regulations (lRR), and in compliance to the 2010 Manila
Amendments to the Standard of Training, Certification, and Watchkeeping for Seafarers',
this Authority hereby adopts the following:
2. Seafarers with onboard training and experience, 12 months for every five (5)
years, for maintaining the required standard of competence set out in Table A-
V1I1-1,A-VII1-2, A-VII2-1, A-VII2-2, A-VII3 shall be accepted as evidence in
lieu of the corresponding refresher training.
In view of this implementation, the following are the requirements in the application for
the revalidation of Certificate of Proficiency (COP) on Basic Training (B]'), Survival Craft
and Rescue Boat (SCRB), Fast Rescue Boat (FRB) and Advanced Firefighting (AFF):